Re: [MD] Compulsory education

2009-05-12 Thread David
successful public schools in Finland and Japan to balance the claims he makes. For example, one of his complaints revolve around the rote mannerisms of education rather than the creative, constructivist, and collaborative models that foster critical thinking (as in these other locations). [David

Re: [MD] A New Broom......

2014-01-04 Thread david
Horse said to All: As 2014 starts I've made a decision that will please some and annoy or infuriate others - you can't please everyone! I've observed Marsha over the last few months and, despite the warnings given to her in the past I do not believe that there has been any substantial change

[MD] George Steiner interview

2014-01-04 Thread david
As you might recall, his endorsement of Zen and the Art (he compared it to Moby Dick) was probably crucial to Pirsig's success. It's about one hour in length. Enjoy. Moq_Discuss

Re: [MD] Art and Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance

2014-01-10 Thread david
Ian said to Dan: ...And why I say as carefully (caringly) as I can to DMB (the champion / paragon of aiming to get MoQ on a serious academic footing)- Careful Dave, you're killing the MoQ in the process. dmb says: I'm killing the MOQ? How so? I'd be totally amazed if you had an intelligible

Re: [MD] 42

2014-01-11 Thread david
Dan Glover wrote: What intrigued me was how Dr. Steiner talks about his father pointing him in the direction of a career in academics rather than a profession in the creative arts. I think Robert Pirsig goes on about this in ZMM as well. Are academics and creativity mutually exclusive of each

Re: [MD] 42

2014-01-11 Thread david
Ron said: If we reference the 1961 paper to Edith Buchanan, RMP suggests creativity can be taught and should be taught. I personally believe that the Academic bogeyman producing Cookie cutter clones is an impossible Fiction. It harkens on the rhetoric produced by conservative right wing

Re: [MD] George Steiner interview

2014-01-13 Thread david
David Morey said to dmb: Thanks Dave that is great, George's Grammars of Creation is interesting work that could, given an open mind, help develop the MOQ beyond some of its self-imposed limitations as I see it. Of course, George has also written about Heidegger as an alternative

Re: [MD] George Steiner interview (Andre)

2014-01-13 Thread david
John M said: ...I can think of two self-imposed limitations of the MOQ: 1. Its deliberate avoidance of theistic language constrains it. How can you talk about absolute reality without using the language of Absolute Reality? 2.It remains open-ended. ...if open-ended is taken to mean

Re: [MD] 42

2014-01-14 Thread david
Just some relevant quotes on the topic Obedient mules or free and creative persons. Now, at last, the standard rhetoric texts came into their own. The principles expounded in them were no longer rules to rebel against, not Ultimates in themselves, but just techniques, gimmicks, for

Re: [MD] 42

2014-01-14 Thread david
John said to Arlo Dan: The ideal instructor is the one who is part of the class - learning with them. ...It's not some talking head always speaking down to you like you're an idiot. dmb says: Yes, it's very important to push back against all those MOQers who keep insisting that the ideal

Re: [MD] 42

2014-01-14 Thread david
The ideal student is the one who is not motivated by the mule mentality or slave mentality. That's what eliminating the grades was all about. The grades were the sticks and carrots that produced this mule mentality in the first place. Just as it is with motorcycle maintenance, care is the other

Re: [MD] 42

2014-01-18 Thread david
This is a tangential issue and nobody asked BUT please notice what Pirsig (via David Granger) is saying about relationship between academia and civilization From Granger's paper, called Dewey and Pirsig in Education: - The student[s

Re: [MD] 42

2014-01-22 Thread david
Arlo said to dmb: This is a good point, but I think it reflects two purposes, which Paulo Freire describes in Pedagogy of the Oppressed as Education either functions as an instrument which is used to facilitate integration of the younger generation into the logic of the present system and bring

Re: [MD] 42

2014-01-23 Thread david
John said to dmb: ...demonization polarizes and makes change into a power struggle and conservatives insist upon having all the guns so it's a losing strategy. ...And I believe we've all fallen prey to that same bug-a-boo of demonizing opposition. 3rd level and 4th do often conflict, but they

Re: [MD] 42

2014-01-24 Thread david
Arlo said to dmb: In his article A Pedagogy for Teachers and Other Educational Decision Makers (Journal of Educational Administration, October, 1980), Graham Patterson writes The link between peasant villagers in Latin America [as described by Freire in Cultural Action for Freedom] and

Re: [MD] 42

2014-01-24 Thread david
John said: SOM is a social pattern. Arlo replied: I've been avoiding this, and I think Dan gave a great reply already, but since you're saying this again let me say, no. SOM is an intellectual pattern of values that holds subjects and/or objects and primary metaphysical entities. dmb says:

[MD] SOM is what?

2014-01-25 Thread david
In a different thread... John said to Arlo: SOM is a social pattern. ...successful intellectual patterns are those that are chosen by a majority of a group. An intellectual pattern that resides in the head of one person, dies quickly and is forgotton, so there has to be a society for

Re: [MD] SOM is what?

2014-01-25 Thread david
of the finite experience, every conjunction required to make the relation intelligible, is given in full. -- William James On Sat, Jan 25, 2014 at 10:55 AM, david wrote: In a different thread... John said to Arlo: SOM is a social pattern. ...successful

Re: [MD] 42

2014-01-25 Thread david
Arlo said: ...Another article that came to my attention today is just from last Friday, but I think it touches on everything we've been talking about (although this article lacks Pirsig's vocabulary to frame the problem). dmb says:

Re: [MD] SOM is what?

2014-01-26 Thread david
John said to Arlo: SOM is a social pattern. dmb asked John: Why do you think SOM is a social pattern? John replied: I don't. I think our society operates according to a philosophy that has SOM as it's metaphysical basis. Is there any argument about that? dmb asked John: Why do you think

Re: [MD] 42

2014-01-26 Thread david
Dan said to John: ...The driving forces of the social level are celebrity values of fame and wealth. ...Praise is a form of celebrity value, like the applause the actor hears after nailing a particularly difficult line. A raise in pay or a bonus is wonderful but if it doesn't come with a pat on

Re: [MD] 420

2014-01-28 Thread david
hit pay dirt. ..The second clue is David Buchanan and his attempts at setting right your misconceptions. ..I don't mean to be critical, but from what I've seen and despite your protestations, you do not understand the MOQ. John replied: Well, you might be right. But it seems to me that if you

Re: [MD] 420

2014-01-28 Thread david
John said to dmb: ...thanks for hammering it into my thick skull that you both assert that the Giant does NOT operate according to a SOMish framework. I've been of the opinion that it does. So that must be the bone of contention then. In my view every society has, as it's unspoken or spoken

Re: [MD] 420

2014-01-28 Thread david
John said to dmb: ...I deleted a lot of your aspersions below. dmb says: By deleting them and by calling them aspersions, you have doubly dismissed and evaded criticisms that I take to be quite sincere and valid. I think that is dishonest and seriously undermines any chance of having a real

[MD] Rejecting SOM

2014-01-29 Thread david
More helpful help for John to ignore Historian James Livingston says the classical pragmatists like Dewey and James were already postmodern way before it was cool. And what is it that makes them postmodern? If you look at what they do not believe, hopefully, you can see that REJECTING SOM

Re: [MD] 420

2014-01-30 Thread david
dmb said to John: You're mixing up the levels, as I already tried to explain a day or two ago... Pirsig makes a case that intellectual values should be in charge of society BUT, he says, there is a flaw (genetic defect) in the form of rationality that has inherited this task. That is where the

Re: [MD] Step one

2014-01-30 Thread david
dmb says: As I understand it, the distinction between organic and inorganic is something everyone already understands. It's not something Pirsig invented. It's just the difference between Adam and the clay from which he was formed. It's the difference between rocks and trees, between ants and

Re: [MD] Rejecting SOM

2014-01-30 Thread david
as mere insult or name-calling. The disputes over the meaning of concepts is one thing, but this complaint about your conversational behavior is another. On Wed, Jan 29, 2014 at 2:21 PM, david wrote: More helpful help for John to ignore Historian James

Re: [MD] Step one

2014-02-01 Thread david
Ian said: The distinction between levels 1 and 2 is life - not necessarily organic life, or DNA-based organic life, that just happens to be the most-obvious form in the circumstances of human history. Andre replied: Can you enlighten us with your knowledge of life that is not 'necessarily

Re: [MD] Step one

2014-02-02 Thread david
Horse said to dmb: At the risk of misinterpreting what Ian's saying, I think what he means is that, as a generalisation, 'life' is the next step up from 'matter'! What we know as life is based around the double helix and involves DNA, genes, proteins etc. but this is only one possible way

Re: [MD] The Social aspect of SOM

2014-02-02 Thread david
John said to Andre: The essence of the Giant is SOM and if you can't see that then I don't even know what you're doing here. ...I don't expect to get bombarded by charges of you just don't get the MOQ all the time simply because my questions and searchings go beyond the normal orthodoxy of

Re: [MD] Proposed Wiki definiton of SOM

2014-02-02 Thread david
John said to Ian: To be perfectly honest, I snagged the definition from Wiki on Philosophical Realism and substituted SOM for the term everywhere it appeared in the wiki article. My aim, as you can imagine, was to get some feedback on the idea that SOM and Philosophical Realism are one and the

Re: [MD] The Social aspect of SOM

2014-02-04 Thread david
Ham said to John: ...I received a personal note yesterday from someone named Tim who couldn't thank me enough for introducing him to Donald Hoffman. He also mentioned LS, but seemed to know me from the past. I've always had a great deal of respect for you, he wrote. I dimly recall

Re: [MD] The Social aspect of SOM

2014-02-07 Thread david
John said to Horse: ...I'm also claiming that the Giant runs SOM as it's life's blood. That is, there's a direct connection with viewing subjects and objects as independently real, and the pragmatic evolution of all Giants. I'm speaking metaphorically here but I welcome closer analysis of

Re: [MD] Step one

2014-02-09 Thread david
Horse said to dmb: I agree with much of what you say but it's still very important to remember that DNA-based life is no more than one possible way for life to exist and that it involves an environment and a context. Not having experienced something (or maybe mis-interpreting something that we

Re: [MD] Step one

2014-02-10 Thread david
Dan said: I don't know, Dave. I think there are observations being made that non-DNA based lifeforms are possible: Synthetic biologists have discovered that six other molecules can could store genetic information and pass it on. A host of alternative nucleic acids have been made in labs over

Re: [MD] The Social aspect of SOM

2014-02-14 Thread david
dmb said: These [social and intellectual] are discrete and sometimes conflicting levels of values. This distinction is on full display in the history of the 20th century, as Pirsig explains in some detail. Fascism and fundamentalism are essentially reactionary, anti-intellectual movements.

Re: [MD] The Social aspect of SOM

2014-02-14 Thread david
John to Andre: According to the MoQ, intellect should rule society - but this is plainly impossible. The only way intellect can rule over social patterns is within the mind of an individual... The minute that individual tries to rule over any other person or society we are at the level of

Re: [MD] The Social aspect of SOM

2014-02-22 Thread david
John said to Andre: Intellectual patterns do not compete with social patterns and never have. Andre replied: This just about summarizes your entire paragraph John and it's an indication of a very confused understanding of the MoQ. How you can reach such a conclusion is beyond me. And you

[MD] Pirsig's Central Metaphor

2014-02-22 Thread david
All MOQers: It would be a strange thing if Pirsig's main ideas were tucked away in some obscure corner of his writings. Maybe that's why he put the central metaphor of his first book right there on the cover. By the time you finish reading the title of Zen and the Art of

Re: [MD] Pirsig's Central Metaphor

2014-02-24 Thread david
Ian said to dmb: Can't understand your reason for an MoQ101 statement of the bleedin' obvious? You even confirm that was your point. ...The biggest straw man conceivable, to even suggest any MD reader could think otherwise. Let's have something constructive. dmb says: I can understand why

Re: [MD] The Sleep of Reason (Pirsig's Central Metaphor)

2014-02-27 Thread david
Arlo said: ...Goya wrote a caption for the print that complicates its message, 'Imagination abandoned by reason produces impossible monsters; united with her, she is the mother of the arts and source of their wonders.' In other words, Goya believed that imagination should never be completely

Re: [MD] The Social aspect of SOM

2014-02-28 Thread david
John said to Andre: ...I do not agree there is competition between the levels. I certainly don't see, for instance, how inorganic and organic patterns can in any way compete. But rather than trying to support Pirsig by quoting Pirsig, why can't you support Pirsig with real, experiential

Re: [MD] The Social aspect of SOM

2014-02-28 Thread david
John said to Andre: I agree there is competition at all levels. I do not agree there is competition between the levels. Andre replied: I agree John and am unsure whether I have stated otherwise. I have always maintained that between the levels there is a struggle for domination, a

Re: [MD] The Social aspect of SOM

2014-02-28 Thread david
Is society going to dominate intellect or is intellect going to dominate society? And if society wins, what's going to be left of intellect? And if intellect wins what's going to be left of society? Intellect is not an extension of society any more than society is an extension of biology.

Re: [MD] Step two

2014-02-28 Thread david
John said to Dan: can't have a culture, without individuals. Any more than you can have any social pattern without biological being and support. An ongoing matter of discussion, the way the levels interact. Platt has hung his hat on the idea that the 4th level is the Individual level

Re: [MD] The Sleep of Reason (Pirsig's Central Metaphor)

2014-02-28 Thread david
Arlo said to dmb: Yes, I think Goya's thoughts align more with ZMM's synthesis of classic and romantic understanding than with LILA's DQ/SQ. It was with his statement that Imagination abandoned by reason produces impossible monsters that I was squinting a bit and seeing the necessary harmony

Re: [MD] The Social aspect of SOM

2014-03-01 Thread david
Andre said to John: And here Anthony tells us the trials and tribulations he has with his three wives...which inspired me to suggest the following: I have finally taken up the courage to present the MoQ in a public forum. People of note have been invited to attend and lo and behold: they are

[MD] Rights as Values

2014-03-02 Thread david
There is an interesting article about human rights and the limits of materialism linked below. I think some of Dworkin's ideas are similar to Pirsig's and he had very impressive credentials as a legal philosopher. As you'll see in the article, he did well at Harvard, was a Rhodes Scholar at

Re: [MD] Two Step

2014-03-04 Thread david
John said to dmb: ... putting any level in control is wrong. The purpose of life is a balancing act, each level balances off its neighbors. Society needs intellectual criticism in order to thrive - that's freedom to think of better ways. It does not need intellectual control, in fact it's

Re: [MD] Rights as Values

2014-03-04 Thread david
Ant said to dmb: Many thanks for forwarding the link to Michael Rosen's article Beyond Naturalism: On Ronald Dworkin ...However, Pirsig's big trick as it were, was to introduce a moral system based on the East Asian Tetralemma (even if implicitly - again thank his time as a soldier in Korea

Re: [MD] Rights as Values

2014-03-04 Thread david
John McConnell said to Ant McWatt, March 4th 2014 (off-line): There’s no point igniting a God-bomb in that bunch of theophobes on MD. Here at least you and I understand each other. You know I’m not out to evangelize you, and you are at least tolerant of my faith. dmb says: Bunch of

Re: [MD] Rights as Values

2014-03-05 Thread david
dmb says: I don't recall any mention of feudalism but the 20th century ideologies are discussed in great detail over the course of several chapters in Lila. Chapters 22 and 24 are most directly related to capitalism and socialism but chapters 20 and 21also have much to say on the topic.

Re: [MD] Changing Values

2014-03-06 Thread david
dmb said: ...The MOQ says that intellectual values are as real as rocks and trees. And these values are placed at the top of the moral hierarchy precisely because they are more dynamic, more open to change, than are the other categories of static values. Timo replied: ...What do you mean by

Re: [MD] The Social aspect of SOM

2014-03-06 Thread david
John to Andre: Intellectual ideas struggle to gain social success but intellectual values do not compete with social values. Andre: The Law is into a popularity contest? It appears to me that the more you try to explain your position the messier it gets John. dmb says: I know, it's weird

Re: [MD] The Sleep of Reason (Pirsig's Central Metaphor)

2014-03-06 Thread david
Ian shared his latest poem: Dave said anti-intellectualism Ian says straw-man Dave also said sort of Dennett says sorta Ian says kinda Ian concludes progress. dmb says; I honestly have no idea what you're saying here with the sort of, sorta, kinda. And I'm curious to know how Dennett got

[MD] Dewey on Gumption and Caring

2014-03-07 Thread david
The great educational philosopher John Dewey was one of the first to emphasize the important linkages among interest, curiosity, and effort. Dewey made the persuasive case that interest-based learning is more beneficial than effort-based learning. He noted that “willing attention” is more

Re: [MD] The Sleep of Reason (Pirsig's Central Metaphor)

2014-03-07 Thread david
Arlo said to John what rationale do you advocate freedom to do whatever you want for the intellectual and social levels but not the biological level? Does freedom only pertain to social and intellectual activity? Why not biological? ...Anti-intellectualism is never good. John

Re: [MD] The (MOQ) Baffler

2014-03-10 Thread david
I don't know who said: In an explicit riposte to social Darwinists, Kropotkin argued that the entire theoretical basis for Social Darwinism was wrong: those species that cooperate most effectively tend to be the most competitive in the long run. dmb says: I've heard that Darwin used the

Re: [MD] The Sleep of Reason (Pirsig's Central Metaphor)

2014-03-11 Thread david
John said to Arlo: I was trying to rectify the low regard that attaches to social patterns when they are equated with Religion, by a bunch of atheists. Arlo replied: Religion is at the locus of a lot of this because religion has been a (the) main social pattern that has (is) attempted to

Re: [MD] The Sleep of Reason (Pirsig's Central Metaphor)

2014-03-12 Thread david
ridge coyote said to dmb: ...I understand that there is an antagonism of some religions toward intellect but to my mind, it does not follow logically that intellect should be antagonistic toward religion as a whole. dmb replies: Okay, I don't disagree when you say it does not follow

Re: [MD] The Sleep of Reason (Pirsig's Central Metaphor)

2014-03-12 Thread david
-like. He and John are grinding the same axe, apparently, but Pirsig is not grinding that axe. 'The arrogance of humanism' by David Ehrenfeld isn't a stringent philosophical book (which I assumed), but rather a personal statement by the author himself - and perhaps his wife Joan. The book

Re: [MD] The Social aspect of SOM

2014-03-17 Thread david
dmb says: Yes, as in the hot stove example, Quality comes first and the static descriptions always follow. BUT one can respond to DQ in various ways: biologically, socially, or intellectually and that will be determined by one's level of development. That's why it's important to make

Re: [MD] The Sleep of Reason (Pirsig's Central Metaphor)

2014-03-17 Thread david
John said to Arlo: I think our dialogue would go better, Arlo, if I wasn't lumped in with the bone-headed reactionary right. But perhaps that's partly my own fault for not making myself more clear. I'll try and explain myself better. dmb says: I can certainly understand why you wouldn't

Re: [MD] The Sleep of Reason (Pirsig's Central Metaphor)

2014-03-18 Thread david
John said to dmb: I'll point out once more the theme of below. that anti-theism in itself, is not a sound basis to build a constructive philosophy. ... But I suppose it's too much to ask you to consider what I actually say. All you seem capable of is blind reactionism. That's very sad.

Re: [MD] The Social aspect of SOM

2014-03-18 Thread david
of an actual engagement with the ideas at play then you're just abusing these fine sentiments as a diversion or evasion tactic. I think that's dishonest, manipulative, irresponsible, and irrelevant. It's not respectable and it's certainly not friendly. On Mon, Mar 17, 2014 at 6:42 AM, david dmbucha

Re: [MD] Introduction

2014-03-19 Thread david
Dan said to John: Without reading the book I see that there seems to be an apparent opposition between religion and science that I thought Robert Pirsig answered well in his writings. Rather than trying to bring back some vaguely veiled religious fundamentalism to combat the rise of science,

Re: [MD] Introduction

2014-03-19 Thread david
Ian said: All I would question is why a negative reaction to veiled religious fundamentlism - dogmatic fundamentalism bad sure, but what about faith in quality as the basis of a living metaphysics. Andre replied: Because 'faith in quality' suggests a belief, a trust in whatever one means by

Re: [MD] Introduction

2014-03-21 Thread david
John said to Andre: From Time, Will and Purpose: The development of external boldness, decisiveness, cleverness, and all the virtues praised by mock eloquent cant of the euphoric masses is meaningless without the firm association of these virtues with excellent reflection upon our

[MD] William James Sidis biography

2014-04-05 Thread david
Hear an audio biography of Sidis in less than a half hour: Enjoy! Moq_Discuss mailing list Listinfo, Unsubscribing etc.

[MD] Quality in academia

2014-04-05 Thread david
TRICKSTER IN TWEED: THE QUEST FOR QUALITY IN A FACULTY LIFE Trickster in Tweed is a tour de force on academic culture written with a compelling and artful narrative style all its own. But it is also the story of a latter day Robert Pirsig-inspired Phaedrus searching not only for Quality but

Re: [MD] Quality in academia

2014-04-08 Thread david
John said to dmb, never heard of the guy before...[...] from the essay: Why Writing Qualitative Inquiry Writing Matters @ I agree completely. H.G. , And thanks dave, for introducing me. dmb says: It looks like Dan is the one the thank for that. I was introducing Thomas Frentz's book,

Re: [MD] Quality in academia

2014-04-09 Thread david
find that connection in the book but fabricated the connection himself? And why would you comment on the reviewer of the book rather than the author of the book - or the book itself? Deliberate or not, I think it's a very weird mix-up. John said: I was just discussing with Ian, David, how

Re: [MD] Quality in academia

2014-04-09 Thread david
Arlo said: For the record, I checked this out of the library the other day (its a good read), but the author (Frentz) explicitly makes the Pirsig connection himself. Echoing Robert M. Pirsig's charge in Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance, this narrative is my own quest for living a high

Re: [MD] Quality in academia

2014-04-11 Thread david
Tricksters are the creators of culture and they are rhetors in the classical sense? That's certainly close enough for my tastes. Very charming. Thanks again, Arlo. [DMB] I was wondering about the Trickster part and wondered if (even hoped) Campbell was an influence. Thanks for that too.

Re: [MD] Quality in academia

2014-04-11 Thread david
Ian said: Reddit is just a social tagging application... It's not rigorous research obviously, it's as good as the community that interacts,... dmb says: Yea, that's what I thought. Apparently, John was being sarcastic - or he thinks that things like facebook and twitter count as rigorous

[MD] Spiritual snake oil?

2014-04-11 Thread david
The following was excerpted from Spiritual Snake Oil: Fads Fallacies in Pop Culture by Chris Edwards. See any mistakes here? What would you say in response? Robert Pirsig, author of Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance, deserves a lot of credit for getting a wide readership interested

Re: [MD] Spiritual snake oil?

2014-04-12 Thread david
About Spiritual Snake Oil: Fads Fallacies in Pop Culture by Chris Edwards, Ron said: ...I have read the entire essay at this point and it is my impression that the author is not very well read on the topic of philosophy in general. Also, he seems to be addressing those interpreters of Pirsig

Re: [MD] Post-Intellectualism

2014-05-02 Thread david
“I have decided to preach intellectual modesty for the rest of my days. There is a tradition, an enormously strong tradition of intellectual immodesty and irresponsibility. Around the year 1930 I told a joke. I said that many students don't go to university assuming that it is a great empire of

Re: [MD] Post-Intellectualism

2014-05-03 Thread david
combating theism, both sides arguing their own conception of truth as absolute and irrefutable. This has been just a small sample of what seems to be the popular general Standing situation in American society and it's a bit worrisome. -Ron On May 2, 2014, at 8:18 PM, david dmbucha

Re: [MD] Post-Intellectualism/Post-Rationalism

2014-05-07 Thread david
Arlo said to John: Just to clarify, what I was linking wasn't about post-modernism but POST-post-modernism. And, not making any claims, just pointing out the fun with this way of labeling. dmb says: A book on the topic and worth mentioning is Larry Hickman's Pragmatism as Post-Postmodernism.

Re: [MD] Post-Intellectualism/Post-Rationalism

2014-05-07 Thread david
Arlo said: ...I should note that this short article (Alfredi Ruiz, Theoretical Bases of the Post-Rationalist Approach) also calls for an ontological and an epistomological approach to experience, in much the same way that Paul Turner approached describing two approaches to Pirsig's MOQ.

Re: [MD] Post-Intellectualism

2014-05-14 Thread david
John asked: ...I associate the romantic with art. Is that wrong? Arlo answered: Again, depends on if you're in the problem space or the solution space. In ZMM, the romantic was associated with art because art was artificially divorced from reason. So, yes, within the problem space of ZMM, the

Re: [MD] Post-Intellectualism

2014-05-15 Thread david
Ian said: Not non-intellectual or anti-intellectual, but the idea of intellectual but more so, more evolved, more progressive kind of intellectual. (Forget any previous coining of post-intelletual-ism, I'd like to avoid the errors of history, not re-inforce them.) How about it. An intellect

Re: [MD] John Carl

2014-05-18 Thread david
Ant said to John: .., your attitude here stinks. It's disrespectful and (as I've noticed over then last few months) you've made very little if any substantive comments about the MOQ; which, of course, is the reason that we are meant to be here. John replied: When you say about, do you mean

Re: [MD] John Carl

2014-05-20 Thread david
John L. McConnell said: ...But David, although I have respected your scholarship, your intelligence, your insights, and most of all your friendship and high regard for Dr. Pirisg, I have failed to find tolerance, empathy, compassion, or any other basis for dialogue with you. Right thinking

Re: [MD] John Carl

2014-05-20 Thread david
Ron said: ...Like any problem, one must school themselves in the history and context of the difficulty in order to successfully come to an adequate solution. For example if a tech forum for motorcycles, let's say Harley Davidson cycles (they are particular beasts in the engine world) was

Re: [MD] John Carl

2014-05-22 Thread david
dmb said: ...In other words, John can maintain his anti-intellectualism only by ignoring Pirsig's solution, namely the root expansion of rationality, the art of rationality. Arlo replied: That's how I see it too. By saying I associate the romantic with art, he is also saying I do not associate

Re: [MD] John Carl

2014-05-22 Thread david
John said to Arlo: ...But what MD says is don't be TOO creative now - ya gotta stick to our format ptui. But go ahead, Arlo, argue some more with me. I always like your arguments. They're pretty good, tho not deeply thought out. dmb says: Yea John, that's your greatest flaw. You're too

[MD] Beautiful mind

2014-05-22 Thread david
Eunoia Definition: beautiful thinking; a good mind. Pronunciation: u-NO-ya What kind of education produces free people with creative minds? John Dewey's kind. And what kind is Dewey's? Well, if David Granger is right, it's very much like Pirsig's. Noam Chomsky on John Dewey in less than three

[MD] Why study philosophy?

2014-05-23 Thread david
The study of philosophy cultivates a healthy scepticism about the moral opinions, political arguments and economic reasonings with which we are daily bombarded by ideologues, churchmen, politicians and economists. It teaches one to detect ‘higher forms of nonsense’, to identify humbug, to weed

[MD] Minding half of your brain?

2014-05-24 Thread david
Arlo said to John: ...You're making a very specific claim, in order to reduce Pirsig's problematic classical/romantic schism to one that is determined by neurophysiology. I'm saying, the current research does not support that at all.What's critical here is that you're not making the claim

Re: [MD] Anti intellectualism as a traditional American value

2014-05-26 Thread david
Ron (xacto) said to all: When I do an internet search on anti intellectualism a whole host of topics comes to the fore front. Topics like : anti intellectualism is taking over the U.S. and anti intellectualism in Christianity are the top subjects of my search. Anti intellectualism in education

Re: [MD] Anti-intellectualism revisited

2014-05-27 Thread david
Ron said to John: The problem space is where American culture lives, but I would not say that is where the contributors here at the MD live meaning the mental space deemed the problem. So attacking them as part of the problem does not support your contention. John replied: My contention is

Re: [MD] Why study philosophy?

2014-05-30 Thread david
dmb quoted from Peter Hacker's article, Why Study Philosophy?: The study of philosophy cultivates a healthy scepticism about the moral opinions, political arguments and economic reasonings with which we are daily bombarded by ideologues, churchmen, politicians and economists. It teaches one

Re: [MD] Minding half of your brain?

2014-05-30 Thread david
dmb quoted from Hacker's article, Why Study Philosophy?: The only way to scrutinise concepts is to examine the use of the words that express them. Conceptual investigations are investigations into what makes sense and what does not. And, of course, questions of sense precede questions of

Re: [MD] Anti-intellectualism revisited

2014-05-30 Thread david
dmb said to John: ...The problem space is SOM, the problem addressed by the MOQ, not anti-intellectualism. Even further, the criticism is that your anti-intellectualism is connected to your failure to get out of the problem space. That is to say, you keep attacking intellect here in the MOQ

Re: [MD] Anti-intellectualism revisited

2014-06-01 Thread david
That's right, Ron. Let me spell it out for you, John. Some dictionaries use the term objective and some don't. Wikipedia's page doesn't use the term either. But it doesn't matter anyway because the issue is about the philosophical and metaphysical use of the the term. If you plug intellect

Re: [MD] Arlo

2014-06-02 Thread david
and environment.” -- David Hall and Roger Ames in Thinking Through Confucius Moq_Discuss mailing list Listinfo, Unsubscribing etc

[MD] ‘Beyond the University: Why Liberal Education Matters’

2014-06-04 Thread david
What's the difference between an obedient mule and free thinker? Jane Addams and William James thought autonomy should be tempered with mutual support and responsibility. She sought an education that would cultivate empathy and cooperation. He stressed the study of literature in developing

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