Re: [PHP] Exact string replacement...

2002-02-09 Thread Brian Clark

* Desikan ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [Feb 09. 2002 03:33]:

> hi there,


> Have u tried this...
>$string = 'foo';
> print preg_replace("/^\s$string\s/",' ','bfoo foo foobar.') . "\n";
> print eregi_replace("^[[:space:]]".$string."[[:space:]]",' ','bfoo
> foo alfoobar.') . "\n";
>   ?>
> This is not working properly..

> Output I got is

> bfoo foo foobar. bfoo foo alfoobar

You do realize that ^ is matching the beginning of a string, right?

Take out the ^ in each and you'll get the correct result.

> help me out

Hope that helps.

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Re: [PHP] Exact string replacement...

2002-02-08 Thread Brian Clark

* Desikan ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [Feb 09. 2002 02:52]:

> hi Thanks,


>   But I want to do thr replace operation for 
>   regular exprerssion and not exactly for the string alone...
>   like >  ^and$,a*, etc

I like the top better..

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Re: [PHP] Exact string replacement...

2002-02-08 Thread Brian Clark

* Desikan ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [Feb 09. 2002 02:17]:

> Hi there,


> Please help me out in the following...

>  $is='is';
> echo eregi_replace(" ".$is." "," ","This is a test string which contains
> is in dismissal");
> ?>

> Actually I want to replace "is" alone from the string and not all the
> words that contains is...

str_replace() would be easier:

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Re: [PHP] Re: Anyone Up?

2002-02-01 Thread Brian Clark

* Lars Torben Wilson ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [Feb 01. 2002 05:07]:

> On Fri, 2002-02-01 at 01:33, Brian Clark wrote:

> > XHTML isn't too different. There are different `rules' -- like tags
> > and attributes must be lower case, values must be surrounded by
> > double quotes, tags without closing tags: ,  > alt=" " />, Etc..

> Everything is correct 'cept the 'double quotes' bit--XML accepts
> attribute values enclosed in either single or double quotes.

Well I be! I just validated a test page using XHTML 1.0 transitional and
you're right. I guess I learn something new every day. 0_o

Happy Trails,
Brian Clark | Unable to leap tall buildings in a single bound.
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Re: [PHP] Re: Anyone Up?

2002-02-01 Thread Brian Clark

* hugh danaher ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [Feb 01. 2002 04:21]:

> Not familiar with anything but php and html. 

XHTML isn't too different. There are different `rules' -- like tags
and attributes must be lower case, values must be surrounded by double
quotes, tags without closing tags: , ,

> I know that in a type=text (obviously not a checkbox) if you don't
> use the escape backslashes, the value written into the box is 'Your'
> without the 'Name #' I am told this is because the browser views the
> space after 'r' in 'Your' as a break and is looking at Name # as the
> next instruction, which it isn't. My two cents for the evening.

Yes, that's why you surround the value in quotes. :-) Escaping has
noting to do with it really, unless you're print()ing like:

print "Brian is a little off his \"rocker\"";


print 'Brian is somewhat \'out of it\' most of the time';

The problem you spoke of happens when you do this:

IIRC, $brian would turn out to contain 'is' without the insanity. 

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Re: [PHP] Re: Anyone Up?

2002-02-01 Thread Brian Clark

* hugh danaher ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [Feb 01. 2002 03:48]:

> I think you'll need something like this:
> VALUE=\'Your Name1\'   / /single quote marks I believe (and I certainly
> could be wrong).
> otherwise it'll truncate at 'Your'
> of course, if this is what you want...

(Not trying to pick on you, Hugh. )

It'd be better just to write proper HTML/XHTML and use double quotes.

or just:

print '';

But it would work with single quotes around attributes. I don't know if
it'd validate though.

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Re: [PHP] Anyone Up?

2002-02-01 Thread Brian Clark

* hugh danaher ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [Feb 01. 2002 03:44]:

> I learned it as: echo ${"check".$i};

Works the same way. If you want to get really picky:

echo ${'check'.${i}};

> and then was told to use an array...
> as in:
> echo $check[$i];

The circumstances must have been different. As of php 4.1.0, over here,
that returns nothing in this context:

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Re: [PHP] Anyone Up?

2002-01-31 Thread Brian Clark

* Brian Clark ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [Feb 01. 2002 02:37]:


> echo ${"Check$i"}

Whoops. Make that:

echo ${"Check$i"};

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Re: [PHP] Anyone Up?

2002-01-31 Thread Brian Clark

* jtjohnston ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [Feb 01. 2002 02:14]:

> Anyone Awake? Up?

Yawwwnn. :-)


> When I submit, I want to echo to see if anyone clicked on them. But I
> can't get my variable right to find $check1 through $check12. How do I
> express in a for loop. $Check.$i does not work of course!

> for ($i = 1; $i <= $NMax; $i++)
> {
> echo $Check.$i"";

echo ${"Check$i"}

> }

> :) Help

Hope it helps.

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Variables won't; constants aren't.

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Re: [PHP] Installing Apache on WinXP

2002-01-29 Thread Brian Clark

* Ben Clumeck ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [Jan 30. 2002 01:05]:

> Does anyone know of any conflicts or problems? I am installing it
> and went to the conf file and changed the setting to localhost.
> But it says that there is an Error 1067. Any help would be greatly
> appreciated.

Go into your Apache install directory, then execute Apache normally
(just type apache, in that directory, in an MS-DOS console window).

That may tell you what the "real" error is.

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Re: [PHP] PHP and MYSQL Security`

2002-01-27 Thread Brian Clark

* Miles Thompson ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [Jan 27. 2002 19:55]:

Hi Miles,


> $hostname = "";
> $user = "username";
> $password = "password";
> $dbname = "database";

> and change your connection string as follows:
>  include '';
> //maybe some other stuff her
> $conn = mysql_connect( '$hostname', '$user', '$password');
> mysql_select_db('$dbname',$conn) or die( mysql_errno()." : 
> ".mysql_error());

Careful there.

'$hostname', '$user', '$password', and '$dbname' aren't interpolated.
They're literally taken as the string $hostname, etc.

Leave off the 's or surround the variables in double quotes. But you
know that. ;-D

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Always proofread carefully to see if you

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2002-01-19 Thread Brian Clark

* sundogcurt ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [Jan 19. 2002 13:39]:

> I would be more than happy to put some mini-tutorials together to send
> you, I'm not sure of the relevance of them though. Maybe adding a
> "suggest a tut" area where people that are having trouble can request
> a tutorial and anybody interested can fire one in?


> >I've actually been working on just that. I've been reading this list
> >for a long time and noticed the repetition. I have 65+ faqs on my
> >site that are there basically from my own
> >experiences.

You guys have seen this, right?


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2002-01-19 Thread Brian Clark

* Nick Wilson ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [Jan 19. 2002 06:05]:


> Me too, many people who responded to my original post seem to think
> that *i think* all newbie questions that would not have been asked had
> they bothered to look at the manual should be responded to unkindly.
> Not true, we were all there once (and still am somtimes) and I was
> told to RTFM on more than one occasion :) Best advice I was ever
> given!

Usually, it goes like this, from what I've seen on this list over the
past few years:

1. An experienced user answers a FAQ 99 times.

2. The 100th time, the question just gets deleted and the experienced 
   user gives up answering those questions ever again.

3. A new generation of listers finally get it, and approach 
   `experienced user' status.

4. GOTO 1

So the majority of the people that know the answers don't answer FAQ
questions unless they're really bored out of their mind, or _feel like
learning, themselves_.

I'm not trying to be sarcastic, I'm just speaking the truth.

And, the PHP manual /is/ a Fine one.

Brian Clark | Avoiding the general public since 1805!
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Re: [PHP] installing php3 and php4 on the same server

2002-01-17 Thread Brian Clark

* Manu Verhaegen ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [Jan 18. 2002 02:40]:

> Hi,


> We have installed apache 3 and PHP3, can we install PHP4 on the same
> server the we can use PHP3 and PHP4

See the INSTALL file for the following section:


   Recent operating systems provide the ability to perform versioning and
   scoping. This features make it possible to let PHP 3 and PHP 4 run as
   concurrent modules in one Apache server. 
   This feature is known to work on the following platforms:

   - Linux with recent binutils (binutils tested)
   - Solaris 2.5 or better
   - FreeBSD (3.2, 4.0 tested)
   - IRIX64 6.5
   To enable it,

It's explained there.

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Re: [PHP] Re: Computer Science and PHP

2002-01-17 Thread Brian Clark

* Manuel Lemos ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [Jan 18. 2002 00:47]:

> Hello,

Hi Manuel,

> Francesco Gallarotti wrote:

> > I am a student in a college in NY state. Here we have several
> > servers and dozens of courses on computer science. No server is PHP
> > ready and no course instructor knows anything about PHP. Why do you
> > think this is happening? I really like PHP and I am using it in my
> > personal website to work with some text files and a small database.
> > Why PHP is so not popular in the computer science teaching area?


> Unfortunately, in this world when somebody does not know about
> something, what is important is not what that "is" but what "seems
> to be". So humans seem to give more credit to something that appears
> often in many places than something that appears not very much in only
> one place. 

I have a client that recently moved their site to another server. Said
server didn't have PHP installed. Certain parts of the client's site
wouldn't function without PHP because, ahem, those parts were written in
PHP. When I approached the system's administrator about installing PHP, 
he uttered:

"PHP is too new. If it were coded in Perl it would work perfectly."

Mega'tard Nonsense. 

[snipped the rest of possibly the longest post ever made to php-general]

And, I know, it's not /that/ damned new. I've had to deal with that 
type of response before, and it's getting annoying.

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Re: [PHP] Cannot load: iconv_module_entry

2002-01-11 Thread Brian Clark

* Brian Williams ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [Jan 11. 2002 16:46]:

> > So you configured PHP --with-iconv? My guess is that you'll need to
> > include the path to your libraries for iconv in /etc/ld,so.conf then run
> > ldconfig.

> I do not have /etc/ on my system, but I do have
> /usr/compat/linux/etc/

I think FreeBSD uses rc.conf - check the shlib_dirs variable, IIRC.

And a note about your earlier reply in this thread: I'm only guessing
this will fix the problem. That's been the fix when I've seen error
messages like that in the past when trying to load mod_php.

Brian Clark | Avoiding the general public since 1805!
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Re: [PHP] Cannot load: iconv_module_entry

2002-01-10 Thread Brian Clark

* Brian Williams ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [Jan 10. 2002 04:57]:

> Hi All,


> When I try to run apache, I get this error message:

> Cannot load /usr/local/libexec/apache/ into server:
> /usr/local/libexec/apache/  Undefined symbol 'iconv_module_entry'

So you configured PHP --with-iconv? My guess is that you'll need to
include the path to your libraries for iconv in /etc/ld,so.conf then run

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Re: [PHP] CGI and HTTP Authentication

2002-01-04 Thread Brian Clark

* Gaylen Fraley ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [Jan 05. 2002 01:36]:

> But is there a PHP variable that holds the Server API?

How about a function that returns a string?


PHP 4.x

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Re: [PHP] CGI and HTTP Authentication

2002-01-04 Thread Brian Clark

* Gaylen Fraley ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [Jan 05. 2002 00:27]:

> Just for curiosity, can HTTP Authentication be disabled in any other way, if
> PHP is installed as a module?  In other words, is there any other reason why
> the authentication might not work (under *nix), not IIS?

If this is Apache, HTTP Auth probably wouldn't be there if the server
doesn't use mod_auth, but on a default Apache install, it's going to be
there.. I couldn't imagine someone removing it purposely.

If you have shell access to the server you can do this to see if it's

/path/to/httpd -l | grep mod_auth

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Re: [PHP] php form

2002-01-04 Thread Brian Clark

* M.E. Suliman ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [Jan 05. 2002 00:22]:

> Hi


> I'm pretty new to this PHP thing so this might sound a bit stupid, or easy
> for the pros out there.  I need a basic php form that when submit is clicked
> all the information filled in that form is either generated into an html
> template or text file so it can be emailed. I would be looking at the 

As an attachment, or do you want to just email the information

> option later where it would give you the option to print or email the
> genrated file.

If you're completely new to PHP, this is a good introduction:


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Re: [PHP] CGI and HTTP Authentication

2002-01-04 Thread Brian Clark

* Gaylen Fraley ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [Jan 05. 2002 00:22]:

> Thanks :).  I thought I had figured out a way to determine if it was a CGI
> or module.  But it didn't work.  Is there a reliable way?

Yes, stick  into a .php file and load it into your
browser. Beside "Server API" it'll either say Apache or CGI.

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Re: [PHP] CGI and HTTP Authentication

2002-01-04 Thread Brian Clark

* Gaylen Fraley ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [Jan 04. 2002 21:26]:

> Is there any work around for using HTTP Authentication and PHP installed as
> CGI?  I know how to make the detection, I'm hoping (probably in vain) that
> there is some way to make the two work.  Thanks.

AFAIK, no, unless you use .htaccess based stuff. You may be able to use
an admin page to add users and write out the .htaccess file(s). Might be

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Re: [PHP] configuring sever to send mail (Win2k)

2002-01-04 Thread Brian Clark

* CJ ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [Jan 04. 2002 23:01]:

> PHP Version 4.0.6
> [mail function]
> ; For Win32 only.
> SMTP = localhost

Do you really have SMTP running on the Win2k server?

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Re: [PHP] PHP Compile Errors

2002-01-04 Thread Brian Clark

* Jason Signalness ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [Jan 04. 2002 16:18]:

> Hello,


> I am having trouble compiling php with snmp support. ucd-snmp 4.2.2 is 
> installed and working without trouble. PHP4.1.1 configures ok but fails 
> on make, giving many errors similar to this:

> /usr/local/lib/libsnmp.a(snmp_alarm.o): In function `sa_find_next':
> /export/home/j/js/jsignalness/ucd-snmp-4.2.2/snmplib/snmp_alarm.c:111: 
> multiple definition of `sa_find_next'
> first defined here
> /usr/local/lib/libsnmp.a(snmp_alarm.o): In function `sa_find_specific':
> /export/home/j/js/jsignalness/ucd-snmp-4.2.2/snmplib/snmp_alarm.c:120: 
> multiple definition of `sa_find_specific'
> first defined here

People seem to have all sorts of problems with snmp. The stuff above is
the kind of thing that needs to be put in a bug report more than likley,
because only the developers are going to have a clue how to get you
fixed up (if they can). :-(

I'd go to and post a detailed report.

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Re: [PHP] NEWBIE IN DISTRESS: Install Instructions are not work for PHP 4.1.1!!!

2002-01-04 Thread Brian Clark

* Mark ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [Jan 04. 2002 12:14]:


> the Module version (Get a "Requested Operation Failed" message).  can
> someone please help?  My system is as follows:

> Windows 2000 SP2
> Apache 2.0.28 (I have also tried version 1.3.22 with same results as

People had problems in that past with 2.x; I don't know if the php-dev's
have worked that out yet.

> mentioned above)
> PHP 4.1.1
> MDAC 2.7
> MySQL 3.23.46a

Are there any hints in Apache's error_log? What is your exact LoadModule
line you're using in httpd.conf?

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Re: [PHP] PHP-Friendly WYSIWYG HTML Editor

2002-01-04 Thread Brian Clark

* Brandon ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [Jan 04. 2002 10:47]:

> G'day!

G'day, mate!


> I've tried the following without success:

> - Adobe PageMill. It came free with PageMaker; nice, except it arbitrarily
> replaces things like  - Netscape Composer, which gets the current value produced by the PHP bits,
> and then saves that information, statically.

A lot of folks seem to love Macromedia Dreamweaver for use with PHP.

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2002-01-04 Thread Brian Clark

* harry ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [Jan 04. 2002 10:44]:

> Hi all

Hi Harry

> I have been trying to use PEAR and have come to a standstill.

> The following:

>  require_once ("HTML/Page.php");

> /* PAGE SETUP */
>   $p = new HTML_Page();
>   $p->setCache("true");
>   echo "TEST 1";

Try commenting the above line out.

>   //$p->toHtml();
>   echo "TEST 2";

Try commenting the above line out also.

>  // $p->setTitle("Jobsite Page");

>   $p->display();

because in the display() method, it's sending header()s:

function display() 
  if(! $this->_cache) {
header("Expires: Tue, 1 Jan 1980 12:00:00 GMT");
header("Last-Modified: " . gmdate("D, d M Y H:i:s") . "GMT");
header("Cache-Control: no-cache");
header("Pragma: no-cache");
  $strHtml = $this->toHtml();
  print $strHtml;
} // end func display

> Produces the following error:

Which is why you are getting this error about header information:

> Warning: Cannot add header information - headers already sent by (output 
> started at /var/www/html/website/jobix/php_test/test_form.php:4) in 
> /usr/share/php/HTML/Page.php on line 136

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Re: [PHP] Cannot find imap library

2002-01-04 Thread Brian Clark

* Richard Brust ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [Jan 04. 2002 16:25]:

> original configure script:
> ./configure --with-apxs=/etc/httpd/bin/apxs --enable-track-vars 
> --enable-ftp --with-gd=../gd-1.8.4 --prefix=/etc/php --sysconfdir=/etc/php 
> --with-imap=../imapServer

> Note: ../imapServer is the dir where I gunzip'd the source files.


> Then I do another configure where I specify the location of rfc822.h:
> ./configure --with-apxs=/etc/httpd/bin/apxs --enable-track-vars 
> --enable-ftp --with-gd=../gd-1.8.4 --prefix=/etc/php --sysconfdir=/etc/php 
> --with-imap=../imapServer/src

> Now the error is:
> Cannot find imap library. Please check your IMAP installation.

OK this is seriously a long shot, but..

cd ../imapServer/src/c-client
ln -s c-client.h libc-client.h

Then remove config.cache in your PHP directory and try configuring it
again --with-imap=../imapServer/src

See what that returns..

It might work because c-client.h points to everything else it needs.

I think configure is looking for c-client.a instead, but try the above
and see what happens. Backup your original apache php DSO before you
make install though, so you don't try find me and hang me out back when
it all goes poof. :)

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Re: [PHP] PHP XML with Dynamic Content

2002-01-04 Thread Brian Clark

* Emile Bosch ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [Jan 03. 2002 15:38]:

> Hi a lot of todays proffesional content management systems use XML, now
> i was wondering how it's possible to mix XML with Dynamic Content, or
> content which is change sensitive, IE A shop, or an auction,
> let's say you have a shop with 1000 products, how am i gonna mix this in
> the XML?

> Does anyone know how this is solved, because i don't think that you are
> gonna write hundreds of XML files for each article, can someone please help
> me out here?

I understand the first paragraph up to "how am i gonna mix this in the

Why couldn't you store information in a database and write the XML files
on the fly when you need XML? Or update the XML file when something 
changes? Or, why use XML at all? Do you _really_ need it? *confused*

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Re: [PHP] Warning: Unknown persistent list entry type in module shutdown (11)

2002-01-04 Thread Brian Clark

* Ed Swartz ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [Jan 03. 2002 13:26]:

> Hi,


> The error message listed in the subject line is being displayed at the
> bottom of my HTML pages gen'd by PHP. Any hints how what might be
> causing this message? I looked in BUGS, FAQTS, etc not to no avail.

May help:


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Re: [PHP] Re: Need some Linux/Apache help

2002-01-01 Thread Brian Clark

* Todd Cary ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [Jan 01. 2002 15:04]:


> My question is about where I should put my databases?  I notice that the
> "/var" is often used, but is "/usr".  So, for a guy coming from the NT
> world, what would you suggest?

> 1) /var/databases/app1; /var/databases/app2  - or -
> /var/databases/interbases/app1

> 2) The same as above, but with "/usr"

I would go with /var because that's usually where you want to put stuff
that changes often. There are all kinds of arguments for different
locations, however. You may want to google for "linux directory
structure" or something similar.

FYI, I keep my databases in /var/{type} where "{type}" is the type of
database server. For example, postgres in /var/pgsql; mysql in
/var/mysql; etc..

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Re: [PHP] Re: Need some Linux/Apache help

2002-01-01 Thread Brian Clark

* Todd Cary ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [Jan 01. 2002 10:39]:

> When I run the "make" after a successful "configure", I get the
> following errors:

> stub.lo: file not recognized: File truncated
> collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
> make[1]: *** [] Error 1
> make: *** [all-recursive] Error 1

> Any suggestions on how I may resolve this?

That seems to be a known problem with some older PHP versions when
you're building --with-apxs but not static.

Remove the PHP source you have..

Then try grabbing either 4.1.1 from (the tar.gz) or a new 
snapshot from

tar -xzf [file]

to unpack it, then try your same configure line, then make and see if
you get the same problem.

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Re: [PHP] Re: Need some Linux/Apache help

2001-12-31 Thread Brian Clark

* Brian Clark ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [Dec 31. 2001 19:09]:

> make 2>&1 /home/todd/makeerr.txt

Gah! I need to just go watch TV or something.

I meant:

make 2>&1 > /home/todd/makeerr.txt

That directs STDERR to STDOUT and that's redirected to  

Sorry for the list bomb.

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Cole's Law: Thinly sliced cabbage.

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Re: [PHP] Re: Need some Linux/Apache help

2001-12-31 Thread Brian Clark

* Brian Clark ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [Dec 31. 2001 19:05]:

> > How do I redirect the output *if* the output is errors?  For example

> > # make > /home/todd/makeerr.txt

> Try this:

> make 2> /home/todd/makeerr.txt

Oh, and if you want it *all* to go to that file:

make 2>&1 /home/todd/makeerr.txt

You can also use grep or egrep to search for specific things if you

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Re: [PHP] Re: Need some Linux/Apache help

2001-12-31 Thread Brian Clark

* Todd Cary ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [Dec 31. 2001 18:59]:

> How do I redirect the output *if* the output is errors?  For example

> # make > /home/todd/makeerr.txt

Try this:

make 2> /home/todd/makeerr.txt

> I am getting an error when I run "make" after configuring with
> "--with-apxs".  The configure runs fine; it is just the make and I have
> noticed that with the above redirect, everything goes to the file
> *except* the errors.

Brian Clark | Avoiding the general public since 1805!
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f y cn rd ths thn y cn hv grt jb n cmptr prgrmmng

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Re: [PHP] Re: Need some Linux/Apache help

2001-12-31 Thread Brian Clark

* Todd Cary ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [Dec 31. 2001 13:15]:

> Brian et al -

Looks like you meant to send this to the list? :-)) I waited to see if
one would roll on in, but it doesn't look like it will be, sooo...

> This is starting to make some sense, however, there are still some areas
> of confusion:

> <<<
> just use --with-apxs=/path/to/apxs/that/exists/on/your/system
> >>>

> What is the best way to determine where RH 7.2 put that?  What am I
> actually looking for?

You are looking for an executable (a perl program actually) named apxs. 
At your shell prompt, try:

which apxs

If that returns nothing, try:

locate apxs


locate apxs | grep bin

> <<<
> If you use --with-apxs when configuring PHP, you don't have to mess
> around with your current Apache install. For the exception of making
> sure httpd.conf is correct after you install PHP, you don't need to do
> anything else to your existing apache install.
> >>>

> This makes sense now.  Apache, and I am sure other application, use
> modules, however, I am not sure of the mechanism at the application
> level.  In the Delphi/Windows environment, I can use packages at compile
> time, but they do become part of the EXE file.

Using --with-apache is the equivalent. But unless you've done this
before and know exactly what configure arguments you need, you might
want to use --with-apxs to build PHP as a loadable module so that you
can easily re-configure PHP and build it all over again if you need to
add support for something else (for example, if you decided a week from
now you wanted MySQL support in PHP).

Bottom line:

If you use --with-apache you will have to build Apache *and* PHP and
install them.

If you use --with-apxs you only need to build PHP and install it.

> <<<
> Just download PHP tarball, unpack it somewhere.
> ./configure --with-apxs=/path/to/your/apxs [rest of your options here]
> make install
> >>>

> Again, I am not sure how to find the path.

See the notes at the top. :)

Brian Clark | Avoiding the general public since 1805!
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Re: [PHP] Support for GIF, PNG and JPEG. How ?

2001-12-31 Thread Brian Clark

* Robert Mena ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [Dec 31. 2001 13:00]:

> I was wondering if there is a wayto compile php with
> gd support for the gif, png and jpg file types.

> As far as I know gd dropped gif support while ago when
> it added png.

I know gd version 1.3 supports gif. YOu can probably dig it up on
google... wait.. I think I remember "fly" using gd 1.3.x and I think it
provides the source with it.


If you download the tarball, it *should* have gd version 1.3 in a
directory in there somehwere.

No idea if it still works with PHP.

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Multitasking: Screwing up several things at once.

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Re: [PHP] length of string

2001-12-31 Thread Brian Clark

* Ray Todd Stevens ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [Dec 31. 2001 12:15]:

> I can't seem to find this anywhere in the manuals.  What is the 
> maximum length of a string?

This probably depends on the Operating System.. for Linux you can check
out limits.h, but for Windows, I have no idea.

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$ mount -t neuro /dev/brain /mnt/head

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Re: [PHP] Re: Need some Linux/Apache help

2001-12-31 Thread Brian Clark

* Todd Cary ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [Dec 31. 2001 11:34]:


> I am told that apache-1.3.20-16 is loaded, however there are 4 or so
> other applications dependent on it.  If I were to do a "rpm -e
> apache-1.3.20-16" with the "ignore dependencies" directive, what will
> happen?

You probably don't need to do all this.. when you configure PHP, just
use --with-apxs=/path/to/apxs/that/exists/on/your/system instead of 

> Can I then get my Linux installation reconfigured so that
> "/etc/rc.d/init.d/httpd start" will start Apache?  I have the
> "apache-1.3.20-16.src.rpm" and I do know how to intall it and untar the
> resulting file, but from there on I am lost when it comes to setting up
> the "configure".

If you use --with-apxs when configuring PHP, you don't have to mess
around with your current Apache install. For the exaception of making
sure httpd.conf is correct after you install PHP, you don't need to do
anything else to your existing apache install.

Just download PHP tarball, unpack it somewhere. 
./configure --with-apxs=/path/to/your/apxs [rest of your options here]
make install

Then check httpd.conf to make sure it has a LoadModule line for php and
AddType lines for php. You should see them commented out in httpd.conf.
You should only need to uncomment the LoadModule line for PHP4, not

Then restart apache: /path/to/apachectl restart

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Re: [PHP] Listing files

2001-12-31 Thread Brian Clark

* Todd Cary ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [Dec 31. 2001 11:32]:

> I would like to present the surfer with a list of files in a directory
> (I'll probably put then into a drop-down) and then I want to send the
> file to the surfer if one is selected.  I am not sure of the syntax to

> 1) List the files in a directory

Using PHP 4.x?


> 2) Send a selected file to the surfer


Scroll 3/4 down.

> Many thanks for any help in getting the correct syntax to do this..


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Avoid strange women and temporary variables.

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Re: [PHP] Regular Expression Help

2001-12-31 Thread Brian Clark

* John Monfort ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [Dec 31. 2001 11:30]:

> I'm using regular expression to extract all text within the  tag.
> With a BODY tag like

>\\only interested in this line.


> echo "$out[0]";

> However, this prints everything following (and including) the ' portion of the BODY tag.

"$matches[0] will contain the text that matched the full pattern,
$matches[1] will have the text that matched the first captured
parenthesized subpattern"

So you want: $out[1]

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Re: [PHP] How to strip off all html-comments

2001-12-31 Thread Brian Clark

* James Cox ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [Dec 31. 2001 06:38]:


I think you mean strip_tags()



> > Hello! How can I easily strip off all html-comments () from
> > a string?

> > Martin

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Re: [PHP] Re: Need some Linux/Apache help

2001-12-31 Thread Brian Clark

* Edwin Boersma ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [Dec 31. 2001 06:15]:

> Has Apache been restarted ton use the new And if so, does it use

He will have no since he used --with-apache. In order to
create a DSO, he'll need to use --with-apxs

> the correct one (you might have another one on your system)?
> If Apache starts without probs, check the httpd.conf for php mime types.
> What does Apache respond if you load your test script?

Brian Clark | Avoiding the general public since 1805!
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Avoid strange women and temporary variables.

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Re: [PHP] how long will REGISTERED GLOBALS be around?

2001-12-30 Thread Brian Clark

* PHP freak ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [Dec 30. 2001 21:45]:

> Think of how many PHP-CURIOUS people it'd turn off if you could ONLY do it with 

Hell, I have to admit, that is pretty darn ugly.

Brian Clark | Avoiding the general public since 1805!
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Sure FAT32 corrupts your files, but look how fast it is.

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Re: [PHP] MySQL problem

2001-12-30 Thread Brian Clark

* GoodFella ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [Dec 30. 2001 21:10]:

> Thanks for the quick reply. I used the PHP manual example and it connects
> to the database successfully but cannot select the database.

So you are using this line:

>   >  mysql_select_db("booktest");

Correct? What does the server "say" in return? What is the error

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Re: [PHP] How to convert integers representations of a date to a date format variable

2001-12-30 Thread Brian Clark

* Carlos Fernando Scheidecker Antunes ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [Dec 30. 2001 21:11]:

> So, let's say I have 12 for month, 30 for day and 2001 as year. Do I have to create 
>a timestamp? How to create a
> TimeStamp?

strtotime() can convert it into a unix timestamp. 

> I need to store it as 30/12/2001 (but not a string) not only on a session variable 
>but also to make it easier to work with a MySQL table.

For MySQL, this may help:


Brian Clark | Avoiding the general public since 1805!
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Re: [PHP] how long will REGISTERED GLOBALS be around?

2001-12-30 Thread Brian Clark

* PHP freak ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [Dec 30. 2001 15:01]:


> In ONE place it says something like "We have no plans to discontinue 
>register_globals", but in another place it says it might be
> discontinued or devalued soon.

I take it as being depreciated and as something we're all going to have
to face with older code as progress is made with PHP. It's probably not
the last time something like this will happen. Happens with Perl, too.

Brian Clark | Avoiding the general public since 1805!
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Variables won't; constants aren't.

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Re: [PHP] Parsing out numbers from a string

2001-12-30 Thread Brian Clark

* John Weez ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [Dec 30. 2001 03:23]:

> I have a small program which captures the output of a webpage and puts the
> data in to a string variable.
> I then use teh strip tags function of php to clean it up a bit.

> then i want to use regular expressions to extract all the numbers from the
> page ..they are like this usually numbers.numbers (IE: 40.40 ).

> For some reason my expressions are not matching anything in the string
> unless i type exactly what i am looking for... could the fact that there
> are line reurns in the string be causing a problem? or do i need to
> somehow tell php to goto the next line?

How are you grabbing all the data from the page?

> I had an older version of the program which saved teh data to a file and
> then PhP scanned the file line by line..this worked...but i'm trying to
> make a more elegant solution that won;t kill my hard drive faster ;)

It's going to use a bit of memory to search an entire page with a
regular expression. It's probably going to be slow(er) no matter how you
slice it.

I would use the PCRE functions; preg_match_all() probably..

Look over these:

I think you'll want to use m (and g is default, as the comment says).

Something like this may work:

Brian Clark | Avoiding the general public since 1805!
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Recursive: Adj. See Recursive.

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Re: [PHP] Need some Linux/Apache help

2001-12-30 Thread Brian Clark

* Todd Cary ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [Dec 30. 2001 19:22]:

> I did "tar -xzvf /usr/src/redhat/SOURCES/php-4.0.6pl1.tar.gz" which
> created a directory /tmp/php-4.0.6.  I cd'd into that directory and did
> a ./configure --with-interbase=/opt/interbase
> --with-apache=/usr/include/apache

Are you sure the entire Apache source code is in /usr/include/apache? 

I believe you wanted --with-apxs rather than --with-apache. If you
really wanted --with-apache, and you know the difference, then you will
also need to cd into the apache source directory, and configure apache
with --activate-module=src/modules/php4/libphp4.a, then make and install
Apache again.

Using --with-apache builds PHP as a static module. --with-apxs builds
PHP as a DSO -- a shared module that can be loaded and unloaded via
httpd.conf using the LoadModule directive.

If you use --with-apxs, when configuring PHP, after you make install, it
will install a PHP module in your *current* Apache install's modules
directory, and it may attempt to update your httpd.conf with the correct
LoadModule line if needed.

> After quite a period, I received a "Thank you for using PHP" message.  I
> followed this with a "make" and a "make install".

That "prepped" the PHP module to be included into httpd when you build
Apache. You installed PHP into /usr/local/apache/src (or a similar

> Now Apache does not respond to a "testphp.php" script that contains
> "phoinfo()" and it use to.

That's because PHP isn't installed as an Apache module yet, or you
haven't rebuilt Apache yet.

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Re: [PHP] Handling checkboxs (MySQL+PHP)

2001-12-29 Thread Brian Clark

* David Jackson ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [Dec 29. 2001 22:40]:

> Brian --
> So I should change the line:
> echo " >";

> To:
> echo " >";

That should do it.

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Re: [PHP] Handling checkboxs (MySQL+PHP)

2001-12-29 Thread Brian Clark

* David Jackson ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [Dec 29. 2001 21:41]:


> My question is how do I process checkbox when multi boxes have
> been check. I keep thinking a array is created by check boxes?

Use string[] as the name(s) -- where "string" is the label for the array 
you want.

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Re: [PHP] Real Simple, but i'm new!!

2001-12-29 Thread Brian Clark

* FiShcAkE ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [Dec 29. 2001 13:07]:

> Hey,


> I've just started learning php and I need to know this...  What are the
> commands I use to get i.e.  index.php?links   and  index.php?newsto
> work?

You can use QUERY_STRING, but you could also use action=news,
action=links, action=asdfg and use a switch($action)

I guess you're trying to make the URL as pretty as possible, right?

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Re: [PHP] WYSIWYG editors for HTML

2001-12-29 Thread Brian Clark

* Dennis Gearon ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [Dec 29. 2001 00:56]:

> What WYSIWYG editors are you guys using with PHP templates? I'd like to
> layout pages, frames, multiple levels of graphics with a WYSIWYG editor.

> I looked at an online template from the macromedia site, and it is
> completely unformatted and has some unprintable character in it at every
> . It is completely useless for putting PHP template information in. I
> don't know if their program 'dreamweaver' actually MAKES the templates


I would imagine you haven't gotten many answers because Dreamweaver is
the most popular WYSIWYG editor for that kind of stuff. I've never used
Dreamweaver (or UltraDev?) but I hear they have "PHP Extensions" which
may explain the popularity.

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Re: [PHP] Control Panel , Webmin or similar Written in PHP

2001-12-29 Thread Brian Clark

* rick ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [Dec 29. 2001 03:18]:

>  I was Wondering if it would be possible to write a proyect like Control 
> Panel , WebMin (both are in Perl ) using PHP instead of PERL ? 

> Would it be possible ? 

Sure, why not?

> PHP has the power and flexibility like Perl to write TRUE Systems programs that
> could be able to manage all the aspects related to System Administration ?? 

> If there any proyect I would like to hear about it and join it . 

Don't know of any, but check here
or maybe here

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Re: [PHP] Which is which??

2001-12-29 Thread Brian Clark

* Gerard Samuel ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [Dec 29. 2001 00:35]:

> I got a fairly big script with a lot of functions.
> Which is more effiecient to pass global information to functions

> ie
> 50 variables
> 50 constants
> or 1 array with 50 values

I'm not sure I'm the right person to answer this, but if I had to
give answer, I'd say they're all equal. You're going to have to 
define them _somewhere_. I mean, if they're global, right? So how 
much difference could one or the other make? 

If there is any huge difference, I'd love to know as well.

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Re: [PHP] could not create new mailbox: Permission denied

2001-12-29 Thread Brian Clark

* gaukia 345 ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [Dec 28. 2001 23:04]:

> The error message was
> Newname will be 'phpnewbox'
> could not create new mailbox: Permission denied

Looks like the user doesn't have write permission to the mailbox directory. 

> I logged in as cyrus on the server I'm working on. I typed "cyradm" but this
> error message came out

> Can't locate Cyrus/IMAP/ in @INC (@INC contains:
> /usr/lib/perl5/5.6.0/i5
> 86-linux /usr/lib/perl5/5.6.0 /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.6.0/i586-linux
> /usr/lib
> /perl5/site_perl/5.6.0 /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl .).
> BEGIN failed--compilation aborted.

That tool is written in Perl. If you need that tool, you need to get 
the IMAP::Shell module from somewhere and install it. You might
already have it, but it's not in your perl include path. 

> Could the problem be the misconfig of IMAP server. Pls advise. Thanx.

It's likely it's just a permissions problem..

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Re: [PHP] pdflib

2001-12-29 Thread Brian Clark

* Kunal Jhunjhunwala ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [Dec 29. 2001 20:39]:

> I am using red hat 7.2...

Then, what was the problem? IOW, how did you know it didn't work?

(Sounds like I'm asking a stupid question, but you didn't say 
exactly what was happening. :-))) )


> > * Kunal Jhunjhunwala ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [Dec 29. 2001 17:17]:

> > > Has anyone successfully installed it with php 4.0.6 ? I have tried
> > > everything from re-compiling php to compiling pdflib from scratch.. but
> im
> > > totally lost.. any help would be great..

> > What OS/distribution? A few months ago I installed 4.0.6 and pdflib on a
> > SuSE server and it went just fine.


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Re: [PHP] Security bulletin?

2001-12-29 Thread Brian Clark

* Bogdan Stancescu ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [Dec 28. 2001 18:44]:

> Hello everybody!

Right back atcha

> Apart from the usual best wishes for 2002, I have a question: does
> anyone know of a good security list/newsletter/bulletin for PHP?
> Actually, any kind of good source would be great, even if it's net
> security in general -- what I'm looking for is:
> 1. Mostly PHP security (including PHP packages with vulnerabilities)
> and
> 2. A good source (I'd like to subscribe to an active
> list/newsletter/bulletin so they publish info from other sources as well
> -- not only original data they found out without any external info).

> Too much to ask? :-)

The only advice I can offer isn't going to be favorable if you only want
PHP related information, but..

I would advise subscribing to Bugtraq, and also the articles I mentioned
here for secure coding practices:


And I can't seem to bring up lately.. (is something amiss with
the site, by the way?) but if you can get there, I think Sterling Hughes
wrote a good article (at on PHP security too. I think that's 
who wrote it..

Brian Clark | Avoiding the general public since 1805!
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Re: [PHP] pdflib

2001-12-29 Thread Brian Clark

* Kunal Jhunjhunwala ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [Dec 29. 2001 17:17]:

> Has anyone successfully installed it with php 4.0.6 ? I have tried
> everything from re-compiling php to compiling pdflib from scratch.. but im
> totally lost.. any help would be great..

What OS/distribution? A few months ago I installed 4.0.6 and pdflib on a
SuSE server and it went just fine.


wget newest tarball.

$ cd pdflib-x.x.x
$ ./configure \
--with-jpeg-dir=/usr/local \
--with-png-dir=/usr/local \
--with-tiff-dir=/usr/local \
$ make
$ make test
$ make install

And in the PHP configure:


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Therein lies the major problem facing the world.

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Re: [PHP] Only one instance of a script at a time !

2001-12-28 Thread Brian Clark

* Nicolas Guilhot ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [Dec 28. 2001 10:00]:

> I was thinking about this solution, but what can I do if the script ends
> prematurely. The file will never be deleted ??

It's a nasty hack, but you chould run a separate shell script to 
check for the existance of the running script, then call the script 
if it's not running.

something like (/bin/sh):

PID=`ps aux | grep [program] | grep -v grep | awk {'print $2'}` 

Replace [program] with the program name.

That'll get you the PID if the script is already running. You can kill
it, or just exit instead, for example. That's one way..

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Re: [PHP] crack lib

2001-12-28 Thread Brian Clark

* Johnson, Kirk ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [Dec 28. 2001 10:54]:

> Hey, what is everyone talking about? What is the new crack lib
> functionality? Is it in the docs yet?


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STATUS QUO is Latin for the mess we're in.

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Re: [PHP] MySql and /var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock Problem !!!

2001-12-28 Thread Brian Clark

* ger ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [Dec 27. 2001 20:05]:

>Does anybody know what is my problem ?

> I try to access to my mysql database and I get the next errror :

> " Can't connect trough /var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock "  

I'm sure you've checked to see if the mysql server is running..

The socket should be owner:group mysql (or whatever user you set up to
run the mysql server).

Are you trying to access it via PHP or just the command line?

If it's PHP, you could try altering mysql.default_socket in your
php.ini to what mysql expects. Run mysqladmin and check to see where the
socket is:

mysqladmin -u root -p[password] variables

Replace [password] with your real password.

Otherwise, you can set it by altering $MYSQL_UNIX_PORT in your
safe_mysqld script, or in whatever file you're using to start mysqld, to
please PHP, but it may break other applications that depend on it being
somewhere else. Check those scripts, they're probably defining the socket 
in there somewhere.

Brian Clark | Avoiding the general public since 1805!
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Re: [PHP] MsSQL from FreeBSD

2001-12-28 Thread Brian Clark

* Valentin V. Petruchek ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [Dec 28. 2001 04:51]:

> > OK, we're talking about Linux, right?

> No ;) FreeBsd 4.x don't know exactly about x

Duh, that was stupid of me. It's right there in the subject.

> > I'll bet `cat /proc/sys/fs/file-max` gives you 4096

OK, then give this a try:

sysctl -w kern.maxfiles=8192
sysctl -w kern.maxfilesperproc=8192

(or however high you want to go)

And it may need a reboot; I dont know if that would take effect
immediately (check it with ulimit -n after you do it). If it works, 
you might have to stick that in rc.local in order to get it to stick 
whenever you reboot. 

Again, I don't know if that'll have any effect.. 

Brian Clark | Avoiding the general public since 1805!
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Re: [PHP] installing php with apache rpm (rh linux 7.2)???

2001-12-27 Thread Brian Clark

* Duane Douglas ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [Dec 27. 2001 13:24]:

> i have an apache rpm installed.  stuff will break if i uninstall it.  how 
> do i install php to work with it?

You can download the source tarball from Then configure it
--with-apxs to have it build an Apache DSO module. 


Download it, unpack it (tar -xzf php-4.1.1.tar.gz), and make your way 
through the INSTALL and README files.

tar -xzf php-4.1.1.tar.gz
cd php-4.1.1

Just remember, you want a DSO install because you don't want to fool
with Apache source, since you already have Apache installed via RPM.

IN the INSTALL file, start where it states:


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Re: [PHP] setlocale on OS X not working

2001-12-27 Thread Brian Clark

* Stefan Rusterholz ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [Dec 27. 2001 13:11]:

> Hm, as far as I see that package is for Aqua (the GUI of OS X) and not 
> for the core (FreeBSD, *nix), so it won't help - and it is actually 
> installed (I use OS X in a german enviroment because I'm swiss).

I can't help you there. Although FreeBSD may use another method, or they
may already be in the system, I'd just have no idea where you should

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English is my second language, gibberish is my first.

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Re: [PHP] setlocale on OS X not working

2001-12-27 Thread Brian Clark

* Stefan Rusterholz ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [Dec 27. 2001 11:30]:

> I did that. For localedef it hasn't an entry. But for locale it has one. 
> I don't think that's what you expectet (it seems to belong to perl)

Then you need to find out how to `compile' locale definitions for your

> locale(3)Perl Programmers Reference Guide   locale(3)

Oh no no.  

   man 1 locale

Does that give you anything? (I'm guessing it would have picked that up
first if it existed).

(~)% man locale | head
Reformatting locale(1), please wait...
LOCALE(1)Debian GNU/Linux   LOCALE(1)

   locale - Get locale-specific information.

   locale [ -a | -m]

That's the one I was talking about..

Is there a `locale' package you can install for OSX? (There is for my 

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Re: [PHP] MsSQL from FreeBSD

2001-12-27 Thread Brian Clark

* Valentin V. Petruchek ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [Dec 27. 2001 10:28]:

> Yes, php.ini is there.


> > > I've changed php.ini - turned mssql_limits to 100 (instead of 4096),
> > > restarted a[pache but problem doesn't seem to disappear.

OK, we're talking about Linux, right? 

I'll bet `cat /proc/sys/fs/file-max` gives you 4096

Try upping the file descriptor limit in /proc/sys/fs/file-max. That 
may or may not solve the problem; worth a try. How much memory does 
the client machine (the one you `configure'd) have?

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Re: [PHP] setlocale on OS X not working

2001-12-27 Thread Brian Clark

* Stefan Rusterholz ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [Dec 27. 2001 09:13]:

> Hi


> I'm using following code:

> setlocale(LC_ALL, 'german');
> $timestamp = time();
> $string = strftime('Heute ist %A, der %d. %B %Y. Sie haben diese Seite 
> um %H Uhr %M aufgerufen.', $timestamp); # in english: "today it's %A, 
> the %d. %B. %Y. You opened this page at %H:%M."
> echo "$string";

> Which works nice on my ISP's Server. On my locale OS X Server it seems 
> like it wouldn't be able to translate it. I get the correct output but 
> in english instead of german. 

The OSX machine doesn't have a definition for `german' but it probably
has one for en_US, for example. Try de or de_DE or de_DE.ISO8859-1
instead of `german' and see if you get what you'd expect. FYI, I've
never used OSX, so I'm flying blind.

> AFAIR I need to have some files to be 
> installed on my system for that function to work correct. Does someone 
> know where to get those files and where to put them in my system?

On my system, charmaps in /usr/share/i18n/locales and definitions in
/usr/lib/locale, and I would use localedef to build definitions from the
charmaps (I think. I might have those directories reversed.).

I've never used (or seen) OSX, but does it use man? (I'm absolutely not
being a smarta$$ here). If it has man, look at the man pages for 
`localedef' and `locale' and that may get you headed in the right

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The gene pool could use a little chlorine.

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Re: [PHP] MsSQL from FreeBSD

2001-12-27 Thread Brian Clark

* Valentin V. Petruchek ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [Dec 27. 2001 05:55]:

> Hello php-world!


> PHP is configured
>  './configure' '--with-apache=../apache_1.3.22' '--with-mysql'
> '--with-sybase=/usr/local/freetds' '--enable-track-vars'

> Everything works fine when using mssq-Functions, except extracting images
> from db. There is limit on 4096 bytes when i extract data from image field.
> I've changed php.ini - turned mssql_limits to 100 (instead of 4096),
> restarted a[pache but problem doesn't seem to disappear.

In the output of phpinfo(), where it mentions your php.ini file, do you
have it in that place?

> On IIS i t works fine, but what do i miss???

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Re: [PHP] This makes NO SENSE!!!!!

2001-12-27 Thread Brian Clark

* Chris Cocuzzo ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [Dec 27. 2001 03:16]:

> hey-

Howdy. With your previous posts on the subject, why do I get the feeling
you're building a time machine? :-)

> ok. I have the following code.
>  if($submit) {
> $arradate = explode("/",$date);
> $uxdate = mktime(0,0,0,$arradate[0],$arradate[1],$arradate[2]);
> print $uxdate;
> }
> else {
> ?>
>   //name of file is
> strtotime.php
>  }
> ?>
> the problem: it's printing out -1 when i submit. I know it means something
> is wrong, however I can't find an error with this when i have the following
> code below working perfectly: [sidenote]: i enter the date into the form
> field like this: 1/11/2002

OK this is strange. This works fine on my machine and I get he expected
result: 1010725200

It *appears* to be a specific OS/distribution issue, but this is where 
my experience ends. I've seen weird issues like this on systems
where I also see processes suddenly appear to have spawned in the winter
of 1969.

Check out the user notes here:


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2001-12-26 Thread Brian Clark

* Chamarty Prasanna Kumar ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [Dec 26. 2001 05:09]:

> Hi All,
>Want to create PDF files using PHP 

Check out libpdf


Read the Introduction.

Brian Clark | Avoiding the general public since 1805!
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Re: [PHP] gd_installation......................... :(

2001-12-26 Thread Brian Clark

* EMIN CALIKLI ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [Dec 26. 2001 01:58]:

> Hi Brian ,
> I don't have any file like ph_gd.dll .

In your original message, you wrote:

"I configured php 4.0.6 to run on IIS4.0 but I can 't load ph_gd.dll
extension . I can use other extensions succesfully (like php_mssql.dll 
,php_pdf.dll etc.)"

So that's what I was going by. You're going to have to give a little
more information. For instance, does the file php_gd.dll exist?  

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Re: [PHP] Re: Suggestion: Adding fmt like linebreak algorithm

2001-12-25 Thread Brian Clark

* Manuel Lemos ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [Dec 25. 2001 17:37]:

> > I think, the function would be very useful to do some pretty reformatting of
> > text when for example sending mail or in general doing text formatted
> > output.

> I have implemented exactly what you need in this class to compose and
> send MIME messages as it is important that messages to not have more
> than 75 characters per line.


For 4.0.2 or greater, there's also:


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Re: [PHP] Sessions php and flash5, cookies disabled

2001-12-25 Thread Brian Clark

* Jan Grafström ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [Dec 25. 2001 10:41]:

> The url string looks like this on php-page (sent from flash5):
> mypage.php3?SID=PHPSESSID=193a33f9b7421c17302d1bd58478b20b?.
> >From mypage.php3 I pass sid using ".SID." than on second page the string is
> changed to:
> second.php3?SID=PHPSESSID%3D193a33f9b7421c17302d1bd58478b20b&var3=1.

> "=" has changed to "%3D". and php does not recognice the session.

> part of code on mypage.php3:
>\"; method=\"get\">

I'm sure you meant for that line to be:

Right? (note the $) Eventhough I don't think that has anything to do
with your problem.

> Thanks for any help.

Why are you using SID=PHPSESSID= instead of just SID=? If you
absolutely have to leave it the way you have it, you could always
explode('%3D',$SID); to get the correct session ID.

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Re: [PHP] gd_installation......................... :(

2001-12-25 Thread Brian Clark

* EMIN CALIKLI ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [Dec 25. 2001 05:20]:

> Hi Brian ,


> Thanks for your requests . I 'm using php 4.0.6 + IIS 4.0 (Web Server) . I tried 
>many verisons of GD
> library and failed. Did anyone tried php-4.1.0 verison on IIS 4.0 ? By the way Brian 
>I configured my
> local workstation with Apache 1.3.22 + php 4.0.6 and it works fine. I can use it GD 
>extension. But I
> must run GD on IIS don 't ask me why ? This is companies strategy . So I think I 
>must work hard to
> solve it.
> Thanks again.

What happened when you renamed the ph_gd.dll file to php_gd.dll? Did you
try that?

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Re: [PHP] PHP/MYSQL ..what the hell is wrong here...

2001-12-25 Thread Brian Clark

* Chris Cocuzzo ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [Dec 25. 2001 03:16]:

> here's the submit.php page ..which is the one that I suspect is giving me problems:

> case 'gigs':
>  print "$date";
>  $date = strtotime($date);
>  print "$date";
>  $query = "INSERT INTO gigs VALUES('0','$date','$location','$venue','$info')";
>  break;


> +--+---+--+-+-++
> | Field| Type  | Null | Key | Default | Extra  |
> +--+---+--+-+-++
> | showid   | mediumint(5)  |  | PRI | NULL| auto_increment |
> | date | timestamp(10) | YES  | | NULL||

Realize that, according to the mysql docs, timestamp(10) expects
its input to be in the format, YYMMDDHHMM.

> | location | varchar(40)   |  | | ||
> | venue| varchar(40)   |  | | ||
> | info | mediumtext|  | | ||
> +--+---+--+-+-++

> and when i query it i get this:
> +++-+--+---+
> | showid | date   | location| venue| info  |
> +++-+--+---+
> |  1 | 00 | Framingham, Ma. | Denison Hall | -TBA- |
> +++-+--+---+

And strtotime() is creating a different format. It's the the number of
non-leap seconds since epoch. I guess MySQL doesn't understand that, in
that situation.

> the date field is empty, but it should be filled. When i enter in the value for the 
>date field in the form, I enter it as such: Jan 11, 2002  . I tested this beforehand 
>and it worked. What the hell is wrong??

$date = strftime("%y%m%d%H%M", strtotime($date));

And that should produce, using your example:

See if that works..

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Re: [PHP] PHP4 and IB SS 6.01

2001-12-25 Thread Brian Clark

* Todd Cary ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [Dec 24. 2001 13:46]:

> Currently, the IB SS rpm puts Interbase into /opt/interbase.  Here are
> the instructions in the HowTo

OK, what you need to find are the includes for interbase. If you
installed from RPMs, you need to get the interbase "-dev" or "-devel"
equivalent also and isntall it.

> +++
> 4.Change to the PHP directory, configure PHP with PostgreSQL support
> where the PostgreSQL
> header files directory is /usr/include/pgsql, install directory
> is /usr/local/php4, build and install
> PHP:

> $ cd php-4.0.4pl1
> $ ./configure --with-pgsql=/usr/include/pgsql
> --prefix=/usr/local/php4

Just so you know, this will build PHP as a CGI, but you didn't say
whether or not you wanted this as an apache module instead. If you're
doing web-work with this, which I'd think you are, then you'll need
either --with-apxs or --with-apache=[apache's-source-dir] to build PHP
as an Apache module. 

> $ make
> $ make install
> +++

> Using

> $./configure --with-interbase=/opt/interbase
> --prefix=/usr/local/php4

> produces an error: "Cannot find httpd.h" or something close to that.

Install the interbase "-devel" package, then try one of these:

$./configure \
--with-interbase=/opt \


$./configure \
--with-interbase=/usr \


$./configure \
--with-interbase=/usr/local \


If you don't want an apache module built, leave off --with-apxs and
it'll create a standalone PHP executable (probably in 
/usr/local/bin/php unless you use --prefix=/usr in your configure line)

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5 out of 4 people have trouble with fractions.

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Re: [PHP] SNMP with 4.1.0

2001-12-25 Thread Brian Clark

* Peter Hicks ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [Dec 24. 2001 17:39]:

> > > gcc: /usr/local/snmp/lib/.libs/ No such file or directory

> > Does actually exist in /usr/local/snmp/lib?

> Yes (a symlink to another file, which exists), and SNMP is detected fine
> through 'configure'.

OK, another try. You say the file exists, but does it exist in
/usr/local/snmp/lib/.libs? If not, you could always try a symlink to get
them acquainted. Chances are, you've already tried that, correct?

Brian Clark | Avoiding the general public since 1805!
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Re: [PHP] gd_installation

2001-12-24 Thread Brian Clark

* EMIN CALIKLI ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [Dec 25. 2001 01:47]:

> ---
> A system error has occurred.

> System error 1067 has occurred.

> The process terminated unexpectedly.

Oh my goodness, you gotta love Microsoft. You crash your car and the
policeman asks, "How did this happen?" You then tell the policeman, 
"I drove the car. I hit mailbox 1067." Full of detail, right?

Unless someone else in this forum is using ISS and knows where to look
for a more detailed error (like an error.log?), my guess is that the gd
library needs something else and can't find it. 

gd requires libpng, zlib and jpeg-6b. Now whether or not that DLL
already has that information built-in, I don't know.

Is there a tool for Windows that will let you see a specific DLL's

How did you install all of this? Did you use this package?


Or are you using an older build?

Another thing I just noticed is the name of the file. Are you positive
the file isn't supposed to be named php_gd.dll instead of ph_gd.dll? Try
making a copy of it and renaming it php_gd.dll and try to load that

If that doesn't work, try this DLL instead:


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Re: [PHP] SNMP with 4.1.0

2001-12-24 Thread Brian Clark

* Brian Clark ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [Dec 24. 2001 22:26]:

> OK, how about building the DSO via apxs manually and see if you get any
> errors? IIRC, you can then place it in the correct directory in the
> apache source and use --enable-shared=snmp in apache's configure 
> *I think*. Why, let me ask Santa.. 

> Yes, Santa says he believes that should work.

Nevermind, I need to quit smoking the mistletoe. You're trying to build
PHP with that configure option, which is *DUH* the point of this list.
Just ignore everything I said.. 

Brian Clark | Avoiding the general public since 1805!
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Re: [PHP] SNMP with 4.1.0

2001-12-24 Thread Brian Clark

* Peter Hicks ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [Dec 24. 2001 17:39]:

> > Does actually exist in /usr/local/snmp/lib?

> Yes (a symlink to another file, which exists), and SNMP is detected fine
> through 'configure'.

> I have two theories. The first is that is the name of the Apache
> module that is being compiled and it is being referenced incorrectly; the
> second is that a spurious .libs/ has appeared from somewhere.

OK, how about building the DSO via apxs manually and see if you get any
errors? IIRC, you can then place it in the correct directory in the
apache source and use --enable-shared=snmp in apache's configure 
*I think*. Why, let me ask Santa.. 

Yes, Santa says he believes that should work.

Brian Clark | Avoiding the general public since 1805!
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Re: [PHP] SNMP with 4.1.0

2001-12-24 Thread Brian Clark

* Peter Hicks ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [Dec 24. 2001 15:26]:

> I am having terrible difficulty trying to build 4.1.0 as an Apache shared
> module. Without SNMP support, all is well. However, as soon as I add
> --with-snmp=..., I get the following at compile time:

> gcc: /usr/local/snmp/lib/.libs/ No such file or directory

Does actually exist in /usr/local/snmp/lib?

> make[3]: *** [] Error 1
> make[3]: Leaving directory `/usr/local/src/web/ssl2/php-4.1.0/ext/snmp'
> make[2]: *** [all-recursive] Error 1
> make[2]: Leaving directory `/usr/local/src/web/ssl2/php-4.1.0/ext/snmp'
> make[1]: *** [all-recursive] Error 1
> make[1]: Leaving directory `/usr/local/src/web/ssl2/php-4.1.0/ext'

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Re: [PHP] gd_installation

2001-12-24 Thread Brian Clark

* EMIN CALIKLI ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [Dec 24. 2001 09:47]:

> Hi ,
> I configured php 4.0.6 to run on IIS4.0 but I can 't load ph_gd.dll extension . I 
>can use other
> extensions succesfully (like php_mssql.dll ,php_pdf.dll etc.)  . Did anyone can help 
>me about this
> subject?
> Sincerely.

What's the exact error you're getting?

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Re: [PHP] How to compile Apache/PHP

2001-12-24 Thread Brian Clark

* Miles Thompson ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [Dec 24. 2001 08:45]:

> One little quirk. When you install MySQL from source the path to it is 
> different than when you install it from an rpm. One of them, and I can't 
> remember which, adds an extra directory layer. But really, go with the 
> compile from source.

In addition to this, Todd, the install docs at (and the Linux
notes), are quite good, so have a look there, too, if you run into
problems. (Or was it Interbase that you wanted? Must be the egg nogg)
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3 kinds of people: those who can count and those who can't.

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Re: [PHP] Why Can't I Get PHP to Work with MySQL??

2001-12-23 Thread Brian Clark

* Ben Ocean ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [Dec 23. 2001 16:45]:

> >>./configure --with-apxs=/etc/httpd/bin/apxs --with-mysql=/usr/local/mysql 
> >>--with-kerberos=/usr/kerberos --with-ldap=/usr/local/openldap

> >>So, what gives? I've googled this one and it appears there's a lot of 
> >>folks with this question unanswered!


> Well, I'm afraid I've done all of that and the problem remains :(
> I recalled I also had to hard-code something in the configure script that 
> wasn't working properly:

> #  for i in lib lib/mysql; do

> #  str="$MYSQL_DIR/$i/libmysqlclient.*"
> #  for j in `echo $str`; do
> #if test -r $j; then
> #  break 2
> #fi
> #  done
> #
> #  done
> MYSQL_LIB_DIR=/usr/local/lib

> (starts at around line 3350). I was getting this error:

> configure: error: Cannot find mysqlclient library under /usr/local/mysql

> whereas the library is actually found under /usr/local/lib/mysql. At any 

Didn't we just go over this yesterday? You needed to pass
--with-mysql=/usr/local instead of --with-mysql=/usr/local/mysql

In the configure you edited, it's going to be looking for [Whatever you
passed configure for --with-mysql] plus a) lib or b) lib/mysql plus

So when you pass configure --with-mysql=/usr/local/mysql and the path is
actually /usr/local/lib/mysql, you're making it look in a)
/usr/local/mysql/lib or b) /usr/local/mysql/lib/mysql

It doesn't find what it's looking for, so it tells you " Cannot find
mysqlclient library under /usr/local/mysql", which is the path you gave
it. The error is sort of misleading because it doesn't report *exactly*
where it looked, but it's correct nonetheless.

You need to pass it /usr/local because that is the correct *base* path. 
Now, after that, if it doesn't configure correctly, that's another story.

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Re: [PHP] How to compile Apache/PHP

2001-12-23 Thread Brian Clark

* Todd Cary ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [Dec 23. 2001 10:42]:

> I am quite new to the Linux environment and do not have experience with
> "make" files.  The platform is RH Linux 7.2 with the included Apache and
> the PHP rpm, "php-devel-4.0.4pl1-9.i386.rpm".  I need someone to give me
> the step by step process of creating a version of Apache that will
> process PHP extensions.

That's a tall order without knowing exactly what's what with your 
system. :-)

> Many thanks..


Which isn't exactly what you want..

And see the comments here:


I can tell you that you will have problems. It's all a part of the
learning process. No two systems are likely to be the same when it comes
to installing this stuff.

The RPMs with -devel aren't the precompiled "Ready made" executables.

These may also help:


I would suggest learning to install all of this stuff from source
archives, rather than depending on RPMs, for the first time.

I know all of the above is kinda spotty, but I hope it gets you started.

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All you will ever be you are now becoming.

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Re: [PHP] gd problem

2001-12-22 Thread Brian Clark

* Phillip B. Bruce ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [Dec 22. 2001 14:47]:

> Hi,


>How can I tell if a web server has gd library load properly. I'm
> having problem with
>the imagecreatejpeg as the graphics does not want to come up. The
> code is correct.
>As other images that doesn't use this are coming up ok.

Do this:

% echo '' > /path/to/web/root/foo.php

(of course, change the path to taste)

Then open foo.php in your web browser. Look for the section titled `gd'

That should tell you everything you need to know about gd support in
your build of PHP.

Brian Clark | Avoiding the general public since 1805!
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Forget Napster. Why not really break the law?

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Re: [PHP] PHP software tool

2001-12-22 Thread Brian Clark

* LaserJetter ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [Dec 22. 2001 13:49]:

> Does anybody know of or can recommend any freeware text editing tools for
> editing PHP code in Win32?
> I can manage with Windows' Notepad but something with code highlighting etc
> and of a similar footprint to notepad would be useful.

FAQ like you would not believe.


Brian Clark | Avoiding the general public since 1805!
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HTML email needs a rant tag.

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Re: [PHP] Premature EOS Header

2001-12-22 Thread Brian Clark

* Anthony F. Rodriguez ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [Dec 22. 2001 10:25]:

> When I call the following script, I get "Premature End of Script Header". Why?
>  if ($password!=$row_2["password"])
> {
>   @mysql_free_result($result_1);
>   @mysql_close($connection);
>   header ("location:dis_3.htm");

It may be because of that ^^^ line. Try this:

header("Location: dis_3.htm");

Or check your server's error_log (which is bound to give you the reason

Brian Clark | Avoiding the general public since 1805!
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Common sense is not.

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Re: [PHP] PGP --> PHP

2001-12-22 Thread Brian Clark

* J.Mueller, GmbH ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [Dec 22. 2001 10:03]:

> Hello Everybody,


> we have a problem to implement a PGP-function into
> a PHP-Script. PHP 4.0.6 as CGI, Apache 1.3.11, FeeBSD 4.2

> a)
> PGP from the command line works:
> % pgps -ato test.sig test.txt -z passphrase

> b)
> Calling a little PHP Script
> $kommando  = "/usr/local/bin/pgps -ato test.sig test.txt -z passphrase";
> exec("$kommando",$antwort);

> to do so, also everything works fine:

>   % virtual /usr/local/bin/php /etc/test-pgp.php
>   Creating output file test.sig
>   X-Powered-By: PHP/4.0.6
>   Content-type: text/html

> c)
> But when we use this very same PHP-code within a script, and call this
> script through the web, it's not working anymore and the error_log
> says

>   Cannot open configuration file pgp.cfg
>   Cannot open secret keyring "secring.skr"
>   Cannot open public keyring "pubring.pkr"

> Why is that and can this problem be solved ?

This happens because when you run this from the shell, it's picking up 
your environment. Apache has a completely different environment.

You need to create a dummy keyring for Apache's user in the location
this may provide:

Home is: ' .  $effective_user['dir'];

Or you can use putenv() to make apache temporarily use another $HOME 
that has the correct keyrings.


Brian Clark | Avoiding the general public since 1805!
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I think you need to flash your brain's firmware.

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Re: [PHP] Config Problems

2001-12-22 Thread Brian Clark

* Ben Ocean ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [Dec 22. 2001 12:38]:

> Yeah, I know. It's not an urgent matter, but I'll probably do with that 
> what I'm doing with php and mysql, etc.: rip out the rpms (rpm -e) and 
> install from source with my own config files, then symlink openssl-whatever 
> openssl. Just so much more control that way :))

Wise choice. :)

Brian Clark | Avoiding the general public since 1805!
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STATUS QUO is Latin for the mess we're in.

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Re: [PHP] ./configure error. won't let me continue...

2001-12-22 Thread Brian Clark

* [EMAIL PROTECTED] ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [Dec 22. 2001 02:59]:

> Hello. 


>I am trying to 
> ./configure
> and I have many options I want to add. I receive an error which is further 
> below. It comes after I type this endless ./configure which you see below as 
> shown via telnet:


> ***ERROR IS:***
> configure: error: can only configure for one host and one target at a time 

> What does this mean?

configure can't figure out what kind of machine it is. For example, on
this machine:

(/usr/local/src/php-4.1.0)% /bin/bash config.guess

What do you get when you run `/bin/bash config.guess` in your php source
directory? (Judging by what you wrote, it'll tell you nothing, but just
try it and see. Make sure you are in the top level of the source directory).

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It's OK to be paranoid when everyone is out to get you.

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Re: [PHP] Config Problems

2001-12-22 Thread Brian Clark

* Ben Ocean ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [Dec 22. 2001 11:54]:

> Well, that got me headed in the right direction. I ended up combining all 
> the commands on one line and removing the references to openssl (I'll mess 
> with that later) and it worked. I have no_idea why...

If you installed openssl from something like an rpm or deb package, you
may need to get the -dev version which contains all the libraries
configure is looking for. You may only have the shared libraries and
configure is looking for the header files, etc. If you install those,
configure might properly pick up openssl.

Brian Clark | Avoiding the general public since 1805!
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Re: [PHP] Config Problems

2001-12-22 Thread Brian Clark

* Ben Ocean ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [Dec 22. 2001 03:22]:

> None of these suggestions worked. So...what's wrong with this config script 
> that it throws these errors?

This may make no difference what so ever, but try removing config.cache,
then use my suggestions and see if you get a different result.

(No need to CC me this time)

Brian Clark | Avoiding the general public since 1805!
Fingerprint: 07CE FA37 8DF6 A109 8119 076B B5A2 E5FB E4D0 C7C8
English is my second language, gibberish is my first.

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Re: [PHP] Config Problems

2001-12-21 Thread Brian Clark

* Brian Clark ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [Dec 22. 2001 00:09]:

> > --with-ldap=/usr/local/openldap/ \

> Probably --with-ldap=/usr here

Whoops. For ldap, I meant --with-ldap=/usr/local according to what you

> For that, =/usr is probably what you want. It just wants to base path
> usually; it should know to look in include.

" just wants THE base path.."

The. The base path. 

Brian Clark | Avoiding the general public since 1805!
Fingerprint: 07CE FA37 8DF6 A109 8119 076B B5A2 E5FB E4D0 C7C8
All you will ever be you are now becoming.

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Re: [PHP] Config Problems

2001-12-21 Thread Brian Clark

* Ben Ocean ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [Dec 22. 2001 00:01]:

> Hi;


> I'm installing php from source and I've run into these config errors:


> Here's my config script:

> #!/bin/sh
> cd /usr/local/php
> ./configure --with-apache=/usr/src/redhat/SOURCES/apache \
> --with-openssl=/usr/share/doc/openssl \

Try --with-openssl=/usr or --with-openssl=/usr/local

> --with-kerberos=/usr/krb/ \

Try --with-kerberos=/usr

> --with-imap-ssl=/usr/share/doc/openssl \

--with-imap-ssl=/usr or --with-openssl=/usr/local

> --with-ldap=/usr/local/openldap/ \

Probably --with-ldap=/usr here

> --with-mysql=/usr/local/mysql


> exit 0

> I've also tried the *openssl* part pointing to /usr/include/openssl which 
> is where evp.h lives. Why these bizarre errors when the pointers point to 

For that, =/usr is probably what you want. It just wants to base path
usually; it should know to look in include.

Brian Clark | Avoiding the general public since 1805!
Fingerprint: 07CE FA37 8DF6 A109 8119 076B B5A2 E5FB E4D0 C7C8
All civilizations become either spacefaring or extinct.

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Re: [PHP] spliti

2001-12-21 Thread Brian Clark

* Yamin Prabudy ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [Dec 21. 2001 23:17]:

> $line = "no more words to say";

> then I want to split them all I used 

> spliti(" ",$line);

> Then want to print it out say
> echo $word[0] $word[1] $word[$i];

or 3.x, use a while() with:

> how can I do this..

> Thanks in Advance


Brian Clark | Avoiding the general public since 1805!
Fingerprint: 07CE FA37 8DF6 A109 8119 076B B5A2 E5FB E4D0 C7C8
It's been lovely, but I have to scream now.

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Re: [PHP] Signing Files with PGP

2001-12-20 Thread Brian Clark

* J.Mueller, GmbH ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [Dec 20. 2001 04:17]:

> Hello List,


> I try to setup a script which automatically 
> signs a file with PGP.


> When I use something like

> $command="/usr/local/bin/pgps -u Juergen -ato test1.sig ~/test1.txt";
> exec("$command",$answer);

> obviously nothing is happening cause the pass phrase was
> not given.

One way is to use popen() to execute the command and fputs() to write 
out the passphrase.


Brian Clark | Avoiding the general public since 1805!
Fingerprint: 07CE FA37 8DF6 A109 8119 076B B5A2 E5FB E4D0 C7C8
Variables won't constants aren't.

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Re: [PHP] 4.10

2001-12-18 Thread Brian Clark

* Mark ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [Dec 18. 2001 17:44]:

> Hi, I'm trying to build php 4.10 with Ming support.
> (the ming I get from cvs that is supposed to work with 4.10)


> Configuring libtool
> checking build system type... i686-pc-linux-gnu
> checking for ld used by GCC... /usr/bin/ld
> checking if the linker (/usr/bin/ld) is GNU ld... yes
> checking for BSD-compatible nm... /usr/bin/nm -B
> updating cache ./config.cache
> ./ltconfig: ./ltconfig: No such file or directory
> configure: error: libtool configure failed



Brian Clark | Avoiding the general public since 1805!
Fingerprint: 07CE FA37 8DF6 A109 8119 076B B5A2 E5FB E4D0 C7C8
$ mount -t neuro /dev/brain /mnt/head

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Re: [PHP] seg fault with snmp

2001-12-15 Thread Brian Clark

* kancha ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [Dec 15. 2001 02:59]:

> I did not get a core dump. I got following in my apache error log file


> On Saturday 15 December 2001 13:01, Brian Clark wrote:

> > (Be sure to take note of all the little comments on that page)

No time to read "all the little comments," eh? :-)

Go back here:


And read "If you can't get a core file"

I'm not a great speed reader either. 

 -Brian Clark

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