Re: What is SMTP-AUTH error message coming from?

2009-08-13 Thread Martin Feitag
Mark Hansen schrieb:
> On 08/13/09 15:48, chicagofan wrote:
>> Mark Hansen wrote:
>>> On 08/13/09 15:19, chicagofan wrote:
 Here's some info from my Charter User's Forum at BBR that may be

 Darkk Almont, MI ·Charter Pipeline

 reply to Nikkor @ Port 25

 Yes, port 25 into and out of the Charter network is blocked for 
 residential customers.

 It is not blocked internal to Charter's network, allowing full
 access to the Charter SMTP server.

 This means that you cannot run your own SMTP server or access the
 SMTP servers of other ISPs on port 25 from inside the Charter

 Either use Charter's SMTP server or determine what alternate (and 
 secure) ports are available for your use on your alternate ISP. 
 2008-05-19 08:04:23

>>> BJ, Yes, this is normal, and not relevant to your problem. I don't 
>>> think you would get the error you're getting if you weren't talking 
>>> to their SMTP server.
>>> It sounds like you have SeaMonkey configured to use Authentication, 
>>> and Charter doesn't want that. However, as you indicate you don't 
>>> have that set, I don't know what else it could be. Perhaps you need 
>>> to set "Use Authentication", exit SeaMonkey, then restart it and 
>>> clear that selection and see if it works.
>>> To be sure we're talking about the same settings, go to Edit -> Mail
>>> & Newsgroups Account Settings, Outgoing Server (SMTP) then select
>>> your SMTP server and click on the Edit button.
>>> Under Security and Authentication, make sure "Use name and password" 
>>> is not checked. Under Use secure connection, select No.
>>> Note: I'm not using 2.0 yet, so there may be a 2.0-specific issue 
>>> here.
>>> Best Regards,
>> I thought I had tried re-setting it, but now that I think about it... I
>> didn't see any option to use "Name and Password" anywhere.  I'll check
>> that again, and  restarting SeaMonkey.Thanks!
>> bj
> Remember that I'm not using 2.0, so your dialogs may be (and likely are)
> different. However, you should still have an option to use (or not use)
> a user name and password when communicating with the SMTP server. It
> sounds like Charter wants you to turn this off.
> Good luck.

Most dialogs are the same (luckily), that setting can be found in
SM2.0b1 there too like you described. :-)


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Re: Tab won't delete - get error message

2009-08-13 Thread Martin Feitag
Hartmut Figge schrieb:
> Martin Feitag:
>> DoctorBill schrieb:
>> picture doesn't work for me, just a white page.
> That ist strange.
> (99 KB)

Must have been a temporary server issue, I tried about 7 times even
without ad-blockers etc. no chance, but now it's fine...

Back to the error-message: that looks like the classic
tabbrowser-extensions-error to me. Got them installed?
Only a restart of SM without re-loading the tab-session can fix this.

I'm using the tabbrowser extensions myself in SM1.1.x although they are
officially abandoned and the author warns on his site that they're
unstable. (when opening hundreds of tabs, they will often crash and
moving tabs with the mouse constantly gives me this kind of error when
trying to close a certain tab afterwards, I tend to not move tabs with
the mouse anymore)
A shame that tabmixplus doesn't work for SM ;-(


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Re: print problem

2009-08-13 Thread Martin Feitag
Norvin schrieb:
> Recently when I try to print an email and I hit 'print' and then I get
> the small screen asking how many copies, etc, I hit the 'OK' and it
> would print. Now for some reason (?) after I hit the 'print' I get the
> screen but it is in the lower right section of the email screen and the
> 'OK' button is not in sight and I have to raise the print screen to get
> to the ok button. Not a big problem for me but the wife is not
> understanding why it is not working like it use to, and I guess I am to.
> Any suggestions on how to move it back into the middle of the monitor to
> make life easier for my wife.

Try to delete the file localstore.rdf in your profile*, SM will forget
about all window-positions then. Rearrange all windows as needed afterwards.



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Re: Tab won't delete - get error message

2009-08-13 Thread Martin Feitag
DoctorBill schrieb:
> Every now and then, I cannot delete a TAB.
> I get this error message and "OK" does on it.
> Am I doing something wrong (as usual)?
> DoctorBIll

picture doesn't work for me, just a white page.


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Re: Problem with right-clicking on a Google map

2009-08-13 Thread Martin Feitag
Ray_Net schrieb:
> DoctorBill wrote:
>> Paul Hartman wrote:
>>> On Wed, Aug 12, 2009 at 7:25 PM, John wrote:
 With Internet Explorer I can right-click on a Google Map and it pops
 up a
 special Google menu which has a very useful (to me) choice at the
 "What's here?". Clicking on that returns the latitude and longitude
 of the
 selected point in the Google search box. I've been told by other
 users that
 this also works with Firefox 3.5.
>>> In your preferences do you have it set to disallow sites to change or
>>> disable your context menu?
>> Just butting in - how do you do that ?
>> have no idea where to go in Preferences to do that
>> DoctorBill
> May be ... it's a preference in Google Map, not in SM.
> (just an idea)

It's in the Seamonkey Preferences, Advanced => Scripts&Plugins

If there's a site which wants to prevent you from downloading a picture
or similar by right-clicking or so, just turn it off again.
For google maps it needs to be allowed.


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Re: SeaMonkey 1.1.17 Compatibility with MailWasher 6.51 (Free)

2009-08-13 Thread Martin Feitag
Frog schrieb:
> I checked the MailWasher Web page and learned that the free version of
> this software is now MailWasher 6.51.  It indicates on the web page that
> it is compatible with Thunderbird 2 (no mention of SeaMonkey is
> indicated on this web page).  Is it likely that this MailWasher 6.51
> software is compatible with SeaMonkey 1.1.17 software? 
Yes, Seamonkey 1.1.17 and TB2 are very similar.

> Additionally, I
> have downloaded the MailWasher 6.51 (free) software to my computer and
> need to know how best to load it on my system (if anybody has experience
> with this software).  Do I remove the existing software (via Add/Remove)
> or simply let the updated version load over the existing version.  I
> can't find the answer to this question on the software makers web page
> (must have Pro version or the paid for version of MailWasher before I
> can get this information from the software maker).  My reason for
> wanting to be careful of my actions here is my present version has been
> "trained" to recognize what I consider good messages and what I consider
> to be spam.  I would like to maintain this established "training" in my
> new updated version of MailWasher 6.51.

It's probably a good idea to just "update" the existing installation then.
As the major-Version didn't change this shouldn't be much of a problem.


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Re: Filters for newsgroups [Usenet]

2009-08-12 Thread Martin Feitag
NoOp schrieb:
> On 08/11/2009 04:30 PM, chicagofan wrote:
>> Is there any chance SM will ever have a message filter in the future,
>> that will block crossposting, as we could with the old Netscape programs?
>> Or is there an add on that will do that, like Fix News did for Netscape?
>> Some newsgroups are just impossible to keep up with, because of spammers
>> cross posting, and constantly changing their addresses.  Of course it's
>> always worse in the summer, when all the kiddies have too much time on
>> their hands.  :)
>> bj
> 2.0 provides filtering by headers, so it's relatively easy to filter any
> crossposted post. Just filter on:
> Newsgroup
>   contains
>  ,

Have you tested that successfully?
I tried to add a tag for a test and nothing happened at all :-S


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Re: SM 2.0Beta Install

2009-08-10 Thread Martin Feitag
A Williams schrieb:
> Something totally obvious and probably a deliberate decision:
> SM 2.0Beta does not allow you to *not* install the Mail/Newsgroups
> client.  I have a three machines where I just need the Browser and the
> Html editor, in the past that was all I ever installed on them.
> We are talking WinXP here.

This option has been removed in SM2.
Probably because it doesn't save much space anyway...


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Re: SeaMonkey gets slower and slower

2009-08-10 Thread Martin Feitag
Paul B. Gallagher schrieb:
> NoOp wrote:
>> On 08/08/2009 11:23 PM, Ant wrote:
>>> AFAIK, Amazon doesn't use Java. I know it uses Flash. Have you tried
>>> clearing caches, cookies, and history?
>>> SeaMonkey v1.x does get slower and slower in Windows with longer
>>> uptimes in Windows XP SP2-3. I know it leaks memory for long uptime
>>> (have seen its peak go almost 1 GB!), many tabs (I can go crazy like
>>> 50+ tabs at once!), etc. Also, having many extensions (have almost 20!).
>>> When I don't need to use SM, I do exit it to free up memory.
>> As Robert pointed out, SM 2.0 is considerably better. However, I'd
>> recommend that you install PrefBar:
>> Customize it to add the 'Clear Mem Cache' button and clear the memory
>> cache (and others) when you notice the problem. To add the button, you
>> can either click on the 'Customize' button, or use:
>> Edit|Preferences|Preferences Toolbar. Works in 1.1.x and 2.0x.
> This strikes me as a solution in search of a problem. I can easily clear
> the cache by going into Edit | Preferences | Advanced | Cache, and it
> only takes me an extra second or two. Not enough trouble to justify
> installing an extra bit of software.

Oh, it has other nice buttons and checkboxes, too. ;-) (e.g. for
enabling/disabling PopUps, javascript, restoring the last tab, etc.)

> What I would like to have is a user setting that tells SM do/don't clear
> cache on exit, or clear cache every nn hours, or something like that.

Included in SM2.0

> With modern broadband connections, caching doesn't really speed up pae
> loading that much anymore the way it did in the dialup days.

If you define "broadband" like the German government, it's still an
important part of the browser for some people. ;-)


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Re: Templates?

2009-08-10 Thread Martin Feitag
chicagofan schrieb:
> Benoit Renard wrote:
>> chicagofan wrote:
>>> I am using SM 1.1.14, and have need of a template for the first
>>> time.  I don't seem to have that ability now.
>> Looking under the File menu while viewing a message, I see "Template"
>>  under "Save As". :)
> BLESS YOU!!!  I thought it was a folder under Inbox before, and rarely
> use "Save As"... so I completely missed it.
> Thanks so much!  :)
> bj

I'm not 100% sure for SM1.1.x but I think there's also this button in
the toolbar: 
That saves another click ;-)


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Re: settings for this account

2009-08-10 Thread Martin Feitag
Rick Merrill schrieb:
> Mark Hansen wrote:
>> On 08/09/09 14:54, Rick Merrill wrote:
>>> Mark Hansen wrote:
 On 08/09/09 13:57, Rick Merrill wrote:
> If you open "View Settings for this account" in Mail&Newsgroups
> the "ok" button does not work - it just sits there.  SM 1.1.17
 Is it a new problem for 1.1.17? I'm using 1.1.16 on both Linux
 and Windows/XP, and it works fine in both.

>>> I don't recall seeing it before. All the functions work, except for
>>> the "Ok" button :-)  Perhaps I misunderstand what "Ok" means, but I
>>> expected the GUI to apply and close. It still closes with the
>>> Windows'Close button just fine.
>> I think you're understanding of the OK button is correct. I don't
>> have 1.1.17 installed yet, so I can't test that version specifically.
>> Perhaps you could create a new profile and test it there, just to
>> make sure it's not a profile problem?
>> Best Regards,
> It was a Curious Thing, but not enough of a Problem Case... but a
> profile is a possibility.

probably a good idea as the OK works fine here :-)


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Re: settings for this account

2009-08-08 Thread Martin Feitag
Rick Merrill schrieb:
> THe popup does it's job, but hitting OK does nothing.
>  Why?
> Hitting the X closes the GUI just fine.

What the hell are you taklking about?

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Re: Go Forward & Go Back buttons

2009-08-08 Thread Martin Feitag
Paul Hartman schrieb:
> On Fri, Aug 7, 2009 at 1:21 PM, Rachel wrote:
>> I'm new to Seamonkey so I'm still finding my way around although I have
>> migrated from Thunderbird.
>> Can anybody explain the purpose of the Go Forward and Go Back buttons on the
>> Mail & Newsgroups toolbar? They seem to be greyed out most of the time. As
>> navigational aids they don't seem to be of much use.
>> Rachel
> I don't have those buttons... I'm using Seamonkey 1.1.17 and the Modern theme.

probably "invented" in SM2.0 then as Rachel is using SM2.0b1


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Re: Changing the "Profile" location.

2009-08-08 Thread Martin Feitag
Frog schrieb:
> Martin Feitag wrote:
>> Moving your profile to your data-partition is a very good idea as you
>> can format your OS-partition (or reload backup, whatever) at any time
>> without losing any of your profile data.
>> regards
>> Martin
> I'm sorry for the delay in getting back to this subject--I have been
> otherwise occupied by my daughters surgery.
> I'm not sure I know what I am doing when I start moving my profile to
> the E:\ partition of my hard drive.  Let me explain and hope you can
> give me a little further guidance.
> -
> Step 1 - Completely close Mozilla Suite/SeaMonkey 1.x
> **Done.
> -
> Step 2 - Copy the folder (which contain the .SLT
> folder to wherever you want to store it, as long as no other folder with
> the same name exists in that location.  You can copy it anywhere except
> the application's program directory.
> **Currently, my profile is found in the following location:
> C:\Documents and Settings\Frog\Application Data\Mozilla
> Under Mozilla at this point I have the following:
> Mozilla
>   Frog-SeaM
>  g66n48iz.slt
> chrome
> Mail
>Local Folders
> News
>(((and other news groups I visit)))
> I decided, based on the instructions above that I was to copy the
> "Profiles" folder to the E partition of my hard drive...becoming
> E:\Profiles.  That action was completed.  I checked to see that all sub
> folders under the "Profiles" folder was also copied to the E:\ location
> and they were.   So far, all was going without a glitch.
> QUESTION 1: I desire to move everything from Mozilla folder on to the
> E:\ partition.  Is this possible?  I'm not sure what moving the Mozilla
> folder, a folder that includes a sub folder "Extensions", will do to my
> tomtom GPS update connection.
> -
> Step 3 - Start Profile Manager - **Done.
> -
> Step 4 - Click on "Create Profile..." and, in the dialog that opens,
> enter the new profile name, using the EXACT same name as the  name> folder you copied.  For example, if you are copying the
> MyProfile\.SLT folder, enter MYProfile as the new profile name.
> **I did as instructed, I placed Frog-SeaM in the "new profile name" blank.
> -
> Strp 5 - If you placed the  folder in a different location
> (other than the Default profile location):
> Check on the "Choose Folder..." button.  A "Browse for Folder" dialog
> will open.
> Select the folder that contains the  folder you copied.
> For example, if you placed the folder inside the
> D:Mozilla\Profiles folder, select the "Profiles" folder.
> ***I chose the E:\Profiles in the dropdown window.  I thought everything
> was working as advertised at this point--I identified the name of my
> profile as Frog/SeaM and that it was located on my system at E:\Profiles.
> -
> Review the path shown in the "Completing the Create Profile Wizard"
> dialog to make sure it is correct, and then click "Finish" to create the
> new Profile.
> ***When reviewing this step, I found that I was not able to proceed any
> further, as I was informed that a profile already exists with the same
> name...and to please select a different name for my profile.
> I hit cancel again because I didn't know what to do next.  Can you give
> me some guidance that will get me the rest of the way through this process?

*Argh* This is awful.
Try to rename your old profile in the profile-manager after copying it.
(take it as step 3a after step3)


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Re: Order of Email Accounts

2009-08-07 Thread Martin Feitag
Bill Davidsen schrieb:
> Rubens wrote:
>> Best of luck.
> After reading all these approaches, some of which I have used before, I
> can only say that drag and drop reordering sure would be easier. For
> accounts and folders and newsgroups, each of which has a workaround,
> none of which is intuitive.

at least newsgroups can be re-ordered by drag'n'drop in SM2 :-)


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Re: Uninstalling SM 2.0a3 and reverting to 1.17 on WinXP - No Problem

2009-08-06 Thread Martin Feitag
Arnie Goetchius schrie>
> Further research shows a way of moving the profile to another location.
> It is included in
> under the heading of "Modify profiles.ini to point to the new location -
> Advanced. - Firefox Thunderbird and SeaMonkey 2"
> So it appears that there is a workaround to get the files where I want
> them. Presumably, the profile folder is installed on the C: partition on
> the initial install no matter what you say in the "Custom" install
> dialogue. After that, you can use the above instructions to move the
> profile to another partition. I have not tried it yet.

This is correct, the default locaton is on C: of course (at least as
long as your "documents and settings"-directory is there.
So you can
- move that entire docs&settings directory to D: or F: or whtever
- edit the profiles.ini as you said
- use the profile-manager (tools-menu in SM and in the windows
start-menu also) of SM to create a profile wherever you want after
installing it.


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Re: Parts of eBay items pages have quit working in SM.

2009-08-06 Thread Martin Feitag
fdkattau schrieb:
> Are OK in firefox.  Can't enlarge pics or look at additional pics

Tried with a new profile? Do that first.

Which version of Firefox? Firefox2 is the same engine as Seamonkey1.1.x
If you compared to Firefox3, then you should know that this is the
engine Seamonkey2.0 uses.
So if a new profile doesn't help, maybe give Seamonkey2.0 beta1 a try.
It will work besides your SM1 installation.


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Re: E-Mail Forwarding goes to eml.

2009-08-05 Thread Martin Feitag
DoctorBill schrieb:
> When I want to forward an E-Mail I have received, the forwarded message
> is not in the message area, but over in the Attachments box as title.eml.
> I cannot see it anymore.
> Can I stop this and make the forwarded message appear where I can see
> it and maybe put comments into it ?

Yes of course. :-)
Open Edit => Preferences, then select Mail&Newsgroups. There should be
an option namd "Composing" or similar. You can select to forward
messages inline or as attachment. Your choice wouldbe "inline" then.


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Re: Thunderbird

2009-08-04 Thread Martin Feitag
Ray_Net schrieb:
> Martin Feitag wrote:
>> Ray_Net schrieb:
>>> I want to install Thunderbird on my pc to help a friend.
>>> I have SeaMonkey intalled and i have seen that the profile for
>>> Thunderbird is located at:
>>> C:\Documents and Settings\[User Name]\Application
>>> Data\Thunderbird\Profiles\
>>> SeaMonkey profile is located at:
>>> C:\Documents and Settings\[User Name]\Application Data\Mozilla\Profiles\
>>> Therefore the two profiles are distincts.
>>> The question is:
>>> Could i install Thunderbird in such a way that the installation ignores
>>> the Mozilla profiles ?
>>> If the question is inappropriate for this group would you be kind to
>>> tell me where to post this question...
>> Why should TB not ignore the moz-profile? My guess would be that it does.
>> If you have proven the opposite, just rename/move the moz-profile during
>> TB installation so that it creaes it's own profile in the thunderbird
>> directory and then move/rename it moz-profile back.
>> regards
> So renaming C:\Documents and Settings\[User Name]\Application
> Data\Mozilla\Profiles\
> like C:\Documents and Settings\[User Name]\Application
> Data\MozillaX\ProfilesX\
> before installing Thunderbird should be ok ?

Yes I think so.
As stated I wouldn't expect it to take these ones without renaming but
you can make sure by renaming anyway ;-)

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Re: Video/audio sync problem

2009-08-04 Thread Martin Feitag
stan schrieb:
> This is probably not a problem for this news group but I don't know
> where to begin.
> When I play videos from, sometimes the video and audio will go
> out of sync as I am watching the video. Is this related to the program
> that SM uses to play the video? Can it be changed to a better program by
> me?
> Thanks
> Stan

this is probably related to the player, which depends on the source.
Is it flash? => Flashplayer
Is it WindowsMedia Format? => Windows Media-Player
Seamonkey only uses the browser-plugins of those programs, it does not
play the content itsself.


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Re: Thunderbird

2009-08-04 Thread Martin Feitag
Ray_Net schrieb:
> I want to install Thunderbird on my pc to help a friend.
> I have SeaMonkey intalled and i have seen that the profile for
> Thunderbird is located at:
> C:\Documents and Settings\[User Name]\Application
> Data\Thunderbird\Profiles\
> SeaMonkey profile is located at:
> C:\Documents and Settings\[User Name]\Application Data\Mozilla\Profiles\
> Therefore the two profiles are distincts.
> The question is:
> Could i install Thunderbird in such a way that the installation ignores
> the Mozilla profiles ?
> If the question is inappropriate for this group would you be kind to
> tell me where to post this question...

Why should TB not ignore the moz-profile? My guess would be that it does.
If you have proven the opposite, just rename/move the moz-profile during
TB installation so that it creaes it's own profile in the thunderbird
directory and then move/rename it moz-profile back.


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Re: Uninstalling SM 2.0a3 and reverting to 1.17 on WinXP - No Problem

2009-08-04 Thread Martin Feitag
NoOp schrieb:
> On 08/03/2009 03:15 PM, Arnie Goetchius wrote:
>> Martin Feitag wrote:
> ...
>>>> I uninstalled and installed many times all weekend and today but was
>>>> never able to get it to prompt me for the import wizard. It always went
>>>> straight to the Profile Manager. Of course I can add all 8 profiles
>>>> there manually but that sucks. Each profile has it's own in-box and
>>>> newsgroups.
>>> So have you tried to use
>>> "C:\Program Files\SeaMonkey\seamonkey.exe" -P "SM2profile" -migration
>>> as suggested?
>>> <>
>>> regards
>>> Martin
>> Yes, I did try that, many times. It worked once but after the first 
>> time, it sends me directly to the Profile Manager. It no longer gets me 
>> to the Import Wizard no matter what I try.
> What does 'Tools|Import' bring up? That should bring up the import
> wizard. If it does not show the other profiles, then the issue is that
> you have them on 'F' and SM most likely doesn't know how to go and find
> them.

Seamonkey should look where the profile is by looking where SM1 stored
the profile not by guessing the location to the default one.
I always have my profile on a D: drive and the migration found it, too.
(although I hve to admit I didn't start the migration wizard manually to
import several profiles like that)


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Re: Uninstalling SM 2.0a3 and reverting to 1.17 on WinXP - No Problem

2009-08-03 Thread Martin Feitag
Arnie Goetchius schrieb:
> NoOp wrote:
>> On 08/01/2009 08:35 PM, NoOp wrote:
>>> On 08/01/2009 03:31 PM, Arnie Goetchius wrote:
>> ...
> Further down it shows a "Import Wizard" showing multiple profiles:
> Does this not work? Or is that the issue, that you can only select one
> at time?
 I have installed and uninstalled B1 three times and cannot open the
 "Import Wizard" at all on install NO 2 and No 3. It did show up on
 the first install. Apparently the uninstall (Windows XP remove) is
 leaving some thing in some folder somewhere that is preventing the
 "Import Wizard" from running at all on Installs No 2 or No 3. 
>>> Possible - see my last #12,13,14 comments:
>>> Trying the command
 options will add the profile to the list but the -migrate option
 does not get the information from 1.17. The only way to get the
 information into the newly added profile is to add it manually.
>>> I've just tested on Win2KPro by:
>>> 1. Creating an additional profile (tests) in 1.1.17 and adding this
>>> newsgroup to it so I can test,
>>> 2. Opening the import wizard in 2.0b1 by running SeaMonkey
>>> C:\Program Files\SeaMonkey\seamonkey -migration
>>> and the import wizard comes up showing both my default 1.1.17 *and* the
>>> newly created 'tests' profile. Tick the 'tests profile, import it,
>>> reopen 2.0b1, and the 'tests' profile is there & working just fine.
>>> So, for me it does indeed work. I can test on WinXP tomorrow
>> Also just uninstalled 2.0b1 (including profile) and reinstalled; on this
>> reinstall 2.0b1 prompts me on the import wizard for both the 'default'
>> and the 'tests' profiles.
> I uninstalled and installed many times all weekend and today but was
> never able to get it to prompt me for the import wizard. It always went
> straight to the Profile Manager. Of course I can add all 8 profiles
> there manually but that sucks. Each profile has it's own in-box and
> newsgroups.

So have you tried to use
"C:\Program Files\SeaMonkey\seamonkey.exe" -P "SM2profile" -migration
as suggested?



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Re: forward and back button not working..

2009-08-03 Thread Martin Feitag
NO schrieb:
> Hello all.. I may have changed a setting somehow, somewhere and cannot
> find it, yet...
> When navigating web pages using SM 1.1.17 w/Vista business, usually I
> can hit the back or forward arrows in the browser to go to revisit the
> pages previously visited along the way.
> I cannot remember when it happened, yet it did over the last few days,
> the buttons are grayed out and not usable. If I want to navigate to a
> previous page, either I have to remember the address or take a wild
> guess how to get there.
> Can anyone advise or instruct me on how to get this functionality back?
> TIA - Bo

I'm unsure how this is possible.
Does this happen too when you create a secondary Seamonkey profile and
us that for a test?


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support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Transferring of Profile problem

2009-08-03 Thread Martin Feitag
horst39 schrieb:
> I wanted to transfer my profile from Windows XP to a new Vista laptop.
> I followed exactly all instruction of
> but at the end
> when I opened again SM 1.1.17 only the browser worked well.
> All mail and news accounts where empty.
> I filled the settings of one account and after switching SM on again,
> all mail of this account appeared regularly.
> Now I have over 30 mail and news accounts and don't really like to fill
> again all accounts settings.
> Does somebody have a suggestion on how to solve this problem?
> Thank you
> Horst

If you don't want to re-create all accounts and copy their files back
into the newly created profile directories, you have two choices in my eyes:
1) create the required number of profiles and replace the whole content
of each *.slt directory wih the data of one old account.
2) an app like MozBackup might be handy:

btw. there are newer documents about the profile ;-)


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support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: re. Where s The Address Book In SeaMonkey

2009-08-02 Thread Martin Feitag
u...@domain.invalid schrieb:
> Hi Martin,
> After copying, I cannot paste anything into SeaMonkey, nor into its
> address book, with SeaMonkey off as you suggested. Sometimes the paste
> icon is grayed out, and sometimes it is not; it seems to make no
> difference. So, the abook. is sitting out there, and I cannot get it to
> move to the SeaMonkey's address book.

Please paste that file into your Seamonkey profile directory, not into
the seamonkey program.
This is just a normal file-copy-command within windows explorer. So no
Seamonkey interaction is needed at that point.


support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: SM 1.1.17 accepts no more bookmarks, and reorganizing is lost after restart

2009-08-02 Thread Martin Feitag
dirk schrieb:
> Hi,
> strangest thing, I have many bookmarks, and I noticed that when adding a
> bookmark, it is nicely displayed at the bottom of the list.
> But after closing and restarting the program, it's lost !?!?!
> Same happens when I reorganize and move bookmarks, new sub folders are
> not found, and therefore moved bookmarks have not changed position
> Any tips?
> Is there a maximum nr. of bookmarks in the program?

There is no known maximum to me and I have quite a few bookmarks.
Do you have (lost) write access to that file/folder where bookmarks.htm
is located?
Is the html-fil stil valid? (maybe corrupted by file-system faults?)

What happens when you change the location of your bookmark-file by
setting the brower.bookmarks.file in about:config to another location?
Is that file usable then?

support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Related question - was [Re: Viewing PDF Files]

2009-08-02 Thread Martin Feitag
Richard Owlett schrieb:
> Stanimir Stamenkov wrote:
>> Wed, 22 Jul 2009 21:15:10 -0700, /David E. Ross/:
>>> Sometimes, when I select a link to a PDF file, the file appears
>>> within the SeaMonkey window, appearently using the nppdf32.dll
>>> plugin.  Other times, the Download Manager is launched; and the file
>>> is eventually displayed within a separate Adobe Reader window.
>>> Why does this lack of consistency occur?
>>> (...)
>> It depends from the reported MIME type and or the Content-Disposition
>> header, the least.  If the reported MIME type is not appropriate
>> SeaMonkey may fail to identify the response as PDF therefore allowing
>> you only to download it.  If the Content-Disposition header specifies
>> value of 'attachment' (w/o the quotes) SeaMonkey will pop a download
>> dialog no matter of the content type and whether there is plug-in
>> registered to handle it inside the browser.
> Is there a way to force "download dialog" for *ALL* PDF links?

Remove the adobe plugin. (see about:plugins)


support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Reinstalled SM on new computer - how to bring across from disk?

2009-08-02 Thread Martin Feitag
Boppy schrieb:
> On Jul 29, 7:22 pm, Martin Feitag 
> wrote:
>> Boppy schrieb:
>>> Meantime, this morning I clicked the SM icon and my old profile
>>> opened, complete with bookmarks and mail, but missing several menus:
>>> I was particuarly wanting to do screenshots of my passwords but can't
>>> access them.
>>> Is there a way to transfer passwords to a new profile also?
>> You can transfer nearly everything to a new profile.
>> Profile FAQ:
>> Information about the folders and file within the Profile folder (need
>> to scroll down a bit):
>> regards
>> Martin
> Thanks, but I've already looked here and discovered that Vista is not
> supported. Any other suggestions?

Just for completeness:
For Vista and Win7 it's C:\Users\%USERPROFILE%\Application Data\... and
so on (same like XP from there on). Where %userprofile% is your login-name.

support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Password problem in SM 2.0b1

2009-08-01 Thread Martin Feitag
Keith Whaley schrieb:
> I just d/l SM 2.0b1 and activated it. I did have SM 1.1.17, which worked
> just fine.
> On opening SM, the first window said:
> Password Required
> Please enter the Master Password for the Software
>   Security Device.
> I know of no "Software Security Device". I have never heard of it.
> Okay, I just found out what it is, via Help. I use no Certificates, nor
> do I ever 'sign' emails. Never have.
> How do I turn all this stuff off? Don't WANT it, don't NEED it.
> I have no Master Password of which I know. At least, I haven't knowingly
> used one for a very long time, and have no record of one.
> I tried Preferences/Privacy & Security/Passwords...
> Nothing there will let me access any of the actual passwords I really
> have for various sites, unless and until I come up with either that
> Master Password, or, the password for use with
> I'd even play their game, and invent a Master Password, just so they'll
> quit asking and get off my back and let me use SeaMonkey as I did
> yesterday...
> Thanks,
> keith whaley

a bug.
key3.db needs to be deleted in your profile.

support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Why does everything stop if a pdf file is loading?

2009-08-01 Thread Martin Feitag
Hartmut Figge schrieb:
> user_pref("plugin.expose_full_path", true);

Aah, I guess I forgot about that setting, thanks.

support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: "Remote content" in sent mail?

2009-08-01 Thread Martin Feitag
Paul B. Gallagher schrieb:
> Martin Feitag wrote:
>> Paul B. Gallagher schrieb:
>>> Paul B. Gallagher wrote:
>>>> SM 1.1.16 seems to have a peculiar habit. After a message has been
>>>> sent, a copy is placed in Sent folder, of course. But after a minute,
>>>> the brown header appears saying that SeaMonkey has blocked "remote
>>>> content" in the message.
>>>> These are plain-text messages with no remote content. The only thing
>>>> remotely ;-) resembling remote content is a web page URL in the sig.
>>>> Could that be it?
>>>> Otherwise, what gives?
>>> Bump.
>> Tested and confirme with a new (additional) profile?
> So it's just me, nobody else is experiencing this?

It's just you. ;-P
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Why does everything stop if a pdf file is loading?

2009-07-31 Thread Martin Feitag
DoctorBill schrieb:
> Martin Feitag wrote:
>> DoctorBill schrieb:
>>> Paul Hartman wrote:
>>>> On Thu, Jul 30, 2009 at 12:13 AM, DoctorBill wrote:
>>>>> Once in a while when I click on some site with info,
>>>>> everything stops, a "tab" will form and it turns out
>>>>> to be Adobe Reader downloading a pdf file.
>>>>> Why does the browser lock up ?
>>>>> Can't stop it, can't move out of it - I have to set there
>>>>> and wait.
>>>>> BTW - I am on Dial-Up, so the wait can be interminable.
>>>>> Is there some way to make SM 1.1 not lock up when pdf files
>>>>> are incoming ?
>>>>> You don't always get a warning on some web sites.
>>>>> If I see the site is going to send a pdf file I can refrain.
>>>> Get rid of the Adobe Acrobat plug-in so the browser will prompt you to
>>>> open or save the file externally.
>>> I erased nppdf32.dll from the plug-in directory as per
>>> However - Adobe Reader is still listed in About:Plug-Ins after
>>> exiting and re-entering SM 1.1
>>> Am I doing something wrong?
>>> DoctorBill
>> It should also list the path there, have a look again ;-)
>> regards
>> Martin
> Nope
> across the top of each item is:
> MIME Type DescriptionSuffixesEnabled
> No paths shown.
> DoctorBill

should be above each of that table. (I hope that this also exists in
SM1.1.x and not only in v2.0 ;-) )
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: "Remote content" in sent mail?

2009-07-31 Thread Martin Feitag
Paul B. Gallagher schrieb:
> Paul B. Gallagher wrote:
>> SM 1.1.16 seems to have a peculiar habit. After a message has been
>> sent, a copy is placed in Sent folder, of course. But after a minute,
>> the brown header appears saying that SeaMonkey has blocked "remote
>> content" in the message.
>> These are plain-text messages with no remote content. The only thing
>> remotely ;-) resembling remote content is a web page URL in the sig.
>> Could that be it?
>> Otherwise, what gives?
> Bump.

Tested and confirme with a new (additional) profile?

support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Copies of outgoing mail do NOT end up in Sent folder

2009-07-31 Thread Martin Feitag
Keith Whaley schrieb:
> Since I started using SM for email, a LONG time ago, every message I
> send to someone triggers a copy being placed in my Sent folder.
> It can be an original message or one in answer to an email.
> In the last month or so, an occasional message I send does NOT end up in
> my Sent folder, but a copy DOES show up in my Inbox.
> Something's amiss.
> I've noticed, I suppose over the same time frame, messages I've sent to
> other lists end up being copied to my Inbox, instead of showing up in
> their own folders. They allow me to move them into their target folders,
> but they ought to be going there directly, and many of them don't.
> Can I reset something to make this happen once again?

Have you lost/deleted filters for that?

support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Seamonkey 2.0B Mail client doesn't display correctly!

2009-07-31 Thread Martin Feitag
AK schrieb:
> Somebody help.
> I have been unable to make SeaMonkey2.0s work correctly ever since the
> release of alpha.
> Now I installed 2.0B but the problem still exists.
> Please see screen shot linked below.
> When I expand the Local folder view, somehow it displays funny Tag
> selection.
> Is there anybody encountering this problem?
> Thanks for your help.
> Mango Man

Wow, that's strange. Have you deleted your SM2 profile (not the SM1.x
one) and any possibly remaining data in your SM2-program-directory?

support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: How to change account position...

2009-07-30 Thread Martin Feitag
NoOp schrieb:
> On 07/30/2009 01:25 PM, Martin Feitag wrote:
> ...
>> No need for Extensions, Notepad or similar is enough:
>> regards
>> Martin
> That does bring up an interesting point/question; why, in 2.0x can one
> drag & drop newsgroups and email subfolders, yet cannot do the same with
> the primary account (mail or news) folders? Any idea if this is planned
> and/or has been looked at previously?

True dat.
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Why does everything stop if a pdf file is loading?

2009-07-30 Thread Martin Feitag
DoctorBill schrieb:
> Paul Hartman wrote:
>> On Thu, Jul 30, 2009 at 12:13 AM, DoctorBill wrote:
>>> Once in a while when I click on some site with info,
>>> everything stops, a "tab" will form and it turns out
>>> to be Adobe Reader downloading a pdf file.
>>> Why does the browser lock up ?
>>> Can't stop it, can't move out of it - I have to set there
>>> and wait.
>>> BTW - I am on Dial-Up, so the wait can be interminable.
>>> Is there some way to make SM 1.1 not lock up when pdf files
>>> are incoming ?
>>> You don't always get a warning on some web sites.
>>> If I see the site is going to send a pdf file I can refrain.
>> Get rid of the Adobe Acrobat plug-in so the browser will prompt you to
>> open or save the file externally.
> I erased nppdf32.dll from the plug-in directory as per
> However - Adobe Reader is still listed in About:Plug-Ins after
> exiting and re-entering SM 1.1
> Am I doing something wrong?
> DoctorBill

It should also list the path there, have a look again ;-)

support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Sending in HTML

2009-07-30 Thread Martin Feitag
Martin Feitag schrieb:
> Brian Mailman schrieb:
>> WinXP, SP3
>> SM 1.1.17
>> I receive HTML email on occasion.  When I reply to it, the Reply is
>> always in plain text.  Forwarding is in plain text too.  This is fine
>> with me, for the megamajority most part.  Now I have occasion to send an
>> HTML-formatted Forward (it has charts and schtuff that are important to
>> have intact).
>> I've looked in Preferences > Mail & Newsgroups and can't find the switch
>> to turn off plain text in this one instance.
> I guess there is no comfortable way of achieving this (at least to my
> knowledge). You will need to enter the Mail and Newsgroup Account
> preferences (not Preferences => Mail & Newsgroups), select your account
> there and enable HTML Composing BEFORE hitting reply.
> Then answer the email and set it back afterwards.
> regards
> Martin

uh yeah, Shift+ I always forget about that again.
Ignore that complicated way above ;-)
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: How to change account position...

2009-07-30 Thread Martin Feitag
Samuel S schrieb:
> Rubens wrote:
>> Samuel S wrote, on 2009-07-30 08:49:
>>> I Am sure this has been asked before and tried searching and could not
>>> find the correct search terms...
>>> I Am running SM 2.0a3 on WinXP. I would like to change the order of
>>> the seven (7) accounts as currently listed.
>>> What is the procedure to do so?
>>> thank you,
>>> bo1953
>> Unfortunately I can only say something on this for SeaMonkey 1.1.17:
>> I use a couple of extensions, named "Folderpane Tools" and "xSidebar",
>> which working together provide the functionality you want.
>> After switching from version 1.1.17 to 2.0 I will check whether this
>> solution remains valid, but you can do that now if you want and
>> tell us the result, just in case there is no other way.
>> Good luck,
>> Rubens
> Rubens,
> Thanks.. both of these addons are not compatible with SM 2.0xx
> Bo1953

No need for Extensions, Notepad or similar is enough:

support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Transfer folders & included messages?

2009-07-30 Thread Martin Feitag
OldTimer schrieb:
> Martin Feitag wrote:
>> Edward S. Kostyk schrieb:
>>> I am running Seamonkey 1.1.17 on Win XP Home SP 2.  I have set up a new
>>> mail account (for my personal mail).  I would like to transfer some
>>> folders (with their messages ) from the original account to the new
>>> account, but I haven't a clue as to how to do this.  Can someone get me
>>> going in the right direction.
>> To locate your profile, the Profile FAQ:
>> Information about the folders and files within the Profile folder:
>> especially:
>> regards
>> Martin
> Martin, you sent me on quite a learning journey with your references. As
> they say on Star Trek, "[I've] gone where [I've] never gone before"
> Unfortunately, this has now raised a number of questions that I didn't
> have before (probably a good thing).  I hope you or others can stay with
> me to bring this to a conclusion.
> 1) What's the difference between a Profile and an Account?  I have added
> 2 new accounts ("Work" & "Personal") as I've now moved to a new ISP with
> wireless.  I added these using Edit > Mail & Newsgroup Account Settings.
> I didn't do anything regarding "profiles".  Is there more for me to do?

A Profile is the entire thing which stores all settings/preferences
which you might set by the GUI (concerning Browser and News/Emails etc).
It also contains all Email- and Newsgroupaccounts.
Every profile may contain as many Email- and Newsgroupaccounts as the
user wishes to.
You can backup and restore your profile entirely to any Seamonkey 1.1.x
installation at any time (at least while SM is closed ;-) ).

> 2) I have located 2 profile folders : Profile\default\f68gg1hi.slt and
> Profile\SeaMonkey\snxbxfle.slt
> the first one has 6 folders:,,
>,, and Local Folders.
> I found that refers to my original account and
> refers to my "Work" account and
> refers to my "Personal" account.
> I don't know what the remaining 3 folders are for (,
>, Local Folders).  I am particularly confused why one of
> the new accounts (Work) is named with "Sympatico" (my original account
> name), when there is no reference to Sympatico in the Account Settings.
> Have I done something wrong even though the accounts seem to be working
> O.K.?

Those you don't know about are probably just leftovers from accounts"I don't know what happened to them" ;-) (except Local
Folders of course).
Feel free to test that by removing one folder after another from that
profile-directory and starting Seamonkey each time you have removed one.
As long as everything is at it's place you're just removing trash and so
you can delete that stuff which you have successfully take out and you
therefore probably don't need.

> 3)  As I want to transfer only specific folders and their sub-folders to
> the 2 new accounts, do I just Select & Cut the folders & files (not
> .msf) in and Paste them to either
> and

Yes you can cut and paste the folders (each folder is represented by a
file, the one without .msf as you already found out :-) ) to another
account. It doesn't matter if this account lies in the same profile or
not. (I guess in your case all accounts are in one profile)
Easiest way would be to replace the existing inbox etc. in the new
account with your old one.
Note: If you already have mails in your new account which are not in
your old account and therefore should not be lost, you can't replace
them but will need to rename inbox etc. from your old account to
InboxOld or something like that and paste it to the new account with
that new name. Seamonkey will then automatically show those additional
Folders in your new account besides the standard folders on the next start.

I hope I could help and clarify some things.
kind regards

support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Where Is The Address Book in SeaMonkey?

2009-07-30 Thread Martin Feitag
u...@domain.invalid schrieb:
> Martin Feitag wrote:
>> u...@domain.invalid schrieb:
>>> Ray_Net wrote:
>>>> u...@domain.invalid wrote:
>>>>> Martin Feitag wrote:
>>>>>> u...@domain.invalid schrieb:
>>>>>>> Daniel wrote:
>>>>>>>> Eric wrote:
>>>>>>>>> u...@domain.invalid wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> Martin Feitag wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>> u...@domain.invalid schrieb:
>>>>>>>>>>>> Martin Feitag wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Eric schrieb:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Martin Feitag wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> u...@domain.invalid schrieb:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> abook.mab
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> See<>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> This link/site says:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> To restore that data in a new location, open the SeaMonkey
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> address
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> book window, so SeaMonkey creates it's own abook.mab
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> file. Close
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> SeaMonkey and replace the newly created abook.mab with
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> your
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> saved
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> one.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> To restore additional address books, use the Import
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> menu to
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> import
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> LDIF files you saved.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> regards
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Martin
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hi Martin (and Chris),
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I have the link, and tried hard to follow it, but I must
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> be doing
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> something wrong. I tried dragging, transferring, etc.,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> but I
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> cannot
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> move
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> my abook. to my SeaMonkey address book. I tried copying,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> and then
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> pasting, but the "paste" is always grayed out and
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> non-functional.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I would be most grateful if either of you could walk me
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> through the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> steps that I must take to get these hundreds of addresses
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> into my
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> SeaMonkey address book.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Thanks again,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Mort
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hello Mort,

Re: Sending in HTML

2009-07-30 Thread Martin Feitag
Brian Mailman schrieb:
> WinXP, SP3
> SM 1.1.17
> I receive HTML email on occasion.  When I reply to it, the Reply is
> always in plain text.  Forwarding is in plain text too.  This is fine
> with me, for the megamajority most part.  Now I have occasion to send an
> HTML-formatted Forward (it has charts and schtuff that are important to
> have intact).
> I've looked in Preferences > Mail & Newsgroups and can't find the switch
> to turn off plain text in this one instance.

I guess there is no comfortable way of achieving this (at least to my
knowledge). You will need to enter the Mail and Newsgroup Account
preferences (not Preferences => Mail & Newsgroups), select your account
there and enable HTML Composing BEFORE hitting reply.
Then answer the email and set it back afterwards.

support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: SeaMonkey 2 and Quick Start

2009-07-30 Thread Martin Feitag
Ray_Net schrieb:
> Martin Feitag wrote:
>> Paul Hartman schrieb:
>>> On Wed, Jul 29, 2009 at 6:26 AM, Juergen
>>> Herz wrote:
>>>> Hello,
>>>> since earliest SM 2, Quick Start isn't available. I thought it might
>>>> reappear later on, but now b1 is out and still no Quick Start.
>>>> Won't this ever come back, and if yes, why?
>>> I don't think so, Firefox doesn't have it so I think SM probably
>>> won't. Firefox 3.5 takes so long to launch, especially with lots of
>>> add-ons & update checks happening, it would be nice to have it but I
>>> don't think we'll see it any day soon (if ever). 
>> That'S why a splashscreen would be nice to indicate the loading of those
>> Apps (including SM2), because this has been gone since, too.
>> Martin
> I hate the SplashScreen ... this is just an annoying picture just
> saying: I will be there to show how long SM takes to start ...

Yeah it will say that there is something actually starting, which is a
huge improvement for impatient people trying to click on a samonkey xe
or shortcut again because they think they missed it.
I guess making this an option to be able to disable it would be the
smallest problem of the whole thing...

support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Uninstalling SM 2.0a3 and reverting to 1.17 on WinXP - No Problem

2009-07-30 Thread Martin Feitag
Bill Davidsen schrieb:
> Arnie Goetchius wrote:
>> I was running SM 2.0a3 on WinXP for about an hour but decided to
>> revert back to 1.17. I uninstalled with "Remove Programs" from XP
>> Control settings and then re-installed 1.17 with no problem.
>> My main reason for uninstalling was the inability of the SM 2.0a3 to
>> import all 8 of my profiles. It would only import 1. I understand
>> there are work arounds (discussed in another thread) for this problem.
>> However, I would really like SM 2.0a3 to give me the option of
>> clicking on all of the profiles for import instead of just one.
> Yes, that's kind of a show stopper. Requiring the user to do magic for
> something which should just WORK is going to keep some users from
> upgrading, and people who make use of multiple profiles probably are the
> kind of user you want saying good things about a new version.

First of all Beta1 is the current one, not alpha3 ;-)

Of course the migration of more profiles would be a luxury but you can
migrate with only a few steps:

If you wish to migrate more than one profile or set the profile name,
run SeaMonkey with the following arguments (one after another):
* Seamonkey -createProfile 
* Seamonkey -P  -migration

taken from:


support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Occasional problems sending emails...

2009-07-30 Thread Martin Feitag
Bill Spikowski schrieb:
> More and more frequently, I'm having trouble sending emails.
> I'm using SM 1.1.n on about five different machines; earlier I used
> Mozilla and Netscape email software so I generally understand how to
> configure SMTP.
> These days my laptop will frequently refuse to send emails when I'm
> using someone else's internet connection. And some of my desktop
> machines suddenly refuse to send any more emails, even though they're
> configured identically to other machines in the very same office that
> work perfectly.
> The help files in SM don't offer much advice, and the company that runs
> my mail server claims to never have heard of SM and therefore assigns
> all blame to SM (even though I assume the trouble is at their end).
> Are there more extensive help files anywhere that might shed light on
> these problems?

I guess by having machines configured identically you have proven that
the problem is not on your end.
To make sure you could create a new profile on a machine that doesn't
work and copy the data from a profile of a working machine in there.
Then use this profile to try to send email. If it works...
for profile description see:

support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: SeaMonkey 2 and Quick Start

2009-07-30 Thread Martin Feitag
Paul Hartman schrieb:
> On Wed, Jul 29, 2009 at 6:26 AM, Juergen
> Herz wrote:
>> Hello,
>> since earliest SM 2, Quick Start isn't available. I thought it might
>> reappear later on, but now b1 is out and still no Quick Start.
>> Won't this ever come back, and if yes, why?
> I don't think so, Firefox doesn't have it so I think SM probably
> won't. Firefox 3.5 takes so long to launch, especially with lots of
> add-ons & update checks happening, it would be nice to have it but I
> don't think we'll see it any day soon (if ever). 
That'S why a splashscreen would be nice to indicate the loading of those
Apps (including SM2), because this has been gone since, too.

support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Problem with Password Manager in SM 2.0b1

2009-07-30 Thread Martin Feitag
Mario Pontigo schrieb:
> Using SM 2.0b1. I've installed on my laptop. There is thunderbird and
> firefox running before. After installation SM has assumed my config from
> thunderbird and firefox (great). After restart of SM the Password
> Manager ask to my central password 3 times (for each mail account one
> time). How can I fix the problem? Should I deactivate my Password Manager?

This is a known bug (see bugzilla with search terms like "multiple
master password prompts") which will hopfully be fixed before final release.
Feel free to disable mail-checking on browser-start in the preferences
for not being bugged while browsing if you wish.
Of course you could also disable the Master password for now until the
issue is being fixed.


support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Where Is The Address Book in SeaMonkey?

2009-07-30 Thread Martin Feitag
u...@domain.invalid schrieb:
> Ray_Net wrote:
>> u...@domain.invalid wrote:
>>> Martin Feitag wrote:
>>>> u...@domain.invalid schrieb:
>>>>> Daniel wrote:
>>>>>> Eric wrote:
>>>>>>> u...@domain.invalid wrote:
>>>>>>>> Martin Feitag wrote:
>>>>>>>>> u...@domain.invalid schrieb:
>>>>>>>>>> Martin Feitag wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>> Eric schrieb:
>>>>>>>>>>>> Martin Feitag wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>> u...@domain.invalid schrieb:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >> abook.mab
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> See<>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> This link/site says:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> To restore that data in a new location, open the SeaMonkey
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> address
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> book window, so SeaMonkey creates it's own abook.mab
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> file. Close
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> SeaMonkey and replace the newly created abook.mab with your
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> saved
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> one.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> To restore additional address books, use the Import menu to
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> import
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> LDIF files you saved.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> regards
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Martin
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hi Martin (and Chris),
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I have the link, and tried hard to follow it, but I must
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> be doing
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> something wrong. I tried dragging, transferring, etc., but I
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> cannot
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> move
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> my abook. to my SeaMonkey address book. I tried copying,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> and then
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> pasting, but the "paste" is always grayed out and
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> non-functional.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I would be most grateful if either of you could walk me
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> through the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> steps that I must take to get these hundreds of addresses
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> into my
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> SeaMonkey address book.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Thanks again,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Mort
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hello Mort,
>>>>>>>>>>>>> you need to open the Seamonkey addressbook-window just once
>>>>>>>>>>>>> and
>>>>>>>>>>>>> then
>>>>>>>>>>>>> close ALL seamonkey windows. It needs to be completely closed.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Afterwards you need to open the directory of your old
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Seamonkey-profile and copy the abook.mab file. Then paste it
>>>>>>>>>>>>> into the
>>>>>>>>>>>>> new profile-fol

Re: SM 2.0A Beta Install Question...

2009-07-30 Thread Martin Feitag
Gerd Klaus Hafenbrack schrieb:
> Martin Feitag wrote:
>> Gerd Klaus Hafenbrack schrieb:
>>> SamuelS wrote:
>>>> Gerd Klaus Hafenbrack wrote:
>>>>> Samuel S wrote:
>>>>>> Hello all, after installing SM 2.0A Beta, ...
>>>>> What is "SM 2.0*A* Beta"?
>>>>> I only know "SeaMonkey 2.0 Beta 1".
>>>> Gerd - it is up to 3 now...
>>> With or without the "A"?
>>> I can find neither a SeaMonkey 2.0 Beta 3 nor a SeaMonkey 2.0*A* Beta 3.
>> Seamonkey 2.0 Beta 1 is the current one.
> Hallo Martin,
> so what is up to 3 now?

I don't know, Samuel said that.
Maybe hewas mixing it up with Thunderbird beta versions or whatever...

support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: SM 2.0a3 Player Challenges...

2009-07-30 Thread Martin Feitag
Samuel S schrieb:
> Martin Feitag wrote:
>> Samuel S schrieb:
>>> Hello all, I have tried looking this situation up and cannot find a
>>> solution.. possible anyone here can assist?
>>> I Am running SM 2.0a3 on a WinXP Pro machine. When trying to listen to
>>> the following web site, nothing happens. By nothing happens, I mean the
>>> link opens and no sound nor does it appear that a connection is made.
>>> I have tried reloading the page and that did not work.
>>> When I was able to use ie tabs add-on, there was no problem when using
>>> SM 1.1.14. Any work around for this known?
>> SM (2.0beta1 here) tries to download the whole file before opening it.
>> IE8 does nearly the same, it offers to download instead of playing
>> directly. Maybe it's the site'S fault.
>> Your choices (based on Windows Media Format):
>> - Right-click on a Windows Media Link and select "Save target as" to
>> download the file and play it afterwards
>> - Right-click on a Windows Media link and select "copy link location" to
>> copy the address to the clipboard. Afterwards Start Windows Media Player
>> and select "File => Open URL" and paste it there. It will start
>> streaming the file.
>> - Open the preferences of SM and open the "Helper Applications" there.
>> Select the wIndows Media Audio and selct another action (e.g. download
>> or "always ask")
>> You may also want to check in about:plugins if your
>> Windows-Media-Player-Plugin is correctly installed/registered in
>> Seamonkey at all.
>> regards
>> Martin
> Martin,
> Thank you for the response... I find that my report was not clear, it is
> the "listen live online" is the challenge to access, not "Listen to an
> archived show"
> Thank you again...
> Bo1953

Oh sorry I missed that.
Tried it now but they won't let me start it from outside the US, sry.
If you have a smilar website for worldwide access, let me know.

support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: I hate to have to ask this....

2009-07-30 Thread Martin Feitag
DoctorBill schrieb:
> The College where I teach uses Outlook Express.
> It comes into SeaMonkey, but loses some of it's functions apparently.
> If I go into Internet Explorer (ugh !) JUST TO GO INTO THE COLLEGE'S
> OUTLOOK EXPRESS, then close it down, am I likely to fall prey to the
> holes, etc in IE and get my computer infected ?
> Or does that happen only when you "surf" the web ?
It only happens when you surf the web.
But keep in mind that there are other holes which are being fixed by
windowsupdate besides internet explorer ones, through which your Windows
can get infected.

support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Changing the "Profile" location.

2009-07-30 Thread Martin Feitag
Frog schrieb:

> Now back to my original questions:
> ---can this Mozilla folder be moved to the E drive permanently?

Yes. :-)

> ---how do I make this happen so that SeaMonkey will know where to find it.


> ---what happens when I attempt to make future updates to SeaMonkey?

Everything will be fine, Seamonkey updates the program diretory, not
your profile directory.
You can delete the program directory etc. if you wish at ay time, your
profil will stay safe and can be used later on.

The only exception is when Seamonkey 2.0 shows up. Then you will have to
repeat these steps to move your SM2 profile once again (but only one
time). This is due to the fact that SM2 creates a new profile by
importing data from your old SM1.1.x profile.
As long as you're updating SM1.1.17 to 1.1.18 for examle no further
steps are required. And when you update SM2.0 to SM2.1 or whatever no
further steps will be required.

> ---do I have a separate action to take involving the tomtom entry found
> in the Mozilla folder?

> ---is moving this Mozilla folder to the E drive a good or bad idea?

Moving your profile to your data-partition is a very good idea as you
can format your OS-partition (or reload backup, whatever) at any time
without losing any of your profile data.

support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: SM 2.0A Beta Install Question...

2009-07-30 Thread Martin Feitag
Gerd Klaus Hafenbrack schrieb:
> SamuelS wrote:
>> Gerd Klaus Hafenbrack wrote:
>>> Samuel S wrote:
 Hello all, after installing SM 2.0A Beta, ...
>>> What is "SM 2.0*A* Beta"?
>>> I only know "SeaMonkey 2.0 Beta 1".
>> Gerd - it is up to 3 now...
> With or without the "A"?
> I can find neither a SeaMonkey 2.0 Beta 3 nor a SeaMonkey 2.0*A* Beta 3.

Seamonkey 2.0 Beta 1 is the current one.
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Transfer folders & included messages?

2009-07-29 Thread Martin Feitag
Edward S. Kostyk schrieb:
> I am running Seamonkey 1.1.17 on Win XP Home SP 2.  I have set up a new
> mail account (for my personal mail).  I would like to transfer some
> folders (with their messages ) from the original account to the new
> account, but I haven't a clue as to how to do this.  Can someone get me
> going in the right direction.
To locate your profile, the Profile FAQ:

Information about the folders and files within the Profile folder:


support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: SeaMonkey v1.1.17 & FlashBlock v1.3.14 on redesigned show no videos?

2009-07-29 Thread Martin Feitag
Ant schrieb:
> On 7/28/2009 9:11 AM PT, Paul Hartman typed:
>>> So no problems with these videos?
>>> etc.? :(
>> Okay, those did not load. (I had just clicked randomly on a video from
>> the main page of the site previously.) However, I just whitelisted
>> that site in flashblock and the links you gave above play just fine
>> again.
> Yeah, I had to do that but I don't want to see the Flash areas right
> away until I say so, especially when I have 20 tabs opened. :D

So now you know there are vidos which are reproducable to not show up.
There are only 2 ways left in my opinion:
1. Have a look at the website source-coe if it differs (e.g. has errors
in it) => if yes: contact the site-owner
2. Ask the flashblock author (or forum or flasblocks bugtracking system
if there is one) if these videos compared to others are beded in a way
flashblock can't handle properly.

support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Reinstalled SM on new computer - how to bring across from disk?

2009-07-29 Thread Martin Feitag
Boppy schrieb:
> On Jul 29, 12:07 am, Daniel  wrote:
>> Boppy wrote:
>>> On Jul 24, 10:22 pm, Daniel  wrote:
 Boppy wrote:
> On Jul 23, 11:54 pm, Daniel  wrote:
>> Boppy wrote:
>>> On Jul 23, 2:06 pm, Rubens  wrote:
 Boppy wrote, on 2009-07-22 18:07:
> On Jul 22, 11:24 pm, Daniel  wrote:
>> Boppy wrote:
>>> Right, got my bookmarks, mail etc back.
>>> Now I've got this weird deformed status/component bar at the bottom.
>>> How can I shrink it back to normal size?
>>> Thanks in advance,
>>> Jo
>>> Image of deformed bottom bar:
>> Jo, this "weird deformed status/component bar at the bottom" of the
>> browser screen usually means that one (or more) of your extensions is
>> not suitable for SM 1.1.17.
>> To fix this, you need to install the Extension Manager 2.0 and the
>> Extension UnInstaller API 2.1 from Then you
>> should be able to see the Extension Manager under Tools in SeaMonkey.
>> Use the Extension Manager to disable or uninstall one or two 
>> extensions
>> at a time and the re-start SeaMonkey until the Browser image looks
>> right. Try and find an updated version of the sus extension.
>> Hope that helps.
>> Daniel
> Hi Daniel, thanks for replying. As this is a clean install of
> Seamonkey (and I've uninstalled and reinstalled several times since
> yesterday) isn't it a bit odd that it would have an extension that I
> haven't installed?
> Unfortunately I can't get your recommended file to install as I get an
> error message "not a valid install package" error for both components.
> Running the file from a download simply asks me to pick an application
> to open it with.
> Under Tools I have the option to click on Extension Uninstaller but
> doing so simply brings up a warning telling me to install the app,
> which I can't do.
> Grateful for further guidance. This extra large bit at the bottom of
> my screen has never been a problem before - I've used Seamonkey for
> several years. It's odd that it's cropped up now. The only difference
> is that I now have newly re-installed Vista along with SP2 ( SP1
> caused the crash).
> Cheers,
> Jo
 Hi Jo,
 The new component named Extension Manager 2.0 has never worked for me.
 But the former one, originally named just Extension Uninstaller works
 perfectly together with the API component.
 If you want to try it tell me and I can send you that by e-mail.
>>> Thanks Rubens, I'll let you know if I need it - I think I saw it there
>>> for download so might give it a try.
>>> Meantime I have a more perplexing issue. While last night and this
>>> morning I was able to open Seamonkey and have all my old mail and
>>> bookmarks open, now when I load Seamonkey it loads without all of
>>> these items. Opening Profile Manager still shows me the default
>>> profile where I copied everything but it's just not displaying.
>>> Looking at the users/profile directory shows the data, but Seamonkey
>>> is simply not loading it on startup.
>>> Any suggestions?
>>> Jo
>> Jo, my normal response would be to tell you that SM didn't close down
>> correctly and that when you started up today, you must have made up a
>> new profile. I'd then tell you to go to your Profile Manager to see if
>> you had an extra profile..but you've been there and you haven't, so
>> I'm a bit stumped, but...
>> Just to be real sure, close SeaMonkey, wait about a minute, then give
>> the Windows three finger salute (Ctrl-Alt-Del) and if you see SM still
>> listed as running, click on it and End Task. Close the Window, re-start
>> SMhow are things now??
>> Daniel
> Hi Daniel, there's definitely nothing in the processes relating to
> Seamonkey. And when I first re-booted started SM with a cleanmachine I
> still got no profile.
> I've already un- and re-installed SM a couple of times. Now I'm
> thinking about ditching it altogether and using an other app. But what
> mail apps will accept an imported SM profile?
> Cheers,
> Jo
 O.K., Jo, before you go away, open SeaMonkey, have a look at
 Edit->Mail&Newsgroup Preferences, select your email account (may be your
 only account), have a look at the bottom of the "Server Settings"
 screen, it should tell you where your Local Directory is. Note this
 location. Have a look 
 to un-hide your folders if necessary.
 Then close SeaMonkey, make sure it's not still running by Ctrl-Alt-Del,

Re: bookmarks sharing post-places

2009-07-28 Thread Martin Feitag

Felix Miata schrieb:

On 2007/14/2009 11:27 (GMT-0500) inva...@invalid.invalid composed:

Using the Import/Export functionality of the Bookmark Manager maybe?
Seamonkey allows import export to HTML and so does Firefox afaik.


Is there a way to do it without the (FF/SM) application open and navigating
menus, similar to what I was able to do by simply copying a file as before?

You can set the Browser.bookmarks.file in about:config to a specific 
location. See

FF offers an auto-export pref in about:config for always generating a 
bookmarks.html I think. Seamonkey always uses boookmarks.html


support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: SM 2.0a3 Player Challenges...

2009-07-28 Thread Martin Feitag

Samuel S schrieb:

Hello all, I have tried looking this situation up and cannot find a
solution.. possible anyone here can assist?

I Am running SM 2.0a3 on a WinXP Pro machine. When trying to listen to
the following web site, nothing happens. By nothing happens, I mean the
link opens and no sound nor does it appear that a connection is made.

I have tried reloading the page and that did not work.

When I was able to use ie tabs add-on, there was no problem when using
SM 1.1.14. Any work around for this known?
SM (2.0beta1 here) tries to download the whole file before opening it. 
IE8 does nearly the same, it offers to download instead of playing 
directly. Maybe it's the site'S fault.

Your choices (based on Windows Media Format):

- Right-click on a Windows Media Link and select "Save target as" to 
download the file and play it afterwards

- Right-click on a Windows Media link and select "copy link location" to 
copy the address to the clipboard. Afterwards Start Windows Media Player 
and select "File => Open URL" and paste it there. It will start 
streaming the file.

- Open the preferences of SM and open the "Helper Applications" there. 
Select the wIndows Media Audio and selct another action (e.g. download 
or "always ask")
You may also want to check in about:plugins if your 
Windows-Media-Player-Plugin is correctly installed/registered in 
Seamonkey at all.



support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Junk messages no longer marked as Junk

2009-07-28 Thread Martin Feitag

Dick Hoffman schrieb:

Running vanilla SM 1.1.17 under XP-Pro + SP3, it seems like the junk
controls are no longer working. Messages that were being correctly
marked as junk and moved to the Junk folder are no longer marked as junk
and moved from the Inbox. I can't believe this is "normal" behavior.
What would make the Junk controls stop working?

Some f***ed up training-file maybe.
Try to reset the training-data and "teach" the junk-filter again.


support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Where Is The Address Book in SeaMonkey?

2009-07-28 Thread Martin Feitag

u...@domain.invalid schrieb:

Daniel wrote:

Eric wrote:

u...@domain.invalid wrote:

Martin Feitag wrote:

u...@domain.invalid schrieb:

Martin Feitag wrote:

Eric schrieb:

Martin Feitag wrote:

u...@domain.invalid schrieb:

>> abook.mab

This link/site says:
To restore that data in a new location, open the SeaMonkey
book window, so SeaMonkey creates it's own abook.mab file. Close
SeaMonkey and replace the newly created abook.mab with your
To restore additional address books, use the Import menu to
LDIF files you saved.


Hi Martin (and Chris),

I have the link, and tried hard to follow it, but I must be doing
something wrong. I tried dragging, transferring, etc., but I
my abook. to my SeaMonkey address book. I tried copying, and then
pasting, but the "paste" is always grayed out and non-functional.

I would be most grateful if either of you could walk me
through the
steps that I must take to get these hundreds of addresses into my
SeaMonkey address book.

Thanks again,


Hello Mort,

you need to open the Seamonkey addressbook-window just once and
close ALL seamonkey windows. It needs to be completely closed.

Afterwards you need to open the directory of your old
Seamonkey-profile and copy the abook.mab file. Then paste it
into the
new profile-folder.
All this is done within windows while Seamnkey is closed, not in
Seaonkey itself and not while Seamonkey is open as the files
would be
in use then.
Good luck!


Why don't you just google Mozilla Backup from Jasnapak? and
install it
on both computers. Then copy the backup file to a thumb drive,
or however you want to get the backup file to another computer the
restore it to the new computer?


This involves copying anyway, so it doesn't really matter if he
a backup or the abook directly ;-P


Hi again,

I opened up and tried every "profile" on my hard drive, and could not
move the abook.mab to my SeaMonkey address book. I tried dragging,
to no
avail. I clicked on copy, but then paste was all grayed out. So
near and
yet so far. I have my e-mail set up so that as I send out a
message, its
address is automatically added to my SeaMonkey address book.
However, my
hundreds of important oldaddresses are still sitting there on my
h.d. in
narrative form.

I'm repeating myself but just to make things clear: you are not
supposed to drag it on your seamonkey addessbook. You are supposed
to drag/copy it from a folder to another folder in windows itsself
(from your old profile to your new profile).
This is just normal copying of a file, it does _not_ involve a
running seamonkey at that time. Have you done exactly that?


Hi Martin,

I appreciate your help and patience. I did try to take your advice
re. old and new SeaMonkey profiles in Windows XP with SeaMonkey
closed. The closest I came is to find a "SeaMonkey Profile Manager"
which said:
Available Profiles:

Mort app
Mort app ff
Mort local ff

My usual user name is Mort. Right clicking gives nothing, and left
clicking on any of these just opens SeaMonkey. I simply cannot find
my profiles (old, new?) to copy the abook.mab to.As things are, the
old abook.mab file on my hard drive is in narrative form and thereby
almost useless. The current SeaMonkey Address Book has only about 30
recent addresses.

Thanks again.


P.S. For some reason, my laptop refuses to copy sent messages, to
this group only, to my sent folder, and gives my sender name as
invalid or similar. It works to all other recipients. Weird.

Yes it involves copying, but the interface is usually cleaner.


If you back up all the profiles and transfer them, then you you
should have everything moved from one computer to the other.

What you are looking for is a file folder with .slz file extension,
however that changes from installation to installation, and for some
unknown reason, I've seen through out many newsgroups, the files
don't play well together.

I wish you luck in your future attempts.


and, of course, Mort, Eric meant the file extension to be .slt and the
changes he talks about are that the file name maybe something like
fxgjht5j.slt in one case and something like dsf67kgh.slt in the other
installation. No great problem.


Hi Daniel and Eric,

Thanks again for the further help. I'll pursue it as per your
suggestions, and if not successful, I'll have to quit.


Have a look here:
It lists all common profile locations.


support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Master Password SM2

2009-07-27 Thread Martin Feitag

NoOp schrieb:

On 07/26/2009 03:57 AM, Martin Feitag wrote:

NoOp schrieb:

On 07/25/2009 01:05 PM, Gerald Ross wrote:

Martin Feitag wrote:

Gerald Ross schrieb:

   Installed the beta version. Do I actually HAVE to have a master
   password? I never did in previous versions. Unable to bypass the window
   to make a master Password. Also unable to invent a password that I can
   really remember (oldtimer's disease) and that it will accept.

I guess I experienced the same when I migrated a Seamonkey 1.1.x profile
to SM2 after installing SM2.0b1. It seems like SM2 creates a key3.db
file in the profile-directory which is useless. After renaming/deleting
that file everything was fine and even the imported passwords were
Hope that helps


Wish I had known that earlier. I actually did a master password reset,
then re-entered all my passwords one at a time. Only had about 15-20
that I still use so not a huge operation. Thanks.

For others; you don't have to do either of the above.

I'm sorry but for now this is wrong. In fact when this problem comes up
for people who had not used a master-password in SM1, they /do/ need to


I didn't have a Master-Password either.
I started SM2 after migrating for the first time and it asked for a
master-password right away (I guess because it tries to check for mail
already in SM2 without having to open the mail-window, by default)
So migrating from SM1.1.17 to SM2.0b1 caused a master password prompt
right from the start for me, before doing anything else.

See my reply to Gerald Ross.

support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Where Is The Address Book in SeaMonkey?

2009-07-26 Thread Martin Feitag

u...@domain.invalid schrieb:

Martin Feitag wrote:

Eric schrieb:

Martin Feitag wrote:

u...@domain.invalid schrieb:

>> abook.mab
>> See<>
This link/site says:
To restore that data in a new location, open the SeaMonkey address
book window, so SeaMonkey creates it's own abook.mab file. Close
SeaMonkey and replace the newly created abook.mab with your saved
To restore additional address books, use the Import menu to import
LDIF files you saved.


Hi Martin (and Chris),

I have the link, and tried hard to follow it, but I must be doing
something wrong. I tried dragging, transferring, etc., but I cannot
my abook. to my SeaMonkey address book. I tried copying, and then
pasting, but the "paste" is always grayed out and non-functional.

I would be most grateful if either of you could walk me through the
steps that I must take to get these hundreds of addresses into my
SeaMonkey address book.

Thanks again,


Hello Mort,

you need to open the Seamonkey addressbook-window just once and then
close ALL seamonkey windows. It needs to be completely closed.

Afterwards you need to open the directory of your old
Seamonkey-profile and copy the abook.mab file. Then paste it into the
new profile-folder.
All this is done within windows while Seamnkey is closed, not in
Seaonkey itself and not while Seamonkey is open as the files would be
in use then.
Good luck!


Why don't you just google Mozilla Backup from Jasnapak? and install it
on both computers. Then copy the backup file to a thumb drive, CD, DVD
or however you want to get the backup file to another computer the
restore it to the new computer?


This involves copying anyway, so it doesn't really matter if he copies
a backup or the abook directly ;-P


Hi again,

I opened up and tried every "profile" on my hard drive, and could not
move the abook.mab to my SeaMonkey address book. I tried dragging, to no
avail. I clicked on copy, but then paste was all grayed out. So near and
yet so far. I have my e-mail set up so that as I send out a message, its
address is automatically added to my SeaMonkey address book. However, my
hundreds of important oldaddresses are still sitting there on my h.d. in
narrative form.

I'm repeating myself but just to make things clear: you are not supposed 
to drag it on your seamonkey addessbook. You are supposed to drag/copy 
it from a folder to another folder in windows itsself (from your old 
profile to your new profile).
This is just normal copying of a file, it does _not_ involve a running 
seamonkey at that time. Have you done exactly that?



support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: A way to remove individual entries in the location bar?

2009-07-26 Thread Martin Feitag

Tony schrieb:

Rob C. wrote:

Tony wrote:

Is there a way to remove certain entries that have resulted from
mistyping in the location bar? In SM 1.1.17 and below, I could remove
entries by editing localstore.rdf. Now with SM 2.0b1, I can't do that
it seems.

The data for the location bar is now stored in a new file. It's a
"SQLite 3"
database file and while it can be read with, it cannot be modified by
a text editor. The file is named "urlbarhistory.sqlite" and is in a
location from localstore.rdf. 2 options I can figure are 1) delete the
and it will automatically start a new one(same as hitting the clear
location bar in Prefs) or 2) keep the one you want to disappear at the
bottom of the list until 30 others kick it off! Or find/learn to use a
SQite 3 editor. (not for me)

I was looking thru the Seamonkey folder I installed it to. Found the
file you mention and then went looking for a SQLite viewer/editor -
found one that might work. It's called RazorSQL. I haven't tried it yet
but will report back.

There an addon which works in Seamonkey:
It's pretty straight-forward.

support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: A way to remove individual entries in the location bar?

2009-07-26 Thread Martin Feitag

Martin Feitag schrieb:

Tony schrieb:

Martin Feitag wrote:

Tony schrieb:

Is there a way to remove certain entries that have resulted from
mistyping in the location bar? In SM 1.1.17 and below, I could remove
entries by editing localstore.rdf. Now with SM 2.0b1, I can't do
that it

Open the History (Shortcut Ctrl+H for me, othewise Go => History), type
your unwanted url or at least a part of it in the searchbox at the top
left and delete that entry via mouse or by pressing "Del" on your


Removing the entry from the history does not remove it from the location
bar. In SM 1.x.x, the entries could be removed in localstore.rdf. Not so
in SM 2.0b1.

In SM2 it works that way!
At least for me, I am unsure what else might affect this, but when I 
delete a site there, it is no longer being suggested in thr urlbar while 
typing afterwards.


support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Master Password SM2

2009-07-26 Thread Martin Feitag

NoOp schrieb:

On 07/25/2009 01:05 PM, Gerald Ross wrote:

Martin Feitag wrote:

Gerald Ross schrieb:

  Installed the beta version. Do I actually HAVE to have a master
  password? I never did in previous versions. Unable to bypass the window
  to make a master Password. Also unable to invent a password that I can
  really remember (oldtimer's disease) and that it will accept.

I guess I experienced the same when I migrated a Seamonkey 1.1.x profile
to SM2 after installing SM2.0b1. It seems like SM2 creates a key3.db
file in the profile-directory which is useless. After renaming/deleting
that file everything was fine and even the imported passwords were
Hope that helps


Wish I had known that earlier. I actually did a master password reset,
then re-entered all my passwords one at a time. Only had about 15-20
that I still use so not a huge operation. Thanks.

For others; you don't have to do either of the above.

I'm sorry but for now this is wrong. In fact when this problem comes up 
for people who had not used a master-password in SM1, they /do/ need to 
do that in order to get rid of the not-existing master-password! 
Obviously this is a bug as it shouldn't happen, but it happens, so it is 
required to do such things for now with beta1 as long as noone comes up 
with another solution.
Luckily after deleting key3.db all passwords are remaining intact and 
are accessible afterwards. So SM doesn't seem to encrypt with the "new" 
(not-existing) master-pw, it just thinks there is one or so (I don't 
know about the technical details). So deleting that file is the only 
solution for now afaik until this is fixed.

2. If you never had a Master Password in your 1.1.x version and you are
now being prompted for one with SM2 after it's imported your 1.1.x
profile, you shouldn't. Please post with details on what you are seeing.
Again, *Do not" use 'Reset Master Password' (read the warning).

I didn't have a Master-Password either.
I started SM2 after migrating for the first time and it asked for a 
master-password right away (I guess because it tries to check for mail 
already in SM2 without having to open the mail-window, by default)
So migrating from SM1.1.17 to SM2.0b1 caused a master password prompt 
right from the start for me, before doing anything else.


support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: A way to remove individual entries in the location bar?

2009-07-26 Thread Martin Feitag

Tony schrieb:

Martin Feitag wrote:

Tony schrieb:

Is there a way to remove certain entries that have resulted from
mistyping in the location bar? In SM 1.1.17 and below, I could remove
entries by editing localstore.rdf. Now with SM 2.0b1, I can't do that it

Open the History (Shortcut Ctrl+H for me, othewise Go => History), type
your unwanted url or at least a part of it in the searchbox at the top
left and delete that entry via mouse or by pressing "Del" on your


Removing the entry from the history does not remove it from the location
bar. In SM 1.x.x, the entries could be removed in localstore.rdf. Not so
in SM 2.0b1.

In SM2 it works that way!
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Master Password SM2

2009-07-25 Thread Martin Feitag

Gerald Ross schrieb:

Installed the beta version. Do I actually HAVE to have a master
password? I never did in previous versions. Unable to bypass the window
to make a master Password. Also unable to invent a password that I can
really remember (oldtimer's disease) and that it will accept.

I guess I experienced the same when I migrated a Seamonkey 1.1.x profile 
to SM2 after installing SM2.0b1. It seems like SM2 creates a key3.db 
file in the profile-directory which is useless. After renaming/deleting 
that file everything was fine and even the imported passwords were 

Hope that helps

support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: A way to remove individual entries in the location bar?

2009-07-25 Thread Martin Feitag

Tony schrieb:

Is there a way to remove certain entries that have resulted from
mistyping in the location bar? In SM 1.1.17 and below, I could remove
entries by editing localstore.rdf. Now with SM 2.0b1, I can't do that it

Open the History (Shortcut Ctrl+H for me, othewise Go => History), type 
your unwanted url or at least a part of it in the searchbox at the top 
left and delete that entry via mouse or by pressing "Del" on your keyboard.


support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Where Is The Address Book in SeaMonkey?

2009-07-25 Thread Martin Feitag

Eric schrieb:

Martin Feitag wrote:

u...@domain.invalid schrieb:

>> abook.mab
>> See<>
This link/site says:
To restore that data in a new location, open the SeaMonkey address
book window, so SeaMonkey creates it's own abook.mab file. Close
SeaMonkey and replace the newly created abook.mab with your saved one.
To restore additional address books, use the Import menu to import the
LDIF files you saved.


Hi Martin (and Chris),

I have the link, and tried hard to follow it, but I must be doing
something wrong. I tried dragging, transferring, etc., but I cannot move
my abook. to my SeaMonkey address book. I tried copying, and then
pasting, but the "paste" is always grayed out and non-functional.

I would be most grateful if either of you could walk me through the
steps that I must take to get these hundreds of addresses into my
SeaMonkey address book.

Thanks again,


Hello Mort,

you need to open the Seamonkey addressbook-window just once and then
close ALL seamonkey windows. It needs to be completely closed.

Afterwards you need to open the directory of your old
Seamonkey-profile and copy the abook.mab file. Then paste it into the
new profile-folder.
All this is done within windows while Seamnkey is closed, not in
Seaonkey itself and not while Seamonkey is open as the files would be
in use then.
Good luck!


Why don't you just google Mozilla Backup from Jasnapak? and install it
on both computers. Then copy the backup file to a thumb drive, CD, DVD
or however you want to get the backup file to another computer the
restore it to the new computer?


This involves copying anyway, so it doesn't really matter if he copies a 
backup or the abook directly ;-P

support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Strange behaviour with submit buttons

2009-07-24 Thread Martin Feitag

Arne schrieb:

Martin Feitag wrote:

Arne schrieb:

I upgraded to SeaMonkey 1.1.17 a couple of weeks ago, from 1.1.15 and
since then SM is behaving strange every time I click on a submit button
the first time for each browsing session.

Does not matter what site it is, where I click on the submit (Login,
etc) button. After I clicked the button is marked as clicked on
(vertical dotted lines on each side of the button text), I have to wait
for 6 or 7 seconds before anything happens and the browser start to
execute what ever the purpose for the clicking is for.

After that first use of a submit button, the following buttons I
(eventually) click on the same or other sites behave as they always has
done and should do. I have not notice such a delay on submitting with my
previous versions of SM.

Anybody experienced the same thing? What is the cause of this and can it
be fixed or is it fixed in future versions? It's not a big deal, but
getting a bit annoying.

I cant't reproduce this, neither with SM1.1.17 nor with SM2.0beta1.
Seems to be something special with your configuration. (An extension

Don't think it's any extension, the same thing happen in a new clear

I'm on Win Vista (Business edition) since a year back, but as I said
this has not happen in previous SM versions on Vista. Of course there is
a possibility that a Windows Update may change something, but can't
remember having any at the same time I upgraded SM?

Can you reproduce this with SM2.0beta1 too?
(just instal into a second directory, it won't touch you old SM then and 
even create a new profile by importing most relevant data from the old 
SM1 one)


support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Apple QuickTime corrupts SeaMonkey--but how?

2009-07-24 Thread Martin Feitag

Dick Baker schrieb:

For years, I've periodically tried installing QT only to be outraged by
the fact that it seizes all video&  audio file associations without
asking.  Over and over, I've banished it from my PCs.

But now, in a moment of weakness (foolishness?), I've bought an iPhone,
and it appears that Apple doesn't like PDF help files--it prefers
tutorials in *.mov format.  So I gingerly tried again to install the
latest version of QuickTime Player (7.6.2).  To my pleasant surprise, it
actually presented an installation option for file and MIME type
associations.  For both, I deselected *everything* except Apple QT movies

And, to my pleasant surprise, it does not seem to have seized any file
associations on the computer.  BUT when I ran SeaMonkey and went to my site and tried to play mp3 files there, I discovered that
both SeaMonkey (and, for what it's worth, MSIE) were using QT as the
default player for mp3 files, instead of Windows Media Player, which is
what I prefer.

Thinking I could undo this within SeaMonkey, I went to
Edit>Preferences/Navigator>Helper apps, where I found
audio/mpeg = .mp3 = open using default

Oddly, it still showed WMP as the default.  So I tried to edit that entry
to set/reset default as WMP, but it reported, "SM can handle this type
internally.  For such types, a helper app will only be invoked if the
server requests external handling."  I went ahead and made the choice,
but this didn't change anything at  mp3s still played by

So I got deviously clever:  I pulled out my seldom-used Notebook and
uninstalled SeaMonkey, including deleting the Mozilla directory under
docs&  settings.  I then installed QuickTime, being careful not to let it
seize any file associations.  And I checked:  WMP was still the default
app for playing mp3 files.

Only then did I reinstall SeaMonkey.  And to my surprise and horror, the
new installation insisted on opening mp3 files in QuickTime.

What in the world is going on?  QT can't be rewriting SeaMonkey to tell
it to use QT as the mp3 player, because SeaMonkey wasn't there when I
installed QT on the notebook.  And SeaMonkey isn't getting the mp3=QT
association from Windows because it's not there.

I am completely flummoxed.

You were almost there I guess. But the plugins are installed into the 
program directory, not the profile-directory in documents&settings.
So after uninstalling SM make sure to not have a plugins directory with 
a quicktime plugin left there in the Seamonkey program directory.

Alternatively you can try to find all QT-plugin-files by opening 
about:plugins (via the address-bar where you type things like etc.) in a Seamonkey Browser window.
Have a look for all Quicktime Entries there. They always name a filename 
below their headline.
It's very likely that they are named npqtplugin.dll and npqtplugin*.dll 
(where * is a number from 2 to 5 for example). So find all QT-filenames 
in your about:plugin-screen, let them search on your harddrive and 
delete all of them. That should wipe out all Quicktime plugins.

Usually the files are located in X:\Program Files\Seamonkey\plugins
(where X: is the driveletter of your windows-partition, C: on most 
computers), mine is in D:\Progs\Seamonkey\Plugins for example. I guess 
you know where you installed your SM to ;-)

kind regards

support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Recently Closed Tabs in SeaMonkey? Where?

2009-07-24 Thread Martin Feitag

Juergen Herz schrieb:

On 2009-07-23 18:31, Tobias Fischer wrote:

being a long time SeaMonkey user I just noticed "Recently Closed
Windows" in Firefox. Looking for a bug bringing this feature into
SeaMonkey I found bug 477822. From what's written there, it looks SM 2
already has such a feature - but I just can't find it.

Just look into "File" "Recent closed Tabs" ;-)

Hmpf, must have overlooked it. Not to mention that this is the last
place I would have expected it.
Normally I'm no fan of Firefox way of doing things, but here I'd like to
have the History instead the Go menu and add "Recent closed Tabs" there.

Anyway, thanks for the pointer.


I'm closing tabs by accident so often, I even have a single button on 
the right side in the preferences toolbar above the tab-close button (x) 
just to restore tabs ;-) Maybe you find it useful for other things too 
and this button can help you :-)

kind regards

support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Where Is The Address Book in SeaMonkey?

2009-07-24 Thread Martin Feitag

u...@domain.invalid schrieb:

>> abook.mab
>> See
This link/site says:
To restore that data in a new location, open the SeaMonkey address
book window, so SeaMonkey creates it's own abook.mab file. Close
SeaMonkey and replace the newly created abook.mab with your saved one.
To restore additional address books, use the Import menu to import the
LDIF files you saved.


Hi Martin (and Chris),

I have the link, and tried hard to follow it, but I must be doing
something wrong. I tried dragging, transferring, etc., but I cannot move
my abook. to my SeaMonkey address book. I tried copying, and then
pasting, but the "paste" is always grayed out and non-functional.

I would be most grateful if either of you could walk me through the
steps that I must take to get these hundreds of addresses into my
SeaMonkey address book.

Thanks again,


Hello Mort,

you need to open the Seamonkey addressbook-window just once and then 
close ALL seamonkey windows. It needs to be completely closed.

Afterwards you need to open the directory of your old Seamonkey-profile 
and copy the abook.mab file. Then paste it into the new profile-folder.
All this is done within windows while Seamnkey is closed, not in 
Seaonkey itself and not while Seamonkey is open as the files would be in 
use then.

Good luck!

support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: adding swfs using Composer

2009-07-22 Thread Martin Feitag

rachel schrieb:

Is it possible to add swfs to a website in Composer?  If so, how do I
do it?

Switch to the tab HTML Source to view the sourcecode.
Now embed the swf at the position you would like to have it by inserting 
at least the following code:

Of course you have to replace filename.swf by the name of your swf-file. 
(and add the path to the swf file before the filename, if it is not 
located in the same directory as your html-file)

And set width and height according to the size of your swf.

A more complete code would include the class-id etc. Mabe you want to 
have a look at the following page after the easy example above works.

support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Strange behaviour with submit buttons

2009-07-22 Thread Martin Feitag

Arne schrieb:

I upgraded to SeaMonkey 1.1.17 a couple of weeks ago, from 1.1.15 and
since then SM is behaving strange every time I click on a submit button
the first time for each browsing session.

Does not matter what site it is, where I click on the submit (Login,
etc) button. After I clicked the button is marked as clicked on
(vertical dotted lines on each side of the button text), I have to wait
for 6 or 7 seconds before anything happens and the browser start to
execute what ever the purpose for the clicking is for.

After that first use of a submit button, the following buttons I
(eventually) click on the same or other sites behave as they always has
done and should do. I have not notice such a delay on submitting with my
previous versions of SM.

Anybody experienced the same thing? What is the cause of this and can it
be fixed or is it fixed in future versions? It's not a big deal, but
getting a bit annoying.

I cant't reproduce this, neither with SM1.1.17 nor with SM2.0beta1. 
Seems to be something special with your configuration. (An extension maybe?)



support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: secnews help please

2009-07-20 Thread Martin Feitag

Smiles schrieb:

Jay Garcia wrote:

On 19.07.2009 15:59, Smiles wrote:

In you account settings for the servers requiring authentication:

Server Settings => Check the box "Always request authentication "

yes it is checked and I get a refused connection error and no user name
password requested

You can't expect to be asked for username/password after a connection 
was refused. You have to take the correct settings to make the server 
properly ask for the login-data first ;-)


support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: SeaMonkey 2.0a3 - Adblock 1.1

2009-07-19 Thread Martin Feitag

MN schrieb:

btw: SM2.0beta has arrived.


Where is it? I may be blind or something but I couldn't find it. I have
the latest release I could find here:

Thanks again.


I'm sorry, my fault, it will arrive soon ;-)
You can grab the build1 for the Beta1 here if you wish to ty anyway:

When this will become the official Beta1 it will be linked on the 
Homepage too.


support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Blocking emailaddresses in SeaMonkey 1.1.17????

2009-07-19 Thread Martin Feitag

dirk schrieb:


I have SeaMonkey 1.1.17 installed, but I can't find an option to block
specific (incoming) email addresses, can any one tell me how to?


I would suggest to create a Filter for that email-address.
Select an email from the address you don't like and open the "Message" 
menu from the menubar. One entry (probably the last one) offers to 
create a new filter from that message. Select it, SM will already 
prefill the first section of the upcoing window. Have a look at the 
bottom half to select the actions SM should take. You can move the 
message to a specific folder for example or delete it or delete it via 
via POP on the server, or mark it as junk, whatever you prefer.

Deleting or deleting via POP is probably what you will like most.

Real blocking (instead of auto-deleting) can only be done on/by the 
server directly.


support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: SeaMonkey 2.0a3 - Adblock 1.1

2009-07-19 Thread Martin Feitag

MN schrieb:

I am having trouble getting the Adblockplus 1.1 xpi to install on
SeaMonkey 2.0a3.

During the installation, it says that it isn't compatible with SeaMonkey

A also tried version 1.0 which says it IS compatible with Seamonkey
version Seamonkey 1.1 – 2.0a3 but it gives the same message.

Anyone else having this trouble or have any ideas?

You can disable the compatibility check by going to about:config and 
setting extensions.checkCompatibility to false for now.

Or use an extension like MrTech Toolkit to override compatibility.

btw: SM2.0beta has arrived.

support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Some web pages not showing up right

2009-07-15 Thread Martin Feitag

Paul Hartman schrieb:

On Tue, Jul 14, 2009 at 5:01 PM, NoOp  wrote:

On 07/14/2009 07:55 AM, David E. Ross wrote:

On 7/14/2009 6:58 AM, J G wrote:

several times I have noticed that a web page will not display on
SeaMonkey1.1.17 but it is a good looking web page on Mozilla Firefox
and the virus magnet MicroBsoft IE. The following link is an example.

How can one fix SeaMonkey to make this type of problem go away.

I strongly suspect that SeaMonkey is not broken and therefore requires
no fix.  The page has 50 XHTML errors and 3 CSS errors.  Until those
errors are corrected, you should suspect them to be the cause of your

It displays nicely in SeaMonkey 2.0b1pre&  FireFox 3.5, is totally
wacked in 1.1.17, a little flat but ok in Opera, and nicely in Epiphany
(Gnome Web Browser 2.26.1 which uses gecko-1.9 - see So I reckon that 1.1.17 is broken
&  recall a bug to this effect but can't put my finger on it just now. I
think it had something to do with css style handling.

So many errors and you think it's Seamonkey's mistake? Pff!

I have previously seen the same apparent problem on
where the main body of the page is off to the right of the screen for
some reason, and it only happened in SeaMonkey. (that site seems to be
okay now, though)

The site from OP's problem does, however, have terribly mangled
XHTML (including two closing body tags and many improperly nested
tags, among other things). It would be interesting to see if the page
still exhibited problems after being fixed.

I bet not!
I've never seen a major website which causes problems for Seamonkey1.1.x 
_without_ having fatal errors.


support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Where are bookmarks, mail etc in Vista?

2009-07-15 Thread Martin Feitag

Boppy schrieb:

Hi guys, my hard drive was changed and the tech put all my old data on
another drive. Now I'm trying to find my Seamonkey profile but
searching for *.slt is not bringing anything up.

I don't have any of these directories as per the FAQ (mainly because
Vista isn't mentioned):

Windows 98/98SE/Me  If password protection is disabled:
C:\Windows\Application Data\Mozilla\Profiles\\<*.slt>

If password protection is enabled:
C:\Windows\Profiles\%USERPROFILE%\Application Data\Mozilla\Profiles
Windows NT 4.0  C:\Winnt\Profiles\%USERPROFILE%\Application Data
Windows 2000&  Windows XP   C:\Documents and Settings\%USERPROFILE%
\Application Data\Mozilla\Profiles\\

I have prog files/mozilla/seamonkey but what I'm looking for isn't

What extensions should I search for to find my mail, newsgroup,
password and bookmark files?

Thanks in advance for advice so I can get everything working again.


"Documents and settings is a hidden folder in Win7, I guess it's the 
same for Vista"
Also have a look into \Users\\... there will be a similar 
structure like the one in "Documents and settings\\..." from 
Win2000 and XP.


support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Address Book Sorting

2009-07-14 Thread Martin Feitag

Arne schrieb:

Frank Van Eynde wrote:

When I look at my address book it is sorted in alphabetical order but
when I attempt to access it to compose or forward a message the sort
is in a completely different order. What is the problem and how can I
resolve this problem.

Thanks for any help.

What do you mean by "completely different order"?

My address book is in alphabetical order (A - Z) also when I compose.
Clicking on the "Address" header reverse the order to Z - A, but no
other "order" is possible.

SeaMonkey 1.1.17 on Win Vista.

Yes that window is always the same. You have start typing an address 
into the compose window which has the letter of several possibly 
matching addressbook-entries. SM will suggest several adresses/contacts 
then. The order there is NOT alphabetical or anything like that.

support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Address Book Sorting

2009-07-14 Thread Martin Feitag

Frank Van Eynde schrieb:

When I look at my address book it is sorted in alphabetical order but
when I attempt to access it to compose or forward a message the sort is
in a completely different order. What is the problem and how can I
resolve this problem.

Thanks for any help.

Ordered by recently used or most used. Haven't figured it out for 100%
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: The Sunbird Calendar, will it be upgraded along with Seamonkey?

2009-07-12 Thread Martin Feitag

John Boyle schrieb:

John Boyle wrote:

John Boyle wrote:

Benoit Renard wrote:

Martin Feitag wrote:

Sunbird seems to be dead after 1.0 beta.

It was announced back in February at FOSDEM that they were going to do
their last release of Sunbird. So yes, it's dead.

To ALL: Thanks for telling me the facts, now, I guess I will go looking
for its replacement, or would it better to wait until SeaMonkey 2 Final
is out? :-\
support-seamonkey mailing list

To ALL: Found the answer, and will wait for Ver. 2, which should contain
Lightning! Thanks for the effort, all! :-)

To Reiterate the question of the "Hour", is there any better idea, yet,
on the approximate date Ver. 2 might be out

Not afaik, but the first Beta this scheduled for this month I think.

support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Adding search engines to seamonkey

2009-07-12 Thread Martin Feitag

Bret Busby schrieb:


Previously, when the Mozilla suite existed, or, when it was Netscape, a
user was able to add search engines, and, change the default search engine.

Due to misconduct by google, I want to replace google as the default
search engine, with yahoo, in seamonkey, but I cannot find how to add a
search engine that is not included by seamonkey.

Opera already includes yahoo as a search engine that can be used for

I am not sure whether Firefox allows for earch engines to be added to
its included search engines.

Please advise how a search engine that is not included in the search
engines available through the search facility in seamonkey, can be
added, so that the default search engine can be changed from google to

Thank you in anticipation.

Just choose one with an Apple before the link (not an A9!)
Afterwards it can be chosen in the Preferences like the other 
Searchengines listed there already.



PS: in about:config filter for that might come up with 
interesting things for you too...

support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Gmail in Standard view

2009-07-12 Thread Martin Feitag

David Weintraub schrieb:

Martin Feitag wrote:

David Weintraub schrieb:

Martin Feitag wrote:

David Weintraub schrieb:

All I have is the Loading in the upper Left and the view choice in
bottom right. The blue bar never gets to the end.

Is that happening with a new profile?

support-seamonkey mailing list

Yes same result with a different profile in Seamonkey.

You're out of luck then.
Either you have installed extension globally (into the Seamonkey
program directory instead of the profile directory) or some other
things blocks something.
If there are extension in the program directory a new
progra-installation may be required...
I wouldn't know what else to do, sry...

support-seamonkey mailing list

Tried viewing gmail in an IE tab and opened in standard view with no

Using an IE tab is like viewing it directly in IE, that's not comparable 
at all, sry.

support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Where Is The Address Book in SeaMonkey?

2009-07-12 Thread Martin Feitag

Morton schrieb:

On Jul 11, 7:03 pm, Chris Ilias  wrote:

On 11/07/09 6:06 PM, Morton wrote:

A so-called computer tech savaged my newer laptop, and I am trying to
put the pieces together. I have many of my e-mail addresses in my older
laptop, SeaMonkey of course. i tried to drag the address book listings
to my CD burner and burn a CD-R, to transfer to my newer laptop. It did
not work,as the address book is apparently not draggable.

Does anyone know the file name of the address book in SeaMonkey? I
thought that if I knew the file name, I could try and gat that file into
my CD-R software. I hesitate to use USB cables to transfer everything.

Any help, or any suggestions, would be greatly appreciated.


Chris Ilias
List-owner: support-firefox, support-thunderbird, test-multimedia
Keeper of the Knowledge Base:

Hi Chris,
Thanks a lot for the help. I found that my address book is in fact on
my loused-up laptop's hard drive, but I can only find it in narrative
form. I would like to get all the addresses back into my SeaMonkey
address book folder, but cannot figure out how to do it.  As they are
now, they are almost useless. Any further help would be gratefully

Chris already gave you the link!
>> abook.mab
>> See
This link/site says:
To restore that data in a new location, open the SeaMonkey address book 
window, so SeaMonkey creates it's own abook.mab file. Close SeaMonkey 
and replace the newly created abook.mab with your saved one. To restore 
additional address books, use the Import menu to import the LDIF files 
you saved.

support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Access HTTP Mail

2009-07-12 Thread Martin Feitag

MalcolmO schrieb:

Hotmail now allows POP3 access if you are lucky enough to live in
certain countries.

Wow. Which countries are those? I tried to look at Hotmail but found I
couldn't get near it without pledging my firstborn or such.

In January, the feature trickled out to the UK, Canada, Australia, 
France, Japan, Spain, Germany, Italy, as well as the Netherlands, and 
then arrived in the US and Brazil in February.

In March they announced WORLDWIDE availability.

support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: SeaMonkey 1.1.13 not dispalying all images in Google image search

2009-07-12 Thread Martin Feitag

u...@domain.invalid schrieb:

Can someone please throw some light as to why SM only displays some
images in Google image search?
All images appear ok in IE.
If you click 'view image', the image shows up in ok in a new window.
I've enabled cookies and tried clearing the cache, but no luck.
Thanks, Willy

Can't confirm this with Seamonkey 1.1.17, all images loading fine every day.
Maybe you have Adblock Extension installed or something similar?

support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Gmail in Standard view

2009-07-10 Thread Martin Feitag

David Weintraub schrieb:

Martin Feitag wrote:

David Weintraub schrieb:

All I have is the Loading in the upper Left and the view choice in
bottom right. The blue bar never gets to the end.

Is that happening with a new profile?

support-seamonkey mailing list

Yes same result with a different profile in Seamonkey.

You're out of luck then.
Either you have installed extension globally (into the Seamonkey program 
directory instead of the profile directory) or some other things blocks 
If there are extension in the program directory a new 
progra-installation may be required...

I wouldn't know what else to do, sry...

support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: The Sunbird Calendar, will it be upgraded along with Seamonkey?

2009-07-10 Thread Martin Feitag

John Boyle schrieb:

To whom it may concern: It has occurred to me that nobody is mentioning
what will happen to the Sunbird calendar program! I am wondering if it
will be integrated into SeaMonkey 2, or kept as a standalone, and if it
is being upgraded, also? O:-)

Sunbird seems to be dead after 1.0 beta. I wanted to strengthen my 
efforts to help keeping sunbird alive in august, but I guess it doesn't 
look good without more helpers.

Afaik the Seamonkey crew is working on getting Lightning to work in SM2.

support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: bookmarks sharing post-places

2009-07-10 Thread Martin Feitag

Felix Miata schrieb:

Has anyone found a practical way to do this, preferably without running any
involved Gecko application?

When all bookmarks depended exclusively on bookmarks.html, it was easy to
share by simply copying that file from whichever profile was used to maintain
it to any other profile that wished to use it. It didn't matter if the
profile was for Firefox or SeaMonkey or some other Gecko.

Places merged history and bookmarks. As a result, if you delete places.sqlite
from a profile and copy the bookmarks.html file to that profile in order for
it to be automatically converted to places format, all history is lost for
that profile. If instead you copy from a master places.sqlite profile to
another that desires to use its bookmarks, the original history is replaced
with that of the profile copied from. Either way, the discrete history of the
profile copied to is lost.

Is there any convenient and practical way to share bookmarks without
destroying history?

FWIW, my bookmarks.html file is more than 500k.

Using the Import/Export functionality of the Bookmark Manager maybe?
Seamonkey allows import export to HTML and so does Firefox afaik.

support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Gmail in Standard view

2009-07-10 Thread Martin Feitag

David Weintraub schrieb:

All I have is the Loading in the upper Left and the view choice in
bottom right. The blue bar never gets to the end.

Is that happening with a new profile?

support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Fox forecast in seamonkey 1.1.16

2009-07-09 Thread Martin Feitag

me2 schrieb:

I re-installed this add-on and got a message that no profile was
available, Now I can't seem to access the program (I see nothing any
where about it in my browser)- what am I missing?

Sry, but if it didn't find a profile to install to, you can't expect it 
to work afterwards.

support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Reporting broken sites

2009-07-09 Thread Martin Feitag

Ken Rudolph schrieb:

Martin Feitag wrote:

PS: As said for an alpha it's very stable, don't compare it too much
with other alphas you might have tested, as the codebase is pretty
mature. Of course it's not recommended to replace SM1 with SM2 yet in
a productivity environment but having SM2 parallely doesn't harm and
keeps up the hope/interest ;-)

Hey, I tried to download SM 2.0a3 to test and my virus checker
quarantined it saying it was a trojan or malware. I have a feeling that
it isn't such; but maybe I should wait at least for the beta?
Incidentally, why does it trip the virus checker? No Mozilla program has
ever done that in the past.

--Ken Rudolph

If you got your package from
or from the FTP-server* directly this is probably a false positive. You 
should update your antivirus signatures (or set it to ignore it). If the 
problem still exists, tell the maker of the anti-virus app of the 
incident. All bigger companies offer a special email-address or webform 
to do that.



support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Removing Add-On

2009-07-08 Thread Martin Feitag

Brian Mailman schrieb:

Martin Feitag wrote:

Brian Mailman schrieb:

Martin Feitag wrote:

Brian Mailman schrieb:

I downloaded the add-on mentioned recently that places an X on each
in order to close it with one click. I find that unlike IE the X is
large and I keep closing a tab accidentally when I want to access it

I thought when I upgraded to SM 1.1.17 it would disappear (I've
seen the
discussions about reinstalling add-ons,) but it didn't. How can I

I described how to remove Extensons in 1.1.x already today to
Charlene: h2t3kp$
(just one thread below yours ;-) )

btw: you can close tabs easily with a middle-mouse-click, too.


Now if only I had a middle mouse button

it's probably your scroll wheel, which is clickable. There are not
many mice without third button functionality out there any longer.

Huh, just messing around with that, I pressed down on the wheel instead
of just running my finger over it. I heard a distinct click!! And I see
a circle with arrows pointing out appear on the screen (I do know that
means a misclick, which is by definition a click). I've had this mouse
for months now--if not over a year--and I never knew that.

As the Baba Rum Raisin (me in my more profound moments) says, "live and
learn... and then ya learn some more."

Thanks! middle-mouse-click it is. It's been frustrating having windows
I've wanted to switch to close instead.

hehe, nice to hear that :-)

PS: I guess when SM2 is out, your problem will be solved ;-)

If the download manager is set to resume on stoppage, and if crossposted
messages are marked as read after being seen once in News, and if it'll
make the morning coffee I'll be a happy camper.

50% ;-)
Downloadmanager: Yes. The other thing is pretty complex I heared... (so 
not available before SM2.1 at least - or whatever the next version 
number might be...)


support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: unresponsive script

2009-07-08 Thread Martin Feitag

Tony schrieb:

Jay Garcia wrote:

On 08.07.2009 12:01, Walter wrote:

--- Original Message ---

I frequently get the following message:

{A script on this page may be busy, or it may have stopped
responding. You can stop the script now, or you can continue to see
if the script will complete.}

(option boxes, {stop script} {continue}

I am running SeaMonkey 1.1.16. I have the latest version of Java loaded.

Any suggestions?


See the following article at Mozillazine:

I see a similar message when I click on MyComics at Istop the
script and I see nothing wrong with the page when I do so. I think it's
just a poorly written script.

Yepp, just pretty poor scripts and the javascript engine (notice to 
Walter Java !!= Javascript) of SM1 is not the fastest (will be much 
faster in SM2), that's why often a timeout occurs.
Usually both options (continue or stop) lead to success regarding 
viewing the page for me ;-)


support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Reporting broken sites

2009-07-08 Thread Martin Feitag

Ken Rudolph schrieb:

Martin Feitag wrote:

Ken Rudolph schrieb:

These sites aren't exactly malware, being fairly typical of important
web resources. The fact that SM 1x can't handle them, despite their
deficiencies, is all the more reason that SM 2x is necessary. I'm not a
beta kinda user...when IS 2.0 release version actually scheduled for? It
is really needed NOW.

--Ken Rudolph

Sry but afaik there's only a BETA scheduled for now which is targeted
around the 16th of July (so pretty soon, they're primarily waiting for
the Thunderbird team to complete their latest TB beta of v3.0 because
of being dependent on some code in there)
Feel free to grab SM2.0alpha3 to test, it won't touch your existing SM
and import all data to a new profile and is very stable, especially
for an alpha version.


Even the thought of testing an "alpha" makes me shudder with angst. It
seems to me that the news-mail part of SM 1x is not nearly so deficient
and outdated as the browser portion. If it is Thunderbird 3 which is
holding up SM 2x then maybe SM 2.0 should be released with a lesser mail

I guess I'm especially despondent because I've been a fanatical
supporter of the "suite" browser concept since Netscape 0.8 and now I
feel that nothing sufficiently modern is out there that I'm comfortable
using. The SeaMonkey Project is in danger of becoming irrelevant if they
keep dithering and waiting for utter perfection.

--Ken Rudolph

According to Robert Kaiser it wasn't planned and they were pretty 
surprised that the TB team struggled that much / was lacking a proper 
plan or whatever. They are kinda angry because of that and it sounded 
like that there will be taken actions to prevent such thing happening again.



PS: As said for an alpha it's very stable, don't compare it too much 
with other alphas you might have tested, as the codebase is pretty 
mature. Of course it's not recommended to replace SM1 with SM2 yet in a 
productivity environment but having SM2 parallely doesn't harm and keeps 
up the hope/interest ;-)

support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Reporting broken sites

2009-07-08 Thread Martin Feitag

Ken Rudolph schrieb:

Daniel wrote:

Ken Rudolph wrote:

There's a site which keeps crashing Seamonkey 1.1.17 when I click on
it, at least lately (it didn't used to happen). The site doesn't
hang when I use Firefox 3.0.11. The site is:

On the SM Help menu there is a link to "Report Broken Web Site".
However when I click on that it wants to report the URL of the site
I'm on currently (my home page after restarting SM). The window
which loads doesn't seem to allow editing the URL line to put in the
site which is crashing the browser. And of course, when the browser
is hung, there is no way to click on the Help menu. So, the Report
link is useless for sites which crash Seamonkey. Isn't that a real bug?

I wish I could say this was an isolated incident. But I'm finding
more and more sites which hang in SM lately. Here's another: Load and then click on the "Buy Tickets
& Online Film Guide" on the left side menu. Voila...hang. Again,
it doesn't happen with Firefox or IE.

Is this just my browser? Or is there a problem with SM?

--Ken Rudolph

The outfest site locked up my SM 1.1.15, couldn't even close the
browser by clicking the "X", had to CTRl-ALT-Delete and end program.
No Modem activity.

These sites aren't exactly malware, being fairly typical of important
web resources. The fact that SM 1x can't handle them, despite their
deficiencies, is all the more reason that SM 2x is necessary. I'm not a
beta kinda user...when IS 2.0 release version actually scheduled for? It
is really needed NOW.

--Ken Rudolph

Sry but afaik there's only a BETA scheduled for now which is targeted 
around the 16th of July (so pretty soon, they're primarily waiting for 
the Thunderbird team to complete their latest TB beta of v3.0 because of 
being dependent on some code in there)
Feel free to grab SM2.0alpha3 to test, it won't touch your existing SM 
and import all data to a new profile and is very stable, especially for 
an alpha version.


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