[Wikimediach-l] Peut-être une solution pour la n umérisation

2007-07-10 Diskussionsfäden Emmanuel Engelhart
J'avais ce soir un court entretien avec le responsable d'une société
qui offre des solutions d'archivage numérique.

Il va me mettre une machine à ma disposition pour numériser pour une
durée de 2 mois. Cette solution offre l'avantage particulier d'avoir
une très bonne solution d'OCR et d'offrir une interface pour simplier
le travail de numérisation.

Je vous donnerai plus d'infos dès que j'aurai numériser mon premier livre.

Objectif est d'offrir pour tous une solution simple de numérisation de livres :
1) Envoie du bouquin et d'un defraimement modique
2) récupération du bouquin + CDROM avec numérision et textes (via OCR)

Affaire à suivre...


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Re: [Wikimediach-l] Peut-être une solution pour la n umérisation

2007-07-10 Diskussionsfäden Emmanuel Engelhart
Hallo Robin,

Ich kann Deutsch gut lesen... schreibt aber lieber auf Französisch...

2007/7/10, Robin Schwab <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Erlaubst du, dass ich auf Deutsch antworte? Ich bin auch daran, ein Buch
> zu digitalisieren und könnte mir vorstellen, weitere Bücher zu
> digitalisieren. Bisher habe ich die Buchseiten fotografiert und dann mit
> einem OCR in Maschinentext umgewandelt.
> Wenn man eine typografisch anspruchsvolle Digitalisierung zum Ziel hat,
> finde ich den Aufwand mit dieser Methode vertretbar. Der Aufwand, um
> manuell Fehler im geOCRten text zu finden, ist viel grösser als das
> eigentliche Scannen.
> Ganz anders sieht es beim Digitalisieren von Büchern mit gebrochenen
> Schriften aus (éecriture gothique). Wenn das mit deiner Maschine möglich
> ist, schicke ich dir schon bald eine Vorlage.

Je pense que tu veux parler de l'écriture gothique.

C'est un problème pour les livres en allemand. L'OCR est finereader,
qui semble-t-il est parmis les 2-3 meilleurs mondiaux, mais il ne peut
reconnaitre le gothique avec la licence actuelle.  Pour cela il
faudrait acheter une licence speciale qui coute 35000 dollars.

C'est un peu cher ;) , mais si on monte une organisation logistique
efficace l'achat de cette licence pourrait etre je pense étudiée.

Enfin plus d'informations concrètes dans le courant de la semaine prochaine.


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[Wikimediach-l] [27 juillet] Rencontre Wikim édiene de Suisse romande

2007-07-20 Diskussionsfäden Emmanuel Engelhart

I think it was not announced here.

French speaking people will have a small meetup (drink, diner) in Lausanne :

Everybody is welcome, especialy from the other parts of Switzerland.

Best regards


http://wikimedia.ch Wikimedia CH website
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Re: [Wikimediach-l] tool for coloring/treating maps searched ...

2007-08-14 Diskussionsfäden Emmanuel Engelhart



2007/8/14, THURNER rupert <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> hi,
> beginning with release 1.9 mediawiki can have image maps. we also had it as
> suggestion for the 150 jahre volkschule project (scholars at the age of
> 12-14) - but it seems quite challenging - without tools :)
>  see here for details:
> *
> http://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Help:Images_and_other_uploaded_files#Navigational_maps
> *
> http://tools.wikimedia.de/~dapete/ImageMapEdit/ImageMapEdit.html?en
> creating/coloring maps is usually the biggest work. anybody knows good tools
> or good keywords for a websearch to find tools which facilitate
> drawing/coloring images like
> http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bild:Gemeindeartikel-ch_060208.png?
> i found:
> * http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:Graphics_tutorials
> *
> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Category:Vector_graphics_editors
> *
> http://www.oreillynet.com/pub/a/network/2005/06/10/osgeospatial.html
> a second question:
> what is the best/preferred format to store the result? is it svg?
> rupert.
> ___
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[Wikimediach-l] Züri Treffe

2007-08-20 Diskussionsfäden Emmanuel Engelhart
Hi !

I'm proud to announce you the first "Züri Treffe'', the 2007/09/06... in Zürich.
Everybody with interest for Free knowledge and/or the Wikimedia
projects is invited.


Best regards

Emmanuel [Kelson]

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Re: [Wikimediach-l] Ordering for Cups

2007-08-28 Diskussionsfäden Emmanuel Engelhart

great idea, but do you have a picture which shows us how the mugs look like ?


2007/8/28, Nando Stöcklin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Hi
> We'll order cups with this subject:
> http://members.wikimedia.ch/Image:Tasse_Freies_Wissen.jpg.
> You're welcome to order cups as well, but you've to pay them by yourself ;-)
> The more cups you order the cheaper they'll be. Just add your name and the
> number of cups you'd like to order in this list:
> http://members.wikimedia.ch/Tasse/Ordering. We'll order
> them in one week. You reiceive the ordererd cups at the Wikipedia Day in
> Berne, 29. Sept. 07.
> Nando
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[Wikimediach-l] Mailserver on members.wikimedia.ch

2007-09-05 Diskussionsfäden Emmanuel Engelhart

It seems that it doesn't work... or is very slow.

I'm not able to send the confirmation emails of the "Züri Treffe" :(

Best regards


http://wikimedia.ch Wikimedia CH website
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Re: [Wikimediach-l] Mailserver on members.wikimedia.ch

2007-09-05 Diskussionsfäden Emmanuel Engelhart
:)... no, using the Mediawiki feature : "E-mail this user".

Nothing happens, I have tested with myself as a copy, and I do not
receive the copy.

I send you, your confirmation.


2007/9/5, Petar Marjanovic <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Hmm why? - Send it like you sent this mail?!
> 2007/9/5, Emmanuel Engelhart <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> >
> > Hi,
> >
> > It seems that it doesn't work... or is very slow.
> >
> > I'm not able to send the confirmation emails of the "Züri Treffe" :(
> >
> > Best regards
> >
> > Emmanuel
> >
> > ___
> > http://wikimedia.ch Wikimedia CH website
> > Wikimediach-l mailing list
> > http://lists.wikimedia.org/mailman/listinfo/wikimediach-l
> >
> --
> Petar Marjanovic
> Weidstrasse 5
> 8880 Walenstadt
> Schweiz
> ++ Kostegünstige Webseiten ++
> ++ www.pmeg.ch ++
> ___
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Re: [Wikimediach-l] Mailserver on members.wikimedia.ch

2007-09-05 Diskussionsfäden Emmanuel Engelhart
hmm.. it works now...

2007/9/5, Emmanuel Engelhart <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> :)... no, using the Mediawiki feature : "E-mail this user".
> Nothing happens, I have tested with myself as a copy, and I do not
> receive the copy.
> I send you, your confirmation.
> Emmanuel
> 2007/9/5, Petar Marjanovic <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> > Hmm why? - Send it like you sent this mail?!
> >
> > 2007/9/5, Emmanuel Engelhart <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> > >
> > > Hi,
> > >
> > > It seems that it doesn't work... or is very slow.
> > >
> > > I'm not able to send the confirmation emails of the "Züri Treffe" :(
> > >
> > > Best regards
> > >
> > > Emmanuel
> > >
> > > ___
> > > http://wikimedia.ch Wikimedia CH website
> > > Wikimediach-l mailing list
> > > http://lists.wikimedia.org/mailman/listinfo/wikimediach-l
> > >
> >
> >
> >
> > --
> > Petar Marjanovic
> > Weidstrasse 5
> > 8880 Walenstadt
> > Schweiz
> >
> > ++ Kostegünstige Webseiten ++
> > ++ www.pmeg.ch ++
> > ___
> > http://wikimedia.ch Wikimedia CH website
> > Wikimediach-l mailing list
> > http://lists.wikimedia.org/mailman/listinfo/wikimediach-l
> >
> >

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[Wikimediach-l] Rencontre à Genève

2007-09-18 Diskussionsfäden Emmanuel Engelhart
Salut à tous...

Je me suis rendu compte que rien n'avait été posté à ce sujet ; alors :

Attention : c'est samedi prochain.



http://wikimedia.ch Wikimedia CH website
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Re: [Wikimediach-l] Rencontre à Genève

2007-09-18 Diskussionsfäden Emmanuel Engelhart
Bonjour Ilario,

Je n'ai malheureusement pas les droits nécessaires pour faire cela.


Le 18/09/07, Ilario Valdelli<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> a écrit :
> Hi Emmanuel,
> peux tu ajouter ce rencontre là aussi à l'agenda de Wikimedia CH?
> http://members.wikimedia.ch/Agenda
> Merci
> Ilario
> On 9/18/07, Emmanuel Engelhart <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Salut à tous...
> >
> > Je me suis rendu compte que rien n'avait été posté à ce sujet ; alors :
> > http://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikip%C3%A9dia:Rencontre/Suisse_romande
> >
> > Attention : c'est samedi prochain.
> >
> > Cordialement
> >
> > Emmanuel
> >
> > ___
> > http://wikimedia.ch Wikimedia CH website
> > Wikimediach-l mailing list
> > http://lists.wikimedia.org/mailman/listinfo/wikimediach-l
> >
> ___
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Re: [Wikimediach-l] Rencontre à Genève

2007-09-18 Diskussionsfäden Emmanuel Engelhart
En fait, si c'est possible de modifier. C'est fait.


Le 18/09/07, Ilario Valdelli<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> a écrit :
> Hi Emmanuel,
> peux tu ajouter ce rencontre là aussi à l'agenda de Wikimedia CH?
> http://members.wikimedia.ch/Agenda
> Merci
> Ilario
> On 9/18/07, Emmanuel Engelhart <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Salut à tous...
> >
> > Je me suis rendu compte que rien n'avait été posté à ce sujet ; alors :
> > http://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikip%C3%A9dia:Rencontre/Suisse_romande
> >
> > Attention : c'est samedi prochain.
> >
> > Cordialement
> >
> > Emmanuel
> >
> > ___
> > http://wikimedia.ch Wikimedia CH website
> > Wikimediach-l mailing list
> > http://lists.wikimedia.org/mailman/listinfo/wikimediach-l
> >
> ___
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Re: [Wikimediach-l] französisch sprechende sysops f ür http://members.wikimedia.ch

2007-10-28 Diskussionsfäden Emmanuel Engelhart

Um repräsentativ zu sein kann es nur besser... sein.
Aber, hat mann das nötig ? Oder ist es mehr symbolisch ?

Das kann ich auf jeder Fall machen.


2007/10/1, THURNER rupert <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> hi,
> was haltet ihr davon 2-3 französisch sprechende sysops für
> http://members.wikimedia.ch zu suchen, wie auch von frederic letztesmal
> vorgeschlagen?
> qu est ce que vous pensez de chercher 2-3 sysops avec langue maternelle
> francaise pour http://members.wikimedia.org comme propose par frederic
> recement?
> rupert.
> der wikipediatag in bern ist vorbei, es war in der tagesschau:
> http://wikipediatag.ch/contents/download/sf1-tagesschau-wikipedia-tag-2007.avi)
> und fotos gibts auch:
> http://knipz.h1.org/v/mlschneider/wikipedia/wpd07be/,
> http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Category:Wikipedia_Day_Bern_2007.
> ___
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[Wikimediach-l] [CHAPTERS] meeting proposal

2007-12-03 Diskussionsfäden Emmanuel Engelhart

An idea : It may be very positive IMHO to have as son as possible an
inter-chapter meeting. Especially with other European chapters.

What do you think about this idea ?
Can we do something to support this idea ?



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Re: [Wikimediach-l] Technical workshops

2007-12-18 Diskussionsfäden Emmanuel Engelhart

I find this idea really good.
I should be possible to find rooms in Zürich.

I do not know if you can write on http://members.wikimedia.ch
But it would be a good place, to see more in details, how to organize
such an event.


2007/12/18, Rama Rama <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Hello,
> I would like to suggest a prototype project for Technical workshops. These
> workshops are of interest for all Wikimedia chapters. Since I live in
> Lausanne, I decided to start in here :)  (I am a member of Wikimédia France,
> and I speak a very bad German, hence the English).
> I am sending this mail to see whether someone is interested to form a small
> core of organisers. We could then advertise the putative event to
> Wikipedians located in Switzerland and get the thing rolling.
> Thank you for your interest,
>   -- Rama
> == Proposal ==
> === Rational ===
> Among other tactics, Linux evangelism was carried out though "install
> parties", in which experienced users devoted some of their time to train
> newbies. These live meetings allowed discussion and demonstrations of actual
> manipulations.
> I suggest that similar event could profitably be organised by Wikimedia
> chapters and individual Wikipedians with specific expertise (for instance:
> photography, Law, etc).
> === Teaching, learning and comparing notes ===
> The events could be a place for people of comparable expertise to compare
> notes, and for people of very different expertise to teach and learn tips
> and tricks. For instance:
> * Photography: how to frame, basic techniques, etc.
> * Audio: how to record a spoken article
> * Image: how to edit an image (detour, etc)
> * Law: licences, personality rights, etc.
> * Applied psychology: how to speak or write to people in an effective manner
> to obtain licences and autorisations
> * Digitalise books
> * Special interest topics: how to take photograph in a museum ? (combines
> particular aspects of photography, legal considerations, applied psychology,
> etc.)
> The means of these exchanges would be mainly
> * informal presentations and exposés
> * discussions
> * practical workshops: for instance 6 people are taught by 1 organiser how
> to do proper photographs
> * demonstrations: for instance one person demonstrates how to detour an
> image in GIMP.
> === Technical support ===
> The events could be a place where technical tools (such as scanners,
> high-end cameras, microphones, etc.) are concentrated punctually. This might
> allow some punctual work to be done (not scanning whole books, but properly
> scanning a few photographs or engravings, for instance).
> === Practical considerations ===
> I propose that the events should be made relatively small, as to allow
> * regular occurence (temporal plenty)
> * occurence within a reasonable distance from home for all Wikipedians
> (spatial plenty)
> * easy organisation
> ___
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Re: [Wikimediach-l] [CHAPTERS] meeting proposal

2007-12-18 Diskussionsfäden Emmanuel Engelhart
The support to the idea seems not to be very big.
On the other part, Michael, with his new function, will maybe do miracles ;)

So, wait&see.


2007/12/5, Ilario Valdelli <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> OK, I agree.
> I can bring with me cakes and pies.
> Ilario
> On Dec 5, 2007 4:11 PM, Frieda Brioschi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > 2007/12/3, Ilario Valdelli <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> > > Officially this is the competence of Chapcom.
> >
> > mmhm. Not really.
> > AFAIK, anyone could organize a chapter meeting.
> >
> > Frieda
> ___
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Re: [Wikimediach-l] Fwd: EDOEB - Unrechtmässige Be arbeitung von Personendaten bei der Bekämpfung vo n Urheberrechtsverletzungen im Internet

2008-01-18 Diskussionsfäden Emmanuel Engelhart

1 - It's not "weird", it's a real and actual problem.
2 - P2P is the only one solution du share widely contents without
investing a lot a money.

... like Wikipedia CD/DVD for example.


2008/1/18, Sämi Kneubühler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Weird thing.
> But Peer-to-peer is usally not very recommendable.
> -Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Im Auftrag von Michael
> Bimmler
> Gesendet: Freitag, 18. Januar 2008 10:32
> An: Mailing list for Wikimedia CH
> Betreff: [Wikimediach-l] Fwd: EDOEB - Unrechtmässige Bearbeitung von
> Personendaten bei der Bekämpfung von Urheberrechtsverletzungen im Internet
> -- Forwarded message --
> Date: 2008/1/18
> Subject: EDOEB - Unrechtmässige Bearbeitung von Personendaten bei der
> Bekämpfung von Urheberrechtsverletzungen im Internet
> Diese Nachricht wurde Ihnen von www.news.admin.ch zugestellt.
> Unrechtmässige Bearbeitung von Personendaten bei der Bekämpfung von
> Urheberrechtsverletzungen im Internet
> Bern, 18.01.2008 - Der Eidgenössische Datenschutz- und
> Öffentlichkeitsbeauftragte (EDÖB) stellt fest, dass die
> Datenbearbeitung einer Schweizer Firma im Rahmen der Bekämpfung von
> Urheberrechtsverletzungen in Peer-to-Peer-Netzwerken gegen die
> Grundsätze des Datenschutzgesetzes verstösst. Dabei stellt der EDÖB
> die Legitimität der strafrechtlichen Verfolgung von
> Urheberrechtsverletzern keineswegs in Abrede. Es geht vielmehr um die
> Frage nach dem rechtlichen Rahmen, der eine Durchbrechung des
> Fernmeldegeheimnisses im privatrechtlichen Bereich erlauben würde. Ein
> solcher ist nicht gegeben. Solange das der Fall ist, hat die Firma
> gemäss EDÖB die Bearbeitung von Personendaten zu unterlassen.
> Eidgenössischer Datenschutz- und Öffentlichkeitsbeauftragter
> Bitte antworten Sie nicht auf diese E-Mail.
> Sie können Ihr Abonnement anpassen unter: www.news.admin.ch/abo
> ___
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Re: [Wikimediach-l] OpenExpo 2008

2008-02-04 Diskussionsfäden Emmanuel Engelhart
2008/2/3, Petar Marjanovic <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Am 12. und 13. März 2008 öffnet die OpenExpo in Bern zum vierten Mal
> ihre Tore. Die grösste Schweizer Konferenz und Messe zu Open Source
> Software organisiert durch den Verein /ch/open und die topsoft ist seit
> Herbst 2007 erneut gewachsen und internationaler geworden: In den 51
> Fachreferaten werden neben Schweizer Experten zahlreiche Redner aus
> Deutschland, Österreich, Italien, Frankreich, Dänemark, Belgien, England
> und den USA zu begrüssen sein.
> Eintritt & kleine Verpflegung: gratis
> Mit einer "Linux Install Zone"
> Ein Besuch wäre vorallem wegen der informatica08 bestimmt interessant.
> http://www.openexpo.ch/
> best regards, Petar

Ich mache gern mit, wenn mann auch am Abend besuchen kann.


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[Wikimediach-l] WEF organisators release official pictures of the last WEF under a free license

2008-03-27 Diskussionsfäden Emmanuel Engelhart

I want to relay that information published on Anthere's blog:

I have unfortunately no time do it by myself, but it would be great in 2 months 
to write an email to the WEF to thank them, explain who we are and give them 
statistics about the spread of their pictures.

If they are satisfied... it would be a good time IMHO to ask to release, under 
a free license, pictures from the old meetings. To remember, the WEF has been 
existing since almost 40 years.



http://wikimedia.ch Wikimedia CH website
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[Wikimediach-l] Questions about the "New Web site" project

2011-03-12 Diskussionsfäden Emmanuel Engelhart

it seems that people are motivated by improving our Web site and also
maybe more. See last email from Manuel.

I have tried in the past hour to understand better what wanted to be
improved? Why? in which way? by who? etc.

I didn't really find answers to my questions, so I simply write them all
* What is the scope: create visual guidelines, improve the Web site
engine, improve the web site content (I ask because this page
http://www.wikimedia.ch/Website_2011 speaks a lot about the visual
guidelines and not really about the Web site)?
* Who are the sponsors and the project leader(s)?
* What is the timeline and the decision process?
* What is exactly wrong with our current Web site (did not find something) ?
* What are the business requirements (I have only find
http://www.wikimedia.ch/Site_web#Goal but this is too fuzzy and I guess
for this reason I feel our current solution is already matching them)?

Having an answer to these questions is mandatory to have a chance to
work on a successful IT project.

Thank you for your help.


http://wikimedia.ch Wikimedia CH website
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Re: [Wikimediach-l] Questions about the "New Web site" project

2011-03-13 Diskussionsfäden Emmanuel Engelhart
On 03/12/2011 07:08 PM, Ilario Valdelli wrote:
> On 12.03.2011 15:53, Emmanuel Engelhart wrote:
>> Hi,
>> it seems that people are motivated by improving our Web site and also
>> maybe more. See last email from Manuel.
>> I have tried in the past hour to understand better what wanted to be
>> improved? Why? in which way? by who? etc.
>> I didn't really find answers to my questions, so I simply write them all
>> here:
>> * What is the scope: create visual guidelines, improve the Web site
>> engine, improve the web site content (I ask because this page
>> http://www.wikimedia.ch/Website_2011 speaks a lot about the visual
>> guidelines and not really about the Web site)?
>> * Who are the sponsors and the project leader(s)?
>> * What is the timeline and the decision process?
>> * What is exactly wrong with our current Web site (did not find something) ?
>> * What are the business requirements (I have only find
>> http://www.wikimedia.ch/Site_web#Goal but this is too fuzzy and I guess
>> for this reason I feel our current solution is already matching them)?
>> Having an answer to these questions is mandatory to have a chance to
>> work on a successful IT project.
>> Thank you for your help.
>> Emmanuel
> It's not an official answer, it's not a definitive answer, it's my answer.

Thank you Ilario to take time to answer me. I think an official one
would be welcome (from the Project Manager or Mourad). The WMCH members
should have a clear answer to these pretty basic questions.

> In my opinion the idea to improve the communication of Wikimedia CH (and 
> we are considering the one-way communication, for example what we do, 
> what are our projects) it's not an IT project, it's a project connected 
> with the communication.
> I could say, for example, that it's more connected with press speakers 
> than with IT responsibles. The current web sites are good for 
> wikimedians or wikipedians but it's frequent the question received from 
> new members: "I am new member but I have not understood what you do and 
> how I could help you"!!!

Ok, so I think until this point everybody could be agree.

> This project would not implement web applications, would not change the 
> current web sites but it would create a new website to communicate our 
> mission and our projects to the external world.

So you want to create an additional web site to http://www.wikimedia.ch
? What will happen with www.wikimedia.ch ?

> We don't need to improve visual guidelines, we don't need to improve the 
> web site engine, but we need to communicate our mission in the *simplest 
> way*.

WMCH has no visual guidelines. Wanting to communicate in an efficient
way without such guidelines is a little bit like wanting to make the
Paris-Dakar without wheels.

So, this is important to be agree on that point... because on the wiki
it's written [...]create a visual identity for Wikimedia CH.In the frame
of this project, we are collecting suggestions regarding visual elements
to include in this future identity which will not only be used in the
web site, but as will on any communication's material (i.e. flyers,
mailing list, official documents, exhibitions, ...) [..]

So, create a general visual identity YES or NO ?

> The aim of the project is the "communication" and it's not the 
> Information technology.

OK, I understand the focus is on the communication... but you must have
a tech. solution, and this tech. solution will never be agnostic. So do
we speak in this project about CMS/hosting/maintenance YES or NO ?

> The board has received some proposals from web agencies and have 
> selected the best proposal following some parameters (interest to the 
> project, professionalism, capacity to understand our ideas and to 
> communicate these ideas in a simplest way).
> In few words we would not create a new web design for our websites, but 
> we would transmit a message and we would communicate to the world and 
> without an *esoteric* language.

Sorry, this does not match really what is written on the wiki, and to do
that you need to create a new site web, but only to modify/reorganize
the content on www.wikimedia.ch. You also do not need to change the
whole stack (hosting, hw, sw).

In http://www.wikimedia.ch/Website_2011 I don't see anything in the
proposition table about re-thinking the information presentation... but
I see a lot about technical stuff.

> There is nothing that the IT/web team has done badly, but the IT/web 
> team is not a web/communication agency.

Making a new site web more or less from scratch, and it seems this is
what you want to do (otherwise

Re: [Wikimediach-l] Visual guidelines & web site

2011-03-13 Diskussionsfäden Emmanuel Engelhart
On 13/03/2011 17:15, Ilario Valdelli wrote:
> I would put the accent in the fact that the web site is completely 
> independent from visual guidelines.

I think you mean we can speak from the visual guidelines without
speaking from the web site... but the opposite is wrong. That is the
reason why you have to have strong visual guidelines before making a
professional web site.

> We have already visual guidelines:
> http://wikimediafoundation.org/wiki/Wikimedia_visual_identity_guidelines
> And we must respect them.
> Probably someone has used a different name for a different aim.
> So, we would not change the visual guidelines of WMF but probably found a 
> look and feel which can be useful for the communication, but in any case this 
> look and feel will be done in respect of the visual guidelines already in 
> place.

Yes, that means:
- developing a variation over the WMF guidelines.
- this will become the WMCH visual guidelines
- these guidelines has to be followed/implemented on all used media
*also the web site*.


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Re: [Wikimediach-l] Visual guidelines & web site

2011-03-13 Diskussionsfäden Emmanuel Engelhart
On 13/03/2011 17:42, Ilario Valdelli wrote:
> On 13.03.2011 17:36, Emmanuel Engelhart wrote:
>> Yes, that means:
>> - developing a variation over the WMF guidelines.
>> - this will become the WMCH visual guidelines
>> - these guidelines has to be followed/implemented on all used media
>> *also the web site*.
>> Emmanuel
> This means that we have visual guidelines (also if they doesn't cover
> all elements) and we can proceed with the web site.
> These guidelines indicates:
> a) color to be used
> b) logos and trademark
> c) fonts
> This is not strange because we do what other chapters have done.
> What I would put the accent is the "communication" and "the message". In
> my opinion these guidelines are sufficient to give us the freedom to
> have a more communicative web site, now we can focus on the next (and
> more important) point.

So WMCH visual guidelines are exactly the same as the foundation.
Not sure this this is the best approach to communicate on the swissness
(like written in on the wiki)... but why not.


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Re: [Wikimediach-l] News of the tripod

2011-06-18 Diskussionsfäden Emmanuel Engelhart
On 06/18/2011 11:01 AM, Rama Neko wrote:
> Hello,
> A few months ago, Wikimedia CH purchased a fancy tripod which is kept
> at my place. I went to Lyon with it and obtained autorisation for take
> photographs with it at the Musée des Beaux-Arts. I have now more or
> less completed post-processing and uploading these photographs, so
> I've set up a little gallery of what was produced this day. It is
> available at
> http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Rama/MBA_Lyon_June_2011
> Those of the images that have already recieved awards (FP or QI) are
> marked, others will be nominated progressively.
> Cheers!
>-- Rama
> ___
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Hi Rama,

Jus a remark about something which could be maybe an improvement, if 
feasible at all.

I find the full white or black background pretty "aggresive". Is there a 
way to simulate/have a more smoothy background like in the this example:


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[Wikimediach-l] WMF XML dump title case problem

2011-06-26 Diskussionsfäden Emmanuel Engelhart

Titles should be stored in the table "page" with a first letter uppercased.

Unfortunately, it seems that we have XML dumps (and consequently 
mwdumper generated SQL) containing titles with a first letter lowercased.

For example:
$bzip2 -d -c mywiktionary-20110617-pages-articles.xml.bz2 | grep 
""| grep tationery | more
stationery shop

Is that a bug?


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Re: [Wikimediach-l] WMF XML dump title case problem

2011-06-26 Diskussionsfäden Emmanuel Engelhart
Sorry, was the wrong ml.

On 06/26/2011 05:07 PM, Emmanuel Engelhart wrote:
> Hi
> Titles should be stored in the table "page" with a first letter 
> uppercased.
> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:Naming_conventions_%28technical_restrictions%29#Lower_case_first_letter
> Unfortunately, it seems that we have XML dumps (and consequently 
> mwdumper generated SQL) containing titles with a first letter lowercased.
> For example:
> $wget 
> http://download.wikimedia.org/mywiktionary/20110617/mywiktionary-20110617-pages-articles.xml.bz2
> $bzip2 -d -c mywiktionary-20110617-pages-articles.xml.bz2 | grep 
> ""| grep tationery | more
> stationery
> stationery shop
> Is that a bug?
> Regards
> Emmanuel

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Re: [Wikimediach-l] Présentations/ateliers en français pour Wikimedia CH ?

2011-08-24 Diskussionsfäden Emmanuel Engelhart
On 24/08/2011 20:14, Frédéric Schütz wrote:
> Bonjour à tous,
> j'ai reçu dernièrement quelques demandes pour des présentations 
> potentielles en Suisse Romande au sujet de Wikipedia.
> Est-ce qu'il y a des gens parmi vous intéressés à le faire ?
> Pour l'instant, il y a un événement avec une date fixée: le 7 octobre à 
> Genève, dans l'après-midi/soirée, dans le cadre de la journée "Fêtons 
> Linux" à l'école d'ingénieurs de Genève (http://www.fetons-linux.ch/), 
> avec présence attendue de classes d'écoles. A priori pour un atelier 
> d'environ une heure, mais c'est flexible. On peut aussi y aller à 
> plusieurs s'il y a de l'intérêt.
> Dites-moi si ça peut intéresser quelqu'un (pour cet événement, ou si en 
> général ça vous dirait d'aller causer de Wikipédia).
> Frédéric

Salut Frédéric

Pourquoi pas... je mets une option sur cette date.
Tiens moi au courant.


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[Wikimediach-l] Kiwix 0.9 beta3 is out!

2011-10-05 Diskussionsfäden Emmanuel Engelhart

Almost two months after the beta2, we finally released the 0.9 beta3.

This version fixes many bugs and improves the overall usability ; we
especially fixed two critical bugs impacting Windows, finished the file
association (special icons for ZIM files) on Linux and Windows.
Noticeable is also the new 50 UI supported languages thank to the big
work done by the Translatewiki community of translators.

You may find the detailed CHANGELOG here:

At the same time, thank to the financial project of Wikimedia CH:
* A first version for Sugar (used by OLPC XO) was prepared. We still
need feedback to detect and fix last issues:
* A static version of Kiwix for GNU/Linux x86_32. We also need your
feedbacks here:

... More information about the "Black&White" project:

Next release is planned for the middle of November and should still
include usability improvements thank to the continuous support of the
WMF. We want to finally release 0.9 before the end of the year, so this
will certainly be also the first release candidate (so no new feature
inclusion any more).

Follow us:


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Re: [Wikimediach-l] Ankündigung der WikiCon 2012

2012-01-16 Diskussionsfäden Emmanuel Engelhart
On 16/01/2012 21:52, Manuel Schneider wrote:
> Hallo Mailingliste.
> Es gibt neue Infos zur Communityveranstaltung WikiCon in Dornbirn. Das
> Vorbereitungsteam hat die Ideen zur Veranstaltung seit unserer ersten
> Kuriermeldung weiter ausgebaut und auch schon Vorbereitungen am Ort
> getroffen. Inzwischen haben wir die Fachhochschule Vorarlberg (FHV) als
> Mitveranstalter gewinnen können, so dass wir nun über eine zentrale
> Veranstaltungsinfrastruktur und Ansprechpartner vor Ort verfügen. Alle
> Veranstaltungen werden in den Räumen der FHV stattfinden, so dass wir
> eine zentralen Anlaufpunkt haben, was sich auch in den
> Vorgängerveranstaltungen als vorteilhaft gezeigt hat. Derzeit planen wir
> Übernachtungsmöglichkeiten, so dass wir ein breites Angebot vom Platz
> für die Luftmatratze bis zum Hotelzimmer verschiedene Möglichkeiten
> anbieten können.
> Inzwischen haben wir auch den Termin finden können. Die WikiCon findet
> am Wochenende vom 31. August 2012 bis zum 2. September 2012 statt. Als
> Communityveranstaltung soll die Veranstaltung die Interessen der
> Autorengemeinschaft wiederspiegeln. Wir freuen uns daher auf Eure Ideen
> zu Diskussionsrunden, Workshops und Vorträgen. Wer von Euch etwas
> vorbereiten möchte, ist gerne eingeladen sich auf unserer
> Vorbereitungsseite mit den Ideen zu melden. Wir werden dann ein Programm
> aus den Ideen zusammenstellen. Für die Ideen, die Anmeldungen und alle,
> die mithelfen wollen, haben wir eine Seite in der Wikipedia eingerichtet.
> http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:WikiCon_2012
> Wir freuen uns auf Eure Ideen, Mithilfe oder einfach Euren Besuch.
> Manuel

Toll! Werde wahrscheinlich dabei sein. Ich biete also auch meine Hilfe
an wenn ich helfen kann. Vortrag über Offline/OpenZIM/Kiwix ist auch
vorstellbar für mich.

Eine Treffe zwischen die 3 chapters zum sehen was möglich ist wäre auch
aus meiner Sicht wichtig.


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[Wikimediach-l] [PROPOSITION] Wiki only for members

2012-01-20 Diskussionsfäden Emmanuel Engelhart

We have now a beautiful public Web Site which has to provide all the
necessary information for a broad audience.

Our wiki which was in the past both for broad audience and for members
is now at the address:

Currently we can not use it to store any information about project which
is a little sensitive, because everything is public. The consequence is
that we have too few project information and coordination on it (often,
a little bit confidentiality is needed).

For this reason, I propose to make all pages of this wiki protected in
read&write for anonymous user and only members should have the
permission to access it. If other people need access, they should ask.


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Re: [Wikimediach-l] [PROPOSITION] Wiki only for members

2012-01-22 Diskussionsfäden Emmanuel Engelhart
On 22/01/2012 12:07, charles andrès wrote:
> Good idea,
> The members wiki has been kept  as former website mirror to be sure have had 
> a backup plan during the last fundraising. And it has been useful! :-D
> I think now we could move forward and reborn the members wiki as a working 
> space.


I proposed to start with the old public wiki and just change the
permissions. Do you think to an other approach?


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Re: [Wikimediach-l] [PROPOSITION] Wiki only for members

2012-01-22 Diskussionsfäden Emmanuel Engelhart
On 22/01/2012 13:57, Manuel Schneider wrote:
> * I have yet never had a reason for anything within our projects to be
> confidential. Neither with WMCH, nor openZIM, nor WMAT.

Everything what is or should neither be official or public:
- members related information (tel, email, name, ...) if they want to
share them with other members
- opinions of members in discussion
- report of projects which include private discussion with partners
- names of people which are working for institutions we have as partner
- Details of our projects which should not be public as long as the
project is not official.

In fact, everything interesting including personal opinions, names,
information, discussions should not be public.

> * Closing the members wiki results in a higher demand of reporting as we
> lock out the public from what we are actually doing.

I agree. The work of explaining for a broad audience what we do, or what
we plan to do, our opinions, etc... Is a work we *have to do in any
case*. This is IMO not something related to the topic, because having a
wiki, with masses (or nothing...) of uncleaned information, is not what
a broad audience is interested in. They need an annual report and news
during the year.

> I was already
> disappointed by the frequency the members wiki / former website has been
> updated, by the much smaller group with access to the new website this
> got worse and by closing down the members wiki there is no more place
> left to participate in the current projects.

Everyone engaged in WMCH (and on WMCH side) project should have access
to this wiki - only a few exceptions should be necessary because those
people are members. If not, we should ask ourself why they are not!

For people who need feedbacks about such a potential move, they can ask
members of WMFR what was the difference before&after the members wiki
was put in private modus.


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Re: [Wikimediach-l] [PROPOSITION] Wiki only for members

2012-01-22 Diskussionsfäden Emmanuel Engelhart
On 22/01/2012 15:09, Ilario Valdelli wrote:
> On 22.01.2012 14:21, Emmanuel Engelhart wrote:
>> Everyone engaged in WMCH (and on WMCH side) project should have access
>> to this wiki - only a few exceptions should be necessary because those
>> people are members. If not, we should ask ourself why they are not!
>> For people who need feedbacks about such a potential move, they can ask
>> members of WMFR what was the difference before&after the members wiki
>> was put in private modus.
>> Emmanuel
> Except some opinions, the private data and some financial data,
> everything may be public.
> As no profit organization, there are nothing that we have to keep secret.

Sorry Ilario. Are you kidding? This is simply ridiculous. Why not making
the WMCH Board wiki and ML publicly available then?

> The transparency in my opinion help to have more members and to invite
> persons to join in the decisions.

No organisation at all works fine if everything about projects, internal
discussions, members opinions are publicly available. A well working
organisation needs accurate information, detailed reports, open
discussions - all these things can not be always public. Consequently,
if you do not have this confidentiality, you have none of them - this is
almost the case for WMCH.

Now, after so many years, this is more than the good time to ask ourself
if this decision of 100% of transparency (except for the board?!) was
the good one? Why we do not have exchanges except on the private
ML/wiki? Why we do not recruit new people? Why we do exactly the
contrary of other chapters?

You may not be agree with me, but you have to admit that we have a
problem there. I wanted to trigger again that problem. I did my job. I
can not change that alone, so please move one - you are on the board.

This is my last message in this thread.


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[Wikimediach-l] [LinuxTag] My Feedback

2012-05-28 Diskussionsfäden Emmanuel Engelhart

Dear Wikimedians,

Thx to Manuel, Kiwix has had for the first time its own boot on the 
LinuxTag Berlin, last week. It was also the first time for Wikimedia. In 
fact, we merge both boots: people of Wikimedia explaining what is our 
offline solution and me explaining about projects of Wikimedia Deutschland.

The experience was globally positive. We remarked, people do not know 
what Wikimedia is or does and that's why it was necessary IMO to advert 
our work. But it was not perfect, we hope to have a chance next year 
with Wikimedia Deutschland (the most present chapter), to do things in a 
better way. Concerning WMCH, it is clear that we have to few materials 
(flyers, posters, banner, ...).

For Kiwix and openZIM, it was positive like always ; but I do not think 
we should in the future continue to have our own boot. Software projects 
like ours are there mainly to get more users and developers. Concerning 
the developers, it's a lot of resources invested... and in fact until 
now we failed. Concerning the users, the best way is IMO to include 
Kiwix in the global Wikimedia communication effort. In fact, I remarked 
that our offline solution is still not well known by many members of our 
community. IMO, we have to start first to advert our work internally, 
and thus people will be afterward our best spokesmen.

So, to keep it short, we should continue and increase our advertising 
effort and not only on events like the LinuxTag. We should also take 
care that within this effort, offline is well represented. I think to 
propose a project during the autumn to create&print more advertising 
material. WMDE, WMFR and WMIT already have done a good job, we should 
mainly reuse their documents.

Thank you very much to WMCH for granting me for the Linuxtag2012.


PS: Picture of a XO running Kiwix at the LinuxTag 

PPS: This month was the mot successful month ever for Kiwix with for the 
first time 25.000 downloads a month.

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[Wikimediach-l] [KIWIX] Help us! Join the Kiwix testing team!

2012-06-15 Diskussionsfäden Emmanuel Engelhart

Dear wikimediach-l readers

You probably already know Kiwix, the official Wikimedia offline reader 
(http://www.kiwix.org). Kiwix is heavily sponsored by WMCH and we get 
pretty much support from the swiss community.

*Be part of it and help us to improve Kiwix! It will take you only a few 

We are now a few days away of the 0.9 RC1 official release and we need 
more testers. Follow these steps:

1 - Join the testing dedicated mailing list (small traffic) at

2 - Follow the instructions to download Kiwix for your operating system

3 - Test Kiwix and give us a feedback at kiwix-test...@lists.sourceforge.net

Thank you in advance for your help!


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[Wikimediach-l] [GENERAL ASSEMBLY] Workshop propositions

2012-06-20 Diskussionsfäden Emmanuel Engelhart

I have proposed two workshops for the afternoon after the GA:

* Offline: small presentation about what we are doing with openZIM and
Kiwix, where we are going to... and how people can help with. This is
not only interesting for software developers ;)

* Volunteering: This is a strategic open discussion about how to
increase the participation of volunteers. Goal is to make a few
propositions to improve the current situation.

I would be really pleased to see you interested in thus topics. Put your
name on the list in that case:

See you soon...

Best regards

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Re: [Wikimediach-l] [GENERAL ASSEMBLY] Workshop propositions

2012-06-20 Diskussionsfäden Emmanuel Engelhart
On 20/06/2012 14:07, Manuel Schneider wrote:
> Salut Emmanuel,
> Am 20.06.2012 11:53, schrieb Emmanuel Engelhart:
>> * Volunteering: This is a strategic open discussion about how to
>> increase the participation of volunteers. Goal is to make a few
>> propositions to improve the current situation.
> thanks, may I merge this with the proposal "members meetings"?

This is unclear what you mean with "members meetings". My goal with this
workshop is to speak about what can be done to improve the participation:
* Association -> Communication
* Association Membership management
* Transparency
* Inter-member communication (tools)
* Pricing
* Advertising
* ...

So, not to overfocus onn "minor" languages or member meetings in Zürich
or Lörach... although they are part of the discussion of course. My goal
is also to try to get a consensus on a few ideas to be able to boot a
few initiatives.

So, I'm really happy to merge that if this match your expectations :)


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Re: [Wikimediach-l] [GENERAL ASSEMBLY] Workshop propositions

2012-06-20 Diskussionsfäden Emmanuel Engelhart
On 20/06/2012 14:40, Manuel Schneider wrote:
> Several things on that list actually deal with structures and also
> belong to the staff and strategies session.
> Communication, transperency and membership management will improve
> greatly once we have launched CiviCRM (I am already working on this) and
> have our two french- and german-speaking community managers whose task
> it will be to communicate between communities, board and members and
> ensure information flow between the languages. I am really looking
> forward to see this happen because I feel that this is the biggest
> bottleneck we have and I think that we finally have a good solution at
> hand. Once this has been started we can moved forward with projects.

YES. I'm really impatient to see first version of civiCRM running at
WMCH, hope to get more information about that during the GA!


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Re: [Wikimediach-l] [GENERAL ASSEMBLY] Workshop propositions

2012-06-20 Diskussionsfäden Emmanuel Engelhart
On 20/06/2012 14:50, Ilario Valdelli wrote:
> It is clear to me, basically I am doing advertising in order to improve the
> communication (what WM CH does, how the persons can collaborate), to raise
> people but also to invite current members to be "active", but I am trying
> to do that in Italian side because the costs are lower and I can experience
> the insuccess/insuccess of some channels.
> It means that this experience can be shared in order to apply it in biggest
> areas.
> But the question of transparency and "accountability" is more focused with
> the last proposed workshop because this is also a request of WMF in order
> to improve the "quality".

I mean "transparency" in general, for example related to the Project
* who does what?
* what are the current projects?
* who is working on a project? what is the timeline?
* ...

But also, you are right, accountability:
* What are the activities of the board?
* Where is the list of the board decisions?
* Which votes are coming to the board?

Topic for this workshop is really broad... we won't be able to speak
about everything, but I do not want to (pre)ignore one point if
attendees want to speak about that.


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Re: [Wikimediach-l] [GENERAL ASSEMBLY] Workshop propositions

2012-06-20 Diskussionsfäden Emmanuel Engelhart
On 20/06/2012 15:08, Estermann Beat wrote:
> Would it make sense to set up the "workshops" as kick-off meetings of working 
> groups which will meet in RL or online at several times over the coming 
> months and then report back to the Board/the Members? - Some issues might be 
> too broad to be dealt with during one afternoon and will need follow-up and 
> active involvement of members over a longer period of time.

Yes, another name for that is "taskforce" isn't?


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[Wikimediach-l] Fwd: Kiwix 0.9 rc1 is out

2012-07-18 Diskussionsfäden Emmanuel Engelhart

 Original Message 
Subject: Kiwix 0.9 rc1 is out
Date: Mon, 16 Jul 2012 11:33:58 +0200
From: Emmanuel Engelhart 
Reply-To: Emmanuel Engelhart 
To: kiwix-develo...@lists.sourceforge.net
CC: execut...@wikimedia.ch 


We publish the first release candidate of Kiwix 0.9 (Kiwix 0.9 rc1).

The most important improvements are:
* Official support of Sugar
* Official support of armv5 for kiwix-serve
* Debian packages [1]
* Multiple UI fixes on all systems
* aria2c download process mgmt now 100% OK
* Singleton-window behaviour now 100% OK
* Faster indexing process
* +40 new user interface languages
* kiwix-serve a lot improved [2]
* Audio/Video support added [3]
* kiwix-serve integration in Kiwix (Linux&OSX only for now)
* Faster startup and HTML rendering
* First version of kiwix-plug [4]

Detailed changelog may be found at:

* Software at https://sourceforge.net/projects/kiwix/files/0.9_rc1/
* Content at http://www.kiwix.org

Please test as much as possible the following points:
* kiwix-serve integration
* New console tools on all platforms
* Debian package
* kiwix-plug

Report bugs and request features at:
* http://reportabug.kiwix.org
* http://requestafeature.kiwix.org

Stay tuned at:
* http://microblog.kiwix.org
* http://planet.kiwix.org
* http://blog.kiwix.org
* https://lists.sourceforge.net/lists/listinfo/kiwix-developer
* https://lists.sourceforge.net/lists/listinfo/kiwix-testing


[1] http://packages.debian.org/sid/kiwix
[2] http://library.kiwix.org
[3] http://tmp.kiwix.org/HTML5VideoDemo.zim
[4] http://kiwix.svn.sourceforge.net/viewvc/kiwix/plug/README

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Re: [Wikimediach-l] WikiCon 2012 - Statusupdate

2012-07-26 Diskussionsfäden Emmanuel Engelhart
On 25/07/2012 23:06, Manuel Schneider wrote:
> Hallo zusammen,
> wie Ralf im Namen des Programmteams vor einer Woche schon an dieser
> Stelle schrieb, haben wir für die WikiCon viele Vorschläge für das
> Programm erhalten und sind dabei diese auszuwerten.
> Da ich mich gerade den ganzen Tag mit Datenaufbereitung herumgeschlagen
> habe, möchte ich die Gelegenheit nutzen ein paar Ergebnisse zu
> veröffentlichen und darauf hinzuweisen, dass die Anmeldung zur WikiCon
> nur noch bis dieses Wochenende läuft.
> Anmelden kann man sich danach zwar auch noch - auch vor Ort - aber es
> gibt dann keine Hotelzimmer mehr, denn die müssen am Montag fix gebucht
> werden.
> Wer noch will: http://www.wikimedia.at/WikiCon2012
> Ansonsten hier die versprochenen Daten:
> 119 Anmeldungen:
> * 18 aus der Schweiz
> * 27 aus Österreich
> * 62 aus Deutschland
> * dh. 12 Teilnehmer aus anderen Ländern, zB. eine Dame aus den USA
> 49 Programmvorschläge
> * 15 Vorträge zur Wikimedia-Gemeinschaft
> * 13 Vorträge zu Inhalten
> * 12 Workshops
> * 9 Vorträge zur Technik
> vier Vorschläge wurden bislang abgelehnt, vom Rest warten wir auf
> Bestätigung durch die Referenten, 26 Zusagen sind bereits eingegangen
> 55 Hotelzimmer (fast drei komplette Hotels) wurden bislang gebucht, 7
> Turnhallenübernachtungen, 50 Zimmer wären noch zu haben
> Das wäre es mal fürs Erste. Vielen Dank für Euer Interesse und Eure
> Teilnahme.
> Liebe Grüsse,

What about install kiwix-plug hotspots (tech. behind WMFR Afripedia
project [1]) with an up2date WPDE ZIM files? I think with around 1000CHF
we could have a good WIFI coverage during the conference and so on
advertise our work at WMCH. This hardware could be reused afterward in
other circumstances. As I attend the conference, if Manuel can find me a
few power plugs to use, I would do the rest of the work.


[1] http://plug.kiwix.org

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Re: [Wikimediach-l] WikiCon 2012 - Statusupdate

2012-07-26 Diskussionsfäden Emmanuel Engelhart
On 26/07/2012 13:56, Manuel Schneider wrote:
> Salut Emmanual,
> Am 26.07.2012 13:32, schrieb Emmanuel Engelhart:
>> What about install kiwix-plug hotspots (tech. behind WMFR Afripedia
>> project [1]) with an up2date WPDE ZIM files? I think with around 1000CHF
>> we could have a good WIFI coverage during the conference and so on
>> advertise our work at WMCH. This hardware could be reused afterward in
>> other circumstances. As I attend the conference, if Manuel can find me a
>> few power plugs to use, I would do the rest of the work.
> I like the idea and am open for that. Just note: The FHV has excellent
> Wifi coverage and we have even their personell on site for support all
> weekend.
> So setting up our own Wifi is not neccessary. Still, I would like to
> have some of these plugs to demonstrate the capabilities. Maybe we can
> also hook them up to the local network of the university, so their
> features are accessible over the university's wifi?

I just propose to advertise and makes the demo. of the product... I
won't change it because we already have X other wireless networks
available - this does not matter.


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[Wikimediach-l] [PROPOSAL] Project management guidelines

2012-08-04 Diskussionsfäden Emmanuel Engelhart
Dear members,

I have created a stub of project management guidelines for WMCH:

This has not for purpose to setup strict rules, but to have something
easy to follow to be sure sure we are not 100% wrong with a project.

This is still a stub and I would appreciate your comments, please make
them on the talk page.


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http://wikimedia.ch Wikimedia CH website
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[Wikimediach-l] International Working Group launch meeting

2012-08-23 Diskussionsfäden Emmanuel Engelhart

The WMCH International working group launch meeting will occur during
the first week of September in Lausanne, at the WMCH office. Exact date
for this 3 hours long meeting has still to be choosen, we have a Doodle
to find the most convenient one: http://doodle.com/ne7k7yqpdsqvi65p

Purposes of this first meeting are:
* Define the scope of the Working group
* Gather people interested in International projects (offline, new
chapter creation sponsoring, ...)
* Make status about current projects
* Collect new ideas
* Organize work for the next months

So if you are interested or are just curious, be part of it. Check the
Doodle and put your name on the attendees list. Travel costs will be
reimbursed. This meeting will be a perfect moment to propose new
projects as we are currently making the budget for 2013. More details at:

Best regards

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http://wikimedia.ch Wikimedia CH website
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Re: [Wikimediach-l] International Working Group launch meeting

2012-08-25 Diskussionsfäden Emmanuel Engelhart

I keep the Doodle open until tomorrow, so please put your name on the
list soon:


Le 23/08/2012 15:31, Emmanuel Engelhart a écrit :
> Hi
> The WMCH International working group launch meeting will occur during
> the first week of September in Lausanne, at the WMCH office. Exact date
> for this 3 hours long meeting has still to be choosen, we have a Doodle
> to find the most convenient one: http://doodle.com/ne7k7yqpdsqvi65p
> Purposes of this first meeting are:
> * Define the scope of the Working group
> * Gather people interested in International projects (offline, new
> chapter creation sponsoring, ...)
> * Make status about current projects
> * Collect new ideas
> * Organize work for the next months
> So if you are interested or are just curious, be part of it. Check the
> Doodle and put your name on the attendees list. Travel costs will be
> reimbursed. This meeting will be a perfect moment to propose new
> projects as we are currently making the budget for 2013. More details at:
> http://members.wikimedia.ch/Working_groups/International/Launch_meeting
> Best regards
> Emmanuel

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Re: [Wikimediach-l] International Working Group launch meeting

2012-08-27 Diskussionsfäden Emmanuel Engelhart
Le 23/08/2012 15:31, Emmanuel Engelhart a écrit :
> Hi
> The WMCH International working group launch meeting will occur during
> the first week of September in Lausanne, at the WMCH office. Exact date
> for this 3 hours long meeting has still to be choosen, we have a Doodle
> to find the most convenient one: http://doodle.com/ne7k7yqpdsqvi65p
> Purposes of this first meeting are:
> * Define the scope of the Working group
> * Gather people interested in International projects (offline, new
> chapter creation sponsoring, ...)
> * Make status about current projects
> * Collect new ideas
> * Organize work for the next months
> So if you are interested or are just curious, be part of it. Check the
> Doodle and put your name on the attendees list. Travel costs will be
> reimbursed. This meeting will be a perfect moment to propose new
> projects as we are currently making the budget for 2013. More details at:
> http://members.wikimedia.ch/Working_groups/International/Launch_meeting
> Best regards
> Emmanuel


The "WMCH International Working group launch meeting" will occur:

Saturday 8 September 2012
10:00 - 13:00
Escaliers-du-Marché 2 - 1003 Lausanne

I will send a private email to all the people who have participated to
the Doodle to confirm their participation and give a few additional
details about this meeting.

If you have not participate to the Doodle but still want to attend,
please put your name on the attendee list on the wiki:

Best regards

Description: OpenPGP digital signature
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Wikimediach-l mailing list

[Wikimediach-l] WMCH International Working Group Meeting Protocol

2012-09-10 Diskussionsfäden Emmanuel Engelhart

We have had last Saturday our first International Working group meeting
in Lausanne. You may find all the details about the meeting, *including
the protocol*, there:

As moderator, I think this meeting was pretty successful:
* 8 people, all of them motivated to make concrete projects
* Scope of the working group was defined
* Many future projects listed (small abstract+member commitment)
* Tools and ways of working discussed and written
* Clear next steps

Please, take 10 minutes to read the wiki page and give us your feedback.

Best regards

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Wikimediach-l mailing list

Re: [Wikimediach-l] [Executive] WMCH International Working Group Meeting Protocol

2012-09-10 Diskussionsfäden Emmanuel Engelhart
Hi Ilario

Le 10/09/2012 13:02, Ilario Valdelli a écrit :
> There are some important activities already in progress and some
> important discussions still open, mainly in the fields of WCA and with
> neighbouring chapters.

We speak here of a discussion about the position of WMCH, not about the
position of the neighbour chapters. I may be wrong, but as far as I know
there is on WMCH side neither an open internal discussion nor an
official position:

> "International projects" may mean everything as it is the meaning of the
> word GLAM.

The scope of the International WG is now defined (read the meeting
protocol) ; not "everything" may be an international WG project/topic.
If you have a proposition to improve the scope definition, please make a
proposition on the WG talk page.

> It would be important to define the fields of the activity or
> to know what is already done and what is already in charge of another
> group at least to be respectful of the activities of the other parties
> in order to don't lose the progress already done.

Again, the fields of activity of the International Working Group is now
defined. People who wants to work on those topics are invited to join
the WG.

If you think that one or other topic/project has a better place in an
other WG, please let us now... but except the GLAM WG which has a little
bit activity - no other WG was concretely started. I do think that for
now the International WG is the best place to work - this might of
course change in the future if other WG are also really active.

> These activities may be identified mainly with:
> a) International relationships with neighbouring chapters (WM DE, WM IT,
> b) WCA
> The real problem is that these two tasks are done mainly in close
> mailing lists (internal or chapters or regional like Iberocoop).

International Working Group Mailing list will be closed an we officially
ask to have the capacity to make wiki pages private (only
readable/writable for members/wiki users).

> In the first point there are important activities with Latin chapters
> and some others with French chapters. For instance Wikimedia CH is
> asking formally to be part of Iberoconf and it is already in the French
> speaking Conference.

There is nothing about that on the wiki, so for me its not clear what is
the strategy, what are the timelines, the involved people, ...:

So, I invite people to join the IWG to work on that if they are
interested in those topics and explain on the wiki what they concretly
want to do.

> When you had the meeting in Lausanne, I was in Mantua in the festival of
> the literature with WM IT. It means that these kind of activities are
> already done and the collaboration with some chapters is started some
> years ago and it is managed day by day.

Yes, this is the case fore many topics/projects... but now we have
working groups and those topics will be formally moved to the Working

> I agree that there are a lot of potential collaborations not exploited
> yet (I have been in contact with Silberwissen and they are open to have
> a collaboration with WM CH), but the collaboration with some other
> chapters like WM FR or WM IT is already a reality.
> Basically I would invite to separate the activities planned with
> neighbourings or to manage them differently because it would be better
> to involve who is already working in these fields in order to don't
> generate overlapping or conflicts.

People who already work on that should join:
* Gabriel leads the WCA topic
* Manuel leads the Wikimedia conference topic
* I'm involved in the francophone part.

We also have decided that if a topic like this one will become too big
and that the corresponding discussions bore the other members of the
International WG we will build a separate WG... But only at this moment.

> The WCA is another important point and it's more connected with the
> relation of WM CH with WMF.

This topic is strongly linked to the role of the WMCH board... but we
think there is no reason to avoid an internal discussion about that in
the association. I invited people of the board to join the discussion
that Gabriel will launched soon.

> There is a complicated discussion started one year ago and it is mainly
> managed within the board because this discussion happens frequently in
> "closed" mailing lists, so it would be really difficult to follow and to
> participate to the WCA discussion without an access to the chapters wiki
> or to the chapters mailing list.

We also do not want to have those discussions publicly, that's why we
require somehow privacy for our working tools (wiki/ML).

> Even if it would be important to involve more volunteers, this
> discussion is more and more "close", so a workin

Re: [Wikimediach-l] [Executive] WMCH International Working Group Meeting Protocol

2012-09-12 Diskussionsfäden Emmanuel Engelhart
Le 10/09/2012 14:31, Ilario Valdelli a écrit :
> On Mon, Sep 10, 2012 at 2:03 PM, Emmanuel Engelhart
> mailto:emman...@engelhart.org>> wrote:
> People who already work on that should join:
> * Gabriel leads the WCA topic
> * Manuel leads the Wikimedia conference topic
> * I'm involved in the francophone part.
> We also have decided that if a topic like this one will become too big
> and that the corresponding discussions bore the other members of the
> International WG we will build a separate WG... But only at this moment.
> What I am saying is exactly that these two topics are already big to
> have different WGs.
> It means that I should know which is the mailing list *to be flooded*.

We have a new created Mailing-list:

We are aware that our working group gathers pretty different topics. For
this reason all messages are moderated and we invite members not
flooding it.

> I stopped to write in several mailing lists about that exactly because
> these topics borrowed other members, but if you like I can give you at
> least 10 or 20 mails per day :)

This mailing list should not be the main place to work: this is the
wiki. We should use the wiki to put the reports, information, projects
on the wiki and use the Mailing list only to trigger people on important


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Re: [Wikimediach-l] Last call for 2013 project to be proposed to the FDC

2012-09-23 Diskussionsfäden Emmanuel Engelhart

Thank you Charles!

unfortunately, the wiki still does not work this evening, like yesterday 
and so often in the last weeks. I was in the last months again and again 
impacted by recurrent and different problems with this wiki (spam, down 
or extremely slow, thumbnail generation broken, ...). We are probably 
all impacted ; I know at least 3 other members who have had serious 
difficulties to answer the project call 2013.

I know the explanations behind the current situation and I understand 
them pretty well (we all have only 24 hours in a day) ; but at the same 
time we absolutely need perfectly working wikis, emails, web sites. Such 
a situation like we have currently and since the last months should be 
fixed now with a high priority. So, something must be done soon: and the 
first thing we need is a timeline for the fix.

If we are not able to fix that quickly. I propose an easy solution: give 
me a copy of the database and the mediawiki files and I could move on 
the wiki on my servers within two hours. This would allow us at least to 
work on the wiki the time Manuel find a solution on his side.


What should we do to have a wiki who works?

On 09/22/2012 07:22 PM, charles andrès wrote:

Dear all,
Today it's the last time of our call for project,
Due to technical issue, the wiki is hard to use today, that's why the 
*dead line is extend to monday 8PM*, and submission can be sent by 
e-mail at i...@wikimedia.ch 

I would like to thanks already all those who propose a project, and 
also assure to the those who had no time to prepare a proposal, that 
there is space for proposal all along the year; here we are dealing 
only with the project fund through the FDC,



Charles ANDRES, Chairman
"Wikimedia CH" – Association for the advancement of free knowledge –
Skype: charles.andres.wmch

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Re: [Wikimediach-l] [Executive] TR: [Ticket#2012112910001366] New ticket notification! ([Contact] Eintrag Wikipe [...])

2012-12-03 Diskussionsfäden Emmanuel Engelhart

this is an interesting project and nobody seems volunteer to help them.
I'm not sure I will have the time to a whole project but if my costs are
reimbursed I can make the first contacts to get more details about what
they want to do.

Kind regards

Le 30/11/2012 09:26, Chantal Ebongué a écrit :
> Hello,
> Here above is a request of a toy factory that have 130 years of archives
> and want to put them on wikipedia. Can a german speaker take contact and
> help ?
> Thank you,
> Chantal Ebongué
> *Wikime**dia CH - *www.wikimedia.ch 
> Escaliers-du-Marché 2 - 1003 Lausanne - Switzerland 
> Office +41 (0)21 340 66 20 - cell phone +41 (0)78 744 21 82
> Skype : chantal.ebongue - chantal.ebon...@wikimedia.ch
> *De :*OTRS Notification Master [mailto:o...@intern.wikimedia.ch]
> *Envoyé :* jeudi 29 novembre 2012 18:10
> *À :* chantal.ebon...@wikimedia.ch
> *Objet :* [Ticket#2012112910001366] New ticket notification! ([Contact]
> Eintrag Wikipe [...])
> Hi Chantal,
> There is a new ticket in Info!
> i...@wisa-gloria.ch  wrote:
> Wisa Gloria AG sent a message using the contact form at  
> http://www.wikimedia.ch/contact.
> Liebes Wikimedia-Team,
> mein kleines Team hat vor 6 Jahren die Firma Wisa Gloria übernommen und  
> versucht mit vielen uns zur Verfügung stehenden Mitteln sie medial bekannt  
> zu machen. Wisa Gloria ist ein Schweizer Unternehmen seit 1882 und ist ein  
> Urgestein der Spielzeugproduktion. In Spitzenjahren bis über 600  
> Angestellte. Wir haben in den letzten Jahren die spannende 130jährige  
> Geschichte dokumentiert. Wie können wir einen Eintrag bei Wikipedia  
> erhalten? Mit freundlichen Grüssen, Haderer Werner
> http://intern.wikimedia.ch/otrs/index.pl?Action=AgentTicketZoom;TicketID=4458
> Your OTRS Notification Master
> Aucun virus trouvé dans ce message.
> Analyse effectuée par AVG - www.avg.fr 
> Version: 2013.0.2793 / Base de données virale: 2634/5925 - Date: 28/11/2012
> ___
> Executive mailing list
> execut...@wikimedia.ch
> https://intern.wikimedia.ch/lists/listinfo/executive

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[Wikimediach-l] French speaking reviewer for the Wikidata Flyer

2012-12-04 Diskussionsfäden Emmanuel Engelhart

I have translated in French the new WMDE Wikidata flyer

Would be great to review/fix it (this need 10 minutes).
WMCH should receive a few hundreds one per post at its release.

Thank you in advance for your help

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Wikimediach-l mailing list

Re: [Wikimediach-l] French speaking reviewer for the Wikidata Flyer

2012-12-04 Diskussionsfäden Emmanuel Engelhart
Le 04/12/2012 23:00, Frédéric Schütz a écrit :
> On 04/12/12 15:07, Emmanuel Engelhart wrote:
>> I have translated in French the new WMDE Wikidata flyer
>> https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Benutzer:Marco74/%C3%BCbersetzungen/wikidata#Fran.C3.A7ais
>> Would be great to review/fix it (this need 10 minutes).
> {{done}}. The style is not perfect yet, but most of the typos should be
> gone, at least.
>> WMCH should receive a few hundreds one per post at its release.
> There are quite a few people who will be interested...


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[Wikimediach-l] Please! Help Kiwix being "Project of the Month" at Sourceforge!

2013-01-09 Diskussionsfäden Emmanuel Engelhart

Kiwix is candidate to be next Sourceforge "Project of the Month".

With your help this is feasible, we are for now the project with the
most votes. Give Kiwix your vote at http://twtpoll.com/fr2oso (you will
need a Twitter account).

Feel free also to advert this vote, it's not everyday that one of the
Wikimedia software is nominated on one of the most famous software forge!

More info. about "Project of the Month":
The "Project of the Month" is featured at the top of the SourceForge
front page, has a permanent place on the "Project of the Month" page
(http://sf.net/potm) and has a permanent badge that is displayed at the
bottom of your project summary page. See this month's project, DosBox,
for example - https://sourceforge.net/projects/dosbox/  And the winner
will be asked to do an interview (either audio or email, as you prefer)
for the SourceForge blog.

Thank you!

http://wikimedia.ch Wikimedia CH website
Wikimediach-l mailing list

Re: [Wikimediach-l] [Wikimedia-l] WMCH resolution about providing a web conferencing system for the Wikimedia Movement

2013-02-22 Diskussionsfäden Emmanuel Engelhart
If this works, this seems to me to be a pretty good initiative.

Le 22/02/2013 10:46, Charles Andrès a écrit :
> Dear member of the Wikimedia Movement,
> During our last Wikimedia CH board meeting, we resolved to set up a web 
> conferencing solution.
> After reviewing our needs, we decided that the most effective solution would 
> be that of setting up a dedicated server for that purpose.
> From a chapter level point of view, it could appear like an expensive 
> investment, but put in the context of the Wikimedia movement, this investment 
> (not such a large one, in fact) could be made profitable quite easily. 
> We plan to give access to these tools at first to all the chapters and 
> affiliated group, as then as well for thematic groups.
> Deployment is planned for the next Wikimedia Conference in Milan.
> In the meantime, people interested in getting access to the tools can contact 
> us by email at supp...@wikimedia.ch, with a simple description of the 
> project, an estimation of the number of people interested and the frequency 
> of usage.
> For further information on the chosen solution, you can check the Big Blue 
> Button website. http://www.bigbluebutton.org/
> For the Wikimedia CH board
> Charles
> ___
> Charles ANDRES, Chairman
> "Wikimedia CH" – Association for the advancement of free knowledge –
> www.wikimedia.ch
> Office +41 (0)21 340 66 20
> Skype: charles.andres.wmch
> IRC://irc.freenode.net/wikimedia-ch
> ___
> Wikimedia-l mailing list
> wikimedi...@lists.wikimedia.org
> Unsubscribe: https://lists.wikimedia.org/mailman/listinfo/wikimedia-l

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Re: [Wikimediach-l] WMCH resolution about providing a web conferencing system for the Wikimedia Movement

2013-02-22 Diskussionsfäden Emmanuel Engelhart
Le 22/02/2013 19:28, Markus Marquard a écrit :
> we have in TAO also good experience with big blue button!
> But today I see, that OpenMeetings.org is being proposed as a Wikimedia
> Foundation Sister Project. Do you know OpenMeetings?

Is that possible you might mix-up with https://openmeetings.apache.org/ ?


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Re: [Wikimediach-l] Fwd: [Wikimedia-l] Free as in Wikimedia Foundation

2013-03-19 Diskussionsfäden Emmanuel Engelhart
Yes, I'm also pretty surprised of that WMF's move!

Le 19/03/2013 15:47, Charles Andrès a écrit :
> An interesting discussion about Community logo and WMF legal team.
> Charles
> ___
> I use this email for mailing list only.
> Charles ANDRES, Chairman
> "Wikimedia CH" – Association for the advancement of free knowledge –
> www.wikimedia.ch 
> Skype: charles.andres.wmch
> IRC://irc.freenode.net/wikimedia-ch 
> Début du message réexpédié :
>> *De : *Tomasz W. Kozłowski > >
>> *Objet : **[Wikimedia-l] Free as in Wikimedia Foundation*
>> *Date : *19 mars 2013 13:12:04 UTC+01:00
>> *À : *Wikimedia Mailing List > >
>> *Répondre à : *Wikimedia Mailing List > >
>> Hi community,
>> I would like to bring to your attention a matter that's currently
>> being discussed on Meta, one that has not yet gained too much interest
>> (though it was discussed during IRC office hours, and was mentioned on
>> one mailing list, as far as I see).
>> It seems that the Wikimedia Foundation registered a community logo
>>  as
>> a trademark in the United States, with the international application
>> still pending.
>> The logo was originally created in 2006 by User:WarX (Artur
>> Fijałkowski) , and was adopted as the logo of Meta-Wiki in 2008 — and
>> as far as I can recall, the very point of it being created was to (1)
>> have a community logo released into the public domain and (2) to have
>> a community logo which was /not a trademark/.
>> I am especially worried about the WMF not informing the community
>> about their trademark registration — we have only found out about it
>> via an edit on Commons
>> ,
>> and then after asking about it during IRC office hours at the end of
>> January.
>> As far as I understand, the WMF has not discussed trademark
>> registration with the author of the logo
>> — though obviously, since Artur-WarX released it into the public
>> domain, it would've only be good manners, and not a legal requirement.
>> The discussion is taking place on Meta at
>> , and all
>> comments are welcome.
>> -- 
>> Tomasz W. Kozłowski
>> a.k.a. [[user:odder]]
>> ___
>> Wikimedia-l mailing list
>> wikimedi...@lists.wikimedia.org 
>> Unsubscribe: https://lists.wikimedia.org/mailman/listinfo/wikimedia-l
> ___
> http://wikimedia.ch Wikimedia CH website
> Wikimediach-l mailing list
> https://lists.wikimedia.org/mailman/listinfo/wikimediach-l

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Re: [Wikimediach-l] Swiss Wiki Loves Monuments 2012 - 5 Platz

2013-03-19 Diskussionsfäden Emmanuel Engelhart
Le 19/03/2013 11:18, Chantal Ebongué a écrit :
> Lange hat es gedauert, doch seit heute ist MEMORIA ST.GALLEN online! Ich
> dachte eventuell interessiert es Sie und Ihr Team!
> www.memoria.sg 

As far as I could see see the pictures are released without information
neither about the author (with death date) nor about the license (public
domain or free license). Considering the time frame where the s shot,
it's impossible to reuse them.


http://wikimedia.ch Wikimedia CH website
Wikimediach-l mailing list

Re: [Wikimediach-l] Newletter Wikimedia CH February 2013

2013-03-19 Diskussionsfäden Emmanuel Engelhart
Le 18/03/2013 14:10, Chantal Ebongué a écrit :
> Here is a brief report of the important topics of Wikimedia CH during
> this last month :
> http://members.wikimedia.ch/Newsletters/#Newsletter_February_2013

Nice to see the monthly newsletter! Congrats to the two new CMs!

> Our members wiki is closed for our members only. If you don't have an
> account yet, please send a mail to supp...@wikimedia.ch

Really nice to see that happening.

For WMCH members, please update your user page (using the {{Member}}
template) with your personal information that it's become easy to be in
touch with you.


http://wikimedia.ch Wikimedia CH website
Wikimediach-l mailing list

Re: [Wikimediach-l] Swiss Wiki Loves Monuments 2012 - 5 Platz

2013-03-19 Diskussionsfäden Emmanuel Engelhart
Le 19/03/2013 16:13, Chantal Ebongué a écrit :
> Perhaps my email was not clear. Memoria Sankt Gallen won the 5th price of  
> Swiss WLM 2012.

I ignored that.
Congratulation to him!
But it seems we failed with our propaganda about free licenses.

> He also build the above website and sent us an e-mail - that I forwarded to 
> our member mailing list - to ask if I can inform our members.
> If there is an interest, perhaps should you contact him and see if he would 
> agree to put them under CC reusable licenses ?

Already done, he was in CC of my email (and still is).


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Re: [Wikimediach-l] 12. April - Workshop - Copyright vs Internet

2013-03-19 Diskussionsfäden Emmanuel Engelhart
Le 13/03/2013 21:27, Daniel Boos a écrit :
> The swiss collecting societes are organising a daily workshop to think
> about the future of collecting societies. I think it is an important
> event and people from wikipedia should actually participate.

Does WMCH wants to sponsor one or two Wikimedians to go there?


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Wikimediach-l mailing list

Re: [Wikimediach-l] 12. April - Workshop - Copyright vs Internet

2013-03-19 Diskussionsfäden Emmanuel Engelhart
Le 19/03/2013 16:37, Frédéric Schütz a écrit :
> On 19/03/13 16:35, Emmanuel Engelhart wrote:
>>> The swiss collecting societes are organising a daily workshop to think
>>> about the future of collecting societies. I think it is an important
>>> event and people from wikipedia should actually participate.
>> Does WMCH wants to sponsor one or two Wikimedians to go there?
> If anyone is interested, it is very likely that we would.

OK, I will try to go there.

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Wikimediach-l mailing list

Re: [Wikimediach-l] "Copyright vs. Internet"

2013-04-10 Diskussionsfäden Emmanuel Engelhart
Hallo Bruno

Danke für dieses Email, ich unterstütze alle Punkte. Meiner Ergenzung:
globaler und radikaler...

Urheberrechte sind ziemlich in-adaptiert zu der heutigen Situation. Man
kann nicht weiter Etwas wie kopieren, direkt verbieten/versteuern dass
so einfach wie atmen ist.

Nicht-kommerziell austauschen müssen erlaubt werden (mit allen
Inhalten). Alle, auch du und ich, sollten auch eine Chance haben für
ihre Kreationen Geld zu bekommen - auf den einfachsten Weg.

Ein von den Challenges der Verwertungsgesellschaften ist Systemen für so
eine Zukunft zu nachdenken. Modellen wie https://flattr.com/ sollen
diskutiert und inspirierend sein.

Ich bin überzeugt dass ohne eine Reform der Urheberrechte können die
Verwertungsgesellschaften einfach nicht ihre Arbeit richtig leisten -
auch mit der besten Willen.

Bis Freitag


Le 07/04/2013 13:27, boje a écrit :
> Hallo,
> am kommenden Freitag findet die Veranstaltung der Verwertungsgesellschaften 
> mit dem merkwürdigen Titel:
> "Copyright vs. Internet" statt. Ein Stelldichein all derjenigen, welche an 
> einer Ausweitung und Verschärfung der Urheberrechte und weiterer Schutzrechte 
> interessiert sind. Solche Forderungen werden wesentliche Auswirkungen auf die 
> Gesetzgebung und das Internet haben.
> http://www.swisscopyright.ch/fileadmin/user_upload/news/Publikationen/copyright_vs._internet/COPYRIGHT_VS_INTERNET-GERMAN-FINAL-FOR-PRINT.pdf
> Von Wikimedia Schweiz und der digitalen Allmend sind gemäss Teilnehmerliste 
> bisher Emmanuel Engelhart und Bruno Jehle angemeldet. 
> Um Euch bei den zu erwartenden und in diesem Umfeld wohl schwierigen 
> Diskussionen im Rücken zu wissen, bitte ich um Input in Bezug auf unsere 
> gemeinsamen Anliegen.
> Verdankenswerterweise hat Daniel Boos einen Anfang gemacht und seine Anliegen 
> formuliert:
> 1.) Transparenz im Sinne von Open Data/ Open Government- Wir wollen mehr 
> Wissen. Gerade auch über die Finanzströme, Verteilungsreglemente, 
> Tariferstellung
> 2.) Einfachheit und Zugänglichkeit. In einer Gesellschaft bei der jeder mit 
> URG und VWG konfrontiert ist, muss auch jeder das System schnell und einfach 
> verstehen können. Man muss die komplizierten Systeme (mit 100 von Tarifen) 
> vereinfachen und für jeden zugänglich machen. Es dürfen keine künstlichen 
> Eintrittsbarrieren erstellt werden. 
> 3.) Evidenzbasierte, effizente und effektive Verwertungsgesellschaften - 
> Zielerreichung soll von unabhängiger Stelle und wissenschaftlich analysiert 
> werden (eg. wird das Ziel von Bezahlung von Urhebern und Förderung von Kultur 
> erreicht oder profitieren nur wenige Industrien).
> 4.) Alternative Lizenzen müssen möglich sein. Mehr Rechte für die Urheber 
> (unsere CC Debatte)
> 5.) Freie Werke sollen nicht geschützte Werke quersubventionieren 
> 6.) Internet ist nicht nur Urheberrecht sondern mehr. Das Urheberrecht darf 
> nicht die Chancen des Internets zerstören. (Siehe Chancen von smart cities, 
> m2m,  ehealth,  ganze persönliche oder social media Kommunikation. Sorry die 
> URG relevanten Materialien die zum VERKAUF angeboten werden sind nur ein 
> Bruchteil...)
> 7.) Trennung Geldverteilung und soziale Aspekte der Verwertungsgesellschaft - 
> Sie spielen alle mit dem Doppelmandat, dass sie den Künstler helfen und dass 
> sie Verwertungsgesellschaften sind. Ich finde dazu braucht es zwei getrennte 
> Organisationen. Die Leute schätzen SUISA nicht wegen dem Geld (das die 
> meisten nicht bekommen), sondern wegen der anderen Unterstützung. Das ist 
> aber nicht ihre Aufgabe.
> ___
> Nun möchte ich Euch bitten, mir mitzuteilen, welche Positionen ich Eurer 
> Meinung nach im Sinne unserer gemeinsamen Anliegen vertreten soll. Ich könnt 
> mich auch gerne per Telefon anrufen.
> Herzliche Grüsse
> Bruno

http://wikimedia.ch Wikimedia CH website
Wikimediach-l mailing list

Re: [Wikimediach-l] Swiss Federal Archives team up with Wikimedia CH

2013-04-12 Diskussionsfäden Emmanuel Engelhart
Le 12/04/2013 11:19, charles andres a écrit :
> To this end, the post of a “Wikipedian in Residence” is now being advertised 
> via Wikimedia.

If "post" means "position" https://www.wikimedia.ch/actual-jobs is empty.

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Wikimediach-l mailing list

Re: [Wikimediach-l] "Copyright vs. Internet"

2013-04-12 Diskussionsfäden Emmanuel Engelhart
My report in French about this meeting:

I don't want to have it public, that's why this is on the wiki.


Le 07/04/2013 13:27, boje a écrit :
> Hallo,
> am kommenden Freitag findet die Veranstaltung der Verwertungsgesellschaften 
> mit dem merkwürdigen Titel:
> "Copyright vs. Internet" statt. Ein Stelldichein all derjenigen, welche an 
> einer Ausweitung und Verschärfung der Urheberrechte und weiterer Schutzrechte 
> interessiert sind. Solche Forderungen werden wesentliche Auswirkungen auf die 
> Gesetzgebung und das Internet haben.
> http://www.swisscopyright.ch/fileadmin/user_upload/news/Publikationen/copyright_vs._internet/COPYRIGHT_VS_INTERNET-GERMAN-FINAL-FOR-PRINT.pdf
> Von Wikimedia Schweiz und der digitalen Allmend sind gemäss Teilnehmerliste 
> bisher Emmanuel Engelhart und Bruno Jehle angemeldet. 
> Um Euch bei den zu erwartenden und in diesem Umfeld wohl schwierigen 
> Diskussionen im Rücken zu wissen, bitte ich um Input in Bezug auf unsere 
> gemeinsamen Anliegen.
> Verdankenswerterweise hat Daniel Boos einen Anfang gemacht und seine Anliegen 
> formuliert:
> 1.) Transparenz im Sinne von Open Data/ Open Government- Wir wollen mehr 
> Wissen. Gerade auch über die Finanzströme, Verteilungsreglemente, 
> Tariferstellung
> 2.) Einfachheit und Zugänglichkeit. In einer Gesellschaft bei der jeder mit 
> URG und VWG konfrontiert ist, muss auch jeder das System schnell und einfach 
> verstehen können. Man muss die komplizierten Systeme (mit 100 von Tarifen) 
> vereinfachen und für jeden zugänglich machen. Es dürfen keine künstlichen 
> Eintrittsbarrieren erstellt werden. 
> 3.) Evidenzbasierte, effizente und effektive Verwertungsgesellschaften - 
> Zielerreichung soll von unabhängiger Stelle und wissenschaftlich analysiert 
> werden (eg. wird das Ziel von Bezahlung von Urhebern und Förderung von Kultur 
> erreicht oder profitieren nur wenige Industrien).
> 4.) Alternative Lizenzen müssen möglich sein. Mehr Rechte für die Urheber 
> (unsere CC Debatte)
> 5.) Freie Werke sollen nicht geschützte Werke quersubventionieren 
> 6.) Internet ist nicht nur Urheberrecht sondern mehr. Das Urheberrecht darf 
> nicht die Chancen des Internets zerstören. (Siehe Chancen von smart cities, 
> m2m,  ehealth,  ganze persönliche oder social media Kommunikation. Sorry die 
> URG relevanten Materialien die zum VERKAUF angeboten werden sind nur ein 
> Bruchteil...)
> 7.) Trennung Geldverteilung und soziale Aspekte der Verwertungsgesellschaft - 
> Sie spielen alle mit dem Doppelmandat, dass sie den Künstler helfen und dass 
> sie Verwertungsgesellschaften sind. Ich finde dazu braucht es zwei getrennte 
> Organisationen. Die Leute schätzen SUISA nicht wegen dem Geld (das die 
> meisten nicht bekommen), sondern wegen der anderen Unterstützung. Das ist 
> aber nicht ihre Aufgabe.
> ___
> Nun möchte ich Euch bitten, mir mitzuteilen, welche Positionen ich Eurer 
> Meinung nach im Sinne unserer gemeinsamen Anliegen vertreten soll. Ich könnt 
> mich auch gerne per Telefon anrufen.
> Herzliche Grüsse
> Bruno
> ___
> Bruno Jehle
> Gässli 42
> 5728 Gontenschwil
> 062 836 40 41
> b...@boje.ch

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[Wikimediach-l] Kiwix for Android released!

2013-04-18 Diskussionsfäden Emmanuel Engelhart

Wikimedia CH has sponsored a long Kiwix Hackathon (and the WMF two
tablets) and there is the result, the first version of Kiwix (and also
the first ZIM reader) for Android:

It’s very easy to use:
* Download the app from the Google Play Store, and launch it;
* Click on the “Open” button, select a ZIM file from the list (from your
device or SD card);
* That’s it! You’re already browsing offline content.

If you don’t already have a ZIM file of Wikipedia, Kiwix leads you to
its online repository so you can download one:

You can also use any of the Books created on Wikipedia:

Being a mobile version of a feature-rich desktop software, the Android
version is lightweight. It provides access to the most essential
features: opening and reading a ZIM file, search with auto-completion on
article titles, in-page search, random navigation, zoom in & out.

More details in the Wikimedia Blog post:


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Re: [Wikimediach-l] General Assembly: Motions

2013-04-26 Diskussionsfäden Emmanuel Engelhart
Member wiki is extremly slow, around 40s. to get the main page (which is 
empty if your are not logged).



On 04/26/2013 09:38 AM, Estermann Beat wrote:

Dear all,

I have submitted two motions for tomorrow’s General Assembly:


One concerns the reporting within our association; the others concerns
the 2013 edition of the Wiki Loves Monuments photo contest in Switzerland.

I’m looking forward to seeing you tomorrow in Neuchâtel!



Beat Estermann
Research Associate

Bern University of Applied Sciences
Business and Administration
Morgartenstrasse 2a
Postfach 305
CH-3000 Bern 22


Phone +41 31 848 34 30
Phone (direct number) +41 31 848 34 38
Fax +41 31 848 34 31

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[Wikimediach-l] Fwd: [Kiwix-developer] Kiwix for Android released one month ago...

2013-05-08 Diskussionsfäden Emmanuel Engelhart

 Message original 
Sujet: [Kiwix-developer] Kiwix for Android released one month ago...
Date : Wed, 08 May 2013 15:52:55 +0200
De : Emmanuel Engelhart 
Pour : Using Wikimedia projects and MediaWiki offline
, "kiwix-develo...@lists.sourceforge.net"


A first version of Kiwix for Android was released a month ago. The app
was warm welcome with around 2.000 total installations and 1.000 active

An average note of 4.25/5 were given in 25 feedbacks. Almost no bug were
detected and people simply want more features.

We have released a few hours ago a new version fixing the only one bug
we have detected and providing a few new features:

We need new Java developers to implement features like tabs, bookmarks,
navigation history... More details in the bug tracker:

Beginners are welcome, stepping in is almost trivial, everything is
explained step by step in the COMPILE file:


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Kiwix-developer mailing list

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[Wikimediach-l] IWG Report for March-April 2013

2013-05-13 Diskussionsfäden Emmanuel Engelhart

You can find a more user friendly version (with links) on the wiki:

If the loading of the page is slow... it's not your fault. It's just the
WMCH server which is again experimenting a near death experience... We
have probably too much traffic...

== Offline ==

* Successful first Offline Hackathon, a first version of Kiwix for
Android was release. We have made a post on the Wikimedia official blog.
Until now we gain ~30 new active (without un-installations) users per days.
* Two Kiwix developers (Renaud & Emmanuel) will be present a few days
before Wikimania to have a small Kiwix hackathon (preparing release of
0.9rc3), attend to the Wikimedia hacking days.
* Kiwix will be the topic of two presentation at Wikimania 2013: Kiwix
of the 7 ways to go Offline and Beyond Afripedia: Mali Experience. Both
are in the TOP20 of presentation proposals by the number of interested
* WMCH will have its own permanent booth during Wikimania and will
advert their offline efforts during the whole conference, organization
work has started.
* openZIM has finally released a first version of its standard
implementation code: the zimlib. This is mandatory for the phpzim
project and for Fedora and Debian packagers.
* Kiwix was again Feature project for a week on Sourceforge
* First trial of a Wikisource ZIM file, it works but still a few bugs to
* For the first time, we have a Google Summer of code project proposal:
incremental update of ZIM files for Kiwix.

== Community building ==

* WMGH: Discussions if there should be WikiVillage or WLM this summer.
* WMTN: Sayada Initiative activity report published, Creation of the
CLibre association as a first step towards the creation of a chapter,
First actions taken to organize WLM later this year.
* All: 24 translations of Wickiana, one of Johann Jakob Wick. Amongst
them a couple of languages out of WMID. And rare languages like Kirundi.

== International projects ==


Thank to Rupert for the help


http://wikimedia.ch Wikimedia CH website
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[Wikimediach-l] More editathons in Switzerland

2013-05-21 Diskussionsfäden Emmanuel Engelhart

A few days ago, Wikimedia France and the Musée du Quai Branly
(indigenous art, cultures and civilizations) has organized an editathon:

The idea behind the editathons is to bring wikimedians and scientists
together during one or two days and try to create and improve specific
articles on Wikipedia.

IMO, editathons are a really good things ; something we should also
develop in Switzerland within the scope of GLAM projects or Wikipedian
in Residence... our outside.


http://wikimedia.ch Wikimedia CH website
Wikimediach-l mailing list

[Wikimediach-l] Fwd: [Offline-l] First Google Summer of Code for Kiwix and openZIM

2013-05-28 Diskussionsfäden Emmanuel Engelhart

 Message original 
Sujet: [Offline-l] First Google Summer of Code for Kiwix and openZIM
Date : Tue, 28 May 2013 16:36:22 +0200
De : Emmanuel Engelhart 
Répondre à : Using Wikimedia projects and MediaWiki offline

Pour : kiwix-develo...@lists.sourceforge.net

Copie à : Using Wikimedia projects and MediaWiki offline


We have had our first Google Summer of Code proposal finally accepted:
* https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/User:Kiran_mathew_1993
* https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/User:Kiran_mathew_1993

This project should really help people to keep their offline version of
Wikipedia up-to-date without having to re-download everything each time.

The student and the two mentors are really happy about this decision of
Google and Wikimedia. We take it as a big opportunity and will do our
best to succeed.

Kind regards
Kiwix - Wikipedia Offline & more
* Web: http://www.kiwix.org
* Twitter: https://twitter.com/KiwixOffline
* more: http://www.kiwix.org/wiki/Communication

Offline-l mailing list

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Re: [Wikimediach-l] two facebook pages for wikimedia ch

2013-06-02 Diskussionsfäden Emmanuel Engelhart
Le 02/06/2013 20:12, Ilario Valdelli a écrit :
> Hi Rupert, the first one is a restricted page. Board and staff can write
> there.
> The second one is open and everyone can post there.

Seems to me pretty confusing for FB users.
I also don't understand the added value.


http://wikimedia.ch Wikimedia CH website
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Re: [Wikimediach-l] two facebook pages for wikimedia ch

2013-06-02 Diskussionsfäden Emmanuel Engelhart
Le 02/06/2013 20:23, Ilario Valdelli a écrit :
> Everyone can create a group in Facebook and not everyone can cancel it.
> The "official" page is only the first one.

"Wikimedia" is a protected trademark, its usage is not free.

Does someone know who owns the second one?
And why this page was open?


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[Wikimediach-l] [FEEDBACK] Presentation at the HEIG-VD

2013-06-06 Diskussionsfäden Emmanuel Engelhart

I was yesterday at the HEIG-VD in Yverdon-les-Bains:

I have made a 2 hours long presentation of Wikimedia and Wikipedia with
a general -> details approach. Focus was to give the keys to understand
and participate to Wikipedia.

Afterwards, we have had a 1 hour long workshop where participants have
concretely edited articles, uploaded pictures.

Everything ran fine to my opinion. Audience was composed with
professionals (but not only teachers) from the school. The only one
shadow was the small audience (5 for the presentation, 3 for the
workshop - instead of 12 like thought in a first time).

You can find my presentation in our wiki:

Kind regards

http://wikimedia.ch Wikimedia CH website
Wikimediach-l mailing list

Re: [Wikimediach-l] GLAM outreach activities in the German part of Switzerland in May 2013

2013-06-06 Diskussionsfäden Emmanuel Engelhart
Le 05/06/2013 11:02, Estermann Beat a écrit :
> I’ve compiled the GLAM outreach activities in the German part of
> Switzerland in May 2013 on my user page:
> https://members.wikimedia.ch/User:Beat_Estermann

Thank you Beat for that report. This is great to have such things on the
wiki IMO (instead of only email).

Time being a rare resource, I would really appreciate if in the future
you could somehow achieved to merge it with the traditional one made by


http://wikimedia.ch Wikimedia CH website
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[Wikimediach-l] Do we use (american) cloud solutions at WMCH Q

2013-06-10 Diskussionsfäden Emmanuel Engelhart

The last PRISM scandal show us again how the american governement and
web companies don't care about our private data:

On the other side, our members deserve a total privacy regarding their data.

So, my question is pretty simple and for Manuel, who is certainly the
only one with the right overview: Which precise usage does the
association internally do of (American) cloud solutions (Facebook,
Twitter, Google, Dropbox, Skype...)?

Setting-up a precise list of services with use cases would be IMO
extremely useful to evaluate our current dependance.


http://wikimedia.ch Wikimedia CH website
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Re: [Wikimediach-l] Do we use (american) cloud solutions at WMCH Q

2013-06-10 Diskussionsfäden Emmanuel Engelhart
Le 10/06/2013 14:41, Hartwig Thomas a écrit :
> I believe that such a "precise list" is an illusion.
> The servers as well as the legal bodies are in the US and thus are subject to 
> US law.
> Therefore the operators of these servers will do anything the law requires 
> them to do, just as an operator ("provider") in Switzerland would have to 
> follow the Swiss laws (BÜPF, Nachrichtendienst-Gesetz, ...). The US law does 
> not - like the Swiss or European privacy laws - require these operators to 
> reveal to the person whose data are stored, how they are used or to whom they 
> are given. Quite the contrary some of these US laws require the operators to 
> keep this kind of information secret. It is unreasonable to believe, that 
> Wikimedia Foundation would break such US laws, just because some Europeans 
> have a different idea of privacy.
> Besides the Internet technology is "open". So the operators of these "cloud" 
> servers have absolutely no control over the path any TCP/IP package takes 
> between here and their server. So even if they did give us a "precise list", 
> it would be worth nothing, because the eavesdropping can take place one step 
> removed from these servers.
> So if you want European style privacy - and if you believe in its honest 
> reinforcement in Europe or in Switzerland - then you should not store your 
> data on a server in the US or encrypt it. If, however, the data are public 
> anyway, as is the case with most Wikimedia content, then this kind of privacy 
> is not a concern. The main risk I see in this more realistic scenario, is 
> that the US government might "arrest" such data and delete them or make them 
> otherwise inaccessible. Therefore it is certainly useful, if the 
> publicdomainproject keeps a copy of its data on Wikimedia Commons on some 
> European server as a backup.

My request is specifically targeted to WMCH, our swiss chapter, not to
any other entity of our movement.


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Re: [Wikimediach-l] Do we use (american) cloud solutions at WMCH Q

2013-06-10 Diskussionsfäden Emmanuel Engelhart
Le 10/06/2013 18:23, Manuel Schneider a écrit :
> I can only speak about the processes within WMCH which are know to me or
> where I am part of.
> So far these processes mainly use self-hosted IT ressources. On our four
> server instances we run a variety of services:
> * mail (SMTP/IMAP)
> * webserver / content management systems / wikis
> * shell / file access (ssh / sftp)
> * videoconferencing
> * groupware / calendars / address books / ActiveSync
> * file server / webDAV storage
> * backup server
> The servers for this are technically and physically under full control
> of WMCH (me as a member and contractor of WMCH) and located in a
> datacentre in Germany which I am paying for space, access control,
> power, a/c and bandwidth. Exceptions are the office and backup servers
> which are virtual hosts located on a physical server in our Lausanne office.
> External services regularly used are:
> * phone / SIP lines via Swisscom
> * internet connectivity via Swisscom
> * mobile phones via Orange and Swisscom
> Other external services we don't use as infrastructure:
> * sometimes we use the WMF Etherpad for drafting text documents
> * social networks - G+, Facebook, Twitter for publishing news
> * some users of WMCH mail addresses redirect their mail to external
> services not under our control
> There might be processes which I am not aware of which make use of
> external platforms.

Thank you very much for this detailed answer.

Congratulations for making WMCH infrastructure almost not depending of
these type of problematic services (not the same in all chapters).

The only point I see which could be improved is the forwarding to email
boxes at Google/Yahoo/Microsoft accounts.

I understand this is not under our direct control, but I think we should
try to avoid sending internal information to such type of accounts in
favour of companies/legislations which are more respectful of our data.

I propose to invite all concerned users to:
* create a WMCH mailbox for them
* change the target email address to something more acceptable like
email box from the provider or european web mails like GMX.

Would that be feasible?
Does something speaks against such type of restriction?

Kind regards

http://wikimedia.ch Wikimedia CH website
Wikimediach-l mailing list

Re: [Wikimediach-l] Do we use (american) cloud solutions at WMCH Q

2013-06-10 Diskussionsfäden Emmanuel Engelhart
Hi Manuel

Le 10/06/2013 19:53, Manuel Schneider a écrit :
> Am 10.06.2013 19:31, schrieb Emmanuel Engelhart:
>> I propose to invite all concerned users to:
>> * create a WMCH mailbox for them
>> * change the target email address to something more acceptable like
>> email box from the provider or european web mails like GMX.
>> Would that be feasible?
>> Does something speaks against such type of restriction?
> generally all users who have asked for a WMCH mail address are initially
> offered an IMAP mailbox and I normally tell people why this is better
> than a redirect - just out of practical reasons, put ideological / data
> security aside.
> Anyway, if it is the whish of the user to get his mail forwarded
> instead, who am I to deny it?
> Anything else - any restrictions - should be decided by the board.
> Just as a summary what we are talking about, after a short look on the
> mailserver:
> * 6 redirects to gmail (Google) (1 staff)
> * 1 redirect to Hotmail (Microsoft) (1 board)
> * 2 swiss domains whose MX records point to swiss mailservers (both board)
> * 5 addresses redirecting to the WMF
> To be honest: I understand and agree with your scepticism towards
> private data flowing through third parties which are bound to make
> benefit with that data (Google and Hotmail are free, and not because the
> are philantroph) even withing countries which are known to spy on their
> citizens. Anyway I am not sure that even if we were sure that our data
> is being spied at if it was valuable enough to force our volunteers to
> abandon their primary mail accounts.
> It is a different situation for the board, even though they are still
> volunteers they do deal with sensitive data, but that should not
> normally not be transfered via e-mail anyway.

Your approach of promoting mailboxes vs. redirects makes a lot of sense.
If we achieve to do that for staff/board, we are on the secure side.

Other email addresses are less critical... but we should keep a vigilant
eye on that, we are responsible for our data... also if that could
bother users.

> For the staff it is clear: that can only be a mailbox. So in that one
> case I am happy you made me aware of a problem. I will talk to that person.
> For myself I try to adopt a sceptic but pragmatic approach: Sometimes I
> use Google services but only where I have no good replacement (mainly
> Google spreadsheets) and then only for a temporary usage. I don't want
> to rely on it. I use it for a certain task, then I store the result
> elsewhere. Otherwise I use these services - this applies to all kind of
> Social Networks where we have the same scepticism for a different reason
> - with data I really and deliberately want to publish. So that data
> can't be "stolen" or misused anyway.


Good evening

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Re: [Wikimediach-l] Do we use (american) cloud solutions at WMCH Q

2013-06-11 Diskussionsfäden Emmanuel Engelhart
Le 10/06/2013 23:20, Frédéric Schütz a écrit :
> Some informal exchanges of files are still done using Dropbox; now is
> probably a good time to get rid of them.

The wiki works now pretty well and Manuel has increased the upload limit
to 32MB. IMO, this is the best place to store files which should be kept
for a long time.

Otherwise, for temporary usage, there are a few open source alternatives
which could be installed on our server to deliver a service similar to
dropbox (if the groupware doesn't already offer that):


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Re: [Wikimediach-l] Do we use (american) cloud solutions at WMCH Q

2013-06-11 Diskussionsfäden Emmanuel Engelhart
Le 11/06/2013 11:34, Ilario Valdelli a écrit :
> Basically I would say that the email is something that allows people to
> be contacted easily and to be checked easily, but there is also the
> compromise with the security and the protection of data.
> The correct approach is in the middle.

This approach is unprofessional, you have to do the necessary to
keep/protect the privacy of your email exchanges.

If you don't care, it's your right ; but at least take in consideration
the privacy concern of people writing to you, to the association. So,
it's not about you, your feelings or convenience.

We have the chance to have an IT infrastructure providing powerful
alternatives, so use it! If you have some difficulties setting up an
email client with different mailboxes, I'm ready to help you.


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Re: [Wikimediach-l] Do we use (american) cloud solutions at WMCH Q

2013-06-11 Diskussionsfäden Emmanuel Engelhart
Le 11/06/2013 12:28, Ilario Valdelli a écrit :
> What is the meaning of "unprofessional"?

You obviously don't care about the privacy of email exchange: that's


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[Wikimediach-l] [WIKIPEDIA IN PRISON] Small press review

2013-06-19 Diskussionsfäden Emmanuel Engelhart

This is the result of our press release about our Pilot with the Prison
of Gorgiers, near Neuchatel. Chantal was in touch the last days with
many journalists who have written about our project.

== Online press ==
* Tribune de Genève:
* 24 heures online:
* Le Matin :
* 20 minutes :
* RTN :
* Arc-info :
* Blog online :

== Paper press ==
* 20 minutes
* L'Express

== Wikimedia movement ==
Really warm welcome in many written feedbacks... I hope this will be
inspiring for other communities. We will certainly have pretty much
discussions about that at Wikimania.


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[Wikimediach-l] [GLAM][FYI] History of Geneva

2013-06-19 Diskussionsfäden Emmanuel Engelhart
IMO, an interesting article for a Wikimedian in Geneva:

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[Wikimediach-l] International Working Group Report for May/June

2013-07-14 Diskussionsfäden Emmanuel Engelhart
This is the report the last two months:

Text version (without links)

* WMCH will have its own permanent booth during Wikimania and will
advert their offline efforts during the whole conference. Driven by
Muriel, this preparation work is progressing well. The organization of a
small hackathon before Wikimania is finished.
* We have our first Google Summer of code project, things are
progressing more or less on time until now.
* We have done a new release of Kiwix for Android and reached 2.000
active installations and a global satisfaction rate of 4.7/5.
* Code for the future ZIM toolchain based on Parsoid and coded in NodeJS
is progressing well... The first ZIM file build using that way should be
released in the next month. This effort is part of the ZIM autobuild
* With the Afripedia project, a training was organized in Kinshasa and a
deployment of kiwix-serve with Wikipedia in French is ongoing in the 7
universities intranets of the Democratic Republic of Congo.
* "Wikipedia in Jail" pilot with the prison of Gorgier, driven by
Chantal, was officially announced, and we have got an awesome press
coverage and a really enthusiastic welcome from the Wikimedia community.
* Emmanuel was at the Hackathon in Amsterdam and met other developers to
speak about offline, a pretty positive time.

Community building
* WMCH: join the Wikimedia Participation Support program
* WMGH: celebrates one year.
* WMTN: Promotion of incoming WLM at an heritage conference and during
Social Media Day.

Technology, GLAM, Trainings
+41 797 670 398

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[Wikimediach-l] Fwd: [RELEASE] Kiwix for Android v1.3

2013-07-31 Diskussionsfäden Emmanuel Engelhart

 Message original 
Sujet: [RELEASE] Kiwix for Android v1.3
Date : Wed, 31 Jul 2013 11:58:41 +0200
De : Emmanuel Engelhart 
Pour : kiwix-develo...@lists.sourceforge.net
, Using Wikimedia projects and
MediaWiki offline 


we have released a new version of our ZIM reader for Android.

This release provides a few new things:
* New "Night mode" (reverse colors)
* New "Exit" menu entry
* Zoom controls now optional
* Fixed "duplicate suggestions" bug

Try it:

... and report any problem:

Kiwix - Wikipedia Offline & more
* Web: http://www.kiwix.org
* Twitter: https://twitter.com/KiwixOffline
* more: http://www.kiwix.org/wiki/Communication

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Re: [Wikimediach-l] visual category editing strategy

2013-08-10 Diskussionsfäden Emmanuel Engelhart

Hi Rupert,

I think you made a mistake in this email recipient field ;)


On 08/10/2013 09:55 PM, rupert THURNER wrote:


as there was recently an agreement on this list to have
hotcat/InclineCategorizer as category editing tool, and even change
the api to do this better [1][2][3], i filed a ticket to remove the
code editing categories from VE. the decision was imo wise, as
category editing in VE, by (current) VE design, can never match
hotcats "1-click user experience", and there are a number of bugs
attached to VE implementation [6]. despite that, andre klapper closed
the ticket as "won't fix" with the comment "there is no functionality
*ready* yet that would replace it. Both Hotcat and Inlinecategorizer
are "not there (yet)". [4]

i saw an update to mzmcbrides ticket from krinkle saying "HotCat
gadget is an established piece of code". but, another sentence is in
there saying "VisualEditor also intends to implement an interface to
edit ... categories".[5]

all these sentences in different tickets sound quite contradicting.
the first reason which came to my mind was "not-invented-here"[7]. but
i am not aware that this is in wikimedia foundations mission ;)

could somebody more knowledgeable shed some light on this?

[1] http://lists.wikimedia.org/pipermail/wikitech-l/2013-July/070429.html
[2] https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Extension:InlineCategorizer
[3] https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/MediaWiki:Gadget-HotCat.js
[4] https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/show_bug.cgi?id=52384
[5] https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/show_bug.cgi?id=27312
[6] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:VisualEditor/Known_problems
[7] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Not_invented_here


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[Wikimediach-l] [WIKIMANIA][KIWIX] Our feedback about Wikimania 2013 @HongKong

2013-08-19 Diskussionsfäden Emmanuel Engelhart
Dear WMCH members

We have been 10 days at Hong Kong and are now back in Europe. We have
had a hackathon during 6 days first and have then participated to
Wikimania itself.

Although we have not achieved to do 100% of what we wanted to do, most
of the work has been done during the hackathon. Our goal was to prepare
the next release of Kiwix and we are now almost ready. We will have to
finish it during next weeks and then release. You can have more details
about our work on this wiki page:
http://www.kiwix.org/wiki/Wikimania_2013. We knew it, but this was again
confirmed: this type of micro-hackathon is really efficient to exchange
between developers but also to produce code. We hope to be able to make
two other one next year.

During Wikimania itself, we were pretty busy between informal
discussions about offline, WMCH booth and other presentations. For the
Wikimania attendees we have proposed:
* Flyers, banner-up, brochures and USB flash drives (WMCH branded with
Wikipedia offline)
* A good place on WMCH booth in the Chapter village (great idea pushed
by Charles), so a permanent public place during the 3 days.
* 3 presentations, mostly in collaborations with Wikimedia France,
around the Afripedia Project.

This year and like always, offline efforts have been warmly welcomed by
other attendees. But the intensity was definitely higher than before. We
think this is because:
* The projects (Kiwix and openZIM) are more and more well known,
* a better communication,
* also because we have had this time many people coming (back) to us
with feedbacks about their own usages and deployments of Kiwix.
* Our tools and global offer being more and more mature, we also see
plenty of potential projects with partners around education program.

Most of this was possible because WMCH has been supporting offline
technologies since many years. We have also appreciated the
communication effort done around Kiwix by WMCH during Wikimania:
material was great and personal involvement of Muriel, Charles were
really valuable. Special thank to Carl and Christoph (from the public
domain project) who were really brave to be most of the time on our WMCH
booth, enduring the pretty difficult climatic conditions.

To keep it short: we are really happy with these 10 days in Hong-Kong.
Thank you WMCH for having made it possible.

Emmanuel & Renaud
Technology, GLAM, Trainings
+41 797 670 398

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[Wikimediach-l] A few remakrs about the Wikimedia CH Summer Newsletter

2013-08-31 Diskussionsfäden Emmanuel Engelhart

I have received yesterday the WMCH newsletter. This is great to get some
news in that format, I guess this is the work of our new community
managers. Also the work of Manuel, it seems to me that this is the first
newsletter sent by CiviCRM? So, congratulations to all the people who
have worked on it.

Here are a few remarks related to this mailing, the contents, and others:

* Newsletters are elaborated on the wiki, you can help and find the
archive here: https://members.wikimedia.ch/Newsletters/
* I think the English version of this newsletter should be also posted
here, on this ML. It's primarily for members, but this could be also
interesting for others.
* Unsubscribe/re-subscribe procedure seems to work.
* How to change the recipient email address for this mailing? I have
tried the "unsubscribe" link and then tried to recover my password with
my email address but this seems to fail (hostname test.wikimedia.ch is
also strange)...

* In general, it's really great to see more activity on the wiki... but
it's pretty difficult to be triggered about something new. The only way
I know, is to use the atom/rss feed of the recent changes... and in my
case it does not work with my online aggregator (Netvibes). So this is a
problem to be triggered about what happens and this looks to me to be a
brake to get involved members.

* Do we have periodic reports about the LabisAlp project in English? I
can't find one neither on the Mailing-List nor in the wiki nor in the
GLAM working group report.
* LabiAlp project uploads (for example
http://it.wikisource.org/wiki/Indice:Labi_1996.djvu) should be labelled
as sponsored by WMCH and categorized in a dedicated project category.
* https://la.wikisource.org/wiki/Liber:Agricola_De_re_metallica.djvu was
scanned and uploaded to archive.org in 2008, so I'm not sure to
understand the relation with the LabisAlp project.

* Do we have reports in English about the activity of the WIR?
* Nice to have the interview of Micha, I don't know if this one is old
or not, hope not so... I was not informed about its release.
* It was impossible to me to find the WIR interview on the WMCH web site
(without having the direct link)
... I think this is linked nowhere in other pages and also the URL is
pretty strange ("%5Bi18n-termpath-raw%5D")
* I feel somehow bad to read something like "No, there are no such
specific targets of my residency" from a WIR. Paying a WIR without
having many new interesting pictures in Commons is IMO a problem. It's
also a problem, because without these upload pictured, I don't really
see how to involve the community (also AFK) in this partnership. I hope
the legal problems will be fixed soon @BAR.


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Re: [Wikimediach-l] A few remarks about the Wikimedia CH Summer Newsletter

2013-09-02 Diskussionsfäden Emmanuel Engelhart
Le 02/09/2013 14:16, Muriel Staub a écrit :
> * We plan to send the Newsletter also to this mailing list! 

Great :)

> * Activity on Wiki: Do you think it would be helpful to announce major
> changes on the wiki in the News

Why not...

>  area? Just let me know if you have
> any ideas… I am happy to get input or to discuss ideas!

This is not easy because we face a systemic weakness of the wiki. A wiki
is great to elaborate collaboratively new content, but is pretty bad to
trigger people, discuss, generate reaction. Mailing-list, social
networks or blogs are better for that purpose. We should find a smart
then way to use them and integrate them with our wiki.

A few remarks to increase activity on our wiki:
* "recent change" atom/rss feed is for now the *only* solution to be
triggered about what happen on the wiki... we should IMO try to
understand what goes wrong with my and (I guess) other aggregators
(maybe I do something wrong...)?
* This RSS/ATOM feed should be clearly advertised on the welcome page (I
will do that if nobody is against)
* The option to add a page a user has modified to the watch list AND the
option to send an email if an article of the watch list is modified
should be per default activated
* New members should be automatically registered (eventually propose an
opt-out checkbox) to this wiki and this should be explained to the user.
* I'm sceptical about any news system which is based on a pull
principle. Good usage and integration of microblog, blog, mailing list
and Mediawiki should be pushed.
* We should invite members, as often as possible, to share with us on
this or this topic, on the wiki.
* Translate extension
should be installed, this will be really easier to work on translations
on the wiki
* A lot easier to say than to do... more gardening for a fancier wiki (I
know this need lot of work... a work that everybody from us can do).

> * Interview with the WIR: The interview was held in August and you'll
> find it on our Website in english-> Activties -> Wikipedia in Residence
> in Swiss Federal Archives  or in german -> Aktivitäten -> Wikipedian in
> Residence in Bundesarchiv.
> We also did a short update about KIWIX
> in
> Jail here ;-)

Sorry, I did not have found that... But this is a sign that this is
maybe a too complicated path.

New articles, like this interesting interview, should be more advertised
and available from the front page of our web site. I guess that this is
an obvious remark and that everybody more or less agree that the website
should be rethought... hopefully next year :)

Technology, GLAM, Trainings
+41 797 670 398

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Re: [Wikimediach-l] A few remarks about the Wikimedia CH Summer Newsletter

2013-09-02 Diskussionsfäden Emmanuel Engelhart
Le 02/09/2013 15:35, Manuel Schneider a écrit :
> I guess RSS / Atom doesn work for you as the wiki is closed. I am not
> aware that an aggregator can actually log into the wiki before fetching
> the feed.

I'm of course connected, so my browser has the right cookie and I can
access directly

I'm not sure, but the problem could come from this type of security:
In this case we would need to add an additional HTTP header to allow this...

> MLEB is nice but late. We are stuck with a different model to use
> multiple languges at the moment. There is only one solution which I can
> see (maybe you have a better idea): To move all the content, manually,
> to a new wiki that has MLEB (and a lot more cool stuff). I have a plan
> for that but don't prioritice it. At the moment my priority is "keep the
> things going" (maintain status quo with improvements where opportunities
> arise) and supporting FDC relevant activities (community projects, other
> chapters support). Then we have some pressing things, like CiviCRM, new
> staff etc...

We don't need to migrate old translated content to the new model... So
this seems to me relatively straight forward. I have done it on Kiwix
web site, directly, and this was really stimulating content edition.


Technology, GLAM, Trainings
+41 797 670 398

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Re: [Wikimediach-l] Wikimedia CH has just hired two new directors

2013-09-06 Diskussionsfäden Emmanuel Engelhart
Congratulations to everybody involved in this recruitment process.

The following pages need to be updated:
* https://www.wikimedia.ch/who-are-we/board-members
* https://www.wikimedia.ch/who-we-are/employees


Le 05/09/2013 16:18, Frédéric Schütz a écrit :
> Dear all,
> I'm very glad to tell you that Wikimedia CH has just hired two new
> directors. Duc-Ahn Chung will be our new Chief Administrative Officer,
> starting in November, and Charles Andrès, our former president of the
> board, will be our new Chief Science Officer. Read on for more details!
> When Chantal Ebongué, our CAO and first employee, told us she was
> planning to leave, we set a recruiting committee to replace her. One of
> the reasons she was leaving was that it was difficult to take care of
> both administrative work and project work -- both because of the high
> workload, and because these two tasks require very different
> competences. Thus, while drafting the job description, the recruiting
> committee proposed to the board to hire two people. This was accepted,
> and we now have filled these positions.
> Duc-Anh ("Anh") Chung, our new CAO, originally studied hotel management,
> and worked as project manager in different hotels around the world. She
> then worked as an executive assistant in a start-up company in Geneva,
> in charge of all administrative matters. Since May 2012, she is
> assistant director in a large non-profit organization in Geneva. In this
> position, she is responsible for all administrative matters, and has a
> wide experience helping a purely volunteer organization transform itself
> into a professional structure.
> Among other tasks, Ahn will be in charge of the human resources and the
> finances of our association, including the annual fundraiser and the
> financial side of the FDC application, and will report directly to the
> board.  She will start working for Wikimedia CH on 1 November -- just in
> time for the fundraiser :-)
> Charles Andrès, our new CSO, was originally trained as a biologist; he
> received a Master in Genetics followed by a PhD in Cellular Biology in
> France. Since 2007, he has worked as a senior scientist at the
> University of Neuchâtel, where he is a researcher and lecturer in
> biology. He is a Wikipedian since 2007, board member of Wikimedia CH
> since 2010 and the chairman of the board since June 2012.
> Charles will be responsible for all the projects conducted inside our
> association, including both support of individual initiatives (members
> projects) and institutional partnerships, and will be responsible for
> the annual FDC application. Among other projects, he will oversee our
> GLAM activities, as well as the development of our education program. He
> will report directly to the board. Charles has started working part-time
> as CSO on 1 September (just in time for the preparation of the FDC
> application :-), and will join us full time in early October.
> The choice of a Chief Science Officer (CSO) position
> The decision to create a CSO position stems from the fact that many of
> our efforts (current and planned) are focused on "scientific" projects;
> by this we mean not only that we have established many collaborations
> with academic institutions, but also that we intend to drive our
> projects using a scientific approach, as a tool to improve quality. We
> have received very good feedback on this from many people in the
> Wikimedia community.
> --
> The choice of two directors rather than one executive director
> In our current structure and given our level of development, the board
> still takes care of many tasks traditionally in the hands of an
> executive director. The choice of hiring two directors, each with
> well-defined areas of competences, working closely together and with the
> board, was deemed the best solution (note that despite the title of
> "directors", they will not simply delegate the day-to-day work to other
> employees, but will actually perform most of it).
> This solution fits well with the Swiss culture, as even the Federal
> government is organized following such a collegial structure
> (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Federal_Council_%28Switzerland%29 ).
> We are also glad to have been able to make a balanced hiring: not only
> have we hired one man and one woman, but we have one director who knows
> the Wikimedia movement very well, and another one who will bring a fresh
> pair of eyes. Unfortunately, we have not been able to find a balance
> between the different languages spoken in Switzerland, as we hired two
> native French speakers, but we have made sure that our staff can cover
> adequately the different language communities in the country.
> -
> Governance and management of potential conflicts of int

[Wikimediach-l] IWG July/August 2013 monthly report

2013-09-07 Diskussionsfäden Emmanuel Engelhart
Dear members,

you can find here the last International Working Group monthly report:

Technology, GLAM, Trainings
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[Wikimediach-l] [REQUEST FOR HELP] Italian native speakers urgently needed!

2013-09-26 Diskussionsfäden Emmanuel Engelhart

Kiwix new promotional documents should be translated in our 3 federal
languages to be then sent to the PR agency/printer.

Unfortunately, we still need the translated documents in Italian (French
and German are already done). I would be really thankful if someone
could invest around 1 hour to translate them. We would otherwise be
forced to avoid to release these documents in Italian.

Please, have a look to these pages, translation is easy and funny:
* http://www.kiwix.org/wiki/Flyer/it
* http://www.kiwix.org/wiki/Brochure/it

Thank you in advance for your help!


Technology, GLAM, Trainings
+41 797 670 398

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Re: [Wikimediach-l] Wiki Changes

2013-10-07 Diskussionsfäden Emmanuel Engelhart
Le 07/10/2013 11:10, Manuel Schneider a écrit :
> Please be aware that changes on the wiki are going on.
> Currently the multilingual features are not active because they
> interfere with the upgrade.

I have asked many questions about IT (IMO partly related to this change)
on the village pump. Could you please answer them:

To avoid such type of fuzzyness about IT changes in the future, I think
this would be good if for each IT change with a user impact the
following stuff is done:
* Inform users before the change:
** Purpose of the change with a few details
** User impact (during and post change)
** time/duration of the change
* Inform users after the change:
** Potential post-change incidents
** Feedback about the change execution

Technology, GLAM, Trainings
+41 797 670 398

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Re: [Wikimediach-l] Wiki Changes

2013-10-07 Diskussionsfäden Emmanuel Engelhart
Le 07/10/2013 14:35, Manuel Schneider a écrit :
> Am 07.10.2013 12:46, schrieb Emmanuel Engelhart:
>> Le 07/10/2013 11:10, Manuel Schneider a écrit :
>>> Please be aware that changes on the wiki are going on.
>>> Currently the multilingual features are not active because they
>>> interfere with the upgrade.
>> I have asked many questions about IT (IMO partly related to this change)
>> on the village pump. Could you please answer them:
>> https://members.wikimedia.ch/Village_Pump/
>> To avoid such type of fuzzyness about IT changes in the future, I think
>> this would be good if for each IT change with a user impact the
>> following stuff is done:
>> * Inform users before the change:
>> ** Purpose of the change with a few details
>> ** User impact (during and post change)
>> ** time/duration of the change
>> * Inform users after the change:
>> ** Potential post-change incidents
>> ** Feedback about the change execution
> can we agree to do that only in projected bigger changes?

That's what I have written "IT change with a user impact", so we agree.

Assuming the fact that you don't know who use a service, you can
consider that a downtime of more than a few minutes has a user impact.
After 2-3 minutes, an average user considers a non-working service as
"dead" and will abandon his task. Also, if this is well communicated,
this is usually recommended to make such changes during the night, or at
least not during office hours.

To avoid generating a too high overhead of the communication part of the
IT change, for a service requiring many small changes, the usual
approach is to gather them in one bigger change.

Technology, GLAM, Trainings
+41 797 670 398

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Re: [Wikimediach-l] CERN

2013-10-17 Diskussionsfäden Emmanuel Engelhart

The good news is that they use the CC-BY-SA license.

On 10/17/2013 08:58 PM, Clément Bucco wrote:

Hello all,

Just a quick message to give your this link:


I think its a step in the good direction from the CERN, even if there is
not so much pictures for the moment.


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[Wikimediach-l] International Working Group report for September and October 2013

2013-11-09 Diskussionsfäden Emmanuel Engelhart
Dear members,

the new IWG report is out with many good news :)

Technology, GLAM, Trainings
+41 797 670 398

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Re: [Wikimediach-l] militaria-maler albert von escher auf commons ...

2013-11-26 Diskussionsfäden Emmanuel Engelhart
Le 26/11/2013 08:02, rupert THURNER a écrit :
> man lernt nie aus bei dieser wikipedia. wusstet ihr was ein
> militaria-maler ist? ja - ich auch nicht. in der schweiz gabs im 19.
> jhd einen, albert von escher. einige seiner bilder hat die
> zentralbibliothek soloturn nun auf commons geladen:
> https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Category:Albert_von_Escher

J'ai créé une ébauche sur Wikipédia :

... difficile d'en savoir plus sur ce peintre. Quelqu'un a peut-être une
source intéressante pour étoffer l'article ?

Technology, GLAM, Trainings
+41 797 670 398

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