Re: [Marxism] Iran: Whose Side are You On?

2009-07-29 Thread Tom Cod

makes sense.

 You are confusing two things. Marxists back colonial resistance to 
 imperialism, but he never would have backed such a government against 
 its own people.

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Re: [Marxism] Totalitarianism

2009-08-04 Thread Tom Cod

 Anybody who cares to examine the facts knows that Stalin's Great
 Patriotic War was not waged with internationalist principles and the
 official policy of the USSR unleashed a war against German civilians.
 The terror was imposed with the institutionally sanctioned mass rape
 of German females of all ages.

With all due respect, I think your characterization of the unsavory quality of 
the Soviet struggle against Nazi aggression is greatly exaggerated.  While it 
may indeed have resembled the approach of the Western allies as it quite 
openly was, I think your assertion that there was mass rape of German citizens 
as a matter of Soviet government policy is flawed.  I'd like to see some 
evidence for that assertion.  True there were atrocities committed in East 
Prussia by soviet troops committed in the spirit of retaliation and a pathetic 
flood of refugees that a French SS collaborator in The Sorrow and the Pity 
said made June 1940 look like a picnic. 


While idealized fairy tales of historical events should certainly be debunked, 
polemics that create, or appear to create, a moral equivalency between the 
Allies and the Axis or between the Soviets and the Nazis are misguided and 
simply wrong.  Like the U.S. Civil War in the previous century, WW2 was a 
fundamental struggle between the forces of progress and reaction.  Does that 
mean the better side that it was absolutely necessary prevail was perfect?  
Obviously not as the real world is never perfect. Does that mean there was no 
difference between them, as so many liberal and social democratic pharisees 
carp on was the case in Spain?  No.  Hey, 25 MILLION soviet people died in 
World War 2 which in fact was and is viewed-rightly-by a whole section of the 
masses there as a just Great Patriotic War of which they are rightly proud 
which by no means was Stalin's alone, in fact in the summer of 1941 he fully 
expected to ousted but the rest of the leadership felt they needed to retain 
him as a national symbol.   Moreover, while I'm not an enthusiast of Trotsky 
and his epigones, the attitude reflected by these comments-at least as to the 
USSR-was not one that he shared.


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Re: [Marxism] Totalitarianism

2009-08-04 Thread Tom Cod

I'm not sure that's true and I've always been troubled by this Monday morning 
quarterback left sectarian outlook because it focuses so much on the 
Stalinists and the Left, thereby unwittingly shifting the onus away from the 
fascists.  Look, say someone negligently leaves their door unlocked resulting 
in their whole family being murdered by thugs.  Do we incessantly harp at one 
of the victim's negligence  with only a glib passing reference to the deeds of 
the actual perpetrators?  Thus this also sets up folks-and I'm definitely not 
talking about anyone involved in this discussion who I know are good people-for 
the accusation by Stalinists that their critics are neo-con cavalier 
philistines acting in bad faith in the manner of the original neo-cons like 
Burnam, Kristol the Elder and Sidney Hook who quickly went from ostensible 
trots to cold warriors with the same script of anti-Stalinist mongering. 


I remember this whole script playing out around Chile with the sectarian left 
focusing on bashing Allende, who certainly had his faults, but this attitude 
unwittingly aided Pinochet by strongly implying that he and his followers were 
pathetic chumps that got what chumps get on the street.



. . . fascism would never have come to power in Germany without 
 the policies of the Stalin dominated Comintern.

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Re: [Marxism] Post

2009-08-04 Thread Tom Cod

Again, I think that's overstated. I think shifting global conditions were the 
cause of the revolutionary upsurge ebbing, particularly the end of the Great 
War which I don't think any correct-grandiose or not-program or personalities 
of generalship would have overcome.  Obviously the Comintern wasn't perfect, 
however, and its pact with Hitler in '39 was despicable.
. . . and the defeat 
 of the international revolution, which defeat the 3rd Intl, in its majority 
 rule and democracy, helped secure.

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Re: [Marxism] Totalitarianism

2009-08-04 Thread Tom Cod

Yeah, I wouldn't buy into the fairy tale your interlocutor put out about how 
charitable the Soviets were in their intentions for Germany.  A little naive.  
The Tin Drum I think pretty much describes the tenor of those times.  
Nonetheless, as I've always thought since childhood, the cause of the Allies 
and the Soviets was a just one, notwithstanding whatever war crimes they 
committed.  Now, people can be called deniers of anything but I think they are 
right in demanding to see evidence for certain claims, particularly when they 
are used a certain political purpose.  While we're at it: how many women were 
raped by US soldiers in WW2?   more than a few.  does that mean it was an 
official policy of the US government that that take place or was it the 
indicispline of frustrated soldiers in the field, sadly a common corrollary of 
warfare.  Quite frankly, civilians, particularly, in certain parts of Italy 
were more afraid of American soldiers than German ones as they tended to be 
less diciplined and less sober.  One story is about how they or we broke into 
the wine cellars in a certain town that the German troops would never been 
permitted to do etc etc. with the women fleeing into the hills.


So, that two million women were raped by Soviet troops 

seems highly questionable and one, like WMDs in Iraq, should be viewed with 

 Dismissing the facts in this case for political comfort seems to me
 not very different than denying the holocaust or Obama's birth in the

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Re: [Marxism] Totalitarianism and Mass Rape

2009-08-05 Thread Tom Cod

Thank you!

 A rough translation of the content:
 This is a description of what leadership of the Red Army did against rapes.
 It says that the leadership first tried to stop the rape of German women.
 But with little success. Then since early autumn 1945 the punishment could
 take an arrest of many days up to some years of punishment camp. If the rape
 lead to the death of the victim the person concerned was shot death. In 1949
 presidium of the highest Soviets determined measures to be taken against
 people committing rape: 10 to 15 or 10 to 20 years of punishment camp
 depending on the case.
 This clearly shows that rapes were even not tolerated.
 Dogan Göcmen

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Re: [Marxism] Rape instinct??

2009-08-05 Thread Tom Cod

No dude, that's not a defense that is very helpful as it assumes that this 
happened and then makes excuses for it.  Moreover, it is a slap in the face to 
the millions of soviet soldiers and partisans who didn't do things like that.  
I'm not sure what your experiences in war or military life are, but there are 
plenty of people who have fought in wars and been in extreme situations and not 
committed these crimes; ultimately it is an unavoidable individual moral 
decision that a person must make in that situation which the movie Casualties 
of War depicts very well.  Finally, to glibly say that since war is about 
violence and rape is violence means that anything goes including rape is 


 Well, let's see. If, as I do, you consider rape a form of violence, and the 
 purpose of war to inflict more violence on your enemy than they inflict on 
 you; and given that the war in question was one of the most brutal and 
 cruel in human history, why would you think that rape would not be part and 
 parcel of the violence involved?

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[Marxism] Great Patriotic War

2009-08-08 Thread Tom Cod

Surely and was not patriotic rhetoric used by the Communards in 1871 as it 
related to the Prussians and the Versailles regime?
 Date: Fri, 7 Aug 2009 15:37:32 +0300
 Subject: Re: [Marxism] Rape is not necessarily a consequence of war
 The Great Patriotic War
 this expression has been referred to many times, probabily as a critique of
 the strategy of the Soviet Union.
 Below there is a passage from Engels' Speeches in Ebersfelde in which he
 ackonledges this. From various writings and letters of Marx and Engels I
 know that they reject to rely on the concept of patriotism as long as the
 proletariat fights for taking the power. But if it comes into power, Engels
 seems to imply, then it has to defend a real fatherland. This is however not
 valid for the relationship among communist nations. It may only be necessary
 if a communist society is attacked by anti-communist nations. The
 statement of Engels may give us some toughts about what happened in Soviet

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[Marxism] HItchens and Robert Service on Trotsky

2009-08-11 Thread Tom Cod

these talking heads expound on Leon Trotsky at the Hoover Institution:

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Re: [Marxism] Fore!

2009-08-12 Thread Tom Cod

Hey, I resemble that commentary-as Curly would say-having just taken up the 
sport last year.  For what its worth my golfing buddy is a working class guy 
who lays carpets and we play on 9 hole courses that charge 14-20 bucks.  It's 
about the only exercise I get anymore walking the course.  What conditions are 
in Venezuela and the Third World are another matter.  Obviously there are land 
use, zoning and water issues anywhere with the construction of these places, 

 Date: Wed, 12 Aug 2009 09:22:12 -0400
 Subject: Re: [Marxism] Fore!
 Glad to hear Chávez is following up on the brilliant suggestion of
 George Carlin

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Re: [Marxism] Woodstock 40 years ago: Country Joe McDonald's and Jimi Hendrix's antiwar classics | Links

2009-08-14 Thread Tom Cod

Yeah, I remember that weekend.  I was a 16 year old high school student and 
some of my acquaintances went up the road from the DC area to Woodstock which I 
remember being discussed before as this concert in upstate NY, with Woodstock 
being a label applied after the fact.  It was going to cost $18 to get in which 
was a lot as I made the minimum wage of $1.60 an hour in my summer job.  So 
where I actually was that weekend, as we were gearing up for the big anti-war 
protests of Oct-Nov 69, was at a meeting of the Young Socialist Alliance at 
Georgetown University where Peter Camejo was speaking and showing a slide show 
of his recent trip to Cuba until these Cuban exiles (gusanos) showed up and 
set off a tear gas cannister.

 Date: Fri, 14 Aug 2009 21:07:59 +1000
 Subject: [Marxism] Woodstock 40 years ago: Country Joe McDonald's and Jimi 
 Hendrix's antiwar classics | Links
 40 years ago -- from August 15 to August 18, 1969 -- hundreds of 
 thousands of young people gathered for three days of ``peace, love and 
 music''. In the midst of the mass movement against the Vietnam War and 
 the youth radicalisation it unleashed, oppostion to the US slaughter in 
 Vietnam was personified by the performances of Country Joe McDonald's 
 ``I'm Fixin' to Die' Rag'' and Jimi Hendrix's searing anti-patriotic 
 ``Star-Spangled banner''.
 Watch at
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Re: [Marxism] Woodstock 40 years ago: Country Joe McDonald's and Jimi Hendrix's antiwar classics | Links

2009-08-14 Thread Tom Cod

Yeah and of course Marcuse-and I don't mean this as an attack on anyone 
here-talked about these polemics and how in the context of the 60s they 
represented an expression of the conservative outlook of the industrial 
proletariat and orthodox marxism against radical students, hippies and 

 That sort of thing aroused the disapproval
 of Marx  Engels.  Engels wrote a
 an article debunking spiritualism,
 Natural Science and the Spirit World,
 which was later published in *The Dialectics
 of Nature*.
 Jim F.
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Re: [Marxism] Woodstock, or how art lasts longer than politics (was: Exchange on Woodstock)

2009-08-17 Thread Tom Cod

You're kidding, who could forget Dick Nixon?
   Coming back to Woodstock -- how many people dreaming of Woodstock 
 and re-hearing its Music can tell who was POTUS then? 

 Lüko Willms
 Frankfurt, Germany
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Re: [Marxism] Woodstock, or how art lasts longer than politics (was: Exchange on Woodstock)

2009-08-17 Thread Tom Cod

No, but anyone who was old enough to have been at Woodstock will remember Nixon 
and the Vietnam War.

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Re: [Marxism] Woodstock, or how art lasts longer than politics

2009-08-18 Thread Tom Cod

well, some of us knew him as Tricky Dick
BTW, asked for it, I would have answered that Lyndon B. Johnson had been 
 POTUS during the time of the Woodstock festival. I would have to research 
 papers to verify... But if it shall be Richard Nixon, so be it. It is not 
 BTW, I could not recognize POTUS Nixon behind Dick Nixon.  I knew him as 
 Lüko Willms
 Frankfurt, Germany
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Re: [Marxism] Woodstock, or how art lasts longer than politics

2009-08-18 Thread Tom Cod

and you've got to be a devotee of 'post-modern' dime novels to use CIA like 
lingolike POTUS.

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Re: [Marxism] Alexander Cockburn RIP

2009-08-22 Thread Tom Cod

Yeah, I mean, let's use words in their commonly understood meaning, 
particularly loaded terms like this one, and not waste time with obscurantist 
pedantry that isolates us from the real political struggles that the use of 
these terms reflects.

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Re: [Marxism] the truth about James Hansen of the SWP

2009-08-23 Thread Tom Cod

Actually that's Joseph Hansen whose 1962 screed Cuba: The Acid Test in 
defense of the Cuban Revolution against sectarian critics is what got them 
going against him with these wild fabrications worthy of Stalin and the Moscow 

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Re: [Marxism] Silone biography

2009-08-23 Thread Tom Cod

Today's New York Times has a review of a bio of this guy, whom I had never 
heard of, which compares the posthumous snitch controversy over him to the 
Dreyfus affair given the polarization over this issue that has arisen in 
Italian society.  The reviewer's conclusion is that while he was an open 
cold-war liberal from the 50s on, he is unconvinced that the allegation that he 
was a fascist snitch during the 20s and 30s is true as he was in exile during 
that period.  Rather, he suggests that the offending letters had to do with 
intervening with the authorities on behalf of his brother? 

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Re: [Marxism] Moderator's note

2009-08-23 Thread Tom Cod

Thank you! we don't need to have this become another apst.

 Date: Sun, 23 Aug 2009 14:48:53 -0400
 Subject: [Marxism] Moderator's note
 Greg Butler has been unsubbed.
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Re: [Marxism] the truth about James Hansen of the SWP

2009-08-23 Thread Tom Cod

Look, you still don't get it, these Healyite provacateurs SUED the SWP in the 
US courts in the 1980s around these trumped up allegations causing that party 
to spend tens of thousands of dollars in court and attorneys fees fighting it.  
Maybe if you knew about this you'd realize that an attitude of solidarity is 
called for and not hand wringing about factionalism and overheated rhetoric.  
Maybe if it was Sam Marcy or Gloria LaRiva they had attacked you'd feel 
different and realize what this is about.

Their latest antic was during the recent auto strike when they went around 
placing their main fire on the UNION which they claim is no longer a union and 
which workers should abandon, not pointing out the difference between the union 
and its reformist leaders.  The whole raison d'etre of this outfit, rooted in 
the same political milieu as Lyndon LaRouche, is to harass and disrupt the Left.

 Actually, I know much about the subject and most certainly the details of  
 the murder of Malcolm X. Actually I know the specific tactic of how agents  
 entered an organization and literally get pulled up through the ranks. In 
 fact  I gave reference sources for such activity years ago. 

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Re: [Marxism] the truth about . . . combating the poltiical police

2009-08-23 Thread Tom Cod

Look we do need to move on and I don't have time for along winded and 
condescending lecture from you about the bona fides of Workers World and PSL 
which I accept.  No, this was not a trivial or petty squabble thing to those 
of us involved with it and was deadly serious and protracted fight.  Anyone who 
knows who Joseph Hansen was and the circumstances of this fight knows that 
which was a real history that merits respect and an experience that needs to be 
learned from.  Moreover, given that these characters claimed to be orthodox 
Trotskyists, calling out their lie that Trotsky's bodyguard was a fink is a Big 
Lie by reference to the Moscow Trials in the manner of talk about 'Stalinism' 
was apt in that context.  If you don't care about it, why comment at such long 
winded length as you have no basis for belittling or questioning the tactics 
involved therein.  You have the right to your opinion which is seriously 
uninformed but as you suggest let's not waste any more time on it.  

 Date: Sun, 23 Aug 2009 17:11:11 -0400
 Subject: Re: [Marxism] the truth about . . . combating the poltiical police

 From a petty squabble about the role of agents in the murder of Trotsky,  
 which I have zero interest in, my point of departure is to teach real history 
  about combating the political police. Our job is to teach and transfer  
 Enough of this. 
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Re: [Marxism] to read?

2009-08-24 Thread Tom Cod

seriously, I mean, for example, what are securitized mortgages?  how does your 
mortgage get bundled and sold and traded en masse with others?  For years we 
heard about derivatives without ever hearing-as with hedge funds any 
explanation of what they exactly were-aside from glib comments of business 
reporters, to say nothing of the pitchman ravings of Kramer-until finally a few 
months ago these began to be explained as side bets on bonds where people 
with no insurable interest in the bond would buy insurance covering the face 
amount of the bond against default; a situation where they have a heavy 
material interest-the only material interest, actually, in default resulting in 
payout.  worthy of a casino, particularly where the amount of insurance 
coverage sold could exceed the value of the insured object exponentially when 
sold like the Brooklyn Bridge to numerous buyers.  If not as Marxists then as 
political people we should talk about stuff like this, why it's criminal and 
should be outlawed and put forth some kind of program around it.
More importantly are the circumstances of home lending.  This foreclosure 
crisis is supposed to deepen in the next year as a whole class of loans, not as 
bad as sub-prime, but ones with variable interest are set to kick in to 
higher usorious rates.  Estimated that tens of millions of new foreclosures 
will result causing downward mobility for many more formerly middle class 
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[Marxism] MyLai

2009-08-24 Thread Tom Cod

Well, Lt. Calley apologized for the MyLai massacre, nothing yet from the US 
government about the war in general.  As to MyLai where 500 unarmed men women 
and children were gunned down, at least one story has it that the order came 
from Abrams to liquidate Son My 4 as MyLai was also known. Abrams being the 
commander who had recently replaced Westmoreland at the time.
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Re: [Marxism] K2 study guide

2009-08-25 Thread Tom Cod

Reminds me of the cover of Fortune a few years back showing a raging storm and 
wave poised to hit shore with the article's theme being how capitalism always 
fluctuates and is inherently unstable with the fortunes of any particular 
company never being secure or predictable.  I don't know that insight is unique 
to Marxism in any sense.

 Date: Mon, 24 Aug 2009 19:45:58 -0700
 Subject: [Marxism] K2 study guide
 Grossman offered a profound disequilibrium interpretation of volume II, 
 as Steve Palmer knows quite well (and please accept my profound thanks 
 for your mighty contributions to the archive). By the way, J.R. Hicks 
 came to a similar understanding of the special liabilities suffered by 
 the capital goods industry due to fluctuating demand.

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Re: [Marxism] K2 study guide

2009-08-25 Thread Tom Cod

meaning? how does this differ from financial and cost accounting?

 Date: Tue, 25 Aug 2009 14:51:28 -0400
 Subject: Re: [Marxism] K2 study guide
 On Tue, Aug 25, 2009 at 12:41 PM, S. Artesian sartes...@earthlink.netwrote:
   In fact capitalism doesn't reproduce ships  or on the
  basis of ships at all.  Capitalism reproduces on the basis of value, for
  which the ship is the carrier, the transport, the mule.
 a point that one would grasp all the more if one has read chapter 6 of
 volume 2 of Capital: The Costs of Circulation and part three of this The
 costs of transportation, which I think is debated in that Marx says that
 transportation of goods does not add to their value. I think Harvey takes
 issue with this is limits to capital as do others, looking at the MIA
 study questions for volume 2
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Re: [Marxism] K2 study guide

2009-08-25 Thread Tom Cod

Ya know, this whole discussion to me is yet another reflection of the ossified 
in-group Talmudic view of certain Marxists who conceit themselves with the 
notion that nobody but them knows anything about economics and therefore the 
sine quo non is studying the works of a grand old man of the 19th Century, or 
that anyone who doesn't subscribe to and study the (schematic ironically) of 
dialectical materialism is mired in hidebound formalism.  Actually a lot of 
people in society, whether through intuition or not, don't start from formal 
logic and have developed a fairly nuanced decision making process that starts 
from their own material interests: certainly the bosses have.
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Re: [Marxism] K2 study guide

2009-08-25 Thread Tom Cod

Railroads in their inception and throughout their 
consolidation give us an early object lesson in the uses of fictitious 
capital.-sartesianAn entertaining take on this history, worthy of HBO's 
Deadwood are some recent biographies of Jay Gould and The Commodore 
Vanderbilt.  Below is a review I wrote of a bio of Gould, Dark Genius of Wall 
Street, the Misunderstood [!] Life of Jay Gould, King of the Robber Barons:

Helluva Guy [3 Stars]This entertaining volume reminds me of a book my mother 
bought decades ago by a descendant of Count Dracula that sought to rehabilitate 
his ancestor's reputation while cashing in on his notoriety. Thus in this work, 
Gould who was denounced in his day by even spokesmen of the conservative 
business community, to say nothing of labor activists, as an unscrupulous 
rogue, cutthroat, financial vampire and pirate is depicted as a 
misunderstood entreprenuer who did nothing that his rivals would not stoop to. 
While there may be more than a kernel of truth to that assertion, Gould's 
historical reputation as one of the most infamous incarnations of his day is 
backed by more than substantial evidence. 

Gould was a highly skilled financial operator who rose from humble roots in 
upstate New York, where after starting out as a surveyor's apprentice, he began 
his business career in the thuggish intrigues of the tanning industry. 
Thereafter, at the outset of the Civil War, he moved to the City where he 
quickly rose to take on some of the titans of business like Commodore 
Vanderbilt, who detested him. Unlike Vanderbilt, Carnegie, Rockefeller and even 
Morgan, however, Gould dealt almost exclusively in stock and financial 
manipulations to build his fortunes with little regard for building up industry 
and the means of production. Thus he would acquire properties, like the Erie 
Railroad, and run them into the ground and dump them after they had been milked 
dry as cash cows. Needless to say, the interests of the rank and file workers 
of these enterprises meant little to him, commenting once during a labor 
dispute he was embroiled in with them, that he could hire half the working 
class to kill off the other half. 

In his financial and stock dealings he was known as the most skilled and 
unscrupulous operator of his day, the top dog of Wall Street, that even those 
who considered themselves his closest colleagues needed to watch their backs 
around. In that regard he would have made the Transylvanian noble blush; and 
no, he was not, as widely believed, Jewish, although he made a point of not 
gainsaying his Hebraic roots as he felt this added to the aura of mystery and 
fear around him that he found useful to his purposes. Most notable of his 
escapades was his attempt to corner the gold market in 1869 which almost 
collapsed the entire U.S. economy. 

Jay Gould was a predatory speculative capitalist who rightly makes latter day 
embodiments of this type like Boesky, Millken and Skilling seem like bumbling 
amateurs. Like them, he did from time to time face legal troubles, but unlike 
these financial pirates of today, he was usually able to, sometimes quite 
brazenly, in a way that is fortunately no longer tolerated, bribe judges and 
politicians to escape any significant consequence, although on one occasion he 
was forced to temoporarily decamp to New Jersey with much of his wealth in 
carpet bags after Vanderbilt and his rivals had outmaneuvered him in this game 
of graft in the New York courts.

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Re: [Marxism] Teddy

2009-08-29 Thread Tom Cod

Yeah, his brother Bobby was counsel for Joe McCarthy in the 50s.

 Date: Sat, 29 Aug 2009 16:28:28 -0700
 Subject: [Marxism] Teddy
 Anyone know of any reliable exposes of Kennedy's history? I could use some 
 ammunition with the Kennedy idolaters here in Boston.
 If you tremble with indignation at every injustice then you are a comrade of 
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Re: [Marxism] Cockburn takes jeff mackler to task

2009-09-04 Thread Tom Cod

Well, at least Socialist Action and Jeff Mackler are involved in the anti-war 
struggle to the extent that they would earn the public animosity of Cockburn, a 
nationally known columnist, a fact that by itself merits respect from those of 
us who might not have been in SF during this particular incident.  

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Re: [Marxism] John Brown anniversary

2009-09-05 Thread Tom Cod

I once saw a photo of August Blanqui that eerily reminded me of Brown.

John Brown had been in Europe in the wake of the
 1848-49 revolutions.  And Hinton was always convinced that he had some
 direct ties to anticapitalist radicals there.
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Re: [Marxism] Voting with feet, not commendable in Argentina Re: China'shigh speed rail plans

2009-09-06 Thread Tom Cod

Why do you say that?  Clearly one can have differences with their tactics and 
strategy, but to say they were not a leftist group or were not to the left of 
Peron seems dubious and sectarian.  Moreover, why then did the Peron regime and 
its successors do so much to repress and kill them?  Surely you don't mean to 
suggest we shouldn't have solidarity with them? By that logic the Weathermen 
were to the right of Nixon? (BTW, there was an excellent three hour interview 
on C-SPAN2 last night with Bill Ayers and Bernadine Dohrn)

 Date: Sun, 6 Sep 2009 00:07:44 -0300
 Subject: Re: [Marxism] Voting with feet,  not commendable in Argentina 
 Re:China'shigh speed rail plans
 Look, Kosslof, if you think the Montoneros were in any way on Perón´s
 left, as most standard leftists in Arg believe, then you are so
 far away from Marxism that, as I guessed, it is pointless to discuss
 any of these issues with you.

Get back to school stuff for them and cashback for you.

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Re: [Marxism] Voting with feet, not commendable in Argentina Re: China'shigh speed rail plans

2009-09-07 Thread Tom Cod

What about the ERP?  Wikipedia has an article on them that I think includes 
links to YouTube stuff on them in Spanish.  they were at the heart of a heated 
faction fight within the trotskyist movement back in the 70s even though had 
summarily split from that at the time.  While they were largely wiped out, 
Shining Path had more success with this strategy in Peru until they too were 
ultimately defeated.  Then again, the demographics of Peru aren't the same as 
those of Argentina.

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Re: [Marxism] Voting with feet, not commendable in Argentina Re: China'shigh speed rail plans

2009-09-07 Thread Tom Cod

Yes, they openly and contemptuously repudiated trotskyism in favor of their 
version of Guevaraism  The view you espouse I think was that of Nahuel Moreno 
and his faction of the PRT, a distinction the Wiki article on the PRT missed.

 Date: Mon, 7 Sep 2009 16:14:47 -0300
 Subject: Re: [Marxism] Voting with feet, not commendable in Argentina Re: 
 China'shigh speed rail plans
 I have also sent long commentaries on ERP to the list, long years ago.
 In a nutshell, ERP was never Trotskyist in any serious sense.

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[Marxism] Socialism in 2009?

2009-09-16 Thread Tom Cod

The wisest minds the New York Times could assemble are parsing the above 
question with comments from the public invited.  Go weigh in at:

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Re: [Marxism] WW2: interimperialist war to redivide the world

2009-09-21 Thread Tom Cod

I appreciate where David is coming from but I think here he is giving the Devil 
more than his due.  An uncle of mine was in the Marines in WW2 out there and 
was by no means a flaming radical, but told us that he was always troubled by 
the Australian planters he ran into out there and the way they ruthlessly 
exploited the natives and their overall racist redneck attitude, a set-up that 
reminded him of the American south or worse.  As to Indonesia, keep in mind 
that this was a Dutch colony prior to the Japanese taking it and that some 
Indonesian including Sukarno viewed them as, if not as liberators, then as the 
lesser evil, something the Japanese pandered to and folks as far afield as 
Malcolm X picked up on and which is an attitude that it is entirely 
understandable for them to have had.  I remember really getting into it with a 
right winger about 25 years ago around the 65 coup/massacre which this guy 
tried to dismiss on the basis that Sukarno had been a quisling for allegedly 
collaborating with the Japanese during the war.  My response that at least he 
didn't collaborate with the Dutch! didn't seem to register with this jerk.
While I never agreed with the Trotskyist line on World War 2, if there's one 
area where there so much to debunk this as the good war it's the Pacific 
sTheater which in a lot of ways was a pretty blatant inter-imperialist struggle 
for colonial domination.  Thus the recriminations later about who lost China, 
the latter, meaning the Red Army, only getting limited grudging aid with 
everyone who had anything to do with that being run out of bourgois politics on 
a rail as a result during the witchhunt, beginning under Truman.

 Date: Mon, 21 Sep 2009 18:14:08 +1000
 Subject: Re: [Marxism] WW2: interimperialist war to redivide the world
 David worte some time ago, regarding World War II
 Or the Indonesians? WHY did they welcome British and US troops
 then? Was there something WORSE about the Japanese occupation vs the
 historic Dutch or US occupations?
 I don't know what Lou said in reply, because when I click on it I get an 
 error message. So I hope this doesn't repeat anything.
 Who says the Indonesian masses welcomed British and US troops? US troops 
 don't really figure in this. It would make more sense to refer to Australian 
 troops. Some Indonesians were indeed pro-western, notablly the followers of 
 the social democracy and the Communists. However the main section of the 
 independence movement tactically collaborated with Japan. Which is not to 
 say that they actually  liked Japanese imperialism, it was all about 
 positioning themselves for independence.
 When the allied troops arrived in Java, there were pitched battles. The 
 biggest was at Surabaya where the British onslaught was extremely bloody but 
 did not crush the independence movement.  Further east the Australians 
 helped install the Dutch butcher Paul Westerling against the will of the 
 people. It's noteworthy that a lot of Australian rank and file soldiers 
 sympathised with the Indonesians and helped where they could. Also that 
 2,000 or so Japanese soldiers deserted to join the Indonesian liberation 
 struggle, most of them dying in battle. 
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Re: [Marxism] WW2: interimperialist war to redivide the world,

2009-09-21 Thread Tom Cod

a good fictional scenario of the legacy of this outcome is the movie 
Fatherlandabout a super-power summit between Hitler, who is turning 75 and 
President Kennedy in Berlin in 1964.  President Joseph Kennedy that is. (who 
not only approved the 1938 Munichdeal but who was actually one of its 

 Date: Mon, 21 Sep 2009 13:26:58 -0700
 Subject: Re: [Marxism] WW2: interimperialist war to redivide the world,
 Tom, thanks for your comments.
 It is not for me, historically, whether WWII was a good war. No 
 imperialist war ever is Good. For that matter, no war is good. question always revolves around what if (Louis P. hates 'what 
 ifs', understandably) Britain was, say, knocked out of the war, forced 
 to sue for peace from the Germans. Totally plausible. [Same with the US 
 in the Pacific and the US was forced to not participate in the war in 
 any meaningful measure.] This avoids the question of a successful peace 
 or, America First question, per se, but with the same results. This is 
 especially an important question for Europe and, more specifically, the 
 USSR and a Nazi occupied Europe. I simply see  Britain losing (a 
 colloquial version of a Leninist defeatist position) as not particularly 
 a good thing, and in fact disastrous for humanity. And this is where I 
 depart from common Trotskyist positions on WWII, which, arguably, is 
 most 'orthodox' of Leninist positions out there on this subject.
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Re: [Marxism] Sexual Assault

2009-10-03 Thread Tom Cod

For what its worth, a felony criminal conviction by itself proves up a civil 
case based on the same conduct.
 Date: Sat, 3 Oct 2009 05:57:33 -0400
 Subject: [Marxism] Sexual Assault

 If the lawyer thinks you have a good case bring a civil suit against the
 asshole.   In a civil suit there is a much higher chance the attacker will
 be exposed as a sexual predator and  lose his bank account and all the rest
 of his stuff, instead of smirking as the criminal court judge says, case

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Re: [Marxism] crime

2009-10-03 Thread Tom Cod

 Date: Wed, 30 Sep 2009 22:09:09 +0200
 Subject: [Marxism] crime
Are you sure that was all that Mao was about?  Didn't he and the CCP have some 
involvement in the epochal social revolution that occurred in China in the last 
century?  Just seems like a right wing comic book version of history papered 
over with leftist rhetoric. Was Mao a tyrant? could be?  but what kind of a 
tyrant was he, what social forces were behind him and what was his historical 
role in Chinese history? What was his relationship with the masses of workers 
and peasants who could care less about the petty personal intrigues among 
leadership cliques.  Henry VIII was a tyrant and a pig who had two of his wives 
killed (evidence Mao did that?), but to just disparage him on that basis 
without alluding to or appreciating his broader role in English history in 
terms of say expulsion of the Catholic Church would reflect an impoverished 
view of history. 
 Mao was an awful tyrant. In order to reach the top of the Chinese 
 Communist Party, he , either, betrayed his friends to the Kuomintang, 
 or had them confess and executed them on trumped-up charges . He had 
 four wives, two of which he cynically  caused to be killed  in order to 
 re-marry.  Mao was truly a despicable example of a human being. 
 Preoccupied only by himself and how he could out-wit the other members 
 of the Politburo.

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Re: [Marxism] The Victim's Words: Samantha Geimer

2009-10-03 Thread Tom Cod

the idea is that there are broader issues involved with crime that go beyond an 
individual victim's wishes.  Thus her view should be considered but is not 
necessarily dispositive.  We see this in domestic violence cases a lot.

 Date: Wed, 30 Sep 2009 18:23:35 -0700
 Subject: Re: [Marxism] The Victim's Words: Samantha Geimer
 I am stunned that someone on this list would defend the rape 
 Have I defended a rape? 
 I have given the right of the victim of the crime to speak.  You apparently 
 disagree with her conclusions to have her own say in the matter for the 
 greater good of the bourgeois courts. The judge proved his inability to honor 
 the plea agreement.   
 And a million dollars, or what ever she negotiated, probably helped her more 
 that his jailing. The question here is who decides.  Does the court deserve a 
 second chance, despite the victim's opinion.
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Re: [Marxism] Post

2009-10-24 Thread Tom Cod

right and this hyper-correct argument gets twisted even more by sectarians when 
it is directed at movements of the oppressed or movements objectively in 
support of them.  Thus some, instead of showing solidarity, insolently ranted 
and raved at Quakers protesting the Christmas bombing of Vietnam since 
marxists don't do that or support milquetoast pacifism that opposes war in 
general.  But were the Quakers in that instance opposing war in general and if 
they were, in what specific context were they doing it?  Moreover, unlike their 
sectarian critics, at least they were doing something besides heaping derision 
and mockery on the peoples struggle in the manner of snide rich schoolboys and 
their little intellectual games which shows, to borrow a phrase from Bob 
Avakian, their utter rightism.
 Date: Fri, 23 Oct 2009 07:04:12 -0400
 Subject: Re: [Marxism] Post
 Ambrose Andrews wrote:
 Ruling classes have never in all of recorded human history paid the
 slightest attention to pacifist or moral pleadings to peacefully give
 up their wealth and power. Pacifists consequently direct their appeals
 to the oppressed, which disarms and weakens successful resistance and
 contributes to the maintenance of the system which causes war.
 This is an ahistorical argument that does not take into account
 specific examples of nonviolent resistance as a tactical form of
 struggle, which, I would argue, is the closest marxists have ever come
 to pacifism as such. In other words, sometimes marxists have supported
 tactical non-violence, but not pacifism as an ethic. Just to give two
 examples off the top of my head, the refusal to fight among the troops
 during the Vietnam War had considerable consequences for the ruling
 class, as did the Civil-Rights movement., both of which were in the
 main non-violent movements. Of course, there was quite a bit of
 fragging by the troops as well, and many Civil Rights organizers kept
 weapons in their homes for protection.  In any event, in addition to
 the citation provided by Andrews, Caudwell also has a Marxist critique
 of pacifism which can be read here:
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Re: [Marxism] Gore Vidal in the Atlantic

2009-10-31 Thread Tom Cod

because of what, his comments on Polanski?  Otherwise the interview is the same 
old left-liberal he's always been.

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[Marxism] Naxalites Gain in India

2009-10-31 Thread Tom Cod
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Re: [Marxism] Gore Vidal in the Atlantic

2009-10-31 Thread Tom Cod

Well, I didn't see any of that other stuff in the the article you linked us to. 
 I haven't ever heard him speak about the Chinese, however I do recall his 
article about McVeigh in Vanity Fair written when the guy was a condemned man 
which I think focused on the civil liberties aspects of that case and the 
social causes of this phenomena, views that I recall had little that was 
objectionable.  The idea that he promoted the racist views of these folks is 
incorrect or that adheres to right wing nativism is ridiculous. Moreover, 
Vidal, unlike much of the sectarian left which ran for cover at the time, spoke 
out against and stood up to the Daley and the Chicago cops and their defenders 
like Wm F. Buckley (who called him a fag and threatened him on the air) during 
the 1968 protests.  Thus I think you misunderstand and therefore have 
misrepresented Vidal's views. 

 Not just those disgusting, reprehensible comments, but have you ever heard
 him discuss the Chinese threat?  His anti-imperialism is right-wing
 nativism, his defense of Timothy McVaugh,  Pim Fortuyn  and the militia
 movement aren't aberrations.  I wouldn't attach the word left anywhere
 near him.

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Re: [Marxism] Fight far from over in Honduras: Will pact allow Zelaya to use the bully pulpit?

2009-11-01 Thread Tom Cod

This is all well and good but I'm wondering why I no longer receive posts from 
these two worthies and others in my hotmail account?  I look in the junk folder 
and they're not there either.  I retrieved these two posts from the last 100 
messages site.  

 S.Artesian wrote:


 Yeah, Vidal spoke out against the cops in 1968-- big deal, so did Abraham 

 Ribicoff and from the podium of the convention.  Are we supposed to get all 

 misty-eyed over that 41 year old stance?



I will always have a soft spot for Vidal after reading this in 

Palimpsest, one of his memoirs:

As I left Henry Kissinger in the Sistine Chapel, gazing thoughtfully at 

the hell section of 'The Last Judgment,' I said to the lady with me, 

'Look, he's apartment hunting.'  
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Re: [Marxism] Hampton

2009-11-07 Thread Tom Cod

Black Panther Party Program courtesy of Dave W. and the MIA:
so there was a lot more to it than off the pigs just as the Bolshevik 
Revolution included a lot of vulgar rhetoric not included in Trotsky's book.
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Re: [Marxism] Panthers

2009-11-07 Thread Tom Cod

many thanks to the brother from:

 Date: Sat, 7 Nov 2009 15:02:21 -0500
 Subject: Re: [Marxism] Panthers

 The Panthers were more than gun fetishists.  They understood the 
 doctrine of self-defense and carried guns during their copwatch drives 
 mainly because was the only way the Oakland cops would acknowledge them 
 and leave whatever citizen they were harassing alone. 
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Re: [Marxism] Fred Hampton

2009-11-09 Thread Tom Cod

Louis: You were in the 8th grade in 1968, weren't you, Ron? I marvel at your 
ability to educate me about the Panthers.
Actually Ron was from the University of Maryland campus that I attended 
from1971-1976 but was several years older being from among those activists that 
had been in SDS.  More on this at:
There's a lot of talk about Argentina etc. but no mention of Newark, Watts, the 
ghetto rebellions after MLK's assassination etc which was the context of the 
emergence of the Panthers.  No, the issue is not one of nostalgia at all but of 
a spirit of solidarity (to say nothing of sensitivity to their situation) and 
how to approach frontline movements and activists.  The approach of moderator 
and his cothinkers was to view them as opponents they had to arrogantly 
counterpose themselves to, a fundamentally sectarian and inept outlook.  The 
broad mass of the movement including organizations led by veterans of the 30s 
and the 40s, like the Communist Party and Workers World, was different which is 
why they made gains in the black community and were able to have some influence 
with Panther activists and the trot milieu didn't.  Same attitude to a slightly 
lesser extent emerged around Native Americans and Wounded Knee. How are you 
going to supposedly teach these front line militants lessons in organizing 
their own communities if you have no roots in it and how are you gonna get 
those roots if you diss em by arrogantly talking down to them while their under 
fire in the manner of German High Doctor? It's politically wrong and socially 
inept, if a politically safe approach.  
The attitude expressed by moderator is the type of self serving caricature of 
the movement, unwittingly recycling right wing stereotypes about the movement, 
that the trots used to justify their abstention from it.  I regret he has not 
moved farther away from that attitude. Another example: when we were occupied 
by the National Guard at Maryland in 1972 and placed under martial law for a 
week, the Party branch in DC's lack of enthusiasm for this was palpable and 
they did virtually nothing to get involved in this, even though we were ten 
miles away and later when the campus YSA organizer gave a report on this to the 
Branch displaying a full page red fist logo poster from the campus daily 
newspaper, a leading comrade rushed up screaming that he was miseducating 
people with that ultraleft stuff.  Of course she had never bothered to come 
out on campus to check things out. That a couple of those YSAers we lost to WWP 
in the wake of this who ended up going to Cuba in 1974 didn't faze them, they 
didn't care, they were too busy worried about stuff like the internal crisis 
in the Fourth International and other irrelevant *inside baseball* bullshit 
that made them feel important but, like them, had little to do with the 
progressive movement. 
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Re: [Marxism] New Book on Fred Hampton Assasination

2009-11-09 Thread Tom Cod

Gee, so what about Angela Davis and her trial in Marin County. C'mon.

 Date: Sat, 7 Nov 2009 17:16:51 -0500
 Subject: Re: [Marxism] New Book on Fred Hampton Assasination
 Tom Cod writes:
  I note the CP, for all its faults, had a different approach and was in the
  thick of solidarity with them and made political gains in that milieu...
 The CP was uniformally opposed to the Panthers' program and tactics in much
 the same way the SWP was. 
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Re: [Marxism] A few words In Defense of the Black Panther Party

2009-11-09 Thread Tom Cod

And what struck me was how in the process how little time was devoted to 
exposing the crimes of Franco and fascism with the onus therefor being shifted 
to the Stalinists, many of whom were victims of fascist repression, arguments 
recycled and coopted constantly by neo-cons, ex-trot or not: quite frankly an 
anti-communist obsession that fit in well with the atmosphere in this country 
at that time, explaining how bad those commies really were.  After having 
gotten to know some communists later I started to question that orthodoxy which 
kind of went against the grain of my upbringing in a liberal FDR loving family 
of WW2 veterans, not that Stalin wasn't a creep, the 1939 pact with Hitler 
being the all time low for him and the CPs who upheld that.

 Date: Sun, 8 Nov 2009 14:14:28 -0500
 Subject: Re: [Marxism] A few words In Defense of the Black Panther Party
 Louis, I can understand why from this vantage-point one can consider the
 founding of the Fourth International a sectarian mistake. However, at the
 time that Trotsky proposed it, Stalinism was not only a mass movement in the
 working class throughout the world, it was capable of any kind of crime
 imaginable. The Spanish Civil War, for example, was in progress at the time
 that the F.I. was being organized and was at the center of political debate.
 It always struck me as a new recruit to the YSA in 1969 how much energy the
 older generation used to denounce Stalinism and educate us on its crimes.
 The Fourth International was launched to combat Stalinism and social
 democracy in the working class, with the belief that without doing so
 socialist revolution was not possible.

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Re: [Marxism] WSWS review of Robert Service Trotsky bio

2009-11-14 Thread Tom Cod

Here's a link to a youtube video where Service and self-proclaimed 
post-Trotskyist Christopher Hitchens discuss Trotsky and Service's book 

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[Marxism] Nov. 15, 1969

2009-11-15 Thread Tom Cod
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40 years ago today was the monster protest, actually a culmination of a series 
of protests nationwide going back to the Moratorium of Oct. 15, 1969, called by 
New Mobe, the Moratorium Committee and SMC (Student Mobe) , that occurred in DC 
and SF.  It was by far the biggest protest I ever attended with over half a 
million in attendance.  Daniel Ellsberg later stated (in answer to cynical 
naysayers) that these events actually deterred Nixon from launching Operation 
Duck Hoop at that time to bomb the dikes in Vietnam.
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[Marxism] Students Score Win For Labor

2009-11-19 Thread Tom Cod
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Labor Fight Ends in Win for Students
By Steven Greenhouse
New York Times, 11/18/09

The anti-sweatshop movement at dozens of American universities, from Georgetown 
to U.C.L.A., has had plenty of idealism and energy, but not many victories. 
Until now.  The often raucous student movement announced on Tuesday that it had 
achieved its biggest victory by far. Its pressure tactics persuaded one of the 
nation’s leading sportswear companies, Russell Athletic, to agree to rehire 
1,200 workers in Honduras who lost their jobs when Russell closed their factory 
soon after the workers had unionized. 

From the time Russell shut the factory last January, the anti-sweatshop 
coalition orchestrated a nationwide campaign against the company. Most 
important, the coalition, United Students Against Sweatshops, persuaded the 
administrations of Boston College, Columbia, Harvard, New York University, 
Stanford, Michigan, North Carolina and 89 other colleges and universities to 
sever or suspend their licensing agreements with Russell. The agreements — 
some yielding more than $1 million in sales — allowed Russell to put 
university logos on T-shirts, sweatshirts and fleeces.

Going beyond their campuses, student activists picketed the N.B.A. finals in 
Orlando and Los Angeles this year to protest the league’s licensing agreement 
with Russell. They distributed fliers inside Sports Authority sporting goods 
stores and sent Twitter messages to customers of Dick’s Sporting Goods to urge 
them to boycott Russell products. The students even sent activists to knock on 
Warren Buffett’s door in Omaha because his company, Berkshire Hathaway, owns 
Fruit of the Loom, Russell’s parent company.  “It’s a very important 
breakthrough,” said Mel Tenen, who oversees licensing agreements for the 
University of Miami, the first school to sever ties with Russell. “It’s not 
often that a major licensee will take such a necessary and drastic step to 
correct the injustices that affected its workers. This paves the way for us to 
seriously consider reopening our agreement with Russell.”

Other colleges are expected to do the same. Analysts say the college market 
occupies a significant part of Russell’s business. Because Fruit of the Loom 
does not detail Russell’s sales, it is not known how large a part.In its 
agreement, not only did Russell agree to reinstate the dismissed workers and 
open a new plant in Honduras as a unionized factory, it also pledged not to 
fight unionization at its seven existing factories there.  Mike Powers, a 
Cornell official who is on the board of the Worker Rights Consortium, said 
Cornell had canceled its licensing agreement because it viewed Russell’s 
closing of the Honduras factory as a flagrant violation of the university’s 
code of conduct, which calls for honoring workers’ freedom of association. He 
applauded Russell’s agreement, which was reached with the consortium and union 
leaders in Honduras over the weekend.  “This is a landmark event in the history 
of workers’ rights and the codes of conduct that we expect our licensees to 
follow,” Mr. Powers said. “My hat is off to Russell.”

John Shivel, a spokesman for Russell and Fruit of the Loom, said, “We are very 
pleased with the agreement between Russell Athletic and the Workers Rights 
Consortium, and look forward to its implementation.”  He declined to discuss 
why Russell had adopted a friendlier attitude toward unionization after years 
of aggressively fighting unions.  In a statement Russell released jointly with 
the apparel workers’ union in Honduras, the company said the agreement was 
“intended to foster workers’ rights in Honduras and establish a harmonious” 
relationship. “This agreement represents a significant achievement in the 
history of the apparel sector in Honduras and Central America,” the joint 
statement said.

In the past, the Honduran workers condemned Russell’s behavior, saying that it 
had fired 145 workers in 2007 for supporting a union. The union’s vice 
president, Norma Mejia, said at a Berkshire Hathaway shareholders’ meeting last 
May that she had received death threats for helping lead the union. Russell 
denied the assertion. Union leaders in Honduras hailed the agreement, which 
would put hundreds of laid-off employees back to work in a country whose 
economy has been hit by a political crisis over who will lead it.  “For us, it 
was very important to receive the support of the universities,” Moises 
Alvarado, president of the union at the closed plant in Choloma, said by 
telephone on Tuesday. “We are impressed by the social conscience of the 
students in the United States.”

This was in no way an overnight victory — it came after 10 years of building a 
movement that persuaded scores of 

Re: [Marxism] Best books on Allende

2009-11-21 Thread Tom Cod
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Also try:
Revolution and Counter-Revolution in Chile by Michel Raptis (aka Michel 
Pablo),St. Martin's Press, 1974.

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[Marxism] NYT: OpEd on John Brown 150 years later

2009-12-02 Thread Tom Cod
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Freedom’s MartyrBy DAVID S. REYNOLDSIT’S important for Americans to recognize 
our national heroes, even those who have been despised by history. Take John 
Brown.Today is the 150th anniversary of Brown’s hanging — the grim punishment 
for his raid weeks earlier on Harpers Ferry, Va. With a small band of 
abolitionists, Brown had seized the federal arsenal there and freed slaves in 
the area. His plan was to flee with them to nearby mountains and provoke 
rebellions in the South. But he stalled too long in the arsenal and was 
captured. He was brought to trial in a Virginia court, convicted of treason, 
murder and inciting an insurrection, and hanged on Dec. 2, 1859.
It’s a date we should hold in reverence. Yes, I know the response: Why remember 
a misguided fanatic and his absurd plan for destroying slavery? There are 
compelling reasons. First, the plan was not absurd. Brown reasonably saw the 
Appalachians, which stretch deep into the South, as an ideal base for a 
guerrilla war. He had studied the Maroon rebels of the West Indies, black 
fugitives who had used mountain camps to battle colonial powers on their 
islands. His plan was to create panic by arousing fears of a slave rebellion, 
leading Southerners to view slavery as dangerous and impractical.Second, he was 
held in high esteem by many great men of his day. Ralph Waldo Emerson compared 
him to Jesus, declaring that Brown would “make the gallows as glorious as the 
cross.” Henry David Thoreau placed Brown above the freedom fighters of the 
American Revolution. Frederick Douglass said that while he had lived for black 
people, John Brown had died for them. A later black reformer, W. E. B. Du Bois, 
called Brown the white American who had “come nearest to touching the real 
souls of black folk.”
Du Bois was right. Unlike nearly all other Americans of his era, John Brown did 
not have a shred of racism. He had long lived among African-Americans, trying 
to help them make a living, and he wanted blacks to be quickly integrated into 
American society. When Brown was told he could have a clergyman to accompany 
him to the gallows, he refused, saying he would be more honored to go with a 
slave woman and her children.By the time of his hanging, John Brown was so 
respected in the North that bells tolled in many cities and towns in his honor. 
Within two years, the Union troops marched southward singing, “John Brown’s 
body lies a-mouldering in the grave, but his soul keeps marching on.” Brown 
remained a hero to the North right up through Reconstruction.However, he fell 
from grace during the long, dark period of Jim Crow. The attitude was, who 
cares about his progressive racial views, except a few blacks? His reputation 
improved a bit with the civil rights movement, but he is still widely dismissed 
as a deranged cultist. This is an injustice to a forward-thinking man dedicated 
to the freedom and political participation of African-Americans.
O.K., some might say, but how about the blotches on his record, especially the 
murders and bloody skirmishes in Kansas in the 1850s? Brown considered himself 
a soldier at war. His attacks on pro-slavery forces were part of an escalating 
cycle of pre-emptive and retaliatory violence that most historians now agree 
were in essence the first engagements of the Civil War.Besides, none of the 
heroes from that period is unblemished. Lincoln was the Great Emancipator, but 
he shared the era’s racial prejudices, and even after the war started thought 
that blacks should be shipped out of the country once they were freed. Andrew 
Jackson was the man of his age, but in addition to being a slaveholder, he has 
the extra infamy of his callous treatment of Native Americans, for which some 
hold him guilty of genocide. John Brown comes with “buts” — but in that he has 
plenty of company. He deserves to be honored today.
For starters, he should be pardoned. Technically, Gov. Tim Kaine of Virginia 
would have to do this, since Brown was tried on state charges and executed 
there. Such a posthumous pardon by a state occurred just this October, when 
South Carolina pardoned two black men who were executed 94 years ago for 
murdering a Confederate veteran.A presidential pardon, however, would be more 
meaningful. Posthumous pardons are by definition symbolic. They’re intended to 
remove stigma or correct injustice. While the president cannot grant pardons 
for state crimes, a strong argument can be made for a symbolic exception in 
Brown’s case.
By today’s standards, his crime was arguably of a federal nature, as his attack 
was on a federal arsenal in what is now West Virginia. His actions were 
prompted by federal slavery rulings he considered despicable, especially the 
Supreme Court’s Dred Scott decision. 

Re: [Marxism] The CPUSA is still ga-ga

2009-12-16 Thread Tom Cod
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including for the world-historic victory of the revolution in 1949, one of the 
most epochal events in human history? give us a break!  

 That is the realm of perdition reserved for anything 
 in China after 1927
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Re: [Marxism] The CPUSA is still ga-ga

2009-12-16 Thread Tom Cod
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Yeah, and another thing in the actual CP program the last time I looked was a 
jaundiced commentabout all those trotskyite and maoist groups as kibitzers 
who at best do nothing constructive to build the movement, but make sterile 
critiques from the sidelines designed to demoralize and confuse people and at 
worst as a training ground for enemy intellectuals. 

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Re: [Marxism] The CPUSA is still ga-ga

2009-12-16 Thread Tom Cod
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sartesian:1. Somebody posts a piece asking if the moderator would, based on 
content of the piece, bounce the author.

2. Apparently, the poster thinks the piece is of such quality, content, 
substance, that it belongs on a discussion list of explicitly Marxist 
adherents. It is logical then to examine the piece for anything that would 
qualify it as Marxist.
And that issue is whether this list should constructed on a such a dogmatic, 
circumsribed, sectarian basis.  There are plenty of such venues around, I 
thought the point of this one was to be different.  If you think someone is 
liberal or whatever, then explain why and why that's bad before we just 
bounce or otherwise demonize people.  Sure I know full well what marxist 
dogma is having had it rammed down my throat since an early age.  It doesn't 
mean I have to agree with it, particularly when my experiences in the real 
world-where I have encountered view, if any, marxists in decades- and my 
canine intuition don't jibe with it.

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[Marxism] Technical Problem or Interference?

2009-12-16 Thread Tom Cod
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One last thing: The reason I have not paid closer attention is that for the 
last couple months, half of the posts never make it to my in-box, none of 
artesians or moderator's do, for example, so I have to look to the latest 100 
page for updates and the entire list of another listerv ( has 
disappeared including my own posts.  I'm not sure whether there's anything 
untoward going on, maybe I ought to switch to gmail after all.

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[Marxism] test

2009-12-16 Thread Tom Cod
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Re: [Marxism] The CPUSA is still ga-ga

2009-12-19 Thread Tom Cod
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Well there was certainly more than three degrees of separation between Mao
and Chaing Kai Shek and the Japanese imperialists.  William Hinton and other
observers, including the US' Dixie Mission to the 8th Route Army
documented the great changes going on in Chinese society under the aegis of
the Red Army at the time of the revolution and how starkly that contrasted
with life under the KMT.

On Fri, Dec 18, 2009 at 5:00 PM, wrote:

 I would certainly agree with you on the epochal
 part but I have it on good authority here that there
 really was no Chinese revolution. In fact Mao Zedong
 represented merely 3 degrees of separation from
 Deng Xiaoping meaning the the Chinese embrace of
 capitalism from the 1990's on was an inevitable product
 of the revolution that never happened. There are details
 about the average size of land holdings by peasants in
 Northern China which I will be happy to send you off list.
 Please pay attention comrade and read the posts on China
 more carefully

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Re: [Marxism] Slandering Patricia Highsmith

2009-12-20 Thread Tom Cod
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Thanks for clarifying this so promptly.  I just gone done reading that
review in the hard copy of the NYT that we get delivered on Sunday and you'd
think from reading it that she had been a part of the Cliveden Set or a
partisan of Mosely, particularly given the additional context presented of
how cold blooded she and her characters like Ripley are described in the
article as expressions of her persona.

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Re: [Marxism] Manure

2009-12-29 Thread Tom Cod
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My understanding is that peasant is simply a euro word for farmer, without
more (thus we had kulaks described as rich peasants).  Moreover, I think
it's potentially simplistic and misleading to categorize all farmers who
sell part of their crops as capitalists.  Leaving aside that unlike
shopkeepers they are producers, the level and scale of their business in
many cases is very limited with in many cases little or no labor involved
being contributed outside the family.  Moreover, these folks tend to be much
less culturally bourgoisified or gentrified than certain urban working
layers like certain office workers, at least that's what I remember Lenin
talking about in explaining the  hostility of certain people to Bolshevism
in the 1917-18 period.  Having also been an office worker, I'm not trying to
demonize them either but I appreciate the point.

A college teacher once told me that class is not merely a function of
mechanical relations to property but also a matter of cultural experience
which i think has some validity up to a point.  For example a redneck truck
driver who owns his own truck who lives in a hard scrabble mining town could
be reasonably viewed as more of a working class person than the grad
student in French literature from an affluent suburb who is working in a
pizza parlor, who might be viewed-and view himself- as middle class
although both are workers in a basic sense.

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Re: [Marxism] Manure

2009-12-29 Thread Tom Cod
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Huh, I always thought the difference between peasant and farmer was a
linguistic one.  Clearly peasants and farmers can have social
stratifications within them.  So what about rich peasants and kulaks,
weren't they simply rich farmers who in fact sold produce for money? and
weren't the dirt farmers of the 19th and 20th centuries in this country
peasants but for our cultural aversion to such terms.  Surely James Agee
would have gotten socked in the mouth if he had been overheard referring to
his subjects as peasants, regardless of the academic merits of the term.

As to the guy in the MG, I don't know whether he was a college student or
not, I imagined he was a stock broker or some rich petty bourgois of the
Philly main line.  In any event it wasn't a straw man to the extent it is
a true anecdote through which I was trying to explore a serious issue not as
a tool of a vitriolic ideological or academic contest.  For me social
knowledge has come as much from personal experiences in society (or the
field to academics) as it has from book reading and study groups although
the two can inform each other.  I remember the first days I worked in an
actual industrial size factory that worked around the clock-a salmon
cannery-in 1983; it was a sensory and mental overload, . . . means of
production . . . .pretty enlightening, actually.

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Re: [Marxism] [microsound] Manure

2009-12-30 Thread Tom Cod
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(first attempt to postfrom cellphone no excess text shown)

The comment about not finding any data at USDA to show farmers as a
class is a sociologically loaded one as class is an abstraction
based on empirical evidence, although people can have varyig degress
of awareness of this or class conciuosness.  All the USDA, or the
Census for that matter, purports to do is collect and disseminate
certain raw data, not to make sweeping conclusory statements about
social class and demogrraphy. That is for others to do in interpreting
this information

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Re: [Marxism] Freya von Moltke, Part of a Core of Nazi Resistance, Is Dead at 98

2010-01-12 Thread Tom Cod
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For those who don't know, that ancestor being the General Moltke who
commanded the victorious Prussian forces in 1870-71 that defeat Napoleon
III, marched through a subjugated Paris and had Prussian King Wilhelm I
crowned Emperor (Kaiser) of the newly found German Empire (or Reich) at
Versailles while the Parisians rose up in the Commune against this and the
greedy machinations of Thiers and the haute bourgoisie who dined with Kaiser
and Bismarck at Versailles.

 The circle and the Moltke family benefited from the immense prestige of
 Count Moltke’s military ancestor.

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Re: [Marxism] Freya von Moltke, Part of a Core of Nazi Resistance, Is Dead at 98

2010-01-13 Thread Tom Cod
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 I tend to agree with artesian's take on this.  The unification of Germany
 by Prussian arms was probably a step forward for Germany, the narrative of
 which that we were presented by Nestor being the standard one held
 throughout most of German society, true but unremarkable, with the Nazis
 later put their own demonic-even from the standpoint of Greater German
 chauvinism-anti-semitic spin on this later.  I'm reading a book about Louis
 Brandeis whose father was an ethnic German Jew from Bohemia or what is now
 the Czech Republic and whose first ethnic identity was always German.  It
 was only in the wake of the Great War that his son began seriously embracing
 Zionism.  Ironically, many of the German Americans who volunteered for
 Germany in WW1 during the US' period of neutrality were actually Jewish.

 Whether Germany's unification necessarily entailed an invasion of France or
 the subjugation of the Parisian people is another question entirely as that
 task would have been carried out one way or another before too long as it
 was in Italy in that period given the overwhelming consensus in support of
 it at all levels of society.  1870-71 was not 1848 and the Prussian army was
 not a revolutionary one, not even by the watered down standards of Napoleon
 I.  It's ironic that Marx, conditioned by his German nationality comments
 positively on the defeat of the first Napoleon in 1815, as that was
 definitely a setback for the German people and progress generally,
 representing the triumph of Reaction in Europe (in fact I think that term
 originates from this period as do the political expressions left and
 right).  For example, the reason Marx's father, a lawyer, converted to
 Christianity was because in the wake of the triumph of the Holy Alliance,
 laws inspired by the French Revolution and Bonaparte lifting restrictions
 against Jews in society were repealed and the Jews ordered back into their
 ghettos.  It was actually in this context that the Monroe Doctrine was
 elucidated in 1821, a message, albeit a grandstanding one from a small
 power, to the Concert of Europe, to not carry out a reconquest of Spain's
 colonies in the Americas, as they had threatened to do as part of their
 crusade to restore monarchical and imperial legitimacy per the precepts of
 the Congress of Vienna.  It's telling the Kissinger's intellectual outlook
 is rooted in a study of the this period with Metternich as his model.

 It's clear that the support for Germany was not an endorsement, was quite
 limited... and clearly was a mistake, as there is for capitalism, for the
 establishment of capitalism or capitalist unity, no such thing as a
 defensive war; that subjugation of the working class on either side of
 conflict is the clear priority of the capitalism on any side of the
 conflict, and that, in fact unified German capitalism was no more
 progressive than the decadent, imperial, capitalism of Louis
 France, and that the German working class has/had every need to establish
 its unity, its unification of Germany but had no need whatsoever for the
 establishment of a unified German capitalism.

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Re: [Marxism] Freya von Moltke, Part of a Core of Nazi Resistance, Is Dead at 98

2010-01-14 Thread Tom Cod
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And how evolutionary was that?  Actually, as artesian pointed out, that
analysis is flawed on its own terms as these grabs did nothing to overthrow
feudal relations or indirectly advance the cause of the proletariat.  In
fact as to Mexico, it was designed to do exactly the opposite, to reinforce
and expand those conditions through a huge land grab on the part of slave
owning forces who were the most enthusiastic boosters of this.  We all know
what Honest Abe's view of this was, which he denounced as blatant aggression
on the floor of the House.  I just got finished reading the first volume of
Donald's bio of Charles Sumner which shows that Sumner viewed this war in
the same light and viewed those Whigs who supported it, the way socialists
viewed those who supported WW1, as betrayers of the worst sort, seeing it,
similar to 1914, as a clarion call for a new free soil political party
which later evolved into the Republicans, or the primary core thereof.

On Wed, Jan 13, 2010 at 5:37 PM, Mark Lause wrote:

 , , ,
 Any such move as national unification is always going to reflect its
 bourgeois premises.  Consider the long and sordid history of constructing
 the United States, mostly on the bones of native peoples and its Mexican

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Re: [Marxism] Freya von Moltke, Part of a Core of Nazi Resistance, Is Dead at 98

2010-01-14 Thread Tom Cod
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Actually, I don't have pretensions of speaking for anyone but myself.  As
artesian has eloquently demonstrated, the conditions in the US were
dramatically different from those in industrialized Germany-in and outside
of Prussia.   Moreover, and this is where the moral reference, sanctimonious
or not, comes in: no persons in Germany suffered the levels of oppression of
African slaves in the US, certainly not as a function of not being part of a
unified Germany under Prussia.  In other words, the level of their national
oppression and the compellingness of the national question on a human level
was of an entirely different order.  Again, the war was not against the
other German states but against France which was used as a foil-the bogeyman
or lightning rod-to motivate everyone to mobilize under one flag, something
that surely would have happened anyway peacefully in short order as no one
was in any position to credibly oppose it, particularly when coming from the
most industrialized and militarily powerful country in Europe.

I don't know what the proletarian and bourgois lines on what now is an
obscure issue were.  As my quote of Bakunin, in his day and the generation
after his passing, as central a working class leader as Marx was, indicates,
together with Marx's own views is that no clear consensus around support of
Germany at all existed in what ended up being upstaged by the Paris Commune
at which time much of former radical opinion in support of Prussia swung
radically and swiflty the other way; Garibaldi being the most famous

As to the bourgois line:  if there is one it is a function of 20th Century
historiography that emanated in the midst of the anti-German hysteria during
World War I that glorified Britain and France, particularly the latter and
demonized everything to do with The Hun; I don't know that the US
capitalists had any particular view of it at the time in 1870 beyond who
they could make money from.  Finally it was exactly during this 1914-18
period that socialists, Wobblies and other anti-war activists were tagged by
the bourgois media as being pro-German etc., a view that you still see in
history books.  Debs, in the 1918 speech that sent him to prison, went out
of his way to debunk this, talking about how socialists opposed the
militarism of all imperialist powers, how the German anti-war socialists
opposed the Kaiser and how the socialist Mass legislator walked out when the
Kaiser was brought in to address them in Boston circa 1902.  German anti-war
socialists really set the example in fact for their courageous stand against
the militarism of their own country.  We all know the story of Karl
Leibknecht and Rosa Luxemburg.  Obviously the idea that the Allies of
Tsarist Russia, imperial Britain and the France of the Dreyfus case
represented some fundamental bulwark of liberty against the tyrannical
menace of the Central Powers of Germany (a constitutional monarchy like
Britain), Austria and the Ottomans was a thoroughgoing fraud that merited,
along with its apostles like Wilson, ridicule and contempt.  As Walter
Millis in his 1935 work Road to War, America 1914-17 lays out, this
propaganda hack job was made easier by the British Navy's cutting of the
transatlantic cables from Berlin and Vienna in 1914 creating a monopoly on
war information on behalf of London and Paris.

 What I say is that your vision of German history is the vision of the
 USAmerican bourgeoisie, not that of the international proletariat. And I
 say that you dress it up as Leftist because you speak in the name of
 that proletariat.

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Re: [Marxism] Freya von Moltke, Part of a Core of Nazi Resistance, Is Dead at 98

2010-01-14 Thread Tom Cod
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That's why the Austrian Empire in this period was known as a prison house
of nations?

   Berlin has given
 virtually nothing (Hegel is the sole exception) to our cultural and
 spiritual heritage.  No city has given more than Vienna.

 Shane Mage

  This cosmos did none of gods or men make, but it
  always was and is and shall be: an everlasting fire,
  kindling in measures and going out in measures.
  Herakleitos of Ephesos

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Re: [Marxism] Freya von Moltke, Part of a Core of Nazi Resistance, Is Dead at 98

2010-01-15 Thread Tom Cod
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Or as Dr. Johnson put it at the time, isn't it ironic that the loudest
yelps for liberty come from the drivers of slaves

  There was nothing, NOTHING positive about the change of rule from
 British to American on the frontier.

 Of course, by this new standard of moral equivalencies, I suppose the
 American Revolution was a bad idea and Marx was just a cranky philosopher
 having a bad hair day

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Re: [Marxism] Freya von Moltke, Part of a Core of Nazi Resistance, Is Dead at 98

2010-01-16 Thread Tom Cod
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To sum up my view on this, all sorts of things can be compared by analogy,
analogy by definition not being an equality or identity of items; that is
analogy is always by definition an imperfect comparison.  Thus to say that
the Prussian war on France has the same character as the US Civil War or is
similar to it in any fundamental sense is an incredible stretch.  The point
of departure for me is not what the needs of capital or great powers are,
but the human aspect.  Thus as with the Holocaust in World War II, the issue
of human slavery actually was the fundamental human and moral issue of high
order that caused this war to be justified and necessary to progressives and
people of good will.  The needs of capital and great power reasoning, while
perhaps interesting and illuminating in an academic sense, are alien ruling
class doctrines that should be rejected and certainly aren't my point of
departure, although it is of the think tank elite who are always, with
genteel equivocations about contradictory realities etc etc.(hey, aren't we
nation building in Iraq and Afghanistan?) justifying imperialist
adventures on that basis.  Thus any equitable similarities between the cause
of Prussia and its minions in the 1870 and the US Civil War, a social
revolution on a great scale, are very slight.  The argument to the contrary
is, quite frankly, an insult to the millions of Americans, particularly
African-Americans, who fought in this struggle.

To listen to Marxists  give apologies and justifications for this is very
disturbing and foreshadows what socialists did in 1914 and also brings to
mind Bakunin's warning that Marx and Marxism is something people need to
really watch their backs around, a potential tyrannical menace of the
intelligensia who can justify anything with their contempt for morality and
their [fascistic] scientific reasoning.  Personally, I could care less
what the needs of German capitalists were in 1870 or now, beyond
understanding the machinations of these creeps.  that somehow this impinged
slightly on the prospects of the labor aristocracy at the time. . . Hey,
tell me a sob story!  that's comparable to the plight of the African slaves
in the South? Bullshit!!  go ahead and have a war over it, but don't expect
me to support it.  Shouldn't it be telling that actual Hitler was a big
advocate of this narrative of 1870,  No?

No, in 1870 Prussia had more railroad track than all of France according to
Wikipedia.  It's cause was thus not a compelling one.  Thus, as in 1914,
neither side-the gravediggers of the Paris Commune-merited support.  Thus,
sadly, it was actually Bakunin's position that foreshadowed the approach of
Lenin and the socialist-and anarchists-in 1914.

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Re: [Marxism] American Revolution and national unity in 1776 and China

2010-01-17 Thread Tom Cod
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I would have to respestfully disagree with this to some extent as it
relates to the overly adulatory narrative of the first American
revolution.  Clearly, the liberation movements of the 20th Century
have every right to appropriate to themselves the progressive legacy
of 1776 or the myth thereof.  The actual objective truth is somewhat
different as what occured then was not really a social revolution, but
a political revolution against British rule, unlike what happened in
1861-1870s which was a social revolution on an epochal scale.
Moreover, many blacks fought on the side of Britain and were freed as
a result,particularly by Lord Dunmore in his 1776 Emancipation
Proclamation, while the rebel governor, a certain Jefferson, responded
savagely decreeing castration for any such slaves who were captured.
Simon Schama's excellent book Crossings,I think itwas gives a good
descrition of this side of the story. I also think there are some
African-American historians out there who condider your take on this
as overly generous and would pick a bone with you over the assertion
that it wasn't possible to do away with slavery then.

On 1/17/10, wrote:
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 The America Revolution of 1776 was revolutionary, ushering in a whole new
 epoch of national liberation. Liberation is from whom, if not imperialism
 as military garrisons, economic and political relations designed to benefit
 the  imperial power and reduce the non-imperial citizens to a status of
 second class  citizenship?  The Boston Massacre as a bookmark of the First
 American  Revolution exploded over working men seeking employment and fights
 British  soldiers receiving preferential hiring. National liberation arises
 on the basis  of the bourgeois property relation. This however does not say

 The entire historical-social process of national liberation, begun in
 America, went on for another two hundred years. The Vietnamese Revolution
 closes out this juncture of history - more than less, with the capture of
 in April 1975 and the reunification of their country a year later.

 The Revolution of 1776 was a new thing in history. Unlike Europe, America
 was capitalist from its inception. The total destruction of the Native
 American  communal life left no feudal or communal hangovers. There was a
 and  widespread class of small producers. Most importantly, from time to
 time, as  much as one-quarter of the toilers were slaves. America was a
 meaning it  was owned by England and its purpose was to ship goods and
 resources back to the  mother country. For the first time, a revolution for
 national liberation -  against imperialism, was also bound up with
 against feudal political  restrains.

 To say that the revolution of 1776 was a national liberation movement or as
  it is called a democratic revolution or bourgeois democratic revolution is
 not  enough. The American Revolution was an agrarian bourgeois revolution,
 in which  the Slave Oligarchy also had a material interest in liberation
 from England. It  is interesting to note that the paramount leader of the
 revolution, George  Washington was the biggest slave holder and the richest
 in  America.  When the Civil War began - 1861, Jefferson Davis, President
 the Confederate states of America was the biggest slave holder and one of
 the  richest men in America. This is interesting to note because the
 formation of the  Confederate States of America, was a reactionary movement
 for self
 determination  (national liberation), to preserve the political authority
 of an old ruling  class and slavery.

 Was the American Revolution revolutionary? Yes. Was it progressive? Yes.
 Was the formation of the CSA revolutionary or progressive? No. National
 movements need be assessed on their own basis, within the environment they
 are a
  part of.

 The clearest thinking people in 1776 understood that unless the national
 liberation revolution emancipated the slaves, society would have to fight
  revolution out all over again. As the goals of the revolution advanced it
 became  understood that national liberation and the construction of America
 as a truly  impendent and truly free bourgeois democratic state required
 building the  foundation for an industrial bourgeoisie and their assumption
 power. This  understanding is expressed in the fights at the Constitutional
 Convention over  slavery.

 To realize revolutionary goals requires more than clear thinking and
 understanding of 

Re: [Marxism] American Revolution and national unity in 1776 and China

2010-01-17 Thread Tom Cod
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sorry about the unclipped text. I haven't figured out this darn
cellphone yet and its teeny tiny  text

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Re: [Marxism] American Revolution and national unity in 1776 and China

2010-01-19 Thread Tom Cod
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Yeah, OK, I think I know what you're saying, (although some of it I have a
hard time following), that failure to prevail in certain struggles at
certain times was due to objective circumstances and not the failures of the
progressive camp.  Your references to the 30s are well taken as I think
we've listened too long to the screeds of liberals, sectarians and neo-cons
about Spain, the Popular Front etc, with hardly a word about the crimes of
Franco etc., something tied in with a certain moralism, the hypocritical
liberal moralism that attacks the alleged atrocities of revolution and
oppressed while downplaying or completely obscuring the crimes of the old
order and reaction.  Thus the cult of Marie Antoinette etc.  Trotsky
eloquently lambasted all this in Their Morals and Ours.

I think you're comments about the First American Revolution are well
intentioned, but misguided and innacurate, being rooted in our patriotic
indoctrination in this country in this mythology since childhood.  Yes,
America was a colonial society, but not in the way Third World countries
were, even then.  Thus India was a true colony, which was exploited pro
tanto, while America was a settler colony, like South Africa or Israel. big
difference.  Nonetheless, there surely was a progressive aspect to this,
particularly in the Northern colonies and ideological gains in what was put
out, but not as big of a deal as our school book mythology makes it out to
be and which understandably some well intentioned people want to appropriate
to the movement.  Surely, Ho's reference to the Declaration of Independence
in 1945 was entirely appropriate.  But let's keep in mind he wasn't a French
settler colonist either, a mileu that, particularly in Algeria, was entirely
behind the motherland as a huge hunk of Americans were in the 1770s.

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Re: [Marxism] American Revolution and national unity in 1776 and China

2010-01-19 Thread Tom Cod
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Shane, I'm not an expert on ancient history, but its seems I recall the
Temple having been destroyed and looted, creating a situation where the
holdouts could reasonably believe they would face the worst if they
surrendered.  They weren't a bunch of crazed cultists living in a fantasy
land of a potential fascist pig invasion like the Peoples Temple cult of the
1970s, so I wouldn't call these victims of imperial aggression a gang at
all, but victims. Seems like you're buying into the liberal moralism that
equates the violence and mistakes of the oppressed with that of the
oppressor, the latter being obscured.  Trotsky lambasted this Victorian
parlor like moral outlook in Their Morals and Ours. Moreover, rightly or
wrongly, accepting death rather than surrender was considered by many and
has a long tradition, even up to the 20th Century to be the only honorable
way out in a situation like that, including as part of the ancient Roman
military ethos. One could disagree with Japanese soldiers, but one would
never dis them personally as a gang, particularly when it occurred on
their own soil, the people at Masada being in a much more desperate

No, they weren't proto-Zionist in any sense, Zionists being 19th and 20th
Century European settler colonists.  The ancient Hebrews were an indiginous
nationality that had lived in Palestine for centuries previously. Moreover,
keep in mind that history is written by the victors, so as with the Aztecs,
the story of what really happened is somewhat lost.  We do know, however,
that Roman propaganda about the extent of human sacrifices by the
Carthaginians, victims of Roman genocide, have not been born out by
archeological investigation.

Finally, don't you think all this stuff about Viennese music and Josephus'
books is somewhat of a bourgois affectation?  What does all that have to do
with the real world of suffering humanity?  After the Commune was suppressed
the Versaillais-as their defenders continue to do to this day-whined a lot
about the destruction of Adolph Theirs' priceless library and collection
of antiquities owned by this fine gentleman of culture.  The issues
regarding citizen's rights, poverty, hunger etc being of an entirely
different and lower order or as Thiers once stated, the Communards were
uncultured underclass criminal riff raff who had no rights any civilized
person was bound to respect, so killing 20,000 of them in a few days was no
big deal, certainly a lesser deal than his priceless books and art work
which was the crucible of civilization

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[Marxism] Democracy's Prisoner: new book on Debs Free Speech Case

2010-01-21 Thread Tom Cod
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below is a link to a review in the latest California Lawyer magazine article
about Debs' free speech case that sent him to prison for making an anti-war
speech in 1918.

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[Marxism] Bible verses etched into US military rifles

2010-01-21 Thread Tom Cod
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A cousin of mine brought this to my attention on Facebook, a story that is
now getting more circulation.

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Re: [Marxism] 1st international

2010-01-22 Thread Tom Cod
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Yes, but wasn't the IWW an expression of the tendency in the workers
movement represented by Bakunin as much or more than it was an embodiment of
marxism?  In Spain this tendency had hegemony in the workers movement at a
certain point with the CNT, an IWW like union, having two million members,
representing 50% of the industrial working class.  There's an excellent book
about this in the form of a biography of Buenaventura Durruti (1896-1936), a
Che like figure, who was killed in the Spanish Civil War.  This civil war
is a class war he stated at press conference in 1936.  When he died half a
million people attended his funeral in Barcelona.  There is an excellent
biography, translated from Spanish, Durruti: The People Armed by Abel Paz,
which is written in a format and style reminiscent of Deutcher's bio of
Trotsky (The Prophet Armed, hey about The People Armed?).

On Thu, Jan 21, 2010 at 10:09 AM, Mark Lause wrote:

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 We are in complete agreement as to Proudhon and to Bakunin.  IT always
 struck me that the latter seriously needed a friendly minder of some sort.
 - )

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Re: [Marxism] 1st international

2010-01-22 Thread Tom Cod
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Here's the anarchists response to that as part of a 15 round Ali-Frazier
slugfest between moderator and anarcho on these issues.

On Thu, Jan 21, 2010 at 9:33 AM, Louis Proyect wrote:

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 The bigger mystery for me is why Marx ever decided to develop ties
 with Bakunin, who is one of the biggest schmucks I have ever
 encountered in the 19th century radical movement. Here's some more
 on that:

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Re: [Marxism] re : 1st International

2010-01-22 Thread Tom Cod
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Yes, indeed, let's never forget Sacco  Vanzetti.

On Fri, Jan 22, 2010 at 12:51 PM, Dan wrote:

 Anarchism is not intellectually bankrupt.

 It is the ideal out of which grew most labour unions in the 1880s, 1890s
 and 1900s. The French CGT, the largest union in France, was founded by
 anarchists. So was the American IWW, and the Argentinian FORA, and the
 Spanish CNT, and the Italian ISA.

 Those were/are all mass organizations, numbering MILLIONS of members.

 As far as the history of the US is concerned, the Chicago martyrs
 (remember the 1st of May ?) were Anarchists. Sacco and Venzetti were
 Anarchists. The 8-hour day was an Anarchist proposal (1/3 of the day to
 sleep, 1/3 to work and 1/3 to enjoy life = 8 hours/24). Actually, as
 early as the 1900s, Anarchists went further and demanded the 4-hour day.

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Re: [Marxism] 1st international

2010-01-22 Thread Tom Cod
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Fair enough, no one I know here is going to disparage worthies like Fred
Halstead and Paul Boutelle.  Nonetheless, let's recognize that SDS led
historic mass struggles like the Columbia Strike of 68 and the Harvard
Strike of 69.  Personally, I think we or they should have taken a more
flexible approach to SDS and intervened within it on some basis like most of
the left did without liquidating themselves in the process.  Seems I
recall the trotskyists doing that in the socialist party in the 30s, not
that the YSA should have gone that far which is essentially what PL did.
 It's refreshing to see that many veterans of this struggle are not reliving
that sectarian mode in regards to recent formations like the Green Party

On Fri, Jan 22, 2010 at 2:01 PM, Thomas Bias wrote:

 When I came to college as a 17-year-old boy who had only a year earlier
 come to the conclusion that the Vietnam war was wrong, I was naturally
 curious about SDS, especially as some of the students in the dorm with me
 were members. So I attended a meeting. I swore I would never attend another
 one. I participated in some of the pickets protesting Marine recruiters on
 campus and other such events, and I'm glad that I did. I'm not sure how much
 SDS contributed to organizing them. In spite of myself, I even attended more
 SDS meetings. Talk talk talk talk talk talk talk talk. Finally, I gave up.
 But I had seen Halstead-Boutelle posters on campus and began reading The
 Militant, which I did not like at first. After the Fort Jackson acquittal I
 began to take the SWP more seriously. I started dealing with SDS again after
 I joined the YSA in the fall of 1969. It was never easy! And, yes, to my
 untrained, uneducated mind, a lot of what the SDS was advocating was
 completely ultraleft, though that word was not yet in my vocabulary.


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Re: [Marxism] MRZine idiocy, installment #376

2010-02-06 Thread Tom Cod
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Exactly so, knee jerk thinking for sure.  Without re-opening a whole can of
worms, I felt this attitude was present in analyzing the situation in the
Balkans in the 90s: since the muslims accepted aid from the US or sought
that meant they were bad and stooges of US imperialism, instead of realizing
that from their perspective they can look to whomever is willing to
materially aid them in their struggle against those who have historically
oppressed them.  The classic example of this was the Irish taking aid from
Kaiser's Germany in 1916.  Thus many of the same jihadis who fought in
Bosnia were involved in fighting against US puppet regimes elsewhere in the
same period.

 As an antidote to the formulaic approach of Furuhashi, who seems to have
 learned her Marxism--such as it is--from two parts Sam Marcy and
 ninety-eight parts Foucault, here's Leon Trotsky:

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Re: [Marxism] Sartre's crabs

2010-03-13 Thread Tom Cod
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Yeah, but didn't Sartre embrace Marxism in the 60s?

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Re: [Marxism] Unions and WWI

2010-03-27 Thread Tom Cod
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Wait a second, didn't French SP leader Jaures oppose the war and get
assasinated for it?  Ditto for US SP leaders, not only Debs, but central
bureaucratic leaders like Morris Hillquit and Victor Berger who was deprived
of his seat in the US House as a result? Let's give them their due in this

On Thu, Mar 25, 2010 at 2:50 PM, Dan wrote:

 1914 was a major defeat, in France, in Germany, in the US, for the
 concept of industrial (and internationalist) unionism.
 But at least, they did a better job at opposing the war, on class lines,
 than did the political parties linked to the 2nd International that all
 rallied to form a patriotic front and voted for the war.

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Re: [Marxism] FWD: Free Lynn Stewart

2010-03-29 Thread Tom Cod
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It's also a case that represents a frontal assault on the attorney-client
privilege and the duty of fidelity and zealous representation.

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[Marxism] Interview with Rudi Dutschke's Widow

2010-03-29 Thread Tom Cod
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2009 Deutsche Welle interview,,5031510,00.html

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Re: [Marxism] Interview with Rudi Dutschke's Widow

2010-03-29 Thread Tom Cod
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Berlin to name street after him:,,3283764,00.html

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Re: [Marxism] Obama appoints Becker to NLRB

2010-03-29 Thread Tom Cod
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Yeah, but hey, what do you want the guys from the National Right to Work
Committee that Reagan appointed? Surely this guy as a union lawyer is
different from the corporate hacks W sent there as well.

On Sun, Mar 28, 2010 at 11:03 AM, brad bauerly wrote:

 Actual change?

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Re: [Marxism] What is the biggest flaw in the labor theory of value

2010-04-03 Thread Tom Cod
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My lay person take on it is that the inherent value of a product certainly
lies in the labor it took to create it, its moral value so to speak, but to
say that that and prices, which obviously reflect its exchange value since
that's what someone is willing to pay for it and which can fluctuate wildly
are close or nearly close seems idealist.  The pet rock of the 70s may
have had little in terms of labor invested in it, collecting the items and
then packaging them, but the price that someone paid for it was a function
of market conditions, subjective and otherwise.  This essentially goes
towards the main issue which is Sales, a word I think I hardly ever see
mentioned by Marx's ostensible epigones.  Without consummated sales no value
is realized, oranges dumped in groves while people starve as during the
depression.  Thus, my impression of marxists on economic theory is that
they are very weak, seeking to talmudically parse and justify an old prophet
and his sacred texts without much interest in empirically rooting themselves
in current conditions.  Thus we have little from them concretely analyzing
and demystifying the current burning economic issues related to mortgages,
CDOs etc etc., although their heart is in the right place.  Then again
politics is not primarily an academic exercise either.

On Sat, Apr 3, 2010 at 7:50 AM, Anthony Boynton

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 I have not followed this thread fully, but here are my three cents worth in
 answer to this question.

 I don't think there are any 'flaws' in Marx's value theory. However, it has
 never been fully developed. Historically the biggest glitch has been the
 transformation problem which is still controversial. Other undeveloped
 areas of value theory exist however.

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Re: [Marxism] US Manufacturing sector expansion

2010-04-03 Thread Tom Cod
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interesting.  Word on TV last night (This Week in N. Cal) is that it looks
like economic crisis may deepen, although talking heads pray it won't.
 commercial foreclosure are at an all time high according to this guy with
50% of commercial real estate under water.  Moreover,  residential
mortgages are forecast to take another nose dive as a new crop of
fluctuating rate loans move beyond their initial teaser period this year and
in 2011.  TV expert says don't expect bank failures to abate any time soon.
 Meanwhile unemployment in many semi-rural counties like mine in CA is
approaching 20%.  I was thinking the other day that it seems like the
redneck lumpen proletariat is the largest social class around here

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Re: [Marxism] What is the biggest flaw in the labor theory of value?

2010-04-03 Thread Tom Cod
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Yeah, but, bourgois contract law says those intangibles do have value
within the meaning of the need for consideration or value for any contract
to be valid.   imaginary price?   The uncultivated land comment is classic
and strikes at the heart of something, because Marx or Shmarx, everyone
knows land has big value (wasn't there some guy named Henry George?),
present economic use value for grazing of livestock and imminent future
value for construction and agriculture.  With all due respect, like Creation
Science, seems like another example of the ridiculous outcomes of idealist
thinking that starts backwards from holy ideology to reorganize empirical
facts to be congruent with it, instead of proceeding the other way around
from concrete reality via scientific method in an open ended inquiry etc.
 I mean that's not imaginary money people are paying the imaginary price
for land that has no value which might as well be free?  C'mon.

 Good question, but it should be directed at the fellow who wrote:
 Things which in and by themselves are not commodities, such as
 conscience, honor, etc., can be put up for sale by their owners, and can
 thus, through their price, acquire the commodity form. Hence a thing can
 have a price without having value. In that case, the price expression is
 imaginary, like certain magnitudes used in mathematical calculations. On
 the other hand, the imaginary price form may sometimes conceal a direct
 or indirect value relation; for instance, uncultivated land may have a
 price, though it has no value, since no human labor has been
 incorporated in it.

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Re: [Marxism] What is the biggest flaw in the labor theory of value

2010-04-03 Thread Tom Cod
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sorry about the non-snip

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Re: [Marxism] My youtube maiden voyage

2010-04-03 Thread Tom Cod
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try getting the audio and video in sync.

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Re: [Marxism] What is the biggest flaw in the labor theory of value

2010-04-04 Thread Tom Cod
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I'm sorry I thought you were the person who had posted that, which was very
enlightening.  In any event, my comments weren't intended as a personal
attack on you or anyone for that matter, but were general of an observation.
 Yes, while I don't claim to be an expert on economics, I think my
observation that I don't see too many marxists addressing these contemporary
issues, to say nothing of in a way that demystifies it for the average
worker, was a fair one.

On Sat, Apr 3, 2010 at 9:37 PM, S. Artesian wrote:

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 What link are you referring to-- I don't recall posting such a link.

 I think you're a little confused.  In your earlier post you seemed to be
 criticizing Marxists for being weak on economics and what was actually
 happening in capitalism today.

 In this later post you're saying, that you're theone who doesn't
 and anyway, it's not as important as politics.  Do I have that right?

 I never claimed globalism or globalization was something new-- and I don't
 think too many Marxists claim that it's new.
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Re: [Marxism] What is the biggest flaw in the labor theory of value?

2010-04-04 Thread Tom Cod
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brings to mind the old story related by Eskimos about how the fine English
gentlemen of the doomed 1840s John Franklin expedition to the Canadian
arctic tried to buy food from them with silver eating utensils.  Sadly they
had insufficient extra food to aid these aliens with precious metals as
money being unfamiliar and odd to them.

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Re: [Marxism] What is the biggest flaw in the labor theory of value?

2010-04-05 Thread Tom Cod
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[I apologize for the long, redacted, quotation that follows]

I would respectfully disagree; I'm not sure the mission of this list is as
is stated below, rather I think it is broader forum for those who have been
involved in radical politics and the Marxist tradition, particularly those
of us who have been activists and paid their dues over decades in the
trenches of the class struggle to reconnect and discuss pertinent issues
(which surely abstruse concepts of theory can be a part).   Thus, I would
concede that the work of academics and experts, including economists, is
important and should not be belittled by churlish anti-intellectualism.  We
should not, however, become intellectual snobs and elitists either seeking
to maintain the purity of our little club.  Surely Marx was a great economic
theorist, but what differentiated him from Adam Smith or whomever, was not
just the different quality of his ideas, but that he was primarily a
political activist on behalf of the working class. Thus I see a danger of
certain of his ideas being reified by a real or aspiring intellectual
elite as their province as high priests.  Thus the slogan from the Cultural
Revolution Better Red than Expert and Mao's theme in Oppose Book
Worship! of the danger of theory becoming the self serving shibboleth of a
privileged elite.  Yes, Marx was an economist, but he was also a leader of
the First International as well.  Thus his epitaph, Philosophers have
interpreted the world in different ways, the point is to change it.
 Anarchist, No-Bullshit Marxist, or whatever, the lesson from this
tradition, the main precept, is one of class struggle and workers standing
up for their own interests and becoming the ruling class of society that
will organize the socialist transformation of the world (that the natural
tendency in society is towards the dictatorship of the proletariat, Marx
once said).  We want no condescending saviours!   Thank you.

On Sun, Apr 4, 2010 at 4:12 PM, Ralph Johansen mdriscol...@charter.netwrote:

 Marxmail's purpose as I understand it is to explicate and develop what
 Marx wrote and more importantly to relate this as well as possible to
 what we've experienced in the past and present, bringing in events as
 they either raise problems for and call into question, are illustrative
 of the utility of Marxist perspective, or call for further development
 of Marx's incomplete theorization of capital. That is not a task for
 dilettantes, which I call myself unless I am familiarizing myself with
 Marx's precepts and method; it is nevertheless a task for those who
 aspire to understand, and it might if more consistently implemented on
 this list result in a much-reduced quantity of exchange (though I
 suspect not for long) and a much higher quality. Without that effort, we
 don't get very far past the current headlines.

  . . . . .

 I'm learning that, If what I understand to be the purpose of the
 Marxmail list is correct, I don't see how people have the temerity to
 hold forth here unless they as a prerequisite have thoroughly understood
 or are with due humility in the process of trying to read and understand
 what Marx wrote, as well as finding the more trenchant objections to his
 critique of capitalism. Everything short of that largely results in a
 surfeit of blather, and it dilutes and can destroy a list like this.
 That's so basic to keeping our thinking caps on straight, or else losing
 the vitality of discussion. Case in point is what happened several years
 ago to the old unmoderated Socialist Register list, and what takes place
 on other lists similar to this, as they atrophy and disappear. I don't
 think shifting this range of tasks to Levy's invitation-only list,
 however well it works there or whatever the original intent, is
 appropriate any longer. As long as the discussion is moderated so as to
 avoid one-upping and pettifogging.

 A now-deceased CP friend taught Capital during the 30s Depression in
 workers' groups and observed that once it was presented clearly to
 experienced wage workers, whatever their formal education, they got it
 . . . .

 So getting to know and appreciate the dialectical method of Capital
is essential to understanding Marx on his own terms. Quite a lot of
people, including some Marxists, would disagree. The so-called
analytic Marxists - thinkers like G.A. Cohen, John Roemer and Robert
Brenner - dismiss dialectics. They actually like to call themselves
no-bullshit Marxists. They prefer to convert Marx's argument into
a series of analytical propositions. Others convert his argument
into a causal model of the world. There is even a positivist way of
representing Marx that allows his theory to be tested againsr

Re: [Marxism] Remembering [Political Murders in Dixie]

2010-04-05 Thread Tom Cod
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Yeah but how did this uneducated simpleton ex-convict wind up in Britain
with a forged Canadian passport unless he had aid from others?

On Sun, Apr 4, 2010 at 12:00 PM, Joseph Catron wrote:

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 On Sun, Apr 4, 2010 at 10:47 AM, Hunter Gray

 Although I tend to be very skeptical of conspiracy stuff,, I have never
  been able to buy the idea that a lone redneck bigot from Missouri would
  the single-minded passion to do that which he did; or, holding such
  would be able to put together such a complex and intricate scheme by

 This strikes me as very nearly identical to the implicit assumption in much
 9/11 conspiracy theory: that such a plot could not possibly be hatched by a
 bunch of stupid Arab Muslims, some of whom even live in caves. Your very
 slight revision to this familiar refrain is problematic in similar ways,
 probably wrong for the same reasons.

 Hige sceal þe heardra, heorte þe cenre, mod sceal þe mare, þe ure mægen
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Re: [Marxism] The next Ngo Dinh Diem?

2010-04-05 Thread Tom Cod
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I don't recall Diem ever talking about going over to the VC, but I get your
point.  I doubt if the US would so stupid as to try to pull a Diem on
Karzai.  As I recall things took a further decline for the US and its
compradors in the wake of that.  Ironically I remember watching the Tomorrow
Show with Tom Snyder the night after the liberation of Saigon with the guest
being none other than Madame Nhu commenting on these events and bemoaning
how if only things had gone differently in November 1963 there would not
have been this outcome.

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[Marxism] WikiLeaks Video of US attack on Journalists in Iraq

2010-04-05 Thread Tom Cod
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