Re: [FairfieldLife] Decline of FairfieldLife

2019-12-11 Thread Sal Sunshine [FairfieldLife]
I didn’t start it, but you should come over and at least take a look: 

On Dec 11, 2019, at 9:18 AM, Archer Angel [FairfieldLife] 

You know Mr. Hamilton, if we look at the past history of Fairfield Life, it has 
declined from as many as 4,000 posts a month to a trickle. Almost everyone has 
abandoned it, and it would appear you had a lot to do with it, by removing 
people you disagreed with. 

Rick Archer had made this an open forum, and you did not, you segregated people 
out based on your beliefs, it would seem under the pretext that messages 
violated Yahoo Guidelines.

Now you may notice Fairfield Life is now reborn on 
, about half the people previously on FFL moved there. I 
have not moved there yet. 

But perhaps you realize that narrowing the spectrum of what is allowable is in 
the end a somewhat tyrannical method of enforcing what you wish people to 
believe. But people believe all sorts of things, profound to inept idiocy. You 
cannot enforce what people think is true, even if it is dead wrong.

The content on this forum will disappear soon. Such is the nature of evolution.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Join our new playgroup in Fairfield!

2019-05-22 Thread Sal Sunshine [FairfieldLife]


> On May 21, 2019, at 10:28 PM, Ashley Williams 
> [FairfieldLife]  wrote:
> Hi families, a group of us are trying to get a new playgroup going in 
> Fairfield this Spring!
> The way we see it working is that each family who joins signs up to host at 
> least one playdate a month for other parents in the group (but it can be 
> more!) It can be as simple as a playground meetup, potluck, trip to the zoo 
> or something more creative, like an arts and crafts activity at your house. 
> Parents will also be able to reach out directly to families to arrange 1-1 
> playdates or swap childcare.
> Our vision is to get a really inclusive and welcoming community of parents 
> together here in Fairfield. 
> We’re using to handle all the logistics, so if you’re interested 
> in joining our local group, all you have to do is go to 
> It’s free to join. Their 
> website does all the work of helping you see what playdates other group 
> members are hosting nearest you, tracking RSVP's, reminding families to come 
> and also has an option to swap childcare from other families in the playgroup!
> The special link to sign up or express interest in being part of our group is 
> You are welcome to share this link with friends outside the yahoo group, but 
> we just request you only invite people you know and trust (and ask them to do 
> the same). 
> It takes a village to raise a child so let’s build one here in Fairfield!
> Best, Ashley
> Parent to 2 under 2
> ps. BTW, if you’re not based in Fairfield, it’s pretty easy to get a group 
> going near you too. Feel free to reach out and I’ll share how we got ours 
> started.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Saving the Golden Domes

2019-05-14 Thread Sal Sunshine [FairfieldLife]
English translation: we acted like brainwashed cult leaders, everyone left (or 
died), so then we started to act even MORE like brainwashed cult leaders, we 
bored everyone to death so effectively nobody wants to have anything more to do 
with us and now we’re hurting, boo-hoo.

Will the last one out of the Domes please remember to turn out the lights?

a template for how it goes with spiritual practice groups as our own:  
Diminution of the cheering of core values, administrative rigidity setting in, 
loss of people, loss of altruism towards the community, loss of donors, loss of 
critical mass, financial crisis, and finally an auction of assets attendant to 
the dispersal of community.  

> On May 14, 2019, at 6:18 AM, [FairfieldLife] 
>  wrote:
> Dr. Tony Nader Visits MUM
> meeting with students, faculty, staff, and community members. 
> ..had meetings with Maharishi School teachers and parents and members of the 
> Invincible America Assembly. His meeting with the larger community of TM® 
> practitioners was broadcast all over the world through Transcendental 
> Meditation Centers.
> ..
> a template for how it goes with spiritual practice groups as our own:  
> Diminution of the cheering of core values, administrative rigidity setting 
> in, loss of people, loss of altruism towards the community, loss of donors, 
> loss of critical mass, financial crisis, and finally an auction of assets 
> attendant to the dispersal of community.  
> Sal Sunshine writes:
> I wish them luck. Feste’s suggestion is a good one, if they had any common 
> sense at all that’s what they’d do.
> ---In,  wrote :
> $675 per person meditating now. Need about $675 per person per year to keep 
> the Domes open.  
> Meditating doing program, about 400 people use the Dome program now for the 
> daily practices. 
> They are Budgeting $270K to keep the Domes operating, evidently including 
> periodic capital costs. 
> $270k divided by 400 gets $675 per person per year.
> Can they be trusted to hold on to a reserve fund for the Domes? 
> The old history is doubtful.  Trustees?
> Dome Supporters 1800 Group
> ---In,  wrote :
> Given the lower numbers, I wonder if it would be best just to keep one dome 
> open—the men's dome, and open it to women and meditators. 
> It would be sad to see the domes go. I remember when the women's dome was 
> opened in 1981. And the men's dome opened in 1979. They have only been closed 
> for a very few times since then, I think, during extreme weather. That's an 
> amazing record over a nearly 40-year period. 
> /
> Email received saying..  “Good luck with that!   This is when you need lots 
> of small donors as well as the the big guys.”
> : against long administrative histories in draining, syphoning, taking, 
> moving monies given altruistically to purpose, from the West and sending 
> offshore... 
> "Our fundraisers for the movement must need to have their own ‘therapy 
> animals’ as help to them to get through.."
> ---In,  wrote :
> 1/3 $million every year to keep the Domes open.
> 3-4 $million additional donations needed to operate MUM annually
> 18 $million endowment fund for the University
> 45.5 $million annually for pundits/ Saraswati Brahmananda Trust 
> "Annual cash donations support needed to fully implement the Global Peace 
> Initiative for 9,000 peace-creating professionals (pundits) at the central 
> campus plus the required training program is $45.5 million annually."
> srijau writes:  I like opening to TMers for now but I don't think it will be 
> a solution to meeting expenses.
> ---In,  wrote :
> Threatening to close the Fairfield Meditation Domes: the need of a third of a 
> million $dollars every year to stave off bankruptcy keeps them open..
> ---In,  wrote :
> Towards opening, increasing, the Dome group in meditation: in practice having 
> meditators in the Domes for their meditations with the longer program could 
> be no disturbance to what is there already.  
> Just set it up so it works. No need in delay to ‘wall it off’, people are 
> really good at quietly coming and going already. 
> There are people quietly coming and going all during the long program in the 
> Dome meditation now already according to their work and schedule.
> ---In,  wrote :
> The Domes are fabulous places to meditate. They are of the 7 wonders of the 
> world that way. It would be terrible in many ways if they go bankrupt. 
> ---In,  wrote :
> An anguish 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Saving the Golden Domes

2019-05-12 Thread Sal Sunshine [FairfieldLife]
> $675 per person meditating now. Need about $675 per person per year to keep 
> the Domes open

I wish them luck. Feste’s suggestion is a good one, if they had any common 
sense at all that’s what they’d do.

Dome Supporters 1800 Group
Yeah I’ll get right on it...

> On May 12, 2019, at 5:38 AM, [FairfieldLife] 
>  wrote:
> $675 per person meditating now. Need about $675 per person per year to keep 
> the Domes open.  
> Meditating doing program, about 400 people use the Dome program now for the 
> daily practices. 
> They are Budgeting $270K to keep the Domes operating, evidently including 
> periodic capital costs. 
> $270k divided by 400 gets $675 per person per year.
> Can they be trusted to hold on to a reserve fund for the Domes? 
> The old history is doubtful.  Trustees?
> Dome Supporters 1800 Group
> ---In,  wrote :
> Given the lower numbers, I wonder if it would be best just to keep one dome 
> open—the men's dome, and open it to women and meditators. 
> It would be sad to see the domes go. I remember when the women's dome was 
> opened in 1981. And the men's dome opened in 1979. They have only been closed 
> for a very few times since then, I think, during extreme weather. That's an 
> amazing record over a nearly 40-year period. 
> /
> Email received saying..  “Good luck with that!   This is when you need lots 
> of small donors as well as the the big guys.”
> : against long administrative histories in draining, syphoning, taking, 
> moving monies given altruistically to purpose, from the West and sending 
> offshore... 
> "Our fundraisers for the movement must need to have their own ‘therapy 
> animals’ as help to them to get through.."
> ---In,  wrote :
> 1/3 $million every year to keep the Domes open.
> 3-4 $million additional donations needed to operate MUM annually
> 18 $million endowment fund for the University
> 45.5 $million for pundits/ Saraswati Brahmananda Trust 
> Annual cash donations support needed to fully implement the Global Peace 
> Initiative for 9,000 peace-creating professionals (pundits) at the central 
> campus plus the required training program is $45.5 million annually.
> srijau writes:  I like opening to TMers for now but I don't think it will be 
> a solution to meeting expenses.
> ---In,  wrote :
> Threatening to close the Fairfield Meditation Domes: the need of a third of a 
> million $dollars every year to stave off bankruptcy keeps them open..
> ---In,  wrote :
> Towards opening, increasing, the Dome group in meditation: in practice having 
> meditators in the Domes for their meditations with the longer program could 
> be no disturbance to what is there already.  
> Just set it up so it works. No need in delay to ‘wall it off’, people are 
> really good at quietly coming and going already. 
> There are people quietly coming and going all during the long program in the 
> Dome meditation now already according to their work and schedule.
> ---In,  wrote :
> The Domes are fabulous places to meditate. They are of the 7 wonders of the 
> world that way. It would be terrible in many ways if they go bankrupt. 
> ---In,  wrote :
> An anguish held by some over having TM meditators in the Domes and seeing 
> Yogic Flyers is silly too considering all the Yogic Flying public 
> demonstrations that have been promoted and put on. No big deal. 
> ---In,  wrote :
> Yep, get over it. Open the Domes as place for meditators to meditate also..  
> Is really silly that meditators live here in Fairfield and are not in there 
> meditating in the Domes. 
> Srijau offers.. 
> a home for "TM practitioners"?  section off a part of the domes now while 
> attendance is low and get TMers in there then. 
> that would do a lot for reducing perceived casteism and  making everyone feel 
> welcomed and included
> - Forwarded Message -
> In order to keep the Domes open..
> -- Forwarded message -
> From: Dr. John Hagelin 
> Date: Sat, Apr 27, 2019 at 12:05 PM
> Subject: Update on our Golden Domes
> Dear Doug and Jennifer,
> Last year I wrote to you about a critically important new initiative to help 
> sustain our beautiful Golden Domes at Maharishi University of Management.
> We are all so grateful to the many generous donors who have recognized the 
> vital importance of keeping our Domes open and functional—and who have joined 
> our new “Dome Supporters 1800 Group” to help safeguard these cherished home

Re: [FairfieldLife] Update on our Golden Domes

2019-05-01 Thread Sal Sunshine [FairfieldLife]
Our first priority for our beautiful Domes is to fill them. 

These the same guys who have consistently refused you admittance, Doug?

Naturally, those of you with greater financial means are welcome and encouraged 
to make a larger contribution. 

But of course! Got your checkbook ready I assume.

You could consider $50–100 or more per month; or you could “adopt a week” at 
the Domes for a $5,200 gift; or you could even “adopt a month” or more.

What shameless hypocrites.


On Apr 29, 2019, at 3:59 PM, Doug Hamilton 
[FairfieldLife]  wrote:

- Forwarded Message -

In order to keep the Domes open..

-- Forwarded message -
From: Dr. John Hagelin 
Date: Sat, Apr 27, 2019 at 12:05 PM
Subject: Update on our Golden Domes

Dear Doug and Jennifer,

Last year I wrote to you about a critically important new initiative to help 
sustain our beautiful Golden Domes at Maharishi University of Management.

We are all so grateful to the many generous donors who have recognized the 
vital importance of keeping our Domes open and functional—and who have joined 
our new “Dome Supporters 1800 Group” to help safeguard these cherished homes of 
enlightenment and coherence in the U.S. But we still have a ways to go if we 
want to be able to preserve our Domes on a secure and sustainable basis.

Our first priority for our beautiful Domes is to fill them. Everyone who has 
spent program time here knows the power and depth of Dome experiences. In this 
spirit, we invite you to be in the Domes if you’re in Fairfield, and to visit 
us often if you’re not. 
In order to keep the Domes open and available to everyone, we face some real 
financial challenges. The actual cost to maintain the Domes—heating, cooling, 
lighting, water, and maintenance—is $270,000 a year. That’s about $22,500 a 
month, or $5,200 a week. At present, thanks to the generosity of donors from 
around the world, we can cover about half these costs sustainably. But we can’t 
cover the other half without your help. And we don’t want to close even one of 
our beautiful Domes.
Last year we established a large group of Sidhas from around the country to 
help sustain the Domes financially —a complementary national Super Radiance 
group, if you will—called the “Dome Supporters 1800 group.” The goal is simple: 
If 1800 Sidhas were each to commit even $15 a month to sustain the Domes—a very 
affordable contribution—the Dome maintenance costs would be completely covered, 
very easily and comfortably for everyone. So many Sidhas recognized the value 
of this proposal and responded generously, and now I’m hoping to bring this 
project to a very fulfilling fruition. Will you join us?
Naturally, those of you with greater financial means are welcome and encouraged 
to make a larger contribution. You could consider $50–100 or more per month; or 
you could “adopt a week” at the Domes for a $5,200 gift; or you could even 
“adopt a month” or more. But whatever your financial means may be, we would 
like everyone to contribute something toward this worthy and achievable goal..
Ideally, we want you to be part of both groups—our Super Radiance group in the 
Domes and our 1,800 group of contributors. But if you can’t be in one of these 
groups, then please be in the other. Your contributions will secure our Golden 
Domes—now and into the future.  
Together, we can ensure that the largest peace-creating community in the U.S. 
can continue to grow and provide a beautiful home for TM and TM-Sidhi 
practitioners everywhere in the world. 

Please join me in giving generously today 
. Thank 

With all best wishes,

John Hagelin, Ph.D.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Paradigm Shiftings: Climate Change & the Consciousness Community

2019-04-12 Thread Sal Sunshine [FairfieldLife]
Nelson, instead of name-calling and lashing out, why don’t you actually take 
responsibility for your own views?  You know, like a mature adult instead of an 
angry, whiny brat.  Making fun of people’s names?  You’re a sad example of an 
older “adult.”

Don’t like people like AOC and Bernie?  Next time YOU pick a different planet.  
Who made you gatekeeper?  


> On Apr 11, 2019, at 7:01 PM, [FairfieldLife] 
>  wrote:
>  The survival diet is probably enough to keep one alive but for big people 
> doing the hard work of keeping the world going, the food substitutes diet 
> won't work.
>   For the people complaining about the planet,, You elected to come here and 
> now are having a problem?  next time pick a different planet.
>   Finally, I am amazed that anyone could possibly share the views put out by
> either occasional Cortex or BS Sanders..

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: “Schismogenesis ”

2019-04-01 Thread Sal Sunshine [FairfieldLife]
Take a look at this, it’ll look very familiar:

As will the prices.  You can buy a General Admission Ticket (lol) to one of his 
intro courses for the low, low price of $250 for the day.  Or, if you want to 
meet with the Master himself, a “Golden Pass” is the way to go, (Is it just me 
or does that sound a little obscene) for a mere $3250 you can get 4 sessions, 2 
in person and 2 “remote silent-faith” healings.  A steal I’m sure. 

Can’t meet in person?  No problem!  Master John has you covered, you can buy a 
Spring 2019 Regular Dial-In Pass—yes, this is really what they call it—for a 
tiny little donation of $2000.

And on and on, jhfc what a racket. 


> On Mar 31, 2019, at 7:15 PM, feste37  wrote:
> Hey Sal, At last we can agree on something! How many years has that taken? We 
> should celebrate or something. 
> ---In,  wrote :
> I have several friends, people I thought would surely know better.  It seems 
> with MMY gone the “head guru” field is wide open. 
> And I see once again people are granting themselves phony degrees and calling 
> each other “dr.”
> Sal 
>> On Mar 31, 2019, at 5:31 PM, feste37  wrote:
>> I have seen someone get sucked into this "Master John" cult, and it is not 
>> pretty. Supreme Grand Master? Oh, come on . . . 
>> ---In,  wrote :
>> Book:  
>> Supreme Grand Master John Douglas and Maharishi Mahesh Yogi: The Christ 
>> Mission and Earth Ascension
>> By Dr. Susan Andersen, under guidance from the Divine Masters with a 
>> Foreword by Dr. Christopher W. Hartnett and Dr. Linda Saint-Denis Hartnett
>> Possibly more than a tax shelter church, true-believers shift to 
>> true-believers of another.  Anybody read this book?
>> From the book’s Preface:
>> “By spreading his meditation to millions, he raised the collective 
>> consciousness of earth. Only now is it becoming clear why Maharishi had this 
>> task to prepare world consciousness for a leap in human evolution. He came 
>> to prepare for the rise of a different civilization on earth. His was only 
>> the first step in this world transformation. Another Master came after him 
>> with more knowledge and healing that would lead to an ascension of earth to 
>> another plane of existence, for this is the way a new human civilization can 
>> arise. That Master is Supreme Grand Master John Douglas.” 
>> From the Foreword:
>> “Maharishi Mahesh Yogi has given the world powerful techniques to transform 
>> the individual to “know thyself”, to be orderly enough to begin to create 
>> and exist in Heaven on Earth.  Prior to his passing in February of 2008 , He 
>> declared to His followers and disciples “My work is done.” This left many in 
>> the temporary state of bewilderment and confusion. How could tHis work be 
>> done and so many remain unenlightened, physically impaired and not Self of 
>> Soul-Realized?  The Vedic Knowledge He disseminated was complete and 
>> holistic for the time. He blessed the world with the big picture, the goal, 
>> and a vision of whom, what and where we should be, but knowledge continues, 
>> and the demands and challenges of the new world also continue, requiring new 
>> knowledge.
>> ..Master John is here at this time to lead the “disruptive spiritual 
>> revolution”, introduce the Angelic Reformation, discover the Truth in all 
>> Matter, the Universal Truth beyond the humanly constructed world in which we 
>> live. 
>> ..Our direct experience is that Maharishi Mahesh Yogi and the great saints 
>> of our time have passed the baton to Master John. Maharishi created Heaven 
>> on Earth, and the legions of Angels and Master Angels have come down and are 
>> now amongst us.” 
>> From the last page.. 
>> “..Maharishi prepared the way and told us the stories of Vedic Civilization. 
>> Now it possible to actually manifest on earth. Supreme Grand Master John 
>> Douglas is the reason it can be there. He comes with the Master Angels, and 
>> he is one of them, known by his title and his cosmic role as God’s First 
>> Angel, the Angel of Creation.” 
>> The Church of John Douglas
>> ..
>> “Schismogenesis”
>> Quoting Atmore: “The idea of “schismogenesis” was first identified by 
>> Gregory Bateson to describe the ways in which relationship between 
>> individual or groups deteriorate. Schismogenesis occurs in several different 
>> ways: factional schismogenesis , in which a group splinters into two or more 
>> distinct group; apostatizing schismogenesis, in which an individual 
>> separates from the group; symmetrical schismogenesis, in which individuals 
>> from the group compete directly with each other, the severity of competi

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: “Schismogenesis”

2019-03-31 Thread Sal Sunshine [FairfieldLife]
I have several friends, people I thought would surely know better.  It seems 
with MMY gone the “head guru” field is wide open. 

And I see once again people are granting themselves phony degrees and calling 
each other “dr.”


> On Mar 31, 2019, at 5:31 PM, feste37  wrote:
> I have seen someone get sucked into this "Master John" cult, and it is not 
> pretty. Supreme Grand Master? Oh, come on . . . 
> ---In,  wrote :
> Book:  
> Supreme Grand Master John Douglas and Maharishi Mahesh Yogi: The Christ 
> Mission and Earth Ascension
> By Dr. Susan Andersen, under guidance from the Divine Masters with a Foreword 
> by Dr. Christopher W. Hartnett and Dr. Linda Saint-Denis Hartnett
> Possibly more than a tax shelter church, true-believers shift to 
> true-believers of another.  Anybody read this book?
> From the book’s Preface:
> “By spreading his meditation to millions, he raised the collective 
> consciousness of earth. Only now is it becoming clear why Maharishi had this 
> task to prepare world consciousness for a leap in human evolution. He came to 
> prepare for the rise of a different civilization on earth. His was only the 
> first step in this world transformation. Another Master came after him with 
> more knowledge and healing that would lead to an ascension of earth to 
> another plane of existence, for this is the way a new human civilization can 
> arise. That Master is Supreme Grand Master John Douglas.” 
> From the Foreword:
> “Maharishi Mahesh Yogi has given the world powerful techniques to transform 
> the individual to “know thyself”, to be orderly enough to begin to create and 
> exist in Heaven on Earth.  Prior to his passing in February of 2008 , He 
> declared to His followers and disciples “My work is done.” This left many in 
> the temporary state of bewilderment and confusion. How could tHis work be 
> done and so many remain unenlightened, physically impaired and not Self of 
> Soul-Realized?  The Vedic Knowledge He disseminated was complete and holistic 
> for the time. He blessed the world with the big picture, the goal, and a 
> vision of whom, what and where we should be, but knowledge continues, and the 
> demands and challenges of the new world also continue, requiring new 
> knowledge.
> ..Master John is here at this time to lead the “disruptive spiritual 
> revolution”, introduce the Angelic Reformation, discover the Truth in all 
> Matter, the Universal Truth beyond the humanly constructed world in which we 
> live. 
> ..Our direct experience is that Maharishi Mahesh Yogi and the great saints of 
> our time have passed the baton to Master John. Maharishi created Heaven on 
> Earth, and the legions of Angels and Master Angels have come down and are now 
> amongst us.” 
> From the last page.. 
> “..Maharishi prepared the way and told us the stories of Vedic Civilization. 
> Now it possible to actually manifest on earth. Supreme Grand Master John 
> Douglas is the reason it can be there. He comes with the Master Angels, and 
> he is one of them, known by his title and his cosmic role as God’s First 
> Angel, the Angel of Creation.” 
> The Church of John Douglas
> ..
> “Schismogenesis”
> Quoting Atmore: “The idea of “schismogenesis” was first identified by Gregory 
> Bateson to describe the ways in which relationship between individual or 
> groups deteriorate. Schismogenesis occurs in several different ways: 
> factional schismogenesis , in which a group splinters into two or more 
> distinct group; apostatizing schismogenesis, in which an individual separates 
> from the group; symmetrical schismogenesis, in which individuals from the 
> group compete directly with each other, the severity of competition 
> increasing equally on each side; and complementary schismogenesis, in which a 
> rift forms between unequal partners playing the roles of dominant and 
> submissive. 
> Bateson treats the events involved in schismogenesis as openly recognized by 
> both parties. However, in my study of Fairfield, it became apparent that 
> schisms are not always overt and recognized by those involved in them. In 
> some cases, schism occur without the knowledge of one or more parties, which 
> I will refer to as a covert schism or overt schismogenesis. This can often 
> lead to overt schismogenesis (Batesons’ openly recognized schism) once the 
> schism has progressed to a certain point. However, this does not mean 
> schismogenesis is not occurring until it has become overt; there are still 
> social rifts forming during the covert phase. This necessitates a slight 
> redefinition of schismogenesis, in which the term encompasses all situations 
> in which rifts form between people, whether overt, covert, 

Re: [FairfieldLife] FF meditator memoriam

2019-03-24 Thread Sal Sunshine [FairfieldLife]
On Mar 24, 2019, at 3:34 PM, [FairfieldLife] 

Thank you for posting the obituaries, Doug.

There was a time, during my teaching days, when I touted, "Perfect Health in 
the Direction of Immortality"

I look back on this with a certain amount of amusement at my naivete, and 
unbridled optimism.  What I do not carry with me is anger and resentment that I 
bought into a path, that didn't quite live up to its lofty expectations..

On the other hand, stepping onto a spiritual path, which encourages you to go 
beyond the superficial aspect of things, what price do you put on that?  

But did it do that?  Or did it just give lip service to the “spiritual” aspect?
Seems an awful lot of time was spent trying to get people to conform, 
threatening them, asking for $$ etc.
Eventually it seemed most of the best people just left.

---In , 
 wrote :

Stephen Richter  

Jim Bates
Susan Small
Lillian Busch Dar ( 1921-2018)
Kayren Berna - died March, 1996
Sarah Oliver - died August, 1997

János Szász Sr. • June 4 1936 • October 19 2017 (diwali day) • Budapest •
Decorated Hungarian freedom fighter • 
TM teacher 1977 San Francisco • MIU community + Purusha 1980-1990 • 
Was only one to demonstrate yogic flying behind the iron curtain Aug 15 1986  •
Initiated many in Hungary • National leader for some time • His work continues •

Recently deceased.. 
Chip Gallagher 
Dolly Honkenon
Savannah Wechsler 

Len Labagh passed away Sunday morning, Jan 14.

Gary Gill

Judy Walls  

Bryan Peterson passed  

Stanley Kresky
Randy Coplin,  1949-2018

Gary Rich, passed away early this morning, Sept 11, 2018  

David Seager

Merle C. Dockendorff

Robert Iverson 
David Gannon has dropped the body.
Rosie Estrin passed away this morning July 1, 2018

Transcendental Meditationist Fairfield, Iowa and a TM Movement Memoriam..
Stewart Oestreich 

Robert Oats 
Jerry Jarvis  
Peter Just  


There are additional names gathered further back in this thread. 
Yahoo now truncates posts for length. There are many more names and also the 
Purusha passing list is further back in this thread.   

I have placed the larger file of this memoriam list over on to a Google-group.

Yahoo-groups truncates now in a way that makes researching back into Yahoo 
subject threads difficult to work. The Google-group is an older more 
comprehensive adjunct to this more current listing here on FFL Yahoo-group.  

A longer version of this list that scrolls more easily 
can be found and opened at:!topic/communal-studies-forum/8LCTgvO26LM 

Enloe Willingham  


​Y​ou probably heard that Enloe

​ Willingham​

passed last week. 

Jai Guru Dev

Norman Zierold passed away at pre-dawn 7 March 2018. 
There will be a gathering for cremation at Behner Funeral Home in Fairfield, 
2pm Friday 

Sharon Starr
Cynthia Cole

Patrick Gearon, The Quantum (car) Mechanic

Charles (Charly) Vaughn 
Savannah Alyn Harrell 
John L. Petit 

Robert David passed away yesterday. 
Wonderful character in the community,
lovely person,
a very spiritual guy. 

Timothy Kasten,  from online obit, "We were all MIU students in 1974, close as 
thieves sharing the grand TM adventure".

Steve Petersen  1952-2017
recently on the Settle Grant with IAAssembly 2012-2015

Katherine Hanna
Victor Pardo

Dave Randall 
Tim Hunter

Ellen Lashmutt
Finn Bousquet..
Gurdy Leete
Nathan Zenack
Christina Revolinski
Nancy Glassco
Ellie Ditzel
Vaidya Mishra
Paul Handelman
Carl Wonneman
Tim Hildebrandt
John Ong
Rod Magoon
David George
Gary Malmgren
Amalia Bright
William James Duke
Florence Davis
George Gallagher
Andrew Sheehan
Sally Peden
Tom Torpy
John Herbert Prechtel
Nancy Van Blaricum
Harvey Lubar

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Ann Coulter calls Trump a wimp

2019-01-27 Thread Sal Sunshine [FairfieldLife]
Well Trump as usual took the easy way out...he was a crushed, babbling blob 
before he was even “elected.”


> On Jan 27, 2019, at 8:08 AM, [FairfieldLife] 
>  wrote:
> So, so easy to criticize when one does not have the responsibility of making 
> decisions.  Can you imagine the pressures of being president?  I am surprised 
> people who have been president are not absolutely crushed, babbling blobs by 
> the time their terms are over.   

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Three TM Meditators Arrested

2019-01-24 Thread Sal Sunshine [FairfieldLife]
Doug I’m not quite sure what your point is exactly, I can’t make out whether 
this is supportive of these three or not, but if not?  Just shut up.  For once, 
just shut your trap if you can’t support good people going out of their way and 
risking arrest to try and make the world better for everyone.  


> On Jan 24, 2019, at 11:17 AM, [FairfieldLife] 
>  wrote:
> Q: Meditators should judge in conscience accordingly, and be good citizens? 
> Time to re-read Thoreau's essay,  Civil Disobedience. 
> Not just some meditators, but at least two of the three arrested are 
> Governors of the Age of Enlightenment representatives of Maharishi Mahesh 
> Yogi. 
> What did ‘Guru Dev’ say on Spiritual Morality and its Moral Compass?
> ---In,  wrote :
> In Disrespecting the Law..
> FBI files report on three Fairfield residents
> Three Fairfield residents were arrested for trespassing in 2016 while 
> protesting climate change, and recently learned that they were the subject of 
> a Federal Bureau of ...

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: The Importance of Group Meditation

2018-12-15 Thread Sal Sunshine [FairfieldLife]
They used to go around to meetings and take down license plates, lol can’t you 
just see one of those idiots in a suit doing that?

OTOH, I don’t see why anyone would still care or want to get back into the 
“dome,” with its mold and aging population and all 300 people left.  Imo you 
gotta be nuts at this point to still see any value. 


> On Dec 15, 2018, at 7:39 AM, Rick Archer 
> [FairfieldLife]  wrote:
> I think I’d rather shovel cow manure for a living than spend my days spying 
> on people through people’s social media, the Weekly Reader, Source, etc.
> Note to spies: shoveling cow manure is great exercise and really quite 
> enjoyable when you get into it. I used to do it at Livingston Manor. If 
> interested, contact Radiance Dairy. They may have openings.
> Rick Archer
> Buddha at the Gas Pump
> From:  
> Sent: Friday, December 14, 2018 8:11 PM
> To:
> Subject: RE: [FairfieldLife] Re: The Importance of Group Meditation
> The Authorities?  Yes they read FFL and make files about people’s social 
> media, the Weekly Reader, Source, and such on applicants.  It is their job to 
> gather info on people in ferreting out people who are in violation of the 
> membership guidelines by making inquiry in to lives.  Yes, with potentially 
> long interrogation.
> One of the things that was held up this last time I was denied a badge was 
> about things I may have written on FFL, “about these things you write on 
> Fairfield Life”. Yes, you could proly be in some trouble with the membership 
> guidelines promoting other spiritual teachers and such by what and who you 
> promote with BATGAP. 
> The existential problem they have with this is that as they have these 
> written guidelines they have to have a staff hired to investigate and enforce 
> them in detail over applicants.  The guidelines have been cobbled together, 
> wordsmithed over the years either to exclude people and they have been 
> reduced somewhat to include peoples who were separated from the group by 
> guideline. The remaining exclusionary clauses now are mostly cultural and not 
> simply as to whether someone is a practitioner or not. There are three 
> written clauses remaining that still are in there that can stick in the craw 
> of the larger meditating community.
> The Authorities, I also do send in communication to movement policy makers 
> the url’s to posts made on FFL as posts are pithy, incisive, pertinent and 
> relevant in the context of having to do with policy. Fairfield Life has had 
> its effective place in communications.  But, the people who investigate Dome 
> membership applications do not make policy themselves, they just enforce it. 
> The people who make decisions you likely will never meet in the process.
> May the grace of the Unified Field grant providential support in Nature 
> towards overcoming these long problems we all have suffered with our communal 
> Dome meditation attendance numbers.  Jai Guru Dev
> ---In,  wrote :
> So do the dome authorities still read FFL to see who’s saying what, and 
> exclude them if they feel inclined?
> Batgap is a funny phenomena with regard to this issue. I promote other 
> teachers up the wazoo, and probably wouldn’t be allowed in the dome if I 
> wanted to be, but I’ve interviewed Hagelin and Pearson, and others who still 
> go to the dome. A senior faculty member listens to just about every BatGap 
> interview and we sometimes chat about them. He said he even discusses them 
> with other faculty in his department sometimes.
> Rick Archer
> Buddha at the Gas Pump
> From:  
> Sent: Friday, December 14, 2018 10:52 AM
> To:
> Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: The Importance of Group Meditation
> Q: I appreciate what you’re doing with the group meditation thing, but I like 
> meditating at home. I usually take a nap first, then just sit up and 
> meditate. Times vary.
> A: Evidently a lot of people feel this way also about meditating with the TM 
> group, not turning out for what was superradiance
> of the group.
> The numbers in the Dome meditation are incredibly low now.
> A radical transcendentalist's response to excuses, like the.. 
>  This Insulting Frenchman's:
> ---In,  wrote :
> banned from the Domes..
> It is time to start with the membership guidelines anew with a clean sheet of 
> paper.
> Examples of adapting policy:
> The ‘Adhesion Contract’..
> Back in 2012 I incited getting the ridiculous 4 pages ‘course agreement’ down 
> more essentially to two pages of text.
> All tha

Re: [FairfieldLife] Bevan's Fairfield talk, Sunday

2018-12-04 Thread Sal Sunshine [FairfieldLife]
Presumably this is going to be a very short presentation.  


> On Dec 4, 2018, at 5:50 PM, [FairfieldLife] 
>  wrote:
> ..see what’s going on in Maharishi’s movement around the world.
> A Special Presentation by Dr. Bevan Morris
> Saturday, December 8th
> 2:00 pm–4:00 pm
> Dalby Hall, Argiro Student Center

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Avoiding meat and dairy is ‘single bi gg est way’ to reduce your impact on Earth

2018-11-11 Thread Sal Sunshine [FairfieldLife]

> On Nov 11, 2018, at 2:54 PM, Bhairitu [FairfieldLife] 
>  wrote:
> The US had a cheese glut this summer which was good for consumers. The 
> nearby supermarket was selling Tillamook at $3 a package (usually 8 oz) 
> so I picked up a package of extra sharp which rang up for $5.  I 
> complained about the price because it was marked $3 on the shelf.  They 
> came back and had removed the $3 price but had to give that price to 
> me.  I explained that there was a cheese glut which I had read about a 
> couple weeks earlier and I had bought the same package at another store 
> for $3.  They looked clueless

Maybe that’s because you seem to be privy to info nobody else is.  What on 
earth is a “cheese glut” anyway?  Was there a big sale on dairy cows earlier on 
or something? 

> because these people never follow what is 
> happening in the commodities market.  In fact they don't teach store 
> staffs much at all about how retail works

Yup, that’s gotta be it.  If everyone isn’t up on the latest cheese glut’s obviously because they’re ignorant and uninformed.  

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Notes from the Pundit Meeting

2018-11-10 Thread Sal Sunshine [FairfieldLife]
So anyone know what’s going to happen to the pundit “campus” that looks like a 
barracks?  Are they just going to keep trying to rent out the cottages?


> On Nov 10, 2018, at 3:07 AM, [FairfieldLife] 
>  wrote:
> November 8, 2018
> Dear Friends and Supporters of our Maharishi Vedic City Pandits,
> On October 28, 2006, the first group of Maharishi Vedic Pandits who Maharishi 
> sent to our community arrived. We have been able to sustain our Maharishi 
> Vedic Pandit program for 12 years through the dedication and efforts of many 
> people, especially our large family of donors. We could not have achieved so 
> much without you.
> As you may know, we have been working very hard for a long time to bring new 
> Pandits to Maharishi Vedic City. The plan has been to keep our current 
> Maharishi Vedic Pandits in place until replacements arrive, so that the 
> program would run continuously and there would be no timing gap.
> We were confident we would have replacement Pandits by now, but despite our 
> best efforts, this has not proved possible. We have explored all avenues, but 
> a gap in our Pandit coverage is inevitable at this point.
> Our current Maharishi Vedic Pandits have been so very generous and devoted to 
> our community. They have been here a long time. They have extended their stay 
> several times so that our Vedic Pandit program could continue uninterrupted, 
> despite their own pressing family obligations at home.
> But now, they must return home. They will return to India in mid-November, 
> after Mahalakshmi. We will be sorry to see them go, but we will send them 
> home with deep gratitude and heartfelt thanks for their dedication to our 
> community.
> We are aware that this situation will come as a surprise to many. It arose 
> very quickly—we did not anticipate it—through a combination of visa issues, 
> Pandit availability, and some recent family developments that our current 
> Vedic Pandits must address.
> We will continue working diligently to recruit the most skilled and 
> appropriate Maharishi Vedic Pandits for our Fairfield/MVC/MUM community. We 
> are optimistic about this, and already have some good leads—but it will take 
> some time. We will let everyone know as soon as we have concrete news to 
> report.
> Jai Guru Dev,
> Raja John, Bevan, Sandra, and Bhupendra
> ---In,  wrote :
> News on the streets today: The remaining 3 pandits of the Pundit Program in 
> Iowa returned to their homes yesterday,  8 November 2018. 
> No pundits now at Maharishi Vedic City. 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Avoiding meat and dairy is ‘single bigg est way’ to reduce your impact on Earth

2018-11-04 Thread Sal Sunshine [FairfieldLife]
On Nov 4, 2018, at 2:48 PM, [FairfieldLife] 

And make yourself anemic.  The elite want the public to go vegan so they are 
weak and can't fight back when they start running their police states.  

God you’re a riot.  I can just see the “corporate elite” getting together with, 
say, the staff of the Vegan Society to plan how to take over the world, one 
meatless meal at a time.  I hear Whole Foods has a huge vegan holiday section, 
omg!  I’ll bet you anything the mind-bending drugs are in the cranberry sauce.

Most people who eat meat and dairy though are probably eating more than they 
need to and even Paul McCartney's "Meatless Mondays" (or any day) would have a 
positive impact. 

Don't waste your time on stupid articles by statisticians or bad science 
studies (and often written by clueless journalists).  Pay more attention to 
nutritionists who understand metabolism.  Both Chinese medicine and Ayurveda 
have understood this for centuries.  The modern western version is metabolic or 
nutritional typing. 

Don't eat dumb and kill yourself in the process.  I have a hunch that some of 
the Fairfield obits are about people who misapplied ayurveda as it is tricky to 
do right (actually Chinese folk medicine is much simpler).

Apparently everybody misapplies it, India isn’t exactly known for its longevity 
or prosperity.
Maybe it just plain doesn’t work.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: The Importance Of Group Meditation

2018-10-27 Thread Sal Sunshine [FairfieldLife]
> Now, the behavior of some in the .org and how poorly or well the metics of 
> their facilitating what is here as a community in this larger enterprise of 
> superradiance is another question entirely.

You know Doug, sometimes I really wonder if English is your first language.


> On Oct 27, 2018, at 6:45 AM, [FairfieldLife] 
>  wrote:
> Hey, I am a satisfied customer of the practice of the ™ program. I know my 
> experience with it. Questioning the character of my experience with it? I 
> thank the Providence in the large Nature of the Unified Field for my having 
> come across it in my life time as a spiritual practice. 
> Now, the behavior of some in the .org and how poorly or well the metics of 
> their facilitating what is here as a community in this larger enterprise of 
> superradiance is another question entirely.  
>> wrote :
> In, salsunshineiniowa@ wrote :
> I can’t believe you or anybody else still goes out of their way to be part of 
> a group of aging yahoos who still believe in expelling people from their 
> clique, despite abundant evidence almost nobody wants to be IN said clique, 
> and hasn’t for many years.  Hear they’re up to around 300 these days, even 
> with the MUM students...pathetic.
> “Provisional” dome How’s the mold doing in there by the way? 
> Then again, a friend tells me it’s still a good place to sleep, so there is 
> that.  
> Sal 
> ---In,  wrote :
> They gave me a ‘provisional’ Dome badge.  
> Okay, I am back in the Dome meditation again with the group.  
> In the interviewing, the more grave concerns were in three jealousies 
> embedded in the written guidelines, that posts here on FairfieldLife could be 
> seen as ‘promoting’ other practices, also the giving an indication of money 
> going to ‘non-Maharishi’ jyotish/ yagya, and then what cursory promotion of 
> Ravi Shankar there could be seen here from describing (a journalism of) any 
> of these as being part of what is going on in the meditating community of 
> ‘spiritual’ Fairfield. FairfieldLife posts, news and social media/facebook 
> otherwise get read actively by an investigating staff. 
> This is not like going in to a Saudi Embassy in Turkey for papers but an 
> intelligence gathering about people works similarly because of guidelines as 
> they are written and a staff that is hired to investigate these guidelines. 
> Srijau writing: you compare to the House of Saud. disgusting.
> ---In,  wrote :
> In the last few of weeks of processing since I was denied an updated sticker 
> or new Dome badge people here generally on hearing word of this would 
> respond, “..are they still doing that?” and then relate their own experience 
> and fears with this. 
> These last few days in Fairfield I have run across people who recently 
> updated/got their badges and when hearing about the written guideline over 
> ‘money’ going to ‘non-Maharishi’ jyotish/yagya, remarked “opps”, that they 
> had.  Another just the other day, had an ‘inexpensive’ ‘non-Maharishi’ yagya 
> done otherwise, also recently updated with a new badge and can meditate now 
> in the Dome group meditation in fear of being found out. 
> #
> I have advocated more recently with a direct hand for four successfully 
> renewed badge people urging them to/having them get Dome badges.  Aggregate 
> numbers, superradiance, towards a more critical mass. Jai Guru Dev. 
> The process just let someone else in who they did not know about into the 
> Domes who visits/sees Ravi Shankar quite a lot. 
> These are each people (example) whether 'persisting' visiting other 
> saints/spiritual people or having bought 'non-Maharishi' jyotish and yagya 
> who can come and do, willingly do, the TM program with the group. And, will 
> do so if so long as they are 'not found out' and separated from the group...  
> ---In,  wrote :
> This is very much in the purvey now of TM’s Trustees and Raja class, as 
> something like the House of Saud is hierarchical and organized. Hopefully our 
> Trustees and Raja of the ™ .org can get the guidelines for membership down 
> simply to whether someone learned the programs and would come to the group 
> meditations doing those. Simple. May the grace of Providence of the Unified 
> Field free us all from what long oppression the Dome group meditation numbers 
> have suffered of those written guidelines. Jai Guru Dev 
> ---In,  wrote :
> Dear Ones,  
> I am very sorry and apologetic that Maharishi has told conflicting 
> instruction of such different things to different groups and individuals that 
> this has left you here to enforce a cobbled (wordsmithed) set of guidelines 
> for our superradiance membership.  Guidelines that have not served you or ou

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: The Importance Of Group Meditation

2018-10-24 Thread Sal Sunshine [FairfieldLife]
I can’t believe you or anybody else still goes out of their way to be part of a 
group of aging yahoos who still believe in expelling people from their clique, 
despite abundant evidence almost nobody wants to be IN said clique, and hasn’t 
for many years.  Hear they’re up to around 300 these days, even with the MUM 

“Provisional” dome How’s the mold doing in there by the way? 

Then again, a friend tells me it’s still a good place to sleep, so there is 


> On Oct 24, 2018, at 1:46 PM, [FairfieldLife] 
>  wrote:
> They gave me a ‘provisional’ Dome badge.  
> Okay, I am back in the Dome meditation again with the group.  
> In the interviewing, the more grave concerns were in three jealousies 
> embedded in the written guidelines, that posts here on FairfieldLife could be 
> seen as ‘promoting’ other practices, also the giving an indication of money 
> going to ‘non-Maharishi’ jyotish/ yagya, and then what cursory promotion of 
> Ravi Shankar there could be seen here from describing (a journalism of) any 
> of these as being part of what is going on in the meditating community of 
> ‘spiritual’ Fairfield. FairfieldLife posts, news and social media/facebook 
> otherwise get read actively by an investigating staff. 
> This is not like going in to a Saudi Embassy in Turkey for papers but an 
> intelligence gathering about people works similarly because of guidelines as 
> they are written and a staff that is hired to investigate these guidelines. 
> Srijau writing: you compare to the House of Saud. disgusting.
> ---In,  wrote :
> In the last few of weeks of processing since I was denied an updated sticker 
> or new Dome badge people here generally on hearing word of this would 
> respond, “..are they still doing that?” and then relate their own experience 
> and fears with this. 
> These last few days in Fairfield I have run across people who recently 
> updated/got their badges and when hearing about the written guideline over 
> ‘money’ going to ‘non-Maharishi’ jyotish/yagya, remarked “opps”, that they 
> had.  Another just the other day, had an ‘inexpensive’ ‘non-Maharishi’ yagya 
> done otherwise, also recently updated with a new badge and can meditate now 
> in the Dome group meditation in fear of being found out. 
> #
> I have advocated more recently with a direct hand for four successfully 
> renewed badge people urging them to/having them get Dome badges.  Aggregate 
> numbers, superradiance, towards a more critical mass. Jai Guru Dev. 
> The process just let someone else in who they did not know about into the 
> Domes who visits/sees Ravi Shankar quite a lot. 
> These are each people (example) whether 'persisting' visiting other 
> saints/spiritual people or having bought 'non-Maharishi' jyotish and yagya 
> who can come and do, willingly do, the TM program with the group. And, will 
> do so if so long as they are 'not found out' and separated from the group...  
> ---In,  wrote :
> This is very much in the purvey now of TM’s Trustees and Raja class, as 
> something like the House of Saud is hierarchical and organized. Hopefully our 
> Trustees and Raja of the ™ .org can get the guidelines for membership down 
> simply to whether someone learned the programs and would come to the group 
> meditations doing those. Simple. May the grace of Providence of the Unified 
> Field free us all from what long oppression the Dome group meditation numbers 
> have suffered of those written guidelines. Jai Guru Dev 
> ---In,  wrote :
> Dear Ones,  
> I am very sorry and apologetic that Maharishi has told conflicting 
> instruction of such different things to different groups and individuals that 
> this has left you here to enforce a cobbled (wordsmithed) set of guidelines 
> for our superradiance membership.  Guidelines that have not served you or our 
> meditating community well.
> The essential guideline of course is at the bottom of the printed guidelines: 
> Only Maharishi’s techniques are permitted to be practiced in the program 
> halls.
> Which essentially would entail an applicant having learned ™ and the 
> TM0-Sidhis at some point.
> However, having now had the guidelines for membership read out to me on more 
> than one occasion and also having read the guidelines directly there are 
> three embedded jealousies which are cultural that stand out in the 
> guidelines. These continue to be essentially corrosive to our communal 
> superradiance experience.
> . .
> Everyone living in Fairfield should be very concerned about the metrics of 
> the Dome meditation numbers and how it goes for them for many good reasons.  
> Inside the administration there presents manifest an administrative fear that 
> evidently is now creed and cultural as bound to a ‘sufficiency’ in peopl

Re: [FairfieldLife] Fairfield Water Supply and Climate Change

2018-08-26 Thread Sal Sunshine [FairfieldLife]
Yes, I predict it will be wet.


> On Aug 26, 2018, at 12:55 PM, [FairfieldLife] 
>  wrote:
> Does anyone have current assessments of FF's water suppy over the next 20 
> years, particularly given potential accelerating effects of climate change?
> FF Water Department
> 1.Where does our water come from?
> We have three wells that are tapped into the Jordan Sands Aquifer.
> Growing water use threatens to strain Jordan aquifer
> The Jordan aquifer provides drinking water to about a half-million Iowans, as 
> well as water that is critical to industries that range from data centers to 
> food processing and ethanol production.
> The recommendations are designed to warn users that Iowa's now-rich water 
> levels could decline enough in the years ahead that they could hinder job 
> creation and economic development efforts if not managed carefully.
> "We know at some point we can't keep pumping it down and pumping it down," 
> said Todd Steigerwaldt, manager of the Marion Water Department and leader of 
> the task force looking at the issue. "We know there is additional cost — it's 
> more energy, which is money; and at some point, the lower we pump that water, 
> the poorer the water quality would become."
> Some major metro areas outside of Iowa that use the Jordan aquifer are 
> already running into trouble. In the Minneapolis area, for example, signs of 
> shrinking groundwater already have appeared, from declining lake levels to 
> wells running dry and damaged trout streams.
> "Here it's like we've gotten a note that we need to change our oil. In other 
> states, the red check-engine light is flashing," said Michael Anderson, a 
> senior environmental engineer at the Iowa Department of Natural Resources. 
> "We want to deal with this before it becomes a big problem."

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: In Statistical Truth, The Call to Spiritual Order,Rally Now to Meditation!

2018-08-23 Thread Sal Sunshine [FairfieldLife]
What do you mean by “even,” kimo sabe?

Nobody since him, with rare exceptions, has ever been able to touch his wisdom. 
 And nobody has surpassed it.


> On Aug 23, 2018, at 4:05 PM, [FairfieldLife] 
>  wrote:
> Look, Even The Buddha said:
> Meditation brings wisdom; lack of meditation leaves ignorance. Know well what 
> leads you forward and what holds you back, and choose the path that leads to 
> wisdom.
> Hagelin's Premise,  
> ..there are bodies of studies now authored, collaboratively with other 
> reputable universities and institutions, and conducted independent of the 
> .org, published studies that have extremely high statistical p values and 
> then also aggregated high p values studies, replicated too that correlate the 
> effects of meditating. Gold standard stuff.  
> So the premise is that at a point the plain truth of such a series of 
> extremely extraordinarily high p value published studies in the aggregate 
> simply becomes statistical truth. A type of fact. What they correlate becomes 
> fair ‘rule of thumb’.  Unless of course as people may be anti-science or 
> don’t understand science this way they may not grok what is completely 
> current in the cutting edge of knowledge. This does not deny that there was 
> bad or poorly designed or poorly performed science on meditation that went 
> before. However, a sheer weight of the best of science is plainly correlating 
> that it is a statistical truth now and quite fair rule of thumb that 
> meditating has benefits that go with its practice.  QED.  
> A premise large in assertion and direction like a Monroe Doctrine, The 
> Marshall Plan or the Meissner-like Maharishi Effect, now as matter of 
> statistical fact: 
> It is time to rally to meditation by all that the best of modern science 
> tells us is statistical truth and by what we know more objectively in our 
> experience as quite fair rule of thumb. It is quite time now to come together 
> in collective meditation for all that is good.
> ---In,  wrote :
> We are grateful to all those who came answering the call and sat up in their 
> meditations with us in Fairfield, Iowa. It has been our honor to have had 
> those who traveled from distant places join alongside us here in collective 
> meditation in these times.
>  From time in memorium this is called the work of moral courage where people, 
> deeper spiritual people [transcendentalists] do this, come in to groups 
> meditating together for something larger. 
> -JaiGuruYou 
> ..ought ..the peace movement ought to organize itself along military lines 
> and get down to brass tacks.
> People make ‘claim’ things like:
> One: “..the movement's confirmation-bias tainted research”.
> Confirmation-bias may be a fault of some of the earlier research but 
> evidently not of the replicating studies done in more recent times. That 
> there might have been some confirmation bias in some of the research does not 
> invalidate all the science published on meditating. There is a lot of 
> discussion and rebuttal about this for open minds to consider at 
> Two: “..Maharishi did not even really know if this coherence effect would 
> really work, as it seemed to be based on a rather loose association of a 
> statement by Patanjali with a coherence effect in physics.”
> A: The process of science includes taking observation, making hypothesis 
> about observations and then testing the hypothesis. Maharishi was at that the 
> whole time in process from very early on when he left India to go out and 
> teach meditation until his final days. Throughout his long career he would 
> use the large facility of the ™ movement to advance science by this process 
> of from observation making, to hypothesis and testing it. This was large 
> thinking of an inquiring mind.  
> The disgruntled and disaffected may feel and gripe otherwise about him for 
> their own reasons but what he did in persistence at advancing broadly the 
> science on meditation in the last half of the 20th Century and into the 21St 
> Century was monumental in its developmental way.
> Developmental, like with Copernicus observing: Although Copernicus' model 
> changed the layout of the universe, it still had its faults. For one thing, 
> Copernicus held to the classical idea that the planets traveled in perfect 
> circles. It wasn't until the 1600s that Johannes Kepler proposed the orbits 
> were instead ellipses. As such, Copernicus' model featured the same epicycles 
> that marred in Ptolemy's earlier work, although there were fewer. 
> Copernicus' ideas, published only two months before he died, took nearly a 
> hundred years to seriously take hold. When Galileo Galilei claimed in 1632 
> that Earth orbited the sun, building upon the Polish astronomer's work, he 
> found himself under house arrest for committing heresy against the Cathol

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Consciousness Communities

2018-07-06 Thread Sal Sunshine [FairfieldLife]
Funerals and talk about the good old days.  And for the lucky few, 


> On Jul 6, 2018, at 7:51 PM, [FairfieldLife] 
>  wrote:
> Its good to hear that the broader spiritual community remains vibrant / 
> growing. 
> Beyond the TM community, what sort of groups and interests are becoming more 
> popular and prominent? 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Paradigm Shifters: Science of Climate Wreckage & Meditating

2018-06-20 Thread Sal Sunshine [FairfieldLife]


On Jun 18, 2018, at 8:16 PM, [FairfieldLife] 

Reply email:
Governors and Sidhas who are not taking Super Radiance meditation as important 
because most of them have been ostracized and disillusioned by the movement. 
And many of those who haven’t are not looking terribly healthy or sane.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Lack of Awareness of the Unbounded

2018-02-21 Thread Sal Sunshine [FairfieldLife]

> On Feb 19, 2018, at 6:35 PM, [FairfieldLife] 
>  wrote:
> What I love about you is your positive and friendly and non-judgmental 
> attitude!   


> Tell me, what are you trying to accomplish in doing TM?  Enlightenment?  What 
> do you think that is going to get you?  What are you expecting to feel like?  
> What are you hoping for?  I'm guessing that you want what all human beings 
> want, regardless of how they try to get there.  
> It's alright, I realize that this is a forum where TM and MMY are elevated to 
> a place of unique and radiant brilliance such  that no other tradition or 
> person in the history of mankind could even begin to measure up.  

For some that’s obviously still true, but most others over the years have 
reached a much more balanced, nuanced and realistic view of MMY.   Those who 
feel the need to still carry on with that kind of hero-worship I just find sad, 
not to mention immature and groveling.  Not that there’s anything wrong with 
that of course...

> To my way of thinking and perceivingmany others, and I mean many, have 
> had similar insights - MMY rehashed wisdom that has been around for 
> centuries.  His insights aren't novel.  Doesn't mean he isn't brilliant and 
> all that he was experienced as when he was alive.  
> For you to summarily dismiss the entire body of wisdom around the word 
> "detachment" as false is an incredible statement.  Cracks me up.  
> ---In,  wrote :
> thank you, this has got to be the most important quote of Maharishi's that we 
> have to remind people of, false ideas about Yoga and detachment are so 
> ingrained in people not just in the west but most of all in India, including 
> some individuals who are acting in Maharishi's name who repeat that tired out 
> false attitude of detachment  junk

Re: [FairfieldLife] Jesus and Transcendental Meditations

2017-10-08 Thread Sal Sunshine [FairfieldLife]
On Oct 8, 2017, at 9:21 AM, [FairfieldLife] 

Hi!  I have been lurking for some time, except when I said "I love David 
Lynch".  However, I am a Christian (and even worse a Catholic convert)  and 
have had my first meeting with my local TM teacher.  I begin my first class on 
October 23.  I have suffered from anxiety, panic etc disorder (at times 
morphing into agrophobia) since I was 18, I'm now 64.  I love the life I have 
in Christ and I believe it defines who I am.  However, I have never found much 
help with anxiety issue in my faith.

So let me see if I have this straight…you converted to Catholicism, and now 
“love the life (you) have in Christ” except for the fact that it has done 
absolutely nothing for the most serious issue in your life, which you have been 
dealing with your entire adult life.  Do I have this about right?

And let me guess what the answer from the Church was when you attempted to talk 
with your local priest about it, something along the lines of “Tough luck, Just 
pray on it.”  

But I’m sure those wafers and wine are just the bomb.
So, after listening to some of Dr. Norman Rosenthal books, I can see TM could 
be a help with this as well as other stress issues.  So, I think I am looking 
for someone in this group that might reassure me that practicing TM is not 
"against" my faith in Jesus, i.e., a christian who does TM.

But it IS against your faith, we are all Satan-worshippers!  You mean your 
teacher forgot to mention that little detail? Oh, must’ve just slipped his mind 
I guess.  

 If you want to contact me privately, my email is 
 (not sure if it's okay to post that, I have no 
problem).  I don't need to hear from "fundies" (fundementalist) who are opposed 
to combining the practices, because I've already read all your stuff online.   
Thanks for your help, Libby Unnerstall 

Here’s a thought, Libby.  TM will do NOTHING for your anxiety, if someone says 
it will they are not telling the truth. Same with depression, if you don’t 
believe it take a look at the suicide rate at the “consciousness-based, ideal” 
MSAE private school, which boasts, among other things, one of the highest 
suicide rates anywhere.  And those kids have mostly been meditating their 
entire lives. Talk therapy with a trusted counselor along with some group 
therapy with a group that you feel comfortable with are your best bets, along 
with possibly some medication if you’re also depressed.  TM only “works” with 
minor emotional issues, not deep-seated ones that have been there for years.  

Take the ridiculous sum of $$ you would have paid out to learn TM and see a 
doctor or a counselor or both, see what they have to say.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Respite from Climate wreckage: Come to Fairfield, Iowa

2017-09-05 Thread Sal Sunshine [FairfieldLife]
That ME really seems to be working, right Doug?  :)


On Sep 4, 2017, at 9:12 PM, [FairfieldLife] 

Now comes, Hurricane Irma..

Out in the sun-baked waters of the Atlantic there is a named category 
three/four hurricane raging.  As it passes Cuba and Haiti it may go into the 
gulf or turn right and go up the direction of the East coast, may be crossing 
Florida or up the Eastern seaboard, to New York.   Stay tuned to the weather. 

Prepare to evacuate, to Fairfield, Iowa.  

---In,  wrote :

Friends in the Pacific Northwest tell of updated increasing seismic warnings 
being given about the active volcano of Mount Rainier blowing too. With forest 
and range fires all around and smoke there is a lot of uncertainty out on the 
West coast. 

---In,  wrote :

In California they are having both extreme weather and perils of geology 
pending too: 

With 8 threatening volcanoes, USGS says California deserves close monitoring

While Mount Shasta unsurprisingly tops USGS's list of very-high threat 
volcanoes in California, there are seven other volcanic areas in the state that 
are also young, nervy, jacked up on magma and "likely to erupt."

---In,  wrote :

Tens of thousands evacuated as wildfires sweep parts of California.
California has been in the grip of a heatwave and the flames are being fanned 
by strong winds.
Major fires are also affecting other areas of the western US.

Come meditate now with the meditating community in Fairfield, Iowa.

There are rentals in Fairfield, Iowa
on AirBnB.

Respite:  a short period of rest or relief from something difficult or 

For meditators, meditate along with other meditators in Fairfield, Iowa. 
There are several group meditations in Fairfield to attend. Also meetings 
to attend with other meditators. 
Fairfield, Iowa is a fabulous place for spiritual respite, renewal. 

Also to learn to meditate.. 


An Iowa retreat offers a place of peace to those fleeing extreme weather damage.

---In,  wrote :

I won't disagree with you there.  Seems to me that Fairfield has a lot going 
for it as a robust and open-minded community with diverse interests and a range 
of economic opportunities.  

The word "spiritual" always amuses me.  Re: "for spiritual people."  How do you 
define "spiritual?"

---In,  wrote :

You are right, that particular place up there has but a narrow application to a 
few but being in the community of meditating Fairfield, Iowa for the length of 
recovery of these stormy places and times would make for a fabulous place of 
respite, refuge, a retreat or a place to come and live for spiritual people. 
Fairfield, Iowa is a place of tremendous spiritual practice. 

---In,  wrote :

I believe that climate change is bringing rising sea levels and contributing to 
worsening weather and storms that will continue to ravage coastal cities.  
However, Iowa is not exempt from extreme weather conditions or climate change. 
A monster tornado might roll through your town one day (I understand that TMers 
believe in the ME as a means to prevent this.)  

Housing that you are offering below as an idea for those TMers hit by an 
emergency is not realistic.  Did you look at the application?  Who is your 
first teacher?  What is their phone number and email?  Who is your second 
teacher? What is their phone number and email?  Who is your MUM contact, as an 
alternative?  When did you start TM? Sounds like there has to be a real 
evaluation of credibility to qualify. 

---In,  wrote :

5 million people on the move looking for respite,

Rising sea-levels..   By the end of the century, the list says, more than 50 
cities with populations of more than 100,000 could be affected. Cities like 
Boston; Fort Lauderdale, Florida; and four of the five boroughs of New York 
will be considered inundated. Although the West Coast seems to be spared the 
brunt of inundation over the next few decades, even places like San Francisco 
and Los Angeles will be on the list by 2100.

Residents of roughly 500 cities across the US will be faced with the same 
choices by the end of the century: whether to mitigate or to abandon their 

---In,  wrote :

Relative risks, Fairfield and surrounding area like Maharishi Vedic City are 
situated at the top of watersheds.  Water flows down and away from the 
populated areas here.  

What percentage of the population lives on coastal areas?  


Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: Fairfield’s Cr isis of Meditating Numbers in the Dome

2017-08-01 Thread Sal Sunshine [FairfieldLife]
Between people dying and others getting kicked out, the SOBs who run the place 
are getting exactly what they deserve.  Not to mention the hundreds more who 
have observed all that and summarily lost interest.


On Aug 1, 2017, at 7:41 AM, [FairfieldLife] 

189 yesterday morning and 208 the evening before in the men's Dome meditating.
Women's Dome usually is less than the Men's tally. 

---In,  wrote :

The divide asserting “They made promises” to keep people out of the Domes ‘is a 
made up maya’ about fealty in some conservative TB'er’s minds. 
The TM tru-believers assert their discipline over others that: “They made 
promises..”  and want a punitive retributive discipline over old meditators 
using membership at the Dome meditation. 
A common response In the old meditating movement community.. 
 “..The only promise I made was to go teach people to meditate as I learned to 
teach meditation from Maharishi and to not let money get in the way of anyone 
learning to meditate.”

---In,  wrote :


"In the dome they got discouraged. The cohesion was destroyed by endless bar 
raising to the dome.  
People were made to feel bad."  

---In,  wrote :

People spoke to different aspects in the meditating community meeting at 
Phoenix Rising. Some people in the line at the open microphone spoke to the 
collapse of the Dome numbers in their experience saying things of regret that 
2,000 meditating together is way more than 200 to the effect.  Those particular 
policy problems related to the Dome numbers around the guidelines for Dome 
group meditation membership were not directly taken up or responded to at the 
Phoenix Rising meeting.  

In the preliminary meetings leading up to the Phoenix Rising meeting it was 
summarily expressed that the leadership feels for the status quo, that people 
‘made promises’ and therefore should not be in the Domes for practicing other 
competing systems to MVS, and then it was qualified a little in the process of 
meeting to be more particularly around those who ‘work against’ the movement. 
Work in process.

Also it seems there is a cultural disavowing inside that the ‘guidelines’ for 
being in the group meditation are neither punitive or disciplinary.  This needs 
a lot more conversation between factions. Leadership have not acknowledged that 
those being either studied and practiced in any astrology systems has anything 
to do with how people practice meditation. 

That whole non-compete clause in the guidelines could stand to just be omitted. 
Invite those few who it effects freely back in to membership. That would be an 
important telegraph. 

There is another preliminary working meeting tomorrow coming up on how to go 
forward with a communal process. 'Work in progress.'  

---In,  wrote :

Were these examples (e.g., people doing their own jyotish) brought up in the 
Phoenix Rising meeting?


Rick Archer

Buddha at the Gas Pump




From: [] 
Sent: Thursday, July 13, 2017 8:47 PM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] RE: Fairfield’s Crisis of Meditating Numbers in the 



July 2017, no change in the ‘non-compete’ policies for Dome 
Men’s Dome number was 193 a recent morning and 196 evening.

---In,  wrote :

E-mail responding to
“Willing people not allowed in the Dome”..
You know one of the very biggest issues now? That when someone is mistreated, 
they will not put it in an email. The admins and leadership needs emails now, 
for good reason. Otherwise it won't be believed, they have to have something in 
hand. It is not just fear of losing badge, it takes strength to deal with 
things like this, to write that email. I have been told dozens of times, 'No I 
won't send an email, I'm just going to let it go.' Then what can I do?
People have to be strong enough to lead the leaders.  
Contact John Hagelin directly.
Global Union of Scientists for Peace
2000 Capital Boulevard
Fairfield, IA 52556

---In,  wrote :

Those guidelines of the ‘administrative state’ up there on campus and those 
Rajas who defend them have turned too many capable meditators out from the 
Domes. In the span of a few days after the communal meeting at Phoenix Rising I 
spoke separately with two long long time TM movement meditators who were 
administratively excluded from the Dome meditation for practicing jyotish 
astrology. Both exclaimed they would be there meditating if the guidelines were 
changed to omit the ‘non-compete clauses’ about people who practice jyotish, 
those guidelines that have nothing to do with their practice of ™.  A couple 
weeks ag

Re: [FairfieldLife] FF Meditating Community Meeting

2017-06-25 Thread Sal Sunshine [FairfieldLife]

> On Jun 25, 2017, at 4:46 PM, [FairfieldLife] 
>  wrote:
> from e-mail:
> BTW Dr. Nader told me that he would consider a course in fairfield at a cheap 
> rate.

Lucky us.

> ..suggest a big course , with Dr. Nader giving out to us all, over period of 
> 2 or 3 weeks daily in the dome his course or part of it before or after we do 
> tm..etc..   Along with that.. or after a big course of us tsr invite others 
> of our celebs promoting superradience.  Is it still impt. .??
> ---In,  wrote :
> e-mail:
> Invite tsr and alumni retirees to help on projects.. this brings people 
> together for a common cause..
> feste37 wrote:
>  am so glad there is hope!  
> Actually, the meeting in Phoenix Hall was quite good. I assume you did not 
> go. 
> Salsunshineiniowa: No, I didn’t even know about it.  Supposedly there were 
> flyers up all over, but I guess not where I shop.
> There was scarcely a necktie in sight, and only a few Jai Guru Devs (which I 
> suspect drive you crazy) were uttered.
>  Hagelin even admitted that when he took over leadership of the movement, it 
> was a "mess" regarding TM instruction. The fee was too high and no one was 
> learning. Since then the fee has been lowered and initiations have gone up.
> What’s it lowered to?  Let me guess…it’s still way too high.
>  It must be the first time in history that a TM movement leader has admitted 
> that anything at all in the movement was "a mess.” 
> ---In,  wrote :
> Mail:   To bring our community together again one of the challenges of 
> getting an extended huge group meditation together is sustainability.  We do 
> have 1500 or more sidhas in town to accomplish that. The trick is getting 
> them back. We had some success in getting some friends interested in coming 
> back but need more of them to come, and we need help from the University. 
> ---In,  wrote :
> e-mail:
> We are supposed to be a family.. Pops talks to the whole family not just the 
> favorite sons or favored daughter... The admin needs to do this. Meet with 
> people of the community. Not just one evening but several.. 
> FW:
>  ..we also need continued access to admin to change things. For helping out, 
> to gripe. etc. on a weekly or ongoing basis.. Sometimes it takes a lot of 
> venting then people come around.. 
> ---In,  wrote :
> From e-mail:  
> More meetings to solve issues should include tsr (town-super-radiance) 
> members. or have meetings exclusively of tsr, Rich, working and poor who make 
> their lives here, mixing with capable Trustees. 
> ---In,  wrote :
> Some people are still here for altruistic reasons and are yet interested in 
> the process of making something happen. People who are contentious and by 
> nature uneasy or impatient with process likely may go crazy having to listen 
> in on the process.  The folks who feel their big contribution is to tell why 
> it won’t work? They get sidelined by effective people who volunteer working 
> on things. Civics seems a skill set.   
> ---In,  wrote :
> They do need people and are starting the process to collaborate. 
> Collaborate?
> How many times. have we heard this now? They’ve been having meetings like 
> this for decades now, nearly every time something awful happens and they need 
> to put on a false show of reassurance.  You do know what the definition of 
> insanity is, right, Doug?
> All they need is someone else in white up there and they’re all set for a 
> scene straight out of the Leftovers.
> Sal 
> On Jun 24, 2017, at 5:14 AM, 
>  [FairfieldLife] 
>>> wrote:
> We’re a bunch of communal transcendental meditationists with a range of 
> affiliation and some of them came down into town to show their hand of their 
> own concern.  They do need people and are starting the process to 
> collaborate.  It begins with a lot of listening and consideration. Yes of 
> course we know the past. This was a remarkable meeting in corporation.  
> ---In , 
>>> wrote :
> Brilliant feste.  So instead of insults, do you actually have anything of 
> substance to contribute? I'm misinformed?  So by all means, tell us what the 
> reality is.  All you have to do is look at the Women's Dome to know it has, 
> or had, a big problem with mold. I was simply conceding that since I hadn't 
> been inside in quite a while, I didn't have all the answers. Unlike you, 
> apparently.
> Sal 
> On Jun 23, 2017, at 9:24 PM, feste37  > wrote:
> The mo

Re: [FairfieldLife] FF Meditating Community Meeting

2017-06-25 Thread Sal Sunshine [FairfieldLife]
On Jun 24, 2017, at 10:03 PM, feste37  wrote:

I am so glad there is hope!  

Actually, the meeting in Phoenix Hall was quite good. I assume you did not go. 

No, I didn’t even know about it.  Supposedly there were flyers up all over, but 
I guess not where I shop.

There was scarcely a necktie in sight, and only a few Jai Guru Devs (which I 
suspect drive you crazy) were uttered.

Wow, that’s you.

 Hagelin even admitted that when he took over leadership of the movement, it 
was a "mess" regarding TM instruction. The fee was too high and no one was 
learning. Since then the fee has been lowered and initiations have gone up.

What’s it lowered to?  Let me guess…it’s still way too high.

 It must be the first time in history that a TM movement leader has admitted 
that anything at all in the movement was "a mess.” 

---In , 
 wrote :

lol, ok that’s not bad.

You’re getting better!  Keep this up and you may yet develop a sense of humor.  
There’s hope!


On Jun 24, 2017, at 7:48 AM, feste37>> wrote:

One again, the best part of this poster's contribution comes right at the 
beginning: "Brilliant feste."

How true. I couldn't have put it better myself. 

---In , 
 wrote :

Brilliant feste.  So instead of insults, do you actually have anything of 
substance to contribute? I'm misinformed?  So by all means, tell us what the 
reality is.  All you have to do is look at the Women's Dome to know it has, or 
had, a big problem with mold. I was simply conceding that since I hadn't been 
inside in quite a while, I didn't have all the answers. Unlike you, apparently.


On Jun 23, 2017, at 9:24 PM, feste37>> wrote:

The most relevant part of this poster's response is contained in the very first 
sentence: "from the little I know." 

How true. 

---In , 
 wrote :

lol…The Dooms are mold-filled too, from the little I know, and the roofs leak 
there as well.  Mold and poor construction seem to follow the TMO like a bad 
case of the flu since they rarely take good care of things.  Would love to know 
the condition of Barhydt pre-1973, was it a mess then?  If not, it’s just one 
more building that they let go to ruin undoubtedly because they wanted a good 
excuse to get rid of it, maybe because it was positioned slightly awkwardly.  
Who knows.   Beautiful old place, I would have paid the half mill.  You know 
how the TMO pisses away $$??  Gold this and gold that, expensive leaflets and 
catalogues that nobody reads. But a beautiful old building, not to mention the 
ponds as well as potholes galore?  The nicest parts of campus were the ones 
they got rid of first.  Meanwhile the ghastly frats? As well as most of the 
so-called pods?  Still there.  It’s like they want the campus to be as ugly as 
possible, and they are succeeding.

And Doug, you have got to be kidding.  You know as well as I do it was all for 
show, people in white sitting looking down on everyone else while they pretend 
to care for about 10 minutes.  But let others in that have been banned?  Oh no, 
we won’t go that far!  Elitism at its finest.  Remember how “modern mental 
health” was going to be coming?  How many young adult suicides have there been 
since that?  And absolutely *nothing* has changed.


On Jun 23, 2017, at 5:44 PM, j_alexander_stanley@... 
 [FairfieldLife]>> wrote:

Oh gawd, not the friggin' chapel drama again. When I was at MIU, I had to 
meditate on the rock-hard pews in that mold-filled shithole. It was full of 
mold because the roof leaked; they threw a bunch of money at the roof, and it 
didn't stay fixed because the foundation was crumbling. It was gonna cost 
around half a million dollars to fix the foundation, and it didn't make sense 
to spend that kind of money on a building that wasn't all that useful to the 

Plus, it was also Sthapatya Vedicly wonky. 


But, the old St. Mary's Catholic Church, which was built within 5 years of 
Barhydt Chapel and had similar severe structural issues, was also torn down.

 crickets chirping 

No one gave two shits that the Catholics tore down their own old church 

---In , 
mailto:dhamiltony2k5@...>> wrote :

Large meeting. A lot was said and listened to from both vantages, the stage and 
the crowd.  Someone in the meeting observed this had the similar feeling as in 
community meetings of earlier days held on campus in the Barhydt Chapel, when 
so much was collaboratively done by so many.  A radical group tore down the old 
Barhydt Chapel, may be this is an attempt to rebuil

Re: [FairfieldLife] FF Meditating Community Meeting

2017-06-24 Thread Sal Sunshine [FairfieldLife]
lol, ok that’s not bad.

You’re getting better!  Keep this up and you may yet develop a sense of humor.  
There’s hope!


On Jun 24, 2017, at 7:48 AM, feste37  wrote:

One again, the best part of this poster's contribution comes right at the 
beginning: "Brilliant feste."

How true. I couldn't have put it better myself. 

---In , 
 wrote :

Brilliant feste.  So instead of insults, do you actually have anything of 
substance to contribute? I'm misinformed?  So by all means, tell us what the 
reality is.  All you have to do is look at the Women's Dome to know it has, or 
had, a big problem with mold. I was simply conceding that since I hadn't been 
inside in quite a while, I didn't have all the answers. Unlike you, apparently.


On Jun 23, 2017, at 9:24 PM, feste37>> wrote:

The most relevant part of this poster's response is contained in the very first 
sentence: "from the little I know." 

How true. 

---In , 
 wrote :

lol…The Dooms are mold-filled too, from the little I know, and the roofs leak 
there as well.  Mold and poor construction seem to follow the TMO like a bad 
case of the flu since they rarely take good care of things.  Would love to know 
the condition of Barhydt pre-1973, was it a mess then?  If not, it’s just one 
more building that they let go to ruin undoubtedly because they wanted a good 
excuse to get rid of it, maybe because it was positioned slightly awkwardly.  
Who knows.   Beautiful old place, I would have paid the half mill.  You know 
how the TMO pisses away $$??  Gold this and gold that, expensive leaflets and 
catalogues that nobody reads. But a beautiful old building, not to mention the 
ponds as well as potholes galore?  The nicest parts of campus were the ones 
they got rid of first.  Meanwhile the ghastly frats? As well as most of the 
so-called pods?  Still there.  It’s like they want the campus to be as ugly as 
possible, and they are succeeding.

And Doug, you have got to be kidding.  You know as well as I do it was all for 
show, people in white sitting looking down on everyone else while they pretend 
to care for about 10 minutes.  But let others in that have been banned?  Oh no, 
we won’t go that far!  Elitism at its finest.  Remember how “modern mental 
health” was going to be coming?  How many young adult suicides have there been 
since that?  And absolutely *nothing* has changed.


On Jun 23, 2017, at 5:44 PM, j_alexander_stanley@... 
 [FairfieldLife]>> wrote:

Oh gawd, not the friggin' chapel drama again. When I was at MIU, I had to 
meditate on the rock-hard pews in that mold-filled shithole. It was full of 
mold because the roof leaked; they threw a bunch of money at the roof, and it 
didn't stay fixed because the foundation was crumbling. It was gonna cost 
around half a million dollars to fix the foundation, and it didn't make sense 
to spend that kind of money on a building that wasn't all that useful to the 

Plus, it was also Sthapatya Vedicly wonky. 


But, the old St. Mary's Catholic Church, which was built within 5 years of 
Barhydt Chapel and had similar severe structural issues, was also torn down.

 crickets chirping 

No one gave two shits that the Catholics tore down their own old church 

---In , 
mailto:dhamiltony2k5@...>> wrote :

Large meeting. A lot was said and listened to from both vantages, the stage and 
the crowd.  Someone in the meeting observed this had the similar feeling as in 
community meetings of earlier days held on campus in the Barhydt Chapel, when 
so much was collaboratively done by so many.  A radical group tore down the old 
Barhydt Chapel, may be this is an attempt to rebuild what was not replaced when 
the old Chapel was torn down. 
There was a sense of harmony and collaboration in this meeting, something to 
build on.. A lot of areas to consider.  More meetings to follow after this 
week’s Commencement program and meetings of the Board of Trustees for the 

---In , 
mailto:dhamiltony2k5@...>> wrote :

FW, Notes from 6-21-17 Communal Meeting:

An incredibly powerful​, coherent​ community meeting took place ​last night 
(Wed.)​ at Phoenix Rising Hall. 

Approximately 275 people filled the hall to overflowing, with dozens sitting in 
aisles and standing in the back, and a large group of M.U.M. Trustees in front, 
with Tom Stanley, VP of MUM Board of Trustees, MCing the meeting, and Dr. John 
Hagelin and Mayor Ed Malloy also responding to comments and suggestions from 
the floor.​ A​fer a Welcome by Trustee Tom, Dr. Hagelin​ br

Re: [FairfieldLife] FF Meditating Community Meeting

2017-06-24 Thread Sal Sunshine [FairfieldLife]
They do need people and are starting the process to collaborate. 


How many times. have we heard this now? They’ve been having meetings like this 
for decades now, nearly every time something awful happens and they need to put 
on a false show of reassurance.  You do know what the definition of insanity 
is, right, Doug?

All they need is someone else in white up there and they’re all set for a scene 
straight out of the Leftovers.


On Jun 24, 2017, at 5:14 AM, [FairfieldLife] 

We’re a bunch of communal transcendental meditationists with a range of 
affiliation and some of them came down into town to show their hand of their 
own concern.  They do need people and are starting the process to collaborate.  
It begins with a lot of listening and consideration. Yes of course we know the 
past. This was a remarkable meeting in corporation.  

---In ,>> wrote :

Brilliant feste.  So instead of insults, do you actually have anything of 
substance to contribute? I'm misinformed?  So by all means, tell us what the 
reality is.  All you have to do is look at the Women's Dome to know it has, or 
had, a big problem with mold. I was simply conceding that since I hadn't been 
inside in quite a while, I didn't have all the answers. Unlike you, apparently.


On Jun 23, 2017, at 9:24 PM, feste37>> wrote:

The most relevant part of this poster's response is contained in the very first 
sentence: "from the little I know." 

How true. 

---In , 
 wrote :

lol…The Dooms are mold-filled too, from the little I know, and the roofs leak 
there as well.  Mold and poor construction seem to follow the TMO like a bad 
case of the flu since they rarely take good care of things.  Would love to know 
the condition of Barhydt pre-1973, was it a mess then?  If not, it’s just one 
more building that they let go to ruin undoubtedly because they wanted a good 
excuse to get rid of it, maybe because it was positioned slightly awkwardly.  
Who knows.   Beautiful old place, I would have paid the half mill.  You know 
how the TMO pisses away $$??  Gold this and gold that, expensive leaflets and 
catalogues that nobody reads. But a beautiful old building, not to mention the 
ponds as well as potholes galore?  The nicest parts of campus were the ones 
they got rid of first.  Meanwhile the ghastly frats? As well as most of the 
so-called pods?  Still there.  It’s like they want the campus to be as ugly as 
possible, and they are succeeding.

And Doug, you have got to be kidding.  You know as well as I do it was all for 
show, people in white sitting looking down on everyone else while they pretend 
to care for about 10 minutes.  But let others in that have been banned?  Oh no, 
we won’t go that far!  Elitism at its finest.  Remember how “modern mental 
health” was going to be coming?  How many young adult suicides have there been 
since that?  And absolutely *nothing* has changed.


On Jun 23, 2017, at 5:44 PM, j_alexander_stanley@... 
 [FairfieldLife]>> wrote:

Oh gawd, not the friggin' chapel drama again. When I was at MIU, I had to 
meditate on the rock-hard pews in that mold-filled shithole. It was full of 
mold because the roof leaked; they threw a bunch of money at the roof, and it 
didn't stay fixed because the foundation was crumbling. It was gonna cost 
around half a million dollars to fix the foundation, and it didn't make sense 
to spend that kind of money on a building that wasn't all that useful to the 

Plus, it was also Sthapatya Vedicly wonky. 


But, the old St. Mary's Catholic Church, which was built within 5 years of 
Barhydt Chapel and had similar severe structural issues, was also torn down.

 crickets chirping 

No one gave two shits that the Catholics tore down their own old church 

---In , 
mailto:dhamiltony2k5@...>> wrote :

Large meeting. A lot was said and listened to from both vantages, the stage and 
the crowd.  Someone in the meeting observed this had the similar feeling as in 
community meetings of earlier days held on campus in the Barhydt Chapel, when 
so much was collaboratively done by so many.  A radical group tore down the old 
Barhydt Chapel, may be this is an attempt to rebuild what was not replaced when 
the old Chapel was torn down. 
There was a sense of harmony and collaboration in this meeting, something to 
build on.. A lot of areas to consider.  More meetings to follow after this 
week’s Commencement program and meetings of the Board of Trustees for the 


Re: [FairfieldLife] FF Meditating Community Meeting

2017-06-23 Thread Sal Sunshine [FairfieldLife]
Brilliant feste.  So instead of insults, do you actually have anything of 
substance to contribute? I'm misinformed?  So by all means, tell us what the 
reality is.  All you have to do is look at the Women's Dome to know it has, or 
had, a big problem with mold. I was simply conceding that since I hadn't been 
inside in quite a while, I didn't have all the answers. Unlike you, apparently.


On Jun 23, 2017, at 9:24 PM, feste37  wrote:

The most relevant part of this poster's response is contained in the very first 
sentence: "from the little I know." 

How true. 

---In,  wrote :

lol…The Dooms are mold-filled too, from the little I know, and the roofs leak 
there as well.  Mold and poor construction seem to follow the TMO like a bad 
case of the flu since they rarely take good care of things.  Would love to know 
the condition of Barhydt pre-1973, was it a mess then?  If not, it’s just one 
more building that they let go to ruin undoubtedly because they wanted a good 
excuse to get rid of it, maybe because it was positioned slightly awkwardly.  
Who knows.   Beautiful old place, I would have paid the half mill.  You know 
how the TMO pisses away $$??  Gold this and gold that, expensive leaflets and 
catalogues that nobody reads. But a beautiful old building, not to mention the 
ponds as well as potholes galore?  The nicest parts of campus were the ones 
they got rid of first.  Meanwhile the ghastly frats? As well as most of the 
so-called pods?  Still there.  It’s like they want the campus to be as ugly as 
possible, and they are succeeding.

And Doug, you have got to be kidding.  You know as well as I do it was all for 
show, people in white sitting looking down on everyone else while they pretend 
to care for about 10 minutes.  But let others in that have been banned?  Oh no, 
we won’t go that far!  Elitism at its finest.  Remember how “modern mental 
health” was going to be coming?  How many young adult suicides have there been 
since that?  And absolutely *nothing* has changed.


On Jun 23, 2017, at 5:44 PM, j_alexander_stanley@... [FairfieldLife] 

Oh gawd, not the friggin' chapel drama again. When I was at MIU, I had to 
meditate on the rock-hard pews in that mold-filled shithole. It was full of 
mold because the roof leaked; they threw a bunch of money at the roof, and it 
didn't stay fixed because the foundation was crumbling. It was gonna cost 
around half a million dollars to fix the foundation, and it didn't make sense 
to spend that kind of money on a building that wasn't all that useful to the 

Plus, it was also Sthapatya Vedicly wonky. 


But, the old St. Mary's Catholic Church, which was built within 5 years of 
Barhydt Chapel and had similar severe structural issues, was also torn down.

 crickets chirping 

No one gave two shits that the Catholics tore down their own old church 

---In,  wrote :

Large meeting. A lot was said and listened to from both vantages, the stage and 
the crowd.  Someone in the meeting observed this had the similar feeling as in 
community meetings of earlier days held on campus in the Barhydt Chapel, when 
so much was collaboratively done by so many.  A radical group tore down the old 
Barhydt Chapel, may be this is an attempt to rebuild what was not replaced when 
the old Chapel was torn down. 
There was a sense of harmony and collaboration in this meeting, something to 
build on.. A lot of areas to consider.  More meetings to follow after this 
week’s Commencement program and meetings of the Board of Trustees for the 

---In,  wrote :

FW, Notes from 6-21-17 Communal Meeting:

An incredibly powerful​, coherent​ community meeting took place ​last night 
(Wed.)​ at Phoenix Rising Hall. 

Approximately 275 people filled the hall to overflowing, with dozens sitting in 
aisles and standing in the back, and a large group of M.U.M. Trustees in front, 
with Tom Stanley, VP of MUM Board of Trustees, MCing the meeting, and Dr. John 
Hagelin and Mayor Ed Malloy also responding to comments and suggestions from 
the floor.​ A​fer a Welcome by Trustee Tom, Dr. Hagelin​ briefly summarized​ 
​the ​just​-​finished spectacular Ukraine Peace Conference attended by over 500 
VIP​s​ - the highest stature gathering ever exposed to the Peace Solutions we 
practice, and an inspiring overview of our community history by Mayor Malloy. 

By far most of the meeting consisted of suggestions and comments from the 
floor, regarding the state of our ​IAA Sidha​ community. Interestingly, about 
two thirds of the suggestions and comments had to do with the IAA, Super 
Radiance, and the Domes. ​​A powerful, tangible sense of re-awakening of our 
community spirit continued to build throughout the evening.​ ​​

Near the end of the meeting, Trustee Chris Wege gave a very stirr

Re: [FairfieldLife] FF Meditating Community Meeting

2017-06-23 Thread Sal Sunshine [FairfieldLife]
lol…The Dooms are mold-filled too, from the little I know, and the roofs leak 
there as well.  Mold and poor construction seem to follow the TMO like a bad 
case of the flu since they rarely take good care of things.  Would love to know 
the condition of Barhydt pre-1973, was it a mess then?  If not, it’s just one 
more building that they let go to ruin undoubtedly because they wanted a good 
excuse to get rid of it, maybe because it was positioned slightly awkwardly.  
Who knows.   Beautiful old place, I would have paid the half mill.  You know 
how the TMO pisses away $$??  Gold this and gold that, expensive leaflets and 
catalogues that nobody reads. But a beautiful old building, not to mention the 
ponds as well as potholes galore?  The nicest parts of campus were the ones 
they got rid of first.  Meanwhile the ghastly frats? As well as most of the 
so-called pods?  Still there.  It’s like they want the campus to be as ugly as 
possible, and they are succeeding.

And Doug, you have got to be kidding.  You know as well as I do it was all for 
show, people in white sitting looking down on everyone else while they pretend 
to care for about 10 minutes.  But let others in that have been banned?  Oh no, 
we won’t go that far!  Elitism at its finest.  Remember how “modern mental 
health” was going to be coming?  How many young adult suicides have there been 
since that?  And absolutely *nothing* has changed.


On Jun 23, 2017, at 5:44 PM, [FairfieldLife] 

Oh gawd, not the friggin' chapel drama again. When I was at MIU, I had to 
meditate on the rock-hard pews in that mold-filled shithole. It was full of 
mold because the roof leaked; they threw a bunch of money at the roof, and it 
didn't stay fixed because the foundation was crumbling. It was gonna cost 
around half a million dollars to fix the foundation, and it didn't make sense 
to spend that kind of money on a building that wasn't all that useful to the 

Plus, it was also Sthapatya Vedicly wonky. 


But, the old St. Mary's Catholic Church, which was built within 5 years of 
Barhydt Chapel and had similar severe structural issues, was also torn down.

 crickets chirping 

No one gave two shits that the Catholics tore down their own old church 

---In ,>> wrote :

Large meeting. A lot was said and listened to from both vantages, the stage and 
the crowd.  Someone in the meeting observed this had the similar feeling as in 
community meetings of earlier days held on campus in the Barhydt Chapel, when 
so much was collaboratively done by so many.  A radical group tore down the old 
Barhydt Chapel, may be this is an attempt to rebuild what was not replaced when 
the old Chapel was torn down. 
There was a sense of harmony and collaboration in this meeting, something to 
build on.. A lot of areas to consider.  More meetings to follow after this 
week’s Commencement program and meetings of the Board of Trustees for the 

---In ,>> wrote :

FW, Notes from 6-21-17 Communal Meeting:

An incredibly powerful​, coherent​ community meeting took place ​last night 
(Wed.)​ at Phoenix Rising Hall. 

Approximately 275 people filled the hall to overflowing, with dozens sitting in 
aisles and standing in the back, and a large group of M.U.M. Trustees in front, 
with Tom Stanley, VP of MUM Board of Trustees, MCing the meeting, and Dr. John 
Hagelin and Mayor Ed Malloy also responding to comments and suggestions from 
the floor.​ A​fer a Welcome by Trustee Tom, Dr. Hagelin​ briefly summarized​ 
​the ​just​-​finished spectacular Ukraine Peace Conference attended by over 500 
VIP​s​ - the highest stature gathering ever exposed to the Peace Solutions we 
practice, and an inspiring overview of our community history by Mayor Malloy. 

By far most of the meeting consisted of suggestions and comments from the 
floor, regarding the state of our ​IAA Sidha​ community. Interestingly, about 
two thirds of the suggestions and comments had to do with the IAA, Super 
Radiance, and the Domes. ​​A powerful, tangible sense of re-awakening of our 
community spirit continued to build throughout the evening.​ ​​

Near the end of the meeting, Trustee Chris Wege gave a very stirring synopsis 
of what brought us here, holds us here, and the intense potential for growth 
and development that still exists here. ​. . in collaboration. 

Again and again, comments returned to supporting and growing the Invincible 
America Assembly, as though the group consciousness knew that the IAA (everyone 
who comes to Group Program) is the core of our community and M.U.M. 

The meeting was so successful, that​ was ​obvious, that more meetings will take 
place​, wi

Re: [FairfieldLife] The Dismantling of Trump

2017-06-10 Thread Sal Sunshine [FairfieldLife]
Especially when their eyes, along with their minds, are already closed.  


> On Jun 10, 2017, at 10:58 AM, Bhairitu [FairfieldLife] 
>  wrote:
> Many folks are probably in CC by now and don't need to close their eyes to 
> experience the transcendent. ;-)
> On 06/10/2017 02:59 AM, 
> [FairfieldLife] wrote:
>> Noteworthy that you all return surfacing to a spiritual forum for reflection 
>> in such times of turmoil. Are you all meditating regularly now also?

Re: [FairfieldLife] The Dismantling of Trump

2017-06-10 Thread Sal Sunshine [FairfieldLife]
Who is “you all” and how is that any of your business Doug?


On Jun 10, 2017, at 4:59 AM, [FairfieldLife] 

Noteworthy that you all return surfacing to a spiritual forum for reflection in 
such times of turmoil. Are you all meditating regularly now also?

Re: [FairfieldLife] SitTFup and Meditate: Fa irfield’s Crisis in the Dome

2017-05-19 Thread Sal Sunshine [FairfieldLife]
I vote for a latte/espresso machine, would serve a dual purpose of warming the 
guys up in the colder weather.  The TMO could charge a few bucks, make some 
serious extra cash.  And in this case, it would actually be for something 
people wanted.

Then again, keeping people uncomfortable and hungry seems to be part of the 


> On May 19, 2017, at 7:31 PM, [FairfieldLife] 
>  wrote:
> Yes like, have coffee and tea available in the men’s Dome entry area just 
> inside the first door off to the left before one would go through the second 
> door where the badges are checked. To the left out of the flow of people 
> coming where some of the grant bubba's already often gather and sit talking.  
> The communal problem of spiritual somnolence and ill discipline could then be 
> better resolved following Maharishi’s instruction:  “You’ve slept enough. If 
> you are falling asleep in meditation take some stimulants, like coffee or 
> tea”.
> ---In , 
>>> wrote :
> Maharishi instructed, “If you are falling asleep in meditation take some 
> stimulants, like coffee or tea”. 
> On my Governor training course with Maharishi some guy was telling Maharishi 
> that he was falling asleep in meditation a lot. This was about half way 
> through the course with Maharishi. Maharishi heard this guy go on about 
> falling asleep in meditation and snapped, “You’ve slept enough. If you are 
> falling asleep in meditation take some stimulants, like coffee or tea”. 
> Scout’s honor, that was the instruction.   Bevan was there too, he could back 
> me up on this instruction directly from Maharishi.  
> Adding to the list of Dr. Hagelin’s action points:  a coffee maker and the 
> makings for black, green or chai teas in the Domes would be helpful for the 
> kapha types.
> ---In , 
>>> wrote :
> Qualitatively I can vouch that generally people are actually sitting up 
> attending more to meditating now than before there was monitoring of the 
> grant $. 
> Possibly this one aspect of more people actually sitting up and meditating is 
> a general benefit of the greater expectations in monitoring. 
> Before the monitoring of the grant the meditating community with its Domes 
> were well known for its TM sleepers “dosing for dollars”. Quite evidently 
> there now is a lot more meditating going on per dollar granted for meditating 
> than before but a spiritual hurt otherwise here has been great. 
> Not like it used to be but the Domes even with their incredibly attrited 
> numbers are still powerfully activated spiritual places to meditate. That a 
> meditator would live in Fairfield and not go to the Dome meditation? God save 
> the Domes.
> ---In , 
>>> wrote :
> E-mail: “I was on the assembly for 4 years, and even while "minding my own 
> business," as Maharishi said, it was still obvious that there were a number 
> of individuals who were "off the program."  Certain guys would lie down 
> almost immediately on arrival in the dome and sleep through the entire round! 
> Sometimes both rounds! This was happening, like, right in front of me, so it 
> was pretty hard to miss. In the early days,”
> I agree this problem and fair observation with others sleeping in the Domes 
> needs to be in a larger consideration about the Dome meditation and like so 
> many other things there with the community it needs to be spoken to by some 
> calm leadership.
> ---In , 
>>> wrote :
> Succinct Action Steps for Dr. Hagelin to Engage
> Group conversations and committee summaries:
> Top of list: Re-articulate Communal Mission
> Dissolve all the Meditation Monitoring System(s). Get the movement out of all 
> the biz of monitoring people (students, faculty, grantees, citizens, old 
> initiators/govs of TSR) and their meditations.
> Dissolve the IAA grant program as it is currently.  Re-Start a World Peace 
> Assembly for those who can.
> Shorten the morning and evening long program by letting attendees out of the 
> Domes by 11:45am and 6:15pm so our meditators could be eating and networking 
> in sync with the larger meditating community around them. Axe the time spent 
> on the puja and the 10am ‘number one’ experience meeting in the middle of the 
> morning meditation.
> Worst than just being spartan the grant program as it has been administered 
> turns these people into renunciate sanyasis in our midsts.
> Stop the daily Puja Performance as part of the Dome meditation program
> Stop the 10:00am ‘number one experience’ sessions. Make that

Re: [FairfieldLife] Fairfield’s Crisis of M editator Numbers in the Dome

2017-05-11 Thread Sal Sunshine [FairfieldLife]
On May 11, 2017, at 10:55 AM, [FairfieldLife] 

As an advocating force behind meditation monitoring,
Raja Bob LoPinto,  someone was saying LoPinto is not a TM teacher?

Who cares Doug.  I mean, come on, you really don’t have anything more important 
to worry about?

Sheesh man, get a life.

Is that true?
Minister of Finance and Planning: Raja Bob LoPinto
Deputy Minister: Dr. Markus Gerber 

---In,  wrote :

e-mail asks, Is this more just a matter of principle?
People choose not to be on these programs because they are monitored?
It reaches in and affects the practice of meditation for those sitting in the 
Spreadsheets of the long term attendance data and its graphs show empirically 
what has happened. The communal narratives certainly describe it. More recently 
in committee meetings other minds more versed in Vedic Science figured the ill 
effect of monitoring’s connection out.  From cultivated Mother Divine and IAA 
alumni and those current on the grant programs evidently in report there is a 
fear and hurt that is put in people by the monitoring. All this taken together 
becomes compelling evidence that monitoring the way it is done is ‘deeply’ 
offending to the practice of meditation.  The data shows there a need now for 
acknowledging the policy problem and remediating it.

A more recent interview tells of someone intentionally working at throwing the 
observers off (during meditation) by constantly changing outward patterns 
during practice and the hopping performance so there is no trend to record.  

We found the same thing before in the couple of years of committee work prior 
to the former University President’s removal which also collected these 
narratives related to student (MSAE, MIU & MUM) experience.  Same offending 
problem which then got identified as a policy problem and remediated. Work in 
progress. -

---In,  wrote :

By e-mail:

"They" actually do that??? Ie monitor meditation  WTF

What is this "physical monitoring"? Are they walking around checking to see if 
you're awake? Hopping?

 Money clearly is primary as a corrupting force in the ruin of the system here.
Now, in an abundance of fear for my own Dome badge status I can neither confirm 
or deny here that there are monitors hired in both Domes to have their eyes 
open during meditation observing and making records of parameters of how the 
grantees meditate. That spreadsheets are made. That Grantees who are not 
productive within parameters as meditators are consulted with and may be 
dropped from the grant, so it is said. I can neither confirm or deny I have 
seen this. I do hear firsthand narratives of assembly meditators quitting the 
assembly no longer going to the dome meditation having disliked being followed 
to the toilets, being forced to hop for hours by guideline and such or 
harangued to give ‘number one’ experiences of meditating. Some broken hearted 
(energy system) demoralization from the experience. 

Qualitatively I can vouch that generally people are actually sitting up 
attending more to meditate now than before there was monitoring of the grant $. 
Possibly this one aspect of more people actually sitting up and meditating is a 
general benefit of the greater expectations in monitoring. Before the 
monitoring of the grant the meditating community with its Domes were well known 
for its TM sleepers “dosing for dollars”. Quite evidently there now is a lot 
more meditating going on per dollar granted for meditating than before but a 
spiritual hurt otherwise here has been great. 

Not like it used to be but the Domes even with their incredibly attrited 
numbers are still powerfully activated spiritual places to meditate. That a 
meditator would live in Fairfield and not go to the Dome meditation? God save 
the Domes.

Succinct Action Steps for Dr. Hagelin to Engage

Group conversations and committee summaries:

Top of list: Re-articulate Communal Mission

Dissolve all the Meditation Monitoring System(s). Get the movement out of all 
the biz of monitoring people (students, faculty, grantees, citizens, old 
initiators/govs of TSR) and their meditations.

Dissolve the IAA grant program as it is currently.  Re-Start a World Peace 
Assembly for those who can.

Shorten the morning and evening long program by letting attendees out of the 
Domes by 11:45am and 6:15pm so our meditators could be eating and networking in 
sync with the larger meditating community around them. Axe the time spent on 
the puja and the 10am ‘number one’ experience meeting in the middle of the 
morning meditation.
Worst than just being spartan the grant program as it has been administered 
turns these people into renunciate sanyasis in our midsts.

Stop the daily Puja Performance as part of the Dome meditation program

Stop the 10:00am ‘number on

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: The Church of John Douglas

2017-04-10 Thread Sal Sunshine [FairfieldLife]
Interesting how they take you to his website to buy the tickets, rather than 
how the Sondheim usually  does it.  Can’t believe there are that many idiots in 
FF.  Then again, never underestimate…

My guess?  There will be any number of people buying “at the door,” and at that 
point they’ll be giving them away, anything to fill up the place.


On Apr 10, 2017, at 10:32 AM, feste37  wrote:

The fee (described as a "donation") is $295, which means that if John Douglas 
manages to fill the Sondheim Theater, he will make nearly $150,000. That's a 
tidy sum for a few hours of work and angel-healing-type talk. 

---In , 
 wrote :

Cultivating exclusivity, “Hartnett will do to John Douglas what the rich did to 
the TM movement.” 

Reaction around FF Coffee Houses?  
Remarkable how many saying they won’t go to the John Douglas meeting because of 
the money and the way it is being done. A seasoned ‘been there done that’ 
reaction to the promotion. 

---In , 
 wrote :

Evidently a multi-level churching, a real deal and profound healer and   
a 'Hartnett' business plan for John Douglas corrupted by the slippery slope of 
Adept marketing with ranks of specialness, whipping specialness, like the old 
TM movement. Sold out?  

Not even close to the ‘sermon on the mount’, it stirs anger, bitterness and 
Very smooth fostering the ‘never good enough’ focus on ‘I got to have this’ to 
get to the next level and step.  Special, special, special because they paid 
money.  If you can fork over the dough.  

Shaped by the company we keep when is enough money enough, for a healer?

---In , 
 wrote :

Fwd: EMERGENCY FREE TELESEMINAR with John Douglas Saturday April 8 at 8pm 
central time.

Hi everyone.

No doubt, due to the emergency nature of the global, political situation John 
Douglas will be giving a free teleseminar for anyone and everyone. Saturday. 
April 8 at 8pm our time.
Please let your friends know. Anyone can call in tomorrow just before 8pm 
central time to hook up to his call. Here is the number.

917-962-0650 <>

Code: 843708

Thank you and "see you there"

Love, -

Please remove my name when forwarding & always use Bcc

---In , 
 wrote :

Posters are going up around Fairfield.. John Douglas is coming to Fairfield, 
Iowa in April. Some e-mails going around too hoping he will take things over. 


It is interesting, us old TM’ers certainly know from experience how to make 
Asking of folks around in the FF Coffee shops here who have been down on 
Heavenly Mountain, evidently some operatives and old money veteran of the old 
TM movement are facilitating John Douglas down in Boone on Heavenly Mountain 
having set up foundations and bought him into the homeowners association there 
on the mountain. 

This happening along with other old TM’ers who have facilitated Mother Meera 
there likewise, and then other TM’ers with S. Ravi Shankar’s AOL up on top of 
the mountain.  The Mother Divine facility lower down on the mountain apparently 
is abandoned sitting with deferred maintenance. The big crystal that was down 
there got bought and moved up to the John Douglas house by the old meditators 
now facilitating John Douglas setting up his ‘church’ there.  Quite the 
homeowners association. 

---In , 
 wrote :

2017. A new faith based church. 


Re: [FairfieldLife] FF meditator memoriam

2017-03-12 Thread Sal Sunshine [FairfieldLife]
Have any of these recent people been contributors to FFL?  To anyone’s 


On Mar 12, 2017, at 12:13 PM, [FairfieldLife] 

I think his last name was Wannaman or Wanneman... something like that.

---In ,>> wrote :

Karl Wasserman passed away last night. 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Post Count Mon 17-Oct-16 00:15:07 UTC

2016-10-30 Thread Sal Sunshine [FairfieldLife]
“Pass through the Yahoo-goup”??  How does one do that, exactly?  Turn into a 
mass of pixels?

You and Bhairitu definitely need a few days off.


On Oct 30, 2016, at 10:11 PM, [FairfieldLife] 

Some number of spiritual seekers have come to Fairfield, Iowa in seeking help. 
There can be quite a lot of help here for many. Some number of folks also pass 
through the Yahoo-group FairfieldLife looking for help on their way to 
Fairfield, Iowa. -JaiGuruYou 

---In,  wrote :

What moved me to post here was to get some spiritual help. Someone, anyone, 
please help me. I NEED SOME SPIRITUAL HELP. For God's sake! Thanks.

---In,  wrote :

In posting content to FairfieldLife, a Spiritual yahoo-group, do explain 
yourself including a brief note at the least, about why you are sharing what 
you are threading on to FFL, a spiritual yahoo-group. Including maybe what 
moved you spiritually, that something is spiritually well designed, or that 
something could solve a spiritual problem of the audience here.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Post Count Mon 17-Oct-16 00:15:07 UTC

2016-10-30 Thread Sal Sunshine [FairfieldLife]
Doug's off his medication again.


> On Oct 30, 2016, at 4:49 PM, [FairfieldLife] 
>  wrote:
> In posting content to FairfieldLife, a Spiritual yahoo-group, do explain 
> yourself including a brief note at the least, about why you are sharing what 
> you are threading on to FFL, a spiritual yahoo-group. Including maybe what 
> moved you spiritually, that something is spiritually well designed, or that 
> something could solve a spiritual problem of the audience here.
> -JaiGuruYou
> FairfieldLife a (spiritual) Yahoo-group:
> Not the customary analysis of politics and economics but  a conversation 
> about spiritual questions.   What did it mean for our spiritual lives?"
> ---In,  wrote :
> Notice of an Embargo, something of a road closure.. 
> We are upon 9 days now to the US election. It is certainly time with all that 
> is spiritual going on otherwise to reel this place back in some and put an 
> embargo on mundane political bickering that has become exclusive of any 
> spiritual commentary. This is expected of us as a topical (spiritual) 
> Yahoo-group and certainly there are lots of other places for mundane partisan 
> bickering on the internet.  
> Notice and Fair Warning: Until the election day in the USA passes a heavy 
> hand of moderation is going to fall over mundane political postings that come 
> on to FFL as an embargo.
> There are any number of capable writers posting to FFL. Those who have 
> spiritual observation to offer can easily continue to offer their 
> considerations on FairfieldLife, a Yahoo-group community.  
> -JaiGuruYou   
> ---In,  wrote :
> Fairfield Life Post Counter
> ===
> Start Date (UTC): 10/15/16 00:00:00
> End Date (UTC): 10/22/16 00:00:00
> 109 messages as of (UTC) 10/16/16 23:12:36
> 26 authfriend
> 22 Mike Dixon mdixon.6569
> 13 emily.mae50
> 11 awoelflebater
> 10 Bhairitu noozguru
> 5 jr_esq
> 5 hepa7
> 4 feste37 
> 4 dhamiltony2k5
> 3 olliesedwuz
> 2 Sal Sunshine salsunshineiniowa
> 1 j_alexander_stanley
> 1 email4you mikemail4you
> 1 Dick Mays dickmays
> 1 Archer Angel archonangel
> Posters: 15
> Saturday Morning 00:00 UTC Rollover Times
> =
> Daylight Saving Time (Summer):
> US Friday evening: PDT 5 PM - MDT 6 PM - CDT 7 PM - EDT 8 PM
> Europe Saturday: BST 1 AM CEST 2 AM EEST 3 AM
> Standard Time (Winter):
> US Friday evening: PST 4 PM - MST 5 PM - CST 6 PM - EST 7 PM
> Europe Saturday: GMT 12 AM CET 1 AM EET 2 AM
> For more information on Time Zones:

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Check-out Drudge Report now.

2016-10-30 Thread Sal Sunshine [FairfieldLife]
He’s been doing that a lot lately.  "Observers would not that we “  "It mostly 
all just joshing” 
And the other day, “the Sanders,” probably my personal fave so far.

Clearly, the election is getting to Bhairitu in ways he’s probably not even 
aware of.


On Oct 30, 2016, at 4:01 PM, [FairfieldLife] 

"Whhat we haave here..."

---In , 
 wrote :

Observers would not that we have a group here who can dish it out but can't 
seem to take the "back at ya's".  It mostly all just joshing anyway.

On 10/30/2016 05:54 AM, dhamiltony2k5@...  
[FairfieldLife] wrote:
> It would seem that some people are more susceptible to running with baited 
> hooks than others.  Certainly that is why Yahoo-groups does have some 
> guidelines for civil discourse in its groups.   
> I felt there was some fair advice offered by one of our authors here in one 
> of these recent mundane political threads which then even its author proved 
> unable to follow descending beyond the simple spiritual consideration of 
> content into the belittling name-calling of others on the forum.  
> out of control again. It's happened before. If the moderator won't stop 
> him, the rest of us should maybe just quit posting for awhile and leave him 
> here alone until he calms down, or (hopefully) goes somewhere else. He has 
> some kind of compulsion to ruin the forum when he's in a manic phase, and he 
> will if we let him.
> ---In , 
>   wrote :
> ---In , 
> &l! t;olliesedwuz@...> wrote :
> as usual, it is a yawn - HRC says get it all out in the open. Why should she 
> care? She doesn't hide her taxes, or suggest grabbing someone's genitals. 
> Compared to that orange sex offender and tax cheat, she comes across like a 
> saint. 
> True enough. This is all part and parcel of the same old, same old. The 
> timing sucks but it will all amount to a hill of beans. Drumpf was having an 
> orgasm (hideous image) while gloating all over the non-fact that Hillary is 
> crooked and his demented crowd were in a lather yelling "Lock her up" in a 
> kind of rabid frenzy. But I think this is, as they say, a nothing burger. 
> We'll all see. The FBI are just covering their asses so they are not accused 
> of non-transparency in case there is actually something implicating Hillary 
> in Small Weiner's emails.
> ---In , 
>   wrote :
> Looks like the fit is hitting the shan!
> October surprise 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Queen Offers English Rule to USA

2016-10-30 Thread Sal Sunshine [FairfieldLife]
What does he think half the country is in already?


On Oct 30, 2016, at 9:41 AM, [FairfieldLife] 

A friend on Facebook posted this: "I wonder how much it would cost to have 
myself put into a medically induced coma until November 9th. Would Medicare 
cover that?"

---In ,>> wrote :

---In , 
 wrote :

I get all my news from The Borowitz Report. I'd probably kill myself, otherwise.

No kidding. I told my husband to hit me over the head with a sledgehammer and 
wake me up on Nov. 9. He thought that was a good idea for a couple of reasons.

---In , 
 wrote :

The Brits here should be feeling smug about this report.

Queen Offers to Restore British Rule Over United States - The New Yorker 


Queen Offers to Restore British Rule Over United St... 

“This two-hundred-and-forty-year experiment in self-rule began with the best of 
intentions, but I think we can all agree that it didn’t end well,” she said.
View on 

Preview by Yahoo 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Check-out Drudge Report now. [1 Attachment]

2016-10-29 Thread Sal Sunshine [FairfieldLife]
This cartoon from yesterday is perfect for Bhairitu’s nonsense and constant 
twisting in the wind, just replace FB with FFL.  He still thinks Trump is going 
to somehow magically pull it off?  Incredible.  

I wonder how you get to such an advanced state of denial.


On Oct 29, 2016, at 12:47 PM, [FairfieldLife] 

Remember, folks, Bhairitu is the knowledgeable, objective political expert who 
insists *to this day*--in the face of hard, unimpeachable evidence to the 
contrary--that Clinton invented the term "alt right" and that it refers to 
"alternative media" rather than a fringe political movement.

Clearly, we should take his opinion about who will win the election with the 
utmost seriousness.

---In , 
 wrote :

The stuff you're smoking will soon become legal in California. :-D

Not that I'm any Trump fan.
On 10/29/2016 07:17 AM, olliesedwuz@...  
[FairfieldLife] wrote:
> It is genuinely hard for me to believe that there are people out there who 
> think trump is going to win. Astonishing. Pissing into the wind.
> ---In , 
>   wrote :
> Just to reiterate: The FBI doesn't yet know what's in the emails. They have 
> to get a court order before they can read them. It's entirely possible that 
> some or all of the emails are duplicates of those already in the FBI's 
> possession from other sources.
> When the Clinton haters--Trump and his minions and Republicans like Ryan and 
> Chaffetz--claim the FBI must have found sensational emails proving Clinton's 
> guilt or they wouldn't have made this announcement so close to the election, 
> they are not telling the truth.
> ---In , 
>   wrote :
> as usual, it is a yawn - HRC says get it all out in the open. Why should she 
> care? She doesn't hide her taxes, or suggest grabbing someone's genitals. 
> Compared to that orange sex offender and tax cheat, she comes across like a 
> saint. 
> ---In , 
>   wrote :
> Looks like the fit is hitting the shan!
> October surprise 

Re: [FairfieldLife] To Those in FF Who are Dreamers...

2016-10-29 Thread Sal Sunshine [FairfieldLife]
Oh gawd, if Angela Mailander was any more out there she wouldn’t be able to see 
Planet Earth.  Apparently she's lived through every major historical event 
since the Pyramids.

Same with Paul Jones.  I forgot he deleted me as well.


On Oct 28, 2016, at 10:34 PM, [FairfieldLife] 

---In , 
 wrote :

How many have blocked you so far?  Along with Barry, I can count at least 4, 
and I’m not really sure how many, if any, have deleted me on account of the 
election except for MJ and salyavin.


I don't know who Salyavin is on FB and I'm not his friend (he likes to pretend 
he is above FB, plus he dislikes me intensely) and I haven't checked to see if 
MJ has blocked me but that music teacher guy did (Paul Jones). Rory got pissed 
at me and someone called Angela Mailander and I get into some fisticuffs - the 
intellectual snobbola that she is - as well as bawee who thought I was stalking 
him because I called him out on some bullshit he posted about Robin. Oh, and 
then there was a woman from the old Robin days who is this fundy Catholic 
hypocrite whose sons thought they better protect her from me and blocked me on 
her behalf. It is quite a hoot, as the Canadians like to say. Apparently I am 
some sort of menace that threatens their status quo. 

On Oct 28, 2016, at 10:35 AM, awoelflebater@...  
[FairfieldLife]>> wrote:

---In , 
 wrote :

Perfect, though I would question the label for Trump of 'climate denialist', in 
favor of something like, 'raging, insecure, antisocial sex offender, with a 
desire to destroy the world...'. It is a great cartoon, though there is nothing 
funny about that ignorant, mean, ungracious criminal.

You are correct. But this is really perfect for me because I have been blocked, 
ostracized, criticized and ranted at by many FB posters from FFL who fit this 
cartoon brilliantly. They're the ones who think Putin is a great leader because 
he "has banned GMO's" in his country  and has "avoided WWIII twice" and that 
that silly Jill Stein (a severely inadequate and goofy Green Party candidate 
compared to Canada's Elizabeth May) somehow is "the answer". It boggles the 

---In , 
 wrote :

Re: [FairfieldLife] Evidently One of the Deplorables

2016-10-29 Thread Sal Sunshine [FairfieldLife]
I’m just waiting for the Trumpites to start paying people to “commit” voter 
fraud, so he can “prove” his case.

This person looks nuts.


On Oct 29, 2016, at 8:35 AM, [FairfieldLife] 

Re: [FairfieldLife] To Those in FF Who are Dreamers...

2016-10-28 Thread Sal Sunshine [FairfieldLife]
How many have blocked you so far?  Along with Barry, I can count at least 4, 
and I’m not really sure how many, if any, have deleted me on account of the 
election except for MJ and salyavin.


On Oct 28, 2016, at 10:35 AM, [FairfieldLife] 

---In , 
 wrote :

Perfect, though I would question the label for Trump of 'climate denialist', in 
favor of something like, 'raging, insecure, antisocial sex offender, with a 
desire to destroy the world...'. It is a great cartoon, though there is nothing 
funny about that ignorant, mean, ungracious criminal.

You are correct. But this is really perfect for me because I have been blocked, 
ostracized, criticized and ranted at by many FB posters from FFL who fit this 
cartoon brilliantly. They're the ones who think Putin is a great leader because 
he "has banned GMO's" in his country  and has "avoided WWIII twice" and that 
that silly Jill Stein (a severely inadequate and goofy Green Party candidate 
compared to Canada's Elizabeth May) somehow is "the answer". It boggles the 

---In , 
 wrote :

Re: [FairfieldLife] Clinton-Trump 44-44 in Iowa

2016-10-27 Thread Sal Sunshine [FairfieldLife]
Nate Silver has Hillary at 54%, Trump at 45%, in Iowa.

And in the battle ground state of Ohio, Hillary edges out Trump at 51% vs 48.

Pennsylvania isn’t even close anymore, at 86 to 13, same with Michigan.

Woo hoo.  

Still, no complacency and everybody has to go and vote, who knows what kinds of 
tricks Trump’s people are planning.  But things are definitely looking good.

Bet Bhairitu is making his travel plans as we speak.  He and Barry can cry 
together over their beers.


On Oct 27, 2016, at 4:49 PM, [FairfieldLife] 

According to the latest Quinnipiac poll, Hillary has pulled even with Trump in 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Looking for Tough Q's

2016-10-27 Thread Sal Sunshine [FairfieldLife]
M personal favorite:  Peanuts are not really nuts; they are legumes.

Like, who cares?  As if what you call something is going to affect its 


On Oct 27, 2016, at 10:35 AM, [FairfieldLife] 

Had he sampled America's most popular peanut butters, I am fairly confident 
Maharishi Mahesh Yogi would've preferred Jif, over Skippy. It is a little 
sweeter. I am a Skippy man, myself. I hope that doesn't impact my spiritual 
evolution. I also like 'crunchy', over 'smooth'...I could be in real trouble 

Alex, Could you ask your bro, please? Or Doug, kindly see what John Hagelin 
thinks? Also, would *jam* act as kind of a yagya, a counterweight of sorts, if 
Skippy continues to be ingested? 

---In , 
 wrote :

Who knows? However, that was one of those "Maharishi says..." pronouncements 
floating around FF in my early days here. Here's what MAPI has to say about 
peanuts (it's consistent with what MMY allegedly said):

"Peanuts are not recommended in ayurveda. Peanuts are not really nuts; they are 
legumes. Peanuts are difficult to digest and can make one feel sluggish and 
lethargic in body and mind. Ayurvedically, it is better to use either cashew or 
almond butter for sandwiches."

---In , 
 wrote :

Did Maharishi really say that eating peanuts dulls the mind?

---In , 
mailto:dhamiltony2k5@...>> wrote :

Aggregating Questions..

All the Hard Questions You Thought We Couldn’t Answer

Some other questions..  sent through to FFL by e-mail:

In order for TMO to thrive and 
continue being a force for good
in the world, how "transparent"
do the panel members think it
should be: 100%, 50%, something else?

PS I would be grateful if the topic of 
transparency could be addressed
before any other questions
are entertained.

Is it the central purpose of [Global Country of World Peace [GCWP] to simply 
act as one of a myriad of movement tax shelters for the "non-profit" world of 
the wealthy?

Someone else asks:
Why is the US Brahmasthan being ignored by admin?


Who currently owns the Brahmasthan of America?
Does it have a Board of Trustee?
Who is on the Brahmasthan of America Board of Trustees?

What else?

Like, where did all the money go?

Who is TM now?

How does the org work?

Could they share actual certified financial statements?

Balance sheet that includes all the reaches of the movement?

What is TM's relationship to the Indian Movement now?

Is Girish out of jail?  What was that all about?

Did TM money bail him out and pay his legal fees?


Will "transcending" offset bad karma.  
Will "transcending" it make people richer?.

Will "transcending" curing diseases?
Will it extend one's lifespan?
Is the peer reviewed research just cooked data?


---In , 
mailto:dhamiltony2k5@...>> wrote :

A panel coming up this week

is looking for tough questions...

[ Reply to this FFL post or lurkers can send other Q's you'd like to ask 
straight to the FFL list owner at:
dhamiltony2k5 at    ]  The FFL list owner also has 
some channels to submit questions on
up the chain.,, 

All the Hard Questions You Thought We Couldn’t Answer

Anybody have questions of the TM movement to ask?

Where is Dr. Pete?  He had particular question about

the research.  

What else?

Like, where did all the money go?

Who is TM now?

How does the org work?

Could they share actual certified financial statements?

Balance sheet that includes all the reaches of the movement?

What is TM's relationship to the Indian Movement now?

Is Girish out of jail?  What was that all about?

Other Q's people have?

Will "transcending" offset bad karma.  Will it make people richer?.
How about curing diseases?

Is the peer reviewed research just cooked data?

Yifuxero writes:
I'm skeptical of the rationale and underlying assumptions..
Would one of the conclusions be "Transcending will make you happy and TM is the 
preferred method of transcending".  OK fine...let's see some evidence.
Likewise, with the other claims.
Will "transcending" offset bad karma.  Will it make people richer?.
How about curing diseases?
Make some real substantial claims followed by some good uncooked data; with 
perhaps a few citations of peer reviewed research by somebody outside of the 
If the claims are true, people in vast numbers should be flocking to a practice 
that has specified benefits.
Will "transcending" help one in the midst of a Zombie Apocalypse?

Will it extend one's lifespan?  (doesn't look like it in view of the stats 
coming from FF)

Send Your Q's.. 
I will aggregate Q’s from FFL and forward them on to the panel
for the October 28th Meeting.

Respond to this post/thread.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Post Count Wed 26-Oct-16 00:15:20 UTC

2016-10-25 Thread Sal Sunshine [FairfieldLife]
Doug, could we have the English translation of that please? I don't get it, why 
do they have to send anything to you? Why can't they just post? Have you got 
everyone except the regular posters on moderation now?

And what the heck does "add a consideration" mean?


> On Oct 25, 2016, at 7:27 PM, [FairfieldLife] 
>  wrote:
> JaiGuruYou, anybody lurking FairfieldLife at Yahoo who would
> like to add a consideration to FFL subject threads can send an
> e-mail to the list owner for consideration.
> Send to:  dhamiltony2k5 'at'  
> ---In,  wrote :
> Fairfield Life Post Counter
> ===
> Start Date (UTC): 10/22/16 00:00:00
> End Date (UTC): 10/29/16 00:00:00
> 124 messages as of (UTC) 10/25/16 23:13:44
> 25 dhamiltony2k5
> 20 steve.sundur
> 10 Sal Sunshine salsunshineiniowa
> 9 anon_alias 
> 8 awoelflebater
> 7 jr_esq
> 7 authfriend
> 7 Bhairitu noozguru
> 6 j_alexander_stanley
> 6 feste37 
> 5 Archer Angel archonangel
> 4 olliesedwuz
> 3 yifuxero
> 2 email4you mikemail4you
> 2 archonangel
> 1 medinijyotishaccess
> 1 William Leed WLeed3
> 1 Mike Dixon mdixon.6569
> Posters: 18
> Saturday Morning 00:00 UTC Rollover Times
> =
> Daylight Saving Time (Summer):
> US Friday evening: PDT 5 PM - MDT 6 PM - CDT 7 PM - EDT 8 PM
> Europe Saturday: BST 1 AM CEST 2 AM EEST 3 AM
> Standard Time (Winter):
> US Friday evening: PST 4 PM - MST 5 PM - CST 6 PM - EST 7 PM
> Europe Saturday: GMT 12 AM CET 1 AM EET 2 AM
> For more information on Time Zones:

Re: [FairfieldLife] Looking for Tough Q's

2016-10-25 Thread Sal Sunshine [FairfieldLife]
MMY said that about just about anything that wasn’t elitist and expensive.  


On Oct 25, 2016, at 2:50 PM, [FairfieldLife] 

Of course, not. However, I'm experiencing tremendous cognitive dissonance 
because MMY did say that peanuts dull the mind. Thankfully, I still have a 
bottle of lorazepam to ease my suffering.

---In ,>> wrote :

That the peanut M&M is roughly, in the shape of hiranyagarbha, did not escape 
your notice, I'm sure.

---In , 
 wrote :

Just guessing here, but I imagine the chocolate surrounding the peanuts is 
applied with the same panning method as the outer shell coating. As such, the 
peanuts would be constantly tumbling as the coating is applied, so there would 
be no dents. That would assure the utmost in Vedic purity.

---In , 
 wrote :

Here's a couple, possibly a little off-topic, but still toughies: 

1. How do they get the peanut inside each m&m perfectly coated with chocolate, 
surrounded by the crunchy shell, without leaving a slight dent on it, from 
where it was resting on the conveyor belt? 

2. Also, each peanut m&m is a slightly different size, yet they are each 
uniformly imprinted with an "m". Are they produced by an army of small handed 
candy stampers, or what?

---In , 
 wrote :

Aggregating Questions..

All the Hard Questions You Thought We Couldn’t Answer

Some other questions..  sent through FFL by e-mail:

In order for TMO to thrive and 
continue being a force for good
in the world, how "transparent"
do the panel members think it
should be: 100%, 50%, something else?

PS I would be grateful if the topic of 
transparency could be addressed
before any other questions
are entertained.

Is it the central purpose of [Global Country of World Peace [GCWP] to simply 
act as one of a myriad of movement tax shelters for the "non-profit" world of 
the wealthy?

[ Reply to this post or lurkers can send other Q's you'd like to ask straight 
to the FFL list owner at:
dhamiltony2k5 at    ]  The FFL list owner also has 
some channels to submit questions on
up the chain.,, 
Someone else asks:
Why is the US Brahmasthan being ignored by admin?


What else?

Like, where did all the money go?

Who is TM now?

How does the org work?

Could they share actual certified financial statements?

Balance sheet that includes all the reaches of the movement?

What is TM's relationship to the Indian Movement now?

Is Girish out of jail?  What was that all about?

Did TM money bail him out and pay his legal fees?


Will "transcending" offset bad karma.  
Will "transcending" it make people richer?.

Will "transcending" curing diseases?

---In , 
 wrote :

A panel coming up next week

is looking for tough questions...

All the Hard Questions You Thought We Couldn’t Answer

Anybody have questions of the TM movement to ask?

Where is Dr. Pete?  He had particular question about

the research.  

What else?

Like, where did all the money go?

Who is TM now?

How does the org work?

Could they share actual certified financial statements?

Balance sheet that includes all the reaches of the movement?

What is TM's relationship to the Indian Movement now?

Is Girish out of jail?  What was that all about?

Other Q's people have?

Will "transcending" offset bad karma.  Will it make people richer?.
How about curing diseases?

Is the peer reviewed research just cooked data?

Yifuxero writes:
I'm skeptical of the rationale and underlying assumptions..
Would one of the conclusions be "Transcending will make you happy and TM is the 
preferred method of transcending".  OK fine...let's see some evidence.
Likewise, with the other claims.
Will "transcending" offset bad karma.  Will it make people richer?.
How about curing diseases?
Make some real substantial claims followed by some good uncooked data; with 
perhaps a few citations of peer reviewed research by somebody outside of the 
If the claims are true, people in vast numbers should be flocking to a practice 
that has specified benefits.
Will "transcending" help one in the midst of a Zombie Apocalypse?

Will it extend one's lifespan?  (doesn't look like it in view of the stats 
coming from FF)

Send Your Q's.. 
I will aggregate Q’s from FFL and forward them on to the panel
for the October 28th Meeting.

Respond to this post/thread.


Anyone reading FFL but unable to post to FairfieldLife who have questions they 
would like asked
Can send them to: 

I can include those too of the FFL lurke

Re: [FairfieldLife] The Call to Spiritual Order,Rally Now to Meditation!

2016-10-25 Thread Sal Sunshine [FairfieldLife]
Ah, Jonathan Shear, he of the fascinating novel  called  “A Windless Place”

Sounds about as interesting as watching paint dry.  :) 


On Oct 25, 2016, at 12:07 PM, [FairfieldLife] 

apropos of nothing, I remember from my MIU first year Philosophy class with 
Jonathan Shear (?), "ought implies can" from some or other Greek philosopher.

I always kinda liked that.

---In , 
 wrote :

On Oct 25, 2016, at 11:33 AM, feste37>> wrote:

When someone tells me it is my "moral obligation" to do something, I reach for 
my revolver.

Not to mention your wallet.

 Enough of such pontificating! If you want to go the dome and enjoy it, then by 
all means go, but don't be browbeaten by the "moral obligation" police. 

Funny thing is, I’m pretty sure Doug still isn’t even allowed in, yet he shills 
for them.  

And no word on who is actually sending these questionable emails.

---In , 
 wrote :

By e-mail to FFL,  
"I agree.I also think it is ok to suggest to all meditators, meditators and all 
of old TM teachers, governors, Re-cert teachers, sidhas, old MIU alumni, MUM, 
MSAE, old Purusha and Mother Divine alumni, 
that there is a moral obligation to attend the group meditations and dome as 
often as they can-and especially when we need it most."
Let me apprise you, then: we intend, in spite of the rules of war, to attack 
this with meditation, this which appears nearly twice and a hundred times our 
strength, wherever we find it. The question is not of their numbers or the 
strength of their agitations or material position; all this by courage, by the 
skill of our methods, we will try to make good. This step we must ask, or 
everything is lost. We must beat back the chaos, the commotion of these times, 
or perish all of us before its batteries.

So we read the case; so we will act in it.  It is time to collectively rally to 
meditation for all that we hold dear. There is good in life. We must risk 
everything now.  

We ask your help to be with us now in a meditation of coherence.  Come now.  
Come quickly and assemble. There is ample housing and stores of plenty here to 
keep you here.  Certainly it is up to you to assemble.  

You might stay at home alone in a comfort of your room but never will you be 
able to do so great a thing as to assemble with this now.  Come quickly as you 
can, come now to Fairfield, Iowa for the enhancement of a collective peace in 
meditation. Arrange your affairs quickly and come directly.

In numbers gathered close it will be our great honor and privilege to be 
meditating together with you alongside. Come join in the collective practice of 
group meditation. We flatter ourselves, therefore, that, in this case, too, 
nothing will be wanting which the Community has a right to expect of your 
valor. It is time to assemble in collective meditation.
Jai Guru You!  -Doug in Fairfield, Iowa  

---In , 
 wrote :

Meditators everywhere, it is quite time to elect 

coherence in group meditation.

 It is time to assemble in collective meditation.

The hour is at hand.

We ask your help to be with us now in a meditation of coherence.  Come now.  
Come quickly and assemble. There is ample housing and stores of plenty here to 
keep you here.  Certainly it is up to you to assemble.  

You might stay at home alone in a comfort of your room but never will you be 
able to do so great a thing as to assemble with this now.  Come quickly as you 
can, come now to Fairfield, Iowa for the enhancement of a collective peace in 
meditation. Arrange your affairs quickly and come directly.

---In , 
 wrote :

Friends of meditating, we are 15 days out. The Presidential contest is close 
enough I'm feeling that if we don't whip this right now with meditating 
collectively in proximity we just might lose the whole thing. As we know by 
experience and the science, numbers meditating and their proximity do matter in 
collective meditation.
I would personally be grateful to you if you would join us now, join us in 
meditating in Fairfield, Iowa. 

This is not a usual fight. People often fight for money or land and things but 
we are meditating for each other here. Come join us in this rare fight.  

We could use your help. Come join with us now in a collective group of 
meditation, in Fairfield, Iowa! 

---In , 
 wrote :

Meditators, I would personally be grateful to you if you would join us now, 
join us in meditating and at the Domes in Fairfield, Iowa. This is not a usual 
fight. People often fight for money or land and things but we are meditating 
for each other here. Come join us 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: The Call to Spiritual Order,Rally Now to Meditation!

2016-10-25 Thread Sal Sunshine [FairfieldLife]
On Oct 25, 2016, at 11:33 AM, feste37  wrote:

When someone tells me it is my "moral obligation" to do something, I reach for 
my revolver.

Not to mention your wallet.

 Enough of such pontificating! If you want to go the dome and enjoy it, then by 
all means go, but don't be browbeaten by the "moral obligation" police. 

Funny thing is, I’m pretty sure Doug still isn’t even allowed in, yet he shills 
for them.  

And no word on who is actually sending these questionable emails.

---In , 
 wrote :

By e-mail to FFL,  
"I agree.I also think it is ok to suggest to all meditators, meditators and all 
of old TM teachers, governors, Re-cert teachers, sidhas, old MIU alumni, MUM, 
MSAE, old Purusha and Mother Divine alumni, 
that there is a moral obligation to attend the group meditations and dome as 
often as they can-and especially when we need it most."
Let me apprise you, then: we intend, in spite of the rules of war, to attack 
this with meditation, this which appears nearly twice and a hundred times our 
strength, wherever we find it. The question is not of their numbers or the 
strength of their agitations or material position; all this by courage, by the 
skill of our methods, we will try to make good. This step we must ask, or 
everything is lost. We must beat back the chaos, the commotion of these times, 
or perish all of us before its batteries.

So we read the case; so we will act in it.  It is time to collectively rally to 
meditation for all that we hold dear. There is good in life. We must risk 
everything now.  

We ask your help to be with us now in a meditation of coherence.  Come now.  
Come quickly and assemble. There is ample housing and stores of plenty here to 
keep you here.  Certainly it is up to you to assemble.  

You might stay at home alone in a comfort of your room but never will you be 
able to do so great a thing as to assemble with this now.  Come quickly as you 
can, come now to Fairfield, Iowa for the enhancement of a collective peace in 
meditation. Arrange your affairs quickly and come directly.

In numbers gathered close it will be our great honor and privilege to be 
meditating together with you alongside. Come join in the collective practice of 
group meditation. We flatter ourselves, therefore, that, in this case, too, 
nothing will be wanting which the Community has a right to expect of your 
valor. It is time to assemble in collective meditation.
Jai Guru You!  -Doug in Fairfield, Iowa  

---In , 
 wrote :

Meditators everywhere, it is quite time to elect 

coherence in group meditation.

 It is time to assemble in collective meditation.

The hour is at hand.

We ask your help to be with us now in a meditation of coherence.  Come now.  
Come quickly and assemble. There is ample housing and stores of plenty here to 
keep you here.  Certainly it is up to you to assemble.  

You might stay at home alone in a comfort of your room but never will you be 
able to do so great a thing as to assemble with this now.  Come quickly as you 
can, come now to Fairfield, Iowa for the enhancement of a collective peace in 
meditation. Arrange your affairs quickly and come directly.

---In , 
 wrote :

Friends of meditating, we are 15 days out. The Presidential contest is close 
enough I'm feeling that if we don't whip this right now with meditating 
collectively in proximity we just might lose the whole thing. As we know by 
experience and the science, numbers meditating and their proximity do matter in 
collective meditation.
I would personally be grateful to you if you would join us now, join us in 
meditating in Fairfield, Iowa. 

This is not a usual fight. People often fight for money or land and things but 
we are meditating for each other here. Come join us in this rare fight.  

We could use your help. Come join with us now in a collective group of 
meditation, in Fairfield, Iowa! 

---In , 
 wrote :

Meditators, I would personally be grateful to you if you would join us now, 
join us in meditating and at the Domes in Fairfield, Iowa. This is not a usual 
fight. People often fight for money or land and things but we are meditating 
for each other here. Come join us in this rare fight. -JaiGuruYou 

---In , 
 wrote :

Inside of 18 days now.  The debates are past. People are deciding now how they 
are voting and some are early- voting now.  It is time now to certainly attend 
to meditation. 

“These are the times which try human souls”

May All blessings and grace of the Unified Field be upon us now for the work in 
progress we now have at hand.  It is come the time for more meditation,  

Fairfield Hous

Re: [FairfieldLife] Steve, Come Back!

2016-10-23 Thread Sal Sunshine [FairfieldLife]
Don’t sell literature short, and  Jane Eyre is fabulous.  It may not be the 
Autobiography of Malcolm X, but for its time it broke all sorts of barriers, 
talking about things that nobody else was, at least not in “polite” society.

Your daughter made an excellent choice.


On Oct 23, 2016, at 4:10 PM, [FairfieldLife] 

Awesome book, wasn't it?  The take away line for me, was, "by any means 

Little aside: my daughter in her senior year of HS had to select a book.  
Malcolm X was one of them and I gave her the strongest encouragement to select 
it.  But at the last minute, for some reason, she ended up going with Jane 
Eyre, or something.  )-:

---In , 
 wrote :

“Sometimes you have to pick the gun up to put the Gun down.”

― Malcolm “Steve” X

---In ,>> wrote :

Me too. But I will post them all the same:

First they came for Steve . . . 

We are all Steve now . . . 

---In , 
 wrote :

Good to know.  Thanks for clearing that up.  

Only now I won’t get to post any of the jokes or punchlines I was working on.  
As Trump might say:  sad!


On Oct 23, 2016, at 12:23 PM, dhamiltony2k5@...  
[FairfieldLife]>> wrote:

No, I didn't do nothing around Steve 7Ray.

Maybe he did something in his own settings when he was saying he was leaving.
I did notice he was at the receiving end of some demeaning personalized posting
that went beyond consideration of ccontent and he
said he had enough of that. 

 I always appreciated his content too.  7Ray was perceptive and I miss him too. 

List owner and moderator,
-Dug Jung Un 

---In , 
mailto:j_alexander_stanley@...>> wrote :

He is still subscribed, but his posting has been disabled. Unfortunately, the 
stupid Yahoo interface is showing no record of his posting being yanked. All I 
know is that I had nothing to with this. My guess is that Doug pulled the plug, 
and a Yahoo glitch prevented the action from showing up in the moderator 
activity log. Questions should be directed to Doug: dhamiltony2k5 @ 

---In , 
mailto:awoelflebater@...>> wrote :

Get back over here, Steve. I miss your posts.


Re: [FairfieldLife] Steve, Come Back!

2016-10-23 Thread Sal Sunshine [FairfieldLife]
LOlL, that was going to be one of mine too! (The first line, altho the second 
is pretty good too)

The other was:  Ask not for whom the Doug cometh next, he cometh for YOU.


On Oct 23, 2016, at 1:13 PM, feste37  wrote:

Me too. But I will post them all the same:

First they came for Steve . . . 

We are all Steve now . . . 

---In,  wrote :

Good to know.  Thanks for clearing that up.  

Only now I won’t get to post any of the jokes or punchlines I was working on.  
As Trump might say:  sad!


On Oct 23, 2016, at 12:23 PM, dhamiltony2k5@...  
[FairfieldLife]>> wrote:

No, I didn't do nothing around Steve 7Ray.

Maybe he did something in his own settings when he was saying he was leaving.
I did notice he was at the receiving end of some demeaning personalized posting
that went beyond consideration of ccontent and he
said he had enough of that. 

 I always appreciated his content too.  7Ray was perceptive and I miss him too. 

List owner and moderator,
-Dug Jung Un 

---In , 
mailto:j_alexander_stanley@...>> wrote :

He is still subscribed, but his posting has been disabled. Unfortunately, the 
stupid Yahoo interface is showing no record of his posting being yanked. All I 
know is that I had nothing to with this. My guess is that Doug pulled the plug, 
and a Yahoo glitch prevented the action from showing up in the moderator 
activity log. Questions should be directed to Doug: dhamiltony2k5 @ 

---In , 
mailto:awoelflebater@...>> wrote :

Get back over here, Steve. I miss your posts.


Re: [FairfieldLife] Steve, Come Back!

2016-10-23 Thread Sal Sunshine [FairfieldLife]
Good to know.  Thanks for clearing that up.  

Only now I won’t get to post any of the jokes or punchlines I was working on.  
As Trump might say:  sad!


On Oct 23, 2016, at 12:23 PM, [FairfieldLife] 

No, I didn't do nothing around Steve 7Ray.

Maybe he did something in his own settings when he was saying he was leaving.
I did notice he was at the receiving end of some demeaning personalized posting
that went beyond consideration of ccontent and he
said he had enough of that. 

 I always appreciated his content too.  7Ray was perceptive and I miss him too. 

List owner and moderator,
-Dug Jung Un 

---In ,>> wrote :

He is still subscribed, but his posting has been disabled. Unfortunately, the 
stupid Yahoo interface is showing no record of his posting being yanked. All I 
know is that I had nothing to with this. My guess is that Doug pulled the plug, 
and a Yahoo glitch prevented the action from showing up in the moderator 
activity log. Questions should be directed to Doug: dhamiltony2k5 @ 

---In ,>> wrote :

Get back over here, Steve. I miss your posts.


Re: [FairfieldLife] Steve, Come Back!

2016-10-23 Thread Sal Sunshine [FairfieldLife]
I think those of us that want to should consider going back to FFL-2, this is 
ridiculous.  Who’s going to be next?


On Oct 23, 2016, at 11:44 AM, [FairfieldLife] 

---In , 
 wrote :

That is strange.

Just testing to see whether I've been "disabled" too!

Steve, check in with us via FFL2, then we'll know you're alive! That you aren't 
holed up somewhere against your will, that your mouth still works as well as 
your fingers.

---In , 
 wrote :

---In , 
 wrote :

He is still subscribed, but his posting has been disabled. Unfortunately, the 
stupid Yahoo interface is showing no record of his posting being yanked. All I 
know is that I had nothing to with this. My guess is that Doug pulled the plug, 
and a Yahoo glitch prevented the action from showing up in the moderator 
activity log. Questions should be directed to Doug: dhamiltony2k5 @ 

What?! I just thought Steve had stopped posting on his own volition. Now it 
could be there is foul work afoot? Dastardly! Doug, do you have anything to add?

---In , 
 wrote :

Get back over here, Steve. I miss your posts.


Re: [FairfieldLife] Heartbreaking

2016-10-23 Thread Sal Sunshine [FairfieldLife]
No, because his insane supporters will still be with us, by the millions.  And 
the Republican party, or what’s left of it, will still be giving them a voice.


On Oct 23, 2016, at 12:04 PM, [FairfieldLife] 

"All the black and brown people have to leave": Trump’s scary impact on how 
kids think 


"All the black and brown people have to leave"... 

Children have picked up on all the racist rhetoric.
View on 

Preview by Yahoo 

What Trumpism is doing to kids, and why, even if he loses, the damage won't 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Steve, Come Back!

2016-10-23 Thread Sal Sunshine [FairfieldLife]
Yes come out from the shadows Doug, and own this.  What gives?  Why Steve of 
all people? His posts were totally non-offensive.  To most people anyway.


On Oct 23, 2016, at 10:37 AM, [FairfieldLife] 

---In,  wrote :

He is still subscribed, but his posting has been disabled. Unfortunately, the 
stupid Yahoo interface is showing no record of his posting being yanked. All I 
know is that I had nothing to with this. My guess is that Doug pulled the plug, 
and a Yahoo glitch prevented the action from showing up in the moderator 
activity log. Questions should be directed to Doug: dhamiltony2k5 @

What?! I just thought Steve had stopped posting on his own volition. Now it 
could be there is foul work afoot? Dastardly! Doug, do you have anything to add?

---In,  wrote :

Get back over here, Steve. I miss your posts.


Re: [FairfieldLife] Steve, Come Back!

2016-10-23 Thread Sal Sunshine [FairfieldLife]
He pulled the plug on Steve but not me??  Wow, Doug really IS living in his own 
reality.  My posts are far more problematic than Steve’s ever were.  IMO of 


On Oct 23, 2016, at 8:43 AM, [FairfieldLife] 

He is still subscribed, but his posting has been disabled. Unfortunately, the 
stupid Yahoo interface is showing no record of his posting being yanked. All I 
know is that I had nothing to with this. My guess is that Doug pulled the plug, 
and a Yahoo glitch prevented the action from showing up in the moderator 
activity log. Questions should be directed to Doug: dhamiltony2k5 @

---In,  wrote :

Get back over here, Steve. I miss your posts.


Re: [FairfieldLife] Towards a PhD, a Dissertation

2016-10-21 Thread Sal Sunshine [FairfieldLife]

On Oct 21, 2016, at 11:23 AM, [FairfieldLife] 

Today In Fairfield there will be a

meeting for a PhD candidate

in the school of Vedic Studies

at MUM to defend

a thesis.  

Should be insightful,

Investigating the Therapeutic Effects of

Reading the Vedic Literature.  

Be sure to take some No-Doz with you.  


Festival Hall

Argiro Student Center

Maharishi University of Management

Fairfield, Iowa

October 21, 2016

Faculty, Students, and the general public are invited.   

Re: [FairfieldLife] After Hillary's Win

2016-10-20 Thread Sal Sunshine [FairfieldLife]
Poor Bhairitu probably wets his pants every time he thinks of big bad Hillary 
winning.  His misogyny meter has to be practically off the charts by now.

Look out Bhairitu, she’s coming for you!  BOO!


On Oct 20, 2016, at 11:42 AM, [FairfieldLife] 

You don't find the article you linked to scary?

---In,  wrote :

On 10/19/2016 08:46 PM, awoelflebater@...  
[FairfieldLife] wrote:
> ---In , 
>   wrote :
> Here's an article about life after a Trump loss:
> After Trump loses: An ominous American future imagined 
> After Trump loses: An ominous American future ...  
> A dispatch from the near-future
> View on 
> Preview by Yahoo
> My God, how do you sleep at night?

Quit well. Why?

Re: [FairfieldLife] Hillary's outfit

2016-10-20 Thread Sal Sunshine [FairfieldLife]
Is anybody up for trying to figure out what kinds of medication/drugs Trump is 
on?  Of off?


On Oct 20, 2016, at 10:16 AM, [FairfieldLife] 

Yes, following trump's mind is like hacking through a jungle with a machete. 
She did a great job, and seemed relaxed, and even enjoying herself.

---In , 
 wrote :

---In ,>> wrote :

All-white. Loved it. Beauty and the Beast. Or St. Hillary and the Dragon. 

She did great. Can you imagine how hard it is to stand on a stage with this 
stooge Trump and attempt to make sense of what he rambles on about - especially 
when he gets into those areas (like foreign policy) that he knows nothing 
about? The guy is either rambling or he is making shit up. Somehow she finds 
the perfect balance between looking poised and calm, albeit a tad amused at 
times without the arrogance, and still being able to find a way to bring the 
debate around to issues and sense. It is a fine rope to walk.

Re: [FairfieldLife] to be president

2016-10-17 Thread Sal Sunshine [FairfieldLife]
Yes well, if this is really Doug’s latest shtick. he’s got his work cut out for 
him for the next three weeks, especially with the third and final debate coming 
up and Trump increasingly incoherent with each passing day.

Good luck Doug.   

Also couldn’t help noticing that Doug is actually following his own rules in 
not mentioning Trump by name.

Good boy, Doug.  Here,  have a cookie. 😊  


On Oct 17, 2016, at 10:35 PM, [FairfieldLife] 

I have the very uncomfortable feeling that Doug is actually looking for reasons 
to promote voting for Trump on FFL. I hope I'm wrong, but I'm not sure how else 
to interpret this post.

---In , 
 wrote :

---In , 
 wrote :

Om, someone emerged stopping me in a Fairfield, Iowa cafe today 
telling me in a reassuring way that ‘Malania’ 
is a meditator. 
Could the meditator consciousness Meissner Effect be strong enough with
Malania only a heartbeat away from her President be reason enough
to vote for her husband?
Should this ‘fact’ influence the meditator demographic voting bloc?
Otherwise, what does the science say,
about disordered narcissism and the effect of meditation?
What should Common sense say?

Common sense says it is idiotic to even think that even if Melania were a 
meditator it would have one iota of effect on the asshat that is her husband. 
It hasn't helped anything in the 11 years they have been married so it ain't 
gonna to anything worthwhile now. What a load of hogwash (appealing to the 
farmer in you).

Re: [FairfieldLife] Post Count Mon 17-Oct-16 00:15:07 UTC

2016-10-17 Thread Sal Sunshine [FairfieldLife]
We’re all doomed, call it the Curse of Doug.  Just in time for Halloween.


On Oct 17, 2016, at 11:12 AM, [FairfieldLife] 

---In ,>> wrote :

Yep, that's right, Ann. Any mention of Hillary, Clinton, or Trump will get you 
banned!! This is a SPIRITUAL forum, see. 

So you must never say, for example, "Hillary appears to be heading for a 
landslide, and very soon all we will see of Trump is the top of his orange hair 
as he sinks back into the swamp from which he came." 

That would be a terrible, shocking post, and YOU MUST NOT DO IT. 

LOL. Oh dear, this is one thing people must never tell me ("You must not do 
it") because of course that is the bugle call for doing just that. I am doomed.

---In , 
 wrote :

---In , 
 wrote :

Yes they do Doug.  I am almost positive you are aware of their traditionalist, 
conformist bent which almost always supports the Republican.

Me, I’m a proud Democrat and in this election, a Hillary supporter.

a general communal premise otherwise being that Natural Law, when enlivened by 
our group practice of effective meditation, will support the best outcome for a 

If that’s still the prevailing feeling whoever spouts nonsense like that needs 
to get their head out of their backsides.  Voting is crucial.


OH NOOO... you mentioned the word "Hillary". Now you will be banned.

On Oct 17, 2016, at 6:28 AM, dhamiltony2k5@...  
[FairfieldLife]>> wrote:

P.S. I want to be clear that as an organization on one hand and then the 
evident Fairfield spiritual community on the other hand, neither the TM 
movement, the meditating University in Fairfield, Iowa, nor does the evident 
spiritual practice community of Fairfield, Ia. or even FairfieldLife, a 
spiritual Yahoo-group, do not support or endorse any one candidate over any 
other candidate in this National election, a general communal premise otherwise 
being that Natural Law, when enlivened by our group practice of effective 
meditation, will support the best outcome for a nation.  

---In , 
 wrote :

Notice of an Embargo, something of a road closure.. 

We are upon 3 weeks now to the US election. It is certainly time with all that 
is spiritual going on otherwise to reel this place back in some and put an 
embargo on mundane political bickering that has become exclusive of any 
spiritual commentary. This is expected of us as a topical (spiritual) 
Yahoo-group and certainly there are lots of other places for mundane partisan 
bickering on the internet.  

Notice and Fair Warning: Until the election day in the USA passes a heavy hand 
of moderation is going to fall over mundane political postings that come on to 
FFL with a particular embargo on posts which contain words, ‘Hillary’, 
‘Donald’, ‘Clinton’ or ‘Trump’.
Writers should take alternate routes (detours) around these words for the next 
three weeks.   

There are any number of capable writers posting to FFL. Those who have 
spiritual observation to offer can easily continue to offer their 
considerations on FairfieldLife, a Yahoo-group community.  -JaiGuruYou 

---In , 
 wrote :

Fairfield Life Post Counter
Start Date (UTC): 10/15/16 00:00:00
End Date (UTC): 10/22/16 00:00:00
109 messages as of (UTC) 10/16/16 23:12:36

26 authfriend
22 Mike Dixon mdixon.6569
13 emily.mae50
11 awoelflebater
10 Bhairitu noozguru
5 jr_esq
5 hepa7
4 feste37 
4 dhamiltony2k5
3 olliesedwuz
2 Sal Sunshine salsunshineiniowa
1 j_alexander_stanley
1 email4you mikemail4you
1 Dick Mays dickmays
1 Archer Angel archonangel
Posters: 15
Saturday Morning 00:00 UTC Rollover Times
Daylight Saving Time (Summer):
US Friday evening: PDT 5 PM - MDT 6 PM - CDT 7 PM - EDT 8 PM
Europe Saturday: BST 1 AM CEST 2 AM EEST 3 AM
Standard Time (Winter):
US Friday evening: PST 4 PM - MST 5 PM - CST 6 PM - EST 7 PM
Europe Saturday: GMT 12 AM CET 1 AM EET 2 AM
For more information on Time Zones: 


Re: [FairfieldLife] Post Count Mon 17-Oct-16 00:15:07 UTC

2016-10-17 Thread Sal Sunshine [FairfieldLife]
Yep!  We’ll see.


On Oct 17, 2016, at 8:33 AM, [FairfieldLife] 

---In,  wrote :

Yes they do Doug.  I am almost positive you are aware of their traditionalist, 
conformist bent which almost always supports the Republican.

Me, I’m a proud Democrat and in this election, a Hillary supporter.

a general communal premise otherwise being that Natural Law, when enlivened by 
our group practice of effective meditation, will support the best outcome for a 

If that’s still the prevailing feeling whoever spouts nonsense like that needs 
to get their head out of their backsides.  Voting is crucial.


OH NOOO... you mentioned the word "Hillary". Now you will be banned.

On Oct 17, 2016, at 6:28 AM, dhamiltony2k5@...  
[FairfieldLife]>> wrote:

P.S. I want to be clear that as an organization on one hand and then the 
evident Fairfield spiritual community on the other hand, neither the TM 
movement, the meditating University in Fairfield, Iowa, nor does the evident 
spiritual practice community of Fairfield, Ia. or even FairfieldLife, a 
spiritual Yahoo-group, do not support or endorse any one candidate over any 
other candidate in this National election, a general communal premise otherwise 
being that Natural Law, when enlivened by our group practice of effective 
meditation, will support the best outcome for a nation.  

---In , 
 wrote :

Notice of an Embargo, something of a road closure.. 

We are upon 3 weeks now to the US election. It is certainly time with all that 
is spiritual going on otherwise to reel this place back in some and put an 
embargo on mundane political bickering that has become exclusive of any 
spiritual commentary. This is expected of us as a topical (spiritual) 
Yahoo-group and certainly there are lots of other places for mundane partisan 
bickering on the internet.  

Notice and Fair Warning: Until the election day in the USA passes a heavy hand 
of moderation is going to fall over mundane political postings that come on to 
FFL with a particular embargo on posts which contain words, ‘Hillary’, 
‘Donald’, ‘Clinton’ or ‘Trump’.
Writers should take alternate routes (detours) around these words for the next 
three weeks.   

There are any number of capable writers posting to FFL. Those who have 
spiritual observation to offer can easily continue to offer their 
considerations on FairfieldLife, a Yahoo-group community.  -JaiGuruYou 

---In , 
 wrote :

Fairfield Life Post Counter
Start Date (UTC): 10/15/16 00:00:00
End Date (UTC): 10/22/16 00:00:00
109 messages as of (UTC) 10/16/16 23:12:36

26 authfriend
22 Mike Dixon mdixon.6569
13 emily.mae50
11 awoelflebater
10 Bhairitu noozguru
5 jr_esq
5 hepa7
4 feste37 
4 dhamiltony2k5
3 olliesedwuz
2 Sal Sunshine salsunshineiniowa
1 j_alexander_stanley
1 email4you mikemail4you
1 Dick Mays dickmays
1 Archer Angel archonangel
Posters: 15
Saturday Morning 00:00 UTC Rollover Times
Daylight Saving Time (Summer):
US Friday evening: PDT 5 PM - MDT 6 PM - CDT 7 PM - EDT 8 PM
Europe Saturday: BST 1 AM CEST 2 AM EEST 3 AM
Standard Time (Winter):
US Friday evening: PST 4 PM - MST 5 PM - CST 6 PM - EST 7 PM
Europe Saturday: GMT 12 AM CET 1 AM EET 2 AM
For more information on Time Zones: 


Re: [FairfieldLife] Post Count Mon 17-Oct-16 00:15:07 UTC

2016-10-17 Thread Sal Sunshine [FairfieldLife]
Yes they do Doug.  I am almost positive you are aware of their traditionalist, 
conformist bent which almost always supports the Republican.

Me, I’m a proud Democrat and in this election, a Hillary supporter.

a general communal premise otherwise being that Natural Law, when enlivened by 
our group practice of effective meditation, will support the best outcome for a 

If that’s still the prevailing feeling whoever spouts nonsense like that needs 
to get their head out of their backsides.  Voting is crucial.


On Oct 17, 2016, at 6:28 AM, [FairfieldLife] 

P.S. I want to be clear that as an organization on one hand and then the 
evident Fairfield spiritual community on the other hand, neither the TM 
movement, the meditating University in Fairfield, Iowa, nor does the evident 
spiritual practice community of Fairfield, Ia. or even FairfieldLife, a 
spiritual Yahoo-group, do not support or endorse any one candidate over any 
other candidate in this National election, a general communal premise otherwise 
being that Natural Law, when enlivened by our group practice of effective 
meditation, will support the best outcome for a nation.  

---In , 
 wrote :

Notice of an Embargo, something of a road closure.. 

We are upon 3 weeks now to the US election. It is certainly time with all that 
is spiritual going on otherwise to reel this place back in some and put an 
embargo on mundane political bickering that has become exclusive of any 
spiritual commentary. This is expected of us as a topical (spiritual) 
Yahoo-group and certainly there are lots of other places for mundane partisan 
bickering on the internet.  

Notice and Fair Warning: Until the election day in the USA passes a heavy hand 
of moderation is going to fall over mundane political postings that come on to 
FFL with a particular embargo on posts which contain words, ‘Hillary’, 
‘Donald’, ‘Clinton’ or ‘Trump’.
Writers should take alternate routes (detours) around these words for the next 
three weeks.   

There are any number of capable writers posting to FFL. Those who have 
spiritual observation to offer can easily continue to offer their 
considerations on FairfieldLife, a Yahoo-group community.  -JaiGuruYou 

---In , 
 wrote :

Fairfield Life Post Counter
Start Date (UTC): 10/15/16 00:00:00
End Date (UTC): 10/22/16 00:00:00
109 messages as of (UTC) 10/16/16 23:12:36

26 authfriend
22 Mike Dixon mdixon.6569
13 emily.mae50
11 awoelflebater
10 Bhairitu noozguru
5 jr_esq
5 hepa7
4 feste37 
4 dhamiltony2k5
3 olliesedwuz
2 Sal Sunshine salsunshineiniowa
1 j_alexander_stanley
1 email4you mikemail4you
1 Dick Mays dickmays
1 Archer Angel archonangel
Posters: 15
Saturday Morning 00:00 UTC Rollover Times
Daylight Saving Time (Summer):
US Friday evening: PDT 5 PM - MDT 6 PM - CDT 7 PM - EDT 8 PM
Europe Saturday: BST 1 AM CEST 2 AM EEST 3 AM
Standard Time (Winter):
US Friday evening: PST 4 PM - MST 5 PM - CST 6 PM - EST 7 PM
Europe Saturday: GMT 12 AM CET 1 AM EET 2 AM
For more information on Time Zones: 


Re: [FairfieldLife] A Cry For Help

2016-10-16 Thread Sal Sunshine [FairfieldLife]
Doug booted them, nobody else did so they  could "now have FFL to yourself, 
without the people you dislike.”  I believe that’s called a red herring.  As 
far as anyone else here is concerned, I’m pretty sure most would not object to 
their coming back.  I know I wouldn’t.  It would be fascinating, in fact, to 
see how long they’d last.

Why do these off-the-cuff remarks bother you so much?  There’s always the 
delete button you know.


On Oct 16, 2016, at 10:49 AM, [FairfieldLife] 

They're discussing TV and politics. One thing that is little discussed over 
there is the goings on over here. They're gone from here and content with their 
new digs. You now have FFL to yourself, without the people you dislike. So, why 
do you keep bringing them up? Jeez, let it go already.

---In ,>> wrote :

Can someone please go over and subscribe at The Corner? They're gasping for 
air. I almost feel bad. Maybe there's been a power outage for a few weeks. That 
might explain it.

Re: [FairfieldLife] For Feste (And Me)

2016-10-15 Thread Sal Sunshine [FairfieldLife]
I’m guessing that if Trump ever was “elected” there would be tanks in the 
streets within a week. Whether they’d be coming from him or for him is the only 
question.  The American experiment would be effectively over.  

To those who say “We’ve survived worse” actually we haven’t.  At least during 
the Civil War we had responsible and brilliant leaders on both sides.  This 
time there’d be only one side and a “leader” who is still a functioning human 
in name only.  It would be chaos.

I’m also guessing the uber-rich rats who basically fomented all this are 
getting their planes inspected just in case.


On Oct 15, 2016, at 12:02 PM, [FairfieldLife] 

There are oogobs of reasons to fear Trump's election, including (but not 
limited to) his threat to "tighten up" libel laws and sue the media when he 
doesn't like what they say about him.

There's zero evidence that either Carlos Slim or Jeff Bezos has attempted to 
slant the WaPo's or the NYTimes' coverage of the candidates. That's just silly 
right-wing dithering.

---In , 
 wrote :

What is more shocking than Donald Trump is the unabashed media bias from the 
big media companies bashing Trump and supporting Hillary.  My guess is they 
fear that if Donald gets in he'll start breaking up their monopolies.  Now 
that's not exactly "right wing" is it?  In fact it's been the left over the 
years who have criticized this control of our media by a few companies and now 
a few oligarchs.

Carlos Slim, a Mexican oligarch, owns the New York Times. So he probably fears 
Trump taking away his new pet toy.  Jeff Bezos, the founder of Amazon, now owns 
the Washington Post and he probably fear the Donald taking away his new pet 
toy.  So should we be surprised their lap dogs, fearing loss of their jobs, are 
required to favor Hillary.

Here's an example of how controlled the media has become.  If I could take this 
clip back to the 1950s and show it to the man of the street they'd be shocked 
and claim that "the communists have taken over America!" Ain't the communism 
though it's fascism.  Whoopi Goldberg is questioning in a non-partisan way what 
is going on with the media.  See what happens:

Entire segment here and you'll hear Whoopi's mike get cut out just like they 
would do in a fascist regime. 

This is appalling in a country that has long favored free speech.  I think we 
have Civil War 2.0 ahead though they may attempt to preempt it with WW III.

On 10/14/2016 11:10 PM, hepa7@...  [FairfieldLife] wrote:
> Donnie wins, Hillary steals??
> SO YOU WANT TO KNOW WHO WINS THE ELECTION? i told you months ago this would 
> happenINCREDIBLE DETAILS ENCODED 3200 years ago in...
> View on  
> Preview by Yahoo 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Woo hoo, finally!

2016-10-13 Thread Sal Sunshine [FairfieldLife]

On Oct 13, 2016, at 4:37 PM, [FairfieldLife] 

Lovely tribute to Dylan from Josh Marshall of Talking Points Memo: 

---In , 
 wrote :

Finally.! Actually thought it might be a joke at first.  Some good news at last.

"And the only sound that's left
After the ambulances go
Is Cinderella sweeping up
On Desolation Row.”


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Woo hoo, finally!

2016-10-13 Thread Sal Sunshine [FairfieldLife]
I've always loved Dylan's voice, it's perfect for his own songs.

Then again, I'm pretty good with others' versions also, and along with all of 
Dylan's own albums I probably have several hundred of his songs done by others 
on my iTunes.  But I've never limited myself.  Anyone ambitious enough to take 
on Dylan's incredibly complex music has my respect. 


On Oct 13, 2016, at 9:11 AM, [FairfieldLife] 

I'm totally cool with Dylan songs as long as they're being performed by The 
Grateful Dead or the Jerry Garcia Band. 

---In,  wrote :

Finally.! Actually thought it might be a joke at first.  Some good news at last.

"And the only sound that's left
After the ambulances go
Is Cinderella sweeping up
On Desolation Row.”


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Woo hoo, finally!

2016-10-13 Thread Sal Sunshine [FairfieldLife]
Oh yes, Tambourine Man is addictively haunting, and IMO one of the most 
beautiful songs ever written, for sheer gorgeous imagery maybe the most 

And again from Desolation Row, some great lines summing up the whole charade 
we've been going through for months now:

They're selling postcards of the hanging, 
they're painting the passports brown
The beauty parlor is filled with sailors, 
the circus is in town.


On Oct 13, 2016, at 8:32 AM, feste37  wrote:

These are some of the Dylan lines that have always stuck with me, going back to 
the time before I even knew what poetry was:

Take me disappearing through the smoke rings of my mind
Down the foggy ruins of time
Far past the frozen leaves
The haunted frightened trees
Out to the windy beach
Far from the twisted reach of crazy sorrow
Yes, to dance beneath the diamond sky
With one hand waving free
Silhouetted by the sea
Circled by the circus sands
With all memory and fate
Driven deep beneath the waves
Let me forget about today until tomorrow

"Mr. Tambourine Man," of course. 

I remember "Desolation Row" very well too. It was one of my favorites, back in 
the sixties. 

---In,  wrote :

Finally.! Actually thought it might be a joke at first.  Some good news at last.

"And the only sound that's left
After the ambulances go
Is Cinderella sweeping up
On Desolation Row.”


[FairfieldLife] Woo hoo, finally!

2016-10-13 Thread Sal Sunshine [FairfieldLife]
Finally.! Actually thought it might be a joke at first.  Some good news at last.

"And the only sound that's left
After the ambulances go
Is Cinderella sweeping up
On Desolation Row.”


Re: [FairfieldLife] TM?

2016-10-10 Thread Sal Sunshine [FairfieldLife]
Is your mouse stuck?

Leave if it’s not to your liking.


On Oct 10, 2016, at 10:48 AM, Archer Angel 
[FairfieldLife]  wrote:

I take it from the content here that no one here practices TM 

Or if they do, get any benefits from TM, or display any of the intelligence or 
behavior that is supposed to result from TM. 

Maybe the group could be renamed to something more in line with the subject 
matter here. 

It seems to be a pit of vipers and the insane.

Re: [FairfieldLife] From Macleans and a Good One

2016-10-09 Thread Sal Sunshine [FairfieldLife]
This is hilarious, another candy has come forward to disavow Trump.  TIC TACS 
now wants to makes sure nobody mistakes them for Trump supporters: short URL

That makes two, counting Skittles.  Seems all Trump has to do is mention 
something in order for the company to try and disavow itself.  Could you 
imagine what that would do to American trade?

Good job, Donald.


On Oct 9, 2016, at 8:23 AM, [FairfieldLife] 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Trump brags about groping women

2016-10-08 Thread Sal Sunshine [FairfieldLife]
It's unbelievable isn't it...some video featuring Trump bragging about 
committing assault comes out, yet it's HILLARY who needs to apologize and/or 
explain herself.  It's the ultimate in male privilege and misogyny.

It's not Trump who has to answer after admitting to assault, it's Hillary who 
must now answer for something someone else (who's not on the ticket, last time 
I looked) did.

It's pathetic.  It's the ultimate in desperation.


> On Oct 8, 2016, at 6:08 PM, [FairfieldLife] 
>  wrote:
> You've wriggled yourself so deep into the muck and discredited yourself so 
> thoroughly, Stevie-poo, you're never going to be able to crawl out.
> Your attempt to change the subject from Trump to Hillary is the ultimate in 
> hypocrisy. Your whole intention here is to distract attention from Trump's 
> gross misbehavior by attacking Hillary. Why you think nobody will notice what 
> you're doing is incomprehensible. You aren't supporting her, you're 
> supporting him.
> In another post, you claim Hillary headed a task force to discredit Bill's 
> accusers. You made that up out of whole cloth. Or you're regurgitating 
> garbage you've swallowed from some right-wing Web site or Facebook page.
> You're also assuming that all the accusations made against Bill were 
> truthful, another right-wing meme. There was and still is good reason to be 
> skeptical of many if not most of them--but you believe Hillary should just 
> have accepted them all uncomplainingly as true or be convicted of hypocrisy.
> Your thinking is unbelievably twisted. It's sick.
> This discussion is about Trump, not Hillary, no matter how hard you try to 
> pretend otherwise. But here's some information about Hillary.
> You won't read it, of course, but maybe others will be interested in learning 
> some actual facts, as well as understanding what we don't know:
> How Hillary Clinton Grappled With Bill Clinton’s Infidelity, and His Accusers
> How Hillary Clinton Grappled With Bill Clinton’s Infidel...   
> Bill Clinton’s 1992 presidential campaign used aggressive tactics to combat 
> claims about his extramarital conduct. Here is a look at Mrs. Clinton’s role.
> View on
> Preview by Yahoo
> Quotes from the article:
> Mrs. Clinton’s level of involvement in that effort [to discredit Bill's 
> accusers], as described in interviews, internal campaign records and 
> archives, is still the subject of debate. By some accounts, she gave the 
> green light and was a motivating force; by others, her support was no more 
> than tacit assent
> Her campaign also released statements from James Carville, Mr. Clinton’s top 
> campaign strategist, and two lawyers who worked for Mr. Clinton, saying that 
> Mrs. Clinton had not overseen the counterattacks.
> “Those who took the lead in responding to those attacks at the time have 
> plainly stated that Hillary Clinton did not direct their work,” [her 
> spokesman, Brian] Fallon said.
> ---In,  wrote :
> I mean, below are questions you might hear in a court of law, and which no 
> one here, among the Hillary supporters seems willing to answer.  
> 1) Did Hillary Clinton attempt to discredit the women who accused Bill 
> Clinton,her husband, of rape and sexual harassment?
> 2) Does Hillary Clinton claim to be a champion of women's rights?
> Two simple questions that Hillary supporters, cannot, or will not answer.
> Okay, for the record, I believe Hillary Clinton will make a better president 
> than Donald Trump, and I will not be voting for Donald Trump.  I am not 
> trying to snare anyone, I am just curious is anyone here among the ardent HC 
> supports has the guts to answer these questions.
> ---In,  wrote :
> ---In,  wrote :
> And yet once again, it is beyond someone's ability to acknowledge that their 
> candidate has been shown to be hypocritical. In this case for how they 
> handled the issue of accusations of rape and sexual harassment. Hillary 
> attempted to discredit Bill's accusers for purposes of political expediency.  
> It is a matter of public record, but many here won't go near it. Their only 
> defense is that Trump is much worse. 
> Does that sound like much of defense?  Would that work in a court of law?  
> "Well your honor, much worse crimes were committed on the day by client 
> robbed someone.  There were several homicides that day, so I hope you will 
> consider that in your sentencing, or even forget it altogether."
> Steve-y! You have used this defense more than once here and every time I call 
> you on it. LOL.
> And then, of course, anyone who points out this hypocrisy is then tagged one 
> of the usual labels: apologist, right wing extremest.
> This is political correctness run amok.  This is what gives rise to someone 
> like Trump who will often tell it li

Re: [FairfieldLife] Trump brags about groping women

2016-10-08 Thread Sal Sunshine [FairfieldLife]
Soem of the apologists here will say that the politicians running are simply 
reflections of the electorate, or whatever the latest outworn new-age cliche is.

If that’s the case, I guess it all depends on what mirror you are looking at.  
The mirror that reflects back insanity, cruelty and endless petty grudges, or 
the one that reflects back competence, brains, and honesty. 

It’s obvious which one the apologists are looking at.


On Oct 8, 2016, at 9:28 AM, [FairfieldLife] 

It is funny how karma works. Trump the rapist has been making shit up about 
Hillary the entire time he has been running, in compensation for an absolute 
vacuum of new ideas in that dim head of his. Now, it bites Trump in the butt. 
It is pathetic - I turned on the TV, and this wretched rapist is 'apologizing' 
in the most schoolboy of ways, blaming others and claiming HE HAS CHANGED. What 
bullshit. This woman hater's defeat may be the most decisive yet, in terms of 
electoral votes. Here's hoping he walks in front of a bus soon.

---In , 
 wrote :

---In , 
 wrote :

Now, boys, as you are very well aware, nobody is talking about saints or church 

We're talking about the difference between normal if imperfect human beings, 
and an aggressive sexual predator who brags that his celebrity gives him the 
right to commit criminal sexual assault whenever he feels like it.

Most normal human beings would be embarrassed to cut such a person any slack, 
let alone attempt to defend him.

I'm pretty sure they don't get it, Judy. Apparently the idea of having the 
right to grab other people's genitals or that someone considers their status so 
powerful that the female world is fodder for their sexual impulses is not in 
any way aberrational or clinical to these guys. It is simply normal man 
behavior - no more harmful than the playful bantering of children on a 
playground. Maybe they are lucky enough to never have been sexually molested or 
taken advantage of in their lives or maybe they just don't take the subject 
seriously enough for it to override their need to goad those who find Trump's 
behavior and attitude abhorrent. Either way, it shows you what is driving some 
of America right now.

---In , 
 wrote :

And we have had no saints as President. People loved JFK but he had secret 
affairs.  The public can be so lame!

On 10/07/2016 06:45 PM, anon_alias wrote:
> There are no saints running for public office - probably never have been any. 
> But if I were to guess what Bill said to Monica that day in the Oval Office, 
> it would be: "Oh my gawd!" or "What are you doing tomorrow?" or "I think I 
> just died and went to heaven!" Something like that. 
> ---In , 
>   wrote :
> Now refresh my memory, what saints are running for public office these days?  
> Would you want your local church lady to run for public office?
> On 10/07/2016 05:50 PM, anon_alias wrote:
>> Since you brought up the subject, what exactly did Bill Clinton say to 
>> Monica Lewinsky inside the Oval Office at the White House?
>> ---In , 
>>   wrote :
>> Tape Reveals Donald Trump Bragging About Kissing and Groping Women 
>> Tape Reveals Donald Trump Bragging About Kissing an... 
>> A lewd discussion taped in 2005 on a soap opera set adds to evidence that 
>> Mr. Trump has a record of sexist behavior.
>> View on 
>> Preview by Yahoo 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Trump brags about groping women

2016-10-08 Thread Sal Sunshine [FairfieldLife]
I’d say the stain has been there on anybody who defended this pile of human 
waste at all after the mocking-the-disabled-reporter scenario.  I realize what 
he did, disgusting as it was, wasn’t illegal.  It simply threw into stark 
relief that Trump is not “normal” in any sense, doesn’t have the normal empathy 
for his fellow humans most of us have, empathy for anyone other than his 
children, and I’m not even so sure about them. Certainly it doesn’t exist for 
anyone else in his family (For anyone who needs further proof of this, look up 
what he did to his great nephew who was born with serious disabilities).

So IMO that ship sailed long ago.  Anyone still defending him after this latest 
debacle must agree with him on some level, or their hatred of Hillary runs so 
deep they can no longer think rationally.  

For anyone who STILL doesn’t “get it” this is NOT the lesser of two evils meme 
so many of you like to trot out, this IS evil, staring you right in the face.  
How does it look?  

There is no low that is too low for the apologists here.


On Oct 7, 2016, at 9:55 PM, [FairfieldLife] 

You do realize, don't you, boys, that what Trump was boasting about on that 
tape was not just misogyny, not just crude locker-room talk, but *criminal 
sexual assault*. 

In many if not most states, kissing someone or touching their genital area 
without their consent is sexual battery, punishable by jail time.

The flaccidity of your attempted defense of the presidential candidate you 
support would be hilarious if it weren't such a vile manifestation of rape 

You can't come back from this. It's a permanent stain on your character.

---In,  wrote :

And we have had no saints as President. People loved JFK but he had secret 
affairs.  The public can be so lame!

On 10/07/2016 06:45 PM, anon_alias wrote:
> There are no saints running for public office - probably never have been any. 
> But if I were to guess what Bill said to Monica that day in the Oval Office, 
> it would be: "Oh my gawd!" or "What are you doing tomorrow?" or "I think I 
> just died and went to heaven!" Something like that. 
> ---In , 
>   wrote :
> Now refresh my memory, what saints are running for public office these days?  
> Would you want your local church lady to run for public office?
> On 10/07/2016 05:50 PM, anon_alias wrote:
>> Since you brought up the subject, what exactly did Bill Clinton say to 
>> Monica Lewinsky inside the Oval Office at the White House?
>> ---In , 
>>   wrote :
>> Tape Reveals Donald Trump Bragging About Kissing and Groping Women 
>> Tape Reveals Donald Trump Bragging About Kissing an...  
>> A lewd discussion taped in 2005 on a soap opera set adds to evidence that 
>> Mr. Trump has a record of sexist behavior.
>> View on 
>> Preview by Yahoo

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Trump/Pence and FFL

2016-10-06 Thread Sal Sunshine [FairfieldLife]
Amen.  And this was basically what I was trying to say.


On Oct 6, 2016, at 3:32 PM, [FairfieldLife] 

I agree with you in a narrow context. That is, if someone were totally 
oblivious to the issues, or perhaps didn't even speak English, and watched the 
debate, they might conclude that Pence won the debate, based on his relative 
composure. But that is all Pence has, the ability to lie with his eyes open, 
and a tight smile on his face. Only superficially did he win anything, and just 
like his boss, in the long run, there is nothing there. 

Politics is necessarily a game of exaggeration and over-simplification, but it 
has reached cartoonish levels with the GOP candidates - they lie, and you 
either ignore them and get challenged on not addressing 'the facts', or spend 
the majority of time refuting the bitter fantasies that they relentlessly dream 
up. A couple of tar babies. It is grotesque, and brings us all down as a 

---In , 
 wrote :

All that may be true, and I don't disagree with any of it, but it appeared to 
most watchers, or at least most pundits that he did not win the debate.

Hillary on the other hand seemed poised* when she debated Trump and the results 
speak for themselves.

*of course she prepared arduously.  but at the risk of sounding like a bliss 
ninny, she appeared to be herself, and not operating with an ulterior agenda, 
which if you buy the scenario put forth by Ann and Judy was the plan with Kaine.

---In , 
 wrote :

Kaine's performance wasn't all scripted. What I saw was someone who cares 
deeply for his country, and has great respect and trust in the candidate who 
has chosen him as running mate. I saw him genuinely a little pissed off at the 
constant lies and rhetoric leveled at Clinton, by Trump, someone with no 
experience except in running his mouth. Pence has essentially made a deal with 
the devil. He enjoys his little perch, preaching to the masses, and riding 
around in limos. Reminds me of an organ grinder's monkey. He hopes to 
capitalize on it, and continue giving the country away to his rich friends, 
safe in his "messiah's" shadow, while castigating those who do not pay 
obeisance to his biblical hallucinations. What a phony, creepy, fake, with 
those deep set beady little eyes darting around. He and Trump are the very 
worst this country has to offer, and anyone can see through this toxic couple, 
like the con-artists they are.

---In , 
 wrote :

As I said, I did not watch the debate, so was limited to the clips and the post 
debate commentary which seemed to give the "win" to Pence.  However, if, as you 
speculate, the purpose of the debate on the Clinton side was "capture  sound 
bites" and not really debate the issues, well that sounds pretty strange in 
itself, and I guess, sorta proves my point.

Bring out Kaine with a different agenda than to debate, but rather try to make 
the opponent make statements for fodder in future campaign ads.

And again, if that is the case, then I would have preferred to see a more 
honest debate, than one with that ulterior motive.

But also, according to your analysis below, the reason Pence DID appear to come 
out the winner was because he WAS himself, with all the lies and 
misrepresentations.  He evidently is comfortable with that, and that came 

Just sayin'

---In , 
 wrote :

I totally disagree with the 'pundits' on who "won" the debate. The only person 
out there who told the truth and who had hard facts at his disposal (like 
direct Trump and Pence quotes) was Kaine. He came off a bit awkward at first 
firing accusations (timing wasn't great) but he got into the rhythm of the 
thing as the debate went on and was reasonably formidable in his take down or, 
at least, his confrontation of Pence concerning Trump and his ugly and ignorant 
rhetoric. I thought Kaine's statement on women having the right to determine 
what they do with their bodies was strong and as we now all know in the 
aftermath, much of the way the debate played out was totally planned by the 
Clinton campaign as a way to capture sound and video clips for their expose 
spot afterwards to highlight the lies Pence was spewing the entire time. Just 
because Pence can sit there like some robotic cadaver and speak in this 
placating kind of marmish tone does not a debate winner make. I can't figure 
out why this qualifies as making him the winner. He couldn't defend Trump 
except to shake his head and priss his lips or outright lie. That is hardly a 
strong defense of his running mate.

---In , 
 wrote :

Remember the nickname they gave Bush, the Smirking Chmip?

Re: [FairfieldLife] Trump/Pence and FFL

2016-10-06 Thread Sal Sunshine [FairfieldLife]
Steve, I honestly don’t even know where to begin with this, and others have 
already answered, and far better than I can as of right now.

I’ll just say…going after Kaine for his vociferousness (and calling it 
“scripted”) while letting Pence off the hook for his obviously practiced and 
pervasive lying (You don’t think he had an agenda?  Like the nomination in 4 
years maybe?) and denying things that millions have heard and that’s easily 
found on video…if that isn’t deeply troubling to you (and hugely insulting as 
well, it’s all but calling their supporters too stupid to remember what most of 
them heard) then we must inhabit different universes.  

even if a person is lying, well, that may not actually go against them

Wow.  Good luck with this one.


On Oct 6, 2016, at 7:04 AM, [FairfieldLife] 

I did not watch the debate.  I watched only a small "hi-light" reel afterwards. 
 But the impression I got was the the Clinton campaign instructed Kaine to "go 
after Trump. rip him to shreds" which he attempted to do, but didn't come off 
particularly well doing so.

I felt, that if they had just let Kaine "be himself", things would have turned 
out better.  We all know the debates run on emotion and appearances, so that 
even if a person is lying, well, that may not actually go against them, in the 
debate at least, and maybe not even after.

But, maybe this idea of "being yourself" is just too naive an idea. On the 
other hand, it often is what works in situations rather than going with 

Any thought?

---In , 
 wrote :

Remember the nickname they gave Bush, the Smirking Chmip?Pence could easily 
be the Smirking Sociopath, he lies with such effortlessness and oiliness.  Even 
against video evidence, it's like he's some alternate universe or something.


On Oct 5, 2016, at 9:55 AM, olliesedwuz@...  
[FairfieldLife]>> wrote:

> There is a delusional element among the religious right, who fervently 
> believe that Trump is our next MESSIAH, the Great White Hope who will restore 
> righteousness among the wicked. Pence is clearly one of them. "Smirky" Pence, 
> the know-it-all, self-righteous, bible-thumping hypocrite. 
> I enjoyed Kaine, who comes across as sane, capable and tough. The 'debate' 
> was farcical though, with Smirky constantly trotting out lies, and Kaine 
> refuting them - So nothing new from that angle. Rote Republican desperation, 
> and the usual attempt by the only adult in the contest to stay in the domain 
> of reality. 
> Yeah, the Trump Toilet/Pence Paper ticket is one to avoid at all costs.
> ---In , 
>  wrote :
> ---In , 
>  wrote :
> For those uncertain as to how my last four posts relate to FFL's concerns as 
> a spiritual group: The Trump/Pence ticket is a blatant example of spiritual 
> degradation--lying, cheating, hypocrisy, and sheer recklessness with the 
> welfare of humankind. Anybody who is at all spiritually aware should oppose 
> these candidates with every fiber of their being.
> Trust me, every fibre of my being is resonating with contempt and an 
> understanding for how hideous the Trump/Pence ticket is. Between the 
> mono-syllabic undertaker and his bloated and corrupt running mate it is a 
> frightening and sickening to behold. My absentee ballot is sitting to the 
> right of me on my desk ready to be mailed and, believe me, it is for 
> Hillary/Kaine - my only regret is my one vote can't be counted as one million.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Trump/Pence and FFL

2016-10-05 Thread Sal Sunshine [FairfieldLife]
Remember the nickname they gave Bush, the Smirking Chmip?Pence could easily 
be the Smirking Sociopath, he lies with such effortlessness and oiliness.  Even 
against video evidence, it's like he's some alternate universe or something.


> On Oct 5, 2016, at 9:55 AM, [FairfieldLife] 
>  wrote:
> There is a delusional element among the religious right, who fervently 
> believe that Trump is our next MESSIAH, the Great White Hope who will restore 
> righteousness among the wicked. Pence is clearly one of them. "Smirky" Pence, 
> the know-it-all, self-righteous, bible-thumping hypocrite. 
> I enjoyed Kaine, who comes across as sane, capable and tough. The 'debate' 
> was farcical though, with Smirky constantly trotting out lies, and Kaine 
> refuting them - So nothing new from that angle. Rote Republican desperation, 
> and the usual attempt by the only adult in the contest to stay in the domain 
> of reality. 
> Yeah, the Trump Toilet/Pence Paper ticket is one to avoid at all costs.
> ---In,  wrote :
> ---In,  wrote :
> For those uncertain as to how my last four posts relate to FFL's concerns as 
> a spiritual group: The Trump/Pence ticket is a blatant example of spiritual 
> degradation--lying, cheating, hypocrisy, and sheer recklessness with the 
> welfare of humankind. Anybody who is at all spiritually aware should oppose 
> these candidates with every fiber of their being.
> Trust me, every fibre of my being is resonating with contempt and an 
> understanding for how hideous the Trump/Pence ticket is. Between the 
> mono-syllabic undertaker and his bloated and corrupt running mate it is a 
> frightening and sickening to behold. My absentee ballot is sitting to the 
> right of me on my desk ready to be mailed and, believe me, it is for 
> Hillary/Kaine - my only regret is my one vote can't be counted as one million.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: For Xeno - in absentia

2016-10-02 Thread Sal Sunshine [FairfieldLife]
Another lol...

In addition to not getting over the imaginary friend, he also never got over 
the idea that you just can't make people you dislike go poof.  On a global 
scale no less.

He really outdid himself when he claimed to be "in a position" to bring about 
the end of the world, remember this little gem?

Barry's need for validation and his propensity for grandiosity apparently knows 
no bounds.


> On Oct 2, 2016, at 4:42 PM, [FairfieldLife] 
>  wrote:
> Ah, and the lurking reporter.  Who can forget the lurking reporter.  Always 
> holding that over our heads.  
> BW:  Okay now, watch yourself, or I'll tell my lurking reporter about you.
> Do ya think, he, like never got over the imaginary friend kids often have, 
> and it developed into this final manifestation of "The Lurking Reporter"  
> I wonder... 
> ---In,  wrote :
> He wrote a pretty good review of Deadwood, the TV series.
> ---In,  wrote :
> lol...
> But I also have to admit, I did find some good things from his reviews. His 
> taste and mine diverged widely, to say the least, but now and then they 
> intersected.
> Sal 
>> On Oct 2, 2016, at 1:12 PM, steve.sundur@... [FairfieldLife] 
>>  wrote:
>>  or his tits and ass tv and movie reviews
>> ---In,  wrote :
>> Wow, look at the post count discrepancy between the Coroner and FFL. I know 
>> he can't post here but I know he's reading, just like all the other boys 
>> over in the Dunce Corner. They evidently need something to talk about. You 
>> can only listen to bawee for so long.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: For Xeno - in absentia

2016-10-02 Thread Sal Sunshine [FairfieldLife]

But I also have to admit, I did find some good things from his reviews. His 
taste and mine diverged widely, to say the least, but now and then they 


> On Oct 2, 2016, at 1:12 PM, [FairfieldLife] 
>  wrote:
>  or his tits and ass tv and movie reviews
> ---In,  wrote :
> Wow, look at the post count discrepancy between the Coroner and FFL. I know 
> he can't post here but I know he's reading, just like all the other boys over 
> in the Dunce Corner. They evidently need something to talk about. You can 
> only listen to bawee for so long.

Re: [FairfieldLife] So Funny

2016-10-02 Thread Sal Sunshine [FairfieldLife]
Must’ve fallen out of his pocket when he wasn’t looking.

Can’t wait for this lawsuit to go forward, if it doesn’t get laughed out of the 
courtroom first.


On Oct 2, 2016, at 10:41 AM, [FairfieldLife] 

Re: [FairfieldLife] For Xeno - in absentia

2016-10-02 Thread Sal Sunshine [FairfieldLife]
Everybody must still be "on vacation" (snicker)


> On Oct 2, 2016, at 8:42 AM, [FairfieldLife] 
>  wrote:
> Wow, look at the post count discrepancy between the Coroner and FFL. I know 
> he can't post here but I know he's reading, just like all the other boys over 
> in the Dunce Corner. They evidently need something to talk about. You can 
> only listen to bawee for so long.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Trump tweets angrily at 2AM

2016-10-01 Thread Sal Sunshine [FairfieldLife]
Possibly, but I’m also guessing that this is her worst nightmare as well, since 
no self-respecting candidate would want an obviously mentally-unbalanced 
opponent, that’s just one more things her enemies can then use to try and 
delegitimize her.


On Oct 1, 2016, at 12:17 PM, [FairfieldLife] 

Well, in the realm of gender politics, if one believes that it is time for a 
woman to be President, than given the current level of sexism and systemic 
barriers present in our society at large and in so many of its citizens, a 
candidate such as Drumpf has been a great blessing. In many ways, he has driven 
many to question their blind allegiances and internal prejudices about so many 
things. He has forced us, as a nation, to a decision point. He is serving an 
important role (that's the most positive thing I can say about Trump - I 
haven't noted any redeeming personal qualities as of yet.)  If Hillary had any 
plausible opposing candidate, her path to the highest political position in the 
nation would be much more difficult.  As stated on The_Peak, it is her time. 
Why? Because here she is and here Trump is and he does not represent a "choice" 
for anyone sane, imho!  I am thrilled to see the polls finally starting to 
reflect reality.

---In , 
 wrote :

I have said positive things about Trump, like he could probably handle the job 
of White House groundskeeper after Hillary's election. I have no idea why you 
are looking for "positive things to say" about Trump! Shit, Hitler was 
apparently nice to children - Yes, there is a parallel. I consider Donnie to be 
the most dangerous and unqualified candidate to ever attempt the presidency. 
And he is an asshole to everyone he meets. Thanks for the opportunity to 
clarify my feelings. Get over yourself.

---In , 
 wrote :

---In , 
 wrote :

Ollie, what would happen if you dared to say something positive about Trump.  

I mean, you've been on this tirade non stop for about three months now, without 
a pause.

Maybe, for the sake of a change, take a different tack for maybe 24 hours.  Or 
maybe a few minutes.

Can you think of something positive to say about him.  Non sarcastic, possibly.

Steve, as hard as I try every day to find one single redeeming feature about 
this excuse for a human being I fail every time. Seriously. I have no agenda to 
continually find fault with him, but one of the mysteries of this world that 
will go with me to the grave is how one single person on this planet can not 
possibly see how corrupt, mentally ill, greedy, distorted and pathetic this man 
Trump is. I might be blind, he could be the next enlightened and magnanimous 
leader for America but I fail to grasp the reality of this. The sooner he 
crawls back to the maggoty hole he came from the better. Nov. 8 can not come 
soon enough. The next 5 weeks will simply continue to ramp up his illustration 
of how wacko he is - like some phase shift of what the human psyche is capable 
of as it ultimately implodes. The end result isn't going to be pretty.

---In , 
 wrote :

He needs to quit this campaign nonsense, and see a psychotherapist immediately. 
Mentally and physically ill - easily 100 pounds overweight, and given his 
marked rise in irrationality as the night wears on, perhaps a secret drinker. 
With all the secrets he keeps and the lies he tells, there is something very 
wrong with this punk. 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Trump tweets angrily at 2AM

2016-10-01 Thread Sal Sunshine [FairfieldLife]
The entire Wash U campus is going to be shut down?? What about, you know, their 

Can’t believe that’s going to happen, or that it happens at the other 
schools/universities they hold these things at.  Might tick off the 
parents/trustees just a tad.


On Oct 1, 2016, at 9:10 AM, [FairfieldLife] 

Yea, I understand.  I guess the next debate is going to happen.

An interesting little tidbit.  Our company has been busy, quite busy, for the 
last three weeks supplying all manner of supplies to the campus as they ramp up 
for the debate.

The secret service has been there in force all during that time, and the entire 
campus will be shut down, I believe starting this weekend.

They recently ordered, not from us, 500 sheets of plywood to cover a field for 
the media trucks.

---In , 
 wrote :

---In , 
 wrote :

Ollie, what would happen if you dared to say something positive about Trump.  

I mean, you've been on this tirade non stop for about three months now, without 
a pause.

Maybe, for the sake of a change, take a different tack for maybe 24 hours.  Or 
maybe a few minutes.

Can you think of something positive to say about him.  Non sarcastic, possibly.

Steve, as hard as I try every day to find one single redeeming feature about 
this excuse for a human being I fail every time. Seriously. I have no agenda to 
continually find fault with him, but one of the mysteries of this world that 
will go with me to the grave is how one single person on this planet can not 
possibly see how corrupt, mentally ill, greedy, distorted and pathetic this man 
Trump is. I might be blind, he could be the next enlightened and magnanimous 
leader for America but I fail to grasp the reality of this. The sooner he 
crawls back to the maggoty hole he came from the better. Nov. 8 can not come 
soon enough. The next 5 weeks will simply continue to ramp up his illustration 
of how wacko he is - like some phase shift of what the human psyche is capable 
of as it ultimately implodes. The end result isn't going to be pretty.

---In , 
 wrote :

He needs to quit this campaign nonsense, and see a psychotherapist immediately. 
Mentally and physically ill - easily 100 pounds overweight, and given his 
marked rise in irrationality as the night wears on, perhaps a secret drinker. 
With all the secrets he keeps and the lies he tells, there is something very 
wrong with this punk. 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Ya know....

2016-09-30 Thread Sal Sunshine [FairfieldLife]
Are you kidding Steve??  Of course I feel “genuinely" hungry!  (What other kind 
of hunger is there?) Every day, usually about 4-5 hours after I eat a regular 
meal, and my stomach is once more empty.  Especially if I’ve gotten a fair 
amount of exercise, then it might be sooner. Making sure I eat enough protein 
with each meal helps keep the hunger pangs away for a bit longer.

I’m not sure I understand why you don’t, and if you really don’t, why losing 
weight is an issue.

You’re not sick are you?


On Sep 30, 2016, at 6:54 PM, [FairfieldLife] 

Just some other thoughts, some directly related, some not.

I'm not sure in what context you mean when you say, "any idea of what it's like 
to live with the feeling of being constantly hungry?"

No, I don't.  I rarely ever have the feeling of being hungry, and I wish to 
felt that way more often. 

No, I have never gone on a crash diet.  My ongoing plan to lose about 25 lbs is 
to eat less.  A little less all the time.  I am having some success but not 
much.  Losing weight, in my opinion must be coupled with some kind of exercise. 
 I have not been doing much of that lately, either.

As to the other issues, which you put in a context, I would say, of 
exploitation of women, I would have no comment, except that I don't see 
anything changing there, short of the continuing campaign hi-lighting violence 
against women, or domestic abuse. That has become a more hi profile issue, 
deservedly so, of course.

To put a damper on girls aspiring to win beauty contests, or become 
cheerleaders, I think is a misdirected objective that can detour into political 
correctness issues, which can also become extreme.

By the way, do you regularly feel genuinely hungry?

---In , 
 wrote :

Steve, leaving aside for a moment how disgusting fat shaming…or shaming of any 
kind is... have you ever gone on a crash diet?  Do you have any idea of what 
it’s like to live with the feeling of being constantly hungry?  Not to mention 
whatever plastic surgery they feel they have to get for their one brief moment 
in the sun.

Now maybe you could say she was being deceptive by accepting the role knowing 
she most likely couldn’t keep up appearances.  But when someone’s “investment” 
is built on someone else denying themselves, for a whole year, basic 
sustenance, isn’t that already a major deception? That they all do to one 
extent or another and that seems to be just fine with Trump, the “owner” of the 
contest? And isn’t it time to start wondering when we’re going to finally 
retire and put to bed, permanently, such horrendous examples of fake 
femininity, fake male dominance, fake ideals of beauty, all built on these very 
young and most likely desperate women doing things to their bodies that used to 
be the stuff of science fiction.

The*whole thing* is a sick and twisted deception.   She most likely just 
started eating normally again, or however normally you can after doing whatever 
it is someone feels they need to do to whittle themselves down to a stick.

Not to mention there's something truly disgusting about watching someone like 
Trump cavort and play mind games with these basically starving young women, all 
vying for his attention, while he goes back to the next lavish buffet as he 
decides which of them to make his plaything for the next year.


On Sep 29, 2016, at 10:57 PM, steve.sundur@...  
[FairfieldLife]>> wrote:

if you are the winner of a Ms. Universe contest and then you go on to gain 60 
lbs., I'm not exactly sure you can say you are fulfilling the obligation for 
that title.  There is a certain expectation of physical appearance that I would 
think would go along with that role.

Now, I would say that you should not ridicule or demean that person, but I can 
understand if the owner of the contest might think, WTF?

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Ya know....

2016-09-30 Thread Sal Sunshine [FairfieldLife]
Do some internet research on whether the contract really had some clause in it 
specifying weight or weight gain or not.

It didn’t.  From another article:
Pageant coach Valerie Hayes  concurs, telling Yahoo 
Beauty, “No, pageants do not typically include any type of clause about 
maintaining their ‘winning’ look. They can cut their hair — [Miss America 2016] 
Betty Cantrell cut her hair after her win, went through most of her year with a 
chin-length bob, and got hair extensions to crown her successor — change their 
hair color, gain/lose weight, or even get a tattoo. There are no known clauses 
prohibiting changing their ‘look.’”

And further down:
But Prejean’s 11-page Miss California contract (again, part of the Miss 
Universe pageant system), which appears in PDF format on the Fox News website 

 with a 2008 signature, makes not a single mention of weight.


On Sep 30, 2016, at 10:38 AM, [FairfieldLife] 

Are you swallowing what Trump has said without question?  Why?  Why would you 
believe a single thing he says about any woman?  Seriously?  You are quite 
likely demonstrating a "subconscious" ingrained pattern of sexism - question 
your assumptions.  

Take a look at a picture of her physical appearance from back then after her 
supposed "massive" weight gain."  She looks seriously healthy and of a "normal" 
weight.  Do, really, look at her physical appearance and get back to me.  Do 
some internet research on whether the contract really had some clause in it 
specifying weight or weight gain or not.  Try to imagine what that might read 
like!  Thirdly, the way Dumpy treated her should in no way be minimized into 
"flak."  He was delusional himself and abusive as usual. 

---In ,>> wrote :

Exactly. Being Ms. Universe for a year is a job. I believe it pays a salary and 
there are numerous perks. Every job has certain requirements, and if they are 
not met, the person concerned can expect to get some flak from his or her 

---In , 
 wrote :

if you are the winner of a Ms. Universe contest and then you go on to gain 60 
lbs., I'm not exactly sure you can say you are fulfilling the obligation for 
that title.  There is a certain expectation of physical appearance that I would 
think would go along with that role.

Now, I would say that you should not ridicule or demean that person, but I can 
understand if the owner of the contest might think, WTF?

Re: [FairfieldLife] Ya know....

2016-09-30 Thread Sal Sunshine [FairfieldLife]
Steve, leaving aside for a moment how disgusting fat shaming…or shaming of any 
kind is... have you ever gone on a crash diet?  Do you have any idea of what 
it’s like to live with the feeling of being constantly hungry?  Not to mention 
whatever plastic surgery they feel they have to get for their one brief moment 
in the sun.

Now maybe you could say she was being deceptive by accepting the role knowing 
she most likely couldn’t keep up appearances.  But when someone’s “investment” 
is built on someone else denying themselves, for a whole year, basic 
sustenance, isn’t that already a major deception? That they all do to one 
extent or another and that seems to be just fine with Trump, the “owner” of the 
contest? And isn’t it time to start wondering when we’re going to finally 
retire and put to bed, permanently, such horrendous examples of fake 
femininity, fake male dominance, fake ideals of beauty, all built on these very 
young and most likely desperate women doing things to their bodies that used to 
be the stuff of science fiction.

The*whole thing* is a sick and twisted deception.   She most likely just 
started eating normally again, or however normally you can after doing whatever 
it is someone feels they need to do to whittle themselves down to a stick.

Not to mention there's something truly disgusting about watching someone like 
Trump cavort and play mind games with these basically starving young women, all 
vying for his attention, while he goes back to the next lavish buffet as he 
decides which of them to make his plaything for the next year.


On Sep 29, 2016, at 10:57 PM, [FairfieldLife] 

if you are the winner of a Ms. Universe contest and then you go on to gain 60 
lbs., I'm not exactly sure you can say you are fulfilling the obligation for 
that title.  There is a certain expectation of physical appearance that I would 
think would go along with that role.

Now, I would say that you should not ridicule or demean that person, but I can 
understand if the owner of the contest might think, WTF?

Re: [FairfieldLife] It's Sexism and a Lot of Other Things Too

2016-09-28 Thread Sal Sunshine [FairfieldLife]
It’s also a man threatening to go after a woman for her husband’s infidelities 
while desperately truing to ignore his own closet-full.


On Sep 28, 2016, at 10:21 AM, [FairfieldLife] 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Hillary sacks Trump in first debate

2016-09-27 Thread Sal Sunshine [FairfieldLife]
I wouldn’t be surprised if he actually was on coke.  


On Sep 27, 2016, at 5:27 AM, [FairfieldLife] 

I was asleep before 9pm, and I slept a solid 6 hours. Usually, if I want to 
sleep more than 5 hours, I have to take a Lorazepam. But, I did my civic duty 
this morning and watched an edited video containing the most salient points. 

---In ,>> wrote :

---In , 
 wrote :

If this had been a football game, the score would've been 50 Hillary, to 0 
Trump . Trump had an incredibly bad night, couldn't keep his thoughts or agenda 
straight - ended up agreeing with Clinton several times out of desperation. 
Mixed up every stat he tried to quote. Donnie was a real dummy tonight. Clinton 
on the other hand came across as straight forward, factual, well prepared, and 
the only adult at either podium. The second and third debates oughta be a 
cakewalk for Hillary. This one sure was. 

Any attacks Donnie attempted melted away quickly under his relentless laziness 
and narcissism - tired slogans and falsehoods from a hundred campaign stops, 
never reality tested, and transparently empty and deceptive. Trump even got 
caught in some big lies, and couldn't muster anything except weak denials. His 
response to his being the only major candidate in 40 years not to release his 
tax returns gave Clinton a field day, and more incoherent denials from 
Spray-Tan. That was the main impression, that Trump was outgunned, outfoxed, 
and outplayed. He will probably be tweeting up a storm over it all, reinforcing 
tonight's impression that this man is in no way qualified to lead the nation. 
Trump got stumped - twice more, and he gets dumped. :-)

I did it!!! I watched it in real time. It took a strong Mojito and a glass of 
wine but I watched it to the end. I think the only reason I could keep watching 
was because it was evident that Hillary was under complete control. As I 
watched her I saw her being able to think ahead to the next debate as she 
watched her opponent stumble bumble his way and she was already figuring out 
how to deal with him and his terrible lack of preparation going forward. He was 
a pushover - confused, blathering on off-topic and I wouldn't be surprised if 
his incessant sniffling is indicative of heavy cocaine use before the debate or 
impending cancer of his nasal cavity. I personally think he has a deadly 
disease for sure. LOL

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Test

2016-09-26 Thread Sal Sunshine [FairfieldLife]
Thanks Steve.  But it's up to Doug at this point.  I can't really figure out 
where the threshold is.  I mean, if he feels that "Doug, might I suggest that 
you need to get out more, do some interesting things, and stop worrying about 
what others are doing or practicing? 

It's the sign of a small mind" is, in his mind, "run aground the yahoo-groups 
guidelines" I would like to politely suggest he's in the throes of some kind of 
a delusion, since I am quite sure no rules were broken in the making of my 
post, above.

Notice how Doug never actually *quotes* any rules he feels are being broken?  
So how about it Doug, which rule or rules, specifically, did I "run aground"?  
(FWIW I'm assuming he meant "run afoul of.")


> On Sep 26, 2016, at 10:05 PM, [FairfieldLife] 
>  wrote:
> We can't lose you Sal.  (-:
> ---In,  wrote :
> Just testing out your threat, Doug.
> Sal 

[FairfieldLife] Test

2016-09-26 Thread Sal Sunshine [FairfieldLife]
Just testing out your threat, Doug.


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Fun to See

2016-09-25 Thread Sal Sunshine [FairfieldLife]
Doug, might I suggest that you need to get out more, do some interesting 
things, and stop worrying about what others are doing or practicing? 

It's the sign of a small mind.


> On Sep 25, 2016, at 7:10 PM, [FairfieldLife] 
>  wrote:
> None? That is quite a narrow assumption of what is a spiritual yahoo-group 
> community.  Of course this is likely of interest to a people who are 
> experienced transcendentalists if someone is cultivating their native 
> spirituality in practice.  It  would certainly be of note if these young 
> Royals have studied with The David Lynch Foundation which has touched and 
> opened up so many power brokers of popular culture. Or, likewise have they 
> engaged buddhistic meditational practice or studied with Oprah and Dr. 
> Chopra?  It could speak some volumes about where they are at.
> Not the customary analysis of politics and economics but  a conversation 
> about spiritual questions.   What did it mean for our spiritual lives?"   
> ---In,  wrote :
> None of our business.
> ---In,  wrote :
> Are these gen-x royals spiritual, regular with a meditation as a spiritual 
> practice?  His dad, Prince Charles
> is quite spiritual.  Do these young royals have a meditation
> they practice?  Are they meditators?
> ---In,  wrote :
> Canada appears to still love the British monarchy. The cars were lined up all 
> up and down my little rural street which is across the street from a great 
> view of the airport where the "Royal's" jet was landing. What a to-do! I was 
> amazed at the fan base there is for Kate and William and their two children. 
> ---In,  wrote :
> None of our business.
> ---In,  wrote :
> Are these gen-x royals spiritual, regular with a meditation as a spiritual 
> practice?  His dad, Prince Charles
> is quite spiritual.  Do these young royals have a meditation
> they practice?  Are they meditators?
> ---In,  wrote :
> Canada appears to still love the British monarchy. The cars were lined up all 
> up and down my little rural street which is across the street from a great 
> view of the airport where the "Royal's" jet was landing. What a to-do! I was 
> amazed at the fan base there is for Kate and William and their two children. 

[FairfieldLife] From the new President-elect

2016-09-24 Thread Sal Sunshine [FairfieldLife]

These guys are so evolved they can send out communiques two days ahead.

My favorite part: And most important right now, we are upgrading the physical 
campus to a whole new level of excellence and beauty.

Yeah,  we can’t wait.  If the past is any indication, we should be seeing a 
whole new level of pothole patching-up along with a ripping down of any 
building that has any history or beauty still left in it.

Meanwhile the ugliest buildings, the frats and high-rises, so called, still 


Re: [FairfieldLife] Nader house design wins approval

2016-09-23 Thread Sal Sunshine [FairfieldLife]
Right, because nothing shouts “Prosperity!” like living in something that looks 
like high-class junk and refusing to interact with your neighbors or much of 
anyone else.

Unfortunately it’s this kind of snooty, head-in-the-sand attitude that wrecked 
the TMO, with nonsense like this being put forth as what people should strive 
for, with the net result being bankruptcies and families breaking up.


On Sep 23, 2016, at 9:58 AM, [FairfieldLife] 

The campus pond was man-made, and the dam was leaking. But, yeah, they drained 
it primarily for woowoo reasons. 

And, yeah, the Nader house is all prospery and stuff, but to me, a prosperous 
person shouldn't have to walk in inclement weather to go between the house and 
garage, whether it's in Iowa, Florida, or anywhere else. As for the sterile 
rectilinearity, that seems to be the hardcore TMer preference, but I don't 
think SV requires squared angles and minimal curves. Our architect has done 
plenty of houses in that style, but our house has way more curves than any of 
her other designs. I also think the design of our house really benefited from 
it being a huge addition to our original house, because it necessitated a fair 
amount of asymmetry, which makes it visually more interesting.

---In ,>> wrote :

---In , 
 wrote :

Pool in the front?  Groan.  Not to mention that it at least used to be that 
water was frowned on at all, supposedly that was why the  ponds at MUM were 
filled in and the whole landscape changed around.

Water is now in?  Great, but why does it seem like most of these “principles” 
more than anything seem designed to make people uncomfortable, both the people 
who feel they have to live them, as well as anyone else in the neighborhood.

Bet you Nader’s kids won’t want to have anything to do with a pool where anyone 
passing by can have a look, for as long as they want.  I can’t imagine anything 
worse from a kid’s POV.   I suppose they could plant hedges but that’s probably 
bad juju too.


Water was considered bad? They filled in that pond on the MIU campus? Terrible. 
That pond was home to so many amphibians and the nicest pair of water rats. I 
loved that pond. It was always so nice to walk home at night over the little 
path that bisected that pond and listen to the frogs and hear the water 
rustling with the swimming of those little mammals. What a crock - remove this 
little natural environment based on some cockimamy principle of 

That Nader house is pretty typical of upscale Floridian houses where you get 
this combo of ersatz Greco-Roman style coupled with a Western idea of what 
prosperity is supposed to look like. That house is not attractive other than 
the palm trees and its soft yellow color. It appears very inorganic and 
sterile. They could have made it much more interesting by varying the roofline 
and enclosing the front to make a stunning inside courtyard - among many other 
things. Curved windows without those silly shutters (which probably aren't 
functional) would be much better and notice the window sizes are so small and 
very uniform in size.  Still, I'm sure it's very sumptuous inside.

On Sep 23, 2016, at 7:45 AM, j_alexander_stanley@... 
 [FairfieldLife]>> wrote:

I can see how the Vedic principles are making a layout that is weird by local 
standards. The pool is in the water corner, which puts it right in the front 
yard. But, pulling the house forward and putting the pool in the back yard, on 
the west side of the house, would apparently be very bad juju. 

When we were adding on to our original house and rectifying it to MMY-SV 
standards, we had to expand the existing north pond eastward to create more 
water surface area in the correct sector. Fortunately, all that fill dirt was 
put to good use making the new east pond. The old driveway used to go down a 
deep gully, over a culvert, and back up; now it goes straight across the top of 
a dam, and the dam needed to be wide enough that Petra didn't feel unsafe. 


Re: [FairfieldLife] Nader house design wins approval

2016-09-23 Thread Sal Sunshine [FairfieldLife]
I think all these McMansions are ghastly, I’d much prefer a small cottage.  Of 
course in a place like PB, the ones below would be considered cottages.  


On Sep 23, 2016, at 8:52 AM, [FairfieldLife] 

---In , 
 wrote :

Pool in the front?  Groan.  Not to mention that it at least used to be that 
water was frowned on at all, supposedly that was why the  ponds at MUM were 
filled in and the whole landscape changed around.

Water is now in?  Great, but why does it seem like most of these “principles” 
more than anything seem designed to make people uncomfortable, both the people 
who feel they have to live them, as well as anyone else in the neighborhood.

Bet you Nader’s kids won’t want to have anything to do with a pool where anyone 
passing by can have a look, for as long as they want.  I can’t imagine anything 
worse from a kid’s POV.   I suppose they could plant hedges but that’s probably 
bad juju too.

 I prefer some of these if we're talking about multi million dollar homes:

On Sep 23, 2016, at 7:45 AM, j_alexander_stanley@... 
 [FairfieldLife]>> wrote:

I can see how the Vedic principles are making a layout that is weird by local 
standards. The pool is in the water corner, which puts it right in the front 
yard. But, pulling the house forward and putting the pool in the back yard, on 
the west side of the house, would apparently be very bad juju. 

When we were adding on to our original house and rectifying it to MMY-SV 
standards, we had to expand the existing north pond eastward to create more 
water surface area in the correct sector. Fortunately, all that fill dirt was 
put to good use making the new east pond. The old driveway used to go down a 
deep gully, over a culvert, and back up; now it goes straight across the top of 
a dam, and the dam needed to be wide enough that Petra didn't feel unsafe. 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Nader house design wins approval

2016-09-23 Thread Sal Sunshine [FairfieldLife]
They’re all sterile, both inside and out from the ones I’ve seen.  They all 
look IMO like psuedo-Third Reich.

Yeah, the ponds done away with years ago, along with the Chapel and a few of 
the other beautiful old buildings.  They let them fall into disrepair and then 
claimed it would cost to much to renovate them.


On Sep 23, 2016, at 8:49 AM, [FairfieldLife] 

---In , 
 wrote :

Pool in the front?  Groan.  Not to mention that it at least used to be that 
water was frowned on at all, supposedly that was why the  ponds at MUM were 
filled in and the whole landscape changed around.

Water is now in?  Great, but why does it seem like most of these “principles” 
more than anything seem designed to make people uncomfortable, both the people 
who feel they have to live them, as well as anyone else in the neighborhood.

Bet you Nader’s kids won’t want to have anything to do with a pool where anyone 
passing by can have a look, for as long as they want.  I can’t imagine anything 
worse from a kid’s POV.   I suppose they could plant hedges but that’s probably 
bad juju too.


Water was considered bad? They filled in that pond on the MIU campus? Terrible. 
That pond was home to so many amphibians and the nicest pair of water rats. I 
loved that pond. It was always so nice to walk home at night over the little 
path that bisected that pond and listen to the frogs and hear the water 
rustling with the swimming of those little mammals. What a crock - remove this 
little natural environment based on some cockimamy principle of 

That Nader house is pretty typical of upscale Floridian houses where you get 
this combo of ersatz Greco-Roman style coupled with a Western idea of what 
prosperity is supposed to look like. That house is not attractive other than 
the palm trees and its soft yellow color. It appears very inorganic and 
sterile. They could have made it much more interesting by varying the roofline 
and enclosing the front to make a stunning inside courtyard - among many other 
things. Curved windows without those silly shutters (which probably aren't 
functional) would be much better and notice the window sizes are so small and 
very uniform in size.  Still, I'm sure it's very sumptuous inside.

On Sep 23, 2016, at 7:45 AM, j_alexander_stanley@... 
 [FairfieldLife]>> wrote:

I can see how the Vedic principles are making a layout that is weird by local 
standards. The pool is in the water corner, which puts it right in the front 
yard. But, pulling the house forward and putting the pool in the back yard, on 
the west side of the house, would apparently be very bad juju. 

When we were adding on to our original house and rectifying it to MMY-SV 
standards, we had to expand the existing north pond eastward to create more 
water surface area in the correct sector. Fortunately, all that fill dirt was 
put to good use making the new east pond. The old driveway used to go down a 
deep gully, over a culvert, and back up; now it goes straight across the top of 
a dam, and the dam needed to be wide enough that Petra didn't feel unsafe. 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Nader house design wins approval

2016-09-23 Thread Sal Sunshine [FairfieldLife]
Pool in the front?  Groan.  Not to mention that it at least used to be that 
water was frowned on at all, supposedly that was why the  ponds at MUM were 
filled in and the whole landscape changed around.

Water is now in?  Great, but why does it seem like most of these “principles” 
more than anything seem designed to make people uncomfortable, both the people 
who feel they have to live them, as well as anyone else in the neighborhood.

Bet you Nader’s kids won’t want to have anything to do with a pool where anyone 
passing by can have a look, for as long as they want.  I can’t imagine anything 
worse from a kid’s POV.   I suppose they could plant hedges but that’s probably 
bad juju too.


On Sep 23, 2016, at 7:45 AM, [FairfieldLife] 

I can see how the Vedic principles are making a layout that is weird by local 
standards. The pool is in the water corner, which puts it right in the front 
yard. But, pulling the house forward and putting the pool in the back yard, on 
the west side of the house, would apparently be very bad juju. 

When we were adding on to our original house and rectifying it to MMY-SV 
standards, we had to expand the existing north pond eastward to create more 
water surface area in the correct sector. Fortunately, all that fill dirt was 
put to good use making the new east pond. The old driveway used to go down a 
deep gully, over a culvert, and back up; now it goes straight across the top of 
a dam, and the dam needed to be wide enough that Petra didn't feel unsafe. 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Kuurma-naaDii and nervus vagus!

2016-09-23 Thread Sal Sunshine [FairfieldLife]
FWIW, they’ve tried “spiritual” solutions to young kids having problems at the 
MSAE, and the result has been utter disaster, with the list of mental issues 
and suicides long.  Much longer than from the regular HS, which has a lot more 

The opportunity for abuse of these kids and of minimization of the issues 
they’re dealing with is huge.  They’ve now, I understand, make more traditional 
solutions available, but I’m sure much of the stigma is still there.  

The people pushing “spiritual” solutions seem to be utterly clueless, sometimes 
willfully so.  A few of them don’t even have kids themselves, have no idea of 
what teenage/young adult issues can entail, with almost any kid, and how best 
to handle it.  “Just meditate” is   like a real slap in the face and a mockery 
of what mediation can do, and it isn’t a substitute for talk therapy or just 
simply talk.

I see some of these administrators (or former admins) who were in charge when 
many of the kids who later killed themselves were in school, still walking 
around like self-important big-shots.  


On Sep 23, 2016, at 7:35 AM, [FairfieldLife] 

Not sure if this related to what you are referring to, but mainstream 
psychology is, I believe, completely clueless about spiritual experiences, and 
spiritual development, and how they may pertain to "issues" one might be having.

Just another reason why it would help to help to have a support group, or a 
professional who is more dialed in to that area of life.

But, but, as a practical matter, and especially in a university setting, anyone 
who is having any sort of issue along these lines, i.e. mental instability 
would best be advised to seek the prevailing treatments, both because they can 
work in many cases, and for matters of liability.

Spiritual solutions remain more in the realm of mystery, and rely more on one 
sorting things out oneself, or as I said, with the benefit of a teacher, or 
others who have tread that path. 

---In , 
 wrote :

Yes, as breath is also intimate to the heart and subtle system it seems that 
working on alignment of these subtle energy systems of the spiritual nervous 
system is a lot of where so many of the meditating community have gone on to.  
I have been going to these planning meetings with various movement people and 
it is pretty clear that some of those still narrowly vested in the strict ™ 
consciousness paradigm  don’t really get where people have gone in their 
spiritual experience.  More recently with the opening up of mental health 
policy inside TM, some clinical thinkers are moving to the direction of 
‘integral’ medicine but that only goes to incorporating cognitive modality as 
their means of getting to the heart of spiritual problems.  That is okay as one 
modality. The communal satsang of the old meditating community evidently has 
cultivated other experience with it.  

---In , 
 wrote :

I am predicting that breath, or prana will at some point, become a focus of 
western medicine. Probably before interest in something like energy centers 
takes hold.

The Upanishads, in particular, talk about the different breaths, and the 
functions they perform.  Breath may be something people can understand better 
than say, chakras.

Another area which has little or no public awareness is that of sexual energy, 
and how it pertains to overall health and mental acuity, at least as I see it.

---In , 
 wrote :

M stopped talking much about it publicly at points when faced with an 
intellectual skepticism about these energy centers:  ‘Thin lines of energy 
flowing in the central nervous system? ’ Where exactly?  
Comparing to the science then at that time growing on 'consciousness' defined 
by meditation then to also describe and defend a subtle system which science 
has yet to be able to even image would be daunting at best given where people 
and science was at in time.  But clearly it was where he was going in his 
teachings and methods even to his last techniques in marma, vibrational 
modalities and the Ved and Physiology practice.  The guy was a visionary, sage, 
empiricist and necessarily practical going forward. We don't have so much 
guidance coming out of TM about it other than ideas of stress release and 
meditation checking so people over the years have also gone on in their 

---In , 
 wrote :

Yes, thanks for the reply.  I do believe that spiritual development is a tricky 
endeavor, and that complications can arise, either due to an awakening of 
kundalini, or just an expanding of awareness.  I suppose it is helpful to have 
a support network to help sort things out, and lend a helping hand if necessary.


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