Re: [WSG] Using ellipsis to indicate truncated overflow content

2011-11-22 Thread Ben Buchanan
>> text-overflow: ellipsis?
> Thank you, yes, the text-overflow property is great but does not work in
> Firefox 3.6. Do you know of a work-around for Firefox.

Unless you have a really massive FF 3.6 userbase that you know is
blocked from upgrades, I'd say use it anyway.

People regularly use things that don't work in IE - it doesn't stop
being Progressive Enhancement just because Firefox was the weakest
link in this case :)


--- The future has arrived; it's just not
--- evenly distributed. - William Gibson

List Guidelines:

Re: [WSG] IE9's Browser Mode Controls - Reliable?

2011-09-25 Thread Ben Buchanan
> This way of switching browser modes (between 7, 8 and 9) is quite convenient
> but... is it a true representation of how the project will render in these
> three browsers?

>From what I've read about them, they are "close emulations" rather
than true representations (that is, IE is applying a set of rendering
rules but not firing up genuine IE7/8 instances). Given the
convenience factor though, I tend to use the modes for quick testing
and only fire up VMs for a final test or if a specific bug has been

> If not, I'd love to get some suggestions on the LEAST INVASIVE way to test
> different "modern" flavors of IE.

I'm yet to find any option that's ultimately more reliable than VMs. I
don't trust multi-IE solutions ever since I tried one that installed
an entirely-unsecure, unpatched IE6 instance that was sandboxed away
from all security measures (the results were predictable from that

On Win7 I use XP Mode with differencing to set up multiple versions.
The images don't expire so it's a one-off setup rather than
re-downloading Microsoft's test VMs. I've written up my experiences at

On Mac I've just tried using and
other than being a very very long download it worked without incident.
I'd suggest installing one version at a time when you won't be
disconnecting for a while :)


--- The future has arrived; it's just not
--- evenly distributed. - William Gibson

List Guidelines:

Re: [WSG] what is the exact version of FF 3.6 x prior to FF4?

2011-04-03 Thread Ben Buchanan
I upgraded to FF4 without checking the compatibility of the addons.
>  Both YSlow and Page Speed aren't compatible, now I need to install the
> previous version that I used, but can't remember the exact version. There
> seems to be a number of 3.6.x.


With Firefox there's usually a link in the right-hand column on the "all
systems and languages page"; or you can get old versions from the FTP server

I've found it doesn't hurt to keep a copy of the last Firefox, plus the .xpi
files of compatible key extensions (eg. firebug and the web dev toolbar).


--- The future has arrived; it's just not
--- evenly distributed. - William Gibson

List Guidelines:

Re: [WSG] HTML5 v. HTML 4.x

2011-01-24 Thread Ben Buchanan
On 25 January 2011 09:44,  wrote:

> Hello,
> Could someone please clarify this for me. I realise that HTML5 has
> introduced new semantic elements such as ,  etc., but does
> this really increase the expressive power of the markup?

In the long run, yes this increases the expressive power of markup. Some
moves are more obviously practical than others, eg.  means for the
first time HTML can have heading levels more than six deep - lawyers' web
developers will be pleased ;) Pity we didn't get a generic heading element
to go with section, but cest la vie.

Can't the same thing be achieved in HTML 4.x using classes (e.g.  class="header">)?

Yes, the same semantics could have been applied using attributes; but the
WHATWG chose to mint new elements instead. Although few systems make
real/significant use of the new semantic elements, in time they will and
they provide some meaning HTML4 could not provide with elements alone.

On the flip side, you can do basically the same thing right away using
HTML4/XHTML and WAI-ARIA (and for some specific cases, Microformats); and
I've seen a few recommendations to use both HTML5 and WAI-ARIA together,
with WAI-ARIA bridging the implementation gaps in the meantime.

> I am reluctant to move to HTML5 due to the issue of backwards
> compatibility.

There's no harm moving to the doctype and just sticking to the HTML4 element
set - that way you can legitimately start using new features as they are
supported (sites like help identify those).

There's also no harm sticking HTML4, you just can't (validly) use the new
HTML5 markup features.

If you're maintaining a web app that already requires JS for functionality,
there's no real harm using a javascript solution like shiv to enable use of
the new elements across browsers.

So it all depends what you need to achieve and what benefit you'd get from


--- The future has arrived; it's just not
--- evenly distributed. - William Gibson

List Guidelines:

Re: [WSG] Order of Tags within (XHTML)

2010-12-18 Thread Ben Buchanan
On 15 December 2010 13:31, Michal Miksik  wrote:

> I was advised by an SEO company that : "The Title tag should be the first
> tag in the  area of the web pages, otherwise search engines may
> overlook it which will significantly damage the rankings."
> What is the best practice/order for placing tags withing the 
> section?
> Any feedback very appreciated.

One thing I haven't seen mentioned is that if you set your IE rendering mode
with an x-ua-compatible meta tag, it needs to be within the first 512bytes
of the document. In practice that just means do it as the second thing
inside , after your document encoding (which needs to be before
 for security purposes


--- The future has arrived; it's just not
--- evenly distributed. - William Gibson

List Guidelines:

Re: [WSG] disallow IE6 to load the main style sheet

2010-12-18 Thread Ben Buchanan
On 18 December 2010 22:20, tee  wrote:

> I am finally to begin to stop supporting IE6 starts from 2011 as the usage
> has fallen below 5%. I don't want the IE6 users to see a broken page due to
> no special treatment made for the browser, rather, I would like them to see
> an un-styled page as if the style sheet has switch off.
> Can this be done?

Rather than a completely unstyled page I use a combination of (alternatively you could write a
basic stylesheet, setting your usual typefaces and colours but leaving
layout to the default - time box it to something like ten minutes' effort).

link to normal css


That way it doesn't cost anything in good browsers; I'm not spending time on
IE6; but anyone stuck on IE6 (eg in a corporate environment) does get
something styled (a lot of people equate unstyled with broken).

Because I favour actively pushing IE6 out I do include a little message just
for IE6, respectfully suggesting the user should upgrade or ask their IT
people if an upgrade would be possible.

--- The future has arrived; it's just not
--- evenly distributed. - William Gibson

List Guidelines:

Re: [WSG] HTML5 Boilerplate

2010-09-05 Thread Ben Buchanan
On 4 September 2010 18:30, tee  wrote:

> I was reviewing the HTML5 Boilerplate that was mentioned in one of the
> thread, curious if this really is a good practise:

If you don't set the mode explicitly IE8 will pick its own rendering mode,
so I think it's worth doing. I've seen some debate about whether edge is
better than specifying a version of IE, but nothing truly conclusive.


--- The future has arrived; it's just not
--- evenly distributed. - William Gibson

List Guidelines:

Re: [WSG] that old IE6 thing...

2010-07-03 Thread Ben Buchanan
> I think it's more to do with the fact that librarians are always getting
hand-me-down hardware :)

Pretty likely. I'd say it's probably also an effect of the corporate-owned
hardware syndrome - as in, they may not have admin rights on their
workstations to change the browser. Students on the other hand probably own
their computers and can use whatever they like.

--- The future has arrived; it's just not
--- evenly distributed. - William Gibson

List Guidelines:

Re: [WSG] Yes/No structure?

2010-06-07 Thread Ben Buchanan
On 7 June 2010 14:58, Steve Gibbings  wrote:

> I have a problem with that.   Radio button sets should always have an
> option selected, there is no undefined selection.  This makes sense when you
> remember where the radio button metaphor came from. However seems that
> doesn't get universally implemented.

Technically correct, true. Would you recommend a checkbox instead, or some
other option?

In practice I think the usage of radio buttons has shifted to accommodate
sets with no initial selection. In usability terms it's probably better than
a dropdown for a yes/no; and some people do have some issues with the
implied off state of checkboxes. Compare it with a paper form where you have
two boxes and you tick or cross an option - there's no preselection. I guess
it depends which paradigm is more likely to fit the scenario.


--- The future has arrived; it's just not
--- evenly distributed. - William Gibson

List Guidelines:

Re: [WSG] Yes/No structure?

2010-06-06 Thread Ben Buchanan
On 4 June 2010 12:29, nedlud  wrote:

> I have a web form I'm building and there is a simple yes/no question in it.
> I got to wondering what the best semantic  mark up for this is? Does anyone
> have any good UI/UX suggestions?
> My three ideas were...
> Two radio buttons for "yes" and "no"...
> Do you...?
> Yes id="ans-yes">
> No

I go back to the fact radio buttons show mutually-exclusive options, which
makes a very clear yes/no. If your question needs the user to actively
specify a yes or no, it's a good solution. Checkboxes mean one response is
given by omission, which is a less definitive interaction.

Since radio buttons are one element short on their own, you need to wrap
them in a fieldset and legend to essentially act like a label for the set of
radio buttons. I also think the button should be on the left and the text on
the right (in left-to-right languages), since a) that just seems the most
common thing, and b) if you were to add a couple of divs to create rows, the
buttons would line up neatly above each other.

Which gives us...

Do you...?

Hope that helps...



--- The future has arrived; it's just not
--- evenly distributed. - William Gibson

List Guidelines:

Re: [WSG] color contrast, success criterion 1.4.3

2010-05-03 Thread Ben Buchanan
So my question, how accurate is for  Juicestudios Color Contrast Analyser
> and Color Checker Firefox extension? Will the brightness of monitor affect
> the result.

Those tools should be accurate for text-only combinations that don't use
transparency*, but I don't think they can detect the contents of images.
Regardless, if you need something that works absolutely on the final
rendered result, try which gives
you an on-screen selector.



* if you're using alpha transparency i've expanded on that point at

--- The future has arrived; it's just not
--- evenly distributed. - William Gibson

List Guidelines:

Re: [WSG] breaks, lists in a form or not, and more or less divs

2009-12-06 Thread Ben Buchanan
In case of a poem, if I place every verse in a paragraph, what do I do with
> each line of text in the verse? Is this one of the very few occasions to use
> breaks? A verse doesn't seem a list to me... or is it? I like your opinion.

This one has been debated a few times and it seems to come down to two
common suggestions; paragraphs + breaks, or pre. I think both are fine,
although I prefer paragraphs and breaks unless the poem has particularly
significant formatting which requires pre.

So, in order of preference...

First line of poem
Middle line of poem
Last line of poem

Semantically fine, since the meaning relies on line breaks and I'm happy to
consider each verse as a paragraph.


The author put this line over here
  but this one here
this one way over here
  ...and the form and layout is part of the poem's message

(hopefully that whitespace will survive ;)). Semantically ok as the content
is "preformatted". It's not strong semantics but there's not much else to
work with and it gets the job done.

> In the very few tutorials I have seen about how to markup a form
> semantically, both were using  a list in the form. To me that seems totally
> unneccessary plus too much markup. Does anyone know what can be the reason
> of doing it that way?

Some people feel that each line of the form is the next step in a list of
items to be filled out, and also to make the grouping clear; others are
simply being pragmatic about the need for something to work with for style.
I'm sure there will be other reasons too. It's not required, but I don't
think it's a "bad" technique.

Personally I'm quite comfortable putting each line of a form into a div (for
complex forms you need *something*); but I tend to use fieldset+legend to
ensure the grouping is obvious.

Hope that helps :)


--- The future has arrived; it's just not
--- evenly distributed. - William Gibson

List Guidelines:

Re: [WSG] Including a DIV element inside an HREF tag

2009-11-04 Thread Ben Buchanan
2009/11/4 dionisis karampinis 

> I would like your comments regarding the inclusion of a DIV, inside a Link
> tag.
> I need to make the following div element - 'linkable' , as such when the
> user hovers on it, to be able to follow a link to another page.
Do you think this is a semantic way of structuring these elements or not ?
> And if not do you know if there are any other alternatives so i could
> perform the same functionality?

Well... your example won't validate as XHTML1; and you have something noted
as a heading so semantically it would seem logical to use a heading tag. So
I'd suggest something more like this:";>My Heading";>Lorem ipsum text
lorem ipsum text lorem ipsum text orem ipsum text lorem ipsum text orem
ipsum text lorem ipsum text

...obviously pick the appropriate heading level. I've just assumed this
wouldn't be the top level heading.

This way everything's clickable, valid and semantically logical.



--- The future has arrived; it's just not
--- evenly distributed. - William Gibson

List Guidelines:

Re: [WSG] Ordered list start value

2009-09-28 Thread Ben Buchanan
On 29 Sep 2009, at 00:45, Ben Buchanan wrote:

> The only valid way to change the numbering of lists in strict XHTML is to
> put a value="" on each LI.

The value attribute for li elements doesn't appear in Strict.
> is marked with an L, so
> it appears only in Loose (Transitional).

Ahh so it is, well spotted. Guess it's transitional or bust then! :)

--- <>
--- The future has arrived; it's just not
--- evenly distributed. - William Gibson

List Guidelines:

Re: [WSG] Ordered list start value

2009-09-28 Thread Ben Buchanan
2009/9/28 T. R. Valentine 

> What is the proper way to start an ordered list at a value other than
> '1' in XHTML?
> I had
>  flagged because 'there is no attribute "start"'

The only valid way to change the numbering of lists in strict XHTML is to
put a value="" on each LI. I have to admit in some scenarios I've used start
anyway and just worn the validation error. But if you're generating the list
perhaps you can use value without too much hassle.

The deprecation of "start" was... well I consider it a mistake! Thankfully
it has been reversed in HTML5 ( so eventually the
better solution will both work AND validate. I've never been able to
understand why people thought the numbers weren't a critical part of the
document, as opposed to display style! :)



--- The future has arrived; it's just not
--- evenly distributed. - William Gibson

List Guidelines:

Re: [WSG] [Spam] :The wisdom? of using q to clear

2009-09-27 Thread Ben Buchanan
2009/9/27 designer 

> Thanks to all who replied.  However, no-one said "don't do this because . .
> ."
>  ??

OK, well, since you're kind of asking... ;) Don't do that because it's
horrendously non-semantic and you should be making your pages semantically
correct. You are basically adding fake content to your page just to support
a specific design requirement at a specific point in time, etc...

Since you're actually adding content, you could potentially end up with some
users seeing "for clearing" when they view your page. For example some
mobile phones I've used revealed content that was hidden by CSS. Also Google
will pick up all the extraneous "for clearing" text and read it along with
your real content.

If you want to put something into your markup just for clearing purposes I
can't really see the point in using  - it's not a quote by any stretch of
the imagination. If you can make it work with a  tag stick to that, I
think. If you need "text" just use a neutral tag and a space, eg.   which is at least better than actual

Better to avoid it entirely though, using one of the alternative fixes
mentioned earlier.



--- The future has arrived; it's just not
--- evenly distributed. - William Gibson

List Guidelines:

Re: [WSG] [Spam] :The wisdom? of using q to clear

2009-09-26 Thread Ben Buchanan
Can anyone tell me what is wrong (apart from not being semantic) about
> using:

Have you tried using the easy clearing fix instead? avoids the need
for markup just for clearing. If you stick with markup I'd suggest just
using  rather than including extraneous text.



--- The future has arrived; it's just not
--- evenly distributed. - William Gibson

List Guidelines:

Re: [WSG] or CSS3 Border Background

2009-08-09 Thread Ben Buchanan
After reading the following article, I ask which is more semantic, using the
>  element with a background or using the CSS3 border background
> property?

Well... markup has semantics/semantic meaning, CSS is style applied over the
top but is not part of the document's content. Applying the graphic with CSS
only means you are saying it's purely visual and not part of the content at
all... and I don't think that's what you really intend.
So if you are communicating a break in content (which is the semantically
meaningful concept), include the  even if you then hide it and display
a border when CSS is applied. On my blog I do just that, with 
.hidden {
position: absolute;
left: -5000px;
width: 4000px;
overflow: hidden;

I should really change the class to "assistive" as it's not actually
"hidden" from everybody, but that's a finer point. Anyway, with the HRs
hidden from view with CSS I then have a design with very clear breaks in the
content, which is a visual representation of the underlying semantics.

--- The future has arrived; it's just not
--- evenly distributed. - William Gibson

List Guidelines:

Re: [WSG] Installing More than one version of IE6

2009-07-04 Thread Ben Buchanan
> It will not run on any of the "Home" editions of Windows; you must
> have "Professional", "Enterprise" or "Ultimate".

A good warning, although not 100% true - it's not *supported* on Home
editions... however I used it on XP Home recently and it does run if you
accept all the warnings :)
Admittedly it didn't run terribly fast, but I'm inclined to think that was
just my Eeepc hitting a natural limit of performance (main machine is out of
action, wouldn't normally be using the Eee for all my dev work). Definitely
a case of YMMV here.
So if someone's stuck with a Home edition it's still worth a shot. VPC's
definitely the multi-browser testing solution that I trust the most in terms
of accuracy.
--- The future has arrived; it's just not
--- evenly distributed. - William Gibson

List Guidelines:

Re: [WSG] Span within a "li"

2009-05-11 Thread Ben Buchanan
PS: I ended up with a string something like this... (ineffectual)
#left ul li item361 a:link span
If tha'ts the actual string you have two issues
1) Missing dot for .item361, so it's not combining with the li
2) you're only styling unvisited links
Also it sounds like your selector is losing a specificity war. Try debugging
with this:
#left ul .item361 a span { display: none !important; }
#left ul li.item361 a span { display: none !important; }
If it disappears, you're at least hitting the right element. Remove the
!important and if it reappears then it's a specificity issue.
Not entirely sure what you're trying to do so I'm not sure if that helps...
hope it does though :)

--- The future has arrived; it's just not
--- evenly distributed. - William Gibson

List Guidelines:

Re: [WSG] Browser toolbars

2009-05-04 Thread Ben Buchanan
I have a quick question regarding browser toolbars and functionality. I have
> a client who is requesting a web application (online form) be built where
> they will lose some if not all browser navigation control and functionality,
> much like you would see on a Internet banking page. I'm against the idea
> personally but wanted to find out if there are any such standards out there
> that strongly encourage you keep these on your web page for usability and
> accessibility reasons. Finally, they wanted to the URL to be hidden as well,
> surely this is not recommended??

I have to admit it's a long time since I actually looked up supporting
articles etc on this topic... messing with the browser chrome has been
considered a bad idea for a long time (and thanks to a certain new browser,
searching for articles about browser chromes has become exceedingly
irritating). Banks are holdouts but I wouldn't be taking any web
dev/usability leads from that industry ;)
Usability and user relations suggest that interfering with the user's
browser (tantamount to attacking their OS in the modern day) is a really bad
idea. It's a huge breach of trust in an increasingly trust-based economy -
if people can't trust you online, why would they trust you offline? Hiding
the URL just suggests you're trying to do something dodgy and in Opera at
least the browser makes it trivially simple to reopen the toolbars etc. I
wouldn't be surprised if browsers simply stopped letting pages hide toolbars
and URLs altogether, now that they use the URL bar for important status and
security information.
The other point I'd have to make is that removing these functions doesn't do
anything positive for the web app. People can still click back (right
click), refresh (f5), etc... you're not preventing any "undesirable" user
interactions that might cause problems for a web app. It's unclear what
benefit the client thinks they're getting.
>From the accessibility point of view, it's not acceptable to mess with the
user's equipment. The browser is controlled by the user (it's not part of
the page after all), who will have learned their setup and may be
significantly annoyed and disoriented if your site changes it.
Not sure if those points will help convince your client to leave the browser
alone, but if you haven't already made those arguments maybe they'll help.
Essentially they need to ask themselves: "do I want my website to behave
like it's a phishing scam?"

--- The future has arrived; it's just not
--- evenly distributed. - William Gibson

List Guidelines:

Re: [WSG] how reliable is it to use IE8 compatible mode to test IE7/6

2009-04-26 Thread Ben Buchanan
>  It doesn't cover IE6;
> This is strange. Wasn't that the whole Compatible Mode was "to not break
> the web" because of the massive IE6 users in corporate world?
> MS's position, near as I can tell, is that they don't want to break the web
*with IE8, for people already running IE7 or IE7-only web services*. They
recommend people upgrade anything requires IE6; and upgrade any user with
IE6 on their machine.

--- The future has arrived; it's just not
--- evenly distributed. - William Gibson

List Guidelines:

Re: [WSG] how reliable is it to use IE8 compatible mode to test IE7/6

2009-04-26 Thread Ben Buchanan
Anybody use IE8 compatible mode to test IE7/6 instead of standalone version?

It doesn't cover IE6; and IE8-as-IE7 is not 100% the same as IE7 -
so you would still need to double-check standalone IE7 anyway to be
Personally I use Virtual PC for testing extra versions of IE.

--- The future has arrived; it's just not
--- evenly distributed. - William Gibson

List Guidelines:

Re: [WSG] Classes---Adding multiple classes to an element, is there a downfall???

2009-02-25 Thread Ben Buchanan
Is there a downfall to applying multiple classes to an element, like the one
> above? How does it affect UAs?

Just thought I'd offer an alternate viewpoint to the "argh! no!" responses
so far.
Like most web dev questions there's a contextual aspect to the question.
There's a time and a place to use multiple classes.
Multiple classes are hugely useful if you have a really large site (or
collection of sites) with design variations over a standard structure (i.e.
standardised markup). You can use multiple classes to build up layers of
style and save a lot of repetition.
.default { /* set up widths, sizing, etc */}
.variant1 { color: #000; background: #fff; }
.variant2 { color: #fff; background: #000; }
(obviously in a real build you'd do this with meaningful classnames)
Then you can have:


...and you've saved the hack work of setting up the basics twice. When you
have hundreds of different pages it's pretty powerful. The downside of the
approach is that you really do have to have standardised markup - not just
"similar" or "usually the same" but things actually have to follow a

For a smaller site with the current browser market it's probably overkill,
and for the scenario in the original question I think contextual selectors
are the way to go.

But we should keep in mind that the end of IE6 is in sight, at which point
combined selectors will work as they're supposed to. That will make multiple
classes more broadly useful - including being useful on small sites - as
there's the potential to do more style work with less elements.

So basically... don't be hating multiple classes, they have their place ;)



--- The future has arrived; it's just not
--- evenly distributed. - William Gibson

List Guidelines:

Re: [WSG] Blockquote

2009-01-07 Thread Ben Buchanan
2009/1/8 James Jeffery 

> I'm developing a site. A quote site infact. For the quotes I think it's
> wise to use  ... but, the quotes are being scraped from other
> sites so how would I cite them? Could I use a wiki url for the author? And
> what if the author is unknown or has no wiki page.
> Do I *need* to include the cite attribute?
While the cite attribute isn't mandatory, your scenario actually solves its
own problem. You can put in the URL you got the quote from. The cite
attribute is set up for that sort of usage:

"cite = uri [CT]
The value of this attribute is a URI that designates a source document or
message. This attribute is intended to give information about the source
from which the quotation was borrowed."

If you wanted to visibly show the actual author/quote source (ie. who said
it, not where you got it) then you could include the name in a . eg.";>

This instrument can teach, it can illuminate; yes, and it can even
inspire. But it can do so only to the extent that humans are determined to
use it to those ends. Otherwise it is merely wires and lights in a box.
There is a great and perhaps decisive battle to be fought against ignorance,
intolerance and indifference. This weapon of television could be useful.

Edward R. Murrow, RTNDA Convention Speech, October 15



--- The future has arrived; it's just not
--- evenly distributed. - William Gibson

List Guidelines:

Re: [WSG] JavaScript as External File vs. Internal Code and linking to images

2009-01-06 Thread Ben Buchanan
> Recently, I experimented with changing check boxes with JavaScript. If the
> user clicked on the words next to the check box, then the box would be
> checked, once checked if the user clicked again, then the box would be
> unchecked.

As someone has mentioned, that's precisely what putting the text into a
 does (without the need for any javascript at all). I'm just curious
to know if you are using labels and/or if there was something in your
scenario that meant labels weren't producing the effect you wanted?

--- The future has arrived; it's just not
--- evenly distributed. - William Gibson

List Guidelines:

Re: [WSG] list-style can't work with inline and float in IE?

2008-12-13 Thread Ben Buchanan
2008/12/13 tee 

> I have two list items that  must display horizontally. Wanting to use
> list-style instead of background image, but in IE 6 and 7, the circle style
> refuses to show up even I adjusted padding left (or margin).
> ul.add-to li{ padding: 5px 10px 5px 0;list-style-type: circle;font-size:
> .85em;float: left;color: #d9d49d;margin-right: 5px;}
> Using display:inline also of no use.
> If I add a 'float:none' in the CC for IE, than it works.

Generally I just use background image and be done with it ;) But in your
scenario have you tried setting display: inline-block for IE? Worth a try.



--- The future has arrived; it's just not
--- evenly distributed. - William Gibson

List Guidelines:

Re: [WSG] is there a way to force legend text shows in TWO lines?

2008-11-26 Thread Ben Buchanan
> 2) I have a column that is 160px wide, but the text in legend is a bit
> longer, I added a span class, declared a width, but in Firefox, the text
> still refuse to run in two lines - the rest of the text simply get cut off
> when the words reaches 160px threshold. I really don't want to add a ,
> and it will be more ridiculous to use a p tag for the text so that I can
> force it display exactly the way my client wanted, then use a negative
> text-indent to hide the legend.

Did you set the span to display: block?



--- The future has arrived; it's just not
--- evenly distributed. - William Gibson

List Guidelines:

Re: [WSG] Text-only version

2008-11-21 Thread Ben Buchanan
2008/11/21 Rob Enslin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> Hi Ben,
> cynical/suspicious about what suppliers claim in the pre-signoff phase
> I agree - that's why I questioned it. With my internal clients a little
> naive displaying this long list of 'pieces of functionality' broken down it
> conveys the impression that there's a lot of 'extra' work involved.
To see this exact billable function in action check out:
> scroll to the footer where you'll see 'Text
> only version' which then takes you to:
> I'm quering whether:
> a) it should appear on the breakdown in the pricing quote and
> b) whether this is actually good web standards practice (or outdated with
> little value)
>From the link you've shown, it looks rather like the "extra work" is
installing a perl script and linking to it in the footer. It is still a
reasonable thing to list separately though, mostly since it's a relatively
unusual feature. I certainly wouldn't assume that a text only converter
would be included in a web build.
Whether it's good practice... that's where it gets interesting. Accessbility
guidelines allow for text only versions; but the absolute best practice is
considered making one version of the site that's accessible in its own
right. So it's slightly grey.
It's certainly not harmful but it is a bit oldschool. Is it worth it? Well,
if it doesn't cost much I'd be inclined to leave it in. The converted site
has appropriate robots tags to avoid any negative issues in search rankings
and it might benefit some users. But I'd be grilling them about the standard
they plan to meet on the default version of the site :)


--- The future has arrived; it's just not
--- evenly distributed. - William Gibson

List Guidelines:

Re: [WSG] Text-only version

2008-11-20 Thread Ben Buchanan
Do you think it's a service I should be paying for? Although not expensive,
> I'm wondering why the 'functionality' needs to be highlighted at all?
> Surely, it's the same as saying we'll charge you separately for css or html
> markup?
I'm naturally cynical/suspicious about what suppliers claim in the
pre-signoff phase. Generally everything's a lot easier, more stuff is
included and nothing is impossible.until the ink hits paper ;)

In this instance I'd be asking them why the site needs a text-only
alternative! It smells rather like they're going to build a table-based site
or some other thing that's not accessible, then create a whole second
version instead of doing the first one the right way. Alternatively they may
just be setting up an easy way for users to disable styles. But you should
get them to explain a bit further.



--- The future has arrived; it's just not
--- evenly distributed. - William Gibson

List Guidelines:

Re: [WSG] XHTML Standard question

2008-11-19 Thread Ben Buchanan
So exactly what behavior is mandated for UAs implementing HTML5 if
> a form is submitted with a 'required' element unsatisfied?

If I'm reading,
the form just won't submit if a "required" field is empty. Not
sure about the UI feedback and so on, although looking at I think
the onus will be on the developer to handle error feedback (ie. same as



--- The future has arrived; it's just not
--- evenly distributed. - William Gibson

List Guidelines:

Re: [WSG] XHTML Standard question

2008-11-19 Thread Ben Buchanan
> Therefore, I was wondering if it would be feasible to include a standard
> that would use a syntax similar (does not actually *have* to be this way)
> to selected="selected"? In which case, the syntax would be
> required="required". Or, if it is an email input (i.e. Your e-mail
> address:).

The stats you quoted do seem quite high - I'd be interested to see the full
questions etc to see if there was some further context. Anyway, that

I would suggest that you follow the hijax approach and build your form with
server-side validation to back up js validation (eg. if you're using PHP, Y
Validate might be suitable for you

Looking to the future, HTML5 is introducing a simple "required" attribute:

"The new required attribute applies to input (except when the type attribute
is hidden, image or some button type such as submit) and textarea. It
indicates that the user has to fill in a value in order to submit the form."

Obviously that just requires *something* to be entered and doesn't validate
the actual input; but it will still make life easier. Plus, of course, being
HTML5 it could be quite some time before we see a level of browser
implementation that would let us go ahead and use it. But it's good to know
it's in the plan :)



--- The future has arrived; it's just not
--- evenly distributed. - William Gibson

List Guidelines:

Re: [WSG] google and validation

2008-10-19 Thread Ben Buchanan
And Ben, are you saying you validate or not?

I aim for sites to validate unless there's an immovable reason why not
(unmodifiable third party code, legally locked code, unable to prevent users
creating errors, etc). So I suppose for your scenario the simpler answer is
just "yes", because the code's in your control.



--- The future has arrived; it's just not
--- evenly distributed. - William Gibson

List Guidelines:

Re: [WSG] google and validation

2008-10-19 Thread Ben Buchanan
 Hi, I am just curious how many people in this list actually spend extra
> time making a validation error free page for the sake of validation when
> third party's code is embedded. Surely the above example is an easy fix, but
> how about embedding google calendar or other scripts?
Wherever possible, yes. It removes noise from debugging/validation reports.
The most common errors are pretty easy to fix, too - it seems there's not a
third party on the planet that knows how to write a valid script tag or
encode ampersands... but other than that it's often ok from a validation
point of view.

--- The future has arrived; it's just not
--- evenly distributed. - William Gibson

List Guidelines:

Re: [WSG] Chrome and Safari

2008-10-16 Thread Ben Buchanan
Seeing as though Google's new Chrome browser uses the same rendering engine
> as Apple's Safari, would it be acceptable to test browser layout issues in
> Chrome and assume the same CSS solutions apply in Safari? Does anyone know
> of any distinct differences in CSS rendering between the 2 browsers?
I don't know of any issues now, but as a long term solution I would assume
that the two browsers will get out of synch at some stage in terms of the
specific version of teh rendering engine. Also as other people have noted
the whole browser is more than just the rendering engine; so it's prudent to
test them separately.



--- The future has arrived; it's just not
--- evenly distributed. - William Gibson

List Guidelines:

Re: [WSG] Is it a good practice to have 'Back to Top' link?

2008-09-29 Thread Ben Buchanan
> Any suggestions would be appreciated.

If you have a really really long page I think a back to top is ok. It's
unlikely to harm anyone and it's likely to help some users. If the pages
have a table of contents with jump links (probably a good idea) then you
could also make it a "back to table of contents" link. Alternatively if you
have a skip/jump menu at the start of the page, that makes a logical target
without requiring the addition of any extra elements just for top links.
Top links are certainly old school; but unlike some other list members I
don't think users know how to to hit home or ctrl/cmd-home and so on. I'm
constantly surprised at how little the average user knows about computers;
and how resistant they are to being told how to use them in better ways.
People on this list probably enjoy using computers or at the least know how
to use them properly, with all the tips and tricks to make it more
efficient. But the majority of users I observe know how to turn the machine
on; they know how to click a few things to achieve the bare minimum of tasks
with the bare minimum of involvement; they know how to shut it down again;
end of story. Just like some people are "turn the key, push the pedal, call
mechanic when it breaks" drivers and others are the more involved type -
"drive a manual - shift cleanly, watch the revs, drive to conditions,
maintain the car properly...".
--- The future has arrived; it's just not
--- evenly distributed. - William Gibson

List Guidelines:

Re: [WSG] Opera not playing nice with checkbox

2008-09-12 Thread Ben Buchanan
By the way, the radio buttons on the above page, is exactly what I wrote
> about annoying thing about Opera that it inherits the borders from input
> element. In my case, adding a class with border none only gotten rid of
>  top, left, right borders. I actually needed to use !important to get right
> of border-bottom.

Well given that radio buttons *are* inputs, that's what should happen.
Granted it is annoying but it's per spec. Anyway, given that your beef is
only with Opera, you can solve it easily with this:

input[type="radio"] { border: 0; }

You might need to make the selector a bit more specific to avoid the need
for !important, of course; but you get the idea :)



--- The future has arrived; it's just not
--- evenly distributed. - William Gibson

List Guidelines:

Re: [WSG] best practices for using access keys

2008-09-07 Thread Ben Buchanan
> Before you add accesskeys, check out
> ... basically the
> > errata captures best practice methodology as it evolved in the years
> > after WCAG 1.0 was released. Accesskeys are problematic between
> it says not to use them...
> but ... what about mobile sites?
> (where you might want to use keypad shortcuts for ease of use with a
> very tiny mobile phone screen)

WCAG 1.0 was released in 1999 - ie. before people seriously started using
the web on mobiles - and the errata address WCAG 1.0. Realistically it's
about web pages for computers, not mobile-specific web pages.

For mobile sites, I'd look at Mobile Web Best Practices 1.0 (, released just a few weeks back. Based off
a *very* quick look, it does appear to recommend/allow accesskeys, although
given that this directly conflicts with the Samurai-updated guidelines for
general web pages, I'd only use accesskeys for *dedicated* mobile sites.

If one site is doing both general web and mobile web duty, personally I'd
suggest that conflicts should be resolved in favour of general web
guidelines. At this stage, that's still doing the greatest good for the
greatest number. But I'd also expect that this point will be debated more as
the lines between mobile/general web blur further.



--- The future has arrived; it's just not
--- evenly distributed. - William Gibson

List Guidelines:

Re: [WSG] best practices for using access keys

2008-09-06 Thread Ben Buchanan
i'm slowly bringing my web site up to better accessibility standards

and i have a few more things to do like add a skip nav link and access keys.

Before you add accesskeys, check out ... basically the errata
captures best practice methodology as it evolved in the years after WCAG 1.0
was released. Accesskeys are problematic between browsers and other software
so in general I think the concensus is to concentrate on making the site
accessible and usable without custom keyboard controls. eg. rather than an
accesskey for your site's search box, use your skip menu to provide a jump
link at the start of the document (and not everyone will agree with me even
on that point ;)).

It's kind of similar to the whole issue of tabindex - don't use it, instead
make sure the natural tab order is logical. Same general principle.



--- The future has arrived; it's just not
--- evenly distributed. - William Gibson

List Guidelines:

Re: [WSG] Google chrome... Accessibility coming very soon???

2008-09-04 Thread Ben Buchanan
> Hey guys... it is great that talk about accessibility and chrome has been

> raised - but I do think that we need to wait until it is out of beta.

Well... Google has a track record of a) keeping products in permanent beta;
and b) never getting around to that pesky accessibility bit. So, personally
I think waiting until its out of beta is a bad idea :)

--- The future has arrived; it's just not
--- evenly distributed. - William Gibson

List Guidelines:

Re: [WSG] Google chrome... Coming very soon...

2008-09-02 Thread Ben Buchanan
However Gmail won't load on any computers with Chrome on at work (in
fact, I can't sign in to any google services). Is this problem
affecting everyone or is it just our network? If it's affecting
everyone that's pretty massive fail for Google.
We had that problem here but it turned out to be a proxy issue.
Interestingly though it turns out that Chrome loads and edits the connection
settings from IE, instead of having its own settings.

It's truly Frankenstein's Browser: bits of Safari, Firefox and IE stitched
together into a new creature ;)

Did everyone get a laugh out of "about:internets" in Chrome? :)



--- The future has arrived; it's just not
--- evenly distributed. - William Gibson

List Guidelines:

Re: [WSG] Code for Firefox, hack for IE

2008-09-01 Thread Ben Buchanan
For a while now, I've been operating on the principle "Code for Firefox,
> hack for IE".
That is, writing CSS for the most standards-compliant browser, and then
> making adjustments for non-standard behaviour.
Is this the way anyone works?
Is it the best way to work?
I use basically the same approach, but I code for Opera; checking in Firefox
and Safari. Then hack for IE at the end. On very large builds I do the
occasional check for IE as well just to make sure things haven't gone really
badly wrong in IE in some unpredictable way.

I don't think you should "code for firefox" though. That's no better than
"coding for IE" since you're just coding for a specific browser. A much
better way to operate is "coding for standards compliant browsers" (or at
least those browsers with the strongest standards support). I would
recommend you broaden your initial testing to include Opera and Safari as
well - they generally agree anyway but it's better to be thorough.

If your boss really questions this you can always point out that building
and testing in the better browsers is much faster. Most people find it is
more efficient to get things working in the good browsers then do one round
of hacking at the end for IE. I know I find it more efficient that way.

You just have to get clients/etc to do their previews in something other
than IE :)



--- The future has arrived; it's just not
--- evenly distributed. - William Gibson

List Guidelines:

Re: [WSG] Design of forms on web vs paper

2008-07-27 Thread Ben Buchanan
> "As a matter of best practice, should forms on the web be
> designed to look like their paper equivalents? Why/why not?"

There's a fair bit of interpretation for that wording; but my high level
response would be "web pages should be designed as web pages".
The question has a definite air of things people worry about when they are
transitioning print skills to the online space. The obvious concept people
tend to come around to is that print and the web are different; and both
should be designed for their purpose and according to best practice for the
There should be consistent design cues, ie. use a similar colour scheme
(print colours often don't translate directly to screen colours), use the
same general branding and so forth. If you hold up the paper next to the
screen, you should be able to tell they are from the same source, but they
do not need to look exactly the same (in fact I think it's unlikely that
making them look exactly the same would be a good idea).
--- The future has arrived; it's just not
--- evenly distributed. - William Gibson

List Guidelines:

Re: [WSG] Marking Up Poems

2008-06-19 Thread Ben Buchanan
> A question was raised at work today 'How do you mark up a poem'.
It depends on the form, really. For most poetry, I think paragraphs with
line breaks are appropriate. If the poem requires very specific positioning,
pre would be the first option as that doesn't rely on CSS. Finally if all
else fails, divs for verses and paragraphs for lines, with classes to
position them. But that won't degrade gracefully, since CSS is required to
convey core meaning.

There's not much hope for something better in future either. XHTML2 had the
"l" element, which was the "line" element. That would have been useful in
this case. Sadly HTML5 doesn't seem to have anything so simple as a way to
mark up a line of text within a paragraph.


--- The future has arrived; it's just not
--- evenly distributed. - William Gibson

List Guidelines:

Re: [WSG] Marking up company logo

2008-05-29 Thread Ben Buchanan
> For a few years now I've been marking up a clients company logo as a .
> I just wanted to get an idea of how many people actually do this compared to
> using a html image tag? I believe a  is more semantically correct
> however I'd be interested in seeing what other people on this list think.

My take is that only the homepage should have the company name/logo as the
h1. As you move through the site, the h1 should shift to the more specific
top heading on the page - on a category/index page it would be that
category's name; on a specific content page it should be the headline on the

On these other pages the logo/name just goes in a div, usually with a
strong. That way, you build a logical structure across the site. Each page
will have a logical h1.

That's the ideal of course. If your system doesn't allow for that sort of
thing, having the logo as the h1 on every page isn't the end of the world,
although you really need to make sure your title and h2 combination is
accurate to make up for it :)


--- The future has arrived; it's just not
--- evenly distributed. - William Gibson

List Guidelines:

Re: [WSG] XHTML 1.1 & CSS3 - Is it worth using right now?

2008-05-12 Thread Ben Buchanan
Is there a reason why not many sites adopt this Doctype and is there any
> point using right now if your site is 1.0 Strict?

Very very generally, I've found it's less critical which standard you use
than whether your stuff validates in your chosen standard.

Secondly, I see a lot of sites that speak about CSS3 and using parts of that
> now in the browsers that support it.

Basically what you're getting into there is the progressive enhancement
methodology (
Personally I think it's the way to go - give good stuff to the good
browsers, so long as it doesn't mess up the bad ones. That way IE doesn't
hold everything up.


--- The future has arrived; it's just not
--- evenly distributed. - William Gibson

List Guidelines:

Re: [WSG] The Problem of adjacent links

2008-05-08 Thread Ben Buchanan
What is the current thinking on this? How can I do this WITHOUT putting any
> characters in there? I don't want any characters in there!

You could put the two links into a list. That would separate them into two
disctinct elements without requiring punctuation.

I'm not 100% sure of the usability aspect of having such a short nav list
thought - anyone have any thoughts on that?

Also, just another vote here to follow WCAG Samurai over raw WCAG 1. The
Samurai know their stuff and the Errata really capture the best practice
that emerged while working with WCAG 1 (many notes in WCAG 1 need
clarification or are no longer correct in their original form).


--- The future has arrived; it's just not
--- evenly distributed. - William Gibson

List Guidelines:

Re: [WSG] Older Browsers

2008-05-08 Thread Ben Buchanan
>My question to you guys is how do you develop & test your websites to
ensure they
> are interpreted correctly by older more popular browsers ? Do you have
> browsers handy to test them with?

Personally I wouldn't support IE5 for a full design, it's just too old - for
many reasons they should upgrade. About the most I'd do for IE5 would be to
exclude it from the current design and perhaps send it a cut down stylesheet
with some basic font and colour settings.

To test IE I run Virtual PC with IE6/7 -

I'm not wild about the "multiple IE" system as early experiences with it
suggested they were inconsistent versus the real thing.

--- The future has arrived; it's just not
--- evenly distributed. - William Gibson

List Guidelines:

Re: [WSG] Full flash websites

2008-05-05 Thread Ben Buchanan
> What do you people, professionals and hobby standardists think about full
> flash websites?? where is the usability and accessibility for flash in
> general??

Accessibility and search engine visibility of Flash in most cases is zero.
I've only heard of one Flash site that was considered accessible and it made
a lot of news at the time!

Flash only reliably works for users with no physical or technical barriers;
and search engines can't read Flash in any useful manner. I generally don't
like the usability aspects either - that's subjective I guess, but I've
found Flash is generally used when someone thought HTML didn't make them
look cool enough. Which means they wanted lots of stuff to bounce and flash
and so on ;)

Essentially you should only ever add a Flash layer over the top of XHTML;
and give users the choice between the two. Flash isn't evil, but *only
offering Flash* is evil.


--- The future has arrived; it's just not
--- evenly distributed. - William Gibson

List Guidelines:

Re: [WSG] Colour accessibility/ usability

2008-05-04 Thread Ben Buchanan

What we need more information about is how the colour red can affect
> readability.  I have done research, and I know about the w3c colour contrast
> algorithm.  I've also had a look at the psychology of the different colours
> and that red is associated with anger and intensity.

I used to work on a site that had a red/white/black corporate look and I can
sympathise :) I suspect that actually you know all the reasons why not to
use red in certain ways, but you're being outvoted by a client.

I'd keep fighting for certain basics - your colours must at least comply
with the W3C contrast rules (if you're not already using it, grab the CCA to
make that easier -

I'm sure there is research out there for everything else; but you could try
a different tack and run some usability tests with real live users. Get ten
people to test drive your designs and see if anyone finds the colours
confronting. There's no research as relevant as your own :)

Anecdotally, a key thing to avoid is primary red #f00 - it's just too
bright. Also especially avoid using red on white (or reverse) for blocks of
text, people often describe the result as it "vibrates" and that's prime
territory for headaches; particularly for anyone who's photosensitive.


--- The future has arrived; it's just not
--- evenly distributed. - William Gibson

List Guidelines:

Re: [WSG] Best way to hide form legends?

2008-04-30 Thread Ben Buchanan
> .hidden {
> position: absolute;
> left: -999em;
> width: 990em;
> }

For that method you're missing the overflow rule. Try this:

.hidden {
position: absolute;
left: -5000px;
width: 4000px;
overflow: hidden;


--- The future has arrived; it's just not
--- evenly distributed. - William Gibson

List Guidelines:

Re: [WSG] transitional vs. strict

2008-04-29 Thread Ben Buchanan
> @Ben Buchanan: Are the points you raised true or were you mentioning them
> as things to feed bottom-line oriented people? The point I'm most interested
> in is this one: "If they're an SEO type, mention that valid sites tend to 
> index more consistently in search engines (validation doesn't guarantee high
> ranking, but it is still a major part of any serious, ethical SEO)"
> Is that proven to be true? Genuinely curious.

Yes I believe the points are true - I wouldn't recommend lying as
an advocacy tactic :) You are of course giving things the best spin to
achieve your goal, everyone does that. But the spin should be presenting the
truth in the best light and addresing benefits that your manager cares
about. Talk bottom-line with bottom-line people; talk standards to

re: Cost efficiency it's about how well you can redesign your current site
or build new pages. My experience is that standards make that process
faster, which means less staff time, which means less cost. Of course if
your developers aren't any faster working with a standards-based site, you
might not be able to use that argument. But I'm yet to meet a standardista
who wasn't able to do things more efficiently with a standards-based site
compared with a non-standards site.

For SEO, there are two things to remember at all times:
1) No one single thing is a magic bullet, but there are lots of parts of the
2) Nobody except Google/Yahoo/etc's engineers are 100% sure what works. Many
SEO consultants pretend they're privy
to inside knowledge, but the ethical ones admit that everything is
just informed guesses based on observations.

So with that in mind, what I've said about SEO is as proven as you can
actually get with SEO.

I've had an SEO consultant say (direct quote) "if everyone built their sites
with web standards, we'd be out of a job". What they meant was, if everyone
created *semantically correct* documents, with a good title and heading

You don't have to build with standards to rank well - the crappiest website
in the world will rank highly if millions of people link to it. But, all
else being equal, a standards-based, semantically-correct site will do a bit
better than a site with no structure. More to the point, a correct heading
structure allows you to define the content heirarchy and create a
natural/"organic" keyword definition for your site. It gives you a lot of
control, by virtue of really accurately defining what you're publishing.

Nothing in the markup can guarantee high rank (not counting dirty tricks I
guess). But you can be pretty sure of accurate keyword indexing, which is a
big part of the SEO picture.


--- <>
--- The future has arrived; it's just not
--- evenly distributed. - William Gibson

List Guidelines:

Re: [WSG] transitional vs. strict

2008-04-29 Thread Ben Buchanan
"Pages that validate as strict are superior to transitional because
> ___."

"It is important to serve pages that validate as strict because
> ___."

...validation is a quality metric, and we want a quality web presence.

Given that you're dealing with someone that has no interest in standards, I
wouldn't attempt to convince them that they are inherently good. From your
description, they don't care and they're unlikely to start caring! :)

If they're a bottom-line type, mention that you will be able to maintain the
site more efficiently (ie. less
cost). If they're an SEO type, mention that valid sites tend to index
more consistently in search engines (validation doesn't guarantee high
ranking, but it is still a major part of any serious, ethical SEO).

Your question about strict vs. transitional also begs the questions "how
close to strict are they?". If they could almost validate as strict already,
then cool - go for strict. If they are miles off because hundreds of users
would need to be trained to produce strict, I'd live with transitional and
work on a strategy that doesn't require training hundreds of users to be


--- The future has arrived; it's just not
--- evenly distributed. - William Gibson

List Guidelines:

Re: [WSG] IE8 beta's a nightmare

2008-04-29 Thread Ben Buchanan
What developer on this planet is going to take advantage of a feature thats
> been put into IE and not Mozilla, or any other browser engine for
> that matter.

A cynical person might say that group is called "just about everyone who is
not subscribed to this email list" ;)


--- The future has arrived; it's just not
--- evenly distributed. - William Gibson

List Guidelines:

Re: [WSG] premature to test/worry new site for IE8?

2008-04-27 Thread Ben Buchanan
> I am about to start coding for a new site, and client asked me to make
> sure my code will work for IE8, meaning when IE 8 comes out, she doesn't
> need to pay me extra to fix any problem that may occur in IE 8. Client is
> from a web media company, though I understand her concerns and that she has
> to answer to her client, but I just don't know how or if I should commit to
> such 'expectation'.
> Last time with IE 7, there was no problem and none of the sites I coded
> for her break when  IE 7 came out. I think this version targeting thing
> really got people worry.
> Say, I code my CSS with best practice just like I'd always do, and treat
> IE browsers with CC should it be needed. Do I need to worry anything with
> IE8? It didn't occur to me to worry anything at all until client was making
> this request.

My take on this is you cannot *really* code for a browser that's not
released yet. Alpha/Beta/pre-release versions simply are not the same as
final versions.

There's a slight difference in this case because you do have a safety net -
if the site works in IE7, but truly goes pear shaped in IE8, you can version
switch it back to
IE7. But, that's a first ever situation and I would not change my
dealings with a client on that basis.

As an ongoing client relations precedent I'd suggest that you do not commit
to making something work in a browser that's not in final release. Reassure
them that you will code to best practice; ensure any conditional comments
are version tagetted appropriately (do not use "if IE", always use something
like "if IE lte 7" or "if IE 6"); mention that version switching is a safety
net; do test in beta browsers but don't guarantee the final release.

If their site ultimately needs work due to a new browser release, that's
part of the cost of ownership of a web presence. You can agree to minimise
the risk, but you can't guarantee the site won't need work in IE8's final

Hope that helps :)


--- The future has arrived; it's just not
--- evenly distributed. - William Gibson

List Guidelines:

Re: [WSG] use of in

2008-02-10 Thread Ben Buchanan

You don't need the  inside the  (although it's ok to put on in there
it's not required). It's fine to just style the .

So unless you have a specific need for the extra tag I'd leave it out.


On 11/02/2008, Taco Fleur <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello all,
> I've been wondering about this for a while, just hesitated to ask (as it
> could be a stupid question).
> I've always been using  within  (example, see state list on
> However, I see many people use a list without  tags, and style the text
> within the list item by creating a duplicate style of the paragraph tag.
> Just wondering, what is the way to go?
> Thanks
> ***
> List Guidelines:
> Unsubscribe:
> ***

--- The future has arrived; it's just not
--- evenly distributed. - William Gibson

List Guidelines:

Re: [WSG] linking to images with //

2008-01-31 Thread Ben Buchanan
I placed the code on the pages without really paying attention to it, after
> a while I discovered the image was linked as
> src="//"
> I never seen this before, but it worked! I changed it to src="
> and now it doesn't seem to load anymore, for an example see:
> right next to Yahoo Web
> Service the scanalert icon should load.
> I have no idea whether the way they linked to the image is valid, does
> anyone know?

I've seen this before
but only in conjunction with Javascript that (we think) was completing
the URI before requesting the graphic. We actually had the opposite
issue though - without the full URI in our markup the whole page would
freeze until the // request timed out.

So I'm also curious to see what people here can tell us about this method!

> I guess if it is, linking to the images that way would overcome any issues
with linking to an image over HTTP or HTTPS

We thought it was probably something to do with that too.

--- The future has arrived; it's just not
--- evenly distributed. - William Gibson

List Guidelines:

Re: [WSG] This IE8 controversy

2008-01-29 Thread Ben Buchanan
I don't think they're ignoring the "mess" they created at all..

You're right there. They're not ignoring the problem, it's just that a lot
of people don't agree with their solution.

> adding a meta tag really too much work to provide your users/visitors
> the viewing experience they should have?

Consider it this way: is any other browser maker asking you to modify every
single HTML document you publish, just to fix a problem *they* created?
...and not for the first time, given MS already expects us to load up our
sites with conditional comments and extra stylesheets...

It really wouldn't matter so much if they were making IE8 default to IE8,
then letting people set it back to IE7 if they actually need it. This way
around ticks people off for the same reason SPAM ticks them off - they
didn't ask for it!



--- The future has arrived; it's just not
--- evenly distributed. - William Gibson

List Guidelines:

Re: [WSG] This IE8 controversy

2008-01-29 Thread Ben Buchanan
I just like to ask if it might be possible to turn off this "version
> freezing" thing in IE8, maybe with some markup or something. I agree
> with Drew Mclellan when he said in his blog that old browsers must die.

You can't "turn it off" as such, since it will be built in to IE8 and
enabled by default. But you can negate the effect by setting your pages to
"IE=edge" which simulates what would have happened without the version
freeze thing. Or you can explicitly set IE7, or IE8, or both.

As the tag is an http-equiv it should be possible to set this up using a
.htaccess file or via server configuration, rather than putting in the meta
tag. That at least is the "least work" option for those of us doing the
right thing.


--- The future has arrived; it's just not
--- evenly distributed. - William Gibson

List Guidelines:

Re: [WSG] Compatibility and IE8

2008-01-24 Thread Ben Buchanan
crikey, that's some list. thanks Russ.

It's disturbing how well lemurs can illustrate the issue, too: (the Zeldman
lemur cracked me up completely)

On the issue... it's something MS simply won't back down on no matter what
any of us think. So we may as well figure out how to deal with it.

Standardistas can go for the "edge" option or they can let IE stagnate at
IE7 or whatever version ends up being the easiest to develop
for. Or they can seriously tag their documents according to tested documents.

Implementation specifics aside (yes I still think it's spam), the version
target feature offers us a chance to lock our sites to the most convenient
version of IE. MS has invited us to ignore their newer products. We can opt
to save our energy for standards-based browsers and not bother learning new
versions of IE. Lazy? Pragmatic? Mercenary?

Discuss? :) Surely this list has some opinions...


--- The future has arrived; it's just not
--- evenly distributed. - William Gibson

List Guidelines:

Re: [WSG] Do we just throw out the img tag

2007-12-28 Thread Ben Buchanan
Now that I have mastered putting an image in a site using CSS do we just
> throw out the img tag in standards based xhtml.

Not at all - you should still use  for any image which forms part
of the document's *content*. Only decorative images should be inserted
via CSS.

And how does the use of
> css compare with use of the object tag
> I found in my
> google searches on the issue.

My opinion is that object is a superior element, but it's held back by
terrible browser support. Eventually I hope we are able to throw out img in
favour of object.


--- The future has arrived; it's just not
--- evenly distributed. - William Gibson

List Guidelines:

Re: [WSG] Comment mark

2007-12-11 Thread Ben Buchanan
>> For an HTML comment, you should use  (no ! in the closing
tag). The reason it worked in
>> Firefox is that it interprets *any* instance of "--" as a closing comment
tag. As far as I know,
>> all other browsers will wait until they get the standard "-->".
> Firefox gets it right since these ("--") are the comment delimeters.
> "" are markup declaration delimiters.

True, although I see it as one of those times that it's "right" in the
strict technical sense rather than a practical sense :) In general usage I
think it's reasonable to expect the closing delimiter.


--- The future has arrived; it's just not
--- evenly distributed. - William Gibson

List Guidelines:

Re: [WSG] Comment mark

2007-12-10 Thread Ben Buchanan
On 10/12/2007, Hayden's Harness Attachment <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I would like to appologize if I am off topic. I am not sure who to ask. I
> am using  (no ! in the closing tag).
The reason it worked in Firefox is that it interprets *any* instance of "--"
as a closing comment tag. As far as I know, all other browsers will wait
until they get the standard "-->".


--- The future has arrived; it's just not
--- evenly distributed. - William Gibson

List Guidelines:

Re: [WSG] opera doesn't play nice with Opacity

2007-11-12 Thread Ben Buchanan
You are correct: Opera doesn't do opacity.

Actually a quick test in Opera 9.24 (PC) shows that Opera does do opacity;
so opacity support isn't the issue. Perhaps a selector/inheritance issue?

Test case:";>";>

Opacity test

body { color:#000; background: #fff; }
h1 { opacity: 0.5; }
h1:hover { opacity: 1; }

opacity test

Hover over the heading in Opera 9.24+ and the grey (50% opacity black) will
come back to solid black.


--- The future has arrived; it's just not
--- evenly distributed. - William Gibson

List Guidelines:

Re: [WSG] Re: Alt text for purely aesthetic images

2007-10-27 Thread Ben Buchanan
> I have two questions regarding images added via CSS.
> 1) I added an image for each bullet via CSS .box ul li. How do I specify alt
> text in this situation? Do I add alt text in the HTML...even though there
> would be no image if CSS was disabled?

Since it adds no meaning/information, it doesn't need alt text.

Think of it this way: what would there be to include as alt text? Each
list item has already been identified by the markup as being a list
item. The bullet image is just a prettier version of the default
bullet. Adding alt text would just be annoying to anyone who really
needs it.

> 2) What is the implication (what do I need to do) for purely
> presenation/aesthetic images?

Either insert them via CSS or use alt="".

WCAG Samurai Errata for WCAG 1.0 cover this too -

Corrections to Guideline 1.1
You can leave a text equivalent blank (e.g., null alt text, alt="") if
preceding or -following text has the same function as a text equivalent.
If images must be used for list bullets, do so only using CSS, as with
ul { list-style: url("arrow.gif") disc }


--- The future has arrived; it's just not
--- evenly distributed. - William Gibson

List Guidelines:

Re: [WSG] source order

2007-10-10 Thread Ben Buchanan
> Is there a prevailing wisdom in this matter?
> Content first? Or navigation first?

This is a "jury is still out" issue since nobody has comprehensive
data, just small studies and opinion informed by observation of a
relatively small number of users.

What I think we can say for sure:

1) No matter which way you go, be consistent across the site so users
can learn how your site works and trust it to work the same way as
they move through the site.

2a) Either way, include skip/jump links; but
2b) Include visible skip links where possible or use
invisible-but-accessible skip links (ie. do not use display: none; to
hide skip links as a very large number of users will never be able to
access them). If they are hidden, try to make them visible on focus so
sighted keyboard users can see them.

3) Use meaningful link text and a logical heading structure. Not only
is this just good practice and good for SEO... the
accessibility-oriented reason people say this is that some (many?
most?) screen reader users don't actually read a page from top to
bottom. They use features which extract all the headings or links into
a list; read just that list then use that to jump around content. Once
they identify that they're on the page they really need, then and only
then will they read the whole page.

I will no doubt be corrected for saying this - please note that I am
not saying *all* screen reader users do this. Screen Reader users have
habits which are just as varied as other web users. No two people use
the web in precisely the same way - but overall trends and common
approaches can be identified. Enough disclaimer? :)


--- The future has arrived; it's just not
--- evenly distributed. - William Gibson

List Guidelines:

Re: [WSG] Cost of Accessibility

2007-10-08 Thread Ben Buchanan
> My thought exactly.  If you were an architect, would you ask a shopping
> centre client: "do you want wheelchair access?"

The difference in that scenario is that the client would generally not
expect the architect to skip the ramps and lower their fees since
"it's only a few people" (although I've no doubt it does happen at

Building codes/laws currently have a higher level of respect than web
accessibility legislation. Web accessibilty laws haven't been heavily
enforced in most countries, hence the need for cases like Target - to
make the laws into reality.

--- The future has arrived; it's just not
--- evenly distributed. - William Gibson

List Guidelines:

Re: A: [WSG] Target Lawsuit - Please Make Yourself Heard

2007-10-04 Thread Ben Buchanan
> The question is, why should we force anyone to do it?

Well the short answer is: because corporations won't do it without
being forced. So if we want a non-discriminatory society, we have to
force corporations to do good things.

> No one makes his site
> non-accessible out of discriminating motives.

That doesn't help the people being discriminated against.

> They do it because they are
> either lazy or ignorant. Ignoring a request to fix the site is still not
> discrimination, it is simply not caring. Target's managers are dumb, but
> they didn't do anything illegal.

I don't know American law well enough to be sure, but under .au law
that would actually be classed as discrimination and hence illegal...
because it is discriminating against a group of people based on
disability. They are treating disabled people as second-class
citizens. Australia has laws against that. They're not enforced all
that effectively, but we have laws.

Target are saying "If you are blind, you are worthless. We only take
money from people who aren't like you." In a physical environment the
equivalent would be turning them away at the door. Would you tolerate
that if it was based on gender, religion or race?


--- The future has arrived; it's just not
--- evenly distributed. - William Gibson

List Guidelines:

Re: [WSG] Cost of Accessibility

2007-10-04 Thread Ben Buchanan
> I've been reading the Target thread and keep wondering about the many
> references to the "cost of accessibility" with a focus on supplying alt
> attributes.

I've often had the cost argument from people who really don't
understand accessibility; or from people who have already built
something and just don't feel like retrofitting accessibility

To look at it another way, as you've observed it's really very easy to
build a system with accesible features. But it's rarely so easy to
retrofit after build. So you get resistance; and people play whatever
card they can. In business, few arguments are accepted as readily as
"it'll cost money".

> If Target doesn't "get" how their methods are costing them sales, negatively
> impacting their brand, and increasing their web support costs; then should
> they be legislated into more profitable methods?

IMHO legislation shouldn't really be worried whether Target can turn a
profit; but your argument might be a good way to win them over to
accessibility. Building an accessible site often means it's also much
easier to also build in efficient code, good SEO practice and so
forth. There are plenty of good business reasons to do it and they
probably make better arguments than the moral highground (which
frankly doesn't work).

I think legislation should force companies to do the Right Thing, in
this case make an accessible website. Because it can have a cost,
companies have to be forced. As people have said, the automotive
industry is forced to meet emissions standards because it's in the
planet's best interests; but companies won't do it without being

I believe web accessibility is in society's best interests. Companies
should be forced to do it, just as they are forced (at least in .au)
to provide physical accessibilty for their buildings.



--- The future has arrived; it's just not
--- evenly distributed. - William Gibson

List Guidelines:

Re: [WSG] A list of images with text under each image

2007-06-26 Thread Ben Buchanan


I'd be comfortable doing that, since I am happy to treat definition
lists as the only available way to associate related information in
this manner. Sure, it's a stretch of the semantics of definitions and
terms but the element does still associate the DT and DDs.

The UL+headers+nested lists option would also work, semantically
speaking. Again it's not perfect but it does hammer together a way to
associate the items.

Realistically this one could be argued back and forth all day with no
real way to resolve it - HTML4 just has a weakness in this area. HTML5
looks like it will have better elements for this sort of thing, but in
the meantime - take your pick of the two options. IMHO, they're both


--- The future has arrived; it's just not
--- evenly distributed. - William Gibson

List Guidelines:

Re: [WSG] ABC News Online have a new website

2007-06-17 Thread Ben Buchanan

I didn't see a noticeable difference after setting it to "dialup"...

Argh, browser freakout while trying to edit the email. I've since
realised it sets the video quality - nice!

--- The future has arrived; it's just not
--- evenly distributed. - William Gibson

List Guidelines:

Re: [WSG] ABC News Online have a new website

2007-06-17 Thread Ben Buchanan

On 18/06/07, Ben Buchanan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Tags (MyTags), Unobtrusive, Semantic, Quick launch video and audio content,
> News by State, News by Postcode!
> And a great user preferences section where you can set your connection
> speed, preferred video format, page layout (fixed width/flexible) etc

I didn't see a noticeable difference after setting it to "dialup"...

> And yes, it validates! (transitional)
> Surely there is something they have forgotten.

Colour contrast checks. But otherwise a damn fine effort.

--- <>
--- The future has arrived; it's just not
--- evenly distributed. - William Gibson

--- <>
--- The future has arrived; it's just not
--- evenly distributed. - William Gibson

List Guidelines:

Re: [WSG] ABC News Online have a new website

2007-06-17 Thread Ben Buchanan

Tags (MyTags), Unobtrusive, Semantic, Quick launch video and audio content,
News by State, News by Postcode!

And a great user preferences section where you can set your connection
speed, preferred video format, page layout (fixed width/flexible) etc

I didn't see a noticeable difference after setting it to "dialup"...

And yes, it validates! (transitional)
Surely there is something they have forgotten.

Colour contrast checks. But otherwise a damn fine effort.

--- The future has arrived; it's just not
--- evenly distributed. - William Gibson

List Guidelines:

Re: [WSG] Where's the proper place for an accesskey?

2007-06-17 Thread Ben Buchanan

Wow, that's surprising to me, but okay - less work to do!
So, if I'm using label tags and their attendant id, is that all that
everyone here would suggest is adequate to pass current accessibility
standards? Is there anything else I'm missing?

Probably worth mentioning one caveat: while you shouldn't use
tabindex, you do have to ensure your form's *natural flow* makes
sense. So it's not 100% "less work" :)


--- The future has arrived; it's just not
--- evenly distributed. - William Gibson

List Guidelines:

Re: [WSG] Back to the Future

2007-06-13 Thread Ben Buchanan

Nope, it's genuine. This is an extranet system that financial services
companies will be connecting to. Did you know that Norwich Union has
thousands of users still in Win3.1 and NN4.03 (so I've been told)? And some
of the other insurance and mortgage companies aren't much better. Then there
are many who are using thin clients (Citrix), and a few with more modern
systems. It's a real hotch-potch.

Wow, my brain hurts just thinking about that! I can only imagine the
weird circumstances that would keep so many people on such an old
system, but at the same time I'm not truly surprised ;)

Ben also said "Good luck, and charge appropriately - meaning charge extra
;)". I would, but this is my day-job so fixed salary ;0) If I was doing it

Ahh, that's a pity. Well our thoughts are with you - perhaps best to
treat it as an interesting  experiment? ;)



--- The future has arrived; it's just not
--- evenly distributed. - William Gibson

List Guidelines:

Re: [WSG] Back to the Future

2007-06-12 Thread Ben Buchanan

I've been asked to write a website that MUST work in Netscape 4.03 and
IE 3 for Windows 3.1. When you've stopped laughing I'm afraid I have to
say I'm serious, and there's no chance at all that the people connecting
to the site will upgrade.

I'm quite curious about this - do you genuinely have a client with a
large user base on archaic machines, or is this a "whim of the CEO who
won't upgrade" scenario?

Anyway, the next question is does it need to work as in "be
functional" or does it have to work as in "look the same"? If it just
needs to be functional, use import filters and give raw content to the
old browsers. But I'm guessing this isn't an option or you probably
wouldn't be asking :)

So, any tips to do this without reverting all the way back to 1996
tables and spacer gifs? Or am I doomed to non-standards hell?

From memory NN4 could handle some basic CSS but I wouldn't attempt to

do a modern float or fixed layout with it. Your best bet is probably
to use a CSS/table hybrid - use the table to set columns etc then CSS
for colours, etc.

IE3... sorry I simply can't recall. It's probably a little less
capable than NN4.

Cheers, and wish me luck.

Good luck, and charge appropriately - meaning charge extra ;)


--- The future has arrived; it's just not
--- evenly distributed. - William Gibson

List Guidelines:

Re: [WSG] WCAG Samurai Errata

2007-06-07 Thread Ben Buchanan

What is your opinion on the errata ?

It's an excellent read. Certainly therapeutic, particularly with Joe
Clarke's wonderfully acerbic wit showing in places.

I think what it truly does is define the Best Practice accessibility
which has evolved under WCAG 1.0, which made some assumptions which
were proven incorrect over time.

Realistically most developers stopped shooting for perfect compliance,
since some of the rules conflict with feedback from real live users.
Tabindex is a perfect example - if the logical flow is so busted that
you have to override it, the page should be recreated in a clearer
form. Entering default text into form inputs is another rule which the
experts tell me no longer applies.

Samurai corrects a lot of those problems and does so in language which
is usually pretty clear. The only downside is that there are still
plenty of points which could be misinterpreted or quoted out of
context to support spurious practices.

It's readable though - calls a spade a spade.


--- The future has arrived; it's just not
--- evenly distributed. - William Gibson

List Guidelines:

Re: [WSG] Use of PDFs - Accessibility issues

2007-06-07 Thread Ben Buchanan

Anyway, to get to the point, the customer has now been advised by a
marketing agency that the site should be reduced in size to approx 45
key pages, and that the majority of content for things such as
conference room specification and rates, bedroom specs and rates, menus,
events, golf rates, membership rates etc, should be made available in
PDF form instead of the html pages that are on the current site.

Out of curiosity, did they give a reason for this advice?

I am aware that recent versions of Adobe allow more accessible PDF
content to be created, but I would be grateful for thoughts on the use
of PDF content instead of html content.

PDFs *can be* accessible, but only if the people creating them are
extremely well trained and motivated to do so. It is *not* a matter of
buying the latest version of Acrobat and hitting "export".

The real world result is that PDFs *usually are not accessible*.
Because usually they're produced by people who have absolutely no
training in producing PDFs for on-screen use.

Even if they were produced perfectly and they were all accessible, I
still wouldn't recommend using PDFs instead of HTML. Fundamentally
PDFs are not web documents! They can be delivered via the web but they
are not web pages and should never be treated that way. PDFs introduce
a huge range of usability issues and the short version is they really
annoy the average user and confuse the heck out of less savvy users.

I cannot see any logical reason for the advice to your client to go
over to mostly-PDF. I would suggest finding out why they suggested it
and address the underlying issue. eg. if they want the pages to print
well, build a print stylesheet. If they want the page to be updated
frequently, train someone to do the HTML/use the CMS. If they don't
want prices getting indexed by search engines, use the appropriate
meta tags.

If they're desperate to control print, then they could *add* PDFs but
they shouldn't ditch the HTML.


--- The future has arrived; it's just not
--- evenly distributed. - William Gibson

List Guidelines:

Re: [WSG] What does Semantic mean?

2007-06-07 Thread Ben Buchanan

Late to the party, but since I was specifically mentioned it's only
polite to reply ;)

The issue here is about the meaning of the word "semantic". Semantics
refer to the *meaning* attached to something. What is the meaning of a
div? It's *use* is structural, but it's *meaning* is ... well, it
doesn't have a meaning. Only by attaching meaning via a class or id does
a div or span acquire meaning.

DIVs are an interesting one in that they are "neutral", but they
aren't really neutral. They just have a very "light" semantic meaning
and it's mostly that their usage creates meaning for the page by
adding structure. To me, the structure of a document is inextricably
linked with the semantics of the contained elements.

So together with headings they define the structure of the page.
Although they themselves don't have specific significance, their usage
is significant for the page. It gets a bit meta. They enclose
semantically significant items.

To approach this slightly differently, div+heading is the general
non-form content equivalent of fieldset+legend.

It seems to me that many people here have different ideas about what
semantic means. It would be helpful it we shared a common understanding
in our conversations. I welcome, and invite, a *polite and professional*
debate about the use of the term "semantic" as it relates to our work on
the web.
The "use" of something, and its "meaning" are not necessarily the

They're not necessarily different either :)

To come back to the original discussion about fieldsets, everyone has
made it very clear what the "correct" way to use them is, and I don't
disagree with them. I'm not interested in their correct (as defined by
the specifications) use. As far as I'm concerned, the "use" of a
fieldset is to group form controls and labels. But the "meaning" is, as
the w3schools site says, to group related content.

The actual W3C spec says related form controls, it's only a
confusingly-named third party that broadens the wording. Personally I
discount W3Schools in favour of the actual W3C.

[snip re testing in a screen reader]

I too would love to see the results of this experiment.

Interesting that the code you propose does render ok; but useful
functionality is lost. So it's not directly harmful, but substantially
detracts from other usage paradigms.

staff details


Is perfectly valid, semantic markup which a screen reader would render
just fine.

Changing the legend to a header (say an h2 just for discussion) and
removing the fieldset also works just fine in a screen reader. In
english-language documents the page order associates the H2 with the
DL. If the content after the DL is totally unrelated, it would need
another heading.

But can I point out, Ben, that at no time did anyone ever suggest
placing form elements in the middle of general content. I'm not sure
where you got that one from.

I consider fieldset and legend to be form elements, hence the comment.
Admittedly that goes right back to the original point of discussion so
I should have clarified a bit :)



--- The future has arrived; it's just not
--- evenly distributed. - William Gibson

List Guidelines:

Re: [WSG] Re: Use of Fieldsets other than in form?

2007-06-05 Thread Ben Buchanan

"The FIELDSET element allows authors to group thematically related
controls and labels. Grouping controls makes it easier for users to
understand their purpose while simultaneously facilitating tabbing
navigation for visual user agents and speech navigation for
speech-oriented user agents. The proper use of this element makes
documents more accessible."

I think the first and last sentence make it clear that the intention
is for fieldset to be used in forms. Although it does not explicitly
say "...and nowhere else" it's pretty clear where the writers *did*
mean it to be used.

For a comparison, the w3schools site defines fieldset as "The fieldset
element draws a box around its containing elements." And that's the
complete sentence. Note no mention of form controls.

A third party's description of the spec is not the spec; in
discussions about the spec we have to go to the real source, not an
interpretation of the original.

I realise that many of the people here take pleasure in the pedantic
application of standards, and I'll state for the record that I agree
with the concept of the semantic web.

It's interesting to see where standards advocates call each other
"pedantic". Meanwhile the rest of the industry would consider pretty
much everyone on this list to be pedants of the first degree because
they care about standards at all.

So realistically, application of standards has to be "pedantic"
otherwise it's not application of standards at all - it's picking and

Still, it cannot be denied that we get awfully bogged down in the
minutiae sometimes :)

But I am a pragmatic coder and if
I wish to group thematically related elements (*not* necessarily form
controls), then I'm free to use the fieldset if I wish to.

My opinion is that you are not free to do so. Fieldsets were clearly
intended to be used in forms and the spec does not suggest using them
anywhere else. You're using the absence of an explicit prohibition as

Sure a DIV
would work. But a DIV is void of semantic. It's the refuge of the
unimaginative who want to wrap everything in excess tags with no
semantic meaning just to hang CSS off. To me, a fieldset is obviously
the correct semantic here.

Well it has already been pointed out that DIV does have semantic
significance - it adds structure by containing parts of the page. It's
just used so heavily that we tend to forget it has a real, live
meaning :) The only major difference between DIV and FIELDSET the way
you propose is that FIELDSET renders a box by default.

A key point that doesn't seem to have come up is that in the real
world screen readers make use of fieldsets in a way which assumes
they're in a form. The legend can be vocalised together with labels to
provide full context.

Unfortunately I don't have a screen reader handy to test what it does
with a fieldset that's not in a form; but I would be concerned that it
could get really confusing for form elements to crop up in the middle
of general content.

I won't speculate any further, but if anyone has a screen reader
handy, perhaps they could shed some light on this?



--- The future has arrived; it's just not
--- evenly distributed. - William Gibson

List Guidelines:

Re: [WSG] Re: Use of Fieldsets other than in form?

2007-06-04 Thread Ben Buchanan

Can fieldsets only to be used in forms or can they be used to group any sort
of related information together (ie: business name, short description, logo
and link).

The spec's wording is a little vague but by my reading of it, fieldset
and legend are only intended for form controls. Beyond the spec, I
would imagine that the average user's expectation is that
fieldset+legend = form inputs, so purely from a usability point of
view I'd keep fieldsets for forms.

For general content, the heading structure should "group" information
together; and don't forget that although we use them constantly, DIVs
do actually add structure
( When I
really want to break up a page into chunks I also use HRs, although
many people contest that usage I think it's valid.

Lists also group related items together; although I do think it's an
oversight of the spec that you can't explicitly associate a label or
caption with lists. Still, a subheading + list is usually a pretty
clear association.

In some ways it depends if you're talking about page layout or actual
content - ie. is your business name, logo etc being used in a header;
or are you creating a page which lists a bunch of businesses? For the
former I'd simply use a DIV, for the latter a list (maybe a definition

Just my opinion, no doubt there will be plenty of others :)


--- The future has arrived; it's just not
--- evenly distributed. - William Gibson

List Guidelines:

Re: [WSG] ive given up on css

2007-05-16 Thread Ben Buchanan

Today i just told them to go back to using table based layouts and i
will restrict my designs accordingly- i cant listen to the whining anymore.
What would you have done in this situation?

Well I'm not a designer so this is a bit speculative - but with that
sort of situation I'd probably stop getting involved in
implementation. If they're more interested in finger-pointing than
solutions, all you can do is remove yourself from the chain of blame.
If they're not training their staff properly you can't win that fight.

Alternatively, start doing the HTML yourself - show them your rates
and let them run cost/benefit versus hacking it together themselves.
Of course they might not be good at maintaining it, so you're still at


--- The future has arrived; it's just not
--- evenly distributed. - William Gibson

List Guidelines:

Re: [WSG] Semantics and

2007-05-16 Thread Ben Buchanan

We have , we should have 

Many a true word said in jest :)

Trying to add semantics to  is driven by history rather than
good semantics. Small text is a presentational result of
de-emphasising text.

We have:
normal text
emphasised text
strongly emphasised text

Maybe we should have de-em and de-strong to complete the set :)

I also wonder why  gets a guernsey in HTML5 but not  (the
only reference to big seems to be with regards to error handling - Big
text is often a way to indicate a lead/intro paragraph. It's not a
heading, it's not em/strong; it's a whole section which is just
slightly more "important" than the rest.


--- The future has arrived; it's just not
--- evenly distributed. - William Gibson

List Guidelines:

Re: [WSG] Semantics and

2007-05-16 Thread Ben Buchanan

What is the best way to show something is less important than the
surrounding information (e.g. the date of a post or article,
supplementary information at the bottom of a post or article)?

Really there's no element other than  which comes close to
helping out here; otherwise it really is just a case of using CSS and
that's not adding semantics, just style.

In typical western communication, people do refer to "fine print" for
supplementary information. The implication of small text is often that
it has to be there but nobody expects you to read it. In actual fact
the small text is often extremely important but full of legal mumbling
that the average reader won't understand anyway. I wouldn't expect
that same implication for the date of a post though.

So in my culture at least,  sort of does what you want. But I
have no idea at all if the "smaller text" paradigm translates in the
slightest for other cultures. So it's just a tad weak, semantically
speaking :)

HTML5 does add semantics for  but again the semantics described
do not work for the date.


--- The future has arrived; it's just not
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List Guidelines:

Re: [WSG] MS Smart Tags

2007-04-19 Thread Ben Buchanan

Hi Elle,

It might sound silly but I first found out about MS Smart Tags
yesterday. I found an article on ALA about them from 2001.
Just wanted to ask, does anyone know what happened with them since?
And would the meta tag:  work? or is it still necessary?

Even MS eventually had to accept it was a bad idea and they removed it
before releasing IE6. From "The most contentious
part of IE6, Smart Tags, was removed just prior to its release."

As far as I know they didn't sneak it back in later, either; so the
tag shouldn't be necessary :)


--- The future has arrived; it's just not
--- evenly distributed. - William Gibson

List Guidelines:

Re: [WSG] WANAU - anyone heard of them?

2007-04-11 Thread Ben Buchanan

Hi Tim,

I'd say Universities are probably aware of the issues with their
sites, they just don't have a magic wand to wave to get everything
fixed. Universities have massive amounts of information to provide and
generally a minimal budget to provide it. Despite that, they are held
to very high standards and are a soft target for complaints.

What about a page on Australian Universities similar to
what I have done for sites.

Australian Universities have in fact been surveyed before (eg. and the results are
an excellent bargaining chip to promote accessibility issues

It needs to be a dispassionate review though. Trust me, screaming at
people over validation results won't get the results you want.

The Griffith site that you so casually dismiss over some unescaped
characters actually took a lot of work from a dedicated team. There
was no big budget and no CMS to help, but there were some 100,000+
files to manage and transition (through several iterations) from
tables+frames to semantic markup.

In such situations priorities are set. Perfect validation comes in as
a lower priority than, say, getting rid of framesets; adding visible
skip links; and adding display preference settings.

Wouldn't that be of practical value to shame Aust
universities not up to scratch, rather than chatting
and more sandwiches?

Perhaps you're underestimating the value of knowledge sharing
("chatting and sandwiches") to under-resourced university staff :)

People may not have the budget to buy huge IT solutions, but they can
go to WANAU and brainstorm with other people in the same boat. Frankly
just having other people to talk to can make all the difference, keeps
people enthused and working towards their goals.

Were the outcomes of the WANAU forum concrete and measurable? Some
were, some weren't. It's a valuable activity either way.



--- The future has arrived; it's just not
--- evenly distributed. - William Gibson

List Guidelines:

Re: [WSG] WANAU - anyone heard of them?

2007-04-10 Thread Ben Buchanan

Hi Susie,

 Web Accessibility Network for Australian Universities ...
 They are proposing running their annual forum on Accessibility in online
teaching at UQ where I work, and we've been asked to help ... :)
 I expect I will be involved anyway, but would be interested in any

WANAU has been around for a few years now and the forums are great. Of
course I may be biased since I ran the 2005 forum at Griffith ;)

Basically WANAU is there to connect university-based web professionals
and allow knowledge sharing, events, etc. Universities have
accessibility challenges which often require different approaches than
those encountered in the commercial sector; so WANAU provides a great
way to get people together to discuss the issues.

Well worth being involved if you're a web professional at a uni! :)



--- The future has arrived; it's just not
--- evenly distributed. - William Gibson

List Guidelines:

Re: [WSG] Markup for Poetry?

2007-04-03 Thread Ben Buchanan

I'm working on a website that contains a number of poems. Are there
any discussions or examples on strategies for marking up and styling
poetry? I haven't started doing markup yet, but if it would help
folks on the list, I could that and post the links.

As is usually the case, the bare markup really guides things - ie. be
careful of solutions using  + CSS to generate lines, since that
disappears without CSS.

Generally,  with  is best where the lines are important but
there's no special whitespace (the majority of poetry). It's one of
the extremely rare situations where  really is a part of the

For unusual whitespace  is generally the best solution.

Then style accordingly.



--- The future has arrived; it's just not
--- evenly distributed. - William Gibson

List Guidelines:

Re: [WSG] web accessibility-some thoughts

2007-03-08 Thread Ben Buchanan

How and why did the web get singled out from among all of the other
"publishing" mediums to be "by law"  accessible?

I don't know that there's a definitive answer; but I would suggest
that part of the picture is that the web was created from the start to
be usable to everyone. To put it another way, it's entirely possible
to make an accessible website; so it's reasonable to expect that
people do so.

Why aren't book, magazine, and newspaper publishers "required" to
produce an audio or braille version of everything they publish?

Because a lot of of it is tosh people can live happily without? :) But
seriously folks...

Organisations publishing critical information generally are required
to make it accessible. Government departments for example - they must
make information available to all constituents. If they don't do this,
they can seriously disadvantage people.

Laws generally say that everything should be accessible - it's just
that total enforcement isn't possible yet. So, ultimately people are
picking their fights - is it more important to chase governments or
gossip magazines? Really it should all be accessible, but people are
being a little pragmatic.

Why aren't TV broadcasters and movie production companies "required"
to sub-title all of their broadcasts or films, or have an "off screen
reader" describing the scenes?

They are in some countries... eg. the US

Not sure about the legalities here in .au (captioning is a bit outside
my usual focus), but captions are certainly available for a lot of TV
shows. They might not be great quality (another issue) but they're

Isn't saying one can't (shouldn't) use, for example, a popup window
on a web site because screen readers have trouble with them, like
telling Hollywood they can't (shouldn't) use certain special effects
because the "off screen reader" would have trouble explaining them to
a blind person?

I would say a closer analogy would be telling them that since they
*can* caption their product (and in most cases can afford it out of
petty cash), then they should.


--- The future has arrived; it's just not
--- evenly distributed. - William Gibson

List Guidelines:

Re: [WSG] Talking about tabular data...

2007-03-07 Thread Ben Buchanan

I'm curious to know what members of this group think about this. Should this
be considered tabular data or not?
Do you consider a table the best tool to mark this up? Or at least as good
as anything else?

I think a definition list fits better, even though it's a slight abuse
of DL it does basically "define" each title as the person in it
(better than the other way around I guess ;)).

That said, I can see it as a table too - just a really simple one.
Tabular data with just one row of data, so to speak. I'd really lean
towards setting it up with two headings: position and name.

It does end up being a bit of a "gut feel" thing though. A bit like
"can a list have just one item"? Sort of... not much of a list, but is
it invalid? Probably not, particularly if there's an expectation of
adding more items.



--- The future has arrived; it's just not
--- evenly distributed. - William Gibson

List Guidelines:

Re: [WSG] It's times like this you remember how far you've come

2007-03-05 Thread Ben Buchanan

I have the task of writing the database/dynamic stuff behind an e-commerce
site. The design work and static pages are done by a professional design web
dev house in Brisbane, and yesterday I got hold of their work.  My job now
is to merge their stuff with the shopping cart and other components I've


Heh, I feel your pain. I don't think it's city-related though, it's
about the size and culture of the company. The really big shops are
probably the worst (repeat) offenders since they are so well
established their clients often don't question their work. This is
especially the case for firms that started in print then tacked on web
to their service list (usually by throwing the job at their junior

Some firms know their code is bad but they are quite happy to leave it
that way since the client is stuck getting them to maintain it, slowly
and at great expense. The client probably doesn't realise they're not
getting the best possible result so it's an easy way to develop
ongoing work.

The vendors of major CMS/portal technology follow the pattern too -
their clients can't/won't go elsewhere, so they don't care that their
code is crap.

Naturally not all large firms are crap, but the large size of some
firms does seem to encourage complacency.

--- The future has arrived; it's just not
--- evenly distributed. - William Gibson

List Guidelines:

Re: [WSG] Content negotiated links: why so bad?

2007-02-28 Thread Ben Buchanan

organisation). I have a penchant for short, usable URLs that don't show file
names, and would like to link to "/mydept/training/" rather than

Sounds a lot like you'll get resistance, although I agree that not
showing extensions has some benefits.

I'd shoot for a middle of the road - make sure that all index pages
are documented/distrubuted without the "index.html" and try to avoid
promoting anything other than an index :)

More of a social hack than a technical solution, but sometimes policy
requires it.



--- The future has arrived; it's just not
--- evenly distributed. - William Gibson

List Guidelines:

Re: [WSG] Website Directory Structure - Best Practice

2006-03-20 Thread Ben Buchanan
> When it comes to website directory structure, I'm curious to know how
> you gurus out there set up yours.

Well, I can't speak for gurus, but the way I do it:

Each site or sub-site gets its own set of standard sub-directories,
forming a self-contained set of documents and support files.

Common sub-dirs would be /img/ or /images/, /style/ (or /css/,
although that's naming to technical details and not function) and
/doc/ or /nonweb/ for things like .doc, .pdf, etc.

I don't use flash so that hasn't really come up :)

Realistically I don't think it matters what the names are so long as
they're used consistent across the whole site.


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Re: [WSG] Tag clouds

2006-03-13 Thread Ben Buchanan
[snip- tag clouds]
> Thoughts? Mild agreement? Sly refutations?

For a simple tag cloud I'm not sure how a table would work - the cloud
isn't really tabular, in the way I would describe "tabular". If a
second rating was applied; eg. popularity + freshness (ie. how many
times does the tag appear, and how recently) then you could use a
table to create a matrix. But for your garden variety tag cloud, this
probably isn't applicable.

Technorati's multiple-emphasis method is interesting, but I'm not sure
if the semantics are entirely sound (can you really just keep adding
more emphasis?). Given that current user agents don't really do
anything with the tag combinations you are ultimately left with a
visual-only cue to importance.

I'm with Christian on this one - I'd go with an ordered list with the
most popular tags first. You could use a nested list to group together
"bands" or popularity levels; or use an ordered list for the bands
with an unordered list for all the equal weight items in that band.



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Re: [WSG] streaming video

2006-03-12 Thread Ben Buchanan
> can anyone give me some pointers for streaming video.  I know nothing, but
> it looks like my client base will want it and I need to know about it in
> general and guidance in particular from a reliable source.
> Suggestions?

We've done a little bit of video/streaming at work; not huge amounts
but from that:

1) We found the least painful method of embedding a player into a page
is to use Flash video or a Flash player. YMMV.

2) If you only need to do very small amounts of video, you may find
putting up "hinted" video files will suffice. Hinted video can be
opened off a garden-variety web server, the user's software will start
playing the file before the download is finished. While it's not true
"streaming" a lot of users won't know or care about the difference. I
don't know how to actually hint the files since we generally work with
video produced by other teams.

3) Streaming servers are good so long as they can handle the load you
are likely to experience. For really big/expensive/high-profile
events, you are probably better off outsourcing to streaming

4) If you need to stream live, ditto on outsourcing. Unless you
*really* know what you're doing, you're better off hiring someone and
letting them stress about it ;)



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Re: [WSG] IE Reverse Indent ?

2006-03-08 Thread Ben Buchanan
> ... is there a way to put that whole section in my Style sheet file?  Or in
> a seperate file so I can maintain the rules  centrally?

That's pretty much the rub of it all, for me! :) If only Microsoft had
created a proprietary comment system for CSS, at least it would have
been useful without so many downsides.


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--- evenly distributed. - William Gibson
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Re: [WSG] Styling Fieldset and Legend Elements

2006-03-07 Thread Ben Buchanan
>  I would advise against * html hacks though -

Personally I think building/testing/making long-term strategy for a
beta-version browser is not advisable. We will not know what IE7 can
and can't do until it is actually released. Until then we are all just
wasting our time speculating and arguing. The next beta could break
things that work in the current beta.

I certainly don't understand why so many people have been so willing
to accept Microsoft's decree - "stop using that simple hack which can
be removed from your CSS anytime you like; bloat your content with our
proprietary hack, you miserable ingrates!".

Conditional comments are a hack - an ugly, inefficient hack at that.
Planning for the future includes the thought "hey, when IE6 becomes
irrelevant, I'm going to have to edit every single HTML document I've
got to remove this bloat!". Remember, not every site uses a CMS (and
not every CMS has a decent template system).

Or alternatively, some browser will come out which has a bug that
makes it read the stylesheet that was only intended for IE6; only to
render a complete mess as it tries to cope with conflicting CSS.

We do know that the * html hack works right now and it's entirely
plausible that it will work just fine when IE7 comes out. It's
entirely plausible that some future browser will have a problem with *
html but it's also likely that IE6 will be a footnote by then so the
hacks can be removed.

The sky is not falling!

/soapbox ;)

--- The future has arrived; it's just not
--- evenly distributed. - William Gibson
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Re: [WSG] Question of CSS specificity

2006-03-05 Thread Ben Buchanan
.module will apply to any element with class="module", table.module
will only apply to  elements.

That's about it :) No doubt there's some deeper meaning that I've not
yet heard, of course... ;)

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Re: [WSG] IE7 - The Good the Bad and the Ugly

2006-03-04 Thread Ben Buchanan
>   * More informative Error Pages.
> As a general usability feature, I thoroughly approve of the more
> friendly error pages in IE7. That way, when your site's server goes
> down, people won't just be dumped with a nasty pile of technical text.

So long as these are restricted to "server not available" scenarios,
that's fine. However when IE overrides informative errors sent out by
the server, things become a real pain (does IE7 always respect server

For example, at work we include a contact form in our 404 response; IE
users don't always get it so they can't report the link nor get an
email alerting them when the problem is fixed.

I've also received quite a few emails from users who were clued in
enough to take a screenshot of a problem, but unfortunately IE's
"friendly" message put the server status code way down the bottom,
below the fold and as a result not in the screenshot! We had to go
back and ask them to send the details again - was it a 404? a 503?
something else?

Still, the friendly message is probably more reassuring to users *if
they read it* :)


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Re: [WSG] Screen reader recommendations???

2006-02-28 Thread Ben Buchanan
> At a Web Standards Group meeting in Wellington last year, Jonathan Mosen
> used his screen reader to show developers what blind users were 'seeing'
> on their pages. It ripped through the pages almost too fast for most of
> the audience to hear but they were stunned when Jonathan said he'd
> slowed it down to about 1/3 normal speed for the demonstration!

The high speed is a bit surprising, isn't it :) I was also amazed to
watch a screen zoom user blasting through pages - I'm a sloth in

He would rocket through navigation and make decisions on the next
click almost before I'd been able to read what he was up to, then on
to the next page... admittedly he was familiar with the overall site,
but even so it was kind of impressive.

I think people have a mental image of assistive tech users dragging
through sites at a painfully slow pace, but that hasn't been the
reality that I've seen (not that I have observed a huge number of
assistive tech users or anything, though).


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