Re: [Zope] Zope Digest, Vol 91, Issue 2

2011-12-06 Thread John Schinnerer


On 12/05/2011 05:30 PM, Sareesh Sudhakaran wrote:

I have downloaded Python and PHP and have used both with Komodo Edit
IDE, side by side, and have realized I would ideally want to program in
Python. But I'm okay with PHP also - which means my choice of
programming language depends on my choice of DB. Also, PHP has OOP
'capabilities' whatever that means - so maybe I can still use it like
Python to a certain extent.


is php object oriented

and you'll get plenty of somewhat relevant hits. In terms of true OO 
languages (like python, ruby, java...), this may be a most relevant link:

And, what he is pointing out may not be a problem for you, if mostly 
procedural with some object capabilities is suitable for your needs.

If you are using python to build a zope product, the ZODB is used 
automagically, you don't have to do anything special. To access MySQL 
DBs you have to add an appropriate zope product to handle queries. A 
search on

zope with mysql

...or vice versa returns mostly IMO embarrassingly old hits, many from and five to ten years old. So either the old info is still 
valid, or there is a lack of current information on using zope with 
mysql (though it is said that it is easy - where are non-stale 
howtos/tutorials for those who don't already know how?).

Can you point me to a resource for Python and mySQL? I've bought 'Dive
into Python' but it has no reference on how to use it with mySQL. If my
current hosting provider supports Python and mySQL, can I make it work?
They won't let me install anything on the server side though, so I can't
use any modules that aren't there already.

Look for info/howtos on Python's DB-API and the MySQLdb module.
For example:

...though sounds like you can't add such modules on your current 
provider's server if not there already.
Myself for a project of this complexity I would want much more control 
of my server options than it sounds like you have. A low-cost VPS (I use, or simply use localhost until I have my options sorted out.

John S.

John Schinnerer - M.A., Whole Systems Design

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Re: [Zope] Help in deciding approach to Web App

2011-12-05 Thread John Schinnerer


I think you might want a "both and" approach rather than an "either or" 

In which case Niels' comments re the ability to use both objects/object 
DB and relational DB in python/zope applications are highly relevant.

If you go with an object-based combination like python/zope/ZODB where 
you can also use/integrate relational data, then you can use each 
model/data approach where most appropriate for what you're building. It 
sounds like there may be some of both, as you describe an eventual 
"expert system" app.

If you use PHP or most any other HTML-munging/scripting platform that 
I'm aware of, you are crippled in terms of using 'true' OO programming 
methods (useful for an 'expert system') and object DB where they are 
most appropriate. Especially for the size and flexibility of what you 
are aiming for, a 'true' OO language seems essential.

In short, you don't have to do object DB *or* RDB - you can use both, if 
using a platform that supports that such as zope.

John S.

On 12/05/2011 04:12 AM, Sareesh Sudhakaran wrote:

Hi John and Fernando
Intuitively I feel that my project fits in with an Object DB, which is
why I have spent a lot of time trying to understand its methodology. But
now I'm more confused than ever.

To answer your questions -

Only an expert can perform data entry for the tools, obviously. Since I
have no clue how to enter data into mySQL or ZODB I have no idea what's
in store for me.

The ultimate goal is for the engine to become an expert system that is
capable of taking inputs, learning from mistakes, scraping data from
reports and from the internet, and become better and better at its
predictions. The logic engine will get better and more complex as more
tools are added - but once all the 'current' tools are added, the system
must be able to go 'solo', with an accuracy that reaches six sigma
levels. As Fernando has suggested, I will have to go with C/C++, or even
my own language in the future, but that day is far off.

I plan to start with 50 higher-level tools and try to build a prototype.
The front-end is really very simple. The choices available for the start
parameters and end parameters are pretty basic, and most of the logic
happens under the hood - probably at the back end if possible. Once I've
built this prototype, I will know whether mqSQL can handle scaling up
(in my particular case). If not, I can confidently invest in ZODB.

If I can make my position any clearer in order to get a conclusive
answer either way - I'll be glad to. Thanks again for your help. I
really am indebted to you guys.

 > From:
 > Subject: Zope Digest, Vol 91, Issue 2
 > To:
 > Date: Mon, 5 Dec 2011 12:00:02 +
 > Send Zope mailing list submissions to
 > To subscribe or unsubscribe via the World Wide Web, visit
 > or, via email, send a message with subject or body 'help' to
 > You can reach the person managing the list at
 > When replying, please edit your Subject line so it is more specific
 > than "Re: Contents of Zope digest..."
 > Today's Topics:
 > 1. Re: Help in deciding approach to Web App (Fernando Martins)
 > 2. Re: Help in deciding approach to Web App (Sareesh Sudhakaran)
 > 3. Re: Help in deciding approach to Web App (Fernando Martins)
 > 4. Re: Help in deciding approach to Web App (John Schinnerer)
 > 5. Re: Help in deciding approach to Web App (Sareesh Sudhakaran)
 > 6. Re: Help in deciding approach to Web App (Fernando Martins)
 > 7. Re: Help in deciding approach to Web App (John Schinnerer)
 > 8. Re: Help in deciding approach to Web App (Niels Dettenbach)
 > 9. Re: Help in deciding approach to Web App (Fernando)
 > 10. Re: Help in deciding approach to Web App (Sareesh Sudhakaran)
 > 11. Re: Help in deciding approach to Web App (Niels Dettenbach)
 > --
 > Message: 1
 > Date: Sun, 04 Dec 2011 13:28:36 +0100
 > From: Fernando Martins 
 > To: Sareesh Sudhakaran 
 > Cc:
 > Subject: Re: [Zope] Help in deciding approach to Web App
 > Message-ID: <>
 > Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"; Format="flowed"
 > On 12/04/2011 09:52 AM, Sareesh Sudhakaran wrote:
 > > Thanks Niels. Just to clarify:
 > > Does my particular instance fall under an OODBMS model or a RDBMS
 > > model (with ORM if necessary)?
 > >
 > >
 > Data modelling is a bit of an art and probably you could tackle your
 > problem with any approach

Re: [Zope] Help in deciding approach to Web App

2011-12-05 Thread John Schinnerer

On 12/04/2011 09:56 PM, Fernando Martins wrote:

On 12/04/2011 09:31 PM, John Schinnerer wrote:

In any case, this looks (to me anyhow) like a very object-oriented
system you are modeling so an object oriented approach and language
would seem most suitable.

And how would you create (and update) objects in Python for:

"at least 500 tools as of now, and it is bound to grow in the future as
newer tools are introduced. Existing tools will also have version updates.

Each tool, on average, has at least 100 properties that define the tool.
Some of them have as high as 1000 unique properties."

How familiar are you with OOP?

What I mean is, when I read your high-level description of what you want 
to do, I imagine objects interacting with other. In your "car wash" 
example I see that, for instance. Or any kind of work-flow, which is 
what this sounds like to me. A state machine.

Each tool is an object; it knows what its properties and abilities and 
possible states are and can communicate them to other objects and can 
accept and act on communication from other objects. In that way the 
objects interact with one another to do whatever it is you build them to 

I'm thinking of your "car wash" metaphor. In a car wash there are a 
variety of elements (objects) that communicate with one another to move 
the car through and to wash it as it moves through. Simple example:

* mechanism that pulls or pushes the car through
* mechanism that sprays it with water and soap
* mechanism that scrubs and wipes and rubs it
* mechanism that sprays it with rinse water
* drying mechanism(s)

These all need to signal one another so they do the right thing at the 
right time. Spray (or scrub or blow hot air) only when the car is in the 
right place for each.

If some tools can be built by adding to/extending other tools, that is 
an object-friendly situation, since enhancing an existing tool to make 
another that you need saves you having to create all tools from scratch.

In the car wash, maybe the different sized scrubbers used are all made 
by bolting together two or more of the smallest size scrubber. Maybe in 
parallel, maybe in series, depends on what is needed.
Maybe the same scrubber controller can have different size brushes 
attached to it.

In short, an object - tool - is code and data that interacts with other 
tools (other entities of code and data).

An upgrade to a tool would involve changing the code and/or data that 
constitutes the tool. If that introduces some new way of interacting 
that other tools need to also know, then you add that to those tools also.

Adding more tools means coding them. If they can be based on existing 
tools, so much the easier (and more object-appropriate).

So that's some high-level information about an object-oriented approach 
to what I think your project is about.

Tthe flexibility you appear to need as the system grows may be 
problematic for an RDB. And, my bias is OO, so perhaps someone who 
thinks in RDB-space can describe at high level how this would look in an 
RDB implmentation.

John S.

John Schinnerer - M.A., Whole Systems Design

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Re: [Zope] Help in deciding approach to Web App

2011-12-04 Thread John Schinnerer


Very briefly, from what you describe, it looks like you are dealing with 
large numbers of complex objects (your 'tools') that interact with each 
other - and with some other elements that are going through this 
workflow process? And a context for the process? ...not sure of that part...

In any case, this looks (to me anyhow) like a very object-oriented 
system you are modeling so an object oriented approach and language 
would seem most suitable. Python is one reasonable language option; zope 
for the web publishing aspect of the project would fit well with that. I 
haven't worked with other OO languages enough to usefully compare.

It also sounds to me like the web publishing is the lesser part of 
this...? That is, the workflow of interacting tools is the real 'app' 
here, a process which does not all get shown somehow on a web page...or 
does it? Or just the outcomes?

LAMP platform is so common and cheap that it's all a lot of people know 
about. It can be used well, and, it is all too easy to make horrible 
hacks and Frankestein monster apps in PHP/MySQL.

Meaning, a highly structured (yet powerful) OO programming language will 
support you in avoiding that.

Also, for development (or just to explore if python+zope might meet your 
needs) you don't need any hosting, you can install python+zope on your 
development system and try it out.

best wishes...
John S.

On 12/03/2011 07:12 PM, Sareesh Sudhakaran wrote:

I have a personal project - a web application I wanted to develop - but
I'm confused on which route to take. I am not under any time constraint.

*About the App:*

The best I can describe it is as a kind of expert system (but not AI)
that needs to find the best workflow for a process, given a set of
initial and final parameters. E.g. a 'capsule' of data must pass through
many 'tools' or 'environments' to reach a desired output - something
like a very complicated car wash.

Let's say there are many tools that can be used at various stages in the
process. I have estimated there are at least 500 tools as of now, and it
is bound to grow in the future as newer tools are introduced. Existing
tools will also have version updates.

Each tool, on average, has at least 100 properties that define the tool.
Some of them have as high as 1000 unique properties. Some of these tools
are linked to each other - e.g if one tool is selected, there are only n
tools that can correspond to it for the next step in the process. I also
have the problem of 'matching' the tools for analysis. E.g. Tool A might
have only three fixed rpms - 100, 200 and 500, but Tool B might have
rpms from 20 to 2000. I'm not sure how I can construct a database
without spelling out each number, as in the example above.

The total number of tools needed for the process can be defined at the
beginning, however, it will change as the application becomes more
complex in the future. I plan to address every contingency in the
process. The idea is - if the user inputs the initial parameters and the
desired outcome (another set of parameters), the app must find the
'best' path - sort of like a decision tree. The best path can be the
fastest, cheapest, etc. I would like the user to choose what is best for

Unfortunately, parameters might change, relationships might change (but
not regularly) - the 'rules' I will be using might be revised for better
accuracy in prediction.

I also need to track each user's path and solutions' for future
reference (but no personal details except username and email address for
logging in). Maybe when the app is up and running, I'd like to make it
more democratic, with users contributing to refining the logic/rules

If possible, I would also like the app to output a graphical flowchart
at the end showing the workflow with all tools grouped in an easy to
understand layout.

*My questions:*

 1. Will the app be better served with a relational DB like mySQL or an
Object database? After a lot of research I've guessed that my
particular case might be better served with Python and Zope/ZODB.
But I might be wrong? Maybe PHP+mySQL or Django is a better fit?
 2. Can anyone provide general advice on how to go about beginning such
a project in ZOPE. Which is the best place to start learning for a
 3. Can anyone recommend a good shared hosting provider that supports
Zope fully but is not expensive?
 4. Is there a module or app that is open source that I can use to
output a graphical flowchart based on the results, or will I be
better served programming it from scratch with Python?

I would appreciate any help in getting started. Thank you in advance. I
have tried most online forums but have not good any productive answers.
Most of the answers I got were pro-PHP+mySQL.


Re: [Zope] Database Authentication

2011-11-02 Thread John Harrow
2.10 at the moment - wasn't really looking at newer Zope, just wanted to
investigate managing users via a db ( unless latest zope would help with
this a lot).

On Wed, Nov 2, 2011 at 9:49 AM, Chris Withers wrote:

> On 02/11/2011 09:34, John Harrow wrote:
> > What's the best way to authenticate against a database in Zope 2 these
> > days? SUF and XUF are the two I've briefly looked at. I'm coming back to
> > an old project so bit out of the Zope loop!
> What version of Zope are you using or migrating to?
> cheers,
> Chris
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[Zope] Database Authentication

2011-11-02 Thread John Harrow
Hi all
What's the best way to authenticate against a database in Zope 2 these
days? SUF and XUF are the two I've briefly looked at. I'm coming back to an
old project so bit out of the Zope loop!
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Re: [Zope] Safe way to abort or re-start stalled out ZODB pack?

2010-01-27 Thread John Schinnerer
Thanks Bakhtiar,

That's what I was hoping, and I wanted some confirmation from those 
who've done it.
I just did as you indicated - deleted Data.fs.pack, then ran the pack 
again. It completed successfully.

John S.

Bakhtiar A Hamid wrote:
> On Thu, Jan 28, 2010 at 5:06 AM, John Schinnerer  wrote:
>> Hello,
>> This is for
>> Zope 2.9.8-final, python 2.4.4, linux2 (debian)
>> (installed by the Plone 2.5.5 installer if that matters, and using
>> zeoserver)
>> I have a ZODB pack operation started via the ZMI control panel that has
>> failed to complete. It appears to be from a disk space issue (traceback
>> below).
>> The zope instance is still working fine on the pre-pack ZODB, and, there
>> is a Data.fs.pack file sitting in ../zeocluster/server/var which hasn't
>> been modified in the last ten hours.
> Hi
> we've had the same issue (on an old setup with limited disk space) and
> removing Data.fs.pack should suffice.
> We just repack after deleting.
> you can copy Data.fs if you want to.
> hth
>> I need to know how to deal with this situation safely - how to abort
>> and/or safely re-start the pack (the disk space issue has been dealt with).
>> Some questions that have come to mind are:
>> Is it safe to just restart zope?
>> Will that clear the stalled pack operation automagically?
>> Will I need to do something manually with the Data.fs.pack file?
>> Any assistance appreciated...!
>> thanks,
>> John S.
>> Traceback:
>> -
>> 2010-01-27T03:51:09 INFO ZEO.zrpc.Connection(S) ( vote()
>> raised exception: [Errno 28] No space left on device
>> Traceback (most recent call last):
>>   File "/opt/Plone-2.5.5/lib/python/ZEO/zrpc/", line 421,
>> in handle_request
>> ret = meth(*args)
>>   File "/opt/Plone-2.5.5/lib/python/ZEO/", line 465, in
>> vote
>> return self._wait(lambda: self._vote())
>>   File "/opt/Plone-2.5.5/lib/python/ZEO/", line 583, in
>> _wait
>> return self._restart()
>>   File "/opt/Plone-2.5.5/lib/python/ZEO/", line 599, in
>> _restart
>> resp = self._thunk()
>>   File "/opt/Plone-2.5.5/lib/python/ZEO/", line 465, in
>> return self._wait(lambda: self._vote())
>>   File "/opt/Plone-2.5.5/lib/python/ZEO/", line 539, in
>> _vote
>> return
>>   File "/opt/Plone-2.5.5/lib/python/ZODB/FileStorage/",
>> line 891, in tpc_vote
>> self._file.flush()
>> IOError: [Errno 28] No space left on device
>> ---
>> --
>> John Schinnerer - M.A., Whole Systems Design
>> ----
>> - Eco-Living -
>> Whole Systems Design Services
>> People - Place - Learning - Integration
>> ___
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John Schinnerer - M.A., Whole Systems Design

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Whole Systems Design Services
People - Place - Learning - Integration
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[Zope] Safe way to abort or re-start stalled out ZODB pack?

2010-01-27 Thread John Schinnerer

This is for

Zope 2.9.8-final, python 2.4.4, linux2 (debian)
(installed by the Plone 2.5.5 installer if that matters, and using 

I have a ZODB pack operation started via the ZMI control panel that has 
failed to complete. It appears to be from a disk space issue (traceback 

The zope instance is still working fine on the pre-pack ZODB, and, there 
is a Data.fs.pack file sitting in ../zeocluster/server/var which hasn't 
been modified in the last ten hours.

I need to know how to deal with this situation safely - how to abort 
and/or safely re-start the pack (the disk space issue has been dealt with).
Some questions that have come to mind are:
Is it safe to just restart zope?
Will that clear the stalled pack operation automagically?
Will I need to do something manually with the Data.fs.pack file?

Any assistance appreciated...!
John S.

2010-01-27T03:51:09 INFO ZEO.zrpc.Connection(S) ( vote() 
raised exception: [Errno 28] No space left on device
Traceback (most recent call last):
   File "/opt/Plone-2.5.5/lib/python/ZEO/zrpc/", line 421, 
in handle_request
 ret = meth(*args)
   File "/opt/Plone-2.5.5/lib/python/ZEO/", line 465, in 
 return self._wait(lambda: self._vote())
   File "/opt/Plone-2.5.5/lib/python/ZEO/", line 583, in 
 return self._restart()
   File "/opt/Plone-2.5.5/lib/python/ZEO/", line 599, in 
 resp = self._thunk()
   File "/opt/Plone-2.5.5/lib/python/ZEO/", line 465, in 

 return self._wait(lambda: self._vote())
   File "/opt/Plone-2.5.5/lib/python/ZEO/", line 539, in 
   File "/opt/Plone-2.5.5/lib/python/ZODB/FileStorage/", 
line 891, in tpc_vote
IOError: [Errno 28] No space left on device

John Schinnerer - M.A., Whole Systems Design

- Eco-Living -
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[Zope] Non-management actions recorded in Undo Log

2009-05-06 Thread John Snowdon
Hi, we've recently seen a the Data.fs in a few of our Zope systems grow
rather fat (from stable sizes around the 100-300MB level to >3GB in the
most extreme cases).

On further investigation it appears that regular user page requests are
being recorded in the Zope undo log - these are not object modifications
that have changed the objects themselves (the modification date against
all these objects is unchanged), but normal HTTP GET requests.

Systems are all 2.11.0 Zope clients with Data.fs served by matching
versions of Zeo. Not all of our 2.11.0 apps that are showing this
behaviour, only a couple, so I doubt it's something wrong with Zope or

I'm not a Zope developer, but can anyone shed any light on the possible
issues that would cause regular requests to be logged in this way?



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RE: [Zope] Centralized sessions with ZEO

2008-03-11 Thread John Snowdon
You're nearly there!

1. Change the mount point to be something like /session_folder 
2. Mount the data fs and create the mount point
3. Create a new transient object container in /session_folder
4. Change /session_data_manager to point to 

Restart your zope servers and they should all start to use the same shared 
session back end.


 Unix & Web Infrastructure Management
 Faculty of Medical Sciences Computing
 University of Newcastle


>-Original Message-
>Sours, Kevin
>Sent: 10 March 2008 21:55
>Subject: [Zope] Centralized sessions with ZEO
>I apologize if this has been asked ad nauseam.  I've uncovered enough
>information online to suggest that it has, but too little to get any
>kind of definitive answer.  My problem is that I am running a number of
>zope instances against a zeo instance.  I would like to store the
>session data in the ZEO instance so that the session data is shared
>between the different zope instances.  The question is how best to do
>What I've settled on is the approach given at
>  This appears to work fine,
>however I don't really like the idea of using an undoable store and
>having to constantly pack it.  I definitely don't need persistent data
>(if the sessions go away when I restart ZEO so be it).  I tried the same
>approach using a tempstorage instead of filestorage.  This works up
>until ZEO is stopped and started, at which point the transient object
>container in the temporary storage disappears (which makes sense, but is
>a little inconvenient).
>I also tried the approach at
> This is absolutely
>perfect for what I want to do save for the fact that it doesn't work.
>No matter what I tried with it, the sessions don't get shared.  In fact,
>it doesn't look like the database on ZEO get recognized at all.  When I
>go to add a mount point it tells me that there is something in the way
>of /temp_folder (presumably the autocreated temporary folder object for
>the default sessions).  What I find particularly odd is that this
>appears to be the case for anything configured to mount at /temp_folder
>- including the temporary storage configured as part of the default
>zope.conf file.  Changing that part of the default config or removing it
>entirely doesn't appear to have any impact on how zope runs.
>I feel like I'm missing something.  It seems like configuring the
>sessions to use  tempstorage on the ZEO instance shouldn't be this hard.
>I'm also confused by the seemingly spurious block in the zope.conf:
># Temporary storage database (for sessions)
>  name temporary storage for sessioning
>mount-point /temp_folder
>container-class Products.TemporaryFolder.TemporaryContainer
>I haven't been able to find much documentation on what the various
>options for this block mean (particularly the container-class) member.
>I should probably mention that I am running 2.8.7, which I realize is
>more than a little out of date at this point.  I'm hoping that somebody
>can fill me in a little or point me to some documentation I may have
>Thanks in advance
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Re: [Zope] Character display issues upgrading 2.8.8 to 2.9.8

2008-02-08 Thread John Schinnerer


OK, I have now done the upgrade the "right" way, by copying add-in 
products and data.fs from zope 2.8.8 instance to 2.9.8 instance (on 
debian 4.0).

I still have the same problem occurring. StructuredDocument content that 
contains curly quotes, curly apostrophes, and some accented (French) 
chars (and maybe others I haven't spotted yet) is not displaying those 
chars correctly (they show up as hollow block, black diamond "?", etc. 
depending on browser).

My assumption is that something has changed in character set 
handling/publishing between 2.8.8 and 2.9.8. I know nothing about zope 
char set handling (if that's even the right term) - it's never been an 
issue before. As mentioned the zope.conf settings for 
default-zpublisher-encoding are left at the default (iso-8859-15) in 
both instances. 2.8.8 was installed from source. 2.9.8 was installed by 
the plone 2.5.5 unified installer.

I would appreciate any leads on where/how to start fixing this.

John S.

John Schinnerer wrote:


I am in the process of moving from zope 2.8.8 to zope 2.9.8 (running on 
debian 4.0).

I am transferring individual zope sites from 2.8.8 instance to 2.9.8 
instance via export/import. So far everything is fine except...

I have some content in StructuredDocument objects that includes text 
with some accented French characters, and some of the curly quotes (the 
6--9 quotes) and "real" apostrophes and that sort of thing. They are not 
displaying correctly in the 2.9.8 zope - they show up as whatever symbol 
the browser uses to say "oops, can't display this correctly."

Both zopes are running on my dev system and I'm looking with all the 
same browsers so it seems it must be something to do with zope handling 
the characters (or not).

The zope.conf settings for default-zpublisher-encoding are left at the 
default (iso-8859-15) in both instances, if that is relevant.

I've never had any problem like this before, such as in previous 
upgrades of 2.7.x to 2.8.x. I don't even know where to look, aside from 
the zope.conf setting above which is the same in both cases.

Any ideas why this is happening?
Any help appreciated!

John S.

John Schinnerer, MA WSD
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Re: [Zope] Character display issues upgrading 2.8.8 to 2.9.8

2008-02-07 Thread John Schinnerer


Andreas Jung wrote:
--On 6. Februar 2008 21:21:42 -1000 John Schinnerer 


I am in the process of moving from zope 2.8.8 to zope 2.9.8 (running on
debian 4.0).

Why not 2.10 or 2.11?

The zope instance also supports some plone 2.5.x sites.
Complete upgrade needs to be zope 2.8.8 to 2.9.8 and plone 2.5.0 to 2.5.5.
I have installed the new versions using the unified installer. Does that 
make this impossible?

Should I just move this whole question to plone list?
I started it here because I'm having only this one zope problem so far...

I am transferring individual zope sites from 2.8.8 instance to 2.9.8
instance via export/import. So far everything is fine except...

..which is basically unsupported since source and destination system run
different Zope versions.

Well, it worked last time from 2.7.x to 2.8.x. Not so lucky time I guess.

Anyone else have pointers to what I need to know?

When I search for "upgrade zope" the only relevant article on 
the first three pages of results was last updated in August 2003 and is 
useless. Google doesn't get me anything much better. There is no upgrade 
information on or linked from the zope 2.9.8 release pages. I found some 
generic info on the zope wiki finally, however of course it doesn't 
cover plone upgrades.

John S.

John Schinnerer, MA WSD
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[Zope] Character display issues upgrading 2.8.8 to 2.9.8

2008-02-06 Thread John Schinnerer


I am in the process of moving from zope 2.8.8 to zope 2.9.8 (running on 
debian 4.0).

I am transferring individual zope sites from 2.8.8 instance to 2.9.8 
instance via export/import. So far everything is fine except...

I have some content in StructuredDocument objects that includes text 
with some accented French characters, and some of the curly quotes (the 
6--9 quotes) and "real" apostrophes and that sort of thing. They are not 
displaying correctly in the 2.9.8 zope - they show up as whatever symbol 
the browser uses to say "oops, can't display this correctly."

Both zopes are running on my dev system and I'm looking with all the 
same browsers so it seems it must be something to do with zope handling 
the characters (or not).

The zope.conf settings for default-zpublisher-encoding are left at the 
default (iso-8859-15) in both instances, if that is relevant.

I've never had any problem like this before, such as in previous 
upgrades of 2.7.x to 2.8.x. I don't even know where to look, aside from 
the zope.conf setting above which is the same in both cases.

Any ideas why this is happening?
Any help appreciated!

John S.

John Schinnerer, MA WSD
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Re: [Zope] Error starting zope - undefined symbol:PyUnicodeUCS2_AsEncodedString

2007-06-21 Thread John Schinnerer

Jürgen Herrmann wrote:

On Thu, June 21, 2007 11:02, John Schinnerer wrote:

John Schinnerer wrote:

Andreas Jung wrote:


If you install Python using

 configure --prefix=/opt/python-2.4; make;make install

and configure Zope using

 configure --with-python=/opt/python-2.4/bin/python2.4; make; make

you should never get into such trouble. Somehow your environment or setup must 
be broken.

Possibly you're installing Zope over an existing Zope installation with 
possibly old
zopectl/runzope files inside the 'bin' folder

which won't be replaced by "make install". So check the "python" configuration 
within your

bin/zopectl|runzope files.

Thanks again - the above is what I thought I did (matching the --prefix and the 

- however somewhere I blew it somehow as the control files point to the wrong 

I'll try again and hopefully get it right. Thanks for the extra assist.

Well, I'm not crazy. I just rebuilt it all and triple checked that I gave the 

--with-python when configuring the zope build. I did. And, it did not get 
used...the zopectl and
runzope files were created with the default path (to the wrong python) anyhow!

did you really delete the existing files in your bin folder before installing 
zope again? these
files are NOT recreated!

Yes. I deleted all files and directories created when building python 
2.3 and zope 2.8.8 the first time and started over.

And when startup of zope failed with the same error I checked the 
control files again and they had the default python path and not the one 
I specified with --with-python in the configure.

John S.

John Schinnerer, MA WSD
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Re: [Zope] Error starting zope - undefined symbol: PyUnicodeUCS2_AsEncodedString

2007-06-21 Thread John Schinnerer

John Schinnerer wrote:

Andreas Jung wrote:

--On 20. Juni 2007 21:58:18 -1000 John Schinnerer 

Thanks...I have no idea how to do that unfortunately.
This is the first time I've built python from source. I just followed 

build instructions in the tarball and "it worked." At least, I have a
working python 2.3 in the location I specified for "--with-python" when
building zope.
 From various list messages about this same error message I get that
there is some mismatch involving UCS2 vs. UCS4 compiled pieces - if I
grok correctly...?


If you install Python using

 configure --prefix=/opt/python-2.4; make;make install

and configure Zope using

 configure --with-python=/opt/python-2.4/bin/python2.4; make; make 

you should never get into such trouble. Somehow your environment or setup
must be broken. Possibly you're installing Zope over an existing Zope 
installation with possibly old zopectl/runzope files inside the 'bin' 
which won't be replaced by "make install". So check the "python" 
configuration within your bin/zopectl|runzope files.

Thanks again - the above is what I thought I did (matching the --prefix 
and the --with-python) - however somewhere I blew it somehow as the 
control files point to the wrong python.

I'll try again and hopefully get it right. Thanks for the extra assist.

Well, I'm not crazy. I just rebuilt it all and triple checked that I 
gave the matching --with-python when configuring the zope build. I did.
And, it did not get used...the zopectl and runzope files were created 
with the default path (to the wrong python) anyhow!

So I fixed that manually, and now (after fixing some perms issues) it 
starts up OK.

thanks again,
John S.

John Schinnerer, MA WSD
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Re: [Zope] Error starting zope - undefined symbol: PyUnicodeUCS2_AsEncodedString

2007-06-21 Thread John Schinnerer

Andreas Jung wrote:

--On 20. Juni 2007 21:58:18 -1000 John Schinnerer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 

Thanks...I have no idea how to do that unfortunately.
This is the first time I've built python from source. I just followed the
build instructions in the tarball and "it worked." At least, I have a
working python 2.3 in the location I specified for "--with-python" when
building zope.
 From various list messages about this same error message I get that
there is some mismatch involving UCS2 vs. UCS4 compiled pieces - if I
grok correctly...?


If you install Python using

 configure --prefix=/opt/python-2.4; make;make install

and configure Zope using

 configure --with-python=/opt/python-2.4/bin/python2.4; make; make install

you should never get into such trouble. Somehow your environment or setup
must be broken. Possibly you're installing Zope over an existing Zope 
installation with possibly old zopectl/runzope files inside the 'bin' 
which won't be replaced by "make install". So check the "python" 
configuration within your bin/zopectl|runzope files.

Thanks again - the above is what I thought I did (matching the --prefix 
and the --with-python) - however somewhere I blew it somehow as the 
control files point to the wrong python.

I'll try again and hopefully get it right. Thanks for the extra assist.

John S.

John Schinnerer, MA WSD
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Re: [Zope] Error starting zope - undefined symbol: PyUnicodeUCS2_AsEncodedString

2007-06-21 Thread John Schinnerer

Andreas Jung wrote:

--On 20. Juni 2007 21:03:20 -1000 John Schinnerer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 


I have just attempted my first zope install using a python built from
source and am getting an error traceback ending with:

undefined symbol: PyUnicodeUCS2_AsEncodedString

...when I try to start zope (full traceback at end of msg).

The story:
I need to get a zope 2.8.8 up and running on debian Etch (4.0) and python
2.3.x is not available as debian package on Etch. So...

I got the python 2.3.6 tarball from, followed the build
instructions and amazingly enough got it built and installed.
I already have python 2.4 so I made sure to put 2.3 in its' own path.

Then I got zope 2.8.8 tarball and built that, using the '--with-python='
option to specify my python 2.3 installation (/usr/local/bin/python2.3

The zope build seemed to complete fine also.
However when trying to start zope 2.8.8 I get the undefined symbol error.
The most relevant info I could google up is here:

I get that there may be some issue with the two build processes and
something called UCS4 vs. UCS2 mixed up somehow.
The rest, like how that happened and/or how to fix it, is way over my

Can anyone clarify the UCS2/UCS4 issue and how to resolve it?

You have definitely some Python module somewhere in our sys.path or 
PYTHONPATH compiled against a different Python versiontrible

check that.

Thanks...I have no idea how to do that unfortunately.
This is the first time I've built python from source. I just followed 
the build instructions in the tarball and "it worked." At least, I have 
a working python 2.3 in the location I specified for "--with-python" 
when building zope.
From various list messages about this same error message I get that 
there is some mismatch involving UCS2 vs. UCS4 compiled pieces - if I 
grok correctly...?
I have no idea what controls that and saw nothing about it in the python 
or zope build docs.
I previously had zope 2.8.8 running on debian Sarge with the packaged 
python 2.3 no problem.


John S.

John Schinnerer, MA WSD
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Re: [Zope] Error starting zope - undefined symbol: PyUnicodeUCS2_AsEncodedString

2007-06-21 Thread John Schinnerer

Apologies, forgot to paste in the full traceback, here it is.
FWIW I also have zope 2.9.7 installed from source and working just fine 
on this same machine (using python 2.4.4 packaged with Etch).

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/var/lib/zope2.8.8/lib/python/Zope2/Startup/", line 
322, in ?

  File "/var/lib/zope2.8.8/lib/python/Zope2/Startup/", line 
280, in main

  File "/var/lib/zope2.8.8/lib/python/Zope2/Startup/", line 
91, in realize

ZDOptions.realize(self, *args, **kw)
  File "/var/lib/zope2.8.8/lib/python/zdaemon/", line 273, 
in realize

  File "/var/lib/zope2.8.8/lib/python/zdaemon/", line 321, 
in load_schema

self.schema = ZConfig.loadSchema(self.schemafile)
  File "/var/lib/zope2.8.8/lib/python/ZConfig/", line 31, in 

return SchemaLoader().loadURL(url)
  File "/var/lib/zope2.8.8/lib/python/ZConfig/", line 65, in 

return self.loadResource(r)
  File "/var/lib/zope2.8.8/lib/python/ZConfig/", line 159, in 

schema = ZConfig.schema.parseResource(resource, self)
  File "/var/lib/zope2.8.8/lib/python/ZConfig/", line 27, in 

xml.sax.parse(resource.file, parser)
  File "/var/lib/zope2.8.8/lib/python/Zope2/Startup/", line 
33, in parse

  File "xml/sax/", line 107, in parse
  File "xml/sax/", line 123, in parse
  File "xml/sax/", line 207, in feed
  File "xml/sax/", line 300, in start_element
  File "/var/lib/zope2.8.8/lib/python/ZConfig/", line 99, in 

getattr(self, "start_" + name)(attrs)
  File "/var/lib/zope2.8.8/lib/python/ZConfig/", line 475, in 

keytype, valuetype, datatype = self.get_sect_typeinfo(attrs)
  File "/var/lib/zope2.8.8/lib/python/ZConfig/", line 201, in 

datatype = self.get_datatype(attrs, "datatype", "null", base)
  File "/var/lib/zope2.8.8/lib/python/ZConfig/", line 194, in 

return self._registry.get(dtname)
  File "/var/lib/zope2.8.8/lib/python/ZConfig/", line 398, 
in get

t =
  File "/var/lib/zope2.8.8/lib/python/ZConfig/", line 423, 
in search

package = __import__(n, g, g, component)
  File "/var/lib/zope2.8.8/lib/python/Zope2/Startup/", line 
20, in ?

from ZODB.config import ZODBDatabase
  File "/var/lib/zope2.8.8/lib/python/ZODB/", line 21, in ?
from persistent import TimeStamp
  File "/var/lib/zope2.8.8/lib/python/persistent/", line 19, 
in ?

from cPersistence import Persistent, GHOST, UPTODATE, CHANGED, STICKY
ImportError: /var/lib/zope2.8.8/lib/python/persistent/ 
undefined symbol: PyUnicodeUCS2_AsEncodedString

John Schinnerer wrote:


I have just attempted my first zope install using a python built from 
source and am getting an error traceback ending with:

undefined symbol: PyUnicodeUCS2_AsEncodedString

...when I try to start zope (full traceback at end of msg).

The story:
I need to get a zope 2.8.8 up and running on debian Etch (4.0) and 
python 2.3.x is not available as debian package on Etch. So...

I got the python 2.3.6 tarball from, followed the build 
instructions and amazingly enough got it built and installed.

I already have python 2.4 so I made sure to put 2.3 in its' own path.

Then I got zope 2.8.8 tarball and built that, using the '--with-python=' 
option to specify my python 2.3 installation (/usr/local/bin/python2.3 

The zope build seemed to complete fine also.
However when trying to start zope 2.8.8 I get the undefined symbol error.
The most relevant info I could google up is here:

I get that there may be some issue with the two build processes and 
something called UCS4 vs. UCS2 mixed up somehow.

The rest, like how that happened and/or how to fix it, is way over my head.

Can anyone clarify the UCS2/UCS4 issue and how to resolve it?

John S.

John Schinnerer, MA WSD
- Eco-Living -
Whole Systems Design Services
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[Zope] Error starting zope - undefined symbol: PyUnicodeUCS2_AsEncodedString

2007-06-21 Thread John Schinnerer


I have just attempted my first zope install using a python built from 
source and am getting an error traceback ending with:

undefined symbol: PyUnicodeUCS2_AsEncodedString

...when I try to start zope (full traceback at end of msg).

The story:
I need to get a zope 2.8.8 up and running on debian Etch (4.0) and 
python 2.3.x is not available as debian package on Etch. So...

I got the python 2.3.6 tarball from, followed the build 
instructions and amazingly enough got it built and installed.

I already have python 2.4 so I made sure to put 2.3 in its' own path.

Then I got zope 2.8.8 tarball and built that, using the '--with-python=' 
option to specify my python 2.3 installation (/usr/local/bin/python2.3 

The zope build seemed to complete fine also.
However when trying to start zope 2.8.8 I get the undefined symbol error.
The most relevant info I could google up is here:

I get that there may be some issue with the two build processes and 
something called UCS4 vs. UCS2 mixed up somehow.

The rest, like how that happened and/or how to fix it, is way over my head.

Can anyone clarify the UCS2/UCS4 issue and how to resolve it?

John S.

John Schinnerer, MA WSD
- Eco-Living -
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RE: [Zope] apache rewrite quit working

2007-04-26 Thread John Snowdon
What did `netstat -an` say about your listening ports? 

 John Snowdon - IT Support Specialist
 School of Medical Education Development 
 Faculty of Medical Sciences Computing
 University of Newcastle


>-Original Message-
>Behalf Of Thomas Bennett
>Sent: 25 April 2007 22:44
>Subject: Re: [Zope] apache rewrite quit working
>Don't think that is it because it works fine if I change Zope 
>to port 80.  
>And, I was accessing apache on port 80 using the ip number, 
>localhost, the 
>machine's real name, and the URL domain  it just wouldn't 
>rewrite to 8086.
>nslookup showed name was still set to my ip number.
>On Wednesday 25 April 2007 15:50, Jonathan wrote:
>> - Original Message -
>> From: "Thomas Bennett" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> To: 
>> Sent: Wednesday, April 25, 2007 4:15 PM
>> Subject: Re: [Zope] apache rewrite quit working
>> > web-dav server  is listening on 9800
>> > http server is now listening on 80
>> > http was listening on 8086 until rewrite quit working, 
>explained below.
>> >
>> > Thanks anyway,
>> Any chance your nameserver settings got changed?
>> Jonathan
>Thomas McMillan Grant Bennett  Appalachian State University
>Computer Consultant IIIP O Box 32026
>University Library Boone, North 
>Carolina 28608
>(828) 262 6587
>If it's not as simple as possible to try it, then the barrier 
>to entry is too 
>Library Systems Help Desk:
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[Zope] Resolving ConflictError

2007-01-29 Thread John Ziniti

I've recently encountered my first ConflictError. I am
hosting multiple sites in this ZODB, and each of them
is using a LDAPLoginAdapter as an acl_users:

Traceback (innermost last):
  Module Zope2.App.startup, line 167, in zpublisher_exception_hook
  Module ZPublisher.Publish, line 120, in publish
  Module Zope2.App.startup, line 233, in commit
  Module transaction._manager, line 84, in commit
  Module transaction._transaction, line 381, in commit
  Module transaction._transaction, line 379, in commit
  Module transaction._transaction, line 424, in _commitResources
  Module ZODB.Connection, line 462, in commit
  Module ZODB.Connection, line 495, in _commit
ConflictError: database conflict error (oid 0x013b3f, class 

Once this error started occurring on one of the acl_users,
I've now seen it on several of them.  The websites are
still useable, as this error only occurs several times per
day, out of ~100s of requests.

Searching on google, however, doesn't really give me too
much insight into figuring out what my next step is.

I'd obviously like to figure out what code is causing the
ConflictError, and how I can get rid of it and/or fix the
code that is causing it.

I've read enough from google searching to familiarize myself
with the fs* tools (fsrefs, fsdump), but I'm not sure where
to go from there.

Thanks in advance,
John Ziniti
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[Zope] single sign-on

2007-01-29 Thread John Fugazi
I have installed Plone with openSUSE 10.2 (working).  I have also installed 
LDAPUserFolder and LDAPMultiPlugins (working).  The default installation of 
Plone is located in "/var/opt/zope/default".  I have loaded mod_proxy, 
mod_proxy_http, mod_rewrite and mod_headers.  I have also compiled and load 
mod_ntlml.  I tested mod_ntlm on just an ordinary directory that contained 
an "index.html" and it worked fine.  Mod_ntlm asked for username and 
password, which authenticated.  I set internet explorer to "automatic logon 
with current username and password" and i was able to get to the web page 
without typing a username and password.

This is my conf, but this does not work.

   ServerName openSUSE

   ServerSignature On
   RewriteEngine On

   AuthName "Active Directory Domain"
   AuthType NTLM
   NTLMAuth on
   NTLMAuthoritative on
   NTLMDomain domain
   NTLMServer ads

   require valid-user

   RequestHeader set REMOTE_USER %{REMOTE_USER}e

   RewriteRule ^/(.*) \


Any suggestions

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Re: [Zope] need advice on mass data processing

2007-01-09 Thread John Schinnerer


Sounds like your data case/data model is better suited to a SQL database 
(Relational DB instead of Object DB).

Zope works with MySQL, PostgreSQL etc. via ZSQLMethods.
Look into using those, with your existing data going into a SQL DB (or 
maybe it is already?), if you want/need to access and manipulate the 
data from within zope applications.

Then you also have the option of accessing that data via any 
app/platform that can talk to your SQL DB.

I have a project I am working on where a portion of the data is very 
RDB-type data, while the rest is more zope/object content-management stuff.

So the RDB-type data will be in a MySQL DB, and, accessible through the 
same zope-based platform that also provides the CMS for document/object 
Meanwhile if other stakeholders now or later want access to the RDB-type 
data they don't have to use zope, they can use whatever they want that 
will talk to MySQL.

John S.

Allen Huang wrote:

Sorry Andreas..
My product is rewritten in python placed in the product folder. So yes, 
it is a instance of a class.
In the future, I will be storing more data into one instance from other 
dbase file (The total columns may vary).
I'm still in the developing stage and this is just a test run to know 
that is the length of processing time I'm look at. I want each entry to 
be an instance because I'm planning to create other interactive 
functions (edit and query(ZCatalog maybe, I'm not sure yet) and 
more ) for particular info.
I've never thought of using a BTree because I don't know enough about 
it. I'll look into it but will BTree still be a better choice than 
making instance if I'm going to make interactive functions?
Any other suggestions?

- Original Message 

From: Andreas Jung <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: Allen Huang <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; Zope 
Sent: Tuesday, January 9, 2007 1:55:34 PM
Subject: Re: [Zope] need advice on mass data processing

--On 8. Januar 2007 19:28:32 -0800 Allen Huang <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

 > I have a data file that has over 11 entry of 3 column data (string,
 > float, float)
 > currently I have written my program so it will do an entry by entry
 > processing with zope. This operation is like this
 > 1. read data (the data file)
 > 2. create product (a python product that store three field data: one
 > string and two float data) 3. update product (update the three field
 > entries)

Please name things the right way. A "Product" is basically a Zope/Python
package that contains definitions of classes, scripts, templates etc.

You mean instances of a particular class?

 > when I first tried it out with the first 1000 entries it took about 30
 > seconds. That means its going to take 50 ~ 60 minutes for 11 entries.

You're creating 110k instances for storing a string and two floats?
If yes, that's stupid idea.

You can persistent large amounts of data within a single instances
by using Zope BTrees.

 > It not every day that you have to process over 11 data entries but
 > processing over 60 minutes is still kind of long.

What kind of processing?


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John Schinnerer - MA, Whole Systems Design
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Re: [Zope] Isn't DTML more like what other frameworks do?

2007-01-08 Thread John Schinnerer


Mark, Jonathan (Integic) wrote:

What does matter is that DTML is very similar to RHTML (as in Ruby On
Rails), ASP, etc. ZPT requires a new way of thinking. I would much
rather convert RHTML to or from DTML than to or from ZPT.

So I don't really get the benefit of using ZPT. The fact that no one
outside of Zope seems to have created a ZPT-like solution suggests to
me that ZPT, as I said, solves a problem which doesn't exist. 

As mentioned other frameworks use TAL/METAL (the basis for ZPT; bear in 
mind ZPT is a zope-specific use of TAL and METAL) - I have worked with 
Roundup a bit and it was a joy to see that it used TAL for template 

One major factor nobody has mentioned yet is that TAL/METAL offers much 
better ability to separate logic, presentation and content.
By their very nature HTML-munging template markups violate this 
well-known (if not well-respected ;-) design principle.

The WYSIWYG editor thing is merely a side benefit of markup that is both 
XML compliant and cleanly separates logic, presentation and content.

I suspect that nobody else created TAL because it is easier to go with 
what one is familiar/comfortable with - HTML-munging - than to break new 
ground, even when the new ground is better in both design and practice.

Sure DTML is more like PHP and ASP and Ruby/Rails' HTML munge and 
Alfresco's HTML munge and so on (whatever they're called). As my grandma 
used to say, if everyone were jumping off a cliff, would you do it too 
just because they were?


John S.

John Schinnerer - MA, Whole Systems Design
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Re: [Zope] saving/creating an object to an exsisting folderish object

2007-01-07 Thread John Schinnerer


Allen Huang wrote:

Will... I just found out that I'm suppose to migrate to ZPT. But, I 
start with DTML to begin with and I've be doing it for the past two 
years, so it's kind hard for me to move on to xml and ZPT right off the 
But the tag:attribute structure still confuses me.

I started using zope right about when TAL/ZPT was fully rolled out 
(2.4.x or so) me the dtml structure is confusing as heck to look's all relative... :-)

Go for it, make the switch, eventually you'll be really glad you did.
Not the least because almost nobody is going to help you with dtml any 

TAL is not easy reading for me either but it sure beats the alternatives.
I am easily disappointed by other web dev platforms that despite all 
kinds of other sophistication (ruby-rails, alfresco etc.) still keep 
using or creating yet one more HTML-munging template "language."

I mean, how 20th century is that?

John S.

John Schinnerer - MA, Whole Systems Design
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Re: [Zope] Building a Zope based site

2006-12-15 Thread John Poltorak
On Fri, Dec 15, 2006 at 01:50:32PM +0100, Andreas Jung wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> - --On 15. Dezember 2006 12:23:09 + John Poltorak <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> wrote:
> > How much do people charge for building a Zope based site?
> #hours required * hour-rate

OK, so what hourly rate should I expect to pay? and how does anyone know 
how much time it will take?

I'm thinking of getting something setup which would mirror a small weekly 

> Any chance to provide specific information about what you
> want? "Building a Zope based site" is like "I am want to buy
> a car. How much does it cost?"Anwser: a lot.

Actually I can buy a car pretty cheaply ;-)...

> - -aj
> Version: GnuPG v1.4.6 (Darwin)
> VuA9k94EGdxLlfuEz18GCO0=
> =tVLr

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[Zope] Building a Zope based site

2006-12-15 Thread John Poltorak
How much do people charge for building a Zope based site?

I've given up on trying to understand Zope myself as it's just too 
difficult, but suspect it can provide more functionality than other CMS 


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Re: [Zope] Correct location for robots.txt in virtual-hosted zope sites?

2006-12-09 Thread John Schinnerer

Thank you,

Far too obvious for my tired late-night brain!

John S.

Jens Vagelpohl wrote:

Hash: SHA1

On 9 Dec 2006, at 07:42, John Schinnerer wrote:

Do robots correctly find a file object named  'robots.txt' (containing 
text specifying the desired robot rules)  if it is put in the root 
folder for a zope site v-hosted behind  apache?

You could have found out in a split second by creating a robots.txt  and 
then visiting with a browser...


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John Schinnerer - MA, Whole Systems Design
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[Zope] Correct location for robots.txt in virtual-hosted zope sites?

2006-12-08 Thread John Schinnerer


I have not been able to google up an answer to this, not for zope sites 
v-hosted behind apache anyhow.

Do robots correctly find a file object named 'robots.txt' (containing 
text specifying the desired robot rules) if it is put in the root folder 
for a zope site v-hosted behind apache?

For example apache points all requests for to a 
folder named in my zope 2.8.8 instance.

If I put a robots.txt file in the folder in zope, do the 
robots find it, as they would if it were a simple static HTML site?

If is this handled for zope sites v-hosted behind apache?

John S.

John Schinnerer - MA, Whole Systems Design
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RE: [Zope] Zope at universities?

2006-09-18 Thread John Snowdon

We use Zope extensively here in the Medical Faculty, at the University of 
Newcastle - mainly for Virtual Learning Environments (our MB BS degree program 
depends heavily on a Zope based VLE for timetabling, resource materials, comms 
& group, news & bulletins etc.), Electronic Portfolios, Teaching and Learning 
aids and hosting Collaborative & Research sites with partner institutions and 
Hospital Trusts.

At the last count, we had something like 50-60 separate Zope applications 

 John Snowdon - IT Support Specialist
 School of Medical Education Development 
 Faculty of Medical Sciences Computing
 University of Newcastle


>-Original Message-
>[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On 
>Behalf Of Andreas R. Johnsen
>Sent: 17 September 2006 20:45
>Subject: [Zope] Zope at universities?
>I'm looking for information about the use of Zope at 
>universities. Most 
>large universities have a very heterogeneous infrastructure 
>and I guess many 
>of them utilize Zope in a way or another.  I'm looking for 
>references to 
>universities where Zope is part of a central strategi or in 
>other ways plays 
>an important role for several of the web sites at the university.
>Two examples are ETH Zürich and University of Bristol.
>More examples?
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Re: [Zope] new user, teething problems

2006-08-11 Thread John P. Looney
On 8/4/06, Gabriel Genellina <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
What is a "DHTML page" here?In Zope you have "DTML Methods" and "DTML Documents". Both are
OBJECTS, not PAGES. Ah. Sorry. Many years with development of other systems left me using the wrong grammar. The 'page' would be what I'd hoped to display in a browser when I pointed it at my domain name. 
Zope is *not* PHP nor ASP not ..., it's an object-orientedapplication server used to PUBLISH objects on the web.
Please read the Zope Book (Zope3 version available at<
>),then came again if you have any questions. Ok, so, after starting with the book, one of the first things it says is..
   Zope 3 has very flexible skinning support, which allows you to alter the look and,
to some extend, the feel of the ZMI. You can reach other skins by using the  
++skin++ URL namespace. One nice skin is ZopeTop, which is excluded
from the Zope X3 3.0.0 release but available in the repository. To see the
initial contents screen of the ZopeTop skin, as shown in Figure 2, you use  
http://localhost:8080/++skin++ZopeTop/manage. So, I tried to go to that page, and I got the following in my logs... - - [11/Aug/2006:20:57:54 +0100] "GET /@@singleBranchTree.xml HTTP/1.1" 200 295 "-" "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-GB; rv: Gecko/20060728 Firefox/"2006-08-11T20:58:22 ERROR SiteError (most recent call last):
  File "/tmp/Zope-3.2.1/build/lib.linux-i686-2.4/zope/publisher/", line 135, in publish    object = request.traverse(object)  File "/tmp/Zope-3.2.1/build/lib.linux-i686-2.4/zope/publisher/", line 500, in traverse
    ob = super(BrowserRequest, self).traverse(object)  File "/tmp/Zope-3.2.1/build/lib.linux-i686-2.4/zope/publisher/", line 451, in traverse    ob = super(HTTPRequest, self).traverse(object)
  File "/tmp/Zope-3.2.1/build/lib.linux-i686-2.4/zope/publisher/", line 289, in traverse    subobject = publication.traverseName(  File "/tmp/Zope-3.2.1/build/lib.linux-i686-2.4/zope/app/publication/", line 46, in traverseName
    ob2 = namespaceLookup(ns, nm, ob, request)  File "/tmp/Zope-3.2.1/build/lib.linux-i686-2.4/zope/app/traversing/", line 121, in namespaceLookup    return traverser.traverse(name, ())
  File "/tmp/Zope-3.2.1/build/lib.linux-i686-2.4/zope/app/traversing/", line 388, in traverse    skin = zope.component.getUtility(ISkin, name)  File "/tmp/Zope-3.2.1/build/lib.linux-i686-2.4
/zope/component/", line 257, in getUtility    raise ComponentLookupError(interface, name)ComponentLookupError: (, u'ZopeTop')
 I've a feeling it's the same misconfiguration that happened when I tried to go ahead and create an index_html object, which was what I thought I had done when I'd played with Zope 2.3 or whatever, a few years back.
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Re: [Zope] Zope 2.9 Product Refreshing

2006-08-07 Thread John Schinnerer
Since I never knew the refresh tab was a fragile hack, it always worked 
fine for me... :-)

Are you saying that a "really good" solution for this is in the hands of 
python developers, not zope developers?
In that case it seems far off, if ever, since zope is only one of many 
many applications using python.

I would settle for another fragile hack that works, I guess.
The volume of posts so far would seem to indicate that it's not a 
trivial topic...

John S.

Chris McDonough wrote:
The real effort towards making a "better refresh" should likely be  
spent at the level of the Python interpreter.  The dynamic nature of  
Python is the thing that allows for a "refresh" in the first place,  but 
the implementation of Python object references limits its  usefulness.

The implementation of "reload" could be vastly improved by changing  
Python internally to allow for a sort of mark-and-sweep reload that  
could traverse an object graph full of references between an object  and 
the modules that it is declared in.  Anything else will likely be  too 
fragile to work in all cases.

On Aug 7, 2006, at 4:36 PM, John Schinnerer wrote:


Refresh always works, at least the explicit refresh (do not know
about the automatic one which I have never used).

I'm on 2.7 and yes, the explicit and *very* useful refresh tab in  the 
ZMI seems to work fine in production mode also.

I do not remember fondly the old days (2.4, 2.5) of having to  restart 
zope for every little product change/tweak/debug effort  during 
development, or when doing a minor product upgrade to  production server.

I was going to upgrade to 2.9 very soon but now may go only to 2.8.
I don't have the technical chops to work on a refresh solution in  
2.9+, however I heartily support such efforts from those of you who  
also see it as an important issue.

John S.


John Schinnerer - MA, Whole Systems Design
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John Schinnerer - MA, Whole Systems Design
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Re: [Zope] Zope 2.9 Product Refreshing

2006-08-07 Thread John Schinnerer


Refresh always works, at least the explicit refresh (do not know
about the automatic one which I have never used).

I'm on 2.7 and yes, the explicit and *very* useful refresh tab in the 
ZMI seems to work fine in production mode also.

I do not remember fondly the old days (2.4, 2.5) of having to restart 
zope for every little product change/tweak/debug effort during 
development, or when doing a minor product upgrade to production server.

I was going to upgrade to 2.9 very soon but now may go only to 2.8.
I don't have the technical chops to work on a refresh solution in 2.9+, 
however I heartily support such efforts from those of you who also see 
it as an important issue.

John S.


John Schinnerer - MA, Whole Systems Design
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Re: [Zope] new user, teething problems

2006-08-04 Thread John P. Looney
On 8/4/06, Gabriel Genellina <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Page Templates are easier to use instead of DTML. True, but this is just starting off, to make sure it works.
>   File> "/tmp/Zope-3.2.1/build/lib.linux-i686-2.4/zope/documenttemplate/",> line 207, in render> raise KeyError(name)>KeyError: u'date'>>  Any idea what I could be doing wrong ? No dtml tag I use seems to
> work - all throw an error.This error says that there is nothing known as "date". "date" was just a DHTML page that had a static string saying 'this would be a date'.  
Have you defined it anywhere?If you just want to show the current date, try:
 Yep, even that doesn't work (see below). Oddly, when I created a page with pure HTML as index_html at the very top level, it didn't get seen as an index page. I just get a management view when I go to the top level port.
Traceback (most recent call last):  File "/tmp/Zope-3.2.1/build/lib.linux-i686-2.4/zope/publisher/", line 138, in publish    result = publication.callObject(request, object)  File "/tmp/Zope-
3.2.1/build/lib.linux-i686-2.4/zope/app/publication/", line 161, in callObject    return mapply(ob, request.getPositionalArguments(), request)  File "/tmp/Zope-3.2.1/build/lib.linux-i686-2.4
/zope/publisher/", line 113, in mapply    return debug_call(object, args)  File "/tmp/Zope-3.2.1/build/lib.linux-i686-2.4/zope/publisher/", line 119, in debug_call    return object(*args)
  File "/tmp/Zope-3.2.1/build/lib.linux-i686-2.4/zope/app/dtmlpage/", line 26, in index    return template.render(REQUEST, **kw)  File "/tmp/Zope-3.2.1/build/lib.linux-i686-2.4/zope/app/dtmlpage/", line 49, in render
    return self.template(self.__parent__, request, REQUEST=request, **kw)  File "/tmp/Zope-3.2.1/build/lib.linux-i686-2.4/zope/documenttemplate/untrusted/", line 66, in __call__    ProxyFactory(mapping),
  File "/tmp/Zope-3.2.1/build/lib.linux-i686-2.4/zope/documenttemplate/", line 484, in __call__    result = render_blocks(self._v_blocks, md)  File "/tmp/Zope-3.2.1/build/lib.linux-i686-2.4
/zope/documenttemplate/", line 282, in render_blocks    section = section(md)  File "/tmp/Zope-3.2.1/build/lib.linux-i686-2.4/zope/documenttemplate/", line 86, in eval
    d)  File "UntrustedHTML", line 1, in <_expression_>NameError: name 'DateTime' is not defined
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Re: [Zope] new user, teething problems

2006-08-03 Thread John P. Looney
 Hey, I've made my first page, though it's not working as I'd like. This is the contents of the page: testing Going ! asdasda  
 But, the error logs show that it's not happy... Traceback (most recent call last):  File "/tmp/Zope-3.2.1/build/lib.linux-i686-2.4/zope/publisher/", line 138, in publish
    result = publication.callObject(request, object)  File "/tmp/Zope-3.2.1/build/lib.linux-i686-2.4/zope/app/publication/", line 161, in callObject    return mapply(ob, request.getPositionalArguments
(), request)  File "/tmp/Zope-3.2.1/build/lib.linux-i686-2.4/zope/publisher/", line 113, in mapply    return debug_call(object, args)  File "/tmp/Zope-3.2.1/build/lib.linux-i686-2.4/zope/publisher/", line 119, in debug_call
    return object(*args)  File "/tmp/Zope-3.2.1/build/lib.linux-i686-2.4/zope/app/dtmlpage/", line 26, in index    return template.render(REQUEST, **kw)  File "/tmp/Zope-3.2.1/build/lib.linux-
i686-2.4/zope/app/dtmlpage/", line 49, in render    return self.template(self.__parent__, request, REQUEST=request, **kw)  File "/tmp/Zope-3.2.1/build/lib.linux-i686-2.4/zope/documenttemplate/untrusted/", line 66, in __call__
    ProxyFactory(mapping),  File "/tmp/Zope-3.2.1/build/lib.linux-i686-2.4/zope/documenttemplate/", line 484, in __call__    result = render_blocks(self._v_blocks, md)  File "/tmp/Zope-
3.2.1/build/lib.linux-i686-2.4/zope/documenttemplate/", line 322, in render_blocks    section = section(md)  File "/tmp/Zope-3.2.1/build/lib.linux-i686-2.4/zope/documenttemplate/", line 207, in render
    raise KeyError(name)KeyError: u'date' Any idea what I could be doing wrong ? No dtml tag I use seems to work - all throw an error.John
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Re: [Zope] new user, teething problems

2006-08-03 Thread John P. Looney
On 8/3/06, Jens Vagelpohl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
This has nothing to do with "1980s", just with sanity. Or do youthink it's OK to use some distribution-installed Python where youhave no idea how it has been built and which maybe upgraded withoutyour knowledge and cause breakage in your Zope setup?
 Yeah. It's worked great for me. In fact, it was one of the big reasons I moved away from slackware to distributions like redhat & debian. Python is nice, in that it lives happily with older versions, so I should be able to upgrade the 
2.3 rpm to 2.4, and let Zope use that.John
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Re: [Zope] new user, teething problems

2006-08-03 Thread John P. Looney
On 8/3/06, Jens Vagelpohl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
There are no supported RPMs. Those that are out there have beencreated by third parties and are really old and not supported.If you're running in a production environment and want to ensure yourZope setup is not affected by system updates it is recommended to
install both Python and Zope from recent sources. Huh. How very 1980s. OK, I'll give that a go. Thanks.John
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Re: [Zope] new user, teething problems

2006-08-03 Thread John P. Looney
 Oh. There aren't any more recent RPMS then ? I really really hate installing stuff from source anymore, esp. when other admins on the same system have a tendancy to upgrade packages like python and everything else without checking does everything still run
 For the record; it was both that zope didn't have write access to the data directory and that zope was already running.JohnOn 8/3/06, Jens Vagelpohl
Hash: SHA1On 3 Aug 2006, at 10:25, John P. Looney wrote:>>  Hey, after four years, I've finally found the time to go back &> look at Zope again.>>  Unfortunately, after installing the RPM (
zope-2.7.2-0.1.2.el4.rf,> I ran:For your own sanity, ditch that unsupported and really really ancientthird-party RPM and install a current version from source.jens-BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE-
Version: GnuPG v1.4.1 (Darwin)iD8DBQFE0gu3RAx5nvEhZLIRAvheAJ4xoVjMXTs8hTsoqnmB9bql/A4lEACcCjIO8+fC/1HPegjIAJUW/AIdqsY==Ecdv-END PGP SIGNATURE-___
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[Zope] new user, teething problems

2006-08-03 Thread John P. Looney
 Hey, after four years, I've finally found the time to go back & look at Zope again. Unfortunately, after installing the RPM (zope-2.7.2-0.1.2.el4.rf, I ran:[EMAIL PROTECTED] tmp]# zopectl adduser the_power password
Traceback (most recent call last):  File "", line 1, in ?  File "/usr/lib/zope/lib/python/Zope/", line 51, in app    startup()  File "/usr/lib/zope/lib/python/Zope/", line 47, in startup
    _startup()  File "/usr/lib/zope/lib/python/Zope/App/", line 57, in startup    DB = configuration.dbtab.getDatabase('/', is_root=1)  File "/usr/lib/zope/lib/python/DBTab/", line 96, in getDatabase
    db = self._createDatabase(name, is_root)  File "/usr/lib/zope/lib/python/DBTab/", line 113, in _createDatabase    db =  File "/usr/lib/zope/lib/python/Zope/Startup/", line 172, in open
    DB = self.createDB()  File "/usr/lib/zope/lib/python/Zope/Startup/", line 169, in createDB    return  File "/usr/lib/zope/lib/python/ZODB/", line 97, in open
    return ZODB.DB(,  File "/usr/lib/zope/lib/python/ZODB/", line 128, in open    quota=self.config.quota)  File "/usr/lib/zope/lib/python/ZODB/", line 232, in __init__
    self._lock_file = LockFile(file_name + '.lock')  File "/usr/lib/zope/lib/python/ZODB/", line 64, in __init__    lock_file(self._fp)  File "/usr/lib/zope/lib/python/ZODB/", line 44, in lock_file
    fcntl.flock(file.fileno(), _flags)IOError: [Errno 11] Resource temporarily unavailable Anyone know what's going on ? Is it trying to read a file called '' ?john
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Re: [Zope] MySQL queries in Python

2006-08-01 Thread John Barham

import MySQLdb

This is probably redundant.

import string

request = container.REQUEST
session = request.SESSION

 result = (context.aq_parent).selects.select_from_table()

print result

Assuming you want the person's name printed, change this line to:

print result[0].name

Think of the result from a ZSQL query as a list/iterator over the
resulting rows.  In your case I'm assuming there is only one person
row w/ the given id, so there is only one row in the result, but you
still have to explicitly de-reference it w/ its index.


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Re: [Zope] question on simple_send in MailHost

2006-07-19 Thread John Schinnerer


I did try send() - it seems one must know something about RFC822 message 
formatting to use it...?
I know nothing about that, and could not quickly find any clear and 
concise howtos or tutorials, just verbose and confusing specs and 
mailing list posts and so on.

I tried using send() with the same plain text body and from and to 
strings I was using for simple_send() case it might work...
When the mail arrived, some of the header content was in the body and 
not in the header.

It did arrive at all addresses in the To: field, I will admit... :-)
But the header was broken somehow, I assume because I didn't know how to 
format it correctly.

That was all the time I had to mess with it for now.

John S.

Andreas Jung wrote:

--On 18. Juli 2006 21:23:59 -1000 John Schinnerer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 


Thanks all for the suggestions...for the time being I can do what I need
by sending to only one address.
It was trying to test the send by sending to multiple addresses (mine and
others') that brought this out...
I will try a list next time I need multiple addresses in the To: field.

Why don't you use the send() method which works perfectly fine with 

recipient addresses???


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John Schinnerer - MA, Whole Systems Design
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Re: [Zope] question on simple_send in MailHost

2006-07-19 Thread John Schinnerer


Thanks all for the suggestions...for the time being I can do what I need 
by sending to only one address.
It was trying to test the send by sending to multiple addresses (mine 
and others') that brought this out...

I will try a list next time I need multiple addresses in the To: field.

John S.

Jonathan wrote:

- Original Message - From: "John Schinnerer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sunday, July 16, 2006 11:49 PM
Subject: [Zope] question on simple_send in MailHost


The Zope (2.7.5) API docs for MailHost show this for simple_send:

simple_send(self, mto, mfrom, subject, body):

Sends a message. Only To:, From: and Subject: headers can be set. 
The arguments are:

A commaseparated string or list of recipient(s) of the message.
The address of the message sender.
The subject of the message.
The body of the message.

So it reads like it can handle more than one To: address, something 
like this comma-separated string:


...but when I do this the message only gets sent to the first address 
in the list.

I have never used simple_send..., but have you tried putting the 'To' 
addresses in a list format, eg. ['addr1', 'addr2', ...]?  - if you 
already have a comma-separated string you can easily pass this as a list 
with something like:  string.split(addressString, ',').


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John Schinnerer - MA, Whole Systems Design
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Re: [Zope] ZSQL Method Question

2006-07-18 Thread John Schinnerer


I think so, for the moment anyhow!
Thanks all,
John S.

Cliff Ford wrote:
Comment on Peter's suggestion: I am no expert on these things, but it is 
my understanding that for MySQL LAST_INSERT_ID() fetches the last 
autoincrement value made by the current insert, so the outcome is not 
affected by virtually simultaneous requests. And I don't think MySQL 
accepts a value for the autoincrement key. I am a bit surprised that the 
code you quote is reliable - surely there is a possibility of an insert 
after calling GetNextID and before calling SQLInsert in the python code?

Comment on Tino's suggestion: I think that LAST_INSERT_ID() is MySQL 
specific and I guess CURRVAL() is Postgres specific. But the principle 
is the same: calling within the same Z SQL Method ought to be safe.

Anyway, I hope John has had is question answered.


Tino Wildenhain wrote:

Peter Bengtsson wrote:

What if you have 1,000,000 requests/sec?
What if between the INSERT and the LAST_INSERT_ID() another INSERT is 

I use PostgreSQL and with postgres you can always ask the sequence what
the next id is going to be. It goes something like this::

next_id = context.GetNextId()[0].next_id
context.SQLInsertUser(uid=next_id, name='Peter')

where 'GetNextId' is a ZSQL method that looks like this::

SELECT NEXTVAL('users_uid_seq') AS next_id

Its even easier:
one ZSQL Method:

INSERT INTO foo (foo_id,blah,bar) VALUES
(nextval('foo_foo_id_seq'), ... );
SELECT CURRVAL('foo_foo_id_seq') as foo_id;

But your above solution is valid too.

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John Schinnerer - MA, Whole Systems Design
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Re: [Zope] ZSQL Method Question

2006-07-18 Thread John Schinnerer


Is this even easier solution only for postgreSQL, or is it for MySQL?
I am going to have to start working with integrating MySQL into 
zope-based stuff soon so I'm trying to get a head start... :-)

John S.

Tino Wildenhain wrote:

Peter Bengtsson wrote:

What if you have 1,000,000 requests/sec?
What if between the INSERT and the LAST_INSERT_ID() another INSERT is made?

I use PostgreSQL and with postgres you can always ask the sequence what
the next id is going to be. It goes something like this::

next_id = context.GetNextId()[0].next_id
context.SQLInsertUser(uid=next_id, name='Peter')

where 'GetNextId' is a ZSQL method that looks like this::

SELECT NEXTVAL('users_uid_seq') AS next_id

Its even easier:
one ZSQL Method:

INSERT INTO foo (foo_id,blah,bar) VALUES
(nextval('foo_foo_id_seq'), ... );
SELECT CURRVAL('foo_foo_id_seq') as foo_id;

But your above solution is valid too.

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[Zope] question on simple_send in MailHost

2006-07-16 Thread John Schinnerer


The Zope (2.7.5) API docs for MailHost show this for simple_send:

simple_send(self, mto, mfrom, subject, body):

Sends a message. Only To:, From: and Subject: headers can be set. 
The arguments are:

A commaseparated string or list of recipient(s) of the message.
The address of the message sender.
The subject of the message.
The body of the message.

So it reads like it can handle more than one To: address, something like 
this comma-separated string:


...but when I do this the message only gets sent to the first address in 
the list.

Is this a mistake in the docs - do I need to use send() to send to 
multiple addresses?

Or is there something wrong with my comma-separated string of recipients?

Or is there a third possibility I haven't even considered... :-)

John S.


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[Zope] Improved Zope Org Proposal

2006-06-26 Thread John Schinnerer



>> I start to understand:
>>   You want to have a narrow, a focused site
>>   because you fear that a bigger one cannot be managed.
>> In such a case, I would say: start with the small solution
>> and maybe get bigger later.

This is a basic principle of design that works (as opposed to design
that fails to work).
Start small and work the edges outwards.
The "work edges outwards" that works is often modular in nature (perhaps
a.k.a. 'micro-sites').
That doesn't mean it can't look-and-feel like "one big site as access

Biting off more than one (person, organization, whatever) can chew
usually results in choking...

So I actually see a lot of agreement in what may appear to be argument.


I agree that despite the wonders of zope, the site is not as
stunning a place to refer people to as it could be. For the most general
public face of the site, I support the idea of a clear and simple
"brochure-like" approach.
A couple major open source project/product sites that I am excited about
referring people to:

...and to some extent

...although IMO the OO site is not quite as clear and well-designed as
the other two...better than though.
Also bearing in mind that the Ruby On Rails site is for a development
platform while Mozilla and OO are end-user app sites - somwhat different

John S.


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Re: [Zope] Improved Zope Org Proposal

2006-06-23 Thread John Schinnerer


As an occasional user of the site I'll present my typical use 
case, as that's what matters most to me... :-D

I go there normally for one of two reasons:

1) to slog through available products to see if I can find something to 
suit a development need I have

2) to slog through HowTos and documentation and tips and the like to try 
and solve some issue I can't figure out or learn how to do something I'm 
trying to do first time or differently etc.

On the one hand, there is a lot of completely and nearly obsolete 
content that turns up in both these cases, thus my use of the word "slog"...

On the other hand, I do sometimes find just what I need somewhere in all 
of what's there...and it's not usually easy.
And, sometimes, it's somewhere in all that "bit-rot" that will no longer 
be I guess there will be less cruft and, hopefully, not 
too much less useful information in the new site?

What I would really appreciate on a new site would be an 
improved search functionality.  Something that lets me filter out all 
but certain types of objects would be great.  If I'm searching for a 
product, I only want to see hits on relevant product objects or directly 
related objects that will clearly point me to a product (like a product 
review, if there is to be such a thing)...likewise for HowTos, etc. 
etcinstead of as now where I get back all kinds of objects that 
happen to be hit by my search string even when most of them are 
irrelevant types of objects.

And thanks to everyone working on making a new site happen!

John S.


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Re: [Zope] When is an empty list not an empty list?

2006-06-18 Thread John Schinnerer


Thanks, I understand...though it's a bit annoying that it looks and acts 
just like a list but "isn't"...

Just using "items" does work.  I figured it would work for True when not 
empty...I wasn't so sure what it would return when empty, as sometimes 
the test seems to be on 'exists' rather than 'empty', depending on the 
type of object.

At least I grok this particular case now, thanks again...
John S.

Tino Wildenhain wrote:

John Schinnerer wrote:


I have a python script, getCatalogItems(), which returns a (possibly
empty) list resulting from a catalog query. The lone parameter is the
sort index; the rest of the query is taken from the request. Anyhow...
If nothing was found, I don't want to display an empty table of results.

When I do this query and then check for empty list to see if the query
returned any items:

... doesn not work, that is, the (empty) table displays when items is
in fact an empty list.

If I do this instead:


...then the condition works, no empty table is displayed if the list is

Why does the former not work and the latter does?
I need to understand the difference in the python expressions...makes no
sense to me at present that they don't work the same.

Well, thats because getCatalogItens() does not return a list. It might
look and work like it, but it isnt the same class. Python defines
comparisions between different classes as always false.

Easier in your case would be just:


non empty python objects are usually logically True.

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[Zope] questions on multilingual sites

2006-06-18 Thread John Schinnerer


I'm currently doing a custom small business site that might also want to 
be in French further down the road.

I've never used the internationalization aspects of zope a few 
basic questions:

Can additional language support be added in later, or is it necessary to 
build it all in from the start (even if not used yet)?

What are the basic docs/tutorials/howtos I should look at to start 
understanding how zope language support works and how to best apply/use it?

thanks for any assistance,
John S.


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[Zope] When is an empty list not an empty list?

2006-06-18 Thread John Schinnerer


I have a python script, getCatalogItems(), which returns a (possibly 
empty) list resulting from a catalog query. The lone parameter is the 
sort index; the rest of the query is taken from the request. Anyhow...

If nothing was found, I don't want to display an empty table of results.

When I do this query and then check for empty list to see if the query 
returned any items:

... doesn not work, that is, the (empty) table displays when items is 
in fact an empty list.

If I do this instead:


...then the condition works, no empty table is displayed if the list is 

Why does the former not work and the latter does?
I need to understand the difference in the python expressions...makes no 
sense to me at present that they don't work the same.

thanks for any help,
John S.


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Re: [Zope] Information about Zope 3.2

2006-06-07 Thread John Huttley

Lennart Regebro wrote:

On 6/6/06, Michael Dexter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Good FAQ but you do not address the 64k EUR question: Is Zope 3 so
well thought out (separation of content and logic etc.) that is will
not only serve as an excellent application server but also the "I
don't know how we survived without it" future foundation for Plone,
Silva, CPS etc. CMS's?

Answer: Yes.

I disagree.

Zope 3 came out 2004-ish and even now there no support for connection to 
Corporate databases via ODBC

on the windows platform.

You can't even buy it from egenix.

That makes its a non-starter for me.

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[Zope] How to set selected items in multi-select list from lines property

2006-06-04 Thread John Schinnerer


I have an "add" form where a user can add an object.
In one part of the form, the user selects zero or more options from a 
multiple select list.
The selected options populate a lines property of the object when the 
object is added.

I also have an "edit" form where the user can later edit these same 
objects they've created. They can use the same multiple select list to 
change the selected options.
Of course the previously selected options (in the lines property) need 
to be displayed as such when they first visit the edit form.  So...

I need to know how to display the multiple-select list in the "edit" 
form so that the options currently in the lines property are set as 

I suspect there is some very slick way to do this, maybe with TAL alone...?

So far I am only coming up with what seem to be cumbersome solutions 
that have unecessary overhead (comparing a list option with every 
element in lines property via python script to see if it should be set 
selected, and repeating for every list option) there a better way?

Any help appreciated.

John S.


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[Zope] Re: [Zope-Annce] [Ann] Zope 2.8.7 released

2006-05-29 Thread John Schinnerer


I was just preparing to move to 2.8.6 (from 2.7.5).
A big part of my moving to 2.8.x is for supporting plone 2.1.x.

Is 2.8.7 still fine with plone 2.1.x?
Yes I am asking on plone list also...want to know from both sides of the 
equation... :-)

John S.

Andreas Jung wrote:

Hi all,

on behalf of Zope Corporation and the Zope community I am pleased to 
announce the release of Zope 2.8.6.  You can download Zope 2.8.7 from

Some new features of Zope 2.8:

  - ZODB 3.4 with MVCC (multi version concurrency control) support.
MVCC solves nearly every problem with ZODB read-conflict errors
which is very important for high-traffic Zope sites.

  - Extension Classes were rewritten as Python new-style classes making
all features of Python new-style classes available in Zope
objects. This includes support for cyclic garbage collection.

  - Integration of Zope 3 technologies through Five (see

For more information on what is new in this release, see the
CHANGES.txt files for the release:

See also:

Please bring all the bugs you have found to the Zope bugtracker:":

For more information on the available Zope releases, guidance for selecting
the right distribution and installation instructions, please see:

Please also keep in mind that Zope 2.8.7 requires Python 2.3.5. Zope 2.8.7
is not certified for any Python 2.4.x versions. So using Python 2.4 is 
neither recommended nor supported and any related questions or problems 
are likely to be ignored until 2.4 is an officially supported Python 
version for Zope.

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[Zope] Looking for current shopping cart product

2006-05-27 Thread John Schinnerer


I am wondering if there is any current and stable shopping cart products 
for zope (2.7.5 is my current live version).

I have a custom merchandise product for a client's business site.
Retail sales are already handled via their PayPal merchant account. The 
retail items only need the appropriate PayPal button/form code and 
PayPal handles the rest.

However the client also does wholesale, but not via PayPal, and wants a 
wholesale "cart" into which a wholesale buyer can put items and 
quantities to submit for review, final pricing, and shipping costs.

I have just looked on and under products - commerce I don't 
find anything that looks current.

I searched also and didn't find anything.
I googled around a bit for zope shopping cart product and simliar and 
still didn't find anything that looked viable.

Is there anything out there?
If so why is it so hard to find?  ;-)

John S.


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[Zope] ZStylesheet, Whoops, hold that problem!

2006-03-27 Thread John Huttley

I've just realised  it was a bit of TAL that  ZSS had put in there.

sorry about that--

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[Zope] Keyerror removing ZStylesheet

2006-03-27 Thread John Huttley

I've shot my self in the foot removing ZStylesheet from my app.
When ever I try and view it, i get a key error.
I've tried reloading ZStylesheet and various imports and exports but its 
sticking with me.

Is there any easy way of fixing this sort of thing?

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[Zope] CSS Best practises

2006-03-23 Thread John Huttley

Thanks to everyone for your thoughts.
In summary, no one mentioned ZStylesheets.
Files are ok, but no one is concerned about hierarchies. For example 
having a site level look and feel

with specific styles for certain areas, such as tables.

I'll go with the file at the top level..


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[Zope] best practice, CSS Stylesheets

2006-03-20 Thread John Huttley

What is the best way of handling CSS?
I've looked at ZStylesheets, but it is buggy and uses depreciated 
functions that will not be available in 2.10.

All advice welcome,

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Re: [Zope] Finding stylesheet

2006-03-20 Thread John Poltorak
On Mon, Mar 20, 2006 at 11:04:03AM -0500, Paul Winkler wrote:
> On Mon, Mar 20, 2006 at 03:44:02PM +0000, John Poltorak wrote:
> > I would like to set up a page template to use the stylesheet my.css if it 
> > is in the current folder, but if not to use the one in the root folder.
> > 
> > How do I specify this?
> This is a very common and basic usage of implicit acquisition.
> Something like:
>   tal:attributes="href context/my.css/absolute_url" />

I did have that although it didn't work properly but I understand why 

If my.css contains

background-image: url(images/background.gif);

how would 'images/'be resolved? (Assuming I have an 'images folder in the 
current folder and its parent.)
> -- 
> Paul Winkler


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[Zope] Finding stylesheet

2006-03-20 Thread John Poltorak
I would like to set up a page template to use the stylesheet my.css if it 
is in the current folder, but if not to use the one in the root folder.

How do I specify this?


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[Zope] Sample Zope Page Templates

2006-03-18 Thread John Poltorak

Is there such a thing as a repository of sample Zope Page Templates?

I don't mean sample code snippets but ZPT's that people use in real 


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RE: [Zope] Zope + Apache on Quad Debian machine

2006-03-16 Thread John Snowdon
Why do you want to do this? Do you believe that this is more effective
or efficient than the scheduling algorithm that Linux uses? Binding an
application to a single processor makes very little sense at all.

If Zope really is your limiting factor, then you need to spread that
load over as many processors as possible, not lock it down to a single
cpu - if you do that, then the rest of the processors sit idle while
waiting for Zope to respond.

Read up on ZEO. Then set yourself a ZEO server up and a couple of ZEO
clients, balance your requests between the two using pound, apache or
squid. I can guarantee you that if your system is Zope limited, then
this will greatly increase responsiveness and the number of requests you
can process simultaneously - I run over a dozen dual processor machines
hosting approx 60 Zope applications across them, all using ZEO - an
average of 5 or 6 instances per system, we have no problem with Zope
only using one processor; the applications that are across most machines
(up to 10 in our largest application) are very, very fast indeed and can
cope with all the concurrent users we can throw at it.

Your problem is not Zope itself... you definitely need to investigate
further before coming to the conclusion that binding a Zope instance to
a single processor is a solution - if you'll excuse me, that's a rather
simplistic view to take. 

I was also suggest reading up on Apache, Linux, Proxying/Caching,
Clustering and Load Balancing - they're all factors to consider when
developing and deploying a web application.

 John Snowdon - IT Support Specialist
 School of Medical Education Development 
 Faculty of Medical Sciences Computing
 University of Newcastle


>-Original Message-
>[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On 
>Behalf Of Hugo Ramos
>Sent: 15 March 2006 20:45
>To: [Zope]
>Subject: [Zope] Zope + Apache on Quad Debian machine
>I'm using Zope+Apache on a 4 xeon's/4GB ram machine running Debian.
>I've noticed that the CPU's never go beyond 30% top occupation... but
>on rush hours the site takes too long to load...
>I've been reading about process affinity and how it could speed up
>everything by making zope run on 1 CPU, Apache on another and so on...
>Has any1 tried this before? Can you point me to some documentation?
>What's your experience? is it true that not doing this the 4 cpu's
>will not be 100% used?
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Re: [Zope] METAL macros

2006-03-13 Thread John Poltorak
On Mon, Mar 13, 2006 at 07:37:38AM +0100, Andreas Jung wrote:
> --On 12. März 2006 18:00:27 -0800 David <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > John Poltorak wrote:
> >
> >> I'm having difficulty figuring out how to make METAL macros reusable.
> >> >>
> > Hi John,
> >
> > This is about as simple as it gets (sorry if i misunderstood your
> > question):
> >
> > (1) Name this page template ptMacros
> >
> > 
> > 
> >  This is Page Template template
> > id.
> >
> > 
> >   Copyright 2001, Foobar Inc.
> > 
> >   
> > 
> >
> >
> > (2) name this page template ptTest
> > 
> >
> >  This is Page Template template id.
> >
> > 
> >  Copyright goes here
> > 
> >   
> > 
> >
> ...which is basically the same as in the Zope Book:
> <>

What this really needs is a sample website which shows how these snippets 
all work together. Trying to make sense of these little fragments in 
isolation is hard work.

Is there an example of a small sample website which highlights the use of 

> -aj


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Re: [Zope] Using folder name in macro

2006-03-13 Thread John Poltorak
On Mon, Mar 13, 2006 at 11:27:19AM +0100, Andreas Jung wrote:
> --On 13. März 2006 10:21:15 + John Poltorak <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > How do I use a folder name in a macro?
> >
> > ie I want to change this
> >
> > 
> >
> > which is in the folder 'abc'
> >
> > to
> >
> > 
> Your question makes little or no sense.

Rather than telling me how stupid I am, how about trying to figure out 
what I'm having difficulty achieving?

> -aj


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[Zope] Using folder name in macro

2006-03-13 Thread John Poltorak

How do I use a folder name in a macro?

ie I want to change this 

which is in the folder 'abc'


I don't know where to look this sort of thing up.


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[Zope] METAL macros

2006-03-12 Thread John Poltorak

I'm having difficulty figuring out how to make METAL macros reusable. 

Is it standard practice to put macros into a common folder where they can 
be used by numerous different websites?

I just can't get a handle on how they are supposed to be used.

According to:-

Macros provide a way to define a chunk of presentation in one template, 
and share it in others, so that changes to the macro are immediately 
reflected in all of the places that share it. Additionally, macros are 
always fully expanded, even in a template's source text, so that the 
template appears very similar to its final rendering.

This does not really tell me how they should be used. Can someone give me 
an example of real world usage?


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[Zope] Help needed to simplify some code

2006-03-07 Thread John Poltorak

Several months ago someone provided me with me with some sample code which 
did exactly what I wanted, but looking at it again it looks a little 
unwieldy and could do with tidying up. It consists of:-


which involves parsing a file containing two fields separated by ','



The second field is just a string which appears in a selection menu, and 
the first is the name of a folder which contains an object called 
'content' which get displayed  on selecting the correponding link.

I know this is not a particularly elegant way of doing it, but after 
looking at some TAL examples just can't figure out the right way to do it. 
Some help in simplifying it would be appreciated.


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[Zope] Using PUT_factory for objects outside of ZODB

2006-03-07 Thread John Barham
I want to be able to intercept PUT requests to Zope to store objects
outside of the ZODB by storing the body of the PUT request in an SQL
database.  I've written a PUT_factory external method that calls the
function PUT_ParameterFile defined below:


[...boilerplate Zope imports...]

class ParameterFile(Implicit):
security = ClassSecurityInfo()

def __init__(self, context, job_batch_id, body):
self.context = context
self.job_batch_id = job_batch_id
self.body = body

job_batch_id=self.job_batch_id, parameter_file=self.body)

def PUT_ParameterFile(self, name, typ, body):
if typ == "text/plain":
return ParameterFile(self, name, body)


The ParameterFile.PUT method is being called, but then Zope returns w/
the error "Can't pickle : attribute lookup __builtin__.ParameterFile failed".  Why is
Zope trying to pickle the ParameterFile object when it's handling PUT


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[Zope] TAL tutorial

2006-03-06 Thread John Poltorak

Can anyone point me to a good TAL tutorial for people who have difficulty 
getting to grips with it?


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Re: [Zope] How do I do this using Zope?

2006-03-06 Thread John Poltorak
On Mon, Mar 06, 2006 at 02:37:05PM +0100, Andreas Jung wrote:
> --On 6. März 2006 13:29:14 + John Poltorak <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > Never heard of Inungo. Is it easier to use than Plone?
> >
> Google is your friend ->

I know that Google is quite clever but Googling for Inungo did not lead me 


> -aj


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Re: [Zope] How do I do this using Zope?

2006-03-06 Thread John Poltorak
On Mon, Mar 06, 2006 at 02:20:56PM +0100, Andreas Jung wrote:
> --On 6. März 2006 14:17:05 +0100 Lennart Regebro <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > On 3/6/06, John Poltorak <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >>
> >>
> >> I would like to create a folder (news) which contains several news items,
> >> lets say news1, news2, news3.
> >>
> >> I would like to set up a menu box which lists all the news items in
> >> the news folder which when clicked on would load each one up.
> >>
> >>
> >> How do I code this up? (Hope someone understands what I'm getting at)
> >
> > It sounds like you need a CMS. Take a look at CPS:
> >
> Or Plone or Inungo.

Never heard of Inungo. Is it easier to use than Plone?

I found Plone very slow, as well as being difficult to use.
> -aj


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[Zope] How do I do this using Zope?

2006-03-06 Thread John Poltorak

I would like to create a folder (news) which contains several news items, 
lets say news1, news2, news3.

I would like to set up a menu box which lists all the news items in 
the news folder which when clicked on would load each one up.

How do I code this up? (Hope someone understands what I'm getting at)


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[Zope] exuser older not working in 2.9.0

2006-03-06 Thread John Huttley

In a burst of enthusiasm, I trashed my zope 2.8 for windows and 
installed 2.9, with a new instance.
I've reloaded ZStyleSheet and ZODBC, which have come up in the ZMI ok 
and exuserfolder, which doesn't.

In 2.8, there were some minor issues with fcrypt which meant it came up 
with a broken box icon, initially.

I've installed it in 2.9, fixed the issues and nothing comes up in the ZMI
Running Zope in the console doesn't show any relevant messages.

I'm at a loss as to how to debug this.

Any help gratefully received.
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[Zope] Five

2006-03-05 Thread John Huttley

Ah! I've found the site, not on at all

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[Zope] Five Documentation

2006-03-05 Thread John Huttley

Is there any documentation or howtos or example code available?
I haven't spotted any..


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Re: [Zope] Re: Using ReStructuredText instead of StructuredDocument inside ZPT

2006-02-26 Thread John Schinnerer

Thanks for pointing me to that document, that's what I needed.

The example for TAL integration works just fine (with the typo fixed
:-), and also renders only the actual content, without adding the whole
XHTML document structure around it.

John S.

> In your Zope distribution files look at 'doc/RESTRUCTUREDSTEXT.txt'
> (or 
> 'Zope/doc/RESTRUCTUREDSTEXT.txt' with Zope2.9).
> It has examples of how to use ReST with different solutions.
> (There is a typo: 'restructured_test' should read 'restructured_text'
> )
> Btw, the ZReST objects method 'source_txt' gets you the source text
> of 
> the reST document.
> E.g. this should work in your example:
> tal:define="rest_txt 
> python:container.client_content.some_STX_object.source_txt()"
>tal:replace="structure python: 
> />
> Hth, Michael
> -- 
> ___
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Re: [Zope] Using ReStructuredText instead of StructuredDocument inside ZPT

2006-02-25 Thread John Schinnerer

> huh? You should be able to extend the expression above by calling
> the objects render method?

OK, tried that - I get a username/password prompt that won't take
anything as authorized, and I end up with this error:
Site Error

An error was encountered while publishing this resource.

Error Type: Unauthorized
Error Value: You are not allowed to access 'render' in this context

I can post the full trace if needed, seems like overkill at this point
as I assume it's some kind of general security thing with ReST Document
that I simply don't know about.

So now what?
Even the zope instance root/owner username and PW are not accepted...??

If it's to be useful to me I need it to just render for Anonymous as
it's part of public site content.

John S.

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Re: [Zope] Using ReStructuredText instead of StructuredDocument inside ZPT

2006-02-24 Thread John Schinnerer

OK, that makes sense in general - and what would that look like in my
ZPT code?  Can I access that method with just TAL, similar to
Structured Document example:

STX content renders here

...except with the render() in the path somewhere - where?

Or do I have to use a python expression, and if so what would that look

The only documentation I can find so far is the user documentation...

John S.

--- Andreas Jung <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> --On 23. Februar 2006 23:18:06 -0800 John Schinnerer 
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > This is on zope 2.7.5 with the ZReST that comes "built in."
> > A RSTD called directly (instead of inside a ZPT as above) renders
> as
> > expected.
> >
> Try using the 'render()' method.
> -aj

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[Zope] Using ReStructuredText instead of StructuredDocument inside ZPT

2006-02-23 Thread John Schinnerer

I have been using the Structured Document (SD) product with page
templates (to provide some content sections that a client can edit
using structured text).

Now I would like to use ReStructuredText Document (RSTD) instead of SD.

I have been using code like this in a page template to render the
content of a SD within the page template:


Vision Statement


...where vision_statement is a SD object.

I expected that this would work the same if vision_statement were a
RSTD object...however it does not.  
What displays is only the unrendered, plain text content of the RSTD.

Can I use a RSTD object in the same way I have been using a SD?

If so, how do I get it to render?

This is on zope 2.7.5 with the ZReST that comes "built in."
A RSTD called directly (instead of inside a ZPT as above) renders as

John S.

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Re: [Zope] NewBee, Do I have to code to do this?

2006-01-20 Thread John Huttley

Thanks for your help on this. I'll study it up shortly.

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Re: [Zope] NewBee, Do I have to code to do this?

2006-01-19 Thread John Huttley

Sorry should have added its zope 2.8 under windows


John Huttley wrote:
Hi, I'm recoding an existing php e-commerce app in zope as my first 

I'm at the point where I've installed the exUserFolder product to 
authenticate against an external SQL database.

However, I need to hold some additional information in the user object.

It seems to me that I have to change the exUserFolder product code to 
add this to the class.

This seems odd and not very maintainable.

There are brains for sql, I'm wondering if there are better ways for 
doing this?

Any advice gratefully received.


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[Zope] NewBee, Do I have to code to do this?

2006-01-19 Thread John Huttley

Hi, I'm recoding an existing php e-commerce app in zope as my first project

I'm at the point where I've installed the exUserFolder product to 
authenticate against an external SQL database.

However, I need to hold some additional information in the user object.

It seems to me that I have to change the exUserFolder product code to 
add this to the class.

This seems odd and not very maintainable.

There are brains for sql, I'm wondering if there are better ways for 
doing this?

Any advice gratefully received.


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[Zope] Change object/role permissions w/ python?

2006-01-05 Thread John Toews
Hi all,

I have a need to restrict anonymous access to an object until after a
specific action occurs. For example, the View permission by default is
restricted to owner and manager, but after a 'release' flag is checked,
it is viewable to anyone. I can't seem to find a way to do this
programatically, after googling for a few hours over the past few
weeks. Is it possible? I think the user running the action would need
'change permissions' rights... is there anyway to override that?

Thanks again!
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[Zope] dynamically creating zip file, returning to user

2006-01-04 Thread John Toews
Zope 2.8.0, Python 2.3.5

I'm having a heck of a time figuring out how to zip up some files in my
zope instance and return them to the user. I can sucessfully create a
zip file on the local file system, but if I try to pass it back to the
user it is corrupted. Of course I'd rather not create this
file, so if there's a way around that (which I'm sure there is!) please
do let me know.

    filename = ''

    response = self.REQUEST.RESPONSE


    response.setHeader('Content-Disposition','attachment; filename=%s' % filename)
    # tried zf =
zipfile.ZipFile( response, 'w' ) but get error, ZHTTP object doesn't
have tell method
    zf = zipfile.ZipFile( '/', 'w' )
    zf.writestr( 'testfilename', str( self._getOb( testfileid ) ) )
    f = open('/')

Any thoughts on what fairly obvious thing I'm doing wrong? Thanks!
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[Zope] Programmatically flushing entries from RAM cache?

2005-12-14 Thread John Barham
Is it possible to flush a path w/ a specific argument from a RAM cache
from a Python script?

Here's my situation:  I have a script FolderExists() that takes a
single "path" argument and, after running an SQL query, returns True
or False if the folder path exists or not in the database.  Since the
database query is relatively expensive, I want to cache its result in
RAM.  However, if a folder is created (using another Python script in
the same Zope instance) I want to flush the cached result for the path
(i.e., I don't want to flush all of the cached entries for the
FolderExists method if that can be avoided).


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[Zope] Mailman & Zope

2005-12-12 Thread John Poltorak

How do I configure a Mailman list for a website which is Zope based?

I guess some entries in Apaches configuration file need to distinguish
between Zope based pages and Apache pages for a given virtual host, but
I've no idea how to do this.

Can anyone give me an example?


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[Zope] Remote Calendar Server

2005-12-09 Thread John Poltorak

What do I need to do to set up Zope as a remote calendar server for 


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Re: [Zope] Re: zdsock

2005-12-09 Thread John Poltorak
On Fri, Dec 09, 2005 at 10:48:49AM +, Chris Withers wrote:
> John Poltorak wrote:
> > 
> > Are you saying that Zope cannot be restarted through ZMI on Windows?
> Who does that anyway?
> Even on unix, I use zopectl restart, 

That is the point - zopectl uses a socket - 'zdsock'.

> > At the moment, the problem is being able to provide an alternative socket 
> > name via a command line parameter which is a feature that is supposed to  
> > be already provided by zdctl, but no one seems to know how it works, so I 
> > have no way of knowing whether it can be made to work on my OS or not.
> Well, I'm afraid that's how open source works. Yours is the itch, better 
> get scratching ;-)
> Tres gave you some hints, in that basically you want to surface that 
> ooption in zope.conf. Reading the code in the Zope.Startup package would 
> be where I'd start, although I warn you it's a little contorted :-S

Well maybe you can explain what is the point of the '-s' flag or 
sample.conf. Is it meant to be helpful? I don't even see it mentioned in 
the documentation. Am I missing something?

> cheers,
> Chris
> -- 
> Simplistix - Content Management, Zope & Python Consulting
> -


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Re: [Zope] Re: zdsock

2005-12-08 Thread John Poltorak
On Thu, Dec 08, 2005 at 09:13:00AM +, Chris Withers wrote:
> Tres Seaver wrote:
> >>Ah, okay. How does this work on windows?
> > 
> > 
> > zdaemon / zopectl *don't* work on windows.
> oh, my OS is broken *schniff*

Are you saying that Zope cannot be restarted through ZMI on Windows?
> >>What's wrong with the default name?
> > 
> > Th the original poster's case, his OS requires that Unix-domain sockets
> > have mangled names.
> ...and so is his ;-)

At the moment, the problem is being able to provide an alternative socket 
name via a command line parameter which is a feature that is supposed to  
be already provided by zdctl, but no one seems to know how it works, so I 
have no way of knowing whether it can be made to work on my OS or not.

> Chris
> -- 
> Simplistix - Content Management, Zope & Python Consulting
> -


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Re: [Zope] Re: zdsock

2005-12-08 Thread John Poltorak
On Wed, Dec 07, 2005 at 09:02:11AM -0500, Tres Seaver wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> Chris Withers wrote:
> > Tres Seaver wrote:
> > 
> >> You have confused the "server socket" (which is set in the 
> >> section) with the "daemon control socket (set in  in the
> >> zeo.conf file;  not currently settable in zope.conf).  The control
> >> socket has to be a Unix-domain socket.  John is asking to surface an
> >> existing zdaemon feature (already used in zeo.conf) within zope.conf.
> > 
> > 
> > Ah, okay. How does this work on windows?
> zdaemon / zopectl *don't* work on windows.
> > What's wrong with the default name?
> Th the original poster's case, his OS requires that Unix-domain sockets
> have mangled names.

All I'm asking for at the moment is how to take advantage of what are 
supposed to be existing options of setting the socket name to something 
other than the default 'zdsock'.

Presumably someone created the the '-s' option to zdctl for exactly this 

> Tres.
> - --
> ===
> Tres Seaver  +1 202-558-7113  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Palladion Software   "Excellence by Design"
> Version: GnuPG v1.4.1 (GNU/Linux)
> Comment: Using GnuPG with Thunderbird -
> iD8DBQFDlutj+gerLs4ltQ4RAic1AJ9wJJp10xx/HJnPbKaRYNHtM05VvACgmyem
> 6w5fCXtXVKkdbTLYLMPjgBU=
> =rhQt


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Re: [Zope] zdsock

2005-12-06 Thread John Poltorak
On Tue, Dec 06, 2005 at 09:51:12AM +, Chris Withers wrote:
> John Poltorak wrote:
> > Zope itself works fine when started via runzope, so what is the problem in 
> > trying to provide an alternate socket name?
> > 
> > zdctl is supposed to accept an alternative socket name:-
> > 
> > -s/--socket-name SOCKET -- Unix socket name for client (default "zdsock")
> > 
> > Unfortunately, I can't figure out any way to make use of this option.
> Why do you care about this? AGAIK, this is only to do with those weird 
> unix file-like socket things, and shouldn't be worried about if you're 
> using a normal tcp socket as you should be ;-)

According to the docs it should be possible to specify an alternate socket 
name. I am unable to use the name 'zdsock' so would like to configure Zope 
to use a user specific socket name. Either it is possible or it isn't.

So far no one has told me how I can use what are supposed to be existing 
features. I've even found a sample.conf which contains this

  # Harmless example
  program   sleep 100
  # Repeat the defaults
  backoff-limit 10
  forever   True
  socket-name   zdsock
  # user has no default
  umask 022
  directory .
  default-to-interactive True
  hang-around   False

but no one seems to know how/where this is can be used.

What is the point in having features if no one knows how to use them?

> cheers,
> Chris
> -- 
> Simplistix - Content Management, Zope & Python Consulting
> -


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Re: [Zope] Re: Zope Calendar

2005-12-05 Thread John Poltorak
On Mon, Dec 05, 2005 at 05:08:19PM +0100, Lennart Regebro wrote:
> On 12/5/05, Lennart Regebro <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I think this would be easier if you were more specific of what kind of
> > features you want.
> Or you can just use CalZope. ;-) It is the most superfantasticmegacool
> calendar software ever. I know, because Martijn Faassen and I wrote
> it. :-D

Is there so,ething missing here?

Is there an example of it in use anywhere?

Can't tell if it works with just Zope or whether it needs Plone.
> Unbiasedly:
>   Lennart Regebro, Nuxeo


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Re: [Zope] zdsock

2005-12-05 Thread John Poltorak
On Mon, Dec 05, 2005 at 08:50:30AM +, Chris Withers wrote:
> John Poltorak wrote:
> > 
> > Because 'zdsock' is not an acceptable name.
> > 
> > I am running on OS/2 and the path name must start with '\\socket\\'.
> Oooo, ow, that's gonna hurt...

Zope itself works fine when started via runzope, so what is the problem in 
trying to provide an alternate socket name?

zdctl is supposed to accept an alternative socket name:-

-s/--socket-name SOCKET -- Unix socket name for client (default "zdsock")

Unfortunately, I can't figure out any way to make use of this option.

> Chris
> -- 
> Simplistix - Content Management, Zope & Python Consulting
> -


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Re: [Zope] Re: Zope Calendar

2005-12-05 Thread John Poltorak
On Mon, Dec 05, 2005 at 01:17:06PM +0800, Bakhtiar A Hamid wrote:
> >
> > I wanted something which looks like Plone Calendar
> >
> > > -
> this has a howto (or is it in the readme), and with the necessary css, can
> look pretty much like plone's

I'd like to see more examples of what can be done.

Is there any way to create a calendar of events which are automatically 
highlighted when displaying the calendar?


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Re: [Zope] Re: zdsock

2005-12-04 Thread John Poltorak
On Sun, Dec 04, 2005 at 09:15:34AM -0500, Tres Seaver wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> John Poltorak wrote:
> > On Sun, Dec 04, 2005 at 11:32:15AM +0100, Andreas Jung wrote:
> > 
> >>WHY?
> > 
> > 
> > Because 'zdsock' is not an acceptable name.
> > 
> > I am running on OS/2 and the path name must start with '\\socket\\'.
> Johh, you are likely going to have to hack the 'socket-name' key into
> $SOFTWARE_HOME/lib/python/Zope2/zopeschema.xml (as a top-level option, I
> think, bound to 'sockname';  it might need to be a sub-option of
> 'zoperunner').


Do you mean ?


That is the location of such a file on my system.

As for hacking schema's that is something I'm not familiar with so I might
need a little hand holding before I manage to apply  the change you


  This section describes the options for zopectl.  These options

  options, the command line option (short and long form) are given
  here too.

   The program(s) that will be run by the runner

Command-line option: -d or --daemon.

- call umask(022)

How exactly do I hack the 'socket-name' key into the file?

Would the file


be of any use in this matter?

> Please submit a patch (to when you
> get it working.

It may take some time to get working...

> Tres
> - --
> ===
> Tres Seaver  +1 202-558-7113  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Palladion Software   "Excellence by Design"
> Version: GnuPG v1.4.1 (GNU/Linux)
> Comment: Using GnuPG with Thunderbird -
> iD8DBQFDkvoF+gerLs4ltQ4RAk3CAJ94XslX9sOw6VmcC2JDaooIXmotmACgtP5X
> ymxZAWD9nZn3ZmoetoV/DhE=
> =IhnZ

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Re: [Zope] zdsock

2005-12-04 Thread John Poltorak
On Sun, Dec 04, 2005 at 11:32:15AM +0100, Andreas Jung wrote:
> WHY?

Because 'zdsock' is not an acceptable name.

I am running on OS/2 and the path name must start with '\\socket\\'.
> --On 4. Dezember 2005 10:26:03 + John Poltorak <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > On Sun, Dec 04, 2005 at 11:13:29AM +0100, Andreas Jung wrote:
> >>
> >>
> >> >
> >> > At the top of sample.conf it says
> >> >
> >> ># Sample config file for and (which share a schema).
> >> >
> >> > This sounds like something other than zope.conf.
> >> >
> >>
> >> Is there a real need for you to touch the configuration. Also as very
> >> advanced Zope user I've never had the need to touch this configuration
> >> for  any reason. So what are your reasons?
> >
> > I need to change the name of the socket.
> >
> >>
> >> -aj
> >
> > --
> > John


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Re: [Zope] zdsock

2005-12-04 Thread John Poltorak
On Sun, Dec 04, 2005 at 11:13:29AM +0100, Andreas Jung wrote:
> >
> > At the top of sample.conf it says
> >
> ># Sample config file for and (which share a schema).
> >
> > This sounds like something other than zope.conf.
> >
> Is there a real need for you to touch the configuration. Also as very 
> advanced Zope user I've never had the need to touch this configuration for 
> any reason. So what are your reasons?

I need to change the name of the socket.

> -aj


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Re: [Zope] zdsock

2005-12-04 Thread John Poltorak
On Sun, Dec 04, 2005 at 09:51:22AM +0100, Andreas Jung wrote:
> --On 4. Dezember 2005 08:36:06 + John Poltorak <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > How do I override the default name of zdsock for the socket used by Zope?
> >
> > I see socket-name defined in Zope/lib/python/zdaemon/sample.conf but have
> > no idea what this sample.conf is used for.
> >
> Likely by including the file into your zope.conf.

I haven't found any documentation for zope.conf anywhere and have no idea 
if  is an acceptable keyword.

At the top of sample.conf it says

# Sample config file for and (which share a schema).

This sounds like something other than zope.conf.

> -aj


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[Zope] zdsock

2005-12-04 Thread John Poltorak

How do I override the default name of zdsock for the socket used by Zope?

I see socket-name defined in Zope/lib/python/zdaemon/sample.conf but have 
no idea what this sample.conf is used for.


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Re: [Zope] zForum installation

2005-12-03 Thread John Poltorak
On Sat, Dec 03, 2005 at 09:05:08PM +0100, Andreas Jung wrote:
> --On 3. Dezember 2005 19:50:34 + John Poltorak <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > Where can I find some installation notes for zForum? I haven't found
> > anything in the package which tells me what to do.
> >
> MAybe you should use Google. The first hit  searching for "zforum"
> gives you this: <>

I have already downloaded zForum, and foolishly expected to find some 
installation instructions included.
> -aj


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