Rummy Kicks It To Abu Ghraib Prison

2004-05-13 Thread Hardball with Chris Matthews
The Hardball Briefing On MSNBC

Hardball airs tonight on MSNBC at 7p, 11p  4a ET  4p, 8p  1a PT  Find MSNBC on your 

Tonight we get you latest on Rummy's not so secret trip to Baghdad and the pep rally 
he held with Joint Chiefs Chairman Richard MeyersWhat's it all mean? Leave it to 
us to sort it all out for you...We'll get an as live (another one of those nifty TV 
terms) from Baghdad with the news...Rummy went to Abu Ghraib prison during his trip 
and said It's generally a lot more fun here than it is back home according to the AP 

We're also learning more about what was in those horrific pictures that were viewed 
yesterday by Congress...We'll talk to a couple of Senators, Bill Nelson (D-FL) and 
Richard Shelby (R-AL) who'll share their thoughts on the pics and tell us where this 
all headed...Nelson said yesterday that based on what he saw there's no way this could 
have been confined to 6 or 7 folks...Shelby described the pix as horrific and 

And should the media show the pictures?  We'll talk to Michael Wolff of Vanity Fair 
and fmr. ABC guy Bob Zelnick about that and the new Bush polls...

Plus, Black Hawk Down  Killing Pablo author Mark Bowden on why the practice of 
coercion is a necessary evil...The Truth About Torture

Shuster's got a package on history's great court martial trials and that ought to have 
some cool historical footage (It'll get into the Mai Lai massacre)

Chris is fired up about this and that makes for great TV...You won't want to miss 
it...Imagine The Possibilities

Dominic Bellone wrote, compiled and edited The Briefing from Washington, DC

Rumsfeld visits Baghdad...U.S. Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld made a surprise visit 
to Iraq on Thursday as the United States struggled to quell criticism over the abuse 
of Iraqi prisoners by American military guards.

We're not on an inspection tour, Rumsfeld told reporters Wednesday afternoon aboard 
an Air Force on his way to Baghdad. If anyone thinks I'm there to throw water on a 
fire, they're wrong. (The Washington Post)

For the first time in public, a somber Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld raised the 
possibility yesterday that the U.S. mission in Iraq could fail.
Rumsfeld said the prison abuse scandal had delivered a body blow to the 
nation-building effort in Iraq that has cost the lives of more than 770 U.S. troops. 
Will it happen right on time? I think so. I hope so. Will it be perfect? No Is it 
possible it won't work? Yes, Rumsfeld said. (The New York Daily News)

Lawmakers view more photos...Lawmakers said Wednesday that new photographs and video 
clips of U.S. soldiers brutalizing Iraqi prisoners were even worse than they had 

What we saw is appalling, said Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist (R-Tenn.). I saw 
cruel, sadistic torture, said Rep. Jane Harman (D-Calif.). Sen. Richard J. Durbin 
(D-Ill.) told Reuters: There were some awful scenes. It felt like you were descending 
into one of the rings of hell, and sadly it was our own creation. (The Washington 

Shocking shots of sexcapades involving Pfc. Lynndie England were among the hundreds of 
X-rated photos and videos from the Abu Ghraib prison scandal shown to lawmakers in a 
top-secret Capitol conference room yesterday. (NY Post)

Prisoners in U.S. custody in Afghanistan suffer systemic mistreatment, Human Rights 
Watch claimed Thursday, calling for a network of secretive jails dogged by allegations 
of assault and sexual abuse to be opened to outside scrutiny. (AP)

Battle rages between U.S. forces, Sadr militia...Black smoke rising from center of 
Karbala (MSNBC)

80% in Iraq Distrust Occupation Authority...Results of Poll, Taken Before Prison 
Scandal Came to Light, Worry U.S. Officials (The Washington Post)

U.S. offered to help Berg leave...U.S. authorities said Wednesday that the young 
American who was beheaded by militants had been warned by the FBI to leave Iraq and 
was offered a plane ride to safety.

Prince Bandar, the Saudi ambassador to the U.S., spoke to Saudi media and condemmed 
the abuse pictures but cautioned the Islamic world to not blame all Americans...His 
statement read in part:

...We should now condemn only 

More On Prison Abuse Controversy Tonight On Hardball

2004-05-11 Thread Hardball with Chris Matthews
The Hardball Briefing On MSNBC

Hardball airs tonight on MSNBC at 7p, 11p  4a ET  4p, 8p  1a PT  Find MSNBC on your 

This morning Maj. Gen. Antonio Taguba, the man who first investigated and issued the 
report on prisoner abuse at Abu Ghraib prison is on the Hill testifying before the 
Senate Armed Services Committee...We track, report and analyze the drip, drip, drip of 
this story as this controversy continues to unfold...

We talk to a couple of senators on the Committee: Senators Mark Dayton (D-MN) and 
Saxby Chambliss (R-GA) 

We'll get some insight into detainee treatment from Mark Jacobson, former Special 
Assistant for the office of the Secretary of Defense who helped develop policy for the 
detention of enemy combatants at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba and Iraq. 

We'll talk to Sr. editor of the Army Times about a recent editorial on the prison 
abuse scandal: Army Times Editorial: A failure of leadership at the highest levels

We'll also kick it with lefty NY Times columnist Paul Krugman about his latest column: 
Just Trust Us (registration req'd)

Chris is out tonight so Andrea Mitchell fills in

Yo check this out...We're making some promotional television commercials for the show 
this weekend in the Los Angeles area and we'd like you to be a part of themIf 
you're in the LA area and are interested click here and send us your contact info  And hey, if you get the gig, make sure to plug the 
Briefing as well!

MSNBC special on 50 years of Brown Vs. Board of Education

Video  transcript of last night's Sy Hersh interview

Mortman content: Hollywood-D.C lovefest? Gag me! Time for separation of celebrities 
and state

Fun Clinton News:  President Bill Clinton has finished writing his memoirs and has 
submitted the completed manuscript to editors. The book's cover was sent to retailers 
Tuesday as the publisher begins taking orders for the expected best seller. (AP)

Dominic Bellone wrote, compiled and edited The Hardball Briefing from Washington, DC

General saw 'failure of leadership' at Iraq prison...Report author says intel 
officers, contractors involved in abuse

The Army general who investigated the mistreatment of Iraqi prisoners by the U.S. 
military testified on Tuesday he never found any orders to soldiers directing them to 
use abusive techniques on inmates. (Reuters)

Secret world of U.S. interrogation...The Abu Ghraib prison in Iraq, where a unit of 
U.S. soldiers abused prisoners, is just the largest and suddenly most notorious in a 
worldwide constellation of detention centers -- many of them secret and all off-limits 
to public scrutiny -- that the U.S. military and CIA have operated in the name of 
counterterrorism or counterinsurgency operations since the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks. 
(The Washington Post)

Mistreatment Of Detainees Went Beyond Guards' Abuse...Ex-Prisoners, Red Cross Cite 
Flawed Arrests, Denial of Rights (The Washington Post)

The international Red Cross has been buffeted by demands that it drop its policy of 
confidentiality in dealing with prisoners in Iraq but says its quiet approach is the 
best protection for victims of war. (AP)

U.S. changes rules for Afghan prisoners...Iraq abuse reports prompt shorter holding 
times (AP)

As others condemned the reported abuse of Iraqi prisoners, U.S. Sen. James Inhofe on 
Tuesday expressed outrage at the worldwide outrage over the treatment by American 
soldiers of those he called terrorists and murderers. (Reuters)

Gunmen attack civilian convoy...Gunmen attacked a U.S.-run civilian convoy in Iraq and 
some personnel are unaccounted for, U.S. officials said Tuesday.

President Bush's approval rating dropped to the lowest of his presidency in a poll 
taken after a week of revelations about abuse of Iraqi prisoners and questions about 
whether Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld should keep his job. (USA Today)

President Bush is putting his education policies on display during a three-day focus 
on the subject, including visits to two states that are toss-ups in 

Rummy On The Hot Seat...We'll Slice and Dice It Tonight

2004-05-07 Thread Hardball with Chris Matthews
The Hardball Briefing On MSNBC

Hardball airs tonight on MSNBC at 7p, 11p  4a ET  4p, 8p  1a PT

Today we bear witness to the timeless Washington drama of a senior official being 
taken to the woodshed.*  In this case, Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld and 
Joint Chiefs Chairman Richard Meyers go before Congress (both House and Senate) to 
explain the abuse of Iraqi prisoners at the hand of U.S. service personnel...The 
hearings are underway and Rumsfeld has apologized...He was also interrupted by 
hecklers who demanded he be fired...The New York Times today is calling for Rumsfeld's 
resignation as is John Kerry (no surprise there)...The heat is on...

Rumsfeld apologizes to abused Iraqis...Defense secretary testifies at Senate hearing

Washington Post update

Tonight we talk to members of the Senate--Cornyn (R-TX)  Dayton (D-MN)--and get some 
spot reax...Shuster's in West Virginia attending a presser with family members of one 
of the accused...He'll bring you the latest on that...

We then go old school with consummate Washington insider Joseph Califano who has a new 
book aptly titled Inside: A Public and Private Life...He served in the Johnson  
Carter administrations and knows a thing or two about Beltway rituals and what Rummy 
may be going through...We'll get his take...

We wrap up with USA Today columnist Walter Shapiro who'll asses the political fallout 
of today's hearings and the special role Douglas Feith played in pushing this war

* For those who don't know the phrase it harkens back to the days when kids in trouble 
were taken to the woodshed to be administered their corrective corporal 
punishment...The phrase entered Washington lexicon back in the Reagan era when his OMB 
director David Stockman publicly criticized Reagan's tax policy and was taken to the 
woodshed by Reagan...The original woodshed cartoon

Dominic Bellone wrote, compiled and edited The Briefing from Washington, DC

Al-Sadr aide: Reward for killing British troops...Shiite also says female soldiers can 
be taken as slaves (AP)

Pentagon was warned in 2002 of contractors...Abuse scandal includes use of private 
interrogators (AP)

The Red Cross discovered serious violations of the rights of Iraqi prisoners, with 
abuse so widespread it may be considered to have been tolerated by the U.S.-led 
coalition, the Wall Street Journal said on Friday. (Reuters)

Moran: Rummy's not going anywhere . yet: Shameful as abuse may be, resigning over this 
issue is not an option

Three U.S. military policemen who served at Baghdad's Abu Ghraib prison said on 
Thursday they had witnessed unreported cases of prisoner abuse and that the practice 
against Iraqis was commonplace. (Reuters)

U.S. troops, Shiite militia clash...U.S. troops clashed with Shiite gunmen near the 
center of the holy city of Karbala on Friday, with heavy gunfire and explosions heard 
near the office of radical Shiite cleric Muqtada al-Sadr less than a mile from several 
shrines. Separately, gunmen killed two journalists south of Baghdad on Friday.

Old Iraqi army reborn in Fallujah...Deal represents significant gamble for U.S. (The 
Washington Post)

Public opposition to the war in Iraq is at an all-time high - and support for 
President Bush's handling of the broader war against terrorism is at an all-time low - 
after the deadliest month for U.S. troops and revelations about the abuse of Iraqi 
prisoners by American forces. (Knight Ridder)

U.S. Faces Lasting Damage Abroad...Moral High Ground Lost, Experts Say (The Washington 

President Bush opened a tour by bus through two Midwestern states he narrowly lost 
during the 2000 election, carrying a message Friday of job gains amid an economic 
upswing he contends has been sparked by lower taxes. (AP)

President Bush's campaign on Friday criticized the wife of Democratic candidate John 
Kerry for calling Vice President Dick Cheney unpatriotic while defending her 
husband's service in Vietnam against critics who had avoided the military. (AP)

John F. Kerry yesterday called for Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld to resign over 
the abuse 

The Hardball Briefing for May 14, 2004

2004-05-14 Thread Hardball with Chris Matthews
The Hardball Briefing On MSNBC

Hardball airs tonight on MSNBC at 7p, 11p  4a ET  4p, 8p  1a PT  Find MSNBC on your 

Stunning testimony has emerged from one of the guys at the heart of the Abu Ghraib 
prison abuse scandal...Spec. Jeremy C. Sivits, one of the seven members of the 372nd 
Military Police Company facing charges in the case, has issued a detailed statement on 
what he says took place there...He severally implicated Military Police Cpl. Charles 
A. Graner who was just charged by the Army today in connection to the scandal  We'll talk to his lawyer, Guy 
Womack, and get his reaction to the charges...

The other big story is the unfolding tale of Nick Berg, his horrible death, the men 
who did it to him and what he was doing in Iraq prior to his kidnapping...Why was he 
detained by Iraqi authorities in March?  Why was his e-mail account password stolen by 
Zacharias Moussaoui (the so called 20th hijacker of 9/11)?  Was he or wasn't he in 
U.S. custody?  Shuster's working up a package and we'll also get Saudi Arabian 
reaction from Adel Al-Jubeir (a foreign policy advisor to Crown Prince Abdullah)

We'll do the political angle with Howard  Dana Priest from the Post...Lots of fat to 
chew on there...

Dominic Bellone wrote, compiled and edited from Washington, DC

MP in scandal offers to plead guilty...One of the military police officers charged in 
the abuse scandal at Iraq's Abu Ghraib prison has offered to plead guilty and has 
provided military investigators with a detailed account of how guards humiliated and 
beat detainees, in one case hitting a prisoner so hard he became unconscious. (The 
Washington Post)

Gertz: The CIA concluded yesterday that the hooded terrorist shown beheading an 
American civilian in a videotape is al Qaeda-linked terrorist Abu Musab Zarqawi.

Balz Analysis: Bad Signs For Bush In History, Numbers...Approval Rating Is Lowest of 
His Term ...Republican pollster Bill McInturff said presidents can win reelection 
even if a majority of voters say the country is heading in the wrong direction, as 
they do now. He said he believes the public's mood will brighten if Iraq ceases to 
dominate the news as it has for the past month. (The Washington Post) 

A growing majority of voters are unhappy with the way things are going in Iraq, but 
that is not helping Democratic presidential candidate Sen. John Kerry, who trails or 
is statistically tied with President Bush in most surveys. (The Washington Times)

Beheading victim loved 'adventure'...His driver says, 'He never listened to anyone' 
(The Washington Post)

Nick Berg, the young American beheaded by terrorists in Iraq, had an earlier encounter 
with a Muslim fanatic - and inadvertently provided accused 9/11 al Qaeda operative 
Zacarias Moussaoui with his e-mail password. (NY Post)

The father of Nick Berg, the Pennsylvania contractor beheaded in Iraq, on Thursday 
directly blamed President Bush and Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld for his son's 
death. (Reuters)

Iraq's bin Laden? Zarqawi's rise...CIA says the Jordanian-born terrorist leader is the 
person shown beheading a US civilian on video. (CS Monitor)

Hezbollah, Hamas denounce beheading...Saudi Arabia, UAE also weigh in with 
condemnations (AP)

Saudi Arabia's ambassador to the United States condemned as criminal and inhuman the 
decapitation in Iraq (news - web sites) of American Nicholas Berg. (AP)

U.S. tanks charge into Najaf center...The golden dome of the Shrine of Imam Ali, one 
of the most sacred sites for Shiite Muslims, was hit by what appeared to be four 
gunshots amid fierce fighting Friday between U.S. soldiers and militiamen loyal to 
radical cleric Muqtada al-Sadr.

Gunmen believed loyal to radical cleric Muqtada al-Sadr attacked the headquarters of 
the U.S.-led coalition in Nasiriyah on Friday, trapping some international staffers 
inside, coalition officials said (AP)

The United States is quietly pressing its allies to send more troops to Iraq, but it's 
getting a lukewarm response amid escalating violence and public outcry over the abuse 
of Iraqi prisoners. (AP) 

The Hardball Briefing for May 4, 2004

2004-05-04 Thread Hardball with Chris Matthews
The Hardball Briefing On MSNBC

Hardball airs tonight at 7p, 11p  4a ET  4p, 8p  1a PT

Tonight we go heavy on the latest controversy buzzing around the Beltway: The Iraqi 
POW torture pix...Senators on the Hill were stampeding in front of the cameras today  
demanding answers while Rumsfeld called the conduct of the soldiers involved totally 
unacceptable and un-American.

We lead with the journalist who really started it all, The New Yorker's Sy Hersh for a couple of blocks

We'll get the view from the Hill from Congressman turned Senator Lindsey Graham 
(R-SC), a former Clinton impeachment manager who famously stated during the Senate 
trial of Clinton: I don't know 'bout you but where I come from if you're on the phone 
with someone at two in the morning, you're up to no good.

We'll get the military perspective from ret. General Wayne Downing, the intel aspect 
from fmr. CIA guy Larry Johnson and the military justice aspect from former JAG Brig. 
Gen. Donald Hansen (counsel for the appeal of Lt. William Calley, the man behind the 
My Lai massacre in Vietnam, another Hersh story)

We round out the show with something a little different...Kareem Abdul-Jabbar, the 
famous fmr basketball player is here to discuss his new book...No, it's not a tell-all 
about his years in the NBA...It's called Brothers in Arms: The Epic Story of the 
761st Tank Battalion, WWII's Forgotten Heroes...

Rumsfeld urged to testify on prisoner abuses...Military investigating possibility of 
abuses at other Iraqi prisons

I love this Bush quote from his rally in Ohio today: Just cause somebody has an 
accent and a nice suit and a good table at a fancy New York restaurant doesn't make 
them a foreign leader

Editor's Pick

Having a doll with a bobbing head in your own likeness may be all right for Abraham 
Lincoln, Al Capone, Hilary Clinton, Jimmy Carter and Jesus. But California Gov. Arnold 
Schwarzenegger is outraged and wants out, distinguished company or not. (Reuters)

Gore's got a new gig

Former Vice President Al Gore and entrepreneur Joel Hyatt launched a cable television 
network Tuesday by buying Newsworld International from Vivendi Universal Entertainment 
for an undisclosed sum. (AP)

Dominic Bellone wrote, compiled  edited The Hardball Briefing from Washington, DC

U.S., Bulgarian troops...Four American soldiers die in vehicle accident (AP)

L.A.-Dulles flight seen as terror target...Federal officials have pinpointed an 
airline flight from Los Angeles to Washington as a potential terrorist target in the 
past two weeks and have begun scrutinizing the flight crew's luggage and using 
security agents to follow pilots preparing for the flight.(Wash Times)

Ex-hostage 'feeling well'...Escaped hostage Thomas Hamill, who was shot in the arm 
when he was abducted, was treated for the wound and regularly received food during his 
three weeks in captivity in Iraq, a  military doctor said Tuesday.

Abuse photos stun guard unit's hometown...Residents in Md. city say actions of a few 
hurt company's reputation (AP)

The following are some of the key excerpts from the report prepared by Maj. Gen. 
Antonio M. Taguba on alleged abuse of prisoners by members of the 800th Military 
Police Brigade at the Abu Ghraib Prison in Baghdad.

With six U.S. soldiers reprimanded and six others facing criminal charges, Iraq's 
prisoner-abuse scandal looked far from over Tuesday as more Iraqis came forward to 
allege maltreatment by U.S. troops.  (Reuters);jsessionid=D1KWX1ORWXP4ACRBAE0CFEY?type=topNewsstoryID=5033628section=news

The U.S. military did a top-level review last fall of how its detention centers in 
Iraq were run, months before commanders first were told about the sexual humiliation 
and abuse of Iraqis that has created an international uproar, a Pentagon official 
said. (AP)

U.S. sought to boost prison training...Most military police not trained to run prisons 
(The Washington Post)

37,000 more reserve, Guard troops for Iraq...Pentagon concludes it must maintain full 
138,000 force level (MSNBC)

After the deadliest month yet for U.S. troops in Iraq, top Bush administration 
officials fear the situation will deteriorate in coming weeks as insurgents try to 

The Hardball Briefing For April 30, 2004

2004-04-30 Thread Hardball with Chris Matthews
The Hardball Briefing On MSNBC

Hardball airs tonight at 7p, 11p  4a ET  4p, 8p  1a PT

Tonight we lead with the controversy over Ted Koppel's decision to read the names of 
American KIA in Iraq on his show and Sinclair Broadcasting Group's decision to have 
some of its ABC stations preempt it

We'll talk to Vanity Fair media guy Michael Wolff and loyal Briefing subscriber John 
Fund about the hoopla

We'll also run a block or two of legendary TV journalist Lesley Stahl on Iraq and the 
rising poll numbers for President Bush...

Did you miss any of our exclusive Rummy interview last night? Have no fear...We'll 
chunk it* for you and get reax from Fund and Wash Post columnist Richard Cohen

Oh and dont' forget! We're gonna re-air the Rummy interview tomorrow at 4 pm ET  
Sunday at 1 pm ET

Tomorrow is the 1 year anniversary of the President's mission accomplished speech on 
the carrier..

And you thought our 7th Anniversary week festivities were done? Think again...Ron 
Reagan's in the house tonight with another little trick up his sleeve...

Have a great weekend...We'll chat on Monday

* Highly scientific television talk meaning to run clips or chunks of the 
interview...I usually think of a sot or sound on tape as a term typically used for 
bites :45 or less...Chunk implies a lengthier sot..

Briefing subscriber/Friend of Chris Gerry Rafshoon may be honcho-ing a new Howard Dean 
TV endeavor according to Daily Variety

PS Briefing friend John Edgell tells us that you guys really stepped up for a good 
cause with the Chris Matthews charity bobblehead...Thanks!

Dominic Bellone wrote, compiled and edited The Briefing from Washington, DC

President Bush told the September 11 commission yesterday in a closed-door meeting 
that a memo saying Osama bin Laden wanted to conduct terrorist attacks in the United 
States did not provide enough intelligence for his administration to stop the attacks 
on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon.  (The Washington Times)

In a stunning snub, two Democrats on the 9/11 commission yesterday abruptly walked out 
in the middle of the Oval Office interview with President Bush and Vice President Dick 
Cheney. (NY Post)

Major developments Friday in Iraq (AP)

U.S. casualties for April (AP)

Marines begin Fallujah pullbackOne of three battalions of U.S. Marines had mostly 
departed its positions in an industrial zone in the southern portion of Fallujah, 
witnesses reported Friday, as U.S. commanders met with local representatives to work 
out details of a deal aimed at lifting the month-long siege of the city.

Arab TV shows GIs humiliating Iraqi detainees...Images of prisoner abuse inflammatory 
in Mideast (AP)

GI reportedly complained about Iraq abuses...Relative says commander ignored plea for 
rules (AP)

President Bush has condemned the apparent mistreatment of some Iraqi prisoners, 
saying, Their treatment does not reflect the nature of the American people. That's 
not the way we do things in America. I didn't like it one bit. (AP)

US general suspended over abuse...Abu Ghraib prison was much feared in Saddam 
Hussein's day...A US general has been suspended in Iraq over the alleged abuse of 
prisoners by US troops in jails she ran (BBC News)

Asked how many American troops have died in Iraq, the Pentagon's No. 2 civilian 
estimated Thursday the total was about 500 - more than 200 soldiers short. (AP)

'Al-Qaida' denies chemical plot...A purported tape  from al-Qaida operative Abu-Musab 
al-Zarqawi said Friday his group did not plan a chemical weapons attack as the 
Jordanian authorities have alleged, but said the group is targeting Jordan.

Kerry says Iraq is far from stable...Candidate marks 1-year anniversary of Bush's 
carrier speech (AP)

Most Iraq rebuilding funds still unspent...U.S. shifts money to security, 
administrative expenses (The Washington Post) 

Hardball 7th Anniversary Begins This Week

2004-04-26 Thread Hardball with Chris Matthews
The Hardball Briefing On MSNBC

Hardball airs tonight at 7p, 11p  4a ET  4p, 8p  1a PT

So welcome to our Hardball 7th Anniversary Week...We've got some special interviews 
planned this week along with taped anniversary greetings from some of our favorite 
Hardball friends and a couple of retrospective pieces in the works...Tonight Chris is 
in Los Angeles taping the Tonight Show with Jay Leno (11:30 pm ET) so definitely check 
that out...

We've dedicated a special place on our website where you can see 77 facts about 
Hardball, send a greeting to Chris, check out our guest lineup this week and read our 
special press release

Tonight we'll talk to Saudi Arabian ambassador to the U.S., Prince Bandar bin Sultan 
about the Woodward book and his take on U.S.-Saudi relations...That'll be half the 

The other half we'll do White House 2004 with the Kerry Chairwoman Jeanne Shaheen  
CREEP Chairman Marc Racicot...Monday is shaping up to be a particularly hot day on the 
campaign trail...Cheney is out in Fulton, Missouri at Westminster college attacking 
Kerry along with $10 million worth of ads which have been unleashed against the Mass. 
Senator...Weak on national security is the CREEP attack du jour...

Plus, McAuliffe was out slamming Cheney today as having zero credibility to attack 
Kerry...The Dems are actually plotting a week of Cheney bashing according to the Post 
today...And on a week when Kerry wants the focus to be on the jobs issue, a new video 
from 1971 surfaces of a Kerry interview claiming he threw 6-9 medals at the Capitol 
back when he was protesting the Vietnam war...Over the years he's claimed they were 
only ribbons and that he actually kept his medals.  The terms are essentially 
interchangeable Kerry said this morning...We'll try to sort out the confusion 

Tomorrow we're sending Chris to Cleveland to interview John Kerry from the Slovenian 
National Home...More on that tomorrow...Keep it Real until then

Dominic Bellone wrote, compiled and edited The Hardball Briefing from Washington, DC

Kerry on defensive over Vietnam medals...He calls flap 'a controversy the Republicans 
are pushing' (AP)

White House promotes Woodward book...Account seen as net plus despite 'warts' (The 
Washington Post)

The Bush administration might have avoided a deadly insurgency in Iraq by buying the 
loyalty of its former military for about $200 million, Saudi Arabia's ambassador to 
the United States said on Sunday. (Reuters)

Cheney launches new attack on Kerry...'Ample ground to doubt' national security 
judgment (AP)

President Bush's re-election campaign turned up the heat on Democrat rival John Kerry 
on Monday by accusing him of a troubling record on national security and inconsistent 
support of U.S. troops (Reuters);jsessionid=A5KO1PLYUGA3UCRBAEKSFEY?type=politicsNewsstoryID=4943210

Democrats to Target Cheney...Attacks on Vice President Aimed at Eroding Confidence in 
Bush (The Washington Post)

John Kerry accused President Bush of failing to enforce trade agreements that protect 
U.S. workers as the Democratic presidential candidate kicked off a tour of four 
industrial states Monday. (AP)

Beginning Monday, President Bush's re-election campaign is more than doubling its TV 
ad spending rate to hammer Kerry on votes he cast in the Senate to cut spending on 
some weapons. (USA Today)

Battleground states in play for Bush camp...Sen. John Kerry is trailing or tied with 
President Bush in many of the battleground states Democrats won in 2000 and that will 
likely decide the outcome of this year's elections, according to a survey of polls 
across the country by The Washington Times.

Blast in Baghdad building kills 2 U.S. soldiers...Troops were raiding site suspected 
of making 'chemical munitions' (MSNBC)

Iraq's U.S.-picked leaders approved a new flag for the country, making a dramatic 
change that dumps the Saddam Hussein-era colors and slogan God is great and 
introduces symbols of the Tigris and Euphrates rivers, a spokesman said Monday. (AP)

Bush touts broadband, fuel cells in Minn. speech...President ties growth to technology 

A ban on media access to coffins of killed American soldiers as they are 

John Kerry Tonight Plus Latest On Fallujah Assault

2004-04-27 Thread Hardball with Chris Matthews
The Hardball Briefing On MSNBC

Hardball airs tonight 7p, 11p  4a ET and 4p, 8p  1a PT

The Hardball 7th Anniversary juggernaut steamrolls through Cleveland tonight for a one 
on one exclusive interview with Democratic presidential candidate John Kerry at the 
Slovenian National Home where Kerry continues his Jobs First Bus Tour in key 
midwestern battleground states...We'll do most of the show with Kerry and then get 
some political reax from reporters and also bring you up to speed on the U.S. assault 
on Fallujah...If you're near a TV flip on MSNBC for the latest...For those who don't 
have a TV nearby, has posted a 5 minute video clip for your benefit

I can hear more than 10 explosions a minute. Fires are lighting the night sky, one 
witness told Reuters. The earth is shaking under my feet.

Btw, Officials with the Marine 1st Division our telling NBC's Kevin Sites that the 
attack was prompted by a sizable insurgent force attacking Marine position...The 
AC-130 gunship pounding was a respondent measure...

The Marines also just released this press statement: 


Press Release 04-027

Marines prepare for joint patrols with ICDC, Fight off night attack 

Marines and members of the Iraqi Civil Defense Corps began rehearsal for joint 
patrols, which will soon begin in Fallujah.

ICDC, Iraqi Police Service and Marines will team up to patrol the streets of Fallujah. 
 This is a deliberate step toward returning control of the city to Iraqi authorities.  

The patrol rehearsals began yesterday outside of Fallujah, with ICDC personnel and 
Marines practicing the integration of their forces, communications procedures and 
reactions to ambushes. Marines are committed to assisting authorities in Fallujah 
establish an effective presence.  

In Gharma today, Marines and Navy Seabees surveyed the ground for a project to convert 
an old military compound into a medical clinic.  Marines and Seabees also met with 
local sheiks to gain their input for the plan. 

Marine Defenses Attacked During the Night

Anti-Iraq forces attacked Marines in defensive positions in Fallujah shortly after 10 
p.m. tonight, again violating the current cease-fire.  Marines responded by directing 
precision weaponry against the enemy forces in order to defend themselves.


We'll bring you up to speed at 7p ET with the latest...With the breaking news we may 
have to shift things around a bit but definitely count on Kerry and the latest from 
Fallujah...Plus, maybe a little somethin' somethin' on the Pennsylvania primary...

Hardball 7th Anniversary homepage (updated with Bandar video from last night...scroll 

Thursday we'll discuss Iraq with Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld...

Dominic Bellone wrote, compiled and edited The Hardball Briefing from Washington, DC

Fun Clinton News: Bill Clinton Memoir Set for June Publication...First Printing of 'My 
Life' To Be 1.5 Million Copies (The Washington Post) 
Curry: Cheney's day before Supreme Court...Sierra Club, Judicial Watch eye energy task 

President Bush's approval ratings have climbed during April despite growing 
instability in Iraq and the deadliest month for U.S. forces there since the invasion 
last year.(AP)

Democratic presidential candidate John Kerry told voters from Ohio's rust belt on 
Tuesday that President Bush's record on job creation should be described as mission 
not accomplished. (AP)

John Kerry, a decorated Navy veteran criticized by Republicans for his anti-war 
activities during the Vietnam era, lashed out at President Bush on for failing to 
prove whether he fulfilled his commitment to the National Guard during the same 
period. (AP)

The White House said Tuesday it expects that President Bush rather than Vice President 
Dick Cheney will handle most of the questions when they appear jointly Thursday before 
the commission investigating the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, 2001. (AP)

At the administration's request, Thursday's unprecedented questioning of a president 
and vice president at the White House will not be recorded and a transcript will not 
be made. (Reuters)

Congressional oversight of intelligence criticized...Reports on Iraqi arms, al Qaeda 
threat receive little attention (The 

Huge 7th Anniversary Show Tonight Folks

2004-04-28 Thread Hardball with Chris Matthews
The Hardball Briefing On MSNBC

Hardball's 7th Anniversary Special Tonight Airs at 7p, 11p  4a ET  4p, 8p  1a PT

On day 3 of the Hardball 7th Anniversary we bring you an episode so special our 
executive producer suggested we should consider wearing black tie to work today...Most 
of us passed but we're excited nonetheless...Tonight is definitely a Tivo This or 
for us Neanderthals, VCR This nights as we're going to bring you some big 7th 
Anniversary surprises!

Members of our staff have been working on something for Chris so super secret that 
even your Briefing editor has been kept largely in the dark...Tonight we'll reveal it 
to the world in what promises to be a primetime television moment of historic 
proportions...If you've even enjoyed one scintilla of a moment in the last seven years 
of Hardball (and I know you have or else you wouldn't be reading this), you'll not 
want to miss tonight's show...

Should you plan your dinner around it, pop the popcorn  break out the TV trays? Yes

Should you call your neighbors, friends and family about it? Yes

Should you take the phone off the hook during the show? Yes

Should you backstab your grandma over it? Probably not, but don't let her stop you 
from watching...

You'll dig it we promise...

Elsewhere in the show

We'll get the latest from Iraq (more intense fighting in Fallujah today) and then talk 
to Time magazine's Michael Weisskopf, who's recovering from the loss of an arm over in 
Iraq...A grenade was lobbed into his transport vehicle and it exploded as he was 
throwing it out...He saved lives in the process...Tonight we'll get his take on the 
continued violence in Iraq...

We'll also talk to Republican grand Pooh-Bah Ed Gillespie about the legacy of Vietnam 
in this campaign and why he thinks John Kerry is unfit to be the commander-in-chief of 
the war on terror...We'll wrap it up with political funny man Bill Maher tonight who 
is always a hoot!

Anniversary Backgrounders

MSNBC Release:

Things you always wanted, but didn't need to know, about Hardball

It's the seventh anniversary of MSNBC's Hardball, but the show's 
leap-out-of-the-chair host, Chris Matthews, seems uncharacteristically subdued and 
reflective. (NY Post)

Lighthearted Mortman offering...Brought to you exclusively by the Briefing: April 
brings out our foolishness...From D.C. to Hollywood, bank on the wacky

Exclusive interview with Donald Rumsfeld tomorrow folks!

Dominic Bellone wrote, compiled and edited The Briefing from Washington, DC

New Fallujah fighting, but no all-out offensive...U.S. general tells NBC that 
'political track' will get more time (MSNBC)

Fallujah Flier Puts Price On U.S. Military Officials...$15 Million Reward For Death Of 
Americans On Flier (Local 6 News, Orlando, FL) 

U.S. Forces Launch Aerial Assaults on Three Fronts...Fighter Jets Pound Fallujah in 
Response to Insurgent Attacks (The Washington Post)

Democrat John Kerry raised questions on Tuesday about President Bush's military record 
as the war of words over what the two presidential candidates did during the Vietnam 
era escalated. (Reuters)

..Kerry said Tuesday on MSNBC's Hardball that ''I have historically never begrudged 
the choices that people made'' during Vietnam. ''But if they're going to attack me . . 
. then I'm going to demand'' accountability from them. (USA Today)

The campaign questioned Mr. Bush's initial entry into the National Guard - How does 
he explain the fact that he jumped ahead of 150 applicants despite low pilot aptitude 
scores? - as well as how he spent his time. Why does the White House say Bush was on 
base when Bush's superiors had filed a report saying he was gone for a whole year? 
the campaign asked. (The Washington Times)

Curry: Why Vietnam remains a campaign issue...Kerry's foes try to erode the value of 
his big asset: combat service

More troops suffering severe head wounds...Injuries prove devastating for doctors, too 
(The Washington Post)

Kerry unveiling technology proposals...Last day of Rust Belt tour aims to show job 
potential (AP)

Kerry: Bush intentionally exaggerated case...'The president has made some colossal 
mistakes' (MSNBC)

A successful transition to sovereignty in Iraq might 

Exclusive Rumsfeld Interview Tonight

2004-04-29 Thread Hardball with Chris Matthews
The Hardball Briefing On MSNBC

Hardball airs tonight at 7p, 11p  4a ET  4p, 8p  1a PT

So was that a big show last night or what? Thank you, Thank you...We thought it was 
great too...But we're not resting on our laurels...Tonight we bring you an exclusive 
interview with Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld...Folks, you've been with us for a 
long time and you know where Chris is on this war...He's been there from day one (long 
before most had a clue that Iraq was even on the table)...He was skeptical of this war 
before being skeptical of this war was cool...Our staff has been in overdrive all 
morning pulling background material together for the interview, putting factoids and 
quotes on blue cards, etc...I'm not gonna give the game away on the interview because 
rarely do these things go as planned...I'll only repeat: you know where Chris has been 
on Iraq...

The Defense chief will be half the show and in the remainder we'll talk to NBC 
Pentagon guy Jim Miklaszewski (Folks at NBC just call him Mik for short) and a 
couple of reporter types for Rummy reax...

Two of the big stories today out of Washington: Bush/Cheney spent 3 hours this morning 
meeting with 9/11 Commission in the Oval Office..POTUS found the interview useful 
but cautioned that America is still vulnerable to attack by terrorists...From 
Iraq...What deal, if any, has been struck in Fallujah to stop the violence there? 
Marine Lt. Col. Brennan Byrne said in Fallujah that a deal was reached under which 
Marines would withdraw and a newly created Iraqi force led by a former general in 
Saddam Hussein's army would take over security in the city of 200,000. 

More from AP: The force...could even include gunmen who fought alongside the 
guerrillas against the Americans -- particularly criminals who signed on for money or 
ex-soldiers disgruntled over losing their jobs by the U.S. disbanding of the old Iraqi 
army, another Marine officer said on condition of anonymity. 

Tomorrow we're tentatively planning to run highlights from Rummy  Kerry for your 
benefit...I'll confirm that with you tomorrow though...

PS Chris will be on Imus at 8:29 am ET tomorrow, Friday 4/30...Btw if you can't find 
Imus on the radio, he's simulcast on MSNBC..

Dominic Bellone wrote, compiled and edited The Hardball Briefing from Washington, DC

We love ourselves section of the Briefing...

Hardball 7th Anniversary Party Page

de Moraes gives us a nice little shout out in her column today 

MSNBC actually beat one of its competitors in prime time this month. Hardball With 
Chris Matthews edged out CNN's Anderson Cooper 360 at 7 p.m., with 480,000 viewers 
and 461,000 viewers, respectively. Of course, both got whomped by Fox News Channel's 
Fox Report With Shepard Smith, which clocked far more viewers than the other two 
shows combined -- 1.5 million -- and also beat their combined ratings in the 
25-to-54-year-old demographic, the one that matters to news operations...Still, 
MSNBC's beating of CNN at 7 is pretty big stuff. Heck, MSNBC beating anybody is pretty 
big stuff. Especially when you consider that as recently as March, Cooper had a fairly 
comfortable lead over Matthews: 502,000 viewers to 436,000 viewers. MSNBC appointed 
Tammy Haddad executive producer of Matthews's show in January. Haddad was the longtime 
executive producer for CNN's Larry King Live and senior broadcast producer for NBC's 
Today. She also helped launch CBS's The Late, Late Show With Tom Snyder.

Cablenewser took note of our promotion last night in the Briefing

Do you want your very own Chris Matthews Bobblehead like the one Ron Reagan presented 
Chris last night and benefit a good cause?

Quote of the Day

...On your anniversary, I just -- I got some statistics.  In seven years, for you, 
Chris, 1,841 interrupted responses, 3,621 guest bullied into crying, and 2,974 
unfairly rephrased positions.  That`s quite a record, Chris.  Congratulations.  -Bill 

More from Maher

9/11 panel finishes Bush, Cheney session...3-hour private testimony was at the White 
House (AP)

President Bush emerged from more than three hours of closed-door talks with the 
commission investigating the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks and said he and Vice 
President Cheney had answered all the panel's questions in a session that he described 
as wide-ranging and cordial (The Washington Post)

Pentagon denies deal in Fallujah; 10 GIs die...Eight U.S. soldiers killed

The Hardball Briefing for May 5, 2004

2004-05-05 Thread Hardball with Chris Matthews
The Hardball Briefing On MSNBC

Hardball airs tonight on MSNBC at 7p, 11p, 4a ET  4p, 8p  1a PT

The White House is in full damage control mode as the controversy grows over the Iraqi 
torture pix...Today POTUS went on a couple of Arab networks to say the actions of U.S. 
personnel at the prisons is abhorrent and that this is a serious matter, a matter 
that reflects badly on our country. 

What did the president know, when did he know it and what did he do about it? seems 
to be the reigning theme of today's White House press conference...

We'll talk to a former Iraqi prisoner who was tortured by the U.S. and ask him about 
that experience...Then NBC's Ned Colt will give us a tour of the infamous Abu Ghraib 
prison and congressional reaction from a couple of members of Congress...

Then we'll talk to California First Lady Maria Shriver about her new kids book on 
Alzheimer's and political life in California...

Shuster reports from Cumberland, MD where a number of the accused U.S. soldiers were 
from...He gives us community reaction...

We've also got some new NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll numbers that are being 
released tonight...We'll have a journalist/political strategist type in the House 
slicin' and dicin' 'em...

An action packed show tonight folks, we hope you join us...

Last night newly installed CNN Hill correspondent Ed Henry got the Juleanna Glover 
Weiss treatment, or as Howard Mortman and I like to say he was feted, in honor of 
his new position...Henry was the long time Heard on the Hill columnist for Roll 
Call, a must-read in this town, until he was scooped up by the Atlanta based cable 
network...For those who don't know about Glover-Weiss, a former Cheney spokeswoman, 
she's been described as the Pamela Harriman for a generation of people who have never 
heard of Pamela Harriman according to Mortman, who was himself once feted by her back 
when he first ascended to the role as a Hardball producer... 

Food: Delicious Vietnamese spring roll things (of the Cafe Asia variety) with dipping 
sauce, sushi, sliced rare roast beef with Dijon mustard, a Lebanese fallafah/kibbeh 
type thing (of the Lebanese Taverna variety) which rocked and for dessert: 
profiteroles, fresh strawberries with cream and an assortment of cookies...A full 
spirits bar and wine of course.  Top shelf only for this glamorous crowd at the 
Embassy of Juleanna.

Personnel: Ed  Jennifer Henry, their kid Patrick, Mortman of course, Daschle staffer 
Todd Webster, Bill Press, Jim Glassman, fmr. MSNBC Strat Ops guru turned GOP pollster 
Alex Bratty, Frank Coleman of the Distilled Spirits Council served up bubbly 
conversation, Marc Thiessen, gifted speechwriter for Secretary Rumsfeld, Brody 
Mullins, rising star at Roll Call, Tim Burger, formerly of Roll Call now a rising star 
at Time mag, Danielle Jones, loyal Briefing reader and multi-decade Hotline editor, 
Eamon Javers, a G.E. colleague and investigative reporter for CNBC's Capitol Report, 
Anne Schroeder of the Washington Post, political Internet guru Jonah Seiger, stand-up 
comedian Grover Norquist, Mr. Bobblehead John Edgell, proud parent of children with 
last name Edgell, Vaughn Ververs of the Hotline, Beltway Boy Mort Kondracke, Kellyanne 
Conway/Fitzpatrick, Pete Snyder, your garden variety GOP strategist  Jake Tapper from 
ABC News...If I left your name out I'm sorry, I either forgot or didn't see you...

Congrats on your new gig Ed, just stay out of the 7 pm slot!

Dominic Bellone wrote, compiled and edited The Briefing from Washington, DC

POTUS Sked Tonight

7 p.m. President and Mrs. Bush depart The White House en route 
Marriott Wardman Park Hotel. 
   7:10 p.m. President and Mrs. Bush arrive Marriott Wardman Park 
   7:35 p.m. President and Mrs. Bush attend the Republican National 
Committee Gala. Marriott Wardman Park Hotel. 
   8:40 p.m. President and Mrs. Bush depart Marriott Wardman Park 
Hotel en route The White House. 
   8:50 p.m. President and Mrs. Bush arrive The White House. 

The Republican National Committee raised at least $38.5 million Wednesday at an annual 
gala featuring President Bush, beating a party record set when big corporate and union 
donations were still allowed. (AP)

Bush: Abuse of Iraqi prisoners is 'abhorrent'...In Arab TV interviews, he vows full 
investigation (MSNBC)

At the same time, Bush voiced full confidence in Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld. 
Of course I've got confidence in the secretary of defense, he told the U.S.-funded 
Arabic television network Alhurra (Reuters)

If it goes all the way to Rumsfeld, then he should resign, Biden told 

Sy Hersh Plays Hardball Tonight

2004-05-17 Thread Hardball with Chris Matthews
The Hardball Briefing On MSNBC

Hardball airs tonight on MSNBC at 7p, 11p  4a ET  4p, 8p  1a PT  Find MSNBC on your 

Tonight we lead with the most explosive piece of journalism coming out of Washington 
this week: Sy Hersh's New Yorker story which suggests that the roots of the scandal 
lay in a decision approved last year by Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld to expand a 
classified operation for aggressive interrogations to Iraqi prisoners, a program that 
had been focused on the hunt for al-Qaida terrorists.

Newsweek is also reporting that a memo from White House Counsel Alberto Gonzales to 
President Bush as far back at Jan. '02 said that the war on terror renders obsolete 
Geneva's strict limitations on questioning of enemy prisoners and renders quaint some 
of its provisions.

Secretary of State Colin Powell conceded yesterday that  there were high-level 
discussions within the Bush administration last fall about information from the 
International Committee of the Red Cross alleging inmate abuse at the U.S.-run Abu 
Ghraib prison in Iraq.

It's gettin' Stinky around here folks...

We've got Sy for two blocks after an as live from Bahgdad with Carl Rochelle

Sy Hersh piece

Newsweek piece

Powell Piece

We'll also talk to the father  lawyer for Spc. Javal Davis, one of those accused of 
abusive behavior at the prison...

We round out the show with the politics of Iraq, new polls and gay marriage with Tony 

Tony's latest: Don't Resign, Mr. Rumsfeld

Briefing subscriber and Communications Director for Hobart  William Smith Colleges 
Susan Hubard checks in with a dispatch from Chris' commencement address yesterday in 
Geneva, NYAs Mark Gearan stated in his Valedictory address, Do you realize how 
long I have waited to have the last word on Chris Matthews? Can you imagine the joy I 
have in knowing that Chris just has to sit there while I have the last word? Brought 
a big laugh from Chris and applause from the assembled crowd.  The students really 
enjoyed Chris' speech - they were very responsive to him - I believe all beach-ball 
tossing halted while he was delivering his five bits of advice! It was a gorgeous 
day and a great event. Speech verbate

From the Briefing Mailbag

I went up to L.A. today and did the commercial for MSNBC.  It was fun.  I put in a 
plug for The Briefing.  Hope I don't end up on the cutting room floor.  Keep your 
fingers crossed.

Nancy from Laguna Beach, CA

That's great Nancy!  We hope you make it to air too.  Thanks for reading and watching! 

Fun Quote of the Day 

The chattering class has talked about the possibility of me becoming secretary of 
state, Biden told the National Association of Police Organizations on Wednesday. 
That's something I would consider doing. But I would not consider being vice 
president. That's as honest as I can be about that.  (Delaware News Journal)

Hmmm...The Briefing wonders just who are these members of the 'chattering class' that 
Biden refers to?

Dominic Bellone wrote compiled and edited The Hardball Briefing from Washington, DC

Iraq Council leader killed...The head of Iraqi Governing Council was killed Monday in 
a car bombing near a U.S. checkpoint in central Baghdad, an Iraqi official said.

A roadside bomb containing sarin nerve agent exploded near a U.S. military convoy, the 
U.S. military said Monday. Two people were treated for minor exposure, but no 
serious injuries were reported. (AP)

Abuse inquiry shifts focus...The focus of the Iraq prisoner abuse scandal shifted 
Sunday with a report in Newsweek magazine on whether the Bush administration 
established a legal basis that opened the door for the mistreatment.

Powell: Pre-war intel on Iraq labs was 'inaccurate'...Some information said 
'deliberately' misleading

Gay marriages begin in Mass...Same-sex couples will legally exchange vows Monday when 
Massachusetts becomes the first U.S. state to allow gay marriage, an election-year 
milestone likely to fuel legal and political battles nationwide.

Bush, Kerry head to Topeka...President Bush and rival John Kerry are marking 50 years 
of school integration at the symbolic home of the movement, celebrating at separate 
events what became a 

The Hardball Briefing for May 18, 2004

2004-05-18 Thread Hardball with Chris Matthews
The Hardball Briefing On MSNBC

Hardball airs tonight on MSNBC at 7p, 11p  4a ET  4p, 8p  1a PT  Find MSNBC on your 

Another action packed edition of Hardball with Chris Matthews tonight folks as we open 
up the show with a couple of Members of Congress who met with Maj. Gen. Antonio Taguba 
today to discuss the investigation into the prison abuse scandal...He held a closed 
door meeting with the House Armed Services Committee...The House also got a look at 
more of the classified prison abuse photos...

Then we talk to Newsweek magazine's Mike Isikoff  C. Boyden Gray...Isikoff and 
Newsweek reported on a memo written by White House counsel Alberto Gonzales in Jan. 
'02 urging President Bush to exempt Al-Qaeda and Taliban detainees from the Geneva 
Convention...He'll give us the scoop and Boyden will give us his take on the issue as 
he was White House counsel to Bush '41...

For a special treat we've sent some of our top producers to Cumberland Maryland, 
including David Shuster, to check up once again on the family, friends and community 
of the accused 372nd Military Police unit...We've got a bunch of those folks lined up 
for the back half of show...Plus, tonight Cumberland is hold a candlelight vigil for 
the accused...Shuster will bring us the details...

Pls join us...

Dominic Bellone wrote, compiled and edited The Briefing from Washington, DC

U.S. forces beat three Iraqis working for Reuters and subjected them to sexual and 
religious taunts and humiliation during their detention last January in a military 
camp near Falluja, the three said Tuesday. (Reuters);jsessionid=KYHRX5HWDOSG4CRBAELCFEY?type=topNewsstoryID=5182492

Isikoff: Memos Reveal War Crimes Warnings...Could Bush administration officials be 
prosecuted for 'war crimes' as a result of new measures used in the war on terror? The 
White House's top lawyer thought so

Taguba Report

The Pentagon plans to stop funding Ahmad Chalabi, the Iraqi exile it once hoped might 
help lead Iraq but whose intelligence reports and motives were doubted elsewhere in 
Washington, U.S. officials said on Tuesday. (Reuters);jsessionid=POMUZSXAZSD2ACRBAELCFEY?type=topNewsstoryID=5180700

Four people have been arrested over the beheading of US businessman Nicholas Berg, 
whose killing was shown earlier this month in a video on an Al-Qaeda linked website, a 
senior Iraqi source said. (AFP)

Bremer: Handover still on track...The U.S. governor of Iraq said Tuesday that the 
handover of power to Iraqis must go ahead as scheduled despite the killing of the head 
of the U.S.-appointed Iraqi Governing Council.

Pessimism grows about Iraq's future...Is the country unmanageable? (The Washington 

9/11 probe focuses on New York...The 9/11 commission is expected to describe serious 
miscommunication between the New York police and fire departments during two days of 
hearings in Manhattan.

The Bush-Cheney campaign has produced more negative TV ads than the campaign of Sen. 
John Kerry and is devoting more of its budget to airing them than Kerry is committing 
to his negative ads, a USA TODAY analysis shows.

With the retail price of gasoline topping $2 a gallon for the first time, Democratic 
White House hopeful John Kerry on Tuesday chided President Bush for failing to offer 
hard-hit consumers any help. (AP)|top|05-18-2004::07:06|reutershtml

Democrat John Kerry is turning his attention to bedrock economic issues after getting 
a rousing boost from former rival Howard Dean. (AP)

Bush camp wary on approval...The chief strategist for President Bush's re-election 
campaign yesterday said that if the president's declining approval ratings, which are 
already at record lows, slip an additional seven percentage points, it will be very 
difficult to win. (The Washington Times)

Voting with their checkbooks, college professors are breaking overwhelmingly for 
Senator John F. Kerry over President Bush, with the Democratic challenger raising 
nearly three times as much in campaign contributions from college campuses. The 
fund-raising trend contrasts sharply with the 2000 presidential race, when Bush raised 
slightly more money from academia

Lawyers For The Accused Plus Son of Big Russ

2004-05-19 Thread Hardball with Chris Matthews
The Hardball Briefing On MSNBC

Hardball airs tonight on MSNBC at 7p, 11p  4a ET  4p, 8p  1a PT  Find MSNBC on your 

Today was the first court martial and sentencing in regards to the Abu Ghraib 
controversy...Spc. Jeremy Sivits got the maximum penalty under law, one year in prison 
for 3 counts of abusing prisoners...Three others are being arraigned today as 
well...Campbell Brown brings us the latest from Baghdad...Plus the lawyer (Guy Womack) 
for one of those accused, Spec. Charles Graner, Jr., and Neal Puckett, the attorney 
for US Brigadier General Janis Karpinski who once ran Abu Ghraib, will be here to help 
get to the bottom of this...

We'll also talk to Big Jim Thompson, fmr. governor of Illinois and current member of 
the 9/11 Commission about today's hearing in NYC with Guiliani, Ridge  Bloomberg 
about the city's response to the terrorist attack...

Then we wrap it up with the son of Big Russ and moderator of Meet the Press, Tim 
Russert, on his new book about his dad, Big RussWe're also pre-taping a few 
segment with Tim that will air tomorrow...It's a great must see segment where two 
political media heavyweights discuss their upbringing...

Hobart  William Smith Colleges speech update: Chris Matthews Offers Five Bits of 
Advice to Graduates...Plus HWSC Communications Director Susan Murad promises to give 
us a heads up when the speech airs on C-Span

More Matthews News: The King and We: Henry V's War Cabinet...Mock Debate at 
Shakespeare Theatre Has Familiar Ring (The Washington Post)

Fresh Mortman Content: The sorry state of our leaders, celebs...National apologies are 
just another cost of doing business

Dominic Bellone wrote, compiled and edited The Hardball Briefing from Washington, DC

U.S. attack said to kill scores at Iraq wedding...Celebrants reportedly were firing 
weapons into the air (AP)

The situation in Iraq could become more violent after the June 30 handover leading up 
to elections, which could require the deployment of more U.S. forces, the head of U.S. 
Central Command said on Wednesday. (Reuters)|top|05-19-2004::12:46|reutershtml

Soldier receives maximum sentence for Iraq prison abuse...Sivits jailed for 1 year, 
reduced in rank, discharged for bad conduct (AP)

Commanders face scrutiny in Iraq prison abuse...Top generals vow investigation will 
follow command chain (MSNBC)

Report: U.S. tried to curb Red Cross inspections...Examinations impeded after early 
report on prisoner abuse (Reuters)

Two defendants accused of violence as civilians...Arraignments set in Abu Ghraib abuse 
case (The Washington Post)

No exit timeline for U.S. troops in Iraq...Wolfowitz says military underestimated 
Saddam (AP)

U.S. troop levels for '05 unknown...Deputy Defense Secretary Paul Wolfowitz told 
Congress yesterday the Pentagon does not know how many U.S. troops will be in Iraq a 
year from now. (The Washington Times)

House leader scorns hearings...The House Armed Services Committee chairman yesterday 
said the ongoing Senate hearings into prisoner abuse in Iraq are hurting the U.S. 
military's ability to wage the war. (The Washington Times) 

2 GOP Chairmen at Odds Over Hill Abuse Hearings...Rep. Hunter Worried About Absences 
From Iraq (The Washington Post)

Room for compromise on Rice?...The Sept. 11 commission meets Tuesday for the first 
time since it heard dramatically conflicting testimony about the Bush administration's 
stand on terrorism with the question of national security adviser Condoleezza Rice's 
testimony still unresolved.

Al-Qaida linked group says it killed Saleem...Statement on Internet is second claim of 
responsibility (AP)

Kerry, Nader to meet Wednesday...Presidential candidates to discuss 'certain common 
policies' (AP)

Fineman: How 1,300 jobs could cost Bush his own...In Midwest manufacturing towns, 
electoral math is Stark

Democrats led by presidential candidate John Kerry faulted President Bush on Tuesday 
for failing to tamp down gas prices as the political party out of power sought a 

POTUS Speaks...Hardball Springs Into Action

2004-05-24 Thread Hardball with Chris Matthews
The Hardball Briefing On MSNBC

We're all over the place tonight folks...Live from 7-9 pm ET/4-6 pm PT with pre  post 
Bush speech slicin'  dicin'...Plus we'll update the 11 pm ET show with more post 
speech reax...

POTUS (President of the United States) is expected to speak roughly 35 minutes 
beginning at 8 pm ET...We're told that the President will give remarks, not a speech 
or address...We take it live of course and then get reax from Sen. Joe Biden 
(D-DE)...But that's not all...We begin our 7 pm ET show with Dana Priest and Robin 
Wright from the Washington Post  NBC News' Andrea Mitchell  Mik from the 
Pentagon...Our panel of experts will take you behind the scenes into America's secret 
war in Iraq  Afghanistan...We'll examine the role of the CIA, the roots of tough 
interrogation methods  a brief history of the Geneva Conventions...It's a 
Hardball/Washington Post exclusive report... 

Howard  Joe Scarborough will do some pre-remarks analysis in the back half of the 7 
pm ET show which will take us right up to the speech itself...

Yes folks, break out the TV trays, pop the popcorn and order up the carry out...It's a 
big cable news night tonight!

PS Let us know how we're doing...Hit reply and send us your thoughts...Pls keep them 
concise...Thank you.

Dominic Bellone wrote, compiled and edited The Hardball Briefing from Washington, DC

Bush to lay out Iraq details...With support for his Iraq policies at an all-time low, 
President Bush will deliver a prime-time speech Monday seeking to assure the public he 
has a strategy for handing over power to Iraqis on June 30.

Monday night's speech at the Army War College in Carlisle, Pennsylvania, marks the 
start of a public relations campaign designed to shore up Bush's standing and draw the 
public's attention from bloodshed to the transition. (Reuters)

4 killed in Baghdad explosion...A rocket-propelled grenade destroyed an armor-plated  
civilian car Monday near an entrance to the headquarters of the U.S.-led coalition, 
killing two British citizens and seriously injuring one other person, authorities said.

U.S., Britain present U.N. resolution on Iraq...Draft gives details on plan for new 
interim government on June 30 (AP)

Retired General Assails Planning for Iraq War...Zinni Warns Against Staying the Course 
(The Washington Post)

Btw, We've got Zinni on the show tomorrow night!!

The Rise and Fall of Chalabi: Bush's Mr. Wrong...Ahmad Chalabi may go down as one of 
the great con men of history. But his powerful American friends are on the defensive 
now, and Chalabi himself is under attack. (Newsweek)

Chalabi denies passing on sensitive U.S. info...One-time favorite Iraqi exile of 
Pentagon says he's being smeared (Reuters)

U.S. denies Sanchez witnessed prison abuse...Washington Post: Top U.S. commander knew 
about interrogation methods (AP)

Navy investigator targets Guantanamo Bay...Abuse may have spread to Abu Ghraib, whose 
chief is suspended (MSNBC)

A videotape obtained Sunday by Associated Press Television News captures a wedding 
party that survivors say was later attacked by U.S. planes early Wednesday, killing up 
to 45 people.

The Ultimate Insider...Richard N. Perle's Many Business Ventures Followed His Years as 
a Defense Official (The Washington Post)

Perle ties

Networks won't air Bush's primetime speech...Address on future of Iraq will be aired 
on MSNBC-TV (Hollywood Reporter)

President Bush's national security team, which has stayed remarkably intact despite 
missteps in Iraq and his slumping approval ratings, is likely to undergo a major 
facelift if Bush wins a second term. Maybe even before.  (AP)

Independent presidential candidate Ralph Nader said he had advised John Kerry to 
choose North Carolina Sen. John Edwards or Missouri Rep. Dick Gephardt as his running 
mate on the Democratic ticket. (AP)

Democrat John Kerry joked about President Bush's weekend bicycle accident by comparing 
the president to a child, Internet newshound Matt Drudge reported 

Ret. Gen. Anthony Zinni Plays Hardball Tonight

2004-05-25 Thread Hardball with Chris Matthews
The Hardball Briefing On MSNBC

Hardball airs tonight on MSNBC at 7p, 11p  4a ET  4p, 8p  1a PT  Find MSNBC on your 

No doubt you've heard some of the buzz surrounding ret. Marine General Anthony Zinni's 
(fmr. head of U.S. Central Command) interview on 60 Minutes and his slamming of the 
neocons in the administration who pushed Iraq...You think we'd miss an opportunity to 
interview him?  Heck, that's like waiving candy in front of a child!  We're all over 
it tonight...In fact Zinni is half the show...

Zinni Backgrounder: Retired Marine General Anthony Zinni, former chief of U.S. Central 
Command, accused senior Pentagon officials of failure in executing the Iraq war and 
told CBS' 60 Minutes on Sunday they should resign. (Reuters)

Gen. Zinni: 'They've Screwed Up'

Then we throw it over to Shuster for a live report on a big Colin Powell speech from 
the Ben Franklin room at State where he is expected to reiterate the President's 
message from last night on Iraq...

Later we turn to domestic politics with another blockbuster Shuster package on the 
President's latest poll numbers and the spate of new ads hitting the airwaves...And 
he's got some doozies! The package moves us effortlessly to BC04 spokesman Terry Holt 
 Kerry campaign spokesman Tad Devine who'll duke it out over Iraq, the polls, the ads 
and other fun topics of interest...

Don't miss it! Compton and Long Beach yeah you know you in trouble!

Cablenewswer guy gives our graphics and coverage last night a nice little shout out! 
Hardball Teams Up With Posties...The lower-thirds had The Washington Post logo smack 
dab next to Hardball's. The show exclusively played an audio tape the Post obtained of 
a military hearing. Chris said the newspaper would have more details tomorrow, and 
urged viewers to log onto the web site for more photos and documents. The graphic 
on-screen had the Post URL. WP's Dana Priest narrated a package about historical 
interrogation tactics. (It's about time that MSNBC/WP/Newsweek collaboration was 
evident on TV!)

Dominic Bellone wrote, compiled and edited The Hardball Briefing from Washington, DC

NBC: Iraq general to be replaced...Defense officials told NBC News the Defense 
Department will replace Army Lt. Gen. Ricardo S. Sanchez as the top U.S. military 
officer in Iraq at the end of next month, stressing that the Iraqi prisoner abuse 
scandal was not a factor in the deliberations.

U.S. transfer plan falls short, Iraqi council chief says...Sovereignty, oil among 
issues before U.N. Security Council (MSNBC)

Draft UN resolution on Iraq

Bush sets five-step Iraq plan...President Bush, seeking to convince skeptical 
Americans that he has a plan to bring stability to Iraq, outlined a five-step program 
calculated to articulate his objective of a sovereign Iraqi government.

Post Analysis: Rallying speech doesn't answer key questions...White House repackages 
stalled U.S. policy

Shales: TV Viewers Offered Choice: 'Fear Factor' or Bush

Poll shows new low on approval on Iraq...Support on nearly every aspect of the Iraq 
conflict has declined (The Washington Post)

Michael Moran: Media takes heat from administration over Iraq...When the going gets 
tough, the messenger gets shot

Report: Al-Qaida has 18,000 ready to strike...Think tank says network boosted by U.S. 
conflict in Iraq (AP)

Gertz: The Pentagon is investigating reports that Iraqi weapons are being sent 
covertly to Syria and that they are fueling anti-U.S. insurgents training there, The 
Washington Times has learned.

Howard: The Political Fallout: Bush's New War Plan...As Bush's job-approval numbers 
hit a new low, he's turning to his wife to help him make the case for his re-election

A hooded Statue of Liberty, meant to remind viewers of Iraqis abused by American 
soldiers at Abu Ghraib prison in Iraq, dominates a TV ad that an anti-Bush 
organization will begin airing nationally next week (USA Today)

Kerry hints at link between oil, Iraq war...Democratic presidential candidate Sen. 
John Kerry 

Kerry Camp Reponds to Hardball, Plus Karpinski Terror Threat

2004-05-26 Thread Hardball with Chris Matthews
The Hardball Briefing On MSNBC

Hardball airs tonight on MSNBC at 7p, 11p  4a ET  4p, 8p  1a PT  Find MSNBC on your 

Tonight the Hardball juggernaut rolls on several fronts...We'll lead with the 
troubling new FBI terror threat alert and get reaction and analysis from former CIA 
spook Bob Baer (author of See No Evil and Sleeping with the Devil)...The dude 
knows his stuff...

Al-Qaida wants to 'hit the United States hard'...Ashcroft says terrorists '70 percent' 
complete in planning for strike

Then we move on to the prison abuse scandal with the fmr. head of Abu Ghraib prison, 
Brig. Gen. Janis L. Karpinski, and get a sense of where this story and her involvement 
in it is headedChris will ask her specifically about civilian pressure from the 
Pentagon on the need for more intell on the ground in Iraq...

Finally then we move on to my favorite part of the show: Shuster's package on the Gore 
speech (Drudge's headline is Gore Unhinged) and the latest Zogby battleground states 
pollWe open that up to Briefing Subscriber John Fund, a man whose reportage and 
political analysis is well known to you readers in our opinion/editorial section, 
and Steve McMahon, Dem strategist and fmr. Dean guy...

Al Gore issued a fiery denunciation Wednesday of Bush administration policy in Iraq 
and demanded the resignation of Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld, CIA director George 
Tenet and national security adviser Condoleezza Rice. (AP)

And the Kerry campaign issued a press release today slamming BC04 spokesman Terry Holt 
for something he said on Hardball last night...We'll role the clip and show you 
Kerry's response...

Tomorrow Night: Two of politics biggest names: Bob Dole  Wesley Clark...

And dig this little sugar plum: By a 50 - 39 percent margin, voters would rather have 
a backyard barbecue with Bush (Quinnipiac Poll)

From the You just never know what those rascally Briefing subscribers are up to File

Briefing subscriber  friend Robert Cox gets a nice little plug from the Annenberg's 
Online Journalism Review

Speaking of Robert Cox, he broke the following story of an indecent proposal to 
another Hardball Briefing subscriber, Ana Marie Cox (no relation) as reported by Page 
Six today

Ana has not issued any official statement on the matter as of yet...

Dominic Bellone wrote, compiled and edited The Briefing from Washington, DC

Kerry rips 'photo op' homeland security...Dem says Bush should do more than issue 
warnings (AP)

WP: Scientist likely to be Iraqi PMHussain Shahristani, a scientist who spent 
years in Abu Ghraib prison for not participating in Saddam Hussein's nuclear program, 
is the leading candidate to become prime minister in Iraq's new government, the 
Washington Post reports.

General is said to have urged use of dogs...Idea came from former Guantanamo Bay 
commander, officer says (The Washington Post)

Key lieutenant to Shiite cleric captured...2 Russian technicians die in ambush; 
clashes kill 24 in Najaf (AP)

Democratic presidential candidate John Kerry, visiting a swing state with rising 
prices at the gasoline pump, is blaming President Bush's foreign policy for high 
energy prices he says endanger national security. (AP)

Locked in a tight race with John Kerry in Ohio, President Bush on Tuesday promoted his 
administration's record on health care for the low-income and uninsured in a 
Democratic stronghold. (AP)

John Kerry is expected to decide this week whether he will delay accepting the 
Democratic presidential nomination, his timetable moved up under pressure from party 
officials. (AP)

Both parties aim ads at Hispanics (MSNBC)

N.Y. Times lists problems in war coverage...U.S. newspaper says Iraq reporting was not 
rigorous enough (NY Times)

Kurtz: More than a year after Judith Miller and some Times colleagues reported on 
evidence suggesting that Iraq was hiding such weapons, the paper said in an editors' 
note: Editors at several levels who should have been challenging reporters and 
pressing for more skepticism were perhaps too intent on rushing scoops into the 

Correction: The New York Times on Iraq coverage 

Dole, Clark and Pat Tonight On Hardball

2004-05-27 Thread Hardball with Chris Matthews
The Hardball Briefing On MSNBC

Hardball airs tonight on MSNBC at 7p, 11p  4a ET  4p, 8p  1a PT  Find MSNBC on your 

Tonight we got two political heavyweights: Kerry spokesman Wesley Clark and former 
Republican Senate leader Bob Dole...We'll do Iraq and the race for the White House 
with these guys of course...

We'll then round out the show with an old fashioned political buzz type segment with 
Pat and Dem strategist Tony Coehlo...We're gonna zero in, along with Shuster's 
package, on the difference between Bush  Kerry's position on Iraq...We're trying to 
figure it out...We watched Kerry's big foreign policy speech in Seattle today and were 
none the wiser...

Pls join our show in the quest for the Truth...

Terry Holt stands by comments made on Hardball: How is pointing out that John Kerry 
took a camera to Vietnam questioning John Kerry's patriotism? said Mr. Holt in an 
interview yesterday. To point out he took a camera to Vietnam and took some good 
pictures is a simple statement of fact, and I thought he was proud of those photos - 
they appear in every one of his political ads.

Dominic Bellone wrote, compiled and edited The Hardball Briefing from Washington, DC

I'm not really feeling the love from the links today but here you go...

U.S. halts offensive operations in Najaf...Governing Council pushes peace agreement 
between U.S., militia (MSNBC)

President Bush will try to solidify his support in a Southern state where his 
Democratic rival is showing strength with a visit and a discussion of his ideas for 
high-tech innovation in the health care field. (AP)

Democratic presidential candidate John Kerry says the United States must be strong 
without being stubborn to defeat the terrorist threat. And he charged that President 
Bush has undermined American leadership by turning to force before he exhausted 
diplomacy in Iraq. (AP)

John Kerry has erased President Bush's lead in the swing state of Pennsylvania, 
according to a poll that found growing opposition to the war in Iraq. (AP)

Bowing to pressure, John Kerry decided Wednesday to accept the nomination at the 
Democratic presidential convention in July, scuttling a plan to delay the formality so 
he could narrow President Bush's public money advantage. (AP)

Fineman: Kerry puts Edwards through veep paces...N.C. senator gets the closest look

Sammon: Bush campaign takes aim at Kerry...President Bush's political strategists have 
concluded that the way to battle back from record low job-approval ratings and months 
of bad news from Iraq is to talk about Democratic presidential candidate Sen. John 

High security planned for Mall...WWII Memorial events under no specific threat, 
officials say (The Washington Post) 

'N.Y. Times' criticized for quiet mea culpa...For the second time in a year, the 
nation's so-called paper of record, The New York Times, has admitted that the record 
was flawed. (USA Today)

In a capital full of monuments, Senate Republicans have added another: a wall at their 
fund-raising headquarters with the names of thousands of donors of $300 or more. (AP)

U.S. indicts U.K. cleric on 11 terrorism charges...Al-Masri allegedly sought to set up 
terror training camp in Oregon (MSNBC)

Former Gov. Don Siegelman and two others were indicted in a bid-rigging scheme 
involving a maternity-care program, federal prosecutors announced Thursday. (AP)

Survey finds Porsche owners have most affairs...Almost 50 percent said to cheat on 
their partners (Reuters)


The Washington Times: Kerry's double standard...With his decision yesterday to accept 
the Democratic presidential nomination at the July convention after all, John Kerry 
got himself out of an embarrassing predicament. Still, he seems to believe that the 
rules that apply to other people should not apply to him.

Will: Politics and Prose in Iraq


This email is 

President Bush Delivers Major Iraq, WOT Freedom Speech

2004-06-02 Thread Hardball with Chris Matthews
The Hardball Briefing On MSNBC

Hardball airs tonight on MSNBC at 7p, 11p  4a ET  4p, 8p  1a PT  Find MSNBC on your 

We're 28 days away from the June 30th handover of power in Iraq and us New World 
Order observers are anxiously waiting to see how it's all gonna shake out...It's one 
of the big questions we're examining tonight...Plus President Bush is giving a big 
speech on the war on terrorism, Iraq and freedom at the U.S. Air Force Academy in 
Colorado Springs, CO...I've got a couple of backgrounder pieces below...Bush is 
expected to compare the war on terror and the spreading of Democracy in the Middle 
East to WWIIPlus, more from Chalabi files (aka Our Man in Baghdad) Friend or Foe? 
(Watch for Chris to be fired up on this as he was last night)

We bring out the big guns of NBC News  The Washington Post to bring you the major 
headlines from the speech, some hot sots (sound on tape) and the best Beltway 
analysis anywhere on primetime cable TV...Gregory from The White House, Engel from 
Baghdad, Dana Priest  Robin Wright (our two Wash Post foreign policy/intelligence hot 
shots) from the DC set...Dana tracked a package this morning at our studio on troop 
levels in Iraq which should provide a nice little editorial morsel to nosh on ...

Thomas Friedman stops by to promote his latest documentary on outsourcing jobs to 
India and Shuster rounds out the show with the latest from the presidential campaign 
trail and promises Briefing readers that they won't want to miss the video he's 
using in his package tonight...

Must Read Matthews News:

Gail Shister: Matthews' 'Hardball' on MSNBC strikes out CNN rival

And yes folks, the rumors are true...We did have a little party across the street at 
the Holiday Inn rooftop near the pool to celebrate our second consecutive month 
beating CNN at 7 pm ET in household ratings...Our interns made a homemade banner 
proclaiming Hardball Beats CNN and hung it on the rooftop fence for the world to 
see...We wore cool T-shirts that said Hardball Beats CNN and ate a cake that said, 
what else? Hardball Beats CNN...Chris wore some sporty sunglasses and waxed 
philosophical on the show and its future...We've got pics floating around somewhere..

Snacks consisted of fried something or another (some said it was mushrooms but I 
tasted something fruity, very yummy nonetheless), chicken tenders, meatballs in a 
marinara sauce, cold vegetable platter, a cheese platter, a bowl full of punch and a 
plate of cookies...

More on our victory: Ratings momentum for 'Hardball'...Hardball draws more viewers 
Than Anderson Cooper 360 for the second consecutive month

As promised, from Hardball Briefing subscriber and Hobart and William Smith Colleges 
communications chief Susan Murad

All, - fyi...Commencement address to be aired on C-SPAN 1. The address by Hobart and 
William Smith Commencement speaker Chris Matthews of MSNBC's Hardball will air on 
C-SPAN 1 at 8 p.m. eastern time on Saturday, June 12. (Rochester Cable channel 44).  
As Dominic would say, Bring out the T.V. trays and pop the popcorn - it's must-see 
T.V.! Susan

No, I didn't add that last line...That was all Susan...Thanks for the heads up...

Meet Cable News' youngest watchdog...Brian Stelter's Got it Goin' On: Writing beyond 
his years...Media critic, 18, praised by industry,0,1599715,print.column?coll=bal-artslife-tv

Dominic Bellone wrote, compiled and edited The Hardball Briefing from Washington, DC

Top this Craig Crawford! Zinni for vice president? Some Washington insiders applaud 
idea of Kerry picking retired Marine general (Curry)

Wanna See Briefing subscriber/Sr. Political Analyst for UPI Peter Roff on 
C-Span...Click here and scroll down for his name,ArchiveDays=100Page=2

Bush to cite WWII in speech on Iraq, rest of Mideast...Air Force address comes after 
president endorses surprise Iraqi government (MSNBC) 

He'll say we're fighting the broader war on terror throughout the world, but much 
like in World War II, when Europe became the critical front in that war, the greater 
Middle East is the critical front in the war on terror, (Reuters)

The Army will prevent soldiers in units set to deploy to Iraq and Afghanistan from 
leaving the service at the end of their terms, a top general said Wednesday.  (AP)

Iraqis urged to accept government...A special U.N. envoy urged Iraqis on Wednesday to 
accept the new interim

Hardball's The Place To Be For Tenet Resignation Reax

2004-06-03 Thread Hardball with Chris Matthews
The Hardball Briefing On MSNBC
Hardball airs tonight on MSNBC at 7p, 11p  4a ET  4p, 8p  1a PT  Find MSNBC on your 

There's only one big story tonight folks and if I even have to remind you that this is 
a break out the popcorn, must see TV kind of night you need to hang up your cable 
news cleats and hit the showers...To paraphrase Tenet to Bush on Iraq's WMD war 
rationale, It's a slam dunk...

We lead the show with Graham to the second power (or Graham squared, if you 
will)...Bob  Lindsey...One Democrat, the other Republican...One from Florida, the 
other from South Carolina...We may even throw in some of the Rice on the Hill meeting 
behind closed doors on Chalabi and the President retaining a lawyer thing as well...

Chalabi's out today slamming Tenet, accusing him of being behind the espionage charges 
against Our Man in Baghdad...

Shuster check's in the C or 3rd block of the show with a package on Tenet and the 
circumstances surrounding his departure...I've taken an advance sneak peak look at 
David's script and he goes into the resignation with a keen eye towards the neocon v. 
moderates civil war in this administration..

In the D block we talk to former Clinton CIA Chief James Woolsey...Expect Chris to be 
on fire against one of Washington's top neocons...

Later in the show we get political fallout from home and abroad from Newsweek's Lally 
Weymouth and Howard Fineman...I hear Howard's gonna deliver the inside scoop on the 
resignation...He always does...

From the Briefing Fun File..

Photo of our Hardball Beats CNN banner posted on Wonkette

Cablenewser has the T-Shirt photos

Dominic Bellone wrote, compiled and edited The Briefing from Washington, DC

Tenet resigning as director of CIA...President says intelligence chief has done 
'superb' job (MSNBC)

Tenet, 51, has come under fire in recent months for having assured Bush before last 
year's invasion of Iraq that Iraqi president Saddam Hussein harbored weapons of mass 
destruction, a key justification for the decision to go to war. (The Washington Post)

Bush consults private attorney...President Bush has consulted a private attorney in 
case he is interviewed or forced to testify about who may have leaked the name of a 
covert CIA operative to the media last summer, the White House said Wednesday.

It speaks for itself that the president initially claimed he wanted to get to the 
bottom of this, but now he's suddenly retained a lawyer, said Jano Cabrera, spokesman 
for the Democratic National Committee. Bush shouldn't drag the country through grand 
juries and legal maneuvering. President Bush should come forward with what he knows 
and come clean with the American people. (AP)

Iraqi politician Ahmad Chalabi accused CIA director George Tenet on Thursday of being 
responsible for allegations that the former exile leader passed intelligence 
information to Iran. (AP)

Army delays soldiers' retirements...The Army will prevent soldiers in units set to 
deploy to Iraq and Afghanistan from leaving the service at the end of their terms, a 
top general said Wednesday.

Al-Sistani OKs government...Iraq's most influential Shiite cleric gave his tacit 
endorsement to the new interim government Thursday, and urged it to lobby the U.N. 
Security Council for full sovereignty to erase all traces of the American-run 

Iraq's new interim government will have no veto over future military operations by 
American-led forces after the U.S.-British occupation formally ends on June 30, 
Secretary of State Colin Powell said.  (Reuters);jsessionid=BTJFKIDSIMPTUCRBAE0CFFA?type=topNewsstoryID=5332123

Kevin Sites: A grunt's eye view of war...Tedium and tension for U.S. unit dug in 
around Karbala

Iraqis see unkept promises in occupation...In Baqubah, residents chafe at rebuilding 
delays (The Washington Post)

National security adviser Condoleezza Rice yesterday promised Congress a full 
investigation into allegations that an Iraqi politician supported by the Pentagon told 
Iran the United States had broken the code it used for secret communications, and U.S. 
officials said the revelation destroyed an important source of intelligence. (The 
Washington Post) 

D-Day Commemoration Plus Ben-Veniste Jesse

2004-06-04 Thread Hardball with Chris Matthews
The Hardball Briefing On MSNBC
Hardball airs tonight on MSNBC at 7p, 11p  4a ET  4p, 8p  1a PT  Find MSNBC on your 

If you've been living under rock and don't know this Sunday is the 60th anniversary of 
D-Day let us clue you in...MSNBC commemorates the occasion with special programming 
all weekend...We're calling it an MSNBC Living History Event...Turn on your TV and 
be a part of it...

For our part, we're doing a special D-Day centric Hardball on Sunday June 6th 6-8 pm 
ET, 3-5 pm PT

Here's a little somethin' somethin' our dot-com wizards in Secaucus whipped up for you 
in honor of the occasion

Your television schedule for this weekend...MSNBC takes you to the beaches of Normandy 
for unparalleled coverage of the 60th anniversary of the D-Day landings. Storm 
Hitler's Fortress Europe with Allied troops. Hear tales of battle from those who were 
there. An MSNBC living history event, live this weekend. Click here to learn more 
about our programming all-weekend long:

We offer an editorial aperitif (i just love throwing that word around) this evening 
with several special interviews: Teddy Roosevelt IV, whose grandfather participated in 
the landing at Normandy (yes, his great grandfather was the president)...We also talk 
to the grandson and biographer of Ike, David Eisenhower...Plus, a D-Day veteran from 
the WWII museum in New Orleans...

We lead however with Richard Ben-Veniste, Washington uber-lawyer  9/11 Commission 
panel member, on Tenet's resignation...We'll also talk to Rev. Jesse Jackson and get 
his take on the race for the White House...

Shuster's package last night on Tenet: Controversies around Tenet have been building 
for years...In the end, nobody in the administration asked Tenet to reconsider

Fresh Mortman Content: Gas-hog boat doesn't fit Kerry's image

Dominic Bellone wrote, compiled and edited The Hardball Briefing from Washington, DC

In other news...

Bush meets with pope, Berlusconi...President Bush met Pope John Paul in Vatican City 
on Friday, the first meeting of his visit to Italy that also includes a meeting with 
close ally, Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi.

4 U.S. troops killed, 5 injured in Baghdad...Fighting reported between Americans, Sadr 
militia (MSNBC)

Alleged al-Zarqawi aide arrested...Man was wanted for attacks on coalition forces

Is Tenet the fall guy?...D.C. speculates about CIA director's resignation

Tenet leaves mixed legacy at CIA...Big successes, big failures mark his tenure (The 
Washington Post)

Democratic presidential candidate John Kerry on Friday celebrated the special bond 
he shares with other veterans across the country as he formally rolled out his 
campaign for the traditionally conservative-leaning veterans' vote. (AP)

Dean pitches for ex-rival Kerry...Front-runner to cheerleader in 5 months

Bill Clinton launches book tour...Ex-President Bill Clinton told the country's 
publishing community Thursday night that his upcoming memoir will tell the story of 
my life and how my small life interwove with the American life.

If you go back and read what (Bush) said in the campaign, he's just doing what he'd 
said he'd do. You've got to give him credit for that... No one has the whole truth, 
Clinton said. (Reuters)

Former President Bill Clinton told a crowd of book industry types in Chicago Thursday 
that writing his memoirs was therapeutic, but he pledged he's not out to settle a 
lot of scores. (Chicago Sun Times)

The Anti-Presidential Campaign...Director Harry Thomason talks about his new 
documentary, 'The Hunting of the President,' which follows Bill Clinton from his days 
in the Arkansas statehouse to his impeachment trial (Newsweek)

A longtime adviser to Rep. James P. Moran Jr. has lodged about the most damaging 
allegation that could be made about the congressman from Northern Virginia at this 
point in his reelection campaign: that he heard him make an anti-Semitic remark. (The 
Washington Post)

The Abu Ghraib prison abuse scandal was a moment of truth for the United States as 
severe as the September 11 terrorist attacks, billionaire financier George Soros 

Chris Matthews Remembers Reagan Tonight

2004-06-05 Thread Hardball with Chris Matthews
The Hardball Briefing On MSNBC

Chris Matthews anchors MSNBC coverage tonight 11 pm - 2 am ET8 pm - 11 pm PT

Please tune in to MSNBC tonight as Chris and guests remember Ronald Reagan...11 pm 
Eastern  8 pm Pacific

Chris will also anchor special coverage tomorrow Sunday 6-8 pm  3-5 pm PT

Complete coverage of The Gipper's life  legacy on MSNBC and online at

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Microsoft Corporation - One Microsoft Way - Redmond, WA 98052

Chris Remembers Reagan Tonight 6-8 PM ET/3-5 PM PT

2004-06-06 Thread Hardball with Chris Matthews
The Hardball Briefing On MSNBC

Chris Matthews anchors special Ronald Reagan Remembrance coverage tonight 6-8 pm ET  
3-5 pm PT

Matthews homage to Reagan: Ronald Reagan was a political warrior and hero...The actor 
who had spent decades playing heroes transcended the back lot and its illusions

MSNBC Reagan homepage

Share your personal remembrances

A sampling of your thoughts

Today also marks the 60th anniversary of D-Day and the landing at Normandy beach...A 
momentous occasion indeed...

We'd like to call your attention to a special news event immediately following our 
coverage of Reagan at 8 pm ET  5 pm PT

In a special MSNBC Living History Event, Lester Holt will anchor June 6, 1944: As It 
Happened (8-10:00 p.m. ET, June 6th, Sunday).  Several correspondents will contribute 
to this ambitious reporting of the D-Day invasion by filing live reports from key 
locations in France and elsewhere - as though the invasion were actually taking place 
at that moment.  All correspondents are limited in their reporting to the events that 
were known at that point in the invasion, in the early morning hours of June 6, 1944.  
With the benefit of modern technology, the network's coverage will convey the emotion, 
drama and the massive coordination required for such an invasion.  

Leaders honor D-Day veterans in Normandy...Bush, Chirac lead commemorations on 60th 
anniversary (AP)

MSNBC D-Day Homepage

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More on Reagan's Legacy Tonight On MSNBC

2004-06-07 Thread Hardball with Chris Matthews
The Hardball Briefing On MSNBC

Chris anchors tonight on MSNBC at 7p, 11p  4a ET  4p, 8p  1a PT  Find MSNBC on your 

All week we'll be remembering the life and legacy of Ronald Reagan at MSNBC and online 
at  Chris  Lester will anchor all major events surrounding 
Reagan's memorial  funeral...

Tonight two Republican California Congressmen, David Dreier  Chris Cox, remember the 
Gipper...Dreier, as a legislative foot soldier for Reagan and Cox as a senior 
associate counsel in Reagan's White House...

We also talk to former Defense Chief under Reagan Casper Weinberger...Weinberger was 
also a California Assemblyman in the '50's and chairman of the California GOP in '62..

Post your remembrances of Reagan

MSNBC Reagan page

Reagan's casket taken to presidential library...Public viewing in California and later 

Funeral Schedule graphic (The Washington Post)

President Bush's Executive Order designating Friday as a federal government holiday 
out of respect for former President Reagan

U.S. markets to close for Reagan funeral...NYSE, Nasdaq to suspend trading Friday 

A Nation and the World Pay Tribute to Reagan...Body to Lie in State at Capitol; State 
Funeral Set for Friday (The Washington Post)

World marks Reagan's death...Former President Ronald Reagan was remembered with jelly 
beans, flowers and American flags on Sunday at memorials in his hometown and outside 
the mortuary where his body lay.

Nancy Reagan on Ronnie: The Eternal Optimist

Unconventional politician who did it his way Nation's voters always thought well of 
optimistic 40th president (USA Today)

Former Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher has recorded a tribute to former President 
Ronald Reagan that is expected to be played at his funeral, her office said Monday. 

Dateline: The great communicator...When some asked how an actor could be president, 
Ronald Reagan would say, How can you be a president if you're not an actor? He knew 
the value of his Hollywood training and made the most of it.

Ronald Reagan's global legacy...Hastening an end to the Cold War (The Washington Post)

Tributes and tears for Reagan...Reaction: Americans, world leaders pay homage

Curry: How Reagan hobbled the Democrats...Conservative captured the South, flipped 
deficit politics on its head

Washington in the '80s: All Dressed Up and Someplace to Go (The Washington Post)

Dateline: Tom Brokaw's exclusive interview with President Bush...As President Bush 
gave a stirring but solemn speech commemorating the heroes of D-Day, there were also 
unmistakable echoes of another war, in Iraq. NBC's Tom Brokaw spoke with the president 
in an exclusive interview.

Peggy: Thanks From a Grateful Country...For a man who changed the world, Ronald Reagan 
sure was modest.

The Peter Principles: A light extinguished

Fund: Freedom's Team...How Reagan, Thatcher and John Paul II won the Cold War.

Kerry to suspend elements of his campaign...Democrat to halt 'overtly political' 
activities amid observances (AP)

More Reagan Backgrounders...

The Baltimore Sun,0,3575507.special?coll=bal-features-headlines

St. Louis Post-Dispatch's+life

Los Angeles Times,1,6264222.story?coll=la-home-headlines

In its second season, The Chris Matthews Show now trails only Meet the Press on 
Sunday mornings, according to new Nielsen household data. And Hardball 

Chris and Lester Anchor Coverage of Reagan Washington Arrival

2004-06-09 Thread Hardball with Chris Matthews
The Hardball Briefing On MSNBC

Chris and Lester anchor special coverage of Reagan's last hurrah in Washington all day 
and throughout the evening on MSNBC

We're broadcasting today from a special outdoor location overlooking the Capitol where 
Chris  Lester continue to preview the events surrounding Reagan's arrival in 
Washington...We've got reporters stationed along the procession route on Constitution 
and the Capitol itself where Reagan's casket will lie in state and a 7 pm ET funeral 
ceremony will begin...Shuster's stationed at the western front of the Capitol..

Former Reagan Chief of Staff Ken Duberstein informed us this morning that folks are 
already lining up along Constitution and a queue is forming near the Capitol of folks 
waiting to pay their last respects as Reagan lies in state...Public viewing begins at 
9 pm ET

Here's our political unit's take in First Read...Washington waits for Reagan, 
displaying both its high-ceremonial and small-town sides.  While tens of thousands 
flock to DC to pay their respects and preparations continue for the procession from 
Andrews AFB to 16th and Constitution to the US Capitol, the typical Washingtonian 
wussiness over closed streets, threats of bad traffic, and sticky 90-degree weather 
keeps many residents at home, or at least indoors. 

Map of the route (The Washington Post)

Schedule of Events (AP)

Btw, since we're stuck in a remote location using laptops, which I'm not used to, so 
I'm gonna keep this short...

Also, we don't have a TV here although Chris is right outside the door, so please hit 
reply and let us know what you think of our coverage

Dominic Bellone wrote, compiled and edited The Briefing from atop the Teamsters 
buidling on Capitol Hill...

Reagan funeral ceremonies shift to Washington...Former president to lie in state in 
Capitol ahead of Friday's funeral (MSNBC)

Here is a list of the foreign dignitaries expected to attend 
former President Ronald Reagan's funeral on Friday: 
   Former British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher 
   Former Soviet President Mikhail Gorbachev 
   German Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder 
   British Prime Minister Tony Blair 
   Britain's Prince Charles 
   Irish President Mary McAleese 
   South African President Thabo Mbeki 
   Nigerian President Olusegun Obasanjo 
   Romanian President Ion Iliescu 
   Acting Lithuanian President Arturas Paulauskas 
   Former Finnish President Mauno Koivisto 
   Vatican Secretary of State Cardinal Angelo Sodano 
   Canadian Governor General Adrienne Clarkson 
   Former Canadian Prime Minister Brian Mulroney 
   Australian Governor General Maj. Gen. Michael Jeffrey 
   Former Polish President Lech Walesa 
   Former Japanese Prime Minister Yasuhiro Nakasone 
   Slovakian President Rudolf Schuster 
   Grenadan Governor General Sir Daniel Williams 
   Afghanistan President Hamid Karzai 
   Former Danish Prime Minister Poul Schlueter 
   Swedish Deputy Prime Minister Lars Engqvist 
   Indian External Affairs Minister K. Natwar Singh 
   (Copyright 2004 by The Associated Press.  All Rights Reserved.) 

Reagan Remembrance Moves Eastward...Former President's Plane Expected to Arrive at 
Andrews Air Force Base After 5 Tonight (The Washington Post)

Michael Deaver remembers Reagan...Spent 20 years as one of the president's closest 
advisers (Brokaw Interview)

For the Romantics out there: The Reagans: A love story in letters

After three days of suspended political activity, the Bush campaign began openly 
incorporating Ronald Reagan's death into its reelection message yesterday, revamping 
its website to give Reagan a dominant role and distributing official campaign letters 
that invoke the former president. (The Boston Globle)

Sharp divisions marked Reagan tenure...Years afterward, many remain bitter about his 
legacy (The Washington Post)

Bush still against embryonic stem-cell research...Despite Nancy Reagan's support for 
controversial process (AP)

For Reagan mortician, the 'honor of a lifetime' (San Francisco Chronicle)

Pat: Goodbye to the Gipper

In other news...

Bush sees wider Iraq role for NATO...President, at G-8 summit, said he hopes to expand 
coalition 'a bit' (MSNBC) 

Special 6:30 PM ET Hardball Tonight

2004-06-10 Thread Hardball with Chris Matthews
The Hardball Briefing On MSNBC

Tonight Chris begins MSNBC coverage at 6:30 pm ET with David Gregory previewing 
President Bush's trip to the Rotunda at 7 pm ET as well as Time mag's Hugh 
Sidey...We'll take the live shot of Bush at the Rotunda with Ed Meese (fmr. top Reagan 
guy and Attorney General) and former executive assistant to Reagan, Jim Kuhn...

Earlier today Chris spoke with former Canadian Prime Minister Brian Mulroney (who'll 
speak at the funeral tomorrow) and Reagan PR czar Michael Deaver...We'll roll those 
interviews as well...

Chris taped his own tribute piece to Reagan which we'll air tonight as well...

By the way, that Irving Berlin rendition of I'll be seeing you in all the old 
familiar places which closed out our coverage last night at 10 pm ET was done by 
Chris' son Thomas...We've got Thomas doing America, The Beautiful as well which we 
hope to run in the next day or two...Stay tuned...

Programming note...Chris and Lester anchor live coverage of Reagan's funeral at 
beginning at 9 am on Friday...That will go to about 3 pm ET when Reagan's plane will 
be wheels up from Andrews...Chris  Lester go back on the air around 7 pm ET to 
cover Reagan's arrival at Pt. Mugu etc...In other words, we've got it all covered...

And this sad news from the music industry: Music legend Ray Charles dies at 
73...Grammy-winning RB star sang hits such as 'Georgia on My Mind'

Not to mention this...SAVANNAH, Ga. (AP) -- President Bush says he does not expect 
countries to offer more troops in Iraq.

Dominic Bellone wrote, compiled and edited The Briefing from Washington, DC

MSNBC Reagan Legacy Page

Reagan on MSNBC TV homepage

Thousands honor Reagan in D.CSome are coming in limousines and dark suits, others 
in shorts and T-shirts.  By 5 a.m. ET Thursday, 80,000 had passed by the casket of 
Ronald Reagan, paying tribute to the nation's 40th president.

They waited, some for more than five hours, for a minute or two with a closed casket 
in the Capitol Rotunda, where the body of Ronald Wilson Reagan lay in state. Reagan 
breathed hope into the nation, many said, and after the long twilight that was his 
last decade, they were eager to pay homage. (The Washington Post)

Cheney recalls Reagan as faithful, optimistic...Excerpts of Vice President Dick 
Cheney's remarks last night at the state funeral of Ronald Reagan in the Capitol 
Rotunda (AP)

For Reagan, final honors 'by the book'...Army's Old Guard brings history, tradition, 
pride to somber duty (MSNBC)

America's affectionate farewell to Ronald Reagan has focused attention on the 
similarities between the 40th president and President Bush, whose policies of tax cuts 
and a stronger defense parallel his Republican forefather. (The Washington Times)

Moran: The legacy game...'The Gipper,' the world and a soft-focus lens

G-8 summit yields no new pledges for Iraq assistance...Bush makes fresh appeal as 
meeting wraps up (MSNBC)

Kerry leads Bush by 7 points in new poll...Democrat ahead 51 to 44 percent (MSNBC)

Economy provides no boost for Bush...Foreign policy concerns hurt approval ratings 
(The Washington Post)

Rumsfeld may expand prison abuse probe...Move would give leeway to follow allegations 
up chain of command (MSNBC)

The State Department is scrambling to revise its annual report on global terrorism to 
acknowledge that it understated the number of deadly attacks in 2003, amid charges 
that the document is inaccurate and was politically manipulated by the Bush 
administration. (Los Angeles Times)

If it ain't pro-war, it ain't on country radio...While Toby Keith gets airtime, 
Emmylou Harris gets ignored (AP)

Post's Woodward: Journalists should have been more skeptical about Iraq war buildup 

'Six Feet Under' just as dark as last year...The series gets off to a slow start but 
pick up in episode two (Hollywood Reporter)


The Washington Times: Ronald Reagan's faith...Ronald Reagan spoke 

Chris Lester Anchor Coverage of Reagan Farewell

2004-06-11 Thread Hardball with Chris Matthews
The Hardball Briefing On MSNBC

Pls tune into MSNBC today and throughout the evening as Chris  Lester cover Ronald 
Reagan's funeral and final journeyacross America to his final resting place in Simi 
Valley, CA...We've got a number of reporters stationed strategically throughout with 
live updates...We'll also talk to a number of Reagan's friends, colleagues and 
journalists who covered him and knew him best..

Our schedule is fluid and we're tweaking things as we go but we're expecting to have 
Chris  Lester on the air until at least 11 pm ET tonight...Pls tune in for this 
historic day

Editor's note: I'm heading on vacation this evening for the following week but you'll 
still get the Briefing...This sheet will be produced by Hardball's top political 
editor and resident comedian, Howard Mortman, a man whose regular columns are well 
known to Briefing readers...He also produces much of the factoids you see flashing 
across the bottom of our screen...I shall return Monday the 21st..


Reagan funeral service under way...Public viewing ends, casket taken from Capitol to 
cathedral (MSNBC)

Live Streaming Video

MSNBC Reagan Legacy page

A Widow's Heartfelt Farewell (The Washington Post)

Balz Analysis: Reagan, Bush Contrasts Are as Telling as Parallels

Reagan Veterans Bring Back the '80s...Ex-Officials Are Embraced by Washington (The 
Washington Post)

Gorbachev: 'We all lost Cold War'...Former Soviet leader says both sides were forced 
to spend trillions (The Washington Post)

How best to now praise a famous man?...Backers want Reagan on money, Pentagon, Mount 
Rushmore (AP)

In other news: 

U.S. troops don't intervene in Najaf...Shiite gunmen ransack police station (MSNBC)

Poll: Most Americans feel war not justified...But only minority want quick exit now 
that troops there (AP)

The State Department warned the White House two years ago that rejecting international 
standards against torture when dealing with detainees could put U.S. troops at 

Use of dogs to scare prisoners was approved...Military intelligence personnel were 
involved, handlers say (The Washington Post)

Blair suffers stinging backlash...Labour Party set to finish 3rd; Iraq dominates 
Europe-wide polls (AP)

The U.S. economy has gained about 1.2 million jobs in the last six months, but word 
hasn't trickled down to most Americans, according to voters in a survey by The 
Associated Press.

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Hardball Briefing for June 14, 2004

2004-06-14 Thread Hardball with Chris Matthews
The Hardball Briefing On MSNBC

Hardball airs tonight on MSNBC at 7p, 11p  4a ET  4p, 8p  1a PT  Find MSNBC on your 
Terrorism has us starting the show tonight with U.S.-Saudi relations. Two U.S. 
contractors were recently killed in Saudi Arabia.   Is the Saudi royal family in 
danger?  How about our oil supply?  NBC News' chief foreign affairs correspondent 
Andrea Mitchell has the latest with perspective.  And no one knows Saudi Arabia better 
than Chris' guest Richard Murphy, former U.S. Ambassador to Saudi Arabia.

New York Gov. George Pataki, whose state was victimized by terrorism and now gears up 
for the Republican National Convention, joins us next.  Pataki is one of the 
President's best friends and allies and he's a Bush campaign surrogate.  Chris will 
get the inside scoop on the Battle for the White House.  Speaking of New York, Team 
Chris Matthews is in the city that never sleeps  -- doing the show out of the NBC 
mother ship at 30 Rock. 

Up With Purple!

From Purple mountains majesty to purple rain, America loves purple.  Now, purple 
states are the in thing.  All this royal purple is turning the presidential 
campaigns black and blue. Hardball elections correspondent David Shuster does the 
definitive piece. Here's his preview: Our package tonight will focus on the so 
called 'purple states,' those election battleground states where the polls show the 
2000 margin of victory was 5% or less.  We will examine what the polls suggest for 
the Kerry/Bush match up, what the unique issues are in the purple states, and why we 
use that color to begin with.

Ed Rendell, governor of one of the purplest states of 'em all, Purple Pennsylvania, 
brings his purple prose to the show, sharing with Chris the latest in politics.  
Surely Rendell will render the inside scoop on Kerry's search for a running-mate.

We'll round out the show with an exciting, spicy serving of political gumbo: The 
Nation's Katrina vanden Heuvel vs. Human Events' Terry vanden Jeffrey (his name sure 
comes alive with vanden in there, doesn't it?  Most do).  Chris will lead the 
debating duo through Presidents Bush and Clinton (they hung Clinton's official White 
House today), more on Planet Clinton (his book comes out soon), the Reagan legacy, and 
Cheney. We'll also get into the politics of  Iraq and Saudi Arabia.

Cheney isn't the only one who inhabits undisclosed secure locations.  Briefing editor 
Dominic Bellone is on vacation this week.  We can't tell you where, but it rhymes with 
Plyerland.  His replacement for the week is Howard Mortman who will be -- as they 
often call cabinet secretaries appointed to fill out the last days of lame duck 
administrations -- a non-controversial caretaker.

Back to Shuster.  He notes that former President Bush and others  jumped out of an 
airplane over the weekend and, with both feet planted firmly on the ground 
but tongue in cheek, sends along this e-mail: Given that another unnamed cable 
network is getting their unnamed political anchors to jump out of airplanes in search 
of a story... we at MSNBC have decided that this is a terrific development in the 
world of broadcast journalism.   So, this week, our own prime time lineup will 
include:  Chris Matthews, the Human Cannonball, Bungee Jumping with Tom Brokaw, 
Tim Russert's Fun with Alligators, Barreling Niagara with Brian Williams, Keith 
Olberman's Rip Tide Challenge, Blasting over Snake River Canyon with Lester 'Evil 
Knievel' Holt, Deborah Norville's Rodeo ride, and Shooting the apple off of Joe 
Scarborough's head.  Please tune in.

Saudi clerics blast violence, American still held; Al-Qaida seen starting new tactic 
in drive against Saudi regime

Saudi Arabs, Americans, and Oil:

Understanding US-Saudi Relations: Challenging Stereotypes

NBC News' Carl Quintanilla has this piece on   Kerry heads back on campaign 
trail After unexpected break, supporters see time to regain momentum

Bush and Kerry back on campaign trail Overt politicking avoided during Reagan mourning

Washington Post: Doubts linger as Kerry advances; Supporters want a sharper image 
from Democratic candidate

Official portraits of Clintons unveiled; Artist is first black commissioned to do 
presidential painting

Time magazine has a poll on religion and the presidential race. 

Finally, here's an item that made the rounds of our morning conference call: 
Courteney Cox, husband just 

Hardball Briefing -- Tonight: Rudy Giulian

2004-06-15 Thread Hardball with Chris Matthews
The Hardball Briefing On MSNBC

Hardball with Chris Matthews airs tonight on MSNBC at 7p, 11p  4a ET  4p, 8p  1a 
PT  Find MSNBC on your TV

Let's get right to the marquee name: Rudy Giuliani plays Hardball tonight.

Team Chris Matthews remains in the Big Apple.  Watch Chris get into the 9/11 
commission and terrorism with Giuliani --  with a healthy dose of Iraq, politics, and 
Republican convention talk.  The former NYC mayor has his own private consulting firm 
and is working to help re-elect President Bush and VP Cheney.  He also attended the 
Reagan funeral.  Some have even speculated Giuliani for CIA Director -- the NY Post 
called it a groundswell of support for Giuliani, a tough manager who won widespread 
praise for his leadership in the wake of the 9/11 attacks.  What a Rudy awakening 
that would be.  The perfect guest for tonight's show.

Before getting to Giuliani, Chris will begin with the latest breaking news from Iraq, 
including the handover of Saddam and latest casualties.  President Bush mentioned all 
that in his press conference today.  Richard Engel will report from Baghdad.  Then 
Chris will question a top foreign policy expert, former U.N. Ambassador Richard 
Holbrooke -- a Kerry adviser. 

Look for this VP Cheney sound bite to make it into tonight's show: He (Saddam) was a 
patron of terrorism.  He had long established ties with Al-Qaida.   Also watch for 
President Bush's response to a question today about Ron Reagan's eulogy: I think it's 
important for people of religion to serve, President Bush said. I think it is very 
important for people who are serving to make sure there's a separation of church and 

Also tonight: Chris' MSNBC colleague Bill Press will discuss his new book: Bush Must 
Go: The Top Ten Reasons Why George Bush Doesn't Deserve A Second Term.  

Finally, Chris mixes hearty debate and belly laughs with comedian Al Franken, host of 
The O'Franken Factor on Air America.

Meanwhile, Hardball correspondent David Shuster e-mailed this today:  Here is what 
I'm working on for tonight. (We may not have room in the show for a full blown 
report... but the elements will make it in somewhere.)  The Democratic group,, has started a million dollar advertising campaign that seeks to ride the 
wave of controversy now surrounding Vice President Cheney and Halliburton.  The ad 
points out that Cheney's old company was caught by the Pentagon $61 million for 
gasoline in Iraq and billed over one hundred million dollars for meals for our troops 
that they never delivered.  There is no evidence the Vice President knew about the 
overcharging or was involved in any way... so the inference is a stretch.  But, 
Democrats now see the VP as damaged goods in part because of earlier statements 
about Halliburton that have now been undercut.   On Meet the Press (9/13/2003) Cheney 
said about Halliburton contracts, I have absolutely no influence of, involvement of, 
knowledge of in any way, shape or form of contracts led by the Corps of Engineers or 
anybody else in the federal government.  But this week, Time magazine obtained an 
internal e-mail written 6 months earlier in which a Pentagon official says action on 
a multi billion dollar Halliburton contract was coordinated by the VP's office.  
It's a great story.  Hopefully we will have it tonight or tomorrow.

And speaking of Shuster, surely you caught his package yesterday on the purple states. 
 Shuster went well below the surface.  Talk about Deep Purple.  Today Shuster sends 
this follow-up note to Briefing readers: My on-air contributions sometimes prompt 
some interesting proposals from the Hardball fanatics... and I'll admit to being quite 
proud of the racy note a young lady sent me not long ago.  However, today I received 
something really valuable... a free oil change!!!   Yes, it seems that Tom and 
Mohammad at the Georgetown Exxon are big fans of the show.  They pointed this out to 
me yesterday.   And this morning, when I picked up my car following some muffler work, 
Tom said I love the purple states.  It was a great report.  So, the oil change is on 
the house.  I was flattered, of course, especially since the muffler work seemed a 
bit pricey.   However, I am now feeling wracked with guilt.  After all, I am a devout 
follower of our GE NBC/UNI ethics guidelines...   I'm hoping that the oil change was 
free because I'm a regular... and not because Tom and Mohammad really love the purple 
states.  But, then again, you never know.  Yes, that's our Deep Purple Highway Star, 
David Shuster.  No Smoke on The Water he.  Just ask My Woman From Tokyo. 

Meanwhile, Briefing editor Dominic Bellone continues on his well-deserved vacation.  
He asked me to keep secret his whereabouts, and I will comply with that request.  But 
I must confide with you

Hardball Briefing for June 16, 2004

2004-06-16 Thread Hardball with Chris Matthews
The Hardball Briefing On MSNBC
Hardball airs tonight on MSNBC at 7p, 11p  4a ET  4p, 8p  1a PT  Find MSNBC on your 

Chris begins Hardball tonight with two news making Senators on torture: Sen. Richard 
Durbin (D-Ill) sits on the Senate Intelligence Committee and Sen. Richard Shelby 
(R-Al) is former chairman of the committee.  Durbin has sponsored an amendment to the 
defense authorization bill that would reaffirm the commitment of the United States not 
to engage in torture.

Chris then gets into the latest from the 9/11 Commission and hearings with the panel 
leaders: Chairman Tom Kean (former Republican governor of New Jersey) and Vice 
Chairman Lee Hamilton (former Democratic congressman from Indiana).

Finally, Chris welcomes an extraordinary person: John Walsh, host of America's Most 
Wanted, for the 20th Anniversary of the Center for Missing and Exploited Children.  
Here's what Nancy Reagan wrote today: It hardly seems possible that it has been 
twenty years since my husband spoke at the opening ceremony of the NCMEC. I know he 
would be both impressed and gratified by how successful the Center has been.

Meantime, on its website, Dateline NBC is running this promo for its Friday 8 p.m. 
show: Ron Reagan will speak for the first time since his father's funeral in an 
interview with NBC's Chris Matthews. Reagan will talk about what is was like growing 
up as the youngest son of one of America's most popular leaders surrounded by power, 
wealth and celebrity. In addition, he will share private family pictures and memories 
never before made public. Reagan will also talk about the last years of his father's 
life and how his mother is coping with her recent loss.

And check out the news Chris Matthews and Hardball made in the home state paper of the 
Senate Minority Leader:

Now, the Shuster corner.  He favors the Briefing with this preview: Today, we plunge 
into the delicate campaign issue of god, religion, and presidential politics.  Those 
of you old enough to remember the 1960 election will recall the struggles John Kennedy 
had in convincing voters that he, as a Catholic, would not be beholden to the Vatican. 
 Today, John Kerry's problem to some voters is that the 2004 Democratic nominee is not 
Catholic enough.  He supports abortion rights and stem cell research, issues that 
trouble some Catholic religious leaders and cause religious voters around the country 
to cringe.  As for President Bush, his belief that God wants him to engage the forces 
of evil troubles another part of the electorate.   We will break it all down... and 
make deadline... Amen!!!

[[Briefing note -- Did you catch that line: Those of you old enough to remember the 
1960 election??? C'mon, Shuster's 36 years old!  Who's he kidding?]]

Shuster bonus -- he also sends this: More Purple Haze -- technology update or dating 
update? First it was a highly suggestive e-mail, then a free oil change, and now 
another wonderful byproduct of our purple state package...  a free phone!  Yes, an 
enterprising (and pretty) young lady from Nextel is giving me a test drive of a Nextel 
direct/connect phone during the political conventions.  If either convention is hit 
with a terrorist attack, or if there are any emergencies, traditional cell phone 
service likely won't work.  (The public switch telephone network will become jammed.)  
However, my potential hero advises that the Nextel direct/connect walkie talkie uses 
a proprietary network that doesn't rely on the public switch.   And I'm advised I'll 
still be able to talk with my Nextel using colleagues (do I have any?) immediately in 
the event of an emergency.  Hmmm.Hello MSNBC, John Kerry has selected his running 
mate and it is...  can you hear me now?  Tomorrow, the Shuster secret behind the 
Mortman family's favorite lasagna... 

Dominic Bellone update: Even though it's the 100th anniversary of Bloomsday and even 
though James Joyce's unlikely hero Leopold Bloom moved through Dublin on June 16th, 
1904 and even though Joyce once boasted that if Dublin were ever destroyed it could be 
rebuilt from the pages of Ulysses, I still can't reveal Dominic's whereabouts.  
Perhaps he's working on the sequel: More Ulysses.

Now, here's what's cooking on the threat board:

Bush: We're in Iraq till 'freedom is secure':

Washington Post on torture policy and Sen. Dick Durbin's amendment:

Washington Post: An Indelible Day 
On 9/11, University President Thomas Kean Had No Idea How Much His Life Would Change

9/11 panel sees no link between Iraq, al-Qaida

Hardball Briefing for June 17, 2004

2004-06-17 Thread Hardball with Chris Matthews
The Hardball Briefing On MSNBC

Hardball airs tonight on MSNBC at 7p, 11p  4a ET  4p, 8p  1a PT  Find MSNBC on your 

We'll begin the show tonight with the latest from today's 9-11 hearings with John 
Lehman, a Republican on the 9/11 Commission and Navy secretary in the Reagan 
administration, and Jamie Gorelick, a Democrat on the panel who was Clinton's Deputy 
Attorney General.  Rep. David Dreier (R-CA) will join the debate.

Then we'll discuss the American held hostage in Saudi Arabia by a group linked to 
al-Qaida.  We'll get expert insight from former U.S. ambassador to Saudi Arabia Wyche 
Fowler, who served from 1996-2000.   

Finally, politics with Mario Cuomo.  He's been retained by the distributors of Michael 
Moore's documentary Fahrenheit 9/11 to assist in their effort to get a PG-13 rating 
instead of an R.  We'll get the conservative response from James Hirsen, author Tales 
from the Left Coast 

Pete Williams sits in for Chris tonight as Hardball host.

From the Shuster corner, he e-mails: Tonight's package will focus on the chilling 
audiotapes of the 9-11 hijackers.  At a commission hearing today on Capitol Hill, the 
tapes were part of a presentation that showed air traffic confusion all across the 
board.   It does seem, perhaps thankfully, that the passengers on the first three 
aircraft were given no reason to fear that this would be anything more than a 
hijacking/standoff.  In any case, this is the first time the audio tapes have been 
released publicly.

Here's what's cooking on the threat board:

9/11 panel: Bid to intercept jets was flawed; Report cites confusion, 
miscommunications after hijackings

9/11 commission staff statement No. 17 on FAA and NORAD:

Family, friends plead for U.S. captive's release American, Saudi officials hunt for 
contractor; deadline is Friday

NBC News: U.S. group apologizes to Arabs for Abu Ghraib; Ad from religious figures 
airs on Middle East TV networks

Kerry meets with Gephardt; Democrat's search for running mate intensifies

Clinton says he was 'enemy'of conservatives; Ex-president says Ken Starr was 
'instrument of a grand design'

Cuomo adds heat to 'Fahrenheit's' rating-appeal fight

James Hirsen:

Today's Shuster bonus: Bowing to popular demand, Shuster shares the recipe for his 
magical lasagna: 1lb chopped/dried spinach, 2 one pound jars of your favorite 
tomato sauce, box of lasagna noodles, 1lb ricotta cheese, 9 oz. chopped/grated 
muenster cheese, 1 egg beater, tsp. oregano, tsp. salt, dash of pepper.  Directions:  
In one bowl, combine and mix the spinach, 1lb ricotta cheese, 2/3 of the grated 
muenster cheese, the egg beater, oregano, salt, and pepper.  This is your 
combination.  Then, grease a lasagna pan.  Put down 2/3 of a 1lb jar of tomato 
sauce, then a layer of noodles, then half of the combination.  Then another 2/3 of a 
1lb jar of tomato sauce, then a layer of noodles, then the other half of the 
combination.  Top that combination with a layer of noodles, then the remaining 
tomato sauce, and then the final 1/3 of the grated muenster cheese.  Poor half a cup 
of boiling water around the edges of the lasagna pan... cover with tin foil, cook in 
oven at 375 for 1 hour 15 minutes.  Let stand for 15 minutes... then serve.  When you 
are in the mood, will you be ready? 

We're still sworn to secrecy on Briefing Editor Dominic Bellone's whereabouts, but 
perhaps he might ask Mr. Shuster for corned beef and cabbage, Shepherd's Pie, and soda 
bread recipes. 

Finally, who can resist this tasty chestnut of a headline in today's New York Post:  

Yes, Madonna now wants to be known as Esther.  As in Queen Esther, one of the heroes 
of Purim.  That's the holiday when Jews everywhere celebrate survival from the evil 
Haman by drinking alcohol to excess.   No joke.  You just go up to the bartender and 
say, You Purim, I'll Drink 'Em.  No word on whether Madonna's artist colleague 
Prince wants an upgrade to King, King Ahasuerus.

I'm Howard Mortman and I approve this Briefing.

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Wolfowitz Hitchens Tonight on Hardball

2004-06-23 Thread Hardball with Chris Matthews
The Hardball Briefing On MSNBC

Hardball airs tonight on MSNBC at 7p, 11p  4a ET  4p, 8p  1a PT  Find MSNBC on your 
TV  MSNBC also is on your XM satellite radio at 
channel 130

Tonight Campbell interviews Deputy Secretary of Defense Paul Wolfowitz for half the 
show on what else?  Iraq, Iraq, IraqAnd for those who don't know, this guy isn't 
some ordinary garden variety bureaucrat...He's a key architect of the war in 
Iraq...Wolfowitz was pushing for regime change in Iraq before pushing for regime 
change in Iraq was cool (circa '92) 

The Wolfowitz Dossier (Via Pentagon website) 

Speeches  Press Releases (Via Pentagon website)

We'll then get some Wolfowitz reax from a couple of Senators, Saxby Chambliss (R-GA)  
Jay Rockefeller (D-WV)...

Then in honor of that silly jalapeno eating contest on Capitol Hill yesterday, we 
spice it up (or kick it up a notch as I like to say) with Christopher Hitchens (a 
man whose erudition and sagacity need no introduction)  Harry Thomason (Clinton 
confidante  director of the new documentary The Hunting of the President based on 
the Conason/Lyons book)...

Hunting backgrounder

I assured Harry's publicist that this segment would rock the house.

Shuster is back tonight and provides the following dispatch:

There is a controversial new movie that has just been released.  It has been 
collecting awards, prompting incredible reviews, and seems destined to pack movie 
theaters nationwide.  Unfortunately, Control Room is not the subject of my reporting 
this evening.  (I'll have some thoughts on that film for the briefing later this 
week.)  Tonight, however, the temperature will be rising at the Uptown in Cleveland 
Park where VIP's will be attending the US premier of Fahrenheit 9/11.  They are 
rolling out the red carpet for celebrities including former Gore recount lawyer David 
Boies, former Clinton Interior Secretary Bruce Babbitt, Rep. John Conyers, Senator 
Barbara Boxer, Senator Richard Durbin, Rep. Charles Rangel, Bernie Shaw (the former 
CNN anchor, not the poet), and Mayor Anthony Williams.  Some of you outside the 
beltway may be taking issue with my use of the term celebrity.  I should point out, 
however, that it is now late June in the nation's capital.  And anybody who braves the 
nasty humidity, even for a stroll along the red carpet, deserves some accolades.  As 
for hardball, we will point out this evening that some democrats are a little 
uncomfortable with some of the more controversial (and unsubstantiated) claims in the 
movie.  For example, Michael Moore says Iraq under Saddam has never attacked or 
killed or threatened any Americans.  Some americans remember the western hostages 
taken during the Kuwait invasion, or the sponsorship of suicide bombers in Jerusalem, 
and etc. and etc.  And these democrats wonder if Michael Moore's sloppiness is giving 
ammunition to republican critics taking aim at the film's credibility.  In any case, 
we will have the red carpet sights and sounds of the big premiere... and perhaps we 
will even stick a microphone in a VIP's face and ask them (politely, of course) about 
a few of the claims.  Tune in...  the red carpet in tonight's E block.

We'll of course get Harry  Christopher's take on Moore's new film in addition to the 
Clinton stuff...

Dare I put this in the sine qua non file of cable television tonight...My buddy 
Robert Cox over at would say Tivo ThisI'm definitely gonna 
have to break out the TV trays and the popcorn tonight...

Btw, here's some news that will make you feel better about using our has been named Best Journalism Site by the National Press Club 
and will be honored tonight in an award ceremony..

Dominic Bellone wrote, compiled and edited The Briefing from Washington, DC

Roadside blast kills 3 near Baghdad hospital...U.S. airstrike targets terrorist 
safehouse in Fallujah (MSNBC)

Justice disavows 'torture memo'...Stung by suggestions that top U.S. officials 
encouraged mistreatment of prisoners from the war on terrorism, the Justice Department 
disavowed a memo that appeared to justify the use of torture Tuesday.

President Bush said he has never ordered the torture of Iraqi or al Qaeda prisoners as 
the White House on Tuesday released secret documents showing the use of dogs to induce 
fear was approved among interrogation methods at Guantanamo Bay and then abandoned. 

'Values' guided Bush torture ban (The Washington Times) 

Schwarzkopf, Berger, Bradbury tonight on Hardball

2004-06-28 Thread Hardball with Chris Matthews
The Hardball Briefing On MSNBC

Hardball airs tonight on MSNBC at 7p, 11p  4a ET  4p, 8p  1a PT  Find MSNBC on your 
TV  MSNBC also is on your XM satellite radio on 
channel 130

Big day in Iraq as power is officially handed over from the United States to Iraqis 
themselves two days earlier than originally scheduled...While they'll have 
sovereignty, U.S. troops will still be on the ground to provide security...So now 
what? We'll bring you the latest from Baghdad and tell you what it means from the 
perspective of a few foreign policy heavyweights: Norman Schwarzkopf, fmr. Clinton 
national security chief Sandy Berger  former Bush '41 Secretary of State Lawrence 

Howard's in the house tonight and he'll do the politics of the transfer and what it 
means for the race for the White House...Shuster is working on a set up package to 
layout the political particulars...

And finally, Michael Moore's controversial new documentary Fahrenheit 9/11 hit 
theaters over the weekend and took in near $22 million bucks, making in #1 in box 
office earnings and the highest grossing documentary of all time...We'll Ray 
Bradbury's take...He wrote the legendary sci-fi thriller Fahrenheit 451, the book 
from which Moore derives his title...A must read for those interested in the 
pernicious effect of a totalitarian government...

And oh yeah, Andrea Mitchell fills in for Chris...

Dominic Bellone wrote, compiled and edited The Briefing from Washington, DC

Militants: Marine held hostage...An Arab  TV network broadcast a videotape on Sunday 
showing a blindfolded man in military uniform it said was a U.S. Marine taken hostage 
in Iraq.

Early handover in Iraq...The U.S.-led coalition transfers power to an Iraqi government 
two days early, in an apparent bid to frustrate insurgents opposed to the new 
government. (MSNBC)

The Iraqi people have their country back, President Bush declared in Istanbul, where 
he is attending the NATO summit. We have kept our word. (The Washington Post)

The Bush administration welcomed the early transfer of political power in Iraq Monday 
and said it would strengthen the new government's hand to deal with rampant violence 
and the threat of terrorism. (MSNBC)

With Iraqi sovereignty restored, the State Department will assume the dominant role in 
shaping Bush administration policy on Iraq, Deputy Secretary of State Richard Armitage 
said Monday. (AP)

Is history repeating itself?...Americans try their hand at resolving the 'Mesopotamia 

Subdued reaction on streets of Baghdad...Happiness tempered by fear of more violence, 
uncertain future

Post Analysis: Iraq occupation erodes Bush doctrine...Setbacks test foreign 
policy...The occupation of Iraq has increasingly undermined the core tenets of 
President Bush's foreign policy, according to a wide range of Republican and 
Democratic analysts and U.S. officials.

Court rules U.S. can hold citizen as 'enemy combatant'...But justices say detainees 
can mount legal challenge to harsh treatment (MSNBC)

NATO to help train Iraq's armed forces...Alliance also agrees to boost force in 
Afghanistan (AP)

Saddam to face Iraqi judge soon, official says...Ex-leader to remain in physical 
custody of U.S. (Reuters)

With thousands of Republicans set to invade the city this summer, high-priced escorts 
and strippers are preparing for one grand old party (NY Daily News)

The choice for voters: Health care or tax cuts...Policy costs crowd out other 
initiatives (The Washington Post)

Picket line keeps Kerry from mayors' meeting...He cancels Boston appearance over 
planned police demonstration (AP)

Sammon: President Bush's re-election campaign is ridiculing what it calls John 
Kerry's coalition of the wild-eyed, which includes filmmaker Michael Moore and former 
Vice President Al Gore.

Fineman: How to Run For Veep...The final lap: Some make deals. Others show off their 
public support. There are a lot of ways to curry favor. But only John Kerry knows what 
will work

Candidates Take Aim at Sportsmen's Vote...Group Seen as Factor in Swing States (The 
Washington Post) 

McCain, Hagel Dean Tonight on Hardball

2004-06-29 Thread Hardball with Chris Matthews
The Hardball Briefing On MSNBC

Hardball airs tonight on MSNBC at 7p, 11p  4a ET  4p, 8p  1a PT  Find MSNBC on your 
TV  MSNBC also is on your XM satellite radio on 
channel 130

Tonight Andrea honchos another big name blockbuster of a show as we slice and dice the 
TOP (Transfer of Power) from all angles...Dan Senor, the former CPA spokesman, is 
back from Baghdad and sits down to discuss his work over there and what lies ahead for 
the nascent Iraqi government...

It was announced over the weekend that John McCain will have a prominent speaking role 
at the RNC convention in New York...We'll preview what his message will be, get his 
take on the TOP and assess the impact Iraq will have on Bush's reelection campaign...

Senator Chuck Hagel, a Vietnam vet who was elected to the Senate from Nebraska in '96, 
will stop by to chat up Andrea with his thoughts on Iraq...Hagel sits on the Senate 
Foreign Relations Committee and brings great gravitas to the subject matter.

Finally Howard Dean will weigh in on Iraq, his support for Kerry and the new NYT poll 
out today...Speaking of Howard Dean, his former campaign manager Joe Trippi has a new 
book coming out which we'll discuss with him next week and Shuster will do a set up 

Housekeeping note:

Chris will return on Monday July 5th from vacationFor those special Shuster fan 
club members, David is heading off on vacation tomorrow and will return next Tuesday...

Dominic Bellone wrote, compiled and edited The Briefing from Washington, DC

3 Marines killed in Baghdad blast...Guerrillas detonated a roadside bomb as a U.S. 
convoy passed in Baghdad on Tuesday, killing three American marines and wounding two, 
the U.S. military said.

Saddam to face Iraqi court...Iraq's Prime Minister Iyad Allawi declared that Saddam 
Hussein will be handed over to Iraqi custody on Wednesday and face charges before an 
Iraqi court the following day.

Bush says Mideast's future is freedom...Speech promoting democracy lauds Turkish model 

Three Turkish hostages freed in Iraq...Father pleas for kidnapped U.S. Marine's 
release (AP)

Friends and supporters of Army Spc. Keith Matt Maupin gathered in vigils and prayer 
Monday while his family waited behind closed doors for the official word on his fate, 
amid reports that Iraqi militants had killed him. (Cincy Enquirer)

From occupation to 'partnership'...Despite threat of violence, U.S. soldiers prepare 
to slip into the background (The Washington Post)

U.S. Sen. John McCain said Monday he supports the surprise decision by the U.S.-led 
Coalition Provisional Authority to grant power to Iraqi's interim government two days 
early. (AP)

WP: Bremer's mission ends...L. Paul Bremer arrived here almost 14 months ago with a 
seemingly limitless reserve of energy and a mission unparalleled in U.S. diplomatic 
history: to remake a nation by using near-dictatorial powers. When he left Iraq on 
Monday after surrendering authority to an interim government, it was with a somber air 
of exhaustion.

Shuster: How the handover could affect the November elections

Americans are skeptical about the turnover of political control to Iraqis at a time 
the country has not been stabilized, according to polls released Monday. (AP)

The Bush administration must regroup legally and politically after the Supreme Court 
dealt a major setback to the government's anti-terrorism tactics since the Sept. 11, 
2001 attacks. (AP)

Despite concerns about his handling of Iraq, and an overall approval rating of 42%, 
George W. Bush is still running neck and neck with Democrat John Kerry as the choice 
of registered voters. Growing public optimism about the nation's economy has helped 
lift support for the President. (CBS News/NYT)

President Bush's continued edge over Democrat John Kerry on leadership skills and 
battling terrorism are keeping the presidential race close despite widespread concerns 
about Iraq, a bipartisan poll suggests. (AP)

Kerry Urged to Do More to Get Black Votes...Lack of Diversity Among Top Campaign 
Officials, Absence in Community Are Concerns (The Washington Post)

The Hardball Briefing for July 2, 2004

2004-07-02 Thread Hardball with Chris Matthews
The Hardball Briefing On MSNBC

Hardball airs tonight on MSNBC at 7p, 11p  4a ET  4p, 8p  1a PT  Find MSNBC on your 
TV  MSNBC also is on your XM satellite radio on 
channel 130

Don't hit the Fourth of July traffic just yet...We're celebrating the 4th with some 
good old fashioned political free speech tonight...And don't forget, if you listen to 
XM in your car like Chris does and will be on a long drive, tune in to channel 130..

Campbell Brown finishes up the week at Hardball with an interview with former U.S. 
ambassador to Iraq Joe Wilson, the man whose CIA wife's name was leaked by the Bush 
administration and gives us his take on the GQ tyrant's trial...

We'll do the latest job numbers with Commerce Secretary Donald Evans...

Trippi  Nader running mate Peter Camejo discuss the Nader Factor and the upcoming 
Dean/Nader debate...(Dean wants him out of the race, btw)

We round out the show with John squared: Dickerson and Fund...They'll do more 
veepstakes and the politics of Saddam in the docket...They'll also play off a phoner 
from NBC's Felix Schein who checks in from Cloquet, Minnesota on the Kerry bus tour...

And find which movie Campbell plans to see this weekend!  Pls tune in! Have a great 

Oh yeah, and we don't have the gravitas to do this, but we gotta give a shout out to 
Marlon Brando who passed away at age 80...We're huge Godfather fans and we know he'll 
having a starring role on the great silver screen in the sky...

Dominic Bellone wrote, compiled and edited The Briefing from Washington, DC

Marlon Brando dies in L.A. hospital...Acting legend won Oscar for 'On the Waterfront,' 
'The Godfather' (MSNBC)

From the beginning, audiences and critics weren't always sure what they were getting 
with Marlon Brando. Some praised his originality immediately, others dismissed him as 
a sloppy mumbler, while still others felt they weren't prepared for what he had to 
offer: the shock of the new (MSNBC)

Attacks rock central Baghdad...Insurgents fired rockets Friday in central Baghdad, 
hitting at least one hotel used by Westerners and injuring one man but setting their 
own van on fire, police and witnesses said.

Four soldiers have been charged in the drowning death of an Iraqi forced to jump off a 
bridge in Samarra, north of Baghdad, according to media reports. (AP),1282,-4268864,00.html

Powell says Saddam should get a fair trial...U.S. official says former Iraqi leader 
should be assumed innocent (MSNBC)

CW (Conventional Wisdom) on Saddam from top MSNBC guests

Republicans are pushing to put Saddam Hussein on trial before November, hoping an 
evildoer bounce in the polls carries President Bush to reelection, GOP sources said 
yesterday. (NY Daily News)

Sammon: President Bush's supporters think Saddam Hussein's trial will remind Americans 
of why the president ousted the Iraqi dictator by force and will put into context the 
failure to find weapons of mass destruction.

'Al-Qaida' threatens Europe...A purported statement from an al-Qaida-linked group 
vowed to carry out attacks in Europe after the expiry of a three-month truce offered 
by Osama bin Laden in April, London-based Asharq al-Awsat newspaper said on Friday.

With scenes of violence and mayhem in Iraq replaced by more favorable images of the 
new Iraqi leaders taking charge and former president Saddam Hussein in the dock, top 
Bush administration officials launched an effort yesterday to ease the public's 
concern that the war has increased the threat of terrorism against the United States. 
(The Washington Post)

Vice President Dick Cheney yesterday said terrorists struck American targets 
throughout Bill Clinton's presidency with little cost or consequence, but that the 
Bush administration's invasion of Iraq has made the United States and the world safer. 
(The Washington Times)

Democratic White House hopeful John Kerry sought to shake off the Northeastern liberal 
label on Friday and connect with voters in rural America who could tip the balance in 
battleground states when he faces President Bush in November. (Reuters)

In electoral tally, small states wield out-sized power...Allocation of electoral votes 
tends to sap Democrats' big-state advantage 

Must See TV Tonight On Hardball 7 9 pm ET

2004-07-06 Thread Hardball with Chris Matthews
The Hardball Briefing On MSNBC

Hardball airs tonight on MSNBC at 7p, 11p  4a ET  4p, 8p  1a PT  Find MSNBC on your 
TV  MSNBC also is on your XM satellite radio on 
channel 130

Another one of those break out the popcorn and TV tray nights custom made for 
MSNBC's Hardball...Chris is fired up of course and will be doing hits on the network 
all day slicin' and dicin' the selection of Edwards as Kerry's running mate...Plus, 
we've got a special 9-10 pm ET special on Edwards...

At 7 pm ET we'll talk to Andrea Mitchell who was actually first to break the news at 7 
am ET on Today (Edwards didn't get the official call until 7:30)...She'll lead the 
show with Howard, who is in Pittsburgh where Kerry held a huge rally to make the 
announcement...Gore's former campaign manager, Democratic Diva  the author of her new 
autobiography Cooking with Grease, Donna Brazile will join Chris as will RNC 
chairman Ed Gillespie...

Later at 9 pm ET, Chris anchors an hour long special on Edwards and what he brings to 
the ticket...We're still putting out our booking calls for that show but you can 
expect it to be truly must see TV...We'll definitely have folks from both campaigns 
throwing out the early spin...

All of this is subject to change of course at a moment's notice as news breaks and we 
change up the show in order to bring you the best possible lineup...

A few things to note at this hour

-Republicans are spinning Edwards as Kerry's second choice.  McCain being the first
-BC04 has released an ad featuring McCain endorsing Bush...The title? First Choice
-The DNC and its allies are sending out press e-mails highlighting past divisions 
between McCain  Bush
-The RNC has released an extensive opposition research file on Edwards at
-Kerry  Edwards are not expected to appear in public today
-We do expect a new Kerry/Edwards ad to be released some time today
-Cheney called Edwards this morning to congratulate him and to tell him he looks 
forward to a spirited debate
-Today is President Bush's 58th birthday

And this exclusive from David Shuster you won't find anywhere else..

For the Shuster family, July 4 was celebrated in true Indiana style with all of the 
trappings one might associate with a political red state.  The family's political 
leanings shall remain undisclosed... but voters of all stripes would have appreciated 
our unique and entertaining fireworks display.   My cousin and I rigged various 
fireworks to a couple of remote controlled boats... put the boats on the pond... and 
recreated, for our family's amusement, the battle of midway.  Definitely don't try 
this in states with tight liability laws.  My uncontrollable boat fired awfully close 
to the perplexed captain (me.)   Then, the ship caught fire and sank to the bottom.  
My cousin's boat survived and became the launching pad for remaining bottle rockets, 
fountains, and other assorted devices.  Those things that shoot the parachute soldiers 
were very cool... it was almost as if we were witnessing a water rescue mission.
Ah... Indiana in July... nothing beats it.

Today, I'm putting away the pyromaniacal tendencies and going back to political 
reporting.  Tonight, team Shuster is kicking off the 7pm show with a closer look at 
John Edwards.  We will run the money sound byte from Kerry... then show a few clips of 
Edwards... including a recent diatribe over Abu Graib.  Also, the decision to pick 
Edwards was apparently made so last minute that some kerry staffers thought the 
selection was going to be Florida Senator Bob Graham.  The campaign even had 
Kerry/Graham signs at the rally... we've got the video... and a separate pkg for the 
9pm special on the strengths and weaknesses of each ticket. 

More headlines below...Pls stay with MSNBC all night as we cover this developing 

Dominic Bellone wrote, compiled and edited The Briefing from Washington, DC

Democratic presidential candidate John Kerry selected former rival John Edwards to be 
his running mate, calling him a man who has shown guts and determination and 
political skills in his own race for the presidency of the United States.  (AP)

Kerry e-mail to supporters on Edwards...VP pick 'understands and defends the values of 

Kerry informed his staff of his choice Monday at about 10:30 p.m. (The Washington 

Edwards on the issues: (The Washington Post)

Edwards gives ticket Southern ID...The only Democrats to win the presidency in the 
past 40 years have been Southerners. If John Kerry wins on Nov. 2, he'll break that 
streak, but with a boost from a son of Dixie, his 

The Hardball Briefing for July 8, 2004

2004-07-08 Thread Hardball with Chris Matthews
The Hardball Briefing On MSNBC

Hardball airs tonight on MSNBC at 7p, 11p  4a ET  4p, 8p  1a PT  Find MSNBC on your 
TV  MSNBC also is on your XM satellite radio on 
channel 130

On Hardball tonight we lead with a couple of Senators: Richard Shelby (R-AL)  John 
Breaux (D-LA) who'll give us their read on the presidential contest, how each ticket 
will fare in the South and the latest from the Intelligence Committee (which is 
expected to release an Iraq report soon)...Also today, the top Dem on the Senate Armed 
Services released new information that suggested the administration exaggerated the 
claims of an Iraq-Al Qaeda linkage, not the CIA...We'll ask them about that of course..

Shuster's working up a package on Cheney and the pluses  minuses of his presence on 
the ticket...Btw, fmr. Senator Al D'Amato (R-NY) is calling for Powell to replace 
Cheney...We'll see where that's headed and kick it around with our two political 
strategists: Rick Davis (R)  Steve Jarding (D)...There's also some new polls out 
today and a couple of new political ads...We'll slice and dice all of it...

MSNBC's Chris Jansing wraps up the show with a report from the battleground state of 

From the Hardball Briefing subscribers do great things in life file

Ana Marie Cox, aka The Wonkette (, just scored a great gig with 
MTV convering the DNC convention!

Click  scroll down:

I asked Ana to what she attributed her success.  She responds with this exclusive, 
never before read quote: If it were not for the Hardball Briefing, I would have even 
less serious political news to ignore in favor of anatomy jokes and speculation about 
the Bush twins' love life 

Dominic Bellone wrote, compiled and edited The Briefing from Washington, DC

5 U.S. soldiers, 1 Iraqi guardsman killed...Sammara mortar attack on base also wounds 
20 soldiers (AP)

Ridge warns of higher terror risk before election...Reports say al-Qaida aims to 
disrupt vote, he says

Former New York Republican Sen. Alfonse D'Amato, who suggested yesterday that party 
dump the current veep, Dick Cheney, in favor of Secretary of State Powell, got very 
cool response from Bush campaign. One of New York's top Republicans shocked his party 
yesterday by urging President Bush to dump Dick Cheney and replace him with Secretary 
of State Powell. (NY Daily News)

Kerry-Edwards Pulls In Ahead of Bush-Cheney 48%-46%; No Big Bounce for Kerry; Country 
Still Evenly Divided in Red and Blue States; Nearly One in Ten Likely Voters Say that 
Their Vote is Not Counted Accurately, New Zogby America Poll Reveals

Democrat John Kerry's choice of John Edwards as his running mate drew a largely 
favorable public response on Wednesday, with polls showing majorities of voters 
approved of the choice but did not think it would change their vote in November. 

Bush team unveiling new ads, N. Carolina plan...Sen. McCain key to effort, but says he 
won't attack (AP)

Kerry begins new round of TV ads...Spots seek to connect candidate with ordinary 
people (The Washington Post)

Focus on Values and the Economy...In Debut, Kerry and Edwards Give Preview of Days to 
Come (The Washington Post)

Aloof, dour and wooden are the oft-repeated adjectives to describe John Kerry. The 
presence of running mate John Edwards altered that image Wednesday. (AP)

Kenneth Lay surrenders to FBI...Former Enron Corp. Chairman and Chief Executive 
Kenneth Lay, who grew the company into an energy trading giant that became the 
ultimate symbol of corporate wrongdoing and greed, surrendered to FBI authorities in 
Houston Thursday morning, one day after a grand jury returned a sealed indictment 
against him.

In a bipartisan show of concern that the military is dangerously overworked, lawmakers 
said Wednesday the Pentagon is stretching troops to their limit and perhaps 
undermining the nation's future force. (AP)

Missing Marine in Lebanon?...The U.S. Embassy in Lebanon said Thursday it has 
credible information that missing U.S. Marine Cpl. Wassef Ali Hassoun is safe in his 
native country, but hasn't been able to confirm it.

Rockefeller Roberts on Senate WMD Intel Report

2004-07-09 Thread Hardball with Chris Matthews
The Hardball Briefing On MSNBC

Hardball airs tonight on MSNBC at 7p, 11p  4a ET  4p, 8p  1a PT  Find MSNBC on your 
TV  MSNBC also is on your XM satellite radio on 
channel 130

Due to a truncated production schedule at Hardball I'm compelled to make this one 
short and sweet...It's Friday anyway, folks...

There's a big Senate Intelligence report coming out today on what we knew about Iraq 
and the WMD intell...It's said to be a scathing critique of the CIA...The report 
concerning what the White House did with the intelligence will not be released until 
after November 2nd...You can figure that one out for yourself...Be that as it may, 
we'll talk to the top honchos (Roberts  Rockefeller) on the Intelligence Committee, 
find out what's inside and see what it means politically for all interested parties... 

We'll follow that up with The Washington Post's Dana Priest whose been on this story 
from the get go (down from day one as I like to say)...

In the last quarter hour of show we welcome the return of Briefing subscriber (and 
Nation mag editor) Katrina vanden Heuvel along with NY Postie Deborah Orin who'll kick 
around the political week that was...Our segment producer just pre-interviewed Deborah 
and he says she's just back from covering the presidential campaign in Florida and on 
fire...She was also at the big star studded hate fest (as BC04 is calling it) last 
night at Radio City Music Hall...

Check it out: Whoopi Goldberg delivered an X-rated rant full of sexual innuendoes 
against President Bush last night at a Radio City gala that raised $7.5 million for 
the newly minted Democratic ticket of John Kerry and John Edwards. (NY Post)

Stars bring $7.5 million to Kerry-Edwards ticket...Celebrity fund raiser boosts 
democratic presidential campaign (AP)

Dig this little sugar plum which just landed in my Outlook inbox...

Bush/Cheney Release: If John Kerry is going to praise last night's star-studded hate 
fest, and characterize it as the 'heart and soul' of America, he should share these 
values with voters everywhere.

We call on Kerry to release the video of this event so that all Americans can see 
what John Kerry has called America's 'heart and soul.'

We''ll definitely get into that! I love that line star studded hate fest...Plus 
Shuster's working up a piece on the values issue which is now being pushed by the 
Kerry-Edwards camp which will reference the event...

Have a great weekend!

Dominic Bellone wrote, compiled and edited The Briefing from Washington, DC

U.S. soldier killed in Baghdad attack...Earlier, assault in Samarra killed 5 
Americans, 1 Iraqi (MSNBC)

U.S. Soldier Dies From Wounds Suffered in Attack in Iraq...Bulgaria, Philippines Say 
They Won't Bow to Kidnappers' Demands

Iraq insurgency larger than once thought...Anti-U.S. forces may be as large as 20,000, 
U.S. officials say (MSNBC)

CIA to be cited for 'series of failures'...Senate report says agency got careless with 
Iraq intelligence (MSNBC)

President Bush has opened a slight lead over John Kerry while regaining the confidence 
of some voters on the economy and other domestic issues, according to an Associated 
Press poll with a silver lining for Democrats. (AP)

Over and over, President Bush has proclaimed fierce loyalty to Dick Cheney as his 
running mate for a second term but questions stubbornly linger about whether the vice 
president will remain on the Republican ticket. (AP)

In place of gunfire, a rain of rocks...U.S. troops in Sadr City still face an angry 
populace (The Washington Post)

Mystery over U.S. Marine's reappearance...Hassoun to undergo debriefing in Germany; 
probe under way (MSNBC)

Curry: Key Democrats split with Kerry on Arctic oil...Three candidates are vital in 
helping their party regain Senate

Senior al-Qaida leaders behind terror threat...Ridge: 'How high up it goes remains to 
be seen'

Iraqi radio show to be broadcast from Berlin...Aided by German government, geared 
toward younger generation (MSNBC)

Musician David Bowie underwent an emergency angioplasty to open a blocked heart artery 
in Germany and is recuperating, his spokesman said Friday. (AP)


Taranto: If You're Happy And You Know It, Run 

The Hardball Briefing for July 13, 2004

2004-07-13 Thread Hardball with Chris Matthews
The Hardball Briefing On MSNBC

Hardball airs tonight on MSNBC at 7p, 11p  4a ET  4p, 8p  1a PT  Find MSNBC on your 
TV  MSNBC also is on your XM satellite radio on 
channel 130

Tonight we lead with the gay marriage debate and the action on the Senate floor to ban 
it...We run a package on the issue tracked by Ron Reagan, then go to Republican 
Senator Wayne Allard who opposes it and is pushing the amendment..

Then we speak with Richard Holbrooke, former Clinton UN ambassador and now a 
Kerry-Edwards foreign policy advisor, for a couple of blocks...No doubt we'll get into 
the newly announced DNC convention theme: Stronger at Home, Respected in the World 
kind of thing as well as Bush slamming Kerry on being a flip flopper today..

We'll play more of the Bush sound with BC04 Chief Strategist Matthew Dowd,  
Kerry-Edwards Sr. Advisor Tad Devine...We'll do Iraq, values, gay marriage and why 
North Carolina voters prefer Bush-Cheney to Kerry-Edwards..

Courting conservative voters in Michigan's rural Upper Peninsula, President Bush said 
Tuesday that rival John Kerry abandoned support for U.S. troops in Iraq and then 
bragged about it. (AP)

We wrap up with conservative icon William F. Buckley, Jr. who is stepping down from 
his post at National Review, a magazine he founded...

Housekeeping...Chris is doing the tonight show with Jay Leno 11:35 pm ET

Also, my friend Robert Cox over at is spreading a rumor about my 
best friend and I (which happens to be true)...

Someone in press finally caught the dynamism of Chris and filed this report from the 
TV critics convention in LA: (de Moraes)

Dominic Bellone wrote, compiled and The Briefing from Washington, DC

Bush defends invasion of Iraq...President Bush defended his decision to invade Iraq 
again Monday even as he conceded that investigators had not found weapons of mass 

Officials to meet on election plans...Federal election officials will meet next week 
with officials of the Department of Homeland Security to discuss whether and how they 
would delay the November presidential election in the event of a catastrophic 
terrorist attack, a top elections official told MSNBC on Monday.

Manila says it will quit Iraq...The Philippines said Tuesday that it would withdraw 
its troops from Iraq as soon as possible in response to kidnappers' demands. 
Philippine officials were quoted as saying they expected the hostage to be released 
later Tuesday.

Report: Bulgarian hostage killed...A militant group holding two Bulgarian truck 
drivers said it had killed one of them, the pan-Arab television station Al-Jazeera 
reports. (AP)

Gay marriage vote appears doomed...Senate leaders unable to agree on procedure (MSNBC)

On the eve of a possible U.S. Senate vote to make gay marriages unconstitutional, 
Rosie O'Donnell spoke out against the Bush administration's plans to ban same sex 
unions during a stop on a gay-friendly cruise, according to Local 6 News. (Central 
Florida News)

North Carolina horse race numbers

More American voters view President Bush as decisive and arrogant than Democratic 
rival John Kerry, according to an Associated Press poll. But voters are more likely to 
see Kerry as intelligent. (AP)

Sen. John F. Kerry upset some families of 9/11 victims yesterday when he arrived - 
late - to a private memorial dedication in a sirened motorcade and glad-handed as 
though he were on the campaign trail. (Boston Herald)

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Martha Stewart Sentencing Reax

2004-07-16 Thread Hardball with Chris Matthews
The Hardball Briefing On MSNBC

Hardball airs tonight on MSNBC at 7p, 11p  4a ET  4p, 8p  1a PT  Find MSNBC on your 
TV  MSNBC also is on your XM satellite radio on 
channel 130

We're swamped today with DNC convention planning and Marta Stewart news so we're short 
and sweet...Andrea Mitchell guests host for Martha Stewart sentencing reax...We'll 
talk to Harvey Pitt, former Securities  Exchange Commission Chairman under George W. 
Bush...Ken Lay's attorney Michael Ramsey, Vanity Fair media critic Michael Wolff and 
BusinessWeek's Mike France round the out back half...Shuster's got a package on the 
tick tock of the case...

Stewart receives 5-month prison term...Celebrity homemaker also receives 5 months of 
home detention (AP)

MSO stock soars after Stewart learns fate...Shares surge 30 percent following 
sentencing (Reuters) 

Gratuitous for one of my peeps...I've got to give up some serious props to Briefing 
friend/booster Robert Cox on the one year anniversary of his amazing blog...Its for 
folks who are news/media/political junkie types

It all started when he had to bust out Maureen Dowd

Have a great weekend...Chris is back on Monday

The Briefing was written, compiled and edited by Dominic Bellone in Washington, DC

Kmart stands by Stewart's company...Retailer says MSO 'is a valued brand partner' (AP)

A second poll in two weeks indicating that Arizona voters prefer President Bush by 10 
to 12 points over John Kerry set Republicans clamoring Thursday that the state isn't 
as much of a toss-up as has been portrayed. (The Arizona Republic)

John Kerry asked Hillary Rodham Clinton on Thursday to address the Democratic National 
Convention on its opening night and to introduce her husband, former President 
Clinton, ending an intense lobbying campaign by the New York senator's backers angered 
by her nonspeaking role. (AP),1413,200~20954~2275034,00.html

In Florida, president decries human trafficking...In another appeal to his 
conservative base of support, President Bush is declaring that human trafficking is a 
global crime problem that must be met in the United States with swift justice for 
those who profit from it. (AP)

Philippine troops begin pullout...The Philippines defied the United States and began 
to pull its troops out of Iraq on Friday, bowing to the demands of militants holding 
one of its citizens and risking souring relations with its key ally and trading 

WP: U.S. works to rally Iraq coalition...The Bush administration faces growing 
challenges in holding together the 32-nation coalition deployed in Iraq, with four 
countries already gone, another four due to leave by September and others now making 
known their intention to wind down or depart before the political transition is 
complete next year, according to officials from 28 participating countries.

John Kerry didn't wait to see if his presidential ambitions were realized before 
sending an emissary of sorts - his brother - to Israel. Fealty to Israel's security is 
so deeply embedded in both parties that symbolic touches may be the most that sets 
them apart. (AP)

The Associated Press asked a federal judge Friday to order the Pentagon to quickly 
turn over a full copy of President Bush's military service record. (AP)

John Edwards on love, Wendy's, privacy...Plus: John and Elizabeth Edwards talk about 
their Wendy's wedding anniversary ritual in the final part of a Today interview.


They Report, They Decide...An anti-Fox News documentary shows a little bias of its 
own. (Wall Street Journal)

Ilana: Thomas Jefferson vs. the Libertarian Party

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The Hardball Briefing For July 20, 2004

2004-07-20 Thread Hardball with Chris Matthews
The Hardball Briefing On MSNBC

Hardball airs tonight on MSNBC at 7p, 11p  4a ET  4p, 8p  1a PT  Find MSNBC on your 
TV  MSNBC also is on your XM satellite radio on 
channel 130

On Sunday night, Chris and Tom Brokaw host a special hour looking back on conventions 
past and take you on a wonderful trip down memory lane...This will truly be a 
political junkies dream as Tom and Chris reminisce on the great moments of past 
conventions...Picking Our Presidents: The Greatest Moments airs Sunday the 25th on 
MSNBC at 8 pm ET/5 pm PT

Tomorrow on Wednesday night at 9 pm ET/6 pm PT Chris anchors a live special on 9/11 
with NBC's Lisa Meyers titled  The 12 missed chances that could have prevented 9/11.

Tonight we lead the show with the curious case of Sandy Berger and the investigation 
into his taking of classified documents from the National Archives...As he prepped for 
his September 11th Commission testimony he was reviewing classified memos which 
inadvertently found themselves inside his jacket and pants...When he was asked to 
return the memos he did with the exception of some memos which inadvertently ended 
up in Berger's garbage can...We'll talk to Senators Trent Lott and Bob Graham...

Ron Reagan checks in from Tinseltown with a package on Michael Moore's Fahrenheit 
9/11 and other political documentaries at your local theater...

We do politics with Terry Holt from BC04 and Ann Lewis from the Kerry-Edwards 
camp...Chris adroitly deploys the term coquettish against one of the guests and 
hurls another sobriquet which was used recently by a actor turned Governor...I think 
this will make your viewing experience all the more fulfilling

We finish up with a Katie Couric package on this election cycle's Battleground 

Chris is on fire tonight...You gotta tune in...

Dominic Bellone wrote, compiled and edited The Hardball Briefing from Washington, DC

Clinton aide investigated for taking classified memos...Former national security chief 
admits removing Sept. 11 documents (MSNBC)

The missing copies, according to Breuer and their author, Richard A. Clarke, the 
counterterrorism chief in the Clinton administration and early in President Bush's 
administration, were versions of after-action reports recommending changes following 
threats of terrorism as 1999 turned to 2000. (The Washington Post)

Panel won't say if 9/11 could have been stopped...Bush stays out of debate over 
creation of national intelligence czar (MSNBC)

President Bush returns to Iowa today at a time when Democrat John Kerry is challenging 
him in a typically Republican stronghold - rural America. (Des Moines Register)

Twins to hit campaign trail with Bush...First time both daughters have joined their 
dad (AP)

Bush campaign nears $230 million...Republicans maintain $50 million lead over 
Democrats (AP)

John F. Kerry is poised to take federal campaign money once he is nominated for the 
presidency next week, according to top campaign finance advisers, a move that will 
allow him to disburse millions of dollars in leftover campaign cash to Democratic 
Party operations, effectively augmenting the $75 million he will receive in federal 
funds. (The Boston Globe)

Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton - tapped by John Kerry to speak at the Democratic 
convention next week - vowed yesterday to be a strong voice in the chorus that 
cheers on her party's nominee for president. (NY Post)

Vice President Dick Cheney criticized the Democratic ticket on Monday, arguing that 
John Kerry and John Edwards have opposed changes to the medical malpractice insurance 
system because they are too close to trial lawyers. (AP)

House leaders want no vote delay...Resolution says 'never' to terror-linked 
postponement (AP)

The Democratic Party, with $63 million in the bank, plans to launch a massive ad 
campaign against President Bush as John Kerry crosses the United States by bus, train 
and boat after next week's nominating convention. (AP)

Philippine president confirms hostage's release...All Filipino troops withdrawn to 
meet kidnappers' demand (MSNBC)

Iraq's new government has asked U.N. weapons 

Live From Boston Tonight! Ted Kennedy, Menino Barnicle

2004-07-23 Thread Hardball with Chris Matthews
The Hardball Briefing On MSNBC

Hardball airs tonight on MSNBC at 7p, 11p  4a ET  4p, 8p  1a PT  Find MSNBC on your 
TV  MSNBC also is on your XM satellite radio on 
channel 130

Special programming note...Most of you can't wait for the coverage of this convention 
to begin.  And certainly we can't either...That's why we're starting a day earlier on 
Sunday night starting at 6 pm with a special Chris Jansing/Chris Matthews special on 
the Battleground states, then at 7 pm we have a special edition of Hardball followed 
by a Matthews/Tom Brokaw special Picking our Presidents: Dig the press release

On to tonight...Chris is up in Boston doing the show live from our convention set in 
Faneuil Hall...Yeah, the one Shuster was sitting at last night...

We lead with Mr. Boston himself Mike Barnicle...Not since James Michael Curley has 
there been a more prominent Bostonian...He comes to us tonight from the famous Boston 
political watering hole Doyle's Cafe in Jamaica Plain...Earlier this week Barnicle 
sat down with another giant of Massachusetts, the Senate and the Liberal way of life, 
Ted Kennedy...We'll roll excerpts from the interview...

We've also got the mayor of Boston Thomas Menino, Presidential Historian Doris Kearns 
Goodwin (another local), veteran Boston journalist David Nyhan and political 
consultant Ed Jesser...In short, we set the table tonight with some serious Bostonian 
flavor on the eve of the Democratic National Convention...

It's all Boston all the time with the exception of Shuster who files a special report 
titled something to the effect of The Day After The 9/11 Report: What Has Changed?  
Very good question David

Oh and here's something we're really excited about!  Our new blog!  We're taking baby 
steps here folks so we've only got a couple of postings but we'll be updating it as 
the convention gets underway...I'll be posting much of the Briefing stuff online 
during the convention...So set a bookmark...We'll have a lot of fun insider stuff from 
our All-Star panelists and other cool folks! You can even send in e-mails and we might 
post them..

Robert Cox over at actually broke the story an hour or so ago 
about the blog so we appreciate that very much...

Dominic Bellone wrote, compiled and edited The Briefing from Washington, DC

9/11 report slams intel failings...Despite calls from the Sept. 11 commission and 
others to take immediate steps to tighten security and reform the nation's 
intelligence apparatus,  quick action on the panel's recommendations is unlikely.

National Security Adviser Condoleezza Rice said Friday she agrees with the Sept. 11 
commission's findings that the nation is safer nearly three years after the terrorist 
attacks, but it is not yet safe. (AP)

CIA-like counterterror center urged...Panel's recommendations could face tough going 
(The Washington Post)

Hardball: Hindsight on the 9/11 attacks...An in-depth examination reveals multiple 
missed opportunities to delay or disrupt the tragedy.

The 9/11 commission released a previously classified briefing to President Bill 
Clinton - made in 1998 - about a threat from Osama bin Laden to hijack aircraft in the 
United States. (NY Post)

NBC poll: Bush, Kerry tied...NBC-Wall Street Journal poll shows Bush-Cheney vs. 
Kerry-Edwards presidential race is a virtual tie.

Bush to address Urban League...President to outline agenda to African-American group 

With one of the nation's most crime-ridden cities serving as a backdrop, Sen. John 
Kerry yesterday ripped President Bush for allowing gang violence to skyrocket on his 
watch. (NY Post)

The Republican National Committee has asked Bush-backing Roman Catholics to provide 
copies of their parish directories to help register Catholics to vote in the November 
election, a use of personal information not necessarily condoned by dioceses around 
the country. (AP)

President Bush and Sen. John Kerry remain deadlocked in Florida, the biggest 
battleground of the 2004 election, as the Democratic Party prepares to anoint Kerry as 
its presidential candidate next week. (Orlando Sentinel),0,3243599.story?coll=orl-home-headlines

'The president misled America'...Excerpts from USA TODAY's interview with John Kerry 

DNC Convention: Day 3

2004-07-28 Thread Hardball with Chris Matthews
The Hardball Briefing On MSNBC

Tune to MSNBC tonight from 6 pm to 2 am ET for all your DNC Convention needs. In fact, 
why not just go ahead and tune in right now.

So I was heading to the dock at the Boston Harbor waterfront behind my hotel this 
morning when I see a bunch of secret service types and a big boat. I figured someone 
important, maybe the Governor of New Jersey, was arriving. Turns out Kerry was on his 
way from the airport to take the water taxi over to  Charlestown Naval Yard for his big splash arrival in Beantown.  It was 
pretty cool to see Kerry kickin' it at the location where I was jogging this morning 
and catching the water taxi.  Shuster was over covering his landing for the network 
and is supposed to blog on it

Tonight's a big night as they do the traditional roll call of states announcing their 
number of delegates plus Edwards' big speech.  My colleague Brian Doherty checks in 
from the Democratic Tong with this disturbing piece of news: This will not be a 
typical VP convention speech.  There will be no mention of Bush or Cheney.  It's 
Edwards view that we can get into the issues that are important to the American people 
without personal attack. He won't get into personal invective. How boring.  By the 
way, The Tong (hotlink to is the nickname for the 
private briefing the Kerry camp gives to each television network during the day to 
push its daily message and goals for the night.

Going through our rundown tonight it appears we have another wingding of a show lined 
up...(More after the Jump to our blog)

For all the latest convention news click here

Dominic Bellone, Live from Faneuil Hall

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Convention Day Four: The Grand Finale

2004-07-29 Thread Hardball with Chris Matthews
The Hardball Briefing On MSNBC

We've got just one more day to go here folks and tonight's the big grand finale: John 
Kerry's speech.  Our producing spy at the Tong, Brian Doherty, reports that Kerry's 
speech will be 50-55 minutes long!  So not only should you break out the popcorn but 
also the coffee. Brian also hears that the speech hopes to achieve several things: 
Inspire confidence in his leadership abilities. He's the right man for the right 
times. They further inform us that these are serious times.  When are they not? 
Kerry also plans to provide insight into himself, his values and where he wants to 
take the country.  Finally, the speech promises to take a step ahead, continue 
building and consolidating the vote, whatever that means.  Another phrase we're 
hearing is serious times call for serious people.

For What It's Worth: P Diddy's (or is he back to Puffy?) been making the rounds 
promoting his vote or die project and this morning our own MSNBC 
correspondent/Hardblogger Chris Jansing interviewed him.  Towards the end he asked her 
Are you gonna get down with this? which I roughly interpreted as Are you going to 
vote and encourage your friends to vote?  Chris responded with something like Are 
you kidding? Of course I am!  Ron Reagan interviewed Diddy today and we'll chunk it 

Our All-Star panelists (Dee Dee, Ron, Gergen plus Howard, Willie, Andrea  Joe) are 
back at 6  8 pm ET.  We're on the air until Midnight and then Joe  Ron break out the 
smooth jazz theme music for Convention After Hours.  Ooh, sounds dangerous...

In today's blog

-David Shuster finds himself salsa dancing with scantily clad women and runs into 
California Lt. Gov. Cruz Bustamante
-Terry Jeffrey critiques the Liberal John Twins
-Chris Jansing does some star gazing
-And Joe Trippi finds out the identity of the elusive  mysterious blogger Atrios

-Stay tuned for more postings tonight

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Come Down To Georgetown and See Hardball Tonight

2004-08-02 Thread Hardball with Chris Matthews
The Hardball Briefing On MSNBC

Hardball Airs Live at 7 pm ET/4 pm PT  9 pm ET/6 pm PT from Sequoia Restaurant on the 
Georgetown waterfront 3000 K St., NW

Tonight we're doing something special and we'd like you to join us, those of you in 
the greater DC area.  We're broadcasting live from Sequoia restaurant at 3000 K St., 
NW on the Georgetown waterfront.  Locals know where I'm talking about.  We invite all 
to come, watch the show, meet Chris and have some fun.  We'll have a limited number of 
Hardball hats which we'll hand out on a first come, first served basis. We'll also 
have some cool T-Shirts as well. (But only if you stay for the 9 pm show!) And if you 
have a cool Hardball sign we might even put you on TV.  We're broadcasting live at 7 
pm ET  9 pm ET.  On the West Coast that's 4 pm PT  6 pm PT...We'll be discussing the 
latest terrorist threat, this new National Intelligence Director position and what it 
all means the race for the White House.  We'll talk to a White House advisor on 
Homeland Security as well as top political analysts types like Chuck Todd of The 
Hotline, Andrea Mitchell of NBC News and Pat Buchanan, who certainly needs no 
introduction...We'll also talk to our NBC News White House guy David Gregory...  

In the 9 pm ET hour we'll chat with Boston Globe columnist Thomas Oliphant who slammed 
Kerry's speech as a blizzard of hard-to-follow verbiage

And oh yeah we'll run the Ron Reagan/P. Diddy package will run tonight as well...

We'll have few surprises in there as well so tune in or better yet, show up!

Dominic Bellone wrote, compiled and edited The Briefing from Washington, DC

Bush backs new intelligence czar...President takes first steps in revamping nation's 
security (MSNBC)

U.S. warns of 'specific' terror threat...The federal government has raised the threat 
level for financial companies in Washington, D.C., New York City and northern New 
Jersey, Homeland Security Secretary Tom Ridge said Sunday.

Officials believe there are sufficient safety mechanisms to ensure that any terrorist 
attack on the U.S. financial system can be weathered in much the same way the system 
handles hurricanes and other disruptions. (AP)

The fresh intelligence that led to yesterday's extraordinary terror alert comes from 
documents discovered after Pakistani and U.S. forces broke up an al Qaeda cell in 
Gujrat, Pakistan, eight days ago, U.S. intelligence officials said yesterday. (The 
Washington Post)

Blasts target churches in Iraq...A series of bombings shook Baghdad and Mosul on 
Sunday, including coordinated explosions outside churches, the first attacks targeting 
the Iraq's Christian minority during the insurgency to oust U.S.-led forces.

John Kerry either gained a slight bump in his standing with voters or didn't move at 
all following the Democratic National Convention, according to polls taken after he 
accepted the party's nomination for president. (AP)

Democratic presidential nominee John Kerry said Monday that President Bush has 
responded too slowly to the terrorist threat three years after the Sept. 11 attacks 
and has adopted policies that have encouraged terrorism. (AP)

Democrats John Kerry and John Edwards on Monday released a book-length blueprint for 
their White House campaign, including plans to fight terrorism and improve homeland 
security as officials warn of an attack against major financial institutions. (AP) 

John Kerry is talking more openly about his personal connection to God and guns as he 
kicks off the general election campaign asking for support from conservative-leaning 
independent voters. (AP)

Undecided voters few, finicky...President Bush and Sen. John Kerry are competing for 
the support of a relatively few undecided voters, many of whom are preoccupied with 
work and family. (The Washington Times)

Afghan reconstruction faces 'increasing threat'...The United States lacks the security 
forces in Afghanistan to match an increasing threat from terrorist insurgents 
killing civilian workers, and the State Department is not adequately staffing the 
embassy in the capital of Kabul, says an internal Bush administration memorandum. (The 
Washington Times)


Corn: Kerry Does His Duty...Kerry 

Vietnam War Heats Up 35 Years Later

2004-08-19 Thread Hardball with Chris Matthews
The Hardball Briefing On MSNBC

Hardball airs tonight on MSNBC at 7p, 11p  4a ET  4p, 8p  1a PT  Find MSNBC on your 
TV  MSNBC also is on your XM satellite radio on 
channel 130

It's history repeating itself as that nasty little swift boat controversy won't seem 
to go away for Kerry...Addressing the International Association of Firefighters 
Conventionconvention this morning Kerry blasted the swift boat veterans for truth 
calling them a Bush front group and challenging Bush to bring it on if he wants to 
debate our service in Vietnam...The sound was smokin' to say the least and now the 
Bush campaign has a statement out saying Kerry knows his accusations are 
false...Kerry also has a new Vietnam themed ad out today...Folks my Outlook inbox is 
blowing up right  left with charges and countercharges over this issue...

We'll try to sort it out tonight with fmr. Senator Max Cleland, one of Kerry's top 
band of brothers...We'll also get reax from Washington Wiseman-cum-Harvard professor 
David Gergen and fmr. San Fran mayor Willie Brown...

No one from Bush-Cheney '04 wanted to come on the show tonight...

MSBNC campaign reporter Becky Diamond was at the Kerry speech and blogs on what she 

In the back half we talk to The Washington Post's Dana Milbank from the Western White 
House in Crawford and syndicated columnist Michelle Malkin whose new book In Defense 
Of Internment is certainly not going to win her any friends at the ACLU..

We finish up with Michael Sporgen, the lawyer in the case of John Doe: War veteran 
sues to keep from being sent back to Iraq...GI says his rights violated under Bush 
redeployment policy (San Francisco Chronicle)

It's a great country we live in when a former Vice President drives his own car and 
actually gets a speeding ticket! Former Vice President Al Gore was cited for speeding 
as he drove a rented car to visit family on the coast, authorities said. (AP)

Dominic Bellone wrote, compiled and edited The Hardball Briefing from Washington, DC

Kerry blasts Bush over Swift Boat vet ad...Says president allows 'dirty work' (AP)

They're a front for the Bush campaign. And the fact that the president won't denounce 
what they're up to tells you everything you need to know: he wants them to do his 
dirty work, Kerry told a convention of the International Association of Fire 
Fighters, a politically active union which backs Kerry.  (Reuters)

Military records counter a Kerry critic...Fellow skipper's citation refers to enemy 
fire (The Washington Post)

The Washington Times has an excerpt here from Unfit for Command: 'Sampan incident' 
belies heroic image

The Washington Times editorializes: Was Kerry in combat on Dec. 2, 1968?...One of the 
criteria for awarding a Purple Heart is that the person in question was involved in 
action against the enemy. The writers over at have raised an 
interesting question surrounding John Kerry's first Purple Heart.

Malkin Backgrounders: 

The left's war on the FBI

Racial profiling: A matter of survival

Milbank mentions our segment from Monday where Chris busted out the Bush campaign for 
cropping an interview we conducted with John Kerry: Bush Turns to Part-Time 
Troops...New Educational Benefits for Guardsmen, Reservists Proposed

Sen. Zell Miller of Georgia, a Democrat who long ago endorsed President Bush for 
re-election, will deliver the keynote address at the Republican National Convention, 
party officials announced Thursday. (AP)

Iraqi PM makes 'final call' for cleric's surrender...Move comes as heavy fighting 
rages near holy shrine in Najaf (MSNBC)

While U.S. forces have cordoned off the shrine and are responding to attacks from 
Sadr's militia, Allawi has told U.S. commanders he wants Iraqi forces, not foreign 
troops, to attack the shrine if necessary. (The Washington Post)

Developments in Iraq on Thursday (AP)

Curry: '527' groups rewrite 

Bust Out The Popcorn Tonight Folks...Chris is Back!

2004-08-23 Thread Hardball with Chris Matthews
The Hardball Briefing On MSNBC

Hardball airs tonight on MSNBC at 7p, 11p  4a ET  4p, 8p  1a PT  Find MSNBC on your 
TV  MSNBC also is on your XM satellite radio on 
channel 130

If you thought Thursday's show was hot, we've got the follow-up tonight so break out 
the popcorn folks...Even Drudge said last night on the radio he was gonna break out 
the popcorn for this one...We lead with legendary broadcaster Dick Cavett who hosted 
the first debates between Kerry and anti-Kerry swift boat guy John O'Neill back in '71 
(co-author of Unfit for Command)...We'll also talk to Buchanan (or as Ali G says my 
main man Pat Boo-Cannon) about the Nixon White House's reaction to Kerry's anti-war 
demonstrations back in the day...

While you chilled freestyle this weekend at the pool or the beach, a spate of hot new 
political ads on the swift boats hit the airwaves...Shuster's got the lowdown

In the back half we talk to historians Douglas Brinkley, John Kerry's official 
biographer and author of Tour of Duty: John Kerry and the Vietnam War and Stanley 
Karnow, author of Vietnam: A History

We wrap things up with Texas Senator Kay Bailey Hutchison on President Bush's big new 
agenda that he will unveil next week at the RNC convention

Dominic Bellone wrote, compiled and edited The Hardball Briefing from Washington, DC

Bush calls for halt to Swift Boat vets' ads...'I think they're bad for the system,' 
president says (MSNBC)

Swift boat accounts incomplete and flawed...Both sides have withheld information, a 
Post inquiry shows (The Washington Post)

New Hostile Fire Incoming: Their shots may not be lethal, but a crew of angry vets 
have hit Kerry's hull (Newsweek)

Kerry Unveils Ad Countering Attacks Over Vietnam...Nominee Accuses Bush of Smear 
Tactics on Military Service (The Washington Post)

Dole calls on Kerry to apologize...Ex-GOP senator says Kerry's wounds 'never bled that 
I know of' (AP)

Bush huddles with military team...Iraq to dominate agenda as administration weighs 
strategy (AP)

John Kerry's presidential campaign, which slighted Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton during 
the Democratic convention last month, now wants the former first lady to lead its 
truth squad at next week's GOP convention, The Post has learned. (NY Post)

U.S. tanks close in, Najaf rebels defiant...More clashes as apparent deal to hand over 
shrine control falters (MSNBC)

Soldier to plead guilty to some abuse charges...Frederick doesn't specify offenses, 
but says he broke law (AP)


Buchanan: America's next war?

Landfield Nothing Succeeds Like a Lack of Succession

Fund: Why We're Refighting Vietnam...Blame McCain-Feingold.

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Abu Ghraib Update and Swift Boat Controversy Continues

2004-08-24 Thread Hardball with Chris Matthews
The Hardball Briefing On MSNBC

Hardball airs tonight on MSNBC at 7p, 11p  4a ET  4p, 8p  1a PT  Find MSNBC on your 
TV  MSNBC also is on your XM satellite radio on 
channel 130

The Abu Ghraib report from Rumsfeld's independent commission is hitting the Beltway 
today and we'll get into what's inside the thing. The Post reports on some of the 
explosive charges below. We'll also talk to NBC's Fred Francis who's covering the 
trial of seven MPs in Mannheim, Germany for Abu Ghraib abuses.  These are the pretrial 
hearings mind you.

The AP reports that Staff Sgt. Ivan L. Chip Frederick II issued a statement Monday 
saying he would plead guilty to some charges. He is charged with maltreating 
detainees, conspiracy to maltreat detainees, dereliction of duty and wrongfully 
committing an indecent act. We'll talk to Chip's uncle William Lawson about the guilty 

We then dive back into the Swift Boat controversy with Terry Musser, a Wisconsin State 
Rep who wants Bush to denounce the ads, and Bobby Mueller from the Vietnam Veterans of 
America...We'll get Terry's take on the President denouncing all this stuff being on 
TV of the 527s.  Is this enough of a denunciation for Terry?  Btw, What's a 527? 
Shuster has more below...

We wrap up the politics of it all with Tony Coehlo and Ed Rollins...We'll throw in 
some sound from Kerry's NYC speech today which he delivered earlier today...

From Shuster's Corner: The Swift boat Veterans for Truth are one of those 527 
organizations.  Don't worry about the section of the federal code... just know that 
527's are supposed to be separate and independent from the presidential campaigns.  
And when you look at the republican 527's versus the democratic 527's... the 
democrats are winning hands down in terms of fundraising and spending.  Is that why 
President Bush wants to ban all 527's?  H.  (Apart from 527's, the republicans 
have an advantage when it comes to direct contributions to the party and the 
Presidential campaign.  And the 527 Swifty's have gotten more free media than all 
of the democratic 527's combined.)   However, tonight's package looks at the 
difference in $$$ between the various 527's... and we also look at the differences in 
style. is rolling out 10 new ads tonight that feature Hollywood's best 
directors, writers, and actors.  (Okay, maybe Charlie Sheen is not one of Hollywood's 
best... but you get the idea.)   

Bellone's note: Look for the Bushies to come out and denounce tonight's star-studded 
Hollywood hate-fest (I just love that phrase!)in New York where the ads 
are being released to great fanfare.  

Dominic Bellone wrote, compiled and edited The Hardball from Washington, DC

In N.Y., Kerry asks GOP to halt 'fear and smear'...Democrat accuses Bush of avoiding 
real issues

Bush team lacks clear economic plan, critics say (The Washington Post)

Abuse probe faults commanders...The Pentagon commission investigating abuse at Abu 
Ghraib will accuse top commanders of responsibility for disorganization that led to 
wrongdoing at the prison, NBC News has learned.

Iraqi Teens Abused at Abu Ghraib, Report Finds...Officials Say Inquiry Also Confirms 
Prisoners Were Hidden From Aid Groups (The Washington Post)

A U.S. military judge refused on Tuesday to let lawyers question Defense Secretary 
Donald H. Rumsfeld and a key deputy in the case against an Army reservist charged with 
abusing inmates at Abu Ghraib prison. (AP)

Bush calls for halt to anti-Kerry ads...President Bush says a veterans group should 
stop television ads criticizing John Kerry's war record.

Sammon: President Bush yesterday denounced TV ads that question Democratic 
presidential nominee John Kerry's Vietnam record and called on the senator from 
Massachusetts to be equally critical of ads financed by Democratic billionaires 
writing checks.

Curry: A 'filthy, obscene memory' or a heroic one?...Kerry, Swift Boat veterans battle 
over war crimes charges

Kerry Team Lines Up Vietnam Witnesses...Bush Again Declines To Condemn Attack Ad (The 
Washington Post)

When a Republican-funded group of Vietnam veterans sought to run a blistering 
television ad accusing John Kerry of lying about his decorated war record, Democrats 
quickly fired off a letter to broadcasters imploring them not to air the 
inflammatory, outrageous lie. (AP) 

Vietnam 527 Politics Heat Up!

2004-08-25 Thread Hardball with Chris Matthews
The Hardball Briefing On MSNBC
Hardball airs tonight on MSNBC at 7p, 11p  4a ET  4p, 8p  1a PT  Find MSNBC on your 
TV  MSNBC also is on your XM satellite radio on 
channel 130

So I'm home sick today and like the workaholic that I am decide to log on to the MSNBC 
server thing.  Big mistake.  One thing's for sure in this business, you take one day 
off and you're totally out of the loop.  I've been snooping around the e-mails flying 
among the Hardball staff and those cats sure are brewing a hot show for you tonight..

Before I get to tonight's show, dig on this first: Friday Chris heads to New York to 
begin RNC convention coverage live from Herald Square in Manhattan...Here's our press 
release with all the details

Max Cleland and Jim Rassman (two of Kerry's top band of brothers) headed down to 
Crawford today to hand deliver a letter to the President urging him to denounce the 
anti-Kerry swift boat ads.

Not to be outdone, the Bush camp gave Cleland a letter for Kerry which read in part: 
You can't have it both ways. You can't build your convention and much of your 
campaign around your service in Vietnam, and then try to say that only those veterans 
who agree with you have a right to speak up.

We lead tonight with Max Cleland from Crawford and get a sense of his little field 
trip down south today

And the battle of the 527s is heating up...We'll talk the guy in charge of the Federal 
Election Commission, Bradley Smith.  He's in charge of regulating campaign money in 
this country and making sure candidates and the special interest groups abide by the 

Here's an interesting backgrounder for you to read: Vets' lawyer quits Bush campaign, 
2nd link between group, GOP re-election effort

We'll do the politics of all this with a package from Shuster on 527 ads and then get 
into an old school political buzz type segment with Dee Dee, Laura It's not just a 
radio show it's an addiction Ingraham and J.C. Watts.  We'll also throw in a 
convention preview and get into the touchy politics subject on gay marriage.  

We finish up tonight's show with Cheney's admission last night that he disagrees with 
President Bush on an amendment banning gay marriage...Patrick Guierro, head of the gay 
GOP group, Log Cabin Republicans, and a Cheney supporter will take on Tony Perkins, 
President of the Family Research Council

More on this controversy on blog plus a posting from Dee Dee on the swift boat 

Vice President Dick Cheney, whose daughter Mary is a lesbian, drew criticism from both 
proponents and foes of gay marriage Tuesday after he distanced himself from President 
Bush's call for a constitutional amendment to ban same-sex marriage. (AP)

Republicans endorsed an uncompromising position against gay unions Wednesday in a 
manifesto that contrasts with Vice President Dick Cheney's supportive comments about 
gay rights and the moderate face the party will show at next week's national 
convention. (AP)

Sorry, I'm light on links today.  As I said, I'm sick so I'm going back to 
bed...Dominic Bellone 

The Navy task force overseeing John Kerry's swift boat squadron in Vietnam reported 
that his group of boats came under enemy fire during a March 13, 1969, incident that 
three decades later is being challenged by the Democratic presidential nominee's 

Diary refutes Kerry claim...John Kerry's own wartime journal is raising questions 
about whether he deserved the first of three Purple Hearts, which permitted him to go 
home after 4½ months of combat. (The Washington Times)

Democratic presidential candidate John Kerry said Wednesday that civilian leaders in 
the White House and the Pentagon should be held accountable for abuse at Iraq's Abu 
Ghraib prison. (AP)

Al Franken Urging GOP Protests. Al Franken wants you to get up out of your chairs, 
open your windows, stick your heads out and yell ... fuggedaboutdit? Well, yes. (AP)

Army releases own Abu Ghraib abuse report...27 in military intelligence unit tied to 
abuses (AP)

This email is never sent unsolicited. You have received

A Living History Event: The 9/11 Commissioners

2004-09-10 Thread Hardball with Chris Matthews
The Hardball Briefing On MSNBC

Tonight, Hardball is preempted for a special MSNBC Living History Event: The 9/11 
Commissioners hosted by Chris MatthewsOn the eve of 9/11's third anniversary, 
Chris talks to five of the commissioners about why 9/11 wasn't prevented, what went 
wrong  what can be done to prevent another such atrocity

Here's a sneak peek at Chris' opening script tonight...

On the eve of the third anniversary of September 11th, we've gathered the men and 
women of the National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States, the 
Commissioners who have investigated and chronicled this catastrophic attack on 
America's homeland.  Thanks to their hard work, the people of this country have more 
information about their government, more awareness about the threats to our country 
and more insight into how to prevent another attack from ever happening on American 
soil again. 

We're shooting the show at a remote location so don't expect the usual set (no, not 
the desert, remote in the TV context simply means outside our normal venue).  This 
is a big deal and if you care about tomorrow's anniversary you'll definitely want to 
watch tonight's show...

PS Trippi has a cutesy blog about his daughter meeting a top advisor to John Kerry 
over at Hardblogger

Dominic Bellone wrote, compiled and edited The Hardball Briefing from Washington, DC

President Bush emerged from his New York convention with a solid lead over Democratic 
challenger John F. Kerry, strengthening his position on virtually every important 
issue in the campaign and opening up a clear advantage on many of the personal 
characteristics that influence voters in presidential elections, according to a new 
Washington Post-ABC News poll.

President Bush said Friday that if Democratic presidential nominee John Kerry had his 
way Saddam Hussein would still be in power and criticized his rival's stand on the 
war (AP)

President Bush accused Democrat John Kerry on Friday of having more positions on Iraq 
than all his 99 colleagues in the Senate combined and said if the Massachusetts 
senator had his way Saddam Hussein would still be in power. (Reuters)|politics|09-10-2004::13:48|reuters.html

WP: Bush memos questioned...Documents unearthed by CBS News that raise doubts about 
whether President Bush fulfilled his obligations to the Texas Air National Guard 
include several features suggesting that they were generated by a computer or word 
processor rather than a Vietnam War-era typewriter, experts said Thursday.

Late officer's son questions memos...Killian's son calls them 'mixture of truth and 
fiction' (MSNBC)

Text of memos on Bush's suspension (AP)

President Bush' former Harvard Business School prof says his ex-student supported the 
Vietnam War but wanted somebody else to fight it. (NY Daily News)

The Republicans have the best propaganda out there since Lenin, and they just make 
stuff up and they keep repeating it, and hope people are going to believe it, he told 
The Associated Press.

Powell believes bin Laden is alive...But al-Qaida isn't what it used to be, he adds 

John Kerry linked U.S. assault weapon sales to worries about terrorism Friday and said 
President Bush was bowing to the National Rifle Association by not pushing to keep 
alive an expiring ban. (AP)

Dutch theater blasted for 'crude' 9/11 festival...Amsterdam condemns gala that uses 
slogan, 'See, Fly, Die' (Reuters)

General Cites Hidden Detainees...Senators Told CIA May Have Avoided Registering Up to 
100 (The Washington Post)

With America's pro-Israel lobby scrambling to combat media leaks from unnamed 
government officials, the White House is drawing criticism from congressmen and Jewish 
communal officials over the FBI investigation into allegations that officials of the 
American Israel Public Affairs Committee illegally transferred secret information to 
Israel. (The Forward)

President Bush's religious faith is mainstream America and no different from 
previous presidents, the director of his Office of Faith-Based and Community 
Initiatives said Friday. (AP) 

Too Hot Not to Watch...Memogate Iraq Debacle

2004-09-16 Thread Hardball with Chris Matthews
The Hardball Briefing On MSNBC

Hardball airs on MSNBC at 7p, 11p  4a ET  4p, 8p  1a PT  Find MSNBC on your TV  MSNBC also is on your XM satellite radio on 
channel 130

The New York Times reports that somebody at CBS has named Bill Burkett -- a retired 
lieutenant colonel in the Texas National Guard -- as a source of records critical of 
Bush's service.  Back in February we interviewed Burkett about President Bush's 
service in the Air National Guard and what he knew about records related to that 
service...Tonight we replay that interview...

We get sizzling reax from James Moore, author of Bush's Brain and Bush's War For 
Reelection, Marie Cocco from Newsday and Republican strategist Rick Davis...

We do foreign policy/Iraq with Kerry foreign policy advisor Richard Holbrooke who, 
incidentally, served as UN ambassador under Clinton...Much gravitas...Playing defense 
for President Bush is South Carolina Republican Senator Lindsey Graham...We'll also 
take a look at the latest polls which show a tightening race...

Dee Dee Myers' husband Todd Purdum (he's also a correspondent for The New York Times  
author of A Time Of Our Choosing) stops by to give us his assessment on this new 
classified report on Iraq which paints a bleak picture...Powell also admitted that we 
may never find WMD in Iraq...

Here's something fun...What a guy folks, what a guy! Why would you trust your election 
coverage to anyone else?


We can now reveal, for the first time, a detailed description of Hardball: The 

The Briefing is written, compiled and edited The Hardball Briefing from Washington, DC

Bush, Kerry trade attacks on spin and waffling...New national poll suggests tighter 
race (AP)

2 Americans kidnapped in Iraq...Gunmen kidnapped two Americans and a Briton Thursday 
from a house in an upscale Baghdad neighborhood where many foreign companies are 
based, the Interior Ministry and witnesses said.

U.S. intel pessimistic on Iraq...A highly classified National Intelligence Estimate 
assembled by some of the government's most senior analysts this summer provided a 
pessimistic assessment about the future security and stability of Iraq.

Powell doubts Iraqi weapons will be found...Tells Congress stockpile discovery now 
'unlikely' (AP)

There is a civil war going on in Sen. John Kerry's campaign organization that has 
produced a weak, inconsistent message and election strategy, veteran Democratic 
adviser Tony Coelho charged yesterday. (The Washington Times)

President Bush is living in a fantasy world of spin, failing to tell U.S. troops or 
the American people the truth about the situation in Iraq, Democratic challenger John 
Kerry told National Guard veterans Thursday (AP)

Rather Concedes Papers Are Suspect...CBS Anchor Urges Media to Focus On Bush Service 
(The Washington Post)

A defensive Dan Rather suggested last night that although he may have used forged 
documents in a CBS report criticizing President Bush's military service, the thrust 
of his report was true. (The Washington Times)

The Democratic Party questions President Bush's credibility on Iraq and the economy in 
a new campaign ad showing the Republican declaring an end to major combat while 
standing on an aircraft carrier adorned with a Mission Accomplished banner. (AP)

Annan says Iraq war was illegal...U.N. chief also says violence could prevent January 
vote (Reuters)

..But Australia's Prime Minister John Howard said it was entirely valid. And a former 
Bush administration aide, Randy Scheunemann, branded Mr Annan's comments outrageous. 
(BBC News)

Democratic presidential candidate John Kerry, trying to recover from a brass-knuckles 
campaign against his character, is attempting to steer the election to a referendum on 
President Bush's leadership. (AP)

Enmeshed in his re-election campaign, President Bush rarely spends a full day at the 
White House. But even when he does, presidential politics and campaign 

Political Fallout Over CBS and the Duping of Dan Rather

2004-09-20 Thread Hardball with Chris Matthews
The Hardball Briefing On MSNBC

Hardball airs on MSNBC at 7p, 11p  4a ET  4p, 8p  1a PT  Find MSNBC on your TV  MSNBC also is on your XM satellite radio on 
channel 130

Lots of news today folks...Kerry came out of the box blasting President Bush this 
morning over Iraq...President Bush has an Ask the President forum in New Hampshire 
and Vice President Cheney has a town hall meeting in Pennsylvania...Expect a strong 
counteroffensive today on Iraq and Kerry...

President Bush is striking back at John Kerry's increasingly aggressive criticism on 
Iraq, asking Americans to stick with him on the war in the face of surging violence 
there. (AP) 

CBS News has acknowledged that those controversial Bush/National Guard documents were 
bogus...Here's an excerpt from a just released statement by CBS News President Andrew 
Heyward: CBS News cannot prove that the documents are authentic, which is the only 
acceptable journalistic standard to justify using them in the report. We should not 
have used them. That was a mistake, which we deeply regret.

Dan Rather statement

Last week, amid increasing questions about the authenticity of documents used in 
support of a 60 MINUTES WEDNESDAY story about President Bush's time in the Texas Air 
National Guard, CBS News vowed to re-examine the documents in question-and their 
source-vigorously. And we promised that we would let the American public know what 
this examination turned up, whatever the outcome. 

Now, after extensive additional interviews, I no longer have the confidence in these 
documents that would allow us to continue vouching for them journalistically. I find 
we have been misled on the key question of how our source for the documents came into 
possession of these papers. That, combined with some of the questions that have been 
raised in public and in the press, leads me to a point where-if I knew then what I 
know now-I would not have gone ahead with the story as it was aired, and I certainly 
would not have used the documents in question. 

But we did use the documents. We made a mistake in judgment, and for that I am sorry. 
It was an error that was made, however, in good faith and in the spirit of trying to 
carry on a CBS News tradition of investigative reporting without fear or favoritism. 
Please know that nothing is more important to us than people's trust in our ability 
and our commitment to report fairly and truthfully. 

We'll talk to The Washington Post's TV critic Tom Shales, David Gergen, Wall Street 
Journal's Dorothy Rabinowitz, former Bush speechwriter David Frum and Democratic 
strategist Tony Coelho about this explosive controversy...We'll also talk to Emily 
Will, one of the folks who analyzed the CBS documents...Plus Andrea Mitchell and 
Newsweek's Jon Meacham

Please join us tonight for a heady mix of gravitas and sizzling hot politics...

Dominic Bellone wrote, compiled and edited The Briefing from Washington, DC

Religion and Politics backgrounders

Openly Religious, to a Point...Bush Leaves the Specifics of His Faith to Speculation

Kerry wears faith prominently, if not on his sleeve (USA Today)

The God gap...How religion divides the Democrats (The Boston Globe)

Catholic Voters Given Leeway on Abortion Rights Issue (The Washington Post)

A trio of top Republicans criticized the Bush administration's handling of the war in 
Iraq yesterday - just as Democrat John Kerry is refocusing his campaign to slam the 
President over the blossoming anarchy there. (NY Daily News)

Senators from both parties urged the Bush administration on Sunday to make a realistic 
assessment of the situation in Iraq and adjust its policies aimed at pacifying the 
country. But Bush readied a firm defense of his Iraq policy - and a sharp new attack 
on rival John Kerry's stance - for a speech Monday. (AP)

CBS to Say It Was Misled on Bush Guard Memos...Network Plans to Issue Statement on 
Disputed Documents Used on '60 Minutes' Broadcast (The Washington Post)

Curry: Kerry making scant progress in crucial states...Polls show Bush faring well in 
states he narrowly won in 2000

Poll results from 'red' battleground states...MSNBC/Knight-Ridder polls conducted by 

Tonight John McCain plays HARDBALL

2004-09-21 Thread Hardball with Chris Matthews
The Hardball Briefing On MSNBC

Dear Hardballers...

It is a bittersweet day since our friend Dominic Bellone is off beginning today, due 
to minor surgery.  I can happily report that the surgery was successful and we are 
counting down the days until he returns!  You know him as the briefer but he is our 
beloved colleague and friend and every day without him is much longer and not as much 
No one loves Hardball and the Hardball experience more than Dominic, and he is the 
heart of our family. Keep it real, dear pal.  

We awoke today to read in USA Today about Hardball's role in hooking up Bill Burkett 
and CBS.

Dom would be cheering Chris today because Senator John McCain is our featured guest, 
and a Hardball favorite. What follows is a not-to-be missed discussion about Dan 
Rather, Joe Lockhart and CBS.  The guests include Ken Bode, a former NBC correspondent 
and a journalism professor at DePauw University, Ben Ginsburg, the Republican Election 
Attorney, Deborah Orin from the New York Post and Editor of The Hotline, Vaughn 

David Shuster has a terrific piece on Dan Rather's career and controversial moments, 

I hope you will read the attached Op-Ed piece written by an off-camera NBC star, 
Elizabeth Wilner, NBC's political director.  It is well crafted and well reported, a 
true insider's take on what is happening in the campaigns.  I tried to get her on the 

Of course we at Hardball are always check the blog and I hope you do at

And I will let you in on a secret since you have scrolled down this far: We will 
launch a new web site for our Friday election program, The Horserace. You can get a 
sneak look right now at 

Enjoy the show!

Tammy Haddad
Executive Producer

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Double dose of 'Hardball' at 7 p.m. and 9 p.m. ET

2004-09-22 Thread Hardball with Chris Matthews
The Hardball Briefing On MSNBC

Dear Briefing buddies,

I can proudly report Dominic is feeling better.  Not only do his doctors give him a 
big thumbs up, but he is yelling at the TV in the hospital because there is only one 
cable news channel available. I will give you a hint -- it's the one MSNBC beat again 
Monday night in most of primetime. Dom Dom just relax, we are taping every show so you 
can catch up!

Tonight it's a double dose of Hardball.  We call it Hardball Wednesday, because once 
is not enough!

On the 7pm show: Senator Joe Biden is on fireAND later, Senior Kerry Advisor Tad 
Devine and the GOP strategist, Ed Rodgers.  Michael Isikoff, from Newsweek, gives us a 
first look at the story CBS News dropped to fit in the now false Bush National Guard 
documents story.

On the 9pm show, our first Hardball Newsweek Special report featuring Jon Meacham, 
Managing Editor of Newsweek and NBC News Andrea Mitchell. Plus, an encore presentation 
of Senator John McCain's conversation with Chris about Iraq.

Meanwhile debate preparations continue at Hardball, as well as campaign headquarters 
around the nation's Capitol. Details to come. 

Happy Hardballing,

Tammy Haddad
Executive Producer

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Hardball Live From Democracy Plaza in New York!

2004-10-20 Thread Hardball with Chris Matthews
The Hardball Briefing On MSNBC

Tonight's show promises to be so hot we're kickin' it for 2 hours! 7  9 pm 
ET...That's 4  6 pm PT...Forget the 7th game of the American League Championship at 
Yankee stadium, the real action is taking place at Democracy Plaza at Rockefeller 
Center, where we're broadcasting live...If it wasn't for democracy we probably 
wouldn't even have baseball...or, ah, something like that...We're not only bringing 
you the latest news and analysis from the smartest folks in the biz, we're celebrating 
the very political ideology on which this country was founded.  You won't see that on 
the other guys' networks!

More on Democracy Plaza

We'll have the Hardball All-Stars on hand: Andrea, Reagan, Campbell, Rollins, 
Ginsburg, Ron Silver and a number of special guests including the Rev Al Sharpton, 
Gore '00 lawyer David Boies  TV legend Norman Lear on his involvement in Democracy 
Plaza...And of course, David Shuster's one of a kind reportage is not to be missed..

A fun time is promised for all...Pls Join Us..

Dominic Bellone wrote, compiled and edited The Briefing from inside the 
Beltway...Thanks for your notes of encouragement you've sent.  Your loyalty is greatly 

NBC poll: 'As close to dead-even as it comes'...72 percent think outcome will have 
major impact on them

The President continues to outperform Kerry on fighting terrorism, and some numbers 
have moved in his direction on Iraq -- including a 4-point uptick in his job approval 
on foreign policy, and the fact that more voters now say they feel more confident 
about success in Iraq...NBC/Journal pollster Bill McInturff (R) suggests that across 
the course of the debates, voters determined that Bush laid out a rationale for what's 
important and why success is necessary in Iraq. Also, he said, the debates themselves 
moved the media's and voters' focus away from the war. And on top of that, most of 
Bush's campaign ads lately have tied a need for vigilance at home to vigilance in 
Iraq.  (NBC's First Read Memo) 

Bush: Kerry Unable to Win War on Terror (AP)

Kerry: Bush Isn't Leader He Claims to Be (AP)

Clinton will hit the trail with Kerry...Former president to appear at Monday rally in 
Philly (MSNBC)

Rice hitting the road to speak...National security adviser's trips to swing states 
break precedent (The Washington Post)

Democrat John Kerry on Wednesday was charging that the war in Iraq demonstrates that 
President Bush is not the leader he claims to be. A Bush aide said the president is 
more than happy to continue to debate .. how is best to win the war on terror. 

Kerry stresses support of allies...Democrat sees multiple lessons in Vietnam war (The 
Washington Post)

Candidates' ads push factual envelopeBush, Kerry battling caricatures (The 
Washington Post)

Democratic presidential candidate John Kerry says he would discontinue the color-coded 
terror alerts issued by the Department of Homeland Security and find some more 
thoughtful way of alerting America, according to an interview in Rolling Stone 
magazine. (AP)

Sinclair will not air entire anti-Kerry film...In retreat, broadcaster to show parts 
of documentary (AP)

Armies of lawyers gear up for election battles...Both parties recruiting help in case 
of another ballot dispute (Reuters)

Legal Battle for Presidency Underway...Lawsuits Over Election Rules Pending, With Both 
Sides Gearing Up for More (The Washington Post)

Billionaire currency trader George Soros, in his quest to unseat President Bush, has 
given millions of dollars to a coalition of anti-Bush organizations whose nationwide 
voter-registration drive has been targeted by state and federal authorities for 
possible widespread fraud. (The Washington Times)

Curry: 10 keys to the presidential election...Weather, Nader, hawkish Democrats all 
play a role

Kerry Slow to Energize Black Vote...John Kerry was making promises the other day. That 
African-Americans would not be deprived of their votes. That his voter protection 
dream team would make sure of it. That 2004 would not be a repeat of 2000. (USA 

The Catholic Vote and New Battleground Polls

2004-10-21 Thread Hardball with Chris Matthews
The Hardball Briefing On MSNBC

Hardball airs on MSNBC at 7p, 11p  4a ET  4p, 8p  1a PT  Find MSNBC on your TV  MSNBC also is on your XM satellite radio on 
channel 130

Tonight Hardball focuses in on a key political demographic: Catholics...According to 
the experts their vote has determined every presidential winner since
1972...Whether you're one of those cafeteria Catholics like me or not a Catholic at 
all, you'll still enjoy and benefit from watching tonight's
show...Many of the issues you'll be down with I'm sure...Bill Donahue, of The Catholic 
League joins us as will Monsignor Thomas McSweeney from the diocese of Erie, PA..

We'll also throw down some serious politics with Dee Dee and Dreier...Yesterday we 
showed you the 5 red state tracking polls showing Bush up 
(  Tonight we bring you the 5 blue 
states...They're embargoed until 6:30 pm ET (which is a fancy way of saying that in 
our infinite wisdom we've decided you're not allowed to see them until 6:30) but I've 
gotten an advance peek at them and you'll not want to miss their contents...It's gonna 
be a long election night for sure...Also, our sister network, Telemundo, scored an 
exclusive interview today with President Bush.  We'll roll a clip or two...Plus, what 
impact will the celebrity star power of Arnold Schwarzenegger and Bill Clinton have on 
this election cycle?

And now, a little aperitif from Shuster's Corner...

Tonight we take another look at the money being spent in this campaign.  The Bush and 
Kerry camps each have about 20 million dollars left to spend on advertising and 
campaign rallies.  But, separate get out the vote organizations are in the midst of 
spending about $350 million dollars on everything from door to door drives, e-mails, 
phone banks, and even food for canvassers.  This is the most expensive and hard fought 
voter drive ground war in political history.  The most powerful group on the left is 
America Coming Together.  The U-S Chamber of Commerce seems to be ACT's counterpart on 
the right.  A look at the numbers and the strategies tonight on hardball...Also, 
special thanks to the more than 6, 700 people who have written me e-mails  over the 
last six weeks via hardblogger. (  I read and respond 
to as many as I can... and I've been intrigued by your feedback, comments, ideas, 
story suggestions, and even news tips.

We round out the show with noted writer Fran Lebowitz on the state of religion, 
politics and the Bush administration...

Dominic Bellone wrote, compiled and edited the Briefing from inside the Beltway... GO 

President Bush opened a slight one-point lead on Democratic rival John Kerry in a 
tight race for the White House, according to a Reuters/Zogby poll released on Thursday.

Kerry hunts for Ohio votes, Bush revisits Pennsylvania...Democrat eyes 'guy' factor, 
president eyes his most visited state (MSNBC)

President Bush and Sen. John Kerry are locked in a tie for the popular vote, according 
to an Associated Press poll. Voters seem open to change in the White House - most 
disapprove of the president's performance at home and in Iraq - but still harbor 
doubts about making the switch. (AP)

President Bush has opened a lead over Democratic challenger John Kerry in battleground 
Nevada, according to a statewide poll released Thursday (AP)

[President Bush], who has dubbed his Crawford, Texas, ranch the Western White House, 
makes his 40th and 41st trips to Pennsylvania when he visits Downingtown and Hershey 
on Thursday and Wilkes-Barre on Friday

President Bush and John Kerry began October neck and neck in campaign cash, each with 
just under half of the $75 million in government money they received to cover campaign 
costs. (AP)

Fun Clinton News...

Former U.S. President Bill Clinton has set his sights on becoming U.N. 
secretary-general. A Clinton insider and a senior U.N. source have told United Press 
International the 56-year-old former president would like to be named leader of the 
world body when Kofi Annan's term ends early in 2006. (UPI)

Laura Bush said Thursday that Teresa Heinz Kerry didn't need to apologize for saying 
she couldn't remember whether the first lady had ever had a real job. (AP) 

Elvis Has Returned To The Building!...And Chris is There

2004-10-25 Thread Hardball with Chris Matthews
The Hardball Briefing On MSNBC

Hardball airs tonight on MSNBC at 7p, 11p  4a ET  4p, 8p  1a PT  Find MSNBC on your 
TV  MSNBC also is on your XM satellite radio on 
channel 130

Folks you know I don't often make the pop the popcorn, break out the TV tray call 
but tonight is one such night...Elvis is back on the campaign trail and we're on the 
case...Bill Clinton headlines a rally at Love Park in Philly and we're sending the 
city's native son Chris there to bring you the sights, the sounds and yes, the smells 
of it all...

And what trip to Philly would be complete without a chat with Eddie Rendell, the 
Governor and fmr. mayor of Philly?  We'll lead with hizzoner..
Chris also talks with Philly Congressman Chaka Fattah and Dem mayor of Scranton Chris 
Doherty about the importance of Clinton and PA to this election...Representin' the GOP 
we got PA Senator Rick Santorum and Chris' bro Jim Matthews, chairman of the 
Montgomery County board of commissioners, which is a Philly suburb containing the main 
line and Conshohocken (got to give a shoutout to my peeps in da Conshy)...My wife, who 
is from the area and of course knows everything, tells me that Montgomery is one of 
four key Philly suburbs which will decide the state...So you must pay heed to Jim's 
words...Btw, he's a little more chilled than Chris...He doesn't do the Hah! thing 
like Chris...

Shuster will bring you the latest from the campaign ad wars...He's got some doozys..

We'll do some serious political slicin' and dicin' with fmr. star Philly correspondent 
(she got her start in TV there) Andrea Mitchell and Pittsburgh native Howard Fineman...

And oh yeah, we'll finish up with Saturday Night Live's Hardball spoof they opened the 
show with last week...Must see TV tonight folks...

I'm also getting word from our peeps at DNT (Deborah Norville Tonight) that they're 
looking at a Coulter/Ed Shultz match up at 9 pm ET tonight...That ought to be hot as 
well...Btw, did you see Lawrence on Scarborough Friday night?  He was on fire with 
swift boat vet chief John O'Neill!!  Check out the video...It's floating around the 

Dominic Bellone wrote, compiled and edited The Briefing from deep inside the beltway...

More Bubba Backgrounder

Clinton Says Stumping for Kerry Not a Risk (AP)

Clinton stumps in Miami tonight for Kerry

Dems Eagerly Await Clinton

Poll wrapup

Bush: I'm Best Candidate to Protect U.S. (AP)

Kerry rips Bush for 'incredible incompetence'...Dem cites disappearance of explosives 
in Iraq

Rehnquist hospitalized, treated for thyroid cancer...Chief justice, 80, undergoes 
tracheotomy to ease his breathing (MSNBC)

U.N. agency says large cache of explosives missing from Iraq...Tons of 'dual-use' 
explosives have disappeared (AP)

Cheney: 'On the big issues, I think we got it right'...Exclusive interview: Vice 
president on Iraq, terrorism, fear (Today show)

President Bush says he's campaigning for re-election as if we are going to win, 
remaining confident despite polls showing a tight race with Democrat John Kerry (AP)

Democrat Al Gore, pleading his case at the epicenter of the 2000 recount, on Monday 
urged Florida voters to cast their ballots early to avoid a repeat of the disputed 
election. (AP)

Howard: A game of inches in Ohio...It's a game of inches in Ohio, as both sides hunt 
new voters and rev up the air wars. Will we get a winner on Election Day? Howard 
Fineman reports.

Prewar intelligence predicted Iraqi insurgency (USA Today)

From the Feith File: A Pentagon official accused by a leading Senate Democrat of 
deceiving Congress about intelligence on Iraq's pre-war links to the al-Qaida 
terrorist network says the dispute is based on a misunderstanding that could have 
been avoided if he had been asked to explain (AP)

U.N. ambassadors from several nations are disputing assertions by Democratic 
presidential candidate Sen. John Kerry that he met for hours with all members of the 
U.N. Security Council just a week 

The Hardball Briefing for October 28, 2004

2004-10-28 Thread Hardball with Chris Matthews
The Hardball Briefing On MSNBC

Hardball airs tonight on MSNBC at 7p, 11p  4a ET  4p, 8p  1a PT  Find MSNBC on your 
TV  MSNBC also is on your XM satellite radio on 
channel 130

Tonight we zero in on the battleground state of Ohio as well as the labor vote...To 
that end we talk to Ohio Secretary of State Ken Blackwell (R) about what it will take 
for either candidate to win...As a Republican Blackwell will be most interested in a 
Bush formula for victory, I suppose...On the labor front we talk to Teamsters honcho 
James Hoffa, Jr. about his Union's effort to get out the vote for Kerry...

David Shuster does a tick tock on explosives back and forth between Kerry  Bush

Frank Rich from the New York Times and Stephen Hayes from The Weekly Standard stop by 
to give us their take on the horserace and we'll also get an update from battleground 

Pls join us...

And here's something fun and entertaining for you on election day...

MSNBC TV and are relying on you to help report this election. With such a 
tight race and so much controversy, accuracy and speed are critical to good coverage. 
Find out how to be a Citizen Journalist:

Dominic Bellone wrote, compiled and edited The Briefing from deep inside the beltway...

Blackwell backgrounders 

In Fierce Contest for Ohio Vote, Secretary of State Feels Scrutiny (The Washington 

A U.S. District Court judge yesterday effectively ended efforts by Republicans in Ohio 
to challenge the eligibility of tens of thousands of voters in one of the most closely 
contested states in this year's presidential race. (The Washington Post)

Curry: On the trail with Kerry: Battling for Iowa...Shifting news shows 
minute-to-minute nature of race's final days

With 5 days left, attacks getting more personal...Bush rips Kerry for lack of 
consistency; Democrat says rival ducks all blame (AP)

Democratic challenger John Kerry turned President Bush's own words into a weapon on 
Thursday and said it was the Republican incumbent who had jumped to conclusions in 
Iraq, disqualifying him from being commander in chief. (Reuters);jsessionid=4GWFLJL1XFPVWCRBAEZSFFA?type=topNewsstoryID=6647999

Latest Polls

Vice President Dick Cheney said Thursday that John Kerry had gotten the facts wrong in 
criticizing the Bush administration for the disappearance of several hundred tons of 
explosives in Iraq. (AP)

Sen. John Edwards, blaming President Bush for a missing cache of explosives in Iraq, 
said Thursday that our men and women in uniform did their job, George Bush didn't do 
his job. (AP)

Policing is aggressive at Bush events...To some, protesters' arrests recall Vietnam 
War era (The Washington Post)

Terrorists lying in wait to attack. Planes falling from the sky. Ships blowing up. The 
candidates in the race for president are painting some scary scenarios to motivate 
voters. (AP)

Peter Roff's Analysis: The U.S. House in play? Maybe

Some missing...Florida ballots will be resent, Hundreds of absentee voters called to 
complain (AP)

Count Sen. John Kerry of Massachusetts among those Boston baseball fans who have 
waited a lifetime to see the Red Sox win the World Series. President Bush says he's 
excited, too. (AP)

U.S. steps up pressure on Fallujah, Ramadi...Insurgents dig in for expected offensive; 
GI killed in Baghdad (MSNBC)

Gertz: Russian special forces troops moved many of Saddam Hussein's weapons and 
related goods out of Iraq and into Syria in the weeks before the March 2003 U.S. 
military operation, The Washington Times has learned.

A grisly video released Thursday showed militants killing 11 Iraqi troops held hostage 
for days, beheading one, then shooting the others execution-style. Another group 
released a video of a kidnapped Polish woman, demanding Warsaw pull its troops from 
Iraq. (AP)

Arafat said to be very ill; exact cause 

Hardball: The Horserace

2004-10-29 Thread Hardball with Chris Matthews
The Hardball Briefing On MSNBC

Hardball airs tonight on MSNBC at 7p, 11p  4a ET  4p, 8p  1a PT  Find MSNBC on your 
TV  MSNBC also is on your XM satellite radio on 
channel 130

Another not to be missed edition of Hardball: The Horserace...Our final Horserace of 
the season, unless of course, we don't have a clear winner by next Friday...Heaven 
forbid...As you know, the Horserace is your one stop shop for all the highlights in 
the race for the White House brought to you by all your favorite NBC News 
talent...From battleground state to battleground state, we've got you covered...We'll 
also talk to noted political analysts Chuck Todd, Charlie Cook and Joe Trippi...Plus, 
Ron Reagan brings us some Def Poetry from Democracy Plaza...David Shuster brings us 
the final, yes, final round of TV ads...Jon Meacham from Newsweek will drop some 
serious gravitas in the house...Pls Join us..

Programming Note: MSNBC will be live all weekend covering the final twists and turns 
and on Sunday we'll have an awesome primetime line upHardball at 7 pm ET  9-11 pm 
ET...This is no time to play around, particularly if you've got an important social 
engagement with the boss or a romantic date with that special someone...You need to be 
prepared with the knowledge that only Hardball can deliver...Be cool and have a nice 
weekend...And don't forget..

MSNBC TV and are relying on you to help report this election. With such a 
tight race and so much controversy, accuracy and speed are critical to good coverage. 
Find out how to be a Citizen Journalist:

Dominic Bellone wrote, compiled and edited The Hardball Briefing from Washington, DC

Latest Polls

President Bush left the White House Friday for a final campaign swing, planning to 
stay on the road until Tuesday, while Sen. John Kerry's campaign was expected to seize 
on a new controversy: an expanding FBI probe of Halliburton Co. (MSNBC)

Shuster's latest Blog: Our Democracy at Risk?

Reality check on Iraq: 100,000 Civilian Deaths Estimated in Iraq

Challenger John Kerry and President Bush began summing up their long campaigns Friday 
as they headed into the final weekend, Kerry contending Bush just doesn't understand 
the problems facing America and the president saying he was the best man to keep the 
nation safe from terrorists. (AP)

President Bush said Thursday that the presidential race boils down to a matter of 
trust, and he believes he'll win because he has shown the American people I can do 
the job in tough times. (USA Today)

Battleground Hawai'i: Cheney to visit Hawai'i on Monday (Honolulu Advertiser)

Fineman: Who's got the best final strategy?...Question is key as campaign enters the 
last weekend

Seper: The Justice Department yesterday said it will send out 1,090 federal poll 
watchers to monitor elections in 25 states, three times as many as in 2000, as 
Democrats and Republicans squabbled in an escalating war of words over potential voter 
fraud and intimidation.

U.S. forces are gearing up for a major operation against the insurgent stronghold 
Fallujah, a U.S. general said Friday, as hundreds of British troops reached a base 
near Baghdad to free American forces to join the assault. (AP)

FBI probes Pentagon over Halliburton deals...Investigators seek interview with top 
Army contracting officer (AP)

After days of trying to make political hay over lost Iraqi explosives, the Democratic 
ticket turned Friday to an FBI probe of Halliburton as evidence of Bush administration 
special favors to special interests. President Bush was campaigning with 
actor-politician Arnold Schwarzenegger. (AP)

Post Analysis: Munitions Issue Dwarfs the Big Picture

Lobbying for Libya-and Bush...A former administration official is raising eyebrows in 
Washington by working as a lobbyist for Kaddafi at the same time that she's trying to 
drum up Arab-American support for the president (Isikoff)

Senate Democratic Leader Tom Daschle, fighting for political survival, walked into 
Shorty's Cafe in this farm town and asked for 

2 Live Hardball Hours Tonight...Not Scary At All

2004-10-31 Thread Hardball with Chris Matthews
The Hardball Briefing On MSNBC

Tonight, in honor of Halloween and the election, we bring you two special hours of 
Hardball...7 pm ET and 9 pm ET exclusively on MSNBC, where Americans turn to for news 
that effects their world..

Live from Democracy Plaza in New York we bring you the latest and greatest from the 
campaign trail from the best and brightest in the political prognostication 
business...Our 7 pm panel: Andrea Mitchell, Jonathan Alter and Ben Ginsberg...We'll do 
some battleground state debatin' with Governor Bill Richardson (D-NM) and Governor 
Bill Owens (R-CO)...We sent Shuster down to Florida and we'll get a Miami report from 
him  We follow that up with Congresswoman Ileana 
Ros-Lehtinen (R-FL) and Congressman Bob Wexler (D-FL) to duke it out over who'll win 
the sunshine state...Ron Reagan will have some fun stuff for you and Chris dives into 
the mosh pit of our audienceWell, not literally of course, but he'll definitely be 
kicking it with our live audience and doing some real time focus grouping...

Keith takes over from 8-9 pm ET

Our 9 pm ET panel: Andrea Mitchell, Jon Meacham and Pat Buchanan...Plus, Ginsburg on 
the legal actions this cycle, Philly mayor John Street on the African-American vote, 
Trippi on the blogosphere and we'll also get into the all important topic of religion 
in politics...And of course, we'll slice and dice the political impact of the new OBL 

I'd say something cheesy like all treats, no tricks folks, but that would be too 
cliché on Halloween...Please join us and keep a bowl of candy nearby for the trick o' 

I love this...Wanna really scare the kids? Stumped on what to do for a Halloween 
costume tonight? Click here and download a free mask of one of your favorite MSNBC 

Going back more than six decades, whenever the Redskins have won their last home game 
before a presidential election, the incumbent party has kept the White House.  Today's 
game at FedEx Field pits (Bush and) the 'Skins versus (Kerry and) Green Bay.  The 
Washington Post opines on the Redskins predictor

MSNBC needs your help...MSNBC TV and are relying on you to help report this 
election. With such a tight race and so much controversy, accuracy and speed are 
critical to good coverage. That's where you come in. We want you to file stories for 
use on MSNBC blogs and broadcasts.

Check out some of our Citizen Journalists' reportage

Rally your candidate's base to show their support online. In part 5 of our Big 
Picture: Campaign Adviser series you go from playing political adviser to actually 
being one. Use our tools to get out the vote for your candidate in our online poll.

Dominic Bellone wrote, compiled and edited The Hardball Briefing from deep inside the 

Poll Wrap (I apologize if this doesn't format correctly on your with 

BUSH48% (down one point)
KERRY 48% (no change)

OCT 26 - 29 (moe 2%) likely voters

OCT 27 - OCT 29 (moe +/-4%) likely voters

ARKANAS 43% 51% +/-4%   MSNBC/Knight-Ridder
COLORADO43% 50% +/-3.5  Mason-Dixon
FLORIDA 45% 49% +/-3.5  Mason-Dixon
MISSOURI44% 49% +/-4
NEVADA  44% 40% +/-3.5  Las Vegas Review 
NEW HAMPSHIRE   47% 46% +/-4MSNBC/Knight-Ridder
OHIO46% 48% +/-4
WEST VIRGINIA   43% 51% +/-4MSNBC/Knight-Ridder
IOWA44% 49% +/-4
MICHIGAN47% 45% +/-4
MINNESOTA   47% 48% +/-4St. Paul 
NEW MEXICO  45% 49% +/-4Santa Fe New 
Mexican  KOE Television
OREGON  50% 44% +/-4MSNBC/Knight-Ridder
PENNSYLVANIA48% 46% +/-4MSNBC/Knight-Ridder
WISCONSIN   48% 46% +/-4


One Day And Counting...3 Hours of Hardball Tonight

2004-11-01 Thread Hardball with Chris Matthews
The Hardball Briefing On MSNBC

Tonight we're on live for 3 hours direct from Democracy Plaza...7 pm and 9-11 pm 
ET...4  6 pm PT

Don't tune out now folks, we're in the home stretch...We're just hours away from 
election day and we're all over the coverage at MSNBC...In one of those big shot 
network meetings last week (the type I just listen in on my muted phone) Chris said 
something to the effect of we have to show our audience that this election is an 
organic living thing on election night.  It's happening in real time.  We'll tell the 
viewers to vote and then come watch the election results with us.   We want you to be 
part of our coverage.  No joke! check out our Citizen Journalist page

On with the show...Our 7 pm ET Hardball All Star panel: Dee Dee, Willie, Pat  
Howard...Before we get to the panel though we're going to treat you to a little song 
and dance...No, not from the panel, from the USO girls who'll sing God Bless 
America.  Shuster is on his way from W. Palm Beach to Ft. Lauderdale and he'll do a 
little ditty on early voting from there...Lots of action down in that area...We'll 
also talk to several kid reporters from Scholastic, so that'll be kind of cute...In 
the rough and tumble of politics you gotta watch out for the kids and make sure they 
understand what's going on...We're kid friendly at Hardball and hope they grow up to 
be interested in politics and their country.. 

In the 9 to 10 ET hour we'll throw in Ron Reagan and Ron Silver into the mix and get 
their take on the horse race...Brokaw sat down with President Bush over the weekend 
for a wide ranging interview...We'll chunk it heavily in the front half and then 
Chris sits down with Tom in the back half..

10p-11p panel: Andrea, Willie, Meacham  Scarborough...We'll probably throw in there 
DNC Chair Terry McAuliffe and funny man Ben Stein...Plus, Chris will kick it freestyle 
with the audience in our bullpen area...If you're in the neighborhood stop by and 
say Hi!  We might just put you on TV...We're at Democracy Plaza, formerly Rockefeller 

Please join us...A good time is guaranteed...An oh yeah, we'll have some killer aerial 
shots of Democracy Plaza courtesy of the Goodyear Blimp...

NBC/WSJ Poll: Bush, Kerry still deadlocked...Good news for president on bin Laden, 

Shuster just called into Briefing Central and reports the following from W. Palm 
Beach: There are a number of folks on the streets near polling centers but one person 
struck him in particular...An elderly seventy-something woman who used a walker to 
help get around had the thing decked out in Kerry/Edwards signs...She shook her fists 
at cars driving by and gave thumbs up to folks honking...David, in his infinite 
editorial wisdom, scored an interview, in which she explained why she's been out doing 
this for the past four days...It got pretty emotional for her and she even 
cried...We'll bring you the interview and see if we can't put some of it up on the 
blog as well..

Dominic Bellone wrote, compiled and edited The Briefing from Washington, DC

Sen. John Kerry has erased President Bush's modest lead and the two candidates head 
into Election Day tied at 49%-49%, a nationwide USA TODAY/CNN/Gallup Poll shows as an 
extraordinarily bitter and expensive campaign prepared to end.

More polls

Kerry, Bush crossing paths in Midwest...President Bush laid on a six-state, seven-stop 
tour Monday stretching from early morning into late night, mostly in the Midwest. His 
Democratic opponent was working the heartland for a final time, too. (MSNBC)

An upbeat President Bush launched a six-state, 19-hour day of final campaigning 
Monday, saying he was energized by his supporters and confident he would win 
re-election. (AP)

Voter turnout is likely to be higher than in recent presidential elections - 
especially among young voters - in a very close race, weekend polls suggest. Those 
polls suggest the race is very close nationally with some polls showing President Bush 
and Democratic Sen. John Kerry even and another showing Bush slightly ahead. (AP)

Cheney invokes memory of Pearl Harbor...Major party candidate visits Hawaii for first 
time in 44 years (AP)

Sammon: Campaigns clash over bin Laden...The presidential campaign of Sen. John Kerry 
yesterday defended the senator's remarks blaming President Bush for letting Osama bin 
Laden escape, while the candidate himself backed off some, saying his surrogates 
shouldn't make political 

D-Day Folks...MSNBC's The Place To Be!!

2004-11-02 Thread Hardball with Chris Matthews
The Hardball Briefing On MSNBC

What can we say folks?  It's Election Day...Our community's Super Bowl and World 
Series etc. wrapped up into one...I'd remind you to vote but if you're reading this 
newsletter you're probably the type that doesn't need reminding...Obviously MSNBC is 
live all day but Chris hits the stage at Democracy Plaza at 6 pm until 3 am ET or 
until the last dog dies...At 7 pm ET/4 pm PT click here for live state by state 
election results

From our friends at the NBC News Political Unit

The NBC News final Electoral College ratings:
Toss-up states (9): Florida, Iowa, Minnesota, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Mexico, Ohio, 
Pennsylvania, Wisconsin 
Total Toss-up electoral votes: 109 
Lean or Solid Bush votes: 222 
Lean or Solid Kerry votes: 207 

How NBC News projects election winners...Understanding Election Night calls, results 
and exit polls

I'm not gonna give you a blow by blow of our coverage because it's too extensive but 
rest assured it'll be the best stuff you'll see all night...We'll be here with all the 
experts, NBC News reporters, political pundits and a smattering of politicians...So go 
vote then come home, put the coffee pot on, pop the popcorn, break out the TV trays, 
your favorite snacks and set the dial for MSNBC...We're gonna be kickin' it so hard P. 
Diddy will probably stop by to kick it with us...

And we'll do it again tomorrow night for post election slicin' and dicin'...

Dominic Bellone wrote, compiled and edited the Hardball Briefing from deep inside the 

Voters take baton from candidates...Long lines form outside many polling places 

Long Lines Greet Early Morning Voters (The Washington Post)

Umbrellas and raincoats were needed Tuesday from Texas to the lower Great Lakes, and 
snow-covered roads were a problem in the Texas Panhandle. In some places, voters were 
standing in line before the polling place doors opened. (AP)

Polling places experienced scattered problems Tuesday as legions of lawyers, 
election-rights activists and computer scientists watched, particularly in 
battleground states, for any trouble that could disenfranchise voters. (MSNBC)

President Bush and his wife, Laura, cast their votes on Tuesday morning in the tiny 
town near their Texas ranch, and Bush said he was calm and confident now that the 
election was in the hands of the people. (Reuters);jsessionid=2NDFR5RI5YUHQCRBAE0CFFA?type=politicsNewsstoryID=6689175

With the U.S. election now in voters hands, Democratic challenger John Kerry on 
Tuesday said Americans had a choice: a change in direction or four more years of the 
same under President Bush. (Reuters);jsessionid=2NDFR5RI5YUHQCRBAE0CFFA?type=politicsNewsstoryID=6689031

N.H. mountain hamlets cast first votes...Bush takes Dixville Notch; tie in Hart's 
Location (AP)

Appeals court OKs challengers at Ohio polls...U.S. Supreme Court won't weigh in; 
victory for GOP (AP)


Election ticktock blog

Voters in Alaska will decide on Tuesday whether to make their state the first in the 
country to legalize the sale, possession or use of marijuana by adults. (Reuters)

Superstitious senator hopes it's his lucky day (NY Daily News)

Headliners are set for Kerry fete...Thousands to party in Copley Square (The Boston 

Curry: Everyone wanted a piece of Decision 2004...From Soros to Schilling, close race 
featured a cast of thousands

Not Much Choice in Plans for Iraq (LA Times)

12 Iraqis killed in car bombs in Baghdad, Mosul...Suicide attackers target Education 
Ministry, military convoy (MSNBC)

U.S. military denies report of kidnapped GI...Separately, 2 Iraqi guards abducted with 
American, Nepalese freed (AP)

Maceda: Iraqis have few illusions about U.S. election...Amid nightmare of violence, no 
strong backing for Bush or Kerry

Bin Laden lauds costs of war to 

The Hardball Briefing for November 4, 2004

2004-11-04 Thread Hardball with Chris Matthews
The Hardball Briefing On MSNBC

Hardball airs tonight on MSNBC at 7p, 11p  4a ET  4p, 8p  1a PT  Find MSNBC on your 
TV  MSNBC also is on your XM satellite radio on 
channel 130

Several pressing issues swirling around DC today: Bush's presser outlining in broad 
language his second term, rumors of a cabinet/staff shakeup, Arafat's grave health, 
the impending assault on Fallujah and the Democratic party in ruins...

We'll hit all of those topics with an extremely talented cast of character to include: 
Texas Senator Kay Bailey Hutchison, NY Post Washington bureau chief Deb Orin, 
Newsweek's Mike Isikoff, former Bush 41 counsel C. Boyden Gray, GOP strategist Ed 
Rogers, Jerry Brown  Rep. Harold Ford...

Chris is out on assignment tonight so we booked NBC Justice correspondent Pete 
Williams to helm the Captain's chair...

During my web surfing I came across this little Orwellian sugar plum...The U.S. has 
set up a psychological operations center outside of Fallujah to educate the citizens 
on the impending strike and it's purpose...Here's how Maj. Jim West, a Marine 
intelligence planner, described it: We're trying to tell them they have friends out 
there who care about them, who may have to attack and here's what we want them to do, 
West said. It's not to take over the city; it's to return the city to you. (AP)

Here's something to warm your heart: President Bush and the first lady are welcoming a 
new addition to the family: a Scottish terrier puppy named Miss Beazley. (Reuters)

Here's something to give you pause: National Guard Fighter Fires At School In New 
Jersey...Incident Happened On Training Mission

Dominic Bellone wrote, compiled and edited The Hardball Briefing from deep inside the 

Cool County by County Red/Blue state map

Orin Backgrounder: President Bush won the White House because he understands it's hip 
to be square.

Bush: Voters set direction set for next four years...Social Security, tax reform on 
his agenda (MSNBC)

Bush's cabinet and possible changes:

Victory will boost Bush's authority, reach (USA Today) 

Post Analysis: Vote gives Bush rare opportunity...But window for hoped-for reforms 
could be brief

GOP emphasis on values pays off...Republican tactics target nation's cultural divide 
(The Washington Post)

President Bush's victory, the approval of every anti-gay marriage amendment on 
statewide ballots and an emphasis on moral values among voters showed the power of 
churchgoing Americans in this election and threw the nation's religious divide into 
stark relief. (AP)

World leaders react to Bush's re-election...Allies see victory as reaffirmation of 
U.S.-led war on terror (AP)

Howard: A Sweet Victory ... And a Tough Loss...Bush Two: They liked his war on terror, 
and his moral stance. How Bush topped his father, defeating Kerry on the strength of 
his strength.

Attorney General John Ashcroft is likely to leave his post before the start of 
President Bush's second term, senior aides said Thursday. (AP)

Maneuvering begins for 2008...Fields wide open for both GOP, Democrats (AP)

Key GOP senator warns Bush on abortion...Specter likely to chair panel on Supreme 
Court nominees (AP)

Elizabeth Edwards diagnosed with breast cancer...Former candidate's wife  held off on 
examination amid campaign (AP)

Arafat's condition described as 'very, very grave'...Palestinian leader said to have 
slipped into coma (AP)

U.S. warplanes bomb targets in Fallujah...Car bomb targets Iraqi National Guards; 3 
British soldiers killed (AP)

Marines Go Through Urban Warfare Drills (AP)

Explosives were looted from the Al-Qaqaa ammunitions site in Iraq while outnumbered 
U.S. soldiers assigned to guard the materials watched helplessly, 

The Hardball Briefing for November 5, 2004

2004-11-05 Thread Hardball with Chris Matthews
The Hardball Briefing On MSNBC

Hardball airs on MSNBC at 7p, 11p  4a ET  4p, 8p  1a PT  Find MSNBC on your TV  MSNBC also is on your XM satellite radio on 
channel 130

On your Friday night edition of Hardball we look beyond the notion of the Horserace 
and get into the messy business of governing and dissecting the mandate...Howard kicks 
off the show and will be joined by National Review's White House correspondent Byron 
York to get into Bush's upcoming agenda, his political capital, who will be left 
standing after the cabinet is shaken up? and what his enemies may be plotting...

David Shuster's package tonight deals with the President's relationship with the press 
and how that may or may not change in his second term...We'll also talk to star 
journalists Jim VandeHei (Wash Post) and James Warren (Chicago Trib) about the media's 
role in this election and the presidential relationship thereof...

Later we'll talk to author Thomas Frank, What's the matter with Kansas?: How 
conservatives win the Heart of America, a liberal who thinks the Dems need to move 
farther Left to wage a more successful political battle against the GOP..

Democrats: Are they dead or just look that way?  We asked noted MSNBC political 
analyst (and proud man of the Left) Ron Reagan

Fun story of the day...The slamming of Vannessa Kerry: She had an entourage of five 
people with her everywhere she went, one Kerry confidant sniffed to PAGE SIX's Jared 
Paul Stern. A hairdresser, makeup artist, publicist and two assistants. It ended up 
costing something like $8,000 a month. And she didn't exactly do anything.

Should be a hoot...Please join us!

Dominic Bellone wrote, compiled and edited The Hardball Briefing from inside the 

Fun Hillary News

Sen. Chuck Schumer yesterday said his junior partner in the Senate, Hillary Rodham 
Clinton, is the front-runner in the battle to win the White House in 2008. (NY Post)

Hil won't squelch chatter on '08 bid...Sen. Hillary Clinton refused to squelch talk 
yesterday about whether she has her eyes on the White House after John Kerry's loss 
made her the Democrats' insta-front-runner for 2008. (NY Daily News)

Bush weighs 'inevitable' Cabinet changes...At the Camp David retreat Friday for a long 
weekend after the grueling election campaign, President Bush was already considering 
changes in his Cabinet and among senior White House staff. (MSNBC)

Bush ready to govern in own style...Victory margin gives him some breathing room (Post 

U.S. payrolls showed strong growth in OctUnemployment rate edges up to 5.5 percent 

Curry: Bush's chance to shape America's judiciary...With openings looming on Supreme 
Court, president may soon face a defining battle

Analysts say outlook for Bush plan bleak...Too much deficit, not enough revenue, they 
say (The Washington Post)

After losing back-to-back presidential elections, Democratic leaders are trying to 
figure out how to make the party more relevant to mainstream Americans and keep it 
from slipping into perpetual minority-party status. (AP)

Democrats question what went wrong...As John Kerry basked Wednesday in the final 
applause of his failed campaign, at a packed gathering in Boston that was nothing 
short of funereal, supporters shivered in the cold outside and wondered what went 
wrong. (The Washington Post)

More tests set for Elizabeth Edwards...Ex-candidate's wife has breast cancer (AP)

Arafat said to be 'between life and death'...Palestinian leadership seeks to project 
unity (AP)

Arafat's passing could aid U.S. peacemaking...Plans to resume Mideast talks rely on 
emerging Palestinian leaders (AP)

Sen. John McCain will return to the state (NH) in two weeks. He won't be campaigning 
for Bush this time...(Manchester Union Leader) Scroll to the bottom

Forget Springsteen and Bon Jovi - now it's red state conservatives who are going to 
party like rock stars during Dubya's presidential inauguration in January, paying up 
to $1 million for a sweet suite with every conceivable luxury for the rich but 
not-so-famous. (NY Post) 

The Hardball Briefing For November 12, 2004

2004-11-12 Thread Hardball with Chris Matthews
The Hardball Briefing On MSNBC

Hardball airs tonight on MSNBC at 7p, 11p  4a ET  4p, 8p  1a PT  Find MSNBC 
on your TV  MSNBC also is on your XM 
satellite radio on channel 130

Because there are so many of you who need more than just one hour of Hardball 
on a Friday night, we decided to kick you another one...Yes, that's right. 
We'll be on at 9 pm ET tonight as well as 7 pm ET.  That's 6 pm for those of 
you out West.  

We'll lead 7p with the an update from the burial of Yasser Arafat...There was a 
heck of a crowd surrounding the copter that brought his body back to 
Ramallah...So large was the crowd there were problems getting the door open to 
remove his body...We'll show you the video in case you missed it...We'll talk 
to one of Arafat's top advisors and confidantes, Saeb Erekat

We'll then slice and dice the geopolitical impact of Arafat's death and the 
Bush-Blair summit meeting today with former diplomats Martin Indyk and Ed 
Walker, two gentlemen thoroughly steeped in Middle East politics...They'll 
bring good portfolio to the table...

Fighting continues in Fallujah as Mosul in the North gets ravaged by insurgents 
who stormed numerous police stations...Also today, a U.S. Blackhawk helicopter 
was shot down by insurgents wounding three of its crew...Mik informs us from 
the Pentagon that US Lt. General John Sattler reports from Iraq that 22 
Americans have been killed and 170 wounded in the battle for Fallujah40 of 
those wounded have been treated and returned to duty. We'll get expert 
military analysis from retired General Wayne Downing...

Later in the show Shuster rolls out a package on Ohio and a possible recount 
there...Don't worry folks, the election results won't be overturned, but it 
appears Dems and others want to set the record straight on the final 
numbers...Shuster intends to make sense of it all...Here's Shuster's aperitif 
blog on the matter  ( We'll then 
talk to political analysts Susan Molinari and Trippi...

9 pm show is still up in the air but you'll get our best, guaranteed...

We hope you'll honor us with your viewership...

I got to give a shout out to Sam Go and her blog on ABC...Go Sammy!! If it 
wasn't for Sam you wouldn't have half the cool stuff you now enjoy on

Dominic Bellone wrote, compiled and edited The Hardball Briefing from 
Washington, DC

U.S. forces seek final Fallujah push overnight...Al-Zarqawi reportedly issues 
message urging insurgents to fight on (MSNBC)

The U.S. military thinks many insurgents fled Fallujah, blending in with the 
waves of Iraqi civilians who were given weeks to leave before the coalition 
invaded and disappointing war planners who were hoping to kill a huge number of 
enemy guerrillas there, military officials said yesterday. (The Washington 

A U.S. helicopter was shot down Friday north of Baghdad, and its three crew 
members were wounded, the U.S military said. (AP)

Iraqi insurgents have kidnapped an American who works as a manager at Baghdad 
airport, Al Jazeera television said on Friday. (Reuters)

A semblance of calm returned to Mosul on Friday after U.S. forces carried out 
air strikes on insurgents, but residents said Iraq's third largest city 
remained tense and Iraqi police were nowhere to be seen. (Reuters)

Aid agencies called on U.S. forces and the Iraqi government to allow them to 
deliver food, medicine and water to Falluja on Friday and said four days of 
intense fighting had turned the city into a big disaster. (Reuters);jsessionid=Z0CI5OEVHX02ACRBAELCFEY?type=topNewsstoryID=6798438

Arafat laid to rest in Ramallah...Thousands of Palestinians had swarmed coffin 
on arrival (MSNBC)

Arafat Buried in Ramallah...Prayers, Praise for Deceased Leader at Cairo 
Service (The Washington Post)

Blair, Bush consult on Mideast...Joint news conference scheduled after talks 

Militants convinced Israel poisoned Yasser Arafat vowed revenge attacks on the 
Jewish state and warned the new Palestinian leadership against any compromise 
as Arafat was brought home for burial on Friday. (Reuters)

Former U.S. President Bill Clinton on Thursday 

Powell Resignation, Faith in The White House Top Hardball Agenda

2004-11-15 Thread Hardball with Chris Matthews
The Hardball Briefing On MSNBC

Hardball airs tonight on MSNBC at 7p, 11p  4a ET  4p, 8p  1a PT  Find MSNBC 
on your TV  MSNBC also is on your XM 
satellite radio on channel 130

Big news inside the beltway as Colin Powell resigns from the cabinet...We all 
knew it was coming but not necessarily this soon...Who'll succeed him?  A 
Neocon hawk or a moderate?  His pick may be a telltale sign of where the war in 
Iraq  war on terror will go...Will the religious right call in their mark as 
the feminists did with Madeleine Albright? 

We'll get the story behind the story with Andrea and then talk to one of the 
Neocon's top intellectual leaders, Richard Perle...

We'll also get a report from Time Mag's Michael Ware, reporting from the 
frontlines of Fallujah...

Then in the back half we'll get into our highly toutly and much promo-ed The 
Passion Of The Right special with Newsweek's Jon Meacham, Pat Buchanan, 
Richard Land of the Southern Baptist Convention and Jim Wallis of Call to 
Renewal, an umbrella group of Christian groups dedicated to fighting 
poverty...We'll look at the role of religion and faith in politics and the Bush 
administration...Please join us...

Powell quits as secretary of state; will serve until successor is 
OK'd...Resignation submitted Friday to Bush

National security adviser Condoleezza Rice emerged as the likely candidate on 
Monday to replace resigning Secretary of State Colin Powell, Republican sources 
said.  (Reuters);jsessionid=UZWVM5X1LHKJQCRBAE0CFEY?type=topNewsstoryID=6816698

Dominic Bellone wrote, compiled and edited The Hardball Briefing..

Did you see Carville bust an egg on his face yesterday?? Bob Cox has the video 
(a hat tip my friend) CLICK ON THE PIC

Moran provides instant slice and dice of Powell departure: Powell leaves an 
unfinished legacy...Iraq may yet prove 'the Powell doctrine' correct

Shocker: A man has apparently tried to set himself on fire on the north side of 
the northwest gate of the White House around 2 p.m. Monday. (WTOP Radio)

Energy, education, agriculture secretaries resigning...Names have already 
surfaced to replace Abraham, Paige and Veneman

Iraq fighting spreads far beyond Fallujah...U.S. says 20 insurgents killed in 
Baqouba; situation 'tense' in Mosul (MSNBC)

Trouble spots dot Iraqi landscape...Attacks erupt away from fighting in 
Fallujah (The Washington Post)

U.S. forces battle insurgents in Mosul...U.S. commander predicts 'some hard 
fighting' in next few days (Reuters)

Iraq's most feared terror leader told insurgents in an audiotape found Monday 
on an Islamic Web site that the Americans will move on other guerrilla 
strongholds after Fallujah and urged the guerrillas to strike first. (AP)

U.S. Military Death Toll in Fallujah at 38 (AP)

Fallujah's masked fighters have been fighting house to house, firing from 
rooftops and mosques with a seemingly unending supply of firepower, wounded 
U.S. servicemen said Monday, recounting tough urban combat in the Iraqi 
insurgent stronghold. (AP)

Specter on the line as Congress returns...Must make case for becoming Senate 
Judiciary Committee chair (AP)

For Specter, a Showdown Over Judiciary Chairmanship...GOP Senator Battles 
Conservatives Angered by His Comments (The Washington Post)

CIA veterans clash with new chief...Senior officers fear Goss too isolated; 
resignations mount (The Washington Post)

President Bush on Monday tapped the chairman of his re-election campaign, Ken 
Mehlman, to head the Republican Party. (AP)

As Bill Clinton's library is unveiled at a gala opening this week, one thing is 
certain: His messy legacy will be on full display...One alcove will be 
dedicated to impeachment, and organizers have promised not to sidestep even 
Monica Lewinsky or Paula Jones. The 58-year-old political superstar is expected 
to draw hundreds of thousands of visitors a year to his library. (AP)

William Safire, the conservative voice on the New York Times Op-Ed 

Kathleen Matthews Plays Hardball Tonight

2004-11-16 Thread Hardball with Chris Matthews
The Hardball Briefing On MSNBC

Hardball airs tonight on MSNBC at 7p, 11p  4a ET  4p, 8p  1a PT  Find MSNBC 
on your TV  MSNBC also is on your XM 
satellite radio on channel 130

Of course we'll do the politics of the cabinet shakeup...Who won? Who lost?  
What's it all mean?? Howard and Dana Priest will be in the House to give us the 

We'll follow up on the Kevin Sites video we played last night with the Marine 
killing the prostrate insurgent in the Mosque...The military is investigating 
the incident...We'll talk to a guy from the LA Times, Tony Perry, who was 
embedded with the Marine Corps 3 times between Afghanistan and Iraq...He'll 
give us his take on the story and what life is like on the battefront...

And remember the Anonymous guy? Mr. Imperial Hubris book?  He quit the Agency 
and outted himself as Michael Scheuer...He's been blasting the CIA and the Bush 
Administration over their conduct in the War on Terror...We'll ask him what the 
dealio is...

And a special treat...Chris' Queen Kathleen Matthews will be here to discuss 
her sabbatical at Harvard University...She's a Fellow at the Kennedy School 
teaching a course called Tower of Babel: Making Sense of News in the New 

Dominic Bellone wrote, compiled and edited The Hardball Briefing from 
Washington, DC

Rice nomination to State expected...President Bush on Tuesday will formally 
nominate national security adviser Condoleezza Rice to replace Colin Powell as 
secretary of state, a senior administration source told The Associated Press.

Rice is president's can-do confidante...Bush's nickname for her says it all: 
'The unsticker'

Post Analysis...Moves Cement Hard-Line Stance On Foreign Policy

U.S. Deputy Secretary of State Richard Armitage has resigned as expected a day 
after his boss and close friend, Colin Powell, announced he was stepping down, 
a State Department official said on Tuesday. (Reuters)

Coalition forces move to retake Mosul positions...1,200 U.S. troops involved in 
operation to secure police stations (MSNBC)

Insurgent attacks spread Monday to another Sunni Muslim city, Baqubah, and a 
nearby village, where bands of armed men attacked two police stations 
simultaneously, the U.S. military said. American forces used airstrikes to 
blunt the assault, the latest that insurgents have launched in apparent 
response to the U.S. offensive in Fallujah. (The Washington Post)

U.S. probes shooting at Fallujah mosque...Video shows Marine killing wounded 
Iraqi (NBC)

U.S. Marines rallied round a comrade under investigation for killing a wounded 
Iraqi during the offensive in Falluja, saying he was probably under combat 
stress in unpredictable, hair-trigger circumstances. (Reuters)

As of today 11/16 10am EST, U.S. Military casualties in Iraq:

Total Deaths: 1207
Total Hostile Deaths: 940
Total Non-Hostile Deaths: 267
Total Wounded: 8956

Since major combat operations declared over 1 May 2003:

Total Deaths: 1068
Total Hostile Deaths: 831
Total Non-Hostile Deaths: 237
Total Wounded: 8414

The family of Margaret Hassan, an aid worker abducted in Iraq last month, said 
Tuesday they believed she was dead. (AP) 

CIA chief seeks to reassure employees...Amid infighting and resignations, Goss 
tries to boost morale (The Washington Post)

Specter lobbies peers after abortion comments...Senator making case to chair 
judiciary committee (AP)

Sens. Norm Coleman and Elizabeth Dole both claimed Monday they have enough 
votes from their GOP colleagues to take over leadership of the influential 
National Republican Senatorial Committee (AP)

Senate Democrats choose new leader...Nevada's Reid strays from party on 
abortion, guns (AP)

Schumer to head Democratic Senate push...Senator skips run for governor of New 
York (AP)

GOP governors eye Romney for post...Group could pave presidential path (The 
Boston Globe)

Pentagon to warn bases on Scouts...The Pentagon has agreed to warn military 
bases worldwide that they should not directly sponsor Boy Scout troops, 
partially resolving accusations that the government has improperly 

Reminiscing with Tom Brokaw...Tonight on Hardball

2004-11-29 Thread Hardball with Chris Matthews
The Hardball Briefing On MSNBC

Hardball airs tonight on MSNBC at 7p, 11p  4a ET  4p, 8p  1a PT  Find MSNBC 
on your TV  MSNBC also is on your XM 
satellite radio on channel 130

This week marks a momentous occasion in NBC News and television journalism 
history...Legendary Nightly News anchor Tom Brokaw issues his final broadcast 
this Wednesday, December 1st...We'll talk to him about his career, the 
historical events he's covered and get his thoughts on the current state of 
broadcast journalism...A treat for sure...We lead the broadcast with Tom...

Shuster's package revolves around the Intel Bill Brouhaha...Who's trying to 
kill it and why?  Will it get passed in this lame duck session?  We'll also get 
perspective from Congressman Ernest Istook (R-OK) and Congresswoman Zoe Lofgren 

We'll wrap up on prospects for peace in the Middle East with Newsweek's Lally 
Weymouth on her exclusive in this week's issue...

Btw, Chris will be on the Don Imus radio show tomorrow Tuesday at 7:29 am 
ET...The show is simulcast on MSNBC if you're near a TV or not sure of the 
radio frequency.

Dominic Bellone wrote, compiled and edited The Hardball Briefing from 
Washington, DC

Lally Backgrounder: No Guts, No Glory, No Peace...In exclusive interviews, 
Ariel Sharon and Mahmoud Abbas survey the future

Bush nominates Kellogg's CEO for commerce...Carlos Gutierrez is from family 
that fled Castro's Cuba (AP)

Suicide bomber kills 12 at Iraq police station...Most victims waiting for 
paychecks; 2 GIs killed in Baghdad attack (MSNBC)

Bush called on to push intel reform...Kean: 'The president has got to go to 

The Hill, Bush differ on counterterror agency...Key issue is the amount of 
authority wielded by director (The Washington Post)

Al-Qaida No. 2 vows to continue to fight U.SAl-Zawahri makes threat in tape 
aired by al-Jazeera network (MSNBC)

Ask not why so few inaugural speeches resonate long after they are given. 
History always will remember Abraham Lincoln's appeal to the better angels of 
our nature. History probably has forgotten President Bush's flowery 
declaration four short years ago that an angel still rides in the whirlwind 
and directs this storm. (AP)

No review of Mass. gay marriage law...The Supreme Court sidestepped a dispute 
over gay marriage on Monday, rejecting a challenge by conservative groups to 
the status of Massachusetts as the only state that sanctions same-sex 

Rehnquist to miss sixth week of work...Chief Justice will be absent from 
Supreme Court on Monday (AP)

Americans favor Supreme Court age limit...Poll shows six in 10 support 
mandatory retirement (AP)

Supreme Court weighs medical marijuana laws...Case to determine whether states 
have right to adopt such laws (AP)

The Supreme Court let stand Monday a lower court ruling allowing the U.S. Army 
to keep four watercolors painted by Adolf Hitler that were seized in Germany 
after World War II. (AP)

Greeted by an enthusiastic crowd, John Edwards kicked off a farewell tour as 
U.S. senator Monday but left little doubt he wasn't saying goodbye to politics. 


Katrina: Truth and Consequences in Ukraine...Things are far murkier than they 

Brother Novak: France's American problem


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Brent Scowcroft's In The House Tonight

2004-12-02 Thread Hardball with Chris Matthews
The Hardball Briefing On MSNBC

Hardball airs on MSNBC at 7p, 11p  4a ET  4p, 8p  1a PT  Find MSNBC on your 
TV  MSNBC also is on your XM satellite 
radio on channel 130

Tonight we break out fmr. National Security Advisor to President Bush 41  
President Ford, Brent Scowcroft to do the UN reorganization story and more 
importantly, the announcement by the Pentagon yesterday that we're shipping 
more troops to Iraq in advance of Iraq's national election on January 
30th...This will mark the highest number of troops since the campaign began...A 
number of those troops are having their tours extended and it would appear that 
those Iraqi troops we were supposed to train can't do the job...This ain't 
cool...Brent has been a critic of the war and said so recently to the Financial 

Brent Backgrounder: Scowcroft Is Critical of Bush...Ex-National Security 
Adviser Calls Iraq a 'Failing Venture'

Pentagon boosts forces in Iraq to highest level...Tour extensions to bring U.S. 
force near 150,000 (MSNBC)

We'll also talk to outgoing NAACP President Kweisi Mfume about his 
organization, their opposition to Bush and the Democratic party...Plus, what's 
the future have in store for Mfume?

That United Church of Christ ad is generating controversy as NBC  CBS refuse 
to air it...We'll roll the ad and talk to a minister representing the Church 
and Rev. Jerry Falwell

We'll close the show with Patti Davis and her moving tribute to her father 
Ronald Reagan...Her new book is called The Long Goodbye

Pls join us for this one of a kind, action packed show...You won't be 
disappointed I promise

Dominic Bellone wrote, edited and compiled The Hardball Briefing from 
Washington, DC

Bush rejects delaying Iraq elections...'Time ... to go to the polls,' president 
says (AP)

Mortars kill 1, wound several in Baghdad...U.S. Embassy bans workers from 
dangerous Baghdad airport (AP)

Tenet Criticizes Intelligence Bill...Ex-CIA Director Opposes Proposed 
Separation of Duties (The Washington Post)

Nebraska governor picked as ag secretary...Bush calls Johanns 'a faithful 
friend to America's farmers' (AP)

Bush: U.N. must come clean on Iraq oil scandal...But president doesn't call for 
Annan's resignation (AP)

Vice President Dick Cheney will travel to Afghanistan to attend the 
inauguration Tuesday of Hamid Karzai as Afghanistan's first directly elected 

Democratic governors hope to wrest control of their beleaguered party and make 
their homegrown policies, tactics and political organizations a key to 
reversing Republican gains. (AP)

Kerik tops list to be Homeland chief...Sources say New York City's former 
police commissioner who also helped train police in Iraq may head federal 
Homeland Security agency (Newsday),0,4251105,print.story?coll=ny-top-headlines

Frist Political Fund Can't Cover Bank Loan...Senator's Investment in Stock 
Market Has Lost $460,000 in Value Since 2000 (The Washington Post)

Some abstinence programs misleading...Report documents misstatements in 
curricula (The Washington Post)

Kenneth Starr says he never should have led the investigation that resulted in 
the impeachment of former President Bill Clinton. (AP)

Hitchens to speak at West Point


Peggy: The Education of Dan Rather...From the golden age of network TV to the 
end of its hegemony.

Katrina: With Tom Ridge following Colin Powell out the White House revolving 
door, George Bush has finally completed his purge of Vietnam veterans from the 
cabinet. Call it the revenge of the Deferment Generation.

Novak: Bush finding out ride gets bumpier in second term


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Chris Interviews King Abdullah and Laura Ingraham!

2004-12-08 Thread Hardball with Chris Matthews
The Hardball Briefing On MSNBC
Hardball airs on MSNBC at 7p, 11p  4a ET  4p, 8p  1a PT  Find MSNBC on your 
TV  MSNBC also is on your XM satellite 
radio on channel 130

Tonight...The King of Cable News interviews the King of Jordan...Front half of 
the show...We'll get into all the hot topics: Iraq, Iranian influence over the 
Iraq elections and why that ain't cool...Ahmad Chalabi and his possible role in 
the future of Iraq...Plus, the ever vexing question of peace between Israelis 
and Palestinians, ending the cycle of violence over there, that type of thing

You love her...You need her...You gotta have her...She's your healthy radio 
addiction and she's on Hardball tonight! That's right folks Laura It's not 
just a radio show, it's an addiction Ingraham will be here tonight

Ingraham goes up against Marie Cocco from Newsday...It's very hot, particularly 
the second block...You gotta see it to believel it...

A teaser for tonight's show...

Shusters blogs on King Abdullah's father

Dominic Bellone wrote, compiled and edited The Briefing from Washington, DC

Troops put tough questions to Rumsfeld...Defense secretary gets his own 
talking to from disgruntled GIs (AP)

Hundreds of soldiers applauded a comrade who complained to Rumsfeld that U.S. 
troops were being forced to dig up scrap metal to protect their vehicles in 
Iraq because of a shortage of armored transport. (Reuters);jsessionid=2W0KQ53N5G4LOCRBAEKSFEY?type=topNewsstoryID=7031382

Senate tackles intelligence bill...Far-reaching overhaul legislation nears its 
final passage Wednesday (AP)

U.S. veterans from the war in Iraq are beginning to show up at homeless 
shelters around the country, and advocates fear they are the leading edge of a 
new generation of homeless vets not seen since the Vietnam era.  (UPI)

Post Analysis: Intelligence director's control a concern...Bill is historic 
reordering, but questions remain (The Washington Post)

Report to Defense Alleged Abuse By Prison Interrogation Teams...Intelligence 
Official Informed Defense Dept. in June (The Washington Post)

President Bush urged Major League Baseball on Wednesday to take strong steps 
to confront the use of steroids and other illegal performance-enhancing 
substances by players. (AP)

Ending weeks of speculation, President Bush on Wednesday asked Treasury 
Secretary John Snow to stay in his job and Snow agreed to do so, the White 
House said. (Reuters)

New Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid says U.S. Supreme Court Justice Clarence 
Thomas is an embarrassment and should not be considered for chief justice. 

Brock Meeks: Anti-terrorism costs hidden in utility bills...Utilities win rate 
increases to recoup security costs following 9/11

Hospital denies report on Ukraine poisoning...Director says doctors still 
running tests on Yushchenko's illness (AP)


Taranto: Be Careful What You Wish For...Overturning Roe v. Wade would be good 
for the Democrats

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The Hardball Briefing For December 9, 2004

2004-12-09 Thread Hardball with Chris Matthews
The Hardball Briefing On MSNBC

Hardball airs on MSNBC at 7p, 11p  4a ET  4p, 8p  1a PT  Find MSNBC on your 
TV  MSNBC also is on your XM satellite 
radio on channel 130

A couple of journalists are being threatened with jail time if they don't 
testify before a grand jury and give up a source in the Bush administration who 
leaked the name of Valerie Plame...Plame you'll recall is a CIA operative and 
the wife of former ambassador to Iraq Joe Wilson (circa Gulf War I). Wilson was 
the guy who disputed President Bush's assertion that Saddam was trying to buy 
uranium (read nuclear material) from the African country of Niger.  Plame's 
name was leaked to and reported by columnist Bob Novak.  Wilson claims the 
leaking of his wife's name was meant to intimidate him and put his wife's life 
in danger as a covert operative.  Those two journalists, Matt Cooper of Time 
magazine and Judith Miller of the New York Times will join us..

Shuster does a package on the Rummy on the hot seat story...Bush commented on 
the armor question earlier today and the Pentagon held a presser...Shuster will 
bring you the latest on it...

We'll also bring in Tony and Hilary Rosen to do the politics of it and a few 
other newsie items of the day...

We finish up with the lawsuits some soldiers are filing to prevent being 
dragooned involuntarily back to Iraq by the controversial stop-loss 
program...Here's the background
  We'll talk to the lawyer of Qualls

Blankley backgrounder: On the new Intel honcho: Long live the czar

And don't forget, tomorrow Jimmy Carter's in the house for a sit down with 

Dominic Bellone wrote, compiled and edited The Briefing from Washington, DC

 A shortage of up-armored Humvees in Iraq, highlighted Wednesday by a 
soldier's pointed question to Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld, is a 
consequence of insurgent tactics the military didn't anticipate, the Pentagon's 
chief spokesman said. (The Dallas Morning News)

Bernard Kerik, President Bush's choice to run the Homeland Security Department, 
made $6.2 million by exercising stock options he received from a company that 
sold stun guns to the department - and seeks more business with it. (AP)

President Bush on Thursday ruled out raising payroll taxes to help pay for 
Social Security reform, a transition experts have estimated will cost $1 
trillion to $2 trillion. (Reuters);jsessionid=IV0QLLKITDEO0CRBAE0CFFA?type=politicsNewsstoryID=7042237

The Bush administration on Wednesday urged the Supreme Court to allow Ten 
Commandments displays on government property, adding a federal view on a major 
church-state case that justices will deal with early next year. (AP)

Bush continues to shape Cabinet for second term...Nicholson to head VA; 4 
others to stay on job (AP)

Officer Alleges CIA Retaliation...Lawsuit Says Agency Urged False Reporting on 
Iraqi Arms (The Washington Post)

On a gray wintry morning at this huge Southern California Marine base, 
President Bush offered an unusually sober assessment Tuesday of the war in 
Iraq, acknowledging that the insurgency is getting worse, that newly trained 
Iraqi soldiers are fighting poorly at times and that the war's casualties are 
taking a heavy toll on military families (SF Chronicle)

All of John Kerry's one-time rivals in the Democratic presidential primary 
eventually lined up to support him as the nominee, but only one got paid for it 
- Al Sharpton (AP)

Secretary of State Colin Powell bid a nostalgic farewell on Thursday to the 
NATO Western security alliance he first served as platoon commander facing down 
the Soviet army 46 years ago. (Reuters);jsessionid=TAFVOHNOAMMBKCRBAE0CFFA?type=topNewsstoryID=7040354

Secretary of State Colin Powell said Thursday he won't seek political office, 
dismissing suggestions that he run for governor or senator in New York. (AP)

Howard Dean, with an eye on leading the Democratic Party in the wake of 
widespread election losses, 

Schwarzkopf, Trump And The Political Fallout from Kerik

2004-12-13 Thread Hardball with Chris Matthews
The Hardball Briefing On MSNBC

Hardball airs on MSNBC at 7p, 11p  4a ET  4p, 8p  1a PT  Find MSNBC on your 
TV  MSNBC also is on your XM satellite 
radio on channel 130

Folks we've got a helluva show lined up for you tonight...We lead with Norman 
Schwarzkopf on Iraq, the first year anniversary of Saddam's capture and where 
he thinks we're headed over there...Richard Holbrooke is back from the Ukraine 
where that country still reels from allegations of voter fraud and poisoning of 
the challenger candidate...Richard will sort it all out for us

We lighten it up a bit and talk to The Donald...Trump, not Rummy, on his hit 
NBC Universal series The Apprentice and why he's more popular than Gordon 
Gekko...Is greed really good?? Chris asks The Donald...

And we finish up with an all star panel of folks who've been slicin and dicin' 
Bernie Kerik's past and join us to report their findings: Isikoff, John Mintz 
from The Washington Post and Russ Buettner, whose been breaking stories left 
and right on Kerik...Some appear below...

An hour so action packed you'd be a fool to miss it!

Dominic Bellone wrote, compiled and edited The Hardball Briefing...

Suicide bomber kills 13 near Green Zone...Also, U.S. says 7 Marines killed in 
Anbar province on Sunday (AP)

U.S. Sen. John McCain said Monday that he has no confidence in Secretary of 
Defense Donald Rumsfeld, citing Rumsfeld's handling of the war in Iraq and the 
failure to send more troops. (AP)

White House knew Kerik had 'colorful past'...Official says conduct was seen as 
'not disqualifying' (MSNBC)

When he headed the city's jails, Bernard Kerik became deeply entangled with a 
New Jersey construction company long under fire for its alleged mob ties, a 
Daily News investigation found.

Former NYPD Commissioner Bernard Kerik conducted two extramarital affairs 
simultaneously, using a secret Battery Park City apartment for the passionate 
liaisons, the Daily News has learned.

Rudy Giuliani went to the White House last night and ate crow for dinner. 
Invited to a Christmas-season celebration, Giuliani apologized again to 
President Bush for the messy fallout from Bernard Kerik's nomination. (NY Daily 

White House pins blame on Kerik...Bush nominee had denied 'nanny problem,' 
officials say (The Washington Post)

Ukraine to probe alleged assassination attempt...Doctors in Vienna affirm that 
candidate suffered dioxin poisoning (AP)

Bush picks EPA chief as new HHS secretary...If confirmed, Leavitt would succeed 
Thompson at sprawling agency (AP)

Military scrambles to meet repair demands...Pentagon grapples with longer, 
costlier war than expected (The Washington Post)

Afghan President Hamid Karzai said Sunday that Osama bin Laden is 
``definitely'' in the region and eventually will be caught, even though 
American and Pakistani generals admit the trail is cold. (AP)

Gen. Augusto Pinochet was indicted Monday for the kidnapping of nine dissidents 
and the killing of one of them during his 1973-90 regime, and the former 
dictator was placed under house arrest. (AP)

Billionaire Marc Rich has emerged as a central figure in the U.N. oil-for-food 
scandal and is under investigation for brokering deals in which scores of 
international politicians and businessmen cashed in on sweetheart oil deals 
with Saddam Hussein, The Post has learned.


Fund: How Daschle Got Blogged...And how online journalism is transforming 


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The Hardball Briefing For December 14, 2004

2004-12-14 Thread Hardball with Chris Matthews
The Hardball Briefing On MSNBC

Hardball airs on MSNBC at 7p, 11p  4a ET  4p, 8p  1a PT  Find MSNBC on your 
TV  MSNBC also is on your XM satellite 
radio on channel 130

This week the White House is hosting what it dubs Securing Our Economic 
Future: White House Conference On The Economy...Panels will be held on the 
state of the ecomony, making healthcare affordable, reforming Social Security 
and ending abusive lawsuits...We'll preview it with one of the panelists, Brian 
Wesbury, chief economist at a top Chicago investment bank...We'll also get 
perspective from Pete Peterson, former Commerce Secretary under Nixon and the 
author of Running on Empy...Plus, liberal NY Times columnist and Princeton 
economist Paul Krugman...

Here's a couple of background pieces 

Stocks mark time ahead of Fed decision...Another quarter-point hike in key 
lending rate expected

First-quarter hiring to grow in 2005...Manpower survey shows gains in finance, 
insurance, real estate

Shuster does a package on Kerik and the litany of allegations swirling around 
him...In the back half we bring back Russ Buettner of the Daily News and Dana 
Priest of The Washington Post to slice and dice it and maybe some other news of 
current topicalility...

We finish up with former Air Force Academy cadet Beth Davis and her 
lawyer...Beth claims she was raped at the Academy and then punished for 
reporting it...We talk to her about it in the final block...

Here's some background on Beth and her case

By the way, You can see a preview for our special Walter Reed Army Medical 
Hospital show which will air on Thursday, December 16th and send a message to 
the troops here

Pls join us tonight...Dominic Bellone wrote, compiled and edited The Hardball 
Brieing from deep inside the Beltway...

7 die in another Green Zone car bomb blast...Monday's blast at same checkpoint 
left 13 Iraqis dead (MSNBC)

Bush Awards Medal of Freedom...3 Men Central to Iraq Policy Receives Civilian 
Honor (AP)

Road to Baghdad a highway of hazards...Troops struggle to counter attacks along 
'Route Irish' (The Washington Post)

Rumsfeld under fire for handing of Iraq...McCain has 'no confidence'; 
Schwartzkopf expresses anger

Bernie cops to trysts...'Very close' to publisher  correx officer, he sez (NY 
Daily News)

He Coulda Put Spice In The Bush Cabinet

Bernard Kerik's nanny problem might have proved the least of his troubles if he 
had pressed ahead with his bid to become homeland security secretary. (AP)

Two years after shutting what critics called a deceptive propaganda office, the 
Pentagon is embroiled in a new high-level debate over how to polish the fading 
U.S. image abroad, defense officials said on Monday. (Reuters);jsessionid=FABD1SB1RZXXGCRBAELCFEY?type=politicsNewsstoryID=7078341

Libel Suit Takes Aim at Print Reporter's Words on TV (The Washington Post)

Iraqi PM: War crimes trials to start next week...No details on which Saddam 
regime 'symbols' to be tried (Reuters)

'Frivolous lawsuit' irks Pentagon...The Pentagon expressed concern yesterday 
about a frivolous complaint filed against Defense Secretary Donald H. 
Rumsfeld by a leftist group that is using a new German law that claims the 
right to investigate war crimes anywhere in the world. (The Washington Times)

Hearings examine soldiers' conduct...Questions emerge in Article 32 proceedings 
(The Washington Post)

Iran says U.S. could join nuclear program talks...Official makes comment as 
European delegation opens negotiations (AP)

Hundreds of Wash. votes wrongly rejected...Finding could swing governor 
election to Democrat (AP)


Georgie Ann Geyer: Rumsfeld May Soon Regret His Arrogance Towards The Troops

Katrina: Needed: Enlightened Business Leaders...Making fair 

Retired Gen. Wesley Clark Plays Hardball

2004-12-17 Thread Hardball with Chris Matthews
The Hardball Briefing On MSNBC

Hardball airs on MSNBC at 7p, 11p  4a ET  4p, 8p  1a PT  Find MSNBC on your 
TV  MSNBC also is on your XM satellite 
radio on channel 130

Hardball also airs at 9 pm ET/6 pm PT on Friday...

Tonight on Hardball Chris chats with retired Gen. Wesley Clark about the intel 
reform bill signed into law today, the growing criticism of SecDef Rumsfeld and 
the state of the insurgency in Iraq...We also bring you a super sized political 
panel with Meacham, Mitchell, Buchanan and Sharpton...They'll slice and dice 
the latest news and where things are headed in the new year...Acclaimed 
documentarian, television anchor, crime reporter, AE host and the guy with the 
cool voice Bill Kurtis, stops by to discuss his new book The Death Penalty on 
Trial: Crisis in American Justice...He used to support the death penalty, now 
he doesn't...We'll ask him why...

And in keeping with the Holiday spirit that everyone finds themselves in this 
time of the year we bring you the touching story of the Iraq vet whose wife 
gave birth to quintuplets while he was overseas...

Pls join us...

The Briefing will be on holiday next week but will return on the 27th...

Dominic Bellone wrote, compiled and edited The Hardball Briefing from 
Washington, DC

Bush signs overhaul of intelligence operations...Shake-up of spy agencies aims 
to improve analysis, communication (AP)

In Sadr City, gratitude mixed with distrust...As U.S. works on rebuilding, 
suspicions linger (MSNBC)

General: Iraqi Insurgents Directed From Syria (The Washington Post)

A Look at U.S. Military Deaths in Iraq (AP)

Saddam Hussein's defense minister, who surrendered to American forces last 
year, will appear alongside another notorious general - known as Chemical Ali - 
when investigative trials open next week, an official said Friday. (AP)

Bernard Kerik, who withdrew his nomination for homeland security secretary 
after disclosing that he had not paid all required taxes for a nanny, did not 
fill out a background form when he was appointed police commissioner in 2000, 
city officials said. (AP)

City starts probe of Kerik...The city Department of Investigation has launched 
a probe into ethical breaches committed by Bernard Kerik, the city's former top 
cop. The inquiry will explore numerous ethical lapses revealed in the Daily 

Bratton fills the bill-Ridge...Departing homeland security boss Tom Ridge 
suggested yesterday that Los Angeles Police Chief William Bratton would make a 
good successor. Ridge cited Bratton, a former New York City police 
commissioner, and Los Angeles County Sheriff Lee Baca during a stop in L.A. as 
good candidates for the job because they know how to protect large cities. (NY 
Daily News)

CIA's prison within a prison at Gitmo...Secret facility holds some al Qaeda 
detainees (The Washington Post)

The stink of Bernard Kerik's rotten bid to become homeland security czar hasn't 
stuck to his chief cheerleader, Rudy Giuliani, who is a top pick for the 
presidency among Republicans, a new poll shows. (NY Post)

The Ohio Supreme Court's chief justice on Thursday threw out a challenge to the 
state's presidential election resultsA lawyer for the voters bringing the 
case said he would refile the challenge as early as Friday. (AP)

Soldier charged with fake shooting to avoid Iraq...GI asked cousin to shoot him 
in leg, Philadelphia police say (AP)

Zell Miller to Honor Swift Boat Vets' Group (AP)

Curry: Which way ahead for Democrats? Iraq, Supreme Court filibuster and Social 
Security will define what it means to be a Democrat

The Wall Street Journal: Pinochet on Trial...A victory for Bill Clinton and 
Henry Kissinger too.

Terrell: The left never sleeps


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Wesley Clark Gaffney...Plus Katrina and Tony

2005-01-04 Thread Hardball with Chris Matthews
The Hardball Briefing On MSNBC

Hardball airs on MSNBC at 7p, 11p  4a ET  4p, 8p  1a PT  Find MSNBC on your 
TV  MSNBC also is on your XM satellite 
radio on channel 130

A full plate awaits you tonight on Hardball as we tackle more tsunami relief 
coverage, the upcoming fight over Alberto Gonzales' confirmation hearings this 
week (he's up for Attorney General in case you forgot), plus the brouhaha on 
the Hill over Tom DeLay and reforming the House ethics rules 

We lead with retired General Wesley Clark and uber-hawk Frank Gaffney 
(President of the Center for Security Policy)...We'll do the politics of the 
tsunami disaster as well as the upcoming Gonzales hearings...Alberto's already 
under fire for his infamous torture memos written long before the Abu Ghraib 
story broke...Plus, escalating violence in Iraq claimed the life of the 
Governor of Baghdad today...

Regarding the politics of the tsunami relief, Chris was really into Ignatius 
today: More Water Bottles, Fewer Bullets  

Expect this theme of butter, not guns to infuse his thinking throughout the 

Katrina and Tony are here to tackle the above topics plus this issue in the 
House concerning Tom DeLay, the Ethics Committee and the Rostenkowski Rule 
(indicted leaders must relinquish their leadership posts)...More below...You'll 
recall last time we paired the two Katrina accused Tony of Red baiting

Later we finish up with Ralph Neas (People For The American Way, a liberal 
think tank) and C. Boyden Gray (Fmr. 41 Counsel) on the Gonzales 
hearings...Should be a blast...

Have I repeated the topics enough for tonight? Great, see ya at 7 pm ET

Dominic Bellone wrote, compiled and edited The Hardball Briefing from 
Washington, DC

NBC Universal networks to air tsunami benefit...Donations will be taken during 
celebrity-driven Jan. 15 show

Powell gets close-up look at devastation...President's brother also tours 
hard-hit Thai coast (AP)

Republicans reverse course on ethics rules...Action comes ahead of swearing-in 
of new Congress (AP)

Social Security formula weighed...Bush plan would cut promised benefits (The 
Washington Post)

Memo flap builds as Gonzales hearings near...Attorney general nominee's 
thoughts on suspects kept secret (AP)

Priest Backgrounder: Long-Term Plan Sought For Terror Suspects

Al-Zarqawi claims slaying of Baghdad governor...In other attacks, 10 Iraqis 
dead after car bombing, 5 GIs killed

Iraqi officials worry about election plan...Defense chief suggests compromise; 
president wants U.N.'s view (AP)

Florida Gov. Jeb Bush spent Monday in Thailand as part of a U.S. entourage 
touring areas devastated by the tsunamis -- a role freighted with political and 
personal overtones for the president's younger brother. (Orlando Sentinel),0,5894878.story?coll=orl-home-headlines

Leiby: Al Gore's INdTV: The People's Programmer

A little county with a reputation for big lawsuits, some call it a judicial 
hellhole, is getting a visit from a man who wants to make it much tougher to 
sue somebody. His name is President Bush. (AP)


Miniter: We Are the World...By sending help to tsunami victims, America takes 
advantage of a public diplomacy opportunity.

Katrina: Ken Lay Would Love SS Privatization...How Enron could help save Social 

Ilana Mercer: The Neoconnerie's Plan For Iran

Tony: Americans Pass Gut Check


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The Hardball Briefing for January 7, 2005

2005-01-07 Thread Hardball with Chris Matthews
The Hardball Briefing On MSNBC

Hardball airs on MSNBC at 7p, 11p  4a ET  4p, 8p  1a PT  Find MSNBC on your 
TV  MSNBC also is on your XM satellite 
radio on channel 130

Lots of news out there for a Friday, particularly ex: Iraq...The Pentagon will 
send a retired four star general for an open ended review of the 
situation...Army Reservists face longer tours of duty as U.S. forces continue 
to be stretched to the breaking point...9 U.S. troops have been killed in the 
last 24 hours and both Iraqi and U.S. officials are warning of further 
spectacular violence before the January 30th elections...Plus, martial law is 
extended in liberated Iraq...Not to mention Scowcroft  Zbig offering a 
pessimistic outlook at a Washington luncheon yesterday...We'll tie it all 
together at the top of the show with Andrea ...

On Monday, opening statements are scheduled to begin in the first trial 
stemming from the Abu Ghraib torture scandal...Spc. Charles Graner faces up to 
17 1/2 years for his alleged role as ringleader in the abuse...In a Hardball 
exclusive we talk to his lawyer Guy Womack about his line of defense...

And now for something completely different...Chris talks to Robert MacNeil 
about the American language and all its wonderful regional dialects...As the 
former MacNeil in the MacNeil/Lehrer Newshour, we'll probably throw some 
current events at him as well...MacNeil promises to drop some heavy gravitas...

We finish up with a fun interview taped earlier this week with Al Franken...If 
you can believe it, he's just back from a USO tour of Iraq...We'll get his 
eyewitness report...

Have a great weekend!

Dominic Bellone wrote, compiled and edited The Hardball Briefing from 
Washington, DC

Graner Backgrounder: On the eve of the first trial stemming from the Abu Ghraib 
prison scandal, prosecutors dropped two charges against the soldier accused of 
being the ringleader of the abuse.

Allawi warns of more violence ahead of vote...Iraqi PM's comments follow death 
of 9 Americans in two attacks (MSNBC)

The Pentagon is sending a retired four-star Army general to Iraq next week to 
conduct an unusual open-ended review of the military's entire Iraq policy, 
including troop levels, training programs for Iraqi security forces and the 
strategy for fighting the insurgency, senior Defense Department officials said 
Thursday. (NY Times)

The U.S. military vowed on Friday to do everything possible to safeguard Iraq's 
Jan. 30 election, undeterred by the killing of nine troops in the deadliest day 
for American forces since an attack on a U.S. base last month (Reuters)

Reservists may face longer tours of duty...Army leaders also consider allowing 
for more frequent call-ups (The Washington Post)

Three Pennsylvania Army reservists at the center of the Abu Ghraib prisoner 
abuse scandal in Iraq are likely to face off in a Texas courtroom during the 
next week in the court-martial trial of a Fayette County soldier. (Pittsburgh 
Tribune Review)

Scowcroft Skeptical Vote Will Stabilize Iraq...Friend of Bush Family Joins 
Pessimists (The Washington Post)

Crumbling at the seams in Iraq...Bloody deeds, bold defiance -- and what it may 
say about the future (NBC News)

Undersecretary of State John Bolton, a leading hard-liner on nuclear 
nonproliferation who has raised hackles among America's allies as well as its 
adversaries, is expected to quit the Bush administration, sources said on 
Thursday. (Reuters)

Bush's approval rating at 49 percent in new poll...President Bush's approval 
rating as he prepares for a second term is at 49 percent, with 49 percent 
disapproving, according to a new AP poll.

Zoellick in line to be Rice's top deputy...Officials: Trade negotiator chosen 
for State Department position

Kerry cheered in Baghdad, decries Bush team's 'blunders'Once criticized for 
war stance, he says force alone won't win (SF Chronicle)

Police blame IRA for massive Belfast robbery...Announcement will likely 
complicate peacemaking efforts (AP)

Report: Administration paid 

Hardball State Of The Union Coverage Tonight

2005-02-02 Thread Hardball with Chris Matthews
The Hardball Briefing On MSNBC

Break out the popcorn and TV trays folks because we're in for a long, fun 
ride...Chris anchors coverage of SOTU from 7 to 8 pm ET...Keith takes over for 
an hour and then Chris and company return for the speech at 9:01 ET until 
Midnight...At the bewitching hour, Ron  Joe take over for After Hours 
(Remember that from the conventions? With the smooth jazz bumper 
music?)...They'll kick it for 2 hours for you late night insomniac types...

I'm not gonna spend all day convincing you on why you should watch...Devotees 
of Hardball know that big Washington events are the nights that Chris lives for 
and really shines...I told him he's going unscripted, unplugged and without a 
net...Our 7 pm panel will consist in some part: Howard, Scarborough and Laura 
Ingraham with a dash of David Gregory from the White House (lawn, I assume) and 
White House spokesperson Nicolle Devenish...We'll also chat with Senators Trent 
Lott and John McCain (I know folks, this is a record, 3 McCain appearances in 3 

At 8:30 Chris will jump in with Keith and voice over POTUS departure from the 
White House en route to the Capitol...Chris will also want to show off his 
knowledge of all the Members of Congress, Senators, cabinet et al. as they 
arrive into the House chamber...

At 9 pm we toss to the speech and then the Dem response from Reid and 
Pelosi...We'll of course have correspondents strategically placed throughout 
the Capitol, White House and the Pentagon...Shuster will do Statuary Hall which 
of course will serve as the post-game spin roomOur late night panel: Norah, 
Meacham, Scarborough  Frum (author of Bush's 2002 Axis of Evil SOTU)...And 
for those of you who stay up late with us, we'll bring you a special appearance 
by Pat...

Our friends over at ABC News list a number of interesting things to look for 
in tonight's speech...Here's one which provoked a chuckle: Watch how often the 
pool director chooses Sen. Clinton as the reaction cut-away.

So fire up the popcorn, the carryout, the TV trays, whatever and join us for 
the fun...Live from the Nation's Capitol...

Dominic Bellone wrote, compiled and edited The Hardball Briefing from 
Washington, DC

Fun MSNBC news:  Tucker Carlson finally lands in his new slot at MSNBC

His view of New Jersey? When you live here, it's just Jersey, he reminded us. 
I'm embracing every aspect of it. 'The Sopranos' is a blueprint for life in 
New Jersey, as far as I'm concerned. (Reliable Source) Click  Scroll

Bush to outline goals on Social Security, Iraq...State of the Union speech also 
tackles democratic reform, domestic issues (AP)

This time, confident Bush primed...President expected to portray Iraqi vote as 
policy vindication (SF Chronicle)

Presidential promises scorecard (USA Today)

Pope's condition 'improving'...Doctors optimistic, says Italy's health minister 

Sunni cleric group calls Iraq's vote illegitimate...Mosul police chief sets 
2-week deadline for insurgents (AP)

Former Texas Rep. Martin Frost dropped out of the race for Democratic national 
chairman on Tuesday after failing to win the backing of organized labor, 
winnowing the field to front-runner Howard Dean and three challengers. (AP)

Infighting hinders Homeland Security...Squabbles said to reduce department's 
effectiveness (The Washington Post)

Chertoff vows to balance security and liberty...Homeland Security nominee faces 
senators (AP)

The Senate won't vote Wednesday to confirm attorney general nominee Alberto 
Gonzales, GOP senators say, in part because Democrats don't want to give 
President Bush a success to talk about in his State of the Union speech. (AP)

A Purple Heart changes his stripes (DC Examiner)

They may both be out of office, but Bill Clinton remains the ultimate boogeyman 
for former Sen. Jesse Helms. In a fund-raising a letter for his senatorial 
library, Helms invokes the specter of the former president leading the United 
Nations after Kofi Annan retires next year (AP)

Rep. Bobby Jindal is planning to demonstrate solidarity with Iraqi voters by 
dipping a finger in 

The Hardball Briefing For February 8, 2005

2005-02-08 Thread Hardball with Chris Matthews
The Hardball Briefing On MSNBC

Hardball airs on MSNBC at 7p, 11p  4a ET  4p, 8p  1a PT  Find MSNBC on your 
TV  MSNBC also is on your XM satellite 
radio on channel 130

We lead with the Middle East agreement cut this morning in Sharm El-Sheik, 
Egypt by Abbas and Sharon...We'll tackle that and other pressing foreign and 
domestic policy issues with Senators Chuck Hagel (R-NE) and Jay Rockefeller 

Afterwards we turn to AEI's Michael Ledeen 
(,newsID.21941/news_detail.asp) and fmr. 
Clinton-era State Department counselor Wendy Sherman about Iran and all the 
saber rattling in that part of the world...Is it next on the Neocon hit list?

We'll do a political potpourri with former NY Republican Rep. Susan Molinari 
and Marie Cocco from Newsday...We've got the Rove news (below), the Galllup 
poll and Dean's ascendancy to head the DNC...And oh yeah, Shuster's got a 
package on the Reid/White House spat!

And this just in to the Hardball News Room (or should I say our messy group of 
cubicles): Aboard Air Force One Scott McClellan announced that Karl Rove will 
be expanding his portfolio at the White House. He will become Deputy Chief of 
Staff in addition to retaining his title as Senior AdvisorHe will 
coordinate policy between four councils including the National Security Council 
and National Economic Council.  The White House is quick to point that Rove 
will not be running foreign policy;jsessionid=IK3TZVEINCHWWCRBAEKSFFA?type=politicsNewsstoryID=7570943

Drudge actually broke the story so we must give him a shout out...

Cocco Backgrounder: Social Security and the oxymorons,0,5424467.column?coll=ny-viewpoints-headlines

We finish off with the author of a new book titled 102 Minutes : The Untold 
Story of the Fight to Survive Inside the Twin Towers...Very moving portrait of 
that fateful day...

Pls join us., Dominic Bellone wrote, compiled and edited The Hardball Briefing 
from Washington, DC

U.S. military: Baghdad blast kills at least 21...Kurdish ticket in 2nd place in 
Iraq (MSNBC)

Sharon, Abbas declare truce at Mideast summit...Leaders pledge to end violence, 
enter new era of peace talks (AP)

Rice, Italian minister meet after Mideast foray...Top diplomat holds talks in 
Rome...U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice bids farewell to her Turkish 
counterpart Abdullah Gul Sunday before her departure to Israel from Esenboga 
Airport in Ankara (AP)

Americans give President Bush his highest job-approval rating in more than a 
year and show cautious optimism about Iraq in a USA TODAY/CNN/Gallup Poll taken 
shortly after historic Iraqi elections. (USA Today)

Congress unlikely to embrace Bush wish list...Experts say cuts in many domestic 
programs may be unrealistic (MSNBC)

Roemer bows out of DNC race, with a warning to Democrats...Last challenger to 
Howard Dean calls for more focus on values (AP)

In a move that will give impetus to US President George W. Bush's policy to 
spread world freedom and end tyranny, lawmakers are drafting legislation to set 
up a specific office in the State Department to spread democracyIn a move that 
will give impetus to US President George W. Bush's policy to spread world 
freedom and end tyranny, lawmakers are drafting legislation to set up a 
specific office in the State Department to spread democracy, officials say. 

A CNN Executive Says G.I.s in Iraq Target Journalists (NY Sun)

Sen. John F. Kerry, who as a presidential candidate railed against companies 
shifting their addresses overseas to avoid taxes, has hired as a top tax 
counsel a woman who lobbied against cracking down on such businesses on behalf 
of a Bermuda-based firm.  (Boston Herald)

Rush  Molloy: President Bush still feels the fire for his First Lady. The man 
can't keep his hands off her - even in church.


To Be Chalabi, or Not To Be...This Syrian exile wants to overthrow another evil 
Baathist dictator. How can he persuade the U.S. to help him?

Margolis: The Pentagon's New Armies of the Night

Katrina: Bush's Budget and Wounded Travelers...The Center for 

The Hardball Briefing For February 9, 2005

2005-02-09 Thread Hardball with Chris Matthews
The Hardball Briefing On MSNBC
Hardball airs on MSNBC at 7p, 11p  4a ET  4p, 8p  1a PT  Find MSNBC on your 
TV  MSNBC also is on your XM satellite 
radio on channel 130

Tonight we lead with Cpl. Travis Eichelberger who served in Iraq and was 
awarded the Purple Heart only to have it revoked due to the nature of the 
wound...We'll get his compelling story tonight and also talk to retired Marine 
General Bernard Trainor...

Revocation of Medals Adds Insult to Marines' Injuries...Service Members Shamed 
by Incident (The Washington Post)

DNC Chairman Terry McAuliffe is stepping down this week with Howard Dean all 
but assured the post...McAuliffe stops by to reflect on his four years, Dean's 
ascendancy, the Bush administration, the state and future of the party yada, 
yada, yada...

Mark Burnett is here as well...You may not know the name but you know his 
shows...He's the creator of such hits as The Apprentice and 
Survivor...Plus, the new Martha Stewart reality show...He'll join us to talk 
TV and his new book Jump In! Even If You Don't Know How to Swim

Later in the show we speak with actors Fran Drescher from the hit sitcom The 
Nanny (Spinal Tap enthusiasts will remember her as Bobbi Fleckman) and Ron 
Silver, a face well known on Scarborough, After Hours and from our convention 
coverage...Ron Reagan will also join us as well...We'll talk to Silver and Fran 
about why they're in DC and the big party they're going to tonight...We'll also 
ask Fran about a legislative crusade near and dear to her heart...Plus, today 
the Ronald Reagan stamp went on sale today...We'll show it to you and get Ron's 
take...In addition, Ron Reagan's got a new show on MSNBC...Check it out

I hope you'll find time in your busy day to join us...

Thanks, Dominic Bellone wrote, compiled and edited The Hardball Briefing from 
Washington, DC

Rice talks tough on Iranian nukes...But top diplomat says U.S. has set 'no 
deadline' (AP)

Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice urged Gulf states Tuesday to take a greater 
role in securing Middle East peace, and accused Syria of supporting terrorists 
bent on destabilizing the region. (Reuters)

No Iranian government, present or future, will give up the country's drive to 
master peaceful nuclear technology, including uranium enrichment, President 
Mohammad Khatami said on Wednesday (Reuters);jsessionid=ZEVHDJA1BVPUYCRBAEKSFFA?type=topNewsstoryID=7582941

Bush agenda would boost government...Some conservatives concerned about federal 
reach (The Washington Post)

Congress unlikely to embrace Bush wish list...Experts say cuts in many domestic 
programs may be unrealistic (The Washington Post)

A majority of New York voters see Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton as honest and 
they give her high marks for a good job, according to a poll released 
Wednesday. (AP)

Minn. senator won't seek re-election, sources say...Democrat Dayton was atop 
GOP target list (AP)

Sen. John Kerry is contributing $1 million to the Democratic National Committee 
to support efforts by the next chairman, Howard Dean, in building grassroots 
support for the party at the state level. (AP)

Beloved former TV host and now senior citizens' spokesman Art Linkletter has 
decided to go toe-to-toe with the AARP on politics and policy. (Human Events)

I Am George Bush: Why the President Loves Wolfe (NY Observer)

Blair apologizes for wrongful IRA jailings...11 innocents were imprisoned in 
deadly 1974 bombings in U.K (AP)

Overhaul proposed for campaign funding...Two election officials on Wednesday 
prosposed overhauling the Watergate-era presidential public financing system by 
allowing candidates who take taxpayer money for the primaries get to spend at 
the record levels of last year's race. (AP)

Display Stirs Controversy In Land Park...Soldier's Uniform Hangs From Noose In 
Front Of Home (KCRA-TV)


Terry: Secure the Border


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The Hardball Briefing For February 11, 2005

2005-02-11 Thread Hardball with Chris Matthews
The Hardball Briefing On MSNBC

Hardball airs on MSNBC at 7p, 11p  4a ET  4p, 8p  1a PT  Find MSNBC on your 
TV  MSNBC also is on your XM satellite 
radio on channel 130

If it's Friday night it must be the Hardball War Council: Downing, Meigs and 
Allard...Rummy made an unexpected visit to Iraq today and checked out some of 
the indigenous troop training and witnessed some live action exercises...He 
vowed once they have that confidence, that capacity and capability, our 
forces, coalition forces, will be able to go home, Rumsfeld told U.S. troops 
in Mosul in northern Iraq. And go home with the honor you will have earned.

Chris will question them extensively on the capacity of U.S. forces to train 
and equip Iraqi forces so the U.S. can get out of dodge...We'll also get into 
the vexing question of Iran and North Korea..

David Gregory sat down with President Bush's new favorite foreign policy 
expert, Natan Sharanksy, a former Refusenik and current member of the Israeli 
cabinet...He's got a new book called The Case for Democracy which Bush is 
raving about...We'll take a peek at the interview and get David's sense of the 
man's philosophy and views...

Btw, Sharansky will debate Pat Buchanan on this Sunday's Meet The Press...I'm 
definitely gonna brew up some coffee in bed and check that out!  Truly must 
see TV..

In the back, or fun half of show as Chris called it earlier today, we talk to 
MSNBC's newest member of the family Tucker Carlson
 who'll give us his take on President Bush, Dean as party chairman and the 
general state of political affairs in Washington...

In the E/F block of the show (or last quarter hour) we talk to Trippi, Fund and 
Hilary Rosen...Trippi is out at the DNC meeting which is about to elect Howard 
Dean as their new chairman...My orders to Trippi as he was leaving the building 
was to sniff around the meeting, come back and tell us what it smells like.  
We'll get his report tonight which I'm sure Fund will want to rain all 
over...There's also a new AP-IPSOS poll which has some troubling numbers for 
POTUS which we'll kick around...

Have a great weekend...Dominic Bellone wrote, compiled and edited The Hardball 
Briefing from Washington, DC

Katrina's link I missed yesterday

A newly released memo warned the White House at the start of the Bush 
administration that al Qaeda represented a threat throughout the Islamic world, 
a warning that critics said went unheeded by President Bush until the Sept. 11, 
2001, attacks. (Reuters)

Rumsfeld makes surprise visit to Iraq...Defense secretary says Iraqi forces are 
improving (Reuters)

Car bomb outside Iraqi Shiite mosque kills 13...11 slain in Baghdad bakery 
attack; al-Sistani aide survives shooting (AP)

North Korea demanded bilateral talks with the United States over its nuclear 
weapons program but Washington quickly rejected the idea on Friday and insisted 
Pyongyang return to six-party negotiations. (Reuters);jsessionid=OHJTSFJJJ2R0MCRBAEOCFFA?type=topNewsstoryID=7606052

The job of party chair is different from party nominee. The party chair needs 
to be an ardent partisan. You can't send a vegetarian to do a red-meat 
jobAiling Democrats put faith in Dr. Dean...Some fear choice will add to 
red-state blues

The public's confidence in President Bush's job performance and the nation's 
direction has slipped in the opening weeks of his second term, particularly 
among people 50 and older, according to an Associated Press poll.

Americans are feeling a bit more optimistic about the future of Iraq, a bright 
spot for the administration in an Associated Press poll that indicates many are 
souring on President Bush's job performance. (AP)

Senate Democrats demanded Thursday that President Bush order a halt to personal 
attacks on the party's leader, Sen. Harry Reid, and expressed regret that they 
had failed to mount a stronger defense for his defeated predecessor. (AP)

Former President Bill Clinton encouraged Democrats on Thursday to rally around 
the party's leaders and said doomsayers who predict the party's demise needed 
to get a life and look at history. (Reuters)

President Bush on Friday 

The Hardball Briefing For February 15, 2005

2005-02-15 Thread Hardball with Chris Matthews
The Hardball Briefing On MSNBC

Hardball airs on MSNBC at 7p, 11p  4a ET  4p, 8p  1a PT  Find MSNBC on your 
TV  MSNBC also is on your XM satellite 
radio on channel 130

Sorry for the late Briefing today...It's been really crazy around here and I've 
spent half the day putting out booking calls and producing part of the 
tonight's back half...We lead with the stunning developments in the Middle East 
and the announcement that the U.S. is pulling our ambassador out of Syria and 
essentially declaring that country get out of Lebanon...More saber rattling, 

We speak with former U.N. ambassador and current New Mexico governor Bill 
Richardson (D-NM) up against Rep. Curt Weldon (R-PA)

U.S. recalls ambassador from Syria...Move highlights suspicion of Damascus' 
role in deadly Beirut blast (MSNBC)

Also today in Washington, a federal appeals court ruled that Time mag's Matthew 
Cooper and The New York Times' Judy Miller must comply with a grand jury 
investigation into who leaked the name of Valerie Plame...They both face jail 
time if they don't give up the source...We'll talk to Matt about the case

Reporters ordered to testify in CIA leak...2003 case involves New York Times, 
Time magazine (AP)

Oh and Tom Selleck has a new TV movie coming out soon...We'll talk to him about 
it, the troops serving in Iraq and his take on the Academy Awards...

Finally we wrap it all up with David Frum, Frummy as we call him, and our 
favorite Democratic activist Hilary Rosen on the political ramifications of the 
United States move in the Middle East today...

Should be a pretty cool show tonight folks, I urge you to tune in...

Dominic Bellone wrote, compiled and edited The Hardball Briefing from 
Washington, DC

Across the Middle East, Monday's assassination of former Lebanese Prime 
Minister Rafik Hariri raised fears that old wounds could be reopened and a 
fragile Palestinian-Israeli truce could be threatened. Lebanon, largely because 
of the Syrian influence there, remains an important part of the Mideast peace 
equation. (AP)

Aspell: Lebanon on edge...Fears of instability after the assassination of 
ex-prime minister

Elizabeth Cheney, the daughter of Vice President Dick Cheney, will become the 
second-ranking U.S. diplomat for the Middle East, the State Department said on 
Monday. (Reuters)

Spies clash as FBI joins CIA overseas...Sources talk of communication problem 
in terrorism role (AP)

Kerry: U.S. would be better, safer with my plans...Ex-candidate: Bush 'dragged 
his feet' on security, military issues (AP)

Bush's war budget likely to pass...But Dems making political hay of $82 billion 
request (AP)

Bush's faith-based efforts questioned...White House falling short on 'poor 
people stuff,' ex-aide says (The Washington Post)

Curry: Why torture issue hasn't had political traction...Abu Ghraib, Guantanamo 
don't bar Gonzales, Chertoff confirmations

With America at war, Hollywood follows (USA Today)

GOP donor expected ambassador job, letter to governor shows...Aggressive 
campaign launched by Nebraska business exec

Chocolate industry under fire on child labor...Candy makers 'puzzled' by 
lawmakers' assertions of slave labor (AP)


DC Examiner: Journalists need watchdogs, too...Mark this date on your calendar: 
Feb. 11, 2005. This was the day when the nation's big-time media finally 
realized they don't own exclusive rights to the First Amendment. And they are 
not happy.

Pat: In his second inaugural, George W. Bush used the words liberty and freedom 
42 times. And, indeed, if America is about anything, she is about freedom. But 
freedom from what, and for what?

Reese: Truth Unwelcome

Margolis: Is Palestine to be a state or a prison?


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The Hardball Briefing For Friday, March 18, 2005

2005-03-18 Thread Hardball with Chris Matthews
The Hardball Briefing On MSNBC

Hardball airs on MSNBC at 7p, 11p  4a ET  4p, 8p  1a PT  Find MSNBC on your 
TV  MSNBC also is on your XM satellite 
radio on channel 130

A Florida judge ordered Terri Schiavo's feeding tube to be removed this 
afternoon after an all day back and forth between Congress (which had 
subpoenaed Ms. Schiavo to testify before a Congressional committee), the state 
judge, and the attorneys and families on both sides...It's very complicated but 
the bottom line is that her feeding tube has been removed in the last hour or 
so...Florida Governor Jeb Bush is expected to speak at 5 pm ET...We'll explain 
what happened, bring you the latest and speak to both sides involved...We'll 
talk to Terri's husband's lawyer who favored removing the feeding tube...We'll 
also talk to Terri's brother and her parents lawyer who favored keeping the 
feeding tube in tact...

Schiavo feeding tube reported removed...Senate, House Republican leaders had 
tried to intervene (MSNBC)

A Florida court cleared the way to remove the feeding tube that sustains a 
severely brain-damaged woman on Friday after U.S. lawmakers tried to prolong 
her life by subpoenaing her to appear before Congress. (Reuters);jsessionid=2BCEME5CVZ4DACRBAEKSFFA?type=topNewsstoryID=7948290

We've also got that interview with San Francisco mayor Gavin Newsom which we 
promised you earlier in the week...Newsom snippet

Plus, Terry Jeffrey's back after a lengthy hiatus and he'll weigh in on Schiavo 
and/or Newsom...We'll have to see how things shake out...Here's Terry's take on 
Schiavo: Terri Schiavo Counts: Now Give Her Equal Protection

Pls join us for this important story...Dominic Bellone wrote, compiled and 
edited The Hardball Briefing from Washington, DC

Peggy: 'Don't Kick It'...If Terri Schiavo is killed, Republicans will pay a 
political price.

The Bush administration blacked out almost all the information in hundreds of 
documents before releasing them to a conservative organization looking into 
President Clinton's controversial pardons four years ago on his last day in 

Senate approves $2.6 trillion budget...Vote kills Medicaid savings, sets up 
clash with House (AP)

Ex-governor faces sentencing for corruption...Conn. Republican pled guilty to 
accepting $100,000 in favors (AP)

Paul Wolfowitz, the United States' controversial choice to head the World Bank, 
vowed on Friday there would be no regime change at the bank and hit back at 
critics who said he was a bad choice for the job. (Reuters)

GOP holds big fund-raising lead...2-1 edge over Democrats in first two months 
of 2005


Pat: Today's new democrats: Hamas  Hezbollah

Press: Delay's Dirty Dozen Could Sink House Republicans


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Schiavo Case Near Conclusion

2005-03-24 Thread Hardball with Chris Matthews
The Hardball Briefing On MSNBC

Hardball airs on MSNBC at 7p, 11p  4a ET  4p, 8p  1a PT  Find MSNBC on your 
TV  MSNBC also is on your XM satellite 
radio on channel 130

The legal and political struggle over Terri Schiavo is quickly coming to a 
close as the Supreme Court refuses to hear the case and Jeb Bush loses a battle 
to take custody of her...

What, if any, legal options are left and what was Congress' intent in the law 
passed on Monday morning if it didn't reinsert the feeding tube?  We'll talk to 
several Members heavily involved in the issue: Rep. Chris Shays (R-CT), Rep. 
Barney Frank (D-MA)  Rep. Patrick McHenry (R-NC)...Shays will cover the GOP 
schism angle...

As you might know, Maryland Senator Paul Sarbannes recently announced his 
retirement at the end of his term in '07...We'll talk to a man who'd like to 
succeed him, fmr. Baltimore Congressman and NAACP head Kweisi Mfume...We'll get 
his take on the Democratic response to Schiavo and the road ahead for his 

We increase the heat with Bill Donahue of the Catholic League and Christopher 
Hitchens on the politics and morality of the case...Muy Caliente...

Pls join us..Dominic Bellone wrote, compiled and edited The Hardball Briefing 
from Washington, DC

Courts reject appeals...As demonstrations continue, the Supreme Court and a 
Florida judge decline appeals aimed at forcing caregivers to reinsert Terri 
Schiavo's feeding tube. (MSNBC)

Schiavo parents' supporters begin to lose hope...With legal options dwindling, 
pressure now on Gov. Bush

Peggy: In Love With Death...The bizarre passion of the pull-the-tube people.

Conservative groups' support steady...Activists promote family's fight to keep 
focus on Terri Schiavo (The Washington Post)

More than two-thirds of people who describe themselves as evangelicals and 
conservatives disapprove of the intervention by Congress and President Bush in 
the case of the Terri Schiavo, the brain-damaged woman at the center of a 
national debate. (AP)

Police mistook a group of Iraqi soldiers wearing civilian garb for insurgents 
Thursday, sparking a gunbattle that killed five in northern Iraq. In Baghdad, 
electricity workers rallied to demand an end to terror attacks that have killed 
many of their colleagues. (AP)

President Bush yesterday said he opposes a civilian project to monitor illegal 
aliens crossing the border, characterizing them as vigilantes. (The 
Washington Times)

Paul Wolfowitz, the U.S. nominee to head the World Bank, has given assurances 
he does not plan to further a U.S. government agenda, the outgoing president of 
the development bank said on Thursday. (Reuters);jsessionid=AA5DLR0SEMNZECRBAELCFEY?type=politicsNewsstoryID=7997266

Arnold Schwarzenegger edged closer to facing a British libel trial on Wednesday 
after he failed to block a legal action brought a reporter who alleged the 
actor-turned-politician sexually assaulted her. (Reuters)


Johnson: Not Dead at All...Why Congress was right to stick up for Terri 

Blankley: Not Fit To Judge...The perplexing, appalling, heartbreaking Terri 
Shiavo case brings very modestly to mind Socrates's injunction that the proper 
study of philosophy is man.

Hitchens: That Bleeding Heart Wolfowitz...He's not exactly who you think he is.

Crouch: Ladies, stop buying into rap's misogyny...Black women's fight needs 
more voices


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The Hardball Briefing For April 11, 2005

2005-04-11 Thread Hardball with Chris Matthews
The Hardball Briefing On MSNBC

Hardball airs on MSNBC at 7p, 11p  4a ET  4p, 8p  1a PT  Find MSNBC on your 
TV  MSNBC also is on your XM satellite 
radio on channel 130

Tonight Chris is live from Boston with the legendary one and only Jack Welch, 
former CEO of General Electric and co-author (with his wife) of the new book 
Winning...Chris will interview him from Bean town on what else? Winning: in 
business, politics and life...

We'll lead however with the Bolton-UN hearings on the Hill today with a couple 
of members from the Foreign Relations Committee where he was grilled: Norm 
Coleman (R-MN) and Bill Nelson (D-FL)...Dodd was all over Bolton like white on 
rice, as was Boxer...A handful of protesters interrupted the hearing for a few 
minutes with their pink banners...They called themselves the pink brigade or 
something like that...We'll get you up to speed on the hearings, and break down 
what it all means...

Shuster was out in Aspen, CO last week (tough assignment huh?) and files a 
unique report...David profiles 350 disabled military veterans  who were out 
there participating in a winter sports clinic...He'll bring you their amazing 
stories and I think you'll enjoy it...

Also today Ariel Sharon was down on the Crawford Ranch today discussing 
Settlements and the Arab-Israeli peace process...Our own David Gregory caught 
up with Israeli Prime Minister and brings us an exclusive interview

Pls join us...Dominic Bellone wrote, compiled and edited The Hardball Briefing 
from Washington, DC

Bush tells Sharon to halt growth of settlements...U.S. pleased with Gaza 
withdrawal plan (MSNBC)

U.N. nominee vows to strengthen U.NBut Democrats appear united in opposing 
Bush's pick as ambassador (MSNBC)

Cardinal celebrates Mass despite protests...Law's role in papal ceremonies 
called 'hurtful' to abuse victims (AP)

Hundreds of U.S. and Iraqi forces launched their biggest Baghdad raid in recent 
weeks, moving on foot Monday through a central neighborhood and rounding up 
dozens of suspected insurgents, the military said. (AP)

A U.S. contractor was kidnapped Monday in the Baghdad area, and a pickup truck 
exploded near a U.S. convoy as it patrolled a crowded market in the troubled 
city of Samarra, killing at least three people and injuring more than 20 
others, witnesses said. (AP)

For the first time in a quarter-century of estrangement from Iran, the Bush 
administration is openly preparing to spend government funds in that country to 
promote democracy. (USA Today)

Pressure builds on DeLay...Majority leader's travel, campaign finances at issue 

Novak must read Quest to get a Republican to fight DeLay may have crossed a 

Al-Qaida sought nuke, IAEA chief says...ElBaradei warns of 'most horrible 
scenario' (Reuters)

Lebanon's Hizbollah guerrillas flew an unmanned surveillance drone over 
northern Israel on Monday, the guerrilla group and the Israeli army said. 

Many voters in last year's presidential election were denied access to the 
polls through trickery and intimidation, former Democratic presidential 
candidate John Kerry told a voters' group Sunday. (AP)

Police tackle suspicious man outside Capitol...Man with two suitcases ignored 
orders to step away from bags (AP)

New York GOP kicks off 'Stop Hillary' effort...Goal is to thwart Senate 
re-election bid in 2006 (AP)

What tunes does the President listen to? Bush's IPod listings (NY Times)

 White House adviser Karl Rove told Republican activists in Wisconsin Saturday 
that their work in last year's presidential campaign was not lost despite the 
fact President Bush didn't win the state. (AP)


Terry on JPII: One Moment, One Wall, One Truth

Pat: Pius XII and John Paul II

Conason: John Paul's Duality: Neither Left nor Right


The Hardball Briefing For April 12, 2005

2005-04-12 Thread Hardball with Chris Matthews
The Hardball Briefing On MSNBC

Lots of action on the Hill today as a couple of President Bush's high profile 
nominees, Bolton for the UN and Negroponte for National Intell Director face 
off against two powerful Senate committees.  A former subordinate of Bolton's 
blasted him on the Hill today...We'll show you the tape...We lead however with 
our Hardball War Council and bring you up to speed on the latest from Iraq: 
Arkin, McCaffrey and Downing are in the House...

We then talk to a couple of veteran Senators from the Hill who participated in 
the hearings today: Rockefeller and Hagel...

We do a little political slicin' and dicin' on the Intell tip with David 
Ignatius, Lally Weymouth and John Fund...Talk about gravitas!

And we finish up with David Shuster from Aspen with part II of his amazing 
story of disabled vets hittin' the slopes..

Tomorrow we've got Bob Dole on his new book One Soldiers Story...What lessons 
can he impart to our youngsters coming home from Iraq and Afghanistan?

Join us please...

Bolton Backgrounder

Negroponte Backgrounder

Rummy backgrounder

Mortman Returns! Baseball and politics: a cozy combination...National pastime 
returns to D.C.

Dominic Bellone wrote, compiled and edited The Hardball Brieing from 
Washington, DC

And dig this folks, we'll be broadcasting from RFK stadium to cover the 
Washington Nationals home opener as baseball returns to DC after 33 
years...They'll take on the Arizona Diamondbacks...And when I say we'll be 
broadcasting from the stadium, I mean it folks!  We'll be on the field!  We'll 
talk to McCain and Hall of Famer turned U.S. Senator Jim Bunning (R-KY) among 
other...A historic night to remember..

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Jane Fonda Plays Hardball!!

2005-04-15 Thread Hardball with Chris Matthews
The Hardball Briefing On MSNBC

Hardball airs on MSNBC at 7p, 11p  4a ET  4p, 8p  1a PT  Find MSNBC on your 
TV  MSNBC also is on your XM satellite 
radio on channel 130

Tonight we spend 3/4 of the show with actress, activist and author (just to 
name a few of her life's work) Jane Fonda...If you're one of those people who 
were concerned about her behavior during Vietnam you'll want to see this...They 
get into Vietnam heavily and the history thereof...It's worth setting the TIVO 
or postponing those dinner reservations...They also get into Christianity and 
her movie career...

Tucker's here as is Lynn Sweet from the Sun-Times who'll slice and dice the 
buzz, brouhaha and dare I say kerfuffle, over DeLay and Frist...Things are 
gettin hot up on the Hill this afternoon...

And David Shuster takes you back to Aspen once more to show you the celebrities 
out there kickin' it with America's disabled Vets...Another heartwarming 
package is promised...

Sorry for the brevity and paucity of links...It's been a busy day of producing 
and such...Everybody was in the make-up room ogling Jane. Of course I wasn't! 
;-) Dominic

Jane Fonda still stirring controversy (Reuters)

Senate filibuster clash will reverberate across America...Crucial vote coming 
on Frist's move to end Democratic blockade of judicial nominees...Majority 
Leader Bill Frist faces the most arduous test of his political career (Tom 

Denny Hastert's Late Payment...The GOP speaker has been a Mr. Clean, but an 
upaid tab (until recently) from a fund-raiser at Jack Abramoff's restaurant 
doesn't look good

Ten former Republican U.S. lawmakers Friday urged a reversal of new House 
ethics rules that they charged were changed to protect Majority Leader Tom 
DeLay from further investigation. (Reuters)

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The Hardball Briefing for April 18, 2005

2005-04-18 Thread Hardball with Chris Matthews
The Hardball Briefing On MSNBC

Hardball airs on MSNBC at 7p, 11p  4a ET  4p, 8p  1a PT  Find MSNBC on your 
TV  MSNBC also is on your XM satellite 
radio on channel 130

Quite an action packed show we've prepared for you this evening...We lead with 
two top notch Senators, Dianne Feinstein from California and Trent Lott from 
Mississippi, who'll handle the heat coming down on The Hammer these days...Dean 
was out recently threatening to the use the Schiavo case against 
Republicans...We'll have some fun with that...We'll also ask the Senators what 
the likelihood is of the filibuster surviving in the Senate...I understand the 
whip count on that one is tenuous...

Today the historic Conclave of Cardinals is meeting secretly in the Sistine 
Chapel to select a new Pope...We've got Shuster and Chris Jansing covering it 
and they'll give us an on-the-scene report...As you know once the Cardinals 
have fished the day's voting, smoke billows from the Sistine chapel: white 
smoke to signal that a new Pope has been chosen, black smoke to signify the 
opposite.  This being the age of 24/7 news coverage we've got the official 
Vatican smoke-cam in place...You can view it online here

We'll also get analysis from former NBC News correspondent John Palmer, who 
covered the selection of John Paul II in 1978 and Democratic strategist Bob 
Shrum, who is somewhat of a papal analyst and historian by hobby...We'll throw 
Bill Donahue in for a few sparks...

Father Andrew Greeley, a Catholic theologian and writer will join us as well 
with his take on the Conclave (with key as it directly translates)

Oh and did I mention we've got Salman Rushdie in the House as well?  Lots of 
fun I promise..

Dominic Bellone wrote, compiled and edited The Hardball Briefing from 
Washington, DC

Cardinals begin conclave for new pope...Cardinals urged to follow church 
doctrines, not peoples 'desires' (MSNBC)

Latest from Rome and beyond

Greeley: Italians continue to ignore rule of silence as rumors fly

Iraqi security forces, backed by U.S. military, swept into a town south of 
Baghdad at dawn Monday but found no hostages despite reports that Sunni 
militants had kidnapped as many as 100 Shiites there. (AP)

Bolton often blocked information, officials say...Iran, IAEA matters were 
allegedly kept from Rice, Powell (The Washington Post)

Former Sen. Bob Dole yesterday joined the list of top Republicans urging 
embattled House Majority Leader Tom DeLay to come clean on his ethics troubles. 
(NY Daily News)

DeLay ducks ethics controversy in NRA speech...Embattled House leader thanks 
gun-rights group for support

Livingston: Liberal Media Target Tom DeLay Because He's an Effective Leader

Donors still delivering for embattled DeLay...Despite ethics flap, House leader 
has raised $438,000 in '05 (AP)

Dean: Schiavo case will be used against GOP...DNC chairman accuses Republicans 
of 'grandstanding'

Bush, wife pay $207,000 in taxes...President donates $77,000 to churches, 

She is leading in the polls for her party's White House nod in 2008. Republican 
Newt Gingrich ranks her as a formidable presidential candidate. Longtime 
critics are amassing money and manpower to derail her political career. (AP)

With an assault weapon in each hand, rocker and gun rights advocate Ted Nugent 
urged National Rifle Association members to be hardcore, radical extremists 
demanding the right to self defense. (AP)


Nichols: The Papal Chase...Cardinals who might be Pope differ deeply on 
economic justice issues.

Buchanan: Riding the free trade raft over the falls

Novak: Hyde fights for overlooked Christians

Terry: Corporate Scandal Threatens National Security


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6-8 pm ET Special on Pope Benedict XVI

2005-04-19 Thread Hardball with Chris Matthews
The Hardball Briefing On MSNBC

Tonight Hardball airs for a special two hours to cover the election of Cardinal 
Joseph Ratzinger as Pope Benedict XVI tonight from 6 to 8 pm ET...

We've got the story covered from Rome to Washington with experts on the papacy, 
Catholic Church and Ratzinger himself...You loved him in Rome, now tune into 
MSNBC once again as Chris anchors coverage on the new Pope...

We'll do the Bolton and DeLay stuff tomorrow and later in the week...Some new 
stuff below on those fronts btw...Bolton vote delayed! Sorry it's been a crazy 
day and I haven't had a lot of time to get you more links and background on the 
show...I hope you'll join us nonethelessThank you

Dominic Bellone wrote, compiled and edited The Hardball Briefing from 
Washington, DC

Benedict XVI: German cardinal elected pope...'I entrust myself to your 
prayers,' he tells crowd (MSNBC)

Guardian of Church Orthodoxy (The Washington Post)

The Vatican's enforcer (The National Catholic Reporter)

What's in a pope's name? Benedict XVI will be scrutinized for clues about his 

Homily by Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger...Full text of the sermon from the funeral 
of Pope John Paul II

New pope a conservative who divided Germans...But Ratzinger a favorite son in 
Alpine hills of Bavaria (AP)

See photos of Ratzinger as a youth

Shuster's Vatican Diary

DeLay plays defense on ethics allegations...Lashes out at Democrats in letter 
to donors, supporters (AP)

DeLay said in the message, titled What the Press Isn't Telling You and 
covering about six single-spaced pages, that his overseas trips were proper 
and properly vetted and undertaken and that if there were any question about 
the source of funding for that travel, no member of Congress should be 
responsible for deceptive behavior by outside organizations. (The Washington 

Rove backs up DeLay, calls critics 'desperate'...The White House yesterday 
stepped up its defense of embattled House Majority Leader Tom DeLay, 
dispatching political strategist Karl Rove to deride Democratic attacks as 
drivel. (The Washington Times)

U.S. Senate panel delays vote on Bolton for U.N The Senate Foreign 
Relations Committee delayed a vote on the nomination of John Bolton as U.N. 
ambassador after a Republican senator said he was not prepared to vote for him 
Tuesday, casting the nomination in doubt. (Reuters) 

Democrats hope to delay vote on Bolton's nomination...They say more time needed 
to study allegations that U.N. nominee is a hothead  (AP)

Bush cites 'good ideas' on Social Security...President Bush yesterday said 
raising the retirement age for Social Security and recalculating how future 
benefits are paid are among many good ideas on the table in the discussions 
about overhauling the 70-year-old retirement system. (The Washington Times)


Hitchens: Two Ibrahims and Two Women...Four individuals who took on the 


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The Hardball Briefing for April 21, 2005

2005-04-21 Thread Hardball with Chris Matthews
The Hardball Briefing On MSNBC

Hardball airs on MSNBC at 7p, 11p  4a ET  4p, 8p  1a PT  Find MSNBC on your 
TV  MSNBC also is on your XM satellite 
radio on channel 130

A lot of heat coming out of Capitol Hill today between DeLay, Bolton, Frist, 
Justice Sunday etcWe'll tackle them all tonight with Senator George Allen 
(R-VA) and Rep. Chris Van Hollen (D-MD)...Newsweek sleuth Mike Isikoff and 
Briefing subscriber John Fund (who also works for the Wall Street Journal) 
focus in on the Bolton  DeLay fights and zero in on the heat there..

And you thought the debate ended in 1925 over evolution vs. creationism? It's 
alive in well folks in states like Kansas, Pennsylvania, Georgia, Florida and 
Alabama...Should public schools acknowledge God in the creation of the earth 
and mankind?  We'll debate it with a couple of activists and let you decide.  
We won't make that decision for you.

Finally we drop some heavy gravitas with The New York Times' Thomas 
Friedman...You know his column well and now he's got a book saying The World 
is Flat...Say what?  We'll get into his thesis in the back half and try to 
round things out a bit...

Please join us...Dominic Bellone wrote, compiled and edited The Hardball 
Briefing from Washington, DC

Bush comes to defense of his U.N. nominee...But another GOP lawmaker says he's 
troubled by Bolton's behavior (AP)

GOP agrees to DeLay investigation...But Democrats balk without change in rules 

New push to win approval for Bush judicial nominees...Republicans splitting on 
'nuclear option' to stop Democratic filibuster?

'He Was Very Angry'...A U.S. ambassador is the latest to charge that John 
Bolton has engaged in some 'undiplomatic' behavior

GOP frets over public's economic worries...Disconnect between concerns of D.C., 
Main Street (The Washington Post)

Helicopter downed in Iraq; all 11 aboard killed...Victims include six Americans 

Horror glimpsed from inside a Humvee...For GIs in 'throat of Baghdad,' any 
mission could be their last (The Washington Post)

A Democratic congressman on Thursday demanded an investigation of the State 
Department's decision to stop releasing annual data on terrorist attacks and 
accused it of keeping vital information from the public. (Reuters)

Tabloid war! Bild blasts Brit Benedict barbs...German daily irked over Nazi 
references (Reuters)

Prediction, promise aided Ratzinger...Cardinals found reassurance in his age, 
attitude (The Washington Post)

Connecticut OKs civil unions for gay couples...Law extends same-sex couples 
rights, privileges of marrieds (AP)


Pat: Is GOP heading for the tall grass?

Katrina: Bush's iPod: Take Two...Nation readers suggest songs for George Bush's 


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Tonight We Preview Justice Sunday

2005-04-22 Thread Hardball with Chris Matthews
The Hardball Briefing On MSNBC

Hardball airs on MSNBC at 7p, 11p  4a ET  4p, 8p  1a PT  Find MSNBC on your 
TV  MSNBC also is on your XM satellite 
radio on channel 130

Sunday night is Justice Sunday which is that rally at a Kentucky church put 
together by evangelical Christians who oppose the filibuster of judges 
nominated by President Bush...Senator Bill Frist is under fire from liberal 
church leaders for a planned speech to the rally...

We'll talk to one of the chief organizers of Justice Sunday Tony Perkins of 
the Family Research Center and then mix it up with Rev. Albert Mohler of the 
Southern Baptist Theological Seminary (who also put together Justice Sunday) 
and Rabbi David Saperstein who is leading an interfaith coalition opposing 
Frist's participation...

Justice Sunday Backgrounder...Judicial fight heads to church...Event at 
Highview to target filibusters (Louisville Courier-Journal)

If you'd like to get involved or watch Justice Sunday click here

We'll do the whole Bolton fight thing with California Rep. David Dreier (R) and 
fmr. Rep. Kweisi Mfume (D) now running for Senate in's a hot 
debate definitely...

Later in the show's back half we'll have a food fight with Barbara Comstock 
(everyone knows Barbara in this town) and Jenny Backus, a Democratic strategist 
type...We'll get into DeLay, maybe some filibuster stuff as well as Tim's 
interview with a few of the Supremes last night...

Dominic Bellone wrote, compiled and edited The Hardball Briefing from 
Washington, DC

Have you ever wondered Can an average Joe make a difference?  Now you know the 
answer and the answer is a resounding YesPlease tune into MSNBC 
weeknights at 10 pm ET to find out when Joe Scarborough hosts Scarborough 

Powell playing quiet role in Bolton fight...GOP senators sought his views on 
U.N. nominee (The Washington Post)

Ex-envoy blasts Bolton as 'undiplomatic'...Bush nominee under fire as Senate 
delays vote (AP)

Beyond the sound and fury of the Senate fight over U.N. ambassador-nominee John 
R. Bolton is the reality that presidents typically get their man - or woman - 
and President Bush boasts one of the better records on high-level appointments. 

Cheney jumps into filibuster battle...Vows to break any deadlock with his 
Senate vote (AP)

Car bomb hits Baghdad mosque; at least 8 dead...Attack follows copter downing; 
lone survivor apparently shot dead (MSNBC)

Survivor killed after copter crash? Video suggests so U.S. military 
investigates, as second video surfaces (AP)

Spain opens major trial of al-Qaida suspects...3 are believed to have had roles 
in Sept. 11, 2001, attacks (AP)

Pelosi pressed for trip records...House Republicans yesterday called on 
Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi to provide documentation to prove that a 
Washington lobbyist firm did not pay for a trip she and other Democrats took to 
Puerto Rico in 2001. (The Washington Times)

House OKs energy bill with refuge drilling...The House yesterday passed a bill 
to reshape the country's production and consumption of energy, by opening the 
Arctic National Wildlife Refuge to oil and gas drilling and increasing the 
amount of renewable energy sources. (The Washington Times)

Sen. Rick Santorum collected more than $100,000 from Florida donors during the 
first three months of 2005, when the Pennsylvania Republican maintained a high 
profile in the fight over Terri Schiavo. (AP)

PBS Scrutiny Raises Political Antennas (The Washington Post)

Morano: Celebs Ignore Death, Poverty on MTV Enviro Series\Nation\archive\200504\NAT20050422a.html

Democrat Bill Clinton of Arkansas jumped from the governorship of a poor 
Southern state to the presidency in 1992. Now, some Republican insiders think 
Mississippi's Haley Barbour could do the same in 2008. (AP)


The Wall Street Journal: An IRS Cover-Up?..Senators Dorgan and Kerry try to 
block a report on Clinton-era abuses

Terry: Are People Working Under 

The Hardball Briefing For April 25, 2005

2005-04-25 Thread Hardball with Chris Matthews
The Hardball Briefing On MSNBC

Hardball airs on MSNBC at 7p, 11p  4a ET  4p, 8p  1a PT  Find MSNBC on your 
TV  MSNBC also is on your XM satellite 
radio on channel 130

Never Argue Politics and Religion?  Just try and stop us!...So says Chris 
kicking off our special report discussing the country you and I would like to 
live in...

Jon Meacham of Newsweek tops the show along with Norman Lear, liberal activist 
and legendary TV producer/founder of People for the American Way, an activist 
group fighting the Justice Sunday types...Lear's credits include many of your 
favorite '70's sitcoms including All in the Family, The Jeffersons and 
Sanford  Son to name a few..

And speaking of Justice Sunday we'll speak with one of its participants, 
Chuck Colson (fmr. Nixon special ops guy turned Prison Ministries guy) and 
Rev. Albert Pennybacker who did not back Justice Sunday but did instead back 
a counter demonstration from the Left...The fight will be joined in our B/C 

In the back half Pat and Hilary Rosen duke it out over Frist, the Filibuster, 
Justice Sunday and Tom DeLay...It's a bunch of fun for sure...

And finally we wrap up the show on the historic 25th anniversary of the botched 
Desert One mission, ordered by President Jimmy Carter in an effort to rescue 
our American hostages in Iran but ending in disaster, claiming the lives of 
eight U.S. servicemen...We'll chat with one of the planners of the mission, 
Ret. Admiral Stansfield Turner, fmr. CIA chief under Carter, John Palmer, fmr. 
NBC News reporter who broke the story and James Rosen, an American hostage in 
Tehran at the time...

Dominic Bellone wrote compiled and edited the Hardball Briefing from 
Washington, DC

A few stories of interest...

Frist: Judges deserve 'respect, not retaliation'...Senate majority leader 
addresses conservative Christian rally (AP)

Capitol Hill Democrats stand firmLawmakers credit Rep. Pelosi, Sen. Reid 
(The Washington Post)

Bush to air oil concerns with Saudi prince...President expected to press for 
price relief in ranch rendezvous (MSNBC)

Vice President Dick Cheney met on Sunday with Saudi Crown Prince Abdullah ahead 
of the Saudi's talks Monday at President Bush's ranch, where oil prices, 
terrorism and democratic reforms in the Middle East will top the agenda. (AP)

Lobbyist financed DeLay airfare, papers show...Embattled lawmaker denies 
breaking House ethics rules (The Washington Post)

Fund-Raising: Take It to the (West) Bank...Money meant for the inner city went 
to fight the intifada. What donors to Jack Abramoff's charity didn't know.

Pressure mounts on Iraqis to form government...Back-room wrangling delays 
Cabinet while violent attacks increase (AP)

Pope seeks 'bridges of friendship' with Muslims...Benedict jokes with Germans 
he was wary of papal 'guillotine' (AP)

Afghan arrested as heroin kingpin suspect...DEA says he smuggled hundreds of 
kilos from Afghanistan, Pakistan (MSNBC)

Clinton backs Britain's Blair for re-election...Prime minister has been 
weakened by his Bush ties (AP)


Novak: Outlook for Bolton nomination grim

Pat: Behind the rage at Benedict XVI

Greeley: Pope's views swayed by '60s revolution that wasn't


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Hitchens Is In The House Tonight

2005-04-26 Thread Hardball with Chris Matthews
The Hardball Briefing On MSNBC

Hardball airs on MSNBC at 7p, 11p  4a ET  4p, 8p  1a PT  Find MSNBC on your 
TV  MSNBC also is on your XM satellite 
radio on channel 130

If you're into Hitchens tune in tonight...He'll be doing the religion and 
politics and Bolton thing with Deb Orin of the New York PostWe lead however 
with Lawrence Eagleburger to do Iraq and BoltonLater in the show we do the 
gay marriage debate with a Connecticut state legislator (Democratic State 
Senator Andrew McDonald ) where a gay civil union bill recently was signed into 
law...He was instrumental in passing the bill...On the other side, we'll talk 
to Republican Oregon State Representative Dennis Richardson who is fighting 
that type of legislation in his home state...Great little debate, that one...

Finally we talk to PBS anchor Jim Lehrer, a man who needs no introduction and 
brings a worldly gravitas to the table in a singular fashion...He's got a new 
work of fiction we'll chat with him about...And of course we'll get into 
current events...We'll also ask him about this little sugar plum

Please join us...Dominic Bellone wrote, compiled and edited The Briefing from 
Washington, DC

Curry: Frist chills talk of judges deal...Senate majority leader says he'll 
insist on up-or-down votes on Bush nominees

Most oppose filibuster changes, poll finds...Public rejects GOP's 'nuclear 
option' by 2-to-1 margin (The Washington Post)

Karl Rove rejected a compromise with Senate Democrats Monday on long-stalled 
nominations for the federal judiciary and strongly defended President Bush's 
choice of John Bolton to be ambassador to the United Nations. (USA Today)

Engel: Al-Zarqawi eluded capture but left clues, source says...Photos, phone 
numbers among intelligence found on laptop

Bush throws support behind embattled DeLay...In push for Social Security plan, 
president trumpets strong ally (AP)

DeLay woes prompt rush to refile forms...Lawmakers fear fallout over ethics 
(The Washington Post)

Former U.S. ambassador speaks out against Bolton...Says U.N. nominee has 'none 
of the qualities' for envoy post (AP)

Ceremony marks Syrian pullout from Lebanon...'Brothers in arms' bid farewell 
after 29-year military presence (AP)


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The Hardball Briefing For April 27, 2005

2005-04-27 Thread Hardball with Chris Matthews
The Hardball Briefing On MSNBC

Hardball airs on MSNBC at 7p, 11p  4a ET  4p, 8p  1a PT  Find MSNBC on your 
TV  MSNBC also is on your XM satellite 
radio on channel 130

This is one of the shows that promises to be action packed, fast paced, fun and 
informative...Al Gore went on the attack again today, jumping in the fray on 
filibusters, Florida 2000, Iraq and Social Security, among other topics...He 
was on fire and we've got the tape to prove it...We'll get reax from Grassley 
and Bill Nelson...

Former Vice President Al Gore on Wednesday blamed Republican lust for 
one-party domination for the GOP campaign to change Senate rules on 
filibustering judicial nominees, and he assailed religious zealots for driving 
the effort.  (AP)

And you've heard about this fight force with force law down in Florida?  
We'll get into that tonight with Miami police Commish John Timoney and Florida 
AG Charlie Crist...Previously you had to try and escape if you felt threatened 
in public...Now you can legally fight back...Some say the law will create a 
Wild West culture, proponents say it is necessary for self protection.

Amy Goodman from Pacifica Radio and San Francisco Chronicle's Deb Saunders will 
get into the Bolton nomination story and Chris really sticks it to Amy...Plus 
more on Al Gore Unleashed

Later in the show we talk to famed director Ridley Scott about his new highly 
charged movie on the Crusades Kingdom of Heaven and the state of the movie 
biz or something like that...

Remember Zell Miller's appearance on Hardball during the RNC convention last 
year?  We've posted it online in its entirety here

Something to enjoy while watching Hardball tonight: Dinner in 25 Minutes...Herb 
and Garlic Skirt Steak

Dominic Bellone wrote, compiled and edited The Hardball Briefing from 
Washington, DC

GOP offers to scrap House ethics rules...Move could lead to investigation of 
Rep. DeLay (AP)

Records detail DeLay's ties to lobbyist...U.S. territory seeking labor law 
exemption was client (AP)

Bush's energy push: 'Technology is the ticket' President Bush on Wednesday 
unveiled controversial plans to spur new nuclear power plants, provide 
incentives to buy diesel vehicles and most novel of all: use some old military 
bases for oil refineries. (MSNBC)

Terrorists staged nearly 200 significant attacks in Iraq in 2004, exceeding the 
record number of strikes worldwide the year before, according to data the Bush 
administration gave to Congress but has been withholding from the public. 
(Knight Ridder)

Bush taken to bunker during security scare...Plane was thought to have entered 
'no-fly zone' (AP)

Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld pressed Congress on Wednesday to fund 
research into an earth-penetrating bunker buster nuclear bomb that U.S. 
lawmakers dropped from the budget last year. (Reuters);jsessionid=JGQBBZCNWZ2XICRBAEOCFFA?type=domesticNewsstoryID=8319253

CBS 'News' ratings down..Peacock, Alphabet in close race (Variety)

Probe reveals Vatican priest's clandestine past...Polish priest was an informer 
for the communist secret police (AP)


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The Hardball Briefing for May 10, 2005

2005-05-10 Thread Hardball with Chris Matthews
The Hardball Briefing On MSNBC

Hardball airs on MSNBC at 7p, 11p  4a ET  4p, 8p  1a PT  Find MSNBC on your 
TV  MSNBC also is on your XM satellite 
radio on channel 130

NAACP head Julian Bond and Ted Kennedy are out blasting the Republican attempt 
to exercise the nuclear option (some proponents call it the constitutional 
option) as Frist reportedly is going to use Priscilla Owen as the case to push 
the rule change through...We'll get both sides of the debate with Bond and GOP 
uber-lawyer Ben Ginsberg. who is an advisor to Progress for America, a pro-Nuke 

The other issue we'll get into are based on Shuster's blogging reportage on the 
site of the World Trade Center and what should be built there...The currently 
proposed Freedom Tower or new and approved World Trade Towers?  We'll also chat with a reporter 
who delved into the lives of the 9/11 hijackers and explain who these evil guys 

And today fmr. Green Beret doctor Jeffrey MacDonald is up for parole after 25 
years for the 1970 murder of his wife and two young daughters...MacDonald has 
maintained his innocence from day one...His ex-Brother-in-Law Bob Stephenson 
begs to differ and was at the parole hearing today...He'll explain the case 

When former Green Beret doctor Jeffrey MacDonald appears at his first parole 
hearing Tuesday at a federal prison near here, he'll give a detailed account of 
his 25 years as a model prisoner. (The Washington Post)

MacDonald Case Timeline

We finish up with Margaret Carlson and Tony B. on the trial of Hillary's 
ex-fundraiser and what it means politically for her...Also, we'll do a little 
filibuster and Bolton action with them...

Please join us..Dominic Bellone wrote, compiled and edited The Hardball 
Briefing from Washington, DC

Blankley Backgrounder: Political attention deficit disorder

Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist plans for Texas Supreme Court Justice 
Priscilla Owen to be the judicial nomination on which he uses the nuclear 
option against Democratic filibusters later this month, according to 
Republicans familiar with his plans. (The Washington Times)

Curry: Pressure builds on Frist over judges...Conservative leaders urged Senate 
Majority Leader Bill Frist Monday to end the stalemate over President Bush's 
judicial nominees by putting to a vote this week a proposed change in Senate 
rules that would allow a simple majority to halt a filibuster of a nominee.

U.S.  forces hunt insurgents in western Iraq...Scores of alleged militants, 3 
Marines killed in battles (AP)

Bush: 'Georgia has come a long way'...President says ex-Soviet republic an 
inspiring new democracy (AP)

Al-Qaida turf battles aid counterterror efforts...Rivalry may have helped in 
arrest of bin Laden associate (AP)

For the three Republican senators who have expressed reservations about John R. 
Bolton's nomination as U.S. ambassador to the United Nations, the committee 
vote set for Thursday is about much more than whether he is the best man for 
the job. (LA Times),0,2563178.story?coll=la-home-headlines

The federal trial of David Rosen promises to be one that political insiders 
will watch with interest. Jury selection was scheduled to begin Tuesday in the 
case against Rosen, a former finance director for Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton. 

Army, Marines miss recruiting goals again...Pentagon officials say that yet 
another month of missed recruiting targets is not a crisis, but it is a major 
concern - a battle here at home to win the hearts and minds of potential new 
recruits. (NBC News)

U.S. pays for care of illegal aliens...Treatment money for border states (The 
New York Times)

Appeals court tosses Cheney lawsuit...A federal appeals court on Tuesday 
ordered dismissal of a lawsuit seeking to force Vice President Dick Cheney to 
reveal details about the energy policy task force he headed and the 
pro-industry recommendations it made. (AP)

Senate Dems' soft-spoken leader reveals sharp tongue...Reid catches heat 

The Hardball Briefing for May 11, 2005

2005-05-11 Thread Hardball with Chris Matthews
The Hardball Briefing On MSNBC

Hardball airs on MSNBC at 7p, 11p  4a ET  4p, 8p  1a PT  Find MSNBC on your 
TV  MSNBC also is on your XM satellite 
radio on channel 130

Russert's book about his dad is out in paperback so we'll celebrate that in the 
front half of the show...We'll do the Big Russ-Little Russ thing and also hit 
a number of au courant topics with two of the smartest political analysts in 
the business...

Later in the show former CIA agent Gary Schroen will give us his take on how 
the U.S. is faring in the Global War on Terror (GWOT)...He was the man after 
September 11th who was charged with going into Afghanistan to find and kill Bin 

Also around town, former first lady Nancy Reagan is being honored tonight at, 
where else?, The Ronald Reagan building, at a big gala dinner...We're sending 
Shuster and a producer to cover the red carpet and will dip in with live 
coverage...Cheney is expected to speak and Tony Bennett will provide 
entertainment...Andrea Mitchell will anchor buddy the coverage...

Please join us...Dominic Bellone wrote, compiled and edited The Hardball 
Briefing from Washington, DC

Five blasts leave 61 dead in Iraq...Attacks now average 70 a day, double 
earlier months (AP)

Chronology- Blitz of Iraq bomb attacks (Reuters)

The Pentagon said on Tuesday the main body of insurgents in Iraq has shifted 
west from their former bastions in Falluja and Ramadi as U.S. troops pressed an 
offensive there along the Syrian border. (Reuters)

Insurgents in western Iraq fight to finish...'They came here to die,' Marine 
sergeant says (The Washington Post)

Congress OKs $82 billion for wars...Iraq cost to top $200 billion; Army to ask 
for more (The Washington Post)

2 Afghans killed in anti-U.S. protests...U.S., Afghan forces open fire on 
rioting students in Jalalabad (AP)

'Inactive' grenade found near Bush speech site...Georgian official denies 
device thrown during appearance in Tbilisi (AP)

Critics of the USA Patriot Act on Tuesday called for the Senate to temper the 
anti-terrorism law's provisions that let police conduct secret searches of 
people's homes or businesses, but defenders say since no abuses have been 
documented the law should be renewed. (AP)

McCain urges GOP compromise on filibusters...Sen. John McCain has urged the 
Senate's GOP majority to cut a deal with Democrats over President Bush's 
judicial nominees even as Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist warns that a 
confrontation over judicial filibusters could come next week. (AP)

The Bush administration periodically put the USA on high alert for terrorist 
attacks even though then-Homeland Security chief Tom Ridge argued there was 
only flimsy evidence to justify raising the threat level, Ridge now says. (USA 

Conservatives rally around DeLay...Heading into tomorrow night's celebration 
banquet for Tom DeLay, conservatives say the House majority leader is in better 
shape to weather ethics accusations now than he was six weeks ago when they 
began to plan a defense strategy. (The Washington Times)

A top aide to John Bolton, President Bush's embattled nominee as U.N. envoy, 
threatened to diminish the role of the State Department's intelligence bureau 
because of a dispute over analyzing China's missile export controls, according 
to declassified e-mails. (Reuters)

Big rulings due from Supreme Court...Justices to weigh in on medical pot, 
Commandments displays, more (AP)

The U.S. Army said on Tuesday it had awarded $72 million in bonuses to 
Halliburton Co. for logistics work in Iraq but had not decided whether to give 
the Texas company bonuses for disputed dining services to troops. (Reuters)

The son-in-law of the late President Richard Nixon plans to challenge Hillary 
Rodham Clinton for her senate seat next year, a source told The Post yesterday 
(NY Post)\


Tony: An awkward GOP spring...Republicans have 

Live From Nashville POTUS Iraq Speech Slice and Dice

2005-06-28 Thread Hardball with Chris Matthews
The Hardball Briefing On MSNBC

Well folks if this ain't the night to break out the TV trays, pop the popcorn 
and settle in for some hot cable news, I don't know what is...As promised we're 
live tonight from Two Rivers Baptist Church in Nashville...Tonight's Hardball 
Special Edition: One Nation Under God examines the crossroads of politics and 
pulpit in front of a live audience...

Chris: We're gathered here tonight to talk about a deep division in this 
country, over the proper role of religion and religious belief in our country's 
electoral politics.  And more than that, the recognition of God in our 
democratic process of government.  

We will feature three of the people at the center of the biggest culture war 
battles of the last year including Judge Roy Moore of Alabama, George Felos, 
attorney for Michael Schiavo, and Micky Weinstein, an Air Force cadet parent 
who complained about religious intolerance at the academy. The nation's top 
religious leaders will debate the role of religion in U.S. politics including 
Tony Perkins of the Family Research Council, Reverend Albert Pennybacker, of 
the Clergy and Leity Network, Dr. Richard Land, from the Southern Baptist 
Convention, Dr. Jerry Sutton, Pastor of Two Rivers Baptist Church and Reza 
Aslam, a Muslim religious scholar

And it doesn't stop there...We'll preview President Bush's big speech on Iraq 
at Ft. Bragg with White House Communications Director Nicolle Devenish... We'll 
bring you the speech from Ft. Bragg in its entirety which is expected to last 
until around 8:40-ish ET...We then take it to 10 pm ET with a live Town Hall 
special from Two Rivers and get reaction from the congregation...We'll even 
throw in Biden, Warner and a special guest appearance from Newsweek's Jon 
Meacham...Tucker and Norah will anchor buddy on stage...

Please don't miss this...

Dominic Bellone wrote, compiled and edited The Hardball Briefing from 
Washington, DC

Bush seeks to ease worries about war...Speech at Fort Bragg aimed at reassuring 
skeptical public about Iraq (MSNBC)

Rice: Bush Will Stress Need For Patience In Iraq In Speech (KXAN-TV)

Bush to ask teetering Americans for resolve in Iraq (USA Today)

Before his address, Bush will meet with the families of 33 U.S. troops killed 
in Iraq and Afghanistan. The audience for his speech will be 600 to 700 
soldiers, the White House said. (AP)

Poll points to increasing doubts on war's progress, Bush's reasons (USA Today)

SF Chronicle Analysis: The best clue to what President Bush wants to tell the 
American people about Iraq today can probably be found in his selection of the 
nation's largest Army base as a backdrop for his prime-time address.

U.S. military helicopter crashes in Afghanistan...Condition of those on board 
unknown (AP)

Anger over ruling on Ten Commandments...'It's just wrong,' some Bible Belt 
residents say of Supreme Court decision (AP)

Americans skeptical about Iraq claimsAs President Bush prepares to address 
the nation about Iraq Tuesday night, a new Washington Post-ABC News poll finds 
that most Americans do not believe the administration's claims that impressive 
gains are being made against the insurgency, but a clear majority is willing to 
keep U.S. forces there for an extended time to stabilize the country. (The 
Washington Post)

As insurgency holds, US prepares long Iraq campaign (Reuters);_ylt=Ambd4IM.CUFWgoW1YsENL_Jg.3QA;_ylu=X3oDMTA3MXN1bHE0BHNlYwN0bWE-

Democrats criticize payments to KBR...Pentagon auditors question more than $1 
billion in Iraq costs, report says (The Washington Post)

'Gold Star' moms to admit non-citizens...Group came under fire for barring 
Filipina mother of slain GI (AP)

Bush senior, Clinton hang out together...One putt at a time, ex-presidents 
cement friendship (AP)

Secrecy as process to beatify John Paul II opens...Most key players appear to 
be in favor of late pope's canonization (AP)

Novelist and historian Shelby Foote, whose Southern storyteller's touch 
inspired millions to read his multivolume work on the Civil War, has died. He 
was 88. (AP) 

The Hardball Briefing For September 1, 2005

2005-09-01 Thread Hardball with Chris Matthews
The Hardball Briefing On MSNBC

Tonight on Hardball we'll not only bring you the latest on Katrina's aftermath 
and all the day's events (rescue efforts continue as frustration, desperation 
and chaos mount), we'll bring you stories of America's goodness in responding 
to this tragedy...Houston is opening the Astrodome to refugees and the Governor 
of Illinois, Rod Blagojevich, announced today that all Illinois public schools 
will be open to children displaced by Hurricane Katrina...We'll speak with Gov. 

We're also sending Chris to the Armed Forces Retirement Home down the street 
from us on North CapThe Home has two locations: DC  Gulfport, MS...They 
just got a shipment of about 416 retirees traveling 1,000 miles on 10 charter 
buses from their Gulfport home which was devastated by Katrina...Chris will 
walk around the place and talk to the COO...

We're going to give them the medical care they need. We're going to get them a 
bed. We're going to get them a shower. We're going to feed them. We're going to 
take care of them, because they're ours.

More on the AFRH

As a matter of fact, tomorrow we'll do the full show live from AFRH...

We'll also go live tonight to Houston's Astrodome and get an update on the 
refugee situation...We'll also talk to folks at the Star of Hope, a Houston 
homeless shelter now serving Katrina refugees and trying to place refugees with 
private homes...

We'll also get a report from Atlanta where folks there are opening their homes 
victims of Katrina...

On Friday night the NBC News family (NBC, MSNBC, CNBC) will air an hour long 
telethon featuring a number of celebrities doing their part to chip in at 8 pm 
ET...We hope you'll tune in and give generously

Please join us...Dominic Bellone wrote, compiled and edited The Hardball 
Briefing from Washington, DC

How to help the victims of Hurricane Katrina

Bush to visit Gulf on Friday, taps ex-presidents...Clinton and Bush's father 
will lead fundraising effort (AP)

Americans reach out to help Katrina's victims...Thousands open their wallets 
and offer their skills to aid Gulf Coast (AP)

Cries for help spread across New Orleans...Local official blames FEMA for 
'national disgrace,' mayor issues 'SOS' (MSNBC)

Houston opens arms to those in Superdome...The first refugees arrive in a 
commandeered bus (Houston Chronicle)

...Astrodome officials said it would only accept people who were stranded at 
the Superdome - a rule that was tested late Wednesday when an Orleans Parish 
school bus arrived, filled with families with children seeking shelter. At 
first, Astrodome officials said they couldn't come in, but then allowed them to 
enter for food and water. (AP)

Disaster overwhelms even seasoned rescuers...FEMA teams from around the country 
look for survivors of Katrina (The Washington Post)

Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff said Thursday the federal 
government is sending in 1,400 National Guard troops per day to control looting 
and lawlessness in New Orleans, quadrupling the regular police force in the 
city by the weekend (AP)

The military plans to increase the number of National Guard troops on duty in 
Louisiana and Mississippi from a combined 7,400 to about 18,100, the senior 
commander in charge of military relief and rescue efforts said Thursday. (AP)

New Orleans sinks into public health disaster...Babies airlifted without 
parents, hospitals face danger of heavy looting (AP)

Across U.S., homes opened to Katrina refugees...People post ads online for free 
or extremely cheap lodging for refugees (AP)

New Orleans faces bleak future...City will encounter extraordinary problems in 
rebuilding (The Washington Post)

'That boy is a hero': Rescue of family is silver lining for city...A 
13-year-old boy in Biloxi, Miss., rescued his entire family -- 12 people, 
including his twin sister -- during Katrina's rage. (Miami Herald)

Fats Domino missing in New Orleans floods...Musician and family didn't evacuate 
when hurricane came (AP)

For about a 

Continuing Katrina Coverage

2005-09-02 Thread Hardball with Chris Matthews
The Hardball Briefing On MSNBC

The President is touring the Gulf Coast today and appropriately called the 
government response to the catastrophe not acceptable...We'll follow his trip 
from Mobile, to Biloxi, to New Orleans...

Bush tours stricken states, says relief falls short...President says he will 
sign $10.5 billion 'down payment' relief bill (AP)

While many have been helped and millions donated to aid relief, a bottleneck 
has occurred in getting that relief to those most acutely in need around New 
Orleans and parts of Mississippi...It's pretty sad when people at the 
Convention Center are telling jazz musician Harry Connick, Jr. that he was the 
first person of authority that they've seen in days...If you've been watching 
MSNBC coverage you know exactly what I'm talking about...At this hour we're 
fortunately seeing stepped up convoys of emergency National Guard and FEMA 
relief entering New Orleans...We'll keep an eye on it and let you know how it 

Along with bringing you the latest from the ground at 7 pm ET and what's being 
done to cope with this horrific catastrophe...

Here's what we know about the President's sked (all times eastern)

11:40am-POTUS, Governor Barbour and Governor Riley 
make remarks.. **LIVE POOL**

11:50am-Marine One departs for Aerial Tour

12:30pm-Marine one arrives Biloxi 

12:35pm-POTUS walking tour of the damage (Travel Pool Tape)

1:35pm-Marine One departs more aerial tour

2:30pm-Marine One arrives New Orleans Airport 

TBD-President Bush makes a statement on Hurricane recovery efforts
   Louis Armstrong New Orleans International Airport.

Please stay with MSNBC for continuous live coverage...

A Concert for Hurrican Relief

How to help now

Looking for... Leave a message here for missing friends, relatives..Plus Safe 

Reconnect here: tell them you're safe...A bulletin board for refugees of 
Hurricane Katrina

Katrina video

Dominic Bellone wrote compiled and edited The Hardball Briefing from 
Washington, DC

Vast military convoy enters New Orleans...Supplies arrive as refugees were 
losing hope, and ahead of Bush visit (MSNBC)

It will take weeks to pump out New Orleans...Army Corps of Engineers says goal 
is 'saving lives and sustaining lives' (AP)

Fineman: Katrina and the political echoes of 9/11...The president faces another 
leadership challenge amid national tragedy

Curry: Political storm blows in Washington...House members voice anger and call 
for bringing troops home

Kerry Sanders: Horrible scenes at New Orleans airport...In triage center, 
baggage conveyor used for grim task of moving bodies

Bob Cox over at The National Debate has been in touch with the folks who run 
the Goodyear Blimp and asking why they aren't broadcasting messages over New 

Oil spilling into Mississippi below New Orleans...Officials spot huge spill 
near tanks with 2 million barrel capacity (MSNBC)

Disconnected families coping with fear, stress...Even if reunited, emotional 
effects may be felt for years, say experts (MSNBC)

Connick says New Orleans 'freakishly strong'...Jazz singer says hometown 
residents will rebuild hurricane-ravaged city (AP)

Fats Domino has been rescued...Musician and family were helicoptered out of the 
New Orleans area (AP)

World stunned as U.S. struggles with Katrina (Reuters)

Europeans question flood preparations...Officials in low-lying Netherlands look 
at New Orleans tragedy and wonder (AP)

Moran: Fears for a unique history and culture...Assessing  battered state of 
New Orleans' landmarks after the deluge

In other news...

More remember Atta ID'd as terrorist pre-9/11...Pentagon says three back up 
officers' story on attacks mastermind (AP)

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The Hardball Briefing for September 19, 2005

2005-09-19 Thread Hardball with Chris Matthews
The Hardball Briefing On MSNBC

An about face from Mayor Ray Nagin on the re-opening of New Orleans 
today...Under a plan Nagin devised, citizens living in certain zipcodes would 
be allowed to return to the city...Under pressure from President Bush and 
federal officials, Nagin held a presser late in the day ordering people to stay 
out...This follows a day of discussion and debate over the safety of folks 
going back to New Orleans...David Shuster will put it together for us and get 
into some of the verbal back and forth...

Alan Brouusard, the President of neighboring Jefferson Parish checks in on the 
reconstruction of his neck of the woods and the perils of coming home too 

We'll talk to the FBI special agent in charge of New Orleans about the security 
situation and controlling crime in the Big Easy...

We'll also check in with the Army Corps on the rebuilding of the levees, where 
that stands and can they withstand the coming of Rita...

In the back half we'll get examine the big picture question of Is the city 
ready to be opened?  with Michael Livier, Louisiana's Secretary of Economic 
Development, Historian Douglas Brinkley, WWL radio's David Cohen and Stephen 
Perry, the president of the New Orleans Convention and Visitors Bureau...

Please join us...

Dominic Bellone wrote, compiled and edited The Hardball Briefing from 
Washington, DC

Mayor halts planned reopening of New Orleans...Nagin says threat posed by 
Tropical Storm Rita forced him to reconsider (AP) 

Faulting Bush, Clinton offers sharp criticism of hurricane relief efforts (NY 

Former President Bill Clinton on Sunday morning said his wife, Sen. Hillary 
Rodham Clinton of New York, should not pledge to serve another full six-year 
term in her campaign for re-election. (Sun Sentinel),0,4548641.story?coll=sfla-newsnation-front

Two Democrats who might seek the White House again in 2008 criticized President 
Bush for his response to the devastation of Hurricane Katrina, assailing the 
suspension of wage laws while urging a concerted effort to aid the poor. (AP)

Entire Florida Keys evacuated as Rita closes in...Thousands forced to clear 
out; Louisiana coast could be targeted as well (MSNBC)

Hurricane Katrina swamped President Bush's second-term domestic agenda, 
reordering his priorities and changing the political landscape. (AP);_ylt=AvNIeullJ5z7.6ye8ob.WoMGw_IE;_ylu=X3oDMTA3MXN1bHE0BHNlYwN0bWE-

Cheney Opposed Hurricane Czar (Time Mag),9171,1106315,00.html

Iraqis claim British forces broke into Basra jail...Alleged undercover 
commandos had been accused of shooting Iraqi police (MSNBC) 

Saddam's nephew jailed for funding insurgency...First court verdict against 
family member of ousted Iraqi leader (MSNBC)

Insurgents kill member of Iraqi parliament
Kurdish lawmaker slain after deadly car bombing; 20 bodies found in Tigris (AP)

The Body Count is back: Who is winning the war in Iraq?...U.S. forces say body 
counts prove success, despite recent spate of attacks (The Washington Post)
Key figure in Abu Ghraib case to fight charges...Lynndie England abandoning 
earlier courtroom strategy (AP)


Stephen Moore: The GOP's New Deal...The bill for Katrina may fall due next 

Pat: Recycled liberal clichés at the United Nations?


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Bracing For Rita

2005-09-21 Thread Hardball with Chris Matthews
The Hardball Briefing On MSNBC

No question about our lead tonight: Hurricane Rita is now a Category 4 
Hurricane and rushing towards Texas...We'll get the latest on the hurricane's 
path and what local, state and federal officials are doing to prepare for it..

We'll talk to Port Arthur, TX mayor Oscar Ortiz, Lyda Ann Thomas, Mayor of 
Galveston, two cities in Rita's path...Plus, direct from Galveston, the 
national spokesman for the American Red Cross on efforts to aid victims of 
Rita...We'll also get a sense of Rita's wrath from Key West mayor Jimmy Weekly

The Washington Post has a piece today 
suggesting that the levee system in New Orleans was not as sound as once 
thought and that the notion that it could withstand a Category 3 hurricane was 
perhaps fallacious...Fmr. Rep. Bob Livingston (R-LA) is in the house to give us 
the lowdown on the levees...

David Shuster checks in with a package on the politics of Louisiana and the 
billions of dollars headed its way...David looks at some of the colorful 
political figures of Louisiana's past (Huey Kingfish Long immediately comes 
to mind) and how their legacy may have contributed to the failed response and 
damaged levee systems...Plus, who'll keep an eye the folks (lobbyists and such) 
who'll have their hands out for federal reconstruction funds?

We round out the show tonight with famed jazz musician and New Orleans native 
son, Wynton Marsalis... 

Something to look forward to on Friday, Andrea Mitchell stops by to discuss her 
new book

Please join us...Dominic Bellone wrote, compiled and edited The Hardball 
Briefing from Washington, DC

Rita strengthens to a Category 4 storm...Hurricane churns toward Texas, 
Louisiana coastline (AP)

As Rita closes in, levee repair intensifies...New Orleans evacuates; new 
questions about reliability of flood protection (AP)

Katrina's cost may test harmony within GOP...Congressmen question plan - or 
lack of one - to pay for recovery (The Washington Post)

Fournier: Hurricane Katrina and the bungled government response have weakened 
President Bush, raising questions among Americans about his Iraq and Gulf Coast 
spending plans and spreading fears among fellow Republicans that his troubles 
could be contagious.;_ylt=AmjLdNYdK9GuSaHPzzEkmV8Gw_IE;_ylu=X3oDMTA3MXN1bHE0BHNlYwN0bWE-

Indiana Congressman Mike Pence is leading a call for cuts in the federal budget 
that would match the spending for hurricane relief. Operation Offset is the 
name of the effort. (WISH-TV)

Dickerson: Pity the Poor Fiscal Conservative...Because no one else cares if the 
government busts the budget for Katrina relief.

Roadside bombs target U.S. convoys in Iraq...2 GIs hurt day after 9 American 
deaths; row over U.K. jail break persists (AP)

The Department of Defense forbade a military intelligence officer to testify 
Wednesday about the work of a secret military unit that identified four 9/11 
hijackers more than a year before the Sept. 11 terrorists attacks, according to 
the man's attorney. (AP)

The senior Democrat on the Judiciary Committee announced Wednesday he will vote 
to confirm John Roberts for chief justice of the United States after leading 
lawmakers met with President Bush to discuss candidates for the other high 
court vacancy. (AP);_ylt=An0BgHJi4_MNSmQW9PJ13EFAw_IE;_ylu=X3oDMTA3MXN1bHE0BHNlYwN0bWE-

Top Democrat says he will vote against Roberts...Reid also sets conditions for 
filibuster of Bush's next Supreme Court pick (MSNBC)

Curry: Which Democrats will vote 'yes' on Roberts?...Keeping an eye on Clinton, 
Bayh and other presidential contenders

More Curry: Justice Stevens is key to high court's future...It's not Sandra Day 
O'Connor's retirement that could threaten Roe v. Wade

Sheehan slightly hurt when cops halt NYC rally...Police break up rally while 
Sheehan is speaking, arrest organizer
Tancredo, Bush Foe on Immigration, Poised as Republican Spoiler (Bloomberg)

Mark Murray: Democrats hope to raise Kaine in Virginia...Can party finally win 
a gubernatorial race in the South?

Sen. Frist sells HCA stock; then price 

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