[jQuery] not getting new width when adding options to a select

2007-10-31 Thread charlie

I've bugged it here: http://jquery.com/plugins/node/787 and here:
http://dev.jquery.com/ticket/1870 but I'm wondering if any one has any
ideas for a workaround (other than switching browsers
unfortunately) .  Basically, in IE6 the width() on a select box (or
it's surrounding div/span) is not updated when wide options are added
to the select.  It works great in Firefox, but that doesn't help me
too much.

The basic problem is this.  I have a row of select boxes that need to
be of minimum widths (ie. no defined width). Then at the end of this
row there is a subtotal column, all of which works fine.  Except
that below these rows I'd like to have a total column that is aligned
with the subtotal columns.

All of this would be trivial of course if I used tables, but for
various reasons the layout must remain div based.  Any suggestions?

[jQuery] Re: not getting new width when adding options to a select

2007-10-31 Thread charlie

 setTimeout( function(){ alert( $(#select-thing).width() ) }, 0 );

That did the trick!  Behavior is now identical in Firefox and IE6, and
in both cases the width correct.  Oddly, it continues to update with
the new width even if I move the setTimeout line to before the New
option call.  I'm just going to put it in the logical order (first
add the rows, then check the width) and ignore that little quirk

My immense thanks!


[jQuery] global error handler

2007-12-02 Thread charlie

Hi all, I'd like my application to be able to check my ajax results
for an array with an index of error before it gets passed along to
whatever function made the call to finish doing whatever it's doing.
It looks like this would be easy if global events were called before
local events, but as that's not the case, I was wondering what a work-
around might be?

One idea that occurs to me it to trigger the ajaxError event with my
(otherwise successful) results.  Is there anyway to raise an ajax
error?  The only other solution I can think of would be to pass back a
callback function with my results, so that on a global ajaxSuccess it
would look for the error index, and not finding it would call the
success index, and pass the data though?

Is that the way to go?  Any other suggestions?

TIA, Charles

[jQuery] Re: global error handler

2007-12-06 Thread charlie

 I ended up doing modifications to the jQuery core to make this

Thank you for the response.  I think I'll try my callback method
described (sorta) above, if no one else can come up with a better
solution.  I'd rather write more code now and stay on the upgrade path!

[jQuery] help with a strategy?

2008-03-04 Thread charlie

Hi all, the application I'm attempting to write couldn't be simpler:
I want to display rows of data, retrieved from a database and allow
people to edit or delete those rows and add new rows.  Backend is PHP,
but I'd prefer to keep that out of the picture.  So far I'm passing my
rows successfully to jquery and have the loop ready to go, but I'm not
sure how to proceed.

Here's my dilemma:  what's the best strategy for keeping the HTML out
of my Javascript as much as possible?  The whole point of this
excercise has been to try to extricate as much PHP as possible from
the display logic, but just subbing in javascript is obviously pretty

One strategy I'm toying with is having an HTML empty row in the
normal layout that's hidden and get's cloned for both existing and new
records.  Is this a common technique?  Are there better ones?  I'm
trying not to re-invent the wheel here!

TIA, Charles

[jQuery] Re: Open a particular menu in accordion based on value passed to it

2009-04-20 Thread Charlie

you can pass the index for the accordion panel to the next page in a
url after a hash or search symbol . On page with accordion extract the
data from the url and use it to activate panel in accordion.

here's a working example


abhishekgal...@gmail.com wrote:

  Hi All,

I am using JQuery accordion to create a menu box , my problem is that
say if I have 4 containers (Divs/menu ) and at runtime I want to open
one of them depending upon the variable passed.

I know using the option "active:2" will open the 2nd container but can
anyone please tell me what is the syntax to set it dynamically...

for example ,If i have something like this ...
Menu 1
Menu 2
Menu 3

now If I want to open Menu 2 depending upon some value passed , how do
we do that ?


[jQuery] Re: Changing the arrow color : Superfish

2009-04-24 Thread Charlie

arrows are image files, modify the image in css images folder

Praveen wrote:

  How to change the arrow color(right and down arrows) in the superfish



[jQuery] Re: div contains li - select div but NOT li

2009-04-27 Thread Charlie

your question isn't very clear . If you are trying to select based on
what is inside the div these should help:

$("div:contains("Some Text")).// do something
$("div:has(li[class=something])").// do something


need to be more specific what you are trying to do. The way your
question is written " $("plan"). //do something " would work

gostbuster wrote:

  Hi everyone,

I would appreciate some help with what I wanna do.

I explain my problem :

I want to do a map-like: It means a div with background images, and
some elements on it (a bit like in google map : you have the map in
background, and stuff you can click over it.

well i have this code :

div id="plan"

I would like to select #plan but NOT the li element inside.

I tried some stuff but didn't succeed.

I'm sure experts from here will solve this problem in less in a

Thank you VERY MUCH in advance.


[jQuery] Re: div contains li - select div but NOT li

2009-04-27 Thread Charlie

what you are doing is called event delegation, there's more to it than
simple selectors . You could be clicking in the div but not on an li or
clicking on the contents of an li. That's what was meant by " //You
will have to check whats the real target " for a list item

$('#plan').click(function(event) {
 var $thisLi, $tgt = $(event.target);
 if ($tgt.is('li')) {
  $thisLi = $tgt
 ///work with $thisLi to get css info
 // check if click is on li or contents of an li or somewhere
else in #plan
 else if ($tgt.parents('li').length) {
 $thisLi = $tgt.parents('li:first');
 ///work with $thisLi to get css info

this is a modification of following excellent tutorial example 

hope this helps

gostbuster wrote:


Yes of course I could do this, but Jquery selectors don't allow what I
wish to do?


On 27 avr, 14:25, Remon Oldenbeuving r.s.oldenbeuv...@gmail.com
You could use the event object thats being passed when a click event fires?

if(e.target !== "liobject"){ //You will have to check whats the real target
for a list item
 //here your code


On Mon, Apr 27, 2009 at 2:08 PM, gostbuster jeremyescol...@gmail.comwrote:

  Okay I'll try to explain better.

  Imagine an image, it's a rectangle.

  you can have a div with this image for background :

  like this :

  div id="plan"


  Then, with CSS, you can do this :

background:url(my image url);
width : image width;
height: image height

  Well, my image is representing a map.

  over my map, I have little icons (like in google map : you have the
map and spots)

  that's why I have something like this :

  div id="plan" -- this is the map ID, with the map image for
   li/li -- each li represents a spot. the spot is an
image displayed at the spot position in the map --

  I want to be able to click on the map (on the div #plan) but NOT on a
li element.

  Is it more understandable ?

  Thank you very much

  On 27 avr, 13:55, Charlie charlie...@gmail.com wrote:
your question isn't very clear . If you are trying to select based on

  what is inside the div these should help:
$("div:contains("Some Text")).// do something
$("div:has(li[class=something])").// do somethinghttp://

need to be more specific what you are trying to do. The way your question

  is written " $("plan"). //do something " would work
gostbuster wrote:Hi everyone, I would appreciate some help with what I

  wanna do. I explain my problem : I want to do a map-like: It means a div
with background images, and some elements on it (a bit like in google map :
you have the map in background, and stuff you can click over it. well i have
this code : div id="plan" ul li/li li/li li/li
/ul /div I would like to select #plan but NOT the li element inside. I
tried some stuff but didn't succeed. I'm sure experts from here will solve
this problem in less in a second. Thank you VERY MUCH in advance.


[jQuery] Re: ajax append problem

2009-04-27 Thread Charlie


this will grab only the id content from test.html and load it , can
refine this down to elements within #content as well

example on jQuery site shows same method

clicforw...@googlemail.com wrote:

  Hello Michael,

thanks for this.
I got a error:  html.find is not a function
Any idea?

script type='text/_javascript_' src=''/script
script type="text/_javascript_"
  	url: "leistung.html",
  	cache: false,
  	success: function(html) {
	var loadCont = html.find('#cont');

On Apr 27, 5:07pm, Michael Lawson mjlaw...@us.ibm.com wrote:
instead of $(".content").append(html);
var contentToAppend = html.find("#cont");


Michael Lawson
Content Tools Developer, Global Solutions, ibm.com
Phone: 1-828-355-5544
E-mail: mjlaw...@us.ibm.com

'Examine my teachings critically, as a gold assayer would test gold. If you
find they make sense, conform to your experience, and don't harm yourself
or others, only then should you accept them.'

 From:"clicforw...@googlemail.com" clicforw...@googlemail.com 

 To: "jQuery (English)" jquery-en@googlegroups.com  

 Date:04/27/2009 11:03 AM

 Subject:  [jQuery] ajax append problem


im using this script to load a external site into my DOM.
It works fine but i need just a part of this test.html.

For example: I want to append just the div "#cont" from test.html
How can i do that?

script type="text/_javascript_"
 url: "test.html",
 cache: false,
 success: function(html){


Thanks for Help!




[jQuery] Re: jqery.load missing html tags

2009-04-28 Thread Charlie

got similar results however if take out the "*" it works fine. The "*"
is redundant since jQuery will look for all anyway

clicforw...@googlemail.com wrote:


im using .load to get a part of a html site into my div.
For exapmle i have some markup like:
pstrongsome text/strong/p

When i load this content the p tag is closing befor of the strong
Looks like this: p/pstrongsome text/strong

script type="text/_javascript_"
	$.ajaxSetup ({
	cache: false

 	$('li.leistung a').click(function(){
	$(".content").load("leistung.html .content *");
	return false;

The document is valid!
Any idea? Thanks


[jQuery] Re: load and unload site

2009-04-28 Thread Charlie

I don't know first one is semantically correct or not but it works:
$("#playGround div").html("");


$("#playGround div").contents().remove();


$("#test_div *").remove(); 

clicforw...@googlemail.com wrote:


im loading external site like this.
	$("#playGround div").load("http://www.mysite.de");
	return false;

how can i unload this site?
i tried:

$("#playGround div").remove(html);


$("#playGround div").unload(html);

but both is not working!?

Thanks for Help


[jQuery] Re: JQuery Script doubling div

2009-04-30 Thread Charlie

($(this).attr("href") + ' #content *') will return the contents of
#content on the page being loaded without the div container with same ID

using less generic ID named " content" would be another obvious

Laegnur wrote:


In a website that I am developing, I have a tab navigation system and
I tried to dynamic load the #content of each page in the #content div
of the main page withe the next script and next html:

$(document).ready(function() {
  $('#nav a').click(function(event) {
$('#content').load($(this).attr("href") + ' #content').fadeIn

Navigation Begin

div id="nav"
lia href=""
lia href="" title="links"spanEnlaces/span/
Navigation End

Content Begin
div id="content"
  Mod Begin
div class="mod"
 Lore Ipsum Presentation
  Mod End
Content End

But when I run the script it doubling the #content div.

Content Begin
div id="content"div id="content"
  Mod Begin
div class="mod"
  lore ipsum links
Content End

Can someone help me with this?

p.d: Sorry for my bad english.


Re: re[jQuery] moveAttr('href') on document load?

2009-05-03 Thread Charlie

removeAttr() will take the whole href property out of the tag 

a href="" Test/a will become a

if you want to keep href property you could overwrite the href values

$('#add a').attr('href','#'); produces

a href="" Test/a

Sam Granger wrote:

	$(function() {
		$('#add a').removeAttr('href');

What's wrong with this code? I want to remove all href's from a tags onload
of a document. Still a bit new to jQuery so sorry for this silly question!
Just been trying to figure it out for ages. The links are in a div with id

Thanks for all the help!


[jQuery] Re: Superfish Vertical Menu - Can I change it to display submenus on left?

2009-05-04 Thread Charlie

I've done this with a horizontal superfish, make it go right to left,
not a big difference on vertical style

sf-menu ul's for the sub menus are absolutely positioned, work those
off right side references , look for left floats that now need to be
right etc

the arrow class ( default is sf-sub-indicator in the superfish.js file)
will take a bit of manipulation and a horizontal flip of images can be
done in GIMP, photoshop etc

kat wrote:

  Love this menu. This menu will be appearing in module on right hand
side of page. So I need the submenu to display on left, not right. So
how to make this a right to left menu? I've played around a bit and
have had no luck yet. I've used the navbar on another site and I'd
really like to use this vertical menu too. Please help!


[jQuery] Re: get param from URL

2009-05-04 Thread Charlie

window.location.search will return "p=item"
window.location.hash will return "id=1"

simple test in firebug:


gozigo_milis gozigo_milis wrote:
Dear all,
  Can u give me script with jquery how to get URL after #
  Example : index.php?p=item#id=1
  How can I get id=1?

[jQuery] Re: get param from URL

2009-05-04 Thread Charlie


this will take out the "#" sign, 

Charlie wrote:
will return "p=item"
window.location.hash will return "id=1"
simple test in firebug:
gozigo_milis gozigo_milis wrote:
  Dear all,

Can u give me script with jquery how to get URL after #
Example : index.php?p=item#id=1
How can I get id=1?



[jQuery] Re: “Superfish” Vertical

2009-05-09 Thread Charlie

add the superfish-vertical.css file to page along with the
superfish.css, and in tag ul class="sf-menu"  put class="sf-menu
sf-vertical". Done, menu now vertical

Englesos wrote:

  Hi All,

I have been trying to talk “Superfish” into working as a vertical menu
for phpWebsite (as discussed here) but whatever I do it insists on
staying horizontal.

I looked at the example at http://users.tpg.com.au/j_birch/plugins/superfish/#sample3
but I don't understand "add the class sf-vertical to the parent ul
along with the usual sf-menu class,"  I design but I don't code  :-)

Could you please clarify as the example code on the page - for me -
still produces a horizontal menu.

Many thanks



[jQuery] Re: Superfish - only hide one level - how to?

2009-05-09 Thread Charlie

Simplest solution would be don't use the third level UL's, add custom
classes to the 3a and 3b you are showing and use css to customize.
Won't be fighting script or having to change absolutely positioned subs
that way

webhank wrote:

  i am looking for a way to have superfish only hide the secondary
navigation but not other levels - for example

i have a horizontal nav bar with my primary navigation on it - i would
like for the secondary AND tertiary navigation to show when i
mouseover a main nav element.

is there any way to show the 3rd level nav inline?

level one a   |   level one b   |   level one c
level 2 a
level 2 b
 level 3a
 level 3 b
level 2 c
level 2 d


[jQuery] Re: Suckerfish menu not showing up

2009-05-12 Thread Charlie

not sure what you are seeing, appears to be working. One of the issues
with swapping out menus in Joomla is the menu class in existing
template.css. Some of it's rules supersede superfish.css . It makes
troubleshooting superfish css a little clumsy if left in.

cacaoananda wrote:

  http://www.jingmasters.com/joomla - that is my site

when i hover over the menu it seems to be blocked by the main content.

please look at the site to see what i mean.

thanks for your help.



[jQuery] Re: Browser differences in handling xml file structures?

2009-05-14 Thread Charlie

I'm using $ajax xml successfully for a google map project. The xml
being delivered seems to have unusual tag structure but $ajax still
parses it using following:

 type: 'GET',
 url: 'somefile.xml',
 dataType: 'xml',
 error: function() {
  // do something
 success: function(xml) {
   var id   = $(this).attr('id');   
   var street   = $(this).attr('street');  

   var city   = $(this).attr('city');
   var state   = $(this).attr('c');
   var latitude   = $(this).attr('lat');
   var longitude  = $(this).attr('long');
   ///do something
XML structure:
 street="155 W 47th St"

Hope this helps

Ian Piper wrote:

  Hi all,

This is my first posting to this group, so I hope you will treat me  

I am having a problem with a script that I am writing and I believe it  
is centered within a piece of jQuery code. I have some code like this  
(simplified slightly):

	$.get('news/testfeed.xml', function(data) {
	$('record', data).each(function() {
 var $link = $('a/a')
   .attr('href', $('link', this).text())
   .text($('name', this).text());
 var $headline = $('h4/h4').append($link);

 var $summary = $('div/div')
   .html($('description', this).text());


I am using this to read the title and description elements of an  
xml file which is the response from a RESTful request. I have put a  
simplified version of the xml file below (just one record, and removed  
the lom:classification stuff).

My problem, in a nutshell, is that the script works and displays data  
when I look at it in Safari or Firefox 2.0 (Mac). However, when I look  
at the same script running in Firefox 3 (Mac OS X or Windows) or IE7  
then nothing seems to be returned at all. I tried replacing the  
complex xml with a simple xml file like this:

 simple xml 
?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?
 Title 1
 descriptionDescription 1/description
 teaserTeaser 1/teaser
 simple xml 

and this displays fine in all browsers. So my question is, why do the  
browsers have different behaviour with respect to reading complex  
elements out of xml data, and how do I get the data I need out of the  
complex xml data reliably in other browsers?

Thanks for any advice you may be able to offer.


?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?
zs:searchRetrieveResponse xmlns="http://www.mystuff.co.uk"
 xmlns:zs="http://www.loc.gov/zing/srw/" xmlns:diag="http://www.loc.gov/zing/srw/diagnostic/ 
 xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.mystuff.co.uk schema/ 
 xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/" xmlns:dcterms="http://purl.org/dc/terms/ 
 srw_dc:dc xmlns:srw_dc="info:srw/schema/1/dc-schema"
 teaserIntroduction to the secondary Frameworks  
section, including links to
 background on the Frameworks as well as to  
the English, mathematics, science
 and ICT sections. /teaser
 dc:titleSecondary - Home Page/dc:title
 dc:descriptionIntroduction to the secondary  
Frameworks section, including
 links to background on the Frameworks as well  
as to the English,
 mathematics, science and ICT sections. / 



[jQuery] Re: Superfish - Multi-Column Dropdown

2009-05-16 Thread Charlie

you can put columns into the sub menus fairly easily with supersubs.js

okdok wrote:

  I would like to integrate a multi-column superfish into a Joomla!
1.5.10 production site. Has anyone been able to accomplish something


[jQuery] Re: problem with horizontal menu style

2009-05-16 Thread Charlie

fix your overflow: hidden in parent div

rui wrote:

  Sorry! Here it is:


On 15 maio, 18:21, Ethan Mateja ethan.mat...@gmail.com wrote:

On Fri, May 15, 2009 at 12:00 PM, rui mourato@gmail.com wrote:

  I've just installed this extension, but i'm having some problems.

  Need to implement a horizontal menu style in user4, or user 3
positions on rhuk_milkyway template.

  When the menu drops down, it's not visible.

  what can i do?

  Thanks and regards



Ethan Mateja



[jQuery] Re: problem with horizontal menu style

2009-05-17 Thread Charlie

It's in the css for the template. The parent container #search has
overlflow: hidden, so your menu isn't showing outside the size of the
search tag, works fine when turned off in firebug

rui wrote:

  Could you explain me how to do that? Is it inside superfish module? Or
do i have to edit a specific file?


On May 16, 5:13pm, Charlie charlie...@gmail.com wrote:
fix your overflow: hidden in parent div
rui wrote:Sorry! Here it is:www.freequizzes.info/codigoOn 15 maio, 18:21, Ethan Matejaethan.mat...@gmail.comwrote:Link? On Fri, May 15, 2009 at 12:00 PM, ruimourato@gmail.comwrote:I've just installed this extension, but i'm having some problems.Need to implement a horizontal menu style in user4, or user 3 positions on rhuk_milkyway template.When the menu drops down, it's not visible.what can i do?Thanks and regardsRui-- Respectfully, Ethan Mateja +++ Packetforwardwww.packetforward.com


[jQuery] Re: How to print json data, key and value

2009-05-19 Thread Charlie

 $.each(data,function(i) {
  name = "name - " + data[i].name;
  surname = "surname -" +data[i].surname;
  age  = "age -" + data[i].age;
  console.log(name) etc...
I'm not good at explaining the exact terms _javascript_ definitions for
"value and key" but they are _javascript_ identifiers? change it to what
their values are in the array, works great 

Massimiliano Marini wrote:

  Hi all,

from my PHP script with json_encode() I print this json output:


Is possible to print the key and the value of json object without using
code like this:

$.each(data, function(key, value){

but something like:

$.each(data, function(key, value){
  console.log(key . '-' . value);

and achieve output like this:

name - pippo
surname - pluto
age - 20


[jQuery] Re: Superfish - Multi-Column Dropdown

2009-05-19 Thread Charlie

assign a class to UL you want to shift example "left_offset"

onBeforeShow: function(){
  if ($(this).hasClass("left_offset")) {
  $(this).css("left", "-30px");

Ethan Mateja wrote:
I was able to acheive multiple columns by giving the ul a
width that is n times bigger than the li, where n is the number of
columns desired. -THANX Cy Morris! 
I now face an issue where items close to the right hand side of the
screen bleed off with multiple columns. I wonder how I can force the
last few elements in the UL to have the multi-columns open to the left?
Any tips?
  On Mon, May 18, 2009 at 7:18 AM, okdok ethan.mat...@gmail.com
Can anyone provide me an example of how I can modify supersubs.js to
create a multi-column dropdown?


On May 16, 12:46pm, Ethan Mateja ethan.mat...@gmail.com
 Thanks for the prompt reply!

 I took a peek at supersubs.js and my question is this:

 Is it just a matter of adding an extra div tag between ul's and
styling in a
 manner similar to the link below?


 I have been working with suckerfish menu's for a year or so and
have just
 gotten into the multicolumn feature. What I have yet to wrap my
head around
 is how to create the second column. Any examples are greatly

 On Sat, May 16, 2009 at 10:16 AM, Charlie charlie...@gmail.com
  you can put columns into the sub menus fairly easily with

  okdok wrote:

  I would like to integrate a multi-column superfish into a
  1.5.10 production site. Has anyone been able to accomplish


 Ethan Mateja


Ethan Mateja

[jQuery] Re: Superfish - Multi-Column Dropdown

2009-05-19 Thread Charlie

I read that wrong, what I proposed shifts the 1st level subs to the
left, to get second level subs to show on left side instead of right,
assign some class like "show_left" to second tier of subs

if ($(this ).hasClass("show_left")) {
  $(this).css("left", "-10em");// if using
supersubs, or variable width UL's have to test parent UL for width and
use that value instead of "-10em"

Ethan Mateja wrote:
I was able to acheive multiple columns by giving the ul a
width that is n times bigger than the li, where n is the number of
columns desired. -THANX Cy Morris! 
I now face an issue where items close to the right hand side of the
screen bleed off with multiple columns. I wonder how I can force the
last few elements in the UL to have the multi-columns open to the left?
Any tips?
  On Mon, May 18, 2009 at 7:18 AM, okdok ethan.mat...@gmail.com
Can anyone provide me an example of how I can modify supersubs.js to
create a multi-column dropdown?


On May 16, 12:46pm, Ethan Mateja ethan.mat...@gmail.com
 Thanks for the prompt reply!

 I took a peek at supersubs.js and my question is this:

 Is it just a matter of adding an extra div tag between ul's and
styling in a
 manner similar to the link below?


 I have been working with suckerfish menu's for a year or so and
have just
 gotten into the multicolumn feature. What I have yet to wrap my
head around
 is how to create the second column. Any examples are greatly

 On Sat, May 16, 2009 at 10:16 AM, Charlie charlie...@gmail.com
  you can put columns into the sub menus fairly easily with

  okdok wrote:

  I would like to integrate a multi-column superfish into a
  1.5.10 production site. Has anyone been able to accomplish


 Ethan Mateja


Ethan Mateja

[jQuery] Re: hoverIntent mouseover on page load

2009-05-19 Thread Charlie

grab the index of menu click, pass it in the URI , grab it on opening
page and pass it to the new page menu. Works great for opening jQuery
UI tabs and accordions however they have "selected" or "activate"
functions built in. Might be a little more difficult depending on how
menu script designed. 

pauln wrote:

  I'm using hoverIntent to trigger flyout submenus.  Works well, but I'd
like to trigger the submenu from the mouse position when a new page is
loaded.   So, for example,  your mouse hovers over a link in the main
menu, and the display of the corresponding submenu has been
triggered.  If you then click on the link you're hovering over, when
the new page is loaded the menu (and submenu) should ideally come up
in the same state.

Presently the page comes up uninitialized, and in fact you need to
pull the mouse out of the menu and then return it to the menu link in
order to trigger the submenu.

Any ideas?

Paul N.


[jQuery] Re: JQuery Slide Panel

2009-05-19 Thread Charlie

google maps function resizeMap(); 

donb wrote:

  A Google map will not render itself property if the dimensions of the
map container are not defined at the time the map initializes.  And a
'display:none' container will have zero height and width.

Perhaps you can load the map off the side of the screen where it can't
be seen, but where it can have the correct dimensions.  Then move it
to the desired screen location.

On May 19, 6:12pm, Jack Killpatrick j...@ihwy.com wrote:
I had a problem (not sliding panel specific) once where a google map
would not display if it's wrapper had display:none on it. Maybe try
visibility:hidden. I think in my case I had to load the map offscreen
(using absolute a div with negative positioning) and then using .append
to move it's contents into the place where I wanted it to actually
appear (definitely a kludge, but worked).

- Jack

phaedo5 wrote:

  I want to use a sliding panel at the top of my page. I can do that, but I
also want to include inside that panel an interactive Google Map. I can do
the code to get it there, but it doesn't work quite right. The map loads
but there are pieces of it that are flaky or not there. The map seems to
work, it just doesn't display properly. 

  Does anyone know how I can work around that?


[jQuery] Re: Superfish: Mega Menu Ability

2009-05-20 Thread Charlie

put a div inside sub li, put whatever you want in the div. If various
dropdowns have different widths add supersubs.js and adjust accordingly

Hetneo wrote:

  Hi Cy Morris,

Firstly, great extension, love it!!

Just wondering if it has the ability to be easily adapted into a mega
menu style?

For example:
http://www.ea.com/ or

Basically, I guess I am after the ability to have multiple menu items
in the one drop down, if that makes sense?

I was looking through the code, but before I try anything, is there an
easier way to adapt the menu?

Thanks for your work and help,


[jQuery] Re: superfish mouseover behaviour on page load

2009-05-20 Thread Charlie

have you tried using pathToclass? built in function in superfish allows
opening path you choose by adding class of your choice. Examples on
superfish home page

pauln wrote:

  I'll restate this previously posted issue with a little more

I'm using superfish with hoverIntent to trigger flyout submenus.
Works well, but I'd
like to trigger the submenu from the mouse position when a new page is
loaded.   So, for example,  your mouse hovers over a link in the main
menu, and the display of the corresponding submenu has been
triggered.  If you then click on the link you're hovering over, when
the new page is loaded the menu (and submenu) should ideally come up
in the same state.

Presently the page comes up uninitialized, and in fact you need to
pull the mouse out of the menu and then return it to the menu link in
order to trigger the submenu.

You can see the issue I'm talking about in the hoverIntent examples at
If you reload the page while your mouse is within the color boundaries
in the "jQuery's hover" example, the dropdown is reactivated when the
page is
loaded.  The "hoverIntent as hover replacement" examples require that
you move the mouse outside of the color patch and then return it
to trigger the dropdown after reload.

Paul N.


[jQuery] Re: Loading / Handling Large Data for Sorting and Pagination

2009-05-23 Thread Charlie

I'll bet there are 30 different answers for this based on how the data
is being delivered, processed. and how you are using "jQuery Library"-
plugins, methods, functions, event binding etc.

I just set up jQGrid with several thousand rows in database and am
amazed at how fast it works! There's far more likelihood you are doing
something wrong than jQuery being the cause of the problem

sandip_p_amd wrote:


We are using jQuery _javascript_ Library v1.3.1 for paging and sorting
purposes. This library is working fine when we are loading smaller
data sets (1000 records) on the page. However, when data set starts
getting large (3000 records), the initial page gives a script loading
error and the page does not load at all.

How can we solve this problem and still be able to use jQuery? Any
help would be highly appreciated. Thanks in advance for your time.



[jQuery] Re: Superfish: 3rd Level Links (Fly-outs) are not showing up in Internet Explorer

2009-05-25 Thread Charlie

you have a series of compounding problems here. 

Simplest to fix is getting rid of "left: -50%" hack by clearing out all
the non essential css from the container div "navigation". Getting rid
of "inline" in that div will also fix the hack for "weird CMSMS menu
template problem". 

Next make class for the menu call and class for the superfish call the
same. Your css is using class "nav" but superfish call is class
"superfish". I thought this would fix it , however it seems when you
stripped out some of the superfish.css file you took out too much.

If you take a superfish.css file, match the ul class, the call and
class in superfish.css the subs show in IE fine albeit with styling
form the default superfish.css. This implies that when you deleted some
of the superfish.css you took out something important ( likely a
position value or hover ).

Easiest fix would be consolidate the background and link styling from
the container div back into appropriate selectors in superfish.css and
use that file to get menu working. After it works can put it into your
main style sheet file if you want 

Susan wrote:

  I just discovered that Internet Explorer is not showing the 3rd level
of the menu.

http://tinyurl.com/cr2wmr (very much a work in progress)

I believe it's a js issue and not a css one.  I've removed all js/
jquery except the menu stuff and the problem still exists.  I'm not
sure what to do now.  I know it should work because the examples on
the superfish site do.

Also, I just pulled up my test page that I made before integrating the
CMS and they don't work there either.  Maybe there will be some clue
here because it's the only js/jquery involved.  http://tinyurl.com/r5bm7s

I will be very grateful for any help.  This is a client's site and
it's due this week.  Yikes!


[jQuery] Re: Superfish with multicolumn sub navigation

2009-05-26 Thread Charlie

simple recipe for multi column subs with superfish

put div into 2nd level li. Put whatever you want inside this
div, images, multiple divs, heading tags etc. Style divs any way you

use supersubs.js to adjust widths if not all sub menu's are same width

Hetneo wrote:

  Hi Mohammad,

You're exactly right. That's is the functionality of the superfish
extension for Joomla.

I found this tutorial very helpful:

In this case however, superfish ( http://users.tpg.com.au/j_birch/plugins/superfish/
) is far advanced than that tutorial and I am looking to extend the
functionality of the tutorial into superfish.

Say for example you have three levels of menu menu-level-1, menu-
level-2, menu-level-3.

When you hover over menu-level-1, I want superfish to display both
menu-level-2 and menu-level-3 levels for all menu items on levels two
and three.

I had hoped someone had achived this to save me some time :).

Any ideas?

Many thanks,

On May 26, 5:16pm, "Mohd.Tareq" tareq.m...@gmail.com wrote:
Hi Hetneo,
Its easy to get that kind of menu using _javascript_ / jquery code.
See they have written plugin based on ul  li.
Now here is a solution like Ischa I guess ;)
Step :
1 - Create Main menu div
2 - Create another menu below each menu div [menu1 - sub-menu1]
3 - Use 'hover' function of jquery or 'onmouseover / onmouseout' of
3 - Within 'hover' or 'onmouseover/onmouseout' function you need to hide /
unhide your divs
4 - Use any function like fadeIn,fadeOut,slideUp,slideUp to toggle your
you can do it via css like twitter people did.


On Tue, May 26, 2009 at 12:15 PM, Ischa Gast cont...@ischagast.nl wrote:

That's great news. Would be interested to see the final product.


Are there any hints you can give me or point me to a file I can be
focusing my attention to achive this?


  It's a custom made script where you can choose what child you want to
target, something superfish doesn't have but would be very welcome.

---| Regard |---



[jQuery] Re: Where to find a proper slide effect?

2009-05-26 Thread Charlie

look at demo on jQuery site, works exactly same as your sciptaculous


not sure why your's causing issues, used this many times myself with
same result

M.M. wrote:

  I've searched the archives, and lot of people asked this question, but
there were no answers, just links to UI docs or "that shouldn't be too
hard using some css and animation..."...

Anyway, I've made a demo of what I (we :) want: http://sklupc.com/slide/

The question: where to find or how to make jQuery slide effect (left)
to work like scriptaculous slide effect (right)

Notice that scriptaculous slide pushes the content below smoothly but
jQuery slide first moves it and then slide in. jQuery Blind, on the
other hand, pushes it smoothly but it's not the same effect.



[jQuery] Re: 2 links = 1 action

2009-05-26 Thread Charlie

$('.contenttitleh1a, .itema').click(function() { ...

heohni wrote:


currently I have this:

$('.contenttitleh1a').click(function() { ...

Is there a way to say

$('.contenttitleh1a'). or $('.itema'). click(function() { .?

It's just that I have 2 different links to click but behind the same



[jQuery] Re: Newbie needs to update existing JQuery code

2009-05-26 Thread Charlie

I'm working on a Google Map app using jQuery and Google maps code
together but I got very confused trying to follow your questions.

you can pass variables ( index, lat/long or whatever works easiest)
from small map to the URL that opens big map. invesitgate jQuery .attr()
to do this, work with that to modify href

in big map use the variables passed to create a new GLatLng to center
map, open infowindow or whatever

here are a couple of good resources that might also help :

 Google "jQuery Google Maps tutorial" 

and also a jQuery Google Maps plugin called jmaps

Martin wrote:


I'm developing a Google Map for a client and need some basic help...

This is my client's existing website and you'll see that it contains a
small Google Map embedded in an iframe:


Give the Stort Kort link a click and some JQuery runs and opens a pop-
up containing a larger map.

This is the code that executes when the Stort Kort link is clicked:

a href="" class="enlarge_icon" moz-txt-link-freetext" href="">http://maps.google.com/maps/ms?

style="cursor:pointer;"Stort kort/a

Now my map will replace both the small and large map on my client's
My map is still under development but here is a link to the current


That's the large map, call the same map with a 'smallmap' parameter
and you get a small version of the same map:


Each location plotted on either map has a unique index value, and
calling the large map with an index parameter opens the large map with
that location centered on and it's information window opened:


So on to my question.

How can my small map launch the large map in the pop-up window and
specify the index of a location to center on?

An even simpler question - how can the Stort Kort link simply open the
pop-up containing my large map?

I tried taking the source code from my client's existing page and
replacing the iframe src attributes with the URLs to my small and
large map.
The page loads and displays my small map but when i click Stort Kort
the page redirects from my domain (where the under-development map is
hosted) to my clients website:


I've looked through the source code but really cannot make much sense
of the JQuery stuff.

Can anyone explain what my client's existing web page is doing and how
i might change it to use my new map?
Once my map is complete it shall be hosted on my clients website btw
and not on my domain.

Thanks a lot for any pointers.



[jQuery] Re: Superfish with multicolumn sub navigation

2009-05-27 Thread Charlie

superfish doesn't add items, it only animates them *if* they exist

did you look at the working example i shared with you? Using superfish
it shows several methods to do what you need without using ul's in the
if you are stuck on using ul's inside the div then you would need to do
some custom scripting

Hetneo wrote:

  Further to that last post.

I have placed the contents of the Parent menu item into a div.
However, superfish is adding the list items within the div.

One way of solving my issue could be getting superfish to ignore
certain ul buried in parent items, but how do I do this?

This is the functionality I am looking for: http://hetneo.com.au/mega/
(hover over "Jewellery", you'll see child categories like Ring,
Necklaces, etc.. and then grandchildern of Diamonds, pearls, etc..).

It seems Super will display the child categories, but is there a way
of (like in the example) getting superfish to display the child and
the grandchild elements?


On May 27, 1:25pm, Hetneo charles.kingsley.no...@gmail.com wrote:
Hi Charlie,

I guess the next question is what happens if there are li items within
the div?

Superfishdoes not display the grand child menu items when hovering
over the parent.


   ul id="menu"
li id="5" class="item5"
  a href=""spanParent1/span/a
li id="2" class="mega"
 a href=""spanParent2/span/a
div id="test" class="test"
  li id="3" class="test"
a href=""spanChild1/
  li id="6" class="test"
a href=""spanGrandchild1/span/a

I mean, how do I display the child and grand child when a user hovers
over a top level parent menu item?

Thanks mate (and thank you for your patience :)),

On May 26, 8:20pm, Charlie charlie...@gmail.com wrote:

  simple recipe for multi column subs withsuperfish
put div into 2nd level li. Put whatever you want inside this div, images, multiple divs, heading tags etc. Style divs any way you need
use supersubs.js to adjust widths if not all sub menu's are same width
Hetneo wrote:Hi Mohammad, You're exactly right. That's is the functionality of thesuperfishextension for Joomla. I found this tutorial very helpful:http://www.sitepoint.com/blogs/2009/03/31/make-a-mega-drop-down-menu-...this case however,superfish(http://users.tpg.com.au/j_birch/plugins/superfish/) is far advanced than that tutorial and I am looking to extend the functionality of the tutorial intosuperfish. Say for example you have three levels of menu menu-level-1, menu- level-2, menu-level-3. When you hover over menu-level-1, I wantsuperfishto display both menu-level-2 and menu-level-3 levels for all menu items on levels two and three. I had hoped someone had achived this to save me some time :). Any ideas? Many thanks, Charles On May 26, 5:16pm, "Mohd.Ta
req"tareq.m...@gmail.comwrote:Hi Hetneo, Its easy to get that kind of menu using _javascript_ / jquery code. See they have written plugin based on ul  li. Now here is a solution like Ischa I guess ;) Step : 1 - Create Main menu div   menu1,menu2,menu3,etc 2 - Create another menu below each menu div [menu1 - sub-menu1] 3 - Use 'hover' function of jquery or 'onmouseover / onmouseout' of _javascript_ 3 - Within 'hover' or 'onmouseover/onmouseout' function you need to hide / unhide your divs 4 - Use any function like fadeIn,fadeOut,slideUp,slideUp to toggle your menu.   Or you can do it via css like twitter people did. cheers, On Tue, May 26, 2009 at 12:15 PM, Ischa Gastcont...@ischagast.nlwrote:That's great news. Would be interested to see the final product.Are there any hints you can give me or point me to a file I can be focusing my attention to achive this?It's a custom made script where you can choose what child you want to target, somethingsuperfishdoesn't have but would be very welcome.---| Regard |--- Mohammad.Tareque


[jQuery] Re: Loading google map js on a certain point of action

2009-05-27 Thread Charlie

$.getScript("url") might help

heohni wrote:


on my contact page, I have some hidden divs. One is for a google map.
This div is only shown when the user has clicked to open the div.

As I am working with smarty my template looks like this:

span id="gmap"
script src="" class="moz-txt-link-rfc2396E" href="http://maps.google.com/maps?file=api=2=ABQIp1kkS_NlSeBqN9yg50Bb9hTRRxoX5cqBbtB-sMaIPwRkCNveuxTK0oI3HaFAjNd9OtVNIVqQYPII7g">"http://maps.google.com/maps?
sMaIPwRkCNveuxTK0oI3HaFAjNd9OtVNIVqQYPII7g" type="text/_javascript_"/
div id="map_canvas" style="width: 518px; height: 400px;"/div

a class="plainPopup" href=""img src="" alt=""//

And - even the div is not shown, the google script is loading and
slows down the page.
Is there a way to load the script within my external jquery file,
where I handle the show/hide div action?


$('.plainPopup').click(function() {
 load the external google file .?

Any suggestions?

Thanks in advance!!


[jQuery] Re: Making a button in active

2009-05-27 Thread Charlie

another option is put an overlay over them

Fluffica wrote:

  I thought "oriHref" was a fancy part of jQuery there. Well, hopefull

Unfortunatly I've got a long list of dynamic links, and need to
disable them all when one is clicked. Putting the original href back
into each one doesn't seem possible (at least with my "designer trying
out this _javascript_ thing" smarts).

And I'm afraid I'm not sure what a timeout method is...

On May 27, 3:58pm, GaVrA ga...@crtaci.info wrote:
You can use timeout method, or maybe changing href attribute to

   var oriHref = $(this).attr('href');
   //.btn is now NOT clickable
   $(this).attr('href' : '');
   $("#somethingElse").doStuff("slow", function(){
   //.btn is now clickable
   $('.btn').attr('href' : 'oriHref');


On May 27, 3:05pm, Fluffica thomas.james.winstan...@googlemail.com

  Good Afternoon (or morning depending on where you are).

  I really hate posting probably quite simple questions to forums, but
this is really foxing me.

//.btn is now NOT clickable
$("#somethingElse").doStuff("slow", function(){
//.btn is now clickable

  I've got a long navigation, and pages slide in and out of view.
Troubles are, if the user impaitently clicks a load of links while the
page loading and sliding in is happening, it melts my (probably poorly
written) code.

  So, I'm trying to stop the user from clicking on any other buttons,
while the page loader is doing it's thing.


[jQuery] jQGrid Ajax search parameters- Top toolbar method

2009-05-28 Thread Charlie

using jQGRid version 3.4.4

I have jQGrid working great with several thousand records, bottom
toolbar search, add , delete etc are working fine in all columns. I
installed the top toolbar search bar using .filtergrid and it is
sending ajax only when I hit enter key, not autocomplete style as in
examples. The post isn't sending "searchField", "searchOper" or
"searchString" the way it does with navgrid search method

filtergrid is using the default options set in grid.custom.js as
well as {gridModel:true,gridToolbar:true} exactly the same as demo.

Anyone have any experience with this method?

[jQuery] Re: Print functionality

2009-05-29 Thread Charlie

I've never done this but if I was to try I'd try putting a dialog
outside of all main containers, clone whatever needs printing to the
dialog, set main containers print css to display:none

waseem sabjee wrote:
I'm not sure if thee is an automated command for this but
one method is to dynamically add the content to print into an IFrame
then print only that IFrame. Then once that is done - remove that
  On Fri, May 29, 2009 at 5:05 AM, Aaron
Johnson aaron.mw.john...@gmail.com

I would like to have a "print this page" link that when clicked, opens
up a new window with specific content and print css, in the same way
that gmail does it.

Can anyone point me in the direction of a tutorial or advice?

Thanks for your help...


[jQuery] Re: Re: Superfish

2009-05-31 Thread Charlie

menu css is not typically quick fix stuff, there are a lot of elements
at play, so getting a quick fix solution in a forum isn't easy.

The relative and Z-Index issues have nothing to do with your situation.
The process will involve a restructuring of your css backgrounds

Background of menu should be same as the background given to individual
elements, then when the individual elements don't completely fill the
width of the container it is not apparent from background, the only
difference will be the visual vertical borders. These can even be
removed on many menus based on personal preference

Change the hover image, not remove it the way you are doing. 

To do this you'll have to rework your background image topnav_bg.jpg
due to it's size (960px) and the wide color variations across it's
width. Easily done in any photo editor.

Hope this helps

shawna wrote:

  Hi Ethan
I checked and removed the previous div and the following div did
indeed have position:relative as well as z index applied..I have since
removed this and I still have the same problem..I just want the
navigation to force fit into this div containing the superfish menu..I
have defined it in the code..but it just won't fit all the way to the
end...I don't know enough about this code to be able to look at it and
know exactly what needs what...
can you please have a look at the source and the code?
the CSS is found here:http://soulandsportventures.com/_allother/_admin/
the file in question is here: http://soulandsportventures.com/_allother/_admin/_helpme/index
the blue behind indicates the space that I need to fill..to the right
edge of that container...
I am so desperate..can you please help me?
thank you

On May 16, 11:42am, Ethan Mateja ethan.mat...@gmail.com wrote:
Check your original page CSS carefully. I have assisted clients with the
same problem and found that improper use of the position:relative tag on
containing and following div tags can cause this to render incorrectly.

On Fri, May 15, 2009 at 3:45 PM, Donald Morgan donmorga...@gmail.comwrote:


  I can't get a second row of superfish menu to display correctly in IE. In
IE the top menu displays underneath the second menu, even after fiddling
with div z-indexes and .supefish.css. I also tried creating a seperate css
file for the second menu, but renaming the classes to say, .sf-gray, does
not work in IE again.

  Also, can I adjust the drop downs so the long side is to the left, for when
the menu div is set to the right:0px  so it doesn't add a horizontall
scrollbar to the browser?



Ethan Mateja



[jQuery] Re: help with accordion with IE (strange flickering)

2009-05-31 Thread Charlie

markup isn't correct for accordion, also page doesn't validate on w3c
validator. Fix the markup and should work fine

sadist wrote:


i am developing a site, which i intend to use accordion at my

everything works good with all browsers except for in IE 6 or even 7,
it is behaving a bit weird which I don't see that in the demo (http://

here's the example that i'd uploaded on my test server

using Internet Explorer, if you click at any of the accordion drawer,
you'll notice the strange behaviour that something is flickering, and
the word "FOOTER" will start jumping. this won't happen in all other
browsers that I'd tried (Firefox, Chrome, Safari, Opera).

does anyone had encountered this before? i hope someone can help me on

thank you so much.


[jQuery] Re: a jQuery solution for an MSIE problem?

2009-05-31 Thread Charlie

not much to go on here. Google "IE problem" and there are a little more
than a few issues show up

pretty hard to troubleshoot a bunch of empty div's, an unknown image
and a generic "problem", all packed into a 100px tall container . The
underlying concept though sounds like jQuery would help a
lotwhatever it is

planetv...@gmail.com wrote:

  Hi everyone, I have been struggling with a MSIE related problem and I
was wondering if using jQuery will help me find an asnwer. Basically,
the code words wonderfully in all other browsers except MSIE.

Basically, I want to render something like bars on a graph. Vertical
bars. The bars are CSS div blocks with specific lengths (with an icon
inside at the top). They are placed on top of horizontal rules like
rules of a book. These rules are also div, with a border style. Can
the browser issue be solved using jQuery or is there another solution
you guys can think of, I have been really having a hard time with

So here is the code:

	border-bottom: 1px solid #000;
	height: 34px;



	background: red;

	display: block;
	height: 136px;
	width: 32px;
	border: 1px solid blue;
	position: absolute;

	height: 100px;
	overflow: scroll;


 PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN"

html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" xml:lang="en" lang="en"

		link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="" type="text/
css" title="default" /


		div id="container"
			div class="row"
span class="bar" id="bar1"
		img src=""
span class="name"
			div class="row"
			div class="row"
			div class="row"
			div class="row"
			div class="row"
			div class="row"
			div class="row"
			div class="row"
			div class="row"
			div class="row"
			div class="row"




[jQuery] Re: Superfish Horizontal Nav-bar Question

2009-06-02 Thread Charlie

not a perfect solution but you won't see any subs for any of the time
cursor is over "Home"

$(".sf-menu li:eq(0)").hover(
 function () {
 function () {

gerbert wrote:

  Joel Birch are you around? Anybody else feel like giving it a crack?

On Jun 2, 2:20pm, waseem sabjee waseemsab...@gmail.com wrote:
yeah. browser computability does take a bit of time when you start from
usually either ie7 or ie6 is the problem for mefirefox, chrom and safari
i'm good with.

On Tue, Jun 2, 2009 at 10:09 PM, gerbert gerb...@gmail.com wrote:

  I was thinking I should probably just start from scratch, but opted
with superfish because I liked that it used hoverintent, that it
degraded nicely, and that it is compatible with all the browsers. I
didn't think I would be able to acomplish all that myself being a
beginner. I would love some lighter code, but don't want to lose any
of those features. Thank you for any help, I really appreciate it!

  On Jun 2, 12:52 pm, waseem sabjee waseemsab...@gmail.com wrote:
Would you like me to show you how to create your very own jquery plug in


usually when i get a request for a menu system at work. the design and
animation on it would be custom and I would make my own plug in with
parameters or extend one of my existing plugins :)


On Tue, Jun 2, 2009 at 9:43 PM, gerbert gerb...@gmail.com wrote:



  Thanks waseem,



  I'm not sure what superdrop is, but mine is a slightly modified
version of the superfish "nav-bar style" located here:






  I will try to implement your code. The hard part is going to be
putting it in the right place. These plugins are great, but have a lot
of existing _javascript_ that's confusing for a beginner like myself.






  On Jun 2, 12:23 pm, waseem sabjee waseemsab...@gmail.com wrote:
Isn't this a "Superdrop" style menu ?




ahh anyway in order to achieve that you would need to have a specific

for those that don't have drop downs.




then for the hove event




var theclass $(this).attr("class");




if(theclass != "nosub") {




} else {
On Tue, Jun 2, 2009 at 9:15 PM, gerbert gerb...@gmail.com wrote:





  On the Superfish Horizontal Nav-bar there is one issue I am having:
when a user hovers over a button that doesn't have a subnav, it
doesn't clear out the "current" subnav menu...I think it would be
better usability-wise to clear out the links so the subnav is empty
when a parent link has no sub-menu.
It's confusing (for example) when you rollover "Home" in a




  bar and the subnav for "Products/Services" is still showing.





  Here is an example of the behaviour I am talking about:










  Thanks for any help,
Justin- Hide quoted text -



- Show quoted text -


[jQuery] Re: JSON- PHP generated JS-file question

2009-06-03 Thread Charlie

you can search the json array with $.each

var nameWanted = "a";
var data="">

$.each(data.channel.items,function(i,item) {
 if (data.channel.items[i].naam == nameWanted) {
  prijsWanted= data.channel.items[i].prijs;


Kristof wrote:

  i like the idea of building in a treager. each time the user ads a new
product or changes a product i could rewrite the new file. Good idea
thanks! thanks for the URL"s too !

On Jun 2, 8:02pm, jsuggs jsu...@gmail.com wrote:
Look at some of the auto-complete plugins, they do a lot of what you
are asking for already including caching of results so that you don't
have to do as many lookups or requests.


And yes, having a process run daily to generate the values can be a
good idea if you don't need up-to-date values. One other method is to
have a "trigger" run every time that a new value is added. That way,
when the first item is added the file will be created with just the
single item. You wouldn't have to hit the database again until
another item was added and the file overwritten. Both methods are
pretty common practice, but don't overestimate the cost of doing a
live database lookup, if you have an index on the column that you are
searching through then its impact should be fairly minimal (thus
eliminating the need for a more complex solution).

On Jun 2, 4:03am, Kristof kristofstrooba...@gmail.com wrote:

  Hello, i have just joined this group. First Google group i join !
I'm not native English speaking so sorry if i make some grammar

  Anyway, the past 2 weeks i've been looking into JSON/AJAX functions of
Now the reason for me doing that is that I want to make the following:

  I want to have an input field that ask you for a code, let's say
"abc", my script should then automatically search for the price in the
database, so with an onblur i suppose.

  Now i googled/read etc etc, and i came up with a script that worked.
It ran a PHP script, generated an array according to the SJON standard
that i found on the official website.

  BUT after re-thinking what I was doing i thought to myself "what if I
have a database with 10 000 products. I would load a query each time
to search trough these 10 000 products/items. So I figured there must
be a better way. So i came up with the following idea:

  lets run the PHP scripts one's a day and generate a .JS file
containing ALL the products in some sort of array readable for
$.getJson(). And this is where I get stuck:
how can I read trough the JS file and only select the price of the
item of witch I typed in the code "abc" ?

  so if I have products.JS generated by PHP-script containing :

  how could I select the "prijs" of product "a" from that JS-file ? Is
it at all possible and if so how ?

  Help would be greatly appreciated !


[jQuery] Re: Cycle flashes all images on pageload

2009-06-03 Thread Charlie

overflow: hidden should help. Also you are loading 2 instances of
jQuery file which can cause issues

instamattic wrote:

  Is there a way to prevent the brief display of all the photos in the
cycle when the page loads? Problem affects IE7 and maybe others.



[jQuery] Re: Selector help

2009-06-04 Thread Charlie

invalid code 

div dl class="entry" 

Dave Maharaj :: WidePixels.com wrote:

  I am cleaning up some html code and
originally i had
 div class="loading" id="loading_profile"/div
 div id="profile"
 dl class="entry" 
 dtProfile Settings/dt
 dd class="skills"
 ?php foreach ($user['Preferences'] as $preference): 
 echo $preference['name'] . ', ';
 endforeach; ?
  but the DIV inside the LI was too much so I
went with adding the id="profile to LI but script is no longer
  li id="profile"
 div class="loading" id="loading_profile"/div
 div dl class="entry" 
 dtProfile Settings/dt
 dd class="skills"
 ?php foreach ($user['Preferences'] as $preference): 
 echo $preference['name'] . ', ';
 endforeach; ?
var url_id = $(this).attr('href');
var x = $(this).attr('id').split('_');
var y = x[0];
var z = x[1];
$("#loading_"+z).show("fast", function() {
$("#"+z).slideUp( 1000, function(){
$(".edit_"+z).hide(0.1, function() {
$("#"+z).load( url_id , function(){
$("#"+z).slideDown( 1000, function() {
$("#"+z).fadeTo("fast", 1, function() {
return false;
  Do i eed to edit the selecot as li#?

[jQuery] Re: A beginerhaving problems with jquery

2009-06-06 Thread Charlie

you already have what you need

whenever you see a reference to jquery.js ( in tutorials,plugin docs
etc) you can substitute jQuery.1.3.2.js. or any other version The
numbers after jQuery are version numbers, but this is the jquery.js you
are needing. You can do one of following: save the jquery.1.3.2.js as
jquery.js, or probably the better method ( easier to keep track of what
version you have) is use it as is.

you could name this file anything you want, the file name is totally
irrelevant to it's use as long as the path to the file is valid

BrownPrince wrote:

  Thanks for the tip. Please could you send me any jquery.js file and
any other helpful jquery libraries. My Email is t.una...@yahoo.co.uk.
Thanks in anticipation of your help.

On Jun 5, 6:33pm, waseem sabjee waseemsab...@gmail.com wrote:
that is the correct file name

say if the jquery.1.2.3.js sits on your desktop
and the index.html sits on your desktop

in your head code you will say

script src=""/script

On Fri, Jun 5, 2009 at 7:30 PM, BrownPrince tochiuna...@yahoo.co.uk wrote:

  I downloaded the libraries but i couldnt see the jquet.js file. All i
see is jquery.1.2.3.js

  On Jun 4, 4:06 pm, MorningZ morni...@gmail.com wrote:
And to add to that, the actual name of the "js" file makes absolutely
no difference (i think that was the question actually asked by the
original poster)


On Jun 4, 11:04 am, waseem sabjee waseemsab...@gmail.com wrote:



  have you downloaded th Jquery _javascript_ library fromhttp://



  have you added the script refference you your page ?



script src=""/script



  not : src is the file path or url path of which folder the script is


  in and its' file name



  On Thu, Jun 4, 2009 at 1:46 PM, BrownPrince tochiuna...@yahoo.co.uk



I just started using jquery recently. I do understand the codes and
how they work but i cant understand how to reference external jquery
file in the head section. If you download jquery libraries you see
e.g: jquery.1.2.3.js, but in the tutorials they expect you to refeer
to a certain jquery.js file. Please could someone help me solve this
problem? You could also mail me with t.una...@yahoo.co.uk- Hide


  quoted text -

- Show quoted text -- Hide quoted text -


- Show quoted text -


[jQuery] Re: Moving a div container from within to before a p container

2009-06-06 Thread Charlie

One reason I follow this board is to learn how to do things I haven't
encountered. I had no idea off top of my head how to do what you want
but in quest to learn jQuery many of the problems on this board are
great for training one's self. Thanks to team jQuery for such a good
library and for excellent API docs and examples

solution is very straight forward and easy to test with the markup of
p some text img //p
//test example
$("img").each(function() {
  if ($(this).parent().is("p")){ 
 alert("My Parent is a P");

in your case you should be able to put following right after your
.each(function (i) {: 

if ($(this).parent().is("p")){ 
///rest of your function
var a = $(this).attr('alt');

Bruce MacKay wrote:
The following function takes an image tag (or table) that appears
a p tag container in the form 
   p img text  /p
  and wraps the image (and caption if a title is present) into a
for floating left, right, or centering.
My problem is that I don't know how to shift the processed image from
within the p container to immediately before it (so that the created
is not within a p container)
I'd appreciate help in this next step.
  function fnDoImages() {
var a =
var q =
var p =
var t =

var w =
if (a.length=0)


$(this).wrap("div class='buggybox clearfix'
if (q=='tbl'
 t.length0) {

$(this).before("p class='imgcaption'
} else if

//$(this).after("p class='imgcaption'


[jQuery] Re: Moving a div container from within to before a p container

2009-06-06 Thread Charlie

i did realize after reading your post my bad for not paying closer
attention to the OP, wrapping it all first then moving out of p makes

mkmanning wrote:

  This still won't move the optional caption text (see my post above).

On Jun 6, 4:21pm, Charlie charlie...@gmail.com wrote:
One reason I follow this board is to learn how to do things I haven't encountered. I had no idea off top of my head how to do what you want but in quest to learn jQuery many of the problems on this board are great for training one's self. Thanks to team jQuery for such a good library and for excellent API docs and examples
solution is very straight forward and easy to test with the markup of p some text img //p
//test example
$("img").each(function() {
  if ($(this).parent().is("p")){
 alert("My Parent is a P");
in your case you should be able to put following right after your .each(function (i) {:
if ($(this).parent().is("p")){
///rest of your function
var a = $(this).attr('alt');
Bruce MacKay wrote:Hi folks,
The following function takes an image tag (or table) that appears within a p tag container in the form p img text  /pand wraps the image (and caption if a title is present) into a div for floating left, right, or centering.
My problem is that I don't know how to shift the processed image from within the p container to immediately before it (so that the created div is not within a p container)
I'd appreciate help in this next step.
Brucefunction fnDoImages() {
 $('img.imgposl,img.imgposr,img.imgposc,img.tblposl,img.tblposr,img.tblposc').each(function(i) {
 var a = $(this).attr('alt');
 var q = $(this).attr('class').substr(0,3);
 var p = $(this).attr('class').substr(6);
 var t = $(this).attr('title'); 
 var w = $(this).attr('width');
 if (a.length=0) {
  $(this).wrap("div class='buggybox clearfix' id='g"+i+"'/div");
 if (q=='tbl'  t.length0) {
  $(this).before("p class='imgcaption' style='width:"+w+"px;'"+t+"/p");
 } else if (t.length0){
  //$(this).after("p class='imgcaption' style='width:"+w+"px;'"+t+"/p");


[jQuery] Re: Make Learning Jquery Accordian Work With Unordered List

2009-06-08 Thread Charlie

the reason it doesn't work is ul.links isn't a sibling of the li that
click occurs on, it is nested inside that li and therefore is a child.
In the Learning jQuery example, the div's that are being opened and
closed are siblings of the h3 that is being clicked

.next() will look for a sibling, not a child. 

you can make it work by changing the 2 var's to look for ul.links as

  var $nexto = $(this).find(".links");
  var $visibleSiblings =
working example http://jsbin.com/efazo/

followerofjesus wrote:

  Hello, I was wondering how to make http://www.learningjquery.com/2007/03/accordion-madness
by Karl, work with an unordered lis instead of divs. I tried the below
but did not work. I think what I have done here ('.links:visible');
looks plain wrong (I can't put a class or an Id in there right??)

$(document).ready(function() {


$('.category').click(function() {

var $nexto = $(this).next();

var $visibleSiblings = $nexto.siblings('.links:visible');

if ($visibleSiblings.length ) { $visibleSiblings.slideUp('fast',
function() {$nexto.slideToggle('fast'); });
} else {


li class="category"Web Packages and Services
ul class="links"
lia href=""How do you do/a/li
lia href=""How are you going/a/li
lia href=""Have a good day/a/li
lia href=""Testing testing/a/li
lia href=""Good day to you/a/li
li class="category"Web Packages and Services
ul class="links"
lia href=""How do you do/a/li
lia href=""How are you going/a/li
lia href=""Have a good day/a/li
lia href=""Testing testing/a/li
lia href=""Good day to you/a/li


[jQuery] Re: tabs are not created

2009-06-08 Thread Charlie

not much to work from here but sure sounds like script isn't activating

did you include jQuery.js and jQueryUI.js files? are paths to these
files correct? is order correct?
did you intitiate $("#tabs).tabs(); ? 
is syntax correct?

more code or link would help, markup alone doesn't tell a lot

dhaval wrote:

  I am trying to have basic tabs with jquery but all the contents gets
displayed at same time, any clues

div id="tabs"
{% for poolname in poolnamelist %}
lia href=""span{{ poolname|escape }}
{% endfor %}
{% for poolsequence in sequences %}
div id="mypool{{ forloop.counter }}"
{% for sequence in poolsequence %}
form action="" method="post"
trtd{{ sequence.seqdate }}/td
tdinput type="submit" value="ChangeDriver"//td
{% endfor %}
{% endfor %}


[jQuery] Re: Cycle plugin help

2009-06-10 Thread Charlie

have you looked at the "even more advanced demos" on cycle site? If
ever there was a plugin with a large variety of examples Cycle is it!
You could at least find some examples that come close to what you want
and be more specific about what it is you are trying to do by
referencing them. Look at source code of examples also for the " how

ivanisevic82 wrote:

  Hi! I found this wonderfull plugin, http://www.malsup.com/jquery/cycle/int2.html
I want to built something like "pager", in the link.
I built it, but now I'd like to change something: i don't want a
progressive numeration, but Id' like to define a different text or
image customized, and not the "1" "2" "3"..ecc..of the example.

How is possible to do this?

Thank you!


[jQuery] Re: Superfish: 3rd submenu

2009-06-10 Thread Charlie

this response refers to a specific use in a CMS, in this case Joomla.
Admin of a menu in a CMS has nothing to do with extensibility of the
markup or script functionality.

you can extend the markup virtually indefinitely without any css or
script mods by continuous nesting of UL's. Of course there are limits
on viewport and reasonable user experience that would come in to play
after a while

Rafael Vargas wrote:
Hello Jeremy,
I don't know the limit, but the levels are created on the "menu item
manager". I just created a chain of menu and submenu items just by
assigning the "parent item". This is done in Joomla :
- Under Menu, select your menu. "Top menu" for example. The "menu item
manager" opens.
- There should be at least two items; lets imagine there is a "home",
an "intro" and a "board" item. Click on the "intro" item and the "menu
item edit" opens.
- On the "menu item details" section, go to the box that says "parent
item" and select "home". Save, and this will return you to "menu item
You should see that "intro" is now an item under "home". If you repeat
the process for "board" and assign "intro" as the parent, then the
"menu item manager" will show "board" under "intro", under "home". This
is now the "Top menu".
Now go to "module manager" and click on the "Superfish menu". On
"Module parameters"-"Menu name", select the ID that identifies the
top menu (in my case is the word "topmenu"). Apply or save, then
Best regards.
  On Wed, Jun 10, 2009 at 2:55 PM, Jeremy jeremywil...@gmail.com
I see a few post about this, but how does one extend Superfish to
accept a third level? In my experience it cuts is limited to two

[jQuery] Re: Accordion List Issue

2009-06-11 Thread Charlie

navigation : true 

In accordion will match link within accordion content to page url and
open that section when page loads

Skunkmilk wrote:

  Hi All,
Very new to Jquery and was hoping i can get some help.

I have an accordian list much like the example here :

Say for instance i have page links under the heading 'Section 2' of
that demo above.
How can i make it so that when you visit a page from these links
'Section 2' is visible and 'section 1' and 'section 3' are closed?

At the moment i have :

   active: false,
   collapsible: true

!-- start accordian menu --
div id="accordion"
   h3a href=""Section 1/a/h3
   liLink 1/li
   liLink 2/li
   liLink 3/li
   h3a href=""Section 2/a/h3
   liLink 1/li
   liLink 2/li
   liLink 3/li
 h3a href=""Section 3/a/h3
   liLink 1/li
   liLink 2/li
   liLink 3/li
!-- end accordian menu --

Can someone advise what i need to add to make 'Section 2" visible
only ?

Thanks in advance


[jQuery] Re: How to test/filter for all divs being hidden ?

2009-06-11 Thread Charlie

this is confusing, all the #content div's are already hidden by css (
display:none) and you say it's already working . Not very clear what
you are trying to accomplish

$("#content div").hide(); // this will hide every div within #content

using part of your click function below a "filter" like you are asking
about could be 

$("#content div:visible").hide();

is that all you are trying to do is hide them?

Suz T. wrote:

Hello I am posting for the first time.. and am resending my message
because it didn't appear to post to the group.
As mentioned below, just starting out with jquery/_javascript_ and need
some help with the script below to have it start with none of the
#content div showing.
I expect this is pretty basic, so thanks in advance for any quick help
you can provide.
SuzT wrote:
  Hello I am a
beginner to jquery/_javascript_ and I am trying to use a

script I saw online to replace the content of a div. However I would

like to have the script start with none of the target content showing.

So far it starts correctly however I am not sure how to test/filter

for ALL the divs in #content being hidden which would be the begging

state of the page.

Here is a link to what it is doing now.


Here is the code

script type="text/_javascript_"



 opacity: 0.3



 opacity: 0.3



 opacity: 0.3


 $("#page-wrap div.button").click(function(){

 $clicked = $(this);

 // if the button is not already "transformed" AND is
not animated

 if ($clicked.css("opacity") != "1" 

(animated)")) {


 opacity: 1,

 borderWidth: 5

 }, 600 );

 // each button div MUST have a "xx-button" and the
target div

must have an id "xx"

 var idToLoad = $clicked.attr("id").split('-');

 if ($("#content  div").is(":hidden")) {



 else {

 //we search trough the content for the visible div
and we fade it



 //once the fade out is completed, we start to
fade in the right





 //we reset the other buttons to default style


 opacity: 0.5,

 borderWidth: 1

 }, 600 );




Thank you for you assitance in advance.


[jQuery] Re: jQuery UI dialog not behaving

2009-06-11 Thread Charlie

try taking the dialog constructor out of the click functions maybe load
is firing before the dialog call is complete
this seems to be the norm, not trying to build it inside a click

also first link doesn't validate on w3 validator, always worth
checking validation when DOM weirdness occurs

fredriley wrote:

  Sorry to post again, but again jQuery has me defeated completely
despite using simple code. This time I'm trying to use the excellent
UI library, and in particular dialogue windows. All I want to do is
open an external file in a dialogue, to save using standard popup
windows. I've got a test up at http://www.nottingham.ac.uk/~ntzfr/test/ajax/jquery/jqueryui_dialogue_test1.html
and there are quite a few things wrong:

1. Sometimes the Ok button just doesn't close the window.
2. I can't get the maxHeight and maxWidth options to kick in.
3. I can't get any resizability or draggability.
4. On external links I can't stop the link working despite the
standard "return false" in the click function.
5. Firefox and Safari behave differently.

I've downloaded a custom UI 1.7.1 library, with all widgets but no
interactions or effects, so I suspect that 2 and 3 are down to not
having interactions - would this be right? The other problems have me
stumped after 3 hours of testing.

A weird thing is that the dialogues behave sort of ok in another test
form, for instance:


Click on "View all keywords in the database". Yet I'm using exactly
the same code in both docs, calling exactly the same core and UI

My head hurts, and it's 9pm on a Friday evening. Maybe it'll be
clearer on Monday, but in the meantime if anyone's got suggestions as

a) why is code working on one doc and not the other
b) what's the best way of opening up another doc in a dialogue


Oh, and does anyone know how I can subscribe to a thread on this board
to get notifications of new posts?




[jQuery] Re: Accordion List Issue

2009-06-11 Thread Charlie


terry irwin wrote:
Thanks Charlie, 
Do you mean using it like this ?
   active: false,
   collapsible: true,
 navigation : true 
  On Thu, Jun 11, 2009 at 11:19 PM, Charlie charlie...@gmail.com
navigation : true 

In accordion will match link within accordion content to page url and
open that section when page loads

Skunkmilk wrote:

  Hi All,
Very new to Jquery and was hoping i can get some help.

I have an accordian list much like the example here :

Say for instance i have page links under the heading 'Section 2' of
that demo above.
How can i make it so that when you visit a page from these links
'Section 2' is visible and 'section 1' and 'section 3' are closed?

At the moment i have :

   active: false,
   collapsible: true

!-- start accordian menu --
div id="accordion"
   h3a href=""Section 1/a/h3
   liLink 1/li
   liLink 2/li
   liLink 3/li
   h3a href=""Section 2/a/h3
   liLink 1/li
   liLink 2/li
   liLink 3/li
 h3a href=""Section 3/a/h3
   liLink 1/li
   liLink 2/li
   liLink 3/li
!-- end accordian menu --

Can someone advise what i need to add to make 'Section 2" visible
only ?

Thanks in advance



[jQuery] Re: using find method on a documentFragment attached node

2009-06-11 Thread Charlie

var d=$('div.pointer').length;


amit wrote:


I am writing an application that converts an ajax xml response into
html using client side xslt transformation. The transformation is
achieved using following snippet, which works fine -

		if (window.XSLTProcessor){
			var xsltProcessor = new XSLTProcessor();
			var outputXHTML = xsltProcessor.transformToFragment(Xmer.makeXml
(xml), document);
		else if(window.ActiveXObject){	//Internet Explorer
			var d=Xmer.makeXml(xml);
			var outputXHTML = (d).transformNode(Xmer.xsldoc);

But problem is encountered in FF when i try to process the inserted
tags using jquery's find method. I am trying to fetch all the divs
with a specific class name that were inserted by the above code using
following -
	var d=$document.find('div.pointer');
   alert (d.length);

but the above alert always returns "0" length.  The same code works
fine in IE. I am using jquery 1.3.2.

I apologize if something along these lines has been discussed earlier
and would appreciate if someone guides me in this.



[jQuery] Re: select top level of nested structure

2009-06-11 Thread Charlie

one little addition to markup add an id ="list" to ul due to $sortable requirements

   $("#section_list li:not('li ul li')").each( function(i) {
   position= i+1


  $("button").click(function() {
  var result = $('#list').sortable('toArray');// this returns id's in order they appear after sort, parse out the foo_
i don't understand the MPTT stuff, or implications but hope this helps

brian wrote:

  Given the following structure:

div id="section_list"
	ul id="list"

How should I select just the top-level list items? I thought
'#section_list  ul  li' should do it but it doesn't appear to be so.
At least, the code I've got is giving me strange results. I'd like to
confirm whether my selector is good or not.

What I'm trying to do is get the position of a list item (only looking
at the top level). I'm using sortable and need to be able to get the
start and end positions of the item so i can update the database. What
I've come up with so far is to call this function from sortable's
start callback. It seems like an ugly way to go about this but I'm a
bit stumped as to a better way.

function getStartPosition(id)
	var position = 0;
	$('#section_list  ul  li').each(function(indx, el)
		if ($(el).attr('id') == id) { position = indx + 1; }
	return position;

Not only does it look hacky, but it's giving me obviously bad results.

To complicate things further, I'm using MPTT for my tree data, so
sortable's serialize isn't much help, unfortunately. I originally
thought I might figure out the parent_id, lft, and rght values upon
sort but that would entail storing all that data somewhere in the DOM.
I then realized that, if I can just get the number of positions moved,
I could update the DB with that information.

All this to say that, if someone else has tackled this, I'd really
appreciate some pointers.


[jQuery] Re: create a floating Superfish menu

2009-06-12 Thread Charlie

give ul.sf-menu an absolute position with css and apply the floating
script to ul.sf-menu instead of the div container in example
everything else in menu css and script remains the same

I believe dimensions.js is deprecated in current jquery.js and is now
built into core

Yuri Timofeev wrote:


I am newbie in jQuery.
I use Superfish menu basic style in my small FOSS project.

Question: How can I make a horizontal Superfish menu, floating, like


[jQuery] Re: remove one element in an array

2009-06-12 Thread Charlie

changing to class will do what you need

here's an example using live() instead of livequery since it is built
into jquery now and works for click function you are using

I just changed to a UL instead of images

fabrice.regnier wrote:

  hi ;)

An id must be unique on a page. In your code, every created image as the
same id maybe the problem is here but i'm not sure.

  Yes, i guess, this is the problem.

I think the first step is to replace id with a class and see if it works.

  Can you give some exemple ?

The probleme is: i want to remove, let's say, the 4th image, by
clicking on it. I don't see where class can help me. I surely must use
some kind of array but in which way ?



You can use the live event gestion if you use jquery  1.3 (http://docs.jquery.com/Events/live)

2009/6/12 fabrice.regnier fabrice.regn...@gmail.com

  Hi all,

  When i click once on a button, i create one picture on the fly. And so
on. It works ok.

  Then, using livequery, when i click on one of the all created
pictures, i would like to see it removed. But it appears that only the
first pic is removed (since all have the same name).

  What is my mistake ?




  $("#IdButton").click( function() {
var pic="pimg id=\"IdPicture\" name=\"IdPicture[]\" src=""

  $("#IdPicture").livequery('click', function(event) {


  input type="submit" id="IdButton" class="button"


[jQuery] Re: Jquery Widgets !!

2009-06-12 Thread Charlie

look on jquery UI main page, there's a developers guide for widgets and

Amit wrote:
Hi Group, 
I just wanted to
knew if we can create widgets using jquery , if yes, how??

  Amit Kr. Sharma
  Mobile: 09780141161

[jQuery] Re: Superfish menu issue - flyouts expand beyond window boundaries

2009-06-12 Thread Charlie

simplest solution is to add an extra class to the culprit sub ul's
either by hard coding it in markup or using jquery . From there it
depends on the situation you have, number of sub levels and which
levels are being troublesome. If it's just a matter of sliding first
level left a bit, use negative left in your css. Can also have subs you
select by class open to left side instead of right with css adjustments
of float and position. 

fongd wrote:


I'm using Superfish to generate a horizontal menu for a project and
the problem I'm having is that the flyout menus close to the right-
hand side of the page run off the right-edge of the browser window
instead of wrapping around like other menu systems I've used (this
project was started before I got involved, hence my unfamiliarity with
Superfish). Is there a way to fix this to get the desired behaviour? I
notice that the examples on the Superfish website suffer from the same



Derek Fong
Web Application Developer
subtitle designs inc. http://www.subtitled.com/

"Mistakes are the portals of discovery." --James Joyce
GPG key/fingerprint available upon request 


[jQuery] Re: DivMenu

2009-06-13 Thread Charlie

get better response with a link to see the problem, jsbin works great
, has built in script libraries including jquery

Glazz wrote:

  nobody can help me out?


[jQuery] DivMenu

2009-06-13 Thread Charlie

there are several reasons this isn't working , the main reason  is 
everything you click on is in the body,including the div you want to 
stay open.  Events bubble up from children to parent. Even though you 
think you are only clicking on your div, you are also clicking body. Try 
this in firebug on any page that has jquery loaded


you can see the bubbling up of all tag's parents all the way to html tag 
as alerts will keep going off for each parent

you will need a filter on your body click to stop your div closing

something like:

 if ($(event.target).is(.menu-cnts *)) {
 ///do nothing
 else{ $('#' + divDados).hide();}

that will stop your div closing, as for the rest of your method there 
are other issues there too:

 $(element).click(function(){ //why use an a tag?
  $('#' + divDados).hide();/// why hide the div you want to open?
  $(this).next().show(); // you created methods to identify your div by 
ID, but this is opening it ...your div is the next inline element to the 

  return false;

I think you are trying to use this to open another div from another link 
but it sure seems you will have a much easier time using other methods 
than working with ID's

you could add/remove classes  such as class=hidden and css   .hidden{ 

or  something like:

find(yourDivClass:visible).hide();// if you only intend to have one 
open at a time this would be easier than ID's

you might consider scrapping out all the css parameters, work outside 
the plugin with real classes and ID's in your functions to get them 
working first then put them into the plugin after you know your methods work


First click Euro (€), then a div shows up, the first problem is that
if you click on the div, the div closes itself, and the other problem
is, if you have 2 links to open divs they don't close itself, i need
to click on the document page to close them

Here is the JS:
jQuery.fn.DivMenu = function(opcoes){
 * Valores de defeito.
var variaveis = {
'display' : 'none',
'position': 'absolute',
'background'  : '#fff',
'border'  : '1px solid #cecece',
'font-family' : 'Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif',
'font-size'   : '11px; padding: 5px; z-index: 99'
var opcoes = $.extend({}, variaveis, opcoes);
/**   end   **/

return this.each(function(){
 * Declarar variaveis.
var element = this;
var offset = $(element).offset();
var left = offset.left;
var top = offset.top;
var currentId = $(this).attr('id');
var divDados = currentId + '-dados';
/**   end   **/

$(element).click(function(){ $('#' + divDados).hide(); 
().show(); return false; });
$(document.body).click(function(){ $('#' + divDados).hide(); });
/**   end   **/

$('#' + divDados).css({
'left': left + 'px',
'top' : top + 15 + 'px',
'display' : opcoes['display'],
'position': opcoes['position'],
'background'  : opcoes['background'],
'border'  : opcoes['border'],
'font-family' : opcoes['font-family'],
'font-size'   : opcoes['font_size']
/**   end   **/
/**   end   **/

On 13 Jun, 14:42, Charlie charlie...@gmail.com wrote:

get better response with a  link to see the problem, jsbin works great , has 
built in script libraries including jquery
Glazz wrote:nobody can help me out?

[jQuery] Re: When using append() , appended content is not treated by jquery

2009-06-14 Thread Charlie

problem is events won't trigger on new element introduced to DOM after
document ready has fired unless you use live() or livequery(),

these allow to bind to elements before they enter DOM

read up on it, will be an easy fix

Eric-Sebastien Lachance wrote:

  Sorry if the subject is somewhat hard to understand, but if I had the
proper terminology, I probably would have found an answer through

So here's the problem. Within my HTML I have the following div:

		div id="InvoiceList"
		 p class="trigger"a href=""Test Entry/a/p
		 div class="details"Test Details/div

And in the script, the following jquery function:

This works fine, the div is hidden initially and I click to show it.
Now, the problem is that if I append() a new p and div to the
InvoiceList, the div is visible and clicking the link does nothing.
Here is how I append:

$("#InvoiceList").append("p class=\"trigger\"a href=""
Invoice/a/pdiv class=\"details\"Invoice Name: " + varInvoiceName
+ " Supplier: " + varSupplierID + "brComments: " + varComments + "/

Since the append code is before the trigger functions, I would expect
jquery to see the appended content of the div and apply the .hide()
and .click() functions properly... But it doesn't!

This seems to be a general problem with append(), as I've seen the
same problem with accordion() (to which the answer was to reinitialize
it, but I don't see how this would be possible with a simple div).

What's missing that will make this work, and why is it not documented
anywhere that I can see (it's not in the jquery append()
documentation, in any case).

Thanks in advance,


[jQuery] Re: Enable Submit button

2009-06-15 Thread Charlie

this does not mean click both at same time, it is standard method of
applying function to more than one selector and applies to *any*
selector individually

look at examples


bharani kumar wrote:
Assume if we give condition like this ,$("#yesBut,
Then it assumes like when ever two elements are clicked at same time
know ,
So i this one is Error on ,
Even i tried but am not get anything ,
You tried this snippet 
  On Mon, Jun 15, 2009 at 12:50 PM, Steven
Yang kenshin...@gmail.com

  maybe try something like this

$("#yesBut, #condBut").click(function(){
$("condBut").is(":checked")) {
else {
$("#SubmitCard").attr("disabled", "disabled");

i am not too sure of my syntax and stuff, but hopefully you
get the idea

and hopefully someone come up with a better solution than mine


[jQuery] Re: Removing Inner Tags

2009-06-15 Thread Charlie

assuming you're keeping the a tag there are quite a few ways to
do this, here's a few:

$("div h1 a").appendTo("div");
$("div p, div h1").remove();

var link=$("div h1 a");
$("div").html(link);// nothing left in div except a tag with
this example, would wipe out anything else in div too

$("div h1 a").insertBefore("p").parents("div").find("p").remove();

be careful , very generic selectors used in example and some will
remove every p in every div! only used as example, you'll need to be
more specific with selector ID's, attributes or classes. 

Clare wrote:

  hi all, I have something like below:

			a href=""My Link/a

I'd like to get rid of only the inner tags, 'p' and 'h1'.

Any help would greatly be appreciated.


[jQuery] Re: - Superfish menu screws up my menu..

2009-06-16 Thread Charlie

this is a css issue very common with Joomla integration of new menu,

the original template menu css does not get removed when installing a
new menu and some of this css is needed to adapt new menu to theme of
template. There are different techniques that can be used to style a
menu , yet arrive at the same visual look. Superfish is extremely well
designed to be very adaptable however due to the all the methods
available for menu design it is virtually impossible to expect plug and
play for all scenarios

there is no "one size fits all" when it comes to menus, you'll have to
customize the css

Faraz Khan wrote:

  What is causing superfish to screw up my menu here:


ive tried changing the templates but everytime its the same thing..

i have no knowledge of css or php :(

please help.

Thank you


[jQuery] Re: jQuery Works fine with Firefox and Internet Explorer 8. Not with IE7?

2009-06-17 Thread Charlie

page breaks in IE 7 

w3 validator shows broken tags and microsoft debug has error here :

good practice to run validator (easy click from Firefox developer
toolbar) , can find issues that may not be obvious, or when page not
acting properly


another good resource is IE Tester,

it mimics all versions of IE and can run script debugger 

efet wrote:

  I developed a website using jQuery plugins in part of it. Couple of
visitors visited the website with internet explorer complained that
some part of the website does not function at all. I have Internet
Explorer 8 installed and I dont know how to downgrade it. Can someone
test the website and tell me the error please.

Thank you in advance!



[jQuery] Re: First Parent Siblings

2009-06-17 Thread Charlie

$(".classa").click(function () { 


FrenchiINLA wrote:

  Thank you for the reply. I would like to show hide the div located
right after the h3 when a.classa is clicked, and not all other
div.classdiv located on other lines. Thanks again

On Jun 17, 2:19pm, waseem sabjee waseemsab...@gmail.com wrote:
do you want to toggle the class on the div or toggle a transition like
slideToggle or fadeToggle ?

On Wed, Jun 17, 2009 at 11:16 PM, FrenchiINLA mamali.sohe...@gmail.comwrote:

  I have several following html code:
h3a class="classa"/a/h3div class="classdiv/div
h3a class="classa"/a/h3div class="classdiv/div
h3a class="classa"/a/h3div class="classdiv/div
I would like toggle div.classdiv when a.classa is clicked

  I tried $(this).parent('h3').siblings('div.classdiv').toggle();
but all div all toggled. Any help would be greatly appreciated


[jQuery] Re: How to test/filter for all divs being hidden ?

2009-06-17 Thread Charlie

One filter would be to check the length of div:visible, if zero no
div's visible

I think there is a lot easier way to accomplish your task without
having to splice for ID's, writing filter tests and without any if
statements at all by using classes for everything you are doing

By adding/removing classes you can create the filters and by using the
index of button clicked , find corresponding info div to display . This
makes jquery so much easier to write , read , and troubleshoot IMO

Take a look at this version of your script. The only markup difference
is to add class =" info" to all your #content div's. Looking at html in
Firebug is helpful for seeing the new classes for better visual

 $("#content div").addClass("info");// add this class so
don't have to splice to find ID, use index to locate instead
 opacity: 0.3
 $("#page-wrap div.button").click(function(){

 // add/remove info_active class to use as filter for
visible content. Only the visible content will have this class
// info_active class added below when this div is made visible

 // much easier to index than splice to find ID's since
relationship is one to one
var index= $(".button").index(this); 

 use the active class to dim the previous button.
Remove class on previous button has to happen before add to new or will
remove from button clicked
 opacity: 0.5,
 borderWidth: 1
 }, 600 ).removeClass("button_active");

highlight css for newly clicked button
 $(this).animate({opacity: 1,borderWidth: 5 }, 600
).addClass("active"); div


Suz T. wrote:

Thankyou for your response, I'll try to clarify what I am trying to
doI am trying to have the content of a div on a page appear or
disappear based on a click of a link. However I want to start the page
with none of the content in divs being shown, thus I hid the #content
div's in the css.
What is happening now is first time I click on "xx-button" it then
fades in the corresponding "#content div.xx" Then the next click of
say "x1-button" fades in #content div.x1" BUT it does not fade out the
previous "#content div.xx". Same thing happens for the third
"x2-button", the "#content div.x2" is faded in but "#content div.x1"
and "#content div.xx" are still visible which is not what I want.
What I tried to do in the script is test if ALL the divs in "#content
div" are hidden. if true then fade in the corresponding "#content
div.xx" to the clicked "xx-button". This is good and works for the
first condition of the page only. At the next click to "x1-button"
the if statement " appears to return true again. As it appears that
"#content  div" is for any div in #content being hidden versus ALL.
So I am looking to understand how to write the filter/test to check if
ALL the divs in #content being hidden
There may be simpler way to do this... this was the closest I came to
getting it almost where I wanted.
Thanks hope this clears it a bit  thanks in advance for the help.
Charlie wrote:
  this is
confusing, all the #content div's are already hidden by css (
display:none) and you say it's already working . Not very clear what
you are trying to accomplish

$("#content div").hide(); // this will hide every div within #content

using part of your click function below a "filter" like you are asking
about could be

$("#content div:visible").hide();

is that all you are trying to do is hide them?

Suz T. wrote:

Hello I am posting for the first time.. and am resending my message
because it didn't appear to post to the group.
As mentioned below, just starting out with jquery/_javascript_ and need
some help with the script below to have it start with none of the
#content div showing.
I expect this is pretty basic, so thanks in advance for any quick help
you can provide.
SuzT wrote:
  Hello I am
a beginner to jquery/_javascript_ and I am trying to use a

script I saw online to replace the content of a div. However I would

like to have the script start with none of the target content showing.

So far it starts correctly however I am not sure how to test/filter

for ALL the divs in #content being hidden which would be the begging

state of the page.

Here is a link to what it is doing now.


[jQuery] Re: How to dynamically size an li?

2009-06-17 Thread Charlie

if contents are text just use css, not likely a need for scripting this
li { float: left; width: 25%; text-align: center}
wrap contents in another tag if you want to visually separate borders,
backgrounds etc

Brian wrote:

  What I Have:
I have a bunch of inline blocks next to each other like such:

_[A]_[B]_[C] _[D]_

_ = margin
[letter] = box element, li in my case

How do I make it so that the margins on the left and right side of my
li's determine the li's width? So, in other words, I am looking
for each box element to have a uniform width (so A, B, C, D will all
have the same width value), but I would like the margins to in fact
determine this value...? Basically, I suppose I am more or less
setting barricades outside of the box models (margins) and having the
padding fill-in the remaining amounts, equally for all 4 boxes...

In effect, I would like these li's to stretch the width of a larger
container (box), so that their width value is maximized, but
nonetheless conforms to the margins... Hope this makes sense.

I am new to jQuery, how would I go about coding this up?


[jQuery] Re: simple beginner question

2009-06-18 Thread Charlie

you're each idea is right on track


  $(this).hover(function(){ /// *this* within an *each* will
single out the individual .logo you hover over
"fast");// look within this .logo only
   $(this).find(".caption").animate({opacity:"hide"}, "slow");

mojoeJohn wrote:

  I'm doing a logo display for my company site and I want the caption to
fade in each time you hover over the logo and to fade out when you
hover away. I've got that part squared away, but I wanted to know how
to edit my code so that i can reuse my classes for each logo on the
page. Right now if i hover over a logo, the text for each one fades in
and fades out at the same time. I'm too new to scripting to know quite
how to do it. I was thinking maybe using jquery's .each() method or a
for each loop, but i don't know ... can anyone help put me on the
right path?!

here's the jquery


$(".caption").animate({opacity:"show"}, "fast");
$(".caption").animate({opacity:"hide"}, "slow");


.logo is the over all box, and it includes .caption, which fades in


div class="logo"
div class="logoHead"Liquid Video/div
img src="" /
div class="caption"We did the LVT logo.
!--close caption--
!--close logo--

so how do i only act on one logo at a time without having to
individually number each logo on the page?


(if you see this reposted multipled times, it's b/c it was never
showing up after i initially posted it and i kept trying)


[jQuery] Re: jQuery 1.3.2 in IE5.5

2009-06-18 Thread Charlie

not sure if this will help you or not but IE tester has an IE5.5 script
engine, as well as 6,7 8

Rodrigo Sebastin Alfonso wrote:
Yeah, I thought so, but it's not an option to me to work
without Win 95 (yes, I also said WTF). Client needs!
Thanks anyways James! :-)
  On Thu, Jun 18, 2009 at 4:33 PM, James james.gp@gmail.com
jQuery is listed on the website as compatible with IE6+, so that's
probably it.

On Jun 18, 7:32am, Rodrigo rodrigo.s.alfo...@gmail.com
 Hi everyone!

 I've been doing some research and I've found different opinions
 the compatibility of jQuery with IE5.5.

 My problem is that I can't get anything to work (I'm doing my
 in TredoSoft's Multiple IE).

 I don't know if this is because there software is not working as a
 "real" IE5.5 would, or if it is that jQuery is not compatible with
 IE5.5. Or, the third option, I'm screwing up somewhere xD

 I'm trying the simplest task ever, like an alert thrown on the $
 (document).ready, but no luck :-(

 I'm using jQuery 1.3.2 (minified).

 I will appreciate any ideas!




[jQuery] Re: Add items to list, is this a proper approach?

2009-06-19 Thread Charlie

"according to what's in this list."

no way to see from here what's in your list, what you want to look for
or what you want to do once you find( or don't find) what you are
looking for 

maubau wrote:

  I'm trying to create a list, to which you can:

1. add and remove items.
2. according to what's in this list, there should be dynamic content
loaded on to the page.

I've accomplished 1 with the code below. I'm not sure about how to
accomplish 2. If anyone could point me in the right direction (and
give comments on my approach on 1 - I'm new to jQuery) it would be
greatly appreciated

script language="_javascript_"

var listItems = new Array();
var currentList = new String();

function listManager(task, id, name) {
	//$("#debug").append("p # List manager. ("+listItems.length+"
items) # br");

	if(task == "add") {
		refreshList(); // refresh the list
		listItems.push(name); // add to array first, new item to listItems
		//$("#debug").append("pAdded item: "+name+". List has now:
"+listItems.length+" items./p");
		newItem = getHTMLitem(id, i, name); // the new item to add - make it
		currentList = oldList + newItem; // add the string to current list

	if(task == "delete") {
		listItems.splice(id, 1); // delete from array
		//$("#debug").append('Delete nr: '+id+'br');
		refreshList(); // refresh the list

	$("#list").html(currentList); // output the list
	//$("#debug").append("-- Done. ("+listItems.length+" items) /

function refreshList() {
	oldList = "";
	for(i=0; ilistItems.length; i++) { // iterate through existing
listItems to give them new nr
		listItem = getHTMLitem(id, i, name);
		oldList += listItem; // add items to list string
	currentList = oldList;

function getHTMLitem(id, i, name) {
	return "lia href="" id=\""+id+"\" 
('delete', '"+i+"')\""+name+"/a/li"; // the string to add

$(function() {

		$.get("test.php", { search: this.value },



input name="input" id="input" type="text" autocomplete="off" /
input type="submit" /

br /
div id="suggest"/div

ul id="list"/ul

hr /
div id="debug"/div

hr /

My test.php contains:

if($_GET['search']) {
	$result = $db-query("SELECT * FROM table WHERE name LIKE '%".$_GET
	if(DB::isError($result)) die($result-getMessage());

	echo "ul";
	while($row = $result-fetchRow(DB_FETCHMODE_ASSOC)) {
		echo "lia href=""  '".$row
['id']."', '".$row['name']."');\"" . $row['name'] . "/a/li \n";
	echo "/ul";


[jQuery] Re: Image resize

2009-06-19 Thread Charlie

that's a server side issue, not client side

bharani kumar wrote:
when upload ,
  On Fri, Jun 19, 2009 at 7:33 PM, mojoeJohn mojoej...@gmail.com
resize it in what way? on a hover or an image replacement or what?

On Jun 18, 11:25pm, bharani kumar bharanikumariyer...@gmail.com

 Hello Friends ,

 How to resize the image using jquery ,




[jQuery] Re: Superfish IE question

2009-06-19 Thread Charlie

rule of thumb is to have jquery.js load before any other jquery
scripts, you have superfish.js loading before jquery.js

kanjigirl wrote:

  I'm using Superfish for the first time on this page:


In IE7 I'm getting an error with superfish.js,

Line: 12
Error: 'jQuery' is undefined

Not sure what to do about this, can someone advise?


[jQuery] Re: claering feilds in div

2009-06-20 Thread Charlie


kalyan Chatterjee wrote:

  Just use this a simple html button:

 input name="button2" type="reset" id="button2" value="Reset" /

On Jun 20, 9:58am, naz s.na...@gmail.com wrote:
i have try this code but it also clear my buttons name .i just want to
reset my tetxt feilds plz tel me if any body have idea of this thnx in

On Jun 10, 9:34pm, waseem sabjee waseemsab...@gmail.com wrote:

  $("input").attr({ value:"" });

  On Wed, Jun 10, 2009 at 5:17 AM, naz s.na...@gmail.com wrote:

how can i clear the feilds in using jquery just like reset form in
html.if anybody had any idea of that plz tel me- Hide quoted text -


  - Show quoted text -


[jQuery] Re: Removing an emptied paragraph from the DOM

2009-06-20 Thread Charlie

parnt.length isn't zero so if you are still using that test could the
the problem

think about it a second, if you assign $(this).parent() to it how can
length be zero?
also you have a syntax error 

$(this).insertBefore(p)// should have quotes around p unless it is a
if you aren't using firebug it's very worth installing

in firebug get an error p not defined, 

firebug lets you test code right in console of FF, also you can see
the live html changes that are made by jquery

Bruce MacKay wrote:
Mauricio, I hadn't tried that angle, but unfortunately it didn't
make any difference.
I've also tried adding a class to the initial parent p and then trying
remove all paragraphs containing that class name - and have achieved
same nil outcome.
Thanks for your input.
Cheers, Bruce
At 11:40 p.m. 20/06/2009, you wrote:



  -Mensagem Original- 
  De: Bruce MacKay 

  Enviada em: sbado, 20 de junho de 2009 08:20
  Assunto: [jQuery] Removing an emptied paragraph from the

  Hello folks,

  I have an application which removes an image from within a
wraps that image in a div and places it in front of the

  I now want to remove that paragraph.

  Why doesn't the following use of remove() not achieve my
objective? I've tested the length - it is 0, yet the remove doesn't

  Thanks, Bruce

  var parnt =
//the parent p
tag containing the image to be processed

  $(this).insertBefore(p).wrap("div class='buggybox
id='g" + i +"'/div");

  if (parnt.length=0) {




[jQuery] Re: adapting xhtml layout for JQuery photo slider to PHP blog template

2009-06-20 Thread Charlie

your source is all corrupted by injecting your images
aimg//a inside the href of another a
page is breaking as result

try to make the code match the design of original plugin example first,
verify by checking source in browser

wildbug wrote:

  I figured out how to limit the photos to 4. I'd be happy now if
someone could just tell me how to fix the overlapping imagesthe
other stuff is just gravythanks!

On Jun 18, 10:18pm, wildbug planetthr...@gmail.com wrote:
Hi all,
I am hoping to use a 3rd party script for a simple JQuery photo slider
for my WP blog. But the script creator says:

"If you are trying to 'include' this into a blog template then you
will need to have a good knowledge of the template structure and how
it is pulling the information from the database. The files that I
supply are intended for use in a normal xhtml page where you would
just add the _javascript_ calls and stylesheet links to the page head,
then embed the xhtml into the web page or use a simple php 'include'
to add this at run time." He couldn't help further.

The blog theme I purchase comes with a photo slider but I wasn't happy
with it 100%. I took the code from the new one and put it in as best
as I could where the original one was formatted. I am not a programmer
though and I know that clearly I did not do it right, as I used "a"
ids like you would in HTML and I know they don't belong in PHP.
However, it magically is working somewhat! All the graphics are
showing, it's pulling images, and they are sliding.

I just need to clean it up a bit. Here is a page where it is on:http://mcssafehomes.com/?p=105

There are only 4 images. The new JQuery slider is made for 10 images.

My specific questions are:

 How to fix images that are overlapping
 How to limit images to 4 so the navigation doesn't keep going to
blank pages
 Is it possible to have the numbered buttons below the image to
appear ONLY IF there are corresponding images - so if there are only 2
photos, only #s 1 and 2 will display?

Many thanks for any help. Let me know if you need to see some of the


[jQuery] Re: slideToggle doesn't work in IE

2009-06-20 Thread Charlie

IE doesn't seem to recognize option click 

try this in both FF and IE 
$("select *").click(function () {

In FF will get alert returning "Option", in IE doesn't fire

try this:
$("#kies_land").change(function () {
  if ($(this).val()=="nederland") {

Thavipa wrote:

  Hi all,

For my work i need to make a form. At some points you have to choose
an option from a dropdown select box. After you have chosen one of
those some other field appear under the dropdown thing. I use the
slideToggle event for this effect.

In firefox its all working fine, but in ie 6.0 and 7.0 it doesnt work.

What do need:
A dropdown menu with a few options in it. You can choose one of those
and after you select it a few other options apear under the dropdown

Code: (this is the dropdown menu..)
table width="445" border="0" cellpadding="0"
td width="200"Land*/td
td width="245"
  select name="kies_land" id="kies_land" class="lang"
  option disabled="disabled" selected="selected"kies een land/
  option value="nederland" class="nederland"Nederland/option
  option value="belgie"Belgieuml;/option
  option value="duitsland"Duitsland/option

For this example im using tables. I'm sorry...;)

(i have a display:none; in my css for this part..)
div class="uitschuifgedeelte_land"
td width="200"Provincie*/td
td width="245"
select name="kies_provincie" id="kies_provincie" class="lang"
option value="flevoland"Flevoland/option
option value="gelderland"Gelderland/option
option value="friesland"Friesland/option

This is what needs to appear after you select something. I wrapped it
in a div, so its easier for me to call it in the head.

This is what i got in my head/head:
script src=""/script


$(".nederland").click(function () {


This code works fine in every browser except IE.. what i tried to do:
I made a a href="" class="somerandom"test/a
Just a link on some text.. this did work in IE, but how can i make a
make a link of an option from dropdown menu?

I hope some of you knows the anser.. i really hope so! I stuck in this
for hours...:(



[jQuery] Re: Problems on IE7

2009-06-20 Thread Charlie

i tried this in IE 7 and was able to get to search after closing modal
without complete lock up

page does however have a significant number of validation errors,
multiple use of ID's, broken tags, invalid xhtml tags ,style tags
inside body all over the place etc and error console keeps throwing
about a hundred warnings every 10-15 seconds

some or all of these issues may be causing problems, validation might

xoail wrote:


On Jun 19, 3:40pm, xoail mdsoh...@gmail.com wrote:
Hi All,

I've been literally pulling my hair out with this issue I have with
our corporate website. The problem is with jquery light box (jqmodal)
that freezes other controls after use in IE7. There seem to be no
problem with IE6 or FF.

If you go to p$j$m.com (remove $ signs), click Glossary (on top left)
close it and then try to use search (top right), it freezes and then
throws an error. Like I said, this issue only happens in IE7. I have a
feeling that something in jqmodal isnt closing and its conflicting
with other controls and IE7 is stupid enough to not identify and
correct it.

I would greatly appreciate any help in this regards.



[jQuery] Re: jQuery UI dialog not behaving

2009-06-20 Thread Charlie

your dialog options need tuning
			AutoOpen: false, ///   should be autoOpen
			bgiframe: true,
			height: 400, 
			width: 300, 
			maxHeight: 10, ///  10??
			maxWidth: 10, // 10?  
			modal: true, 
			resizable: true, 
			buttons: { "Ok": function() { $(this).dialog("close"); } }

fredriley wrote:

  Thanks for the reply, Charlie. Sorry I've not got back on it until

On Jun 11, 10:32pm, Charlie charlie...@gmail.com wrote:
try taking the dialog constructor out of the click functions maybe load is firing before the dialog call is complete
this seems to be the norm, not trying to build it inside a click

Good thought, doesn't seem to make much difference, though. I've
changed the script in http://www.nottingham.ac.uk/~ntzfr/test/ajax/jquery/jqueryui_dialogue_test1.html
so that the constructor goes in the 'document ready' block. Now the
dialogue appears on page load, despite the AutoOpen option being set
to false, and the weirdness described in my initial message

also first link doesn't validate on w3 validator, always worth checking validation when DOM weirdness occurs

I hadn't thought of that. You're right, it didn't validate, but that
was down to me using the string "div" in the text and comments.
Removing the  chars and rerunning the validator gave a clean bill of
health. That's a useful tip, though, which I'll remember to try in

Ok, no big, it's not that important and I can't spend any more time on
this issue - I'll just have to continue using spawned popup windows.
jQuery's a funny thing - the simplest things, like this, can take
hours to implement, whereas tough things, like the UI tabbed
interface, are wash 'n' go in a few tens of minutes. Ah well, I'll get
my head around it one day ;)




[jQuery] Re: am searching popup plugin

2009-06-21 Thread Charlie

not to mention jquery UI  Dialog


options don't show how to set it fixed for scrolling but that's easily
modified with jquery.css()

brian wrote:

  jquery.popup? There are a couple of different versions of that, I think:


There's also jqModal:


On Sun, Jun 21, 2009 at 7:54 AM, bharani
kumarbharanikumariyer...@gmail.com wrote:
Himembers ,
Past couple of hours am searching the popup plugin ,
Am looking like
When i click the link , i want to open the popup window ,
I want to scroll the parent window ,even after popup window is opned ,
Tell me the plugin name ,



[jQuery] Re: slideToggle doesn't work in IE

2009-06-22 Thread Charlie

it works fine here http://jsbin.com/ogoni

Thavipa wrote:

  Hmm, thx for your reply.. but, it doesn't work..:(

On 20 jun, 18:09, Charlie charlie...@gmail.com wrote:
IE doesn't seem to recognize option click
try this in both FF and IE
$("select *").click(function () {
In FF will get alert returning "Option", in IE doesn't fire
try this:
$("#kies_land").change(function () {
  if ($(this).val()=="nederland") {
Thavipa wrote:Hi all, For my work i need to make a form. At some points you have to choose an option from a dropdown select box. After you have chosen one of those some other field appear under the dropdown thing. I use the slideToggle event for this effect. In firefox its all working fine, but in ie 6.0 and 7.0 it doesnt work. What do need: A dropdown menu with a few options in it. You can choose one of those and after you select it a few other options apear under the dropdown menu. Code: (this is the dropdown menu..) table width="445" border="0" cellpadding="0" tr td width="200"Land*/td td width="245" select name="kies_land" id="kies_land" class="lang" option disabled="disabled" selected="selected"kies een land/ option option value="nederland" class="nederland"Nederland/option option value="belgie"Belgieuml;/option option value="duitsland"Duitsland/option 
t;/select /td /tr /table For this example im using tables. I'm sorry...;) (i have a display:none; in my css for this part..) div class="uitschuifgedeelte_land" tr td width="200"Provincie*/td td width="245" select name="kies_provincie" id="kies_provincie" class="lang" option value="flevoland"Flevoland/option option value="gelderland"Gelderland/option option value="friesland"Friesland/option /select /td /tr /div This is what needs to appear after you select something. I wrapped it in a div, so its easier for me to call it in the head. This is what i got in my head/head: script src=""/script script $(document).ready(function(){ $(".nederland").click(function () { $(".uitschuifgedeelte_land").slideToggle("slow"); }); }); /script This code works fine in every browser 
except IE.. what i tried to do: I made a a href="" class="somerandom"test/a Just a link on some text.. this did work in IE, but how can i make a make a link of an option from dropdown menu? I hope some of you knows the anser.. i really hope so! I stuck in this for hours...:( Thavipa


[jQuery] Re: Submenu disappears too fast

2009-06-22 Thread Charlie

try setting delay as in Superfish API

if that doesn't do anything chances are your script isn't firing . Main
menu won't appear any differently if script isn't firing
non firing script can be for any number of reasons

is this a CMS (Joomla
can you post link or code?

evanj wrote:

I use superfish horizontal nav-bar style. Subcategories appear
horizontally below categories. The problem is that when I take the
mouse from the category name to reach one of their subcats, the
submenu disappears! The subcategories disappear too fast! Is there a
way to fix this? Thank you in adnvance.


[jQuery] Re: am searching popup plugin

2009-06-22 Thread Charlie

your not liking the answer doesn't constitute someone else not
understanding the question.

Here's a jqueryUI dialog that floats with scroll. There is another way
to do this by making it position:fixed but requires some position
calculation within viewport to offset the positon calculations in

would this work for you?


bharani kumar wrote:
Hi all ,
  These plugin's are manual popup moving ,
  But i need ,
  when the parent scroll bar is is scrolling on that time i want
to down/ up the popup window ,
  May be u r not understand , please try to understand
  On Mon, Jun 22, 2009 at 12:01 AM, Charlie charlie...@gmail.com
not to mention jquery UI


options don't show how to set it fixed for scrolling but that's easily
modified with jquery.css()

brian wrote:

  jquery.popup? There are a couple of different versions of that, I think:


There's also jqModal:


On Sun, Jun 21, 2009 at 7:54 AM, bharani
kumarbharanikumariyer...@gmail.com wrote:
Himembers ,
Past couple of hours am searching the popup plugin ,
Am looking like
When i click the link , i want to open the popup window ,
I want to scroll the parent window ,even after popup window is opned ,
Tell me the plugin name ,




[jQuery] Re: Problems on IE7

2009-06-22 Thread Charlie

validator shows recurring ID's missing script type's, broken tags ,
invalid style placements, invalid xhtml tags etc,


the errors part can be seen in web dev toolbar in firefox. Mostly they
are warnings and these seem to be quite common. The interesting part to
me was how often they refresh

I profess to not know much about rapidly updating pages like yours.
Validation can cause all sorts of wierd things in DOM manipulation,
likely best place to start

xoail wrote:

  What tool did you use to see all those errors? I tried firebug and
fiddler but they dont show much. Also, I tried on another PC and I got
the same problem with IE7.


On Jun 20, 6:04pm, Charlie charlie...@gmail.com wrote:
i tried this in IE 7 and was able to get to search after closing modal without complete lock up
page does however have a significant number of validation errors, multiple use of ID's, broken tags, invalid xhtml tags ,style tags inside body all over the place etc and error console keeps throwing about a hundred warnings every 10-15 seconds
some or all of these issues may be causing problems, validation might help
xoail wrote:Anybody? On Jun 19, 3:40pm, xoailmdsoh...@gmail.comwrote:Hi All, I've been literally pulling my hair out with this issue I have with our corporate website. The problem is with jquery light box (jqmodal) that freezes other controls after use in IE7. There seem to be no problem with IE6 or FF. If you go to p$j$m.com (remove $ signs), click Glossary (on top left) close it and then try to use search (top right), it freezes and then throws an error. Like I said, this issue only happens in IE7. I have a feeling that something in jqmodal isnt closing and its conflicting with other controls and IE7 is stupid enough to not identify and correct it. I would greatly appreciate any help in this regards. Thanks!


[jQuery] Re: How to abort fadein/out processing?

2009-06-22 Thread Charlie

take a look at Hover Intent plugin, page explains your problem


adamscybot wrote:

  This doesnt work at all, even without the stop().

Nav bar is unresponsive.


[jQuery] Re: I am new to this Jquery....i need to display 4 messages(in news sectiiion) one after another in a div tag

2009-06-22 Thread Charlie

waseem, why would you make this so complicated for someone just
learning jquery?

OP didn't provide any info on where messages are coming from. Creating
arrays, click counts etc when you don't have enough information to set
anything up is very likely going to confuse someone. A couple of simple
questions would be far more appropriate

Suppose these messages are already in a file and all that is needed is
$("#messageDiv").load("messageFile.html"); How would your solution help

perhaps OP is looking for guidance on how to get these messages to the
page. Writing a bunch of long winded code based completely on
assumptions doesn't help anyone, especially if it doesn't suit the need
of situation. 

Good starting point would be:

What is source of 4 messages? (already in page, external file, database

if already in page  provide dom manipulation guidance
if in external file  provide .load() guidance
if in db or other source  provide appropriate guidance

waseem sabjee wrote:
I assume you with this done on an on click event
use the following html to test
div id="object"
a class="displaymsg" href=""Display Message/a
the script for the following html
script type="text/_javascript_"
$(function() {
// wait for DOM to FULLY load
// declare the div with id="object" as our refference point
var obj = $("#object");
//get the refference to the element we want to click
var displaymsg = $("a.displaymsg", obj);
// create our messages to test
var toDIsplay = [];
toDisplay.clickCount = 0;
toDisplay.message = new Array();
toDisplay.message[0] = "Hi";
toDisplay.message[1] = "Hello";
toDisplay.message[2] = "bye";
// create the click event of the object
i made this special
i display message relevant to the elements click count
if you want to display all the messages you could use a for loop :)
displaymsg.click(function(e) {
e.preventDefault() // similar to return false
  On Mon, Jun 22, 2009 at 4:07 PM, ryan.j ryan.joyce.uk@googlemail.com
have a look at .append() and .appendTo() ( http://docs.jquery.com/Manipulation/append
and http://docs.jquery.com/Manipulation/appendTo

append will add some content to the end of an element, append to will
append a specified element to another.

if that's all g(r)eek to you, here is a brief description. if you had
an element with the class 'el' and the content 'test test test' and
ran the following snipped of script against it...

$(".el").append("RYAN LIKES TO APPEND");

...your element.el would now say 'test test testRYAN LIKES TO APPEND'.
the additional text would also be appended to any other elements with
that class in the document. use an id for a unique instance.

On Jun 22, 2:34pm, anjith anjithkumar.garap...@gmail.com
 i need to display 4 messages(in news sectiiion) one after another
in a
 div tag.as in yahooo.


[jQuery] Re: Problems on IE7

2009-06-22 Thread Charlie

I'm far from an expert but your glossary is using a script to
manipulate the DOM. If DOM isn't valid, scripts manipulating it are
likely to have problems. A lot of behind the scenes repositioning,
styling etc occur to tags in browser when manipulation scripts run so
it only makes sense that tag problems will cause script problems,
resulting in page problems

best guess is after you use glossary, browser isn't able to reassemble
DOM exactly, or has memory problems or ..your guess is good as mine

xoail wrote:

  Yeah now I see the errors... but what I cant understand is why would
it work when I dont click glossary and directly go to search?

The issue only occurs when glossary is used first and then search but
if I hit search before using glossary, it works fine.

If it had to do with validations, I would assume it wont work at all
irrespective of whether I use glossary or not.. but I could be wrong..
my knowledge of _javascript_ and jquery is very limited so I desperately
need some help...

I am trying to fix some of those errors relating to ID values being
same... if you can think of anything else please do let me know.

Thanks a lot for helping me with this...

On Jun 22, 9:31am, Charlie charlie...@gmail.com wrote:
validator shows recurring ID's missing script type's, broken tags , invalid style placements, invalid xhtml tags etc,http://validator.w3.org/check?verbose=1uri=http%3A%2F%2Fpjm.com
the errors part can be seen in web dev toolbar in firefox. Mostly they are warnings and these seem to be quite common. The interesting part to me was how often they refresh
I profess to not know much about rapidly updating pages like yours. Validation can cause all sorts of wierd things in DOM manipulation, likely best place to start
xoail wrote:What tool did you use to see all those errors? I tried firebug and fiddler but they dont show much. Also, I tried on another PC and I got the same problem with IE7. Thanks! On Jun 20, 6:04pm, Charliecharlie...@gmail.comwrote:i tried this in IE 7 and was able to get to search after closing modal without complete lock up page does however have a significant number of validation errors, multiple use of ID's, broken tags, invalid xhtml tags ,style tags inside body all over the place etc and error console keeps throwing about a hundred warnings every 10-15 seconds some or all of these issues may be causing problems, validation might help xoail wrote:Anybody? On Jun 19, 3:40pm, xoailmdsoh...@gmail.comwrote:Hi All, I've been literally pulling my hair out with this issue I have with our corporate w
ebsite. The problem is with jquery light box (jqmodal) that freezes other controls after use in IE7. There seem to be no problem with IE6 or FF. If you go to p$j$m.com (remove $ signs), click Glossary (on top left) close it and then try to use search (top right), it freezes and then throws an error. Like I said, this issue only happens in IE7. I have a feeling that something in jqmodal isnt closing and its conflicting with other controls and IE7 is stupid enough to not identify and correct it. I would greatly appreciate any help in this regards. Thanks!


[jQuery] Re: Error : 'document' is undefined

2009-06-22 Thread Charlie

try here: http://jquery.com/

if you plan on using jquery much or any web development install Firefox
and Firebug extension. Far more friendly development browser

if you can't download from above site the following is Google hosted
jquery and is great way to use it, no file paths or downloads to worry
about and there are some other advantages to using this method

script type="text/_javascript_"
src="" class="moz-txt-link-rfc2396E" href="http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.3.2/jquery.min.js">"http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.3.2/jquery.min.js"/script

nanditha k wrote:

  Thanx Kalyan,
  But the problem still persists. I am still unable to download
the Jquery from the site.
  Have attached the screen shot of theexception generated.Let me
know what am I missing.
  Thank you,

  On Sat, Jun 20, 2009 at 8:06 AM, kalyan
Chatterjee kalyan11021...@gmail.com
Place your jquery include tag at first then other _javascript_ file
attachment. Hope your problem gone!

On Jun 20, 12:21am, nanditha k nandithak2...@gmail.com

 On Fri, Jun 19, 2009 at 1:53 PM, amuhlou amysch...@gmail.com

  can you post a link to the page where this is happening?

  On Jun 19, 12:47 pm, gits nandithak2...@gmail.com
   I am not able to install JQuery , While installing I
have following
   error -
   Error : 'document' is undefined
   Line : 12.

   Could you please gimme a solution?

   Thank you


[jQuery] Re: basic jQuery/JavaScript pattern

2009-06-22 Thread Charlie

since jquery is _javascript_, and probably the best reference on the web
for learning _javascript_ ( and many other languages) is 
w3schools.com try this link:


hard to beat their explanations and "try it yourself" examples

jerome wrote:

  I keep running across this type of pattern in the jquery source code.




How is this basic to understanding how jQuery works, and how
_javascript_ works?

Thanks in advance.


[jQuery] Re: crazy if... !not working.

2009-06-22 Thread Charlie

you're loading jquery twice. Remove top one, not recommended to serve
it from jquery site, put your animation script below your local
version of jquery

should work then

umcosta wrote:

  Ok, here is what I want to do (extracted from: http://docs.jquery.com/Traversing/hasClass):

script src="" class="moz-txt-link-rfc2396E" href="http://code.jquery.com/jquery-latest.js">"http://code.jquery.com/jquery-latest.js"/script

  if ( $(this).hasClass("protected") )
$(this).animate({ left: -10 }, 75)
   .animate({ left: 10 }, 75)
   .animate({ left: -10 }, 75)
   .animate({ left: 10 }, 75)
   .animate({ left: 0 }, 75);


And here is my code:

script type="text/_javascript_" src=""/script
script type="text/_javascript_" src=""/
script type="text/_javascript_" src=""/
script type="text/_javascript_" src=""/
script type="text/_javascript_"


		   if ( $(this).hasClass("thumb") )


Any ideas???


[jQuery] Re: .load() function control

2009-06-22 Thread Charlie

here's a couple of options:

add a class to your FAQ only used for the click function, remove the
class inside the load success function.
change $("FAQ).click.. to $(".newClickClass").click..

after appending content : removeClass("newClickClass")

or simpler
hide or remove #FAQ if page won't be compromised

mojoeJohn wrote:

  I'm loading content with the .load() method. How do i only allow one
click to the link. I don't want future clicks to keep loading the same

	$('div id="faqcontent" /').load("content.htm #faqs" , function(){
			.slideDown(1000); return false

I've got all the content loading correctly, but i don't know where to
go from here to prevent the content from loading several times. Any


[jQuery] Re: Toggle Not Working

2009-06-22 Thread Charlie

appears you are trying to use toggle with 2 functions the same way
hover works with it's 'over' function and 'out' function

toggle arguments are toggle(speed,[callback]) 

try this:



Gercek Karakus wrote:

  Hi everyone,

I am having problems with Toggle. You can see the jQuery and XHTML
code below. Please let me know if you can see what's going wrong here.


}, function () {

div class="portlet"
div class="portlet_topper"
h31. Most Recent Comments/h3
div class="toggle-container"a class="toggle"/a/div
div class="portlet_content"
pLorem ipsum dolor si ipiscing laoreet nibh. In hac
habitasse platea dictumst. Aliquam erat volutpat. Cum sociis natoque
penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. In
ut justo. Nulla libero./p


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