lazy-xml defect (?)

2010-06-23 Thread Stuart Halloway
I am trying to track down and solve the issues Phil Hazelden reported on Hacker 
News [1]. I suspect that the XML issue was this one:

It appears that the code has moved on since this report-- the emit-element fn 
mentions a :pad option but I don't see it being used anywhere. Is there an 
issue here we should open a ticket for?



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Re: Compiling a namespace causes subsequent uses of it to fail.

2010-06-23 Thread Stuart Halloway
I think the behavior you are seeing here is reasonable. When you mix 
compilation and dynamic access to vars, you need to reason carefully about the 
order in which things will happen.

More usefully: you can write a test in your var-get expression that will make 
it do what you want in all scenarios. Just add a bound? test before trying to 
get the value out of variable.

Sorry this was missed earlier.


 (ns testcomp)
 (var-get (or (ns-resolve *ns* 'foo)
(intern *ns* 'foo :foo)))
 ;; foo   ;(1)
 ;; (println foo) ;(2)
 ;; (do foo 3);(3)
 ;; (fn [] foo)   ;(4)
 ;; ((fn [] foo)) ;(5)
 ;; ((fn [] (println foo)))   ;(6)
 With (1)-(6) all commented out, behaviour is as expected: you can
 compile and use testcomp, and foo is bound to :foo.
 With any of (1)-(3) uncommented, you can use testcomp with no problems
 as long as it's uncompiled. If you compile it and subsequently attempt
 to use it, you get an ExceptionInInitializerError caused by an
 IllegalStateException due to Var testcomp/foo being unbound. What
 seems to be happening (according to my limited understanding of
 compilation) is that testcomp__init.class contains a reference to foo
 which causes it to be interned (but unbound) before the body code is
 run. ns-resolve then sees this Var, returns it, and var-get raises an
 With (1)-(3) commented out, (4)-(6) can be uncommented and expected
 behaviour returns. testcomp__init.class no longer contains a reference
 to foo (I checked with grep).
 I'm doing something like this in a library, and (5)/(6) provide a
 workaround, but is this something that can be fixed at the language
 level? I recognise it's not an issue that will commonly be run into,
 and that the complexities of compilation might make it unavoidable.
 java version 1.6.0_14, clojure commit
 5f1e6ed540eab11281b7bfb19f831b7e445ed0d0 (1 Sep 09).
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Re: slow raw io

2010-06-23 Thread Stuart Halloway
I am seeing more like 1.8 seconds for the raw version, vs. 2.8 seconds for 
slurp (master branch). Can you post a complete example (including the clj 
script you use, and what version of Clojure), so we can be apples-to-apples?


 For the record, this program runs in 3.3 seconds so I guess that
 points to the implementation of slurp:
 (import '[ BufferedReader InputStreamReader])
 (let [reader (BufferedReader. (InputStreamReader. System/in))
  file-data (StringBuffer.)
  buffer (char-array 4096)]
  (loop [total 0]
(let [num-read (.read reader buffer)]
  (if (not= -1 num-read)
  (.append file-data buffer 0 num-read)
  (recur (+ total num-read)))
(println total)
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Re: slow raw io

2010-06-23 Thread Stuart Halloway
On my laptop (Mac) the biggest difference here has nothing to do with buffering 
in slurp. It is whether you use System/in (fast) or *in* (slow). The latter is 
a LineNumberingPushbackReader.

Can you check and confirm? When I slurp System/in it is more than twice as fast 
as slurping *in*.

I believe the next-biggest perf issue is how StringBuilders grow. I suspect 
that the 4096 buffer is making them grow more efficiently.


 Another example. I'm running this on a Ubuntu 10.04 laptop with this
 java version 1.6.0_18
 OpenJDK Runtime Environment (IcedTea6 1.8) (6b18-1.8-0ubuntu1)
 OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM (build 14.0-b16, mixed mode)
 and this command line:
 java -Xmx3G -server clojure.main cat2.clj
 (require '[ :as jio])
 (defn- normalize-slurp-opts
  (if (string? (first opts))
  (println WARNING: (slurp f enc) is deprecated, use (slurp
 f :encoding enc).)
  [:encoding (first opts)])
 (defn slurp2
  Reads the file named by f using the encoding enc into a
  and returns it.
  {:added 1.0}
  ([f  opts]
 (let [opts (normalize-slurp-opts opts)
   data (StringBuffer.)
   buffer (char-array 4096)]
   (with-open [#^ r (apply jio/reader f opts)]
 (loop [c (.read r buffer)]
   (if (neg? c)
 (str data)
   (.append data buffer 0 c)
   (recur (.read r buffer)
 (with-open [f ( words)]
   (println (count (slurp f)
 (with-open [f ( words)]
   (println (count (slurp2 f)
 I get this output:
 $ java -Xmx3G -server clojure.main cat2.clj
 Elapsed time: 17094.007487 msecs
 Elapsed time: 5233.097287 msecs
 So at least in my environment there seems to be a big difference
 between slurp2 with an explicit buffer and the core/slurp one, which
 appears to be reading a character at a time from a BufferedReader
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Re: clojure.xml/parse cannot handle filenames containing #

2010-06-23 Thread Stuart Halloway
clojure.xml/parse is not documented to handle filenames-as-strings at all. It 
treats strings as URIs, deferring to the host (JVM) notion of URI as 
implemented in the underlying API.

I can certainly see why this would be confusing! Is there a way to make it 
better without violating the expectations of someone who knows the Java API and 
expects strings to be treated as URIs?


 (clojure.xml/parse test1.log)
 works correctly, output omitted
 (clojure.xml/parse test#1.log)
  Premature end of file.
[Thrown class org.xml.sax.SAXParseException]
 $ mv test\#1.log test2.log
 (clojure.xml/parse test2.log)
 works correctly, output omitted
 test#1.log is a copy of test1.log Confirmed on Linux and Mac OS
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Re: Question about every?

2010-06-24 Thread Stuart Halloway
You are correct. The struct is a single message. The messages object holds a 
ref to N of them (initially an empty vector).

Individual messages are added by alter ... conj in add-message.


 Ok, then I understand why it didn't work, but that means that the
 struct (that is sent by the add-message function) is put in a sequence
 somewhere on the way to being validated. Is this right, and where does
 this happen?
 ;All the relevant code
 (defstruct message :sender :text)
 (def validate-message-list
  (partial every? #(and (:sender %) (:text %
 (def messages (ref [] :validator validate-message-list))
 (defn add-message [msg]
  (dosync (alter messages conj msg)))
 (add-message (struct message mm first message))
 On Jun 23, 12:58 pm, Stuart Halloway
 Hi Michele,
 Pass a sequence of maps, not just a map:
 (every? #(:x %) [{:x s}])
 - true
 In the book Programming Clojure (p2_0, pdf, page 185) Adding
 Validation to Refs there is this code:
 (def validate-message-list (partial every? #(and (:sender %) (:text
 This works fine as a validator, but when I try the code directly - not
 as a validator - it returns false. I also tested with a simple if to
 see the difference.
 (every? #(:x %) {:x s})
 - false
 (if (#(:x %) {:x s}) TRUE FALSE)
 What do I not understand?
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Re: Duplicate key bug in hash-maps

2010-06-25 Thread Stuart Halloway
Duplicate key prevention is a feature added in commit 


 I tried Clojure via Githhub today.
 Anyone notice this bug that hadn't existed in Version 1.1
 user= #{:item1 {:a A :b B} :item2 {:a A :b B}}
 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Duplicate key: {:a A, :b B}
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Re: code review request:

2010-06-25 Thread Stuart Halloway
No one spoke up for it. 

 Sorry I'm so late to this particular discussion :-/
 Why was to-byte-array left behind?  It is a bit of an oddball function, 
 insofar as it doesn't fit into IOFactory or Coercions, but seems to me like a 
 natural cousin to copy.
 - Chas
 On May 11, 2010, at 12:16 PM, Stuart Halloway wrote:
 Assembla Ticket #311 [1] calls for the promotion of into 
 clojure (as I have attached a patch, and am requesting 
 comments and code review from the community.
 Reasons you want to take time from your day to read this code:
 (1) It's important. This isn't just a copy/paste from contrib, there are 
 several design changes (documented in the ticket).
 (2) It's interesting, demonstrating use of Clojure 1.2 protocols.
 (3) If you are new to Clojure, it isn't that scary. It's just I/O. :-)
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Re: slow raw io

2010-06-25 Thread Stuart Halloway
Hi Peter,

You are on the contributors list, so I just need to know your account name on 
Assembla to activate your ability to add tickets, patches, etc. Let me know 
your account name (which needs to be some permutation of  your real name, not a 


 I put a self-contained test up here:
 To run it copy this to slurptest.clj and run these commands
 java clojure.main slurptest.clj makewords 100 (100 seems good for
 macs, 300 for linux)
 java -Xmx3G -Xms3G clojure.main slurptest.clj slurp|
 Trying either slurp or slurp2. I see big timing differences on both
 macs and linux machines but it would be interesting to see if other
 people do too.
 Looking at core's slurp, the problem is that it reads one character at
 a time from the reader. The underlying reader being buffered or not,
 reading one character at a time is not good for performance. The
 attached patch brings it back down do the speed of slurp2 (How do I
 actually create a ticket on assembla? I couldn't find a way to do
 that; just browse individual tickets. I can't change tickets either;
 perhaps editing is not publicly allowed?).
 Anyways, some performance for FreeBSD 8/x86-64 with:
 openjdk6: 15 seconds slurp, 3.0 seconds slurp2
 openjdk7 (fastdebug): 14.5 seconds slurp, 2.0 seconds slurp2
 And slurp2 as a function of buffer size (single run each):
 1: 17.8 seconds
 128: 2.92 seconds
 1024: 2.88 seconds
 4096: 3.12 seconds
 / Peter Schuller
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Re: Duplicate key bug in hash-maps

2010-06-25 Thread Stuart Halloway
Duplicate keys in maps/sets are disallowed in literals and factory functions, 
where data is generally literal  inline and therefore likely represents coder 

; all disallowed
#{:a :a}
{:a 1 :a 2}
(hash-map :a 1 :a 2)
(hash-set :a :a)

They are allowed in other contexts, where the data could come from anywhere:

; dumb, but these forms not generally called with a literal
(set [:a :a]) 
(into #{} [:a :a])

I find this behavior consistent and easy to explain, but I was involved in the 
design conversation so maybe I have participant blindness. :-)


 On Fri, 25 Jun 2010 15:36:31 +0200
 Michael Wood wrote:
 On 25 June 2010 12:27, Tim Robinson wrote:
 I tried Clojure via Githhub today.
 Anyone notice this bug that hadn't existed in Version 1.1
 user= #{:item1 {:a A :b B} :item2 {:a A :b B}}
 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Duplicate key: {:a A, :b B}
 You're trying to put duplicate values into a set.
 So? Most places, putting a value that's already in a set into the set
 is a nop. Even in clojure that exhibits the above behavior:
 user= #{:a :a}
 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Duplicate key: :a
 user= (set [:a :a])
 user= (conj #{:a} :a)
 Apparently, duplicate keys in sets are only disallowed in set
 literals. Arguably, that must be a mistake on the users part, but
 it sure seems to clash with the behavior of sets elsewhere.
 Mike Meyer
 Independent Network/Unix/Perforce consultant, email for more information.
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Re: Duplicate key bug in hash-maps

2010-06-25 Thread Stuart Halloway
I think there are two important considerations in favor of how it works now:

(1) The common case presumptions (which admittedly may need to be learned).

(2) The need for both flavors. If there wasn't a flavor that rejected duplicate 
keys, somebody would surely ask for it.

Add to these considerations the names of the functions already in play, and you 
get the implementation you see.

 On Fri, 25 Jun 2010 10:31:57 -0400
 Stuart Halloway wrote:
 Duplicate keys in maps/sets are disallowed in literals and factory 
 functions, where data is generally literal  inline and therefore likely 
 represents coder error:
 ; all disallowed
 #{:a :a}
 {:a 1 :a 2}
 (hash-map :a 1 :a 2)
 (hash-set :a :a)
 Maps I can see being an error - you lose data in the process.
 However, since you can plug variables of unknown provenance into
 either the constructor or the literal, that's liable to create a nasty
 surprise for someone at some point.
 user= (def a :a)
 user= (def b :a)
 user= (hash-set a b)
 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Duplicate key: :a (NO_SOURCE_FILE:6)
 user= #{a b}
 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Duplicate key: :a (NO_SOURCE_FILE:0)
 They are allowed in other contexts, where the data could come from anywhere:
 It could come from anywhere in the two forbidden contexts as well.
 ; dumb, but these forms not generally called with a literal
 (set [:a :a]) 
 (into #{} [:a :a])
 I find this behavior consistent and easy to explain, but I was involved in 
 the design conversation so maybe I have participant blindness. :-)
 My initial reaction was that's a bit odd, but probably a good idea.
 However, given that I can use variables inside the literal and
 constructor, I'm leaning the other way.
 Or is (set [a b c]) idiomatic usage in this case, and (hash-set a b c)
 or #{a b c} to be avoided?
 Mike Meyer
 Independent Network/Unix/Perforce consultant, email for more information.
 O ascii ribbon campaign - stop html mail -

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Clojure 1.5 RC 4 wants to be Clojure 1.5

2013-01-31 Thread Stuart Halloway
Clojure 1.5 RC 4 is now available via Maven Central:*

Please test it!

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Re: the semantic of if-let macro

2013-01-31 Thread Stuart Halloway
The docs are clear that the test occurs before the bindings:

(doc if-let)
([bindings then] [bindings then else  oldform])
  bindings = binding-form test

  If test is true, evaluates then with binding-form bound to the value of
  test, if not, yields else


On Thu, Jan 31, 2013 at 2:43 AM, Mimmo Cosenza mimmo.cose...@gmail.comwrote:

 On Thursday, January 31, 2013 1:49:40 AM UTC+1, Sean Corfield wrote:

 but now that you've posted this, I
 can see some potential for confusion when folks first encounter
 if-let... Presumably the same confusion could arise for when-let?

 yes, this is the confusion that you can incur in.


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ANN: Simulant: a framework for simulation-based testing

2013-02-02 Thread Stuart Halloway
I am pleased to announce the release of Simulant, an open-source framework
for simulation-based testing built using Datomic and Clojure:

Feedback welcome!


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Re: `let` to automatically add metadata / fn names?

2013-02-09 Thread Stuart Halloway
+1 on this line of thought. We are definitely interested in decomplecting
dev mode utility from production lean-and-meanness.

One question along this path is What options exist in Java/maven land for
doing multiple releases of the same artifact with e.g. different
performance and debugging characteristics, and how could these be
incorporated into the Clojure build in a transparent, easy-to-assess way?

Answering the preceding question (or reframing it into a better question)
is not blocked waiting on anybody. Have at it!


On Fri, Feb 8, 2013 at 9:36 PM, Brian Marick wrote:

 On Feb 8, 2013, at 7:56 PM, Daniel Glauser wrote:

  This sounds like a great idea. I was working with some tests today and
 it would have been really useful to have some way to query the current
 function/execution context. Seems like passing that through all lets would
 go a long way, provided I'm reading this right.

 It would be very interesting to have a maximally informative mode and a
 generate really tense code mode. There is tradition behind such an idea.

 It would be especially interesting if the maximally informative mode had
 hooks tools could exploit. For example, Midje provides a hack where you can
 declare records in a way that the contained functions can be mocked:
 `defrecord-openly`. I expect almost no one uses it, even though it is no
 different than `defrecord` when in production mode: it's too weird
 looking. But people would use it if ordinary defrecord methods weren't
 inlined during development.

 There's no *semantic* reason why parts of Clojure should *always* be
 closed to introspection-type actions. It's purely a matter of time
 constraints on the core team, which I am certainly not in a position to
 judge. How much core time should be spent on saving anonymous programmers
 time vs. saving cycles for anonymous apps running on the Amazon cloud? It's
 a tough tradeoff.

 Looking for 1/2-time employment as a Clojure programmer
 Latest book: /Functional Programming for the Object-Oriented Programmer/

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Clojure 1.5 RC 14

2013-02-09 Thread Stuart Halloway
Clojure 1.5 RC 14 (fourteen) will be available soon from Maven Central:*

Please test it!


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Re: `let` to automatically add metadata / fn names?

2013-02-09 Thread Stuart Halloway
It is likely that, once this Pandora's box is opened, there will be more
profiles that just debug yes/no.

It is almost certain that whatever we do must be maven friendly.  (Maven is
a de facto standard for 1000x more people than leiningen, and some of them
want to use libs written in Clojure.)

If you are excited about doing this design work, please start a page in
Confluence, and capture your goals, options, tradeoffs, and recommendations.


On Sat, Feb 9, 2013 at 7:20 PM, vemv wrote:

 I had something like this in mind:

- There's a set of clojure.core vars that mean something (potentially)
expensive yet convenient, and default to true
- Neither library producers or consumers have ever to touch those
(unless they want fine-grained control for some specific var/context)
- When performing a release to clojars or central, Lein creates two
versions (DEBUG, NO-DEBUG), in which the vars are set to true and
false, respectively
- Then library consumers can specify either [com.example/awesomelib *
1.4.0*], [com.example *1.4.0-DEBUG*], or [com.example *
1.4.0-NO-DEBUG*] in their :dependencies vector, in the corresponding
- If no version directive is specified, DEBUG would be chosen unless
specified otherwise in profiles.clj: {:user {:debug-dependencies false}}

 Does it sound good enough?

 On Friday, February 8, 2013 6:18:54 PM UTC+1, vemv wrote:

 Given that: a) fns can have names for debugging purposes, and b) data
 structures can have metadata, wouldn't it be a good idea to let let auto
 attach (where possible) the names of the bindings to their corresponding

 For example, the improved let I'm thinking of would translate this input:

 (ns my.namespace)

 (defn do-it
   (let [foo (fn [] (throw (Exception.)))
 bar {:hello (/ 0 0)}]))


 (ns my.namespace)

 (defn do-it
   (let [foo (fn foo [] (throw (Exception.)))
 bar ^{:origin :my.namespace/do-it$let$bar} {:hello (/ 0 0)}]))

 This could be used to increase the precision of the stack traces, or in
 IDEs/editors for locating the exact source of an exception.

 Do you see such a mechanism being incorporated to clojure.core/let -
 should I open a ticket?

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Re: Clojure 1.5 RC 14

2013-02-10 Thread Stuart Halloway
 1972-05-30T18:17:49.692-00:00 #inst 1986-03-14T02:42:42.374-00:00 #inst
 2096-01-05T11:11:23.974-00:00 #inst 1997-12-03T18:50:28.444-00:00 #inst
 2009-05-12T23:48:54.862-00:00 #inst 2026-02-16T11:51:39.884-00:00 #inst
 1978-07-24T14:57:30.134-00:00 #inst 2003-08-21T22:16:56.540-00:00 #inst
 2000-04-06T12:22:12.441-00:00 #inst 2002-11-24T01:28:22.121-00:00 #inst
 1994-03-25T13:59:33.563-00:00 #inst 2071-07-24T05:23:57.700-00:00 #inst
 1973-02-21T21:19:53.593-00:00 #inst 2002-01-15T22:05:02.577-00:00 #inst
 2070-11-21T11:43:26.215-00:00 #inst 1981-02-13T22:11:16.246-00:00 #inst
 1970-07-22T21:48:11.057-00:00 #inst 1971-01-29T03:41:18.739-00:00 #inst
 1999-03-27T23:30:24.423-00:00 #inst 1977-02-06T08:36:28.391-00:00 #inst
 2077-10-02T22:12:19.848-00:00 #inst 2033-06-20T08:33:04.929-00:00 #inst
 2076-12-24T03:10:57.403-00:00 #inst 1994-02-24T15:51:53.173-00:00 #inst
 1971-05-25T22:45:07.225-00:00 #inst 1973-12-18T13:35:59.229-00:00 #inst
 2042-10-23T01:45:24.233-00:00 #inst 2038-03-23T00:12:18.445-00:00 #inst
 2000-05-08T18:30:51.890-00:00 #inst 1970-03-22T04:27:39.217-00:00 #inst
 1980-11-20T20:59:16.421-00:00 #inst 2001-06-29T08:24:25.837-00:00],
 :read #OutOfMemoryError java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: PermGen space}


 On Feb 9, 2013, at 2:13 PM, Stuart Halloway

 Clojure 1.5 RC 14 (fourteen) will be available soon from Maven Central:*

 Please test it!


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 Please correct me if I'm wrong or incomplete,
 even if you think I'll subconsciously hate it.

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Re: Clojure 1.5 RC 14

2013-02-10 Thread Stuart Halloway
I found it, fix coming soon.

Pesky interned keywords.

On Sun, Feb 10, 2013 at 10:31 AM, Aaron Bedra wrote:

 I tried it on 3 machines with the following results

 Late '11 iMac running OS X 10.8.2: Failed with PermGen error
 Mid '12 Macbook Air running OS X 10.8.2: Success
 VM Running Arch Linux: Success

 So I can't say it is easily reproducible. I'll see if I can find what is
 tripping things up on the iMac today.


 On Feb 10, 2013, at 8:36 AM, Stuart Halloway


 Were you simply running the test suite via the build?  On what hardware
 and OS?


 On Sat, Feb 9, 2013 at 9:16 PM, Aaron Bedra wrote:

 Yeah, I know what would fix it, but I would like to make sure the right
 defaults are in place for folks who pull it down.


 On Feb 9, 2013, at 4:29 PM, AtKaaZ wrote:

 maybe jvm arg would help

 On Sat, Feb 9, 2013 at 11:17 PM, Aaron Bedra

 I just pulled it down locally and got the dreaded PermGen…

  [java] java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: PermGen space
  [java] at
  [java] at clojure.lang.AFn.applyToHelper(
  [java] at clojure.lang.AFn.applyTo(
  [java] at clojure.core$apply.invoke(core.clj:617)
  [java] at
  [java] at
  [java] at
  [java] at
  [java] at
  [java] at
  [java] at
  [java] at
  [java] at
  [java] at
  [java] at
  [java] clojure.lang.ExceptionInfo: Value cannot roundtrip, see
 ex-data {:printed [#inst 2034-04-17T21:03:17.620-00:00 #inst
 1979-04-19T20:14:07.477-00:00 #inst 1996-06-20T05:47:52.868-00:00 #inst
 1995-08-15T20:51:41.920-00:00 #inst 2029-05-17T14:34:37.906-00:00 #inst
 1987-06-05T21:05:23.305-00:00 #inst 1994-06-29T16:17:24.459-00:00 #inst
 2035-12-03T09:39:44.754-00:00 #inst 2040-01-31T09:47:29.774-00:00 #inst
 1973-06-09T04:53:42.029-00:00 #inst 1996-12-23T17:26:25.607-00:00 #inst
 2022-07-01T16:33:57.846-00:00 #inst 1998-10-01T00:21:09.895-00:00 #inst
 1973-01-11T17:43:58.457-00:00 #inst 1988-11-03T22:46:53.468-00:00 #inst
 1982-01-31T11:34:19.796-00:00 #inst 2011-11-11T10:59:23.168-00:00 #inst
 1973-06-07T12:37:22.285-00:00 #inst 1977-12-15T03:32:20.215-00:00 #inst
 2047-10-15T13:51:28.327-00:00 #inst 2007-12-16T05:50:59.539-00:00 #inst
 1980-05-01T01:58:13.802-00:00 #inst 1980-01-30T04:31:20.418-00:00 #inst
 2044-09-16T14:38:34.919-00:00 #inst 1980-08-05T18:06:50.589-00:00 #inst
 1978-12-31T11:40:11.800-00:00 #inst 2015-05-08T15:03:27.594-00:00 #inst
 1975-06-28T17:24:08.855-00:00 #inst 1975-06-09T07:22:42.892-00:00 #inst
 2026-03-20T07:01:01.296-00:00 #inst 2053-02-02T01:33:45.525-00:00 #inst
 2002-04-11T18:43:38.347-00:00 #inst 1992-12-10T13:33:55.048-00:00 #inst
 2015-04-16T20:53:45.670-00:00 #inst 2013-12-23T20:16:07.506-00:00 #inst
 1978-09-02T09:42:03.175-00:00 #inst 1980-06-29T00:54:55.361-00:00 #inst
 2061-11-04T22:40:32.484-00:00 #inst 2190-06-05T04:42:38.638-00:00 #inst
 2038-03-19T09:05:50.002-00:00 #inst 2033-08-08T13:48:51.747-00:00 #inst
 2077-11-18T06:09:19.557-00:00 #inst 1997-02-07T14:02:27.410-00:00 #inst
 1988-08-20T07:11:32.623-00:00 #inst 1981-12-06T05:48:21.787-00:00 #inst
 1980-08-15T09:40:38.877-00:00 #inst 2022-01-19T16:23:06.638-00:00 #inst
 1994-09-09T17:35:55.052-00:00 #inst 1989-09-14T07:24:38.880-00:00 #inst
 2050-03-30T21:22:42.054-00:00 #inst 2071-10-09T20:37:08.430-00:00 #inst
 2083-04-19T10:25:43.108-00:00 #inst 1978-09-09T18:28:22.366-00:00 #inst
 1979-11-03T08:18:42.779-00:00 #inst 1975-10-24T00:59:58.497-00:00 #inst
 1974-10-10T14:40:29.360-00:00 #inst 1999-07-14T07:47:47.220-00:00 #inst
 2215-11-23T00:36:40.748-00:00 #inst 2077-02-14T19:40:22.712-00:00 #inst
 1985-03-14T12:30:49.064-00:00 #inst 2021-08-26T20:51:15.030-00:00 #inst
 2013-04-22T10:48:12.278-00:00 #inst 2019-08-31T17:31:05.195-00:00 #inst
 1975-04-21T22:13:33.370-00:00 #inst 1984-09-10T23:30:15.313-00:00 #inst
 2053-11-10T05:36:02.093-00:00 #inst 1974-01-05T15:17:02.286-00:00 #inst
 2058-09-18T08:11:45.895-00:00 #inst 1987-10-26T13:15:29.968-00:00 #inst
 2001-10-01T08:12:45.877-00:00 #inst 2003-05

Clojure 1.5 RC 15 coming soon to Maven Central

2013-02-10 Thread Stuart Halloway
Please test...


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Clojure in the Field 2013 edition, suggestions wanted

2013-02-13 Thread Stuart Halloway
Next week, I will be giving an all-new version of my Clojure in the Field'
experience report [1] at DevNexus in Atlanta [2].

I will be drawing in Chas's State of Clojure Survey [3], and on the
community success stories page [4], but those only scratch the surface of
the wealth of Clojure experience on this list.

So I need your help! If you were talking to somebody who was considering
Clojure, and who wanted to know what it was like using it in the real
world, what are the most important ideas and stories you would want to



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RC 16: Last chance to test against Clojure 1.5 before it ships

2013-02-13 Thread Stuart Halloway
If you care about Clojure 1.5 compatibility for your codebase, please test
it against RC 16 as soon as possible.

You can get the source and build it yourself from [1], or wait for Maven
Central [2] to pick up the CI build, which usually takes a few hours.



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Clojure 1.5 RC 17 wending through the maven pipes

2013-02-22 Thread Stuart Halloway
Only change from RC 16 is

Please test for regression.


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ANN: Clojure 1.5

2013-03-01 Thread Stuart Halloway
We are pleased to announce the release of Clojure 1.5.

Getting Clojure:

  Lein/Maven:   :dependencies [[org.clojure/clojure 1.5.0]]

Note that it will take a few hours for the links above to become live,
as the completed build moves into Maven Central.

This release includes significant features and bug fixes, documented

The number of Clojure contributors continues to grow. Thanks to all
the people whose code is included in this release:

Aaron Bedra
Alan Malloy
Alex Redington
Alf Kristian Stoyle
Ambrose Bonnaire-Sergeant
Andy Fingerhut
Brandon Bloom
Brenton Ashworth
Chas Emerick
Christophe Grand
Colin Jones
Cosmin Stejerean
Daniel Solano GĂłmez
David Powell
David Santiago
Ed Bowler
Federico Brubacher
Gabriel Horner
Gary Fredericks
Herwig Hochleitner
Hubert Iwaniuk
Hugo Duncan
John Szakmeister
Juha Arpiainen
Justin Kramer
Kevin Downey
Laurent Petit
Meikel Brandmeyer
Michael Fogus
Michał Marczyk
Michel Alexandre Salim
Philip Aston
Philip Potter
Rich Hickey
Scott Lowe
Steve Miner
Stuart Halloway
Stuart Sierra
Tassilo Horn
Toby Crawley
Tom Faulhaber

Thanks to all involved!

Stu Halloway

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Clojure 1.5.1

2013-03-10 Thread Stuart Halloway
Clojure 1.5.1 fixes a memory leak in Clojure 1.5, discussed here:

Getting Clojure:

  Lein/Maven:   :dependencies [[org.clojure/clojure 1.5.1]]

Note that it will take a few hours for the links above to become live,
as the completed build moves into Maven Central.


Stu Halloway

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Re: Clojure 1.5.1

2013-03-11 Thread Stuart Halloway
Fixed, thanks.


On Sun, Mar 10, 2013 at 7:28 PM, wrote:

 I think there's a typo in the download link on

 It says*0*
 whereas it should be*1*
 (note the 1.5.1 vs. 1.5.0 in the second to last part of the URL)

 Am Sonntag, 10. März 2013 19:35:34 UTC+1 schrieb

 Clojure 1.5.1 fixes a memory leak in Clojure 1.5, discussed here:**msg/clojure-dev/uAFM0Ti4AcQ/**GmnKmphF1BgJ

 Getting Clojure:

   Lein/Maven:   :dependencies [[org.clojure/clojure 1.5.1]]

 Note that it will take a few hours for the links above to become live,
 as the completed build moves into Maven Central.


 Stu Halloway

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ANN: Simulant, a library for simulation testing

2013-03-20 Thread Stuart Halloway



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is there a way to use clojure.main/repl from lein?

2013-05-27 Thread Stuart Halloway
As opposed to tools.nrepl?


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Re: is there a way to use clojure.main/repl from lein?

2013-05-27 Thread Stuart Halloway
I thought I wanted some of the affordances, but not the nrepl connection
(e.g. get to reply's standalone eval mode).

But it turns out that for my use case, I don't need any of that, so calling
clojure.main directly is the right thing.


On Mon, May 27, 2013 at 11:27 AM, Laurent PETIT


 What about

 lein run -m clojure.main


 2013/5/27 Stuart Halloway
  As opposed to tools.nrepl?
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Clojure and Datomic workshops at NDC Oslo week of June 10

2013-05-27 Thread Stuart Halloway
Hi all,

I will be doing Clojure and Datomic workshops, as well as a few talks. at
NDC Oslo in a few weeks, see for details.

Hope to see some of you there!


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Re: [pre-ANN] test2, the last Clojure testing framework

2013-06-09 Thread Stuart Halloway
Hi Steven,

A few thoughts:

1. You may want to look at

2. I don't think you want a ref for *assertion-results* -- I am not aware
of any use cases that would need transactions. In any case the choice of
reference type probably belongs in the impl, not the spec.

Good luck with this!

On Sat, Jun 8, 2013 at 4:14 PM, Steven Degutis wrote:

 Test2 is a new testing lib for Clojure, where the power is its simplicity,
 extensibility, and a 
 SPEC much
 like Ring's.


 Some background: It came out of 
 the smart folks in #clojure, who were frustrated with the inflexibility of
 existing libs, and intended this to be the spiritual successor to
 clojure.test. We wanted something that was still simple like clojure.test,
 but could be extended externally much more easily in case you wanted
 features found in clojure.test, Midje, Speclj, or Expectations, or whatever

 This is a pre-ANN because it's more of a call for extensions. I've written
 one last night, 
 which took about an hour. This should give some idea of how easy it is and
 how well-designed the SPEC was by the smart folks of #clojure. There are
 some ideas at the bottom of the wiki, but of course any extensions are


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Re: getMethods

2011-06-23 Thread Stuart Halloway
 I have found a function to get the methods of the classes in the book The
 Joy of Clojure, and I would like to use it in REPL. Instead of
 java.awt.Frame I would like to specify the library that I want writing
 something like (methods any.library). Which is the way to get it?
 (for [method (seq (.getMethods java.awt.Frame)) :let [method-name (.getName
 method)]] method-name)
 You can do the above like this:
 (map #(.getName %) (.getMethods java.awt.Frame))
 And to turn it into a function, you just do this:
 (defn class-methods [class-name]
  (map #(.getName %) (.getMethods class-name)))

You might also want to look at clojure.reflect. The API results are data, and 
can easily be mapped/filtered/etc.

Stuart Halloway

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Re: Can the namespace portion of a symbol contain slashes?

2011-06-23 Thread Stuart Halloway
 My question probably should have been: is it intentional that the Clojure 
 accepts symbol names containing more than one slash, producing a
 namespace portion
 of the symbol containing slashes in its name?

The docs ( are specific:

'/' has special meaning, it can be used once in the middle of a symbol to 
separate the namespace from the name, e.g. my-namespace/foo. '/' by itself 
names the division function.


Stuart Halloway

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Re: Can the namespace portion of a symbol contain slashes?

2011-06-23 Thread Stuart Halloway
 On Thu, Jun 23, 2011 at 10:40 AM, Stuart Halloway wrote:
 The docs ( are specific:
 '/' has special meaning, it can be used once in the middle of a symbol to
 separate the namespace from the name, e.g. my-namespace/foo. '/' by itself
 names the division function.
 Specific perhaps, but incomplete. The docs don't provide enough
 information to determine the validity or meaning or 'a/b/c.d for
 The docs say what '/ means (by itself) and what 'a/b means (used once
 - we'll put aside the imprecision of in the middle of a symbol) but
 not what used more than once means.
 On Thu, Jun 23, 2011 at 20:20, Ken Wesson wrote:
 On Thu, Jun 23, 2011 at 1:48 PM, Sean Corfield 
 The docs say what '/ means (by itself) and what 'a/b means (used once
 - we'll put aside the imprecision of in the middle of a symbol)
 I think that's fairly clear: that the portions of the symbol to each
 side of the / are non-empty. In the middle as opposed to at one end
 or the other.
 I disagree. It's not at all clear from the above description how the
 reader will interpret a/b/c:
 (1) namespace: a/b
name:  c
 (2) namespace: a
name:  b/c
 (3) throw an exception since the string violates it can be used once.
 The reader as implemented behaves as (1), though it's not clear from
 the documentation why this would be preferred above (2) or (3).
 // Ben

The docs at do not aspire to enumerate every possible
scenario, especially regarding the things that Clojure does *not* do.

If the docs don't say you can do this, then you should assume you
can't (or at least shouldn't).


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Re: Clojure for large programs

2011-07-05 Thread Stuart Halloway
 On Jul 3, 2011, at 3:13 AM, Sean Corfield wrote:
 Since I mostly work with 50-100kloc projects, I think 5-10kloc
 projects are kinda small :)
 My point was that I'm running into interesting questions even with a small 
 program. The answers are not obvious to me. There's evidence I'm not alone, 
 so those to whom the answers *are* obvious would help the community by 
 describing them.
 * An example: organizing code into namespaces (skippable)
 I was uncertain that Midje's sweet (syntactically sugared) interface would 
 catch on, so I organized it by translation layers. I wrote the unprocessed 
 layer first; it had functions that worked solely on maps. The semi-sweet 
 layer provided macros that introduced some useful conventions but had only 
 one syntactic innovation. It was easy to translate the `expect` and `fake` 
 macros into unprocessed function calls on maps. Then I added the sweet 
 layer that has a considerably more ambitious set of macros that translate 
 `facts` into `expects` and `fakes`. 
 As time went on, I pulled out utility functions into namespaces like 
 [midje.util thread-safe-var-nesting laziness file-position]. But that 
 organization failed. When I divide things up into files, I want the division 
 such that I usually find things in the first place I look. That wasn't 
 So I started migrating to an organization based on verbs (this is a 
 functional language, right?). So I have namespaces like [midje.midje-forms 
 recognizing translating building]. Two problems: 1) New features require 
 recognizing, translating, and building, so all the hopping around files was 
 annoying. 2) The functions didn't fall into such clear-cut categories that I 
 could reliably find things in the first place I look. (Unsurprising, since 
 clear-cut categories are rare in nature:
 Now I'm moving toward an organization around nouns, which feels a bit too OO 
 to me, but at least I'm far enough in the project that the key concepts/nouns 
 are likely to stay stable.
 This progression feels a lot more wasteful than it would have been in Java 
 (which has IDE support) or Ruby (which lets you mention a file once and have 
 it be available throughout the program). So I'd have preferred to get it 
 (more) right in the first place.
 * What would help
 It'd be useful for people happy with their multi-namespace codebases to 
 volunteer them as exemplars. What's grouped together and why? What are the 
 dependencies? How'd you arrive at this structure?  A really interesting thing 
 to do would be to implement a feature and narrate how you decide where to put 
 things, where existing things must be, and so forth. [I spend a fair amount 
 of time parachuting into projects and learning the code structure by pairing. 
 Works pretty nicely.]

On large projects I do the following:

(1) Use require :as prefix everywhere. This felt ugly at first, but puts 
pressure on naming in way that is beneficial as the codebase grows.

(2) Think of the consumer of the lib, not the author. As a user of Midje, I 
would want all the utility fns in a single namespace (if they were separated 
from the domain API at all).

In general, I have found that namespaces should be larger than my OO intuition 
would have them be.


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Re: Please stand firm against Steve Yegge's yes language push

2011-07-07 Thread Stuart Halloway
 It may be that I am really talking about the website (, not
 any of the auxiliary ones, which are a bit of a mess in themselves)
 more than the language itself.  If people receive the \right
 instructions, setting up Emacs/Leiningen/Web servers etc. is actually
 not so hard.  The trouble is that all of this information is currently
 scattered to the four winds (I include things like the Paredit cheat
 sheet, Slime commands, which Emacs to use, etc.), and I don't think we
 should rely on users to pull this information together themselves
 and at any rate, why should they?

Getting Started documentation is bound to be a high churn area. Here are 
things you can do to help:

(1) Edit and improve the official docs:

(2) Link to the official docs, and help us do the same. has a 
slower update process than the dev site (by design!) but if there is something 
wrong, or a place where it needs to link out, please let us know!

(3) Encourage people who wrote a blog post 18 months ago that is now filled 
with misinformation (as things have moved on) to go back and add a link to the 
official docs.

There are now almost 300 signatories to the contributor agreement, and any of 
them can update without any review process. This should be 
plenty of horizontal scaling to keep documentation (even high-churn 
documentation) accurate.

Thanks to everyone who is helping out!


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Re: Please stand firm against Steve Yegge's yes language push

2011-07-07 Thread Stuart Halloway
 For instance, a little while ago I was corresponding with someone who
 had released a patch to Clojure.  (This was Alyssa Kwan, in case you
 want to look up the thread.)  Her patch made refs persistent to
 disksomething that seemed very much in the spirit of Clojure.
 Dealing with disk persistence in a production-ready way may be its own
 discipline, but in a language that wishes to reduce ceremony, there
 is no reason that you should have to worry about which database to use
 when you merely want to write a program that remembers data when you
 re-start it.  The interface needed to do this is \almost there  It
 seemed an eminently useful thing, but it got posted to this list and
 sank without a trace.  Nobody from Core ever contacted her.  (She
 admitted it was a hack, but isn't that how all patches start out?)

Several points worth calling out in the this short paragraph:

(1) It is certainly a shame is somebody got frustrated and left the community, 
esp. if all that was needed was recognition of their input. The core team is 
doing better with this over time, but there is always room for improvement.

(2) Improvements to Clojure do not, in fact, begin as hacks. Or even as 
patches. In general, they begin with a statement of a problem and some possible 
approaches to a solution. This is then followed by months of contemplation on 
and off at different times.  90% of carefully considered ideas are eventually 
rejected, or simply wither from lack of attention/urgency.  (You can see some 
of these at [1], [2], [3], [4], and [5], below). For random patches, the 
failure rate is probably more like 99.5%. 

(3) The specific patch [6] you are discussing fails a bunch of different sniff 

* creator acknowledges it is a hack
* IP and licensing issues have not been resolved
* new dependency underneath Clojure? hard coded to one db? 
* open composability issues (what happens to e.g. closed-overs?)
* the patch is compound. There are a number of separate subfeatures hiding in 
the proposal, each also incomplete (e.g. a generic serialization mechanism)
* ACID most of the time is not, IMO, in the spirit of Clojure
* how is this better/worse than using a database?

(4) That's just the sniff tests. It has already taken me about an hour to 
follow the thread and write this response, and I would categorize this idea as 
being in the pre-design phase of its lifecycle. It could easily take several 
more hours just to document the rough edges of this idea, which is tantamount 
to starting the design process. Once started, how long do you think it 
would/should take to design and implement a generic solution bridging Clojure's 
in-memory reference semantics with disk? 

It is absolutely true that as Clojure grows, more attention needs be paid to 
ease-of-use and ease-of-getting-started. Suggestions here are welcome!  I think 
there are a number of issues around user experience that are almost entirely 
orthogonal to deep challenges such as disk-persistent references. As such, they 
are amenable to suggestions and improvements that do not require language 
changes or the same level of vetting that language changes imply. Leiningen [7] 
is a great example of this.

Most of the core team's time is, and will continue to be, focused on solving 
hard problems. Rich will be presenting a great example of this at the NYC 
Clojure group on July 20 [8].


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Re: Please stand firm against Steve Yegge's yes language push

2011-07-08 Thread Stuart Halloway
 Read my blog post (written a year ago; updated several times to ensure
 it works with newer versions of Clojure and Leiningen):
 Now replace with something like that and I
 think most of the complaints would go away.
 1.  That's really all there is to it.  The starting path needs to
 be Lein and lein repl.  If that one section on the website
 were changed (it's been there for whattwo years?) it would look so
 much better to newcomers.  Lein can at least get people up and
 running, and give them time to play with Clojure while they figure out

Here's a possible plan:

1. Core will produce a smaller, up-to-date page for This page will do less, and will link out 
prominently to the contributor wiki. Turnaround time on this: probably not 
before the announcement [1] on July 20. We're quite busy atm.

2. Between now and then, please help make the contributor wiki 
( better!  Some obvious 

2a. Create a no decisions needed path for beginners. I share the opinion that 
this should not be IDE-based.

2b. Link out to the various other resources that are particularly useful for 


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Re: Mutable Clojure Data Structures

2011-07-08 Thread Stuart Halloway
 I love Clojure ,but Clojure sucks a lot of memory  and that frustrates
 me !
 I am looking forward to find a way to put mutability in my code the
 same way i put immutable data structures.
 For example imagine ~[ 1 2 3 4 ] to be mutable vector and every
 semicolon that have this ~ in front to be mutable.
 But I dont know from where to start , can you give me some tips ?
 Maybe i will create a fork of the compiler
 or a binding library based on java collection API
 I know that developers of the compiler will not like it .
 However if we succeed , then there is a future  of clojure in androids
 and desktop aplication !

A big thing that will help Android is build profiles [1]. In particular, we 
need a lean-and-mean build profile that eliminates source code and metadata 
entirely. And then, inevitably, some way to whitelist in metadata that is 
required by the application. (Clojure's own use of metadata isn't required at 
runtime, but who knows what other consumers of metadata may need or expect.)

This problem needs more design work before coding begins. (Maybe I should add 
the preceding statement to my sig...)


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Re: Recommendation for Clojure Enterprise Development toolkit

2011-07-09 Thread Stuart Halloway
On Jul 9, 2011, at 3:29 AM, MarkH wrote:

 As a tech lead or architect you should be fired for even suggesting to
 use Clojure as an enterprise greenfield.   Industry and academia is
 moving towards advanced type systems.  Nobody in industry seriously
 considers Clojure for enterprise systems.

This is a good time for a reminder. If you are using Clojure professionally and 
are allowed to talk about it, please email and get 
your story added to

Sadly I cannot talk (yet) about the three most interesting Clojure projects I 
have been involved with. But nobody involved with any of them wants to fire me. 


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Re: Looking for examples of using Java iterators from Clojure...

2011-07-09 Thread Stuart Halloway
 I don't think I like the notion of a lazy-seq and an iterator, since reading 
 the iterator also changes it. Consider the case where you create a lazy-seq 
 from an iterator, and the iterator somehow escapes. Somewhere else the 
 iterator is read from, and now the data that where supposed to be in the 
 lazy-seq no longer exists.
 I guess you could clone the iterator, but that would sort of remove the 
 purpose of using a lazy-seq in the first place. 

The same argument could apply to every other kind of lazy seq:

* resultset-seq better not let the ResultSet escape
* seqs over arrays better not let the array escape
* line-seq better not let the BufferedReader escape

and so on.

Implementers of seqs are responsible for encapsulating implementation details 
and not letting them escape. It's a fact of life.


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Re: (doc more-examples)

2011-07-16 Thread Stuart Halloway
 On Sat, Jul 16, 2011 at 2:23 AM, Tuba Lambanog 
 More examples in how to use a form in the (doc ...) facility within
 REPL would be very useful to newbies. Thanks.
 That would mean the docstrings need to provide more detail in the
 source code. Not sure how practical that is since the docstrings would
 substantially outweigh the code - maybe Clojure/core could comment?

I wouldn't use docstrings for this, as they increase runtime footprint.

That said, an alternate doc macro could look other places besides docstrings. 
It shouldn't be difficult to write an examples macro that calls out to e.g.


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following Rich's talk at NYC Clojure this Wednesday

2011-07-18 Thread Stuart Halloway
Several people have asked about access to Rich's upcoming talk this Wednesday 
night [1]. In order to make information available for those who are not present 
in NYC, we are planning to do the following:

During the talk:

* We will be live streaming the talk at [2]. This is our first time live 
streaming from the facility, so cross your fingers.

* We will be covering the talk live in the Clojure IRC.

After the talk:

* Video will be posted online. Once the editing is complete, I will post a link 
here with details.

* The slides will be posted online. 



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Re: following Rich's talk at NYC Clojure this Wednesday

2011-07-19 Thread Stuart Halloway
The website claims that the talk starts at 6:45 pm EDT, but I suspect that the 
technical content actually starts at 7:00.


 awesome!! looking forward to the talk.. like everybody else, I think it will 
 be great to have the time and time-zone info posted.. 
 On Mon, Jul 18, 2011 at 9:28 PM, Stuart Halloway 
 Several people have asked about access to Rich's upcoming talk this Wednesday 
 night [1]. In order to make information available for those who are not 
 present in NYC, we are planning to do the following:
 During the talk:
 * We will be live streaming the talk at [2]. This is our first time live 
 streaming from the facility, so cross your fingers.
 * We will be covering the talk live in the Clojure IRC.
 After the talk:
 * Video will be posted online. Once the editing is complete, I will post a 
 link here with details.
 * The slides will be posted online. 
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Re: [ANN] ClojureScript

2011-07-21 Thread Stuart Halloway
 Where is the bug tracker for ClojureScript?

Just created:


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Re: BUG REPORT: ClojureScript : Portable Path Support

2011-07-21 Thread Stuart Halloway
 If ClojureScript isn't mavenified, how else do you easily make it a 
 dependency in a web application?

Maven doesn't any problems that we have, and would add complexity to the 
development process and slow us down. Also, we don't want to unthinkingly drag 
Java presumptions into ClojureScript.

Let's wait and collect feedback from the community before pouring any cement on 
deployment approaches.


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better community docs: getting started

2011-07-22 Thread Stuart Halloway
I am working through a few of the pages on with two goals:

(1) remove or fix anything that is outdated or incorrect

(2) move to the community site ( things that should be 
maintained by the community.

As a first pass, I have trimmed, and quite 
clearly linked out to for 
advice on tools, IDEs, etc.

The community getting started page could be much better. In particular, people 
have opined that there should be a clear, no-choices-to-make path For Newbies 
section.Help welcome!


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better community docs: contrib

2011-07-22 Thread Stuart Halloway
The Contrib link in the top right corner of now points to

Currently, this landing page is just a list of links to the various contrib 
projects. Not great, but that is better than the old link, which simply dumped 
you into the old, monolithic contrib git repository.

More important, is a 
community-managed page, so Clojure/core isn't a bottleneck on improving it. 
Help requested to make 


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Re: better community docs: getting started

2011-07-22 Thread Stuart Halloway
 I am working through a few of the pages on with two goals:
 (1) remove or fix anything that is outdated or incorrect
 I really like how minimal that is now.
 A quick suggestion: shouldn't the Copyright date be updated too? 

Yuo. Fixed, thanks.


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Re: better community docs: getting started

2011-07-22 Thread Stuart Halloway
 I am working through a few of the pages on with two goals:
 (1) remove or fix anything that is outdated or incorrect
 (2) move to the community site ( things that should be
 maintained by the community.
 As a first pass, I have trimmed, and
 quite clearly linked out
 to for advice on tools,
 IDEs, etc.
 Thank you!
 A question about the packaging of the Developer Releases on the
 downloads page: in the 1.2.1 ZIP, there's clojure.jar exactly as
 mentioned on the getting_started page; in the 1.3.0 Beta 1 ZIP,
 there's clojure-1.3.0-beta1.jar and clojure-1.3.0-beta1-slim.jar - is
 that just an artifact of the interim builds? (and is the assumption
 that folks reading getting_started aren't likely to try non-stable

I think it is reasonable to expect that someone grabbing a non-stable build 
would recognize the trailing version goo as build artifact. I guess we'll find 
out. :-)


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Re: One syntax to rule them all

2011-07-23 Thread Stuart Halloway
The fact that Read and Eval are separate steps is fundamental here. The 
ClojureScript reader does not eval, and the Clojure reader gives you the knobs 
you need to do what you want.


 ...and immediately a new attack vector is born with Clojure structure 
 injection attacks...
 I so hope people don't start passing executable clojure back and forth.
 On 23/07/2011, at 7:54 PM, Jozef Wagner wrote:
 Clojure can run on top of JVM, CLR and Javascript VM. Clojure data 
 structures can replace syntax of SQL result sets, JSON, XML, HTML, CSS and 
 other languages (e.g. .properties syntax). Clojure data structures are even 
 used for application configuration (lein, cake).

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Re: Alright, fess up, who's unhappy with clojurescript?

2011-07-24 Thread Stuart Halloway
Hi James,

The Clojure/dev folks who built ClojureScript disagree with all of the key 
points of your analysis:

 Google Closure is too Java. It's not idiomatic JavaScript.

If you target idiomatic JavaScript you will find yourself living in the world 
of JavaScript semantics. It is evident that many people want that.  We don't.

 Then, there's the elephant in the room, and that elephant is Jquery.

JQuery is a powerful library. So is Google Closure. I don't share your 
certainty that JQuery is the elephant. (I don't use any JQuery apps that have 
the sophistication of GMail.)

But in any case, we are targeting a future community, not any 
currently-existing one. 

 Then, the Google Closure compiler is a moot point. Everyone by now
 already has a copy of jquery from the Google CDN and linking to it in
 your code will not download it any further after your first visit to a
 website that does so. In any case, it's already small and fast.

This is a good argument for modest applications, and a poor argument for 
substantial ones. We are interested in the latter.

 Then there's rhino/jvm. I would much rather an in-browser focus.

Rhino is an implementation detail of the development platform. That 
implementation detail could and probably should change.

 I'm tempted to fork clojurescript and redo it in javascript perhaps
 so that seamless interop with jquery would be the main priority.

If that is your objective, the ClojureScript codebase won't be a useful 
starting point. You would be better off to start from scratch.


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Re: ClojureScript - why is javascript object array and not a map?

2011-07-27 Thread Stuart Halloway
 Note the following code that works:
 (defn ^:export displayPlain [id]
   (let [h (.getElementById window/document id)
 txt (aget h innerText)]
 (window/alert (str plain  txt))
 (aset h innerText here I am!)))
 Here, javascript object h is treated as array, and I was able to get and 
 set its value (since it is mutable).
 Note that the following code doesn't work, since h is not a map, and thus we 
 can't access its properties neither as keywords nor as names.
 (defn ^:export displayPlain2 [id]
   (let [h (.getElementById window/document id)
 ;; txt (get h innerText)
 txt (:innerText h)]
 (window/alert (str plain  txt
 This makes dealing with js objects a bit mor verbose than clojure maps. It 
 would be good if Clojure maps and JS object would be interchangeable from 
 ClojureScript code.
 Would it make sense to open a bug/feature for this?
 I know that this is doable using closure library, but it would be nice if it 
 could be easily doable using plain objects.
 (defn ^:export display [id]
   (let [h (dom/getElement id)
 txt (dom/getTextContent h)]
 (window/alert (str gdom  txt

Design is underway on this. Stay tuned.


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Re: format and printf can't be used with BigInt

2011-07-28 Thread Stuart Halloway
 What the devil? Why was this done? Seems like wheel reinvention to me.

Understanding the motivation for such a decision requires taking the time to 
understand the limitations of what Java provides. Java provides no wheel here 
-- BigInteger's hash is broken. 

The draft docs are here: These should 
be made better and placed in a more prominent place before 1.3 goes final.


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Re: format and printf can't be used with BigInt

2011-07-28 Thread Stuart Halloway
 I can't think of a single good reason why any of these pages should
 not be world-readable. We're an open source project. It's not as if we
 have trade secrets or something.
 I have no problem, of course, with restricting *edit* privileges to
 those with accounts that have proven to be responsible adults.

This should be fixed now. Please verify:


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novel feedback is always welcome

2011-07-31 Thread Stuart Halloway
(I have take the liberty of changing the subject line, which may be less than 
ideal for some people's reading style.)

Responses inline.

 There is something of an issue here, though: where, exactly, should
 the line be drawn between thou shalt not question this on the mailing
 list! and fair game for discussion

In principle the line is clear. Everything is fair game. Novel feedback is 
always welcome. Question small decisions, question big ones. Press hard for 

The opposite of providing novel feedback is recovering old ground. This takes 
two (often overlapping) forms:

(1) Pushing an agenda when you aren't up to speed enough to be in the 

(2) Pushing an agenda when project leadership has said, I understand your 
feedback and disagree. This is not the direction we plan to pursue.

Here are some specific examples:

(A) The OP on the fess up thread drifted further and further into category 
(1) as the thread continued. He did not understand the difference between 
language and platform, and from there was at a loss to understand our 
decision-making. The very first reply on-thread covered the issue 
( If only the 
thread could have died there...

(B) A minority of people have pushed back on the numeric changes in 1.3. This 
is category (2) feedback. There are real tradeoffs here, and Rich has made 
decisions that not everyone will agree with.

 You seem to feel that major, already-made
 design decisions that would require a fork and massive effort to do
 differently lie on the shalt not question side. What about more
 minor choices -- for example, which of the three kinds of primitive
 math overflow behaviors, throwing, auto-promoting, or wrap-around,
 should be the default?

Ken, you are beating a dead horse on 1.3 numerics. You haven't told me anything 
I don't know already, and you have said several things that suggest that you 
haven't put in the time that we have to think through the issues. In 
particular: (1) You think that the overflow defaulting choice is minor, and I 
think it is fundamental. (2) You were unaware of the platform issues in Java 
that drove us to implement our own BigInt.

That said, Ken's questions on numerics are not unwelcome. It is not realistic 
for every comer to the mailing list to have encyclopedic knowledge about what 
has gone before. So nobody should bite anyone's head off for asking a question 
that has been answered before (particularly if e.g. it is hiding in a deep, 
convoluted thread and isn't search friendly).

Keep the feedback coming! Preferably in atomic chunks with good subject lines. 


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Re: Clojure Dev: How you can help! (Hint: Alioth Benchmarks)

2011-07-31 Thread Stuart Halloway
Hi Isaac, 

 1) When I saw this posting on Clojure Dev a month ago
 I recognised the desire to have some quick and dirty performance
 regression testing, the Scala developers have been using benchmarks
 game programs for exactly that purpose -
 What puzzled me then, and still puzzles me, is why all the work done
 by Andy Fingerhut and others is being ignored?

Andy spent all his time targeting 1.2. I spend all my time working in 1.3, and 
have no personal interest in writing benchmarks for 1.2 or older. It is in code 
such as the Alioth benchmarks where 1.3 is most different from 1.2.

That said, in many cases Andy's code would be a good place to start.

 2) Also I don't see why this approach -
 Our approach was to start with the Java solution and do a direct
 port. Then, examine where we might have bottle-necks and improve.
 Repeat until we are on par with Java performance.
 - would create programs that show anything that interesting about

Fair enough! I certainly was not trying to dictate approach. The suggestion was 
more about providing a way for people to ease into contributing.


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Re: sorted-set

2011-08-06 Thread Stuart Halloway
 Trying to migrate some of my code from clojure and javascript to
 ClojureScript and I'm missing 'sorted-set'
 Does anyone know if is is one of those parts of the library that has
 just not yet been migrated?
 Or will not at all be migrated?
 Or maybe I'm getting something wrong and its usage is not recommended
 in Clojure? In that case is there a recommended alternative?
 It might affect my ability to migrate to ClojureScript. Today I'm
 using javascript arrays that I keep sorted on the client side and
 clojure sorted-sets on the server. It would be really cool to have
 sorted-set's on both sides

Hi Oded,

sorted-set is on the todo list. Also, the which libraries are todo list is 
available in the repos at devnotes/ Just look for anything marked 


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Re: Creating a Clojure Record from a string

2011-08-23 Thread Stuart Halloway
 test=(defrecord Foo [A B])
 test=(class (Foo. 1 2))
 How do I:
 test=(new test.Foo 1 2)
 #:test.Foo{:A 1, :B 2}
 Currently I get  Unable to resolve classname: test/Foo.

(Class/forName java.lang.String)


Be mindful of the performance...


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Re: mini-version of clojure.jar?

2011-08-25 Thread Stuart Halloway
 My company (read: I) develop an web-based educational application (a
 language lab) implemented as a Java applet.
 I have spendt the summer porting it to Clojure.  I am very happy with
 the results.
 Except: The download (and therefore the download-time) has increased
 dramatically, as I now include the clojure.jar as part of the
 (Actually, I repackage the content together with my application.)
 This, I fear is going to hit alot of the pupils hard, when 20 pupils
 at a time attempt to access the applet for the first time over the
 mediocre (at best) web-connections at their schools.
 Yes, I do manipulate the java applet cache-params.
 But There will always be a need for full downloads - both for first-
 time-users, and when I update the applet (frequently).
 My question:
 Is there anyway to reduce the size of the jar - drastically?
 Can I somehow remove most of the class-files generated from core.clj
 etc, and still have everything working properly?

Great question. Post 1.3 we hope to look at a super-slim jar.  The design notes 
are minimal at this point, but FWIW:


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Re: Making clojure.lang.IDeref a protocol

2011-08-25 Thread Stuart Halloway
 Has there been discussion about making clojure.lang.IDeref a protocol?
 I'd like to extend some java types to this the IDeref interface but
 currently this is not possible. I feel like this is such a common
 idiom, to get values, and doing so will allow me to leverage the @
 reader macro for many data types.

Someday. The challenge is load order. A lot would have to change to make 
protocols available early enough in Clojure's bootstrap to allow this.

That said, I don't know many Java classes that have value-yielding semantics. 
And if you are writing your own class, you can implement the IDeref interface.


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Re: Contagious BigInts in 1.3? Why is (type (- 2 1N)) java.lang.Long?

2011-09-08 Thread Stuart Halloway
 In Clojure 1.3, BigInts are said to be contagious across operations.
 When different types of numbers are used in a math operation, the
 result will be the larger or more general of the two types. For
 example, any integer operation involving a BigInt will result in a
 BigInt, [...].
 However (type (- 2 1N)) results in java.lang.Long and does not seem to
 work accordingly. What's going on here?

This is already fixed on master.


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Re: Migration to 1.3 for mortals

2011-09-10 Thread Stuart Halloway
 My worry is that the decoupling of core Clojure from contrib will
 result in contrib authors not caring too much about sorting out the
 current situation. Also, I think much of the fanfare of the 1.3
 release will be shadowed by the contrib situation. And perhaps most
 importantly, I worry that I won't be able to take advantage of Clojure
 1.3 in any of my applications anytime soon.

Helping people migrate contribs is a significant issue and we will continue to 
work on it. Among other things, I like the idea of a bringing back a single 
download for people who don't care about modularity. This is easy enough to do 
on top of a modular system, it just hasn't bubbled to the top of anybody's 
priority list.

That said, there are businesses who could use Clojure 1.3 tomorrow if it had an 
official release. They shouldn't have to wait. Also, the single best way to 
flush out the contrib issues is to have people trying a release.


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Re: puzzlement over lazy sequences

2011-09-11 Thread Stuart Halloway

Hi George,

 Once again, I make a globally referenced, infinitely long stream.  But
 now I use lazy-seq
 instead of cycle:
user= (def ev-stream (lazy-seq (cons true (cons false ev-
user= (defn ev? [n] (nth ev-stream n))
user= (time (ev? 9876543210))
Elapsed time: 47244.061 msecs
 OMG! Not only did it NOT hose the heap and crash, it actually ran much
 faster than the version
 with the unreferenced (cycle [true false]).

The consing version of ev-stream is self-referential, because you explicitly 
made it so by consing it back onto itself. So it only has two items in it, 
though it bounces back and forth between them forever. The cycling version is 
not self-referential.

 The only reason I can think of, for this to NOT exhaust memory, is
 that the lazy-seq macro knows
 when to construct a circular list. Is that what happens?  If so, why
 DOESN'T it happen with cycle,
 where it's obviously the behavior one would want?

cycle actually calls lazy-seq.  A quick way to check such things at the REPL is 
with source:

user= (source cycle)
(defn cycle
  Returns a lazy (infinite!) sequence of repetitions of the items in coll.
  {:added 1.0
   :static true}
  [coll] (lazy-seq 
  (when-let [s (seq coll)] 
  (concat s (cycle s)


 Now I'll test it with 9876543210, a number which ev? was able to
user= (time (mod3 9876543210))
Elapsed time: 37759.615 msecs
user= (mod 987654321 3)
 Whoa! The computation finished in reasonable time, but with the WRONG
 answer! How did that happen?
 Did I find a bug?

No, there is simply a typo in your input arg.


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Re: N00b alert! - A question on immutable/mutable data structures...

2011-09-13 Thread Stuart Halloway
 For example, what if I have a hash-map that needs to handle concurrent
 changes to the data structure, but never needs to have concurrent
 changes to a given piece of data (i.e a key/value pair). Wouldn't
 there be value in being able to modify the data in-place without
 making a copy, or needing to endure the overhead associated with STM?

Hi Trevor, 

You should endure the overhead of the STM if you need what the STM provides: 
coordination of activity across identities. But there are several things in 
Clojure that provide identities without STM.  In your example, you could place 
a map inside an atom, which provides atomic transitions between values, but no 

Abandoning values entirely should be highly motivated by a specific need. If 
you're there, then Java's concurrent maps are good and appropriate.

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Re: Is there a reason that def- isn't part of the core lib?

2011-09-18 Thread Stuart Halloway
 We will see this subject line in this mailing list every few months until the 
 end of time, or until def- is added to core. 

So be it.

 The burden, no matter how distributed, of answering that question forevermore 
 greatly outweighs the burden of moving a def- macro from a contrib file to a 
 core file. It even outweighs the aesthetic concerns (which I confess I don't 

Alan covered the biggest problem succinctly: it pollutes the language core to 
provide convenience APIs that are combinatorial in nature.

I don't really think the people that want def- need it in the language core. 
They just want to know where to get it, and maybe automatically include it in 
their own projects.  So make a community-centralized, maven-ready, CI-friendly 
place to put such things. In fact: such a place already exists:  Add a slew of custom def forms to 
incubator.clj and party on.


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Re: Is there a reason that def- isn't part of the core lib?

2011-09-18 Thread Stuart Halloway
 The API already contains `find` and `contains?`, which are woefully 
 misleading names. That's not a big deal: I'm *terrible* at naming. I tell 
 people that all the time. I've learned to accept it. It doesn't detract from 
 my wonderfulness. It doesn't detract from the underlying wonderfulness of the 
 software I produce. It just means I have to rethink and revise names, 
 especially after other people use them and say WTF??. 
 It's a shame it's too late to do that for `find` and `contains?`. 
 Fortunately, additions are easier than changes.

This argument supports my position, not yours. It is much easier to revise 
names in an incubator library, rather than experimenting in core.

 I really think `def-` would be a good gesture, a minor but emblematic step on 
 the way to widespread acceptance of Clojure, which (for my sake) I really, 
 really, really hope for.

I don't understand how a casual approach to adding things to core would be a 
good gesture to anybody.  Can you send me a list of languages that add features 
to core after this level of discussion (and without clear agreement) because 
some people find them useful?  I am not aware of any.

To restate my earlier point:  Why isn't this in core? and Why isn't this 
conveniently available to me? are very different questions. If you have a 
problem that can be trivially solved outside of core, why are you in such a 
hurry to change core? Making unnecessary changes at the bottom strikes me as 
bad design and bad stewardship.

Here's a thought experiment:  There is a ton of useful stuff in my .emacs file. 
 I can think of a few dozen things in my .emacs file that are in the def- 
category for me, e.g. I like them, and I want them around always, and 
immediately when I launch. So those things are core to me. What do you think 
would happen if I joined the emacs dev list, picked my very favorite 
convenience, and said please add this to emacs core? Emacs doesn't work that 
way. It is modular, and people solve problems in *libraries*. Sometimes large 
groups of people agree about certain things. Even then you often get awesome 
tools like the emacs starter kit *without* changes to emacs core.

The clojure.core namespace evolves at the speed of design, not at the speed of 
itch-scratching. I think this is a fundamental value.


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Re: Is there a reason that def- isn't part of the core lib?

2011-09-18 Thread Stuart Halloway
 I don't understand your comment about polluting the language core.  Do you 
 really think people are going to use def- for some other purpose?  If you 
 don't, then it is not pollution.

Fair enough. Maybe pollution wasn't the best word. Introducing a combinatorial 
set of names is a [some other word for bad thing] for core, even if we agree 
what the names mean. 

 I think the big issue here is

I think that the big issue here is that we do not agree on how careful the dev 
team should be about adding things to core. I think we should be quite careful. 
The name is core not kitchen-sink.  If anything, core is already too big. 

 that certain functions in Clojure core *imply* the existence of other certain 
 functions in the core.  When they don't exist, it comes as a surprise.  
 Surprise is bad.

Agreed, but this is how you argue for a complete set, not for a convenient 
subset. No one seems to be asking for defmacro-, even though core itself 
defines a private macro.

 defn- implies the existence of def-

Then let us deprecate defn-.

 The other example that immediately leaps to mind is that the family of 
 get-in, get, and update-in implies the existence of update.  It is rather 
 startling to me that update does not exist in the core.

This is a good question. I don't know why I never noticed its absence. Have 
other people missed this?


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Re: Is there a reason that def- isn't part of the core lib?

2011-09-18 Thread Stuart Halloway
 What really puzzles me is that it doesn't seem to be generally
 regarded as idiomatic Clojure style to just use top-level (let)s for
 your private globals. This has lots of benefits:
 - If you do this you can make them actually, genuinely private, rather
 than just marked as please don't use this
 - You get more self-documenting source code: (let [x 1] (defn foo []
 (...use x...))) is clear about how and where x will be used, while
 (def- x 1) (defn foo [] (...use x...)) leaves open the possibility
 that x is important all over the namespace.
 - You avoid runtime var-deref costs for constants that will never
 I find this style so useful and readable that I'm curious why it isn't
 more popular in the community at large.

Top-level lets make it more difficult for tools to statically analyze code.

Of course said tools are largely hypothetical at present. :-)


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Re: Is there a reason that def- isn't part of the core lib?

2011-09-19 Thread Stuart Halloway
 I also think it is worth remembering the difficulty people have with getting 
 started with Clojure (wrt to IDEs).  There are *so* many third party 
 libraries out there at the moment that a beginner could easily be 
 overwhelmed.  The more self contained and feature complete the core is the 

A self contained complete starter env (e.g. including all the modular contribs) 
is a good idea. It should not be core.


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Re: issues to build clojure-1.3.0-RC0 with JDK-1.7

2011-09-23 Thread Stuart Halloway
 Hi Jochen, thanks for this report.
 It looks like the annotations tests are failing due to changes from JDK 1.6 
 to 1.7. They were brittle tests to begin with and should probably be removed 
 or replaced.
 This also revealed to me that our JDK test builds on Hudson were not actually 
 building properly. That is now fixed, so we can confirm this issue on Hudson:
 -Stuart Sierra

Now fixed on master. Thanks for the report!


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Re: Why visible in-transaction changes?

2011-09-23 Thread Stuart Halloway
 I would have hoped that changes to refs during an transaction wouldn't
 affect the in-transaction value of the ref (that is, I would have
 liked the code to print 1, then 2). This way, the view of the
 program's state would always be guaranteed to be consistent, even
 during a transaction, and there would be no fear of non-consistent in-
 transaction states breaking anything. The way it is currently work in
 Clojure, though, still requires one to take all such inconsistent
 states into account, rendering them effectively useless for the kind
 of state management I imagined.
 (Note that I am not talking about multi-threading here; my objective
 is to reduce the number of possible states in the single-threaded
 case, and make sure that every computation is based upon a consistent
 Why was this behavior chosen, instead of only making changes to refs
 invisible until commited (even to the transaction commiting them)? I
 believe that the latter approach would actually fit better to Clojure
 in general. Maybe there could at least be an alternative dosync form
 that acts like this?

There are a lot of scenarios that would become difficult or impossible with the 
semantics you propose.

On the other hand, what you want is quite simple to achieve: If you want 
consistent view of the the values of refs, deref them all at the start of the 


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Re: issues to build clojure-1.3.0-RC0 with JDK-1.7

2011-09-23 Thread Stuart Halloway
 Hi Jochen, thanks for this report.
 It looks like the annotations tests are failing due to changes from JDK 1.6 
 to 1.7. They were brittle tests to begin with and should probably be 
 removed or replaced.
 This also revealed to me that our JDK test builds on Hudson were not 
 actually building properly. That is now fixed, so we can confirm this issue 
 on Hudson:
 -Stuart Sierra
 Now fixed on master. Thanks for the report!
 Can you tell me the exact commit number, so I can apply the patch to the 
 Fedora package.
 Best Regards:
 Jochen Schmitt

The SHA for that commit is fcc3d799cc33c920720fa512b18901e2f2a81dda .

But you might want to leapfrog that and just grab the clojure-1.3.0 tag. :-)


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Re: beginner question

2011-09-25 Thread Stuart Halloway
 the website says:
 deftype supports mutable fields, defrecord does not
 so deftype seems to be what would be a java bean with simple
 properties in java

Nope. :-)

Domain information should use defrecord, and should never be mutable. This is 
the closest thing to a Java bean, but is radically different in being (1) 
immutable, (2) persistent, and (3) accessible generically as a map. Game state 
would modeled with defrecord.

deftype is for things like custom data structures. In a Clojure-in-Clojure 
implementation, deftype would be used to implement maps, vectors, and lists. 
deftype's mutation ability would be used to implement transients. 


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Re: :use :only support in ClojureScript now available

2011-09-25 Thread Stuart Halloway
 Nice! This is great. Will the :only directive always be required, or
 will we eventually be able to pull in entire namespaces?
 - Jason

Probably the former. Pulling in entire namespaces is generally considered bad 


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Re: beginner question

2011-09-25 Thread Stuart Halloway
 what's the difference between persistent and immutable?

See, which now has a 
nice shout out to Clojure.


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Re: suggestion for clojure development

2011-09-27 Thread Stuart Halloway
 I hope so, too, but very often this doesn't happen in practice. Much
 useful code is not maintained.
 If I add a dependency from Clojars or maven central to my project.clj
 file, I don't want to pay the tax of deciding what Clojure version it
 is and whether it is actively maintained,

Clojars has a super-low barrier to entry. This is great for getting a lot of 
code published, but I don't see how you can use Clojars (or anything like it) 
without having to verify some basic facts about the code you are using.  Better 
metadata would be great, but you would still want to check it.

FWIW, on my commercial work we ban clojars and review the source code of every 

 Of course this can
 be necessary when there are bugs, but now almost all the 1400+
 libraries in Clojars are suspect because of the 1.2 to 1.3 transition.

Let's start by fixing the most important ones. Sean Corfield and others are 
leading the way with contribs. Any candidates for a short list of libs that 
need updates ASAP?

 I consider this to be incidental complexity and I am tired/old/lazy/
 stupid. I want to simply use the library. Clojure indeed is
 brilliantly designed exactly to make libraries easy to use (by using
 immutable data and avoiding the OOP pitfall of excessively complex
 types) and this breaking transition from 1.2 to 1.3 tends to undermine
 that achievement.
 I do like Phil's classloader suggestion, but I wonder if there might
 be a way for leiningen to automatically provide a transparent wrapper
 around 1.2 jars so that they can be called by 1.3 code without local
 (eval-in-1.3 ...) macros.

This sounds big and hairy compared to simple detect-and-warn or detect-and-fail 


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Re: suggestion for clojure development

2011-09-30 Thread Stuart Halloway
 So what's the plan for the future? Are there plans to make clojure
 stable at some point so that backward compatibility can be expected?
 Otherwise I am going to have difficulty continuing to advocate clojure
 to my colleagues. In other words, when will the library ecosystem be
 considered important enough not to break?

A key benefit of the move to modular contrib libraries is to prevent having 
library ecosystem  == monolithic hairball.

 I think a statement of the policies of the Clojure/Core team (perhaps
 spelled out on the website) concerning stability and backward
 compatibility would really help those of us who want to be able to
 rely on Clojure.

The objective is the kind of stability seen across 1.0, 1.1, and 1.2. 

I am aware of nothing on the horizon like the numerics change, but if something 
important enough comes along, a decision will be made.

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Re: suggestion for clojure development

2011-10-01 Thread Stuart Halloway
 Staying with 1.2 meant not only staying with the Clojure core, which worked 
 fine, but also losing any progress on any of the contribs, which was frankly 
 more important to me than core language changes. Perhaps part of the really 
 big issue here is not Clojure per se, but the contribs. In one fell swoop, 
 the entire contrib universe for 1.2 was being deprecated. I saw no commitment 
 anywhere that bug fixes would be backported to the 1.2 contrib library. (I'm 
 not making a principled stand here: the clojure contrib library as of 1.2 was 
 very spotty in quality, and required many workarounds for bugs in my code. I 
 very much look forward to fixes there.)

Agreed, this is really all about the contribs. And now that they are 
independently versioned, there should never be a big bump like the move to 1.3 


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Re: Equality comparison in 1.3

2011-10-02 Thread Stuart Halloway
 user= (= 23.0 23)
 user= (= 23 23)

This is the correct behavior. If the doc string is confusing, please propose 
alternate language.


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Re: suggestion for clojure development

2011-10-02 Thread Stuart Halloway
 Stu's comment actually worries me in this respect: the fact that each contrib 
 has its own version may make it easier to evaluate them separately, but it 
 would appear to me as a defeatist goal for Clojure moving forward.

Things that are simple can be composited. Things that are compounds typically 
cannot be simplified. Separate versions make it easier for the dev team to 
release a batteries-included build (or a beginner build, or an Android build, 
etc. etc.)

Also: With modular contribs it is easy for people shipping software to vet and 
groom their own team-specific standard library. 

 What I would want to see is a coherent standard library that is centrally 

Modularity helps, not hurts, in achieving this.

 Contrarily, it seems that effort is being put into cleaning up the core and 
 jettisoning anything merely suspected of being superfluous.

That certainly isn't an objective. Can you list some examples of things that in 
your opinion were casually jettisoned?

 So, what's going to happen to all that stuff outside? Will it be maintained 
 by the community? The same community that made the 1.2 contrib? Or maybe 
 Clojure 1.5 will bring some of them into the fold? (I'm not being sarcastic; 
 these are honest questions about the possibilities and vision.)

Can you list the specific libraries that you think are causing the most trouble?

 Someone on this thread mentioned that it's all as expected, and that Clojure 
 is just for a bunch of geeks, anyway, so breakage is no big deal (I'm 
 paraphrasing). I hope for a strong official position against that.

Clojure is for production software. Breakage is a huge deal. Clojure has an 
amazing track record of stability, even including the changes in 1.3.

Libraries are a different story. Contrib in particular has a mixed record. We 
are changing that now. Help welcomed.


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Re: suggestion for clojure development

2011-10-02 Thread Stuart Halloway
 Contrarily, it seems that effort is being put into cleaning up the core and 
 jettisoning anything merely suspected of being superfluous.
 That certainly isn't an objective. Can you list some examples of things that 
 in your opinion were casually jettisoned?
 I didn't use the word casually. But, to the point, see the discussion here, 
 re defn-:

Thanks for picking an example I am already familiar with.  :-) The defn- thread 
wasn't about casually jettisoning something, but almost the opposite. In that 
thread you see me and several other people standing *against* making a casual 
breaking change to core, to meet an entirely superficial need that is easily 
solved by libraries. 

I would point to this thread as an example of responsible stewardship, of How 
It Ought To Work. A question was raised in the right forum (on the public 
mailing list), a respectful conversation followed, a variety of opinions where 
expressed, and best of all no breaking changes were made.

 Libraries are a different story. Contrib in particular has a mixed record. We 
 are changing that now. Help welcomed.
 I'll repeat that I'd prefer not to think of it is as contrib, as if it's 
 something provided by the community (help welcomed/wanted), but as a 
 standard library very close to the language itself. In my opinion, this would 
 strengthen Clojure and its acceptance. The language core might be mature, but 
 any language needs a mature standard library. I can think of a few 
 non-exciting languages (Java!) that were broadly adopted because the standard 
 library -- together with the rest of the platform -- was strong, mature, and 

I was referring to the aggregate contrib, not a curated subset (which I agree 
is a good idea). Maybe we should call the aggregated thing the Libraries 
Formerly Known as Contrib (LFKAC).


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Re: suggestion for clojure development

2011-10-03 Thread Stuart Halloway
 On 10/02/2011 05:20 PM, Stuart Halloway wrote:
 I was referring to the aggregate contrib, not a curated subset (which I 
 agree is a good idea). Maybe we should call the aggregated thing the 
 Libraries Formerly Known as Contrib (LFKAC).
 Here's how I envision the distribution structure:
 Clojure Core: the language engine itself, at its bare minimum
 Clojure Base: a collection of crucial libraries that is released *in tandem* 
 with Clojure Core, meaning that they have the same base version which they 
 are tested against. So, Clojure 1.5 would be released at the same time as 
 Clojure Base 1.5. Critical fixes could then be minor releases, such as 
 Clojure Base 1.5.1. But, it would be obvious that it is tested against 
 Clojure 1.5.X and that is *for* Clojure 1.5.X. The Clojure Base libraries 
 would also exist on their own with their own versions, and can be upgraded or 
 used separately. The Clojure Base versioned distribution establishes a 
 integrally tested baseline: the idea is that if you stick to Clojure Base, 
 you cannot go wrong, and a clear upgrade path would appear in the future if 
 necessary, say, for 1.6.
 Clojure Extras: community-maintained libraries outside of Clojure Base, but 
 that are -- for convenience's sake -- listed on Clojure's main web sites and 
 repositories next to the Clojure Base libraries. What marks these libraries 
 as different from just any other library in the larger Clojure ecosystem is 
 that Clojure Extras get approved clojure.* namespaces, such as Some of these might be candidates for eventual inclusion 
 in Clojure Base (marked as incubating) but they do not have to be; Clojure 
 Extras might be their natural home. For inclusion in Clojure Extras, a 
 library would have to prove some kind of essential generic functionality 
 warranting a clojure.* namespace, such as support for a standard or 
 technology or an implementation of a well-known algorithm. So: no frameworks, 
 products, etc. The idea is that users would go to Clojure Extras first to 
 find an API, knowing that it has received some minimal review, before 
 rummaging through the wild, wild Internets.

The batteries included build at is probably the 
same as your Clojure Base.


Stuart Halloway

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Re: Can't eval locals problem

2011-10-03 Thread Stuart Halloway
 Ok, so I'm stuck. If any of you more seasoned clojurians have a hint
 that could get me out, I will be forever gratefull to him/her:
 I'm trying execute a query against google app engine datastore, using
 appengine-magic, with the filter dynamically generated from a map.
 Here's the closest code I have been able to come up with:
 (defmacro order-query [params]
  `(ds/query :kind Order :filter ~(map #(list (key %) (val %)) (eval
 This macro fails with a Can't eval locals error. I recognize that
 the main issue here is that i'm forcing evaluation of something at
 macro expansion time. Apparently clojure does not (fully) support
 this, so I'm looking then for alternatives.

Hi Razvan, 

Can you tell us a bit more:

(1) the stack trace of the error you are seeing

(2) the form you are using to call order-query

(3) what you expect evaling something at macroexpansion time should be doing


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Re: Exception handling changes in Clojure 1.3.0

2011-10-03 Thread Stuart Halloway
 The Google App Engine SDK uses checked exceptions on many of its API
 methods. In many cases, I want to catch these exceptions and do
 something Clojure-friendly with them. With Clojure 1.2.x, I had no
 trouble catching checked exceptions by type, e.g.:
  (some-app-engine-api-methods-called-here ...)
  (catch EntityNotFoundException ex ...))
 This stopped working in 1.3.0. The caught exception does not match
 EntityNotFoundException; it is now a RuntimeException with the
 original typed exception chained to it.
 I don't fully understand the implications of the exception handling
 changes in 1.3 (
 8fda34e4c77cac079b711da59d5fe49b74605553). Does it mean that all
 exceptions coming in from Java code into Clojure will now be wrapped
 in an extra RuntimeException?

Catching checked exceptions seems to work fine. Try e.g.

(try (throw ( (catch _ caught!))

I suspect something else is going wrong in the GAE example. Can you narrow the 
code down to a block you can quote in full here?


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Re: defprotocol problem in 1.3?

2011-10-04 Thread Stuart Halloway
 I finally got around to trying out the 1.3 release yesterday with a batch of 
 code that was constructed using 1.2, and promptly ran into a problem. In 1.2, 
 it's possible to define a protocol with zero methods, so, for example, 
 (defprotocol xxx) works just fine. In 1.3, this generates the rather peculiar 
 error java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: Unknown Collection type.
 Is this an intentional change from 1.2, or a problem? 

Hi Howard,

Not intentional, maybe a problem. :-)  What are you using empty protocols for?


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Re: clojure.contrib.base64

2011-10-06 Thread Stuart Halloway
 I use Base64 encoding a lot and the slow implementation is hurting a
 lot. It's slower than Sun misc encoder/decoder
 and that one is very very slow. I was using Sun's implementation a bit
 and it took 80 seconds to encode a 56 MB file.
 Then I found this:
 It loaded from a disk drive and encoded the same file in 0.3 seconds!
 Would it be possible to have Clojure contrib use an implementation
 like this and thus enable all Clojure developers to have lightning
 fast Base64 encoding/decoding? I know having everything implemented in
 clojure is a big thing around here but in case of Base64 encoding and
 regular expressions I think the language would benefit greatly by
 having implementations which are orders of magnitude faster than
 default implementations in java. Did I say regular expressions?
 Like Rich Hickey said: why should we reinvent file streams and sockets
 in each language?
 I think the same principle applies to Base64 and regular expressions,
 especially when in Clojure we have an opportunity to replace standard
 java implementations with ones that are orders of magnitude faster.
 What are your views on this?

I too would like a fast base64. There are a few different things we could do:

1. Vet the best Java one and link it from contrib.base64 (and possibly 
deprecate the contrib as well).

2. Approve a base64 lib for inclusion by reference in contribs.

3. Write a fast clojure one (possibly a direct port of the project you link, if 
it is the best).

I have several Clojure projects that ship with no binary dependencies. This is 
a maintenance virtue, which is why I think #3 is important. 

If somebody writes a good one I will fast track getting it into contrib.


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Re: clojure.contrib.base64

2011-10-06 Thread Stuart Halloway
 I threw a base64 encoder together a while ago when playing with the new 
 primitive stuff.  Interesting to note that it is faster than the one in 
 Apache commons-codec.

Do you want to make this the basis for an improved contrib?

One thing I would like to see is a call that takes bytes,offset,length. When I 
care about fast I also care about not being forced to do an arraycopy.


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Re: clojure.contrib.base64

2011-10-06 Thread Stuart Halloway
 Sure, I'll start working on it.  Do you want it to be worked on in a contrib 
 project or just submit it once it's functional?  

Whatever works best for you.

 Also, I assume you'd want this to work with 1.2, right?

I won't personally need that. Plus, this is the kind of lib where the code 
would differ substantially. Your call, though.


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Re: Faster JSON library

2011-10-07 Thread Stuart Halloway
 Trying to be a little bit constructive here, in case I come across as
 complaining, I took the source for c.d.json and put it into a
 leiningen project, enabled warn on reflection, and found that several
 cases of (... (let [c (char i] ... (= c \x) ...) results in Clojure
 deciding it needs to perform reflection in order to call equals in the
 comparison with a fixed character. I'm not really sure what the proper
 solution for this is, but I changed the let to (let [c
 (Character/valueOf (char i)] ...) and the time for my 217KB JSON file
 dropped from 107 seconds to 2 seconds, or only a little more than
 twice as slow as clj-json (which clocked in a little under one second
 for my file).
 Lars Nilsson

Thanks. I am going to take a look at this now.


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Re: Faster JSON library

2011-10-07 Thread Stuart Halloway
 Trying to be a little bit constructive here, in case I come across as
 complaining, I took the source for c.d.json and put it into a
 leiningen project, enabled warn on reflection, and found that several
 cases of (... (let [c (char i] ... (= c \x) ...) results in Clojure
 deciding it needs to perform reflection in order to call equals in the
 comparison with a fixed character. I'm not really sure what the proper
 solution for this is, but I changed the let to (let [c
 (Character/valueOf (char i)] ...) and the time for my 217KB JSON file
 dropped from 107 seconds to 2 seconds, or only a little more than
 twice as slow as clj-json (which clocked in a little under one second
 for my file).

 Lars Nilsson

This reflection warning can be fixed with an enhancement on the
Clojure side, which I have just pushed to master [1].

I would like to create 1.4 alpha 1 with the code changes that have
gone in today. It would be super-great if anybody has time to build
your own project against master and let us know if you see any issues.



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Re: clojure.contrib.base64

2011-10-10 Thread Stuart Halloway
 On Sunday, 9 October 2011 19:49:17 UTC-7, Stuart Sierra wrote:
 Clojure unless somebody clever can make one that's actually *faster* than the 
 best Java lib.
 Here ya go: 

I owe you a beer for the offset and length args. Thanks!


Stuart Halloway

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Re: Type hints and records

2011-10-10 Thread Stuart Halloway
 I am using a record to wrap a number of java classes, which I then
 access various properties on. I am trying to avoid reflection so I
 type have type hinted, however when accessing the values in the record
 the type hints are lost. It might look something like this
 (defrecord Rec [^Integer i])
 (defn to-string [^Rec record] (.toString (:i record)))
 However the to-string function gives a reflection warning, even with
 the input the to function type hinted. Now I know that type hints
 don't survive across function boundaries, but is there no way to get a
 type hinted value from the record?

Treat the record as a typed thing instead of as a map (note the dot instead of 
the colon).

(defn to-string [^Rec record] (.toString (.i record)))

That said, and not knowing exactly what you are doing, the following looks 
better to me:

(defrecord Rec [^int i])
(defn to-string [^Rec record] (str (:i record)))


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Re: Please help me on submitting the Contributor Agreement

2011-10-16 Thread Stuart Halloway
 I want to submit the Contributor Agreement.
 One question is whether the following mail address on is still valid:
 Rich Hickey
 514 South Duke Street
 Durham, NC 27701
 The other question is whether the above address is in USA. I live in
 Beijing. I need to fill the country name in mail address.

Yes, that is a valid address, and it is in the USA.


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Re: Clojure 1.3 treatment of integers and longs

2011-10-19 Thread Stuart Halloway
 Thanks. I read through that and it didn't quite answer my question. To
 me it seems more logical that:
 1. Clojure defaults to longs when you create a new number (with a
 literal 0, 1, etc)
 2. You can create ints by doing (int 0)
 3. Clojure never changes the types of things you're using
 I find Clojure's behavior of changing the types of primitive ints to
 longs highly unusual, and it is causing a lot of pain in upgrading
 Storm to 1.3.

Integers and longs are going to be painful no matter what because they are 
broken in Java, e.g.

Object[] objects = new Object[] {-1, -1L};

Clojure avoids this pit by standardizing on longs, which leaves you with the 
need to specifically request ints when you need them for interop. You can use 
(int n) hints to select the correct interop method invocation, or box an int if 
you want to hold on to a value guaranteed to be int.

Can you post a code example that shows a problem you are having?


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Re: Newbie help in pitching in

2011-10-19 Thread Stuart Halloway
 Hi all,
 Now that I have my shiny new, clojure-dev membership, I'd like to pitch in.  
 I took a look at the pages describing how to contribute.
 The process for contributing is pretty clear, but I'm finding it hard to find 
 anything appropriate to my skill level and familiarity with the Clojure / 
 clojure-contrib source to work on.  Even finding an appropriate issue from a 
 'process' perspective is difficult, e.g. I ran a JIRA search on open, 
 unassigned, issues and found that many of them already had patches associated 
 with them, were waiting for someone do something or had comments that seemed 
 to imply that someone was already working on the issue or perhaps was no 
 longer even an issue.  To say nothing of the difference between an issue 
 being assigned to backlog, approved backlog, and the various releases.
 I'm wondering if anyone has some suggestions on tasks that might be useful 
 for a newbie to work on -- documentation or grunt programming tasks would be 
 fine.  Maybe updating or expanding test cases?

Hi Rett,

Contributing a 1.3-ready Alioth benchmark to would be terrific. These act as test 
cases for both functionality and performance. 

Improving the docs at is also a great help (although 
the site seems down atm).


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Re: Clojure 1.3 treatment of integers and longs

2011-10-20 Thread Stuart Halloway
 Yes, I understand the behavior perfectly well. The primitive int gets
 converted to a Long immediately, as this code demonstrates:
 user= (class (Integer/parseInt 5))
 The int isn't being boxed into a Long -- the type is being changed.
 I'm aware that I can fix things by converting the type back to an
 Integer manually, but that's not the point. Changing the types is
 unusual behavior that leads to hard to track down bugs like I ran into
 with the ClassCastException. My proposal still stands.

Somebody has to work hard: either users of collections, or interop callers. The 
current behavior makes things just work for collections, at the cost of 
having to be explicit for some interop scenarios.

There are two reasons to favor collection users over interop users:

(1) Interop problems are local, and can be resolved by checking the type 
signature at the point of the problem. Collection key problems are global and 
break the composability of collections. It is a *huge* benefit of Clojure that 
collections are sane.

(2) There are a lot more lines of code working with collections than doing 


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Re: Is there a reader setting support BigDecimal by default?

2011-10-20 Thread Stuart Halloway
 It appears that the answer to the original question is no, there is no way 
 to configure the reader to default numbers with a decimal point to be 
 BigDecimal instead of Double.
 Scott Hickey

Reading a double implies that somebody upstream of you was using doubles, which 
violates the guarantees you want from BigDecimals.

Why is the upstream provider using doubles?


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Re: Is there a reader setting support BigDecimal by default?

2011-10-20 Thread Stuart Halloway
 It appears that the answer to the original question is no, there is no way 
 to configure the reader to default numbers with a decimal point to be 
 BigDecimal instead of Double.
 Scott Hickey
 Reading a double implies that somebody upstream of you was using doubles, 
 which violates the guarantees you want from BigDecimals.
 Why is the upstream provider using doubles?
 I don't follow. The OP has text, which Clojure is reading as doubles.
 This only implies that upstream (which need not have been written in
 Clojure) is producing numbers matching #[-]?[1-9][0-9]*[.][0-9]*|0,
 because LispReader interprets that as Double. Whatever internal
 representation this text was produced form may or may not have been
 (binary) floating point initially.
 It doesn't seem reasonable to assume that the OP's 'business'
 applications I've built over the last 25 years could have known that
 Clojure would come along later and expect to find M on the end of
 every decimal number.
 // Ben

Hmm, highly apropos discussion since Rich's talk on simplicity posted today. 

The reader does one thing: read Clojure data. Sometimes you need something 
else: read data written in another format. You might accomplish that by (1) 
making the reader able to do two things, adding a flag to deal with a specific 
format, or (2) by using a different reader for that job.

(2) is hands-down the right answer. 


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Re: Clojure 1.3 treatment of integers and longs

2011-10-21 Thread Stuart Halloway
 Luc, what you're saying sounds to me like this is the way it is so
 deal with it. Can you give me some concrete code snippets showing why
 it's better to box ints as Longs? Do you really think the following is
 at all intuitive?
 user= (class (Integer/parseInt 1))
 user= (class (Integer/valueOf 1))

If you box Ints and Longs separately then collection keys stop working, as I 
said at the start of this thread. 

There is no such thing as intuitive. The behavior above follows from a clear 
rule that can be followed locally in all cases. What you propose, in addition 
to breaking collections, requires more contextual reasoning to understand code 
in a bunch of scenarios. 

Could we meet on IRC and discuss this later today? Feel like we are going in 


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