Re: [Gimp-docs] a new user perspective

2010-11-18 Thread Ulf-D. Ehlert
David (Tuesday, 16. November 2010)
 Some of it can be done by stylesheet - for example perhaps, the
 empty space around figures. But I suspect in practice a lot of
 what I'd like to see means reducing image size on screen, and
 repositioning / floating some (but only some) images so that the
 text flows round - in short getting the text near the image.

Making (some) images float is easy. I'm going to commit the changes 
below (see attachment) which enable floating for inlinemediaobjects 
and mediaobjects without caption. All you have to do is to add the 
attribute 'condition=float' to the respective elements.


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Gimp-docs mailing list

Re: [Gimp-docs] a new user perspective

2010-11-17 Thread Ulf-D. Ehlert
Roman Joost (Tuesday, 16. November 2010)
 Just keep in mind with those changes, that the GIMP Help browser
 uses almost the same stylesheets. Perhaps it is not the desirable
 goal to have a compact layout for the user who downloaded the
 manual or uses the help browser to browse the manual.

As long as we experiment on alternate stylesheets there should be no 
problem, the GIMP help browser doesn't use them.

If we eventually decide to switch to a more compact layout, we would 
do this because we (all) think it's an improvement (for the users). 
After all, without feedback we just can hope that users like what we 


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Gimp-docs mailing list

Re: [Gimp-docs] a new user perspective

2010-11-16 Thread David
Thanks Ulf, Roman

 (1) Compact layout.
 This is mostly a matter of the chosen style(sheet):
 We (you?) could create an alternate stylesheet , e.g. compact.css

Some of it can be done by stylesheet - for example perhaps, the empty space 
around figures. But I suspect in practice a lot of what I'd like to see means 
reducing image size on screen, and repositioning / floating some (but only 
images so that the text flows round - in short getting the text near the image.

That would mean rewriting the docbook source - so it may be better to 
concentrate on the other suggestions first?

To that end, I'll try to get the thing set up on my Ubuntu machine; may ask 
privately for some help ;)

(2) Compact tocs   (changing the controlling xslt parameters)
We currently display I.1.1.1, although it appears as

The most conservative change would be to remove just the last '1.1' - this 
would save many screenfuls - any takers for that?

Gimp-docs mailing list

Re: [Gimp-docs] a new user perspective

2010-11-15 Thread Ulf-D. Ehlert
David (Tuesday, 09. November 2010)
  So shouldn't we ask someone who had never worked with
  GIMP or had never tried to read the manual? ;-)
 That *is* me, isn't it? (a new user perspective)

Are you kidding?! ;-)
 Actually I was referring to the page content on eg the 'basic
 concepts' page, where the writing and the pictures are closer
 together in my version than in the existing version - allows you
 to see more on one screen

(Oops, I didn't check the links...)
Yes, your Basic Concepts page looks fine. :-)

So we have several proposed improvements, and if I see it correctly 
they are more or less independent of each other:

(1) Compact layout. 
This is mostly a matter of the chosen style(sheet):
We (you?) could create an alternate stylesheet , e.g. compact.css 
(starting with a copy of gimp-help-screen.css) and change text layout 
etc. according to your suggestions. (And we can make it the default 
stylesheet at any time.)

BTW, the HTML pages read gimp-help-custom.css if this stylesheet 
exists (by default it does not), so that's a good place to apply and 
test your changes in the real world.

(1.1) Floating images.
It seems that too ;-) many people like them, so we should provide a 
way to enable floating images.
Of course it is possible to make *all* images (exception: icons) 
float, but I'd prefer to add a modified DocBook-XSL template which 
passes some attribute to HTML (e.g.
inlinemediaobject condition=float),
where we can select it with CSS.
Then we can control which images should float (I think the most 
figures - especially large figures - should not).

I can add the appropriate changes for inlinemediaobjects - graphics 
without title or caption. If needed we can do the same for 
mediaobjects - graphics without title but with optional caption - and 
figures - graphics with title and optional caption. Ok?

(Alternative approach: create an alternate stylesheet.) 

 It would be, although even with 2 levels it would still miss basic
 concepts, layers, selections. But that would be a vast improvement
 in my view :). And if people could not find what they wanted from
 that, we'd know the structure was wrong...

(2) Compact tocs (without changes).
This is simple, just change the controlling xslt parameters. (If we 
really do this, we should try to generate a deep toc as appendix or 

(3) Rename some chapters.
Just list your suggested changes, and unless there are any 
objections/problems we will apply them.

(4) Changed Basic Concepts.
Hmm, looks good to me - any comments?

(5) Rearrange (resort, merge, etc.) chapters (concepts and usage).
Looks good too. IMO we should try to implement and test this in a new 
branch and see if we like it.


Allein bin ich manchmal einsam; mit anderen oft;
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krank macht, sind die unheilbar Gesunden.
-- Karlheinz Deschner

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Gimp-docs mailing list

Re: [Gimp-docs] a new user perspective

2010-11-15 Thread Roman Joost
Hi Ulf,

On Sun, Nov 14, 2010 at 08:51:03PM +0100, Ulf-D. Ehlert wrote:
 (1) Compact layout. 
 This is mostly a matter of the chosen style(sheet):
 We (you?) could create an alternate stylesheet , e.g. compact.css 
 (starting with a copy of gimp-help-screen.css) and change text layout 
 etc. according to your suggestions. (And we can make it the default 
 stylesheet at any time.)
 BTW, the HTML pages read gimp-help-custom.css if this stylesheet 
 exists (by default it does not), so that's a good place to apply and 
 test your changes in the real world.
Just keep in mind with those changes, that the GIMP Help browser uses
almost the same stylesheets. Perhaps it is not the desirable goal to
have a compact layout for the user who downloaded the manual or uses the
help browser to browse the manual.

Roman Joost

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Gimp-docs mailing list

Re: [Gimp-docs] a new user perspective

2010-11-06 Thread David

 BTW, I think you did never mention: are you working on cloned copy of
 the git repository, i.e. on the source files?

I do have a cloned copy, and have submitted one minor change from it.

However the webpages at

are a quick mock-up using (rather imperfect) html/css. To do this from the 
docbook source would mean moving to my Ubuntu machine and, in the absence of 
instructions which I believe were once on the wiki, I'd expect to spend hours 
getting the thing to generate html from docbook, and hours learning which 
docbook tags are useful, and hours playing with gimp-doc style sheets. In other 
words the technology is in the way.

The main problem I'm trying to solve can be illustrated thus:

The docs describe how to draw a straight line, *at least twice*. The second 
author must have been unaware that it had already been done. Now, if an author 
is unable to find what is in the contents, there is surely little hope for a 
user. That's a problem, isn't it? ;)

My contention is that by restructuring the contents we could make the docs much 
easier to use. So I've mocked that up for your comments.

Because it was easy, I've used a more visually compact page layout, which I 
prefer - that's a secondary (independent) issue.

If there is interest in restructuring the contents, I'd try to find the time to 
set things up. If not, I'd be better offering just minor changes from 
hand-altered docbook source, for someone else to test / commit.

Gimp-docs mailing list

Re: [Gimp-docs] a new user perspective

2010-11-06 Thread David
 Selections as sub-section of Painting is not too absurd IMHO.
 Remember that you can select and copy/cut to create a new brush
 (see 7.9.2. Creating a brush quickly).

Sorry - should have replied to this. If I'm right that the contents page is too 
long, then a new user needs to be able to find Selections from a top level 
section heading.

Painting suggests brushes, fill tools, etc to me. I wouldn't immediately look 
there for help on selecting. I might possibly look under Toolbox I suppose, 
having seen some of the selection tools, although that is on the 8th screen of 
the current contents so I might miss it.

The killer point is that the contents are for someone who doesn't currently 
that you can select and copy/cut to create a new brush. Actually I didn't ;).

It's just my view of course...

Gimp-docs mailing list

Re: [Gimp-docs] a new user perspective

2010-11-02 Thread David
Hi Ulf

  for Layers (albeit currently called
 'Combining Images'), for Selections (called 'Painting with GIMP'),

 No, there's no Selections section called Painting with GIMP:
 II.7.1+2 (Selection and Creating and Using Selections) are
 subsections of II.7 (Painting with GIMP).

OK - but what I really meant was that Selections are not really a sub-section 
Painting - for example you can cut and paste a selection, which is not 
It might be better to have Selections as a separate section...

 BTW, maybe we should merge 7.1 + 7.2...

As a separate section? :)

 for Undo (actually called 'Undoing' ;) )
 Is 'Undoing' wrong?

No, indeed - my smile was because it seems to be the only one which is 

 There doesn't seem to be a section with a fuller description for
 Channels - and my suggestion would be that there *ought* to be  -

 Hmm, this would be logical.

 and that would be the best place to put the current Glossary

 Yes, but then (IMHO) this text had to be expanded, e.g. by stealing
 some stuff from the Channels Dialog chapter, adding examples and
 figures, etc.

 And if/when we change it, we should also handle


 I'm not sure whether that could be done now, or whether it should
 be split out later.
 ... I think we should do it later.


Gimp-docs mailing list

Re: [Gimp-docs] a new user perspective

2010-09-07 Thread Sven Neumann
On Mon, 2010-09-06 at 23:48 +0100, David wrote:
  It's there already, on the offical GIMP for Windows site, right next to
  the latest GIMP for Windows installer, linked prominentely from
  What change exactly are you suggesting?
 If I want GIMP I go to
 The thing that is prominent there is
 **Download GIMP 2.6.10 – Installer for Windows XP SP2 or later**
 That is what I click on. Obvious and clear.

Ah, OK. That page is dependent on the operating system you are visiting
it with. So I have no idea what it looks like for Windows users. If I
want to see the Windows downloads, then I go to and follow the link there which leads to me
the page that I showed you.

You are at the wrong mailing-list though. If you want to suggest changes
to then you should suggest this on the gimp-web list.


Gimp-docs mailing list

Re: [Gimp-docs] a new user perspective

2010-09-06 Thread Kolbjørn Stuestøl
David skreiv:
 Hi Bill

 On 05/09/2010 11:17, Hugh Loebner wrote:

 But beyond that, it's also true that the manual *can* be something that 
 will be
 able to read in order to learn how the program works, rather than just 
 something to
 consult when there is a problem.  The ideal is to make it both.  I did a lot 
 work on
 Gimp Help about five years ago, and was definitely aiming to make it 
 something that
 people could read.

 It's certainly readable - there's *loads* of good information :). My main 
 concern is that it needs organising (and some editing). It feels as if it has 
 grown and grown, with different people adding different bits, but without an 
 overall structure?

 I'm not suggesting that it's merely a problem solver - clearly people who 
 to the program for the first time have to read the manual to learn how the 
 program works - but you can bet on it that they'll stop reading as soon as 
 they can.
I think some users think When all other fails, read the manual. Others 
will read it to learn something and others for fun. In other words: we 
are writing for all kinds of people. And the GIMP manual is a well 
written manual. No doubt. Perhaps the best manual in the Free software 
group? But as you suggested somewhere, written by different writers at 
different times and therefore sometimes some inconsequential sentences 
and explanations. So, go on David with your weeding.


Gimp-docs mailing list

Re: [Gimp-docs] a new user perspective

2010-09-06 Thread Kolbjørn Stuestøl
Ulf-D. Ehlert skreiv:
 Kolbjørn Stuestøl (Wednesday, 01. September 2010)
 Ulf-D. Ehlert skreiv:
 David (Monday, 30. August 2010)
 Images would be better right or left aligned,
 definitely not inline as at present.
 I don't see the problem (but that doesn't mean anything...). Can
 you provide some examples (e.g. GIMP vs. $OTHER_PROG manual)?
 Just as in (many) books. The images are mostly placed to the left
 or right side with the text surrounding it. Often more readable
 that the way it is set up now.

 Just checked a few books: 4 x images centered, 1 x left aligned, 
 but no floating images (where text surrounds the images).
I was a bit fuzzy. What I meant was many books put the (smaller) images 
to the right or to the left of the printed side with text to the left or 
to the right side and perhaps over and/or beneath the picture. Not 
surrounding the image (at all sides) as I wrote. Sorry. So your 
observation is correct I think.
 Well, perhaps a matter pf taste?

 And also a matter of image size?
But --- rewriting the stylesheets are time consuming and I am not sure 
it is desirable at the moment.
 In Windows installing programs are much simpler than in Linux.

 There are several nice GUI programs for package management, so I doubt 
 that your statement is (still?) correct. ;-)

 Mostly you start an installer and that's it. The average Windows
 user normally do not know how to install packages like in Linux.

 So the problem seems to be that we don't (can't?) provide Windows 
 packages. BTW, we also don't provide Linux packages - the various 
 Linux distributions do.

 Ulf (late, as usual)
As David sugested: putting (a link to) the existing Win help installer 
on the GIMP website will be a good solution? The main question from many 
users are: Where to find the downloads I needs? The logical place is at

Gimp-docs mailing list

Re: [Gimp-docs] a new user perspective

2010-09-05 Thread David
Another specific issue:

13.2. Creating a Basic Shape

1.Drawing shapes is not the main purpose for using GIMP. However, you may 
create shapes by either painting them using the technique described in Figure 
7.35, “A new image” or...

I suggest this would be better as:
13.2. Creating a Basic Shape

1.Drawing shapes is not the main purpose for using GIMP. However, you may 
create shapes by either by drawing straight lines (Section 13.1) or...

My reasons this text would be better:
1. it's shorter
2. it says what the technique is, so you don't need to click away from the page
3. Figure 7.35 does not itself describe a technique (wrong place to link to)


I hope you get the idea I'm trying to come up with positive ways to refine the 
manual - but I'm not yet sure if I'm getting through to the right people... Am 
likely to make a difference, or should I quietly fade away? ;)


Gimp-docs mailing list

Re: [Gimp-docs] a new user perspective

2010-09-05 Thread Hugh Loebner
Why not link to Inkscape, an open source drawing program?

On Sep 5, 2010 4:34 AM, David wrote:
Another specific issue:

13.2. Creating a Basic Shape

   1.Drawing shapes is not the main purpose for using GIMP. However, you may
create shapes by either painting them using the technique described in
7.35, “A new image” or...

I suggest this would be better as:
13.2. Creating a Basic Shape

   1.Drawing shapes is not the main purpose for using GIMP. However, you may
create shapes by either by drawing straight lines (Section 13.1) or...

My reasons this text would be better:
1. it's shorter
2. it says what the technique is, so you don't need to click away from the
3. Figure 7.35 does not itself describe a technique (wrong place to link to)


I hope you get the idea I'm trying to come up with positive ways to refine
manual - but I'm not yet sure if I'm getting through to the right people...
Am I
likely to make a difference, or should I quietly fade away? ;)


Gimp-docs mailing list
Gimp-docs mailing list

Re: [Gimp-docs] a new user perspective

2010-09-05 Thread David
On 05/09/2010 11:17, Hugh Loebner wrote:
 Why not link to Inkscape, an open source drawing program?

Because this part of the manual is about drawing shapes in GIMP (and only in 

People who read a manual generally do not want to read it. They generally want 
to be using the application, but cannot figure out how. So the task is to give 
them the information (and only that information) as quickly/succinctly as 

More is less. More information than needed makes the manual less useful.

Am I preaching to the converted, or is that a heretical view? ;)

Gimp-docs mailing list

Re: [Gimp-docs] a new user perspective

2010-09-02 Thread David
On 02/09/2010 20:11, Sven Neumann wrote:

 You should try to play well with packagers and distributions and make
 releases frequently so that users can pick up updates easily. It is not
 our job to educate them how to install the manual from source. And I
 consider the generated HTML the source. It's not something users should
 have to deal with.

Fully agree with that. And indeed it turns out that the person who made the 
2.6.0 installer for Windows has also packaged the help files as a separate 

I found this by googling a few times and discovered:
which points to a sourceforge site. I tried it - it works.

So the problem is simply that the damn thing is not on the GIMP web site, so 
no-one knows about it; considering that lack of local Win help files is a 
problem, surely to goodness someone can fix that?

Gimp-docs mailing list

Re: [Gimp-docs] a new user perspective

2010-09-01 Thread Ulf-D. Ehlert
David (Monday, 30. August 2010)
 In a spirit of trying to help, may I share a few observations about
 the online documentation that would make my reading of it easier?

Feedback is always welcome! :-)

 1. There is no link off the manual to the GIMP site. I wanted that.

The HTML manual contains more than 500 HTML pages. IMHO using your 
browser's bookmark feature will probably much easier and faster than 
searching for a link somewhere in the manual...

 2. I'd much prefer a clearer layout of the manual web pages. For
 example the first page shows just a logo, until I scroll down, 

What's wrong with the nice logo? ;-)

 and the contents are spread over multiple screens (impossible to get
 an overview).

Ok, the table of contents *is* a bit confusing.

 Images would be better right or left aligned,
 definitely not inline as at present.

I don't see the problem (but that doesn't mean anything...). Can you 
provide some examples (e.g. GIMP vs. $OTHER_PROG manual)?

 Black text on white is clearer than orange on grey. 

We changed the style when the layout of the gimp home page changed. 
But you can switch to the old GIMP-2.2 (gimp22) style (check the 
View menu of your browser). This works for online and offline 

 3. Section 1.2 needs to tell me *how* to install the context
 sensitive help (I installed GIMP as recommended, onto Windows, but
 no context sensitive or local help is installed.)

This seems to be a common Windows problem. Linux 
distributions should install the GIMP manual package (gimp-doc or
gimp-help) if the gimp package is selected.

Since I'm a Linux-only user, I have no clue about the Windows way of 
installing packages.

 I can share further specific points if there is interest

Definitely yes. :-)


Frage an Schiller: kann das Gesetz der Freund des
Schwachen sein, wenn es die Mächtigen machen?
-- Karlheinz Deschner

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Gimp-docs mailing list

Re: [Gimp-docs] a new user perspective

2010-09-01 Thread David
I've quickly mocked up an alternative contents page, using headings up to 2 
deep. It uses just more than one screen on my system.

A copy/paste of those contents is:

 1. GIMP User Manual Authors and Contributors

I. Getting Started
 1. Introduction
 2. Fire up the GIMP
 3. First Steps with Wilber
 4. Getting Unstuck

II. How do I Become a GIMP Wizard?
 5. Getting Images into GIMP
 6. Getting Images out of GIMP
 7. Painting with GIMP
 8. Combining Images
 9. Enhancing Photographs
 10. Color Management with GIMP
 11. Pimp my GIMP
 12. Scripting

III. Function Reference
 13. Toolbox
 14. Dialogs
 15. Menus
 16. Filters
 I. Keys and Mouse Reference

A. GIMP History
B. Reporting Bugs and Requesting Enhancements
C. GNU Free Documentation License
D. Eeek! There is Missing Help

Now, I might be wrong, but it looks illogical to me ;). If it's a tree 
(and it ought to be, surely) then the numbering after:
II. How do I Become a GIMP Wizard?
should be:
 1. Getting Images into GIMP   and so on

 I. Keys and Mouse Reference
is an anomaly - it doesn't fit on the tree.

A. GIMP History
B. Reporting Bugs and Requesting Enhancements
C. GNU Free Documentation License
D. Eeek! There is Missing Help
could/should all be on a separate branch: Appendices, probably placed before 

I guess it's only by removing the clutter that the structure of the thing 
becomes clear.

To be honest, I can't see what information the headings I, II, and III add. For 
 5. Getting Images into GIMP
 6. Getting Images out of GIMP
is little more than File Open/Save - scarcely GIMP Wizardry :)

However, having said that, the important discussion of colour models is 
within 5. - you'd never guess that from the heading, so wouldn't it be better 

If it would help anyone to see my (crude) webpage mock-up I can send it 
privately as a zip - I assume the list will not permit attachments.

Goodness, I hope this is helpful and not just a pain ;)


Gimp-docs mailing list

Re: [Gimp-docs] a new user perspective

2010-09-01 Thread Kolbjørn Stuestøl
David skreiv:
 I've quickly mocked up an alternative contents page, using headings up to 2 
 deep. It uses just more than one screen on my system.

 A copy/paste of those contents is:

  1. GIMP User Manual Authors and Contributors

 I. Getting Started
  1. Introduction
  2. Fire up the GIMP
  3. First Steps with Wilber
  4. Getting Unstuck

 II. How do I Become a GIMP Wizard?
  5. Getting Images into GIMP
  6. Getting Images out of GIMP
  7. Painting with GIMP
  8. Combining Images
  9. Enhancing Photographs
  10. Color Management with GIMP
  11. Pimp my GIMP
  12. Scripting

 III. Function Reference
  13. Toolbox
  14. Dialogs
  15. Menus
  16. Filters
  I. Keys and Mouse Reference

 A. GIMP History
 B. Reporting Bugs and Requesting Enhancements
 C. GNU Free Documentation License
 D. Eeek! There is Missing Help

 Now, I might be wrong, but it looks illogical to me ;). If it's a tree 
 (and it ought to be, surely) then the numbering after:
 II. How do I Become a GIMP Wizard?
 should be:
  1. Getting Images into GIMP   and so on
It is obviously not a real tree. More a random list. The numbers 
referrers to the chapter numbers I think.

  I. Keys and Mouse Reference
 is an anomaly - it doesn't fit on the tree.

 A. GIMP History
 B. Reporting Bugs and Requesting Enhancements
 C. GNU Free Documentation License
 D. Eeek! There is Missing Help
 could/should all be on a separate branch: Appendices, probably placed before 
Yes. Why not only put the A, B, C, and D into a common Appendices?

Perhaps also the 1. GIMP User Manual Authors and Contributors could be 
moved hereto? The user is more interested in how tos than who made the 
manual. I do am aware of that it is a common habit to start with the 
authors etc.

 I guess it's only by removing the clutter that the structure of the thing 
 becomes clear.

 To be honest, I can't see what information the headings I, II, and III add. 
  5. Getting Images into GIMP
  6. Getting Images out of GIMP
 is little more than File Open/Save - scarcely GIMP Wizardry :)
 However, having said that, the important discussion of colour models is 
 within 5. - you'd never guess that from the heading, so wouldn't it be better 
Better under10. Color Management with GIMP?

 If it would help anyone to see my (crude) webpage mock-up I can send it 
 privately as a zip - I assume the list will not permit attachments.

 Goodness, I hope this is helpful and not just a pain ;)

Some rapid comments late in the evening. Should perhaps had thought it 
over before sending?
I think it is possible to rebuild the index without major difficulties.
Not even the GIMP manual is perfect.

Gimp-docs mailing list

[Gimp-docs] a new user perspective

2010-08-30 Thread David
I'm coming to the GIMP as a new user, having tried it a few years ago and then 
preferred other software; I am returning now because of the features.

In a spirit of trying to help, may I share a few observations about the online 
documentation that would make my reading of it easier?

1. There is no link off the manual to the GIMP site. I wanted that.

2. I'd much prefer a clearer layout of the manual web pages. For example the 
first page shows just a logo, until I scroll down, and the contents are spread 
over multiple screens (impossible to get an overview). Images would be better 
right or left aligned, definitely not inline as at present. Black text on white 
is clearer than orange on grey. And so on.

3. Section 1.2 needs to tell me *how* to install the context sensitive help (I 
installed GIMP as recommended, onto Windows, but no context sensitive or local 
help is installed.)

I can share further specific points if there is interest

This is me trying to help, not moan ;) - I've written help for another open 
source project, and have had around a million hits on those pages.

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