a footnote folks

2008-09-27 Thread tom kessel
this is my very first computer ever in my life. after v2 weeks breaking it all in rather than off a Blackberry Im still learning.Secinds after sending out my digest message,I checked my message for errors and i see some of what i wrote was missing. how that is i cant guess. Let me fill in the

And Regarding Reta Shaw

2008-09-27 Thread tom kessel
I was cut off when Reta asked me why I would contact her a second rate actor. Folks I assure yoiu and want the word to go out on this and other so called second rate performers. There is no second rate performers, I told Reta Shaw she was a first rate first class actor in my book and i thanked her

let someone who knew them speak up please

2008-09-29 Thread tom kessel
i saw todays digest.i wasnt going to but since these are names i knew i had to try to answer some questions. who was Big Maude from Convicts at Large?of course the lovely Reta Shaw a actress i talked to by phone in 1975 just when she was retiring from the buisness. she was also i may add in Song

Thanks Joe.I can count on You.More on Alan Hale and Jeff Pruitt

2008-10-01 Thread tom kessel
in return respond in kind.Thats it for today until next time i can offer any benefitical insight. thanks from Col Tims friend Tom Kessel ps the typing is better this time.im slowly learning. ___ WBMUTBB mailing list WBMUTBB@wbmutbb.com http://www.mayberry.com

and Harry thank you too for acknowledging My Efforts.But Regarding the Autograph

2008-10-02 Thread tom kessel
Harry many thanks but before i address your kind comments on my association with character actors ill answer delicate as it is your question about the mysterious autograph celebrity.i only mentioned him indirectly to illustrate one thing. Unlike Reta Shaw Alan Hale and every well known character

Folowup: Family Visit was on tonight on Tvland

2008-10-03 Thread tom kessel
the same sweater a beat up old hat and his voice that cackle was a dead give away.I salute you Joe Hamilton.Oh to have seen you in color had you lived a few more months. God Bless. Col Tims No. One Fan .Tom Kessel ___ WBMUTBB mailing list WBMUTBB@wbmutbb.com

Herbie Faye was fanstastic Aunt Bees Painter in Warden Was sadly a Bit Player Jerry Colanna was lovely and What Happened to Part 2?

2008-10-03 Thread tom kessel
Herbie Faye who died in 1980 was a product of vaudeville a second banana who made it on Sergent Bilko with good friend Phil SIlvers as did our beloved Allan Melvin .he did light comedys Disney films and scores of tv show in the 50s -his death . He told me Andy Griffith could be funny and blue when

i know alot but i dont know NOTHING...

2008-10-05 Thread tom kessel
the lines.Catch Joe in a dandy role from 1959 Attack of the Giant Leeches . Youd think it was TAGS on location in a swamp with TAGS player George Cisar getting killed off.God Bless. Tom Kessel ___ WBMUTBB mailing list WBMUTBB@wbmutbb.com http

Not Much on Tom Jacobs or Johnny Coons

2008-10-07 Thread tom kessel
nstarted in 1965 with my collections. It goes without bsaying God Bless all of you. And God Bless all who are associated with TAGS/Col Tim Im coming over.Move over Howard Sprague..Tom Kessel ps Im ready be it one of you or all of you who may type in tomorrow Hey Tom where have you been?WE know all

Wallace Ford Burt Mustin Joe Hamilton and More

2008-10-07 Thread tom kessel
in one of my movie magazines. Everyone on the set simply adored him FRances told me. He was the opposite of his grim character. Time to close shop. God Bless from Col.Tim and I. Tom Kessel. An ' ... ___ WBMUTBB mailing list WBMUTBB@wbmutbb.com http

Tv Land Why Dont you Leave TAGS Show ALONE???

2008-10-08 Thread tom kessel
and thank you Digest readers and contributers for allowing me to share the joy i had interviewing these beautiful character actors. God Bless from Col Tims favorite reject Tom Kessel. ___ WBMUTBB mailing list WBMUTBB@wbmutbb.com http://www.mayberry.com

Thanks Janet and one more TAGS actor I Knew

2008-10-12 Thread tom kessel
. and with that God Bless all. its back to chatting with Col. Tim..Thank you too Col. Tim. Tom Kessel ___ WBMUTBB mailing list WBMUTBB@wbmutbb.com http://www.mayberry.com/tagsrwc/wbmutbb/

thank you my few friends in Mayberry land.

2008-11-06 Thread tom kessel
Margeret. Im glad someone appreciates the word im putting out about what these actors had to say in private life. They are my very best friends in the world. THey gave me a small bit of their time but they truly are everything we Mayberry fans envisioned them to be. Bless you all. Tom Kessel

i prefer the good old day of hollywood

2008-11-09 Thread tom kessel
. They had faces. They were stars in the truest sense. Thanks for listoning. God Bless you all. Tom Kessel ___ WBMUTBB mailing list WBMUTBB@wbmutbb.com http://www.mayberry.com/tagsrwc/wbmutbb/

I have no intention to write a book Ken

2008-11-09 Thread tom kessel
why ken anderson on his own is assuming im writing a book or even thinking of doing one i cannot fathom. i have no intention whatsoever in any conceivable way to write a book. id love to write one and i have a wealth of hollywood history to share but its easier said than done. what i want and what

Dick Ryan Siting on Mister 880 dvd release

2009-05-28 Thread tom kessel
For my Mayberry comrades i noticed when i bought the 1950 dvd Mister 880 with Burt Lancaster, on the jacket standing behind Burt and Edmund Gwynne is our station master from Dont Miss A Good Bet, Dick Ryan.its doubtful few other out there saw this.. he;'s such a totally forgotton character

Who WasThat Man Looking at Andy's Check???

2009-06-04 Thread tom kessel
this classic series.But no name to tag to him. Anyone out there with any clues to his identity .He;'s of obvious foreign extraction.Look for him too as the crowd breaks up and he's being pushed out with all the others.Thank you .Tom Kessel Col.Tim's Protege Reject Mayberrian American

The Mystery on THAT MAN Goes On....

2009-06-05 Thread tom kessel
. And as Mr. Lomax , he does alot of walking..god bless. Tom Kessel Mayberryian American Col Tim's protege reject.. ___ WBMUTBB mailing list WBMUTBB@wbmutbb.com http://www.mayberry.com/tagsrwc/wbmutbb/

We're Still Working on it Folks

2009-06-08 Thread tom kessel
jumping out of the way from a speeding car. oh i love a good mystery. The labs Boys include 3 women joining forces to solve the mystery. Move over Joe, ,Schwamp, and Tom, youve got company, the Unknown MAN. God Bless. Tom Kessel Mayberryian American aka Col Tims protege reject

More on the UNKNOWN MAN

2009-06-08 Thread tom kessel
Its midnight and Victor just e mailed me. He spotted our mystery man in Barney Runs For Sheriff. Bravo Vic . But again where was it he jumped out so he wouldnt be it by a speeding vehicle? The Boys at the Lab are working overtime. God Bless . Tom Kessel Mayberryian American aka Col Tims protege

Fwd: The Mystery on THAT MAN Goes On....

2009-06-08 Thread tom kessel
-- Forwarded message -- From: tom kessel tom.k...@gmail.com Date: Fri, Jun 5, 2009 at 8:21 PM Subject: The Mystery on THAT MAN Goes On To: andy griffith club wbmutbb@wbmutbb.com Al and I have been working on this solving this mystery like any TAGS follower should. Al found

Why Didnt Opie Smell The perfume?

2009-06-20 Thread tom kessel
somehow. The last thing is smell its contents. Just a thought ive had for 41 years. Thank you. Tom Kessel Col Tim's protege reject. ___ WBMUTBB mailing list WBMUTBB@wbmutbb.com http://www.mayberry.com/tagsrwc/wbmutbb/

Why Did Andy Smell the Perfume ??

2009-06-21 Thread tom kessel
. . Only to learn what was told to us is true. Thanks Vic and thanks TAGS for showing us the most simple things in life sometimes is not the most obvious. Tom Kessel Col.Tim's protege reject. God bless. ___ WBMUTBB mailing list WBMUTBB@wbmutbb.com http

Curse of TAGS..I Dont Think So but its Eerie Folks

2009-06-22 Thread tom kessel
Im sure some of you must know this. A number of actors had their last acting chore on TAGS. Mr Schwamp, Dick Ryan,. Howard McNear,Dick Elliot but i just discovered an eerie conicidence. . Howard McNear our beloved Floyd had a stroke in 1962 doing the show and suffered sadly for 7 years. Now add

You Know What I Did Just Like Andy Yesterday

2009-06-23 Thread tom kessel
pulled into the driveway at 1pm. Not til got back on my computer last night did i realize I did an ANDY. We all have. .My next project is to see what other actors played their last role being on TAGS. With Fred Sherman as the 4th, the list might be sadly a bit longer. Tom Kessel, ,Col Tim's protege

Yes Steve that was POST STROKE FLOYD 1965

2009-06-23 Thread tom kessel
. in that color episode. Tom Kessel Col Tim's protege reject the Mayberryian American. God Bless you all. ___ WBMUTBB mailing list WBMUTBB@wbmutbb.com http://www.mayberry.com/tagsrwc/wbmutbb/

Aunt Bee the Warden Follow up

2009-06-26 Thread tom kessel
this scene that it was written to use her line to its fullest effect. She can barely wait to say those words Get to It if you look quickly so she times her cue just right to say it. Another great scene well thought out and played out. Thanks . Tom Kessel Col.Tim's protege reject

Thanks Vic and We Were Wrong about Aunt Bee's Medicine Man

2009-06-26 Thread tom kessel
the real original MUSICAL SCORE for the TAGS. Now Ill check Aunt Bee the Warden for that classic musical piece as Otis climbs down the ladder.I never heard this brilliant piece of music ever used again in any other episode. Get to it. Tom Kessel, Col.Tim's protege reject God bless you all

Gritton Joe You Offered A Name for the Unknown Man???

2009-06-30 Thread tom kessel
Andy Taylor . Tom Kessel, Col.Tim's protege reject God bless you All. ___ WBMUTBB mailing list WBMUTBB@wbmutbb.com http://www.mayberry.com/tagsrwc/wbmutbb/

I Get Choked Up Everytime I see The Jinx

2009-07-02 Thread tom kessel
all playacting but our heart tells us, its brilliant writing and acting as only Henry Bennett can show us. Andy saves the day. Henry is still our friend and neighbor. .welcome back Henry Bennnet. Mayberry still loves you. Great acting and writing on TAGS once again. Tom Kessel Col.Tims protege

Aunt Bee May Hurt a Cat but not Frances Bavier

2009-07-19 Thread tom kessel
it so she can sleep. imagine what Frances Bavier must had thought to herself knowing as we all do that she just LOVED cats. I find it funny and ironic.Thank you. Tom Kessel Col.Tim's protege reject God bless you all. ___ WBMUTBB mailing list WBMUTBB


2009-07-21 Thread tom kessel
on a kitty but reluctantly followed suit. according to the script. No big deal here just innocent fun trying to get into the person and the character of TAGS . Thanks Marsha and God bless you all. Tom Kessel Col.Tim's protege reject ps. my interviews with Burt Mustin will be in the August issue


2009-07-22 Thread tom kessel
in real life. also her face doesnt demonstrate she was on to any deception. Great actress great character great show but poor little kitty. or i should say poor little Otis. God Bless. Tom Kessel Col Tims protege reject. god bless you all. ___ WBMUTBB mailing

Poor Floyd Was Glued To the Chair

2009-07-25 Thread tom kessel
There were times, Howard's stroke was well concealed then there were times it was evident in a badly ill mannered way. Moments ago I was reminded of his stroke loud and clear watching Tvland showing Big fish In a Small Town. At the lake ,Howard Sprague suddenly catches Big Sam. Andy, Opie and

Hello Kim, Im Afraid You Lost That Bet on the H Word

2009-07-29 Thread tom kessel
extensively than people think , in the 50's let alone early 1960's. We should be concerned with the far more vulgar words that upset me these days. God bless you Kim and all of you out there. Tom Kessel Col.Tim's protege reject. ___ WBMUTBB mailing list

Bulletin: Albert Found the Mystery Man:Up In Barneys Room..Thanks

2009-08-03 Thread tom kessel
with him.If hes old short somewhat chunky with gray hair (Schwamp style) this proves he did get almost run over. Were getting closer now . Thanks Albert.I hope someone can confirm your findings asap. Still working on it, Tom Kessel Col.Tims protege reject God bless you all

But Joe They Did Have a Stunt Double for Post Stroke Floyd

2009-08-03 Thread tom kessel
back to Andy as we hear the sound of Floyd driving off. Either the sound was dubbed in . if not im sure a double was used tho not scene. nice effect too. Just a thought. The search for Mr Schwamps older brother still continues. Tom Kessel Col.Tims protege reject.God Bless you all

Soon i Can Rest On My Laurels

2009-08-04 Thread tom kessel
younger brother, he has no actual actors name but he's a Mayberryian and thats all that counts.God bless all of you more than ever. Tom Kessel Col.Tim's protege reject. ___ WBMUTBB mailing list WBMUTBB@wbmutbb.com http://www.mayberry.com/tagsrwc/wbmutbb/

Thanks Bob But The Photo Of Schwamps Brother Reveals More Than You Think

2009-08-07 Thread tom kessel
it to our attention A compelling but loving photo of some of the denizens of Mayberry. Tom Kessel Col.Tims protege reject. God Bless you all. ___ WBMUTBB mailing list WBMUTBB@wbmutbb.com http://www.mayberry.com/tagsrwc/wbmutbb/

Im Sorry i Meant to Say Lurene Tuttle not Ellen Corby fans

2009-08-07 Thread tom kessel
Little House on the Prarie caught me off guard. No it was Lurene Tuttle in Weavers Dept Store not Mrs.Lesh Ellen Corby. Lurene died at 78 in 1986. We know her also from Pycho 1960 and Life With Father series in 1953. We all make mistakes.Thats why I look the way i do. Bless you all.Tom Kessel

Asa Breeney and Doc Roberts: Quite an Actor

2009-08-10 Thread tom kessel
a bad go at it flubbing his hello to Col Tim on stage in Howard the Comedian.Poor Howard couldnt remember Col Tim's name.And Howard its still not Capt. Tom either.God Bless you all. Tom Kessel ___ WBMUTBB mailing list WBMUTBB@wbmutbb.com http

I Just Saw Mr. Schwamps Brother in Barney's Sidecar

2009-08-10 Thread tom kessel
This time unlike last weekend , im playing back the weekend lineup of 4 hours of TAGS and 3 minutes ago i spotted HIm in Barneys Sidecar.look for the courthouse scene following Barney's near collision with the side car at Aunt Bee. Inside a gathering of Mayberry residents are having a shouting

Can Anyone Tell Me How Andy Taylor Tied His Arms Around A Tree?

2009-08-17 Thread tom kessel
done just in FUN. God Bless. Tom Kessel, Col.Tims protege reject. ___ WBMUTBB mailing list WBMUTBB@wbmutbb.com http://www.mayberry.com/tagsrwc/wbmutbb/

Jeff: Too Close To Call on Nice Dress Nellie

2009-08-17 Thread tom kessel
spoke to Howard and no wicked kid to egg Opie on. Note Floyds eyes as he actually hears that the fish talked to Howard. Grown men with childlike faith in anything told to them. Both episodes brilliantly played out. Tom Kessel Col.Tims protege reject

Family Visit Was On Again..What a Classic

2009-08-18 Thread tom kessel
a return visit. Tom Kessel. Col.Tims protege reject. God bless you all except Uncle Ollie. ___ WBMUTBB mailing list WBMUTBB@wbmutbb.com http://www.mayberry.com/tagsrwc/wbmutbb/

Final Word on Family Visit and this is Funny

2009-08-22 Thread tom kessel
to answer your question. i never interviewed James Wethersfield. He died in 1971 before i got around to him. He now resides at his new address. Goose Down Pillow at the Heavely Gates. Long live Family Visit. What a visit. God bless you all. Tom Kessel Col.Tim's protege reject. Hey Hey .Nora you thinking


2009-09-01 Thread tom kessel
. Goodbye Pat and richard. God bless you both from all of us Mayberry fans at Allans website. Sadly this is Tom Kessel, Col.Tim's potege reject. ___ WBMUTBB mailing list WBMUTBB@wbmutbb.com http://www.mayberry.com/tagsrwc/wbmutbb/

The Latest Update Folks

2009-09-02 Thread tom kessel
a familiar scene yet the closeup was on the outside not on a sound stage. for 100 years this has been a standard practice. but i alwayswondered why not film the closeup outside on a lot rather than on a soundstage. a good point made but just an observation.This is Tom Kessel Col.Tims Protege Reject, God

Mayberryians:Lets Talk About Another TAGS Character

2009-09-05 Thread tom kessel
unsung hero who deserves attention. He's another grand Mayberry resident who we saw or well he was a resident once and a bum the next. Either way he's always a joy to watch and liston to. Happy 82nd birthday Arthur Malet from Allan Newsome , our Mayberry readers and from me, Tom Kessel Col.Tim's Protege


2009-09-07 Thread tom kessel
a good question to ponder. I know Mr. Schwamp in that famous photo sat in his place of honor as did Ernest T and Floyd but now im wondering who else has sat on the most famous town bench in America. our MAYBERRY BENCH. God bless. Tom Kessel Col.Tims protege reject ps Thanks Allan for printing my tribute

What the Story on Jack Burns and Warren the Deputy?

2009-09-07 Thread tom kessel
. Tom Kessel Col.Tims protege reject. Im just curious thats all. ___ WBMUTBB mailing list WBMUTBB@wbmutbb.com http://www.mayberry.com/tagsrwc/wbmutbb/

Whatever Happened To Mayberry's Italian Family?

2009-09-08 Thread tom kessel
anytime.Thats it . God Bless. Tom Kessel Col.Tims Protege Reject ___ WBMUTBB mailing list WBMUTBB@wbmutbb.com http://www.mayberry.com/tagsrwc/wbmutbb/

What Movie Has the Most TAGS Actors??

2009-09-12 Thread tom kessel
scenes out but now at the episodes end, the credits are running on the final scene on the bottom. what a travesty.Married With Children and Roseanne is the order of the day. Im going back to Col Tim's old tv set to audition for TAGS to come back to TVLAND in all its glory unedited and uncut. Tom Kessel

A Nice Touch In Stranger In Town

2009-09-14 Thread tom kessel
. TAGS marathon continues for Monday so Tvland said tonight. Thanks Allan and God Bless all of you. Tom Kessel Col.Tims Protege Reject. ___ WBMUTBB mailing list WBMUTBB@wbmutbb.com http://www.mayberry.com/tagsrwc/wbmutbb/

I Have a Letter From Orville Monroe But we Never Discussed TAGS

2009-09-15 Thread tom kessel
so sorry but tonight looking at the tvland marathon i saw character actor Jonathan Hole who lived to be 93, in Mayberry Goes Hollywood. In 1970 he sent me an 8by10 glossy autographed and a short letter inwhich he said Thank you Mr Kessel .Im in receipt of your lovely letter. Im a tv actor at

About Tol Avery

2009-09-18 Thread tom kessel
back into hibernation. God Bless. Tom Kessel Col.Tims Protege Reject ___ WBMUTBB mailing list WBMUTBB@wbmutbb.com http://www.mayberry.com/tagsrwc/wbmutbb/

About Gilberts Dad and Casey Adams

2009-09-18 Thread tom kessel
ever appeared in. its still regarded as worst film ever made but has reached cult status. Now im prepared for the Tvlland marathon this weekend and Monday and how they repeat the same programs back to back twice a night. Shame shame shame as Gomer said. God Bless. Tom Kessel Col.Tims Protege Reject

A Little on TAGS Marathon Today

2009-09-19 Thread tom kessel
time should be Dont Miss a Good bet with a dear man ,my good friend Dick Ryan as stationmaster in that 5 second shot at the end. his last acting chore. thanks Dick. And thank you Alan and friends. Tom Kessel Col.Tim's Protege Reject. God Bless

The Foreclosure on TvLand Today

2009-09-20 Thread tom kessel
Harry thanks for the kind words regarding Casey Adams.Lyle Talobot was fun talking to.Since you mentioned Dragnet, i did an interview with the legendary Jack Webb. that was posted a few days ago on the website alan was nice to set up for me. The Mayberry Minutes is running late for August The King

Is There a Mayberry Fan Anywhere Who can Discuss Dick Elliot?

2009-09-22 Thread tom kessel
generation just love. Horribly im getting several vile profane responses from people to never say god bless or thank the lord. They are not like you Mayberry fans. Ill say it again and with pride. YouTube or no Youtube. GOD BLESS ALAN and all of YOu. Tom Kessel Col Tims Protege Reject

Recalling Mayor Pike-Elliot

2009-09-24 Thread tom kessel
was just one prime example. Im history. God Bless. Tom Kessel Col.Tims Protege Reject ___ WBMUTBB mailing list WBMUTBB@wbmutbb.com http://www.mayberry.com/tagsrwc/wbmutbb/

Ted It wasnt Confirmed But We can Tell You its Mr. Schwamp

2009-09-25 Thread tom kessel
character was. In any event both Mayors were supreme, Thanks.Alan and thank you Andy Griffith. Im history. Tom Kessel Col Tim's Protege Reject ___ WBMUTBB mailing list WBMUTBB@wbmutbb.com http://www.mayberry.com/tagsrwc/wbmutbb/

Lets See What was on Tvland Tonight Folks

2009-09-29 Thread tom kessel
a repeat of tonight.God Bless. Tom Kessel Col Tims Protege Reject ___ WBMUTBB mailing list WBMUTBB@wbmutbb.com http://www.mayberry.com/tagsrwc/wbmutbb/

Something Other Than Mayberry Days

2009-10-04 Thread tom kessel
Dinners on me King of Mayberry my good friend you say is the very last words from Andy Griffith on his tv series TAGS. ?Ill buy that. anything you or Alan says is ok by me. But Im just wondering if people realize (of course you do) that i dont think Barney ever met ever shared a given scene with


2009-10-05 Thread tom kessel
to the durability of the TAGS. As the Col would say, this is Tom Kessel and Bless You All. Thanks Alan. ___ WBMUTBB mailing list WBMUTBB@wbmutbb.com http://www.mayberry.com/tagsrwc/wbmutbb/

Whatever Happened To TAGS Director Lee Phillips?

2009-10-07 Thread tom kessel
in later years prior to his death in 1999 please post your findings here asap. id love to see if the years treated him well when i last saw him on film. it goes without saying Andy Griffith and surviving cast members will have only good things to say of this fine splendid actor. Thanks everyone. Tom

TAGS Marathon Sunday Night

2009-10-12 Thread tom kessel
the rundown. All color episodes tonight. good for me not so good for true die hard fans of TAGS. Repeats continue on Monday. Tom Kessel God bless until next time. ___ WBMUTBB mailing list WBMUTBB@wbmutbb.com http://www.mayberry.com/tagsrwc/wbmutbb/

Yes Janet There is Only One Elmo

2009-10-17 Thread tom kessel
.? Elmo, Mr Crawford , Ellie and her employer (his name i forgot but i know the actor from Miracle on 34th St) .Tom Kessel. Col.Tims Protege Reject ___ WBMUTBB mailing list WBMUTBB@wbmutbb.com http://www.mayberry.com/tagsrwc/wbmutbb/

Tonight on Tvlands Marathon

2009-10-17 Thread tom kessel
everyone. Tonight was a good night for the color episodes. What a way to remember AndyBarney with Barney Holds a Summit Meeting. .Im on Cloud 9 Tonight. Bless you all. Tom Kessel Col.Tims Protege Reject ___ WBMUTBB mailing list WBMUTBB@wbmutbb.com http

Tonight on Tvland Folks Just One Surprise

2009-10-18 Thread tom kessel
. Thats it . Monday night repeats then Tuesday more shows. This is Tom Kessel Col.Tims Protege Reject Bless you all. ___ WBMUTBB mailing list WBMUTBB@wbmutbb.com http://www.mayberry.com/tagsrwc/wbmutbb/

No im Afraid Elmo was a Druggist Indeed

2009-10-19 Thread tom kessel
. No hardware store that i know of developes pictures. inconsistancies have gone on for generations in films Tv with no explanation. .I dare not mention here. it would take a week to write em all down.Thanks Elmo it was great talking to Mayberrys No one Pharmacist. Tom Kessel Col.Tims Protege

Tvland Marathon good Tonight

2009-10-19 Thread tom kessel
with Ernest t grunting upon his introduction to Malcolm. what battles between the two,.all in all a most enjoyable evening for a man who can only see TAGS via Tvland. If only we didnt have to have 2 minutes of some jerk selling tissue paper. This is Tom Kessel Col.Tims Protege Reject

A Mixed Bag of Shells on Tvland tonight Folks

2009-10-25 Thread tom kessel
Well Col Tim lets see what we just saw tonight. Look Paw im Dancin for starters.Eat Your Heart Out with Goober Flora is a good one.The Gypsies a good one ,Baby in The House classic Aunt Bee and the blueberry pie with our friend Alvy Moore.Note the look on his face,his eyes as Aunt Bee says Come

TAGS Marathon Monday Good and Wow I saw Ferdie

2009-10-27 Thread tom kessel
if all goes well is Dont Miss A Good Bet with the most famous 5 second visit of a Mayberry resident, my good friend Dick Ryan, Mayberrys stationmaster.Thanks Allan.and hello Marsha. Tom Kessel Col.Tims Protege Reject Bless you all ___ WBMUTBB mailing list

Martha:Dont Remind Anita Corsaut About The Blob

2009-10-27 Thread tom kessel
Martha when you wrote about The Blob playing on TCM opposite TAGS with Ania Corsaut, naturally I had to write to remind viewers what she told me in 1971 by phone. I never dreamnt she be so livid but in hindsight from an aspiring actresses point of view, Anita told me Tom Dont remind of that movie

TAGS Marathon on a THURSDAY??

2009-10-30 Thread tom kessel
for them. .the gullibility in Howard McNears Floyd is touching.The imagination of a child with the heart of an angel thats a good way of describing Floyd Lawson.All in all for color episodes not a bad night. Allright Col.Tim, I think its our time to call it a night. Bless you all. Tom Kessel Col Tims

Tvland Marathon:Dick Ryan Mr Schwamps Older Brother

2009-11-01 Thread tom kessel
moments of my encounter with the Mayberry downhome folks. ok Col. Tim its time to go back to the studio til another marathon. Bless you all. Tom Kessel Col Tims Protege Reject ___ WBMUTBB mailing list WBMUTBB@wbmutbb.com http://www.mayberry.com/tagsrwc

Aunt Bees Restaraunt Floyds Barber Shoppe on Tvland

2009-11-04 Thread tom kessel
Frances Bavier was so good in her venture with the great Keye Luke as Charlie in that chinese restaraunt.A long way from Charlie Chans Nu.1 son in the 30s and 40s to the tiny hamlet of Mayberry.Aunt Bee shines with her smile then becomes a befuddled victim of the fortune cookie curse.She's

Goodbye Dolly Opies Piano Lessons

2009-11-09 Thread tom kessel
scene is brilliant.But the two women upstairs thats the topper.Every kerynote is accented by another sense of pride in their faces to sheer comedy .Just another observation to be aware of. .Thank you for reading my thoughts. Tom Kessel Col Tims Protege Reject bless you all

Tonight on Tvland:Howard the Comedian Goobers Contest

2009-11-09 Thread tom kessel
. even illness cant dampen an actors brilliant performance.Thanks Howard thanks Allan thanks everyone. a night here well spent. This is Tom Kessel Col.Tims Protege Reject bless you all ___ WBMUTBB mailing list WBMUTBB@wbmutbb.com http://www.mayberry.com

Tvland Marathon Tonight Monday

2009-11-10 Thread tom kessel
it was. For 8 years he had his hand in every facet of the show .this was his baby she told me. He poured his life and heart into the creation of TAGS .Hope should know. Thanks Hope. We all miss you. This is Tom Kessel Col.Tims Protege Reject ___ WBMUTBB mailing list

Tv land :HowardMillie Aunt Bee The Juror

2009-11-10 Thread tom kessel
fans) .This is Tom Kessel Col.Tims Protege Reject Bless you all. ___ WBMUTBB mailing list WBMUTBB@wbmutbb.com http://www.mayberry.com/tagsrwc/wbmutbb/

Thanks Gary on Floyd Lawson

2009-11-12 Thread tom kessel
called it a pharmacist back then) .He said he was sorry to see his role go with the demise of Mayberry RFD. Werent we all. After all Vinnie should know if he was a druggist. Thanks Allan .Tom Kessel Col.Tims Protege Reject. Bless you all. ___ WBMUTBB

Fwd: Tape Recorder Opies Group

2009-11-12 Thread tom kessel
-- Forwarded message -- From: tom kessel tom.k...@gmail.com Date: Wed, Nov 11, 2009 at 9:59 PM Subject: Tape Recorder Opies Group To: wbmutbb-ow...@wbmutbb.com Two goodies on tvland tonight. My good friend Herbie Faye in Tape Recorder. The line boo to Goober is very funny

Albert Share your Story With Allan and The Digest Please

2009-11-14 Thread tom kessel
Decca's discovery. I salute you Sir for thinking of me. Tom Kessel just plain Tom today only. .My birthday. nice present Albert for Nov 14th. ___ WBMUTBB mailing list WBMUTBB@wbmutbb.com http://www.mayberry.com/tagsrwc/wbmutbb/

Facial Hair Nominees

2009-11-15 Thread tom kessel
Ill put in my 2 cents. Mayberry RFD episode,Marios father (on the tractor).And its a zinger folks, someone mentioned Seth Taylors sculpter but how about incredibly, Seth Taylor himself even in statue,he once existed.And our own Mr.Schwamp to an extent had facial hair but on his top.And didnt my


2009-11-16 Thread tom kessel
well i was so sad by the lineup on tvland of TAGS in bw that forgive me Allan my friend, i switched the channel to see ICARLY a modern day innocent show with Miranda Cosgrove. When I returned after seeing ICARLY , I only saw Ben Weaver Bert Miller fighting (well Ben aka Will Wright does the

The Last of the Hacker now onto the TAGS

2010-01-14 Thread tom kessel
flubbing his Col. Tim hellos.Thats it. Back to the investagation of this skunk. Again one last time im very sorry. Bless you all Col. Tims Protege Reject (the real one not the fraud) ps Thanks Ken Allan and Marsha. Tom Kessel as well ___ WBMUTBB mailing

Goobers Contest Floyds Cue Card

2010-02-04 Thread tom kessel
Mayberrys No. one stationmaster will pop up .His last acting chore and thanks Andy Griffith for letting Dick have one last shining moment on cellluloid .Im honored to have that letter photo he sent me a year before his passing in 1969. this is Tom Kessel Col. Tims Protege Reject.Bless you all

Regarding:Floyd Walking

2010-02-06 Thread tom kessel
friends what a graceful memorable exit. some of his best lines stems from this episode. Everyone was in fine form this time around.Ill review Tvlands mini marathon on Sunday. Were into the final season.This is Tom Kessel Col.Tims Protege Reject. aka Evan Thorpe

Regarding Floyd's Stroke

2010-02-09 Thread tom kessel
in many ways when we mimick him. Oddly the stroke did wonders for this gifted actor. god rest his soul. thanks my friends. Tom Kessel col.Tims Protege Reject aka Evan Thorpe ___ WBMUTBB mailing list WBMUTBB@wbmutbb.com http://www.mayberry.com/tagsrwc