
2005-10-25 Thread wendy

Is your kitty eating today?


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Re: Emilio and Frito

2005-10-25 Thread wendy

Blessings to you for helping these animals in need
out.  I often chastise myself because many times it
seems I am more compassionate for these cats than I am
for my own human race.  But the love is there, and the
only thing we can do to feel right is go with it,
which is what you have been doing.  I understand about
the acquisition of cats.  They are social animals.  I
started out with two, and then along came a stray, who
I found a home for, but not before she had a litter. 
I found homes for two of her kittens, but the third,
Cricket, I couldn't.  Fell in love with him and that
made three.  Then my parents moved to Florida and left
their 3 cats with me until they found a home.  Well
they found a home all right, but the HO doesn't allow
animals outside the home, and my mom is allergic.  So
now I'm up to six.  The day my husband and I moved
into our home, a seventh stray showed up.  Then my
sister decided to get a divorce and not take care of
her son or their 3 cats, so now I have ten cats and a
ten year old.  LOL.  The city has a limit of three, so
I pray that none of our neighbors find that out.  Four
live inside and the rest outside, and the neighbors
have been wonderful about the cats it seems.  Although
I am sure we are known as the cat people.  My husband
isn't too happy about it, but what can I do?  My goal
is to become debt free and buy some land and get a
barn like one of the other ladies on this site so I
have a place for these cats to go.  In the meantime...

I wouldn't be able to euthanize Emilio and Frito
either, so don't feel bad.  There is an organization
called Best Friends. They are
located in Utah, but they have a lot of sister
organizations all over the country that they partner
with.  I support them financially because I believe in
what they are doing.  Once I called them because my
ailing grandmother was feeding all these cats and they
kept multiplying because they were feral and she
couldn't catch them to have them fixed.  BF called an
organization in Greensboro, N.C., where my grandma
lives and they came out and caught all the cats, fixed
them, and brought them back.  There were probably 8
cats.  BF is awesome.  The main thing they are known
for is their sanctuary in Utah, which takes care of
hundreds of animals that are unadoptable.  People
take their vacations there to volunteer.  It's really
neat.  Anyway, maybe they can help you.  And maybe you
will have luck with the Best Little Cat House in the
next month or so.  Also, there are some people who
take in only FeLV cats, so maybe an ad in the
newspaper asking for help???

From what I have studied about FeLV, and from what my
vet gave me to read, the transmission of FeLV is
either through bite wounds, birth, close casual
contact (grooming), and shared dishes or litter pans. 
So hopefully, play fighting through a door won't
qualify, but you can't be too sure.  Probably the
reason your vet hasn't been too reassuring or the
info. you get is contradictory is that the vet
professionals and researchers still don't know much
about FeLV.  They are at a loss as well, although
strides have been made in the past ten years in
medical research and is ongoing.  

There may come a time when you may have make the
decision to stop feeding any strays that come along,
and they will move on to the next house they think
they may be able to get food from.  I know that sounds
horrible, but at some point, you may have to draw the
line, whether it be 5 cats, 10, or 20.  If you don't,
you might end up on TV like these people who have 50
cats in their small apartment and the health
department and animal control are busting their door
down.  ;P

Have a great day Chrissy, and take care-
God Bless You for your efforts-

Yahoo! Mail - PC Magazine Editors' Choice 2005

Encouragement for Julie and Mandy

2005-10-25 Thread wendy

I am so sorry you and Mandy are going through this
right now.  My heart goes out to you both.  I told
myself that I would not allow Cricket to suffer, so
when the time comes that he is visibly suffering and
not taking any enjoyment from life, I will take him. 
I know the time will come for us as well.  As long as
Mandy wants you to hold her and stroke her, I believe
she is able to enjoy herself and feel good.  I hope
that you will somehow feel peaceful when the time
comes to make that decision and you are the only
person, and the best, who should be making that
decision.  I will pray for peace and courage for you
and Mandy.


Yahoo! Mail - PC Magazine Editors' Choice 2005

Re: My Beautiful Mandy

2005-10-27 Thread wendy

What do you say to someone who's heart is broken? 
This may sound a little odd, but I remember this poem
from when I tried out for drill team in high school
and didn't make it.  I know you are no longer a child,
but you are a child of God.  


Lord, you have taught me to accept defeat 
To taste the bitter when I sought the sweet 
Knowing the longest night brings hopeful dawn, 
I gather up the pieces and go on. 

Now, let your Spirit tell me how to treat 
A child whose dreams lie broken at her feet; 
How to share the hard-earned wisdom and the calm, 
The confidence, to be her sore heart's balm? 

She's tender, Lord, Her hurts hurt more than mine. 
She's young, and thinks the sun will never shine. 
Just yesterday, she laughed, and walked in clover... 
Teach her tomorrow is for starting over. 
-- Author: Helene Lewis Coffer 

Julie, I hope you find some comfort from the words
that everyone has written.  It's wonderful that you
were able to be with Mandy when she passed; I know she
wasn't as scared because you were there.  That is my
one wish for Cricket if he doesn't make it.  I don't
want him to be alone.  

You will get through this Julie.

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Re: ImmunoRegulin/Cricket

2005-10-27 Thread wendy
Hi Belinda,

Cricket isn't feral, but he sure does act like it
sometimes.  He gets crazy if anyone tries to do
anything to him at the vet.  Since he was so anemic,
it was less stressful on him to sedate him.  I did
find a vet who will administer the ImmunoRegulin that
I bought as soon as it gets here.  I just don't know
what dosage to give him.  The vet said he would look
up the dosage, but I am a little weary about vets
anyway, and like to find the information out before I
do things so I'm not caught off guard or know if
something doesn't sound right.  I hope we have enough
time.  Cricket's labs came back with a hemocrit of 7%,
which is pretty bad, and he didn't look so well this
morning.  So I am just trying to get through the day
at work so I can get home to him.  I wish it were
Friday.  The vet didn't sound very encouraging after
looking at his labs. He also had one eye dilated this
morning so I don't know what in the world that means. 
I just hope if he goes that I am home with him.  Has
anyone had a cat die of anemia at home while you were
there?  Is it painful?  I don't want to take him to
the vet if I don't have to because he hates going to
the vet.  Thanks.

Hanging on to hope-

Yahoo! Mail - PC Magazine Editors' Choice 2005

Re: Here's where to go to see the SC kitty pix!

2005-10-27 Thread wendy
I loved the pictures; they are all beautiful cats!  I
hope you have great luck in adopting them out to
loving and compassionate homes.

 Search for businesses by name, location, or phone
 number.  -Lycos Yellow Pages

Yahoo! Mail - PC Magazine Editors' Choice 2005

RE: Wendy/ImmunoRegulin/Cricket

2005-10-27 Thread wendy
Thank you so much Kerry; I can't seem to get enough
information right now.  And I'm feeling pretty
desperate and tired, but probably not more so than
Cricket.  I appreciate and look forward to receiving
the package.  Maybe something in there will be
lifesaving for him, or give him more time to live
healthily and happily.  Thanks for the hugs.  :( Wendy

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Re: for Wendy: ImmunoRegulin/Cricket

2005-10-27 Thread wendy
Thank Kerry-I printed the info. off and will take it
to the vet's tomorrow.  I pray that Cricket is better
today and will be responsive to the IR.  God bless
you.  Wendy

Yahoo! Mail - PC Magazine Editors' Choice 2005

Re: My Beautiful Mandy and Julie

2005-10-27 Thread wendy

I'm glad you found this site.  It has been a God-send
for me in the past week while my cat Cricket is sick. 
Cricket is doing much like your Jazzy; lying in our
bedroom in a corner behind a plant.  I think they may
be twins the way you describe Jazzy: fighting the
pills, purring softly, disinterested in food/water. 
I'm not ready to let Cricket go yet and since he has
been up and down for the past ten+ days, I am still
holding out hope.  I know you've probably read the
posts on ImmunoRegulin.  I will let you know asap how
Cricket fares with the injections.  His hemocrit is
horribly low.  The post before mine about seeing a
specialist might help you put your mind at ease.  At
least you'll know exactly what your treatment options
are for Jazzy.  I'm weighing a blood transfusion right
now, but it's so expensive and may only prolong his
life a little.  It's horrible when someone you love
wastes away in front of your eyes.  Cricket has been a
source of my laughter for the past 4 and a half years.
 He is a unique cat.  He likes riding in the car and
getting into the shower with me.  Maybe he thinks he's
a dog.  lol.  I understand your heartache and am
sending prayers and peace to Jazzy and you.  


Yahoo! Mail - PC Magazine Editors' Choice 2005

Re: Wendy/ImmunoRegulin/Cricket

2005-10-27 Thread wendy
Thank you for your prayers Nina.  And the info.  I am
not sure how Cricket will respond to the needle
tomorrow, but if it's more effective than subQ, I'd
rather go that route.  I promised Cricket after his
last harrowing visit to the vet two years ago that I
would never leave him again and I won't.  He almost
died then; if I wouldn't have taken him home and cared
for him round the clock like I did he would probably
have been gone in another half day.  I know he would
rather be at home.  I would never forgive myself if he
passed away while at the vets without me there.  I had
a hard time with the guilt two years ago, although I
had no idea that he wasn't being cared for properly.


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Update on Cricket

2005-10-31 Thread wendy
Well, it has been a roller coaster of a weekend for
me.  My poor husband probably thinks I have gone
bonkers.  I called in sick (in tears) to work Thursday
evening (for Friday) because I thought I was going to
have to take Cricket to be PTS if he started having
difficulty breathing due to low rbc's.  Friday morning
I woke up late, having gotten some MUCH needed rest,
and Cricket seemed the same.  He didn't seem to be in
pain or having trouble breathing, so I didn't take him
to the vet.  I had taken him the evening before to get
the IV shot of ImmunoRegulin, that had just come in
the mail, thank goodness.  Saturday, I expected him to
be worse, but he wasn't.  Sunday, he seemed to be a
little stronger and alert and had gained weight from
what I could tell on the scales.  The vet called me
this morning to tell me he had read Cricket's labs (he
was out of town) and that he has a responsive anemia,
which we were under the impression that it was
non-responsive.  Non responsive is bad; not much
chance for survival.  Responsive is different.  So
that basically means Cricket has hope.  I am taking
him tomorrow for another shot of ImmunoRegulin.  I
called Dr. Mike Lies, the guy who wrote the article
titled Volume of Opinion Warrants Merit posted on
the website.  He just called me
back today to verify that he had indeed written the
article in 1989, and that he still uses ImmunoRegulin.
 He actually uses EqStim, which is the same thing, and
what I ordered for Cricket on  They
use it for horses, but lower dosages can be used for
cats.  He said he would do .5ml twice a week for two
weeks and see how Cricket does, and keep him on the
Prednisolone.  Both vets agreed that a transfusion
would do no good as he is trying to make his own rbc's
and his body might actually fight against the new
rbc's from the transfusion.  So it's just a waiting
game now.  I am so thankful I have all of you to vent
to, if you want to call it venting.  Some might call
it whining.  Others, expressing myself.  One thing is
for sure, I feel ten times better now that Cricket has
some hope and I am pulling myself out of the dumps, as
I hope he is too.  This weekend, he spent several
hours each day out in the sun enjoying himself. 
Normally when I let him out, he tries to explore other
homes, and I have to round him up.  But he just lies
there and watches right now.  Hopefully, he will soon
have the energy to do a little exploring.  I never
thought I would be happy about that, but I look
forward to it.  I hope this story/information gives
some of you hope who may be in the same situation. 
Thanks again for your prayers and support.  Wendy and

Yahoo! Mail - PC Magazine Editors' Choice 2005

Re: Leuk Positive Kitty - Urgent (Rochester, NY)

2005-10-31 Thread wendy
Amy,  I'm all the way in Texas and don't know anyone
in NY.  Try contacting Best Friends (
and see if they have a contact.  Good luck.  Wendy

--- Amy Wilkins [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I had sent this e-mail out last week regarding a
 positive kitty.  I haven't followed up because I
 didn't hear back from my vet or the rescuer.  She
 called last night and is still looking for a home
 this kitty.  She can't keep her and the kitten is
 confined to a porch where she can no longer stay as
 gets cold.  Can anybody help this little girl?  The
 rescuer tells me she is a total sweetheart and just
 precious and wants to come in and mix with her other
 cats so badly.  She just doesn't want to mix the
 pos with her healthy cats and I can understand that.
 Everybody has a different opinion on that.  Anyways,
 please see the description below from my previous
 e-mail.  Obviously, she is a bit older now, probably
 12 weeks or so.
 My vet just called me to tell me about a kitten that
 just tested positive for leukemia.  The owner
 (rescuer) can house her temporarily but needs to
 her a home as soon as possible.  They are thinking
 is about 10 weeks old.  She is mostly grey with some
 orange spots.  She has had her distemper shot and
 been dewormed and flea treated.  She has not been
 spayed yet and is too young for her rabies shot.  Is
 there anybody that could give this little sweetie a
 home?  I am willing to make arrangements for
 transportation.  We just don't want to see this
 one euthanized.
 Amy Wilkins 
 Woof Wagon
 Yahoo! Mail - PC Magazine Editors' Choice 2005

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Re: Introduction

2005-11-01 Thread wendy
Hi Sandy,

I hope this post finds you in better spirits than
yesterday.  I first want to say hello to a fellow
Texan.  I lived in Houston for a few years and my
parents and brothers have lived there for years until
recently.  The great thing about living in the big
city of Houston is that you shouldn't have any trouble
finding a different vet.  That's the second thing: I
think you need to find a vet that is willing to work
with you regarding your little furballs, not one that
immediately recommends euthanasia.  This will do
wonders to give you hope.  Find one you are
comfortable with by calling and actually asking to
speak to the vet.  Tell him your situation and see
what he says.  I have learned these past few weeks
that you can tell a lot about a vet that way. 
Thirdly, I practically drove myself crazy these past
few weeks learning about FeLV and trying to decipher
on the Internet what is good info. and what isn't. 
Not to mention deciphering what the vets say.  There
are so many different opinions.  We all read just
about everywhere that FeLV can be passed via
saliva/grooming/food and water dishes/and litter
boxes.  But one of my vets told me last week that that
has never been proved by the veterinary community,
which I was shocked to hear him say.  He said the only
way they know for sure is through blood, kind of like
the AIDS virus, which would mean a cat fight or birth.
 My Cricket got it from his mother at birth I believe,
because she died of it and she was only two years old.
 Cricket is almost 4 1/2.  So I don't know what to
think about a lot of the information that is out
there.  But one thing is for sure: if you let it, it
can be OVERWHELMING, depending on your personality. 
If you're an information seeker like me, don't stress
yourself out too much doing research, because a lot of
it is negative.  I was convinced Cricket was doomed
and getting VERY depressed myself, but come to find
out yesterday, things may not be so bleak, at least
for right now.  So yes, educate and encourage
yourself, and the people here are wonderful in helping
with that, but take it easy.  Like Nina says, we do
all we can do, and the rest is up to our little
furballs and the powers that be.  Also, please don't
beat yourself up with guilt.  Anytime I get angry
about anything, I have to ask myself if what was done
was intentional.  99% of the time it's not, and
therefore, I adjust my thinking accordingly.  You
would NEVER intentionally hurt your kitties, and
probably would go into practically a murderous rage
like the rest of us here if you saw someone who was. 
So cut yourself some slack, and fight off that guilt
(which by the way is a good way for the devil to get
his little fingers into your life and try to make
things harder than they already are).  Also, a lot of
vets don't recommend vaccinations for FeLV for totally
indoor cats so you weren't wrong there.  I hadn't
vaccinated mine because they've lived indoors all
their lives.  It never dawned on me that a kitten
could be born with it. 

Hope this info. helps.  Email me anytime you need to

Yahoo! FareChase: Search multiple travel sites in one click.

FeLVtalk Poll on FeLV contraction

2005-11-01 Thread wendy
Just curious:

How many of you know without a shadow of a doubt that
one of your cats contracted FeLV by coming into
contact with a FeLV positive by means of grooming,
food, water, or litter (ie. NOT by means of a fight or
via birth).  I am interested to hear what the results
will be.  Thanks!

Yahoo! Mail - PC Magazine Editors' Choice 2005

Re: Emilio/Frito -- fundraising idea?

2005-11-01 Thread wendy

I think the Christmas cards are a great idea!  In the
way of research, a place to start might be the
Veterinary Department at Texas AM University.  It's
the only vet school in Texas so I think the majority
of veterinarians in Texas go to school there and I
believe it has a great research facility.  Also from, I see that Auburn University does
research (a vet there created the FeLV vaccine), as
well as the University of Washington, University of
Southern California, Cornell, and University of
Pittsburg.  There are only 27 veterinary schools in
the U.S. and I think they might be the best place to
start.  I bet if you sent out a blanket letter to each
of them, you'd find that there are several doing
research.  I have seen some research online and in
book form from Cornell.  For the record, I would
definitely be interested in buying the cards when they
come out since the money will be going to a great
cause.  And since I know several veterinarians in our
city, I might be able to get the cards there and sell
them at their offices.  I imagine there are a lot of
us who would be willing to help you and your mom raise
money for FeLV.  I think the money would be better
spent in research vs. shelters, considering that they
don't know as much as they need to about the virus. 
Let me know what I can do to help!


P.S.  I have an adorable picture of Cricket's face
(he's black with big yellow/green eyes) surrounded by
red Christmas garland (taken after he had, of course,
torn the whole Christmas tree apart-lol).  

Yahoo! Mail - PC Magazine Editors' Choice 2005

Re: Importation of drugs

2005-11-01 Thread wendy

Thanks for the info.  I didn't know you could import
it for use in your own home.  When you said personal
use, I assume you meant for your cats?  lol.  I have
read that the feline Interferon is much more
effective.  I tried to research how to get it, but it
said it was only available in Europe and Japan.  If
you have any links to the actual ordering websites,
I'd love to have them.


Yahoo! Mail - PC Magazine Editors' Choice 2005

Sub Q fluids

2005-11-01 Thread wendy
I feel a little dumb here.  I thought sub-q meant you
would inject fluid in a needle under the cat's skin. 
I didn't know you were hooking up a whole IV bag to
the cat!  I assume this is done to rehydrate an
animal.  I don't think Cricket would go for this.  Can
anyone give me the simple explanation of sub q?  Thanks!

Yahoo! FareChase: Search multiple travel sites in one click.

Re: FeLVtalk Poll on FeLV contraction

2005-11-01 Thread wendy
Awesome!  Congratulations on your negative kitty!  I
am sorry to hear about your kitty that passed away in
June.  It's also good to know I'm not the only one
with cats in the double digits!  We have some inside
and some outside.  Never alone though!  lol.

--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I have had 2 positive cats among a household of 13
 and none of the other cats have contracted FeLV! 
 One of my positives did pass away in June and the
 other was just re-tested and confirmed to now be
 -- Original message -- 
  Just curious: 
  How many of you know without a shadow of a doubt
  one of your cats contracted FeLV by coming into 
  contact with a FeLV positive by means of grooming,
  food, water, or litter (ie. NOT by means of a
 fight or 
  via birth). I am interested to hear what the
  will be. Thanks! 
  Yahoo! Mail - PC Magazine Editors' Choice 2005 

Yahoo! Mail - PC Magazine Editors' Choice 2005

Re: FeLVtalk Poll on FeLV contraction

2005-11-01 Thread wendy
I will send out the results when they are all in. 
Maybe one of these research facilities would be
interested in the results of real FeLV kitty owners as

--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 None of mine ever did this way.
 This is an interesting poll. I too would like to see
 the results.
 Thanks for bringing this up.
 In a message dated 11/1/2005 8:22:06 AM Pacific
 Standard Time, 
 Just curious:
 How many of you know without a shadow of a doubt
 one of your cats contracted FeLV by coming into
 contact with a FeLV positive by means of grooming,
 food, water, or litter (ie. NOT by means of a fight
 via birth).  I am interested to hear what the
 will be.  Thanks!
 Terrie Mohr
 Check sites for available Siameses for adoption!
 Adopt a Homeless Pet!

Yahoo! Mail - PC Magazine Editors' Choice 2005

Re: Importation of drugs

2005-11-01 Thread wendy
Yes, I am definitely interested.  Thanks Nina!

--- Nina [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 If you want to get the feline Interferon Omega,
 (apparently Gary is 
 talking about something different here), you have to
 get a special 
 dispensation from the FDA.  My vet has made up a
 packet to help people's 
 vets apply.  I've sent the info to the list many
 times, if you are 
 interested, let me know and I'll post it again.
 wendy wrote:
 Thanks for the info.  I didn't know you could
 it for use in your own home.  When you said
 use, I assume you meant for your cats?  lol.  I
 read that the feline Interferon is much more
 effective.  I tried to research how to get it, but
 said it was only available in Europe and Japan.  If
 you have any links to the actual ordering websites,
 I'd love to have them.
 Yahoo! Mail - PC Magazine Editors' Choice 2005

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Re: Sub Q fluids

2005-11-01 Thread wendy
Thanks Nina.  I just called my vet because I'm taking
Cricket in for another ImmunoRegulin injection today,
and asked about subQ fluids.  They said they could do
it if he is dehydrated and it is not expensive.  I
would be very uncomfortable doing it, but I think
Cricket could use the extra fluids.  Thanks for the

--- Nina [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 You've got it right.  You use a bag for hydration,
 (not IV, IV means 
 into the vein), because they need more fluid than
 what you could fit 
 into a syringe.  Once a cat that is dehydrated
 figures out how much 
 better they feel after they get fluids, they usually
 settle down and 
 accept the process, some even seem to enjoy it. 
 wendy wrote:
 I feel a little dumb here.  I thought sub-q meant
 would inject fluid in a needle under the cat's
 I didn't know you were hooking up a whole IV bag to
 the cat!  I assume this is done to rehydrate an
 animal.  I don't think Cricket would go for this. 
 anyone give me the simple explanation of sub q? 
 Yahoo! FareChase: Search multiple travel sites in
 one click.

Yahoo! Mail - PC Magazine Editors' Choice 2005

RE: Sub Q fluids

2005-11-01 Thread wendy
How long do you have to do subQ for it to be
effective?  Is there usually an amount of days or
weeks that it finally takes effect, or does it vary
with every animal?  I would do it (especially if it
saves money), but only if I felt fully informed, you

--- MacKenzie, Kerry N.

 Wendy, believe me, if someone like me-- a
 technophobe with 10
 thumbs--can do it (and I certainly haven't got it
 down yet--I go 2-3
 needles most times) YOU can definitely do it. It
 sure saves $$$,
 especially when it's every other day. If it's a
 one-off though that
 Cricket needs, then yes, I would have the vet do it
 there and then.
 -Original Message-
 Behalf Of wendy
 Sent: Tuesday, November 01, 2005 1:06 PM
 Subject: Re: Sub Q fluids
 Thanks Nina.  I just called my vet because I'm
 Cricket in for another ImmunoRegulin injection
 and asked about subQ fluids.  They said they could
 it if he is dehydrated and it is not expensive.  I
 would be very uncomfortable doing it, but I think
 Cricket could use the extra fluids.  Thanks for the
 --- Nina [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  You've got it right.  You use a bag for hydration,
  (not IV, IV means 
  into the vein), because they need more fluid than
  what you could fit 
  into a syringe.  Once a cat that is dehydrated
  figures out how much 
  better they feel after they get fluids, they
  settle down and 
  accept the process, some even seem to enjoy it. 
  wendy wrote:
  I feel a little dumb here.  I thought sub-q meant
  would inject fluid in a needle under the cat's
  I didn't know you were hooking up a whole IV bag
  the cat!  I assume this is done to rehydrate an
  animal.  I don't think Cricket would go for this.
  anyone give me the simple explanation of sub q? 
  Yahoo! FareChase: Search multiple travel sites in
  one click.

 Yahoo! Mail - PC Magazine Editors' Choice 2005
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Animal Communication

2005-11-02 Thread wendy
Hi guys,

Hope your day is going well.  I have never heard of
animal communication until I started posting here, and
understand what it is, but am having a hard time
believing.  Can someone sell this theory to me?  I
think I need a little nudge and some stories, too.


Yahoo! Mail - PC Magazine Editors' Choice 2005

Re: Animal communication

2005-11-02 Thread wendy

Thank you for the beautiful story about Bramble.  My
heart was in my throat as I read his story.  One of
the reasons I am so frustrated and stressed is that I
don't think Cricket understands what is happening.  I
took him to get another IV shot of ImmunoRegulin
yesterday and he must have been feeling better because
he screamed like a wild banshee.  I felt HORRIBLE
because I knew he was upset with me because he doesn't
understand that what I'm doing is trying to help. 
Maybe an animal communicator is just what I need to
take part of this stress away from both of us.

Thanks again,

--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I don't know if you were a member when I had Bramble
 so apologies if you  
 heard this already and to those who have already
 heard this story as many of you  
 I had never really attempted animal communication
 before either but decided  
 to try following advice from people here when I hit
 a dilema with Bramble. I  
 only had him 6 months in total from the sanctuary -
 he was FIV and already 
 sick  when I took him in.
 He had many problems including calicivirus, dental
 probs, skin probs,  
 keratitis etc... I gave all 3 of my cats revolution
 for flea prevention - here  in 
 UK there was no warning on packaging against giving
 it to cats with  diseases 
 or underweight cats. Bramble went into quite nasty
 seizures for a  couple of 
 days after I put the revolution on him and at first
 I was assured it  was FIV in 
 his CNS and to put him to sleep. Something was
 telling me this was  wrong and 
 people here gave me info and experiences in relation
  to reactions from flea 
 meds - so I held out and his seizures got less 
 severe. There's no doubt he 
 had CNS probs from FIV related illness but  the
 revolution just massively 
 exacerbated it and then he returned  to his normal
 levels of seizure activity 
 afterwards. He did well for  another couple of
 During this time I was told by people here about
 communicating with animals  
 and decided to try. I explained to Bramble how much
 I loved him and wanted to  
 help him and that I'd miss him if he wasn't here.
 But I told him that I 
 didn't  want him to be in pain and if he had had
 enough and wanted to let go then 
 it was  ok for him to do that and I'd be here with
 him. I told him that he 
 could leave  his body and his spirit could stay here
 and that he could be here  or 
 come to me whenever he wanted. I also told him to
 let me know  in some way if 
 he felt he needed help and explained to him what
 would happen  with euth
 anasia. Bramble got very restless and upset and
 walked away from me in  a sulk and 
 giving me definite unhappy signals. I took this to
 mean he  wasn't ready and 
 he calmed down when I acknowledged this and told him
 it was ok  and I was happy 
 to keep fighting with him. At this point I was so
 confused and  prayed each 
 night for a sign that I was doing the right thing.
 One night the  face of my 
 angel tidge (last FIV cat) appeared in a dream and a
 voice  saying keep going. 
 Bramble improved with good vet and my care for
 another 2  months.
 Unfortunately he ended up getting another bout of
 calici which he didn't  
 shake off with Virbagen Omega and he entered into
 acute kidney failure. He  
 stopped eating and I was having to assist feed
 hoping it would make him eat  again 
 but it didn't - he just got stressed and was trying
 to hide. I knew in my  
 heart he was giving up so I brought him out from
 hiding and did the whole talk  
 with him again as I did before. This time he just
 lay on me purring as I  
 talked to him and when I told him I'd help him if he
 needed me to he  moved his paw 
 up and gave me a gentle squeeze and it was as if he
 was saying  yes I've had 
 enough now and he was the most comfortable he'd
 been all week. I  made the 
 appointment and he was put to sleep that day.That
 last hour  of having him 
 content with his paw on my shoulder was  priceless.
 Although it hurts so much 
 anytime you have to lose your babies  it was
 probably the only one true time that 
 I didn't feel guilty about putting  to sleep. I
 never pts unless I know it's 
 the right thing to do but there is  still usually
 some feeling of guilt and the 
 what if's in me. This was  certainly the right time
 and I was happy that 
 everything had been done for him  in the time I had
 him. Whereas if I'd put to 
 sleep the 2 months prior to  that it would have left
 me riddled with guilt 
 because Bramble wasn't  ready to go.
 I would not have believed the power of that
 communication had I not been  
 through it with Bramble. Still hurts and I still cry
 as I write about it even  
 now because I can still feel his little squeeze but
 I can honestly say I had  
 never experienced communication with an animal like
 I did with Bramble - I got  
 that because I opened my mind to it - now I'm
 converted - and it got me 2 more 
  precious months with my angel

Re: Animal communication website

2005-11-02 Thread wendy
Here is a great website that an animal communicator
created.  Good information on letting go when it's

--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I don't know if you were a member when I had Bramble
 so apologies if you  
 heard this already and to those who have already
 heard this story as many of you  
 I had never really attempted animal communication
 before either but decided  
 to try following advice from people here when I hit
 a dilema with Bramble. I  
 only had him 6 months in total from the sanctuary -
 he was FIV and already 
 sick  when I took him in.
 He had many problems including calicivirus, dental
 probs, skin probs,  
 keratitis etc... I gave all 3 of my cats revolution
 for flea prevention - here  in 
 UK there was no warning on packaging against giving
 it to cats with  diseases 
 or underweight cats. Bramble went into quite nasty
 seizures for a  couple of 
 days after I put the revolution on him and at first
 I was assured it  was FIV in 
 his CNS and to put him to sleep. Something was
 telling me this was  wrong and 
 people here gave me info and experiences in relation
  to reactions from flea 
 meds - so I held out and his seizures got less 
 severe. There's no doubt he 
 had CNS probs from FIV related illness but  the
 revolution just massively 
 exacerbated it and then he returned  to his normal
 levels of seizure activity 
 afterwards. He did well for  another couple of
 During this time I was told by people here about
 communicating with animals  
 and decided to try. I explained to Bramble how much
 I loved him and wanted to  
 help him and that I'd miss him if he wasn't here.
 But I told him that I 
 didn't  want him to be in pain and if he had had
 enough and wanted to let go then 
 it was  ok for him to do that and I'd be here with
 him. I told him that he 
 could leave  his body and his spirit could stay here
 and that he could be here  or 
 come to me whenever he wanted. I also told him to
 let me know  in some way if 
 he felt he needed help and explained to him what
 would happen  with euth
 anasia. Bramble got very restless and upset and
 walked away from me in  a sulk and 
 giving me definite unhappy signals. I took this to
 mean he  wasn't ready and 
 he calmed down when I acknowledged this and told him
 it was ok  and I was happy 
 to keep fighting with him. At this point I was so
 confused and  prayed each 
 night for a sign that I was doing the right thing.
 One night the  face of my 
 angel tidge (last FIV cat) appeared in a dream and a
 voice  saying keep going. 
 Bramble improved with good vet and my care for
 another 2  months.
 Unfortunately he ended up getting another bout of
 calici which he didn't  
 shake off with Virbagen Omega and he entered into
 acute kidney failure. He  
 stopped eating and I was having to assist feed
 hoping it would make him eat  again 
 but it didn't - he just got stressed and was trying
 to hide. I knew in my  
 heart he was giving up so I brought him out from
 hiding and did the whole talk  
 with him again as I did before. This time he just
 lay on me purring as I  
 talked to him and when I told him I'd help him if he
 needed me to he  moved his paw 
 up and gave me a gentle squeeze and it was as if he
 was saying  yes I've had 
 enough now and he was the most comfortable he'd
 been all week. I  made the 
 appointment and he was put to sleep that day.That
 last hour  of having him 
 content with his paw on my shoulder was  priceless.
 Although it hurts so much 
 anytime you have to lose your babies  it was
 probably the only one true time that 
 I didn't feel guilty about putting  to sleep. I
 never pts unless I know it's 
 the right thing to do but there is  still usually
 some feeling of guilt and the 
 what if's in me. This was  certainly the right time
 and I was happy that 
 everything had been done for him  in the time I had
 him. Whereas if I'd put to 
 sleep the 2 months prior to  that it would have left
 me riddled with guilt 
 because Bramble wasn't  ready to go.
 I would not have believed the power of that
 communication had I not been  
 through it with Bramble. Still hurts and I still cry
 as I write about it even  
 now because I can still feel his little squeeze but
 I can honestly say I had  
 never experienced communication with an animal like
 I did with Bramble - I got  
 that because I opened my mind to it - now I'm
 converted - and it got me 2 more 
  precious months with my angel boy..
 Michelle, Minstrel, Buddy  Angel Bramble

Yahoo! FareChase: Search multiple travel sites in one click.

Re: Should I spay Ginger?

2005-11-02 Thread wendy

Glad to hear about Bones' successful surgery!  Yea!
Breathe easier now.


--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Bones is home and doing GREAT! I really think they
 did a great job on her spay, she
 came home happy, and active, and more loving than
 before. They said they all loved
 her, she was so sweet to them while there. She has a
 pain patch that stays on for 3
 days... but so far she is doing great, you would
 NEVER know anything had been done to
 her. I'm VERY happy with the results!
 Adopt a cat from UCAT rescue:
 Adopt a FIV+ cat:
 Adopt a FELV+ cat:
 Saving one animal won't make a difference in the
 world, but it will make a world of
 difference for that one animal.

 I collect KMR kitten formula labels for Bazil, a 3
 yr old special needs cat who must
 live on a liquid diet for the rest of his life.
 Bazil's caretaker collects labels and sends them to
 KMR, where they add up until she
 earns a free can of formula!
 PLEASE save your KMR kitten formula labels for
 If you use KMR, even just one can, please ask me for
 the mailing address you can send
 them to, to help feed Bazil!
 No virus found in this outgoing message.
 Checked by AVG Free Edition.
 Version: 7.1.362 / Virus Database: 267.12.7/156 -
 Release Date: 11/2/2005

Yahoo! Mail - PC Magazine Editors' Choice 2005

RE: Animal Communication

2005-11-02 Thread wendy

Thank you for the wonderful information.  Very neat
about your sister.  I do believe people can be
psychic.  Seen too many things that are otherwise
unexplainable.  Are your AC's in Texas?


Start your day with Yahoo! - Make it your home page!

Re: good cat story/Terrie's response

2005-11-03 Thread wendy
Wow!  What a wonderful story!  I looked up some
pictures of Ragamuffins on the web and they are
beautiful cats!!!

--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 How sweet and honorable of Boo-Boo!
 That's a Siamese for ya! Nah just kidding! 
 I believe all cats when there is a need they are
 there for you.
 I have to tell you all this!
 I have a personal kitty that is a Blue PT
 Ragamuffin, his name is Boo-Boo too.
 It is my nickname for him even though his name real
 name Blue. He only knows 
 Boo-Boo so when I call him Blue he knows he is in
 deep doodoo. 
 He was part of my rescue effort of over 200
 Ragamuffins here in WA. state 
 from a Hoarder/Breeder situation.
 Everyone was sick and underweight. You name it these
 kitties had it all 
 (illnesses) but I'm glad to say no one died which
 surprise the hell out of me. 
 Believe it or not none tested positive for Felv/Fiv.
 I'm glad to say all I have left now are 3YAY!!!
 Everyone has been adopted but them. They are listed
 on my Petfinder for those 
 that are interested.
 I stated if I can pull this rescue effort off, I can
 do anything!
 Guess what it's happening only 3 left!
 Will take a little break from rescue for a day or
 two. Get my thoughts 
 together. Will still have one ear open to those
 needing rescued.
 Sorry to drag this on just wanted to talk about it
 Thanks for reading!
 In a message dated 11/3/2005 6:06:24 AM Pacific
 Standard Time, 
 When I was a baby, my parents had a siamese cat
 named Boo-Boo.  my parents 
 were of  of course worried about how we would
 interact.  He would lay under 
 my crib every night to watch over me and one night i
 actually got out of my 
 crib and fell down the stairs to the basement.  As
 the story goes Boo-Boo 
 ran into my parents room after this had happened and
 dug his claws into my 
 dads chest and gave one of those shreik siamese
 meows to awaken my parents.  
 He then led them to the stairs in the basement where
 my parents had found me 
 at the bottom of the stairs.  If it wasn't for Boo-
 Boo i probably would 
 have laid down there all night.
 Terrie Mohr
 Check sites for available Siameses for adoption!
 Adopt a Homeless Pet!

Yahoo! FareChase: Search multiple travel sites in one click.

Guard cat

2005-11-04 Thread wendy
I have a story for you guys.  This morning I was up at
5:30 am supervising my nephew while he finished his
math homework.  My black cat, Pepper, jumped up on the
bay window seat in the dining area and started pawing
at the south window.  I went over to her and wrapped
my arms around her and started telling her how cute
she was.  I didn't bother to look out the window. 
Pepper usually does that on a lower window if she sees
another cat, but this time, the window was up high. 
The next thing I know, my husband walked in and said
Were you just outside?  and I said no, why?.  He
said, Are you sure you weren't just outside? and I
said no.  He said that someone was sneaking past the
bathroom window, which is frosted, towards the dining
area windows.  He thought it was me playing a trick on
him, so he tapped on the window, and whoever it was,
ran off.  That's when he came to see if it was me.  We
live in a quiet neighborhood, but my neighbor down the
street said that he's had to replace PVC pipe for his
sprinkler system twice in the past week because
someone was stepping on it and crushed it.  The pipe
is right in front of his daughter's window and when he
repaired it the second time, he noticed that there was
a crack in her blinds where someone could see in.  So
I guess we have a pervert hanging around, or living
in, our neighborhood unfortunately.  But I thought it
was really cool that Pepper tried to tell me the way
she did.  Talk about animal communication!  Cats are
so awesome!

Yahoo! Mail - PC Magazine Editors' Choice 2005

RE: Guard cat

2005-11-04 Thread wendy
Yes, we called the police and they came out this
morning and looked our place over, but there's not
much they can do.  My husband wanted to go out and
catch the guy but I told him if the guy had a gun,
that wouldn't be too smart.  The police came out twice
for my neighbor too, but said the same thing.  I am
going to notify all my neighbors this afternoon to be
on the lookout.  

--- Wolf, Leah R. [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I do hope that you have notified the police.
 -Original Message-
 Behalf Of wendy
 Sent: Friday, November 04, 2005 10:47 AM
 Subject: Guard cat
 I have a story for you guys.  This morning I was up
 at 5:30 am supervising my nephew while he finished
 his math homework.  My black cat, Pepper, jumped up
 on the
 bay window seat in the dining area and started
 pawing at the south window.  I went over to her and
 wrapped my arms around her and started telling her
 how cute she was.  I didn't bother to look out the
 window.  Pepper usually does that on a lower window
 if she sees another cat, but this time, the window
 was up high.  The next thing I know, my husband
 walked in and said Were you just outside?  and I
 said no, why?.  He said, Are you sure you weren't
 just outside? and I said no.  He said that
 someone was sneaking past the bathroom window, which
 is frosted, towards the dining area windows.  He
 thought it was me playing a trick on him, so he
 tapped on the window, and whoever it was, ran off. 
 That's when he came to see if it was me.  We live in
 a quiet neighborhood, but my neighbor down the
 street said that he's had to replace PVC pipe for
 his sprinkler system twice in the past week because
 someone was stepping on it and crushed it.  The pipe
 is right in front of his daughter's window and when
 he repaired it the second time, he noticed that
 there was a crack in her blinds where someone could
 see in.  So I guess we have a pervert hanging
 around, or living in, our neighborhood
 unfortunately.  But I thought it was really cool
 that Pepper tried to tell me the way she did.  Talk
 about animal communication!  Cats are so awesome! 
 Yahoo! Mail - PC Magazine Editors' Choice 2005

Yahoo! FareChase: Search multiple travel sites in one click.

Need help with Cricket's diet

2005-11-04 Thread wendy
Hi guys,

I am having a hard time getting Cricket to eat right
now.  He is drinking water some and some tuna juice,
but it isn't much.  I have been force feeding him baby
meat foods the past couple of days.  He isn't very
happy about it, but otherwise, he is going to be too
weak if he doesn't eat.  I've tried tuna, salmon,
goat's milk, yogurt, baby meat foods, and wet cat
food-different varieties, and he doesn't seem
interested in much of anything except for a little
water and tuna juice now and then and some tuna
flakes-just a little.  I am hoping he is eating at
night while I am sleeping or gone to work during the
day, but if he is, I don't think it's much.  I have
three other cats in the house and it's hard to tell
who's doing what.  He doesn't have any mouth sores,
and he is dehydrated just a little bit.  He's on
prednisone still, and still making rbc's, but his body
is killing them as it makes them.  He's still anemic. 
We don't have the $300 to do a blood transfusion, and
that's not really an option anyway, since he is making
his own rbc's and the vet said the transfusion might
make his body try to fight the rbc's more.  He's still
walking around a little, but weak due to lack of
nutrients.  He still purrs and sleeps with me at night
and goes outside to enjoy the air and sun, so I know
he's still enjoying life somewhat.  But I don't know
what to do to get him to eat.  Any ideas?  Also, we're
going out of town tonight and I have to leave him for
48 hours.  I am worried to death.  My best friend is
going to stop by Sunday morning and give him his
Prednisone and some fresh tuna, and we'll be home
later that evening.  Any thoughts or advice out there?

Thanks so much!

Yahoo! Mail - PC Magazine Editors' Choice 2005

Re: Guard cat

2005-11-04 Thread wendy

Yes, I fussed over Pepper this morning after the
police left, and I could swear by the look on her face
that she was so proud of herself.  She was probably
saying, See momma, I told you there was someone out
there but you weren't listening!  lol.  We have a
puppy who is about 5 months old that my husband found
on a road by his work.  Ironically, we had taken him
to my mother's last night because we're going out of
town and she's going to take care of him.  I think if
he were there that he would have barked or growled. 
Makes me wonder if it was just bad timing, or if the
prowler has been watching, you know?  I am creeped out
and glad we're going out of town so I won't worry
about it.  We have a security system, so I do feel
safe at night.  But my nephew gets home about an hour
before I do, so I'm a little worried about him.  I
told him to reset the alarm as soon as he gets home
and not to go outside.  It's hard to believe we have
so many weirdo's out there.


Yahoo! Mail - PC Magazine Editors' Choice 2005

RE: Need help with Cricket's diet

2005-11-04 Thread wendy
In Texas.

--- Hideyo Yamamoto

 Where do you live, Wendy?
 -Original Message-
 Behalf Of Nina
 Sent: Friday, November 04, 2005 11:21 AM
 Subject: Re: Need help with Cricket's diet
 I'm very sorry to tell you this, but from what you
 describe, if you 
 leave Cricket alone for 48 hours, there is a good
 chance that he won't 
 be around when you get back, or he will deteriorate
 considerably, (in 48
 hours, he may do that even with you home to
 assist-feed him).  His 
 condition sounds grave to me and since he's not
 eating on his own and 
 his anemia is so advanced, he really needs to be
 monitored and cared 
 for.  If you can't find someone trustworthy to stay
 with him, I'd 
 consider bringing him to a vet that will be able to
 monitor him 24/7.  
 Just boarding him at a regular vet that closes up at
 night with no one 
 in attendance won't be enough and will stress him
 out without giving you
 full benefit.
 As far as Cricket not eating...  It's so frustrating
 and upsetting 
 dealing with a kitty that will not eat,
 unfortunately, I doubt very much
 that he's eating when you're not looking and
 refusing the tasty tid bits
 you put down in front of him.  Usually when a kitty
 doesn't want to eat,
 they will more readily lap at food.  They start that
 awful thing they do
 with picking up pieces of food and then spitting
 them out, like they've 
 forgotten how to chew.  Oh, it's so terrible, I know
 it is.  Have you 
 tried the liver shake that has been posted on the
 list?  My Gypsy will 
 sometimes eat if I stay with her and encourage her
 with soft words and 
 strokes.  Try warming the goat milk and foods you're
 offering, sometimes
 the added aroma and feel of warmth on their tongue
 helps.  Also, if 
 Cricket turns his nose up and walks away, follow him
 and put the bowl 
 down in front of him.  I don't know why, but
 sometimes they seem to have
 to think about it and when they are immediately
 offered food again, 
 they'll eat.  For some reason they sometimes will
 prefer a bowl over a 
 plate and visa versa, try switching what you are
 serving the food on.  
 Offer the tiniest little bits of food, like a 1/4 of
 a teaspoon at a 
 time, I think the sight and smell of a full bowl of
 food may be 
 overwhelming for a kitty that doesn't feel good.   I
 think sick kitties 
 sometimes blame their discomfort on the food they
 are eating.  That may 
 be why they will suddenly refuse a favorite food,
 but might try 
 something they've never eaten before, have you
 offered Cricket lunch 
 meat in tiny little pieces?  Also, assist-feeding
 will usually cause an 
 aversion to whatever you are using, for example, if
 Cricket has always 
 loved beef babyfood, he may not eat it after you've
 been forcing him 
 to.  Just something else to keep in mind. 
 I'm sorry, my dear, I do know how hard this is.  I
 certainly don't want 
 to cause you any more upset than what you are
 already going through.  I 
 just wanted you to know that leaving him right now
 could have 
 consequences that I wanted you to be aware of.  If
 it can't be helped, 
 it can't be helped.  Everyone on this list is well
 acquainted with the 
 what if syndrome.  We end up beating ourselves up
 over things we had 
 no way of controlling, we've gotten to be pretty
 good at avoiding 
 anything that will later give us anymore guilt than
 what we end up 
 suffering anyway.
 I'm thinking of you and feeling anguished for the
 two of you, please 
 keep us informed. 
 wendy wrote:
 Hi guys,
 I am having a hard time getting Cricket to eat
 now.  He is drinking water some and some tuna
 but it isn't much.  I have been force feeding him
 meat foods the past couple of days.  He isn't very
 happy about it, but otherwise, he is going to be
 weak if he doesn't eat.  I've tried tuna, salmon,
 goat's milk, yogurt, baby meat foods, and wet cat
 food-different varieties, and he doesn't seem
 interested in much of anything except for a little
 water and tuna juice now and then and some tuna
 flakes-just a little.  I am hoping he is eating at
 night while I am sleeping or gone to work during
 day, but if he is, I don't think it's much.  I have
 three other cats in the house and it's hard to tell
 who's doing what.  He doesn't have any mouth sores,
 and he is dehydrated just a little bit.  He's on
 prednisone still, and still making rbc's, but his
 is killing them as it makes them.  He's still
 We don't have the $300 to do a blood transfusion,
 that's not really an option anyway, since he is
 his own rbc's and the vet said the transfusion
 make his body try to fight the rbc's more.  He's
 walking around a little, but weak due to lack of
 nutrients.  He still purrs and sleeps with me at
 and goes outside to enjoy the air

RE: Need help with Cricket's diet

2005-11-04 Thread wendy
No, he's on Prednisolone and ImmunoRegulin.  I hate to
inject him with anything else.  The vein in his right
arm can't be used anymore, and I'm not sure how long
they can use his left one to inject the ImmunoRegulin.
 He hates needles and fights horribly, even when his
eyes are covered.  Can Epogen be taken orally?  

--- Hideyo Yamamoto

 Wendy, did you say you try Epogen on him?
 -Original Message-
 Behalf Of Nina
 Sent: Friday, November 04, 2005 11:21 AM
 Subject: Re: Need help with Cricket's diet
 I'm very sorry to tell you this, but from what you
 describe, if you 
 leave Cricket alone for 48 hours, there is a good
 chance that he won't 
 be around when you get back, or he will deteriorate
 considerably, (in 48
 hours, he may do that even with you home to
 assist-feed him).  His 
 condition sounds grave to me and since he's not
 eating on his own and 
 his anemia is so advanced, he really needs to be
 monitored and cared 
 for.  If you can't find someone trustworthy to stay
 with him, I'd 
 consider bringing him to a vet that will be able to
 monitor him 24/7.  
 Just boarding him at a regular vet that closes up at
 night with no one 
 in attendance won't be enough and will stress him
 out without giving you
 full benefit.
 As far as Cricket not eating...  It's so frustrating
 and upsetting 
 dealing with a kitty that will not eat,
 unfortunately, I doubt very much
 that he's eating when you're not looking and
 refusing the tasty tid bits
 you put down in front of him.  Usually when a kitty
 doesn't want to eat,
 they will more readily lap at food.  They start that
 awful thing they do
 with picking up pieces of food and then spitting
 them out, like they've 
 forgotten how to chew.  Oh, it's so terrible, I know
 it is.  Have you 
 tried the liver shake that has been posted on the
 list?  My Gypsy will 
 sometimes eat if I stay with her and encourage her
 with soft words and 
 strokes.  Try warming the goat milk and foods you're
 offering, sometimes
 the added aroma and feel of warmth on their tongue
 helps.  Also, if 
 Cricket turns his nose up and walks away, follow him
 and put the bowl 
 down in front of him.  I don't know why, but
 sometimes they seem to have
 to think about it and when they are immediately
 offered food again, 
 they'll eat.  For some reason they sometimes will
 prefer a bowl over a 
 plate and visa versa, try switching what you are
 serving the food on.  
 Offer the tiniest little bits of food, like a 1/4 of
 a teaspoon at a 
 time, I think the sight and smell of a full bowl of
 food may be 
 overwhelming for a kitty that doesn't feel good.   I
 think sick kitties 
 sometimes blame their discomfort on the food they
 are eating.  That may 
 be why they will suddenly refuse a favorite food,
 but might try 
 something they've never eaten before, have you
 offered Cricket lunch 
 meat in tiny little pieces?  Also, assist-feeding
 will usually cause an 
 aversion to whatever you are using, for example, if
 Cricket has always 
 loved beef babyfood, he may not eat it after you've
 been forcing him 
 to.  Just something else to keep in mind. 
 I'm sorry, my dear, I do know how hard this is.  I
 certainly don't want 
 to cause you any more upset than what you are
 already going through.  I 
 just wanted you to know that leaving him right now
 could have 
 consequences that I wanted you to be aware of.  If
 it can't be helped, 
 it can't be helped.  Everyone on this list is well
 acquainted with the 
 what if syndrome.  We end up beating ourselves up
 over things we had 
 no way of controlling, we've gotten to be pretty
 good at avoiding 
 anything that will later give us anymore guilt than
 what we end up 
 suffering anyway.
 I'm thinking of you and feeling anguished for the
 two of you, please 
 keep us informed. 
 wendy wrote:
 Hi guys,
 I am having a hard time getting Cricket to eat
 now.  He is drinking water some and some tuna
 but it isn't much.  I have been force feeding him
 meat foods the past couple of days.  He isn't very
 happy about it, but otherwise, he is going to be
 weak if he doesn't eat.  I've tried tuna, salmon,
 goat's milk, yogurt, baby meat foods, and wet cat
 food-different varieties, and he doesn't seem
 interested in much of anything except for a little
 water and tuna juice now and then and some tuna
 flakes-just a little.  I am hoping he is eating at
 night while I am sleeping or gone to work during
 day, but if he is, I don't think it's much.  I have
 three other cats in the house and it's hard to tell
 who's doing what.  He doesn't have any mouth sores,
 and he is dehydrated just a little bit.  He's on
 prednisone still, and still making rbc's, but his
 is killing them as it makes them.  He's still
 We don't have the $300 to do a blood

Re: Need help with Cricket's diet

2005-11-04 Thread wendy

Do you think that if the Prednisone isn't working well
for appetite stimulation, then the Cyproheptadine
might still work?  I called my vet and they are going
to call me back.  Cricket is apathetic about the food;
I don't think his mouth is hurting.  He seems to have
a little trouble swallowing, but not a lot.


--- Nina [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Ask your vet about Cyproheptadine.  It's a cream
 that you put on the 
 inside of their ear to stimulate appetite.  I don't
 use it when a cat 
 acts like they are hungry, just somehow unable to
 eat.  If Cricket isn't 
 showing any interest in food a stimulant might get
 him started again.
 Hideyo Yamamoto wrote:
 Wendy, did you say you try Epogen on him?
 -Original Message-
 Behalf Of Nina
 Sent: Friday, November 04, 2005 11:21 AM
 Subject: Re: Need help with Cricket's diet
 I'm very sorry to tell you this, but from what you
 describe, if you 
 leave Cricket alone for 48 hours, there is a good
 chance that he won't 
 be around when you get back, or he will deteriorate
 considerably, (in 48
 hours, he may do that even with you home to
 assist-feed him).  His 
 condition sounds grave to me and since he's not
 eating on his own and 
 his anemia is so advanced, he really needs to be
 monitored and cared 
 for.  If you can't find someone trustworthy to stay
 with him, I'd 
 consider bringing him to a vet that will be able to
 monitor him 24/7.  
 Just boarding him at a regular vet that closes up
 at night with no one 
 in attendance won't be enough and will stress him
 out without giving you
 full benefit.
 As far as Cricket not eating...  It's so
 frustrating and upsetting 
 dealing with a kitty that will not eat,
 unfortunately, I doubt very much
 that he's eating when you're not looking and
 refusing the tasty tid bits
 you put down in front of him.  Usually when a kitty
 doesn't want to eat,
 they will more readily lap at food.  They start
 that awful thing they do
 with picking up pieces of food and then spitting
 them out, like they've 
 forgotten how to chew.  Oh, it's so terrible, I
 know it is.  Have you 
 tried the liver shake that has been posted on the
 list?  My Gypsy will 
 sometimes eat if I stay with her and encourage her
 with soft words and 
 strokes.  Try warming the goat milk and foods
 you're offering, sometimes
 the added aroma and feel of warmth on their tongue
 helps.  Also, if 
 Cricket turns his nose up and walks away, follow
 him and put the bowl 
 down in front of him.  I don't know why, but
 sometimes they seem to have
 to think about it and when they are immediately
 offered food again, 
 they'll eat.  For some reason they sometimes will
 prefer a bowl over a 
 plate and visa versa, try switching what you are
 serving the food on.  
 Offer the tiniest little bits of food, like a 1/4
 of a teaspoon at a 
 time, I think the sight and smell of a full bowl of
 food may be 
 overwhelming for a kitty that doesn't feel good.  
 I think sick kitties 
 sometimes blame their discomfort on the food they
 are eating.  That may 
 be why they will suddenly refuse a favorite food,
 but might try 
 something they've never eaten before, have you
 offered Cricket lunch 
 meat in tiny little pieces?  Also, assist-feeding
 will usually cause an 
 aversion to whatever you are using, for example, if
 Cricket has always 
 loved beef babyfood, he may not eat it after you've
 been forcing him 
 to.  Just something else to keep in mind. 
 I'm sorry, my dear, I do know how hard this is.  I
 certainly don't want 
 to cause you any more upset than what you are
 already going through.  I 
 just wanted you to know that leaving him right now
 could have 
 consequences that I wanted you to be aware of.  If
 it can't be helped, 
 it can't be helped.  Everyone on this list is well
 acquainted with the 
 what if syndrome.  We end up beating ourselves up
 over things we had 
 no way of controlling, we've gotten to be pretty
 good at avoiding 
 anything that will later give us anymore guilt than
 what we end up 
 suffering anyway.
 I'm thinking of you and feeling anguished for the
 two of you, please 
 keep us informed. 
 wendy wrote:
 Hi guys,
 I am having a hard time getting Cricket to eat
 now.  He is drinking water some and some tuna
 but it isn't much.  I have been force feeding him
 meat foods the past couple of days.  He isn't very
 happy about it, but otherwise, he is going to be
 weak if he doesn't eat.  I've tried tuna, salmon,
 goat's milk, yogurt, baby meat foods, and wet cat
 food-different varieties, and he doesn't seem
 interested in much of anything except for a little
 water and tuna juice now and then and some tuna
 flakes-just a little.  I am hoping he is eating at
 night while I am sleeping or gone to work during
 day, but if he is, I don't think it's

Re: Need help with Cricket's diet

2005-11-04 Thread wendy
About how much should it cost?


--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 In a message dated 11/4/2005 10:33:48 AM Pacific
 Standard Time, 
 Ask your vet about Cyproheptadine. 
 Yes, it comes in cream or pill form.
 I have found it works wonders for the kitties that
 aren't eating.
 It's a cream that you put on the 
 inside of their ear to stimulate appetite.  I don't
 use it when a cat 
 acts like they are hungry, just somehow unable to
 eat.  If Cricket isn't 
 showing any interest in food a stimulant might get
 him started again.
 Terrie Mohr
 Check sites for available Siameses for adoption!
 Adopt a Homeless Pet!

Yahoo! FareChase: Search multiple travel sites in one click.

Re: Need help with Cricket's diet

2005-11-04 Thread wendy
Dear Nina,

Thank you for all the suggestions.  I wrote them all
down and will do my best before we leave to try some
of them.  I am very torn about leaving to go out of
town and leaving Cricket.  I keep hoping my husband
will tell me he doesn't mind if I stay with Cricket,
but I know he won't.  He doesn't understand my love
for my cats, although now that he has this puppy, I
think it is helping.  We have had this trip planned
for a long time.  It's a ministry opportunity that my
husband really wanted us to take advantage of.  I also
promised to take my nephew to see the Texas State
Aquarium while we are there.  I keep telling myself
that I am going to make myself enjoy this trip, but if
I had my druthers, I'd just say I'm not going.  But I
don't want to let my husband down.  And, he's already
feeling a bit left out because I have been giving so
much attention to Cricket lately.  It's all I can do
to take care of Cricket, not neglect my husband, take
care of my nephew and stay on top of him regarding his
homework, keep the house up, love my other kitties,
make dinner, work 40 hours a week at my regular job,
take classes two nights a week, and everything else in
between.  I honestly don't know how working moms (not
to mention single working moms) do it.  I really
don't.  I tried to find the liver shake recipe, but
all I could come up with was this:

1 cup raw liver (beef or chicken)
1 raw egg yolk
1 tsp. kelp or spirulina
1/4 cup fresh filtered water
1 cup fresh carrot juice, V8, or tomato juice

Is this the right recipe???

Also, what types of deli meat do you think would be
most desired by a cat?  

Thanks again for listening and for your time and all
the wonderful suggestions.  We are trying to hang in

--- Nina [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I'm very sorry to tell you this, but from what you
 describe, if you 
 leave Cricket alone for 48 hours, there is a good
 chance that he won't 
 be around when you get back, or he will deteriorate
 considerably, (in 48 
 hours, he may do that even with you home to
 assist-feed him).  His 
 condition sounds grave to me and since he's not
 eating on his own and 
 his anemia is so advanced, he really needs to be
 monitored and cared 
 for.  If you can't find someone trustworthy to stay
 with him, I'd 
 consider bringing him to a vet that will be able to
 monitor him 24/7.  
 Just boarding him at a regular vet that closes up at
 night with no one 
 in attendance won't be enough and will stress him
 out without giving you 
 full benefit.
 As far as Cricket not eating...  It's so frustrating
 and upsetting 
 dealing with a kitty that will not eat,
 unfortunately, I doubt very much 
 that he's eating when you're not looking and
 refusing the tasty tid bits 
 you put down in front of him.  Usually when a kitty
 doesn't want to eat, 
 they will more readily lap at food.  They start that
 awful thing they do 
 with picking up pieces of food and then spitting
 them out, like they've 
 forgotten how to chew.  Oh, it's so terrible, I know
 it is.  Have you 
 tried the liver shake that has been posted on the
 list?  My Gypsy will 
 sometimes eat if I stay with her and encourage her
 with soft words and 
 strokes.  Try warming the goat milk and foods you're
 offering, sometimes 
 the added aroma and feel of warmth on their tongue
 helps.  Also, if 
 Cricket turns his nose up and walks away, follow him
 and put the bowl 
 down in front of him.  I don't know why, but
 sometimes they seem to have 
 to think about it and when they are immediately
 offered food again, 
 they'll eat.  For some reason they sometimes will
 prefer a bowl over a 
 plate and visa versa, try switching what you are
 serving the food on.  
 Offer the tiniest little bits of food, like a 1/4 of
 a teaspoon at a 
 time, I think the sight and smell of a full bowl of
 food may be 
 overwhelming for a kitty that doesn't feel good.   I
 think sick kitties 
 sometimes blame their discomfort on the food they
 are eating.  That may 
 be why they will suddenly refuse a favorite food,
 but might try 
 something they've never eaten before, have you
 offered Cricket lunch 
 meat in tiny little pieces?  Also, assist-feeding
 will usually cause an 
 aversion to whatever you are using, for example, if
 Cricket has always 
 loved beef babyfood, he may not eat it after you've
 been forcing him 
 to.  Just something else to keep in mind. 
 I'm sorry, my dear, I do know how hard this is.  I
 certainly don't want 
 to cause you any more upset than what you are
 already going through.  I 
 just wanted you to know that leaving him right now
 could have 
 consequences that I wanted you to be aware of.  If
 it can't be helped, 
 it can't be helped.  Everyone on this list is well
 acquainted with the 
 what if syndrome.  We end up beating ourselves up
 over things we had 
 no way of controlling, we've gotten to be pretty
 good at avoiding 
 anything that will later give us anymore guilt than
 what we end up

Re: Need help with Cricket's diet

2005-11-04 Thread wendy

--- Barb Moermond [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Where in Texas are you?
 wendy [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:Nina,
 Do you think that if the Prednisone isn't working
 for appetite stimulation, then the Cyproheptadine
 might still work? I called my vet and they are going
 to call me back. Cricket is apathetic about the
 I don't think his mouth is hurting. He seems to have
 a little trouble swallowing, but not a lot.
 --- Nina wrote:
  Ask your vet about Cyproheptadine. It's a cream
  that you put on the 
  inside of their ear to stimulate appetite. I don't
  use it when a cat 
  acts like they are hungry, just somehow unable to
  eat. If Cricket isn't 
  showing any interest in food a stimulant might get
  him started again.
  Hideyo Yamamoto wrote:
  Wendy, did you say you try Epogen on him?
  -Original Message-
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
  Behalf Of Nina
  Sent: Friday, November 04, 2005 11:21 AM
  Subject: Re: Need help with Cricket's diet
  I'm very sorry to tell you this, but from what
  describe, if you 
  leave Cricket alone for 48 hours, there is a good
  chance that he won't 
  be around when you get back, or he will
  considerably, (in 48
  hours, he may do that even with you home to
  assist-feed him). His 
  condition sounds grave to me and since he's not
  eating on his own and 
  his anemia is so advanced, he really needs to be
  monitored and cared 
  for. If you can't find someone trustworthy to
  with him, I'd 
  consider bringing him to a vet that will be able
  monitor him 24/7. 
  Just boarding him at a regular vet that closes up
  at night with no one 
  in attendance won't be enough and will stress him
  out without giving you
  full benefit.
  As far as Cricket not eating... It's so
  frustrating and upsetting 
  dealing with a kitty that will not eat,
  unfortunately, I doubt very much
  that he's eating when you're not looking and
  refusing the tasty tid bits
  you put down in front of him. Usually when a
  doesn't want to eat,
  they will more readily lap at food. They start
  that awful thing they do
  with picking up pieces of food and then spitting
  them out, like they've 
  forgotten how to chew. Oh, it's so terrible, I
  know it is. Have you 
  tried the liver shake that has been posted on the
  list? My Gypsy will 
  sometimes eat if I stay with her and encourage
  with soft words and 
  strokes. Try warming the goat milk and foods
  you're offering, sometimes
  the added aroma and feel of warmth on their
  helps. Also, if 
  Cricket turns his nose up and walks away, follow
  him and put the bowl 
  down in front of him. I don't know why, but
  sometimes they seem to have
  to think about it and when they are immediately
  offered food again, 
  they'll eat. For some reason they sometimes will
  prefer a bowl over a 
  plate and visa versa, try switching what you are
  serving the food on. 
  Offer the tiniest little bits of food, like a 1/4
  of a teaspoon at a 
  time, I think the sight and smell of a full bowl
  food may be 
  overwhelming for a kitty that doesn't feel good. 
  I think sick kitties 
  sometimes blame their discomfort on the food they
  are eating. That may 
  be why they will suddenly refuse a favorite food,
  but might try 
  something they've never eaten before, have you
  offered Cricket lunch 
  meat in tiny little pieces? Also, assist-feeding
  will usually cause an 
  aversion to whatever you are using, for example,
  Cricket has always 
  loved beef babyfood, he may not eat it after
  been forcing him 
  to. Just something else to keep in mind. 
  I'm sorry, my dear, I do know how hard this is. I
  certainly don't want 
  to cause you any more upset than what you are
  already going through. I 
  just wanted you to know that leaving him right
  could have 
  consequences that I wanted you to be aware of. If
  it can't be helped, 
  it can't be helped. Everyone on this list is well
  acquainted with the 
  what if syndrome. We end up beating ourselves
  over things we had 
  no way of controlling, we've gotten to be pretty
  good at avoiding 
  anything that will later give us anymore guilt
  what we end up 
  suffering anyway.
  I'm thinking of you and feeling anguished for the
  two of you, please 
  keep us informed. 
  wendy wrote:
  Hi guys,
  I am having a hard time getting Cricket to eat
  now. He is drinking water some and some tuna
  but it isn't much. I have been force feeding him
  meat foods the past couple of days. He isn't
  happy about it, but otherwise, he is going to be
  weak if he doesn't eat. I've tried tuna, salmon,
  goat's milk, yogurt, baby meat foods, and wet
  food-different varieties, and he doesn't seem

Re: Need help with Cricket's diet

2005-11-04 Thread wendy
Also, Cricket does like the 8in1 VitaKitty (something
like that) vitamin supplement.  He is eating a little
bit of that at a time off my finger, but because it
has vitamin E, it's probably like eating peanut butter
to him.  I wish I knew what flavor it was so I could
try to replicate it in what I am serving him.  I guess
I could eat some myself...

Any ideas here?

--- Nina [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Actually, I have seen Pred have a side effect of
 stimulating appetite.  
 It might just be that they feel better and because
 of that want to eat 
 more, but I've heard of it from others too.
  *Well, around here it isn't expensive.*
  *Preds normally don't stimulate the appetite.*
  In a message dated 11/4/2005 11:11:44 AM Pacific
 Standard Time, 
  About how much should it cost?
  Terrie Mohr
  **Check sites for available Siameses for adoption!
 Yahoo Group!***_
  Adopt a Homeless Pet!

Yahoo! FareChase: Search multiple travel sites in one click.

Re: Guard cat

2005-11-04 Thread wendy
Pepper will guard the house...


--- tamara stickler [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 You're going out of town, but what about Pepper?
 wendy [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Yes, I fussed over Pepper this morning after the
 police left, and I could swear by the look on her
 that she was so proud of herself. She was probably
 saying, See momma, I told you there was someone out
 there but you weren't listening! lol. We have a
 puppy who is about 5 months old that my husband
 on a road by his work. Ironically, we had taken him
 to my mother's last night because we're going out of
 town and she's going to take care of him. I think if
 he were there that he would have barked or growled. 
 Makes me wonder if it was just bad timing, or if the
 prowler has been watching, you know? I am creeped
 and glad we're going out of town so I won't worry
 about it. We have a security system, so I do feel
 safe at night. But my nephew gets home about an hour
 before I do, so I'm a little worried about him. I
 told him to reset the alarm as soon as he gets home
 and not to go outside. It's hard to believe we have
 so many weirdo's out there.
 Yahoo! Mail - PC Magazine Editors' Choice 2005
  Yahoo! FareChase - Search multiple travel sites in
 one click.  

Yahoo! Mail - PC Magazine Editors' Choice 2005

Re: Guard cat

2005-11-04 Thread wendy
FYI:  I just looked up the sex offender database for
Texas ( to see if
there was anyone living in our neighborhood.  I didn't
think there would be because one of my good friends
sent the link to me in an email and I checked in late
September.  But I just checked again just in case and
there is a new guy there who raped a 9 year old girl
in 1989 and got a 10 year sentence and was paroled
out.  He was also convicted of attempted murder at the
same time.  Doesn't look good.  I am not one to judge
someone, especially someone I don't know, and I don't
know the details of this case, because sometimes
people do get accused and the accusation is suspicious
to begin with.  And everything I've read tells me that
sex offenders statistically are not successful at
rehabilitation.  But this gives me the heebie jeebies.
 I feel I have the responsibility to let my neighbors
know, but feel some guilt because I don't even know
the guy and he did serve his time.  Everyone should
have a second chance if they screw up and honestly
repent.  I don't know if this is the case though.  So
I guess I am looking at notifing my neighbors asap
about this guy.  

Yahoo! FareChase: Search multiple travel sites in one click.

Re: Need help with Cricket's diet

2005-11-04 Thread wendy
Hey Nina,

Yes, my mom LOVES cats.  She's feeding a group of
ferals as we speak.  I think I will call her and ask
if she can come by on Saturday anyway to sit with
Cricket.  I bet she will if I'm very nice.  I just
hate to ask for help.  I don't want to take Cricket
over there because he is happy at home and I don't
want to stress him out anymore.  But maybe she'll come

I will try the Rotisserie chicken.  I tried to give
him a little part of a turkey leg the other day but he
only sniffed at it.  


Yahoo! FareChase: Search multiple travel sites in one click.

Re: Need help with Cricket's diet

2005-11-04 Thread wendy
I tried to smell it this morning but it didn't smell
much like anything to me.  Where do you get your
Nutrical.  This Kittyvite is all they had at Petsmart,
but maybe I missed it.

--- Nina [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 There are products to give to kitties that aren't
 eating, Nutrical is 
 one of them.  They have vitamins and corn syrup,
 (for energy).  Some 
 kitties like the taste and will eat it off your
 finger, or a plate.  Ask 
 at your local Petsmart for things that might help. 
 I don't know what 
 flavor they use in 8in1, what does it smell like?
 wendy wrote:
 Also, Cricket does like the 8in1 VitaKitty
 like that) vitamin supplement.  He is eating a
 bit of that at a time off my finger, but because it
 has vitamin E, it's probably like eating peanut
 to him.  I wish I knew what flavor it was so I
 try to replicate it in what I am serving him.  I
 I could eat some myself...
 Any ideas here?

Yahoo! FareChase: Search multiple travel sites in one click.

Re: Guard cat

2005-11-04 Thread wendy

I try to protect all my loved ones from burglars.  We
have a security system.  It contacts my best friend
and family if we don't get the alarm call first. 
Plus, we have ten cats inside and out, so it would be
too much trouble to take all of them anywhere.  Thank
you for your concern.  The best any of us can do is
pray that our homes and animals stay safe while we are


Yahoo! Mail - PC Magazine Editors' Choice 2005

Update on Cricket 11-07-05

2005-11-07 Thread wendy
Hi Guys,

I hope your weekend was a relaxing one.  I did manage
to relax in Corpus Christi some, which I needed.  My
mom, aunt, and cousin went by the house on Saturday
and gave Cricket his Prednisolone and Cyproheptadine
and loved on him quite a bit.  My best friend came by
Sunday and gave him his Prednisolone.  I got home last
night and gave him his meds and he drank quite a bit
of tuna juice.  I force fed him baby food this
morning.  I could kick myself because I told the vet
to call in a prescrip in liquid form, because Cricket
takes liquid better than pills, but the stuff smells
and tastes horrible and he gags on it (did you know
you could fill a prescrip for an animal at
Walmart?!!!-I thought pharmacies were for people
medicine only).  The vet didn't have time to get the
cream for his ear compounded before I left for the
weekend, so I'm working on getting that today.  When I
got home, Cricket was very weak.  He probably didn't
eat or drink much while I was gone, but I think if I
can get his strength back up with good food and water,
he will be fine.  One wonderful thing: I noticed as I
was giving him his meds he has some pink back in his
gums, so his body must have stopped or slowed killing
the red blood cells!  Hallelujah!  If we can just get
him over this hump, I think he might get that virus
back into remission.  He seems to be hanging in there
and fighting.  A million thanks and blessings again to
all of you who help, encourage, and listen to everyone
here on this webtalk page.


Yahoo! Mail - PC Magazine Editors' Choice 2005

To Ken and Max

2005-11-07 Thread wendy
Hi Ken,

My name is Wendy.  Welcome to the group and I hope it
is as wonderful a source for you as it has been for
me.  You and I have very similar situations right now.
 My kitty Cricket has been hanging in there for the
past three weeks.  To be honest, I haven't seen a
marked improvement in Cricket since he has been on
ImmunoRegulin, and I think he got depressed when I
went out of town this weekend and didn't eat or drink
much, so I'm just trying to get his strength back up. 
Cricket is on Prednisolone.  I am also trying to give
him Cyproheptadine for appetite stimulation, but he
doesn't like the taste of it at all and gags on it. 
Like you, I struggled with the idea of a transfusion,
but the cost is just too much.  Shoot, if I knew how
to do it myself, I would.  I have enough cats to
choose from as donors.  lol.  I want to encourage you
to continue hoping and praying for Max's recovery. 
Our little furballs gain strength from us, so don't
give up.  I will keep Max in my prayers.  Keep us
posted on his health.


Yahoo! FareChase: Search multiple travel sites in one click.

Re: Need all your prayers - please!!

2005-11-07 Thread wendy
Hi Hideyo,

I am sorry to hear about your city ordinance troubles.
 I agree with Kerry that having someone else there as
an advocate for the care you are providing is a smart
idea.  Also, be prepared to disprove with proof the
very reasons they are having you in for a hearing in
the first place (ie. unsanitary conditions,
neighborhood disturbance, whatever their reasons may
be).  Be well prepared, even overly prepared.  This is
the very reason I hope to one day have some land out
in the country.  The city government won't be able to
tell me what to do with my life or my furballs.  I
will also say prayers for Ginger to begin eating
better again.  I am sorry for your troubles and I hope
that things start looking up again.  In the meantime,
don't let them get you down.  Keep going strong.


Yahoo! Mail - PC Magazine Editors' Choice 2005

RE: Need all your prayers - please!!

2005-11-07 Thread wendy
I wouldn't think they could take them away from you;
rather, that they give you ample time to place them in
other homes.  But if it was me, and I hope I don't
offend anyone by saying this, if they told me I had to
get rid of some of my animals, I would say ok, and
take them to my moms until they came back to check,
and then like a teenager, I would bring them right
back home.  I've always been a little rebellious like

--- Hideyo Yamamoto

 Thank you, I have a letter from my ex-vet who used
 to care for all my
 cats for the past 10 years and she is actually
 overseeing now the vet
 section at the animal control division, which I hope
 to build
 creditability as the letter says how responsible and
 caring I am for all
 my animals.
 Different officers came to inspect my place a few
 times and they were
 all very impressed with the set up (I spent $45,000
 a couple of years
 ago and built facility for my cats in addition to my
 main house -
 windows everywhere, sky lights, outside enclosures..
 etc.. and happy how
 well all my animals are taken care of.. but yes I
 will prepare for any
 possible ways for them to complain.
 I am also going to ask someone I know through
 rescuing.. she is with
 Animal protection service of my state and she has a
 lot of credibility
 with animal control.. so.. we will see.. I am still
 very nervous because
 they CAN take them away from me..
 -Original Message-
 Behalf Of wendy
 Sent: Monday, November 07, 2005 11:52 AM
 Subject: Re: Need all your prayers - please!!
 Hi Hideyo,
 I am sorry to hear about your city ordinance
  I agree with Kerry that having someone else there
 an advocate for the care you are providing is a
 idea.  Also, be prepared to disprove with proof the
 very reasons they are having you in for a hearing in
 the first place (ie. unsanitary conditions,
 neighborhood disturbance, whatever their reasons may
 be).  Be well prepared, even overly prepared.  This
 the very reason I hope to one day have some land out
 in the country.  The city government won't be able
 tell me what to do with my life or my furballs.  I
 will also say prayers for Ginger to begin eating
 better again.  I am sorry for your troubles and I
 that things start looking up again.  In the
 don't let them get you down.  Keep going strong.
 Yahoo! Mail - PC Magazine Editors' Choice 2005

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Re: To Ken and Max

2005-11-07 Thread wendy

I know EXACTLY how you feel about not wanting to be at
work.  All you can do is think and worry about your
kitty.  I know it's hard.  Just hang in there.  I
thought the same thing about Cricket, that he wouldn't
survive long.  Part of it was because I had filled my
head with so much information, I talked myself into
believing that Cricket was a goner in just a few days,
but he has been hanging in there for 3 weeks now. 
Nina said it the best.  She said that you do all you
can do, and the rest is up to kitty and the powers
that be.  Once I read that, I let some of the pressure
off myself and stopped worrying so much.  I can't
control things.  What's going to happen is going to
happen, but I will do everything I can to help Cricket
survive.  I am little more at peace now that I went
through the depression and what I would consider
grieving these past few weeks.  It was very hard at
first though.  So just hang in there.  


P.S.  Cricket loves going outside too.  I am hoping he
is strong enough to go outside this afternoon when I
get home.  I think it helps with his depression.

Yahoo! FareChase: Search multiple travel sites in one click.

RE: Need all your prayers - please!!

2005-11-07 Thread wendy
I have never heard of anyone I know personally dealing
with what you are dealing with, so I don't know for
sure, but if I had to guess, I would think they would
give you like 30 days to find homes for however many
over the number they allow you.  Then, at the end of
30 days, they will probably schedule an appointment to
come by to do a head count.  After that, I bet they
don't bother you much and you can bring any kitties
back that kind people have taken in for you for a
short time so that you can pass the head count.  I
hope you have family or good friends nearby that will
help you if it comes to that.  Plus, in the future,
you don't have to answer the door to anyone from
animal control if you think they are coming to do a
head count again.  I doubt they will hassle you
though.  I wouldn't worry about all this just yet
though Hideyo, because you will worry yourself sick. 
And if they end up allowing you to have your cats,
then you will have worried for no reason.  How in the
world did this all happen in the first place?  Did
someone complain about your cats?

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Re: To Ken and Max

2005-11-07 Thread wendy

Before I knew something was wrong with Cricket, he
cried when I picked him up as well.  That's when I 
started noticing something was wrong.  Make sure that
the vet tells you whether or not Max has a responsive
anemia or non-responsive anemia, because that is what
tells you what is wrong with Max and the course of
treatment.  In Cricket's case, he has a good prognosis
of responsive anemia because his rbc count was at
7.3%, but he had a reticulocyte count of 8% or so,
which means his body is making new rbc's but he is
having an auto-immune response where his body is
killing the new rbc's.  It doesn't sound good, but
when compared to non-responsive anemia, where an
animal isn't making any new rbc's, it is.  We just
have to try to get Cricket's immune system to stop
killing the new rbc's.  That is why you need to have a
good blood count.  Before you make the decision to
transfuse, you need to know about the type of anemia. 
Max probably needs to be on some sort of steroid or
cortosteroid (might be the same thing, not sure; I've
heard my vet say both things at different times). 
Cricket is on Prednisolone.  I think a lot of kitties
that are anemic are.  Seems to be standard treatment
from what I've read.  Prayer helps too.  And a lot of
love and tender care.  Max will benefit from that a
lot no matter what.  

Hope this helps.



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RE: Need all your prayers - please!!

2005-11-07 Thread wendy
Man, I feel for you Hideyo.  Some people just don't
have a life and they get into everyone else's business
and cause problems because they don't.  I hate that.  

--- Hideyo Yamamoto

 Someone anonymously reported me that I have many
 cats - not any type of
 complains regarding that.. as my cats are all
 indoors, they don't bother
 my neighbors or anything.. it's almost like
 personal thing against me
 and nothing to do with my animals and that's how I
 started.  And
 actually, I was already given a permit from the city
 last year - so when
 the city contacted me, I told them that I already
 have a permit - then,
 they couldn't find the paper work and the officer
 who gave me a permit
 no longer is the officer and they told me that he
 did not follow the
 correct process (not following the correct ordinance
 as to exactly how
 many cats I have) so I have to re-do this all over
 I do have a place that I can take my cats
 temporarily - I just have to
 do a lot of transporting.. but I am prepared to do
 so anyway.  It just
 does not make sense to me logically.. my cats and I
 are not bothering
 anyone... and cats are treated well.. so why do they
 care??? If you know
 what I mean.. we don't remove children from a family
 just because they
 have too many children..
 -Original Message-
 Behalf Of wendy
 Sent: Monday, November 07, 2005 1:38 PM
 Subject: RE: Need all your prayers - please!!
 I have never heard of anyone I know personally
 with what you are dealing with, so I don't know for
 sure, but if I had to guess, I would think they
 give you like 30 days to find homes for however many
 over the number they allow you.  Then, at the end of
 30 days, they will probably schedule an appointment
 come by to do a head count.  After that, I bet they
 don't bother you much and you can bring any kitties
 back that kind people have taken in for you for a
 short time so that you can pass the head count.  I
 hope you have family or good friends nearby that
 help you if it comes to that.  Plus, in the future,
 you don't have to answer the door to anyone from
 animal control if you think they are coming to do a
 head count again.  I doubt they will hassle you
 though.  I wouldn't worry about all this just yet
 though Hideyo, because you will worry yourself sick.
 And if they end up allowing you to have your cats,
 then you will have worried for no reason.  How in
 world did this all happen in the first place?  Did
 someone complain about your cats?
 Yahoo! FareChase: Search multiple travel sites in
 one click.

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Re: To Ken and Max

2005-11-08 Thread wendy

Did they do a bone marrow biopsy on Max?  I thought
that was the only way to know whether it was in the
bone marrow.  Does anyone know if this is right?


--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:



  I know imom through the other board I am on (feline
diabetes)and even some of the people who run it and in
better times, I have given them money.  I don't feel i
could consider it as they supply money monthly to help
people take care of diabetic cats. Right now they are
struggling  and since it is already in the marrow and
his time is already limited, and he may not survive a
transfusion, I wouldn't think it's fair. Thanks for
the tips 


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Re: To Ken and Max

2005-11-08 Thread wendy
$1000 is crazy!  My vet said it would cost us
$250-$300 in Dallas.  I guess the cost of living plays
in here?

--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


- I live in New Jersey. Oradell Animal hospital
wanted a grand minimum

Yahoo! Mail - PC Magazine Editors' Choice 2005

Your Max

2005-11-08 Thread wendy

I am so sorry about Max.  It's wonderful how our
furballs touch us so deeply with their wordless ways
and love.  And so heartbreaking when we lose them.  I
hope your heart heals enough to love another kitty who
will need you one day like you loved Max.  I also wish
for you financial freedom, so that you don't have to
struggle to care for your furballs and your family.  I
know how hard that is.  Thank you for sharing with us
Max's personality and your personal thoughts and
feelings about Max-I know all of us felt strong
emotions reading your post, as we will all be in the
same situation one day.  We wish you the best and
please come back to visit from time to time.

Sending prayers your way-



Yahoo! Mail - PC Magazine Editors' Choice 2005

Cricket's Time

2005-11-09 Thread wendy
Hi Guys,

Well I am sorry to report that today is Cricket's last
day.  He has deteriorated quite a bit and is no longer
eating, drinking, taking food via force feeding, and
he is barely able to walk.  So I realized today that
it is time.  I am trying not to get emotional right
now because I have to get through the day at work. 
But I do need to ask if anyone has any advice
regarding taking a kitty to be pts.  Cricket hates
needles and will not be happy about it.  I know
someone mentioned Rescue Remedy, but I couldn't find
it at Walmart or Petsmart.  I can look at the CVS
across the street from my job.  Other than Rescue
Remedy, is there anything else I can do to make him as
comfortable as possible before going or during his
visit?  Thanks.  Wendy

Yahoo! Mail - PC Magazine Editors' Choice 2005

Cricket and a feeding tube

2005-11-09 Thread wendy
Hey guys, 

Per Belinda's information and the website she sent me,
I am going to have a feeding tube inserted into
Cricket.  From the information I read and from the
vet, the procedure/tube is not very invasive or
bothersome to the cat and it might actually save
Cricket; I'm leaving work early to take him.  I am
having a hard time giving up on him.  I hope he makes
it through the anesthesia; if he doesn't, he was going
to be pts anyway, so we have nothing to lose.  Please
wish him luck and thank you all for your warm thoughts
and encouragement.  Thank you Belinda for the
information.  I really appreciate you sticking your
neck out there and offering advice that some might not
have welcomed.  You are right; Cricket hasn't been
getting enough sustenance and I didn't know feeding
tubes existed for cats.  So I will keep on trying to
turn him around as long as he will respond.  He is not
jaundiced yet, so if he has developed fatty liver
disease, we might be able to turn him around.  Thank
you Belinda.


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2005-11-10 Thread wendy
Hi Everyone,

I just wanted to let you know that Cricket passed away
last night about 2:42 am Texas time.  I am pretty torn
up right now.  I feel like such a dork because I
carried his collar to work with me today.  He had the
feeding tube procedure done, but was just so anemic,
that after the procedure, he couldn't get his breath. 
For most of the night, I thought he was just having a
hard time coming out of the sedation (gas) because he
never really did and was having problems breathing,
but the vet said his trachea probably got irritated
from the procedure, and that he should be fine later. 
He slept right next to me last night and about 2:20 he
woke me up trying to cry, and I picked him up and took
him to the living room because I knew something wasn't
right.  He died about 20 minutes later.  I have asked
God countless times to let me be there when Cricket
passed so that he wouldn't be as scared or lonely
(like he would be if I was at work and died).  God
honored that request, thankfully, but it was still
very hard.  My husband, nephew, and I will have a
little ceremony this afternoon for him.  I am glad
that he is not in pain or weak or suffering and I know
that I did just about everything humanly and
financially possible, but it doesn't help.  At least
not right now.  I am going to write him a little
tribute to bury with him.  He was such a wonderful
companion.  I will send a pic out of him later when I
get home.  Thank all of you SO much for helping me and
Cricket through these last three and a half weeks. 
Your kindness is immeasurable, and I plan to stick
around and help out anyone else I can even though I
don't have anymore FeLV (that I know of-I need to have
my other two retested).  God Bless each and every one
of you.


Yahoo! Mail - PC Magazine Editors' Choice 2005

Re: Was - Cricket and a feeding tube my Buddies feeding tube :: For Wendy [long]

2005-11-10 Thread wendy
Hi Belinda,

I loved your story about Buddie and her coming to love
her feeding tube.  How sweet!  I wish I had had that
opportunity, but I cannot discount all the others the
good Lord gave me with Cricket.  He was my baby.  I am
so sorry you lost Buddie.  Like you, I asked Cricket
before he left if he could come back and let me know
he's ok, so I will wait for a sign.  My husband was
wonderful last night.  He was very tender and
understanding with me, and even though he has to get
up at 4:30 am, he was going to sit with me until I
stopped crying.  I finally asked him to give me some
alone time with Cricket because I knew he needed his
rest.  So I guess in sorrow and pain, there are always
blessings if we look for them.  This experience has
ended up bonding my husband and me a little more.  And
my nephew with us as well.

Thanks again Belinda,

Yahoo! Mail - PC Magazine Editors' Choice 2005

RE: Cricket

2005-11-10 Thread wendy
Thank you Joan.  It means a lot to me.

--- Doljan, Joan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I have been following Cricket's story and I am so
 saddened that he did not
 make it. I know that you did the best for him and
 that he knew that as well.
 Please accept my sympathy for your loss.
 -Original Message-
 Behalf Of wendy
 Sent: Thursday, November 10, 2005 10:58 AM
 Subject: Cricket
 Hi Everyone,
 I just wanted to let you know that Cricket passed
 last night about 2:42 am Texas time.  I am pretty
 up right now.  I feel like such a dork because I
 carried his collar to work with me today.  He had
 feeding tube procedure done, but was just so anemic,
 that after the procedure, he couldn't get his
 For most of the night, I thought he was just having
 hard time coming out of the sedation (gas) because
 never really did and was having problems breathing,
 but the vet said his trachea probably got irritated
 from the procedure, and that he should be fine
 He slept right next to me last night and about 2:20
 woke me up trying to cry, and I picked him up and
 him to the living room because I knew something
 right.  He died about 20 minutes later.  I have
 God countless times to let me be there when Cricket
 passed so that he wouldn't be as scared or lonely
 (like he would be if I was at work and died).  God
 honored that request, thankfully, but it was still
 very hard.  My husband, nephew, and I will have a
 little ceremony this afternoon for him.  I am glad
 that he is not in pain or weak or suffering and I
 that I did just about everything humanly and
 financially possible, but it doesn't help.  At least
 not right now.  I am going to write him a little
 tribute to bury with him.  He was such a wonderful
 companion.  I will send a pic out of him later when
 get home.  Thank all of you SO much for helping me
 Cricket through these last three and a half weeks. 
 Your kindness is immeasurable, and I plan to stick
 around and help out anyone else I can even though I
 don't have anymore FeLV (that I know of-I need to
 my other two retested).  God Bless each and every
 of you.
 Yahoo! Mail - PC Magazine Editors' Choice 2005

Yahoo! Mail - PC Magazine Editors' Choice 2005

Re: Cricket

2005-11-10 Thread wendy
Thanks Michelle.  I am glad that Cricket went fairly
quickly too.  I really don't think I could have dealt
with him suffering for much longer.  The twenty
minutes was torture enough.  I kept begging God to let
him go, and begging Cricket to let go.  I am 35 years
old and this has truly been one of the hardest things
I have ever had to do, and my life has not been an
easy one.  My mom just lost her boyfriend of 11 years
to cancer in May and she went through a hundred times
more than I did with Cricket, but a lot of the same
type things: trying to get him to eat, giving him
meds, the hoping, taking him to all the doc visits,
praying, etc.  I don't know how people do it, and I
have a newfound respect for those in hospice care and
for those who care so compassionately for their loved
ones who are terminal.  I was with my grandmother when
she died, and I guess I was hoping Cricket would go as
peacefully, but it wasn't so peaceful.  And I think if
it was, I might be handling this a little better.   

--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Oh my God, Wendy, I am so incredibly sorry. It
 sounds like the passing was 
 relatively easy as passings go, and maybe that was
 due to the sedation. But it 
 is so horrible that Cricket had to pass at all.  I
 do not think it is strange 
 you brought his collar to work at all.  You did
 everything you possibly could 
 for him-- you really did every possible thing that
 could have possibly helped 
 him.  He did so well for a while that I thought he
 might be the one who would 
 finally make it after such severe anemia, that we
 might learn it is possible 
 after all.  It is such a heartbreak that it lasted
 only a few weeks.  Maybe it 
 is true that when they get to a certain point,
 absent the rare case of fixable 
 auto-immune reaction or hemobartonella, that they
 can not really rebound from 
 it for more than a few weeks.  It is horrible and
 frightening.  I am so sorry. 
  But having seen all different kinds of passings, I
 am grateful for you and 
 Cricket that he passed as he did, quietly and on his
 own and with you and at 

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RE: Cricket

2005-11-10 Thread wendy
Thank you Kat.  We could use the prayers-they are much

--- Kat [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Dear Wendy,
 I am so sorry that Cricket has left you.
 You and your family are in my thoughts and prayers.
 Kat (Mew Jersey)

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Re: Cricket

2005-11-10 Thread wendy
Thank you Sharon.  I am sorry to hear about your loss.
 What was your kitty's name?  

--- Sharon Siders [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I don't post much anymore, since I lost my last FeLV
 kitty two years ago.  I still care deeply about all
 of you and your kitties though.  Please know that my
 heart goes out to you for we can all relate to what
 you are feeling.
 wendy [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi Everyone,
 I just wanted to let you know that Cricket passed
 last night about 2:42 am Texas time. I am pretty
 up right now. I feel like such a dork because I
 carried his collar to work with me today. He had the
 feeding tube procedure done, but was just so anemic,
 that after the procedure, he couldn't get his
 For most of the night, I thought he was just having
 hard time coming out of the sedation (gas) because
 never really did and was having problems breathing,
 but the vet said his trachea probably got irritated
 from the procedure, and that he should be fine
 He slept right next to me last night and about 2:20
 woke me up trying to cry, and I picked him up and
 him to the living room because I knew something
 right. He died about 20 minutes later. I have asked
 God countless times to let me be there when Cricket
 passed so that he wouldn't be as scared or lonely
 (like he would be if I was at work and died). God
 honored that request, thankfully, but it was still
 very hard. My husband, nephew, and I will have a
 little ceremony this afternoon for him. I am glad
 that he is not in pain or weak or suffering and I
 that I did just about everything humanly and
 financially possible, but it doesn't help. At least
 not right now. I am going to write him a little
 tribute to bury with him. He was such a wonderful
 companion. I will send a pic out of him later when I
 get home. Thank all of you SO much for helping me
 Cricket through these last three and a half weeks. 
 Your kindness is immeasurable, and I plan to stick
 around and help out anyone else I can even though I
 don't have anymore FeLV (that I know of-I need to
 my other two retested). God Bless each and every one
 of you.
 Yahoo! Mail - PC Magazine Editors' Choice 2005
  Yahoo! FareChase - Search multiple travel sites in
 one click.  

Yahoo! Mail - PC Magazine Editors' Choice 2005

Re: Cricket

2005-11-10 Thread wendy

You are truly an angel.  I couldn't do this over and
over.  I just couldn't.  All of us have special
reasons why we are here, and caring for these FeLV
kitties is definitely one of yours.  I know what you
mean about the day to day struggle and trying to
figure out courses of treatment, getting desperate,
and trying to figure out if the vet is on the money or
if there might be a better way.  You hit the nail
right on the head.  Maybe if I wasn't so attached to
Cricket, it might have been a little easier.  We have
11 cats, 3 are my nephews, 2 strays, 3 are my dad's
(mine now), and 3 are mine.  My 3 live indoors,
including Cricket, and Cricket and I had our little
routine every day.  He would get in the shower with me
in the mornings, and I would turn on the bathroom
faucet for him to drink.  When I was home, he was
always in whatever room of the house that I was in,
keeping a watchful eye on me.  Like Belinda's cat
Buddie, he wasn't overy affectionate, but did seek me
out when he wanted to be petted.  He loved tuna fish
and if I asked if he wanted to go outside, he would
run to the door, as he loved basking in the sun.  I
don't have that type of relationship with the outside
kitties and I know it would be hard to let them go,
but not as hard.  I feel as if I've lost a part of my
day, you know?  Part of me in a way.

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Re: Cricket

2005-11-10 Thread wendy

I bet Buddie knew that it bothered you that you
weren't there when she passed and she made sure to
come back and let you know that she is ok with that
and for you not to feel badly about it.  What a sweet
and thoughtful kitty.


--- Belinda Sauro [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I'm so sorry Cricket choose to go home,
 sometimes they know their 
 bodies just aren't strong enough and make that
 choice.  He will give you 
 a sign, I'm sure of it.
 Taking his collar to work is not even a little bit
 silly, it is a way to 
 comfort yourself and still have a little piece of
 him with you, I 
 understand that completely.  I still have Buddies
 tube (the first one 
 that was removed) and a lot of the other things I
 needed to use while 
 she was sick.
 I have had all of my recent passed furkids cremated
 and have all of them 
 on a shelf in the livingroom next to my grandfathers
 clock.  They are 
 each in their own special wood cases and each has a
 photo of them on the 
 front.  I know it isn't really them but it makes me
 feel better to have 
 something I can look at and touch when I want to.
 Cricket will let you know whether in a dream, or a
 smell or something 
 you see or feel, that he is OK.  He is whole and
 healthy again.  I'm 
 glad you were with him that is the only thing that
 bothers me about 
 Buddie, I wasn't there with her ...
 Happiness is being owned by cats ...
 Be-Mi-Kitties ...
 Post Adoptable FeLV/FIV/FIP Cats/Kittens
 FeLV Candle Light Service  (affordable hosting  web design)
 BMK Designs (non-profit web sites)

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Re: Cricket

2005-11-10 Thread wendy
Yes Michelle, I agree that it's hard to take when they
are so young.  It's probably difficult too when they
have been a lifelong companion for many years.  I
guess it's hard all the way around.  It sounds as if
you have some wonderful acreage (in UK?) due to all
your animals and horses and I am envious.  It's my
dream one day to have at least 5-10 acres with a barn
and lots of animals to love.  I am glad to know you;
you seem to be a very caring and thoughtful person and
your furballs are lucky to have you as well.  I am
lucky to know all the cat lovers here.  Yesterday, I
overheard some of the kids here at the school I work
at talking about how boring cats were and that they
aren't good pets to have.  I told them that anyone who
doesn't like cats has never been loved by one.


Yahoo! Mail - PC Magazine Editors' Choice 2005

Re: My Beautiful Mandy

2005-11-10 Thread wendy

How are you doing?


--- Julie Johnson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Dear Friends,
 Mandy is gone.  She was not doing well Tuesday night
 (bleeding from the mouth and unable to eat) and I
 made the decision to end her suffering.  I called my
 husband and he left work right away to come home. 
 We held her and stroked her and ultimately she began
 to purr.  She never cared to be held; she liked to
 pick the spot and sit ON you, but she did curl up in
 her blanket and let us hold her.  We were with her
 and holding her and talking softly to her and she
 had one paw curled over my finger when she left us.
 It's been so empty the last two nights without my
 little reading partner; she always liked to sit on
 the bed with her upper body across my arm and her
 paws on my shoulder while I read at night.  Since
 she became sick, she wanted to be with me all the
 time and she'd been reading with me every night for
 I keep thinking back to our trip to the oncologist;
 only last week and it seems forever ago.  Even
 though the news for Mandy was not good, we had a
 lovely day and I am so grateful for it.  She and
 Wink snoozed the whole way home.  They were all
 curled up together on their faux mink and listening
 to their special pet music.  I kept turning back to
 look at them and it was so peaceful and loving.  We
 stopped where I work to feed my feral colony and I
 took the carrier out of the car and set it on the
 ground while I fed; Mandy trotted right to the front
 and began to meow to Depot Charlie!  She was such
 a little talker and he looked so puzzled!  I'm happy
 they were able to meet.
 Thank you all for being here and for your good
 thoughts and wishes; I'd be completely lost without
 you during this year of terrible losses.  I have to
 try and concentrate on how fortunate we were to have
 shared her short life.  I miss her; we had our
 morning routine of putting the ingredients in the
 food processor and she'd talk to me once the whirr
 of the blade sounded.  These last two mornings have
 been empty, as well.  You are the only ones who
 understand the huge hole in our home despite the joy
 of our other cats.  
 Love, Julie
 I hold that, the more helpless a creature, the more
 entitled it is
  to protection by man from the cruelty of man.  
 The greatness of a nation and its moral progress
 can be judged 
 by the way its animals are treated.
  Mohandas Gandhi (1869-1948)
 Paws Come WITH Claws!!!
 If you're thinking about de-clawing your cat, you
 need to re-think your decision to acquire a pet.
  Yahoo! FareChase - Search multiple travel sites in
 one click.  

Yahoo! Mail - PC Magazine Editors' Choice 2005

RE: Cricket

2005-11-10 Thread wendy
Thank you Kerry for the warm thoughts and compassion. 
I feel so much better after reading everyone's posts
to Cricket and me.  I am compiling a little journal of
all the posts that have gone on regarding Cricket and
I am going to bind it and keep it so that I can
remember his good fight and everyone here who helped. 
It will be a treasure of mine.  Thanks to all of you.

Yahoo! Mail - PC Magazine Editors' Choice 2005

Re: Cricket

2005-11-10 Thread wendy

I went to Taz's memorial page.  What a beautiful
kitty!!!  His memorial brought me to tears and I am so
sorry for your loss.  Thank you for your beautiful
words.  I am thankful to God for them and for all the
people who take time from their busy lives to
encourage others who are going through the heartbreak
of losing a furball.  


Yahoo! FareChase: Search multiple travel sites in one click.

Re: Cricket

2005-11-10 Thread wendy
Woods, too?!!! I am really envious now!  ;)  Wendy

--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 No, I am in the US. We have 5 acres, mostly woods.
 The horses, Shire and 
 Pepsi, never lived on our property. I grew up with
 them living at a barn a few 
 miles away.
 In a message dated 11/10/2005 12:20:48 PM Eastern
 Standard Time, 
 Yes Michelle, I agree that it's hard to take when
 are so young.  It's probably difficult too when they
 have been a lifelong companion for many years.  I
 guess it's hard all the way around.  It sounds as if
 you have some wonderful acreage (in UK?) due to all
 your animals and horses and I am envious.  It's my
 dream one day to have at least 5-10 acres with a
 and lots of animals to love.  I am glad to know you;
 you seem to be a very caring and thoughtful person
 your furballs are lucky to have you as well.  I am
 lucky to know all the cat lovers here.  Yesterday, I
 overheard some of the kids here at the school I work
 at talking about how boring cats were and that they
 aren't good pets to have.  I told them that anyone
 doesn't like cats has never been loved by one.

Yahoo! Mail - PC Magazine Editors' Choice 2005

Re: Cricket

2005-11-10 Thread wendy

I will definitely let you guys know when I hear from
Cricket.  (That sounds a little crazy reading
that-lol).  I love the idea of putting Trouble's
collar on your new arrivals and asking him to look
over them.  I will remember that.  And thank you for
your kinds words.  They are soothing.



Yahoo! Mail - PC Magazine Editors' Choice 2005

To Sandy

2005-11-10 Thread wendy

How are your furballs doing?


Yahoo! FareChase: Search multiple travel sites in one click.

Re: Cricket

2005-11-10 Thread wendy
Thank you Terry.  :) Wendy

--- Terri Brown [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I'm so sorry he didn't make it.  Big hugs to you and
 Goodnight, sweet Cricket...
 =^..^= Terri, Siggie the Tomato Vampire, Guinevere,
 Sammi, Travis, and 6 furangels: RuthieGirl,
 Samantha, Arielle, Gareth, Alec  Salome' =^..^=
 Furkid Photos!
 My Personal Page:
   - Original Message - 
   From: wendymailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
   Sent: Thursday, November 10, 2005 10:58 AM
   Subject: Cricket
   Hi Everyone,
   I just wanted to let you know that Cricket passed
   last night about 2:42 am Texas time.  I am pretty
   up right now.  I feel like such a dork because I
   carried his collar to work with me today.  He had
   feeding tube procedure done, but was just so
   that after the procedure, he couldn't get his
   For most of the night, I thought he was just
 having a
   hard time coming out of the sedation (gas) because
   never really did and was having problems
   but the vet said his trachea probably got
   from the procedure, and that he should be fine
   He slept right next to me last night and about
 2:20 he
   woke me up trying to cry, and I picked him up and
   him to the living room because I knew something
   right.  He died about 20 minutes later.  I have
   God countless times to let me be there when
   passed so that he wouldn't be as scared or lonely
   (like he would be if I was at work and died).  God
   honored that request, thankfully, but it was still
   very hard.  My husband, nephew, and I will have a
   little ceremony this afternoon for him.  I am glad
   that he is not in pain or weak or suffering and I
   that I did just about everything humanly and
   financially possible, but it doesn't help.  At
   not right now.  I am going to write him a little
   tribute to bury with him.  He was such a wonderful
   companion.  I will send a pic out of him later
 when I
   get home.  Thank all of you SO much for helping me
   Cricket through these last three and a half weeks.
   Your kindness is immeasurable, and I plan to stick
   around and help out anyone else I can even though
   don't have anymore FeLV (that I know of-I need to
   my other two retested).  God Bless each and every
   of you.
   Yahoo! Mail - PC Magazine Editors' Choice 2005

Yahoo! Mail - PC Magazine Editors' Choice 2005

Re: Annie is gone

2005-11-11 Thread wendy

I am so sorry to hear that your Annie passed on.  I
hope you have some comfort in knowing that if you
hadn't taken her in, her life might not have been much
living in that cage.  I know she was happy that you
did.  I was very surprised that she passed as
peacefully as she did.  What a blessing for you both. 
I so wish Cricket would have passed that smoothly.  I
am haunted by his death, but I try to reassure myself
that that's the way it had to be.  For some reason,
God must have wanted it that way, because of the
timing and everything else.  I also smiled when you
wrote about your feral cat.  It feels good to win the
trust of an animal.  I hope that you will take the
good out of what happened with Annie, although it's so
hard to let them go.  You must be an angel to take in
these FeLV kitties.  And a very strong person to watch
them go.  God bless you Tad. 


Yahoo! Mail - PC Magazine Editors' Choice 2005

Re: To Sandy

2005-11-11 Thread wendy
Hey Sandy,

Glad to hear that Cotton's diarrhea has cleared up. 
Sounds like he's doing well, thank goodness.  I use
Miticide (I think that's the name of it) on my
kitties' ears if they get mites.  You can get it at
Walmart.  It's really gooey and smothers the mites.  I
don't know if the mites will go away on their own or

I am always very serious when I name my animals.  I
think that names are important.  I watched Cricket as
he was a kitten for several weeks before he got his
name.  He jumped on everything, and it dawned on me
one day that he looked like a Cricket.  He was black
like your Cricket and had a beautiful, shiny medium
length coat with a fluffy tail.  His fur was so soft. 
I will miss petting him.  He had gold eyes too, and
around his pupils, he had a really lime green color. 
I've never seen a cat with eyes that green color
before.  It kind of was the color on the Christmas
Cricket picture.  Thank you for your condolences on
Cricket.  We buried him last night and it was a nice
little service.  I read a little thing I had written. 
We buried him with a copy of it and with his feather
toy and with a little thing my nephew wrote on.  We
put a little marker on his grave.  I wish I could
remember where I've seen those kits where you can make
stuff out of some type of clay.  I'd like to make him
a little headstone.

I enjoyed reading about your baby Cricket.  Maybe
since you are in Houston, and I got my Cricket in
Houston, Cricket and Cricket have the same father. 
You never know.  I didn't know who the dad was; just
the mom.  These poor kitties.  All of them fatherless.

Good luck with the new vet.  If you talked with them
on the phone and got a good feeling for them, you
probably aren't far off the mark.  Let us know how the
visit goes.


Start your day with Yahoo! - Make it your home page!

Re: Wendy and Tad

2005-11-11 Thread wendy
Thank you Sheila.  The prayers have definitely helped.


--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I'm so sorry you had to lose your babies. You will
 be in my prayers.
 Sheila in SC

Yahoo! Mail - PC Magazine Editors' Choice 2005

Re: Posting pictures

2005-11-11 Thread wendy
Thanks Steph!  Will do-what a neat concept!  Let me
know what the link is.


--- Steph E Caldwell [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 wendy wrote:
  Have any of you ever tried to post a picture of
  furball here?  I sent a post with three pics of
  Cricket, but got a message saying that the message
  too big, and the moderator is going to look at it
  either post it or delete it.  If it gets deleted,
  else can I show Cricket's photo?  I don't have a
 Send it privately to me @ biothanetack (at)
 bellsouth (dot) net and I'll 
 stick it up on my kitties album for you.

Yahoo! FareChase: Search multiple travel sites in one click.

Pics of Cricket

2005-11-11 Thread wendy

Thanks so much!  Very cool!  I just wanted to tell
everyone that Cricket was a very mischevious kitty
sometimes, especially at Christmas time.  I haven't
been able to keep a tree intact for the past four
years.  lol.  In the photo where Cricket is watching
TV, he was watching that intro. cartoon about the
squirrel before the Ice Age movie.  He really liked
it.  FYI: I bought a kitty entertainment video several
years back.  I think I might have gotten it at
Petsmart.  My kitties LOVE that video.  It basically
shows birds and squirrels in their natural habitat. 
It would be a good stocking stuffer/Christmas gift for
your kitties this year.  


Yahoo! FareChase: Search multiple travel sites in one click.

Re: Pictures of Cricket on Web!

2005-11-11 Thread wendy
Yes, he was always healthy except for that one week
two years ago when he got that infection.  Other than
that, he's had a smooth ride for a kitty with FeLV,
expect for the past three and a half weeks.  It's hard
to get used to seeing someone so healthy get sick like
that.  I am just glad that he's not sick anymore,
although I so wished he had beat this.  What a
heartbreaking disease.  If it were a person, I would
kick it's blankity-blank-blank.  lol.  I am so glad I
have these pictures of Cricket and I want to encourage
anyone out there to take some of your own furballs if
you don't have any before it's too late.  A fun and/or
relaxing weekend to all out there.


--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Wendy, he was so cute-- and mischievous like my
 Simon! What a heartbreak  
 that he is gone. He looks so healthy and happy in
 the pictures.

Yahoo! FareChase: Search multiple travel sites in one click.

Re: Hideyo in tears

2005-11-11 Thread wendy

I am sending you and Garfunkel strength and comfort. 
Good for you for staying with him while he goes
through this, and I am hoping for a miracle for him to
survive.  But if he passes, I hope it is a peaceful
one, and I've asked Cricket to be waiting for him at
the other end of the Rainbow Bridge.  I bet Ruby-E
will be fine; prays for her as well.  Hugs to you and


Yahoo! FareChase: Search multiple travel sites in one click.

Re: To Wendy Markers for Cricket

2005-11-14 Thread wendy
Thanks Belinda for the information on markers.  I will
look into it.  Thanks also for Cricket's compliments. 
I am sure he is beaming even in the afterlife at all
the wonderful things said about him.  He certainly was
mischevious; he's probably sharpening his claws on the
wood of the Rainbow Bridge as we speak!  LOL.  

--- Belinda Sauro [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I have a friend that makes these types of things,
 in fact I am just 
 putting her website together, she rescues cats and
 some of the money 
 will go towards that, she just bought this business
 and is branching out 
 into Pet Stones.  Here is the address if you care to
 Creative Designs Unlimited
 I saw Crickets pictures and he is very beautiful,
 you can see just from 
 his picture he had personality!!
 Happiness is being owned by cats ...
 Be-Mi-Kitties ...
 Post Adoptable FeLV/FIV/FIP Cats/Kittens
 FeLV Candle Light Service  (affordable hosting  web design)
 BMK Designs (non-profit web sites)

Yahoo! FareChase: Search multiple travel sites in one click.

Cotton's visit to new vet

2005-11-14 Thread wendy
Hi Sandy,

It's great to hear that your Cotton found a vet that
is sane and sounds like intelligent enough to care for
him!  Thank goodness!!!  I wish I knew of a cat's only
vet that was good in my neck of the woods.  I hope
that the Interferon works.  I never put Cricket on it;
I wonder sometimes if it would have helped the anemia
or not.  Keep us posted on the course of treatment
they decide on for Cotton, other than Interferon.  And
let us know what you think about the effectiveness of
the Interferon after Cotton has been on it awhile.


--- Dudes [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hi Michelle:
 I live north of Houston, TX.  The vet clinic where I
 took Cotton is called Just Cats.
 - Original Message - 
   Sent: Sunday, November 13, 2005 10:17 AM
   Subject: Re: Cotton visit to new vet
   Where are you located?

Yahoo! FareChase: Search multiple travel sites in one click.

Re: CLS Service for Monday 11/14/2005

2005-11-14 Thread wendy
Wow, what a heart squeezing website.  I was surprised
to see Cricket's name there.  Thank you Belinda.  You
truly have a soul of compassion.  Thank you for all
you do to acknowledge these kitties lives.


--- Belinda Sauro [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Hi All,
It's been a hard and sad week for us, my
 sympathies to those who have 
 lost a furchild, they are with you always in your
 heart.  Prayers that 
 all the furkids now feeling well recover completely
 and are around for a 
 long, long time!!  Take care all ...
 FeLV Candle Light Service
 Happiness is being owned by cats ...
 Be-Mi-Kitties ...
 Post Adoptable FeLV/FIV/FIP Cats/Kittens

Yahoo! Mail - PC Magazine Editors' Choice 2005

Re: Cricket

2005-11-14 Thread wendy
Hi Tonya,

No, of course you didn't offend either of us.  Thanks
for caring enough in the first place!  I appreciate
your kind words and so does Cricket.  


--- catatonya [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


   I'm so terribly sorry.  You certainly did all you
 could for little Cricket.  I love that name by the
 way.  She is at peace now and will always be with
 you in spirit.

 wendy [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   Hi Everyone,
 I just wanted to let you know that Cricket passed
 last night about 2:42 am Texas time. I am pretty
 up right now. I feel like such a dork because I
 carried his collar to work with me today. He had the
 feeding tube procedure done, but was just so anemic,
 that after the procedure, he couldn't get his
 For most of the night, I thought he was just having
 hard time coming out of the sedation (gas) because
 never really did and was having problems breathing,
 but the vet said his trachea probably got irritated
 from the procedure, and that he should be fine
 He slept right next to me last night and about 2:20
 woke me up trying to cry, and I picked him up and
 him to the living room because I knew something
 right. He died about 20 minutes later. I have asked
 God countless times to let me be there when Cricket
 passed so that he wouldn't be as scared or lonely
 (like he would be if I was at work and died). God
 honored that request, thankfully, but it was still
 very hard. My husband, nephew, and I will have a
 little ceremony this afternoon for him. I am glad
 that he is not in pain or weak or suffering and I
 that I did just about everything humanly and
 financially possible, but it doesn't help. At least
 not right now. I am going to write him a little
 tribute to bury with him. He was such a wonderful
 companion. I will send a pic out of him later when I
 get home. Thank all of you SO much for helping me
 Cricket through these last three and a half weeks. 
 Your kindness is immeasurable, and I plan to stick
 around and help out anyone else I can even though I
 don't have anymore FeLV (that I know of-I need to
 my other two retested). God Bless each and every one
 of you.
 Yahoo! Mail - PC Magazine Editors' Choice 2005

Yahoo! Mail - PC Magazine Editors' Choice 2005

RE: my baby Garfunkle

2005-11-14 Thread wendy
Hi Hideyo,

I know you don't have a lot of time to read emails so
I will try to keep this short.  I am happy that you
are keeping vigil with Garfunkle while he is ill.  I
so hope he pulls through.  I wish we could all be
there with our furangels when they are so sick.  Don't
give up hope Hideyo!!!  Please keep us posted on


--- Hideyo Yamamoto

 Hi, everyone, thank you so very much for your kinds
 words - Garfunkle
 and I appreciate it very much - he is resting
 peacefully right now - I
 need to get back to him very quickly.  I wrapped him
 around with blanket
 and heat pad.. whenever I pet him, he tries very
 hard to purr - I love
 this boy - he is one of my favorite feral boy - I am
 going to spend as
 much time as possible, and praying that a miracle
 will happen to him.
 Behalf Of
 Sent: Friday, November 11, 2005 4:37 PM
 Subject: Re: Pictures of Cricket on Web!
 oops!!! My apology wasn't watching what I typed
 instead of she I meant
 Sorry Wendy!!!
 Terrie Mohr
 Check sites for available Siameses for adoption!
 Adopt a Homeless Pet!

Yahoo! FareChase: Search multiple travel sites in one click.

Re: 20 CATS...

2005-11-15 Thread wendy
Hey Sandy,

I had four inside cats until Cricket passed.  They all
have free roam of the house except the guest bedroom
and bath.  Cricket didn't really have a spot in the
house.  He just went where I went.  When he got sick,
he did pick a spot behind a big plant in our bedroom. 
He got along with everyone and was a very
Beatles-like kitty: live and let live.  LuLu, my
Siamese mix, is the sweetest thing and she pretty much
stays in our bedroom.  Now that Cricket has passed
though, she has been coming out more.  Pepper, LuLu's
sister, is black like Cricket, and she is kind of a
bully and stays in the kitty room where her tree is.
 She has also come out of her room more since Cricket
passed.  Julie is our geriatric kitty-she is 16 years
old.  She lived in our garage/outside until last
September when she was mauled by the neighbors boxer
who got out of their fence (and the sorry guy lied to
animal control and said it wasn't his dog even though
they could see the blood to prove it; he just got
fined by the city a year later for that incident). 
Julie moved inside after the attack to recover and
since she was so happy, we kept her inside.  She is a
new kitty now.  She hangs out in the kitchen
(lol-waiting for chicken broth) and on the carpet
right by the kitchen.  She races through the house
when she is happy.  

I think that there is some truth to the territorial
thing, but I don't think the kitties need much space
as long as the space they have isn't invaded.  There
are some kitties that can be jerks though.  I have one
outside cat that just doesn't like other cats.  My
outside kitties have access to the yard and the garage
and they get along pretty well.  There are 5 of them,
plus two strays that hang around.  I would probably
have more except for my husband; he's like yours. 


--- Dudes [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I'm always amazed when people say that they have
 lots of cats.  I would
 probably have a lot more if my husband didn't stop
 me.  I have always had
 dogs my entire life, until we were adopted by our
 first cat, Miss, some
 years ago.  I remember the exact moment that I knew
 I loved her.   I looked
 into her eyes as she sat in the crook of my arm
 purring, just staring at me
 with half closed eyes in contentment.  I was amazed
 at how calming and
 peaceful a cat is.
 But on the other hand, I have 4 who are all indoors,
 and they barely get
 along.  I can't imagine what would happen if we
 added more.  Aren't cats
 notoriously territorial?  I consider myself a cat
 novice, so I wonder what
 those of you with lots of cats observe about yours.

Start your day with Yahoo! - Make it your home page!

Re: my baby Garfunkle

2005-11-15 Thread wendy

I am elated to hear about Garfunkle's improvement! 
That's awesome!  I hope he continues to turn around. 
It's amazing what the love and care of an owner can
do for these little furballs.  You go Hideyo!


--- Nina [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hi Wendy and list,
 I heard from Hideyo today, she had wonderful news. 
 Not only is 
 Garfunkle still with us, but he's improved!  His
 temp is up to, I think 
 she said 99.6, (still low, but so much better). 
 He's not eating on his 
 own, but he's moving around more and he doesn't
 appear to be as 
 jaundiced.  She thinks the subq fluids must be
 flushing his system, but 
 she still doesn't know exactly what the problem is. 
 Keep praying and 
 sending her and Garfunkle good thoughts!
 wendy wrote:
 Hi Hideyo,
 I know you don't have a lot of time to read emails
 I will try to keep this short.  I am happy that you
 are keeping vigil with Garfunkle while he is ill. 
 so hope he pulls through.  I wish we could all be
 there with our furangels when they are so sick. 
 give up hope Hideyo!!!  Please keep us posted on

Start your day with Yahoo! - Make it your home page!

Re: Pls Read: A miracle of Garfunkle - thank you for your prayers!

2005-11-17 Thread wendy

What a wonderful story!  I can't believe Garfunkle
made it after being so sick!  Wow!  Your story made me
choke up and then laugh out loud at the wonderful turn
around.  Miracles do happen and I believe in them. 
Even if they don't happen for everyone, they do
happen.  Your vigil and your belief in a miracle
brought him through.  And I hope that everyone reading
your post realizes not to give up until after you just
have to.  

So happy for you and Garfunkle-

Yahoo! FareChase: Search multiple travel sites in one click.

Re: New to FeLV

2005-11-17 Thread wendy

I am sorry to hear about your loss of the black stray
kitty and sorrier to hear that your Elvis has been
diagnosed with FeLV.  You should not feel guilty
because of your ignorance.  Even the vets are somewhat
mystified by FeLV as not a lot is known about the
virus.  You can akin FeLV to HIV.  The veterinary
industry only knows for sure that FeLV is spread by
blood or birth.  They do not know for sure that it is
spread any other way, but many suspect that close
contact (saliva) is another way you can spread the
virus.  The virus can only live outside the host for a
very short period of time.  If Elvis and your black
kitty were close, it is possible Elvis got it that
way.  But if not, maybe (but not proven) through
litter boxes of food/water bowls or maybe Elvis
already had it from birth and it is just now
manifesting itself.  It would probably be very
unlikely that ALL your cats have contracted FeLV from
that one kitty.  So many of us here have a lot of
cats, but maybe only one or two who have FeLV.  Many
have cats that lived for years with FeLV and they
never contracted it.  Mine haven't, and were with my
Cricket for 4 and a half years before he passed last
week.  Also, FYI, the FeLV vaccine is supposed to last
2-3 years, so your others are most likely ok from the
first vaccine.  How old is Elvis?  This website was a
life saver for me when Cricket was sick.  He was my
baby and I took his illness very hard.  He was sick
for 3.5 weeks before he died.  Everyone here was so
kind, encouraging, and best of all, informed.  I hope
Elvis, with proper care from you, lives a long life
with FeLV.  I want to encourage you to read up on all
the posts you can because you will learn a lot and
learn that FeLV is not an 'immediate death sentence'
as many vets think it is.  Let us know if you need


Yahoo! Mail - PC Magazine Editors' Choice 2005

RE: Pls Read: A miracle of Garfunkle - thank you for your prayers!

2005-11-17 Thread wendy
These little furballs just steal our hearts right out
from under us  

Congratulations Hideyo again on Garfunkle's surprising
recovery!!!  We are all rooting for him and for you!

--- Hideyo Yamamoto

 Thank you, Wendy, very much.  Garfunkle actually
 started eating last
 night on his own!  I brought the food to all the
 kitties and I did not
 see Garfunkle where he usually rests and I was
 worried as to where he
 went ---and he was right in front of me, waiting to
 be fed!  I cried..
 so unexpected.  I know he has a long way to recover,
 and this does not
 guarantee anything.. but at least, I have one more
 day with him that I
 thought I did
 -Original Message-
 Behalf Of wendy
 Sent: Thursday, November 17, 2005 11:31 AM
 Subject: Re: Pls Read: A miracle of Garfunkle -
 thank you for your
 What a wonderful story!  I can't believe Garfunkle
 made it after being so sick!  Wow!  Your story made
 choke up and then laugh out loud at the wonderful
 around.  Miracles do happen and I believe in them. 
 Even if they don't happen for everyone, they do
 happen.  Your vigil and your belief in a miracle
 brought him through.  And I hope that everyone
 your post realizes not to give up until after you
 have to.  
 So happy for you and Garfunkle-
 Yahoo! FareChase: Search multiple travel sites in
 one click.

Yahoo! Mail - PC Magazine Editors' Choice 2005

To Gia concerning finding a vet

2005-11-18 Thread wendy

I live close to Dallas, and when Cricket got sick
recently, I was scared because I wasn't too confident
with our run-of-the-mill vet around the corner from
our neighborhood.  So what I did was call around to
the various vets in our town and actually spoke to
eact VET, not the tech or other employees, and told
them Cricket's situation and listened to what each vet
had to say.  They were all fairly happy to speak with
me before coming in to see them.  This gave me a great
(and inexpensive) feel for each vet and their
knowledge of FeLV and bedside manner.  That way I
didn't have to physically visit each one to get this
info.(not to mention pay for an office exam for each
one).  I was surprised that a simple phone
conversation led me in a better direction for care for
Cricket.  Hope this helps, especially since you live
in the boonies and vets are few and far between.  Good
luck in your search.


--- David [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hello, Kerry::
 I really appreciate your response to my letter.  I
 can already agree with you:  Most
 supportive/generous/kind-hearted/informed... To the
 Nth degree!
 And thank you for your 'blessing'.  I took it to
 heart.  You know, I don't think I'm 'special' for
 taking in strays.  Rather, I'm always astonished
 (but not surprised, anymore) that EVERYone DOESN'T. 
 And to fully acquaint you with how convoluted MY
 thinking is, I always find OTHER 'animal people' to
 be unique, and am always grateful that they're out
 there.  How's THAT for confusion?  smile
 You are obviously one of 'us'; and, true to form, I
 am amazed and gratified to find another!  (at least
 I'm CONSISTENTLY confused!)
 I appreciate your thoughtfulness in urging me to try
 to stop the 'blame game.'  You're right, of course,
 but logic just ain't quite cuttin' it about now. 
 Nevertheless, your advice encouraged me.
 Yes, I switched vets, but I'm not that enamored of
 the new one.  The sad facts are that I live in the
 boonies, and the vets around here are geared toward
 large-animal medicine.  And geography can also be
 blamed for the dearth of choices.  I am looking into
 vets in 'the big city' (about 11/2-2 hrs away) and
 also at the OSU vets (about 3 hrs away).  It would
 be hard NOT to find a better-informed vet, and I'd
 like to think I could find one that would also be
 more caring/concerned/sympathetic...
 I hear you, re:  ...took...a
 realize...naive belief...etc.  Being a nurse, I of
 ALL people should know how UNinfallible medical
 personnel are, just like the rest of the human race.
  But I just...didn't.  What reasoning!!
 RE:  ...there may be no point in vaccinating.  I
 understood your point about sufficiently strong
 immune systems, but wouldn't an inoculation boost
 such a system?  Or, failing that, would it do any
 harm?  And isn't there a possibility that even in my
 younger cats, some immune systems aren't all that
 they could/should be?  
 I was amazed about your '6th'.  And definitely took
 your meaning about the poinlessness, a/w/a/ the
 heartlessness in separation.  And I can also
 completely understand your paranoia re:  negative
 Your excerpt from the book (which I intend to find)
 was also most enlightening, and lightening.
 Again, I am most grateful!  It really helped!
 Take care, 

Yahoo! FareChase: Search multiple travel sites in one click.

Re: New to FeLV (Belinda Sauro)

2005-11-18 Thread wendy

Cricket and I had a horrible experience with a large
animal vet two years ago.  If I wouldn't have taken
him home after the 18 hours of care that he received
from the vet, he would have died there.  He had a
horrible infection he picked up after he ripped out
all his back claws trying to claw his way up a brick
column while trying to get away from a big dog that
had gotten out of his house and went after him.  I
didn't know that his claws were gone until after I
brought him home from the vets and he recouped.  They
tested his blood for FeLV while there and I thought
that was what was wrong with him.  The vet was giving
him no IV fluid nor sustenance, after I had
specifically asked them to, and pretty much left him
in his cage.  When I finally realized what was
happening (thank God for women's instinct), I rushed
to the vet in the middle of my work day and took him
home with antibiotics.  He was pretty much lifeless;
very limp and not much responsiveness, which was
opposite of how he was when I brought him in.  I
stayed home from work for two days and gave him his
meds and water every hour and food every so often when
I felt he could handle it.  I could NOT believe that
he came back, that's how sick he was.  The vet even
told me that he'd never seen a cat come back from
being that sick.  His temperature was so high that it
went all the way to the top of the thermometer and
they couldn't tell how high it actually was.

So, in lieu of all this info., if you or anyone else
can at all avoid a primarily large animal vet, DO SO. 
I guess it's kind of like asking a family practitioner
to perform a hemorrhoid-ectomy.  LOL.  No offense to
large animal practitioners; that's just the way it is.


--- David [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Dear Belinda:
 You have my heartfelt thanks for your response to my
 letter.  Everything I've read here has contributed
 to the lessening of my despair about this disaster. 
 Your letter is certainly no exception!
 I was shocked at your info re:  bad experiences
 vaccinating unknown positives.  Before I went the
 round of vaccinations in 2003, knowing that they
 would do no good for the already infected, I
 specifically asked if it would do them any harm.  I
 was assured that it would have no effect, either
 That is why I didn't bother to test first.  The vet
 actually was somewhat reluctant to NOT test first,
 but was adamant that it would do no harm, and, at
 $40 a (literal) shot, and the same for the
 test...well, you can do the math.  I'm sure you can
 understand why I didn't test.
 In fact, your letter is what has made me reconsider
 my original decision NOT to test.  My (2nd) vet
 seemed so certain that, if they didn't actually test
 positive now, they would surely do so eventually. 
 The implication I got was that it was possible to
 get false-negative results, which also led me to
 choose vaccination without testing.  
 Certainly, I would never vaccinate any
 positive-result cats; wouldn't be any point, would
 be a waste of money I could use for their care, and
 might actually do harm.  So it looks like 'tests for
 all' is coming tomorrow.  And I can't TELL you how I
 dread it
 I assume your negatives have always been vaccinated?
  And I was so relieved and gratified to hear that
 you have had a positive that 'old' and that communal
 living for so long has had no ill effect.
 That my vet(s) don't appear to know much about FeLV
 doesn't really surprise me.  They didn't know
 anything about iguanas, and I've had the same
 experience with ferrets.  Still, CATS??  As you'll
 have likely read in my letter to another member,
 you'll have noted that they're mostly large-animals
 vets who almost seem...ashamed?  embarrassed?  to
 even treat small animals.  (Anybody else ever have
 that feeling about a vet?)
 As to what my vet say(s) is wrong with Elvis...he
 only said, Feline Leukemia.  I took that as a
 definitive answer, because until I began reading
 last night, I thought that feline leukemia was,
 well...leukemia.  Cancer.  Which, as we all know, is
 quite enough to be wrong with anybody.   
 Really, calling it the FeLV is SO misleading!   In
 my first letter, I said that after my initial
 experience with our Flavia, it was only after I went
 back home and began thinking that I called him back
 and asked about the possibility of contagion.  
 You know what caused the unease which prompted my
 call?  It was only a chance remark by the vet,
 something about where she caught it.  It wasn't a
 completed thought, and it wasn't even to me, but to
 his assistant.  Had I not overheard, I would NEVER
 have even considered that it could be a contagious
 disease.  After all, cancer isn't contagious!  
 Anyhow, I have no idea was ELSE is wrong.  My gawd!!
  As I said, I thought it was 'contagious cancer',
 quite enough to cause weight loss.  I'll have to
 remember to ask when I call tomorrow.  You may have
 saved his life!!
 For that, as well

RE: Tsubomi, Ginger and Garfunkle update - To Nina and Kerry

2005-11-23 Thread wendy

I have a kitty that does not use the litte box
regularly, much to our dislike, and I am so going to
try that towel in a kitty box thing because everytime
I have clothes on the floor to put into the wash, she
tinkles on them!  I will let you know how this goes
and thanks so much for the tip!  


--- Hideyo Yamamoto

 Hi, Kerry - actually Carol (person in Jail) asked if
 she should have
 euthanized them before.  I said hell no - I am not
 sure how dependable
 she is going to be as she is a drug addict (sort of)
 and am not sure how
 clean she can stay when she gets out of jail.  But I
 told her not to
 worry about the kitties, I will take care of them
 indefinitely and she
 was very grateful.  In a way, I am hoping that she
 never will ask for
 them (she was evicted from the apartment so she does
 not have a place to
 live either).
 Well, about tiger, I came to realize that some
 kitties don't like to
 touch the litter at all.  And it might reinforce the
 idea now you
 mentioned that Tiger does not want to cover the
 litter box.  I have a
 cat whose name is narita - she does not want to pee
 in the litter box,
 but does not mind doing so in a town (or any soft
 place) in a litter
 box, she does number 2 in the litter box, but she
 put all her legs on
 the top of the litter box and she does not put her
 feet in the box at
 all (of course, she does not cover the poops either)
 I am not sure if it's the case with Tiger or not.  I
 realized that I
 couldn't make her do what I wanted her to do (use a
 litter box like a
 normal kitty), so I accommodate her need or so that
 she won't keep
 peeing on my bed or couch (yikes) ...
 I hope it's not the case with Tiger and it might be
 just temporary.. but
 you might want to try a different type of litter ---
 do you use clay
 litter now?
 I use wheat kind..
 -Original Message-
 Behalf Of MacKenzie,
 Kerry N.
 Sent: Monday, November 21, 2005 7:33 AM
 Subject: RE: Tsubomi, Ginger and Garfunkle update -
 To Nina and Kerry
 How long is the owner in jail, Hideyo? Yes, you are
 going to have a
 tough time if you have to give them up, too. Maybe
 it won't come to
 that, tho. They can't depend on her, that's clear.
 (Heck, if it weren't
 for you, they probably would have been euthanized by
 the time she came
 Hideyo, what's the idea behind the litter box with a
 towel -- I'm not
 clear, but I am intrigued. I sure need ideas! D'you
 mean that on those
 occasions when he doesn't use the box, he would
 perhaps use the
 non-litter box (instead of the wood floor as at
 present)? Thing is, I
 want to figure out how to get him to use the real
 litter box all the
 time. He's also the only cat that does not cover up.
 He's a bit of a
 slob, my Tigerprobably wasn't taught, along with
 not being weaned,
 poor love.
 Hope Garfunkle, and Ghandi and Ruby-E -- and
 Hideyo!-- are all doing ok.
 love, Kerry
 -Original Message-
 Behalf Of Hideyo
 Sent: Friday, November 18, 2005 4:41 PM
 Subject: RE: Tsubomi, Ginger and Garfunkle update -
 To Nina and Kerry
 Kerry, did I tell you about terumo needles?  Let me
 ship some to you.
 If you are using Monoject right now, you will find
 much easier to use
 terumo -- it's so smooth that you don't even know
 that you are poking...
 with Monoject.. I had to use a couple of needles
 when Papa needed fluid
 (he is my FIV boy who had a very thick skin) because
 it took so much to
 poke -
 Wow, it will be hard to give up Pookie, won't it?  I
 have 4 cats that I
 reclaimed from the pound the other day (the owner is
 in jail) and am
 going to have a hard time to return them to her once
 she gets out of
 jail, because she is sort of drug addict and she has
 some other mental
 illness and am worried that their safety might be at
 risk.. they are
 just so scared right now.. but started coming out a
 little bit --- I
 love them very much, too!
 As for Tiger, have you tried to add another box in a
 separate place or
 put a litter box not filled with litter, but with a
 towel or something..
 your instinct is probably right and maybe there is
 something that can
 fix with homeopathy, which I will ask with my
 doctor.. the mean time,
 you might want to try to add another litter box with
 different litter or
 but old rug in the litter box (it works very well
 with a couple of my
 non-litter box user kitties)
 -Original Message-
 Behalf Of MacKenzie,
 Kerry N.
 Sent: Friday, November 18, 2005 3:32 PM
 Subject: RE: Tsubomi, Ginger and Garfunkle update -
 To Nina and Kerry
 Mine are doing well; no one is sick just now, knock
 on wood, thanks,

Re: Tsubomi, Ginger and Garfunkle update - To Nina and Kerry

2005-11-23 Thread wendy

Kitty urine washes out quite nicely in the wash I've
learned, so just throw the rug in the wash if you
don't think it would become too unraveled.  A towel
would be a better choice because those can be washed
over and over.  If this works for Pepper, I will buy
several cheap towels for her and wash them only with
each other.  I am so excited because it's been a


--- hd cc [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 A rug in the litter box? 
 Then when its time to clean wheres the rug go?
 his is very interesting as we also have several cats
 groups I know that have this problem.
 - Original Message - 
 From: wendy [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Wednesday, November 23, 2005 8:58 AM
 Subject: RE: Tsubomi, Ginger and Garfunkle update -
 To Nina and Kerry
  I have a kitty that does not use the litte box
  regularly, much to our dislike, and I am so going
  try that towel in a kitty box thing because
  I have clothes on the floor to put into the wash,
  tinkles on them!  I will let you know how this
  and thanks so much for the tip!  
  --- Hideyo Yamamoto
   Hi, Kerry - actually Carol (person in Jail)
 asked if
   she should have
   euthanized them before.  I said hell no - I am
   sure how dependable
   she is going to be as she is a drug addict (sort
   and am not sure how
   clean she can stay when she gets out of jail. 
 But I
   told her not to
   worry about the kitties, I will take care of
   indefinitely and she
   was very grateful.  In a way, I am hoping that
   never will ask for
   them (she was evicted from the apartment so she
   not have a place to
   live either).
   Well, about tiger, I came to realize that some
   kitties don't like to
   touch the litter at all.  And it might reinforce
   idea now you
   mentioned that Tiger does not want to cover the
   litter box.  I have a
   cat whose name is narita - she does not want to
   in the litter box,
   but does not mind doing so in a town (or any
   place) in a litter
   box, she does number 2 in the litter box, but
   put all her legs on
   the top of the litter box and she does not put
   feet in the box at
   all (of course, she does not cover the poops
   I am not sure if it's the case with Tiger or
 not.  I
   realized that I
   couldn't make her do what I wanted her to do
 (use a
   litter box like a
   normal kitty), so I accommodate her need or so
   she won't keep
   peeing on my bed or couch (yikes) ...
   I hope it's not the case with Tiger and it might
   just temporary.. but
   you might want to try a different type of litter
   do you use clay
   litter now?
   I use wheat kind..
   -Original Message-
   [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
   Behalf Of MacKenzie,
   Kerry N.
   Sent: Monday, November 21, 2005 7:33 AM
   Subject: RE: Tsubomi, Ginger and Garfunkle
 update -
   To Nina and Kerry
   How long is the owner in jail, Hideyo? Yes, you
   going to have a
   tough time if you have to give them up, too.
   it won't come to
   that, tho. They can't depend on her, that's
   (Heck, if it weren't
   for you, they probably would have been
 euthanized by
   the time she came
   Hideyo, what's the idea behind the litter box
 with a
   towel -- I'm not
   clear, but I am intrigued. I sure need ideas!
   mean that on those
   occasions when he doesn't use the box, he would
   perhaps use the
   non-litter box (instead of the wood floor as at
   present)? Thing is, I
   want to figure out how to get him to use the
   litter box all the
   time. He's also the only cat that does not cover
   He's a bit of a
   slob, my Tigerprobably wasn't taught, along
   not being weaned,
   poor love.
   Hope Garfunkle, and Ghandi and Ruby-E -- and
   Hideyo!-- are all doing ok.
   love, Kerry
   -Original Message-
   [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
   Behalf Of Hideyo
   Sent: Friday, November 18, 2005 4:41 PM
   Subject: RE: Tsubomi, Ginger and Garfunkle
 update -
   To Nina and Kerry
   Kerry, did I tell you about terumo needles?  Let
   ship some to you.
   If you are using Monoject right now, you will
   much easier to use
   terumo -- it's so smooth that you don't even
   that you are poking...
   with Monoject.. I had to use a couple of needles
   when Papa needed fluid
   (he is my FIV boy who had a very thick skin)
   it took so much to
   poke -
   Wow, it will be hard to give up Pookie, won't
 it?  I
   have 4 cats that I
   reclaimed from the pound the other day (the
 owner is
   in jail

Re: re. Haunted by questions please help ?

2005-11-23 Thread wendy

I know this might be a lot to ask right now, but
please stop feeling so guilty.  Every single person
here looks at some aspect of the care they gave their
furball before they passed away, and questions whether
this or that should have been done instead of what was
done.  Or question their vet.  Or the diet.  You name
it.  But the bottom line is, you did all you could
given the information and time you had.  Keep in mind
that you did nothing intentionally to harm your kitty.
 You did the best you could and we all know that
desperate feeling of grasping at anything and
everything that might help and hating ourselves for
being ignorant when time was of the essence.  Please
don't torture yourself.  That being said, I know what
you are going through.  I am coming to terms right now
with the loss of my precious Cricket almost two weeks
ago.  We are our own worst critics.  We are harder on
ourselves than anyone else, and it's probably time
that you started going a little easier on yourself.

There are so many unanswered questions about FeLV. 
The vets don't know much either.  Many of the
questions you asked in your first post have no answers
as of yet.  

I treated Cricket with ImmunoRegulin, but he was so
anemic and only responded for a short time before he
got too sick to eat and then died the day I had a
feeding tube inserted as a last ditch effort to save
him.  It was a heartbreaking experience I will never
forget.  He was 4 and a half when he died.

From what you said about your kitty, it sounds like he
had the cancers pretty badly and all over.  Treating
the bacterial infection effectively MIGHT have bought
him more time, but you had no guarantee of that.  And
yes, he MIGHT have responded to chemo, but you had no
guarantee of that either.  What you did know is that
he had been dealing with cancer for some time.  It
might have just been his time.  When I think about
this concept, I think back to a beautiful girl, inside
and out, that I went to high school with.  She was 3
years younger than me, the head cheerleader at our
high school, and was a precious human being.  EVERYONE
loved her.  She was so sweet and friendly and just
shining all the time.  A truly priceless soul.  She
got into a car accident with three other girls one day
on the way to practice.  It was a sunny afternoon, and
she spilled her drink while driving her Suzuki
Samurai, and bent over to pick it up, and when she
looked up, she was in another lane going head on with
another car, and jerked the wheel and flipped the car.
 She was thrown from the vehicle, hit her head, and
her parents eventually had to turn off the life
support.  It was such a tragedy in our small town. 
And the only thing that I can think of when I think
back on her is that it was her time.  Why else would
God take such a beautiful soul from making everyone's
life better here?  And at such a young age?  We can
never know why the time comes for any of us or our
loved ones or furballs, but it does.  We don't know
the inner-workings of Heaven and why things happen the
way they do.  The only comfort I have is the inner
peace I have from God being there for me and holding
me when I am weak.  

In my situation, second guessing myself helped me not
to deal directly with the fact that my beloved Cricket
was gone and was not coming back.  And when I stopped
(mostly), I had to accept the truth and just grieve in
that way, instead of feeling guilty.

I hope this helps you Lynne.  And please forgive me if
I have said anything to offend you.  I do know how you
are feeling.  I just want to help in the best way I
can.  Prayers for you and your family.  And I am SO
sorry that you lost your kitty.


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RE: Rose pts

2005-11-23 Thread wendy

I am so sorry to hear about Rose.  Thank you for
taking care of her and taking her in when no one else

Prayers to you and your family,

--- MacKenzie, Kerry N.

 I'm so sorry to hear your sad news, Denise. But I'm
 glad Rose knew what
 it was to have a real, loving home, and was loved,
 cared for and
 comforted right until the end.
 You could check back to your November 1 (or 1st of
 any month) emails,
 when details of how you individually unsubscribe,
 with your passport,
 are sent. Or try:
 Hugs and sympathy to you and your family, Kerry
 -Original Message-
 Behalf Of
 Sent: Sunday, November 20, 2005 10:47 PM
 Subject: Rose pts
 Thanks to all of you who have shared your
 experiences with your leukemia
 This summer, we adopted our Rose from a Humane
 Society board member who
 had her
 at his house in a cage with his other rescued cats. 
 Rose couldn't go to
 PetSmart cuz she was unadoptable due to chronic
 boogers, yet she was
 friendly and my kids, my dog, and I just loved her
 to bits.
 After she didn't get better on meds, I took her to
 the vet for THE test,
 sure enough it was positive.  Then, I joined this
 list to learn from you
 Rose had a great, but brief, relatively healthy life
 for the rest of her
 but then she went down hill quickly.
 Thanks to your posts, and the vet's food and advice,
 I syringe-fed her
 AD and
 H2O for a few days after the vet rehydrated her
 subQ.  Rose seemed happy
 for a little while, but her overly-dilated eye never
 went back to
 normal, so
 the vet thought that the leukemia had affected her
 He was probably right, cuz by Friday, she was
 suffering, so I took Rose
 to be
 put to sleep.  They couldn't find a vain on her, so
 they gave her an
 interthoracically.  She lingered for a few moments
 in my arms as my dog
 and I
 snuggled with her until she passed.
 Thanks again for all your posts. I didn't post much
 myself, but I was
 by this group every day.
 Now, if you will, please unsubscribe me until I can
 rejoin later to
 offer hope
 and encouragement to others after I'm done mourning.
 Denise in Utah

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Yahoo! Mail - PC Magazine Editors' Choice 2005

Re: Lost my Lancelot - add to bridge list

2005-11-23 Thread wendy

I am sorry to hear about your sweet Lancelot.  Please
know you went above and beyond what many owners do
for their kitties when they are ill.  I hope you are
comforted by this.  I liked the idea of burying
Lancelot with another kitty recently passed.  It was a
comforting thought for me and I hope comforting for
both those kitties as they cross the bridge.


Start your day with Yahoo! - Make it your home page!

RE: Such a caring and loving group!

2005-11-23 Thread wendy
I agree with many of you.  I don't see myself going
anywhere anytime soon, even though I don't have any
FeLV kitties at present.  The information is so
valuable and can be used for illnesses whether related
to FeLV or not.  In addition, I will NEVER forget the
support that I got here when Cricket was sick and
after he died, and I am a big believer in paying it
forward.  I want to help others the way you all helped
Cricket and me in our time of need.  I also agree that
there are other problems non-kitty related that we
discuss from time to time and frankly there are many
people here who are wise and who I would have no
problem with taking advice from on any number of


P.S.  Do they offer veterinary courses/licenses
online, because many of you might qualify!?  lol.  

Yahoo! Mail - PC Magazine Editors' Choice 2005

Re: New Member

2005-11-23 Thread wendy

It's so good to meet you and get to know you and
Brooklyn P for Putty tat O'Malley.  I cracked up when
I read that.  I have news for you though.  It sounds
like you have been kitty-pated (like twitter-pated,
but with kitties).  Now that this kitty has stolen
your heart, you will never be the same.  Have you
gotten his stocking for Christmas yet?  lol.  I tell
people that don't like cats that they've never been
loved by one.  

Being that Brooklyn is around five, then there's a
good chance that he might fight off the FeLV virus and
eventually test negative for it.  Diet, supplements,
and quality, informed care will help with this. 
Unfortunately, fate, the ever present X-factor, also
has a say in Brooklyn's life.  All you can do is your

I hope you enjoy this group as I do.

Yahoo! FareChase: Search multiple travel sites in one click.

Conflict on being vegan

2005-11-23 Thread wendy
I have a question: why in the world would anyone take
offense to the personal choice of being a vegan? 
Especially to the point of kicking a vegan out of a
group?  I don't understand this concept.  I could
fathom a group of vegans not wanting a non-vegan in
their cyber group, but the other way around?  Can
someone fill me in on why this would be?  Just
curious.  Thanks.  I have no problem with what anyone
is doing as long as it isn't hurting anyone or
anything, and being vegan does not qualify.

Yahoo! Mail - PC Magazine Editors' Choice 2005

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