Re: Tomcat 4.1.23

2004-09-20 Thread John Villar
Use a servlet that loads the xml data from a file pointed by web.xml 
or even better, use servlets parameters to load your data (if you can 
control the generation of the xml file).

John Villar
Gerente de Proyectos
Computadores Flor Hard Soft 2058 C.A.

Sudhrasun Ramalingam escribió:
Hello there,

I'm Running TC 4.1

I've created a jar file which processes some xml. And the package names goes
like x.y.z. 

For test this application I created a sample project (stand alone) under
c:\test and placed the xml file under c:\test\rule.xml. This works fine!

My problem is when I use the same jar in a webapp. Say my webapp name is
demo, and I run this using a jsp, I get an error saying rule.xml not
found.(rule.xml is inside WEB-INF)

When I put the file under $CATALINA_HOME this works fine. 

Since it is a xml process rule for digester, this will be changed very

How do I set my jar file to look at the webapp path?



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Re: Renaming the ROOT directory ?

2004-09-18 Thread John Villar
Your path attribute should have / and not . Docbase should be (for 
your case, i will explain why it is wrong) webapps/my_app. This is a 
bad configuration, because you're telling to your host that its root dir 
is within the root of another host. better approach IMHO: create one 
webapps dir for every virtual host, say webapps2 and webapps3 
(keeping one host with the default webapps) and point the 2nd host to 
webapps2 and your 3rd host to webapps3, then create for every host a 
default context with Context path=/ docBase=my_app/ and voila, you 
have 3 virtual hosts each one with its default context.

John Villar
Gerente de Proyectos
Computadores Flor Hard Soft 2058 C.A.

Jean-Paul Le Fèvre escribió:
I don't understand how to specify a default context.
I'm currently working with tomcat-5.0.27 and my server
is supporting 3 virtual hosts.
In the config file (server.xml) I declare a default context
with :
Context path =  docBase = my_app ...
The directory 'my_app' is available in the 'webapps' directory.
Depending on the case it is directly copied or extracted from a
war file.
However when the application is deployed a 'ROOT' directory is automatically
created. Its content duplicates the one in 'my_app'.
When I update something in 'my_app' the copy in 'ROOT' is not synchronized
and the 2 directories become different.
The problem is that tomcat is actually serving the content of 'ROOT'
and not the 'my_app's one. As a result I've lost a lot of time trying to
figure out why my jspages did not take into account my modifications.
- Is there a way to get rid of the 'ROOT' directory.
- Is it possible to specify unambiguously the name of the default directory.

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Re: Renaming the ROOT directory ?

2004-09-18 Thread John Villar
What's your tomcat version? could you post your server.xml file to see 
if there's something wrong? i'm using virtual hosts with default apps on 
tomcat 5.0.18 and used the configuration i told you, and works pretty 

John Villar
Gerente de Proyectos
Computadores Flor Hard Soft 2058 C.A.

Jean-Paul Le Fèvre escribió:
On Saturday 18 September 2004 14:13, John Villar wrote:

Your path attribute should have / and not .

No. According to the tomcat config doc :
If you specify a context path of an empty string (), you are defining the 
default web application for this Host...

Docbase should be (for

your case, i will explain why it is wrong) webapps/my_app. This is a
bad configuration, because you're telling to your host that its root dir
is within the root of another host.

No. My Host definitions have each an appBase=webapps/a_host
better approach IMHO: create one

webapps dir for every virtual host, say webapps2 and webapps3
(keeping one host with the default webapps) and point the 2nd host to
webapps2 and your 3rd host to webapps3, then create for every host a
default context with Context path=/ docBase=my_app/ and voila, you
have 3 virtual hosts each one with its default context.

And 'voilà pas du tout' since you describe my current configuration which
cause the problem.
In fact the trick with the symbolic link works but it is not elegant.
I wonder whether this forced ROOT creation is a bug or a feature.

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Re: Renaming the ROOT directory ?

2004-09-18 Thread John Villar

 Host debug = 0 appBase=webapps/eros 
   unpackWARs=true autoDeploy=true

   Logger className=org.apache.catalina.logger.FileLogger
   directory=logs  prefix=eros- suffix=.log /
   Context path =   docBase = edbg.war debug = 0 
override = true  reloadable=true
useNaming = false swallowOutput = true 


Try the following (i'm basing my comments from my tomcat distro, 5.0.27 
probably has the same functionality):

There should be a directory in your conf dir called Catalina, inside 
there should be directory for every virtual host (i.e., and 
inside the host dir there should be a XML file for every context (i.e. 
edbg). I have autodeployed wars and they do not include the .war 
extension on the context docBase, it just includes everything before the 
dot. I don't have any context definitions in my server.xml file thanks 
to this layout. You should end with 1 XML file named ROOT.xml in every 
virtual host directory with contents like this:

?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?
Context  docBase=edbg path= debug = 0 override = true
   reloadable=true useNaming = false swallowOutput = 

that should do the trick, if you write those three files, be sure to 
delete your context definition from server.xml

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Re: Traversing up a directory using RequestDispatcher

2004-09-17 Thread John Villar
if you're forwarding from the ChargeCard directory, you just have to 
include only the name of the page in the forward directive (e.g. 
something.jsp or ./something.jsp) the trailing backslash is 
directly referring the root context of this host

John Villar
Gerente de Proyectos
Computadores Flor Hard Soft 2058 C.A.

Xeth Waxman escribió:
I have a bizarre issue.  Using Tomcat 5.0.12, I have an application in
the directory C:\jakarta-tomcat-5.0.12\webapps called ChargeCard. 
After loggin in, I am trying to forward a request to jsp page in that
directory.  However, RequestDispatcher apparently uses the directory
C:\jakarta-tomcat-5.0.12\webapps\ROOT as the Document root, so I need
to go up a directory in my forward request (something like url =
../ChargeCard/index.jsp;)  However, RequestDispatcher requires a /
to start off the url, so I can't use the ../ start to go up a
directory.  Does anyone have an idea how I would do this?  I tried url
= /../ChargeCard/index.jsp;, but that results in a
NullPointerException being thrown.  All help is appreciated!

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Re: Tomcat fine within the LAN, but invisible from without

2004-09-17 Thread John Villar
LOL it seems shorewall is getting very popular however, the 
x.x.x.your_public_ip part is unnecesary, the net part at the beginning 
of the rule tells shorewall to use the public ip of the firewall for the 
DNAT procedure

John Villar
Gerente de Proyectos
Computadores Flor Hard Soft 2058 C.A.

Big Chiz escribió:
it can be alot of factors. if its a  fw problem, e.g if you only have
one public ip forwading it to your local host then you should have
something like this in your shorewall/rules
DNAT  net  loc: tcp 8080 - x.x.x.your_public_ip

On Fri, 17 Sep 2004 00:29:55 -0500, Lee Hoffner

For some reason, I'm not getting replies to my posts, although I see them at
Anyway, in regard to those replies:

you can also add to your hosts file to test accessing
the web server within your lan, if that failed check your dns or if it
resolves to a public ip then check your fw
On Thu, 16 Sep 2004 13:03:14 -0700, Hassan Schroeder

Lee Hoffner wrote:

I've untarred and setup Tomcat 4.1.30 on my server and can get to


just fine on my web server's 192.168.x.x:8080 address, but I get a


error if I try to browse to

Sounds like a basic networking problem --
1) does host/dig/nslookup resolve '' to your address?
2) if you're really trying this from outside your LAN, what's the
  firewall/routing setup? (hint: try it from inside first!)
Hassan Schroeder - [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I don't have a DNS server here, just a /etc/hosts file. is
listed in the hosts file at
nslookup finds at the public IP provided by my ISP.
Shorewall has the rule:
Action  ACCEPT
Source Zone Net
Destination ZoneAny
Source PortsAny
Destination Ports   8080
Trying to access the domain:8080 from within this LAN results in a timeout.
Trying to access the domain:8080 from an office elsewhere results in an alert
that the connection was refused.
I'm mystified. I'd be grateful for any help. Thank you!

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[OFF-TOPIC] Re: Traversing up a directory using RequestDispatcher

2004-09-17 Thread John Villar
isn't Xeth a biblic name? i have a friend that is called Seth, he told 
me its roots are from the (cristian) bible.

John Villar
Gerente de Proyectos
Computadores Flor Hard Soft 2058 C.A.

Allistair Crossley escribió:
shame about the surname lol (sorry xeth just kidding)

-Original Message-
From: Shapira, Yoav [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: 17 September 2004 13:17
To: Tomcat Users List; Xeth Waxman
Subject: RE: Traversing up a directory using RequestDispatcher

First of all, Xeth is the best name I've seen in a long time -- cool!

I have a bizarre issue.  Using Tomcat 5.0.12, I have an 

application in

the directory C:\jakarta-tomcat-5.0.12\webapps called ChargeCard.
After loggin in, I am trying to forward a request to jsp page in that
directory.  However, RequestDispatcher apparently uses the directory
C:\jakarta-tomcat-5.0.12\webapps\ROOT as the Document root, so I need
to go up a directory in my forward request (something like url =
../ChargeCard/index.jsp;)  However, RequestDispatcher requires a /
to start off the url, so I can't use the ../ start to go up a
directory.  Does anyone have an idea how I would do this?  I 

tried url

= /../ChargeCard/index.jsp;, but that results in a
NullPointerException being thrown.  All help is appreciated!

The RequestDispatcher's behavior is constrained by the Servlet
Specification.  Its JavaDoc has an explanation on how it resolves
relative links: the leading slash for the getRequestDispatcher call is
not really absolute, it's relative to the webapp's docBase.
There's no reason Tomcat would use ROOT as the docBase, unless you're
actually in the root webapp.  What is the docBase for your webapp?
(Hint: it's not c:\jakarta-tomcat-5.0.12\webapps, it's a subdirectory
under it, unless you've explicitly defined a Context with the webapp
docBase) (in which case, if you kept the default Host 
appBase, you have
a bad configuration).


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Re: Tomcat development rate.

2004-09-17 Thread John Villar
Yep there are lots :-D David, as long as you adhere to the 
servlet specification, there won't be any problems at all (off course, 
there's always a glitch here and there). I think servlets have been 
sufficiently backwards compatible until now, however, that's my opinion 
(i started using the tomcat 3 branch a long time ago and all the 
knowledge i acquired since then has been of use to me on the 5 branch).

John Villar
Gerente de Proyectos
Computadores Flor Hard Soft 2058 C.A.

Shapira, Yoav escribió:

Is there any particular incompatibility that concerns you? I have been
using the same apps basically from an early version of 4 with no


required to upgrade other than small changes to web.xml etc to fall in


with the newer servlet specs which tomcat has to follow and is not in


Tomcat developers control.

I've been the same way, as a tomcat user.  The key is in designing and
implementing your app to the Servlet Specification, minimizing
dependence on container-specific behavior.

If you are concerned then you don't need to upgrade, there are many


on this list still running versions 3 or 4 of tomcat. In fact, unless


are affected by bugs that are subsequently fixed or require the new
features or more performance there isnt really a good arguement to

Well, I'd argue there are many good reasons to keep upgrading, but there
are already enough other threads on the mailing list with that argument

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Re: Tomcat development rate.

2004-09-17 Thread John Villar
Well my friend, that's the open source way to software, remember 
release early, release often is the motto. If you problem is the 
mainteinance costs, stick to some stable release.

John Villar
Gerente de Proyectos
Computadores Flor Hard Soft 2058 C.A.


   -Original Message-
   From: John Villar
   Yep there are lots :-D David, as long as you adhere 
   to the servlet specification, there won't be any problems 
   at all (off course, there's always a glitch here and 

The service provided to customers is both the TC configuration
as well as the servlets, jsp pages etc. So I would be loathe to
separate the two with respect to a web service?
 I initially tried tc 4, blinked twice and had to do lots
of work to get the same app running on tc 5, mainly due
to configuration differences. 
 Its that that makes me a little concerned.
And now 5.5x is nearing stable, what other changes?
 Just that from my perspective the change rate seems
to be getting expensive from maint costs?

It may decrease as my tc experience increases, but thats
the view I take today.
regards DaveP

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Re: [ot] something similar to phps ?

2004-09-17 Thread John Villar
Also, you could do a Servlet that serves all the .jsps files that take 
the corresponding jsp file and outputs it on html format, coloured with 
graphics, etc

John Villar
Gerente de Proyectos
Computadores Flor Hard Soft 2058 C.A.

Shapira, Yoav escribió:

would it be of any use to anyone for the development of something


to phps in php?  where you can rename a file to .jsps for instance and


would show you the code line for line and have pretty colours...

Something like that is trivial to do already -- just serve the JSP with
content-type text/plain from a streaming servlet like Tomcat's
DefaultServlet.  That's not to say something like this isn't useful:
it's a nice thing to have (although it would have to be turned off on
production systems, because it's a security risk).

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Re: [ot] something similar to phps ?

2004-09-17 Thread John Villar
Expanding a little more the idea, you could enabled the servlet output 
to receive modifications to the jsp page and ave it ot the corresponding 
jsp *grin* and that way you integrate nice output with editing 

John Villar
Gerente de Proyectos
Computadores Flor Hard Soft 2058 C.A.

John Villar escribió:
Also, you could do a Servlet that serves all the .jsps files that take 
the corresponding jsp file and outputs it on html format, coloured 
with graphics, etc

John Villar
Gerente de Proyectos
Computadores Flor Hard Soft 2058 C.A.

Shapira, Yoav escribió:

would it be of any use to anyone for the development of something

to phps in php?  where you can rename a file to .jsps for instance and

would show you the code line for line and have pretty colours...

Something like that is trivial to do already -- just serve the JSP with
content-type text/plain from a streaming servlet like Tomcat's
DefaultServlet.  That's not to say something like this isn't useful:
it's a nice thing to have (although it would have to be turned off on
production systems, because it's a security risk).

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Re: [ot] something similar to phps ?

2004-09-17 Thread John Villar
It isn't a bad idea at all you could use one of those in-browser 
editors to aid in the editing, and the preview would be in another 
frame. dumping  dreamweaver never sounded so good... LOL...

now, speaking seriously, that could be a good alternative to 
noteppading, viing or emacsing and then going to the browser 
window... why leave the window if you can edit it right there. :D my 
marketing skills kicks a** LOL

John Villar
Gerente de Proyectos
Computadores Flor Hard Soft 2058 C.A.

Mike Curwen escribió:
Ok, I'll bite.
Isn't this what IDE's are for? Browser as IDE? no thanks.  ;)

-Original Message-
From: John Villar [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Friday, September 17, 2004 9:39 AM
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: Re: [ot] something similar to phps ?

Expanding a little more the idea, you could enabled the 
servlet output 
to receive modifications to the jsp page and ave it ot the 
jsp *grin* and that way you integrate nice output with editing 

John Villar
Gerente de Proyectos
Computadores Flor Hard Soft 2058 C.A.

John Villar escribió:

Also, you could do a Servlet that serves all the .jsps 

files that take

the corresponding jsp file and outputs it on html format, coloured 
with graphics, etc

John Villar
Gerente de Proyectos
Computadores Flor Hard Soft 2058 C.A.

Shapira, Yoav escribió:



would it be of any use to anyone for the development of something


to phps in php?  where you can rename a file to .jsps for 




would show you the code line for line and have pretty colours...

Something like that is trivial to do already -- just serve the JSP 
with content-type text/plain from a streaming servlet like 


DefaultServlet.  That's not to say something like this 

isn't useful: 

it's a nice thing to have (although it would have to be 

turned off on 

production systems, because it's a security risk).

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printed, disclosed or used by anyone else.  If you are not the(an) 
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Re: Traversing up a directory using RequestDispatcher

2004-09-17 Thread John Villar
You have to enable the invoker servlet, this question comes up *A LOT* 
in this mailing list xeth try the better, cleaner, securer way 
do a servlet mapping in your web.xml file

John Villar
Gerente de Proyectos
Computadores Flor Hard Soft 2058 C.A.

Xeth Waxman escribió:
OK, so apparently I am doing a cross context request dispatcher call,
which is bad.  So I shouldn't do that.  Assuming my app is under
c:\jakarta\webapps\ChargeCard (context is /ChargeCard), that means my
servlets should be under
c:\jakarta\webapps\ChargeCard\WEB-INF\classes, correct?  If that is
the case, how do I get my pages to invoke my servlets?  To date I have
been putting my servlets in c:\jakarta\webapps\ROOT\WEB-INF\classes,
and invoking them with /servlet/  Now that
my classes are under /ChargeCard, invoking them with
/servlet/ says that they're not found, and
likewise with just  I'm sure their's a
very simple answer found somewhere I just don't know where to look, so
if you feel like making me work to get the answer feel free to just
point out the resource I should be viewing (I can't find anything in
the tomcat docs).
On Fri, 17 Sep 2004 08:17:07 -0400, Shapira, Yoav [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

First of all, Xeth is the best name I've seen in a long time -- cool!


I have a bizarre issue.  Using Tomcat 5.0.12, I have an application in
the directory C:\jakarta-tomcat-5.0.12\webapps called ChargeCard.
After loggin in, I am trying to forward a request to jsp page in that
directory.  However, RequestDispatcher apparently uses the directory
C:\jakarta-tomcat-5.0.12\webapps\ROOT as the Document root, so I need
to go up a directory in my forward request (something like url =
../ChargeCard/index.jsp;)  However, RequestDispatcher requires a /
to start off the url, so I can't use the ../ start to go up a
directory.  Does anyone have an idea how I would do this?  I tried url
= /../ChargeCard/index.jsp;, but that results in a
NullPointerException being thrown.  All help is appreciated!

The RequestDispatcher's behavior is constrained by the Servlet
Specification.  Its JavaDoc has an explanation on how it resolves
relative links: the leading slash for the getRequestDispatcher call is
not really absolute, it's relative to the webapp's docBase.
There's no reason Tomcat would use ROOT as the docBase, unless you're
actually in the root webapp.  What is the docBase for your webapp?
(Hint: it's not c:\jakarta-tomcat-5.0.12\webapps, it's a subdirectory
under it, unless you've explicitly defined a Context with the webapp
docBase) (in which case, if you kept the default Host appBase, you have
a bad configuration).
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Re: Why tomcat 4 or even 3?

2004-09-16 Thread John Villar
That's true yoav, actually i live off that kind of things, however, what 
really amazes me is the messages that arrive at this list saying i've 
just installed 4.1.x. the scenario you explained of replication a 
production environment on test grounds is a good approach, but i don't 
think everyone out there is deploying a test environment when installing 
the 4 branch. My principal concern about this topic is this: if the 
tomcat community fosters the use of old branches, people will start to 
get old bugs, old problems and will receive the tired response in this 
list search this  it comes up a lot, and that goes in detriment of 
the whole Tomcat community image (a mighty and solid image) and you will 
hear from some jerk things like yeah, i tried tomcat, but its rather 
buggy and slow, i prefer the ClosedSource_VENDOR_X solution. The 
problem here is that management departments worldwide are concerned 
about the ROIs and TCOs of the systems, and we must give them those 
digits, just to grasp more market share (yuck!! management lingo, i'm 
sick of it, hate it or love it, we must live with it), revealing 
security and maintainability issues of having installed some old tomcat 
branch. Those are my toughts about this matter.

John Villar
Gerente de Proyectos
Computadores Flor Hard Soft 2058 C.A.

Shapira, Yoav escribió:
All the arguments mentioned by others in this thread, especially the
why upgrade if it's working one, are raised frequently by companies
and developers.  It's a matter of resource constraints, as is everything
else in life ;)  Even you abide by the assumption that the latest stable
version is the best, and everyone should upgrade, you cannot assume
upgrading is a zero-cost task, and therefore you cannot assume there
will ever be sufficient motivation to do it.  That's a basic management
argument, and it's not specific to Tomcat by any means.
Naturally, I've heard the argument many times.  Since you also can't
assume any app is bug free, eventually bugs tend to show up.  Now the
developers have to re-learn the old version of the product, setup up a
dev environment for the old version of the app, patch, re-test, and
re-deploy.  This is frequently (in fact, research suggests nearly
always) must more costly than simply keeping up with upgrades.  Then the
company hires consultants to help them fix, and you'd be surprised how
many people make a nice living off of these type of consulting
assignments (any Tandy consultants on this list? ;).  This has been the
paradigm since at least the late 70's, and appears to only be getting
worse (again from research -- anyone on the list who reads the IEEE
Transactions on Engineering Management is fed up with this research).
But most developers are too busy to worry about that scenario, and it
goes back to the resource-constraint argument: if we as a company can
spend time on creating this new app to address an existing need, or
upgrading the server for a completely fine working app, that's a
no-brainer for management.
For government, military, and externally regulated industries the
scenario is even worse because there's a length change management and
audit process in place typically.
I could go on and on ;)  This is well-trodden territory, the subject of
much discussion in various offline forums I belong to.
Yoav Shapira
Millennium Research Informatics

-Original Message-
Sent: Thursday, September 16, 2004 2:19 AM
Subject: Re: Why tomcat 4 or even 3?
What is more, a lot of app's for big companies are just forgotten or
have a few users, so why spend time upgrading to a newer version of

Paul said:

Sometimes one dont need to be faster.

I'm talking about a old legacy app (not critical - intranet), running

very well for a couple of years in the same old server.

Javier Polo.

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Re: license-key for one jar-file

2004-09-16 Thread John Villar
First things first tell your provider that using the notion of 
current working directory on java is bad practice. Probably you will 
want to put the license key on the tomcat root (not webapps/ROOT, just 
the directory where tomcat is installed). When you try to acces a file 
(at least on the 5.0.x branch) that directory is used

John Villar
Gerente de Proyectos
Computadores Flor Hard Soft 2058 C.A.

Thomas Kübler escribió:
i have one jar file in the web-inf/lib which needs a license-file to 
the license-file must in the same directory, told me the developer. so 
i put
the license-file in the same directory, but it seems, that the library 
find the key. where i have to put the license-file?

all is running with tomcat 5
thomas kübler
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Re: Session ID in a URL - doesn't work

2004-09-15 Thread John Villar
What are you intending to do? sounds to me like you might use a better 
approach like session wide beans

Rafal Markut escribió:
I want to use session per URL. I have application which name is test.
I added into conf/server.xml: Context path=/test docBase=test
I wrote a small JSP page (of course with %@ page session=true %) to
test if it works. Unfortunately when it calls new page then it always
creates new session (so it means that information saved in session in
previous page doesn't exist anymore). I don't see in the URL any
information about session ID.
What is interesting/strange ... when I typed cookies=false and I
blocked all cookies in my browser then it works! But it shouldn't work.
Tomcat version: 4.1.30
My application looks like that:
It has two directories: jsp and WEB-INF.
I have in jsp directory only this jsp page for testing.
In WEB-INF I have only one web.xml:
?xml version=1.0 encoding=ISO-8859-1?
!DOCTYPE web-app
   PUBLIC -//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD Web Application 2.3//EN;
   display-nameMy test/display-name
 My test
Did somebody have problem like that?
I make something wrong but I don't know what ;-)
Best regards,
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Gerente de Proyectos
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Why tomcat 4 or even 3?

2004-09-15 Thread John Villar
A question to everyone out there. why does anyone use nowadays 
Tomcat 4 branch?. isn't tomcat 5 branch more bug free, featurefull 
and backwards compatible?

that question has haunted me from the beginning of joining this list.
John Villar
Gerente de Proyectos
Computadores Flor Hard Soft 2058 C.A.

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Re: Why tomcat 4 or even 3?

2004-09-15 Thread John Villar
Hmm that seems a valid argument however, i want to know what 
every other person in the mailing list says. i don't think that 
every T4 user has HP-UX (its a posibillity, however, i've seen comments 
like i run tomcat 4.1.x on W2K)

John Villar
Gerente de Proyectos
Computadores Flor Hard Soft 2058 C.A.

Wendy Smoak escribió:
From: John Villar [EMAIL PROTECTED]

A question to everyone out there. why does anyone use nowadays
Tomcat 4 branch?. isn't tomcat 5 branch more bug free, featurefull
and backwards compatible?
that question has haunted me from the beginning of joining this list.

Because we're on HP-UX and they have not yet officially blessed Tomcat 5.
That, and Tomcat 4 works perfectly well, I haven't found sufficient
motivation to test everything on TC5 and start developing with the new
features yet.

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Re: Why tomcat 4 or even 3?

2004-09-15 Thread John Villar
Yep, that's true but T5 is way faster than T4 or T3 and is 
comparable to Apache (Yoav's word, not threefold speeds anymore LOL)

John Villar
Gerente de Proyectos
Computadores Flor Hard Soft 2058 C.A.

Pablo Lillia escribió:
Sometimes there are old sw, in old servers, that was not upgraded for 
some (stupid?) reason.

Some examples:
- if the client does not pay for the upgrade
- if there are a old compiled webapp that cannot be replaced
John Villar escribió:
Hmm that seems a valid argument however, i want to know what 
every other person in the mailing list says. i don't think that 
every T4 user has HP-UX (its a posibillity, however, i've seen 
comments like i run tomcat 4.1.x on W2K)

John Villar
Gerente de Proyectos
Computadores Flor Hard Soft 2058 C.A.

Wendy Smoak escribió:
From: John Villar [EMAIL PROTECTED]

A question to everyone out there. why does anyone use nowadays
Tomcat 4 branch?. isn't tomcat 5 branch more bug free, featurefull
and backwards compatible?
that question has haunted me from the beginning of joining this 

Because we're on HP-UX and they have not yet officially blessed 
Tomcat 5.
That, and Tomcat 4 works perfectly well, I haven't found sufficient
motivation to test everything on TC5 and start developing with the new
features yet.


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Re: Why tomcat 4 or even 3?

2004-09-15 Thread John Villar
I think you've got a point with the afraid to upgrade however, i 
think that the Tomcat community should fight this way of thinking to 
minimize maintainability, someone has to develop a side by side 
Comparative brochure of tomcat 5 benefits. maybe i'll write one. The 
don't feel the need to upgrade issue is the principal i've been 
hacked cause. that's another benefit of upgrading, malicious users 
have had less time to study vulnerabilities (off course, just stick with 
the stable releases).
the only true reason someone may stop from upgrading is the last 
one. however, pity those that depend on a specific tomcat release.

the recompile problem: that wouldn't happen if you had a good software 
provider i'm against any provider that forces their customers to 
stick to an old dying tomcat revision.

John Villar
Gerente de Proyectos
Computadores Flor Hard Soft 2058 C.A.

QM escribió:
On Wed, Sep 15, 2004 at 04:07:52PM -0400, John Villar wrote:
: A question to everyone out there. why does anyone use nowadays 
: Tomcat 4 branch?.

Some more conservative shops intentionally lag behind on releases. The
reasons range from afraid to upgrade to don't feel the need to
upgrade or even we've built a sizable architecture on an older rev and
upgrading will be a monumental effort.

: isn't tomcat 5 branch more bug free, featurefull 
: and backwards compatible?

Yes and no.  Even if the app used no features specific to Tomcat 4, you
still have to rebuild the app to upgrade.

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Re: Help - Newbie questions - where are the uploaded files stored ?

2004-09-10 Thread John Villar
Actually, the list and all its recipients are the actual individual(s) 
(Lawyer lingo, yuck!!) the mail is intended to
Remember, most of us have a daily work and use tomcat as a tool on our 

On Fri, Sep 10, 2004 at 10:57:18AM -0400, Shapira, Yoav wrote:

Isn't that crap self-evident? ;)  Most companies attach such footers
and related disclaimers or legal notices to all outgoing mail, and most
users can't control it.

well then you shouldn't be using a work email address to send email
to a public list.  It's not at all reasonable to claim that those messages
are in any way confidential, or try to limit how they get saved and copied.
You don't expect the list maintainer to trim out from the archives any
messages that, as your footer says, may not be saved, do you?
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John Villar
Gerente de Proyectos
Computadores Flor Hard Soft 2058 C.A.

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Re: How to create/run a Java Service on UNIX

2004-09-09 Thread John Villar
Use the Apache Phoenix framework Apache James uses it
Daxin Zuo escribió:
I neeed to create a service on UNIX.( The program is in Java. this service
will serves an offline application and an online application running with
Could you please tell me how to do.
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John Villar
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Computadores Flor Hard Soft 2058 C.A.

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Re: How to create/run a Java Service on UNIX

2004-09-09 Thread John Villar
Well i'm not an expert on phoenix nor james, i just know about it 
and what it does however, you could find some information and 
examples at

Daxin Zuo escribió:
Could you please give more details? or example of using Phoenix and James?
-Original Message-
From: John Villar [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, September 09, 2004 2:30 PM
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: Re: How to create/run a Java Service on UNIX
Use the Apache Phoenix framework Apache James uses it
Daxin Zuo escribió:

I neeed to create a service on UNIX.( The program is in Java. this service
will serves an offline application and an online application running with
Could you please tell me how to do.

John Villar
Gerente de Proyectos
Computadores Flor Hard Soft 2058 C.A.

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John Villar
Gerente de Proyectos
Computadores Flor Hard Soft 2058 C.A.

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Re: Help with Tomcat Install?

2004-09-08 Thread John Villar
Well, certainly your Tomcat setup works fine, look at the end of your 
response page it could be, however, that the default webapp hasn't 
been installed, check webapps/ROOT and see if it is there, its a default 
response servlet in the WEB-INF/web.xml file

Lash, David A (David) escribió:
I am trying to figure out why my tomcat install is not working. 

System: Apache 1.3.29
Server: Solaris 8
Tomcat: 4.1.18
I installed tomcat (setting my CATALINA_HOME and JAVA_HOME). 

When I go to http://localhost:8080 I cannot display the 'default page'. Any idea why? 
Enclosed is the 'page' I receive:
dave l

HTTP Status 404 - /
type Status report
message /
description The requested resource (/) is not available.
Apache Tomcat/4.1.18
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John Villar
Gerente de Proyectos
Computadores Flor Hard Soft 2058 C.A.

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Re: Help with Tomcat Install?

2004-09-08 Thread John Villar
Yep, there isn't any default servlet definition, that's why you aren't 
seeing the tomcat default page. Web.xml should have some servlet and 
servlet-mapping definitions on it anyhow, you should add something 
to ROOT/ and see if you can touch that file via 

Lash, David A (David) escribió:
Thanks for the response. I do appear to have a ROOT/WEB-INF/web.xml file. 
It looks like the enclosed page. So that seems fine. Please let me know if you have any other ideas. 

Dave lash
?xml version=1.0 encoding=ISO-8859-1?
!DOCTYPE web-app
   PUBLIC -//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD Web Application 2.3//EN;
 display-nameWelcome to Tomcat/display-name
Welcome to Tomcat

-Original Message-
From: John Villar [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Wednesday, September 08, 2004 11:03 AM
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: Re: Help with Tomcat Install?

Well, certainly your Tomcat setup works fine, look at the end of your 
response page it could be, however, that the default webapp hasn't 
been installed, check webapps/ROOT and see if it is there, its a default 
response servlet in the WEB-INF/web.xml file

Lash, David A (David) escribió:

I am trying to figure out why my tomcat install is not working. 

System: Apache 1.3.29
Server: Solaris 8
Tomcat: 4.1.18
I installed tomcat (setting my CATALINA_HOME and JAVA_HOME). 

When I go to http://localhost:8080 I cannot display the 'default page'. Any idea why? 
Enclosed is the 'page' I receive:
dave l

HTTP Status 404 - /
type Status report
message /
description The requested resource (/) is not available.
Apache Tomcat/4.1.18
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John Villar
Gerente de Proyectos
Computadores Flor Hard Soft 2058 C.A.

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Re: Help with Tomcat Install?

2004-09-08 Thread John Villar

Catalina.start: LifecycleException:  Protocol handler initialization failed: Address already in use:8080
LifecycleException:  Protocol handler initialization failed: Address already in use:8080

This error is saying that port 8080 is already taken, probably by your 
already running Tomcat daemon, it is common in that case

John Villar
Gerente de Proyectos
Computadores Flor Hard Soft 2058 C.A.

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Re: Help with Tomcat Install?

2004-09-08 Thread John Villar
I think that's not the case, look that he gets a 404 status from tomcat 
with a Apache Tomcat/4.1.18 signature at the end
the problem he's having is that the default servlet for tomcat root 
isn't insatalled very rare indeed, but that's the case

Shapira, Yoav escribió:
There is at least one of other possible cause for this error.
Perhaps your shutdown cannot be completed normally.  For example, if you
start a non-daemon thread from your app and never shut it down, it will
keep running.  That will prevent the JVM process from exiting and the
port will stay bound, even though all the Tomcat stuff is gone and you
won't be able to connect to Tomcat with a browser.
In that case, you'd need to kill the process in order to release the
port.  Then you'll be able to start up again.  Of course, you should
debug why this is happening.
Yoav Shapira
Millennium Research Informatics

-Original Message-
From: Avinash R S [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, September 08, 2004 12:24 PM
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: Re: Help with Tomcat Install?
It looks like the port is being used by another application.
Run once, and then run and still if you get the


error as Catalina.start: LifecycleException:  Protocol handler
initialization failed: Address already in


Then some other application is using the port
Access server.xml file and change port from 8080 to say 7645 .
Try to start the server and access the page at http://localhost:7645
Best Regards,
- Original Message -
From: John Villar [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Tomcat Users List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, September 08, 2004 9:45 PM
Subject: Re: Help with Tomcat Install?

Catalina.start: LifecycleException:  Protocol handler initialization

failed: Address already in use:8080

LifecycleException:  Protocol handler initialization failed: Address already in use:8080


This error is saying that port 8080 is already taken, probably by


already running Tomcat daemon, it is common in that case
John Villar
Gerente de Proyectos
Computadores Flor Hard Soft 2058 C.A.






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John Villar
Gerente de Proyectos
Computadores Flor Hard Soft 2058 C.A.

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Re: Help with Tomcat Install?

2004-09-08 Thread John Villar
Let me wrap this up.
initially he said that he (david lash) was getting the following page:
HTTP Status 404 - /
type Status report
message /
description The requested resource (/) is not available.
Apache Tomcat/4.1.18
Clearly, it is a response from tomcat, because the tomcat signature. 
Then Gerardo Juarez said:

$CATALINA_HOME/bin/ should have happened before pointing at 
http://localhost:8080. It's a common mistake.
And following that david lash response was:
Thanks for the help, though I did 
It appears to start (I have a tomcat deamon running). 
The file logs/Catalina.out was not clean during the startup (don't know if that is normal). It looks like the enclosed 

Dave lash
Catalina.start: LifecycleException:  Protocol handler initialization failed: Address already in use:8080

So, what's happening here is that someone confused david lash with the 
bind exception thing because he had tomcat already up and running as a 
daemon, and OFF COURSE he had a bind error when manually running tomcat

My guess, he doesn't have anything in the tomcat ROOT. and he has an 
already running tomcat set up.

Shapira, Yoav escribió:
I don't think so ;)  You're confusing two threads here.  This guy doesn't get a 404, 
he gets a bind exception.  There's no way to rule out the option I suggested from the 
information he's posted so far.
Your suggestion to the other guy who's getting the 404 is also likely wrong: the 
default servlet is included automatically from $CATALINA_HOME/conf/web.xml.  A 
webapp's web.xml file can contain just the root element with nothing in it, as his 
does: that's both valid and supported by Tomcat.
Yoav Shapira
Millennium Research Informatics

-Original Message-
From: John Villar [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, September 08, 2004 12:39 PM
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: Re: Help with Tomcat Install?
I think that's not the case, look that he gets a 404 status from tomcat
with a Apache Tomcat/4.1.18 signature at the end
the problem he's having is that the default servlet for tomcat root
isn't insatalled very rare indeed, but that's the case
Shapira, Yoav escribió:

There is at least one of other possible cause for this error.
Perhaps your shutdown cannot be completed normally.  For example, if you
start a non-daemon thread from your app and never shut it down, it will
keep running.  That will prevent the JVM process from exiting and the
port will stay bound, even though all the Tomcat stuff is gone and you
won't be able to connect to Tomcat with a browser.
In that case, you'd need to kill the process in order to release the
port.  Then you'll be able to start up again.  Of course, you should
debug why this is happening.
Yoav Shapira
Millennium Research Informatics


-Original Message-
From: Avinash R S [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, September 08, 2004 12:24 PM
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: Re: Help with Tomcat Install?
It looks like the port is being used by another application.
Run once, and then run and still if you get the


error as Catalina.start: LifecycleException:  Protocol handler
initialization failed: Address already in


Then some other application is using the port
Access server.xml file and change port from 8080 to say 7645 .
Try to start the server and access the page at http://localhost:7645
Best Regards,
- Original Message -
From: John Villar [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Tomcat Users List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, September 08, 2004 9:45 PM
Subject: Re: Help with Tomcat Install?


Catalina.start: LifecycleException:  Protocol handler initialization

failed: Address already in use:8080

LifecycleException:  Protocol handler initialization failed: Address already in use:8080


This error is saying that port 8080 is already taken, probably by


already running Tomcat daemon, it is common in that case
John Villar
Gerente de Proyectos
Computadores Flor Hard Soft 2058 C.A.






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Re: Programmatically assign servlet mappings

2004-09-08 Thread John Villar
My suggestion, change your design:
Have a servlete that instantiates some specialized class based on the 
content type Apply the Strategy Pattern here simple, elegant 
and robust

SH Solutions escribió:
I want to archive the following:
I want to start my application using some ContextListener.
Then my application shall register the required servlet-mappings.
In my web.xml I do NOT want to have any servlet-mappings at all.
The reason for this is, that my cms system serves different content types
with different servlets. One servlet per type. Additionally every servlet is
a module, managed by my cms system.
Basically this means, that I do not know, which modules and hence, which
servlets need to be mapped, if any.
Is there a way to do this?
I assume yes, because embedded tomcat need such things too, I think.
Additionally, is there a way to do this container independent - is there a
servlet-api way to do it?
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John Villar
Gerente de Proyectos
Computadores Flor Hard Soft 2058 C.A.

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Re: using my own classes in my web-app

2004-09-06 Thread John Villar
try restarting tomcat
Peter Jarunek escribi:
I'm new to Tomcat and need a help. I'd like to use my own classes in my JSPs, 
but I can not reach them from my JSPs. I added them (already compiled .class 
files) into WEB-INF/classes directory of my war file, but the JSP doesn't 
work. It shows the message of unknown class. How to use them?

Thanks for your answer! Peter
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John Villar
Gerente de Proyectos
Computadores Flor Hard Soft 2058 C.A.

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Re: tomcat5 using jsvc in a chroot jail

2004-09-03 Thread John Villar

That, and dump strace's output to a file so you can grep for other
occurences of .hotspot_compiler... Maybe it's failing to create a file

This file is not referenced anywhere else in the strace.

It seems to me that the .hotspot_compiler is referencing to javac, try 
(and i'm just guessing here) to symlink javac to that file in the 
JAVA_HOME dir just to test

How did you copy/install the JDK?

I did a recursive cp of all files.

This could be the issue the JDK not necesarilly copies its file in 
just one dir

John Villar
Gerente de Proyectos
Computadores Flor Hard Soft 2058 C.A.

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Re: Fatal: relocation error: file symbol __divdi3: referenced symbol not found

2004-09-03 Thread John Villar

1-Sep-2004 1:46:26 PM org.apache.jk.common.ChannelSocket init
INFO: JK2: ajp13 listening on /

These two lines say that the JK2 connector has started normally it 
seems to me that the problem isn't on the java side /usr/java/bin/java: fatal: relocation error: file
/usr/local/apache-httpd-2.0.50/lib/ symbol __divdi3:
referenced symbol not found

Here's the problem. first things first. find what libraries do 
uses libapr, then try to see if all the files are in your path, use 
the which command, or was it whereis? :-S

This causes tomcat not to start, I don't really know what to do about
this. I read some forum posted message about the symbol __divdi3:
referenced symbol not found and they said this is because of some 
glibc 2.0 stuff, but didn't find any solution to this

certainly, Solaris is a real pain with the glibc issue try to 
compile apache from source in that box

John Villar
Gerente de Proyectos
Computadores Flor Hard Soft 2058 C.A.

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Re: javascript and servlets.

2004-09-03 Thread John Villar
A better approach would be to name all the fields file instead of 
fileX and then us the getParameterValues to get the enumeration of 
values taken from the fields named file very simple and 
elegant not for (int loop just a plain old while 
(enum.hasMoreElements()){ enum.nextElement().}

if your javascrip relies on the field names, you can use the fields ID 
instead, because field ID isn't passed as parameter name

I have a form with multiple input name=file0 elements.
The names are generated and range file0..n
I'm trying (and failing) to retrieve the value of the input fields.
String f =;
	f = request.getParameter(file0);
works fine; 
  The remainder appear inaccessible.
In the docs ...webapps/tomcat-docs/servletapi/index.html
I'm warned:
 You should only use this method when you are sure the parameter has only
one value. If the parameter might have more than one value, use

However, since each entry within the form has a variant name value,
what parameter should I pass to the getParameterValues method
to retrieve the multiple values?
tc 5.0.27 in use.
Regards DaveP.
 snip here *

John Villar
Gerente de Proyectos
Computadores Flor Hard Soft 2058 C.A.

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Re: Tomcat 5 service on windows

2004-09-03 Thread John Villar
Do you have permission to write on the registry? you need to have write 
access to some key (don't remember specifically what is the key right 
now) in the registry to install tomcat as a service.

Allistair Crossley escribió:
did you have a tomcat service installed already? did you have the services window open 
when you ran this? try checking there are no tomcat services and closing the services 
window and trying again.

-Original Message-
From: Andras Balogh [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: 03 September 2004 11:28
Subject: Tomcat 5 service on windows
Hello all,
   I have downloaded the Tomcat 5.0.28. distibution for windows 
(jakarta-tomcat-5.0.28.exe) and tried
to install tomcat as service and checked the service option in the 
install wizard.
Tomcat wasn't installed as service and i tried manual with the 
service.bat script:
Here is the output i get:
D:\Tomcat 5.0\binservice install
Installing the service 'Tomcat5' ...
Using CATALINA_HOME:D:\Tomcat 5.0
Using JAVA_HOME:D:\j2sdk1.4.1_05
[2004-09-03 12:09:45] [349  prunsrv.c] [error]
The system cannot find the file specified.
[2004-09-03 12:09:45] [1037 prunsrv.c] [error]
Load configuration failed
[2004-09-03 12:09:45] [349  prunsrv.c] [error]
The system cannot find the file specified.
[2004-09-03 12:09:45] [1037 prunsrv.c] [error]
Load configuration failed
The service 'Tomcat5' has been installed.

The service is still  not added, i think because of the error i have.
   As a note i have on the server an older Tomcat 4.1.27 but is not 
running and i modified CATALINA_HOME to point
to the new tomcat (D:\Tomcat 5.0).

What could be wrong?
Thank you,
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John Villar
Gerente de Proyectos
Computadores Flor Hard Soft 2058 C.A.

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Re: admin/manager app

2004-09-03 Thread John Villar
there's a file named admin.xml on conf/Catalina/localhost (standard 
configuration)... it has the following in it
?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?
Context displayName=Tomcat Administration Application 
docBase=../server/webapps/admin path=/admin privileged=true
 Logger className=org.apache.catalina.logger.FileLogger 
prefix=localhost_admin_log. suffix=.txt timestamp=true/

i think that should do the trick
Didier McGillis escribió:
I'm on a WinXP machine and the admin/mananger came to me disabled, I 
inherited the system.
Where would someone have done that, in the server.xml or somewhere 
else.  Using the standalone system.

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John Villar
Gerente de Proyectos
Computadores Flor Hard Soft 2058 C.A.

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Re: Fatal: relocation error: file symbol __divdi3: referenced symbol not found

2004-09-03 Thread John Villar
Try to make a small java test (without tomcat) that use the unix sockets 
and see what happens maybe you can debug it and find what/where is 

Jonathan Rengifo escribió:
Hi, all...
My problem is definitive related with the lib, when I add
the path of the library to the LD_LIBRARY_PATH I get the error
message: /usr/java/bin/java: fatal: relocation error: file
/usr/local/apache-httpd-2.0.50/lib/ symbol __divdi3:
referenced symbol not found
But, when take this path out of the LD_LIBRARY_PATH the error
disappears, but also disappears the AF_SOCKET support of the
connector, and got this message:
INFO: APR not loaded, disabling jni components:
java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: no jkjni in java.library.path
Because of this error I did put the lib on the LD_LIBRARY_PATH...
Any suggestions??

On Fri, 3 Sep 2004 11:50:11 -0400, Jonathan Rengifo [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Hi, thanks for your very important help..
I ran the ldd utility on the lib, with the following results:
/usr/local/apache-httpd-2.0.50/lib ldd =  /usr/lib/ =/usr/lib/ = /usr/lib/ =/usr/lib/ =   /usr/lib/ =/usr/lib/ =   /usr/lib/ =/usr/lib/ = /usr/lib/ =   /usr/lib/ =   /usr/lib/ =/usr/lib/ =/usr/lib/
Then I  those libs for the symbol, and don't find it... What does this mean?
Thanks ..

On Fri, 3 Sep 2004 10:01:01 -0500, QM [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

On Fri, Sep 03, 2004 at 10:44:13AM -0400, Jonathan Rengifo wrote:
: nm /usr/local/apache-httpd-2.0.50/lib/ | grep div
: [337]   | 0|   0|FUNC |GLOB |0|UNDEF  |.div
: [640]   | 0|   0|FUNC |GLOB |0|UNDEF  |.udiv
: [909]   | 0|   0|NOTY |GLOB |0|UNDEF  |__divdi3
: [938]   | 0|   0|NOTY |GLOB |0|UNDEF  |__udivdi3
: So it seems that the problem is on the because there
: is the variable __divdi3 wich is reporting the relocation error
What happens when you run ldd on, and skim those libs for
the symbol?
Note especially any libs that ldd claims it can't find.

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John Villar
Gerente de Proyectos
Computadores Flor Hard Soft 2058 C.A.

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Re: Fatal: relocation error: file symbol __divdi3: referenced symbol not found

2004-09-03 Thread John Villar
Maybe its because of the tomcat classpath, remember it doesn't use the 
system wide classpath, but its own  ;-)

Jonathan Rengifo escribió:
I made the test with succesful results, I guess it is a linking
problem, but don't know how to solve it..
On Fri, 03 Sep 2004 16:18:13 -0400, John Villar

Try to make a small java test (without tomcat) that use the unix sockets
and see what happens maybe you can debug it and find what/where is
Jonathan Rengifo escribió:


Hi, all...
My problem is definitive related with the lib, when I add
the path of the library to the LD_LIBRARY_PATH I get the error
message: /usr/java/bin/java: fatal: relocation error: file
/usr/local/apache-httpd-2.0.50/lib/ symbol __divdi3:
referenced symbol not found
But, when take this path out of the LD_LIBRARY_PATH the error
disappears, but also disappears the AF_SOCKET support of the
connector, and got this message:
INFO: APR not loaded, disabling jni components:
java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: no jkjni in java.library.path
Because of this error I did put the lib on the LD_LIBRARY_PATH...
Any suggestions??

On Fri, 3 Sep 2004 11:50:11 -0400, Jonathan Rengifo [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Hi, thanks for your very important help..
I ran the ldd utility on the lib, with the following results:
/usr/local/apache-httpd-2.0.50/lib ldd =  /usr/lib/ =/usr/lib/ = /usr/lib/ =/usr/lib/ =   /usr/lib/ =/usr/lib/ =   /usr/lib/ =/usr/lib/ = /usr/lib/ =   /usr/lib/ =   /usr/lib/ =/usr/lib/ =/usr/lib/
Then I  those libs for the symbol, and don't find it... What does this mean?
Thanks ..

On Fri, 3 Sep 2004 10:01:01 -0500, QM [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

On Fri, Sep 03, 2004 at 10:44:13AM -0400, Jonathan Rengifo wrote:
: nm /usr/local/apache-httpd-2.0.50/lib/ | grep div
: [337]   | 0|   0|FUNC |GLOB |0|UNDEF  |.div
: [640]   | 0|   0|FUNC |GLOB |0|UNDEF  |.udiv
: [909]   | 0|   0|NOTY |GLOB |0|UNDEF  |__divdi3
: [938]   | 0|   0|NOTY |GLOB |0|UNDEF  |__udivdi3
: So it seems that the problem is on the because there
: is the variable __divdi3 wich is reporting the relocation error
What happens when you run ldd on, and skim those libs for
the symbol?
Note especially any libs that ldd claims it can't find.

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John Villar
Gerente de Proyectos
Computadores Flor Hard Soft 2058 C.A.

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John Villar
Gerente de Proyectos
Computadores Flor Hard Soft 2058 C.A.

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Re: Fatal: relocation error: file symbol __divdi3: referenced symbol not found

2004-09-03 Thread John Villar
I remember an issue i was having with JNI where the Hotspot compiler and 
the JVM should have a proper directory structure, it was something like 
having a client and server directory could be that 
however... i think your main problem is that Solaris 9 has a broken lib 
that tomcat relies on :-(

Jonathan Rengifo escribió:
I've already setup the CATALINA_HOME and TOMCAT_HOME path variables
Any other suggestion? :'(

On Fri, 03 Sep 2004 16:54:36 -0400, John Villar

Maybe its because of the tomcat classpath, remember it doesn't use the
system wide classpath, but its own  ;-)
Jonathan Rengifo escribió:


I made the test with succesful results, I guess it is a linking
problem, but don't know how to solve it..
On Fri, 03 Sep 2004 16:18:13 -0400, John Villar

Try to make a small java test (without tomcat) that use the unix sockets
and see what happens maybe you can debug it and find what/where is
Jonathan Rengifo escribió:


Hi, all...
My problem is definitive related with the lib, when I add
the path of the library to the LD_LIBRARY_PATH I get the error
message: /usr/java/bin/java: fatal: relocation error: file
/usr/local/apache-httpd-2.0.50/lib/ symbol __divdi3:
referenced symbol not found
But, when take this path out of the LD_LIBRARY_PATH the error
disappears, but also disappears the AF_SOCKET support of the
connector, and got this message:
INFO: APR not loaded, disabling jni components:
java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: no jkjni in java.library.path
Because of this error I did put the lib on the LD_LIBRARY_PATH...
Any suggestions??

On Fri, 3 Sep 2004 11:50:11 -0400, Jonathan Rengifo [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


Hi, thanks for your very important help..
I ran the ldd utility on the lib, with the following results:
/usr/local/apache-httpd-2.0.50/lib ldd =  /usr/lib/ =/usr/lib/ = /usr/lib/ =/usr/lib/ =   /usr/lib/ =/usr/lib/ =   /usr/lib/ =/usr/lib/ = /usr/lib/ =   /usr/lib/ =   /usr/lib/ =/usr/lib/ =/usr/lib/
Then I  those libs for the symbol, and don't find it... What does this mean?
Thanks ..

On Fri, 3 Sep 2004 10:01:01 -0500, QM [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


On Fri, Sep 03, 2004 at 10:44:13AM -0400, Jonathan Rengifo wrote:
: nm /usr/local/apache-httpd-2.0.50/lib/ | grep div
: [337]   | 0|   0|FUNC |GLOB |0|UNDEF  |.div
: [640]   | 0|   0|FUNC |GLOB |0|UNDEF  |.udiv
: [909]   | 0|   0|NOTY |GLOB |0|UNDEF  |__divdi3
: [938]   | 0|   0|NOTY |GLOB |0|UNDEF  |__udivdi3
: So it seems that the problem is on the because there
: is the variable __divdi3 wich is reporting the relocation error
What happens when you run ldd on, and skim those libs for
the symbol?
Note especially any libs that ldd claims it can't find.

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tech news --
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John Villar
Gerente de Proyectos
Computadores Flor Hard Soft 2058 C.A.

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John Villar
Gerente de Proyectos
Computadores Flor Hard Soft 2058 C.A.

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John Villar
Gerente de Proyectos
Computadores Flor Hard Soft 2058 C.A.

Re: Fatal: relocation error: file symbol __divdi3: referenced symbol not found

2004-09-03 Thread John Villar
Well, maybe using TCP sockets will solve the problem, and worrying about 
using TCP on a production enviroment isn't a real issue, what do you 
think the vast mayority off production enviroments are using nowadays? 
;-) also, if your problem is security, IPSec does the trick. 
just evaluate the pros and cons of using TCP sockets versus Unix sockets 
and you'll have the answer, TCP also gives you portability think 
seriously about it

Jonathan Rengifo escribió:
I guess you are right, maybe there is a problem I can't definitive
handle, but I am worry about having this connector working via TCP
socket on production, because I guess this is not the better
configuration. Do you have experience working like this on a
production scenario?
I am very thankful for you help, any other comments from you all is welcome...

On Fri, 03 Sep 2004 17:02:37 -0400, John Villar

I remember an issue i was having with JNI where the Hotspot compiler and
the JVM should have a proper directory structure, it was something like
having a client and server directory could be that
however... i think your main problem is that Solaris 9 has a broken lib
that tomcat relies on :-(
Jonathan Rengifo escribió:


I've already setup the CATALINA_HOME and TOMCAT_HOME path variables
Any other suggestion? :'(
On Fri, 03 Sep 2004 16:54:36 -0400, John Villar

Maybe its because of the tomcat classpath, remember it doesn't use the
system wide classpath, but its own  ;-)
Jonathan Rengifo escribió:


I made the test with succesful results, I guess it is a linking
problem, but don't know how to solve it..
On Fri, 03 Sep 2004 16:18:13 -0400, John Villar


Try to make a small java test (without tomcat) that use the unix sockets
and see what happens maybe you can debug it and find what/where is
Jonathan Rengifo escribió:


Hi, all...
My problem is definitive related with the lib, when I add
the path of the library to the LD_LIBRARY_PATH I get the error
message: /usr/java/bin/java: fatal: relocation error: file
/usr/local/apache-httpd-2.0.50/lib/ symbol __divdi3:
referenced symbol not found
But, when take this path out of the LD_LIBRARY_PATH the error
disappears, but also disappears the AF_SOCKET support of the
connector, and got this message:
INFO: APR not loaded, disabling jni components:
java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: no jkjni in java.library.path
Because of this error I did put the lib on the LD_LIBRARY_PATH...
Any suggestions??

On Fri, 3 Sep 2004 11:50:11 -0400, Jonathan Rengifo [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


Hi, thanks for your very important help..
I ran the ldd utility on the lib, with the following results:
/usr/local/apache-httpd-2.0.50/lib ldd =  /usr/lib/ =/usr/lib/ = /usr/lib/ =/usr/lib/ =   /usr/lib/ =/usr/lib/ =   /usr/lib/ =/usr/lib/ = /usr/lib/ =   /usr/lib/ =   /usr/lib/ =/usr/lib/ =/usr/lib/
Then I  those libs for the symbol, and don't find it... What does this mean?
Thanks ..

On Fri, 3 Sep 2004 10:01:01 -0500, QM [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


On Fri, Sep 03, 2004 at 10:44:13AM -0400, Jonathan Rengifo wrote:
: nm /usr/local/apache-httpd-2.0.50/lib/ | grep div
: [337]   | 0|   0|FUNC |GLOB |0|UNDEF  |.div
: [640]   | 0|   0|FUNC |GLOB |0|UNDEF  |.udiv
: [909]   | 0|   0|NOTY |GLOB |0|UNDEF  |__divdi3
: [938]   | 0|   0|NOTY |GLOB |0|UNDEF  |__udivdi3
: So it seems that the problem is on the because there
: is the variable __divdi3 wich is reporting the relocation error
What happens when you run ldd on, and skim those libs for
the symbol?
Note especially any libs that ldd claims it can't find.

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John Villar

[OFF TOPIC] Re: Domain name Mapping

2004-09-02 Thread John Villar
That's not a Tomcat question, rather it's a DNS Domain name registration 
question. search the web for Domain name registration or free (as 
in free beer) services like

Venu escribi:
Hello Everybody,
Im very new to the tomcat.
Today i have configured tomcat4.0 on a remote linux sever.
Well when i want to test the tomcat server http://xx.xx.xx.xx:8080/ works fine for
me where it displays the default index page.
But i want to map that domain to differnt domain name as
and at the same time how to map different domain names on the same tomcat server.
Any suggestions will be most appreciated.
Best Regard's

John Villar
Gerente de Proyectos
Computadores Flor Hard Soft 2058 C.A.

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Re: Query: How to auto-recover from a W2K power bounce ...

2004-09-02 Thread John Villar
register tomcat as a service i do use it that way and is pretty 
bullet proof... the installer does that for you

Hensley, Doug escribió:
I have a 3rd party app running on W2K Server supported by Tomcat 5.0.27  J2SDK 1.4.2_05.  

I want to set up the box so that Java  Tomcat auto-recover if the box is inadvertently bounced.  The batch file which I wrote to establish environmental variables  start Tomcat (to build the server  debug the app) works fine manually but when I define a W2K Started Task  bounce the box, it does not fire.  I have the task defined under the server's administrative logon ID.  

Any suggestions on a bullet proof autorecovery that is (hopefully) simple to set up?
Thank you,

This electronic message, including any attachments, is confidential and intended solely for use of the intended recipient(s). This message may contain information that is privileged or otherwise protected from disclosure by applicable law. Any unauthorized disclosure, dissemination, use or reproduction is strictly prohibited. If you have received this message in error, please delete it and notify the sender immediately. 

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John Villar
Gerente de Proyectos
Computadores Flor Hard Soft 2058 C.A.

To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: Newbie help w/ORielly examples

2004-09-02 Thread John Villar
enable autodeploy on the admin app (i.e. localhost:8080/admin). Make 
sure you have a user configured to access the admin app in your 
conf/server.xml file

John Najarian escribió:
I've tried installing the examples from the 'Java Server Pages'
book to no avail.  I expanded the file and copied
the 'ora/' directory to the 'tomcat/webapps' directory.
I restarted the tomcat service.  When I try to access the apps
by typing 'http://localhost:8080/ora/' into a browser I get the
following displayed in the browser.

HTTP Status 404 - /ora/
type Status report
message /ora/
description The requested resource (/ora/) is not available.
Apache Tomcat/5.0.19

Any ideas?  This is running on an XP machine.

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John Villar
Gerente de Proyectos
Computadores Flor Hard Soft 2058 C.A.

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Re: Newbie help w/ORielly examples

2004-09-02 Thread John Villar
Then manually deploy it the admin app has a facility to deploy a 
context that should do the trick

John Najarian escribió:
Thanks John, the autodeploy was already set to 'True'.
I've got a few apps working this one just doesn't.
-Original Message-
From: John Villar [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Thursday, September 02, 2004 1:44 PM
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: Re: Newbie help w/ORielly examples

enable autodeploy on the admin app (i.e. localhost:8080/admin). Make 
sure you have a user configured to access the admin app in your 
conf/server.xml file

John Najarian escribió:

I've tried installing the examples from the 'Java Server Pages'
book to no avail.  I expanded the file and copied
the 'ora/' directory to the 'tomcat/webapps' directory.
I restarted the tomcat service.  When I try to access the apps
by typing 'http://localhost:8080/ora/' into a browser I get the
following displayed in the browser.

HTTP Status 404 - /ora/
type Status report
message /ora/
description The requested resource (/ora/) is not available.
Apache Tomcat/5.0.19

Any ideas?  This is running on an XP machine.

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John Villar
Gerente de Proyectos
Computadores Flor Hard Soft 2058 C.A.

To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: Query: How to auto-recover from a W2K power bounce ...

2004-09-02 Thread John Villar
No... just the normal W2K recover procedure... Java is just another 
app running on your server.

Hensley, Doug escribió:
John, thank you.  Is there any issue with JAVA having to stabilize before Tomcat is 
started during an auto-recover?  For instance, should there be a time delay?
-Original Message-
From: John Villar [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, September 02, 2004 3:32 PM
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: Re: Query: How to auto-recover from a W2K power bounce ...
register tomcat as a service i do use it that way and is pretty 
bullet proof... the installer does that for you

Hensley, Doug escribió:

I have a 3rd party app running on W2K Server supported by Tomcat 5.0.27  J2SDK 1.4.2_05.  

I want to set up the box so that Java  Tomcat auto-recover if the box is inadvertently bounced.  The batch file which I wrote to establish environmental variables  start Tomcat (to build the server  debug the app) works fine manually but when I define a W2K Started Task  bounce the box, it does not fire.  I have the task defined under the server's administrative logon ID.  

Any suggestions on a bullet proof autorecovery that is (hopefully) simple to set up?
Thank you,

This electronic message, including any attachments, is confidential and intended solely for use of the intended recipient(s). This message may contain information that is privileged or otherwise protected from disclosure by applicable law. Any unauthorized disclosure, dissemination, use or reproduction is strictly prohibited. If you have received this message in error, please delete it and notify the sender immediately. 

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John Villar
Gerente de Proyectos
Computadores Flor Hard Soft 2058 C.A.

To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Newbie help w/ORielly examples

2004-09-02 Thread John Villar
Usually HTTP 500 codes are bugs in the code i really don't know what 
this debug attribute is used for but you should restart your 
tomcat to see if it heals.

John Najarian escribió:
I got in there but now I get this error when I try to access
the context '/ora':

HTTP Status 500 - Error retrieving attribute debug

type Status report
message Error retrieving attribute debug
description The server encountered an internal error (Error retrieving
attribute debug) that prevented it from fulfilling this request.

Apache Tomcat/5.0.19

-Original Message-
From: John Villar [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Thursday, September 02, 2004 2:25 PM
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: Re: Newbie help w/ORielly examples

Then manually deploy it the admin app has a facility to deploy a 

context that should do the trick

John Najarian escribió:


Thanks John, the autodeploy was already set to 'True'.


I've got a few apps working this one just doesn't.



-Original Message-


From: John Villar [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 


Sent: Thursday, September 02, 2004 1:44 PM


To: Tomcat Users List


Subject: Re: Newbie help w/ORielly examples



enable autodeploy on the admin app (i.e. localhost:8080/admin). Make 


sure you have a user configured to access the admin app in your 


conf/server.xml file



John Najarian escribió:






I've tried installing the examples from the 'Java Server Pages'


book to no avail.  I expanded the file and copied


the 'ora/' directory to the 'tomcat/webapps' directory.



I restarted the tomcat service.  When I try to access the apps


by typing 'http://localhost:8080/ora/' into a browser I get the


following displayed in the browser.





HTTP Status 404 - /ora/



type Status report



message /ora/



description The requested resource (/ora/) is not available.


Apache Tomcat/5.0.19





Any ideas?  This is running on an XP machine.










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John Villar
Gerente de Proyectos
Computadores Flor Hard Soft 2058 C.A.

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Re: how to get user login?

2004-08-31 Thread John Villar
The Active Directory is (Simplifying, off course) an LDAP directory. You 
could use a LDAP binding to get the user names from it.

QM escribió:
On Tue, Aug 31, 2004 at 10:37:58AM +0800, Aris Javier wrote:
: when i use request.getRemoteUser(), it returns null value.
: what i want to do is get first the login username then verify it in
: active directory if it exists...

Does JNDIRealm work with AD?
If so, you could setup your auth scheme that way.
(getRemoteUser() won't work unless the user has logged in somehow)

John Villar
Gerente de Proyectos
Computadores Flor Hard Soft 2058 C.A.

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Re: Tomcat 5 Crystal Reports

2004-08-31 Thread John Villar
My recomendation... use JasperReports is WAAAY Powerfull, is open 
source, and is platform independent.

Hi! I'm triying to configure Tomcat 5 and Crystal Reports. What I want to do is 
reading from a database to a report made with CR using a Tomcat datasource. The 
problem is that CR can't find it (using jndi); i get a message saying that CR is 
unable to find the resource. The datasource is well defined (i think so because a jsp 
can use it correctly).
Does anybody know if is there problem between Tomcat 5 and Crystal Reports? Is there 
any one that have configured it yet?
Thanks in advance, 

Javier Polo.

John Villar
Gerente de Proyectos
Computadores Flor Hard Soft 2058 C.A.

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Re: Getting 404 error deploying my servlet

2004-08-31 Thread John Villar
display-nameExample Security Constraint/display-name
   web-resource-nameProtected Area/web-resource-name
!-- Define the context-relative URL(s) to be protected --
!-- If you list http methods, only those methods are protected --
   !-- Anyone with one of the listed roles may access this area


  !-- Default login configuration uses form-based authentication --
realm-nameExample Form-Based Authentication Area/realm-name
  !-- Security roles referenced by this web application --
  !-- Environment entry examples --
   The maximum number of tax exemptions allowed to be set.
  !-- EJB Reference --
descriptionExample EJB Reference/description
  !-- Local EJB Reference --
descriptionExample Local EJB Reference/description

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John Villar
Gerente de Proyectos
Computadores Flor Hard Soft 2058 C.A

Re: Tomcat Holding Database Open??????

2004-08-31 Thread John Villar

: Please forgive me,  I dont even understand a lot of these responses,   Im a
: mainframe Cobol coder here,   not a Java person,  but Im using a Converter
: that converts Cobol to Java

LOL that's the proof that someone still writes on COBOL. 
seriously, using Converters or interpreters is a risky business when 
you're trying to implement something so tightly tied to a language like 
JSP or Servlets, factor that magnifies when you're writing mission 
critical apps (as i can guess from you writing on cobol, you're trying 
to develop some financial app). Search Amazon or O'Reilly for java 
books, they have lots and most of them can help you... also, tutorials 
at may help you

John Villar
Gerente de Proyectos
Computadores Flor Hard Soft 2058 C.A.

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Re: How to view what is sent to the browser

2004-08-31 Thread John Villar
well you could get the request object and search all the parameters 
sent by the client to filter them

James Sherwood escribió:
I am looking for a way to view what is being sent to the browser in the
Lets say I want to create a bad word filter(and cannot use an actual filter)
once I get the response, is there a way to manipulate it before it is sent
to the browser?

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John Villar
Gerente de Proyectos
Computadores Flor Hard Soft 2058 C.A.

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Re: How to view what is sent to the browser

2004-08-31 Thread John Villar
you could also use pageContext.pushBody(new BadWordsFilterWriter())
Shapira, Yoav escribió:
You can do this easily with an HttpServletResponseWrapper and a Filter.
But if you can modify the servlet, you can do this in a very easy (but
somewhat crude way): instead of writing to the Writer you get from the
response, write to a StringWriter, and at the end of your servlet
processing write the contents of this StringWriter both to a log and to
the response's output writer.
Yoav Shapira
Millennium Research Informatics

-Original Message-
From: James Sherwood [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, August 31, 2004 11:08 AM
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: How to view what is sent to the browser
I am looking for a way to view what is being sent to the browser in the
Lets say I want to create a bad word filter(and cannot use an actual
once I get the response, is there a way to manipulate it before it is


to the browser?

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John Villar
Gerente de Proyectos
Computadores Flor Hard Soft 2058 C.A.

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Re: Reading Servlet OutputStream

2004-08-31 Thread John Villar
Look at the pushBody method of the response class 
(HttpServletResponse) that's all you need

Nitin Mulimani escribió:
This question is is more on the Servlet API. 

I want to read the servlet output stream and save in some buffer or
file, and then forward it to the client. I use filters to play with the
Request and Response objects. 

These are some of the things I have tried.
1)   I have a Wrapper which extends HttpServletResponseWrapper
2)   Constructed a PrintWriter writer = new PrintWriter(new
OutputStreamWriter(origResponse.getOutputStream(), charEnc));
Reader reader = new StringReader(printWriter.toString());
   BufferedReader bufferedReader = new BufferedReader(reader);
   String line;
   while ((line = bufferedReader.readLine()) != null) {
 System.out.println(line :  + line);
3) bufferedReader.close();

Still am not able to read the response. I can write to the response, but
am stuck at reading the response. 

Any pointers.

-- Nitin

John Villar
Gerente de Proyectos
Computadores Flor Hard Soft 2058 C.A.

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Re: Reading Servlet OutputStream

2004-08-31 Thread John Villar
certainly my error the method is from the JSP API JspContext
I ran into a problem that needed writing a zip file from the JSP page

sorry for that one, however, with that method you could do what you're 

Nitin Mulimani escribió:
Hi John,
I am checking the Servlet2.3 api, and do not find a pushBody() method in 
-- Nitin
-Original Message-
From: John Villar [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Tuesday, August 31, 2004 8:32 AM
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: Re: Reading Servlet OutputStream

Look at the pushBody method of the response class 
(HttpServletResponse) that's all you need

Nitin Mulimani escribió:

This question is is more on the Servlet API. 

I want to read the servlet output stream and save in some buffer or
file, and then forward it to the client. I use filters to play with the
Request and Response objects. 

These are some of the things I have tried.
1)   I have a Wrapper which extends HttpServletResponseWrapper
2)   Constructed a PrintWriter writer = new PrintWriter(new
OutputStreamWriter(origResponse.getOutputStream(), charEnc));
Reader reader = new StringReader(printWriter.toString());
  BufferedReader bufferedReader = new BufferedReader(reader);
  String line;
  while ((line = bufferedReader.readLine()) != null) {
System.out.println(line :  + line);
3) bufferedReader.close();

Still am not able to read the response. I can write to the response, but
am stuck at reading the response. 

Any pointers.

-- Nitin



John Villar
Gerente de Proyectos
Computadores Flor Hard Soft 2058 C.A.

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Re: Tomcat 5.0.27 Set Up Problem

2004-08-31 Thread John Villar
The tomcat installer does it right away, you just install it and it even 
has enabled the autostart mode

Nelson, Jerry W, Contractor 146CF, SCB escribió:
With your suggestion in item 3, how do you run tomcat as a service?
Jerry Nelson
-Original Message-
From: John Villar [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, August 30, 2004 9:49 AM
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: Re: Tomcat 5.0.27 Set Up Problem
Probably, your problem isn't tomcat configuration are you sure 
you're starting it up? (at least, ran the batch file you modified, 
however, the service approach is much better)
Reread my previous email, it seems like you haven't read all the bits i 
did include lemme include them here, separately

1) Your freshly installed tomcat 5.0.27 (Update to 5.0.28) is prepared 
to function right out-of-the-box
2) Why do you want to enable the invoker servlet? tomcat can 
function properly without it.
3) It's much better to run Tomcat as a service on WindowsXP/W2K
4) If you haven't a proxy server configured, you don't have to check 
that box.

Caroline Jen escribió:

But, the Tomcat is not configured properly!! I was
able to start the server. Nonetheless, when I typed
http://localhost:8080 in the Windows XP browser's
address bar, I got HTTP Status 404!!!


John Villar
Gerente de Proyectos
Computadores Flor Hard Soft 2058 C.A.

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Re: tag file encoding problem

2004-08-31 Thread John Villar
then you should use the %@ page % directive. search the web it 
has a way to specify encoding

Sebastian Ryszard Kruk escribi:
Dnia 08/30/2004 07:01 PM, Uytkownik John Villar napisa:
i don't know much about the .tag format however, if it is an 
XML based one, you must define the charset of your xml in the ?xml? 

Sebastian Ryszard Kruk escribi:
I have a strange problem - I use tomcat 5.0.14.
When I try to put some strings with polish letters like ciga in 
tag file - it results that during the translation to *.java file - 
this text is being replaced by ciga - just as it would treat the 
*.tag file as encoded in Latin1 rather than in UTF-8. Polish letters 
in *.jsp files are ok, though.

Any ideas ??

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it is not - it is rather a part of JSP page ;-(
John Villar
Gerente de Proyectos
Computadores Flor Hard Soft 2058 C.A.

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Re: How do I get an intermediary proxy from caching?

2004-08-31 Thread John Villar
you could also use a filter for your whole app that does that, if you 
want all your app non-cached, same rules apply

Ronald Klop escribió:
Yes. To be precise: you have to set the headers before Tomcat flushes 
its outputbuffer for the first time. To be save, just set headers, 
than output html.


Must you do this as one of the first things you do, before you output 

Christopher Cullum
John Gentilin said:
When I am battling against IE caching or proxy caching, I add the
following lines
to my response header. A bit brute force but it seems to work, 
I think
it cause some issues when backing up on a form, forcing a reload.

response.setHeader(Pragma, no-cache);
response.setHeader(Expires, -1d);


Hello all,
I have taken a cursory look at the documentation for tomcat 5.x and I
could not see how to get intermediary proxy's from caching my web 
I have the tags:
meta http-equiv=pragma content=no-cache
meta http-equiv=cache-control content=no-cache
META HTTP-EQUIV=Expires CONTENT=Wed, 01 Sep 2004 17:52:51 GMT

in my head section, but the proxy still caches my page. I read
somewhere to put the cache-control:no-cache in the http header of the
request, but I could not find how to do this in tomcat. Any help would
be appreciated.

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John Villar
Gerente de Proyectos
Computadores Flor Hard Soft 2058 C.A.

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[OFFTOPIC] Re: [ANN] Apache Jakarta Tomcat 5.0.28 Released

2004-08-29 Thread John Villar
Thank you tomcat. taking the apache group as an example, i'm 
beginning to release my closed source Apps on open source. thanks 
everyone out there for helping me an my coworkers understand the open 
source theory

Vic escribió:
(I know I speak for many)
THANK YOU very much.
Yoav Shapira wrote:
The Tomcat Team announces the immediate availability of Apache 
Jakarta Tomcat 5.0.28.

Please refer to the change log for the list of changes:
Release notes:
Please note that the stability rating (alpha/beta/stable) for this 
release will
be announced separately in about a week.

The Apache Jakarta Tomcat Team

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John Villar
Gerente de Proyectos
Computadores Flor Hard Soft 2058 C.A.

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Re: JDBC connections

2004-08-27 Thread John Villar
You need a JDBC driver for your selected DBMS
Nelson, Jerry W, Contractor 146CF, SCB escribió:
What do I need to download to establish/create a JDBC connection?
Jerry Nelson

John Villar
Gerente de Proyectos
Computadores Flor Hard Soft 2058 C.A.

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Re: JDBC connections

2004-08-27 Thread John Villar
With Access, AFAIK, you are going to need the ODBC Bridge driver (That 
would imply establishing a system DSN on the ODBC options and using the 
bridge driver just search the web)

For SQL Server, use the lastest version of jTDS at
Nelson, Jerry W, Contractor 146CF, SCB escribió:
That would Microsoft Access and Microsoft SQL.
Jerry Nelson
I can't receive attachments unless you rename them.
-Original Message-
From: John Villar [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, August 27, 2004 1:39 PM
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: Re: JDBC connections
You need a JDBC driver for your selected DBMS
Nelson, Jerry W, Contractor 146CF, SCB escribió:

What do I need to download to establish/create a JDBC connection?
Jerry Nelson



John Villar
Gerente de Proyectos
Computadores Flor Hard Soft 2058 C.A.

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[Fwd: Re: Custom authorization]

2004-08-25 Thread John Villar
I'm using a filter for the same thing, and i can tell you something
it is blazingly fast, flexible, standard and, in most cases, portable 
(Filters are part of the Servlet spec.). So, your best option for your 
custom authorization/authentication would be the filters. 
besides my authentication filter that uses database tables to grant 
some functionality to the users on my system works like a charm with 55 
lines of code (lots of boilerplate) with the Modifying servlet 
approach i'm really stressing on this list how cumbersome, 
unportable and generally unaceptable is modifying tomcat without a good 
reason, because there are so many options out there, and believe me, we 
aren't reinventing the wheel...

In case you're lazy, i'm posting my filter class it isn't great 
but does the work (Everything in spanish :-D)

/ Code Begins Here /
* Creado el 20-may-2004
* (c) 2004, Computadores Flor Hard Soft 2058 C.A.
*  Caracas, Venezuela 
package com.florhard.motrum.filtros;
import javax.servlet.*;
import javax.servlet.http.*;
* @author John Villar
* Filtro para no permitir que el usuario realice acciones en el sistema 
sin haber hecho login
public class FiltroLogin implements Filter {

  public void init(FilterConfig arg0) throws ServletException {
  // nada
  public void doFilter(
  ServletRequest request,
  ServletResponse response,
  FilterChain chain)
  throws IOException, ServletException {
  HttpServletRequest httpr = ((HttpServletRequest) request);
  String sURI = httpr.getServletPath();
  com.florhard.motrum.beans.Sesion sesion =
  boolean condicionIndex = sURI.indexOf(/index.jsp)==0;
  boolean condicionVerifica = sURI.indexOf(/verificarClave.jsp)==0;
  boolean condicionRoot = sURI.equals(/);
  boolean condicionSesion = (sesion != null)  (sesion.isLogeado());
  if (condicionIndex || condicionVerifica || condicionRoot || 
condicionSesion) {
  chain.doFilter(request, response);
  } else {
  ((HttpServletResponse) response).sendRedirect(

  public void destroy() {
  // nada
/ Code Ends Here ///
If anyone does find a vulnerability here, i would be glad to receive 
your observations on john.villar (at)

Patrick Herber escribió:
I need to implement a custom authorization for a web application, where the
access to the different resources is defined inside a database table with
some sort of rules, also using regular expressions.
I would like to know if the only method to do this is programmatically,
implementing - for example - a SecurityFilter, which catch every requests
or extending the service() method the default Servlet of the application
with the necessary code or if there is another more standard way to do it
(perhaps using a Tomcat Valve or something similar).
Thanks a lot for your precious help.
Best regards
Patrick Herber
Zürich (Switzerland)

John Villar
Gerente de Proyectos
Computadores Flor Hard Soft 2058 C.A.

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Re: Custom authorization

2004-08-24 Thread John Villar
I'm using a filter for the same thing, and i can tell you something 
it is blazingly fast, flexible, standard and, in most cases, portable 
(Filters are part of the Servlet spec.). So, your best option for your 
custom authorization/authentication would be the filters. 
besides my authentication filter that uses database tables to grant 
some functionality to the users on my system works like a charm with 55 
lines of code (lots of boilerplate) with the Modifying servlet 
approach i'm really stressing on this list how cumbersome, 
unportable and generally unaceptable is modifying tomcat without a good 
reason, because there are so many options out there, and believe me, we 
aren't reinventing the wheel...

In case you're lazy, i'm posting my filter class it isn't great 
but does the work (Everything in spanish :-D)

/ Code Begins Here /
* Creado el 20-may-2004
* (c) 2004, Computadores Flor Hard Soft 2058 C.A.
*  Caracas, Venezuela 
package com.florhard.motrum.filtros;
import javax.servlet.*;
import javax.servlet.http.*;
* @author John Villar
* Filtro para no permitir que el usuario realice acciones en el sistema 
sin haber hecho login
public class FiltroLogin implements Filter {

   public void init(FilterConfig arg0) throws ServletException {
   // nada
   public void doFilter(
   ServletRequest request,
   ServletResponse response,
   FilterChain chain)
   throws IOException, ServletException {
   HttpServletRequest httpr = ((HttpServletRequest) request);
   String sURI = httpr.getServletPath();
   com.florhard.motrum.beans.Sesion sesion =
   boolean condicionIndex = sURI.indexOf(/index.jsp)==0;
   boolean condicionVerifica = sURI.indexOf(/verificarClave.jsp)==0;
   boolean condicionRoot = sURI.equals(/);
   boolean condicionSesion = (sesion != null)  (sesion.isLogeado());
   if (condicionIndex || condicionVerifica || condicionRoot || 
condicionSesion) {
   chain.doFilter(request, response);
   } else {
   ((HttpServletResponse) response).sendRedirect(

   public void destroy() {
   // nada
/ Code Ends Here ///
If anyone does find a vulnerability here, i would be glad to receive 
your observations on john.villar (at)

Patrick Herber escribió:
I need to implement a custom authorization for a web application, where the
access to the different resources is defined inside a database table with
some sort of rules, also using regular expressions.
I would like to know if the only method to do this is programmatically,
implementing - for example - a SecurityFilter, which catch every requests
or extending the service() method the default Servlet of the application
with the necessary code or if there is another more standard way to do it
(perhaps using a Tomcat Valve or something similar).
Thanks a lot for your precious help.
Best regards
Patrick Herber
Zürich (Switzerland)

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Re: customized error pages in certificate-client authentication

2004-08-24 Thread John Villar
RTFM. web.xml has ways to do this based on the HTTP error code 
yours would be the 404 HTTP error code

Luis Urueña Frías escribió:
I'm developing a java webapp over Tomcat 4.2, with client 
certificate authentication.
Is there any way to configure a customize error page?
When I enter in the webapp with an appropiate certificate, HTTPS runs 
And when I enter without it, ssl handshake detects an error,
an redirects it to an HTTP page not found error.
However, this is a non-pretty process looking in a final-user pespective.
Any idea??
Luis Urueña Frías

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Re: Ampersand problem in JSP document

2004-08-23 Thread John Villar
Try to append amp to the amp; fragment it should end like this 
amp;amp; and the output would be amp;

Andreas Schildbach escribió:
Hello everyone,
I am using the following fragment in a JSP document (the XML variant 
of JSP pages):

The problem is, Tomcat sends this fragment to the browser as
which causes an XML parsing exception on the client.
Why is the amp; character being unescaped? Since JSP documents are 
intended for outputting XML, why is the output violating the XML 
specs? I cross-checked with the gt; and lt; characters - same problem.

What can I do to prevent this?
I am using Tomcat 5.0.27.
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Re: Ampersand problem in JSP document

2004-08-23 Thread John Villar
LOL that's true. i think yoav gave you the right solution 
try embedding your xml processor offending fragment into a 
jsp:text![CDATA[  ]]/jsp:text that should do the work

It is my understanding that if an XML document is serialized to an 
output stream, characters like ,  and  are represented by their 
entities amp; gt; lt so an XML parser can parse the document again.

Otherwise I would be ending up writing amp;amp;amp;amp;amp; somewhen 
and have to count the number of transformations in advance )-:

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Re: Is there a way to set the size of ResultSet from MS SQL Serve

2004-08-22 Thread John Villar
I don't know exactly, because i haven't used that feature ever but 
it could support it, judging from the level of maturity jTDS drivers have.

Daxin Zuo escribió:
I use net.sourceforge.jtds.jdbc.Driver. Does it surport FetchSize?
Thank you.
-Original Message-
From: John Villar [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, August 19, 2004 5:26 AM
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: Re: Is there a way to set the size of ResultSet from MS SQL
Serve r
However, that would work only if the driver you're using uses the
FetchSize as a hint for caching records. In JDBC caching is primarily
the responsability of the Driver.

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Re: [OFF-TOPIC] RE: Is there a way to set the size of ResultSet from MS SQL Serve r

2004-08-20 Thread John Villar
An issue even more important that speed with jTDS is the fact that it is 
100% Open Source Java Code, and that's something M$ wont let you have. 
The implications of having Open Source Software can be read at the OSI 
web site and the fact that it's 100% Java implies 
that your webapp can be run everywhere (except, of course,  for the M$ 
SQL Server).

Something off topic, does anyone has wondered why M$ hasn't developed 
its server line for linux? i know the usual response They want you to 
buy W2K Server, but that would be superficial thinking marketing 
issues arise as you measure the volume needed of additional apps that 
you have to install to a W2KS in order to have it working as you 
need just my toughts

Allistair Crossley escribió:
jTDS is the fastest driver for SQL Server. We use it for some heavy traffic and found it faster than the MS driver. 

Allistair Crossley

-Original Message-
From: Brad McEvoy [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: 20 August 2004 01:17
To: 'Tomcat Users List'
Subject: [OFF-TOPIC] RE: Is there a way to set the size of ResultSet
from MS SQL Serve r

thats true, but now i think about it, why would anyone use 
the JDBC driver
to connect to SQL Server? The JDBC driver is the worst one 
i've used and the
MS native driver is probably the best.

Out of curiosity I profiled the difference setFetchSize 
makes. Set to 100 on
Oracle it improves the time to iterate over 1000 records by 
5-10% compared
to not using it at all, and actually slows it down by that 
much if a large
fetch size (1000) is set. This surprised me because i first 
started using
this on a project with sql server with the native driver and 
it made a huge

-Original Message-
From: John Villar [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, 19 August 2004 10:26 PM
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: Re: Is there a way to set the size of ResultSet from MS SQL
Serve r
However, that would work only if the driver you're using uses the 
FetchSize as a hint for caching records. In JDBC caching is primarily 
the responsability of the Driver.

Brad McEvoy escribió:

something like this should do the trick
PreparedStatement pstmt =


ResultSet rs = pstmt.executeQuery();
-Original Message-
From: QM [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, 19 August 2004 2:04 PM
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: Re: Is there a way to set the size of ResultSet from MS SQL
On Wed, Aug 18, 2004 at 04:50:32PM -0700, Daxin Zuo wrote:
: I use JDBC in JSP/Java with MS SQL Server.
: Is there a way to set the Fetch Size (set to 10, 100,..) 

of ResultSet (as

: ADO CacheSize  in ASP)?
This sounds like a configuration specific to your database, 

either with

a custom SQL statement (a la HSQLDB) or with a JDBC URL param...
Unless you mean you want to limit the results using the clause
LIMIT x in your SQL.


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Re: Servlet in tomcat 5.0.27

2004-08-20 Thread John Villar
yes i did and then clicked on first webapp but they dont tell you where to 
put the servlet.  I am assuming you have to make a folder (any name) and under 
that folder WEB-INF - classes(folder) - web.xml file and then under classes i 

web.xml goes into your WEB-INF folder, not on your classes folder in 
any case read

can put my servlet.  Moreover, they arent telling you what url to use to run 
the program.  I have tomcat and it runs and everything and i can run the given 
examples fine.  but when i put my source code right in the folder where the 
example source code is and acces it by 
http://localhost:8080/servlets-examples/servlet/(myprogramname) it gives me 404 error.  


Yep, that's because:
1) you aren't defining correctly your servlet mapping,
2) you haven't restarted, at least, the context of your servlet
3) you are too lazy to define your own context ;-)
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Re: [OFF-TOPIC] RE: Is there a way to set the size of ResultSet from MS SQL Serve r

2004-08-20 Thread John Villar
Remember that caching performance behaves like the gauss bell, it has an 
optimal point where the performance is top notch, but variating from 
there begins to affect the performance. to keep it simple, too much 
nor too little isn't good you have to have the *right* quantity of cache

Out of curiosity I profiled the difference setFetchSize makes. Set to 100 on
Oracle it improves the time to iterate over 1000 records by 5-10% compared
to not using it at all, and actually slows it down by that much if a large
fetch size (1000) is set. This surprised me because i first started using
this on a project with sql server with the native driver and it made a huge
-Original Message-
From: John Villar [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, 19 August 2004 10:26 PM
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: Re: Is there a way to set the size of ResultSet from MS SQL
Serve r
However, that would work only if the driver you're using uses the 
FetchSize as a hint for caching records. In JDBC caching is primarily 
the responsability of the Driver.

Brad McEvoy escribió:

something like this should do the trick
PreparedStatement pstmt =


ResultSet rs = pstmt.executeQuery();
-Original Message-
From: QM [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, 19 August 2004 2:04 PM
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: Re: Is there a way to set the size of ResultSet from MS SQL
On Wed, Aug 18, 2004 at 04:50:32PM -0700, Daxin Zuo wrote:
: I use JDBC in JSP/Java with MS SQL Server.
: Is there a way to set the Fetch Size (set to 10, 100,..) of ResultSet (as
: ADO CacheSize  in ASP)?
This sounds like a configuration specific to your database, either with
a custom SQL statement (a la HSQLDB) or with a JDBC URL param...
Unless you mean you want to limit the results using the clause
LIMIT x in your SQL.


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Re: [OFF-TOPIC] RE: Is there a way to set the size of ResultSet from MS SQL Serve r

2004-08-20 Thread John Villar
that's true i really like some of their products its a shame 
that their blind effort to deny something like linux is only going to 
leave them behind in the long run or not so long? 8-)

The MS app-dev product line has many hooks into the OS itself.  That
would bring about several (large and ugly) porting efforts...

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Re: New idea - Enable Tomcat for SSL?

2004-08-20 Thread John Villar
Excuse me everyone who has talked on this thread, i haven't followed 
this thread closely, but why aren't you using a proven software for 
that matter like Apache HTTPD?. it has years of SSL patches, 
corrections and improvements, also, tomcat is just too slow to serve 
static content like images or large files. If you're concerned with 
security, you should never think on the first place to begin a new 
development, security has to have a process of maturity before you can 
decide something is *secure enough*

Shapira, Yoav escribió:
I'm afraid I can't help much with CRLs on Tomcat.  I've never done that
before ;)  I don't see much in the docs.  I do see hits on Google, such
suggesting a custom SSLSocketFactory is in order.  Tomcat of course lets
you integrate whatever socket factory you want for your connector, and
the one in the above links allows for CRL configuration.
Yoav Shapira
Millennium Research Informatics

-Original Message-
From: ohaya [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, August 20, 2004 9:55 AM
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: Re: New idea - Enable Tomcat for SSL?
The problem is that I can't find any info at all on how to configure it
to use a CRL.
FYI, after an all-nighter, I was just able to get the client and server
SSL part working with standalone Tomcat.  Very cool :)!  And, best of
all, I was able to confirm that with this, I can access the client
certificate info from my JSPs.
I'm just so close to what I need now, if I can just figure out how to
enable or incorporate the CRL checking, as from a security standpoint,
they won't let me deploy a PKI-enabled system if it doesn't support

Shapira, Yoav wrote:

I don't know about CRL support -- why not just try it out?
Yoav Shapira
Millennium Research Informatics

-Original Message-
From: ohaya [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, August 19, 2004 7:51 PM
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: Re: New idea - Enable Tomcat for SSL?

Shapira, Yoav wrote:

And, of course,


should have saved you considerable time and effort.

I had posted a number of messages about problems I was having, but


any event, thanks for the links.
One other question:  If I configure Tomcat (5.0.27) as a standalone
SSL-enabled (client and server) webserver+container, will the Tomcat


handling support the use of certificate revocation lists (CRLs)?
I've been trying to research this, and so far have had no luck


anything on it, and, from the standpoint of security, support for


is going to be a must-have if I go this direction.
If you or anyone knows the answer to this question, please let me


Thanks again,


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Re: Help with a real ugly one

2004-08-20 Thread John Villar
how many traffic does have your site? it could be that you're having 
lots of hits that's just fine with me :-D
Also, check the connection time out, maybe you have lots of connections 
lingering on your server. also, check if its from a set of IPs or 
just one IP that's hitting you *could* be an attack (unlikely, but 
could be)

Randy Paries escribió:
Hello all,
I have this problem that I am looking for any kind of help
I am not sure what is causing it, I just know how It shows itself
A couple of logistical things
Apache 2
So here is the problem.
Every once in a while, my httpd and java(tomcat) process go thru the roof
until I run out of threads or max out clients. 

For example this morning I was averaging 40 http processes and 50 java
processes. With in 10 minutes I go to 400 http process and 430 java

I am trying to go thru all the log files but there is nothing so far(the
access logs are huge and still trying to see a pattern.), but the servlet
logs and tomcat logs there is nothing. 

Once I restart everything, life is fine for days or hours. This really never
picks a particular time.
I realize this is still pretty general, and that's what I have been fighting
for months.
Any help would really be appreciated. I have a script that runs every 5
minutes that counts the procs and if it goes over a threshold I get a text
message. So I have a log of process every 5 


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Re: New idea - Enable Tomcat for SSL?

2004-08-20 Thread John Villar
Somewhere on the net don't know where :-D. just in case, i did 
test it. with the JK2 integrator with IIS and Tomcat 5.0.19 the 
performance tripled comparing with Tomcat 5.0.19 alone of course, 
with a site that has *LOTS* of statically placed images

QM escribió:
On Fri, Aug 20, 2004 at 10:11:01AM -0400, John Villar wrote:
: tomcat is just too slow to serve 
: static content like images or large files.

Says who? ;)

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New Loggers imply tomcat recompile????

2004-08-20 Thread John Villar
Hello everyone, a question i have in mind that has troubled me a lot 
lately If i want to include a new Logger class on tomcat, do i have 
to recompile the whole thing!!!??? :-O because i haven't found a way 
to append to the mbean descriptor without *violating* the tomcat 
package and i really stress the need of portability

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Re: New idea - Enable Tomcat for SSL?

2004-08-20 Thread John Villar
Please, don't start a flame war with this but in my enviroment (W2K 
Server, IIS 5.0, Tomcat 5.0.19, MS SQL Server 2000, J2SDK 1.4.1_02)  it 
considerabily faster with when working in integrated mode. you could 
blame the OS (possibly that's the cause) but its a fact for me and my 

Stop basing your decisions on out of date information.

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Re: Help with a real ugly one

2004-08-20 Thread John Villar

Also, check the connection time out, maybe you have lots of connections

lingering on your server. 

Do you JNDI connection time out or connector timeout?

Every connection timeout counts specially the TCP connection 
timeout someone recently posted a problem having lots of connections 
in TIME_WAIT mode could be your problem too

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Re: Performance implications of running direct from WAR?

2004-08-20 Thread John Villar
The only performance hit is the first thime when the war is deployed on 
the context path, from there on your app runs from the deployed files.

Allistair Crossley escribió:
Hi Guys,
Are there any performance implications of running straight from a WAR for Tomcat? Does 
it uncompress the WAR each time .. how is this handled?
Cheers, Allistair
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Re: Performance implications of running direct from WAR?

2004-08-20 Thread John Villar
another fact that really matters is your hardware specially if what 
you say about you traffic is true.

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RE: Help with a real ugly one

2004-08-20 Thread John Villar
Subject wrong... sorry
another fact that really matters is your hardware specially if 
what you say about you traffic is true.

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Re: Performance implications of running direct from WAR?

2004-08-20 Thread John Villar

So are you saying Host unpackWAR=false ..  still means the files are deployed somewhere?

in that case it probably represents an unnecesary performance hit, 
because what i said before is for the default tomcat configuration, 
which i assumed was yours why would you want tomcat to not unpack 
the war files?

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[OF] Re: Performance implications of running direct from WAR?

2004-08-20 Thread John Villar

 Who knows, you might even
find something surprising like a three-fold increase when running with a
packed WAR ;)  (This is in good spirit, joking ;))

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Re: New Loggers imply tomcat recompile????

2004-08-20 Thread John Villar
Shapira, Yoav escribió:
If you were even remotely concerned with portability you wouldn't be
writing custom Loggers, would you? ;)  Waste of time, they're gone in
Tomcat 5.5.
Yoav Shapira
Millennium Research Informatics

NO MY LOGGER gg. i see then 
i need to find another way by the way? what's using T5.5? Log4j?

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Re: Where do I place a servlet class

2004-08-20 Thread John Villar
You need to include yet another directive in your web.xml file called 
servlet-mapping, search the web for it

Diego, Emil escribi:
I have upgraded my system from apache 3 and tomcat 3 and am now running tomcat 
4.1.27-13 and apache 2.0.49-4.  My webapp can't find a servlet after the upgrade.  
It's called servUploadMedia.  I had it in my classes directory and it was configured 
in my web.xml file:
display-nameUpgrade Test/display-name
!-- Default directory Files --
Does tomcat 4 look for servlets in a different directory in this new version ?
Emil Diego
Website Administrator
University of Miami School of Business

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Re: Where do I place a servlet class

2004-08-20 Thread John Villar
did you restart tomcat or your context?
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Re: Where do I place a servlet class

2004-08-20 Thread John Villar
well your configuration seems fine i remember Cicer0 posted 
recently a problem like yours search the archive for ExportSerials

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Re: [tomcat] Re: Where do I place a servlet class

2004-08-20 Thread John Villar
QM escribió:
On Fri, Aug 20, 2004 at 12:04:10PM -0400, Diego, Emil wrote:
: I saw that.  I've read a couple of negative things about enabling the invoker.
: It seems it's less secure and stuff.  I figured it would be better to use
: explicit mapping, but cant get that to work.  I'll keep trying but if I cant
: get it working I guess I'll just enable the invoker.
That should work as a short-term goal, but you'd do yourself a favor to
find out what's going on.  If the servlet mapping works through the
invoker then it must work through a manual mapping, as well.
I missed the earlier posts: what's the error in the Tomcat logs?
Did you recompile your webapp with the newer Tomcat JARs, etc.?
There's a brief upgrade guide on my website (  That
covers the 4 -5 upgrade but some of it is container-neutral.

Also, if everything gets wacky and you're desperate, delete everything 
under your work directory, on the tomcat root and see what happens 
it helps sometimes

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Re: New Loggers imply tomcat recompile????

2004-08-20 Thread John Villar
I see. now i understand the crappy design of ..catalina.logger, 
finally i can finish my implementation of the Overkill Mail Logger 
hahahaha. thanks

Shapira, Yoav escribió:
Tomcat 5.5 concludes the trend started in 4.1.x and intensified in 5.0.x, which is to 
use commons-logging everywhere and gradually phase out org.apache.catalina.Logger.  We 
don't need yet another Logger interface and implementation.
Yoav Shapira
Millennium Research Informatics

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Obtaining processed JSP from a servlet

2004-08-20 Thread John Villar
Hi everyone, i'm trying to obtain a processed JSP page from my own app, 
within a servlet, and i'm having trouble. i've tryied using 
application.getResource() but it gives me the unprocessed source, used 
an HttpURL... but i need client data (the beans that have been 
modified) does anyone know another method?

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Re: Obtaining processed JSP from a servlet

2004-08-20 Thread John Villar
Let me explain the purpose:
I want to provide a link in my page that provides the processed JSPs 
based on the Beans on a convenient zip package.
The files inside the package are JSP files

Benjamin Armintor escribió:
By processed JSP, do you mean the resulting java class's source? Or
are you trying to forward a request off to a JSP to handle your display?
Benjamin J. Armintor
Operations Systems Specialist
ITS-Systems: Mainframe Group
University of Texas - Austin
tele: (512) 232-6562

-Original Message-
From: John Villar [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Friday, August 20, 2004 3:52 PM
Subject: Obtaining processed JSP from a servlet

Hi everyone, i'm trying to obtain a processed JSP page from my own app, 
within a servlet, and i'm having trouble. i've tryied using 
application.getResource() but it gives me the unprocessed source, used 
an HttpURL... but i need client data (the beans that have been 
modified) does anyone know another method?

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Re: Obtaining processed JSP from a servlet

2004-08-20 Thread John Villar
Duh i didn't explain myself very right...
Suppose i have the following directory structure (comment on parenthesis):
/classEditor.jsp (this file edits the Bean Information)
/templates/ (this file has a template for some java class, 
based on the bean info)
/templates/X.jsp.jsp (this file has a template for a jsp to edit the 
previous class properties, based on the bean info)

I want to provide with the bean information dumped in it and 
X.jsp.jsp with the bean information dumped in it in only 1 Zip file 
in fact, there are 20 templates.

the general idea is to repeat a *LOT* of code with just providing the 
basic information, and zip it with the directory structure i need.

John Villar escribió:
Let me explain the purpose:
I want to provide a link in my page that provides the processed JSPs 
based on the Beans on a convenient zip package.
The files inside the package are JSP files

Benjamin Armintor escribió:
By processed JSP, do you mean the resulting java class's source? Or
are you trying to forward a request off to a JSP to handle your display?
Benjamin J. Armintor
Operations Systems Specialist
ITS-Systems: Mainframe Group
University of Texas - Austin
tele: (512) 232-6562

-Original Message-
From: John Villar [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Friday, 
August 20, 2004 3:52 PM
Subject: Obtaining processed JSP from a servlet

Hi everyone, i'm trying to obtain a processed JSP page from my own 
app, within a servlet, and i'm having trouble. i've tryied using 
application.getResource() but it gives me the unprocessed source, 
used an HttpURL... but i need client data (the beans that have been 
modified) does anyone know another method?

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Re: Obtaining processed JSP from a servlet

2004-08-20 Thread John Villar

I think I understand now, sort of... and I'd take a different approach.
Look into XDoclet for generating code, or perhaps a quick
perl/python/etc if you're doing a one-time mass-creation.

well.. XDoclet could work i'm prepared to research a lot (the 
webpage looks awfully informational, in a good sense :-D) 
however i don't want an ANT oriented tool my intent is to have a 
web based tool, because i'm enforcing the WEBity on my organization. 
quality issues, go figure.. however XDoclet sounds a bit like 
overkill for me (very featurefull indeed), and using any other thing 
than JSP would imply installing (and learning, which isn't a real 
problem, because that's what i'm trying now, to learn some trick :-D) 
new Web Servers or coding tools (something i'm not intending to do now, 
based on the fact that i'm trying to stop all that repetitive coding, 
and have already the templates).. also, this isn't targeted for a 
one-time mass creation of files, i'm simplyfying a lot of work to code 
modules and use best-practices here quality certification 
anyone? :-D

The fact that i have a working system sums up to the fact that i'm not 
very interested on using other tools. :-D anyway thanks for 
the pointer XDoclet seems interesting

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Re: Is there a way to set the size of ResultSet from MS SQL Serve r

2004-08-19 Thread John Villar
However, that would work only if the driver you're using uses the 
FetchSize as a hint for caching records. In JDBC caching is primarily 
the responsability of the Driver.

Brad McEvoy escribió:
something like this should do the trick
PreparedStatement pstmt =
ResultSet rs = pstmt.executeQuery();
-Original Message-
From: QM [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, 19 August 2004 2:04 PM
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: Re: Is there a way to set the size of ResultSet from MS SQL
On Wed, Aug 18, 2004 at 04:50:32PM -0700, Daxin Zuo wrote:
: I use JDBC in JSP/Java with MS SQL Server.
: Is there a way to set the Fetch Size (set to 10, 100,..) of ResultSet (as
: ADO CacheSize  in ASP)?
This sounds like a configuration specific to your database, either with
a custom SQL statement (a la HSQLDB) or with a JDBC URL param...
Unless you mean you want to limit the results using the clause
LIMIT x in your SQL.

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Re: Tomcat As A Service Printing Problem

2004-08-19 Thread John Villar
What's your OS? if you're running on WNT, W2K, W2003 or WXP your account 
for the service probably is LocalSystem and that's an account that, in 
general terms, doesn't have too much permission on the net. Try changing 
your account to an Active Directory account.

Shakeel escribió:
Here is the actual situation.
Java Printing API(javax.printing), is being used for printing , works fine
when Tomcat was running without a service, but as we run tomcat as
a windows service then the printing failed, logs show that network printer
can not be found.
This is the log trace.
ERROR 2004-08-19 14:05:57,765 - Checks.printCheck:4295 -
Error while Printing check javax.print.PrintException: Printer Not Found:
However as a non-service it does not throw any exception and printing works.
S H A K E E L   A H M A D

-Original Message-
From: QM [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, August 19, 2004 6:13 PM
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: Re: Tomcat As A Service Printing Problem
On Thu, Aug 19, 2004 at 02:16:25PM +0500, Shakeel wrote:
: My webapp on Tomcat was printing successfully when I used to run it
: a service. But when I started Tomcat as a service then printing failed,
: reasons ?
Your post is severely lacking in information, which makes it difficult
to assist you.
What do you mean by print, that the browser's File-Print function no
longer works?  What's in the Tomcat logs?
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Re: FW: server port and shutdown... off topic

2004-08-19 Thread John Villar

Sometimes a technical issue requires a policy solution. =)

That's completely true almost every security issue nowadays involves 
someone doing (or not doing) *regularly* what (s)he isn't (or is) 
supossed to do, due to lack of policy on that matter.

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Re: Webapp Directory Root and JSP Include problem.

2004-08-19 Thread John Villar
I think you will have to include at least a . (dot) before /includes 
or you should remove the first backslash. That's a simple find  replace

Diego, Emil escribi:
I solved my previous problem.  Thanx for all the assistance.  Now I am hitting another 
When my JSP pages execute I am getting a Exception.
org.apache.jasper.JasperException: /index.jsp(24,0) File 
/includes/inc_setup_edit.jsp not found
The jsp pages are stored in /var/www/html/dev_new
And the include files are stored in /var/www/html/dev_new/includes
This used to work in Tomcat 3, but now that I am migrating over to tomcat4 im getting 
this error.  Is there something I have forgotten to configure?  I really don't want to 
go in and edit hundreds of pages to add the /dev_new at the beginning of each include.
Here is the line that is causing the error:
%@ include file=/includes/inc_setup_edit.jsp %
Here are the changes I made to server.xml:

!-- Add the context for the SBA website --
Context path=/dev_new docBase=/var/www/html/dev_new
debug=0 reloadable=true crossConnect=true

and workers2.preoperties:
# Map the jsp extension in the dev_new directory to tomcat
info=Extension mapping
info=Map the whole webapp

Emil Diego
Website Administrator
University of Miami School of Business
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Re: Tomcat As A Service Printing Problem

2004-08-19 Thread John Villar
Well, you'll have to right-click on My PC and click Administration 
(or something like that), then go to the services node on the tree on 
the left panel. All the services will appear on the right panel, double 
click on tomcat an then assign an account with privileges to print on 
the printer you want to print (print print print print print print print 
LOL, that was 10 times.)... then, you're done

Shakeel escribió:
I am using windows 2000 Professional, and can not know what type of users
are there, how can I figure out these details on win2K pro.
S H A K E E L   A H M A D
-Original Message-
From: John Villar [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, August 19, 2004 6:31 PM
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: Re: Tomcat As A Service Printing Problem
What's your OS? if you're running on WNT, W2K, W2003 or WXP your account
for the service probably is LocalSystem and that's an account that, in
general terms, doesn't have too much permission on the net. Try changing
your account to an Active Directory account.
Shakeel escribió:

Here is the actual situation.
Java Printing API(javax.printing), is being used for printing , works fine
when Tomcat was running without a service, but as we run tomcat as
a windows service then the printing failed, logs show that network printer
can not be found.
This is the log trace.
ERROR 2004-08-19 14:05:57,765 - Checks.printCheck:4295 -
Error while Printing check javax.print.PrintException: Printer Not Found:
However as a non-service it does not throw any exception and printing


S H A K E E L   A H M A D

-Original Message-
From: QM [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, August 19, 2004 6:13 PM
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: Re: Tomcat As A Service Printing Problem
On Thu, Aug 19, 2004 at 02:16:25PM +0500, Shakeel wrote:
: My webapp on Tomcat was printing successfully when I used to run it
: a service. But when I started Tomcat as a service then printing failed,
: reasons ?
Your post is severely lacking in information, which makes it difficult
to assist you.
What do you mean by print, that the browser's File-Print function no
longer works?  What's in the Tomcat logs?
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Re: Webapp Directory Root and JSP Include problem.

2004-08-19 Thread John Villar
Now that i think of it there should be a way to specify that 
references to the root in pages inside a Context are referencing the 
root context  however, i don't know a way to do that and mi 
tomcat 5 does the same thing

Diego, Emil escribi:
I have many differnet include folders, that would would be a real pain.  Plus there 
are other sites beign hosted as well.  I'd really hate to have to edit all the pages 
and tell other webadmins to edit their pages as well.  I was really hoping there would 
be a configuration change instead of code change.
Emil Diego
Website Administrator
University of Miami School of Business
-Original Message-
From: John Villar [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Thursday, August 19, 2004 10:18 AM
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: Re: Webapp Directory Root and JSP Include problem.

I think you will have to include at least a . (dot) before /includes 
or you should remove the first backslash. That's a simple find  replace

Diego, Emil escribi?:

I solved my previous problem.  Thanx for all the assistance.  Now I am hitting another 
When my JSP pages execute I am getting a Exception.
org.apache.jasper.JasperException: /index.jsp(24,0) File 
/includes/inc_setup_edit.jsp not found

The jsp pages are stored in /var/www/html/dev_new
And the include files are stored in /var/www/html/dev_new/includes
This used to work in Tomcat 3, but now that I am migrating over to tomcat4 im getting 
this error.  Is there something I have forgotten to configure?  I really don't want to 
go in and edit hundreds of pages to add the /dev_new at the beginning of each include.
Here is the line that is causing the error:
%@ include file=/includes/inc_setup_edit.jsp %
Here are the changes I made to server.xml:

!-- Add the context for the SBA website --
Context path=/dev_new docBase=/var/www/html/dev_new
debug=0 reloadable=true crossConnect=true

and workers2.preoperties:
# Map the jsp extension in the dev_new directory to tomcat 
[uri:/dev_new/*.jsp] info=Extension mapping

info=Map the whole webapp

Emil Diego
Website Administrator
University of Miami School of Business
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Re: Changing file permissions from within tomcat does not work

2004-08-19 Thread John Villar
just as a gues have you sat the Sticky or the UID bit of your directory?
Shapira, Yoav escribió:
This is typical of when apps step outside the Servlet Spec, which does
not include support for apps writing files except to a temporary
directory where permissions are guaranteed to be readable back by the
app and no more.
Tomcat supports running with a security manager, but you have to tell it
so explicitly by specifying -security when launching Tomcat.  If you're
doing this, you will need to modify your java security policy to include
setting file permissions.  But my guess is you're running without a
security manager, which is OK and the default.
So Runtime.exec should work.  You will need to pass it the complete path
to the file, as you cannot rely on the concept of current working
directory to be portable.  Runtime.exec is also a security risk in most
Yoav Shapira
Millennium Research Informatics

-Original Message-
From: news [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Christian Riedel
Sent: Thursday, August 19, 2004 10:22 AM
Subject: Re: Changing file permissions from within tomcat does not work
On 19.08.2004 15:35, QM wrote:

On Thu, Aug 19, 2004 at 11:28:16AM +0200, Christian Riedel wrote:
: Creating the file via FileOutputStream works fine. But
: the problem is, that the created file has the file-permissions



: although the system wide umask and the user-set umask say, that new
: files should be rw-r--r--.
I'm grasping here, but maybe there's something SecurityManager?

hmm if so, it would be a Tomcat-Internal-Security Manager as the
standalone test application I wrote works fine with doing the chmod. It
only is not possible from within tomcat / the struts appliuation

: Can anyone help me please? I need to set the file to be


: because it is used by other users on the system as well.
Barring a Tomcat- or Java-only solution, you could run a cronjob that
periodically sets perms on the files in the upload dir.

That is no option I am afriad, right after saving the file a script is
called from the Application which has to read the file. And this script
runs under a different user and grouid
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Log4J Twin Logging

2004-08-19 Thread John Villar
I'm reposting your message with the new Subject. when opening new 
threads, *PLEASE* change your subject

does anyone have any idea why each request to my application goes through twice each 
time? I am basing this on my log4j logs which show each logging entry twice for 
e.g here is 1 click to the web app
2004-08-19 15:46:06,066 - DEBUG (iq.actions.LoadPageAction:136) - cached 
2004-08-19 15:46:06,066 - DEBUG (iq.actions.LoadPageAction:136) - cached 
2004-08-19 15:46:07,237 - DEBUG (iq.actions.LoadPageAction:136) - cached 
2004-08-19 15:46:07,237 - DEBUG (iq.actions.LoadPageAction:136) - cached 
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Re: Changing file permissions from within tomcat does not work

2004-08-19 Thread John Villar
And the directory's permissions are the same? (should be, but just in 
case) remember that new files don't necesarilly have rw-r--r-- 

Christian Riedel escribió:
On 19.08.2004 16:36, John Villar wrote:
just as a gues have you sat the Sticky or the UID bit of your 

No, I have not ... when I cd to the directory and do a touch 
testfile on the cosole the file's permissions are as expected rw-r--r--

So why should it not work from within Tomcat?

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Re: Custom Tag error

2004-08-19 Thread John Villar

k. thx for the reply.
.jsp is in the app. root folder.
.tld is in same folder.

the tld must be on your WEB-INF folder as far as i can remember 
(however, i could be totally wrong and misleading you to your ultimate 
and excruciatingly painfull doom LOL, so, in any case RTFM)

.class is also in same folder/tried in classes folder.

the classes must be in your WEB-INF/classes folder
..not aware of .tld web.xml

I hope you're putting your web.xml in your WEB-INF folder.
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