[lace-chat] Italian soup

2011-02-06 Thread Jane Viking Swanson
Hi All,  DH's computer isn't working right now so I can't easily Google this
soup.  My computer is dial-up!  Anyway, there is a soup served at a chain
restaurant here in the US - The Olive Garden - and I'd love to make it at
home.  I'm not sure how true to Italian cooking they are.

The soup is potatoes, sausage and some greens (spinach? chard?).  The name
starts with Zup  I think.  It's really good and it would make a nice
dinner soup.  I suppose I could try a few things but I thought one of you
might know what I'm talking about.

Thanks,  Jane in Vermont, USA where it's up to 43o (about 5C)  instead of
the usual February temp of around 20o (-5C).  The snow is melting but things
will be a sheet of ice when it freezes again!

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[lace-chat] Top Gear

2010-09-15 Thread Jane Viking Swanson
Hi All,  Someone was writing about getting TV from other countries on Lace.
I couldn't find any way to draw lace out of Top Gear so here's my note.
Anyway, we get BBC America now and DH and I both found Top Gear around the
same time.  They really make me laugh and I've learned a lot about cars
too!!  Particularly the ones I will NEVER get to own or even touch!

DH has also been watching lots of Dr. Who and other things but Top Gear is
our favorite!

Jane in Vermont, USA where it's cooled off a little.  Still very dry though!

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[lace-chat] Tim Tams

2010-01-12 Thread Jane Viking Swanson
Tha*ks to all for the heads up about Tim Tams i* the US!!  I got some
Pepperidge Farm o*es today.  They are a bit pricey but they sure taste
good!!  I would possibly *ot have tried them without the discussio* here!

Ja*e i* Vermo*t, USA who has lost the use of the letter after m.

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[lace-chat] Chestnut adventure

2009-10-15 Thread Jane Viking Swanson
Hi All,  DH got a bunch of edible chestnuts a couple weeks ago.  THe spiny
pods opened up to reveal the brown nuts.  Then he broke some open and has
been eating the raw ones and giving me some.

A couple days ago I tried roasting a bunch of them, hence the adventure.  I
poked the holes with a fork and put them in the oven as suggested by Joy of
Cooking.  I started with 15 minutes and should have left it at that!  About
a quarter of them burst!!  And of course the bits burnt in the oven so I was
waving a towel and put the fan in the window to get the smoke out.  (We have
VERY loud smoke detectors!!)

I ate some of the roasted ones and I still don't like them very much.  They
are so mealy in texture.  DH is still eating them.  I do like the delicate
flavor but I had expected something crunchy.

How are they put into stuffing?  Any chestnut suggestions from anyone?

Jane in Vermont, USA where the leaves are changing color - lots of butter
yellow and glowing orange!

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[lace-chat] Lacy file folders at STaples

2009-05-16 Thread Jane Viking Swanson
Hi All,  I got some lacy file folders at Staples in the US.  One of the
single ones has a doily pictured on it.  Then there is a pack of 12 black
and white folders with lace-like patterns on them.  It seemed like it might
make a good secret pal gift for someone!

I just bought them for me and I'm loving them G

Jane in Vermont, USA where the spring is so beautiful I can hardly stand it!

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[lace-chat] Onions chocolate

2008-10-04 Thread Jane Viking Swanson
Hi All,  We discussed this ages ago but I put it to the test last night!

I cut an onion into 6 slices.  I diced two of them and tears were streaming
down my face and my eyes really hurt!  Then I spotted the chocolate MMs on
the counter.  I took a mouthful and diced the rest of the onions without a
problem!!  No tears, no sore eyes.

Somebody had mentioned this on chat before and this was the true test for
me!!  Another thing that chocolate can fix!!

Jane in Vermont, USA where the leaves are changing and are VERY bright so
far this year!

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Re: [lace-chat] pleated gathering?

2008-06-29 Thread Jane Viking Swanson
Hi,  I think a double needle can be used for pin pleats, though I call them
pintucks so maybe it's not what you mean.  I haven't made them in ages but I
think my sewing machine book explained.  Possibly pulling on the bobbin
thread so the two lines of sewing are brought together.  I used them on a
christening gown with lace insertions, etc.

Jane in Vemont, USA where it's very humid!
-Original Message-
To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [EMAIL PROTECTED];  lace-chat@arachne.com
Date: Sunday, June 29, 2008 8:00 PM
Subject: Re: [lace-chat] pleated gathering?

 Yes, that's it! Pin-pleats is exactly what I'm talking about!
Too bad there's no foot to do the work. There should be! It's really a
beautiful effect.
Guess I'll try to keep at it with needle and thread until I get the hang of
it, and find a good technique to use...unless...is your mum still around to
ask for advice, perchance??
At least I have the name now -- pin-pleats!! Thanks, Sue! What a resource
you listmembers are!
Many thanks,
Ricki T

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[lace-chat] David's lace fungus

2007-12-16 Thread Jane Viking Swanson
Hi All,  I've been watching episodes of the latest Planet Earth series -
narrated by Sigourney Weaver in the US, I think it's David Attenborough in
the UK.  Anyway, I just saw the episode on the jungle and there was David's
fungus that he translated to a drawing and a lace cover for the, h, was
it Botanica Erotica?  Quite amazing with it's lacy snood G.  David are you
back yet?  What's the name again?

Jane in Vermont, USA where we've gotten about 8 (20cm) of snow on top of
the 7 (17.5cm) we got last week!  I'm going to see if I can find the front

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[lace-chat] Emergencies

2007-10-24 Thread Jane Viking Swanson
Hi All,  www.flylady.net has a list of 11 points of preparedness for any
time you need to evacuate your house.  It's quite thorough.  I hope none of
us have to do that!

Sorry to send this to both lists but it's got good information.  I just saw
that Jacqui sent FLYlady's name but I will send this along with the URL.

Jane in Vermont, USA where we had warm rain today.

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[lace-chat] Ellen Byerrum

2007-10-23 Thread Jane Viking Swanson
Hi All,  Thank you Jean in Poole for recommending Ellen Byerrum's Crimes of
Fashion mysteries  I'm really enjoying them.  Lots of fun and I like the
fashion stuff, especially Lacey's trunk full of 40's patterns.

Thanks again!  Jane in Vermont, USA where it was warm and rainy - perfect
for spending the day reading a mystery!

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[lace-chat] Re: cookware for daughter

2007-09-02 Thread Jane Viking Swanson
Hi Devon and all,  I looked on line at www.revereware.com and they sell the
individual pans (including metal lids).  Not cheap!  When I got married in
1984 we got the 1 qt, 2 qt and 3 qt pans with metal lids and they're still
going strong.  I did ask for a double boiler inner pan that fits in the 3
qt. pan for Christmas one year and that's been handy.  I use the 2 qt.
constantly, the 3 qt often and the 1 qt. not too often.  Of course I do have
a hungry DH to cook for VBG.

My father worked for DuPont for many years so I use my Teflon pan a lot.  I
also use it at medium-high heat and after reading Bev's note I guess I
should look into that!  I've had not buckling of the lining.

Jane in Vermont, USA where I am loving the cooler, dryer weather!

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[lace-chat] 4 Corners in the US

2007-04-22 Thread Jane Viking Swanson
Hi All,  I see no one else has written about the 4 Corners yet.  It's in the
Southwest and I will check the map to get the states right G. It's where
Utah, Colorado, New Mexico and Arizona meet.  I got it wrong because I put
Nevada in place of Arizona.  It is part of my family lore because we have a
picture of us three kids looking miserable at the 4 Corners.  I am usually
smiling in the pictures so I don't know what was going on that day!

Somehow I seem to have deleted the quiz but I'll take it from all of you
that I might get an 85 G.

Jane in Vermont, USA where we've had sun for four days!

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Re: [lace-chat] Latvian mittens at Riga NATO summit

2006-12-12 Thread Jane Viking Swanson
Hi All,  Lynn thank you so much for sending this URL.  The mittens are
unbelievable!!  So many gorgeous patterns and colors!!  What a fantastic
thing to give away 4,500 pairs of gorgeous mittens to the participants of
the Riga NATO Summit.  Thank you so much for sharing this with us!  The
separate pages of the mittens are at Habetrot's blog in the writing where it
says click here, here, here for the pages of the mittens.  Mind

Jane in Vermont, USA where it was warmish again - that means over 40F (I
misplaced my conversion chart, sorry).
-Original Message-
Take a look at the awesome mittens -- 4500 pairs -- given away at the NATO
Habetrot's blog, where I heard about it:

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[lace-chat] Downtown

2006-11-30 Thread Jane Viking Swanson
Hi All,  Doesn't anyone remember Downtown by a record by Petula Clark in
the 1960s?  Downtown has only positive connotations as far as I know.  Here
in Brattleboro (where downtown is pretty small) people also say they are
going down street.  It means pretty much the same thing and I don't know
where it came from.

Jane in Vermont, USA where I saw pansys in bloom in front of the Post
Office!  I think unheard of for November and almost December!  I'm enjoying
the balmy weather myself G.

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[lace-chat] Mammograms

2006-08-20 Thread Jane Viking Swanson
Hi All,  This is not a joke!  The last time I went for my mammogram they had
a new thing.  It's called Woman's Touch MammoPad  www.mammopad.com and they
put it on the metal half of the breast squisher.   It's foam and about a
quarter inch thick (half a centimeter).  I thought it made things much more
comfortable though the technician still made me catch my breath once G.

So I suggest you ask for it in the US.  I heard that our local Breast Cancer
Support Group got together the funding so everyone gets a MammoPad at my
local hospital!

Jane in Vermont, USA where we're had some more rain and I'm seeing Monarch
butterflies flitting around.

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[lace-chat] Potluck suppers

2006-06-01 Thread Jane Viking Swanson
Hi All,  I love the stories of having all the same thing brought to potluck
suppers G.  I'm most thrilled with Alice's note about the one where
everyone brought chocolate cake!  When I was a girl I had a book about
Little Bear who always spoke in rhyme.  The illustrations were fabulous and
I loved to read and reread the book.  One of my favorite stories was about a
school picnic where everyone brought chocolate cake!  I didn't think that
would happen in real life G.

Jane in Vermont, USA looking forward to the New England Lace Group Retreat
in a week!

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[lace-chat] Eel spears/frog spears

2006-04-07 Thread Jane Viking Swanson
Hi All,  I remembered that DH used to get eels with his Uncle Everett.
Uncle Everett built a houseboat that he lived on on the Connecticut River
which runs right past Brattleboro, Vermont, where we live.  Anyway, I
remembered to ask DH tonight and they caught the eels with a line.  However,
he suggested Googling Frog Spears and there are lots of listings for
modern Frog Spears.  The ones I looked at all were like tridents but there
might be some there with the middle killing tine!  Or you might write to
one of the companys and ask about it.

Also Tamara and German arachnes might suggest what to Google in Polish and
German.  Oh, I also looked up Frog Gigs since somebody wrote about gigging
and that brought up a lot of spears too.  I think the froggers bring the
frogs home alive so it might not bring up what your friend wants, David.

Jane in Vermont, USA who enjoyed thinking about frogs and eels while cooking
G.  Cooking is not my favorite activity!  And we're having April showers
to bring the May flowers!

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[lace-chat] Frog spears

2006-04-07 Thread Jane Viking Swanson
Hi Again,  While the anti-virus updates I'll add the one item I forgot in
the last message.  I got to see the Cottonmouth Frog Spear which is a long
tube with a trigger at one end.  I guess it works like a blow gun but you
don't have to blow into it.  It has a range of 25 feet!  I'll have to Google
it again because I don't know what it shoots.  Poison darts?

Jane in Vermont, USA

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[lace-chat] Moderator ruling

2006-03-31 Thread Jane Viking Swanson
Hi All,  I am very bad with time zones but I do know Avital will respond
after the Sabbath so I don't think we'll be hearing from her tonight (Friday
night in my time zone).  Maybe comments on Why can wait until she can

Jane in Vermont, USA

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[lace-chat] Re: Ancient Embroidery?

2006-03-30 Thread Jane Viking Swanson
Hi Ricki and All,  I was tidying up today and came across some printouts
from a website that might be of help.  It may not but, for what it's worth,
you might try http://www.emoreiro.com/GAFS/other.htm   It's the site for the
Greek American Folklore Society.  Either somebody mentioned the site on chat
once or I found it when looking up about the OIDFA Convention.  Anyway, it's
got a lot about costumes and may have information for the person looking
into ancient Greek embroidery.

Jane in Vermont, USA where the crocuses in the yard are too numerous to
count!!  I wasn't sure how they would do without their usual blanket of
snow, they didn't all make it but a lot did!

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[lace-chat] Art at the Olympics

2006-03-12 Thread Jane Viking Swanson
Hi All,  I've been meaning to send this tidbit since the Olympics so here it
is.  I heard some commentator saying this is the . Olympic prize for
Poland ..  Since knowing Tamara makes me interested in all things
Polish I Googled to see what the commentator might have been talking about.
It turned out that it was the first Olympic medal for Poland in the
Biathalon.  However, Poland has won many other medals in the Olympics
including the 1948 Gold Medal for Music: Composition for Orchestra!!
Zbigniew Turski by name.

I was amazed to find out that the Olypmics had inclded sculpture,
architecture, designs for town planning, graphic art, painting, literature:
epic works, lyrics, etc.  I think those events ended in 1948.  The website I
went to is:

So there is a little trivia for you all!  Jane in Vermont, USA where it's
been in the 50sF (10C) for a couple days!! And we had sun yesterday!

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[lace-chat] Sudoku again

2006-03-10 Thread Jane Viking Swanson
Hi All,  One day when I was supposed to be doing something else I Googled
Shogun Sudoku and found this wonderful site:


They have some free puzzles - a double, a five combo and Wordoku (which is
available in 4 languages I think).  They don't change the free ones weekly
(I've been checking), maybe monthly.  Checking to see if there were new free
ones wore down my resistance and I paid the 2 pounds ($3.61USD) for a
password good for two weeks.  They have four Shogun puzzles (you need the
password for those) and four Sumo Sudoku puzzles - 13 connected squares!!
Today I went back and found they have created a new monster - Shaolin
Sudoku - 25 connected puzzles!  I don't think I'll start that one very
soon!  I do have a life even if it isn't apparent in this note G.

They just changed the free ones but I have had more trouble with the double
one (Sensei Sudoku) they had up than I have with the 5-combo (Samurai
Sudoku).  I even started another Shogun but none will ever be as hard as
that first one was!  I'm not timing myself anymore, just having fun G.

Wikipedia has some good info on solving the puzzles.  It turns out I'm a
scanner but I will fill in numbers when they fit in two or three spaces
only.  This second Shogun I'm working on is teaching me some new rules
about the puzzles too.

I also found an article by Will Shortz, current puzzle editor of the New
York Times.  He says that Sudoku first appeared in one of the Dell puzzle
magazines in the US in 1989 (I think) and then it took off in Japan.  The
rest is history!

Jane in Vermont, USA where it's 50F (10C) outside!!  Feels fabulously warm!!

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[lace-chat] Finished!

2006-02-23 Thread Jane Viking Swanson
Hi All,  A dubious honor but I did finish the Shogun Sudoku!  I'm
embarrassed to say it must have taken around 20 hours!  Embarrassed because
I do have other things to do G.  I sure don't know where they came up with
1 hour and 15 minutes for how much time it should take.  Obviously someone a
little more adept at Sudoku than me!  This morning I had only the upper left
9x9.  It was not coming together and then I found two 2s in one row!  I
erased the whole corner and started over.  It ended up I had to fill in each
square with all the tiny numbers that would fit.  I find that confusing but
nothing else was working.  I finally got it on the second, painstaking try.
I don't know if I'll try another one of those again G.  Keeping track of
what square I was working on and constantly double checking to make sure I
wasn't screwing up was a little tedious.

Now I can get back to work on other things like lace!
Jane in Vermont, USA where it's a grey day.

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[lace-chat] Sudoku

2006-02-20 Thread Jane Viking Swanson
Hi All,  The morning after I wrote about working on the 11 - 9x9 puzzle
Sudoku I found two 9s in the same row  : (  Oh no!!  I've started over and
will let you know how I fare G.

Jane in Vermont, USA

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[lace-chat] Re: Sudoku

2006-02-19 Thread Jane Viking Swanson
Hi All,  I am another fan of Sudoku/Soduko and I concur that there is no
guessing in Sudoku.  I usually look for the places where they give you
enough numbers in the grid so you can fill in a square and then move on.
There is a US magazine that has been publishing Sudoku for 4 or 5 years and
I did those puzzles over and over and over again so I've gotten pretty good
at them.  (I don't wake up fast in the morning so I read and do puzzles for
an hour or so to get the brain working and I pull out puzzles at other times
of day too.)

I was thrilled to find out they'd become so popular!  I've got two books by
Mark Huckvale, Sudoku Puzzle Editor of the Independent (UK).  I also love
the jigsaw ones and all the other variations.  I did have to look at the
hints they give at the beginning of the books because I was having trouble
with some of them.  The book suggests writing in the squares.  After
photocopying I can do that - the books are printed on paper that only takes
two erasures before disintegrating.  I get confused if I've got two many
tiny number written so I usually mark in two or three squares where a number
goes and then the pattern emerges later.

Anyway, I looked at the URL Sue Babbs sent and said OH BOY!!!  It's 11 - 9x9
puzzles connected.  A variation I've done is two 9x9 squared sharing a 3x3
corner so it's just a bigger variation on that.  I had to take up the
challenge!  So far it took me over an hour and a half to get one 3x3 filled
in, another hour and a half to get the second 3x3 filled in and a total of 3
hours 45 minutes to get one 9x9 filled in G.  The whole grid is covered
with tiny numbers now and I'm being extra careful because I'll be screwed if
I make a mistake now!  The set-up with the common corner square does give
extra clues as to what numbers will be in the rows.  Now to go work on it a
little more VBG.  Oh, I also take a time out when I get stuck or look at a
different area of the puzzle and I can tell I'm too tired or brain-drained
when I can't figure out where any numbers go!

Obsessively yours, Jane in Vermont, USA where the temperature has plunged!

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[lace-chat] US Lace Stamp raffle and copyright

2006-02-14 Thread Jane Viking Swanson
Hi All,  Sorry for my tardiness!  I just realized I was going to pick the
winners at 5:00pm and it's now almost 9:00pm.  So, with no further ado, the
winner's of the US lace stamps are - ta da!!

Jeanette Fischer  and Shell Wolski!!

Jeanette I need your address and thanks for including yours Shell!  My
ornament exchange partner was in Tasmania so I know my Post Office knows
where it is G.

On to copyright.  I wrote Debra Jenny, editor of the IOLI Bulletin, and she
said I have to contact the four lace makers for permission to photocopy
their patterns and then I have to ask Debra for permission to copy the IOLI
layout of the article!  I am persevering but will mail that part separate
from the stamps G.  I am assuming the lace makers will grant permission,
I've heard back from one and she's thrilled to know there is still interest
in the stamps! BTW I did find my Summer 1993 Bulletin with the article and
the patterns do not all appear to be exactly what's on the stamps but very
pretty nevertheless.

Jane in Vermont, USA where the temperature got to 40F (5C) today!

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[lace-chat] Stamp raffle

2006-02-02 Thread Jane Viking Swanson
Hi All,  I saw notice of Robin's raffle and said oh goody so I guess I'd
better do one too G.  I have two panes (I think that's the term) of the US
lace stamps to send to new homes.  There are four stamps to a pane printed
with four different pieces of lace.  According to a short article in the New
England Lace Group bulletin of November 2003 there is an article in a 1993
IOLI Bulletin with pricking patterns.  I'll contact the editor and see if I
can send copies of those pages too.  Thanks Jeri Ames for the NELG article!!
It just appeared on top of a pile and it helps to have the right

To enter send me an direct e-mail  [EMAIL PROTECTED] with Stamp Raffle in
the subject line.  I'll pick two names on Valentine's Day probably around
5:00pm EST (5W G).  I'll mail them anywhere in te world.

Jane in Vermont, USA where I heard the groundhog saw his shadow so that
means 6 more weeks of winter.  Of course, living in Vermont we've got at
least 8 more weeks of winter no matter what G.

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[lace-chat] Junebug

2006-02-02 Thread Jane Viking Swanson
Hi All,  I think one of the actresses in Junebug was nominated for an Oscar
so the movie may play more theaters because of that.  Maybe she was
nominated for a Golden Globe?  Anyway, I have seen the name in my reading,
always with raves!  I'll keep my eye peeled for it!

Jane in Vermont, USA

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[lace-chat] Things that keep your brain active

2006-01-21 Thread Jane Viking Swanson
Hi All,  I just read an article in Newsweek magazine (January 16, 2006) on
this very topic.  They list the top five things to keep your brain active.
They are: dancing, playing board games, playing musical instruments, doing
crossword puzzles and reading.  I'm sure bobbin lace making would be up
there is they'd thought to test it G.  I'm interested that dancing is
first.  I don't do that very often but I sure do alot of word/number puzzles
G.  I'm another Suduko fan!  The article adds that ...older persons who
did crossword puzzles four days a week had a risk of dementia 47 percent
lower than subjects who did puzzles only once a week.

Jane in Vermont, USA where the January thaw is still going on!  It got up to
50F (10C) and that's been going on for almost two weeks - a blessing with
heating oil being so expensive!

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[lace-chat] Re: Thanks : )

2005-12-20 Thread Jane Viking Swanson
Hi All,  Thanks Laceandbits for this joke, I have't seen it in quite a
while.  The other time I got it it was from an aquaintance who was guilty of
constantly sending forwards and long lists of jokes and just a lot of junk.
He never wrote an actual e-mail.  I could not figure out how he could not
see himself in this particular forward!!

Happy Holidays to all!!  Jane in Vermont, USA where there is a LOT of action
at the suet feeder!

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[lace-chat] Website - My Cat Hates You.com

2005-12-16 Thread Jane Viking Swanson
Hi All,  Here is a hilarious (if you like cats) website G.


Lots of pictures with some very funny captions.

Jane in Vermont, USA where we got a few inches of snow and then lots of
rain/sleet/snow on top - quite a mess!

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[lace-chat] Re: Peeling mushrooms

2005-12-05 Thread Jane Viking Swanson
Hi All,  Thanks for all the comments on peeling mushrooms.  Except for old
ones I have now peeled my last mushroom VBG.  I even bought a mushroom
brush today (I was in the hardware store and it appeared right in front of
me).  Anything to make cooking a little faster is much appreciated!

Regarding Perfectionism- I think it serves no useful purpose.  I try to
strive for perfect only when I'm making lace and then I know there is really
no such thing as perfect so I do the best I can.  I can't remember if my
mother peeled mushrooms or not.  It just seemed like what my family would
have done so there is no rut there.  I know my mother peeled the carrots
before cooking them.  That I stopped doing after I met DH and found out not
everybody does.  I just give them a scrub.  Actually he would like some
peels left on the potatoes when I mash them but I usually forget and peel
them completely.  He's a good DH though because he just wants his dinner and
doesn't complain about what it is VBG.

Jane in Vermont, USA where it got into the 40s today (5+C) and melted some
of the snow.

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[lace-chat] Peeling mushrooms

2005-12-04 Thread Jane Viking Swanson
Hi All,  As I was peeling the skin off some mushrooms last night I started
wondering if I have to do that.  I grew up in a perfectionist family and
don't want to be one myself but some habits are ingrained.  So, do you all
just wash mushrooms when you cook with them or do you peel them?  I made a
very easy slow-cooker beef stroganoff with Portobello and Crimini mushrooms
if that makes a difference.

Thanks for any help in battling this scourge - Perfectionism!!

Jane in Vermont, USA where we got an inch (2.5cm) of snow.  I hope I will
stop thinking about the leaves I didn't get raked yet - Oh NO, perfectionism
strikes again!!

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[lace-chat] Re: Soil or Source

2005-11-18 Thread Jane Viking Swanson
Hi All,  Thank you so much for sending the note about the tulips Heather.
What a charming story!  I've always seen huge gardens
full of tulips on postcards of Ottawa but never knew the story
behind them!

Jane in Vermont, USA who would love to see all the tulips in
bloom in Ottawa some day!

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[lace-chat] From arachne on Diddl the cartoon character

2005-10-29 Thread Jane Viking Swanson
Hi All,  A lace conversation led to talk of Diddl who is a cartoon character
from Europe.  I was so involved with the stars that hang on/follow the
cursor that I didn't even notice what language the
website uses.   I was going to suggest that you share the site with
your kids or grandkids but I spent at least 15 minutes crashing the stars
into the edges of the screen so you all might like to take a
look G.


Jane in Vermont, USA

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[lace-chat] Re: Estonia Christmas Quiz

2005-10-17 Thread Jane Viking Swanson
Hi Pene and All,  Thanks for the quiz Pene, what fun!  I got 8 right but
since they don't tell you the answers I don't know which ones they were.
Except for putting the puzzle together (which I hadn't done on the computer
before) I was mostly guessing though there may have been some answers hidden
deep down in my brain.  I thought I might have known the track and field
athelete but I'm not sure - I think I picked the javelin thrower.  Since I
was supposed to be doing other things I didn't take advantage of the hints

Jane in Vermont, USA

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[lace-chat] Re: Katrina

2005-09-12 Thread Jane Viking Swanson
Hi All,  I can't quite follow all the discussion since I read things out of
order.  I am very interested to know the perception from other countries.
Though I think George W. putting on his wellies and giving a hand when he
went to see the areas that were hit by the hurricane would have done a lot
to earn respect in my eyes!  When I heard of other countries offering help I
was quite touched.  I thought W. had alienated most countries and it was
wonderful to find out that wasn't so.  We are all on this earth together!  I
do hope the government can find enough humility to accept some of the help!

I also am surprised about the slow response but I don't know anything about
being in a devastating situation like that.  It does seem that the
evacuation plan for New Orleans didn't include the flooding that came after
the hurricane hit.

They've had boxes out for donations in Brattleboro and sent three trucks of
stuff.  Don't know where it went, I'm sure someone got an address so it can
be distributed.  I saw the notice as I went into the store and was pondering
the fact that if you have no heat source soup wouldn't be any help (there
are pop-tops on the soup cans here now).  There was a list by the collection
box though - water, batteries (I think), personal care products,
energy/granola bars, pet food and a few other things.  I stuck in a couple
cans of cat food.

Jane in Vermont, USA where summer has returned for a few days!

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[lace-chat] Re: Manchester 100 Bike ride

2005-09-06 Thread Jane Viking Swanson
Hi All,  Steph thank you so much for sending your bike ride report!
Congratulations on finishing and getting up that steep hill into Styal!!
I enjoyed reading about it very much, much more than I would have enjoyed
riding it G.

Jane in Vermont, USA where the nights are getting cooler and I'm loving

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[lace-chat] Re: Do men suffer too?

2005-07-18 Thread Jane Viking Swanson
Hi Jean and all,  I don't know about cellulite but I do know men suffer from
anorexia.  It's not as common as it is in women.  I think it's an issue of
control and maybe men don't feel as powerless as women.
Or maybe they usually react in other ways - alcohol, drugs, gambling,
working too much, etc.

Jane in Vermont, USA where it's been raining on and off all day.

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[lace-chat] Re: Harry Potter

2005-07-18 Thread Jane Viking Swanson
Hi All,  I also have the new Harry Potter.  I was going to save it until
after the Convention in Denver (July 31-August 6) and that resolve lasted
one day G.  I'm going to send this and get back to reading!
I did have to finish Embroidered Truths by Monica Ferris first.  Both that
and Crewel Yule are very entertaining!

I always buy the book in town but DH (against my wishes) ordered it from
Amazon.  DH said it was to arrive Saturday but I didn't quite believe it.
Needless to say I was so happy to see a HP book sized package on the porch
and went over to thank the mail carrier before he got back in the truck.
Mine was one of about 30 he delivered on Saturday!

Now back to Harry Potter G.  Jane in Vermont, USA whose DH is reading
Eragon so I get HP all to myself for a couple days!

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[lace-chat] Happy 4th of July

2005-07-04 Thread Jane Viking Swanson
Hi All,  It's so quiet I thought I'd better send a note so Happy 4th of July
to all who celebrate it!!  I went to the parade and it was wonderful as
always.  I did wish the bagpipers from Montpelier, Vermont (smallest state
capitol in the US for you Jeopardy game show fans G) had played in front
of us but I guess they needed to march and catch their breath instead.  Lots
of other bands and many various groups.
Happily it was not too hot for the marchers!

Happy lacing, Jane in Vermont, USA

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[lace-chat] Travel question

2005-06-28 Thread Jane Viking Swanson
Hi All,  DH is going to Greece and is wondering about taking
his laptop.  He likes it for evening entertainment but he doesn't
want to be worrying about it when he's not in his room.  Actually
that has more to do with where he's staying than what country
he's in.  Anyway, he'll be in a hotel in Athens and then on Andros
(I think).  He does have an electrical adaptor and the things he needed to
get on-line in US hotels.   Any thoughts on traveling
with a laptop?

He's headed off in a few days.  Thanks for any help!
Jane in Vermont, USA where the afternoon downpour brought the
temperature down to 77F (25C).  It has been in the 90s F (35C) - Whew!

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[lace-chat] Torchon Purse Pendant Raffle Winner!!

2005-06-18 Thread Jane Viking Swanson
Hi All,  DH pulled the winning name for the Torchon Purse Pendant book
raffle.  It is Sue Harvey of the UK!!  I do wish I had a copy for each of
the other 75 people who entered!

Thanks to all of you who wrote G.  Jane in Vermont, USA who spent much of
the afternoon on a deck (porch) overlooking the Connecticut river - lovely
and there were two rainbows because it sprinkled and the sun came out over
and over this afternoon.

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[lace-chat] Raffle of Torchon Lace Purse Pendants

2005-06-06 Thread Jane Viking Swanson
Hi Chatters, I haven't forgotten you!  I have one copy of Torchon Lace
Purse Pendants by Susanne Thompson to raffle off.  Here's what I wrote to

One copy of Torchon Lace - Purse Pendants by Susanne Thompson ISBN
1-874688-09-5.  Copies were donated to the New England Lace Group by
Rosemarie Peel and they were for sale at the recent Retreat.  It's got
patterns for 10 pendants (like bookmarks with a hole in the middle, you fold
them in half, attach the pointed ends and sides, put a chain on and you have
a necklace that's a pouch!  The 10 pendants have a different pattern on each
side so you could make lots of different ones.  I don't do BL but it does
look like a good book for a beginner or more advanced lace maker.  I'll pick
the winner on June 18th.

Here's Rosemarie's website: www.lacet-pubs.demon.co.uk  where there is
probably more information.

To enter the raffle send me a direct e-mail [EMAIL PROTECTED] with Torchon
raffle in the subject line.  I'll mail anywhere in the world. There is no
cost it's just fun for me to do and I sure get a lot of mail G.

Jane in Vermont, USA where a thunderstorm passed earlier and cooled things

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[lace-chat] Monica Ferris has pseudonyms!

2005-06-03 Thread Jane Viking Swanson
Hi All,  I finally broke down and ordered Crewel Yule and the
latest Monica Ferris in hardback.  I was supposed to be ordering
a book on tape for my father for father's day but the one I was
after is only on CD  : (   There are times I just shouldn't go to
Barnes  Noble on line G.  Anyway,  I did find out something
I think is wonderful - Monica Ferris has written other books under other
names!  Here's her website:


Writing as Mary Monica Pulver she's written some with another detective and
at least one appears to be at a Society for Creative Anachronism event.  She
also wrote some Medieval mysteries
with another woman under the name of Monica Frazer.  I will be checking my
library for those!

I also don't like the formulaic ones that there are so many of now.
The cooking ones seem to have very clever titles but the writing doesn't
thrill me.  Right now I'm reading a book by Archer Mayor
who sets his mysteries in Brattleboro, Vermont where I live!
They're very good though more hard-boiled than I ususally read.

Jane in Vermont, USA where the flowers I planted are doing beautifully!

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[lace-chat] Latest Star Wars movie

2005-05-29 Thread Jane Viking Swanson
Hi All,  Has anybody seen the latest Star Wars movie?  DH and I plan on
going Tuesday night.  I'm quite excited!  I did see kids lining up on
Wednesday afternoon two weeks ago to see the midnight showing.  Midnight
showings are not usual at my local movie theaters.  Actually it used to be
that if less than 6 people were there they wouldn't show the movie.  Now,
even the downtown theater, has split up into three screening rooms.  And
Star Wars always comes to the downtown theater (versus the one on the
strip) because George Lucas used to go to his most local, easy to get to,
theater when he was a kid G.

Jane in Vermont, USA looking forward to finding out how Anakin Skywalker
became Darth Vader.

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[lace-chat] Monica Ferris book coming out

2005-05-24 Thread Jane Viking Swanson
Hi All,  I just got a special notice from Barnes  Noble that Embroidered
Truths by Monica Ferris will be coming out in the US on June 28th!  I
gather that's a hardback.  So far I have resisted buying the hardbacks but
I'm having trouble finding out when Crewel Yule will be out in paperback :
(  I searched BN and Amazon a few weeks ago and couldn't find a date for
the paperback.

I guess that means I have to be PATIENT!  Not a virtue of mine G.

For newbies, Monica Ferris writes wonderful mysteries and the detective is
the owner of a needlework shop.  The mysteries involve embroidery and other
needlework and one had lace in it!  They're
very entertaining and the needlework shop angle is a lot of fun.

Jane in Vermont, USA where the rain is making everything really green though
it would be nice to appreciate it in the sunshine G.

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[lace-chat] ? re: music during Charles and Camilla's wedding

2005-04-16 Thread Jane Viking Swanson
Hi All,  A friend really loved the Russian song sung during Prince Charles
and Camilla's wedding.  The show I taped (in error) had only a few clips of
the wedding and not the song.  Do any of you know what it was and the
author?  My friend said it was Russian but that's all I know.

Thanks to all you wise souls!  Jane in Vermont, USA where I spent some time
outside raking the leaves I missed in the fall G. Lovely!

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[lace-chat] Re: Camilla's hats

2005-04-13 Thread Jane Viking Swanson
Hi All,  DHs birthday is April 8th so I'd forgotten about the wedding!
I did want to see it and set up to tape a show on Saturday evening.
Unfortunately it was was some kind of news compilation and only had a few
bits of tape on the wedding.  I thought Camilla looked very nice and very
happy.  I'd like to see the spray she wore instead of a tiara in a better
picture.  I thought it was quite interesting.  I will check the URL Noelene
sent to see what more I can see!  The only good thing about the show I taped
was that they did a brief segment on some of the other hats!  Wow!  I think
of them as sculpture and don't worry about whether I have to wear them or
not.  Fun G.

I'm so happy to be able to post!  I couldn't get e-mail for over two days
last week and they were bouncing my e-mail : (   DH and I have had separate
accounts for years and decided to put them under his name to save a little
money.  Our server had gotten new software and it got completely screwed up.
I couldn't get on-line at all at first but that turned out to be a simple
(though I hadn't thought of it) problem.  The e-mail finally got fixed.

For anyone who has read this far I have a question about Yahoo groups.
Because the mail bounced my e-mail addy got blacklisted.
I do NOT want to have an account with Yahoo and I used to be able to
subscribe to one group with a blank e-mail but not anymore.  I've asked
Sover.net to write and tell them it wasn't my fault and I'm trying various
Yahoo e-mail addresses.  Any hints from you all?  I realize I will probably
have to get a Yahoo account but I'm hoping not.

Jane in Vermont, USA where Spring has sprung!

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[lace-chat] Re: Beaded pin badges

2005-02-25 Thread Jane Viking Swanson
Hi All,  Reading Jean Nathan's post made me think about enlarging things on
the computer.  I know some pictures I've enlarged and they look like they
would make quilt patterns - the pixels turn into squares.  I'm thinking it's
when I keep zooming in on a picture.  That might possibly work with the flag
pictues on a website.  That way you won't need a special program.

Just a thought, not sure if that would work or not!

Jane in Vermont, USA getting t-i-r-e-d of winter.  But I did see a Common
Merganser in the brook yesterday with it's beautiful reddish brown crested

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[lace-chat] Erica Fortgens book

2005-02-11 Thread Jane Viking Swanson
Hi Patricia and all,  Since I have things to do I looked up Basics of
Embroidery on Paper by Erica Fortgens instead G.  I googled in the basics
and got lots of hits.  Here's one, though I see the URL split.  I didn't try
www.abebooks.com yet but I've had great success there, they list booksellers
from all over the world.

newrubberstampingshop/books/embroidery/embroiderybooks.htm - 9k -

Good luck!  Jane in Vermont, USA where the forecast of possibly 11-20 of
snow turned into 1-2 of very wet snow.

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Re: [lace-chat] Charles and Camilla

2005-02-10 Thread Jane Viking Swanson
Thanks Jean for the news.  I'm feeling a little shocked even 
though it's none of my business G.  It's nice that the social 
climate can be taken into account to make this wedding 
possible.  But I still miss Princess Diana!  

I have read about the comment Camilla made to Prince Charles 
when they first met a number of times.  I took it as true.  

Jane in Vermont, USA who got a little dreamy about Prince 
Charles when I was younger since we're close in age G.

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[lace-chat] I missed you!

2005-01-17 Thread Jane Viking Swanson
Hi All,  After a blessedly brief (two day) hiatus I'm back.  I don't know
what happened.  No chat and no lace for two days : (  Avital sent me digests
of what I missed and today I seem to be getting arachne mail!  But Bev and
Anne Toney in Texas also had trouble.  I missed you all terribly but I did
get some lace made G.

I also have been working on a Kumihimo (Japanese) braid with the new gadget
I got on the trip to Northampton, Massacusetts with Sumac.  Before her
fabulous shopping trip in the record store (sorry, CD store) we went to a
great yarn store.  I got some wonderful yarn and we also both got Kumihimo
circles with notches in them.  I made the practice piece - 16 threads, 4
colors winding around the cord and then started a new one.  Unfortunately I
chose DMC #80 tatting cotton.  It was the best color choice right to hand.
It's making a beautiful cord but a bit thin.  I'll go searching later, I
know I have lots of silk buttonhole twist and I think that would be
beautiful!!  And I seem to remember I have some spools of Pearl cotton that
I was given a long time ago.  I have lots of white and ecru Pearl Cotton for
B'berg but I want color!!  Sumac taught our Fiberarts Group Kumihimo a few
years ago at Christmas time.  She brought us all squares of matboard with
notches.  That works wonderfully but I think I put it away safely and I'm
not sure where it is : (

Her prize winning run through the store was great fun.  It was fun to see
how the radio guys worked too.  We (including the other customers) had to
keep yelling every time they did a promo to stir up interest.  They did that
a few times and it gave Sumac a chance to look over the inventory again.
She did wonderfully and crammed the canvas bag she was given full!!  What
fun G.

Jane in Vermont, USA where it's below freezing again.

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[lace-chat] Cookie/biscuit recipe

2005-01-15 Thread Jane Viking Swanson
Hi All,  Here's my Grandmother's recipe for Sugar Cookies.

1 Cup sugar (Castor sugar in the UK I think)
3/4 C. butter
1/4 C. milk
2 eggs, well beaten
3 teaspoons baking powder
1/4 t. salt
1/4 t. nutmeg
1 t. vanilla

Mix ingredients together.  Add enough flour to be able to roll the dough.
Do not get dough too stiff.  Bake at 400F for 12 minutes.

I realize I've never made these myself because I don't know how
much flour.  The dough needs to be about as stiff as pie dough if
that's any help!

You can just sprinkle colored sugar on the cookies but my mother always
frosted them with Buttercream frosting and we'd sprinkle that with colored
sugar, cinnamon hearts, etc.

Buttercream Frosting
1 pound Confectioners 10-X Sugar (powdered sugar)
1/2 C butter or margarine, softened
1 teaspoon vanilla
3 Tablespoons milk

Beat together all ingredients until smooth.  Add more milk if frosting
is too thick for spreading.

My parents moved to Oregon from Delaware about 12 years ago
and I don't go out there for Christmas so I haven't had these cookies since.
I've been thinking about making them because they're so good!  I think the
nutmeg makes them extra special.  This year my brother sent me some gifts
and they included some of these Christmas cookies - YUM!!  He lives near our
parents so his
girlfriend, her 6 year old, my sister and Mom made the cookies together.
They had a good time and the taste of the cookies really took me back G.

Jane in Vermont, USA where the pouring rain stopped and it's around freezing
again so the driveway is a skating rink.

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[lace-chat] Spider Glove Raffle Winners!!

2005-01-08 Thread Jane Viking Swanson
Hi All,  Happily one more person entered the raffle today (for a
total of 17 G).  I have a very, very part time job and have spent
most of today trying to finish it up so I'd spaced out on the raffle.
Needless to say it is a delightful break from typing up the minutes
of the local School Board Meeting!

So the winners are - Ta Da!!

Bev from Sooke
Pauline from Somerset SW England
Penny Ostler Williams

Congratulations to all you lucky winners!!  I don't think this is
what Devon means about wearing lace but maybe you'll meet
some arachnologists!  Bev and Pauline please send me your
snail mail addresses, I have Penny's.  I will get these in the mail
on Monday!

Thanks for all the fun!  I'm sorry I don't have 14 more pairs!  I
have another raffle for everybody that I'll get started when I get
a chance.

Jane in Vermont, USA where it is snowing!  Looks very pretty
since I don't have to go out today G.

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[lace-chat] Fw: Spider glove raffle

2005-01-04 Thread Jane Viking Swanson
Hi All,  Here's one more reminder!  I'll pick the names on Saturday, January
8th around noon EST.  I bought the pair of gloves they had in the window so
there are now 3 pairs to give away!

Jane in Vermont, USA
-Original Message-
From: Jane Viking Swanson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: chat lace-chat@arachne.com
Date: Tuesday, December 21, 2004 5:12 PM
Subject: Spider glove raffle

Hi All,  I guess I'll take the recent discussion as a sign that it's time
do the spider glove raffle.  I have two pairs of black knitted gloves (one
size fits all) with a white web and three spiders painted on the top.  It's
painted as if your fingers are all together.  I think they must be left
from Halloween. The spiders are orange, red and green.  They're cheap
but fun G.

So send me an e-mail direct [EMAIL PROTECTED] with Spider glove raffle in
the Subject line to enter.  There is no charge on arachne for these things.
They're light so I'll be happy to mail them anywhere in the world.  This is
just for chatters but if you know any lace-only arachnes who would
appreciate these gloves let them know and they can send me an e-mail. And
you have two chances to win!!

Jane in Vermont, USA who bought one pair of spider web gloves for herself

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[lace-chat] The Disaster

2004-12-29 Thread Jane Viking Swanson
Hi All,  Well, I've seen some of the coverage and our paper has had it on
the front page.  Like Tamara, I will do what I can but that's not much.
Sulochona was going to be in Calcutta and Chinsurah so I hope she and her
family are okay.  What a tragedy.  DH saw satellite photos of the tsunami
and said it was quite amazing.  Before the wave hits it sucks all the water
away from the coast so the fish were flopping around and I think he said
people on the beach could not see the ocean at that time.  How terrifying.

I did see two people from the UN on C-SPAN today.  They said all relief
workers had to come self contained since there is no infrastructure left.
So the relief workers have to have their own tents, food, clothing, etc.
They were talking mostly about the eastern land fall of the tsunami.

I'm so happy to read the reports that arachne friends and family are safe.

Jane in Vermont, USA

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[lace-chat] Mittens and wristlets

2004-12-26 Thread Jane Viking Swanson
Hi All,  The new Piecework magazine came last Saturday and they have an
addition to our discussion of mittens.  There is an article on knitted
Danish wristlets, little tubes to fill the gap between coat and mittens
though the model is wearing them with bare hands.

I was thinking of you all today when I took all my fingers out of my glove
fingers to bunch them up in the body of the glove.  Happily somebody drove
by and offered me a ride home.  It's only 20F (-4C) so that's not terribly
cold but my fingers sure were!

PW also has some gorgeous Norwegian mittens to knit and embroider - they
have lots of fringe on them too.  Also featured are some spectacular fur
parkas from Alaska.

Sorry to go on and on, I know many of you don't get the magazine.  There
might be some pictures at the website www.interweavepress.com

Jane in Vermont, USA   N 42o 50.911o, WO (WD?) 72o 33.945o,
to be exact, and elevation of, probably, 342 feet on the third floor,
with a 20 foot margin of error on longitude and latitude!

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[lace-chat] Harry Potter fan here

2004-12-21 Thread Jane Viking Swanson
Hi All,  Thanks Sue for the heads up!  I also got a notice from Barnes and
Noble bookstore but all they say is that Harry Potter and the Half-Blood
Prince will be out on July 16, 2005.  But how can we almost be up to book
6!  That means only one after that : (   Guess I'm getting ahead of myself,
I'll just start counting the days until July 16th G.

Jane in Vermont, USA where it was minus 0F when I got up and the high of the
day was 18F - definately a day for gloves under mittens!

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[lace-chat] Spider glove raffle

2004-12-21 Thread Jane Viking Swanson
Hi All,  I guess I'll take the recent discussion as a sign that it's time to
do the spider glove raffle.  I have two pairs of black knitted gloves (one
size fits all) with a white web and three spiders painted on the top.  It's
painted as if your fingers are all together.  I think they must be left over
from Halloween. The spiders are orange, red and green.  They're cheap gloves
but fun G.

So send me an e-mail direct [EMAIL PROTECTED] with Spider glove raffle in
the Subject line to enter.  There is no charge on arachne for these things.
They're light so I'll be happy to mail them anywhere in the world.  This is
just for chatters but if you know any lace-only arachnes who would
appreciate these gloves let them know and they can send me an e-mail. And
you have two chances to win!!

Jane in Vermont, USA who bought one pair of spider web gloves for herself

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[lace-chat] Spider Glove raffle again

2004-12-21 Thread Jane Viking Swanson
Hi All,  I forgot to say I will pick the winners on January 8, 2005.

Jane in Vermont, USA

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[lace-chat] Re: Mittens

2004-12-18 Thread Jane Viking Swanson
Hi All,  When I was in my late 20s my sister gave me some beautiful bright
green knitted mittens with bright embroidery on them.  They had a wide cuff
and were so big I couldn't stick them in the pocket of my coat.  I didn't
want to lose them so I put them on a string!  Besides not losing them
another convenience was that when I came inside I could throw my hands down
and they'd both fall off.  Very like the ice hockey players when they throw
down their gloves to get in a fight G.

I am also a big fan of mittens because of being able to double up on hand
protection.  It gets that cold here too!  Single digits Fahreneit is when I
go for two layers, I think.

Jane in Vermont, USA where we're having the big Christmas celebration
tomorrow.  I'll be writing more after that!

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[lace-chat] Re: Buying flowers

2004-11-27 Thread Jane Viking Swanson
Hi All,  A year or so ago my MIL was in the hospital up north so
I called the florist shop in the hospital to have some flowers sent
to her.  I was quite surprised to hear that the flowers (though lovely)
included a *very* fragrant lily.  I would have thought the florist would
not include something like that since anybody could be sensitive to
the smell and it doesn't seem appropriate for a hospital room.

MIL knew she couldn't sleep with it in the room but FIL forgot to move it
and she slept just fine G.  MIL loves to find fault with everything so
it's hard to know if she's allergic or just looking for sympathy.

Jane in Vermont, USA glad that the guest left today.

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[lace-chat] Clicks for Literacy

2004-11-27 Thread Jane Viking Swanson
Hi All,  I click on the Breast Cancer site and the Hunger site every day.
The other day I noticed a new one, the Literacy site:
www.theliteracysite.comThey have sponsors and give books to kids with
the money raised from the clicks.  You don't have to go to
the sponsors sites.  Towards the bottom of the second page (after you've
clicked) they note how many books were bought the day before, 500 yesterday!
I think the books are given to kids in the US only.  Thought some of you
might be interested.

Jane in Vermont, USA surrounded by books.

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[lace-chat] Ribbons

2004-11-09 Thread Jane Viking Swanson
Hi All,  I have it in my mind that the ribbons people wear started with red
for AIDS awareness.  I know pink is for Breast Cancer, purple I think is for
Domestic Violence awareness and I have a friend with a very cool on of
multicolored puzzle pieces (the pattern on the ribbon) for Autism awareness.
And of course the yellow is to welcome people home and now support the
troops.  That's a case of not listening to the whole somg I think.  Like
Reagan wanting to use Bruce Springsteens's Born in the USA which is not a
Yippee-I-was-born-in-the-USA song like he thought.

Jane in Vermont, USA where the snow flurry left a tiny bit of snow on the
ground and it got colder today so it's still there : (  The cat and I
are both unhappy about that.

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[lace-chat] More Breast Cancer awareness

2004-11-09 Thread Jane Viking Swanson
Hi All,  I know this website has been written about before but it's
been a while.  Somehow your clicks generate some money and
pay for mammograms for women who can't afford them.  Of course, writing to
chat makes me think they're only for women in the US.  Guess I'll look into
that.  Vermont has a program, Ladies First,
that helps women get mammograms too.

Here's the URL: www.thebreastcancersite.com

Jane in Vermont, USA who needs to be doing something besides writing

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[lace-chat] Monica Ferris and Red Sox

2004-10-28 Thread Jane Viking Swanson
Hi All,  I just checked on Barnes and Noble to see if Monica Ferris
has a new book coming out.  There is one!  Crewel Yule is out in
hardback now and will be out in paperback in June 2005.  They
are also putting out a number of her books in large print.  A friend
orders the books for a nursing home and I think I'll suggest Monica
Ferris to her!

Jane in Vermont, USA wondering if I can wait until June or should
I order the hardback at the discounted Member rate...hmmm
Maybe I should start thinking about how thrilling it is that the Boston Red
Sox won the World Series last night!  That's Boston,
Massachusetts, USA (two hour drive from my house) and the
US/Canada World Series of baseball for those of you living
elsewhere.  They hadn't won this since 1918 - a few months before
my mother was born so she's happy to say they have now won
one in her lifetime!

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Re: [lace-chat] Halas lace

2004-10-17 Thread Jane Viking Swanson
Hi Dora and all,  I'd love to read what you have to say about Halas lace.
Wouldn't it be appropriate for arachne or do you think it's
too long and belongs on chat?  I'll read it anywhere!

Jane in Vermont, USA where things are quiet for the moment, it's
been a busy weekend.
-Original Message-
having read all your notes about Halas Lace I thought I would just mentione
that I also went to Kiskunhalas and
Kalocsa. That was in 1984

I wrote about it in my book and would be willing to give a report, but it
would have to be in sections as it is rather long.
Let me know if you are interested.

Greetings from the Knotter UK
Dora Northern


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[lace-chat] Contrail count

2004-10-13 Thread Jane Viking Swanson
Hi All,  As usual, ever since Alice in Oregon wrote about it,  I went to the
Astronomy site today.  http://antwrp.gsfc.nasa.gov/apod/astropix.html

I looked further and Northern Hemisphere residents can help NASA by counting
contrails (jet trails) in the sky on October 14th and 15th sometime between
11am and 1pm.  I don't know why but I thought
some of you might be interested G.  The work sheet and data
sheet are at the following URL.

From what I read it seems that jet trails might be changing the
climate and they're studying that.  You don't have to be a student
or teacher to count the contrails and you can learn more about
clouds if you're interested.

Jane in Vermont, USA hoping it won't be overcast tomorrow!

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[lace-chat] Cornwall, UK

2004-08-18 Thread Jane Viking Swanson
Hi All,  The flooding in (excuse my phonetic spelling) Buscastle,
near Guilford, in Cornwall made the news here.  I hope no lace
makers had their pillows or shuttles swept out to sea!  I couldn't
believe how many cars were floating through the middle of town.

I suppose there are places on earth getting the perfect amount
of rain but it seems to be feast or famine on lace chat!

Jane in Vermont, USA where the sun came out for a little while

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[lace-chat] Olympics

2004-08-14 Thread Jane Viking Swanson
Hi All,  I'm back from the IOLI Convention and finally got to sleep
late today so I can write e-mail G.  Anyway,  I watched the
beginning of the opening ceremonies of the Olympics last night.
I may have the end on tape but I'm not sure.  I loved what I saw.
The people made up like statues were fascinating to me.  And
they looked like Minoan sculptures and the other things they
were supposed to look like!  The math part was neat and I saw
a hula hoop that was like a giant Slinky (spring)!  I really love
seeing some of the techniques used for stage shows - one
group of women had on dresses with three flounces made of
board or something and the flounces moved independentely of
each other.  There were also waves done in the same manner.
I have a note here about fish in the sea but I don't know what
that means G.

Now I'm watching the opening day events and trying to figure
out what channels have Olympics on them.  We have cable
because otherwise you don't get anything here.  So far I've
found three channels with different sports on them.  I got to see
the Thorpedo in one swimming heat G.  Wasn't he about 18
at the Sydney Olympics?  He looks like a handsome man now!  Actually there
is quite a bit of eye candy VBG.

Jane in Vermont, USA where the sun is out!!  Rain from the next
hurricane is on the way :(  I hope all the lacers in the path of that
are doing okay!

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[lace-chat] Tall, willowy, sylphlike...

2004-07-22 Thread Jane Viking Swanson
Hi All,  LOL when I read Jean's post about about being tall,
willowy and sylphlike again.  I got a new bathing suit today.
The elastic in my old one finally gave way.  I was going to fix
it but I noticed it didn't cover some areas that aren't as
attractive anymore.  Since I swim once every ten years
I wanted a cheap one too!  Though my DH is helping friends
put in a hot tub so I may get wet more often now.  Anyway,
I got the cheapest one piece from Land's End.  I ordered
purple and it's no dark, background color it is PURPLE!
So I tried it on and it looks good but I was surprised to see
a woman's body under my youthful (to me) face G.

I'm still tallish and thin but willowy and sylphlike are in the
past G.

Jane in Vermont, USA where I ripped out all the bittersweet by the garage so
that the wild black raspberries can grow.
I inadvertantly uncoverd the resident chipmunk's playground!
I hope it's faster than the cats G.

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[lace-chat] Re: Arthritis in thumbs

2004-07-21 Thread Jane Viking Swanson
Hi All,  Alice wrote that she can't work her mouse without her
thumb.  My suggestion is get a Turbo Ball (actually mine says
Kensington Expert Mouse on it).  It's a ball in a box with two
places to click on the right and left.  No thumb needed but you
do need a flat place to put it and a place to rest your wrist.

Jane in Vermont, USA 

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[lace-chat] Different tape lace tablecloth

2004-06-28 Thread Jane Viking Swanson
Hi All,  I sent another message to arachne since this is lace
related!  Alice sent the eBay info. on a tape lace tablecloth.
I have some of this odd tape.  It's tan, almost light brown, and
every twelve inches it changes.  First plain, then small holes,
then large holes and then medium I think.  It's interesting on
this table cloth that looks like that swirly stitch they use to
fill in the background of quilts.  I also thought the tape would
be fun to use on a small motif - stem one tape, leaves another,
flower another.  The bit I have is vintage but I know nothing
about it.

Jane in Vermont, USA where it's been pleasantly warm in the
day and cool in the nights.

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[lace-chat] Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban

2004-06-07 Thread Jane Viking Swanson
Hi All,  DH and I just got home from seeing the third Harry
Potter movie.  It was great  Many wonderful parts and
new characters.  The new Dumbledore is excellent and
it's fun to see Harry, Hermoine and Ron a year older.  

Now I have to head towards bed so I'll leave it at that.
Highly recommended!

Jane in Vermont, USA where it's feeling like summer!

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[lace-chat] Screens and walking

2004-06-02 Thread Jane Viking Swanson
Hi All,  I also love reading about the differences among 
countries.  We sure need window screens in Vermont for 
most of the bugs mentioned by Lynn.  I was surprised when
we spent the night in a hotel on the Oregon coast and had
no screens.  They didn't have any bugs!  Very nice!  I 
suppose there were some at the fish canneries in a nearby
town but the ocean breeze blew them away from the hotel.

I walk everywhere.  I did when I lived in Philadelphia, 
Pennsylvania (big city) and I do now in Brattleboro, Vermont
(population 12,000).  I love walking and I was thrilled to find
out it's good for me too G.  My bone density is fabulous!
I'm so amazed how many people drive everywhere even when
they could walk.  Two years ago I worked for 8 months at a
place on the other side of town (2.5 or 3 miles from my home).
That was a bit much for a round trip so I'd walk to town (3/4
mile) and take the bus to work.  The bus was erratic about 
time in the afternoon so often I'd walk home.  I realize that
is a tiny commute for most people!

When I first started that job I drove for two weeks before the
car broke down.  I hated it!  I'd get home and jump out of the
car to take a walk.  All the worries of the day were still with
me and I hadn't seen anything of nature on the way home. 
When I walk the worries fall from my shoulders and I look at
the flowers and birds and talk to the cats and people I see,
much more to my liking!

We also used to have many, many neighborhood grocery
stores in town.  I've lived here 30 years and in the last 20
years they've been closing.  They are more expensive but
I like talking to the people who work there and it's more
convenient.  I can walk there instead of driving!  Now I do
go to the big grocery store every week or two but usually
buy at a smaller place.  

Recently a large convenience store closed in town to make
way for a big parking garage!  That store was used by 
everyone who lives downtown, especially those in the Senior
housing across the street.  However there was good news
last week.  We have an Indian restaurant downtown and they
had a small grocery behind it.  The grocery has now moved
to a more central location and they are adding milk and other 
items to the Indian specialites!  It will be nice to be able to
pick up a few things on my way home.  

As Tamara (I think) said, cars are smaller in the US than they
used to be!  I went to Italy and Greece in 1967 and I 
remember seeing a Citroen (sp?)  and it looked so big!  Also
an American car somewhere, maybe in Rome, which looked 
very out of place!  Now it seems the vehicles are getting
bigger again.  

 Jane in Vermont, USA where it's partly cloudy instead
of totally cloudy - an improvement!

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[lace-chat] Eats, Shoots and Leaves

2004-05-19 Thread Jane Viking Swanson
Hi All,  I'm anxiously awaiting the answer to the had, had, had
problem.  It just makes my head hurt G.  I sent a copy of ESL
to my mother for Mother's Day and she's enjoying it very much.
I also saw Ms. Truss on TV the other day and she was very
funny.  One question was about the history of punctuation and
she said it came from musical notation and was first used in
Greek plays.  They had marks to tell the actor when to take a
deep breath before a long speech (or a medium or small

Also the book is being adapted into Swedish, Japanese and
and other languages.  Can't be translated for obvious reasons.
So, wise lace chatters, please tell me where is the punctuation
in Japanese?  I don't recall seeing any punctuation but maybe
I've only see the calligraphy and not much..Wait, I just got out
my Japanese Battenberg lace book and I see commas,
parantheses and periods (like little os).  Once again I
missed something right in front of my eyes G.

So I wait to hear if I got that information right or not.  I love
the wealth of knowledge here!  And I hope I got all the
punctuation right.  I know, I know, too many !  I do know
that there is no period after Ms but I put one there anyway.

Jane in Vermont, USA where we had another beautiful
Spring day and the air is perfumed with lilacs.

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[lace-chat] Re: Miniature Fans

2004-05-08 Thread Jane Viking Swanson
Hi Sue and All,  Welcome to the list!  I don't know if this is what
you're after but Mary Shields from Ireland has two miniature
fan patterns in her second Carrickmacross book called 
Lasadoireacht II, ISBN 0-9519910-1-9.  They're quite lovely!

Jane in Vermont, USA where there are green leaves outside
every window!

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Re: [lace-chat] Wedding dress guy

2004-05-04 Thread Jane Viking Swanson
Hi Jean and All,  Well I was really out of the loop on this one.
Thanks for bringing me up to speed.  How funny!

Jane in Vermont, USA where the bright red male Cardinal
came and sat in the hanging plant on the porch!  He was a
picture next to the lavender flowers.
-Original Message-
Larry, the Wedding dress guy now has his own web site:

http://www.weddingdressguy.com/ there's a link from it to his band websiteas
A lot of it's still under construction, But there's a picture of him,
without his face covered, wearing the dress on the 'About me' page:

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[lace-chat] Eccles cakes?

2004-05-01 Thread Jane Viking Swanson
Hi All and happy May Day to everyone!  I picked a bouquet of
dark purple violets today.  

Liz wrote about Eccles Cakes and I want to know what they are.
I know I could Google for an answer but it's more fun to ask G.

Jane in Vermont, USA where it feels more like summer than

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[lace-chat] Bucket Loader in the yard (driveway)

2004-05-01 Thread Jane Viking Swanson
Hi All,  Since it's so quiet I'll tell you about the Bucket Loader
we have in the driveway.  DH is the Facilities Manager at a 
local mental/substance abuse hospital and they got the new
Loader yesterday so he drove it home this morning!  The
manual is bolted to the seat so if he was going to read it this
weekend he had to bring the Loader home!  A loader is a 
very big road machine - they'll use it to clear the snow, clear
land and whatever else they can think of.

Anyway, my brother, his girlfriend and her 6yo son came to 
visit today.  Luckily Gareth (the son) ran right by the Loader
with his butterfly net at first so my brother got to sit in it and
play with the bucket G.  Then Gareth got his chance to
sit in the driver's seat and lift the bucket up and down.  Both
guys were quite thrilled to say the least!  Almost as thrilled
as DH VBG.  I've been shown all the cool things it does
but I haven't gotten to sit in the seat yet!  Oh dear, that means
I'll have to get up early tomorrow to sit in the seat before he
takes it back to work!

Love to you all, Jane in Vermont, USA with all the windows open!

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Fw: [lace-chat] Quiz

2004-04-21 Thread Jane Viking Swanson
I only got two!  Solidarity I knew and cracking the Nazi code I
guessed.  I thought I knew one or two others but I guess not : (

I did learn some things!  

Jane in Vermont, USA where the magnolia tree across the
street is in bloom!

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[lace-chat] Eats, Shoots, Leaves

2004-04-11 Thread Jane Viking Swanson
Hi All,  There is a little article in Newsweek magazine this week
that Eats, Shoots and Leaves by Lynne Truss will be released 
in the US this month!  I will be buying a copy!  For those of you
who weren't on lace chat a couple months ago it's a book about
punctuation.  The title is part of a joke.  

A panda goes into a cafe and orders a sandwich.  After eating 
the panda pulls out a gun and shoots it.  The cafe owner says 
What's that all about? and the panda throws her a wildlife 
manual.  Inside it says that a panda eats, shoots and leaves.

Jane in Vermont, USA whose DH brought home many 
chocolates today!  And no onions to chop G.

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[lace-chat] Unconditional Love on DVD

2004-04-11 Thread Jane Viking Swanson
Hi All,  My last message of the day.  I rented Unconditional
Love this weekend.  It stars Kathy Bates, Rupert Everett and lots
of other stars (and cameos).  I was a bit put off by the very
beginning but ended up being charmed by the movie.  It doesn't
quite gel, it seems to want to be a few different kinds of movies -
sentimental comedy, goofy comedy and I don't know what else.
However, I loved it and laughed out loud quite a few times (unusual
for me at movies).  I looked it up on Barnes  Noble and it seems
it was never released in movie theaters in the UK or US.

It's about Kathy Bates crush on a Tom Jones like, older Elvis in
Las Vegas singer.  When he dies she goes to the UK for his
funeral and meets his lover of many years (Rupert Everett) and
they decide to hunt down the killer of the singer.  I'm having a
mentalpause about the singers name - I loved him in Jumping
Jack Flash with Whoopie Goldberg.

Anyway I found it quite funny!  And things are quiet for the weekend
so I thought I'd give you all something to read.

Jane in Vermont, USA worrying about her punctuation since
writing about Eats, Shoots and Leaves G.

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[lace-chat] Onions and chocolate

2004-04-09 Thread Jane Viking Swanson
Hi All,  Recently I was cutting up two large, not very fresh onions
and my eyes were watering and itchy.  I remembered we'd talked
about that on chat and I tried to remember the antidotes.  The only
one I could remember was to eat chocolate and I tried it.  It works
great!  I did have to keep eating the chocolate the whole time I
cut the onions but that was okay G.

The body response seemed similar to when I put on an icebag
while having a hot flash.  The body is saying cry while the
chocolate is saying don't cry.  Anyway, it works!

Jane in Vermont, USA who put a new net on the basketball hoop
in the driveway this afternoon and shot a few baskets.  Actually
the miracle about that is that I put the ladder back in the basement after I
got the net on!

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[lace-chat] Re: Grey hair

2004-03-21 Thread Jane Viking Swanson
Hi All,  I just have a minute but I wanted to write something before I
forget it.  Recently I've seen a phrase twice in the New York Times.
The first time was a woman writing about what she usually wears to work and
the fact that she's in her late 40s and may have to change the way she
dresses.  She doesn't want to be seen as mutton
dressed as a lamb.   I love that phrase.  Something Tamara wrote brought it
back to mind.

Love to you all, Jane in Vermont, USA where the snow is still melting - I
think we've had enough!

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[lace-chat] Happy to be here!

2004-03-10 Thread Jane Viking Swanson
Hi All,  Oh, I've missed you for the last 48 hours!  I don't know if it was
the new virus variation but I couldn't get an answer from my server last
night!  The day before I got two virus letters with attachments and the
secret password to open the mail.  I was not going to open them and was
glad to see an e-mail from my server explaining what had happened.  DH got
his e-mail mid-day yesterday and it included 5 viruses - thanks to Norton
they were taken care of!  So I don't know if
it was related but I could not get on yesterday to get my mail : (
DH said he finally got his mail around 9:30 last night.

I wasn't really without e-mail for two days but it seemed like an eternity!
I can handle it when I'm going away but I do not like unscheduled vacations
from arachne and chat!!

Jane in Vermont, USA where I have 1 cm crocus sprouts in my yard!

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[lace-chat] Re: Crewel World

2004-03-03 Thread Jane Viking Swanson
Hi All,  Since I'm trying to NOT buy everything I *think* I need 
I checked at my library for the Monica Ferris books.  They 
don't have them!  I, of course, ordered them all G.  Actually 
I borrowed some from Sumac too.  I'm savoring them and 
still have two to go.  But I think they're only published in 
paperback and I have been meaning to see if my library 
has the paperbacks on some other shelves.  I think I 
checked the card catalogue (computer) but I may not have.
They really should have them because they're so GOOD!!

Jane in Vermont, USA where it is in the 50s F again!!  Snow
is melting and the sprouts of the early crocuses across the
street are out from under the 4 foot (1 1/3m) snow bank!!

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[lace-chat] Re: parking cars

2004-02-25 Thread Jane Viking Swanson
Hi All,  We got a new vehicle about a year ago - a pick-up truck.  There are
lots of them around here so that only helped a little in
finding it in a parking lot.  However, DH put a pipe rack on top and now I
can spot it from the door of the grocery store!

Jane in Vermont, USA where the ice came off the front porch roof last
weekend!  It doesn't get much sun and I had to turn the biggest chunk of ice
on its end and shovel around it so the mail carrier can bring the mail.
Luckily nobody was under it when it came down G.

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[lace-chat] i before e

2004-02-19 Thread Jane Viking Swanson
Hi All,  I don't think anybody has mentioned the except after c or
when something like neighbor and weigh ( I almost spelled it way
G).  Maybe that's sounding like a as in neighbor and weigh.

Which doesn't take weird into account.  And to totally jumble up this
message I came up with matchstick.

Jane in Vermont, USA where it's been over freezing - hallelujah!

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[lace-chat] 8. STRERM

2004-02-16 Thread Jane Viking Swanson
Hi Peter and All,  Thanks Peter, STRERM is a little easier to figure
out.  Octoroon is not a word I use every day so that one had me stumped
too but I got all the rest.  I do puzzles too.  Does anybody do the Paint by
Numbers puzzles in Games magazine?  They're pixel puzzles from Japan only
they put some in the March issue with a different numbering system.  A steep
learning curve for me on those!

Jane in Vermont, USA where it's back to below zeroF.  Maybe we should send
some cold Downunder!

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[lace-chat] Re: Maple syrup

2004-02-12 Thread Jane Viking Swanson
Hi All,  I have to add that Vermont maple syrup is also very good!
After all there is a guy out checking his sap buckets on our state quarter.
Here's the official website http://www.vermontmaple.org/
I googled for recipes and there are a lot out there.  I have a very good one
for Maple Cup Custard, baked custard (milk  egg custard) with maple flavor.

I took maple sugar candy to some people in Oregon and they
weren't quite sure what to do with it!  You can eat that straight.

Jane in Vermont, USA where sugaring season is approaching!

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Re: [lace-chat] Closet Survey

2004-01-24 Thread Jane Viking Swanson
Hi All,
-Original Message
1.  Do you know the direction your garments
(jackets/coats/blouses/shirts)  face without looking in the closet?
2.  Do all the garments face the same direction? (Y/N)
If not, go to question 6
3.  Do they face right or left? (R/L)
4.  Are you male or female? (M/F)
5.  Are you right-handed or left-handed? (R/L)
6.  Is there any particular reason you hang them this way as opposed to
It's a walk-in closet and the bar is on the left wall.  There's a lot of
junk on the far wall so, if I want to see the front of the garment (which
I guess I do) I stand to the left and look at the clothes.  DH seems to have
his clothes facing left too.  He has an armoire and the door is hinged on
the right side so it's easier to stand to the left.

Can't wait to hear why you want to know G.

Jane in Vermont, USA where it was -0.7F at 8:30 this morning.

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[lace-chat] Poor kitty

2004-01-24 Thread Jane Viking Swanson
Hi All,  In late afternoon DH called up the stairs to ask if I was doing
kitty torture.  I said no unless he meant by making a slow cooker stew so
she's thought it was her dinner time for three hours!  I went downstairs and
saw she had something about 3/8 (1cm) wide around her middle.  I looked
closer and it was my 5 (12.5cm) embroidery hoop!  I got it over her tummy
towards her back end and started to ease it over her backside but she got
away and couldn't move well with the thing on so I finally picked her up.
DH came to help but by this time the cat was curled up like a cooked
shrimp - and yowling too!  It ended up that I held her lower so her back
feet could just touch the floor and DH slid the embroidery hoop off.  Whew!

Kitty torture is what we call play that might make her a little embarassed -
like putting scotch tape on her nose (though we never do that G) but never
mean or painful or humiliating!  And I'm so careful to keep dangling things
out of her way and close up plastic bags so she doesn't crawl in them.  I
really can't figure out how she
got into the embroidery hoop!  She does have cabin fever (inside
too long) so she's getting too curious.  I hope the temps. go higher
so she can go out and expend her energies outside!

Jane in Vermont, USA where I don't even want to look at the temperature.  I
didn't have to go out today so that was nice.

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[lace-chat] Re: Closets

2004-01-24 Thread Jane Viking Swanson
Hi All,  I did think of one reason why you might want to look at the front
of your clothes.  If you have 5 red shirts that's the easiest way to tell
which is which!  Needless to say I have too much time on my hands today G.

Jane in Vermont, USA

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[lace-chat] Re: Presidential match

2004-01-21 Thread Jane Viking Swanson
Hi All,  Tamara, I think we got the same for the first two.  I  laughed when
I read who they were.  Then came Kerry and Clark was 5th.
I've had enough of my ex-Governor so I won't even mention him.
But I only had a 10% match with Bush!  The questions made me realize how
much I don't know - I'm glad I'm not running for

Jane in Vermont, USA

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[lace-chat] Sugar

2004-01-21 Thread Jane Viking Swanson
Hi All,  I must say all our chat comes in handy sometimes!  I was in
the grocery store the other day and heard a woman say to her DH
I wonder what they call castor sugar here?.  I went right over and pointed
out what she wanted!

Also on the food front I've been using more olive oil for cooking lately.
A few months ago I tried a new recipe that used a lot of olive oil and some
butter. So now I'm using it more and what a divine smell it gives off when
first heated!  I don't usually eat olives but that divine, fruity smell is
delicious!  I think the butter added keeps it from spitting at me quite so
much when I'm frying things.

Jane in Vermont, USA where it almost got up to freezing today!

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[lace-chat] Monica Ferris again

2003-12-28 Thread Jane Viking Swanson
Hi All,  I just finished Crewel World, Monica Ferris' first book.  With
the recommendations on chat I'd bought one in Ithaca, then Sumac lent me two
and I ordered Crewel World with my last order of gifts from Barnes  Noble
(had to get it over $25. for free shipping G).
I usually just read with breakfast and was plodding through a book
but Monica Ferris started calling to me...I picked it up on Friday and
finished it this morning - Very Good!!

Sumac liked them and my MIL (whose taste I'm very familiar with) also.  So
they and all the lace chatters are right, they're really good mysteries.
The needlework part is so familiar even though they're not making lace.
Obsessed needleworkers are all the same G.  And the characters have some
depth to them.  That's not so common these days.  So for any newbies or
those of you who have not gotten any of her books here's another reminder!

Jane in Vermont, USA where it's been in the 40sF for the last few days -
positively balmy VBG.

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[lace-chat] Modern Fashion in Detail

2003-12-28 Thread Jane Viking Swanson
Hi All,  I'm doing my best to break the silence but I think this is
the last thing I've been meaning to write about!  I got a wonderful
book Modern Fashion in Detail by Claire Wilcox and Valerie Mendes,
Overlook Press, ISBN 0-87951-869-3 (Jeri has me well trained).  The authors
are both in the Victoria  Albert Museums Dress Collection.  The photographs
are scrumptious - seams, buttons, extravagent bows, swags, tassels,
embellishment, collars, cuffs and more.  They also have a line drawing of
the whole outfit.

I'm always amazed at how modern the clothing from 1900 or 1935 can look!
There is one wool coat shown from 1904-07 that would
look very striking and modern today!  There is a little lace - some Irish
crochet and Venetian upholstery lace.  The latter is BL but
not too fine.

There are two other books in the series titled something like Historical
Fashion in Detail and Fashion Around the World in Detail.  I tried to get
the latter for DH to give me for Christmas but Barnes  Noble canceled the
order.  I'd ordered hardback but I guess they ran out so I'm waiting for it
to come out in paperback.

It's a lovely book for any of you also interested in fashion!

Jane in Vermont, USA doing her best to fill up your mailboxes!

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[lace-chat] Re: Red shoes

2003-12-03 Thread Jane Viking Swanson
Hi All,  I'm another member of the red shoes club.  I have a pair of red
flats that I love to wear.  For some reason I feel having shoes to match the
color of an outfit (or accessory) is the height of fashion!  I also have a
pair of red espadrilles with a wedge for a heel.  I sewed red sequins all
over them so they are my Ruby Slippers.  I'm drooling over all the tales of
red spike heels G.

With my first real paycheck I bought a black wool cape, mid-calf length with
a big hood.  I think my Goddaughter has it now, she wore it for Halloween
one year.  One day I was walking home from work in Philadelphia, down the
parkway in front of the Art Museum for you who know the area.  It was in the
winter so it was dark and the wind was blowing and I had the hood up.  A
policeman at the crosswalk said
I didn't know what was coming towards me!  G.

Jane in Vermont, USA where we have a dusting of snow and the balmy mid-40s F
(6-7C) has turned to windy 25 F (-5C) - B.

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