Re: [Vo]:CNN iReport on BLP

2010-02-11 Thread PHILIP WINESTONE
The presence of a previously unknown form of energy was frequently inferred by HHO researchers from the amazing scalability of oxyhydrogen welding torches. I've watched this happen; watched firebrick MELTING in seconds right in front of my own lyin' eyes... It was called Brown's gas

Re: [Vo]: SUVs

2006-09-28 Thread Philip Winestone
I have a SUV (Explorer) and I love it, simply because it's the only thing that keeps me sane driving in the long Canadian winter. Tried all kinds of cars; the Explorer wins. But NOBODY can answer the question I ask constantly (in fact I've been greeted with consistently stony silence, even

Re: [Vo]: SUVs

2006-09-28 Thread Philip Winestone
are now? P. At 07:49 PM 9/28/2006 -0400, you wrote: - Original Message - From: Philip Winestone [EMAIL PROTECTED] To: Sent: Thursday, September 28, 2006 7:03 PM Subject: Re: [Vo]: SUVs But NOBODY can answer the question I ask constantly (in fact I've been greeted

Re: [Vo]: Re: Chinese Tokomak Fusion

2006-10-01 Thread Philip Winestone
You make some excellent points. The moon mission was the highlight of our times (aside from what the conspiracy-loons think) and the US dropped the ball, no doubt for all sorts of political reasons. My feeling is that NASA ultimately lost its edge as illustrated by the shuttle's nasty gasket

Re: [Vo]: Re: Chinese Tokomak Fusion

2006-10-01 Thread Philip Winestone
The message below was for Kyle... Not that the rest of the Vorts don't make excellent points... P. At 07:08 AM 10/1/2006 -0400, you wrote: You make some excellent points. The moon mission was the highlight of our times (aside from what the conspiracy-loons think) and the US dropped the

Re: [Vo]: Original OU?

2006-10-29 Thread Philip Winestone
Or you can perhaps entertain the theory that human evolution is not the commonly-accepted straight line trend from the ape until now, at which time we modern-day humans are at the supreme end-point (all of us) of millions of years of positive evolution. And there's more to come... In fact

Re: [Vo]:

2006-11-11 Thread Philip Winestone
I know that Jews have been smearing him ever since he had the gall to make a movie about the founder of his religion, but I'm sorry to see you joining in. What you say here says more about you than about Jews. I'm sorry to see you joining in. P. At 11:46 AM 11/11/2006 -0800, you wrote:

Re: [Vo]: OT: Give Mel a Break?

2006-11-12 Thread Philip Winestone
The Jews got upset at Gibson's portrayal of them in the film, because it perpetuates what is at best a myth and at worst a slander that's been going on for 2000 years. Do yourself a favour and read James Carroll's Constantine's Sword a book that shows just how much the Jews owe to Constantine

Re: [Vo]: OT: Give Mel a Break?

2006-11-12 Thread Philip Winestone
Oh - and if you want to read an interesting take on the dichotomy between talent and disgusting human beings, I suggest you read Orwell's Benefit of Clergy. It may enlighten you. [Aside: Sometimes I wonder how God manages to survive without people like Mel and his trusty followers flying His

Re: [Vo]: OT: Give Mel a Break?

2006-11-12 Thread Philip Winestone
You're quite right Jones... for what it's worth, I genuinely appreciate both your attitude and your approach. This conversation doesn't belong here, so it should stop immediately. Your points about unaccountable (unearned?) wealth are well taken. I've been studying a little, the art of

Re: [Vo]: OT: Give Mel a Break?

2006-11-12 Thread Philip Winestone
Terry - perhaps there's a corollary to that law: As you treat others, so you will be treated. [From the alter-dimensional treatise on Galactic Federation Law] P. At 07:23 PM 11/12/2006 -0500, you wrote: On 11/12/06, Philip Winestone [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: You're quite right Jones

Re: [Vo]: OT: Give Mel a Break?

2006-11-12 Thread Philip Winestone
and no reaper. no-P. At 08:59 PM 11/12/2006 -0500, you wrote: On 11/12/06, Philip Winestone [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Terry - perhaps there's a corollary to that law: As you treat others, so you will be treated. Yes, it's called Karma, aka reap what you sow (x10). Yours is agressive, mine

Re: [Vo]: OT: Give Mel a Break?

2006-11-13 Thread Philip Winestone
Sorry - that was Big Bobby Clobber's line - the resident hockey player on the Royal Canadian Air Farce: Do unto others before they do unto you. P. At 05:43 PM 11/13/2006 -0500, you wrote: - Original Message - From: Terry Blanton [EMAIL PROTECTED] To: Sent:

Re: [Vo]: Musings on grid-independence and personal alternativeenergy

2006-12-30 Thread Philip Winestone
Kyle, I can relate totally to what you're saying having dealt with stupidity, feigned or otherwise, when I was trying to eke out a living in the solar energy design business (many years ago). So much for being a highly paid consultant - a phrase usually thrown at me by overpaid,

Re: [Vo]: Musings on grid-independence and personal alternative energy

2007-01-01 Thread Philip Winestone
The whole roofing situation is an expensive problem to solve. You can't just penetrate a roof of any sort without extensive sealing, etc. All that costs money. And even if the collectors are anchored parallel to the roof - perhaps even attached closely to it, the risk is still there that

Re: [Vo]: Re: Yomiuri: Bush to promote ethanol in State of the Union

2007-01-19 Thread Philip Winestone
There is another way of making ethanol: from cellulose. There's a process that uses an enzyme that converts the cellulose to sugar from which it is converted to ethanol. The process is proven; ethanol is being produced this way. Nobody seems to have taken notice of this process, which was

Re: [Vo]: Re: Yomiuri: Bush to promote ethanol in State of the Union

2007-01-20 Thread Philip Winestone
everything I'm told. P. At 07:50 AM 1/20/2007 -0800, you wrote: Philip Winestone wrote: Nobody seems to have taken notice of this process, which was pioneered by a company in Ottawa. Well - not exactly ! Our (USA) DOE/NREL has poured lots of its precious (underfunded) resources into this exact

Re: [Vo]: Re: Yomiuri: Bush to promote ethanol in State of the Union

2007-01-21 Thread Philip Winestone
Well enlighten us ! Can you name the company and the enzyme, please. The company in Ottawa is Iogen (that's an I not an L), but I'm afraid I didn't go so far as to find out the name of the enzyme; I've been remiss. (And we too have our major sources of inertia... We call it collectively,

Re: [Vo]: Steorn question

2007-01-21 Thread Philip Winestone
I have an intuitive feeling - totally unsubstantiated - that the law of energy conservation is to energy, what Newton's laws were to mechanics (or physics in general). I mean you can take a pound of any explosive and explain that the energy from that explosive is a direct (measurable) result

Re: [Vo]: Iogen, eh?

2007-01-21 Thread Philip Winestone
Canadian smarts at work, eh Philip? All these Canadian smarts have no idea that the eh started off (or aff) in Glasgow, my city of origin. It's actually more like aih. The problem with the company's approach, from some of my tentative dealings with them, is that like a lot of such

Re: [Vo]: Re: Yomiuri: Bush to promote ethanol in State of the Union

2007-01-21 Thread Philip Winestone
solid investigation. Call me a cynic... P. At 10:14 AM 1/21/2007 -0500, you wrote: On 1/21/07, Philip Winestone [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: (And we too have our major sources of inertia... We call it collectively, the government.) Just look at us. Everything is backwards; everything

Re: [Vo]: Re:[VO]:Re: Yomiuri: Bush to promote ethanol..

2007-01-21 Thread Philip Winestone
Perfect Richard. But I still have to see Dime Box to believe it really exists... and that it has a tavern... P. At 06:38 PM 1/21/2007 -0600, you wrote: Philip wrote.. Excellent!!! How true!!! The reason is that the intent in all cases is to indoctrinate along certain predictable lines thus

Re: [Vo]: MIT Professor Begins Hunger Strike

2007-02-05 Thread Philip Winestone
After all that's happened, the Science Inquisition is still humming along. I feel bad for the guy, especially as few in the media (correct me if I'm wrong) will go out to bat for him. Hopefully I am wrong. I myself got into, shall we say, an intense conversation today, while at work. I

Re: [Vo]: Re:[VO]: MIT Professor Begins Hunger Srike

2007-02-05 Thread Philip Winestone
Rush Limbaugh!! That's who P. At 08:00 PM 2/5/2007 -0600, you wrote: Steve Krivit wrote.. It's not so much that the mind is shut. It's a process of belief systems and the influence of mass media. Howdy Steven, You have the fundamentals .. but ..CF lacks the charismatic person

Re: [Vo]: MIT Professor Begins Hunger Srike

2007-02-06 Thread Philip Winestone
Steve, The word of the day seems to be dogma whether it be in science, art, religion... My take on all this is to be silent - to shut my mouth - and observe... only opening my mouth when I sense receptivity. This is where intuition comes into play. From time to time my ego gets the better

Re: [Vo]: Global warming skepticism alive and well (was Re: [Vo]: Fw: [BOBPARKS-...])

2007-02-07 Thread Philip Winestone
Pathological scepticism is not the same as deliberately lying to cover up meaningful results. P. At 09:43 AM 2/7/2007 -0500, you wrote: Michel Jullian wrote: Now you mention it, anybody knows if anything positive came out of their Toyota/Technova funded CF lab in Nice, France? Many

Re: [Vo]: Re: MWI (Many Worlds Interpretation)

2007-02-25 Thread Philip Winestone
Or as Hui Neng said: From the first, there is nothing. P. At 11:37 AM 2/25/2007, you wrote: Paul wrote: A poll of 72 leading physicists conducted by the American researcher David Raub in 1995 and published in the French periodical Sciences et Avenir in January 1998 recorded that nearly

Re: [Vo]: To Paul Lowrance

2007-03-04 Thread Philip Winestone
Sorry for barging into someone else's letter... A quick question: We all seem to be fixated on excess energy. What if one of the many innovative (or potentially innovative) ideas were to result in an engine (a fairly simple engine) of some sort that ***didn't*** produce excess energy, but

Re: [Vo]: Brown's Gas burns hotter than the sun?

2007-03-07 Thread Philip Winestone
All I know is that a few years ago I stood beside a Brown's Gas Generator and watched in awe as a colourless flame MELTED a firebrick in just a few seconds. Not sure about its applicability in an internal combustion engine, but it may be applicable in a new form of external combustion engine.

Re: [Vo]: Which is electrolyzed in PF, palladium or heavy water? (was Re: [Vo]: Re: Your ad hominem attack)

2007-03-19 Thread Philip Winestone
Ed - I've been following this saga only sketchily, and it only reinforces my observation that there's an enormous number of people who regard this world as a gigantic court of law; that everything (every word) has to be legally justifiable. What a bore The world is NOT like that, and I

Re: [VO]:Re: Walter Russell

2007-04-09 Thread Philip Winestone
The truth is that it isn't in any space - 3- or otherwise. There really is nothing there except what we project/perceive Nth-hand and draw conjectures from... whoever we are. As Hui Neng said, From the first there is Nothing. P. At 06:20 PM 4/9/2007, you wrote: Jones wrote... It is not

Re: [VO]:Re: Walter Russell

2007-04-09 Thread Philip Winestone
Richard, That somebody will be you, no doubt. I'm a totally unknown artist, and I say that a primary is whatever you say is a primary - seen or unseen. I also happen to be a huge fan of black and of white - nothing and everything - and sometimes colours just get in the way of a good

Re: [VO]:Global warning caused by humanity-- now factually based.

2007-04-21 Thread PHILIP WINESTONE
I think we should aim all the fire-hoses on earth at the sun, then say ready! set! go! (The element of surprise is so important.). P. - Original Message From: Michel Jullian [EMAIL PROTECTED] To: Sent: Saturday, April 21, 2007 12:08:54 PM Subject: Re: [VO]:Global

Re: [Vo]:Global Warning

2007-04-22 Thread PHILIP WINESTONE
The warming 500 - 1000 years ago is a blip compared to what, exactly? P. - Original Message From: John Berry [EMAIL PROTECTED] To: Sent: Sunday, April 22, 2007 10:10:34 AM Subject: Re: [Vo]:Global Warning On 4/23/07, Kyle R. Mcallister [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Re: [Vo]:Global Warning

2007-04-22 Thread PHILIP WINESTONE
Not only that, but Jeff didn't deny that global warming wasn't happening (although that in itself is questionable - if we're allowed to question the sacred GW Scriptures); he was simply saying that the evidence (evidence, mind you) is that global warming has happened before and will happen

Re: [VO]:Re: Global warming

2007-04-22 Thread PHILIP WINESTONE
Richard, I bet you were going to tell us that the green stuff in their mouths isn't tropical vegetation... P. - Original Message From: R.C.Macaulay [EMAIL PROTECTED] To: Sent: Sunday, April 22, 2007 10:14:16 AM Subject: [VO]:Re: Global warming Blank BODY {

Re: [Vo]:to John Berry regarding GW

2007-04-23 Thread PHILIP WINESTONE
Then there's the small matter of two Canadian scientists who utterly refuted the thinking/mathematics behind the so-called hockey stick graph that showed how much we puny humans have influenced climate since the Industrial Revolution. These chaps have been all but totally ignored, but it's

Re: [Vo]:to John Berry regarding GW

2007-04-23 Thread PHILIP WINESTONE
for Bush and own stock in oil companies. It isn't Gore making a killing, Bush has the monopoly on killing. On 4/23/07, PHILIP WINESTONE [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Then there's the small matter of two Canadian scientists who utterly refuted the thinking/mathematics behind the so-called hockey stick

Re: [Vo]:to John Berry regarding GW

2007-04-24 Thread PHILIP WINESTONE
Actually, for the purposes of scientific argument, bollocks is much preferred. P. - Original Message From: John Berry [EMAIL PROTECTED] To: Sent: Monday, April 23, 2007 8:27:37 PM Subject: Re: [Vo]:to John Berry regarding GW Balls! On 4/24/07, PHILIP WINESTONE

Re: [Vo]:Read posts before replying, PLEASE

2007-04-25 Thread PHILIP WINESTONE
Yes - I've had a few run-ins with people who (a) have never been inside a factory let alone gotten their hands dirty in one, and (b) have no idea what it's like to be an hourly paid working dude, most times at the mercy of trends. Then there's the joy of shift-work... My own take on energy -

Re: [Vo]:Should Congress support cold fusion? I vote no!

2007-05-29 Thread PHILIP WINESTONE
I keep on saying it: Bring CF to the people - both investors and users - emphatically not the government. Once a decent application is created, advertised and sold, the people will know what to do with it. Edison and Ford understood that. Keep good ideas away from the government teat. P.

Re: [Vo]:National Review admits global warming is real

2007-06-23 Thread PHILIP WINESTONE
When the rational minds at Vortex start to buy into the mythology/religion of man-made global warming, we're in deep trouble... except for those of us who make a lot of money from the field. There was an interesting article today in The National Post (Canada), written by a physicist, in which,

Re: [Vo]:National Review admits global warming is real

2007-06-24 Thread PHILIP WINESTONE
speak the truth without any hint of anything self serving. I bet you'd have believed the tobacco lobby too. On 6/24/07, PHILIP WINESTONE [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: When the rational minds at Vortex start to buy into the mythology/religion of man-made global warming, we're in deep trouble

Re: [Vo]:National Review admits global warming is real

2007-06-24 Thread PHILIP WINESTONE
Hi Richard, How inconvenient that people like you and I won't just lie down and allow ourselves to be thoroughly programmed. CO2 credits? Reminds me of a little piece of philosophy that one of my fellow Glaswegian lay philosophers said: Man has an infinite capacity for stupidity. (I

Re: [Vo]:National Review admits global warming is real

2007-06-24 Thread PHILIP WINESTONE
. Harry On 23/6/2007 9:11 PM, PHILIP WINESTONE wrote: When the rational minds at Vortex start to buy into the mythology/religion of man-made global warming, we're in deep trouble... except for those of us who make a lot of money from the field. There was an interesting article today

Re: [Vo]:Beware of bogus history of lone mavericks

2007-06-25 Thread PHILIP WINESTONE
[EMAIL PROTECTED] To: Sent: Sunday, June 24, 2007 3:14:50 PM Subject: [Vo]:Beware of bogus history of lone mavericks PHILIP WINESTONE wrote: Good points. When you consider it, measuring accurate global temperature is a far more difficult situation than most people know

Re: [Vo]:National Review admits global warming is real

2007-06-25 Thread PHILIP WINESTONE
laughing Richard - did you write this inside or outside the Dime Box Saloon? (It would sound so French if you called it the Dime Box Salon, by the way.) P. - Original Message From: R.C.Macaulay [EMAIL PROTECTED] To: Sent: Sunday, June 24, 2007 10:08:16 PM Subject:

Re: [VO]: Hydrogen outlook?

2007-08-25 Thread PHILIP WINESTONE
Richard, ...feed on itself... Does that answer your question? P. - Original Message From: R.C.Macaulay [EMAIL PROTECTED] To: Sent: Saturday, August 25, 2007 8:42:52 AM Subject: [VO]: Hydrogen outlook? Blank BODY {

Re: [VO]: Energy schemes,dime a dozen

2007-09-01 Thread PHILIP WINESTONE
Hmmm... the more I hear green the more I turn green when I hear the word green. P. - Original Message From: R.C.Macaulay [EMAIL PROTECTED] To: Sent: Saturday, September 1, 2007 8:42:46 AM Subject: [VO]: Energy schemes,dime a dozen Blank BODY {

Re: [VO]: Energy schemes,dime a dozen

2007-09-01 Thread PHILIP WINESTONE
,dime a dozen Monotone eventually becomes monotonous. Harry On 1/9/2007 8:54 AM, PHILIP WINESTONE wrote: Hmmm... the more I hear green the more I turn green when I hear the word green. P. - Original Message From: R.C.Macaulay [EMAIL PROTECTED] To: Sent

Re: [VO]: Tripod base required for LENR

2007-10-06 Thread PHILIP WINESTONE
Richard, I'm assuming that this pier includes the will to confront intellectual dishonesty and graft in very blunt terms, if necessary. Once the attack is made, the counter-attack should be focused and ruthless. Still thinking... P. - Original Message From: R.C.Macaulay [EMAIL

Re: [Vo]:Re: Tripod base required for LENR

2007-10-07 Thread PHILIP WINESTONE
Courteously? The response is often a mirror of the original attack; perhaps slightly less (or more) so. Since most attacks on LENR that I've seen over the years, have been both thoroughly dishonest and thoroughly discourteous, I stand by my original blunt and ruthless (but nonetheless honest)

Re: [VO]: Tripod base required for LENR

2007-10-07 Thread PHILIP WINESTONE
How about refuse to tolerate all conscious dishonesty in ourselves? We all lie to ourselves - mostly unconsciously - about a myriad of things... something I won't get into in detail, but perhaps worthy of some thought. My own view of life, including the LENR fiasco (back to LENR), is that

Re: [VO]: Tripod base required for LENR

2007-10-07 Thread PHILIP WINESTONE
Well I tried to say it in a few different ways. The simple answer is that we have to do battle with those who deliberately (consciously) lie, and furthermore, who deliberately try to convince others that their lies are in fact truths. This has nothing to do with motes or logs or whatever,


2007-10-07 Thread PHILIP WINESTONE
As a person who does some painting, drawing, etc., I only have to look around to attest to what Picasso was talking about; looks like most of today's artists never read this piece... a piece which takes my breath away. I have a two-book set on Picasso; the first book I devoured with great

Re: [VO]: Tripod base required for LENR

2007-10-08 Thread PHILIP WINESTONE
: Sunday, October 7, 2007 9:50:54 PM Subject: Re: [VO]: Tripod base required for LENR On Sun, 7 Oct 2007, PHILIP WINESTONE wrote: How about refuse to tolerate all conscious dishonesty in ourselves? We all lie to ourselves - mostly unconsciously - about a myriad of things... something I won't


2007-10-08 Thread PHILIP WINESTONE
Interesting... Picasso's portrayal of himself publicly was, from what I've heard, quiet different from what he really felt... which coincidentally is exactly what that quote is about. And of course if Picasso's real intention was to play his admirers like a fly fisherman; to soak them for

Re: [Vo]:Re: Tripod base required for LENR

2007-10-08 Thread PHILIP WINESTONE
Service') also comes to mind. Michel - Original Message - From: PHILIP WINESTONE [EMAIL PROTECTED] To: Sent: Monday, October 08, 2007 3:28 PM Subject: Re: [VO]: Tripod base required for LENR Nice stuff... But kind of circular... So in fact there's nothing to do

Re: [Vo]:Re: Tripod base required for LENR

2007-10-08 Thread PHILIP WINESTONE
LOL!! - Original Message From: Michel Jullian [EMAIL PROTECTED] To: Sent: Monday, October 8, 2007 11:46:24 AM Subject: [Vo]:Re: Tripod base required for LENR A one leg tripod footed in quicksands... m... we are not there yet ;-) Michel - Original

Re: [VO]: Tripod base required for LENR

2007-10-11 Thread PHILIP WINESTONE
with, although we more often than not deny what we're seeing or hide from it. Human stuff. P. - Original Message From: William Beaty [EMAIL PROTECTED] To: Sent: Thursday, October 11, 2007 4:58:57 AM Subject: Re: [VO]: Tripod base required for LENR On Mon, 8 Oct 2007, PHILIP

Re: [VO]: Tripod base required for LENR

2007-10-11 Thread PHILIP WINESTONE
Um... The scientific/rational side of me says What? The non-rational (intuitive) side of me says, What.? Two different whats. So there's your answer. P. - Original Message From: R.C.Macaulay [EMAIL PROTECTED] To: Sent: Thursday, October 11, 2007 9:13:28 PM

Re: [Vo]:Fractional quantum states

2007-11-11 Thread PHILIP WINESTONE
I've been considering what I see as the anomalous behaviour of hydrogen, ever since I watched (from a distance of about 24 inches) a firebrick melting after a hydrogen flame was applied to it for about 10 seconds. This was a demonstration of something called Brown's Gas, which was apparently

Re: [VO]: Economic models

2007-11-17 Thread PHILIP WINESTONE
Are you having as good a weekend as I think you are Richard? P. - Original Message From: R.C.Macaulay [EMAIL PROTECTED] To: Sent: Saturday, November 17, 2007 8:35:29 AM Subject: [VO]: Economic models Blank BODY {

Re: [VO]: Economic models

2007-11-17 Thread PHILIP WINESTONE
You don't even have to convert coal to methanol... When you consider how much energy is used by many manufacturing processes, to name but one major energy using sector, converting them from, say natural gas or oil would make a huge dent in overall energy usage. I don't know about North

Re: [VO]: Economic models

2007-11-17 Thread PHILIP WINESTONE Sent: Saturday, November 17, 2007 12:42:16 PM Subject: Re: [VO]: Economic models PHILIP WINESTONE wrote: You don't even have to convert coal to methanol... When you consider how much energy is used by many manufacturing processes, to name but one major energy using sector, converting

Re: [Vo]:General Fusion

2007-11-17 Thread PHILIP WINESTONE
I read that in the Post this morning. I don't know how viable this is, but I wish Dr. Laberge lots of luck. Seriously. I wrote to the writer of the article, pointing him in the direction of Cold Fusion, if only to make him aware that there's lots of other interesting work going on in the

Re: [Vo]:Garage scientist aims to thwart OPEC

2007-11-17 Thread PHILIP WINESTONE
Jed, Yes... when I sent my email to the journalist in question, I was very careful to avoid talking about, or knocking the work, that this chap is doing out in the west of Canada. I don't think it pays to malign other people's work, unless they go over the top and start unreasonably maligning

Re: [VO]: Economic models -- Kondrateiff peak war

2007-11-17 Thread PHILIP WINESTONE
Yes the word greed is most appropriate. Oddly enough, when I think about the oil gang and its greed, I don't so much think of the oil companies themselves, who do put money, time and effort into getting the stuff out of the ground and processing it (don't all shout at me at once!!!), I think

Re: [VO]:Brown's Gas Hydrogen to steam

2007-11-17 Thread PHILIP WINESTONE
Now THAT's interesting... P. - Original Message From: R.C.Macaulay [EMAIL PROTECTED] To: Sent: Saturday, November 17, 2007 9:14:58 PM Subject: [VO]:Brown's Gas Hydrogen to steam Blank BODY {

Re: [Vo]:NEW IPCC report was: Economic models

2007-11-17 Thread PHILIP WINESTONE
EXACTLY my point of view; buying time for LENR to happen without falling under the curse of OPEC. P. . - Original Message From: Jones Beene [EMAIL PROTECTED] To: Sent: Saturday, November 17, 2007 9:33:54 PM Subject: Re: [Vo]:NEW IPCC report was: Economic models ---

Re: [VO]: Economic models

2007-11-18 Thread PHILIP WINESTONE
, Nick Palmer wrote: Philip Winestone ranted The main problem, as I believe we all know, is that the green crowd don't want us burning ANYTHING, so the proposal to dig up coal and use if for ANYTHING will be met with fierce resistance, mostly by bigmouths. See the very latest report

Re: [VO]: Economic models

2007-11-19 Thread PHILIP WINESTONE
LOL - Original Message From: R.C.Macaulay [EMAIL PROTECTED] To: Sent: Sunday, November 18, 2007 11:27:41 PM Subject: Re: [VO]: Economic models Nick Palmer wrote.. This topic was started off by Richard Dime box Macaulay looking for a

Re: [VO]: Economic models

2007-11-19 Thread PHILIP WINESTONE
loud laughter Richard, I think you could easily vie with Yogi Berra for quotable quotes... P. - Original Message From: R.C.Macaulay [EMAIL PROTECTED] To: Sent: Monday, November 19, 2007 9:08:12 AM Subject: Re: [VO]: Economic models Nick Palmer poster excerpt..

Re: [VO]: Economic models

2007-11-19 Thread PHILIP WINESTONE
I think that means your worm is dead., not drunk. P. - Original Message From: Terry Blanton [EMAIL PROTECTED] To: Sent: Monday, November 19, 2007 7:00:16 PM Subject: Re: [VO]: Economic models On Nov 19, 2007 9:08 AM, R.C.Macaulay [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Stick

Re: [Vo]:PreCog Proof

2007-11-20 Thread PHILIP WINESTONE
Very interesting... ...our world is just one of a countless number of parallel universes... Have to add, each one as unreal as the next. Hui Neng - the Sixth Patriarch of Zen - summed it all up by saying, From the first there is nothing. The other thing is, that he talked about no-mind

Re: [Vo]:OT: Are humans evolving faster?

2007-12-13 Thread PHILIP WINESTONE
There are exquisitely beautiful cave paintings in France, dating back about 15000 years. There are even more exquisite paintings - again in caves in France - dating back 35000 years. Does this indicate that perhaps there were wonderfully cultured people over 35000 years ago, and that that

Re: [Vo]:OT: Are humans evolving faster?

2007-12-14 Thread PHILIP WINESTONE
Hah! Few people are paid to think... at least not in the way you and I define thinking. That's another story. Somebody took me to task (mildly for a change) for saying that humans are not necessarily improving... But when the word evolution is used, it implies that improvement is in the

Re: [Vo]:OT: Are humans evolving faster?

2007-12-14 Thread PHILIP WINESTONE
jealous woman whos an excellent shot with a handgun. but others im sure would sacrifice in my place) On 12/14/07, PHILIP WINESTONE [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Hah! Few people are paid to think... at least not in the way you and I define thinking. That's another story. Somebody took me to task

Re: [Vo]:OT: Are humans evolving faster?

2007-12-15 Thread PHILIP WINESTONE
faster? Crummy night -- we just had a layoff at work (I made the cut but some very good people didn't). So the tone of this may be a little downbeat. PHILIP WINESTONE wrote: LOL I empathize... in all respects. Does that make us a self-evolving species? I dunno. Humans evolving -- hah

Re: [Vo]:OT: Bigfoot on Mars??

2008-01-25 Thread PHILIP WINESTONE
It's the other story that's most likely the most interesting story... P. - Original Message From: R.C.Macaulay [EMAIL PROTECTED] To: Sent: Friday, January 25, 2008 4:29:16 PM Subject: Re: [Vo]:OT: Bigfoot on Mars?? Howdy Horace, NASA loves this kinda stuff if it

Re: [Vo]:Re: Tooo obvious for Detroit?

2008-03-08 Thread PHILIP WINESTONE
Yeah - even though I'm not North American by birth, I easily saw over the years, how much the public had been sucked into Japanese (and European) car mode. And the stupid NA auto manufacturers got just as sucked in and tried to compete with the little 4-cyl jobs. Americans were (and as far as

Re: [Vo]:Earth Hour...yeah....

2008-03-29 Thread PHILIP WINESTONE
One thing I don't get is why solar costs so much more than nuclear or coal fired. There's almost no moving parts, and much less to break down, it seems to me. There's got to be some politics in this somewhere, but I don't know exactly where. A broad subject... One factor is that the amount of

Re: [Vo]:Southern California Edison now installing 250 MW of rooftop PV @ 1MW/week

2008-05-14 Thread PHILIP WINESTONE
Of course there's a maximum number of watts per sq metre of panel available from the sun, so that's an important factor to consider when justifying any investment. On the other hand, by covering a roof (and perhaps a south-facing wall) with solar panels, the panels intercept the incoming

Re: [Vo]:The Science of Intention

2008-06-05 Thread PHILIP WINESTONE
Ed, I wonder if you've ever heard of a man they called the Backwoods Buddha... Look him up on the 'Net if you're interested... P. - Original Message From: Edmund Storms [EMAIL PROTECTED] To: Sent: Thursday, June 5, 2008 7:30:26 PM Subject: Re: [Vo]:The Science of

Re: [Vo]:The Science of Intention

2008-06-05 Thread PHILIP WINESTONE
the case. Sai Baba says that additional men having the same abilities are alive now in various countries and presently at different ages who will carry the message into the future. Keep your eyes open. Ed PHILIP WINESTONE wrote: Ed, I wonder if you've ever heard of a man they called

Re: [Vo]:The Science of Intention

2008-06-06 Thread PHILIP WINESTONE
PROTECTED] To: Sent: Friday, June 6, 2008 1:30:40 PM Subject: Re: [Vo]:The Science of Intention PHILIP WINESTONE wrote: Ed, Yes - I know something of Sai Baba, the latest in a lineage of Sai Babas. I also know a disciple who spent 25 years at his ashrama. But Sai Baba

Re: [Vo]:Oil Gang responds

2008-06-08 Thread PHILIP WINESTONE
That's funny Ed, I thought I saw President Bush holding hands with a Saudi person some time ago, and I heard that his dad was fundamentally owned by a bunch of these Saudi people all controlling the world's oil flows. I must have been either mistaken or blind... These must have been Mossad

Re: [Vo]:Oil Gang responds

2008-06-08 Thread PHILIP WINESTONE
. Unfortunately, the two have now formed an explosive mixture. Ed PHILIP WINESTONE wrote: That's funny Ed, I thought I saw President Bush holding hands with a Saudi person some time ago, and I heard that his dad was fundamentally owned by a bunch of these Saudi people all controlling the world's

Re: [Vo]:Oil Gang responds

2008-06-08 Thread PHILIP WINESTONE
Steven, I can understand. I was in Pakistan a few years ago doing engineering work (fortunately I wasn't a journalist), and I saw many men holding hands. S'OK... as kids we all held our fathers' hands... However - and I don't want to read too much into this - this was done in America, in the

Re: [Vo]:Oil Gang responds

2008-06-09 Thread PHILIP WINESTONE
to be. The question is, what do you suggest we do now? Ed PHILIP WINESTONE wrote: I personally don't like the idea of playing nice with people whose greatest wish is to cut my throat. The leader of the greatest and most benevolent country in the world (I didn't say it was perfect) has to make

Re: [Vo]:Oil Gang responds

2008-06-09 Thread PHILIP WINESTONE
I like all that Steven... I do tend to lecture a little (perhaps a lot); just ask my wife... But it doesn't really matter if nobody is paying attention to the content - which is a human condition; we're too busy paying attention to what's going on inside our minds by way of reaction. C'est la

Re: [Vo]:Oil Gang responds

2008-06-09 Thread PHILIP WINESTONE
no matter how correct you think them to be. The question is, what do you suggest we do now? Ed PHILIP WINESTONE wrote: I personally don't like the idea of playing nice with people whose greatest wish is to cut my throat. The leader of the greatest and most benevolent country in the world (I

Re: [Vo]:Oil Gang responds

2008-06-09 Thread PHILIP WINESTONE
not laugh? If you poison us do we not die? Harry On 9/6/2008 5:21 PM, PHILIP WINESTONE wrote: The same situation is taking place as we speak. Ideology and ego have replaced common sense, and perhaps outmoded things like honesty and decency... So we get guys writing such stunningly

Re: [Vo]:Oil Gang responds

2008-06-09 Thread PHILIP WINESTONE
You have a point, and personally I don't go for the God gave it to us stuff, because I can't prove it. But I have to ask you if you live in America, and how you feel about the white man coming in and taking over, and, if you feel bad about it - very bad about it - if you've ever considered

Re: [Vo]:Oil Gang responds

2008-06-09 Thread PHILIP WINESTONE
Exactly. P. - Original Message From: OrionWorks [EMAIL PROTECTED] To: Sent: Monday, June 9, 2008 9:05:49 PM Subject: Re: [Vo]:Oil Gang responds Philip sez: ... People are where they are because it's where they are, as part of the dream. My approach is, live

Re: [Vo]:Oil Gang responds

2008-06-10 Thread PHILIP WINESTONE
Quite right Ed. For an interesting story on this, read any of the biographies of Edgar Cayce - The Sleeping Prophet P.. - Original Message From: Edmund Storms [EMAIL PROTECTED] To: Sent: Tuesday, June 10, 2008 10:10:08 AM Subject: Re: [Vo]:Oil Gang responds

Re: [Vo]:Oil Gang responds

2008-06-10 Thread PHILIP WINESTONE
Hmmm... Ya don't think that higher oil prices are due to (1) greed, and (2) the holy purpose of holding the world by the balls until the Caliphate is established (ie - the West succumbs financially and goes down the tubes)? It seems that the scientific idea of cause and effect is somewhat

Re: [Vo]:Oil Gang responds

2008-06-10 Thread PHILIP WINESTONE
, but the brute force approach is not working either. Unless rational decisions are made in the future, the result I fear will not please either one of us. As for further discussion of this topic, I apologize to anyone who finds this boring or unimportant. Ed PHILIP WINESTONE wrote: Hmmm

Re: [Vo]:Science and faith

2008-09-06 Thread PHILIP WINESTONE
Many years ago, George Orwell wrote a very powerful essay, entitled, Benefit of Clergy. It clarified - as only Orwell could - a similar type of situation. I recommend that all Vorticians read it and think about what Orwell was trying to say. P. - Original Message From: Jones Beene

Re: [Vo]:Science and faith

2008-09-07 Thread PHILIP WINESTONE
. - Original Message From: Jones Beene [EMAIL PROTECTED] To: Sent: Sunday, September 7, 2008 10:49:39 AM Subject: Re: [Vo]:Science and faith - Original Message From: PHILIP WINESTONE Many years ago, George Orwell wrote a very powerful essay, entitled

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