[Gimp-developer] GIMP Developer Meeting

2011-05-02 Thread LightningIsMyName

Due to my very unfortunate series of monday's in which I can't arrange
a meeting, and due to the fact that some developers where on vacation,
there wasn't any serious developer meeting in the last month except
for the one in which GSoC mentors did some stuff regarding that.

Since I'm having trouble keeping up with all development to collect
topics for a meeting myself (and now I also have a GSoC which eats up
more of my free time), and since I want to avoid meetings with no
content, I'm emailing the list for a thread to discuss ideas. I will
organize a meeting when there are enough ideas / enough time passed
with no meeting ("enough" is a flexible thing).

Throwing ideas that should be discussed:

- GSoC students - Basic guidance on how to handle branches? When to
push, where, etc. More important is getting them all with git access
(for me it took 1 month to get, so it should be organized now in order
not to stall real work...)
- Plans for a new website - I know it was discussed, but I don't
remember any decision. Major parts of the site need updating,
including the tutorials section.
- More?

Gimp-developer mailing list

Re: [Gimp-developer] GIMP Developer Meeting #4 + GSoC Mentor/Admin Meeting]

2011-04-18 Thread LightningIsMyName

Theoretically, it should be possible to move the dev meeting and the
gsoc meeting. I took a look at the world clock and the developer map,
and it should be possible to move the meeting to 17:00 GMT. The places
that will suffer from that decision are Canda and Brazil that will
have a meeting starting on the morning, but it seems to be as if
indeed most "dead hours" will be over the ocean.

However, since I don't know who should attend the GSoC meeting, I'm
not sure if we can move it that quickly. I'm trying to catch people on
IRC now (I pinged the relevant people in the last 15 minutes), if
anyone can tell me who should attend, I'll try making the
arrangements. Regarding the developer meeting, I think that moving it
should also be feasible - but again let's try to talk this on IRC in a
time in which everyone are awake (such as now!).


On Mon, Apr 18, 2011 at 10:42 AM, Alexia Death  wrote:
> On Monday, April 18, 2011 05:05:10 Mukund Sivaraman wrote:
>> Sorry, the scheduled time is not fine for me. I had asked for this to
>> be changed on IRC, but nothing was done for the last meeting's time
>> too.  The previous meetings have happened at around 1:30 AM localtime
>> and 2:00 AM localtime.  As there's a rather large Pacific ocean, there
>> must certainly be a suitable time for this meeting that doesn't occur
>> during the middle of anyone's sleeping hours.  :)
> CET people can do 3 hours earlyer(17:00 GMT) at most I think, because that
> would put it at 19:00 - 20:00 CET(with dailight savings) and between
> 18:00-19:00 a lot of people are moving between their jobs and home. Doing the
> meeting in the middle of a workday is probably not feasible...
> For me personally in EET+dailight savings earlier is fine, but its up to CET
> and GMT people.
> --Alexia
> ___
> Gimp-developer mailing list
> Gimp-developer@lists.XCF.Berkeley.EDU
> https://lists.XCF.Berkeley.EDU/mailman/listinfo/gimp-developer
Gimp-developer mailing list

[Gimp-developer] GIMP Developer Meeting #4 + GSoC Mentor/Admin Meeting

2011-04-17 Thread LightningIsMyName

The next GIMP Developer Meeting (#4) was scheduled for this week on
tuesday, April 19th 2011 on 20:00 UTC. For time zone conversions, see
As usual, the meeting will take place on #gimp-devel

Developers who mentor at GSoC or any other person who has something to
do with GSoC administration, should come 20 minutes earlier (a room
for that will be announced on #gimp on that time) to finalize the GSoC
applications and finish the process of GSoC student application. This
is important!

The agenda for this meeting isn't yet well defined - basically it's
just discussing 2.8. The meeting page can be found on

Finally, due to request of some people, there is now a GIMP Developer
Calander. For an online view in gmt/utc time, use the following link:
The ICS file for the calendar is available at

Gimp-developer mailing list

[Gimp-developer] GIMP Developer Meeting #4

2011-04-10 Thread LightningIsMyName

The next GIMP Developer Meeting will probably take place in the GIMP
IRC on April 11th 2011, 20:00 UTC (For time zone conversions, see
I'm very busy and have no time to set up a meeting page on the wiki
and/or arrange it. If some dev wants to take control of this one, I'll
more than appriciate it.
I'll try to attend the meeting tomorrow, but I can't promise...

Sorry for the short alert :(
Gimp-developer mailing list

Re: [Gimp-developer] GIMP Developer Meeting #3 - March 28, 2011

2011-03-29 Thread LightningIsMyName

no organized meeting log this time, for various reasons, however I'm
attaching below the list of decided actions in the meeting, along with
some other off-topic points that were discussed:

** GSoC Student Applications  **
Core developers sign up as mentors (for GSoC)
schumaml: Write mail about application is open, and required skills,
and required code example

** Re-Discussing GIMP's programming language **
For core (non-UI), continue using GObject, use code generators (such
as turbine) and do copy/paste/replace for existing GObject classes
(for the rare case where the generator won't be enough).
For UI, porting widgets to GtkBuilder is an option (and then we'll use
Glade and UI xml files), but any action on the UI is postponed until
we get 3.0 out!

** Default JPEG Quality (quickie, not a real topic) **
Change to 95 2x1, and add a hack to save defaults (using something
like the PNG plugin does, or something more elegant). Note that a
decent system to save plugin defaults, along with other api changes,
is not something that will happen for 2.8.

** bringing UI crew to LGM **
Will be discussed with mitch and schumaml on the financial aspect
(using gimp funds) when the team is fully assembled (parts of it are
already assembled - hurray for guiguru and congrats for the new team

** Resource management for 2.8 **
One member of the new UI team (lead by guiguru) will take care of that

** Offtopic **
Seems as if most GIMP team can't attend LGM this year, but there may
be a GIMP village in the Chaos Communication Camp
(http://events.ccc.de/2010/08/10/chaos-communication-camp-2011/) as
most developers want/plan to attend it.
UI team members will start hanging on IRC once the team is assembled.
Many developers suggested help in setting them up with build
environments and every other thing they need. This will happen soon,
so be nice to the new guys ;)

Gimp-developer mailing list

Re: [Gimp-developer] GIMP Developer Meeting #3 - March 28, 2011

2011-03-28 Thread LightningIsMyName

On Mon, Mar 28, 2011 at 6:27 PM, Kevin Cozens  wrote:
> It's a good thing I asked that we clarify the problem as I was thinking it
> was something else entirely. Pointers to a couple of files that show the
> issue of a lot of boilerplate code would be good so we can all see the
> extent of the problem.
> If the problem really is with gObject and the need for a lot of boilerplate
> code there are several options.
> ...
> 3. Create template file(s) with all the typical boilerplate code.
> If people are copying from existing files it might be easier to just create
> some template files that can be used as the starting point.
> 4. Write a program to generate the boilerplate code.
> If template files could not be made to handle the typical use cases, a
> program could be made where a person could answer questions or set options
> and have it generate a file with all the required boilerplate code.
> 5. Use a "chanting" system similar to what is used in BABL and GEGL.
> The chanting system in BABL/GEGL seems to work well in that it makes it easy
> (or easier) to work with things like the GEGL operation files without the
> need for a deep understanding of gObject.

As one of the supporters for the Vala suggestion, I am willing to
"give up" the vala option, for options 4 and 5 (3 is sort of what many
of us already do - copy paste).
I don't know how "easy" is option 5 to write, but option 4 does seem
more or less possible. also, the fact is that most work with gobject
code is writing it in the first time, so I do think that a generate
once tool would solve my problem. Again, I'm speaking just for myself.

We have a meeting today, and we can *try* and sort this out then. I do
agree that introducing another language isn't such a good idea, and
what Simon showed doesn't increase my trust in vala (even if I like
that language)...

Gimp-developer mailing list

[Gimp-developer] GIMP Developer Meeting #3 - March 28, 2011

2011-03-25 Thread LightningIsMyName

The next GIMP Developer Meeting will take place in the GIMP IRC on
March 28th 2011, 10:00 PM CET (For time zone conversions, see
Thee meeting page is up and running on

Our agenda is quite small this time, so unless someone has more
topics, it will be really short this time :)

*** GSoC Student Applications ***
Official GSoC applications should start coming in on march 28 19:00
utc - that's 2 hours before the meeting should begin. Also, we already
have student applications on the mailing list. Some suggestions were
made on putting minimal student requirements (not sure how practical
this is) and some suggested creating some quick start guides for new
developers. Do we want to do anything to get students started? BTW,
such content should be placed on the developer wiki!

Also regarding GSoC, not sure really which rating of ideas should
happen, by whom and when, but discussing it should be done or decided
on. For obvious reason, the writer of these lines (who applies for
GSoC himself) will not participate in that part of the discussion.

*** Optional topic: Re-Discussing GIMP's programming language ***
Some developers that weren't present in the last meeting, highly
disagree on the attempt to introduce vala into gimp, claiming that it
will scare off developers (more than the "simple" C GObject code).

*** Other topics ***
Any other suggestions should be suggested by replying to this email,
or adding it directly to the wiki (if you have permissions to edit the

See you there,
Gimp-developer mailing list

[Gimp-developer] GSoC application - Adaptive Image Cloning

2011-03-23 Thread LightningIsMyName

My name is Barak Itkin (sometimes known on the web as
LightningIsMyName), I'm a third year student for computer science at
the Tel-Aviv University (Israel), and I'm a regular visitor of the
GIMP irc and mailing lists. I'd like to apply for a GIMP GSoC for the
"Adaptive Image Cloning (aka Seamless Cloning)".

Past expirience:
- Made several contributions to GIMP already, mainly on the plugin
side (script-fu scripts, and wrote the new PDF plugin), but also made
several to the core (support for multi-colored text in 2.7 was
partially written by me)
- Contributed several GEGL operations for existing GIMP plugins
- More than two years of practical expirience in C
- Good background in image processing and computer graphics
- In terms of "large code", my biggest projects was a ray tracer (4k lines)

Barak Itkin
Gimp-developer mailing list

Re: [Gimp-developer] GsoC - 2011 - Porting GIMP plugins to GEGL operations

2011-03-23 Thread LightningIsMyName

On Wed, Mar 23, 2011 at 8:32 AM, Alexia Death  wrote:
> Kevin, cloning was kicked, because welding pixel manipulation code on
> old paint core is not a good idea, new pixel manipulation should go in
> gegl and we simply dont have the infrastructure to use that in paint
> core yet.

The name "cloning" is misleading - this tool has nothing to do with
regular paint tools. if it reminds anything by interaction, it's the
cage tool - you select a shape, move it around (hopefully with a live
preview of what will happen if you drop it there) and then release
when satisfied.
Please see the demo video if you want to see what I mean - it's on the
article page.

I'm restoring this idea to the wiki's recommended list.

Gimp-developer mailing list

[Gimp-developer] GIMP Developer Meeting #2 - March 14th 2011

2011-03-08 Thread LightningIsMyName

The next GIMP developer meeting (users are also welcome!) will take
place Monday, March 14th 2011, on 10:00 PM CET (GMT+1).
The agenda can be found here:

Right now, the main topics are:
* Reviewing last meeting's decision
* Serious discussion of GIMP's programming language
* 2.8 - Get it out!

Proposals for more topics to discuss will be accepted by replying to this email.

The meeting will be in the same place as the previous time (gathering
will be done on the GIMP irc irc://irc.gimp.org/#gimp and the actual
meeting will take place in a seperate channel that will be announced
on the main channel), at the same good hour :)

Logs and summaries of the previous meeting can be found here:

Gimp-developer mailing list

Re: [Gimp-developer] GIMP vs Photoshop

2011-03-07 Thread LightningIsMyName

Glad to hear a school is considering using GIMP - when I learned in
school they tried only photoshop ad other commercial stuff.

*The* reference is the official documentation, which is very very
detailed as a reference - http://docs.gimp.org/
The tutorials for image retouching (and other stuff), on the main
website, should provide a very good basis -

I know that in the past (before I started using GIMP) "Grokking the
GIMP" was considered a very good book on GIMP, and the good part is
that it's available online! http://gimp-savvy.com/BOOK/index.html
Many of the screenshots are outdated, and the ui changed a bit, but as
a reference for how to do things, it can be great.

Now, if we want more "modern" stuff (since some of the things above
are outdated(, that children will consider cool, I'd try any of the
many tutorial sites on the web, for tutorials about specific effects.
I started with gimpusers - http://www.gimpusers.com/tutorials and
GimpTalk http://www.gimptalk.com/forum/
GimpTalk was (and probably is) the biggest GIMP forum on the web, it
has more resources than you can imagine. it may require lots of
filtering, but it has some high quality tutorials.

If you need anything specific, feel free to ask on here (or better, on
the the gimp-users mailing list - see
http://www.gimp.org/mail_lists.html), or on the GIMP chat (see

Good luck!

On Mon, Mar 7, 2011 at 10:34 PM, Debi Rapson  wrote:
> Our school system appears to be headed for using GIMP as a way of teaching
> our students about graphics.
> Can you point me in the direction of where I would go to get GOOD tutorial
> information about GIMP so that I can properly teach it?
> Can you point me in the direction of a list of places that actually use
> GIMP for photo retouching and graphics creation. We are trying to give our
> kids real-world skills and we need to be able to point to real places that
> are using GIMP for photo retouching and graphics resolution. If I am going
> to teach using this software I need as much ammunition as possible to make
> this seem exciting and something that the kids will WANT to learn to use.
> Thank you.
> Debi Rapson
> Memorial High School
> Art & Technology Dept
> 603-624-6378
> ___
> Gimp-developer mailing list
> Gimp-developer@lists.XCF.Berkeley.EDU
> https://lists.XCF.Berkeley.EDU/mailman/listinfo/gimp-developer
Gimp-developer mailing list

Re: [Gimp-developer] GIMP developer meeting

2011-03-06 Thread LightningIsMyName

2011/3/6 Łukasz Czerwiński :
> On Tue, Mar 1, 2011 at 00:22, LightningIsMyName
>  wrote:
>> 1. schumaml and LightningIsMyName fix wgo?
> Could you explain me what "wgo" means?

for a detailed explanations on all the conclusions. Basically, wgo is
Wilber GIMP Org, or basically the gimp main website.

Gimp-developer mailing list

Re: [Gimp-developer] Google Summer of Code 2011 - Project Ideas/Suggestions

2011-03-01 Thread LightningIsMyName

The nearly finalised project list for GSoC 2011 is available at the
wiki: http://gimp-wiki.who.ee/index.php/Hacking:GSoC_2011/Ideas

Users who have a comment on the list should raise it now. The ideas
list was divided in to two parts, as discussed on IRC.
Developers who wish to make small corrections should feel free to do
so, but please do not move projects between the lists / add/remove
projects or do any other major change without a discussion first.

GIMP on!
Gimp-developer mailing list

Re: [Gimp-developer] GIMP developer meeting

2011-02-28 Thread LightningIsMyName

The first meeting took place and it seems to be a success :)

The agenda, decided actions and log can be found on the
soon-to-be-official wiki at

A summary of the decided actions:

1. schumaml and LightningIsMyName fix wgo?
2. Alexia and mitch take care of redirecting wiki.gimp.org
3. Enselic makes a draft of a GIMP roadmap and sends to gimp-developer
4. everybody subscribe to bug mail and TRIAGE BUGS
5. mitch, make a development release soon
6. LightningIsMyName takes care of next meeting
7. setting pages on the wiki to discuss changes in different topics
8. LightningIsMyName gets a list of projects on the wiki by tomorrow,
developers review the ideas by email or by commenting on the wiki.
Saturday (February 5th, 2011) is hard dead line for finalizing the
project list! (I'll try, it make another day though)
9. all devs PM/Email LightningIsMyName username and email for their wiki account

Next meeting shall be on March 14, 10:00 PM, CET (GMT+1). A mail about
the agenda for the next meeting will be sent several days before the
next meeting.

Happy GIMPing and see you next time!

On Mon, Feb 28, 2011 at 1:07 AM, LightningIsMyName
> Hello,
> After the slow development that I and some other developers feel,
> because of lack of plans, we decided to try and schedule a planned IRC
> meeting.
> Today (February 28, 2011), at 10pm CET (for time zone conversions, see
> http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime.html?month=2&day=28&year=2011&hour=22&min=0&sec=0&p1=48
> ) a meeting of GIMP developers is scheduled on the GIMP developer IRC.
> On the list of topics:
> - GSoC 2011 - ORG Application deadline is in 11 days!
> - Bug fixing priorities
> - Future development?
> If you want to discuss GIMP's future, GSoC this year, and just listen,
> please come. We will meet on irc://irc.gimp.org/#gimp (Users without
> IRC client can connect using one of the many online IRC clients (such
> as this one: http://mibbit.com/?channel=%23gimp&server=irc.gimp.org )
> Hope to see you,
> ~LightningIsMyName
Gimp-developer mailing list

Re: [Gimp-developer] GIMP developer meeting

2011-02-28 Thread LightningIsMyName

On Mon, Feb 28, 2011 at 8:40 AM, Akkana Peck  wrote:
> Any chance you can keep a log of the meeting? I'd love to know what
> happens, but I'll be traveling then.
> Thanks!

I'll suggest public logging at the begining of the meeting (since we
shouldn't log without general aproovement) - it should indeed benefit
many devs. If there will be no public logging, I'll send you a private
copy of my logs and/or a summary ;)

On Mon, Feb 28, 2011 at 9:53 AM, Martin Nordholts  wrote:
> Good initiative. I'd like to add to the agenda:
>  - Create a roadmap at http://gimp-wiki.who.ee/
>  - Make http://gimp-wiki.who.ee/ the official wiki, e.g. make
>    wiki.gimp.org point to it

Added to the the agenda - mine was just a partial suggestion :)
I'll try to update my blog post with a public agenda
and I'll upload a summary to http://gimp-wiki.who.ee/. Btw, Alexia
said on IRC that she can't point a domain at that adress so we really
should get wiki.gimp.org running or pay for some web server with the
GIMP funds.

There is a nice chance that my university will let  me host the wiki -
I'll meet the system guy later today and see if we can point
wiki.gimp.org there. If so, I'll migrate Alexia's wiki to there, and
we'll have a wiki running up as long as I'm a student (should be
another year, which should be enough to get wiki.gimp.org running).

Gimp-developer mailing list

Re: [Gimp-developer] GIMP developer meeting

2011-02-27 Thread LightningIsMyName

On Mon, Feb 28, 2011 at 1:16 AM, Joao S. O. Bueno  wrote:
> SOrry pal -- this time table does not list "CET" time.
> Can you tell me it in the difference to GMT?

The time table shows that hour in many cities, and CET stands for
centeral europe timezone :)
It's GMT+1

Gimp-developer mailing list

[Gimp-developer] GIMP developer meeting

2011-02-27 Thread LightningIsMyName

After the slow development that I and some other developers feel,
because of lack of plans, we decided to try and schedule a planned IRC
Today (February 28, 2011), at 10pm CET (for time zone conversions, see
) a meeting of GIMP developers is scheduled on the GIMP developer IRC.
On the list of topics:

- GSoC 2011 - ORG Application deadline is in 11 days!
- Bug fixing priorities
- Future development?

If you want to discuss GIMP's future, GSoC this year, and just listen,
please come. We will meet on irc://irc.gimp.org/#gimp (Users without
IRC client can connect using one of the many online IRC clients (such
as this one: http://mibbit.com/?channel=%23gimp&server=irc.gimp.org )

Hope to see you,
Gimp-developer mailing list

Re: [Gimp-developer] GIT access no longer working

2011-02-21 Thread LightningIsMyName

On Mon, Feb 21, 2011 at 4:33 PM, Ofnuts  wrote:
> My local copy of the Gimp code used to be updatable by issuing a "git
> update" in the root directory.. This no longer work and I get:
> I'm not too familiar with Git. Am I doing something wrong? Or has
> something changed elsewhere?

I'm not a git wizard myself, but cloning here (using git clone) and
updating (using git pull) does work for me. I have no idea what about
the config file - it means nothing to me :P
You did say you use "git update" in the root directory to update the
sources, and I'm not familiar with such a command. Did you possibly
mean "git pull"?

Gimp-developer mailing list

[Gimp-developer] Google Summer of Code 2011 - Project Ideas/Suggestions

2011-02-12 Thread LightningIsMyName
I'm starting this thread to list ideas for Google Summer of Code 2011,
for the GIMP project. Since in the last year collecting ideas was done
partially by the mailing list, let's try it again this year and keep
most ideas here.

One should aslo take a look at GEGL's page about contributing (too bad
GIMP doesn't have something like that):

Here is a list of ideas from 2010, that are still not implemented, and
*may* be relevant.

JavaScript scripting in the core and/or plug-ins - using GNOME Java
Script infrastructure (GJS)

GIMP scripts and plug-ins can be written in Scheme, Perl, Python and
C. Scheme is always available, but limited in its application in
regard on image manipulation. Additionally, as a list-processing
language, it may appear as weird to most users. Its main purpose is
scripting workflows for repetitive work.

The Perl binding is currently the least supported one and not
available on platforms other than Unix. The Python binding and the C
libraries are current the most powerful ones.

Javascript could take over Scheme's role as the genreral purpose
scripting language for GIMP.

[Note]: At least for scheme, there are no debuggers for scripting in
GIMP, and only tracing is supported. It would be neat if as a part of
this project, a javascript debugger will be integrated so scripts
could be debugged in a sane way. Again, this is not a part of the
original project suggestion (as suggested last year), but this is
something that could be helpful.
Make menus searchable

... i.e. have a textbox, in te menu for example, and anything typed
will be matched against all menu items and their blurbs and maybe
something more (like procedures not registered in menus).

Implement the free transform tool

For exact specifications, see:

(may be offline at the moment)

Replace the GimpSizeEntry widget

Right now both the code and the UI is a mess. The unit should for
example be in the text entry itself instead of in a combo box

Brush selector wigdet

More precisely one that is also capable for brush transform input
(size/angle/aspect ratio).

Slicing tool

One of the most requested features by web designers and/or interface
designers, is the addition of a slice tool. Currently slicing images
inside GIMP can only be done in grids (using guides and the guillotine
action) and you can't split just one rectangle in the middle.

For example, the following slice can not be achieved:


Porting GIMP plugins to GEGL operations

There are many many GIMP plugins that would need eventually to be
converted to GEGL operations, if we want to use them in future
versions of GIMP.

Now, I'll throw in a first idea myself:

Adaptive Image Cloning (aka Semaless Cloning)

Direct cloning of parts from one image to another, usually ends in bad
results because of different lighting conditions and other settings
(such as white-balance) which causes the color of the cloned part not
to match the source image and look out of place. There are some
techniques to solve this, by using poisson equations and some other

It differes from the existing heal tool, since it is meant for taking
one area from an image, and paste it smoothly in some other area. The
current algorithm implemented by the healing tool allows to remove
local irregularities (such as dots, hairs, etc.) very well, but
experiments of using it to do "adaptive cloning" of areas (for example
copying a person from one image to the other) do not produce good

(It should be said that I'm a bit biased torwards this idea, because I
want to work on it as a student in GSoC and I already collected papers
about it. Still, I'd like a lot to see somthing like this in GIMP, no
matter who implements it)
Gimp-developer mailing list

Re: [Gimp-developer] Error compiling GIT version

2010-11-07 Thread LightningIsMyName

I know that there were some changes in gegl lately, changes that as
far as I know are only present in git (and I do remember someone with
the same error on the gipm chat channel).
The build works perfectly for me when using the latest version of gegl
from git, try it - it should work :)


On Sun, Nov 7, 2010 at 8:02 PM, Ofnuts  wrote:
> Fairly new at all this, but managed to
> - git-clone the repository (should give me the latest and greatest (yes,
> unstable, but that's understood)?)
> - run autogen.sh and install the various dependencies
> - at last, running make
> But, then after some amount of time and much console activity (that let
> me assume that my setup is OK) I get:
>    gimpoperationcagecoefcalc.c:23:34: error: gegl-buffer-iterator.h: No
> such file or directory
> And this file is indeed not part of the headers I got when I
> built/installed gegl-0.1.2 (from tjhe gtk.org repository).
> Do I need an even more recent version of GEGL (but autogen.sh looked
> happy with 0.1.2), and if so, where do I get it from?
> --
> Ofnuts, in very rainy Paris
> ___
> Gimp-developer mailing list
> Gimp-developer@lists.XCF.Berkeley.EDU
> https://lists.XCF.Berkeley.EDU/mailman/listinfo/gimp-developer
Gimp-developer mailing list

Re: [Gimp-developer] menu back in the toolbox

2010-10-23 Thread LightningIsMyName

I have replied to your bug comment before seeing this email - sorry :P

I suggested a solution to your use case there in my comment (please
read it first), and I'll add some more detail here:
You say that we "Enforce" the UI changes on the users, and as a matter
of fact you are right. BUT, think on the other side: If every program
would have an option to get back it's old UI, it will have 3 problems:
1. Users will keep using the old UI they are used to, and they will
possibly miss the new features of the new UI that make it better. This
will make UI development a waste of time since people will also teach
new users to use the old UI...
2. It requires lots of work to keep several UI options available - if
we do this for every UI change, it will result in many code that will
just be there for compatiability without doing anything more useful.
3. You have to draw the line sometimes. Every program does UI changes
as it evolves, as a part of it's vision. Even blender which you
mentioned made a massive change between 2.4 and 2.5, and no, they have
no option to use the old UI again. Each program has a UI designed for
it's special case, so saying "Blender has it" does not matter since
blender is used for a completly different purpose - If you'll show
something like this in some 2D app which matches GIMP's product vision
(see http://gui.gimp.org/) it may be more relevant.

I'm very glad to see the discussion here since we are recieving
feedback in the right place - and we need user feedback. But unless
you show some clear case, WHICH IS SUITING THE PRODUCT VISION, where
the new UI is a problem, I don't see any reason to change back.

I'm more than open to see specific cases (which I did not already
answer in the bug report) in which the new UI is a problem. If you
will find some critical cases in which the new UI is worse than the
old - we will consider undoing the change :) But please do note the
word "critical" which I used - just saying "I'm used to the old
way"/"it's more comfortable in case XXX" (where XXX is a very rare
case) is not enough.
As far as it may sounds anoying, the program will not be tailor-made
to match your useage of it - it will made to be useful to the biggest
amount of target users it can, even if it leave some few unfortunate
users in a less comfortable situation.
For example, I find the new UI very comfortable and more intuitive -
and it just shows that not all users agree.

So, please find some critical user-case in which the new UI is
problomatic, or contribute a patch that allows choosing between the
two UI's. If such a patch will be present, and if it is elegant
enough, there are higher chances of it being implemented.

Happy GIMPing :)
Gimp-developer mailing list

Re: [Gimp-developer] Getting the ID of a nested layer on GIMP 2.7.1

2010-10-15 Thread LightningIsMyName

Try gimp_item_is_group to check if a layer is a group layer, Then you
can use gimp_item_get_children (on the group layers) to get the
children by their order (topmost to bottomost). Finally, you can use
gimp_item_get_parent to get the parent layerof a layer inside a layer
Note - these function are not present in GIMP 2.7.1, you'll need to
get the latest source and build it to gain access to these functions
(they are documented there like the rest of the PDB functions).


On Fri, Oct 15, 2010 at 1:19 PM, Gino D  wrote:
> Hi.
> Correct me if I'm wrong, but I have seemed to notice that the
> "gimp-image-get-layers" procedure, when running on GIMP 2.7.1, doesn't
> return the identifiers of the layers nested within groups, while
> yielding the ones of unattached layers and layer groups.
> So, how may such identifiers be obtained? Is there any
> procedure/stratagem for this purpose?
> Thanks in advance.
> ___
> Gimp-developer mailing list
> Gimp-developer@lists.XCF.Berkeley.EDU
> https://lists.XCF.Berkeley.EDU/mailman/listinfo/gimp-developer
Gimp-developer mailing list

Re: [Gimp-developer] GIMP paths.

2010-09-09 Thread LightningIsMyName

On Thu, Sep 9, 2010 at 1:13 PM, Mirza Husadzic  wrote:
\> The paths are not imported/merged properly where SVG image is generated
> correctly (probably by 'librsvg'?).
GIMP imports path itself using it's own functions - the reason is that
it can only handle bezier/polygonal strokes (so other elements are
converted to bezier/poloygons). Pretty sure that it's not related to

> The Blender's 'uv.py' exporter script had generated uv's layout as SVG
> polygons as follows (note that polygon is a quad):
>  stroke-width="1px"
>   points="67.334,493.895 77.587,494.896 78.033,463.871 67.768,463.723 " />
This was imported perfectly for me, if it still fails to you, maybe
you should filla bug report (Try validation your svg first using the
svg validator - http://validator.w3.org/ ).

> As a result, I got more of the paths lines imported and merged into GIMP,
> but there is a strange drawback.
> The path is not so big, i.e. (few hundred points) but the GIMP is really
> slow at redrawing path (i.e. when painting with brush).
> I also found that if you copy the same path and show them both, nothing is
> displayed? Maybe this is a cause of that all paths are not
> displayed because some of them are overlapping, as the polygons are uv's and
> they overlaps.
GIMP renders path in XOR painting mode for the sake of visibility (XOR
mode is usually easily visible on most possible backgrounds). As a
result, when drawing two paths one above the other, you won't see any
of them since "pixel XOR path XOR path = pixel".
Getting rid of XOR drawing and find something better is on the todo list =)

> Why is GIMP so slow at rendering paths.
> Is it using 'cairo' or 'gdi' to render paths?
GIMP uses gdk for drawing (as far as I remember) indeed, but I have no
idea about the preformance issues. I do know that drawing paths is
indeed a bit slow, but I have no numbers of what should/shouldn't be
normal... Don't forget that blender uses OpenGL for it's drawing, and
this is obviously faster than software only solutions... This should
be targeted again possibly when the canvas drawing will be ported to
cairo (on the todo list for 2.8).

> p.s. I think that SVG parsing should be done by 'librsvg', which should then
> expose even basic API to get only points of basic primitives, such
> as lines, polys, curves etc. In such case GIMP will be concentrated only to
> render them as path into its context.
GIMP is not meant for vector graphics, and therefore I believe that
importing paths as is from svg is enough. Furthermore, since librsvg
is a hard dependancy of GIMP, any plugin can link against librsvg and
know that it will be available. If you believe differently, you are
more than welcome to describe this idea in more detail with some
user-cases (and hopefully with a patch =]) so that it will be
considered again.

Gimp-developer mailing list

Re: [Gimp-developer] Wish: A better animation system inside GIMP

2010-08-29 Thread LightningIsMyName

Forgot to mention that it would also require to change most animation
scripts and GAP...

On Sun, Aug 29, 2010 at 10:15 AM, Olivier  wrote:
> You seem to be interested only in animated GIF?
> Even in this case, are you aware of the GIMP Animation Package?
> Olivier Lecarme

First of all, yes - I am aware of GAP and I used it several times
(although I'm still not completely familiar with it).

Still, abusing layer names must stop and this is my main request - and
in order to stop this we must introduce a very simple animation editor
(since we have many animation scripts and it should be possible to
edit their result). GAP is very good and complicated, and I'm
referring to something much simpler only to edit the frame
duration/disposal (instead of the ugly layer name hack) - nothing

Gimp-developer mailing list

[Gimp-developer] Wish: A better animation system inside GIMP

2010-08-29 Thread LightningIsMyName

Currently, creating animations in GIMP is not done in a very clean
way. To specify the duration of each frame and to specify whether it
should stay or be hidden after that period, we abuse the layer names.
Until recently we also had a limit of one layer per frame so we
couldn't have had a frame composed out of several layers (so
maintaining the frames had to be done in other files), but now layer
groups can solve this (so the animation process is now a bit better).

I'm posting here a small wishlist regarding using GIMP for animations,
to get the general approval before posting it as an enhancement
request in bugzilla:

* More supported frame disposal modes -  GIF has 3 frame disposal
modes (taken from
http://www.webreference.com/content/studio/disposal.html ):
1. "Leave" - after the period of the frame has ended, the frame's
pixels will remain visible and the next frames will be displayed on
top of it. This mode IS supported in GIMP.
2. "Restore Previous" - after the period of the frame has ended, the
frame's pixels will become transparent and will allow to see what was
in that region before the current frame covered it. This mode IS
supported in GIMP.
3. "Restore Background" - after the period of the frame has ended, the
rectangle of that frame will be replaced by a transparent rectangle.
It's similar to "Restore Previous", except for the fact that after the
frame disappears you won't be able to see what was below it.  This
mode IS NOT supported in GIMP, and this is the mode I want to add.
Supporting this mode means modifying the gif load/save plugin, the
animation preview plugin and possibly the un/optimize plugins.

* A better animation editing modes. Abusing the layer modes is a very
bad way to do this (at least in my opinion) - see a similar case in
https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=344910 comment 3. We should
remember the animation parameters using parasites, and by having some
animation editor plugin (which leads to my next point - an animation

* GIMP should have an animation editor which is integrated with a
preview of the animation. Editing the animation and then closing the
editor just to open the preview plugin is a very bad workflow. You
should be able to preview from the same place you edit.
Also, the editor should allow to edit the parasites of the layers
which include the animation parameter.
I have something in mind similar to MS Gif Animator
(http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Microsoft_GIF_Animator), or anything
with a similar simple UI.

This is how I imagine the animation workflow with GIMP - I'll
appreciate some feedback.
Gimp-developer mailing list

Re: [Gimp-developer] Another set of feature-wishes regarding Guides

2010-08-22 Thread LightningIsMyName

On Sat, Aug 7, 2010 at 8:07 PM, Tobias Ellinghaus  wrote:
> Am Samstag, 7. August 2010 schrub oli...@first.in-berlin.de:
> > it is possible to make guides invisible/visible
> > and to make them magnetic/nonmagnetic.
> >
> > Both features are independent, which is good for some situations.
> >
> > To make them invisible as well as non-magnetic at the same time,
> > two check boxes must be enabled/disabled.
> >
> > The possibility to make both with one click would be fine:
> > visible && magnetic / invisible && non-magnetic.
> I don't have an installed GIMP around so I cannot test it:
> are invisible guides magnetic? If not then your request is void as making them
> invisible will also make them non-magnetic. If yes then that sounds (at least
> to me) like a bug/design flaw.

I actually use invisible guides quite a lot - especially when
designing things like website layouts - I want to snap to the layout's
rectangles after I drew them, but I don't won't them to clutter my
view (especially since in some situations you can have quite a lot of

There are many more cases in which invisible magnetic guides can be
useful - usually these situations involve many guides where it's
visible directly on the drawing itself where the lines are.

The fact that snapping and visibility are independent is very useful,
and I do wish to keep it this way. If the two clicks really bother
some people, I suggest assigning a short-cut key to both features to
do this quickly.

But, Since I agree it can be confusing, I suggest that when hiding
guides which are still magnetic, a message will be displayed in the
status-bar at the bottom of the image saying something like "Note that
the guides are hidden but still used for snapping".

Gimp-developer mailing list

Re: [Gimp-developer] Unsubcribe my ID from the list

2010-08-19 Thread LightningIsMyName

On Thu, Aug 19, 2010 at 2:08 PM, sanju More  wrote:
> Hi,
> How to unsubcribe my ID from this mailing list
> --Sanjeev

You can unsubscribe in the mailing list page -

~ LightningIsMyName
Gimp-developer mailing list

Re: [Gimp-developer] Usability of menus (search, gegl ops, ...)

2010-08-10 Thread LightningIsMyName

On Tue, Aug 10, 2010 at 9:27 AM, Martin Nordholts  wrote:
> > 2. We need to define a "usable" plugin browser. One of the features I'm
> > missing the most, is a preview image. Plugins should have an option to
> > register a preview image of their effect (probably by having the image's
> > binary data embedded in them). This also relates to the feature request
> > of having a logo script browser...
> I don't think registering a fixed preview image is good enough, it

Believe me, I really want a dynamic preview on the current image :-)
But, it's not practical as some plugins take way too long to operate -
trying to create a preview on the current image might take way too
long to be any good.

On Tue, Aug 10, 2010 at 3:31 AM, David Gowers <00a...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Tue, Aug 10, 2010 at 6:21 AM, LightningIsMyName
>  wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I recently re-read all the GSoC suggestions for 2010, and I found this
>> interesting one about making the menus searchable:
>> https://sites.google.com/site/gimpwiki/long-term-plans/menu-accesibility
>> As far as I know, menus are searchable and the best example is the keyboard
>> shortcuts dialog which has a searchbox to find the GIMP action you'd like to
>> use.
> However, that action is not immediately activateable.
> What I personally envision is something like the completion dialog
> that you can find in GTKTreeViews (for example, typing something in
> when the file list in a file selection dialog is focused, offers you a
> choice of the possible items. And upon selection from that sub-list,
> the file is immediately chosen.)
>  So I asked on #gimp and I was told there was a discussion on IRC about
>> finding a more usable replacement to the plugin browser.
> The reason I made the description above is that the plugin browser is
> very limited.. you cannot activate non-plugin menu items (for example,
> I'd like to be able to access 'scale image' and 'scale layer' via a
> search -- I don't use them enough to warrant keyboard shortcuts, but
> enough that some acceleration is warranted.
> The same thing goes for virtually all GIMP-GAP operations).

Sorry for my bad phrasing of the question - let me rephrase it: what
is left other than exposing the searchbox from there?
The searchbox there allows to find non-plugin actions, and these are
very neatly organized under several categories. When you search, the
categories are already expanded so you can see all the results,
organized, right away.

On Tue, Aug 10, 2010 at 3:31 AM, David Gowers <00a...@gmail.com> wrote:
> request of
>> having a logo script browser...
> Well, if we did what you outline here, how would Script-Fu scripts
> handle the necessary embedding of binary data (I don't mean to imply
> that they couldn't, just that I do not know exactly how well they can
> handle this kind of binary string literal).

What I suggest, it is possible to embed binary data in script-fu
scripts, but it's not easy/fun/simple. What I suggest is that as a
part of the refactoring process of the plugin system, we will allow
procedures to register a "sample" procedure. This procedure will be
called once to generate a preview image. But this procedure is
probably a bad idea (since generating the preview will take time, and
this can be long...)
The other option is to ship example images with script-fu scripts and
to allow them to return a pointer to that image for their preview.
This sounds more reasonable to me.

One of the things we should remember is that we should still have some
sort of seperation between the plugin/script browser and between the
general procedure browser. Because if we want things like preview for
every action, it would be rather useless to have previews for internal
operations such as "raise layer".

Gimp-developer mailing list

[Gimp-developer] Usability of menus (search, gegl ops, ...)

2010-08-09 Thread LightningIsMyName

I recently re-read all the GSoC suggestions for 2010, and I found this
interesting one about making the menus searchable:

As far as I know, menus are searchable and the best example is the keyboard
shortcuts dialog which has a searchbox to find the GIMP action you'd like to
use. So I asked on #gimp and I was told there was a discussion on IRC about
finding a more usable replacement to the plugin browser.

So, to get a formal record of this discussion, I'm starting it on the
mailing list again.

Here are points which should be considered:

0. How do we want the search to work? A user can bring a search dialog up?
Will the search be based on a string? A tree?

1. GEGL ops should really be integrated in the GIPM menus. As someone said,
it's like the old script-fu menu - it was wrong. We don't have to force the
user to remember what's a GEGL op (which will be accessed using the GEGL
tool) and what's a regular plugin/script.
It's a bit offtopic, but we should find a way to implement gegl plugins with
a custom GUI, and register them like regular plugins in the menus. Having a
search that will once point to a plugin and once activate the gegl tool, is
a very bad idea...

2. We need to define a "usable" plugin browser. One of the features I'm
missing the most, is a preview image. Plugins should have an option to
register a preview image of their effect (probably by having the image's
binary data embedded in them). This also relates to the feature request of
having a logo script browser...

3. Will plugins also have a category (in addition to a menu location)? How
should we organize the plugins? On one hand, it's probably a bad idea to
continue having plugin authors choose their own category (or as it is now -
a menu location). Since then you might find yourself with dozens of
categories (like "my-site" "his-site") and typos ("artisti" and "artistic")
or redefinitions ("art" vs. "artistic") may create more categories.
It's a fact - a bloated category list is good for nothing... So, should we
limit the categories for plugins?

4. Another option, instead of categories and sub-categories, is tagging -
like the brushes work in 2.7 (unlike categories - there are no sub-levels,
and each plugin can be in many places)

Menus in GIMP should become more useful and things should become easier to
find. But how? Please share your thoughts

Gimp-developer mailing list

Re: [Gimp-developer] Another set of feature-wishes regarding Guides

2010-08-07 Thread LightningIsMyName
On Sat, Aug 7, 2010 at 4:23 PM,   wrote:
> it is possible to make guides invisible/visible
> and to make them magnetic/nonmagnetic.
> Both features are independent, which is good for some situations.
> To make them invisible as well as non-magnetic at the same time,
> two check boxes must be enabled/disabled.
> The possibility to make both with one click would be fine:
> visible && magnetic / invisible && non-magnetic.
> Also it would be fine to have keyboard-shortcuts for all those
> check-boxes.

You can already do this to all the guides at once:
View->Show Guides
View->Snap to guides

> an even more advaned usage of Guides would be, to have Guide-layers.
> One could disable guides on a guide-layer completely, when swictching off
> the eye for that layer, and enable them again like any other layer,
> when clicking on the corresponding layers-eye.
> With that feature one could do very complex graphics easily.
> Together with layer-groups, one could have layer-group specific guides,
> which will make it even more powerful.
> Guides that will not be part of a group would be acting globally,
> and guides that are part of a layer-group would be activated
> only together with that group.

The layer stack is definetly not the place for putting guides (at
least that's my opinion). We can however consider adding groups for
guides which indeed sounds more reasonable. Since implementing angular
guides (which I tried yesterday) requires rewriting many of the guides
code, I can try to add this as part of the re-write. Note however that
I think that a flat list of guide groups is enough - implemeting a
tree of groups sounds much more than needed.
I believe that guide groups shouldn't be added to the layer stack
since it's cluttered enough as it is, and since having a dedicated
dialog for guide groups sounds much more productive.

Gimp-developer mailing list

Re: [Gimp-developer] what is the meaning of "git commit %s" ? (translation related)

2010-08-05 Thread LightningIsMyName

2010/8/5 Cristian Secară :
> On Thu, 5 Aug 2010 12:01:07 +0300, Cristian Secară wrote:
>> I like to know what is the meaning of this string, I don't know how to
>> translated it:
>> #: ../app/version.c:132
>> #, c-format
>> msgid "git commit %s"

git is the source control system which is used to store GIMP's source.
The act of updating the source is called a "commit" and each such
"commit" has it's unique identifier.
So basically, a commit identifier is like a version number (the %s in
the string will be replaced with that identifier)

I'm not sure this should be translated though, since git is a name of
a tool and "commit" is a git specific term which should probably be
kept untranslated (I saw the term "commit" in other non-English
articles so it's probably best not to translate it).

I'll add a comment to the file as soon as I get to a non-public computer.

~ LightningIsMyName
Gimp-developer mailing list

Re: [Gimp-developer] pick color anywhere on the screen ? not quite

2010-08-04 Thread LightningIsMyName

On Thu, Aug 5, 2010 at 4:41 AM, Burnie West  wrote:
>  On 08/01/2010 01:48 PM, LightningIsMyName wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I discovered that when using windows it will indeed turn to the
>> regular cursor when you leave GIMP's UI, but the "pick" functionality
>> still works. Click anywhere on the screen - although GIMP's window
>> will
> when you say "loose" I think you mean "lose", correct?
>>  loose focus (in favour of the window you clicked on) the right
>> color would still be picked (at least on my windows XP SP3 32).

yes, it's a typo...

Gimp-developer mailing list

Re: [Gimp-developer] pick color anywhere on the screen ? not quite

2010-08-01 Thread LightningIsMyName

I discovered that when using windows it will indeed turn to the
regular cursor when you leave GIMP's UI, but the "pick" functionality
still works. Click anywhere on the screen - although GIMP's window
will loose focus (in favour of the window you clicked on) the right
color would still be picked (at least on my windows XP SP3 32).

On linux it works perfectly - the GIMP window doesn't even loose the focus.

If colour picking still doesn't work (check that if you click out of
the window and go back to GIMP, if the foreground color was set to the
right color) you are welcome to open a bug report at the GIMP bugzilla

Gimp-developer mailing list

Re: [Gimp-developer] html layers

2010-08-01 Thread LightningIsMyName

On Sun, Aug 1, 2010 at 7:15 PM, Christopher Curtis  wrote:
> What format does it save the per-character formatting in?  Would HTML
> be an option?
> Understanding even a subset of the basic HTML1 tags plus  could
> likely be a good 80% solution.  That's not to say that it's easy
> ( the most obvious problem), but HTML is a decent way
> to store stylized text.

GIMP supports some of the features described in the pango markup - see
Currently, this includes the following per-character control: Font,
Size, Spacing, bold, italic, underline, strikethrough, baseline
(raising/lowring the caracter) and when I'll have more time it will
also include color.

Gimp-developer mailing list

Re: [Gimp-developer] small Wishlist regarding Guides

2010-08-01 Thread LightningIsMyName

>  - non-rectangle-bound guides:
>       Guides that can be enabled to have any angle, which means that they do
>       not have to be restricted to be 0 degrees or 90 degrees (being parallel
>       to the window).
>       This feature can be helpful, e.g. when correcting pictures, or for 
> drawing parallels
>       that do not fit the 0/90/180/270/360 degree orientation.
>       It would be good, to enable/disable this behaviour via toggle box, so 
> that normal behaviour
>       will be available and guides can be restricted to classical 
> window-parallel behaviour.

I think we have seen this request already several times and I
definitely agree it could be useful. Your request made me take a look
at the code (app/display/gimpdisplayshell-draw.c,
app/core/gimpimage-guides.c, /app/core/gimpguide.c) and it actually
seems possible. I'll add it to my to-try list for when I have some
more time.

>  - boundary guides, instead of middle.guides:
>    Guides, where the outer boundary of a drawing tool snaps to the guide 
> (instead the middle of the
>    drawing tool snapping to the guide).
>    This would be helpful for drawing in general, and correcting pictures: the 
> color will
>    not pass this line of the guide, which means, you can be sure no color 
> enters a certain region.

This does not seem trivial to code - in fact with how I remember the
paint core works, this is going to be one very hard hack...
Also, I think that if the purpose is just to stay inside of the lines
you can use a selection (create it using the guides and freeform
selection) and stroke it on a new layer with a mask which is exactly
the selection - I do this all the time. Stroking a selection is
usually faster than me painting it by hand, and it's probably more

>  - Adding Multiple Guides
>    (there is a Script for this on www.meetthegimp.org, but native would be 
> nice)
>    This feature is good for some repetitive tasks, where a lot of Guides will 
> be needed,
>    something like a guide-grid.

Can you give a direct link to the script? I definitely agree this
sounds useful - it's worth checking if we can simply include this
script with GIMP (or at least if you give us a link to it, we'll be
able to write something similar with extra features if needed).

Gimp-developer mailing list

Re: [Gimp-developer] html layers

2010-08-01 Thread LightningIsMyName

On Sat, Jul 31, 2010 at 2:29 PM, Alexandre Prokoudine
> On 7/31/10, LightningIsMyName wrote:
>> I don't see GIMP becoming an HTML editor - not only because there is
>> no one with time to develop this (building an html editor is lots of
>> work), but also because this isn't GIMP's product vision.
> Really? So GIMP is suddenly not the tool for web developers? :)
>> GIMP is meant to be a high-end image manipulation/creating program,
>> and not an application for designing web interfaces (and coding them).
> Who said that?

I don't say that I agree with that, but that is from the UI redesign
wiki: http://gui.gimp.org/index.php/GIMP_UI_Redesign#product_vision
If we follow what's listed there then GIMP isn't a tool for
generating/editing html code with graphics and stuff. As peter said:

On Sat, Jul 31, 2010 at 2:38 PM, peter sikking  wrote:
> I thought immediately of what the GIMP team said during
> the discussion of the product vision.
> I brought up 'what about making mock-ups of web pages?' after a
> serious look at what it means to support that (like pro-grade html
> generation, support for fluid layouts), the team clearly felt that
> this is not what they wanted GIMP to be.
> so there is an explicit 'no' for GIMP as a web design tool.
> there is an explicit 'yes' for GIMP as a production tool for
> all graphics that are used on a website. This does mean that
> there needs to be better support for this, like automated
> cutting and exporting of all the parts from a working canvas,
> much more than the hack-ish slicing we have right now.

I don't agree with some of the product vision points as stated in the
UI redesign wiki and by some developers (for example that GIMP is
meant mainly for high end users and less for "simple" users - as we
discussed on IRC yesterday), but I do agree on this point. GIMP is an
image editining/authoring tool and not a web tool for coding and
designing websites.

>> I don't want overcomplicated interfaces just to get more features
> What makes you think this would be overcomplicated?

Expirience taught me that lots of features *usually* mean more
complicated interfaces. Let's hope that I'm wrong and we can keep the
interface simple if/when we add this =)

Gimp-developer mailing list

Re: [Gimp-developer] html layers

2010-07-31 Thread LightningIsMyName

> Smashing magazine linked to an interesting blog entry, where John Nack
> discusses the possibility of HTML layers in photoshop.

I'll add to what Tobias said: I don't think that HTML rendering is necessary.
Let's look for a moment on what HTML can do:

1. Render images in specific locations with/without borders - GIMP can
obviously render images in certain places, abd borders can be added
manually for now (or automatically when GEGL will be fully integrated
and will allow what you may know from photoshop as layer effects)

2. Render containers of different colors - We are waiting for vector
layers in GIMP. The code for creating vector layers exists in fact,
but we need someone that will integrate it with the current source

3. Render text in very special ways - Have you looked at the text
engine of GIMP 2.7.1? It can do almost all of the text effects you can
do in HTML. The only missing thing is multicolored text and this is a
patch I'll finish when I have time (should probably be this month).

> If I understand the gist of his proposition/fantasy, the idea is the
> ultimately his image editor would have a feature that can import, present
> and edit html elements as components of a layer.

I don't see GIMP becoming an HTML editor - not only because there is
no one with time to develop this (building an html editor is lots of
work), but also because this isn't GIMP's product vision. GIMP is
meant to be a high-end image manipulation/creating program, and not an
application for designing web interfaces (and coding them).
I don't see anything wrong with the current workflow of designing a
web interface graphically in GIMP, slicing it to small images and then
coding it. Adding HTML editing abilities to GIMP will make it
overloaded with features, and at least for me - I love the fact that
unlike photoshop, GIMP is simple. I don't want overcomplicated
interfaces just to get more features - I want a program which I can
use quickly and easily.

~ LightningIsMyName
Gimp-developer mailing list

Re: [Gimp-developer] Script debugging

2010-07-27 Thread LightningIsMyName

> "Debugging Script-Fu scripts is only slightly less painful than stabbing
> yourself in the eye with a dull spoon.

indeed debugging gimp scripts is a pain and I encountered it several
times. There are several ways to make it easier to follow the
execution (defining some functions which will print all the arguments
passed to other functions) but I'm unaware of any interactive
debugging utility.

> As a more long term fantasy, has there been any discussion of an RPC
> portal to the Procedure Database.
> This would allow add-ons to be written in any language with a relatively
> small investment in each.  The big plus for the developers of add-on
> would be the ability to use existing IDEs with a DEBUGGER.

As far as I know, there are some plans to introduce javascript as the
new scripting language for GIMP. It was suggested for this year's
summmer of code, but eventually other projects were taken.

If the suggestion to move to javascript is likely to happen anywhere
in the near future, I'm not sure if it's worth it to try write a
scheme debugger. Also, a note from the manual of tinyscheme (the
scheme implementation GIMP currently uses):

> Decent debugging facilities are missing. Only tracing is supported
> natively.

So basically, I don't see any trivial way to implement debugging into
GIMP's scheme withou a serious re-write of GIMP's scheme.
I have only two solutions which are a quick and ugly but they'll work:

1. On my first programming course in the university we learned scheme,
and we wrote a scheme interpeter in scheme for learning purposes. I
think I can hack it and add debugging features to it as I still
remember it's code - then in order to debug a script, you would simply
pass the script as a to a function called "mc-eval". I'll need to ask
permission from my professor to distribute the code, but I'm pretty
sure he'll agree.

2. We can connect an external scheme implementation which supports
debugging (I have one which I wrote in java, and there are probably
more better existing ones) and allow it to run the script itself. When
it doesn't find a function, then it will invoke the aproppriate
procedure from GIMP using a call to the PDB (since if a script uses a
function which is not defined in it, it's probably a gimp procedure)

So, I see no way of implementing a scheme debugger in GIMP nativly,
but there are two tools which we can connect externally to provide
debugging options.
Back to javascript - I think that a debugger should be included on the
project's todo.

These are my thoughts - tell me if any of them seem interesting enough to try.

Gimp-developer mailing list

[Gimp-developer] Brush dynamics are confusing at their current state

2010-07-09 Thread LightningIsMyName

After a bug report like this
https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=623980 and some more
discussion on IRC, it was pointed out that brush dynamics are now
confusing for users who don't know them.
Some example problems are:
- Brush resizing because the default dynamics maps the velocity to the
brush size, will make regular users wonder why their brush resizes
(like the bug report above)
- Users that used the basic dynamics in 2.6 possibly won't find them
in 2.8 and will complain about missing features
- Finding where to choose brush dynamics is simply not intuitive

1. Change the default brush dynamics to mimic the default settings in
2.6 (Pressure mapped to Opacity, and disabling all the other inputs).
Simply disabling all the dynamics by default (or more precisely,
setting them to "Dynamics Off") will cause bug reports about missing
pressure support...
2. Adding a widget in the tool options window, to select the brush
dynamics. This sounds logical if we already allow to select the brush
and gradient from the tool options window.

We need feedback for both suggestions - what should the default
dynamics be (maybe we should enable things like tilt which don't
affect users that use a mouse), and whether to add or not to add a
widget to select the dynamics from the tool options window.

Gimp-developer mailing list

Re: [Gimp-developer] to devs from a translator

2010-07-07 Thread LightningIsMyName

On Wed, Jul 7, 2010 at 9:59 PM, Sven Neumann  wrote:
> On Wed, 2010-07-07 at 18:41 +0200, Marco Ciampa wrote:
> > Please differentiate more the strings.
> >
> > For example the "None" string has many meanings in English that in
> > Italian correspond to different words. Unfortunately "None" is used in
> > many different context so it's difficoult, if not impossible, to give
> > the translation the exact meaning that it deserve.
> We can easily add context to strings where necessary. The framework for
> this is there and it is being used. We just need the translators to tell
> us exactly where translation context is needed. Preferably open bug
> reports for this.

I also had this issue with translating to Hebrew, and so I recently
added some context to the strings of the undo descriptions.

Marco: There is a really easy way to add these contexts - I can show
you how if you'd like (or you can take a look at the patch I submitted
). Usually when translating GIMP, I discovered that's it enough to
look at the source code to understand what most strings are from the
name of the functions they appear in. Usually, looking at the code is
enough if you know just a bit of programming (even if it's in a
different programming language), usually you can manage without
knowledge of how GIMP's code work.

Sven: I think this should somehow be handled for the future - what's
the best place to leave a note to developers/commiters that before
commiting new strings they should add some contexts for their strings?
If we don't do this, we will have this problem of mis-translation
continue to appear every time new strings are introduced...

Gimp-developer mailing list

Re: [Gimp-developer] Rotation-Tool: center point and grid

2010-06-28 Thread LightningIsMyName
Hello Oliver,

On Mon, Jun 28, 2010 at 4:40 PM,  wrote:
> when using the rotate tool, I can enable a grid that is shown.
> I also can move the center point.
> What I want to have, is, that the center point's center also
> is at one crossover of grid lines.
> Where (which file) can I change that?

I'm not sure I understood correctly what do you wish to do. If I
understood correctly, when you rotate a drawable, you can use the
option "Preview: Image + Grid". Now, you would like to move the center
of the rotation so that it will snap to this grid.

If this indeed what you mean, then you'll have to modify (at least)
the following files:
app/tools/gimptransformtool.c - The base class for the transformation
tools in GIMP (rotate, shear, transform, scale). The code of the grid
for the transformation tool is there, and this is where you should
look for information about the grid points (try looking at the
function which actually draws the preview grid - it shows how to find
and access the grid points themselves)
app/tools/gimprotatetool.c - The code of the rotate tool

An interesting note which you should probably consider during your
implementation, is that it's weird to snap the center of the rotation
after you started rotating. Why? Because moving the center point will
move the drawable (and the grid itself) and so after you move the
center to some other location which was supposedly a crossover of the
lines, the crossover would also move and it will probably not be
there... (Try it - move the center of the rotation after you already
rotated in some big angle)

Hope this helps =)
Gimp-developer mailing list

Re: [Gimp-developer] hello, I want to ask how to use the api to get the color from the screen with a pen.

2010-06-25 Thread LightningIsMyName

On Fri, Jun 25, 2010 at 8:59 AM, Eva  wrote:
> hello, I'm a beginner of GIMP. I'm developing a plug-in for GIMP. Now I'm
> facing a problem, that is, I want to pick a color for a picture and use it
> as an input to process the picture, but I don't know which api can fulfill
> my task. Can you help me? Thank you very much.
You are looking for the procedure gimp-image-pick-color.
You can see it's documentation here:

On Fri, Jun 25, 2010 at 8:59 AM, Eva  wrote:
> By the way, is there any good advice for a beginner to quickly get into the
> stuff? Any efficient way to use the API reference? Thank you again.
You are probably looking for this page:
Note that the top links in that page are the ones relevant for
development of plugins. The bottom link (titled Gimp Application) is a
documentation of the GIMP's core and is usually not relevant unless
you want to contribute code to GIMP itself.

Good luck with your plugin =)
Gimp-developer mailing list

[Gimp-developer] GIMP website [was GIMP T-shirts in our online store]

2010-06-09 Thread LightningIsMyName

On Wed, Jun 9, 2010 at 8:27 PM, Alexandre Prokoudine
> One of the things discussed at LGM was moving all project's domain and
> subdomains to a single dedicated server. We have a person willing to
> do the migration and a person to create a new website.

On Wed, Jun 9, 2010 at 8:50 PM, Michael Schumacher  wrote:
> We're currently unable to update the website (if you have a look at the
> index page, even the release announcements aren't up to date).
> Until this is resolved, we won't be able to add, edit or remove anything
> to, on or from www.gimp.org.

After reading this, I have to ask: what?!
I was indeed wondering why the website isn't being updated at all
(release new unstable gimp builds, or at least give some note that
this project is alive).
I think that we can learn a bit from the inkscape website about this -
they update the main page even when it's not to announce about the
release of some XXX stuff. They update the website to inform about
confrences (LGM, SVG Open), about the current status of the project
(we completed XXX, and XXX bugs remain to the next version), and about
major events like Google summer of code (We haven't even announced on
the main website that we are looking for students!).

At least to me, this seems a bit urgent. A project which is being
developed is not going to be used without a way to contact the
"outside" world (in our case, a website). Some of my collegues laugh
at the fact that I try to contribute to GIMP, and say that it's a
waste of time. I do believe that if the project wouldn't have looked
"dead", to people from the outside, for 8 months (this is the period
since the last website update), people would estimate the project
I think that one of the things that can help to make GIMP look better
for the users, is to make them see that something is indeed moving,
and it's undoubtfully should be somewhere on the top TODOs. As
developers, we may live very well without these updates to the main
website, since we work on the projects not because someone is telling
us, but for ourselves. But, we mustn't forget the open-source is also
for the community, and so we should consider the community in our
decisions and TODOs.

For those of you who know the Blender project, and the BlenderNation
website, I do believe that we need some sort of blog/new site which
are connected one to the other. BlenderNation is a community based
site which updates regularly from the developer meetings/notes, and
the offical blender website also shows headlines from blendernation.
The closest thing that I found for GIMP, is http://meetthegimp.org/
which looks pretty good (although I haven't been visiting this site
before, so I can't tell for sure). They do seem to update about
developments and they seem like the most constantly updated website.

Seriously, updating the website should be somewhere at the top of the
TODO list (not the most important, but definetly important). Alexandre
Prokoudine mentioned something about someone who wants to update the
website, and we also received some suggestion to the mailing list a
few weeks ago. I also am willing to contribute content to the new
website when it'll be set up (my web-development skills do need more
polish before I can actually contribute to build a new webste).

Gimp-developer mailing list

Re: [Gimp-developer] Compiling Gimp on Ubuntu 9.10

2010-06-05 Thread LightningIsMyName

On Sat, Jun 5, 2010 at 1:34 PM, Markus Ilmola  wrote:
> I am trying to compile the latest git version of Gimp on Ubuntu 9.10
> (Karmic Koala). I got it compile, but it crashes when ever I try to
> create a new image. Does not matter how (File->new, paste from
> clipboard, take a screen shot, etz). Here are the debug messages to are
> printed:
> ...
> /home/markus/Projects/gimp/app/.libs/lt-gimp-2.7: symbol lookup
> error: /home/markus/Projects/gimp/app/.libs/lt-gimp-2.7: undefined
> symbol: gimp_pixels_to_units

I don't know about the canberra-gtk-module error, but errors about
missing symbols usually mean that the wrong version of the Dynamic
libaray (.so) was loaded. Try running "ldd
/path/to/your/gimp/executable" to see which versions of libraries are

If you have an old GIMP installation (2.6.X or older) this is likely
to happen, since gimp_pixels_to_units() is a new function that was
added after the 2.6 series, and if the old libraries of GIMP 2.6 are
still in the path, they will be loaded instead of the new ones. Check
that indeed the versions of libraries which are loaded (the ones that
ldd shows) are the new versions which you compiled.

Anyway, if this is indeed the problem, try doing this in a console
(bash) window:

export COMPILE_DIR=/the/prefix/directory/in/which/you/compiled/stuff

And then run your compiled version of gimp from the same console window.

If this doesn't work, you may have to set these variables and then
recompile your git version of GIMP (with these variables set).

Hope this helps =)
Gimp-developer mailing list

Re: [Gimp-developer] Could new version of gimp building swf?

2010-06-01 Thread LightningIsMyName
Hello Hadas,

2010/6/1 Hades :
> Could new version of gimp building swf?

SWF is a very large file-format. It can do anything from showing
simple pictures, to running advanced web applications (using
actionscript). You'll need to be a bit more specific about what you
want to do with the SWF.

I don't know of any existing plugin to export SWF (static images in
SWF) from GIMP images.

> In linux env,is there any good swf builder project ?

If you want to work with SWF on linux, you should probably try libming
- http://www.libming.org/ It has many tools and utilities for working
with SWF files. You should be able to find a way to use libming to
convert static images to SWFs.

Gimp-developer mailing list

Re: [Gimp-developer] should be translated ?

2010-05-31 Thread LightningIsMyName
Hello Cristi,

2010/5/31 Cristian Secară 
> This string should be fully translated, or  is some code
> variable ?
> #: ../plug-ins/script-fu/scripts/palette-export.scm.h:1
> msgid "/Export as"

I wrote that script, and the "" part should not be
translated. "" means that this script will be located in the
menu of the palette dialog.
The rest of the string (the "Export As") should be translated, as this
is the actual menu name of the script.

Thanks for translating my script =)
Gimp-developer mailing list

Re: [Gimp-developer] Include resynthesizer plugin in Gimp distribution?

2010-05-19 Thread LightningIsMyName

On Wed, May 19, 2010 at 5:54 PM, Alexandre Prokoudine
> On Wed, May 19, 2010 at 6:34 PM, LightningIsMyName wrote:
>> Hoever, the fact that it's in C++ (and the fact that it's not in the gnu
>> coding style - although this is minor) will make it hard to maintain
>> for people who don't know C++.
> Hasn't Lloyd offered his services to _maintain_?

He did, but he also expressed some hope that it won't need to be re-coded:

On Wed, May 19, 2010 at 5:03 PM, lloyd konneker  wrote:
> But not recode to Gimp style?

I should have made my point more clear - sorry about that...

Gimp-developer mailing list

Re: [Gimp-developer] Include resynthesizer plugin in Gimp distribution?

2010-05-19 Thread LightningIsMyName
Hello lloyd,

On Wed, May 19, 2010 at 5:03 PM, lloyd konneker  wrote:
> The Resynthesizer package includes:
>  the engine written in C++, with its own GUI of settings
>  several plugins written in Scheme that call the engine:
>Smart enlarge
>Smart remove selection (now called "Heal selection")

I don'nt believe the developers will accept it since it's written in
C++. I would be happy to see this plugin as a part of GIMP, but
believe that it will have to be re-written in C (if you need objects,
use GObject instead which is the the object library for C that gimp
uses) in order for it to be included.

There is nothing against including new plugins. Hoever, the fact that
it's in C++ (and the fact that it's not in the gnu coding style -
although this is minor) will make it hard to maintain for people who
don't know C++.
I just gave a look at the source - it's not too big (only 980 lines
and less than half of them are the algorithm) and the usage of C++ is
very minor. It shouldn't be too hard to port the plugin to C (al
least, this is the impression I got).

I would really like to see resynthesizer included with GIMP - I do
hope it will be accepted, even if it will require a bit of rewriting
some small parts of the code.

Gimp-developer mailing list

Re: [Gimp-developer] who is interesting in writing java api to gimp

2010-05-11 Thread LightningIsMyName

I actually had an intention to create a java api for GIMP, and I even
started to write this api. BUT, I don't really have any time to work
on it since I have other duties to do.

I can think of many places where GIMP and java's AWT package can
benefit one from another, but I simply don't have time to do it. I
know that it may sound like a long time from now, but I intend to
purpose this for GSoC for 2011 (if GIMP is accepted). I'm also willing
to work on it in GSoC if it will be chosen (but there is more than a
year untill then so we'll have to wait and see).

Right now there is no active java api for GIMP that I know of (There
is http://jgimp.sourceforge.net/ but it is very very old and


2010/5/9 Hades :
> Is there anyone who likes writing an java api to gimp?so the J2EE can use the 
> GIMP JAVA API   perform graphic
>  祝 万事如意
> 2010-05-09
> ___
> Gimp-developer mailing list
> Gimp-developer@lists.XCF.Berkeley.EDU
> https://lists.XCF.Berkeley.EDU/mailman/listinfo/gimp-developer
Gimp-developer mailing list

Re: [Gimp-developer] Windows snapshot of 2.7 - possible?

2010-04-12 Thread LightningIsMyName
Hello Sven,

The modification was to one of the ./configure scripts (I changed the
path to the perl location in order for the script to find my perl that
was installed in some irregular directory - perl was needed for
intltool). I haven't changed the source code of any of the programs

Sorry again for the mess...


On Mon, Apr 12, 2010 at 8:49 AM, Sven Neumann  wrote:
> Please, by all means, do never ever distribute a binary based on a
> modified copy of the source code. If you absolutely need to do so, then
> please make a very prominent notice about this. It sucks a lot if we get
> bug reports and later find out that there were changes to the source
> code that we didn't know about.
Gimp-developer mailing list

Re: [Gimp-developer] Windows snapshot of 2.7 - possible?

2010-04-11 Thread LightningIsMyName

On Sun, Apr 11, 2010 at 5:30 PM, Alchemie foto\grafiche
> LIMN the file you uploaded is set to" private" so is impossible the download

my file was set to private since it has modifications in the source
code which I'm not sure I can reproduce (I don't remember them
exactly, and my code was delted because the shared server I use at
university cleaned the temporary space which I have used).

My guide for compiling GIMP is almost ready (it will be available this
weekend! :D) and then you'll be able to build GIMP yourself.

Gimp-developer mailing list

Re: [Gimp-developer] Windows snapshot of 2.7 - possible?

2010-04-09 Thread LightningIsMyName
Hello Tor,

I forgot to include the actual sources with my build (they were way to
big and I forgot I had to do this), so I removed my build. Thanks for
reminding me =)
However, I will post the instructions on compiling GIMP on windows
soon at the link above.


On Fri, Apr 9, 2010 at 10:09 AM, Tor Lillqvist  wrote:
> Nothing personal, just a friendly reminder to people who distribute
> personal builds like this: Please note that even if you do it just
> temporarily on a small scale, you still need to follow the licenses,
> i.e.offer the sources for all GPL or LGPL code you distribute. You
> don't want to give anybody the opportunity to start flaming you about
> breaking the license.
> --tml
> ___
> Gimp-developer mailing list
> Gimp-developer@lists.XCF.Berkeley.EDU
> https://lists.XCF.Berkeley.EDU/mailman/listinfo/gimp-developer
Gimp-developer mailing list

Re: [Gimp-developer] Windows snapshot of 2.7 - possible?

2010-04-07 Thread LightningIsMyName

I compiled GIMP from git this week, on windows using msys and mingw
(and without cygwin).
You can find my build here:
Read the README_FIRST!!!.txt file before using this build (seriously, read it!).

This is .7z archive (you'll need 7-zip to extract it). It contains a
lot of junk (since it contains all the traces of my failed attempts to
compile GIMP) which you probably don't need in order to run GIMP, and
there is a lot of mess in the lib directory so I'm not sure you can
actually link against anything in there.
It contains some general instruction to compile GIMP on windows inside
the HACKING.txt file. As it says in the file, I'll provide a complete
guide for compiling gimp on windows later on this month (hopefully it
will be finished this month) on

Again, this is a messy build and it's not intended for every day usage
since it was compiled without many of the "extra" dependencies (for
example, it was compiled without jpeg support). It does have export to
PNG and obviously for XCF, but many of the other formats are missing.

My next build will be much more organized and will contain much less mess.

Hope this helps =)

On Fri, Apr 2, 2010 at 1:38 AM, photocomix  wrote:
> thank for sharing your build
> As Rob i will really appreciate some guidance on compiling from git
> I already compiled (thank to a detailed guide on the gimp wiki) the stable
> but i failed to adapt the steps to compile from git
>>Did you cross compile this, or compile it under windows?
>>If under windows, can you provide any guidance on compiling from git
>>under windows?  I have tried under MSYS but not had luck, mainly due
>>to the many dependencies, not being able to locate compiled binaries.
>>Thanks in advance if you can help,
>>-Rob A>
> --
> photocomix (via www.gimpusers.com)
> ___
> Gimp-developer mailing list
> Gimp-developer@lists.XCF.Berkeley.EDU
> https://lists.XCF.Berkeley.EDU/mailman/listinfo/gimp-developer
Gimp-developer mailing list

Re: [Gimp-developer] Mouse icons

2010-04-01 Thread LightningIsMyName
Hello Nery,

You can get custom cursors using GDK.
Take a look at this link:
In the same way they create a cursor from bitmap data in that example,
you can create a cursor from a pixbuf (using
gdk_cursor_new_from_pixbuf ()), and the pixbuf will be create from a
file (using gdk_pixbuf_new_from_file () on an image file)

All the information you need is located in the GDK documentation:
GDK Pixbuf documentation -
GDK documentation - http://library.gnome.org/devel/gdk/stable/index.html

Hope this helps =)

On Thu, Apr 1, 2010 at 6:23 AM, Nery Chucuy  wrote:
> Hello guys, I've seen that Gimp has very colorful and nice mouse icons. I
> wonder what do you use to make that possible? also, would you point me into
> the right direction where that code is placed at your tree?
> Thanks in advance,
> -idesisnery
Gimp-developer mailing list

Re: [Gimp-developer] incomprehensible behavior with the git version

2010-03-31 Thread LightningIsMyName
On Wed, Mar 31, 2010 at 12:12 PM, Olivier  wrote:
> Since the problem finally occurs on the same machine, but with  two
> different users, it must be a matter of personal GIMP environment. I'm
> searching in this direction.

I had once very "interesting" bugs that only happened to me because of
my personal settings - and this was because of the enviroment
variables such as the PATH and LD_LIBRARY_PATH. Apparantly, in my case
the problem was that because of these variables, the wrong versions of
some of the libraries where loaded since I had two installations of
Gtk in different places, and I wanted to load the one which was newer
and was in a differet location.
Try checking what Omari suggested - maybe you are indeed loading
different versions of the libraries in the different users, because of
some enviroment variables.
Gimp-developer mailing list

Re: [Gimp-developer] Text layer changes?

2010-03-30 Thread LightningIsMyName

I took a look on the commit logs, and I haven't seen any update to the
text tool which should affect exporting it's markup, in the last 3
So now it's time at least discuss which kind of export do we want for
the markup:

- Do we want an export which exports pango's markup directly? Although
this should be the easiest technique, it might be a burden if for some
reason we change to a different text-rendering library in the future
(This shouldn't happen, right? If so, this is probably OK)

- Do we want an export which exports to some HTML and CSS combination?
Right now pango does something very close to this, however it includes
some attributes which should be inside a style attribute in valid CSS.
This is less "pango-dependant" and it is probably a better idea to use
valid HTML/CSS if we want to allow other uses of the exported text
(instead of just usage with Pango as in the PDF plugin).
Note however that in this case, there are some elements that it's
unclear how to export since Pango's markup supports several attributes
(such as "fallback") which HTML and CSS don't support.

- Other export format?

I obviously tend to like the first option more (Pango-style markup)
since it requires no writing of convertors for the markup from our
current internal represenation, and as far as I know Pango is here to
If this option is indeed the way to go, I have a fixed code ready that
I can create the patch from.

I'll continue working on the PDF plugin as soon as we are done with this =)

On Thu, Mar 4, 2010 at 12:49 AM, Sven Neumann  wrote:
> On Wed, 2010-03-03 at 22:35 +0200, LightningIsMyName wrote:
> > On Wed, Mar 3, 2010 at 9:17 PM, Sven Neumann  wrote:
> > >> Is there any way in which I can acces the style of the text?=
> > >
> > > Such a way will have to be added of course. We usually add the core
> > > functionality first, then expose it to plug-ins. It's easier this way
> > > around.
> > >
> > > It should be unproblematic to add a procedure that exposes the new
> > > "markup" property of the text object.
> >
> > OK, I found the markup property you are mentioned - It shouldn't be
> > too problomatic to extract it (I'll probably be able to add the patch
> > myself). However, before I continue working on the plugin, are there
> > any other upcoming changes in the text-engine which will affect the
> > plugin?
> Almost certainly. The feature is brand-new, you should give it some time
> to settle.
> > And another thing - with al the late discussions about color profiles,
> > It made me wonder: exporting a PDF via cairo does not support color
> > profiles. Do we need to warn the user if the image has some specific
> > color profile, that the PDF will be exported in the default RGB
> > profile? Or do we continue to stick to the fact that this is an extra
> > feature (andnot a complete feature with CMYK and other PDF related
> > features) in gimp and therfor we don't need to warn about such errors
> > that don't bother most of the users?
> Almost all our file plug-ins are missing color profile support and we
> don't warn users in any of them.
> Sven
Gimp-developer mailing list

Re: [Gimp-developer] segmentation fault in current git version

2010-03-08 Thread LightningIsMyName

I can confirm this bug on Ubuntu 64bits.
I also managed to get a stack trace:

#0  0x7f9f47f8abbf in waitpid () from /lib/libpthread.so.0
#1  0x7f9f47aa4fd2 in IA__g_on_error_stack_trace (
#2  0x7f9f47aa51c3 in IA__g_on_error_query (prg_name=0xbfe8d0
#3  0x00481da4 in gimp_eek (reason=0x76d281 "fatal error",
#4  0x00481e16 in gimp_fatal_error (message=)
#5  0x00482586 in gimp_sigfatal_handler (sig_num=)
#7  0x7f9f4bf9ecb8 in gtk_tree_view_button_press (widget=0x7f9f3da74310,
#8  0x7f9f4bea2858 in _gtk_marshal_BOOLEAN__BOXED (closure=0xc054f0,
#9  0x7f9f483a95ed in IA__g_closure_invoke (closure=0xc054f0,
#10 0x7f9f483beffe in signal_emit_unlocked_R (node=0xc46260, detail=0,
#11 0x7f9f483c079d in IA__g_signal_emit_valist (instance=0x7f9f3da74310,
#12 0x7f9f483c0e33 in IA__g_signal_emit (instance=0x1e97230,
#13 0x7f9f4bfae8de in gtk_widget_event_internal (widget=0x7f9f3da74310,
#14 0x7f9f4be9ad93 in IA__gtk_propagate_event (widget=0x7f9f3da74310,
#15 0x7f9f4be9bebb in IA__gtk_main_do_event (event=0x24a2d70)
#16 0x7f9f4bb0eb8c in gdk_event_dispatch (source=,
#17 0x7f9f47ac88aa in IA__g_main_context_dispatch (context=0xbfc5a0)
#18 0x7f9f47acc238 in g_main_context_iterate (context=0xbfc5a0, block=1,
#19 0x7f9f47acc72d in IA__g_main_loop_run (loop=0x119b490) at
#20 0x0048172d in app_run (full_prog_name=,
#21 0x00483636 in main (argc=1, argv=0x7fff54ac1098) at main.c:397
On Mon, Mar 8, 2010 at 4:53 PM, Olivier  wrote:

> Version compiled today. If I change the current gradient in the Gradients
> dialog, all works well. If I try changing it in the Blewnding tool options,
> I get the following:
> This is a development version of GIMP.  Debug messages may appear here.
> (gimp-2.7:22938): GLib-GObject-WARNING **: value "-2147483648" of type
> `gint' is invalid or out of range for property `cache-size' of type `gint'
> /opt/gimp-2.7/bin/gimp-2.7: fatal error: Segmentation fault
> /opt/gimp-2.7/bin/gimp-2.7 (pid:22938): [E]xit, [H]alt, show [S]tack trace
> or [P]roceed: e
> (script-fu:22949): LibGimpBase-WARNING **: script-fu: gimp_wire_read():
> error
> Trying to show trace does not produce any result.
> Debian testing on a Dell Inspiron 530.
> --
> Olivier Lecarme
> ___
> Gimp-developer mailing list
> Gimp-developer@lists.XCF.Berkeley.EDU
> https://lists.XCF.Berkeley.EDU/mailman/listinfo/gimp-developer<https://lists.xcf.berkeley.edu/mailman/listinfo/gimp-developer>
Gimp-developer mailing list

Re: [Gimp-developer] Text layer changes?

2010-03-03 Thread LightningIsMyName
Hello Sven,

On Wed, Mar 3, 2010 at 9:17 PM, Sven Neumann  wrote:
>> Is there any way in which I can acces the style of the text?=
> Such a way will have to be added of course. We usually add the core
> functionality first, then expose it to plug-ins. It's easier this way
> around.
> It should be unproblematic to add a procedure that exposes the new
> "markup" property of the text object.

OK, I found the markup property you are mentioned - It shouldn't be
too problomatic to extract it (I'll probably be able to add the patch
myself). However, before I continue working on the plugin, are there
any other upcoming changes in the text-engine which will affect the

And another thing - with al the late discussions about color profiles,
It made me wonder: exporting a PDF via cairo does not support color
profiles. Do we need to warn the user if the image has some specific
color profile, that the PDF will be exported in the default RGB
profile? Or do we continue to stick to the fact that this is an extra
feature (andnot a complete feature with CMYK and other PDF related
features) in gimp and therfor we don't need to warn about such errors
that don't bother most of the users?

Thanks for your help,
Gimp-developer mailing list

[Gimp-developer] Text layer changes?

2010-03-03 Thread LightningIsMyName

I have seen in my latest GIMP build that the new text layer allows us
to style different parts of the text in different styles. This is an
amazing feature (I waited for it for a long time), but it's a pain in
the neck for my PDF export plugin (see here
https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=382688 )

Is there any way in which I can acces the style of the text? I can
easily add a PDB procedure (to the GIMP's source) to export the
PangoTextLayout object to plugins for using, but I doubt that it's a
good idea (Since exposing the internal structure will be a big problem
in backwards comptiablility if we ever change from pango).

The other option which I can think off, is something that will work
but will not be ideal. This is to expose a function that renders a
text layer to a cairo surface. This way, for vector surfaces It will
still be a vector instead of bitmap, and it won't be any trouble for
the programmer.
However, this method also has many problems...

Can anyone give me any hint on what should I do?

Gimp-developer mailing list

Re: [Gimp-developer] paint dynamics

2010-02-16 Thread LightningIsMyName

On Tue, Feb 16, 2010 at 10:45 PM, Alexia Death  wrote:
> Curves widget is not a problem. Problem is the general making of Peter's
> spec[1] so that developers who do know gtk, dont faint in disgust at the sight
> of the code. for example, one dock needs to hold 2.5 distinct views. the check
> gird and two very similar variants of curves views switched by the drop down.
> I cant even imagine a solution for this in gtk terms.
> [1] http://gui.gimp.org/index.php/Paint_dynamics_specification

Wow! This seems to be an amazing idea, and probably extremly long to

So let's do some analyzing:
1. We need to implement a check grid. This seems to be pretty simple
using a GtkTable (if we pick the simple way), or if we use a
GtkTreeView (which can actually show a table) with
2. The painting of the matrix as showed in the specifications seems
very hard, and I doubt it worths it. We can easily implement different
colors for each row, and users will have to settle for a little border
between the columns. If we agree to give up the proposed matrix
painting and choose what I suggested, it can be done with GtkTreeView
without any special changes, but it will leave the simpler GtkTable
our of the question (which is fine with me).
3. Adding the images with the link's color should be a bit tricky, but
I assume that it can be done dynamically (by drawing those images
after acquiring the link's color, instead of embedding ready bitmaps).
4. Popup window: Part 1 - the curves widget. This can definetly be
stolen from the curves tool, no need to work twice. The only needed
modification is that we can show some other curves at the background,
and that we add min and max arrows.
5. Popup window: Part 2 - switching the tabs. This doesn't seem to
bad, especially since we already have similar functionality in the
curves tool.

only two things seem problomatic:
A treeview widget can't have a bitmap in it's header, And adding the
bitmaps as the first row is ugly and probably not the right way to do
this. The guys on the GTK mailing list will probably be able to help
us out here.
And another questions is, why do we have the same header images at the
bottom? Adding a footer to a GtkTreeView isn't possible. Do we really
need that? Here i'm defintly sure it's not worth the coding amount
that it will require, and I personally find it confusing.

I haven't seen anything that scary in here, but I doubt that I'll have
time to touch it in this month. If I implement something like this on
a dummy GtkWindow (instead of hacking GIMP's source code, which I
don't excel at) as a stand-alone Gtk application, will it help?
If so, I'll try to give it a shot.
If you want to see how to use the TreeView and the CellRenderer, the
gtk-demo program (which comes with GTK) has a nice example under "Tree
View/List Store". The code is very simple and in one of the columns
you'll see the Toggle renderer.

> for example, one dock needs to hold 2.5 distinct views
I haven't understood that sentence. Can you please explain (or, have I
referred to it already)?

Just one offtopic comment: Some of the icons seem very unintuitive -
even as an "old" GIMP user I'm still confused by the fifth one from
the left. What does it stand for?

Gimp-developer mailing list

Re: [Gimp-developer] paint dynamics

2010-02-16 Thread LightningIsMyName

On Tue, Feb 16, 2010 at 4:40 PM, Alexia Death  wrote:
> Curves don't exist in UI yet, because I personally suck at getting GTK
> to do what I want... If you know somebody with good GTK bending skills
> willing to help out, direct him/her to us. I could really use some
> help...

Can you give some explanations of what is needed? It suprises me that
there is a problem with a curves widget, when we can "steal" most of
the code from the existing curves dialog of the curve tool...
I would like to know some more about this, maybe this is something
that I can do (I probably won't be able to do it since my GTK
programming skills aren't so great, but let's give it a try).

Gimp-developer mailing list

Re: [Gimp-developer] dynamic plugin menu

2010-02-16 Thread LightningIsMyName
Hello Gena,

I tried to browse the source of the script-fu plugin to answer your
question, and this is what I came up with:

> "A temporary procedure is a procedure which is only available while one
> of your plug-in's "real" procedures is running. "

That is correct - If you will look at line 107
you will see that the plugin is registerd as an extension and not as a
regular GIMP plugin. On line 217 and 221, the plugin registers itself
as an extension, and this way it allows itself to run from the moment
gimp starts up, untill GIMP is exited.
When registering an extension instead of a "normal" GIMP plugin, the
run procedure will be called during GIMP's start-up, and the plugin
will then be able to register temporary procedures (exactly like the
Script-Fu scripts) that will be available untill GIMP exits.

Just to show you how the script-fu extension continues to run after it
was intialized, look at the list of all the running procedures on your
computer and you should see that as long as gimp is open, there is
also a procedure called script-fu running.

After creating the temporary procedures with your extension, you can
unregister them using gimp_uninstall_temp_proc, and the register them
again inside another menu.
What I suggested is probably not the best way in the world, but it's
the only way I can think of.

Hope this helps,
~ LightningIsMyName

On Tue, Feb 16, 2010 at 10:27 AM, Gena Batsyan  wrote:
> Hi!
> I've been trying to find a way for a plugin to update menu entries it
> has initially registered from query() via gimp_install_procedure()
> When the plugin is being run it wishes to update the menu entries, for
> instance putting some named presets previously selected in the plugin
> interface to be easily and directly accessible from the gimp menu
> without opening plugin interface again.
> Is there a way to affect menu entries generated by a plugin after it's
> query() has been called?
> I thought maybe using gimp_install_temp_proc instead of
> gimp_install_procedure would do the trick, but documentation says:
> "A temporary procedure is a procedure which is only available while one
> of your plug-in's "real" procedures is running. "
> What exactly does it mean "while my 'real' procedure is RUNNING"?
> gimp_install_temp_proc does also accept the menu spec, so the procedure
> should also be available in menu, but at which times?
> Kind regards
> ___
> Gimp-developer mailing list
> Gimp-developer@lists.XCF.Berkeley.EDU
> https://lists.XCF.Berkeley.EDU/mailman/listinfo/gimp-developer
Gimp-developer mailing list

Re: [Gimp-developer] Hello World !

2010-01-24 Thread LightningIsMyName
Hello Emmanuel,

The first place to begin with is probably the developer website:
It's FAQ page should have answers for most of your questions (although
some of the info is a bit outdated :P)

I would suggest you to start by trying to the plugin tutorial on the
GIMP website - it will teach you at least some of the bascs.


On Sun, Jan 24, 2010 at 4:00 PM, Emmanuel Gontcho  wrote:
> Hi,
> New to the Gimp developer list, I want to help to the core development of
> the Gimp. Having a average knowledge of C, I think that I can help to
> improve this software that I am using every day, since I started a new job
> last month in a photo lab. But I would be considered as a newbie, since I
> don't ever used any kind of software like a CVS or other...
> Tell me please how is organised the team, how source code is edited, if
> developer documentation is ready for offline consulting.
> Yours,
> Emmanuel
> --
> Emmanuel Mbenga Gontcho
> ! Gem !
> gontcho.wordpress.com
> N'utilisez pas Windows 7. Pour savoir pourquoi : http://windows7sins.org/
> Don't use Windows 7. To know why : http://windows7sins.org/
> Membre de l'April - « promouvoir et défendre le logiciel libre » -
> http://www.april.org
> Rejoignez maintenant plus de 2 500 personnes, associations, entreprises et
> collectivités qui soutiennent notre action
> ___
> Gimp-developer mailing list
> Gimp-developer@lists.XCF.Berkeley.EDU
> https://lists.XCF.Berkeley.EDU/mailman/listinfo/gimp-developer
Gimp-developer mailing list

Re: [Gimp-developer] Need feedback for the new PDF plugin

2009-09-06 Thread LightningIsMyName

I tried the new GIMP 2.7 and now I saw what the export feature behaves
like. After some thought I reached the conclusion that we should
probably merge both procedures (single and multi page) into one
procedure for exporting everything.
However I also have 2 new additions:
1. The export parameters (aka the pages and optimization) should be
saved for each image individually. If the export is automatically
suggested for the same file as last time, we should save the
parameters for each file - which means saving the parameters for each
2. We should warn the user when he wants to re-export the PDF if one
of the images that was a part of the PDF was closed, so he won't
overwrite his PDF and loose pages.

For feature 1, we need to make sure the parameters are saved per image
but are only relevant for the current session (since the pages are the
open images, not images from files). I need some help here on how to
do this...
Should I save the parameters to some file instead of adding the to the
image? Then I can probabbly use the quit() procedure of the plugin to
delete this file. This is the only solution I could think off, and
then, should I use the .gimpX.X/tmp/ dir for saving the file?

Waiting for feedback =)
~ Barak

On Fri, Aug 21, 2009 at 10:59 PM, Martin Nordholts wrote:
> We can't predict what a user wants to do. We can only give sane defaults,
> such as the previous export options, and allow the user to change them if
> they are not right.
> A more sophisticated solution would be to have per-image export options. Not
> sure if that is a good idea or not.
>> The problem is that the multipage procedure should be non-related to
>> the single-page save procedure since these are different tasks.
> I don't see these two as conceptually different tasks. In both cases the
> user wants to export a PDF.
>> I have only one solution which can solve our problem but I want to
>> hear your opinion about it:
>> 1. Merge the gui both procedures, and make the view of the multipage
>> procedure hidden inside a GtkExpander.
>> 2. Behaviour will be configure like this:
>> a. When the expander is not expanded, only the options for the single
>> page export will be visible, and it will behave as a single page
>> export.
>> b.When the expander is expanded, it will behave as the multipage
>> export and will export the all the images in the GtkIconView.
> What d you mean w ith all images in the GtkIconView? Can't we simply let the
> user pick the images for the multi-page PDF?
>> 3. In case of GIMP_RUN_WITH_LAST_VALS it will be assumed that the
>> expander is hidden and it's a single page export.
> Wouldn't it make more sense to simply run with last vals? That is, if the
> user previously exported image 1 2 and 3, invoking 'File->Export to
> file.pdf' would re-export this multi-page PDF.
>> 4. We should make sure that if the multipage procedure was used the
>> image will still be marked as unsaved somehow (Does the new export api
>> causes images to still be marked as unsaved when using the Export
>> function? If so, this solves our problem :D)
> In git master, exported dirtiness is separate from saved dirtiness. You
> should try it out :)
> BR,
> Martin
Gimp-developer mailing list

Re: [Gimp-developer] Need feedback for the new PDF plugin

2009-08-25 Thread LightningIsMyName
Hello Etienne,

Thanks - I haven't known that. I tried it, but I got an error saying
that it's not allowed... =(
Thanks anyway, I learned something new =)

~ Barak

On Tue, Aug 25, 2009 at 4:30 PM, Etienne lepercq wrote:
> Notice that if your terminal access is made through ssh, and your ssh-server
> allows redirecting X, you can launch gui softwares through ssh :
> ssh -Y -C lo...@server
> then launch your app.
> If it can help...
> Etienne Lepercq
> --
> Sincerily
Gimp-developer mailing list

Re: [Gimp-developer] Need feedback for the new PDF plugin

2009-08-25 Thread LightningIsMyName

I have succesfully compiled GIMP 2.7 (from tarball) on linux, using a
terminal access =)
I'll be able to test GIMP itself and the new PDF plugin on Sunday,
when I get to the labs to run GIMP with a GUI.

~ Barak
Gimp-developer mailing list

Re: [Gimp-developer] Compiling gimp without intltool?

2009-08-25 Thread LightningIsMyName

nevermind, I built intltool from source inside a local dir and added
it to the PATH - solved my problem =)


On Tue, Aug 25, 2009 at 11:15 AM,
LightningIsMyName wrote:
> Hello,
> I'm trying to compile gimp on a computer without intltool (I don't
> have admin rights so I can't install it). Is there any way to still
> compile GIMP? I don't need any internationalization, I just want to
> build GIMP...
> Alternativly, Is it possible to install it in a local directory (or in
> my home directory?)
> Thanks,
> ~LightningIsMyName
Gimp-developer mailing list

[Gimp-developer] Compiling gimp without intltool?

2009-08-25 Thread LightningIsMyName

I'm trying to compile gimp on a computer without intltool (I don't
have admin rights so I can't install it). Is there any way to still
compile GIMP? I don't need any internationalization, I just want to
build GIMP...
Alternativly, Is it possible to install it in a local directory (or in
my home directory?)

Gimp-developer mailing list

Re: [Gimp-developer] Gimp 2.7.0 Text Tool Crashes (built using MinGW/windows)

2009-08-24 Thread LightningIsMyName

I think that the right place to report this would be in the GIMP bugzilla.
and I can confirm this bug - I saw people complaining about it on youtube.


On Tue, Aug 25, 2009 at 1:00 AM, BugByteMan wrote:
> Hello,
> Has anybody tried the text tool in Gimp 2.7.0 on windows?
> The program crashes with the following error:
> Pango:ERROR:pangowin32.c:###:pango_win32_font_finalize: assertion failed: 
> (win32font->fontmap != NULL)
> Steps to reproduce:
>   1. Run gimp-2.7.0
>   2. Create new image (Ctrl+N)
>   3. Select Text Tool (T)
>   4. Click on canvas
> Thanks,
> BugByteMan
Gimp-developer mailing list

Re: [Gimp-developer] Need feedback for the new PDF plugin

2009-08-22 Thread LightningIsMyName

I forgot that there is a tarball (2.7 means a tarball - Yey!) - I'll
try it as soon as I can.

Back on topic, I'll submit the modified plugin today (I'll merge both
procedures and use 2.8 api) so you can see it.

Gimp-developer mailing list

Re: [Gimp-developer] Need feedback for the new PDF plugin

2009-08-22 Thread LightningIsMyName
Hello martin,

> You don't need administrator rights to try GIMP git master, just install
> into a prefix in your home dir
> git clone git://git.gnome.org/gimp
> cd gimp
> ./autogen.sh --prefix=/home/barak/gimp-2-7
> make
> make install

the problem is that the linux system I use on the computer labs at
doesn't have autogen (and some other tools required for the
compilation) installed, and in order to install it to the main
directory I need administrator rights. Is there any way to specify
other directories for tools such as autogen? I tried extracting it to
/vol/scratch (The scratch disk, since the home-folders are very
limited in disk space) and then to add it to the PATH but it didn't
work. (I'll try it again next time). If the compilation can be done on
/vol/scratch I have enough space to install all the missing scripts
(such as autogen) on my homefolder. The problem is that I don't know
how to do that.
Any tips/help?

Gimp-developer mailing list

Re: [Gimp-developer] Need feedback for the new PDF plugin

2009-08-22 Thread LightningIsMyName
Hello Martin

On Fri, Aug 21, 2009 at 10:59 PM, Martin Nordholts wrote:
> A more sophisticated solution would be to have per-image export options. Not
> sure if that is a good idea or not.

I also don't think it's smart - If we do say that the PDF export is a
global task ("In both cases the user wants to export a PDF") then it
shouldn't be associated with any image.

> What d you mean w ith all images in the GtkIconView? Can't we simply let the
> user pick the images for the multi-page PDF?

The only point is that if we have both procedures merged to one
procedure, then the user will have some trouble when handling 2
different PDFs. If the user works on 2 PDFs at the same time, one of
images 1 and 2, and another of images 3 and 4 he will be annoyed to
set the pages again for every PDF. It shouldn't be a problem with 2
pages but if a user wants to export 50 pages as PDF, it starts to
become a problem...

However, now that I think of it, GIMP's product vision doesn't say
that it's a page layout program, so maybe we shouldn't really worry
about this :-)

> In git master, exported dirtiness is separate from saved dirtiness. You
> should try it out :)

I wish I could try the new branch, however I don't have a computer to
test it on with administrator rights... I need someone to package GIMP
2.7 as a zip so I can extract and run it (The windows installer
requires administrator rights, and installing a package on linux also
requires this).
If anyone can package a windows (32 bit)/linux (64 bit) build as a
single archive and not as an installer, I'll be very thankful =)
Then I'll also be able to test my plugin on GIMP 2.7 (right now, most
of my coding for feature releases of GIMP is done "blind" - I test
everything I can on the stable version, and when I want to use the new
api I read it, write some code and hope for good :D)

Gimp-developer mailing list

Re: [Gimp-developer] Need feedback for the new PDF plugin

2009-08-21 Thread LightningIsMyName
Hello Martin,

The problem is that if I add the multiple paged PDF as an option to
the normal sace procedure we will have a problem when running the
Imagine the following Scenario:
* User has images 1 2 3 open
* While image 1 is active, the user now uses the procedure for
creating multipage PDFs on images 2 and 3
* The user modifies image 1 again, and wants to export it as a single
paged PDF. However he will now have image 2 and 3 and he will have to
remove them in order to add image 1.
* The user modified image 2 and now we wants to export image 2 and 3
again as a PDF. He will have to add them again.

The problem is that the multipage procedure should be non-related to
the single-page save procedure since these are different tasks.

I have only one solution which can solve our problem but I want to
hear your opinion about it:
1. Merge the gui both procedures, and make the view of the multipage
procedure hidden inside a GtkExpander.
2. Behaviour will be configure like this:
a. When the expander is not expanded, only the options for the single
page export will be visible, and it will behave as a single page
b.When the expander is expanded, it will behave as the multipage
export and will export the all the images in the GtkIconView.
3. In case of GIMP_RUN_WITH_LAST_VALS it will be assumed that the
expander is hidden and it's a single page export.
4. We should make sure that if the multipage procedure was used the
image will still be marked as unsaved somehow (Does the new export api
causes images to still be marked as unsaved when using the Export
function? If so, this solves our problem :D)


On Fri, Aug 21, 2009 at 7:29 PM, Martin Nordholts wrote:
> Can't the multi-page variant simply be an option in the File -> Export...
> dialog somehow? Like, you would specify what additional images to put in the
> multi-page PDF
Gimp-developer mailing list

Re: [Gimp-developer] Need feedback for the new PDF plugin

2009-08-21 Thread LightningIsMyName
Hello martin,

Where should I register the procedure for creating multiple paged
PDFs? I switched the plugin to use the gimp_export_dialog as part of
the new export api, but I don't know what is the correct place to
register a file saver from the menu The problem is that I doubt it's
right to have the user choose one of two procedures when saving with a
".pdf" suffix. The multiple paged PDF is some sort of a wizard since
the user can configure which images to save and how - and it doesn't
relate to just one specific image...

~ LightningIsMyName

On Thu, Aug 20, 2009 at 10:47 PM, Martin Nordholts wrote:
> On 08/20/2009 06:09 PM, LightningIsMyName wrote:
>> Hello,
>> As requested in http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=382688 I
>> have created a PDF export plugin for GIMP. I need some feedback on it
>> (mainly on it's GUI) so I'm asking for it here. The plugin can be
>> accessed through File->Create->PDF (Both multipage and singlepage
>> options) or through the normal save dialog (single page, simply add
>> the .pdf suffix).
> The first thing to do would be to port it to File -> Export... in git master
> using gimp_export_dialog_new() and gimp_export_dialog_get_content_area().
> Look at how the other file plug-ins does it.
> BR,
> Martin
> --
> My GIMP Blog:
> http://www.chromecode.com/
Gimp-developer mailing list

[Gimp-developer] Need feedback for the new PDF plugin

2009-08-20 Thread LightningIsMyName

As requested in http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=382688 I
have created a PDF export plugin for GIMP. I need some feedback on it
(mainly on it's GUI) so I'm asking for it here. The plugin can be
accessed through File->Create->PDF (Both multipage and singlepage
options) or through the normal save dialog (single page, simply add
the .pdf suffix).
The plugin uses cairo to output the PDF so only features that are
available in cairo can be used by the plugin.

It builds on my GIMP 2.6.4 so it should work on later versions, The
source can be found on the bug report.
To get the compiler flags, use 'pkg-config --cflags --libs gtk+-2.0
cairo-pdf gimp-2.0 gimpui-2.0 gimpthumb-2.0'. The plugin is only one
file, so it should be easy to compile.

Known Issues:
1. Grayscale layers are inverted (although layer masks which are not
grayscale,are not inverted)
2. Exporting some fonts doesn't work since gimp_text_layer_get_font
Returns a font which is sometimes incompatible with
pango_font_description_from_string (gimp_text_layer_get_font sometimes
returns suffixes such as "semi-expanded" to the font's name although
the GIMP's font selection dialog shows the name normally - This should
be checked again in GIMP 2.7)
3. Indexed layers can't be optimized yet (Since gimp_histogram won't
work on indexed layers)

~ LightningIsMyName
Gimp-developer mailing list

Re: [Gimp-developer] Where is the code which is called when mask is selected?

2009-08-19 Thread LightningIsMyName

I do believe that the code is here:
It's the gimp_layer_tree_view_mask_clicked function inside
You can see it's signal connected here

On Wed, Aug 19, 2009 at 10:33 PM, Christopher Howard wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> Hi. I wanted to fix trivial bug #563770. I won't bore you with all the
> details, but I suspect the problem lies somewhere in the code that is
> called when the user selects the layer mask rectangle inside the layers
> dialog. In other words, after the user adds a mask to a layer, a small
> layer mask preview box (icon?) appears to the right of the visibility
> icon and the small layer preview box, and I think the bug is being
> caused by something that occurs when the user presses this layer mask
> preview box.
> However, I am having trouble finding that code. I have been tracing
> function calls in gimplayertreeview.c, layers-actions.c,
> layer-add-mask-dialog.c, gimplayer.c, and elsewhere trying to find the
> right signal-slot connection or the relevant function but I somehow keep
> missing it or failing to recognize it.
> Could someone point me in the right direction?
> - --
> Christopher Howard
> http://indicium.us
> http://theologia.indicium.us
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> Gimp-developer mailing list
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Gimp-developer mailing list

Re: [Gimp-developer] GIMP plugin for windows

2009-08-17 Thread LightningIsMyName

I can try to compile this tomrrow, since the page you gave says it
shouldn't be a problem if you can build other gimp plugins (and I can
build other plugins).
However, can you please tell us what were the errors you encountered
during compilation? If so, We might be able to help you in compiling
the plugin.


2009/8/17 Matthias Röttger :
> Hello folks,
> One of my colleagues needs the “DBP” (David’s Batch Processor) for GIMP.
> http://members.ozemail.com.au/~hodsond/dbp.html
> I was not able to compile the source on windows XP professional.
> Has someone of you the capability to compile the DBP source for windows.
> Thank in advance!
> Kind Regards
> Matthias
Gimp-developer mailing list

[Gimp-developer] Renaming scripts/plugins in a standard way

2009-08-08 Thread LightningIsMyName

I have seen the question of how to give a name for a script/plugin in
many places, and most recently here:
Although there are no standard naming rules, I suggest that we styart
to use strict naming rules.

For example - script-fu-3dtruchet. Without reading the exact
description, you would have no idea whether it works on an image, a
layer, whether ir creates something new, etc.
Another example plug-in-spheredesigner. It is unclear from the name
whether it works on an active layer, or whether it creates a new

Now, if we decide that this is "obvious" and that all plugins do work
on the same layer unless it was specified otherwise, then plug-in-film
for example, does not match with this standard (since it creates a new

most gimp plug-ins should be renamed, to be plug-in-render-XXX,
plug-in-distort-XXX, script-fu-ctreate-XXX, etc. I know that this will
probably break hundreds of scripts and plugins, so it would be hard to
do. My suggestion (which is the only way in which I can see how no API
uses will be broken) is to allow from now on for each script/pattern
to register in two ways
1. The normal usual way
2. A "suuport old usage" way, which registers a script/plugin so it
won't be viewed in the procedure browser, but it would still be there.

A script which wasn't updated (or doesn't need updating) will continue
to show in the procedure browser, and scripts/plugins that use method
2. will be able to register procedures for "depreceated usage" by
registering to a "depreceated" procedure browser (the database of
procedures will be shared between the two procedure browsers, however
from now on the gui of the procedure browser will show only
non-depreceated functions unless specified to show both).

gimp_install_procedure will continue to work in the usual way, and
gimp_install_depreceated_procedure (this is the new suggested
function) will register a "depreceated" procedure.
This way, we don't brake anything and it will make new plugin/script
writers start using the new procedures since they will see only the
new procedures.

Gimp-developer mailing list

Re: [Gimp-developer] Uncomitted patches

2009-07-15 Thread LightningIsMyName
Hi Martin,

Thanks for your response.
I'll be on a computer with git somewhere in the next week, and then
I'll resubmit the patches.

And about the palette script, I do believe it should be included since
if we have a palette import built in (for CSS, and for adobe .aco
files) there is nothing wrong in having the palette export script
included as well.

Thanks for your help,

On Wed, Jul 15, 2009 at 12:25 PM, Martin Nordholts wrote:
> On 07/15/2009 11:04 AM, LightningIsMyName wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I have posted several patches for GIMP which only need to be applied,
>> However I see that they haven't recieved a response for about 2
>> months. I know that the developers are busy, but I at least want to
>> know that someone noticed these and that they are somewhere on the
>> list of things to be done.
>> A palettte export script to close a four year old feature request
>> (Souce is attached) - http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=304399
>> A fix for the bug in the sphere designer plugin (patch is attached) -
>> http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=582821
>> Note that for the sphere designer, the patch is in gnu diff since I
>> couldn't create a working git repository of gimp (I had issues with
>> git)
>> If any changes need to be done for the patches and this is the cause
>> for the delay, or if there is any way I can apply the patches myself
>> to the source please tell me and I'll do so.
> Hi,
> The sphere designer patch looks trivial. With risk of coming across as lazy,
> could you reattach that patch as a git commit with git-format-patch please?
> Having patches as git commits makes them about twice as convenient for
> maintainers to apply. The same goes for the palette export script. The
> palette export script looks like good code to me after a quick look. I just
> wonder if that script shouldn't be offered as a third-party plug-in.
> BR,
> Martin
Gimp-developer mailing list

[Gimp-developer] Uncomitted patches

2009-07-15 Thread LightningIsMyName

I have posted several patches for GIMP which only need to be applied,
However I see that they haven't recieved a response for about 2
months. I know that the developers are busy, but I at least want to
know that someone noticed these and that they are somewhere on the
list of things to be done.

A palettte export script to close a four year old feature request
(Souce is attached) - http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=304399
A fix for the bug in the sphere designer plugin (patch is attached) -

Note that for the sphere designer, the patch is in gnu diff since I
couldn't create a working git repository of gimp (I had issues with

If any changes need to be done for the patches and this is the cause
for the delay, or if there is any way I can apply the patches myself
to the source please tell me and I'll do so.

Gimp-developer mailing list

Re: [Gimp-developer] Should we add the option to use brush dynamics from the PDB?

2009-04-26 Thread LightningIsMyName

On Sun, Apr 26, 2009 at 1:43 PM, David Gowers <00a...@gmail.com> wrote:

>> I'm willing to try to write a patch to add this for gimp-paintbrush,
>> gimp-airbrush, etc.
> Do you understand that you must not change the api of gimp-paintbrush,
> gimp-airbrush, etc? Because that would break a lot of scripts and
> plugins. This is part of the problem with the current PDB interface to
> tools; supporting new options must be done through additional PDB
> functions.
> David

I understand that, we obviously mustn't change the old API. What I
meant was to create something like gimp-paintbrush-wtih-dynamics.

The question is, when and how do we want to do this? Do we want to
give some sort of option now, and we will replace it when we move to
GEGL painting, or should we wait? I would like to see it implemented
before 2.8 if possible, however If we need to wait with this, i'll

Gimp-developer mailing list

[Gimp-developer] Should we add the option to use brush dynamics from the PDB?

2009-04-26 Thread LightningIsMyName

Gimp 2.6 allows to use brush dynamics to control opacity, size, hard and color.
These features greatly increase the drawing capabilities of gimp, and many
users find them very useful.
However, we don't have any way to access these from inside the PDB...

I think that it would be nice to be able to access these using the PDB, however
I'm not sure about the right method:
Do we want to allow the user to specify velocity, and pressure for each coord,
or should we use the "emulate brush dynamics" feature (the same one we have in
the libart stroking)? Personally, I believe that the "emulate brush dynamics"
is the right method.

I'm willing to try to write a patch to add this for gimp-paintbrush,
gimp-airbrush, etc.

Gimp-developer mailing list

Re: [Gimp-developer] GIMP PDF export plugin

2009-03-21 Thread LightningIsMyName
Hello again,

On Sat, Mar 21, 2009 at 11:15 AM, Sven Neumann  wrote:
> Hi,
> On Fri, 2009-03-20 at 22:04 +0200, LightningIsMyName wrote:
>> 1. How will the user create multi-paged PDFs? Should he choose
>> different images, one for each page? (This sounds like the most
>> reasonable way compared to other ways I thought of).
> Why would we want to allow the user to create multi-paged PDF files?
> Perhaps, before anything else, we need to clearly define what the
> purpose of PDF export is. We certainly don't want to provide a tool to
> create an illustrated book. That's what page layout applications are
> used for.

I believe that we should have the option to export multi-paged PDFs,
since we have the option to import them, and to me it makes sense that
we should be able to export what we can import. Gimp may not be a
page-layout program, yet doing multi-paged PDFs isn't too hard, and
won't hurt anyone...

And about what you said on page layout tools, there is some sense in
what you said. Therfore, I think it would be indeed simpler to ignore
paths untill gimp has vector layers, since these aren't the main point
of the PDF plugin. The only feature I believe that is necessary, is to
draw single-colored rectangles as drawing and not as bitmap-images
(Imagine a background layer for a large scale image - a bitmap image
can be a big waist of memory).
However, this can be solved easily by finding all the layers in the
image which have only 1 color (same RGBA values everywhere). I still
need to figure out how to do this (probably using gimp_histogram in
some way).

-- LightningIsMyName
Gimp-developer mailing list

[Gimp-developer] Fwd: GIMP PDF export plugin

2009-03-20 Thread LightningIsMyName

On Fri, Mar 20, 2009 at 7:53 PM, Sven Neumann  wrote:
> Hi,
> On Fri, 2009-03-20 at 19:15 +0200, Lightning LIMN wrote:
> Why so complex? You can have a look at the Print plug-in to see how to
> transfer the image projection to a Cairo surface without the need to
> save as PNG.

Thanks Sven, I haven't known that. I found what I needed in
print-preview.c, and I'll try this code out soon.

I should be able to build a small demo that does default printing for
layers and text as one image, however there are several questions we
should consider:

1. How will the user create multi-paged PDFs? Should he choose
different images, one for each page? (This sounds like the most
reasonable way compared to other ways I thought of).
2. PDFs don't have anything such as transperent backgrounds for the
pages. Should we ask the user for a background color for each page, or
should we get the background color from the current gimp context? (Or
mayber we should simply make it white)
3. When drawing paths, how should we ask the user where to draw each
path? Also, how will he tell us how to fill/stroke it?
Abusing the layer names doesn't sound right, and it won't be
user-friendly if he would need to manually relocate his paths inside
the plugin's preview...
The only solution I can see for handling this would be to wait for
vector layers in GIMP, however I haven't heard of any recent progress
in this direction.

-- LightningIsMyName
Gimp-developer mailing list