[nysbirds-l] Barrier Beaches

2015-05-01 Thread syschiff
Joe Giunta, Sam Jannazzo and I (Sy Schiff) stopped at the Jones Beach Coast Guard Station to view the GULL-BILLED TERN and then traveled out to Robert Moses SP and found the two BLUE GROSBEAKS. We then went over to Captree Island and parked at the entrance to the community overlooking the marsh

[nysbirds-l] Yellow-throated Warbler

2015-04-23 Thread syschiff
A Yellow-throated Warbler made a brief appearance at Hempstead Lake SP this morning. The overall numbers in the NY area are very unusual this Spring. Sy Schiff -- NYSbirds-L List Info: http://www.NortheastBirding.com/NYSbirdsWELCOME http://www.NortheastBirding.com/NYSbirdsRULES http://www.Nort

[nysbirds-l] Marine Nature Study Area and Hempstead Lake SP

2015-04-21 Thread syschiff
Marine Nature Study Area, Oceanside and Hempstead Lake SP.21 April Arrived at Area after lunch. The reported BLUE-WINGED TEALS were resting in a cut, the male periodically lifting its head up so it could be IDed. Meantime, the TRICOLORED HERON was flying about. FORSTER'S TERNS were fishing in t

[nysbirds-l] Hempstead Lake SP.

2015-04-13 Thread syschiff
Hempstead Lake SP 13 Apr We finally had a small wave of warblers this morning consisting of PINE, PALM, YELLOW-RUMPED and BLACK-AND-WHITE WARBLERS. Other recent additions were RUBY-CROWNED KINGLET and BLUE-GRAY GNATCATCHER. Surprising was the lack of any sparrow movement. While the Tree Swallow

[nysbirds-l] Early Yellow-throated Warbler record

2015-03-31 Thread syschiff
On 1 Apr 1979, a small bird flew into a dumpster at Hecksher SP in East Islip. Manny Levine called it and we all looked in at a Yellow-throated Warbler. At that time, the bird was extremely rare anywhere in the NE, so It made a great April Fools story. Since Manny edited the last state book, I

[nysbirds-l] Looking for early migrants

2015-03-31 Thread syschiff
Joe Giunta and I (Sy Schiff) went looking for migrants, starting at Hempstead Lake SP. On a short walk north along the stream, we found 7 PINE WARBLERS, 1 PALM WARBLER, 2 NORTHERN FLICKERS, many EASTERN PHOEBES and a YELLOW-BELLIED SAPSUCKER among other birds.. Having found our target warblers

[nysbirds-l] Hempstead Lake SP

2015-03-29 Thread syschiff
Hempstead Lake sp 29 March I stopped by before lunch on a sunny but cold day. Still, there must have been a hatch as South Pond was covered with a dozen+ TREE SWALLOWS hawking along with a number of EASTERN PHOEBES along side of them. Altogether, there must have been at least 40-50 if not more

[nysbirds-l] Hempstead Lake SP

2015-03-23 Thread syschiff
23 March 2015 Joe Giunta and I (Sy Schiff) birded Hempstead Lake SP this cold, sunny morning. Migrants included Osprey, Great Egret, Eastern Phoebe and the singing blackbirds, But none of other anticipated early arrivals. We then stopped by Mill River in Rockville Centre to look for the Cackli

[nysbirds-l] Pt. Lookout

2015-03-12 Thread syschiff
Following up on a report, we went to the West Marina at Pt. Lookout and found the BREEDING PLUMAGE RED-NECKED GREBE. The bird was within the breakwater and we walked out along the floating walkways to get closer for an increasable photo opt. At Jones Beach a distant flying large raptor may have

[nysbirds-l] Nassau Co parks

2015-03-09 Thread syschiff
Joe Giunta, Debbie Martin and I (Sy Schiff) went looking for early Spring migrants this morning. First, the snow is still deep and it's very slick in places making for difficult walking. The macadam paths are a mixed bag, clear in some parks, partially open in others with black ice on them every

[nysbirds-l] Staten Island

2015-03-02 Thread syschiff
2 March, 2015 Joe Giunta, Debbie Martin and I (Sy Schiff) went to Moravian Cemetery on Staten Is. and found the BARROW'S GOLDENEYE among an interesting cluster of dabbling and diving ducks.ducks in the pond. This included:-- MALLARD, BLACK DUCK, GADWALL, GREEN-WINGED TEAL, NORTHERN PINTAIL, COM

[nysbirds-l] Brooklyn birds

2015-02-18 Thread syschiff
18 Feb 2015 Joe Giunta and I (Sy Schiff) joined by Debbie Martin continued our chase for target birds. Still after the elusive Canvasback, we went to Prospect Park and were again disappointed. Several COMMON MERGANSERS were among the ducks. At the feeders we saw Downy Woodpecker, White-breasted

[nysbirds-l] Snipe ad other birds

2015-02-17 Thread syschiff
17 Feb 2015 Joe Giunta and I (Sy Schiff) cased some target birds today with mixed results. We went to the World's Fair Mania in Queens to look for Canvasback reported there. A small patch of open water held Black, Mallard, Gadwall, Rudy, a Lesser Scaup, Bufflehead, Coot and Canada Geese, but no

[nysbirds-l] Jones Beach strip to Robert Moses SP

2015-02-09 Thread syschiff
Feb 9, 2015 Joe Giunta and I (Sy Schiff) took an afternoon drive along the parkway to Captree. The roads were clear and all parking lots were free of ice and snow. At Captree we fond a dozen BOAT-TAILED GRACKLES in the shrubbery on the side of the parking lot just past the boats. Form there we

[nysbirds-l] Central Suff. Co.

2015-01-21 Thread syschiff
Shinnecock Inlet, Dune Rd. & EPCAL 21 Jan 15 Joe, Giunta, Sam Jannazzo, Rick Kopitsch and I (Sy Schiff) went to Shinnecock Inlet and scoped the bay. Distant views found BLACK, SURF, WHITE-WING SCOTERS, a male KING EIDER, many COMMON EIDERS and a number of seals. We went looking for Bittern and

[nysbirds-l] South Shore target birds

2015-01-16 Thread syschiff
Jan 16, 2014 Joe Giunta and I (Sy Schiff) started at Belmont Lake SP. and quickly found the WHITE-FRONTED GEESE. A bit of help from visitors from Mass. found us the BARNACLE GOOSE. We proceeded to Massapequa Preserve and struck out on the EASTERN SCREECH-OWL, but went back and found it before

[nysbirds-l] Brookln Birds

2014-12-17 Thread syschiff
Various Brooklyn Sites; 17 December Joe Giunta and I (Sy Schiff) did a preliminary survey of Joe's Brooklyn CBC territory (within count period time). Pleasant morning birding but with few land birds, There were a few CORMORANTS scattered about, both GREAT and DOUBLE-CRESTED. Very unusual, we

[nysbirds-l] Longspur

2014-12-09 Thread syschiff
A lovely day to catch up on my research. Last Sunday, when I left the Ground-Dove feeding on the west portion of the lot, I found a large group of Horned Larks on the east side. Scanning through, I found a first year LONGSPUR. I originally picked it out by shape. Usually one looks for a darker

[nysbirds-l] Jones Beach West End

2014-11-30 Thread syschiff
Jones Beach West End 30 Nov Quick summary: MARBLED GODWIT on the bar; Ground-Dove not found as of noon, numerous birders looking; COMMON EIDER flyby in the inlet; SNOW BUNTINGS and HORNED LARKS on the lawn by the Coast Guard lot before flying off toward the swale. A LAPLAND LONGSPUR was seen in

[nysbirds-l] Hemostead Lake SP-Bald Eagle

2014-11-28 Thread syschiff
An uneventful day at the park except for an Imm. BALD EAGLE over the big pond. Seen on and off for the last week, it appears to have come for the winter. {Bald Eagles wintered here last year). Very unusual here was a NORTHERN HARRIER that flew over the trees. Meanwhile the resident RED-TAILED H

[nysbirds-l] Jones Beach

2014-11-16 Thread syschiff
Jones Beach West End 16 Nov There were both BLACK and WHITE-WINGED SCOTERS moving both east and west along the ocean. A male HARLEQUIN DUCK was at the end of the jetty. (Another Harlequin was reported from the Pt. Lookout side.) A flotilla of fishing boats was out on the horizon surrounded by

[nysbirds-l] Owl

2014-11-16 Thread syschiff
The first Snowy Owl of the season made its appearance today almost immediately followed by the first idiot with a camera who spooked the bird. Some where between Brooklyn and Montauk Pt. This is for the record only. -- NYSbirds-L List Info: http://www.NortheastBirding.com/NYSbirdsWELCOME http:/

[nysbirds-l] Jones ?Beach trip report.

2014-11-08 Thread syschiff
Joe Giunta led a joint Brooklyn Botanical Garden and Brooklyn Bird Club field trip to Jones Beach and Pt Lookout. Starting at the Coast Guard Station, the bar was home to AMERICAN OYSTERCATCHERS, DUNLIN and a MARBLED GODWIT. In the inlet were LONG-TAILED DUCK, COMMON and RED-THROATED LOONS, BON

[nysbirds-l] Heamstead Lake SP

2014-11-07 Thread syschiff
Cool but bright sun and cumulous clouds; Fall color is still strong. Beautiful day. Two immature BALD EAGLES flew over Hempstead Lake SP this morning heading south. Nice Birthday present. Thanks guys for taking me out to lunch. Sy -- NYSbirds-L List Info: http://www.NortheastBirding.com/NYS

[nysbirds-l] Ponds and inlets, Nassau Co

2014-11-05 Thread syschiff
Nassau Co, 5 November Joe Giunta and I (Sy Schiff) spent the morning checking ponds and inlets in Western Nassau Co. for early duck movements. We visited Grant Park, Bay Park, Pond X, East Rockaway RR Station and Mill Pond in Rockville Centre. Grant Park was the most interesting with species

[nysbirds-l] Jones Beach

2014-11-04 Thread syschiff
Joe Giunta, Sam Jannazzo, Joe Viglietta and I (Sy Schiff) spent the morning at Jones Beach. A quiet day; DOWNY, HAIRY, FLICKER, BROWN CREEPER, RED-BREASTED NUTHATCH in the pines. WHITE-THROATED, SONG and JUNCOS on the ground; YELLOW-RUMPED WARBLERS everywhere.. So a bit slow today, if you're n

[nysbirds-l] Jones Beach

2014-11-03 Thread syschiff
Jones Beach 3 November Arrived 5 minutes too late and wasn't invited to breakfast of raw squab. All of us who missed the dove today saw the last one seen at Captree. Consolation prizes: 5 LESSER BLACK-BACKED GULLS on lot, WOODCOCK at the turnaround, GREAT HORNED OWL (it flew off with Crows chas

[nysbirds-l] Jones Beach

2014-10-31 Thread syschiff
Joe Giunta, Debbie Martin, Joe Viglietta, Ed Becker, Rick K, Bob Anderson and I (Sy Schiff) birded Jones Beach West End 31 October The migration is still on, with lots of WHITE-THROATED SPARROWS and large numbers of DARK-EYED JUNCOS covering the lawns. There were fewer other sparrows, but incl

[nysbirds-l] Jones Beach

2014-10-29 Thread syschiff
Jones Beach West End 29 October Looking over the ocean, the sky was full of NORTHERN GANNETS, hundreds all moving west in a steady stream. Other than that spectacular, the migration has petered out. Three VESPER SPARROWS and the MARBLED GODWIT continue, Sy Schiff -- NYSbirds-L List Info: h

[nysbirds-l] Jones Beach

2014-10-28 Thread syschiff
Jones Beach West End 28 Oct With the winds shifting to the SW, the previous day's migration tapered off. However, lots of sparrows continue along the edges, either the same remaining to feed or a new crop replacing them. A VESPER SPARROW was reported by others (we didn't look today) and 2 LINCO

[nysbirds-l] Jones Beach

2014-10-27 Thread syschiff
Jones Beach West End 27 Oct The bar at the Coast Guard Station continues to harbor a MARBLED GODWIT and today, 5 ROYAL TERNS along with the 100 odd AMERICAN OYSTERCATCHERS. There were a modest number of raptors moving through. The sky are still full of migrating YELLOW-RUMPED WARBLERS but in fe

[nysbirds-l] Jones Beach

2014-10-24 Thread syschiff
Joe Giunta, Debbie Martin, Joe Viglietta and I (Sy Schiff) primarily birded the perimeter around the West End #2 (WE) lot venturing down to the beach. First, we perused the bar, by scope, from the Coast Guard Station lot, finding a mass of AMERICAN OYSTERCATCHERS and 7 ROYAL TERNS. The base of

[nysbirds-l] Jones Beach

2014-10-17 Thread syschiff
Jones Beach 17 October. Joe Giunta and I (Sy Schiff) birded the west end at low tide this morning. Yesterday's rain and today's brisk W to WSW wind seems to have driven the birds away. Yellow-rumped warblers continue to dominate, but the Phoebes and Sparrows have moved on. We did see one each

[nysbirds-l] Jones Beach addendum

2014-10-14 Thread syschiff
Add Black-throated Blue Warbler. The Blue-throated Blue Warbler was last seen hiding between the keys on my key board. Sy -- NYSbirds-L List Info: http://www.NortheastBirding.com/NYSbirdsWELCOME http://www.NortheastBirding.com/NYSbirdsRULES http://www.NortheastBirding.com/NYSbirdsSubscribeConf

[nysbirds-l] Jones Beach

2014-10-14 Thread syschiff
Jones Beach West End 14 Oct Joe Giunta and I (Sy Schiff) birded the west end this morning to find fewer birds but still 50+ species The bar still harbors a few hundred AMERICAN OYSTERCATCHERS plus an undetermined number of mostly hatching year BLACK SKIMMERS. As the tide increased, the dozen DU

[nysbirds-l] Jones Beach

2014-10-13 Thread syschiff
Jones Beach West End 13 Oct. There were many less birds today. Still, of interest were 422 AMERICAN OYSTERCATCHERS (count cur testy of Paul Gildersleve), a MARBLED GODWIT on the bar, approx. 50 BLACK SKIMMER (mostly young), a dozen FORSTER'S TERNS feeding in the inlet, 13 LESSER BLACK-BACK GU

[nysbirds-l] Jones Beach West End

2014-10-12 Thread syschiff
Jones Beach West End 12 Oct A birdy morning with lots to look at and an interesting mix of species. This is a composite list from the 7 or 8 of us enjoying the company and birding together. Raptors included OSPREY, NORTHERN HARRIER, SHARP-SHINNED AND COOPER'S HAWK, MERLIN AND PEREGRINE FALCON p

[nysbirds-l] South Shore Beaches

2014-10-10 Thread syschiff
Joe Giunta and I (Sy Schiff) encountered the fallout at Jones Beach West End. Surprisingly, the number of species was modest, but some of the numbers made up for it. Starting with Quantity, TREE SWALLOW-3-5.000 (hard to count or guesstimate when the sky was covered and full of them); PINE SISKIN

[nysbirds-l] Hempstead Lake SP and Kissena Park, Queens

2014-10-09 Thread syschiff
Hempstead Lake SP. Joe Giunta, Debbie Martin and I (Sy Schiff) joined the South Shore Audubon this morning in Hempstead. The walk produced several dozen species including lingering Wood Duck, Pied-bill Grebe, 8 species of warbler, 4 species of woodpecker, a Blue-headed Vireo, a few sparrow

[nysbirds-l] Jones Beach Coast Guard Station

2014-09-21 Thread syschiff
Jones Beach West End 21 Sep Arrived just after high tide (8:30). The bar was covered with shorebirds and skimmers. All but the oystercatchers and some of the skimmers left at 10:15. Both Osprey and Peregrine were about, but not near the shorebirds, so not sure what spooked them. But while there

[nysbirds-l] Marbled Godwit and Caspian Tern

2014-09-17 Thread syschiff
Jones Beach West End 17 Sep At 8:00 this morning there was a large reddish brown shorebird across the inlet on the Long Beach Side, presumably the MARBLED GODWIT seen lately. Shorebirds on the marina bars included 250-300 AMERICAN OYSTERCATCHERS, a dozen BLACK-BELLIED PLOVER, 4 RED KNOT and a

[nysbirds-l] Jones Beach

2014-09-05 Thread syschiff
Jones Beach West End 5 September Joe G. , Joe V. Stan, and I (Sy Schiff) found a single GULL-BILLED TERN on the bar at the Coast Guard Station and a single SPOTTED SANDPIPER for shorebirds. The swale was empty except for Canada Geese. On the beach, the gulls to our right (west), consisted mainl

[nysbirds-l] Marine Nature Study Area

2014-09-02 Thread syschiff
Marine Nature Study Area 2 September Hot, muggy slow day with only a half dozen shorebird species. Both a GREEN HERON and a CLAPPER RAIL moved lazily and posed for pictures along with a non-spotted SPOTTED SANDPIPER. A ROYAL TERN also flew by and posed, A YELLOW WARBLER and COMMON YELLOWTHROAT

[nysbirds-l] Avocet info.

2014-08-29 Thread syschiff
Marine Nature Study Area, Oceanside 29 August With the approaching high tide, the Avocet along with most of the birds in the pool west of the pond flew off. (High tide is 40 minutes past Jones Inlet). After a review with Mike Farina, staff Biologist, it appears that sightings in prior years we

[nysbirds-l] Oceanside Preserve

2014-08-22 Thread syschiff
Marine Nature Study Area, Oceanside 22 August The pools to the east of the pond have been full of waders and Laughing Gulls recently. Today, among the many egrets, there were a few "white" LITTLE BLUE HERONS and a TRICOLORED HERON. Included were a half dozen species of common shorebirds. Two

[nysbirds-l] Other summering Little Gulls

2014-08-11 Thread syschiff
Little Gulls in the summer on Long Island. In the early 90's storms had breached Cedar Beach leaving large pools between the sand beach and the dunes. In late July 1990, 8 summering Bonaparte's Gulls were joined for an extended period by a Little Gull in plumage similar to the current bird. Th

[nysbirds-l] Jamaica Bay

2014-07-28 Thread syschiff
Jamaica Bay East Pond 28 July Joe Giunta and I (Sy Schiff) arrived at the north end around 1:30 and quickly found the 2 Avocets in the water way down toward the south end. Otherwise, for the afternoon, we saw about 100 shorebirds of 6 species. Not a very impressive experience. The water level

[nysbirds-l] Shorebirds at Jones Beach today

2014-07-25 Thread syschiff
Jones Beach West End 25 July While there were only a few species this morning, the bar in front of the marina and the adjacent bar behind the island running to the east hosted 700-800 shorebirds. They were mostly Semipalmated Sandpipers along with Semipalmated Plover, American Oystercatchers, S

[nysbirds-l] Marine Nature Study Area, Oceanside.

2014-07-19 Thread syschiff
Marine Nature Study Area, Oceanside 19 July Overcast day at very low tide. A few shorebirds were present, namely Semipalmated Plover, Lesser Yellowlegs, Least Sandpiper and Short-billed Dowitcher. I observed 5 widely scattered Saltmarsh Sparrows. After the spring/summer high tides, Seaside Spa

[nysbirds-l] Lido Beach

2014-07-12 Thread syschiff
Lido Beach Passive Nature Area, 12 July High tide. Other than breeding WILLETS, few shorebirds; namely 3 SHORT-BILLED DOWITCHERS, 2 GREATER YELLOWLEGS and several SEMIPALMATED SANDPIPERS. There was a continuous, sporadic movement of COMMON TERNS flying between the channel and the Nickerson Beac

[nysbirds-l] Roseate and Gull-billed Terns

2014-06-04 Thread syschiff
Nickerson Beach 4 June, late afternoon Alerted by Ed Becker, I went to Nickerson Beach, joined in the parking lot by Bob Anderson. We found Joe Viglietta, on the beach in front of the tern colony, looking at a pair of ROSEATE TERNS. One bird was a banded sub-adult and the other an adult. The a

[nysbirds-l] Nickerson Beach

2014-05-20 Thread syschiff
Nickerson Beach 20 May A single BLACK SKIMMER flew into the tern colony (500+ birds there and on the beach). To the west on the beach, a pair of GULL-BILLED TERNS mated. Maybe they'll nest in the colony. SANDERLING were along the shore, an OSPREY was fishing just beyond the breakers and a

[nysbirds-l] Hempstead Lake SP

2014-05-16 Thread syschiff
Hempstead Lake SP 14 May A slow birding morning with few migrants. There were singing White-eyed, Warbling and Red-eyed Vireos, Gray Catbird, Northern Cardinal, Baltimore Oriole, calling Great-crested Flycatcher and Red-bellied Woodpeckers. It seemed more like early Summer than Mid May. NEWS A

[nysbirds-l] Marine Nature Study Area, Oceanside

2014-05-13 Thread syschiff
Marine Nature Study Area, Oceanside 13 May There were 3 singing sparrows in the marsh around the pond, 1 SEASIDE SPARROW and 2 SALTMARSH SPARROWS. All popped up briefly before disappearing. Other birds included 2 CLAPPER RAILS, also briefly seen, FORSTER'S TERNS, a pair of LEAST TERNS and a GRE

[nysbirds-l] Hempstead lake SP construction.

2014-05-12 Thread syschiff
Hempstead Lake SP progress report Lots of construction going on. The entrance to the park from Peninsula Blvd is closed. Exit 18 West on the Southern State Pkwy is being rebuilt and you may or may not be able to exit there. The Exit East is OK. Eagle Ave through the park is udder construction

[nysbirds-l] Hempstead Lake SP- Cerulean Warbler

2014-05-07 Thread syschiff
Hempstead Lake SP 7 May A slow day, but the CERULEAN WARBLER continues in the same place. Sy Schiff -- NYSbirds-L List Info: http://www.NortheastBirding.com/NYSbirdsWELCOME http://www.NortheastBirding.com/NYSbirdsRULES http://www.NortheastBirding.com/NYSbirdsSubscribeConfigurationLeave.htm ARC

[nysbirds-l] Marine Nature Study Area, Oceanside

2014-04-27 Thread syschiff
Marine Nature Study Area, Oceanside 27 April A FOS SEASIDE SPARROW was singing by the pond path, but failed to show itself. Other recently arriving summer birds seen today included GLOSSY IBIS, WILLET, 2 loudly calling and then posing CLAPPER RAILS , LAUGHING GULL and FORSTER'S TERN. Sy Schiff

[nysbirds-l] Alley Pond Park

2014-04-25 Thread syschiff
Alley Pond Park 25 April Joe Giunta and I (Sy Schiff) had an interesting day. It started with a singing HOUSE WREN and ended with a singing YELLOW WARBLER. Both posed for pictures and both were FOS birds for us. In between, a bit slow. A dozen RUSTY BLACKBIRDS continue at several of the kettle

[nysbirds-l] Jones Beach

2014-04-20 Thread syschiff
Jones Beach 20 April The NORTHERN SHRIKE made a brief appearance to the south of West End #2 lot this morning. It was at the top of a distant pine and very quickly flew off to the left (east). In the ponds between the two parking lots (WE #1 & #2), there was a flock of approx 20 teal that incl

[nysbirds-l] Alley Pond Park

2014-04-18 Thread syschiff
Alley Pond Park 18 April Joe Giunta and I (Sy Schiff) went looking for migrants this morning on an overcast day, It was good to be out. What wasn't good was the birding. No warblers, but a single BLUE-GRAY GNATCATCHER at Little Alley Pond. The only other birds of interest were the continuing pa

[nysbirds-l] Hempstead Lake & Oceanside

2014-04-13 Thread syschiff
Hempstead Lake SP 13 Apr A visit this morning (they are now charging on weekends to enter) was mostly a continuation of the last few days. Warblers included PINE, PALM and YELLOW-RUMPED. A BLUE-GRAY GNATCATCHER made an appearance along with multiple TREE and BARN SWALLOWS and a lone CHIMNEY SWIF

[nysbirds-l] Marine Nature Study Area

2014-04-11 Thread syschiff
Marine Nature Study Area 11 Apr I stopped by this morning to look for GLOSSY IBIS. There were 5. They finally flew off towards the golf course. In the puddles to the left (east) of the pond, there were 2 LEAST SANDPIPERS and 2 GREATER YELLOWLEGS, shorebirds all with yellow legs, a color appropr

[nysbirds-l] Southeern Nassau

2014-04-09 Thread syschiff
Hempstead Lake SP 9 Apr Joe Giunta and I (Sy Schiff) went looking for migrants this bright sunny morning . The rain followed by NW winds appeared to have moved everything out with little replacement. An OSPREY carrying a large fish flew north. A pair of WOOD DUCKS flew out of the inner pond. Ot

[nysbirds-l] Alley Pond Park

2014-04-07 Thread syschiff
Alley Pond Park 7 Apr Joe Giunta and I (Sy Schiff) went looking for migrants this morning and found Robins and Robins and more Robins everywhere. The few new arrivals we saw were all in their finest plumage. A pair of CHIPPING SPARROWS and 3 EASTERN TOWHEES appeared stunning against the drab ba

[nysbirds-l] Massapeua

2014-04-05 Thread syschiff
Massapequa 5 Apr I stopped by and found the red phase Screech-Owl sunning itself in the nest hole clearly visible from the path. The path itself was full of bicyclist, joggers and walkers. I was amazed at how many of these regulars knew the owl was there and liked the whole idea of it, stoppin

[nysbirds-l] Marine Nature Study Area, Oceanside

2014-04-02 Thread syschiff
Marine Nature Study Area, Oceanside 2 April Both GREAT EGRET and SNOWY EGRET were feeding in the marsh this morning. An adult LITTLE BLUE HERON flew by in the distance. A few GREATER YELLOWLEGS were scattered around. OSPREY pairs were seen on two nest platforms and a PEREGRINE FALCON was seen a

[nysbirds-l] Hempstead Lake SP

2014-03-27 Thread syschiff
Hempstead Lake SP 27 Mar Joe Giunta, Debbie Martin and I (Sy Schiff) took leave of the birding group at field #3 and drove to field #1, entering the lake shore at the entrance across from the lot. Far to the north in trees at the north edge of the pond was an imm. BALD EAGLE with a white tail

[nysbirds-l] Jones Beach

2014-03-25 Thread syschiff
Jones Beach 25 Mar Adding to Ken's report, this morning there were 14 PIPING PLOVER on the bar at the Coast Guard Station and 50+ TREE SWALLOWS resting on the West End #2 parking lot. The 2 EASTERN MEADOWLARKS continue along with a FOX SPARROW. Sy Schiff -- NYSbirds-L List Info: http://www.No

[nysbirds-l] Jones Beach

2014-03-21 Thread syschiff
Jones Beach West End 21 Mar Joe Giunta and I (Sy Schiff) found the first full day of Spring sunny but windy. In keeping with the new season, for a change, there were a fair number of birds to look through, The lawns along the road were covered with American Robins and Red-winged Blackbirds and

[nysbirds-l] Addendum to Doug Futuyma's post

2014-03-15 Thread syschiff
There was a singing FOX SPARROW at the Jones Beach West End turnaround. Responding to word of mouth for Doug's find of the ICELAND GULL at Field#10, a pair or calling SNOW GEESE flew low over the parking lot as I paused to take pictures of the gull from my car window.. Sy Schiff -- NYSbirds-

[nysbirds-l] Jones Beach and Pt. Lookout

2014-03-10 Thread syschiff
Jones Beach & Pt Lookout 10 Mar After scanning from the Coast Guard Station, Joe Giunta and I (Sy Schiff) then walked to the inlet. That's when the blizzard arrived. We returned to our cars and drove over to WE #2. A crowd (50+) of SNOW BUNTINGS erupted in the driving snow along the parking lot

[nysbirds-l] Jones Beach & Pt. Lookout

2014-03-07 Thread syschiff
Jones Beach and Pt' Lookout 7 March Joe Giunta and I (Sy Schiff) birded a barren landscape, cold, overcast, with east winds. There were virtually no birds except for a small flock of AMERICAN ROBINS that flew by. However, from the SW corner of west end #2 and looking SW, the NORTHERN SHRIKE was

[nysbirds-l] Jones Beach and Longbeach

2014-02-19 Thread syschiff
Jones Beach west End. and Long Beach 19 February Joe Giunta, Sam Jannazzo, Joe Viglietta and I (Sy Schiff) birded at the Coast Guard Station and then the median.. There were 7 COMMON LOONS in the inlet but no Red-throated Loon. The Red-necked Grebe was also missing. The edge of strip next to the

[nysbirds-l] Jones Beach and East Rockaway

2014-02-17 Thread syschiff
Jones Beach and Mill River, East Rockaway 17 February Joe Giunta and I (Sy Schiff) arrived at the Coast Guard Station where Steve Walter pointed us to the RED-NECKED GREBE in the boat basin. Great view! To the east an accipiter flew by and flushed 2 Killdeer off the lawn. In the 1-ft. bare stri

[nysbirds-l] Connetquot River SP

2014-02-12 Thread syschiff
Connetquot River SP 112 Feb Joe Giunta, Sam Jannazzo, Joe Viglietta and I (Sy Schiff) birded the large mill pond. While mostly frozen, there was a large stretch of open water. The far side of the pond contained open water and a pair of RED-NECKED GREBES were visible there, They gradually drif

[nysbirds-l] Jons Beach

2014-02-10 Thread syschiff
Jones Beach 10 Feb Joe Giunta, Sam Jannazzo and I (Sy Schiff) met at the Coast Guard Station. The lot was plowed out as were Fields 6 and 10, but West End 2 was not except for a path through the lot. Last night's snow was powdery and blowing in the sharp breeze. It covered a 6 inch remnant of

[nysbirds-l] Snowy Owls this winter

2014-01-24 Thread syschiff
If you think we had some Snowy Owls, take a look at the "preliminary" numbers reported from the NYC and LI CBC counts comprising NYSOA Region 10. By early January a number of owls had moved on, but lots still around. This is a most impressive total. We'll have to wait for confirmed Region and S

[nysbirds-l] Pre CBC check of Hempstead Lake SP

2013-12-24 Thread syschiff
Hempstead Lake State Park' 24 Dec Joe Giunta and I (Sy Schiff) did a pre CBC scouting trip this morning. After parking at field #3, we walked up to the traverse road and scanned the big pond. At the extreme north end we found our first target bird, an adult BALD EAGLE. In the pond were a dozen

Re: [nysbirds-l] Info Request on Nassau County Black Guillemots and GPS Directions

2013-12-22 Thread syschiff
There was a Black Guillemot reported flying east on the ocean at Jones Beach on Jan 4, 2006 early in the morning. Later that morning, I saw one (or the same bird) flying west from the same spot. I believe the report appeared in the Kingbird. Sy Schiff - Original Message - From: Cor

[nysbirds-l] Target birds at the beach

2013-12-21 Thread syschiff
Jones Inlet 21 Dec Birding on both sides of the inlet was and has been slow lately. However, key target birds are in the area and make up for this. This morning on the Pt. Lookout side, there were PURPLE SANDPIPERS, a RUDDY TURNSTONE, and 2 RED KNOT on the west most jetty. RED-NECKED GREBES and

[nysbirds-l] Pt. Lookout

2013-12-18 Thread syschiff
Pt. Lookout 18 Dec. Joe Giunta and I (Sy Schiff) drove into the town park and spooked a flock of SNOW BUNTINGS that flew over towards the beach. A GREAT BLUE HERON flew by as we got out of the car. There were SANDERLING, RUDDY TURNSTONES and a single RED KNOT on the rocks in the water at the b

[nysbirds-l] Jones Beach

2013-12-16 Thread syschiff
16 Dec. Joe Giunta, Sam Jannazzo and I (Sy Schiff) spent this morning at Jones Beach . Across the inlet, there were 20 AMERICAN OYSTERCATCHERS; on this side DUNLIN and SANDERLING; in the water, both LOONS, BUFFLEHEAD, LONG-TAILED DUCK and RED-BREASTED MERGANSERS. BONAPARTE'S GULLS were feeding

[nysbirds-l] British birding

2013-12-15 Thread syschiff
A small comment on birding in Britain, Back in the 60's, a defense contractor I worked for built a "zero noise" microwave amplifier, cooled by liquid helium. It was delivered to the Jodrell Bank Radio Telescope in England by the Department Head of the group who developed it. This was cutting ed

[nysbirds-l] Jones Beach (shrike-Yes) and Pt. Lookout

2013-12-03 Thread syschiff
Joe Giunta and I (Sy Schiff) found the NORTHERN SHRIKE to the north-west of the Jones Beach West End parking lot. While scoping for the shrike we saw a large flock of SNOW BUNTINGS flying along the beach. To the west a NORTHERN HARRIER was hunting and the sky contained a half dozen TREE SWALLOW

[nysbirds-l] Vesper Sparrows at Jones Beach

2013-10-30 Thread syschiff
Jones Beach and Pt. Lookout 30 Oct Joe Giunta, Sam Jannazzo and I (Sy Schiff) joined by Stan birded the marina bar, hedgerow and median Our first LONG-TAILED DUCKS were in the cove to the east of the marina (seen yesterday by others). The hedgerow had a scattered mix of White-throated, White-c

[nysbirds-l] Jones Beach

2013-10-23 Thread syschiff
Jones Beach Coast Guard Station 23 Oct A cold and raw morning. Yesterday 24 ROYAL TERNS were reported on the bar. Today the same number were resting on pilings on the other side of the inlet. A large number so late in the season. Sy Schiff -- NYSbirds-L List Info: http://www.NortheastBirding

[nysbirds-l] MNSA, Oceanside Preserve.

2013-10-15 Thread syschiff
Marine Nature Study Area, Oceanside 15 Oct A loud screeching Ca, Ca, Ca Ca caught my attention. As I turned toward the sound, a CLAPPER RAIL had burst out of the marsh, flew about 10 yards, calling all the time, and dove back in. This was followed by some GREATER YELLOWLEGS calling and flying

[nysbirds-l] Marine Nature Study Area, Oceanside

2013-10-02 Thread syschiff
Marine Nature Study Area, Oceanside 2 October Did the Government also shut down Fall? Beautiful August type day and finally, what appears to be the start of a migration. For a change, a decent mix of shorebirds and sparrows. Starting with the shorebirds:-BLACK-BELLIED PLOVER, PECTORAL, STILT AN

[nysbirds-l] Oceanside Preserve

2013-09-29 Thread syschiff
Marine Nature Study Area, Oceanside 29 Sept. Please note. Today is the last Sunday the facility is open till Spring. What was noteworthy this morning were adult and immature LITTLE BLUE and a TRICOLORED Heron. Some sparrows around the pond included a Swamp, the usual Song and a number of Savan

[nysbirds-l] Alley Pond Park

2013-09-17 Thread syschiff
Alley Pond Park 17 Sep Joe Giunta Debbie Martin and I (Sy Schiff) started at the Winchester Blvd Parking Lot (entrance under the parkway). We walked towards the trees along the far side of the ball field where we finding a PHILADELPHIA and RED-EYED VIREO and a RUBY-CROWNED KINGLET. The few warb

[nysbirds-l] Jamaica Bay Wilson's Phalarope--yes

2013-09-12 Thread syschiff
September 12. Slow day for land and shorebirds. The day started with a short visit with the South Shore Audubon at Hempstead Lake SP. Birds included. SOLITARY SANDPIPER, GREAT-CRESTED FLYCATCHER, singing WARBLING VIREO, "yellow green" SCARLET TANAGER and 5 warblers, NORTHERN WATERTHRUSH and NOR

[nysbirds-l] Birding Long Island

2013-09-04 Thread syschiff
A full birding day: 4 September After a short walk around Alley Pond Park produced a smattering of birds, but nothing out of the ordinary, Joe Giunta and I (Sy Schiff) traveled out to the riverhead sod fields. There at the"Osborn/Sound Ave" field we found 3 dozen KILLDEER, 2 PECTORAL SANDPIPERS

[nysbirds-l] Marine Nature Study Area, Oceanside

2013-08-30 Thread syschiff
Marine Nature Study Area, Oceanside 30 Aug. A very late CLAPPER RAIL chick with parent made a brief appearance this morning . They posed for a quick photo before disappearing into the marsh. (Mike Farina, staff biologist, posted the picture on his blog.) Other birds of note were a pair of SALTM

[nysbirds-l] Jones Beach-- Baird's yes (then gone)

2013-08-24 Thread syschiff
Jones Beach pools between Nature Center and West End #2. About an hour after Dave left, the Baird's put in a brief appearance and was almost immediately spooked by the "resident" Peregrine Falcon which was active the entire morning. After this latest pass, the birds returned again, but no Baird

[nysbirds-l] Jamaica Bay

2013-08-04 Thread syschiff
Jamaica Bay Wildlife Refuge 4 August Joe Giunta and I (Sy Schiff) birded the north end on a falling tide. There were several hundred shorebirds, all of which flew off with the arrival of a Peregrine Falcon making a few runs through the group. When we left only a few dozen birds remained. Speci

[nysbirds-l] Marine Nature Study Area, Oceanside

2013-08-02 Thread syschiff
Marine Nature Study Area, August 2 Only about 2 dozen shorebirds, but they comprised 8 common species. So, it made the morning interesting. An imm. LITTLE BLUE HERON was feeding just down the path. Start checking the snowys carefully, easy to overlook a stranger. A SALTMARSH SPARROW was singin

[nysbirds-l] South Shore Barrier Beaches

2013-07-29 Thread syschiff
Barrier Beaches July 29 Joe Giunta and I (Sy Schiff) birded the marina bar at Jones Beach West End. Arriving a bit after low tide, we found the bar almost devoid of birds and a brief stay disclosed little change. The Black Scoter flock continues. We decided to see what was doing at Robert Mose

[nysbirds-l] Jones Beach West End

2013-07-28 Thread syschiff
Jones Beach Coast Guard Station 28 July Joe Giunta and I (Sy Schiff) spent the morning overlooking the bar in front of the marina. As the tide increased, small numbers of shorebirds arrived till there were in excess of a hundred. The mix included a dozen Willet, both Semipalmated Plover and Sa

[nysbirds-l] Jamaica Bay

2013-07-27 Thread syschiff
Jamaica Bay Wildlife Refuge 27 July Joe Giunta and I (Sy Schiff) started mid -morning at the north end. Except for a few short spots (6-inches deep mud), the west edge is completely passable. Today's goodies included a RUFF and a breeding plumage AMERICAN AVOCET. The latter found by Ken Feustel

[nysbirds-l] Marine Nature Study Area, Oceanside

2013-07-26 Thread syschiff
July 26, Oceanside Since "Sandy", full moon high tides at the Marine Nature Study Area, Oceanside have inundated the marshes. Consequently, nests in the marsh have on more than one occasion been washed away. As a result, nesting success has been poor. Today, turned out to be a notable surprise,

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