[media-dakwah] Saddam Hussein sentenced to hang

2006-11-05 Terurut Topik muslim insuffer

 In the Name of Allah, the Compassionate, the Merciful

  === News Update ===

Saddam Hussein sentenced to hang

Monday 06 November 2006, 0:10 Makka Time, 21:10 GMT  

Saddam Hussein, the former president of Iraq, has been sentenced to
death by a Baghdad court after being found guilty of crimes against

When the judge announced the sentence, Saddam appeared shaken.

However he soon recovered and shouted: Allahu Akbar! [God is greatest]
and Long live the nation!

Saddam was found guilty by the Iraqi High Tribunal for ordering the
killing of 148 Shia civilians in the town of Dujail in 1982.

The court said that he and his fellow defendants had ordered the
villagers' murder after members of Dawa, a Shia political party, tried
to kill Saddam in Dujail in 1982.

Saddam's sentence will be automatically appealed and reviewed by a panel
of appeal judges, who will decide whether or not to allow a retrial.

If the judgement stands, however, Saddam must be executed within 30 days
of the appeals panel delivering its verdict, which has to be ratified by
Jalal Talibani, the Iraqi president.

Saddam, 69, said that he wants to be executed by firing squad. However
Iraqi law states that he will be executed by hanging.

Saddam was the president of Iraq from 1979 to 2003, when his Sunni-
dominated government was deposed by a US-led invasion.

Eleven-month trial 

Barzan al-Tikriti, Saddam's half-brother and the former head of the
Iraqi secret police, and Awad Hamed Al-Bander, Saddam's chief judge,
were also sentenced to death by hanging.

Saddam's 11-month trial was marked by theatrics by both his defence
council and by Saddam and his seven co-defendants.

Taha Yassin Ramdan, the former Iraqi vice president, was sentenced to
life in prison.

The court also sentenced three of Saddam's co-defendants to 15 years in
prison for their part in the Dujail killing and acquitted one minor
Baath party official.

Ramsey Clark, Saddam's most outspoken American defender and a former US
attorney general, was thrown out of the trial on Sunday and accused
of insulting the people of Iraq.   

Clark, a member of Saddam's defence team and a strident critic of the
conduct of his trial, attended the start of the session but was ejected
before Saddam was sentenced to death.

Raud Abdel Rahman, the judge, said: Get him out of the hall. He came
from America to ridicule the Iraqi people and ridicule the court.

Support and condemnation

Baghdad had been placed under a strict curfew in an attempt to halt
violence following the verdict.

But despite the curfews, Shias gathered in Baghdad's Sadr City district
to celebrate.

Around 1,000 people marched, waved flags, denounced Saddam and hailed
the Shia cleric Moqtada al-Sadr.

Deliver him to us, we'll execute him ourselves, shouted the crowd.

Thousand of Saddam's supporters, some of them firing wildly into the
air, marched through his hometown of Tikrit, north of Baghdad.

With our souls and our blood we redeem you, Saddam. Death to traitors
and spies. Damn Bush and his agents. Yes, yes to the resistance. No
option but to get rid of the occupier, chanted the crowd.

The Iraqi government also closed two Sunni television stations, accusing
them of inciting violence after the verdict.

Abdel Karim Khalaf, an interior ministry spokesman, said: We accept
debates on any subject, but we do not tolerate television reports that
encourage murder and violence.



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[media-dakwah] 9/11 : U.S. says terror suspect shouldn't talk to civilian lawyer

2006-11-05 Terurut Topik muslim insuffer

 In the Name of Allah, the Compassionate, the Merciful

  === News Update ===

9/11 :

U.S. says terror suspect shouldn't talk to civilian lawyer 

By Associated Press

11/05/06 WASHINGTON (AP) — A suspected terrorist who spent years in a
secret CIA prison should not be allowed to speak to a civilian attorney,
the Bush administration argues, because he could reveal the agency's
closely guarded interrogation techniques.
Human rights groups have questioned the CIA's methods for questioning
suspects, especially following the passage of a bill last month that
authorized the use of harsh — but undefined — interrogation tactics.

In recently filed court documents, the Justice Department said those
methods, along with the locations of the CIA's network of prisons, are
among the nation's most sensitive secrets. Prisoners who spent time in
those prisons should not be allowed to disclose that information, even
to a lawyer, the government said.

Improper disclosure of other operational details, such as interrogation
methods, could also enable terrorist organizations and operatives to
adapt their training to counter such methods, thereby obstructing the
CIA's ability to obtain vital intelligence that could disrupt future
planned terrorist attacks, the Justice Department wrote.

The documents, which were first reported by The Washington Post, were
filed in opposition to a request that terror suspect Majid Khan should
be given access to an attorney. Khan, 26, immigrated from Pakistan and
graduated high school in Maryland.

According to documents filed on his behalf by the Center for
Constitutional Rights, Khan was arrested in Pakistan in 2003. During
more than three years in CIA custody, Khan was subjected to
interrogation techniques that defense attorneys suggest amounted to

President Bush acknowledged the existence of the CIA system in September
and transferred Khan and 13 other prisoners designated as terrorist
leaders to the military prison at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. Under a law
passed last month, they are to be tried before special military
commissions and may not have access to civilian courts.

The Center for Constitutional Rights is among several advocacy groups
challenging that law. They say the Constitution guarantees prisoners a
right to challenge their detention.

The Justice Department argues that civilian courts no longer have
jurisdiction to intervene in the case. They say keeping details about
the CIA program secret is essential because national security is at

Information obtained through the program has provided the United States
with one of the most useful tools in combating terrorist threats to the
national security, the government argued in court documents.

It has shed light on probable targets and likely methods for attacks on
the United States, has led to the disruption of terrorist plots against
the United States and its allies, and has gathered information that has
played a role in the capture and questioning of senior al-Qaeda
operatives, it said.

Gitanjali S. Gutierrez, an attorney with the Center for Constitutional
Rights, responded in court documents Friday that there is no evidence
Khan has classified information. Gutierrez accused the administration of
using national secrecy concerns to conceal illegal or embarrassing
executive conduct.

U.S. District Judge Reggie B. Walton has not indicated when he will



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[media-dakwah] US Terrorize The World - 8 Dzulqaidah 1427 H (29.11.06)

2006-11-28 Terurut Topik muslim insuffer

 In the Name of Allah, the Compassionate, the Merciful

=== News Update ===

You're a f**king Arab, You're a f**king Muslim, You're not an
American, and Go back to where you came from.

probe attack as possible hate crime

(SOUTHFIELD, MI, 11/28/06) - On Tuesday, November 28, the Michigan
chapter of the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR-MI) will hold
a news conference to call on local and national law enforcement
authorities to investigate an assault on a Detroit Muslim as a possible
hate crime.

The 51-year-old victim, who is of Egyptian heritage, was allegedly
dragged from his home on Monday evening and beaten by some 10 white
people shouting anti-Muslim slurs. The slurs reportedly included:
You're a f**king Arab, You're a f**king Muslim, You're not an
American, and Go back to where you came from. The victim was
transported to a local hospital for treatment of injuries suffered in
the attack.

URL: http://www.cair.com


Pope, Measuring Words, Praises Islam's `Benevolence'  

Pope Benedict XVI, picking his words carefully on his first visit to a
Muslim nation, spoke of the ``great benevolence'' of Islam, a shift from
a two-month-old citation that said the rival religion was ``evil and


War criminall to advise pope: Kissinger to Serve As Papal Adviser? 

Pope Benedict XVI has invited Henry Kissinger, former adviser to Richard
Nixon, to be a political consultant and he accepted.


In case you missed it: Video: The Trials of Henry Kissinger: The Making
Of A War Criminal 

A fascinating, bombshell documentary that should shame Americans,
regardless of whether or not ultimate blame finally lies with Kissinger.
Should be required viewing for civics classes and would-be public
servants alike. 


9/11 and American Empire: Intellectuals Speak Out

David Ray Griffin, Peter Dale Scott, Peter Phillips, Kevin Ryan, Ray

Editors and contributors to the book, 9/11 and American Empire assess
the Bush administration's responsibility for the attacks on 9/11,
arguing that key administration officials either purposefully ignored
the threats leading up to the attacks or were complicit in the planning


BBC Footage 9/11:The Twin Towers Shows Positive Proof of Explosives

 On September 7, 2006 the BBC showed a special anniversary program for
the anniversary of 911 events. The show was called 911: The
TwinTowers. The video is of great significance as you can see and hear
the Tower being demolished and hear the sequence of charges.

The sound allegedly has not been enhanced in any way and is even
distorted by the Google encoding yet sets itself in accord with the
testimony of most eyewitness testimony. That includes testimony from the
FDNY firefighters.

The building had 114 floors and took approximately 10 seconds to
collapse. In this video fourteen explosions can be heard in a period of
5 seconds dispelling any belief in a pancake theory. 


9/11 and Iraq - The Concealed Connection!

No, Iraq was not involved with, nor did its leader support Al Qaeda. No,
Iraq was not involved in the planning or operation of the 9/11 attacks.
And no, not a single alleged hijacker was an Iraqi. It's “no” to the
Iraq nexus all the way down the line.

That fact is a logical certainty which most people understand on some
level of awareness. The public realizes that the attacks of 9/11 and to
the Bush/PNAC invasion of Iraq are somehow interwoven, but most
Americans cannot bring themselves to deal with the correct cause and
effect sequence: Iraq was in no way responsible for what happened on
9/11, but 9/11 was in every way responsible for what happened in Iraq.


Their next massacre

The Green Zone government and its militias are attacking civilians
across Iraq to halt the resistance 

The US and all occupying forces are legally and morally responsible for
protecting all Iraqi civilians 

No level of atrocity can break the geopolitical unity and sovereignty of


There is no solution. 

We’ve destroyed Iraq and we’ve destroyed the region, and Americans need
to know this. - There was no civil war in Iraq until we got there. And
there was no civil war in Iraq, until we took certain steps to pit
Sunnis against Shias. And now it is just too late. But, we need to know
we are responsible for what’s happening in Iraq today. 


Bury my heart in the Green Zone

Everyone is guilty in the ongoing Iraq tragedy. The 

[media-dakwah] Kebohongan 9/11 Terbongkar : Barbara Olson Salah Satu Korban 9/11 Ternyata Masih Hidup dan Ditahan Di Eropa ?????

2005-09-23 Terurut Topik muslim insuffer

NOTE dari basor: Masih ingat dg nama Barbara Olson ? Salah satu korban 
peristiwa 9/11, yg menjadi sangat terkenal, karena pada saat pembajakan, 
dia sempat menelepon suaminya lewat handphone dari pesawat.

Secara resmi dinyatakan tewas di dalam pesawat pada peristiwa 9/11, setelah 
pesawatnya menabrak Pentagon. Ternyata dia masih hidup dan sedang ditahan 
di Eropa karena pelanggaran Imigrasi dan pemalsuan pasport.

Masihkah umat islam dipersalahkan atas peristiwa tragedi 9/11 ?


Salah satu korban peristiwa 9-11, masih hidup dan ditahan di Eropa

oleh Tom Flocco

Austria--September 22, 2005--TomFlocco.com--Dinas inteligen Amerika dan 
Perancis telah menahan Barbara Olson, istri bekas pejabat pemerintahan Bush 
, beberapa hari lalu di perbatasan Polandia-Austria, menurut penuturan agen 
Dinas Inteligen yg terkait dan mengetahui insiden tersebut.

Korban jatuhnya pesawat ke Pentagon pada peristiwa 9/11 tesebut tertangkap 
basah memiliki beberapa juta dalam mata uang Lyra Italia dg modus penipuan 
interbank, masih menurut keterangan agen-agen tsb.

Olson juga dinyatakan memiliki pasport Vatikan palsu dan ditahan atas 
tuduhan pemalsuan pasport.

Bekas komentator TV berita Fox dan anggota Aktifis Forum Wanita Independen 
ini, sempat menjadi berita utama pada peristiwa 9/11. Karena percakapannya 
dg suaminya Theodore Olson dari pesawat yg sedang dibajak untuk meminta 
bantuan dlm melawan para pembajak, yg telah mengambil alih pesawat 
penerbangan 77, dimana dinyatakan dlm press release pemerintah Bush jatuh 
dan menabrak Pentagon - anehnya tabrakan itu hanya mengakibatkan lubang di 
dinding Pentagon selebar 16 feet !!!

Ted Olson adalah bekas jaksa agung muda pada pemerintahan Bush, yg 
mempertanyakan aspek legal penghitungan ulang hasil pemilihan presiden 
Bush-Gore tahun 2000 yg kontroversial, di hadapan pengadilan tertinggi amerika.

Percakapan lewat hand phone nyonya Olson's dg suaminya telah dijadikan 
bukti paling kuat oleh Komisi Administrasi dan tragedi 9/11 bahwa jatuh dan 
tabrakan pesawat penerbangan American 77 pada Pentagon memang benar, 
dibandingkan bukti-bukti fisik yg meragukan.

Bukti-bukti kecelakaan Pentagon yg meragukan, telah begitu saja diabaikan 
dan dicoba disembunyikan, baik oleh Komisi tragedi 9/11 maupun oleh Komite 
Inteligen Gabungan Kongres, pada penyelidikan terpisah.

Berkenaan dg kerahasiaan dan sensisitnya penahanan tsb, investigasi dan 
interogasinya; salah satu sumber , yg menolak namanya disebutkan pada kasus 
ini, menyatakan kepada TomFlocco.com bahwa percakapan telepon Olson kepada 
suaminya adalah kebohongan dan rekayasa. Dan ini sangat berdampak buruk 
buruk pada pihak Pentagon daripada Olson.

Agen-agen tsb mengatakan bahwa pemberitaan penahanan bekas orang populer 
pertelevisian ini karena bukti pemalsuan dan pelanggaran imigrasi dan 
pasport sudah sangat jelas dan waktunya sangat tepat.

Menurut mereka, Barbara Olson dinyatakan terlibat dan menjadi konspirator 
rekayasa pembantaian/pembunuhan masal 3,000 korban pada peristiwa September 
11, 2001 ; yaitu serangan teroris pada World Trade Center, Pentagon dan 
jatuhnya pesawat di southwestern Pennsylvania.

Penahanan Olson dan kemungkinan munculnya di persidangan di United States, 
tidak disangsikan lagi akan membawa dampak yg luar biasa; atas hearing yg 
sedang berlangsung ttg kasus Able Danger di Senate dan dua penyelidikan 
yg lalu, oleh Komite Inteligen Kongres Gabungan dan Komisi Tragedi 9/11.

Diterjemahkan dari versi bahasa Inggris : 



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[media-dakwah] Afghanistan, Iraq Menjadi Negara paling Korup di Dunia

2005-10-20 Terurut Topik muslim insuffer

In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful

=== News Update ===

Afghanistan, Iraq Menjadi Negara paling Korup di Dunia

Irish Sun
Wednesday 19th October, 2005

Irak menjadi negara terkorup di wilayah Arab dan Timur Tengah, dan 
Afghanistan menjadi negara terkorup di antara negara-negara Asia Tengah. 
Setelah ke dua negara ini di-merdeka-kan dan di-freedom-kan oleh 
demokrasinya Amerika.

The Berlin-based Transparency International's 2005 Corruption Perceptions 
Index (CPI), mengeluarkan pernyataan pada hari Rabu, yang menunjukkan bahwa 
lebih dari sepertiga dari 159 negara-negara yang disurvei, mendapatkan 
score kurang dari lima, dimana 10 adalah score paling bersih dari korupsi. 
Ini menunjukkan tingkat  korupsi yang sangat serius pada sebagian besar 
negara yang disurvei.

Irak mendapatkan score 2.2 merupakan ranking yang hampir menempati posisi 
paling bawah, demikian juga Afghanistan dengan score 2.5. Negara-negara 
paling parah adalah Bangladesh dan Chad dengan score 1.7. Negara-negara 
bekas pecahan Uni Soviet menunjukkan performance yang buruk di wilayah Asia 
Tengah, dengan Afghanistan menempati posisi paling buruk.

Indonesia tidak memperlihatkan tanda-tanda perbaikan dibandingkan era 
Suharto, dengan score sama dengan Irak yaitu 2.2. Inilah kenyataan 
mengenaskan yang harus kita hadapi, juga merupakan pil pahit yang terpaksa 
kita telan.

Artikel lengkapnya:


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[media-dakwah] Cincinnati Mosque Bombed

2005-12-22 Terurut Topik muslim insuffer

In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful

=== News Update ===

Mosque door damaged by explosion

By Eileen Kelley
Enquirer staff writer
Wednesday, December 21, 2005


Members of the Islamic Association of Cincinnati (who declined to be
identified) inspect damages the front entrances of two buildings at
their Clifton mosque.

CLIFTON - An explosion damaged a door Tuesday night at the Islamic
Association of Cincinnati Mosque on Clifton Avenue, police said.

No one was injured, but several streets in Clifton's Gaslight District
were blocked as investigators and bomb-sniffing dogs scoured the area.

The building, also known as the Clifton Mosque, was closed at the
time. Evening prayers had ended about 8 p.m.

Police said they got a call at 10:10 from someone about five blocks
away saying they heard an explosion in the area. About 12 minutes
later, a neighbor of the mosque called to say they had heard what
seemed to be an explosion at the mosque.

Police rushed to the scene, but pulled back because of concerns
another bomb might go off. Police continued to sweep the area with
bomb-sniffing dogs at 12:30 a.m., but had found no other explosives.

Cincinnati Police Capt. Gene Hamann said there were no witnesses. FBI
investigators arrived at the scene shortly after midnight.

The Islamic Association has two buildings, one a two-story brick house
and the other an attached worship center that opened about two years
ago. The explosion apparently occurred on a porch outside a door at
the house, which formerly served as the mosque.

The blast caused some damage to the door.

About 300-500 people worship at the mosque on a typical Friday, said
Karen Dabdoub, director of the Council on American-Islamic Relations.

This is very disturbing, she said. And not only for this mosque and
our community, but for the Islamic community in and around Greater

Imtiaz Ahmad, 48, who worships at the mosque, said it has had no
problems since the 9/11 attacks.

The mosque sits among many churches. Hebrew Union College also is nearby.

E-mail ekelley @ enquirer.com

Related News:

ADC Calls For Immediate Investigation Into Explosion at Cincinnati Mosque


Washington, DC, December 21, 2005 -- The American-Arab
Anti-Discrimination Committee (ADC) stands in solidarity with the
Arab-American, and Muslim community in Ohio, after an explosion
damaged a door Tuesday night at the Islamic Association of Cincinnati

The explosion rocked the surrounding area after evening prayers had
ended. However, no one was injured in the blast. About 300-500 people
worship at the mosque on a typical Friday.

ADC President Mary Rose Oakar said, ADC calls on law enforcement
officials, public officials, and leadership in Cincinnati to undertake
immediate measures to expedite the investigation into this terrible
incident, and to determine the nature of this explosion.



(WASHINGTON, D.C., 12/21/2005) - The Council on American-Islamic
Relations (CAIR) today announced a $5,000 reward for information
leading to the arrest and conviction of the perpetrators of a double
bombing late yesterday that damaged an Ohio mosque.

The FBI and local authorities are investigating two explosions that
damaged the Islamic Association of Cincinnati, also known as the
Clifton Mosque. No injuries were reported.

SEE: Two Explosions Reported at Ohio Mosque

CAIR's Ohio office held a news conference this morning inside the
mosque with local and national law enforcement authorities, interfaith
leaders and elected officials.

Vandalism or other possible bias-related incidents have been reported
recently at mosques in Pennsylvania, Florida, Texas, Nebraska,
California, and New York. The Washington-based group is urging Muslim
institutions nationwide to review security procedures using advice
contained in CAIR's Muslim Community Safety Kit. (See excerpts from
the kit below.)

The safety kit may be obtained free of charge by e-mailing:
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Include name, address and phone number when
requesting the safety kit.) It may also be ordered at:

CAIR, America's largest Muslim civil liberties group, has 31 offices
and chapters nationwide and in Canada. Its mission is to enhance the
understanding of Islam, encourage dialogue, protect civil liberties,
empower American Muslims, and build coalitions that promote justice
and mutual understanding.

To read CAIR's Mission, Vision Statement and Core Principles, go to:

CONTACT: CAIR-OH President, Ahmad Al-Akhras, 614-989-5916, E-Mail:
[EMAIL PROTECTED]; CAIR-Cincinnati Director Karen Dabdoub,
513-604-, E-Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]; 

[media-dakwah] Politisi anggota Congress Amerika, Ekonom Ternama dan Para Ahli Terkenal Menyatakan 9/11 Rekayasa Pemerintah Amerika!!!

2006-01-02 Terurut Topik muslim insuffer

In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful

=== News Update ===

Top Politicians, Economists, Other Leaders State 9/11 an Inside Job

* Morgan Reynolds, Former Chief Economist under President Bush
* Paul Craig Roberts, Assistant Secretary of Treasury under Pres. Reagan
* U.S. Senator Mark Dayton
* U.S. Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney
* Robert M. Bowman, Head of Advanced Space Programs, Dept. of Defense
* Michael Meacher, UK Minister of Environment (1997 - 2003)
* Professor David Ray Griffin, Renowned Theologian
* Catherine Austin Fitts, Assistant Secretary of Housing For President 
These prominent leaders and others now claim that there are serious 
problems with the official government story of 9/11. Some of these highly 
respected individuals believe that 9/11 may have been an inside job. It can 
be very unsettling to even consider the possibility that certain 
individuals within our government  facilitated the attacks in order to 
advance their hidden agendas. Yet the facts increasingly point in that 

Morgan Reynolds, Former Chief Economist under President Bush

June 13, 2005, Washington Times/ UPI


A former Bush team member during his first administration is now voicing 
serious doubts about the collapse of the World Trade Center on 9-11. Former 
chief  economist for the Department of Labor during President George W. 
Bush's first term Morgan Reynolds comments that the official story about 
the collapse of the WTC is bogus and that it is more likely that a 
controlled demolition destroyed the Twin Towers and adjacent Building No. 7.

More on Reynolds :

If demolition destroyed three steel skyscrapers at the World Trade Center 
on 9/11, then the case for an 'inside job' and a government attack on 
America would be compelling, said Morgan Reynolds, Ph.D, a former member 
of the Bush team. Reynolds, now a professor emeritus at Texas AM 
University, also believes it's next to impossible that 19 Arab terrorists 
alone outfoxed the mighty U.S. military, adding the scientific conclusions 
about the WTC collapse may hold the key to the entire mysterious plot 
behind 9/11. Reynolds...claims explosives and structural experts have been 
intimidated in their analyses of the collapses of 9/11. In a detailed 
analysis just released supporting the controlled demolition theory, 
Reynolds presents a compelling case.

Paul Craig Roberts, Assistant Sect. of Treasury under Pres. Reagan


Website of Stanford's Hoover Institute describes Roberts

The Honorable Paul Craig Roberts is a senior fellow at the Hoover 
Institution. During 1981­82, he served as assistant secretary of the 
Treasury for economic policy. He was awarded the Treasury Department's 
Meritorious Service Award for his outstanding contributions to the 
formulation of United States economic policy. A former editor and 
columnist for the Wall Street Journal and columnist for Business Week...the 
Forbes Media Guide ranked him as one of its top seven journalists. He has 
testified before committees of Congress on 30 occasions.

Las Vegas Tribune's July 29, 2005 article on Roberts :

Roberts said he hasn't changed his political ideology or jumped from the 
Republican-conservative ship but just can't respect a party leadership who 
doesn't respect the truth. I guess the real story about 9/11 is about 
what the people are actually saying. I've gotten hundreds of emails in 
response to my columns and many of them talk about not getting the truth 
from the government or the media about what really happened at the World 
Trade Center. I know many qualified engineers and scientists have said the 
WTC collapsed from explosives. In fact, if you look at the manner in which 
it fell, you have to give their conclusions credibility.

U.S. Senator Mark Dayton

July 31, 2004, The Star-Tribune (Minneapolis - St. Paul)


Sen. Mark Dayton, D-Minn., charged...that the Federal Aviation 
Administration (FAA) and the North American Aerospace Defense Command 
(NORAD) have covered up catastrophic failures that left the nation 
vulnerable during the Sept. 11 hijackings. For almost three years now, 
NORAD officials and FAA officials have been able to  hide their critical 
failures that left this country defenseless during two of the worst hours 
in our history, Dayton declared during a Senate Governmental Affairs 
Committee hearing. Dayton said NORAD officials lied to the American 
people, they lied to Congress and they lied to your 9/11 commission to 
create a false impression of competence, 

[media-dakwah] Terror in the Name of US War's Error - Headlines News 5 Muharram 1427 H - 4.2.06

2006-02-05 Terurut Topik muslim insuffer


In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful

=== News Update ===


NEW AMERICA MEDIA EDITOR'S NOTE: The lampooning of the prophet Muhammad by 
a series of Danish newspaper cartoons should not be defended in the name of 
freedom of the press and expression, writes Rene Ciria-Cruz, an editor at 
New America Media and Filipinas Magazine.

SAN FRANCISCO--Why are some Western commentators casting the controversy 
over the Danish cartoons lampooning the prophet Muhammad as a challenge to 
freedom of expression and of the press? They should instead view the 
controversy as a challenge to journalists to renew their sense of respect 
for different cultures and religious beliefs.


Cartoons and the clash of 'freedoms'

The post-September 11 era, as with the preceding ones, has its own 
collection of heroes and villains. What seems to be notably different about 
the era after the terror attacks in 2001 is that no subject, and nothing, 
is sacred in the West, especially when it comes to Muslims and Islam. The 
escalating controversy about publishing a series of cartoons - first in 
some Scandinavian papers, and then in a number of newspapers from other 
countries of the European Union - of the Prophet Mohammed is the most 
recent example of that development.


Letter from Interfaith Freedom Foundation To Reporters Without Borders 
regarding cartoon issue

Thought you might like to see my e-mail yesterday to Reporters Without 
Borders, an organization I usually support strongly. I thought they took 
exactly the wrong tone in today's alert appealing for calm on the 
Denmark-cartoon issue. They seemed to lecture Muslims without offering even 
the slightest indication that the Danish newspaper did anything wrong, much 
less indicate that people of faith have a right to respond to it.

The Interfaith Freedom Foundation is a civil rights organzation advocating 
for religious minorities. Most of our advocacy has been for Sikhs and 
Muslims. Our Board of Directors includes Christians, Muslims, Jews, Sikhs, 
Buddhists and Hindus. I am Christian.

Here is the link to the Reporters Without Borders Statement


Cartoon row gives Muslims new spirit: Saudi cleric

RIYADH (Reuters) - A leading preacher in Saudi Arabia proclaimed a new 
spirit of defiance among Muslims after worldwide protests over cartoons of 
the Prophet Mohammad in European newspapers.


Cartoonist: We don't apologize for opinions

Doug Marlette defends his work, Insists humour mistaken for hate

You would think that after drafting an editorial cartoon that brought the 
wrath of Islam down on his head, a man would think twice about stepping 
back into the fray. But Doug Marlette, a Pulitzer-prize winning cartoonist 
from North Carolina, says he admires the European newspapers that are 
defending their right to publish controversial cartoons of the Prophet 


Disgusting Danish chauvinism

The Danish daily Jyllands-Posten is defending its deliberate Muhammad 
provocation with the freedom of expression. In 1984, the newspaper 
supported a demand for removing a wall painting at Birkeroed Railway 
Station picturing Jesus with an erected penis. And in 2004, Jyllands-Posten 
backed the actions of an Israeli ambassador when he destroyed a Palestinian 
exposition in Sweden, which pictured a suicide bomber. Jyllands-Posten is 


9/11: Avoiding the hard questions
* How did a fire fed by jet fuel, which at most burns at 1,700 degrees 
Fahrenheit, cause the collapse of the Twin Towers, built of steel that 
melts at 2,800 degrees? (Most experts agree that the impact of airliners, 
made mostly of lightweight aluminum, should not have been enough alone to 
cause structural failure.) How could a single planeload of burning jet fuel 
-- most of which flared off in the initial fireball -- cause the South 
World Trade Center tower to collapse in just 56 minutes?
* Why did building WTC-7 fall, though no aircraft struck it? Fire alone 
had never before caused a steel skyscraper to collapse.
* Why did all three buildings collapse largely into their own 
footprints -- in the style of a controlled demolition?
* Why did no U.S. 

[media-dakwah] The Cartoons are a purposeful provocation

2006-02-05 Terurut Topik muslim insuffer


In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful

=== News Update ===

Cartoons are a purposeful provocation


MUSLIM-INSUFFER note: Mereka bukan orang bodoh yg tidak tahu dan tidak 
sensitif masalah itu, tetapi memang Pelecehan Rasulullah dg gambar 
karikatur tsb jelas2 disengaja ... untuk PROVOKASI. Kalau memang mereka 
konsisten dg FREE SPEECH yg dibangga-banggakan itu, kenapa suara2 yg 
mempertanyakan dan mengungkap ttg kebohongan dan penipuan HOLOCAUST Israel; 
dibungkam dan dijebloskan ke penjara. Mana itu ... FREE SPEECH ??

Under the guise of free speech, a leading Danish newspaper published a 
dozen provocative anti-Islamic cartoons clearly designed to offend Muslims. 
The predictable result has greatly increased the possibility of violence 
and left Denmark in a costly and dangerous predicament.

Four months after Jyllands-Posten (JP), Denmark's most widely read morning 
paper, published 12 anti-Islamic cartoons, Danes woke up to the fact that 
there is a very high price to be paid for promoting the clash of 

The fact that the editors behind the anti-Islamic images claim to be 
exercising free speech while refusing to address Europe's strict censorship 
laws regarding discussion of the Holocaust and the ongoing imprisonment of 
historical revisionists reveals the existence of a more sinister agenda 
behind the provocative cartoons.

Agents of certain persuasion are behind the egregious affront to Islam in 
order to provoke Muslims, Professor Mikael Rothstein of the University of 
Copenhagen told the BBC. The key agent is Flemming Rose, the cultural 
editor of JP, who commissioned cartoonists to produce the blasphemous 
images and then published them in Denmark's leading morning paper last 

The International Herald Tribune, which reported on the offensive cartoons 
on January 1, noted that even the liberalism of Rose had its limits when it 
came to criticism of Zionist leaders and their crimes. Rose also has clear 
ties to the Zionist Neo-Cons behind the war on terror.

Rose told the international paper owned by The New York Times that he 
would not publish a cartoon of Israel's Ariel Sharon strangling a 
Palestinian baby, since that could be construed as 'racist.'

Asked why he was protecting Sharon, a known war criminal, while abusing 
Muslims and their Prophet in the name of free speech, Rose told American 
Free Press that he had been misquoted in the Times article.

Rose traveled to Philadelphia in October 2004 to visit Daniel Pipes, the 
Neo-Con ideologue who says the only path to Middle East peace will come 
through a total Israeli military victory. Rose then penned a positive 
article about Pipes, who compares militant Islam with fascism and communism.

In April 2003, President George W. Bush nominated the rabid anti-Muslim 
Pipes to the board of the United States Institute of Peace, a 
congressionally sponsored think tank dedicated to the peaceful resolution 
of international conflicts.

Ministers from 17 Muslim nations condemned the publication of the cartoons 
as an egregious offence to Islam and called on the Danish government to 
ensure that it would not be repeated.

When the Danish government, which supports the war on terror with more 
than 500 troops in Iraq, refused to issue an apology for the offensive 
cartoons, Muslim consumers across the Middle East began a boycott of Danish 

Within days the boycott had severely affected Danish exporters and the 
politicians in Copenhagen scrambled to undo the damage. Arla Foods, a large 
Danish-Swedish dairy company, was badly hit by the boycott. The company, 
which had annual sales of some $480 million in the Middle East, saw its 
sales in the region plummet to nil as Muslim shopkeepers pulled Danish 
products off the shelves.

We have taken 40 years to build up a very big business in the Middle East, 
and we've seen it come to a complete stop in five days, company 
spokeswoman Astrid Gade Niels told the BBC.

Our sales in the Middle East have come to a complete stop - in all 
countries in the region, she said. We have found ourselves in the middle 
of a game that we have no part in.

As the boycott damaged Danish business and a bomb scare closed the office 
of his newspaper, Rose continued to defend his decision to commission and 
publish the offensive cartoons. We stand by the publication of these 12 
cartoons, he said.

Asked if he would have done it knowing what the reaction would be, Rose 
said: That is a hypothetical question. I would say that I do not regret 
having commissioned those cartoons and I think asking me that question is 
like asking a rape victim if she regrets wearing a short skirt Friday night 
at the discotheque.

The dangerous game that was started by the Danish editor has now been 
picked up by at least 7 newspapers across Europe

[media-dakwah] Terror in the Name of US War's Error - Headlines News 8 Muharram 1427 H - 7.2.06

2006-02-06 Terurut Topik muslim insuffer


In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful

=== News Update ===

Danish paper rejected Jesus cartoons

Jyllands-Posten, the Danish newspaper that first published the cartoons of 
the prophet Muhammad that have caused a storm of protest throughout the 
Islamic world, refused to run drawings lampooning Jesus Christ, it has 
emerged today.

This ends the claim that this is a free-speech issue.


Europe's Defamation of the Prophet

Indeed the only freedom of speech left in the west is bashing Islam 
otherwise it does have its limits. In Europe you can be prosecuted for 
questioning the extant of the Holocaust or criticizing Israel’s policy 
given western indoctrination that such “freedom” is Anti-Semitic.” Israel 
and its bloody history is now the “Holy Grail” for the civilized west, the 
champions of human rights.


Intended Insults: Unintended Consequences

On 31 January, Carsten Juste, editor-in-chief of Jyllands-Posten, published 
an open letter to Muslims saying he was sorry that Muslims took offence 
from the cartoons (which his cultural editor had commissioned for the 
express purpose of causing offence). In that caricature of an apology he 
did not admit that the paper had done anything wrong. Rather he blamed the 
Muslims' poor understanding of the Danish culture for their getting so 
upset. Then he wondered, as did many media pundits, why Muslims were not 
buying his apology.


When Freedom of Expression Becomes a Weapon

Our news sources informed us that due solely to these images “outrage 
sweeps across the Muslim world.” Such coverage has elicited miles of text 
and a Babel of blather denouncing those who would dare threaten OUR freedom 
of speech because it offends THEIR “backward” beliefs


The misplaced defense of free speech

Now how well do Danes know their cultural past, if the thoughts of their 
finest thinker sound alien to them today? And are Muslims to be blamed if 
Westerners have themselves allowed the commerce of decadent capitalism to 
make them forget some of best features of their intellectual heritage?

For myself, the free speech defense for the cartoons rings hollow coming 
at a time when historians are being thrown in prison for questioning the 
history of WW2.


Neo-cons use Denmark as their latest tool to bring about the Clash of 

Denmark is at the center of the ongoing neo-con plot to bring about a 
bloody military confrontation between the West and Islam. This Clash of 
Civilizations is a hallmark of the neo-con philosophy and is most 
exemplified in the writings of Prof. Samuel Huntington and Daniel Pipes.


Cartoon protests turn deadly

 From Afghanistan to Indonesia, tens of thousands of Muslims around the 
world have launched a series of new protests -- some violent -- over 
cartoons depicting Prophet Mohammed.

Now, who benefits of Christians and Muslims kill each other off?


9/11: Hilter's Rise to Power, a Mini History

Read the Article below. Just do some mental substitutions with recent 
historical events and what happened in Germany. (For example the 9/11 
attack could substitute for the Reichstag terrorist case.) The Germans gave 
up their civil liberties to allow the government to protect them against 
Communist Terrorists. It is interesting that following the importation of 
German scientists of Project Paperclip, the US began to wage the cold war 
against Germany's old boogeymaen: Communist. And now our big boogeymen are 


News Release Issued by the International Secretariat of Amnesty International

Guantánamo: A life sentence of suffering and stigmatization

In a new report published today, Amnesty International revealed how the US 
detention centre at Guantánamo Bay, Cuba is condemning thousands across the 
world to a life of suffering, torment and stigmatization.

For a full copy of “Guantánamo: Lives torn apart ­ The impact of indefinite 
detention on detainees and their families”, please see:

Cruel. Inhuman. Degrades us all. Stop torture and ill-treatment in the war 
on terror. For more information on AI's campaign see:

All AI documents on the USA:


Who Will Save America?

When I saw that the neoconservative response to 9/11 was to turn a war 
against stateless terrorism 

[media-dakwah] Kebohongan Denmark Terbongkar: Media Denmark Menolak Karikatur Pelecehan Yesus

2006-02-06 Terurut Topik muslim insuffer


In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful

=== News Update ===

Kebohongan Denmark Terbongkar: Media Denmark Menolak Karikatur Pelecehan 
Yesus, 3 Tahun Yang Lalu

Gwladys Fouché and agencies
Monday February 6, 2006

MUSLIMINSUFFER Note: Kata bangsa Denmark, melecehkan dan menginjak-injak 
nabi Muhammad saw dan umat islam; itu adalah demi kebebasan pers, kebebasan 
berbicara, FREEDOM of SPEECH. Tetapi kalau mengungkap dan membongkar 
kebohongan HOLOCAUST Yahudi, maka itu adalah pengkhianatan dan tindakan 
un-PATRIOTIC, dan hukumannya adalah dikebloskan ke penjara dan dirampas 
kebebasan berbicaranya. Kebohongan demi kebohongan makin terungkap, 
ternyata media masa Denmark MENOLAK untuk menayangkan karikatur tentang 

Jyllands-Posten, media massa Denmark yang mempublikasikan pertama kali 
karikatur pelecehan terhadap nabi Muhammad, yang telah menyebabkan badai 
protes menyeluruh di dunia islam, ternyata menolak untuk memasang gambar 
pelecehan Yesus kristus. Fakta ini terbongkar dan menyeruak hari ini.

Harian Denmark ini membatalkan pemasangan karikatur Yesus tersebut 3 tahun 
yang lalu, atas dasar ini akan menghina dan menyakitkan para pembacanya dan 
yang jelas itu tidak lucu lagi.

Pada bulan April 2003, Christoffer Zieler seorang ilustrator media Denmark 
memasukkan serial kartun karikatur tentang Kebangkitan Yesus Kristus kepada 
Jyllands-Posten dan akhirnya ditolak.

Zieler menerima balasan email dari editor mingguan media masa ini, Jens 
Kaiser, yang mengatakan: Saya yakin para pembaca Jyllands-Posten tidak 
akan bisa menerima gambar ini. Fakta yang akan muncul, saya yakin bahwa 
gambar-gambar tersebut akan memprovokasi timbulnya histeria. Maka dari itu, 
saya tidak akan menayangkannya.

Kartunis ini mengatakan kepada harian Norwegia Dagbladet, yang bisa 
terbaca di email: Saya menilai bahwa kartun tersebut adalah sekedar 
lelucon saja, sehingga kakek sayapun akan menikmatinya.

Saya perlihatkan gambar-gambar itu kepada beberapa pastur dan mereka pikir 
itu lucu.

Ia katakan bahwa ia merasa Jyllands-Posten menganggap perasaan pembaca dari 
umat kristen jauh lebih tinggi dibandingkan pembaca muslim.

Tetapi editor Jyllands-Posten, Mr Kaiser, saat dikonfirmasi, mengatakan 
kepada MediaGuardian.co.uk bahwa kasusnya jelas berbeda, ini sangat 
menggelikan untuk mengungkapkannya sekarang. Ini tidak ada hubungannya 
dengan karikatur Muhammad.

Pada kasus gambar Muhammad, kami meminta ahli ilustrator untuk membuatnya. 
Saya tidak meminta untuk dibuatkan gambar Yesus itu. Itulah perbedaannya, 
ia berkata.

Sang ilustrator mengira hasil karikaturnya lucu. Saya tidak berpikir 
demikian. Itu akan menyakitkan bagi beberapa pembaca, tak banyak tetapi ada.

Perkataan seperti ini menandakan double-standards, kata Ahmed Akkari, 
juru bicara Komite Pemuliaan Rasulullah di Eropa yang berbasis di Denmark 
(Danish-based European Committee for Prophet Honouring), payung organisasi 
yang mewakili 27 organisasi Muslim yang menuntut permintaan ma'af penuh 
terhadap Jyllands-Posten.

Bagaimana bisa Jyllands-Posten kedua kasus tersebut? Sungguh-sungguh 
mereka harus mengerti, Mr Akkari menambahkan.

Sementara itu, editor media masa Malaysia mengundurkan diri di akhir minggu 
setelah memuat salah satu karikatur pelecehan Muhammad, yang menimbulkan 
badai protes di seluruh dunia islam.

Malaysia's Sunday Tribune, berbasis di negara bagian Sarawak, pulau 
kalimantan, menayangkan salah satu karikatur tersebut pada hari sabtu. 
Tidak jelas yang mana dari ke12 gambar itu yang dicetak ulang.

Dicetak di halaman 12 surat kabar tersebut, gambar itu menjadi ilustrasi 
artikel tentang kontroversi rendahnya reaksi masyarakat di Malaysia, sebuah 
negara yang mayoritas muslim.

Surat kabar itu menyatakan permintaan ma'af dan penyesalan atas pemberitaan 
yang tak bertanggung jawab itu, di pemberitaan halaman depan hari minggunya.

· To contact the MediaGuardian newsdesk email 
7239 9857

· If you are writing a comment for publication, please mark clearly for 

source: Diterjemahkan dari Danish paper rejected Jesus cartoons

Related articles
with well-planned spontaneity
fatwas and online anti-Jew images
ablaze as Muslim anger spreads
controversy spreads
and calls for vengeance

[media-dakwah] Terror in the Name of US War's Error - Headlines News 9 Muharram 1427 H - 8.2.06

2006-02-07 Terurut Topik muslim insuffer


In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful

=== News Update ===

Cartoon of Prophet Muhammad: Everything indicates that CIA were the real 
sender of the provocation, a typical CIA operation.
* The CIA of the US and the MOSSAD of Israel are behind practically ALL 
big political provocations and false-flag operations on the planet. The 
burden of proof therefore in every case lies with them.
* Bush stands soon completely isolated in his aggression against Iraq. 
Only few of the vasal states, including Denmark, have not yet left or are 
not leaving Iraq
* Bush therefore needs to spread the war out again and involve Europe 
by playing the religious card. A provocation of the muslims at the 
religious level involving at least one European country is a perfect solution.

And which country in Europe is more ideal for this purpose than Denmark:
* her prime minister is one of Bushs close friends and has been 
allowed to eat breakfast with Bush
* as well in the maximally criminal war of aggression against Iraq as 
in all other relations Denmark is the 100 % loyal servant of the US, for 
instance also in the case of the next US war target, Iran
* the Danish people as a whole is self-centered and without power of 
resistance to manipulation
* the country is governed by a coalion of rightwing parties dominated 
by the extremist rightwing party Fremskridtspartiet
* there is no noteworthy political opposition
* together with the newspapers Ekstrabladet and Jyllandsposten, 
Fremskridtspartiet for 10 – 15 years has conducted a daily hate campaign 
against all immigrants, in particular the muslims
* the weakest founded 2/3 of the natives thereby have assumed a hostile 
attitude to the muslims.


Muslim boycott hits Danish firms hard- One firm losing $1.8 million a day

(CNN) -- A boycott of Danish goods called by Muslim leaders over the 
publishing of cartoons of Prophet Mohammed is dealing a blow to the 
nation's businesses. Oil giant Iran became the latest nation to impose 
penalties, saying on Monday it would cut off all trade ties with Denmark. 
Reuters reported that Iran imports $280 million worth of goods from Denmark 
a year.


Cartoon editor Fleming Rose and the tentacles of PNAC

It turns out the editor who originally publshed the offensive Muslim 
cartoons is a disciple of Daniel Pipes and the clash of civilizations 
theory put out by Project for a New American Century. PNAC is the outfit 
that called for a Pearl Harbor event' in order to initiate a global war 
against the Muslim world.


A clash of rights and responsibilities

Western governments have reacted with noticeable caution over the cartoons 
of the Prophet Muhammad. The last thing these governments want is another 
confrontation in which Islam is seen to be pitched against the West. The 
strategy therefore is to try to prevent this from becoming a clash of 

Officials fear Islamic radicals will exploit the issue, further justifying 
their case that the West is basically hostile to Islam. Islamist websites 
are already calling for revenge attacks. But it has become a clash of 
culture, an argument about how far free speech should prevail over the 
sensitivities of a religious or other group.


Free speech is not absolute

Concerning the egregious cartoons of Prophet Muhammad: Freedom of 
expression ends where religious bigotry and religious hatred begin.

The noble purpose of freedom of expression should be to promote 
understanding among multicultural communities, which will create healthier, 
stronger and more diverse societies, and not to insult other's beliefs.

It should be no more acceptable to scream Prophet Muhammad is a terrorist 
from the cartoon section of a major daily than it would be to yell The 
Holocaust is a myth in a crowded synagogue. Freedom of speech is not absolute.



So what do you do for a living? the activist asked me. He was an American 
Christian, an ordained minister and leader of an interfaith peace 
organization. I was attending a conference organized by his group.

I produce Islamic videos and programs, particularly for children, I replied.

Oh. Doesn't Hamas produce programs for children, too? he asked.


Video/Transcript: Ali Abunimah vs. Fouad Ajami - re Muhammad cartoons

Yesterday (Feb 6, 2006) Ali AbuNimah appeared on the PBS Newshour with Jim 
Lehrer and debated Fouad Ajami, director of Middle East studies at Johns 
Hopkins University's School of Advanced International Studies, about 

[media-dakwah] Terror in the Name of US War's Error - Headlines News 17 Muharram 1427 H - 16.2.06

2006-02-15 Terurut Topik muslim insuffer


In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful

=== News Update ===

Italian minister puts Mohammad cartoon on T-shirts

I have had T-shirts made with the cartoons that have upset Islam and I 
will start wearing them today, Ansa quoted Calderoli as saying.

ROME (Reuters) - Italy's Reform Minister Roberto Calderoli has had T-shirts 
made emblazoned with cartoons of the Prophet Mohammad in a move that could 
embarrass Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi's government. Calderoli, a 
member of the anti-immigrant Northern League party, told Ansa news agency 
on Tuesday that the West had to stand up against Islamist extremists and 
offered to hand out T-shirts to anyone who wanted them.


Racist cartoons: Why Muslims have a right to be angry

The Danish government's defence of the publication by a Danish newspaper of 
caricatures of the prophet Mohammed, including one with the 7th century 
Arab religious leader wearing a turban with a bomb attached to it, has 
provoked widespread protests by justifiably angry Muslims around the world.


In their own words: the politics behind the anti-Muslim cartoons

Common to the statements of virtually all of the pundits and politicians 
who have come to the defense of the Danish government and Jyllands-Posten 
in the controversy over the newspaper’s publication of anti-Muslim cartoons 
is a refusal to consider the political context which gave rise to these 
ugly and offensive caricatures.





The Political Uses of Free Speech

I empathize with those baffled by the rapidly spiraling controversy around 
the series of cartoons depicting Prophet Muhammad.

The cartoons were first published in the Danish paper, Jyllands-Posten, 
nearly five months ago, in September. The initial protest was limited to 
Denmark’s Muslim minority but was brushed off by both government and civil 
society. This is when some of the ultra- conservative Danish imams took 
matters into their own hands and set off for Saudi Arabia and Egypt, with a 
dossier containing the inflammatory cartoons. Last week came the diplomatic 
explosion: Saudi Arabia recalled its ambassador in Denmark and Libya shut 
its embassy. There followed the boycott of Danish goods, demonstrations, 
strikes, flag-burning, and now fires set to embassies in Damascus and Beirut.


Muslim outrage was consciously instigated by Rose and his neocon friends

Let me tell you a few things about blasphemy. Been there, done it. Got 
expelled from high school for it.

That was a few decades ago, and for those seeking titillation, I’ll give 
you the details at the end of this screed. First I have to tell you about a 
massive propaganda coup. You’ve been had by some of the most bigoted people 
in the world -- and I’m not talking about Muslim fundamentalists.


Cartoons, Voltaire, and the Non-Clash of Civilisations

Muslims in their millions across the globe have shown the world that there 
are things worth fighting for, other than oil and reconstruction contracts.

Who said politics was boring, as Mark Warner the former Governor of 
Virginia said recently that politics was not a battle between right and 
left, or between conservative and liberal but between the past and the 
future. In the battle of ideas around the cartoons controversy, the Muslims 
are advocating the future whereas the west remains wedded to the past.


Blasphemous Cartoons: An Opportunity for Unity, Activism, and Protest for 
Muslim Americans

Only U.S. Muslims as a community (200 protested in Philadelphia) have not 
launched a large protest against these cartoons. We continue with deft 
diplomacy that will have no bearing or impact upon the national intellect 
or psyche shaped by media portrayals and islamophobes. We all know this 
nation thrives and is spoon fed by politicians who are in turn spoon fed by 
activists and lobbyists, in particular the Pro-Israel lobby, who in turn 
use the media to turn up the heat.


[media-dakwah] Terror in the Name of US War's Error - Headlines News 18 Muharram 1427 H - 17.2.06

2006-02-16 Terurut Topik muslim insuffer


In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful

=== News Update ===

Nobody has the right to spread slander, libel or bigotry in the name of 
freedom of speech

Pay attention to the end of the above quote­“absolutely no public value.” 
The point is not that the cartoons of Muhammad insulted or upset 
Muslims­offensive speech is defensible­but they gratuitously and 
maliciously enraged Muslims by falsely equating Islam with legitimate armed 
resistance to Israel’s illegal Occupation of Palestine.


Western Standard’s publishing of cartoons is deplorable says MP Dr. Keith 

Victoria, BC - The Western Standard’s decision to publish a number of 
controversial cartoons of the Prophet Mohammed is a cruel and potentially 
destructive act of utter irresponsibility. Using the right of freedom of 
the press as a pathetic fig leaf of an excuse to print these cartoons 
demonstrates at a minimum, a deplorable lack of insight into race 
relations, and at worst a cruel insensitivity towards Muslims.

For further information please contact Dr. Keith Martin at: (250) 
474-6505  or e-mail him here:


Denmark Has Lost Its Innocence

See: http://www.cpcml.ca/Tmld2006/D36016.htm#1


Anti-Muslim cartoons published in Australia



FBI Investigating Mich. Mosque Attacks

Authorities are investigating a series of attacks on Detroit-area Muslims, 
including an assault on a cleric who was hit with a shovel and reports that 
a group of youths threw shoes at worshippers in a mosque.


The Politics of Fear (or How Tony Blair Misled Us over the War on Terror)

see: http://www.commondreams.org/headlines06/0215-09.htm


What the terrorism law means for British Muslims

He could not do much about global poverty or debt, neither has he made 
Britain a more equal society. We can safely assume that Tony Blair wants 
his legacy to be the man who 'stood up' to terrorism and made the country 
safe. Despite a severe mauling in the press yesterday, particularly in the 
Daily Mail and The Independent, Tony Blair managed to win the battle in 
passing through a law on glorifying terrorism last night - by 315 to 277 votes.


UN report blasts Guantanamo prison, says detainees should be tried or freed

The world body also called on the United States to refrain from practices 
that amount to torture.



The people of the United States stand at that point right now. That the US 
Government is using torture on POWs (just as Hitler did) is beyond 
argument. One can either stand up and denounce that torture and demand the 
firing of all who took part in it (and the end of the war), or one is by 
default complicit, an accessory after the fact, seen by all to condone such 

Anyone who steps across that line is trapped. Unable to look at what they 
themselves have become they will refuse to look at what the government has 
become, indeed will create or accept any justification, no matter how thin 
and transparent, rather than question that government. And indeed this web 
site gets email from people who have already crossed that point, and are 
trying to explain why torture is really necessary this time.


More Proof of Prewar Intelligence Manipulation by the Bush Administration

Writing in the March/April 2006 issue of Foreign Affairs, Paul R. Pillar 
has launched a furious assault on the Bush administration for its 
manipulation of prewar intelligence about Iraq's weapons of mass 
destruction (WMD) and links to al Qaeda. Mr. Pillar should know, because he 
was the CIA's National Intelligence Officer for the Near East and South 
Asia (NESA) from 2000 to 2005.


Saddam Reportedly Warned U.S. of Terrorism

Saddam Hussein told aides in the mid-1990s that he warned the United States 
it could be hit by a terrorist attack, ABC News reported Wednesday, citing 
12 hours of tapes the network obtained of the former Iraqi dictator's talks 
with his Cabinet.


Talking to terrorists

The New Statesman can reveal that the Foreign and Commonwealth Office has - 
decided on a policy of engagement with what it calls political Islam. To 
this end, it proposes to develop working-level contacts in Egypt with one 
of the Middle East's most militant groups, the Muslim Brotherhood


The Forgotten Terrorist Attack

The lines of burnt dead 

[media-dakwah] Terror in the Name of US War's Error - Headlines News 21 Muharram 1427 H - 26.2.06

2006-02-19 Terurut Topik muslim insuffer


In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful

=== News Update ===

Statement From The University of Ottawa Muslim Students Association 
Regarding Danish Cartoons

Ottawa February 18, 2006: Since many of you are concerned about the recent 
events surrounding the Danish Cartoon Controversy, we feel we should offer 
an official statement, letting you know where we stand. The practice of 
insulting God’s prophets is no historical novelty. It has been done on 
several occasions, and there are precedents for dealing with such a matter. 
Recall that Muhammad (SAW) himself had to come to terms with the paintings 
which lined the walls of the Ka’aba. These paintings, which we may also 
call caricatures, offered the most obnoxious and unpalatable depictions of 
our patriarchs engaged in blasphemous activities. We ought to pay attention 
to how Muhammad (SAW) dealt with those at the time. He certainly did not 
overreact, nor lose his temper, nor burn effigies in the streets, nor did 
he engage in abstract and senseless debates about freedom of expression 
(which risk characterizing us as dishonest advocates of censorship). Our 
Prophet responded with the traits which won him so much respect and 
political legitimacy: Patience, diplomacy, and amnesty. He struggled 
against the repressive Quraysh for 23 years to win the hearts and minds of 
the people of Mecca. And only until they accepted him as their leader did 
he take it upon himself to wash the paintings off the sacred walls of the 


Flemming Rose Oped In Washington Post: Why I Published Those Cartoons

Childish. Irresponsible. Hate speech. A provocation just for the sake of 
provocation. A PR stunt. Critics of 12 cartoons of the prophet Muhammad I 
decided to publish in the Danish newspaper Jyllands-Posten have not minced 
their words. They say that freedom of expression does not imply an 
endorsement of insulting people's religious feelings, and besides, they 
add, the media censor themselves every day. So, please do not teach us a 
lesson about limitless freedom of speech.


Italy cartoon row minister quits

Roberto Calderoli belongs to the anti-immigrant Northern League
The Italian reform minister who angered Muslims by wearing a T-shirt 
decorated with Western media cartoons satirising the Prophet Muhammad has 


Anti-Muslim graffiti defaces mosque for 2nd time this week

Palestinians discovered anti-Muslim graffiti on a West Bank mosque on 
Friday, for the second time in a week. In contrast to the previous 
incident, no protest riots were reported in the area following the discovery.


Muslims' reactions to cartoons 'not so alien as we think' - The Silent 

THE American left and right don't agree on much, but weeks of 
demonstrations and embassy burnings have pushed them toward convergence on 
one point: there is, if not a clash of civilizations, at least a very big 
gap between the Western world and the Muslim world. When you get beyond 
this consensus -- the cultural chasm consensus -- and ask what to do about 
the problem, there is less agreement. After all, chasms are hard to bridge.



(Ottawa, Canada - 17/02/06) - Prominent national Canadian Muslim 
organizations and umbrella groups have signed an unprecedented statement 
praising Canada’s collective response to the cartoon controversy, saying 
Canada has “made Canadian Muslims proud.”
URL: www.caircan.ca


Europe's contempt for other cultures can't be sustained

A continent that inflicted colonial brutality all over the globe for 200 
years has little claim to the superiority of its values. Is the argument 
over the Danish cartoons really reducible to a matter of free speech? Even 
if we believe that free speech is a fundamental value, that does not give 
us carte blanche to say what we like in any context, regardless of 
consequence or effect. Respect for others, especially in an increasingly 
interdependent world, is a value of at least equal importance.


Public Screening of film on Prophet Muhammad at Concordia University

The film will be shown on Wednesday, Feb 22nd at 7:00pm in
the Hall Building of Concordia University (Montreal) in room H-435
see: http://www.pbs.org/muhammad/



John Pilger and BBC World Affairs editor John Simpson have urged fellow 
journalists not to use terms such as 'stone age' and 'primitive' to 
describe contemporary tribal peoples, in a letter published in the 

[media-dakwah] Terror in the Name of US War's Error - Headlines News 27 Muharram 1427 H - 26.2.06

2006-02-26 Terurut Topik muslim insuffer


In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful

=== News Update ===

‘Muslims who want to live under Islamic law have no place in Australia’

A senior government minister said Thursday that Muslims who wanted to live 
under Islamic law had no place in Australia and insisted all immigrants 
must embrace Australian values. Treasurer Peter Costello’s comments came 
just days after Prime Minister John Howard said some segments of the 
Islamic community were antagonistic to Australian society and expressed 
concern about Muslim attitudes towards women.


Freedom of press -- only for the anti-Islamic witch hunt”

On the double standard of the West of the caricatures against the Islamic 

It is long ago that Europe was worrying so much about freedom of press. 
Apparently this freedom is only valid for the worriers in the war against 
the Arab-Islamic world.

Let us recall what few will know: when thousands of demonstrators took to 
the streets in Munich, Germany, on February 4 for against the NATO 
conference the police hunted every person carrying a poster which called 
Bush a war criminal. Eventually several dozens were arrested for having 
insisted on their freedom of expression. But the regime media did not join 
into the chorus of defence of basic liberties. These facts were not even 
worth a column.


Free Speech or Hate Speech?

“I don’t know of anything more important than freedom of expression,” said 
former Supreme Court Justice Peter Cory commenting on the Court’s decision 
to uphold Jim Keegstra’s conviction for willfully promoting hatred in 1991.

The offensive Danish cartoons of the Prophet Muhammad have now ignited 
global interest in the subject. To date four Canadian media outlets have 
entered the fray.


Understanding the Roots of the Anti-Muslim Cartoon Scandal

The mainstream media coverage of the anti#8209;Islamic cartoons ignores 
the fact that the publication of the images was a calculated offense 
commissioned by a Danish colleague of the neo#8209;con ideologue Daniel 
Pipes and was meant to incite violence and promote the clash of 




Publications not charged for printing cartoons No evidence of inciting 
hatred, Crown finds

Muslim groups urge broadening of hate laws

OTTAWA­A Crown prosecutor's decision not to lay criminal hate charges 
against two publications that ran the infamous editorial cartoons mocking 
the Prophet Muhammad has left some Canadian Muslim groups calling on Ottawa 
to broaden the scope of Canada's hate laws.


U of T student newspaper refuses to apologize for publishing Muhammad cartoon

Ragaz and his crowd can reject all they want that publishing the offensive 
cartoons was an act of hatred, an attack on the Muslim faith, and on 
Muslims in general. These cartoons in fact were a racist and hate filled 
slap in the face to Muslims everywhere and they can go ahead and deny our 
anger, but that does not change the facts. If this action were directed at 
any other faith group in Canada then hate crimes would be implemented, but 
because it is completely acceptable to defame Muslims then these laws don't 
apply and those amoung us who complain are labled fanatics and 
fundamentalists.  As they continue to deficate on all things we hold to be 
sacred our anger becomes greater as  the days go by.


Most Canadian journalists believe the media should publish hateful cartoons

Most Canadian journalists believe the media in this country should have 
carried controversial Danish cartoons depicting the Prophet Mohammed, a new 
poll suggested Monday.

MMN Question: What does this news item below tell us about MOST Canadian 

We agree with the most recent statement of the United Church of Canada who 
called the motovation behind publishing the cartoons as nothing less than 
racial hatred and Islamophobia. Please read their statement  at: 

It is interesting that the Globe and Mail published an editorial today (see 
second article below) criticizing the United Church of Canada's position. 
The editorial stated that: To suggest that they were inciting race hatred 
is to echo the ravings of the extremists  The editorial is basically 
saying those who hold the view that the cartoon incites hatred against 
Muslims are extremists and link this view with those who support violence.

Please send a 

[media-dakwah] Terror in the Name of US War's Error - Headlines News 28 Muharram 1427 H - 27.2.06

2006-02-26 Terurut Topik muslim insuffer


In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful

=== News Update ===

Iraq Civil-War: Former CIA Analyst: Western Intelligence May Be Behind 
Mosque Bombing

Former CIA analyst a and presidential advisor Ray McGovern does not rule 
out Western involvement in this week's Askariya mosque bombing in light of 
previous false flag operations that have advanced hidden agendas of the 
ruling elite.


Protecting The Rights Of A Holocaust Denier Ultimately Protects Us All

Austria's treatment of Irving as a political dissident should offend both 
the people who defend the rights of political cartoonists to express their 
opinion of Islamic terrorists and the civil libertarians who leaped to the 
defense of University of Colorado professor Ward Churchill when he 
exercised his right to call the victims of 9/11 little Eichmanns. Why 
doesn't it? Why aren't freedom lovers everywhere offended by Irving's court 

Freedom is a principle that must be applied indiscriminately. We have to 
defend Irving in order to defend ourselves. Once the laws are in place to 
jail dissidents of Holocaust history, what's to stop such laws from being 
applied to dissenters of religious or political histories, or to skepticism 
of any sort that deviates from the accepted canon?


Doha Declaration Urges Respect of Religions

DOHA, February 26, 2006 (IslamOnline.net) - The United Nations, Arab states 
and the world's largest Islamic body on Saturday, February 25, urged 
respect for all religions, regretting the publication of Danish cartoons 
that lampooned Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him).


Hizb ut-Tahrir Britain Ridicules Blair's Attempt to Defend himself from 
Accusations of Tyranny

London, UK, February 26,2006 - After the government failed to make a strong 
case for the vague offence of glorification or the proscription of 
non-violent organisations, Prime Minister Tony Blair has been forced to 
defend his position in an article in today's Observer. Hizb ut-Tahrir 
Britain makes the following points in response to the article that contains 
misleading allegations about our organisation:
Web: www.hizb.org.uk/pressnew


September 11th And The Bush Administration

Compelling Evidence for Complicity:


9/11: The 1975 World Trade Center Fire

One of the World Trade Towers caught fire long before 9-11, but did not 


9/11: A green light for torture

The Bush administration's tendency to dodge accountability for lawless 
actions by resorting to secrecy and claims of national security is on sharp 
display in the case of a Syrian- born Canadian, Maher Arar, who spent 
months under torture because of U.S. action.


9/11: Hunger strike detainee force-fed

The technique included strapping him to a restraint chair, feeding him 
liquids and laxatives and preventing him from access to the toilet and 
cutting off water supplies to his cell, removing towels and bed-sheets 
after turning on the air-conditioner, Mr Al Murbati told legal team head 
Joshua Colangelo-Bryan.


9/11: Hunger strikes in Guantanamo-sanitized

It is a terrible thing to choose a slow suicide over imprisonment, but what 
we do to them under the sanitized name force feeding is ridiculous!


9/11: The case for closing Guantanamo is overwhelming

More than four years after the American detention camp at Guantanamo Bay 
opened, the range of voices calling for it to close is widening. Overseas, 
it runs from the Democrat former US President Jimmy Carter, through UN 
Secretary-General Kofi Annan and the International Committee of the Red 
Cross, to the conservative Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi. Here, 
advocates of closure now include the Lord Chancellor, Lord Falconer, 
Attorney-General Lord Goldsmith, the Northern Ireland Secretary, Peter 
Hain, the Liberal Democrats and numerous members of the higher judiciary.


9/11: A Growing Afghan Prison Rivals Bleak Guantánamo

While an international debate rages over the future of the American 
detention center at Guantánamo Bay, Cuba, the military has quietly expanded 
another, less-visible prison in Afghanistan, where it now holds some 500 
terror suspects in more primitive conditions, indefinitely and without charges.

[media-dakwah] Mengapa Ada Islam Liberal

2006-02-28 Terurut Topik muslim insuffer


In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful

=== News Update ===

Ushul Fikih Palsu Kaum Liberal
Oleh: M. Shiddiq Al-Jawi

Ushul Fikih Kaum Liberal, Memangnya Ada?

Apakah kaum liberal, seperti Jaringan Islam Liberal (JIL), mempunyai ushul 
fiqih? Pertanyaan ini harus dijawab dulu. Jangan-jangan setelah capek-capek 
mengkritik secara serius, ternyata mereka tidak memilikinya. Ini sama saja 
dengan memasak pepesan kosong.

Untuk itu, patut diketahui dulu pengertian ushul fikih serta apa saja yang 
menjadi cakupan studi ushul fikih. Menurut ulama ushul fikih mazhab Hanafi, 
Maliki, dan Hanbali, ushul fikih adalah kaidah-kaidah (qawâ’id) yang dapat 
mengantarkan pada penggalian (istinbâth) hukum syariat dari dalil-dalilnya 
yang terperinci (Asy-Syaukani, Irsyâd al-Fuhûl, hlm. 3; Wahbah az-Zuhaili, 
Ushûl al-Fiqh al-Islâmî, I/23-24). Sedangkan menurut ulama mazhab Syafii, 
ushul fikih adalah pengetahuan mengenai dalil-dalil fikih yang bersifat 
global, tatacara pengambilan hukum dari dalil-dalil itu, serta keadaan 
orang yang mengambil hukum (Al-Amidi, Al-Ihkâm fî Ushûl al-Ahkâm, I/10).

Dari berbagai definisi itu, topik (mawdhû‘) ushul fikih menurut Muhammad 
Husain Abdullah (Abdullah, Al-Wadhîh fî Ushûl al-Fiqh hlm. 29), meliputi 4 
(empat) kajian, yaitu:

(1) Kajian tentang dalil-dalil hukum yang bersifat global (al-adillah 
al-ijmâliyyah), misalnya al-Quran, as-Sunnah, Ijma, Qiyas, dan seterusnya.

(2) Kajian tentang hukum syariat (al-hukm asy-syar‘î) dan hal-hal yang 
terkait dengannya, seperti definisi hukum syariat dan macam-macamnya.

(3) Kajian tentang cara memahami dalil (fahm al-dalîl) atau pengertian kata 
(dalâlah al-alfâzh), misalnya tentang manthûq (makna eksplisit) dan mafhûm 
(makna implisit).

(4) Kajian tentang ijtihad dan taklid, termasuk tatacara melakukan tarjîh 
(analisis) untuk memilih yang terkuat dari sekian dalil yang tampak 
bertentangan (ta‘ârudh).

Nah, kalau definisi ushul fikih dan cakupan kajiannya itu diterapkan pada 
ide-ide ushul fikih kaum liberal, apakah mereka memang punya ushul fikih 

Seorang pakar dan kritikus ide liberal, Dr. Busthami Muhammad Said, 
menyimpulkan, ijtihad dalam ushul fikih di kalangan kaum liberal­mulai dari 
Sayyid Ahmad Khan, Muhammad Abduh, Qasim Amin, Ali Abdur Raziq, Thaha 
Husain, dan lainnya­tidak lebih dari sekadar teori belaka, tanpa kenyataan 
(Said, Mafhûm Tajdîd ad-Dîn (terj.), hlm. 268). Jadi, kaum liberal 
sebenarnya tidak mempunyai ushul fikih, dalam definisi yang sesungguhnya.

Karya mereka tidak pernah menerangkan dengan jelas, apa sebenarnya dalil 
syariat (sumber hukum) itu. Buktinya, perilaku pejabat yang suka menghadiri 
perayaan hari raya non-Islam dijadikan dalil bagi bolehnya merayakan hari 
raya agama selain Islam (Madjid dkk., 2004: 85-88). Mereka juga tidak 
pernah menerangkan dengan tuntas, bagaimana metode penggalian hukum dari 
dalilnya, selain mengklaim bahwa metodenya adalah hermeneutika (Adnin 
Armas, Pengaruh Kristen-Orientalis Terhadap Islam Liberal, hlm. 35). 
Padahal metode ini aslinya adalah untuk menafsirkan Bible (Perjanjian Lama 
dan Baru); tentu tidak cocok untuk menafsirkan al-Quran, karena Bible dan 
al-Quran sangat jauh berbeda, seperti bumi dan langit. Tidak aneh jika 
Norman Daniel (Daniel, Islam and The West: The Making of an Image, hlm. 53) 
menegaskan, “The Quran has no parallel outside Islam (Al-Quran tidak 
mempunyai kesejajaran dengan [kitab lainnya] di luar Islam).” (Adian 
Husaini, “Mengapa Barat Menjadi Sekular-Liberal,” www.insistnet.com).

Walhasil, ushul fikih kaum liberal sangat diragukan eksistensinya. Akan 
tetapi, barangkali ada yang bertanya, bukankah mereka kadang menyampaikan 
gagasan seputar ushul fikih? Hasan at-Turabi, misalnya, dikenal menyerukan 
pembaruan (tajdîd) di bidang ushul fikih (At-Turabi, Fiqih Demokratis, 
Bandung: Mizan, 2003). Jauh sebelum itu, pada 70-an, Jamaluddin Athiyah 
dalam Majalah Al-Muslim al-Mu‘âshir edisi Nopember 1974, juga Ahmad Kamal 
Abul Majid, tokoh liberal lainnya, dalam majalah Al-‘Arabi edisi Mei 1977, 
telah mengajak umat Islam untuk berijtihad dalam ushul fikih, bukan hanya 
dalam fikh (Said, 1995: 266).

Kaum liberal Indonesia pun kadang menggembar-gemborkan ushul fikih baru. 
Nurcholish Madjid dkk, misalnya, pernah mengklaim mengikuti metode ushul 
fiqih Imam asy-Syatibi dalam kitabnya, Al-Muwâfaqât fî Ushûl al-Ahkâm, 
ketika menggagas bukunya yang gagal, Fiqih Lintas Agama (2004). Abdul 
Moqsith Ghazali (aktivis JIL) mencetuskan beberapa kaidah ushul fikih 
‘baru’, semisal:

(1) Al-‘Ibrah bi al-maqâshid lâ bi al-alfâzh (Yang menjadi patokan hukum 
adalah maksud/tujuan syariat, bukan ungkapannya [dalam teks]);

(2) Jawâz naskh nushûsh bi al-mashlahah (Boleh menghapus nash dengan maslahat);

(3) Tanqîh nushûsh bi ‘aql al-mujtama‘ (Boleh mengoreksi teks dengan akal 
[pendapat] publik) (www.islamlib.com, publikasi 24/12/2003).

Bukankah ini adalah ushul fikih 

[media-dakwah] U.N. Report: Jews are Terrorists, Not Palestinians

2006-03-08 Terurut Topik muslim insuffer


In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful

=== News Update ===

Wednesday, March 8, 2006 9:18 a.m. EST

U.N. Report: Jews are Terrorists, Not Palestinians

Jewish settlers are terrorizing Palestinians with impunity, attacking 
children on their way to school and destroying farmers' trees and crops, a 
U.N. expert on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict said in a report.

John Dugard, a South African lawyer, called the withdrawal of Israeli 
troops and settlers from the Gaza Strip last summer a positive step. But 
the Jewish state effectively controls Gaza through targeted killings and 
sonic booms from warplanes flying over the region, Dugard said in a report 
prepared ahead of next week's annual meeting of the 53-member U.N. Human 
Rights Commission.

Itzhak Levanon, Israel's U.N. ambassador in Geneva, rejected Dugard's 
allegations as misinformed and inaccurate.

Dugard's report is guided by a clear political agenda, and bears little 
relation either to the facts or existing principles of international law, 
Levanon said in an e-mailed statement to The Associated Press.

Israel has previously rejected Dugard's reports on the Palestinian-Israeli 
dispute as being one-sided, noting that he has been assigned only to 
investigate violations by the Israeli side.

Dugard said settler violence has been particularly egregious in the West 
Bank city of Hebron. His 22-page report made no reference to Palestinian 
terrorism, but said Hebron settlers terrorize the few Palestinians that 
have not left the old city and assault and traumatize children on the way 
to school.

It seems that settlers are able to terrorize Palestinians and destroy 
their trees and crops with impunity, Dugard said, adding that he himself 
was a victim of settler abuse while visiting the city in June 2005.

Dugard prepares regular reports for the U.N.'s human rights watchdog during 
visits to the region, but receives no cooperation from the Israeli government.

Next week's meeting comes as U.N. member states debate replacing the 
discredited Human Rights Commission with a new body. The commission has 
been widely criticized for allowing some of the worst rights-offending 
countries to use their membership to shield each other from condemnation.

Dugard filed his report before Hamas won Palestinian elections in January 
and made no mention of the Islamic militant group, which is sworn to 
Israel's destruction and refuses to renounce violence.

The report ignores the fact that the Hamas, considered as a terrorist 
organization by the family of nations, controls the Palestinian authority 
and disregards the enormous efforts done by Israel to fight this terrorism 
while preserving humanitarian law and human rights, Levanon said.

Dugard said Israel's actions in Gaza violated the Geneva Conventions on 
warfare, which forbid all measures of intimidation or of terrorism 
against civilians in time of war.

In the first three months after the Gaza withdrawal, targeted 
assassinations by Israeli defense forces in the territory killed 18 
civilians and injured 81, in addition to killing 15 militants.

Palestinians have launched rockets from Gaza against southern Israeli 
towns, and Israel has retaliated with artillery fire and airstrikes.

Hamas has observed a yearlong moratorium on suicide and shooting attacks. 
But Israeli Defense Minister Shaul Mofaz warned Tuesday that Hamas leaders, 
including the incoming Palestinian prime minister, will not be immune from 
pinpointed Israeli killings if the group were to resume attacks.

Editor's note:
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[media-dakwah] Siapa Menolak RUU APP?

2006-03-08 Terurut Topik muslim insuffer


In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful

=== News Update ===

ROL : Rabu, 08 Maret 2006

Siapa Menolak RUU APP?

   Boleh jadi, banyak orang menyangka Ketua Pansus RUU Anti-Pornografi dan 
Pornoaksi (RUU APP) DPR, Balkan Kaplale, merupakan orang yang paling merasa 
pusing saat ini. Pro dan kontra terhadap RUU itu merebak di berbagai media 
massa, demonstrasi juga terjadi nyaris setiap hari.

   Ternyata tidak demikian. Balkan bahkan mungkin justru orang yang paling 
optimistis saat ini. Apalagi setelah dia mendatangi tiga tempat yang selama 
ini selalu disebut-sebut menolak tegas adanya RUU tersebut --yakni Bali, 
Batam, dan Papua. ''Tidak benar di ketiga daerah tersebut ada penolakan,'' 
kata Balkan kepada Republika, tegas.

   ''Berita itu sengaja digelembungkan saja. Mereka ternyata bisa 
menerima.'' Masukan dari masyarakat Batam, Bali, dan Papua itu akan dibahas 
bersama masukan 167 lembaga lain oleh tim perumus pada 10-12 Maret 
mendatang. Anggota Fraksi Partai Demokrat itu lantas bercerita. Dia baru 
saja menerima pesan pendek (SMS) dari seorang tokoh Bali. ''Isinya minta 
maaf, karena saat pansus datang ke Bali, justru disambut demonstrasi,'' 
kata Balkan. Isi pesan pendek itu juga menyatakan bahwa mereka yang datang 
ke tempat pertemuan itu justru orang-orang dari luar Bali. Bagaimana 
mungkin Bali mau menyatakan merdeka hanya gara-gara RUU tersebut. Apalagi 
RUU itu memang tidak dominan berdasarkan kepentingan suatu agama, 
sebagaimana yang digembar-gemborkan selama ini. Demikian pesan pendek yang 
justrui panjang lebar itu.

   ''Justru yang mau diatur adalah budaya masyarakat Indonesia yang kini 
sudah tercemar,'' kata Balkan. Meski disambut demo aneh-aneh -- antara lain 
dengan adanya tari yang cenderung erotis -- Balkan memang tidak pantas 
bingung. Persoalannya, sebelum melakukan kunjungan ke Bali itu, pansus 
telah menerima banyak masukan tertulis dari masyarakat Bali. Sejumlah tokoh 
Bali dan DPD KNPI Bali bahkan menyerahkan usulan tertulis, yang intinya 
menyetujui RUU tersebut, seraya memberi sejumlah masukan.

   ''Jadi, aneh jika mereka yang dari luar itu justru meributkan,'' kata 
Balkan. Tokoh masyarakat yang lain, Jero Wijaya, menganggap penolakan 
sejumlah elemen masyarakat Bali terhadap RUU itu tidak lebih dari 
ikut-ikutan. Dari apa yang dilihatnya di lapangan, Wijaya yakin tidak semua 
dari mereka memahami isi dan makna RUU tersebut.

   Mantan anggota DPRD Kabupaten Bangli itu tidak menampik, bila yang 
banyak bersuara di Bali saat ini memang dari kalangan yang kontra. Padahal, 
ia melihat masyarakat Bali sendiri terpecah ke dalam tiga sikap besar 
sehubungan RUU tersebut. Selain mereka yang menolak secara total dengan 
meminta DPR membatalkan pengesahan RUU itu, kelompok kedua adalah kalangan 
yang meminta revisi atas sejumlah pasal.

   ''Kelompok ketiga adalah kalangan yang mendukung secara total 
pemberlakuan RUU APP. Saya termasuk di antaranya,'' kata dia. Dukungan 
Wijaya bukan tanpa alasan. Ia mengajak masyarakat Bali tidak menutup mata 
akan begitu banyaknya perilaku masyarakat yang menyimpang dan 
dipertontonkan di depan umum. Misalnya, kata Jero Wijaya, makin lazimnya 
orang berciuman terbuka di ruang tunggu keberangkatan Bandara Ngurah Rai, 
mengenakan bikini ke pusat perbelanjaan.

   ''Itu jelas bukan budaya Bali,'' kata dia. Bila hal seperti itu 
dibiarkan terus berkembang, mau tidak mau budaya Bali akan diselewengkan. 
Berkaitan dengan pariwisata yang selalu dijadikan alasan pihak yang kontra, 
Jero Wijaya justru mengajak mereka cerdas bertanya, mau ke mana pariwisata 
Bali akan dibawa. ''Tidak seharusnya Bali menjual seks sebagai pariwisata. 
Pertahankan pariwisata budaya serta pariwisata spiritual,'' kata Wijaya. 
Menurut dia, justru itulah yang dicari para wisatawan di Bali selama ini.

   Wijaya juga mengusulkan untuk diadakannya semacam survei. Survei itu 
harus mendata berapa banyak turis datang ke Bali karena menginginkan seks 
bebas. Berapa pula yang datang untuk menikmati aneka budaya yang ada. 
''Jangan lupa, cari mana yang lebih besar pengeluarannya selama di Bali.'' 
Wijaya juga menyayangkan pernyataan Wagub Bali, Alit Kelakan, yang 
menyatakan bahwa masyarakat Bali secara bulat menolak RUU itu saat dengar 
pendapat dengan pansus yang datang ke sana. ''Itu tidak bijaksana,'' kata 

   Sebagaimana warga Bali, sikap masyarakat Papua dan Batam seolah 
terpecah. Berlainan dengan apa yang digembar-gemborkan selama ini, ternyata 
kedua daerah itu menyambut positif. Alasan mereka sederhana, pornografi dan 
pornoaksi sudah sedemikian meracuni anak-anak Papua dan Batam. ''Hadirnya 
undang-undang diharapkan bisa mengubah citra Kota Batam,'' kata Balkan.

   Sikap serupa juga datang dari mayoritas lembaga yang dimintai pandangan 
oleh pansus. Dari ke-167 lembaga pemberi masukan itu, pansus memilah antara 
pihak yang setuju dan kontra RUU APP. Dari jumlah itu, 144 lembaga 

[media-dakwah] Terror in the Name of US War's Error - Headlines News 10 Safar 1427 H - 10.3.06

2006-03-10 Terurut Topik muslim insuffer


In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful

=== News Update ===

Negative Perception Of Islam Increasing - majority say Muslims are 
disproportionately prone to violence

As the war in Iraq grinds into its fourth year, a growing proportion of 
Americans are expressing unfavorable views of Islam, and a majority now say 
that Muslims are disproportionately prone to violence, according to a new 
Washington Post-ABC News poll.


Fifth Ill. Hate Crimes Panelist Resigns

Muslims and Jews were invited to serve on the Illinois State Hate-Crimes 
The Jewish members have all quit rather than work with the Muslims.



A Muslim woman who claims she was denied employment after she refused to 
remove a head scarf worn for religious reasons is accusing a Des Moines 
convenience store chain of violating her religious rights.


Ex-State Department Security Officer Charges Pre-9/11 Cover-Up

A former State Department security officer has given CounterPunch a 
detailed memoir and documents that point to very curious conduct by the 
CIA, Secret Service and FBI in the Philippines following warnings of an 
assassination bid on President Clinton during his November 12/13, 1994 
visit to Manila.


Photostory: Israeli extremists' attack on Nazareth's most famous Christian 
church goes virtually unreported

Thousands of Nazarenes rushed to the Basilica of the Annunciation in the 
early evening of Friday March 3, as rumours swept the city that their 
church was under attack. Built over the grotto where the archangel Gabriel 
is supposed to have revealed to Mary that she was bearing the son of God, 
the Basilica is one of Christianity's holiest sites. As local people 
streamed into the church's walled-off courtyard, they learnt that three 
intruders had detonated a series of small explosions inside the building at 
5.30pm, during a special ceremony for Lent.


Protecting Torture: The Red Cross' Deadly Silence

By promising confidentiality to the occupying and imprisoning powers the 
International Committee of the Red Cross monitors the fate of prisoners of 
war that no other organization can reach — from Guantanamo Bay’s Camp 
X-ray, to Abu Ghraib and even the many Israeli detention centers in 
occupied Palestine. Here, Rafeef Ziadah questions whether the ICRC’s 
monitoring efforts help prisoners or protect those who violate prisoners’ 
human rights.



Much of Europe has painted itself into a corner on the censorship issue. 
What can Norway say to pro-censorship Muslims when it already has a hate 
speech law forbidding, among other things, publicly stirring up one part 
of the population against another, or any utterance that threatens, 
insults or subjects to hatred, persecution or contempt any person or group 
of persons because of their creed, race, color or national or ethnic origin 
... or homosexual bent? No insulting utterances at all? Since most strong 
opinions can be construed as insulting (hurting someone's feelings), no 
insults means no free speech.


US Troops on Spy Missions All Over the World

TEAMS of special operations troops are reportedly being placed in a growing 
number of American embassies in unstable parts of the world to gather 
intelligence on terrorists.


At last, the warmongers are prepared to face the facts and admit they were 

It has taken more than three years, tens of thousands of Iraqi and American 
lives, and $200bn (£115bn) of treasure - all to achieve a chaos verging on 
open civil war. But, finally, the neo-conservatives who sold the United 
States on this disastrous war are starting to utter three small words. We 
were wrong.

see also: NeoCon allies desert Bush over Iraq

and, US envoy to Iraq: 'We have opened the Pandora's box'


Deception as the Official Public Policy

What is even more imprudent than the invasion of Iraq and the “war on 
terror”, is the Bush administration’s determination to interpret the 
tragedy of that stricken nation in a way that lays blame on 

[media-dakwah] Terror in the Name of US War's Error - Headlines News 11 Safar 1427 H - 11.3.06

2006-03-10 Terurut Topik muslim insuffer


In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful

=== News Update ===

Satan is Resting Easy: The Power of Christ Propels Them

Remember, Big Brother is watching, listening and reading. In light of the 
illegal surveillance they are conducting at the behest of their 
incompetent, rogue, and murderous Commander-in-Chief, I am dedicating this 
essay to the NSA.


Bigotry toward Muslims and Anti-Arab Racism Grow in US; Dubai and the Quran

The constant drumbeat of hatred toward Muslims and Arabs on the American 
Right, on television and radio and in the press, has gradually had its 
effect. This according to a Washington Post poll. Even in the year after 
September 11, a majority of Americans respected Islam and Muslims, but 
powerful forces in US society are determined to change that, and are 
gradually succeeding. As they win, Bin Laden also wins, since his whole 
enterprise was to sharpen the contradictions and provoke a clash of 

Some 25% of Americans now say they personally are prejudiced against 
Muslims. And 33% think that Islam as a religion helps incite violence 
against non-Muslims, up from 14% after September 11.


New world relationships

THE prospect that Europe and Asia might move toward greater independence 
has troubled US planners since World War II. The concerns have only risen 
as the ‘tripolar order’ — Europe, North America and Asia — has continued to 
evolve. Every day, Latin America, too, is becoming more independent. Now 
Asia and the Americas are strengthening their ties while the reigning 
superpower, the odd man out, consumes itself in misadventures in the Middle 


US found guilty of violating Shoshone human rights

Western Shoshone were victorious Friday at UN, as the US was found in 
violation of human rights of Native Americans and urged to take immediate 


How Britain Secretly Helped Israel Build Its Nuclear Arsenal

An Interview With Former Labour MP Tony Benn

A conversation with Tony Benn, one of Britain’s most distinguished 
politicians and the longest serving MP in the history of the Labour party. 
Benn discusses the new revelations the British government helped Israel 
build the atom bomb. Benn also speaks about U.S. and U.K. relations, 
extraordinary rendition, Guantanamo Bay, torture, religion, and the state 
of the media. Video and transcript


Britain secretly gave Israel plutonium for atom bombs

Britain secretly supplied Israel with plutonium during Harold Wilson's 
government, despite a warning from British intelligence that the material 
could help Israel get the atom bomb.


9/11: Moussaoui was a flight school washout

Zacarias Moussaoui couldn't keep a plane level, make turns or keep it on 
course up to FAA standards, his instructor at an Oklahoma flight school 
testified Thursday.


9/11: No Evidence al-Qaida Planned Madrid Attacks

A two-year probe into the Madrid train bombings concludes the Islamic 
terrorists who carried out the blasts were homegrown radicals acting on 
their own rather than at the behest of Osama bin Laden's al-Qaida network, 
two senior intelligence officials said.


9/11: The Gitmo Documents

Four Characters in Search of a Prosecutor: Miller, Boykin, Cambone and Feith


9/11: Why Data Mining Won't Stop Terror

Many believe data mining is the crystal ball that will enable us to uncover 
future terrorist plots. But even in the most wildly optimistic projections, 
data mining isn't tenable for that purpose. We're not trading privacy for 
security; we're giving up privacy and getting no security in return.


9/11: Wired News

In the post-9/11 world, there's much focus on connecting the dots. Many 
believe data mining is the crystal ball that will enable us to uncover 
future terrorist plots. But even in the most wildly optimistic projections, 
data mining isn't tenable for that purpose. We're not trading privacy for 
security; we're giving up privacy and getting no security in return.


9/11: Back home, but still imprisoned: The shadow of Guantanamo

After 29 months at Guantanamo Bay, caged, chained to floors and bound 
tightly in the crouching interrogation stress position, the three men who 
were freed to return to their 

[media-dakwah] Terror in the Name of US War's Error - Headlines News 12 Safar 1427 H - 12.3.06

2006-03-12 Terurut Topik muslim insuffer


In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful

=== News Update ===

The Setup To Destroy America

In the movie, Americans are portrayed as heartless killers, reminding me of 
the way Germans were portrayed as the evil perpetrators of World War II. 
And I sensed at that moment that very soon, if not already, Americans are 
going to be the targets of a worldwide backlash that will be far worse than 
anything the Germans ever experienced.
And rightly so, because what Americans have done to Iraq, Afghanistan and 
so many other countries is far worse than anything the Germans ever did to 


Justice O'Connor Warns Of Dictatorship Decries Republican Attacks on 
Freedoms of All Americans

She told an audience at Georgetown University that Republican proposals, 
pose a danger to the independence of the judiciary, and the freedoms of all 
Americans. Continued


A Lawless and Incompetent Leadership

Bush at the Tipping Point

George W. Bush and Dick Cheney, two top outlaws smashing our country's rule 
of law and democratic liberties, are testing the American people's 
resistance. Every day they are testing. Every day they think by flaunting 
the words, war on terror, they can get Americans to concede more and more 
of what makes the United States a constitutionally-abiding government under 
the rule of law. Continued


In case you missed it: American Bar Association-accuses President Bush, of 
violating both the Constitution and federal law

RESOLVED, that the American Bar Association calls upon the President to 
abide by the limitations which the Constitution imposes on a president 
under our system of checks and balances and respect the essential roles of 
the Congress and the judicial branch in ensuring that our national security 
is protected in a manner consistent with constitutional guarantees


U.N. Report Card Shows: U.S. Can't Buy Loyalty

NewsMax examined 12 key General Assembly votes taken on issues of critical 
importance to the U.S., and found that only four countries -- Israel and 
the Pacific Ocean nations of Palau, Micronesia and Marshall Islands -- 
sided with the U.S. on most of the issues.


Robert Fisk: The erosion of free speech

the degree of abuse and outright threats now being directed at anyone ... 
who dares to criticise Israel ... is fast reaching McCarthyite proportions. 
The attempt to force the media to obey Israel's rules is ... 
international. And growing.


9/11: Part I - Who really killed American hostage Tom Fox?

Why Do Israelis Keep Posing as Arab Terrorists? Myths  Assumptions about 
Arab Fighters. Al-Qaeda is a Zionist myth created using Arab refugees in 

The Arab refugees in Afghanistan who ended up in Guantanamo have nothing to 
do with terrorism. The Zionist mob plans and executes most terrorism. They 
create Arab patsies out of thin air.

Indicted criminal Abramoff hosted Israelis who made believe that Arab 
terrorists were in America just before 9/11. The problem is that no bodies 
of Arabs were found at any of the four 9/11 airplane crash sites.

The Mossad was not watching Arab suspects before 9/11. The Mossad was the 
Arab suspects. Sometimes the Mossad does it even better. They arrange it so 
that Arab clerics cooperate with the Mossad by threatening to launch 
suicide bombings or by claiming responsibility for Mossad-staged bombings.

Part II :

Part III :


9/11: Torture exposed: Doctors attack US over Guantanamo Force Feeding

More than 250 medical experts have signed a letter condemning the US for 
force-feeding prisoners on hunger strike at Guantanamo Bay, : The letter, 
in the medical journal The Lancet, said doctors who used restraints and 
force-feeding should be punished by their professional bodies.


9/11: Full Text the Lancet Letter

Forcefeeding and restraint of Guantanamo Bay hunger strikers


AP: Terror confession mirrors 'Ninja Turtles'

Calif. Terror Trial Paints Murky Picture. At Midpoint, Terror Trial Against 
Two Men From California Town Reveals Murky Picture

SACRAMENTO, Calif. - The government painted an ominous portrait of Hamid 
Hayat and his father after arresting them nearly 10 months ago and charging 
them with lying about whether Hamid attended a 

[media-dakwah] Terror in the Name of US War's Error - Headlines News 13 Safar 1427 H - 13.3.06

2006-03-12 Terurut Topik muslim insuffer


In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful

=== News Update ===

How Islamic inventors changed the world

 From coffee to cheques and the three-course meal, the Muslim world has 
given us many innovations that we take for granted in daily life. As a new 
exhibition opens, Paul Vallely nominates 20 of the most influential- and 
identifies the men of genius behind them


Srebrenica Survivors Saddened by Milosevic's Death

SARAJEVO, March 12, 2006 (IslamOnline.net  News Agencies) ­ The mothers 
and widows of Muslims massacred at the orders of former Yugoslav President 
Slobodan Milosevic wished he had lived long enough to face court punishment 
for his crimes.

It's a pity we will not see him facing justice, that we will not hear the 
verdict, Hajra Catic, the head of the Tuzla-based association of 
Srebrenica mothers, told Agence France-Presse (AFP) on Sunday, March 12.

However, it seems that God (has) punished him already, she said. 
Milosevic was found dead on Saturday, March 11, in his cell in the UN war 
crimes tribunal in The Hague.



9/11: Doctors attack US over Guantanamo

Doctors World-Wide Condemn U.S. Over Guantanamo

More than 250 doctors around the world have joined a harshly worded 
criticism of the U.S. over the force-feeding of Guantanamo prisoners. Their 
letter has been published in the medical journal, The Lancet.


The Five Dancing Israelis Arrested On 9-11

On the day of the 9-11 attacks, former Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin 
Netanyahu was asked what the attacks would mean for US-Israeli relations. 
His quick reply was: It's very good…….Well, it's not good, but it will 
generate immediate sympathy (for Israel)


On March 18, Stop the “war on terrorism” by exposing the 911 Inside Job.Author

  Do we really want to stop the slaughter that is taking place in Iraq? Do 
we really want to stop future wars in Syria, Iran and wherever else the 
globalists have set their sights to? Then we must expose the real 
perpetrators of 911 – elements within our own government who needed to 
fabricate a war for their global agenda.


Of Lies and Men

Bush made and had his administration make many specific and alarming claims 
which were not true and clearly intended to push us into war. Bush and his 
people were grossly negligent to the point of depraved disregard for the 
loss of life resulting from the war he (mis)led us into. Bush, Cheney et al 
knew or should have known - and often were on actual notice - that at least 
some of the key claims about Iraq were either false or not clearly 
supported by evidence.


The twisted religion of Blair and Bush

Secular Britain was shocked last weekend when Prime Minister Tony Blair 
said that God would be his judge over the war in Iraq. Similarly, President 
George W. Bush has often used God to justify the war on terror as a 
religiously blessed and righteous campaign against evil doers. 
Predictably, those who oppose the war view themselves as secular 
progressives untainted by religious fundamentalism and the madness it produces.


A Four-Letter Word

IN ENGLISH, a four-letter word is a rude expletive. It is a vulgar 
description of a sexual act or organ, and an educated person will not use it.

Now it appears that in the Hebrew language, too, there is a four-letter 
word, which a decent person will not use, especially not in an election 
campaign. A (politically) correct person will avoid it at all costs.

That word is Peace (which in Hebrew consists of four letters).


Bush Jokes are No longer Funny

There was time when Bush jokes and cartoons were funny. I still maintain a 
large collection of them myself. But it’s difficult to look at them now or 
those in the papers. It would be like a decent German citizen looking at 
Hitler cartoons in the Berlin newspapers in 1945, if such were allowed, as 
Germany was turned into rubble day by day. Bush humor—if there ever was any 
-- is long gone. It represents a dilemma of sorts for political 
cartoonists. What more can they do? George Bush is a totally failed 
president - without doubt the worst president in American history, and he 
is doing his best—albeit probably unconsciously – to bring the country 
slowly, but inexorably, to ruin. The Republican Congress is totally 
spineless, trying nothing more to cling to some concept they call “power,” 
although they too realize at bottom that “Bush is the 

[media-dakwah] How Islamic inventors changed the world

2006-03-12 Terurut Topik muslim insuffer


In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful

=== News Update ===

How Islamic inventors changed the world

Published: 11 March 2006 (Independent UK)

 From coffee to cheques and the three-course meal, the Muslim world has 
given us many innovations that we take for granted in daily life. As a new 
exhibition opens, Paul Vallely nominates 20 of the most influential- and 
identifies the men of genius behind them

1 The story goes that an Arab named Khalid was tending his goats in the 
Kaffa region of southern Ethiopia, when he noticed his animals became 
livelier after eating a certain berry. He boiled the berries to make the 
first coffee. Certainly the first record of the drink is of beans exported 
from Ethiopia to Yemen where Sufis drank it to stay awake all night to pray 
on special occasions. By the late 15th century it had arrived in Mecca and 
Turkey from where it made its way to Venice in 1645. It was brought to 
England in 1650 by a Turk named Pasqua Rosee who opened the first coffee 
house in Lombard Street in the City of London. The Arabic qahwa became the 
Turkish kahve then the Italian caffé and then English coffee.

2 The ancient Greeks thought our eyes emitted rays, like a laser, which 
enabled us to see. The first person to realise that light enters the eye, 
rather than leaving it, was the 10th-century Muslim mathematician, 
astronomer and physicist Ibn al-Haitham. He invented the first pin-hole 
camera after noticing the way light came through a hole in window shutters. 
The smaller the hole, the better the picture, he worked out, and set up the 
first Camera Obscura (from the Arab word qamara for a dark or private 
room). He is also credited with being the first man to shift physics from a 
philosophical activity to an experimental one.

3 A form of chess was played in ancient India but the game was developed 
into the form we know it today in Persia. From there it spread westward to 
Europe - where it was introduced by the Moors in Spain in the 10th century 
- and eastward as far as Japan. The word rook comes from the Persian rukh, 
which means chariot.

4 A thousand years before the Wright brothers a Muslim poet, astronomer, 
musician and engineer named Abbas ibn Firnas made several attempts to 
construct a flying machine. In 852 he jumped from the minaret of the Grand 
Mosque in Cordoba using a loose cloak stiffened with wooden struts. He 
hoped to glide like a bird. He didn't. But the cloak slowed his fall, 
creating what is thought to be the first parachute, and leaving him with 
only minor injuries. In 875, aged 70, having perfected a machine of silk 
and eagles' feathers he tried again, jumping from a mountain. He flew to a 
significant height and stayed aloft for ten minutes but crashed on landing 
- concluding, correctly, that it was because he had not given his device a 
tail so it would stall on landing. Baghdad international airport and a 
crater on the Moon are named after him.

5 Washing and bathing are religious requirements for Muslims, which is 
perhaps why they perfected the recipe for soap which we still use today. 
The ancient Egyptians had soap of a kind, as did the Romans who used it 
more as a pomade. But it was the Arabs who combined vegetable oils with 
sodium hydroxide and aromatics such as thyme oil. One of the Crusaders' 
most striking characteristics, to Arab nostrils, was that they did not 
wash. Shampoo was introduced to England by a Muslim who opened Mahomed's 
Indian Vapour Baths on Brighton seafront in 1759 and was appointed 
Shampooing Surgeon to Kings George IV and William IV.

6 Distillation, the means of separating liquids through differences in 
their boiling points, was invented around the year 800 by Islam's foremost 
scientist, Jabir ibn Hayyan, who transformed alchemy into chemistry, 
inventing many of the basic processes and apparatus still in use today - 
liquefaction, crystallisation, distillation, purification, oxidisation, 
evaporation and filtration. As well as discovering sulphuric and nitric 
acid, he invented the alembic still, giving the world intense rosewater and 
other perfumes and alcoholic spirits (although drinking them is haram, or 
forbidden, in Islam). Ibn Hayyan emphasised systematic experimentation and 
was the founder of modern chemistry.

7 The crank-shaft is a device which translates rotary into linear motion 
and is central to much of the machinery in the modern world, not least the 
internal combustion engine. One of the most important mechanical inventions 
in the history of humankind, it was created by an ingenious Muslim engineer 
called al-Jazari to raise water for irrigation. His 1206 Book of Knowledge 
of Ingenious Mechanical Devices shows he also invented or refined the use 
of valves and pistons, devised some of the first mechanical clocks driven 
by water and weights, and was the father of robotics. Among his 50 other 
inventions was 

[media-dakwah] Terror in the Name of US War's Error - Headlines News 14 Safar 1427 H - 14.3.06

2006-03-13 Terurut Topik muslim insuffer


In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful

=== News Update ===

Forgery Doc: Secret Synagogue Under Al Aqsa

There has only ever been one artifact that was claimed to be from the first 
temple. That was a carved pomegranite that supposedly adorned a religious 
staff of some kind. Sadly, that turned out to be a forgery. There was also 
a carved tablet noting repair work done on the first temple, but that too 
turned out to be a forgery. As of this moment, and despite the extensive 
excavations underneath Al Aqsa, there is no actual evidence that the First 
Temple actually existed.


What Does Islam Say about Terrorism?

Islam, a religion of mercy, does not permit terrorism.  In the Quran, God 
has said:
God does not forbid you from showing kindness and dealing justly with 
those who have not fought you about religion and have not driven you out of 
your homes.  God loves just dealers.  (Quran, 60:8)

The Prophet Muhammad  used to prohibit soldiers from killing women and 
children,1 and he would advise them: {...Do not betray, do not be 
excessive, do not kill a newborn child.}2  And he also said: {Whoever has 
killed a person having a treaty with the Muslims shall not smell the 
fragrance of Paradise, though its fragrance is found for a span of forty 

see also: http://www.islam-guide.com/more/#Islam-on-Terrorism


The Crime of Being a Muslim Charity

The Treasury Department is playing target practice with American Muslim 
charities. On Feb. 19 Treasury seized the assets and froze the operations 
of KindHearts, a Toledo-based humanitarian organization, acting on the 
dubious allegation that it is financing terrorism. Someone from Treasury 
once told us, There are folks here who look at you guys like notches on 
their belts . . . just waiting to take the next one out.


Non-Muslim Danish students have made a site on the internet to apologize to 
moslems and asking Muslims to connect with them.

Please visit: http://www.anotherdenmark.org/


Ignorance and Islamophobia forces Ontario government to ban faith-based 
arbitrations in Ontario

September 11, 2005 is etched in the minds of many Muslims in Ontario.   On 
that fateful Sunday, Premier Dalton McGinty announced his decision to 
preclude the use of Islamic principles in resolving family disputes.  He 
also went one step further and banned the use of any religious laws in 
resolving family disputes under the Arbitration Act, 1991.


'We don't speak Arabic here'

I pretended I was dead, I opened my eyes and didn't move. I couldn't feel 
the pain anyway. My brother Jalal was lying next to me - he didn't have to 
do anything because he was at death's door.

Mohammed Tawili, 21, from Tamra was describing the moments after he and his 
brother were attacked by a gang in a parking lot in the bayside town of 
Kiryat Yam.


Justice O'Connor: Dictatorship is the danger

A Reagan-appointed supreme court justice voices her fears over attacks on 
US democracy


In case you missed it: The Secret Government

Bill Moyers, documents U.S. support of terrorist regimes and the brutality 
of Americas foreign policy


In case you missed it: How the US provoked the Soviet Union into invading 

It was July 3, 1979 that President Carter signed the first directive for 
secret aid to the opponents of the pro-Soviet regime in Kabul. And that 
very day, I wrote a note to the president in which I explained to him that 
in my opinion this aid was going to induce a Soviet military intervention.


9/11: Pakistan weekly spills 9/11 beans

The Pakistani weekly said its story is based on disclosures made by foreign 
service officials to the Public Accounts Committee at a secret meeting in 
Islamabad on Tuesday. It claimed that some of the commission members were 
also bribed to prevent them from including damaging information about Pakistan.


9/11: 10-year-old boy prisoner of Guantanamo Bay -- found innocent after 
two years of detainment

But remember, he hates us because we're free! -- Official White Horse Souse


Brussels Tribunal: US Illegality in Iraq? Where is the limit?



U.S. Torture: Top commanders approved use of dogs at Abu Ghraib

When Army Sgt. Michael J. Smith 

[media-dakwah] British soldiers disguised as Iraqis try to plant bomb by “Islamic Party” headquarters in al-Basrah

2006-03-14 Terurut Topik muslim insuffer


In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful

=== News Update ===

Al-Basrah Province.

British soldiers disguised as Iraqis try to plant bomb by Islamic Party 
headquarters in al-Basrah, in further apparent effort to spark sectarian 
civil war in Iraq.

The Iraqi puppet police in the southern Iraqi city of al-Basrah arrested 
three British soldiers disguised as Iraqis who were trying to plant 
explosives near the headquarters of the collaborationist so-called Islamic 
Party of Iraq, a Sunni party that was formed after the US occupation on the 
basis of the Iraqi Muslim Brotherhood organization.  The arrest took place 
on Thursday night, 9 March 2006, according to the al-Basrah correspondent 
for Quds Press.

Iraqi puppet security sources said that a patrol of Iraqi puppet police 
arrested three individuals who were planting an explosive device near the 
headquarters of the so-called Islamic Party.  After an investigation of the 
men it was determined that they were British troops disguised in Arab 
dress.  The source added, British forces then arrested that Iraqi group 
that had the three Britons with them.  The British troops released their 
own men but kept the Iraqi puppet police patrol in British custody, Quds 
Press reported.

The incident brought to mind a similar event that also took place in 
al-Basrah on an earlier occasion when a number of British troops disguised 
as Iraqis were caught by local puppet police on 19 September 2005 while 
trying to plant a bomb at a Shi'i shrine in the city.

Such attacks, and others where the perpetrators are unknown but the targets 
are civilian Sunni or Shi'i Iraqis, are widely viewed as a part of an 
Anglo-American effort to rescue their failing fortunes in Iraq by sparking 
a sectarian civil war in the country enabling them to fulfill their plans 
of partitioning the Iraq along ethnic and religious lines.



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[media-dakwah] Terror in the Name of US War's Error - Headlines News 15 Safar 1427 H - 15.3.06

2006-03-14 Terurut Topik muslim insuffer


In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful

=== News Update ===

Pat Robertson says he considers radical Muslims 'satanic'

NORFOLK Va.-- Television evangelist Pat Robertson said Monday on his live 
news-and-talk program The 700 Club that Islam is not a religion of peace, 
and that radical Muslims are satanic.


Washington Pulse -- White House 'Hate Speech' Takes on Life of Its Own

Editor's Note: Hate speech from the White House's war on terror has 
introduced a whole new vocabulary into public discourse. The results are 
showing up not just in furor over the Dubai port deal, but in ugly 
grass-roots campaigns and polls tracking anti-Arab, anti-Muslim sentiment. 
A senior fellow at the Center for American Progress, Mark Lloyd teaches 
public policy at Georgetown University and is an award-winning broadcast 
journalist. He writes a monthly column for New America Media called 
Washington Pulse.


The Dubai Ports World Controversy: Jingoism or Legitimate Concerns?

Congressional Democrats, who proved themselves to be so timid in 
challenging the Bush administration in its invasion and occupation of Iraq, 
the initial passage of the Patriot Act, the bombing of Afghanistan, the 
detention without due process and torture of thousands of detainees 
worldwide, and other horrendous policies finally found the courage to 
challenge the Bush administration on a post-9/11 security issue and won. 
Unfortunately, they chose an issue of little real importance and decided to 
appeal to popular racist and jingoistic sentiments by raising exaggerated 
fears over the implications of a routine transfer of ownership of a company 
which operates facilities at some terminals in six U.S. ports.



For immediate release

(Ottawa, Canada - 03/14/06) - The Canadian Council on 
American-Islamic  Relations (CAIR-CAN) today called on the Toronto police 
and the administrations of two Toronto universities to take strong action 
against a rise in hateful incidents against Muslim students.


30 Days as a Muslim in America - Video

A white, Christian, American who goes to 'live as a Muslim' for 30 days.


To return territory and kill Arabs

To return territory and kill Arabs is a favorite expression of the ranch 
forum of Ariel Sharon's advisers. In 2000, when adman-strategist Reuven 
Adler and company reshaped and polished Sharon's image, a rule was made: 
The public likes leaders who show diplomatic moderation and military 
toughness, who return land and kill Arabs. Sharon followed the rule during 
his five-year reign, and his heir-apparent, Acting Prime Minister Ehud 
Olmert will do the same.


9/11: Being Tortured and Witnessing the Killing of Two Fellow Detainees 
(with video)

U.S. Exclusive: Moazzam Begg Describes Abuse at Bagram and Guantanamo and 
Witnessing the Killing of Two Fellow Detainees

In a Democracy Now! U.S. national broadcast exclusive, we hear former 
Guantanamo detainee Moazzam Begg in his own words. He was imprisoned for 
three years without charge by the United States at Bagram airbase in 
Afghanistan and Guanatanmo Bay in Cuba. We broadcast his first comments in 
this country since the publication of his book in Britain, Enemy 
Combatant: A British Muslim's Journey to Guantanamo and Back. [includes 
rush transcript]


US Abuses, Sense of Irony Missing in Rights Report

Noah S. Leavitt, an attorney who has worked with the International Law 
Commission of the United Nations in Geneva and the International Court of 
Justice in The Hague, told IPS: The sad reality is that because of the 
[George W.] Bush administration's haughty unilateralism and its mockery of 
international prohibitions on torture, most of the rest of the world no 
longer takes the U.S. seriously on human rights matters.



The Chinese responded, As in previous years, the State Department pointed 
the finger at human rights situations in more than 190 countries and 
regions, including China, but kept silent on the serious violations of 
human rights in the United States.

Hugo Chavez' response was accurate, but much shorter than that of the 
Chinese. He called the U.S. report nothing more than toilet paper.


When Propaganda Controls America's Thinking

The voices coming from the TV screen, usually dripping with hysteria, would 
screech: An Arab company is 

[media-dakwah] Terror in the Name of US War's Error - Headlines News 16 Safar 1427 H - 16.3.06

2006-03-15 Terurut Topik muslim insuffer


In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful

=== News Update ===

Pat Robertson Accuses Muslims Of World Domination

(AHN) - Christian televangelist Pat Robertson is accusing Muslims of 
planning world domination and says some of them are satanic. Speaking on 
his TV show The 700 Club, he says radical Muslims are inspired by demonic 

BBC News reports Robertson was responding to a story about Muslim reaction 
to the publishing of cartoons satirizing the Prophet Muhammed.


30 Days As A Muslim In America

Morgan Spurlock, director of the documentary Supersize Me! sends David 
Stacy, a practicing Christian from Virginia, to work, eat, and sleep as a 
Muslim in the heart of Muslim America, Dearborn, Michigan.


Statement of Human Rights Watch to the United Nations Human Rights Committee

In the discussion of post 9/11 policies, the United States has repeatedly 
and publicly stated its view on the applicability ­ or lack thereof ­ of 
the Geneva Conventions to persons detained in connection with its so-called 
war on terror. It has also, at least until last year’s passage of the 
McCain Amendment, often repeated the argument that the Convention Against 
Torture’s prohibition against cruel, inhuman, and degrading treatment do 
not apply to U.S. authorities acting outside of the United States ­ an 
argument that, thankfully, the United States can no longer make.


The Black Mud of Bush/Blair Propaganda

It is not enough for those gentlemen of rectitude, the oh-so-Christian 
Coalition of George Bush and Tony Blair, to snatch innocent people from 
around the world and plunge them into a black hole of torture and anguish 
for years on end.


In case you missed it: Nazis of the Nineties

In his book The Road to Serfdom, Friedrich Hayek warned Americans in 1944 
that despite their military war against Nazis, they were travelling the 
philosophical and economic road to that the Nazis were travelling. The 
Americans ignored that warning. Now along the Americans we are left with 
the consequences that are coming home to roost


In case you missed it: Machiavellian Realism and U.S. Foreign Policy

Means and Ends: For the United States, as for others countries, 
Machiavellianism dominates foreign policy, but the courage of a small 
number of dissenters suggests the possibility that some day the larger 
public will no longer accept that kind of realism. Machiavelli himself 
might have smiled imperiously at this suggestion, and said, You're wasting 
your time. Nothing will change. It's human nature.


Global Economic Hegemony: A New Kind of Warfare?

In the year 2000, Iraq had decided that it was no longer going to accept 
dollars for oil being sold under the UN’s Oil For-Food Program and decided 
to switch to the Euro as Iraq’s oil export currency. The result was a 
military strike by the U.S. and it’s allies and subsequently in ample time 
the dollar was restored as Iraq’s oil export currency.


Video: 9/11 : Professor Steven E Jones Lecture On The Collapse of WTC 

Physics professor and founder of Scholars For 9/11 Truth Steven E Jones 
presents his presentation on the collapse of WTC Buildings 1,2, and 7 on 
9/11. A very informative and scientific presentation that raises serious 
questions about the official account of the collapse of the World Trade 
Center Towers and Building 7.


9/11: 200,000 people are listed in terror suspect database

The list contains an additional 150,000 records that have only partial 
names, Bucella said.


9/11: The Abu Ghraib files

279 photographs and 19 videos from the Army's internal investigation record 
a harrowing three months of detainee abuse inside the notorious prison -- 
and make clear that many of those responsible have yet to be held accountable.


9/11: Read Shocking Guantánamo Detainee Suicide Letter Just Released by The 

Attorneys Representing Guantánamo Detainees React to Shocking Guantánamo 
Suicide Letter Just Released by The U.S.
First Guantánamo Suicide Letter Declassified by U.S. Government Confirms 
Prior Accounts From Detainee: “Imprisoned, Tortured and Deprived” for “No 
Reason or Crime Committed”


9/11: I Refuse To Answer

Major General Geoffrey Miller, the officer sent from Guantanamo Bay to Iraq 
to teach the MP's and intel teams at Abu 

[media-dakwah] Terror in the Name of US War's Error - Headlines News 17 Safar 1427 H - 17.3.06

2006-03-16 Terurut Topik muslim insuffer


In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful

=== News Update ===

Is Another 9/11 in the Works?

If you were President George W. Bush with all available US troops tied down 
by the Iraqi resistance, and you were unable to control Iraq or political 
developments in the country, would you also start a war with Iran? Yes, you 


  9/11: MI5, Camp Delta, and the story that shames Britain

Bisher al-Rawi and Jamil el-Banna are among eight British residents who 
remain prisoners at the U.S. Naval Air Station at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. 
They are jailed because British officials rendered them into the hands of 
the CIA in Africa, a fact that may explain why the British government 
refuses to intercede on their behalf. Bisher and Jamil have been wrongfully 
imprisoned now for more than three years. This is the story of their 
betrayal by the British government and their appalling treatment at the 
hands of the CIA and the U.S. military.


9/11: Shocking Guantánamo Suicide Letter Just Declassified and Released by 
The U.S.

In his letter, Jumah seeks to make his “voice heard by the world from the 
depths of the detention centers” and implores the “fair people of America 
to look again at the situation and try to have a moment of truth…”


9/11: The U.S. Gulag Prison System

The shame of a nation and a crime against humanity


9/11: Torture Inc. Americas Brutal Prisons

Savaged by dogs, Electrocuted With Cattle Prods, Burned By Toxic Chemicals, 
Does such barbaric abuse inside U.S. jails explain the horrors that were 
committed in Iraq?


U.S. Tries to Salvage Unraveling 9/11 Trial

The entire case rested on a confession to being part of the 9/11 
conspiracy, even though Moussaoui himself was actually in jail at the time. 
Now we find out the government lawyers were badgering and coercing 
witnesses. Was the confession coerced as well?

Is yet another frame-up about to crater?


9/11: Moussaoui judge asked to allow FAA testimony

Prosecutors seeking the death penalty for al Qaeda terrorist Zacarias 
Moussaoui yesterday asked a judge to reconsider her ban on testimony from 
aviation security specialists coached by an outside lawyer.


On books, censorship and political pressure (Haroon Siddiqui in Toronto Star)

Just as the din of the Danish cartoon controversy ­ with its arguments over 
freedom of speech, censorship and political or consumer pressures ­ was 
dying down, several others with similar echoes have hit the headlines.


Burma's forgotten Muslims

They have been called one of the world's most persecuted people. Some argue 
that they are also one of the most forgotten.


Four statements on creation of new UN Human Rights Council

Human Rights Council only pays lip service to reform, says B'nai Brith Canada

TORONTO, March 15, 2006 ­ B'nai Brith Canada has expressed concerns over 
the decision by the UN to inaugurate a UN Human Rights Council, as just 
offering an illusion of change.

Amnesty Statement:
UN Human Rights Council: A victory for human rights protection

Human Rights Watch Statement

U.N.: New Rights Council Offers Hope for Victims

see also:
Statement of Human Rights Watch to the United Nations Human Rights Committee

Statement from Canadian Government


U.S. Votes Against U.N. Human Rights Council

The new Human Rights Council is meant to replace the 53-member Commission 
on Human Rights founded in 1946 to censure countries abusing their own 


America can't block UN's new human rights body

AGAINST strong American opposition the United Nations has overwhelmingly 
voted to establish a new body to promote human rights around the world.


Hiroshima - Where Denial Meets Reality - The Lies - The Deaths - The Future?

  Must watch flash presentation


The Two Americas

We protect our freedoms 

[media-dakwah] Terror in the Name of US War's Error - Headlines News 18 Safar 1427 H - 18.3.06

2006-03-17 Terurut Topik muslim insuffer


In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful

=== News Update ===

The Third Wave of Political Islamism

BEIRUT -- Mainstream Islamist political parties that win elections 
throughout the Middle East and Asia are often perceived in Western lands 
and Israel as a dire threat. Not all Arabs and Asians are happy with the 
victorious Islamists, either. It is important to interpret correctly why 
the Islamists are winning, and what they really represent.


Humanity Suffers the Savagery of the American Empire’s Post 9/11 Worldview

Pink Slips Abound for Prosecutors and Therapists

Karl Rove, the mastermind of Bush II’s ascension to America’s seat of 
power, is a man of great distinction. Despite his decidedly porcine 
features, Mr. Rove’s Machiavellian lust for power, narcissistic lack of 
empathy, sycophantic devotion to the Bush crime family, deceitful nature, 
and conniving mind coalesce to leave the Prince looking like a pauper.


9/11: Bush administration renews “preemptive war” strategy

The National Security Strategy document released Thursday by the White 
House reaffirms the prerogative of the United States to take “preemptive” 
actions to counter possible threats from alleged enemies.

When it was first unveiled in September 2002, the Bush administration’s 
doctrine of “preemptive war” was generally seen as an attempt to justify 
the impending invasion of Iraq­a country that posed absolutely no real or 
foreseeable, let alone imminent, threat to the United States. The doctrine 
was widely condemned outside the United States as advancing a policy for 
which there exists no foundation in international law.


9/11: Doctors attack US over Guantanamo

More than 250 medical experts have signed a letter condemning the US for 
force-feeding prisoners on hunger strike at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. The 
experts, from seven nations, said physicians at the prison had to respect 
inmates' right to refuse treatment. The letter, in the medical journal The 
Lancet, said doctors who used restraints and force-feeding should be 
punished by their professional bodies.


Basic Statistics for United States Imperialism



American Megalomania

Our 'national security strategy' is crazed nonsense.What the U.S. 
government is saying, here, is that it has abandoned the traditional 
behavior of ordinary nation-states throughout history. This is generally 
understood to be the preservation and protection its own national 
interests, somewhat narrowly defined as the defense of its territory and 
such ancillary overseas interests as are directly related to its continued 
survival as a nation. But the Americans have now abandoned that paradigm, 
and are seemingly intent on adopting the old Soviet model, at least the one 
that predominated in the immediate aftermath of the 1917 Bolshevik coup, in 
which the Communist International was proclaimed from the rooftops and the 
leaders of the Russian state routinely referred to their intention to 
overthrow world capitalism.


It's far easier to fight for principles than to live up to them.

A must watch 5 minute video


The End Of Civilization

I had a mild epiphany the other day: it’s not President Bush who’s living 
in a fantasy world, it’s most of his critics who are. I’m no apologist for 
Bush – I neither like nor dislike him. He’s no more significant to me than 
a fly buzzing around outside my window. So permit me to explain my reasoning.


What Did You See at the War, Jimmy?

We demonized the Iraqi people and we were given carte blanche to shoot 
first and ask questions later. I think that the truth hurts. I think when a 
lot of Marines read this book it's going to bring to their point of view 
the violations of the Geneva Conventions. Can you win a war with continued 
violations of the Geneva Conventions and International Law?


The central battlefield in the global resource war

Once we observe the sharp black outline of America’s newest battlefield, 
the illusions of the “war on terror” are quickly dispelled. This is the 
geographic reality of the present conflict. The war on terror is merely 
public relations fluff.


Ottawa begins process to send Khadr to U.S.

To hear reasons for extradition - Eldest son faces terrorism charges

Canada's attorney general has ordered the start of an extradition hearing 
that could send Abdullah Khadr 

[media-dakwah] Terror in the Name of US War's Error - Headlines News 19 Safar 1427 H - 19.3.06

2006-03-19 Terurut Topik muslim insuffer


In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful

=== News Update ===


BRUSSELS, Belgium (UPI) -- The urban riots that shook France to its core 
last year were not sparked by Islamist fanatics and had little to do with 
the radicalization of the country`s Muslim youth, says a new report by the 
International Crisis Group. Instead, the independent Brussels-based 
grouping blames the violence on political frustration and social 
deprivation among Muslim communities and the heavy-handed tactics adopted 
by French police in deprived suburbs.

International Crisis Group website:

Study at:


Simple Math demonstrate that the Official 9/11 Account is a Fabrication

The term official 9/11 account refers to the account of the events of 
Sept. 11, 2001, as presented in June 2004 by the Commission of Inquiry 
appointed by President George W. Bush, and complemented by other official 
documents issued by US government agencies. This account includes various 
details, such as identities of the alleged hijackers, identities of 
aircraft, timelines and other data used to prove that the crime of 9/11 was 
perpetrated by the named individuals under the orders or the inspiration of 
Osama bin Laden and other al Qaeda leaders.


The real meaning of 9/11

There is a rush to replace the World Trade Center with something or other 
but inaction to replace the houses of the hundreds of thousands who lost 
their homes to Hurricane Katrina.


9/11: Bush claims he can violate detainee rights at Gitmo

The Bush administration argued Friday that a newly enacted law wipes out 
hundreds of pending court cases by detainees in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, who 
are challenging their confinement.


9/11: The Torture Judge

U.S. court rules our government can break international laws to keep us safe.
Oh, well that makes it all right then!


9/11: Who's really locked up in Guantanamo?

Last week, under court order, the Pentagon released the transcripts of 
several hundred hearings held to decide whether Guantanamo prisoners were 
in fact enemy combatants. Classified evidence was deleted, but what 
emerges is how insignificant most of these prisoners are. Fewer than half 
were caught on battlefields in Afghanistan or by U.S. troops. A majority 
were turned over by Pakistan (often for cash bounties). Few combatants 
are even accused of having fought. Many are held simply because they were 
living in a house associated with the Taliban or working for a charity 
linked to the group.


The Meaning of Free Speech

The flap over a Colorado high-school geography teacher illustrates two 
faults in American society today. One: Talk radio and talk television have 
taken on the role of rabble-rousers who routinely incite the mobs over any 
trivial matter. Two: People still obviously believe in word magic.

The teacher, Jay Bennish, said in a lecture in his geography course that 
there were some similarities between President Bush's last State of the 
Union speech and speeches Adolf Hitler used to make.


Can a Scientist Believe in God?

Can a scientist believe in God? Absolutely. And recent surveys indicate 
that about 40 percent do, Francis Collins, co-director of the team to 
locate the gene for cystic fibrosis told tae. But for many scientists, 
answering that question can break a career. Take Dr. Dean Kenyon for 
example. He earned an S.B. in physics from the University of Chicago (Phi 
Beta Kappa) and a Ph.D. in biophysics from Stanford. He was a National 
Science Foundation Postdoctoral Fellow at the University of California, 
Berkeley; a visiting scholar at Oxford; and a postdoctoral fellow at 
nasa-Ames Research Center. Since the publication of the book he co-wrote, 
Biochemical Predestination, he has been an authority in chemical 
evolutionary theory. But one semester at San Francisco State University, he 
included 3 lectures (out of 27) on the Bible and the origins of life, for 
which he was removed from teaching introductory lecture courses. Only under 
pressure from the university's Academic Freedom Committee, the Academic 
Senate, and the American  Association of University Professors was Kenyon 


Number Of Iraqi Civilians Slaughtered In America's War? As Many As 250,000

[media-dakwah] Terror in the Name of US War's Error - Headlines News 20 Safar 1427 H - 20.3.06

2006-03-19 Terurut Topik muslim insuffer


In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful

=== News Update ===

9/11: Downing Street acknowledges its role in US plot of kidnapping 
civilians and sending them to torture

British airports handled 73 CIA flights

Aircraft suspected of being used by the CIA for extraordinary rendition - 
the practice of sending detainees to camps, including Guantánamo Bay, where 
they were at risk of being tortured - passed through British airports on 73 
occasions since 2001, the government disclosed yesterday. They included an 
aircraft which left the Afghan capital Kabul and landed in Edinburgh in 
November 2002 before continuing its journey to Washington.

see also:


Why Many Media Oulets and NGO's Stay Silent

The military-industrial complex is elephantine, yet it is rarely taken into 
account by political commentators. Connected to almost everything, it is 
one reason why the home front sustains our aggressive, illegal, military 
interventions and occupations throughout the world. Many good people are in 
thrall to the military-industrial complex, and consequently are silenced, 
unwilling to become active opponents. These include liberals, social 
justice advocates, and even professional soldiers who question our illegal 
interventions. There are, of course, some protesters in our nation, but not 
enough to make militarism the main issue in Congressional and Presidential 
elections, or to give the subject much visibility on a daily basis.


If Bush ruled the world

PARIS Intellectual poverty is the most striking quality of the Bush 
administration's new National Security Strategy statement, issued on 
Thursday. Its overall incoherence, its clichés and stereotyped phraseology 
give the impression that Stephen Hadley, the national security adviser, and 
his fellow authors assembled it from the boilerplate of bureaucratic 
discourse with contempt for the Congress to whom it is primarily addressed.

It reveals the administration's foreign policy as a lumpy stew of 
discredited neoconservative ideas with some neo- Kissingerian geopolitics 
now mixed in.

The statement's only visible purpose is to address a further threat to 
Iran, as its predecessor, in 2002, threatened Iraq. The only actual 
strategy that can be deduced from it is that the Bush administration 
wishes to rule the world. The document is nonsensical in content, insulting 
to other nations and unachievable in declared intention.


Killing Children: The “My Lai phase” of the Iraq war

What goes through George Bush’s mind when he sees the dead bodies of Iraqi 
women and children loaded on the back of a pickup truck like garbage? Is 
there ever a flicker of remorse; a split-second when he fully grasps the 
magnitude of the horror he has created?


Before and After Abu Ghraib, a U.S. Unit Abused Detainees

The story of detainee abuse in Iraq is a familiar one. But the following 
account of Task Force 6-26, based on documents and interviews with more 
than a dozen people, offers the first detailed description of how the 
military's most highly trained counterterrorism unit committed serious abuses.



The U.S. government has systematic links to Guatemalan Army death squad 
operations that go far beyond the disclosures that have recently shaken 
official Washington. The news that the C.I.A. employed a Guatemalan colonel 
who reportedly ordered two murders has been greeted with professions of 
shock and outrage. But in fact the story goes much deeper, as U.S. 
officials well know.


God protect us from the fourth year

In the last weeks alone, thousands have died in senseless violence and the 
American and Iraqi army bomb Samarra as I write this. The sad thing isn’t 
the air raid, which is one of hundreds of air raids we’ve seen in three 
years- it’s the resignation in the people. They sit in their homes in 
Samarra because there’s no where to go. Before, we’d get refugees in 
Baghdad and surrounding areas… Now, Baghdadis themselves are looking for 
ways out of the city… out of the country.


A light fades over Samarra

Whether you are Sunni or Shia, Arab or Kurd, there is no difference 
between Iraqis, said the Iraqi war correspondent. [We are] united in fear 
for this nation.


Children of Abraham: Death in the Desert

What happened in the village of Isahaqi, north of Baghdad, on Ides of 
March? The murk of 

[media-dakwah] Terror in the Name of US War's Error - Headlines News 21 Safar 1427 H - 21.3.06

2006-03-20 Terurut Topik muslim insuffer


In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful

=== News Update ===

Pentagon hired contractor to advise on collecting information on churches, 
mosques, other U.S. sites

A Pentagon intelligence agency that kept files on American anti-war 
activists hired one of the contractors who bribed former Rep. Randy Duke 
Cunningham, R-Calif., to help it collect data on houses of worship, 
schools, power plants and other locations in the United States.


Crusaders were noble, says Vatican -  Vatican on a quest for the Crusaders

THE Vatican has moved to rehabilitate the Crusaders by sponsoring a 
conference that portrays the Crusades as wars fought with the noble aim 
of regaining the Holy Land for Christianity. The Crusades are seen by many 
Muslims as acts of violence that have underpinned Western aggression 
towards the Arab world ever since. Followers of Osama bin Laden claim to be 
taking part in a latter-day jihad against the Jews and Crusaders.


The U.S. government is one of the biggest opponents of democracy in the world

Take El Salvador for example – a tiny nation in Central America with only 
about 5 million people. Our government used intimidation in March of this 
year to promote the election of the ARENA party’s candidate for president, 
Tony Saca over the FMLN candidate Shafik Handal. At about the same time our 
government was issuing statements to scare Salvadorans it was also trying 
to scare Americans about non-existent weapons of mass destruction in Iraq.


The Most Powerful Weapon in the World

No pictures of the family leading ordinary lives. Every image is draped 
with flags or patriotic messages of support. This is not by chance. The 
producers don't care about who these people are. They only care about what 
they represent. This man's life and the lives of his sons were consumed by 
the fear and intolerance fabricated by the media, all in the name of an 
abstract notion of freedom and nationalism that simply does NOT represent 

Wakeup America. This is the height of fascism. You're being manipulated and 
controlled by the media to serve a war machine that feeds corporate interests.


Domestic lying: The question that journalists don’t ask Bush

With great fanfare the other day, Oprah Winfrey asked James Frey a question 
that mainstream journalists refuse to ask George W. Bush: “Why would you lie?”

Many pundits and news outlets have chortled at the televised unmasking of 
Frey as a liar. The reverberations have spanned from schlock media to 
highbrow outlets. On Friday, the PBS “NewsHour With Jim Lehrer” devoted an 
entire segment to what happened. The New York Times supplemented its 
page-one coverage with an editorial that concluded “Ms. Winfrey gave the 
audience, including us, what it was hoping for: a demand to hear the truth.”


Bush still sees no reason to apologise

So I lied to get us into the war. Big @#$%ing deal. Only a commie pinko 
fag junkie anti-Semite would care that I started a war with lies. Real 
Americans LOVE to be lied to! -- Official White Horse Souse


Iraq: The big lie

Bush and Rumsfeld robotically repeat their Iraq talking points, ignoring 
the fact that their ambassador and generals are contradicting them.


A Collapsing Presidency

Neocons are Jacobins. They are a foreign import and do not share our 
American values. Neocons are a grave danger to the United States and to the 
world. Neocons have led America into two gratuitous on-going wars that 
cannot be won, and they are determined to lead us into more wars. It is our 
duty to defend our country and to oppose these evil people.


Decline and fall

Kevin Phillips, no lefty, says that America -- addicted to oil, strangled 
by debt and maniacally religious -- is headed for doom.


America’s Blinders

What is the idea of our moral superiority based on? Surely not on our 
behavior toward people in other parts of the world.


Baker’s Latest Assignment; tell Bush we lost

After years of struggle, Baker and company have finally created the 
one-party system of their dreams with a government that is unaccountable to 
the people, the law, or its political base. Unfortunately, he’s about to 
learn what others have known for some time; the nation is in the vice-like 
grip of homicidal maniacs who have no 

[media-dakwah] Are the Perpetrators of 911 still the 19 Arab Hijackers? Watch These Videos for answers

2006-03-21 Terurut Topik muslim insuffer


In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful

=== News Update ===

Are the Perpetrators of 911 still the 19 Arab Hijackers? Watch These Videos 
for answers

by Meer Sahib - March 21, 2006 ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

Dear Friends:

If a man in the street was asked the question: Who do you think attacked 
America on Sept 11?, what would be his immediate answer?

It would be : Don't you know, it is the Arabs!.

While the masses have believed this story, the inquiring minds have been 
asking many questions, and investigating painstakingly to discover the truth.

After all, 911 is a major milestone in modern history. The attacks on 
Afghanistan and Iraq were justified, simply, by the allegation that the 911 
attackers were 19 Arabs belonging to Al-Qaeda. New laws targeting Arabs and 
Muslims have been enacted in western countries. And there is widespread 
hate against Arabs and Muslims.

Would any civilized society accept hanging a wrong man for a murder he may 
not have committed? The judicial process would take years of investigation 
cross-examination of witnesses, and iron clad proof, to sentence a person.

The Bible commands believers to search for truth before passing judgement:
Then shalt thou enquire, and make search, and ask diligently; and, behold, 
if it be truth, and the thing certain, that such abomination is wrought 
among you Deu 13:14

And the Qura'n exhorts : O ye who believe! stand out firmly for justice, 
as witnesses to Allah, even as against yourselves, or your parents, or your 
kin, and whether it be (against) rich or poor: for Allah can best protect 
both. Follow not the lusts (of your hearts), lest ye swerve, and if ye 
distort (justice) or decline to do justice, verily Allah is well- 
acquainted with all that ye do. (4:135) and again :O ye who believe! 
stand out firmly for Allah, as witnesses to fair dealing, and let not the 
hatred of others to you make you swerve to wrong and depart from justice. 
Be just: that is next to piety: and fear Allah. For Allah is 
well-acquainted with all that ye do.(5:8)

But, in the case of a very complex crime like the 911, it took the neo-con 
driven US government less than 48 hours to determine the guilty party. 
Soon, there were cries for blind justice. They said go and bomb somebody, 
any body!. Then, many innocent people were mercilessly massacred, for a 
crime they had no knowledge of.

The story of the 19 Arab hijackers has been repeated so many times, day and 
night, that most people, from politicians to priests, and the common man, 
blindly accept it as historical fact. But, the fair-minded people in the 
west are not going to accept such hoaxes, no matter how elaborate they are.

So, scientists, professors, former fighter pilots, aeronautical engineers, 
structural engineers, investigative journalists and other intellectuals 
have spent much time to unravel the mystery behind 911. For, not only the 
911 spelled murder for Arabs and Muslims (a.k.a 'war on terror'), but the 
western intellectuals also recognized that 911 was the pretext the ruling 
elite needed to curtail the common man's freedoms and civil rights.

You are of course free to continue to believe what you already believe. But 
your curiosity may impel you to see the work of these intellectuals. 
Perhaps, then, you might say, I don't want to be part of this massive 
crime. I want my soldiers to come home and stop this war of terror on 
innocent people.

You can either watch these documentaries on line or download into your hard 
disk and then burn a DVD using Nero or Roxio or any other DVD burning 
programs. Pls do share this with your friends and colleagues:

There are numerous books and documentaries, but I recommend these two:
(1) http://tinyurl.com/layem
This documentary,  Perspective 9-11 is an insight research on the story 
behind the 9-11 attack.
(2) http://tinyurl.com/bzg64
Loose Change

Here are some commentaries:
Loose Change is an extremely hard hitting, heavily referenced 
documentary. It has the best footage that I have seen to date, of all the 
bombs and explosions going off at the World Trade Center. He covers each 
individual aspect of 9/11 in keen detail, and after watching 'Loose Change' 
it is almost impossible to walk away and not believe that 9/11 was 
engineered, not by Osama, but by our own Government.

This film shows direct connection between the attacks of September 11, 2001 
and the United States government.

Evidence is derived from news footage, scientific fact, and most important, 
Americans who suffered through that tragic day.

Director:  Dylan Avery

source: http://www.montrealmuslimnews.net


-muslim voice-

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

 Yahoo! Groups Sponsor ~-- 

[media-dakwah] Terror in the Name of US War's Error - Headlines News 23 Safar 1427 H - 23.3.06

2006-03-22 Terurut Topik muslim insuffer


In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful

=== News Update ===

Number Of Iraqi Civilians Slaughtered In America's War? As Many As 250,000


Number of U.S. Military Personnel Slaughtered (Officially acknowledged) In 
Bush's War 2319


The War in Iraq Costs $249,019,818,285



The Aftermath Of A Massacre

Have American troops been killing unarmed civilians in Iraq?

Must watch BBC Reports :
This is the account of a nine year old survivor. I watched them shoot my 
grandfather, first in the chest then in the head, then they killed my granny.


What’s Become of Americans?

If this story is true, under Donald Rumsfeld and George Bush’s leadership, 
proud and honorable U.S. Marines have degenerated into the Waffen SS. Those 
of us raised on John Wayne war movies find this very hard to take.


Death Squad Democracy

In a larger sense, the alleged sectarian violence is consistent with what 
we have seen in previous CIA-run operations in El Salvador and Nicaragua. 
Cheney, Rumsfeld, and Negroponte are alumna of those conflicts (which, 
according to Cheney, succeeded quite admirably) so it's probable that they 
would apply what they have learned about counterinsurgency to the ongoing 
war in Iraq. The El Salvador-experiment proved that the masses can 
eventually be terrorized into compliance.


The Road To Guantánamo

Must Watch Video :
In this compelling docudrama three young British Muslims tell the story of 
how they came to be in US custody at Guantánamo for over two years, and 
discuss the Kafkaesque horrors that awaited them there, until finally they 
were released without charge or apology.


Quiet force behind Bush policies

  Torture memo, spying, Guantanamo can all be traced to Cheney's top aide.


U.S. can’t cover up its record of torture

More details of abuse emerge

THE PENTAGON is getting ready to pull out of Abu Ghraib prison--the 
notorious site of the torture of Iraqi prisoners by U.S. military forces.

Earlier this month, following a Senate hearing, Marine Gen. Peter Pace, 
chair of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, announced that the U.S. would turn over 
control of Abu Ghraib to the Iraqi government. Abu Ghraib became synonymous 
with the abuse of detainees after pictures were made public in 2004 of U.S. 
soldiers posing with tortured Iraqi prisoners.


UK residents seek Guantanamo release at High Court

Lawyers for three long-term British residents held at Guantanamo Bay will 
return to the High Court today to demand the intervention of the Foreign 
Secretary in securing their release.


Helen Thomas Asks President Bush Why He Went to War

Note: Helen Thomas is one of the most courageous journalists in America 
today, unlike most of those corporate supported panzie pseudo journalists 
who systematically parrot the pro-war, pro-zionist hate drivel coming out 
of the White House

Listen/Watch/Read and see what kind of a bafoon Bush really is:


Helen Thomas Hammers Bush in Press Conference (Bush tries to connect Iraq 
and Taliban again)

Q I'd like to ask you, Mr. President, your decision to invade Iraq has 
caused the deaths of thousands of Americans and Iraqis, wounds of Americans 
and Iraqis for a lifetime. Every reason given, publicly at least, has 
turned out not to be true. My question is, why did you really want to go to 
war? From the moment you stepped into the White House, from your Cabinet -- 
your Cabinet officers, intelligence people, and so forth -- what was your 
real reason? You have said it wasn't oil -- quest for oil, it hasn't been 
Israel, or anything else. What was it?


Bush on the Start of the Iraq War: I feel good!

Posted in response to Bush's statement to Helen Thomas yesterday about how 
he did not want war.


Bush: 'I Didn't Want War'




The Downing Street Memo is only the beginning of the proof we were all lied to.

All war is based on deception. -- Sun Tzu, The Art of War

There is nothing new in a government lying to their people to start a war. 
Indeed because most people prefer living in peace to bloody and horrific 
death in war, any government that desires to initiate a 

[media-dakwah] Terror in the Name of US War's Error - Headlines News 24 Safar 1427 H - 24.3.06

2006-03-23 Terurut Topik muslim insuffer


In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful

=== News Update ===

Number Of Iraqi Civilians Slaughtered In America's War? As Many As 250,000


Number of U.S. Military Personnel Slaughtered (Officially acknowledged) In 
Bush's War 2319


The War in Iraq Costs $249,019,818,285

See the cost in your community


Islamophobia: A second Holocaust in the making

Germany, once again, apologizes for the Holocaust and is willing to do what 
it takes to redeem itself - even if it was financing a second Holocaust 
against the Palestinian people; a typical manifestation of the European 
guilt-ridden political conscience. And typically, we, Arabs and Muslims are 
to pay the price.


Montreal mosque vandalized

For the fourth time in recent weeks, vandals have targeted a Montreal-area 
mosque, this time smashing several windows with rocks at a St. Michel 
mosque early Tuesday morning.

Imam Said Jazari says his is the fourth mosque in the Montreal region to be 
hit since the global controversy over the publishing of cartoons depicting 
the prophet Muhammad. Jazari organized a demonstration against those 
cartoons last month.


Muslim chaplain of NY jails suspended for saying there are terrorists in 
the White House


Dozens of clergy of all faiths, correction officers and fellow Muslims came 
out to support the head chaplain of the city's jails, who was suspended 
last week for allegedly claiming in a speech there are terrorists in the 
White House.


Danes must apologise to Muslims to end boycott - imam

MANAMA (Reuters) - Danish imams attending an Islamic scholars meeting in 
Bahrain will not call for a halt to a Muslim boycott of their country's 
goods until Danes apologise for cartoons of the Prophet Mohammad, an imam 
said on Thursday.

Danish media reported on Thursday that the delegation of Danish imams would 
issue an appeal calling for the boycott of Danish products and firms to be 


Quebec orders prayer site for Muslims

MONTREAL­The Quebec Human Rights Commission says a university-affiliated 
institution should try to find reasonable accommodation where its Muslim 
students can pray.


Poll: 68% of Jews would refuse to live in same building as an Arab

Sixty-eight percent of Israeli Jews would refuse to live in the same 
apartment building as an Israeli Arab, according to the results of an 
annual poll released Wednesday by the Center for the Struggle Against Racism.


Interest in Learning Arabic Soars:  Arabic the fastest-growing spoken 
language of study at U.S. colleges and universities.

Interest in Learning Arabic Soars

As global events focus attention on the language, students at U.S. colleges 
are lining up for classes. But instructors are in short supply.

Coming of age during the 9/11 attacks and war in Iraq, some of the students 
in UCLA's advanced Arabic class want to launch diplomatic or military 
careers. Others seek to delve into the Koran and Islamic culture. And some 
simply love a mind-stretching, tongue-twisting challenge.


Secret papers show how Britain helped Israel make the A-bomb in the 1960s - 
Britain's dirty secret

Exculsive - Secret papers show how Britain helped Israel make the A-bomb in 
the 1960s, supplying tons of vital chemicals including plutonium and 
uranium. And it looks as though Harold Wilson and his ministers knew 
nothing about it.

Mirage jets swoop from the sky to destroy the Egyptian air force before 
breakfast; tanks race across the desert to the Suez Canal; Moshe Dayan, the 
defence minister, poses with eyepatch after the Jerusalem brigade has 
fought its way into the Old City. These are the heroic images of the Six 
Day War and they defined Israeli daring: here was a people who, it seemed, 
risked everything on a throw of the dice. Years later the world discovered 
that there was an insurance policy.



WASHINGTON (AP) - Nabil Amen wrote it off as mistaken identity the first 
time U.S. border agents handcuffed him as he returned home 

[media-dakwah] FWD: Discussion regarding terrorist

2006-03-24 Terurut Topik muslim insuffer


In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful

=== News Update ===

From: mailto:Muhamad HanafiahMuhamad Hanafiah
Subject: Discussion regarding terrorist

(Dr. Danial bin Zainal Abidin (M.B.Ch.B. University of Alexandria) is the 
Managing Director of Danial Zainal Consultancy based in Penang Island, 
Malaysia. This Consultancy focussed on education and research. He is also a 
Medical Practitioner based in Penang Island, Malaysia. Besides that he is 
also an author who, until now, has written altogether ten books. As a 
motivator, he gives motivation weekly through Mutiara FM (Penang Island 
Broadcasting Station). He is also a columnist for i-Magazine in Malaysia.)

John (J): Dr Danial (DD), I always wonder why prophet Muhammad taught 
Muslims to become terrorists. He should teach people to be kind and tolerant.

DD: Actually John, your concept about Islam and Muhammad is wrong. 
Completely wrong. Prophet Muhammad never taught his followers to be 
terrorists. On the contrary, it was the Muslims who were being terrorised 
by the non Muslims in the era of prophet Muhammad. For 13 years in Mecca, 
after being prophet of Islam, Muhammad and the Muslims were harassed and 
tortured by the Quraisyites. The companions of the prophet, for example, 
Yasser and Sumayyyah, were killed. The others, for example, Bilal and 
Ammar, were tortured. And yet the Muslims at that time were asked to be 
patient and persevere. They were not allowed to fight and raise arms 
against the non Muslims. Once prophet Muhammad went to Taif to preach about 
Islam. He got a cold reception from the people there. There cursed him and 
as if it was not enough, they threw stones and filth towards him. When the 
Archangel Jibril came to him to get his permission to demolish the people 
of Taif, prophet Muhammad said, Leave them alone. Yes, today the people 
ignored my message. But I pray that their progeny will be a different group 
of people. I pray that they will accept Islam. Are these acts and words of 
terrorism John?

John: But there are verses in the Quran that promote terrorism. These 
verses instigate the Muslims to kill the non Muslims all over the world. If 
I am not mistaken, the meaning of one of the verses is, And kill the non 
Muslims whereever they are.

DD: Oh, you are quoting the verses from the Quran. If that's the case, you 
should allow me to quote a few verses from your Bible and Talmud. In 
Numbers 31:17-18, it was stated, Now therefore, kill every male among the 
little ones, and kill every woman who has known man intimately. But all the 
girls who have not known man intimately, spare for yourselves. And in Luke 
19:26-27, I tell you that to everyone who has, more shall be given, but 
from the one who does not have, even what he does have shall be taken away. 
But these enemies of mine, who did not want me to reign over them, bring 
them here and slay them in my presence. How about one more verse from 
Matthew 10:34-35, Do not think that I have come to send peace on earth. I 
did not come to send peace, but a sword. I am sent to set a man against his 
father, a daughter against her mother, and a daughter-in-law against her 
mother-in-law. To me these verses are very dangerous. They can instigate 
people especially the christians to do acts of terrorism!

And please allow me also to quote from the holy book of the Jews, that is 
the Talmud. I suppose you know that the Talmud is Judaism's holiest book. 
Its authority takes precedence over the Old Testament in Judaism. It is 
stated in Sanhedrin 58b, If a heathen (i.e. non-Jew) hits a Jew, the 
gentile must be killed. And In Sanhedrin 57a, When a Jew murders a 
gentile ('Cuthean'), there will be no death penalty. What a Jew steals from 
a gentile he may keep. And John, have you read a book written by  A. 
Hoffman II and Alan R. Critchley titled Judaism's Strange God?

John: Err, no.

DD: Never mind. A. Hoffman II and Alan R. Critchley recently did a thorough 
research on the contents of the Talmud and what they found surprised them. 
In their book, Judaism's Strange God, they said, 'On the surface, it seems 
that genocide is advocated by the Talmud. In the Minor Tractates, Soferim 
15, Rule 10, there is a saying by Rabbi Simon ben Yohai, 'Tob shebe goyyim 
harog,' which means, 'even the best of the gentiles (i.e. non-Jews) should 
all be killed.' This passage is taken from the original Hebrew of the 
Babylonian Talmud as quoted by the 1907 Jewish Encyclopaedia. Israelis 
annually take part in a national pilgrimage to the grave of Simon ben 
Yohai, to honour this rabbi who advocated the extermination of non-Jews.' 
John, you will agree with me that these verses look very, very violent 

John: But Dr. Danial, I think these verses, especially from the Bible, are 
taken out of context. If you read just the text it may look very violent. 
But if we read the text in relation with its context, it 

[media-dakwah] Terror in the Name of US War's Error - Headlines News 25 Safar 1427 H - 25.3.06

2006-03-24 Terurut Topik muslim insuffer


In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful

=== News Update ===

American War Crimes

A common-sense look at US actions against Iraq.


American Man Who Hates Islam Spends Thirty Days With Muslims- Find out what 

Its's about this American guy in Western Virginia who really hates Islam 
and thinks all muslims are bad people, like the usual western society.

He spends 30 days with Muslims, and you won't believe what happens.


President dismisses complaints U of T soft on racism Protest

Occasionally crying shame, student activists yesterday demanded U of T do 
a better job of ridding the campus and administration of what they say is 





Arar tells EU investigators of ordeal

Brussels ­ Maher Arar told an investigative committee of the European 
Parliament on Thursday that he was kidnapped in New York and deported by 
U.S. authorities via Rome and Jordan to Syria, where he was tortured for 10 


Workers On The Slag Heap Of History

Today, in America, the richest country on earth, the gates of many towns 
welcome visitors with abandoned factories. And the communities these 
factories flank tell you more about what's really destroying America than 
any Wall Street analyst or Washington policy wonk ever could.


Video: Professor David Ray Griffin: Author of The New Pearl Harbor The 
9/11 Commission Report

Omissions and Distortions Professor Griffin addresses how the White House 
managed the 9/11 Comission's investigation.


I can prove George Bush didn't have a failure of imagination on or before 
9/11, using his own words

George Bush said before he was president that terrorism would be his number 
one priority, after 9/11 he said it was a failure of imagination.

Imagine if you told your children not to stick their hands in the fire, 
then you did it, got burned, and blamed them for not heeding your own 
warnings. What should your children think of you?

Well children, time to read Bush's warnings, his specific priorities, and 
then ask yourself...How could George Bush have had a failure of 
imagination, when he said protecting the American people from terrorism, 
was his number one priority?


Sheen Airs 9/11 Conspiracy Theory

Actor Charlie Sheen refuses to accept the official explanation behind the 
terrorist atrocities of September 11, 2001, and believes the U.S. 
government covered up what really happened.

Conspiracy theorist Sheen claims New York City's Twin Towers fell as the 
result of a controlled demolition.


9/11 : No Longer The Minority: 82% Plus Support Charlie Sheen

Despite the best efforts of the now whimpering attack poodles of the 
mainstream media, an online CNN poll shows that over four-fifths, or 82 per 
cent, agree with actor Charlie Sheen that the U.S. government covered up 
the real events of the 9/11 attacks.


Do you agree with Charlie Sheen that the U.S. government covered up the 
real events of the 9/11 attacks?

Posted Mar 24, 2006 08:14 AM PST - Category: 911
Poll in left column, 82% of respondants said yes.


Village Voice Hit Piece Attacks 9/11 Skeptics

A new hit piece is doing the rounds that seeks to portray the 9/11 truth 
movement as an almost evangelical orthodoxy with ties to Neo-Nazi 

Which tells you right there who is behind the 9-11 cover-up, because they 
ALWAYS resort to smearing their enemies as Neo-Nazis (See article about 
Dershowitz below).


Alan Dershowitz cranks up the smear machine against the Harvard report on 
the Israeli lobby

Alan, there are no more real Nazis, Every so-called Nazi or Neo-Nazi out 
there, upon close examination, turns out to be someone's agent, playing at 
Nazi, in order to extract political benefit.

I mean, lets get back to reality. Who would sign up to be identified with 
the people who LOST THE LAST WORLD WAR? Do you see kids going out to play 
war begging to play the Cong in Vietnam, or the British in 1776? Do you? 
NO. Yet we are being told to believe that despite losing WW2 and wrecking 
Germany in the process, there are people 

[media-dakwah] Terror in the Name of US War's Error - Headlines News 26 Safar 1427 H - 26.3.06

2006-03-25 Terurut Topik muslim insuffer


In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful

=== News Update ===

It’s time to use the H-word : HOLOCAUST

The word holocaust from the Greek word holokauston, meaning “a completely 
(holos) burnt (kaustos) sacrificial offering.” In Iraq, Bush is daily, 
through murder most foul, making a sacrificial offering of Iraqi men, women 
and children to the god of empire.

Thus far the murderous Bush has sacrificed over 300,000 Iraqis upon the 
altar of greed. In his deranged mind Bush sees the light and the way; the 
light of the burning corpses of thousands of victims and the way of 
imperialism’s road map.

The Bush administration kills with impunity. The Bush administration uses 
the horrific tool of genocide as the lynchpin of their foreign policy. The 
Bush administration follows in the footsteps of previous imperialists 
slogging through the blood of hundreds of thousands.


God, greed and gushers

American Theocracy: The Peril and Politics of Radical Religion, Oil, and 
Borrowed Money in the 21st Century

What motivates George W. Bush's America: God or greed? Both, according to 
U.S. political writer Kevin Phillips, in a distinctly unholy alliance that 
threatens not only U.S. prosperity and geopolitical supremacy, but American 
democracy itself. War and terrorism take a back seat in this 
characteristically erudite, breathless and unrelenting look at trends in 
recent U.S. politics and economics. As the book's subtitle indicates, 
Phillips (American Dynasty, Wealth and Democracy) believes U.S. 
vulnerability will come at the hands of radical religion, oil and borrowed 


Some Thoughts about Jesus, The Church, My Country, and The War

There can be no misunderstanding that Jesus’ mandate to love is 
uncompromisingly opposed to the mass slaughter that defines the character 
of war. However, because so many have successfully distorted the teachings 
of Jesus, our country has been allowed to launch a decades-long campaign of 
death and destruction formulated to destroy all who refuse to play “the 
game” according to our rules.


Democratizing the World: One Torture Victim at a Time

Psychological torture, sleep deprivation, brutality, severe sexual 
humiliation, and murder summon visions of a dank dungeon in a remote region 
of pre-invasion Iraq, Iran, or North Korea, replete with evil inquisitors 
and hooded executioners. However, those manifestations of horror did not 
spring forth from the Axis of Evil. They are actually drawn from official 
post-9/11 US policy.


9/11: The OEM Issued a WTC Collapse Warning

How did the OEM know something that firefighters in WTC 2's impact area didn't?

Why weren't all firefighters warned?


9/11: AM - US Supreme Court to hear Guantanamo challenge

The future of Australian terror suspect David Hicks is about to become much 
clearer, with the US Supreme Court preparing to hear a landmark challenge 
to the legality of the Guantanamo Bay military commissions.

Early next week, lawyers for fellow Guantanamo Bay detainee Salim Hamdan 
will argue that the specially convened military tribunals are a fundamental 
breach of the United States constitution.


9/11: Constitutional Questions Show in AIPAC Case

Translation: Israel says we gotta let them go or they'll rat us out on 
9-11, but we have to find a way to do it the suckers will buy into.


Children of Abraham - Death in the Desert

This is a must watch flash presentation - Click here to view


The Definition of Insanity

When Bush champions human dignity, God help us all.

“We have a responsibility to promote human freedom. Yet freedom cannot be 
imposed; it must be chosen.”

The more I ponder these words, the deeper my confusion grows — at the 
consciousness that confabulated them, at the futility of any possible 
response. And so the war enters its fourth year, impervious to its own 
unpopularity, disabling critics with the irony it generates.


The Life and Crimes of George W. Bush

The mad cowboys are on the loose. Pack only what you can carry. Liberate 
the animals. Leave the rest behind. The looters are hot on the trail. Only 
ruin stands in their wake. Not even women and children are safe. Especially 
not them. Run for the hills and don't look back. Don't ever look back.


Apocalyptic president

Even some Republicans are now horrified 

[media-dakwah] Terror in the Name of US War's Error - Headlines News 27 Safar 1427 H - 27.3.06

2006-03-26 Terurut Topik muslim insuffer


In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful

=== News Update ===

Colonialism Continues to Flourish in the Middle East

The most striking feature of the Middle East today is the total absence of 
a balance of power. As a result, the powerful continue to pursue their 
goals without restraint while the weak and down-trodden hit back as best 
they can. Violence and counter-violence, terror and counter-terror, have 
become routine and death is an everyday occurrence.


Media report US propaganda as fact - BBC BETWEEN GOSSIP AND PROPAGANDA

However, a note of caution is due here which is also introduced by the US 
Army unit releasing the documents. It says: The US government has made no 
determination regarding the authenticity of the documents.

What a surprise (sic!) and reading it at the very end of the article! Why 
don’t you put the “caution” at the beginning and use “quotation marks” for 
your article’s title? People interested in gossip would be thrilled!


Neocon ambitions and the spectacular disaster of Iraq

In reality, the Bush Administration went to war to attain two objectives: 
1. Seizing Iraq’s vast oil reserves, and turning Iraq into a base to 
dominate the Middle East; 2. Destroying one of Israel’s two main enemies( 
Iran being the other).

US occupation forces in Iraq struggle just to defend their bases and 
vulnerable supply lines. Their fruitless, Vietnam-style search-and-destroy 
missions, like the recent ‘Operation Swarmer,’ are a sure sign of strategic 
failure and senior officers too stupid or arrogant to draw obvious lessons 
from recent guerilla wars. The US military is repeating many of the same 
mistakes that led to its defeat in Vietnam.


Fear Casts a Shadow on 'Free City' Touted by Bush

TALL AFAR, Iraq — Last fall, thousands of U.S. and Iraqi troops descended 
on this ancient city close to the border with Syria. In the shadow of an 
Ottoman-era castle, they fought in narrow alleyways to clear the city of 


Did American Marines murder 23 Iraqi civilians?

An inquiry has been launched by the US Navy's Criminal Investigation 
Service after the military was presented with evidence that the 15 
civilians, including seven women and three children still in their 
nightclothes, had been killed in their homes in the wake of the bombing. If 
it is proved that they died in a rampage by the Marines, and not as a 
result of collateral damage, it would rank as the worst case of 
deliberate killing of Iraqi civilians by US armed forces since the invasion 
three years ago.


Disaster: US forces murder followers of Muqtada al-Sadr

18 Reported Killed in Iraq Mosque Clash
18 Reported Killed in Mosque Clash Involving U.S., Iraqi Forces; 40 
Policemen Arrested in Raid


Haditha and My Lai: Same Killer Dynamic

In late November, 1969, Time, Life and Newsweek magazines reported 
extensively on the My Lai massacre, the premeditated murder of 500 
civilians in the Quang Ngai Province of South Vietnam. In early 1970, as a 
young antiwar activist, I remember how this single event more than any 
other contributed significantly to turning millions of fence-sitting 
Americans against Nixon’s illegal war and subsequently swelled the ranks of 
the antiwar movement.


Upping the Ante in the War on Terror

On the third anniversary of the Iraq war many commentators have seen the 
justificatory speeches and remarks of the architects of the war as the 
empty rhetoric of leaders discredited by a military intervention which even 
many former supporters of the war now acknowledge to be a failure.


Statement  by Dr Naji  Sabri  al-Hadithi about the new American  lie

Dr. Naji Sabri al-Hadithi, legitimate Foreign Minister of Iraq (before 
occupation) made the following statement with regard to the false 
allegations circulated recently by American TV network, NBC


Mass Civil Disobedience 2 April Naming The Dead



Videos of the Iraqi Resistance ( The movies are available for limited days )



The Losers.  Pictures of the destroyed US troops by the Iraqi Resistance


[media-dakwah] Terror in the Name of US War's Error - Headlines News 28 Safar 1427 H - 28.3.06

2006-03-27 Terurut Topik muslim insuffer


In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful

=== News Update ===

`Justice is white'

A new book says racial profiling is a sad fact of Canadian life

 From the Japanese internment camps of World War II and a law that once 
made it illegal for Indians to be intoxicated off the reserve, to the 
perils of travelling while Arab in a post 9/11 world and being young, black 
and male on the streets of Toronto today, The Colour of Justice: Policing 
Race in Canada makes one thing clear:
The colour of justice in Canada is white.


French coach Troussier and wife convert to Islam

Frenchman Philippe Troussier and his wife Dominique have converted to Islam 
in the Moroccan capital where they live, sources close to the couple confirmed.



Signatures backing the demand rise to 4,566

The acts of torture committed by U.S. soldiers on Iraqi prisoners are also 
being condemned in other forums. For example, from Panama, correspondent 
Fausto Triana reported on March 23 that Florentín Meléndez, second vice 
president of the Inter-American Human Rights Commission (CIDH) and the 
special raconteur for torture and maltreatment in prisons, qualified the 
U.S. prison on the Guantánamo Naval Base as a black hole and affirmed that 
the world clamor to close that penitentiary is a legitimate one.

The Pentagon is holding around 490 terrorism suspects in Guantánamo, whom 
it considers illegal combatants, thus not affording them the condition of 
prisoners of war. The inmates arrived on the Guantánamo Base in early 2002 
from Afghanistan.


Video: The Great Conspiracy

The 9/11 News Special You Did Not See


9/11: Charlie Sheen's Statement to the London Guardian

Challenges Press to Stop Slinging Mud, Confront The Science

Charlie Sheen felt compelled to respond to one of many hit-pieces against 
him, a column written for the London Guardian and carried by British 
commonwealth newspapers worldwide. Sheen sent his statement to The 
Australian newspaper. This is his full statement minus a phone number to 
his manager so that the paper could confirm its authenticity. This is a 
direct challenge for them to debate the facts.


Towns, Cities Pass Resolutions Urging Impeachment

Brattleboro, Vermont, has joined nine other towns and cities, five state 
Democratic parties, and 19 local Democratic committees in passing 
resolutions urging the impeachment of President Bush and -- in most cases 
-- Vice President Cheney.


If the Congress had any committment to the Constitution, Bush would have 
been impeached a long time ago (audio)

This man, this administration has committed so many impeachable offenses 
that if the Congress had any guts, any integrity, any intestinal fortitude, 
any committment to the Constitution he would have been subject to 
impeachment a long time ago.


Time to Talk War Crimes

In a world where might did not make right, George W. Bush, Tony Blair and 
their key enablers would be in shackles before a war crimes tribunal at the 
Hague, rather than sitting in the White House, 10 Downing Street or some 
other comfortable environs in Washington and London.


   An Empire Built of Paper

The president moves about like Caesar Augustus, with a vast, graded court 
of civil and military aides, doctors, secretaries, valets, hairdressers, 
makeup artists, bodyguards, drivers, baggage handlers, cooks, food tasters, 
Praetorian guards, snipers, centurions, bulletproof limos, a portable 
hospital, and an armored rostrum. And that’s when he travels in the U.S.


Charley Reese: Told You So

What we are witnessing is the beginning of the end of Euro-American 
domination of the planet. When the emperors start being idiots, the empire 
is on the way to the ash heap of history. If you have any grandchildren, 
you might suggest that they study Chinese.


Secret Memo: Bush Was Set on Path to War

During a private two-hour meeting in the Oval Office on Jan. 31, 2003, he 
made clear to Prime Minister Tony Blair of Britain that he was determined 
to invade Iraq without a second resolution.


Bush-Blair Iraq war memo revealed

The memo indicates both leaders 

[media-dakwah] Terror in the Name of US War's Error - Headlines News 2 Rabiul Awal 1427 H - 1.4.06

2006-03-31 Terurut Topik muslim insuffer


In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful

=== News Update ===

Number Of Iraqi Civilians Slaughtered In America's War? As Many As 250,000


Number of U.S. Military Personnel Slaughtered (Officially acknowledged) In 
Bush's War 2325

The War in Iraq Costs $250,900,957,594 - See the cost in your community


Making the World Safe for Christianity

The Muslim world is not fooled by our talk about spreading democracy and 
values. The evidence is too overwhelming that we do not hesitate to support 
dictators and install puppet governments when it serves our interests. When 
democratic elections result in the elevation of a leader or party not to 
our liking, we do not hesitate for a minute to undermine that government.



A well known technique in any propaganda war is the spreading of 
disinformation about your enemy. Disinformation is the new postmodern 
word for lies. If you repeat the same lies over and over again, listeners' 
critical thinking skills are numbed; and in the absence of any opposing 
argument, the lies eventually cannot be differentiated from truth.

Islam has had many enemies over the centuries and still has. One of the 
most persistent lies repeated by its detractors is that Muslims spread 
their faith by the sword.


Fox: Twisting logic to justify anti-American debauchery - Should We Torture 
People To Prevent Terror Attacks?

Fox News continued their efforts to make jackbooted tyranny seem as normal 
as drinking a cup of coffee yesterday when it aired a segment asking if 
Zacarias Moussaoui should have been tortured in order to prevent 9/11.

Cavuto stand-in David Asman acted as devil's advocate while convicted 
criminal Oliver North played the 'good cop' in a completely framed debate. 
North argued that we shouldn't torture but should use 'harsh interrogation 
methods'. For example, you say, If you don't answer me, I'm going to take 
you out and shoot you.

Click here (http://prisonplanet.com/audio/290306asmantorture.mp3) to listen 
to the audio. Watch the video on Fox's website. 


Relentless attack on Muslims: Muslim-bashing has become socially acceptable 
in the United States

Muslim-bashing has become socially acceptable in the United States.

A new Washington Post/ABC News poll found that 46 percent of Americans hold 
negative perceptions of Islam, 7 percentage points higher than after the 
terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, 2001. The poll also discovered that a third 
of the respondents have recently heard prejudiced comments against Muslims. 
Even more depressing is that one in four openly acknowledges harboring 
prejudice toward Muslims.

Is this surprising? Unfortunately, it's not. The vilification of Islam and 
Muslims has been relentless among segments of the media and political 
classes for the last five years.


Abdul Rahman case: Cheap political ploy serving Bush?

The U.S. President George W. Bush has been stepping up the pressure on the 
puppet Afghan government led by Hamid Karzai to spare Abdul Rahman, who 
faces execution for converting from Islam to Christianity.



Q : I want to be clear because I've heard you say this, and I've heard the 
President say it, but I want you to say it for my listeners, which is that 
the White House has never argued that Saddam was directly involved in 
September 11th, correct?

THE VICE PRESIDENT: That's correct. We had one report early on from another 
intelligence service that suggested that the lead hijacker, Mohamed Atta, 
had met with Iraqi intelligence officials in Prague, Czechoslovakia. And 
that reporting waxed and waned where the degree of confidence in it, and so 
forth, has been pretty well knocked down now at this stage, that that 
meeting ever took place. So we've never made the case, or argued the case 
that somehow Osama bin Laden [sic] was directly involved in 9/11. That 
evidence has never been forthcoming. But there -- that's a separate 
proposition from the question of whether or not there was some kind of a 
relationship between the Iraqi government, Iraqi intelligence services and 
the al Qaeda organization.


Long Live The 9/11 Conspiracy!

Anyone still care about the heap of disturbing, unsolved questions 
surrounding Our Great Tragedy?

[media-dakwah] Terror in the Name of US War's Error - Headlines News 6 Rabiul Awal 1427 H - 5.4.06

2006-04-04 Terurut Topik muslim insuffer


In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful

=== News Update ===

Silence in class

University professors denounced for anti-Americanism; schoolteachers 
suspended for their politics; students encouraged to report on their 
tutors. Are US campuses in the grip of a witch-hunt of progressives, or is 
academic life just too liberal?

After the screenwriter Walter Bernstein was placed on the blacklist during 
the McCarthyite era he said his life seemed to move in ever-decreasing 
circles. Few of my friends dropped away but the list of acquaintances 
diminished, he wrote in Inside Out, a memoir of the blacklist. I appeared 
contaminated and they did not want to risk infection. They avoided me, not 
calling as they had in the past, not responding to my calls, being 
nervously distant if we met in public places.

see also: In the name of Free speech:


9/11: Did Dead-eye Dick do it?

Dr. Robert Bowman, a man so decorated with medals and honors they could 
fill a patriotic Christmas tree, has joined the ranks of those who are 
declaring that the attacks on 9/11 were an inside job. As right wing world 
comes tumbling down, more prominent individuals are coming forward with 
their doubts and concerns with the official report. Some have little more 
than the powers of their own deduction, others are expert engineers and 
physicists. Dr. Bowman has inside knowledge of military protocal, and has 
stated that it is apparent to him that the massive military exercises that 
took place on September 11, 2001 were intentionally staged to confuse civil 

The person who headed those exercises? None other then Richard Cheney, 
otherwise known as Dead-eye Dick.


No Guidelines on Empty ‘No Torture’ Promises

Council of Europe Rejects Minimum Standards for Diplomatic Assurances

Human Rights Watch - (New York, April 3, 2006) ­ A Council of Europe expert 
group has rightly decided not to develop guidelines for the acceptable use 
of diplomatic assurances to justify sending people to places where they are 
at risk of torture, Human Rights Watch said today. The assumption that 
legally unenforceable assurances could ever provide effective safeguards 
against torture is dangerous, and Human Rights Watch called on the Council 
of Europe to reject altogether reliance on diplomatic assurances in such cases.



Reaction to Padilla Case: 'Enemy Combatants' Category Unconstitutional

Amnesty International Disappointed that Supreme Court Will Not Consider 
Padilla Case

(Washington, DC) - Statement of Curt Goering, Senior Deputy Executive 
Director for Policy and Programs for Amnesty International USA, following 
today's Supreme Court decision not to hear Jose Padilla's appeal 
challenging the 4th Circuit's decision that the President had authority to 
hold Padilla as an 'enemy combatant':


When vigilance undermines freedom of speech

Vigilance can be carried too far. Having denounced American academics for 
supposedly making anti-semitic statements, the Anti-Defamation League last 
year levelled a similar charge at faculty in the Hebrew University of 
Jerusalem. There is something peculiarly Kafkaesque about the idea of an 
American Jewish watchdog monitoring Israel for anti-semitism, yet once the 
mechanism and mindset exist, this is where the logic of vigilance leads: 
anti-semitism may be found anywhere. In fact, the intellectual climate in 
Israel is tougher-minded than in the US and the authorities at the Hebrew 
University simply took no notice. But brandishing the big stick of 
anti-semitism against all and sundry helps no one: it lumps together 
serious critique with crackpot ravings, does a signal disservice to those 
who really suffered from it in the past and stifles a badly needed debate 
within the US. There is no reason why the partnership between the US and 
Israel should not be susceptible to the same kind of cost-benefit analysis 
as any other area of policy. After all, no special relationship lasts 
forever: ask the Brits.


Returning to the Scene of the Crime: War Crimes in Iraq



When War Crimes Are Impossible




After the fall of Baghdad, three years ago, the United States military 
began a secret investigation of the decision-making within Saddam Hussein’s 
dictatorship. The study, carried out by the U.S. Joint Forces Command, drew 
on captured documents and interviews with former Baath Party officials and 
Iraqi military officers, and when it was 

Re: [media-dakwah] Klarifikasi tentang upaya infiltrasi paham sekularisme-liberalisme (SIPILIS) ke pondok pesantren

2006-04-05 Terurut Topik muslim insuffer

Anda minta penjelasan kepada saya atau kepada penulis artikel tsb ?

-muslim voice-

At 10:35 05/04/2006, you wrote:

Apakah dengan merujuk pada buku karangan Imam Ghazali dan Ibnu Taimiyah itu
saja tidak cukup bagi kalangan pesantren untuk menghadapi paham-paham
tersebut pak ?!?!?!  Bukankah akar dari paham2 liberalisme itu sama akarnya
dengan yang Imam Ghazali dan Ibnu Taimiyah kritik melalui bukunya itu

Mohon penjelasan ?!?!?!



 ail.com  cc: 
 Sent by:  Subject: [media-dakwah] 
 Klarifikasi tentang upaya infiltrasi paham
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]sekularisme-liberalisme 
 (SIPILIS) ke pondok pesantren







In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful

=== News Update ===

Peringatan KH Khalil Ridwan

Senin, 03 April 2006
KH Khalil Ridwan, pimpinan pesantren Husnayain mengklarifikasi tentang
upaya infiltrasi paham sekularisme-liberalisme (SIPILIS) ke pondok
pesantren. Baca Catatan Akhir Pekan Adian Husaini ke 142

Oleh: Adian Husaini

Pada tanggal 27 Maret 2006, Harian Republika memuat sebuah surat pembaca
yang dikirim oleh KH A. Khalil Ridwan, seorang Ketua Majelis Ulama
Indonesia. Surat ini sangat penting untuk diperhatikan, karena memberikan
klarifikasi dan peringatan tentang upaya infiltrasi paham
sekularisme-liberalisme ke pondok-pondok pesantren. Surat itu juga
menyebutkan adanya sikap tegas dari pimpinan Badan Kerjasama Pondok
Pesantren se-Indonesia (BKSPPI) yang memutus segala bentuk kerjasama dengan

lembaga pengasong ide liberal ICIP (International Center for Islam and
Pluralism) yang dipimpin Dr. M. Syafii Anwar. Tampaknya, selama ini,
kerjasama itu hanya dilakukan oleh 'oknum' BKSPPI saja.

Sebagai salah satu anggota Majlis Pimpinan BKSPPI, Kyai Khalil mengaku
tidak tahu menahu tentang kerjasama tersebut, dan menyebut kerjasama itu
sebagai sebuah kecelakaan dan bencana yang sedang menimpa organisasi
BKSPPI. Ia juga menyatakan, kerjasama tersebut, sangat berbahaya bagi
ketahanan aqidah umat.

Alhamdulillah, kata Kyai Khalil, KH.Didin Hafiduddin sebagai ketua
Presidium MP BKSPPI telah mengadakan rapat yang dihadiri oleh pengurus
BKSPPI, pada Hari Rabu 22 Shafar 1427. Hasilnya: Memutuskan semua kerjasama

antara BKSPPI dengan ICIP dan membatalkan kerjasama menerbitkan majalah
AL-WASATHIYAH. Selanjutnya BKSPPI, tidak bertanggung jawab apabila majalah
tersebut masih terbit.

Kyai Khalil Ridwan mengimbau agar umat umat Islam dengan serius merapatkan
barisan dan jangan mudah terbius oleh zukhrufalqoul (ucapan yang menipu)
dari kalangan munafiqin yang mengasong-asongkan dagangan berupa syirik
modern dalam bentuk faham atau aliran yang sudah diharamkan oleh MUI pada
MUNAS 2005. Juga, khususnya kepada kalangan pondok Pesantren dan organisasi

pondok pesantren, Kyai Betawi itu juga mengingatkan, agar mereka mewaspadai

kemungkinan adanya infiltran yang sengaja disusupkan di lingkungan

Demikian surat KH Khalil Ridwan di Harian Republika.

Peringatan KH Khalil, yang juga pimpinan pesantren Husnayain, sebenarnya
menyiratkan satu beban kepedihan yang sangat mendalam. Betapa tidak, di
tengah-tengah tekanan dan beban ekonomi yang sedang dililit oleh kalangan
pondok pesantren, datanglah agen-agen LSM asing yang menawarkan
program-program dan dana yang menggiurkan.

Tidak mudah untuk menolak hal semacam itu. Saat ini, dagangan yang laku
dijual kepada Barat adalah menjual isu atau ide yang mengobok-obok Islam,

seperti paham Pluralisme Agama, dekonstruksi konsep wahyu, kesetaraan
gender, dekonstruksi syariah, dan sejenisnya. Isu-isu semisal
pemberantasan kemiskinan dan advokasi hukum tidak begitu laku lagi
dijual, sehingga LSM-LSM sejenis YLBHI pun tidak semakmur dulu, sebelum
Perang Dingin berakhir. Simaklah sederetan nama LSM yang mendapat kucuran
dana dari The Asia Foundation berikut ini:
 * Yayasan Desantara (Pluralisme agama, penerbit Majalah Syir'ah)
 * Lembaga Studi Agama dan Demokrasi (Elsad) ­ (Pluralisme Agama dan
 * Fahmina Institute - (Pluralisme Gender equality)
 * Indonesia Center for Civic Education - Demokrasi
 * International Center for Islam and Pluralism (ICIP) - (Pluralisme
 * Indonesia Conference on Religion and Peace ­ (Pluralisme agama)
 * Institut Arus Informasi (ISAI) ­ (Pluralisme dan Jurnalisme)
 * Jaringan Islam Liberal (JIL) ­ (Liberalisasi Pemikiran)
 * Paramadina ­ (Pluralisme agama)
 * Pusat Studi Wanita ­UIN - (Gender equality)
 * Lembaga Kajian Agama dan Jender (LKAJ) - (Gender equality)
 * Lembaga Kajian Islam dan Sosial (LKiS) ­ (Penerbitan buku-buku

[media-dakwah] Terror in the Name of US War's Error - Headlines News 7 Rabiul Awal 1427 H - 6.4.06

2006-04-05 Terurut Topik muslim insuffer


In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful

=== News Update ===

Another one of those precious western values we refuse to embrace

Sex tourism thriving in Bible Belt

ATLANTA (Reuters) - In a sleazy hotel room, Brittany, then aged 16 and 
drugged into oblivion, waited for the men to arrive. Her pimps sent as many 
as 17 clients an evening through the door. A john could even pre-book the 
pretty young blonde for $1,000 a night, sometimes flying in and then flying 
out from a nearby airport.

None of this happened in Bangkok or Costa Rica, places that have become 
synonymous with sex tourism and underage sex. It took place in Atlanta, the 
buckle of the U.S. Bible Belt, where the world's busiest passenger airport 
provides a cheaper, more convenient and safer underage sex destination for 
men seeking girls as young as 10.


Canadian Professor promotes positive view of Islam

A Muslim professor from London is helping people learn more about his 
religion because of recent events he says may have given Islam a negative 
public image. Dr. Munir El-Kassem is conducting a series of lectures on the 
life of the Prophet Mohammed, called Know this Man. He said he's 
committed to holding Sunday afternoon discussions for as long as it takes 
to make people really understand what it means to be Muslim. Most of people 
in his audiences are not Muslim, and he wants to provide them with a more 
balanced view of Islam.


9/11 Proof

No matter how painful the facts raised by this site may be, we -- as 
patriotic Americans and people of good faith -- must look at the evidence 
for ourselves.

Skeptical of theories which are not based on cold, hard facts?  We 
encourage your skepticism, and applaud you for examining the facts for 
yourself.  There are many bizarre conspiracy theories floating around about 
9/11, which are spread either out of ignorance or for malicious 
purposes.   Think a conspiracy involving 9/11 would have been too big to 
keep secret?

Good -- start by reading this:



David Ray Griffin: Theologian scoffed at 9/11 conspiracy theories, then 
looked closer

When David Ray Griffin, noted theologian and professor emeritus at the 
Claremont School of Theology, first heard someone say that Sept. 11 was an 
inside job, he scoffed. Griffin began to delve into 9/11 conspiracy 
theories after looking at a time line of the events of Sept. 11, 2001 (by 
Paul Thompson, who later turned it into a book) on the Internet. He found 
himself swayed by the catalog of inconsistencies and strange coincidences.


9/11: a 7-Man Job

A common objection to the argument that 9/11 was an inside job is that the 
conspiracy would be too big to keep quiet. In other words, the argument is 
that it is impossible that so many people could have kept quiet for so 
long. SOMEONE would have talked or made a mistake, so that the conspiracy 
would have been discovered.


9/11 Who provided protective coverage for 9/11 operation?

On October 26, 1999, the famous golfer Payne Stewart boarded a private 
Learjet in Florida and left for Texas. Shortly after takeoff, Stewart's jet 
veered sharply off course and began heading northwest. All contact with air 
controllers was lost. Within 15 minutes of having gone off course, US 
fighter jets had already intercepted the jet.

But on 9-11, the same NORAD which had so effortlessly intercepted Stewart's 
jet in 1999, was nowhere to be found during that two hour period between 
the first planes going off course and the last one crashing in a 
Pennsylvania field.



USA: Front companies used in secret flights to torture and disappearance

Amnesty International today released a new report which exposes a covert 
operation whereby people have been arrested or abducted, transferred and 
held in secret or handed over to countries where they have faced torture 
and other ill-treatment. The report describes how the CIA has used private 
aircraft operators and front companies to preserve the secrecy of 
rendition flights.


Transcripts Give a View of Those at Guantanamo



Revealed: the plight of prisoners caught up in US rendition

The three men - Muhammad Bashmilah, Salah Qaru and Muhammad al-Assad - are 
now struggling to rebuild their lives. Mr Assad 

[media-dakwah] Terror in the Name of US War's Error - Headlines News 8 Rabiul Awal 1427 H - 7.4.06

2006-04-06 Terurut Topik muslim insuffer


In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful

=== News Update ===

Muslim TV network expands to more than 1 million homes

BUFFALO, N.Y. (AP) -- A first-of-its-kind Muslim-American television 
network launched a year ago has gone from being a premium pay channel to a 
basic-cable offering on several cable and satellite systems, broadening its 
reach from 10,000 to more than 1 million U.S. homes.

Bridges TV, featuring Muslim-American lifestyle and cultural programming, 
also has been approved by the Canadian Radio  Television Commission to 
start broadcasting in Canada.

Please see also: www.bridgestv.com


Number Of Iraqi Civilians Slaughtered In America's War? As Many As 250,000


Number of U.S. Military Personnel Slaughtered (Officially acknowledged) In 
Bush's War 2327

The War in Iraq Costs $271,160,098,800 - See the cost in your community


Retired CIA Official Says Bush Is A War Criminal

An in-depth interview with former high-level CIA analyst Ray McGovern; 
McGovern talks about his work as an advisor to Bush 1 and his belief that 
Bush 2 is a war criminal and should be tried for crimes against humanity.

Real audio


Returning to the Scene of the Crime

War Crimes in Iraq


Amnesty International Report Condemns U.S. Treatment of Detainees

A new report released Wednesday by the human rights group Amnesty 
International says that the CIA used private airplanes owned by front 
companies to send terror suspects to secret locations or to send them to 
countries that condoned torture.


Full Amnesty Report: Secret flights to torture and 'disappearance'

Sending prisoners overseas to extract information through water torture, 
removal of toenails and fingernails, beatings, and electrocution at the 
request of US officials is inhumane and must be stopped.- US Congressman 
Edmund Markey, March 12, 2005


International laws hinder UK troops

John Reid demanded sweeping changes to international law yesterday to free 
British soldiers from the restraints of the Geneva conventions and make it 
easier for the west to mount military actions against other states.


Torture around the world

Governments are often more reluctant to discuss torture than to practice it


CIA made '185 rendition flights through Britain'

CIA aircraft used in secret flights to transport terrorist suspects around 
the world made nearly 200 calls at British airports over the past five 
years, according to a report released today.


Dr. David Ray Griffin:9/11, The Myth  The Reality,

  In this definitive presentation given on March 30th, 2006 at the historic 
Grand Lake Theater in Oakland, California, Griffin deconstructs nine 
official myths, given that day.


Trillion Dollar War

Nobel Prize winning economist Joseph Stiglitz, 63, discusses the true $1 
trillion cost of the Iraq conflict. The only people benefiting in this war 
are Bush's friends in the oil industry. He has done the American economy 
and the global economy an enormous disfavor, but his Texan friends couldn't 
be happier


Iraqi Lullaby: Vocals by Laura Bush and Mothers of America

Pictures provided by President G W. Bush


How Massacres Become the Norm

US soldiers killing innocent civilians in Iraq is not news. Just as it was 
not news that US soldiers slaughtered countless innocent civilians in 
Vietnam. However, when some rare reportage of this non news from Iraq does 
seep through the cracks of the corporate media, albeit briefly, the 
American public seems shocked.


40,000 Sunnis killed in Iraq during al-Jaafari's tenure - report

During the time Ibrahim Jaafari has been Prime Minister, 40,000 Iraqi 
Sunnis have been killed, Sheikh Hareth al-Zari, secretary general of the 
Association of Muslim Scholars, told the popular satellite channel 
al-Jazeera on Wednesday.


Channel 4 Video Report on UK Mercenaries shooting Iraqi Civilians

We don't know whether it was an innocent civilian or whether that was an 
insurgent - we don't know, because we never stop. The words of a former 
security consultant, 

[media-dakwah] Terror in the Name of US War's Error - Headlines News 17 Rabiul Awal 1427 H - 16.4.06

2006-04-15 Terurut Topik muslim insuffer


In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful

=== News Update ===

9/11: Courtroom bumps for the war on terror

A terrorism trial of two Muslims in federal court in Sacramento has thus 
far left the FBI looking manipulative, credulous, and prodigiously 


9/11: Who owns congress? Is it AIPAC or Foxman?

All his 9-11 researcher bashing associates 9-11 researchers with 
anti-semitism: a typical but cheap shot. And for all the years he's run 
CHB, not one story ever mentioning Rachel Corrie on CHB.


Where was Rumsfeld During the 9/11 Attacks?

The National Military Command Center (NMCC) inside the Pentagon was the 
nerve center of the military's response to the attacks on 9-11. But the 
lead military officer that day, Brigadier General Montague Winfield, told 
the commission that the center had been leaderless.For 30 minutes we 
couldn't find [Secretary Rumsfeld]. Where was Rumsfeld on 9-11?

On June 1, 2001 the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff changed the rules 
so that requests for air intercepts had to come explicitly from the 
secretary of defense, Donald Rumsfeld.

On September 11, 2001, Rumsfeld was unreachable until after the Pentagon 
was hit.


Attention 911 Truthseeker - Are You A 'Nutcase Wacko?'

Thompson claims that 9-11 websites are only in it for the money. Funny, but 
my local newspaper calls me once a week to subscribe and give them money. 
Likewise, I checked a few right-wing websites (WorldNetDaily.com and 
Townhall.com) and both featured products, books, banners and subscriptions. 
In other words, they were seeking money to run their operation, naturally.

If anything, Capitol Hill Blue is far more mercenary, with banners 
everywhere, than some websites, Www.Strike-The-Root.com, for example, which 
features a 911 column occasionally and carries no advertising or banners 
ever. Rense.com is simply the norm but a bit more successful.


A Defiant Sheen Challenges Official 9/11 Fable on National TV

Dares Millions of Viewers to Do [their] own research

Actor Charlie Sheen made history when he first questioned the official 
story of 9/11, calling it the biggest conspiracy theory of them all. 
Sheen's comments sent shockwaves across the alternative media and have been 
one of the biggest stories on the internet for weeks. The story also 
garnered prime time coverage by major news outlets including CNN, FOX News, 
and hundreds of newspapers worldwide.


The Failure Of The U.S. Free Press

Television is a wonderful tool used responsibly. It is a nation-killer if 
used improperly, as it is today.


Bush Told Us That “We’ll All Be Dead”. Remember? We Know Now That He Meant It!

Asked by Woodward how history would judge the war, Bush replied: “History. 
We don’t know. We’ll all be dead.” I don’t think anyone realized that he 
was stating his plan for the world. This guy is trying to kill us all and 
when he told us we never even noticed.


The Credibility Chasm of George W. Bush

Along came a phony story about forged documents from an African country 
called Niger. These forged documents were falsified to make it appear that 
Saddam had sought yellowcake, that is enriched uranium, from the Niger. 
Hoping this story would gain legs, the Vice President’s office asked the 
CIA to send someone to verify the story. Joseph Wilson went to Niger and 
discovered the story was a fabrication. Undeterred, the President stated in 
the ensuing State of the Union address that the yellowcake story was true. 
Wilson published an op-ed article a few months later entitled, “What I 
didn’t find in Africa”, specifically to rebut the administration’s party 
line about the uranium story. What occurred next was treasonous in nature 
and the subject of an ongoing investigation ever since.


Americans Believe US Must Stop Meddling in World Affairs

WASHINGTON, April 14, 2006 (IslamOnline.net  News Agencies) - Nearly half 
of Americans believe their government should mind its own business 
internationally as President George W. Bush's rating hit all time low due 
to the Iraq war, a USA Today/CNN/Gallup poll showed Friday, April 14.


More Americans feel US should mind its own business: poll

Nearly half of Americans believe their government should mind its own 
business internationally and only one third approves of how 
US President 

[media-dakwah] Terror in the Name of US War's Error - Headlines News 18 Rabiul Awal 1427 H - 16.4.06

2006-04-16 Terurut Topik muslim insuffer


In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful

=== News Update ===

Another Bush 9/11 Lie Exposed

The transcript the feds released this week of the final minutes of Flight 
93 proves that President Bush brazenly and consistently lied to the 
American people about how that flight ended. The transcript shows that the 
Arab hijackers chose to crash the plane into the ground after the American 
passengers stormed the cockpit. There is no guarantee that the transcript 
is accurate, and the government has already been caught fabricating 
evidence at terrorist trials in the post 9/11 era. But the government’s own 
version of events damns Bush. The transcript was available in early 2002, 
if not earlier, and was shown at that time by federal officials to some of 
the survivors of the people killed when Flight 93 went down.

James Bovard [send him mail] is the author of the just-released :

Attention Deficit Democracy

The Bush Betrayal

Terrorism  Tyranny: Trampling Freedom, Justice, and Peace to Rid the World 
of Evil

The Future of Freedom Foundation


9/11: Americas Gulag:  Spy Chief: CIA Detainees Will Be Held Indefinitely: 

John Negroponte says accused Al-Qaeda members will remain in secret prisons 
as long as 'war on terror continues'


9/11: True believers?

I am amazed that, in this post 9/11 political atmosphere, there is still a 
segment of the American people who believe in what the Bush administration 
tells them.


The Bible's All Wrong, Again / The surprising Gospel of Judas proves you 
just can't be too sure about all that God stuff

If the Bible is the gold brick in the American spiritual sidewalk, then you 
simply have to ask: What is the relevance in the fact that Christ might not 
have been betrayed at all? That he may have orchestrated his own arrest?

Back in the time of the historical Jesus, one just could not be a God 
unless one had died and been resurrected. Archtypes for the resurrection 
myth include the Egyptian Osiris, and the goddess Ishtar (from whom the 
word Easter comes).


Asleep all over America

Are you awake yet, America? I'm wide awake, and worried. Are you worried 
with me, wondering what's next? Are you terrified?
If you're not scared silly, that frightens me even more.


The myth of the Jewish Lobby

Canadians must guard against buying into this caricature, says Anna Morgan

There is no Jewish lobby.
There is no Jewish lobby.
There is no Jewish lobby.
You don't need to see their identification.
These aren't the droids you are looking for.
Move along.


Who is this Israel, and what's all this talk of an Israel Lobby?

In March 2006, the London Review of Books published The Israel Lobby and 
U.S. Foreign Policy by Professor John J. Mearsheimer, Department of 
Political Science, University of Chicago and Professor Stephen M. Walt, 
John F. Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University.[1] In this 
working paper, the two authors make the argument that the centerpiece for 
US Middle Eastern policy, especially since the Six-Day War in 1967, has 
been developed by the United States based primarily on its relationship 
with Israel. While many fellow scholars have applauded the authors for 
having the courage to suggest that the “Israel Lobby” might have too much 
power and influence in Washington DC, which it in fact does, the mainstream 
media has blacklisted the merits of this report by only reporting on the 
backlash of those who are offended by its content.



Posted Apr 16, 2006 08:25 AM PST - Category: WAR/DRAFT



Posted Apr 16, 2006 08:23 AM PST - Category: ISRAELI SPYING


If this doesn't prove that the US Government is controlled by Israel, 
nothing will.

Relinked in light of Newsmax story that confirms Israel's Dolphin 
Submarines are loaded with US supplied Harpoon (or according to another 
source Tomahawk) missiles with nuclear warheads.

[media-dakwah] Who is a terrorist?

2006-04-16 Terurut Topik muslim insuffer


In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful

=== News Update ===

Who is a terrorist?

By Gideon Levy

The scenes from Gaza are heartbreaking. Heartbreaking? That's not for 
certain. The sight of the Aben family from Beit Lahiya mourning its 
12-year-old daughter Hadil last week did not stir any particular shock in 
Israel. Nor did anyone take to the streets and protest over the sight of 
her wounded mother and little brother lying in shock on the floor of their 
shanty in Gaza.

On the day Hadil Aben was killed, Yedioth Aharonoth carried a story about 
Nelly, the dog from Kibbutz Zikim that died of heart failure from the 
booming noise of the Israeli artillery firing into Gaza.

Instead of expressions of sorrow at the death of children, the upper 
echelons of the defense establishment came out with a stream of strident 
statements. The defense minister said that the only thing to do was step up 
the pressure on the Palestinians. The deputy chief of staff spoke about a 
possible invasion of Gaza and the head of army operations added, what 
we've seen so far are only the previews. The IDF announced it would 
further reduce the safety range that is designed to avoid shells hitting 
the civilian population.

It was a chilling, united chorus. Israel is dropping thousands of bombs on 
towns and villages, on the the launching pads of the Qassams - another 
dubious term created by the defense establishment and blindly adopted by 
the press - and only the Palestinians, whose Qassam rockets haven't killed 
anyone since the disengagement, are called terrorists.

Nor was there any substantive debate after a possible slip of the tongue by 
Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni, in an interview to the BBC, in which she said 
that there was a difference between attacking civilians and attacking 
soldiers. Even though she did not resolutely stand by her own words in an 
interview with Channel 10, Livni dared to speak the truth: If harming 
civilians is a measure of terror, then Israel is a terror state. With 18 
killed in Gaza alone in 12 days, three of them children, the absence of 
intent cannot suffice for us. Someone who uses artillery to shell 
population centers and says with horrific indifference that this is just a 
preview, as if it were another reality show on TV, cannot claim that he 
does not intend to kill children.

Those responsible for such bombings around the world are rightfully 
considered war criminals. That's terror - just ask Livni. And when it is 
done in the name of a state, it is much worse than in those cases when the 
perpetrators are from rogue organizations.

Israel declares it is striving to apply pressure with its cannon on the 
Palestinian population, so that it will prevent the Qassam fire. That is a 
hollow argument. No Palestinian leader can promote a cease-fire while 
dozens of civilians are being hurt. No Palestinian, no matter how 
peaceable, can prevent with his body the launches from inside Palestinian 
Authority territory. Could Hadil Aben's parents have done something? What 
exactly was the crime of these poor people? And how, exactly, will killing 
their daughter lead to a halt in the Qassams?

The continuing imprisonment of besieged Gaza is precisely the opposite 
policy that should be applied to serve Israeli interests. The current 
policy only strengthens support for the Hamas, just like the terror attacks 
within Israel always strengthen the Israeli right. A nation under siege, 
its leadership boycotted, will have far more determination and resolve to 
fight to its last drop of blood. It is impossible to break the spirit of a 
desperate people. Only a nation that sees a light at the end of its 
desperation will change its ways.

What would happen if Israel were to turn to the world and call upon it to 
enlist in the cause of support for the residents of Gaza, to donate and 
invest money to help them out of their utter poverty? If an Israeli prime 
minister did such a thing and at the same time called for a meeting with 
his elected Palestinian counterpart, it would create far more effective and 
positive pressure than any cannon fire.

If the Palestinians only saw for the first time in their lives that Israel 
also had their well-being in mind, which is not necessarily bad for Israel, 
they would have a lot more to lose and they would expel the Qassam 
launchers themselves. Only the Palestinians can do that, and sowing the 
seeds of hope is the only way to do so. And if, in the current situation, 
the artillery fire were to end, and they were to stop the Qassams, would 
Israel ease the siege, enable freedom of movement from Gaza to the West 
Bank, allow Palestinians to work in Israel, agree to the construction of a 
seaport and airport in besieged Gaza? Israel's declarations prove that the 
answer to all these questions is an unequivocal no. Its current policy and 
the policies we have seen it adopt lead 

[media-dakwah] Terror in the Name of US War's Error - Headlines News 19 Rabiul Awal 1427 H - 18.4.06

2006-04-17 Terurut Topik muslim insuffer


In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful

=== News Update ===

Number Of Iraqi Civilians Slaughtered In America's War? As Many As 250,000


Number of U.S. Military Personnel Sacrificed (Officially acknowledged) In 
Bush's War 2376

The War in Iraq Costs $273,900,088,786 - See the cost in your community


The Most Evil People in the World?

I have come to the conclusion that the Christian fundamentalists, also 
known as the religious right, are the most evil people in the world. Others 
(such as those of various Islamic terrorist groups) were considered, but 
after due consideration, the Christians won……. hands down. In fact it was 
no contest.


9/11: An untold story of 9/11!

A mix-up in Boston prevented the luggage from connecting with the plane 
that hijackers crashed into the north tower of the trade center. Seized by 
FBI agents at Boston's Logan Airport, investigators said, it contained 
Arab-language papers revealing the identities of all 19 hijackers involved 
in the four hijackings, as well as information on their plans, backgrounds 
and motives.

Okay, let me see if I have this right. A guy who is planning suicide 
thoughtfully packs a suitcase he expects he will never see again with all 
the evidence the FBI will need to figure out the crime if by some miracle 
that suitcase doesn't get onto the plane that the suicide hijacker expects 
will perish in a huge ball of flame.

Forget the bovine excrement meter on this one and go straight to building 
the Ark.


9/11: Justices Reject Gitmo Detainees' Appeal

The Supreme Court rejected an appeal Monday from two Chinese Muslims who 
were mistakenly captured as enemy combatants more than four years ago and 
are still being held at the U.S. prison in Cuba.


9/11: Zarqawi; the Pentagon’s ongoing war of deception

In more than 3 years of war, there has never been a positive citing of 
alleged terror mastermind Abu Musab al Zarqawi. This has led many to 
believe that he is merely a creation of Pentagon propagandists working with 
their agents in the western press. Colonel Derek Harvey strengthened those 
suspicions last week.



While the media plays up the significance of the government show trial of 
the seemingly deranged “20th hijacker” Zacharias Moussaoui, not one 9-11 
victim’s lawsuit has been allowed to be heard in a trial by jury. Why have 
the 9-11 victims’ families not been given the same right to have their 
cases heard in an open trial?


Rights group urges French inquiry into alleged CIA rendition flights

[JURIST] The International Federation for Human Rights (FIDH) [advocacy 
website] is urging French prosecutors to open a judicial inquiry into 
allegations that CIA-operated rendition flights [JURIST news archive] 
stopped at French airports. A local French prosecutor has already opened a 
preliminary investigation into claims that CIA planes which landed at Le 
Bourget airport outside Paris carried terror suspects being transported to 
countries where they could be subject to torture. Following a report [PDF 
text] released by Amnesty International [advocacy website] earlier this 
month detailing the CIA's alleged use of private air carriers and front 
companies to hide its rendition practices, the FIDH is calling for an 
international judicial commission to look into the allegations.


 From Great Satan to Global Arrogance

After a week of the Bush administration declaring diplomacy as still the 
governing principle behind U.S. policy towards Iran (notwithstanding the 
fact that all options, presumably including the ones outlined by Seymour 
Hersh in the New Yorker are still on the table), I suppose some Americans 
(and a few in Congress) might be breathing a little sigh of relief. The 
question to ask now then, is what exactly does diplomacy mean, and how will 
it be judged to be successful?


George Bush: 'God told me to end the tyranny in Iraq'

President told Palestinians God also talked to him about Middle East peace

George Bush believes he is on a mission from God, according to the 
politician Nabil Shaath. Photograph: Charles Dharapak/AP


[media-dakwah] The Most Evil People in the World

2006-04-17 Terurut Topik muslim insuffer


In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful

=== News Update ===

The Most Evil People in the World

By Doug Soderstrom, Ph.D.

04/17/06 http://www.informationclearinghouse.infoICH -- -- I have come 
to the conclusion that the Christian fundamentalists, also known as the 
religious right, are the most evil people in the world. Others (such as 
those of various Islamic terrorist groups) were considered, but after due 
consideration, the Christians won……. hands down. In fact it was no contest.

However, in order to support my assertion that those of the religious right 
are such a nasty crew, it is necessary that I clarify what I believe it 
means to be evil. The minimal test of evil is, of course, one of awareness, 
an intent, an abject willingness to be malicious, a willingness to go out 
of one’s way to harm others, a lack of concern for the welfare of another 
person, an unwillingness to place one’s self into that of another’s shoes, 
a grudging reluctance to acknowledge the pain one may have caused another. 
Such is bad, but not as bad as having slipped to the point of having become 
psychically blind, effectively unable to face up to what one has done. Such 
is more depraved since it represents a loss of integrity, an existential 
unwillingness to take responsibility for one’s behavior. And, of course, 
worst of all are those who go to the extreme of regarding themselves to be 
shining examples, paragons of how to live a good and decent life, while 
having chosen to disregard the fact that they have lived life in such a 
despicable manner. And as we will see, the Christian fundamentalists seem 
to exemplify such folks at the apogee of evil, the nadir of civilized life, 
in that they preach to the world while yet living the life of a barbarian!

All of the great religions of the world indicate that we should strive to 
treat others as we would like for them to treat us, in essence suggesting 
that we follow the Golden Rule. However, considering this the gold standard 
for how we ought to live our lives, it is quite clear that Christian 
fundamentalists have missed the mark! Regardless of all the wonderful 
things they have claimed to have done for the world, it is apparent that 
the fundamentalists have been unable to live up to the most minimal 
standards for that of a decent life, almost as if they have gone out of 
their way to “cast a speck out of their neighbor’s eye, while refusing to 
recognize the enormity of the plank in that of their own.” With no apology, 
nor even a hint of remorse, they continue on their way running roughshod 
over others, with little or no concern for how their victims might feel. 
Rather than caring for others, disregard and disrespect has become that 
which defines them as a people.

However, in order to understand the Christian fundamentalist, we must first 
take a look at what they believe. What is it that these folks, as 
fundamentalists, hold to be fundamental? What is it that they insist one 
must do in order to be saved? The answer is threefold: First, in order to 
be a Christian, a person must believe that the Bible (the holy scriptures) 
is the one and only infallible, truly inerrant, source of truth, and that 
the holy books of all other religions are of demonic origin; Secondly, one 
must believe in an afterlife, that every human being will end up in either 
Heaven or Hell. And finally, it is essential that one understand that in 
order to go to Heaven he must accept Jesus Christ (the one and only Son of 
God) as his own personal savior, otherwise, and without exception, 
regardless of how good a life he may have lived, he will be sent to the 
agonizing fires of an eternally burning Hell. That is their doctrine…... 
that is what they believe to be The Truth of God.

Although not necessarily a fundamental, but as a result of their contention 
that the Bible indicates that all authority is given (and therefore 
inspired) by God, fundamentalists have been led to believe that it is 
unpatriotic, and therefore unchristian, to question the divine right of 
what our country has found it necessary to do……. regardless of how heinous. 
That is why Christian fundamentalists have, by choice, chosen to disregard 
the fact that “From 1945 to 2003, the United States attempted to overthrow 
more than 40 foreign governments, and to crush more than 30 
populist-nationalist movements fighting against intolerable systems. In the 
process, the U.S. bombed some 25 countries, caused the end of life for 
several million people, and condemned many millions more to a life of agony 
and despair. (William Blum, Killing Hope). Thus, there is little doubt 
that if a Christian fundamentalist was forced to face the fact of what her 
country has done, she would have little choice but to reject her faith in 
God. For how would it be possible for one to believe in a God that chose to 
bless a country that has done such 

[media-dakwah] George Bush: 'God told me to end the tyranny in Iraq'

2006-04-17 Terurut Topik muslim insuffer


In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful

=== News Update ===

George Bush: 'God told me to end the tyranny in Iraq'

President told Palestinians God also talked to him about Middle East peace

Ewen MacAskill
Friday October 7, 2005
http://www.guardian.co.ukThe Guardian

George Bush believes he is on a mission from God, according to

Picture: George Bush believes he is on a mission from God, according to the 
politician Nabil Shaath. Photograph: Charles Dharapak/AP

George Bush has claimed he was on a mission from God when he launched the 
invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq, according to a senior Palestinian 
politician in an interview to be broadcast by the BBC later this month.

Mr Bush revealed the extent of his religious fervour when he met a 
Palestinian delegation during the Israeli-Palestinian summit at the 
Egpytian resort of Sharm el-Sheikh, four months after the US-led invasion 
of Iraq in 2003.

One of the delegates, Nabil Shaath, who was Palestinian foreign minister at 
the time, said: President Bush said to all of us: 'I am driven with a 
mission from God'. God would tell me, 'George go and fight these terrorists 
in Afghanistan'. And I did. And then God would tell me 'George, go and end 
the tyranny in Iraq'. And I did.

Mr Bush went on: And now, again, I feel God's words coming to me, 'Go get 
the Palestinians their state and get the Israelis their security, and get 
peace in the Middle East'. And, by God, I'm gonna do it.

Mr Bush, who became a born-again Christian at 40, is one of the most 
overtly religious leaders to occupy the White House, a fact which brings 
him much support in middle America.

Soon after, the Israeli daily newspaper Haaretz carried a Palestinian 
transcript of the meeting, containing a version of Mr Bush's remarks. But 
the Palestinian delegation was reluctant publicly to acknowledge its 

The BBC persuaded Mr Shaath to go on the record for the first time for a 
three-part series on Israeli-Palestinian diplomacy: Elusive Peace, which 
begins on Monday.

Religion also surfaced as an issue when Mr Bush and Tony Blair were 
reported to have prayed together in 2002 at his ranch at Crawford, Texas - 
the summit at which the invasion of Iraq was agreed in principle. Mr Blair 
has consistently refused to admit or deny the claim.

Mahmoud Abbas, the Palestinian prime minister, who was also part of the 
delegation at Sharm el-Sheikh, told the BBC programme that Mr Bush had 
said: I have a moral and religious obligation. I must get you a 
Palestinian state. And I will.

Mr Shaath's comments came as Mr Bush delivered a speech yesterday aimed at 
bolstering US support for the Iraq war.

He revealed that the US and its partners had disrupted at least 10 serious 
al-Qaida plots since September 11, including three planned attacks in the 
US. Because of this steady progress, the enemy is wounded - but the enemy 
is still capable of global operations, he said. He added that Islamic 
radicals had used a series of excuses to justify their attacks, from 
conflict with the Israelis to the Crusades 1,000 years ago.

We're facing a radical ideology with unalterable objectives: to enslave 
whole nations and intimidate the world, he said.

He conceded that al-Qaida, led in Iraq by Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, and other 
insurgents had gained ground in Iraq but the US would not leave until 
security had been established. Some observers also claim that America 
would be better off by cutting our losses and leaving Iraq now. This is a 
dangerous illusion, refuted with a simple question: Would the United States 
and other free nations be more safe, or less safe, with Zarqawi and Bin 
Laden in control of Iraq, its people, and its resources? Mr Bush asked.



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[media-dakwah] Science, Humanity and the Iraq Holocaust

2006-04-17 Terurut Topik muslim insuffer


In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful

=== News Update ===

Science, Humanity and the Iraq Holocaust

Gideon Polya


  Al-Jazeerah, April 15, 2006

This essay is a message of solidarity from an Australian  scientist and 
writer sent to the Brussells Tribunal (see: 
http://www.brusselstribunal.org/http://www.brusselstribunal.org/ ) on the 
occasion of  the Madrid International Seminar on the Assassination of Iraqi 
Academics and Health Professionals, 22-23 April 2006 (see: 

Sensible people want to change things for the better. Indeed that is how 
Man became sensible. The extraordinary intelligence of human beings evolved 
through the Darwinian selection of genetic variants who had improved 
survivability through enhanced ability to understand their environment and 
improve their circumstances. There was a trade-off, a price to be paid for 
the resultant increased brain size, and that was infant birth after 9 
months’ gestation, the long-term helplessness of infants and their critical 
dependence on parents during postnatal brain development and enlargement. 
Associated with the co-evolution of increased intelligence and infant 
helplessness was evolution of survival-enhancing behavior patterns that 
resulted in our present behavioral fundamentals of parental affection, 
altruism and respect for Mother and Child.

As cogently argued by Richard Dawkins in The Selfish Gene, Man also 
transmits behavior non-genetically from generation to generation through 
sets of learned behaviors, culture and ideas he describes as memes in 
contradistinction to the DNA-constructed genes. The DNA-based genes are 
mutated, shuffled through genetic recombination and sex and are thence 
subject to natural selection. In contrast, memes are passed on in oral 
and written traditions from generation to generation, are selected through 
societal success and can over-ride genetic behavioral imperatives. Thus 
gene- and meme-determined social behaviors relating to not killing and to 
doing unto others as you would have them do unto you were codified in 
writing as thou shall not kill but conflicting ideological memes relating 
to nationalism, racism and power readily overcome this fundamental imperative.

Scientific approaches have dramatically improved Man’s lot since the 
beginnings of sophisticated, agriculture-based civilization in the Fertile 
Crescent encompassing lands from Egypt to present-day Iraq. The scientific 
approach involves truth, reason, sensible communication and the critical 
testing of potentially falsifiable hypotheses. The scientific approach was 
implicit in the process whereby the earliest farmers carefully selected 
seed for sowing and applied a process of reiterated selection to eventually 
yield the cereal staples that became the mainstay of humanity. Lying, 
un-reason, censorship and fraud may serve narrow power interests but are 
ultimately self-defeating. Thus non-reportage of man-made mass mortality 
may serve the short-term interests of those responsible but simply ensures 
continuance of such catastrophes – history ignored yields history repeated.

Whether it is selecting better animal and plant breeds, developing better 
medical protocols or simply improving society generally, the basic approach 
involves minimizing risk. The best risk minimization protocol, which is 
applied most successfully in high risk areas such as heavy industry and 
aviation, successively involves (a) acquisition of information, (b) 
scientific analysis of the data, and (c) sensible systemic change to 
minimize risk. Unfortunately, in many areas of human activity this protocol 
is perverted by (a) lying by omission and commission, censorship, 
intimidation and self-censorship, (b) anti-scientific spin-based 
approaches involving the selective use of asserted facts to support a 
partisan position, and (c) blame and shame punishment of suitable victims 
with no sensible, risk-minimizing systemic change.

The tragedy of post-colonial Iraq since the return of Western armies in 
1990 illustrates the perversion of humanitarian values, scientific 
approaches and rational risk assessment. The bottom-line parameter in any 
discussion about social policy is the human cost. According to the latest, 
Web-accessible UN Population Division data (see: 
http://esa.un.org/unpp/http://esa.un.org/unpp/ ) and UNICEF data (see: 
http://www.unicef.org/index.htmlhttp://www.unicef.org/index.html ), the 
under-5 infant deaths per 1,000 births in oil-rich Iraq versus 
impoverished Syria were 200 vs 170 (1953), 50 vs 44 (1990) and 125 vs 16 
(sixteen) (2004) i.e. infant mortality decreased enormously under the 
dictator Saddam Hussein but increased hugely after 1990 due to Western 
intervention. The 

[media-dakwah] Terror in the Name of US War's Error - Headlines News 20 Rabiul Awal 1427 H - 19.4.06

2006-04-18 Terurut Topik muslim insuffer


In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful

=== News Update ===

In case you missed it: Loose Change 2nd Edition

This film purports to show direct connection between the attacks of 
September 11, 2001 and the United States government


9/11: Who is behind Al Qaeda in Iraq? Pentagon acknowledges fabricating a 
Zarqawi Legend

In an unusual twist, the Washington Post in a recent article, has 
acknowledged that the role of Zarqawi had been deliberately magnified by 
the Pentagon with a view to galvanizing public support for the US-UK led 
war on terrorism:

The Zarqawi campaign is discussed in several of the internal military 
documents. Villainize Zarqawi/leverage xenophobia response, one U.S. 
military briefing from 2004 stated. It listed three methods: Media 
operations, Special Ops (626) (a reference to Task Force 626, an elite 
U.S. military unit assigned primarily to hunt in Iraq for senior officials 
in Hussein's government) and PSYOP, the U.S. military term for propaganda 
work... (WP. 10 April 2006)


9/11 survivor's toxic clothing sparks cancer fear

THIS deadly 9/11 shirt contains so much asbestos it is feared thousands of 
the disaster's survivors could be hit with cancer.



Despite the lies told about Iraq and Iran, the UNited States remains the 
only nation to use nuclear weapons against the civilian population of 
another nation.

These photographs are worth studying, because history may be abut to repeat 
itself one more time, with this difference: Iran has not attacked the US. 
This time, the US is the unprovoked aggressor nation.


Senate Hearings on Bush, Now

Should Republicans on the Hill take the high road and save themselves come 

There was understandable reluctance in the Congress to begin a serious 
investigation of the Nixon presidency. Then there came a time when it was 
unavoidable. That time in the Bush presidency has arrived.


President Bush Now Caught In The Tangled Web He Spun

President George W. Bush's character is diseased. Serial lies spew from his 
forked tongue as the result of a damaged mind and personality that will not 
permit him to face the truth. He lies about leaks and leaks about lies.


State Department Memo: '16 Words' Were False

The revelation of the warning from the closely guarded State Department 
memo is the first piece of hard evidence and the strongest to date that the 
Bush administration manipulated and ignored intelligence information in 
their zeal to win public support for invading Iraq.


Tortured Justice

Susan Burke and her team of lawyers and researchers hope to help right some 
of the wrongs committed in Iraq.

Lawyer Susan L. Burke stares at the photograph of a 43-year-old former 
Iraqi police officer glowing on her computer screen. The man appears 
dignified. He has a strong chin and piercing eyes, and the pockmarks on his 
cheek are barely noticeable in the dim light. He looks dapper in a crisp 
white shirt and dark suit and tie.


Rumsfeld's Fall Drags Hawks in Its Wake

While the unprecedented calls by six retired generals for his resignation 
have focused primarily on his competence, management style and strategy for 
invading and occupying Iraq, Rumsfeld's departure would almost certainly 
cripple the coalition of neo-conservative and aggressive nationalist war 
hawks in and around the administration for the remainder of Bush's term.


Rumsfeld: US Media Manipulated By bin Laden and Zarqawi

Yesterday on Rush Limbaugh, embattled Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld 
said that those who criticize the Iraq war are being manipulated by 
terrorists, including Zarqawi and bin Laden, through the U.S. media:

There have always been people who have opposed wars…I think we just have to 
accept it, that people have a right to say what they want to say, and to 
have an acceptance of that and recognize that the terrorists, Zarqawi and 
bin Laden and Zawahiri, those people have media committees.

They are actively out there trying to manipulate the press in the United 
States. They are very good at it. Pretty good for two dead guys to be able 
to pull off, right, Rummy?


Theocons and Theocrats

As a great power, a large heterogeneous nation like the United States goes 
about as far in a theocratic direction as it can when it meets the 

[media-dakwah] Terror in the Name of US War's Error - Headlines News 23 Rabiul Awal 1427 H - 22.4.06

2006-04-21 Terurut Topik muslim insuffer


In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful

=== News Update ===

History shows Jews and Christians killed more Muslims than Muslims killed 
Jews and Christians

Muslims feel they are paying the heavy price of Western guilt over 
Europe's past mistreatment of Jews. Not even one UN statement against 
Israeli aggression has been allowed to pass!


In Terror War, Not All Names Are Equal

A major government watchdog group is charging that Muslim charities are 
being shut down for supposedly backing terrorist causes, while giant firms 
like Halliburton are receiving the full protection of U.S. law for 
allegedly breaking government sanctions against doing business with Iran -- 
a country designated as a sponsor of terrorism.


If Past Is Prologue, George Bush Is Becoming An Increasingly Dangerous 

Now, in early 2006, Bush has continued to sink lower in his public approval 
ratings, as the result of a series of events that have sapped the public of 
confidence in its President, and for which he is directly responsible. This 
Administration goes through scandals like a compulsive eater does candy 
bars; the wrapper is barely off one before we've moved on to another.


The Worst President in History?

One of America's leading historians assesses George W. Bush


Apartheid, Bush style

The Republican rape of New Orleans



Prof Justin Frank said the president is a danger to the world because he 
actually believes he is all-powerful and beyond the law.


FLASHBACK: Is George W. Bush An Active/Negative President Like Nixon, LBJ, 
Hoover and Wilson?



Does Iran's President Want Israel Wiped Of The Map - Does He Deny Te Holocaust?

It's becoming clear. The statements of the Iranian President have been 
reflected by the media in a manipulated way. Iran's President betokens the 
removal of the regimes, that are in power in Israel and in the USA, to be 
possible aim for the future. This is correct. But he never demands the 
elimination or annihilation of Israel. He reveals that changes are potential.


The Great Revulsion

I have a vision — maybe just a hope — of a great revulsion: a moment in 
which the American people look at what is happening, realize how their good 
will and patriotism have been abused, and put a stop to this drive to 
destroy much of what is best in our country.


Don't Impeach Bush. Commit Him

A Maniacal Messianic Prepares to Fulfill His Destiny

Until I read Seymour Hersh's expose in The New Yorker and subsequent 
follow-up coverage by other journalists about the Bush Administration's 
plans to start a war against Iran, I had dismissed talk of George W. Bush's 
messianism as so much Beltway chatter. True, he hears voices, even claiming 
that God and Jesus Christ talk to him. I believe God wants me to run for 
president, he told a friend in Texas. Eschewing mainstream religion, he 
routinely parrots the apocalyptic ravings of fringe Christianist cults


Overthrow: America's Century of Regime Change from Hawaii to Iraq

The invasion of Iraq in 2003 was not an isolated episode. It was the 
culmination of a 110-year period during which Americans overthrew fourteen 
governments that displeased them for various ideological, political, and 
economic reasons.


FLASHBACK: Jewish Lobbyists Quietly Backed Resolution Allowing Bush to 
Commit U.S. Troops to Combat

Leaders of the American-Israel Public Affairs Committee now acknowledge it 
worked in tandem with the Bush administration to win passage of a 
resolution authorizing the president to commit U.S. troops to combat. The 
behind-the-scenes campaign avoided Aipac's customary high profile in the 
Capitol and relied instead on activists-calling sometimes from Israel 
itself-to contact lawmakers and build on public endorsements by major 
Jewish organizations.



White House knew there were no WMD: CIA

The CIA had evidence Iraq possessed no weapons of mass destruction six 
months before the 2003 US-led invasion but was ignored by a 

[media-dakwah] Does Iran's President Want Israel Wiped Off The Map - Does He Deny The Holocaust?

2006-04-21 Terurut Topik muslim insuffer


In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful

=== News Update ===

Does Iran's President Want Israel Wiped Off The Map - Does He Deny The 

By Anneliese Fikentscher and Andreas Neumann
Translation to English: Erik Appleby

NOTE: An analysis of media rhetoric on its way to war against Iran - 
Commenting on the alleged statements of Iran's President Ahmadinejad . It's 
becoming clear. The statements of the Iranian President have been reflected 
by the media in a manipulated way. Iran's President betokens the removal of 
the regimes, that are in power in Israel and in the USA, to be possible aim 
for the future. This is correct. But he never demands the elimination or 
annihilation of Israel. He reveals that changes are potential.

Krieg! -- -- - But now that I'm on Iran, the threat to Iran, of course -- 
(applause) -- the threat from Iran is, of course, their stated objective to 
destroy our strong ally Israel. That's a threat, a serious threat. It's a 
threat to world peace; it's a threat, in essence, to a strong alliance. I 
made it clear, I'll make it clear again, that we will use military might to 
protect our ally, Israel, and -- (applause.) George W. Bush, US-President, 
2006-03-20 in Cleveland (Ohio) in an off-the-cuff speech (source: 
But why does Bush speak of Iran's objective to destroy Israel?

Does Iran's President wants Israel wiped off the map?

To raze Israel to the ground, to batter down, to destroy, to annihilate, to 
liquidate, to erase Israel, to wipe it off the map - this is what Iran's 
President demanded - at least this is what we read about or heard of at the 
end of October 2005. Spreading the news was very effective. This is a 
declaration of war they said. Obviously government and media were at one 
with their indignation. It goes around the world.

But let's take a closer look at what Iran's President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad 
said. It is a merit of the 'New York Times' that they placed the complete 
speech at our disposal. Here's an excerpt from the publication dated 

They say it is not possible to have a world without the United States and 
Zionism. But you know that this is a possible goal and slogan. Let's take a 
step back. [[[We had a hostile regime in this country which was 
undemocratic, armed to the teeth and, with SAVAK, its security apparatus of 
SAVAK [the intelligence bureau of the Shah of Iran's government] watched 
everyone. An environment of terror existed.]]] When our dear Imam 
[Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini, the founder of the Iranian revolution] said 
that the regime must be removed, many of those who claimed to be 
politically well-informed said it was not possible. All the corrupt 
governments were in support of the regime when Imam Khomeini started his 
movement. [[[All the Western and Eastern countries supported the regime 
even after the massacre of September 7 [1978] ]]] and said the removal of 
the regime was not possible. But our people resisted and it is 27 years now 
that we have survived without a regime dependent on the United States. The 
tyranny of the East and the West over the world should have to end, but 
weak people who can see only what lies in front of them cannot believe 
this. Who would believe that one day we could witness the collapse of the 
Eastern Empire? But we could watch its fall in our lifetime. And it 
collapsed in a way that we have to refer to libraries because no trace of 
it is left. Imam [Khomeini] said Saddam must go and he said he would grow 
weaker than anyone could imagine. Now you see the man who spoke with such 
arrogance ten years ago that one would have thought he was immortal, is 
being tried in his own country in handcuffs and shackles [[[by those who he 
believed supported him and with whose backing he committed his crimes]]]. 
Our dear Imam said that the occupying regime must be wiped off the map and 
this was a very wise statement. We cannot compromise over the issue of 
Palestine. Is it possible to create a new front in the heart of an old 
front. This would be a defeat and whoever accepts the legitimacy of this 
regime [Israel] has in fact, signed the defeat of the Islamic world. Our 
dear Imam targeted the heart of the world oppressor in his struggle, 
meaning the occupying regime. I have no doubt that the new wave that has 
started in Palestine, and we witness it in the Islamic world too, will 
eliminate this disgraceful stain from the Islamic world.
based on a publication of 'Iranian Students News Agency' 
(http://www.isna.ir/Main/NewsView.aspx?ID=News-603386ISNA) -- insertions 
by the New York Times in squared brackets -- 

[media-dakwah] Terror in the Name of US War's Error - Headlines News 24 Rabiul Awal 1427 H - 23.4.06

2006-04-22 Terurut Topik muslim insuffer


In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful

=== News Update ===

Number Of Iraqi Civilians Slaughtered In America's War? As Many As 250,000


Number of U.S. Military Personnel Sacrificed (Officially acknowledged) In 
America's War 2385

Cost of America's War in Iraq $274,930,301,614


Worldwide Terror Attacks Exceed 10,000

The numbers are a striking reminder that violence around the globe has 
dramatically increased in the more than four years of the war on terror.


'Diplomatic' Terrorism

I think we have reason to be grateful, at least on this one occasion, for 
our president's crudity. His bluntness is a blessing. Now we know that, 
stripped of its moral pretensions, its strategic doctrines, and its 
highfalutin' rhetoric, American foreign policy is nuclear blackmail, pure 
and simple.

In the interest of parsimony, both budgetary and literary, let us dispense 
with the high-flown policy pronouncements, communiqués, and other effluvia 
of diplomatic parlance, and boil it down to a simple statement of 
unmistakable clarity:Defy us and we'll destroy you.


The US Gulag Prison System

Today the US shamelessly has more people behind bars than any other nation 
including China with over 4 times our population


The Left establishment's attack on 9/11 skeptics

Soon after revelations concerning Bush administration prior knowledge of 
the 9/11 attacks (Memogate), a number of well-known media liberals and 
progressives launched a heavy-handed series of broadsides against 
independent 9/11 researchers who had been developing alternative theories 
in response to the deeply flawed and fraudulent official story. Why would 
they do this, at precisely the point that the Bush administration was 
clearly sweating bullets and in deep trouble?


9/11: 30 Percent Of Gitmo Cleared To Go But US Hasn't Arranged Travel Home

Nearly 30 percent of the Guantanamo detainees have been cleared to leave 
the prison but remain jailed because the U.S. government has been unable to 
arrange for their return to their home countries, thePentagon said on Friday.

Of these 141 detainees among the 490 still at Guantanamo, various military 
reviews have cleared 22 to be freed in their home countries and the 
remaining 119 for transfer to the control of their home governments.


Bush's lame-duck presidency is stuck in its bubble

The further along U.S. presidents are in their second term, the more lame 
duck they become, the more chickens come home to roost, and the more they 
govern in a bubble.

U.S. President George W. Bush finds himself ensnared by the ducks, 
chickens and bubbles dilemmas, without any easy way out. He's not the 
first president to find his power and popularity ebbing in the second term 
­ in recent years, think of Ronald Reagan and the Iran-Contra scandal, or 
Bill Clinton and Monica Lewinsky.


Attack Iran, Ignore the Constitution

George W. Bush famously proclaimed that he didn't have to ask anyone's 
permission to defend America. Does that mean he can attack Iran without 
having to ask Congress? A new Congressional resolution being drafted by 
Representative Peter DeFazio, a Democrat from Oregon, can be a vehicle to 
remind Bush that he can't.


Rice hints at “coalition of the willing” to tackle Iran

“The world wants Iran to adhere to its obligations and that's why the 
United States, in coordination with its allies, is seeking and probably 
will have to seek Security Council resolution to that effect”, she added.

What are Iran's Obligations? Under the Nuclear Non_proliferation Treaty 
Iran has the right, recognized by the other signers including the US, to 
develop nuclear technology for power generation, and to refine and process 
their own nuclear fuel for those power stations. In 20 years of 
inspections, nobody has uncovered any evidence that Iran is doing anything 
other than building power stations.


Support This Bill: Illinois General Assembly : President Bush-Impeachment

This bill: Urges the General Assembly to submit charges to the U. S. House 
of Representatives to initiate impeachment proceedings against the 
President of the United States, George W. 

[media-dakwah] Terror in the Name of US War's Error - Headlines News 25 Rabiul Awal 1427 H - 24.4.06

2006-04-23 Terurut Topik muslim insuffer


In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful

=== News Update ===

9/11 Bin Laden: West waging a crusade

During the recording bin Laden also said the Western public shared 
responsibility for the actions of their governments, particularly for what 
he called their attacks on Islam.


9/11 Evidence of Thermite on Core Columns at WTC

Rather a nice clean cut on the diagonal, isn't it? And that obvious melted 
and re-solidified iron flowing down from that cut is a real convincer!


Former German Minister: 9/11 run by Bush Administration

Former German Minister of Defense Says Building 7 Used To Run 9/11 Attack, 
Guide the planes in, then destroy the crime scene

Former Helmut Schmidt cabinet member, 25-year German Parliamentarian and 
global intelligence expert Andreas Von Bülow says that the 9/11 attack was 
run by the highest levels of the US intelligence apparatus using WTC 
Building 7 as a command bunker which was later demolished in order to 
destroy the crime scene.

Watch the Interview:


9/11 Flight 93 cockpit recording is a hoax

It took the authorities a long time to come up with evidence from the 
flight recorders which they had earlier stated were not recoverable. It 
seems to me they still did a rather sloppy job when replacing the real 
recordings with this dramatic production. Here is why:


9/11: The Fake bin Laden Audio Tape

Posted Apr 23, 2006 09:40 AM PST - Category: COVER-UP/DECEPTIONS


Dutch reconsider Islamic values

A new report submitted to the Dutch government has sparked controversy by 
arguing that Islam does not conflict with either human rights or Dutch 
values. Islam has been a hot topic in the Netherlands since the killing of 
a controversial film-maker, Theo van Gogh, by a young Muslim in 2004. In a 
country traditionally seen as one of the most liberal and tolerant in 
Europe, Islam and Muslims are now viewed with suspicion. The report is the 
fruit of three years' work by the Scientific Council for Government Policy 
(WRR), a think-tank in The Hague which advises the government. It examines 
the evolution of thinking about democracy and human rights in a dozen 
Muslim countries, ranging from Egypt and Iran to Indonesia. Jan 
Schoonenboom, a member of the council who supervised the research, says it 
highlights the variety and dynamism of Islamic activism. While there are 
radical, jihadi trends, there are also more mainstream Islamic movements 
which are moving, albeit slowly, towards democratisation.


Is U.S. being transformed into a radical republic?

As Alexis de Tocqueville once said: America is great because she is good. 
If America ever ceases to be good, America will cease to be great.



Posted Apr 23, 2006 09:38 AM PST - Category: COVER-UP/DECEPTIONS


Bush's five point plan to 'rescue' his presidency

Someone, please tell me that this was a very belated April Fool's joke, and 
ran in section of this magrag entitled 'humour' or 'satire'. Let's break 
this down.
 * 1. The very companies that love Bush love the cheap labor illegal 
immigrants provide.
 * 2. Tax cuts mean nothing if our currency is worthless.
 * 3. Bragging about the 'glimmer of success' in Iraq is really 
hysterical. The only success has been the financial success of companies 
like Haliburton, 3 years into this conflict, with no end in sight. It 
certainly can never be a military success, because there were never enough 
boots on the ground to insure that was going to happen (Shinseki told 
Rumsfeld the truth, but Rumsfeld just wanted to stay in his own 
 * 4. Playing 'tough' on Iran. Now, just what does that mean? A 
pre-emptive strike, to which the Iranians will counter-attack, with our 
troops the sitting ducks/sacrificial lambs in Iraq?
 * 5. Court the press? As though the press in this country wasn't just 
another outlet for the Aministration's spin? Please. And remember, there is 
no FCC law compelling the talking heads on radio or television to tell the 
truth. If there were, the families of our soldiers - and those soldiers 
themselves - would be learning about the illnesses and genetic mutations 
caused by the depleted uranium many of them have been breathing.


And We Think We Are Free

What happened to us? 

[media-dakwah] Terror in the Name of US War's Error - Headlines News 26 Rabiul Awal 1427 H - 25.4.06

2006-04-25 Terurut Topik muslim insuffer


In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful

=== News Update ===

Number Of Iraqi Civilians Slaughtered In America's War? As Many As 250,000


Number of U.S. Military Personnel Sacrificed (Officially acknowledged) In 
America's War 2389

Cost of America's War in Iraq $274,930,301,614


All War-All The Time : Anti-Empire Update

Whatever ambiguity may remain about the role of the Israel lobby in the 
invasion of Iraq, it's clear that if and when the sociopaths who call 
themselves our leaders attack Iran, Israeli security will be the main reason.


A Brief History of U.S. Interventions - 1945 to 1999

The engine of American foreign policy has been fueled not by a devotion to 
any kind of morality, but rather by the necessity to serve other 
imperatives, which can be summarized as follows


US will go for other states after Iran and Iraq

* Well-known journalist calls Bush’s statements on Iran’s N-programme 
‘ridiculous and nonsense’

LAHORE: Renowned American journalist Eric Margolis has said that the US 
will “go for” Pakistan and Saudi Arabia after Iraq and Iran.

“We have leaks from reliable sources that after Iraq and Iran, the US plans 
to go for Pakistan and Saudi Arabia,” Margolis said in an interview with 
IWT NEWS on Saturday. Margolis supported Iran’s nuclear weapons programme, 
saying that it poses no threat to the world community. US President George 
W Bush’s statements on Iran’s nuclear programme were “ridiculous and 
nonsense”, he said. “Iran has no nuclear bombs and no capability to bomb a 
country with these weapons,” Margolis said.


All change in the Temple of Truth

And they call this place, I keep reminding myself, the Axis of Evil.


9/11 Autopsy: No Arabs on Flight 77

Now Updated: No Arabs on Flight 77: Part II -The Passengers

I am an ex Naval line officer and a psychiatrist in private practice in New 
Orleans, a Christian and homeschool dad. It troubled me a great deal that 
we rushed off to war on the flimsiest of evidence. I considered various 
ways to provide a smoking gun of who and why Sept 11th happened. Astute 
observers noticed right away that there were no Arabic sounding names on 
any of the flight manifests of the planes that “crashed” on that day.


In case you missed it

Hijacking Catastrophe: Documentry - 9/11, Fear, and the Selling of American 

Hijacking Catastrophe is powerful, understated, straightforward and 
educational. In a single meticulously organized hour of evidence and 
analysis, viewers are treated to a thoughtful explanation of modern 
American empire, neo-conservatism as a driving force for the current Bush 
administration. Click here to watch


9/11: Thermite Identified As Culprit Of WTC Collapse

Evidence mounting that cause first identified on Alex Jones Show led to 
towers' implosion

A new branch of 9/11 research claims to have identified the cause of the 
collapse of the twin towers. The photographic and video evidence makes a 
very strong case for thermite being responsible for the unprecedented 
implosions of steel framed reinforced buildings on September 11.

This facet was first brought to light during a November 2005 appearance on 
The Alex Jones Show by Brigham Young University physicist Professor Steven 
Jones. Jones said that white phosphorous wasn't powerful enough to cause 
the implosion but that thermite was the likely culprit. Alex Jones's 2005 
release Martial Law 9/11 Rise of the Police State highlighted the physical 
evidence that the towers and Building 7 were brought down with incendiary 


An untold story of 9/11

A mix-up in Boston prevented the luggage from connecting with the plane 
that hijackers crashed into the north tower of the trade center. Seized by 
FBI agents at Boston's Logan Airport, investigators said, it contained 
Arab-language papers revealing the identities of all 19 hijackers involved 
in the four hijackings, as well as information on their plans, backgrounds 
and motives.

Sooo, a guy who knows he is about to die, packs a suitcase he will 
never see again and just happens to include in the suitcase all sorts of 
incriminating evidence to point the finger of blame and SMEhow that 
suitcase manages to not get on the 

[media-dakwah] The new reality

2006-04-25 Terurut Topik muslim insuffer


In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful

=== News Update ===

The new reality

Faisal Bodi
April 24, 2006

Since the beginning of April Israeli troops have killed more than 30 
Palestinians, six of them children.

The scale of the Israeli slaughter is three times the toll exacted by last 
week's Islamic Jihad bombing of a restaurant in Tel Aviv.

That's not to seek a moral justification for the killing of civilians in 
some league table of suffering. Rather it is to highlight the double 
standard in international calls for the new Hamas-led government to 
renounce violence while Israel continues its killings. Viewed against this 
backdrop, history will no doubt record the EU's attempt to blackmail Hamas 
as a missed opportunity, and another stride towards the brewing clash of 

Western rejection is already forcing Hamas to look to its natural Muslim 
hinterland for support. Last week I heard its big guns blazing at a 
conference in support of al-Quds (Jerusalem) and Palestinian rights. While 
commentators in the west speculated over a Hamas shift in stance towards 
recognising Israel, the message from the podium couldn't have been more 

No recognition of Israel, no return to negotiations with Israel under the 
current status quo, and no laying down of arms. They were the words of 
Ahmed Bahar, the deputy speaker of the Palestinian parliament in a 
presentation which even stirred the normally timid delegates from Qatar 
into vigorous applause. And there was little love lost for Europe. Hamas' 
political bureau chief Khalid Meshal saw the EU's suspension of aid to the 
new Palestinian government as evidence that the West wants to crush the 
will of the Palestinian people.

Islamic nations know their responsibilities, he told the conference in a 
thinly-veiled appeal for funds that was met with a US$50 million pledge by 
Tehran, and followed by a similar announcement from Doha. Next to Mishal 
sat Ramadan Shalla, the leader of Palestine's other Islamic movement, 
Islamic Jihad. He was no less equivocal. Even if we are taken to the altar 
and beheaded we cannot recognise these people (the Zionists). And his 
reasoning? Recognising Israel means the victim giving in to the aggressor 
and usurper and saying that Palestine is not our land, it is not an Arab or 
Islamic country.

The sentiments were by no means confined to the radicals. The speaker of 
the Malaysian senate, Abdul Hamid Pawanteh, saw the western reaction to 
Hamas' win as a gauntlet to the Muslim world and called on it to recognise 
and support the elected Palestinian government.

Judging from the tone of the conference, patience for western policy 
towards Palestine is wearing thin in the Muslim world. Since the Oslo 
Accords were signed in 1993, the main issues at the heart of the Palestine 
conflict - refugees, Jerusalem, borders and settlements - have remained in 
diplomatic deep-freeze.

However, the Israeli bulldozers and builders have been somewhat more 
active, enhancing Israel's position on all these issues to the point that 
its acting premier can talk about unilateral decisions. More fundamentally, 
Israel has demonstrated that it can count on active western backing and 
acquiescence in its campaign.

But that is forgetting a new reality. Hamas' ascendancy has changed the 
rules of the game. Its position, which is that justice requires the 
reversing of Israeli gains, is in tune with the prevailing global Muslim 
opinion. Hamas, and Tehran for that matter, will not recognise Israel 
because they believe that to do so would be to relinquish the right of 
return of five million Palestinian refugees (this non-recognition is not 
the same as violent destruction of Israel, nor does it equate to any mass 
ethnic cleansing of Jews). If that seems like a hard-line position, it is 
no more hard-line than Israel's rejection of the right of return, or its 
unilateral claim to Jerusalem as its eternal capital.

Being in Tehran confirmed the huge gulf between the west's attitude to 
conflict resolution, which is based on recognising the fruits of Israeli 
aggression, and the Arab/Muslim stance, spelt out in the conference's final 
declaration, which is to deny all legitimacy to the Zionist regime as a 
usurper on the soil of Palestine.

Some will condemn this return to the bottom line of justice as naive 
idealism. They will say that circumstances demand an imperfect peace over 
an unachievable justice. Some of them are genuine but they sit uneasily 
alongside others who use the argument as a fig leaf for Israeli injustices. 
They are the ones who dismiss as unrealistic any attempt to roll back 
Israel's illegitimate gains, whilst simultaneously celebrating the 
realisation of the Jews' dream of returning to the promised land after 
winding back a 2000-year exile.

Europe has now located itself squarely in the Zionist camp. In accepting 

[media-dakwah] Terror in the Name of US War's Error - Headlines News 28 Rabiul Awal 1427 H - 27.4.06

2006-04-26 Terurut Topik muslim insuffer


In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful

=== News Update ===

Number Of Iraqi Civilians Slaughtered In America's War? As Many As 250,000


Number of U.S. Military Personnel Sacrificed (Officially acknowledged) In 
Bush's War 2391

The War in Iraq Costs $276,184,958,713 - See the cost in your community


9/11 U.S.: More Than 600 Implicated in Detainee Abuse

Investigations Lag Two Years After Abu Ghraib Photos

(Washington, D.C., April 26, 2006) ­ Two years after the Abu Ghraib 
scandal, new research shows that abuse of detainees in U.S. custody in 
Iraq, Afghanistan, and at Guantánamo Bay has been widespread, and that the 
United States has taken only limited steps to investigate and punish 
implicated personnel.

A briefing paper issued today, By the Numbers,


9/11: News from Americas Gulag: Pentagon plans release of prisoners at 
Guantanamo Bay

The Pentagon plans to release nearly a third of those held at the prison 
for terror suspects here because they pose no threat to U.S. security


9/11: EU Cites CIA Kidnapping, Secret Flights

 European lawmakers said Wednesday they had discovered a ``widespread 
regular practice'' of human rights violations by the CIA in Europe.


Invitation to a conference about Prophet Muhammad  Freedom of Speech : 
Antagonism or Convergence?

Recent events have brought international attention to the religion of Islam 
and Prophet Muhammad. However, despite the media frenzy and public 
curiosity, the teachings of Islam remain today clouded by stereotypes and 
misconceptions. it is important to clear the common fallacies of Islam and 
have a proper understanding of the personality and the teachings of Prophet 


Cleric Wins Appeal Ruling Over Wiretaps

WASHINGTON, April 26, 2006 ­ An appellate court on Tuesday directed a lower 
court to consider statements by a Muslim cleric in northern Virginia that 
he had been illegally wiretapped under the warrantless eavesdropping 
program that President Bush authorized.

The ruling opened the door to what could be the first ruling by a federal 
court on whether information obtained under the program, operated by the 
National Security Agency, had been improperly used in a criminal prosecution.


Wiretapping may void Va. terror case

The Bush administration's use of warrantless wiretaps may have backfired, 
with the reversal by an appellate court of a Virginia terror conviction.



We are the most conditioned, programmed beings the world has ever known. 
Not only are our thoughts and attitudes continually being shaped and 
molded; our very awareness of the whole design seems like it is being 
subtly and inexorably erased. The doors of our perception are carefully and 
precisely regulated. Who cares, right?


Is US Democracy Sleepwalking Into a Nightmare?

Has the White House lost its collective mind ? Do the president and his 
minions believe that Americans can be stampeded into another needless war 
to save his party from the consequences of the catastrophe in Iraq ? Is the 
Bush administration seriously thinking of bombing Iran for political 
purposes ? Of a nuclear strike ? Is it actually possible, as has been said, 
that George W. Bush believes himself to be on a divine, messianic mission ? 
If the answer to any of these questions is yes, then our democracy may be 
sleepwalking into its worst crisis since the Civil War.


Subject to the Penalty of Death

The responsibility of creating a situation in Iraq in which war crimes are 
the norm and not the exception lies squarely with the officers and 
commanders of the US Army, starting with the Commander in Chief, George W. 


Impeaching Bush, State by State

Forget bird flu, impeachment is spreading across the nation, state by state.


The latest twist in the AIPAC spies case

Posted Apr 26, 2006 11:00 AM PST - Category: ISRAELI SPYING

The spies are American citizens with First Amendment rights to receive 
classified information. Right.



[media-dakwah] Bush Says He Tried to Avoid War 'To The Max,' Explains How God Shapes His Foreign Policy

2006-04-26 Terurut Topik muslim insuffer


In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful

=== News Update ===

Bush Says He Tried to Avoid War 'To The Max,' Explains How God Shapes His 
Foreign Policy

By EP Staff
Published: April 24, 2006 4:45 PM ET

That the same God that says Thou shalt not kill? Thou shalt not steal? 
Thou shalt not bear false witness? Thou shalt not covet they neighbors 
THAT God? Or are we talking some other ethereal spirit in control of the 
situation here?

NEW YORK President Bush today said he had tried to avoid war with Iraq 
diplomatically to the max.

Speaking to a business group in Irvine, Ca., he admitted mistakes were made 
in planning for the Iraq invasion, but he defended the troop level, saying 
it was the troop level necessary to do the job, and he would commit the 
same number if given a second chance.

The remarks came as another former general joined seven others who in 
recent days have called for the resignation of Pentagon chief Donald 
Rumsfeld, saying he had mismanaged the planning and execution of the war.

Bush also explained, in unusually stark terms, how his belief in God 
influences his foreign policy. I base a lot of my foreign policy decisions 
on some things that I think are true, he said. One, I believe there's an 
Almighty. And, secondly, I believe one of the great gifts of the Almighty 
is the desire in everybody's soul, regardless of what you look like or 
where you live, to be free.

I believe liberty is universal. I believe people want to be free. And I 
know that democracies do not war with each other.

A new CNN poll released today shows Bush with his lowest approval rating in 
any poll so far, at 32%.

Taking questions from members of the Orange County Business Council, Bush 
said the United States erred in attempting large reconstruction projects 
soon after the invasion was completed. This didn't make any sense, he 
said, because they became convenient targets for the enemy.

Bush said he'd sat in a California church on Sunday near a mother and 
stepfather grieving for their son who had been killed in Iraq. I also want 
to let you know that before you commit troops that you must do everything 
that you can to solve the problem diplomatically, he commented. And I can 
look you in the eye and tell you I feel I tried to solve the problem 
diplomatically to the max and would have committed troops both in 
Afghanistan and Iraq, knowing what I know today.

One decision he questions: After the successful invasion, preparing an 
Iraqi army for an external threat. Well, it turns out there may have been 
an external threat but it's nothing compared to the internal threat. He 
did not explain what external threat the Iraqis were being trained for.

In his remarks, the president repeatedly referred to the need to stay in 
Iraq to deny terrorists a safe haven. He asserted, according to the White 
House transcript that, Iraq has -- had weapons of mass destruction and has 
the knowledge as to how to produce weapons of mass destruction. He also 
said that our enemies know, and it doesn't take much to realize, that when 
you put carnage on our TV screens, it causes us to weep.

He also said: It's not easy work, by the way, to go from tyranny to 
democracy. We had kind of a round go ourself, if you look back at our 
history. My Secretary of State's relatives were enslaved in the United 
States even though we had a Constitution that said all were -- that 
believed in the dignity, or at least proclaimed to believe in the dignity 
of all. The Articles of Confederation wasn't exactly a real smooth start 
for our government to begin. And what you're watching on your TV screens is 
a new democracy emerging.



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[media-dakwah] Terror in the Name of US War's Error - Headlines News 29 Rabiul Awal 1427 H - 28.4.06

2006-04-27 Terurut Topik muslim insuffer


In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful

=== News Update ===

It's guilty until proven innocent for U.S. Muslim charities

In the months following the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, the 
United States government launched its global war on terror by rounding up 
thousands of Middle Eastern-looking men and women, throwing them in jail 
without charges or access to lawyers, accusing none of them of 
terror-related crimes, convicting no one, and ending up deporting some for 
non-criminal immigration violations.

At about the same time, the government opened up a second front against 
charitable organizations providing financial or other material assistance 
to groups the government designates as terrorist. While the campaign 
applies to all domestic nonprofit organizations, the lion's share of 
scrutiny, suspicion, and pre-emptive action has fallen on Muslim groups.


9/11: Seminary Hosts Teach-In On Torture

Former CIA analyst Ray McGovern, an outspoken critic of the Bush 
administration's use of intelligence to justify the Iraq war, told clergy 
members Wednesday that the United States' use of torture on prisoners in 
its custody amounts to war crimes.

Let's not mince words - the U.S. has launched a war of aggression, which 
is a violation of international law, McGovern said at an interfaith 
teach-in at Hartford Seminary. Rendering, kidnapping, all the deceit 
that has gone on with this war - it's far from rotten apples at the bottom 
of the barrel; these rotten apples are at the very top.

Reclaiming the Prophetic Voice, an interfaith group of clergy opposed to 
the war, invited McGovern to the teach-in, called Torture is a Religious 
Issue. It was intended to help clergy devise a strategy to bring greater 
public awareness of torture against war prisoners.


9/11: The questions that United 93 can't answer

why wasn't there any mention of a debris field 8 miles long. That doesn't 
bode well for the theory that the plane did a nose dive into the ground as 
they would have us believe. just look at the physical evidence. that plane 
was shot down and it took a while for it to finally come down hence the 
debris being found so far from the crash site. wake up !!


911, Iraq, PNAC All roads lead to Israel

Some 911 was an inside job camps like to lay out 4 scenarios. Briefly they 
go as follows.


9/11 Video Downloads: The Controlled Collapse of WTC 7

Posted Apr 27, 2006 11:58 AM PST - Category: 911

As discussed on today's Alex Jones show.


Long Live The 9/11 Conspiracy! Anyone still care about the heap of 
disturbing, unsolved questions surrounding Our Great Tragedy?

Verily, Jacobson, in his New York mag piece, encounters crackpots and 
fringe nutballs and those who think Sept. 11 was connected to aliens and 
electromagnetic fields and the Illuminati. It can, unfortunately, get a 
little crazy. But there is also a very smart, grounded, intelligent and 
surprisingly large faction -- which includes eyewitnesses, Sept. 11 widows, 
former generals, pilots, professors, engineers, WTC maintenance workers and 
many, many more -- who point to a rather shocking pile of evidence that 
says there is simply no way 19 fanatics with box cutters sent by some 
bearded lunatic in a cave could have pulled off the most perfectly 
orchestrated air attack of the century. Not without serious help, anyway.


Why Do So Many Americans Hate America?

No matter where one turns these days, it seems impossible to avoid negative 
news stories about President Bush and his mission to bring peace and 
freedom to the people of Iraq. All too often the liberal media, which has 
wanted our troops to fail from the start, has reported only the bad things 
happening while completely avoiding all of the positives. For instance, 
while 30 people may have burned to death in a Baghdad market as the result 
of an ongoing wave of sectarian violence, what about all the people that 
did not erupt in flames or watch a cherished loved one agonizingly die 
before their eyes – shouldn’t the media cover them as well? Furthermore, in 
their ongoing war against America and its values, liberals and others of 
dubious patriotism have even gone so far as to question our leader’s 
policies and conduct in a time of war – a clear act of treason. The 
president’s critics must realize that he is only doing what is best for 
America, and questions are best saved for the end of the conflict, which, 

[media-dakwah] Terror in the Name of US War's Error - Headlines News 1 Rabiul Akhir 1427 H - 29.4.06

2006-04-28 Terurut Topik muslim insuffer


In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful

=== News Update ===

The Worst President in History?

One of America's leading historians assesses George W. Bush

George W. Bush's presidency appears headed for colossal historical 
disgrace. Barring a cataclysmic event on the order of the terrorist attacks 
of September 11th, after which the public might rally around the White 
House once again, there seems to be little the administration can do to 
avoid being ranked on the lowest tier of U.S. presidents. And that may be 
the best-case scenario. Many historians are now wondering whether Bush, in 
fact, will be remembered as the very worst president in all of American 

see also: Flashback: Bush in '99 -- We Warned You!


Number Of Iraqi Civilians Slaughtered In America's War? As Many As 250,000


Number of U.S. Military Personnel Sacrificed (Officially acknowledged) In 
Bush's War 2395

The War in Iraq Costs $276,686,921,091 - See the cost in your community


U.S. prepares to face U.N. on torture as Amnesty report blasts 'war crimes' 
U.S. prepares to face U.N. on torture as Amnesty report blasts 'war crimes'

The Amnesty report reviews several cases where U.S. detainees held in 
Afghanistan and Iraq have died as a result of torture. The group also 
lambasts U.S. use of electro-shock weapons, inhuman and degrading 
conditions of isolation in super-max security prisons and abuses against 
women in the prison system -- including sexual abuse by male guards, 
shackling while pregnant and even in labor.

As of now, the U.S. has yet to prosecute a single official, military 
officer or private contractor for torture or war crimes related to its 
occupations of Iraq and Afghanistan, or the war on terror. The report 
argues that these cases are not isolated incidents, but part of an overall 
pattern condoned by U.S. officials.

Torture: the great, new American value of the 21st century: doesn't it make 
you feel proud??


Israeli Professor: 'We Could Destroy All European Capitals'

Speaking during an interview which was published in Jerusalem Friday, 
Professor Martin Van Crevel said Israel had the capability of hitting most 
European capitals with nuclear weapons.

We possess several hundred atomic warheads and rockets and can launch them 
at targets in all directions, perhaps even at Rome. Most European capitals 
are targets of our air force.

But we're gonna kill Iranians because they have a power station, right?


US Imperialism Brings World to the Brink

At the same time as the US attempts to limit global action to prevent harm 
to the environment and to cut international commitment to the reduction of 
poverty, the US Ambassador to the UN has objected to language which urges 
nations to observe a moratorium on nuclear testing and to sign the 
Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty. While choking developing countries with 
economic pressure the US is simultaneously and aggressively building up its 
military forces and presence throughout the world.


9/11: Is the Zarqawi video a hoax?

People still snicker whenever anyone suggests that the American 
intelligence community has, in the past, manipulated the American press. 
Yet nobody laughed at Donald Rumsfeld when he claimed that

The terrorists, Zarqawi and bin Laden and Zawahiri, those people have 
media committees. They are actively out there trying to manipulate the 
press in the United States.


Osama Connected to 9/11? Not According to the F.B.I.

If you take a minute to visit the F.B.I. website and check out their most 
wanted list you will run across a familiar face; Osama bin Laden. Of course 
we know that Osama is wanted by the F.B.I. but did you know he is NOT 
wanted in connection to the events of September 11th 2001?


“False Flagg” op called Rosetta Stone of 9/11

How wonderfully thoughtful of the hijackers to leave what Flagg termed this 
“Rosetta stone” behind so everything could be figured out so quickly and 
with such ease. You have to admit that was white of those dusky 
Mid-Easterners. One of the pieces of luggage was said to include 
“Arab-language papers amounting to Atta’s last will and testament, along 
with instructions to the other hijackers to prepare themselves physically 
and spiritually for death.” Boy, this Atta guy thought of 

[media-dakwah] U.S. prepares to face U.N. on torture as Amnesty report blasts 'war crimes'

2006-04-28 Terurut Topik muslim insuffer


In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful

=== News Update ===

U.S. prepares to face U.N. on torture as Amnesty report blasts 'war crimes'

http://rawstory.comRAW STORY
Published: Friday April 28, 2006

As the United States prepares a team of 30 to defend its record on torture 
before a U.N. committee, Amnesty International has made public a report 
blasting the United States for failing to take appropriate steps to 
eradicate use of torture at U.S. detention sites around the world, 
http://rawstory.comRAW STORY has learned.

U.S. compliance with the Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, 
Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment will be the topic of May 5 and 
8 U.N. hearings in Geneva.

The United States last appeared before the Committee Against Torture in 
May, 2000. Amnesty claims that practices criticized by the Committee six 
years ago -- such as the use of electro-shock weapons and excessively harsh 
conditions in super-maximum security prisons -- have been used and 
exported by U.S. forces abroad.

The Amnesty report 
(http://web.amnesty.org/library/index/engmde140012006Beyond Abu Ghraib: 
detention and torture in Iraq) reviews several cases where U.S. detainees 
held in Afghanistan and Iraq have died as a result of torture. The group 
also lambasts U.S. use of electro-shock weapons, inhuman and degrading 
conditions of isolation in super-max security prisons and abuses against 
women in the prison system -- including sexual abuse by male guards, 
shackling while pregnant and even in labor.

As of now, the U.S. has yet to prosecute a single official, military 
officer or private contractor for torture or war crimes related to its 
occupations of Iraq and Afghanistan, or the war on terror.

The heaviest sentence imposed on anyone to date for a torture-related 
death while in U.S. custody is five months, notes Curt Goering, Senior 
Deputy Executive Director for Amnesty International USA. [That's] the same 
sentence that you might receive in the U.S. for stealing a bicycle.

The five month sentence resulted from the death of a 22-year-old 
taxi-driver, who had been hooded and chained to a ceiling, then kicked and 
beaten until dead.

The U.S. government is not only failing to take steps to eradicate 
torture, he adds, it is actually creating a climate in which torture and 
other ill-treatment can flourish -- including by trying to narrow the 
definition of torture.

The report argues that these cases are not isolated incidents, but part of 
an overall pattern condoned by U.S. officials.

While the government continues to try to claim that the abuse of detainees 
in U.S. custody was mainly due to a few 'aberrant' soldiers, there is clear 
evidence to the contrary, said Javier Zuniga, Amnesty International's 
Americas Program Director. Most of the torture and ill-treatment stemmed 
directly from officially sanctioned procedures and policies -- including 
interrogation techniques approved by Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld.

Amnesty's findings have already been sent to members of the UN Committee 
Against Torture.

At its May 1-19 session, the Committee Against Torture will consider 
reports presented by Georgia, Guatemala, Republic of Korea, Qatar, Peru, 
Togo and the United States. With the exceptions of Korea and Peru, Amnesty 
has also provided reports about the actions of these nations.



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[media-dakwah] Israeli Professor: 'We Could Destroy All European Capitals'

2006-04-28 Terurut Topik muslim insuffer


In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful

=== News Update ===

Israeli Professor:
 'We Could Destroy All European Capitals'

By Nadim Ladki

 (IAP News) -- An Israeli professor and military historian hinted that 
Israel could avenge the holocaust by annihilating millions of Germans and 
other Europeans.

 Speaking during an interview which was published in Jerusalem 
Friday, Professor Martin Van Crevel said Israel had the capability of 
hitting most European capitals with nuclear weapons.

 We possess several hundred atomic warheads and rockets and can 
launch them at targets in all directions, perhaps even at Rome. Most 
European capitals are targets of our air force.

 Creveld, a professor of military history at the Hebrew University 
in Jerusalem, pointed out that collective deportation was Israel's only 
meaningful strategy towards the Palestinian people.

 The Palestinians should all be deported. The people who strive 
for this (the Israeli government) are waiting only for the right man and 
the right time. Two years ago, only 7 or 8 per cent of Israelis were of the 
opinion that this would be the best solution, two months ago it was 33 per 
cent, and now, according to a Gallup poll, the figure is 44 percent.

 Creveld said he was sure that Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon 
wanted to deport the Palestinians.

 I think it's quite possible that he wants to do that. He wants to 
escalate the conflict. He knows that nothing else we do will succeed.

 Asked if he was worried about Israel becoming a rogue state if it 
carried out a genocidal deportation against Palestinians, Creveld quoted 
former Israeli Defense Minister Moshe Dayan who said Israel must be like a 
mad dog, too dangerous to bother.

 Creveld argued that Israel wouldn't care much about becoming a 
rogue state.

 Our armed forces are not the thirtieth strongest in the world, 
but rather the second or third. We have the capability to take the world 
down with us. And I can assure you that this will happen before Israel 
goes under.



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[media-dakwah] What Christians Don’t Know About Israel

2006-04-28 Terurut Topik muslim insuffer


In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful

=== News Update ===

Washington Report on Middle Eastern Affairs : Special Report

What Christians Don’t Know About Israel

By Grace Halsell

May/June 1998, pages 112, 126

 American Jews sympathetic to Israel dominate key positions in all areas 
of our government where decisions are made regarding the Middle East. This 
being the case, is there any hope of ever changing U.S. policy? President 
Bill Clinton as well as most members of Congress support Israel ­ and they 
know why. U.S. Jews sympathetic to Israel donate lavishly to their campaign 
coffers. .

 The answer to achieving an even-handed Middle East policy might lie 
elsewhere ­ among those who support Israel but don’t really know why. This 
group is the vast majority of Americans. They are well-meaning, fair-minded 
Christians who feel bonded to Israel ­ and Zionism ­ often from atavistic 
feelings, in some cases dating from childhood.

 I am one of those. I grew up listening to stories of a mystical, 
allegorical, spiritual Israel. This was before a modern political entity 
with the same name appeared on our maps. I attended Sunday School and 
watched an instructor draw down window-type shades to show maps of the Holy 
Land. I imbibed stories of a Good and Chosen people who fought against 
their Bad “unChosen” enemies.

 In my early 20s, I began traveling the world, earning my living as a 
writer. I came to the subject of the Middle East rather late in my career. 
I was sadly lacking in knowledge regarding the area. About all I knew was 
what I had learned in Sunday School.

 And typical of many U.S. Christians, I somehow considered a modern state 
created in 1948 as a homeland for Jews persecuted under the Nazis as a 
replica of the spiritual, mystical Israel I heard about as a child. When in 
1979 I initially went to Jerusalem, I planned to write about the three 
great monotheistic religions and leave out politics. “Not write about 
politics?” scoffed one Palestinian, smoking a waterpipe in the Old Walled 
City. “We eat politics, morning, noon and night!”

 As I would learn, the politics is about land, and the co-claimants to 
that land: the indigenous Palestinians who have lived there for 2,000 years 
and the Jews who started arriving in large numbers after the Second World 
War. By living among Israeli Jews as well as Palestinian Christians and 
Muslims, I saw, heard, smelled, experienced the police state tactics 
Israelis use against Palestinians.

 My research led to a book entitled Journey to Jerusalem. My journey not 
only was enlightening to me as regards Israel, but also I came to a deeper, 
and sadder, understanding of my own country. I say sadder understanding 
because I began to see that, in Middle East politics, we the people are not 
making the decisions, but rather that supporters of Israel are doing so. 
And typical of most Americans, I tended to think the U.S. media was “free” 
to print news impartially.

It shouldn’t be published. It’s anti-Israel.

 In the late 1970s, when I first went to Jerusalem, I was unaware that 
editors could and would classify “news” depending on who was doing what to 
whom. On my initial visit to Israel-Palestine, I had interviewed dozens of 
young Palestinian men. About one in four related stories of torture.

 Israeli police had come in the night, dragged them from their beds and 
placed hoods over their heads. Then in jails the Israelis had kept them in 
isolation, besieged them with loud, incessant noises, hung them upside down 
and had sadistically mutilated their genitals. I had not read such stories 
in the U.S. media. Wasn’t it news? Obviously, I naively thought, U.S. 
editors simply didn’t know it was happening.

 On a trip to Washington, DC, I hand-delivered a letter to Frank 
Mankiewicz, then head of the public radio station WETA. I explained I had 
taped interviews with Palestinians who had been brutally tortured. And I’d 
make them available to him. I got no reply. I made several phone calls. 
Eventually I was put through to a public relations person, a Ms. Cohen, who 
said my letter had been lost. I wrote again. In time I began to realize 
what I hadn’t known: had it been Jews who were strung up and tortured, it 
would be news. But interviews with tortured Arabs were “lost” at WETA.

 The process of getting my book Journey to Jerusalem published also was a 
learning experience. Bill Griffin, who signed a contract with me on behalf 
of MacMillan Publishing Company, was a former Roman Catholic priest. He 
assured me that no one other than himself would edit the book. As I 
researched the book, making several trips to Israel and Palestine, I met 
frequently with Griffin, showing him sample chapters. “Terrific,” he said 
of my material.

 The day the book was scheduled to be published, I went to visit 
MacMillan’s. Checking in at a reception desk, I spotted Griffin 

[media-dakwah] Israeli Extremists and Christian Fundamentalists: The Alliance

2006-04-28 Terurut Topik muslim insuffer


In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful

=== News Update ===

This was written 14 years ago. Her concerns were well founded as we can all 

-- Jackie -- March 4, 2003 : Special Report

WASHINGTON REPORT On Middle East Affairs

Israeli Extremists and Christian Fundamentalists: The Alliance

By Grace Halsell

December 1988, Page 31

At the time I began my research for my book Prophecy and Politics, I 
discovered the average American I met in Washington, DC, and New York was 
not interested in TV evangelists and their link to Israel. Neither were 
book editors. I went to 25 top editors in New York with my book idea on 
religion and politics. Michael Korda of Simon and Schuster was typical. 
Jerry Falwell? Pat Robertson? Who is interested in those crazies?

By the time my book came out those crazies were on the front page of 
every American newspaper and on every news channel. Of course, I didn't 
give them this instant fame, which extended throughout the world. Two of 
them earned it themselves by being in the middle of scandals.

The press told us that Jim Bakker had committed adultery and that Jimmy 
Swaggart regularly visited a prostitute. A fellow marine said Pat Robertson 
never had to dodge bullets in Korea because he had used his father's 
influence as a senator to escape front line duty. But almost everyone 
ignored the biggest scandal of all: the peculiar mixture of prophecy and 
politics professed by these and other Christian Zionists.

The Christian Zionists Message

What is the message of the Christian Zionist? Simply stated it is this: 
Every act taken by Israel is orchestrated by God, and should be condoned, 
supported, and even praised by the rest of us.

Never mind what Israel does, say the Christian Zionists. God wants this 
to happen. This includes the invasion of Lebanon, which killed or injured 
an estimated 100,000 Lebanese and Palestinians, most of them civilians; the 
bombing of sovereign nations such as Iraq; the deliberate, methodical 
brutalizing of the Palestinians-breaking bones, shooting children, and 
demolishing homes; and the expulsion of Palestinian Christians and Muslims 
from a land they have occupied for over 2,000 years.

My premise in Prophecy and Politics is that Christian Zionism is a 
dangerous and growing segment of Christianity, which was popularized by the 
19th-century American Cyrus Scofield when he wrote into a Bible his 
interpretation of events in history. These events all centered around 
Israel-past, present, and future. His Scofield Bible is today the most 
popular of the reference Bibles.

Scofield said that Christ cannot return to earth until certain events 
occur: The Jews must return to Palestine, gain control of Jerusalem and 
rebuild a temple, and then we all must engage in the final, great battle 
called Armageddon. Estimates vary, but most students of Armageddon theology 
agree that as a result of these relatively recent interpretations of 
Biblical scripture, 10 to 40 million Americans believe Palestine is God's 
chosen land for the Jews.

Has the power of the Christian Zionists diminished?

I do not think so. Rather, we are seeing how the Christian Zionists, 
motivated by religious beliefs, are working hand in glove with politically 
motivated, militant Jewish Zionists around the world. It is the Christian 
support of Zionism that emboldens Zionists to believe they can dictate to 
relatively weak and dependent countries such as Austria, whom they may 
choose as their president.

It is the Christian support of Zionism that allows Manuel Noriega to remain 
the strongman in Panama, misusing his power, regardless of what harm he 
causes to the United States, his neighbors, and his people.

It is the Christian support of Zionism that enables the militant Israelis 
to take over Palestinian homes surrounding the Al-Aqsa mosque in pursuit of 
their well-documented plan to destroy Jerusalem's most holy Islamic site, 
sacred to a billion Muslims around the world-one-fifth of humanity.

Christian Zionists and the Iran-Contra Scandal

Remarkably,it was this Christian cult of Israel that brought us the Iran 
contra scandal, perhaps the most self-destructive act in the history of the 
United States. Marine Col. Oliver North, the perpetrator of this misguided 
series of actions, is a Christian Zionist. A born-again charismatic figure, 
he endeared himself to the militant Israeli Zionists who plotted 
Iran-contra. He is more Israeli, said one Jewish general, than we 
Israelis. This is often the case. In his zealotry, the Christian Zionist 
can become more Zionist, more militant, than the Jewish Zionist.

In the Iran-contra hearings, Sen. James McClure (R-ID) explained to North 
that the US had a stated policy of neutrality in the Iran-Iraq war. That 
policy differed radically from Israel's policy of selling arms to Iran. 
Yes, agreed North, the two policies were not the 

[media-dakwah] Is the Zarqawi video a hoax?

2006-04-28 Terurut Topik muslim insuffer


In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful

=== News Update ===

Is the Zarqawi video a hoax?

People still snicker whenever anyone suggests that the American 
intelligence community has, in the past, manipulated the American press. 
Yet nobody laughed at 
http://thinkprogress.org/2006/04/18/rumsfeld-limbaugh/Donald Rumsfeld 
when he claimed that :
The terrorists, Zarqawi and bin Laden and Zawahiri, those people have 
media committees. They are actively out there trying to manipulate the 
press in the United States.

Rumsfeld did not point to a single story in the U.S. media influenced by 
the putative Zarqawi media committee. How could he? His assertion is 
inane on its face; a couple of criminals despised by all Americans could 
never spin CBS or the New York Times.


Picture 1 Abu Musab al-Zarqawi

Is Abu Musab al-Zarqawi himself a manipulation? As we discussed in a recent 
post, the Washington Post revealed that the threat posed by this alleged 
Al Qaeda leader was largely the creation of a 
PSYOPS unit. The propaganda campaign targeted both the foreign press and 
the U.S. home audience. Also targeted were our troops: When they 
unleashed Whiskey Pete on civilians in Fallujah, they did so in the 
belief that they were fighting Zarqawi.

On the same day the Post story appeared, Bush -- in a speech -- cited as 
genuine a Zarqawi letter now known to be 

Journalist Robert Fisk feels that Zarqawi may have died years ago. The 
Jordanian has not been seen in years; he did not communicate with his 
family when his mother died; he has made no attempt to help his wife.

Fisk is hardly the only skeptic to make such a claim -- see, for example, 
page of links. (Note: A number of the links go to pages I consider less 
than credible.)

There are numerous mysteries surrounding this alleged Al Qaeda mastermind: 
The many reported deaths...the leg that either was or was not 
amputated...his alleged presence in the questioned Nick Berg decapitaion 
video...and more.

I cannot discuss all of these matters here -- although I should note in 
passing that, if memory serves, we never did receive official confirmation 
that Zarqawi's voice was heard on the Berg video. One would think that the 
CIA possesses the ability to nail that sort of idenitifaction.


Picture 2 Abu Musab al-Zarqawi

Now we have a new video featuring Zarqawi -- a man who has died many a 
death, a man claimed by the august Washington Post to be largely a 
PSYOPS-driven myth. The timing of this video release, so soon after the 
Post story, seems rather convenient. A copy of the Zarqawi video can be 
(I can't help noting that one of the jihadist fighting songs sounds an 
awful lot like an old WWI ditty: 

If you're well-read in the lore of intelligence operations, you may have 
come across accounts of faked videos involving look-a-like actors. I will 
discuss one notorious example in a future post. For now, let us note in 
passing that we do have one confirmed incident of a faked 
video put together by a young hoaxer named Benjamin Vanderford, who seems 
to have operated out of bizarre personal motives. If a mere civilian can 
create such a thing, a military psychological operations unit could surely 
do a more professional job.

All of which means that we have good reason to ask: Is the man in the new 
video Zarqawi?

Please note that, as of this writing, the CIA has not offered a public 
confirmation of the authenticity of this video. Neither has the 
intelligence service of any other nation. (Update: Fox News did quote an 
unnamed intelligence official as saying that technical analysis had 
identied the voice as Zarqawi's. Since Fox would not identify the agency 
employing this source, we have no idea if the assertion is credible.)

Forgive me if what follows seems a little too grassy knoll for some of 
you, but I thought I would try my hand at some rudimentary photographic 
analysis. Very rudimentary. I have not tracked the origin point of the most 
commonly-reproduced Zarqawi photos, and I am forced to work with very low 
quality jpg images. What follows is only a start; all conclusions must be 
very tentative. I hope that, in the future, photographic professionals will 
have a go at continuing this work, and that they will be in a position to 
use better raw materials.


Picture 3 Abu Musab al-Zarqawi : First, let us arrange our Zarqawi images.

The image I have labeled Z1 -- reproduced 

[media-dakwah] Terror in the Name of US War's Error - Headlines News 2 Rabiul Akhir 1427 - 30.4.06

2006-04-30 Terurut Topik muslim insuffer


In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful

=== News Update ===

9/11 : The story of the USS Liberty

Planes were ordered to the rescue of the Liberty on two occasions. In the 
second attempt the USS America also launched aircraft. Both time the 
Secretary of Defense MacNamara ordered the planes back. There was a 
challenge from the fleet when ordered back the second time. President 
Johnson came on the line and confirmed the order saying, We will not 
embarrass an ally.

Here is the question the US Government won't ask and the Israeli government 
won't answer: Why, if Israel thought they were attacking an Egyptian ship 
and legitimate war-target, did they attack the USS Liberty USING UNMARKED 
PLANES? Was the Israeli plan to sink the USS Liberty and blame Egypt for 
it, thereby tricking the US into the war on Israel's side? Was the same 
plan behind the attack on USS Cole?

Was the same plan behind 9-11?


9/11 : Armed Madhouse

Here is our new world of militarized greed, where America's panic over 
lunatics with box-cutters has metastasized into a billion-dollar fear industry


9/11 : The Fabrication of the Flight 93 Myth

Why do I get the feeling that the last minutes of Flight 93's CVR are 

FLASHBACK: The downing of United Airlines Flight 93

Flight5 93: Three-minute discrepancy in tape

Flight 93 - We know it crashed, but not why

What You Won't See in Flight 93, the Film



Central to the official USDA Choice story of Flight 93 is that the aircraft 
was crashed into the Earth during a struggle between the hijackers and the 

But this story is directly contradicted by a report of a mid-air explosion, 
BEFORE the plane crashed!


9/11 : FBI Sought Info Without Court OK

The FBI secretly sought information last year on 3,501 U.S. citizens and 
legal residents from their banks and credit card, telephone and Internet 
companies without a court's approval, the Justice Department said Friday.


Shots Fired into Salisbury Islamic Center

The police say nobody was hurt after shots were fired Thursday into the 
Islamic Center of Delmarva located in Salisbury.


A Democratic Dictatorship

No one can deny that we now live in a country in which the ruler has the 
omnipotent power to send the entire nation into war on his own initiative. 
To use the president’s words, when it comes to declaring and waging war 
against another country, he’s the “decider.”

It wasn’t always that way. The Constitution brought into existence a 
government in which the powers to declare war and wage war were vested in 
two separate branches of the government. While the president had the power 
to wage war, he was prohibited from exercising it without a declaration of 
war from Congress.


The Predator State

Enron, Tyco, WorldCom... and the U.S. government?


Undermining civil rights and the rule of law

The news that the Bush administration secretly authorized the National 
Security Agency to engage in illegal domestic wiretapping is just the 
latest in what has become a full-fledged assault on civil liberties and the 
rule of law. Following the attacks of September 11, the administration has 
repeatedly attempted to curtail important civil liberties protections, and 
it has asserted that if the president is acting in the name of national 
security, he doesn't have to follow the law. That is unacceptable. As 
American citizens, we must confront this abuse of power head on and demand 


Amnesty International documents European complicity in secret US rendition 

New details on the practice of illegal kidnapping and the secret internment 
of alleged terror suspects carried out by the US secret service agency, the 
CIA, emerged in a report issued by the human rights organisation Amnesty 
International earlier this month. (See “Below the radar: Secret flights to 
torture and ‘disappearance’”).

The evidence presented by Amnesty on the practice of “renditions” and 
American secret prisons is strikingly comprehensive. While some details are 
already well known, the report makes clear the extent to which European 
governments were prepared to look the other way and even indulge 

[media-dakwah] 9/11 Autopsy: No Arabs on Flight 77!!!

2006-04-30 Terurut Topik muslim insuffer


In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful

=== News Update ===

9/11 Autopsy: No Arabs on Flight 77!!!

April 30, 2006
By Dr. Thomas R. Olmsted
http://www.scholarsfor911truth.org/Scholars for 9/11 Truth

I am an ex Naval line officer and a psychiatrist in private practice in New 
Orleans, a Christian and homeschool dad. It troubled me a great deal that 
we rushed off to war on the flimsiest of evidence. I considered various 
ways to provide a smoking gun of who and why Sept 11th happened. Astute 
observers noticed right away that there were no Arabic sounding names on 
any of the flight manifests of the planes that crashed on that day.

A list of names on a piece of paper is not evidence, but an autopsy by a 
pathologist, is. I undertook by FOIA request, to obtain that autopsy list 
and you are invited to view it below. Guess what? Still no Arabs on the 
list. It is my opinion that the monsters who planned this crime made a 
mistake by not including Arabic names on the original list to make the ruse 
seem more believable.

When airline disasters occur, airlines will routinely provide a manifest 
list for anxious families. You may have noticed that even before Sep 11th, 
that airlines are pretty meticulous about getting an accurate headcount 
before takeoff. It seems very unlikely to me that five Arabs sneaked onto a 
flight with weapons.

Meanwhile, back at the ranch, the Armed Forces Institute of Pathology 
(AFIP), does a miraculous job and identified nearly all the bodies on 
November 16th 2001.

The AFIP suggest these numbers; 189 killed, 125 worked at the Pentagon and 
64 were passengers on the plane. The AA list only had 56 and the list 
just obtained has 58. They did not explain how they were able to tell 
victims bodies from hijacker bodies. In fact, from the beginning NO 
explanation has been given for the extra five suggested in news reports 
except that the FBI showed us the pictures to make up the difference, and 
that makes it so.

Now, being the trusting sort, I figured that the government would want to 
quickly dispel any rumors so we could get on with the chore of kicking 
Osama/Saddam's butt (weren't these originally two different people?). It 
seemed simple to me... produce the names of all the bodies identified by 
the AFIP and compare it with the publicized list of passengers. So, I sent 
a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request to the AFIP and asked for an 
expedited response, because we were getting ready to send our boys to war 
on the pretext that Osama/Sadaam had done the deed. Fourteen months later, 
a few US soldiers dead, many Iraqi civilians pushing up daisies, and I 
finally get the list. Believe me that they weren't a bit happy to give it 
up, and I really have no idea why they choose now to release it.

No Arabs wound up on the morgue slab; however, three ADDITIONAL people not 
listed by American Airline sneaked in. I have seen no explanation for these 
extras. I did give American the opportunity to revise their original 
list, but they have not responded. The new names are: Robert Ploger, Zandra 
Ploger, and Sandra Teague. The AFIP claims that the only passenger body 
that they were not able to identify is the toddler, Dana Falkenberg, whose 
parents and young sister are on the list of those identified.

The satanic masterminds behind this caper may be feeling pretty smug about 
the perfect crime, but they have left a raft of clues tying these 
unfortunates together. Stay tuned for part two to take a much closer look 
of the cast of characters on this ill-fated flight.



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[media-dakwah] Nationmaster.com: Statistik Kejahatan Pemerkosaan Kategori Per Kapita Jumlah Penduduk

2006-04-30 Terurut Topik muslim insuffer


In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful

=== News Update ===

NationMaster.Com: Statistik Kejahatan Pemerkosaan Kategori Per Kapita 
Jumlah Penduduk


Stats  Crime  Rapes
VIEW DATA: Per capita

Rank Country Amount (top to bottom)
#1 South Africa1.19538 per 1,000 people
#2 Seychelles0.788294 per 1,000 people
#3 Australia0.777999 per 1,000 people
#4 Montserrat0.749384 per 1,000 people
#5 Canada0.733089 per 1,000 people
#6 Jamaica0.476608 per 1,000 people
#7 Zimbabwe0.457775 per 1,000 people
#8 Dominica0.34768 per 1,000 people
#9 United States0.301318 per 1,000 people
#10 Iceland0.246009 per 1,000 people
#11 Papua New Guinea0.233544 per 1,000 people
#12 New Zealand0.213383 per 1,000 people
#13 United Kingdom0.142172 per 1,000 people
#14 Spain0.140403 per 1,000 people
#15 France0.139442 per 1,000 people
#16 Korea, South0.12621 per 1,000 people
#17 Mexico0.122981 per 1,000 people
#18 Norway0.120836 per 1,000 people
#19 Costa Rica0.118277 per 1,000 people
#20 Venezuela0.115507 per 1,000 people
#21 Finland0.110856 per 1,000 people
#22 Netherlands0.100445 per 1,000 people
#23 Denmark0.0914948 per 1,000 people
#24 Germany0.0909731 per 1,000 people
#25 Bulgaria0.0795973 per 1,000 people
#26 Chile0.0782179 per 1,000 people
#27 Thailand0.0626305 per 1,000 people
#28 Kyrgyzstan0.0623785 per 1,000 people
#29 Poland0.062218 per 1,000 people
#30 Sri Lanka0.0599053 per 1,000 people
#31 Hungary0.0588588 per 1,000 people
#32 Estonia0.0547637 per 1,000 people
#33 Ireland0.0542829 per 1,000 people
#34 Switzerland0.0539458 per 1,000 people
#35 Belarus0.0514563 per 1,000 people
#36 Uruguay0.0512295 per 1,000 people
#37 Lithuania0.0508757 per 1,000 people
#38 Malaysia0.0505156 per 1,000 people
#39 Romania0.0497089 per 1,000 people
#40 Czech Republic0.0488234 per 1,000 people
#41 Russia0.0486543 per 1,000 people
#42 Latvia0.0454148 per 1,000 people
#43 Moldova0.0448934 per 1,000 people
#44 Colombia0.0433254 per 1,000 people
#45 Slovenia0.0427648 per 1,000 people
#46 Italy0.0402045 per 1,000 people
#47 Portugal0.0364376 per 1,000 people
#48 Tunisia0.0331514 per 1,000 people
#49 Zambia0.0266383 per 1,000 people
#50 Ukraine0.0244909 per 1,000 people
#51 Slovakia0.0237525 per 1,000 people
#52 Mauritius0.0219334 per 1,000 people
#53 Turkey0.0180876 per 1,000 people
#54 Japan0.017737 per 1,000 people
#55 Hong Kong0.0150746 per 1,000 people
#56 India0.0143187 per 1,000 people
#57 Qatar0.0139042 per 1,000 people
#58 Macedonia, The Former Yugoslav Republic of0.0132029 per 1,000 people
#59 Greece0.0106862 per 1,000 people
#60 Georgia0.0100492 per 1,000 people
#61 Armenia0.00938652 per 1,000 people
#62 Indonesia0.00567003 per 1,000 people
#63 Yemen0.0038597 per 1,000 people
#64 Azerbaijan0.00379171 per 1,000 people
#65 Saudi Arabia0.00329321 per 1,000 people

Weighted average:0.1 per 1,000 people

DEFINITION: Total recorded rapes. Crime statistics are often better 
indicators of prevalence of law enforcement and willingness to report 
crime, than actual prevalence. Per capita figures expressed per 1,000 

SOURCE: Seventh United Nations Survey of Crime Trends and Operations of 
Criminal Justice Systems, covering the period 1998 - 2000 (United Nations 
Office on Drugs and Crime, Centre for International Crime Prevention)


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[media-dakwah] Terror in the Name of US War's Error - Headlines News 3 Rabiul Akhir 1427 H - 1.5.06

2006-04-30 Terurut Topik muslim insuffer


In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful

=== News Update ===

Proof of 9/11 Lies by the US Government and Media

The important point here isn't the shoot down. Most people would agree that 
under the circumstances, it was the best course of action.

The point is that we are seeing clear evidence of the manipulation of 
information being fed to the public regarding 9/11.

What else is the government concealing about 9/11?


“False Flagg” op called Rosetta Stone of 9/11

You know. A false flag op is when a nation attacks itself but makes it 
appear that an enemy has committed the attack. This way it stirs its more 
or less peace-loving people into going to war with the demonized “enemy.” 
It’s false flag ops 1.1.

And Flagg is not a misspelling of flag but the name of a former FBI agent, 
Warren Flagg who (along with a former federal prosecutor) helped direct the 
New England investigation of the Sept. 11 attacks. Flagg was nice enough in 
a Newsday.com piece by Michael Dorman to mention that “one bag found in 
Boston contained far more than what the commission report cited, including 
the names of the hijackers, their assignments and their al-Qaida 
connections.” Gee, what luck!


9/11 Autopsy: No Arabs on Flight 77

I am an ex Naval line officer and a psychiatrist in private practice in New 
Orleans, a Christian and homeschool dad. It troubled me a great deal that 
we rushed off to war on the flimsiest of evidence. I considered various 
ways to provide a smoking gun of who and why Sept 11th happened. Astute 
observers noticed right away that there were no Arabic sounding names on 
any of the flight manifests of the planes that “crashed” on that day.


9/11 : Something Strange about Flight 93

23(and counting) of the 44 people on Flight 93 were not supposed to be on 
the flight that day. Is this really just a coincidence?


Power Makes Men Mad

An extraordinary paradox of the current international scene is that the 
most powerful countries in the world are also the most afraid - and fear 
has caused them to lose their senses.

Globally, the United States has no immediate military rival; certainly no 
other state has the power to strike anywhere on our planet - and far beyond 
it into space - at very short notice. American strategists call this the 
doctrine of Global Strike.


Time to shut-down the UN

When the bombing begins in Iran, the UN can finally board-up its doors and 
send the diplomats home; there’ll be no more reason to maintain the 
pretense. An attack on Iranian facilities will signal a period of global 
realignment where states either submit to the Washington axis or join the 
growing resistance. We are quickly moving towards Bush’s dream of a world 
that is divided into “us against them”.


U.S. strangling its democracy

To understand the furor over leaks about a CIA-run network of secret 
prisons or, perhaps, the president's authorization of warrantless snooping 
on Americans' communications, the date to remember isn't 9/11. It is March 
23, 2001.

On that day — just weeks after George W. Bush was inaugurated — White House 
counsel Alberto Gonzales instructed the archivist of the United States to 
delay release of thousands of President Ronald Reagan's papers, which were 
about to be made public under a Watergate-era law governing the release of 
unclassified presidential documents.


A reliable prophet of doom

I believe that George Bush is a prophet. But not just any old prophet. A 
special kind ­ one whose actions bring about the very things he claims will 
happen, albeit without any recognition of his role in causing them to 
occur. He is, therefore, a self-fulfilling prophet. Let me explain.


Bush's Pathetic Comedy Act - The Joke's on US

“Ladies and gentlemen, I feel chipper tonight. I survived the White House 
shake-up,” the president said.

Remember when Dubya was showing slides of himself searching the Oval Office 
and saying, Those WMDs gotta be around here somewhere!

Wasn't funny then.

Less funny now.


Bush challenges hundreds of laws

President Bush has quietly claimed the authority to disobey more than 750 
laws enacted since he took office, asserting that he has the power to set 
aside any statute passed by Congress when it conflicts with his 
interpretation of the 

[media-dakwah] Nationmaster.com: Statistik Kejahatan Pemerkosaan Kategori Negara

2006-04-30 Terurut Topik muslim insuffer


In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful

=== News Update ===

NationMaster.Com: Statistik Kejahatan Pemerkosaan Kategori Negara


Stats  Crime  Rapes

Rank Country Amount (top to bottom)
#1 United States 89,110
#2 South Africa 53,008
#3 Canada 24,049
#4 Australia 15,630
#5 India 15,468
#6 Mexico 13,061
#7 United Kingdom 8,593
#8 France 8,458
#9 Germany 7,499
#10 Russia 6,978
#11 Korea, South 6,139
#12 Spain 5,664
#13 Zimbabwe 5,567
#14 Thailand 4,020
#15 Venezuela 2,931
#16 Poland 2,399
#17 Italy 2,336
#18 Japan 2,260
#19 Colombia 1,861
#20 Netherlands 1,648
#21 Indonesia 1,372
#22 Jamaica 1,304
#23 Papua New Guinea 1,295
#24 Turkey 1,260
#25 Chile 1,250
#26 Malaysia 1,210
#27 Sri Lanka 1,202
#28 Ukraine 1,151
#29 Romania 1,110
#30 New Zealand 861
#31 Bulgaria 593
#32 Hungary 589
#33 Finland 579
#34 Norway 555
#35 Belarus 530
#36 Czech Republic 500
#37 Denmark 497
#38 Costa Rica 475
#39 Switzerland 404
#40 Portugal 385
#41 Tunisia 334
#42 Kyrgyzstan 321
#43 Zambia 300
#44 Ireland 218
#45 Moldova 200
#46 Lithuania 183
#47 Uruguay 175
#48 Slovakia 129
#49 Greece 114
#50 Latvia 104
#51 Hong Kong 104
#52 Saudi Arabia 87
#53 Slovenia 86
#54 Yemen 80
#55 Estonia 73
#56 Iceland 73
#57 Seychelles 64
#58 Georgia 47
#60 Azerbaijan 30
#61 Armenia 28
#62 Macedonia, The Former Yugoslav Republic of 27
#63 Mauritius 27
#64 Dominica 24
#65 Qatar 12
#66 Montserrat 7

Total: 296,648
Weighted average: 4,563.8

DEFINITION: Total recorded rapes. Crime statistics are often better 
indicators of prevalence of law enforcement and willingness to report 
crime, than actual prevalence.

SOURCE: Seventh United Nations Survey of Crime Trends and Operations of 
Criminal Justice Systems, covering the period 1998 - 2000 (United Nations 
Office on Drugs and Crime, Centre for International Crime Prevention)


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[media-dakwah] Terror in the Name of US War's Error - Headlines News 4 Rabiul Akhir 1427 H - 2.5.06

2006-05-01 Terurut Topik muslim insuffer


In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful

=== News Update ===

Number Of Iraqi Civilians Slaughtered In America's War? As Many As 250,000


Number of U.S. Military Personnel Sacrificed (Officially acknowledged) In 
Bush's War 2400

The War in Iraq Costs $277,429,060,471 - See the cost in your community


9/11: The Jesuits, the Vatican, the Black Pope...

Greg Szymanski, Eric Jon Phelps, and many others, are promoting the theory 
that the Black Pope ordered the 9/11 attacks...

Don't fall for the deception!


Depleted Uranium - Far Worse Than 9/11

Depleated Uranium Dust - Public Health Disaster For The People Of Iraq and 



The unmarked military-style jet swooped down at high speed through the 
valley, twice circled the smouldering black scar where Flight 93 had 
careered into the ground just seconds earlier and then hurtled off over the 

At least six eyewitnesses saw the mysterious aircraft on the morning of 
September 11 last year. But the US authorities deny it ever existed.


9/11: How Did Human Remains End Up Miles From Flight 93's Crash Site?

Are we supposed to believe that hijackers armed with only box cutters 
forced an angry mob to jump from the plane seconds before the crash? Or are 
we supposed to believe that people simply felt compelled to jump from the 
plane? If the official story is true then people jumping from the plane is 
the only way human remains could have been found miles from Flight 93's 
crash site.

A more logical explanation is that people inside the plane were sucked out 
because of a sudden depressurisation.


9/11: How to spot a terrorist

I really had no idea how to spot a terrorist until I studied the manuals 
published by the Phoenix FBI, the state employees of Virginia, and the 
Texas Department of Public Safety. Now that I have absorbed these manuals, 
I not only know how to spot a terrorist, but I have discovered that I 
probably am a terrorist.


Interest in Islamic, Arabic studies rising

Colleges offer more classes on Middle Eastern culture. Although Joyce 
Haikal was raised Catholic, the Lebanese-American was curious about the 
Islamic roots of her parents’ home country.

This semester, the 22-year-old22- year - old 22-yearold Dalton, Ga., 
resident signed up for a University of Tennessee at Chattanooga course on 

I just found it very interesting, the sociology major said. (Americans 
should be) more educated in knowing that not all Muslims are bad and not 
all Muslims are Arab.

Ms. Haikal is one of a growing number of students taking courses on Islam 
or Arabic at colleges across the country, a trend that emerged after the 
Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks, educators said. As the war on terror 
grows more complicated, students are looking for a better understanding of 
the Middle East, and companies are looking for experts in Arabic and Islam, 
educators said.


Save Darfur: Evangelicals and Establishment Jews

It's embarrassing that America -- and the world -- will be witnessing a 
PRO-WAR rally in Washington, D.C. on April 30 (a project of SaveDarfur.org) 
that is far more highly publicized than an anti-war one (that appears to be 
poorly organized) in New York City on April 29, even while Washington is 
still soldiering on in Afghanistan and Iraq and gunning for sanctions or 
war on Iran.

Who is behind this astonishing pro-war rally in war-weary America 
(war-weary as far as the Iraq War is concerned, that is)? A rag-tag 
coalition of evangelicals and establishment Jews (those whom the corporate 
media designate as official leaders of Jewish communities):

Keeping the peace within the diverse Save Darfur Coalition has not been 
easy. Tensions have arisen, in particular, between evangelical Christians 
and immigrants from Darfur, whose population is almost entirely Muslim and 
deeply suspicious of missionary activity.

Organizers rushed this week to invite two Darfurians to address the rally 
after Sudanese immigrants objected that the original list of speakers 
included eight Western Christians, seven Jews, four politicians and 
assorted celebrities -- but no Muslims and no one from Darfur.


USA: Stop prisoner transfers and torture (Amnesty International - Canada)

Here is the URL for the action targeting both the US and several 

[media-dakwah] Israel Crime: A list of UN Resolutions against Israel

2006-05-01 Terurut Topik muslim insuffer


In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful

=== News Update ===

A list of UN Resolutions against Israel

Posted By: http://www.uscrusade.com/forum/config.pl/noframes/profile/wtnfwtnf
Date: 8, September 03, at 7:58 p.m.


Here is a list of UN resolutions that Israel has not complied with, far 
more than Iraq. Note that she has also illegally developed nuclear weapons. 
Further, the situation is far worse than would at first appear, it involves 
the serious distortion of the official Security Council record by the 
profligate use by the United States of its veto power. (See Table) 
Israel's, defiance goes back to its very beginnings. This collection of 
resolutions criticizing Israel is unmatched by the record of any other 
nation as Israel stands in violation of more UN resolutions than ANY OTHER 
A list of UN Resolutions against Israel 1955-1992: *
Resolution 106:  . . . 'condemns' Israel for Gaza raid. *
Resolution 111:  . . . 'condemns' Israel for raid on Syria that killed 
fifty-six people. * Resolution 127:  . . . 'recommends' Israel suspends 
it's 'no-man's zone' in Jerusalem. *
Resolution 162:  . . . 'urges' Israel to comply with UN decisions. *
Resolution 171:  . . . determines flagrant violations' by Israel in its 
attack on Syria. Resolution 228:  . . . 'censures' Israel for its attack 
on Samu in the West Bank, then under Jordanian control. *
Resolution 237:  . . . 'urges' Israel to allow return of new 1967 
Palestinian refugees. Resolution 248:  . . . 'condemns' Israel for its 
massive attack on Karameh in Jordan. *
Resolution 250:  . . . 'calls' on Israel to refrain from holding military 
parade in Jerusalem. *
Resolution 251:  . . . 'deeply deplores' Israeli military parade in 
Jerusalem in defiance of Resolution 250. *
Resolution 252:  . . . 'declares invalid' Israel's acts to unify Jerusalem 
as Jewish capital. *
Resolution 256:  . . . 'condemns' Israeli raids on Jordan as 'flagrant 
violation. * Resolution 259:  . . . 'deplores' Israel's refusal to accept 
UN mission to probe occupation. *
Resolution 262:  . . . 'condemns' Israel for attack on Beirut airport. *
Resolution 265:  . . . 'condemns' Israel for air attacks for Salt in 
Jordan. * Resolution 267:  . . . 'censures' Israel for administrative 
acts to change the status of Jerusalem. *
Resolution 270:  . . . 'condemns' Israel for air attacks on villages in 
southern Lebanon. *
Resolution 271:  . . . 'condemns' Israel's failure to obey UN resolutions 
on Jerusalem. *
Resolution 279:  . . . 'demands' withdrawal of Israeli forces from 
Lebanon. * Resolution 280:  . . . 'condemns' Israeli's attacks against 
Lebanon. *
Resolution 285:  . . . 'demands' immediate Israeli withdrawal form 
Lebanon. * Resolution 298:  . . . 'deplores' Israel's changing of the 
status of Jerusalem. * Resolution 313:  . . . 'demands' that Israel stop 
attacks against Lebanon. * Resolution 316:  . . . 'condemns' Israel for 
repeated attacks on Lebanon. * Resolution 317:  . . . 'deplores' Israel's 
refusal to release Arabs abducted in Lebanon. *
Resolution 332:  . . . 'condemns' Israel's repeated attacks against 
Lebanon. * Resolution 337:  . . . 'condemns' Israel for violating 
Lebanon's sovereignty. * Resolution 347:  . . . 'condemns' Israeli 
attacks on Lebanon. *
Resolution 425:  . . . 'calls' on Israel to withdraw its forces from 
Lebanon. * Resolution 427:  . . . 'calls' on Israel to complete its 
withdrawal from Lebanon. * Resolution 444:  . . . 'deplores' Israel's lack 
of cooperation with UN peacekeeping forces. *
Resolution 446:  . . . 'determines' that Israeli settlements are a 
'serious obstruction' to peace and calls on Israel to abide by the Fourth 
Geneva Convention. *
Resolution 450:  . . . 'calls' on Israel to stop attacking Lebanon. *
Resolution 452:  . . . 'calls' on Israel to cease building settlements in 
occupied territories. *
Resolution 465:  . . . 'deplores' Israel's settlements and asks all member 
states not to assist Israel's settlements program. *
Resolution 467:  . . . 'strongly deplores' Israel's military intervention 
in Lebanon. * Resolution 468:  . . . 'calls' on Israel to rescind illegal 
expulsions of two Palestinian mayors and a judge and to facilitate their 
return. *
Resolution 469:  . . . 'strongly deplores' Israel's failure to observe the 
council's order not to deport Palestinians. *
Resolution 471:  . . . 'expresses deep concern' at Israel's failure to 
abide by the Fourth Geneva Convention. *
Resolution 476:  . . . 'reiterates' that Israel's claim to Jerusalem are 
'null and void'. * Resolution 478:  . . . 'censures (Israel) in the 
strongest terms' for its claim to Jerusalem in its 'Basic Law'. *
Resolution 484:  . . . 'declares it imperative' that Israel re- admit two 
deported Palestinian mayors. *
Resolution 487:  . . . 'strongly condemns' Israel for its 

[media-dakwah] 3-Year-Old Child's Skull Crushed at Israeli Checkpoint

2006-05-01 Terurut Topik muslim insuffer


In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful

=== News Update ===

3-Year-Old Child's Skull Crushed at Israeli Checkpoint

I'm getting pretty sick of these Israeli pukes. How about you?


Picture of the 3 years baby

Date : 29/04/2006 Time:13:59

HAIFA, April 29, 2006 (WAFA)-A three-year-old girl was killed at an Israeli 
checkpoint in the West Bank city of Ramallah, her mother told WAFA on Saturday.

The little child Rafeda Thaer, of Kufr Kanna in Israel, was accompanying, 
last Sunday, her mother and three brothers to pay a visit to her imprisoned 
Father in Nafha Israeli jail. The Israeli occupation's Gate of Kharibtha 
checkpoint, west of Ramallah, shut up at her head and crushed her skull.

Her mother, Jihan Aqeela said: We stopped at the Kharibtha checkpoint 
inside a car for more than one hour. Rafeda wanted to go to bathroom. We 
got off the car and as we were passing the checkpoint, its huge Gate 
suddenly shut up against Rafeda's head. She was instantly bleeding from her 
head and eyes and went in a coma . An ambulance rushed to the checkpoint 
and took Refada to Hospital, but she died two days later.

M.H. (13:55P) (10:55 GMT)



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[media-dakwah] Israeli forces ban Palestinian patients from treatment in Israel

2006-05-01 Terurut Topik muslim insuffer


In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful

=== News Update ===

Israeli forces ban Palestinian patients from treatment in Israel

GAZA, April 30 (KUNA) -- The Palestinian Health Ministry announced on 
Sunday that the Israeli occupation forces have banned Palestinian patients 
to enter Israel for the sake of receiving health care and be treated in its 

The ministry said in a statement that the Israeli forces stationed at Beit 
hanoun in north Gaza banned today three Palestinian children, their mothers 
as well as cancer patients to continue their medication in Israeli hospitals.

The statement pointed out that all those patients had obtained entry 
permits and were screened by the security personnel following a 
coordination with the concerned hospitals. (end) zt.



-muslim voice-

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Ajaklah teman dan saudara anda bergabung ke milis Media Dakwah.
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Beyond belief
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Re: [media-dakwah] FW: [INSISTS] Re: Wawancara Gus Dur telah dirubah redaksinya di situs ISLAMLIB

2006-05-02 Terurut Topik muslim insuffer


Itu makin membuktikan watak asli kyai GD dan JIL yg sebenarnya.Yaitu 
konsisten melecehkan dan menginjak-injak umat islam, khususnya muslim 

Makanya sdh sejak sekian lama saya berlepas diri dari Kyai GD and the gang, 
juga konsisten membela demi kebaikan dan kejayaan islam dan muslim; 
menghadapi orang2 semacam itu.

-abu ubassy-

At 09:21 02/05/2006, you wrote:

Ikhwah sekalian,

Ketahuilah redaksional kata-kata Goes Doer tentang pelecehannya terhadap 
Al Qur'an yang disebut Kitab paling Porno sudah dirubah di situs ISLAMLIB 
(Islam Liberal) tapi di situs kristen belum dirubah. Sources link-nya ada 
di email di bawah ini.

Hairan dah...?:)

-Original Message-
Behalf Of Wido Q Supraha
Sent: Monday, May 01, 2006 6:44 PM
Cc: Sugito; Mustofa (Pusri); Wilda Bachtiar; Bambang wijanarko; 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]; Ismu Hasyim; Yanthie Y.; Wiwiek (Sayidati Alwiyah); 
Subject: [INSISTS] Re: Wawancara Gus Dur telah dirubah redaksinya di situs 

Berikut seharusnya link aslinya, sepertinya ISLAMLIB ketakutan didemo.


di situs GusDur .Net juga telah dirubah :


Namun untungnya di situs kristiani belum berubah :




Wido Q Supraha wrote:
  Ada, tapi di situsnya sudah dirubah isinya juga fotonya.
  Berikut sebelum diupdate :
  Senin, 10 April 2006
  KH. Abdurrahman Wahid:
  Jangan Bikin Aturan Berdasarkan Islam Saja!
  Pola pandang dan sikap yang terus menghargai perbedaan dalam kerangka
  keragaman etnis, budaya, dan agama di Indonesia, masih tetap manjadi
  ciri khas KH. Abdurrahman Wahid, mantan orang nomor satu di negeri
  ini. Kyai nyentrik yang akrab disapa Gus Dur itu, kembali mengingatkan
  pentingnya menolak penyeragaman cara pandang, sikap, maupun perilaku
  dalam beragama dan bernegara di negeri ini. Berikut petikan wawancara
  M. Guntur Romli dan Alif Nurlambang (JIL) dengan Gus Dur tentang
  pelbagai persoalan mutakhir negeri ini pekan lalu.
  JIL: Gus Dur, akhir-akhir ini ada polemik tentang Perda Tangerang
  tentang pelacuran dan rencana UU Anti Pornografi dan Pornoaksi (RUU
  APP). Apa komentar Gus Dur tentang Perda yang melarang pelacuran tanpa
  pandang bulu itu?
  KH. ABDURRAHMAN WAHID: Menurut saya, baik Perda Tangerang maupun RUU
  APP yang kini diributkan, harus jelas dulu siapa yang merumuskan dan
  menentukannya. Pelacuran memang dilarang agama, tapi siapakah pelacur
  itu?! Jangan- jangan, yang kita tuduh pelacur justru bukan pelacur.
  Dari dulu memang ada dua hal yang perlu kita perhatikan sebelum
  menetapkan undang-undang. Pertama tentang siapa yang merumuskan. Dan
  kedua tentang apakah dia memiliki hak antara pelaksana dan pihak lain.
  Contoh paling jelas adalah soal definisi pornografi. Ketika tidak
  jelas ini dan itu pornonya, yang berhak menentukannya adalah Mahkamah
  Tapi di luar itu, masih banyak masalah-masalah yang mendera negara
  kita yang lebih butuh penyelesaian, seperti persoalan ekonomi. Jadi
  prioritas kita bukan membikin aturan macam-macam. Contohnya, isu
  pelacuran itu juga sangat terkait dengan soal ekonomi. Meski kita mau
  bikin seribu peraturan, tapi tidak ada peningkatan taraf kehidupan,
  pelacuran tidak akan pernah bisa tersentuh, boro-boro bisa
  dihilangkan. Jika hal ini terjadi, maka aturan tidak akan berfungsi
  apa-apa, kecuali untuk selalu dilanggar.
  JIL: Salah satu dasar munculnya perda-perda seperti itu adalah alasan
  otonomi daerah. Menurut Gus Dur bagaimana?
  Otonomi daerah tidak mesti sedemikian jauh. Dia harus spesifik.
  Seperti salah satu negara bagian Amerika Serikat, Louisiana, yang
  masih melandaskan diri pada undang-undang Napoleon dari Perancis,
  walaupun negara-negara bagian lain menggunakan undang-undang Anglo-
  Saxon. Perbedaan tersebut sudah dijelaskan dalam undang-undang dasar
  mereka di sana semenjak awal, bukan ditetapkan belakangan dan secara
  serampangan. Untuk Indonesia, daerah-daerah mestinya tidak bisa
  memakai dan menetapkan undang-udang secara sendiri-sendiri. Itu bisa
  JIL: Bagaimana kalau otonomi daerah juga hendak mengatur persoalan agama?
  Otonomi daerah itu perlu dipahami sebagai kebebasan untuk melaksanakan
  aturan yang sudah ada, bukan kebebasan untuk menetapkan undang-undang
  sendiri. Pengertian otonomi daerah itu bukan seperti yang terjadi
  sekarang ini; daerah mau merdeka di mana-mana dan dalam segala hal.
  Sikap itu tidak benar.
  JIL: Apakah beberapa daerah yang mayoritas non-muslim seperti NTT,
  Papua, Bali, dan lain-lain, dibolehkan menerapkan aturan 

[media-dakwah] Terror in the Name of US War's Error - Headlines News 5 Rabiul Akhir 1427 H - 3.5.06

2006-05-02 Terurut Topik muslim insuffer


In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful

=== News Update ===

Robertson labeled Islam a bloody, brutal type of religion

On the April 28 edition of the Christian Broadcasting Corp.'s (CBN) 700 
Club, host http://mediamatters.org/issues_topics/people/patrobertsonPat 
Robertson referred to Islam as a bloody, brutal type of religion. 
Following a report suggesting that those who convert from Islam 
face hardships and even death sentences in some Middle Eastern countries, 
Robertson expressed concern that Americans, especially the American left, 
need to wake up to the danger that Islam presents. He said that, in the 
past, Muslim invaders would kill an unbeliever if they would not convert 
to Islam and that today, if somebody wants to leave Islam, they're going 
to kill them. Robertson continued: Whoever heard of such a bloody, 
bloody, brutal type of religion? But that's what it is. It is not a 
religion of peace.

DETAILS AT: http://mediamatters.org/items/200605010007


9/11: Evidence of Thermite Uncovered at World Trade Center

AFP contacted three scientists who support the official theory to ask if 
they would review Jones’s paper.

Thomas W. Eagar of MIT refused to even look at the paper and said there is 
no evidence of molten metal pouring from the WTC. Challenged with the 
evidence, he hung up the phone.



Hellerstein is a member of the Jewish Center of New York and a former 
president of the Board of Jewish Education of Greater New York.

This raises the obvious question about why, in the 9-11 terror case in 
which an Israeli security company is a key defendant and in which 
individuals from Israeli military intelligence are suspected of being 
involved, was Hellerstein chosen to preside over all 9-11 victim lawsuits?


A battle for oil could set the world aflame

International powers will do everything to protect their access to 
dwindling resources. We are mad not to have an alternative strategy


What imperialists don’t say: Oil is behind struggle in Darfur

The mass media in the U.S., France and Britain are writing a great deal 
about the suffering in the Darfur region of western Sudan and the tensions 
between the
Sudanese government and neighboring Chad. Not surprisingly, they write very 
little about the economic interests these three imperialist countries have 
in the oil recently discovered in this part of Africa.


Physicians for Human Rights say Israel jailed dozens of refugees who fled Sudan

The international human rights group Physicians for Human Rights appealed 
Monday to Interim Prime Minister Ehud Olmert and President Moshe Katsav on 
behalf of dozens of Sudanese refugees who fled the war-ravaged region of 
Darfur to seek asylum in Israel, where they are currently jailed. The 
organization requests that the government release the Sudanese and provide 
them with medical care.

The State of Israel has a moral obligation to grant these refugees the 
status of humanitarian refugees, to provide them security, shelter, medical 
and psychological aid given the fact that some of them endured serious 
trauma, doctors belonging to the organization wrote in their letter.

The letter cited a decision by the late prime minister Menachem Begin to 
grant asylum to Vietnamese refugees in 1977.


Israel cannot be criticized!!!



You know you're living in a dictatorship when telling the truth becomes a 

If that's not tyranny, what is? As Bush descends into ratings hell, his 
absolutist rhetoric is ratcheted up. Math buffs would say the two are 
inversely proportional. Even as he descended into the 30's, Bush and his 
Bushevik regime were defending Stalinesque rule with words like unitary 
executive,inherent powers, and executive privilege. Now Bush wants to 
prosecute reporters for telling the truth about his failed administration.


Bush’s hand in the Terror War

There is no civil war in Iraq; it’s all been fabricated to split the 
country apart. The violence we see is emanating in waves from its ultimate 
point of origin…1600 Pennsylvania Ave; the epicenter of global terrorism.


Endgame for the Constitution

Unless Bush is impeached and turned over to the war crimes court in the 
Hague, Americans will never reclaim their liberties from an executive 
branch that has 

[media-dakwah] Hate Speech: Robertson labeled Islam a bloody, brutal type of religion

2006-05-02 Terurut Topik muslim insuffer


In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful

=== News Update ===

Robertson labeled Islam a bloody, brutal type of religion

Summary: On the Christian Broadcasting Corp.'s 700 Club, host Pat Robertson 
expressed concern that Americans, especially the American left, need to 
wake up to the danger that Islam presents. Robertson continued: Who 
ever heard of such a bloody, bloody, brutal type of religion? But that's 
what it is. It is not a religion of peace.

On the April 28 edition of the Christian Broadcasting Corp.'s (CBN) 700 
Club, host http://mediamatters.org/issues_topics/people/patrobertsonPat 
Robertson referred to Islam as a bloody, brutal type of religion. 
Following a report suggesting that those who convert from Islam 
face hardships and even death sentences in some Middle Eastern countries, 
Robertson expressed concern that Americans, especially the American left, 
need to wake up to the danger that Islam presents. He said that, in the 
past, Muslim invaders would kill an unbeliever if they would not convert 
to Islam and that today, if somebody wants to leave Islam, they're going 
to kill them. Robertson continued: Whoever heard of such a bloody, 
bloody, brutal type of religion? But that's what it is. It is not a 
religion of peace.

Robertson has frequently asserted that Islam is not a religion of peace, 
as he did in the April 28 broadcast. For instance, as Media Matters for 
America previously http://mediamatters.org/items/200604240007noted, 
Robertson made similar comments on April 24 when he warned his viewers that 
we are not listening to what Islam says, just as we did not listen to 
what Adolf Hitler said in Mein Kampf. On a March 13 broadcast, Robertson 
http://mediamatters.org/items/200603140008declared that Muslims who 
protested controversial cartoons of the Prophet Muhammad were satanic and 
crazed fanatics who were motivated by demonic power. On the July 14, 
2005, broadcast of The 700 Club, Robertson blurred the distinction between 
radical Islamists and the Muslim community at large, claiming that Islam 
instructs its followers to commit acts of terrorism. Robertson stated: 
Islam, at least at its core, teaches violence. It's there in the Quran in 
clear, bold statements. According to the Associated Press, during a 2002 
broadcast of the program, Robertson declared that Islam is not a peaceful 
religion that wants to coexist. They want to coexist until they can 
control, dominate and then, if need be, destroy.

Robertson has also made other controversial remarks, such as 
http://mediamatters.org/items/200508220006calling for the assassination 
of Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez at least 
http://mediamatters.org/items/200602030003twice ; 
http://mediamatters.org/items/200601050004proclaiming that then-Israeli 
Prime Minister Ariel Sharon's stroke was the result of Sharon's policy of 
withdrawal from the Gaza Strip; and 
http://mediamatters.org/items/200505020002suggesting that God would 
punish Disney World's annual 
http://mediamatters.org/rd?http://www.gaydays.com/Gay Days festivities by 
bringing destruction of your nation through earthquakes, tornadoes, and 
possibly a meteor.

 From the April 28 edition of The 700 Club:

ROBERTSON: Ladies and gentlemen, I don't know what it's going to take to 
wake up the American, especially the American left, to the danger that 
Islam faces, or presents to all of us. But here's what Muhammad said, he 
said, If you find an unbeliever and he will submit to Islam and pay alms, 
then let him go in peace. If not, kill him. So, in other words, when they 
were taking over a country, people were forced to convert to Islam under 
the penalty of death. And now, on the other hand, they say if somebody 
wants to leave Islam, they're going to kill them on the other side. Who 
ever heard of such a bloody, bloody, brutal type of religion? But that's 
what it is. It is not a religion of peace. Islam means submission. 
Submission to the Quran, to Muhammad, to the quote, will of Allah, as 
revealed by Muhammad. And the penalty of not submitting is death. A 
penalty of leaving, in many of these countries, as [700 Club correspondent] 
Erick Stakelbeck has so eloquently shown, is also death.



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Beyond belief
Islam online

[media-dakwah] Hate Speech: Robertson: The West is ignoring threats from Islam in general, just as it ignored what Adolf Hitler said in Mein Kampf

2006-05-02 Terurut Topik muslim insuffer


In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful

=== News Update ===

Robertson: The West is ignoring threats from Islam in general, just as it 
ignored what Adolf Hitler said in Mein Kampf

Summary: On The 700 Club, Pat Robertson warned his viewers that we are not 
listening to what Islam says, just as we did not listen to what Adolf 
Hitler said in Mein Kampf. Robertson claimed that we are ignoring the 
threats by not only the radical Muslims but Islam in general, because it 
is not politically correct to believe that any religious group would do 
what they claim they are going to do.

On the April 24 edition of the Christian Broadcasting Network's (CBN) The 
700 Club, host 
http://mediamatters.org/issues_topics/people/patrobertsonPat Robertson 
warned his viewers that we are not listening to what Islam says, just 
as we did not listen to what Adolf Hitler said in 
Kampf. Robertson claimed that we are ignoring the threats by not only the 
radical Muslims but Islam in general, because it is not politically 
correct to believe that any religious group would do what they claim they 
are going to do. Robertson's comments came in response to a new videotape 
by Osama bin Laden in which he calls for a jihadist movement in Darfur, Sudan.

 From the April 24 broadcast of CBN's The 700 Club:

ROBERTSON: CBN's terrorism analyst, 
Stakelbeck, is with us now for more on bin Laden's latest statements. 
Erick, what's bin Laden's game now?

STAKELBECK: Well, Pat, this is really a call to arms for jihadists around 
the world. I look at it as a State of the Jihad -- State of the 
Union-type address. Right now, one of the interesting things, Pat, is 
yesterday in this tape, he directly targeted civilians. Now, in the past, 
he said that only Western governments were the targets of the jihad. We 
know differently after 9-11, of course, but now he has openly said western 
civilians in the U.S. and Europe are targets. They are responsible for 
electing these governments, he says, and so now they are targets. Now, I 
believe, Pat, that he may be laying the groundwork here to justify an 
impending attack against Western civilians.
ROBERTSON: Well, Erick, he's also talking about the jihadists going to 
Darfur. Now, the Arab Muslims in Darfur, the Janjaweed, are fighting the 
black Muslims in Darfur and trying to eliminate them. It's genocide. Why 
would bin Laden want his people to go into Darfur?

STAKELBECK: Well, Pat, Sudan is someplace that's near and dear to bin 
Laden's heart. He is kind of a local hero there. Let's remember the 
Sudanese government gave him shelter and safe harbor in the early part of 
the 1990s, before he moved on to Afghanistan. Now, he ran jihadist camps 
there; he recruited terrorists there; he planned terrorist attacks against 
the West, all from Sudan. And, Pat, he even was a business leader in Sudan. 
He owned 35 companies in Sudan and employed over 4,000 Sudanese. So he's 
kind of a local legend there, and he still has a vested interest there.
ROBERTSON: Well, the other thing is Hamas has now said, Our goals, and the 
goals of bin Laden and his followers are not the same. Is that just a 
smokescreen? Does he really want to come in and help Hamas and move in Gaza 
against Israel.

STAKELBECK: He absolutely does, Pat. You know, Hamas leaders have to say 
that publicly. They are afraid of getting more funding cut from the 
international community. Privately, it's obviously a separate matter. But 
let's remember, Pat, the destruction of Israel is the third and final part 
of a three-stage plan for Al Qaeda. Now, number one is to win in Iraq, win 
the jihad there, turn it into a terrorist state. The second stage is to 
move that jihad in neighboring countries like Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Egypt. 
And the third and final stage is to use the combined forces of Islam to 
destroy Israel once and for all.
ROBERTSON: Erick Stakelbeck, thank you very much. And, ladies and 
gentlemen, if we had listened to what Adolf Hitler said in Mein Kampf, the 
West might have been prepared, and World War II would have been averted. We 
are not listening to what these guys say. We are not listening to what not 
only the radical Muslims but Islam in general, we're not listening to what 
it says. And we don't believe it, because we say, Well, it isn't 
politically correct to believe that any religious group would do what they 
claim they are going to do. Well, you'd better believe them, and we'd 
better be prepared.




-muslim voice-

[media-dakwah] Hate Speech: Pat Robertson claimed that Islam at its core, teaches violence

2006-05-02 Terurut Topik muslim insuffer


In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful

=== News Update ===

Pat Robertson claimed that Islam at its core, teaches violence

On the July 14 edition of the Christian Broadcasting Network's The 700 
Club, host Pat Robertson, founder of the 
http://mediamatters.org/rd?http://www.cc.org/Christian Coalition of 
America, blurred the distinction between radical Islamists and the Muslim 
community at large, claiming that Islam instructs its followers to commit 
acts of terrorism:

ROBERTSON: Don't you feel it rather interesting that every time you have a 
story about terrorism, it is linked to Muslim extremists? You don't hear 
somebody, Christian extremist killing film producers, Christian extremists 
blowing up trains. It just doesn't happen. But it's Muslim extremists and, 
ladies and gentlemen, Islam, at least at its core, teaches violence. It's 
there in the Quran in clear, bold statements. Well over 100 verses dealing 
with violence against infidels, and that is what they're taught. They're 
also taught to sacrifice themselves in jihad against infidels to gain 
paradise. It is part of the teaching of that faith. And I know people so 
reluctant to say, Lets not identify those terrorists with these wonderful 
people. Well, yes, they may be wonderful people, but this is what that 
faith teaches, and those who believe it sincerely in their hearts are those 
that think Osama bin Laden is their great hero. And I think we need to 
recognize that. Political correctness says that you're not supposed to 
recognize this, but it just happens to be the truth. Every story, you see 
it over and over again, Muslim extremists blew up trains, Muslim extremists 
assassinated film producers. Muslim extremists blew up a crowded shopping 
center in Netanya [Israel]. Muslim extremists, it's always Muslims, and 
that's where it comes from, it's the breeding ground. And then it's radical 
clerics who incite this kind of violence, and it's time we recognize it and 
begin to deal with it.



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Beyond belief
Islam online

Nation of islam



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[media-dakwah] Hate Speech: Evangelist: Radical Muslims 'Satanic'

2006-05-02 Terurut Topik muslim insuffer


In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful

=== News Update ===

Evangelist: Radical Muslims 'Satanic'

NORFOLK, Virginia, March 14, 2006

Religious broadcaster Pat Robertson talks during an interview at the 
Christian Broadcasting Network Oct. 14, 2003, in Virgina Beach, Va. (AP)


These people are crazed fanatics, and I want to say it now: I believe it's 
motivated by demonic power. It is satanic and it's time we recognize what 
we're dealing with.

Pat Robertson

(AP) Evangelical broadcaster Pat Robertson said Monday on his live 700 
Club television program that Islam wants to take over the world and is not 
a religion of peace, and that radical Muslims are satanic.

After watching a news segment about radical Islam in Europe, Robertson 
remarked that the outpouring of rage elicited by cartoon drawings of the 
prophet Muhammad just shows the kind of people we're dealing with. These 
people are crazed fanatics, and I want to say it now: I believe it's 
motivated by demonic power. It is satanic and it's time we recognize what 
we're dealing with.

He also said that the goal of Islam, ladies and gentlemen whether you like 
it or not, is world domination.

Robertson has come under intense criticism in recent months for comments 
suggesting that American agents should assassinate Venezuelan President 
Hugo Chavez and that Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon's stroke was 
divine retribution for pulling Israel out of the Gaza Strip.

Robertson's Virginia Beach-based Christian Broadcasting Network removed the 
comments about Islam from the version of the program posted on its Web site 
out of concerns they could be misinterpreted if taken out of context, said 
Angell Watts, a Robertson spokeswoman.

Americans United for Separation of Church and State, which monitors The 
700 Club daily, released a written transcript of Robertson's remarks. CBN 
confirmed the remarks with its own transcript.

Watts said Robertson made his comments following a CBN News story on 
radical Islam in Europe in which some called for the nuking of Denmark 
and the violent overthrow of other European governments.

When you watch the (news) segment, isn't it very clear to you that he's 
talking about radical Islam? Watts said in a telephone interview, noting 
that the segment included comments from a moderate Muslim in the United 
Kingdom saying radicals do not represent most Muslims in that country. 
It's very obvious that we pointed out that it's about radical Islam and 

On Monday, Robertson also said of Islam: These people are saying it over 
there in Europe, world domination. 'We're going to take over Europe, we're 
going to take over England, we're going to take over Denmark, we're going 
to take over France.' That's their goal. And why don't we wake up to the 
fact of who we're dealing with? And by the way, Islam is not a religion of 

Asked why Robertson said Islam is not a peaceful religion, Watts said, At 
its core, he does not believe it is (peaceful). He's talking about 
fundamentalists, not moderates.

The comments were similar to remarks he made on his program in 2002, when 
he said Islam is not a peaceful religion that wants to coexist. They want 
to coexist until they can control, dominate and then, if need be, destroy.

The Rev. Barry W. Lynn, executive director of Americans United for 
Separation of Church and State, called Robertson's latest comments grossly 

At a time when inter-religious tensions around the world are at an 
all-time high, Robertson seems determined to throw gasoline on the fire, 
Lynn said in a statement.

©MMVI, The Associated Press. All Rights Reserved. This material may not be 
published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed.



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Beyond belief
Islam online

Nation of islam



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[media-dakwah] Hate Speech : National Association of Evangelicals' Cizik says Robertson should apologize on The 700 Club

2006-05-02 Terurut Topik muslim insuffer


In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful

=== News Update ===

National Association of Evangelicals' Cizik says Robertson should apologize 
on The 700 Club


Cizik, vice president for governmental affairs at the 
http://mediamatters.org/rd?http://www.nae.net/National Association of 
Evangelicals (NAE), said that Pat Robertson should apologize on his 
television show, The 700 Club, for his August 22 
http://mediamatters.org/items/itembody/200508220006comments calling for 
the assassination of Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez.

During an August 25 
chat on The Washington Post's website, a participant correctly pointed out 
to Cizik that instead of apologizing on The 700 Club -- where Robertson 
made the comments -- Robertson used the August 24 edition of his show to 
falsely http://mediamatters.org/items/itembody/200508240005deny that he 
had called for Chavez's assassination and to claim the he had been 
misinterpreted by the Associated Press. Later on August 24, Robertson 
reversed himself, acknowledging in a 
release that he had called for Chavez's assassination and apologizing for 
having done so.

After being informed that Robertson had not apologized on television, Cizik 
wrote, I didn't realize that Pat hadn't apologized to his listeners, and 
only on the web. Is that right? If so, then he needs to come clean and 
apologize on the '700 Club' for all to see and evaluate.

According to Cizik, the NAE represents over 45,000 churches, 54 
denominations, and a constituency of some 30 million evangelicals.

 From The Washington Post's August 25 
chat with Richard Cizik:

Atlanta, Ga.: Well, no, he DIDN'T exactly apologize. He apologized in his 
web page. On TV, he said that what he said was take out a leader like 
Chavez and that take out can mean a whole lot of things. He said [h]is 
words were misinterpreted by the media, which, he says, happens a lot. I 
don't call that an apology, I call that being a weasel.
Richard Cizik: Hmm ... I didn't realize that Pat hadn't apologized to his 
listeners, and only on the web. Is that right? If so, then he needs to come 
clean and apologize on the 700 Club for all to see and evaluate. I'll 
have to check this out.




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[media-dakwah] Terror in the Name of US War's Error - Headlines News 6 Rabiul Akhir 1427 H - 4.5.06

2006-05-03 Terurut Topik muslim insuffer


In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful

=== News Update ===

In case you missed it: War Corporatism: The New Fascism

A look at the dogs of War Corporatism unleashed upon the world by Bush and 
the PNAC as stated in the September 2000 document Rebuilding America's Defenses


Addicted to war

House of War author James Carroll says the Pentagon is out of control, 
the Cold War was unnecessary -- and it's good that we're failing in Iraq.


George W. Bush: An American Hitler

In George W. Bush's petty, pathetic, partisan world, laws he doesn't agree 
with don't have to be obeyed, Congressional actions that differ from his 
political agenda can be ignored and the Constitution of the United States 
is just a goddamned piece of paper.


Colbert Reaction Shows Media Are Frightened Of Bush

The attending press whores were frightened to laugh at Colbert because they 
didn't want to upset their boss, George W. Bush.


(Minority Whip Steny) Hoyer: Bush deserves respect (re: Colbert)

“I thought some of it was funny, but I think it got a little rough,” Hoyer 
said. “He is the president of the United States, and he deserves some respect.”

Respect cannot be demanded. It must be earned. And Bush has not earned our 
respect. If anything, he has earned the contempt of the entire world.


A Must Read: We don't Want Your Stinking War!

I call on university students across America to begin holding antiwar 
rallies. The only way you can have a war on Iran is to draft the young 
people. It is you who are on the line. Demonstrate! Demonstrate against the 
very hint of war


Who Wants Peace in Darfur? Certainly not Washington

The Save Darfur rally today was aired on C-Span. The rally was small -- 
only several thousands according to Reuters (Thousands March to Stop 
Darfur Killing, 30 April 2006). And the crowd in attendance was 
overwhelmingly white. But, boy, it was a professionally-staged photo op, 
with celebs, politicos, and exiles from Sudan at the podium expertly framed 
by the U.S. Capitol in the background.



Posted May 3, 2006 08:19 AM PST - Category: ISRAEL


9/11: US does not consider Taliban terrorists

Even as the Taliban attacks US, Canadian, and British forces, organization 
is left off terrorist list in 'political' decision.


9/11: CIA: the terrible history of the terrorists within

There is a terrorist organisation operating in Britain today with the full 
knowledge and support of Tony Blair and the New Labour government.


9/11: Spies Among Us

Despite a troubled history, police across the nation are keeping tabs on 
ordinary Americans


Amnesty Int'l slams U.S. on torture

NEW YORK, May 3 (UPI) -- Amnesty International Wednesday accused the U.S. 
government of creating a climate in which torture and other ill-treatment 
can flourish.

The United Sates has long taken a selective approach to international 
standards, but in recent years, the U.S. government has taken unprecedented 
steps to disregard its obligations under international treaties, wrote 
Javier Zuniga, Amnesty International's Americas Program Director.

see also: US: Government creating climate of torture


Torture widespread under U.S. custody

Amnesty: Torture and inhumane treatment are widespread in U.S.-run 
detention centers in Afghanistan, Iraq, Cuba and elsewhere despite 
Washington's denials, Amnesty International said on Wednesday.


Census 2006: Cooperating With a Warrior and a Torturer?

Many have heard that Lockheed Martin, a corporation which makes weapons of
mass destruction and hires out private contractors to torture people, is
part of the Canadian census. We have been assured by voices on the left
and the right that all is okay with this. Is it? See below for an excellent
analysis of why Canadians may wish to take a second look at the census
process, and here is the website from which it came in case you want to see
it on the website and go to the links they highlight:

[media-dakwah] Hate Speech: Not to be outdone by Robertson, Mohler claimed that Buddhism, Hinduism, and Marxism are demonstration[s] of satanic power

2006-05-03 Terurut Topik muslim insuffer


In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful

=== News Update ===

Not to be outdone by Robertson, Mohler claimed that Buddhism, Hinduism, and 
Marxism are demonstration[s] of satanic power

Summary: Albert Mohler, president of the Southern Baptist Theological 
Seminary and host of the daily Christian radio show The Albert Mohler 
Program, defended Pat Robertson's recent claim that Muslims are motivated 
by demonic power, and expanded on Robertson's comments, saying: Well, I 
would have to say as a Christian that I believe any belief system, any 
world view, whether it's Zen Buddhism or Hinduism or dialectical 
materialism for that matter, Marxism, that keeps persons captive and keeps 
them from coming to faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, yes, is a demonstration 
of satanic power.

On the March 17 edition of Fox News' The O'Reilly Factor, 
http://mediamatters.org/rd?http://www.albertmohler.comR. Albert Mohler 
Jr., president of the 
http://mediamatters.org/rd?http://www.sbts.eduSouthern Baptist 
Theological Seminary and host of the daily Christian radio show 
Albert Mohler Program, defended 700 Club host 
Robertson's recent http://mediamatters.org/items/200603140008claim that 
Muslims are motivated by demonic power, and expanded on Robertson's 
comments, saying: Well, I would have to say as a Christian that I believe 
any belief system, any world view, whether it's Zen Buddhism or Hinduism or 
dialectical materialism for that matter, Marxism, that keeps persons 
captive and keeps them from coming to faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, yes, 
is a demonstration of satanic power.

 From the March 17 edition of Fox News' The O'Reilly Factor:
O'REILLY: Unresolved Problem segment tonight, winning hearts and minds in 
the Muslim world. As I've stated, the USA cannot win the war on terror 
without the help of moderate Muslims. We must convince them to reject the 
terrorists and fascists.
Recently, preachers Pat Robertson and 
http://mediamatters.org/items/200603160009Franklin Graham expounded on 
Islam in this way:
ROBERTSON [video clip]: These people are crazed fanatics. And I want to say 
it now. I believe it's motivated by demonic power. It is satanic. And it's 
time we recognize what we're dealing with.
GRAHAM [video clip]: I've been working in Muslim countries now for, oh, 40 
years or more. So I know about Islam. If people think Islam is such a 
wonderful religion, just go to Saudi Arabia and make it your home. Just 
live there. If you think Islam is such a wonderful religion, I mean, go and 
live under the Taliban somewhere.

O'REILLY: Now Robertson and Graham were unavailable this evening. Both are 
welcome on The Factor at any time. Joining us now from Louisville, 
Kentucky, Dr. Albert Mohler, the president of the Southern Baptist 
Theological Seminary. Here's my problem with this. When you say something 
like that, [Arabic-language television news network] Aljazeera gets it, 
puts it on in the Arab world, and says, See? All Americans think we're all 
terrible. They don't distinguish between the terrorists and the good 
Muslims, and they're our enemies. And it just creates more jihadists. 
Where am I going wrong?

MOHLER: Well, I say first of all that Franklin Graham and Pat Robertson in 
this case spoke the truth as Christian believers and as Christian 
truth-tellers, and that's their responsibility. And both of them are men of 
compassion. And in this case, I've criticized Pat Robertson for some of the 
things he's said. But on this one, Bill, I have to say I think he's just on 

O'REILLY: So you think Islam is a demonic religion?

MOHLER: Well, I would have to say as a Christian that I believe any belief 
system, any world view, whether it's Zen Buddhism or Hinduism or 
dialectical materialism for that matter, Marxism, that keeps persons 
captive and keeps them from coming to faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, yes, 
is a demonstration of satanic power.

O'REILLY: So you're going to go to peace-loving Hindus and look at them and 
say your religion is demonic, doctor? That's what you're going to do?

MOHLER: Well, you know, that's an historic Christian position. Just 
understanding like the apostle Paul, that the spirit of this age is 
blinding persons from understanding the Gospel.

O'REILLY: Can you point to me in Matthew, Mark, Luke, or John, one time 
when Jesus looked at a Jew and said, You're in a demonic religion?

MOHLER: Well, he certainly never called Judaism -- he was himself a Jew -- 
a demonic religion. He did speak of persons, however, being under demonic 
possession and speaking on behalf of the devil, rather than on behalf of 
his father.

O'REILLY: I didn't hear him say the Romans were demonic. And they, of 
course, were polytheists, you know, 

[media-dakwah] CIA: the terrible history of the terrorists within

2006-05-04 Terurut Topik muslim insuffer


In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful

=== News Update ===

CIA: the terrible history of the terrorists within


Picture: US funded Guatemalan rebels prepare to march on the capital. The 
CIA coup in 1954 removed a popular radical president

John Newsinger unveils the ugly record of the Central Intelligence Agency

There is a terrorist organisation operating in Britain today with the full 
knowledge and support of Tony Blair and the New Labour government.

This organisation has tortured and murdered people throughout the world, 
overthrown democratically elected governments and helped sustain brutal 
dictatorships in power.

It has sponsored wars in Africa and Central America that have cost hundreds 
of thousands of lives. And it is still engaged in all these activities 
today. Despite this it has facilities in Britain and its agents mix freely 
with members of the British security services.

The organisation in question is the US Central Intelligence Agency (CIA).

Founded in 1947, the CIA has been involved in terrorist activity from the 
very beginning. Together with Britain’s MI6, it organised the overthrow of 
the popular Mossadeq government in Iran in 1953 and installed the Shah’s 
murderous dictatorship in power.

The following year, it organised the overthrow of the reformist Arbenz 
government in Guatemala. During this coup, a British merchant ship, the 
Springfjord, was bombed and sunk by CIA aircraft. The British government 
covered up the incident, even confiscating a film of the attack from the crew.

In 1961, the CIA attempted to overthrow Cuban leader Fidel Castro, invading 
Cuba at the Bay of Pigs. They failed in one of the most humiliating defeats 
in the organisation’s history.


Subsequently, the CIA was involved in a number of attempts to assassinate 
Castro and sponsored a terrorist campaign against the Cuban people.

Later, the organisation was to wage a particularly brutal war against the 
Sandinistas in Nicaragua and sponsored death squads in El Salvador, 
Guatemala, Columbia and elsewhere.

Police forces throughout Latin America received counter-insurgency 
training, including training in “interrogation techniques” from the CIA. 
The CIA adviser, Dan Mitrione, who was executed by the Tupamaros guerrillas 
in Uruguay in 1970, had tortured street beggars to death as part of his 
training for police interrogators.

The Vietnam War involved a massive commitment by the CIA. It ran a 
large-scale death squad operation, Operation Phoenix, that resulted in the 
deaths of over 40,000 people.

Operatives were given quotas for the number of people they had to kill. Two 
officers assigned to the operation, Francis Reitemeyer and Michael Cohn, 
resigned in protest when ordered to deliver 50 bodies a month.

Barton Osborn, another CIA man involved in Operation Phoenix, testified to 
a US Congressional committee that in his time in Vietnam, he had never seen 
a suspect survive interrogation.


They were starved to death, electrocuted and drowned. One man was killed by 
having a wooden dowel slowly hammered through his ear into his brain.

Another agent, Frank Snepp, later revealed that Nguyen Van Tai, a 
Vietnamese prisoner, was kept for four years in solitary confinement in a 
freezing all-white windowless room.

He was subjected to what amounted to an experiment in sensory deprivation, 
kept half-starved, cold and disorientated. Just before Vietnam’s capital 
Saigon fell, he was put on a plane and thrown out over the sea.

The 11 September 2001 attacks have become an atrocity that the US 
government can use to justify any action it chooses to take anywhere in the 
world, with the full support of Tony Blair.

What is worth remembering is that on the same date in 1973, the CIA 
sponsored a military coup in Chile, overthrowing the democratically elected 
government of Salvador Allende.

Moreover, the CIA has, in its time, collaborated with the Iraqi Baath Party 
of Saddam Hussein, providing them with lists of socialists and trade unionists

to be eliminated. It also worked with what was to become the Al Qaida 
network, when it fought the Russians in Afghanistan.

Today, the CIA is actively engaged in operations in Asia, the Middle East 
and Latin America. It remains the most dangerous terrorist organisation in 
the world.

One last point. This dreadful history is hardly secret, although rarely 
talked about. There are members of the New Labour government – Peter Hain, 
John Reid, Jack Straw and others – who certainly know the CIA’s record.

Today they turn a convenient blind eye to CIA rendition and torture.

Whereas they once saw the CIA and its methods as something to be opposed, 
now they regard the CIA and its methods as necessary to safeguard the “New 
World Order” they have bought into.

© Copyright Socialist Worker (unless otherwise stated). You may republish 
if you 

[media-dakwah] The untold story of U.S.-Israel secret nuclear deal

2006-05-04 Terurut Topik muslim insuffer


In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful

=== News Update ===

The untold story of U.S.-Israel secret nuclear deal
5/2/2006 8:30:00 PM GMT


The Nixon administration decided not to curb 
http://www.aljazeera.com/me.asp?service_ID=10421Israel's nuclear program 
as long as it maintains a policy of nuclear ambiguity, according to an 
article published this weekend on the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists.

The article, co-authored by Israeli historian Avner Cohen, who wrote 
Israel and the Bomb (1998), and William Burr, an expert on U.S. nuclear 
weapons policy, reveals internal documents from the Nixon administration 
about one of Washington's most secretive foreign policy issues: 
http://www.aljazeera.com/me.asp?service_ID=10421Israel's nuclear program.

Unlike Iran and North Korea, Israel has never signed the 
http://www.aljazeera.com/me.asp?service_ID=10317Nuclear Non-Proliferation 
Treaty, designed to prevent the global spread of nuclear weapons. As a 
result, it is not subject to inspections and the threat of sanctions by the 
United Nations nuclear watchdog, 
http://www.aljazeera.com/me.asp?service_ID=10536the International Atomic 
Energy Agency.

The recently declassified documents offer unprecedented insight into the 
tense deliberations in the White House in 1969, a critical time when 
international ratification of the 
was uncertain. Nearly four decades later, as the U.S. tries to stop 
http://www.aljazeera.com/me.asp?service_ID=10023Iran's nuclear program, 
the details of these deliberations are revealed.

The declassified documents show that former U.S. President Richard Nixon 
and Israel's ex-prime minister Golda Meir reached a secret understanding in 
1969 that ended a decade of U.S. pressure on the Jewish state to end its 
http://www.aljazeera.com/me.asp?service_ID=10421nuclear program.

In 1958, Israel secretly began work at what became known as the Dimona 
nuclear reactor. The 
estimated in 1961 that Israel could produce 
weaponshttp://www.aljazeera.com/me.asp?service_ID=10421 within the 
decade. Based on that assessment, the Kennedy and Johnson administrations 
designed a complex scheme of annual visits to Dimona to ensure that Israel 
would not build atomic arms. Officials in the Johnson administration even 
tried to pressure the Israeli government to sign the 
by threatening to reconsider the supply of F-4 Phantom fighter planes to 
Israel. But the Israelis, who were very good at hiding their 
activities, refused to sign the 
and insisted on their vague pledge not to be the first country to 
introduce http://www.aljazeera.com/me.asp?service_ID=10421nuclear 
weaponshttp://www.aljazeera.com/me.asp?service_ID=10421 into the Middle 

According to Cohen and Burr's article, Nixon's election in 1969 heralded a 
change in the U.S. policy. They said that the Nixon administration prepared 
classified documents that reflect a great sense of urgency among senior 
U.S. officials about 
http://www.aljazeera.com/me.asp?service_ID=10421Israel's nuclear 
ambitions. Defense Secretary Melvin R. Laird wrote in March 1969 that these 
developments were not in the United States' interests and should, if at 
all possible, be stopped. The Nixon administration was also concerned that 
Israel would publicly display its 

Before Meir's first visit to Washington in September 1969, the Nixon 
administration was convinced that Israel already possessed 
weaponshttp://www.aljazeera.com/me.asp?service_ID=10421 and was capable 
of launching Jericho ballistic missiles. Based on this opinion, the U.S. 
State Department recommended that Nixon press Meir to pledge that Israel 
would not possess nuclear weapons, would sign the 
http://www.aljazeera.com/me.asp?service_ID=10317NPT, and would not deploy 
missiles. Cohen and Burr say it is not known whether Nixon tried to do 
this, but that subsequent actions indicate that he did not.

 * Nuclear ambiguity


Nixon and Meir met in private at the White House on September 26, 1969. The 
details of their meetings remain classified, but it is known that it led to 
an understanding between the two states.

According to internal memoranda by Nixon's national 

[media-dakwah] Terror in the Name of US War's Error - Headlines News 7 Rabiul Akhir 1427 H - 5.5.06

2006-05-04 Terurut Topik muslim insuffer


In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful

=== News Update ===

The Godfather USA

 From early childhood, US citizens are raised on a steady diet of pro-US 
government propaganda that is fed to them at school and at home through the 
media of television, radio, newspapers, magazines, books, and popular 
music. The propaganda presents the US government as an ethically superior 
exemplar of justice for the entire world, as an exceptionally generous 
contributor to global economic development, and as a benevolent arbiter of 
world affairs. Furthermore, a great deal of crucial information about US 
political history, particularly regarding events of the past half-century, 
is not taught in US schools and is never allowed to appear in the 
Mainstream Media outlets.


Our monarch, above the law: HAS GEORGE W. Bush come to believe he's king?



How Fear and Perceived Powerlessness Contributes to Manipulation by God's 
Agents on Earth

In 1942-43 the American government commissioned a psychological study of 
Adolf Hitler. It was published in a book titled The Mind of Adolf Hitler 
by Walter Langer in 1972. Most of the analysis of Hitler in this article is 
based on that book.

This is the second of five parts of America's Hitler. Part one was posted 
on May 1st.


A Cornered Administration: Dangerous Times Ahead

The noose is tightening around George Bush and his gang of White House 
crooks and liars, with prosecutor Patrick Fitzgerald reportedly getting 
closer to an indictment of Karl Rove


'Everywhere I turned, I ran into sexual abuse'

According to Wall and his co-authors, if early church documents are a 
guide, then the sexual abuse of minors by the clergy has been an open 
wound on the body of Christ for centuries. They say that, as early as 
AD309, the Council of Elvira, a gathering of bishops and priests from all 
over the Iberian peninsula who met to discuss theological issues and set 
canon law, signalled its concerns over paedophilia by ruling that any 
bishop, priest or deacon caught offending should be denied holy communion 
even at the time of death. By the eighth century, The Penitential of Bede, 
a medieval handbook of penances usually ascribed to the Anglo-Saxon 
theologian and early English historian Bede, had refined the punishments 
according to rank. Thus laymen caught sodomising children were to be 
excommunicated and made to fast for three years, while deacons and priests 
were similarly excommunicated but made to fast for seven and 10 years 
respectively (bishops were given 12 years of penance).


US: Government creating climate of torture

Amnesty International today made public a report detailing its concerns 
about torture and other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment of prisoners 
and detainees both in the US and in US detention sites around the world.


Invisible in Plain Sight: CIA Torture Techniques Go Mainstream

Critical loopholes in the McCain amendment show that the once-clandestine 
practice of torture is now an official weapon in the War on Terror.


U.S. Torture and Abuse of Detainees

Each day brings more information about the appalling abuses inflicted upon 
men and women held by the United States in Iraq, Afghanistan, and elsewhere 
around the world.


American Torturer Sues U.S. Over Afghanistan Arrest

An American released Sunday after serving time in Afghanistan on charges of 
torturing people in an illegal jail appeared in federal court Thursday to 
press a lawsuit that accuses the State Department and FBI of instigating 
his arrest and conviction.


Oh, Say, Can You See Xenophobia in a Land of Immigrants?

Throughout history, fascism is closely associated with xenophobia, but then 
we find many other unpleasant aspects of fascism—from illegal spying to 
recording what people read in libraries, from torture to illegal 
invasion—feature in George Bush's America.


A new weapon in the 'war of ideas'

A global war of ideas is set to begin and Anglo-American dominance of 
international TV news about to end. Arab and Muslim perspectives will get 
wider play after Al-Jazeera introduces a global television channel that 
will telecast news in English.


Iran-Israel Linkage By 

[media-dakwah] Hate Speech: Fred Barnes on Islamic cartoon controversy: We see Muslims' contempt for democracy

2006-05-04 Terurut Topik muslim insuffer


In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful

=== News Update ===

Fred Barnes on Islamic cartoon controversy: We see Muslims' contempt for 

Summary: In referring to the controversy surrounding the Danish cartoons 
that caricatured the prophet Mohammed, The Weekly Standard's Fred Barnes 
said: We see Muslims' contempt for democracy, for freedom of speech, for 
freedom of the press, and particularly, for freedom of religion.

On the February 6 edition of Fox News' Special Report with Brit Hume, 
Barnes, executive editor of 
Weekly Standard, remarked that in the recent violent 
over cartoons that caricatured the prophet Mohammed, We see Muslims' 
contempt for democracy, for freedom of speech, for freedom of the press and 
particularly for freedom of religion. The cartoons first drew criticism 
after their original September 30, 2005, publication in the Danish 
newspaper http://mediamatters.org/rd?http://www.jp.dk/Jyllands-Posten. 
After initial criticism of the cartoons, which included one that depicted 
the prophet Mohammed wearing a turban fashioned into a bomb, several 
European newspapers 
them on February 1.

 From the February 6 edition of Fox News' Special Report with Brit Hume:

HUME: What about this controversy? Where is it going? What does it tell us? 

BARNES: It tells us a lot. It tells us that our enemy or -- is not just Al 
Qaeda. That there's -- that Muslims all over Europe and all over the world 
are certainly enemies of Western civilization. Look what the showing of 
these cartoons, which I do -- originally thought was a mistake. They 
shouldn't have run them. Now, I think we've learned a lot from this. We see 
the Muslims' contempt for democracy, for freedom of speech, for freedom of 
the press, and particularly, for freedom of religion.
Freedom of religion doesn't mean, just, you have the right to practice your 
own religion. It means that you can reject, and criticize, and even insult 
other religions if you want to. And that's what's happened. And it doesn't 
mean that you have to die or should be threatened or have your hand cut off 
or anything like that as a result.




-muslim voice-

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[media-dakwah] Terror in the Name of US War's Error - Headlines News 8 Rabiul Akhir 1427 H - 6.5.06

2006-05-05 Terurut Topik muslim insuffer


In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful

=== News Update ===

Canadian Arab Federation Press Release

Supreme Court of Canada Grants CAF the Right to Argue that the Security 
Certificate Regime Discriminates against Arabs

TORONTO - The Canadian Arab Federation (CAF) is pleased that the Supreme 
Court of Canada has granted CAF the right to intervene in Charkaoui v. 
Minister of Citizenship and Immigration. The case is one of three security 
certificate cases, including Almrei and Harkat, to be heard June 13 -15, 
2006 in Ottawa concerning the constitutionality of secret trials of Arabs 
in Canada.



I must begin by saying I am among those who firmly believe that any planned 
killing by a nation state or political group is motivated not by religion, 
but by power politics.

Given this qualification, historical facts tell us that Jews and Christians 
have, tragically, killed many more Muslims than the other way around. Now 
this assertion may seem to go against the current tide of public opinion, 
but a little basic research will prove my point.


9/11: After Almost Five years, Team Bush Nails an al Qaeda Minor-Leaguer

But, after nearly five years, billions of dollars spent, civil liberties 
curtailed and the entire nation thrown into a red-scare type environment 
complete with a seemingly-arbitrary, color-coded threat meter, the best we 
can do is Zacarias Moussaoui?

Evidence linking these Israelis to 9/11 is classified. I cannot tell you 
about evidence that has been gathered. It's classified information. -- US 
official quoted in Carl Cameron's Fox News report on the Israeli spy ring 
and its connections to 9-11.


9-11 Conspiracy Hypothesis

I've known Michel Chossudovsky, a Canadian political economist, for a dozen 
years, since I first read an op-ed by him in the International Herald 
Tribune while I was vacationing in France. We've never met, but we 
regularly e-mail back and forth with the latest poop on what's really going 
on in the world. In 2002 he wrote a book about what was really, really 
behind the 9-11 attack on the WTC, War and Globalisation, The Truth Behind 
September 11. It is more or less consistent with what I've believed all 
along about the neo-cons and the Project for a New American Century. I 
can't evaluate the details of Michel's research, but since that is what the 
Kean Commission has been doing with all the material it has been going 
over, and will soon interview President Bush on the subject, I told Michel 
I would give him a shot here. For a link to the book summary click: 
http://globalresearch.ca/globaloutlook/truth911.html. But before you go 
there, read his most recent article about the stroke of luck a group of 
well-known Americans had in making a WTC deal just six weeks before 9-11. 
Coincidences are always the stuff of conspiracy theories.


A U.S. 'Propaganda' Program, al-Zarqawi, and 'The New York Times'

NEW YORK Midway through Thomas Ricks’ Washington Post scoop on Monday 
detailing a U.S. military “propaganda program” aimed at convincing Iraqis 
that Abu Musab al-Zarqawi has a very prominent role in directing violence 
in that country, there is one specific tip on how the plan may have also 
targeted American reporters and audiences.

“Leaks to reporters from U.S. officials in Iraq are common, but official 
evidence of a propaganda operation using an American reporter is rare,” 
Ricks observed. He quoted Brig. Gen. Mark Kimmitt, the U.S. military's 
chief spokesman when the propaganda campaign began in 2004: We trusted 
Dexter to write an accurate story, and we gave him a good scoop.


Is American Foreign Policy an Infinite Crisis?

George Bush as superhero, the rest of us as sketchy background characters

He was the undisputed ruler of one world, convinced that the larger world 
outside his own immediate control was corrupt, lacking inspiring heroes and 
proper values. He acted boldly on the belief that through his own genius, 
combined with force, manipulation, and powerful weapons he had no hand in 
creating, he could make a difference—a positive difference, one he'd 
eventually be lauded for, petty carpers be damned.


Bush Clears the Way for Corporate Domination

When George W. Bush says that he wants to spread freedom to every corner of 
the earth, he means it.

But of course the president that turned Soviet-era gulags into secret CIA 
prisons in order to do God-knows-what to God-knows-whom isn't talking about 
individual freedom. He means 

[media-dakwah] Hate Speech: Bennett on cartoon riots: Islam is as Islam does

2006-05-05 Terurut Topik muslim insuffer


In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful

=== News Update ===

Bennett on cartoon riots: Islam is as Islam does

Summary: On CNN's The Situation Room, Bill Bennett claimed that people 
who got a good, close look at Muslims rioting over perceived anti-Islamic 
cartoons would say that these people [Islamists] are unhinged.

During the February 9 
of CNN's The Situation Room, CNN contributor 
http://mediamatters.org/issues_topics/people/billbennettBill Bennett 
claimed that people who got a good, close look at Muslims rioting over 
perceived anti-Islamic cartoons would say that these people are unhinged.

Bennett then changed course to discuss a young Iranian woman 
to death for stabbing a man while defending herself during an attempted 
rape. Bennett claimed the incident is a peek into the soul of that faith 
[Islam] when it's run through a government. 
Zogby, founder and president of the 
American Institute, challenged Bennett's blanket characterizations of Islam 
and contended that it's not a peek into Islam. It's a peek into the 
outrages that take place in contemporary Iran, which is not synonymous with 
Islam. Zogby maintained, for example, that [t]he policy of Catholics 
during the Inquisition is not synonymous with my church. Bennett initially 
conceded, Fair enough, but then reiterated, Catholicism is as 
Catholicism does; Judaism is as Judaism does; and, by God, Islam is as 
Islam does. And what it's doing right now, I wouldn't want to be associated 
with. Zogby responded: Hundreds of millions of believing Muslims do not 
... practice these things. Bennett then thrice asked: Where are they?

As Media Matters for America has 
http://mediamatters.org/items/200602090009noted, numerous religious 
leaders and government officials who represent the world's more than one 
billion Muslims, as well as many Islamic organizations, have condemned the 
widespread rioting that has followed publication of the cartoons.

Before being hired by CNN, Bennett came under fire in September for the 
following http://mediamatters.org/items/200509280006remarks, which he 
made during his radio show:

[I]f you wanted to reduce crime, you could -- if that were your sole 
purpose -- you could abort every black baby in this country, and your crime 
rate would go down. That would be an impossible, ridiculous, and morally 
reprehensible thing to do, but your crime rate would go down.

 From the February 9 
of CNN's The Situation Room, which featured anchor 

BENNETT: Now, the Islamists have won, in that they have intimidated the 
major news media from showing these cartoons.
They have lost, however, in the wider world, because people see that this 
is just totally nutty behavior, that these cartoons are shown and people, 
as a result, want to kill people, behead people, burn buildings down. And, 
whatever the argument with the Danes, what is the point of burning the 
Jewish flag? What is the point of burning the U.S. flag and saying, death 
to Israel and death to the United States?
People get a good, close look at this and say, you know, these people are 


BENNETT: I mean, is there --

ZOGBY: No --

BENNETT: -- excuse me. Is there no argument that radical Islam is 
connection -- connected to violence? Is there no suggestion that, in the 
name of Islam, in the name of the Quran, in the name of Allah, people are 
having their heads cut off? These things hit their target.

ZOGBY: This was not about radical Islam --

BENNETT: This is --

ZOGBY: -- this was about the Prophet Muhammad. Let's be fair here.

BENNETT: Well, the Prophet Muhammad is tied into Islam.

BENNETT: Let's go beyond cartoons. The other story out of Iran is the story 
of the two young girls who were raped. A girl defended herself and stabbed 
her attacker. She is now sentenced to be hanged, under Islamic law. This 
isn't a caricature. This isn't a cartoon. This is a peek into the soul of 
that faith when it's run through a government.

BLITZER: I'm not familiar with that story. But go ahead.

BENNETT: It's a real story. And it deserves --

ZOGBY: And, frankly --

BENNETT: -- it deserves to be criticized.

ZOGBY: -- I'm familiar with Islam, and it's not a peek into Islam. It's a 
peek into the outrages that take place in contemporary Iran, which is not 
synonymous with Islam. And we cannot do that.


[media-dakwah] The Israeli Spy Ring

2006-05-05 Terurut Topik muslim insuffer


In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful

=== News Update ===

The Israeli Spy Ring



Israel does not spy on the United States of America.
-- Mark Regev, a spokesman at the Israeli embassy in Washington

I think there is very compelling evidence that at least some of the 
terrorists were assisted not just in financing -- although that was part of 
it -- by a sovereign foreign government... It will become public at some 
point when it's turned over to the archives, but that's 20 or 30 years from 
-- Senator Graham as quoted in 
http://www.thememoryhole.org/911/911-graham-admits.htmSenator: At Least 
One Foreign Country Assisted the 9/11 Terrorists

Investigators within the DEA, INS and FBI have all told Fox News that to 
pursue or even suggest Israeli spying ... is considered career suicide.
-- Carl Cameron, as quoted in 
http://atlanta.creativeloafing.com/2002-03-13/fishwrapper.htmlThe Spies 
Who Came In From The Art Sale

While I agree with you, if I say anything about US geopolitical interests 
with Israel, I might as well clean off my desk.
-- Unnamed reporter as quoted in 
http://www.ccmep.org/ccmep/american031902.htmlAmerican Media Censorship 
and Israel

Prior to 9/11, the FBI had discovered the presence of a massive spy ring 
inside the United States run by the government of Israel. This seems a 
harsh gratitude from a nation which obtains 10% of its annual budget from 
the American taxpayer, $3+ billion a year. Over the years, American 
taxpayers have been required to send Israel more than four times what the 
US spent to go to the moon.

What Israel has done in return was to set up government subsidized 
telecommunications companies which operate here in the United States. One 
of these companies is Amdocs, which provides billing and directory 
assistance for 90% of the phone companies in the USA. Amdocs' main computer 
center for billing is actually in Israel and allows those with access to do 
what intelligence agencies call traffic analysis; a picture of someone's 
activities based on a pattern of who they are calling and when. Another 
Israeli telecom company is Comverse Infosys, which subcontracts the 
installation of the automatic tapping equipment now built into every phone 
system in America. Comverse maintains its own connections to all this phone 
tapping equipment, insisting that it is for maintenance purposes only. 
However, Converse has been named as the most likely source for leaked 
information regarding telephone calls by law enforcement that derailed 
several investigations into not only espionage, but drug running as well. 
Yet another Israeli telecom company is Odigo, which provides the core 
message passing system for all the Instant Message services. 
http://www.whatreallyhappened.com/9-11_warnings_odigo.htmlTwo hours 
before the attacks on the World Trade Towers, Odigo employees received a 
warning. Odigo has an office 2 blocks from the former location of the World 
Trade Towers.

Let us be clear here. There is nothing benign about Israel spying on the 
United States. When Jonathan Pollard stole our nuclear secrets (which your 
taxes paid to develop) and sent them to Israel, Israel did not hesitate to 
trade those secrets to the USSR in exchange for increased emigration quotas.

The implication of these facts is that the billions of our tax dollars sent 
to Israel (while women and children sleep in America's alleys and eat out 
of trash bins) have bought and paid for a monstrous phone tracking and 
phone tapping system that can eavesdrop on almost any phone call in 
America. Even the White House phones were open to such tapping by listening 
in on the other end outside the White House itself.

This actually happened. The Ken Starr report on Whitewater describes how 
Bill Clinton informed Monica Lewinsky that their phone sex conversations 
had been recorded. At the same time, Clinton ordered the FBI to cease the 
hunt for an Israeli mole known to be operating inside the White House itself!

So here we have a foreign nation able to listen in on most phones at will, 
using taps that cannot be found because they are built into the phone 
system itself, and willing to use the information gleaned from those calls 
to http://www.whatreallyhappened.com/blackmail.htmlblackmail Americans 
into any desired course of action. This may well be what Ariel Sharon meant 
when http://www.mediamonitors.net/khodr49.htmlhe stated that the Jewish 
people control America.

That the information gleaned from these phone taps is being used to coerce 
the behavior of key individuals in the US Government and media is 
illustrated by the manner in which the government and the media have 
handled this scandal of the largest spy ring 

[media-dakwah] Hate Speech: Newsday's Pinkerton: Radio host Graham was fired for criticizing a PC thing -- the sanctity of Islam

2006-05-05 Terurut Topik muslim insuffer


In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful

=== News Update ===

Newsday's Pinkerton: Radio host Graham was fired for criticizing a PC 
thing -- the sanctity of Islam

Fox News political analyst and Newsday columnist 
P. Pinkerton argued that the only reason Washington, D.C., radio station 
WMAL-AM recently decided to 
conservative talk show host Michael Graham was because he went after a PC 
[political correctness] thing, which is the sanctity of Islam.

WMAL suspended Graham's daily three-hour show after he made numerous 
inflammatory remarks about the Islamic faith. On August 22, The Washington 

According to WMAL, Graham said Islam is a terrorist organization 23 times 
on his July 25 program. On the same show, he also said repeatedly that 
moderate Muslims are those who only want to kill Jews and that the 
problem is not extremism. The problem is Islam.

On August 24, 
http://mediamatters.org/rd?http://www.rightalk.com/Rightalk.com, a 
conservative, Internet-based radio network, 
that it had hired Graham to host a daily program.

 From the August 27 edition of Fox News' Fox News Watch:

RICH LOWRY (National Review editor): But what bothers me most about these 
kind of stories is whenever someone says something controversial or dumb, 
and then they get criticized or fired or whatever, their free-speech rights 
are being violated, which is nonsense. He [Graham] had all his First 
Amendment rights; he can stand on, you know, the roof of his house and 
shout, Islam is a terror organization. But he just doesn't necessarily 
have a right to say it on [WMAL owner] ABC's airwaves.
PINKERTON: I agree. Just as I support the right of TV stations not to run 
ads, I support the right of WMAL to fire this guy. However, he made a good 
point. He said, Look, if I had said that the Catholic Church is a haven of 
pedophiles, if I had said that right-to-lifers are terrorists because of 
Eric Rudolph, nothing would have happened to me.

NEAL GABLER (media writer): That's not true.
PINKERTON: The only reason I'm being -- well, he said -- I agree with him. 
The only reason he's being fired --

GABLER: That's ridiculous.
PINKERTON: -- is because he went after a PC thing, which is the sanctity of 




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[media-dakwah] Terror in the Name of US War's Error - Headlines News 9 Rabiul Akhir 1427 H - 7.5.06

2006-05-06 Terurut Topik muslim insuffer


In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful

=== News Update ===

Bush calls terror fight WWIII

US President George W. Bush has said the September 11 revolt of passengers 
against their hijackers on board Flight 93 had struck the first blow of 
World War III.


Islamophobia, a Retrospective

It was the potshot heard round the world that touched off a 
counter-crusade. Packaged in western free speech cliches, and marketed as 
innocent satire, the newspaper Jylland-Posten's depiction of the Prophet 
Muhammad as a terrorist/suicide bomber with a ticking bomb for a turban was 
provocation-entrapment propaganda. Dual-use entertainment, in this case 
frivolous caricature, is an unexamined aspect of full spectrum information 
dominance. The US Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld's Information 
Operations Roadmap mandates that 'information warfare' utilize all 
cultural venues to further its agenda- news, posters, books, movies, art, 
internet, and music etc.


9/11: FLASHBACK: UK Terror Trial Finds No Terror: Not guilty of conspiracy 
to poison London with ricin

One of the last claims in Colin Powell's presentation to the UN Security 
Council on February 5, 2003 blew away like dust in the wind late last week 
in the Old Bailey, London's central criminal court.


Where was Porter Goss on 9-11?

On the morning of September 11, Pakistan's Chief Spy General Mahmoud Ahmad, 
the alleged money-man behind the 9-11 hijackers, was at a breakfast 
meeting on Capitol Hill hosted by Senator Bob Graham and Rep. Porter Goss, 
the chairmen of the Senate and House Intelligence committees.


9/11: Flt 93 LANDED In Cleveland Morning Of 911 - NOT!

Posted May 6, 2006 08:18 AM PST - Category: 911

Plane that landed in Cleveland with a bomb scare that day was a Delta 
Airlines jet, not United 93.


9/11: WTC7.net the hidden story of Building 7

Building 7 was the third skyscraper to collapse into rubble on September 
11, 2001. According to the government, small fires leveled this building, 
but fires have never before or since destroyed a steel skyscraper.


9/11: United 93: What Happened on the Planes?

The movie serves the interests of the Bush adminstration. It imprints in 
the minds of millions of Americans that the threat is real and that 
America is under attack.


Terror War Begets Devil's Bargains

U.S. Pres. George W. Bush's global war on terror has produced the 
unintended consequence of bringing the United States ever-closer to some of 
the world's most repressive regimes.


U.S. defends rights record before U.N. panel in Geneva

American officials appeared before an international legal panel Friday to 
argue that the United States had not violated its treaty obligations to 
prevent the torture of prisoners in its fight against terrorism.


Invisible in Plain Sight: CIA Torture Techniques Go Mainstream

Critical loopholes in the McCain amendment show that the once-clandestine 
practice of torture is now an official weapon in the War on Terror.


A Bush/Neocon/Zionist Atomic 'Incident' In The US?

Every week, three members of the Israeli Mossad go to the CIA headquarters 
at Langley and there meet with senior CIA officials. During these weekly 
meetings, mutual needs, requirements and demands are presented by the 
Mossad to the CIA. Parenthetically, we should note that Israel flies a 
number of top CIA officials to have a yearly very expensive vacation in 
Israel. First class accommodations by El Al airline, 5 star hotel 
accommodations, expensive gifts and the whole nine yards are part and 
parcel of this agape.


A World Without Borders: An interview with Howard Zinn



Not One Drop

The real reason Iran has been unfairly singled out is because they’ve 
committed the inexcusable crime of controlling their own resources. This 
makes them a potential threat to Israel’s ever-expanding territorial 
ambitions and America’s insatiable thirst for oil. The nuclear issue is a 
red herring with no merit whatsoever.


Another brick in the wall

We have been conned again. The Israeli elections, we are told, mean that 
the dream of Greater Israel has finally been abandoned. West Bank 
settlements will be 

[media-dakwah] Hate Speech: MSNBC's Dietl asserted in the event of nuclear attack by Muslims, U.S. should threaten to bomb Islam's most religious places

2006-05-06 Terurut Topik muslim insuffer


In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful

=== News Update ===

MSNBC's Dietl asserted in the event of nuclear attack by Muslims, U.S. 
should threaten to bomb Islam's most religious places

Calling in to The Radio Factor, MSNBC analyst 
http://mediamatters.org/rd?http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/7430681/Bo Dietl 
told Fox News host and Radio Factor guest host John Gibson that, in the 
event of a nuclear attack by Muslim terrorists, the United States should 
declare holy war and threaten to bomb the most religious places.

 From the July 22 broadcast of Westwood One's The Radio Factor With Bill 

DIETL: Here's a question, John. What would happen -- you know there's about 
38 nuclear devices -- briefcase bombs -- that are still missing from the 
Republic of Russia over the years. What would happen if simultaneously a 
nuclear bomb went off in Los Angeles, then one went off in New York? What 
would the president of the United States do against this great Muslim, 
love-thy-neighbor nonsense?
You know, if you read the Quran, really read the Quran, and if you learn 
about what's going on in Saudi Arabia, about this Wahhabism, it is -- they 
can not co-exist with us. They have to wipe out everybody unless you become 
one of them. So if that happens, you think the president of the United 
States would make a statement if there's another nuclear bomb, we're going 
to bomb Mecca, we're gonna bomb the most religious places. This is a holy war.



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[media-dakwah] Hate Speech: Smerconish: Public prayer by Muslims wrong and a game to remind audience of terrorist attacks

2006-05-06 Terurut Topik muslim insuffer


In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful

=== News Update ===

Smerconish: Public prayer by Muslims wrong and a game to remind 
audience of terrorist attacks


On the November 23 broadcast of Fox News' The Radio Factor, guest host 
A. Smerconish took issue with a recent 
by the New Jersey Sports and Exposition Authority to provide a designated 
prayer area at Giants Stadium. The decision was in response to a September 
involving the FBI's detention and questioning of five Muslim men who were 
observed praying near the stadium's main air duct during a New York Giants 
football game. Smerconish stated: I just think that's [the men's public 
praying] wrong. I just think they're playing a game of, you know, mind 
blank with the audience. And that they should know better four years 
removed from September 11.

In a November 2 
the Associated Press reported that FBI spokesman, agent Steven Siegel, said 
the men had aroused suspicion because they were congregating near the main 
air intake duct. Also, security was on higher alert because former 
President George H. W. Bush was in the stadium that night as part of a 
fundraising campaign he and former President Clinton are leading for 
victims of Hurricane Katrina. The AP quoted Siegel as follows:
You had 80,000 people there, Bush 41 was there, and you had a group of 
gentlemen gathering in an area not normally used by the public right near 
the main air intake duct for the stadium, and a food preparation facility. 
It was where they were, not what they were doing.

The men were later released without charge and have since 
that their detention was evidence of racial profiling. The FBI denies these 

Smerconish said that the Giants' designation of a new prayer area just 
seems like a form of capitulation in this instance to -- well, frankly -- 
to the Arab community ... I think that it's fundamentally unfair that five 
Arab guys, Muslim men in their twenties, get together in full view of 
80,000 folks and engage in prayer. Smerconish added:
SMERCONISH: Tolerance means I've gotta tolerate that -- the practitioners 
of the Muslim faith -- but they've gotta be tolerant of my reasonable 
concerns about terrorism four years post-9-11. And their tolerance of me 
necessitates that they not gather in prayer when there are 80,000 people in 
the house for a football game.

 From the November 23 broadcast of Fox News' The Radio Factor with Bill 
SMERCONISH: September 19, the Giants hosted the New Orleans Saints. The 
game was also the site of a Hurricane Katrina fund-raiser. Did you hear 
about this? As a matter of fact, number 41 was in the house. Meaning George 
Herbert Walker Bush, past president and father, of course, of W [President 
Bush]. Eighty-thousand folks were in the house for the Giants and the 
Saints and the Katrina fund-raiser.
In an area near food preparation, in an area near air duct work and 
venting, folks saw five apparently Muslim men in their 20s praying. Let me 
just sort of freeze-frame right there and ask The Radio Factor audience: 
Had you been in Giants Stadium that day, you know that it's the Giants and 
the Saints, you know that it's a Hurricane Katrina fund-raiser, perhaps you 
know that number 41 is in the house, you certainly know that you're a 
stone's throw away from Ground Zero; what, if anything, would you have done 
if you had seen five apparently Muslim men in their 20s engaged in prayer?

Maybe you would do absolutely nothing. But you can call me on that issue as 
I tell you the rest of the story. It's 1-877-9-NOSPIN. Me, I'd drop the 
dime. And somebody in this case did drop the dime. And well, you can see, 
I'm sure, where this thing is headed.
Before long, it became a focal point in a civil liberties debate. The 
Council on American-Islamic Relations got involved -- CAIR -- C-A-I-R is 
their acronym. Turns out the guys were just five Giants fans, not up to 
anything terrorism-related, but that didn't quell the controversy.
And now, today, comes the news that at Giants Stadium, they will be setting 
aside an area for groups to pray. I wonder how you see this. See if you had 
told me -- in Philadelphia, we've got Lincoln Financial Field, home of the 
Eagles, home of the former, you know, National Football Conference champion 
Eagles, although I won't be able to say that this season. If you'd said to 
me in Lincoln Financial Field or in 

[media-dakwah] Mosque defaced: Kristalnaught in Trois Rivieres as Muslims shaken by attack on Monque

2006-05-06 Terurut Topik muslim insuffer


In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful

=== News Update ===

Mosque defaced: Kristalnaught in Trois Rivieres as Muslims shaken by attack 
on Monque

The Muslim community in Trois Rivieres is shaken after three racist posters 
were taped to the front door of a mosque last weekend. One of the signs 
read in French: Arab terrorists, get out. Another showed one of the 
cartoons of the Prophet Muhammad published in a Danish newspaper last fall 
that caused an international furor. The third called for young Quebecers to 
stand up against the Islamization of Quebec cities. The posters were 
signed Quebec Radical, described in news reports as an underground, 
extreme-right, anti-immigration group. About 300 Muslims live in Trois 
© The Gazette (Montreal) 2006


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