Chuck Muth's WET News Views - September 19, 2003

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There's Got to Be a Morning After

We lost electricity around midnight last night.  Still out.  Half our
neighborhood is completely submerged under water...and it's not even high
tide yet.  We're one of the lucky ones.  Just a few downed tree limbs.
Nevertheless, we may be off-line for a while as we help neighbors the clean
up from Hurricane Sheilajacksonlee.  Will get a BIG News  Views out as soon
as we make contact with the outside world again.


Chuck Muth's News Views - September 1-21, 2003

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Yowza!  Whadda Storm

As I'm finishing this up, it's late Saturday afternoon and we just got our
electricity back.  Fortunately for us, we're too poor to be able to afford
food, so we didn't really lose much in the ol' refrigerator.  On the other
hand, we're still without phone service, so I'm not exactly sure when this
issue will actually get out.  And we might still miss another few days due
to clean-up efforts.  In fact, the phone company said they couldn't send
someone out to check on our lines for a WEEK.  So please bear with us.

Repeal the 16th!

The income tax amendment (the 16th) in 1913 hammered the final nail into the
coffin of limited, constitutional government. Now the politicians had not
only the authority, but also the unlimited revenue, to do whatever they
wanted. . . . If we repeal the federal income tax and yours is an average
American family, you'll have at least $10,000 a year more to spend or
invest. . . . All you have to do in return is to restrict the government to
the Constitution - giving up whatever pittance unconstitutional government
provides to you personally.

- Columnist and former Libertarian presidential candidate Harry Browne

NEW: Survey Says!

If a lot of time and money is going to be devoted to fiddling with our
Constitution, should those efforts be directed toward passing a new
constitutional amendment banning gay marriage, or toward repealing the
16th amendment and thereby eliminating the income tax and the IRS?  Cast
your online vote by going to the Survey Says page at

House Votes to Protect 'Net from Taxes

The U.S. House of Representatives passed a bill on Wednesday that would
extend the moratorium on taxing people for connecting to the Internet. . . .
Two members of the Bush administration, Secretary of the Treasury John Snow
and Secretary of Commerce Don Evans, were thrilled with the ban. . . . Rep.
Gene Green (D-TX) is unhappy with the bill's passage because he said his
state will have to make up the $45 million in taxes elsewhere to shore up
the budget. Green said the Internet tax is needed in every state to provide
additional revenue to deal with budget problems.

- Talon News, 9/18/03

Ah, That Age-Old Question

If you gave an infinite number of monkeys an infinite number of
typewriters, would they eventually write a speech for Howard Dean?

- James Taranto, Best of the Web, 9/18/03

Son of Gov. Moonbeam

My vision is to make the most diverse state on earth, and we have people
from every planet on the earth in this state.

- California Gov. Gray Davis, San Francisco Chronicle, 9/18/03

Ooops...So Much for That Argument

The  California Institute of Technology and MIT,  conducted a study of
error rates with various voting machines.  Would any of you care to guess
the results?  Well, you don't have to ... because I have them right here.
Here are the error rates .. the percentages of votes cast with errors, using
different types of machines:

*  Optical scanners have an error rate of 3.3%
*  Touch screen systems have an error rate of 3.0%
*  Data Vote systems have an error rate of 3.2%
*  Punch Cards?  They have an error rate of 2.5% ... the best of the bunch.

- Talk-show host Neal Boortz

Bring Back the Embeds

Interestingly, we started to lose this war (in Iraq) only after the
embedded reporters pulled out. Back when we got the news directly from Iraq,
there was victory and optimism. Now that the news is filtered through the
mainstream media here in America, all we hear is death and destruction and

- Columnist Ann Coulter

Who Said This?

To (President Bush) I say...that you lied to yourself, to your people, and
to all others. You did this along with those who got involved with you. Or
there might be some who lied to you, but you believed those lies after you
were tempted to do some action. You even changed your slogans and the
reasons you used several times as a pretext for your hostile military
campaign against (Iraq).

Was it.

A)  Howard Dean
B)  John Kerry
C)  Dennis Kucinich
D)  Dick Gephardt
E)  Hillary Clinton

The answer is actually none of the above.  These remarks were delivered
this week via tape by Saddam Hussein.  Maybe HE should get into the Democrat
presidential primary.  He's certainly got the rhetoric and talking points

Our Enemy, The French

It's time we Americans came to terms with something: France is not just our
annoying ally. It is not just our jealous rival. France is becoming our

Chuck Muth's News Views - September 22, 2003

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Great Minds Do Think Alike

In response to our blurb of Jeff Jacoby's column lamenting that Taiwan is
still being denied a seat in the United Nations, more than one News  Views
reader wrote suggesting we give them...ours.

All in favor...


Al Franken has written a new fairy tale about the Clinton administration's
record on defense. His new book supposedly outlines whoppers told by
conservatives. But it only serves to highlight what a big idiot Franken
himself is.

- Columnist Peter Huessy

Who's Afraid of the IRS?

To get an idea of what it's like to tangle with the Internal Revenue
Service, imagine having to fight Mike Tyson - with both hands tied behind
your back.  The IRS is the most feared government agency, and with good
reason. Americans who run afoul of this bureaucratic behemoth have little
chance of surviving unscathed.

- Daniel Mitchell of the Heritage Foundation

NEW: Survey Says!

If we're going to spend time and money amending the Constitution, should we
work to pass a new 28th Amendment to ban gay marriages or to repeal the
16th Amendment and eliminate the income tax and the IRS?  Cast your online
vote by going to the Survey Says page at

Alabama Massacre

(W)hen the Sept. 9 (Alabama tax hike) votes were counted, the tax increase
was massacred by 68 percent to 32 percent.  The establishment tax increasers
got a smaller percentage of the vote than Alf Landon did against Franklin
Roosevelt in 1936.

- Columnist Peter Ferrara

The Tax Diet

The core of some popular weight-loss programs is a reduction in
carbohydrates. Lower carbs allow the body to burn fat and weight loss
follows. Government's 'carbohydrate' is money. Reduce the amount and
government will shrink. But the cravings of people for more services must
also be controlled, just as a dieter must reduce his intake.

- Columnist Cal Thomas

Feeding at the Trough

It's amazing, isn't it, that Democrats never worry about federal spending
unless it is for defense. . . . We spend billions on hot lunches and
breakfasts for schoolchildren, though the greatest health threat to the poor
in America these days is not hunger but obesity.  Besides, why can't poor
children take their lunches to school in a brown bag, as my kids do? How
much does a peanut butter and jelly sandwich, an apple and a yogurt cost?
Maybe $1.50.

- Columnist Mona Charen

Birds of a French Feather

The New York Times reports that establishment Democratic presidential
candidate Wesley Clark 'met Hillary Clinton in 1983 in France at a
conference of French-American Young Leaders.'

- James Taranto, Best of the Web, 9/19/03

Military Genius

(Gen. Wesley) Clark was the commander who won NATO's first war, a 78-day
air campaign to force Mr. Milosovic to withdraw his troops.  The war plan
proved to be deeply flawed. NATO's 19 members, and the White House,
micromanaged target selection. There were not enough allied aircraft
available when the time came to ramp up air strikes. Mr. Clark's plan to put
Apache attack helicopters in Albania, on the Kosovo border, ended in

- Washington Times, 9/18/03

Clinton's General

One retired four-star general called (Gen. Wesley Clark's) ideas for
command 'goofy,' and told The Washington Post that, 'The simple fact is, a
lot of people just don't trust his ability.'  One soldier who served under
Mr. Clark told us that, 'It was obvious that his only priority was his own
advancement, and his troops were just tools to help him climb up the ranks.'

...Since the Civil War, only two generals have been elected president
without first holding another elected office. The two who went directly from
the generalship to the presidency were Dwight D. Eisenhower and Ulysses S.
Grant, who respectively defeated Hitler and saved the union. By comparison,
all Mr. Clark has done as commander is order bombs to be dropped on a more
or less defenseless Serbian civilian population.

- Washington Times, 9/18/03

Gen. Disaster

Retired Gen. Wesley Clark has thrown his helmet into the ring. He has
improved the Democratic presidential field by entering it, just as he
improved the Army by leaving it.

...Gen. Clark 'is able, though not nearly as able as he thinks, and has
tended to put his career ahead of his men to the point of excess,' said a
defense consultant well acquainted with the Army's senior officers. . . . An
officer who served under Clark when he commanded the 1st 

Chuck Muth's News Views - September 23, 2003

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This Week on Always Right

TWO great guests this week!

First up will be syndicated talk-show host Laura Ingraham who has a new book
out titled, Shut Up and Sing: How Elites from Hollywood, Politics and the
UN Are Subverting America.  Laura doesn't sugarcoat it.  For example, when
liberal actor Tim Robbins whined last spring about a chill wind of
censorship blowing through the entertainment community, Ingraham responded:
With all the media face time Robbins and (actress Susan) Sarandon get, you
can forget a chill wind.  A Category 5 tornado wouldn't shut them up.


We'll also have Greg Conko of the Competitive Enterprise Institute (CEI) to
discuss the government's continuing War on Tobacco and an upcoming Senate
bill to authorize the FDA to ban public dissemination of information on
tobacco alternatives, particularly smokeless tobacco.

Tune in Tuesday at 8:00 p.m. EST (or catch the re-run at 11:00 p.m. EST) for
Always Right with Chuck Muth featuring Laura Ingraham and Greg Conko.  The
link to listen in is...

You can catch previous interviews on Always Right by visiting our archives

The More the Merrier?

Polygamy (multiple spouses) is not worse than gay marriage, it is better.
At least polygamy, for all its ugly defects, is an attempt to secure stable
mother-father families for children.

- Columnist Maggie Gallagher

The Real Threats

The real threats to family values are divorce, out-of-wedlock births and

- Former U.S. Senator Alan Simpson

Survey Says!

If we're going to spend time and money amending the Constitution, should we
work to pass a new 28th Amendment to ban gay marriages or to repeal the
16th Amendment and eliminate the income tax and the IRS?  Cast your online
vote by going to the Survey Says page at

Ditzy Chicks Dump Country Music

The Dixie Chicks say they don't want to be a country music band any more.
Violinist Martie Maguire told Spiegel magazine: 'We don't feel part of the
country scene any longer, it can't be our home any more.'  She said she was
disappointed other country singers didn't back up the Dixie Chicks in their
criticism of George W Bush's politics on Iraq.

-, 9/22/03

Coz Hits Air for Street

Sam thinks Bill Cosby is very funny and a great pitchman for Jell-O.  The
difference here is that everybody likes Jell-O.

- Maureen Garrity, spokesman for Sam Katz - the GOP candidate opposing
Democrat Philadelphia Mayor John Street - on Cosby's campaign commercial for

Let's Pack It In, Guys

If one were to listen to the clownish Democratic mouthpiece James Carville
and the rest of his 'Democracy Group,' there is practically no chance Mr.
Bush can win in November 2004. Between the lines of their most current
status report is the implied suggestion Mr. Bush should announce he will not
seek re-election.

- Columnist Dan Thomasson

Don't Call Us, We'll Call You

I would have been a Republican if Karl Rove had returned my phone calls.

- Attributed to Wesley Clark, quoted in Newsweek, Sept. 29 issue

The General Not Ready for Prime Time

(Democrat candidate Wesley Clark is) not ready for prime time, he's not
ready to be president. He's not ready to be a member of Congress. In a
debate, any freshman congressman could kick his four-star butt back to

- Rich Galen,, 9/22/03

Bubba to Wife:  Run!

Bill Clinton has been urging his wife, Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton, to
break her promise to serve her full, six-year Senate term so that she can
run for president next year, it was reported yesterday.  Citing two sources
close to the Clintons, Time reports that the former president has been
urging his wife privately to reconsider her pledge not to run for president
in 2004.  The report said Bill also is pondering the most feasible way for
her to back out of her pledge to serve her full Senate term for New York.

- New York Post, 9/22/03

Mrs. McGovern-Steinberg-Dean

A former Reagan White House official in Washington says the Clintons, for
the first time this summer, believe George Bush is vulnerable.  While a
Democrat can win the White House, they think, none of the Democrats in the
field either please them or can win.

(Howard) Dean, the frontrunner, can win the nomination, but can't win in
November.  Already painted as part of the McGovern wing of the party, other
personal issues will dog Dean.  

The Recall is Back ON!

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Gray Skies Return for Gray Davis

A federal appeals court Tuesday reinstated California's Oct. 7
gubernatorial recall election, rejecting a three-judge panel's decision to
put it off for months, reports the Associated Press.  The 11-member panel
of the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals unanimously overturned the Sept. 15
decision of a three-judge panel from the same circuit.

Experts say it is unlikely the decision will be considered by the Supreme

Chuck Muth's News Views - September 27, 2003

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Vast Right-Wing Hijacking

The biggest issue in this campaign is the question of patriotism and
democracy. I am tired of having John Ashcroft and Dick Cheney and Jerry
Falwell and Rush Limbaugh lay a claim to patriotism and lay a claim to the
American flag. That flag belongs to every single one of us. And I am tired
of having our democracy hijacked by the right wing of this country.

- Democrat presidential dwarf Howard Dean

Clark Hails Bush Team

Newly minted Democrat Wesley Clark blasted the Clinton administration as
clueless and praised the 'great team' headed by President Bush in a 2001
speech in Arkansas that Republicans circulated on transcript and video last
night. . . . (C)lark hailed the Bush team: 'I'm very glad we've got the
great team in office, men like Colin Powell, Don Rumsfeld, Dick Cheney,
Condoleezza Rice, Paul O'Neill - people I know very well - our president,
George W. Bush. We need them there.'

- New York Post, 9/26/03

Chick Droppings

Ditzy Chick Natalie Maines released a ridiculous letter criticizing country
music, President Bush, Arnold Schwarzenegger and conservative talk radio.
If you have any interest in the actual content - though I don't know why you
would - you can read Talon News' report on it at:

Let Every Bought Vote Count

Liberals claim to want to count every vote and have every vote count. But
what they really want is to win at all costs, even if it means passing out
absentee ballots to incapacitated nursing home residents, or giving away
free cigarettes to vagrants if they'll follow campaign workers to the polls
and pull the Democrat lever.

- Columnist Linda Chavez

Opposition Stiffens to President's Medicare Bill

If the White House is dead set on getting a (Medicare prescription drug)
bill, America's going to get a Democrat bill.  A large number of House
conservatives will not go along with creating the largest new entitlement
since 1965.

- Rep. Mike Pence (R-Ind.), Washington Times, 9/26/03

School Choice for Me, But Not for Thee

Sen. Specter's (children) attended a private school in Philadelphia
because, according to their father, 'they didn't have access to a good
public school.'  Of course most students in the nation's capital also lack
access to a quality public school.(and) Sen. Specter's opposition to
parental-choice legislation has helped make sure they'll be denied the leg
up his children enjoyed.

- Columnist Krista Kafer in National Review Online

Hittin' 'Em in the Ol' Pocketbook

I just had a call from a Republican committee.  I firmly told the caller
that until I see the Republicans (who are in power) support our President,
vote for what is right regarding the judicial nominees, and a host of other
things they are NOT doing, I will not send another cent.

- News  Views reader Jeannette

Marriage Amendment Just Won't Work

Proponents of the Federal Marriage Amendment...are wrong in thinking an
amendment to the U.S. Constitution defining marriage as the union of one man
and one woman will save the institution from the depredations of the
postmodern deconstructionists. . . . Judges who are unconstrained by the
actual text of the Constitution, the doctrine of federalism, or America's
legal history are unlikely to be deterred by a mere amendment. If such
judges are willing to ignore the plain language of the Constitution in other
circumstances, why would they suddenly be obliged to respect the text of a
marriage amendment?

- Richard Lessner, executive director of the American Conservative Union and
former executive director of American Renewal: the legislative action arm of
Family Research Council and a senior advisor on Gary Bauer's 2000 campaign
for president

4.75 cents-per-minute Long Distance

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* And a small portion of each bill goes to help continue publishing our FREE
Chuck Muth's News  Views e-newsletter.  Just go to:

A Word About the Racial Privacy Initiative

Those of us who support Proposition 54 (the Racial Privacy 

Chuck Muth's News Views - September 30, 2003

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This Week on Always Right

My guest this week will be Utah House Speaker Marty Stephens.  Mr. Stephens
is the only Speaker in Utah history to have been elected for a third term
and is also the new president for the National Conference of State
Legislatures.  The Speaker is a true and recognized friend of taxpayers and
a gubernatorial candidate in 2004.  He was also intimately involved with a
new report by the Representative Democracy in America Project which studied
the declining participation of citizens, especially among the young
DotNets, in public life.

Tune in Tuesday at 8:00 p.m. EST (or catch the re-run at 11:00 p.m. EST) for
Always Right with Chuck Muth featuring Speaker of the Utah House of
Representatives Marty Stephens.  The link to listen in is...

You can catch previous interviews on Always Right by visiting our archives

Poll Vault: Arnold Jumps to Lead

Arnold Schwarzenegger has muscled his way to a commanding lead in
California's recall campaign, according to the results of a stunning poll
released yesterday. A Gallup survey commission by CNN and USA Today showed
Golden State voters poised to pink-slip Gov. Gray Davis and install
political newcomer Schwarzenegger as their leader.

Davis' recall has the support of 63 percent of voters, compared with 35
percent who oppose it, according to the poll.  It also shows a pumped-up
Schwarzenegger with a formidable lead, 40 percent to 25 percent, over his
closest rival, Democratic Lt. Gov. Cruz Bustamante.

- New York Post, 9/29/03

Hillary Blasts Arnold As Right-Winger

New York Sen. Hillary Clinton warned Californians on Friday that GOP
gubernatorial front-runner Arnold Schwarzenegger is part of a right-wing
stampede hell-bent on taking over California the same way they've taken over
the nation.  'Let's make it absolutely clear that California is not going to
be stampeded by the same right-wingers that gave us the election in Florida
and are trying to do things that are really against our interest,' Clinton
told a West Hollywood 'women's rally' for incumbent Gov. Gray Davis via

-, 9/28/03

Last Call for October War College

There are still a couple seats available for the Campaign War College in
Baltimore on October 17-19.  If you're a candidate who REALLY wants to get
your WINNING campaign off on the right foot, this three day workshop is just
what the doctor ordered. Get all the details by clicking on the Campaign
War College button at

Crowded Field

The situation in Iraq is not good, it's bad, said French Foreign Minister
Dominique de Villepin on Europe-1 radio over the weekend.  There's a spiral
of violence and terror and everything must be done to stop it.  Villepin
was immediately added to the field of Democrat candidates for president, but
experts predict he's more likely to emerge as French-looking John Kerry's
vice-presidential running mate.

Dean Takes Shot At Former General

I think what you see in the Wes Clark candidacy is a somewhat of a
desperation by inside-the-Beltway politicians.  You've got a lot of
establishment politicians now surrounding a general who was a Republican
until 25 days ago.  I do not think that the solution for Democrats
again is to draft Republicans and to support people who have been in
Washington for 25 and 30 years.

- Democrat presidential dwarf Howard Dean

Panic City at GOP HQ

Anxiety about the 2004 presidential election that suddenly has grasped
Republican hearts, from the White House to the grass roots, can be traced to
President Bush's two important speeches on Iraq delivered over 15 days. They
were both duds.

...Until now, George W. Bush always had risen to the occasion. But failure
marks current efforts of the president and his vaunted political team,
headed by Karl Rove. . . . Replacing the old mantra that there is no way for
Bush to lose, panicky Republicans studying the electoral map wonder whether
there is any way that they can win.

- Columnist Robert Novak

Which Way Do We Go, George?  Which Way Do We Go?

I was chatting with some key staffers for the Majority in both the House
and Senate last week. They all said the same thing: Republican legislators
are confused. They are rudderless. They aren't sure which way they want to
go.  Some feel they must back the White House on everything. Others want to
oppose the White House on selective issues, such as the new entitlement
program for prescription drugs.

- Paul Weyrich, president of the Free 

Chuck Muth's News Views - October 1, 2003

2003-09-30 Thread newsandviews_list
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Our Pleasure!

Mr. Muth, thanks for providing the information that I cannot find anywhere
in the four newspapers that are delivered to my home.  Neither can I find
that info anywhere on the TV network programs.  Keep it coming!

- Jack Sherratt of Burlingame, CA

Help Wanted

I need a few volunteers with some time and/or expertise to spare for a
couple Citizen Outreach projects.  Primarily I need folks who can devote a
little time doing basic Internet searches for contact information on various
people and organizations.  But I could also use the services or some
advisors with technical know-how on email communications programs and
systems, web design work and e-commerce/fundraising.

If you might be able to volunteer some time or expertise in these areas,
please click on the Volunteer page at and click
Other on the list of ways you might like to help.  Please note any areas
of expertise in the Message box.  And...thanks!

Not All Actors Are Jackasses

Bruce Willis recently staged a rock concert at a desert airfield to
entertain the soldiers who were stationed near the Syrian border.  Wearing a
military hat and jacket, he belted out some rock 'n' roll and blues with his
band, the Accelerator.  'We're here to support you,' he told America's
finest.  'If you catch him, just give me four seconds with Saddam Hussein.'
The star then offered $1 million to the soldier who captures the overthrown
Iraqi dictator.

- Left Coast Report,, 9/30/03

The Liberal Mouth That Roared

For the past two weeks, Mr. Kennedy, Massachusetts Democrat, has been
leading his party's opposition to the war, calling it a 'fraud' cooked up
for political reasons. On Friday, Mr. Kennedy went further, accusing the
president, in effect, of killing American troops through poor planning.

...Some Democratic leaders have since embraced Mr. Kennedy, with
presidential candidate the Rev. Al Sharpton doing so at a Congressional
Black Caucus event Friday.  'This is the Kennedy tradition. We stand with
you,' Mr. Sharpton said. 'You have nothing to apologize for.'

- Washington Times, 9/30/03

The Ambassador's Spooky Wife

This is a set-up and the New York Times and Washington Post are only too
glad to play.  Ambassador Wilson's wife was not a CIA 'operative.'  She is
an ANALYST.  They are a dime for two dozen out there in Langley.  Thus,
there was nothing to leak about her highly sensitive job.  Analysts are
perfectly free to tell the world what they do.  Does anyone really think our
foreign policy/national security apparatus would allow an Ambassador's wife
to be a spy?

There is no evidence that anyone at the White House leaked this
information; it wasn't even classified.  I'm told that Ambassador Wilson (a
Clinton appointee who has given money to Kerry and other Democrat
candidates) is already backpedaling from his accusation that Karl Rove
leaked classified information about his wife.  Rove wouldn't even have known
if she was an undercover operative and, anyhow, she wasn't.

- David Luken

Um, Now About That DOMESTIC Spending...

We're all for Congress paying close attention to what it spends. But would
that our honorable representatives were applying as much skepticism to the
fine print of, say, the energy bill as they are to President Bush's $87
billion request for operations in Iraq and Afghanistan.

- Wall Street Journal editorial, 9/30/03

Democrats Belly Up to the Trough

Today, Reps. Peter A. DeFazio (D-Ore.) and Rahm Emanuel (D-Ill.) will
unveil their 'American Parity Amendment' -- backed by organized labor -- 
that would add $20 billion in domestic spending to mirror the
infrastructure, health care and education spending Bush wants for Iraq.

- Washington Post, 9/30/03

Howard's End

Vermont's former Gov. Howard Dean is a charismatic campaigner who knows how
to rock the world of anti-Bush people.  That's pretty much his only strong
suit, as Gary Coleman could probably govern Vermont if he knew where it was.
. . . Osama loves this guy as much as Tim Robbins does.

- Columnist and Fox News host Bill O'Reilly

Wes Must Have Missed a Memo Somewhere

The only voters who will have something to say about who the (presidential
primary) front-runner is will be the Democrats of New Hampshire, Iowa, South
Carolina and after that, maybe, primary voters in other states. These are
the voters unforgiving to anyone who says nice things about Republicans. The
correct way to respond to Republicans, as we know, is to hate them. Activist
Democrats never think happy 

Chuck Muth's News Views - October 4, 2003

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Who Should Pick Up the Tab in Iraq?

The Bush administration proposes spending another $87 billion ($20 billion
for Iraq reconstruction) on top of what has already been spent in Iraq and
Afghanistan. Instead, this country should be calling on Iraq and the rest of
the oil-producing states to rebuild those nations. Freedom costs, but it
should not just cost the United States. Those who benefit most from freedom
should pay part of the bill.

- Columnist Cal Thomas

NEW Survey Says!

Part of the President's $87 billion war supplemental request includes some
$20 billion in reconstruction aid for Iraq.  As proposed by the
administration, this money would simply be given to Iraq as a grant.
However, some Republicans are suggesting that this money, in whole or in
part, be extended instead as a loan, to be repaid with revenue from the
country's vast oil reserves once up and running again.

Some Democrats, on the other hand, are saying the $20 billion should be
financed by repealing some of the president's tax cuts for the rich.  And
some conservatives are saying the $20 billion should be offset with $20
billion in spending cuts, particularly in foreign aid.  Still others think
the $20 billion should be rejected outright.

What do you think? Cast your online vote by going to the Survey Says page

Medal Mania

Recently in Iraq, an Army two-star general put himself in for the Silver
Star, a gallantry award, for just being there, and for the Combat
Infantryman Badge, an award designed for infantry grunts far below the rank
of this division commander.

During the war, members of an Air Force bomber crew were all awarded the
Distinguished Flying Cross for lobbing a smart bomb from 30,000 feet onto a
house where Saddam was rumored to be breaking bread - even though Saddam's
still out there somewhere sucking desert air. In 1944, the only way a bomber
crew might have gotten the DFC would have been if it had wobbled back from
Berlin on one wing and a prayer after a dozen-plus missions of wall-to-wall

...The U.S. Air Force has approved more than 50,000 medals for operations
in the Middle East.  The U.S. Army, trying to catch up with the folks in
blue who flew through all that imaginary Iraqi flak, has issued medals as
though they were Cracker Jack prizes. So far they've pinned on tens of
thousands of awards, from the coveted Distinguished Service Cross to the
CIB. More than 5,000 Bronze Stars alone have been awarded.

- Columnist David Hackworth

We Want What's-His-Name!

According to a new survey, six out of 10 Americans can't name a single
Democrat running for president. And that poll was actually taken among the
10 current Democratic candidates. According to the survey answers, 'the
military guy' leads with 19 percent, followed by 'that doctor - what's his
name?' with 12 percent, and 'the French-looking guy' with 9 percent.

- Columnist Ann Coulter


The campaign of Democratic presidential candidate Wesley Clark said
yesterday that the former general is not yet a registered Democrat, but that
the paperwork to change his registration 'has been sitting on his desk for
the last couple of weeks.'

- Washington Times, 10/3/03

New Deployment of Weapon of Mass Obstruction

Democrats, including two presidential hopefuls, boycotted a Senate
committee meeting yesterday, preventing Utah's governor from being approved
as head of the Environmental Protection Agency. . . . The committee had
planned to vote on Gov. Michael O. Leavitt's EPA nomination yesterday but
was blocked because none of the eight committee Democrats showed up to the
meeting. To hold a vote, the panel must have 10 members present, including
two Democrats.

- Washington Times, 10/3/03

All In the Family

Lt. Gov. Cruz Bustamante isn't the only rising star in his family -- his
39-year-old sister, Nao Bustamante, is making news for herself as well, as
an avant-garde performance artist.  Her more notable performances include:

* Wrapping herself in clear packing tape and emptying an entire can of hair
spray into her hair while perched atop a 15-foot ladder.

* Exploring the pop cultural relations between Mexico and the United States
by traveling to fast-food restaurants dressed up as Ronaldo McDonald.

* Strapping on burrito-dildos, upon which white males feast in an absolution
ceremony for 500 years of colonial guilt.

- Matier  Ross, San Francisco Chronicle, 9/29/03

OK, Let's Circle the Firing Squad

A new poll of conservative Republicans finds that close to two-thirds of
(GOP gubernatorial candidate 

Chuck Muth's News Views - October 4, 2003

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The Rush to Sack Rush

One has to wonder, what precisely did Mr. Limbaugh insinuate (about Eagles
quarterback Donovan McNabb) that was so wrong?  That the NFL has ethnic
double standards?  Of COURSE it does.  This past year, the NFL instituted a
new policy that will enact sanctions against teams that fail to interview
minorities for vacant coaching positions. . . . (I)s mandating that black
coaches at least get interviewed racist?  Of course.

- Columnist Armstrong Williams

About That Hyped Spy Scandal

The only matter that troubles me about the episode is that the CIA would
employ a man as left-wing as Mr. Wilson to go to Niger unless they planned
to leave him there. Unfortunately he has returned.

- Columnist R. Emmett Tyrrell Jr.

Clowns to the Left of Me

You just have to laugh at the Angry Left. How can these people expect
anyone to take them seriously when they publish books with titles like 'The
Big Lies of George W. Bush and the Big Lying Liars of George W. Bush Who
Tell Them?' - and their hero is Bill Clinton? Reasonable people can disagree
with Bush policies, of course, but constantly calling him a 'liar' serves
only to remind people of how honest he is compared with his predecessor.

- James Taranto, Best of the Web, 10/3/03

The Ol' Double Standard

The double standards of some on the press corps continue to astound. When
former president Bill Clinton was sued in court for sexual harassment of
women who either worked for him or were in positions of vulnerability, the
liberal media said it was irrelevant. Feminists decried the women who came
forward; political apparatchiks called them 'trailer-trash;' liberals
re-described sexual harassment as a harmless romp-around in the Oval Office.
Even now, it's almost impossible to get liberal feminists to decry Clinton's
abusive behavior.

Now here comes Arnold Schwarzenegger. No one has filed suit against him for
anything. No one even came forward to accuse him of anything. None of the
allegedly abused women worked directly for him. But the Los Angeles Times
set up its own dragnet, scouring for dirt and came up with six women over
three decades, four of whom remain anonymous. And they do this only days
away from the recall election, and just after Schwarzenegger has opened up a
real lead in the polls. This is about as transparent a smear as you can

- Columnist Andrew Sullivan

Conservative Paper of Record Backs Arnold

We understand why principled conservative Californians would consider
voting for state Sen. Tom McClintock -who is a solid, experienced and
admirable conservative across a broader range of conservative concerns. But,
in elections, it is the results that matter. Somebody will be sitting in the
governor's chair after the election, raising or lowering taxes, cutting or
not cutting budgets.

Assuming the recall wins, there is no plausible view of the current state
of public opinion that would put Mr. McClintock in that chair. It will be
occupied by either Mr. Schwarzenegger or Lt. Gov. Cruz Bustamante. While a
principled vote for a candidate with whom you agree is always a civically
virtuous act, we are convinced that sensible, conservative policies are more
likely to become law if Mr. Schwarzenegger wins the election, and restores a
platform from which traditional conservative voices can be heard.

- Washington Times editorial, 10/3/03

Reconstruction Aid Raising Ruckus on Right

Opposition is growing in Congress to the Bush administration's $20.3
billion request for rebuilding Iraq. . . . In the days since President Bush
unveiled the plan, a cadre of both congressional Republicans and Democrats
have argued that Iraqi oil revenues should be used to rebuild the country's
infrastructure - millions of dollars for infrastructure items like building
a postal system, improving the nation's power grid and restoring wetlands. .
. . Meanwhile, a handful of conservative Republicans, including Republican
Study Group chair Rep. Sue Myrick (N.C) and Rep. Jeff Flake (Ariz.), said
the $20 billion should be offered only as a loan or be offset by cuts in the
federal budget.

-, 10/3/03

Big Boo-Boo on Rebuilding Bucks

You've got $20 billion for things like garbage trucks and English language
training programs and college courses.  That should be paid for by Iraqi oil
money. They're sitting on a trillion dollars worth of oil.  The White House
has really made a big mistake on this one.

- Steve Moore, president, Club for Growth

SURVEY SAYS!:  How to Handle That $20 Billion in Iraqi Reconstruction Aid

Part of the 

Chuck Muth's News Views - October 5, 2003

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No News  Views Today

Nothing happens as quickly as I would like, including getting all the
various projects I was previously working on separately moved under the new
umbrella of Citizen Outreach.  One of the last pieces of the puzzle to flesh
out is the nature and benefits of the Goldwater Club.  While the final
restructuring is still in the works, one of the additional benefits we'll be
extending to financial contributors will be a new weekly e-newsletter
called, DC Confidential.

While News  Views focuses primarily on current events and opinion, DC
Confidential will focus more on insider political dope; campaign
behind-the-scenes goings-on, rumors, gossip and inside poop you definitely
won't find in your hometown newspaper.

The first issue of DC Confidential is going out today.

Now, we've had a bear of a time trying to merge and streamline a bunch of
different contributor databases over the past year, so if you've made a
financial contribution to Citizen Outreach and DON'T receive DC Confidential
today, make sure you email me your name, address and phone number so we can
verify your data and add you to the new subscriber list.  I apologize for
any inconvenience this may cause as we try to straighten out our contributor
database.  Once this initial run-through is complete, we should be OK.

What sort of things will be included in DC Confidential?  Well, here's a
brief look at what's in today's issue:

*  The bad luck charm in Arnold Schwarzenegger's campaign pocket
*  How the Tom McClintock campaign dropped the ball and forfeited our
enthusiastic support WEEKS ago
*  A list of Nancy Pelosi's Most Wanted Republicans walking around with
bull's-eyes on their backs
*  How two different candidate's spouses have thrown monkey wrenches in
otherwise promising Republican campaigns in 2004
*  The hottest RINO Hunt in the country and what you can do to help
*  And the surprising emergence of an Indian-American whiz kid Republican
superstar in the heart of Cajun Country

If you'd like to receive DC Confidential in the future and haven't yet made
a contribution to Citizen Outreach, you can do so with your Visa or
MasterCard today by clicking on the Contribute button at  We'll be back with a regular edition of News 
Views tomorrow.

Chuck Muth
Citizen Outreach

Chuck Muth's News Views - October 6, 2003

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Now...About That $20 Billion, Mr. President

Part of the President's $87 billion war supplemental request includes some
$20 billion in reconstruction aid.  As proposed by the administration, this
money would be simply given to Iraq as a grant.  However, some Republicans
are suggesting that this money be extended instead as a loan, to be repaid
with the country's vast oil reserves once up and running again.  Some
Democrats, on the other hand, are saying the $20 billion should be financed
by repealing some of the president's tax cuts for the rich.  And other
conservatives are saying the $20 billion should be offset with $20 billion
in spending cuts, particularly in foreign aid.  Still others think the $20
billion should be rejected outright.  What do you think? Cast your online
vote by going to the Survey Says page at

Dear Congress

Just so y'all know, your responses to our regular online surveys serve a
definite purpose.  I referred to your responses to recent surveys in a
letter to Members of Congress yesterday urging them not to get bogged down
in a political quagmire in the war against Big Government, even if it
meant finding themselves in opposition to the White House.  You can read the
text of the letter - which was faxed to congressional offices over the
weekend - by clicking on the Dear Congress button at

Forget Where's Waldo, Where Are the WMD's?

The question is not whether Saddam Hussein had weapons of mass destruction.
The mystery is: What did he do with them?

- Clifford May, president of the Foundation for the Defense of Democracies

French Democrats

Unfortunately, Democrats seem to see (President Bush) as their enemy. It
would be nice if they could put aside their lust for power and focus their
ire on America's true enemy - the terrorists.

- Columnist Oliver North

The Rush to Silence Speech

In the current tempest in a teapot over what Rush Limbaugh said about the
National Football League, neither ESPN nor Rush himself will pay any serious
price. He doesn't need the job and apparently feels he doesn't need the
hassle.  The question of the validity of what was said has already been lost
in the shuffle. In a sense, that doesn't matter. What matters enormously is
whether people lose the freedom to say what they think. That loss is a loss
to all of us, those who agree and those who disagree.

- Columnist Thomas Sowell

Nah, There's No Liberal Bias In the Media

For your readers it might be interesting for them to be informed of how the
Los Angeles Times covered the controversy about Arnold's admiration of
Hitler.  It was a large-print front page story dealing with his admiration
of Hitler.  It was a page 22 small story that the quote was out of context.
Slash-and-burn page one; retraction on page 22.

- News  Views subscriber Barry Levy

Of Saints and Sinners

Arnold (Schwarzenegger) isn't Mother Teresa, and I join those who disagree
with his positions on abortion and gun control. But in present-day
California, he is clearly the first hope and best chance for successfully
countering the state's economic woes. He possesses the character, wit and
courage to create a partnership between himself and the governed that
encourages the proposition the state treasury should be used for the benefit
of all and that the state doesn't have unfettered and unaccountable claim on
the people's largess.

- Columnist and historian William Goldcamp

Miller Time

He's a Hollywood celebrity. And he's smart. He's one of the country's
favorite comedians. And he's a conservative. Wipe that smirk off your face
and meet a patriotic entertainer.  So says the introduction to a
rip-roaring interview with Dennis Miller in the current edition of The
American Enterprise magazine.  His dream matchup for the 2008 presidential
race:  Condoleeza Rice vs. Hillary Clinton, an imagined track record versus
a real track record.  You can read it online by going to:

4.75 cents-per-minute Long Distance

* All state-to-state calls in the continental U.S.
* Residential or commercial
* 6-second billing increments
* 24 hours/day
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* Calling Card Rate is 10 cents per minute
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(then a $1.99 service charge will apply)
* No need to change your local phone company
* No hassles
* Easy sign-up.
* And a small portion of each bill goes to help continue 

Chuck Muth's News Views - GAME DAY, 2003

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From the South Lawn of the White House.

As Grand Imperial Pooh-bah of Citizen Outreach, I was honored with an
invitation to the White House to attend yesterday morning's welcoming
ceremonies for the state visit of Mwai Kibaki, President of the Republic of
Kenya.  I was situated about ten yards from the Coast Guard contingent
during President Bush and President Kibaki's review of the troops on the
South Lawn.  Pretty cool.  The ceremony included a 21-Gun Salute - but
Howard Dean's request that the cannons be aimed AT the White House were

By the way, on the drive down to DC I was listening to Ronald Reagan's
autobiography on tape.  He is STILL da man!  But he said something I'd
love to confirm if any of you can track it down.  He said that in FDR's
first campaign for president, his platform included a call for a 25 percent
REDUCTION in government spending.  Hoo-hah!  Of course, he ended up doing
the exact opposite thing once in office, giving the country the RAW DEAL.
Still, I'd like to find confirmation that FDR actually proposed this at one
time.  If anyone can track this down, please forward to my attention.

News You Won't Find in the Mainstream Press

More than 1 million girls in Afghanistan have entered schools since the
fall of the hard-line Taliban regime - which had forbidden the education of
girls - according to a UNICEF survey issued last week.

- Betsy Pisik, The U.N. Report, 10/6/03

The Rush to Sack Limbaugh

(Rush) Limbaugh charged the media...with practicing a kind of affirmative
action toward (Eagles quarterback Donovan) McNabb -- holding him to a lesser
standard of excellence than white quarterbacks would be held to.  If he had
been talking about the University of Michigan's admission policies, or about
Jayson Blair's career at The New York Times, nobody would have raised an
eyebrow. But he said it about professional football, and for that he is
being denounced as a vile bigot.

- Boston Globe columnist Jeff Jacoby

Racial Double Standard

In the wake over the Rush Limbaugh flap on ESPN, it's clearer that the
double standards employed by the political correctness police are doing more
to harm race relations than any effort since Lester Maddox's. . . . Just
last month, Chicago Cubs Manager Dusty Baker claimed that 'blacks and Latins
take the heat better than most whites, and whites take the cold better than
most blacks and Latins. That's it, pure and simple. Nothing deeper than
that.' While the ignorance in this statement is shocking, neither
resignation nor apology were necessary. You see, Dusty Baker is black.

- Horace Cooper of the Centre for New Black Leadership

What's Up With This?

Sen. Edward M. Kennedy, Massachusetts Democrat, who recently accused
President Bush of perpetrating a fraud on the American people in regard to
the prewar threat from Iraq, will receive the 2003 George Bush Award for
Excellence in Public Service. . . . . Former President Bush has sole
discretion on who receives the award, said Penrod Thornton of the George
Bush Presidential Library Foundation.

- Greg Pierce's Inside Politics, 10/6/03

The Mean Dean Tax Hike Machine

I think (President Bush's) tax cuts are a disaster, and I'd repeal all of

- Democrat presidential candidate Howard Dean, The Jewish Week, 10/3/03

Donkey Infighting

I love watching Howard Dean attack Wesley Clark: a Gingrich Republican
debating a Nixon Republican over who's the better Democrat.

- David Wade, spokesman for John Kerry, Washington Whispers, U.S. News 
World Report, 10/13/03

Smelling Blood

The political feeding frenzy over the White House/CIA leak story spotlights
just how desperate the Democrats are to find an election issue with legs.
For nearly three years, they have repeatedly attacked this administration,
hoping by sheer numerical odds to find the one issue that would politically
damage George W. Bush. Naturally, not one - the corporate accounting
scandal, the tax cuts, the Iraq war or the failure to find weapons of mass
destruction - has had any long-term traction.  Now, three months before the
opening bell for the 2004 election year, the Democrats claim they smell
blood in the water.

- Columnist Donald Lambro

Why the Leak Actually Happened

The leak (about Joe Wilson's wife working for the CIA) was not to discredit
Wilson in the eyes of those who might otherwise agree with him. It was to
explain the administration's baffling use of a former Clinton administration
official to take on this sensitive assignment--a decision that eventually

Chuck Muth's News Views - October 8, 2003

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California Wins!

The people have spoken.  The system works.  Congratulations to Republican
GOVERNOR Arnold Schwarzenegger.  Hasta la vista, Davis.  Maybe now some of
those Gray skies are gonna clear up.

French Insignificance

The French, it isn't a question that they are not our friends anymore, they
are leading the world against the United States every time that we turn
around. It just wasn't against us going to war in Iraq, every single time
that they turn around they are subverting the efforts, to try and make
themselves more important in the world. France is insignificant to the

- Sen. John Ensign (R-Nev.), Jon Ralston's Flash, 10/7/03

Panic City

In a sharp reversal, Republicans who just months ago daydreamed about a
2004 election landslide now worry that President Bush is losing control of
events at home and abroad and faces a real chance of leading the party to

- Miami Herald, 10/5/03

From Wesley Clark's New Party

The liberal website called (talk show host Rush)
Limbaugh a 'vulgar pigboy' who may turn out to be a 'terrorist-supporting,
hillbilly-heroin addict.'

-, 10/7/03

Al Franken Is a Big-Mouth Idiot

(I'm) looking forward to the perp walk.  I'll be switching channels to get
it from every angle.  My favorite part is when they push their heads to get
them down into the [police] car.

 - Comedian Al Franken hoping to see Rush Limbaugh arrested on drug

Turning the Tables on Wilson

I assume that if (Joe Wilson) went into this job for the CIA, he had to
sign an oath of secrecy - a confidentiality (agreement).  And if he did,
then he violated it and he should be prosecuted.  He conducted a so-called
'secret' mission for the CIA. [However] he's talking about it all over
national and international television - undermining the president of the
United States. ... Why wasn't this guy called in before a grand jury?

- Rep. Pete King (R-NY) to WABC Radio's Steve Malzberg, 10/5/03

The Penalty for Puke Politics

There is, of course, another debilitating facet of the mudslinging brand of
politics that seems to have become ever more popular.  It not only
discourages voters but does the same thing in spades for candidates.  Who
wants to run for public office in an atmosphere that holds one accountable
for every silly remark or minor insensitivity in his or her life.  The
answer is, quite simply fewer and fewer qualified men and women, that's

- Columnist Dan Thomasson

The Right to Feel Comfortable

In a scene reminiscent of the Wild West, about 75 people paraded through
Northside (Ohio) with handguns strapped to their sides Sunday.  Unlike the
Old West, though, it was a modern-era media publicity stunt to protest last
week's Ohio Supreme Court ruling upholding the state's ban on carrying
concealed weapons.

...There was heckling, however, from a half-dozen counter-protesters, some
of whom carried plastic 'Super Soaker' water guns and walked alongside
demonstrators packing real guns in their holsters.  On numerous occasions,
counter-protesters poked their water guns in the faces of marchers and
asked, 'How do you like a gun pointed at you? You gonna murder somebody?'

...Anti-gun protester Jacob Hand of Walnut Hills, who taunted marchers with
his 'Super Soaker' water gun.(said), 'Guns don't make me feel safer. They
make me uncomfortable. These people are violating my right to feel

- The Cincinnati Post, 9/29/03

4.75 cents-per-minute Long Distance

* All state-to-state calls in the continental U.S.
* Residential or commercial
* 6-second billing increments
* 24 hours/day
* 7 days/week
* No access codes
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* No activation fees
* Calling Card Rate is 10 cents per minute
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* No need to change your local phone company
* No hassles
* Easy sign-up.
* And a small portion of each bill goes to help continue publishing our FREE
Chuck Muth's News  Views e-newsletter.  Just go to:

The Bigger Dangers to Marriage

This marriage protection week does NOTHING to reduce the rate of divorce,
illegitimacy rates, adultery, gambling, and other behaviors that seem to be
rather epidemic in the heterosexual lifestyle.  It's so much easier to just
blame the gays.

- News  Views reader Eva Young

Bigger Fish to Fry

Amending the Constitution is a rare 

Chuck Muth's News Views - BACK ISSUES - October 7-8, 2003

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Due to technical difficulties, News  Views did not go out over the 'net as
normal and most people haven't received an issue for the last couple of
days.  The problem appears to be resolved, as today's issue appears to have
finally posted this afternoon.

Well...better late than never, so below are the two back issues from Tuesday
and Wednesday.  We now return to our regular programming...


- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

OCTOBER 7, 2003

From the South Lawn of the White House.

As Grand Imperial Pooh-bah of Citizen Outreach, I was honored with an
invitation to the White House to attend yesterday morning's welcoming
ceremonies for the state visit of Mwai Kibaki, President of the Republic of
Kenya.  I was situated about ten yards from the Coast Guard contingent
during President Bush and President Kibaki's review of the troops on the
South Lawn.  Pretty cool.  The ceremony included a 21-Gun Salute - but
Howard Dean's request that the cannons be aimed AT the White House were

By the way, on the drive down to DC I was listening to Ronald Reagan's
autobiography on tape.  He is STILL da man!  But he said something I'd
love to confirm if any of you can track it down.  He said that in FDR's
first campaign for president, his platform included a call for a 25 percent
REDUCTION in government spending.  Hoo-hah!  Of course, he ended up doing
the exact opposite thing once in office, giving the country the RAW DEAL.
Still, I'd like to find confirmation that FDR actually proposed this at one
time.  If anyone can track this down, please forward to my attention.

News You Won't Find in the Mainstream Press

More than 1 million girls in Afghanistan have entered schools since the
fall of the hard-line Taliban regime - which had forbidden the education of
girls - according to a UNICEF survey issued last week.

- Betsy Pisik, The U.N. Report, 10/6/03

The Rush to Sack Limbaugh

(Rush) Limbaugh charged the media...with practicing a kind of affirmative
action toward (Eagles quarterback Donovan) McNabb -- holding him to a lesser
standard of excellence than white quarterbacks would be held to.  If he had
been talking about the University of Michigan's admission policies, or about
Jayson Blair's career at The New York Times, nobody would have raised an
eyebrow. But he said it about professional football, and for that he is
being denounced as a vile bigot.

- Boston Globe columnist Jeff Jacoby

Racial Double Standard

In the wake over the Rush Limbaugh flap on ESPN, it's clearer that the
double standards employed by the political correctness police are doing more
to harm race relations than any effort since Lester Maddox's. . . . Just
last month, Chicago Cubs Manager Dusty Baker claimed that 'blacks and Latins
take the heat better than most whites, and whites take the cold better than
most blacks and Latins. That's it, pure and simple. Nothing deeper than
that.' While the ignorance in this statement is shocking, neither
resignation nor apology were necessary. You see, Dusty Baker is black.

- Horace Cooper of the Centre for New Black Leadership

What's Up With This?

Sen. Edward M. Kennedy, Massachusetts Democrat, who recently accused
President Bush of perpetrating a fraud on the American people in regard to
the prewar threat from Iraq, will receive the 2003 George Bush Award for
Excellence in Public Service. . . . . Former President Bush has sole
discretion on who receives the award, said Penrod Thornton of the George
Bush Presidential Library Foundation.

- Greg Pierce's Inside Politics, 10/6/03

The Mean Dean Tax Hike Machine

I think (President Bush's) tax cuts are a disaster, and I'd repeal all of

- Democrat presidential candidate Howard Dean, The Jewish Week, 10/3/03

Donkey Infighting

I love watching Howard Dean attack Wesley Clark: a Gingrich Republican
debating a Nixon Republican over who's the better Democrat.

- David Wade, spokesman for John Kerry, Washington Whispers, U.S. News 
World Report, 10/13/03

Smelling Blood

The political feeding frenzy over the White House/CIA leak story spotlights
just how desperate the Democrats are to find an election issue with legs.
For nearly three years, they have repeatedly attacked this administration,
hoping by sheer numerical odds to find the one issue that would politically
damage George W. Bush. Naturally, not one - the corporate accounting
scandal, the tax cuts, the Iraq war or the failure to find weapons of mass
destruction - has had any long-term traction.  Now, 

BRUSHFIRE ALERT: Stupidity Virus Hits Texas

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Stupidity Virus Hits Texas
October 10, 2003

Fifteen-year-old Andra Ferguson, a student at  Caney Creek High School in
Conroe, Texas, suffers from asthma, which she treats with Albuterol, a
prescription inhaler, reports James Taranto of Best of the Web.  One day
last month, Houston's KPRC-TV reports, she suffered an attack and had
forgotten to bring her inhaler. Brandon Kivi, her boyfriend and a fellow
asthmatic who uses the same medicine, lent her his inhaler. 'It made a big
difference,' said Ferguson. 'It did save my life.'

OK.  Now who can't see from a mile away what happened next?

Yup.  The school nurse said young Brandon's action was a violation of the
school's zero-tolerance drug policy.  The very next day he was arrested and
suspended from school for three days.  He faces expulsion and could be sent
to juvenile detention on drug charges.  The mothers of both kids are
furious, but the school principal, Greg Poole, says tough cookies.  Poole
says he can't do anything about it because Kivi broke school rules as well
as state law.

If this is indeed Dr. Poole's position, he is, in our humble opinion, a
moron.  However, that's probably what makes him eminently qualified for the
position of principal at a public high school in the first place.  In any
event, I just called the school and was told a meeting with the families
involved is occurring this afternoon.

BRUSHFIRE ALERT:  If you'd like to weigh in with your own opinion, you can
call the school at (936) 231-3330.  Or you can email Dr. Poole some
ruminations on the value of common sense at: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Chuck Muth
Citizen Outreach

Chuck Muth's News Views - October 10-12, 2003

2003-10-10 Thread newsandviews_list
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Special Weekend Edition

Hoo-hah!  Man, oh man, do we have a LOT to cover this weekend.

Just a reminder, there won't be a regular issue of News  Views on Sunday,
but this action-packed edition should be MORE than enough to hold you over.

However, for those of you who have made a financial contribution to Citizen
Outreach, our second edition of DC Confidential WILL hit your inbox Sunday
morning.  Here's a peak at what you'll find this week.

*  Who's winning the money chase in this post-McCain/Feingold world
*  A formerly toasted Democrat congresswoman who may be toast in next year's
Democrat primary
*  How the CA goober election re-opened some old wounds between two right
wings of the GOP
*  How Arnold Schwarzenegger and Rudy Giuliani are re-defining the word
moderate in political circles
*  The Governator's secret neutron bomb he just might drop to terminate
Democrats who don't get with his program
*  Rep. David Dreier's amazing flip-flop...with a twist
*  More on the GOP's un-Duke superstar in the Bayou
*  Early look at the race to fill Don Nickles' senate shoes in Oklahoma
*  The simmering cat-fight for the soul of the Republican party in
Pennsylvania begins to boil over
*  An Air Force pilot with a congressional socialist in his sights
*  The emergence of a black Jesse Helms in North Carolina
*  And the return of the conservative Jazz Singer

All that and more.  It's not too late to get a subscription to DC
Confidential.  Just make a contribution of $5 or more to Citizen Outreach.
Click on the Contribute button at

White Knight Hung Out to Dry

A meeting was held Friday for a student accused of breaking school rules
and state law by giving his girlfriend (Andra Ferguson) his inhaler when she
had trouble breathing, News2Houston reported. . . . On Friday, school
officials decided to expel (Brandon) Kivi but not press criminal charges. .
. . Ferguson said Kivi possibly saved her life and should never have been

...Conroe Independent School District officials released the following
statement: 'Texas school districts are required by law to expel students who
commit certain offenses. Delivery of a dangerous drug is one of those

-, 10/10/03  (Note: You can express your opinion on the
school district's decision to expel a student for sharing an inhaler with a
fellow student suffering an asthma attack by emailing the clowns at:

This BS's for You

Thank you for your recent contact to Anheuser-Busch.  We would like to take
this opportunity to respond back to you and clarify the situation.
Anheuser-Busch has a long tradition of giving to both political parties in
California.  Our 2003 support reflects that bipartisan stance.  The donation
in question was represented to us to be for a 'get out the vote' initiative,
which is where we believed we were providing our support.

- Lame response from Anheuser-Busch to emails from News  Views readers
complaining about the beer giant's sponsorship of last-minute telephone
messages from Al Gore urging Californians to vote for Cruz Bustamante in
Tuesday's recall election

This Bud's NOT for You

Chuck:  We used to have a fleet of private charter yachts which provided
Budweiser on tap.  We still have the fleet, but as of today we have
instructed our bar manager to switch to MGD.  At full capacity our yachts
accommodate 1067 guests; we host several hundred events every year.  Because
of Anheuser-Busch's political allegiance (to Democrat California
gubernatorial candidate Cruz Bustamante), over 100,000 MGDs will be consumed
every year instead.

As an aside, my husband said he always thought Budweiser sucked anyway.
Have a good day!

- Elisa M. Mohr, Vice President, Adventures At Sea Yacht Charters   Gondola
Cruises in Newport Beach, CA (

Suddenly, It's Cool to Be Republican

There's one last, large intangible that Arnold (Schwarzenegger) has slipped
into the political waters: He's cool.  Like it or not, the force field of
celebrity is part of the cultural physics of our era, and it looks as if the
first party to get totally wired-in to a mega-celebrity is, incredibly, the
GOP. . . . Arnold, with all that media reach and the aura of living wholly
inside the country's popular culture, may be changing ideas of who can live
comfortably on election day among the Republicans.

- Wall Street Journal columnist Dan Henninger

Hasta La Vista, Bonehead

The Oakland Tribune reports that (California) state Sen. John Vasconcellos,
a San Jose Democrat, has called the governor-elect (Arnold Schwarzenegger)
'a boob' and is threatening to leave 

DC Confidential - October 12, 2003

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Federal Marriage Amendment

As the country begins Marriage Protection Week today, you can read an
op/ed published this weekend in the Las Vegas Sun where I outline ten
reasons for conservatives to OPPOSE the federal marriage amendment currently
being discussed in Congress.  Just surf over to:

Kendel vs. Brittany - Round 1

Maryland's First Lady, Kendel Ehrlich, stirred up a hornet's nest of
controversy last week when she used a figure of speech to verbally take
music sensation Brittany Spears to the proverbial woodshed for being such a
lousy role model for teenage girls.  Something about wanting to shoot her.

Of course, those of us with an ounce of common sense fully understood
exactly what Mrs. Ehrlich meant, but that didn't stop the PC police
coast-to-coast from having a cow.  To her credit, however, Kendel didn't
respond with the traditional groveling and gnashing of teeth Republicans are
so famous for.  Instead, she simply acknowledged an inadvertent figure or
speech and changed the topic in a press announcing that she
and the Governor were expecting their second child.

Talk about spin control!

Congrats to the Ehrlichs.  Republicans could use more plain-spoken leaders
who don't wither under fire.  Of course, not all of us can call up a new
baby at the snap of our fingers when the heat is on, but give Kendel a A
for creativity.

The Money Chase

Republicans are crushing the Democrats in the war to raise campaign cash
under new restrictions imposed on the parties by the McCain/Feingold
campaign finance reform restrictions.  Through August, the Republican
National Committee has raised almost $70 million, with about $25 million on
hand.  On the other side, the Democrat National Committee has raised only
$26 million, with just under $8 million in the bank.

Restrictions on illegal and union campaign contributions is really killing
Terry McAuliffe and the DNC.

GOP's Secret Weapon

When it comes to boots on the ground, the Democrats have had the unions
and Republicans have had...well, squat.  But that may be changing.

Though a small group by comparison right now, the home school folks are
growing in both size and significance.  Still operating under the political
radar screen these days, homeschoolers nevertheless are quickly becoming the
liberals' worst political nightmare.

First, homeschoolers pose a very real threat to the government and teachers
union monopoly liberals have over the education of our kids.  Break up that
monopoly and you break up the brainwashing that's been indoctrinating our
kids into believing that government is the answer to all our problems.

Secondly, there are a ton of interest groups out there; however, by and
large home schoolers are VERY politically active.  As World magazine notes,
just 29 percent of 18-24 year olds voted in elections over the last five
years, but among former home schoolers in that exact same age bracket, a
whopping 74 percent went to the polls.  Among the general population of all
age brackets, around 40 percent voted, but among folks with homeschooling
backgrounds, 93 percent went to the polls.

While those percentages are impressive, it should be noted that there are
only about 2-3 million homeschoolers in a voting population of 80-100
million.  BUT...the numbers of home schoolers is increasing dramatically and
will continue to do so as the Internet makes such a choice more appealing
and more and more parents flee the government schools.

But there's more.

Home schooling families don't just vote.  In fact, they are at least two or
three times as likely as others to be financial contributors to political
candidates, parties and causes.  In addition, they are two to ten times as
likely to be on-the-ground workers.  What this means, concludes World's
report, is that homeschoolers' extraordinary activism eclipses their
relatively small numbers.

Looks like the right has found a potent David to take on the left's Goliath.
And don't be surprised to see a similar result.  Homeschoolers don't just
win spelling bees.

Oh, and one last thing.  If you ever get into an argument with an educator
or liberal who dumps on homeschooling, ask them to take out a one or five
dollar bill.  The faces on those bills are the faces of two former home
school student...who also happen to be two of the greatest presidents in our
nation's history.

One Step (Out the Door) At a Time

It's not much discussed in the mainstream press, but Rep. Karen McCarthy's
(D-Mo.) career in Congress is hanging by a thread.

After falling down an escalator while three sheets to the wind last 

Chuck Muth's News Views - October 13, 2003

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Happy Birthday

By now you all know that I inadvertently hit the wrong button yesterday and
sent out DC Confidential to everybody rather than just to those who have
made a financial contribution to our efforts at Citizen Outreach.  Well,
consider my oops a birthday gift and I hope everyone enjoyed this week's

And if you would like to CONTINUE receiving DC Confidential, again all you
need do is make a donation of $5 or more by clicking on the Contribute
page at

Should Drug Benefit Be Means Tested?

Day by day we get closer and closer to a showdown over adding prescription
drug coverage to Medicare.  Conservatives in Congress say that any such
benefit should be available only to the poor who can't afford it.  Liberals
and some moderates are insisting that any new drug benefit should be made
available to everyone, regardless of income.  What do you think? Cast your
online vote by going to the Survey Says page at

Long Live the Queen

As much as we despise her, she cannot be drawn out...the Queen lives

- Joby Fortson, aide to Rep. Joe Barton (R-Texas), in an email lamenting
that Texas redistricting efforts wouldn't eliminate race-hustling liberal
Rep. Sheila Jackson-Lee's district.

Fish or Fowl

It takes more time and effort to stalk beasts in the backwoods than it does
to shoot fish in a barrel. . . . (For this appeal) not much stalking by
plaintiffs' counsel was required.

- 11th Circuit Court of Appeals rejecting a bill of $76,109 from attorneys
who successfully argued for the removal of a Ten Commandments shrine from an
Alabama courthouse.  The court noted that the lead attorney in the case had
focused on First Amendment religious cases for the last five years,
including seven other Ten Commandments cases

Stupid Is As Stupid Does

Why is it that whenever we learn of something really, really stupid going
on...our government schools always seem to somehow be involved.  Here's the
latest example, courtesy of an editorial in yesterday's Union Leader:

When federal education officials told states to do something about
dangerous schools, they weren't talking about kindergarten finger paintings.
That didn't stop Massachusetts from leaping into the void to protect
students from their own artwork and poetry.  Saying taped-up paper
represents a fire hazard, the state forbade teachers this fall from covering
more than 20 percent of classroom wall space with any kind of 'flammable
material' - otherwise known as cardboard cutouts of the alphabet, postings
of classroom rules, educational posters and student reports on explorers or
rain forests.

Somebody pass me an inhaler.

Let's Play Hardball

Senate Republicans plan a blitz to confirm President Bush's stalled
judicial nominations soon after returning from break next week.  Though
their first priority will be passing Mr. Bush's $87 billion request for
occupying and rebuilding Iraq, top Republicans said the blocked judges will
be next on the agenda. Their plans include forcing around-the-clock debate
on filibustered nominees, introducing a change in Senate rules that would
bar filibusters against judicial nominees and creating a 'judges week,'
during which all other legislative issues would be pushed aside to make way
for debate on the nominees. . . . Democrats said they've heard rumblings
about Republican plans but remain committed to blocking the nominees.

- Washington Times, 10/12/03

Enough Is Enough

We've been very patient in the face of filibusters against the president's
(judicial) nominees, but we won't be for much longer.  Much of their
obstruction has been limited to committee rooms and unspoken threats. If
they want to continue dancing to the tune of special interests, they're
going to have to do it live on C-SPAN.

- Don Stewart, spokesman for Sen. John Cornyn, Texas Republican and member
of the judiciary committee, Washington Times, 10/12/03

Time to Buck Up the Troops

It appears pressure from conservative grassroots activists such as
yourselves on Republicans in the Senate to play hardball and break the
Democrats' filibusters of the President's judicial nominees is starting to
have an effect.  Many of you recently contacted your senators asking them to
support using, if need be, the nuclear option to clear the judicial
logjam.  Now would be an excellent time to follow-up with yet another
encouraging note or phone call to buck up our troops on the eve of this
incredibly important battle.  For a list of phone numbers and email
addresses for Republican senators who need to 

Chuck Muth's News Views - October 14, 2003

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Inhaler Update

Regarding that matter in Texas where a student was expelled for sharing
his inhaler with a fellow student suffering an asthma attack.  As you know,
the school issued the canned response to your emails which claimed we were
operating on erroneous information and blamed the Internet for creating
one of those urban legends we've become accustomed to on the web.

Such an accusation understandably raises concerns on our end.  So let me
assure you of two things:  (1) I attempted to get the school's side of the
story last Friday before sending out our Brushfire Alert.  Principal Poole's
secretary blew me off.  So *if* there was any erroneous information out
there, it was only because the school refused to clear it up when given the
chance.  (2)  In any event, the information we acted upon was provided by,
not one, but THREE credible media outlets; a Wall Street Journal column, a
major Houston newspaper and a Houston television station.  This was NOT
based on some unreliable Internet source.

Early yesterday afternoon I received a professional and courteous phone call
from Dr. Poole, the principal.  I offered him an opportunity to come on
Always Right tonight to discuss the situation but haven't heard back from
him with a yes or no.  In the meantime, some quick points of
clarification which came from our conversation:

1)  As the school's response notes, the boy in question is not in jail;
however, it is TRUE that he WAS taken into custody by police and had formal
felony charges brought against him.  Those charges have since been dropped
and the kid will NOT have any kind of permanent criminal record.

2.) The boy in question WAS expelled, but Principal Poole says it was a
probationary expulsion (an oxymoron along the lines of postal service
and military intelligence).  The young man could have returned to school
after a few days, but was subject to being formally tossed out if he didn't
keep his nose clean, so to speak.

3.)  If the nurse involved in the incident had reported it to Principal
Poole instead of the school police, Dr. Poole maintains this molehill might
not have been blown into such a mountain.  However, he says that once the
cops were brought into the equation, his hands were tied and there was no
wiggle room for him to exercise any discretion.

4.)  The main bone of contention here seems to be the characterization of
the asthma attack.  Yes, the girl originally went to the nurse for a
headache as Dr. Poole's email suggests, but it was THERE that the girl and
boy involved say she had the attack.  The girl says the boy saved her
 life; the school maintains there was no life-threatening situation.  It's
a classic he said/she said.  You be the judge.

Now, the school may be calling into question the girl's veracity; however,
the girl hasn't changed her story.  We did report ACCURATELY, not
erroneously, what the girl told the authorities and the media at the time.

In conclusion, Dr. Poole complimented us profusely on the effectiveness of
our Brushfire Alert.  He said he had received over 1,400 emails on the
incident and that because of them, the school will take a look at how they
respond to public inquiries in the future.  Indeed, had the school responded
to my inquiry last Friday instead of stonewalling me, maybe the whole thing
would have gone unreported.

In any event, don't let anyone tell you getting involved like this doesn't
make a difference. The folks at Caney Creek High School will certainly
attest otherwise.  Your public pressure helped resolve this matter in a
satisfactory manner and may have helped prevent problems of this nature from
occurring in the future.

Jensen Update

12-year-old Parker Jensen of Utah was diagnosed with Ewings sarcoma, a form
of cancer.  A tumor was removed from his mouth six months ago.  Subsequent
blood tests have found no lingering cancer cells.  Nevertheless, the state
of Utah has attempted to grab custody of Parker from his parents in order to
force Parker into chemotherapy treatments...and even went so far as to file
kidnapping charges against the Parkers for to taking their son out of state
to avoid the court-ordered chemotherapy.

Last month the state dropped the kidnapping charges along with their efforts
obtain custody; however, Utah officials are refusing to withdraw a petition
accusing the parents of medical neglect which could still result in lost
custody and forced chemo.  Richard Anderson, director of the Utah Division
of Child and Family Services said the law requires that he continue to hound
the Parkers with a medical-neglect complaint.  A trial has been scheduled
for November 17.

Turning Up the Heat

Students of the partisan divide in Congress find it heating up to the level
of kickboxing this year. In 

Tonight on Always Right

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Be There or Be Square

My guest tonight on Always Right will be Lori Waters, executive director of
the Eagle Forum.

We'll be discussing the federal marriage amendment, the Senate Democrat
filibusters of judicial nominees and the pending Medicare prescription drug

Tune in tonight at 8:00 p.m. EST (or catch the re-run at 11:00 p.m. EST) for
Always Right with Chuck Muth featuring Lori Waters.  The link to listen in

Chuck Muth's News Views - October 15, 2003

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More Erroneous Information?

Caney Creek High School of Conroe, Texas, has decided to expel 15-year-old
Brandon Kivi because he let his girlfriend, Andra Ferguson, use his asthma
inhaler when she had an attack after forgetting to bring her inhaler to
school. Although the two teens both use the same prescription medicine, the
school deemed Kivi's actions a violation of its zero-tolerance antidrug
policy.  'On Friday, school officials decided to expel Kivi but not press
criminal charges,' reports Houston's KPRC-TV. Says Kivi: 'I'm happy.
Everything's final. I'm expelled till after Christmas and I can come back
after Christmas, but I won't.' He and Ferguson are both leaving Caney Creek
High to be home-schooled.

- James Taranto,, 10/14/03

Miller Time

While performing at a benefit concert in Las Vegas, Elton John let loose
with an Al Franken-like attack against Dennis Miller.  Prior to John's
performance, Miller served the crowd a special heaping of his ultra-hip wry
commentary. In between the humor, Miller urged that we do some drilling in
ANWR to lessen our dependence on oil imports.  After singing 'Tiny Dancer,'
John blamed the comedian-turned-Fox News commentator for the disdain that
Kofi  company have toward the U.S.  'Americans are always asking why the
rest of the world hates them,' the wildly bespectacled entertainer
explained. 'Well, the reason is Dennis Miller.'

- James Hirsen's, Left Coast Report, 10/14/03

This Is A Miserable Failure?

Miserable failure.  That's the term Dick Gephardt used to describe President
Bush's foreign policy efforts in the Middle East.  Well, here's another
example of just how failed those policies have been: Saudi Arabia, an
absolute monarchy, just announced it will hold its FIRST EVER democratic
elections one year from now.  If that's the definition of failure, I wish
ever more failures in that part of the world.

It's Official

Rep. Dennis Kucinich (D-Ohio) officially announced his campaign for the
Democrat presidential nomination on Monday, saying, I'm running for
president of the United States to enable the armies of peace.  Armies of
peace.  Isn't that an oxymoron?  Or is Denny just a plain, old-fashioned
moron without the oxy?

Joining the Pack

Australian legislator Harry Quick intends to turn his back on George W. Bush
during the President's address to the Australian parliament next week.  I'm
showing no disrespect to the position of the U.S. president, Quick told the
Australian Broadcasting Corp.  What I'm showing is disrespect for the man
himself and what he represents for many of us in the peace movement.

Democrats immediately added Quick to their field of presidential candidates,
though some pundits think Quick's really just angling for the #2 spot on
Dennis Kucinich's ticket...or is a stalking horse for George McGovern.

Must Not See, Gore TV

Al Gore and some liberal investors are about two weeks away from striking
a deal to acquire Newsworld International, a cable network they plan to
remake into a liberal news channel. But AdAge reports they're hoping to
avoid the 'liberal' label (just like every other liberal news channel).
'Instead, it will be aimed at the under-25 crowd,' AdAge reports. An unnamed
adviser characterizes it as a combination between liberal news channel CNN
and liberal music channel MTV.

- Best of the Web, 10/14/03

And the Lesson Is.

If there is any national political lesson out of California, it is that
Democrats are delusional if they think they can win by moving left in order
to mobilize and turn out their liberal base. This is precisely the strategy
that Gray Davis tried in a desperate attempt to save his governorship, and
it managed to sew up all of 45 percent of the electorate. . . . Only a
tremendous degree of wishful thinking in the press could spin these results
as nationwide anti-incumbent sentiment rather than see them for what they
are: an utter repudiation of liberal governance.

- Greg Pierce's Inside Politics, 10/14/03

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Brushfire Alerts: I Didn't Inhale Death Sentence on CBS

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Triple Play

Here's a final update on last Friday's Brushfire Alert, along with two new

I Didn't Inhale Update

A handful of the more than 1,400 people who emailed that principal down in
Conroe, Texas, over the punishment meted out to a student who let his
girlfriend use his albuterol inhaler for an asthma attack are concerned
about the email response they received from Dr. Poole.  The email starts off
by claiming your email was based on erroneous information and scolded you
not believe everything you read.

Once again, the supposedly erroneous information you were operating from
was provided by a Wall Street Journal publication, a major Houston newspaper
and a Houston network-affiliate television station.  Yet some people are
taking at face value what the principal said in his email about the
information being erroneous.  I addressed most of the inaccuracies in the
principal's message in Tuesday's News  Views, but let's close the book on
this incident by addressing the principal's primary contention that No
student was ever in any life-threatening situation.

My friend Michael Ostrolenk sent me today some information that is VERY
germane to this incident.

Seems there's a bill in Congress called the Asthmatic Schoolchildren's
Treatment of Health Management Act of 2003 (ASTHMA 2003) authored by
Representatives Cliff Stearns (R) of Florida and Patrick Kennedy (D) of
Rhode Island.  The bill, according to the sponsors, provides incentives to
states to help guarantee the rights of students to carry and use prescribed
lifesaving asthma and anaphylaxis medications while at school.
Specifically, it would allow kids suffering from asthma to carry and use
albuterol in school because albuterol save lives!

Stearns and Kennedy note that most states prohibit students from carrying
their prescribed medication with them at school.  This may be an unintended
consequence of the 'zero-tolerance' movement in the '80's and '90's, which
aimed to root out illegal drug abuse, but swept prescription medication in
with it, they wrote in a May 6, 2003, Dear Colleague letter.

In an onset of asthma or anaphylactic, every minute counts, and a
schoolchild who has to go to a teacher's desk or school nurse's office to
get his or her asthma medication may not have sufficient time to initiate
treatment, they wrote.  It is not uncommon to read about a student
struggling to make it to his inhaler, and dying on the sidewalk on the way
to the nurse's office.

In another Dear Colleague letter dated September 23, 2003, Stearns and
Kennedy point out that asthma medications are prescribed for patients who
may need them immediately when an emergency strikes and carrying on their
person can mean the difference between life and death.  According to these
members of Congress, When an asthma attack or anaphylaxis strikes, every
minute counts.

The letter continues, Along with parental support (which the students in
Texas had), it just makes good medical sense to allow a student to treat
himself and avoid possible tragedy in the classroom.

The Allergy  Asthma Network Mothers of Asthmatics (AANMA) supports ASTHMA
2003 because, in part, Asthma and anaphylaxis emergencies can occur at any
time-in the classroom, on the playground, in the lunchroom, on field
trips-and can claim a young life within a matter of minutes.

In response to aggressive efforts to curb illegal drug use, many schools
have instituted 'no-tolerance' policies that prohibit students from carrying
drugs of any kind on campus, adds AANMA in a briefing issued last April.
While these 'no-tolerance' policies may have helped curb illegal drug use,
they have put the lives of students with asthma and severe allergies at

Again, Principal Poole's response to those of you who emailed him maintained
that No student was ever in a life-threatening situation.  Well, take
Principal Poole's advice and don't believe everything you read.  The girl
who HAD the asthma attack thought she was in a life-threatening situation.
And apparently the problem of life-threatening asthma attacks in schools is
serious enough to warrant federal bi-partisan legislation to address it.

On the other hand, Principal Poole also wrote, It is sad that our nurses
and police do not have more discretion without violating the law.  On that
we can agree 100%.  Texas and Congress should fix this zero tolerance
perversion of the intent of laws to keep illegal drugs out of schools.  For
one high school asthmatic to face expulsion and criminal prosecution for
allowing another asthmatic student suffering an asthma attack who didn't
have her albuterol inhaler with her to use his is...well, just plain stupid.

Death Penalty

A 39-year-old Florida woman is in the process of having the death 

Chuck Muth's News Views - October 16, 2003

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Cruel  Unusual Punishment

Chuck, thanks for telling the story of Terry Schiavo. The judge that has
ordered the removal of her feeding tube, should be forced to visit Terry
every day to see what he is doing. It's a tragedy when this judge wouldn't
think of forcing a murderer to starve to death; in fact they are given a
final meal, and then given the most humane death possible.

- John C. Skaggs of Indianapolis, IN

A Picture's Worth a Thousand Words

The family of Terri Schindler Schiavo has disclosed a videotape made in
violation of a court order they say disproves her husband's contention that
she is in a 'persistent vegetative state,' as is required by Florida law to
end her life. . . . Robert Schindler admits that he knowingly violated a
court order issued by Pinellas-Pasco County, Fla., Circuit Judge George
Greer barring Terri's family from providing her with any form of
rehabilitative therapy or from taking still photographs and audio or video
recordings of his daughter.

-, 10/15/03 (Note:  You can read my letter to Gov. Bush emailed
Wednesday evening by clicking on the Press Releases button at

CBS' Low Blow Against Home Schoolers

I am outraged at the blatantly one sided and extremely biased CBS News
attack on the Home Schooling movement.  One needs only look at the shootings
at schools (Columbine, etc.), the bullies who hurt our children and the peer
pressure to participate in activities that could be injurious to know that
public schools have been killing our children in droves since they started.
Prom parties, homecoming parties, driving under the influence after those
parties, unsafe sexual habits, fights, gangs, etc.  I think that when the
public schools have a handle on the problems mentioned above, then they can
come point the finger at an aberration in the home schooling movement.

- News  Views reader Mrs. Dressendorfer

Protect Your Kids from the Public Skools

There can be no more compelling argument for ending the government school
monopoly than the issue in Conroe, TX (kid punished for sharing his inhaler
with a classmate suffering an asthma attack).  Why the hell is Congress even
thinking about that issue?  If there is a better reason for parents to 'opt
out' of the government school monopoly, I would certainly like to hear about

- Dave Pearson of Arvada, CO

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Let's Review

More than 800 (Israeli) civilians, the majority women and children, have
been murdered in the last three years by terrorists.  Thousands more have
been injured.

- Columnist Abraham H. Foxman

Mars  Venus

Americans tend to trust Republicans more than Democrats when it comes to
national security, suspecting that Republicans are from Mars and Democrats
from Venus.

- Columnist Helle Dale

He's a Full-Fledged Donkey Now

Even though he has only been a Democrat for a few weeks, Wesley Clark has
already figured out that the key to being a real Democrat is creating new
programs without figuring out how to pay for them.

- Christine Iverson, spokeswoman for the Republican National Committee, on
Clark's new plan for an army of volunteers who could be called up in times
of national emergency

Liberal Media Bias?  Say It Ain't So.

The condescension of The New York Times toward minority conservatives is so
thick, you need an electric carving knife to slice it.

- Columnist Michelle Malkin

Britney the Naked School Teacher

Had I not gone into music, I probably would have gone to college and become
a school teacher. . . . (W)hen I was 13 years old, I used to walk around the
house completely naked. . . . My family just always walked around the house
naked.  We were earthy people.

- Britney Spears in the November issue of Esquire

Loony Clooney's Turkey

Ratings for 'K Street,' the much-hyped HBO docu-comedy about 

Chuck Muth's News Views - October 17, 2003

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Hold Down the Fort

There won't be a News  Views this weekend, as I'll be holed up with Mark
Montini and a dozen candidates in at the Campaign War College in Baltimore
for the next three days at the most intense training workshop we've ever put
on.  Should be back with a new News  Views on Monday.  But there WILL be a
new edition of DC Confidential published for Citizen Outreach donors on
Sunday.  See ya in a few days.

Tensions Running High In High-Stake Standoff

Chuck:  Before anyone starved my daughter to death, they'd have to get past
me and a 12-gauge. This is a decision that should have been made by the
people who gave (Terri Schiavo) her life: her parents, not her husband or
some judge, both of whom may have other agendas.  Despicable is the only
word to describe this travesty.

- News  Views reader R. Simon

Jeb Back In the Game to Save Schiavo

Florida Gov. Jeb Bush has instructed his legal staff to try to find a way
to save the life of Terri Schindler Schiavo, a disabled 39-year-old woman
whose feeding tube was removed under court order Wednesday at her husband's

...George Felos, one of the attorneys representing Terri's husband Michael
Schiavo, told the St. Petersburg Times that Gov. Bush has no right to try to
influence the courts.  'I think it is very unfortunate that the governor
persists in trying to exert political influence on the judicial system,'
Felos said.

...Dehydration is expected to end Terri's life in less than a week. . . .
While it is possible that she could live up to 15 days or longer, eventually
dying of starvation, medical experts believe that without hydration, she
will not live long enough to starve to death.

-, 10/16/03

Wanted:  New Judges

Back in the spring, the Nevada Supreme Court ruled that a voter-passed
amendment to the state constitution requiring a 2/3 vote of the Legislature
to approve any tax hike was just to darned inconvenient for those who wanted
to spend more on government.  So they just...well, ignored it.  That set in
motion the circumstances which allowed the Legislature to pass the largest
tax increase in the state's history, almost a billion fungolas.

Alas, some folks in my former state have decided it's time for some changes
on the bench.  So they're looking for potential Supreme Court judicial
candidates to run in next year's elections.  For those of you who live in
Nevada, if you can think of anyone who might be a good possible candidate
for the Nevada Supreme Court, send me their names, any brief info on them
and some kind of contact information if you have it.  I'll pass it along to
the appropriate parties.  Thanks.

NEW Muth's Truths:  Just Say No to FMA

Top ten reasons conservatives should oppose the federal marriage amendment.
Read all about it in the latest edition of Muth's Truths at

And the Winner Is.

Citizens Against Government Waste ( announced its Porker of
the Month last Tuesday in Washington.  And the winner is:  Sen. Arlen
Specter, Pennsylvania Republican.  It should be noted that Specter faces a
spirited challenge from the conservative right in the state's Republican
primary next year from Rep. Pat Toomey.  We wonder if Toomey will use
Specter's award in the campaign?

CBS' Fear and Smear Campaign

Homeschooling advocates are accusing CBS News of trying to damage their
reputation with a two-part report focusing on the 'dark side' of the
'largely unregulated' homeschool movement. The reports aired Monday and
Tuesday nights. . . . According to the CBS reports, the practice of
educating children at home carries with it the risk that children will be
abused or even 'killed while homeschooling.'

-, 10/16/03

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A Good Rule to Remember

The first rule of conservatism is to accept the fact that if you are true
to yourself, Susan Sarandon will never hug you in public.

- Former Rep. 

Chuck Muth's News Views - October 20, 2003

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Lawyers' War on Success

Microsoft was sued because so many people bought its operating system that
Microsoft was said to 'control' too much of its market. . . . It used to be
said that nothing succeeds like success.  Today, nothing draws fire like

- Columnist Thomas Sowell

Rubbing Salt Into the Wound

The case of Terri Schiavo, the woman in Florida who recently had her feeding
tube removed in order to starve her to death, gets more bizarre every day.

Over the weekend, it was reported that her husband, Michael, who has been
pushing to off his wife for years now, ordered that her body be cremated
as soon as she passes into the great beyond.  This would, obviously,
preclude any kind of autopsy which might determine whether her brain damage
was really caused by a heart attack or some kind of physical abuse at the
hands of Michael 13 years ago.

Then, to add insult to injury, the Associated Press reports that Terri was
denied her last Communion before she dies.  Police officers stationed at the
hospice told Monsignor Thaddeus Malinowski that delivering her a wafer, even
a small piece moistened with water to prevent choking, would violate the
doctor's order not to put anything in her mouth.

Since You Asked

Many of you who read a rather insightful commentary last week written by
News  Views reader Adrian Cronauer emailed to ask if it was the same Adrian
Cronauer depicted in the movie, Good Morning, Vietnam.  I've exchanged
emails with Mr. Cronauer over the years and always just assumed they were
one and the same; however, at your request, I wrote him over the weekend to
verify his identity.


However, despite what a lot of people assume
from watching Robin Williams play a character named Adrian Cronauer who
shared some of my experiences in Vietnam, I've always been a card-carrying
Republican, he wrote back.  I'm an economic conservative, a social
moderate and, when it comes to unnecessary governmental intrusions into my
personal life, I'm close to being a libertarian.  I'm not sure precisely
where that puts me on the political spectrum but I've always felt more
comfortable in the GOP than anywhere else.  I read Ayn Rand in college years
ago, supported Barry Goldwater, I've read Hayek, Bastiat, von Mises, and
Milton Freedman.  My favorite columnists are Thomas Sowell, Walter Williams
and George Will.

I'm still not sure exactly where that puts Adrian on the political spectrum,
either, but I do know it's pretty much exactly where I am, as well.  Were
only there a LOT more of us!

Why Can't We Be Friends?

The timid and the fearful want to imagine that if somehow Israel could be
made to go away America's troubles in the Middle East would dissolve and our
friends would be their friends and their friends would be our friends and we
would all be friends together. The timid and the fearful are fools.

- Wes Pruden, Pruden On Politics, 10/17/03

The Moron Kings

At this point in the Democratic lunge for the presidential nomination, does
Howard Dean have a monopoly on that sector of the Democratic vote that we
may classify as the moron vote? Or is the idiotic Sen. John Pierre Kerry of
Massachusetts chipping away at these serried ranks of oafs?

...Deception plays very well with the Democrats' moron vote, though it is
perhaps more accurate to refer to that vote as the indignant moron vote, for
it is very indignant and in fact proud of its anger. Anytime I write
something discourteous about Dr. Howard Dean I receive a torrent of e-mails
from the indignant moron vote.

...Now I wonder if Sen. John Pierre Kerry has nibbled away at Dr. Howard
Dean's vote.  The Vietnam veteran who supported the war in Iraq, but did not
support the war, who boasts of his war record but does not boast of his war
record, is certainly an obvious enough fraud to appeal to the moron vote.
Moreover, he is sufficiently angry to give the morons goose pimples.

- Columnist R. Emmett Tyrrell Jr.

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It's the Spending, Stupid

Did you know 

Chuck Muth's News Views - October 21, 2003

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Tonight on Always Right

Our guest this week will be Jim Prendergast, executive director of Americans
for Technology Leadership.  We'll be discussing everything you ever wanted
to know about computers and the Internet but didn't know who to ask:  spam
legislation, computer viruses as terror threats, political
 cyber-squatting, privacy legislation, open source software, employee
stock option legislation, and the lingering effects of the Clinton
administration's jihad against Microsoft.

Tune in tonight at 8:00 p.m. EST (or catch the re-run at 11:00 p.m. EST) for
Always Right with Chuck Muth.  The link to listen in is...

Political Mainstream

In yesterday's edition of News  Views, Adrian Cronauer wrote:  I'm an
economic conservative, a social moderate and, when it comes to unnecessary
governmental intrusions into my personal life, I'm close to being a
libertarian.  I'm not sure precisely where that puts me on the political
spectrum but I've always felt more comfortable in the GOP than anywhere

It seems Mr. Cronauer isn't alone.

News  Views reader Ken Klosterhaus writes, I think there are virtually
millions of us with that same, untitled political slot that you and Adrian
describe.  The problem is we are all brow-beaten into supporting whatever
Republican jokester comes along lest some demo/socialist get in.  Lois
Breur Krause wrote, Here's two more!  (Mr. Cronauer) describes pretty much
where my husband and I are.  And Dorothy Erickson adds, Gosh...he sounds
like meexcept I may be a tad more socially conservative.  But I think
reader Nat Hooper put it most succinctly when he wrote, YO...there's my
kinda guy!!!

I guess there are a lot more of us than we all realized.

Airport Insecurity

Why does the media continue to tell us how box cutter boy smuggled
dangerous items onto Southwest Airlines' planes as if Southwest was somehow
at fault?  Southwest isn't responsible for passenger screening; the federal
government is.  One of the post-September 11 security changes included
turning what were perceived as inefficient and unreliable private airport
screeners and turning them into government employees to improve the system.

The result is that someone can now tell our national security folks IN
ADVANCE what dates and locations he plans to sneak weapons onto planes...AND
THEY STILL CAN'T CATCH HIM IN THE ACT!  Sure glad we made this a government
function at taxpayer expense.

We've said it before and we'll say it again.  The best protection in the
unfriendly skies is an ARMED PILOT.

If She Only KNEW Me!

In response to my column on ten reasons to oppose a constitutional amendment
on marriage, which appeared in the Denver Post last week, Denver resident
Lynn Buschhoff had the following letter-to-the-editor published this week:

My thanks to Chuck Muth. I consider myself to be moderately liberal, but I
do have some conservative friends. They hand me tacky stuff by the likes of
Ann Coulter and Gary Aldrich and expect me to take it seriously. It was so
refreshing to read something from a conservative who didn't rely on falsely
trying to link the Founding Fathers with 'Christian values' (whatever those
are) and remind me that 'We saved their hides in World War II.'

Though I didn't agree with everything he said, I found Muth's argument to
be sensible and pragmatic, with no name-calling or snide innuendo. He raises
my hopes that intelligent people of all political persuasions can still talk
to each other and consider each other's points of view. I know I will be
more willing to listen.

Well, yes, my argument against the Federal Marriage Amendment WAS sensible
and pragmatic; however, I'd hate for Lynn to think that name-calling and
snide innuendo are beneath me.  Heck, I love that kinda stuff.  Maybe she
should read News  Views on a daily basis.  I like to think I'm every bit as
tacky as Ann Coulter when it comes to ridiculing the stupidity of the
left.  Guess maybe I need to work on it some more.

How to Subscribe

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Published by Citizen Outreach
Chuck Muth
611 Pennsylvania Avenue, SE, #439
Washington, DC  20003-4303

Citizen Outreach is a 501(c)(3) non-profit public policy organization and
does not endorse candidates or lobby for specific legislation.  The opinions
and views expressed in Chuck Muth's News  Views reflect those of the
writers, editors and columnists therein and do not necessarily reflect the
opinions of Citizen Outreach, its officers, directors or employees.

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New Hope for Terri Schiavo

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October 21, 2003

Lawmakers sent Gov. Jeb Bush a bill Tuesday that will give him the power to
order a feeding tube reinserted into a brain-damaged woman at the center of
one of the nation's longest and most bitter right-to-die battles.  Bush said
he will immediately sign the bill and order the tube to be reinserted into
Terri Schiavo.

Chuck Muth's News Views - October 23, 2003

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Yeah, But the Unborn Kids Are Pretty Darned Happy!

This is a sad day for the women of America.

- Sen. Barbara Boxer (D-Calif.) on Tuesday lamenting passage of a ban on an
abortion procedure which entails sucking the brains out of partially
delivered babies in order to kill 'em.  Ought to make a great re-election
slogan for next year, Babs.

Schiavo's Hubby Socks Family Again

The parents of Terri Schindler Schiavo, joyful upon learning that their
daughter's life had been spared Tuesday by an act of the Florida legislature
and Gov. Jeb Bush, have since been barred from seeing their daughter or
learning anything about her condition by Terri's husband, Michael Schiavo. .
. . 'Michael Schiavo has ordered that the hospital may not permit any
visitors for Terri, including her parents and siblings,' Schindler family
spokeswoman Pamela Hennessy said in a statement issued Wednesday morning.
'Terri's immediate family is not allowed to visit her and is not permitted
to have any information regarding her physical condition.'

-, 10/22/03

What to Do With Box Cutter Boy?

Should the government prosecute Nathaniel Heatwole, the student who hid box
cutters on various airplanes in an effort to expose weaknesses in airport
security?  What do you think? Cast your online vote by going to the Survey
Says page at

French Democrats

What is appalling is that...Sens. John Kerry, Massachusetts Democrat, and
John Edwards, North Carolina Democrat, and 10 other (Senate Democrats) voted
against the entire (Iraqi aid) package, most of which goes to fund U.S.
troops. . . . (N)ever before in American history have presidential
contenders been so willing to sabotage the security of their country for
short-term political advantage.  The Democratic candidates often seem to be
running more for president of France than for president of the United

- Columnist Jack Kelly

Greatest Foreign Policy Failure

I said then as I say now: Bill Clinton's inability to understand what was
fueling the rise of bin Laden as a phenomenon - not as an individual - was
the greatest U.S. foreign policy failure of the last half-century. It has
affected hundreds of millions worldwide. Even if we get him now, who will be
the next bin Laden? There are many willing candidates standing in line.
Islamic radicalism exists today because Clinton didn't dismantle al Qaeda
when he had the chance.

- Mansoor Ijaz, former big-league Clinton SUPPORTER who served as a
go-between for the administration and various Muslim officials in the 90s,
in an interview this week with the Washington Times

The Political Grim Reaper

For Democratic candidates, (Bill Clinton) is the equivalent of kryptonite.
He stands next to them, and they die.

- GOP consultant Craig Shirley, noting high profile Democrat losses by
candidates who the former president has stumped for in recent years,
including California Gov. Gray Davis, Walter Mondale in his effort to return
to the Senate and nine gubernatorial candidates in 2002, including Kathleen
KENNEDY Townsend in Maryland, Washington Times, 10/22/03

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Another Senseless Drug War Casualty

Comedian Tommy Chong began a nine-month federal prison sentence on October
7 for operating a glass-blowing shop that sold pipes to marijuana smokers. .
. . At last, the homeland is secure from Chong, a 65-year-old comic whose
merchandise spared potheads from fumbling with rolling papers. Could there
be any greater triumph for public safety than that?

And in this peaceful world and placid nation, taxpayers can rest assured
that officials are using their hard-earned cash as wisely as possible.
Recall that Chong and 54 others were busted in Operation Pipe Dreams, a
February 24 crackdown on the drug paraphernalia industry. That project
involved 1,200 local, state and federal authorities, the Drug Enforcement
Administration estimates. These professional sleuths could have pursued
al-Qaeda instead, 

Chuck Muth's News Views - October 24, 2003

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Smearing the Gipper

Ronald Reagan's legacy is under attack. For years, liberal academics have
tried to explain how the Soviet Union collapsed without giving credit to the
U.S. president who challenged communism head on and won. Now Hollywood is
opening up another front. Next month, Mr. Reagan will be tarred and
feathered in a made-for-TV docudrama by CBS. It is a transparent attempt to
obscure historical fact with Tinsel Town glitz.

- Washington Times editorial, 10/23/03

Summing It All Up

Former first lady Barbara Bush offered a tart-tongued analysis this week of
the Democratic candidates who want her son's job.  'So far, they are a
pretty sorry group, if you want my opinion,' Mrs. Bush said in an interview
with NBC's 'Today' show. The way I see it, never have 13 words said so much
about so few who offer so little.

- Columnist Donald Lambro

Brown vs. Board of Liberal Education

(California Supreme Court Justice Janice Rogers Brown) is a conservative
African-American woman, and for some, that alone disqualifies her nomination
to the D.C. Circuit.

- Senate Judiciary Chairman Orrin Hatch on Democrat objections to Brown's
nomination at Wednesday's judicial hearing in the Senate

Airport Insecurity

A 20-year-old college student just made a mockery of Uncle Sam's 50,000
member airport security army. Nathaniel Heatwole of Damascus, Md., carried
concealed weapons - including box cutters and dummy explosives - onto two
flights, stashing the goods on airplanes where they remained hidden for many
subsequent flights.  Mr. Heatwole e-mailed the Transportation Security,
Administration informing them of his actions - but it took the TSA five
weeks after receiving the e-mail before it began investigating.

...Perhaps the TSA can issue a regulation requiring that all e-mails
exposing the agency's security failings be written in Arabic - thereby
providing a simpler alert system for TSA employees who may have limited
fluency in English.

- Columnist James Bovard

What to Do With Box Cutter Boy?

Should the government prosecute Nathaniel Heatwole, the student who hid box
cutters on various airplanes in an effort to expose weaknesses in airport
security?  What do you think? Cast your online vote by going to the Survey
Says page at

Your Medicare Dollars Hard At Work

Medicare, the federal health insurance program for seniors and the
disabled, is spending $600,000 this year to have a blimp fly at sporting
events, including Saturday's Tennessee-Alabama college football game in
Tuscaloosa, Ala.  The blimp is part of a $30 million advertising campaign in
2003 to make the program better known to its 40 million participants.

- Associated Press

Doctor, Doctor...Gimme the News

The House and Senate conference to work out differences in a proposal to
provide a new prescription drug benefit through Medicare is reaching the end
game, and conservative sources close to the action aren't happy with what's
coming out of the ol' legislative sausage grinder.  Worries run deep that
not only won't the benefit be means tested - so that taxpayers aren't
covering the cost of Ted Turner's Viagra - but significant reforms to the
Medicare program itself are being thrown under the bus.

If you're uncomfortable with Congress approving this largest new entitlement
since LBJ's Great Society days, you might want to weigh in before it's too
late by signing a petition to Congress being hosted by our friends over at

Space...The Final Free Market Frontier

On Oct. 15, 2003, China joined the United States and Russia as a country
capable of putting humans in space. . . . Today the U.S. government's
reaction to China's challenge should not be a new space race and bigger NASA
budgets. Rather, the United States should turn to private providers in a
free market to open outer space to all humanity.

- Ed Hudgins of the Objectivist Center

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Chuck Muth's News Views - WEEKEND EDITION - October 25-26, 2003

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Tomorrow in DC Confidential

*  The GOP's new ball breaker in the House
*  Why the Spy-gate scandal is about to end
*  How AWOL Dem's screwed Big Labor on key vote
*  The lone Republican who's bought lock, stock and barrel by a huge
Democrat special interest
*  What's Howard Dean hiding in that vault?
*  Trash talker's million dollar fishing expedition
*  Upcoming donkey bloodbath in MO
*  Tax-hiking R's taken to woodshed by congressman's son
*  A Texas GOP leader hangs up her spurs
*  And what is probably the first serious look at the 2008 GOP primary field

All this and more in Sunday's DC Confidential...which is published
exclusively for financial contributors of $5 or more to Citizen Outreach.
To make you online contribution, just click the Contribute button at

American As Apple Pie

Clearly, home schooling is a mixed bag, and an issue that is becoming
increasingly contended as it becomes a more popular choice with parents.
Yet its core value of individualism is purely American. . . . Home schooling
may be the wave of the future, along with telecommuting and running
home-based businesses.

- Columnist Meredith McGhan, Las Vegas City Life, 10/22/03

ACLU to the Rescue

Here's a real shocker.  The loony-tunes at the ACLU have joined up with
Michael Schiavo in his efforts to off his wife, Terri.  The ACLU can and
does take some very good, principled stances on important civil liberty
issues from time to time; but they also float off into outer space on
others. This is space cadet time.  Siding with a guy to defend his right to
kill his wife by starving her to death strikes us as Fruit Loop-ville.

Internet Tax Vote Is NOT a Hoax

The old Bill 602P internet hoax has many people believing just because
THAT particular effort to tax the Internet wasn't real that NO efforts to
tax the Internet are real.  Those folks couldn't be more wrong.

Five years ago, Congress passed a TEMPORARY ban on Internet taxation which
EXPIRES on November 1st unless Congress votes to make it PERMANENT.  If
Congress fails to act, you COULD end up paying some new taxes on the
Internet very quickly.  This is NOT a joke and it is NOT a hoax.  So get
your cyber-butt in gear and let your elected officials know how you feel.

To make life a little easier for you - which, after all, is part of MY life'
s mission - here's a link which will take you to an online petition site
hosted by the National Taxpayers Union which will make contacting your U.S.
Senator on this issue a snap:

Cruel...But Usual

(T)he 92-year-old former president (Ronald Reagan) does have Alzheimer's
disease. His wife, family, and friends live with great sadness, and for Mrs.
Reagan grave burdens. So what can we say in the end of CBS' broadcast just
now of this anti-historical life of a great man?  We can say (A) the
childlike mind of the Hollywood artistes ignored 'the evidence,' and (B) CBS
and the producers of 'The Reagans' have publicly committed an act of
remarkable cruelty.

- Columnist R. Emmett Tyrrell Jr.

Can I Take That Knife From Your Back, Mr. Reagan?

I just want to repeat something somebody said earlier, which I thought was
brilliant, which is what they do in Hollywood is they soften up their
subject like Ronald Reagan.  They show some nice pictures.  They say some
nice things about them that they can't deny saying nice things about them.
They do it to soften them up, and they'll put the dagger in. . . . And I
think in this kind of case it's too bad you can't sue the bastards.  Because
what is happening here is clearly, these are late hits.

- MSNBC's Chris Matthews on the upcoming CBS mini-series on Ronald  Nancy
Reagan, Hardball, 10/21/03

The Only Way

The only way to defeat terrorists is to take the war to them, to go after
them where they are, where they live, where they plan, where they hide, go
after their finances, go after the people who harbor and assist them.

- Secretary of War Donald Rumsfeld, Associated Press, 10/24/03

Oh, Yeah...We Almost Forgot About That

Do you remember when President Clinton mistakenly bombed the Chinese Embassy
in Serbia?  Now, do you remember who the commanding general was whose I'm
running out of targets demands helped cause the error?  Yup.  Gen. Wesley
Clark, newly registered Democrat and leader of the pack of presidential
wannabes; the man whose whole campaign is based on his experience as a
military leader.

Based on his record, we think we'd prefer Captain 

Chuck Muth's News Views - October 27, 2003

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Cannon Fodder

There's a new development and update on the trials (literally) and
tribulations of deadbeat congressman Chris Cannon of Utah.  It's a shame we
don't tar-and-feather con men like him any longer.  Read all the sordid
details in a new Muth's Truths column at

Trashing the Gipper

What should conservatives do about the upcoming CBS mini-series which
trashes Ronald and Nancy Reagan:  Boycott the sponsors...or blow the whole
thing off as another typical Hollywood smear that we just can't do anything
about?  Cast your ballot by clicking on the Survey Says! button at

Subscribe FREE to News  Views

If you or someone you know would like to receive our FREE daily News  Views
e-briefing, just go to:


Sen. Joe Lieberman has put a hold on Mike Leavitt, the President's choice
to head the EPA, saying he doesn't have enough information on the
nominee...which really has some Republicans in the Senate steamed.  As the
Hill reports, Of 27 meetings that have taken place this year before both
the full (Environment and Public Works) committee and subcommittees
Lieberman sits on, the presidential candidate has attended just two.  This
led Sen. Jim Inhofe (R-Okla.) to declare Lieberman's obstruction
 outrageous since Lieberman won't even come to our hearings, let alone
the confirmation hearing.

Nerves are getting a little raw as Congress winds down and the election
season heats up.

Taking the Gloves Off

As noted in yesterday's DC Confidential, Senate Republicans have just about
come to the end of their rope in this standoff with Ted Kennedy, Hillary
Clinton, Chuck Schumer and Pat Leahy over President Bush's judicial
nominations.  While some GOP senators would just like to look the other way
on the judges fight and move on to other business, conservative grassroots
activists have been hammering Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist for being
too timid in his efforts to break the rolling filibusters.

The GOP base is highly agitated over this issue, and Frist and the White
House can't ignore it any longer.  So, according to conservative columnist
Robert Novak, Frist is about to mount a new three-stage campaign designed to
turn the heat up on the Democrats.  Novak writes:

Phase One: Start this week with a cloture vote on the nomination of U.S.
District Judge Charles Pickering Sr. of Mississippi for the 5th Circuit in
New Orleans. Pickering, bottled up in the Judiciary Committee during the
2001-02 Democratic interregnum, has just been sent to the Senate floor.

Phase Two: Next, order a cloture vote for the second time on Alabama State
Attorney General William Pryor for the 11th Circuit in Atlanta. Claims by
opponents that Pryor's 'deeply held beliefs' taint him for the court have
produced accusations of anti-Catholicism.

Phase Three: Vote on three female nominees. Attempts to get cloture on
Texas Supreme Court Justice Priscilla Owen's nomination for the 5th Circuit
has failed three times. California Superior Court Judge Carolyn Kuhl's
two-year-old nomination for the 9th Circuit in San Francisco is coming to
the Senate floor for the first time. Just released by the Judiciary
Committee and already threatened with a filibuster is California Supreme
Court Justice Janice Rogers Brown, an African-American.

Failure to reach 60 votes for cloture on each of these three women is
scheduled to be followed by consideration of the bill co-sponsored by Frist
and conservative Democratic Sen. Zell Miller of Georgia. That measure would
reduce the number of votes needed to end filibusters on nominations. That,
too, will be filibustered in order to defeat it.

All this refocusing is intended to set the scene for a bitter battle in
next year's session of Congress. At that time, an effort may be made to rule
out of order a filibuster against judicial nominations -- the 'so-called'
nuclear solution. This would require only 51 votes, but Frist does not even
have that many today because of reluctance to tamper with the traditions of
the Senate.

Whether or not Bill Frist's offensive eventually places any of these
well-qualified judges on the bench, it will sound a stentorian refusal to
surrender. That means a Republican president and a Republican-controlled
Senate have not acquiesced in letting Ted Kennedy determine the membership
of the federal judiciary. The battle resumes today.

Let the games begin.  And keep your calls and emails going to Senate
offices.  They are definitely having an effect.

Loony Clooney Rolling Snake Eyes

Actor George Clooney has been one of the most vocal and vitriolic critics of

Chuck Muth's News Views - October 28, 2003

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Must-Not-See, TV

Dear Chuck, writes News  Views reader Grant MacDonald.  We certainly
should boycott the sponsors of the Reagan mini-series.  Also, we should
boycott the program! They are probably licking their chops at CBS, thinking
that all the advance publicity will boost the ratings of this show. Let's
not cooperate.  The show should bomb.

Don't know about the rest of you, but I'm with Grant.  You won't catch me
watching this garbage.  I'd rather watch a re-run of Ishtar.  Yechhh!

And yes, I'm trying to come up with an accurate and verifiable list of
sponsors which I'll share with you all as soon as I get it.

Thanks, France

Deputy Defense Secretary Paul Wolfowitz was just a floor away from danger
yesterday when a missile barrage blitzed the Baghdad hotel where he was
staying - killing an American colonel and wounding 18 other people. . . .
The London Sun reported today that half of the rockets used in the attack
were French weapons produced after the arms embargo against Iraq following
the Gulf War.

- New York Post, 10/27/03

Return of the McCain Mutiny?

Democratic presidential hopeful Joe Lieberman said Friday that if elected
president, he would tap Republican Sen. John McCain as defense secretary.
Doing little to dispel the criticism that he's a closet Republican, Mr.
Lieberman told Don Imus' syndicated radio program that he would want the
Arizona senator, a colleague and a friend, for the Pentagon post.

- Greg Pierce's Inside Politics, 10/27/03

Judicial Booby Hatch

Some Senate Republicans are growing frustrated with Judiciary Committee
Chairman Orrin G. Hatch after he again postponed last week the vote on
President Bush's nominee to the 6th U.S. Court of Appeals because of
Democrats' opposition to the nomination.  Mr. Bush nominated Michigan Judge
Henry W. Saad to the federal appeals court nearly two years ago, and for the
past several months, Mr. Hatch, Utah Republican, has negotiated with
Democrats to find a compromise that would get Judge Saad confirmed.

Mr. Hatch has placed the judge on his committee's agenda for a vote six
times, but has each time postponed it at the last minute to appease
Democrats.  . . . Mr. Hatch said he wants to 'resolve this without poking
anybody in the eye,' but some Republicans are not feeling so diplomatic.
'We've gone this route all year,' a Republican staffer said. 'They just
won't negotiate. We should just move forward.'

- Washington Times, 10/27/03

Judging Janice

Justice (Janice Rogers) Brown is not a typical Republican judicial nominee.
She understands the crucial role of courts in a constitutional republic: She
is deferential to the elected branches when they act within their prescribed
boundaries, but zealous in the defense of individual liberties against
majoritarian tyranny. Brown's nomination affords a rare chance for a lasting
legacy of freedom. Indeed, her appointment to the U.S. Court of Appeals for
the District of Columbia Circuit would vastly strengthen the institution of
government most entrusted with the protection of individual liberty.

- Clint Bolick, vice president of the Institute for Justice

Liar, Liar...Pants on Fire

The truth carries little weight - if any - in political efforts to block
judicial nominees. What matters is whether enough special interest groups
are determined to block that person.  Many liberal-left organizations are
determined to prevent Janice Rogers Brown from becoming a member of the D.C.
Circuit Court of Appeals, in part because they are alarmed that she might
move on up from there to the U.S. Supreme Court. If a few lies are all it
takes to prevent that, they are more than willing to lie.

- Columnist Thomas Sowell

Misplaced Priority

Republican lawmakers and conservative activists are making plans to turn
gay marriage into a major issue in next year's elections, with some
Christian groups saying that banning same-sex unions is a higher immediate
priority for them than restricting abortion.

- Washington Post, 10/25/03

The Postal Monopoly

Vigorous competition has made many types of day-to-day communication better
and more convenient, as seen with overnight delivery, faxes, email, and
electronic bill payment.  But the Postal Service's legal monopolies deny the
mail-using public the opportunity to benefit from similar improvements.

...In fact, the Postal Service is insulated from competition by more 

BRUSHFIRE ALERT: Don't Pay Extortion Money to Free Bush's Judges!

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Judicial Booby Hatch
October 28, 2003

The Democrats have launched an unprecedented use of the filibuster to block
President Bush's judicial nominees.  Republican leaders for months have been
swearing that there would be a pay to price for their continued
obstruction.  Now we're finally finding out just who is going to pay that


That is, if Senate Judiciary Chairman Orrin Hatch (R-Utah) gets his way.

You see, Sen. Carl Levin, Michigan Democrat, has been blocking all of the
President's judicial nominees from Michigan because he wants one of the
vacancies to go to the wife of Mr. Levin's first cousin.  But rather than
penalize Levin for his continued self-serving obstruction, the Washington
Times reports today
( that Hatch
is prepared to create TWO NEW SEATS on the federal courts, ostensibly to
give one to Levin in return for his releasing the rest of President Bush's
nominees...a deal other Republicans are comparing to negotiating with

If Hatch gets his way and Levin gets his deal, the only people paying a
price for the Democrats' obstruction will!  Big time.  That's
because the taxpayers will pick up the full cost of the two new judicial
seats.  The Times estimates that the first year cost will be $1.8 million,
with an additional cost to maintain those seats exceeding $1.6 million PER

When talk turns to breaking the Democrats' filibusters of President Bush's
judicial nominees, GOP leaders have been telling us, Don't worry, be happy.
We have a plan.  Everything is under control.  You'll see.  This is a
marathon, not a sprint.

Uh-huh.  Well, we've already lost one stellar judicial nominee this fall
when Miguel Estrada called it quits and withdrew his nomination.  Is that
the Republican leadership's plan to end the filibusters?  Wait until all
the blocked nominees quit?  Gee, that's wonderful.

Or is the plan to buy off the Democrats with taxpayer-funded extortion money
and reward such political blackmail?  Is that what is meant by having
everything under control?

Sorry folks, but this is REALLY starting to tick me off.  Here's the bottom
line: The Democrats aren't the problem.  The problem is the Republicans.
They can break the Democrat filibusters any time they want.  All they need
are all 51 Republicans who make up the MAJORITY (hello!)  in the Senate to
say enough is enough and change the filibuster rules to get the President'
s nominees an up or down vote.  It's commonly referred to as the nuclear

Instead, the Republican leadership keeps telling us at the grassroots level
to contact Democrats and ask them to please, please,
please-with-sugar-on-top stop the filibusters.  What a waste of time, effort
and energy.

What we really need to do is force the 51 Republicans in the Senate to lay
their cards on the table and let the grassroots know who's with us and the
President...and who's with the political extortionists.  The GOP leadership'
s plan to break the filibusters isn't working.  Just ask Miguel Estrada.
It's WAY past time to grow a little hair on their Clymers and play a
little hardball with Chuck Schumer, Ted Kennedy and Hillary Clinton.

BRUSHFIRE ALERT:  You don't pull on Superman's cape.  You don't spit in the
wind.  You don't negotiate with legislative terrorists.  And you don't pay
extortion money (especially with taxpayer dollars).  That's the message Sen.
Hatch and Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist need to hear from the
grassroots.  And if you'd care to deliver such a message in your own words,
here's how to do it:

Sen. Bill Frist
(202) 224-3344

Sorry, but apparently Sen. Frist no longer accepts email communications.
The link to the contact page which is listed on the official U.S. Senate
website now redirects you to a Frist web page which doesn't appear to have
any option available for contacting the Majority Leader electronically.  You
might want to mention THAT to his staffer who answers the phone, as well.

Sen. Orrin Hatch
(202) 224-5251
Web Form:

Chuck Muth's News Views - October 29, 2003

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The Natives Are Getting Restless

Apparently it's not just News  Views readers who aren't happy with Senate
Republicans over how they're handling the President's judicial nominees. asked the following question on its website yesterday:  Do you
think Senate Republicans have worked hard enough to support President Bush's
judicial nominees?  A whopping 96% of people responding (including yours
truly), had answered No when I checked the site Tuesday evening.

Is anybody in the GOP leadership listening to its base?  Does anybody really

Who's On Frist?

Hi Chuck.  I sent Sen. Hatch an email, then phoned Sen. Frist's office. I
asked to speak to someone about the judiciary problem in the Senate (see
Brushfire Alert at  I was told by the female
staffer who answered the phone to talk to my own senators in AZ. I told her
they were not the problem. She said she wouldn't talk to me that she was
going to transfer me to their 'comment line,' even though I asked if I could
just tell her what I wanted to say. So, I left my message on their comment

- Judy Dutko of Prescott, AZ  (Editor's Note:  A couple of crack News 
Views readers found Sen. Frist's comment page where you can leave email
messages: )

Just Say No to Drug Benefit

The non-partisan National Taxpayer Union coordinated a joint statement by 38
citizen groups representing millions of Americans, including your own
Citizen Outreach, which was mailed this week to House Majority Leader Tom
DeLay (R-Texas).  In the joint statement, the organizations wrote to
strongly urge you to oppose the huge entitlement expansion contained in the
Medicare prescription drug legislation currently moving through Congress
which the signatories referred to as the largest entitlement expansion
since Lyndon Johnson's Great Society.

To read the full text of the letter along with the complete list of signers,
go to:

Only Some?

Last week a significant minority, including leading Democrats, moved to the
left of Syria and France by opposing funding for troops and reconstruction
in Iraq. Some Democrats seem to think we would be better off had an
international coalition not removed Saddam Hussein from power.

- Ed Gillespie, Washington Times, 10/28/03

It's the Spending, Stupid

Ironically, the same day the Bush administration announced a record $374.2
billion deficit for fiscal 2003, the House went on a 24-hour spending
spree - authorizing $3.6 billion in spending.  Worse yet, taxpayers got
stuck with the bill by voice vote, meaning members never voted on record.

- John McCaslin's Inside the Beltway, 10/28/03


Wal-Mart in the present decade is playing the same role that Microsoft did
in the 1990s. It's the big company that everyone (except its consumers)
loves to hate.

- Investors Business Daily, 10/28/03

HQ for the Right Merchandise  Your headquarters for conservative and patriotic shirts,
caps, flags and more.  Bush 2004 gear, as well.

CBS Hatchet Job

It looks as if CBS is about to depict one of the greatest American
presidents as a forgetful, inattentive, callous lout with a domineering,
pill-popping spouse, who royally bumbles his way through the Oval Office. .
. . Ironically, the man once known as the Great Communicator is in the grips
of Alzheimer's disease and can't speak for himself. This cruel fact makes
the decision of CBS all the more heinous, if indeed its leftist hatchet job
is carried out as currently scripted.

-, 10/28/03

Trashing Ronald Reagan

Since the New York Times story last Tuesday, the has been
given more excerpts from the script of CBS' mid-November mini-series, 'The
Reagans,' in which Nancy Reagan slaps 5-year-old daughter Patti, Ronald
Reagan curses in the Oval Office and refers to himself as 'the anti-Christ,'
and, in what Drudge dubs the 'showcase line,' Nancy Reagan argues: 'Ketchup
is a vegetable! It is not a meat, right? So IT IS a vegetable.' 

- Brent Baker of the Media Research Center

Let the Boycotts Begin

Hallmark Entertainment is bringing us 

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What Do the Democrats Have Now?

The economy grew at a 7.2% annual rate in the third quarter, fueled by
greater consumer and business spending. The gain in gross domestic product,
exceeding forecasts by a full percentage point, was the sharpest advance
since 1984.

- Wall Street Journal, 10/30/03

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You Gotta Have Heart

Ronald Reagan, about to be portrayed as an unfeeling, forgetful
conservative, had the biggest heart of any President in America's history -
so big that CBS had no trouble finding it when they decided to plunge a
dagger into it.

- Michael Reagan, the Gipper's son and talk show host

Cowardly  Cruel

Here is a man (Ronald Reagan) who is on his deathbed. He's in the last
stages of Alzheimer's, and a woman who has been sitting by the bedside there
holding his hand for nine years. They can't fight back. . . . From what I've
read -- I have not seen the film, I have not read the script - but I have
certainly seen enough excerpts from it in the promos. I mean it's, I think
it's cowardly. I think it's the most cowardly thing I've ever heard ... How
can it be so cruel? That's not, from what I've read in the scenes, that's
not Nancy and the president at all.

- TV producer Merv Griffin in an MSNBC interview with Keith Olberman

Mommie Dearest Meets Forrest Gump

Since it was at a private, off-the-record briefing, I can't tell you all how
or where I saw it; however, I did view an eight-minute highlight reel of
the upcoming CBS mini-series on Ronald and Nancy Reagan yesterday.  And I
can tell you, it's FAR worse than anything I expected.

In fact, I've read that some people are urging CBS and the producers to
simply edit out the more egregious and factually incorrect scenes.  I can
tell you from my first-hand look at this crap that a little selective
editing won't be nearly enough.  This whole movie stinks like yesterday's
diapers and would be appropriately shown only on the Sci-Fi channel...if

The clips I saw were nothing short of revolting.  The portrayals of Ron and
Nancy Reagan are worse than fictional, they're criminal.  You get the
impression that the Gipper couldn't tie his shoelaces without falling into
his oatmeal.  And Nancy Reagan is depicted as a power-hungry, maniacal shrew
far worse than First Lady Hillary actually was (is).

I was going to recommend that everyone visit a particular website and sign
up for updates on who the sponsors are going to be for this trash-umentary;
however, it appears the CBS attorneys may have gotten involved because the
site was up yesterday but has since been taken down.  So I'm looking at how
we might be able to set up our own petition site hosted by folks who won't
be intimidated by the network's legal beagles.  Stay tuned.

This mini-series is a strike at the very heart of our movement, folks.
Please consider that all those kids in college today really have no
recollection of President Reagan.  Their impression of this great man will
be influenced by this grotesque mini-series.  The movie isn't just a
character assassination of the Reagans, it's a declaration of war on all the
Gipper and we in the movement stand for as free and proud Americans.

This is a fight we can't duck and MUST win.  It reminds me of a quote from
another great conservative Hollywood actor, Clint Eastwood, in The Outlaw
Josie Wales movie.

Now remember, when things look bad and it looks like you're not gonna make
it, then you gotta get mean. I mean plumb, mad-dog mean. 'Cause if you lose
your head and you give up then you neither live nor win. That's just the way
it is.

So it is.  Lock and load, folks.  We ride at dawn.

Speaking of CBS Hatchet Jobs.

Do you remember that other hatchet job CBS News with Dan Rather did on
home-schoolers a couple weeks ago?  Well, Neal McCluskey of the Cato
Institute has drafted an excellent response to the biased report which you
can read at:

The Right Place for Christmas Shopping  Your headquarters for conservative and patriotic shirts,
caps, flags and more.  Bush 2004 gear, as well.

Stupidity Virus Hits New Jersey

A 'patriotic' stick-figure drawing of a U.S. Marine blowing away a Taliban
fighter earned a 14-year-old schoolboy a five-day suspension.  Scott
Switzer, of Colts Neck, N.J., whose father and stepfather serve in the
military, was sent home last 

Chuck Muth's News Views - October 31, 2003

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Halloween Hysterics

Do you want your children and grandchildren involved in a celebration of
demons and witchcraft? Halloween is not innocent fun with costumes and
candy, as many believe. . . . Every year we hear warnings of the dangers of
Halloween on the news, which many parents ignore. Children have received
poisoned candy and apples containing razor blades. Abductions of children
increase on Halloween. There have even been infant sacrifices. . . . The
occult practices and animal sacrifices, combined with the drugs used in
Halloween fertility rituals and witchcraft practices, often resulted in
violence and even death.

- Columnist Tom Barrett, Conservative Truth, 10/27/03

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Make CBS/Hallmark Feel Your Pain

OK.  The boycott site I alluded to yesterday still isn't back up, so instead
I've teamed up with the great Alan Keyes to host our own online petition to
flood CBS and Hallmark Entertainment with emails objecting to their upcoming
smear of Ronald and Nancy Reagan.  Please go to the website below and sign
the online petition to Les Moonves at CBS and Donald Hall at Hallmark:

This is one we MUST win for the Gipper, so please get this information to
everyone in your email address book today.  There's not much time left. The
trash-umentary is scheduled to air in less than three weeks.

Sliming Rummy

The far-left wackos over at are going after Secretary of Defense
Donald Rumsfeld with a vengeance.  In full page ads in the New York Times,
MoveOn accuses Rumsfeld of being a TRAITOR and demands that he be removed
from office.

A traitor?

Rumsfeld is a former Navy pilot, former ambassador to NATO, a former U.S.
congressman, former chief-of-staff to President Ford and the youngest
secretary of defense in the nation's history back in the 70s.  He's also
received the nation's highest civilian award, the Presidential Medal of

Traitor?  I don't think so.

And our friends over at don't think so either.  They hope to
set the record straight on this great American patriot by running a
full-page ad in USA Today to counter the slime coming out of those anti-war
pukes over at MoveOn.  They expect the ad to cost a little over $70,000 and
are trying to raise the money to make it happen.  If you'd like all the
details about this effort, just go to my personal website at

Or if you want to go directly to the web page where you can donate to the
cause, cyber-surf your way over to:

The Right Place for Your Christmas Shopping  Your headquarters for conservative and patriotic shirts,
caps, flags and more.  Bush 2004 gear, as well.

The Ol' Cut-and-Run Crowd Returns

It's a good thing the current crop of Democratic candidates weren't running
for president in 1944. Instead of defeating Hitler and Tojo, we might have
ended up with an 'exit strategy' that saved American lives in the short run
but cost us our freedom and way of life. Indeed, the Democrats' disgraceful
performances to date suggest that most of the candidates would like to cut
and run from Iraq, no matter what the consequences. Unfortunately, they've
managed to convince a majority of their fellow party members that this is
the right thing to do.

- Columnist Linda Chavez

Democrats for Bush

Sen. Zell Miller (D-GA), the conservative lawmaker who is stepping down
following his current term in office, startled his fellow Democrats on
Wednesday by throwing his support in the 2004 election behind Republican
President George W. Bush. . . . Expressing his concern about the extreme
negativity emanating from the Democrat candidates for president, Miller says
they all need to take some 'calm-me-down pills,' according to a statement.
He also said in the statement that he is concerned that the generations
coming after him in his family will not be served well by any of the
candidates running for president on the Democrat ticket.

- Talon News, 10/30/03

Here We Go Again

Mississippi federal judge Charles W. Pickering Sr. became the fourth
judicial nominee this year to be filibustered by Senate Democrats. His
nomination to a federal appeals court was blocked Thursday.  Republicans
were unable to muster the 60 votes needed to cut off debate in the 

Chuck Muth's News Views - November 1, 2003

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Welcome to the Spin Zone

Hallmark Entertainment and its parent company Hallmark Cards are spinning
like Tasmanian devils.

When you sign our petition protesting the upcoming series trashing the
Reagans (, you'll
receive a canned response from Hallmark which supposedly will provide you
with the correct information.  The correct information these weasels want
you to have is that they didn't produce the mini-series on CBS, but are
merely distributing it around the globe.

As News  Views reader Bob Golenkow noted in his response to Hallmark's
response, such a distinction without a difference is much like Pontius
Pilate's washing his hands of the Crucifixion of Christ.  Or as James
Robinson of Colorado wrote, I did not realize that (Hallmark) worked on the
German Holocaust guard theory that they have no responsibility if they did
not make the order.  I found their response very insulting to my
intelligence. I suppose that they would feel it okay to distribute 'child
porn' as long as they did not film it.

Also, as we noted a couple days ago, as recently as August Hallmark was
BOASTING of its participation in the Reagan series
(  Now they
seem to be trying to distance themselves from it.  Don't let 'em get away
with it.  The pressure you all are bringing to bear appears to have these
people on defense now.

Another point:  One News  Views subscriber was told that Hallmark Cards isn
't associated with Hallmark Entertainment.  Hallmark Cards is indeed the
parent company of Hallmark Entertainment, as you'll be able to verify for
yourself from their own website at:

One additional note:  My understanding is that most local Hallmark stores
are not company owned stores, but rather are independently owned franchises.
If so, it would be a GREAT idea to call the local store in your neighborhood
and let them know you will be boycotting their business the Christmas season
and exactly the reason why.  Let THEM put the pressure on the parent
company.  You gotta hit these people where they live.

Hanging Col. West Out to Dry

Lt. Col. Allen West of the 4th Infantry Division in Iraq twice fired his gun
away from a prisoner under questioning in an effort to scare the dirtbag
into revealing information about planned ambushes of soldiers under West's
command in a town north of Tikrit.  After wetting himself, we presume, the
prisoner spilled the beans and Col. West was able to thwart the planned
ambush, thus saving untold American lives.

Give the man a medal...or at least an Atta Boy, right?

Wrong.  Instead the Army, in their infinite wisdom, is prosecuting West for
assault over the incident and is giving him the option of resigning and
losing all his retirement benefits (he reaches 20 years today) or face a
full blown court martial which could result in up to eight years in the
slammer.  I cannot afford to be sent to jail and my daughters never see
their daddy again, said West in an email to the Washington Times this week.
My family is all I have now.

Nevertheless, Col. West has decided NOT to resign and will fight this
injustice at great risk to his family's well being.

What in the hell is going on here?  Our men are facing an enemy wearing
civilian clothes and hiding behind women and children, and we're going to
hang him out to dry for scaring the crap out of an informant in order to get
information which saved the lives of the very men who are overseas
protecting OUR lives?  What's wrong with this picture?  Either we're serious
about this war or we're not.  Folks, we can NOT let this man be railroaded
like this.

Stay tuned.

The Idiots Are Coming!  The Idiots Are Coming!

If Howard Dean was living back [when Paul Revere came riding through] he
would have yelled out the window, 'Shut up I'm trying to get some sleep in
here.' It's a disgrace.

- Sen. Zell Miller, (D-Ga.)

It's a Start

The United States this week proposed shutting down the influential office
of the U.N. representative in Washington, prompting complaints from some
U.N. officials that the move would curtail the organization's access to

- Washington Times, 10/30/03


The Bush administration is attempting to reform and improve the Head Start
program for pre-schoolers.  Testing is being introduced to objectively
evaluate progress by participants; however, Sen. Hillary 

Chuck Muth's News Views - November 4, 2003

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This Week on Always Right

Our guest this week will be Ronald Reagan's former press secretary, adviser
and close family friend of many years, Lyn Nofziger.  We'll discuss, of
course, the upcoming CBS mini-series on the Reagans, but Lyn has been a
leading principled conservative voice in the movement for decades, so we'll
get his take on the state of the conservative movement, a three-year
anniversary assessment of the Bush II administration, the Col. West flap,
the Democrat filibusters of judicial nominees and his predictions for the
future of his home state of California under its new leader, Arnold
Schwarzenegger.  You won't want to miss this one.

Tune in Tuesday at 8:00 p.m. EST (or catch the re-run at 11:00 p.m. EST) for
Always Right with Chuck Muth.  The link to listen in is...

Hallmark of Shame

In addition to sending Hallmark a ton of emails and online petitions
objecting to their role in distributing the upcoming mini-series smearing
the Reagans, you might want to give 'em a jingle toll-free at

Now, you'll have to go through some push-one-push-zero-push-three
tele-gymnastics, but eventually you'll reach a living, breathing human being
who probably won't know what the heck you're talking about.

At least, the operator I finally reached on Monday didn't.  He had to look
it up on his computer and then come back and read the exact same canned BS
response we've gotten via email.  Nevertheless, it's a FREE call and it's
really tying Hallmark's business up when they'd rather be focusing on
overcharging for their Christmas card-selling season.  So why not pick up
the phone and give 'em a call?  Reach out.  Reach out and touch someone.

Targeting Target

News and Views reader John Falk had reason to believe that Target, the
retail giant, was possibly one of the sponsors of the upcoming Reagan
mini-series on CBS and sent them a letter objecting to their involvement in
this smear.  In response, Chandni in Guest Relations wrote:

Target is not a sponsor of the two-part movie 'The Reagans.' However, we
frequently advertise on several television networks, including the one
airing this particular program. The purchase of commercial airtime is a
complicated process. As a matter of course, Target contracts with television
networks, which then provide us with a block of programming time in which
our commercials may air.

Leaving aside the question of just how difficult it is to purchase
commercial airtime, Chandni would have us believe that Target's CEO is
powerless to pick up the phone and call CBS and tell them specifically NOT
to air any Target commercials during The Reagans.  Just how stupid do
these people think we are?

Why not give 'em a ring on their toll-free line and ask?  That number is:

Scary Kerry's Alternative Plan

Under John Kerry's 'plan,' Saddam would still be in power, the French would
still be selling him the 68mm missiles used in the attack on Paul
Wolfowitz's Baghdad hotel last week, and there would still be Iraqis being
fed feet-first into the industrial shredders. Or have I missed something?

- Columnist Mark Steyn

The Great Untold Story

There are now more than 60,000 Iraqi policemen on duty, up from zero the
day Saddam's statue fell.  Electric power generation is higher than it ever
was under Saddam, and oil production is approaching its pre-war peak.

- Columnist Jack Kelly

West's Fate in Rummy's Hands

Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld said yesterday he has the power to
intervene in the assault case of a lieutenant colonel, but gave no sign
whether he would stop the Army from court-martialing the officer.  The Army
in Iraq charged Lt. Col. Allen B. West with criminal assault for threatening
a suspected Iraqi guerrilla supporter to learn information on pending
attacks against soldiers in a small town north of Tikrit.

- Washington Times, 11/3/03

NOTE:  You can contact Secretary Rumsfeld and urge him to intervene on Col.
West's behalf by going to:

What to Do with Col. West?

What should happen to the Army colonel who fired his weapon in an attempt to
scare a captured Iraqi prisoner into revealing planned ambushes against
American soldiers?  Should he be court-martialed, allowed to retire with
full benefits...or be promoted to Secretary of the Army?  Cast your ballot
by clicking on the Survey Says! 

NV EXTRA: CBS Having Second Thoughts on Reagan Movie

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Monday, November 3, 2003

FIRESTORM: News flash: Les Moonves can be intimidated. According to reports,
CBS's fearless leader is considering dropping The Reagans, the network's
upcoming four-hour miniseries about the former president. Scheduled to air
on Nov. 16 and 18, the controversial project has come under fire from
conservative groups who claim the movie casts Ronald and Nancy in an
unflattering - and inaccurate - light. One scenario has Moonves dumping the
telepic on sister pay-cabler Showtime. A decision is expected in the next
couple of days.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Folks, now is the time to REALLY pour it on.  This show should NOT
air...especially considering the cruel effect it would have on Nancy and the
entire Reagan family.  Take a minute if you haven't done so already and sign
the petition to Les Mooves and CBS at:

And tell all your friends.  It's NOT too late deep-six this smear of a great

Chuck Muth
Citizen Outreach

CBS Caves!

2003-11-04 Thread newsandviews_list
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From today's Drudge Report:



CBS will issue press release early in morning; Robert Greenblatt, head of
SHOWTIME will announce that SHOWTIME will air the telepic. Bob Ackerman the
Director has said he will re-edit some portions of the film for SHOWTIME.
CBS to write-off $9 million...

Chuck Muth's News Views - November 8-9, 2003

2003-11-08 Thread newsandviews_list
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This Sunday in DC Confidential

*  Ex-spouse to tell all about Demo hubby's life in the House
*  The joke's on the...left?
*  Post-election tidbits from around the country
*  Little Big Man in the Big Apple
*  GOP's desperate attempt to find a challenger for Chuck Schumer
*  Everybody loves nobody in CA quest for a Boxer challenger
*  The coming in-house GOP bloodbath over clipping the cardinals' wings
*  Max Burns eats worms if his GOP campaign can't pull out of tailspin
*  RINO hunting on MD's Eastern Shore
*  Meet the new boss

DC Confidential is published on Sundays for financial contributors of $5 or
more to Citizen Outreach.  To make your contribution and get tomorrow's
edition, kick in a few bucks today by using our secure, online Contribution
page at

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e-briefing, just go to:

Marlins Win Again

A recent survey by The Polling Company asked 1,000 Americans who they would
rather dine with, the World Series Champion Florida Marlins of the Democrat
candidates for President.  Only 30 percent chose the nine dwarfs panting for
the Oval Office.

Lesson Learned

Every nation has learned - or should have learned - an important lesson:
Freedom is worth fighting for, dying for and standing for - and the advance
of freedom leads to peace.  Liberty is both the plan of heaven for humanity,
and the best hope for progress here on earth.

- President George W. Bush, 11/6/03

Fighting One Enemy Overseas, and Another at Home

Our enemies in Iraq know they cannot defeat us militarily.  Their campaign
of terror is intended to sap our will.  Their strategy dovetails with that
of Democrats, who do not wish to acknowledge American successes, for fear
President Bush will get credit for them.

- Columnist Jack Kelly

Camp for Juvenile Political Delinquents

One of the last redoubts of peaceful coexistence in Congress has been the
Senate Select Committee on Intelligence. Sensitive matters of national
security come before it, and the tradition is for Senators to leave their
party affiliations at the door.  So much for that honorable tradition.
Senator Jay Rockefeller buried it this week with his ho-hum response to the
leak of a strategy memo on how Democrats can exploit for partisan gain the
committee's investigation into prewar intelligence on Iraq. . . . (T)he West
Virginia Democrat has either been asleep on the job or he's running a camp
for juvenile political delinquents.

- Review  Outlook, Wall Street Journal, 11/7/03

The Right Place for Your Christmas Shopping  Your headquarters for conservative and patriotic shirts,
caps, flags and more.  Bush 2004 gear, as well.

The Reviews Are In:  Pe-Yew!

(P)art of me is disappointed that I won't be able to see CBS's movie, 'The
Reagans,' in about a week. I wanted to invite my pals over to watch James
Brolin acting his heart out to be the Gipper. You don't get that many
chances to see the first screening of a movie that was headed straight for
that rare, wonderful ranking in the paperback movie guides--BOMB.

- Columnist Daniel Henninger


Chuck:  Just an observation over this CBS controversy: If a movie had been
made about the life of Martin Luther King, which glossed over his civil
rights accomplishments, his commitment to peace, and his effective use of
non-violence, but which instead emphasized his philanderous affairs and
association with known communists, the liberal left might understand this
concept of artistic unfairness from a better perspective.

- News  Views reader J. T. Griffith

Musings of a Right-Wing Extremist

Democrats in the Senate have the long knives out for California Supreme
Court Judge Janice Rogers Brown, one of president Bush's nominees for a
federal bench seat, who will likely face a filibuster soon to prevent her
nomination from coming to the floor for a vote.  Here are some examples of
what Democrats are using to call her an extremist.

From a 1999 speech at Claremont McKenna College in California:  Where
government advances, it advances relentlessly - freedom is in peril,
community impoverished, religion marginalized and civilization itself

And from a 2000 speech at the University of Chicago Law School:  Where
government moves in, community retreats, civil society disintegrates and our
ability to control 

Chuck Muth's News Views - November 10, 2003

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Self-Esteem Doing More Harm than Good

In the past several decades, the effort to respect, protect and even puff
up children's self-esteem has resulted in a generation of children who
expect to win, whose feelings are never hurt and who believe they are the
best. . . . 'As with everything else in life, you can overdo a good thing,'
(author and psychologist Charles Elliott) says.  'Praise loses its meaning
when it is tossed around like confetti.  Some parents virtually follow their
kids around the playground complimenting them on their teeter-tottering.'

- Washington Times, 11/9/03

Vote 'Em Up or Vote 'Em Down...Just Vote!

Weary of Senate Democrats' continued efforts to block President Bush's
judicial nominees, Republicans have planned a 30-hour, all-night session
Wednesday to force a marathon debate about Democratic stalling tactics that
have left several nominations in limbo.

The talkathon, supported by the entire 51-member GOP caucus, would freeze
the business of the Senate, preventing further work on the nine unfinished
fiscal year 2004 spending bills, a comprehensive energy measure and Medicare
legislation. It also endangers the target recess date of Nov. 21.  'The
objective is to get an up or a down vote. These nominees deserve their day
in court,' said Sen. Rick Santorum, R-Pa., architect of the GOP strategy.

...Republicans plan to debate throughout Wednesday night and possibly
Thursday, and if a window opens in which all 51 GOP senators are present but
no Democrat is available to object to a unanimous consent motion, Brown,
Kuhl and Texas Supreme Court Justice Priscilla Owen could be confirmed.
'One of the reasons you do it at night is you may have a situation where
someone doesn't drink enough coffee and you have the opportunity to put a
vote and if we have that opportunity, we're going to take it,' Santorum

- Fox News, 11/7/03

Disorder In the Court

Democrat pollster Mark Mellman was quoted as saying that judicial
nominations consistently rank dead last among voter concerns and that
attempts to raise public interest in the issue simply constitute 'wishful
thinking and gratifying the base.' In terms of public opinion, this may well
be true. There are few things that are more 'inside baseball' than Beltway
bickering over appointments to positions that receive relatively little
day-to-day attention, especially when these debates usually turn on
sensationalistic personal scandals and obscure, often ancient quotes dredged
up and ripped out of context in an effort to rile up some interest group.

But for the millions of moderate-to-conservative voters in Middle America,
there are few things more important to the outcome of issues they do care
about than the shape of the federal judiciary. It has become a cliché among
conservatives to talk about judges 'legislating from the bench' or the
'imperial judiciary,' but both are precisely what we are faced with. The
courts have elevated themselves above the executive and judicial branches
and claimed the power to decide our most contentious social issues for us.

- Columnist W. James Antle III

Taste of Their Own Medicine

Republicans are planning a marathon 30-hour overnight debate this week to
show what they say is 'obstruction of justice' by Democrats who are blocking
judicial nominations. . . . Majority Leader Bill Frist of Tennessee also
intends to bring up legislation he proposed in May to ease Senate rules on
judicial nominations during the all-night debate. . . . . Republicans say
they're giving Democrats a taste of their own medicine. . . . Republicans
contend that filibustering judges is unconstitutional.

- The Sun Herald (Mississippi), 11/10/03

Gloves to Come Off...

The Senate Republican leadership is planning to conduct a 30-hour debate
marathon next week on the topic of President Bush's judicial nominees. It is
an attempt to give the issue more national exposure.  Democrats have
filibustered a handful of the President's nominees. They claim all of them
are conservative judicial activists who don't deserve a seat on the bench.
But Republicans say Democrats are way off base and that all of the nominees
have the highest recommendations.  Once Republican leadership announced
their plans for next week, Democrats complained and said that they may
decide to retaliate with other delay tactics if this continues.

-, 11/9/03

...But Will the Public Care?

Republicans and their supporters are taking the debate over President Bush'
s stalled judicial nominations directly to voters in an untested effort to
find out whether people actually care about the increasingly politicized
issue. . . . (R)epublicans 

Chuck Muth's News Views - Veteran's Day, 2003

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Happy's All Around

A very sincere Happy Birthday to the Marine Corps (128th, I think) as well
as a Happy Veteran's Day for all branches of our nation's military.


I half-listened to Harry Reid (D-Nevada) complaining endlessly from the
Senate floor on Monday about the upcoming 30-hour marathon to expose the
Democrats' obstruction of judicial nominees.  He droned on and on and on and
on and on...and on and on and on and on...and on and on about all the
 other matters that were supposedly more important than the four (and
counting) judicial nominations which have been blocked by the minority's
unconstitutional filibusters.

And you know what?  He has a point.

There ARE a lot of other critical matters the Senate can and should be
addressing.  Not necessarily the liberal issues Reid whined about, but
certainly very important ones.  We could start with getting to the bottom of
that leaked memo revealing how the Democrats were going to use the
Intelligence Committee as a political weapon against the White House in next
year's election.  Or how the Army is hanging a lieutenant colonel out to dry
for using reasonable tactics to gain information which saved the lives of GI
's fighting in Iraq.

And did we ever get to the bottom of how those missing Rose Law Firm billing
records magically re-appeared in the White House a couple years back?  (I
know, I know.  Move on.)

So yes, maybe those 30 hours which are being set aside to talk about the
judicial filibusters would be better spent talking about other issues.

And there's a quick and easy way to move on to those other important

Democrats could just STOP unconstitutionally filibustering the President's
judicial nominees and give 'em a straight up-or-down vote on the Senate

It's just that simple.

Your Front Row e-Seat at the Justice for Judges Marathon!

One thing I learned a long time ago as a GOP county chairman in Las Vegas is
that the best way to handle a critic is to put 'em in charge of the thing
they're criticizing.

For the last couple of months, we - meaning you and I - have been rather
critical of Senate Republicans and their failure to play hardball with the
Democrats over these judicial filibusters.  I think we may have called 'em
things like wimps and threatened to withhold financial support if they
didn't find their backbones and take off the gloves.

Well they did...and they're gonna.

So you can guess what happened next, right?


At a briefing in the Capitol last Friday, Citizen Outreach was asked to
manage and oversee the web room during the marathon debate on the
Democrats' judicial filibusters scheduled for later this week.

So when Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist takes to the floor Wednesday
evening to launch the 30-hour Justice for Judges marathon, Citizen
Outreach will be squirreled away in Internet Alley in the Capitol managing
the official website for this historic marathon effort.

You can take a look at it by going to:

In addition to serving as a kinda clearinghouse portal where you'll find
links to news stories on the marathon (already up), press conference
schedules, live online chats, breaking news and links to leading
conservative organizations working on this issue, we'll also be conducting
regular live webcast interviews with leaders of the effort, compliments of
the good folks at Radio Free Republic who host our weekly Always Right
talk show.

This is a very BIG deal for us and I'm excited about our being such a
significant part in this extremely important fight.  Breaking this
unconstitutional obstruction and ending this tyranny of the minority is
critical for the long-term good of our country (unless you LIKE judicial
decisions saying the Pledge of Allegiance is unconstitutional in public

And you all are gonna have a front-row e-seat at it!

While there are a LOT of other organizations and individuals who have been
around in this town a LOT longer than we have, Citizen Outreach will be
runnin' the e-show at ground zero because you all took such an active role
in letting our leaders know how angry and frustrated we were with what the
minority was getting away with...especially after we lost Miguel Estrada.

You spoke.  They heard.

Anyway, there's a TON of stuff for me to do getting this whole thing ready
and organized (not to mention resting up a bit before embarking on this
30-hour marathon all-nighter), so please pardon me if I don't put out a
regular version of News  Views for the next couple of days.

Also, I could sure use a little emergency financial help for this project.
The government and the Senate cannot, and are not, contributing ONE PENNY to
this effort to bring the Justice for Judges marathon to the Internet

Chuck Muth's News Views - November 14, 2003

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Tyranny of the Minority

Just a really short little News  Views tonight.  The Justice for Judges
marathon continues and we're covering it minute by minute.  In fact, I've
set up a blog on the web site and will keep
updating it for all long as I can keep my eyes open.  Check it out.

At the time I'm sending this out, I've been up for about 36 straight hours
with nothing but a 30 minute power nap around dawn this morning.  The
marathon is scheduled to end at midnight tonight...but rumors abound that
ticked-off Republicans, like the Eveready Bunny, are going to just keep
going, and going and going...right on through to cloture votes on Friday
morning.  These guys are NOT kidding around any longer, folks.  Tempers are
short; tension is high.

I'll give you a full after action report when all is said and done later
this weekend.  Some really interesting inside perspectives to share with
you all.  Talk on!

Speaking of Filibusters

Senate leaders are trying to find a way to extend a ban on Internet
taxation that expired Nov. 1. On Friday, a vote on the moratorium was
canceled in response to a filibuster threat led by freshman Republican Sens.
Lamar Alexander of Tennessee and George Voinovich of Ohio.

- Washington Times editorial, 11/13/03

Speaking of Judges

Chief Justice Roy Moore was removed from office Thursday for refusing to
obey a federal court order to move his Ten Commandments monument from the
rotunda of the state courthouse.  The Alabama Court of the Judiciary
unanimously imposed the harshest penalty possible after a one-day trial in
which Moore said his refusal was a moral and lawful acknowledgment of God.
Prosecutors said Moore's defiance, left unchecked, would harm the judicial

- Associated Press, 11/13/03

How to Subscribe

Chuck Muth's News  Views is published by Citizen Outreach, a
member-supported 501(c)3 non-profit corp. If you enjoy News  Views, please
make a tax-deductible contribution to support our work:

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Published by Citizen Outreach
Chuck Muth
611 Pennsylvania Avenue, SE, #439
Washington, DC  20003-4303

The opinions and views expressed in Chuck Muth's News  Views reflect those
of the writers, editors and columnists therein and do not necessarily
reflect the opinions of Citizen Outreach, its officers, directors or

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Chuck Muth's News Views - November 15-16, 2003

2003-11-14 Thread newsandviews_list
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Extra!  Extra!  Read All About It

As you all know, Citizen Outreach was neck deep in the just-completed
Justice for Judges marathon (  I did manage to
squeeze in about 5 hours of total sleep during the 52+ hours we were engaged
in this effort starting early Wednesday morning.  I'll have more to say on
the entire experience in the days ahead (including a revealing, in-depth
insider after-action report this Sunday in DC Confidential), but here's a
nice write up by CNS News on the marathon which notes our participation in
this important effort:\Nation\archive\200311\NAT20031112a.html

Sit Ubu, Sit


As the Senate concludes its 30-hour talkathon on judicial filibusters, we
thought readers might like to peer inside the filibustering Democratic mind,
such as it is.

This plunge into the murky deep comes from staff strategy memos we've
obtained from the days when Democrats ran the Senate Judiciary Committee
from 2001-2002. Or, rather, appeared to run the committee. Their real bosses
are the liberal interest groups that more or less tell the Senators when to
sit, speak and roll over -- and which Bush judges to confirm or not. Here
are some excerpts:

November 6, 2001/To: Senator Dick Durbin

You are scheduled to meet with leaders of several civil rights
organizations to discuss their serious concerns with the judicial nomination
process. The leaders will likely include: Ralph Neas (People For the
American Way), Kate Michelman (NARAL), Nan Aron (Alliance for Justice), Wade
Henderson (Leadership Conference on Civil Rights), Leslie Proll (NAACP Legal
Defense  Education Fund), Nancy Zirkin (American Association of University
Women), Marcia Greenberger (National Women's Law Center), and Judy Lichtman
(National Partnership)

...The primary focus will be on identifying the most controversial and/or
vulnerable judicial nominees. The groups would like to postpone action on
these nominees until next year, when (presumably) the public will be more
tolerant of partisan dissent.

November 7, 2001/To: Senator Durbin

The groups singled out three -- Jeffrey Sutton (6th Circuit); Priscilla
Owen (5th Circuit); and Caroline [sic] Kuhl (9th Circuit) -- as a potential
nominee for a contentious hearing early next year, with a [sic] eye to
voting him or her down in Committee. They also identified Miguel Estrada
(D.C. Circuit) as especially dangerous, because he has a minimal paper
trail, he is Latino, and the White House seems to be grooming him for a
Supreme Court appointment. They want to hold Estrada off as long as

February 28, 2002/To: SENATOR [Kennedy]

Ralph Neas called to let us know that he had lunch with Andy Stern of SEIU.
Andy wants to be helpful as we move forward on judges, and he has great
contacts with Latino media outlets...

April 17, 2002/To: SENATOR [Kennedy]

Elaine Jones of the NAACP Legal Defense Fund tried to call you
today...Elaine would like the Committee to hold off on any 6th Circuit
nominees until the University of Michigan case regarding the
constitutionality of affirmative action in higher education is decided by
the en banc 6th CircuitThe thinking is that the current 6th Circuit will
sustain the affirmative action program, but if a new judge with conservative
views is confirmed before the case is decided, that new judge will be able,
under 6th Circuit rules, to review the case and vote on it.

June 12, 2002/To: SENATOR (Kennedy)

...Ultimately, if [Chairman Pat] Leahy insists on having an August hearing,
it appears that the groups are willing to let [Timothy] Tymkovich [10th
Circuit] go through (the core of the coalition made that decision last
night, but they are checking with the gay rights groups).

Mr. Tymkovich apparently got the gay OK.


- Wall Street Journal editorial, 11/14, 03

Battle of the Blowhards

Who is the biggest windbag in the Senate?  Cast your vote by clicking on
the Survey Says! button at

Also, some folks suggest that it's better if we DON'T break the Democrat
filibusters, so that WE can use the filibuster against liberal nominees if,
God forbid, she-who-shall-not-be-named gets elected and Republicans lose the
majority in the Senate.  What do you think?  Vote in our Online Poll at

Consciousness Raising

Chuck:  Good work, by the way, covering the marathon.  I'm sending a
donation soon, in the form of No-Doze. . . . Seriously, I've watched more
C-SPAN lately than I have my entire adult life.  And if this is any
indication of how things are debated in general, may the gods deliver us
all.  I sometimes felt I was watching a cross between Comedy Central and a

Chuck Muth's News Views - November 18, 2003

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Off to a Darn Good Start

Arnold Schwarzenegger, in his first official act as California's new
governor, repealed the car tax increases imposed by former Gov. Gray Davis.
Fulfilling a central promise of his successful campaign, the
actor-turned-political leader signed an executive order Monday bringing down
the dreaded tax shortly after being sworn-in as the state's new chief

- UPI, 11/17/03

Tuesday Night on Always Right

House/Senate negotiators released a Medicare reform compromise plan this
week which includes a new prescription drug benefit for seniors.
Conservatives are leery.  But Sen. Ted Kennedy and John Sweeney of the
AFL-CIO are howling mad.  So what should you and I make of this piece of
legislation?  Is it good or bad policy?  Is it good or bad politics?  We'll
discuss the good, the bad and the ugly this week on Always Right with our
guest Robert Goldberg, a health care expert, national columnist and Senior
Fellow at the Manhattan Institute.

Tune in Tuesday night at 8:00 p.m. EST (or catch the re-run at 11:00 p.m.
EST) for Always Right with Chuck Muth.  The link to listen in is...

Free Market Meets Medicare

Congressional leaders have in their hands a deal to add a prescription-drug
benefit to Medicare, the biggest expansion in the program's 38-year history.
But the pact is threatened by the same philosophical clash that has dogged
the program for years: How big a role should competition among
profit-seeking companies play in the Great Society program that insures one
out of seven Americans?

...Backed by an army of conservative Republicans who seek fundamental
change in Medicare, Rep. Bill Thomas of California, chairman of the House
Ways and Means Committee, has been determined to use the popular drug
benefit as a way to widen the role of private health plans and to force
government-run Medicare to compete directly with private alternatives.

...In recent months, a dozen members of Congress -- 10 Republicans and two
Democrats -- have been wrestling with details on everything from payments to
health-care providers in rural areas to the design of the prescription-drug
benefit. . . . Over the past week, Republican leaders reached an agreement
with (the Democrat) Sens. Baucus and Breaux, and Rep. Thomas signed on as
well. . . . If it gets through Congress in the next couple of weeks, it will
give advocates of market forces the strongest toehold since Lyndon Johnson
signed the bill in 1965.

- Wall Street Journal, 11/17/03

Drug Bill's Fate Uncertain

Having reached a historic Medicare compromise, Republican leaders in
Congress and the White House still face a floor fight in which the
legislation could be sunk either by conservative defections in the House or
a filibuster by liberals in the Senate.  Led by Massachusetts Sen. Edward
Kennedy, Democrats wasted no time in attacking the weekend agreement, which
goes next to a House-Senate conference committee Tuesday.

...Modifications may be needed if the Congressional Budget Office
calculates that the measure surpasses its $400 billion cost limit. But the
framework is in place for what amounts to a huge government and business
experiment that would remake the Great Society-era social insurance program
more in the image of a competitive, market-driven alternative favored by

- Wall Street Journal, 11/17/03

The Right Place for Your Christmas Shopping  Your headquarters for conservative and patriotic shirts,
caps, flags and more.  Bush 2004 gear, as well.

Windbag Winner by a Mile

Commenting on the recently concluded Justice for Judges marathon, Sen. Ted
Kennedy, Massachusetts Democrat, said, What has not ended is the resolution
and the determination of the members of the United States Senate to continue
to resist any Neanderthal that is nominated by this president of the United
States for any court, federal court in the United States.

The three conservative women who were denied an up-or-down vote on their
nominations last Friday are knuckle-dragging Neanderthals?  Is it any
wonder that Uncle Ted won our Biggest Windbag in the Senate poll this
week, racking up over 50% of the vote?  Bobby KKK Byrd came in a distant
second with 17% of the vote, followed by, in order, Chuck Schumer (11%),
Hillary Clinton (10%), Tom Daschle (9%), Pat Leahy (2%) and Mary Landrieu

Obstruction by the Numbers

(D)emocrats have entered into uncharted waters with at least the quantity
of judicial filibusters they have undertaken. In arguing that their 

Chuck Muth's News Views - November 19, 2003

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When Harry Married Gary

OK.  OK.  I know many of you are just champing at the bit to inveigh over
the Massachusetts Supreme Court ruling handed down on Tuesday regarding the
state's restriction on an individual's right to marry the person of their
choice.  Indeed the sky-is-falling hysterics began almost immediately after
the decision was released (with the requisite fundraising appeals right

Randall Terry - considered a zealot by many, but a hero in some social
conservative circles - issued a statement saying, If outraged citizens see
one of these judges in a bar, they may be tempted to spit in their face, or
beat them, or get a bunch of friends to tar and feather them.

Nice, Randy.  Very nice.  So much for reasoned argument.

Gary Bauer's press release included a suggestion that Perhaps it is time
for another Boston Tea Party, though I fail to see how polluting Boston
Harbor with little bags of Lipton has anything to do with the issue of gay
marriage.  It's not like the government is trying to tax heterosexuality.
Or maybe Mr. Bauer just wants to protest England being ruled by a queen.

Tony Perkins of the Family Research Council was apoplectic.  This is THE
wake-up call for both the American public and our elected officials,
Perkins gushed in a news release.  If we do not amend the Massachusetts
State Constitution so that it explicitly protects marriage as the union of
one man and one woman, and if we do not amend the U.S. Constitution with a
federal marriage amendment that will protect marriage on the federal level,
we will lose marriage in this nation.

No we won't, Tony.  Just because the Massachusetts Supreme Court said the
state couldn't discriminate against gay couples seeking a marriage license
doesn't mean men and women won't be allowed to marry any longer.  We're not
going to lose marriage in this nation.  How silly.

Anyway, I've given a cursory read to the opinion and to the dissents, and
the opinion appears reasoned and rational while the dissents are
unpersuasive. But that's just my first reading.  I might change my mind
after giving it more thorough scrutiny.

I'm sure many of you can't wait to tell me how wrong I am and how wrong the
court was.  That's fine.  It's an important public policy issue.  Far from
being THE most important issue facing our nation today, but of significant
concern to many Americans.

However, in arguing your point in emails to me, please do so on the merits
of the decision itself.  Quote me the law, not Leviticus.  This is about the
state Constitution, not the Bible.

And if you can't start every message with the words, Dear Butthead, I have
read the Massachusetts Supreme Court decision, and. then don't waste your
time.  Because I won't waste MY time arguing with someone who won't invest
THEIR time to actually read what the justices wrote.

For those of you interested in a serious debate on the substance of this
issue, not the hysterics, you can read the court's decision, as well as the
dissents, by going to:

New Drug Benefit

This is your Congress.  This is your Congress on drugs.  Read all about it
in the latest Muth's Truths column at

Also, our announced Always Right guest this week had to cancel, but we were
fortunate enough to grab Mike Collins, former RNC press secretary and public
policy guru to discuss the prescription drug bill on this week's show.  If
you missed it on Tuesday night, catch a rebroadcast later this week.  Just
click on the Always Right page at for the complete
schedule and link to listen in.

And after reading and hearing all about it, it's your turn to weigh in:
Should Congress pass the compromise plan to add a new prescription drug
benefit to Medicare?  Cast your ballot today by clicking on the Survey
Says! button at

The Right Place for Your Christmas Shopping  Your headquarters for conservative and patriotic shirts,
caps, flags and more.  Bush 2004 gear, as well.

UN Wants Control of World Wide Web

Governments spearheaded by China, Brazil, India, Russia and Saudi Arabia
are trying to place the Internet under the control of the United Nations or
its member governments, a move that the United States and other developed
countries are determined to resist.

- Washington Times, 11/18/03

Cheap Shot Artists

Democratic presidential candidates have been taking cheap shots at
President Bush almost since he took office. Instead of offering real plans
to get out of the mess and acknowledging the realities of the Sept. 11
attacks, they blast 

Chuck Muth's News Views - November 20, 2003

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New Drug Benefit

Should Congress pass the compromise plan to add a new prescription drug
benefit to Medicare?  Cast your ballot today by clicking on the Survey
Says! button at

When Harry Married Gary

Folks, as Felix Unger famously taught us back in the 70s, never *assume.*

I have NOT said I support gay marriage.  I did say that in quickly reading
through the Massachusetts opinion that some valid and legitimate points were
raised which deserve consideration.  And I specifically wrote in yesterday's
News  Views, I might change my mind after giving (the decision) more
thorough scrutiny.  I'm in the process of doing just that and will comment
on the decision further in the days and weeks to come.

That being said, I continue to reject the hysterics of some that
civilization as we know it is going to come crashing down around us if two
gay guys get a marriage license.  It makes great rhetoric for all the
fundraising letters which are, at this very minute, on their way to a lot of
your mailboxes, but I don't buy it.

On the other hand, I am not yet persuaded that gay couples have a right to
marry, although a credible equal protection argument exists regarding some
of the benefits denied gay couples.

I do find it thoroughly inconsistent, however, to argue that one state
shouldn't be forced to recognize a gay marriage from another state, but
that through a constitutional amendment every state SHOULD be forced to DENY
gay marriages, even if a certain state's citizens so desire.  I thought as
conservatives we FAVORED states rights over federal dictates.

Anyway, the Massachusetts opinion is long and couched in a lot of legalese.
It is NOT easy to digest in one or two readings.  I'm going through it line
by line and am not jumping to any conclusions.  You shouldn't either.

For those of you who actually took time to read the decision and referred to
it in your objections you emailed to me...thank you!  I will weigh them
considerably in my in-depth analysis, which I hope to share in the next few
days.  Your comments are VERY helpful and appreciated.

For those who did NOT read the opinion and still quoted me Leviticus despite
my request, I can only remind you that we do NOT live in a theocracy.

In the meantime, we conservatives have a much more urgent issue before us to

Gimme Drugs

A lot of us don't think the federal government should be involved in health
insurance...period.  Medicare is a liberal Great Society program which FAR
exceeded the notion of limited government as envisioned by the Founders.
And perhaps it should be scrapped altogether.

That's a great academic argument.  The reality, however, is that Medicare is
here and it ain't going away any time soon.

Now, the question of prescription drugs is upon us.

If we're going to have Medicare, it doesn't make sense that the program will
pay for kidney dialysis but won't cover the cost of less-expensive modern
drugs which could prevent the need for the kidney dialysis in the first

If the miracles of today's prescription drugs had been available in 1965, it
is inconceivable that a drug benefit wouldn't have been included in the
program.  It is, therefore, inevitable that such a benefit is, sooner or
later, going to be added to the program.

The question is how and when?

The current House/Senate compromise bill is FAR from perfect.  It is NOT
what you or I would want if we had CONSERVATIVE (not just Republican),
veto-proof majorities in both houses of Congress.

We do not.  That's another cold reality.

This compromise bill, for all its faults, is about the best we could
possibly get under the circumstances.  The question then becomes, is it good
enough for conservatives to vote for...or bad enough to reject?

I gotta tell ya, there are a lot of good conservatives who simply say to
kill this turkey.

But there are also a number of equally good conservatives who say this bill
moves the ball downfield in the direction we want it to go; that it's a good
first step and the best we can do right now under the current make-up of

Both sides make compelling and persuasive points...which place me firmly on
the fence.

A couple days ago, I was opposed to the bill.  However, after interviewing
Mike Collins on this issue Tuesday evening on Always Right and hearing an
extremely persuasive argument by Newt Gingrich at a private briefing
Wednesday morning, I've moved to an official neutral position.  At the very
least, I sure wouldn't tar-and-feather any conservative who votes for this

And I gotta tell you, seeing Teddy Kennedy and the AFL-CIO come unglued over
this is definitely a point in the bill's favor.

In an ideal world this would be a black and white issue.  But again, we're

Chuck Muth's News Views - November 22, 2003

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I'm Lea-ving...On a Jet Plane

We're heading for the ol' stomping grounds in Sin City for the next week to
punch Michael Jackson in his plastic nose, celebrate Thanksgiving with
family and friends, plus conduct a Campaign Boot Camp next weekend.  Barring
any unforeseen dropping-of-the-laptop again, we'll still bring you News 
Views from the glitz and glamour of Las Vegas.

I'm also planning to hop OFF the fence on this Medicare reform bill and will
outline my decision on this important public policy legislation in Sunday's
DC Confidential.  In addition, I'll give you a heads up on the latest
rumored presidential candidate for 2004 (no, it's not Hillary...yet), a look
at an old political war wound which still hasn't healed, an ungrateful mayor
lashing out against a national icon to save his diminishing political
fortunes, a supreme electoral contest in the Silver State and more.

DC Confidential is a weekly e-publication for financial contributors to
Citizen Outreach.  For a minimum donation of $5 or more, you, too, can get
this inside look at the political landscape delivered to your inbox every
Sunday morning.  Just use your credit card and go to:

A New Internet Tax Grinch Surfaces

A U.S. senator said on Thursday that he would hold up a massive year-end
spending bill if it included a ban on Internet-access taxes that he and
several colleagues fear would harm state and local finances.  Delaware Sen.
Thomas Carper, a Democrat, told reporters he would try to keep the omnibus
bill from coming to the Senate floor if the ban was included in its present
form, which he said infringed on the rights of state and local governments
to raise revenues.

- Reuters, 11/21/03

EDITOR'S NOTE:  Hang on.  Let's see.  I think I have it right...HERE!  OK,
to contact Sen. Carper:

Phone:  (202) 224-2441

Web form:

Justifying Internet Taxation

Five years ago, Congress put a moratorium on taxing Internet access. I
supported that moratorium to make sure the Internet had the opportunity to
get up and running. However, now it's a grown up business - it's no baby in
a crib.

- Sen. Lamar Alexander (R-Tenn.) on his (untaxed for now) website, 11/21/03

Setting the Record Straight

Chuck:  You have misstated my position.  Under the current social system
and circumstances it is insane to allow blacks to procreate with whites,
UNLESS it is done under government regulation. . . . Frankly I think you are
stupid for suggesting Blacks and Whites should intermarry.  But if you are
going to disagree with me, at least state my position fairly and accurately.
. . . There may be isolated examples of Black/White unions being genetically
sensible.  But unless and until our government sets up a screening and
eugenics program to ensure the union is not grossly unwise, such unions
should be banned altogether.

- Bob Hurt (Editors Note:  Thanks for clearing that up, Bob.  I'm sure
people will think you're MUCH more reasonable now.  Not.)

Run Hillary, Run!

Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton, D-N.Y., may not enter the primaries, but she
has not given up hope of being the Democratic presidential nominee in 2004,
reports Newsweek.  Asked if she plans to compete for the nomination, one of
her closest friends and advisers reportedly said: 'That depends on what you
mean by 'get into the race.'  'The scenario, as sketched by this hard-boiled
insider, calls for Clinton to make an entrance as healer and unifier at the
end of the primary season in May or June in the unlikely - but not
impossible - event that none of the existing contenders has amassed a
majority of the convention delegates,' reports Newsweek.

-, 11/21/03

End of Liberty As We Know It

Gen. Tommy Franks says that if the United States is hit with a weapon of
mass destruction that inflicts large casualties, the Constitution will
likely be discarded in favor of a military form of government.  Franks, who
successfully led the U.S. military operation to liberate Iraq, expressed his
worries in an extensive interview he gave to the men's lifestyle magazine
Cigar Aficionado.

In the magazine's December edition, the former commander of the military's
Central Command warned that if terrorists succeeded in using a weapon of
mass destruction (WMD) against the U.S. or one of our allies, it would
likely have catastrophic consequences for our cherished republican form of

-, 11/21/03

Don't Forget

Fox News Channel is reporting that Osama 

Chuck Muth's News Views - November 24, 2003

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Spearing the First Lady

A few weeks ago, Maryland First Lady Kendel Ehrlich, speaking of bad
examples being set for young girls, said to an audience, If I had an
opportunity to shoot Britney Spears, I think I would.  Ehrlich was clearly
using a figure of speech to convey an important point.  Well, little Britney
has fired back in an Entertainment Weekly interview, saying of the First
Lady, She probably needs to get laid.  Thanks for further making Kendel's
point, Britney.  The PREGNANT Mrs. Ehrlich chose not to respond.

The Right Place for Your Christmas Shopping  Your headquarters for conservative and patriotic shirts,
caps, flags and more.  Bush 2004 gear, as well.

Too Far to the Right

(Roy Moore) rode the Ten Commandments from county office to the state
supreme court, and seems prepared to advance his career further from the
platform of his refrigerator-sized monument. . . . The installation of an
intrusive Ten Commandments monument, with pride of place in a state judicial
complex, is closer to an establishment of religion than not.  And as a
church-going Christian myself...I found its colossal size, kitschy design
and conspicuous display embarrassing.

- Columnist Philip Terzian

Too Far to the Left

The Colorado ACLU is threatening to sue a school if the principal refuses
to censor Christmas for its students.  In a joint letter with the
Anti-Defamation League, the state American Civil Liberties Union alleged
'Jewish students no longer feel safe or welcome' at the Elbert County
Charter School in Elizabeth, Colo.

The Nov. 10 letter demands Principal Les Gray censor Christmas and insists
the school 'must take immediate steps to comply with the constitutional
separation of church and state.'  It insists the school must ban all
references to Christmas in its annual holiday program, including secular
songs such as 'Jingle Bells.'

-, 11/21/03

Fat-Cat Fever

Republicans worry that President Bush may not be able to fill his
re-election fund with anything close to what Democrats are raising to defeat
him next year, thanks to a loophole in the campaign finance law.  'The
Sierra Club, the AFL-CIO, the Association of Trial Lawyers of America, and America Coming Together are raising up to $421 million to
spend on the presidential election next year,' Republican National Committee
Chairman Ed Gillespie wrote last week to former Vermont Gov. Howard Dean, in
a letter urging the leading Democratic candidate to take a stand against the
flood of unregulated 'soft money' contributions.

- Washington Times, 11/18/03

Bad Precedent

.(T)he so-called 'AgJobs' bill, sponsored by Reps. Chris Cannon (R) of Utah
and Howard Berman (D) of California, would allow 500,000 undocumented farm
workers to become legal residents.  Such an amnesty, however, would set a
bad precedent and encourage more illegal immigration.

- Christian Science Monitor, 11/17/03

It's the Spending, Stupid

Federal discretionary spending is up 12.5%?  I had to shake my head and
clean my glasses when I saw that one.  The front page of a recent edition of
the Washington Post (no enemy to government spending) said that we have just
witnessed the government grow by over 27% in the last two years.  What in
the world is going on?  Who is in charge?  Where are the Republicans?  Since
they are now a separate group. where are the fiscal conservatives?  Where is
the 4% growth cap promised to us in the not-too-distant past?

- Jill Farrell of the Free Congress Foundation

Pushing the Envelope

The U.S. Postal Service's unofficial motto says that neither rain, nor
snow, nor heat, nor gloom of night can stay these couriers from the swift
completion of their appointed rounds  but don't tell that to Linda
Wedin.  When the Murrieta (CA) woman didn't get her mail one day recently,
she asked her carrier the next day what had happened and was told 'it was
too dark.'

She's not alone in her dissatisfaction with mail service in the area.
Other Murrieta residents have complained recently of late delivery, no
delivery, receiving other people's mail, having their mail delivered to
other people and poor handling of mail.  'I won't use the mail system if I
can avoid it.  I use another delivery service instead,' said Lynn Rucker,
who lives in the neighborhoods around the Southern California Golf Course.

Packages delivered by the post office are often left on the top of the
community mailbox where anyone could pick them up, she said, and her mail
was once delivered to another 

Chuck Muth's News Views - November 25, 2003

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Prez Joins Us in Las Vegas

President Bush arrives here in Nevada later today for the first time since
the 2000 campaign and is expected to visit a local Las Vegas hospital to
discuss the Medicare bill.  He is NOT expected to join me and the kids at
Circus-Circus to ride the merry-go-round, eat some cotton candy and watch
the clowns.  But the offer stands, Mr. President!

Amateur Hour

Speaking of clowns:  Today is also the deadline for Nevada buffoon Tony Dane
to turn in his 120,000+ signatures to effect a recall election of Gov. Kenny
Guinn (who was just elected to chair the Republican Governors Association in
2005).  But word on the street here is that Dane doesn't have more than 7
signatures on his petition to show for his three month effort.  That's
absurd.  We're pretty sure the clown has at least DOUBLE that number.  Way
to go, Tony.  At least you're consistent.

And down in New Mexico, clueless state GOP Chairwoman Ramsay Gorman - under
fire for running a Keystone Kops operation which includes hiring a former
big-time Democrat operative as her fourth executive director in six months -
got a vote of confidence on Saturday by the party's executive committee.  In
unrelated news, Saddam Hussein got a vote of confidence by al Qaeda on the
same day.

Gorman's executive committee drafted a lame letter to the White House and
the RNC begging them to work with the state party no matter how screwed up
Gorman is running it. The Bush-Cheney folks are actively considering setting
up a separate operation from the state party for Campaign 2004.  In fact,
Gorman wasn't even invited to attend a recent statewide re-election strategy
meeting with the White House folks.  Good grief.  In less than six months,
the NM GOP has gone from having one of the best-run party organizations in
the nation to perhaps the worst.  Paging Dr. Dendahl. Dr. John Dendahl.

Hey, maybe Gorman should hire Tony Dane next.  It would do Nevada a BIG
favor to be rid of him and the two appear meant for each other.

Dissing Jesus:  It Isn't Just for the ACLU Any More

It hasn't taken Dot Greener long to get embroiled in controversy since
recently taking on the role of president of the Arizona Federation of
Republican Women.  Greener is pushing for a ban on the invocation of Jesus'
name in prayers at AFRW events.  During AFRW's recent state convention in
Tucson, Brenda Barton opened a meeting with a prayer that closed with the
mention of Jesus. Non-Christian members of the organization have been
complaining ever since.  Greener is considering a policy to ban 'Jesus
Christ' from future prayers at all AFRW events.

-, 11/24/03

The Right Place for Your Christmas Shopping  Your headquarters for conservative and patriotic shirts,
caps, flags and more.  Bush 2004 gear, as well.

Howard's End

Over the weekend the New York Times picked up the story of (Howard) Dean's
Vietnam-era draft deferment. While in high school Dean had been diagnosed as
suffering from spondylolysis, 'a low-back pain that sometimes radiates into
the legs,' and as a result the Selective Service classified him as 1-Y,
'qualified for military service only in case of extreme national emergency.'

What happened next makes for a funny story at Dean's expense:  'In the 10
months after his graduation from Yale, time he might otherwise have spent in
uniform, Dr. Dean lived the life of a ski bum in Aspen, Colo. His back
condition did not affect his skiing the way the rigors of military service
would have, he said, nor did it prevent him from taking odd jobs like
pouring concrete in the warm months and washing dishes when it got cold.'

- James Taranto, Best of the Web, 11/24/03

We Just Can't Afford Howard Dean

We cannot afford to have a leader who weaseled out of going to Vietnam on a
medical deferment for a bad back and wound up on the ski slopes of Aspen
like Howard Dean.

- Former Sen. Max Cleland (D-Ga.)

Patriot Act Abuse

Whisked through Congress in the weeks after 9/11, the Patriot Act, which
gives federal law enforcement wide-ranging powers to track and eavesdrop on
suspected terrorists, was promoted as an urgently needed law to thwart
future attacks.  'It's an extraordinary power,' says David Aufhauser, a
former general counsel at the Treasury Department, who insists the Act is
being used responsibly. But in one recent case, 'Operation G-String,' the
Feds used the provision to see the financial records of local officials in
Las Vegas that they believed were being bribed by the city's biggest
strip-club baron.


Chuck Muth's News Views - November 28, 2003

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The Right Place for Your Christmas Shopping  Your headquarters for conservative and patriotic shirts,
caps, flags and more.  Bush 2004 gear, as well.

Playing Hardball

During 14 years in the Michigan Legislature and 11 years in Congress, Rep.
Nick Smith had never experienced anything like it. House Speaker Dennis
Hastert and Health and Human Services Secretary Tommy Thompson, in the wee
hours last Saturday morning, pressed him to vote for the Medicare bill. But
Smith refused. Then things got personal.  Smith, self term-limited, is
leaving Congress. His lawyer son Brad is one of five Republicans seeking to
replace him from a GOP district in Michigan's southern tier.

On the House floor, Nick Smith was told business interests would give his
son $100,000 in return for his father's vote. When he still declined, fellow
Republican House members told him they would make sure Brad Smith never came
to Congress. After Nick Smith voted no and the bill passed, Duke Cunningham
of California and other Republicans taunted him that his son was dead meat.

.Republicans voting against the bill were told they were endangering their
political futures. Major contributors warned Rep. Jim DeMint they would cut
off funding for his Senate race in South Carolina. A Missouri state
legislator called Rep. Todd Akin to threaten a primary challenge against
him.  Intense pressure, including a call from the president, was put on
freshman Rep. Tom Feeney. As speaker of the Florida House, he was a stalwart
for Bush in his state's 2000 vote recount. He is the Class of 2002's contact
with the House leadership, marking him as a future party leader. But now, in
those early morning hours, Feeney was told a 'no' vote would delay his
ascent into leadership by three years -- maybe more.

Feeney held firm against the bill. So did DeMint and Akin. And so did Nick

- Columnist Bob Novak

Playing Let's Make a Deal

As part of the horse-trading to win votes for the prescription-drug bill,
House Republican leaders promised to hold a vote on a bill requiring
hospitals that treat illegal aliens to report them to federal authorities.
The Medicare overhaul bill, which passed the House on Saturday and the
Senate on Tuesday, includes $1 billion to reimburse hospitals for treating
indigent illegal immigrants.

But in exchange for supporting the bill, Rep. Dana Rohrabacher, California
Republican, extracted a promise from House Speaker J. Dennis Hastert of
Illinois to allow a vote on making hospitals report illegal aliens.  'I told
leadership that if they wanted my vote they would have to mitigate the
damage that is done by financing illegal immigrant health services. They
needed my vote, so they took the deal,' Mr. Rohrabacher said in a

- Washington Times, 11/27/03

Power Shift

The passage of the Republican Party's Medicare/prescription drug bill - and
its support by the AARP - is by far the most convincing evidence to date
that the political center of gravity in Washington is shifting definitively
to the GOP for the first time since the pre-FDR era. . . . (A)s the
Republicans continue to peel away more and more pieces of the remaining
Democratic influence in Washington, more and more Democratic senators and
congressmen will feel compelled to work with, and vote with, the Republicans
on legislation. Crumbs are better than starvation. The remaining loyal
Democrats will sound ever more shrill and thus unfit to govern - pungent
adjectives being the last resort of a minority party.  So, the political
center of gravity in Washington will continue to shift toward the
Republicans. And the longer this process continues, the harder it will be
for the Democrats to regain power.

- Columnist Tony Blankley

Billionaire King of Hypocrites

Beginning in the mid-1990s and continuing through the enactment of the
so-called Bipartisan Campaign Reform Act of 2002, (George) Soros was one of
the leading proponents of the campaign finance reform. . . . Now, however,
Mr. Soros has apparently had a change of heart. Having succeeded in
restricting the fund raising and spending activities of political candidates
and political parties, Mr. Soros has found a way to skirt the very laws he
helped enact in order to advance his personal political agenda.

He has committed up to $5 million to, an organization that airs
ads and organizes rallies denouncing the president's policies at home and
abroad. To date, Mr. Soros says he has spent upwards of $15.5 million to
oust (President) Bush, and he's prepared to spend even more.  Of course,
there's no outcry from the liberal establishment and media 

Chuck Muth's News Views - December 1, 2003

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Slicing  Dicing

Aloha All:  Tonight I canceled our subscription to 'Showtime.'  The fact
that they would air, 'The Reagans,' was bad enough, but, to put it after,
'We Were Soldiers,' showed they had no respect for either the US Military or
President Reagan.  I can only hope that they pay a high subscription price
for their bias.  God Bless America and the free world military.  Mele Ka
Like Makaha.

- News  Views reader John Burt

Risky Business

Chuck:  I received a Christmas card yesterday from our President and the
First Lady.  On a whim, I turned the card over and read that it was paid for
by the RNC and produced by.yes, it was HALLMARK.  Just great, the money
I give to the RNC goes to HALLMARK, who uses it to produce shows that smear
President Reagan.  I think I'll be sending an email to the RNC very soon.

- Christy Schroeder, San Jose, CA. [ Editor's Note:  The address to access
the e-mail form to contact the RNC can be found at: ]

So Much for Reagan's 80 Percent Rule

If you can't stand up for what is right or wrong 'queer, homosexual
marriages,' absolutely shows me where you are in this issue.  So take me OFF
YOUR EMAIL mailings because you are a lilly livered spineless, wimp.

- Former News  Views reader Gary White

Run Hillary, Run

The Democrats are generally NOT happy with ANY of the announced candidates
for president next year, fueling speculation that Hillary Clinton could ride
in at the convention next year to save their bacon.  Her undercutting of the
presidential wannabes recently in Iowa as well as her Thanksgiving trip to
Afghanistan and Iraq do nothing to squelch the speculation of a 2004 run for
the gold.  Do you think Hillary will find a way to get into the presidential
campaign this election cycle or do you believe her when she says she will
not be a candidate in 2004?  Cast your ballot today by clicking on the
Survey Says! button at

How to Subscribe

Chuck Muth's News  Views is published by Citizen Outreach, a
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Chuck Muth
611 Pennsylvania Avenue, SE, #439
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Chuck Muth's News Views - December 2, 2003

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Heading Back to the Barn

Our time in Las Vegas was WAY too short.  We're heading back east today and
will get back to a full, regular publication schedule in the next day or so.

Hallmark of Shame

Chuck:  Your reader's comment on the use of Hallmark Cards as the Official
Presidential Christmas card supplier is right on the money.  Someone at the
RNC needs to understand one very important fact, 'THIS IS POLITICS, NOT
BUSINESS.'  It is just a card that any company can produce.  But who the
'President' chooses to do business with says a lot.

- News  Views reader Robert S. Bingham

Drafting Hillary

Hi Chuck:  On Hillary.  I don't know if you saw it, but last week, during
an interview with Dick
Morris, he was asked if he thought Hillary would be drafted.  He said, and I
quote, 'Hillary will dodge the draft, just like her draft-dodging husband.'
I was floored.  I despise Morris for being the one who was mostly
responsible for putting Clinton into office, and for his immorality, but I
must say, he redeemed himself, SLIGHTLY, with that comment.

- News  Views reader Stella

A Matter of Trust

Howard Dean likes to present himself as a straight talker. But he took an
extra long walk from straight talk when he sealed his records as governor
and recalled his letters from state agencies just to avoid potential
political embarrassment. That's not the way to build public trust ...

- Democrat presidential candidate Sen. Joe Lieberman

Shifting Politics

If a party appropriates the best idea of the opposition, that's how we
create a majority realignment of power.  It's a substantial achievement.
The Republican Party, in fact, modified its strictest ideological elements
to make itself relevant as part of a broad domestic agenda in a way that is
going to be devastatingly effective.  George Bush is quietly creating a new
Republican Party, compassionate-conservative, not the same old tired

- GOP pollster Bill McInturff, Newhouse News Service, 11/30/03

Era of Big Government Is Back

The conservative Bush administration is presiding over one of the biggest
and most costly government build-outs in history.  Massive legislation for
energy production and Medicare prescription drug subsidies shower hundreds
of billions of dollars in benefits on selected industries - corn, soybeans,
coal, oil, gas, drugs, hospitals - like some five-year plan out of the old
Soviet Union.  These measures follow the creation of the Department of
Homeland Security - a ballooning of the scope and cost of the federal
government without precedent.

- Columnist John Hall of Media General News Service

The State of Marriage

More than 40 percent of first marriages in the United States end in
divorce.  Cohabitation by unmarried heterosexual couples has risen rapidly,
from 523,000 in 1970 to 4.9 million today.  Procreation outside of marriage,
although the seedbed of millions of individual tragedies and myriad social
pathologies, has lost much of its stigma now that 33 percent of births -
including about 60 percent of births to women younger than 25 - occur to
unmarried mothers.  So the 'sanctity' of American marriage is problematic.

...Amending the Constitution to define marriage as between a man and a
woman would be unwise for two reasons.  Constitutionalizing social policy is
generally a misuse of fundamental law.  And it would be especially imprudent
to end state responsibility for marriage law at a moment when we require
evidence of the sort that can be generated by allowing the states to be
laboratories of social policy.

- Conservative columnist George Will

Civil Marriage is Secular

.(A)s the Massachusetts court recognized, civil marriage is 'a wholly
secular institution' - a fact that all the talk of defending 'the sanctity
of marriage' tends to obscure. Atheists and agnostics have been known to
marry, after all, and states recognize unions - between Jew and non-Jew, for
example, or between Catholics whose earlier marriages have not been
annulled - that are forbidden by religious law.

- Jacob Sullum, senior editor, Reason magazine

Run Hillary, Run

The Democrats are generally NOT happy with ANY of the announced candidates
for president next year, fueling speculation that Hillary Clinton could ride
in at the convention next year to save their bacon.  Her undercutting of the
presidential wannabes recently in Iowa as well as her Thanksgiving trip to
Afaghanistan and Iraq do nothing to squelch the speculation of a 2004 run
for the gold.  Do you think Hillary will find a way to get into the

Chuck Muth's News Views - December 12, 2003

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Rewarding Friends

Excluding countries that opposed the war in Iraq from those that will reap
the largest profits in the country's reconstruction is 'perfectly
appropriate and reasonable,' a White House spokesman said yesterday. . . .
White House spokesman Scott McClellan defended the policy, saying 'those who
have been sacrificing' soldiers and treasure in Iraq deserve to bid on the
$18.6 billion in U.S. funds to rebuild the country.  'These are countries
that have been with us from Day One,' Mr. McClellan said. 'These are
countries that are contributing forces, that have been making sacrifices,
and that's why this decision was made.'

- Washington Times, 12/11/03

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Conspiracy Theory

The Supreme Court ruled that radio and TV ads by outside groups in the
closing weeks of a campaign - you know, when people are actually paying
attention to them - are now prohibited.  So for groups such as Citizen
Outreach, the National Rifle Association and the Right to Life folks, we'll
have to rely on getting our message out via...mail.

A government-controlled monopoly.

Remember, it's not paranoia when they really ARE out to get ya.

- Chuck Muth, Editor

Supreme Injustice

Prohibiting the use of TV and radio ads in the days and weeks right before
an election will blindfold voters just as they are interested in learning
about the candidates and the issues.  This decision is a disappointing step
back toward less information, fewer options, and restricted speech.

- Thomas Donohue, president of the US Chamber of Commerce on Wednesday's
Supreme Court ruling upholding the McCain/Feingold campaign finance reform
law, Boston Globe, 12/11/03

So Much for Plain English

The court's decision in McConnell v. Federal Election Commission is a body
blow to the protection of political speech, which the Founding Fathers
thought so important that they wrote the First Amendment explicitly to make
clear that Congress 'shall make no law . . . abridging the freedom of
speech.'  You wouldn't think they could be more clear. But by a 5-4 majority
the Supreme Court upheld McCain-Feingold's restrictions on 'electioneering
communications,' or ads that run close to an election and mention a
particular candidate.

- Columnist John Fund,, 12/11/03

The Right Place for Your Christmas Shopping  Your headquarters for conservative and patriotic shirts,
caps, flags and more.  Bush 2004 gear, as well.

Party's Over...Unless Hillary Crashes It

Unless Hillary Clinton steps in, in which case I believe the nomination
would be hers, Dean will probably emerge as the nominee in February.

- Eddie Mahe, GOP strategist, Washington Times, 12/11/03

More on Gore  His '04 Endorsement

Al Gore has done it again.  There's a reason he isn't president, and it's
not just the chads in Florida.  Gore has the worst political instincts of
anyone to have gotten as far as he did.  Once again, he has proven why he is
a loser and not a leader.

- Democrat consultant and commentator Susan Estrich

Oink, Oink Go the Elephants

We as Republicans have exploded the number of earmarks (pork barrel
spending). We seem to have no shame.

- Rep. Jeff Flake (R-Ariz.)

Must Starve the Beast

The mountain of pork in the House-passed omnibus spending bill is a
shameful and irresponsible example of unbridled excess and greed. It is
another reason why we must cut taxes further to let workers keep more of
what they earn, because if we don't, Congress will continue to spend and
waste more money than we can afford.

- Columnist Donald Lambro

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Chuck Muth's News * Views - December 13-14, 2003

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If the Shoe Fits...

I sometimes feel guilty for thinking that the Democratic Party has gone
nuts. But it's hard to ignore the evidence.

- National Review Online columnist Jay Nordlinger

Your Calls  Emails Made a Difference...Again

Louisiana's Bossier Parish School Board 'will take a second look at its
punishment policy for students caught with over-the-counter medications on
campus,' the Associated Press reports. As we noted last week, the board
suspended sophomore Amanda Styles for possession of Advil. The publicity
around Styles's case prompted 'a barrage of critical telephone calls and
e-mails,' and the Bossier school board apparently does not want to become
known as the bossiest school board in the country.

- James Taranto, Best of the Web, 12/12/03

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Supreme Injustice

There are only three, maybe four, judges on the (U.S. Supreme) court who
can be counted on consistently to take the Constitution seriously in their
deliberations. . . . In (the campaign finance ruling), of course, its not
just the judges who are at fault, but a Congress whose members have now made
it that much harder for anyone to challenge them for office, and a White
House that caved under pressure, as it often does.

- Columnist Jay Ambrose

Not a Pretty Sight

The list of eligible countries (to receive contracts for rebuilding Iraq)
reflects not so much a punishment for those that were missing, but
recognition of those that--some at great political risk--made the sacrifice.
Britain and Poland sent fighting troops, for example, and Italy, Spain and
others have provided security forces. They've all taken casualties.

Germany and France not only opposed the war but actually tried to obstruct
the waging of it. They did not pledge any money at the donors' conference in
Madrid this fall. And they, along with Russia, have not sent any troops to
postwar Iraq. Worse, these countries, which took what they implied was the
high moral ground against the war, are now complaining that they cannot make
private profit from its aftermath. It's not a pretty sight.

- Wall Street Journal, 12/12/03

The Right Place for Your Christmas Shopping  Your headquarters for conservative and patriotic shirts,
caps, flags and more.  Bush 2004 gear, as well.

Unlawful Entry

The White House yesterday said a new immigration review is under way that
could lead to amnesty for millions of illegal aliens living and working in
the United States.  Confirmation of the review came during a White House
briefing, just two days after Homeland Security Secretary Tom Ridge said
during a town hall meeting in Miami that the government had to 'afford some
kind of legal status' to the 8 million to 12 million illegal aliens in the

- Washington Times, 12/12/03

No Butting In Line

To grant special treatment to those breaking the law is grossly unfair to
those who are foolish enough to obey the law, who get in line and go by the
rules. What Mr. Ridge, and perhaps the administration, proposes is nothing
short of declaring open season on the borders. Granting citizenship to the
world, amnesty by amnesty, may make some of us feel good, but it is foolish,
dishonest and irresponsible. If we don't respect our borders, no one else

- Wesley Pruden, Pruden On Politics, 12/12/03

Bad Idea Whose Time Has Not Come

It's time for the administration to put this bad idea to rest. We believe
that legal immigration to the United States is a good thing for our country.
But the same is not true of illegal immigration. When someone decides to
sneak into this country or to overstay their visa, they show a disrespect
for an important principle that should unite us as Americans: adherence to
the rule of law. . . . Even if there were no significant terrorist threat to
the American homeland, there would still be compelling reasons to oppose
mass legalization. The U.S. government cannot abandon the position that as a
sovereign nation, we have the right and the duty to protect our borders.

- Washington Times editorial, 12/12/03

TSA Still Jeopardizing Airline Safety

On Nov. 25, 2002, President Bush signed the Arming Pilots 

Muth's Truths - December 14, 2003

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Separation of Extremists and Religion In America

(SPECIAL NOTE:  Congratulations to our military for bagging Saddam!)

Is there no room for moderation and reason in this country when it comes to
religion any longer?

In Bakersfield, CA, the local YMCA recently sent fliers promoting an
upcoming basketball camp home with students.  No biggie.  The Y's been
sending fliers like this home with students for years.

No mas.  At least, not in Bakersfield.

Some egg-headed, numb-skull school district lawyer ruled the Y could no
longer include its mission statement - To put Christian principles into
practice through programs that build spirit, mind and body for all - on
such fliers.  Promotion of religion. Separation of church and state.  Blah,
blah, blah.  Same ol' song and dance.

This is ridiculous.  The fliers promoted a BASKETBALL CAMP, not religion,
for crying out loud.

OK, let's swing east to North Carolina where, according to, A
guidance counselor at Concord High School was suspended Wednesday for
answering a student's question about homosexuality.

Beth Pinto said she was suspended with pay after students asked her what
the Bible's position was on homosexuality and she quoted a verse, said the
report.  School leaders say that's against the state's position on the
separation between church and state.

Seems to me there's a big difference between advocating or promoting
religion and honestly answering a student's legitimate question.  Um, isn't
that the role of an educator in the first place?

Which brings us to Christmas.

That's right, Christmas.  Not the holiday season.  Not the winter
 recess.  Christmas.  Good grief, Charlie Brown.

In Tacoma, WA, an elementary school music teacher changed the lyrics of a
classic song at a holiday concert from The harsh wind blows down from the
mountains, and blows a Christmas to me to blows a white winter to me.

I'm surprised Jesse Jackson and the NAACP haven't filed an objection to the
change yet, but that's another story for another day.

And don't even get me started about the Christmas tree.

It's bad enough that seasonal nativity scenes representing Christ's birth
are banned from public display during, um, CHRISTmas...but decorated trees?
What kind of imbeciles come up with kooky ideas like this?

Now it's no secret that I'm a supporter of the principle of REASONBLE
separation of church and state; a position not specifically spelled out in
the Constitution but certainly embraced by no less than Thomas Jefferson his
own self.  Neither TJ nor I think mixing the two too closely is good for
either.  We are, after all, a constitutional republic, not a theocracy.

I believe, therefore, that ex-judge Roy Moore went too far in using his
government position to promote a religious doctrine in a government building
with his 2 1/2 ton Ten Commandments shrine down in Alabama.  HOWEVER, I also
believe that efforts to erase even a HINT of religion from the public square
are equally extreme and patently absurd.

There is and should be a reasonable line of separation between church and
state.  But you've got the ACLU trying to draw the line on the far left and
Roy Moore trying to draw it on the far right. What we need is to find a
reasonable man standard to resolve these issues in a...duh...reasonable

I'd be happy to volunteer for the job if it would mean we could put these
silly little battles behind us and focus on, oh, I don't know, how about
shrinking the size and cost of government while killing terrorists before
they kill us.

At least, that seems reasonable to me.

# # #

Chuck Muth is president of Citizen Outreach, a non-profit public policy
advocacy organization in Washington, D.C.  The views expressed are his own
and do not necessarily reflect the views of Citizen Outreach.  He may be
reached at [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Chuck Muth's News Views - December 15, 2003

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Ding, Dong the Witch Is Dead

Ladies and gentlemen, we got him!

- Paul Bremer announcing the capture of the Butcher of Baghdad, 12/14/03

Taking the Words Right Out of Their Mouths

Allah is on our side. That is why we will beat the aggressor.

- Saddam Hussein

I don't know where bin Laden is, I don't know where (Saddam) Hussein is,
and I still don't know where all of these weapons of mass destruction are -- 
I'm going to put George Bush in the Bureau of Missing Persons because he
keeps missing everything he goes after.

- Rev. Al Sharpton

I'm saddened, saddened that this president failed so miserably.

- Senate Minority Leader Tom Daschle (D-SD)

We've gotten rid of [Saddam Hussein], and I suppose that's a good thing.

- Howard Dean

This president is a miserable failure.

- Rep. Dick Gephardt

I can't maybe even convey it as strongly as I feel, how dangerous this
(Bush) administration is to the future of our country.

- Sen. Hillary Clinton

I voted for what I thought was best for the country. . . . Did I expect
George Bush to f*ck it up as badly as he did? I don't think anybody did.

- Sen. John Kerry

Let's make one thing real clear, I would never have voted for this war (in

- Wesley Clark

In two short years, George W. Bush has taught us what the 'W' stands for -- 

- Sen. John Edwards

Bah Humbug

'Tis the season to be jolly. Unless you're a Democrat, that is.

- Columnist Oliver North

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West Case Comes to a Close

Lt. Col. Allen B. West was fined $5,000 by his commanding officer
yesterday, closing a case in which the Army charged him with assault for
firing his gun to frighten an Iraqi detainee into disclosing a planned
ambush.  Neal Puckett, Col. West's civilian attorney, said the officer plans
to return to Fort Hood, Texas, where he expects to be granted a
full-benefits retirement this spring after a 20-year Army career.

...With the case closed, civilian defense attorney Puckett harshly
criticized the Army.  'The problem with today's Army is that the top brass
seem to have become paranoid about making common sense decisions without the
'advice of counsel.' ' said Mr. Puckett, a retired Marine Corps lieutenant
colonel. 'Those counsel usually have no idea what it means to command troops
in combat.'

Mr. Puckett said that early on in the case, the 4th Infantry's staff judge
advocate offered a deal: If Col. West would resign short of qualifying for
retirement benefits, the Army would not seek a court-martial. Mr. Puckett
rejected the offer.  'Had true Army leaders been allowed to handle this
without benefit of counsel, I believe Al West would still be in command,
would have been privately congratulated, and told to stay out of the
interrogation business in the future,' Mr. Puckett said.  'That would have
been true Army leadership. Those type of leaders are still in the Army. It's
just that they have been subverted by job-justifying lawyers who seek to
play a larger role in the command.'

- Washington Times, 12/13/03

Send In the Clowns

...Howard Dean's homeland security plan, to quote directly and liberally,
is 'built around three circles of defense': a 'circle of preparation,' a
'circle of protection,' and a 'circle of prevention,' which, I guess, would
make it a three-ring circus.

...Howard Dean may win the (Democrat) nomination, but his name will appear
in the history books beside George McGovern, Walter Mondale and Michael
Dukakis. And thankfully, he will take Al Gore with him.

- Columnist Oliver North


For a sizable group of Democrats, Al Gore gets the blood pumping.  For the
rest of us, he's the human incarnation of footnotes: dry data compressed
into an amazingly dull format.

- Columnist Jonah Goldberg

Making a Bad Situation Worse

There is something else afoot with Mr. Dean's candidacy and Al Gore's
endorsement. It affirms Mr. Gore's unvarnished liberalism and reveals he is
not the moderate he portrayed himself as in the 2000 campaign. But it also
suggests the Clinton-Gore-Terry McAuliffe wing of the Democratic Party wants
to set the stage for the biggest liberal takeover of America since Franklin
Roosevelt's New Deal. An election loss by Mr. Dean would clear the deck of
lesser lights, so Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton of New York has an
unobstructed path to the 

BRUSHFIRE ALERT: Stop the Insanity!

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Stop The Insanity!

U.S. District Judge Paul L. Friedman yesterday freed John Hinckley Jr., the
man who shot President Reagan, for unsupervised trips from the mental
hospital where he has been confined for more than two decades, reports the
Washington Times today.  Judge Friedman granted the trips over the
objections of the U.S. government and the family of the former president.

Judge Friedman was appointed to the bench by President Bill Clinton and
served for two years as an associate independent counsel for the
Iran-Contra investigation.  Go figure.  ( Comment on this story by going
to: )

BRUSHFIRE ALERT:  You might want to share your thoughts on Judge Friedman's
decision with a call to his office.  (202) 354-3490.

Chuck Muth
Citizen Outreach

Muth's Truths - December 21, 2003

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by Chuck Muth
December 21, 2003

Hearken back, dear reader, to 1970.  The government decided it needed to
get tough on organized crime, so it passed the Racketeer Influenced and
Corrupt Organizations act, more commonly referred to as RICO.

In the legislation, racketeering activity was defined as any act or
threat involving murder, kidnapping, gambling, arson, robbery, bribery,
extortion, dealing in obscene matter, or dealing in a controlled substance
or listed chemical.

Now, fast-forward to 1986.  The National Organization for Women (NOW) use
RICO to sue pro-life organizations who were exercising their First Amendment
rights to protest against abortion.  Talk about a dramatic expansion of a
piece of legislation's original intent in the span of just 16 years.

But it's gotten worse.  Last month Ellen Mariani, whose husband was one of
the victims of the Sept. 11 World Trade Center attack, filed a RICO lawsuit
against...President Bush, for failing to act and prevent the attack

So whenever anyone questions why I have such grave concerns about the nature
and scope of the hurriedly-passed PATRIOT Act in 2001, I immediately think
of RICO.

Sure, the original purpose of PATRIOT was to provide the government the
tools desired to get tough on terrorists, but we've seen the damage done
to our liberties in the past once the government camel gets his nose under
our constitutional tent.

Indeed, only recently we witnessed how the government's new PATRIOT powers
were used in a corruption probe nicknamed Operation G-String in Las Vegas.
The act's provisions were used to nab some elected officials with absolutely
no ties to terrorism in any way, shape form or fashion...unless you consider
lap-dancing a terrorist activity.

And you can bet this won't be the exception that proves the rule.  This is
only the opening gambit.  Just as government mission creep took RICO from
its anti-mob intent and expanded it to clamp down on free speech by
anti-abortion protestors, you can bet the farm that some PATRIOT provisions
intended to clamp down on terrorists will one day in the not so distant
future be used on ordinary non-terrorist Americans.

There is legislation currently pending in Congress to roll back and/or
sunset portions of the PATRIOT Act, as well as proposals for additional
government powers known as PATRIOT II.  This is an issue which
freedom-loving Americans from coast-to-coast had better start paying
attention to.

As Ben Franklin warned in the days of our nation's founding, those who will
trade essential liberty for a little temporary security deserve neither and
will soon lose both.

Based on history and the nature of the beast, there is definite potential
for infringements on individual liberty and privacy embedded in the PATRIOT
Act.  As such, I've added a new page to our Citizen Outreach website titled,

As we come across conservative arguments, news stories, studies, opinion
columns raising legitimate concerns about the PATRIOT Act, we'll add them to
the page, making it a one-stop shopping place of ideas where you can educate
your friends, co-workers and neighbors on the dangers of this
well-intentioned but slippery slope legislation.

If you have any examples or documentation of PATRIOT Act abuse or danger,
please forward it along to me at: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

And finally, the PATRIOT Act is already stirring considerable debate on our
Discussion Board.  Read what others have to say and join the discussion by

Remember, the price of freedom is eternal, more than ever.

# # #

Chuck Muth is president of Citizen Outreach, a non-profit public policy
advocacy organization in Washington, D.C.  The views expressed are his own
and do not necessarily reflect the views of Citizen Outreach.  He may be
reached at [EMAIL PROTECTED] .

Chuck Muth's News Views - December 23, 2003

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Remembering Those Who Were Against Us

If it had been left to Kofi Annan, the French, Germans, Russians,
Canadians, Arabs and all but two of the nine Democratic presidential
candidates, Saddam Hussein wouldn't have been getting inspected for lice by
American medics; he would still be sitting on his solid gold toilet in his
palace, reading about the latest massive anti-Bush demonstrations in Le

- Columnist Mark Steyn

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Thanks Again, Gipper

...Libya went public this week that it was cooperating with the U.S., and
planning to destroy its weapons of mass destruction.  We owe some gratitude
on this 'coup' to former President Ronald Reagan, who was the first world
leader to stand up to Khadafy when he sent a fleet of B-52s over Tripoli to
teach the Colonel a lesson.  Nor should we forget that our 'allies' the
French opposed Reagan's bombing.

-, 12/21/03

The Big Stick Works

The timing and nature of (Libya's) conversion also vindicates the Bush
anti-terror Doctrine. Gadhafi's emissaries first approached British
officials in March, just as the war in Iraq was getting under way. From the
first days after September 11, Mr. Bush offered state sponsors of terrorism
a choice to be with us or against us. If Gadhafi had any doubts about U.S.
resolve after the Taliban fell in Afghanistan, they vanished once he saw
that Saddam Hussein was also headed for the spider hole of history.

- Review  Outlook, Wall Street Journal, 12/22/03

We Mean Business

I don't think you can separate out the relevance of military action in Iraq
from the decision the Libyans have taken.  We showed, after Saddam Hussein
had failed to cooperate with the U.N., that we meant business, and Libya -
and I hope other countries - will draw that lesson.

- British Defense Secretary Geoff Hoon

Patriot Games

You are absolutely 100 percent dead on about the Patriot Act (Muth's
Truths, 12/21/03).  To those who think it's no big deal - I'm sure there
are a lot of self-righteous conservatives who don't have a problem with it
being used to bust a strip  club - I say consider this:  Imagine what might
have happened had this law been in effect back when Bill Clinton and Janet
Reno were in office.

- News  Views reader TJ

RICO Abuse

Chuck:  You forgot what I consider to be the absolute worst example of RICO
excess (Muth's Truths, 12/21/03): The lawsuit Rep. Patrick Kennedy (D) and
others filed against House Majority Leader Tom DeLay (R) for his political
fundraising activities.

- News  Views reader David Luken  ( Comment on Patriot Act at our
Discussion Board: )

Muth's Truths

Is PATRIOT the next RICO?  Read this week's Muth's Truths at

King of the Wackos

Howard Dean is increasingly looking like he's come unhinged. While the
Democratic front-runner shows no sign of slowing his long march toward his
party's nomination, he has begun saying things that are not only
irresponsible, they sound downright wacky.

- Columnist Linda Chavez

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Hey, Big Spender

Under President Bush, the federal budget has been driven deep into the red,
thanks to generous spending, successive tax cuts, the war and a momentarily
slowing economy. Now there are the first signs the record deficits might
become a political issue for Mr. Bush. . . . According to estimates
developed by the Senate Republican leadership, if Congress and the White
House continue spending as they have been - 7 percent annual increases since
1998 - the 2009 deficit will be $666 billion. If by some miracle the

Chuck Muth's News Views - December 24, 2003

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Twas the Night Before Christmas...

Not the night before the winter holidays.  More on this in tomorrow's
EXTRA SPECIAL (albeit brief) Christmas edition.

Flying the Unfriendly Skies

John McCaslin's Inside the Beltway column on Tuesday included the latest
example of stupidity striking the airline industry.  Seems award-winning
fiddle champion Bonnie Rideout was on her way from Washington, DC, to
Wichita, Kansas and didn't wish her violin to get damaged or even lost by
baggage handlers.  Rideout took the valuable violin from its case, checked
the bag and wanted to hold the instrument in her lap for the duration of the
flight.  My violin is smaller than an infant and bothers no one, the
musician pointed out.

The airline folks didn't agree and refused to let her violin onboard.
Rideout objected...and was promptly arrested.  She and the violin will have
their day in court on February 13.

Now...don't you feel a lot safer about air travel this Christmas season?

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Another Victory for Bush's Cowboy Diplomacy

Libyan leader Moammar Gadhafi made it clear that his decision to disarm was
prompted by Operation Iraqi Freedom.  'I will do whatever the Americans want
because I saw what happened in Iraq, and I was afraid,' Mr. Gadhafi told
Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi, according to a Berlusconi
spokesman who was quoted in yesterday's Telegraph of London.

- Washington Times, 12/23/03

And Yet Another Victory for Bush's Cowboy Diplomacy

Russia has offered to write off more than a half of the $8 billion it is
owed by Iraq, but in return it envisages a multi-billion investment in
rebuilding the country. . . . Moscow earlier said it had no intention of
writing off the debt, after learning that it -- along with other countries
that opposed the U.S.-led war -- was unable to participate in the
U.S.-funded reconstruction projects.  But after a meeting last week with
President Bush's special envoy on Iraq, former Secretary of State James
Baker, Putin expressed conditional readiness to ease the debt burden.  In
exchange for the debt reduction offer, Russia expects to benefit from the
rebuilding efforts.

- CNS News, 12/23/03

Boca Cerrada, Muy Bueno

Libya's decision to give up its weapons of mass destruction is making it
harder for Democrats such as Howard Dean to disparage President Bush's war
against Iraq, which prompted Libya's move.  Mr. Dean, the front-runner for
the Democratic presidential nomination, has been uncharacteristically silent
about Mr. Bush's bombshell announcement on Friday that Libya has agreed
unconditionally to relinquish its chemical-, biological- and nuclear-weapons

- Washington Times, 12/23/03

The UN's Spider Hole

Many of the Democratic presidential candidates, their fannies smarting from
having the rug pulled out from under them, returned to their favorite
mantra - the capture of Saddam, said Sen. John Kerry and others - was an
'opportunity' to get the United Nations more involved in postwar Iraq. What
is this mythic U.N. they keep invoking?  Memo to liberals: The U.N. bugged
out of Iraq after the bombing of its headquarters, remember? It's perched at
a safe distance in Cyprus.

- Columnist Mona Charen

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Liberty vs. Security

If you are sleeping easy at night over the federal government's success at
protecting the nation from more mega-terrorist atrocities since the horrors
of September 11, read James Bovard's latest broadside and think again. . . .
Terrorism and Tyranny: Trampling Freedom, Justice and Peace to Rid the
World of Evil is a timely, troubling book, exhaustively and impeccably
researched and documented.

One need not agree with all Mr. Bovard's conclusions or arguments to
welcome it as an important, indeed essential, guide to the complex issues
with which we must now grapple. It is difficult to argue with the author's
claim that the more freedoms Americans lose, the 

Chuck Muth's News Views - Christmas, 2003

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Merry Christmas!

I'm sending out this Christmas Day message rather early on Christmas Eve
because I'm gonna be a little tied up later tonight and, of course,

See, Santa brings and sets up EVERYTHING - the tree, the lights, the
stockings, the decorations and the presents - on Christmas Eve AFTER the
kiddies are nestled in their beds with visions of sugarplums dancing in
their heads.  When the kids go to sleep after leaving Santa his milk and
cookies (chocolate chip, of course), the house pretty much looks like it
does the rest of the year.  But when they wake up...HOO-HAH!...what a
magical surprise.

It makes for a rather long night, but it's an old family tradition which
many friends think Gia and I are NUTS to continue.  But heck, when it comes
to family I'm a traditional kind of guy, right?

Anyway, I'm gonna take a few days off for Christmas.  Will be back on
Monday.  But before signing off, let me leave you with a little something to
reflect upon.

Yes, we're all rightly agitated about some of the ridiculous actions by
government to deny the true meaning of Christmas.  Efforts by government
bureaucrats, functionaries and ACLU lawyers to ban Nativity scenes and
Christmas trees are well documented and should be opposed with vigor.


Government and the ACLU are NOT the only problem.

As columnist Tom Piatak noted last week in the American Conservative, In
one generation - I was born in 1964 - Christmas has gone from being a
wide-spread and joyous public celebration to the holiday that dare not speak
its name.  We now have 'holiday trees,' 'holiday cards,' 'holiday parties,'
(and) 'holiday songs.' 

That's not government, folks; that's you and me.  How many of us have
unwittingly wished someone a Happy Holiday instead of the traditional
Merry Christmas?  How many of us have purchased holiday cards which make
no mention of Christmas?  How many of us sing holiday songs instead of
Christmas carols?

I know it's something unconscious; I've done it myself in the past.  Most of
us don't even think twice before whipping out the old holiday word instead
of the politically incorrect C-word.  So if Christmas is no longer part of
our OWN lexicon, we have only ourselves, not government and the ACLU, to

This year I've gone out of my way to catch myself and make SURE I didn't
inadvertently advance the cause of the dark forces attempting to redefine
the holiday.  And I encourage all of you, regardless of religion, to do
the same.  There is simply no harm or insult in calling the holiday what it

So as a traditional family kinda guy.let me wish you all a Merry Christmas 
a Happy New Year!

Chuck Muth
Citizen Outreach

Chuck Muth's News Views - December 30, 2003

2003-12-29 Thread newsandviews_list
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The Junto Is Alive and e-Kicking

Longtime subscribers will recall last September in Baltimore that we
resurrected an old idea pioneered by Ben Franklin called the Junto.  The
Junto was a regular meeting of like-minded folks who got together to discuss
the issues of the day, break bread and maybe tilt back a tankard or two of
ale.  It was an idea that many of you outside the Baltimore area expressed
an interest in for your own town.

Well, here's your chance. has taken this ball and run with it on a national basis.  Called
Meetup Days, Town Hall is using the power of the Internet to facilitate
conservative juntos all across America on the first Tuesday of every month
at 7 p.m. local time.  The next meeting in a city/town near you will be next
week, on January 6.  And yes, I'm planning to attend the one here in
Baltimore...and encourage you to attend the one nearest you (or start one
yourself if one doesn't already exist).

You can get all the details by visiting:

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e-briefing, just go to:

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In Readers' Hearts, Good Guy Comes in First

Regular readers will also recall the name of Capt. Chris Carter, a true hero
of the Iraq war and a soldier's soldier whose actions have been chronicled
here in News  Views from time to time.  You might also recall that we urged
folks to vote for Capt. Carter as the top local newsmaker in the Athens
Banner-Herald poll a couple weeks back.

Well, good news!  Although the paper's editors selected the local college
president who's been under fire for some questionable financial shenanigans
on top of a sports scandal as their top newsmaker, the paper's readers
themselves selected our guy who was under fire...well, literally.  You can
read all about it by going to:

Congratulations, Chris!

Navy to ACLU:  Pound Sand!

The ACLU is targeting the voluntary lunchtime prayer that has been a
tradition at the Naval Academy since its founding. . . . But the Navy did
not retreat. In August, it announced it would keep its prayer, and the ACLU
went ballistic.  'We tried things the nice way, and they've told us to pound
sand,' ACLU lawyer David Rocah told the Baltimore Sun.

- Columnist Terence Jeffrey

Dissing Dixie

(Presidential candidate Howard Dean's supporters) don't believe in much,
but they are fervent on the subject of their own superiority. To them,
America's red states - as identified in TV maps on Election Night 2000 - are
populated by ignorant cowboys, unwashed swampies, hellfire preachers, beauty
parlor bimbos, redneck sheriffs, Confederate flag wavers and retarded
hillbilly kids sitting in trees playing the banjo.  This picture of Southern
inferiority, like all articles of faith, is immune to both empirical
observation and personal experience. To guys like Dean, Dixie is and will
forever remain a vast county fair where a slick Yaleman can sell 5-gallon
jugs of snake oil in return for votes.

- New York Daily News columnist Zev Chafets

Howie's Energy-Efficient Glass House

Democratic presidential hopeful Howard Dean, who has criticized the Bush
administration for refusing to release the deliberations of its energy
policy task force, as governor of Vermont convened a similar panel that met
in secret and angered state lawmakers.

- Associated Press, 12/29/03

Goin' Goldbergean

Arthur Goldberg was a fine public servant . but a dreadful candidate for
governor of New York in 1970, when it was said that if he gave one more
speech he would lose Canada, too. Howard Dean is becoming Goldbergean.

- Columnist George Will

Break Out the Kool-Aid

Will they really do it? Just 22 days until the Iowa caucuses, and the
Democrats show every sign that they are going to plunge into the abyss by
nominating Howard Dean for president. At a time of war, one of our major
political parties seems on the verge of abandoning any pretense of national
unity and choosing a candidate who seemingly hates the president of the
United States but is blasé at best about the country's enemies.

- James Taranto, Best of the Web, 12/29/03

'72 Déjà Vu

Even though doubts about Mr. Dean's national security policies run deep,
his feisty antiwar attacks on the president remain as popular as ever among
liberal Democratic 

Chuck Muth's News Views - December 31, 2003

2003-12-30 Thread newsandviews_list
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Goodbye  Good Riddance

The terrorism alert is at Code Orange, a new infestation of bedbugs has
swallowed Manhattan and is believed headed south, Paris Hilton is still
employed, and Howard Dean is about to be the Democratic nominee for
president.  Begone, wicked and malevolent 2003, and good riddance.

- Wesley Pruden, Pruden On Politics, 12/30/03

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e-briefing, just go to: .  And if you
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War Powers

The key fact is not that Jose Padilla is a U.S. citizen. It is that Mr.
Padilla, a.k.a. Abdullah al-Muhajir, was an al Qaeda agent who worked
directly with terrorist mastermind Abu Zubaydah to plan a dirty bomb attack
on a major American city. He was captured in Chicago-O'Hare airport on his
way back from Pakistan to scout potential targets. He was, in short, an
active enemy fighter making war on the U.S. and its citizens, just as the 19
hijackers who attacked New York, Washington, and Pennsylvania were.

A person making war on the U.S. who seeks to slaughter thousands of our
citizens in the streets of our cities must face our military, not our
judges. Such a person, U.S. citizen or not, is not a common criminal. He is
an avowed enemy of our system of laws and government and a mortal threat to
our way of life. The powers implicated are not the president's law
enforcement powers but his war powers. 

- Rule of Law, Wall Street Journal, 12/29/03

Backsliding Dean

After building a campaign on the anger of the Democratic electorate, the
former Vermont governor can now be called 'Backsliding Dean.' He leaps
forward with a bold statement aimed at pleasing his core supporters, but
ultimately is forced to slide back because of the ludicrousness of his

- Wall Street Journal columnist Brendan Miniter

Wa!  They're Being Mean to Me!

Howard Dean has enjoyed being his party's front-runner with the national
exposure that comes with it, but now he is crying foul after being attacked
by his Democrat rivals and wants his party to step in and make the other
campaigns stop.  While campaigning in Iowa on Sunday, Dean (D-VT) suggested
that he has a lock on his party's nomination and that Democrat National
Committee Chairman Terry McAuliffe should step in and stop the attacks he is
receiving from his rivals before young voters turn away from politics in

- Talon News, 12/30/03

Lost Their Minds

Has the left lost its mind to vote for this waffler and crybaby?

- Bob Kunst, president of a draft Hillary website, on the prospect of
Howard Dean being the Democrat presidential nominee in 2004

Can You Smell What the Rove...Is...Cooking?

Throughout this year, Howard Dean has repeatedly attacked other Democratic
candidates. But when recently challenged on his own policies, misstatements
and retractions, Dean responded by complaining to the party chairman that
we're being mean to him.  I've got news for Howard Dean: the primaries are a
warm up compared to what George Bush and Karl Rove have waiting for the
Democratic nominee. If Howard Dean can't stand the heat in the Democratic
kitchen, he's going to melt in a minute once the Republicans start going
after him.' 

- Democrat presidential candidate Joe Lieberman

Long Savings on Long Distance

* All state-to-state calls in the continental U.S. * Residential or
commercial * 6-second billing increments * 24 hours/day * 7 days/week * No
access codes * No minimums * No activation fees * No need to change your
local phone company * No hassles * Easy sign-up. Just go to:

TSA Keeping Skies Safe for Terrorists

The Homeland Security Department announced yesterday that it will require
armed air marshals on selected foreign flights entering U.S. airspace. It's
a welcome move. But all the 'chatter' indicating al Qaeda's continued
interest in aviation targets suggests the government still hasn't done
enough to protect our airspace.

Start with the domestic air marshal program, which covers only a tiny
fraction of flights. Meanwhile, Homeland Security's misnamed Transportation
Security Administration has only grudgingly been executing the obvious
alternative of having all willing pilots protect their aircraft with
firearms. . . . Unfortunately, Congress left the TSA with way too much
discretion in implementing the program, and the 

Chuck Muth's News Views - January 2, 2004

2004-01-01 Thread newsandviews_list
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From the Department of Go Figure

The top U.S. commander in Baghdad said yesterday that guerrilla attacks in
his sector have dropped sharply since the Dec. 13 capture of Saddam

- Washington Times, 1/1/2004

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e-briefing, just go to:

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Meet and Greet

The next Conservative Townhall MeetUp is January 6th at 7pm.  To date over
15,000 readers across the country have signed up.  During the past two weeks
readers have been voting on where to meet.  That decision has been made and
now it's time to RSVP.  The Townhall MeetUp is already the biggest
conservative MeetUp and it's quickly climbing the ranks of all the MeetUp
topics.  Thousands of conservatives will be meeting in over 200 cities.  All
you have to do is RSVP and show up.

To RSVP or sign up quickly go to:

Those Rich SOB's

The top 400 American earners in 2000 provided nearly 7 percent of all the
charitable gifts reported on income tax returns for that year, well in
excess of their roughly 1 percent share of overall income, according to data
released yesterday by the NewTithing Group, a charity that tracks giving.

- New York Times, 1/1/04

NEW!  Survey Says!

With the official start of balloting for the Democrat nomination for
presidential sacrificial lamb just days away, it seems wholly appropriate to
start guessing which of the nine candidates/dwarfs will be...the next one to
drop out of the contest. Cast your ballot today by clicking on the Survey
Says! button at

Thank God

(Howard) Dean is God's reward to Mr. Bush for doing the right thing in the
war on terror.

- Columnist Dick Morris

American Nightmare

In 24 months the United States defeated two of the most hideous regimes in
modern memory. . . . Yet no one would ever gather even the slightest
acknowledgment of such success from our Democratic grandees. Al Gore dubbed
the Iraqi liberation a quagmire and, absurdly, the worst mistake in the
history of American foreign policy. Howard Dean, more absurdly, suggested
that the president of the United States might have had foreknowledge of
September 11. Most Americans now shudder at the thought that the former
might have been president in this time of crisis - and that the latter still
could be.

- Columnist Victor David Hanson, National Review Online

Looking Into the Crystal Ball

As the current economic and stock market revival continues to work for Mr.
Bush, it seems near certain that he will win in a landslide. Huge progress
in the war against terrorism will add to his totals, with the GOP picking up
three tour seats in the Senate and 10 to 12 in the House.

- Columnist Larry Kudlow

Run Hillary, Run!

Conservatives for Clinton?  Count me in.  Yes, I've officially thrown my
support behind the Draft Hillary movement.  Think I've lost my marbles?
Check out our new website at

Expensive Prediction

While there are too many uncertainties to predict the distant future, it is
possible to make reasonably sound judgment calls about near-future events
based on analyzing shorter-term trends. . . . Getting a budget passed that
will gently apply the brakes on spending would be a big achievement, but
don't hold your breath. Congress always spends more in an election year.

- Columnist Donald Lambro

Compassionate Conservatism's High Price Tag

(Washington Times reporter) Stephen Dinan wrote an article Tuesday that
warned of the defection of 'hard-line' conservatives from President Bush in
the upcoming presidential election. This debate has been ongoing for months,
and it will be much more of a factor in the coming election than the
president and top adviser Karl Rove are willing to admit.  Many
conservatives feel abandoned by this administration and the Republican Party
as a whole. While many conservatives want to lay substantial blame at the
president's feet, and deservedly so, the current Congress has proved itself
very liberal in its spending habits as well.

- Letter writer Scott Boles, Washington Times, 1/1/04

Beer Busters

A well-funded, well-organized campaign is afoot to make it as difficult to
drink a beer as it is becoming to smoke a cigarette. This 

Chuck Muth's News Views - January 5, 2004

2004-01-05 Thread newsandviews_list
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Another Prosperous New Year for Congress

A happy new year?  For US senators and representatives, it certainly is: As
of Jan. 1, their salary is $158,100 -- the highest ever and an increase of
$3,400 over the amount they collected last year.

Congress is notorious for procrastination, and the tally of unfinished
business on Capitol Hill is a long one.  But no one can accuse the
legislative branch of dragging its heels when it comes to congressional pay.
Appropriations bills may gather dust, judicial nominations may languish, but
members of Congress are johnny-on-the-spot when it comes to their own
salaries.  The most recent raise is only the latest in an ongoing series:

On Jan. 1, 2003, they took a raise of $4,700.

On Jan. 1, 2002, they took a raise of $4,900.

On Jan. 1, 2001, they took a raise of $3,800.

On Jan. 1, 2000, they took a raise of $4,600.

On Jan. 1, 1998, they took a raise of $3,100.

That comes to six raises totaling $24,500 since January 1998. . . . Under
the system now in place, House and Senate members automatically get a pay
raise every year.  The only way *not* to get the raise is to pass an
amendment blocking it, and parliamentary hurdles make that difficult to
accomplish.  Upshot: a congressional paycheck that grows by thousands of
dollars a year -- with no hearings, no debate, no media coverage, no public
explanations.  Above all, no embarrassing votes.

- Boston Globe columnist Jeff Jacoby  ( What do you think about the
congressional pay raise? Weigh in on our Discussion Board at )

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What Are the Odds?

On Friday, a liberal activist Clinton-appointed judge, Gladys Kessler,
blocked implementation of a new requirement that unions fully disclose their
finances the same way corporations do.  Go figure.

Mad Cow Stampeded

The chances of anyone in this country eating beef product contaminated by
mad-cow disease is something like 1 in 10 billion, a federal agency has
estimated, but that doesn't mean you're safe.  Hysteria about the disease
could kill you.  The risk exists because new job-diminishing,
economy-shrinking regulations are already in the works, and excessive,
irrational regulations take lives.

- Columnist Jay Ambrose

Donkeys' Doomsday Scenarios

Howard Dean says the Democrats' 2004 presidential aspirations are doomed if
he doesn't get the nomination. Mr. Dean's Democratic opponents say the
Democrats are doomed if Mr. Dean does get the nomination. I think they're
both right.

- Columnist David Limbaugh

Middle East 101

If you want to understand the Middle East conflict, Iran has just provided
all you need to know.  A massive earthquake kills between 20,000 and 40,000
Iranians, and the government of Iran announces that help is welcome from
every country in the world . . . except Israel.

...That is how deep the hatred of Israel and Jews is in much of the Muslim
world.  Hundreds of millions of Muslims -- Arab and non-Arab, Sunni and
Shi'a -- hate Israel more than they love life. Leaders of the Palestinian
terror organization Hamas repeatedly state, 'We love death more than the
Jews love life.' And now, Iran announces that it is better for a Muslim to
asphyxiate under the earth than be rescued by a Jew from Israel. . . . Not
since the Nazi hatred of Jews has humanity witnessed such hate.

- Columnist Dennis Prager

Long Savings on Long Distance

* All state-to-state calls in the continental U.S. * Residential or
commercial * 6-second billing increments * 24 hours/day * 7 days/week * No
access codes * No minimums * No activation fees * No need to change your
local phone company * No hassles * Easy sign-up. Just go to:

Simple Way to Prevent Terror in the Skies

The September 11 attacks were preventable: It doesn't require a blue-ribbon
commission to figure this one out. . . . And here's the simplest way that
the attacks of September 11 could have been foiled: Had...trained and armed
pilots been on the planes, they would have been able to stop terrorists
whose only weapons were box cutters. Yet in 2003 the Transportation Security
Administration continued to do everything it could to prevent pilots from
protecting their planes and passengers.

- Cliff May, president of the Foundation for the Defense of 

Chuck Muth's News Views - January 6, 2004

2004-01-05 Thread newsandviews_list
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Tuesday Night on Always Right

Tune in Tuesday night at 8:00 p.m. EST (or catch the re-run at 11:00 p.m.
EST) for Always Right with Chuck Muth.  Our special guests this week will
be Steve Moore, president of the Club for Growth, an organization dedicated
to thinning the GOP elephant herd of RINOs, and Brian Riedl of the Heritage
Foundation to discuss the pork-barrel spending orgy going on right now under
Republican control of Congress and the White House  For the full
re-broadcast schedule, click on the Always Right link at  The link to listen in is...

Help Wanted

I'm looking for someone with experience/knowledge regarding copyright law,
particularly in the area of re-printing public domain/non-copyrighted
material.  We just have a few questions regarding a couple of projects in
the works.  If you might be able to help me out, send your contact info and
best time/means of reaching you to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

A Long Tradition of Pre-Emption

The Bible is full of examples of sanctioned 'pre-emptive wars.' (Did the
Canaanites attack the Israelites?) The Talmud admonishes: 'If one comes to
kill you, kill him first.' Saddam and his terrorist allies were coming to
kill us (The Ba'athist regime had well-documented ties to al-Qaeda). From a
Talmudic perspective - Praise the Lord and drop the bunker-busters.

- Columnist Don Feder

Papers, Please

Many Americans are encountering the Patriot Act when opening bank accounts.
The law requires financial institutions to run the names of customers
through the Office of Foreign Asset Control database, which lists people who
are known terrorists or who associate with known terrorists. New bank
customers are asked how many wire transactions they expect to make each
month. If the reply is five or more, the customer would be reported to the
federal government.

- Washington Times, 1/5/04

Look!  Isn't That a Camel's Nose?

Federal agencies are demanding that Las Vegas hotels turn over guest lists.
They want the names and addresses (and who knows what else) of everyone who
stayed in these hotels over the holidays. . . . How many of you think that
the government is going to absolutely, for-sure, positively limit the use of
that information to merely matching those names against a database of terror

- Talk-show host Neal Boortz, 1/5/04

The Unfriendly Skies

According to a report by CNS News on Monday, a suspicious Air France flight
bound for Los Angeles on December 30 was tailed by two F-16 fighters until
it finally landed.  More than two years after September 11th we're still in
the position we're in, where, as a final line of defense, we're relying on
F-16s to shoot down the airliner and kill all of those on board in order to
prevent the airplane from being used as a weapon of mass destruction,
(Capt. Tracy Price, a commercial passenger airline pilot and chairman of the
Airline Pilots Security Alliance) said. We think that's unacceptable.
Price said the solution is to speed up implementation of the armed pilots

Will That Be Armed or Unarmed?

The next time you call an airline or your travel agent to book a flight,
tell them you want a flight with an armed pilot.  When customers start
demanding armed pilots in the cockpit the airline industry will pressure the
Transportation Security Administration to make it happen.

- News  Views reader Dave Undis

Long Savings on Long Distance

* All state-to-state calls in the continental U.S. * Residential or
commercial * 6-second billing increments * 24 hours/day * 7 days/week * No
access codes * No minimums * No activation fees * No need to change your
local phone company * No hassles * Easy sign-up. Just go to:

Oh, Here's a Real Surprise

Howard Dean is earning higher marks - and twice as much money - from
college professors than the other Democratic presidential candidates.

- Associated Press, 1/5/04

Another Loser to Back Dean

Former U.S. Sen. Bill Bradley, who lost the Democratic nomination for
president to Al Gore in 2000, is expected to endorse front-runner Howard
Dean, party officials said Monday.  The officials, speaking on condition of
anonymity, said Dean and Bradley planned to announce the endorsement this

- Associated Press, 1/5/04

Joey vs. Howie

(In the Iowa Democrat presidential debate on Sunday), Mr. Dean reiterated
his position that Saddam Hussein was 'not a 

Chuck Muth's News Views - January 7, 2004

2004-01-06 Thread newsandviews_list
Title: - Political Action with an Attitude!
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  January 7, 2004
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 The hottest public policy issues are discussed with top public policy experts and
 elected leaders every week via webcast courtesy of our friends at Radio Free Republic. Tune in Tuesday nights at 8:00
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 How to Contribute
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 important educational work by making a secure, tax-deductible contribution using your
 credit card by clicking
 here or mailing a check or money order to: Citizen Outreach, 611 Pennsylvania Ave.,
 SE, #439, Washington, DC, 20003 
 How to Petition Your Government
 * E-mail President Bush
 * Contact your Senator
 * Contact your Representative
 * White House switchboard: (202) 456-1414
 * House and Senate switchboard: (202) 224-3121
 "Which message would 
  you MOST like to hear in the President's State of the Union 
  Address this year?"  
  * He's sending troops to Pakistan to hunt down 
  Osama * He's going to veto the omnibus spending bill * 
  He's supporting the federal marriage amendment * He's 
  proposing a major new tax cut * He's introducing major 
  Social Security reform * He's 
  recess-appointing judges being filibustered 
  Cast your ballot 
on the "Survey Says!" page HERE!
  After nine years of publishing News  
  Views as a simple text-only e-newsletter, we’re launching a 
  whole new, modern, fancy-schmancylook...while retaining 
  the same ol’ cynical, sarcastic, smart-aleck attitude you’ve 
  come to know and love (and sometimes hate). 
  We still have some 
  "tweaking" to do, but I thought we’d give the new format a 
  little test drive today and see if everything is working 
  OK. Well, actually we gave it a test drive on New Year’s 
  Eve...and it didn’t work. And last Friday...and it 
  didn't work.So thisis actually our 
  THIRDtest drive. I hope this one 
  makes it to you! 
  Anyway, we’re expecting 
  2004 to be a BIG year with the White House, Congress AND 
  control of the Supreme Court up for grabs. So buckle up,’s going to be a bumpy ride.
  “John Kerry is the Ed Muskie and the John Glenn of 2004 - 
  so much promised, so little delivered.”
  - Columnist Barry Casselman
  “Why did God give Howard 

Chuck Muth's News Views - January 8, 2004

2004-01-07 Thread newsandviews_list
Title: - Political Action with an Attitude!
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  January 8, 2004
 Subscribe to News  Views FREE!
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 your opinion. Comment. Find out what
 everyone else is talking about! 
 Your HQ for Limited-Government
 Citizen Outreach is the leading conservative/ libertarian online organization
 educating and advocating for limited-government public policies. From unique opinion
 columns to activist Brushfire Alerts; from special projects to online petitions and
 surveys, you'll find everything you need to fight Big Brother here! 
 Tuesday Night on "Always Right"
 The hottest public policy issues are discussed with top public policy experts and
 elected leaders every week via webcast courtesy of our friends at Radio Free Republic. Tune in Tuesday nights at 8:00
 p.m. or 11 p.m. EST for "Always Right with Chuck Muth." 
 Long Savings on Long Distance
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 How to Contribute
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 News  Views and other general distribution publications are provided free of charge
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 important educational work by making a secure, tax-deductible contribution using your
 credit card by clicking
 here or mailing a check or money order to: Citizen Outreach, 611 Pennsylvania Ave.,
 SE, #439, Washington, DC, 20003 
 How to Petition Your Government
 * E-mail President Bush
 * Contact your Senator
 * Contact your Representative
 * White House switchboard: (202) 456-1414
 * House and Senate switchboard: (202) 224-3121
   Put Your Two Cents In On  the Discussion 
  *Congressional Pay Raise 
  *Compassionate Conservatism *Gay Marriage 
  * Illegal Immigration 

   * The 
  Patriot Act
  Click HERE to join in the online 
  For the most part, our launch of the 
  new-and-improved lemon-freshened News  Views went out OK 
  last night. Now, some readers had some problems with 
  HTML gobble-di-gook code ending up in the text making it all 
  but unreadable. Our tech guys tweaked something or other 
  this morning and (hopefully) that problem will be resolved for 
  most of you (he says with fingers tightly crossed).
  For those who are ABLE to read the new News 
   Views HTML format but PREFER the old plain-text version, 
  sit tight. I’m working on an alternative for you and 
  hope to have it in a couple of days.
  Cal, baby. Consider this a courtesy “shot across the 
  bow.” You might do well to consider this wisdom from Sun 
  Tzu: “He will win who knows when to fight and when not to 
  fight.” Is this really a fight you want to take 
  public? You might want to 
  “Republicans may control the White House and 
  Congress. They may be right or wrong about tax cuts and 
  preemptive military strikes. They may be moral or 
  self-righteous or bumptious or bold. One thing 
  Republicans are not: cool. . . . Going to Republican events is 

Chuck Muth's News Views - January 9, 2004

2004-01-08 Thread newsandviews_list
Title: - Political Action with an Attitude!
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Friday, December 9, 
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How to Petition Your Government
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Chuck Muth's News Views - FORMAT OPTIONS

2004-01-09 Thread newsandviews_list
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Out With the Old; In With the New

As most of you know, starting on Tuesday night we began publishing a new,
upgraded HTML-version of News  Views.  There are still a few more tweaks to
work out for some of you, but all in all, most everyone is now receiving the
new version with no problem.

But like all major changes...some people love it, others hate it. But look
at it this way: At least it's still FREE!  :)

OK.  For those folks who are receiving the new newsletter but are having
trouble with the HTML code showing up in the text making it
next-to-impossible to read, I've set up a new, separate subscriber list
which will allow you to continue receiving a plain, text-only version of
News  Views.  Here's what you need to do:

1.)  Go to and type in your email address in
the Subscribe to Our Newsletter box at the end of the left-hand corner.
Then click on the Go button.  That'll get you on the new, text-only list.

2.)  To remove yourself from the HTML-version list, just go to: .  Type in your email address in the box
and click on the Remove button.

That's it.  If you have any problem with either, just shoot me a note and
I'll take care of it for you.

Now, if you are receiving the new HTML version of News  Views and would
just like to continue getting a plain-text version, just follow the same two
steps as outlined above.  Or you can remove yourself from both email lists
and just read News  Views every day on Citizen Outreach's website.

Now, if you haven't received News  Views at all over the last three
days...but are receiving this note...then you obviously have a problem
receiving HTML emails and need to sign up for the new text-only version (#1
above).  I suspect we may be having such problems with some hotmail
accounts...and we continue to have sporadic problems with juno, even before
we upgraded the newsletter format.

Change is never easy.  Just ask all the blacksmiths who lost their jobs when
the automobile was invented.  But we needed to get with the times and make
this upgrade.  However, by setting up the second list for folks who prefer
to get the plain-text version, I hope we can make everybody happy...except,
of course, the liberals and the RINOs!

Yours in HTML-Liberty,

Chuck Muth
Doctor of Psephology
January 9, 2004

Chuck Muth's News Views - January 10, 2004

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Title: - Political Action with an Attitude!
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Friday,January 10, 
in defense of liberty is no vice." 




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How to Petition Your Government
* E-mail President Bush
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* White House switchboard:
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Chuck Muth's News Views - January 14, 2004

2004-01-13 Thread newsandviews_list
Title: - Political Action with an Attitude!
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January 14, 
in defense of liberty is no vice." 




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Tuesday Night on "Always Right"
hottest public policy issues are discussed with top public policy experts and elected
leaders every week via webcast courtesy of our friends at Radio Free Republic. Tune in Tuesday nights at 8:00
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How to Petition Your Government
* E-mail President Bush
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* White House switchboard:
 (202) 456-1414
* House and Senate switchboard:
 (202) 224-3121




in Tuesday 
at 8:00 p.m. EST (or catch the re-run at 11:00 p.m. 
EST) for “Always Right with Chuck Muth.” Our special guest this week 
will be T.J. Bonner, president of the National 
Border Control Council 

Chuck Muth's News Views - January 15, 2004

2004-01-15 Thread newsandviews_list
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Most of you are receiving the new HTML-version of News  Views with no
problems.  A few bugs still exist for others, and we're working on getting
them fixed.  So I'm sending this particular issue out the old-fashioned way

A new simplified HTML design will be tested with tomorrow's edition which
should take care of most of the remaining problems, including the removal of
the blue background which makes it so difficult to read messages when you
reply - and the broken display problems some AOL subscribers have been

And again, for those of you who would prefer to receive a text-only version
of News  Views, just go to and sign up for it by
simply entering your email address in the box at the end of the left-hand
column and clicking on Go.

Ditto if you haven't been receiving you regular News  Views for the past
week...BUT are getting this one.  If so, for some reason the HTML version
isn't getting to you or is being blocked.  If that's the case, please see
above and go sign up for the new text-only option.

Or here's another new option our designers came up for us.  Just click on
the following link to go online to read each day's automatically updated
issue of News  Views:

One final note on printing out News  Views.  We're not able to produce a
Printable Page option just yet, but in the meantime, if you're having
difficulty printing the new HTML version without having part of the
right-hand column cut off, here are two options.

1.)  Highlight all of the text from the daily content portion of the
newsletter, copy it, and then paste it into a separate word-processing
program on your computer, such as Notepad or Word or Wordpad.  Then go ahead
and print.

2.)  Set your print option from Portrait to Landscape.

If you continue to have any difficulties, let me know.  I have no idea how
any of this stuff works, but will forward your problems to our tech guys at
World Profit and have them try to fix 'em for you.


If you haven't chipped in yet for our Winter Fundraising Drive...or taken a
look at our new LIBERTY CALENDAR...please go to

Unlike activist groups on the left, we get no taxpayer money to fund our
operations and the have no sugar daddies such as George Soros pouring
millions into our operation.  We rely on voluntary contributions from
readers such as yourself to continue publishing News  Views every
day...along with all the other programs and projects of Citizen Outreach.

Without your continued support, I just might have to scale back our
publishing schedule to just a couple days a week.  You know the old saying:
You can't save the world if you can't pay the rent.

So please take a moment to check out our new Liberty Calendar, while at the
same time helping us continue bringing you News  Views every day.  All the
details on how kick in a few bucks - either by making a secure online
contribution using your credit card or by sending a check or money - can be
found at

Oh, and by the way, your contribution IS tax-deductible.  Thanks for your
continued support.


A couple weeks ago we posted a Survey Says! question asking who you
thought would be the first donkey-dwarf to drop out of the Democrat
presidential race.  Carol Mosely Braun was your #1 choice with 37 percent of
the vote.  And it looks like y'all were dead-on balls accurate, as Braun
prepares to throw her support (what little of it there is) to Howard Dean.
Gov. Whitebread must be thrilled.


(Thomas) Paine was not content with advocating reform of government.  He
went much further.  Once a truly democratic government is established by the
people what should its goal be? . . . Paine's plan called for free public
education, for the relief of the poor, for old-age pensions, for cash
benefits to be given at birth and at marriage, and for government-provided
jobs and housing to assist the unemployed and immigrants.  He urged
increases in salaries for excise officers (tax collectors), the lower
clergy, and soldiers and sailors.  To pay for the operation of his social
welfare plan, Paine proposed a graduated income tax.

- Tom Paine: Voice of Revolution by Milton Meltzer

Chuck Muth's News  Views is published by Citizen Outreach, a non-partisan,
501(c)3 non-profit corporation. The opinions and views expressed in Chuck
Muth's News  Views reflect those of the writers, editors and columnists
therein and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of Citizen Outreach, its
officers, directors or employees.

Published by: Citizen Outreach
Chuck Muth

Chuck Muth's News Views - January 16, 2004

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Title: - Political Action with an Attitude!
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 January 16, 2004




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Tuesday Night on "Always Right"
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How to Petition Your Government
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 (202) 224-3121




  Unlike activist groups on the left, 
  we get no taxpayer money to fund our operations and the have 
  no “sugar daddies” such as George Soros pouring millions into 

Chuck Muth's News Views - January 19, 2004

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Title: - Political Action with an Attitude!
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 January 19, 2004




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  "Always Right" 
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  policy experts and elected leaders every week via webcast 
  courtesy of our friends at Radio Free Republic. 

 Tune in  Tuesday 
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  this important educational work by making a secure, 
  tax-deductible contribution using your credit card by 

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 or mailing a check or money order to: 
  Citizen Outreach, 611 Pennsylvania Ave., SE, #439, Washington, 
  DC, 20003 



How to Petition Your Government

Chuck Muth's News Views - January 20, 2004

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Title: - Political Action with an Attitude!












 January 20, 2004




  How to Subscribe FREE!
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  daily dose of uncommon common-sense from the right mixed with 
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  Citizen Outreach
  Outreach is the leading conservative/ libertarian online 
  organization educating and advocating for limited-government 
  public policies. From unique opinion columns to activist 
  Brushfire Alerts; from special projects to online petitions 
  and surveys, you'll find everything you need to fight Big 



  "Always Right" 
  hottest public policy issues are discussed with top public 
  policy experts and elected leaders every week via webcast 
  courtesy of our friends at Radio Free Republic. 

 Tune in  Tuesday 
  nights at 8:00 p.m. or 11 p.m. EST for "Always Right with 
  Chuck Muth."


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How to Contribute
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  distribution publications are provided free of charge. You can help us continue 
  this important educational work by making a secure, 
  tax-deductible contribution using your credit card by 
  here  or mailing a check or money order to: 
  Citizen Outreach, 611 Pennsylvania Ave., SE, #439, Washington, 
  DC, 20003 



How to Petition Your Government
   E-mail President 
  Bush  * 
 Contact your Senator  * 
 Contact your 
* White House switchboard:
 (202) 456-1414
* House and Senate switchboard: (202) 



Chuck Muth's News Views - Special Post-SOTU Issue

2004-01-21 Thread newsandviews_list
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Some observations and reflections on last night's State of the Union

*  It was worth the price of admission just to see ol' Ted Kennedy shaking
his head no, rubbing his jowl and smirking when the President spoke about
prescription drugs and weapons of mass destruction.  What a dinosaur.

*  Despite other serious differences conservative may be having with this
president on other issues these days, there should be no doubt in anyone's
mind that we are a safer and stronger nation with him and Dick Cheney in the
White House than we were when Bill Clinton and Al Gore were there...or would
be with Howard Dean or John Kerry or Hillary Clinton or any of the other
donkey-dwarfs seeking the Oval Office.  Except maybe Joe Lieberman.

*  Best line of the evening:  America will never seek a permission slip to
defend the security of our people.  Take THAT Howard Dean and Wesley Clark!

*  Judging from the reception it received during SOTU, the President is
going to have a VERY tough time getting the Patriot Act renewed.

*  Make tax cuts permanent.  Make tax cuts permanent.  Make tax cuts

*  The President mentioned, not once, but twice, the terrible toll junk and
frivolous lawsuits are having on our economy and on health care, calling for
reform legislation.

*  On the other hand, he didn't mention the filibusters a half-dozen of his
judicial nominees still face in the Senate.  Recess appointing Pickering
last week was good, but it would have been nice to see the President put
this critical issue on his list of priorities for the coming year by
discussing it with the American people in the SOTU.  I mean, for crying out
loud, if steroid use made the list, you'd think something as important as
judicial nominations would.

*  You just had to love the dagger aimed directly at Hillary's cold heart
when the president said, in no uncertain terms, that a government-run health
care system was the wrong prescription.

*  As expected, the biggest disappointment of the speech was in the area of
restraining government.  There will be no veto of the pork-laden omnibus
spending bill.  And again, the President called on Congress to only limit
the growth of discretionary spending to under 4 percent and cutting the
deficit in half over five years.

*  No mention of freezing spending, rolling back spending or even cutting
older or non-essential programs in order to fund new or more important ones.
For example, the President called for doubling the budget for the National
Endowment of Democracy to help in the war on terror, but didn't suggest that
maybe, in order to fund some of it, we eliminate, say, the National
Endowment for the Arts.

*  The President finally and forcefully threatened, in no uncertain terms,
to use his veto pen.  Unfortunately, it was to threaten Congress to veto any
attempt to roll-back or repeal the largest expansion of government since LBJ
's Great Society days, the prescription drug bill.

*  It's a shame that, considering how the president failed to scold the
Senate for holding up his judicial appointments, he devoted so much time
talking about judges and gay marriage.  He warned activist judges to cool
their heels on this issue or he would favor some kind of constitutional
marriage amendment (though not necessarily the one presently being
considered).  This statement, designed to further clarify and solidify the
President's position on this issue, only raised yet another question:  What
if a state legislature or ballot initiative approves gay marriage in a
particular state rather than a court?  Would the President be OK with gay
marriages under those circumstance and oppose a federal constitutional
marriage amendment banning them?

*  As for the Democrat response: Good grief.  Nancy Pelosi came off looking
like a complete boob.  Despite what appears to have been an extreme physical
make-over - maybe even by those queer-eyes-for-straight-guys guys - Pelosi
is a walking liberal cliché in drag.  And what was up with those
deer-in-the-headlights eyes?  It looked like they were propped open with
invisible toothpicks.

*  As for Tommy Daschle, well...he still seems saddened, saddened.  What a
lame-o.  If this is the best the Democrats can come up for leaders in the
Congress, no wonder the best they can come up with for presidential
candidates is an off-his-rocker doctor, a French-looking dude (who, by the
way, served in Vietnam), a fired general, a trial lawyer, a peacenik, a
race-baiter and she-who-shall-not-be-named (yet).  Oh, and Joe Lieberman.

*  Finally, my favorite line of the entire evening.  In giving that
10-year-old girl her good-citizen marching orders, the 

Chuck Muth's News Views - January 22, 2004

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Now I know how the folks who brought us New Coke felt.

For the great majority of you who have had no problem receiving and reading
the new HTML version of News  Views, the new look, feel and hotlinks have
been an improvement on the old text-only version.  But for those whose email
programs and computers couldn't read the HTML code properly or print out the
newsletter without cutting off the right-hand edge, it's been a nightmare.

But the straw that broke the camel's back for me was discovering that I
couldn't get my OWN newsletter.  Thanks all the Viagra and sex spam out
there, I discovered that, while the old text-only emails were being
delivered to my back-up AOL address, the new HTML version was being blocked
by spam filters or something.  And I had no idea.  No notice.  Nothing.  So
it appears a bunch of subscribers were suddenly NOT getting the newsletter
and had no idea why.

Now...maybe there's a way to fix it with AOL and other ISP's.  I don't know.
But I also don't have the time nor inclination to try to figure it out.  So
here's what we're going to do.

We're going to go back to the old way of publishing News  Views.

Until the industry gets its act together and figures out a way to block spam
without also blocking legitimate publications such as ours, we'll just have
to stick with what we know works.  Down the road, when we have enough money,
maybe we'll set up two separate lists and give folks an option to again
begin receiving the HTML version...but for now, back to the future.

However, you can catch a running blog on CPAC over the next few days on
the old/new HTML newsletter format by going to:


If there's one restaurant in Australia where you won't find Bill Clinton on
his next visit, it's Lewinsky's in Darwin. Four entrepreneurs are planning
to open a theme restaurant inspired by Monica Lewinsky next month, the
Sydney Telegraph reports. 'We're going to go very funky,' explained one
partner who plans to expand the concept into a chain. 'There are no other
bars registered in her name and we think she'll be quite flattered.' The
eatery will feature handbags designed by the former White House intern, and,
of course, Lewinsky's will sell cigars.

- Page Six, New York Post, 1/21/04


Four students at Omaha, Neb.'s Westside High School are in trouble for
distributing a poster urging the school to give Trevor Richards its
'Distinguished African American Student Award,' the Omaha World Herald
reports. Although the school refuses to say what punishments it meted out,
Trevor's mother says he was suspended for two days for hanging the poster.

Trevor is in fact African-American; indeed, he's an immigrant from South
Africa. But school officials say he's ineligible for the award--which is
given out every Martin Luther King Day--because he's a person of pallor. One
of the four students 'was punished for circulating a petition Tuesday
morning in support of the boys.'

So not only is the school 'honoring' Dr. King by judging students on the
color of their skin rather than the content of their character; they're
punishing anyone who dares question their policies.

- James Taranto, Best of the Web, 1/21/04


When (John F'ing Kerry) declared for the presidency amongst a field of
midgets, his already tall physical stature projected his image as the
colossus of the field - after which he proceeded to stumble around the
stage, bump into furniture and stutter in the senatorial style. From champ
to chump, and now back to champ again. But the giddy current hopes of the
Kerry fans should be tempered by the likelihood that the Massachusetts
liberal probably can't carry a state south of the Mason-Dixon line.

- Columnist Tony Blankley


(Joe) Lieberman's camp, meanwhile, is looking to (John) Edwards'
performance in Iowa for inspiration.  Like Mr. Lieberman now, Mr. Edwards
was languishing in single digits in some Iowa polls about a week before the
caucuses. But Craig Smith, Mr. Lieberman's campaign director, yesterday said
the endorsement by the Des Moines Register began a good week for Mr. Edwards
that propelled him into second place.  For his part, Mr. Lieberman yesterday
picked up the endorsement of the Manchester Union Leader, the largest paper
in New Hampshire.

- Washington Times, 1/21/04


*  Did you see that speech Howard Dean gave last night? I heard that the
cows in Iowa are now afraid of getting Mad Dean disease. I'm not an expert
in politics, but I think it's a bad sign when your speech ends with your

Gun Owner Fires Back

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Gun Owner Fires Back

Do you remember that recent story about the Wilmette (IL) home owner and
father, Hale DeMar, who shot a burglar who had broken into his house TWICE
in two nights...only to be charged with violating some mamby-pamby gun
control law about updating his ID card?  And do you remember how the police
chief there suggested the proper response would have been to lock himself in
a room and call 911...and that residents would be safer if they didn't have
guns for self-protection?

Many of you wrote to the chief and town leaders in response to our Brushfire
Alert on this.

Well, in an extraordinary letter-to-the-editor published this morning in the
Chicago Sun-Times, Mr. DeMar justifies his actions and tells the town's
political leaders to Stick to Parade Schedules  Planting Our Parks.  If
you cherish the Second Amendment, you have GOT to read this letter.  And I
hope you will distribute it FAR and WIDE.

I'm on my way down to CPAC this morning.  In the meantime, Mr. DeMar's
letter is posted on the new News  Views website.  Just go to:

Chuck Muth
Citizen Outreach

Chuck Muth's News Views - January 23, 2004

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Only another day or so left to get your copy of the new Liberty Calendar
during our Winter Fundraising Drive.  Check it out at


Cheney, First Lady appeal to GOP:

Conservatives grumble over Bush's policies:

Listen to CPAC coverage live on the web!

For a look at the schedule of speakers and panels, go to:

To listen in live via the web, go to


While we thoroughly enjoyed Hale DeMar's letter to the Wilmette town leaders
telling 'em to stick to planting trees and leave defending his home and
family to him and Smith  Wesson, another must-read letter emerged this
morning which blames President Bush for costing him his job and killing two
of his sons in Iraq...with a rather surprising twist at the end.  You gotta
read this one, too.  I've it posted on the News  Views website at:


The most compelling reason to oppose this latest amnesty effort, of course,
has to do with the rule of law. Amnesty for illegal aliens is simply a
reward for law-breaking. No system depending on a strict regard for the rule
of law can treat law-breaking so casually. Amnesty will be a magnet for
further illegal immigrants, who hope to be the future recipients of the
nation's 'compassion.' . . . Public opinion is firmly opposed to increased
immigration and amnesty for illegal aliens. . . . Amnesty not only
encourages illegal immigration, but contempt for the law as well.

- Edward J. Erler of the Claremont Institute


Why are conservatives so ticked off at the President's,
temporary worker program?  Find out in this week's Muth's Truths at


The other big development (in the Iowa caucus) that sent disturbing signals
to the (Democrat) party was organized labor's failure to turn out the union
vote for Mr. Gephardt or Mr. Dean.  Mr. Gephardt had more labor endorsements
than anyone, but Mr. Dean had won support from several of the biggest unions
in the country. Neither were helped by them, despite thousands of union
volunteers working in their behalf in a big labor state. Mr. Gephardt drew
more than 15 percent of the vote in only 23 of Iowa's 99 counties.

Labor's failure to turnout the vote for the candidates it has endorsed
suggests two things: Labor unions are no longer the political powers they
once were in election contests, union households no longer follow the
dictates of their union bosses in how they vote.

 - Columnist Donald Lambro


Richard Gephardt's devastating fourth-place finish trumpeted the limits of
organized labor support.  Everyone knows union-backing is not enough
anymore.  But even in a caucus state, the strong endorsement of 21 labor
unions was not enough to turn out more than 11 percent of the 122,000 caucus
voters for Mr. Gephardt, resulting in zero national delegates.

- Columnist Maggie Gallagher


Iowa Democrats also throttled the political engines of organized labor -
the bulk of which supported Mr. Dean or Rep. Richard Gephardt of Missouri.
That loud sound you hear is the collective head scratching of most political
pros around the country wondering what happened to the vaunted union 'ground

'Our (labor) guys were nowhere to be seen,' said a Democrat who supported
Mr. Gephardt. For all the talk about this being a big fight between the new
services oriented unions such as (Service Employees International Union and
the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees) and 'old'
labor (Teamsters and the United Auto Workers), neither team apparently
showed up in full force.

'This was a double loss for labor leaders,' a former Democrat hill staffer
told me. 'Not only did the two candidates they backed lose, but the majority
of rank-in-file labor union members supported (Senators) Kerry and Edwards.'
Some may ask who the labor bosses support if both Mr. Gephardt and Mr. Dean
implode; others may ask, 'Who cares?' 

- Columnist Gary J. Andres


NEW!  You can't change public policy if you don't change public officials.
So Citizen Outreach has established a separate website project dedicated to
helping under-funded, underdog 

Chuck Muth's News Views - January 24, 2004

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Good Grief

SATIRE (n): Irony, derision, or caustic wit used to attack or expose folly,
vice or stupidity.

Out of the 26,972 people who received yesterday's edition of News  Views,
two did not recognize the Saddam Hussein letter on our webiste as a
satirical jab at the anti-war Democrats and fellow travelers.  They actually
thought the letter was genuine and blew a gasket at me for trying to make
Saddam look like a sympathetic figure and attacking President Bush.

And these people VOTE.

Be afraid.  Be very, very afraid.

I've got to get on the road back down to the final day of CPAC, so I'll
leave the Saddam letter up for another day.  But look, if you're a Palm
Beach Democrat or gullible enough to believe that Al Sharpton is
electable...don't read it!  On the other hand, if you haven't yet seen the
MADE UP Saddam letter which employs generous helpings of derision of the
left while exposing the stupidity of their anti-war, anti-Bush rantings, go

You'll also find links there to listen in to the live CPAC webcast, along
with links to a couple of stories about the conference.

I'll try to have a new DC Confidential ready for Citizen Outreach
contributors tomorrow, complete with a CPAC wrap-up and some really big news
on that developing Beers/Rawson state senate race out in Nevada.  We'll be
back on Monday with our next issue of News  Views...after I double-check
the content with the Tooth Fairy.


Chuck Muth' s News Views - February 4, 2004

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February 4, 2004

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Yesterday, the Utah House of Representatives passed a resolution urging the
U.S. Congress to consider withdrawing the United States from the United
Nations.  The resolution passed 42 to 33.  It now goes to the Utah Senate.

- The Liberty Committee, 2/3/04


We're going to tell all those white boys who run the Republican Party to
stay out of our bedrooms.

- Howard Dean, Seattle Times


Democrats, of course, are going to press the idea that (the budget deficit)
is all because of President Bush's tax cuts. . . . How do Democrats get away
with their 'blame it on the tax cuts' rhetoric?  Simple.  Most of the people
they're trying to convince were educated in government schools.

- Talk-show host Neal Boortz


If this is what the Bush administration calls belt-tightening, I'd hate to
see them splurge anytime soon. . . . According to White House budget
director Joshua Bolten, the President's budget would eliminate 65 government
programs for a savings of $4.9 billion while proposing to cut spending on 63
other programs. That's like fending off a mountain lion with a ping pong
paddle. Not even close to what needs to be done. Do we really need the $18
million increase in the National Endowment for the Arts?  Not only no, but
HELL no.

- Talk-show host Neal Boortz


The President's budget includes a 20 percent increase for the National
Endowment for the Humanities, including $33 million for its We the People
program which is designed to encourage the teaching of American history,
culture and ideas.  Laudable goal.  But, um, isn't that what the public
SCHOOLS are supposed to be doing?  I mean, the Department of Education is
getting a 5 percent boost in funding up to a whopping $66.4 BILLION.  For
that kind of money, is it too much to ask that we teach our kids the
Declaration of Independence, the Constitution and the Federalist Papers?
Apparently so.


In this bloated budget, the president seeks funds to keep marriages intact,
to prevent overeating, to encourage teenagers not to have sex, and to help
give Americans the willpower to stop smoking.  Should it bother us that both
parties now have bought into the belief government now has a federal
program, bureau, agency or grant contract to deal with every conceivable
need: an indoor rain forest in Iowa an arts festivals in Alaska, and
swimming pools in New York - and, what's next, relief from the acne on my
teenager's right cheek? . . . Republicans are steering us in the direction
of the workers' paradise of a European socialist welfare state, and the
reply from the Democrats is faster, faster.

- Steve Moore, president of Club for Growth


For the first time in his Presidency--and the first time in Washington
since 1995--Mr. Bush is requesting that domestic, non-defense spending be
restrained. This is only a proposal, and we won't know if the President
means it until he shows he's willing to veto something. But the request does
suggest that grassroots Republican anger at runaway spending is finally
getting noticed at the White House.

...In previous years (President Bush) and the GOP have tried to have it
all--more spending to fight the war on terror but also more on every
domestic program. This year he wants Congress to choose between guns and
butter.  The Members hate this, and thus their first attempt to roll Mr.
Bush will come quickly on the new highway bill.

The President is asking for new highway spending of $256 billion over six
years, a 21% increase over the past six. The Senate wants $311 billion,
however, and the road-works fiesta proposed by House Transportation Chairman
Don Young would cost $375 billion including a gas tax increase. You name it,
Mr. Young wants to pave it. If Mr. Bush gives even a hint of weakness on
this one, the Members will flatten him like a road grader.

- Wall Street Journal, 1/3/04


The veneer of unity in the conservative movement's support for the Bush
administration is wearing thin. . . . President Bush's promise last year to
hold discretionary spending increases under 4 percent lasted about as long
as it took to deliver the 2003 State of the Union address. . . . (And)
although the administration tries its best to argue that rewarding illegal
immigrants for being here illegally will 'strengthen' our borders 

Chuck Muth's News Views - February 5, 2004

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February 5, 2004

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I would like to apologize for referring to George W. Bush as a 'deserter.'
What I meant to say is that George W. Bush is a deserter, an election thief,
a drunk driver, a WMD liar and a functional illiterate. And he poops his
pants. In fact, he shot a man in Tucson 'just to watch him die.' 

- Film-maker Michael Moore on his website


With almost all attention focused on seven presidential primary elections,
yesterday's biggest win did not belong to John Kerry. The biggest victory
belongs to Oregon taxpayers, who defeated a massive $800 million tax hike at
the ballot box by 60 to 40 percent. Their message to Gov. Ted Kulongoski (D)
and the state legislature: Don't even think about raising taxes.

In August of 2003, the Oregon legislature passed a massive tax increase
without public hearings and little debate. Yesterday's vote rejected the tax
hike. The trend against state tax hikes began this year in Alabama, where
voters defeated Republican Gov. Bob Riley's tax hike by an overwhelming
68-32% margin. In California, tax and budget issues led to the demise of
former Gov. Gray Davis (D) and the rise of Arnold Schwarzenegger (R).

- Americans for Tax Reform, 2/4/04


You know the name of John Kerry's campaign bus? 'The Real Deal Express.'
You know the name of Dennis Kucinich's campaign bus?  Greyhound. . . .
Kucinich is not doing well. Even people in Florida said they wouldn't vote
for him by mistake.

- Tonight show host Jay Leno


When Sen. John Kerry, Massachusetts Democrat, proclaimed stridently that no
special interests will be allowed in the White House when he becomes
president, he was saying something absolutely meaningless. . . . When Mr.
Kerry gives examples of special interests, do not look to see the teachers
unions included. When Mr. Kerry votes against school vouchers, sacrificing
the future of millions of children for the greater glory of the National
Education Association, that is not called serving special interests because
the NEA supports Democrats.

- Columnist Thomas Sowell


The demise of Howard Dean's candidacy opens the door to a Kerry/Clinton
ticket in 2004.  As long as Dean was favored to get the nomination, Hillary
likely wasn't interested in the second slot on the ticket. With the Vermont
governor almost certain to go down to a massive defeat, Hillary probably
wanted no part in the ensuing carnage. But now that the Democrats have a
real chance to win, it makes all kinds of sense to offer her the nomination
and for her to accept it.

...Very few vice presidential candidates can actually win votes for the top
of the ticket: Hillary can. She is the most popular Democrat in the nation.
And a woman vice presidential candidate - particularly Hillary - would
electrify the Democratic base and guarantee a huge turnout. It would
transform a campaign into a crusade.  The voters she'd alienate? Already
voting for Bush.

- Columnist Dick Morris, New York Post.


For those conservatives who, at this time, would seriously consider voting
for someone other than President Bush - or just stay home on election day -
would you change your mind and vote for W if Hillary was on the Democrat
ticket with John Kerry?  Weigh in on the Discussion Board:


Have space aliens taken over the bodies of some Virginia legislators?  Find
out why Tommy Jefferson is rolling over in his Monticello grave.  Check out
this week's Muth's Truths at


Congressional Republicans, in an extraordinary break with the White House
in an election year, say President Bush's 2005 budget proposal 'doesn't go
far enough' to restrain government spending and are considering pursuing
further cuts in outlays. . . . The president is now suffering the lowest job
approval rating of his presidency as measured by the Gallup poll, at 49
percent, down from 63 percent just after the capture of Iraqi dictator
Saddam Hussein.

- Washington Times, 2/4/04


Chuck:  Thanks for your insight on many conservative values I hold dear.
One of those values is governmental budgetary constraint.  I NEVER in a
million years thought I'd say thisI 

SPECIAL EDITION: DC Confidential - February 12, 2004

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February 12, 2004

This is a SPECIAL EDITION of DC Confidential.

And as the following fast-breaking matter is REALLY important to all
conservatives, I'm sharing this one with the entire News  Views list
rather than just Goldwater Club members.

If you'd like to receive future editions of DC Confidential (usually
published weekly on Sunday mornings), just make a contribution of $5 or more
to Citizen Outreach by visiting our Donate page at


There is a real inside baseball firestorm brewing in the halls of the
Capitol.  Tensions are high.  Nerves are raw.  You probably aren't hearing
much about it outside the Beltway, but the spit is really hitting the spam
here on the inside.

Manny Miranda - that now-former staffer from Senate Majority Leader Bill
Frist's office who was hung out to dry over those 14 leaked memos showing
Democrat collusion with left-wing special interest groups to block President
Bush's judicial nominees - isn't just going quietly into the night.  Miranda
is letting everyone know there were hundreds, if not thousands, of memos
which may prove even more embarrassing to the Democrats than the original
dozen-plus.  Maybe even criminal.

Those memos are stored on a computer hard-drive which was confiscated by the
Senate sergeant at arms, William Pickle, who was tasked with investigating
the memo leak.  Miranda thinks everyone should see them. To that end, he
filed an official ethics complaint this week requesting that the impounded
files be made public.  Here's the letter...

*** QUOTE ***

Robert Walker
Chief Counsel
United States Senate Ethics Committee
Hart Office Building
Washington, D.C.

Re: Evidence of Public Corruption

Dear Mr. Walker:

With this letter I hereby inform the Ethics Committee, pursuant to Clause 9
of the Code of Ethics for Government Service, that I have read documents
evidencing public corruption by elected officials and staff of the United
States Senate.

Specifically, in addition to the 14 documents published in the Wall Street
Journal on November 14, 2003 and now posted at, I have
knowledge of other still unpublished documents that evidence a violation of
the public trust in the judicial confirmation process on the part of
Democrat senators on the Senate Judiciary Committee.  This includes evidence
of the direct influencing of the Senate's advice and consent role by the
promise of campaign funding and election support in the last mid-term

The proof of my Clause 9 disclosure is currently held and preserved by the
Sergeant at Arms in a hard drive belonging to the young Hatch staffer who
discovered a glitch in the Judiciary Committee's shared server that allowed
these documents to be read. This hard drive was seized over two months ago
in the course of the current Democrat memos investigation.

Please let me know if this letter suffices to bring this matter forward.

Very truly yours,
Manuel Miranda

*** UNQUOTE ***

Hoo-hah!  Sounds like the Sergeant at Arms is sitting on a boatload of
smoking guns.  Sure hope they don't disappear the same way as Hillary's
Rose Law Firm billing records.  Remember, it's not paranoia when they really
ARE out to get you.  Suffice it to say, a growing number of conservatives
fear that Sergeant of Arms William Pickle might destroy the incriminating
memos before they ever have a chance to see the light of day.

Oh, did I mention that Pickle was a big Al Gore supporter from Tennessee?  I
'm told he used to work on Gore's Secret Service detail.  No partisan bias
there, huh?

Anyway, conservatives are frantically mobilizing to assure preservation of
the memos which, to the best of anyone's knowledge, can be found ONLY on the
hard drive of the computer currently locked away in Pickle's safe-keeping.
To that end, the following coalition letter by a number of conservative
organizations - which Citizen Outreach quickly signed onto - has been sent
in an effort to protect and preserve the files...

*** QUOTE ***

Mr. Noel Hillman
Chief, Public Integrity Section
Criminal Division
U.S. Department of Justice
950 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
Washington, DC  20531-0001

10 February 2004

Dear Mr. Hillman:

In a recent complaint addressed to the U.S. Senate Ethics Committee, Mr.
Manuel Miranda, former Majority Counsel to the U.S. Senate Judiciary
Committee and General Counsel to Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist, apprised
Committee Chief Counsel Robert Walker of the following revelation: I have
read documents evidencing public corruption by elected officials and staff
of the United States Senate. . . .  This includes evidence of the 

Chuck Muth's News Views - Friday the 13th, 2004

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February 13, 2004

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Sen. John Kerry's presidential campaign got backing from Hollywood
yesterday as actress-activist Jane Fonda made a televised defense of the
Massachusetts Democrat's anti-Vietnam war stance.  Miss Fonda called a
photograph of her and Mr. Kerry at a 1970 antiwar rally, which appeared
yesterday on the front page of The Washington Times, a 'big lie' and a
propaganda ploy by Republicans.  She blamed 'a narrow, extremely
conservative, right-wing segment' for publicizing the photo as part of an
'attempt to smear' Mr. Kerry.

- Washington Times, 2/12/04  (Ah, a vast right-wing conspiracy, huh Jane?
How original.)


If you listen to the show you will know that I don't toss the word 'treason
' around lightly. . . . Jane Fonda?  Now THERE was a traitor. . . . It is my
firm belief that Jane Fonda is directly responsible for the deaths of many
American servicemen in Vietnam.  She is directly responsible for wives
having to go on without their husbands, and children growing up without
their father.

...Jane Fonda was a  friend of the enemy, and an enemy of the United
States.  She richly earned and deserves to this day the enmity of the people
of the United States.  And she was a woman with whom John Kerry had no
problems appearing with in his anti-war cause.  Jane Fonda should have been
tried, prosecuted and convicted of treason. She should still be serving time
in a federal prison today.  She is despised by mainstream America.
Deservedly so.

So ... keep at it, Hanoi Jane.  The heartland of this country knows who you
are, and they know what you did.  They know that there are American
servicemen who never came home because of your actions. Give your cell phone
number to CNN, Fox News, MSNBC, CNBC and the rest of the news outlets out
there.  Let them know that you're ready at any time to appear and stand up
for John Kerry.  Make yourself a leech on his backside.  Let all of America
know how proud you are of this man and what a great president he will be.

- Talk-show host Neal Boortz


Equivocating politicians are sometimes accused of trying to be 'all things
to all people,' but few have taken the practice of expedience and shifty
opportunism to (Sen. John) Kerry's level. Massachusetts residents have known
this about their junior senator for a long time. Now the rest of the country
is going to find out.  Here's how it works: Say you're in favor of capital
punishment for terrorists. Well, so is Kerry. . . . But if you're opposed to
capital punishment even for terrorists, that's OK -- Kerry is too! . . .
What does Kerry really think?  Who knows?

- Boston Globe columnist Jeff Jacoby


I'm a citizen of Massachusetts. (God help me.) For going on 30 years now,
I've watched John Kerry's career with a mixture of fascination, revulsion
and amusement.  John F. Kerry. The 'F' stands not for fraud or fabulously
coiffed - as one would suspect -- but for the Forbes family of
Boston-Brahmin fame. His mama was one of the Back Bay elite, don't you know.
However - a la the chameleon-like Zelig of the Woody Allen movie - nothing
about Kerry is what it seems.

He's Irish, right? Well, actually, he's part Jewish. (His paternal
grandparents were Kohn, before they goy-icized their name.)  He's a war hero
who became an anti-war activist, when it looked politically advantageous.
He's a man with a common touch -- who married two rich women.  One he
dumped, when she was suffering from depression, after she bore him two kids.

A graduate of the snooty St. Paul's and Yale - member of Skull and Bones,
currently married to a lady worth over half-a-billion dollars -- 
nevertheless, he can prattle about this nation belonging 'not to the
privileged few, but to all Americans.'  He's a moderate with a voting record
more liberal than either Ted Kennedy or Dennis The Red Kucinich. ...

Is there anything about the war-hero/VC symp, 'Irish'-Jewish-Brahmin,
left-wing moderate, pro-abortion Catholic, patrician-tribune-of-the-people
that's real?  Actually, there is a stark consistency that runs through
Kerry's career - He's an opportunistic, back-stabber who never met a commie
he didn't like.

- Columnist Don Feder


Photos of John Kerry with Jane Fonda, a history of taking every side of
every controversial issue, support based solely on electability, and now a

Chuck Muth's News Views - February 14, 2004

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February 14, 2004

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Kerry will implode over an intern issue.

- Gen. Wesley Clark, just prior to dropping out of the Democrat presidential
race and endorsing(?) Kerry, the Drudge Report, 2/12/04


A report alleging a 'bimbo eruption' in the John F. Kerry campaign was
Topic A on conservative talk radio programs Thursday, but the story was
nowhere to be found in the mainstream press.  The Drudge Report first
reported that major media outlets were 'seriously investigating' rumors of a
'relationship' between Kerry and a young woman who supposedly fled the
country at Kerry's urging.  Several foreign newspapers picked up reports of
the allegations, which were not even mentioned by most American news

- CNS News, 2/13/04


In a television interview this morning, Sen. John Kerry dismissed
allegations of infidelity published yesterday by the Drudge Report.  MSNBC
host Don Imus, who has endorsed Kerry for the Democratic presidential
nomination, asked the Massachusetts senator if anything in the Drudge
allegations should cause him to withdraw support.  'There's nothing to
report, nothing to talk about . no,' said Kerry on the 'Imus in the Morning'

-, 2/13/04


John Kerry has responded to rumors of an 'intern issue'--we  noted them
yesterday - in Clintonian fashion. 'Well there is nothing to report, so
there is nothing to talk about,' the BBC quotes him as telling MSNBC.
'There's nothing there. There's no story.' If you read this carefully, you
see that it's not actually a denial, and you have to wonder if Kerry didn't
choose his words carefully for just that reason.

- James Taranto, Best of the Web, 2/13/04


Presidential hopeful John Kerry was branded a 'sleazeball' last night by
the parents of a young woman he allegedly tried to woo.  Alex Polier, 24,
was named as the woman at the centre of a scandal that threatens to damage
Democrat Kerry's bid for the White House.  Her mother Donna claims Kerry,
60 - dubbed the new JFK - once chased Alex to be on his campaign team and
was 'after her.'  There is no evidence the pair had an affair, but her
father Terry, 56, said: 'I think he's a sleazeball. I did kind of wonder if
my daughter didn't get that kind of feeling herself.  He's not the sort of
guy I would choose to be with my daughter.' 

- The Sun (UK), 2/13/04


(T)his is not the first time Kerry has been accused of being engaged in an
extramarital affair.  While separated from his first wife, millionaire Julia
Thorne, in the mid-1980s, Kerry was rumored to be linked to Morgan
Fairchild, Cornelia Guest, and Patti Davis, the liberal daughter of Ronald
and Nancy Reagan.  Then, the Boston Globe reported last year that Kerry had
an affair in the 1980s with a young British reporter while still married to

- Talon News, 2/13/04


If you ever get something, I'll maim you. I won't kill you. I'll maim you.

- Teresa Heinz-Kerry to her first husband on the subject of adultery in an
Elle magazine interview


Let's take a look at the scandal meter now: a flimsy allegation about
missing some National Guard service vs. cheating on your wife with someone
1/3 your age. I think the GOP will take that challenge.

- Talk-show host Neal Boortz


Three how to reports for candidates who would rather pop a cork on
election night than cry in their beer.  17 Secrets of Direct Mail
Fundraising,  Dialing for Dollars and Campaign Gold Nuggets.
Additional reports on additional subjects on the way, so check back often.

Give yourself an unfair advantage over your opponent.  Just $4.95 each.
Order online with your major credit card.  Just go to:


(John) Kerry has been rightly praised for his war service. Nevertheless,
several of his congressional colleagues, veterans of Vietnam, have applauded
with only one hand. They cannot forget that while American pilots (like, for
example, their colleague John McCain) were hanging by their thumbs in a
squalid North Vietnamese prison cell, John Kerry was disporting about the
country with Jane Fonda, smoking pot, chasing broads and inventing atrocity
stories. Some war 

Chuck Muth's News Views - February 16-18, 2004

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..compouned by the fact that they occurred over a holiday weekend when all
the tech gurus were off, Monday's  Tuesday's News  Views didn't make it
out over the 'net.

So here are all three days combined in a special Triple-Issue.  Sorry for
the inconvenience.

February 16, 2004

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Hi, Chuck:  You concluded (in Mutiny On Bush's Bounty?), President Bush
pooh-poohs conservative unrest at his own peril.'  If GWB is, indeed,
pooh-poohing conservative unrest, I'd say it's at the Nation's peril.

- Former NM GOP chief John Dendahl


John Kerry was asked on Friday about that photograph of him and Jane Fonda
at an anti-war rally in 1970.  Kerry responded, We're 30 years beyond that.
And I think people are interested in the future.  Interesting, huh?  Kerry
wants us to be beyond discussion of his relationship with Fonda from 30
years ago, but are supposed to support him because of his military service
of...30 years ago.  And, of course, we're NOT supposed to be beyond
discussing President Bush's military service from 30 years ago.  How do
Democrats get away with this stuff?


I guess most of 'em just have a lot of common sense.  I like to say we're
true Americans. We don't fall for as much as those guys on the other side of
the aisle.

- NASCAR driver Terry Labonte on why he and his fellow drivers are
Republican supporters


Having Democrats trolling for votes among NASCAR dads is like Republicans
trolling for votes at a NOW convention.

- GOP pollster Whit Ayers


Who would be your leading candidate for the 2008 GOP presidential

Florida Gov. Jeb Bush
Colorado Gov. Bill Owens
Former NY Mayor Rudy Giuliani
Mississippi Gov. Haley Barbour
NY Gov. George Pataki
Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist
Somebody else

Cast your ballot today by clicking on the Survey Says! button at


What do you call a born-again, pro-life, pro-gun Southern candidate who
disparages lawyers and big government?  Republican you say?  What about
Jimmy Carter?  That's exactly how Carter campaigned for the Democratic
presidential nomination in 1976.  It gives you a sense of how far both major
parties have moved since then.

- Columnist Ron Faucheux, Campaigns  Elections, February 2004


So, how does the NAACP choose to celebrate Black History Month?  Among
other things, they've nominated accused rapist, child pornographer and drug
addict R. Kelly for their annual image award. . . . There is absolutely no
valid reason R. Kelly deserves an Image Award.  Not unless you want to try
to argue that criminal charges and investigations into drug use present a
model worthy of emulation and praise. . . . How disgusting.  Who are they
going to nominate next year, O.J. Simpson?

- Columnist Armstrong Williams



Hot off the press!  Laying the Groundwork: 15 Things to Do Right NOW to
Prepare for the Upcoming Election was written more for independent
grassroots activists, precinct captains and local party leaders than
candidates.  In it, you'll find 15 things YOU can do right now to prepare
your cause, organization or even neighborhood for victory in November.  Just
$4.95.  Order online with your major credit card.  Just go to:


A bipartisan coalition of senators is again trying to make it legal to
reimport price-controlled drugs from Canada. To these legislators, providing
seniors with a prescription-drug entitlement for the first time ever - which
President Bush accomplished last year with the help of Republican
congressional leaders - isn't enough. The costly new entitlement supposedly
is inadequate because it leaves some medicine costs to the consumer. While
cheap Canadian drugs might lower costs initially, the policy is dangerous to
the consumer and unfair to pharmaceutical companies. It also takes a big
step toward nationalized health care. Reimportation would be bad for

...The debate on this issue has been anything but 

Chuck Muth's News Views - February 19-20, 2004

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February 19-20, 2004

Still trying to get caught up from the technical difficulties experienced
earlier in the week, so here's a double issue for today and yesterday.  We
should be back on our regular publishing schedule by this weekend.  Thanks
for bearing with us.

To view the HTML version of today's News  Views, just go to:

To subscribe, just go to:


Campus police caught a student wandering around a dorm in blackface,
reports the Daily Orange, the Syracuse University student newspaper. But the
university's director of public safety, Marlene Hall, tells the paper the
suspect offered an excuse: 'The student told officers that the face paint
was camouflage--not blackface--and that he was actually on his way to rob a
house, Hall said.' Only a burglar--what a relief!

- James Taranto, Best of the Web, 2/18/04


In response to a report that former President Bill Clinton was shopping the
notion of Wesley Clark as John Kerry's running mate, Clinton replied, I
have not taken sides with regard to any of the candidates for president.
Yeah, right.  And he did not have sex with that woman either.


We are not going away.

- Howard Dean announcing his withdrawal from the Democrat presidential
campaign, 2/19/04


Any Presidential candidate considering Hillary for Veep should remember
just two words:  Vince Foster.

- News  Views reader Joe Kenney of Lander, WY


You see who is campaigning with John Kerry? Ted Kennedy. Imagine those two
giant heads coming down the street together. They must look like the Macy's
Day Parade.

- Tonight Show host Jay Leno


By the way, has anyone heard if John Kerry has been asked if he intends to
give up his senate seat if he becomes the Democrat presidential nominee the
way Bob Dole did after getting the GOP nod in 1996?


(I)f you listen to John Kerry, you come away not knowing what to think. He
seems like a man betwixt and between, unable to issue a clear statement
about America's role in the world, and hence floating toward whatever is
expedient at the moment.

- New York Times columnist David Brooks


Consider the following hypothetical situation. In September 2005, the
president is informed by his CIA director that they have concluded that
there is a one in two chance that North Korea will transfer five nuclear
bombs to Osama bin Laden within the next month, and that, after the
transfer, despite our best efforts, the CIA judges that it is more likely
than not that bin Laden will succeed in detonating at least one of them in a
major American city, resulting in 1 million to 3 million deaths. Should the
president consider taking pre-emptive military action? And let's assume that
the president is named John Kerry.

- Columnist Tony Blankley


John Kerry has been using triple-amputee and former Georgia Sen. Max Cleland
to beat up on President Bush over his National Guard service.  Democrats are
clearly implying -- without stating -- that Cleland lost his limbs in
combat, writes columnist Ann Coulter.  However, It is simply a fact that
Max Cleland was not injured by enemy fire in Vietnam. He was not in combat,
he was not -- as (Wall Street Journal columnist) Al Hunt claimed -- on a
reconnaissance mission, and he was not in the battle of Khe Sanh, as many
others have implied. He picked up an American grenade on a routine noncombat
mission and the grenade exploded.

Coulter has really stirred up a hornet's nest (some surprise there, huh?)
with this one.  Get all the details, including the true story behind Max
Cleland's Vietnam War injuries, HERE:


Politicians like to brag that they are beefing up the economy.  Obviously,
they don't know beef from pork!

- Zig Zigler


.(President) Bush is rapidly growing the size and reach of the federal
government. . . . Granted, the Democratic Party wants to spend even more. .
. . Yet being slightly less reckless with the taxpayer's money isn't a
responsible strategy for the GOP. . . . A veto of whatever inflated
compromise highway bill comes out of Congress would begin a serious debate
about government spending.

- Former Delaware Gov. Pete du Pont, Wall Street Journal, 2/19/04


My sermon yesterday on the great jobs debate really rubbed some folks the
wrong way ... especially 

Chuck Muth's News Views - March 2, 2004

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March 2, 2004

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“Academy Awards.  Didn't watch.  Don't care.  As I write this particular note I have 
no idea what movie won, or what actors got to gush and thank everyone from their third 
grade teacher to their gynecologist for all of their success in life.  Bread and 
circuses.  It's clear why politicians -- especially of the leftist variety -- love 
Hollywood.  The more attention we pay to what goes on in Hollywood, the less attention 
we pay to what these politicians are trying to do to us in Washington.  To those of 
you who didn't tune in to simply another in an seemingly endless succession of 
mindless awards shows ... congratulations.”

- Talk-show host Neal Boortz


“The Constitution shall never be construed to prevent the people of the United States 
who are peaceable citizens from keeping their own arms.”

- Samuel Adams


“(Smith  Wesson) cut a deal with the Clinton administration in 2000 and agreed to 
require background checks at gun shows and install safety locks on all new guns. SW's 
peace powwow with the Clintonites was supposed to be a political triumph and bring 
security to the gun industry. SW would go forth and proselytize for the idea that 
Dems were a party gun owners could do business with after all. It didn't turn out that 
way. SW became mud in the eyes of gun customers, sales plummeted 40% and the company 
was effectively taken over on the cheap by Saf-T-Hammer, a firm that makes trigger 
locks. Adding insult to injury last week, the new chairman installed by Saf-T-Hammer 
was himself forced to resign after it was revealed that, 30 years earlier, he had done 
time for a string of armed robberies.”

- Political Diary, 3/1/04


“The majority of books published nowadays aren’t by ‘writers,’ per se, but 
celebrities: Hollywood stars, television talk-show hosts, political pundits, 
ex-presidents...sports figures...and politicians lately retired or disgraced, or the 
young and ambitious ones about to embark upon their dismal careers.”

- Bill Croke, American Spectator Online


“Despite mounting public criticism, (New York) state education officials refuse to 
remove from the school system a book titled ‘This Is My House,’ which depicts typical 
Americans as homeless people living in cars.  ‘This is where I live right now. My 
family is staying in our car,’ reads the text by author Arthur Dorros. ‘We will move 
into a house when we can.’  

“The accompanying drawing shows a scowling white mother and two children sitting in a 
car parked in a dilapidated urban neighborhood of graffiti-covered houses with 
boarded-up windows. An empty lot is strewn with trash and a discarded tire. . . . 
Below the caption of the title illustration is an apparent ‘ebonic’ spelling of the 
phrase reading: ‘This Iz My Hows.’ Ebonics is a black vernacular advocated by some 

- Washington Times, 3/1/04


“...I was delighted to see that Senator Susan Collins (R-Maine) anticipates 
investigating the postal service.  The first thing, in my opinion, is to find out 
exactly how much has been spent in the many sponsorships of Tour de France and Lance 
Armstrong.  The MILLIONS of dollars will shock everyone.  Also, the USPS sponsorship 
of the 1996 Olympic Games was outrageous...and at what cost?  Every postal increase is 
apparently supporting these unauthorized sponsorships.  The advertising budget for 
slick page magazine ads is totally unnecessary since we have no other alternative.  
Who would pay their utility bill using FEDX?”

- J. R. Evanger, Denver, CO


“The Washington Legislature is considering ‘whether poor families can afford $5 a 
month in Medicaid premiums for their kids,’ the Associated Press reports from Olympia. 
‘Democrats say premiums will force families to drop out of Medicaid. They argue the 
state should take responsibility for making sure poor kids get health care.’  The 
paper quotes Annette Hensley, a 43-year-old mother of a 14-year-old Medicaid 
beneficiary: ‘It would put a big strain on us. Something would have to go. I don't 
have cable, so probably the Internet. Maybe my cellphone.’ And don't poor people have 
a right to cellphones?”

- James 

Chuck Muth's News Views - SPECIAL EDITION

2004-03-05 Thread newsandviews_list
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As y'all aren't garden variety political activists who just fell off a
turnip truck last night, I'm not going to go into a lot of detail on WHY
candidate training is so important to our cause.  I'll just make a few quick
observations...and then ask for your help, OK?

1.)  You can't change public policy without changing public officials.

2.)  You can't beat somebody with nobody.

3.)  You can't govern if you can't win.

4.)  More races are lost because of lousy campaigns, not lousy candidates.

Campaigns are increasingly complicated and technical.  You wouldn't try
building a house without some training, but all too many rookie candidates -
with nothing but the best of intentions - try to get themselves elected
without knowing spit from spam when it comes to running a campaign.

I have NO training for being a lawyer or a surgeon and I can GUARANTEE you
don't want me defending you in court or cracking open your skull for brain
surgery.  Candidates need to think about running a political campaign the
same way.  They NEED training.  They WANT training.  And with just a little
bit of help, a large number of almost winners can become ACTUAL winners.

Now here's the problem.  Or I should say...problems.

Thanks to the McCain/Feingold campaign finance reform law, the Republican
National Committee can no longer take soft money contributions. Those were
the large corporate donations which the RNC used to fund its extensive
candidate training programs...which, at one time, were GREAT.  No mas.

...And ever since Newt left Congress, GOPAC - which also once did GREAT
candidate training seminars - has been but a shell of itself and no longer
produces the workshops, tapes and books it once did.

...And the Leadership Institute, which used to conduct the best darn
Grassroots Activist training program in this hemisphere, has dramatically
scaled back its efforts for some reason.  As of today, they have ONLY TWO
training schools scheduled between now and the November elections: One in
Wilmington, DE, in March...and one in Arlington, VA, in June.  Not much help
to folks west of the Mississippi.

...And frankly, at the state and local level you often have people putting
on training seminars who are either (a) political hacks whose expertise
stops at which side of a stamp to lick, or (b) political consultants who are
only looking for new clients and really have no ability (or desire) to teach
under-funded candidates how to run a winning campaign without the candidate
paying them major fungolas.

Now, as you know I've been conducting training seminars around the country
for the last eight years or so.  And in all modesty, I'm pretty darn good at
it.  In fact, if I ever give up this political gig I'd probably want to
become a teacher (much to the consternation of that terrorist
 organization, the NEA!).

But it is VERY expensive to put on a live seminar to train just a couple
dozen candidates in person.  Between the travel expenses and the cost to
rent a hotel meeting room - not to mention some compensation for the trainer
's time - a good, quality training workshop can easily run a couple thousand
dollars.  And without some serious underwriting by some major donors, the
only way to offset those costs is to charge an arm-and-a-leg for
registration fees.  But, heck, if the candidates had THAT kind of money they
wouldn't NEED the seminars. They'd just go out and hire a professional
campaign manager to run their race.

Now add in the fact that, since most candidates still have jobs, you have to
conduct these seminars on weekends.  That means time factors alone limit the
number of seminars you can do in the few months' time leading up to an
election to a couple dozen.  With those cost and time limitations in mind,
that means seminars generally must be held ONLY in major cities.

So what about those candidates who can't get away to attend the seminar for
job, money or other reasons...not to mention those who live in small towns
and cities such as Minot, North Dakota or Elko, Nevada?  THEY have to travel
themselves, stay overnight in a hotel, etc.  Again, the cost keeps them from
learning the sorts of things which could very well help put them in the
winner's circle on election day.

And finally, there's my own selfishness.

I've never had a problem with traveling around the country and taking a
couple days off to help these good, deserving candidates get off on the
right foot with our Campaign War College.  But that was before I had kids.
Frankly - and I KNOW this is selfish - but given a choice between taking a
weekend to fly to St. 

Chuck Muth's News Views - March 8, 2004

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March 8, 2004

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“The millions of horizontally challenged Americans who frequent McDonald's restaurants 
will soon have to change their orders. Instead of asking for one ‘Supersize’ fries, 
they'll need to request four regular-sized orders. . .  . (W)hile McDonald's retreat 
from big won't slim America, it does hand a victory to the forces of regulation and 
litigation -- and the mistruths they peddle.

“McDonald's says its move is a matter of menu simplification. But what the Supersize 
dump is really about is the mau-mauing that the hamburger chain has received from the 
nation's food nannies for selling what increasingly overweight Americans love to eat. 
This public shaming has led to a crush of trial lawyers, who've already started a 
tobacco-like assault on the food industry. McDonald's has seemingly thrown in the 
wrapper and moved to damage control.”

- Review  Outlook, Wall Street Journal, 3/8/04


“Arizona Gov. Janet Napolitano Friday vetoed a bill requiring a 24-hour waiting period 
for abortions less than a half-hour after it hit her desk.  Miss Napolitano, a 
Democrat who supports abortion rights, issued the veto Thursday in spite of more than 
2,000 calls, emails and faxes to her office urging her to sign the legislation and 
make it law.”

- Washington Times, 3/7/04


“In business, poor performance leads to bankruptcy or, at a minimum, a restructuring 
of the company. In American education, failure entitles the bankrupt system to even 
more taxpayer dollars.”

- Columnist Cal Thomas


“The opening of Wal-Mart's first ‘supercenter’ in California, in the desert city of La 
Quinta near Palm Springs, has sparked a debate that is difficult for us to understand. 
Many Californians are now arguing about whether the massive retailer's expansion into 
the grocery business in California is a good trend or a bad one.  Let the shoppers 
decide. . . . That's how the market should work. The customers rule and they will 
decide if such a concept is a good one.”

- Orange County Register, 3/7/04


Quick, down-and-dirty how to reports on specific aspects of political campaigns and 
grassroots organizations.  Written primarily for beginners with little or no 
experience, but certainly chocked full of tidbits and hot tips to benefit even the 
most seasoned political pro.  Generally 8-16 pages of A-Z, step-by-step instructions 
to gain more votes, more money and more volunteers for your political activities 
and/or campaign.  Don't expect fancy packaging with a lot of bells and whistles.  Just 
solid, up-to-date how-to information you can put to use IMMEDIATELY.  Go to to check out our ever-growing library of 
winning publications!


“Here is what retired Gen. Wesley Clark had to say about (John) Kerry on Feb. 5: ‘The 
American people don't want another Washington insider who never plays it straight. 
They don't want a follower who makes decisions by licking his finger and sticking it 
up in the wind.’

“This is what Mr. Clark had to say about Mr. Kerry eight days later, after abandoning 
his own quest for the presidency: ‘I believe John Kerry has the right experience, the 
right values and the right leadership and character to beat George W. Bush.’ 

- Associated Press, 3/7/04


“(W)hat about the attack on Bush (over the president’s use of 9/11 in campaign 
commercials) from the International Association of Fire Fighters?  Guess what: That 
union just happens to be endorsing Kerry.  But the firefighters themselves back Bush. 
Hero New York City firefighter Mike Moran, whose words of defiance against Osama bin 
Laden helped rally the nation in the aftermath of the 9/11 attacks, said Friday that 
he finds President Bush's campaign ads invoking the attacks ‘inspirational.’ 

-, 3/8/04


“(John Kerry’s) the only president that if he gets on Mount Rushmore, the face will be 
actual size.

- Tonight Show host Jay Leno


“It's easy to overstate the importance of a vice-presidential nominee. . . . But the 
veep choice can matter on the margins, 

Chuck Muth's News Views - March 9, 2004

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March 9, 2004

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“That photograph of (Rosie O’Donnell) kissing her new ‘wife’ inflicted more damage on 
the same-sex marriage movement than a dozen sermons.  In-your-face exhibitionism 
doesn’t sell well in the cheap seats.”

- Columnist Suzanne Fields


“Litigation against the food industry is not going to make a single individual any 
skinnier. It will only make the trial attorneys' bank accounts fatter.

- Rep. Ric Keller, R-FL


“Here's an unsigned question: 'Mr. Vice President, don't you think it's time to step 
down and let someone else add new energy and vitality to the ticket?' No, I don't. And 
Rudy, you need to do a better job disguising your handwriting.

- Vice-President Dick Cheney poking a little light-hearted fun at former New York City 
mayor Rudy Giuliani at the annual Gridiron Dinner in Washington on Saturday


“The Bush side, with the Democratic nominee chosen, will spend the next 8 months and 
millions of dollars exposing Kerry for what he is: a flip-flopping liberal who is soft 
on terrorism, and someone who wants to turn our military over to the UN to protect 
us.  John Kerry thinks terrorism is a law enforcement problem and George Bush views 
them as an enemy that must be destroyed. It's no more complicated than that.”

- Talk-show host Neal Boortz


“John Kerry is so stiff.  You sort of see him sitting at home with a powdered wig 
watching C-SPAN.  For John Kerry, being rebellious is having red wine with fish.

- Time magazine's Matthew Cooper


“I have never met anybody, nor seen anybody interviewed, nor received an email from 
anybody, nor read a letter to a newspaper from anybody who really woke up in the 
morning and thought: If John Kerry doesn't win, I just don't know what I shall do.

- Columnist Christopher Hitchens 


“The U.S. Department of Justice announced last week that Oracle's takeover of 
PeopleSoft violates antitrust law, stating that ‘we believe this transaction is 
anti-competitive - pure and simple.’  Ironically, in the same week the U.S. Supreme 
Court, in United States Postal Service v. Flamingo Industries, decided that the 
massive U.S. Postal Service is exempt from all antitrust laws.  Yet anticompetitive 
behavior by the Postal Service is more harmful to consumers, competitors and the 
overall economy than most private sector mergers.”

- Rick Geddes of the Hoover Institute


Last year, the President appointed a commission to study how the post office runs its 
operations in this new Internet age.  Congress will soon weigh the recommendations for 
USPS reform made by the commission and consider possible legislation. What do you 
think Congress should do?  Are you pretty much happy with the post office and believe 
Congress needs to just do a little tinkering around the edges?  Or is major reform 
called for, including an end to the monopoly the post office has on first-class mail 
delivery and mailbox access?  Or is it time for radical change, including the complete 
privatization of the post office the way the Japanese are doing?

Weigh in on the Discussion Board at:


“ Last year, when Republicans rammed a new Medicare drug benefit through Congress, I 
warned they were unlikely to get the political boost they were expecting. Now, just 
three months after the legislation was signed into law, many now realize — too late — 
that I was right. . . . Every poll since the drug bill was enacted shows a distinct 
lack of enthusiasm for it on the part of the elderly. . . . In the end, Republicans 
will lose far more votes from this legislation than they gained.”

- Columnist Bruce Bartlett


“House Majority Leader Tom DeLay, criticized by some conservatives for toeing the 
White House line too often over the past three years, is about to announce his own 
legislative agenda. . . . On Wednesday, Mr. DeLay will take the extraordinary step of 
introducing his own set of legislative and policy goals, for this year and beyond. . . 
. ‘We're trying to get people excited about being Republicans again,’ the Texan said.

“...Mr. DeLay, 

Chuck Muth's News Views - March 12, 2004

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March 12, 2004

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The Senate voted on Wednesday to require 60 votes to pass any further tax cuts over 
the next five years instead of a simple majority of 51 votes.  Voting with the 
Democrats to make passing tax cuts tougher than it already is were four supposedly 
Republicans:  McCain, Collins, Snowe and Chafee.  Gee, thanks guys.  One Democrat 
voted the way the four GOPers SHOULD have voted:  Zell Miller.


“ ’Former President Clinton said Tuesday he has no plans to seek another elected 
office, preferring to remain in private life because having one Clinton in politics is 
'probably more than enough,' ’ the Associated Press reports. Hmm, if one Clinton in 
politics is ‘more than enough,’ what number would be optimal?”

- James Taranto, Best of the Web, 3/11/04


By now you’ve probably seen that college basketball “test” given to players with 
mind-bending questions such as “How many points do you get for a three-point shot?”  
OK, along those lines, here’s today’s News  Views pop quiz...  

In Maryland, two state legislators said this week that the wealthy in the state 
weren’t paying their fair share and are proposing tax hikes on “the rich.”  Question:  
Which party do these two state legislators belong to?

If you really need me to provide the answer to this question, you might want to 
consider joining the rest of your tribe down in Palm Beach, Florida.


“Unbelievable.  According to this, 16 year old children would be able to vote but NOT 
buy cigarettes.  If we can't trust kids with things like cigarettes and drugs, what 
makes these fools think we can trust them to vote with ‘knowledge and a conscience?’  
Just think of all the mommies and daddies out there who are Liberals that would be 
influencing their kids to vote ‘their’ way.  H...maybe this is just a desperate 
cry from the Democratic party for more votes.”

- News  Views reader 


“(Martha Stewart) lost all my respect after her first indictment, when she said her 
adversaries were part of a vast right-wing conspiracy against her. . . Nonetheless, 
Stewart's felony conviction last Friday was a miscarriage of justice. There can be 
little doubt she is being hung out to dry much more for her celebrity and wealth than 
for her transgressions, which were de minimus. . . . The Stewart convictions should 
leave a bitter aftertaste in conservatives' mouths... Stewart, it appears, was a 
victim of class warfare, which has filtered down from the brainless, demagogic 
left-wing politicians, now even to juries of our peers.”

- Steve Moore, president of Club for Growth


Massachusetts state law requires all women be tested for rubella, otherwise known as 
German measles, before being issued a marriage license.  If the state goes forward 
with issuing marriage licenses for same-sex couples, should there be a requirement 
that they be tested for HIV?  Or should ALL such health tests be eliminated?  

Cast your vote by going to the Survey Says! page at

Then share your opinion on our Discussion Board at:


“Those are my principles. If you don't like them I have others.

- Groucho Marx


“Sen. John Kerry, Massachusetts Democrat, is fond of calling corporate chief executive 
officers who employ foreigners ‘Benedict Arnolds,’ after the despicable Revolutionary 
War turncoat.  But look at H.J. Heinz  Co., the family business of Mr. Kerry and his 
wife Teresa.  Of the 79 factories the food-processor owns, 57 are overseas.”

- James Glassman of


“John Kerry has voted for higher taxes 350 times and his numbers for new spending 
don’t add up.  His campaign trail promises mean that he is going to raise taxes by at 
least $900 billion.”

- Bush/Cheney campaign spokesman Steve Schmidt, 3/10/04


“After a speech in Chicago, (John) Kerry said this to a supporter: ‘Let me tell you, 
we've just begun to fight. We're going to keep pounding. These guys are the most 
crooked, you know, lying group I've ever seen. It's scary.’ . . . We're actually not 
sure it was Kerry, rather than his interlocutor, who said ‘It's 

Chuck Muth's News Views - March 13, 2004

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Q: “Do you support a constitutional amendment to prohibit gay marriage?”

A:  “I certainly understand that something needs to be done to stop mayors and judges 
and others who are disregarding the law. But I think the procedure to correct these 
problems lies within the Constitution itself, which doesn't need to be amended.  You 
cannot correct every moral deficit created by the courts by constitutional amendment. 
If we make a constitutional amendment that says marriage is between a man and a woman, 
what stops a court from saying that means a man can marry his sister, thereby making 
incest legal? The problem is the courts.”

- Former Alabama Judge Roy Moore in a New York Times interview, 3/7/04 


“You don't need to read the latest report on higher and higher rates of 
life-threatening obesity to know that this country has a problem. . . . So what's to 
be done collectively?  I have an idea: nothing. If people want to eat themselves into 
misery and early death, it really isn't anyone else's business.”

- Columnist Andrew Sullivan


“Minnesota is asking federal permission to bar people from using food stamps to buy 
candy bars, soda and other junk food,” reports the Associated Press.  How long do you 
think it will take for a lawyer to file a lawsuit to prevent the government from 
preventing food stamp recipients from buying junk food which could put a dent in the 
number of people they could possibly recruit for a class-action lawsuit against junk 
food manufacturers?


“It turns out the four members of Congress that (accused spy Susan Lindauer) worked 
for were all Democrats.  She worked for some of them for a short time, and one says 
she doesn't remember her. Fine. But it's interesting how the media is not really 
reporting that she only worked for Democrats. The AP story initially reported that 
they were only ‘members of Congress.’  The party affiliation of those members wasn't 

“There is, though, one newspaper out there (that) will name names, and that is The 
Atlanta Journal-Constitution.  In today's AJC you'll see a headline which reads 
‘Accused Spy is Cousin of Bush Staffer.’  Here we have someone who has worked for four 
congressional Democrats .. and ONLY congressional Democrats ... and our local leftist 
rag identifies her as the cousin of a Bush staffer.  Anyone who doesn't believe the 
media is biased needs their head examined.”

- Talk-show host Neal Boortz, 3/12/04


“Although ‘new job creation is lagging badly’ for the moment, (Federal Reserve 
Chairman Alan Greenspan) said, the best way for Congress to help Americans get and 
keep good-paying jobs is to improve their math and technical skills so companies won’t 
be tempted to outsource to better-trained workers in China and India. . . . Congress 
needs to promote both the teaching of basics such as arithmetic, geometry and 
calculus, Mr. Greenspan said, as well as the abstract reasoning that workers will need 
to survive in a highly competitive job market.”

- Washington Times, 3/12/04


Quick, down-and-dirty how to reports on specific aspects of political campaigns and 
grassroots organizations.  Written primarily for beginners with little or no 
experience, but certainly chocked full of tidbits and hot tips to benefit even the 
most seasoned political pro.  Generally 8-16 pages of A-Z, step-by-step instructions 
to gain more votes, more money and more volunteers for your political activities 
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“Mr. Bush has shown that, unlike Bill Clinton, Al Gore or John Kerry, he is willing to 
take the battle to the enemy on the basis of military necessity, not temporize on the 
basis of legalistic whim or fatuous reliance on the United Nations.

Muth's Truths - March 14, 2004

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Vote Swapping: Protesting Bush Without Electing Kerry

The Libertarians may be on the verge of doing something politically smart this year.  
Don’t laugh.  I’m serious.

For years, the Libertarian Party has had a major public relations problem, brought on 
by...well, themselves.  To most Americans, the libertarian philosophy is defined 
solely as drug legalization and open borders.  And as a political party over the last 
30-some years, the LP has had all the success of the French military. 

What is truly unfortunate is that the libertarian philosophy is truly the governing 
philosophy most closely related to that of our founding fathers; things such as 
limited government, low taxes, individual liberty and a free market.  Of course, those 
are the same principles often articulated by Republicans. So what’s the difference?

The Libertarians mean it.  

Still, you can’t ignore the fact that Libertarian Party candidates at the state and 
national level (we’re not talking about local hospital board races here) don’t win 
elections.  So when Republicans wander off the limited-government reservation, the LP 
doesn’t exactly offer a credible alternative, but rather serves solely as a “spoiler” 
which often results in the election of the far worse liberal Democrat.

In the past, I’ve taken a back seat to no one in criticizing the spoiler role that LP 
candidates play in elections between marginal Republicans and horrible Democrats.  But 
at the same time, I’ve criticized Republican candidates for not reaching out to 
libertarian-leaning voters in the same manner as they suck up to blacks, Hispanics, 
women and “NASCAR dads.”  After all, the Libertarians actually have alternative 
candidates on the ballot.  Shouldn’t Republicans at least “throw a bone” to 
libertarian-leaning voters?

Don’t hold you breath.

The GOP establishment continues to simply blow off these voters. Where else are they 
gonna go, right?  Well, just ask FORMER moderate Sen. Slade Gorton (R-WA), who lost 
his re-election bid in 2000 by 2,229 votes...while the LP candidate on the ballot 
pulled in 64,734 votes.  The result: Democrat Sen. Patty Murray. Lovely.

The 2000 presidential contest was a squeaker.  Expect the same this year. And 
President Bush, without listing all the examples here, is deservedly under fire by 
limited-government conservatives and libertarians.  But instead of addressing their 
concerns, the campaign is again just blowing them off. And why not? Where are they 
going to go, right?  Kerry?

They have a point.  In this environment, who wants to trust the nation’s defense to 
Jane Fonda’s old running buddy?  But by the same token, many voters still want to send 
the president a message that they’re mad as hell with his big-government policies and 
they’re not going to take it any longer.

And here’s where the LP might show some political smarts and maturity.

Back in 2000, when it looked as though Ralph Nader’s third-party candidacy could cost 
Al Gore the presidency, an Internet phenomenon arose called “vote swapping.”  It works 
like this (Warning: You must understand how the Electoral College works to understand 
this strategy): 

There are some states which the two major-party candidates have “locked,” and there 
are others which are toss-ups.  So if you were a Nader voter in 2000 who lived in a 
toss-up state, you could go on the Internet and “swap” your vote with a Gore voter in 
a “lock” state.  You agreed to vote for Gore in the competitive state if the other 
person agreed to vote for Nader in a “lock” state.  That way, in theory, you didn’t 
risk a Gore loss in the Electoral College, but still registered your disapproval in 
the aggregate general election total.

Libertarians supporting Gary Nolan, their candidate for president in 2004, may launch 
a similar “vote swap” effort this year on the right.  If so, a significant protest 
vote against some of President Bush’s policies could be registered in the general 
election vote total without jeopardizing the nation by electing Kerry in the Electoral 
College.  If they’re successful, you just might see the largest vote total for a 
Libertarian Party candidate in the nation’s history.

Nevertheless, the LP will continue to serve as nothing but third-party spoilers in 
close elections at the state and congressional levels.  But if the GOP continues to 
blow off the growing number of voters who are sick and tired of big-spending, 
big-government compassionate conservatism, then they DESERVE to have their elections 

# # #

Chuck Muth's News Views - Ides of March, 2004

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In yesterday’s “Muth’s Truths,” I noted that Slade Gorton lost in a squeaker in 2000 
to Patty Murray.  In fact, he lost to another left-wing lightweight, Maria Cantwell.  
My apologies.  Anticipation of Wrestlemania must have clouded my thinking.  (Chris 
Benoit the new WWE Champion?  Gimme a break.  If I didn’t know better, I’d swear that 
match was “fixed.”)


A number of you have written about the claims and the unions are making 
about a proposal to “cut” overtime pay.  Folks, I know you’ll find this hard to 
believe, but MoveOn and the unions aren’t telling the truth.  No, really.  The 
administration is suggesting a change which would effect “white collar” 
management-level workers, not regular hourly workers.  Read more here in this news 
release by Americans for Tax Reform.


“Those oh-so-compassionate liberals could hardly contain their glee upon hearing the 
news that Attorney General John Ashcroft is suffering from a severe case of gallstone 
pancreatitis.  ‘He has it coming. He is utterly subhuman and evil. Suffer, bastard,’ 
gloated an Internet user on the Web site. ‘[T]he world would 
be better off without him,’ responded another writer on the forum. ‘I hope he is in 
the most severe pain a human being can suffer, and after that, I hope he remains in 
constant pain with no hope of relief,’ chimed in yet another bleeding-heart Democrat.”

- Columnist Michelle Malkin


Republicans in Congress were happy as pigs in slop last fall when the nation’s biggest 
seniors’ group, AARP, endorsed their new Medicare prescription drug entitlement plan.  
But any thought that the left-wing group would stick with the GOP on health care 
issues is quickly being dashed onto the rocks (just as most conservatives predicted).  

In a full-page ad appearing in Friday’s Washington Times, AARP bashes the life-saving 
and life-extending pharmaceutical companies with gusto, demanding the industry “limit 
price increases,” “co-operate” to allow dangerous drug re-importation from Canada, 
support generic competitors in their effort to show that knock-off drugs are just as 
good as the real thing, and turn over drug price-control authority to the government.  
So much for private enterprise and the free market.

The more things change, the more they stay the same...and Republicans never seem to 
learn their lesson.


Are pharmaceutical companies spending too much money on advertising?  Cast your vote 
by clicking the “Survey Says!” tab at


“A poll taken by Andres McKenna Polling and Research found that Americans 
overwhelmingly believe ‘the terrorists would prefer’ (John) Kerry to win the election.”

- Washington Times, 3/12/04


“As part of a nationwide team covering the presidential race for kid-oriented 
Scholastic News, 11-year-old Mitchel Hochberg of Northbrook queried John Kerry at an 
Evanston senior center this week. Hochberg, a fifth-grader, noted that President Bush 
and Kerry have exchanged unusually aggressive barbs for so early in a presidential 
contest. Does that help Kerry or hurt him? Hochberg wondered. Kerry responded by 
talking about prescription drugs. ‘It was an interesting experience,' Hochberg said 
after the event. But, he lamented, Kerry's response ‘wasn't a full answer.' “

- Chicago Sun-Times, 3/11/04


“If Bush can't talk to Kerry about the horrors of war, then Kerry sure can't talk to 
anyone about the plight of the middle class.  Kerry's life experience consists of 
living off other men's money by marrying their wives and daughters.  For over 30 
years, Kerry's primary occupation has been stalking lonely heiresses.  Not to get back 
to his combat experience, but Kerry sees a room full of wealthy widows as ‘a 
target-rich environment.’ This is a guy whose experience dealing with tax problems is 
based on spending his entire adult life being supported by rich women.  What does a 
kept man know about taxes?”

- Columnist Ann Coulter


“One important issue in John Kerry's past has been studiously avoided this 

Chuck Muth's News Views - March 16, 2004

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March 16, 2004

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“No wonder (John Kerry’s) so popular with the ladies. John Edwards may have been cute, 
but Kerry has more positions than the Kama Sutra.”

- James Taranto,, 3/15/04


“Clearly the terrorists prefer national leaders who will appease them rather than 
leaders who will try to locate them and kill them.  This would mean that the 
terrorists would much rather see John sKerry win in the United States than President 
Bush.  I know that's a tough pill to swallow for the Democrats ... but the fact is 
that in this presidential election they are clearly on the same side as the 
terrorists.  Saying it ain't so won't work. You're just going to have to find a way to 
accept it and live with it.”

- Talk-show host Neal Boortz


“Last Monday in Florida, (John Kerry) told reporters that, ‘I've met with foreign 
leaders who can't go out and say this publicly. But, boy, they look at you and say: 
'You've got to win this. You've got to beat this guy. We need a new policy.' Things 
like that.’  This sure sounds like news worth pursuing. Who are these foreign leaders, 
and what is Mr. Kerry privately saying that makes them so enthusiastic about his 
candidacy? . . . (H)aving raised the point, he ought to tell the American people 
precisely who these foreign leaders are and why they want him to win.”

- “Review  Outlook,” Wall Street Journal, 3/15/04


“The town meeting (in Bethlehem, PA) was contentious at times, with 52-year-old Cedric 
Brown repeatedly pressing the candidate to name the foreign leaders whom Kerry has 
said are backing his campaign.  ‘I'm not going to betray a private conversation with 
anybody,’ Kerry said. As the crowd of several hundred people began to mutter and boo, 
Kerry said, ‘That's none of your business.’ 

- Associated Press, 3/14/04


“Asked who would make good vice presidential material, (Hillary Clinton) refused to 
answer, saying it was ‘a personal choice’ for Kerry.  ‘It's about qualifications and 
chemistry. I am just going to let Sen. Kerry make that decision on her own,’ she said.”

- Sarasota Herald-Tribune, 3/14/04


“It's too bad for the Democrats that Kerry already has the nomination sewed up.  They 
rushed the process, and now they've wound up with a lemon and no return policy.  I 
guess they can always vote for Nader. By the way ... a great line from the Bush camp 
over the weekend.  sKerry, as you know, is challenging Bush to a series of monthly 
debates leading to the election.  Bush officials said that perhaps it might be a good 
idea for Kerry to finish debating himself before he tries to take on the president.”

- Talk-show host Neal Boortz


Are pharmaceutical companies spending too much money on advertising?  Cast your vote 
by clicking the “Survey Says!” tab at


“Anyone who wants to understand why the media are held in such low regard by the 
public — in polls of the most respected professions we usually come somewhere between 
Nigerian e-mail scammers and serial pedophiles — should consider the following 
headline from an Associated Press story in the Seattle Post-Intelligencer last week: 
‘Accused spy is cousin of Bush staffer.’

“The accused person is Susan Lindauer, charged with working for Saddam's intelligence 
agency. . . . Before she allegedly became an Iraqi agent, Miss Lindauer spent a decade 
in Washington working for four members of Congress, Peter DeFazio, Ron Wyden, Carol 
Moseley Braun and Zoe Lofgren. What do these four legislators have in common?  Answer: 
They all have a ‘D’ after their names. But to The Seattle Post-Intelligencer's 
headline writer the salient fact about Miss Lindauer is not her 10 years of work for 
the Democratic Party but the amazing revelation she is a second cousin of Bush chief 
of staff Andrew Card.”

- Columnist Mark Steyn


“‘Sen. Edward M. Kennedy said Saturday the Bush administration has a 'widening 
credibility gap' between what it tells the American people and the facts,’ the 
Associated Press reports.  Mary Jo Kopechne could not be reached for comment.”

- James Taranto,, 3/15/04


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