Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Animal Life Forms on Mars

2014-10-13 Thread salyavin808

 Do you have any documentary evidence for that claim? I know there is a list of 
people who get called if a major discovery is made but the government aren't on 
it but I doubt the government could keep it quiet even if they wanted to. The 
biggest worry when announcing a discovery of alien life is if they get it wrong 
and it turns out to be a non-intelligent natural phenomena like pulsars or 
something strange like that.

 I suppose whoever the astronomer royal is will get a nod and inform the 
government but the church will have to just cope somehow, it isn't like the old 
days when people really believed them ahead of the scientists and to remain 
credible they've had to go back on so much of the dogma there isn't much left 
for their gods to do anyway. The Muslims seem unreformed enough that they might 
find it hard to cope that they aren't anything special in god's eyes.

If a message from the stars is received I'd be tempted to sit on it until it's 
decoded to see if it's a threat, "We'll be their in five of your Earth years. 
Be afraid." Is the sort of thing that you might want a contingency plan for. I 
can't see the government doing anything other than fuck it all up though. 
Unless we get the slick and sophisticated shadow government involved, if they 
can bring down the WTC without anyone noticing they might just be good enough 

---In,  wrote :

 However NASA was advised at the beginning of our space age to be careful if 
they discover any evidence of intelligent life especially things like alien 
space craft or outposts.  So don't count on hearing from them any time soon 
about anything they find along that line or have already found.  The fear is it 
would cause upheaval from religious institutions who believe that some magic 
man in the sky invented things just 6000 years ago.
 On 10/13/2014 02:01 PM, anartaxius@... mailto:anartaxius@... [FairfieldLife] 

 Not a very good source of information here. NASA indeed thinks that life could 
have originated on Mars in the past, and possibly still exists today, but it 
would be micro-organisms, like bacteria. Temperatures on Mars range from  about 
20°C to below -100°C, averaging somewhere in the neighbourhood of -40°C most of 
the time. It is a frozen desert now. The life they expect they could find would 
be something like the micro-organisms found in the dry valleys in Antarctica, 
which live inside of rocks slightly beneath the rock's exterior surfaces. More 
likely, were signs of life to be found, it would be fossil evidence of life 
from the distant past when Mars had more atmosphere and surface water.
 mailto:jr_esq@... wrote :

 The NASA chief recently stated that there may be life forms that exist on Mars 
today.  Here's the link:



[FairfieldLife] Re: About Nov. 30 and the TM movement

2014-10-13 Thread salyavin808


---In,  wrote :

 Yea But, the really interesting thing here is the legal path the old UK TM 
teachers carve out to continue to teach in the face of the strong-hand attempt 
of TM trademark assertion.. as Sal notes: but there isn't much they (Vlodrop) 
can do as all the teachers were trained by Marshy (Maharishi Mahesh Yogi).  
That is interesting. 40,000 TM teachers out there in the world trained by 
Maharishi Mahesh Yogi and a few hundreds of TM teacher re-certs. The new TM 
legal department sharp-shoots old individuals continuing to teach TM as they 
were taught to teach as an infringement but this particular group of UK 
scorpion TM teachers stuck together and withstands the new TM legal department 
together. The Maharishi Foundation (Vlodrop and Vedic City) now keep a 
trademark infringement law firm on retainer now in the USA as they hunt down 
old TM teachers teaching outside the TM teacher re-certification project, a 
project that came post Maharishi or at the end to have old teachers come in and 
sign papers again restricting their teaching. Apparently the group of UK TM 
teachers exist extra-territorial to new-TM because they stuck together. Damned 

 That's so badly written I can't tell if the damned scorpions are the ones 
continuing to teach the way they were taught to, or if they're the re-certified 
legal department trying to stop them.

 Given your love of transcending I would have thought you'd just be happy that 
more people are getting the chance to try it. Maybe you get upset because it 
skews the coherence numbers and you know that makes it less likely that the 
Marshy Effect works because there are prolly twice as many people meditating as 
you thought. No need to call for more people in the domes if we should all be 
floating anyway huh?

 Or maybe it's because they deprive the national office with money, but you're 
always complaining about the way they run things anyway. And just think, the 
fewer people in the official TMO the fewer there are being conned into forking 
out the readies for the yagya programme or the thousand headed bone-idle mug 
punters who'd be a lot better off getting a job and paying their own way in 

 I remember the first re-certification course, your opinion of it's purpose may 
differ but it seemed like just another way of screwing the faithful out of 
their last few meagre savings. Did you know people were sitting the domes 
crying at the sheer pointless waste of time and money as the bigwigs viciously 
fleeced them in return for astoundingly useful and unique information like how 
to open a bank account? And all so they could continue to practise something 
that they'd paid a fortune and devoted their lives to many years before.

 Only time will tell which group has whatever it is that appeals to the masses, 
the faux Hindoo certified TMO or the faux Hindoo non-certified but completely 
identical ex-TMO. 

 Did you think the age of enlightenment was going to be as entertaining as this?



 steve.sundur wrote :
 Sal, ..  Your strict adherence to everything science has dulled your 
sensitivity to nuance. 

 You've got that knee jerk, TM bash move down pat.

 mjackson74@...> wrote : 
 Sal says they do and their web presence speaks to it as well. But I will defer 
to Sal on this he is in a position to know.


 Sal writing:

 It's a good question, there are a few teaching in various places, The 
Meditation Trust is probably the best known as they were the guys who quit when 
Marshy put the price up so high it put them out of business. They have a few 
centres and hold courses in a country house where they teach the TMSP too. 

 The TM official are always taking legal action against them but there isn't 
much they can do as all the teachers were trained by Marshy. 

 I know people who go on their courses, they always tell me that I musn't 
mention it to people in the movement, which says it all about the TMO really. 
The same guy was telling me that someone asked him if it was true that people 
get brainwashed in the TMO, he said of course not. 

 Anyway, they seem to be doing well and actually making money out of it which 
is the TM teachers dream, but then they don't have to give half to the TMO. Bad 
feelings about that too I shouldn't wonder.

 From: "anartaxius@... [FairfieldLife]" 
 Sent: Monday, October 13, 2014 10:11 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: About Nov. 30
   Michael: note the highlighted part of my post below. A schism requires that 
the split off group has a coherent organization. I don't know if the initiators 
in England have this.


---In,  wrote :

 the Movement already split - don't forget the renegade initiators in England


 From: "anartaxius@... [FairfieldLife]" 
 Sent: Monday, October 13, 2014 8:56 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: A

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: About Nov. 30

2014-10-13 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Michael, let me try to clue you in, since you are so fuckin' dense.  (pardon my 

 There is sometimes a cycle to things.

 Like grief, for example. Or disbelief for example.

 Somethings create a bit of "stir" at first, and then they fade.

 What would be the exceptions to this?  People who obsess about things, and are 
not able to let go.  

 Or people with an agenda that is impervious to common sense, or who remain 
locked in to a point of view.

 Think on it.  Maybe pray on it.  Some wisdom may sink in.

 Good luck.

---In,  wrote :

 the fact that Hagelin felt it enough of a threat to address it in an offical 
"Private and Confidential" letter to Certified Governors is more than enough to 
show you are blustering and posturing, trying to salvage the old good feelings 
you used to have that Marshy and the Movement were something to be proud of and 
proud of being associated with them. 


 From: feste37 
 Sent: Monday, October 13, 2014 9:43 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: About Nov. 30
   According to a recent poll here in Fairfield, 100% of meditators are not the 
slightest bit interested in the Hammond thing. Those interested registered at 
0%. Details of the poll: conducted between Oct. 12 and 13. Number of 
respondents: 5. Margin of error: zero. 

 ---In,  wrote :

---In,  wrote :

 This is just too silly for words. If the emphasis is on "assessing the 
content," why is it being promoted as being a message from MMY? The truth is 
that for some weird reason, Hammond is using this ploy to promote his own 
views. If he just gave a talk himself, no one would be interested. So he has 
hit on this ludicrous marketing ploy. As I commented earlier, I am astonished 
that anyone is taking this seriously. 

 Are they? Is it possible that anyone is taking this seriously beyond the fact 
that a few here are just dying to be able to talk about all of it on Dec 1 here 
at FFL? I think the Movement Mockers are getting the most mileage out of this 
so far that I can see but then, I'm not in FF. What are the feelings there of 
the people you know and talk to, Feste?

---In,  wrote :

 An organizer asked me to post this. 


 Be curious. Be practical. Be yourself.


 One's perspective on this presentation of Explanations should be focused on 
"assessing its content" (i.e., whoever the source may be is far less relevant). 

 Ask yourself on November 30th:


 1) Is the content valuable and helpful to me now in my life? 

 2) Does it have a practical benefit? If yes, then take that part and use it. 
If not, then don't. 

 That should always be the test. On the individual level. 


 For details of how to Reserve a free seat, Live Stream it, or to watch the 
recording afterwards:




Re: [FairfieldLife] Fw:

2014-10-13 Thread Mike Dixon [FairfieldLife]
 Yes, I work with them in some capacity every day. While they are or were 
molting they don't fly, just sit around and be lazy but I do feed them on the 
fist. That keeps them in the habit of knowing that I provide food. During that 
time they have to be *fat* so they grow strong healthy feathers. Now that 
Levi's molt has finished, I've been gradually reducing his weight until he gets 
a sharp appetite at the same time each day. He will then respond to his 
training and I then take him out to large open fields , let him go and fly. I 
put a kite up with a lure hanging from it and he flies up to get it for the 
reward. Today he went up about 500 feet and by the end of the month he should 
be going up about 1500 ft. Then we'll go for ducks! He'll fly up several 
hundred feet over a pond with wild ducks and Sophie , my dog, will rush the 
pond and scare the ducks out of the water and the falcon then goes into a 
*stoop*, a dive, sometimes reaching over 250 miles an
 hour and hits the duck. 

On Monday, October 13, 2014 7:36 PM, "Share Long 
[FairfieldLife]"  wrote:

Mike, it's fascinating, a world with which I'm not at all familiar, so lots of 
questions. Do you work with them every day? Are there competitions? Will you 
breed them at some point? Tell all! I look forward to reading in the morning.

On Monday, October 13, 2014 9:05 PM, "Mike Dixon 
[FairfieldLife]"  wrote:

Sandy will look just like Levi in two or three more months. She was in her 
immature plumage at thetime of the photo and started molting since. By the end 
of the year she will have her *big girl* feathers in. Of course , the females 
in raptors are about 50% bigger than males. Levi weighs about 22 oz's and Sandy 
about 33 oz's. As soon as Sandy grows in a few more new feathers, I'll start 
getting her in shape for the fall. I'll send her up to a lure on a kite, 
raising it higher and higher every few days until she climbs about 1500 feet at 
a time. They absolutely love it! 

On Monday, October 13, 2014 6:49 PM, "Share Long 
[FairfieldLife]"  wrote:

Whoops, sorry, Mike, I skimmed the words and got focused on the pictures. The 
male is an amazing blue color. Krishna of the falcons (-:

On Monday, October 13, 2014 8:43 PM, "Mike Dixon 
[FairfieldLife]"  wrote:

Yes, the male(color Photo) is Levi and the female (sepia photo) is Sandy. 

On Monday, October 13, 2014 6:37 PM, "Share Long 
[FairfieldLife]"  wrote:

Mike, they are beautiful creatures. And the male has quite a steely gaze. Can 
you say what their names are?

On Monday, October 13, 2014 8:19 PM, "Mike Dixon 
[FairfieldLife]"  wrote:

[Yahoo - login from Mike Dixon included below] 

Levi is the first one, a male Anatum Peregrine, bred in captivity. Number two 
is Sandy, a Female Tundra Peregrine  caught on a Texas beach a year ago 

On Monday, October 13, 2014 6:14 PM, mdixon.6569  wrote:

Sent from my Verizon Wireless 4G LTE smartphone


Yahoo - login
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  There are competitions but I've never entered any. I might give one a try in 
February.< As for breeding, Wild caught Peregrines like Sandy are not known for 
breeding in captivity,
 although you never know. She has tried to kill him twice! I have to keep them 
separated. However, hormones in the Spring could change her attitude. She could 
also take off and go her own merry way any time I fly her. So far, she hasn't 
done that. Right now , I think she realizes that she has an easy life.<  If I 
want to use Levi in a breeding program, I'd probably have to get a female bred 
in captivity as he was. That seems to work out well, I'm told.
 I think it would be cool to breed them and release them, or some of them, into 
the wild. Falconers have been doing this since the seventies and returned them 
to a healthy population from once being nearly extinct. They were taken off of 
the endangered species list in the late nineties. DDT had all but wiped them 
out by the sixties. Tundra Peregrine numbers have since returned to pre-DDT 
levels and Anatum Peregrine numbers are much stronger but not as much as could 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: About Nov. 30

2014-10-13 Thread [FairfieldLife]
It sounds like you really got suckered into this enlightenment thing. 

 TM, if anything is a path for those seeking something.

 You see a teacher, who has something that sounds interesting.

 You listen to what he, or she says, and decide if you want to take the next 

 There is a goal discussed, not only by the teacher, but in different texts, 
and described in similar fashion by other teachers. 

 I don't think anyone, perhaps other than Barry, took this 5-7 years as some 
hard and fast promise.

 If the teacher exaggerated in this regard, then you can hold it against him, 
and leave. And then from that point on, call anyone else who remains, a True 
Believer, a cult apologist, a sycophant.

 Or you take a more mature view, and realize, that you are on the path, and 
that is pretty cool, and you notice a deepening of your experience over time, 
along the lines of what the teacher said were milestones along this path.

 It's not complicated.



---In,  wrote :

 CORRECTION: Enlightenment Discussed By Maharishi
 Enlightenment Discussed By Maharishi Maharishi 
on Enlightenment (excerpts from an interview) What is the goal of 
Transcendental Meditation? Maharishi: “The goal of the Transcendental

 View on
 Preview by Yahoo 

 ---In,  wrote :

 Its the whole ball of wax. TM just doesn't measure up to the hype they make 
for it. It is a moderately effective meditation that many teachers say has a 
dropout rate of up to 90% in the first few months.

 **It doesn't produce enlightened people, which is one of the reasons the 
Movement no longer advertises that it will lead to enlightenment.** 


 The practice often leads to mental/emotional problems, which is one of the 
downsides I think Rick is ignoring when he says the Movement is doing good in 
the world. I agree that some seem to benefit from it, but to see the entire 
effect, one has to look at the whole picture and to ignore those who have 
mental and emotional problems that even lead to suicide is to ignore the whole 
effect of TM on the population of the world.

 I don't know of other meditations that can lead to the unstressing you have 
with TM. In addition the absurd mental states the Movement actively encourages 
that Sal has commented on leads a lot of people to having major life problems 
with health, relationships and money. 


 When you encourage people to believe whatever the Movement tells you, when 
they claim a man has a cigarette addiction because he's a siddha and is self 
referral and expect you to believe it they are engaging in mind manipulation 
and really encouraging people to be psychotic or to put it more nicely teaching 
them to be mind numbed sheep holding their wallets out to the Movement. This is 
not doing good in the world. 

 They love to sell TM by implying that if you do TM, you will be as successful 
as the celebrities they love to parade before the cameras on David Lynch fund 
raisers. They ignore the rough edges of some of them like Lynch, Brand and 
Stern. They absolutely ignore and hide from the enormities of people like Robin 
Carlsen, Andy Rhymer, Stephen Collins, Bloomfield, Wallace's ex-wife who shot a 
woman during program in Los Angeles, Shuvender Shem who murdered Levi Butler 
right in Annapurna dining hall at MUM. Let's look at the whole picture.

 I appreciate much Rick has done on many levels but I think he is still wearing 
blinders about Marshy and about the Movement. Let's look at the whole picture. 
Look at all the people who say TM is an asset, look at those who think it is a 
fine thing and then look with the same objective view at those who say it 
ruined their lives, that it screwed them up in many ways. Both camps are 
telling the truth. One is not right and the other wrong. Both things are true.


 Look objectively at both sides, both camps and you have a picture of a 
meditation technique that taken in moderation and not expecting too much from 
it will yield positive results for some. When it is taught in the WAY MARSHY 
himself taught it and the way the Movement continues to teach it it is 
definitely doing damage to the world. Take out the lies, the bullshit and the 
Hindu superstitions and practices and its ok, otherwise not so ok. 



Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: About Nov. 30

2014-10-13 Thread Michael Jackson [FairfieldLife]
I will be there to tape the event!

 From: Duveyoung 
Sent: Monday, October 13, 2014 11:23 PM
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: About Nov. 30

If all the "retired" initiators got together and pooled their pocket change, 
they could muster up some slick-ass posters announcing TM courses for $19.95 
and tape those suckers up all around town.

Let's see the TMO reach into their pockets and come at 2,000 "ex" initiators 
with their $3,000.00 suited-up Trademark lawyers costing $700/hr.  Yeah, right, 
like they could even have the "go-to lackies on staff" to put together a war of 
lawsuits, let alone convince Girish to pay for it.   

And they'd be too stupid to come up with some response to the "2000 demons 
attack," that would make lemonade out of it as it hit the headlines.  "Hit the 
headlines" -- one of my better jokes.  The silence would be so DUH.  No one 

But actually, I'm fucking miffed.  I studied my ass off to pass checking/puja 
tests.  And then I performed for the TMO with tons of initiations.

But no, I'm not a recert, so I'm fucking piece of shit, and if 
you think I'm exaggerating, then you never had the course office fuck with your 
head in the most Nazi-esque manner.  If you're not bringing in money to the 
movement you are a stinking fucking turd -- you can feel it in their handshakes.

So:  with all that l I did and now I can't put up a poster and, what? -- they 
own my ass?

Fuck. That. Shit.

If I was still a believer, it'd be worth it to test the TMO's metal on this and 
see if they'd sue me, cuz even small claims court would cost them several large 
to get someone to show up in the physical to defend the TMO properties.  And 
they won't do that.


Because they know the territory would never produce enough initiations to cover 
the legal expenses to protect the trademarks.  They fucking know that no one 
can sell TM very well these days, so there's not an actual threat to them -- 
income-wise.  And since no one cares, the dilution of the Trademarks is 
insignificant, and  if the TMO had a vegetable cutter in the kitchen send out 
legalese sounding threat letters, then that would be about it -- they'd have 
covered their asses enough to keep their marks their legal properties.  

Man-o-Man, if any of the biggies wants me to donate a thousand bucks to the 
TMO, just offer me a nose to target with no repercussions.  Yep, I would spend 
that to konk that honker on Tubby B.  Yes, I would.  I'd leave my desk right 
now at 10:20 P.M. and be in Fairfield in five hours flat with cash in hand.

Think of the essays I could write after that!  

[FairfieldLife] Re: About Nov. 30 and the TM movement

2014-10-13 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Teaching TM independently, like the UK way:
 In the UK, as Sal says:
 The TM official are always taking legal action against them but there isn't 
much they can do as all the teachers were trained by Marshy.


 In the USA:
 “But Knoles declined and largely defended his biography. His attorney said he 
did learn under the Maharishi, was personally awarded an honorary doctorate by 
him, and had become "an acclaimed teacher of yoga" by age 20. 
 Oddly enough, the foundation hasn't sued Knoles, for strategic reasons Zaiger 
said were confidential. Instead, it filed a lawsuit in 2011 against The 
Meditation House, an Iowa corporation owned by life coach Jules Green, who 
promotes Vedic Meditation on her website.
 The lawsuit seeks an order preventing Green from mentioning transcendental 
meditation studies in her advertising,”

 Yea But, the really interesting thing here is the legal path the old UK TM 
teachers carve out to continue to teach in the face of the strong-hand attempt 
of TM trademark assertion.. as Sal notes: but there isn't much they (Vlodrop) 
can do as all the teachers were trained by Marshy (Maharishi Mahesh Yogi).  
That is interesting.  

 40,000 TM teachers out there in the world trained by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi and 
a few hundreds of TM teacher re-certs. The new TM legal department sharp-shoots 
old individuals continuing to teach TM as they were taught to teach as an 
infringement but this particular group of UK scorpion TM teachers stuck 
together and withstands the new TM legal department together. The Maharishi 
Foundation (Vlodrop and Vedic City) now keep a trademark infringement law firm 
on retainer now in the USA as they hunt down old TM teachers teaching outside 
the TM teacher re-certification project, a project that came post Maharishi or 
at the end to have old teachers come in and sign papers again restricting their 
teaching. Apparently the group of UK TM teachers exist extra-territorial to 
new-TM because they stuck together. Damned scorpions.

 steve.sundur wrote :
 Sal, ..  Your strict adherence to everything science has dulled your 
sensitivity to nuance. 

 You've got that knee jerk, TM bash move down pat.

 mjackson74@...> wrote : 
 Sal says they do and their web presence speaks to it as well. But I will defer 
to Sal on this he is in a position to know.


 Sal writing:

 It's a good question, there are a few teaching in various places, The 
Meditation Trust is probably the best known as they were the guys who quit when 
Marshy put the price up so high it put them out of business. They have a few 
centres and hold courses in a country house where they teach the TMSP too. 

 The TM official are always taking legal action against them but there isn't 
much they can do as all the teachers were trained by Marshy. 

 I know people who go on their courses, they always tell me that I musn't 
mention it to people in the movement, which says it all about the TMO really. 
The same guy was telling me that someone asked him if it was true that people 
get brainwashed in the TMO, he said of course not. 

 Anyway, they seem to be doing well and actually making money out of it which 
is the TM teachers dream, but then they don't have to give half to the TMO. Bad 
feelings about that too I shouldn't wonder.

 From: "anartaxius@... [FairfieldLife]" 
 Sent: Monday, October 13, 2014 10:11 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: About Nov. 30
   Michael: note the highlighted part of my post below. A schism requires that 
the split off group has a coherent organization. I don't know if the initiators 
in England have this.


---In,  wrote :

 the Movement already split - don't forget the renegade initiators in England


 From: "anartaxius@... [FairfieldLife]" 
 Sent: Monday, October 13, 2014 8:56 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: About Nov. 30
   Species, Corporations, Religions, Cults, as is the nature of change, always, 
if they persist, break apart or become extinct. A schism is always eventually 
in the cards for the TM movement. It is said shortly after his death, the 
followers of Buddha broke into some two dozen different sects. You can see how 
Christianity split over time. There seem to be fewer splits among Muslims, 
perhaps a reflection of the dark ferocity of their memes. The Mormons, barely a 
religion after 150 years, have split six times. And look at all the different 
Hindu flavours. It is almost a no-brainer prediction that the TM movement will 
at some point split. *Already there are many teachers in various countries 
teaching outside the movement purview.* 

 I would say that movements in which the pa

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: About Nov. 30

2014-10-13 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Yes, I got in touch with 'the boss', and said a deep prayer, before striking.  
I just ran across my Jed McKenna books, "Spiritual Warfare", and two others. In 
them, he discusses the possibility of a larger cycle of existence, whereby 
those killed, such as beef cattle, are thankful for the release. He slaughters 
many sacred cows, through his books, and is worth a look, if one is so 
 Everything is fine, and the rule of thumb around here, is to always look at 
the ground, when walking.
 ...but, you already knew that...
---In,  wrote :


---In,  wrote :

 tweedle dee and tweedle dumb. There is plenty to go after, as creative as the 
TMO is, so they can plow that fertile ground, forever. 
 Every manifestation, has its opposite, that is why balance is so important, 
because if we choose to, we can focus exclusively on the negative, and it can 
become quite seductive.
 Barry and MJ have become enamored of the negative side of Maharishi, and the 
TMO, and the Beatles' involvement, and the Siddhis, and David Lynch.  
 As Maharishi said, none of us is 100% good, or 100% bad, but a mixture, 
always, as human beings. It is the way this place is set up. Balance, born of 
complete acceptance of what is, is the only "answer". As MJ and Barry do, 
anyone can focus exclusively on the negative aspects of *anything*. The 
technique, as I see it and live it, is to be aware of everything, yet, not be 
captured, by anything.
 I was confronted by that, when the rattlesnake came back, yesterday morning. 
The rule is, if they return, they must be killed. I was thinking about the 
possibility two nights ago, and asked the king of the rattlesnakes to be here, 
and suddenly, there he was, reminding me that snakes are fierce, and as 
uncompromising in their mission, as we are, 3D, full color.
 That experience then allowed me to fully know the snake, when I next saw him, 
without fear. I took my hoe from the garage, and chopped off his head - one 
stroke, and surprisingly, no blood at all. 
 Loving what is, be here now, established in Being, all the same thing. Those 
that rail against the greatest modern proponent of a technique to awaken that, 
for all of us, are delusional...and far more harmless than a rattlesnake. :-)

 Wow, a clean kill. I am not sure what I would have done with it. I might have 
tried to trap it and move it far away but then I might have been moving it away 
from its territory where it had a mate or where it would survive best. Killing 
animals for me is the last resort but then I have never been threatened by an 
animal in a way that made me either fear for my life or my limbs. There are a 
few things I kill without too much problem and yet I am still aware that I am 
ending its life and that is dog lice and mosquitos. Pretty much every other 
creature is okay by me although if I had to remove ticks or leeches from me I 
might give them the squish too.


Re: [FairfieldLife] Fw:

2014-10-13 Thread [FairfieldLife]


---In,  wrote :

 Mike, they are beautiful creatures. And the male has quite a steely gaze. Can 
you say what their names are?


 I believe he said their names were Levi and Sandy.

 On Monday, October 13, 2014 8:19 PM, "Mike Dixon mdixon.6569@... 
[FairfieldLife]"  wrote:

   [Attachment(s) from Mike 
Dixon included below]  
 Levi is the first one, a male Anatum Peregrine, bred in captivity. Number two 
is Sandy, a Female Tundra Peregrine  caught on a Texas beach a year ago 

 On Monday, October 13, 2014 6:14 PM, mdixon.6569  wrote:




 Sent from my Verizon Wireless 4G LTE smartphone




Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: About Nov. 30

2014-10-13 Thread [FairfieldLife]


---In,  wrote :

 tweedle dee and tweedle dumb. There is plenty to go after, as creative as the 
TMO is, so they can plow that fertile ground, forever. 
 Every manifestation, has its opposite, that is why balance is so important, 
because if we choose to, we can focus exclusively on the negative, and it can 
become quite seductive.
 Barry and MJ have become enamored of the negative side of Maharishi, and the 
TMO, and the Beatles' involvement, and the Siddhis, and David Lynch.  
 As Maharishi said, none of us is 100% good, or 100% bad, but a mixture, 
always, as human beings. It is the way this place is set up. Balance, born of 
complete acceptance of what is, is the only "answer". As MJ and Barry do, 
anyone can focus exclusively on the negative aspects of *anything*. The 
technique, as I see it and live it, is to be aware of everything, yet, not be 
captured, by anything.
 I was confronted by that, when the rattlesnake came back, yesterday morning. 
The rule is, if they return, they must be killed. I was thinking about the 
possibility two nights ago, and asked the king of the rattlesnakes to be here, 
and suddenly, there he was, reminding me that snakes are fierce, and as 
uncompromising in their mission, as we are, 3D, full color.
 That experience then allowed me to fully know the snake, when I next saw him, 
without fear. I took my hoe from the garage, and chopped off his head - one 
stroke, and surprisingly, no blood at all. 
 Loving what is, be here now, established in Being, all the same thing. Those 
that rail against the greatest modern proponent of a technique to awaken that, 
for all of us, are delusional...and far more harmless than a rattlesnake. :-)

 Wow, a clean kill. I am not sure what I would have done with it. I might have 
tried to trap it and move it far away but then I might have been moving it away 
from its territory where it had a mate or where it would survive best. Killing 
animals for me is the last resort but then I have never been threatened by an 
animal in a way that made me either fear for my life or my limbs. There are a 
few things I kill without too much problem and yet I am still aware that I am 
ending its life and that is dog lice and mosquitos. Pretty much every other 
creature is okay by me although if I had to remove ticks or leeches from me I 
might give them the squish too.


Re: [FairfieldLife] Fw:

2014-10-13 Thread Share Long [FairfieldLife]
Whoops, sorry, Mike, I skimmed the words and got focused on the pictures. The 
male is an amazing blue color. Krishna of the falcons (-:

On Monday, October 13, 2014 8:43 PM, "Mike Dixon 
[FairfieldLife]"  wrote:

Yes, the male(color Photo) is Levi and the female (sepia photo) is Sandy.

On Monday, October 13, 2014 6:37 PM, "Share Long 
[FairfieldLife]"  wrote:

Mike, they are beautiful creatures. And the male has quite a steely gaze. Can 
you say what their names are?

On Monday, October 13, 2014 8:19 PM, "Mike Dixon 
[FairfieldLife]"  wrote:

[Attachment(s) from Mike Dixon included below] 
Levi is the first one, a male Anatum Peregrine, bred in captivity. Number two 
is Sandy, a Female Tundra Peregrine  caught on a Texas beach a year ago 

On Monday, October 13, 2014 6:14 PM, mdixon.6569  wrote:

Sent from my Verizon Wireless 4G LTE smartphone

[FairfieldLife] Re: Fw:

2014-10-13 Thread [FairfieldLife]


---In,  wrote :

 Levi is the first one, a male Anatum Peregrine, bred in captivity. Number two 
is Sandy, a Female Tundra Peregrine  caught on a Texas beach a year ago 

 On Monday, October 13, 2014 6:14 PM, mdixon.6569  wrote:

I love your love of the raptors. 




 Sent from my Verizon Wireless 4G LTE smartphone


Re: [FairfieldLife] Fw:

2014-10-13 Thread Mike Dixon [FairfieldLife]
Yes, the male(color Photo) is Levi and the female (sepia photo) is Sandy. 

On Monday, October 13, 2014 6:37 PM, "Share Long 
[FairfieldLife]"  wrote:

Mike, they are beautiful creatures. And the male has quite a steely gaze. Can 
you say what their names are?

On Monday, October 13, 2014 8:19 PM, "Mike Dixon 
[FairfieldLife]"  wrote:

[Attachment(s) from Mike Dixon included below] 

Levi is the first one, a male Anatum Peregrine, bred in captivity. Number two 
is Sandy, a Female Tundra Peregrine  caught on a Texas beach a year ago 

On Monday, October 13, 2014 6:14 PM, mdixon.6569  wrote:

Sent from my Verizon Wireless 4G LTE smartphone



Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: About Nov. 30

2014-10-13 Thread [FairfieldLife]
tweedle dee and tweedle dumb. There is plenty to go after, as creative as the 
TMO is, so they can plow that fertile ground, forever. 
 Every manifestation, has its opposite, that is why balance is so important, 
because if we choose to, we can focus exclusively on the negative, and it can 
become quite seductive.
 Barry and MJ have become enamored of the negative side of Maharishi, and the 
TMO, and the Beatles' involvement, and the Siddhis, and David Lynch.  
 As Maharishi said, none of us is 100% good, or 100% bad, but a mixture, 
always, as human beings. It is the way this place is set up. Balance, born of 
complete acceptance of what is, is the only "answer". As MJ and Barry do, 
anyone can focus exclusively on the negative aspects of *anything*. The 
technique, as I see it and live it, is to be aware of everything, yet, not be 
captured, by anything.
 I was confronted by that, when the rattlesnake came back, yesterday morning. 
The rule is, if they return, they must be killed. I was thinking about the 
possibility two nights ago, and asked the king of the rattlesnakes to be here, 
and suddenly, there he was, reminding me that snakes are fierce, and as 
uncompromising in their mission, as we are, 3D, full color.
 That experience then allowed me to fully know the snake, when I next saw him, 
without fear. I took my hoe from the garage, and chopped off his head - one 
stroke, and surprisingly, no blood at all. 
 Loving what is, be here now, established in Being, all the same thing. Those 
that rail against the greatest modern proponent of a technique to awaken that, 
for all of us, are delusional...and far more harmless than a rattlesnake. :-)
 ---In,  wrote :

 Can someone help me with this? 

 Has Barry moved towards the Michael mindset, or has Michael inched up towards 
the TB mindset.

 At any rate, they have become absofuckingly indistinquishable from another.

 Two TM Obsessives who positively live off whatever what is going on with TM. 
Or, would "feed off", be a better phrase.

 What Barry doesn't realize, when he pines for Marek and Curtis, and (yes, 
pines away is the right term), is that evidently they do have other interests.  

 You know, the comment Barry often throws out when referring to people he 
considers TBers, "people who have no other lives other than TM"

---In,  wrote :

 From: "Michael Jackson mjackson74@... [FairfieldLife]" 

   I can't help but see the fact that what the Movement mainly uses TM for is 
to get more converts to make more money. They are not out there doing anything 
substantive to improve the quality of life for people - they promote TM to 
promote TM, not to do anything else. (from my point of view)


[FairfieldLife] Re: more wildlife: deer and bat, and fox

2014-10-13 Thread [FairfieldLife]


---In,  wrote :

 The bat photo-bombed the deer, and I figured out it is *the fox*, who roams 
inside the fence, sometimes.

 I just love the pattern of the bat's wings and you can see its head silhouette 
as well. The fox is gloriously sleek.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: About Nov. 30

2014-10-13 Thread [FairfieldLife]
It certainly is okay that John Hagelin is leading the group this way. Our group 
here. Not many are able this way. He has my support and I wish him well in 
success for all of us meditating here, 
 -Buck Still in the Dome

 turquoisebwrote :

 From: feste37

 This is just too silly for words. If the emphasis is on "assessing the 
content," why is it being promoted as being a message from MMY? The truth is 
that for some weird reason, Hammond is using this ploy to promote his own 
views. If he just gave a talk himself, no one would be interested. So he has 
hit on this ludicrous marketing ploy. As I commented earlier, I am astonished 
that anyone is taking this seriously. 

While I agree that the whole scenario is too silly for words, what does it say 
about the incredible gullibility and susceptibility of TMers *that* it's being 
taken seriously? 

In what other group would its members actually fall for this? 

What other group would proactively attempt to squelch it, as "Raja" (that's 
ludicrous in itself) Hagelin did? 

This is great theater. I hope *some* reporters actually attend, and write it up 
or do a TV bit about it. Can't you just imagine the headline/teaser? 

 Leaders Of TM Cult Freak Out Over Advice From Beyond The Grave 
Sent By Original "Sexy Sadie" Guru Maharishi Mahesh Yogi

Re: [FairfieldLife] For Mike: Hawk attacks Drone

2014-10-13 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Excellent - Yes, please post pics.

---In,  wrote :

 Ha ha, saw that on the news just a while ago.  No, I won't fly mine around 
people with remote aircraft. I know my birds would be tempted to go after them 
and could get their feet hurt by the propellers. However, I have seen You Tube 
videos of Arabs using one to pull a lure through the air and the falcons were 
taught to chase it. I do train my falcons to go up to a lure suspended from a 
kite though. Just had my male Peregrine fly up 500 feet in a twenty mile an 
hour wind today. Little guy is getting strong! P90X for falcons! I'll have him 
going to 1500 feet by the end of the month. I'll post some pics of him soon. 
Having trouble e-mailing pics from my phone to my computer now. Once I get it 
worked out, I'll send some to FFL.

 On Monday, October 13, 2014 1:19 PM, "Bhairitu noozguru@... [FairfieldLife]" 

   Does your falcon attack drones?



[FairfieldLife] About Nov. 30 and the TM movement

2014-10-13 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Yea But, the really interesting thing here is the legal path the old UK TM 
teachers carve out to continue to teach in the face of the strong-hand attempt 
of TM trademark assertion.. as Sal notes: but there isn't much they (Vlodrop) 
can do as all the teachers were trained by Marshy (Maharishi Mahesh Yogi).  
That is interesting. 40,000 TM teachers out there in the world trained by 
Maharishi Mahesh Yogi and a few hundreds of TM teacher re-certs. The new TM 
legal department sharp-shoots old individuals continuing to teach TM as they 
were taught to teach as an infringement but this particular group of UK 
scorpion TM teachers stuck together and withstands the new TM legal department 
together. The Maharishi Foundation (Vlodrop and Vedic City) now keep a 
trademark infringement law firm on retainer now in the USA as they hunt down 
old TM teachers teaching outside the TM teacher re-certification project, a 
project that came post Maharishi or at the end to have old teachers come in and 
sign papers again restricting their teaching. Apparently the group of UK TM 
teachers exist extra-territorial to new-TM because they stuck together. Damned 

 steve.sundur wrote :
 Sal, ..  Your strict adherence to everything science has dulled your 
sensitivity to nuance. 

 You've got that knee jerk, TM bash move down pat.

 mjackson74@...> wrote : 
 Sal says they do and their web presence speaks to it as well. But I will defer 
to Sal on this he is in a position to know.


 Sal writing:

 It's a good question, there are a few teaching in various places, The 
Meditation Trust is probably the best known as they were the guys who quit when 
Marshy put the price up so high it put them out of business. They have a few 
centres and hold courses in a country house where they teach the TMSP too. 

 The TM official are always taking legal action against them but there isn't 
much they can do as all the teachers were trained by Marshy. 

 I know people who go on their courses, they always tell me that I musn't 
mention it to people in the movement, which says it all about the TMO really. 
The same guy was telling me that someone asked him if it was true that people 
get brainwashed in the TMO, he said of course not. 

 Anyway, they seem to be doing well and actually making money out of it which 
is the TM teachers dream, but then they don't have to give half to the TMO. Bad 
feelings about that too I shouldn't wonder.

 From: "anartaxius@... [FairfieldLife]" 
 Sent: Monday, October 13, 2014 10:11 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: About Nov. 30
   Michael: note the highlighted part of my post below. A schism requires that 
the split off group has a coherent organization. I don't know if the initiators 
in England have this.


---In,  wrote :

 the Movement already split - don't forget the renegade initiators in England


 From: "anartaxius@... [FairfieldLife]" 
 Sent: Monday, October 13, 2014 8:56 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: About Nov. 30
   Species, Corporations, Religions, Cults, as is the nature of change, always, 
if they persist, break apart or become extinct. A schism is always eventually 
in the cards for the TM movement. It is said shortly after his death, the 
followers of Buddha broke into some two dozen different sects. You can see how 
Christianity split over time. There seem to be fewer splits among Muslims, 
perhaps a reflection of the dark ferocity of their memes. The Mormons, barely a 
religion after 150 years, have split six times. And look at all the different 
Hindu flavours. It is almost a no-brainer prediction that the TM movement will 
at some point split. *Already there are many teachers in various countries 
teaching outside the movement purview.* 

 I would say that movements in which the participants are unable to think for 
themselves are likely to cohere together longer than those in which mental 
freedom and expression are given freer reign. Onward Lemmings!

 Rick does not have to do anything to weaken the movement, it will break 
naturally of its own accord, it is already frayed around the edges. While you 
might try to do something to arrest progress, eventually you will fail. That is 
the nature of evolution.

---In,  wrote :


 It's part of Rick Archer's long-time strategy to try to split up and weaken 
the Movement.


---In,  wrote :

 An organizer asked me to post this. 


 Be curious. Be practical. Be yourself.


 One's perspective on this presentation of Explanations should be focused on 
"assessing its content" (i.e., whoever the source may be is far less relevant). 

 Ask yourself on November 30th:


 1) Is the content valuable and helpful to me now in my life? 

 2) Does it have a practical benefit?

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Animal Life Forms on Mars

2014-10-13 Thread [FairfieldLife]
The Creationists will have to rethink their theology if intelligent beings are 
found on Mars or elsewhere.  That's their problem.

---In,  wrote :

 However NASA was advised at the beginning of our space age to be careful if 
they discover any evidence of intelligent life especially things like alien 
space craft or outposts.  So don't count on hearing from them any time soon 
about anything they find along that line or have already found.  The fear is it 
would cause upheaval from religious institutions who believe that some magic 
man in the sky invented things just 6000 years ago.
 On 10/13/2014 02:01 PM, anartaxius@... mailto:anartaxius@... [FairfieldLife] 

 Not a very good source of information here. NASA indeed thinks that life could 
have originated on Mars in the past, and possibly still exists today, but it 
would be micro-organisms, like bacteria. Temperatures on Mars range from  about 
20°C to below -100°C, averaging somewhere in the neighbourhood of -40°C most of 
the time. It is a frozen desert now. The life they expect they could find would 
be something like the micro-organisms found in the dry valleys in Antarctica, 
which live inside of rocks slightly beneath the rock's exterior surfaces. More 
likely, were signs of life to be found, it would be fossil evidence of life 
from the distant past when Mars had more atmosphere and surface water.
 mailto:jr_esq@... wrote :

 The NASA chief recently stated that there may be life forms that exist on Mars 
today.  Here's the link:



Re: [FairfieldLife] more wildlife: deer and bat, and fox

2014-10-13 Thread Bhairitu [FairfieldLife]
What do you do for spiders who happen to love the heat from the IR LEDs 
and will spin webs in front of the camera?  Last week I had to brush 
them off twice on my front camera because it gets triggered more at 
night and those LEDs are on to attract them.  I read that installers use 
Vaseline around the camera as spiders don't like it or lavender oil is 
useful as they don't like it either.  Spiders smell with their feet.

On 10/13/2014 02:40 PM, [FairfieldLife] 
[Attachment(s) <#TopText> from 
[FairfieldLife] included below]

The bat photo-bombed the deer, and I figured out it is *the fox*, who 
roams inside the fence, sometimes.

[FairfieldLife] OMG! [1 Attachment]

2014-10-13 Thread 'Richard J. Williams' [FairfieldLife]

/Chief engineer at Ferrari defects to BMW./


//Photos by Ferrari /

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Animal Life Forms on Mars

2014-10-13 Thread Bhairitu [FairfieldLife]
However NASA was advised at the beginning of our space age to be careful 
if they discover any evidence of intelligent life especially things like 
alien space craft or outposts.  So don't count on hearing from them any 
time soon about anything they find along that line or have already 
found.  The fear is it would cause upheaval from religious institutions 
who believe that some magic man in the sky invented things just 6000 
years ago.

On 10/13/2014 02:01 PM, [FairfieldLife] wrote:

Not a very good source of information here. NASA indeed thinks that 
life could have originated on Mars in the past, and possibly still 
exists today, but it would be micro-organisms, like bacteria. 
Temperatures on Mars range from  about 20°C to below -100°C, averaging 
somewhere in the neighbourhood of -40°C most of the time. It is a 
frozen desert now. The life they expect they could find would be 
something like the micro-organisms found in the dry valleys in 
Antarctica, which live inside of rocks slightly beneath the rock's 
exterior surfaces. More likely, were signs of life to be found, it 
would be fossil evidence of life from the distant past when Mars had 
more atmosphere and surface water.

---In,  wrote :


The NASA chief recently stated that there may be life forms that exist 
on Mars today.  Here's the link:

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: About Nov. 30

2014-10-13 Thread Michael Jackson [FairfieldLife]
Do you remember how many people you taught TM to, and what would you estimate 
the number who were still doing TM a year after their initiation?

 From: "Bhairitu [FairfieldLife]" 

Sent: Monday, October 13, 2014 2:25 PM
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: About Nov. 30

Note that I'm not defending the movement.  I can teach meditation myself with a 
program that is better than TM but I don't push it nor hang a shingle but am 
willing to teach anyone who is interested.  That training and authority came 
from by tantra teacher.  I think TM is "Yoga Lite" and the way it is not  will 
definitely not work for everyone.  Maharishi I'm sure knew that and just 
figured if it didn't work for someone they'd move on to something just as folks 
in India find a teaching from a particular guru isn't working for them they 
find another guru.   It's part of the culture.  When TM was $75 for an adult to 
learn that was no problem and it made a good social outlet for folks of similar 

Our medical establishment often speaks and acts as if everyone has
  metabolic syndrome just as TM treats the public as they are all
  pitta.  Not everyone has metabolic syndrome and getting caught in
  such a shotgun approach to treating it can be disastrous if you
  don't have that problem.  Similarly with TM.

I wanted to know what was "behind" TM and I wasn't about to get
  that from the movement.  That I got from other teachers and from a
  trip to India to demystify that culture.

On 10/13/2014 10:29 AM, Michael Jackson [FairfieldLife] 

>I also find it interesting that many who still defend the Movement or think it 
>is doing good or that TM itself is valuable don't actually teach TM anymore 
>and in many cases don't even do TM anymore. That says more about the 
>"goodness" of TM and its organization than anything else they can say about it.
> From: "Bhairitu [FairfieldLife]" 
>Sent: Monday, October 13, 2014 12:47 PM
>Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: About Nov. 30
>I'm curious, how would you feel about TM if it was today only $125 and maybe 
>taught over a weekend workshop?  Or maybe even the first technique free?  What 
>bothers you more the money or the supposed link to 'Hinduism'?
>On 10/13/2014 09:27 AM, Michael Jackson [FairfieldLife] 
>>I am curious how you feel it is "doing good in the world" when it has thrived 
>>off of lies, misinformation and the cultish beliefs and antics it has used 
>>for decades? Do you mean just by the fact it still teaches TM to folks who 
>>were not meditators before?
>> From: "'Rick Archer' [FairfieldLife]" 
>>Sent: Monday, October 13, 2014 11:15 AM
>>Subject: RE: [FairfieldLife] Re: About Nov. 30
>> [] On 
>>Behalf Of nablusoss1008
>>Sent: Monday, October 13, 2014 3:36 AM
>>Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: About Nov. 30
>>It's part of Rick Archer's long-time strategy to try to split up and weaken 
>>the Movement.
>>I have no such strategy. I just forward stuff that’s relevant to FFL. That 
>>includes stuff from Hagelin, Orme-Johnson, etc. I wish the movement well. I 
>>think it’s doing a lot of good in the world. But it will only thrive if it 
>>conducts itself with honesty and integrity and purges itself from cultish 
>>nonsense, much of which was introduced by MMY. 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: About Nov. 30

2014-10-13 Thread [FairfieldLife]

 I'm not sure when you decided to skew everything in such a way to cast a 
negative light on the TM organization.  I think there was a time when you felt 
as though you could engage in discourse that wasn't 100% agenda.

 Oh wait, FLASH.  The arrival of your acolyte, one Mr. Michael Jackson.


---In,  wrote :

 From: feste37 
   This is just too silly for words. If the emphasis is on "assessing the 
content," why is it being promoted as being a message from MMY? The truth is 
that for some weird reason, Hammond is using this ploy to promote his own 
views. If he just gave a talk himself, no one would be interested. So he has 
hit on this ludicrous marketing ploy. As I commented earlier, I am astonished 
that anyone is taking this seriously. 


While I agree that the whole scenario is too silly for words, what does it say 
about the incredible gullibility and susceptibility of TMers *that* it's being 
taken seriously? 

In what other group would its members actually fall for this? 

What other group would proactively attempt to squelch it, as "Raja" (that's 
ludicrous in itself) Hagelin did? 

This is great theater. I hope *some* reporters actually attend, and write it up 
or do a TV bit about it. Can't you just imagine the headline/teaser? 

 Leaders Of TM Cult Freak Out Over Advice From Beyond The Grave 
Sent By Original "Sexy Sadie" Guru Maharishi Mahesh Yogi

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: About Nov. 30

2014-10-13 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Can someone help me with this? 

 Has Barry moved towards the Michael mindset, or has Michael inched up towards 
the TB mindset.

 At any rate, they have become absofuckingly indistinquishable from another.

 Two TM Obsessives who positively live off whatever what is going on with TM. 
Or, would "feed off", be a better phrase.

 What Barry doesn't realize, when he pines for Marek and Curtis, and (yes, 
pines away is the right term), is that evidently they do have other interests.  

 You know, the comment Barry often throws out when referring to people he 
considers TBers, "people who have no other lives other than TM"

---In,  wrote :

 From: "Michael Jackson mjackson74@... [FairfieldLife]" 

   I can't help but see the fact that what the Movement mainly uses TM for is 
to get more converts to make more money. They are not out there doing anything 
substantive to improve the quality of life for people - they promote TM to 
promote TM, not to do anything else. (from my point of view)


[FairfieldLife] For Mike: Hawk attacks Drone

2014-10-13 Thread Bhairitu [FairfieldLife]
Does your falcon attack drones?

[FairfieldLife] Re: Animal Life Forms on Mars

2014-10-13 Thread [FairfieldLife]

 The NASA chief recently stated that there may be life forms that exist on Mars 
today.  Here's the link:

RE: [FairfieldLife] Re: About Nov. 30

2014-10-13 Thread nablusoss1008
None of the nutties with big ego's who think they know better, like yourself, 
qualify as an enemy of the Movement.

---In,  wrote :

 From: [] On 
Behalf Of nablusoss1008
Sent: Monday, October 13, 2014 12:26 PM
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: About Nov. 30

 They, including Rick Archer, have several agendas the most urgent is to try to 
split up and weaken the TMO.
 With friends like you Nabby, the TMO doesn’t need enemies.


RE: [FairfieldLife] Re: About Nov. 30

2014-10-13 Thread nablusoss1008

 The TMO doesn't have real enemies, they don't qualify. But they do have a lot 
of nutties with big egos who think they know better. 

---In,  wrote :

 From: [] On 
Behalf Of nablusoss1008
Sent: Monday, October 13, 2014 12:26 PM
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: About Nov. 30

 They, including Rick Archer, have several agendas the most urgent is to try to 
split up and weaken the TMO.
 With friends like you Nabby, the TMO doesn’t need enemies.


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: About Nov. 30

2014-10-13 Thread Michael Jackson [FairfieldLife]
I'm surprised they have this on their web site - but that is a far cry from the 
focus the Movement had on it before - witness the early days of TMSP where it 
was said that ALTHOUGH the program taught supernormal abilites, the real reason 
Marshy taught them was to accelarate the progress to enlightenment - he said 
the yoga sutras sewed or knit together the fabric of Unity. They don't say that 
anymore -it became all about world peace since no one gained enlightenment from 
TMSP (except Robin and Unity Andy)

 From: " [FairfieldLife]" 
Sent: Monday, October 13, 2014 2:06 PM
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: About Nov. 30

Enlightenment Discussed By Maharishi
   Enlightenment Discussed By Maharishi  
Maharishi on Enlightenment (excerpts from an interview) What is the goal of 
Transcendental Meditation? Maharishi: “The goal of the Transcendental  
View on Preview by Yahoo
---In,  wrote :

Its the whole ball of wax. TM just doesn't measure up to the hype they make for 
it. It is a moderately effective meditation that many teachers say has a 
dropout rate of up to 90% in the first few months.

**It doesn't produce enlightened people,which is one of the reasons the 
Movement no longer advertises that it will lead to enlightenment.** 

The practice often leads to mental/emotional problems, which is one of the 
downsides I think Rick is ignoring when he says the Movement is doing good in 
the world. I agree that some seem to benefit from it, but to see the entire 
effect, one has to look at the whole picture and to ignore those who have 
mental and emotional problems that even lead to suicide is to ignore the whole 
effect of TM on the population of the world.

I don't know of other meditations that can lead to the unstressing you have 
with TM. In addition the absurd mental states the Movement actively encourages 
that Sal has commented on leads a lot of people to having major life problems 
with health, relationships and money. 

When you encourage people to believe whatever the Movement tells you, when they 
claim a man has a cigarette addiction because he's a siddha and is self 
referral and expect you to believe it they are engaging in mind manipulation 
and really encouraging people to be psychotic or to
put it more nicely teaching them to be mind numbed sheep holding their wallets 
out to the Movement. This is not doing good in the world. 

They love to sell TM by implying that if you do TM, you will be as successful 
as the celebrities they love to parade before the cameras on David Lynch fund 
raisers. They ignore the rough edges of some of them like Lynch, Brand and 
Stern. They absolutely ignore and hide from the enormities of people like Robin 
Carlsen, Andy Rhymer, Stephen Collins, Bloomfield, Wallace's ex-wife who shot a 
woman during program in Los Angeles, Shuvender Shem who murdered Levi Butler 
in Annapurna dining hall at MUM. Let's look at the whole picture.

I appreciate much Rick has done on many levels but I think he is still wearing 
blinders about Marshy and about the Movement. Let's look at the whole picture. 
Look at all the people who say TM is an asset, look at those who think it is a 
fine thing and then look with the same objective view at those who say it 
ruined their lives, that it screwed them up in many ways. Both camps are 
telling the truth. One is not right and the other wrong. Both things are true.

Look objectively at both sides, both camps and you have a picture of a 
meditation technique that taken in moderation and not expecting too much from 
it will yield positive results for some. When it is taught in the WAY MARSHY 
himself taught it and the way the Movement continues to teach it it is 
definitely doing damage to the world. Take out the lies, the bullshit and the 
Hindu superstitions and practices and its ok, otherwise not so ok. 


[FairfieldLife] Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind?

2014-10-13 Thread salyavin808
Can we rewrite our memories? Lengthy but fascinating article about how Sci-Fi 
is becoming reality.

 A bit grim for the mice though

 Make your own memories: one day you’ll be able to replace the bad ones with 
good ones
 Make your own memories: one day you’ll be able to re...
 Science fiction fantasies such as Total Recall, Blade Runner and Eternal 
Sunshine could become reality
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Re: [FairfieldLife] Duped into thinking you could fly?

2014-10-13 Thread Share Long [FairfieldLife]
Bhairitu, I heard through the grapevine that people started popping up out of 
their chairs during lectures. And that's one reason Maharishi brought out the 

On Monday, October 13, 2014 11:12 AM, "Bhairitu 
[FairfieldLife]"  wrote:

Never tried Red Bull except for their natural cola which is very good and has 
real cola nut in it instead of artificial flavors.   I might have a problem 
with a class action suit over an obviously absurd and mainly metaphoric claim 
that "Red Bull gives you wings."  Did Red Bull start the class action 
themselves.  It might be cheaper to pay $13 million than more for an ad 

When I "cut the cable" I got Hulu+ (first month free) to keep up
  with any broadcast TV shows worth watching.  When I had cable I
  would DVR shows and then use the 30 second skip button to skip
  ads.  With Hulu you get ads too but the breaks are usually shorter
  though ABC and FOX seem to be booking longer breaks there.  There
  is no 30 skip button for Hulu+ so I just hit the mute button and
  don't watch.  There's hardly anything there I would be interested
  in buying anyway.  But turning the sound off makes the ads look
  even more insipid.  I think the ad agencies need to turn the sound
  off just to realize how bad their ads are these days.

I didn't do the TM-Sidhi program to learn to fly.  If it was just
  that well guess what?  I was hopping before I got that sutra.  A
  bunch of us who were being naughty and reading Muktananda's books
  at the time for some reason started hopping during meditations at
  home.  So when I got the flying sutra it was merely time to
  "officially" fly.  Bet there are a few others here who had the
  same experience. In fact the other person who flew immediately
  admitted to me that he had been hopping before the course.

Can we levitate.  Probably (now some heads are going to start
  frittering).  My tantra guru told me had floated saying he felt
  something odd and opened his eyes to find himself off the ground a
  bit and not using any specific sutra.  There is the supernatural
  and there are things human beings don't understand yet.  Oh and
  I'm no athlete and never felt any effort in flying even with
  several foot high hops.

On 10/12/2014 07:59 PM, [FairfieldLife] wrote:

>Did you fall for the hype about being able to levitate?
>Are you angry about the cash you lost chasing that dream of flying?
>Do your friends and acquaintances now laugh at you for being so credulous?
>Good news! You may be entitled to compensation. 
>Energy drink "Red Bull" settled two class-action lawsuits this week, agreeing 
>to pay $13 million because their famous slogan 'Red Bull gives you wings' 
>isn't true. Anyone who bought a drink from January 1, 2002 to October 3, 2014 
>is eligible to receive a $10 cash payment - regardless of whether there was a 
>receipt for proof.
>Here's one of the ads they ran. If people can now sue for such obviously 
>idiotic claims it only goes to show what a dumbed-down society we are living 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: About Nov. 30

2014-10-13 Thread Share Long [FairfieldLife]
But, Richard, it's often gonna be groups of equal size who are disagreeing! 
Ultimately we each have to come to our own conclusions.

On Monday, October 13, 2014 1:01 PM, "'Richard J. Williams' [FairfieldLife]"  wrote:

On 10/13/2014 12:25 PM, Michael Jackson [FairfieldLife] 

Look at all the people who say TM is an asset, look at those who think it is a 
fine thing and then look with the same objective view at those who say it 
ruined their lives, that it screwed them up in many ways. Both camps are 
telling the truth. One is not right and the other wrong. Both things are true.
So, who would you believe? 

A very large group of people standing on a streetcorner, who all said that they 
just saw a 'big blue bus' go by.


Another, very small group of people, standing on the same street corner,who all 
said that 'no big blue bus' came by.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Art from the beginning of History

2014-10-13 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Sal "I suspect on this time scale the people would have just moved away from 
the rising seas and in a single generation would not have noticed them moving 
at all. We may have lost some nice cave paintings but I doubt there is an 
Atlantis awaiting discovery."


 Mass migration, even today is not a walk in the park. 25% or possible more of 
Bangladesh may be lost by 2100. Will neighboring countries  welcome all the 
refugees with open arms? Countless refugee camps now and in past years 
demonstrate the difficulty of relocation. 

 And with temperature, climate patterns and sea level changes, massive changes 
presumably occurred to flora and fauna significantly disrupting the economic 
foundations and social fabric of migrating societies. 

 And cultures advance in many directions. An advanced culture might look little 
like the high tech image portrayed by Atlantas fans. 

 We have lost massive amounts of knowledge of past cultures and civilizations  
(Greek, Egyptian for example) that at least remain intact geographically. 



Re: [FairfieldLife] Movie review: "Gone Girl"

2014-10-13 Thread Bhairitu [FairfieldLife]
I thought of seeing it last week because it is at the nearby theater.  
But I'm not a big Affleck fan either and was more interested in seeing 
what Carrie Coon does in the film because she kinda stole the show on 
HBO's "The Leftovers".  It'll probably be available before Xmas on BD 
rental.  Amazon is being a bit slimy on the listed by showing "Watch 
Now" and it's the trailer and the opportunity to pre-order it streaming 
or disc.

On 10/13/2014 10:04 AM, TurquoiseBee 
[FairfieldLife] wrote:
If you can manage to do what I did -- see this movie without spoilers, 
and without any real idea of what to expect -- it's really quite an 
E-ticket ride.

My hat is off first to novel and screenplay author Gillian Flynn, who 
managed to actually come up with an original idea...that's a real 
rarity these days. Next hat-tip is to David Fincher, for bringing it 
to the screen effectively, and in such a way that you almost feel as 
if you're watching a succession of short movies rather than just one 
long one. You start in one plot reality, and then twenty minutes later 
you're in another, and then another, all the way through. Fincher did 
that with "Se7en" and "Fight Club," of course, but it's just as 
effective a technique here.

Ben Affleck always tends to leave me feeling "Meh!" about his 
performances, and did so again in this movie, but that may be purely a 
preference thang on my part. He just doesn't do it for me, but I can 
see how people who like him will love him in this role.

So it's really Rosamund Pike's movie. She drops into the ever-changing 
reality of this plot like she was born to it. Whoever she is called 
upon by the script to be in that moment, that's who she is. She never 
"telegraphs" anything from any of the other realities or points of 
view. I think she won herself a Best Acting Oscar in this movie.

I liked it. I'm thinking of going to see it tonight in an actual 
theater, instead of rewatching the small-screen DVD-quality screener 
version I saw earlier. Coming from a pirate, that's a pretty high 
recommendation for a movie,  :-)

Here's a trailer, and a pretty good one because it manages to give 
away almost nothing.

Gone Girl - Official Trailer (2014) HD 


Gone Girl - Official Trailer (2014) HD 

View on 

Preview by Yahoo

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: About Nov. 30

2014-10-13 Thread Bhairitu [FairfieldLife]
Note that I'm not defending the movement.  I can teach meditation myself 
with a program that is better than TM but I don't push it nor hang a 
shingle but am willing to teach anyone who is interested.  That training 
and authority came from by tantra teacher.  I think TM is "Yoga Lite" 
and the way it is not  will definitely not work for everyone. Maharishi 
I'm sure knew that and just figured if it didn't work for someone they'd 
move on to something just as folks in India find a teaching from a 
particular guru isn't working for them they find another guru.   It's 
part of the culture.  When TM was $75 for an adult to learn that was no 
problem and it made a good social outlet for folks of similar interest.

Our medical establishment often speaks and acts as if everyone has 
metabolic syndrome just as TM treats the public as they are all pitta.  
Not everyone has metabolic syndrome and getting caught in such a shotgun 
approach to treating it can be disastrous if you don't have that 
problem.  Similarly with TM.

I wanted to know what was "behind" TM and I wasn't about to get that 
from the movement.  That I got from other teachers and from a trip to 
India to demystify that culture.

On 10/13/2014 10:29 AM, Michael Jackson 
[FairfieldLife] wrote:
I also find it interesting that many who still defend the Movement or 
think it is doing good or that TM itself is valuable don't actually 
teach TM anymore and in many cases don't even do TM anymore. That says 
more about the "goodness" of TM and its organization than anything 
else they can say about it.

*From:* "Bhairitu [FairfieldLife]" 

*Sent:* Monday, October 13, 2014 12:47 PM
*Subject:* Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: About Nov. 30

I'm curious, how would you feel about TM if it was today only $125 and 
maybe taught over a weekend workshop?  Or maybe even the first 
technique free?  What bothers you more the money or the supposed link 
to 'Hinduism'?

On 10/13/2014 09:27 AM, Michael Jackson 
 [FairfieldLife] wrote:

I am curious how you feel it is "doing good in the world" when it has 
thrived off of lies, misinformation and the cultish beliefs and 
antics it has used for decades? Do you mean just by the fact it still 
teaches TM to folks who were not meditators before?

*From:* "'Rick Archer' 

*Sent:* Monday, October 13, 2014 11:15 AM
*Subject:* RE: [FairfieldLife] Re: About Nov. 30

[] *On Behalf Of *nablusoss1008

*Sent:* Monday, October 13, 2014 3:36 AM

*Subject:* [FairfieldLife] Re: About Nov. 30
It's part of Rick Archer's long-time strategy to try to split up and 
weaken the Movement.
I have no such strategy. I just forward stuff that’s relevant to FFL. 
That includes stuff from Hagelin, Orme-Johnson, etc. I wish the 
movement well. I think it’s doing a lot of good in the world. But it 
will only thrive if it conducts itself with honesty and integrity and 
purges itself from cultish nonsense, much of which was introduced by 

[FairfieldLife] Re: About Nov. 30

2014-10-13 Thread salyavin808


---In,  wrote :

 The Meditation Trust also offers TM teacher training these days, and implies 
that they are doing the work that MMY authorized them to do, despite him 
rescinding that authorization quite publicly and in completely explicit terms. 

 Now that I didn't know. Would like to know what their arrangement for the 
profits is, shall do some investigating...

 When I was last living at a TM centre - many moons ago - a few of the MT's 
students turned up asking for a check. They'd been told that once they had 
learnt TM they were welcome at any TM centre, which I thought was a bit naughty 
as it's a blatant lie and not fair on them to have to be told that we can't 
have anything to do with them. I resented the MT for putting me in the position 
of having to explain to some really nice and sincere seekers what was going on 
and why there was all this bad blood between us. 

 It all seems so childish.






---In,  wrote :


---In,  wrote :

 Sal says they do and their web presence speaks to it as well. But I will defer 
to Sal on this he is in a position to know.


 It's a good question, there are a few teaching in various places, The 
Meditation Trust is probably the best known as they were the guys who quit when 
Marshy put the price up so high it put them out of business. They have a few 
centres and hold courses in a country house where they teach the TMSP too. 

 The TM official are always taking legal action against them but there isn't 
much they can do as all the teachers were trained by Marshy. 

 I know people who go on their courses, they always tell me that I musn't 
mention it to people in the movement, which says it all about the TMO really. 
The same guy was telling me that someone asked him if it was true that people 
get brainwashed in the TMO, he said of course not. 

 Anyway, they seem to be doing well and actually making money out of it which 
is the TM teachers dream, but then they don't have to give half to the TMO. Bad 
feelings about that too I shouldn't wonder.

 From: "anartaxius@... [FairfieldLife]" 
 Sent: Monday, October 13, 2014 10:11 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: About Nov. 30
   Michael: note the highlighted part of my post below. A schism requires that 
the split off group has a coherent organization. I don't know if the initiators 
in England have this.


---In,  wrote :

 the Movement already split - don't forget the renegade initiators in England


 From: "anartaxius@... [FairfieldLife]" 
 Sent: Monday, October 13, 2014 8:56 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: About Nov. 30
   Species, Corporations, Religions, Cults, as is the nature of change, always, 
if they persist, break apart or become extinct. A schism is always eventually 
in the cards for the TM movement. It is said shortly after his death, the 
followers of Buddha broke into some two dozen different sects. You can see how 
Christianity split over time. There seem to be fewer splits among Muslims, 
perhaps a reflection of the dark ferocity of their memes. The Mormons, barely a 
religion after 150 years, have split six times. And look at all the different 
Hindu flavours. It is almost a no-brainer prediction that the TM movement will 
at some point split. *Already there are many teachers in various countries 
teaching outside the movement purview.* 

 I would say that movements in which the participants are unable to think for 
themselves are likely to cohere together longer than those in which mental 
freedom and expression are given freer reign. Onward Lemmings!

 Rick does not have to do anything to weaken the movement, it will break 
naturally of its own accord, it is already frayed around the edges. While you 
might try to do something to arrest progress, eventually you will fail. That is 
the nature of evolution.

---In,  wrote :


 It's part of Rick Archer's long-time strategy to try to split up and weaken 
the Movement.


---In,  wrote :

 An organizer asked me to post this. 


 Be curious. Be practical. Be yourself.


 One's perspective on this presentation of Explanations should be focused on 
"assessing its content" (i.e., whoever the source may be is far less relevant). 

 Ask yourself on November 30th:


 1) Is the content valuable and helpful to me now in my life? 

 2) Does it have a practical benefit? If yes, then take that part and use it. 
If not, then don't. 

 That should always be the test. On the individual level. 


 For details of how to Reserve a free seat, Live Stream it, or to watch the 
recording afterwards:





Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: About Nov. 30

2014-10-13 Thread 'Richard J. Williams' [FairfieldLife]
On 10/13/2014 12:25 PM, Michael Jackson 
[FairfieldLife] wrote:
Look at all the people who say TM is an asset, look at those who think 
it is a fine thing and then look with the same objective view at those 
who say it ruined their lives, that it screwed them up in many ways. 
Both camps are telling the truth. One is not right and the other 
wrong. Both things are true.

/So, w//ho would you believe?

A very large group of people standing on a streetcorner, who all 
said that they just saw a 'big blue bus' go by.//

//Another, very small group of people, standing on the same street 
corner,who all said that 'no big blue bus' came by./

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: About Nov. 30

2014-10-13 Thread [FairfieldLife]
CORRECTION: Enlightenment Discussed By Maharishi 
 Enlightenment Discussed By Maharishi Maharishi 
on Enlightenment (excerpts from an interview) What is the goal of 
Transcendental Meditation? Maharishi: “The goal of the Transcendental
 View on 
 Preview by Yahoo 
 ---In,  wrote :

 Its the whole ball of wax. TM just doesn't measure up to the hype they make 
for it. It is a moderately effective meditation that many teachers say has a 
dropout rate of up to 90% in the first few months.

 **It doesn't produce enlightened people, which is one of the reasons the 
Movement no longer advertises that it will lead to enlightenment.** 


 The practice often leads to mental/emotional problems, which is one of the 
downsides I think Rick is ignoring when he says the Movement is doing good in 
the world. I agree that some seem to benefit from it, but to see the entire 
effect, one has to look at the whole picture and to ignore those who have 
mental and emotional problems that even lead to suicide is to ignore the whole 
effect of TM on the population of the world.

 I don't know of other meditations that can lead to the unstressing you have 
with TM. In addition the absurd mental states the Movement actively encourages 
that Sal has commented on leads a lot of people to having major life problems 
with health, relationships and money. 


 When you encourage people to believe whatever the Movement tells you, when 
they claim a man has a cigarette addiction because he's a siddha and is self 
referral and expect you to believe it they are engaging in mind manipulation 
and really encouraging people to be psychotic or to put it more nicely teaching 
them to be mind numbed sheep holding their wallets out to the Movement. This is 
not doing good in the world. 

 They love to sell TM by implying that if you do TM, you will be as successful 
as the celebrities they love to parade before the cameras on David Lynch fund 
raisers. They ignore the rough edges of some of them like Lynch, Brand and 
Stern. They absolutely ignore and hide from the enormities of people like Robin 
Carlsen, Andy Rhymer, Stephen Collins, Bloomfield, Wallace's ex-wife who shot a 
woman during program in Los Angeles, Shuvender Shem who murdered Levi Butler 
right in Annapurna dining hall at MUM. Let's look at the whole picture.

 I appreciate much Rick has done on many levels but I think he is still wearing 
blinders about Marshy and about the Movement. Let's look at the whole picture. 
Look at all the people who say TM is an asset, look at those who think it is a 
fine thing and then look with the same objective view at those who say it 
ruined their lives, that it screwed them up in many ways. Both camps are 
telling the truth. One is not right and the other wrong. Both things are true.


 Look objectively at both sides, both camps and you have a picture of a 
meditation technique that taken in moderation and not expecting too much from 
it will yield positive results for some. When it is taught in the WAY MARSHY 
himself taught it and the way the Movement continues to teach it it is 
definitely doing damage to the world. Take out the lies, the bullshit and the 
Hindu superstitions and practices and its ok, otherwise not so ok. 


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: About Nov. 30

2014-10-13 Thread 'Richard J. Williams' [FairfieldLife]
On 10/13/2014 12:25 PM, Michael Jackson 
[FairfieldLife] wrote:
Take out the lies, the bullshit and the Hindu superstitions and 
practices and its ok, otherwise not so ok. 

/Prejudice is the judgment toward people or a person because of 
religion, race, gender, political opinion, social class, age, or 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Art from the beginning of History

2014-10-13 Thread salyavin808

---In,  wrote :

 Nice article. 

 20,000 years ago at the peak of the last ice age, sea levels were 120 meters 
lower than today. 

 "Sea level was 400 feet lower then because huge ice caps two miles deep 
covered most of Europe and North America. But as the ice caps began to melt all 
the water stored in them returned to the oceans and sea-level rose, submerging 
many parts of the world where humans had previously lived. Thus Britain was 
joined to Europe during the Ice Age (there was no English Channel or North 
Sea). Likewise there was no Red Sea, no Persian Gulf, Sri Lanka was joined to 
southern India, Siberia was joined to Alaska, Australia was joined to New 
Guinea - and so on and so forth. It was during this epoch of sea-level rise, 
sometimes slow and continuous, sometimes rapid and cataclysmic, that the Ice 
Age continent of Sundaland was submerged with only the Malaysian Peninsula and 
the Indonesian islands as we know them today high enough to remain above water."



 The following map of 20,000 years ago shows Indonesia as part of the Asian 
mainland and almost Asia -- as well as significant continental land connections.

 And this provides insight as to why virtually all cultures have a Great Flood 
mythology / traditions. 

 Coasts and rivers are often the hubs of civilizations and progress. How many 
civilizations and cultures for which we have no clue may have perished without 
a sign during the numerous dramatic rises and falls of oceans in the past 
100,000-200,000 years since homo sapiens emerged?

 I can't see why people living near the coast would have a more advanced 
culture than any of those living inland, not without the inlanders copying and 
trading with coastal folk. But there are no signs of advanced culture inland so 
it's reasonable to suppose that the disparate groups of humans really did 
evolve as they appear to have done and not with major civilisations that we 
don't know about.

 I suspect on this time scale the people would have just moved away from the 
rising seas and in a single generation would not have noticed them moving at 
all. We may have lost some nice cave paintings but I doubt there is an Atlantis 
awaiting discovery.



 Earth Elevation Data Now Available 
 Earth Elevation Data Now Available 
Marinexplore now provides elevation data at 1 arc-minute global relief model of 
Earth s surface from ETOPO1, integrating land topography and ocean bathymetry 
from ...
 View on 
 Preview by Yahoo 







 "Sundaland (also called the Sundaic region) is a biogeographical of Southeastern Asia which encompasses the Sunda shelf, the part of the Asian continental shelf that was exposed during the 
last ice age. The last glacial period, popularly known as the Ice Age, was the 
most recent glacial period within the current ice age occurring during the last 
years of the Pleistocene, from approximately 110,000 to 12,000 years ago. It 
included the Malay Peninsula on 
the Asian mainland, as well as the large islands ofBorneo, Java, and Sumatra and their surrounding islands. The eastern 
boundary of Sundaland is the Wallace Line, identified byAlfred Russel Wallace as the eastern boundary of 
the range of Asia's land mammal fauna, and 
thus the boundary of theIndomalaya and 
Australasia ecozones The 
islands east of the Wallace line are known as Wallacea, and are considered part of Australasia."


 Sundaland - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 
 Sundaland - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Sundaland (also called the Sundaic 
region) is a biogeographical region of Southeastern Asia which encompasses the 
Sunda shelf, the part of the Asian co...
 View on 
 Preview by Yahoo 


 Some dating for the Gunung Padang Megalithic Site in the Sundaland region 
place it at 16,000 years old. 
 "Java Prov

[FairfieldLife] Re: Art from the beginning of History

2014-10-13 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Nice article. 

 20,000 years ago at the peak of the last ice age, sea levels were 120 meters 
lower than today. 

 "Sea level was 400 feet lower then because huge ice caps two miles deep 
covered most of Europe and North America. But as the ice caps began to melt all 
the water stored in them returned to the oceans and sea-level rose, submerging 
many parts of the world where humans had previously lived. Thus Britain was 
joined to Europe during the Ice Age (there was no English Channel or North 
Sea). Likewise there was no Red Sea, no Persian Gulf, Sri Lanka was joined to 
southern India, Siberia was joined to Alaska, Australia was joined to New 
Guinea - and so on and so forth. It was during this epoch of sea-level rise, 
sometimes slow and continuous, sometimes rapid and cataclysmic, that the Ice 
Age continent of Sundaland was submerged with only the Malaysian Peninsula and 
the Indonesian islands as we know them today high enough to remain above water."



 The following map of 20,000 years ago shows Indonesia as part of the Asian 
mainland and almost Asia -- as well as significant continental land connections.

 And this provides insight as to why virtually all cultures have a Great Flood 
mythology / traditions. 

 Coasts and rivers are often the hubs of civilizations and progress. How many 
civilizations and cultures for which we have no clue may have perished without 
a sign during the numerous dramatic rises and falls of oceans in the past 
100,000-200,000 years since homo sapiens emerged?





 Earth Elevation Data Now Available 
 Earth Elevation Data Now Available 
Marinexplore now provides elevation data at 1 arc-minute global relief model of 
Earth s surface from ETOPO1, integrating land topography and ocean bathymetry 
from ...
 View on 
 Preview by Yahoo 







 "Sundaland (also called the Sundaic region) is a biogeographical of Southeastern Asia which encompasses the Sunda shelf, the part of the Asian continental shelf that was exposed during the 
last ice age. The last glacial period, popularly known as the Ice Age, was the 
most recent glacial period within the current ice age occurring during the last 
years of the Pleistocene, from approximately 110,000 to 12,000 years ago. It 
included the Malay Peninsula on 
the Asian mainland, as well as the large islands ofBorneo, Java, and Sumatra and their surrounding islands. The eastern 
boundary of Sundaland is the Wallace Line, identified byAlfred Russel Wallace as the eastern boundary of 
the range of Asia's land mammal fauna, and 
thus the boundary of theIndomalaya and 
Australasia ecozones The 
islands east of the Wallace line are known as Wallacea, and are considered part of Australasia."


 Sundaland - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 
 Sundaland - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Sundaland (also called the Sundaic 
region) is a biogeographical region of Southeastern Asia which encompasses the 
Sunda shelf, the part of the Asian co...
 View on 
 Preview by Yahoo 


 Some dating for the Gunung Padang Megalithic Site in the Sundaland region 
place it at 16,000 years old. 
 "Java Province of Indonesia, 50 km southwest of the city of Cianjur 
or 6 kilometers from Lampegan station. It is the largest megalithic site in all 
of Southeastern Asia. The survey believes that Gunung Padang is built in 4 
different eras.[1]
 Located at 885 metres above sea level, the site covers a hill in a series of 
terraces bordered by retaining walls of stone that are accessed by about 400 
successive andesite steps rising about 95 
metres. It is covered with massive rectangular stones of volcanic origin. The 
Sundanese people

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: About Nov. 30

2014-10-13 Thread 'Richard J. Williams' [FairfieldLife]
On 10/13/2014 12:14 PM, TurquoiseBee 
[FairfieldLife] wrote:
I can't help but see the fact that what the Movement mainly uses TM 
for is to get more converts to make more money. They are not out there 
doing anything substantive to improve the quality of life for people - 
they promote TM to promote TM, not to do anything else. (from my point 
of view)


/Don't be so quick to confirm an opinion as *absolute* - you've been 
influenced by suggestion before, remember? ///It has already been 
established that there's no money in TM - even if you are a TM teacher 
or a dish washer on staff.

/It can be argued that it is not a TOTAL a waste of time to be a door 
guard for MMY or to bake some crusty bread for the president of MUM.

On the contrary, for a narcissist in the pursuit or gratification from 
vanity you may have derived a certain amount of personal pride from such 
an endeavor. Case in point.//


Re: [FairfieldLife] Movie review: "Gone Girl"

2014-10-13 Thread [FairfieldLife]


---In,  wrote :

 On 10/13/2014 12:04 PM, TurquoiseBee turquoiseb@... mailto:turquoiseb@... 
[FairfieldLife] wrote:

 I liked it. I'm thinking of going to see it tonight in an actual theater, 
instead of rewatching the small-screen DVD-quality screener version I saw 
earlier. Coming from a pirate, that's a pretty high recommendation for a movie, 
 :-) >
 Why bother? You already spoiled the movie version by watching it on your 
laptop computer using ear buds and you apparently didn't read the book. Go 

 Probably because he has already developed a small crush on the lead actress 
and wants to see he in larger-than-life movie format. He tends to fall in love 
with fictional female characters.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: About Nov. 30

2014-10-13 Thread Michael Jackson [FairfieldLife]
Jesus, Lawson of course they are counting on revenues coming from people they 
hope will become siddhas and lifetime Movement fanatics.

 From: " [FairfieldLife]" 
Sent: Monday, October 13, 2014 1:22 PM
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: About Nov. 30

over the past 9 years, the DLF claims that they have taught 500,000 kids to 
meditate for free.

In 2012, all of 8,000 adults in the USA learned TM, paying some portion of the 
full fee while with kids, the lion's share of the fee went straight to the TM 
teachers. It's not a 50-50 thing as with the adult fee, but more like an 80-20 
or even 90-10 split, when kids are taught.

This suggests that, unless you think that they're planning on huge revenues 20 
years from now from all the kids who learned TM at school, that teh TM 
organization exists primarily to teach TM, not to make money for its own sake.


---In,  wrote :

From: "Michael Jackson mjackson74@... [FairfieldLife]" 

I can't help but see the fact that what the Movement mainly uses TM for is to 
get more converts to make more money. They are not out there doing anything 
substantive to improve the quality of life for people - they promote TM to 
promote TM, not to do anything else. (from my point of view)


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: About Nov. 30

2014-10-13 Thread Michael Jackson [FairfieldLife]
I also find it interesting that many who still defend the Movement or think it 
is doing good or that TM itself is valuable don't actually teach TM anymore and 
in many cases don't even do TM anymore. That says more about the "goodness" of 
TM and its organization than anything else they can say about it.

 From: "Bhairitu [FairfieldLife]" 

Sent: Monday, October 13, 2014 12:47 PM
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: About Nov. 30

I'm curious, how would you feel about TM if it was today only $125 and maybe 
taught over a weekend workshop?  Or maybe even the first technique free?  What 
bothers you more the money or the supposed link to 'Hinduism'?

On 10/13/2014 09:27 AM, Michael Jackson [FairfieldLife] 

>I am curious how you feel it is "doing good in the world" when it has thrived 
>off of lies, misinformation and the cultish beliefs and antics it has used for 
>decades? Do you mean just by the fact it still teaches TM to folks who were 
>not meditators before?
> From: "'Rick Archer' [FairfieldLife]" 
>Sent: Monday, October 13, 2014 11:15 AM
>Subject: RE: [FairfieldLife] Re: About Nov. 30
> [] On 
>Behalf Of nablusoss1008
>Sent: Monday, October 13, 2014 3:36 AM
>Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: About Nov. 30
>It's part of Rick Archer's long-time strategy to try to split up and weaken 
>the Movement.
>I have no such strategy. I just forward stuff that’s relevant to FFL. That 
>includes stuff from Hagelin, Orme-Johnson, etc. I wish the movement well. I 
>think it’s doing a lot of good in the world. But it will only thrive if it 
>conducts itself with honesty and integrity and purges itself from cultish 
>nonsense, much of which was introduced by MMY. 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: About Nov. 30

2014-10-13 Thread Michael Jackson [FairfieldLife]
Rick, that has to be one of the best FFL comments EVER!!

 From: "'Rick Archer' [FairfieldLife]" 

Sent: Monday, October 13, 2014 1:27 PM
Subject: RE: [FairfieldLife] Re: About Nov. 30
  [] On 
Behalf Of nablusoss1008
Sent: Monday, October 13, 2014 12:26 PM
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: About Nov. 30
They, including Rick Archer, have several agendas the most urgent is to try to 
split up and weaken the TMO.
With friends like you Nabby, the TMO doesn’t need enemies.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: About Nov. 30

2014-10-13 Thread [FairfieldLife]


---In,  wrote :

 From: feste37 
   This is just too silly for words. If the emphasis is on "assessing the 
content," why is it being promoted as being a message from MMY? The truth is 
that for some weird reason, Hammond is using this ploy to promote his own 
views. If he just gave a talk himself, no one would be interested. So he has 
hit on this ludicrous marketing ploy. As I commented earlier, I am astonished 
that anyone is taking this seriously. 


While I agree that the whole scenario is too silly for words, what does it say 
about the incredible gullibility and susceptibility of TMers *that* it's being 
taken seriously? 

In what other group would its members actually fall for this? 

What other group would proactively attempt to squelch it, as "Raja" (that's 
ludicrous in itself) Hagelin did? 

This is great theater. I hope *some* reporters actually attend, and write it up 
or do a TV bit about it. Can't you just imagine the headline/teaser? 

 This doesn't even begin to approach "great theater". This is one of the 
funniest thing you have inadvertently ever written, bawee.

 Leaders Of TM Cult Freak Out Over Advice From Beyond The Grave 
Sent By Original "Sexy Sadie" Guru Maharishi Mahesh Yogi

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Duped into thinking you could fly?

2014-10-13 Thread salyavin808


---In,  wrote :

 When I learned the TM-Sidhis in 1984, I had to write out, in long-hand, a 
paragraph dictated to me over the phone from the TM-SIdhis course office, 
saying that I understood that the TM-Sidhis were for the development of 
consciousness, and that I understood that no-one was guaranteeing I was going 
to obtain any kind of special power. 

 Then I had to sign it, date it, and mail it back to them.

 THEN they would accept me on the TM-Sidhis course.


 Anyone who learned after doing that has no defensible way to sue on those 
grounds, I suspect, and of course, that was the point.

 What, they told you it was for developing supernatural powers - see Patanjali 
and Marshy's TMSP teaching videos for further details - and then made you write 
a letter that you understood it wasn't!

 I didn't have to do that but I did have to sign a lengthy contract absolving 
them of any responsibility for any unforseen problems etc. I asked for a copy 
and they refused which renders it legally invalid which amused me as I didn't 
worry if I had to sue. But then I wasn't worried because I'd seen "the physics 
of yogic flying lecture" and knew it was all about gaining super powers even if 
they wouldn't admit it and was told by the TMO that almost everyone masters one 
or two of them.

 Funny thing is we all know it's rubbish really, I mean deep down, but they 
don;t do much to dissuade the newbies, the idea of consciousness being the 
unified field has to have some amazing use if that is really what you are 
experiencing and influencing - there isn't much point otherwise. If the TMSP is 
simply for personal development they'll have to admit the Maharishi Effect is 
nonsense at some point, that's if we follow this line of reasoning to it it's 
logical conclusion.


---In,  wrote :

 salyavin, let's put it this way: I was pretty coordinated as a sport playing 
kid and teen and that level of coordination hasn't deteriorated much in 50 
years. Also, I notice that I often feel graceful in my actions, even if it's 
something simply like walking. And definitely less mind chatter! 


 On Monday, October 13, 2014 8:37 AM, salyavin808  



---In,  wrote :

 salyavin, you're partially right. I learned because of the prediction that 
mind body coordination would improve. For me that prediction has been spot on. 
And my first "flight" was pretty powerful, leading me to think that some 
profound transformation was occurring. I've known I'm no St Joseph Cupertino so 
haven't minded about no actual levitation. 



 How do you know that your mind-body coordination has improved, anything in 
particular? I did it for ten years and can't say I noticed any changes anywhere!

 On Monday, October 13, 2014 1:32 AM, salyavin808  


 I think they should also be sued for encouraging littering!

 I tried one of these energy drinks once, never again. I was frothing at the 
mouth and babbling all night. Highly speedy. I can't believe they are legal for 
adults let alone children, and some people knock them back like I drink water!

 I think a class action suit against the TMO would be workable and lucrative 
because it's actually taught that the TMSP develops paranormal powers (the clue 
is in the name) and they even publish "scientific" lectures about how it works 
to entice the unwary into thinking there's a physical basis for it all. Given 
the amount of time I spent doing it when I could have been earning a decent 
crust, I would say that a round figure of £1 million ought to ease the pain of 
still being held to the ground by gravity. I might want an extra million to 
compensate me for the embarrassment of having to admit I fell for it too.

 Now we can watch the TB's claiming they only learnt for self improvement 
reasons and don;t care that they never developed any magical powers. Insert 
spluttering protests here:



---In,  wrote :

 Did you fall for the hype about being able to levitate?

 Are you angry about the cash you lost chasing that dream of flying?

 Do your friends and acquaintances now laugh at you for being so credulous?

 Good news! You may be entitled to compensation. 

 Energy drink "Red Bull" settled two class-action lawsuits this week, agreeing 
to pay $13 million because their famous slogan 'Red Bull gives you wings' isn't 
true. Anyone who bought a drink from January 1, 2002 to October 3, 2014 is 
eligible to receive a $10 cash payment - regardless of whether there was a 
receipt for proof.

 Here's one of the ads they ran. If people can now sue for such obviously 
idiotic claims it only goes to show what a dumbed-down society we are living in.






Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: About Nov. 30

2014-10-13 Thread Michael Jackson [FairfieldLife]
Its the whole ball of wax. TM just doesn't measure up to the hype they make for 
it. It is a moderately effective meditation that many teachers say has a 
dropout rate of up to 90% in the first few months.

It doesn't produce enlightened people, which is one of the reasons the Movement 
no longer advertises that it will lead to enlightenment. 

The practice often leads to mental/emotional problems, which is one of the 
downsides I think Rick is ignoring when he says the Movement is doing good in 
the world. I agree that some seem to benefit from it, but to see the entire 
effect, one has to look at the whole picture and to ignore those who have 
mental and emotional problems that even lead to suicide is to ignore the whole 
effect of TM on the population of the world.

I don't know of other meditations that can lead to the unstressing you have 
with TM. In addition the absurd mental states the Movement actively encourages 
that Sal has commented on leads a lot of people to having major life problems 
with health, relationships and money. 

When you encourage people to believe whatever the Movement tells you, when they 
claim a man has a cigarette addiction because he's a siddha and is self 
referral and expect you to believe it they are engaging in mind manipulation 
and really encouraging people to be psychotic or to put it more nicely teaching 
them to be mind numbed sheep holding their wallets out to the Movement. This is 
not doing good in the world. 

They love to sell TM by implying that if you do TM, you will be as successful 
as the celebrities they love to parade before the cameras on David Lynch fund 
raisers. They ignore the rough edges of some of them like Lynch, Brand and 
Stern. They absolutely ignore and hide from the enormities of people like Robin 
Carlsen, Andy Rhymer, Stephen Collins, Bloomfield, Wallace's ex-wife who shot a 
woman during program in Los Angeles, Shuvender Shem who murdered Levi Butler 
right in Annapurna dining hall at MUM. Let's look at the whole picture.

I appreciate much Rick has done on many levels but I think he is still wearing 
blinders about Marshy and about the Movement. Let's look at the whole picture. 
Look at all the people who say TM is an asset, look at those who think it is a 
fine thing and then look with the same objective view at those who say it 
ruined their lives, that it screwed them up in many ways. Both camps are 
telling the truth. One is not right and the other wrong. Both things are true.

Look objectively at both sides, both camps and you have a picture of a 
meditation technique that taken in moderation and not expecting too much from 
it will yield positive results for some. When it is taught in the WAY MARSHY 
himself taught it and the way the Movement continues to teach it it is 
definitely doing damage to the world. Take out the lies, the bullshit and the 
Hindu superstitions and practices and its ok, otherwise not so ok. 

 From: "Bhairitu [FairfieldLife]" 

Sent: Monday, October 13, 2014 12:47 PM
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: About Nov. 30

I'm curious, how would you feel about TM if it was today only $125 and maybe 
taught over a weekend workshop?  Or maybe even the first technique free?  What 
bothers you more the money or the supposed link to 'Hinduism'?

On 10/13/2014 09:27 AM, Michael Jackson [FairfieldLife] 

>I am curious how you feel it is "doing good in the world" when it has thrived 
>off of lies, misinformation and the cultish beliefs and antics it has used for 
>decades? Do you mean just by the fact it still teaches TM to folks who were 
>not meditators before?
> From: "'Rick Archer' [FairfieldLife]" 
>Sent: Monday, October 13, 2014 11:15 AM
>Subject: RE: [FairfieldLife] Re: About Nov. 30
> [] On 
>Behalf Of nablusoss1008
>Sent: Monday, October 13, 2014 3:36 AM
>Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: About Nov. 30
>It's part of Rick Archer's long-time strategy to try to split up and weaken 
>the Movement.
>I have no such strategy. I just forward stuff that’s relevant to FFL. That 
>includes stuff from Hagelin, Orme-Johnson, etc. I wish the movement well. I 
>think it’s doing a lot of good in the world. But it will only thrive if it 
>conducts itself with honesty and integrity and purges itself from cultish 
>nonsense, much of which was introduced by MMY. 

RE: [FairfieldLife] Re: About Nov. 30

2014-10-13 Thread 'Rick Archer' [FairfieldLife]

From: [] On 
Behalf Of nablusoss1008
Sent: Monday, October 13, 2014 12:26 PM
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: About Nov. 30



They, including Rick Archer, have several agendas the most urgent is to try to 
split up and weaken the TMO.

With friends like you Nabby, the TMO doesn’t need enemies.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: About Nov. 30

2014-10-13 Thread nablusoss1008
They, including Rick Archer, have several agendas the most urgent is to try to 
split up and weaken the TMO.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Movie review: "Gone Girl"

2014-10-13 Thread [FairfieldLife]


---In,  wrote :

 On 10/13/2014 12:04 PM, TurquoiseBee turquoiseb@... mailto:turquoiseb@... 
[FairfieldLife] wrote:

   If you can manage to do what I did -- see this movie without spoilers, and 
without any real idea of what to expect -- it's really quite an E-ticket ride. 

 You are supposed to read the book BEFORE you post your review of the movie 
version. Where is Judy when we need her?

 I already read the book so am going to see "The Judge" today instead.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: About Nov. 30

2014-10-13 Thread TurquoiseBee [FairfieldLife]
From: "Michael Jackson [FairfieldLife]" 

I can't help but see the fact that what the Movement mainly uses TM for is to 
get more converts to make more money. They are not out there doing anything 
substantive to improve the quality of life for people - they promote TM to 
promote TM, not to do anything else. (from my point of view)


Re: [FairfieldLife] Movie review: "Gone Girl"

2014-10-13 Thread 'Richard J. Williams' [FairfieldLife]
On 10/13/2014 12:04 PM, TurquoiseBee 
[FairfieldLife] wrote:
I liked it. I'm thinking of going to see it tonight in an actual 
theater, instead of rewatching the small-screen DVD-quality screener 
version I saw earlier. Coming from a pirate, that's a pretty high 
recommendation for a movie,  :-)

/Why bother? You already spoiled the movie version by watching it on 
your laptop computer using ear buds and you apparently didn't read the 
book. Go figure./

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: About Nov. 30

2014-10-13 Thread [FairfieldLife]
over the past 9 years, the DLF claims that they have taught 500,000 kids to 
meditate for free. 

 In 2012, all of 8,000 adults in the USA learned TM, paying some portion of the 
full fee while with kids, the lion's share of the fee went straight to the TM 
teachers. It's not a 50-50 thing as with the adult fee, but more like an 80-20 
or even 90-10 split, when kids are taught.


 This suggests that, unless you think that they're planning on huge revenues 20 
years from now from all the kids who learned TM at school, that teh TM 
organization exists primarily to teach TM, not to make money for its own sake.



---In,  wrote :

 From: "Michael Jackson mjackson74@... [FairfieldLife]" 

   I can't help but see the fact that what the Movement mainly uses TM for is 
to get more converts to make more money. They are not out there doing anything 
substantive to improve the quality of life for people - they promote TM to 
promote TM, not to do anything else. (from my point of view)


Re: [FairfieldLife] Movie review: "Gone Girl"

2014-10-13 Thread 'Richard J. Williams' [FairfieldLife]
On 10/13/2014 12:04 PM, TurquoiseBee 
[FairfieldLife] wrote:
If you can manage to do what I did -- see this movie without spoilers, 
and without any real idea of what to expect -- it's really quite an 
E-ticket ride.

/You are supposed to read the book BEFORE you post your review of the 
movie version. Where is Judy when we need her?/

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: About Nov. 30

2014-10-13 Thread [FairfieldLife]
It's the same crew that accepts as valid the claim that MMY appeared to the 
woman in her dreams and begged her to publish her "tell all" book. 



---In,  wrote :

 Like I said before, it is Jerry Jarvis' stamp of approval that is giving this 
event legitimacy in the eyes of many old time TM'ers - not to mention the 
penchant of TM'ers to believe unbelievable bullshit - that helps too.


 From: feste37 
 Sent: Monday, October 13, 2014 9:57 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: About Nov. 30
   This is just too silly for words. If the emphasis is on "assessing the 
content," why is it being promoted as being a message from MMY? The truth is 
that for some weird reason, Hammond is using this ploy to promote his own 
views. If he just gave a talk himself, no one would be interested. So he has 
hit on this ludicrous marketing ploy. As I commented earlier, I am astonished 
that anyone is taking this seriously. 


---In,  wrote :

 An organizer asked me to post this. 


 Be curious. Be practical. Be yourself.


 One's perspective on this presentation of Explanations should be focused on 
"assessing its content" (i.e., whoever the source may be is far less relevant). 

 Ask yourself on November 30th:


 1) Is the content valuable and helpful to me now in my life? 

 2) Does it have a practical benefit? If yes, then take that part and use it. 
If not, then don't. 

 That should always be the test. On the individual level. 


 For details of how to Reserve a free seat, Live Stream it, or to watch the 
recording afterwards:




Re: [FairfieldLife] Time to ditch Columbus Day?

2014-10-13 Thread Mike Dixon [FairfieldLife]
There were a lot of people that knew the earth wasn't flat at that time and 
even earlier.  Education was not for the common man at that time. People 
struggled to just have enough to eat and a roof over their heads. Not a lot of 
time for anything else, much less ponder the shape of the earth or the orbit of 
the planets. I'm not quite sure it's fair to judge people from the past by the 
standards we set for our selves. We have an awful lot going for us today.< It's 
kind of interesting to note that in Daniel's prophecy, that the end of 
times(change of the age) would be marked by a great increase of knowledge and 
the *coming and going*(travel) of people. 

On Monday, October 13, 2014 9:14 AM, "Bhairitu 
[FairfieldLife]"  wrote:

Apparently the Vikings and off course India sailors discovered the earth wasn't 
flat either and way before Columbus.

On 10/13/2014 07:15 AM, Mike Dixon [FairfieldLife] wrote:
>Just wondering if Eric Kasum would have been born had there been no Columbus, 
>much less have his education, wealth,freedom to pursue his hearts desire, and  
>all the leisure time he seems to have to think and write  about peace and 
>justice.  Columbus was a man of his *time* as is Eric Kasum.  Kasum judges 
>Columbus based on what are normal values today, not what reality was then. 
>Kasum compares Columbus to the peaceful Arawak Indians, not the blood thirsty 
>Mayan or Aztecs, go figure(sorry willie).We don't celebrate Christopher 
>Columbus for his personality but what his contribution has done for mankind. 
>Columbus's accidental discovery lead to further exploration and development 
>that has given us what we have and are today. Thank you Chris! 
>On Sunday, October 12, 2014 5:24 PM, "Bhairitu 
>[FairfieldLife]" wrote:
>Why do we celebrate this creep anyway?

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: About Nov. 30

2014-10-13 Thread Michael Jackson [FairfieldLife]
Maybe we are splitting hairs here but you yourself offered the opinion that the 
Movement needed to purge itself of cultish nonsense. I agree that not ALL the 
things the Movement says about TM is a lie, but a good deal of it is stretching 
the truth if not an out right lie.

Sal summed it up by referring to TM as a gateway drug. You know good and well 
the Movement leaders want everyone who does TM to swallow it whole hog, get 
into yagyas, ayurveda over western medicine, buy vedic observatory models and 
all the rest. 

If you can see the Movement doing good when they for example offer to do a 
national yagya for England to prevent more flooding and storms AFTER the rainy 
season was over and AFTER they asked for and collected $100,000 to "do" the 
yagya when the pundits were already living in TM facilites and knew how to do 
the yagya already, if you see this as evidence of the kind of behavior TM 
creates or that it is doing good, you have a way different idea of what doing 
good in the world is.

I can't help but see the fact that what the Movement mainly uses TM for is to 
get more converts to make more money. They are not out there doing anything 
substantive to improve the quality of life for people - they promote TM to 
promote TM, not to do anything else. (from my point of view)

 From: "'Rick Archer' [FairfieldLife]" 

Sent: Monday, October 13, 2014 12:44 PM
Subject: RE: [FairfieldLife] Re: About Nov. 30 [] 
Sent: Monday, October 13, 2014 11:27 AM
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: About Nov. 30
I am curious how you feel it is "doing good in the world" when it has thrived 
off of lies, misinformation and the cultish beliefs and antics it has used for 
decades? Do you mean just by the fact it still teaches TM to folks who were not 
meditators before?
Yes, many of whom benefit tremendously from it, as I have. It’s not all “lies, 
misinformation and the cultish beliefs and antics”. There are many good people 
who are not guilty of that stuff, and there is probably a power struggle within 
the movement between them and those who are.

From:"'Rick Archer' [FairfieldLife]" 

Sent: Monday, October 13, 2014 11:15 AM
Subject: RE: [FairfieldLife] Re: About Nov. 30 [] On 
Behalf Of nablusoss1008
Sent: Monday, October 13, 2014 3:36 AM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: About Nov. 30
It's part of Rick Archer's long-time strategy to try to split up and weaken the 
I have no such strategy. I just forward stuff that’s relevant to FFL. That 
includes stuff from Hagelin, Orme-Johnson, etc. I wish the movement well. I 
think it’s doing a lot of good in the world. But it will only thrive if it 
conducts itself with honesty and integrity and purges itself from cultish 
nonsense, much of which was introduced by MMY. 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Duped into thinking you could fly?

2014-10-13 Thread [FairfieldLife]
When I learned the TM-Sidhis in 1984, I had to write out, in long-hand, a 
paragraph dictated to me over the phone from the TM-SIdhis course office, 
saying that I understood that the TM-Sidhis were for the development of 
consciousness, and that I understood that no-one was guaranteeing I was going 
to obtain any kind of special power. 

 Then I had to sign it, date it, and mail it back to them.

 THEN they would accept me on the TM-Sidhis course.


 Anyone who learned after doing that has no defensible way to sue on those 
grounds, I suspect, and of course, that was the point.



---In,  wrote :

 salyavin, let's put it this way: I was pretty coordinated as a sport playing 
kid and teen and that level of coordination hasn't deteriorated much in 50 
years. Also, I notice that I often feel graceful in my actions, even if it's 
something simply like walking. And definitely less mind chatter! 


 On Monday, October 13, 2014 8:37 AM, salyavin808  



---In,  wrote :

 salyavin, you're partially right. I learned because of the prediction that 
mind body coordination would improve. For me that prediction has been spot on. 
And my first "flight" was pretty powerful, leading me to think that some 
profound transformation was occurring. I've known I'm no St Joseph Cupertino so 
haven't minded about no actual levitation. 



 How do you know that your mind-body coordination has improved, anything in 
particular? I did it for ten years and can't say I noticed any changes anywhere!

 On Monday, October 13, 2014 1:32 AM, salyavin808  


 I think they should also be sued for encouraging littering!

 I tried one of these energy drinks once, never again. I was frothing at the 
mouth and babbling all night. Highly speedy. I can't believe they are legal for 
adults let alone children, and some people knock them back like I drink water!

 I think a class action suit against the TMO would be workable and lucrative 
because it's actually taught that the TMSP develops paranormal powers (the clue 
is in the name) and they even publish "scientific" lectures about how it works 
to entice the unwary into thinking there's a physical basis for it all. Given 
the amount of time I spent doing it when I could have been earning a decent 
crust, I would say that a round figure of £1 million ought to ease the pain of 
still being held to the ground by gravity. I might want an extra million to 
compensate me for the embarrassment of having to admit I fell for it too.

 Now we can watch the TB's claiming they only learnt for self improvement 
reasons and don;t care that they never developed any magical powers. Insert 
spluttering protests here:



---In,  wrote :

 Did you fall for the hype about being able to levitate?

 Are you angry about the cash you lost chasing that dream of flying?

 Do your friends and acquaintances now laugh at you for being so credulous?

 Good news! You may be entitled to compensation. 

 Energy drink "Red Bull" settled two class-action lawsuits this week, agreeing 
to pay $13 million because their famous slogan 'Red Bull gives you wings' isn't 
true. Anyone who bought a drink from January 1, 2002 to October 3, 2014 is 
eligible to receive a $10 cash payment - regardless of whether there was a 
receipt for proof.

 Here's one of the ads they ran. If people can now sue for such obviously 
idiotic claims it only goes to show what a dumbed-down society we are living in.






[FairfieldLife] Movie review: "Gone Girl"

2014-10-13 Thread TurquoiseBee [FairfieldLife]
If you can manage to do what I did -- see this movie without spoilers, and 
without any real idea of what to expect -- it's really quite an E-ticket ride. 

My hat is off first to novel and screenplay author Gillian Flynn, who managed 
to actually come up with an original idea...that's a real rarity these days. 
Next hat-tip is to David Fincher, for bringing it to the screen effectively, 
and in such a way that you almost feel as if you're watching a succession of 
short movies rather than just one long one. You start in one plot reality, and 
then twenty minutes later you're in another, and then another, all the way 
through. Fincher did that with "Se7en" and "Fight Club," of course, but it's 
just as effective a technique here. 

Ben Affleck always tends to leave me feeling "Meh!" about his performances, and 
did so again in this movie, but that may be purely a preference thang on my 
part. He just doesn't do it for me, but I can see how people who like him will 
love him in this role. 

So it's really Rosamund Pike's movie. She drops into the ever-changing reality 
of this plot like she was born to it. Whoever she is called upon by the script 
to be in that moment, that's who she is. She never "telegraphs" anything from 
any of the other realities or points of view. I think she won herself a Best 
Acting Oscar in this movie. 

I liked it. I'm thinking of going to see it tonight in an actual theater, 
instead of rewatching the small-screen DVD-quality screener version I saw 
earlier. Coming from a pirate, that's a pretty high recommendation for a movie, 

Here's a trailer, and a pretty good one because it manages to give away almost 

Gone Girl - Official Trailer (2014) HD

Gone Girl - Official Trailer (2014) HD  
View on Preview by Yahoo  

[FairfieldLife] Re: About Nov. 30

2014-10-13 Thread [FairfieldLife]
What's interesting about your Sexy Sadie comment is that a while back you 
commented that you were quite amazed that any woman was claiming to have sex 
with MMY as your personal observation was that he had no sexuality to speak of. 

 Once it became clear that you could get specific people mad by referring  to 
the claims, you started to embrace them, without ever explaining why you came 
to change your mind about MMY's sexual activities or lack thereof.



---In,  wrote :

 From: feste37 
   This is just too silly for words. If the emphasis is on "assessing the 
content," why is it being promoted as being a message from MMY? The truth is 
that for some weird reason, Hammond is using this ploy to promote his own 
views. If he just gave a talk himself, no one would be interested. So he has 
hit on this ludicrous marketing ploy. As I commented earlier, I am astonished 
that anyone is taking this seriously. 


While I agree that the whole scenario is too silly for words, what does it say 
about the incredible gullibility and susceptibility of TMers *that* it's being 
taken seriously? 

In what other group would its members actually fall for this? 

What other group would proactively attempt to squelch it, as "Raja" (that's 
ludicrous in itself) Hagelin did? 

This is great theater. I hope *some* reporters actually attend, and write it up 
or do a TV bit about it. Can't you just imagine the headline/teaser? 

 Leaders Of TM Cult Freak Out Over Advice From Beyond The Grave 
Sent By Original "Sexy Sadie" Guru Maharishi Mahesh Yogi

[FairfieldLife] Re: About Nov. 30

2014-10-13 Thread [FairfieldLife]
The Meditation Trust also offers TM teacher training these days, and implies 
that they are doing the work that MMY authorized them to do, despite him 
rescinding that authorization quite publicly and in completely explicit terms. 


---In,  wrote :


---In,  wrote :

 Sal says they do and their web presence speaks to it as well. But I will defer 
to Sal on this he is in a position to know.


 It's a good question, there are a few teaching in various places, The 
Meditation Trust is probably the best known as they were the guys who quit when 
Marshy put the price up so high it put them out of business. They have a few 
centres and hold courses in a country house where they teach the TMSP too. 

 The TM official are always taking legal action against them but there isn't 
much they can do as all the teachers were trained by Marshy. 

 I know people who go on their courses, they always tell me that I musn't 
mention it to people in the movement, which says it all about the TMO really. 
The same guy was telling me that someone asked him if it was true that people 
get brainwashed in the TMO, he said of course not. 

 Anyway, they seem to be doing well and actually making money out of it which 
is the TM teachers dream, but then they don't have to give half to the TMO. Bad 
feelings about that too I shouldn't wonder.

 From: "anartaxius@... [FairfieldLife]" 
 Sent: Monday, October 13, 2014 10:11 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: About Nov. 30
   Michael: note the highlighted part of my post below. A schism requires that 
the split off group has a coherent organization. I don't know if the initiators 
in England have this.


---In,  wrote :

 the Movement already split - don't forget the renegade initiators in England


 From: "anartaxius@... [FairfieldLife]" 
 Sent: Monday, October 13, 2014 8:56 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: About Nov. 30
   Species, Corporations, Religions, Cults, as is the nature of change, always, 
if they persist, break apart or become extinct. A schism is always eventually 
in the cards for the TM movement. It is said shortly after his death, the 
followers of Buddha broke into some two dozen different sects. You can see how 
Christianity split over time. There seem to be fewer splits among Muslims, 
perhaps a reflection of the dark ferocity of their memes. The Mormons, barely a 
religion after 150 years, have split six times. And look at all the different 
Hindu flavours. It is almost a no-brainer prediction that the TM movement will 
at some point split. *Already there are many teachers in various countries 
teaching outside the movement purview.* 

 I would say that movements in which the participants are unable to think for 
themselves are likely to cohere together longer than those in which mental 
freedom and expression are given freer reign. Onward Lemmings!

 Rick does not have to do anything to weaken the movement, it will break 
naturally of its own accord, it is already frayed around the edges. While you 
might try to do something to arrest progress, eventually you will fail. That is 
the nature of evolution.

---In,  wrote :


 It's part of Rick Archer's long-time strategy to try to split up and weaken 
the Movement.


---In,  wrote :

 An organizer asked me to post this. 


 Be curious. Be practical. Be yourself.


 One's perspective on this presentation of Explanations should be focused on 
"assessing its content" (i.e., whoever the source may be is far less relevant). 

 Ask yourself on November 30th:


 1) Is the content valuable and helpful to me now in my life? 

 2) Does it have a practical benefit? If yes, then take that part and use it. 
If not, then don't. 

 That should always be the test. On the individual level. 


 For details of how to Reserve a free seat, Live Stream it, or to watch the 
recording afterwards:







[FairfieldLife] Re: About Nov. 30

2014-10-13 Thread [FairfieldLife]
But one man's cultish nonsense is another man's profoundly spiritual insight... 

 People assume that MMY could never do wrong, and so they always went with his 
program/project/practice _du jour_


 Others assume that when MMY came up something they perceived as off-the-wall, 
it meant he had gone off teh deep end.


 My own take is that MMY never had a clue when something was going to work or 
not until he tried it, and the stuff that "stuck" to the wall, is the stuff 
that he embraced as valid.

 In every case (stick-able or not) he had to find an intellectual reason for 
why he suggested something, and so he made something up to explain things. 
Sometimes those reasons sounded plausible and sometimes they didn't.

 Sometimes something he did turned out to be very good, even though he had no 
idea why it was very good.

 Example of this last: the Rajas and their golden crowns. Totally crazy, and 
yet, the schism that resulted occurred BEFORE his death and not after. By the 
time he died, everywhere in the world outside of India, the TM organization had 
already restructured itself to work with the new hierarchy of Those Who Wear 
Crowns, while those who couldn't deal with such craziness had already left.

 The result was an almost drama-less succession for Good King Tony (outside of 

 Brilliant... even though I'm  almost positive that MMY hadn't really thought 
of things that way.



---In,  wrote :

 From: [] On 
Behalf Of nablusoss1008
Sent: Monday, October 13, 2014 3:36 AM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: About Nov. 30

 It's part of Rick Archer's long-time strategy to try to split up and weaken 
the Movement.
 I have no such strategy. I just forward stuff that’s relevant to FFL. That 
includes stuff from Hagelin, Orme-Johnson, etc. I wish the movement well. I 
think it’s doing a lot of good in the world. But it will only thrive if it 
conducts itself with honesty and integrity and purges itself from cultish 
nonsense, much of which was introduced by MMY. 


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: About Nov. 30

2014-10-13 Thread Bhairitu [FairfieldLife]
I'm curious, how would you feel about TM if it was today only $125 and 
maybe taught over a weekend workshop?  Or maybe even the first technique 
free?  What bothers you more the money or the supposed link to 'Hinduism'?

On 10/13/2014 09:27 AM, Michael Jackson 
[FairfieldLife] wrote:
I am curious how you feel it is "doing good in the world" when it has 
thrived off of lies, misinformation and the cultish beliefs and antics 
it has used for decades? Do you mean just by the fact it still teaches 
TM to folks who were not meditators before?

*From:* "'Rick Archer' [FairfieldLife]" 

*Sent:* Monday, October 13, 2014 11:15 AM
*Subject:* RE: [FairfieldLife] Re: About Nov. 30

[] *On Behalf Of *nablusoss1008

*Sent:* Monday, October 13, 2014 3:36 AM
*Subject:* [FairfieldLife] Re: About Nov. 30
It's part of Rick Archer's long-time strategy to try to split up and 
weaken the Movement.
I have no such strategy. I just forward stuff that’s relevant to FFL. 
That includes stuff from Hagelin, Orme-Johnson, etc. I wish the 
movement well. I think it’s doing a lot of good in the world. But it 
will only thrive if it conducts itself with honesty and integrity and 
purges itself from cultish nonsense, much of which was introduced by MMY.

RE: [FairfieldLife] Re: About Nov. 30

2014-10-13 Thread 'Rick Archer' [FairfieldLife]

From: [] 
Sent: Monday, October 13, 2014 11:27 AM
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: About Nov. 30



I am curious how you feel it is "doing good in the world" when it has thrived 
off of lies, misinformation and the cultish beliefs and antics it has used for 
decades? Do you mean just by the fact it still teaches TM to folks who were not 
meditators before?


Yes, many of whom benefit tremendously from it, as I have. It’s not all “lies, 
misinformation and the cultish beliefs and antics”. There are many good people 
who are not guilty of that stuff, and there is probably a power struggle within 
the movement between them and those who are.



From: "'Rick Archer'   
[FairfieldLife]"> >
Sent: Monday, October 13, 2014 11:15 AM
Subject: RE: [FairfieldLife] Re: About Nov. 30





[] On Behalf Of nablusoss1008
Sent: Monday, October 13, 2014 3:36 AM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: About Nov. 30



It's part of Rick Archer's long-time strategy to try to split up and weaken the 

I have no such strategy. I just forward stuff that’s relevant to FFL. That 
includes stuff from Hagelin, Orme-Johnson, etc. I wish the movement well. I 
think it’s doing a lot of good in the world. But it will only thrive if it 
conducts itself with honesty and integrity and purges itself from cultish 
nonsense, much of which was introduced by MMY. 


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: About Nov. 30

2014-10-13 Thread Michael Jackson [FairfieldLife]
I am curious how you feel it is "doing good in the world" when it has thrived 
off of lies, misinformation and the cultish beliefs and antics it has used for 
decades? Do you mean just by the fact it still teaches TM to folks who were not 
meditators before?

 From: "'Rick Archer' [FairfieldLife]" 

Sent: Monday, October 13, 2014 11:15 AM
Subject: RE: [FairfieldLife] Re: About Nov. 30
  [] On 
Behalf Of nablusoss1008
Sent: Monday, October 13, 2014 3:36 AM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: About Nov. 30
It's part of Rick Archer's long-time strategy to try to split up and weaken the 
I have no such strategy. I just forward stuff that’s relevant to FFL. That 
includes stuff from Hagelin, Orme-Johnson, etc. I wish the movement well. I 
think it’s doing a lot of good in the world. But it will only thrive if it 
conducts itself with honesty and integrity and purges itself from cultish 
nonsense, much of which was introduced by MMY. 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Art from the beginning of History

2014-10-13 Thread salyavin808


---In,  wrote :


---In,  wrote :

 Painted caves challenge art origins
 Painted caves challenge art origins The discovery of 
40,000-year-old artworks in Indonesian caves challenges established views on 
the origins of humans' artistic capabilities.

 View on
 Preview by Yahoo 


 Very cool. And also, every hand outlined was a left hand indicating the artist 
was right handed or, if there were more than one hand depicted, many of the 
artists were right handed. Some things don't change.

 Well spotted, I wonder when that arose in humanity, and why?

 Ice age art is my favourite thing, I went to a show at the British Museum 
called "The arrival of the modern mind" because all the works there showed that 
our distant ancestors had the same capacity for mental abstraction, metaphor 
and representation. It's like the complexity of modern art appeared fully 
formed one day and we just set about painting.

 I posted this the other day, it really is well worth a look if you like this 
sort of thing:

 Cave_of_forgotten_dreams Prepare to be shocked. 
30,000 years old art.
 View on 
 Preview by Yahoo 

 There are odd things here though, the fact the cave was in use for 20,000 
years makes me wonder why there are so few pictures on the walls, in one place 
you see a row of galloping horses and some of them were painted many thousands 
of years apart. That's like the people who built Stonehenge putting the stones 
up and leaving it for all that time and then me going along and finishing it 
yesterday. Why did they go in so infrequently? They obviously didn't live in 
the cave, did so many generations really pass before another painting was done? 
So many questions, and we can only guess at the answers.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: About Nov. 30

2014-10-13 Thread TurquoiseBee [FairfieldLife]
From: feste37 

This is just too silly for words. If the emphasis is on "assessing the 
content," why is it being promoted as being a message from MMY? The truth is 
that for some weird reason, Hammond is using this ploy to promote his own 
views. If he just gave a talk himself, no one would be interested. So he has 
hit on this ludicrous marketing ploy. As I commented earlier, I am astonished 
that anyone is taking this seriously. 

While I agree that the whole scenario is too silly for words, what does it say 
about the incredible gullibility and susceptibility of TMers *that* it's being 
taken seriously? 

In what other group would its members actually fall for this? 

What other group would proactively attempt to squelch it, as "Raja" (that's 
ludicrous in itself) Hagelin did? 

This is great theater. I hope *some* reporters actually attend, and write it up 
or do a TV bit about it. Can't you just imagine the headline/teaser? 

Leaders Of TM Cult Freak Out Over Advice From Beyond The Grave 
Sent By Original "Sexy Sadie" Guru Maharishi Mahesh Yogi

Re: [FairfieldLife] Time to ditch Columbus Day?

2014-10-13 Thread Bhairitu [FairfieldLife]
Apparently the Vikings and off course India sailors discovered the earth 
wasn't flat either and way before Columbus.

On 10/13/2014 07:15 AM, Mike Dixon [FairfieldLife] 
Just wondering if Eric Kasum would have been born had there been no 
Columbus, much less have his education, wealth,freedom to pursue his 
hearts desire, and  all the leisure time he seems to have to think and 
write  about peace and justice.  Columbus was a man of his *time* as 
is Eric Kasum. Kasum judges Columbus based on what are normal 
values today, not what reality was then. Kasum compares Columbus to 
the peaceful Arawak Indians, not the blood thirsty Mayan or Aztecs, go 
figure(sorry willie).We don't celebrate Christopher Columbus for his 
personality but what his contribution has done for mankind. Columbus's 
accidental discovery lead to further exploration and development that 
has given us what we have and are today. Thank you Chris!

On Sunday, October 12, 2014 5:24 PM, "Bhairitu 
[FairfieldLife]"  wrote:

Why do we celebrate this creep anyway?

Re: [FairfieldLife] Duped into thinking you could fly?

2014-10-13 Thread Bhairitu [FairfieldLife]
Never tried Red Bull except for their natural cola which is very good 
and has real cola nut in it instead of artificial flavors.   I might 
have a problem with a class action suit over an obviously absurd and 
mainly metaphoric claim that "Red Bull gives you wings."  Did Red Bull 
start the class action themselves.  It might be cheaper to pay $13 
million than more for an ad campaign.

When I "cut the cable" I got Hulu+ (first month free) to keep up with 
any broadcast TV shows worth watching.  When I had cable I would DVR 
shows and then use the 30 second skip button to skip ads.  With Hulu you 
get ads too but the breaks are usually shorter though ABC and FOX seem 
to be booking longer breaks there.  There is no 30 skip button for Hulu+ 
so I just hit the mute button and don't watch.  There's hardly anything 
there I would be interested in buying anyway.  But turning the sound off 
makes the ads look even more insipid.  I think the ad agencies need to 
turn the sound off just to realize how bad their ads are these days.

I didn't do the TM-Sidhi program to learn to fly.  If it was just that 
well guess what?  I was hopping before I got that sutra.  A bunch of us 
who were being naughty and reading Muktananda's books at the time for 
some reason started hopping during meditations at home.  So when I got 
the flying sutra it was merely time to "officially" fly.  Bet there are 
a few others here who had the same experience. In fact the other person 
who flew immediately admitted to me that he had been hopping before the 

Can we levitate.  Probably (now some heads are going to start 
frittering).  My tantra guru told me had floated saying he felt 
something odd and opened his eyes to find himself off the ground a bit 
and not using any specific sutra.  There is the supernatural and there 
are things human beings don't understand yet.  Oh and I'm no athlete and 
never felt any effort in flying even with several foot high hops.

On 10/12/2014 07:59 PM, [FairfieldLife] wrote:

Did you fall for the hype about being able to levitate?

Are you angry about the cash you lost chasing that dream of flying?

Do your friends and acquaintances now laugh at you for being so credulous?

Good news! You may be entitled to compensation.

Energy drink "Red Bull" settled two class-action lawsuits this week, 
agreeing to pay $13 million because their famous slogan 'Red Bull 
gives you wings' isn't true. Anyone who bought a drink from January 1, 
2002 to October 3, 2014 is eligible to receive a $10 cash payment - 
regardless of whether there was a receipt for proof.

Here's one of the ads they ran. If people can now sue for such 
obviously idiotic claims it only goes to show what a dumbed-down 
society we are living in.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: About Nov. 30

2014-10-13 Thread salyavin808


---In,  wrote :

 Sal says they do and their web presence speaks to it as well. But I will defer 
to Sal on this he is in a position to know.


 It's a good question, there are a few teaching in various places, The 
Meditation Trust is probably the best known as they were the guys who quit when 
Marshy put the price up so high it put them out of business. They have a few 
centres and hold courses in a country house where they teach the TMSP too. 

 The TM official are always taking legal action against them but there isn't 
much they can do as all the teachers were trained by Marshy. 

 I know people who go on their courses, they always tell me that I musn't 
mention it to people in the movement, which says it all about the TMO really. 
The same guy was telling me that someone asked him if it was true that people 
get brainwashed in the TMO, he said of course not. 

 Anyway, they seem to be doing well and actually making money out of it which 
is the TM teachers dream, but then they don't have to give half to the TMO. Bad 
feelings about that too I shouldn't wonder.

 From: "anartaxius@... [FairfieldLife]" 
 Sent: Monday, October 13, 2014 10:11 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: About Nov. 30
   Michael: note the highlighted part of my post below. A schism requires that 
the split off group has a coherent organization. I don't know if the initiators 
in England have this.


---In,  wrote :

 the Movement already split - don't forget the renegade initiators in England


 From: "anartaxius@... [FairfieldLife]" 
 Sent: Monday, October 13, 2014 8:56 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: About Nov. 30
   Species, Corporations, Religions, Cults, as is the nature of change, always, 
if they persist, break apart or become extinct. A schism is always eventually 
in the cards for the TM movement. It is said shortly after his death, the 
followers of Buddha broke into some two dozen different sects. You can see how 
Christianity split over time. There seem to be fewer splits among Muslims, 
perhaps a reflection of the dark ferocity of their memes. The Mormons, barely a 
religion after 150 years, have split six times. And look at all the different 
Hindu flavours. It is almost a no-brainer prediction that the TM movement will 
at some point split. *Already there are many teachers in various countries 
teaching outside the movement purview.* 

 I would say that movements in which the participants are unable to think for 
themselves are likely to cohere together longer than those in which mental 
freedom and expression are given freer reign. Onward Lemmings!

 Rick does not have to do anything to weaken the movement, it will break 
naturally of its own accord, it is already frayed around the edges. While you 
might try to do something to arrest progress, eventually you will fail. That is 
the nature of evolution.

---In,  wrote :


 It's part of Rick Archer's long-time strategy to try to split up and weaken 
the Movement.


---In,  wrote :

 An organizer asked me to post this. 


 Be curious. Be practical. Be yourself.


 One's perspective on this presentation of Explanations should be focused on 
"assessing its content" (i.e., whoever the source may be is far less relevant). 

 Ask yourself on November 30th:


 1) Is the content valuable and helpful to me now in my life? 

 2) Does it have a practical benefit? If yes, then take that part and use it. 
If not, then don't. 

 That should always be the test. On the individual level. 


 For details of how to Reserve a free seat, Live Stream it, or to watch the 
recording afterwards:







RE: [FairfieldLife] Re: About Nov. 30

2014-10-13 Thread 'Rick Archer' [FairfieldLife]

From: [] On 
Behalf Of nablusoss1008
Sent: Monday, October 13, 2014 3:36 AM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: About Nov. 30



It's part of Rick Archer's long-time strategy to try to split up and weaken the 

I might add, Nabby, that if either of us is doing something to harm the 
Movement, it’s you. As others have pointed out, your behavior sets a very bad 
example as to the effect on one’s personality one might expect decades of TM 
practice to produce. I hope that by contrast, I come across as fairly balanced 
and objective. At least I strive to be, but you continue to wallow in your 
cultish mindset. 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Duped into thinking you could fly?

2014-10-13 Thread Share Long [FairfieldLife]
salyavin, let's put it this way: I was pretty coordinated as a sport playing 
kid and teen and that level of coordination hasn't deteriorated much in 50 
years. Also, I notice that I often feel graceful in my actions, even if it's 
something simply like walking. And definitely less mind chatter! 

On Monday, October 13, 2014 8:37 AM, salyavin808  


---In,  wrote :

salyavin, you're partially right. I learned because of the prediction that mind 
body coordination would improve. For me that prediction has been spot on. And 
my first "flight" was pretty powerful, leading me to think that some profound 
transformation was occurring. I've known I'm no St Joseph Cupertino so haven't 
minded about no actual levitation. 

How do you know that your mind-body coordination has improved, anything in 
particular? I did it for ten years and can't say I noticed any changes anywhere!

On Monday, October 13, 2014 1:32 AM, salyavin808  


I think they should also be sued for encouraging littering!

I tried one of these energy drinks once, never again. I was frothing at the 
mouth and babbling all night. Highly speedy. I can't believe they are legal for 
adults let alone children, and some people knock them back like I drink water!

I think a class action suit against the TMO would be workable and lucrative 
it's actually taught that the TMSP develops paranormal powers (the clue is in 
the name) and they even publish "scientific" lectures about how it works to 
entice the unwary into thinking there's a physical basis for it all. Given the 
amount of time I spent doing it when I could have been earning a decent crust, 
I would say that a round figure of £1 million ought to ease the pain of still 
being held to the ground by gravity. I might want an extra million to 
compensate me for the embarrassment of having to admit I fell for it too.

Now we can watch the TB's claiming they only learnt for self improvement 
reasons and don;t care that they never developed any magical powers. Insert 
spluttering protests here:

---In,  wrote :

Did you fall for the hype about being able to levitate?

Are you angry about the cash you lost chasing that dream of flying?

Do your friends and acquaintances now laugh at you for being so credulous?

Good news! You may be entitled to compensation. 

Energy drink "Red Bull" settled two class-action lawsuits this week, agreeing 
to pay $13 million because their famous slogan 'Red Bull gives you wings' isn't 
true. Anyone who bought a drink from January 1, 2002 to October 3, 2014 is 
eligible to receive a $10 cash payment - regardless of whether there was a 
receipt for proof.

Here's one of the ads they ran. If people can now sue for such obviously 
idiotic claims it only goes to show what a dumbed-down society we are living in.

RE: [FairfieldLife] Re: About Nov. 30

2014-10-13 Thread 'Rick Archer' [FairfieldLife]

From: [] On 
Behalf Of nablusoss1008
Sent: Monday, October 13, 2014 3:36 AM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: About Nov. 30



It's part of Rick Archer's long-time strategy to try to split up and weaken the 

I have no such strategy. I just forward stuff that’s relevant to FFL. That 
includes stuff from Hagelin, Orme-Johnson, etc. I wish the movement well. I 
think it’s doing a lot of good in the world. But it will only thrive if it 
conducts itself with honesty and integrity and purges itself from cultish 
nonsense, much of which was introduced by MMY. 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: About Nov. 30

2014-10-13 Thread 'Richard J. Williams' [FairfieldLife]
On 10/13/2014 9:22 AM, Michael Jackson 
[FairfieldLife] wrote:
Sal says they do and their web presence speaks to it as well. But I 
will defer to Sal on this he is in a position to know.

/This must be really embarrassing for you.

It has already been established that Sal is a dupe for believing he 
could levitate, so nobody could expect a reasonable comment from 
him.//Obviously you are a dupe as well, based on your posting history to 
FFL. Obviously neither you nor Sal is capable of common sense, let alone 
understanding the mechanics of consciousness. I sometimes wonder if you 
two are dealing with a full deck. //Have either of you ever considered 
getting professional help for your cognitive-dissonance?/


*From:* " [FairfieldLife]" 

*Sent:* Monday, October 13, 2014 10:11 AM
*Subject:* Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: About Nov. 30

Michael: note the highlighted part of my post below. A schism requires 
that the split off group has a coherent organization. I don't know if 
the initiators in England have this.

---In,  wrote :

the Movement already split - don't forget the renegade initiators in 

*From:* "anartaxius@... [FairfieldLife]" 
*Sent:* Monday, October 13, 2014 8:56 AM
*Subject:* [FairfieldLife] Re: About Nov. 30

Species, Corporations, Religions, Cults, as is the nature of change, 
always, if they persist, break apart or become extinct. A schism is 
always eventually in the cards for the TM movement. It is said shortly 
after his death, the followers of Buddha broke into some two dozen 
different sects. You can see how Christianity split over time. There 
seem to be fewer splits among Muslims, perhaps a reflection of the 
dark ferocity of their memes. The Mormons, barely a religion after 150 
years, have split six times. And look at all the different Hindu 
flavours. It is almost a no-brainer prediction that the TM movement 
will at some point split.*Already there are many teachers in various 
countries teaching outside the movement purview.*

I would say that movements in which the participants are unable to 
think for themselves are likely to cohere together longer than those 
in which mental freedom and expression are given freer reign. Onward 

Rick does not have to do anything to weaken the movement, it will 
break naturally of its own accord, it is already frayed around the 
edges. While you might try to do something to arrest progress, 
eventually you will fail. That is the nature of evolution.

---In,  wrote :

It's part of Rick Archer's long-time strategy to try to split up and 
weaken the Movement.

---In,  wrote :

An organizer asked me to post this. 
Be curious. Be practical. Be yourself.
One's perspective on this presentation of Explanations should be 
focused on "assessing its content" (i.e., whoever the source may be is 
far less relevant).

Ask yourself on November 30th:
1) Is the content valuable and helpful to me now in my life?
2) Does it have a practical benefit? If yes, then take that part and 
use it. If not, then don't.

That should always be the test. On the individual level.
For details of how to Reserve a free seat, Live Stream it, or to watch 
the recording afterwards: 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Duped into thinking you could fly?

2014-10-13 Thread 'Richard J. Williams' [FairfieldLife]

salyavin, you're partially right. I learned because of the prediction 
that mind body coordination would improve. For me that prediction has 
been spot on. And my first "flight" was pretty powerful, leading me to 
think that some profound transformation was occurring. I've known I'm 
no St Joseph Cupertino so haven't minded about no actual levitation.

On 10/13/2014 8:37 AM, salyavin808 wrote:
How do you know that your mind-body coordination has improved, 
anything in particular? I did it for ten years and can't say I noticed 
any changes anywhere!

/Only a dupe would think that they could levitate just from reading a 
poster on the wall. To try and fly for over ten years with no perceived 
benefit is just plain dumb./ /Or, maybe the problem was something you're 
not telling us about. Go figure./

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Duped into thinking you could fly?

2014-10-13 Thread 'Richard J. Williams' [FairfieldLife]

On 10/13/2014 8:43 AM, [FairfieldLife] wrote:
Given the amount of time I spent doing it when I could have been 
earning a decent crust, I would say that a round figure of £1 million 
ought to ease the pain of still being held to the ground by gravity. I 
might want an extra million to compensate me for the embarrassment of 
having to admit I fell for it too.

Very funny Sal, I love the expression "earn(ing) a decent crust".
You have the potential to write some blow-us-out-of-the-water parodies.

/It has already been established by MJ that there is no money to be 
earned baking a "descent crust" for the TMO - anyone who would fall for 
that is a dupe. What the respondents need to do is get a job and get off 
welfare. It's not complicated. /

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: About Nov. 30

2014-10-13 Thread Michael Jackson [FairfieldLife]
Sal says they do and their web presence speaks to it as well. But I will defer 
to Sal on this he is in a position to know.

 From: " [FairfieldLife]" 
Sent: Monday, October 13, 2014 10:11 AM
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: About Nov. 30

Michael: note the highlighted part of my post below. A schism requires that the 
split off group has a coherent organization. I don't know if the initiators in 
England have this.

---In,  wrote :

the Movement already split - don't forget the renegade initiators in England

 From: "anartaxius@... [FairfieldLife]" 
Sent: Monday, October 13, 2014 8:56 AM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: About Nov. 30

Species, Corporations, Religions, Cults, as is the nature of change, always, if 
they persist, break apart or become extinct. A schism is always eventually in 
the cards for the TM movement. It is said shortly after his death, the 
followers of Buddha broke into some two dozen different sects. You can see how 
Christianity split over time. There seem to be fewer splits among Muslims, 
perhaps a reflection of the dark ferocity of their memes. The Mormons, barely a 
religion after 150 years, have split six times. And look at all the different 
Hindu flavours. It is almost a no-brainer prediction that the TM movement will 
at some point split. *Already there are many teachers in various countries 
teaching outside the movement purview.* 

I would say that movements in which the participants are unable to think for 
themselves are likely to cohere together longer than those in which mental 
freedom and expression are given freer reign. Onward Lemmings!

Rick does not have to do anything to weaken the movement, it will break 
naturally of its own accord, it is already frayed around the edges. While you 
might try to do something to arrest progress, eventually you will fail. That is 
the nature of evolution.

---In,  wrote :

It's part of Rick Archer's long-time strategy to try to split up and weaken the 

---In,  wrote :

An organizer asked me to post this. 
Be curious. Be practical. Be yourself.
One's perspective on this presentation of Explanations should be focused on 
"assessing its content" (i.e., whoever the source may be is far less relevant). 
Ask yourself on November 30th:
1) Is the content valuable and helpful to me now in my life? 
2) Does it have a practical benefit? If yes, then take that part and use it. If 
not, then don't. 
That should always be the test. On the individual level. 
For details of how to Reserve a free seat, Live Stream it, or to watch the 
recording afterwards:

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: About Nov. 30

2014-10-13 Thread Michael Jackson [FairfieldLife]
Like I said before, it is Jerry Jarvis' stamp of approval that is giving this 
event legitimacy in the eyes of many old time TM'ers - not to mention the 
penchant of TM'ers to believe unbelievable bullshit - that helps too.

 From: feste37 
Sent: Monday, October 13, 2014 9:57 AM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: About Nov. 30

This is just too silly for words. If the emphasis is on "assessing the 
content," why is it being promoted as being a message from MMY? The truth is 
that for some weird reason, Hammond is using this ploy to promote his own 
views. If he just gave a talk himself, no one would be interested. So he has 
hit on this ludicrous marketing ploy. As I commented earlier, I am astonished 
that anyone is taking this seriously. 

---In,  wrote :

An organizer asked me to post this. 
Be curious. Be practical. Be yourself.
One's perspective on this presentation of Explanations should be focused on 
"assessing its content" (i.e., whoever the source may be is far less relevant). 
Ask yourself on November 30th:
1) Is the content valuable and helpful to me now in my life? 
2) Does it have a practical benefit? If yes, then take that part and use it. If 
not, then don't. 
That should always be the test. On the individual level. 
For details of how to Reserve a free seat, Live Stream it, or to watch the 
recording afterwards:

Re: [FairfieldLife] Duped into thinking you could fly?

2014-10-13 Thread 'Richard J. Williams' [FairfieldLife]

On 10/12/2014 9:59 PM, [FairfieldLife] wrote:

Did you fall for the hype about being able to levitate?

For the record, only a few informants have posted witnessing claims to a 
levitation event - nobody has claimed the ability to actually levitate.

/"A red herring is a statement that is or is intended to be misleading 
or distracting. Often used to refer to something that misleads or 
distracts from the relevant or important issues."/

P.S. You are supposed to read the messages posted here BEFORE you ask 
redundant questions.

/"He didn't teach how to do this stuff directly; he just did it. //As 
far as I know, none of his students ever developed the //knack."/ - 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Time to ditch Columbus Day?

2014-10-13 Thread Mike Dixon [FairfieldLife]
Just wondering if Eric Kasum would have been born had there been no Columbus, 
much less have his education, wealth,freedom to pursue his hearts desire, and  
all the leisure time he seems to have to think and write  about peace and 
justice.  Columbus was a man of his *time* as is Eric Kasum.  Kasum judges 
Columbus based on what are normal values today, not what reality was then. 
Kasum compares Columbus to the peaceful Arawak Indians, not the blood thirsty 
Mayan or Aztecs, go figure(sorry willie).We don't celebrate Christopher 
Columbus for his personality but what his contribution has done for mankind. 
Columbus's accidental discovery lead to further exploration and development 
that has given us what we have and are today. Thank you Chris! 

On Sunday, October 12, 2014 5:24 PM, "Bhairitu 
[FairfieldLife]"  wrote:

Why do we celebrate this creep anyway?


[FairfieldLife] Re: About Nov. 30

2014-10-13 Thread [FairfieldLife]


---In,  wrote :

 This is just too silly for words. If the emphasis is on "assessing the 
content," why is it being promoted as being a message from MMY? The truth is 
that for some weird reason, Hammond is using this ploy to promote his own 
views. If he just gave a talk himself, no one would be interested. So he has 
hit on this ludicrous marketing ploy. As I commented earlier, I am astonished 
that anyone is taking this seriously. 

 Are they? Is it possible that anyone is taking this seriously beyond the fact 
that a few here are just dying to be able to talk about all of it on Dec 1 here 
at FFL? I think the Movement Mockers are getting the most mileage out of this 
so far that I can see but then, I'm not in FF. What are the feelings there of 
the people you know and talk to, Feste?

---In,  wrote :

 An organizer asked me to post this. 


 Be curious. Be practical. Be yourself.


 One's perspective on this presentation of Explanations should be focused on 
"assessing its content" (i.e., whoever the source may be is far less relevant). 

 Ask yourself on November 30th:


 1) Is the content valuable and helpful to me now in my life? 

 2) Does it have a practical benefit? If yes, then take that part and use it. 
If not, then don't. 

 That should always be the test. On the individual level. 


 For details of how to Reserve a free seat, Live Stream it, or to watch the 
recording afterwards:


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: About Nov. 30

2014-10-13 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Michael: note the highlighted part of my post below. A schism requires that the 
split off group has a coherent organization. I don't know if the initiators in 
England have this.

---In,  wrote :

 the Movement already split - don't forget the renegade initiators in England


 From: "anartaxius@... [FairfieldLife]" 
 Sent: Monday, October 13, 2014 8:56 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: About Nov. 30
   Species, Corporations, Religions, Cults, as is the nature of change, always, 
if they persist, break apart or become extinct. A schism is always eventually 
in the cards for the TM movement. It is said shortly after his death, the 
followers of Buddha broke into some two dozen different sects. You can see how 
Christianity split over time. There seem to be fewer splits among Muslims, 
perhaps a reflection of the dark ferocity of their memes. The Mormons, barely a 
religion after 150 years, have split six times. And look at all the different 
Hindu flavours. It is almost a no-brainer prediction that the TM movement will 
at some point split. *Already there are many teachers in various countries 
teaching outside the movement purview.* 

 I would say that movements in which the participants are unable to think for 
themselves are likely to cohere together longer than those in which mental 
freedom and expression are given freer reign. Onward Lemmings!

 Rick does not have to do anything to weaken the movement, it will break 
naturally of its own accord, it is already frayed around the edges. While you 
might try to do something to arrest progress, eventually you will fail. That is 
the nature of evolution.

---In,  wrote :


 It's part of Rick Archer's long-time strategy to try to split up and weaken 
the Movement.


---In,  wrote :

 An organizer asked me to post this. 


 Be curious. Be practical. Be yourself.


 One's perspective on this presentation of Explanations should be focused on 
"assessing its content" (i.e., whoever the source may be is far less relevant). 

 Ask yourself on November 30th:


 1) Is the content valuable and helpful to me now in my life? 

 2) Does it have a practical benefit? If yes, then take that part and use it. 
If not, then don't. 

 That should always be the test. On the individual level. 


 For details of how to Reserve a free seat, Live Stream it, or to watch the 
recording afterwards:





Re: [FairfieldLife] Duped into thinking you could fly?

2014-10-13 Thread 'Richard J. Williams' [FairfieldLife]

On 10/12/2014 9:59 PM, [FairfieldLife] wrote:

Good news! You may be entitled to compensation.

/This is great news! Due to the out-of-court settlement with Red Bull 
you may be entitled to a $10 refund because you didn't get any wings 
after consuming your drink.

With the money you receive you can purchase another Red Bull drink, 
although now the price will probably have doubled for each can. Good 
work, you dumb shits./

/A Cafe Mocha at Starbucks costs $4.45 and a Red Bull at Walgreen is 
$1.99.//Go figure./


Energy drink "Red Bull" settled two class-action lawsuits this week, 
agreeing to pay $13 million because their famous slogan 'Red Bull 
gives you wings' isn't true. Anyone who bought a drink from January 1, 
2002 to October 3, 2014 is eligible to receive a $10 cash payment - 
regardless of whether there was a receipt for proof.

Here's one of the ads they ran. If people can now sue for such 
obviously idiotic claims it only goes to show what a dumbed-down 
society we are living in.

[FairfieldLife] Re: About Nov. 30

2014-10-13 Thread [FairfieldLife]


---In,  wrote :

 Species, Corporations, Religions, Cults, as is the nature of change, always, 
if they persist, break apart or become extinct. A schism is always eventually 
in the cards for the TM movement. It is said shortly after his death, the 
followers of Buddha broke into some two dozen different sects. You can see how 
Christianity split over time. There seem to be fewer splits among Muslims, 
perhaps a reflection of the dark ferocity of their memes. The Mormons, barely a 
religion after 150 years, have split six times. And look at all the different 
Hindu flavours. It is almost a no-brainer prediction that the TM movement will 
at some point split. Already there are many teachers in various countries 
teaching outside the movement purview. 

 I would say that movements in which the participants are unable to think for 
themselves are likely to cohere together longer than those in which mental 
freedom and expression are given freer reign. Onward Lemmings!

 Rick does not have to do anything to weaken the movement, it will break 
naturally of its own accord, it is already frayed around the edges. While you 
might try to do something to arrest progress, eventually you will fail. That is 
the nature of evolution.

 Progress can occur within a movement or group while the group still persists 
and exists. It is not necessarily an all or nothing thing (and I'm not speaking 
about the TM Movement. I only know anything about that from what I read here 
and am not, essentially interested one way or another if it remains or if it 
evolves its way into something else completely). Everything changes whether one 
is aware of it or not. Certain core beliefs may remain the same in whatever 
religion, corporation or spiritual movement you look at but lots of other 
things are changing all the time like who are members, who leaves who joins, 
who is the "leader" where they are located or spreading to. These are all small 
but significant changes and movements within the movement and they will 
ultimately spill over into a larger shift or change. There is no such thing as 
stasis in the physical world - ask Salyavin.

---In,  wrote :

 It's part of Rick Archer's long-time strategy to try to split up and weaken 
the Movement.

---In,  wrote :

 An organizer asked me to post this. 


 Be curious. Be practical. Be yourself.


 One's perspective on this presentation of Explanations should be focused on 
"assessing its content" (i.e., whoever the source may be is far less relevant). 

 Ask yourself on November 30th:


 1) Is the content valuable and helpful to me now in my life? 

 2) Does it have a practical benefit? If yes, then take that part and use it. 
If not, then don't. 

 That should always be the test. On the individual level. 


 For details of how to Reserve a free seat, Live Stream it, or to watch the 
recording afterwards:



[FairfieldLife] Re: About Hammond's Nov. 30

2014-10-13 Thread [FairfieldLife]


---In,  wrote :

 Yes, and towards at least some objectivity in reporting I should hope that at 
least some people with current valid Dome badges could go and then report to us 
their observations. Would also be really good too if we could get a spectrum of 
reporting from both Re-certified TM teachers and old retired TM teachers who 
have effectively been Decertified to from teaching TM to give their reports 
 It simply would not be enough to just have someone from the Washington Post 
review the presentation. Most all the outside journalists never really get the 
nuance and miss entirely the back-stories to what really is going on. And of 
course obviously that local guy there who plays the banjo on the streets, 
corners and subways just because he lives close to the venue is way too biased 
to objectively report to us all.  Jai Guru Dev,  -Buck in the Dome

 Livestreaming is the answer Buck. I can pretty much guarantee that 90% of the 
people at FFL will be watching online. Guess what the subject will be from Dec. 
1 onward for a good few days will, no doubt, be?

 nablusoss1008 writes:
 It's part of Rick Archer's long-time strategy to try to split up and weaken 
the Movement.

 LEnglish5@...> wrote :
 If that were true, they wouldn't be leveraging Maharishi's name for the 




 In, rick@... wrote :
 An organizer asked me to post this. 


 Be curious. Be practical. Be yourself.


 One's perspective on this presentation of Explanations should be focused on 
"assessing its content" (i.e., whoever the source may be is far less relevant). 

 Ask yourself on November 30th:


 1) Is the content valuable and helpful to me now in my life? 

 2) Does it have a practical benefit? If yes, then take that part and use it. 
If not, then don't. 

 That should always be the test. On the individual level. 


 For details of how to Reserve a free seat, Live Stream it, or to watch the 
recording afterwards:


[FairfieldLife] Re: About Nov. 30

2014-10-13 Thread feste37
This is just too silly for words. If the emphasis is on "assessing the 
content," why is it being promoted as being a message from MMY? The truth is 
that for some weird reason, Hammond is using this ploy to promote his own 
views. If he just gave a talk himself, no one would be interested. So he has 
hit on this ludicrous marketing ploy. As I commented earlier, I am astonished 
that anyone is taking this seriously. 

---In,  wrote :

 An organizer asked me to post this. 


 Be curious. Be practical. Be yourself.


 One's perspective on this presentation of Explanations should be focused on 
"assessing its content" (i.e., whoever the source may be is far less relevant). 

 Ask yourself on November 30th:


 1) Is the content valuable and helpful to me now in my life? 

 2) Does it have a practical benefit? If yes, then take that part and use it. 
If not, then don't. 

 That should always be the test. On the individual level. 


 For details of how to Reserve a free seat, Live Stream it, or to watch the 
recording afterwards:


[FairfieldLife] Re: Art from the beginning of History

2014-10-13 Thread [FairfieldLife]


---In,  wrote :

 Painted caves challenge art origins
 Painted caves challenge art origins The discovery of 
40,000-year-old artworks in Indonesian caves challenges established views on 
the origins of humans' artistic capabilities.

 View on
 Preview by Yahoo 


 Very cool. And also, every hand outlined was a left hand indicating the artist 
was right handed or, if there were more than one hand depicted, many of the 
artists were right handed. Some things don't change.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Duped into thinking you could fly?

2014-10-13 Thread [FairfieldLife]


---In,  wrote :

 I think they should also be sued for encouraging littering!

 I tried one of these energy drinks once, never again. I was frothing at the 
mouth and babbling all night. Highly speedy. I can't believe they are legal for 
adults let alone children, and some people knock them back like I drink water!

 I think a class action suit against the TMO would be workable and lucrative 
because it's actually taught that the TMSP develops paranormal powers (the clue 
is in the name) and they even publish "scientific" lectures about how it works 
to entice the unwary into thinking there's a physical basis for it all. Given 
the amount of time I spent doing it when I could have been earning a decent 
crust, I would say that a round figure of £1 million ought to ease the pain of 
still being held to the ground by gravity. I might want an extra million to 
compensate me for the embarrassment of having to admit I fell for it too.

 Very funny Sal, I love the expression "earn(ing) a decent crust". 
 You have the potential to write some blow-us-out-of-the-water parodies.

 Now we can watch the TB's claiming they only learnt for self improvement 
reasons and don;t care that they never developed any magical powers. Insert 
spluttering protests here:


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: About Hammond's Nov. 30

2014-10-13 Thread [FairfieldLife]
No, Video is never the same as being there. Would be nice to hear afterwards 
the gestalt from someone who was present in the flesh to take it in with the 
five senses.. 

 mjackson74@.. wrote : 
 you don't have to go - you can watch the live streaming for free


 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: About Hammond's Nov. 30
   Yes, and towards at least some objectivity in reporting I should hope that 
at least some people with current valid Dome badges could go and then report to 
us their observations. Would also be really good too if we could get a spectrum 
of reporting from both Re-certified TM teachers and old retired TM teachers who 
have effectively been De-certified from teaching TM to give their reports 
 It simply would not be enough to just have someone from the Washington Post 
review the presentation. Most all the outside journalists never really get the 
nuance and miss entirely the back-stories to what really is going on. And of 
course obviously that local guy there who plays the banjo on the streets, 
corners and subways just because he lives close to the venue is way too biased 
to objectively report to us all here.  Jai Guru Dev,  -Buck in the Dome

 nablusoss1008 writes:
 It's part of Rick Archer's long-time strategy to try to split up and weaken 
the Movement.

 LEnglish5@...> wrote :
 If that were true, they wouldn't be leveraging Maharishi's name for the 




 In, rick@... wrote :
 An organizer asked me to post this. 


 Be curious. Be practical. Be yourself.


 One's perspective on this presentation of Explanations should be focused on 
"assessing its content" (i.e., whoever the source may be is far less relevant). 

 Ask yourself on November 30th:


 1) Is the content valuable and helpful to me now in my life? 

 2) Does it have a practical benefit? If yes, then take that part and use it. 
If not, then don't. 

 That should always be the test. On the individual level. 


 For details of how to Reserve a free seat, Live Stream it, or to watch the 
recording afterwards:




Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: About Hammond's Nov. 30

2014-10-13 Thread TurquoiseBee [FairfieldLife]
Doug ("Buck") would rather just bitch about what he imagines being said than 
find out. 

 From: "Michael Jackson [FairfieldLife]" 

To: ""  
Sent: Monday, October 13, 2014 3:25 PM
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: About Hammond's Nov. 30

you don't have to go - you can watch the live streaming for free

 From: " [FairfieldLife]" 
Sent: Monday, October 13, 2014 9:10 AM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: About Hammond's Nov. 30

Yes, and towards at least some objectivity in reporting I should hope that at
least some people with current valid Dome badges could go and then
report to us their observations.  Would also be really good too if we
could get a spectrum of reporting from both Re-certified TM teachers
and old retired TM teachers who have effectively been Decertified  to
from teaching TM to give their reports independently.  

simply would not be enough to just have someone from the Washington
Post review the presentation.  Most all the outside journalists never
really get the nuance and miss entirely the back-stories to what
really is going on.   And of course obviously that local guy there
who plays the banjo on the streets, corners and subways just because
he lives close to the venue is way too biased to objectively report
to us all.  Jai Guru Dev,  -Buck in the Dome

nablusoss1008 writes:
part of Rick Archer's long-time strategy to try to split up and
weaken the Movement.

LEnglish5@...> wrote :

If that were true, they wouldn't be leveraging Maharishi's name for the 


In, rick@... wrote :

An organizer asked me to post this. 
Be curious. Be practical. Be yourself.
One's perspective on this presentation of Explanations should be focused on 
"assessing its content" (i.e., whoever the source may be is far less relevant). 
Ask yourself on November 30th:
1) Is the content valuable and helpful to me now in my life? 
2) Does it have a practical benefit? If yes, then take that part and use it. If 
not, then don't. 
That should always be the test. On the individual level. 
For details of how to Reserve a free seat, Live Stream it, or to watch the 
recording afterwards:

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Duped into thinking you could fly?

2014-10-13 Thread salyavin808


---In,  wrote :

 salyavin, you're partially right. I learned because of the prediction that 
mind body coordination would improve. For me that prediction has been spot on. 
And my first "flight" was pretty powerful, leading me to think that some 
profound transformation was occurring. I've known I'm no St Joseph Cupertino so 
haven't minded about no actual levitation. 



 How do you know that your mind-body coordination has improved, anything in 
particular? I did it for ten years and can't say I noticed any changes anywhere!

 On Monday, October 13, 2014 1:32 AM, salyavin808  


 I think they should also be sued for encouraging littering!

 I tried one of these energy drinks once, never again. I was frothing at the 
mouth and babbling all night. Highly speedy. I can't believe they are legal for 
adults let alone children, and some people knock them back like I drink water!

 I think a class action suit against the TMO would be workable and lucrative 
because it's actually taught that the TMSP develops paranormal powers (the clue 
is in the name) and they even publish "scientific" lectures about how it works 
to entice the unwary into thinking there's a physical basis for it all. Given 
the amount of time I spent doing it when I could have been earning a decent 
crust, I would say that a round figure of £1 million ought to ease the pain of 
still being held to the ground by gravity. I might want an extra million to 
compensate me for the embarrassment of having to admit I fell for it too.

 Now we can watch the TB's claiming they only learnt for self improvement 
reasons and don;t care that they never developed any magical powers. Insert 
spluttering protests here:



---In,  wrote :

 Did you fall for the hype about being able to levitate?

 Are you angry about the cash you lost chasing that dream of flying?

 Do your friends and acquaintances now laugh at you for being so credulous?

 Good news! You may be entitled to compensation. 

 Energy drink "Red Bull" settled two class-action lawsuits this week, agreeing 
to pay $13 million because their famous slogan 'Red Bull gives you wings' isn't 
true. Anyone who bought a drink from January 1, 2002 to October 3, 2014 is 
eligible to receive a $10 cash payment - regardless of whether there was a 
receipt for proof.

 Here's one of the ads they ran. If people can now sue for such obviously 
idiotic claims it only goes to show what a dumbed-down society we are living in.





[FairfieldLife] Re: Time to ditch Columbus Day?

2014-10-13 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Wow - I am glad this is being published.

---In,  wrote :

 Why do we celebrate this creep anyway?

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: About Hammond's Nov. 30

2014-10-13 Thread Michael Jackson [FairfieldLife]
you don't have to go - you can watch the live streaming for free

 From: " [FairfieldLife]" 
Sent: Monday, October 13, 2014 9:10 AM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: About Hammond's Nov. 30

Yes, and towards at least some objectivity in reporting I should hope that at
least some people with current valid Dome badges could go and then
report to us their observations.  Would also be really good too if we
could get a spectrum of reporting from both Re-certified TM teachers
and old retired TM teachers who have effectively been Decertified  to
from teaching TM to give their reports independently.  

simply would not be enough to just have someone from the Washington
Post review the presentation.  Most all the outside journalists never
really get the nuance and miss entirely the back-stories to what
really is going on.   And of course obviously that local guy there
who plays the banjo on the streets, corners and subways just because
he lives close to the venue is way too biased to objectively report
to us all.  Jai Guru Dev,  -Buck in the Dome

nablusoss1008 writes:
part of Rick Archer's long-time strategy to try to split up and
weaken the Movement.

LEnglish5@...> wrote :

If that were true, they wouldn't be leveraging Maharishi's name for the 


In, rick@... wrote :

An organizer asked me to post this. 
Be curious. Be practical. Be yourself.
One's perspective on this presentation of Explanations should be focused on 
"assessing its content" (i.e., whoever the source may be is far less relevant). 
Ask yourself on November 30th:
1) Is the content valuable and helpful to me now in my life? 
2) Does it have a practical benefit? If yes, then take that part and use it. If 
not, then don't. 
That should always be the test. On the individual level. 
For details of how to Reserve a free seat, Live Stream it, or to watch the 
recording afterwards:

[FairfieldLife] Re: Duped into thinking you could fly?

2014-10-13 Thread [FairfieldLife]
I received my TM-Siddhis Program, as the result of a work-study program in 
1979/80 - Worked a year, got the siddhis, after six months. No cash paid. Had 
very good results with the so called flying technique, and enjoyed it for many, 
many years. There was never a contractual obligation on the TMO's part, for any 
guaranteed results. I personally found the techniques to be quite powerful, so 
much so, that I stopped the conscious practice of the sutras, about twenty 
years ago, in order to focus on career and family. Now that I live a quieter, 
less scheduled life, I may begin them again. 
 ---In,  wrote :

 Did you fall for the hype about being able to levitate?

 Are you angry about the cash you lost chasing that dream of flying?

 Do your friends and acquaintances now laugh at you for being so credulous?

 Good news! You may be entitled to compensation. 

 Energy drink "Red Bull" settled two class-action lawsuits this week, agreeing 
to pay $13 million because their famous slogan 'Red Bull gives you wings' isn't 
true. Anyone who bought a drink from January 1, 2002 to October 3, 2014 is 
eligible to receive a $10 cash payment - regardless of whether there was a 
receipt for proof.

 Here's one of the ads they ran. If people can now sue for such obviously 
idiotic claims it only goes to show what a dumbed-down society we are living in.



Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: About Nov. 30

2014-10-13 Thread Michael Jackson [FairfieldLife]
the Movement already split - don't forget the renegade initiators in England

 From: " [FairfieldLife]" 
Sent: Monday, October 13, 2014 8:56 AM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: About Nov. 30

Species, Corporations, Religions, Cults, as is the nature of change, always, if 
they persist, break apart or become extinct. A schism is always eventually in 
the cards for the TM movement. It is said shortly after his death, the 
followers of Buddha broke into some two dozen different sects. You can see how 
Christianity split over time. There seem to be fewer splits among Muslims, 
perhaps a reflection of the dark ferocity of their memes. The Mormons, barely a 
religion after 150 years, have split six times. And look at all the different 
Hindu flavours. It is almost a no-brainer prediction that the TM movement will 
at some point split. Already there are many teachers in various countries 
teaching outside the movement purview.

I would say that movements in which the participants are unable to think for 
themselves are likely to cohere together longer than those in which mental 
freedom and expression are given freer reign. Onward Lemmings!

Rick does not have to do anything to weaken the movement, it will break 
naturally of its own accord, it is already frayed around the edges. While you 
might try to do something to arrest progress, eventually you will fail. That is 
the nature of evolution.

---In,  wrote :

It's part of Rick Archer's long-time strategy to try to split up and weaken the 

---In,  wrote :

An organizer asked me to post this. 
Be curious. Be practical. Be yourself.
One's perspective on this presentation of Explanations should be focused on 
"assessing its content" (i.e., whoever the source may be is far less relevant). 
Ask yourself on November 30th:
1) Is the content valuable and helpful to me now in my life? 
2) Does it have a practical benefit? If yes, then take that part and use it. If 
not, then don't. 
That should always be the test. On the individual level. 
For details of how to Reserve a free seat, Live Stream it, or to watch the 
recording afterwards:

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: About Nov. 30

2014-10-13 Thread TurquoiseBee [FairfieldLife]
From: " [FairfieldLife]" 

Species, Corporations, Religions, Cults, as is the nature of change, always, if 
they persist, break apart or become extinct. A schism is always eventually in 
the cards for the TM movement. It is said shortly after his death, the 
followers of Buddha broke into some two dozen different sects. You can see how 
Christianity split over time. There seem to be fewer splits among Muslims, 
perhaps a reflection of the dark ferocity of their memes. The Mormons, barely a 
religion after 150 years, have split six times. And look at all the different 
Hindu flavours. It is almost a no-brainer prediction that the TM movement will 
at some point split. Already there are many teachers in various countries 
teaching outside the movement purview.

I would say that movements in which the participants are unable to think for 
themselves are likely to cohere together longer than those in which mental 
freedom and expression are given freer reign. Onward Lemmings!

Rick does not have to do anything to weaken the movement, it will break 
naturally of its own accord, it is already frayed around the edges. While you 
might try to do something to arrest progress, eventually you will fail. That is 
the nature of evolution.

---In,  wrote :

It's part of Rick Archer's long-time strategy to try to split up and weaken the 

---In,  wrote :

An organizer asked me to post this. 
Be curious. Be practical. Be yourself.
One's perspective on this presentation of Explanations should be focused on 
"assessing its content" (i.e., whoever the source may be is far less relevant). 
Ask yourself on November 30th:
1) Is the content valuable and helpful to me now in my life? 
2) Does it have a practical benefit? If yes, then take that part and use it. If 
not, then don't. 
That should always be the test. On the individual level. 
For details of how to Reserve a free seat, Live Stream it, or to watch the 
recording afterwards:

[FairfieldLife] Re: About Hammond's Nov. 30

2014-10-13 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Yes, and towards at least some objectivity in reporting I should hope that at 
least some people with current valid Dome badges could go and then report to us 
their observations. Would also be really good too if we could get a spectrum of 
reporting from both Re-certified TM teachers and old retired TM teachers who 
have effectively been Decertified to from teaching TM to give their reports 
 It simply would not be enough to just have someone from the Washington Post 
review the presentation. Most all the outside journalists never really get the 
nuance and miss entirely the back-stories to what really is going on. And of 
course obviously that local guy there who plays the banjo on the streets, 
corners and subways just because he lives close to the venue is way too biased 
to objectively report to us all.  Jai Guru Dev,  -Buck in the Dome
 nablusoss1008 writes:
 It's part of Rick Archer's long-time strategy to try to split up and weaken 
the Movement.

 LEnglish5@...> wrote :
 If that were true, they wouldn't be leveraging Maharishi's name for the 




 In, rick@... wrote :
 An organizer asked me to post this. 


 Be curious. Be practical. Be yourself.


 One's perspective on this presentation of Explanations should be focused on 
"assessing its content" (i.e., whoever the source may be is far less relevant). 

 Ask yourself on November 30th:


 1) Is the content valuable and helpful to me now in my life? 

 2) Does it have a practical benefit? If yes, then take that part and use it. 
If not, then don't. 

 That should always be the test. On the individual level. 


 For details of how to Reserve a free seat, Live Stream it, or to watch the 
recording afterwards:


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