Re: [Gimp-user] Epson i print format (Gutenprint question)

2022-03-02 Thread Gary Aitken

On 3/1/22 10:58 PM, Gary Aitken wrote:

That uses up 360 bytes of output data, which matches the count.
   (35 + 19 + 4 + 32 + 3 + 26 + 128 + 113 = 360)
Unfortunately, we're left with 1 byte, 0x0d, left-over.
The next command in the print stream is actually the 0x0c (FF) at 124.

Duh.  Turns out the input data byte stream is terminated with a  for
each line.

As a clarification, the byte count is a count of the total data bytes after
they are expanded; it is not a count of the bytes in the input stream.  In
addition, despite the input bytes representing 2-bit nozzles, 4 per byte,
it is not possible to specify a repeat of anything other than a 4-nozzle
adjacent group on a 4 nozzle boundary.  This is because the input stream is
treated as a stream of bytes, not a stream of bits.


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Re: [Gimp-user] Epson i print format (Gutenprint question)

2022-03-01 Thread Gary Aitken

On 3/1/22 1:34 PM, Liam R E Quin wrote:

On Tue, 2022-03-01 at 08:59 -0700, Gary Aitken wrote:

I have a simple image with one straight line of a single color.
Using the gutenprint dialog, I can print that file.
If I do a "reverse translation" of the raw file, there is one escp2
in it to print the line, shown below with some notes:

Hello! I'm afraid i'm a little lost here sir - which raw file exactly?
The stream being sent to the printer?  What problem are you trying to
solve exactly?  Why not look at the source code to the driver and/or
the printer specification?

Yeah, I'm probably way more lost than you are...

The file is one generated by gutenprint and sent using the command
"/usr/local/bin/lp -s -d 'printer_name' -oraw" to the cups print system.
So yes, the stream being sent to the printer.

I have been looking at the source, the (outdated) gutenprint docs, and the
(outdated) Epson ESCP2 documentation.  The escp2 documentation discusses
the encoding with examples in terms of full-byte characters, which doesn't
seem like it translates obviously into 2-bit nozzles; unless you assume you
can't treat the input stream as 2 bit chunks.

I need to generate a number of specific output data streams to the printer;
generally regular, single-ink outputs.  I can't get the gutenprint plugin to
do it because it always dithers the output; I don't see any way to turn the
dithering off.  I'm not worried about banding.  If I can understand the
output encoding, I can encode a replacement segment to patch into the output
stream.  Not eloquent, but a means of testing to continue with a project.

FWIW, the hex dump in the original post is from a single pixel pure cyan line
360 pixels long, printed with print quality=manual, media=photo paper, 360x360
resolution, unidirectional, interleave off.

My attempt on the provided data follows:

If I start with the 0xde:

0c0 691b 0112 6802 0101 de00 1200 9a05 6959
esc i 12 01 02 0168 0001  (print command)
count is 0x168 = 360  lines is 0x0001
  data starts at 0c9  de 1200 9a05 6959
  0xde = 222 (negative byte) => 256-222 = 34; + 1 = 35 (repeat count)
next byte = 00 => 35 * {00 00 00 00} => 160 pixels empty space
  0x12 = positive count of 18; + 1 = 19 data bytes following
gets us to 0df
0d0 5999 a565 5999 6566 5996 9695 655a fd56
  0xfd=253 (neg) => 256-253 = 3; + 1 = repeat 4
next byte (0e0) = 0x66 => 4 * {01 10 01 10}
0e0 1f66 9a59 6656 6566 5996 9665 9659 
  0e1 = 0x1f = 31; + 1 = 32 data bytes following
gets us to 102
0f0 6559  9565 6695 9965 a665  6969
100 5566 95fe 9919 6596 5996 5696 9666 665a
  102 = 0xfe = 254 (neg) => 256-254 = 2; + 1 = repeat 3
 next byte 0x95 => 3 * {10 01 01 01}
 next byte (104) 0x19 = 25; + 1 => 26 data bytes following
   gets us to 11f
110 5956 6669 0456 1044 0041 4110 0040 8140
  11f = 0x81 = 129 (neg) => 256-129 = 127; + 1 = repeat 128
  next byte (120) 0x00 => 128 * {00 00 00 00}
gets us to 121
120 9000 0d00 1b0c 1b40 5228 0008 5200 4d45
  121 = 0x90 = 144 (neg) => 256-144 = 112; + 1 => repeat 113
 next byte (122) 0x00 => 113 * {00 00 00 00}
   gets us to 123

That uses up 360 bytes of output data, which matches the count.
  (35 + 19 + 4 + 32 + 3 + 26 + 128 + 113 = 360)
Unfortunately, we're left with 1 byte, 0x0d, left-over.
The next command in the print stream is actually the 0x0c (FF) at 124.

Any insights would be much appreciated,

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Re: [Gimp-user] Epson i print format (Gutenprint question)

2022-03-01 Thread Gary Aitken

On 3/1/22 8:59 AM, Gary Aitken wrote:

I have a simple image with one straight line of a single color.
Using the gutenprint dialog, I can print that file.
If I do a "reverse translation" of the raw file, there is one escp2 command
in it to print the line, shown below with some notes:

006a  1b  (  U 05 00 08 08 08 40 0b
     units; (page1=08), (vt1=08), (hz1=08), (base2= 40 0b = 0xb40 = 2880)
00c0  1b  i 12 01 02 68 01 01 00
     Print color1, compress1, bits1, bytes2, lines2, data...
     color1 = 0x12 = 18 = light cyan
     compress1 = 1 (TIFF compression)
     bits1 (bits/pixel) = 0x2 = 2
     bytes2 =  = 0x068 = 360
     lines2 is # lines to print = 0x0001 = 1
     data = unknown, not dumped; specifies the dot size, 2 bits each
0124  0c

What I don't understand is what bytes2 is counting.
There are 100 bytes between 00c0 and 0124.
What does the 360 mean?
Do the horizontal units factor or the compression type factor into this
in some way?

My oversight, I see the bytes2 is a count of pixels in each line.
But the question remains:

How do you compute where the next command (the FF) is?

Do you have to actually decode the tiff data?
The data doesn't look like tiff (I don't know squat about tiff), but aren't
the first two bytes of tiff supposed to be "II" or "MM" describing little/big
endian format?  And this data starts with 0xde:

The actual data, not shown above, looks like this:

0c0 691b 0112 6802 0101 de00 1200 9a05 6959
  i esc   de   ... more data
0d0 5999 a565 5999 6566 5996 9695 655a fd56
0e0 1f66 9a59 6656 6566 5996 9665 9659 
0f0 6559  9565 6695 9965 a665  6969
100 5566 95fe 9919 6596 5996 5696 9666 665a
110 5956 6669 0456 1044 0041 4110 0040 8140
120 9000 0d00 1b0c 1b40 5228 0008 5200 4d45

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[Gimp-user] Epson i print format (Gutenprint question)

2022-03-01 Thread Gary Aitken

I have a simple image with one straight line of a single color.
Using the gutenprint dialog, I can print that file.
If I do a "reverse translation" of the raw file, there is one escp2 command
in it to print the line, shown below with some notes:

006a  1b  (  U 05 00 08 08 08 40 0b
units; (page1=08), (vt1=08), (hz1=08), (base2= 40 0b = 0xb40 = 2880)
00c0  1b  i 12 01 02 68 01 01 00
Print color1, compress1, bits1, bytes2, lines2, data...
color1 = 0x12 = 18 = light cyan
compress1 = 1 (TIFF compression)
bits1 (bits/pixel) = 0x2 = 2
bytes2 =  = 0x068 = 360
lines2 is # lines to print = 0x0001 = 1
data = unknown, not dumped; specifies the dot size, 2 bits each
0124  0c

What I don't understand is what bytes2 is counting.
There are 100 bytes between 00c0 and 0124.
What does the 360 mean?
Do the horizontal units factor or the compression type factor into this
in some way?
How do you compute where the next command (the FF) is?

The actual data, not shown above, looks like this:

0c0 691b 0112 6802 0101 de00 1200 9a05 6959
 i esc   de   ... more data
0d0 5999 a565 5999 6566 5996 9695 655a fd56
0e0 1f66 9a59 6656 6566 5996 9665 9659 
0f0 6559  9565 6695 9965 a665  6969
100 5566 95fe 9919 6596 5996 5696 9666 665a
110 5956 6669 0456 1044 0041 4110 0040 8140
120 9000 0d00 1b0c 1b40 5228 0008 5200 4d45

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Re: [Gimp-user] gutenprint / cups -- defining a new printer configuration

2022-02-25 Thread Gary Aitken

On 2/25/22 5:10 PM, Robert Krawitz via gimp-user-list wrote:

On 2/25/22 18:55, Gary Aitken wrote:

I'm trying to define a new printer configuration, as described in
the gutenprint developer's guide chapter 4.


As I read section 4.1, it should be possible to duplicate a line in
the file /usr/local/share/gutenprint/5.3/xml/printers/escp2.xml
(freebsd system) change the text for the "name" parameter, and I
would have a differently named printer which behaved exactly as the
original -- they would both feed the same physical printer.  (I'm
attempting this as a mini-step to make sure it works, prior to
modifying the printer definition).

The important one to change is the "driver" parameter.  Those need to
be distinct.

Ah...that did it, thanks.  My head was getting bloody and sore.

If you're using the Gutenprint plugin, you can create new printers
via the printer selection box and set whatever printer you want, each
one with its own settings. 

I realize that, thanks.

Your answer implies it's possible to use Gutenprint without the plugin.
Is there a way, and is there any documentation, on how to use gutenprint
without the plugin?  e.g. If I have an image file, is there a way to send
it to a printer via gutenprint from the cmdline?



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[Gimp-user] gutenprint / cups -- defining a new printer configuration

2022-02-25 Thread Gary Aitken

I'm trying to define a new printer configuration, as described in the
gutenprint developer's guide chapter 4.

I believe this documentation is pretty dated, unfortunately; there is no file
printers.xml that I can find anywhere in /usr/local.  Based on the lines
described in section 4.1, I'm guessing printers.xml has been superceded by
the set of files in xml/printers/*.xml.  For epson printers, that would be the
file escp2.xml.

As I read section 4.1, it should be possible to duplicate a line in the file
  /usr/local/share/gutenprint/5.3/xml/printers/escp2.xml  (freebsd system)
change the text for the "name" parameter, and I would have a differently
named printer which behaved exactly as the original -- they would both feed
the same physical printer.  (I'm attempting this as a mini-step to make sure
it works, prior to modifying the printer definition).

So I duplicated this line:

and changed it to:

The only change being the addition of "My " to the name.

However, after restarting cups, when I invoke gimp and try bring up the
gutenprint dialog, I see the error message:
"Plug-in crashed:"gutenprint" (/usr/local/libexec/gimp/2.2/plugins/gutenprint)"

I am running gimp 2.10.20; not sure why the gutenprint plugin is in that 2.2
directory but that's where they all are.

If I remove the original definition, so there is only one entry for model 107,
it works with the new entry.

What am I not understanding about how one should be able to define multiple
"printers" to go to the same real printer?


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[Gimp-user] python plugins in 2.10.20

2021-04-20 Thread Gary Aitken

Attempting to run a home-grown gimp plugin I haven't run in a while, and I
get the following error:

File ".../", line 43, in 
from gimpfu import *
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'gimpfu'

Apparently this is a result of migrations to python3 which are not complete
yet?  On ubuntu there are packages called gimp-python and python2-gimp which
solve this problem.

I'm running on free bsd; where would I find the source for those so I can
attempt to port it?  Or is there some easier work-around?


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Re: [Gimp-user] change background in photo to grey scale

2020-02-05 Thread Gary Aitken

On 2/5/20 8:08 AM, PeterJWhite wrote:

I'm brand new to GIMP. I photographed a bronze sculpture on an
off-white paper background in natural light. The shadow areas of the
background range from white to a peach color. I'd like to change the
background to greyscale and then adjust it separately from the
sculpture. I've made a quick mask but now can't figure out how to
make the background a separate layer from the sculpture, so that I 
can color correct the two layers independently. The sculptor wants to

keep the shadows in the background.

0. Make sure the Layers dockable dialog is visible:
 Windows/Dockable Dialogs/Layers
1. Duplicate the original layer: Layer/Duplicate Layer
2. Rename the duplicated layer Bkg (dbl click in layers dialog)
3. Move the duplicated layer below the original
4. Select the original layer
5. Add an alpha channel: Layer/Transparency/Add Alpha Channel
6. Convert your mask to a selection / select the background or foreground
7. If your mask/selection is for the foreground, invert it: selection/Invert
8. Edit/Clear  This will make the background parts transparent

Your foreground is now in the top layer, and the background in the one
underneath labelled Bkg.
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Re: [Gimp-user] crop to content

2020-01-30 Thread Gary Aitken

On 1/30/20 1:44 PM, Liam Quin wrote:

On Thu, 2020-01-30 at 20:44 +0100, geop wrote:

I have scanned photographs which have a white border. I try "Crop to

Crop to content removes outside borders of picels which all have
exactly the same value but your border, although whiteish, is not like

Rotate the image -- the easiest and fastest way is to use tool options,
turn on reverse/corrective mode, and turn on a grid "number of lines",
and change the number of lines until one lines up with the a vertical
edge in the border; drag the lines to rotate them a little and get the
grid line to match as well as possible, and then in case the image
isn't actually perfectly square, repeat for the top and bottom inner
border edges, then finally press Enter to do the rotation.

Then crop the iamge with the crop tool to get rid of the border, if
that's what you want, or to keep it, image->flatten image, then use
rectangle select to select the inner pictiure, select->invert to change
it to select the border, select->feather by 5px or so to make the edge
soft, and drag the white swatch from the toolbox into the selection (if
you don't have the default black and white, press d or click the
black/white icon that's near the swatch).


PS: clean the prints with a microfibre cloth, and the top of the
scanner with that and eyeglass cleaner )spray onto the cloth of course,
notthe scanner, and not the same cloth you use for prints; you can also
use a special Japanese roller that was made for cleaning gramaphone
records, - but i worry that it may lift the
surface of the print.

This is probably too simple a solution, but...
If the images are all the same size, and have roughly the same border,
can't you specify a rectangle select of a size slightly smaller to
eliminate the border, position it at the proper offset, and crop?
Or if the images are different sizes, compute a rectangle for e.g. 98%?

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Re: [Gimp-user] active preview window and tool function

2020-01-15 Thread Gary Aitken

On 1/15/20 8:53 AM, Wightwizard wrote:

When selecting from say colour/level or other tool and the tools
dialogue opens, the image windoiw then dulls into background as it is
no longer the active window. So when you make an adjustment, have to
keep mouse clicking back and forth to see 'real' effect. Is there a
way to prevent this and keep image as should be and not
semi-transparent with the desktop image showing through each time you
click into tool?

If you use the keyboard accelerators to activate a tool, you can stay
focused on the image window.  If you hover your mouse over the tool button,
the tooltip will show at the far right the accelerator key used to activate
that tool.  For example, 'M' will activate the "Move" tool.

The switching back and forth is not an issue with GIMP; it is the window
manager that is changing the focus, and is outside of GIMP's control.


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Re: [Gimp-user] Converting from indexed to RGB modes; brush color off

2019-12-23 Thread Gary Aitken

On 12/23/19 7:46 AM, Øyvind Kolås wrote:

On Sun, Dec 22, 2019 at 11:42 PM Gary Aitken

I don't know if this is intentional or not; I would have thought
that if the original color index map is not full, using a new color
would add it to the map, but apparently not.
What you are suggesting; to add the directly chosen color of the 
paintbrush/pencil tool, if there is empty slots in the palette would 
not conflict with this and be a nice addition - filing an issue 
against GIMP in to keep it from being forgotten
might be a good idea. It would have to be only the directly selected 
foreground color though and not its antialiased results with various 
background pixels which would be ohter colors implicity attempted to 
be inserted. Since the more complete port to babl/GEGL with 2.10

GIMP is no longer special casing INDEXED/GRAYSCALE mode from RGB.
This meant as new features we gained anti-aliasing for the paintbrush
in indexed mode, ability to blur and do other filters; as well as 
anti-aliased results when merging down layers/text-layers - this

would quickly exhaust the free slots in the palette if all attempted
to be used colors were added (checking if the current foreground
color is part of the palette before starting a new stroke is also a
more feasible code change than always dynamically growin the


Done, issue #4400
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Re: [Gimp-user] Converting from indexed to RGB modes; brush color off

2019-12-22 Thread Gary Aitken

On 12/20/19 8:37 PM, Maxomega wrote:

So I was editing a sprite sheet for a video game character, and after
working with it for a bit, I noticed the color I was using was off
from the brush color. Later, I noticed the layers were behaving
strange, and that it probably had something to do with being in
indexed mode.

I changed the image to RGB mode, but my brush color is still off, and
layering multiple brush colors combines the colors for some reason.
My brushes are at 100 hardness and 100% opacity, so I don't know what
the issue could be. I'm just trying to paint over all the color in
the image to be 00FF00, or the greenest green.

First attached is a screenshot of the base image, unpainted. Also
included is the brush color, which already doesn't match the outside.
Note that the top layer is the active one.

Second attached is what happens when I try to draw over the image
with a plain green brush. The black rectangle is the boundary of the
middle layer, but I'm not sure why it's black at all.

Third attached is what happens when I try to do same thing (painting
with the green brush), but with the second layer active.

I'm just really confused. I don't know much about GIMP, but I've been
using it for well over 5 years and I've never come across something
like this.

Attachments: *



I don't know much about this, but doing some fiddling around I've
discovered the following:

  If the original indexed colormap does not contain the color you desire,
  painting will paint black:

1.  create an 8 bit integer color image, transparent background
change the image color mode to indexed
change the paint foreground color to full green
painting in the image will paint black

2.  create an 8 bit integer color image, transparent background
change the paint foreground color to full green
paint in the image => paints green
change the image color mode to indexed
paint in the image => paints green

I don't know if this is intentional or not; I would have thought that if
the original color index map is not full, using a new color would add it
to the map, but apparently not.

By default, when you choose convert to indexed mode, the colormap chosen
is "Generate optimum palette" with a maximum number of colors of 255.
The "Remove unused and duplicate colors from colormap" option is checked.
You cannot uncheck it.  To uncheck it, switch to custom palette mode,
uncheck it, and then switch back to generate an optimum palette.
Unfortunately, doing this has no affect; the generated palette still
contains only the existing colors, and no holes for additional colors.

I would suggest you create a new colormap with only the colors you wish
to use in your images:
  Windows/Dockable Dialogues/Palettes

I would suggest reading the following sections of the 2.10 user manual:
  2.4 Colormap Dialog
 12.1 Palettes/Colormap
  3.5 Palettes Dialog (esp. the Note)

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Re: [Gimp-user] color calibration problems

2019-12-17 Thread Gary Aitken

On 12/17/19 2:14 PM, achmil wrote:

Sorry for my english but i'm a frenchy.  I use version 2.10.14 and I have
difficulties with the calibration under gimp. I use  EIZO monitor and  Epson
SC-P800   calibrated with  Istudio. I try to use the Soft Proof Mode but i
don't find it in french version. After reading the chapter 5.8, which speak
about the display filter, i don't find this on my version.

I think what you want is Edit/Preferences/Color Management

In the doc  (
we have a filter  < Calibration des couleurs > but on my screen, i haven't
this filter .  What's wrong ?

This is an old (version 2.6) manual; things have changed a lot since then.

Other question :   Preference options don't seem to work.  When I apply an
ICC profile printer, nothing happens on the screen.   Why ?  When I print,
the colors are not exact and the contrast is weakened.

Try this:
  1. Open an image you want to proof
  2. View / New View  (The new view will be the proof view
  3. In the new (proof) view:
  3a.  View / Color Management / Proof Colors (make sure it's checked)
  3b.  View / Color Management / Soft Proofing Profile
 Select the profile you want from the drop-down;
 If it is not there, choose "Select color profile from disk..."
  4. Compare the two images; they should be different.


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Re: [Gimp-user] Despeckling photos

2019-12-04 Thread Gary Aitken

On 12/4/19 1:44 AM, Liam R E Quin wrote:

On Wed, 2019-12-04 at 03:39 +0100, Gimp_Noob wrote:

I have several photos which I'd like to try to clean up as best I

First, scan at higher resolution than yu plan to use. At least double.

SOmetimes i find that select by colour works well.
(1) make sure you have both blacks andwhites in your image, e.g. with
levels or curves.
(2) select by colour on a white area.
(3) grow selection e.g. 2 pixels
)4_ shrink selectin by 2 pixels
(6) feather by 1 pixel (requires greyscale or RGB iamge, not indexed)
(7) fill with white (e.g. drag the swatch from the toolbox, or use
control-. or control-,)
(8) select none

repeat steps 2 to 8 with black instead of white.

Can you explain what steps 3 and 4 acconplish?  It seems like they should
cancel each other.

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Re: [Gimp-user] Clone Tool Stuck on "Set a source image first"

2019-10-01 Thread Gary Aitken

On 10/1/19 6:48 PM, Melvis wrote:

The clone tool doesn't seem to work. With my image open and the clone
tool selected, the message directly under the image window reads
"CTRL-click to set a new clone source". When I do so, the message
changes to "Set a source image first" and I can go no further. The
clone tool window on the bottom left side has "image" selected under

How do I get past this?

I think you are still holding the ctrl key down.  Once you set the
starting source using ctrl-click, let up on the ctrl key.  The
message should change to "Click to clone (try Shift for a straight
 line, Ctrl to set a new clone source".  Move the mouse to where
you want to clone and click, then drag with the button down to clone
an area.


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Re: [Gimp-user] liquid rescale to fill transparent areas

2019-09-20 Thread Gary Aitken
Can someone tell me how to get the liquid rescale plugin to expand 
into transparent areas?  I have a panorama with stepped

transparent areas of sky in one part of the image.  I would like to
expand the sky into the transparent areas, but I can't get it to
work.  The image as a whole does not need to be resized.

I started by painting a preserve mask over everything but sky, but
the result looks like nothing was done. I then tried using a
rigidity mask and no preserve mask, with the same result.

Is it even possible to use LqR to do this?  Is there a better way?

from what I understand from your description about the transparent
areas , hope I'm correct with this - trying to visualize hmm what you
are doing  , I know this will work there's a plugin Gimp
Resynthesizer and it works by healing the transparent areas or
selection areas and it's easy to work this plugin , someone who gives
a good help page is look on his site many
useful articles might be one for LqR never know if you don't go

Thanks for the reply.
I've tried resynthesizer and the results are not very good with sky.
I've tried both resynthesizing transparent areas and resynthesizing
between a pasted section at the top and the existing sky at the

Sky seems to be particularly difficult to resynthesize in a manner
which complements the existing sky in the image.

None of the articles I have found on LqR show its use for filling
transparent areas without resizing.

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[Gimp-user] liquid rescale to fill transparent areas

2019-09-19 Thread Gary Aitken

Can someone tell me how to get the liquid rescale plugin to expand
into transparent areas?  I have a panorama with stepped transparent
areas of sky in one part of the image.  I would like to expand the
sky into the transparent areas, but I can't get it to work.  The
image as a whole does not need to be resized.

I started by painting a preserve mask over everything but sky,
but the result looks like nothing was done.
I then tried using a rigidity mask and no preserve mask, with the
same result.

Is it even possible to use LqR to do this?  Is there a better way?

Thanks for any insights,

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[Gimp-user] cancel darktable image load?

2018-12-26 Thread Gary Aitken

GIMP 2.10 auto-loads a raw file via darktable, loading the file from darktable
when darktable is exited -- thanks, works great.  But is there a way to cancel
this process?  i.e. I loaded a file and part-way through the darktable
manipulation I decide I want to cancel the process, so I don't have to wait
for darktable to process the image and GIMP to load it?

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Re: [Gimp-user] interactive batch processing

2018-12-09 Thread Gary Aitken

On 12/9/18 4:38 PM, Bob Long wrote:

Gary Aitken wrote on 10/12/18 4:50 am:


Is there a way to do one of the following:

A. Start gimp with a list of file names to process, and have it
load only the first on the list.  Then when one quits or closes the
image, load the next one, etc?

B. I can feed the list of file names to a python-fu script, which
then can open and display the image.  Is there a way for a
python-fu script to wait for, or be notified of, the closing of an
image display?  This would allow the script to effectively pause
and allow processing before opening each successive image.
gimp-context-push/pop seem like they may somehow enable this but
it's not clear to me how they are used.


Have a look at this script:

On 12/9/18 7:06 PM, Akkana Peck wrote:

Gary Aitken writes:


Is there a way to do one of the following:

A. Start gimp with a list of file names to process, and have it load only
the first on the list.  Then when one quits or closes the image, load
the next one, etc?

I don't know of one, though I would find it useful -- when processing
a lot of images from a photo outing, for instance.

B. I can feed the list of file names to a python-fu script, which then can
open and display the image.  Is there a way for a python-fu script to
wait for, or be notified of, the closing of an image display?  This
would allow the script to effectively pause and allow processing before
opening each successive image.  gimp-context-push/pop seem like they
may somehow enable this but it's not clear to me how they are used.

I don't know of a way to do that. However, you could do something like:

def wait_until_image_closed(filename):
 '''Poll GIMP's image list, return when there's no longer an
open image connected to filename.
 while True:
 for img in gimp.image_list():
 if img.filename == cur_filename:  # or whatever test you want

Or better yet, get the current image before starting the loop, then
loop until that image is no longer in the image list.

I know polling is slightly icky, but I've done it in several GIMP
Python plug-ins when there was no notification available.

For this task, though, I'd be tempted to use an easier approach:

Start GIMP (with no files yet).

In a shell window, cd to the directory with the files I want to
process, and do this (with whatever list of files you want):

for fil in *.jpg; do
   gimp $fil
   read x

The first file comes up as a GIMP window. Process it, and when
you're ready for the next image, go to the shell window and hit
return, and the next file comes up in GIMP.

It's not quite as clean since you still have to hit return for each
image, but that's still a lot easier than navigating to each new image
in the File->Open dialog.

Thanks both of you for your suggestions and pointers.  I think all of
those will enable me to work out a solution.

Thanks again.

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[Gimp-user] interactive batch processing

2018-12-09 Thread Gary Aitken

In the past I have interactively batch processed images via a shell script
that invokes gimp for each image.  This is both inconvenient and slow.
Inconvenient because there are parameters I need to enter into some python-fu
scripts that are the same for each of the images, and slow because of the
gimp startup and shutdown each time.

Is there a way to do one of the following:

A. Start gimp with a list of file names to process, and have it load only
   the first on the list.  Then when one quits or closes the image, load
   the next one, etc?

B. I can feed the list of file names to a python-fu script, which then can
   open and display the image.  Is there a way for a python-fu script to
   wait for, or be notified of, the closing of an image display?  This
   would allow the script to effectively pause and allow processing before
   opening each successive image.  gimp-context-push/pop seem like they
   may somehow enable this but it's not clear to me how they are used.

It seems like gimp-display-get-window-handle might be useful somehow, if
there were a means to be notified when the window is destroyed.

Any thoughts / hints would be much appreciated.


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Re: [Gimp-user] ufraw -- exposure vs base curve

2018-03-14 Thread Gary Aitken

On 03/14/18 12:51, Rick Strong wrote:

If you are talking about photographs, altering the curve is not the
same as boosting the exposure.

Generally speaking, boosting the exposure makes the whole picture
brighter, while playing with the curve alters areas--shadows,
mid-range, highlights--of the photograph. But, you may play around
with one to end up with a result very similar to the other. This is
best done in raw.

I understand altering different parts of the curve affects different
aspects of the image, e.g. highlights vs midtones vs shadows.  What
I'm asking is if modifications to exposure and the base curve are applied
to the same thing at the same place in the pipeline.

For example, I am looking at an image where with 0 exposure and the
default linear (45 deg lower left to upper right) base curve,
the rightmost 3/8 of the histogram is empty.  It takes an increase in
exposure of about 1.33 to bring the curve to the far right.  I can
get what appears to be the same effect by grabbing the upper right
anchor of the line and dragging it left until it is about 3/8 of the
way from the vertical left axis, essentially just making the slope of
the line a lot steeper and leaving the origin at the lower left.

Are those equivalent operations, or are they doing something subtly
different in terms of what processing is done to the image?  They
appear to be equivalent.  But that may not be the case.  For
example, does boosting the exposure affect noise or bayer decoding
artifacts more than adjusting the curve?

Alterations to the base curve in ufraw are applied at one point in
the pipeline and alterations to the secondary curve (under "Correct
luminosity, saturation") tab are applied at a different point.
Changes to the secondary curve affect the image in a different
manner than the exposure and the base curve.



Not sure where to ask this as I couldn't find a ufraw forum, but I 
figured a number of users here might be able to answer.  Please 
redirect me if this is inappropriate.

Can anyone explain to me the difference between manipulating the base
curve in ufraw and boosting the exposure?  I'm wondering in terms of
where in the processing pipeline the change takes place. i.e. If I
could manipulate the base curve to make the image look exactly the
same (to my eye, I know it's not perfect) as boosting the exposure,
is there fundamentally a difference in the result?

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[Gimp-user] ufraw -- exposure vs base curve

2018-03-13 Thread Gary Aitken

Hi Folks,

Not sure where to ask this as I couldn't find a ufraw forum, but I
figured a number of users here might be able to answer.  Please
redirect me if this is inappropriate.

Can anyone explain to me the difference between manipulating the
base curve in ufraw and boosting the exposure?  I'm wondering in
terms of where in the processing pipeline the change takes place.
i.e. If I could manipulate the base curve to make the image look
exactly the same (to my eye, I know it's not perfect) as boosting
the exposure, is there fundamentally a difference in the result?


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Re: [Gimp-user] grouping multiple layers

2015-02-09 Thread Gary Aitken
On 02/09/15 07:03, Joao S. O. Bueno wrote:
> Of course, the documentation in this case is an obvious mismatch to
> what the program does.
> The current behavior is useless, under any workflow I try to imagine (after 
> all,
> if the layers are to be flattened, there is no reason for place them
> in a group to start with);

I'm glad I'm not the only one who had trouble with my imagination...

> Anyway, the "right" fix for this wouldbe to allow multiple item selection, as
> Alex puts it.
> Meanwhile, I've put together this small Python script that does just that:
> move the selected (linked) layers to a target (active) layer group.
> Just copy it to your plug-ins folder, and mark it as executable (not
> needed under windos)

Muito obrigado, Joao!


> On 8 February 2015 at 17:38, Alexandre Prokoudine
>  wrote:
>> On Sun, Feb 8, 2015 at 8:14 AM, Gary Aitken wrote:
>>> When you say some preliminary work has been done there, are you
>>> referring to the chain / link that appears in the layers dialog?
>> No, it's been there for ages :)
>> I'm talking about how you can make multiple selections of assets
>> (brushes, gradients and so on), if you switch their view to 'list'
>> rather than 'icon'. It should work for all kinds of lists including
>> layers, and for assets it shouldn't be limited to the list view. It
>> just hasn't been done yet. Like every feature, it needs a contributor
>> to write actual code.
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Re: [Gimp-user] grouping multiple layers

2015-02-07 Thread Gary Aitken
On 02/07/15 15:54, Alexandre Prokoudine wrote:

> There is no multiple layers selection in GIMP yet. This obviously
> needs fixing, and some preliminary work has been done there, but it
> was never finished. Hopefully someone will find the time to make it
> possible.

ah, thanks, that explains it.

When you say some preliminary work has been done there, are you 
referring to the chain / link that appears in the layers dialog?
That can be used to select multiple layers for some operations
such as move (move in the image, as opposed to drag in the layers
dialog) and transform.  Or is the preliminary work a different
mechanism all-together?  And in that case would the chain feature
go away since it would be redundant?


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Re: [Gimp-user] grouping multiple layers

2015-02-07 Thread Gary Aitken
Hi Alex,

> I'm not sure why you are trying to do this. Perhaps I don't understand
> what you are trying to achieve :)
> To move existing layers to a layer group, click to select the first
> one, then drag and drop onto the layer group, repeat for each layer.

That's what I'm trying to do.
I know I can do it that way.
What I was looking for was a more convenient way of doing it -- 
by somehow selecting / marking / making visible the desired layers,
and then moving them as a group all at once into the layer group.

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Re: [Gimp-user] grouping multiple layers

2015-02-07 Thread Gary Aitken
Hi Alex,

Thanks for the response.

>> I expected all of the visible layers to simply be moved
>> as separate layers into the layer group.
> In that case you need to create a new group layer. You also need GIMP
> 2.8 for that.

I am running 2.8.14
Perhaps I was too vague in my original question; I'll try to clarify.
I have tried it both ways:

1a.  Create new group layer (Layer/New Layer Group)
1b.  Layer/New from Visible.
  This creates an additional new layer as a sublayer of the group
  layer created in 1a, containing the visible layers I wanted as 
  sublayers, all flattened into the new sublayer as a single layer.
  The original layers are still present and independent at the top level.

2a.  Layer/New from Visible
   This creates a new independent layer containing the visible layers I
   wanted as sublayers, flattened into the new layer as a single
   layer.  The original layers are still present and independent at the
   top level. 

In neither case are the existing layers moved to become sublayers.
> Look at the Layer menu closely and at the small toolbar in the bottom
> of the Layers dockable palette.

I don't see anything there that is not also available via the layers menu.
There's a new layer button equivalent to Layer/New Layer, and there's a 
new group button equivalent to Layer/New Layer Group.  Plus the up, down,
duplicate, anchor, and trashbin.  Should I be seeing something additional?

still searching for a convenient solution...

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[Gimp-user] grouping multiple layers

2015-02-06 Thread Gary Aitken
Hi all,

It's not clear to me how to create a group of layers from existing layers.
According the the manual:

"You can put layers to be added together to a layer group by making them, them 
only, visible, and using the “New From Visible ” command. All visible layers, 
outside and inside layer groups, will be added to the active layer group. "

This doesn't do what I expect.  What it does is add a single layer to the 
layer group, and that single layer is the result of flattening all of the
visible layers.  The original layers still exist as separate layers unrelated
to the layer group.  I expected all of the visible layers to simply be moved
as separate layers into the layer group.

Am I doing something wrong, or is this the intended behavior?

If it's the intended behavior, then is there an easy way to group a bunch of
existing layers other than individually moving them to the group?

I tried chaining the layers together and moving one of them to the group,
but only the layer I grabbed and moved was put in the group.

Thanks for any clarifications...

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Re: [Gimp-user] GIMP crashes intermittently & often

2015-02-04 Thread Gary Aitken
Hi Dave,

> What do you mean by "bringing an open Excel window into focus to
> enter data obtained from GIMP"?

You clarified in step 3 below.
> We are using GIMP to calculate some values and then manually entering
> the data in Excel. Steps:
> 1. Excel is active
> 2. GIMP is active - make measurements and note them down
> 3 Click on the Excel window so that it gets focus- i.e. it comes to the front
> so that you can enter data 
> 4. Message pops up "GIMP has encountered a problem and must close"
> So GIMP has not been idle, nor is it on the other machine when it
> crashes The machines have a lot of free disk space - 3 Terabytes on
> Machine #1, about 1 Terabyte on Machine #2 Memory is managed by
> Windows

Wow, that is really bizarre.
What is the file type of the image being viewed?  
Does it still crash if you use an image of a different type?
Is the image being edited located on the system on which gimp is executing,
or is it located on a shared file system on a different machine?
If you go to edit/preferences/folders, what are the temporary folder and
the swap folder values, and are those located on the same machine on which
gimp is executing?
What happens if you do the measurement and instead of clicking on another
application, just wait a minute or two?  Can you perform another operation
in gimp under those conditions without it crashing?  For example, measure
something else in the same image?

If you run the taskmgr and view the performance tab, does anything grow
like crazy and saturate at a high value when it's in the process of crashing,
then go back down to more normal values?  If it does, can you tell which 
(probably gimp, but you never know...) is consuming the resource?

> The error log on machine #2 shows the following:
> Faulting application name: gimp-2.8.exe, version:, time stamp: 
> 0x 
> Faulting module name: libcairo-2.dll, version:, time stamp: 0xa340a328
> Exception code: 0xc005
> Fault offset: 0x000235b4
> Faulting process id: 0x1344
> Faulting application start time: 0x01d03e91dbe5d19d
> Faulting application path: C:\Program Files\GIMP 2\bin\gimp-2.8.exe
> Faulting module path: C:\Program Files\GIMP 2\bin\libcairo-2.dll
> Report Id: df6c9434-ab43-11e4-8279-002590c1ee4d

I'm fishing with the above questions to try to figure out why it would be
crashing in the cairo library; it's hard to imagine why it would crash there
when gimp loses focus, although I don't know squat about cairo or the
ways gimp uses it.

Do you happen to have a version of the program cairo-trace on your system?
If so, it may be helpful to start gimp using the command
  cairo-trace gimp
cairo-trace creates a file that shows all the operations cairo is performing;
it may be possible to see what it is doing when it fails by examining that 


> On 02/03/15 19:06, David Scriven wrote:
>> Dear All, I'm using GIMP (2.8.14, downloaded from your site) on
>> two Windows 7 x64 machines (both fully up-to-date). Both have
>> antivirus software and Office 2010 with Word, Powerpoint, Excel,
>> etc. installed and active. On numerous occasions and while GIMP is
>> being used Windows issues the message "GIMP has encountered a
>> problem and must close". This usually occurs when one or more
>> Office 2010 windows are also open. For example, a colleague working
>> on machine (#1, 4 cores, 8 GB memory, HD Intel graphics)  found
>> that bringing an open Excel window into focus to enter data
>> obtained from GIMP was sufficient to crash GIMP and cause this
>> message. (this is consistent and has happened many times). This has
>> only just started occurring  - previously the user on machine 1 had
>> used GIMP for the same task without problem (update to Office
>> causing the problem??). I have now encountered the problem on
>> machine #2 (16 cores, 64GB memory, high-end NVIDIA card) using GIMP
>> and Powerpoint simultaneously, although I have not been able to
>> identify a precipitating event that causes this.
>> I have tried increasing the memory available to GIMP in both
>> machines (via Edit/Preferences) but to no avail. The error message
>> is virtually meaningless.  The crashes are frequent enough (about
>> 1 /hour) that is extremely irritating, never mind the loss of time
>> and work. Any ideas? David
> What do you mean by
> "bringing an open Excel window into focus to enter data obtained from
> GIMP"?
> How are you trying to transfer the data (presumably an image) from
> GIMP to Excel?
> It sounds like you are not doing anything with GIMP leading up to the
> crash. i.e. it has been sitting idle for some time.  Is that
> correct?
> How much swap space (paging file size) does the system have?  Is it
> set to fixed limits, or to "Let Windows Manage My Virtual Memory"?
> How much free disk space is there?
> It sounds like you are bumping up against some system resource limit,
> but which one is hard to tell.  Is there anything in the system error
> l

Re: [Gimp-user] GIMP crashes intermittently & often

2015-02-03 Thread Gary Aitken
On 02/03/15 19:06, David Scriven wrote:
> Dear All, I'm using GIMP (2.8.14, downloaded from your site) on two
> Windows 7 x64 machines (both fully up-to-date). Both have antivirus
> software and Office 2010 with Word, Powerpoint, Excel, etc. installed
> and active. On numerous occasions and while GIMP is being used
> Windows issues the message "GIMP has encountered a problem and must
> close". This usually occurs when one or more Office 2010 windows are
> also open. For example, a colleague working on machine (#1, 4 cores,
> 8 GB memory, HD Intel graphics)  found that bringing an open Excel
> window into focus to enter data obtained from GIMP was sufficient to
> crash GIMP and cause this message. (this is consistent and has
> happened many times). This has only just started occurring  -
> previously the user on machine 1 had used GIMP for the same task
> without problem (update to Office causing the problem??). I have now
> encountered the problem on machine #2 (16 cores, 64GB memory,
> high-end NVIDIA card) using GIMP and Powerpoint simultaneously,
> although I have not been able to identify a precipitating event that
> causes this.
> I have tried increasing the memory available to GIMP in both machines
> (via Edit/Preferences) but to no avail. The error message is
> virtually meaningless.  The crashes are frequent enough (about 1
> /hour) that is extremely irritating, never mind the loss of time and
> work. Any ideas? David 

What do you mean by
 "bringing an open Excel window into focus to enter data obtained from GIMP"?
How are you trying to transfer the data (presumably an image) from GIMP
to Excel?

It sounds like you are not doing anything with GIMP leading up to the crash.
i.e. it has been sitting idle for some time.  Is that correct?

How much swap space (paging file size) does the system have?  Is it set to
fixed limits, or to "Let Windows Manage My Virtual Memory"?  How much free 
disk space is there?

It sounds like you are bumping up against some system resource limit, but
which one is hard to tell.  Is there anything in the system error log?

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Re: [Gimp-user] Borderless photo not correct

2015-01-10 Thread Gary Aitken
On 01/10/15 13:32, Mark Bourne wrote:
> Tikiman wrote:
>> Hello to all I am a very new user of Linux and the supplied Gimp
>> program. I tried out my printer (Canon Pixma MG5550) in gthumb and
>> Gimp by printing a borderless 6 x 4 photo. I changed the settings
>> in the print tab to read Glossy photo paper and size as borderless
>> 6 x 4 and also the orientation to suit my needs. The photo printed
>> okay BUT there is a small border about 8mm at the top and 2mm at
>> the bottom of the portrait style. This did not happen when
>> I had Win XP and Arcsoft software and after checking as much as I
>> can I am unable to locate a solution. Does anyone know why this
>> happens and can it be resolved?. I would appreciate some help with
>> this please. many thanks Tikiman
> What are the dimensions of the photo? Many digital cameras produce
> images with a 4:3 ratio, which doesn't exactly fit the 3:2 ratio of
> 6x4 paper. Either a border has to be left along the shorter edges or
> part of the image has to be cropped from the longer edges.

Actually, there is a third option, and I think it is the default for 
some windows applications: do an asymmetrical resize to fill the
paper.  You get a distorted image but apparently a lot of people don't
notice.  (I'm not sure if it's the default or not; I normally don't
run win anything.)  

> I'm not sure if that decision would be down to the software or
> printer driver, but either way it's possible that GIMP / Linux driver
> takes the former option so that no part of the image is lost, while
> Arcsoft / Windows driver may have taken the latter option to produce
> a truly borderless print at the expense of losing part of the image.

I believe it's an option somewhere in the print configuration,
something like "resize image to fill paper" (printer driver)

> Try cropping the photo in GIMP so that it does have a 3:2 ratio
> before printing. Also check File > Page Setup in GIMP to ensure it is
> not adding margins. If that still leaves a border, I suspect it would
> be more down to the printer or driver rather than GIMP.

Additional note:  If you're printing *with* a border, you want to resize
to whatever the final aspect ratio will be, and that will depend on the
actual border size.  In this case the aspect ratio of the image will not 
be the same as the aspect ratio of the paper.  For example, I print using
the smallest border for my epson printer, which is 3mm:
  4" = 101.6mm 101.6 - (2*3mm) = 95.6mm
  6" = 152.4mm 152.4 - (2*3mm) = 146.4mm
  152.4/101.6 = 3/2 = 1.5  146.4/95.6 = 1.53


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Re: [Gimp-user] Text Problem in 2.8.14

2014-12-21 Thread Gary Aitken
On 12/21/14 12:10, willderrness wrote:
> I upgraded and cannot make the text work - a layer appears and I can see the
> text in the layer but it will not appear in the text box on my image.  It 
> worked
> in earlier versions - please help as I am making XMAS cards - thanks in
> advance... Will

I'm not sure what you mean by "I can see the text in the layer".
Are you saying you can see the text where it is the default name
of the layer in the layers dialog (usually in a separate window 
to the right of the image window)? 

Check to be sure your foreground color is different from the background
layer over which you are creating the text.

When you click to insert a text layer, that layer is inserted above
whatever the currently active layer is.  If you want the text on top
of everything, make sure the active layer is the upper most one (the
top one in the layers dialog) before you activate the text tool and
click to insert text.  Alternately, check to be sure there are no 
other layers on top of the text layer.


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Re: [Gimp-user] Text Problem on New Instal

2014-12-20 Thread Gary Aitken
On 12/19/14 15:18, Lougha wrote:
> I've been using Gimp on an older Mac for a while, but recently bought a new
> computer - MacBook Pro Retina, 13-inch, running Yosemite 10.10.1.
> I loaded Gimp 2.8.14
> When I try to work on a file, the fonts are all heavily pixelated.  
> The attached screen-shot is a new file, 300 dpi, 8x5 inches.  The view is 
> 100%.
> All font's appear this way, even when I try to export the image as a JPG.  the
> preview buttons also appear very fuzzy when I pull up the font menu.
> Any ideas?
> Attachments:
> *

This looks to me like the normal anti-aliasing that you get by default,
although it's a bit difficult to tell because the Calibri font is not
on my fbsd system.  It you want a sharp transition from black to white, 
deselect the anti-aliasing box in the font tool.

What exactly do you mean by pixelated?
All text will appear pixelated if enlarged, which this image has been. 
What are you expecting it to look like?

The font box above the text indicates a size of 100 pts, 
which that text clearly is not -- assuming the rulers are set in inches.
The font tool on the left says 18 pt, which it appears to match better.

Can you post an image made with the "Sans" font, and post the image itself, 
not a screen shot?

The one thing which looks strange to me is that letters such as 'i', which 
in some fonts such as "Sans" has solely vertical and horizontal lines, 
appears anti-aliased.  Since I don't have the Calibri font I'm not sure what 
it *should* look like.  In the "Sans" font an "i" has sharp transitions from 
black to white, even with anti-aliasing on.

Exporting to jpeg will never improve pixelation issues.  In general, 
converting to jpeg will soften transitions.


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Re: [Gimp-user] Problem saving in PNG format

2014-12-09 Thread Gary Aitken
On 12/09/14 09:40, John Williams wrote:

>   I have been using GIMP to save image files in the .png format for many
> years.  I recently upgraded to GIMP 2.8 and I cannot seem to save/export
> the image files.  This is not about what kind of command I am using or
> whether or not the user interface is good or bad.  When I activate the
> export command I successfully complete the process without any error
> message.
>   I am using the .png image files as wallpapers for the fvwm window manager
> and I get no error messages or any indication that something is wrong, I
> just get no wallpaper image.  (Please refrain from commenting about the
> dinosaur-ness of my window manager;))
>   I have searched the FAQ and gimp user archives but cannot seem to find
> any mention of this problem.
>   I have also made sure that I have merged and/or flattened the images and
> have also used the convert tool to use the sRGB color profile.  I also have
> the file-png plugin loaded in my plug-in directory.  None of these options
> have made a difference.
>   Does anyone know anything about this kind of problem?  Does anyone know
> where I might find information about how to fix this kind of problem?
> Thanks very much for your assistance.

Is there any message in gimp's error window?

I presume you get the "Export Image as PNG" dialog, and when you click the
"Export" button, you see the progress bar at the bottom of the main export
window "fill up" before the dialog disappears? 

Are you saving a new image or overwriting an existing one?

What kind of system are you running on?


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Re: [Gimp-user] Resizing an imaged - revisted

2014-11-20 Thread Gary Aitken
On 11/19/14 18:45, HarryA wrote:

> I have photo of my wife which is an up close shot of the face.
> Because she is near sighted the view of eyes through the tri-focual  lens are
> made so small such that the side of the head shows through the lens.
> I have removed the eyes to  separate layers (left and right eye layers)  when
> the three layers are made visible it looks like the original image.
> But no matter how I try I can not resize an eye image without the other 
> layers 
> getting resized also.  I can not un-anchor nor dissociate  the eye layer from
> the face?
> The layers are not anchored together in the layers dialog. 
> How does one do that?

You are probably resizing the image and not the layer.

Try this:

1. Make the left eye layer the active layer.
2. Use the rectangle select tool to make a selection around the eye 
   and quite a bit more, but smaller than the whole image.
3. Layer / Crop to selection
4. Clear the selection (Select / None)
5. To make the layer larger:
  Layer / Scale Layer

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Re: [Gimp-user] paint with color from gradient

2014-11-17 Thread Gary Aitken
On 11/17/14 07:49, Helen wrote:
> But there is nothing in the matrix that says says Color from Gradient.  The
> closest thing I can find is Random color.  In gimp 2.6 there is a tick-box
> for Color from Gradient and it makes a graceful
> predictable gradual flow from one color to another.  Can we still do that,
> in 2.8?

Hmmm, on my 2.8 version it's item #5 in the drop-down.
In the matrix, it would be row 4 (color) and column 7 (fade).

Are you seeing something different?

> On Mon, Nov 17, 2014 at 1:43 AM, Olivier  wrote:
>> 2014-11-17 0:11 GMT+01:00 Helen :
>>> I used to know how to paint with color from gradient. Various help sites
>>> say hoose the dynamics Color From Gradient, but I haven't been able to
>>> find
>>> that option.  How can I use airbrush with Color from Gradient?
>>> Thanks,
>> ​When the airbrush tool is selected, look in its options in the bottom
>> part of the window. Click the icon on the left of "Dynamics" to open the
>> menu of available dynamics.​

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Re: [Gimp-user] [Gimp-developer] Test images and test suite (was Re: GIMP should fork babl and GEGL)

2014-11-11 Thread Gary Aitken
On 11/11/14 17:32, Chris Mohler wrote:

> The 2002 version contains a *wide* variety of things that can go
> spectacularly wrong when printing (eg for one, over saturation of
> black completely destroys the image of the watch), and was a real life
> saver when I was setting up the workflow of: Workstation -> Digital
> RIP -> Large Format Printer.  It's a beastly image to try and print
> correctly, and I imagine the 2009 version is just as devious :)

For the curious and not overly competent, can you shed some light on 
the kinds of issues you had and how you dealt with them?  
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Re: [Gimp-user] [Gimp-developer] Test images and test suite (was Re: GIMP should fork babl and GEGL)

2014-11-11 Thread Gary Aitken
On 11/11/14 08:15, Elle Stone wrote:

> So the important question is:
> *What copyrighted or otherwise test images GIMP users might have
> downloaded from the internet and found useful, and *what kinds of
> test images GIMP users might have already put together, *for what
> particular testing purposes.

The things I find most useful are the following:

1. Peoples' faces.  Important here is a wide selection of ethnicities,
   such as white, asian, african, latino.  It would be useful to have
   individual images; and combination images with the extremes (e.g.
   white, african, and wedding dress in the same image).  In the
   african group, a wide range from very black to brown.

2. Highly saturated from the natural world -- birds and flowers, for 
   example.  I may have a few birds of use.  Others may well have 
   better images.

3. Color gradients and ICC targets.
   In this category I would find useful a chart specifically designed 
   to show the boundaries of different well-known colorspaces, such 
   as sRGB, AdobeRGB, and ProPhoto.  If the chart had an outline of
   the colorspaces as separate .xcf layers it would be great.  It
   might be useful to have layers for some printers as well.

It would be good if images have neutral gray cards / gradients of some 
sort in them, although that is obviously not always possible.


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Re: [Gimp-user] [Gimp-developer] GIMP should fork babl and GEGL

2014-11-06 Thread Gary Aitken
Hi Alex,

>>> If you *ask* the user whether they want to have their data treated as
>>> "bonified same as GIMP's sRGB" and then use optimized sRGB-only code,
>>> that's one thing. Doing so behind the user's back, without their
>>> consent, that's another thing. That is disrespecting the user's
>>> control over their RGB data.
>> This is critical.  If I'm working with a wide-gamut profile, I really
>> really really don't want gimp screwing with the rgb data without my
>> say so.
> Frankly, I'm puzzled. It's been, how many? 8 years? since GIMP asks
> users what it should do with a picture that is tagged with a profile
> that doesn't match the current RGB working space. Has anyone actually
> suggested that this is going to be otherwise? :)

Maybe I'm misunderstanding the discussion.  Gimp asks when one opens an 
image what one wants as the working colorspace.  But we're talking 
about operations *after* the image has been opened and the working 
colorspace has been established.

Once I establish the colorspace, I expect all operations to be performed
in a manner which is consistent with and preserves that colorspace.  If 
some operation deals in some other space without my knowledge, that's
not good.  

My apologies if I'm misunderstanding the discussion.

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Re: [Gimp-user] [Gimp-developer] GIMP should fork babl and GEGL

2014-11-06 Thread Gary Aitken
I'd like to add my penny's worth on this discussion.
My primary use of gimp involves editing photographic images, 
for both web and print purposes.

On 11/06/14 05:04, Elle Stone wrote:

> Speaking as a developer (you all keep telling me I'm a developer), a
> crucially important guiding principle for writing a high end image
> editor is that you never mess with the user's RGB data without the
> user's explicit consent.
> If you *ask* the user whether they want to have their data treated as
> "bonified same as GIMP's sRGB" and then use optimized sRGB-only code,
> that's one thing. Doing so behind the user's back, without their
> consent, that's another thing. That is disrespecting the user's
> control over their RGB data.

This is critical.  If I'm working with a wide-gamut profile, I really
really really don't want gimp screwing with the rgb data without my
say so.  Even if the result is not obvious visually, I need a heads-up 
so I can pay close attention to what's happening and undo the operation 
if appropriate.


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Re: [Gimp-user] Color shift when opening TIFF?

2014-10-23 Thread Gary Aitken
On 10/23/14 13:31, Keith Purtell wrote:
> I've been using GIMP for several years to (among other things) open TIFF
> files, edit, export into Acrobat Pro to create a PDF.  Today I took a
> client PDF and saved it as high-res TIFF, fixed a problem, exported the
> revised TIFF and converted to PDF. I do this often.
> It wasn't until I got to looking at the new PDF that I noticed a big color
> shift in one section. There's a pale green box with darker forest-green
> text inside. Both shades of green looked like the saturation had been
> pumped way up. I backtracked, and finally realized this color shift was
> happening the instant GIMP opened the TIFF.
> Just to be clear, this is not a buggy TIFF from outside. I made it myself
> by take a normal PDF and using the Save-as-Image function. This didn't
> happen with the other three images from the same project. Experimenting
> with Mode made no difference.
> Ideas?

I'm not certain, but my guess is the tiff file has an embedded color profile
other than whatever your gimp is set to, and the conversion option is 
set to auto-convert without asking questions.

Open Edit/Preferences/Color Management and check what "RGB profile" is set
to and what "File Open behaviour" is set to.

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Re: [Gimp-user] How to swap image colors

2014-10-23 Thread Gary Aitken
> I have a logo that I'd like to swap the colors in. The words are blue and the
> background is white. I'd like to make the words white and the background blue.
> How can it with this .png file?

It depends on whether the words are dithered or not.  If there are sharp edges
and the image really only has two colors, try the following:

Click on the eyedropper (or O (O not 0), then click on the words to make the 
color of the words the foreground color.

Click on the color tool (or O), then click on the words to select all 
of the color in the words.  Don't use the magic wand, as it only selects colors 
which are contiguous.

Invert the selection (Select/Invert or I).

Click on the Bucket Fill tool (or B).
Look in the tool options to make sure the fill type is "FG color fill".

Click on the background area to turn it the color of the letters.  
The whole image should now be the same color.

Invert the selection again.

Click in the tool options to change the fill type to "BG color fill".
Click on the words to turn them the background color.

If the words are dithered it's more difficult as you need to change all the 
"in-between" colors to an appropriate "in-between" color.

If you need that let us know and we can go into more detail for that.

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Re: [Gimp-user] Selection to Layer

2014-10-22 Thread Gary Aitken
> New user here. running GIMP 2.8.10 on an old XP machine.
> Have downloaded 2.8.14 but holding off on the installation while learning.
> Al that aside.  Question,  How do I change a selection to a layer?

Edit/Paste as/New Layer
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Re: [Gimp-user] keyboard shortcuts for 50% view, etc

2014-05-26 Thread Gary Aitken
Thanks for the verification.

> Bug?  Shift+2 == @, but you'd think that all keyboard shortcuts
> should use the actual scan code for the key(s) and not its logical
> input value.

I say bug because it is, according to the Edit/Keyboard Shortcuts
menu/ +View dialog, already assigned.  

How the mapping is done would depend on where in the stack one did it.
I could see a case for doing it either way.

Gimp has an interesting issue for shortcuts, I think (I'm not familiar 
with the code)  Chars/keycodes are not mapped the same all the time.  
You want normal characters, such as @, when entering text; but the rest 
of the time you want it to be a shortcut.  Which means it has to be 
mapped in two different ways depending on the state.  It obviously does 
it correctly / according to the docs/interface for some characters, but 
not others.

>> I have not been able to get the keyboard shortcuts for < 100% view 
>> (2, etc.) to work since as long as I can remember. The ones
>> for 100% and greater ('1', '2', etc.) seem to work fine.
>> If I activate the shortcut key editing dialog and try to set the
>> shortcut manually, e.g. 2 for 50%, instead of displaying
>> 2 it displays "@" (which is the normal character for
>> 2 on my keyboard) and it works fine.
>> Does anyone else have the same issue?
>> Is there something I am missing, or are the shortcuts simply not
>> working in my (fbsd) build?

> Aha, here we are (I think).

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[Gimp-user] keyboard shortcuts for 50% view, etc

2014-05-25 Thread Gary Aitken
I have not been able to get the keyboard shortcuts for < 100% view 
(2, etc.) to work since as long as I can remember.  
The ones for 100% and greater ('1', '2', etc.) seem to work fine.

If I activate the shortcut key editing dialog and try to set the shortcut
manually, e.g. 2 for 50%, 
instead of displaying 2 it displays "@" (which is the normal character
for 2 on my keyboard) and it works fine.

Does anyone else have the same issue?

Is there something I am missing, or are the shortcuts simply not working
in my (fbsd) build?

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Re: [Gimp-user] Optimize jpegs

2014-05-22 Thread Gary Aitken
On 05/22/14 07:08, Søren Pilgård wrote:
> On Thu, May 22, 2014 at 2:30 AM, Owen  wrote:
>>> I'm creating some textures for 3d models using gimp.  I've been
>>> exporting as jpg
>>> with quality set at 100, but the file sizes are humongous.  What do
>>> you think is
>>> the best setting to bring down the file size with no noticeable loss
>>> of quality?
>> Well, I would simply experiment and decide what is "best for you"
>> Open original, export as new-name1.jpg at say 70%
>> Then reopen original, and export as new-name2.jpg at say 60%
>> and so on
>> Most of my saves are at 50%
>> Why jpgs? What sizes do you get with pngs?
> It is indeed hard to give a perfect number out of the box.
> The overall visual quality is very much dependent on what the image
> actually depicts and on what kind of compromise you can tolerate.
> A dirt texture can probably pull off a much lower quality than a
> smooth gradient.

First, make sure the image is down-sized to something like 1280 x 1024 or
less.  Then turn on the preview in the jpeg export dialog.  That will tell
you both how large the file will be, and you can view the preview to see
what it will look like.  Decrease or increase the percentage until you're
happy with the compromise.

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Re: [Gimp-user] greek letters

2014-05-18 Thread Gary Aitken

>> It works two different ways on this windoze box (can't test on
>> my fbsd box as I'm rebuilding world now).
>> 1. Release the  and  after typing 'u'.
>>Then hit  after all the hex chars are in.
>> 2. Keep  and  down until done with hex chars;
>>releasing  completes the sequence
>> Does the problem exist with both methods?
> No, only with the second one. The first method works and allows me
> to enter an alpha. (Can't speak for the original poster.)

That points strongly to there being some sort of keyboard accelerator
overriding the input for the characters that don't work, since in the
first case after u the characters being typed are "normal"
and in the second they have the  modifiers as part of the

I can think of only three likely place for that to be taking place:
  1. Gimp
  2. window manager
  3. x-server mappings via xmodmap

fwiw, both methods work here on win7 and fbsd.

Does anyone know of any other app that uses u to start a
unicode entry?  If so, what happens in that app?  Or any app where it
could be assigned temporarily for testing?

Alternatively, one could try assigning one of the sequences which 
doesn't work to some gimp function and see if that works.  
If it works, it would indicate the keystroke was getting to gimp and 
is not being siphoned off somewhere higher up.  If it doesn't work,
it doesn't say anything one way or the other.


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Re: [Gimp-user] greek letters

2014-05-18 Thread Gary Aitken

>> Are you using Linux? What is your locale setting?
> I can't type an alpha either, on Debian Sid, UTF-8, libgtk2 2.24.23-1,
> git master gimp from a few days ago.
>> [fixed version, sorry!]
>> > For me, using the Gimp on-canvas text tool,
>> >
>> > hold down control and keep it pressed
>> > hold down shift and keep it pressed
>> press u and let it go (keeping control and shift pressed)
>> > press 3 and let go
>> > press b and let go
>> > press 1 and let go
>> > let go of control and shift
>> >
>> > will insert a lower-case Greek letter alpha (α).
> When I try that, it works up to the b (as soon as I type the u a
> little window pops up and subsequent digits go there), but it
> refuses to accept either b or c -- it simply does nothing for those
> letters, and nothing appears in the little IM window. It will accept
> digits 0-7 and 9 and a, d, e or f but not 8, b or c.
> gnome-terminal behaves the same way.
> We discussed it on IRC and Liam wondered whether I had some other
> binding for ctrl-shift-b and c and ctrl-shift-8 -- it's possible,
> but if so I don't know about it and they don't do anything I can see.
> I can't find any such bindings in my window manager.

It works two different ways on this windoze box (can't test on
my fbsd box as I'm rebuilding world now).
1. Release the  and  after typing 'u'.
   Then hit  after all the hex chars are in.
2. Keep  and  down until done with hex chars;
   releasing  completes the sequence

Does the problem exist with both methods?


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Re: [Gimp-user] greek letters

2014-05-13 Thread Gary Aitken
On 05/13/14 07:32, Alexandre Prokoudine wrote:
> Adding a Greek keyboard layout to  your operating system/desktop
> environment of choice would be a sensible solution. There also
> typically is an app usually called Character Map that you can  use to
> copy/paste single letters from.
> Alexandre
> On Tue, May 13, 2014 at 5:30 PM, gimppimpf  wrote:
>> Hello,
>> how to write in GIMP with greek letters?

You can also use the unicode values for single letters by typing 
where  is the hexadecimal value of the unicode character you wish to 
enter.  The 'U' may be either upper or lower case, as may be the hex letters.

For example to enter the formula for the area of a circle, πr² 

Wikipedia has a good table of unicode characters:


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Re: [Gimp-user] recording changes

2014-04-08 Thread Gary Aitken
On 04/06/14 02:00, Alexandre Prokoudine wrote:
> On Sun, Apr 6, 2014 at 6:52 AM, Gary Aitken wrote:
>> I'm frustrated by large storage requirements for xcf files resulting from
>> processing many jpg image files.  The processing is typically pretty simple,
>> crop, curves, with no touch up.  I don't mind the xcf size for images which
>> required a lot of detail work, but it's crazy for the majority of them.
>> Things which a raw processor encodes in a few KB turn into 60 MB; an 8x
>> factor over the original file size.
>> Are there any plugins, or is any work being done / planned, on some means to
>> save (even a selected set of) operations so the result can be reconstructed
>> from the original?  It would save me many GB of space.

> We don't like it either, which is why it's planned for the future.
> Some foundation has already been laid for that in the code, but it
> will take time. As we are volunteers, not paid developers, we can't
> tell you, when this will be available for end-users.

Thanks for the info, Alexandre.  I understand the volunteer issue.
I'm not complaining, just wanted to know what the current situation was.
Was hoping it was in the pipe for a specific release.

Thanks to the gimp team for all your work.

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[Gimp-user] recording changes

2014-04-05 Thread Gary Aitken
I'm frustrated by large storage requirements for xcf files resulting from
processing many jpg image files.  The processing is typically pretty simple,
crop, curves, with no touch up.  I don't mind the xcf size for images which
required a lot of detail work, but it's crazy for the majority of them.  
Things which a raw processor encodes in a few KB turn into 60 MB; an 8x 
factor over the original file size.

Are there any plugins, or is any work being done / planned, on some means to
save (even a selected set of) operations so the result can be reconstructed
from the original?  It would save me many GB of space. 

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Re: [Gimp-user] Problem importing raw Minolta and Sony files

2014-04-05 Thread Gary Aitken

>> Can you provide an example image to confirm this?
> Sure.  Let's use the clouds photo since it is a more modern Sony
> format and pretty dramatically shows the loss of information.  Point
> your browser here:

Looks like a normal image when opened here (fbsd, ufraw 0.19.2).
Underexposed, but can be brought up to 1.49 w/out any overexposure
blinkies.  Clouds have lots of definition.  WB (Camera WB) looks fine.
A little *tiny* bit of purple fringing; I'd be delighted if all
mine had that little.

You don't have the color profile, gamma, and linearity set to something
strange, do you?  If I set to no profile, gamma=0.45, linearity 0.1
all looks good.
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Re: [Gimp-user] Problem importing raw Minolta and Sony files

2014-04-04 Thread Gary Aitken
On 04/04/14 20:43, Jeffery Small wrote:
> Ubuntu 13.10 system running on an Asus U56E system
> UFRaw ver. 0.19.2
> Dcraw ver. 9.19.1
> GIMP ver. 2.8.6
> Darktable ver. 1.2.3
> Shotwell ver. 0.15.0
> I reported on this a long while ago and then got very busy with other
> things.  This is a follow-up with details.
> When attempting to load Minolta (mrw) and Sony (arw) raw image files into
> GIMP, UFRaw is not properly processing them.  The following webpage has
> images which demonstrate the problem:
> The raw files are being imported with distorted color and contrast.
> However, as the additional images show, other programs such as Darktable
> and Shotwell are importing and displaying these files properly.
> Has anyone else been experiencing similar problems, and is there any known
> solution?

This is kind of a shot in the dark.  I don't know anything about shotwell, 
and not much about darktable.  But I know darktable automatically applies
an exposure correction curve to the raw file when it imports it, and ufraw
does not (unless you set one as the default).  You might look at the 
exposure correction curve darktable applies and see what it looks like when
you apply a similar curve in ufraw.  There may be other automagic things
darktable does in regards to color; not sure.

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[Gimp-user] Brush dynamics when stroking a path

2014-03-29 Thread Gary Aitken
Using gimp 2.8.10

I'm trying to paint a whirlpool stream for a scientific diagram,
similar to what you would see out the back of a boat from the 
propeller wash.

I've drawn a path for the stream to follow, sort of a modified sine 
wave, starting at the propeller and ending a ways downstream.

What I'd like to do is paint from one end of the path to the other,
with the width of the stroke gradually getting wider, and the ink
deposited fading, the way a FG => BG gradient does.

I was finally able to get what I wanted using the dynamic options 
for painting using the paintbrush tool and defining a new one, but 
it is not at all clear to me how it works.

Is there a tutorial around for how the brush dynamics work with 
stroking a path?

When one brings up the paint dynamics editor and selects one of
the painting properties such as "Size", a graph is displayed.  The 
vertical axis is labelled with the property selected ("Size" in 
this case) and the horizontal axis is initially labelled with an
input device attribute, "Pressure", the top attribute in the list 
below the graph.  The check box for "Pressure" is not checked.  

The explanations I've seen of this graph describe it as a mapping 
between a property of the brush (e.g. Size or Color) and a property
of the input device (e.g. Pressure on a tablet). 

However, one of the attributes selectable for the graph, "Fade", 
is not a property of an input device (I don't think; I don't have
a tablet).

In any case, when stroking a path there is no input device.  So what
determines the value of the input device attributes on the other
axis of the graph?  

I'm guessing the vertical axis goes from zero to max, where max is 
the set "Size" (in this case) of the brush.  Correct?

The label on the horizontal axis changes depending on which of the
attributes below the graph is selected, and the check box determines
whether or not that attribute affects the property being edited.
Initially the "Pressure" attribute is selected (grey background), but
not activated (no check).  If I want the "Size" of the brush to change
while stroking a path, what input device attribute should I select? 
By trial and error, I was able to get what I wanted using "Fade", 
but it is not at all clear to me why.  Are there preset curves for
these attributes over the course of a stroked path?  If so, what are

After selection, a line/curve is displayed showing how the property
of the brush ("Size") will be varied according to the attribute 
("Fade") value.  If I want the brush to start 25% of its total size 
and grow to 100% over the full length of the path, I adjust the curve 
to start 25% up the axis on the far left and end at the upper right 

What does the length of the horizontal axis represent?  From the
behavior I am seeing with "Size" and "Fade", it appears to represent 
the path from beginning, at the left end, to end, at the right end.  
So when painting, the brush property (in this case "Size") will have 
its attribute(s) (in this case "Fade") varied when painting along the 
path as shown by the curve going from left to right.  However, it's 
not clear to me what "Fade" means in relation to "Size" (see next

If I uncheck the "Fade" box and instead check "Pressure", but establish
the same curve I had for "Fade", I get a different behavior.  The 
stroked path starts and ends small, with the maximum size in the middle.
Since the stroking is being done by the path traversal tool and not a
human manipulated instrument, there is no change in pressure, so what
is happening?  Using "Velocity" causes the brush "Size" to vary in the 
opposite way from when "Fade" is used.  Again, the velocity should not
be changing, so what is really going on?  "Direction" seems to vary 
"Size" based on some weighted average notion of the direction of travel, 
with horizontal yielding large sizes and vertical yielding small.  "Tilt", 
"Wheel", and "Random" don't seem to do anything.  

If I want the "Color" to "Fade" over the course of the curve, I have to
start the curve at the lower left (No fading?, i.e. 100% color) and have it 
end somewhere higher (some fading) on the right.  What does fading mean in
this case?  changing opacity?

The above two brush properties, "Size" and "Color", seem to behave in
opposite ways when the "Fade" attribute is selected.  For "Size", the
"Fade" axis seems to have nothing to do with "Fading" the size, but simply
represents the overall length of the path; but for "Color", it seems to
indicate the inverse opacity (amount of fading) of the brush.

Thanks for any tips / explanations,

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Re: [Gimp-user] flip / rotate a path?

2014-03-29 Thread Gary Aitken
On 03/29/14 18:18, akovia wrote:
> On Sat, Mar 29, 2014, at 07:48 PM, Gary Aitken wrote:
>> Is there a way to flip / rotate a path the way you can a layer or image?
>> I need to make a path and then generate a mirror image of it.

> You can use all the same tools but you have to tell it you are working
> with a path instead of a layer or selection in the tool options.
> These are the top 3 icons in the tool options beside the word
> "Transform:
> It has Layer selected by default.


> The only trick is if you want to transform just the path instead of the
> entire layer. To do so you must use the path to selection option before
> applying the transformation.

That turns out not to be the case.  If you select a path, then select the 
transform tool and select the path icon for what to "Affect", it applies 
only to the selected path.

You don't want to transform a path to a selection and then transform back
because you can get a lot of additional points on the path.
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Re: [Gimp-user] flip / rotate a path?

2014-03-29 Thread Gary Aitken
On 03/29/14 18:20, Simon Budig wrote:
> Gary Aitken ( wrote:
>> Is there a way to flip / rotate a path the way you can a layer or image?
>> I need to make a path and then generate a mirror image of it.
> Switch the respective transform tool to path mode, make the relevant
> path visible and work with it...

Ah, duh.
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[Gimp-user] flip / rotate a path?

2014-03-29 Thread Gary Aitken
Is there a way to flip / rotate a path the way you can a layer or image?
I need to make a path and then generate a mirror image of it.
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Re: [Gimp-user] color proofing / printing -- profiles not applied when printing? gutenprint plugin

2014-01-31 Thread Gary Aitken
On 01/31/14 05:05, wrote:

> You cannot actively colour manage a workflow unless you have colour 
> calibrated your monitor.

I understand that, and have that on my list of things to get done.

> Also, you do not say if you are printing to Epson Premium Glossy Photo Paper, 
> nor do you say
> what profile/media settings you have selected in the printer driver.

Epson premium glossy paper user, selected in the driver

> The default RGB space has to be something if colour management is active.

true, but not necessarily used.

> However, it is unlikely yourdigital photographs will use this colour space.

As far as my own images go, I'm starting from raw, so the color space is
whatever I export with the image from ufraw.

> ProPhoto RGB, is a wide colour gamut, developed by Kodak.
> It much wider than sRGB and is also sometimes called ROMM RGB.

Didn't realize at first that ROMM RGB was another name for ProPhoto;
found that subsequently, thanks.

What I don't understand is this:
I have physical prints from cone color on Epson premium glossy photo paper,
printed with conecolor k3 inks which were designed specifically to be a 
very close match for epson ultrachrome k3 inks.
Regardless of what the image looks like on screen,
if I import the image and keep its embedded profile,
then print it using the appropriate profile for the printer + paper + ink,
I should get an image that closely matches the professionally supplied
I'm not; it's got too much yellow in the skin tones.

In the gutenprint print dialog, under the "Output" tab, by default it has
the following settings:
  Color Correction:  Default
  Image Type:Mixed Text and Graphics
I set Image Type to "Photograph", but left Color Correction alone.

If I set Color Correction to "High Accuracy" I see no difference.


> -Original Message-
> From: Gary Aitken 
> To: 
> Sent: Thu, 30 Jan 2014 21:22
> Subject: [Gimp-user] color proofing / printing -- profiles not applied when 
> printing? gutenprint plugin
> Hi all,
> I recently installed an epson 3880 and am trying to get decent color out of 
> it.
> I'm relatively new at this and may have more than one thing wrong.
> At the moment I am using the outback photo printer evaluation image as a test,
> since it has rather large color bars and swatches to compare:
> I have my Color Management preferences set as follows:
>   Mode of operation:  Color managed display
>   RGB Profile:sRGB IEC61966-2.1
>   CMYK profile:   None
>   Monitor profile:NEW MultiSync LCD 1970NX
>   Display rendering intent:   Perceptual
>   Print simulation profile:   Epson Stylus Pro 3880_3890 
> PremiumGlossyPhotoPaper
>   Softproof rendering intent: Perceptual
>   Mark out of gamut colors
>   File Open behaviour:Ask what to do
> The test image has an embedded profile, "ProPhoto RGB", which I chose to keep
> when I loaded it in.  It shows under "Image"/"Image Properties"/"Color 
> Profile"
> as "ProPhoto RGB   Reference Output Medium Metric(ROMM).  I don't know what
> the "Reference Output Medium Metric" means...
> With color management disabled in the display filters dialog
>   ("View"/"Display Filters"/"Color Display Filters")
> the image on-screen appears darker and less saturated, with reds too orange
> and blues too violet.
> With color management enabled the image looks bright and highly saturated,
> although the saturated green-yellow and green patches become difficult to 
> distinguish.  I suspect that is an out-of-gamut situation, but not sure.
> The photographic images in the test image become much brighter and
> saturated.
> If I also enable "Color Proof", things get muted a bit, particularly in the
> test patches, although changes in the actual photographic images on-screen
> are much more subtle.
> Questions related to viewing on the display:
> Assuming the incoming image is "correct" with its attached color profile:
> 1. Checking only "Color Management"
>  Is this "the best / most accurate we can do on this display"?
> 2. Checking only "Color Proof"
>  What does this represent?  Is it a rendering of the image mapped to
>  RGB and then color-corrected for the printer, and therefore incorrect?
>  Is any display color-correction included in this?
> 3. Checking both "Color Management" and "Color Proof"
>  Is this the proper way to preview a

Re: [Gimp-user] Is it possible to set the max brush & pen slider values

2014-01-30 Thread Gary Aitken
On 01/30/14 13:31, Paul Read wrote:
> The sliders are nearly useless for me as I typically use pens and brush
> sizes of 1,5, 10 and 20.  I need to change the size regularly and the
> sliders would be ideal yet my 'working' range is in a tiny little bit at
> the end of the slider value.
> It would be a huge gain for me to some how set the max slider value to a
> value of my choice (say 50) rather than the current value of 1000
> Is it possible? If not can I make a feature request (and if so how)

There is already a feature request filed for this:

Also see the following old post related to the subject:

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[Gimp-user] color proofing / printing -- profiles not applied when printing? gutenprint plugin

2014-01-30 Thread Gary Aitken
Hi all,

I recently installed an epson 3880 and am trying to get decent color out of it.
I'm relatively new at this and may have more than one thing wrong.
At the moment I am using the outback photo printer evaluation image as a test,
since it has rather large color bars and swatches to compare:

I have my Color Management preferences set as follows:
  Mode of operation:  Color managed display
  RGB Profile:sRGB IEC61966-2.1
  CMYK profile:   None
  Monitor profile:NEW MultiSync LCD 1970NX
  Display rendering intent:   Perceptual
  Print simulation profile:   Epson Stylus Pro 3880_3890 PremiumGlossyPhotoPaper
  Softproof rendering intent: Perceptual
  Mark out of gamut colors
  File Open behaviour:Ask what to do

The test image has an embedded profile, "ProPhoto RGB", which I chose to keep
when I loaded it in.  It shows under "Image"/"Image Properties"/"Color Profile"
as "ProPhoto RGB   Reference Output Medium Metric(ROMM).  I don't know what
the "Reference Output Medium Metric" means...

With color management disabled in the display filters dialog
  ("View"/"Display Filters"/"Color Display Filters")
the image on-screen appears darker and less saturated, with reds too orange
and blues too violet.

With color management enabled the image looks bright and highly saturated,
although the saturated green-yellow and green patches become difficult to 
distinguish.  I suspect that is an out-of-gamut situation, but not sure.
The photographic images in the test image become much brighter and

If I also enable "Color Proof", things get muted a bit, particularly in the
test patches, although changes in the actual photographic images on-screen
are much more subtle.

Questions related to viewing on the display:
Assuming the incoming image is "correct" with its attached color profile:

1. Checking only "Color Management"
 Is this "the best / most accurate we can do on this display"?
2. Checking only "Color Proof"
 What does this represent?  Is it a rendering of the image mapped to
 RGB and then color-corrected for the printer, and therefore incorrect?
 Is any display color-correction included in this?
3. Checking both "Color Management" and "Color Proof"
 Is this the proper way to preview an image for printing?
4. This dialog is labelled "Display Filters".  I am assuming that means
   items selected here *only* affect how the display appears, and has 
   nothing to do with printing.  Correct?

The images being printed appear similar to what I see on the screen with
"Color Management" unchecked, and "Color Proof" unchecked:
  When printed, the most saturated reds appear dull and orangeish
  The image has three saturated greens, clearly distinguished in unmanaged
  mode on-screen, but with two of them difficult to distinguish in managed 
  mode on-screen.  The prints have the clearly distinguishable green
  pattern seen in the unmanaged image on-screen.
  In unmanaged mode on-screen, the blues tend towards violet, which is
  what they do when printed.
  CMY are all less saturated unmanaged on-screen, and printed.

In the gutenprint plugin, the printer command being issued is
  lp -s -d 'Epson_Stylus_Pro_3880' -oraw

I also have the test image from Cone Color
and the two test prints they supply which are supposed to be color-corrected
and should match epson inks very closely.
If I use the Cone Color test image and compare the output to the sample 
cone-color k3 ink sample, there is clearly too much yellow in the skin-tones.

Any help / hints would be greatly appreciated.


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[Gimp-user] epson printer, gutenprint, and *nix

2014-01-10 Thread Gary Aitken
Hi all,

The epson Stylus Pro 3880 (and maybe others) comes as a standard model, and
it's another $200 in the US for a postscript-enabled model.  
If one is using CUPS for printing, it appears the drivers don't actually use
postscript.  Is this the case, and is there any reason to get a ps-enabled 
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Re: [Gimp-user] layer positioning

2014-01-02 Thread Gary Aitken
On 01/02/14 19:27, akovia wrote:
> On Thu, Jan 2, 2014, at 08:46 PM, Gary Aitken wrote:
>> On 01/02/14 17:48, Joao S. O. Bueno wrote:
>> This would be great, but...
>> I must be missing something; running 2.8.10 on fbsd.
>> When I click on the alignment buttons, nothing happens, and they don't
>> change 
>> appearance on mouse-down or mouse-up.
>> I can't quite tell from the glyphs, but they look like they may be greyed
>> out; at
>> least they are overall a lot lighter than most of the toolbox glyphs;
>> they look about
>> like the bucket-fill tool.  The "Offset" text box is active and allows
>> changes,
>> and the reset options does its thing.
>> No error messages that I can see.
>> Any ideas what would cause them to be inactive?
>> All other tools seem to work.
> Sounds to me like you haven't selected the object yet.
> Select the alignment tool or shortcut "q"
> Activate the layer you want to align.
> (Make sure this layer is cropped smaller than the image size)
> You should have a hand cursor to select the object on the canvas. when
> you do you should see 4 small squares outlining how big the object is
> that you want to align.
> Now select the alignment buttons in the toolbox.
> I hope this is all it is and this works for you.

Thank you.
Took me a while to figure out -- I had a mostly transparent layer on top and 
selection goes by stacking order.

An excellent solution to the problem; using the rulers to snap was also good.

Thanks all for your help.

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Re: [Gimp-user] layer positioning

2014-01-02 Thread Gary Aitken
On 01/02/14 17:48, Joao S. O. Bueno wrote:

> Ok-  that was unfair of me -
> it is actually easy to do this with the align tool once one grasps one or
> two concepts of its operation. Took me less than 2 minutes.
> a) select the align tool on the toolbox.
> b) click on one of your layers
> c) Verify that alginement is related to "image" in the tool options
> d) click on the left arrow and on the up arrow, in the upper halff of
> the tool options dialog to have it positioned at the upper left corner
> of the canvas
> e) repeat b - d 3 more times for the other layers, replacing the arrow
> buttons as desired

This would be great, but...
I must be missing something; running 2.8.10 on fbsd.
When I click on the alignment buttons, nothing happens, and they don't change 
appearance on mouse-down or mouse-up.
I can't quite tell from the glyphs, but they look like they may be greyed out; 
least they are overall a lot lighter than most of the toolbox glyphs; they look 
like the bucket-fill tool.  The "Offset" text box is active and allows changes,
and the reset options does its thing.
No error messages that I can see.

Any ideas what would cause them to be inactive?
All other tools seem to work.

>> On 2 January 2014 21:38, Gary Aitken  wrote:
>>> Hi folks,
>>> Either I am blind or incompetent, maybe both... a hint would be much 
>>> appreciated:
>>> I wanted to set up a template for dealing with printing four images on a 
>>> sheet.
>>> I created an image the size of the sheet and then added four layers, each 
>>> of the
>>> desired image size which needed to be positioned appropriately.
>>> When I went to position the images, I could not find any reasonable way 
>>> with the
>>> move command or with any of the layer operations to position each layer 
>>> precisely.
>>> By that I mean simply type in the coordinates of the upper left corner, or 
>>> move
>>> with the mouse where I see a text version of the upper left coordinate of 
>>> the new
>>> layer position as I move.
>>> If trying to position using the mouse, the lower left of the status line 
>>> shows
>>> the position of the pointer itself, so that is useless in positioning the 
>>> layer
>>> as a whole; and the numbers to the right of the per-cent size display show 
>>> how
>>> much the layer has moved relative to its starting position, not the absolute
>>> position of the upper left corner.  (I'll grant that the latter is useful, 
>>> but
>>> in this case one needs something else, particularly if a layer has been 
>>> moved
>>> and needs to be repositioned to a fixed location.)
>>> The only way I could get what I wanted was to expand to 800%, and at that
>>> magnification I could grab the upper left corner with the mouse so the mouse
>>> position was itself the upper left corner position.
>>> Surely there's a better way?
>>> Layer/Layer to Boundary Size... does not appear to work as advertised.  The 
>>> offset appears
>>> to be relative to the original size of the layer, not the original size of 
>>> the image.
>>> The panner image is limited to the size of the layer, not the image.
>>> When you first bring up the dialog, you are unable to reposition the layer 
>>> unless you change
>>> the layer size to make the layer smaller.  If you make the layer half the 
>>> size of its original
>>> size and then click "Center", the offset is set to - 1/2 the size of the 
>>> original image,
>>> not + 1/2, which seems bizarre.  The layer is scaled properly, and ends up 
>>> where you
>>> would expect (based on the center command given, but not based on the 
>>> offsets indicated),
>>> but the values in the Offset boxes seem to have the wrong sign.  It works by
>>> moving the original layer relative to the desired new layer, rather than 
>>> position the new
>>> layer size relative to the image.  Which means you can't move the layer 
>>> relative to the image
>>> if the layer is smaller than the image, and the graphic panner doesn't show 
>>> you the layer
>>> position relative to the image as a whole.  It is not at all intuitive and 
>>> is not useful
>>> for quite a few common cases.
>>> Layer/Transform/Offset shifts the contents, but not the layer itself.  
>>> Which is what it
>>> is supposed to do, so that's ok; it's just not usable for this operation.

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[Gimp-user] layer positioning

2014-01-02 Thread Gary Aitken
Hi folks,

Either I am blind or incompetent, maybe both... a hint would be much 

I wanted to set up a template for dealing with printing four images on a sheet.

I created an image the size of the sheet and then added four layers, each of 
desired image size which needed to be positioned appropriately.

When I went to position the images, I could not find any reasonable way with 
move command or with any of the layer operations to position each layer 
By that I mean simply type in the coordinates of the upper left corner, or move
with the mouse where I see a text version of the upper left coordinate of the 
layer position as I move.

If trying to position using the mouse, the lower left of the status line shows 
the position of the pointer itself, so that is useless in positioning the layer 
as a whole; and the numbers to the right of the per-cent size display show how 
much the layer has moved relative to its starting position, not the absolute 
position of the upper left corner.  (I'll grant that the latter is useful, but 
in this case one needs something else, particularly if a layer has been moved 
and needs to be repositioned to a fixed location.)

The only way I could get what I wanted was to expand to 800%, and at that 
magnification I could grab the upper left corner with the mouse so the mouse
position was itself the upper left corner position.  
Surely there's a better way?

Layer/Layer to Boundary Size... does not appear to work as advertised.  The 
offset appears 
to be relative to the original size of the layer, not the original size of the 
The panner image is limited to the size of the layer, not the image. 
When you first bring up the dialog, you are unable to reposition the layer 
unless you change 
the layer size to make the layer smaller.  If you make the layer half the size 
of its original 
size and then click "Center", the offset is set to - 1/2 the size of the 
original image, 
not + 1/2, which seems bizarre.  The layer is scaled properly, and ends up 
where you
would expect (based on the center command given, but not based on the offsets 
but the values in the Offset boxes seem to have the wrong sign.  It works by
moving the original layer relative to the desired new layer, rather than 
position the new
layer size relative to the image.  Which means you can't move the layer 
relative to the image
if the layer is smaller than the image, and the graphic panner doesn't show you 
the layer
position relative to the image as a whole.  It is not at all intuitive and is 
not useful
for quite a few common cases.

Layer/Transform/Offset shifts the contents, but not the layer itself.  Which is 
what it
is supposed to do, so that's ok; it's just not usable for this operation.

Thanks for any clues,

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[Gimp-user] gutenprint interface

2013-12-30 Thread Gary Aitken
I'm having trouble getting gutenprint w/cups to work on freebsd;
gutenprint works fine from a browser, but not from the gimp when I
use "Print with Gutenprint...".  The dialog comes up, and if I
select the lpr device, it appears to send the output to the lp/lpr
device unfiltered; but if I select the printer added in cups, I 
see no output and no errors in the error log, and the printer 
doesn't even wake up.  I think it may not be finding the device,
which is not listed in /etc/printcap, and I don't believe needs to
be, as it works from firefox.
When the dialog pops up there is a process running for gutenprint:
  /usr/local/libexec/gimp/2.2/plug-ins/gutenprint -gimp 24 18 -run 0
Any thoughts / hints on how to debug this?


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[Gimp-user] modifying tool options

2013-12-06 Thread Gary Aitken
The help page for toolbox shortcuts indicates there should be a "Context"
menu at the top of the shortcut editor for modifying the tool parameters.
Am I blind, or is it not there?


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Re: [Gimp-user] Tool Options alternative

2013-12-06 Thread Gary Aitken
On 12/06/13 01:43, scl wrote:
> On 6.12.2013 at 9:30 AM josephbupe wrote:
>> My question is about the Tool Options which currently consume alot of space,
>> whether docked under the Tool box, side-by-side, left or right of the working
>> space. Could you consider a horizontal Tool Options above the Tool box with a
>> possibility of the user to switch to either the native Tool Options verticle
>> arrangement or a horizontal arrangement?
> Hi josephbupe,
> there were already considerations to improve the tool handling,
> but thank you much for your proposal.
> The following reading might be interesting for you:
> - UI wiki article 'Rethinking GIMP tool options':
> - The GIMP UI brainstorm, especially on the Tool Options:
> In most cases image editing monitors use landscape orientation.
> Thus vertical screen space is more precious than horizontal space.
> This could get less important if we manage to allow GIMP for the
> getting-more-important tablet computers, but this is another story.
> Every pixel counts. A solution should take this into account.
> Kind regards,
> Sven

Thanks for posting the links.
Some observations from my usage perspective:

An ability to pop up the options for the current tool over the image
would be useful.  I find it cumbersome to constantly move the mouse back 
and forth between the image and the toolbox when switching tools or 
tweaking options.  One possibility would be some kind of modulated popup, 
where a modifier key pops up the toolbox under the pointer and holds it 
there until the key is released.  Another modifier key could pop up only 
the options for the current tool until released.  The advantages of this 
is that it minimizes having to mouse around to bring up and dismiss 
the dialog, and the pointer stays over the focus of work.  I think this 
comes under the "peripheral vs. central" paragraph in the "Rethinking GIMP 
Tool Options" blurb.  I know there are a limited number of modifier keys,
and all are taken in the default configuration; however it is possible
to configure otherwise.  Alternately, one could map a particular shortcut
for the purpose and have it bound to all visible gimp windows including the
image windows.  It would require two keystrokes, but still work pretty well.
An advantage of the shortcut approach is that it makes typing into dialog
fields easier, instead of just mouse interactions (It's kinda awkward to
type while holding down a modifier key, and the modifier has to be ignored
internally).  If this is already possible, I would (almost) kill to get 
someone to give me a hint for how to configure it.

A related issue is that switching layers, paths, and channels (or any other
dockable dialog, although I find it particularly a problem with those three)
changes the focus so that normal tool selection shortcuts no longer work.  
That's understandable given the need to type into some of the dialogs, but
despite years of working with it (albeit not in any particular expert 
capacity), I am still constantly screwing up by hitting a shortcut and doing 
something crazy or not knowing at all what I have just done and wondering 
why the desired action is not happening because the focus was still on the
layers / paths / channel dialog.  I don't have a suggestion for how to 
overcome this, but it is worth thinking about if it is a common problem.
Is it possible to bind a shortcut for all gimp windows to mean "return focus
to the last image window"?  At the moment I accomplish this using my window
manager's process switch (e.g. ctl-alt-tab), but that is somewhat awkward
because depending on what you've been doing the image window may not be the
immediately previous one.

While I concede that vertical screen space is often more important
than horizontal space when considering the whole image, this is not 
always the case for any particular task or image.  It would be great if the 
toolbox and the tool options (Maybe all dialogs since a general 
implementation is usually to be preferred) could be docked under the image 
window toolbar.  This would be particularly useful if it were possible to 
somehow specify or turn on shifting the tool options to a horizontal toolbar 
in the image window when going to full-screen mode, although it would be 
unnecessary if the modulated pop-up idea above were implemented.

One thing which slows down my use is the ordering of options for some of the
tools.  I assume they are optimized in a reasonable default manner.  However, 
each particular user's activity patterns, skill and knowledge level gives 
their own relative importance to the different options.  It would be great if 
it were possible to reorder the layout.  For example, I find it frustrating 
to have to scroll down to check the hard edge option for erase; my personal 
usage pattern would move that higher up so 

Re: [Gimp-user] Editing Photos and Maintaining Exif Information

2013-11-10 Thread Gary Aitken
On 11/10/13 08:14, Rainer Dorsch wrote:
> Hello,
> I usually use digikam for managing my photos collection and gimp to improve 
> some photos.
> In the past I simply saved under a different name and I had the orignal and 
> the 
> "improved" image in my digikam collection next to each other.
> Now digikam moves the "improved" photo to the end of the collection.
> digikam thinks that Time and Date of the photo changed.
> exiv2 is also not happy with the modified IMG_0243b.JPG
> Has anybody an idea, what is going wrong now?

Try using
  exiv2 -u -p a

There are a number of different timestamps, including:

Exif.Image.DateTime  Ascii  20  2010:09:11 20:12:47
Exif.Photo.DateTimeOriginal  Ascii  20  2010:09:08 14:14:47
Exif.Photo.DateTimeDigitized Ascii  20  2010:09:08 14:14:47

exiv2 without arguments prints Exif.Photo.DateTimeOriginal 
(I think that's the one it uses)
as the reported "Image timestamp"

Exif.Image.DateTime is the more correct date for when the image itself was

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Re: [Gimp-user] Can't save bug?

2013-11-05 Thread Gary Aitken
On 11/03/13 17:53, Ian H wrote:
> I recently encountered a very frustrating situation and am wondering
> if it's a bug or "feature".
> I was working on an image, it was quite big, 7000 px wide, 6000 tall
> but only 5 quite simple layers, the .xcf is 7.8MB.
> All of a sudden after pasting from another .xcf file (which I had just
> 10+ times with no similar result) I moved the pasted part, the image
> was pretty much finished and I went up to click file>export and
> everything between "open recent" and "quit" in the file menu was grey.
> No chance to save or export and it appears half an hour of work lost.
> It was as if the file menu didn't think I had a file open, but if I
> scrolled accross to the filters menu for example, they were available
> for selection which they are not when you have no image open. I could
> edit the image and change layer visibilities and do what I wanted to
> the image - except save it. I had flash backs to darker days of
> shareware version of lesser softer titles on proprietary systems. In a
> moment of frustration I hit the little "x" to resign for the night and
> it warned me to save before closing.. I hit save as the only option
> was to overwrite a file I didn;t really want to overwrite but I did
> and then wrote this.
> Any ideas? It's 2.8.6 running on an up to date ubuntu 13.10 on a high end PC.

To at least save the work and preserve the original, rename the original 
.xcf file outside of gimp, then do the save before quitting.

I am running 2.8.6 on fbsd and have never seen this.  I have images a 
lot larger than that (41,000 x 3,000 px) and have had no problem other
than running out of temp file space.  In that case, the gimp warned me
and I reconfigured; so I don't think it is related to the image size.

Were there any error messages in the console display?

I don't know under what circumstances the items under the file menu are 
greyed out other than no image; even if the image is read-only they are 
still active, so it's a total mystery to me.  It does sound like it 
somehow got its head wedged thinking no file was open.

I presume you can't reproduce the problem?

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Re: [Gimp-user] using GIMP jpegs in OpenOffice Writer - error

2013-09-04 Thread Gary Aitken
On 09/04/13 06:00, Uniklaps wrote:
> Win 7 64 bit  RAM 16 GB  GIMP  2.8.4
> Hi friends,
> with GIMP I create maps using a WACOM tablet. I save the data as xcf,
> additional using the export option as jpg and tif.  These files Jpg and tif
> are for further use. If I try to insert one of these jpgs, OpenOffice Writer
> (3.4.1) show an error report "graphic filter not found" (translated from
> german)
> If I open the GIMP jpg with Photoshop elements and save it again as jpg
> either overwriting the old file from GIMP-export or creating a new file
> (copy) , OO Writer shows the same error-report; same reaction with the GIMP
> tif.
> But if I open the GIMP jpg or GIMP tif with PhotoLine (V 17.11; Shareware;
> demo free
> and save it again als jpg (highest qualitiy) then OO Writer
> insert this picture.
> Is this behaviour caused by GIMP or OO Writer or are both "guilty" or is
> this a bug ?
> Is there a way to persuade GIMP to export a readable jpg  ??
> Thanks for all your help!

Hi Konrad,

I am using OO 3.4.1 on FreeBSD and GIMP 2.8.6.
I have no trouble inserting .jpg files output from gimp into OO Writer.
I also had no trouble when using OO 3.3.x.

How big are these files, and is there any chance you are simply running
over some memory / address space limits?  I know once upon a time there
were issues of this sort in windows environments when the 4G limit was 
reached.  Since you are running windows, is the OO you are running a 32 
bit version, and not able to make use of the whole address space?  What 
happens if you use smaller images, or export using a lower quality jpg?

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Re: [Gimp-user] Question about bump map location

2013-09-02 Thread Gary Aitken

 (display "  scaledImage:") (print imgToScale)
imgToScale; force the 
return value

; Add watermark to an image
;   Arguments:
; Name of file to process (xxx.tif, etc)
; Image to which watermark will be added
; Drawable, unused
; Name of file containing watermark (xxx.png, etc)
; Relative height (per cent) of watermark to original image
; Opacity of watermark

(define (add-watermark orgImg drw watermarkFileName relHt opacity)
; (display "\nadd-watermark\n")
; (display (string-append "  fileName=\"" fileName "\"\n"))
; (display (string-append "  watermarkFileName=\"" watermarkFileName "\"\n"))
; (display (string-append "  relHt=\"" (number->string relHt) "\"\n"))
; (display (string-append "  opacity=\"" (number->string opacity) "\"\n"))
  (let* (
;  (orgImg 0); original image
  (watermarkImg 0)  ; watermark image
  (layer 0) ; the layer to 
;  (multiplier (/ opacity 100))  ; opacity as a 
decimal multiplier
  (xOff (car (gimp-image-width orgImg))); x offset for 
added watermark
  (yOff (car (gimp-image-height orgImg)))   ; y offset for 
added watermark

; open the image and the watermark

;(set! orgImg (car (file-tiff-load RUN-NONINTERACTIVE fileName fileName)))  
; load the original image
(set! watermarkImg (car (file-png-load RUN-NONINTERACTIVE watermarkFileName 
watermarkFileName)))  ; load the watermark image

; establish relative height for added image
(if (equal? relHt "")
  (set! relHt "2")

(gimp-image-undo-group-start orgImg)

; scale the watermark image
; (display "watermarkImg:") (print watermarkImg)
; (display (string-append "  ht:" (number->string (car (gimp-image-height 
watermarkImg))) "\n"))
(scale-relative watermarkImg orgImg relHt)
; (display (string-append "  ht:" (number->string (car (gimp-image-height 
watermarkImg))) "\n"))

; set the opacity of the scaled image
; Note!  0 <= opacity <= 100, NOT 0 <= opacity <= 1 as noted in the 
function definition
(set! layer (car (gimp-image-get-active-layer watermarkImg))) ; get the 
layer (drawable) to modify
; (display "layers:") (print layer)
; (display (string-append "  multiplier:" (number->string multiplier) "\n"))
(gimp-layer-set-opacity layer opacity)

; add the scaled image to the main image
(set! layer (car (gimp-layer-new-from-drawable layer orgImg)))
; (display "layer:") (print layer)
(gimp-image-insert-layer orgImg layer 0 0)
(gimp-layer-set-name layer "Copyright")

; position the scaled image in the lower right corner of the main image
; (display (string-append "xOff:" (number->string xOff)))
(set! xOff (- xOff (car (gimp-drawable-width layer
; (display (string-append "  xOff:" (number->string xOff)))
(set! yOff (- yOff (car (gimp-drawable-height layer
; (display (string-append "  yOff:" (number->string yOff)))
(gimp-layer-set-offsets layer xOff yOff);

(gimp-image-delete watermarkImg); get rid of the original 
watermark image

(gimp-image-undo-group-end orgImg)


; Need to save the modified image
;(gimp-image-delete orgImg) ; get rid of the original 

; Register add-watermark
; NOTE!!!  The script-fu browser will show an additional argument, SF-MODE, 
which it automatically
; adds and removes in some crazy way.
; It appears to only be of significance when calling a non-script-fu procedure 
from a script-fu,
; or vice-versa, and its purpose is to indicate whether or not the argument 
dialog box should be displayed.
; So basically, for my purposes, it is of no significance whatsoever.
;  SF-MODE "Mode""RUN-INTERACTIVE"; First arg is run mode
; NOTE!!!  It also appears there is no way to use this procedure both 
interactively and non-interactively,
; because of the need to specify the name of the input file for non-interactive 
; So note the additional procedure, batch-add-watermark

  "add-watermark"   ; function name
  "Add Watermark..." ; menu label
  "Adds a scaled, partially transparent image to an image"
  "Gary Aitken"  ; author
  "Copyright 2013, Gary Aitken"  ; copyright notice
  "2013-08-28 v 0.1

Re: [Gimp-user] Question about bump map location

2013-09-02 Thread Gary Aitken

 (display "  scaledImage:") (print imgToScale)
imgToScale; force the 
return value

; Add watermark to an image
;   Arguments:
; Name of file to process (xxx.tif, etc)
; Image to which watermark will be added
; Drawable, unused
; Name of file containing watermark (xxx.png, etc)
; Relative height (per cent) of watermark to original image
; Opacity of watermark

(define (add-watermark orgImg drw watermarkFileName relHt opacity)
; (display "\nadd-watermark\n")
; (display (string-append "  fileName=\"" fileName "\"\n"))
; (display (string-append "  watermarkFileName=\"" watermarkFileName "\"\n"))
; (display (string-append "  relHt=\"" (number->string relHt) "\"\n"))
; (display (string-append "  opacity=\"" (number->string opacity) "\"\n"))
  (let* (
;  (orgImg 0); original image
  (watermarkImg 0)  ; watermark image
  (layer 0) ; the layer to 
;  (multiplier (/ opacity 100))  ; opacity as a 
decimal multiplier
  (xOff (car (gimp-image-width orgImg))); x offset for 
added watermark
  (yOff (car (gimp-image-height orgImg)))   ; y offset for 
added watermark

; open the image and the watermark

;(set! orgImg (car (file-tiff-load RUN-NONINTERACTIVE fileName fileName)))  
; load the original image
(set! watermarkImg (car (file-png-load RUN-NONINTERACTIVE watermarkFileName 
watermarkFileName)))  ; load the watermark image

; establish relative height for added image
(if (equal? relHt "")
  (set! relHt "2")

(gimp-image-undo-group-start orgImg)

; scale the watermark image
; (display "watermarkImg:") (print watermarkImg)
; (display (string-append "  ht:" (number->string (car (gimp-image-height 
watermarkImg))) "\n"))
(scale-relative watermarkImg orgImg relHt)
; (display (string-append "  ht:" (number->string (car (gimp-image-height 
watermarkImg))) "\n"))

; set the opacity of the scaled image
; Note!  0 <= opacity <= 100, NOT 0 <= opacity <= 1 as noted in the 
function definition
(set! layer (car (gimp-image-get-active-layer watermarkImg))) ; get the 
layer (drawable) to modify
; (display "layers:") (print layer)
; (display (string-append "  multiplier:" (number->string multiplier) "\n"))
(gimp-layer-set-opacity layer opacity)

; add the scaled image to the main image
(set! layer (car (gimp-layer-new-from-drawable layer orgImg)))
; (display "layer:") (print layer)
(gimp-image-insert-layer orgImg layer 0 0)
(gimp-layer-set-name layer "Copyright")

; position the scaled image in the lower right corner of the main image
; (display (string-append "xOff:" (number->string xOff)))
(set! xOff (- xOff (car (gimp-drawable-width layer
; (display (string-append "  xOff:" (number->string xOff)))
(set! yOff (- yOff (car (gimp-drawable-height layer
; (display (string-append "  yOff:" (number->string yOff)))
(gimp-layer-set-offsets layer xOff yOff);

(gimp-image-delete watermarkImg); get rid of the original 
watermark image

(gimp-image-undo-group-end orgImg)


; Need to save the modified image
;(gimp-image-delete orgImg) ; get rid of the original 

; Register add-watermark
; NOTE!!!  The script-fu browser will show an additional argument, SF-MODE, 
which it automatically
; adds and removes in some crazy way.
; It appears to only be of significance when calling a non-script-fu procedure 
from a script-fu,
; or vice-versa, and its purpose is to indicate whether or not the argument 
dialog box should be displayed.
; So basically, for my purposes, it is of no significance whatsoever.
;  SF-MODE "Mode""RUN-INTERACTIVE"; First arg is run mode
; NOTE!!!  It also appears there is no way to use this procedure both 
interactively and non-interactively,
; because of the need to specify the name of the input file for non-interactive 
; So note the additional procedure, batch-add-watermark

  "add-watermark"   ; function name
  "Add Watermark..." ; menu label
  "Adds a scaled, partially transparent image to an image"
  "Gary Aitken"  ; author
  "Copyright 2013, Gary Aitken"  ; copyright notice
  "2013-08-28 v 0.1

Re: [Gimp-user] bit of a n00b question but...

2013-09-02 Thread Gary Aitken
On 09/02/13 00:10, JjStAr wrote:
> I'm stuck. Python plugins are not installing. They don't show up. Script-Fu
> works fine though. Can anyone help me?

I don't know squat about Python, unfortunately.
However, I just tried starting the python console on my system (freebsd) 
and it didn't show up.
As I was starting it from an icon on the desktop, 
I know from past experience that errors often get swallowed 
when an app is started in this manner.
So I started it from a shell window and saw the related errors.


Try starting the gimp from a shell window instead of the normal app launch
method.  Are there any errors?

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Re: [Gimp-user] dump defaults

2013-09-01 Thread Gary Aitken
On 09/01/13 16:12, Michael Natterer wrote:
> On Sun, 2013-09-01 at 14:57 -0600, Gary Aitken wrote:
>> Assuming one starts gimp with no user-specific gimprc,
>> is there a way to dump out all the default values?
> gimp --dump-gimprc

ok that yields
  (temp-path "${gimp_dir}/tmp")
  (swap-path "${gimp_dir}")

>> I'm asking because the default gimprc has everything commented out,
>> and there's no GIMP2_DIRECTORY or gimp_dir defined in my environment.
> The default directories depend on the platform, and/or on the
> compile time prefix. You should use gimptool to figure these,
> the internal logic used is the same. Try gimptool --help.

I don't see anything there that indicates it is gimp_dir,
and none of the values are the ones set by default, which in my case
is ~/.gimp-2.8.  All of the directory options are for source info
(such as libdir, prefix, execprefix, mandir, etc., and all of the 
values are in non-user-writeable directories.

My system-wide (freebsd) default gimprc, /usr/local/etc/gimp/2.2/gimprc,
has the following (commented-out) lines:
  (temp-path "${gimp_dir}/tmp")
  (swap-path "${gimp_dir}")

If I look at Preferences/Folders, I see
  Temporary folder: tmp
  Swap folder: .gimp-2.8

If I open a 10,000 x 3,000 .xcf which is 128MB, with the tile cache size set to
16MB, I see a new file ~/.gimp-2.8/gimpswap.6637, and nothing in ~/tmp.  I 
don't know what will cause something to be written to temp space, but 
apparently gimp_dir is set to ~/.gimp-2.8 by default on fbsd.  It is 
particularly confusing because the "tmp" entry, when seen in the UI, *looks*, 
because of the missing prefix path components, like it would be /tmp or ~/tmp, 
but in fact is not.

Thanks for the pointers.

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[Gimp-user] dump defaults

2013-09-01 Thread Gary Aitken
Assuming one starts gimp with no user-specific gimprc,
is there a way to dump out all the default values?

I'm asking because the default gimprc has everything commented out,
and there's no GIMP2_DIRECTORY or gimp_dir defined in my environment.


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Re: [Gimp-user] Layer Opacity Access Point(s) Madness

2013-09-01 Thread Gary Aitken
That was pretty difficult to get a handle on.
Is this what you're looking for:

Windows/Dockable Dialogs/Layers  (L)
2nd thing down is an "Opacity" slider.

Are you looking for a way to select a specific layer and operate on it 
using the Opacity slider via the keyboard?
Or just find the slider in the first place?

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[Gimp-user] reconciling script-fu interactive and batch arguments

2013-08-29 Thread Gary Aitken
I have never learned / figured out / been pointed at an example
for how to properly write a script which is usable in both interactive 
and batch modes.

Let's say I have a script-fu add-on:

(define (add-watermark orgImg drw watermarkFileName relHt opacity)

  "Add Watermark..."
  "Adds a scaled, partially transparent image to an image"
  "Gary Aitken"
  "Copyright 2013, Gary Aitken"
  "2013-08-28 v 0.1"
;  SF-MODE "Mode""RUN-INTERACTIVE"  ; First arg is run mode
;  SF-STRING   "Main image file"""   ; name of main image to modify
  SF-IMAGE "Image" 0 ; main image to modify
  SF-DRAWABLE  "Drawable" 0  ; unused
  SF-STRING"Added image file" "myfile.png" 
  SF-VALUE "Relative (percent) height of added image"  "5"
  SF-VALUE "Opacity of added image"  "50"

As written above, with the 
  SF-STRING  "Main image file"  ""
arguments commented out, this script works in interactive mode,
operating on the active drawable in the active image;
the first two arguments to the function (orgImg and drw) are filled in 
automagically by the gimp when the script is activated.

The only way I have figured out how to use this from batch mode is to
add another script which contains the name of the base file to process:

(define (batch-add-watermark inFileName watermarkFileName outFileName relHt 
  (let* (
  (orgImg (car (gimp-file-load RUN-NONINTERACTIVE inFileName inFileName)))
  (drw (car (gimp-image-get-active-layer orgImg)))
(add-watermark orgImg drw watermarkFileName relHt opacity)
(gimp-file-save RUN-NONINTERACTIVE orgImg drw outFileName outFileName)
(gimp-image-delete orgImg)

This works, but neither procedure is making any use of what should be 
the first argument (missing from add-watermark above but present in 
batch-add-watermark) which is the mode.

My gut says the mode is there to make this all much easier, 
but I can't figure it out.  
Can someone give me a proper explanation of how to do this,
or point me at something?


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Re: [Gimp-user] CR2 files

2013-02-12 Thread Gary Aitken
On 02/12/13 13:09, Matthew Miller wrote:
> On Tue, Feb 12, 2013 at 03:03:38PM -0500, Kevin Cozens wrote:
>>> I photographed the aurora while living in Alaska in RAW format which
>>> produces a CR2 extension. Why will GIMP not open these photos?
>> You need either the dcraw or ufraw plug-in for GIMP. I prefer the
>> dcraw plug-in. The ufraw plug-in has too many options about what
>> should be done to the image when it is loaded. I don't know what I
>> might want/need to do to the image until after I load it and look at
>> it.
> So, the downside of this approach is that the decisions you make *during*
> RAW conversion are generally lossless operations; you can go back and do
> them differently with no destruction of data. If you start from a file
> converted in a certain way, you've already lost a lot of flexibility.

Whoa! :-)  That is hardly a downside.  RAW conversion is something you can 
dorepeatedly without degrading the image, as it always starts from the original
raw data and never modifies it.  You don't need to do anything with the ufraw
options *when the image is loaded*; you can tweak them after it is loaded into
ufraw.  The main reason for tweaking them during the load process is if you
have a fixed set of parameters you generally use for images from a given camera,
such as color profiles, etc.  Maybe I mis-interpreted your statement?

"If you start from a file converted in a certain way" and that conversion is
unsatisfactory, reopen the file from gimp, using the ufraw plugin, and convert
it in whatever different way you want.

What is a pain is that the ufraw plugin does not allow for saving a .ufraw
file, an option you have when starting ufraw stand-alone.  So if you want to
preserve the options you work out in ufraw, you need to set up a pipeline /
shell script to run ufraw and then feed the result into gimp.

Is your objection that the ufraw tweaks are not part of the undo history stack?
The ufraw process is an advantage, although an inconvenience, in this respect. 
The gimp undo history stack is wonderful, but it is (unfortunately) not saved 
with the xcf image.  Once you save and quit gimp, reloading the image you have 
lost all of the history.  The ufraw tweaks are totally repeatable and 
without degrading the image.

gimp-user-list mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] Unskewing images of flat rectangular objects in Gimp

2013-02-04 Thread Gary Aitken
On 02/04/13 11:19, Steve Kinney wrote:
> On 02/04/2013 03:46 AM, Elmer Wix wrote:
>> Øyvind Kolås  wrote:
> [...]
>>> The perspective tool has an inverse mode, if you align the grid lines
>>> from the wireframe preview with the lines desired to become
>>> horizontal/vertical and then do the transform you should end up with a
>>> rectified version of the quadliteral.
>> Thanks!  That worked.  The size and aspect ratio of the rectified
>> quadrilateral isn't always close to what I want it to be, though.  Is
>> there a way to specify this before I do the perspective transform, or
>> do I just need to do it in 2 steps (correct perspective, and then
>> re-size)?
> I has a "well DUH!" moment over this because I never noticed the
> function, so I started tinkering around with it.  If there is a
> rectangular selection on the canvas, the area selected by the
> perspective tool conforms to the selection when resampled.  The tool
> options dialog dock for Rectangular Select has settings for
> adjusting the size and position of the selection in pixels.
> I can't believe the amount of time I have wasted squaring up
> photographed or scanned rectangular objects "by hand."  But I love
> it when posters like Øyvind point out things that should have been
> obvious to me - better to learn late than never!

Thank you!  I've been wondering how to do that for a *long* time.
gimp-user-list mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] I'm finding it hard to work with brush sizes in 2.8

2013-02-01 Thread Gary Aitken
On 02/01/13 12:27, Matthew Miller wrote:
> On Fri, Feb 01, 2013 at 08:55:55PM +0200, Ville Sokk wrote:
>>> The new dialog devotes the left 5% of the slider to this range. I know there
>>> was some talk about changing this slider to be logarithmic. Is there any
>>> progress on that?
>> I don't know if you noticed but the slider has a top and bottom part.
>> The cursor changes when you hover. The top part is used for large
>> changes and the bottom for fine tuning.
> Yeah, but with it so small, I get "large changes" as effectively random
> numbers of 1.0, 7.24, 13.49, 19.73, 25.98, 32.22, 38.46, depending on which
> of those six pixels I hit. More often I'm getting 88 or 200 or 400 or
> something first. The fine tuning lets me adjust increments from there, but
> is only really useful if I hit the right number first, and it's hard to
> scale *down* because my mouse hits the right side of the screen. (Better if
> I don't maximize the window, but that's silly.) The best approach I've found
> is to use a brush with a native size of around 5, and then aways start by
> hitting the reset size button and adjusting up from there using the
> fine-tuning. That's pretty silly but is less frustrating than the
> alternative.

This is exactly why the enhancement I proposed some time ago would be helpful:

gimp-user-list mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] Doing a select without the mouse?

2013-01-24 Thread Gary Aitken
On 01/23/13 20:18, Steve Kinney wrote:
> On 01/23/2013 07:36 PM, Gary Aitken wrote:
>> Hitting  in the image window has no effect whatsoever when the 
>> rectangle
>> tool is active.  At least in my 2.8.2 version.
> Ditto here.  I tried it and was surprised that I could not figure
> out a way to make the rectangular select tool options draw a
> rectangular selection - it moves and resizes them all day long but
> only if one already exists on the canvas - as far as I can tell.
> For me this is not a problem but it is kind of puzzling.

I now see how to use it, although it is awkward.  But at least I can get the
exact location and size I want:

  1.  Click in the image and drag out any rectangular selection
  2.  Change focus back to the tool options and set the origin and size
  3.  Change focus back to the image and hit 

gimp-user-list mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] Doing a select without the mouse?

2013-01-23 Thread Gary Aitken
On 01/23/13 07:46, Olivier wrote:
> 2013/1/23 Gary Aitken :
>> On 01/23/13 02:14, Ofnuts wrote:
>>> On 01/23/2013 05:00 AM, Gary Aitken wrote:
>>>> Is it possible to do a rectangle select without the mouse?
>>>> For example, with the rectangle tool selected, one can fill in the fields 
>>>> in the
>>>> tool options to specify the coordinates and size of the rectangle,
>>>> but I can't see a way to actually commit the operation;
>>> What operation? Until you click/drag on the image, there is no selection
>>> started, and the numbers you enter in the Tools options are meaningless.
>>> To give them a purpose you have to click first, which means using the mouse.
>> If the values are meaningless, then why do they appear in the "Tool Options"
>> for the rectangle select?  Clicking and dragging sets the values for 
>> "Position"
>> and "Size" in the "Tool Options".  These are not read-only entries; they may
>> be set via the keyboard.  If one can set them via the keyboard, it should
>> be possible to have them take effect after entering them.  They should either
>> be read only, or should have a corresponding "Select" button which can be
>> activated.
> To complete the selection, press Enter in the image window.

Hitting  in the image window has no effect whatsoever when the rectangle
tool is active.  At least in my 2.8.2 version.

I tried the following:
  Get focus to image window
  ^R to activate rectangle tool
  Shift focus to Rectangle Select tool options dialog
(wm key sequence + tabs or mouse click)
  Set position to 10,10
  Set size to 50 x 100
  Shift focus to image window (wm key sequence or mouse click)
nothing happens

Can you give me a sequence where it does work?


gimp-user-list mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] Doing a select without the mouse?

2013-01-23 Thread Gary Aitken
On 01/23/13 02:14, Ofnuts wrote:
> On 01/23/2013 05:00 AM, Gary Aitken wrote:
>> Is it possible to do a rectangle select without the mouse?
>> For example, with the rectangle tool selected, one can fill in the fields in 
>> the
>> tool options to specify the coordinates and size of the rectangle,
>> but I can't see a way to actually commit the operation;
> What operation? Until you click/drag on the image, there is no selection
> started, and the numbers you enter in the Tools options are meaningless.
> To give them a purpose you have to click first, which means using the mouse.

If the values are meaningless, then why do they appear in the "Tool Options"
for the rectangle select?  Clicking and dragging sets the values for "Position"
and "Size" in the "Tool Options".  These are not read-only entries; they may
be set via the keyboard.  If one can set them via the keyboard, it should
be possible to have them take effect after entering them.  They should either
be read only, or should have a corresponding "Select" button which can be

gimp-user-list mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] Grid lines are 10x10, not default set in preferences [Solved]

2013-01-22 Thread Gary Aitken
On 01/22/13 21:27, Owen wrote:
>> My
>>   Preferences / Default Grid
>> says the grid spacing is 48 pixels for both width and height.
>> Yet when I choose
>>   View / Show Grid
>> I get lines spaced on 10 x 10 intervals.
>> What am I missing?
> That seems strange, the standard installation sets the default grid to
> 10x10 pixels.
> You could look at your .gimp-2.8/gimprc and /etc/gimp/2.0/gimprc file
> to see if anything has been set, but my guess is something is broke?
> Have you tried setting a new default grid?

Just discovered I had set the grid size using the option under the image menu.
Since this was a .xcf file, apparently that setting was saved as the default
for the image, over-riding the gimp default.  I didn't realize setting the 
grid size on the image menu was something that was preserved across saves.

Thanks for the reply,


gimp-user-list mailing list

[Gimp-user] Grid lines are 10x10, not default set in preferences

2013-01-22 Thread Gary Aitken
  Preferences / Default Grid
says the grid spacing is 48 pixels for both width and height.

Yet when I choose 
  View / Show Grid
I get lines spaced on 10 x 10 intervals.

What am I missing?


gimp-user-list mailing list

[Gimp-user] Doing a select without the mouse?

2013-01-22 Thread Gary Aitken
Is it possible to do a rectangle select without the mouse?
For example, with the rectangle tool selected, one can fill in the fields in the
tool options to specify the coordinates and size of the rectangle, 
but I can't see a way to actually commit the operation;
I don't see a "do it" button at the bottom, or an option in the tool options 
I'm looking to get a precisely sized selection to fill into an added space.
For example, when adding a strip at the top of an image,
I would like to grab the top 100 pixels,
flip it vertically to create a mirror image,
and paste it into the expanded canvas.
Am I missing something?


gimp-user-list mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] layers, new problem with old methods

2013-01-22 Thread Gary Aitken
On 01/22/13 07:59, Richard Gitschlag wrote:

>> Floats "belong to" whatever layer or mask was current when the clipboard 
>> content was pasted in.
>> You can only do two things with a float: Make it a new layer by
>> using the 'add layer' command, or use the 'anchor' command to merge
>> it down into whatever layer or mask was already selected when the
>> float was pasted into the image.
> That is correct, but because the Layers dialog displays the float at the top
> of the entire layer stack there is no visual indication in the dialog of which
> layer it belongs to.  If we merely changed the display of the dialog so that
> the float is always displayed just above its source layer (actual 
> functionality
> unaffected), this would make it more intuitive to the user.

While voting doesn't count ;-), I would second that as a suggestion.  I've meant
to make the same comment before.

gimp-user-list mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] Cannot Add New Text (confirm text editing)

2013-01-04 Thread Gary Aitken
On 01/04/13 11:18, latinojuan wrote:

> i think it has something to do w/ the layer underneath being so big that
> everywhere that i am clicking, GIMP thinks i want to change the current 
> settings
> in the text or something.
> because if i click off of the canvas, then it lets me add new text.
> apparently, it has something to do w/ the layer size. it seems like all of the
> layers are 780x1280...

I see.  In the layers panel, try making the text layer which has the big 
text on it invisible (click on the eye).  That should allow you to add new


>> It appears to work as advertised to me, so I'm not sure what the issue
>> is.
>> Here's the behavior I see:
>> I created a text layer and then rotated the layer 90 degrees using
>> Layer/Transform
>> When I select the text layer, and select the text tool, and then click
>> on the
>> text layer in the image, the dialog you refer to pops up.
>> If I select "Create New Layer", the original text layer is left
>> unchanged,
>> and a new layer containing the same text as the original layer is
>> added,
>> and I can edit it as a normal text layer because it is new and has
>> only plain
>> text and has not been modified in a manner which renders the text
>> itself
>> "uneditable".  For example, I can change the wording of the text
>> itself.
>> If I select "Edit", the original text layer is reverted to its last
>> state
>> where it was plain text (in this case, back to horizontal text instead
>> of
>> the rotated text), and I can edit that as a normal text layer.  As in
>> the
>> other option, I can change the wording of the text itself.  The
>> difference
>> between the two buttons is that one leaves the original text as is and
>> creates an additional text layer, and the other uses the original
>> layer.
>> Is this not the behavior you are seeing?  
>> What is the behavior you are expecting?
>> GIMP is currently not able to modify the text itself (i.e. change the
>> text
>> itself) once it has been modified in a manner such as rotation.
>> Gary

gimp-user-list mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] Cannot Add New Text (confirm text editing)

2013-01-03 Thread Gary Aitken
On 01/03/13 12:57, latinojuan wrote:
> Hello, I am clicking on a layer in GIMP, and when I click on the text tool, 
> this
> dialog pops up
> "CONFIRM TEXT EDITING" "the layer you selected is a text layer but it has been
> modified using other tools. Editing the layer with the text tool will discard
> these modifications. You can edit the layer or create a new text layer from 
> its
> text attributes."
> with 3 options, Create New layer, Cancel, and Edit
> however, no matter what I click, it doesn't let me create new text anywhere.
> ALSO, it seems to jump from the layer i selected to another layer whenever I
> click "EDIT."
> SO frustrating.
> What is weird is that I was able to create new text prior to this, but not
> anymore.
> if it helps, I am editing a photoshop document, but it's now saved as XCF. 
> also, it's gimp 2.8.0
> any help is appreciated!

It appears to work as advertised to me, so I'm not sure what the issue is.
Here's the behavior I see:

I created a text layer and then rotated the layer 90 degrees using 

When I select the text layer, and select the text tool, and then click on the
text layer in the image, the dialog you refer to pops up.

If I select "Create New Layer", the original text layer is left unchanged,
and a new layer containing the same text as the original layer is added,
and I can edit it as a normal text layer because it is new and has only plain
text and has not been modified in a manner which renders the text itself 
"uneditable".  For example, I can change the wording of the text itself.

If I select "Edit", the original text layer is reverted to its last state
where it was plain text (in this case, back to horizontal text instead of
the rotated text), and I can edit that as a normal text layer.  As in the
other option, I can change the wording of the text itself.  The difference
between the two buttons is that one leaves the original text as is and
creates an additional text layer, and the other uses the original layer.

Is this not the behavior you are seeing?  
What is the behavior you are expecting?
GIMP is currently not able to modify the text itself (i.e. change the text 
itself) once it has been modified in a manner such as rotation.

gimp-user-list mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] Layers Pelette

2013-01-03 Thread Gary Aitken
> On Thu, Jan 3, 2013 at 6:49 PM, Terry078 wrote:
>> using gimp 2.8. when loading images they sit at the top left of the window .
>> only one shows in the layers palette (which ever i click on,how do i get them
>> all into layers palette(see screen shot)
> Not possible.

I may not understand the problem, but can't you do File / Open as Layers?
gimp-user-list mailing list


2012-12-16 Thread Gary Aitken
On 12/15/12 10:48, Gracia M. Littauer wrote:
> I'm trying to print a scanned 8 X 10 professional photo of an African-American
> family (fiends) who have rich tones of very dark milk chocolate to middle dark
> brown.

Printing pictures of fiends can get you into big trouble :-)

> I know black skin tones are either red or yellow. I have been playing with
> color balance, but the results are very dull and flat.
> Any suggestions before frustration & over eating kill me ;^).
> -- 
> Gracia in Cooleemee, NC- on Zenwalk 6.2
> Cogito, ergo sum

I'm out of my league here, but are you working with a color-corrected monitor
and do you have a color profile for your printer?  That's probably your starting
point if you actually want to get them right.  You will also need some kind of 
white / grey / black reference from the scanned image, unless it is known to be 
corrected to something standard like sRGB already.

In order to have any sane approach to the problem, you need to have the colors 
on your monitor ("what you see") print in the same colors on the printer ("what 
you get"), and the color profiles properly set up make that happen.  At that 
point you can correct the image so it looks the way it "should" be, to your eye 
or to some white / grey reference point, and then it will print ok.

Unless the problem is not the translation from the display to the paper,
but rather getting it to look right on the display in the first place.
In which case I haven't a clue.

But here's a thought:  If you can find another image with the skin tone you 
bring both images up in gimp.  Display the reference image at 100% and pick an 
area where the skin is the color you want.  Use the pointer tool
 (windows / dockable dialogs / pointer)
and hover over a pixel of the appropriate color and write down the rgb values.
Then go to the main image, find the skin area where you want the color to match,
and note those rgb values.  Then use the curves tool to bring them into 
agreement the way you would to do a white balance.

gimp-user-list mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] Strange rectangle/ellipse select / crop behavior?

2012-12-10 Thread Gary Aitken
On 12/10/12 10:29, Richard Gitschlag wrote:
>> Date: Sun, 9 Dec 2012 17:02:13 -0700
>> From:
>> To:
>> Subject: Re: [Gimp-user] Strange rectangle/ellipse select / crop behavior?
>> On 12/08/12 19:19, Frank McCormick wrote:
>> > On 08/12/12 09:08 PM, Gary Aitken wrote:
>> >> FreeBSD, 2.8.2
>> >> I'm wondering if others are seeing the same thing I'm seeing:
>> >>
>> >> If I select an area using either the rectangle or ellipse select tools,
>> >> then crop the image,
>> >> the crop happens correctly,
>> >> but the selection is left displaced from the new image.
>> >>
>> >> If the selection is from one of the other tools (free select, fuzzy, 
>> >> scissors),
>> >> the selection is left superimposed on the image where it should be.
>> >>
>> >> Is anyone else seeing this?
>> > Yes, I get that too on 2.8.2 on Debian Sid. I was told it was a
>> > bug some time ago but is apparently still there.
>> Thanks, I won't worry about reporting it then and will assume it will get 
>> fixed
>> in due time.
>> ___
>> gimp-user-list mailing list
> I searched Bugzilla for "crop" and "selection" but didn't find anything, so 
> either I missed it or it hasn't actually been reported yet.

Looks like it's 683462 and it's been fixed.


gimp-user-list mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] Strange rectangle/ellipse select / crop behavior?

2012-12-09 Thread Gary Aitken
On 12/08/12 19:19, Frank McCormick wrote:
> On 08/12/12 09:08 PM, Gary Aitken wrote:
>> FreeBSD, 2.8.2
>> I'm wondering if others are seeing the same thing I'm seeing:
>> If I select an area using either the rectangle or ellipse select tools,
>> then crop the image,
>> the crop happens correctly,
>> but the selection is left displaced from the new image.
>> If the selection is from one of the other tools (free select, fuzzy, 
>> scissors),
>> the selection is left superimposed on the image where it should be.
>> Is anyone else seeing this?

>Yes, I get that too on 2.8.2 on Debian Sid. I was told it was a
> bug some time ago but is apparently still there.

Thanks, I won't worry about reporting it then and will assume it will get fixed 
in due time.
gimp-user-list mailing list

[Gimp-user] Strange rectangle/ellipse select / crop behavior?

2012-12-08 Thread Gary Aitken
FreeBSD, 2.8.2
I'm wondering if others are seeing the same thing I'm seeing:

If I select an area using either the rectangle or ellipse select tools,
then crop the image, 
the crop happens correctly,
but the selection is left displaced from the new image.

If the selection is from one of the other tools (free select, fuzzy, scissors),
the selection is left superimposed on the image where it should be.

Is anyone else seeing this?

gimp-user-list mailing list

[Gimp-user] Dodge/Burn -- any reason why range is not a checkbox?

2012-12-07 Thread Gary Aitken
Is there any reason the dodge/burn tool does not implement the range option as
a multi-choice instead of a single-choice?  I run into cases when I would like 
to burn shadows and midtones, and it's difficult to get it right if you have to 
perform two operations.

gimp-user-list mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] gimp & multipage tiff

2012-12-07 Thread Gary Aitken
On 12/07/12 09:27, Oleg wrote:
> On Fri, Dec 07, 2012 at 09:06:18AM -0700, Gary Aitken wrote:
>>> On Fri, Dec 7, 2012 at 11:52 AM, Oleg wrote:
>>>   Hi, all.
>>>   Gimp open a multipage tiff as a multilayer image and i can edit it. But 
>>> when
>>> i save it, all layers are merged into one and i've get a onepage tiff. How
>>> can i save a multipage tiff?
>> Just curious, what was the source of the original multipage tiff?
>   A scanner & strange people.

I'll be careful to avoid scanning images of strange people! :-)

gimp-user-list mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] gimp & multipage tiff

2012-12-07 Thread Gary Aitken
> On Fri, Dec 7, 2012 at 11:52 AM, Oleg wrote:
>   Hi, all.
>   Gimp open a multipage tiff as a multilayer image and i can edit it. But when
> i save it, all layers are merged into one and i've get a onepage tiff. How
> can i save a multipage tiff?

Just curious, what was the source of the original multipage tiff?

gimp-user-list mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] Question about the new sliders

2012-12-05 Thread Gary Aitken
On 12/05/12 18:56, Liam R E Quin wrote:
> On Wed, 2012-12-05 at 17:25 -0700, Gary Aitken wrote:
>> On 12/05/12 14:00, Liam R E Quin wrote:
> [...]
>>> I admit I usually use editable brushes, which are limited to square,
>>> diamond, circle, triangle, etc., and I have keys bound to
>>> increment-by-10, increment-by-1, and the same for decrement.
>> likewise, without the bindings.
>>> I think wanting integer-only brush sizes would be an enhancement
>>> request, although I'm not sure I understand the motivation: scaling by a
>>> non-integral amount sometimes gives better results. But maybe integral
>>> brush sizes is just a thing I happen never to have wanted :)
>> Not sure I understand that statement.
>> You apparently use integral brush sizes enough to have bound keys to
>> incrementing and decrementing by 1 and 10.  That seems to imply you
>> use integral brushes a lot, unless you always start with an odd-ball
>> non-integer brush size.
>> Am I missing something?
> Yes. I pretty much only use the dynamic (editable) brushes, and all I
> care about is the approximate size in most cases. I just looked, and my
> current brush has a size of 172.36, so pressing } will make it 182.36
> and pressing ] will make it 173.36. They get to odd sizes because I
> might click anywhere on the Size slider. I also have $ and % bound to
> softer/harder by 10, and 4 and 5 for softer/harder by 1. Right now the
> brush hardness is 0.69.
>> I'm not a graphic artist, but if you're designing an icon, for example,
>> or a finely detailed map as a that you want as compact as possible, you
>> sometimes want to minimize feathering, anti-aliasing, and everything else
>> that results in "partial" colors of one form or another.
> Makes sense but it's a long way from cleaning up 2400dpi full-page
> scanned images for sale as stock :-) or from freehand painting, or from
> using dodge/burn on a photograph, where soft edges are needed.

agreed; I don't do those pixel things very often, but others might.

> [...]
>> If this is a feature, and if you can grant that wanting integral sizes has
>> some utility, shouldn't that be relatively easy to attain by the user?
>> I would submit that integral sizes, or something more integral than 0.01
>> increments for brush size in particular, is likely a common desire.
> I suppose for people doing professional pixel-level work it may be, that
> hadn't occurred to me. I don't mean to imply that one usage is better or
> more important than another.
>>   It might
>> also be useful to be able to set the max and min values (max in particular).
>> I suspect there are very few people who want a brush size more than 1000
>> (but hey, I don't design billboards).
> I used to recompile my own gimp with a larger maximum brush size,
> although I have not often used more than 400 pixels or so.
> Being able to set a maximum might help with "Fitt's Law" - quicker
> selection of the largest size.
> Even in a pixel context a square brush with a radius of 0.5 pixels makes
> sense to me though. So I'm not sure what is a good answer here. There's
> a paint tool options button to reset bitmap brushes to their "native
> size", so maybe keybindings for tool presets would let you switch brush
> sizes with a single keypress?

I agree a .5 radius makes sense; it's also a 1.0 diameter ;-).
Dang, there's a conundrum -- brush "Size" should be labelled "Radius" 
or "Max Extent" (or something like that for non-circular type brushes).

I may not be understanding correctly, but it seems like that would allow
setting of specific sizes, not the whole range one might be interested in?

What bothers me about the keybindings idea is that it is an accelerator,
and the less-proficient / less-experienced with the specific tool user 
tends to use the mouse.  Getting the desired behavior should be possible
via the mouse.

Going back to my original proposal, what downsides does it have?
It requires no changes to the interface,
some additions to preferences,
and pretty simple changes to the guts of the generic slider.
It allows arbitrary granularity and a pretty wide range of possibilities,
and is relatively simple:

  valueDelta = ((float)deltaPtr / (float)maxPtr) * (valueExtent * 100.) / 
  valueDelta = (float)((int)(valueDelta * 100) / granularityX100) * 
granularityX100 / 100.;
  newValue = value + valueDelta;

  value=175.000  granularity=1.500  minValue=-100.000  maxValue=400.000  
deltaPtr=15  maxPtr=1024
  deltaPtr * valueExtent * 100 / maxPtr=732.421875
  valueDelta / granularityX100=4.882812
  valueDelta=4.50  newValue=179.50

gimp-user-list mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] Question about the new sliders

2012-12-05 Thread Gary Aitken
On 12/05/12 14:00, Liam R E Quin wrote:
> On Wed, 2012-12-05 at 13:46 -0700, Gary Aitken wrote:
>> On 12/05/12 13:12, Liam R E Quin wrote:
>> I don't think so.  In the case of the paintbrush size, what is the max value?
> The maximum value is 10,000. However, since your slider is probably less
> than 10,000 pixels wide, the approach taken seems to have been to use
> 1,000 as the maximum settable within the slider, but to let you continue
> dragging (or edit the number, or use the tiny increment button).
>> It is certainly not reached at the right boundary of the size slider, where 
>> it
>> is ~1000.  I can drag clear outside the slider to the right edge of the 
>> display
>> and get it up to ~9500.
> Right.
>> The OP was requesting a manner in which to get integral values, which I
>> think is the main frustration.
> Yes, you can't do that this way.


> I admit I usually use editable brushes, which are limited to square,
> diamond, circle, triangle, etc., and I have keys bound to
> increment-by-10, increment-by-1, and the same for decrement.

likewise, without the bindings.

> I think wanting integer-only brush sizes would be an enhancement
> request, although I'm not sure I understand the motivation: scaling by a
> non-integral amount sometimes gives better results. But maybe integral
> brush sizes is just a thing I happen never to have wanted :)

Not sure I understand that statement.
You apparently use integral brush sizes enough to have bound keys to
incrementing and decrementing by 1 and 10.  That seems to imply you
use integral brushes a lot, unless you always start with an odd-ball
non-integer brush size.
Am I missing something?

I'm not a graphic artist, but if you're designing an icon, for example,
or a finely detailed map as a that you want as compact as possible, you 
sometimes want to minimize feathering, anti-aliasing, and everything else
that results in "partial" colors of one form or another.  I don't have a
lot of experience with this but I know I often end up with these artifacts
when I've forgotten to turn off things like anti-aliasing and feathering
for various operations.  How does one intuit what is a brush with a 2.85 
pixel diameter going to do when it paints?  In these sorts of instances 
when I'm editing pixels, I want a brush size that lays / aligns more or 
less exactly with the pixels in the image.

That may not be the best way to do the things I'm trying to do in these 
instances, and I'm happy to learn better ways.  But one uses the tools in
the way one knows how, although that's sometimes like using the back of a
knife to undo a screw...

> [...]
>>  From what you've described as the formula, I would say it may be mostly
>> behaving as intended, modulo the max value issue and modulo the where is
>> it supposed to be clamped on the right boundary issue.
> I think this is a feature and not a bug.

If this is a feature, and if you can grant that wanting integral sizes has
some utility, shouldn't that be relatively easy to attain by the user?  
I would submit that integral sizes, or something more integral than 0.01 
increments for brush size in particular, is likely a common desire.  This 
could be as simple as a global option, over-rideable on a per-tool basis, 
over-rideable on a per attribute basis, for "minimum increment".  It might 
also be useful to be able to set the max and min values (max in particular).  
I suspect there are very few people who want a brush size more than 1000 
(but hey, I don't design billboards).  If there are, I would like to be 
able to set a more reasonable max.



gimp-user-list mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] Question about the new sliders

2012-12-05 Thread Gary Aitken
On 12/05/12 13:12, Liam R E Quin wrote:
> On Wed, 2012-12-05 at 12:38 -0700, Gary Aitken wrote:
>> So two thoughts:
>> 1.  Should the integral behavior I am seeing with the up-arrow on the 
>> threshold
>> for fuzzy select be going by tenths, or by whole integers?
> Neither, it depends on the width of the toolbox.
> It should go up or down by
> distance you drag as a percentage of the max value, times max value
> E.g. when the up arrow is one third the way along from the left of the
> scrollbar-thingy, clicking (or dragging at that point, it's the same)
> gives you one third of the maximum value.
> So, it's supposed to work as it does, I think.

I don't think so.  In the case of the paintbrush size, what is the max value?
It is certainly not reached at the right boundary of the size slider, where it
is ~1000.  I can drag clear outside the slider to the right edge of the display
and get it up to ~9500.

The OP was requesting a manner in which to get integral values, which I 
think is the main frustration.  When sizing a brush, for example, if I know
the brush was designed as a 100x100 image, I often want to pick sizes in
integral amounts.  It's essentially impossible to do with the slider.  
In addition, once one attempts to do that, the value ends up at some fractional
amount like 437.23 and you have to delete the decimal part to get back to
whole integers.

>> 2.  It looks like the bug may be tool-related.
> What exactly are you saying is a bug? I'm not saying GIMP is
> bug-free :-) just trying to see if in fact it's a problem with how to
> use these controls not being obvious, or whether your gimp is behaving
> different from mine, or whether all the gimps in the world are
> misbehaving (always a possibility, especially near a full moon).

>From what you've described as the formula, I would say it may be mostly
behaving as intended, modulo the max value issue and modulo the where is
it supposed to be clamped on the right boundary issue.  

Outside of that, what I would question is whether that intention / design 
plays well in reality, given the desire for whole-number increments in many 

BTW you've probably already seen I may have jumped the gun and filed a
minor bug on this.  My apologies.

Could be a full moon thing, as I had a horse magically appear on the wrong
side of a fence today.  But I doubt it ;-)


gimp-user-list mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] Question about the new sliders

2012-12-05 Thread Gary Aitken
On 12/05/12 11:45, Liam R E Quin wrote:
> On Wed, 2012-12-05 at 11:32 -0700, Gary Aitken wrote:
>> On 12/04/12 00:28, Jeffery Small wrote:
>>> The fast moving (up-arrow) slider appears when you have your mouse in the
>>> top half of the slider area.  The slow moving (horizontal arrows) appear
>>> when you are in the lower half of the area.  It is new behavior to learn,
>>> but it will become second nature eventually.
>> On freebsd, I get both arrows as described, but *both* of them do the fine-
>> grained increments.  Is there a setting that controls this, or is this a
>> bug?
> To be clear, see the enclosed image. The slider with the word Threshold
> on it is an example.
> Hovering the mouse pointer in the upper half, e.g. over the word
> Threshold, changes the mouse pointer to an upwards pointing arrow;
> clicking in the bar when the mouse pointer displays the upwards arrow
> will set the amount directly: clicking on the left of the top-half of
> the bar will set Threshold to 0, clicking on the right (over the 81.5 in
> this example) sets it to around the maximum of 255, clicking in the
> middle (e.g.just under the "g" of "sample merged") sets it to about
> half, or 127. Dragging in this mode will drag the edge of the shaded bar
> directly.
> When the mouse pointer is in the lower half of the bar, e.g. in the
> shaded area under the word Threshold, the mouse pointer is shown with a
> cursor made of a horizontal arrow pointing both left and right. In this
> mode, dragging in the bottom half of the area will select the number
> (81.5 in the image I attached to this message) and the number will
> change as you drag.

The behavior I am seeing under freebsd is as follows:

In the upper half, I get the up-arrow mouse pointer.  Pressing and dragging 
that up-arrow mouse pointer changes the value in gross, non-integral increments.
When moved from the extreme left to the extreme right, the range covered is
large -- If I have the paintbrush tool options up, the size ranges from 1.00
at the extreme left to 1074.55 at the extreme right, although it may be dragged
clear across the screen to get much larger values (9491.50 at my right screen
limit in this case.  Hmmm...  If I test the fuzzy select tool as in your image, 
it goes from 0.0 at the extreme left to 255.0 at the extreme right, where it is 
clamped at that maximum value -- dragging further across the display causes no 
further increase.  

In the lower half, I get the left-right mouse pointer.  Pressing and dragging
that left-right mouse pointer changes the value in small, non-integral 
Depending on what the current value is, the possible range varies.  If I type
in the value 500 to set the value, then grab at the approximate location of the
vertical dividing line between the grey and white areas, I get a range of approx
448.56 to 564.11, but if dragged clear across the display it will go up to
approx 1400.

So two thoughts:

1.  Should the integral behavior I am seeing with the up-arrow on the threshold
for fuzzy select be going by tenths, or by whole integers?

2.  It looks like the bug may be tool-related.

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