Re: cool uris don't change, don't they ?

2004-02-03 Thread Mark R. Diggory
With the amount of versioning going on, eventually a release falls into 
a state of non-usage, I suspect there should be room for such a 
mechanism, otherwise mirrors will become bloated with unused, outdated, 
antiquated and obsolete content.

I suspect some sort of "redirect" mechanism would be sufficient in cases 
where an unmirrored archive is used. Something that most web servers 
support (for instance Apache Httpd and .htaccess files)

Existing Example: represents content from that has 
been "decommissioned" from the mirroring process, of course mirrors may 
maintain copies of these files by not deleting contents.

Ideally, such a mechanism could even be automated based on historical 
download information on the resource. I.E. if the resource hasn't been 
downloaded in 5 years, move it into an archive and provide a redirect or 

Nick Chalko wrote:
Patrick Chanezon wrote:
Did you specify a lifecycle for artifacts, with some durations, and a 
process to decommision them ?

Good question.  This may be something to put to the board. My general 
thought are. "Released" version should live forever, unless a security 
or other fatal flaw is found in a release.

As a minimum I think the latest version of each point release should be 
kept   ie  1.2.x.

Mark Diggory
Software Developer
Harvard MIT Data Center

Re: duplicate data

2004-02-20 Thread Mark R. Diggory
Th issue is... the jars/distributables are placed into the 
java-repository using maven. so, currently, if you look in something 
like the commons you'll see that they are pointing to 
the central repository for the location of where to "publish" files.

# Apache Central Repository
To publish using Maven, the only logical way I can see to resolve this 
discrepancy is to symlink from the projects dir itself, something like

.../java-repository/ ---> /dist//**/...
The "convergence issues" we currently have for the repository:
1.) We want single copies of files on the mirrors.
2.) we want the repository to reflect the hierarchical structure of our 

3.) Many projects already have groupId/projectIds in maven that do not 
match the hierarchical nature of the the projects at apache. Its very 
difficult to actually move these at this time due to dependency issues.

for instance
I can't identify if this is jakarta, xml or apache commons...(we all 
know from experience its jakarta commons collections.

So the issue is, which direction is the convergence going to go. I'd 
personally like to see the day when

is the repository location and the maven project ids are something like:
which would match fairly well the directory structure of the dist 
directory, the major changes would then be

would be replaced with
or whatever we can agree upon finally for the repository url structure 
(One thats not "theoretical", but actually "used" by tools)...

So the point is, yes, we want to resolve the replication issues. My best 
conclusion is

A.) Currently just keep "jars" in the java-repository, do not keep them 
in your /dist// directory. Remove all distributions 
form the java-repository. Currently, I haven't seen much use in actually 
releasing tarballs/zips into the Maven repository, others may have 
better opinions.

B.) If a project really wants to publish both jars and tar/zip 
distributions to the same location. Then have them have them symlnk the 
 appropriate java-repository dir into their appropriate "dist" directory.

C.) Discussion about how to finalize the directory structure such that 
"Repository", "Dist/Mirror" and "Maven" has to move forward. Refactoring 
steps and interim solutions have to be discussed and thought about.

This will probably make for a great weekend discussion,
Noel J. Bergman wrote:
An issue was raised earlier today that should be addressed.  The impression
is that java-repository is publishing copies of jars that are also under
dist/TLP/..., which puts more of a load on the mirrors.  It might be best if
the jars/ directories contained symlinks and not copies of artifacts
published elsewhere.
This doesn't address the fact that at some point an artifact may exist only
in the archives, but that would require meta-data aware clients.
--- Noel
Mark Diggory
Software Developer
Harvard MIT Data Center

Re: duplicate data

2004-02-21 Thread Mark R. Diggory

Noel J. Bergman wrote:
The issue is... the jars/distributables are placed into the
java-repository using maven. so, currently, if you look in
something like the commons you'll see that
they are pointing to the central repository for the location
of where to "publish" files.

The "convergence issues" we currently have for the repository:
 1.) We want single copies of files on the mirrors.


My best conclusion is
keep "jars" in the java-repository, do not keep them
in your /dist// directory.  Remove all
[jar/zip/tar files] from the java-repository.

symlnk the appropriate java-repository dir into their appropriate
"dist" directory.

That sounds OK to me, but folks like Sander and others more involved in
mirroring should be put in the loop.  Everything we put under dist/ effects
100s of mirrors.

Yes, I learned that the hard way when we created the contents of 
java-repository... that was not a happy weekend. I don't make any "rash" 
changes to dist any more...Only well thought out moves. But we are in a 
state of cleanup now as well, we have to consider what we are going to 
do next.

Discussion about how to finalize the directory structure such
that "Repository", "Dist/Mirror" and "Maven" has to move forward.

That would be good.
In our last discussion, I think one of the conclusions that was arrived 
at as well, was the idea of breaking the java-repository up into two 
different locations.

www/ --> nightly builds
www/ --> official releases.
the idea was that nightly/weekly builds are not things we want to see on 
mirrors but to be available for developers. And that official release of 
jars are things we want to see mirrored.

When it comes to things like the ibiblio maven repository, it would only 
maintain full version releases of apache projects. If your an apache 
project and need to be on the bleeding edge for a component, then you 
can simply add

as your first repository location and get your apache jars straight off 
the nightly builds...

The big question is how to facilitate this a build process, I think the 
last decision on the Jakarta Commons/General/Maven lists was that we 
would automate the build process for releasing the nightly jars into

And the only publishing of jars by actual humans (Release Managers) 
would be the full releases onto

I believe this sort of approach would be inline with the policies of the 

Mark Diggory
Software Developer
Harvard MIT Data Center

Re: duplicate data

2004-02-22 Thread Mark R. Diggory
I'll try to expand on the functionalities of Maven below.
Sander Striker wrote:
On Sat, 2004-02-21 at 01:01, Mark R. Diggory wrote:
Noel J. Bergman wrote:
The issue is... the jars/distributables are placed into the
java-repository using maven.

Can you explain this a bit?  I thought Maven was used to fetch
projects and dependencies.  Ofcourse I can read up on Maven,
but a quick summary of the technicalities would be appreciated.
Maven is used to both fetch jars from the repository and to publish the 
jars to the repository. In regards to the latter, it does this basically 
through ssh sessions where it completes a number of commands (scp, md5, 
chmod, chgrp). Because its encapsulated within maven the user can rely 
on Mavens deployement mechanism to setup the jar/signature in the 
repository for their project, since its scripted, it is done the same 
way every time. This takes a great deal of the effort invovled with 
publishing jars to the repository out of the users hands.

Maven is really doing nothing more than acting as an ssh client for the 
user and automating the deployment process for them using their apache 

This benefits Maven because it can rely on the repository being 
maintained in a structure it can predict and locate dependencies within.

so, currently, if you look in
something like the commons you'll see that
they are pointing to the central repository for the location
of where to "publish" files.

The "convergence issues" we currently have for the repository:
1.) We want single copies of files on the mirrors.

This is the core point.
Yes, we all agree on this one...

My best conclusion is
keep "jars" in the java-repository, do not keep them
in your /dist// directory.  Remove all
[jar/zip/tar files] from the java-repository.

symlnk the appropriate java-repository dir into their appropriate
"dist" directory.

That would mean that this entire area would have to be rw to all
groups producing releases that are to be in there.  This kindof means
apcvs group ownership, which I don't really fancy doing.  The other
way around, control and access of each projects dist/ area seperated,
and symlinking to that from java-repository, seems a bit sa[fn]er to
Ultimately we are seeking a convergence here between what the repository 
folks want to see, the maven users want to see and the infrastructure 
folks want to see.

1.) For the repository (and Maven) folks, we want to see the contents of 
dist become standardized according to the Repository URI specification. 
This means "all" distributables (java or not) are organized according to 
this specification.

2.) For Maven users, no matter what happens, we need to maintain a 
functionally working repository the works with the existing version of 

3.) For Infrastructure, all this needs to be properly secured and 
maintained according to Apache standards.

The java-repository structure is broken down into
this would mean each project would need to maintain a separate set of 
symlinks for "jars", "distributables", "...".

That sounds OK to me, but folks like Sander and others more involved in
mirroring should be put in the loop.  Everything we put under dist/ effects
100s of mirrors.

Not me specifically, but Infrastructure.  Others are more actively
maintaining the mirrors list and monitoring the mirrors.  The mirrors
are a precious resource and we want to be careful not to 'scare' any
mirrors away with actions on our end.

Yes, I learned that the hard way when we created the contents of 
java-repository... that was not a happy weekend. I don't make any "rash" 
changes to dist any more...Only well thought out moves. But we are in a 
state of cleanup now as well, we have to consider what we are going to 
do next.

If you are making large changes to the directory structure and the
majority of the files is already on the mirrors, send a mail to
mirrors@, attach a shell script that moves everything around locally,
and give them a heads up on when this shuffle is happening.  This
save a _lot_ of bandwidth.
Also, when adding a lot, make sure to inform the mirrors, so they
are prepared.

Discussion about how to finalize the directory structure such
that "Repository", "Dist/Mirror" and "Maven" has to move forward.

I don't parse this, but since Noel can read it, I am probably missing
Just that these groups are all focused on different aspects of the 
distributables in the dist directory:

The Repository projects Url structure is important in standardizing and 
improving the dist contents into a more formal structure.

The Maven project represents a working example of a tool that implements 
itself upon this structure.

Between the dist directory maintainers and the the mirrors out there 
represent a "control

Re: duplicate data

2004-02-25 Thread Mark R. Diggory
Wow, I'll try to be concise!
Sander Striker wrote:
I understand.  But it has to be fairly mature before one can
deploy and recommend using it to the PMCs.  Also, you can't
force all the projects to use it.  For this you need some way
of handmaintaining 'shadow' packages in java-repository,
Maven exists and is used by many apache projects, I am, in no way, 
promoting any sort of "requirement" that projects be forced to use it. I 
am primarily concerned with maintaining the content properly for the 
projects that do use it and in assuring that the Apache Repository 
structure be convergent and that future versions of Maven be able to 
support it. I approach this because I am and will be a user of both, not 
as a developer of one or the other.

Currently the duplication is minimal because projects that distribute 
actual jars are already using maven specifically, otherwise they package 
into archives (zip/tar).

That would mean that this entire area would have to be rw to all
groups producing releases that are to be in there.  This kindof means
apcvs group ownership, which I don't really fancy doing.  The other
way around, control and access of each projects dist/ area seperated,
and symlinking to that from java-repository, seems a bit sa[fn]er to
Ultimately we are seeking a convergence here between what the repository 
folks want to see, the maven users want to see and the infrastructure 
folks want to see.

1.) For the repository (and Maven) folks, we want to see the contents of 
dist become standardized according to the Repository URI specification. 
This means "all" distributables (java or not) are organized according to 
this specification.

But this is fairly utopic at this point, no?  Is the Repository URI spec
stable?  Is the tool mature?
I may only be able to speak only for myself at this point.
The spec is actually very "independent" of the clients/tools that may 
make use of it. Using Maven as an example, the tool is becoming mature, 
not in that it has officially gone 1.0, but that the usage (especially 
for java projects at apache) is becoming very prevalent. It represents a 
popular base of users that need accessibility to the repository.

It may be utopic in that I/We are working to unify disparate groups and 
existing resources into a standardized directory structure. But 
ultimately such a goal can only benefit Apache as a whole.

2.) For Maven users, no matter what happens, we need to maintain a 
functionally working repository the works with the existing version of 

Isn't the repository format versioned?  Can Maven advise the user
to upgrade?
Yes, the user can upgrade, Maven can release new versions. But overall, 
on the developer side, I and others may represent a "lobbying" force in 
the direction that the various repository formats Maven may/will be able 
to support. But I digress, the point of this statement is that there is 
a currently working Maven Repository with jars that people do use and 
which I am working to keep functioning while we evolve "java-repository" 
through its various refactorings. This is obvious to me because, for 
example, in my placing the bad (non-rsyncable) symlinks in 
java-repository, reports started poping up on the Maven IRC channel that 
access attempts on the symlinks were throwing 404's on ibiblio. SO there 
is a flow of content here.

3.) For Infrastructure, all this needs to be properly secured and 
maintained according to Apache standards.

I need allot of help here, if I'm not doing something up to par, I need 
to hear about it. The help you've provided in this area is greatly 

The java-repository structure is broken down into
this would mean each project would need to maintain a separate set of 
symlinks for "jars", "distributables", "...".

I'm assuming you are stating this as fact, correct?
Yes, its just the way its implemented at this point. Not necessarily the 
way it will be in the future.

Given a 'regular' release in .../dist//, would
Maven be able to automate the creation of the symlinks?
It already automates allot of symlinks. Symlinks provide a way to 
"resolve" what is called a SNAPSHOT to a existing versioned release.

Only when someone releases a build that is not intrinsically different 
from the last, ie only differing in file name, do we currently get 
duplicates. This is something that would/should be automated to test the 
directory contents and symlink properly if the md5's are identical. I've 
been working on simple ant scripts to do this.

Between the dist directory maintainers and the the mirrors out there 
represent a "control" on the whole situation, if it doesn't work for 
them, then its not realistic as a strategy.

I'm assuming that you mean that Maven is the tool implementing the
No, I mean "control" as in "test group". the whole "dist/mirrors" 
efforts represent the group that is a "control" in that if we create a 
directory archite

Re: adding jaxme jars

2004-03-06 Thread Mark R. Diggory
I don't think we're referring to it as the official "Apache Repository". 
It is a Maven repository located on

/www/ is the location to get things 
into maven (it is rsynced with the maven repository at ibiblio.

robert burrell donkin wrote:
i have a jelly tag library that uses jaxme (the apache JAXB 
implementation currently under incubation) that i'd like to commit into 
jakarta-commons. AIUI the right way to make ASF jars available for use 
in mavenized builds is to upload them into the apache repository.

is this correct and is there any documentation about the right way to do 

- robert
Mark Diggory
Software Developer
Harvard MIT Data Center

Re: adding jaxme jars

2004-03-07 Thread Mark R. Diggory
I can setup this if you point me at the jars, however, here are the 
steps if you want to explore it yourself right now:

You need to establish what your groups id will be. The current naming 
trend for Apache "xml" projects has been a bit haphazard.

Some standardization here would be good. But that will not effect maven.
There is currently a problem with Maven publishing to a BSD system and 
md5 signature generation, if you do not want to use maven to do the 
publishing then these are the tasks you need to complete:

1.) The easiest way right now is for you to place the jars into
2.) Generate an md5 signature for each one in the same directory. For 
instance as an examples

"md5 xml-jaxme-1.0.jar > xml-jaxme-1.0.jar.md5" will produce:
3.) Generate the following symlinks the above files from
4.) and create a file
java-repository/xml-jaxme/jars/xml-jaxme-snapshot-version with the 
contents "1.0"

5.) use the following "POM" in the

Apache Software Foundation

  ASL 2.0


robert burrell donkin wrote:
(i don't think that the raw jars are distributed at the moment so 
symlinking is out of the question.)

since it's a maven repository, are there any guidelines about the right 
way to put stuff into there?

what about the artifact id/group id stuff?
- robert
On 6 Mar 2004, at 23:20, Sander Striker wrote:
On Sat, 2004-03-06 at 23:43, Mark R. Diggory wrote:
I don't think we're referring to it as the official "Apache Repository".
It is a Maven repository located on
/www/ is the location to get things
into maven (it is rsynced with the maven repository at ibiblio.

And, reminder, all the mirrors listed here:
If you have jaxme jars elsewhere in dist/, please consider symlinking.

Mark Diggory
Software Developer
Harvard MIT Data Center

Re: duplicate data

2004-03-07 Thread Mark R. Diggory
Sorry for the later response, currently, I think the major issues are in 
managing the content of java-repository in responsible manner.

Key issues I can see needing to be addressed are the following.
1.) Get projects to be as "responsible" for their content in 
java-repository as they are for the content of their "project" 
directories in dist.

2.) Resolve the only duplication left which has to do with the fact that 
avalon runs their own "Avalon Repository" in /dist/avalon. So its 
contents are currently duplicated with java-repository/ibiblio.

3.) Maintaining proper permissions on all the directory contents of the 
repository (group write, group ownership of files and new directories 
should be the users primary group)

4.) Find a way around the current "shortsightedness" in Maven where the 
command executed on the serverside are all "gnu linux" and do not map to 
BSD, md5 = md5sum. So using the "repository" goals in maven fails to 
produce proper md5 checksums.

Nicola Ken Barozzi wrote:
Some action items:
1- how can we make mirroring work for both of us? (IIRC Ruper already 
showed it's easy to do, but I need help from Adam that already tried it)

2- How does Mark think we can proceed in not making it compulsory to 
phisically have jars in a defined location?

These two are a "double-whammy", but I think I have a possible solution 
to the whole subject. Currently we think of the "Repository" as just 
that "A Repository", a physical location for the jars. But what if we 
defined the URL's for a "Repository" to simple be pointers or addresses 
that when resolved by a client, point to the proper location of that 
resource. This in essance, makes the repository into a resolver or a 
naming service.

In my line of work (Digital Libraries) we already have a service that 
accomplishes this task (actually we have 2 competing/complimentary 
naming systems)

PURLS (Persistent Uniform Resource Identifier)
Handles (analogous to publicId's, ISBN's, Dewey Decimal System,, etc...)
If your wondering how PURLs and Handles stack up, heres some comparison 

So what we are talking about really is a naming system that provides for 
the "resolution" of registered names to physical locations. Interesting 
ly, I think the lack of this sort of separation of "Resolution" from 
"Storage" is exactly the issue that is causing "friction" in our community.

I think its quite possible, that one could completely and transparently 
replace the underlying URL based repository syntax in both Maven and 
other tools with a resolving layer. to clarify this, heres a few examples.

1.) an example using PURL's.
this is currently a URL pointing to physical resource on ibiblio.
if this were not a physical resource but a PURL in the PURL naming 
system, then it could (redirect using currently existing PURL server 
software) the client to the appropriate resource (mirrored or not).
would actually resolve (through redirection to)
could also point to
This provides a layer of flexiblity, its solves issues with both the 
projects needing to place their content in a specific structure/location 
and it also solves issues of name changes over time,

2.) So if we decide that we want to have different "groupID's" in maven 
for a specific project, the naming system maintains the old naming 
structure pointing to the jars as a means for dependent projects to 
still be able to resolve to the resource. 

we are currently planning to adopt a more hierarchical naming approach
We could (at little cost in both maintenance and diskspace) , maintain 
the old naming resolution and the new one. In fact, this is the very 
foundation of the PURL system, the old uri's stay persistent over time.

3.) With such a level of "redirection", we can also maintain archival 
and production releases of the content without the actual location 
specifier changing. So when Apache retires commons-collection-1.0.jar 
from production and removes it from the mirrors, instead placing it onto, then that resolver entry in the PURL database can 
be adjusted to point at the new location> 

now points to the following 

Re: adding jaxme jars

2004-03-08 Thread Mark R. Diggory

robert burrell donkin wrote:
hi mark
i've given it a go myself but i have a few questions and i'd appreciate 
it if you'd check my work so far.

On 7 Mar 2004, at 16:18, Mark R. Diggory wrote:
You need to establish what your groups id will be. The current naming 
trend for Apache "xml" projects has been a bit haphazard.

Some standardization here would be good. But that will not effect maven.

i've had a chat on IRC and gone for apache-jaxme
There is currently a problem with Maven publishing to a BSD system and 
md5 signature generation, if you do not want to use maven to do the 
publishing then these are the tasks you need to complete:

1.) The easiest way right now is for you to place the jars into

gone (but apache-jaxme rather than xml-jaxme)
2.) Generate an md5 signature for each one in the same directory. For 
instance as an examples

"md5 xml-jaxme-1.0.jar > xml-jaxme-1.0.jar.md5" will produce:

3.) Generate the following symlinks the above files from

4.) and create a file
java-repository/xml-jaxme/jars/xml-jaxme-snapshot-version with the 
contents "1.0"

these releases are versioned 0.2: should this file contain 0.2 (since it 
refers to the version of the jars) or 1.0 (since it's a mavenesque 
version number)
It would be wise, so yes, apache-jaxme-0.2.jar

5.) use the following "POM" in the

Apache Software Foundation

  ASL 2.0


there are a number of jar in the release. i'd been working on the theory 
that each needs a separate artifact id. what should the contents of the 
file be in this case?

- robert
Yes, it should look like:

   Apache Jaxme
 Apache Software Foundation
   ASL 2.0
sound good, I'll take a look in the directory and verify all looks well.
Mark Diggory
Software Developer
Harvard MIT Data Center

Re: adding jaxme jars

2004-03-10 Thread Mark R. Diggory
More likely the mirroring process is still being problematic. I'll grill 
Jason for a few minutes and get things updated.

robert burrell donkin wrote:
hi mark
i can see the jaxme jars on apache but not in the maven repository on 
ibiblio. is there anything else i need to do to push the content over 

(or have i just make some mistake in the upload...)
- robert
On 8 Mar 2004, at 22:20, Mark R. Diggory wrote:

robert burrell donkin wrote:
hi mark
i've given it a go myself but i have a few questions and i'd 
appreciate it if you'd check my work so far.
On 7 Mar 2004, at 16:18, Mark R. Diggory wrote:

You need to establish what your groups id will be. The current 
naming trend for Apache "xml" projects has been a bit haphazard.

Some standardization here would be good. But that will not effect 
i've had a chat on IRC and gone for apache-jaxme
There is currently a problem with Maven publishing to a BSD system 
and md5 signature generation, if you do not want to use maven to do 
the publishing then these are the tasks you need to complete:

1.) The easiest way right now is for you to place the jars into
gone (but apache-jaxme rather than xml-jaxme)
2.) Generate an md5 signature for each one in the same directory. 
For instance as an examples

"md5 xml-jaxme-1.0.jar > xml-jaxme-1.0.jar.md5" will produce:
3.) Generate the following symlinks the above files from
4.) and create a file
java-repository/xml-jaxme/jars/xml-jaxme-snapshot-version with the 
contents "1.0"
these releases are versioned 0.2: should this file contain 0.2 (since 
it refers to the version of the jars) or 1.0 (since it's a mavenesque 
version number)

It would be wise, so yes, apache-jaxme-0.2.jar
5.) use the following "POM" in the

Apache Software Foundation

  ASL 2.0


there are a number of jar in the release. i'd been working on the 
theory that each needs a separate artifact id. what should the 
contents of the file be in this case?
- robert

Yes, it should look like:

   Apache Jaxme
 Apache Software Foundation
   ASL 2.0
sound good, I'll take a look in the directory and verify all looks well.
Mark Diggory
Software Developer
Harvard MIT Data Center

Mark Diggory
Software Developer
Harvard MIT Data Center

Re: adding jaxme jars

2004-03-10 Thread Mark R. Diggory
Its ok, half the projects in Maven repository never deployed pom's so 
its usage is somewhat "speculative" in the first place.

Erik Abele wrote:
On 08.03.2004, at 23:20, Mark R. Diggory wrote:

   Apache Jaxme
 Apache Software Foundation

The official name is 'The Apache Software Foundation', as incorporated 
within the State of Delaware. See
   ASL 2.0

It's AL 2.0 not ASL 2.0 (Apache License not Apache Software License).

Perhaps a bit pedantic but... :-)
Mark Diggory
Software Developer
Harvard MIT Data Center

Re: adding jaxme jars

2004-03-11 Thread Mark R. Diggory
Robert, the jars are there, we should probably do a little renaming. My 
fault for not looking yesterday.
we should probably have it more simply be
robert burrell donkin wrote:
hi mark
i can see the jaxme jars on apache but not in the maven repository on 
ibiblio. is there anything else i need to do to push the content over 

(or have i just make some mistake in the upload...)
- robert
On 8 Mar 2004, at 22:20, Mark R. Diggory wrote:

robert burrell donkin wrote:
hi mark
i've given it a go myself but i have a few questions and i'd 
appreciate it if you'd check my work so far.
On 7 Mar 2004, at 16:18, Mark R. Diggory wrote:

You need to establish what your groups id will be. The current 
naming trend for Apache "xml" projects has been a bit haphazard.

Some standardization here would be good. But that will not effect 
i've had a chat on IRC and gone for apache-jaxme
There is currently a problem with Maven publishing to a BSD system 
and md5 signature generation, if you do not want to use maven to do 
the publishing then these are the tasks you need to complete:

1.) The easiest way right now is for you to place the jars into
gone (but apache-jaxme rather than xml-jaxme)
2.) Generate an md5 signature for each one in the same directory. 
For instance as an examples

"md5 xml-jaxme-1.0.jar > xml-jaxme-1.0.jar.md5" will produce:
3.) Generate the following symlinks the above files from
4.) and create a file
java-repository/xml-jaxme/jars/xml-jaxme-snapshot-version with the 
contents "1.0"
these releases are versioned 0.2: should this file contain 0.2 (since 
it refers to the version of the jars) or 1.0 (since it's a mavenesque 
version number)

It would be wise, so yes, apache-jaxme-0.2.jar
5.) use the following "POM" in the

Apache Software Foundation

  ASL 2.0


there are a number of jar in the release. i'd been working on the 
theory that each needs a separate artifact id. what should the 
contents of the file be in this case?
- robert

Yes, it should look like:

   Apache Jaxme
 Apache Software Foundation
   ASL 2.0
sound good, I'll take a look in the directory and verify all looks well.
Mark Diggory
Software Developer
Harvard MIT Data Center

Mark Diggory
Software Developer
Harvard MIT Data Center

Re: adding jaxme jars

2004-03-11 Thread Mark R. Diggory
I've started this process
Mark R. Diggory wrote:
Robert, the jars are there, we should probably do a little renaming. My 
fault for not looking yesterday.
we should probably have it more simply be
robert burrell donkin wrote:
hi mark
i can see the jaxme jars on apache but not in the maven repository on 
ibiblio. is there anything else i need to do to push the content over 

(or have i just make some mistake in the upload...)
- robert
On 8 Mar 2004, at 22:20, Mark R. Diggory wrote:

robert burrell donkin wrote:
hi mark
i've given it a go myself but i have a few questions and i'd 
appreciate it if you'd check my work so far.
On 7 Mar 2004, at 16:18, Mark R. Diggory wrote:

You need to establish what your groups id will be. The current 
naming trend for Apache "xml" projects has been a bit haphazard.

Some standardization here would be good. But that will not effect 

i've had a chat on IRC and gone for apache-jaxme
There is currently a problem with Maven publishing to a BSD system 
and md5 signature generation, if you do not want to use maven to do 
the publishing then these are the tasks you need to complete:

1.) The easiest way right now is for you to place the jars into

gone (but apache-jaxme rather than xml-jaxme)
2.) Generate an md5 signature for each one in the same directory. 
For instance as an examples

"md5 xml-jaxme-1.0.jar > xml-jaxme-1.0.jar.md5" will produce:

3.) Generate the following symlinks the above files from

4.) and create a file
java-repository/xml-jaxme/jars/xml-jaxme-snapshot-version with the 
contents "1.0"

these releases are versioned 0.2: should this file contain 0.2 
(since it refers to the version of the jars) or 1.0 (since it's a 
mavenesque version number)

It would be wise, so yes, apache-jaxme-0.2.jar
5.) use the following "POM" in the

Apache Software Foundation

  ASL 2.0


there are a number of jar in the release. i'd been working on the 
theory that each needs a separate artifact id. what should the 
contents of the file be in this case?
- robert

Yes, it should look like:

   Apache Jaxme
 Apache Software Foundation
   ASL 2.0
sound good, I'll take a look in the directory and verify all looks well.
Mark Diggory
Software Developer
Harvard MIT Data Center

Mark Diggory
Software Developer
Harvard MIT Data Center

Re: adding jaxme jars

2004-03-11 Thread Mark R. Diggory
Robert, this process is finished in java repository
I didn't bother maintain the pom, as it is apparent that the other 
projects are not using them. We should have this sync'ed shortly.

Mark R. Diggory wrote:
I've started this process
Mark R. Diggory wrote:
Robert, the jars are there, we should probably do a little renaming. 
My fault for not looking yesterday.
we should probably have it more simply be
robert burrell donkin wrote:
hi mark
i can see the jaxme jars on apache but not in the maven repository on 
ibiblio. is there anything else i need to do to push the content over 

(or have i just make some mistake in the upload...)
- robert
On 8 Mar 2004, at 22:20, Mark R. Diggory wrote:

robert burrell donkin wrote:
hi mark
i've given it a go myself but i have a few questions and i'd 
appreciate it if you'd check my work so far.
On 7 Mar 2004, at 16:18, Mark R. Diggory wrote:

You need to establish what your groups id will be. The current 
naming trend for Apache "xml" projects has been a bit haphazard.

Some standardization here would be good. But that will not effect 

i've had a chat on IRC and gone for apache-jaxme
There is currently a problem with Maven publishing to a BSD system 
and md5 signature generation, if you do not want to use maven to 
do the publishing then these are the tasks you need to complete:

1.) The easiest way right now is for you to place the jars into

gone (but apache-jaxme rather than xml-jaxme)
2.) Generate an md5 signature for each one in the same directory. 
For instance as an examples

"md5 xml-jaxme-1.0.jar > xml-jaxme-1.0.jar.md5" will produce:

3.) Generate the following symlinks the above files from

4.) and create a file
java-repository/xml-jaxme/jars/xml-jaxme-snapshot-version with the 
contents "1.0"

these releases are versioned 0.2: should this file contain 0.2 
(since it refers to the version of the jars) or 1.0 (since it's a 
mavenesque version number)

It would be wise, so yes, apache-jaxme-0.2.jar
5.) use the following "POM" in the

Apache Software Foundation

  ASL 2.0


there are a number of jar in the release. i'd been working on the 
theory that each needs a separate artifact id. what should the 
contents of the file be in this case?
- robert

Yes, it should look like:

   Apache Jaxme
 Apache Software Foundation
   ASL 2.0
sound good, I'll take a look in the directory and verify all looks 

Mark Diggory
Software Developer
Harvard MIT Data Center

Mark Diggory
Software Developer
Harvard MIT Data Center

Re: adding jaxme jars

2004-03-11 Thread Mark R. Diggory
Basically, in Maven the difference between "version releases" and "build 
releases" is designated in the version, not in the artifact id.

It is important to have your artifactId's match across all versions of 
an artifact, otherwise they aren't the same "artifact", so

does not share the same artifact id as
to have them match it would have to be
So, if your going to be distributing a "build release" I recommend the 
naming strategy where all artifactID's match. If the jaxme project is 
planning to leave the incubator anytime in the future, I would highly 
recommend you not use the word "incubator" in the artifact id. My 
personal opinion added to this is that its the same way we don't use 
"jakarta" in in projects like the Jakarta Commons, because some aspects 
Jakarta is a Foundry. Incubator is also a Foundry.

My future planned strategy to support "build-releases" is to have build 
releases (daily, weekly builds etc) not be present on:

but to actually be present on:
Then, to actually use this approach with Maven you'd have to add the repository to your Maven client, this makes project 
dependencies hairy in the Current release of Maven because the contents 
wouldn't be present at ibiblio. We still have much to decide to do and 
infrastructure to setup to have this build location.

My current strategy in this case is to have the build-releases in the 
same project directory as the version releases, then they are all 
rsynced with ibiblio properly. This is simply because build releases 
already existed in the repository when we moved the apache contents of 
ibiblio back to Apache.

What is the status of jaxme in the incubator? When do they anticipate an 
official release?

Maybe this is a reason enough to push forward the development of the 
daily/weekly/... build repository. Allowing any more build-releasing in 
the dist/java-repository is a sensitive issue when it comes to 
mirroring. It would be wise for us to stop doing this asap. This is 
probably a good location where I could use assistance from repository 
folks in working out these details.

robert burrell donkin wrote:
hi mark
the release in question was made whilst jaxme was in the incubator. AIUI 
it's an important requirement that it's clear that these are not 
official ASF releases but incubation releases. the most direct way to do 
this seemed (to me) to be continue to use the naming convention used by 
incubation releases.

- robert
On 11 Mar 2004, at 00:18, Mark R. Diggory wrote:
Robert, the jars are there, we should probably do a little renaming. 
My fault for not looking yesterday.
we should probably have it more simply be
robert burrell donkin wrote:
hi mark
i can see the jaxme jars on apache but not in the maven repository on 
ibiblio. is there anything else i need to do to push the content over 
(or have i just make some mistake in the upload...)
- robert
On 8 Mar 2004, at 22:20, Mark R. Diggory wrote:

robert burrell donkin wrote:
hi mark
i've given it a go myself but i have a few questions and i'd 
appreciate it if you'd check my work so far.
On 7 Mar 2004, at 16:18, Mark R. Diggory wrote:

You need to establish what your groups id will be. The current 
naming trend for Apache "xml" projects has been a bit haphazard.

Some standardization here would be good. But that will not effect 

i've had a chat on IRC and gone for apache-jaxme
There is currently a problem with Maven publishing to a BSD system 
and md5 signature generation, if you do not want to use maven to 
do the publishing then these are the tasks you need to complete:

1.) The easiest way right now is for you to place the jars i

Re: adding jaxme jars

2004-03-11 Thread Mark R. Diggory

Sander Striker wrote:
From: Mark R. Diggory [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, March 11, 2004 7:52 PM

Basically, in Maven the difference between "version releases" and "build 
releases" is designated in the version, not in the artifact id.

It is important to have your artifactId's match across all versions of 
an artifact, otherwise they aren't the same "artifact", so

does not share the same artifact id as
to have them match it would have to be

Hmm, couldn't the filename and artifact id be decoupled?
I'm not suggesting rightness or wrongness of the approach in the 
following comments. Simply just what Maven currently does:

This naming structure is important only in terms of the existing Maven 
Repository Design (probably less likely in future Maven2 designs). The 
repository structure for Maven is currently rather strict in this regard

One question: How would you then "lookup" that file by only "group", 
"artifact" and "version"? You'd need to know how to generate its 
"filename" (ie in this case:-.).

When ever I think about this, I always come full circle that the only 
"flexible" solution to this sort of issue is not in the URL "syntax" but 
in the "resolution" mechanism. What we are essentially doing is trying 
to establish an "Identifier" for a resource that can be "resolved" to 
that resource.

I'm really getting more and more of the opinion that what 
Apache/Maven/Depot etc. needs more than a "Repository" structure is a 
"resolving service". A service very much similar in structure to that 
which "Public Id's" in XML/SGML or DOI's/Handles/Purl's in the Library 
community. Then a Project is simply assigned a Public Id Namespace in 
which to "identify" its resources, Then resolver/proxy services can be 
used to map that "id" to an actual URL location of the file. A url 
location that can be "anywhere" and of "any format". Then the 
"structure" of these directories become loose and simply just for 
managing a projects released files again.
Think about it, This gives us a layer of "flexibility" in resolution 
which is "decoupled" from the layer of storage. As such files can move 
around and files can be located in multiple locations (mirrors). The 
resolving mechanism handles the persistence of the id.

This way, if (for instance) a jar file is "demoted" from public 
distribution (aka on the mirrors, its id simply is 
pointed at the archived version instead of the mirrored version.

And, if a file is mirrored, the id can be resolved using a mechanism 
similar to "/dyn/closer.cgi" to resolve to a distribution mirror for 
that resource instead of the Apache server.

So, if your going to be distributing a "build release" I recommend the 
naming strategy where all artifactID's match. If the jaxme project is 
planning to leave the incubator anytime in the future, I would highly 
recommend you not use the word "incubator" in the artifact id. My 
personal opinion added to this is that its the same way we don't use 
"jakarta" in in projects like the Jakarta Commons, because some aspects 
Jakarta is a Foundry. Incubator is also a Foundry.

Incubator is a bit of a different beast than Jakarta.  Projects in
the Incubator are not 'full fledged ASF projects' yet, they will be
as soon as they leave in Incubator.  The incubation designation
has come up on the [EMAIL PROTECTED] list.  If this is problematic
for any reason I suggest you bring that up there.
Sounds similar to the Jakarta Commons Sandbox, Actually, projects there 
are not allowed to release jars until they graduate to the Jakarta 
Commons Proper. Generally speaking, jars produce by such projects are 
not distributed anywhere but by the author on their local system. Yet, I 
believe that Jakarta does complete a daily build process for these 
projects as well, so even though they are not officially released, there 
are packages which can be gotten at on

My future planned strategy to support "build-releases" is to have build 
releases (daily, weekly builds etc) not be present on:

but to actually be present on:

Which is where they belong.  Snapshots don't ever belong on
Absolutely Correct.

Then, to actually use this approach with Maven you'd have to add the repository to your Mav

Re: adding jaxme jars

2004-03-11 Thread Mark R. Diggory
Is there just an issue with where its going to be located then? (I.E. 
site, cvs/svn location and distribution directories)? I'm very 
unfamiliar with the Incubator and its policies so excuse my naivety. 
Once a project has graduated via Vote, is there a process for its 
"migration"? I think this was possibly Roberts point.

Noel J. Bergman wrote:
jaxme would have been out of incubation by now but there are some major
hassles with procedure.

No, there was a vote taken.  It was then redone a day later in a public
forum.  Hardly a major hassle, nor a significant delay.
--- Noel
Mark Diggory
Software Developer
Harvard MIT Data Center

Re: adding jaxme jars

2004-03-12 Thread Mark R. Diggory
I have to get back to Jason, he was getting me an Ibilio account today. 
I'll clean it up.

Ben Walding wrote:
One side effect of changing groupIds around after they have been 
mirrored is that ibiblio's maven repo now has jaxme stuff slotted into 
both /jaxme and /apache-jaxme.  Once someone has decided which way it 
should be, we'll need to remove the old cruft.  Mark, I leave this chore 
in your hands!

robert burrell donkin wrote:
i have a jelly tag library that uses jaxme (the apache JAXB 
implementation currently under incubation) that i'd like to commit 
into jakarta-commons. AIUI the right way to make ASF jars available 
for use in mavenized builds is to upload them into the apache repository.

is this correct and is there any documentation about the right way to 
do this?

- robert

Mark Diggory
Software Developer
Harvard MIT Data Center

Re: adding jaxme jars

2004-03-12 Thread Mark R. Diggory

Noel J. Bergman wrote:
sander's post early on this thread (quite reasonably) suggested that
it'd be a good idea for the repository team to think about how to
handle incubating projects in general (before any more come along). i
think that sounds like a very reasonable plan.

Agreed.  And it would be helpful if the Repository team was aware, as the
rest of infrastructure is, that releases must be voted on by a PMC.  If
there is a request for publication, it should be cc'd to the PMC and made
sure that the PMC doesn't raise a flag.  That's the same as we do when
creating new accounts, lists, etc.
Yes, I probably have been a little ambitious in placing content in the 
repository. I will yield 100% to whatever policies we invoke concerning 
publishing of jar's in accordance with the PMC's.

1.) I think we should really have an effort now set though the next 
level of cleanup --> moving the build-versions that are in the 
repository off into

2.) It's next to impossible to enforce a directory structure/naming 
policy with the contents of the directories writable (let alone the fact 
that its an actual directory structure). Even those intimate with the 
project and effort end up doing things they consider minor which in turn 
effect the entire community adversely.

One factor, unique to the Incubator, is that we have a concept known as a
PPMC, which consists of the PMC and others.  For a release, we should make
sure that the both the PPMC and PMC mailing lists are cc'd.
Yes, once a system is established. I think this should be a process 
which the Release Manager for a project and their PMC complete. We 
should eventually setup a policy whereby no one from the Repository 
group actually "Publishes Releases" and instead plays a more "advisory" 
and "maintenance" role in terms of the repository.

it also seems to me (at least) that it's really the incubator pmc who
are the right people to ask about the management of releases created
whilst under incubation (including any special measures that might be
required for jars released whilst in incubation).

Absolutely.  However, in this specific case, JaxMe has been voted to the WS
PMC, who will be responsible for it.
	--- Noel
I've contacted the WS group more formally to discuss this on the mailing list.

Mark Diggory
Software Developer
Harvard MIT Data Center SNAPSHOT repository (was: Re: [vote] Nominate Ibiblio Content Manager)

2004-03-13 Thread Mark R. Diggory
I recommend we use the following location for SNAPSHOT/NIGHTLY/WEEKLY 
builds of jars for Apache Projects.

Mark R. Diggory wrote:
I don't believe I'm on the directory developers list, sorry.
There is absolutely no such "Requirement", You can configure your client 
to point at any "repository location" for downloading artifacts (ibiblio 
or not).

However, there is no "distributed repository" lookup mechanism in Maven 
whatsoever, the default configuration points only at ibiblio. So, if you 
want to publicize your jars for use by the world, then the greatest 
exposure is via ibiblio at the moment because it is the default.

Noel J. Bergman wrote:
Are you saying that in order for someone to use Maven to build the code,
they need access to project artifacts published on ibiblio?  If you are
saying that Maven forces Incubator projects to make public publication of
code, that raises some concern.
Mark, is it not possible for us to host artifacts for maven on somewhere so that they are not put out in the public
perception as "released" code?  

Yes, this is something we are in the process of setting up.
Can you work with us so that Incubator
projects can use Maven without having to push the boundaries?  Does
something like "" make sense?  Please
advise.  :-)

Sort of, we need a more generic location for all apache projects
Ideally, in Jakarta-Commons for instance, there are ambitions to see a 
nightly/weekly automated build process actually generate such content 
for this repository.

Since projects don't stay in the incubator forever, I suggest you don't 
use it in the groupId for a incubator project. This way it can be 
migrated more easily to www.apache.dist/java-repository without 
modification of the groupId.
--- Noel
-Original Message-
From: Alex Karasulu [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, March 13, 2004 12:55
To: 'Apache Directory Developers List'
Subject: RE: [vote] Nominate Ibiblio Content Manager
This is not for any release but for snapshots to allow the build to 

-Original Message-
From: Noel J. Bergman [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, March 13, 2004 12:32 PM
To: Apache Directory Developers List
Subject: RE: [vote] Nominate Ibiblio Content Manager

I'd like to nominate myself as the Ibiblio content manager if
that's ok with the group.  If stuff like snapshots need to go
up to Ibiblio I'll push it up on behalf of the team.  If others
would like the privilege instead let me know.

Just remember that we should not be doing any releases while in the
Incubator.  Exceptions can be voted on, with suitable tagging, but as a
normative thing, projects in the incubator don't put out releases.
--- Noel

Mark Diggory
Software Developer
Harvard MIT Data Center

Re: SNAPSHOT repository

2004-03-13 Thread Mark R. Diggory

Noel J. Bergman wrote:
Mark R. Diggory wrote:
If your using your own workstation to build using Maven, then you can
set your central-repository property to point to
Incubator can gladly be the first to start producing builds here. This
is not mirrored, there is no concern about making changes if you screw
up a deploy here.

I think that last point is important for infrastructure to know.  And please
correct me if I am wrong, but my understanding is that the clients (maven in
this case) will check that location, but only download if they need
something that hasn't been cached.  Therefore this shouldn't be a big
bandwidth issue.
Not only that, but it is also the case that only Apache developers 
should really be using this (with some bleed). If you look on, you'll also notice that other nightly/snapshot builds 
are getting dumped there and are web accessible.
So we want to highly disapprove of external projects using this location 
at all for getting hold of jars from apache projects. Someday, maybe 
we'll have smarter repository tools that can make use of http auth 
mechanisms, then this can really be enforced.

Mark Diggory
Software Developer
Harvard MIT Data Center

Thoughts on CJAN

2004-03-16 Thread Mark R. Diggory
When we talk about distributed Maven repositories, ASF repositories etc
that are related to "Java". I think we should consider that CPAN/CRAN
etc are models of distributing such content that have been successful.
Given that, I started to research the existence of a CJAN project, and
of course, immediately found:

Ultimately, I wonder how much "larger" than Apache re such efforts as
this? We should seriously consider establishing a "standards" community
to establish supporting efforts such as this.

CJAN been hard at work with alot of "documentation effort". What are
individuals thoughts on this project and its model?

I think its important to maintain that its not impossible to attract
multiple groups/organizations to such an effort.

Mark R. Diggory
Software Developer - VDC Project
Harvard MIT Data Center

RE: Thoughts on CJAN

2004-03-16 Thread Mark R. Diggory
On Tue, 2004-03-16 at 15:02, Alex Karasulu wrote:
> > So really, who cares about CJAN. The spec that goes defacto is the one
> > manifest in the mechanism used by the most people. Unless of course SUN
> > steps in at some point and tries to propose a JSR which wouldn't
> > surprise me at all.
> It's such an undertaking that it might be good to have a JSR around it but 
> that could take so long :(.
> Alex

Yes, an by that time, I doubt a JSR would be of value because there
would already be tools and specs in place and used by the community... I
suspect a JSR would be valuable if the network existed already and we
were talking about native support for resolving and downloading
dependencies in the J2RE/SDK.

Mark R. Diggory
Software Developer - VDC Project
Harvard MIT Data Center

RE: Thoughts on CJAN

2004-03-16 Thread Mark R. Diggory
On Tue, 2004-03-16 at 14:41, Nicola Ken Barozzi wrote: 
> Mark R. Diggory wrote:
> ...
> > We should seriously consider establishing a "standards" community
> > to establish supporting efforts such as this.
> This list is our "standards" community.

While trying to maintain a tone of fairness I have to state that, 
the history of flame wars on this list really injured the productivity 
of the project and the involvement of "all" the parties. I don't think 
its possible to have a standard with only one party present at the table. 
All the Apache projects interested in this spec have to stay at the table, 
everyone has to be willing to make compromises to maintain the groups 
cohesion. If this list is going to be a "standards community" everyone 
needs to stay involved.

> > CJAN been hard at work with alot of "documentation effort". What are
> > individuals thoughts on this project and its model?
> That it has nothing to show, only ideas and musings. We already have 
> working systems, and also a possible 2.0 spec that has come out of 
> discussions here.
> We still have to finish to implement the 1.0 spec at Apache, and IMHO 
> this is what we should focus ATM.

Yes, a spec is pretty much useless without actual tools that are capable of 
applying it, and spec isn't a "standard" unless all tools agree to use 
maintain the contracts defined within it. If any dominant tool goes renegade 
or egotistical and begins altering the contract, much for a 

On Tue, 2004-03-16 at 13:58, Jason van Zyl wrote:
> On Tue, 2004-03-16 at 13:20, Alex Karasulu wrote:
> > I looked through the documentation and the proposals really are not 
> > much.  They're one pager brain dumps of nice to haves and standards that
> > are to be followed.  There really is not much to at this point
> > besides the web façade and the project.

I was unsure what had actually been accomplished by CJAN, if an actual
network existed or not. Unfortunately, without a substantial content
base, user-ship of anything thy implement will probably not be very high

> They've been around longer than a year. I contacted them a little over
> two years ago to see what was up and they got rather huffy when I
> suggested what Maven was trying to do. They had even less around at that
> point but look at what they have now: 20 documents describing what they
> want to do and they've been around for 2 years and is there anything
> that incorporates their ideas in a working piece of software? No.

I guess all I can add is that its too bad that the CJAN domain got taken
up by such a slow moving project... It would be an ideally suited name
for the network of repositories established via the efforts of the
repository project. :-( 

> So really, who cares about CJAN. The spec that goes defacto is the one
> manifest in the mechanism used by the most people. 

However, by following a similar line of reasoning you could take for an
analogy that IE is the predominate browser on the market, so what ever
it defines as a DOM model or CSS implementation would be the standard,
but yet, we all know this isn't true. The w3c standards in these areas
(standards Microsoft is supposedly a member of the consortia defining)
are far from being met by IE.

> Unless of course SUN
> steps in at some point and tries to propose a JSR which wouldn't
> surprise me at all.

Well, I would suspect (or at least hope) that Apache would be a driving
force behind such an endeavor.


Mark R. Diggory
Software Developer - VDC Project
Harvard MIT Data Center

RE: Thoughts on CJAN

2004-03-16 Thread Mark R. Diggory
On Tue, 2004-03-16 at 17:20, Jason van Zyl wrote:
> On Tue, 2004-03-16 at 16:12, Mark R. Diggory wrote:
> > However, by following a similar line of reasoning you could take for an
> > analogy that IE is the predominate browser on the market, so what ever
> > it defines as a DOM model or CSS implementation would be the standard,
> > but yet, we all know this isn't true.
> I don't think that's a valid analogy as there is a standard for DOM/CSS
> to which MS doesn't conform. In the case of Java repository tools there
> is no standard. Prior to any spec being used the tool used most is
> basically the spec.

historically I'll speculate IE (and its DOM) probably existed before the
w3c spec was established.

> > Well, I would suspect (or at least hope) that Apache would be a driving
> > force behind such an endeavor.
> I would imagine so.
> > -Mark
Mark R. Diggory
Software Developer - VDC Project
Harvard MIT Data Center

Avalon currently is not a paradise!

2004-03-20 Thread Mark R. Diggory
A significant divergence in the Directory structures of Maven 
Repositories and the "dist" mirrors I've encountered involves the usage 
of "binaries", "sources" and "distributions" naming for artifact type 

While this isn't much of an issue in terms of the "URISyntax" spec, 
which I believe supports any of this sort of naming convention, the 
issue lies more in resolving content duplication issues in projects like 
Avalon which maintains both structures in their directories. There is no 
simple "symlink" that can be approached to resolve these duplication 
issues because the directory structures are not the same. IE

As you can see there are several different naming strategies being used 
in the Avalon repository contents.

See Henk's dist management report's "fyi : some doubles" section:
We need a solution to this issue of content duplication between the ASF 
Repository and the separate Repositories that Avalon is maintaining.

Mark Diggory
Software Developer
Harvard MIT Data Center

Re: [Fwd: Avalon currently is not a paradise!]

2004-03-20 Thread Mark R. Diggory
I do like the download pages for Avalon however! These are very nice and 
provides some very solid navigation of "distributed download" 
capabilities. I'd really like to adopt this strategy for a global ASF 
Repository navigation.
Should we consider putting together a small Maven based documentation 
project to establish a "ASF Repository" Site using this strategy? At 
least for documentation for this type of content? Then we can actually 
establish a canonical location for any documentation concerning the ASF 
Repository and its usage.

We can also work out a strategy to provide templates of this xdoc for 
other projects who wish maintain links into their repository contents.


J Aaron Farr wrote:
Just a heads up.
We need to look into these duplications in the repositories.

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Mark Diggory
Software Developer
Harvard MIT Data Center

Re: Avalon currently is not a paradise!

2004-03-20 Thread Mark R. Diggory
While that is a possible solution, it creates alot of maintence issues 
and isn't very scalable. I think there could be a cleaner solution if 
both parties got involved with making adjustments.

Noel J. Bergman wrote:
There is no simple "symlink" that can be approached to resolve these
duplication issues because the directory structures are not the same.

Correct me if I am wrong, but it appears that although the directory
structure needs to be duplicated, at the leaf a symlink can remove
duplication of the file data.  Either the leaf in java-repository points to
the avalon copy, or the avalon copy points to the jar in java-repository.  I
don't particularly care which.  I don't recall if you had requirement.
--- Noel
Mark Diggory
Software Developer
Harvard MIT Data Center

Re: Avalon currently is not a paradise!

2004-03-20 Thread Mark R. Diggory
Thnx, I would like to see where discussion goes first. The duplication 
has been there for some time, resolving it immediately is not high on my 
list. Making any significant changes has to be well thought out in 
directories that are mirrored.

Establishing a path of convergence for the contents is at the top of my 
list concerning this issue.

Noel J. Bergman wrote:
While that is a possible solution, it creates alot of maintence issues
and isn't very scalable. I think there could be a cleaner solution if
both parties got involved with making adjustments.

Understood.  Just trying to propose something that can be done immediately,
while the adjustments are discussed.
--- Noel
Mark Diggory
Software Developer
Harvard MIT Data Center

Re: Geronimo files in Java-repository?

2004-05-01 Thread Mark R. Diggory
Nightly Builds Are considered non-releases and shouldn't be distributed 
to the mirrors. To resolve this issue we are working on the following:

Full releases (mirrored):
Be very careful about placing content here, you should use a staging 
area outside the mirror and then move everything in when you have the 
permissions and md5 signatures correctly setup.

Nightly/interm builds
This for nightly builds. The opinion here is that we are not 
distributing anything that is not an "official versioned release" to 
third parties such as Ibiblio.

-Mark Diggory
Noel J. Bergman wrote:
As I understand it, these should have gone to
Please talk with Mark Diggory about the ASF Repository layout, policies, and
other details.
--- Noel
-Original Message-
From: Cron Daemon [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, April 29, 2004 3:45
Subject: Cron <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> /usr/local/bin/rsync -av /www/

receiving file list ... done

Re: betwixt 0.5 release jars

2004-06-29 Thread Mark R. Diggory
Yes, pretty much the case. The big thing is to make sure you set group 
write permissions and make sure the group is apcvs.

I can look into setting the deployment dir to be 
/www/ but I remember requests from 
the mirror folks to make sure that deployment happened in a 
working/scratch directory and the copied into the dist this way the md5 
checksum scipts that test the contents of dist wouldn't bark during the 
upload process.

Brett Porter wrote:
> i'm a little sensitive to the needs for supervision at the moment 
> (after being strongly reminded on this list before by members
> who know 
> about these issues). the jar's i've posted have been approved for 
> release. i don't really want to have to run a second vote
> (again) for a 
> release of different jars to the repo.

If you have a controlled environment and build from a clean checkout 
of a tag... There shouldn't be a problem?

> i'm sure that once the process is better understood and documented 
> we'll be able to move toward automation without too many people 
> screaming. until then, i'd feel better if some member of the repo 
> committee moved the stuff into place.

I think anyone who can commit to CVS can put a jar into 
/www/, so you 
should be good to go.

I'm just here out of interest - I'm not sure I form part of the "repo 
committee"? :)


fn:Mark Diggory
org:Harvard University;Harvard MIT Data Center
adr:Harvard University;;G-6 Littauer Center (North Yard);Cambridge;Ma;02138-2901;United States
email;internet:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
title:Software Engineer
tel;work:617 496 7246
tel;fax:617 495 0438
tel;home:617 718 2033 
tel;cell:617 285 4106

ASF Repository, closer.cgi and Depot

2004-07-14 Thread Mark R. Diggory
Sorry for the cross post but this seems relevant to both these groups.
I was thinking about the subject of mirroring and redirection for the 
ASF Repository. Currently, there was some discussion on the Depot list 
concerning this. I feel we could address this subject again for both 
groups interest. cgi provides a simple resolution strategy to 
attempt to determine the closest mirror available to the client browser. 
It then generates an html page via a template that lists the selected 
mirror as well as other available mirrors. With Depot, we have a 
customized download client that could be extended to manage downloading 
from a list of mirrors as well.

Here are my thoughts on this subject:
A.) This script is really not that big (90% of it is just parsing the 
mirrors file), and the database (a flat text file called mirrors.list) 
as well is not very big. While closer.cgi is a neat service for 
browsers. Its not exactly helpful for automated clients. Yet, 
mirrors.list is an excellent example of metadata that is exposed in a 
effective manner such that automated clients can access it.
I'm somewhat convinced that a it would be simple to create a client 
implementation which accomplished the same functionality as closer.cgi 
programatically so that it could be used in terms of resolving a 
location to download from when mirrors are available.

This would be beneficial to the Apache Bandwidth issue in that if a 
client such as Depot/DownloadManager managed the same capability as 
closer.cgi then:

1.) to determine if the list file has been updated, all one needs to do 
is a head request on the file and review the lastModified date, 
downloading it if it is newer than the client local copy.

2.) Apache server cpu time is spent parsing this file for each 
"closer.cgi" request on the server side, instead the client spends the 
cpu time doing this calculation. After the intial head request to check 
when the mirror list was last updated, no other requests occur to in the download process.

B.) Downfalls?
1.) If such a service were server-side, we do get a centralized way of 
managing it.

But its difficult to control http client behavior from the server 
outside of the most simplistic of "http redirects", the cost of 
downloading a file becomes much greater in that each download request 
has to be redirected through closer.cgi.

2.) Statistics: I guess the benefit that I do see is that one could log 
requests through closer.cgi to track download statistics.

But these again would only be "partial stats" because any browser can 
simply bookmark a mirror and go to it directly. It seems more 
appropriate that a "download stats" tool would operate more behind the 
scenes of all the mirrors and be aggrigated across all the mirrors to 
gain more accuracy in such statistics.

fn:Mark Diggory
org:Harvard University;Harvard MIT Data Center
adr:Harvard University;;G-6 Littauer Center (North Yard);Cambridge;Ma;02138-2901;United States
email;internet:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
title:Software Engineer
tel;work:617 496 7246
tel;fax:617 495 0438
tel;home:617 718 2033 
tel;cell:617 285 4106

Re: ASF Repository, closer.cgi and Depot

2004-07-14 Thread Mark R. Diggory
Erik Abele wrote:
I suspect their views would include what you suggest, that 
distribution might
save some nomimal (c.f. artifact sizes) bandwidth savings & give some 
saving, but it'd be at significant loss of 'control' (of well behaved
clients). Central control over this seems the most appealing.

Since I doubt the CPU cycles are worth saving (or the script would've 
optimised), could we not just change the script to check for some header
from the client, and return XML or some structured text, for non-human
browsers. [BTW: viewcvs seems to do this nicely, returning the file if
non-human and the presentation is human (as browser identifies).

This sounds promising. You have central control, you get the 
geoip-mapping stuff for free and the CPU cycles as well as the 
bandwidth for (XML-ized) responses are a no-brainer in this case.

But then this becomes a project spanning both the Repository group and 
the various clients out there "Depot/Maven/etc". And agreement on the 
GEO_IP request protocol and xml format etc becomes a touchy subject 
don't they?

fn:Mark Diggory
org:Harvard University;Harvard MIT Data Center
adr:Harvard University;;G-6 Littauer Center (North Yard);Cambridge;Ma;02138-2901;United States
email;internet:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
title:Software Engineer
tel;work:617 496 7246
tel;fax:617 495 0438
tel;home:617 718 2033 
tel;cell:617 285 4106

Re: any ideas why beanutils 1.7.0 jars can't be downloaded by maven?

2004-08-03 Thread Mark R. Diggory
I don't see anything wrong with the permissions, when did you add the 
file to java-repository?

I also notice the SNAPSHOT symlinks are pretty ancient, you might want 
to update those links to point to the new release?

Brett Porter wrote:
I don't see it on ibiblio (beanutils-core and beanutils-collections
are there, but beanutils itself is not).
Do you have the correct permissions on java-repository?
- Brett
On Tue, 3 Aug 2004 22:04:51 +0100, robert burrell donkin

i uploaded the jars from the beanutils 1.7.0 release to the java
repository. they have been mirrored to ibiblio. but maven does not seem
able to automatically download them. this is a bit of a PITA since i'm
currently trying to prepare a mavenized release whose dependencies need
to be updated to the latest beanutils so any help would be really
- robert

Mark R. Diggory
Software Developer
Harvard MIT Data Center

Re: any ideas why beanutils 1.7.0 jars can't be downloaded by maven?

2004-08-04 Thread Mark R. Diggory
Looks like the beanutils jar went through on the last scheduled rsync at 
8pm EST.

receiving file list ... done
wrote 151 bytes  read 300289 bytes  8011.73 bytes/sec
total size is 284096595  speedup is 945.60
Mark R. Diggory wrote:
I don't see anything wrong with the permissions, when did you add the 
file to java-repository?

I also notice the SNAPSHOT symlinks are pretty ancient, you might want 
to update those links to point to the new release?

Brett Porter wrote:
I don't see it on ibiblio (beanutils-core and beanutils-collections
are there, but beanutils itself is not).
Do you have the correct permissions on java-repository?
- Brett
On Tue, 3 Aug 2004 22:04:51 +0100, robert burrell donkin

i uploaded the jars from the beanutils 1.7.0 release to the java
repository. they have been mirrored to ibiblio. but maven does not seem
able to automatically download them. this is a bit of a PITA since i'm
currently trying to prepare a mavenized release whose dependencies need
to be updated to the latest beanutils so any help would be really
- robert

Mark Diggory
Software Developer
Harvard MIT Data Center

Rsync Emails

2004-08-04 Thread Mark R. Diggory
I'm curious, would others be interested in seeing the rsync emails from 
ibiblio for the rsync that runs every 4 hours on the 
server? I could direct them to this list or possibly the maven devel 
list if its more appropriate.

Mark Diggory
Software Developer
Harvard MIT Data Center

Re: Rsync Emails

2004-08-04 Thread Mark R. Diggory
Depends on how much publishing activity, for instance, heres the last one:
receiving file list ... done
wrote 151 bytes  read 300289 bytes  8011.73 bytes/sec
total size is 284096595  speedup is 945.60
otherwise, if no new content is found its just 3-4 lines:
receiving file list ... done
wrote 0 bytes  read 300289 bytes  8011.73 bytes/sec
total size is 0  speedup is 945.60
I could possibly tweek it to not send an email if there are no new files 
being moved.

Adam R. B. Jack wrote:
On Tue, 3 Aug 2004, Mark R. Diggory wrote:
I'm curious, would others be interested in seeing the rsync emails 
from ibiblio for the rsync that runs every 4 hours on the server? I could direct them to this list or 
possibly the maven devel list if its more appropriate.

Are they verbose, or only in errors? This list seems a good place, 
unless overly verbose.


Mark R. Diggory
Software Developer
Harvard MIT Data Center

Re: Cron /export/sunsite/users/mdiggory/bin/sync-apache

2004-08-14 Thread Mark R. Diggory
Just doublechecking, did everyone on the repository list recieve this?
Cron Daemon wrote:
receiving file list ... done
wrote 135 bytes  read 760909 bytes  16021.98 bytes/sec
total size is 317115246  speedup is 416.68

Mark R. Diggory
Software Developer
Harvard MIT Data Center

Re: Cron /export/sunsite/users/mdiggory/bin/sync-apache

2004-08-14 Thread Mark R. Diggory
Yes, when the ibiblio rsync of the java-repository occurs, it now posts 
and email if any files are transfered. Earlier we discussed having these 
come to the Repository list. This is the first case of transfer since I 
set it up.

The only issue I can see is that the From address is [EMAIL PROTECTED], I wish 
I could change this somehow so that it came from my account 
specifically, But I don't see how with the crontab at this point without 
writing a custom script.

Noel J. Bergman wrote:
Just doublechecking, did everyone on the repository list recieve this?

Yes.  Was this by accident, or something you wanted coming to the list now?
	--- Noel

Mark R. Diggory
Software Developer
Harvard MIT Data Center

Re: Cron /export/sunsite/users/mdiggory/bin/sync-apache

2004-08-15 Thread Mark R. Diggory
I've added my own sendmail scripting to have the rsync announce from my 
email address directly when files are transfered. So you will not need 

Noel J. Bergman wrote:
The only issue I can see is that the From address is [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I will leave it to you to figure out.  When you've done, please let me know.
Right now I have to moderate these through.  I'll add it to allow list after
you're done fixing the address, although it it ends up being yours, I won't
have to worry about it.
        --- Noel

Mark R. Diggory
Software Developer
Harvard MIT Data Center

Re: Cron /export/sunsite/users/mdiggory/bin/sync-apache

2004-08-15 Thread Mark R. Diggory
plugin...hibernate is already in the ibiblio repository.
Nicola Ken Barozzi wrote:
Cron Daemon wrote:
receiving file list ... done
wrote 295 bytes  read 181387 bytes  854.97 bytes/sec
total size is 317178373  speedup is 1745.79

Isn't Hibernate LGPL, which the ASF does not want to distribute?
Is this plugin also LGPL?
Mark Diggory
Software Developer
Harvard MIT Data Center

Re: [rsync] Repository rsync to ibiblio

2004-08-16 Thread Mark R. Diggory
Sigh, it was working last night, now what...
Noel J. Bergman wrote:
You need to fix these.  The format is wrong now (HTML with an attachment)
and the sending address is [EMAIL PROTECTED]
--- Noel
Mark Diggory
Software Developer
Harvard MIT Data Center

Re: [rsync] Repository rsync to ibiblio

2004-08-16 Thread Mark R. Diggory
Ok, I should have the html/attachment issue fixed. I'm trying to send it 
with the from being [EMAIL PROTECTED] If this is not working 
then we'll need to workout it coming from my ibiblio account instead.

Mark R. Diggory wrote:
Sigh, it was working last night, now what...
Noel J. Bergman wrote:
You need to fix these.  The format is wrong now (HTML with an attachment)
and the sending address is [EMAIL PROTECTED]
--- Noel

Mark Diggory
Software Developer
Harvard MIT Data Center

Re: [rsync] Repository rsync to ibiblio

2004-08-16 Thread Mark R. Diggory
Did this work out ok this time, the From address looks ok, but I'm 
unsure about the "wrapper" itself.

receiving file list ... done
wrote 167 bytes  read 426078 bytes  2991.19 bytes/sec
total size is 317971252  speedup is 745.98

Mark R. Diggory
Software Developer
Harvard MIT Data Center

Re: [rsync] Repository rsync to ibiblio

2004-08-16 Thread Mark R. Diggory
Ok, can we add that address so the list can accept it (without list 
emails being sent to the address). I don't believe I can alter it any 
further, as it happens within the crontab and somehow ibiblio restricts 
altering the wrapper, which makes sense because then it'd be a spoof.

Noel J. Bergman wrote:
I had to moderate it.  The envelope sender is still
[EMAIL PROTECTED] instead of
--- Noel
Mark Diggory
Software Developer
Harvard MIT Data Center

Re: [rsync] Repository rsync to ibiblio

2004-08-28 Thread Mark R. Diggory
Good point, these should be in separate src/bin artifact directories.
These were deployed by jmitchell. I've forwarded this message to him as 

matthew.hawthorne wrote:
Why are there tar.gz files in the 'jars' directory?  That doesn't seem 

receiving file list ... done
wrote 295 bytes  read 2379035 bytes  8763.65 bytes/sec
total size is 326237504  speedup is 137.11
Mark Diggory
Software Developer
Harvard MIT Data Center

Re: [rsync] Repository rsync to ibiblio

2004-08-29 Thread Mark R. Diggory
I was able to move them to commons-validator/distributions.
James Mitchell wrote:
For some reason, I was able to copy those there, but I cannot remove them.

James Mitchell
Software Engineer / Open Source Evangelist
EdgeTech, Inc.
AIM: jmitchtx
- Original Message - 
From: "Mark R. Diggory" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, August 27, 2004 11:24 PM
Subject: Re: [rsync] Repository rsync to ibiblio

Good point, these should be in separate src/bin artifact directories.
These were deployed by jmitchell. I've forwarded this message to him as 

matthew.hawthorne wrote:

Why are there tar.gz files in the 'jars' directory?  That doesn't seem 


receiving file list ... done
wrote 295 bytes  read 2379035 bytes  8763.65 bytes/sec
total size is 326237504  speedup is 137.11
Mark Diggory
Software Developer
Harvard MIT Data Center

Mark Diggory
Software Developer
Harvard MIT Data Center

Re: No jars at Ibiblio

2004-09-21 Thread Mark R. Diggory
We appear to have a permissions issue happening
mesg: ttyname: Operation not supported
receiving file list ... done
mkstemp hivemind/jars/.hivemind-1.0-rc-2.jar.yxE71a failed: Permission 
mkstemp hivemind/jars/.hivemind-1.0-rc-2.jar.md5.sV2j93 failed: 
Permission denied
mkstemp hivemind/jars/.hivemind-lib-1.0-rc-2.jar.PviAgX failed: 
Permission denied
mkstemp hivemind/jars/.hivemind-lib-1.0-rc-2.jar.md5.04VRrQ failed: 
Permission denied
wrote 80 bytes  read 463709 bytes  16865.05 bytes/sec
total size is 352725880  speedup is 760.53
rsync error: some files could not be transferred (code 23) at main.c(1046)

Howard Lewis Ship wrote:
I pasted the wrong URL.  It was failing, is now ok ... but the
hivemind rc2 jars are NOT showing up at ibiblio, even though they are
in the apache java-repository properly.
On Tue, 21 Sep 2004 12:37:54 -0400, Mark R. Diggory <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
Did you look under
Howard Lewis Ship wrote:
Something is up at ibiblio.  Try pointing a browser at
The files are in place with the right permissions at
/x1/www/ and should
have been mirrored out to ibiblio.
On Tue, 21 Sep 2004 09:55:31 -0400, Howard Lewis Ship <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 

I'll get this put together shortly.

- Original Message -
From: James Carman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Fri, 17 Sep 2004 15:02:06 -0400
Subject: No jars at Ibiblio
The build file for my article automatically downloads the necessary
jars from the maven repository at  However, the rc2
jars are not there.  Can we get them published up there?
Howard M. Lewis Ship
Independent J2EE / Open-Source Java Consultant
Creator, Jakarta Tapestry
Creator, Jakarta HiveMind

Mark Diggory
Open Source Software Developer
Apache Jakarta Project
To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Mark Diggory
Open Source Software Developer
Apache Jakarta Project

Re: No jars at Ibiblio

2004-09-21 Thread Mark R. Diggory
Did you look under
Howard Lewis Ship wrote:
Something is up at ibiblio.  Try pointing a browser at
The files are in place with the right permissions at
/x1/www/ and should
have been mirrored out to ibiblio.
On Tue, 21 Sep 2004 09:55:31 -0400, Howard Lewis Ship <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
I'll get this put together shortly.

- Original Message -
From: James Carman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Fri, 17 Sep 2004 15:02:06 -0400
Subject: No jars at Ibiblio
The build file for my article automatically downloads the necessary
jars from the maven repository at  However, the rc2
jars are not there.  Can we get them published up there?
Howard M. Lewis Ship
Independent J2EE / Open-Source Java Consultant
Creator, Jakarta Tapestry
Creator, Jakarta HiveMind

Mark Diggory
Open Source Software Developer
Apache Jakarta Project

Re: No jars at Ibiblio

2004-09-21 Thread Mark R. Diggory
Believe I corrected this on the ibiblio side. We will see during the 
next pass.

Howard Lewis Ship wrote:
I pasted the wrong URL.  It was failing, is now ok ... but the
hivemind rc2 jars are NOT showing up at ibiblio, even though they are
in the apache java-repository properly.
On Tue, 21 Sep 2004 12:37:54 -0400, Mark R. Diggory <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
Did you look under
Howard Lewis Ship wrote:
Something is up at ibiblio.  Try pointing a browser at
The files are in place with the right permissions at
/x1/www/ and should
have been mirrored out to ibiblio.
On Tue, 21 Sep 2004 09:55:31 -0400, Howard Lewis Ship <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 

I'll get this put together shortly.

- Original Message -
From: James Carman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Fri, 17 Sep 2004 15:02:06 -0400
Subject: No jars at Ibiblio
The build file for my article automatically downloads the necessary
jars from the maven repository at  However, the rc2
jars are not there.  Can we get them published up there?
Howard M. Lewis Ship
Independent J2EE / Open-Source Java Consultant
Creator, Jakarta Tapestry
Creator, Jakarta HiveMind

Mark Diggory
Open Source Software Developer
Apache Jakarta Project
To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Mark Diggory
Open Source Software Developer
Apache Jakarta Project

Re: No jars at Ibiblio

2004-09-21 Thread Mark R. Diggory
Yes, the permissions issue was corrected.
mesg: ttyname: Operation not supported
receiving file list ... done
wrote 80 bytes  read 463983 bytes  48848.74 bytes/sec
total size is 353256473  speedup is 761.23
Howard Lewis Ship wrote:
I pasted the wrong URL.  It was failing, is now ok ... but the
hivemind rc2 jars are NOT showing up at ibiblio, even though they are
in the apache java-repository properly.
On Tue, 21 Sep 2004 12:37:54 -0400, Mark R. Diggory <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
Did you look under
Howard Lewis Ship wrote:
Something is up at ibiblio.  Try pointing a browser at
The files are in place with the right permissions at
/x1/www/ and should
have been mirrored out to ibiblio.
On Tue, 21 Sep 2004 09:55:31 -0400, Howard Lewis Ship <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 

I'll get this put together shortly.

- Original Message -
From: James Carman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Fri, 17 Sep 2004 15:02:06 -0400
Subject: No jars at Ibiblio
The build file for my article automatically downloads the necessary
jars from the maven repository at  However, the rc2
jars are not there.  Can we get them published up there?
Howard M. Lewis Ship
Independent J2EE / Open-Source Java Consultant
Creator, Jakarta Tapestry
Creator, Jakarta HiveMind

Mark Diggory
Open Source Software Developer
Apache Jakarta Project
To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Mark Diggory
Open Source Software Developer
Apache Jakarta Project

Rsync From Address and Source changing.

2004-09-21 Thread Mark R. Diggory
Jason has taken over the management of the ibiblio rsync emails (he's 
standardized the rsync process for all organizations rsyncing content to 

Currently rsync logs are sent to the [EMAIL PROTECTED] list, but I I 
suspect the moderation is rejecting them? Can we have this adjusted again?

Mark Diggory
Software Developer
Harvard MIT Data Center

Re: Rsync From Address and Source changing.

2004-09-21 Thread Mark R. Diggory
Here are the email headers for the new rsync reporting address:
Return-Path: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Received: from
[]) by (8.11.6/8.11.6) with ESMTP id
i8LKXN331667 for <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; Tue, 21 Sep 2004 15:33:24 -0500
Date: Tue, 21 Sep 2004 15:33:24 -0500
Subject: Synchronization report for Apache Software Foundation
Mark R. Diggory wrote:
Jason has taken over the management of the ibiblio rsync emails (he's 
standardized the rsync process for all organizations rsyncing content to 

Currently rsync logs are sent to the [EMAIL PROTECTED] list, but I I 
suspect the moderation is rejecting them? Can we have this adjusted again?

Mark Diggory
Open Source Software Developer
Apache Jakarta Project

Re: old JAR files changed in java-repository

2004-09-29 Thread Mark R. Diggory
I suspect this is the same issue encountered earlier in the month where 
Dion Gillard had updated/published some jars using maven. At the same 
point in time some modifications occurred int he directory which we 
could not identify the origin of.

Too alleviate some of the issues with the fact that anyone in group 
apcvs could alter any files in the repository. We've begun a slow 
process of privatizing the files so that only members of a specific 
group (jakarta,xml etc) have rights to alter the content of the original 
artifact/md5 pair.

The best I personally can do to get this started is to restrict the 
rights to files that at least I own at the moment (if only because I 
transfered the content originally from ibiblio to apache) and then 
transfer the rights to those files to the appropriate group/user on a 
case by case basis.

Brett, I'll open these files specifically with write access to the 
jakarta group, you then should be able to update them. I also recommend 
that you take ownership of them by moving them to temp files and back to 
change the ownership to your userid. Then restrict the group ownership 
so only you (or other Commons Jelly Developers) have rights to write them.

Brett Porter wrote:
I tried to build maven 1.0 clean today and found out that on Sep 2,
commons-jelly and a few of its tag libs had changed on ibiblio. These
were already released jars that changed size. I checked around and
discovered the source of the change seems to be java-repository at
Any ideas how this happened?
One particular offending file:
ls -l /www/ | grep 20030902
-rw-r--r--  1 mdiggory  jakarta  161479 Sep  2 00:08
md5 d1e3117b90f697e6503e4ddf76bc0402
The original:
[EMAIL PROTECTED] repaired]$ md5sum
[EMAIL PROTECTED] repaired]$ ls -l
-rwxr-xr-x1 mavenusers  154418 Sep 28 09:00
(this is identical to the version distributed with Maven 1.0 back in July)

The full list from the Maven 1.0 build that differ:
I have corrected the versions on ibiblio (being newer, they should
stay that way), but left Apache alone to find out what happened. I'd
really like to know if we can resolve this to avoid it in the future,
and to see if anything else was possibly affected.
Mark Diggory
Open Source Software Developer
Apache Jakarta Project

Subversive Repository

2004-09-29 Thread Mark R. Diggory
Here's a thought that has been propagating through my neurons.
What if the ASF Repository content was maintained in Subversion and 
exported into dist/java-repository for mirror propagation using some 
automation? Given Subversions binary diffing, this would be manageable.

1.) This would allow us to control permissions at the same level as the 
cvs/subversion source control. As such:

Jakarta Commons Jelly
Jakarta Commons Collections
would have enough fine grained permissions to control to separate who 
gets the right to add/remove/modify content at that level instead of 
what we have right now, which are only the groups in the shell (ie xml, 
jakarta etc).

2.) This would give us a layer (automated update of 
dist/java-repository) to catch issues such as:
   a.) md5 and signature errors.
   b.) dated-build vs full version releases.

The downfall is that Repository Clients (Like Maven) would need to be 
capable of doing svn commits etc to publish artifacts instead of ssh/scp 

Mark Diggory
Software Developer
Harvard MIT Data Center

[jelly] Re: md5 errors in java-repository

2004-09-03 Thread Mark R. Diggory
I'm forwarding this onto the "Repository" email list.
Dion, the reason I was suggesting it was your action is because files 
also owned by yourself were added to the commons-jelly/jars directory. I 
assume it was your upload of those files which altered them so that the 
md5's no longer matched.

-rw-rw-r--  1 dion  apcvs   12377 Sep  2 00:39 
-rw-rw-r--  1 dion  apcvs  32 Sep  2 00:39 
-rw-rw-r--  1 dion  apcvs   10343 Sep  2 00:39 
-rw-rw-r--  1 dion  apcvs  32 Sep  2 00:39 
-rw-rw-r--  1 dion  apcvs  161479 Sep  2 00:08 
-rw-rw-r--  1 dion  apcvs  32 Sep  2 00:09 
-rw-rw-r--  1 dion  apcvs   35076 Sep  2 00:21 
-rw-rw-r--  1 dion  apcvs  32 Sep  2 00:21 
-rw-rw-r--  1 mdiggory  apcvs   11489 Sep  2 00:28 
-rw-rw-r--  1 mdiggory  apcvs  33 Jan 19  2004 
So I was suspecting it was Dion because the published jars under his 
name like those represented above got transferred last night to ibiblio:
All I know is that there was a process running around midnight which 
walked through this directory and updated jar files within it, breaking 
some of the md5 signatures on files which were owned by me.

Henk P. Penning wrote:
On Fri, 3 Sep 2004, Dion Gillard wrote:

Date: Fri, 3 Sep 2004 09:11:25 +1000
From: Dion Gillard <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: md5 errors in java-repository
Sorry guys, I haven't updated those files?

  .. then some of the 909 other members of group apcvs did it.
true, true. We need to get the permissions locked down.
  IMHO, these files shouldn't be group writable ;
  only the directories should be; now file ownership
  means nothing.
Well, I'm unsure how different individuals are publishing, I assume most 
are using maven, which will set files permission according to how it 
coded in the Maven client. If the Maven client were configurable, then 
maybe this could be managed.

  I'm still very curious how java-repository is maintained
  -- what stuff is added, and how
Really, its only supposed to be getting full releases published within it.
  -- what stuff is deleted and when
Currently, release which are removed from the public should be removed.
  Whouldn't it be easier if there was a config like
this-jar FROM that-dist-tgz GOES there

  so that
  -- 'this-jar' can be removed if 'that-dist-tgz' is gone
That would be managed by the project owners, like it is now.
  -- installation in java-repository can be automated
Again, Maven, as a client is used to publish a release jar into the 
repository based on the project that is being worked with on the client 
side, the structure is fairly "strict".

Henk P. Penning, Computer Systems Group   R Uithof CGN-A232  _/ \_
Dept of Computer Science, Utrecht University  T +31 30 253 4106 / \_/ \
Padualaan 14, 3584CH Utrecht, the Netherlands F +31 30 251 3791 \_/ \_/  M [EMAIL PROTECTED]  \_/
Mark Diggory
Software Developer
Harvard MIT Data Center

Re: md5's

2004-10-05 Thread Mark R. Diggory

Henk P. Penning wrote:
On Tue, 5 Oct 2004, Mark R. Diggory wrote:

Date: Tue, 05 Oct 2004 14:11:03 -0400
From: Mark R. Diggory <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: Henk P. Penning <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: md5's

   In the opposite direction, individual ownership without
group write capabilities blocks individuals from "removing" releases
when it is time for them to be excised.

  I don't think it does.
  If you have write permission on a directory, you can remove any
  file in it, including the files you don't own and can't write.
  On Solaris 'rm' asks first, but you can remove. I can't check
  the situation on minotaur. I assume the same thing goes.
Your right, that makes sense, I was being shortsighted. So your saying 
that if the directory is group writable and the files are not, then any 
member of the group can still delete the file and replace it with a new 
one, in which case I don't need to give write permissions on the files 
for others to take ownership by copy/moving them individually.

Ok, so I'll put the permissions back on those files, if others want to 
take ownership of the files great. So, I agree files shouldn't be group 
writable in this case. Directories, yes, but files, no...

But this still doesn't solve the fact that at the project level members 
of separate projects can still manipulate the contents of other projects 
within that unix group.

Maybe back when the unix groups were established the the number of 
projects under a groups wasn't an issue, now however, this isn't 
scalable, with so many projects in jakarta, there's little control 
across the project permissions, in terms of distributions.

Mark Diggory
Open Source Software Developer
Apache Jakarta Project

Re: md5's

2004-10-06 Thread Mark R. Diggory
I really think this is more systemic in terms of the upload behavior of 

The delema is that the general policy in promotion for /dist/ right now 
is that group "writable" on files are very bad. However, as Henk pointed 
out, this doesn't mean you can't take ownership of the jars, it just 
means that Maven needs to be a little more savvy about publishing files.

For instance the artifact publishing plugin could catch this issue: if 
the file isn't group writable and the directory is, then the file should 
just be moved out of the way or deleted and the new file uploaded. It 
will then be owned by the individual who uploaded it. This way we are 
not left guessing who in the group last altered the file which we have 
no way of recording right now when maven uploads a file over an existing 
group writable file.

Ultimately it would, as well, be of great benefit if the artifact 
publishing worked initially in a staging area as not to confuse existing 
 cron jobs attempting to validate md5's on the server. This would 
probably be best served in the systems default tmp directory.

Dion Gillard wrote:
On Tue, 05 Oct 2004 14:11:03 -0400, Mark R. Diggory <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Sigh, yes I did, but it was to allow Dion to take ownership of them, now
I see he has not.

Um, if you want me to change the ownership of some files, just let me
know. At the moment, group writability is enough from what I
Mark Diggory
Open Source Software Developer
Apache Jakarta Project

Re: md5's

2004-10-08 Thread Mark R. Diggory
The ball is in play.
Henk P. Penning wrote:
On Wed, 6 Oct 2004, Mark R. Diggory wrote:

Date: Wed, 06 Oct 2004 14:08:38 -0400
From: Mark R. Diggory <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: Dion Gillard <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
[EMAIL PROTECTED], Maven Developers List 
Subject: Re: md5's

Ultimately it would, as well, be of great benefit if the artifact
publishing worked initially in a staging area as not to confuse existing
 cron jobs attempting to validate md5's on the server. This would
probably be best served in the systems default tmp directory.

  That would be great.
  I think, the best way for adding/replace stuff is
  -- write a 'temp'
  -- rename 'temp' to 'file'
  because a rename is truly atomic if 'temp' and 'file' are
  in the same file system.
  If you can implement the 'temp' for 'file' to be,
  for instance, '.tmp.file', I can easily teach the checkers
  to ignore '.tmp.*' files. I think rsync does something
  like that (even better .tmp.$$.file).
  Just a thought.


Henk P. Penning, Computer Systems Group   R Uithof CGN-A232  _/ \_
Dept of Computer Science, Utrecht University  T +31 30 253 4106 / \_/ \
Padualaan 14, 3584CH Utrecht, the Netherlands F +31 30 251 3791 \_/ \_/  M [EMAIL PROTECTED]  \_/
Mark Diggory
Open Source Software Developer
Apache Jakarta Project

Re: md5's

2004-10-05 Thread Mark R. Diggory
Sigh, yes I did, but it was to allow Dion to take ownership of them, now 
I see he has not.

But, I'm not wholly convinced having what I was suggesting about groups 
taking ownership of their files is now tractable.

But I'm slowly becoming convinced that this cannot be maintained based 
on the current unix groups and historical policies behind the dist 
directory. The unix groups are not fine-grained enough to support 
adequate restriction at that project level. Further restriction, for 
instance "jakarta-commons" or "jakarta-tomcat" is required the group 
"jakarta" can't adequately protect project level ownership/modification 
of these files. In the opposite direction, individual ownership without 
group write capabilities blocks individuals from "removing" releases 
when it is time for them to be excised.

I just do not have the proper permissions to process all these files and 
set them to be owned by the appropriate groups. This is why I started to 
suggest that svn may be a more appropriate location for the 
java-repository, because at least then we can have much greater control 
of these characteristics as well as historical logging of changes if any 
do occur.

Henk P. Penning wrote:
On Tue, 5 Oct 2004, Mark R. Diggory wrote:

Date: Tue, 05 Oct 2004 13:04:40 -0400
From: Mark R. Diggory <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: Henk P. Penning <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: md5's
I just wanted to verify if this was corrected, I saw the jelly files
that were not matching yesterday, I went back today to look into fixing
these and I believe that Dion made some corrections? Or was it someone else?

  Not getting a reaction, I waved the problems through, this morning.
  I mean, the 'problem' was that the files changed, together with the
  md'5 (The checker notices, because it remembers the original md5's).
  In my database, I set the 'orig md5' to the 'current md5'.
  All I was looking for was a message saying: yes, I changed the files.
  If you didn't change those files, there might be a (security) problem.
  I should have been clearer.
  Note that the changed files are (again) group writable, so,
  some 400 users can change them (everyone in group jakarta).
  Since our last exchange, I've seen the recomandation,
  to set the umask to '002' ;
  This makes files group writable by default.
  It seems to be common apache practice.
  Just curious:
  -- Did you change the files ?
  -- Is your umask 002 ?
  Isn't is time to change this 'umask 002' practice ?
  Even a cronjob like
find dist -type d -exec chmod g+w {} \;
  is to be preferred, I think.
  As things are now, file ownership means nothing.
  Henk Penning


Henk P. Penning wrote:
 ... and another batch. See
Henk P. Penning, Computer Systems Group   R Uithof CGN-A232  _/ \_
Dept of Computer Science, Utrecht University  T +31 30 253 4106 / \_/ \
Padualaan 14, 3584CH Utrecht, the Netherlands F +31 30 251 3791 \_/ \_/  M [EMAIL PROTECTED]  \_/
-- Forwarded message --
Date: 1 Oct 2004 06:23:18 -
From: Cron Daemon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Cron <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> ( cd /home/henkp/md5 ; /usr/bin/make
   -s cron )
*** md5 changed
hist=d1e3117b90f697e6503e4ddf76bc0402 curr=b171e535366191e437cff6d64df33561
*** md5 changed
hist=94cc61cbdcdfd3b75139d0ce2725138d curr=fe1ae9e40f3fd66031c781e9030b03b9
*** md5 changed
hist=8ce6559775be62cfae8df109b2457a9c curr=5cc2cf3c1937887c1573ef1582fb3591
*** md5 changed
hist=481b3ef3a7787ba232c4e1c43c32fe90 curr=040346a692601e498f4ea246d073f624
*** md5 changed
hist=5e4fdc5465c3219b76aea54d7f2d47f3 curr=5450333754b59865bab146caf84c80df
*** md5 changed
hist=f9d5c4302f9159217456e360217dc8b6 curr=24ea6cfe760c82d0707608fc785bc446
*** md5 changed
hist=a8caadca9a8b82e0739e22742533592f curr=ba37d770969889069ad4fdddaf79209a
*** md5 changed
hist=55b0117e87a2e5b022ba9ed81d4008f8 curr=5bfe39

Re: md5 format decision

2004-11-02 Thread Mark R. Diggory
This should cause no problems with ASF boxes. We would prefer to see 
this format used.

As well, I'd like to make a recommendation that we make sure that when 
any files are created in the repository, that they are not group 
writable. More specifically:

Directories: group writable (drwxrwxr-x)
Files: not group readable (lrw-r--r--)
Brett Porter wrote:
Was there a final decision made to change the format of md5's to:
d1dcb0fbee884bb855bb327b8190af36 commons-collections-3.1.jar
ie, md5 hash, 1 space, filename
If so, I'd like to drop the change into Maven 1.1.
Will this cause any problems for any scripts running on ASF boxes?
Mark Diggory
Open Source Software Developer
Apache Jakarta Project

Re: Ant and repositories

2004-11-02 Thread Mark R. Diggory
Hi Steve,
Steve Loughran wrote:
I'm Steve Loughran of the Ant project; Nicolaken said I should get on
this mail list
1. I have just added to Ant CVS_HEAD a task to get libraries from a
repository; built in support is for maven layouts, though others are
This is a great idea.
2. I worry about the security aspects. I dont think it is enough to
verify the MD5 signatures, because they are served up on the same
(http) server.
What should I be doing for verifying remote downloads are the intended
ones, or what changes are planned in the near future that our task
should ready itself for?
Note that the task is focused on JAR/WAR/Ear archives only, so we can
do full jar signature checking if that is felt the best solution. And
we can ship with the public key of an Apache/Maven/Gump CA to verify
signatures. Indeed, the fact that nothing has shipped at all yet (and
wont till 1.7 alpha) means that we have time to get things right here
This subject is going to be dependent on the overall capabilities of 
Maven itself. I think, as Maven moves forward your going to see more 
requirements for signatures. I think that in your case, all the Ant task 
would probably maintain is some "warning" or interactive y/n/a/na 
concerning the signature being missing or bad. This is because no matter 
what policies we put in place for the ASF Repository, they are but a 
subset of possible outcomes in Maven.

Ultimately, users of the task should be using an Apache mirror or another local Maven 
repository as the target for downloading dependencies and not ever the 
/dist/java-repository on minotaur directly.

In theory. All pgp signatures on files in the repository should have 
public keys stored somewhere under "KEYS" like other contents of /dist/ 
but I don't currently think this a well maintained or organized practice 
in the ASF Repository. It should be better maintained and we've had 
discussions about improving it.

Mark Diggory
Open Source Software Developer
Apache Jakarta Project

Re: Synchronization report for Apache Software Foundation

2004-11-21 Thread Mark R. Diggory
What is the status of the rsync reporting via email? This is the first 
time we've actually received an email at [EMAIL PROTECTED] It 
appears to be caused by a file IO error involved with creating a 
directory that already exists?

mesg: ttyname: Operation not supported
receiving file list ... done
rsync: mkdir /public/html/maven: No such file or directory
rsync error: error in file IO (code 11) at main.c(319)
You can view the syncronization reports for today here:
Mark Diggory
Software Developer
Harvard MIT Data Center

Re: [ASF Repository Project Wiki] Updated: Participants

2004-12-08 Thread Mark R. Diggory
Please drop by the newly migrated project wiki and update your status if 
your still interested in working in the group.
   Date: 2004-12-06T15:49:08
   Editor: MarkDiggory <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
   Wiki: ASF Repository Project Wiki
   Page: Participants
   Update Membership Roles.
Change Log:
@@ -1,5 +1,9 @@
 People involved in formalizing the ASFRepository
+ *  MarkDiggory
+Previous List of Members (Move back up if your still involved):
  *  AdamJack
  *  AnouMana
  *  MichalMaczka
Mark Diggory
Open Source Software Developer
Apache Jakarta Project

Re: [java-repository] licenses update + unreleased components]

2004-12-20 Thread Mark R. Diggory
I'm moving this discussion to [EMAIL PROTECTED] Phil and others, if 
you could join this list, then we can have a more focused discussion 
about how to approach this.
Phil Steitz wrote:
I agree with all of your points above.  The issue is oversight.  I have
nothing against public RCs, betas, milestones or nightlies -- on the
contrary I like and use all of these things.  I just think that other
than nightlies, these need to be endorsed in some way by the community
if we are going to distribute them.  Right now we have some jars out
there that, to my knowledge, were never voted on and / or have no
community support. I think that these should be removed.
I think that we have always agreed that they need to be removed. Its 
just been an issue of having the time to do it properly.

I would take issue with pushing nightlies or alphas to  We
do need to put some pressure on people to release.

So, you are OK with milestone builds, but not nightlies?  Do we agree
that the milestones should have some "status" before they get published
and they should also be published with release notes, etc. to the main
distribution site?
Note, theres already been allot of discussion concerning these issues 
across the [EMAIL PROTECTED] and [EMAIL PROTECTED] lists.

The MOST important issue with nightlies etc has also to do with the 
mirroring of Its important to be conservative 
concerning bandwidth, mirrors and rsync. So theres external pressure 
there not to be pumping auto build nightlies over rsync. Mainly because 
theres no need or want to have these things on the mirrors.

So to clarify, yes we need to get all interim builds out of 
java-repository. I don't think we need to work hard at this,

1.) just delete any interim builds (they are already archived on

2.) delete and any snapshot symlinks referring to them.
3.) delete and sanpshot-version files referring to an interim build.
Mark Diggory
Software Developer
Harvard MIT Data Center

Re: Where to publish Xalan code on (fwd)

2005-01-11 Thread Mark R. Diggory
Mixed terminology again. if the "SNAPSHOT" refers to a fully sanctioned 
release not an interim or daily build, then the usage is fine. Remember 
in this case SNAPSHOT is no different than "LATEST" or "CURRENT". I wish 
we could have Maven folks explore usage of a more accurate terminology 
for these.

Henk P. Penning wrote:
  [ I cut this from another message ; I hope it is correct ]
--On Wednesday, January 5, 2005 6:43 AM +1100 Brett Porter
  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

This is for Maven users (and possible future tools, eg I believe Ant 1.7
has repository support) to be able to get your releases easily (releases
only -

  development snapshots to

  This was put in 'java-repository/maven/poms/' just now :
Jan 11 11:43 maven-site-plugin-1.6-SNAPSHOT.pom
Jan 11 11:43 maven-site-plugin-1.6-SNAPSHOT.pom.md5
  Just to make sure : isn't this a 'development snapshot' ?
  Shouldn't this have gone to '' ?
Henk P. Penning, Computer Systems Group   R Uithof CGN-A232  _/ \_
Dept of Computer Science, Utrecht University  T +31 30 253 4106 / \_/ \
Padualaan 14, 3584CH Utrecht, the Netherlands F +31 30 251 3791 \_/ \_/  M [EMAIL PROTECTED]  \_/
Mark Diggory
Open Source Software Developer
Apache Jakarta Project

Re: Where to publish Xalan code on (fwd)

2005-01-12 Thread Mark R. Diggory
Maybe I formed my ideas earlier in Mavens history when SNAPSHOT was 
simply a symlink that could be moved to point at any release. Some 
places in the repository actually have SNAPSHOT symlinks that point to a 
fully versioned releases... These are not interim builds...

lrwxrwxr-x  1 jvanzylapcvs 26 Jan 17  2004 
excalibur-logger-SNAPSHOT.jar -> excalibur-logger-1.0.1.jar
lrwxrwxr-x  1 rdonkin   apcvs  16 Jul 19 15:18 jaxme-rt-SNAPSHOT.jar 
-> jaxme-rt-0.3.jar
lrwxrwxr-x  1 rdonkin   apcvs  16 Jul 19 15:17 jaxme-xs-SNAPSHOT.jar 
-> jaxme-xs-0.3.jar

Clearly there is vague definition here if this symlink can point at a 
release like this.

Some are concerned that removing these could cause some folks distros to 
break. Though, no one in thier right mind should release against a SNAPSHOT.

Dion Gillard wrote:
SNAPSHOT versions are never a 'fully sanctioned release' and are
simply a point in time build. It is VERY different from CURRENT in the
apache sense which means latest released.
AFAIK, there's no confusion over this.
Mark Diggory
Open Source Software Developer
Apache Jakarta Project

Re: Where to publish Xalan code on (fwd)

2005-01-12 Thread Mark R. Diggory

Henk P. Penning wrote:
  Hm, it would seem the latest sanctioned 'maven' is in
  .. unpacking it shows me
  so the latest sanctioned maven-site-plugin appears to be '1.5.2'.
  Or isn't it ?
Possibly, depends on which version maven decided to package, it could be 
an older version in the repo. I'm not sure this adiquates portrays the 

  Also, if SNAPSHOT is no different than "LATEST" or "CURRENT",
  what does "LATEST" or "CURRENT" stand for ?? ( 1, 2, 3 ..)
My point exactly! I look at where its used and I see mixed meanings.
1.) It could be a link to a interim build
2.) It could be a copy of a interim build.
3.) It could be a link to a full release.
4.) It could be a copy to a full release.
Its used by Maven to set dependency resolution to be dynamic, so that if 
a dependecy deploys a new version (interim or release) to the repository 
and moves the SNAPSHOT link/copy to point at it, then the project 
dependency resolves to use it. I don't know how many projects take 
advantage of it, we've avoided it over time in the Jakarta Commons 
because its hard to cut a release when its dependent on an interim build 
that is very different than the previous release.



Henk P. Penning, Computer Systems Group   R Uithof CGN-A232  _/ \_
Dept of Computer Science, Utrecht University  T +31 30 253 4106 / \_/ \
Padualaan 14, 3584CH Utrecht, the Netherlands F +31 30 251 3791 \_/ \_/  M [EMAIL PROTECTED]  \_/
Mark Diggory
Open Source Software Developer
Apache Jakarta Project

Re: Where to publish Xalan code on (fwd)

2005-01-12 Thread Mark R. Diggory

Henk P. Penning wrote:
My bad. I copied it to the wrong location. I fixed the JARs, forgot
the POMs and will remove them next time I have SSH access.

  Ok ; fine ; I was afraid I missed something.
  To generalise a little further, are all *SNAPSHOT* thingies in
  the repository 'bad' (as in, don't belong there) ?
Given the problems we have defining them! I'm going to say YES.

  How about stuff like this (a *SNAPSHOT* symlink to a
  date-like *20040825.214656* thing) ?
Very BAD
-> maven-turbine-plugin-20040825.214656.pom
  We have 474 '*SNAPSHOT*' files and 174 symlinks.
  [EMAIL PROTECTED]: find . -name '*SNAPSHOT*' -type f -ls | wc
   4745214   75820
  [EMAIL PROTECTED]: find . -name '*SNAPSHOT*' -type l -ls | wc
   1742262   32093
  Remove ?
I've been planning to, I'm just concerned of the impact, I'm trying to 
be thorough and verify it will not cause others major problems when I 
remove them.

Henk P. Penning, Computer Systems Group   R Uithof CGN-A232  _/ \_
Dept of Computer Science, Utrecht University  T +31 30 253 4106 / \_/ \
Padualaan 14, 3584CH Utrecht, the Netherlands F +31 30 251 3791 \_/ \_/  M [EMAIL PROTECTED]  \_/
Mark Diggory
Open Source Software Developer
Apache Jakarta Project

Re: Where to publish Xalan code on (fwd)

2005-01-12 Thread Mark R. Diggory
As I was discussing in the jakarta-general list earlier. There are a 
number of projects with mavan project properties setup with the 
following parameter.

Bretts correct that in this case the requests should fall over to 
ibibilio. It would be wise that Projects probably shouldn't be 
hardcoding the java-repository here. They should leave assigning this 
param upto the release manager for the project and use the default for 
all their development.

There is another case:
this is actually bad as well, because the developers cutting interim 
builds will deploy them accidentally into the java-repository. I feel 
that this should be avoided as well by everyone but the release manager.

Henk P. Penning wrote:
On Tue, 11 Jan 2005, Mark R. Diggory wrote:

Date: Tue, 11 Jan 2005 19:31:22 -0500
From: Mark R. Diggory <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Where to publish Xalan code on

  [ I wrote : ]

 Remove ?

  [ Mark : ]

I've been planning to, I'm just concerned of the impact, I'm trying to
be thorough and verify it will not cause others major problems when I
remove them.

  [ but Brett wrote somewhere else : ]

Nobody is building against java-repository, they are using ibiblio,
so there is no harm in cleaning these up AFAICT.

  Mark, what kind of problems could result in removing things ?
  According to Brett we could remove the entire repository, and
  nobody's build would fail (not that I'm suggesting that :-).
  Are there other worries ?
Henk P. Penning, Computer Systems Group   R Uithof CGN-A232  _/ \_
Dept of Computer Science, Utrecht University  T +31 30 253 4106 / \_/ \
Padualaan 14, 3584CH Utrecht, the Netherlands F +31 30 251 3791 \_/ \_/  M [EMAIL PROTECTED]  \_/
Mark Diggory
Open Source Software Developer
Apache Jakarta Project

Re: Where to publish Xalan code on (fwd)

2005-01-12 Thread Mark R. Diggory

Brett Porter wrote:
There is another case:

By Maven 1.0 this was deprecated. You can now specify multiple
deployment targets, so I have:
with maven.repo.list=apachecvs by default. The release manager uses
-Dmaven.repo.list=apache to publish to the other location. This can be
enforced by permissions if we really have a problem (though once
people get harassed about snapshots when they turn up, I think it'll
quickly stop).
Bingo! Very cool. It's definitly not very clear in the Maven docs that 
one can do this. I think this should be in the of all 
Maven based projects.

Mark Diggory
Open Source Software Developer
Apache Jakarta Project

Re: repository thoughts

2005-01-24 Thread Mark R. Diggory
Hey guys, I was quiet for a awhile due to the birth of my new daughter a 
 couple weeks ago.

To catch back up here, I'll just note that we did some work in the ant 
checksum task to get it to output in various formats BSD/GNU etc. There 
was an excellent thread last year that really resolved this subject in 
the Ant community
Henk P. Penning wrote:
On Sun, 23 Jan 2005, Brett Porter wrote:

Date: Sun, 23 Jan 2005 16:08:22 +1100
From: Brett Porter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: repository thoughts
Hi folks,
I've put up basically a TODO list from recent discussions. Sorry it
took so long.
Did I miss anything?

  This is a very good start ; thanks.
  -- MD5 checksum format : in my experience the format doesn't
 matter much ; it is always easy to grab a 32 byte hex
 number from any format. Counter examples are easy to find of
 course (filenames like '41eab7db2910a04500751bbc2ed7f5bf')
 but in general, different formats aren't a problem.
 Perhaps it is wize to state that md5 checksums should
 be in a '.md5' (lowercase) file because some people
 put the md5 checksum in a '.MD5' file.
  -- For cleanup purposes it would be nice if one could link
 something (X) in the repository, to something (Y)
 in '/dist/' : we can flag X for removal if Y is gone.


  Henk Penning
Henk P. Penning, Computer Systems Group   R Uithof CGN-A232  _/ \_
Dept of Computer Science, Utrecht University  T +31 30 253 4106 / \_/ \
Padualaan 14, 3584CH Utrecht, the Netherlands F +31 30 251 3791 \_/ \_/  M [EMAIL PROTECTED]  \_/
Mark Diggory
Open Source Software Developer
Apache Jakarta Project

Removing interim dated builds from /www/

2005-01-05 Thread Mark R. Diggory
Please excuse the cross post. I'm planning to run some commands on the 
java-repository to remove interim builds and SNAPSHOTS. Specifically, 
I'll be running:

> LOCATION=/www/
find ${LOCATION} -name '*200[0-4]*' | while read j;
   rm -f $j;
find ${LOCATION} -name '*SNAPSHOT*' | while read j;
   rm -f $j;
find ${LOCATION} -name '*snapshot-version*' | while read j;
   rm -f $j;

I want to announce this so that folks have an opportunity to object or 
make other recommendations.

For anyone wondering, all these files are currently available in 
/www/ as well. So if anything 
needs recovery it can be recovered from there.

Mark Diggory
Open Source Software Developer
Apache Jakarta Project

Re: Synchronization report for Apache Software Foundation

2005-02-06 Thread Mark R. Diggory
I'm hoping though, that Jason would set this to only report when theres 
actually a transfer. The original script I wrote, which ran on ibiblio 
behaved so.

Carlos Sanchez wrote:
This is the report of the apache to ibiblio repo sync.
I know it can be a bit annoying but isn't this the right place?
Carlos Sanchez

-Original Message-
From: Niclas Hedhman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Sun, 6 Feb 2005 22:39:09 +0800
Subject: Re: Synchronization report for Apache Software Foundation
On Sunday 06 February 2005 20:52, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

mesg: ttyname: Operation not supported receiving file list ... done 
wrote 16 bytes  read 128048 bytes  2640.49 bytes/sec total size is 
428414805  speedup is 3345.32

You can view the syncronization reports for today here:

Can someone inform us what this is all about??


Re: Proposal for a centralized Eclipse update manager site for Apache projects/software

2005-05-04 Thread Mark R. Diggory
Brett Porter wrote:
I echo David's sentiments on this. I'd be interested to know what is
in the eclipse metadata you want to attach to the various artifacts in
the repository, and whether any of it coincides with existing metadata
formats in use here, such as the following for parts of jakarta

Its going to be similar, but specific to Eclipse and wrapped up in a Jar
file. More specifically, Eclipse plugins are now based in OSGI standards:
To get even more specific plugins require a Manifest file and either of
the following (plugin.xml, fragment.xml, or feature.xml). When Eclipse
becomes fully OSGI standard, all plugins will be distributed as actual
jars whose contents will be accessed using standard java resources,
until then these are not real "jars" and get expanded into eclipses
plugins directory, thus they contain a heterogeneous mix of static
resources, classes and jar archives. The closest thing that I can
compare the entire thing to is a Webapplications WAR file.
I don't think this is a question of a new repository, but rather what
we can do to the existing one to better support what you are trying to

Exactly, we'd probably place "WAR"s into our repository, why not OSGI
standard plugins. Someday, in a perfect world, you might actually be
talking about the same exact thing when you refer to a a Jar on the
classpath and a plugin in Maven, Ant, Eclipse, NetBeans ...) then this
becomes ultimately powerful.
-Mark Diggory

Re: Proposal for a centralized Eclipse update manager site for Apache projects/software

2005-05-04 Thread Mark R. Diggory
Yes as they pointed out I'm moving our responses to the thread to the
repository group.
Each project is responsible for their repository contents. So, from this
standpoint, if you took Axis for example, the Axis group would be
responsible for managing the release of any Axis Eclipse plugin
artifacts into the repository. Now, the benefit (or burden) of this is
that Axis gets canonical control of managing the distribution of such a
plugin and can maintain authority of its release cycle. So ultimately,
you should hop onto the Axis list and start a discussion there
concerning if they are interested in maintaining the plugin.
Some important facts about the repository.
1.) The repository under is only for
full releases of apache projects (not nightly/integration builds).
2.) Its is not advised that you point users directly at the above url,
but go through any of the many Apache mirrors.
3.) All released artifacts should be signed by author using both PGP and
MD5 signatures.
In regards to (2), I'd be interested in seeing how the new mirrors
feature of the Eclipse update manager can handle this gracefully.

Jeffrey Liu wrote:
Hi Mark,
Thanks for the clarification. If I understand it correctly, this means 
potentially I can put plugin distributions into this repository, host a 
site.xml file somewhere and point to these plugin distributions? Also, 
this is probably a dumb question, but I'll ask anyways. Who is responsible 
for putting these release distributions into this repository? Individual 
projects? Is this done automatically (each build/release)?

Jeffrey Liu
IBM Rational Software - Performance Analyst
IBM Toronto Lab.
8200 Warden Ave. Markham, Ontario, L6G 1C7
Internal mail: D3/R8V/8200/MKM (D3-268)
T/L: 969 3531
Tel: (905) 413 3531
Fax: (905) 413 4920

Mark Diggory <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
05/03/2005 03:58 PM
Please respond to

Re: Proposal for a centralized Eclipse update manager site for Apache 

Slow down, to clarify, the repository is not just for "Jar's", it is for 
any release distributions. An Eclipse plugin for, lets say, Ant, would 
be a distributable, just like any other binary or src distribution in 
the repository. In Eclipse, a plugin archive is "poorly" prefixed with 
the extension "jar", it is really a zip archive containing everything 
for that plugin (from what I understand, this will change in the future 
and it will truly be a jar, but that is an aside). The repository can 
hold these files and referencing them using a site.xml could happen from 
just about anywhere else (such as the project website).

-Mark Diggory
Jeffrey Liu wrote:

Hi Dion,
Thanks for your response. The existing repository won't work. Unlike a 
Java application, putting JARs on the classpath is not sufficient to make 


Eclipse aware of these libraries. Eclipse needs to work with something 
known as an Eclipse plug-in, which is really the JARs themselves plus a 
couple XML configuration files. So, in order to make use of the Eclipse 
update manager, we need to bundle the JARs, the XML configuration files 
and other files such as license/readme/etc together in the form of an 
Eclipse plug-in.

Jeffrey Liu
IBM Rational Software - Performance Analyst
IBM Toronto Lab.
8200 Warden Ave. Markham, Ontario, L6G 1C7
Internal mail: D3/R8V/8200/MKM (D3-268)
T/L: 969 3531
Tel: (905) 413 3531
Fax: (905) 413 4920

Dion Gillard <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
05/03/2005 10:33 AM
Please respond to

Re: Proposal for a centralized Eclipse update manager site for Apache 

Is there a reason we can't reuse the existing repository at ?
In your example, Eclipse could be configured to check for an update?
On 5/3/05, Jeffrey Liu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I want to propose a centralized Eclipse update manager site for Apache
projects/software. This may not be the correct place to ask this, but I
can find a better place to do it, so I decided to start here. If this is
not the right place, can somebody point me to the correct location?
Thanks! Reason I propose an Eclipse update manager site for Apache
projects/software is because Eclipse projects such as the Web Tools
Platform (WTP) project often reuses software that are provided by 



for example, Axis, Tomcat, Derby, etc... Often times, these Apache
software are not redistributed by the Eclipse projects, but instead, 



are listed as prerequisites. This means, end users must first download 



Eclipse project and all the Apache software prereq by the project, and
configure these software in the Eclipse project before they can get
started. This is error prone and hampers the out-of-the-box experience.
Imagine th

Re: Proposal for a centralized Eclipse update manager site for Apache projects/software

2005-05-04 Thread Mark R. Diggory
Niclas Hedhman wrote:
On Wednesday 04 May 2005 04:12, Jeffrey Liu wrote:

I want to propose a centralized Eclipse update manager site for Apache
projects/software. Reason I propose an Eclipse update manager site for
Apache projects/software

IIUYC, and perhaps others have not expressed this distinctly enough;
It should be a lot less effort to ask Eclipse to support Maven styled 
repositories as well as its own system. By doing so, you get what I think you 
are fishing for, without the need for every Apache and project to 
publish their respective artifacts in Eclipse specific format.

Thats a little pretentious, so Eclipse should support Maven, but not the
other way around? This is not about "every" Apache project having to
release Eclipse plugin format, just those that want to. Its trivial for
a project to organize an artifact directory for Eclipse
plugins/features. And doing so promotes more interoperability between
the two.
A simple directory structure for eclipse artifacts:
On top of that, people over at the DPML ( are working on 
providing Maven repository support for Eclipse, by leveraging the Transit 
sub-project which is capable of referencing artifacts (i.e. content) on 
Maven-styled organized (and others) repositories. 

 URL url = new URL( "artifact:jar:tomcat/catalina#5.5.9" );
 InputStream in = url.openStream();
and the catalina-5.5.9.jar will be searched on the configured repositories. 
The Eclipse support effort is basically a matter of registration of the 
artifact: protocol to the OSGi network subsystem, and overcoming Eclipse's 
inability to use URLs instead of almost always requiring files :o( , so it 
will take quite a long time before those guys reach all the way we want.
In any event, when the external Jar reference is created, the artifact: URI 
could be used, and with proper support in Eclipse, I think this is a 
non-issue for ASF projects.


Yes, thats very elegant, I hope that they are talking with Eclipse folks
and OSGi folk, or at least reviewing the specification to establish if
common strategies already exist there. But, thats a long way down the
road to interoperability. What's hoped for here is a place to store
plugin and feature artifacts for an apache project "now". It is not
think it much to ask...This IS what Maven was designed to be capable of
doing. If one wants to publish their own custom distributable, they can
configure Maven to do so.

Re: Proposal for a centralized Eclipse update manager site for Apache projects/software

2005-05-04 Thread Mark R. Diggory
Niclas Hedhman wrote:
On Wednesday 04 May 2005 20:06, Mark Diggory wrote:

Thats a little pretentious, so Eclipse should support Maven, but not the
other way around? This is not about "every" Apache project having to
release Eclipse plugin format, just those that want to. Its trivial for
a project to organize an artifact directory for Eclipse
plugins/features. And doing so promotes more interoperability between
the two.

My assertion is mostly based on the fact that almost 600 top level group names 
exist on, and go around asking the same question 
to a larger group of those seems to me to be very ineffective, especially 
since the benefit isn't obvious to those who have to do the work.


Sorry if my response sounded abrasive, I'm not trying to be. He was 
simply asking advice on who to consult on publishing Eclipse artifacts. 
The ASF Repository list is about discussing this kind of subject.

The benefit is in a greater, more useful "ASF Repository". Initially, 
they thought they would need a separate "repository" to maintain these 
distributables. They brought the subject up on the Incubator list 
because of this, the moderator suggested it was a topic for the 
repository list (which it is).

The question has now turned into how to physically structure a eclipse 
plugin/feature distribution in the ASF repository so that it can be 
accessed using the Eclipse update mechanism. I don't think the goal was 
to require all TLP's to begin packaging everything to work in the 
Eclipse updater. Nor, that they have a responsibility to do so, only 
that if they wish to do so, that they may.

If it ultimately is determined that ASF repository isn't the place for 
this (which would be sad indeed), then I'd recommend that the plugins 
just be distributed out of the projects 
"/www/" directory at Apache (which 
ultimately defeats our efforts to have a generic repository architecture).

If Maven can generate it without any additional effort, then you have solved 
it for a chunk of those projects, that's great. I still maintain as a general 
rule that those who benefit, should also carry the majority of the burden, in 
this case Eclipse users/developers.


I think many of us wear multiple hats, working on many different OS 
projects. The burden become less about "who is responsible" and more 
about "wheres the best place to maintain code/releases".


Re: Proposal for a centralized Eclipse update manager site for Apache projects/software

2005-05-04 Thread Mark R. Diggory
Brett Porter wrote:
On 5/5/05, Dion Gillard <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Where do you see the Eclipse version number (not the artifact version)
fitting in?

I was under the impression this would be captured within the archive itself.
But should it need to be part of the path, it is probably sensible to
make it part of the artifactId/versioning of the file:
Very rough, obviously. I wasn't really thinking of the specifics at
this point, however I think it is reasonable to assume that we can or
should map it to the repository in some way to leverage that. If it
needs to be able to do more, then we can look at that too.

I believe this naming scheme is critical for Eclipse, so attempting to 
redefine like you have above it is a problem. We might even find that 
the "plugins" directory is unchangeable. So, I'm suggesting that to 
publish a site in the repository, its going to have to look like this: 
When Eclipse packages the archive, its not the "Eclipse" version thats 
Identified, but the plugin version. so for instance, an Eclipse update 
site for Axis would contain the following:

The site.xml contains references to the above files. When the jar is 
installed using the updater it gets expanded under the path in Eclipse:


I'm going to also suggest that The updater will be responsible for 
determining dependencies, this means that the closest packaging gets to 
a dependency on a specif c "release" of Eclipse is really about the 
plugin having different dependencies on the core eclipse runtime. This 
means that say we had several versions of axis out where the differences 
the dependencies are on a specific runtime plugin.

>= org.eclipse.runtime_2.1
>= org.eclipse.runtime_2.1
>= org.eclipse.runtime_2.1

>= org.eclipse.runtime_3.0
>= org.eclipse.runtime_3.0
>= org.eclipse.runtime_3.0

>= org.eclipse.runtime_3.1
>= org.eclipse.runtime_3.1
>= org.eclipse.runtime_3.1

The dependencies would be determined by the Eclipse update manager via 
the site.xml, not by the structure of the repository. By reading the 
plugins dependencies, Eclipse determines which is the best fit for the 

And what of eclipse features which are a bundling of related plugins
and resources?

Again, I thought they were all described in the same way and its
internal structure decided that.

Re: Proposal for a centralized Eclipse update manager site for Apache projects/software

2005-05-04 Thread Mark R. Diggory
Good stuff, maybe it'd be good to start a separate thread from the 
Eclipse plugin artifact topic. -Mark

Steve Loughran wrote:
On 5/4/05, Niclas Hedhman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On Wednesday 04 May 2005 19:34, Steve Loughran wrote:

maven repositories are fun because every JAR is on a URL; you can pass
them to a URL classloader as is if you want. The .pom also declares
dependencies for transitive work; a bit like debian apt-get.

I have missed this progress. Can you point me to the implementation of this?

nothing in ant yet; maybe maven2. But the idea of a java version of
apt-get with less 'one version per system' is a vision that should
drive us all.


-a gui client that could work with the existing Apache repositories
-a client build on AWT for broadest cross platform execution.
-some way of pushing out packages to multiple systems in a cluster
-support per/user, per-system packages
-good auditing to determine package set (with JMX integration)
That is, a Java successor to all the rpm management tools.

Do you have any pointer to more elaborate ideas in this area??

not yet. Like I said, I was at a configuration workshop last week. It
was mostly about XML representations of configuration/state, but we
drifted into the Open Source area a few times
-Carwen covered JPackage and Config4Gnu
jpackage is interesting, even though I'm personally unhappy with it.
Its strength is it tries to  integrate java package redist with the
rpm framework. Its weaknesses are
1. the core project teams dont think about it, need to be coerced into
patching scripts and other things to work with jpackage
2. RPM is very superuser-centric. I shouldnt have to be su to install
stuff on my account.
3. RPM is only good on redhat/suse/mandrake, and is somewhat brittle
there. Partly that's to do with binaries, but also to do with
locations of things.
For the curious, I was talking about Smartfrog, and demoed a live
download and run of Axis tcpmon from the m2 repository. The biggest
issue i have there is signatures; we cant sign the JARs without side
effects; I can put the SHA1 or MD5 checksums in the deployment
descriptor, but that makes it too brittle to change.

Incidentally, one pressing problem with the maven repositories is
there is no easy way to fetch Sun stuff. That is, if I want to use
Axis with mail.jar and activation,jar, you cant get those from the
Apache site for legal reasons. Do you propose any solution to the
clickthrough licensing problem?

Milos, didn't Netbeans itself devise some funky system for the
non-distributables and click-thru license approvals??

It publishes stuff encrypted; you need to click through or have a
secret decryption key for automated builds. I am getting very close to
mounting a maven2 repository of sun stuff at work, just to avoid their
clickthrough junk.

Re: Proposal for a centralized Eclipse update manager site for Apache projects/software

2005-05-05 Thread Mark R. Diggory
Niclas Hedhman wrote:
On Wednesday 04 May 2005 21:26, Mark R. Diggory wrote:

Sorry if my response sounded abrasive, I'm not trying to be.

No problem. And ditto sorry.
I think I belong to a group who is not totally Eclipse savvy/friendly, and 
somewhat negative to an explicit support of Eclipse and not for other IDEs. 


I think that as long as we maintain that an Eclipse plugin is just a 
distributable artifact, then we do not provide any more support for 
Eclipse than we would for other IDE's.
