Re: [vchkpw] vpopmail default domain?

2003-09-08 Thread Jeremy Kitchen
On Mon, 2003-09-08 at 20:40, mc 02 wrote:
> i didnt enable ip-alias-domains for my vpopmail since .. i am using only a single IP 
> for all my domains. Is there any other way? 
> Or do i need to recompile my vpopmail?

well, think about it for a second.  All of your domains are being served
by one IP address.  How are you to differentiate between [EMAIL PROTECTED]
and [EMAIL PROTECTED] if all you log in as is joe?  One could argue that it
just picks the one with the right password, but what if they both have
the same password?  or what if maybe [EMAIL PROTECTED] accidentally types
in [EMAIL PROTECTED]'s password?


Jeremy Kitchen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

[vchkpw] [Fwd: [ ABU1063074658029 ] Re: [vchkpw] vpopmail default domain?]

2003-09-08 Thread Jeremy Kitchen
ok, who's the bright one who signed up [EMAIL PROTECTED] to the



-Forwarded Message-
> From: Prodigy Abuse Department <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: Jeremy Kitchen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: [ ABU1063074658029 ] Re: [vchkpw] vpopmail default domain?
> Date: Mon, 08 Sep 2003 21:31:06 -0500
>  Thank you for writing to SBC Internet Services Policy Group. 
> We apologize for the inconvenience you have experienced. This is an auto-generated 
> response designed to let you know that we have received your report, which will be 
> investigated personally by one of our Support Representatives within 48 hours. Your 
> report is important to us and we will treat it accordingly. Please note that we can 
> only take action with SBC Internet user's accounts (which have SBC Internet IP 
> addresses), and not those with any other IP address.
> You will not receive another message from us unless we need to request more 
> information from you to further our investigation. Please do not respond to this 
> e-mail, as any messages sent to this particular address by using the "Reply" button 
> will not be read. We appreciate your understanding that due to our privacy policy, 
> we will not report back to you about any action taken against SBC Internet users. 
> However, we want to assure you that we will take appropriate action against SBC 
> Internet users who have violated the SBC/Yahoo Terms of Service or the Acceptable 
> Use Policy
> In order for us to process your complaint, please check that you have submitted all 
> of the following information for each type of incident:
> Unsolicited Commercial/Bulk Email ("Spam"):
> - FULL message headers
> - Subject line exactly as it appears in the original message (i.e. 'Re: Make $$$!')
> - Trimmed body.  Send only as much of the text as needed to show the e-mail's intent.
> - Limited commentary.  We understand your frustration with Spam, but the less time 
> we spend reading your email, the more time we have to fight Spam.
> If we determine that the Spam originated from another ISP, we may refer the matter 
> to the respective ISP.
> Intrusion/Disruption Attempts (Trojans, "Hacks", Port Scans, etc.)/ Denials of 
> Service (ICMP "floods", brute-force connections, etc.):
> - Full log files containing all of the information below:
>   - IP Address of intruder (or the DNS name pointing to said address)
>   - Date/Time Stamp with ZONE (either numerical [-0600] or alpha [CST])
>   - Protocol/Port used (either numerical [25] or alpha [SMTP])
>   - Number of instances of each packet type received
> Newsgroup violations:
> - FULL message headers (including NNTP and Xtrace information)
> - Subject line exactly as it appears in the original message (i.e. 'Re: Make $$$!')
> - Trimmed body.  Send only as much of the text as needed to show the e-mail's intent.
> - Limited commentary.  As with Spam, the less time we spend reading your email, the 
> more time we will have to take care of the problem.
> Please keep in mind complaints could take up to 48 hrs to process.
> Many software packages will log and report what they construe to be suspicious 
> behavior.  These reports are only as good as the software configurations and tend to 
> err on the paranoid side. Submissions generated by such software in which relatively 
> minor errors are reported (i.e. a single ICMP packet, UDP frames from ICQ, DNS 
> packets) will be discarded without response from SBCIS due to the volume of such 
> requests received.
> SBCIS does not tolerate abusive Internet behavior, and will take all steps 
> reasonably necessary to enforce the Terms of Service (ToS) and Acceptable Use Policy 
> (AUP).  We will not supply you with any details relative to our other customers or 
> users unless compelled by law to do so.  If you wish to obtain such information, you 
> must first obtain a valid subpoena, court order, or other valid and enforceable 
> legal instrument allowing you to do so. 
> You are responsible for securing and protecting your own computer system and 
> network.  SBCIS does not provide anti-virus or virus recovery services.  You should 
> contact the manufacturer of your computer, or a qualified provider of virus recovery 
> services, in order to obtain assistance with this matter.
> Copyright/DMCA:
> For copyright issues, please send all correspondence to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> For our DMCA Agent contact information, please see our designated DMCA Agent in our 

Re: [vchkpw] [More Automated messages] Re: Your FAX to +14159408776

2003-09-09 Thread Jeremy Kitchen
yes, I realize this, I'm going to take care of it in the morning.


On Tue, 2003-09-09 at 23:40, Tim Hasson wrote:
> This is very annoying. Moderators?
> This is yet another automated message I get when I post to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > 
> > 
> > We regret to inform you that the phone number you attempted 
> > to reach is not currently being served by a remote printer 
> > operator. Your original message is attached so that you may
> > send it by alternative means.
> > 
> > We hope to have coverage in this area -- perhaps 
> > you know somebody who could operate a remote printer server?
> > Does your ISP provide fax coverage in your local area?  If not,
> > perhaps they would benefit by setting up a fax server and 
> > joining TPC.INT. Speak with your ISP and show them why they
> > might want to come online as a TPC "cell":
> > 
> >
> > 
> > 
> > It's possible of course that you have not composed the
> > TPC.INT-style address correctly, so here's a few examples.  
> > Note that we do not use international dialing codes but we 
> > do require the country codes.
> > 
> > Example1:
> > remote-printer.Arlington_Hewes/[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > (to send a fax to Arlington Hewes in Room 403, at the FAX 
> > number, in England (where the country code is 44), of +44 181 
> > 3434622)
> > 
> > Example2:
> > remote-printer.Paul_Katz/[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > (to send a fax to Paul Katz in The Manor at the FAX number, in 
> > North America (where the country code is 1) of +1 902 584 2817)
> > 
> > If you're still unclear on the address format we require, please
> > send for a copy of the FAQ, or visit our WWW pages.
> > 
> > 
> > TPC.INT does not consider unsolicited commercial mass mailings
> > an acceptable use of the network.  Individuals suspected of 
> > abusing this policy will be banned from using it pending 
> > investigation.  We regret that such measures are necessary,
> > but abuse of TPC.INT can force cells to close, and must be
> > prevented when possible.  Please be considerate - TPC.INT is
> > for everyone.
> > ***
> > 
> > Regards,
> > 
> > Mr. Arlington Hewes [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > The TPC.INT Subdomain
> > 
> >**
> >*** mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] ***
> >*** mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]   ***
> >***  TO REPORT A PROBLEM (read the FAQ first!) ***
> >*** mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]***
> >**
> > 
> Respectfully,
> Tim Hasson
> Consultant, AiDA Systems
> (209) 639-2989 Voice
Jeremy Kitchen
Systems Administrator
Inter7 Internet Technologies, Inc.
866.528.3530 toll free
847.492.0470 int'l
847.492.0632 fax

Re: [vchkpw] SMTP-Auth bug in passwords?

2003-09-09 Thread Jeremy Kitchen
I apologize for sending a copy directly to you Anthony, reply button in
evolution is a little crazy sometimes :)

On Wed, 2003-09-10 at 00:06, Anthony Baratta wrote:
> Tom...
> Doesn't the AUTH LOGIN state that he's going to use Base64 encoding?? If he 
> put in AUTH CRAM-MD5 then it would be expecting MD5 encoding.
> So this appears to be a problem with LOGIN, either in the patch or with 
> vPopmail.
> Do I have my logic wrong??

the smtp-auth patch you are probably using wrongly advertises that it
can handle CRAM-MD5.  Simply edit qmail-smtpd.c, search for the
CRAM-MD5, remove it, rebuild qmail-smtpd, and you're set.  I just did
this today, and it worked fine.

Jeremy Kitchen
Systems Administrator
Inter7 Internet Technologies, Inc.
866.528.3530 toll free
847.492.0470 int'l
847.492.0632 fax

[vchkpw] autoresponders

2003-09-10 Thread Jeremy Kitchen
Those of you who have posted since about 10 o'clock this morning have
probably noticed that you're not getting autoreplies anymore.  I didn't
see any reason to have [EMAIL PROTECTED] subscribed to the mailing
list, or the pager, or the broken autoresponder.  I didn't think we
needed to know he was relocating after every post :)

Jeremy Kitchen
Systems Administrator
Inter7 Internet Technologies, Inc.
866.528.3530 toll free
847.492.0470 int'l
847.492.0632 fax

Re: [vchkpw] UPGRADE to MD5 encryption

2003-09-10 Thread Jeremy Kitchen
On Wed, 2003-09-10 at 13:30, Charles Sprickman wrote:
> This is also somewhat OS dependant.  The *BSDs for example have a crypt()
> that can handle DES, MD5, and Blowfish.  I'm successfully using Blowfish
> (accounts were system account users from OpenBSD) after making the
> pw_passwd field larger in mysql.
> Some OSes have a config file for crypt() that will set the default
> encryption method.  "man 3 crypt" should give some indication of how your
> OS will behave.

good info :)  Thanks.  Learn somethin new every day!

Jeremy Kitchen
Systems Administrator
Inter7 Internet Technologies, Inc.
866.528.3530 toll free
847.492.0470 int'l
847.492.0632 fax

Re: [vchkpw] IMAP and Pop3

2003-09-11 Thread Jeremy Kitchen
On Thu, 2003-09-11 at 22:53, Geoff Byers wrote:
> For some reason my pop3d has stopped working. It still running but 
> fails to deliver my mail :(. IMAP gets the messages fine but pop3 
> refuses to send them.  Any ideas or guesses as to why this is would be 
> very helpful, thanks :D

'refuses to send them'  not very helpful.  you get an error message?

also, make sure that the message you are trying to retrieve are in your
inbox, because pop3 doesn't have the capability to look at anything


Jeremy Kitchen
Systems Administrator
Inter7 Internet Technologies, Inc.
866.528.3530 toll free
847.492.0470 int'l
847.492.0632 fax

Re: [vchkpw] How to completely remove a database

2003-09-11 Thread Jeremy Kitchen
On Fri, 2003-09-12 at 00:21, Don Walters wrote:
> I am trying to wipe out everything and start from scratch.  I tried using 
> "drop database vpopmail;" and creating it again using the instructions to 
> install vpopmail, but I'm unable to add the same domains back again.  It 
> keeps saying the domain already exists.  If I try to use the command 
> vdeldomain to remove it, it says the domain doesn't exist!
> The reason I didn't use vdeldomain in the first place is because I had to 
> reload everything all over again and I was installing over the top of a 
> previous installation.  I think all I need to do is wipe the slate and start 
> adding my domains back into a clean database.
> How can I be assured that I'm wiping out everything and starting fresh?
> Thanks in advance.

try removing it from virtualdomains, rcpthosts, and users/assign too. 
if that doesn't work you'll likely have to recreate the
/home/vpopmail/domains/ directory.  hope this helps :)


Jeremy Kitchen
Systems Administrator
Inter7 Internet Technologies, Inc.
866.528.3530 toll free
847.492.0470 int'l
847.492.0632 fax

Re: [vchkpw] IMAP and Pop3

2003-09-12 Thread Jeremy Kitchen
Please keep your replies on the list so others can share their
knowledge, and so everything stays nice and archived, thanks! :)

On Fri, 2003-09-12 at 06:51, Geoff Byers wrote:
> The messages are in my folder in the qmail home dir, for my account and 
> virtual domain, but it wont send them when my client goes to check for 
> new mail. It doesnt understand they are new i guess. I can download 
> them from the server with IMAP but not pop3. Any ideas?

so is it in your local home directory or in your vpopmail-run domain? 
Also, you still haven't said if it gives you any errors, which is
important to know.

Jeremy Kitchen
Systems Administrator
Inter7 Internet Technologies, Inc.
866.528.3530 toll free
847.492.0470 int'l
847.492.0632 fax

Re: [vchkpw] Sorry,_no_mailbox_here_by_that_name

2003-09-14 Thread Jeremy Kitchen
On Sun, 2003-09-14 at 16:21, Fast Johnny wrote:
> I have a fresh install of qmail/vpopmail. For about 3 months now, I 
> have had users logging in a getting/sending mail with no problem. I have
> gone over LWQ many times and I don't know why but when sending email to 
> some users I get this in the log:
> Sep 14 15:24:19 mail qmail: 1063574659.626616 delivery 569: failure:
> Sorry,_no_mailbox_here_by_that_name._(#5.1.1)/
> Can someone point me in the right direction on what to check? The user
> is in the ~vpopmail/domains//user_dir. I can run webmail locally
> and login ok. Also, I can run vuserinfo and it comes back with the correct info..
> Sorry if I'm missing important information, just let me know what I need to include
> for some help.

complete and unedited output of qmail-showctl would probably be a good
place to start.  also check your users/assign file to make sure the
domain is listed in there.

Jeremy Kitchen
Systems Administrator
Inter7 Internet Technologies, Inc.
866.528.3530 toll free
847.492.0470 int'l
847.492.0632 fax

Re: [vchkpw] Sorry,_no_mailbox_here_by_that_name

2003-09-14 Thread Jeremy Kitchen
On Sun, 2003-09-14 at 20:17, Fast Johnny wrote:
> users/assign file has the domain name of the mail being rejected.


> locals: 
> Messages for are delivered locally.
> Messages for localhost are delivered locally.
> Messages for are delivered locally.
> virtualdomains: 
> Virtual domain:
> Virtual domain:

do you see the problem?

if not, I'll give you a hint.  You have in locals as
well as virtualhosts.  I will assume this is the domain you are
referring to, and that what you have shown is not what you intended.  If is to be handed by vpopmail, remove the entry from
the locals file and sighup qmail-send.  done :)

Jeremy Kitchen
Systems Administrator
Inter7 Internet Technologies, Inc.
866.528.3530 toll free
847.492.0470 int'l
847.492.0632 fax

Re: [vchkpw] Sorry,_no_mailbox_here_by_that_name

2003-09-14 Thread Jeremy Kitchen
On Sun, 2003-09-14 at 21:34, Fast Johnny wrote:
> Oh geez. That was pretty bad. Although the error messages didn't give me much to
> go by, I needed to go back to simple control files. Sorry to waste everyone's time
> on this. Thanks Jeremy for your help.

it's ok, everyone makes mistakes.  and we all go through those times
when a little tiny problem creates a huge mess and you often overlook
things :)  We all do it.  Just glad you got fixed :)

Jeremy Kitchen
Systems Administrator
Inter7 Internet Technologies, Inc.
866.528.3530 toll free
847.492.0470 int'l
847.492.0632 fax

Re: [vchkpw] SMTP relay Problem

2003-09-15 Thread Jeremy Kitchen
On Mon, 2003-09-15 at 09:29, gabi wrote:
> drwxr-xr-x 2 vpopmail vchkpw 4096 sep 15 16:31 .
> drwxr-xr-x 9 vpopmail vchkpw 4096 abr 12 09:57 ..
> -rw-r--r-- 1 vpopmail vchkpw 25 sep 13 14:03 inc_deps
> -rw-r--r-- 1 vpopmail vchkpw 32 sep 13 14:03 lib_deps
> -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 3374 sep 15 16:31 open-smtp
> -rw-r--r-- 1 vpopmail vchkpw 1221 sep 6 10:39 open-smtp.bak
> -rw-r--r-- 1 vpopmail vchkpw 0 sep 15 16:31 open-smtp.lock
> -rw-rw-rw- 1 vpopmail vchkpw 2692 sep 15 16:15 tcp.smtp
> -rw-r--r-- 1 vpopmail vchkpw 5480 sep 15 16:15 tcp.smtp.cdb

something in there doesn't belong?  can we see what it is? :)

(hint: look for the word root)

> it's may be a permission problem?

appears so.

>  a bug in vpopmail?


>  something I forgot?

yes :)

> Thanks a lot, Gabi.

you're welcome


Jeremy Kitchen
Systems Administrator
Inter7 Internet Technologies, Inc.
866.528.3530 toll free
847.492.0470 int'l
847.492.0632 fax

Re: [vchkpw] more SMTP relay problem

2003-09-15 Thread Jeremy Kitchen
On Mon, 2003-09-15 at 11:45, gabi wrote:
> Hi again..


> I have install SMTP-after-POP and workw fine¡¡


> Another question to SMTP relay...
> I'm testing some Anti-replay testers (nsmtprc-2.0.1) and I have a 
> problem.
> When a user sends a email to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> where "asdfasdf" is a invalid user in a valid loca domain 
> ""
> The email is accepted and then ignored or managed by .qmail-default..
> How can I send a error message to the sender or not accept this 
> invalid email?

if the mailbox doesn't exist qmail will generate a bounce back to the
address in the ERP.  If the ERP is <> it will treat it as a double
bounce and handle it accordingly.

Jeremy Kitchen
Systems Administrator
Inter7 Internet Technologies, Inc.
866.528.3530 toll free
847.492.0470 int'l
847.492.0632 fax

[vchkpw] question about autoresponder change

2003-09-16 Thread Jeremy Kitchen
This is more of an opinion question than a request for help.

I received a call from a client that was having problems with ezmlm and
autoresponder.  autoresponder would bounce messages from his ezmlm list
and eventually ezmlm would remove him from the list (this is after
setting up the autoresponder/vacation reply in qmailadmin).

autoresponder was reporting this in the log, and not delivering the
message from the ezmlm list, as well as eventually causing him to be
removed from the mailing list.

AUTORESPOND: I can't handle a message with a Mailing-List header.

Upon further investigation I saw that autoresponder, when coming across
a Mailing-List header, would exit 100, causing qmail-local/vdelivermail
to bounce the message.

Am I wrong to think that autoresponder should silently ignore messages
with Mailing-List headers and exit 0 so the rest of the .qmail file can
be processed as usual?  It should not reply to messages from a mailing
list (we've all seen what kind of annoyance that creates) but it
shouldn't prevent them from being delivered.

I have attached a patch that addresses this issue.

Thanks in advance for the input.


Jeremy Kitchen
Systems Administrator
Inter7 Internet Technologies, Inc.
866.528.3530 toll free
847.492.0470 int'l
847.492.0632 fax
This patch makes autorespond silently ignore messages from
mailing lists that add a Mailing-List header (such as ezmlm)
and allows further processing of .qmail files.

Apply this patch like so:
cd /path/to/autorespond-2.0.4/

Re: [vchkpw] vqAdmin

2003-09-18 Thread Jeremy Kitchen
On Thu, 2003-09-18 at 02:55, Brad Dameron wrote:
> Ken,
> time to help. As it is I haven't had any time to upgrade the autoresponder
> with MySQL support like I wanted. Almost have to hire someone to do some
> work for me. hehe

might want to grab my patch for autoresponder so it functions properly
with mailing lists ;)

I'm going to be implementing it and tossing it up on the inter7 site
probably today.

Jeremy Kitchen
Systems Administrator
Inter7 Internet Technologies, Inc.
866.528.3530 toll free
847.492.0470 int'l
847.492.0632 fax

Re: [vchkpw] synchronize control files

2003-09-18 Thread Jeremy Kitchen
On Thu, 2003-09-18 at 12:18, Jeff Oliver wrote:
> Basically we have n+1 qmail+vpopmail+mysql, each sharing an NFS
> datastore for the vpopmail directory. (and only for that directory)

ok, cluster.
> As of now we are using a kludgey way of adding new domains to all
> boxes – simply adding the domain once to each box.  I think it’s pure
> luck that all machines are putting the new domains into the same
> directories and getting the same values in assign, morercpthosts etc. 
> up to now.  This can’t be the right way as adding the domain a second
> time gives an error about the domain existing, however we do get the
> desired benefit of having the domain added to qmails control files and
> the box will answer for that domain.

rsync is your friend.
> Is there a documented, proven proper method for adding domains to
> multiple machines in this configuration?  Should I be sharing the
> qmail control files as well/instead?  The problem with that is that
> some control files are unique to that machine?  Creative use of
> symlinks?  What about the lock files and cdb?

rsync is your friend.
> Any help or suggestions or pointers to the proper docs on cluster
> synchronization (which I can’t seem to find but probably haven’t
> looked hard enough ;) ) are appreciated.  

set up an rsync server for the qmail control files and a cronjob that
runs every however long that rsyncs the qmail control files.  Then,
all you have to do is update the 'master' :)
Jeremy Kitchen
Systems Administrator
Inter7 Internet Technologies, Inc.
866.528.3530 toll free
847.492.0470 int'l
847.492.0632 fax

Re: [vchkpw] question about autoresponder change

2003-09-18 Thread Jeremy Kitchen
On Thu, 2003-09-18 at 13:20, Flavio Curti wrote:
> Hi Jeremy
> On Tue, Sep 16, 2003 at 06:08:39PM -0500, Jeremy Kitchen wrote:
> > AUTORESPOND: I can't handle a message with a Mailing-List header.
> sadly this is not the only time autorespond uses the wrong exit code:
> AUTORESPOND: too many received from [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> (this gets triggered when a user sends more than defined mails in a
> period) i don't think the mail should bounce then! instead, autorespond
> should simply not send a vacation to the sender, but allow further
> deliveries. 

I will look for this.

> i just searched an replaced all exits, because in my opinion
> no failures of autorespond are fatal enough to stop the mail from ending
> up in the users mailbox!

interesting point.  I will review the exits and see if there are any
others that need changed before posting the next version :)

Jeremy Kitchen
Systems Administrator
Inter7 Internet Technologies, Inc.
866.528.3530 toll free
847.492.0470 int'l
847.492.0632 fax

Re: [vchkpw] question about autoresponder change

2003-09-18 Thread Jeremy Kitchen
On Tue, 2003-09-16 at 18:08, Jeremy Kitchen wrote:
> This is more of an opinion question than a request for help.

replying to my own request for advice.  After looking further at the
code, it appears that it may be acting properly if it were only to be
used as a standalone autoresponder.

However, qmailadmin also uses this for its 'vacation replies' and I
would assume that people wouldn't want their mailing list messages
bouncing (which then causes them to possibly get removed from the list)
when they're on vacation, or a whole plethora of other situations where
the autoresponder is acting improperly.

So, there's the dilemma, it appears that one package is trying to have
two different purposes in life, and those two purposes conflict with
each other.

For the sake of vacation replies (since I'm sure those are used far more
than "Mail robots") I'm going to release a new version with changes to
the exit codes, but also place a bug report with qmailadmin about this

Jeremy Kitchen
Systems Administrator
Inter7 Internet Technologies, Inc.
866.528.3530 toll free
847.492.0470 int'l
847.492.0632 fax

Re: [vchkpw] question about autoresponder change

2003-09-18 Thread Jeremy Kitchen
On Thu, 2003-09-18 at 15:31, Jeremy Kitchen wrote:
> For the sake of vacation replies (since I'm sure those are used far more
> than "Mail robots") I'm going to release a new version with changes to
> the exit codes, but also place a bug report with qmailadmin about this
> activity.

oops, I apologize.  I didn't realize there was a sourceforge project for
autorespond.  I submitted my patch to there and made some comments on
some other bug reports and such :)

Jeremy Kitchen
Systems Administrator
Inter7 Internet Technologies, Inc.
866.528.3530 toll free
847.492.0470 int'l
847.492.0632 fax

Re: [vchkpw] vqAdmin

2003-09-18 Thread Jeremy Kitchen
On Fri, 2003-09-19 at 00:00, Brad Dameron wrote:
> - Original Message - 
> From: "Jeremy Kitchen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > might want to grab my patch for autoresponder so it functions properly
> > with mailing lists ;)
> >
> > I'm going to be implementing it and tossing it up on the inter7 site
> > probably today.
> >
> > -- 
> > Jeremy Kitchen
> > Systems Administrator
> > .
> Jeremy,
> There is also a patch that should be added that blocks a so called possible
> buffer overflow in autoresponder. This was not proven to actually be
> exploitable but it could in some god unknown circumstance. I don't currently
> have a link to it and my e-mail was cleaned recently. I'll try to get it and
> we can figure out what needs to be done.

at the time I didn't realize there was a sourceforge project for
autorespond, I thought we were maintaining that package.  check and post your patch/bug report there :)


Jeremy Kitchen
Systems Administrator
Inter7 Internet Technologies, Inc.
866.528.3530 toll free
847.492.0470 int'l
847.492.0632 fax

Re: [vchkpw] 5.3.27 - vmysql.c patch to vset_limits

2003-09-19 Thread Jeremy Kitchen
your post was not related to the thread you replied to.  Please make a
new thread when asking a new question.

On Fri, 2003-09-19 at 13:45, Pablo Murillo wrote:
> Hi
[snip bug description]
> This is the right place for this ?

might want to file a bug report/upload your patch to the vpopmail
sourceforge project located at this is a far
better venue for bug reports and patches :)

Jeremy Kitchen
Systems Administrator
Inter7 Internet Technologies, Inc.
866.528.3530 toll free
847.492.0470 int'l
847.492.0632 fax

[vchkpw] vpopmail mysql horde plugin?

2003-12-09 Thread Jeremy Kitchen
In my constant effort to think of better ways/more integrated ways of
doing things, I was wondering if anyone knew of/is working on a horde
component that would allow users to be able to update their vpopmail
information (passwords, forward, and such) stored in a mysql database
(accessible to the webserver, of course).  I don't think it would be
that difficult to do, but if someone out there has already done it, why
reinvent the wheel? :)


Jeremy Kitchen
Systems Administrator
Kitchen @ #qmail on EFNet - Join the party!
Inter7 Internet Technologies, Inc.
866.528.3530 toll free
847.492.0470 int'l
847.492.0632 fax

Re: [vchkpw] pop3 auth mismatch

2003-12-11 Thread Jeremy Kitchen
On Thu, 2003-12-11 at 10:51, Gianluca Zamagni wrote:
> Hi,
> I've installed the latest release ov vpopmail, with netqmail and 
> qmailadmin.
> All works fine, except the pop3 authentication on virtualdomains.
> I've added with vadddomain a test domain, called "" and with 
> qmailadmin I've added a user.
> When I try to authenticatem the pop3 dont let me enter.

[snip failed authentication with the domain name]

> Obviously the domain "" there's in 
> /var/qmail/control/virtualdomains

vchkpw also looks at /var/qmail/users/assign (cdb?)

> If I try to log in without any domain it works!

$10 says you're using /bin/checkpassword in your pop3 run script.  We
don't know this because you didn't show us that. :)

[snip successful authentication without a domain]

> My /var/qmail/defaultdomain is empty!

doesn't matter, that's only for qmail-generated messages (such as
bounces, etc)

show us your pop3d run script and we'll probably be able to help you,
but like I said, you're probably not using vchkpw in it.

Jeremy Kitchen
Systems Administrator
Kitchen @ #qmail on EFNet - Join the party!
Inter7 Internet Technologies, Inc.
866.528.3530 toll free
847.492.0470 int'l
847.492.0632 fax

Re: [vchkpw] setuid vpopmail

2003-12-12 Thread Jeremy Kitchen
On Fri, 2003-12-12 at 09:17, Jacob S. wrote:
> Ok, I'm having trouble getting qmail's QUEUE_EXTRA feature and vpopmail
> to play well together.
> Can someone remind me how /home/vpopmail/bin/vdelivermail could be
> abused if it were chmod u+s vpopmail:vchkpw?

why on earth would you want to setuid it?  qmail-lspawn setuid's then
spawns qmail-local to handle the delivery.  there's no need to setuid

If you want to make queue-extra deliver to a vpopmail mailbox, tell it
to deliver to and the qmail-users/vpopmail will
handle the rest.

Jeremy Kitchen
Systems Administrator
Kitchen @ #qmail on EFNet - Join the party!
Inter7 Internet Technologies, Inc.
866.528.3530 toll free
847.492.0470 int'l
847.492.0632 fax

Re: [vchkpw] setuid vpopmail

2003-12-12 Thread Jeremy Kitchen
On Fri, 2003-12-12 at 10:08, Jeremy Kitchen wrote:
> On Fri, 2003-12-12 at 09:17, Jacob S. wrote:
> > Ok, I'm having trouble getting qmail's QUEUE_EXTRA feature and vpopmail
> > to play well together.
> > 
> > Can someone remind me how /home/vpopmail/bin/vdelivermail could be
> > abused if it were chmod u+s vpopmail:vchkpw?
> why on earth would you want to setuid it?  qmail-lspawn setuid's then
> spawns qmail-local to handle the delivery.  there's no need to setuid
> it.

forgot to add, if the user qmail-local is trying to deliver to doesn't
own the directory, it won't deliver to it, period.  It won't even pass
it off for program delivery, so putting setuid bit on there is

see 'man qmail-local' for more information.


Jeremy Kitchen
Systems Administrator
Kitchen @ #qmail on EFNet - Join the party!
Inter7 Internet Technologies, Inc.
866.528.3530 toll free
847.492.0470 int'l
847.492.0632 fax

Re: [vchkpw] Re: vpopmail, maildrop and spamassassin problem

2003-12-15 Thread Jeremy Kitchen
On Mon, 2003-12-15 at 13:26, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> This is because spamc is a perlscript, as well as spamd.  Spamc has the '-w'
> perl flag in the interpreter line.  Remove it.  -w just adds additional
> warnings.

err... spamc is written in C bud.  spamd is the perl script.


Jeremy Kitchen
Systems Administrator
Kitchen @ #qmail on EFNet - Join the party!
Inter7 Internet Technologies, Inc.
866.528.3530 toll free
847.492.0470 int'l
847.492.0632 fax

Re: [vchkpw] help me get off this list

2003-12-15 Thread Jeremy Kitchen
On Mon, 2003-12-15 at 14:02, Albert Hopkins wrote:
> Can someone who administers this list please unsubscribe me.  I have
> tried sending emails to [EMAIL PROTECTED] as well as
> [EMAIL PROTECTED], but get no response from either (the "-help"
> address works though).  I'm not sure why I don't get a response, but
> I've been trying for a couple of months now.
> If anyone knows how I can get in touch with a human administrator I'd
> appreciate it.


Jeremy Kitchen
Systems Administrator
Kitchen @ #qmail on EFNet - Join the party!
Inter7 Internet Technologies, Inc.
866.528.3530 toll free
847.492.0470 int'l
847.492.0632 fax

Re: [vchkpw] vpopmail + maildrop + SQL valias delivery issue problem/kludge

2003-12-21 Thread Jeremy Kitchen
On Sun, 2003-12-21 at 14:01, Gary - US wrote:
> Is there something wrong with the site?  I haven't been able to
> access it for days.

Your question should have been started as a new thread, rather than a
reply to a previous post, since it didn't have any relevance to the post
you replied to.

That being said, yes, the Inter7 website is currently down.  The
colocation provider hosting the machine is having massive network
issues, and they are currently working on getting us access to it.  I am
not sure what Ken is planning to do, but I believe we'll be moving the
site to our offices in Evanston, IL.

We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience this may be causing anyone.


Jeremy Kitchen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Inter7 Internet Technologies, Inc.

Re: [vchkpw] Imap and pop3 problem

2003-12-21 Thread Jeremy Kitchen
On Tue, 2003-12-16 at 19:08, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Ross Davis - <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >> On my pc (using outlook 2002) I have added one pop3 account to pull
> >> the mail from my inbox off onto my machine and another Imap account
> >> that I can use to monitor my spam folder.  This is really nice
> >> concept wise except I am getting an error about 20% of the time when
> >> I check my email.  If I remove the Imap account I do not get the
> >> error.  Outlook checks both accounts at the same time and there is
> >> no way to stop that. I tried everything.
> >>
> >> I think the problem is that imap and pop3 are conflicting with each
> >> other when checking the same account at the same time.  Anyone else
> >> tried this or know of a solution?

first of all, why use the imap AND pop3 account?  You can view your
inbox with your imap account just fine.  I use imap, and only imap
anymore, as I like to be able to get the same emails from anywhere :)

> Incorrect.  The problem is courier-imap only allows a small amount of imap
> connections per IP, and outlook and outlook express both open several
> connections at a time, and the IMAP server is killing the extra connections.

Unfortunately that is true.  Also unfortunately, Mozilla Thunderbird (at
least for linux) also does that.  It sets up a new connection for each
folder, which, in my case, is very bad, as I have lots of imap folders
(at least 2 for every mailing list I'm on, as well as lots of 'personal'

I don't use windows anymore, and I never really used Outlook with my
imap server, I've been using evolution under linux for the past 2 years,
which is absolutely wonderful.

I would suggest perhaps trying some other mail clients.  I know eudora
(at least later versions) is very nice, but it's not freeware, so unless
you register it you have a few very small (and unobtrusive) ads in your
main client window (it is NOT spyware, and will NOT pop up ads on you)

Also, I'm sure freshmeat would have a nice listing of free email clients
for windows, certainly one of them will perform well enough for you.  I
certainly wish I could recommend one for you other than Eudora, but I do
not use windows anymore, nor do I feel like installing windows just for
that ;)  Maybe some day...

I am planning on opening a site very soon that will review a lot of
things, I'm semi keeping it secret because I don't own the domain yet
and don't want someone to steal it before I can get it :\  I will put
"Windows MUAs" on my checklist of things to review, hopefully it will be
helpful to someone.

> Find your 'imapd' file, (default /usr/lib/courier-imap/etc), and find the
> "MAXPERIP" variable.  Raise it.

That will certainly help, but in my case I would also be limited by the
max connections configuration directive, because I have far more than 40
(which is the default) imap folders.  I think this is more an MUA
problem than a server side problem.


Jeremy Kitchen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Inter7 Internet Technologies, Inc.

Re: [vchkpw] Help with rblsmtpd

2003-12-21 Thread Jeremy Kitchen
On Sun, 2003-12-21 at 20:50, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> I am using spamcop RBL to block known spammers
> Do you know how I can selectively EXEMPT certain virtualhosts from spamcop ?

This question has nothing to do with vpopmail.  Instead, it should go
either on the qmail mailing list, or the ucspi-tcp mailing list (since
rblsmtpd is part of the ucspi-tcp package, but most commonly used in
conjuction with qmail, so either would probably yield proper results),
but I will answer your qestion anyways.

> Say, is a virtualhost on my system and I wish to accept all
> e-mail even from servers listed with spamcop.

from :

If the $RBLSMTPD environment variable is set and is nonempty, rblsmtpd
blocks mail. It uses $RBLSMTPD as an error message for the client.
Normally rblsmtpd runs under tcpserver; you can use tcprules to set
$RBLSMTPD for selected clients. 

If $RBLSMTPD is set and is empty, rblsmtpd does not block mail.

If $RBLSMTPD is not set, rblsmtpd looks up $TCPREMOTEIP in the RBL, and
blocks mail if $TCPREMOTEIP is listed. tcpserver sets up $TCPREMOTEIP as
the IP address of the remote host.


why set TCPLOCALHOST?  just do this:


>From the example you provided, it seems that you want to do this only
for mails headed to some domain.  With only one IP address, that is not
possible.  However, you can set up a different smtp service on another
IP address, point your MX records at that, and allow spamcop listed
hosts either by not adding spamcop to your rblsmtpd list (something I
would recommend anyways, as they are too overly anal for my tastes), or
if you want to not block any mail to that domain, simply leave out
rblsmtpd all together.  Or, you can use any combination of setting
tcprules rules for hosts/removing rbl lists/removing rblsmtpd to get the
required effect.

Hope this helps, and please, in the future, try to post questions to the
proper mailing lists, as that is why they exist :)

Jeremy Kitchen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

RE: [vchkpw] Help with rblsmtpd

2003-12-21 Thread Jeremy Kitchen
On Sun, 2003-12-21 at 23:36, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Yes, I thought of different MX records as well but this would necessitate
> running qmail on a separate server since I cannot run 2 instances of
> qmail-smtpd on the same port (25) on the same server even if each is using a
> different virtual IP.  At least I don't think I can.

you can specify an address for tcpserver to listen to.  Make one listen
to one address, and make another listen to the other address, then set
up different rules and such for each.

> Thanks for trying.  I am still trying to find out why is it that I cannot
> post to the qmail list.

I had something similar to that happen to me once before, but I was able
to post from another email address, so that's what I did  Strange,

Jeremy Kitchen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Re: [vchkpw] [not-OT] Pop3 auth

2003-12-22 Thread Jeremy Kitchen
On Mon, 2003-12-22 at 08:30, Andrea Riela wrote:
> Hi folks,
> I need your suggestions.
> I've to do that: I would open my smtp relay for pop3 users with ssl auth.
> That is, the pop3 users couldn't use my smtp relay, pop3-ssl users ya.
> I've to implement two vchkpw binaries? Or wich type of solution?
> Could you send me your advices?

yes, two vchkpw binaries, one with and one without

Jeremy Kitchen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Re: [vchkpw] R: [vchkpw] [not-OT] Pop3 auth

2003-12-22 Thread Jeremy Kitchen
On Mon, 2003-12-22 at 09:31, Andrea Riela wrote:
> > yes, two vchkpw binaries, one with and one without 
> > --enable-roaming-users=y
> Hi Jeremy,
> Thanks for your help.
> What I've to do exactly? Sorry, I'm a newbie, I think :)
> How I could create a second binary?
> There's sybchrony between the two vchkpw?
> I don't undestand, could you figure it out?

you run your ./configure once... with the --enable-roaming-users=y
option, then make the binaries using 'make'

vchkpw should be right there, so move it somewhere, like

then do a 'make clean' and re-run the ./configure without the
--enable-roaming-users=y, make, make install.

it's fairly simple.  Then you have two vchkpw binaries.  One with
roaming users, and one without.  I trust that you can determine the


Jeremy Kitchen
Systems Administrator
Kitchen @ #qmail on EFNet - Join the party!
Inter7 Internet Technologies, Inc.
866.528.3530 toll free
847.492.0470 int'l
847.492.0632 fax

Re: [vchkpw] Rebuilding vpasswd?

2003-12-23 Thread Jeremy Kitchen
On Tue, 2003-12-23 at 05:09, Rick Widmer wrote:
> Shaun Reitan wrote:
> > How can i rebuild a users vpasswd.cdb from vpasswd with out using any of the
> > vpop utilitys?  I assume i can do this some how with the cdb util?  i have
> > tryed the following and this is the error i get...
> Why?

why, indeed.

> If you remove the .cdb file it will be automagically recreated the next 
> time one of the vpopmail programs needs to use it.  Much easier...

or you can run vmkpasswd to rebuild it manually.


Jeremy Kitchen
Systems Administrator
Kitchen @ #qmail on EFNet - Join the party!
Inter7 Internet Technologies, Inc.
866.528.3530 toll free
847.492.0470 int'l
847.492.0632 fax

RE: [vchkpw] Limits

2003-12-29 Thread Jeremy Kitchen
On Sun, 2003-12-28 at 22:25, Mark Spieth wrote:
> /var/qmail/control/maxrecipients

not part of stock qmail.

> This will limit the maximum amount of recipients in an email

nope, it won't.  qmail will ignore it because it simply doesn't know
what to do with it.

from qmail-showctl on stock qmail 1.03 (with errno patch, nothing more):
maxrecipients: I have no idea what this file does.

there is also no mention of it in the qmail-control manpage, nor is
there any mention of it when:
[EMAIL PROTECTED] ~/dev/qmail/qmail-1.03.orig $ grep maxrecipients *
[EMAIL PROTECTED] ~/dev/qmail/qmail-1.03.orig $

However, there is (I believe) a patch to qmail to limit the number of
recipients (goole?, but you're trying to use a technical
solution to solve an administrative problem.  Users spamming?  Account
gone.  Problem solved.

> as far as limiting the amount of email a day, Nothing comes to mind

Well, it's almost impossible to do, unless you require all of your users
to use some sort of direct authentication method to send email.  Then
all you'd have to do is write a wrapper around your checkpassword
replacement to count the number of times they've sent, and a cronjob to
clear it out every so often.

>  You can use the tar pit delay setting to slow down their sending of
> email..

which is pointless, and just slows down your users.

[fixed quoting of original post]
> > I want to use it to prevent clients to send spam.

make them authenticate using smtp auth.  if they are spamming, shut them
off.  simple.

By the way, this question was not in any way related to vpopmail, it
should have gone on a more appropriate list (perhaps the qmail list?)



Jeremy Kitchen
Systems Administrator
Kitchen @ #qmail on EFNet - Join the party!
Inter7 Internet Technologies, Inc.
866.528.3530 toll free
847.492.0470 int'l
847.492.0632 fax

Re: [vchkpw] vqadmin and my_user@localhost (2)

2003-12-29 Thread Jeremy Kitchen
On Mon, 2003-12-29 at 00:06, DOV wrote:
> Late breaking memory:
[snip lots of errors from mysql]

perhaps the user you have configured vpopmail to use for mysql does not
have permission to create the table?  Unfortunately, vpopmail isn't
smart enough to realize when it had a problem creating the table and
fail immediately, it still attempts to add the domain, so the error it
returns is misleading.

Also, if you could set your MUA to limit the width of your text to
approximately 70-80 characters, those people who are using text-based
clients will be able to read your email easier :)

Jeremy Kitchen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Re: [vchkpw] vpopmail and qmailadmin

2003-12-30 Thread Jeremy Kitchen
On Tue, 2003-12-30 at 19:20, DOV wrote:
> qmailadmin is now working... thank Tom..
> vqadmin seems to be working
> (note: that something looks off...
> from main page: click 'List Domains' leave it empty and click on button, now showing
> All domains
> roo Aliased to root
> root
> localhost
> the only domain setup is, where are the extras arriving from?)

vqadmin reads the users/assign (cdb?) file.  Perhaps you have some other
entries in there and it's getting confused.  If this is the case, ignore


Jeremy Kitchen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Re: [vchkpw] vpopmail and qmailadmin

2003-12-31 Thread Jeremy Kitchen
On Wed, 2003-12-31 at 15:05, Chris Ess wrote:
> >
> > /var/log/maillog contains:
> > www9 vpopmail[21742]: vchkpw-pop3: vpopmail user not found root@:
> >
> > -- seems the above should be [EMAIL PROTECTED]: is that correct?)
> [snip]
> This may sound like a silly question, but...  What is the login name you
> are using in Eudora?  Are you using '[EMAIL PROTECTED]'?  If so, try
> using ''.  In my experience, Eudora drops the '@'
> and everything to the right of it in the login name.

older versions of eudora did this because you specified your incoming
mail server in the username field:

where username was (duh) your username, and was the
address of the pop3 server.  5.xx+ doesn't do this.

Jeremy Kitchen
Systems Administrator
Kitchen @ #qmail on EFNet - Join the party!
Inter7 Internet Technologies, Inc.
866.528.3530 toll free
847.492.0470 int'l
847.492.0632 fax

Re: [vchkpw] vpopmail and qmailadmin

2003-12-31 Thread Jeremy Kitchen
please keep list posts on the list.  I get lots of email, and if it's
posted to the list it's automatically filed for me, as well as being
available for other list members and for the archives.  If it arrives in
my inbox, it may get inadvertently deleted, or perhaps, even
intentionally deleted.


On Wed, 2003-12-31 at 15:28, DOV wrote:
> >> (note: that something looks off...
> >> from main page: click 'List Domains' leave it empty and click on button, now 
> >> showing
> >> All domains
> >> roo Aliased to root
> >> root
> >> localhost
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >> the only domain setup is, where are the extras arriving from?)
> >
> >vqadmin reads the users/assign (cdb?) file.  Perhaps you have some other
> >entries in there and it's getting confused.  If this is the case, ignore
> >it.

> This is the contents of assign...
> /var/qmail/users/assign
> =root:root:89:89:/var/vpopmail/users/root:::
> +root-:root:89:89:/var/vpopmail/users/root:-::
> +localhost-:localhost:89:89:/var/vpopmail/domains/localhost:-::
> What is the procedure for rebuilding the cdb file...

man qmail-users
(hint: /var/qmail/bin/qmail-newu )

> and does it look right?

sure.  if it's not right, qmail-newu will complain.

like I said, vqadmin is seeing those other entries and getting
confused.  Ignore it.


Jeremy Kitchen
Systems Administrator
Kitchen @ #qmail on EFNet - Join the party!
Inter7 Internet Technologies, Inc.
866.528.3530 toll free
847.492.0470 int'l
847.492.0632 fax

Re: [vchkpw] Disabling an account in vpopmail (using valias)

2004-01-06 Thread Jeremy Kitchen
On Sat, 2004-01-03 at 01:00, Tom Collins wrote:
> On Jan 2, 2004, at 10:54 AM, John Councilman wrote:
> > I am aware that in a standard dot-qmail file, you can disable an 
> > account by putting a "#" in the file, but the same does not seem to 
> > work with valias.  I was trying to put a "#" in valias_line, and 
> > vpopmail tries to deliver to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> What version of vpopmail?  A quick check of the current rc1 release 
> (and other recent releases) appears to include code to properly handle 
> "#" in a valias file.

in the valias database table? or dot-qmail file... he was asking about
in the valias database table...

Jeremy Kitchen
Systems Administrator
Kitchen @ #qmail on EFNet - Join the party!
Inter7 Internet Technologies, Inc.
866.528.3530 toll free
847.492.0470 int'l
847.492.0632 fax

Re: [vchkpw] Html format message autoresponder QMailAdmin

2004-01-12 Thread Jeremy Kitchen
On Mon, 2004-01-12 at 07:22, Eduardo P. RomÃn O. wrote:
> Hi, I been installed qmailadmin v1.06, this have an autoresponder very good.

no, it's not actually.  Make sure you get my patch from here if you plan
to use it extensively:

> The question is , how I can do and autorepond mail in HTML format, to include 
> some images ?

perhaps just format the autoresponse message correctly? :)


Jeremy Kitchen
Systems Administrator
Kitchen @ #qmail on EFNet - Join the party!
Inter7 Internet Technologies, Inc.
866.528.3530 toll free
847.492.0470 int'l
847.492.0632 fax

Re: [vchkpw] Html format message autoresponder QMailAdmin

2004-01-12 Thread Jeremy Kitchen
On Mon, 2004-01-12 at 10:10, Jeremy Kitchen wrote:
> On Mon, 2004-01-12 at 07:22, Eduardo P. RomÃn O. wrote:
> > Hi, I been installed qmailadmin v1.06, this have an autoresponder very good.
> no, it's not actually.  Make sure you get my patch from here if you plan
> to use it extensively:

err.. might help to actually put the url there!  Sigh, not enough
redbull yet.

here ya go:

Jeremy Kitchen
Systems Administrator
Kitchen @ #qmail on EFNet - Join the party!
Inter7 Internet Technologies, Inc.
866.528.3530 toll free
847.492.0470 int'l
847.492.0632 fax

RE: [vchkpw] vchkpw and courier 2.2.2 (probably a bug)

2004-01-14 Thread Jeremy Kitchen
On Wed, 2004-01-14 at 10:10, Andrea Riela wrote:
> Anders Brander wrote:
> >> +OK POP3 clients that break here, they violate STD53.
> I don't know, in my opinion is a bug, I've never seen that with qmail-pop3d,
> only with courier-imap pop3 and pop3-ssl. There's probably a problem.

what exactly is a bug?

It states clearly that POP3 clients that break here, they violate STD53
That is courier saying that.  It doesn't HAVE to be there, but it can

> Another thing:
> When I try to download the emails through courier-imap pop3, I couldn't, and
> in my /var/log/maillog I've something like:
> Jan 14 10:23:07 observe pop3d: Connection, ip=[:::]
> Jan 14 10:23:06 observe pop3d: LOGIN, [EMAIL PROTECTED],
> ip=[:::]
> Jan 14 10:23:06 observe pop3d: LOGOUT, [EMAIL PROTECTED],
> ip=[:::], top=0, retr=0
> Jan 14 10:23:06 observe pop3d: Connection, ip=[:::]
> Jan 14 10:23:06 observe pop3d: LOGIN, [EMAIL PROTECTED],
> ip=[:::]
> Jan 14 10:23:06 observe pop3d: LOGOUT, [EMAIL PROTECTED],
> ip=[:::], top=0, retr=0
> Jan 14 10:23:06 observe pop3d: Connection, ip=[:::]
> Jan 14 10:23:06 observe pop3d: LOGIN, [EMAIL PROTECTED],
> ip=[:::]
> Jan 14 10:23:07 observe pop3d: LOGOUT, [EMAIL PROTECTED],
> ip=[:::], top=0, retr=0

they look like successful logins to me.  You have an MUA issue, and are
blaming courier for it.  Try a different MUA.

Jeremy Kitchen
Systems Administrator
Kitchen @ #qmail on EFNet - Join the party!
Inter7 Internet Technologies, Inc.
866.528.3530 toll free
847.492.0470 int'l
847.492.0632 fax

RE: [vchkpw] vchkpw and courier 2.2.2 (probably a bug)

2004-01-14 Thread Jeremy Kitchen
On Wed, 2004-01-14 at 10:28, Andrea Riela wrote:
> Jeremy Kitchen wrote:
> > It states clearly that POP3 clients that break here, they
> > violate STD53 That is courier saying that.  It doesn't HAVE to be
> > there, but it can be. 
> It's a courier bug, for you?

no, I'm asking you, what do you think is the 'bug'.  Not asking about
code, what is jumping out at you and indicating a bug?

I didn't see anything in your report that showed anything that looked
like a bug.

> >> Another thing:
> > they look like successful logins to me.  You have an MUA
> > issue, and are blaming courier for it.  Try a different MUA.
> Wich MUA, for example?

whichever one you're having the problem with.  I assume you are mailing
the list because you are having a problem, am I incorrect?

Jeremy Kitchen
Systems Administrator
Kitchen @ #qmail on EFNet - Join the party!
Inter7 Internet Technologies, Inc.
866.528.3530 toll free
847.492.0470 int'l
847.492.0632 fax

Re: [vchkpw] tcp.smtp / open-smtp rule precedence

2004-01-16 Thread Jeremy Kitchen
On Fri, 2004-01-16 at 11:10, Chris Hardie wrote:
> We have a line in our ~vpopmail/etc/tcp.smtp file that looks like this:

> BUT, we have a meddlesome user on who is popping into
> vpopmail, which has the allow roaming users flag set.  As soon as this
> user does that, an entry is created in the tcp.smtp database for that
> user, as reflected in the open-smtp file:
>,RELAYCLIENT="",RBLSMTPD=""  1074272408
> The result is that the users pop / roaming action is disabling
> qmail-scanner for all mail from that server.  In general, the issue is
> that a user popping in from an IP that has a line in the main
> ~vpopmail/etc/tcp.smtp can override the rule for that IP.

Interesting indeed!

I would simply disable pop-before-smtp for this user.  Look at
vmoduser.  Then, add RELAYCLIENT="" to your original line, and call it


Jeremy Kitchen
Systems Administrator
Kitchen @ #qmail on EFNet - Join the party!
Inter7 Internet Technologies, Inc.
866.528.3530 toll free
847.492.0470 int'l
847.492.0632 fax

Re: [vchkpw] rblsmtpd / tcp.smtp rules precedence

2004-01-16 Thread Jeremy Kitchen
On Fri, 2004-01-16 at 11:21, Mauricio Teixeira (listas) wrote:
> Another message from Chris Hardie did remember me about an old question
> I have.
> How can I make tcp.smtp rules be processed BEFORE rblsmtpd, when rblsmtp
> is called from tcpserver's qmail-smtpd initialization command?

they already are.  tcpserver doesn't launch prog until it finishes
setting up the environment, doing ident/hostname lookups, etc.  When it
runs prog, tcprules have already been processed.

> I mean, some times we find one IP blocked by the RBL systems, and want
> to allow it pass, without having to deal with the de-listing problems
> (specially when the IPs are not ours).

put RBLSMTPD="" in an entry that matches their IP address in your
tcprules file. explains that seeing RBLSMTPD
set, and empty, will cause it to ignore that particular address, and
continue as normal.


Jeremy Kitchen
Systems Administrator
Kitchen @ #qmail on EFNet - Join the party!
Inter7 Internet Technologies, Inc.
866.528.3530 toll free
847.492.0470 int'l
847.492.0632 fax

Re: [vchkpw] rblsmtpd / tcp.smtp rules precedence

2004-01-16 Thread Jeremy Kitchen
On Fri, 2004-01-16 at 11:24, Rick Macdougall wrote:

> Add the IP in question to your tcp.smtp file with RBLSMTPD="", that will 
> cause tcpserver to by pass the rblsmtpd check.

tcpserver doesn't do any rbl check.  that's what rblsmtpd does.  putting
RBLSMTPD="" into your environment for the connection doesn't cause
tcpserver to NOT run rblsmtpd.. it just causes rblsmtpd to continue on
as normal and execute its argument.

Jeremy Kitchen
Systems Administrator
Kitchen @ #qmail on EFNet - Join the party!
Inter7 Internet Technologies, Inc.
866.528.3530 toll free
847.492.0470 int'l
847.492.0632 fax

Re: [vchkpw] tcp.smtp / open-smtp rule precedence

2004-01-16 Thread Jeremy Kitchen
On Fri, 2004-01-16 at 11:25, Chris Hardie wrote:
> On Fri, 16 Jan 2004, Jeremy Kitchen wrote:
> > I would simply disable pop-before-smtp for this user.  Look at
> > vmoduser.  Then, add RELAYCLIENT="" to your original line, and call it
> > good.
> I see why that would work (though I think you didn't mean the part about
> putting RELAYCLIENT="" in tcp.smtp, as that disables qmail-scanner), but
> it doesn't seem to scale very well.  As other users on do
> the same thing, we'd have to watch for them and vmoduser each one.

well then you'll have to either:

a) vmoduser all of them and force the other clients on that IP to use
SMTP auth.

b) set up another qmail-smtpd service specifically for the server you
want to have all mail from scanned with qmail-scanner, and configure
that server to use your new qmail-smtpd service.

there's no other way to do it, since tcpserver doesn't know which client
is which, it just knows IPs, and since you pointed out that
qmail-scanner doesn't run if the RELAYCLIENT is set, then having them
both on the same port/ip is not possible.

Jeremy Kitchen
Systems Administrator
Kitchen @ #qmail on EFNet - Join the party!
Inter7 Internet Technologies, Inc.
866.528.3530 toll free
847.492.0470 int'l
847.492.0632 fax

Re: [vchkpw] tcp.smtp / open-smtp rule precedence

2004-01-16 Thread Jeremy Kitchen
On Fri, 2004-01-16 at 11:31, Jeremy Kitchen wrote:
> and since you pointed out that
> qmail-scanner doesn't run if the RELAYCLIENT is set, then having them
> both on the same port/ip is not possible.

ahem, it runs.

it just doesn't do anything.



Jeremy Kitchen
Systems Administrator
Kitchen @ #qmail on EFNet - Join the party!
Inter7 Internet Technologies, Inc.
866.528.3530 toll free
847.492.0470 int'l
847.492.0632 fax

Re: [vchkpw] QS to reject misaddressed email at SMTP conversation

2004-01-16 Thread Jeremy Kitchen
On Fri, 2004-01-16 at 14:35, Doug Clements wrote:
> Make sure you used his other big patch as well.

it's not required for this.  Maybe he doesn't want it.  Please don't
give him the impression that he NEEDS the other patch for this to work. 
You can however, recommend it, if you want.

"I would suggest you look at his other big patch as well" might be more

Sorry, but I hate patching qmail if I have to, and I think the checkuser
patch is good, but I wouldn't use it if I had to use the 'qmail toaster'
patch as well.

my two cents :)

Jeremy Kitchen
Systems Administrator
Kitchen @ #qmail on EFNet - Join the party!
Inter7 Internet Technologies, Inc.
866.528.3530 toll free
847.492.0470 int'l
847.492.0632 fax

Re: [vchkpw] QS to reject misaddressed email at SMTP conversation

2004-01-16 Thread Jeremy Kitchen
On Fri, 2004-01-16 at 15:46, Doug Clements wrote:
> Jeremy Kitchen wrote:
> > On Fri, 2004-01-16 at 14:35, Doug Clements wrote:
> >>
> >> Make sure you used his other big patch as well.
> >
> > it's not required for this.  Maybe he doesn't want it.  Please don't
> > give him the impression that he NEEDS the other patch for this to
> > work. You can however, recommend it, if you want.
> Actually, the patch Shupp has posted does in fact require his larger patch
> for it to apply cleanly. I just installed it today, I know :)

ok so we're both right and we're both wrong.

the patch functionality itself does not require the qmail-toaster patch,
however, since the patch file itself was created against the
qmail-toaster patch, it requires it to be cleanly patched without manual
intervention.  So, if you don't want to do any work, then I guess it
requires the toaster patch.

Perhaps he should make a patch against stock qmail so those of us who
don't want to use his 'toaster' patch can use it anyways.


Jeremy Kitchen
Systems Administrator
Kitchen @ #qmail on EFNet - Join the party!
Inter7 Internet Technologies, Inc.
866.528.3530 toll free
847.492.0470 int'l
847.492.0632 fax

RE: [vchkpw] QS to reject misaddressed email at SMTP conversation

2004-01-16 Thread Jeremy Kitchen
On Fri, 2004-01-16 at 17:32, Russell Mann wrote:
> > It does:
> > Qmail chkuser patch
> > Checks that the vpopmail recipient is valid before accepting the message.
> > requires vpopmail to be installed first, and that the 0.5 patch above is
> > applied to qmail.
> > Please select the appropriate version:
> >
> > --Doug
> Oops, my bad.  Sorry bout that.  I shouldn't have been so grumpy either.

me either, and I apologize.  I'm just not a fan at all of that patch,
nor am I a fan, at all of anything related to qmail referencing the word

Hence why I have registered and am currently
working on a site for it.


Jeremy Kitchen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Re: [vchkpw] tcp.smtp / open-smtp rule precedence

2004-01-18 Thread Jeremy Kitchen
On Sun, 2004-01-18 at 14:49, Chris Hardie wrote:
> I was able to clarify why running qmail-scanner globally doesn't solve the
> problem.  The RELAYCLIENT environment variable is still being set via
> open-smtp, and so qmail-scanner still refuses to examine mail from IPs
> which have been the source of a successful POP session when roaming users
> is enabled.  So again, a POP user is able to unintentionally override the
> environment settings in tcp.smtp that should presumably take precedence.

yes, which is what I also said in different reply to you.  In that
reply, I also gave you a few pointers on what you might be able to do to
make this all work for you.


Jeremy Kitchen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Re: [vchkpw] realrcppto

2004-01-21 Thread Jeremy Kitchen
On Wed, 2004-01-21 at 14:14, Martin wrote:
> Hello.
> I have tried this on a basic qmail installation, and it works fine.  
> Basically, it holds the SMTP open whilst it checks if the user or .qmail 
> control files exists.  If not, it gives a:
> 550 sorry, no mailbox here by that name. (#5.1.1)
> and closes the SMTP connection.
> Looking at the vpopmail directories, I had a .qmail-default with the bounce no 
> mailbox so I renamed this and created Two control files   .qmail-marrandy and 
> .qmail-martin with delivery instructions for the Two users.  I get deliveries 
> to these accounts but qmail/vpopmail still takes delivery of bogus usernames 
> and then bounces them later.
> I am obviously missing something, but despite checking around, can't see why 
> it isn't working.

that patch just checks to see if there's a .qmail file to handle the
delivery.  It doesn't actually attempt delivery at that time. 
Therefore, vpopmail can't say "hey, that mailbox doesn't exist".

If you're running a vpopmail only machine, that patch is useless.


Jeremy Kitchen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

RE: [vchkpw] Problems with pop3

2004-01-22 Thread Jeremy Kitchen
fixed quoting for top-posted message to make it more readable.

On Thu, 2004-01-22 at 09:42, Shane Chrisp wrote:
> >-Original Message-
> >From: Jesus Ruiz [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> >Sent: Thursday, 22 January 2004 11:37 PM
> >Subject: RE: [vchkpw] Problems with pop3
> >
> >Here is the run script.
> >
> >#!/bin/sh
> >env - PATH="/var/qmail/bin:/usr/local/bin" \
> >tcpserver -v -c 200 0 pop3 \
> >/var/qmail/bin/qmail-popup \
> >/var/qmail/vpopmail/bin/vchkpw /var/qmail/bin/qmail-pop3d Maildir 2>&1
> >
> Secondly, your limiting the connections to 200 with tcpserver,
> have you tried taking that out and seeing if your problem goes
> away?

or tried looking in the logs to see if that limit is being reached?  you
have the -v flag, which means you should see log output similar to this:

@40003f6b1ef718449fa4 tcpserver: status: 1/40
@40003f6b1ef7184dc37c tcpserver: pid 31530 from

tcpserver: status: X/Y
where X is the number of current connections, and Y is the maximum.  40
is the default, you have 200.  If you are reaching 200, you should
consider raising it, if your system can handle it.


Jeremy Kitchen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

[vchkpw] [Fwd: vpopmail 5.4.0-rc2]

2004-01-22 Thread Jeremy Kitchen
success report we received to [EMAIL PROTECTED] :)


Jeremy Kitchen
Systems Administrator
Kitchen @ #qmail on EFNet - Join the party!
Inter7 Internet Technologies, Inc.
866.528.3530 toll free
847.492.0470 int'l
847.492.0632 fax
--- Begin Message ---
Release feedback: Please pass on to dev.

Configured fine here.

RedHat 8 box.

Compiles clean.

Not installed though.

Standard db auth here.

Not big site.

All the best to inter7 & staff.

Good work.

Low worries!

Regs, Markt 

   uid = 889
   gid = 889
 roaming users = OFF --disable-roaming-users (default)
 password learning = OFF --disable-learn-passwords (default)
 md5 passwords = ON  --enable-md5-passwords (default)
  file locking = ON  --enable-file-locking (default)
vdelivermail fsync = OFF --disable-file-sync (default)
 make seekable = ON  --enable-make-seekable (default)
  clear passwd = ON  --enable-clear-passwd (default)
 user dir hashing  = ON  --enable-users-big-dir (default)
address extensions = OFF --disable-qmail-ext (default)
  ip alias = OFF --disable-ip-alias-domains (default)
 domain quotas = OFF --disable-domainquotas (default)
   auth module = cdb  --enable-auth-module=cdb (default)
  auth inc = -Icdb
  auth lib =
  system passwords = OFF --disable-passwd (default)
pop syslog = show only failed attempts
 --enable-logging=e (default)
  auth logging = ON  --enable-auth-logging (default)

--- End Message ---

Re: [vchkpw] Unable to ch to dir

2004-01-23 Thread Jeremy Kitchen
On Fri, 2004-01-23 at 13:07, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> I am running Qmail with Vpopmail and Courier-Imap.  It has been
> working for a while now, but recently Qmail is reporting errors like
> this:
> Jan 23 14:04:45 cssimsp0 qmail: [ID 748625]
> 1074884685.189906 delivery 12: deferral: U
> nable_to_chdir_to_maildir._(#4.2.1)/

that error is coming from qmail, not vpopmail, which means you have
specified a maildir delivery in your .qmail file, or it is using the
default delivery which is going to a maildir.

perhaps your domain is in locals as well as virtualdomains?

if that's not true, please give the full, unedited output of
qmail-showctl as well as the contents of any .qmail file you think
should be handling this email.


Jeremy Kitchen
Systems Administrator
Kitchen @ #qmail on EFNet - Join the party!
Inter7 Internet Technologies, Inc.
866.528.3530 toll free
847.492.0470 int'l
847.492.0632 fax

RE: [vchkpw] Unable to ch to dir

2004-01-23 Thread Jeremy Kitchen
On Fri, 2004-01-23 at 15:38, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> The domain name is in the locals file.  I removed it.  That didn't
> help.

did you HUP or restart qmail-send after you did that?


Jeremy Kitchen
Systems Administrator
Kitchen @ #qmail on EFNet - Join the party!
Inter7 Internet Technologies, Inc.
866.528.3530 toll free
847.492.0470 int'l
847.492.0632 fax

RE: [vchkpw] Unable to ch to dir

2004-01-23 Thread Jeremy Kitchen
please keep list posts on the list.  Please do not top post.  I've fixed
your broken quoting.

On Fri, 2004-01-23 at 16:49, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > > The domain name is in the locals file.  I removed it.  That didn't
> > > help.

> > did you HUP or restart qmail-send after you did that?

> Yes.  You can see in the qmail-showctl that is not in
> the locals.

correct, it's not in locals, but does qmail-send know that?  Again I
ask, did you HUP or restart qmail-send after you removed the domain from
the locals file?

> Does vpopmail create .qmail-user files in the
> /opt/vpopmail/domains/domain directory?

if that's what the ./configure script for vpopmail determined was where
the domains directory was supposed to be (or if that's where you told it
to be)

> Or better said, does Qmail Admin create .qmail-user files in the
> /opt/vpopmail/domains/domain dir?

qmailadmin uses vpopmail calls.  So as long as you have compiled
qmailadmin since the last time you recompiled vpopmail, they go to the
same place.  However, most of vpopmail's handling of email is from the
.qmail-default file, it does not create seperate .qmail files for each
user when you do vadduser.

> I noticed in .qmail-default that vpopmail is called.

vdelivermail, yes.

> It appears to me that vpopmail handles the delivery of the mail.  Is
> that true?

vdelivermail, yes.  Which is why I said 'that error is coming from
qmail, not vpopmail' (see the first reply of mine in this thread)

> I am using the Maildir format.

vpopmail only uses maildir, so that's not useful information.


Jeremy Kitchen
Systems Administrator
Kitchen @ #qmail on EFNet - Join the party!
Inter7 Internet Technologies, Inc.
866.528.3530 toll free
847.492.0470 int'l
847.492.0632 fax

Re: [vchkpw] domain & user scripts

2004-01-23 Thread Jeremy Kitchen
On Fri, 2004-01-23 at 19:41, Jason Parker wrote:
> FYI -

so what's wrong with rsync?


Jeremy Kitchen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Re: [vchkpw] Multiple Independent Pipes

2004-01-27 Thread Jeremy Kitchen
On Mon, 2004-01-26 at 09:33, Andy BIERLAIR wrote:
> Hello,
> I am looking for a solution to make multiple independent pipes in qmail with
> vpopmail. Usually you do independent pipes like this:
> .qmail-default
> | /usr/local/bin/
> | /home/vpopmail/bin/vdelivermail '' bounce-no-mailbox
> Now imagine breaks and the output is empty. The result will
> be no delivery.


they are seperate delivery instructions, try this:

|cat - > /dev/null

now, with your theory, nothing will be forwarded to [EMAIL PROTECTED],
when in fact, the entire message will be :)

however, if the perl script 'breaks' it should exit 111 to report
temporary failure so it will be tried again, unless errors are simply to
be ignored.

man dot-qmail


Jeremy Kitchen
Systems Administrator
Kitchen @ #qmail on EFNet - Join the party!
Inter7 Internet Technologies, Inc.
866.528.3530 toll free
847.492.0470 int'l
847.492.0632 fax

RE: [vchkpw] Spamassassin + Clamav Antivirus + vpopmail

2004-01-28 Thread Jeremy Kitchen
On Mon, 2004-01-26 at 15:57, Tom Walsh wrote:
> > I know, but is this a fast method ? 
> > Meanwhile.. My Spamassassin needs aproximately 10 seconds for 
> > scanning one message. Is this the normal duration ?
> I use a known spam message as a test bed for tuning performance of our
> SpamAssassin installation.
> You can run:
> cat /path/to/known/spam/message | spamassassin -D

you should be using spamc and not spamassassin.

spamd/spamc is a much better combination, especially on heavily loaded


Jeremy Kitchen
Systems Administrator
Kitchen @ #qmail on EFNet - Join the party!
Inter7 Internet Technologies, Inc.
866.528.3530 toll free
847.492.0470 int'l
847.492.0632 fax

Re: [vchkpw] single letter local part

2004-01-28 Thread Jeremy Kitchen
On Mon, 2004-01-26 at 16:02, Alastair Battrick wrote:
> Hi
> Can someone explain why vpopmail won't let me have "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" as a valid
> email address.

the official reason that I know of from previous list posts is because
of how vpopmail hashes the user directories after X number of users.

However, thinking back on it, I'm not really sure why it's a
limitation.  Perhaps someone who knows the down and dirty of the code
can explain this further.

> Is there any way around this?

a method was explained to you on how to do this is another post, so I
will just refer you to it.


Jeremy Kitchen
Systems Administrator
Kitchen @ #qmail on EFNet - Join the party!
Inter7 Internet Technologies, Inc.
866.528.3530 toll free
847.492.0470 int'l
847.492.0632 fax

Re: [vchkpw] Compiling error...

2004-01-28 Thread Jeremy Kitchen
On Mon, 2004-01-26 at 17:37, Tom Collins wrote:
> On Jan 26, 2004, at 4:11 PM, Stian Hole wrote:
> > I get the following error when trying to compile vpopmail:
> >
> > In file included from vconvert.c:35:
> > vmysql.h:53:22: missing terminating " character
> > vmysql.h:60:35: missing terminating " character
> > make[2]: *** [vconvert.o] Error 1
> > make[2]: Leaving directory `/root/vpopmail-5.2.1'
> > make[1]: *** [all-recursive] Error 1
> > make[1]: Leaving directory `/root/vpopmail-5.2.1'
> > make: *** [all-recursive-am] Error 2
> That error was fixed in 5.2.2, available at <>.

or you can simply go to the lines referenced and add the missing \ on
two of the lines in between there :)


Jeremy Kitchen
Systems Administrator
Kitchen @ #qmail on EFNet - Join the party!
Inter7 Internet Technologies, Inc.
866.528.3530 toll free
847.492.0470 int'l
847.492.0632 fax

Re: [vchkpw] bounce maybe used to relay spam

2004-01-28 Thread Jeremy Kitchen
On Tue, 2004-01-27 at 14:45, Oden Eriksson wrote:
> > Or, try to apply the check user patch to the smtp server so the
> > email never makes it into your queue.
> Would it be possible to make a domain that uses this technique but forward all 
> mail to another server, as a gateway?

checkuser patch uses vpopmail calls.  the domain would have to be in 
vpopmail on the other server and/or would require some more advanced


Jeremy Kitchen
Systems Administrator
Kitchen @ #qmail on EFNet - Join the party!
Inter7 Internet Technologies, Inc.
866.528.3530 toll free
847.492.0470 int'l
847.492.0632 fax

RE: [vchkpw] Multiple Independent Pipes

2004-01-28 Thread Jeremy Kitchen
On Wed, 2004-01-28 at 01:25, Andy BIERLAIR wrote:
> Correct me if I am wrong:
> If you do this in a .qmail: (one line, no line break)
> | |
> (here the result piped into depends on the output of


> That's different from: (two lines, one line break)
> |
> |
> (here both deliver independent results)


they are different in that they are entirely seperate delivery
instructions, and each will get a fresh copy of the message along with a
fresh environment to work from.

man qmail-command
man dot-qmail


Jeremy Kitchen
Systems Administrator
Kitchen @ #qmail on EFNet - Join the party!
Inter7 Internet Technologies, Inc.
866.528.3530 toll free
847.492.0470 int'l
847.492.0632 fax

Re: [vchkpw] bounce maybe used to relay spam

2004-01-28 Thread Jeremy Kitchen
please don't include me in the receipient list of messages posted to the
list.  I already get a copy, I do not need multiple copies, thank you.

On Wed, 2004-01-28 at 01:45, Tom Jackson wrote:
> I ran into another problem. My mx server, which really shouldn't have
> email addresses is listed in defaultdomain, rcpthosts and
> virtualdomains. However I never added it as a domain. I discovered that
> qmail was trying to deliver to a box in this domain (which didn't
> exist). So I tried to add the domain and got a segfault. 

so this is not related to the thread you replied to to make this post?  
If not, please, in the future, start a new thread when asking a new,
unrelated question.  Most mail clients have a 'new mail' function that
cna handle this.  That being said:

> Some how I got it into a state where trying to delete the domain give
> "Domain doesn't exist" and trying to add it returns "Domain already
> exists". 

if it's only in rcpthosts and virtualdomains, just remove it from them
manually (text editor, sed, perl, c program, lots of ways to do this)
and then HUP qmail-send.

If this machine is to receive email for the domain and pass it off to
another server, simply add the domain to to rcpthosts and make a
corresponding smtproutes entry to pass it to the other machine.  You
will of course have to remove the domain from virtualdomains to prevent
local delivery of the mail from being attempted.


Jeremy Kitchen
Systems Administrator
Kitchen @ #qmail on EFNet - Join the party!
Inter7 Internet Technologies, Inc.
866.528.3530 toll free
847.492.0470 int'l
847.492.0632 fax

Re: [vchkpw] Pop before smtp bypasses qmail-scanner

2004-01-29 Thread Jeremy Kitchen
On Thu, 2004-01-29 at 11:09, Jeff Koch wrote:
> Hi Jason:
> We are having a problem using qmail-scanner with vpopmail. It appears that 
> when vpopmail is configured for roaming users (i.e. pop before smptd) the 
> IP addresses of users that pop in get listed in tcp.smtp.cbd and are then 
> bypassed by the qmail-scanner.
> A look at the 'open-smtp' file which is used along with tcp.smtp to build 
> tcp.smtp.cdb shows entries like:
>,RELAYCLIENT="",RBLSMTPD="" 1075391824
>,RELAYCLIENT="",RBLSMTPD=""  1075391878
> Then, it seems, for the period of time these entries stay in the database 
> email that comes from these IP addresses bypasses the qmail-scanner virus 
> filter.
> Is there a way to correct this problem? It is letting viruses through our 
> mailserver.

even if you set QMAILQUEUE to talk to qmail-scanner, qmail-scanner will
not check any messages if it sees the RELAYCLIENT environment variable
set.  Therefore, you'd have to look at qmail-scanner to disable this


Jeremy Kitchen
Systems Administrator
Kitchen @ #qmail on EFNet - Join the party!
Inter7 Internet Technologies, Inc.
866.528.3530 toll free
847.492.0470 int'l
847.492.0632 fax

Re: [vchkpw] Pop before smtp bypasses qmail-scanner

2004-01-29 Thread Jeremy Kitchen
On Thu, 2004-01-29 at 12:21, J. Kendzorra wrote:
> Jeff Koch:
> > Then, it seems, for the period of time these entries stay in the
> > database email that comes from these IP addresses bypasses the
> > qmail-scanner virus filter.
> >
> > Is there a way to correct this problem? It is letting viruses through
> > our mailserver.
> Try putting
> QMAILQUEUE="/var/qmail/bin/"
> into your qmail-smtpd-runscript. 
> It should catch *every* mail now.

as I mentioned in my previous reply, even if it's like this, the
presence of the RELAYCLIENT environment variable overrides the
scanning.  This is documented in the qmail-scanner ... documentation :)


Jeremy Kitchen
Systems Administrator
Kitchen @ #qmail on EFNet - Join the party!
Inter7 Internet Technologies, Inc.
866.528.3530 toll free
847.492.0470 int'l
847.492.0632 fax

Re: [vchkpw] Commerical

2004-01-29 Thread Jeremy Kitchen
On Thu, 2004-01-29 at 15:42, KTS wrote:
> Thursday January 29 2004 13:53, Ken Jones wrote to All:
>  KJ> That must be my typo since I speeled it the same way
>  KJ> in every location. Thanks for the correction!
> Fur sell: IBM spel chekker. Wurks grate. ;)

Computers never make miss steaks.

Jeremy Kitchen
Systems Administrator
Kitchen @ #qmail on EFNet - Join the party!
Inter7 Internet Technologies, Inc.
866.528.3530 toll free
847.492.0470 int'l
847.492.0632 fax

Re: [vchkpw] possible to refine local domains to local addresses?

2004-01-31 Thread Jeremy Kitchen
On Sat, 2004-01-31 at 23:39, Kurt Bigler wrote:
> I just discovered a phenomenon that is probably familiar to many of you:
> the fact that spammers (or viruses) can relay through my server because of
> its accepted domains (domains at which my server hosts pop accounts), simply
> by forging a bad address at one of the accepted domains and allowing the
> resulting bounce to deliver their content to the specified "from" address,
> via the bounce message.

and you actually observe this happening?  I've never received such an
email, nor have I ever seen it happen to my machine, or any other
machine I've worked on in the past..


Jeremy Kitchen
Systems Administrator
Kitchen @ #qmail on EFNet - Join the party!
Inter7 Internet Technologies, Inc.
866.528.3530 toll free
847.492.0470 int'l
847.492.0632 fax

Re: [vchkpw] qmail-scanner replacement

2004-02-05 Thread Jeremy Kitchen
On Wed, 2004-02-04 at 23:48, Ted Deppner wrote:
> On Wed, Feb 04, 2004 at 10:29:58AM -0700, Tom Collins wrote:
> > message).  I am curious about qmail-qfilter though...
> It doesn't appear to allow filtering on envelope information.  Didn't
> dig too far, but didn't see any examples of it, and the examples shown
> didn't appear to have any hooks.

envelope information?  see badmailfrom, and also there are several
patches which allow you to filter on recipient information.

try sending a message to [EMAIL PROTECTED], or from [EMAIL PROTECTED]
(just to name a few), you'll see :)


Jeremy Kitchen
Systems Administrator
Kitchen @ #qmail on EFNet - Join the party!
Inter7 Internet Technologies, Inc.
866.528.3530 toll free
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847.492.0632 fax

[vchkpw] bug in vadduser 5.4.0 ?

2004-02-05 Thread Jeremy Kitchen
with just the -e option:

# vadduser -e '' [EMAIL PROTECTED]
password shows up in vpasswd file and such.

with the -e and the -s option (since I'm adding 2000 users in a script):
# vadduser -s -e '' [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Error in vauth_getpw()

the user is in the vpasswd file but there is no password information. 
Also, the home directory is created.

Workaround: don't use the -s option, it only hurts for a minute :\


Jeremy Kitchen
Systems Administrator
Kitchen @ #qmail on EFNet - Join the party!
Inter7 Internet Technologies, Inc.
866.528.3530 toll free
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847.492.0632 fax

Re: [vchkpw] vpopmail with SA

2004-02-05 Thread Jeremy Kitchen
On Thu, 2004-02-05 at 06:23, Jean wrote:
> Hi,
> I just installed SpamAssassin in my vpopmail installation, with maildrop.
> The thing is that the sample script (provided everywhere, including SA
> distribution), uses the following command lines to get the users home dir:
> VHOME=`/var/vpopmail/pop/bin/vuserinfo -d [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> First, the path is not the default vpopmail installation (/home/vpopmail),
> but I can live with that :P
> The problem is that the [EMAIL PROTECTED] variable provided by .qmail provides the
> information in the form of "virtualhost-virtual_user"@domain.
> So, for my [EMAIL PROTECTED] it provides:

$EXT should only give you 'systest'

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ cat .qmail-test
|echo $EXT > testfile
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ echo "hi" | mailsubj "test" kitchen-test | qmail-inject
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ cat testfile

> I'm using pretty much the default settings for everything, and i guess this
> is the normal behaviour of qmail. Just wondering if i'm missing something
> obvious or anyone has got around that. I am temporary using my full email on
> the 'vuserinfo -d' command instead of the variables, but I didnt want to go
> that way for each user.

shouldn't have to


Jeremy Kitchen
Systems Administrator
Kitchen @ #qmail on EFNet - Join the party!
Inter7 Internet Technologies, Inc.
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Re: [vchkpw] bug in vadduser 5.4.0 ?

2004-02-05 Thread Jeremy Kitchen
On Thu, 2004-02-05 at 11:57, Tom Collins wrote:
> Can you please post this to the Bug Tracker on SourceForge so it 
> doesn't get lost?



Jeremy Kitchen
Systems Administrator
Kitchen @ #qmail on EFNet - Join the party!
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Re: [vchkpw] qmail-scanner replacement

2004-02-05 Thread Jeremy Kitchen
On Thu, 2004-02-05 at 11:44, Ted Deppner wrote:
> > envelope information?  see badmailfrom, and also there are several
> > patches which allow you to filter on recipient information.
> badmailfrom doesn't allow for regex matches (I know there are patches,
> but stock it doesn't allow it).

true, but if you're about to employ the qmailqueue patch along with
qmail-qfilter just to do regex based envelope filtering.. you should
take a look at the qregex patch:

it allows for regex filtering on the envelope information, including
badmailto.  without the need for extensive third party programs, just a
quick patch.

Jeremy Kitchen
Systems Administrator
Kitchen @ #qmail on EFNet - Join the party!
Inter7 Internet Technologies, Inc.
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847.492.0632 fax

Re: [vchkpw] pop3 login frequency patch

2004-02-08 Thread Jeremy Kitchen
On Sun, 2004-02-08 at 07:25, Eduardo M. Bragatto wrote:
> Jake S wrote:
> > Hi !
> > Is there any patch for blocking too frequent pop3-logins (bruteforce
> > attacks) ??
> > If not, is anyone interested in some ?
> > I'm doing this right at the moment !
>   I'm looking for the same thing, but I want to stop bruteforce on 
> qmail-smtpd. I've tried to do it with tcpserver, but I had no success. I 
> think that would be better if this patch was made for tcpserver (since I 
> use tcpserver to set up both pop3 and smtpd).

that could only be done in tcpserver by rate limiting connections by IP
address, and would also affect legitimate connections made by valid
users using proper authentication credentials.  I'd be mighty upset if
anyone rate limited my pop3 connections ;)

Of course, special provisions could be made, but 


>   [[]]'s
>   Eduardo M. Bragatto.
Jeremy Kitchen
Systems Administrator
Kitchen @ #qmail on EFNet - Join the party!
Inter7 Internet Technologies, Inc.
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Kitchen @ #qmail on EFNet - Join the party!
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RE: [vchkpw] pop3 login frequency patch

2004-02-09 Thread Jeremy Kitchen
On Mon, 2004-02-09 at 05:58, Andrea Riela wrote:
> > Could pretty easily be done with:
> >
> well, just a question.
> With that patch, I could have problems with mailing lists?
> And, with that patch, I could download from a lot of pop3 accounts, but send
> through only "5" smtp connections, right?

It's a patch to ucspi-tcp.  That would have zero impact on how many
outgoing mail connections qmail-rspawn makes.

basically, it allows you to set a limit on the number of connections to
a tcpserver daemon from any given IP address (at least I assume, judging
by the name)


Jeremy Kitchen
Systems Administrator
Kitchen @ #qmail on EFNet - Join the party!
Inter7 Internet Technologies, Inc.
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Jeremy Kitchen
Systems Administrator
Kitchen @ #qmail on EFNet - Join the party!
Inter7 Internet Technologies, Inc.
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RE: [vchkpw] pop3 login frequency patch

2004-02-09 Thread Jeremy Kitchen
On Mon, 2004-02-09 at 05:58, Andrea Riela wrote:
> > Could pretty easily be done with:
> >
> well, just a question.
> With that patch, I could have problems with mailing lists?
> And, with that patch, I could download from a lot of pop3 accounts, but send
> through only "5" smtp connections, right?

It's a patch to ucspi-tcp.  That would have zero impact on how many
outgoing mail connections qmail-rspawn makes.

basically, it allows you to set a limit on the number of connections to
a tcpserver daemon from any given IP address (at least I assume, judging
by the name)


Jeremy Kitchen
Systems Administrator
Kitchen @ #qmail on EFNet - Join the party!
Inter7 Internet Technologies, Inc.
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Kitchen @ #qmail on EFNet - Join the party!
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Re: [vchkpw] QMAILQUEUE and Vpopmail

2004-02-10 Thread Jeremy Kitchen
On Tue, 2004-02-10 at 12:17, Eduardo M. Bragatto wrote:
>  From Qmail-Scanner FAQ (
> "Q-S doesn't work with Vpopmail Vpopmail basically strips out 
> environment variables set within the tcpserver SMTP rules file - 
> specifically the QMAILQUEUE environment variable. As it is responsible 
> for starting qmail-smtpd, that means Qmail-Scanner never gets called. 
> This is really a bug with Vpopmail, but a workaround is to set 
> QMAILQUEUE within /service/smtpd/run instead.(..)"
>   This "bug" has been fixed in some recent version of vpopmail?

it doesn't do it to the tcp.smtp file, it might in the open-smtp file,
but I'm not sure.

versions 5.3.21 and 5.4.0 I can confirm this.

Jeremy Kitchen
Systems Administrator
Kitchen @ #qmail on EFNet - Join the party!
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847.492.0632 fax

[vchkpw] vadddomain + mysql replication segfault

2004-02-11 Thread Jeremy Kitchen
test (for password)
Segmentation fault

/home/vpopmail/domains is mounted on an nfs share, the domain folder and
postmaster folders are all created, the entry is added to the database,
and everything.

At first I thought it might just have something to do with the tables
not existing (the database does, and proper permissions and stuff) which
is why I tried, but that gave me the same problem.

I'd post full details but it was on a customer's machine, and I don't
have the time right this moment to set up a test bed to reproduce the
problem with arbitrary information, and I don't want to submit modified
strace output or anything.

vpopmail 5.4.0, redhat9
# rpm -qa | grep -i mysql
(all of those rpms are from the site)

Like I said, it appears everything worked it just segfaulted.

I'm going to post this, as well as the problem I found the other day to
the vpopmail sourceforge page in just a little bit.


Jeremy Kitchen
Systems Administrator
Kitchen @ #qmail on EFNet - Join the party!
Inter7 Internet Technologies, Inc.
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847.492.0632 fax

Re: [vchkpw] vadddomain + mysql replication segfault

2004-02-11 Thread Jeremy Kitchen
On Wed, 2004-02-11 at 20:38, Jeremy Kitchen wrote:
> I'm going to post this, as well as the problem I found the other day to
> the vpopmail sourceforge page in just a little bit.


vadduser -s bug:

vadddomain + mysql replication segfault:

(sorry for long urls)

If I get a chance I'll try to set up a test bed and get some strace
output, but I don't know exactly when I'll have the chance to set up 

Jeremy Kitchen
Systems Administrator
Kitchen @ #qmail on EFNet - Join the party!
Inter7 Internet Technologies, Inc.
866.528.3530 toll free
847.492.0470 int'l
847.492.0632 fax
Jeremy Kitchen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Re: [vchkpw] Local vs VirtualDomain

2004-02-12 Thread Jeremy Kitchen
On Thu, 2004-02-12 at 11:08, Mario Junior wrote:
> Should I create  also like a "aliasadomain" in 
> vpopmail? This sounds badly for me. Is there any other way? 

yes, you would use vpopmail's vaddaliasdomain function to do this.


Jeremy Kitchen
Systems Administrator
Kitchen @ #qmail on EFNet - Join the party!
Inter7 Internet Technologies, Inc.
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847.492.0632 fax

RE: [vchkpw] Smtp Auth with VPopmail

2004-02-12 Thread Jeremy Kitchen
On Thu, 2004-02-12 at 16:45, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> One question.  Does smtp auth force users to authenticate when using
> smtp or does it just provide the option to authenticate?  I am able to
> send email through smtp without authenticating.  If I try to
> authenticate through smtp, it will do that also.  It isn't forcing
> authentication.  Any ideas?

no, it provides an alternate means to allow the user to set the
RELAYCLIENT environment variable from a remote system.

Jeremy Kitchen
Systems Administrator
Kitchen @ #qmail on EFNet - Join the party!
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[vchkpw] cram md5 mysql smtp auth

2004-02-12 Thread Jeremy Kitchen
it appears that cram-md5 smtp auth with vpopmail-mysql isn't working.  I
recall a patch from before that fixed smtp auth with vpopmail, was that
specific to cdb storage?


Jeremy Kitchen
Systems Administrator
Kitchen @ #qmail on EFNet - Join the party!
Inter7 Internet Technologies, Inc.
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847.492.0632 fax

Re: [vchkpw] cram md5 mysql smtp auth

2004-02-13 Thread Jeremy Kitchen
On Fri, 2004-02-13 at 08:52, Tom Collins wrote:
> On Feb 12, 2004, at 10:51 PM, Jeremy Kitchen wrote:
> > it appears that cram-md5 smtp auth with vpopmail-mysql isn't working.  
> > I
> > recall a patch from before that fixed smtp auth with vpopmail, was that
> > specific to cdb storage?
> Which patch are you using?  Is qmail-smtpd running as user vpopmail (or 
> root)?  Since qmail-smtpd calls vchkpw to authenticate the user, it 
> should work
> I have not had any reports of problems with the 
> qmail-smtpd-auth-0.4.2.tar.gz patch included in the contrib directory 
> of vpopmail 5.4.0.  Older versions of this patch will not work, as they 
> didn't correctly implement the chkpasswd interface (and neither did 
> vchkpw).  We fixed vchkpw for 5.4.0, but you may need to update your 
> qmail-smptd to get CRAM-MD5 working again.

yes, using that patch, and vpopmail 5.4.0.  qmail-smtpd is running as
vpopmail user (it wouldn't be able to read the vpomail.mysql file if it
wasn't, as I discovered ;)

normal smtp auth works fine, cram doesn't  not major, would be
really nice to have it, but it's not life or death.

Jeremy Kitchen
Systems Administrator
Kitchen @ #qmail on EFNet - Join the party!
Inter7 Internet Technologies, Inc.
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847.492.0632 fax

Re: [vchkpw] Problems with vaddaliasdomain

2004-02-16 Thread Jeremy Kitchen
On Mon, 2004-02-16 at 11:15, Mathias Haas wrote:
> I added an alias for a domain that I host, but messages to mailinglists 
> in that domain do not reach their destination, instead I get:
> ezmlm-reject: fatal: List address must be in To: or Cc: (#5.7.0)

yes, that will happen.

you can use the -T option to ezmlm-reject in the .qmail-list file for
the mailing list to prevent this behavior.

from man ezmlm-reject (ezmlm-idx):

   -t (Default.)  Reject messages that do not have  the  list 
address  in  the  ``To:''  or
  ``Cc:'' header(s).  ezmlm-reject needs access to
dir/outhost and dir/outlocal to check
  this. This check is silently omitted if dir is not
specified, to assure backwards com-
  patibility with existing ezmlm lists.

   -T Do not require the list address in the ``To:'' or ``Cc:''

(If you want better formatting, read the manpage from your terminal ;)


Jeremy Kitchen
Systems Administrator
Kitchen @ #qmail on EFNet - Join the party!
Inter7 Internet Technologies, Inc.
866.528.3530 toll free
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847.492.0632 fax

Re: [vchkpw] qmailadmin errors

2004-02-16 Thread Jeremy Kitchen <-- please, think of the kittens

On Mon, 2004-02-16 at 12:03, Girish wrote:
> I tried to install qmailadmin as root
> and vpopmail is in /home/vpopmail/ dir..
> i wonder what happen..
> and when i search for vpopmail.h it exist there ..

what is the home directory for the vpopmail user?

grep vpopmail /etc/passwd


Jeremy Kitchen
Systems Administrator
Kitchen @ #qmail on EFNet - Join the party!
Inter7 Internet Technologies, Inc.
866.528.3530 toll free
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847.492.0632 fax

Re: [vchkpw] MySQL vs CDB

2004-02-16 Thread Jeremy Kitchen
On Mon, 2004-02-16 at 13:47, Eduardo M. Bragatto wrote:
> Hi,
>   I've been using vpopmail with cdb authentication system on many servers 
> about 2 years and I don't have any complains about it.
>   Looking the README.mysql from vpopmail 5.4.0 it says:
>   "Using vpopmail with MySQL is becoming increasingly popular.
>   The code is well tested and can be considered to be just
>   as stable as the default CDB authentication system."

except for the segfaults adding domains and users when using mysql
replication along with it :)

>   Is there any special reason to use MySQL instead of CDB? I'm not an 
> expert on database systems, but CDB just seems more stable and faster to 
> me (I'm not saying it is, it's just my impression about it and as I 
> said: I'm NOT an expert).

well, cdb becomes very cumbersome with large numbers of users.  the
passwd.cdb file is very slow to rebuild (adding a new user, changing
password, etc) and while it's being rebuilt, it's locked, so it can
cause a whole lot of problems given the right conditions.

mysql is EXCELLENT for large sites.  small sites (less than 100 users)
you'll probably see a performance HIT going to mysql, but less than 100
users, you probably won't even notice it ;)

>   I'm asking it because since vp+mysql is becoming so popular, should be 
> a good reason for that. So, I'd like to hear from you the advantages and 
> cons about it compared with CDB.

unless you have at least 500 users, I'd stick with cdb.  mysql adds
bloat to the binaries, and can make things slightly slower.


Jeremy Kitchen
Systems Administrator
Kitchen @ #qmail on EFNet - Join the party!
Inter7 Internet Technologies, Inc.
866.528.3530 toll free
847.492.0470 int'l
847.492.0632 fax

Re: [vchkpw] MySQL vs CDB

2004-02-16 Thread Jeremy Kitchen
On Mon, 2004-02-16 at 13:01, Nick Harring wrote:
> > except for the segfaults adding domains and users when using mysql
> > replication along with it :)
> Which segfaults would those be? I use mysql replication and add users
> all the time without any issues. I did this running both vpopmail 5.2.1
> and 5.4.0-rc2. I've not yet added a domain under 5.4.0-rc2 but it worked
> fine under 5.2.1, the only issue being that I manually had to add it to
> the appropriate qmail files on each cluster server, though this is
> automatable if I wished to do so.

not sure exactly the cause, but every time I add a user it segfaults. 
It works, but it segfaults.  I have an open bug ticket on sourceforge,
and I'm currently working on getting a test bed set up (the setup it
happens on is a client's cluster, I can't really go giving their
information out all over the place ;)

> > unless you have at least 500 users, I'd stick with cdb.  mysql adds
> > bloat to the binaries, and can make things slightly slower.
> Is there a reason that the mysql libs are statically rather than
> dynamically linked? The bulk of the bloat comes from compiling in all of
> that functionality. 

well, and I'm not a programmer, so I'm not entirely sure, but I think
that's the point of stripping the binaries, so you end up only having
the functions necessary.  I would think that dynamically loading the
module at run time would bring in the entire module, thereby having a
far higher runtime footprint.  Plus, I would think that loading the
module dynamically would cause a performance hit, especially since these
are all one shot processes. Yes, the OS would/should cache it, but it's
still there

Then again, I could be completely wrong.  Flames welcome.


Jeremy Kitchen
Systems Administrator
Kitchen @ #qmail on EFNet - Join the party!
Inter7 Internet Technologies, Inc.
866.528.3530 toll free
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847.492.0632 fax

Re: [vchkpw] MySQL vs CDB

2004-02-16 Thread Jeremy Kitchen
On Mon, 2004-02-16 at 14:07, Nick Harring wrote:

> Well, I'll not flame, but I will correct. Stripping removes debugging
> symbols only which only get loaded, iirc, when you load the binary in a
> debugger like gdb. 

Thanks, I'll have to look more into this as it's something that I'd like
to understand better.

> The case for dynamic versus static libraries is a tricky one. With
> dynamic you do load the same libraries over and over for one shot
> binaries, however if they execute often enough, like vdelivermail on a
> busy server, the cache will keep it in memory. Of course, this may also
> be true of the larger binaries that are statically linked. Generally
> though you'll end up suffering more with statically linked binaries that
> get called often because they consume more of your cache, and each is
> more likely to get expired from the cache since they don't reference
> anything in common, whereas with a shared library that several often
> executed binaries load its more likely to stay in cache since the
> FS/VFS/whatever sees it being accessed more often.

yea, it's probably a small enough trade off one way or the other that it
wouldn't matter.


Jeremy Kitchen
Systems Administrator
Kitchen @ #qmail on EFNet - Join the party!
Inter7 Internet Technologies, Inc.
866.528.3530 toll free
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847.492.0632 fax

Re: [vchkpw] Re: [qmailadmin] Re: PHP vpopmail extension

2004-02-16 Thread Jeremy Kitchen
On Mon, 2004-02-16 at 21:19, X-Istence wrote:
> > If you don't agree, now is the time to 
> > show me a better way.
> How about a public private key sort of thing like SSH?
> Using named pipes as a means to "talk" to each other. This would require 
> a deamon. Or even, just exec, and having a binary setuid vpopmail:vchkpw 
> and talk over stdin, and stdout. Redirecting stderr to a log file of 
> some sort, to log bad auth's, and good ones. And the changes done. This 
> would be better than running apache as vpopmail:vchkpw. But that is 
> totally up to you, i prefer not to run two different apache's side by 
> side, just one, running as www:www :)

vmailmgr does such a thing since there isn't just one user for all
domains.  It's quite handy, using ucspi-unix and having php talk to the
socket and speaking a protocol.

coupled with, you can do just about anything with vmailmgr and
php.  I think there's a squirrelmail plugin for it, which is pretty
nice, since then users don't have to log into a seperate interface to
change password, vacation reply, etc.

I think a daemon would be an excellent addition to vpopmail.


Jeremy Kitchen
Systems Administrator
Kitchen @ #qmail on EFNet - Join the party!
Inter7 Internet Technologies, Inc.
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847.492.0632 fax

Re: [vchkpw] Wierd RBLSMTPD issue

2004-02-23 Thread Jeremy Kitchen
On Mon, 2004-02-23 at 11:09, Joe Boyce wrote:
> However, we do have the IP in question listed in our tcp.smtp file
> like this:
> It also matches in the cdb file too.  I've checked my run command and
> the correct tcp.smtp.cdb file is being looked at.
> However, sometimes, not all the time, people get rejected with a 451
> error from Spamcop saying they are listed in the database, even though
> we are setting the RBLSMTPD variable in the tcp.smtp file.

show us the tcpserver -v log entry, along with the rblsmtpd response
that goes along with it.  I've got money your user has something else in
for their mail server name, and it's going to a different machine where
you haven't made this change.

Jeremy Kitchen
Systems Administrator
Kitchen @ #qmail on EFNet - Join the party!
Inter7 Internet Technologies, Inc.
866.528.3530 toll free
847.492.0470 int'l
847.492.0632 fax

Re: [vchkpw] CRAM-MD5 smtp-auth vpopmail-5.4.0 and spamcontrol-2.2.9

2004-02-23 Thread Jeremy Kitchen
On Mon, 2004-02-23 at 22:58, Yuri Nosyrev wrote:
[snip can't do cram-md5 with vpopmail 5.4.0 with mysql]
> Is there any known troubles with CRAM-MD5 authentication method at 
> vpopmail-5.4.0 (cause I've heard about misfunctioning of this smtp-auth 
> method at vpopmail-5.4.0-rc1) ?

I know for a fact it works with cdb backend, but I as well have not
gotten it to work with mysql backend.  I brought this up on the list a
few weeks ago, and I am working on getting a test environment set up to
get some information that might be useful for debugging.


Jeremy Kitchen
Systems Administrator
Kitchen @ #qmail on EFNet - Join the party!
Inter7 Internet Technologies, Inc.
866.528.3530 toll free
847.492.0470 int'l
847.492.0632 fax

Re: [vchkpw] question

2004-02-23 Thread Jeremy Kitchen
On Tue, 2004-02-24 at 00:42, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Sir,
> I do not understand this log message here;
> ///
> Feb 22 09:32:54 ns qmail: 1077409974.518163 info msg 3670324: bytes 1742
> from <>
>  qp 24127 uid 507
> Feb 22 09:32:54 ns qmail: 1077409974.700893 starting delivery 82: msg
> 3670324 to
> Feb 22 09:32:54 ns qmail: 1077409974.700968 status: local 0/10 remote 1/20
> Feb 22 09:33:04 ns qmail: 1077409984.706173 delivery 82: success:
> accepted_message./Remote_host_said:_250_Ok:_queued_as_4C44C103D1/
> //

> I looks that QMAILS(ui507) success to send the message to

you are correct.

> But Who did this thing?

it's a bounce, look at the from on the top line (second line due to

> I have no idea of this.
> Somebody operate my system who I do not want?

someone sent an email to a non-existant user on your domain, or for
whatever reason the message bounced.  If you look further up in the logs
you'll see the original message come in and you'll see why it bounced.

I do have to say though, you provided a very good report along with your
question. :)


Jeremy Kitchen
Systems Administrator
Kitchen @ #qmail on EFNet - Join the party!
Inter7 Internet Technologies, Inc.
866.528.3530 toll free
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847.492.0632 fax

Re: [vchkpw] Re: roaming users

2004-02-24 Thread Jeremy Kitchen
On Tue, 2004-02-24 at 18:33, davila wrote:
> Rick 
> Great! I found exactly what you were talking about and indeed the ip 
> addresses are there. 
> I checked cron and the clearopensmtp job is there. 
> I ran clearopensmtp by hand and it did not clear the file 
> /home/vpopmail/etc/open-smtp 
> I cleared the open-smtp file by hand and tried to send from my laptop rather 
> than sqwebmail and still no dice. 

none of that should have any impact on your ability to connect to port

what are the contents of the ~vpopmail/etc/tcp.smtp file

also, what ISP is your mail server on, and what ISP are you trying to
connect to it from?

Jeremy Kitchen
Systems Administrator
Kitchen @ #qmail on EFNet - Join the party!
Inter7 Internet Technologies, Inc.
866.528.3530 toll free
847.492.0470 int'l
847.492.0632 fax

Re: [vchkpw] Re: roaming users

2004-02-24 Thread Jeremy Kitchen
On Tue, 2004-02-24 at 19:02, Alex Martin wrote:
> davila wrote:
> > I checked cron and the clearopensmtp job is there.
> > I ran clearopensmtp by hand and it did not clear the file 
> > /home/vpopmail/etc/open-smtp
> > I cleared the open-smtp file by hand and tried to send from my laptop 
> > rather than sqwebmail and still no dice.
> > I have yet to read the docs for clearopensmtp. That may not be working 
> > correctly due to misconfiguration. Now that I know where to look I 
> > should beable to knock this one out quickly.
> I might guess that your /etc/tcp.smtp is not getting compiled into 
> /etc/tcp.smtp.cdb.
> Usually this is done with '/usr/sbin/qmailctl cdb'.
> I am not familiar with roaming users but I believe that this tcp control 
> system is used.
> See
> This is of course assuming you are using ucspi-tcp and probably daemontools.

and whatever 'toaster' includes '/usr/sbin/qmailctl'

remember, any 'qmailctl' file is NOT part of the standard qmail
distribution, and may be COMPLETELY different from 'toaster' to

Do not assume that someone has the exact same set up as you, I try to be
as general as possible with my advice so that I'm telling you exactly
what you need to do, so long as you know how you have your system
configured (which you should)

Still though, the advice that has been given (at least what I have read
so far) is off track of the problem.  The problem is not that he can't
relay, the problem is that he can't CONNECT.  vpopmail's roaming-users
support would have no impact on this, unless the default rule for the
tcprules file being used for smtp is to deny the connection.


Jeremy Kitchen
Systems Administrator
Kitchen @ #qmail on EFNet - Join the party!
Inter7 Internet Technologies, Inc.
866.528.3530 toll free
847.492.0470 int'l
847.492.0632 fax

Re: [vchkpw] vpopmail 5.4.0 make fails on OpenBSD 3.4, MySQL 4.0.16

2004-02-24 Thread Jeremy Kitchen
You posted a message that was a completely new question, and entirely
unrelated to the post you replied to.  Don't do that, that messes up the
archives and makes it difficult to find your post.  Most MUAs have a
'new mail' function.  You should take advantage of that in the future.

Also, please set your MUA to wrap at approximately 72-80 columns, that
makes your post much more readable and easier to reply to.

That being said:

On Tue, 2004-02-24 at 19:49, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> gcc  -g -O2 -Wall   -o vchkpw  vchkpw.o md5.o hmac_md5.o libvpopmail.a
> -L/usr/local/mysql/lib  -lmysqlclient -lz 
> /usr/local/mysql/lib/libmysqlclient.a(password.o): In function `scramble':
> password.o(.text+0x1c8): undefined reference to `floor'
> password.o(.text+0x25d): undefined reference to `floor'
> password.o(.text+0x40a): undefined reference to `floor'
> password.o(.text+0x498): undefined reference to `floor'
> collect2: ld returned 1 exit status

I believe that you are missing math libraries in your linker path. 

Jeremy Kitchen
Systems Administrator
Kitchen @ #qmail on EFNet - Join the party!
Inter7 Internet Technologies, Inc.
866.528.3530 toll free
847.492.0470 int'l
847.492.0632 fax

Re: [vchkpw] Re: roaming users

2004-02-24 Thread Jeremy Kitchen
On Tue, 2004-02-24 at 20:00, Alex Martin wrote:
> Sorry, I hadn't considered how unique this script is on my toaster.
> It originally came from Dave Sill's Life With Qmail.
> tcprules /etc/tcp.smtp.cdb /etc/tcp.smtp.tmp < /etc/tcp.smtp
> chmod 644 /etc/tcp.smtp.cdb
> echo "Reloaded /etc/tcp.smtp."

that's more like it ;)

> >remember, any 'qmailctl' file is NOT part of the standard qmail
> >distribution, and may be COMPLETELY different from 'toaster' to
> >'toaster'.
> >  
> >
> Of course. I did assume though that considering he is using vpopmail 
> that he followed this relatively standard toaster setup.

lots of 'toasters' are adding 'qmailctl' scripts.  I even saw one that
started/stopped svscan to control qmail.  One would hope that he had the
sense to follow LWQ, however, that is unfortunately not always the
case.  In fact, most people who have problems AREN'T using LWQ, and
that's probably why they have problems ;)

> davila are you lurking?

reminds me of irc :)

[00:00:05] *** Joins #vpopmail - random_person
[00:00:08]  hey guys, I've got a question
[00:00:15] *** Quits - random_person (quit: leaving)


Jeremy Kitchen
Systems Administrator
Kitchen @ #qmail on EFNet - Join the party!
Inter7 Internet Technologies, Inc.
866.528.3530 toll free
847.492.0470 int'l
847.492.0632 fax

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