[ZION] Worth reiterating...

2004-03-23 Thread Jim Cobabe
I believe President Hinkley's remarks on this issue succinctly and 
precisely outline the present direction of church policy on the marriage 
controversy.  The church is actively pursuing every means to defend 
traditional marriage, including representation in the courts and support 
for individual and group efforts to oppose the legalization of same-sex 
marriage.  It would seem that we are not justified in failing to pursue 
these efforts, regardless of our regard for the chance of success or 
failure.  President Hinckley explains our rationale for such efforts --

God-sanctioned marriage between a man and a woman has been the basis of 
civilization for thousands of years. There is no justification to 
redefine what marriage is. Such is not our right, and those who try will 
find themselves answerable to God.

Some portray legalization of so-called same-sex marriage as a civil 
right. This is not a matter of civil rights; it is a matter of morality.

Others question our constitutional right as a church to raise our voice 
on an issue that is of critical importance to the future of the family.  
We believe that defending this sacred institution by working to preserve 
traditional marriage lies clearly within our religious and 
constitutional prerogatives. Indeed, we are _compelled_ by our doctrine 
to speak out...

...I commend those of our membership who have voluntarily joined with 
other like-minded people to defend the sanctity of traditional marriage. 
 (Gordon B. Hinckley, “Why We Do Some of the Things We Do,” Ensign, Nov. 

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[ZION] Testing legality

2004-03-23 Thread Jim Cobabe

In my view, the restoration has a poor record of success when it comes 
to testing the laws of the land in court.  For more than 150 years it 
has been a dismal and discouraging effort for the saints of God to 
importune the courts for redress.  In legal matters regarding everything 
from trivial personal harassment lawsuits against Joseph Smith, on up to 
the testing of the constitutionality of federal anti-polygamy laws, the 
church has waged and consistently lost many important legal battles 
through the courts at every level.

Having personally sustained my own significant trauma at the handling of 
the courts, I shrink from the very suggestion that we might obtain any 
kind of satisfying judgement in the several legal matters currently 
concerning the general body of the church.  But, notwithstanding my own 
reticence, and even in the face of confusion within the ranks regarding 
these matters, we are clearly obligated to follow the consistent counsel 
of the brethren in this matter.  The saints have always been instructed 
to make every effort to work within the law.  We believe in honoring and 
sustaining the law of the land.  In many instances throughout church 
history, church members have been horribly abused at the hands of the 
system which should have protected them.  Yet they always continued to 
press for justice and sound judgement.

I can see no other alternative.  In the case of the assault on marriage 
laws, I honestly believe it may be a futile effort.  But we ought to 
follow the example set by our stalwart predecessors, in exhausting every 
recourse to obtain legal settlement of the current issues.

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RE: [ZION] another approach

2004-03-23 Thread Jim Cobabe

Bob, I do see your point about constitutionality.  It is an interesting 
idea.  If I understand correctly, you are imagining what would result if 
we begin from an axiomatic assumption that church doctrines reflect the 
true constitutional ideal, and we might use this standard for judging 
whether laws are constitutionally sound.

I think your suggestion basically meshes with my own thinking on such 
matters.  It is far more important to me to consider the counsel of 
prophets of God, in deliberating on of matters of justice. It truly 
seems like things would be a lot different if there were enough judges 
who applied this kind of vision and discernment.

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RE: [ZION] Vote Now!

2004-03-22 Thread Jim Cobabe

Ron Scott wrote:
Thus sayeth the self-appointed Judge in Israel.

Actually, in the church our judges are appointed by inspiration from 
God.  They are not self-appointed nor is their administration a form of 
political spoils for the party in power.  Just in case you did not 
realize this.

By the way, who's pushing for gay rights here?  I've seen a few here 
calling for equal treatment under the law for all, which is something 
guaranteed by our divinely inspired constitution.

Our US constitution is designed to promote a common level of morality.  
It was not intended to protect evil behavior, nor to shelter those who 
advocate such behavior.  As far as it serves those evil purposes today, 
it has become an instrument as twisted and evil in intent as the wicked 
minds of those who so pervert the moral basis for our laws.

Equal protection is already afforded in our laws, for legitimate and 
traditional marriage.  Nothing in the constitution envisions the 
degraded definition of marriage that encompasses any particular union 
of convenience, affection, devotion, or animal attraction.  There exists 
a very pragmatic and functional rationale for promoting traditional 
marriage in the body of law.  Attempting to expand the definition of 
marriage to include perverted sexual behavior threatens the benefit we 
incur from that rational basis.  And of course, it plainly proposes to 
lend legitimacy to immorality, which contradicts the very purpose of all 

No amount of sophistry can cancel the clear message our church leaders 
have delivered on this matter.  They are consistent and unanimous in 
raising the level of concern regarding the threat to our society.

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[ZION] General Conference

2004-03-22 Thread Jim Cobabe

Session of the general conferences of the church have become one of the 
greatest recurring events in my life.  I look forward with great 
anticipation to hearing addresses from the brethren and sisters the Lord 
has called to lead us.  In the best of times, thier counsel is uplifting 
and adds to my joy.  In times of trial and challenge, their words 
inspire and add hope.  There will be much to ponder, following this next 
conference session.  

Those with ears to hear will be rewarded and instructed.

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[ZION] Judging

2004-03-22 Thread Jim Cobabe

This controversy about judgement is a straw man that is raised 
regularly.  It usually comes up because someone has suggested a context 
in which we clearly ought to pass some kind of judgement.  The 
always-ironic response from so many is so consistently and so stupidly 
predictable -- Oh, but you're being judgemental -- you dare not presume 
to judge!  Judging is _bad_.

The incipient irony is alway so deliciously bitter-sweet.  :-

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RE: [ZION] Vote Now!

2004-03-22 Thread Jim Cobabe

Ron Scott wrote:
Sophistry?  I beg your pardon. Has the Church indicated that
people who believe the courts should decide the matter, as
mandated by the divinely-inspired constitution, are out of step
with the church and its teachings? Please point me to the

Others with better sense than me have identified the way you like to 
argue as sophistry -- I did not coin the expression.

I can seldom discern from your rhetoric exactly where you stand with 
regard to anything divinely inspired.  Whether you are out of step is 
up to you, but when you seem to be advocating things that are clearly 
wrong, I feel prompted to either quit reading your comments, or respond 
when they seem to need correction.

As I have observed in previous threads, you often seem to favor a focus 
on side issues and exceptions, as if they were the most important 
things.  Perhaps these positions you seem to admire make for fine 
arguments, but they do not generally seem to represent the policy or 
position taught by the church.

I cannot believe you when ask for statements that are indicative of 
current church policy.  You seem less interested in reading them than in 
challenging ideas that do not fit your mindset.  Nonetheless, for the 
sake of discussion, I am copying a few interesting and authoritative 
comments.  Perhaps you'd care to substantiate your arguments with 
supporting material from church leaders and church publications.


The Church in Hawaii—with the support of the Roman Catholic Church in 
the state—has taken legal action to support traditional marriage and 
prevent state sanctioning of homosexual and lesbian marriages.

The Church's action, taken Feb. 23, is a request to the Circuit Court of 
Hawaii for permission to intervene in opposition to an attempt by three 
same-gender couples seeking the right to have a legal marriage.

A lawsuit, Baehr v. Lewin, was originally thrown out by the trial court. 
The couples appealed, and the Hawaii Supreme Court ruled that state 
marriage law discriminates on the basis of sex unless there is a 
compelling state interest to deny marriage licenses to homosexual and 
lesbian couples. The Supreme Court sent the case back to the Circuit 
Court to make that determination.

Under Hawaii law, an entity may intervene in a legal action by proving 
that it has substantial interests in the outcome of the case. The trial 
is expected to be held in September.

The action by the Church supports the state of Hawaii in seeking to 
preserve its law against homosexual and lesbian marriages. If state law 
is overturned on this matter, Hawaii would be the first state in the 
nation in which that happened.

Donald L. Hallstrom, regional representative in the Oahu Hawaii North 
Region, announced the Church's action at a news conference on the day 
the request was filed with the court. He was joined by the Rev. Marc R. 
Alexander, diocesan theologian for the Hawaii Catholic Conference; Napua 
Baker, spokeswoman for the Church in Hawaii; and James M. Sattler, the 
attorney who is representing the Church in the case.

Our purpose and our intention is to be of help and assistance to the 
attorney general in defending the existing Hawaii law respecting 
marriage, attorney Sattler said, and our papers are all designed to 
put forth the facts and the arguments as to why we should be allowed to 
become parties to the case on the same side as the state and to seek to 
uphold the existing law.

Elder Hallstrom said the news conference was not a forum to attack 
homosexuals or lesbians.

The position of the Church . . . on homosexuality is a matter of 
record. We are opposed to it on moral grounds. Nevertheless, the Church 
has not attempted to oppose basic civil rights for homosexuals or any 
other group. This is not our work nor our focus.

He said the Church believes in sexual abstinence before marriage and 
total fidelity after marriage, and we believe marriage should be 
between a man and a woman only.

Elder Hallstrom said legalizing same-sex marriage goes far beyond basic 
rights for any individual or group.

There are times when certain moral issues become so compelling that 
churches have a duty to make their feelings known, he added. In rare 
cases, they may need to pursue their own constitutional rights to resist 
something they feel poses a serious threat to the moral fabric of 
society. We have reached such a situation in Hawaii.

The Church is resisting this major change in the law, he said, because 
we feel it represents a threat to families, to our children, and to our 
way of life in Hawaii.

He affirmed that the action was taken in consultation with Church 
headquarters in Salt Lake City. While this initiative is our own, we 
assure you that we have the approval and support of the Church . . . in 
the action we are taking.

The Rev. Alexander said the Roman Catholic Church in Hawaii joins the 
LDS Church in opposing legalization of homosexual marriages.


[ZION] A few more representative quotes...

2004-03-22 Thread Jim Cobabe

The ultimate purpose of the adversary, who has “great wrath, because he 
knoweth that he hath but a short time,” is to disrupt, disturb, and 
destroy the home and the family. Like a ship without a rudder, without a 
compass, we drift from the family values which have anchored us in the 
past. Now we are caught in a current so strong that unless we correct 
our course, civilization as we know it will surely be wrecked to pieces.

Moral values are being neglected and prayer expelled from public schools 
on the pretext that moral teaching belongs to religion. At the same 
time, atheism, the secular religion, is admitted to class, and our 
youngsters are proselyted to a conduct without morality.
World leaders and court judges agree that the family must endure if we 
are to survive. At the same time, they use the words freedom and choice 
as tools to pry apart the safeguards of the past and loosen up the laws 
on marriage, abortion, and gender. In so doing, they promote the very 
things which threaten the family.  (Boyd K. Packer, “The Father and the 
Family,” Ensign, May 1994)


We live in a day when there are many political, legal, and social 
pressures for changes that confuse gender and homogenize the differences 
between men and women. Our eternal perspective sets us against changes 
that alter those separate duties and privileges of men and women that 
are essential to accomplish the great plan of happiness.  (Dallin H. 
Oaks, “The Great Plan of Happiness”, General Conference address, 3 Oct 


There are those who would have us believe in the validity of what they 
choose to call same-sex marriage. Our hearts reach out to those who 
struggle with feelings of affinity for the same gender. We remember you 
before the Lord, we sympathize with you, we regard you as our brothers 
and our sisters. However, we cannot condone immoral practices on your 
part any more than we can condone immoral practices on the part of 

With so much of sophistry that is passed off as truth, with so much of 
deception concerning standards and values, with so much of allurement 
and enticement to take on the slow stain of the world, we have felt to 
warn and forewarn. In furtherance of this we of the First Presidency and 
the Council of the Twelve Apostles now issue a proclamation to the 
Church and to the world as a declaration and reaffirmation of standards, 
doctrines, and practices relative to the family which the prophets, 
seers, and revelators of this church have repeatedly stated throughout 
its history…

“We warn that individuals who violate covenants of chastity, who abuse 
spouse or offspring, or who fail to fulfill family responsibilities will 
one day stand accountable before God. Further, we warn that the 
disintegration of the family will bring upon individuals, communities, 
and nations the calamities foretold by ancient and modern prophets…
“We call upon responsible citizens and officers of government everywhere 
to promote those measures designed to maintain and strengthen the family 
as the fundamental unit of society.”  (Gordon B. Hinckley, “Stand Strong 
against the Wiles of the World,” Ensign, Nov. 1995)


Every Latter-day Saint knows that God has forbidden all sexual relations 
outside the bonds of marriage. Most are also aware of the Savior’s 
teaching that it is sinful for a man to look upon and lust after a woman 
(see Matt. 5:28; DC 42:23; DC 63:16).
Attraction between man and woman was instilled by the Creator to ensure 
the perpetuation of mortal life and to draw husband and wife together in 
the family setting he prescribed for the accomplishment of his purposes, 
including the raising of children. In contrast, deviations from God’s 
commandments in the use of procreative powers are grave sins. President 
Joseph F. Smith taught: The Lord drew boundary lines to define 
acceptable limits of tolerance. Danger rises when those divine limits 
are disobeyed. Just as parents teach little children not to run and play 
in the street, the Savior taught us that we need not tolerate evil. 
“Jesus went into the temple of God, and … and overthrew the tables of 
the moneychangers.”  Though He loved the sinner, the Lord said that He 
“cannot look upon sin with the least degree of allowance.”  His Apostle 
Paul specified some of those sins in a letter to the Galatians. The list 
included “adultery, fornication, uncleanness, lasciviousness,
“Idolatry, witchcraft, hatred, … wrath, strife, seditions, heresies,
“Envyings, murders, drunkenness, revellings, and such like.” 
To Paul’s list I might add the regrettable attitudes of bigotry, 
hypocrisy, and prejudice. These were also decried in 1834 by early 
Church leaders who foresaw the eventual rise of this church “amid the 
frowns of bigots and the calumny of hypocrites.”  The Prophet Joseph 
Smith prayed that “prejudices may give way before the truth.” Hatred 
stirs up strife and digs beneath the dignity of mature men and 

[ZION] Gas pains

2004-03-15 Thread Jim Cobabe

Gas prices have now reached record high levels in the US.  Over $2 per 
gallon in some areas.

Isn't it a good thing we mounted such an effective imperialistic war 
against the Iraqis, just so we could steal away their oil?  I can 
imagine what the prices would be otherwise.

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[ZION] Gay art exhibit

2004-03-10 Thread Jim Cobabe
Deseret Morning News, Wednesday, March 10, 2004

Gay art exhibit raises ire at SLCC

Diversity Week show is moved away from entrance foyer

By Doug Smeath
Deseret Morning News

A visual art exhibit at Salt Lake Community College was moved Tuesday 
after a group of photographs offended several students who are members 
of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

The exhibit, part of SLCC's Diversity Week, raised the ire of students 
who disapproved of depictions of two men dressed as LDS missionaries in 
various stages of undress.

The photographs suggested a homosexual relationship between the two men. 
There was no nudity in any of the photos.

The art show is sponsored by Coloring Outside the Lines, a club for gay, 
lesbian, bisexual, transgender and heterosexual students. It was 
originally in a foyer near the entrance of the South City Campus' main 
building, 1575 S. State.

But after a group of students had some concerns with the art, the 
exhibit was moved to the Student Services Lounge, which is in the same 
building, said Joy Tlou, SLCC's director of public relations.

MaryEtta Chase, an assistant adviser to the club, said she wanted to 
keep the exhibit where it would be visible, but she was concerned angry 
students would somehow damage the art if it stayed where it was.

Tlou described the decision to move the exhibit as the result of a 
conversation in which both sides were able to express their opinions 
and work out a compromise.

Colleges and universities are traditionally a place where ideas meet, 
he said. The students who were voicing the dissent were doing so in a 
very civil way.

But Kathryn Heaston, a student who is not affiliated with Coloring 
Outside the Lines but said she witnessed the disagreement and got 
involved, said the argument was a little more heated than that.

He (one of the offended students) got up in my face and was like, 'What 
do you know about the Savior?'  said Heaston, who supports the club and 
its display.

Joseph Freed, one of the students who complained about the photos, told 
KSL-TV he was exercising his right to express his opinion. It offends 
me and what I believe in, he said.

Campus police officers were called to the site of the argument, but no 
one was cited.

The artist, Don Farmer, stopped by the school to see the exhibit Tuesday 
morning. When he arrived, he found students arguing about his photos. He 
is not a student at SLCC; he graduated from Westminster College with a 
degree in art. But a club adviser asked him the night before the 
exhibit's opening to submit pieces for the show.

I didn't think it would be in the lobby, Farmer said. Had I known 
(the photos would spark controversy), I probably would have asked for a 
warning in front of the exhibit, telling potential viewers what to 

Farmer said the photos were part of his senior project at Westminster. 
When they were displayed there, a similar controversy erupted, resulting 
in a lawsuit against the school. However, Farmer said, the student who 
filed the suit later dropped it after she spoke with Farmer and learned 
of his intentions.

Farmer said the photos were not meant to be hateful or hurtful but 
were instead meant to start dialogue. He set out to depict the 
struggles of people trying to juxtapose their faith with their 
sexuality. He said he was an active LDS Church member when he displayed 
the photos at Westminster, and his bishopric was understanding about his 
intentions. He is no longer actively LDS, he said.

He said the men shown in the photos are both former LDS missionaries who 
were in a relationship.

Art is scary, he said. Art is something that challenges. I was scared 
of the images. . . . I learned that there was something that these 
images evoked.

For some viewers, it was increased understanding; others were offended 
but wanted to understand the reasoning behind the photos, he said.

Farmer said he encountered a similar response at SLCC on Tuesday. The 
scene was initially confrontational, he said, but when students realized 
Farmer was the artist, they became genuinely interested in 
understanding what Farmer was saying with his art.

Diversity Week continues at SLCC, including a panel today at the South 
City Campus on transgenderism and a debate Friday at the Redwood Campus 
on the issue of gay marriage. The week will wrap up with Saturday's 
Straight Over the Rainbow Diversity Dance at the Redwood Campus.


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[ZION] Starship troopers

2004-03-10 Thread Jim Cobabe

They've landed at Berkeley, CA.


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RE: [ZION] Gay marriage is wrong

2004-03-10 Thread Jim Cobabe

Redefining things is exactly what this problem does not need.  We have 
arrived at the present situation because a very few vocal malcontents 
decided that definitions that successfuly accomodated the cultural 
interests of the civil majority for the past ten centuries now suddenly 
don't cater to their particular tastes, and therefore must be discarded.

Blackstone's Commentaries effectively outlines the philosophy and basis 
for English common law from seventeenth and eighteenth century England, 
which also served as the foundational basis for establishing eighteenth 
century colonial laws in the US.  Where we have departed from this 
historic common-sense approach in response to demands of a few vocal 
dissidents, the application of sound legal principles has suffered.  But 
it seems things have never been so badly off the track as they are now.

We now have many situations where the purported legal right to moral 
depravity overrules decency and common sense.  The inmates have truly 
taken over the asylum.  The solution is to restore and respect the 
traditional definitions that have served the interests of the majority 
for hundreds of years, not to invent new ones that attempt to serve the 
demands of a miserable few.  This will always be a futile pursuit.  In 
the case of those who wish to engage in homosexual behavior, it is 
obvious that being married will never grant them what they crave.  As 
Alma asserts, wickedness never was happiness.

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[ZION] Taxes

2004-03-10 Thread Jim Cobabe

One of John Kerry's principal campaign issues is taxes.  He promises to 
rescind the recent tax cuts implemented by the Bush administration.

In the news coverage, it absolutely amazes me to notice the crowds 
cheering with enthusiasm when they hear a promise to raise their taxes.  
It has always surprised me that so many are willing to elect people who 
promise to take away their money and spend it for them.  Of course, we 
know that liberal political leaders are always wiser than any of their 
constituents about how best to spend other people's money.

As far as I can discern, none of the rhetoric on taxes, from either side 
of the aisle, has even a shred of credibility.  Both leading candidates 
are wealthy beyond reason.  Unlike the circumstances with most of us, it 
is obvious that not even taxes levied at the most extreme rate could 
ever do much to hurt their lavishly indulgent lifestyle.  They pretend 
to emphathize with people of modest means, but in reality I believe they 
don't have a clue.

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[ZION] Paternalistic science

2004-03-10 Thread Jim Cobabe

Recent reporting in JAMA turns science into a politically correct blunt 
instrument.  Echoed in the news reports, it reads something like 
Obesity is an epidemic, we're eating ourselves to death.  Reportedly, 
being too fat is now the number two cause of death in the US, trailing 
only tobacco.

In fact, the JAMA study returns something similar to the directed 
surveys conducted by self-interested commercial groups in order to 
promote their doctrine.  It is difficult for me to discern exactly what 
the medical establishment hopes to accomplish here, but the smell of 
cooked results is too strong to avoid.

The findings of the survey were arrived at by polling cause of death 
reports.  Anything remotely related to various politically correct 
categories is lumped together.  Thus, heart disease is magically 
transformed into all others that result from poor diet and exercise as 
a cause of death.  Everything in this category is automatically deemed 
to be associated with obesity or sedentary lifestyle, thus returning the 
desired epidemic.

While this is poor science and poor journalism, perhaps it is better to 
lie about the survey in order to scare a few fat folks into following 
the AMA dietary and lifestyle recommendations.

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[ZION] Retroactive laws

2004-03-09 Thread Jim Cobabe

John W. Redelfs wrote:
I don't see how a law passed in the 21st century could have any effect 
on your 19th century ancestors.  Laws aren't retroactive.

It seldom makes any sense that they would be, but as I understand it, 
legal instruments are sometimes made to be retroactive, nunc pro tunc. 
 This generally happens when the instrument is amended some time after a 
judgement.  Since such things are just a sort of fiction that we 
collectively respect, there is no rational obstacle standing in the way 
of such an arbitrary rule.

In any case I cannot imagine how retroactive marriage rules would 
inconvenience any of my plurally married ancestors.

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RE: [ZION] An Answer to the World - Divorce and Single Parent Children

2004-03-09 Thread Jim Cobabe

Maggie Gallagher and Judith Wallerstien discuss social problems stemming 
from contemporary divorce practices.  Many insightful comments.


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RE: [ZION] An Answer to the World - Divorce and Single Parent Children

2004-03-09 Thread Jim Cobabe

Maggie Gallagher:

By gutting the marital contract, no-fault divorce has transformed what 
it means to get married. The state will no longer enforce permanent 
legal commitments to a spouse. Formally, at least, no-fault divorce thus 
demotes marriage from a binding relation into something best described 
as cohabitation with insurance benefits.

What have we gotten in exchange for this sweeping abandonment of the 
idea that marriage is a public, legal commitment, and not merely a 
private exchange of sentimental wishes? When in the 1970s and early 
1980s no-fault divorce swept through state legislatures, its advocates 
promised us two great benefits: (1) no-fault would reduce conflict, as 
spouses would no longer be forced to assign legal blame for the 
marriage’s end, and (2) no-fault would enhance respect for the law, as 
couples longing for a divorce would no longer have to commit perjury, 
lodge false accusations of adultery, to get one.

In this sense, as Herbert Jacob points out in his excellent history, 
Silent Revolution, no-fault divorce was the brainchild of elites who 
consistently portrayed it as a mere technical adjustment to the law, a 
minor change that would in no way endanger marriage or encourage 
divorce, but merely close the gap between the law in theory and the law 
as it was actually practiced.

In reality no-fault divorce laws did something decidedly more 
revolutionary. Rather than transferring to the couple the right to 
decide when a divorce is justified, no-fault laws transferred that right 
to the individual. No-fault is thus something of a misnomer; a more 
accurate term would be unilateral divorce on demand.

The idea that couples who wish to divorce should be able to do so 
without making false accusations is now uncontroversial. Even the most 
aggressive of the new divorce reforms to restore fault recently proposed 
in Michigan permits couples to dissolve their marriages quietly and 
amicably, by mutual consent. The idea that marriage is a covenant larger 
than the two people who make it has already been lost.

What the current no-fault debate revolves around is the lesser question: 
Is marriage less than a legal contract between two people? Is the 
marriage contract enforceable, and if so how? When we marry, are we 
making a binding commitment or a fully revokable one (if revokable 
commitment is not an oxymoron)? If the latter, what is the difference, 
morally and legally, between getting married and living together? Why 
have a legal institution dedicated to making a public promise the law 
considers too burdensome to enforce?

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[ZION] The Gospel according to PETA

2004-03-08 Thread Jim Cobabe


A new billboard depicting a PETA God, brandishing carrots, looms over 
the west side of Salt Lake City, commanding all faithful saints to 
become vegetarians.

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2004-03-07 Thread Jim Cobabe
SUNDAY March 07, 2004

Gay marriage threatens the fundamental unit of society -- the family

By Paul T. Mero

Utah should support a federal constitutional amendment to recognize 
legal marriage as only between a man and a woman. But it should do so 
for the right reasons, understanding why it is needed, what it really 
means for the long term and just who will benefit.
This is a very curious debate. Homosexual marriage is often 
portrayed as an assault against the family or as a struggle for human 
rights. In reality, it is more a testimony against failing families and 
broken homes.
Clearly, a federal marriage amendment would prevent states from 
recognizing homosexual marriages. But it would not save our broken 
homes. Surely it would serve to remind us that a real mom and dad, 
together, still produce the best future for their children and our 
nation. But it would not do one thing to make a family better, let alone 
This point seems to be lost on many pro-family advocates. A 
federal marriage amendment is no panacea. Troubled families still would 
produce a truckload of personal and social dysfunction for their 
children, including oftentimes the same homosexuality that comes back to 
haunt so many of these parents. Laws do not make people good; they will 
not make promiscuous homosexuals more faithful, and they will not make 
bad parents into good ones.
It helps to understand that, in legal terms, the family is prior to 
the state. The family created the state, not vice-versa. This is the 
perverse irony of the gay argument favoring marriage it requires the 
state to create it, unlike the natural family.
We ask the state to sanction certain forms of marriage, not because 
the creation of the natural family depends on it, but because, as a 
matter of public policy, society seeks to maximize its futurity. 
State-sanctioned marriage is really, and only, about two things -- 
child-bearing and child-rearing -- two things, by the way, homosexuals 
do not do very well.
All of this goes a long way to inform us about what adversarial 
forces really threaten the family. The family is the seed-bed of 
civilization. Discourage or destroy its natural functions and our future 
is in jeopardy. Take away its procreative powers, take away its 
nurturing elements, take away its autonomous functions, take away its 
pluralistic representation, and we will have threatened the family.
The real threat of homosexual marriage is that it is the antithesis 
of authentic family. It pretends to give life and cannot. It pretends to 
nurture and does not. It pretends to seek autonomy but is ever 
dependent. It pretends to pluralism but only finds diversity.
In other words, it pretends to civilization. It only plays house, 
and only then as the state allows it to. This is its threat; it does not 
form naturally. It is dependent upon the state for its organization. And 
that is the antithesis of freedom.
A federal marriage amendment says nothing about homosexual 
relationships. They will continue unabated and as usual. A federal 
marriage amendment is primarily an expression in favor of enduring 
freedom. It is further recognition, and now it seems a necessary 
reminder, that the family is the fundamental unit of society. This is 
the real value of a federal marriage amendment.
Serious pro-family advocates would do well to heed this lesson. 
Fighting to protect the family is more than a religious exercise, though 
it is that. We fight for the family because pluralistic, autonomous 
families create freedom. The family is the only natural institution that 
can honestly come by the title enemy of tyranny.
   Paul T. Mero is president of the Sutherland Institute, a Utah-based 
conservative think tank.

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RE: [ZION] An Answer to the World - Chapter 3

2004-03-07 Thread Jim Cobabe


I'm not sure I follow your first attempt at deconstruction.

I am interested in the linkage you're making between the war and the 
counterculture.  Although there seem to be some significant 
connections, I'm pretty certain that the slide toward this studied 
irresponsibility popularized as freedom started prior to the Vietnam 

I suppose there have always been people like this.  In the decade 
following WWII, I think they were called beatniks.  These folks had a 
hold on San Francisco long before Vietnam started.

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RE: [ZION] Am I wasting my time?

2004-03-07 Thread Jim Cobabe

Jonathan, I have not seen your comments about feminism yet.  I suggest 
that this is something you might like to examine.

I did not see mention of divorce as a social issue at all.  In my 
thinking this is one of the primary indicators of the attack on 
families.  Before 1960, divorce was uncommon.  Today it affects nearly 
everyone, to our detriment.  Did the hippie counterculture create this 
problem?  I think not.

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RE: [ZION] Martha Stewart Guilty

2004-03-06 Thread Jim Cobabe

Who is Martha Stewart?  Is she rich and famous?  I thought she peddled 
linens for Sears, or something like that.

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[ZION] US Senate considers amendment

2004-03-04 Thread Jim Cobabe
Deseret Morning News, Thursday, March 04, 2004

Senate panel takes up marriage amendment

By Lee Davidson
Deseret Morning News

WASHINGTON — The Senate Judiciary Committee began emotional hearings 
Wednesday on a proposed constitutional amendment to ban same-sex 
marriage — seen either as a last stand for traditional family values or 
an attempt to rob gays of civil rights.

The session made for unusual alliances. Some liberals supported the 
amendment plan, others hated it. Likewise some conservatives praised it, 
and others abhorred it. Ditto for Democrats. And for Republicans. And 
for African-American leaders. And church groups.

Among leaders of the chorus praising the proposed amendment is Sen. 
Orrin Hatch, R-Utah, the committee chairman — although he also says 
alternatives besides a constitutional amendment should be considered 

It is now clearer to me than ever that courts are usurping the role of 
legislatures by imposing their own definitions of marriage on the 
people, and we must do something about this, Hatch said in a written 
statement. I think we need to consider amending the Constitution — and 
said he would vote for a version favored by President Bush.

The hearing comes as the highest court in Massachusetts ruled that state 
must allow gay marriage — and as local officials in California, New 
York, New Mexico and Oregon have begun allowing them. Last week, Bush 
called for a constitutional amendment to define marriage as between a 
man and a woman.

As couples — of both the married and same-sex variety — crowded the 
hearing room with their children to

serve as symbols of what is at stake, both sides made their arguments 
before the Judiciary Subcommittee on the Constitution.

NAACP President Hilary Shelton opposed the proposed amendment, saying it 
would discriminate and restrict rather than expand and protect the 
rights for any and all persons.

But the Rev. Richard Richardson of the Black Ministerial Alliance of 
Greater Boston said, As an African-American, I know something about 
discrimination. . . . The traditional institution of marriage is not 
discrimination. And I find it offensive to call it that.

Richardson said traditional marriage is the best institution to ensure 
that children are raised by a loving mother and father. He said that 
ideal is under attack on many fronts and that disintegrating families 
have dire consequences in inner cities he serves. Without traditional 
marriage, it is hard to see how our community will be able to thrive.

Agreeing was Daniel de Leon, an Assembly of God pastor representing 
AMEN, a group of Hispanic evangelical churches. My people know 
something about discrimination. The institution of marriage was not 
created to discriminate against people. It was created to protect 
children and to give them the best home possible — a home with a mother 
and a father.

Disagreeing was Sen. Russ Feingold, D-Wis., ranking subcommittee 
Democrat. An amendment regarding same-sex marriage would write 
discrimination into the governing document of our nation. He said he 
expects bitter battles, saying, Taking away a group of people's rights 
forever can never be done in a civil manner.

Likewise, Sen. Edward Kennedy, D-Mass., said, By endorsing this 
shameful proposed amendment, in a desperate tactic to divide Americans 
in an attempt to salvage his faltering re-election campaign, President 
Bush will go down in history as the first president to try to write bias 
back into the Constitution.

But Maggie Gallagher, president of the Institute for Marriage and Public 
Policy, said most Americans do not believe it would be discrimination. 
Sixty percent of African-Americans oppose same-sex marriage, as do 60 
percent of white Americans, according to a November Pew poll. . . . Are 
they all bigots?

While some churches praised the amendment plan, others publicly opposed 
it — including the Unitarian Universalist Association of Congregations 
and the Presbyterian Church (USA).

And while key Democrats such as Kennedy and Feingold oppose the proposed 
amendment, some Democrats have co-sponsored it. (Among those who have 
publicly supported it is Rep. Jim Matheson, D-Utah.)

And while Hatch and Senate Republican Leader Bill Frist, R-Tenn., 
support the proposed amendment, Sen. Lincoln Chaffee, R-R.I., joined 
opponents of it in a press conference Wednesday.

Also, many conservatives do not like amending the Constitution at all — 
while others want to go even further than Bush to also ban civil 
unions for gays. Sen. Bob Bennett and Rep. Rob Bishop, both R-Utah, 
have not yet endorsed amending the Constitution, saying they want to 
look at all options to defend traditional marriage.

One well-known conservative, Chuck Muth, president of Citizen Outreach, 
blasted the proposed amendment at the hearing. We strongly oppose the 
notion of addressing this issue of social policy in our nation's 
governing document.

He likened the amendment to another one 

[ZION] Judicial insanity spreads

2004-03-03 Thread Jim Cobabe


Catholic Group Is Told to Pay for Birth Control

Published: March 2, 2004

The California Supreme Court ruled Monday that Catholic Charities must 
provide its employees in California with medical coverage for birth 
control, in spite of its religious objections to contraception.

The ruling has sweeping implications for religion-based nonprofit 
organizations and hospitals throughout the state and could influence 
decisions made in at least 20 other states that have similar laws 
requiring employers to provide contraception as part of employee health 
coverage, legal experts said. A similar case, brought by Catholic and 
Protestant organizations, is winding its way through the New York 

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[ZION] Standards vs Censorship

2003-11-18 Thread Jim Cobabe

Big gripe I had with the ALM crowd.  Many of them are advocates for 
artistic freedom.  They want license to write anything that 
contributes to a good-selling story, regardless of the implicit message 
or moral content -- including explicit descriptions of sexual behavior 
that clearly violates LDS standards.  These things are a part of real 
life, they argue.

I abandoned the protests in the AML forum long ago.  But recently the 
issue was raised again, as Deseret Book issued a new edict proclaiming 
that books which fail to meet their standards will not be sold there.

I had a private laugh as I thought to myself, It serves them right.  
In a way, I think the recalcitrance of many LDS artists has forced this 
policy.  There have been predictable howls of anguish and protest 
against such heavy-handed censorship.  But I suspect that serious LDS 
writers who wish to have a market for their work will toe the line.   

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[ZION] The Mouse

2003-11-18 Thread Jim Cobabe

Mickey is 75 today.

Somehow defines the age of our culture.

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RE: [ZION] Mormon Writers

2003-11-18 Thread Jim Cobabe

Ron poses a false dilemma -- but it makes for a good story.

A few years ago Elder Richard G. Scott gave a general conference address 
on the topic of cultural baggage.  He indicated that cultural roots are 
and should be an important and integral part of our membership in the 
Church.  We bring with us the good things, and abandon the dross.

It seems painfully obvious to me that Church leaders are fully aware of 
these issues.  Indeed I believe there is more sensitivity and attention 
devoted to diverse cultural heritage today than I can ever remember.

In fact I have Jewish ancestors that bring a unique cultural background 
to my family, and contribute an important component of my own cultural 

BTW, I checked at Deseret Book, and found that they list five novels by 
Chiam Potok.

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[ZION] Scott Card

2003-11-18 Thread Jim Cobabe

Stephen Beecroft wrote:
Orson Scott Card, LDS writer of fiction/science fiction/fantasy, has 
complained that most present-day authors eschew developing the character 
of good guys because, as they claim, bad guys are more interesting.

Yet Card is not above using the same tactics as other writers.  I was 
terribly disappointed with _Saints_.  In the story Card apparently found 
an interest in exploring the sexuality of Joseph Smith and one of his 
plural wives.  Perhaps I'm prudish, but I thought this was speculation 
on matters that are best left open.

That said, I have to admit that some of the other more liberal LDS 
writers that have ventured into this territory were certainly less 
sensitive than Card's treatment of the issues.  As far as I know, 
opening this topic for discussion, particularly under the heading of 
New Mormon History, qualifies singularly as a preoccupation for 

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RE: [ZION] News sources

2003-11-16 Thread Jim Cobabe

Another matter that leaves dead-tree news in the dust is simply the 
selection available in online media sources.

There are thousands of online sources now.  I can sample them all, at my 
leisure.  I could never have had such a selection available in printed 

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[ZION] Thoreau

2003-11-15 Thread Jim Cobabe

The very simplicity and nakedness of man's life in the primitive ages 
imply this advantage, at least, that they left him still but a sojourner 
in nature. When he was refreshed with food and sleep, he contemplated 
his journey again. He dwelt, as it were, in a tent in this world, and 
was either threading the valleys, or crossing the plains, or climbing 
the mountain-tops. But lo! men have become the tools of their tools. The 
man who independently plucked the fruits when he was hungry is become a 
farmer; and he who stood under a tree for shelter, a housekeeper. We now 
no longer camp as for a night, but have settled down on earth and 
forgotten heaven. We have adopted Christianity merely as an improved 
method of agriculture. We have built for this world a family mansion, 
and for the next a family tomb. 
 (Thoreau, Walden)

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RE: [ZION] Punch their lights out

2003-11-14 Thread Jim Cobabe

Ron Scott wrote:
Where, in your opinion, is the communist threat today.

Don't be silly.  Eastern-bloc communism could be revived overnight.  
Communist governments in third-world countries in Eastern Europe, 
Africa, Asia, and South America are a constant threat to our security.  
Any semi-rational person can see this.  Even now we as a nation are 
making huge efforts around the world to advocate and encourage 
democratic governments.

Your negative reflections on Benson's politics are specious.  Of course 
some of the specifics do not pertain to current events, just like some 
writings of Isaiah about the Assyrians are not particularly pertinant 
today.  But there's nothing outdated or anachronistic about President 
Benson's counsel regarding loyalty to God and country.  Plenty of us 
could take lessons from President Benson's teachings.

One of the more telling complaints I've heard from right-wing folks is 
that liberals seem to hate America and what it stands for.  It is easy 
to understand why patriotic folks with traditional ideals form this 
opinion.  It is difficult, in the context of these times, to understand 
why anyone would sell short the importance of national defense and 
security.  I worry far more about that than I do about being preoccupied 
with Communists hiding in every toilet.

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RE: [ZION] Punch their lights out

2003-11-14 Thread Jim Cobabe

Ron Scott wrote:
Ah, I'm less than semi-rational. I suppose I'll validate your name 
calling if I say I don't agree with you.  Not agreeing with you is prima 
facie evidence that I am less than semi-rational, right?

Not agreeing with me is evidence that we do not agree.  No surprise in 
that.  We can still talk, can't we?

It's possible that communism could be revived in some former republics 
of the USSR.

No dramatic revival would be required for many formerly communist 
countries.  Just a transition back to old familiar ways.

Isn't it rather academic that any socio-political group which believes 
communism is the best viable economic and political system could assume 
power.  Particularly in unstable countries where there is nothing 
competing for that niche.


In spite of your light dismissal, there are still plenty of folks in 
evidence even in this country who are devoted to Marxist ideals.  They 
would welcome another chance.

True enough. But the alternative to democracy isn't necessarily 

Oh?  You think monarchy or feudal fiefdom are still popular 
up-and-coming governments?

We'll please be specific about my speciousness, if it's not too much to 

Don't play dumb.  Your characterizations of Benson are nearly 
unanimously polemic.  Lableling him as the icon of the right wing can 
hardly be taken as an even-handed compliment by anyone.

I listen to him and many others.

Yes--there's listening, then there's listening.

You are putting words in my mouth, drawing inferences that have NO
BASIS IN FACT,Brother Jim.

Eh.  I only put words in my own mouth.  Yours is way too far away.


...whether theres a commy in every commode.

In your face, Ron.  This was your (obviously polemic) characterization.

Want to change the tone of the discussion?  Go ahead, I'll reciprocate.

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RE: [ZION] This is Me

2003-11-10 Thread Jim Cobabe

A most amazing hat--

(URL looks pretty mangled after I copied it.  Might have to try a bit of 
cutting and pasting to resurrect the whole corpus.)


Bridger Mountain Man Coyote Fur Hat 
Relive the era of the mountain man with this authentic full-body coyote 
Mountain Man Hat. The hat drapes down in the back for added warmth and 
protection on your neck and shoulders. From reenactments of famed 
mountain man triumphs along the frontier, to displays and decor 
befitting America's pioneers and settlers, the classic styling and 
authentic coyote hide make this hat a conversation starter at any 
gathering. The soft, white-tanned interior holds up to years of wear. 
The professionally cleaned fur is exceptionally soft and holds its sheen 
extremely well. This is the perfect gift for rendezvous black-powder 
re-enactment enthusiasts. Made in Canada.

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RE: [ZION] How to Become a Gospel Scholar

2003-11-10 Thread Jim Cobabe

Here's a paper addressing that topic from John Welch.  He is not a 
general authority, but is certainly a gospel scholar with few peers.


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[ZION] Study topics this week

2003-11-10 Thread Jim Cobabe

Some things I am currently interested in studying:

Character of Jesus during his youth.

Luke 2:52 And Jesus increased in wisdom and stature, and in favour with 
God and man.
DC 93:14 And thus he was called the Son of God, because he received 
not of the fulness at the first.

Implications of mortality for a member of the Godhead.

Hebrews 2:9 But we see Jesus, who was made a little lower than the 
angels for the suffering of death, crowned with glory and honour; that 
he by the grace of God should taste death for every man.

Philippians 2:5-8 Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ 
Jesus: Who, being in the form of God, thought it not robbery to be equal 
with God: But made himself of no reputation, and took upon him the form 
of a servant, and was made in the likeness of men: And being found in 
fashion as a man, he humbled himself, and became obedient unto death, 
even the death of the cross.

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[ZION] One leads to another...

2003-11-07 Thread Jim Cobabe

George Cobabe wrote:
 Boy o Boy, that is certainly a response designed to continue discussion. 
 is interesting that the best you can offer is a complete denial that 
 had anything useful to say and without and justification on your part.  
 even a disclaimer that you uinderstand it differently, but jsut a 

One ad-hominem leads to another.  Perhaps we could anticipate where this 
is leading, and just skip the ending.

Whether or not you find the bloom in list traffic personally gratifying, 
I am certain we could all benefit from a higher intellectual level of 
exchange, even when we cannot resist slinging invectives.

My best insults nearly always pass virtually unrecognized over the heads 
of the intended recipients.  I most enjoy the passive-aggressive attack.


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[ZION] Feng Shui

2003-11-07 Thread Jim Cobabe

What is feng shui?

How does it reconcile with living the gospel of Christ?

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RE: [ZION] Official Doctrine #2

2003-11-06 Thread Jim Cobabe

John W. Redelfs wrote:
Would that all the single men in the Church were as devoted to keeping 
the commandment to marry as seriously as you did and do.

Many of us take it seriously too.  As a single man I am working on 
addressing this concern as quickly as sanity and comfort can afford.  I 
have discovered that it is not an easy thing for an older man.

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RE: [ZION] Catholics Mormons unite

2003-11-06 Thread Jim Cobabe

John W. Redelfs wrote:
How can we teach 
1) that all the other churches contain some truth, and 2) that we are 
the only true church?  The two statements are not incompatible, but they 
might easily be confused by those of inadequate education.

I believe it is being done as we speak.  Do you see the current 
missionary program as compromised or ineffective?  Looks like it is 
working well to me.

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RE: [ZION] An Illustrious Group

2003-11-06 Thread Jim Cobabe

John W. Redelfs wrote:
 Tom Valletta has just joined us.

Welcome, Tom!

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RE: [ZION] Is God's Love Unconditional?

2003-11-05 Thread Jim Cobabe

Our characterizations and definitions of love itself are ambiguous at 
best.  No surprise that discussions of this quality in the character and 
nature of God are fraught with difficulty.

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RE: [ZION] Roll Call

2003-11-05 Thread Jim Cobabe

Jon Spencer wrote:
 I am not here.  I'm over there.

Blown off course in that last hurricane, no doubt.


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RE: [ZION] Cognitive Dissonance

2003-11-04 Thread Jim Cobabe

Hate the sin and love the sinner.  I understand that.  But why do I have 
to be accepting of a false church in order to be loving towards its 
deluded, lied to, and oppressed members?
I can love a Catholic without loving his church.  The same goes for a 
Lutheran, Methodist, Presbyterian, Baptist, Buddhist or Moslem.

Reading 2 Nephi 28 and then reading these Internet email discussion 
lists, Zion included, causes me considerable cognitive dissonance.

Yes, I suppose the bottom line is that today we must make an extra 
effort to distinguish between the people who belong to other churches 
and the formal institutions that constitute those other churches.  This 
is definitely more of a challenge than simply blasting everyone who 
differs from us.

While we continue to unequivocally condemn false and vain and foolish 
doctrines, yet we recognize those people as our brothers and sisters, 
prospective converts to the true Gospel of Christ, potential Latter-day 
Saints.  We don't seek to antagonize or alienate these potential members 
of the true Church by focusing primarily on their faults.  I guess the 
thinking is that we can win the hearts of more men by gentleness, 
meekness, and love unfeigned.  Perhaps, as the scriptures suggest, this 
has always been the right approach.

Apparently the sword of truth can be a soft touch at appropriate 
times, in contrast to more heavy-handed dividing asunder kind of 
action.  ;-)

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RE: [ZION] Mainstreaming Mormonism

2003-10-31 Thread Jim Cobabe
Religion re-enters S.L. mayoral race 

Pollster Jones says it regained dominant role
Copyright 2003 Deseret Morning News

By Bob Bernick Jr.
Deseret Morning News

  Salt Lake City politics in the early 1900s had an ugly twist: 
Candidates and officeholders were judged by whether they were Mormons or 
  In time, however, the political issue of one's religion melted 
away into discussions of economic development, zoning, water, parks and 
  But the old days have returned, to an extent, says pollster Dan 
Jones, in this year's Salt Lake mayor race between incumbent Mayor Rocky 
Anderson and challenger Frank Pignanelli — although neither candidate is 
  Religion is playing a dominant role in this (the 2003 Salt Lake 
City mayor's) race. Whether we like it or not, it has, says Jones, who 
has polled in Utah for 30 years. My polling shows religion is more 
prominent in this race than in any other contest I've seen in Utah.
  To illustrate how much the city's political climate has changed, 
former Mayor Palmer DePaulis recalls how when he was elected in 1985 
little mention if any was made that he was the city's first Catholic 
  And religion wasn't a factor in issues at City Hall as it is now.
  Absolutely, I feel religious tensions in the city, said 
DePaulis, who lives near Liberty Park. It's very unfortunate. It's not 
  The resurgence of a Mormon/non-Mormon split was first recognized 
in the 1999 election, says Jones, who is also a political science 
professor at the University of Utah.
  Exit polls conducted for KSL-TV in 1999 showed that then-candidate 
Anderson, who belongs to no organized religion, got only 28 percent of 
the LDS vote. His challenger, Stuart Reid, an active Mormon, received 72 
percent of the Mormon vote.
  Two years after his election, Anderson's job performance polls 
showed he had turned half of his LDS detractors into supporters.
  But when Anderson took a stand to keep a free-speech easement on 
the LDS Church-owned Main Street Plaza, the religious split surfaced 
again. Then Anderson wondered aloud if City Council members who were 
active in the LDS Church could make an unbiased decision on the plaza.
  The religion question softened some after the council adopted the 
compromise brokered by Anderson and the Alliance for Unity, a group of 
civic, business and religious leaders the mayor co-founded.
  But two weeks ago, after the City Council voted not to let the 
Nordstrom department store move from Crossroads Mall to a westside 
development, Anderson said some of the council members likely voted 
against the move because of their religion (all are LDS); especially in 
light of the fact that the LDS Church was the new owners of Crossroads 
  I'm just speaking the truth, Anderson said when criticized for 
putting religion into the council's vote.
  He's walking down a dangerous road, says Pignanelli, Anderson's 
ballot opponent next Tuesday. By putting religion into these decisions, 
what's he saying? Can Mormons even serve on the City Council? Do we need 
an affirmative action plan to get non-Mormons on the council?
  It is very destructive to the political fabric of our community, 
said Pignanelli, a practicing Catholic. And it makes no sense 
politically, to bring religion into the debate over Nordstrom or the 
Main Street Plaza. That is what frustrates city residents. Why put us 
through this?
  Anderson acknowledges there has been a backlash to some of his 
actions and statements.
  Part of the backlash, he says, is misunderstanding. Another part 
is that his administration has made this community more inclusive for 
everyone. And some people may not like that inclusiveness — seeing it 
as a threat to their own positions in society, he said.
  Part of the backlash is also a result of my willingness to open a 
public dialogue about why some not of the (LDS) faith feel resentful and 
without a voice in Utah politics, said Anderson. This is a situation 
that's existed for many years here. And in order to bridge any 
divisions, we must speak candidly about these matters.
  One reason, he said, the Alliance for Unity was created was to 
speak openly and honestly about those things that divide us, especially 
along religious lines.
  Jones' polling results illustrate the underlying religious dynamic 
being played out in Salt Lake City politics:

  • An August survey by Jones for the Deseret Morning News and 
KSL-TV shows that only 14 percent of LDS city residents planned to vote 
for Anderson in the Oct. 7 primary. A large 70 percent of LDS residents 
had an unfavorable opinion of Anderson.

  • An early October poll of registered voters found only 19 percent 
planned to vote for Anderson in the primary election (which he won by 15 
percentage points over Pignanelli, who finished second). Two-thirds of 
LDS voters had an 

RE: [ZION] A Dangerous Book

2003-10-31 Thread Jim Cobabe

John W. Redelfs wrote:
 I think that Bloom's book could be very dangerous to us as a people.  
 do you think?

Not following you, John.

What is a danger to us as LDS people?  Seems to me that the greatest 
danger we face is not following our religion.  We could become just like 
most others in the world -- paying hypocritical lip service to our 
ideals while living as we please.

Our greatest threat comes not from our critics.  It comes from failing 
to please our God.

Harold Bloom is an interesting academic voice.  But his 
characterizations of Mormon culture mostly miss the point.  Your quote 
from him about Joseph Smith is a good example.  Bloom fails to catch the 
pragmatic spirit that was so characteristic of Saints in the Nauvoo era. 
 Their efforts were never quixotic.  These were not people with their 
head in the clouds.  They got things done by doing what was possible and 
trusting the Lord for the rest.  Would that we had more of this kind of 
collective resolve today.  We could change the world in a major way.  
And more than people like Bloom would have to sit up and take notice.

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RE: [ZION] Punch Their Lights Out

2003-10-31 Thread Jim Cobabe

Returning good for evil is an intriguing idea.  But the suggestion in 
this context brings more questions than it seems to answer.

How does one do this?

What about Jesus whipping the moneychangers from the temple?

Maybe punching their lights out was the appropriate response.  Do 
aggressive violent acts ever serve good rather than evil?

Perhaps the Savior is exempt from the good for evil rule.

It is given to us to know good from evil, therefore we have an 
obligation to judge for ourselves.

sigh  Life is so complicated...

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[ZION] Conversion

2003-10-26 Thread Jim Cobabe

New converts are not often full-grown in their testimony.  They depend 
somewhat on socializing and fellowship to support their faith.

As do we all.

The Savior's counsel to Simon Peter -- When thou art converted, 
strenthen thy brethren.  (Luke 22:32).

I am continually wounded by discussions that use family metaphors 
regarding church fellowship.  Over the past decade my family ties have 
been tested, both bonds with literal blood-relations and fellow saints.  
Many of the alliances I thought I could depend on came apart in times of 
trial, and some even turned around to become my personal 

Ultimately we must invest our faith in the Savior and His unchanging 
love for us.  Without this foundation, everything else will fail.  New 
and old converts alike need to learn this lesson.


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[ZION] Inheritance of all things...

2003-10-19 Thread Jim Cobabe

Now some persons may begin to harrow up their feelings, and to cherish 
in their hearts murmurings because God in his providence and in his 
mercy and kindness, may begin to pour upon this man and upon that man 
blessings by which he accumulates wealth, and by which he is made 
comfortable and happy; they are envious and jealous; now, if all things 
are ours, is there not a time when some of God's people will begin to 
inherit some of them? Yea. There must be a beginning to inherit all 
things. If we envy those that are really beginning to participate a 
little in the inheritance of all things, is not this a strong 
presumptive evidence within ourselves that we are not heirs to all 
things, neither are we willing that our brethren should be.

When a man of God is blessed from on high and shall begin to gather 
around him means sufficient to place him beyond the reach of immediate 
want, God hath done it—God hath blessed that person—and every Saint will 
feel thankful to see his brethren so prospered and blessed of the Lord, 
feeling encouraged that his time will come sometime if he continues 
faithful. Instead of being jealous of the prosperity of those whom the 
Lord delights to bless and murmur in our hearts against our brethren and 
against the Lord, let us learn to be contented with that which is 
assigned to us, and wait patiently until the Lord shall in his mercy and 
kindness bless us more abundantly. I do not know any better way to 
hasten on our day of great blessings than to be liberal in our feelings 
and labor with all our might to lift up and encourage those who are 
bowed down, and to sustain the Priesthood of God.

The Lord sees us all and knows what our feelings are—the very thoughts 
and intents of our hearts are laid bare before Him [Sec. 38:2], and when 
He sees that we are prepared to endure great earthly blessings, do you 
think that any trifling circumstance will cause him to delay and wait 
and put us off and make us wait for his blessings. (Orson Hyde, JD, 
October 8, 1864, 10:263.)

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RE: [ZION] Breaking the charter?

2003-10-17 Thread Jim Cobabe

My friends,

I concern myself little about the fools who mock the truth.  Their time 
is limited, they will wither away like the summer grass, and the truth 
will still be strong.

One of the side effects naysayers unwittingly cause is raising the level 
of public awareness about the Church.  Certainly most who read of such 
evil and unwarranted acts will be sympathetic to the Church.  This may 
create opportunites for the Gospel to reach some who would never 
otherwise be receptive.

People who attempt to desecrate sacred temple garments little understand 
the nature of sacred things.  As I see it, my use of temple clothing is 
a symbol representing the covenants I have made with Heavenly Father in 
the temple.  The garment is a token, not a magical talisman.  It has no 
special temporal or spiritual properties in and of itself.  It is a 
physical reminder to me that the power of God is a constant protection 
and shield from worldly encroachments, as I remain faithful.  In the 
hands of unbelievers, temple garments are not different from other 
pieces of clothing.  

Those who seek to blaspheme sacred beliefs are simply heaping coals upon 
their own heads.  Their acts of attempted desecration are not worthy of 
note.  They are apparently not possessed of sufficient intelligence to 
be suitably embarrassed about such foolery. 

In truth, such gross misunderstanding as exhibited by these malicious 
evil doers gives us all the more reason to value our own sacred 
relationship with Heavenly Father.

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[ZION] Schwarzenegger

2003-10-11 Thread Jim Cobabe

Arnold becomes the new governor of California.

Where else could such a thing happen?

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[ZION] Where have all the Mormon feminists gone?

2003-10-05 Thread Jim Cobabe
Where have all the Mormon feminists gone? 
By Peggy Fletcher Stack 
The Salt Lake Tribune 

No banners proclaiming Mormons for ERA will be soaring over the 
LDS General Conference this weekend as they did in the 1970s. No Mormon 
women will be picketing the semi-annual meeting or praying to their 
Mother in Heaven over wardhouse pulpits, as they did in the 1980s. None 
will be speaking out on women's rights on the steps of the state Capitol 
or on TV, getting themselves fired from Brigham Young University or 
excommunicated from the church as they did in the 1990s. 
In other words, Mormon feminists are awfully quiet. 
The Mormon Women's Forum, established in Salt Lake City in 1988, can 
scarcely draw a crowd to its annual fall conference. Exponent II, the 
Boston-based quarterly for Mormon women, which led its readers gently, 
gently towards feminism, is still publishing nearly 30 years after it 
was launched. But it is more likely to take up issues of grief, aging 
and being single in a married church than the question of priesthood 
These days, Mormons feminists are less likely to publicly cut their 
ties to the church than to quietly slip into inactivity or simply go 
underground, nursing their concerns in private. 
Feminism as a movement within Mormonism is dead or dying with our 
generation, says Claudia Bushman, an LDS historian who teaches at 
Columbia University. Feminism is such a potent word, it's been expunged 
from our vocabulary. 
But does that mean there are no independent, free-thinking women in 
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints? Or that all women's 
issues have been resolved? Or that they no longer care about the 
questions that remain in a church which excludes women from its top 
The answer to all three is no, says Jill Derr, managing director of 
BYU's Smith Institute for Latter-day Saint History. 
Young Mormon women today take equality between men and women on a 
personal and professional level as a given, she says. It's not even a 
Young scholars are more well-rounded, more disciplined and less 
scarred by the experience of overt discrimination, Derr says. They 
expect to balance family and career and presume the church's approval. 
They did not live through the polarizing era that was such a marked 
part of our lives, she says. They can look at our history through a 
more nuanced, complex lens. 
It may be just the term feminism that makes people wince. 
For some, it carries too many negative connotations derived from 
past battles and is synonymous with a confrontational style or hostility 
to motherhood. Or they feel it has been co-opted by those who define it 
solely in terms of reproductive rights or competition with men. 
One BYU professor says feminism has been dropped from women's 
studies discourse almost entirely, replaced by the more neutral term 
Besides, the church has changed a lot since the 1970s. 
Issues that electrified earlier activists have slowly declined or 
disappeared, Bushman says. Female participation and visibility in the 
church are on the rise. 
At this weekend's conference, at least one woman will likely speak 
in nearly every session (except tonight's priesthood session, open only 
to men). 
Women can preach and pray over ward pulpits as often and as 
prominently as men. They sit on ward councils, serve as presidents of 
women's organizations such as Relief Society, Young Women, and Primary. 
They officiate at some women-only temple ceremonies. More and more of 
them are serving full-time missions for the church, becoming just as 
well-versed in Mormon scriptures as their male counterparts. 
On the home front, the church has stopped pushing big families and 
talking about birth control. Mormon leaders still see the nurturing of 
children as the most important thing a woman can do, but are more 
sensitive to the needs of working women. They encourage couples to make 
family decisions prayerfully, based on individual situations, not on a 
universal mandate. 
Last summer the Smith Institute hired Bushman to direct a seminar 
for graduate students on LDS women in the 20th century. Organizers had 
to choose qualified fellows from among dozens of applicants. They 
settled on eight women from Harvard, Yale, Brown, the University of 
Utah, Claremont College and BYU. Some were married with children, some 
without children, some single. At least half had served LDS missions. 
They were all very ambitious, very able and very devoted to the 
church, Bushman says. When I was that age, you could not have 
assembled a group like that. 
They spent eight weeks in Provo, researching topics ranging from LDS 
participation in the National Council of Women from 1888-1987, the 
history of the church's stance on birth control, rifts among LDS women 
created by the Equal Rights Amendment, and the relationship between 
patriarchy and contentment. 

[ZION] Mormon movie

2003-10-05 Thread Jim Cobabe
Making the rounds of Utah theatres, panned by the critics:

intentions don't translate to good filmmaking, the first part of 
director Gary Rogers' ambitious live-action series (based on LDS 
scripture) is a lackluster re-telling of the books of Nephi, with actor 
Noah Danby making a bland hero. Running time: 119 minutes. PG-13 
(violence, brief gore). (5-Star, Gateway, Holladay, Jordan Landing, 
Megaplex 17, Ritz.) (Sept. 12, 2003)

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[ZION] A prophet speaks...

2003-10-05 Thread Jim Cobabe

President Hinckley is ever filled with boundless optimism and good 
cheer.  Always uplifting to hear him speak.

In his closing remarks, I seem to sense that he wishes to lift up the 
entire church with his blessings and counsel.  I would hate to 
disappoint him.

Elder Maxwell, though he has the appearance of a man barely clinging to 
life, delivered such a moving and powerful oratory.

Every once in a while I hear something -- a thought or phrase -- that 
pentrates deeply and resonates on and on.  In Elder Holland's talk in 
the last session, he made reference to the passage in the scriptures 
referring to the prophet Ether's communion with the Lord.  The specific 
phrase that so struck me indicated that the wicked in Ether's day had 
fallen so low in their depravity that they ...hate their own blood 
causing the heavens to weep in mourning.

I am considering the implications...  

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RE: [ZION] Where have all the Mormon feminists gone?

2003-10-05 Thread Jim Cobabe

The author of the article is one of those old-time man-hating feminists 
that apparently believed or sympathized with all the pernicious 
stereotypical ideas about the evils of patriarchy and blah blah blah.  
One of those for whom our friend John coined the term Signaturi.  I am 
certain that Sister Stack and her associates are mighty confused about 
the current state of affairs in the Church.  It is almost as if they set 
themselves to tackle a seemingly insurmountable barrier and on approach, 
discovered that it wasn't there.

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RE: [ZION] apostate working women {was}working woman

2003-09-21 Thread Jim Cobabe

Paul Osborne wrote:
No one made you the judge.

It would be pleasant to believe this.  I could suspend all my struggles 
at discernment and tell myself, Not to worry, you're not the judge.  
Let someone else decide what is right and wrong.

However easy that might be, it is not the gospel...

For behold, my brethren, it is given unto you to judge, that ye may 
know good from evil; and the way to judge is as plain, that ye may know 
with a perfect knowledge, as the daylight is from the dark night. 
(Moroni 7:15)

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RE: [ZION] Private from Redelfs

2003-09-21 Thread Jim Cobabe

John, your not-so-private (:-)) charitable response is gratifying.  My 
commentary was simply a point of discussion in which I hold an abiding 
interest.  Always fascinating to hear what others think.  No need to 
stir up bad feelings.  I only hope to perhaps stimulate some new 
thoughts along these lines.  I certainly do not presume to preach new 
doctrine or judge anyone else's life choices.  How could I be so bold, 
when my own path has proven to be so treacherous?

The road is difficult and every step is a struggle.  I judge that this 
is the way the Lord intended for it to be with us.  Let us press on in 
all faith and diligence--I am confident that we will not be disappointed 
with the end.

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[ZION] confiding in bishops

2003-09-19 Thread Jim Cobabe

Counsel with the bishop is a standard answer.  As a problem solving 
strategy, it usually doesn't work at all, at least in my experience.  
Bishops don't have effective answers for any but the most routine 
problems.  Many of them are good at running LDS wards, but terrible as 
personal counselors.

After ten years of crying on bishop's shoulders I have changed my 
thinking.  It isn't fair for me to unburden my problems on them.  I've 
tried harder to share my confidences with the Lord, and keep my personal 
problems to myself.

I can imagine the numerous bishops I've dumped my sad story on over the 
last decade, cringing mentally every time they think about me.  Oh, 
that poor miserable Brother Cobabe.  I hope he doesn't come to me for 
sympathy again. 

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RE: [ZION] working woman

2003-09-19 Thread Jim Cobabe

Stacy Smith wrote:
Not exactly.  Sometimes it can be very uncomfortable to follow prophetic 
counsel and sometimes circumstantial change does not warrant a change.  
If there is any difficulty in this, as there has been with me and the 
fast, one counsels with the bishop.

Not sure I understand.

How can my bishop's directives override the words of the living 

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RE: [ZION] apostate working women {was}working woman

2003-09-19 Thread Jim Cobabe

Val wrote:
So it depends on which prophetic counsel you are referencing.

In my view, prophetic counsel is consistent in letter and spirit from 
one day to the next, through all ages of time.

If I see conflicts in the pronouncements from one prophet to another, I 
must assume that there is a fault in my interpretation.  I will not 
entertain the suggestion that counsel from President Benson is somehow 
trumped by statements from President Hinckley.

One aspect of this issue is the manner of delivery of certain messages 
that differs significantly from one man to another.  President Benson 
was blunt and aggressive in his directives.  President Hinckley is often 
soft-spoken and indirect.  He tends to be more sensitive about public 
perception.  Notwithstanding, I saw no quotes indicating that President 
Hinckley has at any time rescinded the archaic counsel that mothers 
should not work.

I have long pondered the postscript trailing the Proclamation on the 
Family.  My suspicion is that many people will skip over the body of the 
message to this last bit of the message and focus all their attention on 
it.  See, my circumstances are special, so I will just write my own 

I am not offering the least criticism to women who work out of 
necessity.  Of course families without fathers have different 
circumstances and needs.  The gospel is not a cruel taskmaster that 
burdens widows with unreasonable demands, is it?

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RE: [ZION] Confusion in Gospel Doctrine Class

2003-09-14 Thread Jim Cobabe

Paul Osborne wrote:
This is outdated counsel and no longer meets with the necessary needs 
and requirements of many saints in a changing world that places new 
demands on families. I see President Hinckley has been slowly 
superseding this counsel at a rate that is not too far behind the trend.

Paul, I cannot locate any general counsel from church leaders indicating 
that President Benson's directives about mothers staying home has been 
rescinded or superceded.  Can you find us an authoritative source as 
basis for your assertions?  A recent conference talk from President 
Hinckley would be convincing.

I am minded of one of Jesus' comments to the Jews about divorce, from 
the New Testament.  He said that because the Jews insisted on a 
provision for divorce, Moses gave them some kind of compromise to 
satisfy their unrighteous demands.  Nevertheless, there is no provision 
for divorce in the laws of God.  The only legitimate marriage contract 
is one that is eternally binding.

We can certainly follow this pattern in our own times with regard to our 
selective obedience to the counsel of general church leaders.  Whether 
or not we as a church accept and live by true principles is has no 
bearing on the truth of correct principles.  There will come a day of 
reckoning when our faithfulness will be measured.  Those who insist on 
watering down the principles of the gospel for their own convenience 
will come up short of the mark.

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RE: [ZION] Confusion in Gospel Doctrine Class

2003-09-14 Thread Jim Cobabe

Stacy Smith wrote:
The implications are that people from the far East are better?

I implied no such thing, but since you asked, perhaps you could please 
instruct us on the subject of Far Eastern culture and marriage customs.  
Are their marriages better or worse than ours?  How and why?

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RE: [ZION] Confusion in Gospel Doctrine Class

2003-09-10 Thread Jim Cobabe

I wish I could understand why the contemporary western view is that our 
women are so transcendingly enlightened.  Nothing could be further from 
the truth.

Most contemporary western women have no regard for the correct 
principles of the gospel as they pertain specifically to women.  

Perhaps we could conduct a survey of views on importance of following 
President Benson's counsel about mothers not working outside the home.  
Or perhaps we could find some statistics regarding women married in the 
temple and their current rate of divorce.  Would these be good measures?

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[ZION] freedom versus free agency

2003-09-01 Thread Jim Cobabe

Free agency is an inviolable gift from Heavenly Father.  Each of us has 
absolute free agency to make choices for good or evil.

Our freedom, on the other hand, is constantly subjected to bounds and 
conditions and restrictions.  Our freedom is constrained by natural 
laws, by self-imposed restrictions, by the impositions of other 
individuals, and by society in general.

What is the effect of free agency in the absence of absolute freedom?  
What if government laws constrain my free exercise of choice?  Perhaps 
Heavenly Father will judge my decisions based on what I would have done 
had I been completely free to act.

In 2 Nephi 2:16, we read that enticement is a necessary element in our 
decision-making exercise of free agency.  What does it mean to be 
enticed in choosing between good and evil?  Is the test of mortal 
probation in part intended to demonstrate (to myself) which choices are 
most enticing or attractive to me personally?  I assume that Heavenly 
Father already knew my inclination toward good or evil choices, but that 
it was something I needed to learn for myself.

Jim Cobabe

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RE: [ZION] West Nile virus

2003-08-22 Thread Jim Cobabe

Steven Montgomery wrote:
 Hey! I was born and raised in the Uintah Basin. All kinds of relatives 
 both sides of my family in, around, and through such locales as Vernal, 
 Roosevelt, Altamont, Tridell, Jensen, Maeser, etc.
 So, you've probably bumped into some of my relatives out there. Say 
 to them from me--will you grin?

Steven, I mostly just bump into trees at work.

I am working for the Forest Service this summer, counting all the trees 
on the mountains of Ashley National Forest.  I have driven through most 
of these towns on the way up to the forest.  At night I'm sleeping in a 
trailer in an RV park in Vernal.

One of the survey team members I was working with is from Tridell.  
Turns out that her family, the Brinkerhoffs, are also relatives of my 
brother-in-law.  It was interesting to make the connection.  My 
brother-in-law, Gene Cook, is also related to the McKee family in 

I have heard lots of jokes about family lines that frequently intertwine 
in this area.  :-)

Jim Cobabe  

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RE: [ZION] West Nile virus

2003-08-19 Thread Jim Cobabe

Incidentally, although bovine and equine immunization has been available 
for a couple of years, no human vaccine for West Nile is yet available.  
I have read that it will be at least two more years before the newly 
developmed vaccine can be produced in large enough quantities to start 
distributing to the public.

I wonder if there is a there a way to get vaccinated through private 
sources.  Like many of the important government officials who had 
access to Cipro during the Anthrax scare.


Jim (covered with mosquito bites) Cobabe 

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RE: [ZION] The September Six Today

2003-08-19 Thread Jim Cobabe

Something that interests me is the common perception of these 
malcontents that their disaffection from the church is a punishment.

The doctrine of the church regarding disfellowshipment and 
excommunication is that these actions represent the church's protection 
against apostasy, and the individual's opportunity to start on the road 
to repentance.  While I suspect the first cause is well served, it seems 
that except for Brother Gileadi, they lacked the right attitude to 
approach repentance.

There is probably an element of hypocrisy in any observations we might 
make on this matter.  I hope I never have to face the decision between 
loyalty to an intellectual cause and loyalty to my faith in Heaven 

May we prosper together and ever try to lift each other up.
Jim Cobabe

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[ZION] West Nile virus

2003-08-19 Thread Jim Cobabe

West Nile virus has been detected in Utah as of last week.

Earlier this summer the virus spread through southern Colorado.  Seven 
people were found to be infected in July.  Many people suspect that 
other cases occurred in the area, but were covered up or misdiagnosed.

Apparently several test flocks of chickens in areas of central Utah and 
Utah Valley have now been infected.  Two cases of equine encephalitis 
were found in the Uinah Basin, where I am working this summer.

Anybody else know of local news about the spreading virus?

Jim Cobabe

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RE: [ZION] Temple Defilement

2003-08-19 Thread Jim Cobabe

Stacy Smith wrote:
 I still don't understand the question I asked being answered.  We know 
 many people attend the temple when they shouldn't.  Doesn't this defile 
 temple itself?

Stacy, I don't think so.

The Temple is the House of the Lord, the absolute domain of Heavenly 
Father.  It is sanctified by His power.  I think we simply don't have 
the capacity to diminish that.

Apparently it serves His purposes to permit the unworthy or unqualified 
to visit the Temple at their own volition.  Yet I do not doubt that He 
watches over the affairs in the Temple with special interest.  I do not 
believe the defilers have any power to do more than heap condemnation 
and destruction upon their own heads.

Hopefully those who realize what they are doing will repent quickly, in 
fear and trembling.

Jim Cobabe

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[ZION] Gnostic secrets and Gospel truths

2003-08-18 Thread Jim Cobabe

One of the basic tenets of Gnosticsim seems to be that we were consigned 
to this mortal probation as punishment for our evil nature.  This 
contradicts some of the basic principles of the true Gospel.

The Gnostics were isolationists and hermits who hated the world, and 
expressed their emnity by holding themselves separate.  Our doctrine is 
that we should live in the world, but avoid being worldly.  A marked 
contrast in pragmatic thinking.

One of the aspects of Gnosticism that appeals to some is the element of 
secrecy.  Some would draw parallels between this and our religion.  The 
difference is that temple ordinances are closed because of their sacred 
nature, not because there is any need to keep them hidden.  Anyone who 
wishes can find out everything that goes on in our temples.

An intriguing question --  if we enter the temple unworthily, how is our 
presence there different from interlopers who intrude there?

Jim Cobabe

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RE: [ZION] Breaking the Cartel?

2003-08-18 Thread Jim Cobabe

Steven Montgomery wrote:
 I'd sure like to see the DeBeer's diamond cartel broken:

I wonder, Steven, what difference it would make.  One conspiracy would 
probably just replace another.  :-)

Jim Cobabe

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RE: [ZION] Mormon Faith in America

2003-08-15 Thread Jim Cobabe

John W. Redelfs wrote:
 I ran across a book review of a work entitled MORMON FAITH IN AMERICA by 
 Maxine Hanks and Jeanne Kinney Williams.  It is a children's book for 
 grade 6 and up.

One of the ways subversives inculcate their own values into the 
mainstream.  They teach their twisted doctrines to naive children.

Peggy Fletcher also wrote a children's book a while back.  Perhaps it 
is a trendy thing amongst the Signaturi.  Remember, John, the 
liberal-minded claim exclusive rights to any kind of compassion for 

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[ZION] Bankruptcy and LDS

2003-08-14 Thread Jim Cobabe

The liberal perspective examined...


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RE: [ZION] DNA and the Book of Mormon

2003-08-14 Thread Jim Cobabe

Paul Osborne wrote:
 I almost cried when I found out that apologists at BYU now
 say the Nephites rode deer and not horses. Now we have wooden swords and
 deer. Somehow that is not what I think Joseph Smith was seeing in the
 Urim  Thummim. I'm sad. 

Paul, don't be sad about finding higher levels of enlightenment.

We don't know what Joseph saw in the Urim and Thummim.  Only a few 
descriptive narratives -- and the Book of Mormon.

Some of our Arnold Frieburg created notions are deeply ingrained, but 
not necessarily true.

Learning the truth is partly about finding where our ideas are wrong, 
and setting them aside.  Not an easy task, to be sure.  But necessary.

Remember, faith is a knowledge of things we believe, which are true.  We 
cannot exercise true faith in things that are false.

Jim Cobabe

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RE: [ZION] The Exodus from Nauvoo

2003-08-08 Thread Jim Cobabe

Persecution against the Saints does not have to assume the same form as 
those overt violent acts against the Church in the Nauvoo period.  Even 
more hateful and vindictive injustice was weighed against the Church 
after it was established in the Rocky Mountains.  The extent of the 
bureacratic and legalistic punishment of the Church by the US Government 
during that period is difficult to fathom.  Such predations could easily 
be revisited in the near future.  It seems that all the motivation 
required during the earlier period of anti-Mormon aggression was the 
manipulation of public sentiment by powerful people in high places.  Are 
people any more sophisticated today?

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[ZION] Samoa Temple

2003-07-11 Thread Jim Cobabe

I wept when I learned of this sad news.  Is something amiss in the 
Church, that the Lord would allow one of his temples to be destroyed?

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[ZION] Krakauer

2003-07-11 Thread Jim Cobabe

I have not seen Turley's review of Krakauer's new book.

But I know that Krakauer has build a journalistic tradition of stirring 
up trouble.

I really enjoyed his book _Into Thin Air_, but it apparently stirred up 
a lot of controversy too.

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RE: [ZION] Who Owns Coca-Cola?

2003-07-02 Thread Jim Cobabe

Well, Paul, I prefer Mountain Dew.  It isn't Coke, so I can still claim 
to be holier-than-thou!  ;-)

At least those of us who are painfully honest about our bad habits can 
admit that we only like these drinks because of the things in them that 
are bad for us -- empty calories, pure sugar, caffiene.  

I'm pretty sure you can't inherit the highest degree of glory if you 
drink Coke.  Isn't that written in Teachings of the Prophet Joseph Smith 

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RE: [ZION] hand shakes

2003-06-23 Thread Jim Cobabe

Siblings, day-care attendance, and the risk of asthma and wheezing 
during childhood.

Ball TM, Castro-Rodriguez JA, Griffith KA, Holberg CJ, Martinez FD, 
Wright AL.

Department of Pediatrics, University of Arizona College of Medicine, 
Tucson, USA.

BACKGROUND: Young children with older siblings and those who attend day 
care are at increased risk for infections, which in turn may protect 
against the development of allergic diseases, including asthma. However, 
the results of studies examining the relation between exposure to other 
children and the subsequent development of asthma have been conflicting. 
METHODS: In a study involving 1035 children followed since birth as part 
of the Tucson Children's Respiratory Study, we determined the incidence 
of asthma (defined as at least one episode of asthma diagnosed by a 
physician when the child was 6 to 13 years old) and the prevalence of 
frequent wheezing (more than three wheezing episodes during the 
preceding year) in relation to the number of siblings at home and in 
relation to attendance at day care during infancy. RESULTS: The presence 
of one or more older siblings at home protected against the development 
of asthma (adjusted relative risk for each additional older sibling, 
0.8; 95 percent confidence interval, 0.7 to 1.0; P=0.04), as did 
attendance at day care during the first six months of life (adjusted 
relative risk, 0.4; 95 percent confidence interval, 0.2 to 1.0; P=0.04). 
Children with more exposure to other children at home or at day care 
were more likely to have frequent wheezing at the age of 2 years than 
children with little or no exposure (adjusted relative risk, 1.4; 95 
percent confidence interval, 1.1 to 1.8; P=0.01) but were less likely to 
have frequent wheezing from the age of 6 (adjusted relative risk, 0.8; 
95 percent confidence interval, 0.6 to 1.0; P=0.03) through the age of 
13 (adjusted relative risk, 0.3; 95 percent confidence interval, 0.2 to 
0.5; P0.001). CONCLUSIONS: Exposure of young children to older children 
at home or to other children at day care protects against the 
development of asthma and frequent wheezing later in childhood.

PMID: 10954761 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE] 

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RE: [ZION] Royal Families

2003-06-20 Thread Jim Cobabe

This doctrine of the election of grace is as follows: As part of the 
new song the saints will sing when they 'see eye to eye' and the 
millennial era has been ushered in will be these words, 'The Lord hath 
redeemed his people, Israel, According to the election of grace, Which 
was brought to pass by the faith And covenant of their fathers.' (D.  
C. 84:98-102; Rom. 11:1-5.) This election of grace is a very 
fundamental, logical, and important part of God's dealings with men 
through the ages. To bring to pass the salvation of the greatest 
possible number of his spirit children the Lord, in general, sends the 
most righteous and worthy saints to earth through the lineage of Abraham 
and Jacob. This course is a manifestation of his grace or in other words 
his love, mercy, and condescension toward his children.

This election to a chosen lineage is based on pre-existent worthiness 
and is thus made 'according to the foreknowledge of God.' (1 Pet. 1:2.) 
Those so grouped together during their mortal probation have more 
abundant opportunities to make and keep the covenants of salvation, a 
right which they earned by pre-existent devotion to the cause of 
righteousness. As part of this election, Abraham and others of the noble 
and great spirits were chosen before they were born for the particular 
missions assigned them in this life. (Abra. 3:22-24; Rom. 9.)

As with every basic doctrine of the gospel, the Lord's system of 
election based on pre-existent faithfulness has been changed and 
perverted by an apostate Christendom. So absurd have been the false 
conclusions reached in this field that millions of sincere though 
deceived persons have devoutly believed that in accordance with the 
divine will men were pre-destined to receive salvation or damnation 
which no act on their part could change. (Teachings, p. 189.)

Actually, if the full blessings of salvation are to follow, the 
doctrine of election must operate twice. First, righteous spirits are 
elected or chosen to come to mortality as heirs of special blessings. 
Then, they must be called and elected again in this life, an occurrence 
which takes place when they join the true Church. (D.  C. 53:1.) 
Finally, in order to reap eternal salvation, they must press forward in 
obedient devotion to the truth until they make their 'calling and 
election sure' (2 Pet. 1), that is, are 'sealed up unto eternal life.' 
(D.  C. 131:5.) (Mormon Doctrine, 2nd ed., pp. 216-217.)

(_Doctrinal New Testament Commentary_, Bruce R. McConkie.)

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RE: [ZION] hand shakes

2003-06-20 Thread Jim Cobabe

My hand shakes a lot too.

Whadda ya think we oughta do about it?

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RE: [ZION] Danites

2003-06-18 Thread Jim Cobabe

Danites and Avenging Angels are fun.  One of the most imaginative and 
entertaining inventions of the anti-Mormons. 

Nibley has a good discussion of the topic in _Tinkling Cymbals and 
Sounding Brass_.

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RE: [ZION] Blood Atonement

2003-06-18 Thread Jim Cobabe

The true doctrine of blood atonement is simple to explain --

3 We believe that through the Atonement of Christ, all mankind may be 
saved, by obedience to the laws and ordinances of the Gospel.

4 We believe that the first principles and ordinances of the Gospel are: 
first, Faith in the Lord Jesus Christ; second, Repentance; third, 
Baptism by immersion for the remission of sins; fourth, Laying on of 
hands for the gift of the Holy Ghost.

From _Mormon Doctrine_ --

President Joseph Fielding Smith has written: Man may commit certain 
grievous sins — according to his light and knowledge — that will place 
him beyond the reach of the atoning blood of Christ. If then he would be 
saved, he must make sacrifice of his Own life to atone — so far as in 
his power lies — for that sin, for the blood of Christ alone under 
certain circumstances will not avail. . . . Joseph Smith taught that 
there were certain sins so grievous that man may commit, that they will 
place the transgressors beyond the power of the atonement of Christ. If 
these offenses are committed, then the blood of Christ will not cleanse 
them from their sins even though they repent. Therefore their only hope 
is to have their own blood shed to atone, as far as possible, in their 
behalf (Doctrines of Salvation, vol. 1, pp. 133-138.) This doctrine can 
only be practiced in its fulness in a day when the civil and 
ecclesiastical laws are administered in the same hands. It was, for 
instance, practiced in the days of Moses, but it was not and could not 
be practiced in this dispensation, except that persons who understood 
its provisions could and did use their influence to get a form of 
capital punishment written into the laws of the various states of the 
union so that the blood of murderers could be shed.

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RE: [ZION] Blood Atonement

2003-06-18 Thread Jim Cobabe

What a coincidence to find remarks on Utah's death penalty practices.  
Two firing squad executions were scheduled for next week, but were 
recently stayed pending bureacratic snafu.

Utah still offers a choice to the condemned, though the policy is a 
topic of some controversy.


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RE: [ZION] Lies about Iraqi museum just tip of iceberg

2003-06-16 Thread Jim Cobabe


I suppose the problem is not newspapers, but those who read them.

If the vast majority of people were not prepared to believe at first 
glance everything fed to them by the news media, journalists with an 
agenda would be wholly frustrated in their attempts to lead public 

How many saw the news reports about looting in Iraq, and immediately 
believed the stories?  Why are we so gullible and naive?

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[ZION] Lies about Iraqi museum just tip of iceberg

2003-06-15 Thread Jim Cobabe

By Charles Krauthammer

 It took only 48 hours for the museum to be destroyed, with at least 
170,000 artifacts carried away by looters.
  — New York Times, April 13

You'd have to go back centuries, to the Mongol invasion of Baghdad in 
1258, to find looting on this scale.
  — British archaeologist Eleanor Robson, New York Times, April 16

  WASHINGTON — Well, not really. Turns out the Iraqi National Museum 
lost not 170,000 treasures but 33. Baghdad Bob was more accurate. You'd 
have to go back centuries, say, to the Mongol invasion of Baghdad in 
1258, to find mendacity on this scale.
  What happened? The source of the lie, Director General of Research 
and Study of the Iraqi State Board of Antiquities Donny George, now says 
(Washington Post, June 9) that he originally told the media that there 
were 170,000 pieces in the entire museum collection. Not 170,000 pieces 
stolen. No, no, no. That would be every single object we have!
  Of course, George saw the story of the stolen 170,000 museum 
pieces go around the world and said nothing. Indeed, two weeks later, he 
was in London calling the looting the crime of the century.
  Why? Because George and the other museum officials who wept on 
camera were Baath Party appointees, and the media, Western and Arab, 
desperate to highlight the dark side of the liberation of Iraq, bought 
their deceptions without an ounce of skepticism.
  It played on front pages everywhere and allowed for some deeply 
satisfying antiwar preening. For example, a couple of nonentities on a 
panel no one had ever heard of (the President's Cultural Property 
Advisory Committee) received major media play for their ostentatious 
resignations over the cultural rape of Baghdad.
  Frank Rich best captured the spirit of antiwar vindication when he 
wrote (New York Times, April 27) that the pillaging of the Baghdad 
museum has become more of a symbol of Baghdad's fall than the toppling 
of a less exalted artistic asset, the Saddam statue.
  The narcissism, the sheer snobbery of this statement, is 
staggering. The toppling of Saddam freed 25 million people from 30 years 
of torture, murder, war, starvation and impoverishment at the hands of a 
psychopathic family that matched Stalin for cruelty but took far more 
pleasure in it. For Upper West Side liberalism, this matters less than 
the destruction of a museum.
  Which didn't even happen! What now becomes of Rich's judgment that 
the destruction of the museum constitutes the naked revelation of our 
worst instincts at the very dawn of our grandiose project to bring 
democratic values to the Middle East? Does he admit that this judgment 
was nothing but a naked revelation of the cheapest instincts of the 
antiwar left — that, shamed by the jubilation of Iraqis upon their 
liberation, a liberation the Western left did everything it could to 
prevent, the left desperately sought to change the subject and taint the 
  Hardly. The left simply moved on to another change of subject: the 
hyping of the weapons of mass destruction.
  The inability to find the weapons is indeed troubling, but only 
because it means that the weapons remain unaccounted for and might be in 
the wrong hands. The idea that our inability to thus far find the WMDs 
proves that the threat was phony and hyped is simply false.
  If the U.S. intelligence agencies bent their data to damn Saddam, 
why is it that the French, German and Russian intelligence services all 
came to the same conclusion? Why is it that every country on the 
Security Council, including Syria, in the unanimous Resolution 1441, 
declared that Saddam had failed to account for the tons of chemical and 
biological agents he had in 1998? If he had destroyed them all by 2002, 
why did he not just say so, list where and when it happened, and save 
his regime?
  If Saddam had no chemical weapons, why did coalition forces find 
thousands of gas masks and atropine syringes in Iraqi army bunkers? And 
does anybody believe that President Bush, Secretary Rumsfeld and General 
Franks ordered U.S. soldiers outside Baghdad to don heavy, bulky, 
chemical-weapons suits in scorching heat — an encumbrance that increased 
their risks in conventional combat and could have jeopardized their 
lives — to maintain a charade?
  Everyone thought Saddam had weapons because we knew for sure he 
had them five years ago and there was no evidence that he disposed of 
them. The WMD-hyping charge is nothing more than the Iraqi museum story 
Part II: A way for opponents of the war — deeply embarrassed by the mass 
graves, torture chambers and grotesque palaces discovered after the war 
— to change the subject and relieve themselves of the shame of having 
opposed the liberation of 25 million people.

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RE: [ZION] Goodbye

2003-06-15 Thread Jim Cobabe

I wish I knew who it was that said, In essentials let there be unity: 
in non-essentials, liberty; and in all things, charity. But if I ever 
knew who said it I cannot now remember who it was, and I don't know that 
it matters, because the beauty and truth of the utterance is 
self-evident. It is one of those things which the world has accepted 
into its literature as being true and sensible, and it matters little 
who said it since it does not require other authority than the thing 
itself to commend it to men.

(B.H. Roberts, Conference Report, October 1912)

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[ZION] Signs

2003-06-11 Thread Jim Cobabe

Paul spoke of a society that contained too many people who were fierce 
and without natural affection. (2 Timothy 3:3; Romans 1:31.)

The absence of true affection brings unnatural affection. For this 
cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did 
change the natural use into that which is against nature. (Romans 

Moroni saw a people who had lost their love one toward another and who 
were brutal and past feeling. (Moroni 9:19-20.)

The Lord, speaking centuries earlier to Enoch, described how He had 
given to mortals their agency along with the commandments that they 
should love one another. Yet, said the Lord of people in Enoch's time, 
they are without affection, and they hate their own blood. (Moses 

Paul witnessed a trend that produced trucebreakers.

Moroni saw a people reach a point when they were without order.

Paul saw people becoming unmerciful.

Moroni saw people who were without mercy.

Paul saw the rise of false accusers and covenant breakers.

Moroni viewed contemporaries among whom things were so broken down that 
they were without civilization.

These are chilling comparisons, made even more sobering for, when laid 
alongside emboldened evil in our time, one sees such striking 

(Neal A. Maxwell, _All These Things Shall Give Thee Experience_)

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RE: [ZION] Goodbye

2003-06-10 Thread Jim Cobabe
It is only with faith in God that we are able to face the events of this 

We often face the daily basic routine happenings, hardly recognizing the 
vital moving force that accompanies our comings and goings. However, 
like the ebb and flow of the waters on the shoreline, there come 
occasions of high tide when the power of faith is activated in ways that 
we recognize as miraculous, and they become the very fruits of faith. 
They bear evidence of the realities of God and our relationship to him. 
It is then that we can draw deeply from a reservoir of faith gradually 
accumulated over years of learning and living the gospel and coming to 
know the Savior. With unwavering faith in God and the righteous desire 
of our hearts, we can call upon the Lord and actually witness his hand 
in our own personal lives. I know this to be true.

(Ardeth Kapp, _The Lectures on Faith in Historical Perspective_, BYU 

My lifelong experience verifies this assertion.

Short-lived experiments often return a skewed perspective that does not 
accurately reflect the long-term reality.  We cannot trifle with sacred 
covenants and expect to gain the same end as those who abide in faith.  
We can only find greater truths by really exercising long-suffering and 

The parable of the ten virgins is instructive.  Only those who are 
prepared to wait patiently on the Lord will eventually find their 

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RE: [ZION] Integrity

2003-06-06 Thread Jim Cobabe

John W. Redelfs wrote:
 So are you quoting someone here, Jim.  Or did you pen this yourself?  

Sorry John.  Out of context quote from O.C. Tanner, Mormon philsopher 
and philanthropist of the David O. McKay era, published in an obscure 
work called _Christ's Ideals for Living_ by Deseret in 1955.

Here's a fuller context--

It is said that nothing can ever be right in a man's life, if he is not 
sincere. The ideal of sincerity is central to the religion of Christ. 
The demand of this ideal is genuineness, honesty of mind or intention, 
transparent candor. To use an example Christ gave, it is the simple, 
unaffected sincerity of a child that is required of us.

Our thoughts and intentions are invisible. They are known to others by 
the words we speak, our outward expression, the signals we give to 
represent our invisible personalities. If we tell a lie, we mislead 
others as to what is inside. Then the lie becomes part of one's 
character and the insincere person shatters the trust and confidence 
other people may have or want to impose in him.

On the positive side, he who puts out the true signals of his invisible 
self, becomes one of life's great privileges to know. Such a person is 
the salt of the earth, the light of our lives, and the joy of real 
friendship. It is a wonderful thing to meet and know a person of 
integrity so great as to be everlastingly trustworthy.

Writing of Plato's portrait of a philosopher, Raphael Demos describes in 
his own words the ideal man that Plato brings out in his dialogues:

The most important question we can ask about a man is whether he be 
genuine or not...

As I read this it made me consider my own friends, the salt of the 
earth, particularly those in present company.  To know those who 
approach the state of being everlastingly trustworthy is truly one of 
the greatest privileges and joys of my life.

I humbly strive to reciprocate, that my friends may ever find me worthy 
of their trust.

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[ZION] Integrity

2003-06-05 Thread Jim Cobabe

The most important question we can ask about a man is whether he be 
genuine or not. Is he authentic, does he ring true? The function of 
thought in life is to impart truth of character to man…The philosopher 
hates the inner lie above everything else. The outer lie is the 
falsehood in words, arising out of the inner lie, and is not altogether 
unmixed falsehood. But the inner is the veritable falsehood entering 
into the most vital parts of the soul; it consists of ignorance or 
rather the belief that we know when we do not.

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[ZION] Finding favor with God

2003-06-04 Thread Jim Cobabe

Those who keep the commandments, striving to live by every word that 
proceedeth forth from the mouth of God,  find favor in his sight. Their 
course of conduct is pleasing to him, and they are in a state of grace; 
that is, because of their personal righteousness Deity pours out his 
love, mercy, and goodness upon them in bountiful measure. They are 
guided by the Spirit, have power to work miracles and do good, and 
frequently taste the good things of the world to come.

To fall from grace is to turn from such a course of obedience so that 
the goodness of God departs and the former saint is left to his own 
power and strength. God is no longer pleased with his conduct and no 
longer pours out upon him special blessings. Thus the Prophet in 
discussing whether a person who is once in grace is always in grace, or 
whether having fallen from grace he can return again to that blessed 
state, says: If men have received the good word of God, and tasted of 
the powers of the world to come, if they shall fall away, it is 
impossible to renew them again, seeing they have crucified the Son of 
God afresh, and put him to an open shame; so there is a possibility of 
falling away; you could not be renewed again, and the power of Elijah 
cannot seal against this sin, for this is a reserve made in the seals 
and power of the priesthood. (Teachings, p. 339.) On the other hand, if 
a man is not worthy of so great a condemnation, he can repent and attain 
again his favored state of grace. For all faithful members of the 
Church, the revealed counsel is: There is a possibility that man may 
fall from grace and depart from the living God; Therefore let the church 
take heed and pray always, lest they fall into temptation; Yea, and even 
let those who are sanctified take heed also. (D. C. 20:32-34.) See 
Heb. 6:4-9; 10:19-39.

 (Bruce R. McConkie, Doctrinal New Testament Commentary, 3 vols. [Salt 
Lake City: Bookcraft, 1965-1973], 2: 479.)

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[ZION] Obtaining favor with God

2003-06-03 Thread Jim Cobabe

When a man has offered in sacrifice all that he has for the truth's 
sake, not even withholding his life, and believing before God that he 
has been called to make this sacrifice, because he seeks to do his will, 
he does know most assuredly that God does and will accept his sacrifice 
and offering, and that he has not, nor will not seek his face in vain. 
Under these circumstances, then, he can obtain the faith necessary for 
him to lay hold on eternal life.

It is in vain for persons to fancy to themselves that they are heirs 
with those, or can be heirs with them who have offered their all in 
sacrifice, and by this means obtained faith in God, and favour with him 
so as to obtain eternal life, unless they in like manner offer unto him 
the same sacrifice, and through that offering obtain the knowledge that 
they are accepted of him.

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RE: [ZION] Disney cartoon

2003-06-02 Thread Jim Cobabe

Grampa Bill in Savannah wrote:
 Jim Cobabe wrote:
 _Finding Nemo_ is a fun film, really entertaining and uplifting.  Worth 
 Following the fine example of one of the principals in the film, I am 
 now learning to speak whale.  
 Grampa Bill comments:
 Read a few weeks ago that one of our mental institutions was looking 
 for a Klingon translator. Seems that some (maybe only one) of their 
 patients refuses (or cannot) communicate in any other language. Their 
 might be a similar career opportunity for a whale translator..
 Love y'all,
 Grampa Bill in Savannah

While a number of mental institutions have expressed a very strong 
interest in my behalf, perhaps sadly enough, they never seemed to be 
offering me employment opportunities.


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[ZION] Disney cartoon

2003-06-01 Thread Jim Cobabe

_Finding Nemo_ is a fun film, really entertaining and uplifting.  Worth 

Following the fine example of one of the principals in the film, I am 
now learning to speak whale.  

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[ZION] Conditional love

2003-05-30 Thread Jim Cobabe

Sometimes the discussions in the Church regarding the nature and extent 
of God's love occur in reaction to the positions of others. Those, for 
instance, who feel God's love is unconditional--as if somehow his caring 
for us made Him uncaring about our sins--see themselves moving to the 
starboard side in order to balance those who feel God's love is 
severely conditional, and vice versa.

God loves all His spirit children. How could it be otherwise, since He 
is a perfect Father? In that sense His love is universal and everlasting 
for all of His children. But He does not and cannot love our wickedness: 
For I the Lord cannot look upon sin with the least degree of allowance 
(DC 1:31). He does not and cannot approve of the things we do that are 
wrong, nor will He say on Judgment Day, Well done, thou good and 
faithful servant to those who have been wicked or who have been poor 
performers. His perfect integrity and His perfected attributes of truth 
and justice would not permit it. Nor can our Heavenly Father reward us 
evenly, because our deeds and our degrees of righteousness are so very 
uneven. Of necessity, therefore, we are told there are many mansions 
in His house, and only of the comparative few can it be said, all that 
my Father hath shall be given (John 14:2; DC 84:38). It is especially 
of such faithful that Paul writes: Who shall separate us from the love 
of Christ? shall tribulation, or distress, or persecution, or famine, or 
nakedness, or peril, or sword? . . . Nor height, nor depth, nor any 
other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which 
is in Christ Jesus our Lord. (Romans 8:35, 39.)

It is because God loves us, however, that He seeks with such vigor and 
long-suffering to separate us from our sins, which He hates. He 
continues to care for us even when He cannot approve of us. Yet 
ultimately we cannot go where He is unless He fully approves of us. This 
outcome, however, reflects the consequences of divine justice, not His 
love for us, which persists.

Likewise it is because He loves us that His redemptive arm is 
lengthened out all the day long (2 Nephi 28:32). Yet even after all of 
His outreaching and loving long-suffering, there will follow the 
judgment and justice of God. Thus His long-suffering is not indulgence 
masquerading as mercy.

God will never stop loving all of His spirit children, including those 
who go to the telestial kingdom, a kingdom of glory which, because of 
God's generosity, surpasses all understanding (DC 76:89).

Thus the hard, cold fact is that how we use our moral agency does not 
result in a withdrawal of God's love but does determine the ways and the 
degrees to which a loving God can express His love of us. Only the most 
righteous will receive His praise, His approval, and enjoy His presence. 
These supernal blessings are conditionally bestowed. However, as a 
perfect Father He loves all of His spirit children! The more we 
understand His character and His love, the more poignant is any 
separation from Him.

(Neal A. Maxwell, _If Thou Endure It Well_, p. 34)

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[ZION] Conditional love

2003-05-29 Thread Jim Cobabe

Excerpts from:

Russell M. Nelson, “Divine Love,” Ensign, Feb. 2003, 20

While divine love can be called perfect, infinite, enduring, and 
universal, it cannot correctly be characterized as unconditional. The 
word does not appear in the scriptures. On the other hand, many verses 
affirm that the higher levels of love the Father and the Son feel for 
each of us—and certain divine blessings stemming from that love—are 
conditional. Before citing examples, it is well to recognize various 
forms of conditional expression in the scriptures...

Understanding that divine love and blessings are not truly 
“unconditional” can defend us against common fallacies such as these: 
“Since God’s love is unconditional, He will love me regardless …”; or 
“Since ‘God is love,’ He will love me unconditionally, regardless …”

These arguments are used by anti-Christs to woo people with deception. 
Nehor, for example, promoted himself by teaching falsehoods: He 
“testified unto the people that all mankind should be saved at the last 
day, … for the Lord had created all men, … and, in the end, all men 
should have eternal life.” Sadly, some of the people believed Nehor’s 
fallacious and unconditional concepts.

In contrast to Nehor’s teachings, divine love warns us that “wickedness 
never was happiness.”  Jesus explains, “Come unto me and be ye saved; … 
except ye shall keep my commandments, … ye shall in no case enter into 
the kingdom of heaven.” 

Does this mean the Lord does not love the sinner? Of course not. Divine 
love is infinite and universal. The Savior loves both saints and 
sinners. The Apostle John affirmed, “We love him, because he first loved 
us.” And Nephi, upon seeing in vision the Lord’s mortal ministry, 
declared: “The world, because of their iniquity, shall judge him to be a 
thing of naught; wherefore they scourge him, and he suffereth it; and 
they smite him, and he suffereth it. Yea, they spit upon him, and he 
suffereth it, because of his loving kindness and his long-suffering 
towards the children of men.” We know the expansiveness of the 
Redeemer’s love because He died that all who die might live again.

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RE: [ZION] Carob beans

2002-12-21 Thread Jim Cobabe

John W. Redelfs wrote:
Don't we already know that John the Baptist ate locusts and honey?  
Locusts are definitely animal protein, not plants.

Apparently some believe locusts to be a mistranslation perpetuated 
from very early manuscripts.

In certain early historical writings the phrase is found as honey, and 
cakes made with oil and honey.  The change is attributed to misreading 
the Greek enkis, meaning cake oil, to akris which means locusts.

But of course this is all Greek to me.

Supposedly this is also consistent with what scholars of the Dead Sea 
Scrolls have learned quite recently about the strict rules of the 
Essenes community, of which some believe John the Baptist was an 
associate.  Some of John's other peculiar habits seem to have 
interesting parallels with the Essenes culture.


Mij Ebaboc

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[ZION] Race discussion

2002-12-21 Thread Jim Cobabe

I've always wanted to pursue a serious discussion of race issues, but I 
am pretty sure we can't talk about such things without making someone 

Who would take offense if we discussed Laminites in the Book of Mormon?  
Can you explain why?

Perhaps I'm just an ignorant white man who can never understand.  


Mij Ebaboc

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RE: [ZION] Race discussion

2002-12-21 Thread Jim Cobabe

I could probably work on spelling Lamanites correctly.

Mij Ebaboc

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RE: [ZION] Race discussion

2002-12-21 Thread Jim Cobabe

Intesting article in today's Deseret News.


  PAGE, Ariz. — For more than 20 years, R.D.'s Drive-In has been 
serving burgers, fries and shakes here by Lake Powell, all in relative 
calm and obscurity.
  That changed when customers and employees began complaining that 
other workers were making lewd comments about them — in Navajo. Worried 
about losing business, the owners asked all employees to sign an 
agreement to speak English only, except when a customer could not 
understand English.
  If you feel unable to comply with this requirement, the new work 
rule said, you may find another job.

Here's a bit from the EEOC guidelines with reference to English-only 
rules.  EEOC Title VII prohibits employers from discriminating on the 
basis of national origin.  (Notice how they weasled around using the 
word race again :-))

1606.7 Speak-English-only rules.

(a) When applied at all times. A rule requiring employees to speak only 
English at all times in the workplace is a burdensome term and condition 
of employment. The primary language of an individual is often an 
essential national origin characteristic. Prohibiting employees at all 
times, in the workplace, from speaking their primary language or the 
language they speak most comfortably, disadvantages an individual's 
employment opportunities on the basis of national origin. It may also 
create an atmosphere of inferiority, isolation and intimidation based on 
national origin which could result in a discriminatory working 
environment.7 (FOOTNOTE) Therefore, the Commission will presume that 
such a rule violates title VII and will closely scrutinize it.

(FOOTNOTE) 7See CD 71 - 446 (1970), CCH EEOC Decisions 6173, 2 FEP 
Cases, 1127; CD 72 - 0281 (1971), CCH EEOC Decisions 6293. 

(b) When applied only at certain times. An employer may have a rule 
requiring that employees speak only in English at certain times where 
the employer can show that the rule is justified by business necessity. 

(c) Notice of the rule. It is common for individuals whose primary 
language is not English to inadvertently change from speaking English to 
speaking their primary language. Therefore, if an employer believes it 
has a business necessity for a speak-English-only rule at certain times, 
the employer should inform its employees of the general circumstances 
when speaking only in English is required and of the consequences of 
violating the rule. If an employer fails to effectively notify its 
employees of the rule and makes an adverse employment decision against 
an individual based on a violation of the rule, the Commission will 
consider the employer's application of the rule as evidence of 
discrimination on the basis of national origin. 

Mij Ebaboc

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