[FairfieldLife] 'Hear Goes the Sun!'

2009-07-22 Thread Robert

ar eclipse shrouds Asia in darkness after dawn
By INDRAJIT KUMAR SINGH (AP) – 28 minutes ago
TAREGNA, India — The longest solar eclipse of the 21st century pitched a swath 
of Asia into near-darkness after dawn, as millions watched the 
once-in-a-lifetime phenomenon Wednesday. A woman was killed in a stampede at 
the Ganges river in India, where devout Hindus had gathered for the eclipse.
Millions of others, gripped by fear, shuttered themselves indoors. India 
abounds in superstitions and fables based on Hindu mythology, one of which says 
an eclipse is caused when a dragon-demon swallows the sun, while another myth 
is that sun rays during an eclipse can harm unborn children.
Thick cloud cover over India and China obscured the sun when the eclipse began 
at dawn. But the clouds parted in several Indian cities minutes before the 
total eclipse took place at 6:24 a.m. (0054 GMT; 8:54 p.m. EDT) before moving 
to Nepal, Myanmar, Bangladesh, Bhutan and China.
The eclipse — caused when the moon moves directly between the sun and the 
earth, covering it completely to cast a shadow on earth — lasted almost 4 
minutes in India. In some parts of Asia it lasted as long as 6 minutes and 39 
In Beijing, a thick blanket of grayish smog blotted out the sky and virtually 
obscured all high-rises in the downtown area of the Chinese capital.
In coastal Shanghai, eclipse watchers were disappointed by a light drizzle in 
the morning. Dozens of people had gathered at one hotel rooftop with telescopes 
and special glasses.
But as the sky darkened fully for about five minutes, watchers became excited 
Holding a big green umbrella and wearing special glasses, Song Chun Yun was 
prepared to celebrate the occasion in a new white dress.
Although the rain came, I don't want to screw up the mood. I want to enjoy the 
special day, she said before dancing and singing in the rain with her two 
sisters. I don't want to wait until the next 300 years to see this again.
In Bangladesh too, people came out in droves.
It's a rare moment, I never thought I would see this in my life, said 
Abdullah Sayeed, a college student who traveled to Panchagarh town from the 
capital Dhaka to view it.
He said cars in the town needed to use headlights as night darkness has fallen 
suddenly. People hugged each other and some blew whistles when the eclipse 
began, he said.
One of the best views, shown live on several television channels, appeared to 
be in the Indian town of Varanasi, on the banks of the Ganges river, sacred to 
devout Hindus.
Thousands of Hindus took a dip in keeping with the ancient belief that bathing 
in the river at Varanasi, especially on special occasions, cleanses one's sins. 
The eclipse was seen there for 3 minutes and 48 seconds.
But the gathering was marred by tragedy when a 65-year-old woman was killed and 
six people injured in a stampede at one of the river's banks where about 2,500 
people had gathered, said police spokesman Surendra Srivastava.
He said it is not clear how the stampede started.
The eclipse — visible only in Asia — is the longest such eclipse since July 11, 
1991, when a total eclipse lasting 6 minutes, 53 seconds was visible from 
Hawaii to South America. There will not be a longer eclipse than Wednesday's 
until 2132.
A 10-member team of scientists from the premier Indian Institute of 
Astrophysics in Bangalore and the Indian air force filmed the eclipse from an 
Scientists had said the Indian village of Taregna would have the clearest view, 
where thousands of scientists, nature enthusiasts and students gathered a day 
in advance.
But thick clouds and overnight rains provided no spectacle, just a cloudy 
It was still a unique experience with morning turning into night for more than 
three minutes, said Amitabh Pande, a scientist with India's Science 
Popularization Association of Communicators and Educators, in Taregna.
Still, the rain was welcomed by many in this agricultural area which has seen 
scant rainfall this monsoon season.
It would have been nice to see the solar eclipse but the rain is far more 
important for us, said Ram Naresh Yadav, a farmer.
Millions across India shunned the sight and stayed indoors.
Even in regions where the eclipse was not visible, pregnant women were advised 
to stay behind curtains over a belief that the sun's invisible rays would harm 
the fetus and the baby would be born with disfigurations, birthmarks or a 
congenital defect.
My mother and aunts have called and told me stay in a darkened room with the 
curtains closed, lie in bed and chant prayers, said Krati Jain, 24, who is 
expecting her first child, said in New Delhi.
In the northern Indian state of Punjab, authorities ordered schools to begin an 
hour late to prevent children from venturing out and gazing at the sun.
Others saw a business opportunity: one travel agency in India scheduled a 
charter flight to watch the eclipse by air, with seats facing the 

[FairfieldLife] Re: MUM enrollment etc

2009-07-22 Thread Robert
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, It's just a ride 
bill.hicks.all.a.r...@... wrote:

 On Tue, Jul 21, 2009 at 3:53 PM, scienceofabundance
  1.   First Friday Drag Nights at MIU (and we're not talking cars
  here) [1975]
  2.   Vedic marriage ceremonies for same sex couples (this was one of
  the first initiatives I remember.] [1957]
  3.   Reduced rates on teacher training for gay and lesbian
  applicants. Bisexual applicants got a reduced rate but not as
  much as gay or lesbian applicants. [1974]
  4.   Sidha dresses. [1978]
  5.   RAG program in San Francisco; Refer A Gay and get reduced
  fee on a residence course. [1974]
  6.   50% increase in ATR for San Francisco centers run by gay
  couples. [1970]
  7.   HRVST [Homophobia Reduction Vedic Sound Technique.} [1980]
 I happened to be in San Francisco when I got roped by Katherine Lyons into
 taking the sidhis.  Some of the CPs and their dominatrixes and/or
 fudgepacker couples could have made good use of these programs.  How come
 you didn't get these programs out to Baghdad by the Bay -- Herb Caen?  The
 SF Center was run by a very straightlaced straight couple and I never heard
 of the gays getting anything special except lots of space all by themselves
 on the foam and their own set of cabins at Cobb Mountain.

I know this is sacrilegious, but I can't help it:

Mantra for Gays: Shri Homo Homo Namah Om

Mantra for Lesbians: Shri Femme Femme Namah Om   

[FairfieldLife] About bij Mantra And Other Mantras,

2009-07-22 Thread bhawani_shank2000
Dear Friend,
Jai Guru Dev
This is vedic Acharya Pandit Bhawani Shankar Kaushik from Allahabad India,
I have an advise for all the people who are in TM Group and they would like to 
learn some mantras and who they want to listen Mantras and Veda chanting.

So dear friends when you are going to listen canting make sure your body and 
clots should be pure.Because when you will be pure the mantra chanting will 
create different type of vibration around you.

And when you are going to learn any vedic Mantra and going to perform it on 
your puja place front of GOD. Make sure your pronunciation is correct.

Because if your pronunciation is not correct and doing prayer with wrong the it 
will create negative vibration for you.

So please make a Guru when you going to learn something and he will teach well.

All the very best for you all
Jayatu Guru Devaha
Pandit Bhawani 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Fwd: Maharishi's translation of Bhagavad Gita, Chapter 7, Verse 20

2009-07-22 Thread Zoran Krneta
Please if someone have manuscript of that chapter can it compare?


[FairfieldLife] Re: About bij Mantra And Other Mantras,

2009-07-22 Thread TurquoiseB
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, bhawani_shank2000 no_re...@... wrote:

 Dear Friend,
 Jai Guru Dev
 This is vedic Acharya Pandit Bhawani Shankar Kaushik from 
 Allahabad India, I have an advise for all the people who 
 are in TM Group and they would like to learn some mantras 
 and who they want to listen Mantras and Veda chanting.
 . . . 
 So please make a Guru when you going to learn something 
 and he will teach well.

Very much in the Maharishi tradition, as many
of the women whose statements are in the Sexy
Sadie Papers would tell us:

If you want to learn something, be prepared
to make your Guru.


[FairfieldLife] Re: MUM enrollment etc

2009-07-22 Thread TurquoiseB
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, It's just a ride 
bill.hicks.all.a.r...@... wrote:

 On Tue, Jul 21, 2009 at 4:54 PM, scienceofabundance
  Well, all I can say is that many of these programs were known 
  only to an inner circle, and obviously you only picked up on 
  some of the mere appearance of homophobia in the TMO.
 If you aren't aware, many women (at least the one's I've 
 known, in a Biblical sense) hate gays and spew their venom 
 in the presence of the guy they're dating. I've wondered 
 where the hate comes from.  Competition?
 Does a straight woman actually believe that if she weren't 
 around her date would be hunting down gay guys for sex and 

Assuming that what you say is actually true, and
you're not just having another psychotic episode,
I have to assume that the women you encountered
were using their gaydar and picking up on signals
from you and then seeing whether you'd overreact to
such language. As someone who has been (somewhat
correctly) described here as a pussy hound, and
thus who has spent far too much time around women, 
I have never heard a single woman -- in the TMO or
outside it -- rag on gay men. Ever.

Then again, I could be completely wrong about this
w.r.t. the latter-day TMO because of the dates 
of my TM experience. I bailed on the TMO back in 
1978 or so, when it became obvious that it was 
turning into something I no longer wished to be 
part of. Part *of* that something else was an 
increase in nosiness and sexual prudery and 

The tales told last night of Cobb Mountain certainly 
don't strike a resonance with me, but that's possibly 
because I was last there in 1976 or so. At that time, 
on a large ATR course, it was really a fun place in
many respects, including sexually, but almost entirely 
heterosexually. I would estimate that pretty much 
everyone on the course (none of us married in those 
days) who felt like getting laid did so, as often as 
we wanted. I know I sure did. 

Perhaps the attitudes you describe in TMO women above
are the result of all the men who actually liked sex
and weren't about to be intimidated into not having it
LEAVING the TMO and being replaced with male role 
models like the pasty-faced, pencil-necked-geeks who
later joined Purushaback Mountain and became Rajas in
sexless marriages. :-)

I know that it was definitely a topic of conversation
in the L.A. Center during the mid-70s among the women.
Even after I left the TMO, for a few years I was still 
dating women who were On The Program TMers and TM 
teachers. One of the reasons was that they were attrac-
tive and nice people, of course. But another reason 
was that they were so GRATEFUL to find a guy whom they
could meditate with and then get it on with. They felt
that they could no longer do that within the confines
of the TMO. So for the women I was going out with, it 
was either Date non-meditators for the sex and hope
that we can convert them to meditating or Date Off
The Program ex-TM teachers for the sex and hope that
someday they'll see the error of their ways and come
running back to the Highest Path. The hope clause
of neither approach never seemed to work out for them,
but at least they were able to get their rocks off 
from time to time. The ones who tried to stay within
the confines of the TMO never did.

Gay sex, straight sex...that's not the issue. The 
issue as I see it is that the TMO, being a reflection 
of one man (Maharishi) and his not-terribly-realistic-
and-horribly-conflicted-notions about sex, was afraid 
of sex, period. At least sex out in the open. The 
TMO model when I left the organization was already 
starting to shift towards Don't ask, don't tell,
with people still *having* sex, but being terrified 
of doing so openly. 

Call me unevolved, but I much preferred the earlier 
days, in which Maharishi's conflicted notions about 
sex hadn't yet become the standard. 

[FairfieldLife] Re: MUM enrollment etc

2009-07-22 Thread TurquoiseB
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Robert babajii...@... wrote:

 I know this is sacrilegious, but I can't help it:
 Mantra for Gays: Shri Homo Homo Namah Om
 Mantra for Lesbians: Shri Femme Femme Namah Om

Mantra for Hillary lovers who can't let go:

Shri Butch Butch Namah Swoon


Re: [FairfieldLife] About bij Mantra And Other Mantras,

2009-07-22 Thread Peter

And that Guru wouldn't happen to be you, would it? ;-)

--- On Wed, 7/22/09, bhawani_shank2000 no_re...@yahoogroups.com wrote:

 From: bhawani_shank2000 no_re...@yahoogroups.com
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] About bij Mantra And Other Mantras,
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
 Date: Wednesday, July 22, 2009, 2:56 AM
 Dear Friend,
 Jai Guru Dev
 This is vedic Acharya Pandit Bhawani Shankar Kaushik from
 Allahabad India,
 I have an advise for all the people who are in TM Group and
 they would like to learn some mantras and who they want to
 listen Mantras and Veda chanting.
 So dear friends when you are going to listen canting make
 sure your body and clots should be pure.Because when you
 will be pure the mantra chanting will create different type
 of vibration around you.
 And when you are going to learn any vedic Mantra and going
 to perform it on your puja place front of GOD. Make sure
 your pronunciation is correct.
 Because if your pronunciation is not correct and doing
 prayer with wrong the it will create negative vibration for
 So please make a Guru when you going to learn something and
 he will teach well.
 All the very best for you all
 Jayatu Guru Devaha
 Pandit Bhawani 
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[FairfieldLife] 'Oakland Approves Tax on Marijuana'

2009-07-22 Thread Robert
Landslide vote!
Sets new precedent, for USA...
Marijuana produced by and for the people...
And pay their due tax, for society as a whole...
The American way of freedom, and fair taxation.

This could begin to undermine...
Anti-marijuana advocates of jails, prisons, Nurse Rachette types...
And Ollie North types...cash off the books...
CIA/Mexican cartels, wars, weapons and all the stuff created by Prohibition...

Like in the 1920's-30's, with alcohol...
Now that the American attitudes toward marijuana, 
Is becoming  more in tune with reality,
And away from the dogmatic propaganda...so evident in all our culture.
The decriminalization and taxation of marijuana...
Is a step in the right direction...


[FairfieldLife] Re: The hate of so called Buddhists towards Maharishi

2009-07-22 Thread dhamiltony2k5
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, guyfawkes91 no_re...@... wrote:

 The science seems genuine and urgent. Extreme measures evidently should be
 in order now for all community. I wish the TMmovement well and hope for the
   The time is now come to meditate collectively. The science is revealing 
 The urgency is to get new TM teachers who can work full time and earn a 
living. That would require a major cultural adjustment for the movement and 
there's not much sign of that happening, or even an awareness that it needs to 
happen. The cultural adjustment required to make things work is that the 
national organizations and especially international should stop being parasites 
and leave teachers alone to get on with it. 
 If teachers can't afford to teach, then few will opt to become teachers, and 
 if few opt to become teachers then the movement will die. Groups, towers of 
 invincibility, regal courts are all things which get in the way of teachers 
 being able to make a living. It's ruthlessly simple logic. Everything that 
 stands in the way of letting teachers to earn a living through teaching has 
 to be thrown overboard (especially Bevan, he's the major deadweight at the 

The dead weight.
Evidently communally too, These people are dangerous and should be dealt with 

The problem of collective consciousness seems is not just with those 
non-meditators out there.

35 years in charge of long decline and a ruination. Would proly all be better 
if some of that dead weight were brought  tried for crimes against humanity in 
a real court.

[FairfieldLife] Re: The hate of so called Buddhists towards Maharishi

2009-07-22 Thread dhamiltony2k5
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, yifuxero yifux...@... wrote:

 ---all good points, but the case hasn't been effectively advanced for the 
 benefits of Gnosis, Self-Knowledge; whether it be through TM, Eckart Tolle, 
 or some other non-dualist source.  Does such Knowledge provide a head of the 
 line pass at long check-out lines? Does it cure diseases, help people get 

Well, actually i do know someone doing an academic thesis on just that kind of 
spiritual thing.  Forthcoming.  The person noticed that there were these 
experiences too along with spiritual practices.  Thus is gathering and 


ps, There is a lot of sympathy and compassion in the nature of the  practice.  
Work your way up to an hour of quiet meditation at least.  Sit with it.  Things 
start to happen after about an hour.  You have to practice it, as in do it.  
'Sitting quietly doing something'.  Called spiritual discipline in so many 
schools.  I'm sorry you fell off the wagon somewhere back and missed out.  
Though can always come back to meditation, at any time.

  In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, dhamiltony2k5 dhamiltony2k5@ wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, guyfawkes91 no_reply@ wrote:

Yeah, evidently the Hagelin, the TMmovement presently are in the middle 
of a larger cultural/spiritual revolution and these TM-haters are no 
better than counter-revolutionaries.  You know what history does with 
counter-revolutionaries?  Is something about a right to bare arms.
   These people are dangerous and should be dealt with directly.

   One of the dangers which people have to guard themselves against is 
   getting so attached to an ideology that they start to believe that 
   unbelievers should be dealt with directly. History records that when 
   such ideas take over a group of people, e.g. communism, nazism, various 
   forms of religious zealotry then the end is disaster. Not only that but 
   the accumulated experience of the 20th century would make new entrants to 
   TM become incredibly wary of talk along the lines of These people are 
   dangerous and should be dealt with directly. when referring to 
   dissidents. How many new TMers are going to get the hots for JH if he 
   starts giving speeches about dealing directly with unbelievers. It 
   turns on the old faithful and turns off new entrants.
   The bare fact of the matter is that on its own TM is good and people 
   enjoy it and tell their friends. On its own it would spread very well. 
   There isn't really very much can be done by an opposition to prevent it 
   spreading. Except one thing.. They can work the believers into a frenzy 
   so that they start to see opposition, spies and saboteurs everywhere and 
   react with extreme paranoia and therefore make the organization repugnant 
   to alert people. 
   On its own the business of teaching TM would flourish, but it has a 
   mostly parasitic organization living off of the basic business which 
   sucks the life out of it and drives intelligent people away. 
   During WWII the allies considered assassinating Hitler, but decided 
   against it because he was such a terrible commander that it suited their 
   purposes to leave him in charge. If he were removed then generals who 
   knew what they were doing take over and make things much harder for the 
   allies. I think if people believe that the CIA, or other agents are 
   against the movement then they should consider that nothing the CIA or 
   the TM-Free blog or anyone else against TM could be as bad as Emanuel 
   Schiffgens in Berlin, or maintaining silly prices, or dressing people up 
   as fantasy kings. No one needs to do anything against TM while these 
   people are in charge, just leave them be and they'll fuck it up 
   themselves without external assistance.
  Thanks Guyfawkes, these points are very well said  well taken.  Good 
  Yeah, but; 
  the science is pretty clear though if only half good. For everyone's 
  benefit, `twould  be really good to figure out how to reduce the number of 
  non-meditators effectively.  The non-meditators evidently are the problem, 
  scientifically speaking.  Teach more people to meditate, bring back 
  meditators who have fallen away or whatever to reduce the number of 
  The science seems genuine and urgent.  Extreme measures evidently should be 
  in order now for all community.   I wish the TMmovement well and hope for 
  the best.
  The time is now come to meditate collectively.  The science is revealing 
  and evident.  As is the progressive nature of spiritual experience now more 
  than ever.  This knowledge is in the experience and the numbers meditating. 
   I hope you are with us on this.
  -D in FF

[FairfieldLife] Re: The hate of so called Buddhists towards Maharishi

2009-07-22 Thread Robert
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, dhamiltony2k5 dhamiltony...@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, yifuxero yifuxero@ wrote:
  ---all good points, but the case hasn't been effectively advanced for the 
  benefits of Gnosis, Self-Knowledge; whether it be through TM, Eckart Tolle, 
  or some other non-dualist source.  Does such Knowledge provide a head of 
  the line pass at long check-out lines? Does it cure diseases, help people 
  get jobs?
Meditation and Spiritual Study, can't be compared to traditional education that 
prepares you for a job in society...
How could something that originated with Guru Dev, who, as a personality, was 
about as far as you can get, from being a productive member of society...
If he were born in this country, he would either be put on Ritalin, or 
committed to a mental institution, so he would 'get with the program'...
Jesus explained the difference between serving spirit and serving Mammon...
The TM Movement is just a mirror reflection of the culture, as a whole...
You could see the beginnings of the slip/sliding away of the movement, as you 
could see the beginnings of the slip/sliding away, of American Culture, with 
Reaganism, and the selling out to the corporations and drug dealing weapons 
suppliers, and fear and war-mongers, and people who want to keep the medical 
system with it's passion for life and death decisions, in the hands of the 
If some TM teachers what to teach TM, on their own, they can, and can charge 
any amount they wish...
It's not so much the TM culture, it's the whole damn culture...
They are not interested...there's too much noise in the system...
To many are brainwashed into thinking materially, that they can't even conceive 
of devoting themselves to anything, that is not material in nature...
So, that's the way it is...

[FairfieldLife] 'Corporate Interests Want Power Over Life and Death'

2009-07-22 Thread Robert
The corporations want to control life and death decisions...
In order to keep the masses in fear, this is thier way...
The mafioso uses the same tactic.
The fascists use the same tactic...
The banks, the insurance companies...
The world in fear, they keep spinning, manipulating...
Keep the sheep in fear, and then they will believe the lies...
They eventually lose their will, to oppose or even to think, for themselves...
Will the oppressors of liberty and freedom
Ever start to recede?  
The day is coming, soon...
Health care, so we evolve beyond survival, and begin to give the people some 
To take a break from fear, and start to really cultivate their spirit...
Which is so missing in our so-called  'advanced culture'...



[FairfieldLife] Re: MUM enrollment etc

2009-07-22 Thread svenssonjack
Thanks for your news on this topic. I just learned from MUM Admissions that 
they no longer require students to meditate in a group (they still need to 
meditate though), which is suprising and strange. It goes against the Super 
Radiance policy. 

To extend my point on MUMs accreditation, I would like to refer to some 
information I came across on the web regarding how MIU in its infancy, may have 
gained their accreditaton in the first place (but there is not a lot of 
information on that): 

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, dhamiltony2k5 dhamiltony...@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, svenssonjack svenssonjack@ wrote:
  Can anyone tell me how many students - full-time and part-time - are 
  currently enrolled at MUM ? 
 Is an interesting question.
 Hard to know.  Sometimes some pundits are included along with the other 
 programs and then the gradations of programs that can count.  The more recent 
 real challenge has been the attrition rates of the academic student body.
 Over the 4th of July weekend at picnics and parties I spoke with several  MUM 
 staff folks and they were saying the attrition is very high now, running at 
 60-70 percent of new students.   The problem evidently is that the program is 
 way too doctrinal.   Way too much  doctrinal SCI unified field based stuff 
 and not enough substantial schooling.
 New students may come for the academic programs but leave because the 
 doctrinal academic teaching of TM are way too constricting.  Unlike in the 
 days of MIU, MUM students today don't come because they are meditators 
 necessarily at all.  It is a different student profile from years ago.
 The sustainable living program has attracted a lot of attention and 
 prospective students from outside the TMmovement.  They come and find that it 
 is not just that the student body are meditators, but also that there is a 
 whole doctrine of movement dogma that comes over it all.  Repulsed at the 
 amount of time spent on doctrine and how rigid the thinking and evaluation 
 is, many leave within the first year.  
 Evidently was some lot of push back from students this last year in a way 
 that normally is suppressed.  Particularly in the sustainable living program. 
  small change thus far evidently and no decisions much made.
 The new communications department because of David Lynch is also attacting 
 new students from the outside to MUM too.   Same problem with doctrinarism 
 and the amount of time not spent on the academic program they came for.
 Financially, evidently the Ethiopian government is becoming shy to letting 
 students come abroad because of the loss of foreign exchange for them.  The 
 campus is evidently stressed now for what had been a very lucrative foreign 
 student market.   The African student had met the same doctrinal problem too 
 as the sustainable living and David Lynch students.  Came initially for the 
 academic possibility and found something way different from just meditating.  
 Way more doctrinal than sold.
 Generally the US visa program for students has become more difficult too 
 which administratively presses the flow of that student market now.
 They (the mix of old conservative administration (Bevan's) and some pragmatic 
 progressives who have not been found out yet) are reeling  working hard to 
 deal with these things all at once.  The old-line is still loath to going 
 back towards a university being just a place of good academic programs where 
 the student body and faculty are also meditators.  Post-Maharishi,  they are 
 caught now in their own web being way doctrinal.
 That's what i hear on the street in FF.
 -D in FF   
  According to the university itself, the total number is 1230, of which 
  about half are full-time. 
  As a MIU alumn, the number of students had gone down dramatically when I 
  graduated, mid-90s, to about 500 or so. If the official figure is correct, 
  they have experienced an upsurge in recent years. 
  It is important to bear in mind that, in my time there, the part-time 
  programs (which they now call field internship) were the equivalent of 
  slavery and exploitation, considering the conditions students had to submit 
  to. MUMs website now tells me they have improved those conditions, it 
  MUM Admissions also mention there are 70 students on their Beijing campus. 
  I was not aware they have a campus in China ? 
  As for diversity, close to 90% of the undergraduates who enrolled last fall 
  are Americans, so the international flavour has diminished.
  USA Undergraduates Fall 2008 :
  Applied 267 
  Admitted 118 
  Enrolled 90 
  Rather low.
  Then there were 170 new grad students.
  Finally, the University is accredited by The Higher Learning Commission and 
  is a member of the North Central Association of Colleges and Schools. Now, 
  I know they were with North 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: MUM enrollment etc

2009-07-22 Thread It's just a ride
On Wed, Jul 22, 2009 at 7:46 AM, svenssonjack svenssonj...@yahoo.comwrote:

 Thanks for your news on this topic. I just learned from MUM Admissions that
 they no longer require students to meditate in a group (they still need to
 meditate though), which is suprising and strange. It goes against the Super
 Radiance policy.

I disagree.  TM meditation has been considered next to useless since the
early 1980s.  Maharishi made such a big thing of the sidhis and of sidhas
doing program together that the status of TM meditators was diminished.  I
learned the sidhis because I had enjoyed going to the TM center and to
residence courses.  Everything for mere meditators got cut down
tremendously.  There was a residence course at MIU, for example, perhaps
twice a year.  The purpose of those two residence courses was to convince
the meditators to become sidhas.  So if you wanted to even watch a tape, you
had to become a sidha because increasingly the tapes were for sidhas only.
If there was a policy meeting at the center, sidhas would be invited but not
mere meditators because, well, meditators didn't operate at the home of all
the laws of nature.

Over the years I've been on residence courses sponsored by local centers
in which there wasn't the means to provide a WPA.  Foam, Rig Veda were put
out for the sidhas to do program together.  On many of these residence
courses there was not a single mere meditator.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: MUM enrollment etc

2009-07-22 Thread Vaj

On Jul 22, 2009, at 8:46 AM, svenssonjack wrote:

Thanks for your news on this topic. I just learned from MUM  
Admissions that they no longer require students to meditate in a  
group (they still need to meditate though), which is suprising and  
strange. It goes against the Super Radiance policy.

One wonders if it is the honor system, in which case it could be  
yeah, I meditated in my room when actually they were toking a bong  
and working on level 6 of World of Warcraft. It would be any easy way  
out of meditating. And of course if this is the case and they include  
these 'I meditated alone in my room' people as part of the super  
radiance numbers, it effectively renders the SR numbers unreliable.

Time to bring in more vedic mercenaries?

[FairfieldLife] Re: MUM enrollment etc

2009-07-22 Thread TurquoiseB
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, It's just a ride 
bill.hicks.all.a.r...@... wrote:

 On Wed, Jul 22, 2009 at 7:46 AM, svenssonjack svenssonj...@...wrote:
  Thanks for your news on this topic. I just learned from MUM 
  Admissions that they no longer require students to meditate 
  in a group (they still need to meditate though), which is 
  suprising and strange. It goes against the Super Radiance 
 I disagree. TM meditation has been considered next to 
 useless since the early 1980s. Maharishi made such a 
 big thing of the sidhis and of sidhas doing program 
 together that the status of TM meditators was diminished.  
 I learned the sidhis because I had enjoyed going to the TM 
 center and to residence courses. Everything for mere 
 meditators got cut down tremendously. There was a residence 
 course at MIU, for example, perhaps twice a year. The 
 purpose of those two residence courses was to convince
 the meditators to become sidhas. So if you wanted to even 
 watch a tape, you had to become a sidha because increasingly 
 the tapes were for sidhas only.

So let me try to get this straight. 

You were finally convinced to pay several thousand
dollars to learn a few phrases in English that you
could have gotten from a $3.95 paperback translation
of the Yoga Sutras because the above machinations on
the part of the TMO had convinced you that the only 
way to continue doing the things you enjoyed about 
the TMO -- residence courses and group meditations -- 
was to pay more money and become a siddha?

Can you explain further? It sounds to me on the basis
of what you describe above as if you're trying to make
a case for sidhas being too stupid to realize that
they've been had.

[FairfieldLife] Re: MUM enrollment etc

2009-07-22 Thread svenssonjack
I am not trying to make any case for anyone. I merely referred to this change 
in policy as concerns group meditation at MUM and my consequent surprise when 
hearing it. I am an ex-sidha / meditator. When I went to MIU in the early 90s, 
you always did your program in groups. I do not know whether the policy has now 
changed for sidhas as well, but I would not think so.

And, finally, to reply to your pointed elaboration : Yes, I was finally 
convinced to pay several thousand dollars (1700 USD to be precise if my memeory 
serves me right) to learn a few phrases in English that I could have gotten 
from a $3.95 paperback translation of the Yoga Sutras. That is tragic in 
itself, but a different story. 

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB no_re...@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, It's just a ride 
 bill.hicks.all.a.ride@ wrote:
  On Wed, Jul 22, 2009 at 7:46 AM, svenssonjack svenssonjack@wrote:
   Thanks for your news on this topic. I just learned from MUM 
   Admissions that they no longer require students to meditate 
   in a group (they still need to meditate though), which is 
   suprising and strange. It goes against the Super Radiance 
  I disagree. TM meditation has been considered next to 
  useless since the early 1980s. Maharishi made such a 
  big thing of the sidhis and of sidhas doing program 
  together that the status of TM meditators was diminished.  
  I learned the sidhis because I had enjoyed going to the TM 
  center and to residence courses. Everything for mere 
  meditators got cut down tremendously. There was a residence 
  course at MIU, for example, perhaps twice a year. The 
  purpose of those two residence courses was to convince
  the meditators to become sidhas. So if you wanted to even 
  watch a tape, you had to become a sidha because increasingly 
  the tapes were for sidhas only.
 So let me try to get this straight. 
 You were finally convinced to pay several thousand
 dollars to learn a few phrases in English that you
 could have gotten from a $3.95 paperback translation
 of the Yoga Sutras because the above machinations on
 the part of the TMO had convinced you that the only 
 way to continue doing the things you enjoyed about 
 the TMO -- residence courses and group meditations -- 
 was to pay more money and become a siddha?
 Can you explain further? It sounds to me on the basis
 of what you describe above as if you're trying to make
 a case for sidhas being too stupid to realize that
 they've been had.

[FairfieldLife] Re: MUM enrollment etc

2009-07-22 Thread TurquoiseB
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, svenssonjack svenssonj...@... wrote:

 I am not trying to make any case for anyone. 

I was replying to Bill.Hicks.It's.Just.A.Ride.

 I merely referred to this change in policy as concerns 
 group meditation at MUM and my consequent surprise when 
 hearing it. 

I don't see why you should express surprise.
Do the math. Where is the *income* from having
group meditations for people who have already
paid for TM or in touting the relatively-low-
priced (by TMO standards) TM technique when 
one can tout the considerably more expensive

 I am an ex-sidha / meditator. When I went to MIU in the 
 early 90s, you always did your program in groups. I do 
 not know whether the policy has now changed for sidhas 
 as well, but I would not think so.
 And, finally, to reply to your pointed elaboration : Yes, 
 I was finally convinced to pay several thousand dollars 
 (1700 USD to be precise if my memeory serves me right) 
 to learn a few phrases in English that I could have gotten 
 from a $3.95 paperback translation of the Yoga Sutras. 
 That is tragic in itself, but a different story. 

I really wasn't trying to take a dig at you,
in any way. I was merely taking advantage of
the bringing up the shift in emphasis from 
mere TM to the TM sidhis to remind people 
here of something that the vast majority of 

For most people I knew in the TMO, there was 
a profound moment of cognitive dissonance the
moment that they *realized* that they'd been
snookered into paying several thousand dollars
for *literally* the same phrases they could have
found in a $3.95 paperback. 

However, for most of those people, their *next*
response was to stuff that moment of cognitive
dissonance and try their best to never think of
it consciously, ever again. You see it here daily, 
as people still speak of the TM-sidhis as if they 
were something magical and special. But *without 
exception*, everyone knows that they are not. It's 
just thinking a few buzzphrases that they could 
have gotten for $3.95. 

An honest person could *admit*, both to themselves
and to the world, that that is what they paid sev-
eral thousand dollars for. A less honest person
might try to keep that information hidden and even
try to make it appear to be mystical or magical in
some way, so that new generations of suckers could 
be bilked as they were. 

Just sayin'...

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB no_reply@ wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, It's just a ride 
  bill.hicks.all.a.ride@ wrote:
   On Wed, Jul 22, 2009 at 7:46 AM, svenssonjack svenssonjack@wrote:
Thanks for your news on this topic. I just learned from MUM 
Admissions that they no longer require students to meditate 
in a group (they still need to meditate though), which is 
suprising and strange. It goes against the Super Radiance 
   I disagree. TM meditation has been considered next to 
   useless since the early 1980s. Maharishi made such a 
   big thing of the sidhis and of sidhas doing program 
   together that the status of TM meditators was diminished.  
   I learned the sidhis because I had enjoyed going to the TM 
   center and to residence courses. Everything for mere 
   meditators got cut down tremendously. There was a residence 
   course at MIU, for example, perhaps twice a year. The 
   purpose of those two residence courses was to convince
   the meditators to become sidhas. So if you wanted to even 
   watch a tape, you had to become a sidha because increasingly 
   the tapes were for sidhas only.
  So let me try to get this straight. 
  You were finally convinced to pay several thousand
  dollars to learn a few phrases in English that you
  could have gotten from a $3.95 paperback translation
  of the Yoga Sutras because the above machinations on
  the part of the TMO had convinced you that the only 
  way to continue doing the things you enjoyed about 
  the TMO -- residence courses and group meditations -- 
  was to pay more money and become a siddha?
  Can you explain further? It sounds to me on the basis
  of what you describe above as if you're trying to make
  a case for sidhas being too stupid to realize that
  they've been had.

[FairfieldLife] Re: MUM enrollment etc

2009-07-22 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB no_re...@... wrote:
 For most people I knew in the TMO, there was 
 a profound moment of cognitive dissonance the
 moment that they *realized* that they'd been
 snookered into paying several thousand dollars
 for *literally* the same phrases they could have
 found in a $3.95 paperback.

I don't know how much of the $3,000 I paid to
learn the TM-Sidhis was for the phrases (or if
any of it was, for that matter).

I took a CIC course and had several hours of
detailed instruction both days of six (?)
weekends, to start with; then two weeks at MIU,
including many more hours of instruction, plus
rather sumptuous meals and a comfortable single
room in one of the pods.

 However, for most of those people, their *next*
 response was to stuff that moment of cognitive
 dissonance and try their best to never think of
 it consciously, ever again. You see it here daily, 
 as people still speak of the TM-sidhis as if they 
 were something magical and special. But *without 
 exception*, everyone knows that they are not. It's 
 just thinking a few buzzphrases that they could 
 have gotten for $3.95.

Without the detailed instruction, I wouldn't have
had the foggiest idea *how* to think the buzzphrases.
There is, of course, a lot more to it than you

I wouldn't say the TM-Sidhis are magical per se,
but in terms of the personal return on investment,
for me they're most definitely special.

 An honest person could *admit*, both to themselves
 and to the world, that that is what they paid sev-
 eral thousand dollars for. A less honest person
 might try to keep that information hidden and even
 try to make it appear to be mystical or magical in
 some way, so that new generations of suckers could 
 be bilked as they were.

However an honest person would characterize the TM-
Sidhis, they wouldn't claim the fee for the course
was only for the phrases. It would be the less-honest
person who would make that claim.

Just sayin'.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Narayana Kavach Mantra in TM Initiation Puja

2009-07-22 Thread WillyTex
  What you need to understand, Zoran, is that we are
  talking about non-theistic Vedanta. In non-dualistic
  (Adwaita) Vedanta, the Creator is not the ultimate
  reality, so TMers aren't very concerned with the
  names or nicknames of the Devas, Gods or deified
  heroes of Hindu mythology.
Vaj wrote:
 You seem really confused. TM is not nondual Vedantic
 contemplation (nididhyanasana).

You're the confused one, Vaj, you have not even
offered up a definition of 'Vedanta'.

According to David Frawley, Maharishi Mahesh
Yogi's Transcendental Meditation follows a Vedantic
view of consciousness and cosmic evolution
(Frawley 4).

 In fact the four levels of nididhyanasana are not
 even taught in the TM movement Willy. Didn't you
 know that you were to question what the guru says?
 Otherwise confusion like this ends up making you
 look like a babbling idiot...

Well, I don't think Pandit David Frawley is a 'babbling
idiot' and I dare say he knows more about Adwaita

 Didn't you realize that TM is a dualistic form of
 meditation? That's why it produces a
 witness-consciousness. It's a shame when this kinda
 thing happens to poor TMers, but I gotta tell you,
 it is pretty funny!

Yeah, it's funny all right, but I wonder how funny
you'd sound to David Frawley!

An acknowledged Vedantin, Frawley is an expert in
ayurveda, Vedic astrology, yoga, and  tantra, all of
which, he says, have their basis in Vedanta...

Read more:

by Suma Varughese
Life Positive, May 2002
http://tinyurl.com/me2uwl http://tinyurl.com/me2uwl

Work cited:

'Vedantic Meditation: Lighting the Flame of Awareness'
by David Frawley
North Atlantic Books, 2000

Other comments of interst:

The TM bija mantras are found in the Vedic
literature, revealed to the rishis by Lord
Dhanvantari, then Acharya Shree, Brahmanand
Saraswati, gave all the bija mantras to Marshy
for our enjoyment. Then the sage Vedavyasa
attached the Mân.d.ûkya Upanis.ad. to the
Atharva Veda and the Brahma Sutras to the
Vedanta. Our root guru, Sri Gaudapada then
made comments on the Omkara in
Mandukhyakarika. And, we have the
Soundaryalahari, which was composed by
the Adi, for our understanding...

Read more:

From: Willytex
Subject: The TMer Tradition
Newsgroups: alt.meditation.transcendental
Date: January 6, 2006
http://tinyurl.com/l2bwnx http://tinyurl.com/l2bwnx

In fact, the origin of TM is none other than
the Adi Shankara himself, as stated by
Acharya Sri in his Sutrabhyasa, in his
Soundaryalahari, and in his sub-commentary
on the Vivarna of Veda Vyasa on Patanjali's
Yoga Sutras...

Read more:

From: Willytex
Subject: The TMer Point of View
Newsgroups: alt.meditation.transcendental
Date: October 22, 2005
http://tinyurl.com/ls4nlo http://tinyurl.com/ls4nlo

[FairfieldLife] Yogi Hig has for may help enlightenment you

2009-07-22 Thread Iggy

Yogi Hig explorer and discover of new ronrev olt elel totwen teef ive (best 
phonetics I can do).  May read you more here:

Ask for help Hig - he is obliged.  

[FairfieldLife] Re: Yogi Hig has for may help enlightenment you

2009-07-22 Thread Iggy
links http://www.sportssoundoff.com/forums/forumdisplay.php?f=7%27

[FairfieldLife] Re: Yogi Hig has for may help enlightenment you

2009-07-22 Thread shempmcgurk
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Iggy ignatiusjreilly...@... wrote:

 Yogi Hig explorer and discover of new ronrev olt elel totwen teef ive (best 
 phonetics I can do).  May read you more here:
 Ask for help Hig - he is obliged.

Namaste yourself, Iggy-Poo, ya great big ball of Vedic fun.

And what fashion of spiritual sham are you perpetrating on this forum of jaded 
cultists is what I wanna know...

[FairfieldLife] India and global warming

2009-07-22 Thread shempmcgurk
July 22, 2009 
India and Global Warming
By Bruce Walker


Secretary of State Clinton has gone to India and tried to persuade its leaders 
to adopt the Leftist dilettante position on carbon emissions.  In discussing 
the merits of global warming, doesn't it make sense to first consider those who 
would be most seriously hurt by global warming and which nations would be more 
helped by global warming?  

Consider, for example, what it would mean to Russian and to Canada if the world 
average temperature rose by a few degrees. These nations would have a more 
temperate climate.  There would be more arable land, more land on which people 
could live without using energy to heat their homes and offices, and much 
milder weather in general.   Land values would rise in both nations.  

Because these vast lands are overwhelmingly inland, a rising ocean level (one 
of the apocalyptic signs of ultraorthodox global warming clerics) would 
scarcely affect Russians or Canadians at all.   More people might want to move 
to Canada or to Russia, but much of Russia and some of Canada currently face 
the problem of rural areas losing population and the people who remain growing 
older and lonelier.  In fact, it is not hard to anticipate a Russian and a 
Canadian renaissance following global warming.  

Regardless of whether or not there really is significant climate change, 
regardless of whether or not any  climate change is man-made rather than 
natural, and regardless of whether any climate change is warming or cooling the 
plant, there is one certainty:  The impact of climate changes of three degrees 
or so will help some parts of the world and hurt some parts of the world.  The 
idea that gradual, modest climatic change is automatically catastrophic for 
everyone is just silly.

One good way to test the validity of man-made global warming as serious 
science, rather than a druid cult, is to observe the reaction of those who 
would suffer the most from man-made global warming.  India has the hottest 
climate of any of the great powers.  An increase of even three degrees in the 
average temperature in India would affect that subcontinent much more than the 
increase of the temperature of Sweden by three degrees or Minnesota by three 
degrees, but the effect upon India would be to make some parts of India almost 

 Because India is a subcontinent, jutting out into the Indian Ocean, and - as 
the Tsunami of 2004 demonstrated, India would be much harder hit by any 
man-made global warming which cause the ocean levels to rise or produced 
erratic weather.  No one needs to remind the Indian government of just how many 
lives and how much property could be washed away when oceanic conditions become 
very dangerous.  

So is the Indian government just stupid?  Do its universities and ministries 
not see what Al Gore sees?  Although India is a subcontinent of great 
contrasts, the different peoples who inhabit India have some of the best 
scientific minds in the world.  It is both absurd and offensive to assume that 
the government of India and its scientific advisors cannot grasp the  
Inconvenient Truth that the mutton-headed Al Gore or the shrewish lawyer 
Hillary believe.  

Does the government of India care less about the welfare of its own people than 
Gore and Clinton?   India is the largest democracy in the world, not a petty 
backwards dictatorship.  Of course the government of India cares at least as 
much about the welfare of the peoples of India as the rich, distant, Leftist 

There is, in fact, only one logical conclusion about the emphatic rejection by 
the government of India of the carbon emission caps which Secretary of State 
Clinton asked India to accept:  thoughtful, concerned, scientists and 
administrators who would be most directly harmed by the dangers of man-made 
global warming do not accept the premises of its advocates.  Perhaps the 
Indians do not believe the planet is warming or perhaps they do not believe 
that warming is the result of man-made activities or perhaps they believe that 
any warming holds slight danger for even a land directly in the cross-hairs of 
any harm that global warming might hold.   

Nabobs like Al Gore or Hillary Clinton, rich and powerful, living in America, 
will be fine whatever happens to our climate.  If the worst fears of the global 
warming priests turns out to be correct, Gore and Clinton will still live 
comfortable, safe, lives.  When those most vulnerable, like the people of 
India, reject the arguments of global warming, that ought to mean a lot to 
anyone who cares about the truth.

Bruce Walker is the author of two books:  Sinisterism: Secular Religion of the 
Lie, and his recently published book, The Swastika against the Cross: The Nazi 
War on Christianity.
12 Comments on India and Global Warming

[FairfieldLife] Martinsell Hill, nr Wootton Rivers, Wiltshire. Reported 19th July.

2009-07-22 Thread nablusoss1008


Simply  another job done by dr.peters friends from the Pub [:D]

We're eagerly waiting for dr.peters explanation as to how these fellows
never were PHOTOGRAPHED or FILMED in the making of these Crop Circles
despite the fact that tens of thousands of humans from all over the
world gather in the fields of Wiltshire looking for Crop Circles every
summer. In Wiltshire there is about 6 hours of darkness during the night
now. How many fellows from the Pub would it take to make this formation
in 6 hours; 50 - 100 ?

Strange that they have not been photograped in their doing dr.peter, no

   Image Russell Stannard Copyright 2009

Thank you to the farmer (D. Butler) who has kindly allowed all visitors
to enter this formation in his field. There is an ` HONESTY BOX ` at the
top entrance to this field - please contribute as much as you can. It
was a pleasure in shaking your hand Sir. Thank you
UPDATE:- Please do not park your cars in the field entrance instead park
it in the nearby official car park
m=0 .

Andrew Pyrka (cropcirclewisdom.com
m.com )



Images Lucy Pringle http://www.lucypringle.co.uk/  Copyright 2009

Make a donation to keep the web site alive... Thank you

Image Olivier Morel  (WCCSG) Copyright 2009 http://www.wccsg.com/


Image Jack Turner Copyright 2009


[FairfieldLife] Re: MUM enrollment etc

2009-07-22 Thread nablusoss1008
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB no_re...@... wrote:


I bailed on the TMO back in 
 1978 or so, when it became obvious that it was 
 turning into something I no longer wished to be 
 part of. 

Rubbish. You were isolated from the TMO because you were considered a security 

[FairfieldLife] Re: MUM enrollment etc

2009-07-22 Thread scienceofabundance
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Robert babajii...@... wrote:
 But, seriously, I presume the ban on abortion has to do with Catholicism, 
 which is in opposition to the Church of England... which  goes back to the 
 rebellion against the authority of Rome, and the brought back the Divinity of 
 the Her Majaesty the Queen...

Not only Catholicism.   Protestantism - the religion of 2/3 of the population 
in Northern Ireland is of the fundamentalist type and one of the few things 
that all parties agree on seems to be no abortion. 

On the Catholic side, even Sinn Fein - the political wing of the IRA - 
responsible for probably 3,000 or so killings over 30 years - is against 
abortion.  Go figure. 

[FairfieldLife] Re: MUM enrollment etc

2009-07-22 Thread scienceofabundance
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB no_re...@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Robert babajii_99@ wrote:
  I know this is sacrilegious, but I can't help it:
  Mantra for Gays: Shri Homo Homo Namah Om
  Mantra for Lesbians: Shri Femme Femme Namah Om
 Mantra for Hillary lovers who can't let go:
 Shri Butch Butch Namah Swoon

 As someone who chose the gay lifestyle having carefully considered all 
 other options available to me, I consider the above to be highly, highly 
 sacrilegious, blasphemous, profane, heretical, and irreverent.

However, I have been having somewhat of a dry spell recently, so I think I'll 
give #1 a shot.  

[FairfieldLife] Re: Narayana Kavach Mantra in TM Initiation Puja

2009-07-22 Thread yifuxero
--no, no, Vaj.  There's no meditation that immediately produces 
non-dualistic awareness.  If that were so, people would meditate once and be 
Buddhas overnight.  The non-dualism (CC) is in a natural progression, found in 
any tradition. The same progression exits among students of your Guru Norbu 
Rinpoche.  If he were a great Guru, he'd have more than a few hundred followers.
  The non-dualism (as WillyTex points out ) is in the viewpoint, the 
philosophical orientation.  The progression (TC,CCGC) exists as a 
descriptive map of what people experience, not what they are ULTIMATELY to 
attain as a goal.
 The fact that Norbu and the Dzogchen practitioners evade describing the 
progressive attainments doesn't eliminate these experiences from occurring in 
their students.
 Thus, MMY's orientation is closer to the real situation; even considering 
that there really is no effective 5-7 year plan.

 In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, WillyTex no_re...@... wrote:

   What you need to understand, Zoran, is that we are
   talking about non-theistic Vedanta. In non-dualistic
   (Adwaita) Vedanta, the Creator is not the ultimate
   reality, so TMers aren't very concerned with the
   names or nicknames of the Devas, Gods or deified
   heroes of Hindu mythology.
 Vaj wrote:
  You seem really confused. TM is not nondual Vedantic
  contemplation (nididhyanasana).
 You're the confused one, Vaj, you have not even
 offered up a definition of 'Vedanta'.
 According to David Frawley, Maharishi Mahesh
 Yogi's Transcendental Meditation follows a Vedantic
 view of consciousness and cosmic evolution
 (Frawley 4).
  In fact the four levels of nididhyanasana are not
  even taught in the TM movement Willy. Didn't you
  know that you were to question what the guru says?
  Otherwise confusion like this ends up making you
  look like a babbling idiot...
 Well, I don't think Pandit David Frawley is a 'babbling
 idiot' and I dare say he knows more about Adwaita
  Didn't you realize that TM is a dualistic form of
  meditation? That's why it produces a
  witness-consciousness. It's a shame when this kinda
  thing happens to poor TMers, but I gotta tell you,
  it is pretty funny!
 Yeah, it's funny all right, but I wonder how funny
 you'd sound to David Frawley!
 An acknowledged Vedantin, Frawley is an expert in
 ayurveda, Vedic astrology, yoga, and  tantra, all of
 which, he says, have their basis in Vedanta...
 Read more:
 by Suma Varughese
 Life Positive, May 2002
 http://tinyurl.com/me2uwl http://tinyurl.com/me2uwl
 Work cited:
 'Vedantic Meditation: Lighting the Flame of Awareness'
 by David Frawley
 North Atlantic Books, 2000
 Other comments of interst:
 The TM bija mantras are found in the Vedic
 literature, revealed to the rishis by Lord
 Dhanvantari, then Acharya Shree, Brahmanand
 Saraswati, gave all the bija mantras to Marshy
 for our enjoyment. Then the sage Vedavyasa
 attached the Mân.d.ûkya Upanis.ad. to the
 Atharva Veda and the Brahma Sutras to the
 Vedanta. Our root guru, Sri Gaudapada then
 made comments on the Omkara in
 Mandukhyakarika. And, we have the
 Soundaryalahari, which was composed by
 the Adi, for our understanding...
 Read more:
 From: Willytex
 Subject: The TMer Tradition
 Newsgroups: alt.meditation.transcendental
 Date: January 6, 2006
 http://tinyurl.com/l2bwnx http://tinyurl.com/l2bwnx
 In fact, the origin of TM is none other than
 the Adi Shankara himself, as stated by
 Acharya Sri in his Sutrabhyasa, in his
 Soundaryalahari, and in his sub-commentary
 on the Vivarna of Veda Vyasa on Patanjali's
 Yoga Sutras...
 Read more:
 From: Willytex
 Subject: The TMer Point of View
 Newsgroups: alt.meditation.transcendental
 Date: October 22, 2005
 http://tinyurl.com/ls4nlo http://tinyurl.com/ls4nlo

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Narayana Kavach Mantra in TM Initiation Puja

2009-07-22 Thread Vaj

On Jul 22, 2009, at 10:56 AM, WillyTex wrote:

  What you need to understand, Zoran, is that we are
  talking about non-theistic Vedanta. In non-dualistic
  (Adwaita) Vedanta, the Creator is not the ultimate
  reality, so TMers aren't very concerned with the
  names or nicknames of the Devas, Gods or deified
  heroes of Hindu mythology.
Vaj wrote:
 You seem really confused. TM is not nondual Vedantic
 contemplation (nididhyanasana).

You're the confused one, Vaj, you have not even
offered up a definition of 'Vedanta'.


According to David Frawley, Maharishi Mahesh
Yogi's Transcendental Meditation follows a Vedantic
view of consciousness and cosmic evolution
(Frawley 4).

 I was talking about practice, not View Willy.

You still seem very confused. Maybe you should get checked?

[FairfieldLife] Canadians Want Their Health Care to be Even More Socialized

2009-07-22 Thread do.rflex

By an overwhelming margin, Canadians prefer the Canadian health care system to 
the American one.

Overall, 82% said they preferred the Canadian system, fully ten times the 
number who said the American system is superior (8%). 

Once again this was the prevailing viewpoint across all demographic groups 
nationwide, with resistance being highest once again in Quebec. Where 
one-in-five (19%) said they preferred the American system.

Canadians Want Their Health Care to be Even More Socialized 

Considering both cost and patient care factors, a majority of Canadians (55%) 
think that the health system should be more public, and only 12% think that 
more of the health system should be private. One in four (27%) believe that the 
current system strikes the right balance between publicly funded and 
pay-per-use care.

--According to Harris Decima Senior Vice-President Jeff Walker; 

Perhaps contrary to impressions in the media, most Canadians believe that on 
balance our health care system works well, and is far superior to the US model 
of health treatment. 

There is little appetite for a further privatization of Canada's health care 

-- Full Harris/Decima Poll here (pdf): 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Martinsell Hill, nr Wootton Rivers, Wiltshire. Reported 19th July.

2009-07-22 Thread Hugo
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, nablusoss1008 no_re...@... wrote:

 Simply  another job done by dr.peters friends from the Pub [:D]

I would say they had definitely just come from the pub as they
appear to have partly missed the field and gone onto the grass
next to it. Ooops!

 We're eagerly waiting for dr.peters explanation as to how these fellows
 never were PHOTOGRAPHED or FILMED in the making of these Crop Circles
 despite the fact that tens of thousands of humans from all over the
 world gather in the fields of Wiltshire looking for Crop Circles every

What you have to remember is just how many fields there are. I 
regularly go for evening bike rides round here and don't see
a living soul (human or otherwise) for hours.

In Wiltshire there is about 6 hours of darkness during the night
 now. How many fellows from the Pub would it take to make this formation
 in 6 hours; 50 - 100 ?
 Strange that they have not been photograped in their doing dr.peter, no
Image Russell Stannard Copyright 2009
 Thank you to the farmer (D. Butler) who has kindly allowed all visitors
 to enter this formation in his field. There is an ` HONESTY BOX ` at the
 top entrance to this field - please contribute as much as you can. It
 was a pleasure in shaking your hand Sir. Thank you
 UPDATE:- Please do not park your cars in the field entrance instead park
 it in the nearby official car park
 m=0 .
 Andrew Pyrka (cropcirclewisdom.com
 m.com )
 Images Lucy Pringle http://www.lucypringle.co.uk/  Copyright 2009
 Make a donation to keep the web site alive... Thank you
 Image Olivier Morel  (WCCSG) Copyright 2009 http://www.wccsg.com/
 Image Jack Turner Copyright 2009

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Narayana Kavach Mantra in TM Initiation Puja

2009-07-22 Thread Vaj

On Jul 22, 2009, at 1:26 PM, yifuxero wrote:

--no, no, Vaj.  There's no meditation that immediately produces  
non-dualistic awareness.

Well that's not necessarily true Yifux. Different people have  
different capacities. I appreciate that you and Willy may not have a  
meditation that produces non-dualistic awareness and that's fine.  
Just because you have a non-conventional experience of the nondual  
does not mean you will become a Buddha overnight. In Dzogchen the  
natural state is introduced from the start. The path starts with the  
fruit. There's no witness and there is no progression, otherwise it  
wouldn't make sense to call it the Great Perfection. You sound even  
more confused than Willy!

But more to the point, I never said there there was a meditation that  
immediately produces non-dualistic awareness. What I said was TM was  
not a non-theistic Vedanta practice as Willy claimed. In fact it's  
a tantric practice based on tantric theism!

You're supposed to read the posts before you respond to them Yifux.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Narayana Kavach Mantra in TM Initiation Puja

2009-07-22 Thread Bhairitu
Vaj wrote:

 On Jul 22, 2009, at 10:56 AM, WillyTex wrote:

   What you need to understand, Zoran, is that we are
   talking about non-theistic Vedanta. In non-dualistic
   (Adwaita) Vedanta, the Creator is not the ultimate
   reality, so TMers aren't very concerned with the
   names or nicknames of the Devas, Gods or deified
   heroes of Hindu mythology.
 Vaj wrote:
  You seem really confused. TM is not nondual Vedantic
  contemplation (nididhyanasana).
 You're the confused one, Vaj, you have not even
 offered up a definition of 'Vedanta'.


 According to David Frawley, Maharishi Mahesh
 Yogi's Transcendental Meditation follows a Vedantic
 view of consciousness and cosmic evolution
 (Frawley 4).

  I was talking about practice, not View Willy.

 You still seem very confused. Maybe you should get checked?
I know David and I don't think he EVER did TM.  He was one of these guys 
who just took off to India at a early age.  He studied with actual 
tantrics and wouldn't have wasted his time on techniques for the general 
public.  People want SO MUCH to read in a bunch of special stuff to what 
is essentially a butt simple meditation technique.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Narayana Kavach Mantra in TM Initiation Puja

2009-07-22 Thread Vaj

On Jul 22, 2009, at 2:19 PM, Bhairitu wrote:

 I was talking about practice, not View Willy.

You still seem very confused. Maybe you should get checked?
I know David and I don't think he EVER did TM.  He was one of these  

who just took off to India at a early age.  He studied with actual
tantrics and wouldn't have wasted his time on techniques for the  
public.  People want SO MUCH to read in a bunch of special stuff to  

is essentially a butt simple meditation technique.

I know David as well and I know he never practiced TM. He was just  
repeating what he had heard from someone.

[FairfieldLife] IPCC's flawed science

2009-07-22 Thread shempmcgurk

[FairfieldLife] Solar eclipse pits superstition against science

2009-07-22 Thread do.rflex

Siva Prasad Tata, who runs the Astro Jyoti website, 
straddles the two worlds.

There's no need to get too alarmed about the eclipse, 
they are a natural phenomenon, the astrologer told AFP.

But he added: During the period of the eclipse, 
the opposite attracting forces are very, very powerful. 

From a spiritual point of view, this is a wonderful time 
to do any type of worship.

It will bring about good results, much more than 
on an ordinary day. 

MUMBAI : Indian astrologers are predicting violence and turmoil across the 
world as a result of this week's total solar eclipse, which the superstitious 
and religious view as a sign of potential doom.

But astronomers, scientists and secularists are trying to play down claims of 
evil portent in connection with Wednesday's natural spectacle, when the moon 
will come between the Earth and the sun, completely obscuring the sun.

In Hindu mythology, the two demons Rahu and Ketu are said to swallow the sun 
during eclipses, snuffing out its life-giving light and causing food to become 
inedible and water undrinkable.

Pregnant women are advised to stay indoors to prevent their babies developing 
birth defects, while prayers, fasting and ritual bathing, particularly in holy 
rivers, are encouraged.

Shivani Sachdev Gour, a gynaecologist at the Fortis Hospital in New Delhi, said 
a number of expectant mothers scheduled for Caesarean deliveries on July 22 had 
asked to change the date.

This is a belief deeply rooted in Indian society. Couples are willing to do 
anything to ensure that the baby is not born on that day, Gour said.

Astrologers have predicted a rise in communal and regional violence in the days 
following the eclipse, particularly in India, China and other Southeast Asian 
nations where it can be seen on Wednesday morning.

Mumbai astrologer Raj Kumar Sharma predicted some sort of attack by (Kashmiri 
separatists) Jaish-e-Mohammad or Al-Qaeda on Indian soil and a devastating 
natural disaster in Southeast Asia.

An Indian political leader could be killed, he said, and tension between the 
West and Iran is likely to increase, escalating into possible US military 
action after September 9, when fiery Saturn moves from Leo into Virgo.

The last 200 years, whenever Saturn has gone into Virgo there has been either 
a world war or a mini world war, he told AFP.

It is not just in India that some are uneasy about what will transpire because 
of the eclipse.

In ancient China they were often associated with disasters, the death of an 
emperor or other dark events, and similar superstitions persist.

The probability for unrest or war to take place in years when a solar eclipse 
happens is 95 percent, announced an article that attracted a lot of hits on 
the popular Chinese web portal Baidu.com.

Sanal Edamaruku, president of the Indian Rationalist Association, dismissed 
such doomsday predictions.

Primarily, what we see with all these soothsayers and astrologers is that 
they're looking for opportunities to enhance their business with predictions of 
danger and calamity, he told AFP.

They have been very powerful in India but over the last decade they have been 
in systematic decline.

Astronomers and scientists are also working to educate the public about the 

Travel firm Cox and Kings has chartered a Boeing 737-700 aircraft to give 
people the chance to see the eclipse from 12,500 metres.

Experts will be on board to explain it to passengers, some of whom have paid 
79,000 rupees for a sun-side seat on the three-hour flight from New Delhi.

The eclipse's shadow is expected to pass over the aircraft at 15 times the 
speed of sound (Mach 15), said Ajay Talwar, president of the SPACE Group of 
companies that promotes science and astronomy.

It's coming in the middle of the monsoon season. On the ground, there's a 40 
percent chance of seeing it in India. On the aircraft you have almost a 90 
percent chance of seeing the eclipse, he added.

Siva Prasad Tata, who runs the Astro Jyoti website, straddles the two worlds.

There's no need to get too alarmed about the eclipse, they are a natural 
phenomenon, the astrologer told AFP.

But he added: During the period of the eclipse, the opposite attracting forces 
are very, very powerful. From a spiritual point of view, this is a wonderful 
time to do any type of worship.

It will bring about good results, much more than on an ordinary day. 


[FairfieldLife] Re: Narayana Kavach Mantra in TM Initiation Puja

2009-07-22 Thread nablusoss1008
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj vajradh...@... wrote:

 On Jul 22, 2009, at 2:19 PM, Bhairitu wrote:
   I was talking about practice, not View Willy.
  You still seem very confused. Maybe you should get checked?
  I know David and I don't think he EVER did TM.  He was one of these  
  who just took off to India at a early age.  He studied with actual
  tantrics and wouldn't have wasted his time on techniques for the  
  public.  People want SO MUCH to read in a bunch of special stuff to  
  is essentially a butt simple meditation technique.

Frawley is in India a lot; he knows very well the super-status Maharishi has in 
that country within the upper classes. Thousands of Maharishi Veda Vidya Peeths 
have made this happen.

David Frawley also have taken panchakarma-treatment in a jungle-ayurveda-clinic 
of Kerala, run by an Ayurvedic Doctor very well known to Maharishi as he stayed 
in Vlodrop for about 2 years. 

And to myself; I stayed in his jungle-retreat 2 weeks a couple of years ago.

Having been so close to Maharishi for years this Vaidya was in  Bliss. 

If you have a chance to meet this Rishi-like Vaidya; please do !

[FairfieldLife] Re: 'Oakland Approves Tax on Marijuana'

2009-07-22 Thread John
The people who are paying these taxes will have to realize that marijuana is 
still illegal in the eyes of the federal government.  They may get nabbed by 
federal agents if they're not careful, or clueless.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Robert babajii...@... wrote:

 Landslide vote!
 Sets new precedent, for USA...
 Marijuana produced by and for the people...
 And pay their due tax, for society as a whole...
 The American way of freedom, and fair taxation.
 This could begin to undermine...
 Anti-marijuana advocates of jails, prisons, Nurse Rachette types...
 And Ollie North types...cash off the books...
 CIA/Mexican cartels, wars, weapons and all the stuff created by Prohibition...
 Like in the 1920's-30's, with alcohol...
 Now that the American attitudes toward marijuana, 
 Is becoming  more in tune with reality,
 And away from the dogmatic propaganda...so evident in all our culture.
 The decriminalization and taxation of marijuana...
 Is a step in the right direction...

[FairfieldLife] Who do you trust to do a better job... - Obama or Republicans?

2009-07-22 Thread do.rflex

The Economy  --  Health Care  --  Budget Deficit

5. Who do you trust to do a better job handling [ITEM] - (Obama) or the 
(Republicans in Congress)?

BothNeither No
Obama   Reps   (vol.)   (vol.) opinion

a. The economy   56  33   19 2
b. Health care reform54  34   1   10 1
c. The federal budget deficit54  35   *9 2

-Washington Post-ABC News Poll: http://snipurl.com/nqlww  

SEE CHART: http://snipurl.com/nqm33

[FairfieldLife] Re: Who do you trust to do a better job... - Obama or Republicans?

2009-07-22 Thread do.rflex
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, do.rflex do.rf...@... wrote:

 The Economy  --  Health Care  --  Budget Deficit
 5. Who do you trust to do a better job handling [ITEM] - (Obama) or the 
 (Republicans in Congress)?
 BothNeither No
 Obama   Reps   (vol.)   (vol.) opinion
 a. The economy   56  33   19 2
 b. Health care reform54  34   1   10 1
 c. The federal budget deficit54  35   *9 2
 -Washington Post-ABC News Poll: http://snipurl.com/nqlww  
 SEE CHART: http://snipurl.com/nqm33

Sorry if the numbers appear jumbled at this FFL page. Please go to the link and 
scroll down to item # 5 for the proper view:


[FairfieldLife] Re: Narayana Kavach Mantra in TM Initiation Puja

2009-07-22 Thread yifuxero
---Vaj...your endless broken record on a claim that mindfulness is non-dual but 
TM produces duality is nonsensical without clarification re: exactly what you 
are talking about.  Be more specific, then your ideas (if fruitful) might 
wallow inside somebody's head a few seconds rather than going in one ear and 
out the other.  I'm listening.but haven't heard much. 

 In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj vajradh...@... wrote:

 On Jul 22, 2009, at 10:56 AM, WillyTex wrote:
What you need to understand, Zoran, is that we are
talking about non-theistic Vedanta. In non-dualistic
(Adwaita) Vedanta, the Creator is not the ultimate
reality, so TMers aren't very concerned with the
names or nicknames of the Devas, Gods or deified
heroes of Hindu mythology.
  Vaj wrote:
   You seem really confused. TM is not nondual Vedantic
   contemplation (nididhyanasana).
  You're the confused one, Vaj, you have not even
  offered up a definition of 'Vedanta'.
  According to David Frawley, Maharishi Mahesh
  Yogi's Transcendental Meditation follows a Vedantic
  view of consciousness and cosmic evolution
  (Frawley 4).
   I was talking about practice, not View Willy.
 You still seem very confused. Maybe you should get checked?

[FairfieldLife] Re: Narayana Kavach Mantra in TM Initiation Puja

2009-07-22 Thread John
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj vajradh...@... wrote:

 On Jul 22, 2009, at 2:19 PM, Bhairitu wrote:
   I was talking about practice, not View Willy.
  You still seem very confused. Maybe you should get checked?
  I know David and I don't think he EVER did TM.  He was one of these  
  who just took off to India at a early age.  He studied with actual
  tantrics and wouldn't have wasted his time on techniques for the  
  public.  People want SO MUCH to read in a bunch of special stuff to  
  is essentially a butt simple meditation technique.
 I know David as well and I know he never practiced TM. He was just  
 repeating what he had heard from someone.

I've read a few of Frawley's books.  He has acknowledged several acharyas or 
teachers, including Aurobindo.  From what I've read, his ideas are very similar 
to the TM ideas.

In a jyotish symposium several years ago, I personally talked to him about TM 
and Chopra.  He did not mention that he practiced TM.  However, he said that he 
was consulted by Chopra to design a set of meditation mantras for his new 
meditation clinic.

At that time, he also said that he was writing a book about tantra.  Several 
months later the book did come out which is readily available in bookstores 
these days.

[FairfieldLife] Walter Cronkite was asked what was his greatest regret

2009-07-22 Thread do.rflex

What do I regret? Well, I regret that in our attempt to establish some 
standards, we didn't make them stick.  We couldn't find a way to pass them on 
to another generation.

Watch: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oQA7P4ourIQ

On the other hand . . .

See image:  http://www.bartcop.com/fox-cronkite.JPG

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Narayana Kavach Mantra in TM Initiation Puja

2009-07-22 Thread Bhairitu
nablusoss1008 wrote:
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj vajradh...@... wrote:
 On Jul 22, 2009, at 2:19 PM, Bhairitu wrote:

  I was talking about practice, not View Willy.

 You still seem very confused. Maybe you should get checked?
 I know David and I don't think he EVER did TM.  He was one of these  
 who just took off to India at a early age.  He studied with actual
 tantrics and wouldn't have wasted his time on techniques for the  
 public.  People want SO MUCH to read in a bunch of special stuff to  
 is essentially a butt simple meditation technique.

 Frawley is in India a lot; he knows very well the super-status Maharishi has 
 in that country within the upper classes. Thousands of Maharishi Veda Vidya 
 Peeths have made this happen.

 David Frawley also have taken panchakarma-treatment in a 
 jungle-ayurveda-clinic of Kerala, run by an Ayurvedic Doctor very well known 
 to Maharishi as he stayed in Vlodrop for about 2 years. 

 And to myself; I stayed in his jungle-retreat 2 weeks a couple of years ago.

 Having been so close to Maharishi for years this Vaidya was in  Bliss. 

 If you have a chance to meet this Rishi-like Vaidya; please do !
When I talked to people in India MMY was like some distant celebrity who 
you could tell didn't know that much about and didn't care that much 
either.  Usually their comments were something to the order of how MMY 
popularized meditation in the west.  But TM wasn't something they would 

Dr. Lad was also very well known to MMY and he was MMY's first choice to 
head MAPI.  MMY probably knew many people.  And some of those people 
didn't want anything to do with his movement.  When I was in Kerala 
there was a nearby vaidya who advertised Maharishi Ayurveda.  I made a 
trip to his office but it was not the Maharishi Ayurveda we know and had 
nothing to do with the movement.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Narayana Kavach Mantra in TM Initiation Puja

2009-07-22 Thread Vaj

On Jul 22, 2009, at 3:33 PM, yifuxero wrote:

 ---Vaj...your endless broken record on a claim that mindfulness is  
 non-dual but TM produces duality is nonsensical without  
 clarification re: exactly what you are talking about.  Be more  
 specific, then your ideas (if fruitful) might wallow inside  
 somebody's head a few seconds rather than going in one ear and out  
 the other.  I'm listening.but haven't heard much.

There you go again claiming I said things I never have said! I've  
never said that mindfulness meditation is nondual meditation. It could  
be just be that you're not ripe for understanding, I dunno. I find  
many TM fans are stuck in a fallacious mindset, and have a hard time  
getting what different forms of meditation are about, whether it's  
different forms of Hindu meditation or whatever. This is certainly not  
their fault, as TM teachers are not taught the important differences.  
They mostly get that different states of consciousness have different  
qualities and that cognition is different, but fail to grasp that  
there are different styles of meditation for those differing states of  
consciousness: 'meditative praxis (or non-praxis) is structured in  
consciousness'. My only conclusion is that (possibly) the danger of  
buying into a system of practice, without critical thinking or  
questioning and comparison causes one to become blinded by their  

[FairfieldLife] Re: Walter Cronkite was asked what was his greatest regret

2009-07-22 Thread WillyTex
do.rflex wrote:
 Walter Cronkite was asked what was his
 greatest regret...

It was great to see Cronkite live long
enough to see the man who rushed him into
retirement - Rather - get eliminated himself.

As Rather fell into the gutter he said Is
this the end of Little Ceasar!? just like
an old movie actor!

Read more comments:

Radar Online:
http://tinyurl.com/r3m27s http://tinyurl.com/r3m27s

[FairfieldLife] Chris Matthews Smacks Nutbag Birther Congressman Around

2009-07-22 Thread do.rflex

Playing to the Wackos

On Hardball last night, Rep. John Campbell (R-CA) tried to defend his bill to 
clarify the citizenship requirements to be President of the United States.

First Read: Speaking of the conservative base, is anyone else stunned that a 
member of the United States Congress wouldn't unequivocally say that Barack 
Obama was born in the United States? ... 

Why are elected officials feeding this conspiracy theory? As the Morning Joe 
crew noted today, what do these conspiracy theorists think -- a single mother, 
47 years ago, secretly had the president in Indonesia and then hours later 
decided to get a Hawaii birth announcement because she thought he'd be 

It's an amazing clip that you have to see to believe.

~ Chris Matthews Smacks Down Birther Rep. Campbell; Makes Him Admit Obama is 
U.S. Citizen ~

Watch: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hVndfV4--5g


[FairfieldLife] Exodus, A Journey to Self-Realization

2009-07-22 Thread John
To All:

The Exodus is the Hebrew's testament of their own journey to self-realization 
as a people.  Specifically, they triumphed in their struggle out of bondage in 
Egypt.  They were given the Ten Commandments as a record of their attaining 
knowledge of the Truth through Moses, their leader.  They were promised a land 
of milk and honey in Canaan, the symbol of freedom and bliss in unity 

Can the Kabbalah tell us of anything more?

[FairfieldLife] Re: Narayana Kavach Mantra in TM Initiation Puja

2009-07-22 Thread yifuxero
---On the contrary!  In terms of comparisons (as a percentile)...; I'd be in 
the upper 1% in terms of real investigations.  In the Sant Mat tradition alone 
I've been initiaed by Kirpal Singh, Paul Twitchell, Charan Singh, Thakur Singh, 
Darshan Singh; and am familiar with the teachings of a number of other such 
 In Buddhism (etc).
I've investigated TM thoroughly, having practiced it continuously since 1967; 
but unlike you, I have no particular biased investment in anything other than 
strictly scientific evaluations.  If somebody came to me and said: try 
(standing on my head and rubbing my tummy...) saying that would be of some 
benefit, I would give it a try.
It's simply that your anti-TM/anti-MMY attitude sucks; smacking of some 
underlying mental aberration.
I'm not a MMY-bot; but your ongoing diatribes are most unusual.

In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj vajradh...@... wrote:

 On Jul 22, 2009, at 3:33 PM, yifuxero wrote:
  ---Vaj...your endless broken record on a claim that mindfulness is  
  non-dual but TM produces duality is nonsensical without  
  clarification re: exactly what you are talking about.  Be more  
  specific, then your ideas (if fruitful) might wallow inside  
  somebody's head a few seconds rather than going in one ear and out  
  the other.  I'm listening.but haven't heard much.
 There you go again claiming I said things I never have said! I've  
 never said that mindfulness meditation is nondual meditation. It could  
 be just be that you're not ripe for understanding, I dunno. I find  
 many TM fans are stuck in a fallacious mindset, and have a hard time  
 getting what different forms of meditation are about, whether it's  
 different forms of Hindu meditation or whatever. This is certainly not  
 their fault, as TM teachers are not taught the important differences.  
 They mostly get that different states of consciousness have different  
 qualities and that cognition is different, but fail to grasp that  
 there are different styles of meditation for those differing states of  
 consciousness: 'meditative praxis (or non-praxis) is structured in  
 consciousness'. My only conclusion is that (possibly) the danger of  
 buying into a system of practice, without critical thinking or  
 questioning and comparison causes one to become blinded by their  

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: MUM enrollment etc

2009-07-22 Thread It's just a ride
On Wed, Jul 22, 2009 at 12:15 PM, scienceofabundance 
no_re...@yahoogroups.com wrote:

  As someone who chose the gay lifestyle having carefully considered all
 other options available to me, I consider the above to be highly, highly
 sacrilegious, blasphemous, profane, heretical, and irreverent.

 However, I have been having somewhat of a dry spell recently, so I think
 I'll give #1 a shot.

There's more to my story.  Since there were no gays in residence courses I
attended, the question came up about homosexuals.  The pat answer given was
that gays had deep stresses which they just needed to work out by meditating
and going to residence courses.  When the stress clears they wouldn't be gay

Any idea how close you are to THE BIG ONE?

[FairfieldLife] Carter Leaves Southern Baptists

2009-07-22 Thread dhamiltony2k5
Some Age of Enlightenment News

Leaving Southern Baptists for Equal rights,  

Jimmy Carter spurns Southern Baptists.  



this is a remarkably courageous stand to take for anyonebut from former 
president jimmy carter, its pretty amazing.  interesting too that it is in an 
australian newspaper...no real note of this in american press that i am aware 

[FairfieldLife] Re: MUM enrollment etc

2009-07-22 Thread do.rflex
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, It's just a ride 
bill.hicks.all.a.r...@... wrote:

 On Wed, Jul 22, 2009 at 12:15 PM, scienceofabundance 
 no_re...@yahoogroups.com wrote:
   As someone who chose the gay lifestyle having carefully considered all
  other options available to me, I consider the above to be highly, highly
  sacrilegious, blasphemous, profane, heretical, and irreverent.
  However, I have been having somewhat of a dry spell recently, so I think
  I'll give #1 a shot.
 There's more to my story.  Since there were no gays in residence courses I 
 attended, the question came up about homosexuals.  

On my TTC in 1970 at Estes Park, CO, IIRC Maharishi's personal cook was a 
flamboyant gay man.

The pat answer given was
 that gays had deep stresses which they just needed to work out by meditating
 and going to residence courses.  When the stress clears they wouldn't be gay
 Any idea how close you are to THE BIG ONE?

Re: [FairfieldLife] Solar eclipse pits superstition against science

2009-07-22 Thread It's just a ride
On Wed, Jul 22, 2009 at 2:03 PM, do.rflex do.rf...@yahoo.com wrote:

 MUMBAI : Indian astrologers are predicting violence and turmoil across the
 world as a result of this week's total solar eclipse, which the
 superstitious and religious view as a sign of potential doom.

Let me get this straight.  This is what we're meditating twice a day to

 In Hindu mythology, the two demons Rahu and Ketu are said to swallow the
 sun during eclipses, snuffing out its life-giving light and causing food to
 become inedible and water undrinkable.

Anyone dumb enough to eat that food or drink that water is fulfilling the
Darwin Principle.

 Pregnant women are advised to stay indoors to prevent their babies
 developing birth defects, while prayers, fasting and ritual bathing,
 particularly in holy rivers, are encouraged.

Stay indoors but take ritual baths in rivers.  So these people have their
houses built upon rivers?

 Astrologers have predicted a rise in communal and regional violence in the
 days following the eclipse, particularly in India, China and other Southeast
 Asian nations where it can be seen on Wednesday morning.

We're talking India and Asia.  Do the Indians ever vote a politician out of
office any other way but being dispatched by their Sikh bodyguards?

 Mumbai astrologer Raj Kumar Sharma predicted some sort of attack by
 (Kashmiri separatists) Jaish-e-Mohammad or Al-Qaeda on Indian soil and a
 devastating natural disaster in Southeast Asia.

This is like predicting day follows night (except in times of eclipse).

 An Indian political leader could be killed, he said, and tension between
 the West and Iran is likely to increase, escalating into possible US
 military action after September 9, when fiery Saturn moves from Leo into

This is the way of Indian politics.

 The last 200 years, whenever Saturn has gone into Virgo there has been
 either a world war or a mini world war, he told AFP.

Plus or minus 100 years of the even, I suspect.

 *Primarily, what we see with all these soothsayers and astrologers is
 that they're looking for opportunities to enhance their business with
 predictions of danger and calamity*, he told AFP.

 They have been very powerful in India but over the last decade they have
 been in systematic decline.

But there's hope.  There's Maharishi Jyotish.

[FairfieldLife] Maharishi's incarnations

2009-07-22 Thread nablusoss1008
If you want to find out, start with Ramses II

[FairfieldLife] Re: Narayana Kavach Mantra in TM Initiation Puja

2009-07-22 Thread WillyTex
Bhairitu wrote:
 But TM wasn't something they would practice.

All the Self-realized teachers in India practice
'TM', but they might not call their practice TM,
but they all practice a meditation that is

According to David Frawly, all the great sages
of India were Vedantins and all the Upanishadic
thinkers were transcendentalists: Raman Maharshi,
Aurobindo, Anandamay Ma, Nityananda,
Ramakrishna. Without understanding Vedanta
it is very difficult to understand.


'Vedantic Meditation: Lighting the Flame of Awareness'
By David Frawley
Page 4

[FairfieldLife] Re: MUM enrollment etc

2009-07-22 Thread nablusoss1008
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, do.rflex do.rf...@... wrote:
 On my TTC in 1970 at Estes Park, CO, IIRC Maharishi's personal cook was a 
 flamboyant gay man.

Gays gravitated towards Him and He did not mind as long they did not 
Tons of american gays were working in Seelisberg and as course-leaders all 
over Europe in the 70'ies.

Not that there is anything wrong with that

[FairfieldLife] Re: MUM enrollment etc

2009-07-22 Thread scienceofabundance
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, nablusoss1008 no_re...@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, do.rflex do.rflex@ wrote:
  On my TTC in 1970 at Estes Park, CO, IIRC Maharishi's personal cook was a 
  flamboyant gay man.
 Gays gravitated towards Him and He did not mind as long they did not 
 Tons of american gays were working in Seelisberg and as course-leaders all 
 over Europe in the 70'ies.
 Not that there is anything wrong with that

That was MMY's attitude towards many aspects of life. Not unusually, when 
someone in the field (e.g. in their own country) was engaged in some behavior 
that was considered iffy (e.g. a woman TM teacher becoming  pregnant outside 
of marriage), MMY would ask what would the local culture's reaction be. If he 
was told it would be negative, then the person would be asked to not teach or 
work in the TMO - end of story.  To MMY, the TMO came first, we were the cannon 

[FairfieldLife] Re: MUM enrollment etc

2009-07-22 Thread scienceofabundance
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, It's just a ride 
bill.hicks.all.a.r...@... wrote:

 On Wed, Jul 22, 2009 at 12:15 PM, scienceofabundance 
 no_re...@yahoogroups.com wrote:
   As someone who chose the gay lifestyle having carefully considered all
  other options available to me, I consider the above to be highly, highly
  sacrilegious, blasphemous, profane, heretical, and irreverent.
  However, I have been having somewhat of a dry spell recently, so I think
  I'll give #1 a shot.
 There's more to my story.  Since there were no gays in residence courses I
 attended, the question came up about homosexuals.  The pat answer given was
 that gays had deep stresses which they just needed to work out by meditating
 and going to residence courses.  When the stress clears they wouldn't be gay
 Any idea how close you are to THE BIG ONE?

I've been around the TMO long enough to hear many of the actual words MMY used 
in answering questions about gays and hear second-hand (whether accurate or 
not) other statements he has supposed to have said.  Your pat answer is 
correct - it is the TMO line (not, of course, in public).  MMY's comments over 
they years had a variety of nuances (sometimes anger towards homosexuals, other 
times tolerance - in a don't ask, don't tell way), but I no longer have any 
interest in discussing these. 

Regarding your question: As I said in a recent post, right now I am going 
through a dry spell, but I've been close not just to THE BIG ONE, but to MANY 
BIG ONES over the years.  

[FairfieldLife] Re: MUM enrollment etc

2009-07-22 Thread scienceofabundance
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, nablusoss1008 no_re...@... wrote:

 Gays gravitated towards Him and He did not mind as long they did not 
 Tons of american gays were working in Seelisberg and as course-leaders all 
 over Europe in the 70'ies.
 Not that there is anything wrong with that

I think I get your point of live and let live in your last line.  

But over many years, I have seen great sadness in people being put in the 
position of not being able to talk openly about their partners, etc and knowing 
well that the official TMO atmosphere (regardless of what MMY said) was We 
don't want you here. And these were people who were devoted to their spiritual 
growth through TM and in many cases, voluntarily celibate.

Not surprisingly, some of the biggies in the TMO who were/are so far in the 
closet that they are (pardon the pun) totally screwed, were/are the most 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Carter Leaves Southern Baptists

2009-07-22 Thread shempmcgurk
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, dhamiltony2k5 dhamiltony...@... wrote:

 Some Age of Enlightenment News
 Leaving Southern Baptists for Equal rights,  
 Jimmy Carter spurns Southern Baptists.  
 this is a remarkably courageous stand to take for anyonebut from former 
 president jimmy carter, its pretty amazing.  interesting too that it is in an 
 australian newspaper...no real note of this in american press that i am aware 

I seem to recall that while president, Jimmy was a member of a Baptist church 
in Plains, GA that was officially segregated.  During that time, to make a 
point, a Black woman attempted to become a member and her membership rebuffed.  
The Church held a vote upholding the segregation rule.  Carter was asked 
whether he'd give up him membership in the congregation and his reply was 
something to the effect: no, I won't because even though they are wrong, I am 
still a member of the church.

It's not the first time my memory has been faulty on these things but that's 
the way I remember it.  If true, then it surprises me that he would leave the 
church over something that is not as bad as racial segregation.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Narayana Kavach Mantra in TM Initiation Puja

2009-07-22 Thread Vaj

On Jul 22, 2009, at 4:38 PM, yifuxero wrote:

 I've investigated TM thoroughly, having practiced it continuously  
 since 1967; but unlike you, I have no particular biased investment  
 in anything other than strictly scientific evaluations.

Well then hopefully you ARE able to look at the science, understand it  
and be honest with that. I am. Many others, less so. So you see it's  
not a matter of anti, it's a matter of pro (relative) truth.

  If somebody came to me and said: try (standing on my head and  
 rubbing my tummy...) saying that would be of some benefit, I would  
 give it a try.
 It's simply that your anti-TM/anti-MMY attitude sucks; smacking of  
 some underlying mental aberration.
 I'm not a MMY-bot; but your ongoing diatribes are most unusual.

Again, this is your projection. I merely was responding to Willy's  
factual faux pas. If people don't like that: too fuckin' bad. I  
respond to factual inaccuracies, lies and misstatements as I see them  
and when I see fit, whether they are historical ('Marshy's a life-long  
celibate and yogi!'), scientific ('science shows TM to be the bestest  
there is!') or spiritual ('TM is effortless!'). If you want to  
maintain the lying status quo, you're welcome to your delusions, just  
as Willy is. Perhaps it comforts you.

And you are a TM-bot IMO.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Narayana Kavach Mantra in TM Initiation Puja

2009-07-22 Thread Bhairitu
WillyTex wrote:
 Bhairitu wrote:
 But TM wasn't something they would practice.

 All the Self-realized teachers in India practice
 'TM', but they might not call their practice TM,
 but they all practice a meditation that is
The term TM means Transcendental Meditation as taught by Maharishi 
Mahesh Yogi.  We all said that in our intro lectures.  Didn't you?  Oh 
that's right you never became a teacher. 

Self-realized yogis most likely got an initiation far removed the TM 
seven steps.  They got a guru mantra from their guru who was an 
acharya.  This seed mantra is often too powerful to be given just to 
anyone.  The guru determines if you can handle one or not.  This whole 
practice is far removed from the dime-store meditation at a 
Neiman-Marcus price that TM is that you can't compare the two.

BTW, you can transcend watching analog television too.  Should we call 
that transcendental meditation too?

IOW, your definition is WAY TOO BROAD!

[FairfieldLife] Re: Carter Leaves Southern Baptists

2009-07-22 Thread do.rflex
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, shempmcgurk shempmcg...@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, dhamiltony2k5 dhamiltony2k5@ wrote:
  Some Age of Enlightenment News
  Leaving Southern Baptists for Equal rights,  
  Jimmy Carter spurns Southern Baptists.  
  this is a remarkably courageous stand to take for anyonebut from former 
  president jimmy carter, its pretty amazing.  interesting too that it is in 
  an australian newspaper...no real note of this in american press that i am 
  aware of!
 I seem to recall that while president, Jimmy was a member of a Baptist church 
 in Plains, GA that was officially segregated.  During that time, to make a 
 point, a Black woman attempted to become a member and her membership 
 rebuffed.  The Church held a vote upholding the segregation rule.  Carter was 
 asked whether he'd give up him membership in the congregation and his reply 
 was something to the effect: no, I won't because even though they are wrong, 
 I am still a member of the church.
 It's not the first time my memory has been faulty on these things but that's 
 the way I remember it.  If true, then it surprises me that he would leave the 
 church over something that is not as bad as racial segregation.

Here's the story in it's true perspective:

...Then came bad news from Plains. Carter's father Earl had cancer, and in 
July 1953, he died. The farm had declined in his last years, and there was real 
danger that it would now be lost, a crushing prospect to Lillian Carter. After 
some hard thought, Carter decided to resign from the Navy, return to Plains, 
and help his family...

Carter threw himself into farming the way he had his naval duties...

The South was changing. The Supreme Court, in the landmark case of Brown v. 
Board of Education of Topeka (1954), had declared school segregation 

Later in neighboring Alabama, an African American woman named Rosa Parks 
refused to surrender her seat on a city bus to a white person, and she was 
jailed for it. Black citizens boycotted the bus system and challenged the 
segregation in court. They were taking a stand against centuries of oppression, 
and the attitudes of many whites hardened. 

An organization called the White Citizens Council was formed to maintain the 
segregated status quo in the South, and its membership blossomed across the 
region-including Plains, Georgia. 

Carter was heavily pressured to join the organization in 1958, and was the only 
white male in Plains to refuse. The council's members boycotted Carter's 
business, but he stubbornly held out and over time, the boycott fizzled out.

Community Involvement and Political Aspirations

Hard work and effective management made the Carter farm prosperous by 1959. 
Jimmy Carter's involvement in his local community increased as he began to 
serve on local boards for civic entities like hospitals and libraries. He also 
became a church deacon and Sunday school teacher at the Plains Baptist Church. 

In 1955 he successfully ran for office for the first time-a seat on Sumter 
County Board of Education, eventually becoming its chairman. When a new seat in 
the Georgia State Senate opened up because of federally ordered reapportionment 
in 1962, Carter entered that race. Initially defeated in the Democratic 
primary, he was able to prove that his opponent's victory was based on 
widespread vote fraud. 

He appealed the result and a judge threw out the fraudulent votes, and Carter 
was handed the election.

During his two terms in the state senate, Carter earned a reputation as a 
tough, independent operator. He attacked wasteful government practices and 
helped repeal laws designed to discourage African Americans from voting. 

Consistent with his past practice and his deeply held principles, when a vote 
was held in his church to decide on whether to admit blacks to worship there, 
the vote was nearly unanimous against integration. Of the three dissenting 
votes, two were cast by Jimmy and Rosalynn Carter.


[FairfieldLife] Obama administration following the 'lead' of California.

2009-07-22 Thread BillyG.
One day my wife's boss told her, Wouldn't it be great if we had no 
Republicans and just Democrats running our country?

 California which is 
on the brink of financial collapse and has been governed from the far 
left for decades, is blaming a handful of Republicans for all of their 
financial quandary. California is over 20 billion dollars in debt and 
has worse credit than a 3rd world dictatorship. Then why are they 
blaming the few Republicans left in state government for their problems? 

Because they cannot raise taxes any further without the approval of this 
small group of reluctant conservatives. You see, it takes a 2/3 majority 
to approve tax hikes in that state. You might wonder why this should 
concern us who reside outside of this Gold Coast bastion of social 
liberalism. Because---What happens in California does not stay in 

 Currently the three wise women from California, Nancy 
Pelosi, Dianne Feinstein, and Barbara Boxer are calling the shots for 
virtually all of the domestic policies coming out of Washington these 
days---or at least they are taking credit for the odious endeavors of 
this dubious administration.

 Yes, it looks like my wife's boss finally 
got his wish, now there are not enough Republicans left in National office 
to stop these three wise women. Finally the country does not have to 
deal with any more Republicans. Since my wife is now retired, I 
suggested that she call her old boss and ask him how he likes the way 
things are going now in the Country now that there are no Republicans 
influencing government any longer? After all, What happens in 
California does not stay in California.

William Haupt III is a freelance journalist.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Solar eclipse pits superstition against science

2009-07-22 Thread Sal Sunshine

On Jul 22, 2009, at 3:50 PM, It's just a ride wrote:

MUMBAI : Indian astrologers are predicting violence and turmoil  
across the world as a result of this week's total solar eclipse,  
which the superstitious and religious view as a sign of potential  

Let me get this straight.  This is what we're meditating twice a day  
to become?

Yep.  You got something against violence and turmoil?

In Hindu mythology, the two demons Rahu and Ketu are said to  
swallow the sun during eclipses, snuffing out its life-giving  
light and causing food to become inedible and water undrinkable.

Anyone dumb enough to eat that food or drink that water is  
fulfilling the Darwin Principle.

LOL...these posts are great.  Keep em coming, bill!


[FairfieldLife] Re: 'Oakland Approves Tax on Marijuana'

2009-07-22 Thread Robert
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, John jr_...@... wrote:

 The people who are paying these taxes will have to realize that marijuana is 
 still illegal in the eyes of the federal government.  They may get nabbed by 
 federal agents if they're not careful, or clueless.
The Obama administration has called off the Reagan dogs, in regards to the 
Feds, breaking into clinics in California...
They are taking the position, that the states have a right to their vote...
So, I doubt the Feds are interested in pursuing marijuana cases...
The District Attorney of Dane Co. in Madison, WI, has refused to prosecute 
marijuana cases here...
Also, marijuana is decriminalized in Denver, Colorado, because the police chief 
there, finds it less harmful then alcohol, and causing less violence, accidents 
and everything associated with alcohol...

[FairfieldLife] Re: MUM enrollment etc

2009-07-22 Thread Robert
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, scienceofabundance no_re...@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, It's just a ride 
 bill.hicks.all.a.ride@ wrote:
  On Wed, Jul 22, 2009 at 12:15 PM, scienceofabundance 
  no_re...@yahoogroups.com wrote:
As someone who chose the gay lifestyle having carefully considered all
   other options available to me, I consider the above to be highly, highly
   sacrilegious, blasphemous, profane, heretical, and irreverent.
   However, I have been having somewhat of a dry spell recently, so I think
   I'll give #1 a shot.
  There's more to my story.  Since there were no gays in residence courses I
  attended, the question came up about homosexuals.  The pat answer given was
  that gays had deep stresses which they just needed to work out by meditating
  and going to residence courses.  When the stress clears they wouldn't be gay
  Any idea how close you are to THE BIG ONE?
 I've been around the TMO long enough to hear many of the actual words MMY 
 used in answering questions about gays and hear second-hand (whether accurate 
 or not) other statements he has supposed to have said.  Your pat answer is 
 correct - it is the TMO line (not, of course, in public).  MMY's comments 
 over they years had a variety of nuances (sometimes anger towards 
 homosexuals, other times tolerance - in a don't ask, don't tell way), but I 
 no longer have any interest in discussing these. 
 Regarding your question: As I said in a recent post, right now I am going 
 through a dry spell, but I've been close not just to THE BIG ONE, but to MANY 
 BIG ONES over the years.

So, you're saying the size does matter?

[FairfieldLife] Re: Carter Leaves Southern Baptists

2009-07-22 Thread shempmcgurk
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, do.rflex do.rf...@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, shempmcgurk shempmcgurk@ wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, dhamiltony2k5 dhamiltony2k5@ 
   Some Age of Enlightenment News
   Leaving Southern Baptists for Equal rights,  
   Jimmy Carter spurns Southern Baptists.  
   this is a remarkably courageous stand to take for anyonebut from 
   former president jimmy carter, its pretty amazing.  interesting too that 
   it is in an australian newspaper...no real note of this in american press 
   that i am aware of!

  I seem to recall that while president, Jimmy was a member of a Baptist 
  church in Plains, GA that was officially segregated.  During that time, to 
  make a point, a Black woman attempted to become a member and her membership 
  rebuffed.  The Church held a vote upholding the segregation rule.  Carter 
  was asked whether he'd give up him membership in the congregation and his 
  reply was something to the effect: no, I won't because even though they are 
  wrong, I am still a member of the church.
  It's not the first time my memory has been faulty on these things but 
  that's the way I remember it.  If true, then it surprises me that he would 
  leave the church over something that is not as bad as racial segregation.
 Here's the story in it's true perspective:
 ...Then came bad news from Plains. Carter's father Earl had cancer, and in 
 July 1953, he died. The farm had declined in his last years, and there was 
 real danger that it would now be lost, a crushing prospect to Lillian Carter. 
 After some hard thought, Carter decided to resign from the Navy, return to 
 Plains, and help his family...
 Carter threw himself into farming the way he had his naval duties...
 The South was changing. The Supreme Court, in the landmark case of Brown v. 
 Board of Education of Topeka (1954), had declared school segregation 
 Later in neighboring Alabama, an African American woman named Rosa Parks 
 refused to surrender her seat on a city bus to a white person, and she was 
 jailed for it. Black citizens boycotted the bus system and challenged the 
 segregation in court. They were taking a stand against centuries of 
 oppression, and the attitudes of many whites hardened. 
 An organization called the White Citizens Council was formed to maintain the 
 segregated status quo in the South, and its membership blossomed across the 
 region-including Plains, Georgia. 
 Carter was heavily pressured to join the organization in 1958, and was the 
 only white male in Plains to refuse. The council's members boycotted Carter's 
 business, but he stubbornly held out and over time, the boycott fizzled out.
 Community Involvement and Political Aspirations
 Hard work and effective management made the Carter farm prosperous by 1959. 
 Jimmy Carter's involvement in his local community increased as he began to 
 serve on local boards for civic entities like hospitals and libraries. He 
 also became a church deacon and Sunday school teacher at the Plains Baptist 
 In 1955 he successfully ran for office for the first time-a seat on Sumter 
 County Board of Education, eventually becoming its chairman. When a new seat 
 in the Georgia State Senate opened up because of federally ordered 
 reapportionment in 1962, Carter entered that race. Initially defeated in the 
 Democratic primary, he was able to prove that his opponent's victory was 
 based on widespread vote fraud. 
 He appealed the result and a judge threw out the fraudulent votes, and Carter 
 was handed the election.
 During his two terms in the state senate, Carter earned a reputation as a 
 tough, independent operator. He attacked wasteful government practices and 
 helped repeal laws designed to discourage African Americans from voting. 
 Consistent with his past practice and his deeply held principles, when a vote 
 was held in his church to decide on whether to admit blacks to worship there, 
 the vote was nearly unanimous against integration. Of the three dissenting 
 votes, two were cast by Jimmy and Rosalynn Carter.

The way I remember it is that the vote occurred during his presidency.  But I 
could be wrong.  The reason I remember it the way I do is that an 
African-American purposely tried to join, something more likely to have 
happened when Carter was president.

Let's not forget what MMY said about segregation when asked about it on one of 
those TTC video tapes (La Antilla?  Mallorca?): See the rose; see the red of 
the petals segregated from the green stem and the thorns segregated from the 

Anyone recall that tape?

[FairfieldLife] Re: Obama administration following the 'lead' of California.

2009-07-22 Thread shempmcgurk
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, BillyG. wg...@... wrote:

 One day my wife's boss told her, Wouldn't it be great if we had no 
 Republicans and just Democrats running our country?
  California which is 
 on the brink of financial collapse and has been governed from the far 
 left for decades, is blaming a handful of Republicans for all of their 
 financial quandary. California is over 20 billion dollars in debt

I suspect that California's debt far exceeds 20 billion dollars.  I think 
you're referring to this year's DEFICIT.  Their accumulated DEBT consists of 
all the years' combined deficits since California came into being.

 has worse credit than a 3rd world dictatorship. Then why are they 
 blaming the few Republicans left in state government for their problems? 
 Because they cannot raise taxes any further without the approval of this 
 small group of reluctant conservatives. You see, it takes a 2/3 majority 
 to approve tax hikes in that state. You might wonder why this should 
 concern us who reside outside of this Gold Coast bastion of social 
 liberalism. Because---What happens in California does not stay in 
  Currently the three wise women from California, Nancy 
 Pelosi, Dianne Feinstein, and Barbara Boxer are calling the shots for 
 virtually all of the domestic policies coming out of Washington these 
 days---or at least they are taking credit for the odious endeavors of 
 this dubious administration.
  Yes, it looks like my wife's boss finally 
 got his wish, now there are not enough Republicans left in National office 
 to stop these three wise women. Finally the country does not have to 
 deal with any more Republicans. Since my wife is now retired, I 
 suggested that she call her old boss and ask him how he likes the way 
 things are going now in the Country now that there are no Republicans 
 influencing government any longer? After all, What happens in 
 California does not stay in California.
 William Haupt III is a freelance journalist.

[FairfieldLife] Post Count

2009-07-22 Thread FFL PostCount
Fairfield Life Post Counter
Start Date (UTC): Sat Jul 18 00:00:00 2009
End Date (UTC): Sat Jul 25 00:00:00 2009
480 messages as of (UTC) Thu Jul 23 00:12:17 2009

49 authfriend jst...@panix.com
43 off_world_beings no_re...@yahoogroups.com
35 TurquoiseB no_re...@yahoogroups.com
32 shempmcgurk shempmcg...@netscape.net
31 WillyTex no_re...@yahoogroups.com
24 Vaj vajradh...@earthlink.net
22 Robert babajii...@yahoo.com
19 scienceofabundance no_re...@yahoogroups.com
17 nablusoss1008 no_re...@yahoogroups.com
16 raunchydog raunchy...@yahoo.com
16 Bhairitu noozg...@sbcglobal.net
14 John jr_...@yahoo.com
13 dhamiltony2k5 dhamiltony...@yahoo.com
13 do.rflex do.rf...@yahoo.com
12 BillyG. wg...@yahoo.com
11 azgrey no_re...@yahoogroups.com
10 guyfawkes91 no_re...@yahoogroups.com
 8 yifuxero yifux...@yahoo.com
 8 Rick Archer r...@searchsummit.com
 8 It's just a ride bill.hicks.all.a.r...@gmail.com
 8 Alex Stanley j_alexander_stan...@yahoo.com
 7 bob_brigante no_re...@yahoogroups.com
 7 Hugo richardhughes...@hotmail.com
 6 Zoran Krneta krneta.zo...@gmail.com
 5 svenssonjack svenssonj...@yahoo.com
 5 davidpalmer108 davidpalmer...@yahoo.co.uk
 4 Sal Sunshine salsunsh...@lisco.com
 3 lurkernomore20002000 steve.sun...@sbcglobal.net
 3 wle...@aol.com
 3 Peter drpetersutp...@yahoo.com
 3 Paul Mason premanandp...@yahoo.co.uk
 3 Nelson nelsonriddle2...@yahoo.com
 3 David Palmer davidpalmer...@yahoo.co.uk
 2 Mike Doughney m...@doughney.com
 2 Joe Smith msilver1...@yahoo.com
 2 Iggy ignatiusjreilly...@yahoo.com
 2 min.pige min.p...@yahoo.com
 1 wayback71 waybac...@yahoo.com
 1 shukra69 shukr...@yahoo.ca
 1 sgrayatlarge no_re...@yahoogroups.com
 1 seekliberation seekliberat...@yahoo.com
 1 pranamoocher bh...@hotmail.com
 1 michael vedamer...@yahoo.de
 1 billy jim emptyb...@yahoo.com
 1 bhawani_shank2000 no_re...@yahoogroups.com
 1 Mike Dixon mdixon.6...@yahoo.com
 1 Doug Hamilton dhamiltony...@yahoo.com
 1 Dick Mays dickm...@lisco.com

Posters: 48
Saturday Morning 00:00 UTC Rollover Times
Daylight Saving Time (Summer):
US Friday evening: PDT 5 PM - MDT 6 PM - CDT 7 PM - EDT 8 PM
Europe Saturday: BST 1 AM CEST 2 AM EEST 3 AM
Standard Time (Winter):
US Friday evening: PST 4 PM - MST 5 PM - CST 6 PM - EST 7 PM
Europe Saturday: GMT 12 AM CET 1 AM EET 2 AM
For more information on Time Zones: www.worldtimezone.com 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Solar eclipse pits superstition against science

2009-07-22 Thread shempmcgurk
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, do.rflex do.rf...@... wrote:


 In Hindu mythology, the two demons Rahu and Ketu are said to swallow the 
 sun during eclipses, snuffing out its life-giving light and causing food to 
 become inedible and water undrinkable.


Well in Gibson mythology (as in Mel) a solar eclispse means that the gods are 
satisfied and this ends the sacrificing of humans.

Anyone else see Apocalypto?  An incredible movie, it really should have been 
nominated for at least best foreign language film (not a word of English is 
spoken) or best picture.  Of course, this was rights around when he had his 
anti-semitic incident which put the Kabosh on the whole thing.

As far as I'm concerned it WAS the best picture of the year. 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Maharishi's incarnations

2009-07-22 Thread Robert
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, nablusoss1008 no_re...@... wrote:

 If you want to find out, start with Ramses II

One of Jesus' Disciples...not sure which one?

[FairfieldLife] Re: Maharishi's incarnations

2009-07-22 Thread Robert
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Robert babajii...@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, nablusoss1008 no_reply@ wrote:
  If you want to find out, start with Ramses II
 One of Jesus' Disciples...not sure which one?

The one known as 'Maharishi Patanjali'...(Yogic Guy, in Himalayan Mountain 
High, I seen it raining fire in the sky...you know he's be a poorer man, if he 
never'd seen an Eagle Soar...Fly, Himalayan High, Rishikesh, Himalayan High, 
Rishikesh...India...(Old School).

Bobby G.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Obama administration following the 'lead' of California.

2009-07-22 Thread Bhairitu
BillyG. wrote:
 One day my wife's boss told her, Wouldn't it be great if we had no 
 Republicans and just Democrats running our country?

  California which is 
 on the brink of financial collapse and has been governed from the far 
 left for decades, is blaming a handful of Republicans for all of their 
 financial quandary. California is over 20 billion dollars in debt and 
 has worse credit than a 3rd world dictatorship. Then why are they 
 blaming the few Republicans left in state government for their problems? 

 Because they cannot raise taxes any further without the approval of this 
 small group of reluctant conservatives. You see, it takes a 2/3 majority 
 to approve tax hikes in that state. You might wonder why this should 
 concern us who reside outside of this Gold Coast bastion of social 
 liberalism. Because---What happens in California does not stay in 

  Currently the three wise women from California, Nancy 
 Pelosi, Dianne Feinstein, and Barbara Boxer are calling the shots for 
 virtually all of the domestic policies coming out of Washington these 
 days---or at least they are taking credit for the odious endeavors of 
 this dubious administration.

  Yes, it looks like my wife's boss finally 
 got his wish, now there are not enough Republicans left in National office 
 to stop these three wise women. Finally the country does not have to 
 deal with any more Republicans. Since my wife is now retired, I 
 suggested that she call her old boss and ask him how he likes the way 
 things are going now in the Country now that there are no Republicans 
 influencing government any longer? After all, What happens in 
 California does not stay in California.

 William Haupt III is a freelance journalist.
Don't forget that California led the nation with Reaganomics too.  
California needs to get rid of the 2/3 majority rule so that budget 
impasses don't occur.  We also don't need the Tories or I mean 
Republicans to fear taxing the rich in California a little extra (which 
many of them have said they can tolerate).   And by rich I don't mean 
folks at ~$100K a year.  That's the middle class in this state.  Both 
sides are to blame.  Both needed to recognize that what goes up must 
come down.  That boom times aren't endless.  To budget for a surplus for 
disastrous times.  If you have deflation then you don't need to keep 
paying pensions at the same rate.  Some state employee pensions are 
ridiculous as well as some for city police and firefighters.  It's like 
they won the lottery.  Administrators are paid too much in many state 
positions and they aren't worth that much.  In fact the state is 
administration heavy.

That said California is one of the most corrupt states in the Union.  
But what would you expect from a state that got its start during the 
wild and woolly days of the Gold Rush?
On a sidenote my local community just banned smoking about everywhere.   
I was listening to smokers at the local Starbucks complain about it the 
other day.  Up until now the rule was no smoking within 20 feet of an 
establishment doorway.  Now they can't smoke anywhere on the patio.  
What I should have asked the smokers if they had gone before the City 
Council to protest the new regulation.  My bet is that none of them did.

Which leads me to my next point that the state is going to rob city 
coffers for money.  That new smoking law is obviously a revenue 
generator (a $100 fine).   I am going encourage a strong citizen 
watchdog committee to see they don't start regulating further or soon 
they will be ruling a ghost town (and California has many of those some 
dating back to the Gold Rush).

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Solar eclipse pits superstition against science

2009-07-22 Thread Bhairitu
shempmcgurk wrote:
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, do.rflex do.rf...@... wrote:


 In Hindu mythology, the two demons Rahu and Ketu are said to swallow the 
 sun during eclipses, snuffing out its life-giving light and causing food to 
 become inedible and water undrinkable.


 Well in Gibson mythology (as in Mel) a solar eclispse means that the gods 
 are satisfied and this ends the sacrificing of humans.

 Anyone else see Apocalypto?  An incredible movie, it really should have 
 been nominated for at least best foreign language film (not a word of English 
 is spoken) or best picture.  Of course, this was rights around when he had 
 his anti-semitic incident which put the Kabosh on the whole thing.

 As far as I'm concerned it WAS the best picture of the year. 
Eclipses often due to their extra gravitational effects often give rise 
to geophysical events such as earthquakes and volcanic eruptions.  Hence 
the mythology.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: 'Oakland Approves Tax on Marijuana'

2009-07-22 Thread Bhairitu
Robert wrote:
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, John jr_...@... wrote:
 The people who are paying these taxes will have to realize that marijuana is 
 still illegal in the eyes of the federal government.  They may get nabbed by 
 federal agents if they're not careful, or clueless.
 The Obama administration has called off the Reagan dogs, in regards to the 
 Feds, breaking into clinics in California...
 They are taking the position, that the states have a right to their vote...
 So, I doubt the Feds are interested in pursuing marijuana cases...
 The District Attorney of Dane Co. in Madison, WI, has refused to prosecute 
 marijuana cases here...
 Also, marijuana is decriminalized in Denver, Colorado, because the police 
 chief there, finds it less harmful then alcohol, and causing less violence, 
 accidents and everything associated with alcohol...
Yeh, let's all get stoned and got tear down the town .. or maybe go 
grab something to eat instead.  ;-)

[FairfieldLife] Re: Hillary sidelined?

2009-07-22 Thread azgrey
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend jst...@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
 mailto:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com , azgrey no_reply@ wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
 mailto:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com , authfriend jstein@ wrote:
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
 mailto:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com , azgrey no_reply@ wrote:
Ad hominem.
You lose Judy. Again.
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
 mailto:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com , authfriend jstein@ wrote:

 Gee whiz, is Barry already drunk this early in
 the day?
   Recent comments by azgray[sic]
  Calm down sweetie. Unclench your teeth.
  When you get hysterical like this your spelling
  goes to heck.
 Oooo, he really doesn't like having his spelling
 mistakes pointed out, especially by a woman.

You make me laff.

Let me get this straight 
*I* point out to *you* YOUR spelling mistake in the very 
first line of *your* post. This somehow, in your fantasy 
world, means that I don't like having my spelling 
mistakes pointed out, that my dislike is somehow
exacerbated by your being a woman and that I must  
have castration anxiety and an irrational fear of vaginas
containing teeth.  


You are a very very strange angry bird. Why you take such
bizarre tacks on a spiritual message board I'll never know. 
It sullies the vibe, sucks the oxygen out of the room, and
appeals to the basest of feelings. Shame on you.

You lose.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Walter Cronkite was asked what was his greatest regret

2009-07-22 Thread Mike Dixon

--- On Wed, 7/22/09, WillyTex no_re...@yahoogroups.com wrote:

From: WillyTex no_re...@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Walter Cronkite was asked what was his greatest 
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
Date: Wednesday, July 22, 2009, 8:22 PM


do.rflex wrote:
 Walter Cronkite was asked what was his 
 greatest regret...

It was great to see Cronkite live long 
enough to see the man who rushed him into 
retirement - Rather - get eliminated himself. 

As Rather fell into the gutter he said Is 
this the end of Little Ceasar!? just like 
an old movie actor!

Read more comments:

Radar Online:
http://tinyurl. com/r3m27s 


[FairfieldLife] Re: Narayana Kavach Mantra in TM Initiation Puja

2009-07-22 Thread WillyTex

  All the Self-realized teachers in India
  practice 'TM', but they might not call
  their practice TM, but they all practice
  a meditation that is transcendental.
Bhairitu wrote:
 The term TM means Transcendental Meditation as
 taught by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi. We all said
 that in our intro lectures. Didn't you?

You need to cut the bullshit, Barry - there's no
'TM' - you guys made that up. Everyone on the
planet meditates. There's probably not a person
alive who doesn't once or twice pause to take
stock of their own mental contents. And everyone
is transcending too, all the time, even without
a technique. Meditation is just what intelligent
people do. You're trying to sell water down by
the river.

 Oh that's right you never became a teacher.

I've been a teacher for over fifty years. I was
a Zen Master before I even tried TM, so why would
I want to teach TM? But, I've been teaching a
meditation that is transcendental ever since I
learned TM, but I don't call it TM.

 Self-realized yogis most likely got an
 initiation far removed the TM seven steps.

There's only one Transcendetal, and some of the
Self-realized yogis didn't get intiated by anyone.
But they all realized the Absolute, one way or
another. That's why they are called Vedantists,
they went beyond the material world, they
transcended the world of name and form, they
went beyond the relative, and transcended time
and space.

 They got a guru mantra from their guru who was
 an acharya.

I don't think Shri Aurobindo or the Ramana Marshy
got a guru mantra from anyone, ot that they had
an acharya to get one from.

 This seed mantra is often too powerful to be
 given just to anyone.

Millions of people got a seed mantra or a bija
from the Marshy, and millions of people said
they enjoyed. There must be billions of people
out there who use bija mantras in their
meditation these days. Why are you TMers so

 The guru determines if you can handle one or
 not.  This whole practice is far removed from
 the dime-store meditation at a Neiman-Marcus
 price that TM is that you can't compare the

 BTW, you can transcend watching analog
 television too.  Should we call that
 transcendental meditation too?

According to the Marshy, any technique that
provides an opprotunity for transcending can be
termed Transcendental Meditation.

 IOW, your definition is WAY TOO BROAD!

All the Upanishadic teachers were
transcendentalists. All the Self-realized
masters practiced a meditation that is

[FairfieldLife] Re: Hillary sidelined?

2009-07-22 Thread azgrey
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB no_re...@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, raunchydog raunchydog@
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, azgrey no_reply@ wrote:
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend jstein@ wrote:
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, azgrey no_reply@ wrote:


 Ad hominem.

 You lose Judy. Again.

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend jstein@
  Gee whiz, is Barry already drunk this early in
  the day?
Recent comments by azgray[sic]
   Calm down sweetie. Unclench your teeth.
   When you get hysterical like this your spelling
   goes to heck.
g  r   ey
   Should I type more slowly?
   Maybe you could get somebody to proof read
   your posts before you hit send.
  a s s h o l e

Now *that* is funny.

I believe it will be lost on the humor impaired Raunchy

[FairfieldLife] Re: Hillary sidelined?

2009-07-22 Thread azgrey
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB no_re...@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, raunchydog raunchydog@
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, azgrey no_reply@ wrote:
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend jstein@ wrote:
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, azgrey no_reply@ wrote:


 Ad hominem.

 You lose Judy. Again.

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend jstein@
  Gee whiz, is Barry already drunk this early in
  the day?
Recent comments by azgray[sic]
   Calm down sweetie. Unclench your teeth.
   When you get hysterical like this your spelling
   goes to heck.
g  r   ey
   Should I type more slowly?
   Maybe you could get somebody to proof read
   your posts before you hit send.
  a s s h o l e

Now *that* is funny.

I believe it will be lost on the humor impaired Raunchy

[FairfieldLife] Re: Hillary sidelined?

2009-07-22 Thread azgrey
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend jst...@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB no_reply@ wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, raunchydog raunchydog@
   Vagina Dentata
  What all you pseudofeminists wish for.  :-)
 Only to cut the misogynists down to size. Men
 who really dig women have nothing to fear.

Men who really dig women have an intuitive
skill-in-action of never associating with 
women who fantasize about mythical forms
of castration. You are a Jungian analyst's
dream come true.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Solar eclipse pits superstition against science

2009-07-22 Thread Robert
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, shempmcgurk shempmcg...@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, do.rflex do.rflex@ wrote:
  In Hindu mythology, the two demons Rahu and Ketu are said to swallow the 
  sun during eclipses, snuffing out its life-giving light and causing food to 
  become inedible and water undrinkable.
 Well in Gibson mythology (as in Mel) a solar eclispse means that the gods 
 are satisfied and this ends the sacrificing of humans.
 Anyone else see Apocalypto?  An incredible movie, it really should have 
 been nominated for at least best foreign language film (not a word of English 
 is spoken) or best picture.  Of course, this was rights around when he had 
 his anti-semitic incident which put the Kabosh on the whole thing.
 As far as I'm concerned it WAS the best picture of the year.

There is a kind of table/platform, in Tulum, Mexico...one of the last Mayan 
settlements, on the coast...a really beautiful, wild area...
Last time I was there, I met an Italian guy, living on the beach, with a harem 
of girls, in his midst, on the windy beach...not a bad life...he was in his 

Anyway, from what I heard, back in he day of the Mayan:
The 'young maiden girls'...girls 13-14 years old, used to vie for the 'honor' 
of being sacrificed...
They musta had a slightly different world view...hard for us to imagine.

Then there's the magnificent Mayan site at Chitzen Itza, Yucatan, Mexico, where 
if you climb to the top of the pyramid, you can see, for many miles, in all 
directions...and the energy, standing at the top of the pyramid, incredible... 
...worth the trip...but wait...on the bus ride there...you see these
  Native Indians, living in the area, hawking armadillos, chasing th bus, which 
I heard the eat down there...too gross for words!
The people live in privitive thatched roof huts, like they have for at least  a 
thousand years...really like going back in time.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Perception vs. Reality

2009-07-22 Thread azgrey
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB no_re...@... wrote:

  Her fantasies always revolve
  around how her enemies fear her
  and are devastated by her
  shouted insults
  There's a shopping cart lady on my block
  who believes the same thing
  The only differences between her
  and Judy Stein
  as far as I can tell
  are that 1) the shopping cart lady
  has no Internet connection
  and 2) the shopping cart lady,
  in her sane moments,
  knows that no one pays any attention
  to anything she says
  The shopping cart lady is
  IMO far more sane
  and far more evolved
  than Judy Stein
  Anyone who believes
  that the people who are laughing at her
  are doing so out of fear
  is one step away
  from living the rest of her life
  out of a shopping cart
  When Judy finally stops posting
  to Fairfield Life
  you'll know why
  and who she's yelling at now
  But it'll be in New Jersey,
  not Spain,
  so even on that count
  my local shopping cart lady

You have read her longer than I.

Did her writings ever indicate a firmer grip
on reality? Fear and shouted insults indeed.
I think she actually believes it. It seems like she 
really believes she inspires fear in people whose
contact with her is thru photons and electrons
over fiber-optic cable and copper wire.
Brunhilde with an Intel chip on her shoulder.
Should she ever become more self-aware she
will realize she inspires laughter and pity. 

At least your local shopping cart lady has a 
possibility of someday actually engaging in
civil conversation.  

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Narayana Kavach Mantra in TM Initiation Puja

2009-07-22 Thread Bhairitu
WillyTex wrote:
 All the Self-realized teachers in India
 practice 'TM', but they might not call
 their practice TM, but they all practice
 a meditation that is transcendental.

 Bhairitu wrote:
 The term TM means Transcendental Meditation as
 taught by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi. We all said
 that in our intro lectures. Didn't you?

 You need to cut the bullshit, Barry - there's no
 'TM' - you guys made that up. Everyone on the
 planet meditates. There's probably not a person
 alive who doesn't once or twice pause to take
 stock of their own mental contents. And everyone
 is transcending too, all the time, even without
 a technique. Meditation is just what intelligent
 people do. You're trying to sell water down by
 the river.

Does this mean that everybody is a Texan too (perish the thought)?
 Oh that's right you never became a teacher.

 I've been a teacher for over fifty years. I was
 a Zen Master before I even tried TM, so why would
 I want to teach TM? But, I've been teaching a
 meditation that is transcendental ever since I
 learned TM, but I don't call it TM.
I'll have to ask my Zen friends if they've every heard of you.  I think 
you'll full of shit.
 Self-realized yogis most likely got an
 initiation far removed the TM seven steps.

 There's only one Transcendetal, and some of the
 Self-realized yogis didn't get intiated by anyone.
 But they all realized the Absolute, one way or
 another. That's why they are called Vedantists,
 they went beyond the material world, they
 transcended the world of name and form, they
 went beyond the relative, and transcended time
 and space.
So you are trying to put boundaries on the boundless?  What kind of Zen 
is that?
 They got a guru mantra from their guru who was
 an acharya.

 I don't think Shri Aurobindo or the Ramana Marshy
 got a guru mantra from anyone, ot that they had
 an acharya to get one from.

Are you sure?  Did they teach mantra meditation?  I don't recall Ramana 
Maharishi did or are you referring to someone who hung out in the marsh 
 This seed mantra is often too powerful to be
 given just to anyone.

 Millions of people got a seed mantra or a bija
 from the Marshy, and millions of people said
 they enjoyed. There must be billions of people
 out there who use bija mantras in their
 meditation these days. Why are you TMers so
The term seed mantra means guru mantra not beej mantra.
 The guru determines if you can handle one or
 not.  This whole practice is far removed from
 the dime-store meditation at a Neiman-Marcus
 price that TM is that you can't compare the

 BTW, you can transcend watching analog
 television too.  Should we call that
 transcendental meditation too?

 According to the Marshy, any technique that
 provides an opprotunity for transcending can be
 termed Transcendental Meditation.
So he wouldn't cared if the Shivananda Center said they were teaching 
Transcendental Meditaton on their posters?  Somehow I don't think so.
 IOW, your definition is WAY TOO BROAD!


 All the Upanishadic teachers were
 transcendentalists. All the Self-realized
 masters practiced a meditation that is
Is that so?

[FairfieldLife] Re: MUM enrollment etc

2009-07-22 Thread scienceofabundance
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Robert babajii...@... wrote:

 So, you're saying the size does matter?

Well, yes.  However, it actually matters more to women than to gay men, because 
(as is well known) gay men are better endowed than straight men.

Although this was not part of your question, the issue of size has given rise 
to some very consistent research findings over the last two decades.  

Most women get along very well with gay men. However, there has always been a 
small minority of women who seem to highly (I mean over-the-top) despise gay 
men and seem to particularly rant about gay men to their boyfriends. For a long 
time the reason(s) for this baffled the most  rigorous research scientists, but 
a consistent series of results providing a reason for this has now been 
accepted by research professionals. Apparently, these women all shared one 
common life experience when they were part of these research studies - they 
were dating men with extremely small penises - I mean _extremely_ small, real 
piddly little ones. 

Follow-up research clearly showed that when these women were later interviewed, 
only those who were still dating men with small penises had retained their 
negative attitude towards gay men.  Women who were dating men with average or 
bigger penises showed no trace of such animosity. In fact, some denied ever 
having had negative feelings towards gay men!!

Fascinating, isn't it?  It's a weird world we live in, but it's good to know 
why people behave in a certain way when we're with them so then we can be more 
tolerant and loving and compassionate and considerate and caring and gentle and 
not take things personally.


[FairfieldLife] Re: 'Oakland Approves Tax on Marijuana'

2009-07-22 Thread Robert
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu noozg...@... wrote:

 Robert wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, John jr_esq@ wrote:

  The people who are paying these taxes will have to realize that marijuana 
  is still illegal in the eyes of the federal government.  They may get 
  nabbed by federal agents if they're not careful, or clueless.
  The Obama administration has called off the Reagan dogs, in regards to the 
  Feds, breaking into clinics in California...
  They are taking the position, that the states have a right to their vote...
  So, I doubt the Feds are interested in pursuing marijuana cases...
  The District Attorney of Dane Co. in Madison, WI, has refused to prosecute 
  marijuana cases here...
  Also, marijuana is decriminalized in Denver, Colorado, because the police 
  chief there, finds it less harmful then alcohol, and causing less violence, 
  accidents and everything associated with alcohol...
 Yeh, let's all get stoned and got tear down the town .. or maybe go 
 grab something to eat instead.  ;-)

...marijuana generally elicits a peaceful response in people, and sometimes, 
will open up the higher chakras...

There was no one tearing anything down at Woodstock...

Alcohol, on the other hand, leads people down all kinds of dark roads...because 
it cuts off the higher chakras, and empowers the lower ones...it is associated 
with all kinds of violence and even demonic possessions and 'Black-Outs', where 
the soul actually leaves the body, and people do things, that they don't even 
remember doing...
When you go into a bar, you are opening yourself to all kinds of bad influences 
there...it's just a fact.
Alcohol and pharm drugs have become the mainstream in keeping Americans drunk 
and sleep walking
Check out what happened in the 1800's, when the drunken Irish mobs, burnt down 
the black sections of New York City...
Check out how the Nazis, used to get drunk, before doing their demonic 
deeds...and in order to black out their memories of such deeds...
Marijuana needs to be legalized in the United States, and this would be a 
necessary step, in cleaning up the mafia influence, as well as the medicinal 
benefits, which would replace, many more harmful and addictive pharma drugs...

[FairfieldLife] Re: MUM enrollment etc

2009-07-22 Thread azgrey
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, scienceofabundance no_re...@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB no_reply@ wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Robert babajii_99@ wrote:
   I know this is sacrilegious, but I can't help it:
   Mantra for Gays: Shri Homo Homo Namah Om
   Mantra for Lesbians: Shri Femme Femme Namah Om
  Mantra for Hillary lovers who can't let go:
  Shri Butch Butch Namah Swoon
  As someone who chose the gay lifestyle having carefully considered all 
  other options available to me, I consider the above to be highly, highly 
  sacrilegious, blasphemous, profane, heretical, and irreverent.
 However, I have been having somewhat of a dry spell recently, so I think I'll 
 give #1 a shot.

As someone who is a confirmed hetero whose attitude
towards the gay lifestyle is live and let live, I dig the
sense of humor you display on FFL. I would wager it 
was a considerable internal help in your TMO days. 
You crack me up. Thanks.

[FairfieldLife] Shemp is OUTRAGED by himself.

2009-07-22 Thread off_world_beings

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
mailto:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com , shempmcgurk shempmcg...@...

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
mailto:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com , off_world_beings no_reply@
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
mailto:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com , shempmcgurk shempmcgurk@


   Well, then, I'm confused because it was only a few short weeks ago
  that you were complaining that I was outing you by using your real
  name in a post
  Lying does not help your argument. The only time I was angry was
  you gave my name and location to someone seeking money for a scam,
  pretended to be me, as if I was offering him to come stay and have
  money (all of which is a crime by the way.) You act like a low life,
  scumbag, a troll, and a dirty old man. I am sure you are not like
  Your nastiness is eating away at your stomach and your brain, and
  can feel it can't you?
  Put your name up, set yourself free from your cowardly self Mr.

Shemp is OUTRAGED ... by himself:
When exactly did I do all this? ! ! When did I pretend to be you and
give your name and location to someone who would bilk you in a scam? ! !
What are you talking about? ! !

Its right here:
Its message 203411 of FFL.


[FairfieldLife] 'Frozen still, in all of the possibilities...'

2009-07-22 Thread Robert
 By Gillian MacBeth-Louthan

As we move thru this year, the weight of our do’s and don’ts seem to
get heavier, denser and more solid than anytime in the past.  They
gather around and cement themselves at our feet, creating an immovable
sinking feeling.

Our intentions chomp at the bit, our soul gives us the green light,
but our human little self-stands tall and still.  We sink deeper and
deeper into despair and dis-repair, as we beat ourselves with the
proverbial wet noodle.  We spend vast amounts of energy disagreeing
with ourselves, our shoulds, and our suppose to's.

Trying to tame what seems to be the wild beast of indecision, the
monster that holds us back, always blocking our way into happiness,
into love, and into abundance.  With the amount of energy that we
spend on arguing with ourselves, we could build malls, erect towers,
sculpt obelisks, and maybe even a great pyramid or two.

Yet still we stand still, as we sink deeper in the quicksand of
immobility, into the quagmire of non-action.  We continually sabotage
our dreams our desires, our future, in an effort to save the
rainforests of the old self.  We hold tight to that which once served
us.  Numbing our ability to move into the new, the shinier, and the
bright future of our dreams.  Why are we afraid to move forward?  Why
are we afraid to take action, to act on?

Everyone on earth is feeling the transformation.  We all know that
there is no staying in the comfort zone, the null and void zone.  We
know it is time to get up off the benches of the old self of the past
and move into the playing field of the new, the now.  Yet when it
comes our turn to bat, we freeze.  Frozen still in all of the
possibilities, the new doorways the wonders of our future.  Embracing
our ‘Popsicle consciousness’.  Like Frosty the snowman, waiting
fearfully for spring, knowing the change is inevitable.  Frosty could
move into a pattern that assisted this change, but chooses not to.

Humanity is destined and designed to change and for change.  Like
water, we each have the potential to experience many forms.  We have
our liquid days, our solid days, our vaporous days, and our evaporated
days.  We can be as an iceberg, a stream, a cloud, a raindrop, mist,
or an ocean.  We are 90% water.  We ebb and flow with every new
thought, every sunrise, and every storm, every eclipse.  Yet year
after year, we yearn to stay still, stay stuck, stay constant and in
our comfort zone.  The only true constant that we really have is the
fact that we will always shift and change!

Understand that the restlessness and yearning within you are
promptings and pushings from the Universe (aka God).  Gentle reminders
it is time to let go, it is time to go and it is time to change.
Resistance is no longer fertile.  Nothing can grow in your
resistance.  Embrace the word ‘Action” (I act on).  You are not moving
into a future that is less than; change always walks hand and hand
with the energy of ‘more.’ You can be nothing less, but you can always
(all ways) be more.

Gillian MacBeth-Louthan


[FairfieldLife] Alex and the Ad Hominums ----was/// Meat-eaters get OWNED !

2009-07-22 Thread off_world_beings

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
mailto:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com , Alex Stanley
j_alexander_stan...@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
mailto:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com , off_world_beings no_reply@
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
mailto:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com  , Alex Stanley
  j_alexander_stanley@ wrote:
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
mailto:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com  , off_world_beings no_reply@
Meat-eaters get OWNED -- bigtime ! Watch it and weep Turq.
   The only thing weep-worthy in that video is the shitty editing
   and the guy's non-existent grasp of science or reality.
  Ha ha, the stupid meat-eaters like Alex and Turq. are grasping at
  straws, still trying to say the Earth is flat:

 Biologically, humans are omnivores

No they are not onmivors, you have been brainwashed. Do more research.

Other great apes, like chimps and gorillas, are also omnivorous to
varying degrees.

No they are not. You are being duped. Do more research.

Not that a dimwitted, anti-intellectual troll like Tom Barlow has even
the slightest capacity to understand basic science,

Good job with the ad-hominum Alex. You loose the argument that way. All
intellectuals agree with me on this - that when you use ad hominum
attacks it is because you have lost the arguement. Do more research.





[FairfieldLife] Eating Red Meat Can Spur Cancer Progression: New Mechanism Identified

2009-07-22 Thread off_world_beings

How Eating Red Meat Can Spur Cancer Progression: New Mechanism Identified:



Re: [FairfieldLife] Eating Red Meat Can Spur Cancer Progression: New Mechanism Identified

2009-07-22 Thread Sal Sunshine

On Jul 22, 2009, at 9:28 PM, off_world_beings wrote:

How Eating Red Meat Can Spur Cancer Progression: New Mechanism  

So can breathing.  I hear tell that if you stop
breathing you considerably lower your chances
of getting lung cancer.


[FairfieldLife] Re: MUM enrollment etc

2009-07-22 Thread off_world_beings

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, azgrey no_re...@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, scienceofabundance no_reply@
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB no_reply@ wrote:
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Robert babajii_99@
I know this is sacrilegious, but I can't help it:
Mantra for Gays: Shri Homo Homo Namah Om
Mantra for Lesbians: Shri Femme Femme Namah Om
   Mantra for Hillary lovers who can't let go:
   Shri Butch Butch Namah Swoon
   As someone who chose the gay lifestyle having carefully
considered all other options available to me, I consider the above to be
highly, highly sacrilegious, blasphemous, profane, heretical, and
  However, I have been having somewhat of a dry spell recently, so I
think I'll give #1 a shot.

 As someone who is a confirmed hetero whose attitude
 towards the gay lifestyle is live and let live, I dig the
 sense of humor you display on FFL. I would wager it
 was a considerable internal help in your TMO days.
 You crack me up. Thanks.

Nah, its just a bunch of old farts with very little humor. I've nothing
against it like, but its just not funny. Its like 14 year old boys
humor, and there is nothing funny about it no matter how you look at it.
All angles of inquiry merely reveal low levels of humor capability here.
Even a postmordernist comedian cannot find this funny. Not even a novice
comic could be so lacking in comic creativity. Nothing against it guys,
but its not funny. No really. Try that on YouTube or somewhere and you
will get so hammered by the audience.

Sorry guys, stick to your old grumpy stuff, you're better at that.


[FairfieldLife] Re: Eating Red Meat Can Spur Cancer Progression: New Mechanism Identified

2009-07-22 Thread off_world_beings

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
mailto:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com , Sal Sunshine salsunsh...@...

 On Jul 22, 2009, at 9:28 PM, off_world_beings wrote:

  How Eating Red Meat Can Spur Cancer Progression: New Mechanism

 So can breathing.  I hear tell that if you stop
 breathing you considerably lower your chances
 of getting lung cancer.

I stopped breathing many times today. No cancer happened :-)



[FairfieldLife] Re: MUM enrollment etc

2009-07-22 Thread Robert
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, scienceofabundance no_re...@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Robert babajii_99@ wrote:
  So, you're saying the size does matter?
 Well, yes.  However, it actually matters more to women than to gay men, 
 because (as is well known) gay men are better endowed than straight men.
 Although this was not part of your question, the issue of size has given rise 
 to some very consistent research findings over the last two decades.  
 Most women get along very well with gay men. However, there has always been a 
 small minority of women who seem to highly (I mean over-the-top) despise gay 
 men and seem to particularly rant about gay men to their boyfriends. For a 
 long time the reason(s) for this baffled the most  rigorous research 
 scientists, but a consistent series of results providing a reason for this 
 has now been accepted by research professionals. Apparently, these women all 
 shared one common life experience when they were part of these research 
 studies - they were dating men with extremely small penises - I mean 
 _extremely_ small, real piddly little ones. 
 Follow-up research clearly showed that when these women were later 
 interviewed, only those who were still dating men with small penises had 
 retained their negative attitude towards gay men.  Women who were dating men 
 with average or bigger penises showed no trace of such animosity. In fact, 
 some denied ever having had negative feelings towards gay men!!
 Fascinating, isn't it?  It's a weird world we live in, but it's good to know 
 why people behave in a certain way when we're with them so then we can be 
 more tolerant and loving and compassionate and considerate and caring and 
 gentle and not take things personally.

Yes, Thank you, Mr. President of Sex, 
Could I have a follow-up question, please?
(pause for answer)

[FairfieldLife] Re: Eating Red Meat Can Spur Cancer Progression: New Mechanism Identified

2009-07-22 Thread Robert
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, off_world_beings no_re...@... wrote:

 How Eating Red Meat Can Spur Cancer Progression: New Mechanism Identified:

This reminds me of Robert's classic antidote for a good break, from meat 

Two words:
Rice  Dahl...

[FairfieldLife] Re: MUM enrollment etc

2009-07-22 Thread Robert
- I hereby take back, my attempt at the childish humor, which you correctly 
I will hereby, make every attempt, to check my judgment at the door, in regards 
to peoples, persons, humans and others, of their sexual preference or lack of 
Robert G.

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