Re: [FairfieldLife] Not so Farsighted...

2014-10-12 Thread 'Richard J. Williams7; [FairfieldLife]

On 10/12/2014 1:07 PM, salyavin808 wrote:

Well Bhairitu, I've started perusing the videos on the remote viewing 
site and it's hard to convey how unimpressive it is.

/You failed to address the important issue, again: was the WTC attack an 
"inside job" in a conspiracy with the U.S. Government and the Israeli 
Mossad? According to Duveyoung, if you don't believe this you are 

"If you don't agree with every single word of this guy's rant, YOU'RE 

Duveyoung Wed, 08 Oct 2014 10:02:10 -0700

O'Keefe denied the plausibility that the September 11 attacks were 
committed by Osama bin Laden and the 19 hijackers. He claimed it was an 
inside job and that the US government and intelligence agencies, 
including Mossad were responsible.

Subject: OT: Israel
From: John Manning
Group: alt.meditation.transcendental
Date: 8/8/2003

Debunking the 9/11 Myths: Special Report:

The Pyramid one for instance starts with a lecture about not waiting 
for authority to disclose things but finding them out for yourself. 
And then asks you to take his word for it! The following babble is 
unbelievably clueless, talk of using sound to hover blocks of stone, 
battling alien races (where did they go and why did they leave no 
trace?) and worldwide slave labour! All to solve what isn't really a 
mystery - the pyramids weren't built with slaves and the stone was 
quarried nearby in the usual fashion with bronze axes and chisels, 
loads of which are lying around still.

Pervading it all is this same elite smugness that I see with the 9/11 
"truthers". That only they know the truth and you are stupid sheeple 
for believing the "authorities" version of what happened. They never 
finish the sentence by saying we should follow their authority 
instead. And a highly unorthodox and impossible to verify one at that.

I always found it insulting to our ancestors that we can't credit them 
with enough wherewithal to build a few huge monuments, I know it's a 
backhanded compliment but it does us no credit to assume that just 
because we couldn't get organisation like that together there's no way 
they could have, we didn't have the sort of devotional society they 
had. They may not even have had minds that worked in the same way as us.

Whatever the RV'ers daydream, the pyramids were built by humans. Don't 
let other people do your thinking for you, Brown's claim that the 
smart people in the military don't abandon things that don't work is 
correct, which is why they stopped research with these guys in the 
first place, and that was just for stuff they were looking for in 
Afghanistan, these guys are talking about things that happened decades 
or millennia ago and just taking the visions as fact!

His smugness and conviction might distract some from the fact there is 
no corroborating evidence but that's the first thing I look for when 
faced with a revolutionary idea. So I'll wait till someone digs up 
some of the aliens that allegedly helped or anything that shows that 
people couldn't have done it unaided but we already know they did! I 
remain unconvinced.

The Farsight Institute | Remote Viewing Nonprofit Research & Education 


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Re: [FairfieldLife] Not so Farsighted...

2014-10-12 Thread 'Richard J. Williams7; [FairfieldLife]
On 10/12/2014 2:49 PM, Bhairitu [FairfieldLife] 


I'm now more interested in psychological studies to find why people 
get so upset with folks who like to investigate things like 9-11.

/So, now you've changed your mind about the "conspiracy" and you admit 
there was an attack on the WTC using planes? //

It seems to be some form of psychosis.  If I'm a "truther" does that 
make you a "liar"? :-D

/Non sequitur. It has already been established that ///"If you don't 
agree with every single word of this guy's rant, YOU'RE FUCKED UP IN THE 

Duveyoung Wed, 08 Oct 2014 10:02:10 -0700

BTW, we're not being smug, just raising questions and trying to make 
folks aware of some things.  The smugness is in your head.

/"O'Keefe denied the plausibility that the September 11 attacks were 
committed by Osama bin Laden and the 19 hijackers. He claimed it was an 
inside job and that the US government and intelligence agencies, 
including Mossad were responsible."/


On 10/12/2014 11:07 AM, salyavin808 wrote:

Well Bhairitu, I've started perusing the videos on the remote viewing 
site and it's hard to convey how unimpressive it is.

The Pyramid one for instance starts with a lecture about not waiting 
for authority to disclose things but finding them out for yourself. 
And then asks you to take his word for it! The following babble is 
unbelievably clueless, talk of using sound to hover blocks of stone, 
battling alien races (where did they go and why did they leave no 
trace?) and worldwide slave labour! All to solve what isn't really a 
mystery - the pyramids weren't built with slaves and the stone was 
quarried nearby in the usual fashion with bronze axes and chisels, 
loads of which are lying around still.

Pervading it all is this same elite smugness that I see with the 9/11 
"truthers". That only they know the truth and you are stupid sheeple 
for believing the "authorities" version of what happened. They never 
finish the sentence by saying we should follow their authority 
instead. And a highly unorthodox and impossible to verify one at that.

I always found it insulting to our ancestors that we can't credit 
them with enough wherewithal to build a few huge monuments, I know 
it's a backhanded compliment but it does us no credit to assume that 
just because we couldn't get organisation like that together there's 
no way they could have, we didn't have the sort of devotional society 
they had. They may not even have had minds that worked in the same 
way as us.

Whatever the RV'ers daydream, the pyramids were built by humans. 
Don't let other people do your thinking for you, Brown's claim that 
the smart people in the military don't abandon things that don't work 
is correct, which is why they stopped research with these guys in the 
first place, and that was just for stuff they were looking for in 
Afghanistan, these guys are talking about things that happened 
decades or millennia ago and just taking the visions as fact!

His smugness and conviction might distract some from the fact there 
is no corroborating evidence but that's the first thing I look for 
when faced with a revolutionary idea. So I'll wait till someone digs 
up some of the aliens that allegedly helped or anything that shows 
that people couldn't have done it unaided but we already know they 
did! I remain unconvinced.

The Farsight Institute | Remote Viewing Nonprofit Research & 


The Farsight Institute | Remote Viewing Nonprofit... 

Available NOW! Farsight's Latest Project, the Best Ever! Farsight 
Planet 2014 and The Great Pyramid of Giza

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[FairfieldLife] Warning! Avoid Public Places [1 Attachment]

2014-10-12 Thread 'Richard J. Williams7; [FairfieldLife]
NEW YORK --- Police said a man climbed out of a sidewalk grate and 
hurled a smoke bomb into a Greenwich Village restaurant Friday evening, 
before climbing back underground and vanishing...

'Police: Man Climbs Out Of Grate, Throws Smoke Bombs In Greenwich 
Village Restaurant'

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: The Fall Of Baghdad

2014-10-12 Thread 'Richard J. Williams7; [FairfieldLife]

On 10/12/2014 1:33 PM, [FairfieldLife] wrote:

Shrug. We have no idea what American Indian civilization would be like 
500+ years later.

/Non sequitur. The U.S. and its allies had won the war against al Qaeda 
in Iraq, according to Obama and Biden. Now just a year later we've lost 
everything. /

"America's plans to fight Islamic State are in ruins as the militant 
group's fighters come close to capturing Kobani and have inflicted a 
heavy defeat on the Iraqi army west of Baghdad. The US-led air attacks 
launched against Islamic State (also known as Isis) on 8 August in Iraq 
and 23 September in Syria have not worked."

'War against Isis: US strategy in tatters as militants march on'

And certainly, ISIS is a primitive, violent group of thugs by modern 

My only point is that you don't have to go very far back to see the 
same kind of behavior from the West, so the sense of smug superiority 
I get from some people is not particuarly supportable.

Certainly, it's not terribly useful. We have to work with moderate 
Muslims to solve the issues, and the "we're so much better than the 
ragheads" attitude isn't helping any.


---In,  wrote :

Sounds like you're justifying ISIS's actions. True, that was typical 
of conquering armies in the past due to the practicality of waging 
war. However we consider our selves a *bit* more civilized today. We 
don't target innocent civilians, force them to convert and then kill 
them anyway, we don't steel supplies, we buy it if we don't bring it 
and we observe a uniform code of  military conduct observed by almost 
all nations. Even they said *nobody owned the land*, so it wasn't theirs either by 
their own logic. We did give them about 24 dollars and some beads for 
Manhattan and perpetual welfare for  next to eternity along with a 
reservation if they wanted to stay there. Not saying it was a good 
deal for NAs, but it was the best that could offered at the time. Had 
Europeans never made it to the Americas, they, NAs, would still be 
living in the stone age today, chasing buffalo herds on foot, living 
in *harmony* with nature, and killing each other over hunting grounds. 
Some times *change* requires a phase transition.

On Saturday, October 11, 2014 8:24 PM, "LEnglish5@... [FairfieldLife]" 

Christian Crusaders did the same thing, and don't fool yourself, if 
Americans ever "conquered" a country, we'd do the same thing too.

Ask any American Indian tribe if you need examples.


---In,  wrote :

They're supplied the same way Mohammed supplied his *army*. They just 
take whatever they want, wherever they go. Whether it's money from 
banks, food from stockpiles, or weapons, ammunition and 
transportation from Iraqi army bases. This is your Islamic *work 
ethic*. Real work is for mensches.

On Saturday, October 11, 2014 2:18 PM, "'Richard J. Williams' 
punditster@... [FairfieldLife]"  wrote:

On 10/11/2014 2:42 PM, jr_esq@...  [FairfieldLife] 

Something is wrong with the US generals' assessment of ISIS.

/There is no good news coming out of the Middle East - the
U.S. supports the Saudis who are Shite Muslims; and at the
same time Iranians support the Shiite in Baghdad. But, the
ISIS are Sunnis who hate everyone, Muslim and infidel alike.
Then, there's Assad to deal with. The only bright spot over
there is Israel, the only democracy in the whole Middle East.
Go figure.

How is it possible for the militants to continue fighting in
Iraq and Syria with supposedly only 30,000 fighters?

It appears that the militant rebels in or near Baghdad are
self-sufficient to fight on their own without help from their
Syrian headquarters.  So, that means they're getting food,
supplies and ammunition within Baghdad itself.

I wouldn't be surprised if a secret faction within the ISF is
providing the weapons and ammunition to fight the loyal
troopers of Iraq.


/"Without large numbers of American troops on the ground in
Iraq, we lack the ability to choose targets, to rebuild the
capacity of the Iraqi Army quickly and successfully, to
constrain the Shiite government from pursuing a sectarian
agenda. Without large numbers of troops in Syria, we are
unable to distinguish between friend and foe, to train and
direct non-Qaeda opposition forces, to address the
humanitarian crisis, and to prepare for—and hasten—a world
without Bashar Assad."/

'Only American ground troops can defeat the Islamic State'
The Washington Free Beacon:

[FairfieldLife] Ebola, the new ISIS [1 Attachment]

2014-10-12 Thread 'Richard J. Williams7; [FairfieldLife]
/"There are already more than 350 U.S. troops on the ground in West 
Africa, mostly in Liberia, including a handful from the 101st."/

U.S. military faces new kind of threat with Ebola:

/U.S. Army soldiers from the 101st Airborne Division (Air Assault)/

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: King Tony's Pedigree

2014-10-12 Thread 'Richard J. Williams7; [FairfieldLife]

On 10/12/2014 2:42 PM, [FairfieldLife] wrote:

I believe he said "We are against it" (not to say that he did not also 
say your quote).

/At one time MMY said he was "opposed to reincarnation", implying that 
anyone who became a siddha would not have to be reincarnated again - 
they would be liberated from the endless cycle of rebirth.//Apparently 
the idea of reincarnation was invented by the historical Buddha. Go figure.

//According to my professor Dr. Olivelle, "...the origin of the concept 
of the cycle of birth and death, the concept of samsara, and the concept 
of liberation in the Indian tradition, were in part the creation of the 
non-Vedic Shramana tradition."/


Dr. Patrick Olivelle, the translator of the Upaishads, is the Chair, 
Department of Asian Studies, and Director, Center for Asian Studies, at 
the University of Texas at Austin.

Works cited:

Flood, Gavin. Olivelle, Patrick. 2003. The Blackwell Companion to 
Hinduism. Malden: Blackwell. pg. 273-4.


Being "against it" to me is far richer in meaning, funnier, and to me 
characterizes his style of communication.  He spoke with different 
levels of meaning, with double (and triple) entendre (not sexual in 
instances that I heard).  His quip was funny, decoupling his words 
 from esoteria suitable for their focus on modern educated audiences, 
yet still conveying (what I believe) he meant.

Being against it means he was promoting a method (in his mind) that 
made reincarnation unnecessary.  If asked if he believed in the 
existance any curable disease, a witty doctor might say the same.

This is instructive (to me) -- a message that his, and any teacher's 
words need to be carefully parsed, not over generalized, viewed in its 
specific context and for what audience, don't assume its the full 
teach or truth being conveyed, and most importantly, loosen up, let 
your sense of humor blossom (more).

His is I believe the traditional view that the seeds of reincarnation 
(the vast mountain of karma -- both the small chunk bitten off in this 
life (prarabdha karma) as well as the remainder of the huge yet to be 
dealt with (sanchita karma) are burned by the fires of knowledge (from 

(And personally I do not count anything M said as authoritative. Nor 
that of (much) of any teacher or source of knowledge (or words). But 
for me, he did provide some useful starting points for personal 
investigation and validation.)

Quick aside: paraphrasing an early day's conversation:
M: we all have a mountain of karma.
CLutes (apparently believing he was quite far along on the path): "M, 
do I have a mountain of karma?"

M: "You Charlie have more like a huge mountain range."

What are the fires of knowledge? A number of possibilities, not 
necessarily mutually exclusive:

  * understanding and knowledge,
  * transcending,
  * kundalini rising and burning all latent samskaras in the chakras,
culminating in the blooming of the crown chakra,
  * grace of a fully realized teacher,
  * grace of the divine
  * other stuff

And does "no reincarnation" mean no more individuality after the body 

(And my position is at least sympathetic with uber atheist Sam Harris 
who said in a funny quip, at a conference on death ( or something) 
with speakers across a full spectrum of views, paraphrasing "The key 
thing is we will all dance around the question and weave greatly 
nuanced and intricate answers, but the bottom line is none of us know 
what really happens when the physical body dies."

Reincarnation in human form does not preclude continuation of inner 
evolution in many astral and causal planes (Autobio of Yogi has good 
discussion of this).

And is Moksha / Liberation (that is, all Sanchita Karma (the whole 
range, the big enchilada) is burned / roasted)  the same as 
"enlightenment"?  I suggest Liberation is the ultimate real thing, 
with a clear criteria. Enlightenment, at what ever stage, not so much. 
That is not to discount the freedom and contentment of any such stages 
and states.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: King Tony's Pedigree

2014-10-12 Thread 'Richard J. Williams7; [FairfieldLife]
On 10/12/2014 2:56 PM, Bhairitu [FairfieldLife] 
I don't know if Billy, you hijacked the thread or not but 
"reincarnation is for the ignorant" is a typical Indian belief.  I 
wasn't even aware of it until I saw a Nat Geo or Discover channel 
documentary on funerals in different countries and they covered the 
burning ghats in Varanasi which I've seen.  They mentioned that people 
come there to be cremated so they don't reincarnate but gurus aren't 
allowed because they gurus to come back and keep teaching.  Weird uh?

/You are not even making any sense - almost everyone in India believes 
in reincarnation; it's one of the leading tenets of Hinduism and 
Buddhism.//It's also one of the main tenets of Yoga - to liberate 
oneself from the binding cycle of birth, death and rebirth. Not sure how 
you were able to sneak into the burning ghats at Varanasi//- tourists 
aren't usually allowed in there just to look around./

/According to Hindu traditions, the reasons for preferring to destroy 
the corpse by fire, over burying it into ground, is to induce a feeling 
of detachment into the freshly disembodied spirit, which will be helpful 
to encourage it into passing to its next destination, lest it remain 
near its former body.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Not so Farsighted...

2014-10-12 Thread 'Richard J. Williams7; [FairfieldLife]
On 10/12/2014 5:16 PM, Bhairitu [FairfieldLife] 

Yeah, Courtney can be a little hard to take but I watched the videos 
to see how they were doing their RV.  I got the "real deal" in tantra 
but we just call it "intuition" and the different ways you use it.

/You are not even making any sense today. Was your tantra teacher a 
Truther? It would make an interesting study to find out why a tantra 
teacher would be teaching conspiracy theories instead of giving out 
mantras. Go figure./


On 10/12/2014 01:46 PM, salyavin808 wrote:

---In,  wrote :

I'm now more interested in psychological studies to find why people 
get so upset with folks who like to investigate things like 9-11.  It 
seems to be some form of psychosis.  If I'm a "truther" does that 
make you a "liar"? :-D

Upset? Not me, I'm investigating it too, or rather I'm checking the 
claims made by people who think they can find answers by looking into 
the past somehow. So far I can't see that that is what they are 
doing. Are the 9/11 claims more realistic than the Egyptian ones? 
With the lack of corroborating evidence it seems the only way to 
agree is if you've decided there is a conspiracy of some sort anyway, 
it's not like there is a measurable standard of evidence being used here.

BTW, we're not being smug, just raising questions and trying to make 
folks aware of some things. The smugness is in your head.

That was an observation not an accusation. But do seem unaware that 
what you have about 9/11 is unproven accusations and not any sort of 

But the guy in the video is /very/ smug, and /very/ elitist. The 
whole thing smacks of a "we are smarter than you because we know this 
and you stupid people just swallow what the 'authorities' tell you". 
I either agree with Courtney Brown or I'm letting other people think 
for me. I see another choice.

What all this basically lacks is an explanation of just where the 
past is supposed to be. The second law of thermodynamics tells us it 
aint there no more, so just where these guys go in their heads is 
beyond me. And there's no corroborating evidence for the claims made 
obviously. And an explanation for how it might work, even in linear 
time, might be nice.

But as I always say, we need to sort the signal from the noise and 
that will take corrobarative evidence, maybe they could point to 
where something made of an alien technology is buried so we could go 
dig it up? That would be convincing. But as it is they are making an 
argument from personal incredulity and should spend a bit more time 
reading about Egypt before concluding our ancestors couldn't have 
done it all themselves. Egyptologists (the authorities) hate the 
Johnny-come-lately's who stroll onto the Giza plateau and declare 
aliens must have been involved or whatever.

I wish history was all as easy to understand as RVers claim and this 
is the problem, they claim it's efficient knowledge and better than 
that gained by trained archaeologists. Can you imagine if this sort 
of thinking took over the education system? The internet is where 
this belongs, and all that that entails.. ...

Conclusion: I don't think this is a good place to look if you want 
answers to what you see as the questions about 9/11. Or anything.

On 10/12/2014 11:07 AM, salyavin808 wrote:

Well Bhairitu, I've started perusing the videos on the remote 
viewing site and it's hard to convey how unimpressive it is.

The Pyramid one for instance starts with a lecture about not waiting 
for authority to disclose things but finding them out for yourself. 
And then asks you to take his word for it! The following babble is 
unbelievably clueless, talk of using sound to hover blocks of stone, 
battling alien races (where did they go and why did they leave no 
trace?) and worldwide slave labour! All to solve what isn't really a 
mystery - the pyramids weren't built with slaves and the stone was 
quarried nearby in the usual fashion with bronze axes and chisels, 
loads of which are lying around still.

Pervading it all is this same elite smugness that I see with the 
9/11 "truthers". That only they know the truth and you are stupid 
sheeple for believing the "authorities" version of what happened. 
They never finish the sentence by saying we should follow their 
authority instead. And a highly unorthodox and impossible to verify 
one at that.

I always found it insulting to our ancestors that we can't credit 
them with enough wherewithal to build a few huge monuments, I know 
it's a backhanded compliment but it does us no credit to assume that 
just because we couldn't get organisation like that together there's 
no way they could have, we didn't have the sort of devotional 
society they had. They may not even have had minds that worked in 
the same way as us.

Whatever the RV'ers daydream, the pyramids were built by humans. 
Don't let other people do your thinking for you,

Re: [FairfieldLife] The New Yorker - the 28 pages and 9/11

2014-10-12 Thread 'Richard J. Williams7; [FairfieldLife]
On 10/12/2014 5:44 PM, Bhairitu [FairfieldLife] 

New Yorker article about the 28 pages that were redacted from the
official 9/11 Report and how the Saudis support their publication.

/Non sequitur. It has already been established that the Saudis were 
responsible for the WTC attack.//Osama bin Laden was a Saudi. Go figure./

Re: [FairfieldLife] Stock up on chocolate?

2014-10-12 Thread 'Richard J. Williams7; [FairfieldLife]
On 10/12/2014 7:45 PM, Bhairitu [FairfieldLife] 

Ebola is threatening chocolate now.

/Lethal experimental infections of rhesus monkeys by aerosolized Ebola 


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Sophisticated Pre-Columbian Native American Civilizations and Cultures

2014-10-12 Thread 'Richard J. Williams7; [FairfieldLife]

On 10/12/2014 7:15 PM, [FairfieldLife] wrote:
I'm always trying to pick up some vibe when I drive by the mounds, or 
climb up, but so far nothing has registered.

/Stupas all over the place!//

Re: [FairfieldLife] Duped into thinking you could fly?

2014-10-13 Thread 'Richard J. Williams7; [FairfieldLife]

On 10/12/2014 9:59 PM, [FairfieldLife] wrote:

Good news! You may be entitled to compensation.

/This is great news! Due to the out-of-court settlement with Red Bull 
you may be entitled to a $10 refund because you didn't get any wings 
after consuming your drink.

With the money you receive you can purchase another Red Bull drink, 
although now the price will probably have doubled for each can. Good 
work, you dumb shits./

/A Cafe Mocha at Starbucks costs $4.45 and a Red Bull at Walgreen is 
$1.99.//Go figure./


Energy drink "Red Bull" settled two class-action lawsuits this week, 
agreeing to pay $13 million because their famous slogan 'Red Bull 
gives you wings' isn't true. Anyone who bought a drink from January 1, 
2002 to October 3, 2014 is eligible to receive a $10 cash payment - 
regardless of whether there was a receipt for proof.

Here's one of the ads they ran. If people can now sue for such 
obviously idiotic claims it only goes to show what a dumbed-down 
society we are living in.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Duped into thinking you could fly?

2014-10-13 Thread 'Richard J. Williams7; [FairfieldLife]

On 10/12/2014 9:59 PM, [FairfieldLife] wrote:

Did you fall for the hype about being able to levitate?

For the record, only a few informants have posted witnessing claims to a 
levitation event - nobody has claimed the ability to actually levitate.

/"A red herring is a statement that is or is intended to be misleading 
or distracting. Often used to refer to something that misleads or 
distracts from the relevant or important issues."/

P.S. You are supposed to read the messages posted here BEFORE you ask 
redundant questions.

/"He didn't teach how to do this stuff directly; he just did it. //As 
far as I know, none of his students ever developed the //knack."/ - 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Duped into thinking you could fly?

2014-10-13 Thread 'Richard J. Williams7; [FairfieldLife]

On 10/13/2014 8:43 AM, [FairfieldLife] wrote:
Given the amount of time I spent doing it when I could have been 
earning a decent crust, I would say that a round figure of £1 million 
ought to ease the pain of still being held to the ground by gravity. I 
might want an extra million to compensate me for the embarrassment of 
having to admit I fell for it too.

Very funny Sal, I love the expression "earn(ing) a decent crust".
You have the potential to write some blow-us-out-of-the-water parodies.

/It has already been established by MJ that there is no money to be 
earned baking a "descent crust" for the TMO - anyone who would fall for 
that is a dupe. What the respondents need to do is get a job and get off 
welfare. It's not complicated. /

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Duped into thinking you could fly?

2014-10-13 Thread 'Richard J. Williams7; [FairfieldLife]

salyavin, you're partially right. I learned because of the prediction 
that mind body coordination would improve. For me that prediction has 
been spot on. And my first "flight" was pretty powerful, leading me to 
think that some profound transformation was occurring. I've known I'm 
no St Joseph Cupertino so haven't minded about no actual levitation.

On 10/13/2014 8:37 AM, salyavin808 wrote:
How do you know that your mind-body coordination has improved, 
anything in particular? I did it for ten years and can't say I noticed 
any changes anywhere!

/Only a dupe would think that they could levitate just from reading a 
poster on the wall. To try and fly for over ten years with no perceived 
benefit is just plain dumb./ /Or, maybe the problem was something you're 
not telling us about. Go figure./

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: About Nov. 30

2014-10-13 Thread 'Richard J. Williams7; [FairfieldLife]
On 10/13/2014 9:22 AM, Michael Jackson 
[FairfieldLife] wrote:
Sal says they do and their web presence speaks to it as well. But I 
will defer to Sal on this he is in a position to know.

/This must be really embarrassing for you.

It has already been established that Sal is a dupe for believing he 
could levitate, so nobody could expect a reasonable comment from 
him.//Obviously you are a dupe as well, based on your posting history to 
FFL. Obviously neither you nor Sal is capable of common sense, let alone 
understanding the mechanics of consciousness. I sometimes wonder if you 
two are dealing with a full deck. //Have either of you ever considered 
getting professional help for your cognitive-dissonance?/


*From:* " [FairfieldLife]" 

*Sent:* Monday, October 13, 2014 10:11 AM
*Subject:* Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: About Nov. 30

Michael: note the highlighted part of my post below. A schism requires 
that the split off group has a coherent organization. I don't know if 
the initiators in England have this.

---In,  wrote :

the Movement already split - don't forget the renegade initiators in 

*From:* "anartaxius@... [FairfieldLife]" 
*Sent:* Monday, October 13, 2014 8:56 AM
*Subject:* [FairfieldLife] Re: About Nov. 30

Species, Corporations, Religions, Cults, as is the nature of change, 
always, if they persist, break apart or become extinct. A schism is 
always eventually in the cards for the TM movement. It is said shortly 
after his death, the followers of Buddha broke into some two dozen 
different sects. You can see how Christianity split over time. There 
seem to be fewer splits among Muslims, perhaps a reflection of the 
dark ferocity of their memes. The Mormons, barely a religion after 150 
years, have split six times. And look at all the different Hindu 
flavours. It is almost a no-brainer prediction that the TM movement 
will at some point split.*Already there are many teachers in various 
countries teaching outside the movement purview.*

I would say that movements in which the participants are unable to 
think for themselves are likely to cohere together longer than those 
in which mental freedom and expression are given freer reign. Onward 

Rick does not have to do anything to weaken the movement, it will 
break naturally of its own accord, it is already frayed around the 
edges. While you might try to do something to arrest progress, 
eventually you will fail. That is the nature of evolution.

---In,  wrote :

It's part of Rick Archer's long-time strategy to try to split up and 
weaken the Movement.

---In,  wrote :

An organizer asked me to post this. 
Be curious. Be practical. Be yourself.
One's perspective on this presentation of Explanations should be 
focused on "assessing its content" (i.e., whoever the source may be is 
far less relevant).

Ask yourself on November 30th:
1) Is the content valuable and helpful to me now in my life?
2) Does it have a practical benefit? If yes, then take that part and 
use it. If not, then don't.

That should always be the test. On the individual level.
For details of how to Reserve a free seat, Live Stream it, or to watch 
the recording afterwards: 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Movie review: "Gone Girl"

2014-10-13 Thread 'Richard J. Williams7; [FairfieldLife]
On 10/13/2014 12:04 PM, TurquoiseBee 
[FairfieldLife] wrote:
If you can manage to do what I did -- see this movie without spoilers, 
and without any real idea of what to expect -- it's really quite an 
E-ticket ride.

/You are supposed to read the book BEFORE you post your review of the 
movie version. Where is Judy when we need her?/

Re: [FairfieldLife] Movie review: "Gone Girl"

2014-10-13 Thread 'Richard J. Williams7; [FairfieldLife]
On 10/13/2014 12:04 PM, TurquoiseBee 
[FairfieldLife] wrote:
I liked it. I'm thinking of going to see it tonight in an actual 
theater, instead of rewatching the small-screen DVD-quality screener 
version I saw earlier. Coming from a pirate, that's a pretty high 
recommendation for a movie,  :-)

/Why bother? You already spoiled the movie version by watching it on 
your laptop computer using ear buds and you apparently didn't read the 
book. Go figure./

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: About Nov. 30

2014-10-13 Thread 'Richard J. Williams7; [FairfieldLife]
On 10/13/2014 12:14 PM, TurquoiseBee 
[FairfieldLife] wrote:
I can't help but see the fact that what the Movement mainly uses TM 
for is to get more converts to make more money. They are not out there 
doing anything substantive to improve the quality of life for people - 
they promote TM to promote TM, not to do anything else. (from my point 
of view)


/Don't be so quick to confirm an opinion as *absolute* - you've been 
influenced by suggestion before, remember? ///It has already been 
established that there's no money in TM - even if you are a TM teacher 
or a dish washer on staff.

/It can be argued that it is not a TOTAL a waste of time to be a door 
guard for MMY or to bake some crusty bread for the president of MUM.

On the contrary, for a narcissist in the pursuit or gratification from 
vanity you may have derived a certain amount of personal pride from such 
an endeavor. Case in point.//


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: About Nov. 30

2014-10-13 Thread 'Richard J. Williams7; [FairfieldLife]
On 10/13/2014 12:25 PM, Michael Jackson 
[FairfieldLife] wrote:
Take out the lies, the bullshit and the Hindu superstitions and 
practices and its ok, otherwise not so ok. 

/Prejudice is the judgment toward people or a person because of 
religion, race, gender, political opinion, social class, age, or 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: About Nov. 30

2014-10-13 Thread 'Richard J. Williams7; [FairfieldLife]
On 10/13/2014 12:25 PM, Michael Jackson 
[FairfieldLife] wrote:
Look at all the people who say TM is an asset, look at those who think 
it is a fine thing and then look with the same objective view at those 
who say it ruined their lives, that it screwed them up in many ways. 
Both camps are telling the truth. One is not right and the other 
wrong. Both things are true.

/So, w//ho would you believe?

A very large group of people standing on a streetcorner, who all 
said that they just saw a 'big blue bus' go by.//

//Another, very small group of people, standing on the same street 
corner,who all said that 'no big blue bus' came by./

[FairfieldLife] OMG! [1 Attachment]

2014-10-13 Thread 'Richard J. Williams7; [FairfieldLife]

/Chief engineer at Ferrari defects to BMW./


//Photos by Ferrari /

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: About Nov. 30

2014-10-14 Thread 'Richard J. Williams7; [FairfieldLife]
On 10/13/2014 9:06 PM, Michael Jackson 
[FairfieldLife] wrote:
the fact that Hagelin felt it enough of a threat to address it in an 
offical "Private and Confidential" letter to Certified Governors is 
more than enough to show you are blustering and posturing, trying to 
salvage the old good feelings you used to have that Marshy and the 
Movement were something to be proud of and proud of being associated 
with them.

The fact that you read about Hegelin on FFL is more than enough to show 
that you're still in the cult mind-set, still blustering and posturing 
trying to salvage the good old feelings you used to have when you were 
somebody doing something for the Movement and you are still proud of 
being associated with them, even if you were just a staff member at MIU 
a long time ago.


You need to deal with it - get some help, report to John Knapp or Gina.

*From:* feste37 
*Sent:* Monday, October 13, 2014 9:43 PM
*Subject:* [FairfieldLife] Re: About Nov. 30

According to a recent poll here in Fairfield, 100% of meditators are 
not the slightest bit interested in the Hammond thing. Those 
interested registered at 0%. Details of the poll: conducted between 
Oct. 12 and 13. Number of respondents: 5. Margin of error: zero.

---In,  wrote :

---In,  wrote :

This is just too silly for words. If the emphasis is on "assessing the 
content," why is it being promoted as being a message from MMY? The 
truth is that for some weird reason, Hammond is using this ploy to 
promote his own views. If he just gave a talk himself, no one would be 
interested. So he has hit on this ludicrous marketing ploy. As I 
commented earlier, I am astonished that anyone is taking this seriously.

Are they? Is it possible that anyone is taking this seriously beyond 
the fact that a few here are just dying to be able to talk about all 
of it on Dec 1 here at FFL? I think the Movement Mockers are getting 
the most mileage out of this so far that I can see but then, I'm not 
in FF. What are the feelings there of the people you know and talk to, 

---In,  wrote :

An organizer asked me to post this. 
Be curious. Be practical. Be yourself.
One's perspective on this presentation of Explanations should be 
focused on "assessing its content" (i.e., whoever the source may be is 
far less relevant).

Ask yourself on November 30th:
1) Is the content valuable and helpful to me now in my life?
2) Does it have a practical benefit? If yes, then take that part and 
use it. If not, then don't.

That should always be the test. On the individual level.
For details of how to Reserve a free seat, Live Stream it, or to watch 
the recording afterwards: 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: About Nov. 30

2014-10-14 Thread 'Richard J. Williams7; [FairfieldLife]

On 10/13/2014 10:23 PM, Duveyoung wrote:

If all the "retired" initiators got together and pooled their pocket 
change, they could muster up some slick-ass posters announcing TM 
courses for $19.95 and tape those suckers up all around town.

/There is nothing preventing you from starting your own meditation 
movement - you can teach anything you want to as long as you don't call 
it "TM." It would cost you only a few dollars to print up a few flyers 
to hand out in your neighborhood. You should have been teaching yoga 
meditation to all your friends. What happened to get you locked into the 
TMer guru yoga? Go figure./


Let's see the TMO reach into their pockets and come at 2,000 "ex" 
initiators with their $3,000.00 suited-up Trademark lawyers costing 
$700/hr.  Yeah, right, like they could even have the "go-to lackies on 
staff" to put together a war of lawsuits, let alone convince Girish to 
pay for it.

And they'd be too stupid to come up with some response to the "2000 
demons attack," that would make lemonade out of it as it hit the 
headlines.  "Hit the headlines" -- one of my better jokes.  The 
silence would be so DUH.  No one cares.

But actually, I'm fucking miffed.  I studied my ass off to pass 
checking/puja tests.  And then I performed for the TMO with tons of 

But no, I'm not a recert, so I'm fucking piece of 
shit, and if you think I'm exaggerating, then you never had the course 
office fuck with your head in the most Nazi-esque manner.  If you're 
not bringing in money to the movement you are a stinking fucking turd 
-- you can feel it in their handshakes.

So:  with all that l I did and now I can't put up a poster and, what? 
-- they own my ass?

Fuck. That. Shit.

If I was still a believer, it'd be worth it to test the TMO's metal on 
this and see if they'd sue me, cuz even small claims court would cost 
them several large to get someone to show up in the physical to defend 
the TMO properties.  And they won't do that.


Because they know the territory would never produce enough initiations 
to cover the legal expenses to protect the trademarks.  They fucking 
know that no one can sell TM very well these days, so there's not an 
actual threat to them -- income-wise.  And since no one cares, the 
dilution of the Trademarks is insignificant, and  if the TMO had a 
vegetable cutter in the kitchen send out legalese sounding threat 
letters, then that would be about it -- they'd have covered their 
asses enough to keep their marks their legal properties.

Man-o-Man, if any of the biggies wants me to donate a thousand bucks 
to the TMO, just offer me a nose to target with no repercussions. 
 Yep, I would spend that to konk that honker on Tubby B.  Yes, I 
would.  I'd leave my desk right now at 10:20 P.M. and be in Fairfield 
in five hours flat with cash in hand.

Think of the essays I could write after that!

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: About Nov. 30 and the TM movement

2014-10-14 Thread 'Richard J. Williams7; [FairfieldLife]
On 10/14/2014 5:51 AM, Michael Jackson 
[FairfieldLife] wrote:
Beautifully, beautifully written Sal! Buck just can't stand the 
thought the whole deal was a con, so he grasps at straws.

/Maybe you are conning Buck, to try and make him think you care about 
any of the MUM students or staff.//I guess if there were any complaints 
they would post them on the secret MUM Facebook page. Go figure./


*From:* salyavin808 
*Sent:* Tuesday, October 14, 2014 2:10 AM
*Subject:* [FairfieldLife] Re: About Nov. 30 and the TM movement

---In,  wrote :

Yea But, the really interesting thing here is the legal path the old 
UK TM teachers carve out to continue to teach in the face of the 
strong-hand attempt of TM trademark assertion.. as Sal notes: but 
there isn't much they (Vlodrop) can do as all the teachers were 
trained by Marshy (Maharishi Mahesh Yogi). That is interesting. 40,000 
TM teachers out there in the world trained by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi 
and a few hundreds of TM teacher re-certs. The new TM legal department 
sharp-shoots old individuals continuing to teach TM as they were 
taught to teach as an infringement but this particular group of UK 
scorpion TM teachers stuck together and withstands the new TM legal 
department together. The Maharishi Foundation (Vlodrop and Vedic City) 
now keep a trademark infringement law firm on retainer now in the USA 
as they hunt down old TM teachers teaching outside the TM teacher 
re-certification project, a project that came post Maharishi or at the 
end to have old teachers come in and sign papers again restricting 
their teaching. Apparently the group of UK TM teachers exist 
extra-territorial to new-TM because they stuck together. Damned scorpions.

That's so badly written I can't tell if the damned scorpions are the 
ones continuing to teach the way they were taught to, or if they're 
the re-certified legal department trying to stop them.

Given your love of transcending I would have thought you'd just be 
happy that more people are getting the chance to try it. Maybe you get 
upset because it skews the coherence numbers and you know that makes 
it less likely that the Marshy Effect works because there are prolly 
twice as many people meditating as you thought. No need to call for 
more people in the domes if we should all be floating anyway huh?

Or maybe it's because they deprive the national office with money, but 
you're always complaining about the way they run things anyway. And 
just think, the fewer people in the official TMO the fewer there are 
being conned into forking out the readies for the yagya programme or 
the thousand headed bone-idle mug punters who'd be a lot better off 
getting a job and paying their own way in life.

I remember the first re-certification course, your opinion of it's 
purpose may differ but it seemed like just another way of screwing the 
faithful out of their last few meagre savings. Did you know people 
were sitting the domes crying at the sheer pointless waste of time and 
money as the bigwigs viciously fleeced them in return for astoundingly 
useful and unique information like how to open a bank account? And all 
so they could continue to practise something that they'd paid a 
fortune and devoted their lives to many years before.

Only time will tell which group has whatever it is that appeals to the 
masses, the faux Hindoo certified TMO or the faux Hindoo non-certified 
but completely identical ex-TMO.

Did you think the age of enlightenment was going to be as entertaining 
as this?


steve.sundur wrote :

Sal, ..  Your strict adherence to everything science has dulled your 
sensitivity to nuance.

You've got that knee jerk, TM bash move down pat.

mjackson74@...> wrote :

Sal says they do and their web presence speaks to it as well. But I 
will defer to Sal on this he is in a position to know.

Sal writing:

It's a good question, there are a few teaching in various places, The 
Meditation Trust is probably the best known as they were the guys who 
quit when Marshy put the price up so high it put them out of business. 
They have a few centres and hold courses in a country house where they 
teach the TMSP too.

The TM official are always taking legal action against them but there 
isn't much they can do as all the teachers were trained by Marshy.

I know people who go on their courses, they always tell me that I 
musn't mention it to people in the movement, which says it all about 
the TMO really. The same guy was telling me that someone asked him if 
it was true that people get brainwashed in the TMO, he said of course 

Anyway, they seem to be doing well and actually making money out of it 
which is the TM teachers dream, but then they don't have to give half 
to the TMO. Bad feelings about that too I shouldn't wonder.


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: About Nov. 30 and the TM movement

2014-10-14 Thread 'Richard J. Williams7; [FairfieldLife]

On 10/14/2014 7:10 AM, [FairfieldLife] wrote:

you miss the point Barry.  You are simply a button pusher, with no 
real interest in anything other than trying to get a rise out of 
people, and assert your superior outlook on life.

/One of the things I've noticed is that some military brats like Barry 
have a superior attitude - it's a defensive response when they go into 
dissociation - living in strange circumstances with strangers all around 
speaking a different language. Sometimes it makes them feel real small 
and insignificant.

Sometimes the paranoia sets in and an expat can feel threatened - 
wondering what people are saying about them in a foreign language - or 
maybe an expat imagines that girls don't like his face.

//This is not uncommon - sometimes the brats get real lonely late at 
night and so they go on social media and Facebook to talk to old friends 
about the good old days - when they were somebody, even in their own 
minds. /
Sometimes they go through withdrawal - not communicating at social 
events - sitting alone at a table at a cafe working an iPhone or on a 
laptop computer up in their bedroom. It's a call for help before they 
enter total cognitive dissonance and slip into nihilism and despair. 
Let's hope Barry doesn't slip on the razor's edge.

You can tell when someone is old when they talk more about the past than 
their future./


A funny way to live, but if it brings you some modicum of happiness, 
then stay with it it, I guess.

/Some people just feel better when they have someone to talk to. It's 
not complicated./


---In,  wrote :

*From:* "Michael Jackson mjackson74@... [FairfieldLife]" 

*To:* "" 
*Sent:* Tuesday, October 14, 2014 12:51 PM
*Subject:* Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: About Nov. 30 and the TM movement

Beautifully, beautifully written Sal! Buck just can't stand the 
thought the whole deal was a con, so he grasps at straws.

*From:* salyavin808 
*Sent:* Tuesday, October 14, 2014 2:10 AM
*Subject:* [FairfieldLife] Re: About Nov. 30 and the TM movement

What I find difficult to comprehend is how grown men like Doug/Buck or 
Steve or Lawson or Nabby can *possibly* get their panties so in a 
twist when someone criticizes a group they first identified with 20 to 
40 years ago.

Did these guys just never *grow up*?

HOW can anyone *possibly* get uptight when someone criticizes a 
teacher they once worked with years ago? Especially one who is (wait 
for it) DEAD?

HOW can someone get pissed off when someone criticizes something they 
*believe* in? Don't they *realize* that beliefs are just transitory 
thoughts, which, like thoughts during meditation, should just be 
ignored as they pass by and not held onto? HOW could they possibly be 
so *attached* to these things they were taught to believe in decades ago?

Finally, HOW can they get so uptight when someone such as myself or 
Salyavin or Michael reminds them that THEY JUST AREN'T NEARLY AS 
IMPORTANT AS THEY THINK THEY ARE? There is NO ONE on this forum who 
has accomplished much of *anything* with their lives, as measured by 
either riches or fame. Certainly no TM TB on this forum has ever 
accomplished much of anything. What is WRONG with reminding these 
people how fuckin' ORDINARY they are?

It's difficult for people like Doug/Buck or Steve or Lawson or Nabby 
to make a case for TM *not* being a cult when they act so much like 
cultists. Who ELSE in the world acts the way they do OTHER THAN cultists?

---In,  wrote :

Yea But, the really interesting thing here is the legal path the old 
UK TM teachers carve out to continue to teach in the face of the 
strong-hand attempt of TM trademark assertion.. as Sal notes: but 
there isn't much they (Vlodrop) can do as all the teachers were 
trained by Marshy (Maharishi Mahesh Yogi). That is interesting. 40,000 
TM teachers out there in the world trained by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi 
and a few hundreds of TM teacher re-certs. The new TM legal department 
sharp-shoots old individuals continuing to teach TM as they were 
taught to teach as an infringement but this particular group of UK 
scorpion TM teachers stuck together and withstands the new TM legal 
department together. The Maharishi Foundation (Vlodrop and Vedic City) 
now keep a trademark infringement law firm on retainer now in the USA 
as they hunt down old TM teachers teaching outside the TM teacher 
re-certification project, a project that came post Maharishi or at the 
end to have old teachers come in and sign papers again restricting 
their teaching. Apparently the group of UK TM teachers exist 
extra-territorial to new-TM because they stuck together. Damned scorpions.

That's so badly written I can't tell if the damned scorpions are the 
ones continuing to teach the way t

Re: [FairfieldLife] Maharishi Mahesh Yogi

2014-10-14 Thread 'Richard J. Williams7; [FairfieldLife]

On 10/14/2014 9:11 AM, [FairfieldLife] wrote:

This great teacher continues to form so much of the subject matter, 
here on FFL. All of us, spread around the globe, and yet, united, 
through our association with Maharishi, and the myriad knowledge he 
brought out.

It is so easy to judge a global public figure. Some go at it, as an 
exercise in compensation, for their own failings, and others to 
confirm their own set of beliefs. I find it amazing, his reach and 
influence on all of us. Some of us got off the train early, perhaps 
fearful of the universal momentum that Maharishi engendered in each of 
us, and its ability to mechanically dissolve any boundaries.

My wife has remarked before, that feelings come first, and the story 
follows. So it is, if we are always hungry for something, and grasping 
for whatever it may be. Easy, then, to turn on a public figure, 
meticulously examining Maharishi's life, even ten years after his 
passing, for any information, that may be used to point a finger, away 
from the lack, the gnawing, inside us, and towards him. This public 
figure, with global influence. Make Maharishi the target, not in any 
meaningful, or organized way, but simply to deal with the inner 
feelings of discontent.

There is nothing expressed here, about Maharishi, that has not already 
been examined, to death. And yet, there are a few, who must persist, 
in their "critical, life changing, important and ever fresh", insults 
of the man and his work, lest they one day, turn such a critical eye 
on themselves. My question to them, is simply this, "Life is precious; 
WTF are you doing with yours?"

Re: [FairfieldLife] Maharishi Mahesh Yogi

2014-10-14 Thread 'Richard J. Williams7; [FairfieldLife]
On 10/14/2014 12:17 PM, [FairfieldLife] 

Maharishi always liked the expression, "The proof is in the pudding", 
and I love pudding!

Actually I think that was George Harrison who said that: /"The proof of 
the pudding is in the eating."/

Maharishi liked to say: /"The difference is the same as between day and 
night. To remove the darkness, you simply turn on the light. Like that, 
you illuminate the darkness and let your Light shine."/


An overcast, and cool day today. Went for a swim, wearing my 
rashguard, and then cooked a good breakfast - Now watching the turkey 
vultures begin to catch the updrafts, rising from the canyon, circling 
so efficiently, upwards. A beautiful world.

---In,  wrote :

This great teacher continues to form so much of the subject matter, 
here on FFL. All of us, spread around the globe, and yet, united, 
through our association with Maharishi, and the myriad knowledge he 
brought out.

It is so easy to judge a global public figure. Some go at it, as an 
exercise in compensation, for their own failings, and others to 
confirm their own set of beliefs. I find it amazing, his reach and 
influence on all of us. Some of us got off the train early, perhaps 
fearful of the universal momentum that Maharishi engendered in each of 
us, and its ability to mechanically dissolve any boundaries.
My wife has remarked before, that feelings come first, and the story 
follows. So it is, if we are always hungry for something, and grasping 
for whatever it may be. Easy, then, to turn on a public figure, 
meticulously examining Maharishi's life, even ten years after his 
passing, for any information, that may be used to point a finger, away 
from the lack, the gnawing, inside us, and towards him. This public 
figure, with global influence. Make Maharishi the target, not in any 
meaningful, or organized way, but simply to deal with the inner 
feelings of discontent.

There is nothing expressed here, about Maharishi, that has not already 
been examined, to death. And yet, there are a few, who must persist, 
in their "critical, life changing, important and ever fresh", insults 
of the man and his work, lest they one day, turn such a critical eye 
on themselves. My question to them, is simply this, "Life is precious; 
WTF are you doing with yours?"

I'll spend one of my very rare "BINGO" on this piece. Very well 
written and to the point !

---In,  wrote :

Very nice! I'll bet she did, too.

---In,  wrote :

Fleetwood, thanks for this. It reminds me of a wonderful story of how 
a little girl with pen and paper came running up to Maharishi asking 
him for his autograph. He said, "I'll give you something more 
important." And he wrote one word on her paper: Enjoy

On Tuesday, October 14, 2014 9:11 AM, "fleetwood_macncheese@... 
[FairfieldLife]"  wrote:

This great teacher continues to form so much of the subject matter, 
here on FFL. All of us, spread around the globe, and yet, united, 
through our association with Maharishi, and the myriad knowledge he 
brought out.

It is so easy to judge a global public figure. Some go at it, as an 
exercise in compensation, for their own failings, and others to 
confirm their own set of beliefs. I find it amazing, his reach and 
influence on all of us. Some of us got off the train early, perhaps 
fearful of the universal momentum that Maharishi engendered in each of 
us, and its ability to mechanically dissolve any boundaries.
My wife has remarked before, that feelings come first, and the story 
follows. So it is, if we are always hungry for something, and grasping 
for whatever it may be. Easy, then, to turn on a public figure, 
meticulously examining Maharishi's life, even ten years after his 
passing, for any information, that may be used to point a finger, away 
from the lack, the gnawing, inside us, and towards him. This public 
figure, with global influence. Make Maharishi the target, not in any 
meaningful, or organized way, but simply to deal with the inner 
feelings of discontent.

There is nothing expressed here, about Maharishi, that has not already 
been examined, to death. And yet, there are a few, who must persist, 
in their "critical, life changing, important and ever fresh", insults 
of the man and his work, lest they one day, turn such a critical eye 
on themselves. My question to them, is simply this, "Life is precious; 
WTF are you doing with yours?"

Re: [FairfieldLife] Maharishi Mahesh Yogi

2014-10-14 Thread 'Richard J. Williams7; [FairfieldLife]

On 10/14/2014 10:29 AM, [FairfieldLife] wrote:

---In,  wrote :

part of what I do with my life is tell the unvarnished truth about 
liar Marshy and his cons, rather than whitewash and sugar coat the 
facts about who and what he was and what his very unpleasant legacy is.

But why continue to do it here? How much of what you say is any 
different from what you have been saying before? I get it. How many 
times do you have to keep saying the same things? bawee is the same in 
his repetition - post after post. I'm not deaf and blind and dead. I 
get it already. You have an opinion about the Movement and TM and MMY 
but when is it enough? This is not a world audience here. Your message 
is not unique. Those who disagree with you have not changed their 
opinion based on your constant haranguing here and those who already 
agree with you just mouth the same ideas so we are all barraged with 
the same message in triplicate. It's not that I care if you hate the 
things you hate and revile, it's just that I wish you could make it a 
little more interesting and fresh. Say something new.

/So, I wonder how that Kung Foo practice is working out for him? 
Apparently there is some cognitive dissonance going on. He recently 
posted that he has been practicing  "Qigong" for two years. Everyone 
knows that Qigong practice is just like TM rounding and TMSP. Go figure.


Re: [FairfieldLife] Are you among the world's wealthiest?

2014-10-14 Thread 'Richard J. Williams7; [FairfieldLife]
On 10/14/2014 12:59 PM, TurquoiseBee 
[FairfieldLife] wrote:

A truly sad and amazing statistic.

/Just try to keep your U.S. passport up to date and have $1,096 on your 
debit card for a ticket back to Houston./


*From:* salyavin808 
*Sent:* Tuesday, October 14, 2014 7:28 PM
*Subject:* [FairfieldLife] Are you among the world's wealthiest?

Are you among the world's wealthiest? - Telegraph 


Are you among the world's wealthiest? - Telegraph 

If you have $3,650, you’re among the wealthiest half of people in the 
world, according to Credit Suisse's new report on global wealth. In 
numbers and charts, w...

View on 

Preview by Yahoo

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Duped into thinking you could fly?

2014-10-15 Thread 'Richard J. Williams7; [FairfieldLife]
On 10/13/2014 6:58 AM, Michael Jackson 
[FairfieldLife] wrote:

I'm willing to join that class action suit!

/So, you got duped. //Some people are very susceptible to suggestion. 
Who is to say you're not being duped into responding to this planted 
message? It has already been established that you report to John Knapp 
at the TM-Free blog. //

//However, it does take some courage to admit that you were so dumb you 
actually moved up there and lived in a pod for two years, working in a 
hot kitchen for free and being forced to get inside a golden dome, get 
down on your knees and pray to Hindu gods muttering non-sense gibberish 
for hours - to help you learn how to levitate. What were you thinking?//

//It sounds like maybe you were put into a trance-induction state. In 
some individuals being in a cult for so long can produce signs of 
cognitive dissonance. This condition can be exacerbated when conflicts 
occur and a victim gets kicked out of the cult for questioning authority 
or for breaking the rules of the cult leader. You probably had to 
hitch-hike or take a bus back to your parents in the middle of the night.

When this happens the victims usually go to see a cult-exit counselor to 
get help, or in severe cases they visit a psychiatrist. If not treated, 
the symptoms may lead to a break with reality.

Sometimes the condition may become chronic and obsessive and might 
interfere with a person's social intercourse, their ability to apply 
common sense or seek normal employment. In some severe cases, victims 
might be eligible for medical welfare due to an almost complete 
incapacitation to do anything except read social media.//

//P.S. There is a nice ocean front property out in Arizona for sale and 
they would probably sell it to you real cheap. From the front door you 
can see the Pacific. If you'll buy that, they will probably throw in the 
golden gate for free./


*From:* salyavin808 
*Sent:* Monday, October 13, 2014 2:32 AM
*Subject:* [FairfieldLife] Re: Duped into thinking you could fly?

I think they should also be sued for encouraging littering!

I tried one of these energy drinks once, never again. I was frothing 
at the mouth and babbling all night. Highly speedy. I can't believe 
they are legal for adults let alone children, and some people knock 
them back like I drink water!

I think a class action suit against the TMO would be workable and 
lucrative because it's actually taught that the TMSP develops 
paranormal powers (the clue is in the name) and they even publish 
"scientific" lectures about how it works to entice the unwary into 
thinking there's a physical basis for it all. Given the amount of time 
I spent doing it when I could have been earning a decent crust, I 
would say that a round figure of £1 million ought to ease the pain of 
still being held to the ground by gravity. I might want an extra 
million to compensate me for the embarrassment of having to admit I 
fell for it too.

Now we can watch the TB's claiming they only learnt for self 
improvement reasons and don;t care that they never developed any 
magical powers. Insert spluttering protests here:

---In,  wrote :

Did you fall for the hype about being able to levitate?

Are you angry about the cash you lost chasing that dream of flying?

Do your friends and acquaintances now laugh at you for being so credulous?

Good news! You may be entitled to compensation.

Energy drink "Red Bull" settled two class-action lawsuits this week, 
agreeing to pay $13 million because their famous slogan 'Red Bull 
gives you wings' isn't true. Anyone who bought a drink from January 1, 
2002 to October 3, 2014 is eligible to receive a $10 cash payment - 
regardless of whether there was a receipt for proof.
Here's one of the ads they ran. If people can now sue for such 
obviously idiotic claims it only goes to show what a dumbed-down 
society we are living in.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Ebola On A Plane!

2014-10-15 Thread 'Richard J. Williams7; [FairfieldLife]
/So, two nurses are now infected with Ebola from the first patient they 
were taking care of that died.

What else could go wrong?//
//On October 13, one of the nurses that took care of the first Ebola 
patient took a plane trip to Cleveland and back to Dallas. When she got 
back she was diagnosed with Ebola and put in quarantine. According to 
what I've read, 77 people at the hospital were involved in caring for 
the first Ebola patient. //And, the nurses were taking care of other 
patients in the hospital.//

//Apparently the hospital tube system was used to transport Ebola tissue 
to the hospital lab. The trash is piling up with contaminated waste and 
the hospital cafeteria is like a ghost town. I wouldn't be surprised if 
the entire medial center is shut down in a few days and the entire staff 
is quarantined. //There is no protocol for treating or containing Ebola.

We are in the best of hands!//
DALLAS -- The CDC has announced that the second healthcare worker 
diagnosed with Ebola --- now identified as Amber Joy Vinson of Dallas 
--- traveled by air Oct. 13, the day before she first reported symptoms...

/The problem is that we know so little about the transmission of 
Ebola. What if it turns out that an infection can be transmitted in 
the air? Apparently we have a Texas nurse getting the Ebola virus - 
can you get Ebola by walking down the hall in a hospital? Go figure. /

/Also, if there is a breach of hospital protocol while caring for an 
Ebola patient and a worker gets Ebola, should the worker get fired? 
And, what happens if they check your temperature when you get on a 
plane to the U.S. and then you get a fever and throw up in the aisle 
while in flight?//

//So many questions, so few answers. Go figure./

(Reuters) - A Texas health worker who provided care for the first 
person diagnosed with Ebola in the United States has tested positive 
for the deadly virus in a preliminary examination, a state health 
official said on Sunday...

'Texas health care worker tests positive for Ebola'

/Texas Health Presbyterian Hospital, Dallas, Texas/

/It is very difficult to screen for Ebola. So far, there have been no 
cases of transmission on flights during this outbreak. The real 
problem is when the disease becomes airborne. So far, this hasn't 
happened yet either. Air-born Ebola on a plane is going to be a 
nightmare! /

NEW YORK - Customs and health officials began taking the temperatures 
of passengers arriving at New York's Kennedy International Airport 
from three West African countries on Saturday in a stepped-up 
screening effort meant to prevent the spread of the Ebola virus...

'Stepped-up Ebola screening starts at NYC airport'
Associated Press:

"The UK is to begin screening some passengers who have traveled from 
Sierra Leone, Liberia and Guinea for signs of Ebola virus disease."

Signs and symptoms of Ebola infection:

Fever (greater than 38.6°C or 101.5°F)
Severe headache
Muscle pain
Abdominal (stomach) pain 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: About Nov. 30 and the TM movement

2014-10-15 Thread 'Richard J. Williams7; [FairfieldLife]

On 10/15/2014 7:47 AM, salyavin808 wrote:

 This is outrageous!

/Addressing the important issues!/

Of course the scientific research applies to both schools. They are 
teaching the same thing! Do you think Newtons laws of gravity, 
discovered when he was at Cambridge, shouldn't be studied at Oxford? 
Of course not, knowledge belongs to everyone and no one. When you do 
science you add (or hope to) to the endless store of man's knowledge 
about himself and the world. That is the point of it, it doesn't exist 
just as cheap advertising to further the aims of special interest 
groups no matter how reliant you are on it.

This a genuine low point for the TMO, they should come to their senses 
and retract this lawsuit, you cannot copyright science (in a sane 
world) It's done for the betterment of all mankind. They are destined 
to lose and look like a bunch of greedy corporate lowlifes. The only 
way they'll be able to convince anyone is if they demonstrate that 
Knoles isn't teaching TM anymore. Which they won't obviously.

Whether the teachers that taught in the studies were "certified" by 
the TMO is irrelevant to whether the research is accurate, anyone can 
use the findings of science to enrich or criticise, add to their own 
ideas or debunk. If King Tony and "raja" Hagelin have any scientific 
curiosity left in them they would censure this legal cocksucker and 
send him back to whatever slime pit he crawled from.

What next Buck, suing people here for having opinions that are 
contrary to the accepted "right" way of thinking? If you aren't 
careful you may get what you wish for and the TMO will end up with all 
the credibility of Scientology. Yeah, I know it's in that ballpark 
already with most people who have experienced it's inner workings, but 
I'm talking about the public in general. No one is going to think this 
is a good idea because it quite simply isn't.

Is this what it comes down to, checking for copyright infringement at 
paranormal conventions? It doesn't sound like the Age of Enlightenment.

I hope Thom Knoles wins and the TMO gets massive egg on its face.

" Knoles declined and largely defended his biography. His attorney 
said he did learn under the Maharishi, was personally awarded an 
honorary doctorate by him, and had become "an acclaimed teacher of 
yoga" by age 20.

Oddly enough, the foundation hasn't sued Knoles, for strategic reasons 
Zaiger said were confidential. Instead, it filed a lawsuit in 2011 
against The Meditation House, an Iowa corporation owned by life coach 
Jules Green, who promotes Vedic Meditation on her website.

The lawsuit seeks an order preventing Green from mentioning 
transcendental meditation studies in her advertising,”

Yea But, the really interesting thing here is the legal path the old 
UK TM teachers carve out to continue to teach in the face of the 
strong-hand attempt of TM trademark assertion.. as Sal notes: but 
there isn't much they (Vlodrop) can do as all the teachers were 
trained by Marshy (Maharishi Mahesh Yogi). That is interesting.

40,000 TM teachers out there in the world trained by Maharishi Mahesh 
Yogi and a few hundreds of TM teacher re-certs. The new TM legal 
department sharp-shoots old individuals continuing to teach TM as they 
were taught to teach as an infringement but this particular group of 
UK scorpion TM teachers stuck together and withstands the new TM legal 
department together. The Maharishi Foundation (Vlodrop and Vedic City) 
now keep a trademark infringement law firm on retainer now in the USA 
as they hunt down old TM teachers teaching outside the TM teacher 
re-certification project, a project that came post Maharishi or at the 
end to have old teachers come in and sign papers again restricting 
their teaching. Apparently the group of UK TM teachers exist 
extra-territorial to new-TM because they stuck together. Damned scorpions.


steve.sundur wrote :

Sal, ..  Your strict adherence to everything science has dulled your 
sensitivity to nuance.

You've got that knee jerk, TM bash move down pat.

mjackson74@...> wrote :

Sal says they do and their web presence speaks to it as well. But I 
will defer to Sal on this he is in a position to know.

Sal writing:

It's a good question, there are a few teaching in various places, The 
Meditation Trust is probably the best known as they were the guys who 
quit when Marshy put the price up so high it put them out of business. 
They have a few centres and hold courses in a country house where they 
teach the TMSP too.

The TM official are always taking legal action against them but there 
isn't much they can do as all the teachers were trained by Marshy.

I know people who go on their courses, they always tell me that I 
musn't mention it to people in the movement, which says it all about 
the TMO really. The same guy was telling

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Duped into thinking you could fly?

2014-10-15 Thread 'Richard J. Williams7; [FairfieldLife]

On 10/13/2014 1:32 AM, salyavin808 wrote:

I think a class action suit against the TMO would be workable and 
lucrative because it's actually taught that the TMSP develops 
paranormal powers (the clue is in the name) and they even publish 
"scientific" lectures about how it works to entice the unwary into 
thinking there's a physical basis for it all. Given the amount of time 
I spent doing it when I could have been earning a decent crust,

/You were supposed to meditate just 20 minutes morning and evening - not 
all day! The rest of the day you were supposed to be working at a job to 
pay your own rent and feed yourself, not sleep all day at the TM Center 
and drink energy drinks at night.//What were you thinking?/

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Ebola On A Plane!

2014-10-15 Thread 'Richard J. Williams7; [FairfieldLife]
On 10/15/2014 12:34 PM, Share Long [FairfieldLife] 
Richard, I admit that when the first ebola victims were taken to 
Atlanta, I wondered how they were dealing with the contaminated waste, 
of which I'm sure there was a lot. I mean, lots of waste is one of the 
symptoms. So, where were they putting all that contaminated waste? 
Still taking a little colloidal silver every day here.

/They may have used the city water system to dispose of some of the 
contaminated waste. //Some big mistakes have been made.//I wouldn't be 
surprised if they section off part of Dallas and put people in 
quarantine in a few days. Go figure./

"When staff at Emory University Hospital in Atlanta were treating 
multiple Ebola patients last August, they couldn’t get pizza delivered, 
couriers refused to handle vials of blood from those patients and the 
county threatened to shut off the hospital’s access to sewer lines over 
concerns about waste from patients, The New York Times reported."

On Wednesday, October 15, 2014 12:25 PM, "'Richard J. Williams' [FairfieldLife]"  

/So, two nurses are now infected with Ebola from the first patient 
they were taking care of that died.

What else could go wrong?//
//On October 13, one of the nurses that took care of the first Ebola 
patient took a plane trip to Cleveland and back to Dallas. When she 
got back she was diagnosed with Ebola and put in quarantine. According 
to what I've read, 77 people at the hospital were involved in caring 
for the first Ebola patient. //And, the nurses were taking care of 
other patients in the hospital.//

//Apparently the hospital tube system was used to transport Ebola 
tissue to the hospital lab. The trash is piling up with contaminated 
waste and the hospital cafeteria is like a ghost town. I wouldn't be 
surprised if the entire medial center is shut down in a few days and 
the entire staff is quarantined. //There is no protocol for treating 
or containing Ebola.

We are in the best of hands!//
DALLAS – The CDC has announced that the second healthcare worker 
diagnosed with Ebola — now identified as Amber Joy Vinson of Dallas — 
traveled by air Oct. 13, the day before she first reported symptoms...

/The problem is that we know so little about the transmission of 
Ebola. What if it turns out that an infection can be transmitted in 
the air? Apparently we have a Texas nurse getting the Ebola virus - 
can you get Ebola by walking down the hall in a hospital? Go figure. /

/Also, if there is a breach of hospital protocol while caring for an 
Ebola patient and a worker gets Ebola, should the worker get fired? 
And, what happens if they check your temperature when you get on a 
plane to the U.S. and then you get a fever and throw up in the aisle 
while in flight?//

//So many questions, so few answers. Go figure./

(Reuters) - A Texas health worker who provided care for the first 
person diagnosed with Ebola in the United States has tested positive 
for the deadly virus in a preliminary examination, a state health 
official said on Sunday...

'Texas health care worker tests positive for Ebola'


/Texas Health Presbyterian Hospital, Dallas, Texas/

/It is very difficult to screen for Ebola. So far, there have been 
no cases of transmission on flights during this outbreak. The real 
problem is when the disease becomes airborne. So far, this hasn't 
happened yet either. Air-born Ebola on a plane is going to be a 
nightmare! /

NEW YORK - Customs and health officials began taking the 
temperatures of passengers arriving at New York's Kennedy 
International Airport from three West African countries on Saturday 
in a stepped-up screening effort meant to prevent the spread of the 
Ebola virus...

'Stepped-up Ebola screening starts at NYC airport'
Associated Press:

"The UK is to begin screening some passengers who have traveled from 
Sierra Leone, Liberia and Guinea for signs of Ebola virus disease."

Signs and symptoms of Ebola infection:

Fever (greater than 38.6°C or 101.5°F)
Severe headache
Muscle pain
Abdominal (stomach) pain 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Ebola On A Plane!

2014-10-15 Thread 'Richard J. Williams7; [FairfieldLife]
On 10/15/2014 1:32 PM, Bhairitu [FairfieldLife] 

And just imagine if it starts spreading by air and their is a 
"national quarantine" in the US?   Wouldn't that be fun?  How would 
you get your mail, groceries and pay your bills?  And then they force 
you to get some vaccine that  hasn't been tested enough to know it's 
long range effects.  Of course with all this the economy collapses.  
We sure live in interesting times like in the middle of a sci-fi 
movie. :-D

/There is no evidence that the Ebola virus can transmitted through the 
air, but in any case, you should probably avoid all public places like 
airports and bus terminals; make sure you live upstream and as far away 
from a hospital or medical clinic as you can get./ /Stock up on canned 
goods and bottles of filtered water./


On 10/15/2014 10:34 AM, Share Long 
[FairfieldLife] wrote:
Richard, I admit that when the first ebola victims were taken to 
Atlanta, I wondered how they were dealing with the contaminated 
waste, of which I'm sure there was a lot. I mean, lots of waste is 
one of the symptoms. So, where were they putting all that 
contaminated waste? Still taking a little colloidal silver every day 

On Wednesday, October 15, 2014 12:25 PM, "'Richard J. Williams' [FairfieldLife]"  

/So, two nurses are now infected with Ebola from the first patient 
they were taking care of that died.

What else could go wrong?//
//On October 13, one of the nurses that took care of the first Ebola 
patient took a plane trip to Cleveland and back to Dallas. When she 
got back she was diagnosed with Ebola and put in quarantine. 
According to what I've read, 77 people at the hospital were involved 
in caring for the first Ebola patient. //And, the nurses were taking 
care of other patients in the hospital.//

//Apparently the hospital tube system was used to transport Ebola 
tissue to the hospital lab. The trash is piling up with contaminated 
waste and the hospital cafeteria is like a ghost town. I wouldn't be 
surprised if the entire medial center is shut down in a few days and 
the entire staff is quarantined. //There is no protocol for treating 
or containing Ebola.

We are in the best of hands!//
DALLAS – The CDC has announced that the second healthcare worker 
diagnosed with Ebola — now identified as Amber Joy Vinson of Dallas — 
traveled by air Oct. 13, the day before she first reported symptoms...

/The problem is that we know so little about the transmission of 
Ebola. What if it turns out that an infection can be transmitted in 
the air? Apparently we have a Texas nurse getting the Ebola virus - 
can you get Ebola by walking down the hall in a hospital? Go figure. /

/Also, if there is a breach of hospital protocol while caring for an 
Ebola patient and a worker gets Ebola, should the worker get fired? 
And, what happens if they check your temperature when you get on a 
plane to the U.S. and then you get a fever and throw up in the aisle 
while in flight?//

//So many questions, so few answers. Go figure./

(Reuters) - A Texas health worker who provided care for the first 
person diagnosed with Ebola in the United States has tested positive 
for the deadly virus in a preliminary examination, a state health 
official said on Sunday...

'Texas health care worker tests positive for Ebola'


/Texas Health Presbyterian Hospital, Dallas, Texas/

/It is very difficult to screen for Ebola. So far, there have been 
no cases of transmission on flights during this outbreak. The real 
problem is when the disease becomes airborne. So far, this hasn't 
happened yet either. Air-born Ebola on a plane is going to be a 
nightmare! /

NEW YORK - Customs and health officials began taking the 
temperatures of passengers arriving at New York's Kennedy 
International Airport from three West African countries on Saturday 
in a stepped-up screening effort meant to prevent the spread of the 
Ebola virus...

'Stepped-up Ebola screening starts at NYC airport'
Associated Press:

"The UK is to begin screening some passengers who have traveled 
from Sierra Leone, Liberia and Guinea for signs of Ebola virus 

Signs and symptoms of Ebola infection:

Fever (greater than 38.6°C or 101.5°F)
Severe headache
Muscle pain
Abdominal (stomach) pain 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: 50,000 new Flyers now

2014-10-15 Thread 'Richard J. Williams7; [FairfieldLife]
On 10/15/2014 12:30 PM, Michael Jackson 
[FairfieldLife] wrote:
no affiliation with the TMO except that is for the pedophile 
co-directors they have on staff.

/You were the on staff MUI co-director of cookie baking, right?/

Re: [FairfieldLife] Maharishi Mahesh Yogi

2014-10-15 Thread 'Richard J. Williams7; [FairfieldLife]
On 10/15/2014 9:15 AM, Share Long [FairfieldLife] 
Richard, I like you a lot and I enjoy many of your posts. I just hope 
that you see the irony of your saying that it's "the redundant factor 
that is so disappointing." I'm just saying: I think you've posted 
turq's quote about Rama's rising off the couch so many times, I almost 
know it by heart!

/Thanks. I get a kick out of making Barry look like a dumb True Believer 
- he is so arrogant and boastful when he makes fun of the average TMer. 
So , let's review:

Barry said he saw Fred Lenz "slowly lifting up off the sofa and sitting 
in midair for two to three minutes. Or stepping up off the ground in the 
desert and then flying around several feet above the ground for a while." /


Re: [FairfieldLife] ebola and common sense

2014-10-16 Thread 'Richard J. Williams7; [FairfieldLife]
On 10/16/2014 6:50 AM, Share Long [FairfieldLife] 
CDC keeps saying that ebola is only transmitted via bodily fluids, is 
not airborne. Ok, everyone, the next time you sneeze, put your hand in 
front of your mouth. Feel any fluid? Duh! Now imagine that that sneeze 
occurs in an enclosed space, like an airplane.

/What are you trying to to do, start a panic? Apparently you are 
suggesting that Ebola is out of control. //The question is: //Can you 
catch the virus by just sitting on the bus with someone who has 
Ebola?//Go figure./

Re: [FairfieldLife] ebola is airborne DUH!

2014-10-16 Thread 'Richard J. Williams7; [FairfieldLife]
On 10/16/2014 6:23 AM, Share Long [FairfieldLife] 
Some already knew this from the Dustin Hoffman, Rene Russo movie 
Outbreak! Exemplifying the idea that in Kali Yuga, truth (ebola is 
airborne) is presented as fiction (a feature film).

/Both President Obama and Dr. Frieden say that you cannot catch Ebola 
just sitting next to someone on the bus. If you could, we would have 
been warned by Obama at the Emergency Ebola Meeting in Situation Room 
yesterday, right?//

//We will know the answer in the next two weeks - over 75 people at the 
hospital attended Duncan - wearing only a paper face mask.

It may be that the entire population of Dallas may have to be 
quarantined because when a patient vomits or has diarrhea or even 
flushes the toilet, "there's just a cloud that contains pathogen virus 
particles" all over the room. The whole Texas Health Presbyterian 
hospital may have to be shut down in a few days due to contamination.//

//Alex Jones://

Fortunately CIDRAP sounds way more trustworthy than CDC. Let's watch 
how the media spins it...
Ebola Is Airborne, University Of Minnesota CIDRAP Researchers Claim 


Ebola Is Airborne, University Of Minnesota CIDRAP Rese... 

Ebola is airborne, according to a new report by the Center for 
Infectious Disease Research and Policy (CIDRAP) at the University of 
Minnesota. Researcher...

View on 

Preview by Yahoo

Re: [FairfieldLife] US Strikes in Korbani

2014-10-16 Thread 'Richard J. Williams7; [FairfieldLife]

On 10/15/2014 8:11 PM, [FairfieldLife] wrote:

These strikes should blunt the militants' will to capture the town. 
 For any reasonable fighter, one should quit the fight if one is 
heavily outgunned.  The militants are obviously sitting ducks against 
the US warplanes.  It's only a matter of days when they will quit and 
leave town.

/The stated aim of the U.S. strategy is to “degrade and ultimately” 
destroy ISIS - that isn't happening and will never happen without 
someone putting boots on the ground. That's the problem - nobody wants 
to step up to the plate except the Kurds and a few Iraqi Shiites.

The current strategy is not sustainable at $40 billion a year for the 
next 10 years.

In the final analysis, someone is going to have to pay -the American 
voter will not be responsible for protecting the free world forever. The 
U.S. has thousands of troops stationed all over the world to protect 
Europe, the Middle East and the Far East.

The question is, when will other nations start paying their fair share 
of the defense expense and let our boys come home for good?/

"Yet, U.S. led air strikes – and the hoped for assistance from moderate 
Syrian rebels being trained by American advisers -- may not be nearly 
enough to thwart the heavily armed ISIS forces, according to some experts."

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: About Nov. 30 and the TM movement

2014-10-16 Thread 'Richard J. Williams7; [FairfieldLife]

---In,  wrote :

I'll bet Barry's "lurking reporters" are a couple of out of work 
twenty year olds, having him on. We are all waiting for the cult 
'expose' - LOL

["Tiffany", from "The Washington Post"]: Turq, this will blow the 
doors off the TMO. We have formed a committee to discuss all of the 
points you have raised.

[Turq]: No problem - That's my thang! Maharishi sux - lol

["Tiffany", from "The Washington Post"]: He sure does - lol

["Chuck", from "The York Times"]: This is perfect - All we need is a 
little more upfront funding, and you'll make Snowden look like peanuts.

[Turq]: I'll show those bastards!

["Tiffany", from "The Washington Post"]: You sure will!

["Chuck", from "The York Times"]: Absofuckinglutely!! Now, we received 
the two hundred bucks, for story copyright, though we will need 
another five hundred, for the movie rights - Spielberg is having a 
look - This is gunna be huge!

[Turq]: I am wiring the funds as we speak, Sir!! Do you really think 
I'll be notorious, like you promised??

["Chuck", from "The York Times"]: Global bad-ass, Guaranteed! We can 
help you market that, too...

On 10/16/2014 9:05 AM, [FairfieldLife] wrote:

See, bring back the Parody! Good job. I got smacked down by Share who 
apparently doesn't like my parodies as they seem to lead to a mob 
mentality of online bullying in some way. But God, you wrote a good 
little snippet there. You have the knack, Mac.

And I only now saw Steve's post here, another gold star. Kind of like 
the court jester in the old days who always told the sometimes ugly 
truth with laughs and wit and hilarious antics. Underneath the 
joviality lies what many don't want to admit.

/Everyone already knows that the magazine science writer is Barry and 
the lurking reporter is MJ - reporting to John Knapp at the TM-Free 
blog. They already admitted this on FFL. It's no secret what their 
agenda is - to get TMers to post some secret information about the 
private sex life of people that live in Fairfield. Apparently that's the 
whole purpose of this discussion group. It's not complicated.


---In,  wrote :

Note to Lurking Reporters.

Dear RP's.

Does it seem strange that this 70 year old man, Mr. Barry Wright, 
spends as much time as he does trying to find faults in an 
organization he left some 40 years ago?

Does it seem odd, that he would become so animated when he finds what 
he feels is an out of whack comment by another member of the forum, as 
though all the time he puts in here, has had some payoff?

Does it, again, seem odd, that another member here, Mr. Michael 
Jackson, seems to have taken on, as a part of "his life mission" 
uncovering all the faults of the TM organization and it's founder, 
repeating the same lines over and over each day?

Dear Mr. and Ms. Lurking Reporters.  Please reveal yourselves, and 
weight in on some of issues and behaviors you observe here.

One word of caution though. If you response does not meet with the 
expectations of Mr. Wright, he will turn on you in angry fashion as he 
did with another member here a week or so ago.

If interested, you can re-visit this exchange between Mr. Wright, and 
a Mr.Blue Bungalow.

Mr. Wright went positively ballistic.

Mr. Bungalow, remained nonplussed.

Sort of revealing, I'd say for the guy who claims to be so unattached 
to anything that goes on here.

Just sayin'

---In,  wrote :

Got that, lurking reporters? Just the other day a couple of you were 
asking me to document my opinion that many long-term TMers were 
"certifiably paranoid" and committed to a "them vs. us mentality."

I submit this as the proof you were asking for. Nablusoss1008 believes 
this because Maharishi believed it.  :-)

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: 50,000 new Flyers now

2014-10-16 Thread 'Richard J. Williams7; [FairfieldLife]

On 10/16/2014 9:03 AM, [FairfieldLife] wrote:

100% Bullshit. This is ALL ABOUT YOU and Barry and Sal. I have no clue 
as to your motives, but NOBODY, except the three of you, sees you as 
three Mother Teresas, in drag.

/MJ just admitted he was an informant, so you should not be surprised if 
he sends in reports to John Knapp at the TM-Free blog. Both Barry and MJ 
are consistently posting false flag messages to the discussion. This is 
all a matter of record - the fact is that Barry is writing science 
articles about your TM practice - it's all about YOU./


---In,  wrote :

Head in the sand pie in the sky  - whether you put your heads up or 
down you wind up in the same place, buried in denial of the facts. 
Some of us "naysayers" do the world a service by informing people who 
innocently are curious about TM to warn them of getting involved with 
a bona fide cult.

*From:* "fleetwood_macncheese@... [FairfieldLife]" 

*Sent:* Thursday, October 16, 2014 9:20 AM
*Subject:* Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: 50,000 new Flyers now

It is pathetic the little thrill each of these naysayers gets, upon 
their thousandth time "discovery" of some impropriety by the Movement, 
or Maharishi. They could be doing so much better, with their lives, 
and loved ones, if they would spend less time denigrating, and more 
time seeking. From what I can see of the three of them, they do very 
little in real life. Perhaps slinging all the insults is the best they 
ever feel. Definitely true of that Barry character, who only seems to 
stand tall, on the backs of others. Sad lives, and I wouldn't trade 
places with any of them, for anything..

---In,  wrote :

Sal, it's always a pleasure to hear the disaffected cry how the TMO 
has reached a "new low"

Oh, how many times do we have to hear that?

As though, you were really "pulling for the organization" up to this 

Please have a bit of self reflection.  It will do all of us, and 
especially you, a world of good.

Pretty please.  With sugar on top, maybe?

---In,  wrote :

---In,  wrote :

*From:* salyavin808 
*Sent:* Wednesday, October 15, 2014 4:08 PM
*Subject:* Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: 50,000 new Flyers now

---In,  wrote :

---In,  wrote :

---In,  wrote :

You are being too kind -

Actually, I thought I was being successfully rather sarcastic!

I thought it was a really good post, I gave it two stars.

Not too shabby, especially as I've got a stinking cold.

Maybe double-edged would be a better description than sarcastic.

I was serious though, even though I don't believe in it I think it's 
good that it's being tested again and with so many that it will leave 
us in no doubt.  I can't imagine what the TMO will do when they don't 
have a leg to stand on regarding the Maharishi Effect. I know they'll 
just carry on regardless but they should take heed that we'll always 
be able to point to this and say "what about...". Unless it turns out 
they are right of course, in which case it'll be humble pie for the 
sceptics unless we're all too enlightened to care!

See "When Prophecy Fails - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 


When Prophecy Fails - Wikipedia, the free encycl... 

When Prophecy Fails: A Social and Psychological Study of a Modern 
Group That Predicted the Destruction of the World is a classic work of 

View on 

Preview by Yahoo


While having the ME completely disproven might deter some people, my 
suspicion is that any TM True Believer still gullible enough to still 
be a TB at this point would just put on their big boy pants and tough 
their way through it, finding an infinite series of loopholes to show 
that the prophecy of world peace really DID happen, if you just look 
at it the right way. Or that it was delayed as part of a larger plan 
for world peace. Whatever...

Yes, you could be right. Hopefully we'll see. Maybe we'll get some 
more gems to add to the list of reasons why things don't work.

Good book that, one of my favourites. Most interesting and I remember 
feeling sorry for them when the UFO didn't arrive, much as I'll feel 
sorry for Nabby when Maitreya doesn't. Not that he'll care or even 


When Prophecy Fails - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 

Re: [FairfieldLife] ebola and common sense

2014-10-16 Thread 'Richard J. Williams7; [FairfieldLife]
On 10/16/2014 9:24 AM, Share Long [FairfieldLife] 
Richard, I would say that ebola has been "out of control" since April. 
However, this fact is only becoming obvious now. Everyone needs to 
take extreme precautions. And let's see if an ebola case emerges in 
Cleveland, where the second infected nurse traveled before she was 

/So, the Ebola virus is out of control. And now, because of lax prtocols 
the Ebola is spreading across the U.S. How did that happen? ///Don't we 
have a CDCl? /Go figure.//

//Apparently President Obama forgot to appoint a new U.S. Surgeon 
General. Would somebody please tell me who is running this country! Thanks./

'Lax U.S. Guidelines on Ebola Led to Poor Hospital Training, Experts Say'

On Thursday, October 16, 2014 8:48 AM, "'Richard J. Williams' [FairfieldLife]"  

On 10/16/2014 6:50 AM, Share Long 
<> [FairfieldLife] wrote:
CDC keeps saying that ebola is only transmitted via bodily fluids, is 
not airborne. Ok, everyone, the next time you sneeze, put your hand 
in front of your mouth. Feel any fluid? Duh! Now imagine that that 
sneeze occurs in an enclosed space, like an airplane.

/What are you trying to to do, start a panic? Apparently you are 
suggesting that Ebola is out of control. //The question is: //Can you 
catch the virus by just sitting on the bus with someone who has 
Ebola?//Go figure./

Re: [FairfieldLife] The Mother Teresa Triplets vs. the Bad Girls Club WRESTLEMANIA

2014-10-16 Thread &#x27;Richard J. Williams7; [FairfieldLife]

On 10/16/2014 9:24 AM, [FairfieldLife] wrote:

"So, now we have it - These two teams - One side of the ring, the Bad 
Girls Club, [wild applause, flowers tossed] and on the other, the 
Mother Teresa Triplets [boos, old fruit and shoes thrown]!

Good Evening, we are your announcers, Biff Tanner, and Pete Stone, 
here for one of the most exciting matches of the season! 
...WRESTLEMANIA!...Helloo, Fairfield!! [crowd roars, some 
whistles] The MTT look pretty, well,  I'm just gunna say it, 
pissed-off, for this one - and there's the bell!

Thanks, Biff WHOA, Barry just got body-slammed!! By one of his own 
crew! He's shaken - Messed that lil' pup UP...

Sure did Pete, sure did - that was a real surprise, MJ really decked him.

/Taken out of context on a new thread, how exactly did MJ "deck" 
Barry?//How about a little commentary to go along with the story. Thanks./


Sure did Biff, sure for a message from our sponsor, 
Mega-Boost, and back in a moment!"

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: 50,000 new Flyers now

2014-10-16 Thread &#x27;Richard J. Williams7; [FairfieldLife]

On 10/15/2014 3:40 PM, [FairfieldLife] wrote:

Ann, The Maharishi Effect, is not about belief. It is about a shift in 
identity, from me, to us. Not in some phony way, but an actual shift, 
in empathy, compassion, and even beyond that, sensing oneself, that 
'finest feeling level, we are all familiar with, strengthening that, 
not just for me, but for everyone, everything, becoming a source of 
life giving and supporting energy, globally. That can never be 
accomplished within the obvious boundaries, of our individual minds 
and bodies .

But, if we break down some of these self-imposed boundaries, of 
ourselves, again, not through belief, but through integrating 
experience, Being, then, this effect, of thousands of fliers (that 
being the sutra of greatest integration of Being), is truly one that 
unites us, as a global people, and begins to calm a rapidly changing 
world, in the direction of peace, and a better world. Not through 
belief, but by reaching a profound, and sustainable, Being.

Maharishi always operated like that, from the intro lecture, on - 
peace begins at home, and once that is established, go for the world. 
It is a very exciting time, with every possible institution, system, 
leader, and big idea, under the microscope of ubiquitous 
communication, encyclopedias in a thumbprint, and everyone on the 
Internet. All it takes is the right momentum, at the right time, 
encouragement of the other side of life, away from violence, and 

The genius of the Maharishi Effect, just as Maharishi accomplished 
with the TM technique, is to find the combination most efficient, in 
terms of the program for each individual, and their congregation, to 
effect world peace, in a mechanical way. There is no need for belief, 
or hope -

As the Nike ad says, "Just Do It", and the rest follows. I promise.

---In,  wrote :

---In,  wrote :

---In,  wrote :

---In,  wrote :

---In,  wrote :

You are being too kind -

Actually, I thought I was being successfully rather sarcastic!

I thought it was a really good post, I gave it two stars.

Not too shabby, especially as I've got a stinking cold.

Maybe double-edged would be a better description than sarcastic.

I was serious though, even though I don't believe in it I think it's 
good that it's being tested again and with so many that it will leave 
us in no doubt.  I can't imagine what the TMO will do when they don't 
have a leg to stand on regarding the Maharishi Effect. I know they'll 
just carry on regardless but they should take heed that we'll always 
be able to point to this and say "what about...". Unless it turns out 
they are right of course, in which case it'll be humble pie for the 
sceptics unless we're all too enlightened to care!

Here is the thing, why isn't a meditation technique good enough to 
hang your hat on as a Movement? Why bother to start claiming all sorts 
of "Maharishi Effects" when all anyone really needs is a sound 
meditation technique? I don't know if TM is the greatest or bestest 
out there because I don't like sitting during my waking hours with my 
eyes closed when there is so much else to do and see so I simply don't 
scope out other techniques to compare. But the ME? I don't believe any 
of it for a minute. But why is the ME even necessary to put out there? 
If human beings are benefiting personally from a technique then the 
whole world should benefit due to the individuals becoming happier, 
calmer, more grounded.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: 50,000 new Flyers now

2014-10-16 Thread &#x27;Richard J. Williams7; [FairfieldLife]

On 10/16/2014 9:41 AM, [FairfieldLife] wrote:

No dude - its all about YOU.

/How could it be all about me when Barry is the one claiming to have 
seen the levitation and you're the one claiming the enlightenment? The 
only claim I've made is to be able to think. Go figure./


---In,  wrote :

On 10/16/2014 9:03 AM, fleetwood_macncheese@... 
 [FairfieldLife] wrote:

100% Bullshit. This is ALL ABOUT YOU and Barry and Sal. I have no
clue as to your motives, but NOBODY, except the three of you,
sees you as three Mother Teresas, in drag.

/MJ just admitted he was an informant, so you should not be
surprised if he sends in reports to John Knapp at the TM-Free
blog. Both Barry and MJ are consistently posting false flag
messages to the discussion. This is all a matter of record - the
fact is that Barry is writing science articles about your TM
practice - it's all about YOU./

 wrote :

Head in the sand pie in the sky  - whether you put your heads up
or down you wind up in the same place, buried in denial of the
facts. Some of us "naysayers" do the world a service by informing
people who innocently are curious about TM to warn them of
getting involved with a bona fide cult.

*From:* "fleetwood_macncheese@... [FairfieldLife]"


*Sent:* Thursday, October 16, 2014 9:20 AM
*Subject:* Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: 50,000 new Flyers now

It is pathetic the little thrill each of these naysayers gets,
upon their thousandth time "discovery" of some impropriety by the
Movement, or Maharishi. They could be doing so much better, with
their lives, and loved ones, if they would spend less time
denigrating, and more time seeking. From what I can see of the
three of them, they do very little in real life. Perhaps slinging
all the insults is the best they ever feel. Definitely true of
that Barry character, who only seems to stand tall, on the backs
of others. Sad lives, and I wouldn't trade places with any of
them, for anything..

 wrote :

Sal, it's always a pleasure to hear the disaffected cry how the
TMO has reached a "new low"

Oh, how many times do we have to hear that?

As though, you were really "pulling for the organization" up to
this point.

Please have a bit of self reflection.  It will do all of us, and
especially you, a world of good.

Pretty please.  With sugar on top, maybe?

  wrote :

 wrote :

*From:* salyavin808 


*Sent:* Wednesday, October 15, 2014 4:08 PM
*Subject:* Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: 50,000 new Flyers now

 wrote :

  wrote :

 wrote :

You are being too kind -

Actually, I thought I was being successfully rather sarcastic!

I thought it was a really good post, I gave it two stars.

Not too shabby, especially as I've got a stinking cold.

Maybe double-edged would be a better description than sarcastic.

I was serious though, even though I don't believe in it I think
it's good that it's being tested again and with so many that it
will leave us in no doubt.  I can't imagine what the TMO will do
when they don't have a leg to stand on regarding the Maharishi
Effect. I know they'll just carry on regardless but they should
take heed that we'll always be able to point to this and say
"what about...". Unless it turns out they are right of course, in
which case it'll be humble pie for the sceptics unless we're all
too enlightened to care!

See "When Prophecy Fails - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Re: [FairfieldLife] Maharishi Mahesh Yogi

2014-10-16 Thread &#x27;Richard J. Williams7; [FairfieldLife]
On 10/16/2014 9:46 AM, Share Long [FairfieldLife] 

Richard, thanks for the review (-:
But didn't turq write this quite a while ago? I'm just sayin...

/It doesn't matter when the TurqB made the claim, but in fact it's been 
dozens of times since he began posting to social media. But, the point 
is that by their silence, all the other informants on FFL seem to 
believe him. Now that's a thought-stopper!

Sometimes it's what people don't say that is important to the 
discussion. On most any other fair and balanced discussion group Barry 
would have been asked to leave after calling almost everyone else on the 
forum liars and True Believers - when in fact, he is the True Believing 
liar, according to Judy. Go figure./

/"I've seen someone levitate. Many times. In many settings, from the Los 
Angeles //
//Convention Center to the Anza-Borrego Desert to a Denny's restaurant 
in the wee //

//hours of the night."/ - TurquoiseB

Subject: TM is a Cult?
Author: TurquoiseB
Group: Yahoo Fairfieldife
Date: Friday, 23 May 2014

On Wednesday, October 15, 2014 9:07 PM, "'Richard J. Williams' [FairfieldLife]"  

On 10/15/2014 9:15 AM, Share Long 
<> [FairfieldLife] wrote:
Richard, I like you a lot and I enjoy many of your posts. I just hope 
that you see the irony of your saying that it's "the redundant factor 
that is so disappointing." I'm just saying: I think you've posted 
turq's quote about Rama's rising off the couch so many times, I 
almost know it by heart!

/Thanks. I get a kick out of making Barry look like a dumb True 
Believer - he is so arrogant and boastful when he makes fun of the 
average TMer. So , let's review:

Barry said he saw Fred Lenz "slowly lifting up off the sofa and 
sitting in midair for two to three minutes. Or stepping up off the 
ground in the desert and then flying around several feet above the 
ground for a while." /


Re: [FairfieldLife] Bulletin from MUM - COMMUNITY ALERT

2014-10-16 Thread &#x27;Richard J. Williams7; [FairfieldLife]

This post has all the earmarks of a false-flag message plant.

There's a guy working at MUM who used to hang out with an old guy who 
had a beard a few years ago. He promised to "eliminate terrorism" if 
anyone gave him $1 billion dollars for a trust fund to create world peace.

At the time I didn't have much to spare but I have noticed lately that 
there's no world peace and the problem with terrorism has increased by a 
factor of 100. Shouldn't the guy return the money? Go figure.

/"One billion dollars sounds like a lot, and philanthropically it is. 
But in the big picture, it's less than the price of one B-2 bomber-less 
than the Defense Department spends in one day."/ - John Hagelin 


On 10/16/2014 10:43 AM, 'Rick Archer' 
[FairfieldLife] wrote:

*From:*MUM Human Resource Office
*Sent:* Wednesday, October 15, 2014 2:52 PM
*To:* undisclosed-recipients:

*Community Alert!*

 Dear Members of our M.U.M. and Fairfield Community,

We wanted to alert you that an individual has returned to Fairfield 
who has caused serious financial harm to members of our local 
community, and to others across the nation.

 If someone you do not personally know very well presents a financial 
opportunity based on the premise that vast sums of money are about to 
arrive, or any similar scheme that promises returns that sound too 
good to be true, please walk away and report such suspicious behavior 
to M.U.M. Campus Safety Director James Bedinger (641-919-7992) and to 
the Fairfield Police Dept. (641-472-4146).

 It is unfortunate that many intelligent and sincere people in our 
Fairfield and TM community have suffered financial loss as a result of 
this seductive and dangerous individual.

/Caution is advised./  We are exploring with the Police what 
additional protective options may be available.

James Bedinger

Maharishi University of Management

Campus Safety/Security Director 

Re: [FairfieldLife] ebola is airborne DUH!

2014-10-16 Thread &#x27;Richard J. Williams7; [FairfieldLife]
On 10/16/2014 10:44 AM, Mike Dixon [FairfieldLife] 
The nurse that just came down with Ebola had a *low grade* 
fever before boarding her flight. She contacted the CDC to get advice 
about travel and had been told it was OK to fly.

/The guy's name she spoke to on the phone is Dr. Thomas R. Frieden and 
he is the the Director of the U.S. Center for Disease Control in 
Atlanta.//Apparently the chief doctor in the office is very confused 
about the Ebola or the term "exponential." How much are we paying this guy?/

Seems to me, both should have known better. The nurse should have 
definitely known better since she had just been involved with treating 
the guy form Liberia who had just died. Who knows who she spoke to at 
the CDC? Could have been a janitor.

/Seems to me the CDC should have been monitoring closely all the 75 or 
more staff that were directly caring for Mr. Burton, the Ebola patient 
that died at the Dallas hospital.

Of course the nurse should have known better than to get on a plane, 
since the other nurse had already been put in isolation. Something tells 
me they are not taking this seriously enough.//There could be Ebola on 
hundreds of planes by now. In a few weeks the disease will be all over 
the planet. Go figure.

///The question is, why did the nurse have to take her own temperature 
at home and call the CDC in Atlanta on her own cell phone if she was 
being monitored?

/Other questions:

 * /How does the President think he can control an Ebola outbreak when
   he cant even design a working web site?//
 * /Where did the administrators of the Dallas hospital get the idea
   they could treat an Ebola patient in the first place? /
 * /Why did Obama say you couldn't catch Ebola sitting on a bus and
   then the CDC say not to take public transportation//if you get
 * / Where is the Obama U.S. Surgeon General when we need him?/
 * /Who is in charge of the u.S. Ebola prevention team?

'Security lapses found at CDC bioterror lab in Atlanta'

On Thursday, October 16, 2014 8:17 AM, "'Richard J. Williams' [FairfieldLife]"  

On 10/16/2014 9:27 AM, Mike Dixon 
<> [FairfieldLife] wrote:
Well, it definately took a trip on airplanes from Liberia to the US 
and from Dallas to Ohio.

/According to the CDC you can't spread the Ebola virus until you start 
showing symptoms. In neither case was the victim showing any symptoms 
when they got on or off the plane.

But, in sense both individuals were airborne. The question is, was 
there Ebola left in or on the plane they flew on?By my 
calculations, if the Ebola is contagious through the air, there must 
be over 5,000 people now in the U.S. who may or may not get the Ebola.

Maybe we should review the term "exponential."/

"A mathematical exponent expressed by a curve indicating a more and 
more rapid increase. For example, an organism will increase 
exponentially from one to two and each splits into four to then form 
eight, etc."


On Thursday, October 16, 2014 7:07 AM, "'Richard J. Williams' <> [FairfieldLife]" wrote:

On 10/16/2014 6:23 AM, Share Long 
<> [FairfieldLife] wrote:
Some already knew this from the Dustin Hoffman, Rene Russo movie 
Outbreak! Exemplifying the idea that in Kali Yuga, truth (ebola is 
airborne) is presented as fiction (a feature film).

/Both President Obama and Dr. Frieden say that you cannot catch Ebola 
just sitting next to someone on the bus. If you could, we would have 
been warned by Obama at the Emergency Ebola Meeting in Situation Room 
yesterday, right?//

//We will know the answer in the next two weeks - over 75 people at 
the hospital attended Duncan - wearing only a paper face mask.

It may be that the entire population of Dallas may have to be 
quarantined because when a patient vomits or has diarrhea or even 
flushes the toilet, "there’s just a cloud that contains pathogen 
virus particles" all over the room. The whole Texas Health 
Presbyterian hospital may have to be shut down in a few days due to 

//Alex Jones://

Fortunately CIDRAP sounds way more trustworthy than CDC. Let's watch 
how the media spins it...
Ebola Is Airborne, University Of Minnesota CIDRAP Researchers Claim 


Re: [FairfieldLife] ebola and common sense

2014-10-16 Thread &#x27;Richard J. Williams7; [FairfieldLife]
On 10/16/2014 10:47 AM, Mike Dixon [FairfieldLife] 

Inmates running the asylum

/We are in the best of hands!/

“Even as U.S. health authorities continue to tell Americans not to worry 
about the Ebola virus, their assurances are being undercut by the 
increasingly obvious deficiencies in domestic planning. . . . The United 
States does not remotely have an Ebola crisis, but it is beginning to 
have a crisis of confidence in the Obama administration’s handling of 
the matter."

L.A. Times Editorial:

On Thursday, October 16, 2014 8:26 AM, "'Richard J. Williams' [FairfieldLife]"  

On 10/16/2014 9:24 AM, Share Long 
<> [FairfieldLife] wrote:
Richard, I would say that ebola has been "out of control" since 
April. However, this fact is only becoming obvious now. Everyone 
needs to take extreme precautions. And let's see if an ebola case 
emerges in Cleveland, where the second infected nurse traveled before 
she was diagnosed.

/So, the Ebola virus is out of control. And now, because of lax 
prtocols the Ebola is spreading across the U.S. How did that happen? 
///Don't we have a CDCl? /Go figure.//

//Apparently President Obama forgot to appoint a new U.S. Surgeon 
General. Would somebody please tell me who is running this country! 

'Lax U.S. Guidelines on Ebola Led to Poor Hospital Training, Experts Say'

On Thursday, October 16, 2014 8:48 AM, "'Richard J. Williams' <> [FairfieldLife]" wrote:

On 10/16/2014 6:50 AM, Share Long 
<> [FairfieldLife] wrote:
CDC keeps saying that ebola is only transmitted via bodily fluids, 
is not airborne. Ok, everyone, the next time you sneeze, put your 
hand in front of your mouth. Feel any fluid? Duh! Now imagine that 
that sneeze occurs in an enclosed space, like an airplane.

/What are you trying to to do, start a panic? Apparently you are 
suggesting that Ebola is out of control. //The question is: //Can you 
catch the virus by just sitting on the bus with someone who has 
Ebola?//Go figure./

Re: [FairfieldLife] Bulletin from MUM - COMMUNITY ALERT [1 Attachment]

2014-10-16 Thread &#x27;Richard J. Williams7; [FairfieldLife]
On 10/16/2014 10:48 AM, TurquoiseBee 
[FairfieldLife] wrote:
WTF? First Maharishi sends a message from beyond the grave, and now 
he's BACK?

/You sound really scared./

At least it's good that they're warning people about him this time...

/You're making yourself look like a wuss - do any of these guys look 
like they are worried about a dead guy talking?/

/'Netherlands says OK for biker gangs to fight Islamic State'/

/Members of the 'No Surrender' biker gang are fighting against Islamic 
State militants in northern Iraq/

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Bulletin from MUM - COMMUNITY ALERT

2014-10-16 Thread &#x27;Richard J. Williams7; [FairfieldLife]

On 10/16/2014 11:02 AM, salyavin808 wrote:
Seriously, why don't they just print the guys name? He sounds like a 
fiendishly smooth operator. 

/Because that would be illegal and make Rick look like an informant?/

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Russell Brand on Wall Street

2014-10-16 Thread &#x27;Richard J. Williams7; [FairfieldLife]
On 10/16/2014 11:14 AM, Bhairitu [FairfieldLife] 

You can chew on this in the meantiime:

/Addressing the important issues!And I was worried about a plane 
carrying an Ebola virus around the country. Go figure./

"Frontier Airlines Flight 1143 took center stage in the national Ebola 
scare Tuesday when it was revealed that a registered nurse who treated 
"index" patient Thomas Eric Duncan in a Dallas hospital was on board 
Monday. The plane landed at Denver International Airport around 7 p.m. 
Wednesday and was taken to a hangar for cleaning."

'Plane Carrying Ebola-Infected Nurse Back In Decontaminated'

Re: [FairfieldLife] ebola is airborne DUH!

2014-10-16 Thread &#x27;Richard J. Williams7; [FairfieldLife]
On 10/16/2014 11:26 AM, Bhairitu [FairfieldLife] 

You know it's all "Obama's fault". :-D

/Most everyone but you knows that Obama hasn't appointed a new U.S. 
Surgeon General.//The point is that the U.S. Government sucks at 
managing a crisis - the last time I checked Obama was in charge./

/Apparently he was in error when he stated that you can't get Ebola from 
sitting next to someone on a bus. It's a failure of confidence due to a 
president who seems asleep at the wheel - it's not just blaming Obama 
for not understanding the Ebola threat./


On 10/16/2014 04:23 AM, Share Long 
[FairfieldLife] wrote:
Some already knew this from the Dustin Hoffman, Rene Russo movie 
Outbreak! Exemplifying the idea that in Kali Yuga, truth (ebola is 
airborne) is presented as fiction (a feature film).

Fortunately CIDRAP sounds way more trustworthy than CDC. Let's watch 
how the media spins it...
Ebola Is Airborne, University Of Minnesota CIDRAP Researchers Claim 


Ebola Is Airborne, University Of Minnesota CIDRAP Rese... 

Ebola is airborne, according to a new report by the Center for 
Infectious Disease Research and Policy (CIDRAP) at the University of 
Minnesota. Researcher...

View on 

Preview by Yahoo

Re: [FairfieldLife] Bulletin from MUM - COMMUNITY ALERT

2014-10-16 Thread &#x27;Richard J. Williams7; [FairfieldLife]

/OK. OK. OK. We get your point.//Talk about redundant. Go figure./

On 10/16/2014 12:00 PM, Michael Jackson 
[FairfieldLife] wrote:

It is unfortunate that many intelligent and sincere people in our 
Fairfield and TM community have suffered financial loss as a result of 
this seductive and dangerous individual.

I would have to say it is unfortunate that the Movement itself has 
engendered a mind set that creates such gullibility inthe awareness of 
the TM'ers of the community and the world at large AND the Movement 
itself is guilty of the exact same kind of fraud they are alleging 
this man is guilty of. It may be the Big Boys of the TMO are afraid if 
the meditators are giving their dough to this guy, they won't have so 
much to give the Movement.

*From:* "TurquoiseBee [FairfieldLife]" 

*To:* "" 
*Sent:* Thursday, October 16, 2014 11:48 AM
*Subject:* Re: [FairfieldLife] Bulletin from MUM - COMMUNITY ALERT

WTF? First Maharishi sends a message from beyond the grave, and now 
he's BACK?

At least it's good that they're warning people about him this time...

*From:* "'Rick Archer' [FairfieldLife]" 

*To:* FairfieldLife ;

*Sent:* Thursday, October 16, 2014 5:43 PM
*Subject:* [FairfieldLife] Bulletin from MUM - COMMUNITY ALERT

*From:*MUM Human Resource Office
*Sent:* Wednesday, October 15, 2014 2:52 PM
*To:* undisclosed-recipients:
*Community Alert!*
 Dear Members of our M.U.M. and Fairfield Community,
We wanted to alert you that an individual has returned to Fairfield 
who has caused serious financial harm to members of our local 
community, and to others across the nation.
 If someone you do not personally know very well presents a financial 
opportunity based on the premise that vast sums of money are about to 
arrive, or any similar scheme that promises returns that sound too 
good to be true, please walk away and report such suspicious behavior 
to M.U.M. Campus Safety Director James Bedinger (641-919-7992) and to 
the Fairfield Police Dept. (641-472-4146).
It is unfortunate that many intelligent and sincere people in our 
Fairfield and TM community have suffered financial loss as a result of 
this seductive and dangerous individual.
/Caution is advised./We are exploring with the Police what additional 
protective options may be available.

James Bedinger
Maharishi University of Management
Campus Safety/Security Director 

Re: [FairfieldLife] ebola is airborne DUH!

2014-10-16 Thread &#x27;Richard J. Williams7; [FairfieldLife]
On 10/16/2014 1:17 PM, Share Long [FairfieldLife] 
Richard, I totally blame the Republicans. 8 years of Bush, then all 
these years of not supporting Obama, PLUS letting the Tea Party take 
over. Ugh! I will NEVER vote for a Republican. All they care about is 
getting into power again. IMO they would rather destroy the country 
than help the Dems govern wisely.

/The people should hold their elected representatives in congress 
responsible for any lapses or mistakes made - there is plenty of blame 
to go around on both sides. Nobody is blaming the President for the 
Ebola outbreak, it's just that he didn't take it seriously enough, 

It would be wiser to limit air transportation from West Africa to the 
U.S. - rather than check for symptoms on arrival. The U.S. will now have 
to send in thousands of troops to Liberia control the situation. It's a 
war against Ebola. /


On Thursday, October 16, 2014 12:34 PM, "'Richard J. Williams' [FairfieldLife]"  

On 10/16/2014 11:26 AM, Bhairitu 
<> [FairfieldLife] wrote:

You know it's all "Obama's fault". :-D

/Most everyone but you knows that Obama hasn't appointed a new U.S. 
Surgeon General.//The point is that the U.S. Government sucks at 
managing a crisis - the last time I checked Obama was in charge./

/Apparently he was in error when he stated that you can't get Ebola 
from sitting next to someone on a bus. It's a failure of confidence 
due to a president who seems asleep at the wheel - it's not just 
blaming Obama for not understanding the Ebola threat./


On 10/16/2014 04:23 AM, Share Long 
<> [FairfieldLife] wrote:
Some already knew this from the Dustin Hoffman, Rene Russo movie 
Outbreak! Exemplifying the idea that in Kali Yuga, truth (ebola is 
airborne) is presented as fiction (a feature film).

Fortunately CIDRAP sounds way more trustworthy than CDC. Let's watch 
how the media spins it...
Ebola Is Airborne, University Of Minnesota CIDRAP Researchers Claim 


Ebola Is Airborne, University Of Minnesota CIDRAP Rese... 

Ebola is airborne, according to a new report by the Center for 
Infectious Disease Research and Policy (CIDRAP) at the University of 
Minnesota. Researcher...

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Re: [FairfieldLife] ebola is airborne DUH!

2014-10-16 Thread &#x27;Richard J. Williams7; [FairfieldLife]
On 10/16/2014 1:39 PM, Bhairitu [FairfieldLife] 

The Dems are all freaked out that they are going to lose a lot of 
seats this election.

/They might lose almost everything - both houses AND the White House. 
You might want to keep your U.S. passport up to date./


All they have to do is remind people of the Bush era.

//None of the Dem candidates are mentioning or blaming everything on 
Bush - they are too busy trying to distance themselves from Obama./ 
The current Dem candidates for mid-term elections don't want to be 
reminded that they voted for Obama. /

The public may be disappointed in the Dems but they don't like the 
Repubs any better. They have become cynical about politics and it may 
a good time for third party candidates.

Cynical and apathetic - they feel like their voice isn't getting heard, 
so why vote for either party? Go figure.


On 10/16/2014 11:17 AM, Share Long 
[FairfieldLife] wrote:
Richard, I totally blame the Republicans. 8 years of Bush, then all 
these years of not supporting Obama, PLUS letting the Tea Party take 
over. Ugh! I will NEVER vote for a Republican. All they care about is 
getting into power again. IMO they would rather destroy the country 
than help the Dems govern wisely.

On Thursday, October 16, 2014 12:34 PM, "'Richard J. Williams' [FairfieldLife]"  

On 10/16/2014 11:26 AM, Bhairitu 
<> [FairfieldLife] wrote:

You know it's all "Obama's fault". :-D

/Most everyone but you knows that Obama hasn't appointed a new U.S. 
Surgeon General.//The point is that the U.S. Government sucks at 
managing a crisis - the last time I checked Obama was in charge./

/Apparently he was in error when he stated that you can't get Ebola 
from sitting next to someone on a bus. It's a failure of confidence 
due to a president who seems asleep at the wheel - it's not just 
blaming Obama for not understanding the Ebola threat./


On 10/16/2014 04:23 AM, Share Long 
<> [FairfieldLife] wrote:
Some already knew this from the Dustin Hoffman, Rene Russo movie 
Outbreak! Exemplifying the idea that in Kali Yuga, truth (ebola is 
airborne) is presented as fiction (a feature film).

Fortunately CIDRAP sounds way more trustworthy than CDC. Let's 
watch how the media spins it...
Ebola Is Airborne, University Of Minnesota CIDRAP Researchers Claim 


Ebola Is Airborne, University Of Minnesota CIDRAP Rese... 

Ebola is airborne, according to a new report by the Center for 
Infectious Disease Research and Policy (CIDRAP) at the University 
of Minnesota. Researcher...

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Preview by Yahoo

Re: [FairfieldLife] Bulletin from MUM - COMMUNITY ALERT

2014-10-16 Thread &#x27;Richard J. Williams7; [FairfieldLife]

---In,  wrote :

/OK. OK. OK. We get your point.//Talk about redundant. Go figure./

On 10/16/2014 12:55 PM, salyavin808 wrote:

And Willytex discovers irony. A day of rich developments!

/So, you don't want to talk about the irony in Rotherham - n//ow that's 

[FairfieldLife] Re: What's On Your Mind?

2014-10-16 Thread &#x27;Richard J. Williams7; [FairfieldLife]
/Tens of thousands of minors have been allowed to enter the U.S. and 
distributed all over the country without a single medical screening. The 
EV-D68 virus causes polio-like paralysis in addition to flu symptoms. 
What happened?/

NEW YORK -- The CDC denies a causal link between the surge of 
illegal-alien children from Latin America and the enterovirus D-68 
outbreak in the United States, but government data show the virus was 
rare in the U.S. before this year...

'CDC denies enterovirus link to illegal-alien kids'

/So, the D-68 enterovirus is claiming lives around the country and 
some people are concerned, asking the important questions. Where did 
the virus originate and how did we get it? You'd think there would be 
information on about this on FFL,  right? //

//Just One Minute: "Didn't we have an influx of central American 
children to the US this summer? Weren't there concerns about diseases 
spreading in the holding camps? Weren't the children dispersed all 
across this great nation? My initial guess was that since Texas was 
not showing up as one the early states with an outbreak, the disease 
was less likely to be associated with immigrants."/ - Tom Maguire

The CDC has just one job!

/"You had one job!" is the punchline on a popular Internet meme 
involving organizational screw-ups. Now critics are saying something 
similar about the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in 
response the agency's handling of the Ebola outbreak."/ - Glenn 
Harlan Reynolds

USA Today:
/"...there are a million people in isolation, in quarantine, because 
of Ebola, and ten thousand passengers leave West Africa every single 
day. It's just a matter of time before this disease is carried to 
every corner of the world."/

CBS Philly:

/Addressing the important issues://
//According to Tom Frieden, the director of the Centers for Disease 
Control and Prevention, we must be "relentless" in stopping the 
spread of ebola in West Africa. After all, after all is said and 
done here, that is the only way to truly and completely protect the 
health security of America -- and the world. By January there could 
be millions of people infected with the virus. //

Asking the important questions:
//Who is going to spend the money to keep this epidemic contained 
so that it doesn't turn into a pandemic? How much would it cost to 
invent a vaccine? How will military units on the ground have the 
discipline, the will and the resources to mobilize tomorrow, build 
treatment centers really fast and deliver the care and medicine 

Taking action:
//The  U.S. has boots are on the ground in Iraq and Afghanistan and 
now 3,600 troops are being sent into Liberia to help manage the 
crises. How many boots on the ground and how much money will it 
take to defeat ISIS and the Ebola?/

'Pentagon Sending 600 More Military Personnel to Fight Ebola in Africa'

'Ebola virus: Pandemic should be treated 'the same way' as threat 
posed by nuclear weapons, security officials say'

The Independent:

'Five blunders US made in treating country's first Ebola patient'
The Telegraph:
/"For anyone paying attention, the long-brewing crisis hardly came 
out of nowhere."/

'We Screwed Up On Ebola, And Now The Crisis Is Getting Much Worse' 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: 50,000 new Flyers now

2014-10-16 Thread &#x27;Richard J. Williams7; [FairfieldLife]

On 10/16/2014 4:09 PM, [FairfieldLife] wrote:

Beautiful, beautiful.

Maybe we can get a graph showing the intersecting point, comparing the 
time you spent involved with the TMO, with the time you are spending 
bashing it.

Yikes. With Barry, I think it's five years in, and thirty five years 
on the bash.

According to what I've read, he  worked for the TMO from 1967-1977 and 
1977-1987 he worked for the Lenz cult. He's been bashing online since 
1994 with it the same redundant messages. That means he has been active 
in either a cult or an anti-cult cult for the major part of his adult 
life - with not much to show for it: Go figure.

/"I contend that the effortlessness of TM may be great and all, but does 
not in any way imply "most effective."  Let me give you an example. I 
regularly practice a buddhist techique that is definitely NOT 
effortless. It involves focusing with all one's will on one of the 
subtle physical chakras and then using the resulting kundalini to 
"slingshot" into transcendence.  At no point during the practice of the 
technique is there any "effortlessness," yet I regularly spend 1/3 to 
1/2 of my meditation period transcending.  When I practiced TM, I was 
lucky to spend more than 10-20 seconds of the meditation period 
transcending."/ - Barry Wright, 1994


I guess it's no surprise then, the near hero worship we see on 
Michael's part towards Barry.

Hey, I was fond of Barry too.  Indeed, I still have a soft spot for him.

But, why would someone spend five years bashing for every one year 
spent in.

Still collecting evidence?

Methinks, something else at work here.

/Maybe he is getting paid by a science magazine to plant messages on the 


---In,  wrote :

Head in the sand pie in the sky  - whether you put your heads up or 
down you wind up in the same place, buried in denial of the facts. 
Some of us "naysayers" do the world a service by informing people who 
innocently are curious about TM to warn them of getting involved with 
a bona fide cult.

*From:* "fleetwood_macncheese@... [FairfieldLife]" 

*Sent:* Thursday, October 16, 2014 9:20 AM
*Subject:* Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: 50,000 new Flyers now

It is pathetic the little thrill each of these naysayers gets, upon 
their thousandth time "discovery" of some impropriety by the Movement, 
or Maharishi. They could be doing so much better, with their lives, 
and loved ones, if they would spend less time denigrating, and more 
time seeking. From what I can see of the three of them, they do very 
little in real life. Perhaps slinging all the insults is the best they 
ever feel. Definitely true of that Barry character, who only seems to 
stand tall, on the backs of others. Sad lives, and I wouldn't trade 
places with any of them, for anything..

---In,  wrote :

Sal, it's always a pleasure to hear the disaffected cry how the TMO 
has reached a "new low"

Oh, how many times do we have to hear that?

As though, you were really "pulling for the organization" up to this 

Please have a bit of self reflection.  It will do all of us, and 
especially you, a world of good.

Pretty please.  With sugar on top, maybe?

---In,  wrote :

---In,  wrote :

*From:* salyavin808 
*Sent:* Wednesday, October 15, 2014 4:08 PM
*Subject:* Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: 50,000 new Flyers now

---In,  wrote :

---In,  wrote :

---In,  wrote :

You are being too kind -

Actually, I thought I was being successfully rather sarcastic!

I thought it was a really good post, I gave it two stars.

Not too shabby, especially as I've got a stinking cold.

Maybe double-edged would be a better description than sarcastic.

I was serious though, even though I don't believe in it I think it's 
good that it's being tested again and with so many that it will leave 
us in no doubt.  I can't imagine what the TMO will do when they don't 
have a leg to stand on regarding the Maharishi Effect. I know they'll 
just carry on regardless but they should take heed that we'll always 
be able to point to this and say "what about...". Unless it turns out 
they are right of course, in which case it'll be humble pie for the 
sceptics unless we're all too enlightened to care!

See "When Prophecy Fails - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 


When Prophecy Fails - Wikipedia, the free encycl... 

When Prophecy Fails: A Social and Psychological Study of a Modern 
Group That Predicted the Destructio

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: 50,000 new Flyers now

2014-10-16 Thread &#x27;Richard J. Williams7; [FairfieldLife]
On 10/16/2014 5:11 PM, Michael Jackson 
[FairfieldLife] wrote:
tell that to the civilian population of the countries who are 
embroiled in these wars. There is not bullshit here except for your 
pie in the sky Marshy was a saint and the world is getting better as a 
result. It really is guys like you, Nabby and Steve who are so skewed 
in your perception that give the Movement a bad name.

/The terrorist Osama bin Laden killed 3,000 in the NYC WTC attack; ISIS 
murders thousands of innocent people and causes a million families to be 
displaced in Syria and Iraq; Ebola has killed 4,000 in Africa; but 
Michael's enemy is "Marshy" and a few hundred Hindu pundit boys up in 
Iowa. Go figure./


*From:* " [FairfieldLife]" 

*Sent:* Thursday, October 16, 2014 5:16 PM
*Subject:* Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: 50,000 new Flyers now

Please do the math, and compare the populations embroiled in war, to 
World War Two, despite the huge increase in weaponry in the past fifty 
years. Anyone can see a massive improvement, despite the bullshit 
stats you have produced.

---In,  wrote :

"most of the world is free of war"

your enlightenment has turned your mind to mush

Number of current wars:

AFRICA:(26 Countries and 164 between militias-guerrillas,
separatist groups and anarchic groups involved)

Hot Spots: Central African Republic (civil war), Democrati
Republic of Congo (war against rebel groups), Egypt (popular
uprising against Government), Libya (war against islamist
militants), Mali (war against tuareg and islamist militants),
Nigeria (war against islamist militants), Somalia (war against
islamist militants), Sudan (war against rebel groups), South
Sudan (civil war)

ASIA: (16 Countries and 137 between militias-guerrillas,
separatist groups and anarchic groups involved)

Hot Spots: Afghanistan (war against islamist militants),
Burma-Myanmar (war against rebel groups), Pakistan (war
against islamist militants), Philippines (war against islamist
militants), Thailand (coup d’etat by army May 2014)

EUROPE:(9 Countries and 71 between militias-guerrillas,
separatist groups and anarchic groups involved)

Hot Spots: Chechnya (war against islamist militants), Dagestan
(war against islamist militants), Ukraine (Secession of
self-proclaimed Donetsk People’s Republic and self-proclaimed
Luhansk People’s Republic)

MIDDLE EAST:(8 Countries and 186 between militias-guerrillas,
separatist groups and anarchic groups involved)

Hot Spots: Iraq (war against Islamic State islamist
militants), Israel (war against islamist militants in Gaza
Strip), Syria (civil war), Yemen (war against and between
islamist militants)

AMERICAS:(5 Countries and 25 between drug cartels,
militias-guerrillas, separatist groups and anarchic groups

Hot Spots: Colombia (war against rebel groups), Mexico (war
against narcotraffic groups)


Number of countries - 64
Number Militias, guerrillas and separatist groups involved - 584

So much for yogic flying and the non-existent Marshy Effect.

*From:* "fleetwood_macncheese@... [FairfieldLife]" 

*Sent:* Thursday, October 16, 2014 10:47 AM
*Subject:* Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: 50,000 new Flyers now

On the other hand, we're all still here and some obliterating nuclear 
war hasn't occurred yet so maybe that does qualify as world peace 
after all.

Yes, it actually does - Especially, despite the HUGE INCREASE in 
weaponry, since World War II, most of the world is free of war, and 
has been, since. Civilian casualties during war are dropping too. Kind 
of a miracle, I think.

---In,  wrote :

---In,  wrote :

there are examples in physics when one particle instantaneously 
affects another at a great distance. I don't recall the name of this 
effect, whether it is the Bose Einstein Condensation, or something 
else, but we have examples in physics, that are roughly analogous to 
the ME.

I know I have heard of amazing things like a monkey thousands of miles 
away from other monkeys learns how to use a tool or other skill and 
suddenly the other monkeys far away also adopt this skill. So I know 
very cool and seemingly unexplained phenomena can and do exist. But 
world peace, so far, seems to not have been one of those phenomenon as 
it relates to the ME. On the other hand, we're all still here and some 
obliterating nuclear war hasn't occurred yet so maybe that does 
qualify as

Re: [FairfieldLife] ebola is airborne DUH!

2014-10-16 Thread &#x27;Richard J. Williams7; [FairfieldLife]
On 10/16/2014 8:37 PM, Mike Dixon [FairfieldLife] 
 But Share, Obama was going to change all of that. The seas would stop 
rising, the lion would lie down with the lamb,"I am the One" we've 
been waiting on, the parties would work together, He would put aside 
partisonship, yada, yada. yada. Was he lying, stupid or were those 
that voted for him just naive and believe anything he said as if he 
were a cult leader? When he comes into office and immediately spends a 
trillion dollars we don't have, locks Republicans out of any input on 
the Healthcare bill, tells Republicans they have no say so on anything 
because *he* won, WTF do you think their response is going to be? 
Obama has never learned to govern, only campaign. Hope in him has lead 
to no hope for anybody else. Unemployment is ridicules, the numbers 
don't account for those that have given up looking for work. Black 
unemployment at an all time high, Race relations at an all time low, 
no jobs for those graduating, people in their thirties still living at 
home with their parents, 49 million people on food stamps,violates his 
own laws, rules by decree with a pen and a phone.Russia moving back 
into sovereign states, Iran on the verge of having nuclear weapons, 
putting Israel in a situation that they may feel compelled to use 
theirs, Snatching defeat from the jaws of victory in Iraq, Taliban 
just waiting for our exit from Afghanistan so they can do the same as 
ISIS has done in Iraq. Opening our southern boarders and inviting 
children to come so they can then bring their parents in  in order to 
grant  them amnesty and put them on the big tit of government. I could 
go on but who wants to hear it? This crap is going to stop but I'm 
sure he'll have more stunts to pull after the elections, regardless of 
how they turn out. WTF is Oswald now that we really need him!

/Sort of makes me miss George W. Bush.//Had there been a travel ban from 
West Africa’s Ebola zone to the United States, Thomas Eric Duncan could 
not have flown here by way of Brussels. /


On Thursday, October 16, 2014 11:19 AM, "Share Long [FairfieldLife]"  

Richard, I totally blame the Republicans. 8 years of Bush, then all 
these years of not supporting Obama, PLUS letting the Tea Party take 
over. Ugh! I will NEVER vote for a Republican. All they care about is 
getting into power again. IMO they would rather destroy the country 
than help the Dems govern wisely.

On Thursday, October 16, 2014 12:34 PM, "'Richard J. Williams' [FairfieldLife]"  

On 10/16/2014 11:26 AM, Bhairitu 
<> [FairfieldLife] wrote:

You know it's all "Obama's fault". :-D

/Most everyone but you knows that Obama hasn't appointed a new U.S. 
Surgeon General.//The point is that the U.S. Government sucks at 
managing a crisis - the last time I checked Obama was in charge./

/Apparently he was in error when he stated that you can't get Ebola 
from sitting next to someone on a bus. It's a failure of confidence 
due to a president who seems asleep at the wheel - it's not just 
blaming Obama for not understanding the Ebola threat./


On 10/16/2014 04:23 AM, Share Long 
<> [FairfieldLife] wrote:
Some already knew this from the Dustin Hoffman, Rene Russo movie 
Outbreak! Exemplifying the idea that in Kali Yuga, truth (ebola is 
airborne) is presented as fiction (a feature film).

Fortunately CIDRAP sounds way more trustworthy than CDC. Let's watch 
how the media spins it...
Ebola Is Airborne, University Of Minnesota CIDRAP Researchers Claim 


Ebola Is Airborne, University Of Minnesota CIDRAP Rese... 

Ebola is airborne, according to a new report by the Center for 
Infectious Disease Research and Policy (CIDRAP) at the University of 
Minnesota. Researcher...

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Re: [FairfieldLife] Billy Graham: America is Just as Wicked...

2014-10-17 Thread &#x27;Richard J. Williams7; [FairfieldLife]
On 10/16/2014 10:04 PM, Bhairitu [FairfieldLife] 

Yeah, maybe if they pray enough they'll start hopping. :-D

/Maybe you should mutter more non-sense gibberish "mantras" //and you'll 
slowly lift up off of your sofa. /


On 10/16/2014 06:32 PM, [FairfieldLife] wrote:

As Sodom and Gomorrah.  But he has a solution.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Billy Graham: America is Just as Wicked...

2014-10-17 Thread &#x27;Richard J. Williams7; [FairfieldLife]

On 10/16/2014 11:32 PM, [FairfieldLife] wrote:
I was thinking that there's a similarity to the Maharishi Effect in 
what Pastor Graham is recommending.

/"There are no atheists in foxholes."- /Ernie Pyle

Re: [FairfieldLife] Billy Graham: America is Just as Wicked...

2014-10-17 Thread &#x27;Richard J. Williams7; [FairfieldLife]

On 10/17/2014 2:18 AM, salyavin808 wrote:

---In,  wrote :

I was thinking that there's a similarity to the Maharishi Effect in 
what Pastor Graham is recommending.

“The man who prays is the one who thinks that god has arranged matters 
all wrong, but who also thinks that he can instruct god how to put 
them right.”

Christopher Hitchens.

/"There are no atheists in foxholes."/ - Ernie Pyle

Re: [FairfieldLife] Billy Graham: America is Just as Wicked... [1 Attachment]

2014-10-17 Thread &#x27;Richard J. Williams7; [FairfieldLife]
On 10/17/2014 2:36 AM, TurquoiseBee [FairfieldLife] 

*From:* salyavin808 
*Sent:* Friday, October 17, 2014 9:18 AM
*Subject:* Re: [FairfieldLife] Billy Graham: America is Just as Wicked...

---In,  wrote :
> I was thinking that there's a similarity to the Maharishi Effect in 
what Pastor Graham is recommending.

“The man who prays is the one who thinks that god has arranged matters 
all wrong, but who also thinks that he can instruct god how to put 
them right.”

Christopher Hitchens.


/The Hindu God Rama Lenz:/


---In,  wrote :

Yeah, maybe if they pray enough they'll start hopping. :-D

On 10/16/2014 06:32 PM, jr_esq@... 
[FairfieldLife] wrote:

As Sodom and Gomorrah.  But he has a solution.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Has the New Age arrived?

2014-10-17 Thread &#x27;Richard J. Williams7; [FairfieldLife]
On 10/17/2014 6:28 AM, TurquoiseBee [FairfieldLife] 
My suggestion for the new name is based on the strong possibility that 
humans will be so short-sighted, stupid, and greed-driven that they'll 
bring an end to their own species within a few short years as the 
result of climate change and self-poisoning. In that case, the species 
that replaces us on the planet can call this the Anthropobsceneperiod. :-)

/You don't sound very positive, or even spiritual anymore. Apparently 
you no longer believe in spirits or Buddhas. What happened - did you 
read a book or something?//

//Over the years you seem to have lost your optimism. Apparently you got 
rejected by two cult groups years ago. You got beaten down a lot by Judy 
for over ten years. That's a lot of rejection!

But, I didn't realize that your trance-induction was so deeply embedded. 
It must be very difficult dealing with the suicide of your master, but 
have you ever considered seeing a cult exit counselor? You might need 
some medical help with your depression. //

//My advice to you would be to seek help from a professional and then 
get some good companionship, maybe get married and try to get your mind 
off of the negative aspects of your past - maybe take a honeymoon 
vacation somewhere nice for a change.

//Don't do anything rash, Barry. Good luck, seriously.

"Frederick Lenz passed away on April 12, 1998 in Long Island, New York. 
He was 48." - - The Three Village Herald, April 16


*From:* salyavin808 
*Sent:* Friday, October 17, 2014 12:48 PM
*Subject:* [FairfieldLife] Has the New Age arrived?

  Anthropocene: is this the new epoch of humans?

A disparate group of experts from around the world will meet for the 
first time on Thursday for talks on what must rank as one of the most 
momentous decisions in human history.*
The question confronting the scientists and other specialists is 
straightforward enough, even if the solution is far from simple. Is it 
time to call an end to the epoch we live in and declare the dawn of a 
new time period: one defined by humanity’s imprint on the planet?
Anthropocene: is this the new epoch of humans? 


Anthropocene: is this the new epoch of humans? 

Geologists, climate scientists, ecologists – and a lawyer – to rule on 
whether impact of human life on Earth has pushed us into a new epoch

View on 

Preview by Yahoo

* Engaging hyperbole?

Re: [FairfieldLife] Has the New Age arrived?

2014-10-17 Thread &#x27;Richard J. Williams7; [FairfieldLife]

On 10/17/2014 6:38 AM, salyavin808 wrote:

---In,  wrote :

My suggestion for the new name is based on the strong possibility that 
humans will be so short-sighted, stupid, and greed-driven that they'll 
bring an end to their own species within a few short years as the 
result of climate change and self-poisoning. In that case, the species 
that replaces us on the planet can call this the Anthropobsceneperiod. :-)

That's a good one, we have proved ourselves to be a first class 
killing machine since we first appeared. So much so that future 
archaeologists might miss the tiny smudge of pollution in the fossil 
record that could be all that remains of us - if it wasn't for the 
sudden absence of vast numbers of other creatures we're taking down 
with us

...not such a cheery post for a friday!

/The events in Rotherham seem to have really got you down and depressed. 
I wish we could somehow cheer you up. Apparently you got rejected just 
like Barry - it must be really tough to be kicked out of a cult. Has 
anything good ever happened to you? ///

Have you ever considered seeing a cult exit counselor? You might even 
require medication for your depression. Do you get invited out to any 
social gatherings with other people? You seem kind of lonely. 
//Go figure.

//You may have come to the wrong place to get help - you don't seem 
to respond to friendly conversation. I wonder what's up with that? Most 
people feel better when they have someone to talk to, but in your case 
you seem to just want to bring us all down.//

//Apparently you and Barry missed out on the Age of Enlightenment part - 
and the Renaissance too. All those years seeking, wasted. 
Bitter. Disappointed. Sad.


*From:* salyavin808 
*Sent:* Friday, October 17, 2014 12:48 PM
*Subject:* [FairfieldLife] Has the New Age arrived?

  Anthropocene: is this the new epoch of humans?

A disparate group of experts from around the world will meet for the 
first time on Thursday for talks on what must rank as one of the most 
momentous decisions in human history.*
The question confronting the scientists and other specialists is 
straightforward enough, even if the solution is far from simple. Is it 
time to call an end to the epoch we live in and declare the dawn of a 
new time period: one defined by humanity’s imprint on the planet?
Anthropocene: is this the new epoch of humans? 


Anthropocene: is this the new epoch of humans? 

Geologists, climate scientists, ecologists – and a lawyer – to rule on 
whether impact of human life on Earth has pushed us into a new epoch

View on 

Preview by Yahoo

* Engaging hyperbole?

Re: [FairfieldLife] The Funny Farm Lounge Koan

2014-10-17 Thread &#x27;Richard J. Williams7; [FairfieldLife]
On 10/17/2014 3:31 AM, TurquoiseBee [FairfieldLife] 

ISIS, and

/Terrorists killing, Ebola out of control, immigrants in Netherlands. 
criminal gangs, ISIS and a conspiracy to take over the world, but 
Barry's enemies are the TMers on Yahoo.//Go figure./

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: The Funny Farm Lounge Koan

2014-10-17 Thread &#x27;Richard J. Williams7; [FairfieldLife]

On 10/17/2014 7:16 AM, [FairfieldLife] wrote:

Just remember Barry.  You have spent seven years bashing TM for every 
one year you were involved with it.

Does that say anything?

/It says that he had a bad experience being in two cults and that he got 
kicked out of both for non-payment of dues./


Anything at all?

/It says that he is now working for the Cult Awareness Network, 
reporting and writing anti-cult articles for a magazine and posting 
false-flag messages on social media./


---In,  wrote :

Have you ever noticed that the TMers on FFL
claim to be better than everyone else,
but that the only things
they seem capable of writing about
are either the things they're AFRAID OF:
ISIS, and
or the people they HATE:
all atheists, and
anyone who disagrees with what they believe?

In a way, it's possible to see this
as a commercial for TM.
I mean, if *most* people's lives
had turned out to be this empty, pathetic,
and endlessly focused on things
they themselves consider negative,
they'd have killed themselves long ago.

But TMers on FFL seem to believe
that living like this
is the very definition of
being better than everyone else.

Low standards
make for high self-esteem,
I guess...

Re: [FairfieldLife] Billy Graham: America is Just as Wicked...

2014-10-17 Thread &#x27;Richard J. Williams7; [FairfieldLife]

On 10/17/2014 7:24 AM, [FairfieldLife] wrote:

Michael's first bash of the day.  Certainly not to be the last.

Michael, I sort of cringe, for your sake, but you know you come off 
as, sort of, adoring Barry.

/It is a little embarrassing - they both want to be spiritual teachers, 
reduced to preaching on social media, and they even suck at that. 
According to Barry he knows a special technique for raising the 
"kundalini" and then his mind gets a "slingshot" into transcendence. 
Iwonder how that Kung Foo is working out for MJ? Go figure./


I mean, it seems a little strange, for one who demeans people on a 
daily basis for "cult mentality"

/MJ is the reporter and Barry is the writer of science magazine 
articles. It's a match made in heaven. LoL!


Jusy sayin' (-:

/That doesn't say much for Barry!/

/"I've seen someone levitate. Many times. In many settings, from the Los 
Angeles //
//Convention Center to the Anza-Borrego Desert to a Denny's restaurant 
in the wee //

//hours of the night." /- TurquoiseB

Subject: TM is a Cult?
Author: TurquoiseB
Group: Yahoo Fairfieldife
Date: Friday, 23 May 2014

---In,  wrote :

“The man who prays is the one who thinks that god has arranged matters 
all wrong, but who also thinks that he can instruct god how to put 
them right.” - Christopher Hitchens.

Oh that's rich! I love it! It also applies pretty well to the beliefs 
of the TM True Believers.

*From:* salyavin808 
*Sent:* Friday, October 17, 2014 3:18 AM
*Subject:* Re: [FairfieldLife] Billy Graham: America is Just as Wicked...

---In,  wrote :

I was thinking that there's a similarity to the Maharishi Effect in 
what Pastor Graham is recommending.

“The man who prays is the one who thinks that god has arranged matters 
all wrong, but who also thinks that he can instruct god how to put 
them right.”

Christopher Hitchens.

---In,  wrote :

Yeah, maybe if they pray enough they'll start hopping. :-D

On 10/16/2014 06:32 PM, jr_esq@... 
[FairfieldLife] wrote:

As Sodom and Gomorrah.  But he has a solution.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Billy Graham: America is Just as Wicked...

2014-10-17 Thread &#x27;Richard J. Williams7; [FairfieldLife]

On 10/17/2014 7:57 AM, salyavin808 wrote:

"Prayer, the last last refuge of the scoundrel" - Lisa Simpson.

/Now this is funny - a guy in the MMY cult says he still practices TM - 
and then calls himself a "scoundrel.//" It may be more than depression 
that is affecting this guy - he seems to be in cognitive dissonance or 
unable to use logic.

According to this guy, TM is a religion that has him praying to Hindu 
gods and he has been praying for a decade with no visible results, so 
now he is depressed and bitter and apparently refuses to get help, even 
at a free clinic with cult exit counselors on staff, so he goes on Yahoo 
to get help sending out emails in the middle of the night to people in 
the U.S.//Go figure./


---In,  wrote :

---In,  wrote :

I was thinking that there's a similarity to the Maharishi Effect in 
what Pastor Graham is recommending.

“The man who prays is the one who thinks that god has arranged matters 
all wrong, but who also thinks that he can instruct god how to put 
them right.”

Christopher Hitchens.

---In,  wrote :

Yeah, maybe if they pray enough they'll start hopping. :-D

On 10/16/2014 06:32 PM, jr_esq@... 
[FairfieldLife] wrote:

As Sodom and Gomorrah.  But he has a solution.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Billy Graham: America is Just as Wicked...

2014-10-17 Thread &#x27;Richard J. Williams7; [FairfieldLife]

On 10/17/2014 8:15 AM, [FairfieldLife] wrote:

Very interesting link - Shows that Barry was actively involved, in 
soliciting new cult members for Freddie. No wonder he keeps his mouth 
shut about that stuff, and only ever mentions Maharishi as a target, 
for "cult mentality".

/it's common knowledge that Barry solicited new members for MMY and Lenz 
- that's what cult members do. At one point Barry was handing out flyers 
for the TMO promising enlightenment in "5-7" years and later tacking up 
posters for Lenz, promising "instant" enlightenment. Apparently paid for 
by Barry with his own money.//Go figure.//

//What you need to understand, Jim, is that after spending twenty years 
seeking a spiritual path with little or no results; and donating 
thousands of dollars to the cult over a long period of time, Barry is 
probably justified in his bitterness and anger toward his previous cult 
members. Maybe it makes him feel better to aim his anger at us. You'd be 
upset too, if after twenty or thirty years of striving, you realized 
that you had been enlightened since birth, but you were to ignorant to 
realize it. Go figure. //

//The problem for Barry isn't the time or the money spent in the cult, 
but the problem is getting over the deception. That's difficult - 
sometimes it takes years of counseling to come to terms with with the 
fact that he is still a True Believer. It didn't help much when Judy 
made fun of his spiritual teachings. //It looks like he has led a life 
of rejection.

And then, getting rejected by a discussion group on Yahoo. That might 
hurt the ego and make anyone angry and depressed!/


This is part of a report Barry filled out, and submitted monthly, to 
"Doctor" Lenz. Other sections cover career, meditation, physical 
fitness, and product development progress, every aspect of life - no 
mind control here folks:


With the understanding that your are entirely responsible for your
interactions with any individuals you choose to teach, Dr. Lenz and
ASI would like a monthly summary or your general attempts to local
appropriate students as well as a monthly update on whether you will
be bringing one or more of them to dinner the next month (starting in
January, note: Dinner reservations must be made in advance by calling
the reservation phone number).

Example: (These are not guidelines as to how you should locate or
deal with potential students of yours, it is merely an example.)

I created a poster for a lecture series I will be giving in the next 3
weeks.  i will give 3 lectures, one per week for 3 weeks at Taft
College on the subject of meditation and psychic development in the
1990s and how it can benefit you in your career.

I have found what I feel is an excellent first candidate and will be
bringing her to the next dinner.

---In,  wrote :

On 10/17/2014 2:36 AM, TurquoiseBee turquoiseb@... 
 [FairfieldLife] wrote:

*From:* salyavin808 


*Sent:* Friday, October 17, 2014 9:18 AM
*Subject:* Re: [FairfieldLife] Billy Graham: America is Just as

 wrote :
> I was thinking that there's a similarity to the Maharishi Effect
in what Pastor Graham is recommending.

“The man who prays is the one who thinks that god has arranged
matters all wrong, but who also thinks that he can instruct god
how to put them right.”

Christopher Hitchens.


/The Hindu God Rama Lenz:/


 wrote :

Yeah, maybe if they pray enough they'll start hopping. :-D

On 10/16/2014 06:32 PM, jr_esq@... 
[FairfieldLife] wrote:

As Sodom and Gomorrah.  But he has a solution.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Has the New Age arrived?

2014-10-17 Thread &#x27;Richard J. Williams7; [FairfieldLife]

On 10/17/2014 8:59 AM, [FairfieldLife] wrote:


from sal:

...not such a cheery post for a friday!

from richard

/Has anything good ever happened to you? /

//and, finally, from ray://

//my thought exactly. does sal realize he comes off rather glum?//

Anyone would have to be pretty depressed not to even laugh and get the 
point of Maharishi's positive outlook on life. Just the sight of a 
cheery face in the morning can sometimes determine the outcome of an 
entire day. If nothing else, I love MMY for teaching me how to have a 
positive attitude when I needed it. The Power of Positive thinking - 
it's very powerful technique in itself.

//So, I feel sorry for Sal and Barry and MJ - but there's only so much 
we can do to help cheer them up. They just don't seem to have much to 
look forward to anymore, so maybe they want to take us down with them. 
Go figure./


//Have you ever considered seeing a cult exit counselor? You might
even require medication for your depression. Do you get invited
out to any social gatherings with other people? You seem kind of
lonely. //Go figure.

//You may have come to the wrong place to get help - you don't
seem to respond to friendly conversation. I wonder what's up with
that? Most people feel better when they have someone to talk to,
but in your case you seem to just want to bring us all down.//

//Apparently you and Barry missed out on the Age of Enlightenment
part - and the Renaissance too. All those years seeking, wasted.
Bitter. Disappointed. Sad.


*From:* salyavin808 


*Sent:* Friday, October 17, 2014 12:48 PM
*Subject:* [FairfieldLife] Has the New Age arrived?

  Anthropocene: is this the new epoch of humans?

A disparate group of experts from around the world will meet for
the first time on Thursday for talks on what must rank as one of
the most momentous decisions in human history.*
The question confronting the scientists and other specialists is
straightforward enough, even if the solution is far from simple.
Is it time to call an end to the epoch we live in and declare the
dawn of a new time period: one defined by humanity’s imprint on
the planet?
Anthropocene: is this the new epoch of humans?

Anthropocene: is this the new epoch of humans?

Geologists, climate scientists, ecologists – and a lawyer – to
rule on whether impact of human life on Earth has pushed us into
a new epoch

View on

Preview by Yahoo

* Engaging hyperbole?

Re: [FairfieldLife] The Funny Farm Lounge Koan

2014-10-17 Thread &#x27;Richard J. Williams7; [FairfieldLife]
On 10/17/2014 9:14 AM, Share Long [FairfieldLife] 
turq got it wrong again! Why would I be afraid of ebola? I've been 
taking my colloidal silver every day. Go figger...

/You're willing to talk about your fears, if any. The problem is that 
TurqB has shut out most of the people here that want to help him.

So, I don't think anyone here actually hates Barry - that is just his 
paranoia coming to the surface. I post comments on his obvious cognitive 
dissonance to try to make him realize what he is saying is counter to 
his own philosophical position, but I don't mean him any harm -  I just 
want him to wake up to the fact that he is, most of the time, 
self-contradictory. Everyone knows he believes in Buddhas and karma. Go 

People who feel rejected also feel threatened and want to lash out at 
their perceived enemies. Sometime they can't even tell the difference 
between those who want to help them and those who want to do them harm. 
Thanks for trying to help Barry, ///Share/. /


On Friday, October 17, 2014 3:32 AM, "TurquoiseBee [FairfieldLife]"  

Have you ever noticed that the TMers on FFL
claim to be better than everyone else,
but that the only things
they seem capable of writing about
are either the things they're AFRAID OF:
ISIS, and
or the people they HATE:
all atheists, and
anyone who disagrees with what they believe?

In a way, it's possible to see this
as a commercial for TM.
I mean, if *most* people's lives
had turned out to be this empty, pathetic,
and endlessly focused on things
they themselves consider negative,
they'd have killed themselves long ago.

But TMers on FFL seem to believe
that living like this
is the very definition of
being better than everyone else.

Low standards
make for high self-esteem,
I guess...

Re: [FairfieldLife] ebola is airborne DUH!

2014-10-17 Thread &#x27;Richard J. Williams7; [FairfieldLife]
On 10/17/2014 11:02 AM, Bhairitu [FairfieldLife] 

And this is all Obama's fault? What about the elite?  They've never 
liked the peasants owning land or much of anything else.  They have 
the Republicans busy trying to put the populace into poverty so they 
can buy everything for pennies on the dollar.  I think it's called 
"divide and conquer".

/Non sequitur. There is no evidence that the Ebola epidemic was invented 
by the elite like Obama in order to reduce the planetary population. 
That's preposterous on it's face. You sound paranoid and desperate,  
even somewhat diabolical in your views sometimes. You ARE the coder 
elite. Go figure. /


Maybe turning off FOX News might help. :-D

On 10/16/2014 06:37 PM, Mike Dixon 
[FairfieldLife] wrote:
 But Share, Obama was going to change all of that. The seas would 
stop rising, the lion would lie down with the lamb,"I am the One" 
we've been waiting on, the parties would work together, He would put 
aside partisonship, yada, yada. yada. Was he lying, stupid or were 
those that voted for him just naive and believe anything he said as 
if he were a cult leader? When he comes into office and immediately 
spends a trillion dollars we don't have, locks Republicans out of any 
input on the Healthcare bill, tells Republicans they have no say so 
on anything because *he* won, WTF do you think their response is 
going to be? Obama has never learned to govern, only campaign. Hope 
in him has lead to no hope for anybody else. Unemployment is 
ridicules, the numbers don't account for those that have given up 
looking for work. Black unemployment at an all time high, Race 
relations at an all time low, no jobs for those graduating, people in 
their thirties still living at home with their parents, 49 million 
people on food stamps,violates his own laws, rules by decree with a 
pen and a phone.Russia moving back into sovereign states, Iran on the 
verge of having nuclear weapons, putting Israel in a situation that 
they may feel compelled to use theirs, Snatching defeat from the jaws 
of victory in Iraq, Taliban just waiting for our exit from 
Afghanistan so they can do the same as ISIS has done in Iraq. Opening 
our southern boarders and inviting children to come so they can then 
bring their parents in  in order to grant  them amnesty and put them 
on the big tit of government. I could go on but who wants to hear it? 
This crap is going to stop but I'm sure he'll have more stunts to 
pull after the elections, regardless of how they turn out. WTF is 
Oswald now that we really need him!

On Thursday, October 16, 2014 11:19 AM, "Share Long [FairfieldLife]" 

Richard, I totally blame the Republicans. 8 years of Bush, then all 
these years of not supporting Obama, PLUS letting the Tea Party take 
over. Ugh! I will NEVER vote for a Republican. All they care about is 
getting into power again. IMO they would rather destroy the country 
than help the Dems govern wisely.

On Thursday, October 16, 2014 12:34 PM, "'Richard J. Williams' [FairfieldLife]"  

On 10/16/2014 11:26 AM, Bhairitu 
<> [FairfieldLife] wrote:

You know it's all "Obama's fault". :-D

/Most everyone but you knows that Obama hasn't appointed a new U.S. 
Surgeon General.//The point is that the U.S. Government sucks at 
managing a crisis - the last time I checked Obama was in charge./

/Apparently he was in error when he stated that you can't get Ebola 
from sitting next to someone on a bus. It's a failure of confidence 
due to a president who seems asleep at the wheel - it's not just 
blaming Obama for not understanding the Ebola threat./


On 10/16/2014 04:23 AM, Share Long 
<> [FairfieldLife] wrote:
Some already knew this from the Dustin Hoffman, Rene Russo movie 
Outbreak! Exemplifying the idea that in Kali Yuga, truth (ebola is 
airborne) is presented as fiction (a feature film).

Fortunately CIDRAP sounds way more trustworthy than CDC. Let's 
watch how the media spins it...
Ebola Is Airborne, University Of Minnesota CIDRAP Researchers Claim 


Ebola Is Airborne, University Of Minnesota CIDRAP Rese... 

Ebola is airborne, according to a new report by the Center for 
Infectious Disease Research and Policy (CIDRAP) at the Unive

Re: [FairfieldLife] Billy Graham: America is Just as Wicked...

2014-10-17 Thread &#x27;Richard J. Williams7; [FairfieldLife]
On 10/17/2014 9:16 AM, TurquoiseBee [FairfieldLife] 

I *was* a cultist, for the time I was a part of the Rama group. No 
question about it. It was a cult, Fred was its cult leader, and I was 
a cultist. I have No Problem saying any of this, because it's all true.

/The fact that you were a cult member and gave the cult leader ten 
thousand dollars is not surprising, nor that you were young and foolish 
- what surprises me is that you were a paying cult member for so long. 
It took you nearly twenty years to realize that you were never going to 
learn how to fly orlevitate.

//Go figure.
That said, that was then and this is now. I bailed from Rama's study a 
couple of years before he died, and before some of the *really* crazy 
shit went down.

/So, the question is - if you lied for so long and to so many, who would 
believe anything you say now? It's possible you might still be in a 
trance induction state - you may have merely been turned, inducted into 
another cult - an anti-cult cult. Apparently you are very susceptible to 
suggestion and peer pressure.


Re: [FairfieldLife] Billy Graham: America is Just as Wicked...

2014-10-17 Thread &#x27;Richard J. Williams7; [FairfieldLife]
On 10/17/2014 9:16 AM, TurquoiseBee [FairfieldLife] 
I last saw this silly demand for a "monthly summary" shortly before I 
bailed from the group. Why I laughed so hard seeing it again is that 
laughter was my reaction when I *first* saw it. I laughed, and then I 
promptly ignored it. 

/How long have you been suffering from cognitive dissonance, Barry?//
//"I had written stories about him before, for the book called The Last 
Incarnation, and I had tried to do my best on the 'term papers' he 
assigned to us from time to time, but until now he had never said a word 
to me about any of them." - Uncle Tantra, 2001//


Re: [FairfieldLife] Billy Graham: America is Just as Wicked...

2014-10-17 Thread &#x27;Richard J. Williams7; [FairfieldLife]
On 10/17/2014 9:16 AM, TurquoiseBee [FairfieldLife] 
But to bring this whole diversion (for that is what it is) back into 
the present, I really wish that Richard, Jim, and a few others would 
leave off this try-to-get-to-me-by-bringing-up-Rama shit. It's old, 
and it's based on your *own* cult thinking and how *your* minds work, 
not how mine works. 

You need to get a grip, Barry - you just posted about "Rama shit" a few 
months ago!

/"I've seen someone levitate. Many times. In many settings, from the Los 
Angeles //
//Convention Center to the Anza-Borrego Desert to a Denny's restaurant 
in the wee //

//hours of the night."/ - TurquoiseB

Subject: TM is a Cult?
Author: TurquoiseB
Group: Yahoo Fairfieldife
Date: Friday, 23 May 2014

Re: [FairfieldLife] Billy Graham: America is Just as Wicked...

2014-10-17 Thread &#x27;Richard J. Williams7; [FairfieldLife]
On 10/17/2014 9:16 AM, TurquoiseBee [FairfieldLife] 
I don't give a shit what Willytex makes up or that anyone else posts 
about Rama.

Thanks for bringing the subject up again so we can poke more fun at you 
and Rama and punch your buttons. We need a punching bag around here and 
you make the easiest target because you just can't seem to keep your big 
pie-hole shut about all your spiritual achievements. Go figure.

/"Willy, since fucking prairie dogs or whatever you do with your time 
doesn't seem to fill enough of it lately, and you've been going out of 
your way to associate me with Rama and thus with a big, bad cult figure, 
I figure I should explain a couple of things..."/

From: Uncle Tantra
Subject: Open Letter To Willytex
Newsgroups: alt.meditation.transcendental
Date: 2003-08-06 08:53:26 PST

Re: [FairfieldLife] Barry reads all the posts on FFL

2014-10-17 Thread &#x27;Richard J. Williams7; [FairfieldLife]
On 10/17/2014 12:54 PM, [FairfieldLife] 

Please don't kid yourself, thinking Barry *ever* misses a post here. 
He reads 'em all. It is straight out of the Lenz playbook, this faux 
selective attention, some get in and some get kicked out, playing for 
the attention of the "Master". Barry lives for this stuff. He really, 
really, really wants to be Freddie, including his latest pretend to 
fall on his sword routine. Except Freddie is dead, and Barry ended up 
broke, and lonely. Shit, that really didn't work out, did it? Doesn't 
matter, Barry still wants to be Fred.

/A guy with an ego as big as Barry's would never miss reading any posts 
because they are obsessed with what others say about them - they tend to 
take social media very seriously. //Even if nobody did post anything 
about Barry//, he would get paranoid thinking we all hate him. Either 
way, he is obviously in need of some cheering up. Thanks, Jim, for 
trying to help him. Good work!


---In,  wrote :

---In,  wrote :

your bravery is first rate...I just hope you got to him in time...poor 

After this bawee will be checking all our posts just in case he has to 
write a really big justification post counteracting all of the 
evidence of his past involvement with recruiting cult leader nut jobs. 
I like how they call those wooed as "candidates". Candidates for 
exactly what? And I love how Lenz has found a very promising female 
candidate to bring to dinner. I wonder in what way she was promising 
(or, more likely, what she was promising.)

This Apprentice Activity Update was a hoot. Got anything else, I need 
more light humor like this in my day. (I'm sorry Share if you think I 
am bullying bawee by liking Mac's post here.)

---In,  wrote :

Michael, cover your eyes!

For God's sake, cover your eyes!!

---In,  wrote :

Very interesting link - Shows that Barry was actively involved, in 
soliciting new cult members for Freddie. No wonder he keeps his mouth 
shut about that stuff, and only ever mentions Maharishi as a target, 
for "cult mentality".

This is part of a report Barry filled out, and submitted monthly, to 
"Doctor" Lenz. Other sections cover career, meditation, physical 
fitness, and product development progress, every aspect of life - no 
mind control here folks:


With the understanding that your are entirely responsible for your
interactions with any individuals you choose to teach, Dr. Lenz and
ASI would like a monthly summary or your general attempts to local
appropriate students as well as a monthly update on whether you will
be bringing one or more of them to dinner the next month (starting in
January, note: Dinner reservations must be made in advance by calling
the reservation phone number).

Example: (These are not guidelines as to how you should locate or
deal with potential students of yours, it is merely an example.)

I created a poster for a lecture series I will be giving in the next 3
weeks.  i will give 3 lectures, one per week for 3 weeks at Taft
College on the subject of meditation and psychic development in the
1990s and how it can benefit you in your career.

I have found what I feel is an excellent first candidate and will be
bringing her to the next dinner.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: 50,000 new Flyers now

2014-10-17 Thread &#x27;Richard J. Williams7; [FairfieldLife]

On 10/17/2014 1:42 PM, [FairfieldLife] wrote:
we BOTH know the real reason you're moving around like a fuckin' gypsy 
is because you got caught downloading under-age porn, and the cops are 
after you.

/So, why were you uploading under-age porn?/

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: 50,000 new Flyers now

2014-10-17 Thread &#x27;Richard J. Williams7; [FairfieldLife]

On 10/17/2014 1:42 PM, [FairfieldLife] wrote:
You obviously won't have to worry about wrinkles, not with your issues 
with fat, you disgusting, ungainly piece of shit. Then again, you 
probably won't have to worry about old age either!   How does it feel 
to be so ungodly fat you can barely move, blimp-boy?  Taken a look in 
the mirror lately? How many chins you got these days? 

/You forgot to post a picture of your own face, Al. Go figure./

Re: [FairfieldLife] US Strikes in Korbani

2014-10-17 Thread &#x27;Richard J. Williams7; [FairfieldLife]

On 10/16/2014 2:34 PM, [FairfieldLife] wrote:

I just read today that the ISIS militants gave up their assaults on 
Korbani.  They can't defend themselves against the bombs coming from 
the coalition warplanes.  We can assume they've fled to save their asses.

/The real problem is the ideology - only boots on the ground for a 
generation or three will be able to re-educate the militant insurgent 
community and turn them away from terrorist activities. The U.S. and its 
allies were well on the way to establishing a new order in Iraq, but 
Obama dropped the ball. //Apparently he just didn't understand what we 
were trying to achieve. Go figure.

The only way the Middle East is going to get transformed is if we go in 
and make some changes to the ideology and rebuild the entire 
economy.//The U.S. did this for Germany and for Japan fifty years ago, 
but somewhere along the way we lost our direction and became passive - 
now we will have to pay./


---In,  wrote :

On 10/15/2014 8:11 PM, jr_esq@...  [FairfieldLife] 

These strikes should blunt the militants' will to capture the
town.  For any reasonable fighter, one should quit the fight if
one is heavily outgunned.  The militants are obviously sitting
ducks against the US warplanes.  It's only a matter of days when
they will quit and leave town.

/The stated aim of the U.S. strategy is to “degrade and
ultimately” destroy ISIS - that isn't happening and will never
happen without someone putting boots on the ground. That's the
problem - nobody wants to step up to the plate except the Kurds
and a few Iraqi Shiites.

The current strategy is not sustainable at $40 billion a year for
the next 10 years.

In the final analysis, someone is going to have to pay -the
American voter will not be responsible for protecting the free
world forever. The U.S. has thousands of troops stationed all over
the world to protect Europe, the Middle East and the Far East.

The question is, when will other nations start paying their fair
share of the defense expense and let our boys come home for good?/

"Yet, U.S. led air strikes – and the hoped for assistance from
moderate Syrian rebels being trained by American advisers -- may
not be nearly enough to thwart the heavily armed ISIS forces,
according to some experts."


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: The Funny Farm Lounge Koan

2014-10-17 Thread &#x27;Richard J. Williams7; [FairfieldLife]

On 10/17/2014 8:36 AM, [FairfieldLife] wrote:
Hate implies I care. I don't
/Barry seems to take this chat group pretty seriously - apparently he 
thinks we hate him. He's probably way down on your list of things you 
care about, slightly below an ant or a flea or a horse fly on the barn 
wall. /


Have you ever noticed that the TMers on FFL
claim to be better than everyone else,
but that the only things
they seem capable of writing about
are either the things they're AFRAID OF:
ISIS, and
or the people they HATE:
all atheists, and
anyone who disagrees with what they believe?

In a way, it's possible to see this
as a commercial for TM.
I mean, if *most* people's lives
had turned out to be this empty, pathetic,
and endlessly focused on things
they themselves consider negative,
they'd have killed themselves long ago.

But TMers on FFL seem to believe
that living like this
is the very definition of
being better than everyone else.

Low standards
make for high self-esteem,
I guess...

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: ISIS Now Has an Air Force

2014-10-17 Thread &#x27;Richard J. Williams7; [FairfieldLife]

On 10/17/2014 6:47 PM, [FairfieldLife] wrote:

Remember how W. and Chaney "lied" because there "never" were WMD's in 
Iraq? Heh Heh.

/There are stockpiles of WMD all over the Iraq countryside now in the 
possession of ISIS./


Didn't you read the NYT article? They found over 5000 individual bombs 
and artillery shells with mustard gas and sarin gas. They were NOT all 
found much less destroyed before Barack Hussein Ebola ordered US 
troops out of the country.

Anbar provice is still full of undocumented caches of these supplies. 
ISIS rules most of Anbar, so they may try to use these WMD to strike 

After all - this is what you get from a neo-marxist.

Re: [FairfieldLife] ISIS, an American Myth

2014-10-17 Thread &#x27;Richard J. Williams7; [FairfieldLife]

On 10/17/2014 7:40 PM, [FairfieldLife] wrote:

According to a Syrian Ambassador.  This is a complicated position for 
the Assad government to take.  IOW, it's saying "we don't like the US 
and other countries invading our country, but it's a good thing 
they're killing our enemies.  So, in effect, we're friends for the 
time being."

/I//t's complicated until you realize that all the Middle Eastern 
Islamic countries are terrorists in one form or another: Iran, Turkey, 
Syria, Iraq, Qatar, Saudi Arabia and Egypt.

Obviously ISIS has received extensive support from Qatar, the Saudis, 
and Turkey to fight Iraq, Iran and Syria. ///There are no good guys to 
support in an Islamic civil war between Sunnis and Shiites. / //

//One thing is for sure, whatever we call them - IS, ISIL, or ISIS, they 
are the "Islamic State Army" and Abu Baquar al Bagdaddi is their leader. /


Re: [FairfieldLife] Billy Graham: America is Just as Wicked...

2014-10-17 Thread &#x27;Richard J. Williams7; [FairfieldLife]

On 10/17/2014 9:16 AM, TurquoiseBee turquoiseb@... 
 [FairfieldLife] wrote:


I last saw this silly demand for a "monthly summary" shortly
before I bailed from the group. Why I laughed so hard seeing it
again is that laughter was my reaction when I *first* saw it. I
laughed, and then I promptly ignored it. 

/How long have you been suffering from cognitive dissonance, Barry?//
//"I had written stories about him before, for the book called The 
Last Incarnation, and I had tried to do my best on the 'term papers' 
he assigned to us from time to time, but until now he had never said a 
word to me about any of them." - Uncle Tantra, 2001//


On 10/17/2014 9:53 PM, [FairfieldLife] wrote:

Richard, you certainly have a knack of finding anything you need in 
this wide world of the internet. Nice sleuthing.

/It's not really sleuthing - it's right there in the introduction to his 
own book that he wrote and posted to his own web site-   
at the URL he posted to Google Groups over ten years ago. /

/(There's also something fishy about his claim of being with 200 
drug-crazed hippies with Rama out in the Anza-Borrego State Park in the 
middle of the night. Where are you going to park 200 cars in a parking 
lot that only has room for 20 vehicles?).//


Re: [FairfieldLife] Billy Graham: America is Just as Wicked... [1 Attachment]

2014-10-17 Thread &#x27;Richard J. Williams7; [FairfieldLife]

   But to bring this whole diversion (for that is what it is) back into
   the present, I really wish that Richard, Jim, and a few others would
   leave off this try-to-get-to-me-by-bringing-up-Rama shit. It's old,
   and it's based on your *own* cult thinking and how *your* minds
   work, not how mine works. 

You need to get a grip, Barry - you just posted about "Rama shit" a few 
months ago!

/"I've seen someone levitate. Many times. In many settings, from the Los 
Angeles //
//Convention Center to the Anza-Borrego Desert to a Denny's restaurant 
in the wee //

//hours of the night."/ - TurquoiseB

On 10/17/2014 9:55 PM, [FairfieldLife] wrote:

Richard, you've done it again!


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Billy Graham: America is Just as Wicked...

2014-10-18 Thread &#x27;Richard J. Williams7; [FairfieldLife]
On 10/18/2014 2:54 AM, TurquoiseBee [FairfieldLife] 
Doncha love how people who believe in an invisible magic man in the 
sky like to portray those who don't as if *they* are the crazy ones. 
Sometimes the sheer feeble-mindedness of believers astounds me. Or, as 
someone once said so well:

/You sound really confused, Barry, like Don Quixote tilting at windmills 
and attacking imaginary enemies. You sound like a True Believer where 
everything is either black or white with no shades of grey.//

//Traditionally Buddhists throughout the world consider that the 
universe contains more beings in it than are normally visible to humans. 
Buddhists have no objection to the existence of the Hindu gods. //

//Nevertheless, Buddhists can't take refuge in the gods because the gods 
are not Buddha. That is, they are not enlightened. All the Hindu gods, 
for all their power, are not the final truth of things. Power does not 
necessarily entail insight, and for Buddhists the gods do not have the 
liberating insight. But none of this entails that the gods do not exist 
or that the gods cannot exert a powerful influence over our lives. Thus, 
the Buddhist has no problem with the gods like you seem to have. /

/"Those over there are not giants but windmills.//
//Those things that seem to be their arms are sails which, //
//when they are whirled around by the wind, turn the millstone." //
//- Miguel de Cervantes//

"Doubt is not a pleasant condition, but certainty is absurd."
-- Voltaire

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Billy Graham: America is Just as Wicked...

2014-10-18 Thread &#x27;Richard J. Williams7; [FairfieldLife]
On 10/18/2014 2:54 AM, TurquoiseBee [FairfieldLife] 
I don't know about you, Salyavin, but it's difficult for me to imagine 
someone whose mind is so weak and whose fear of the unknown is so 
profound that they would exchange a belief in that which can never be 
proved to exist ( doesn't) 

/This is a clear case of cognitive dissonance. Cognitive dissonance is 
the mental stress or discomfort experienced by an individual who holds 
two or more contradictory beliefs, ideas, or values at the same time, or 
information that conflicts with existing beliefs, ideas, or values.

for the far more interesting and fulfilling sense of MYSTERY that is 
their birthright. 

/The "mystery" is your "spiritual" path - that apparently has no 
"spirits", and your online persona which doesn't seem to be very 
spiritual. In fact, most of your activities seem pretty mundane with 
just a few exceptions. As pointed out to you in a previous exchange, it 
just doesn't make any sense to claim para-normal powers like levitation, 
and then to deny in the next message a ///"separate reality/" and quote 
Carlos Castaneda. You don't seem to be able to explain yourself very 
well. Do you even know what you believe or are you like everyone else 
figuring this life out on the fly?

Carlos Castaneda on self-importance and petty tyrants:


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: ISIS Now Has an Air Force

2014-10-18 Thread &#x27;Richard J. Williams7; [FairfieldLife]

On 10/17/2014 7:53 PM, [FairfieldLife] wrote:
If ISIS used WMD in Baghdad, the tenor of the US response will change 
in equal or greater measure.  I think Obama is believing that ISIS is 
an Arab problem and it should be resolved by the Arab nations in the 
Middle East.  But, so far, no Arab nations have volunteered to help 
Iraq out by providing troops to fight the ISIS militants.

/There is not going to be any help from Arab nations because they are 
all Arab nations. The only criterion will be if a nation is a member of 
the Islamic Caliphate, or not. Every nation on the planet is the enemy 
if you don't support ISIS, the Sunni Islamic State Army. It's not 


If the militants use WMD in the USA or any of the European countries 
who are members of NATO,

/It's not a matter of "if" - it's just a matter of when.
we'll find NATO forces back in Iraq very quickly to wipe out the ISIS 

/If anyone wanted to prevent the use of WMD they would have supported 
the U.S. invasion of Iraq and the subsequent occupation to find and 
destroy the WMD. Everyone knew that Saddam had stockpiles - that's why 
the U.S. invaded Iraq in the first place. There are no European troops 
on the ground in Iraq at this time, so that pretty much tells you who is 
going to support the U.S. goal of "degrading and destroying" ISIS./


---In,  wrote :

Remember how W. and Chaney "lied" because there "never" were WMD's in 
Iraq? Heh Heh.

Didn't you read the NYT article? They found over 5000 individual bombs 
and artillery shells with mustard gas and sarin gas. They were NOT all 
found much less destroyed before Barack Hussein Ebola ordered US 
troops out of the country.

Anbar provice is still full of undocumented caches of these supplies. 
ISIS rules most of Anbar, so they may try to use these WMD to strike 

After all - this is what you get from a neo-marxist.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Because contact with rationality seems to bother believers so much...

2014-10-18 Thread &#x27;Richard J. Williams7; [FairfieldLife]
On 10/18/2014 3:46 AM, TurquoiseBee [FairfieldLife] 

> Because contact with rationality seems to bother believers so much...
You sound afraid and bothered - almost like you believe your enemies are 
lurking on FFL social media as aliases - attempting to harm you. Is that 
being rational? And you sound confused thinking your imaginary enemies 
care about you when in fact they do not. Your self-importance seems to 
be winning you over and turning you into a petty tyrant. Go figure.

Your messages seem to indicate a clear case of cognitive dissonance:

/"In order to follow the path of knowledge one has to be very 
imaginative. In the path of knowledge nothing is as clear as we'd like 
it to be. Warriors fight self-importance as a matter of strategy, not 
principle."/ - TurquoiseB

Carlos Castaneda on self-importance and petty tyrants:

P.S. You are not being very imaginative copying and pasting the work of 
others, Barry.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Belief in God is a form of mental illness

2014-10-18 Thread &#x27;Richard J. Williams7; [FairfieldLife]
On 10/18/2014 4:12 AM, TurquoiseBee [FairfieldLife] 

> Belief in God is a form of mental illness
Well, I guess we know what Barry does on Saturday night and where he 
puts most of his energy. We should probably feel flattered.

But, I'm starting to feel really sorry for this guy - it takes a really 
lonely, troubled and confused mind to want to post cartoons poking fun 
at imagined enemies on social media - rather than go out on a date and 
having some fun. There is more to life than reading Facebook, Barry.

/"Warriors take strategic inventories. They list everything they do. 
Then they decide which of those things can be changed in order to allow 
themselves a respite, in terms of expending their energy."/ - TurquoiseB

Carlos Castaneda on self-importance and petty tyrants:

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Billy Graham: America is Just as Wicked...

2014-10-18 Thread &#x27;Richard J. Williams7; [FairfieldLife]

On 10/18/2014 6:45 AM, [FairfieldLife] wrote:

Jesus, Barry, when did you set the bar so low for yourself?

/Sometimes people get confused when they get old and they sometimes lash 
out at imagined enemies, Steve. The sad thing is that we have a real 
enemy on the war path in Iraq, but Barry thinks you are his enemy. It 
may be that he is just scared and afraid and feels vulnerable - unable 
to control his own thoughts or his environment.

That's when the cognitive dissonance sets in. Cognitive dissonance is 
the mental stress or discomfort experienced by an individual who holds 
two or more contradictory beliefs, ideas, or values at the same 
time.For example, a belief in karma and at the same time, a denial 
of causation. It just doesn't make any sense. //

//Barry seems to want to be spiritual and he's been a seeker for most of 
his adult life, but obviously he hasn't found all the answers. That must 
be really frustrating - now he is seeking confirmation of some kind - or 
an appeal for help?/


Is it really necessary to distort what someone says, just so you can 
attack the distortion.

That also applies to your BFF, although, not so much.

---In,  wrote :

Doncha love how people who believe in an invisible magic man in the 
sky like to portray those who don't as if *they* are the crazy ones.  
Sometimes the sheer feeble-mindedness of believers astounds me. Or, as 
someone once said so well:

"Doubt is not a pleasant condition, but certainty is absurd."
-- Voltaire

I don't know about you, Salyavin, but it's difficult for me to imagine 
someone whose mind is so weak and whose fear of the unknown is so 
profound that they would exchange a belief in that which can never be 
proved to exist ( doesn't) for the far more 
interesting and fulfilling sense of MYSTERY that is their birthright.

*From:* salyavin808 
*Sent:* Saturday, October 18, 2014 8:58 AM
*Subject:* [FairfieldLife] Re: Billy Graham: America is Just as Wicked...

---In,  wrote :


These are good quotes which adequately sum up the attitudes of atheists.

LOL, adequately sums them up if you want your own narrow viewpoint 
bolstered you mean.

Mystery creates wonder and wonder is the basis of man's desire to 
understand. - Neil Armstrong

Re: [FairfieldLife] astonishing ebola protocols

2014-10-18 Thread &#x27;Richard J. Williams7; [FairfieldLife]
Thanks for posting the information. The most important step in avoiding 
the Ebola infection and the spread of the Ebola virus is the quarantine.

Three issues about the current quarantine protocol really bother me:

1. the air circulation system including filters and air conditioning
   and oxygen delivery
2. the use of city waste water systems for disposal of the contaminated
   liquid and solid waste

Also, there seems to be a contradiction here:

/"It is not like influenza, which spreads on particles that you sneeze 
or cough. However, Ebola lives in vomit, diarrhea and saliva ?-- and 
these avenues for infection can travel. Projectile vomiting is called so 
for a reason. Particles that are in vomit may aerosolize at the moment 
the patient vomits."/

On 10/18/2014 6:51 AM, Share Long [FairfieldLife] 

I'm a Hazmat-Trained Hospital Worker: Here's What No One Is Telling 
You About Ebola 


I'm a Hazmat-Trained Hospital Worker: Here's What No ... 

You can't just expect any nurse or any doctor or any health care 
worker or layperson to understand the deconning procedures by way of 
some kind of p...

View on www.huffingtonpost... 

Preview by Yahoo

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: ISIS Now Has an Air Force

2014-10-18 Thread &#x27;Richard J. Williams7; [FairfieldLife]

"No weapons of mass destruction have been found." - Judy Stein

/"Judy - I think maybe you lied to yourself too. Before the invasion, 
did you post any statements expressing any doubts that Saddam had WMD? 
If you did, maybe I missed it. Both The Times and The Post published 
editorials supporting the claim that Saddam had WMD. But it seems to me 
that it was a given, by everyone, except maybe Scott Ritter - including 
both Democrats and Republicans - Blix, the U.N., France, Germany, Great 
Britain, and U.S.A. etc., that Saddam had WMD, and everyone apparently 
agreed."/ - Richard J. Williams, 2003


On 10/17/2014 6:47 PM, [FairfieldLife] wrote:

Remember how W. and Chaney "lied" because there "never" were WMD's in 
Iraq? Heh Heh.

/There are stockpiles of WMD all over the Iraq countryside now in the 
possession of ISIS./


Didn't you read the NYT article? They found over 5000 individual 
bombs and artillery shells with mustard gas and sarin gas. They were 
NOT all found much less destroyed before Barack Hussein Ebola ordered 
US troops out of the country.

Anbar provice is still full of undocumented caches of these supplies. 
ISIS rules most of Anbar, so they may try to use these WMD to strike 

After all - this is what you get from a neo-marxist.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Billy Graham: America is Just as Wicked...

2014-10-18 Thread &#x27;Richard J. Williams7; [FairfieldLife]

On 10/18/2014 7:26 AM, [FairfieldLife] wrote:
As his true self, his Freddie addiction, and massive hypocrisy, are 
revealed, little Bawee has turned into the FFL troll. Poor bastard.

/Isn't ironic that Barry would wind up being labelled the FFL "troll" - 
a person who sends duplicitous messages to get angry responses.//Go figure./

Reason for trolling:

 * Seeks to dominate the thread by inciting anger or an angry response.
 * An indication of disturbing situations regarding family,
   relationships, substances, and schools.
 * Stating extreme positions to make his or her actual beliefs seem
 * A blatant violation of forum guidelines in order to see whether any
   action is taken by the forum administrator.
 * To some people, the thought of a 60-year-old Internet user sending a
   gross post is funny.
 * One of the greatest themes in trolling - one minute of your time
   spent causing 10 other people to waste ten or more minutes.
 * In some cases, the individuals do not think of themselves as trolls,
   but misunderstood writers, and/or political or religious commentators.

Re: [FairfieldLife] OK, this Ebola conspiracy theory is actually funny

2014-10-18 Thread &#x27;Richard J. Williams7; [FairfieldLife]
On 10/18/2014 7:50 AM, TurquoiseBee [FairfieldLife] 

As a sometimes medical writer

/You suck as a medical writer, Barry - there's nothing funny about Ebola. /
I have been horrified to hear some of the near-criminal misinformation 
being spread on this forum about Ebola.

/You have posted exactly ZERO information to FFL about Ebola, Barry. You 
suck as an informant! 


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