Re: [Audyssey] disrespect for gamers: was Re: Lunimals version 2.5b

2011-06-09 Thread Thomas Ward
Hi Ken,

With the ut most respect here let me say that I personally never
intended to be disrespectful to you, Geremy, or Jim over the issue of
what programming language you use.  However, I can't help but feel
that if you would head over to Book Share and grab a couple books on
Visual Basic .Net and learn  the language your games would be better
off for it in the long run. While I don't currently have the time to
write a game in VB .Net for demonstration purposes I could send you
books on the language if you were  interested in looking at VB .Net.
Besides that, you really should read a few books on .Net anyway,
because no single open source application can teach you all the ins
and outs of the .Net API. There are thousands of classes that wrap the
Win32 API  and to write anything you should probably have a decent
understanding of what libraries are available, what they do, and what
classes are available to you as a new .Net developer.  Handing you a
simple application like Chopper Patrol written in VB .Net will only
scratch the surface of what is available to you. Please, consider that
as constructive criticism rather than merely grinding your nose into
the fact VB 6 is old, outdated, etc.

As for myself I don't really care what you guys do any more. Since
I've pretty much replaced all my computers here at home with Linux
rather than  Windows what language you guys use doesn't effect me
personally. I'm working on getting all of the current Windows games I
have to work using Wine 1.3 for Linux, and if a Windows game won't run
on Wine I'm probably not going to play it or buy it.  As it happens
Wine works pretty decently with VB 6 applications and as long as that
is the case I can't complain too much about the games being written in
VB 6.

As for giving up and quitting that's definitely not the way to handle
the situation. Especially, if you like what you are doing personally.
People have complained about  some of the things I have done as well
like spending time writing MOTA and the G3D Engine in C# .Net and then
changing to C++ mid way through the development process.  Recently I
switched over to FMOD 4.34 for audio output and people are
complaining about the fact it doesn't sound like DirectSound. they may
have some valid points, but I no longer let their complaints bother
me. I'm doing what I'm doing for personal reasons, and people can
either like it or lump it. I'm moving towards a cross-platform design
so I can play my games on Ubuntu Linux, which I use 90% of the time,
and if FMOD doesn't pan exactly like Directsound that's just too bad
I'm not going back to Windows. So I do understand why and how you feel
upset about having your nose  being constantly ground into the fact
you are using VB 6 rather than VB .Net. Its not easy doing something
that goes against popular opinion.

On 6/9/11, The Addictor wrote:
 Isn't funny how many people want to jump down our throats for using vb6,
 when our games are free?  When somebody makes a game, or games, there should
 be a hundred times as much gratitude and constructive criticism than there
 is complaining and negative criticism, but it's the other way round most of
 the time.  I have been brought to the edge of simply stopping programming,
 just because people here are so gung-ho against vb6.  We devs--most of us
 anyway, are very well aware how out-dated vb6 is, that Microsoft doesn't
 support it, (as if that matters much since they're constantly disarranging
 their software to make it better,) and so on.  Found a bug?  Great--tell
 us about it.  Got a way for the game to work better?  That's great, but stop
 grinding our noses into the fact that vb6 is so old.  Jim Kitchen, Jeremy
 and I use it, and it's what we know.  Sorry if this causes discomfort and
 inconvenience.  For my part, if a great open-source audio game comes out in, I'll look at it and eventually switch over, since I know how
 versatile .net is and so on.  Until then, I'm happy to use vb6, and I'm not
 in a hurry to rush around and change up everything right away, especially
 since I make my games mainly for my own enjoyment, as do my colleagues.  If
 I were trying to sell these games, the complaints about using outdated
 software would be relevant, but I'm not.  (The exception, of course, is
 Phrase Madness, but that's written in Basic4PPC and uses .net framework, so
 it's up to spec--relatively.)
 Also, since I'm venting, there is one other thing I have to point out, and
 that is this.  Even if a game is abandonware, it's not cool to just modify
 it without the programmer's concent.  Damage Extreme is an attempt to make
 Enemy Attack even funner to play, and I would have gladly concented to the
 rewriting of it, but I wasn't asked, nor was the work I did on Enemy Attack
 even mentioned anywhere in the game.  I'm not one who cares about such
 things in general, but this is different.  It's not about feeling ticked
 because my name wasn't on the credits 

Re: [Audyssey] Test version of RPG engine

2011-06-09 Thread Thomas Ward
Hi Jacob,

Would it be to much to ask for a non-Windows specific version of this
engine? All you probably need to do is recompile it to pyc files and
redistribute those unless you are using some Windows specific modules
in your engine.

The reason I am asking is Python is very  cross--platform and is well
supported on non-Windows platforms like linux. I've got Python 2.7
installed on a Ubuntu 11 Linux system, and I'd like to try out the
cross-platform potential of this engine if you will let me.
Especially, since I don't see any reason how or why this engine should
be Windows specific since you are most likely using a cross-platform
language and modules to begin with.


On 6/8/11, Jacob Kruger wrote:
 If you want to try this out, and let me know if the python to executable
 plugin has worked at all in making this an actual command line executable
 for windows machines, you can download the following:
 (roundabout 4Mb)

 In there it would be best to currently run mapData.exe from an actual
 command line since I see it sort of throws away the last, outro message if
 you succeed on the quest as such, and while am busy putting in a way to
 actually hide the contents of your mission's data files, you'll see that
 there are some text files there that provide the information/background for
 the whole (small) thing:

 While might try explaining the contents of those files a bit better later
 on, there are sort of comments in there, that should make some sense, and
 the primary initial thing I'd like to know/find out is if this executable
 can run on many windows machines at all as such, since while it includes the
 MS C runtimes needed for some things, I do have full versions of visual installed on all my machines as such, so not 100% sure what will
 happen on all machines, but anyway.

 Also, haven't gotten around to trying to generate forms of executables for
 other platforms as of yet, but let's see if even this will work for real

 The basic command set is the following, but you can also be prompted this
 during game play by just typing in something like ? and hitting enter:
 N, S, E, W, U and D - all directional commands - and last 2 are up and down
 T and P - take and put, followed by item/object name
 C - communicate with an NPC - you'll be offered a list of possibles after
 typing this and hitting enter
 V - commit violence on an NPC - you'll be offered a list of possibles after
 typing this and hitting enter
 L - look or when combined with an item name, it gives you the details - if
 you've already picked it up
 X - exit
 R - review travel directions available
 H - review your health
 I - review your inventory

 Might have forgotten some as of now, and there might be various bugs in this
 code, etc., but would still like to know if usable at all as such, and only
 other trick is in a new location, you'll need to look for something before
 knowing if it's there to take as such.

 This is also just currently generating command line output, but on windows
 anyway, I can also tell it to talk using some screenreaders, or sapi etc. at
 some stage.

 Lastly, there are 2 of the items you'll need to pick up and go and place in
 other locations/areas to finish off this test mission - and that's as far as
 will go for

 Jacob Kruger
 Blind Biker
 Skype: BlindZA
 '...fate had broken his body, but not his spirit...'
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Re: [Audyssey] Test version of RPG engine

2011-06-09 Thread Jacob Kruger
Only current (possible) windows specific things might be a couple of small 
windows operating system commands have put in for things like cls (clear 
screen), and maybe one or two pause commands - as in press any key, but think 
replaced most of those with a python specific one.

Anyway, wasn't sure if .pyc files would be good enough, but let me quickly go 
and try take out any windows specific things - won't take long, and see if can 
get interpreter to generate .pyc files to pass on, or else, will send you the 
actual python source .py files directly.

And, yes, would definitely like to know if/how it works on linux, etc.

Stay well

Jacob Kruger
Blind Biker
Skype: BlindZA
'...fate had broken his body, but not his spirit...'

- Original Message ---

Subject: Re: [Audyssey] Test version of RPG engine
   From: Thomas Ward
   Date: Thu, 9 Jun 2011 04:33:16 -0400
 To: Gamers Discussion list

Hi Jacob,

Would it be to much to ask for a non-Windows specific version of this
engine? All you probably need to do is recompile it to pyc files and
redistribute those unless you are using some Windows specific modules
in your engine.

The reason I am asking is Python is very  cross--platform and is well
supported on non-Windows platforms like linux. I've got Python 2.7
installed on a Ubuntu 11 Linux system, and I'd like to try out the
cross-platform potential of this engine if you will let me.
Especially, since I don't see any reason how or why this engine should
be Windows specific since you are most likely using a cross-platform
language and modules to begin with.


On 6/8/11, Jacob Kruger wrote:
 If you want to try this out, and let me know if the python to executable
 plugin has worked at all in making this an actual command line executable
 for windows machines, you can download the following:
 (roundabout 4Mb)

 In there it would be best to currently run mapData.exe from an actual
 command line since I see it sort of throws away the last, outro message if
 you succeed on the quest as such, and while am busy putting in a way to
 actually hide the contents of your mission's data files, you'll see that
 there are some text files there that provide the information/background for
 the whole (small) thing:

 While might try explaining the contents of those files a bit better later
 on, there are sort of comments in there, that should make some sense, and
 the primary initial thing I'd like to know/find out is if this executable
 can run on many windows machines at all as such, since while it includes the
 MS C runtimes needed for some things, I do have full versions of visual installed on all my machines as such, so not 100% sure what will
 happen on all machines, but anyway.

 Also, haven't gotten around to trying to generate forms of executables for
 other platforms as of yet, but let's see if even this will work for real

 The basic command set is the following, but you can also be prompted this
 during game play by just typing in something like ? and hitting enter:
 N, S, E, W, U and D - all directional commands - and last 2 are up and down
 T and P - take and put, followed by item/object name
 C - communicate with an NPC - you'll be offered a list of possibles after
 typing this and hitting enter
 V - commit violence on an NPC - you'll be offered a list of possibles after
 typing this and hitting enter
 L - look or when combined with an item name, it gives you the details - if
 you've already picked it up
 X - exit
 R - review travel directions available
 H - review your health
 I - review your inventory

 Might have forgotten some as of now, and there might be various bugs in this
 code, etc., but would still like to know if usable at all as such, and only
 other trick is in a new location, you'll need to look for something before
 knowing if it's there to take as such.

 This is also just currently generating command line output, but on windows
 anyway, I can also tell it to talk using some screenreaders, or sapi etc. at
 some stage.

 Lastly, there are 2 of the items you'll need to pick up and go and place in
 other locations/areas to finish off this test mission - and that's as far as
 will go for

 Jacob Kruger
 Blind Biker
 Skype: BlindZA
 '...fate had broken his body, but not his spirit...'
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Re: [Audyssey] Other Game Ideas?

2011-06-09 Thread Thomas Ward
Hi Dark,

Dark wrote:

I think so long as there are some! games around, and so long as all
game developer is stil done by  indi  devs with their own time and
money, pushing multiple  accessible too much would hurt everyone in
the long run.

My reply:

Agreed. Its really impossible to create a game that takes in account
everybodies needs at once.  Over the last three years or so I've had
suggestions for this, that, and the other thing and the assumption is
that this or that will be really easy to add. i could just add an
on/off setting for it and so on.

What people don't realize is that it will increase the complexity   of
the project  and i'd have to break the code up into multiple if
statements  and spend extra time checking if this, that, or the other
thing is true or false before executing the code.  then do this or
that.  It is both complicated, from a long term support aspect, and
requires a lot more time and energy to design. As a single developer
I'm not getting paid enough to put that extra work into it.

Dark wrote:

Btw, also an interesting point is that some access changes are good
for some disabilities and bad for others.

My reply:

Oh, that's definitely true.  There is no way to make a game like
Shades of Doom, for example, playable by a deaf-blind player without
making  some extensive modifications. Adding braille display support,
making it turned based, whatever might help a deaf-blind gamer, but
would not be compatible with a real time FPS game that Shades of Doom
is suppose to be. Likewise Shades of Doom has 3d audio support via
DirectX, but that would be of no use to a deaf-blind gamer, but is
very helpful for me in a real time FPS environment. So there is no
practical way that multiple accessibility can be addressed in a single
game unless the developer takes a lowest common denominator approach,
and even then its not 100% perfect.  As you said what helps one group
won't necessarily help another group of disibilities.

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Re: [Audyssey] Lunimals version 2.5b

2011-06-09 Thread Willem Venter
Hi Jeremy.
While I can see you feel very strongly about this, my question was not
meant as an attack. Instead I think we as a community should come up
with a solution. I just read an article where some companies project
that at least 40% of all netbooks will have arm processors at the end
of next year. As netbooks are a cheep form of computing, I can see
many blind gamers going that route. The majority of audiogames will be
affected, as they use older technology from microsoft which they don't
seem interested in updating for arm. These games include Jim Kitchen's
games, GMA, LWorks and many fun games like BSC games that are no
longer developed actively.

Many gamers are also moving to other platforms like linux, as the cost
and restrictions related to windows software is becoming prohibitive.

On 6/7/11, Jeremy Kaldobsky wrote:
 If we all focused on what the next operating system will be, what the next
 popular devices will be, or what the next popular programming language will
 be, it would take 10 times longer to produce any games.  I think there are
 enough examples of this exact thought process to prove my point.  We do!
 need some people to be thinking that way, but you also need people who worry
 more about here and now.

 --- On Tue, 6/7/11, Willem wrote:

 From: Willem
 Subject: Re: [Audyssey] Lunimals version 2.5b
 To: Gamers Discussion list
 Date: Tuesday, June 7, 2011, 3:27 AM
 I know that visual basic support have been discontinued by
 What will happen when the next virsion of windows comes out
 that can run on arm devices? I'm pretty sure copying and
 registering a dll won't make it work.
 - Original Message - From: Jeremy Kaldobsky
 To: Gamers Discussion list
 Sent: Monday, June 06, 2011 8:49 PM
 Subject: Re: [Audyssey] Lunimals version 2.5b

  I don't have any plans to do that.  I know it
 would prevent anyone from having to register Direct X7, but
 most people don't end up having to do that anyway, and those
 who do, only have to do it once and they are set for any
 game that uses Direct X7.  Registering the file is
 pretty easy to do, and only a few people seem to have had
 trouble following the steps in the read me file.
  Eventually I'll stop being lazy, and I'll move over to
 a newer version of Direct X, but I have no real incentive to
 do so right now.
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Re: [Audyssey] Test version of RPG engine

2011-06-09 Thread Harmony Neil
I've just tested the .exe file on my computer and it runs fine on this
windows7 64 bit machine.
Hope that helps,

-Original Message-
From: [] On
Behalf Of Jacob Kruger
Sent: 08 June 2011 21:29
To: Gamers Discussion list
Subject: [Audyssey] Test version of RPG engine

If you want to try this out, and let me know if the python to executable
plugin has worked at all in making this an actual command line executable
for windows machines, you can download the following:
(roundabout 4Mb)

In there it would be best to currently run mapData.exe from an actual
command line since I see it sort of throws away the last, outro message if
you succeed on the quest as such, and while am busy putting in a way to
actually hide the contents of your mission's data files, you'll see that
there are some text files there that provide the information/background for
the whole (small) thing:

While might try explaining the contents of those files a bit better later
on, there are sort of comments in there, that should make some sense, and
the primary initial thing I'd like to know/find out is if this executable
can run on many windows machines at all as such, since while it includes the
MS C runtimes needed for some things, I do have full versions of visual installed on all my machines as such, so not 100% sure what will
happen on all machines, but anyway.

Also, haven't gotten around to trying to generate forms of executables for
other platforms as of yet, but let's see if even this will work for real

The basic command set is the following, but you can also be prompted this
during game play by just typing in something like ? and hitting enter:
N, S, E, W, U and D - all directional commands - and last 2 are up and down
T and P - take and put, followed by item/object name
C - communicate with an NPC - you'll be offered a list of possibles after
typing this and hitting enter
V - commit violence on an NPC - you'll be offered a list of possibles after
typing this and hitting enter
L - look or when combined with an item name, it gives you the details - if
you've already picked it up
X - exit
R - review travel directions available
H - review your health
I - review your inventory

Might have forgotten some as of now, and there might be various bugs in this
code, etc., but would still like to know if usable at all as such, and only
other trick is in a new location, you'll need to look for something before
knowing if it's there to take as such.

This is also just currently generating command line output, but on windows
anyway, I can also tell it to talk using some screenreaders, or sapi etc. at
some stage.

Lastly, there are 2 of the items you'll need to pick up and go and place in
other locations/areas to finish off this test mission - and that's as far as
will go for

Jacob Kruger
Blind Biker
Skype: BlindZA
'...fate had broken his body, but not his spirit...'
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Re: [Audyssey] Test version of RPG engine

2011-06-09 Thread Jacob Kruger
Ok, here's a link to the zip file containing all the .pyc files, along with 
those text data files, and I now included what's meant to be a cross platform 
module that can clear screen, and beep, called clsbeep, so there shouldn't be 
any windows specific requirements in here as such:

Sorry, but am also laughing now, since it totals like 13Kb - as opposed to the 
roundabout 4Mb in the windows only

Obviously, the starting point would be the file, mapData.pyc, and will also 
just mention that if you made changes to a copy of the mapData.txt etc. data 
files, the command line argument to tell it to look for something specific is 
just adding something like a map=mapData on there.

Jacob Kruger
Blind Biker
Skype: BlindZA
'...fate had broken his body, but not his spirit...'

- Original Message ---

Subject: Re: [Audyssey] Test version of RPG engine
   From: Thomas Ward
   Date: Thu, 9 Jun 2011 04:33:16 -0400
 To: Gamers Discussion list

Hi Jacob,

Would it be to much to ask for a non-Windows specific version of this
engine? All you probably need to do is recompile it to pyc files and
redistribute those unless you are using some Windows specific modules
in your engine.

The reason I am asking is Python is very  cross--platform and is well
supported on non-Windows platforms like linux. I've got Python 2.7
installed on a Ubuntu 11 Linux system, and I'd like to try out the
cross-platform potential of this engine if you will let me.
Especially, since I don't see any reason how or why this engine should
be Windows specific since you are most likely using a cross-platform
language and modules to begin with.


On 6/8/11, Jacob Kruger wrote:
 If you want to try this out, and let me know if the python to executable
 plugin has worked at all in making this an actual command line executable
 for windows machines, you can download the following:
 (roundabout 4Mb)

 In there it would be best to currently run mapData.exe from an actual
 command line since I see it sort of throws away the last, outro message if
 you succeed on the quest as such, and while am busy putting in a way to
 actually hide the contents of your mission's data files, you'll see that
 there are some text files there that provide the information/background for
 the whole (small) thing:

 While might try explaining the contents of those files a bit better later
 on, there are sort of comments in there, that should make some sense, and
 the primary initial thing I'd like to know/find out is if this executable
 can run on many windows machines at all as such, since while it includes the
 MS C runtimes needed for some things, I do have full versions of visual installed on all my machines as such, so not 100% sure what will
 happen on all machines, but anyway.

 Also, haven't gotten around to trying to generate forms of executables for
 other platforms as of yet, but let's see if even this will work for real

 The basic command set is the following, but you can also be prompted this
 during game play by just typing in something like ? and hitting enter:
 N, S, E, W, U and D - all directional commands - and last 2 are up and down
 T and P - take and put, followed by item/object name
 C - communicate with an NPC - you'll be offered a list of possibles after
 typing this and hitting enter
 V - commit violence on an NPC - you'll be offered a list of possibles after
 typing this and hitting enter
 L - look or when combined with an item name, it gives you the details - if
 you've already picked it up
 X - exit
 R - review travel directions available
 H - review your health
 I - review your inventory

 Might have forgotten some as of now, and there might be various bugs in this
 code, etc., but would still like to know if usable at all as such, and only
 other trick is in a new location, you'll need to look for something before
 knowing if it's there to take as such.

 This is also just currently generating command line output, but on windows
 anyway, I can also tell it to talk using some screenreaders, or sapi etc. at
 some stage.

 Lastly, there are 2 of the items you'll need to pick up and go and place in
 other locations/areas to finish off this test mission - and that's as far as
 will go for

 Jacob Kruger
 Blind Biker
 Skype: BlindZA
 '...fate had broken his body, but not his spirit...'
 Gamers mailing list __
 If you want to leave the list, send E-mail to
 You can make changes or update your subscription via the web, at
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Re: [Audyssey] Other Game Ideas?

2011-06-09 Thread Thomas Ward
Hi Jim,

I honestly can't see any way to make a live action game like MOTA
playable by a totally deaf-blind gamer. At least not if we are going
to do everything in real time. A person has to have a reasonable
amountof hearing to play it.

As for using text in Windows games it can be done, but sometimes it
requires creating sets, scripts, etc for your application for each
screen reader. That's not exactly ideal since there are several
different screen readers out there these days.

The only solution I've found is not to draw my own window and output
text directly to the console using the command prompt window in
Windows. Most of the modern screen readers like Window-Eyes 7.5, Jaws
12, and NVDA 2011 all read the text as soon as it changes in the
command prompt window without scripts, sets, frames, whatever. So its
pretty reliable for my wrestling game.

On 6/8/11, Jim Kitchen wrote:
 Hi Thomas,

 Yes, and then besides people who can not do stereo panning, there are the
 people who are totally deaf and thus can not play audio only games at all.
 Not so sure how plausible it would be to try to create fast paced live
 action games that were text based and could be played via braille display.
 I still do not even like using text in Windows games for the fact that it
 can not be done so that the text is automatically read by all screen readers
 like I could in dos.  And in Jaws for dos there was a key that would report
 row and column of the cursor so that I could be sure to keep the text
 organized and looking good.  I am not sure if I was dreaming or what, but I
 have the thought that someone told me of a key like that for JFW, but I can
 not remember the key or who might have told me that.



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Re: [Audyssey] Test version of RPG engine

2011-06-09 Thread Jacob Kruger
Thanks, Harmony, and, yes, while the primary development machine for this thing 
has been a windows7 32 bit machine, my other primary machine is also a windows7 
64 bit machine, but it does also have all the other MS dev tools on it, so 
wasn't too sure about it running on other machines easily enough - thanks again.

Stay well

Jacob Kruger
Blind Biker
Skype: BlindZA
'...fate had broken his body, but not his spirit...'

- Original Message ---

Subject: Re: [Audyssey] Test version of RPG engine
   From: Harmony Neil
   Date: Thu, 9 Jun 2011 10:15:18 +0100
 To: 'Gamers Discussion list'

I've just tested the .exe file on my computer and it runs fine on this
windows7 64 bit machine.
Hope that helps,

-Original Message-
From: [] On
Behalf Of Jacob Kruger
Sent: 08 June 2011 21:29
To: Gamers Discussion list
Subject: [Audyssey] Test version of RPG engine

If you want to try this out, and let me know if the python to executable
plugin has worked at all in making this an actual command line executable
for windows machines, you can download the following:
(roundabout 4Mb)

In there it would be best to currently run mapData.exe from an actual
command line since I see it sort of throws away the last, outro message if
you succeed on the quest as such, and while am busy putting in a way to
actually hide the contents of your mission's data files, you'll see that
there are some text files there that provide the information/background for
the whole (small) thing:

While might try explaining the contents of those files a bit better later
on, there are sort of comments in there, that should make some sense, and
the primary initial thing I'd like to know/find out is if this executable
can run on many windows machines at all as such, since while it includes the
MS C runtimes needed for some things, I do have full versions of visual installed on all my machines as such, so not 100% sure what will
happen on all machines, but anyway.

Also, haven't gotten around to trying to generate forms of executables for
other platforms as of yet, but let's see if even this will work for real

The basic command set is the following, but you can also be prompted this
during game play by just typing in something like ? and hitting enter:
N, S, E, W, U and D - all directional commands - and last 2 are up and down
T and P - take and put, followed by item/object name
C - communicate with an NPC - you'll be offered a list of possibles after
typing this and hitting enter
V - commit violence on an NPC - you'll be offered a list of possibles after
typing this and hitting enter
L - look or when combined with an item name, it gives you the details - if
you've already picked it up
X - exit
R - review travel directions available
H - review your health
I - review your inventory

Might have forgotten some as of now, and there might be various bugs in this
code, etc., but would still like to know if usable at all as such, and only
other trick is in a new location, you'll need to look for something before
knowing if it's there to take as such.

This is also just currently generating command line output, but on windows
anyway, I can also tell it to talk using some screenreaders, or sapi etc. at
some stage.

Lastly, there are 2 of the items you'll need to pick up and go and place in
other locations/areas to finish off this test mission - and that's as far as
will go for

Jacob Kruger
Blind Biker
Skype: BlindZA
'...fate had broken his body, but not his spirit...'
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You can make changes or update your subscription via the web, at
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Gamers mailing list __
If you want to leave the list, send E-mail to
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All messages are archived and can be searched and read at
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Re: [Audyssey] Test version of RPG engine

2011-06-09 Thread Thomas Ward
Hi Jacob,

That works for me. If we run into issues, and I had the py files I
could probably debug the linux support and send the revisions back to
you as needed. Not sure what version of Python you are running, but I
got Python 2.7 here. It might be  helpful to know what version of
Python you are using so we can factor that into  testing here.


On 6/9/11, Jacob Kruger wrote:
 Only current (possible) windows specific things might be a couple of small
 windows operating system commands have put in for things like cls (clear
 screen), and maybe one or two pause commands - as in press any key, but
 think replaced most of those with a python specific one.

 Anyway, wasn't sure if .pyc files would be good enough, but let me quickly
 go and try take out any windows specific things - won't take long, and see
 if can get interpreter to generate .pyc files to pass on, or else, will send
 you the actual python source .py files directly.

 And, yes, would definitely like to know if/how it works on linux, etc.

 Stay well

 Jacob Kruger
 Blind Biker
 Skype: BlindZA
 '...fate had broken his body, but not his spirit...'

 - Original Message ---

 Subject: Re: [Audyssey] Test version of RPG engine
From: Thomas Ward
Date: Thu, 9 Jun 2011 04:33:16 -0400
  To: Gamers Discussion list

Hi Jacob,

Would it be to much to ask for a non-Windows specific version of this
engine? All you probably need to do is recompile it to pyc files and
redistribute those unless you are using some Windows specific modules
in your engine.

The reason I am asking is Python is very  cross--platform and is well
supported on non-Windows platforms like linux. I've got Python 2.7
installed on a Ubuntu 11 Linux system, and I'd like to try out the
cross-platform potential of this engine if you will let me.
Especially, since I don't see any reason how or why this engine should
be Windows specific since you are most likely using a cross-platform
language and modules to begin with.


On 6/8/11, Jacob Kruger wrote:
 If you want to try this out, and let me know if the python to executable
 plugin has worked at all in making this an actual command line executable
 for windows machines, you can download the following:
 (roundabout 4Mb)

 In there it would be best to currently run mapData.exe from an actual
 command line since I see it sort of throws away the last, outro message
 you succeed on the quest as such, and while am busy putting in a way to
 actually hide the contents of your mission's data files, you'll see that
 there are some text files there that provide the information/background
 the whole (small) thing:

 While might try explaining the contents of those files a bit better later
 on, there are sort of comments in there, that should make some sense, and
 the primary initial thing I'd like to know/find out is if this executable
 can run on many windows machines at all as such, since while it includes
 MS C runtimes needed for some things, I do have full versions of visual installed on all my machines as such, so not 100% sure what
 happen on all machines, but anyway.

 Also, haven't gotten around to trying to generate forms of executables
 other platforms as of yet, but let's see if even this will work for real

 The basic command set is the following, but you can also be prompted this
 during game play by just typing in something like ? and hitting enter:
 N, S, E, W, U and D - all directional commands - and last 2 are up and
 T and P - take and put, followed by item/object name
 C - communicate with an NPC - you'll be offered a list of possibles after
 typing this and hitting enter
 V - commit violence on an NPC - you'll be offered a list of possibles
 typing this and hitting enter
 L - look or when combined with an item name, it gives you the details -
 you've already picked it up
 X - exit
 R - review travel directions available
 H - review your health
 I - review your inventory

 Might have forgotten some as of now, and there might be various bugs in
 code, etc., but would still like to know if usable at all as such, and
 other trick is in a new location, you'll need to look for something
 knowing if it's there to take as such.

 This is also just currently generating command line output, but on
 anyway, I can also tell it to talk using some screenreaders, or sapi etc.
 some stage.

 Lastly, there are 2 of the items you'll need to pick up and go and place
 other locations/areas to finish off this test mission - and that's as far
 will go for

 Jacob Kruger
 Blind Biker
 Skype: BlindZA
 '...fate had broken his body, but not his spirit...'
 Gamers mailing list __
 If you want to 

Re: [Audyssey] Test version of RPG engine

2011-06-09 Thread Thomas Ward
Hi Jacob,

Well, I just downloaded and tested it. You will be happy to  know your
cross-platform version works fine on linux. I tested it with both
Speakup and Orca  on Ubuntu 11.04 and  no access issues at all. Thanks
for writing this. I think you got a head start on a decent RPG engine

On 6/9/11, Jacob Kruger wrote:
 Ok, here's a link to the zip file containing all the .pyc files, along with
 those text data files, and I now included what's meant to be a cross
 platform module that can clear screen, and beep, called clsbeep, so there
 shouldn't be any windows specific requirements in here as such:

 Sorry, but am also laughing now, since it totals like 13Kb - as opposed to
 the roundabout 4Mb in the windows only

 Obviously, the starting point would be the file, mapData.pyc, and will also
 just mention that if you made changes to a copy of the mapData.txt etc. data
 files, the command line argument to tell it to look for something specific
 is just adding something like a map=mapData on there.

 Jacob Kruger
 Blind Biker
 Skype: BlindZA
 '...fate had broken his body, but not his spirit...'

 - Original Message ---

 Subject: Re: [Audyssey] Test version of RPG engine
From: Thomas Ward
Date: Thu, 9 Jun 2011 04:33:16 -0400
  To: Gamers Discussion list

Hi Jacob,

Would it be to much to ask for a non-Windows specific version of this
engine? All you probably need to do is recompile it to pyc files and
redistribute those unless you are using some Windows specific modules
in your engine.

The reason I am asking is Python is very  cross--platform and is well
supported on non-Windows platforms like linux. I've got Python 2.7
installed on a Ubuntu 11 Linux system, and I'd like to try out the
cross-platform potential of this engine if you will let me.
Especially, since I don't see any reason how or why this engine should
be Windows specific since you are most likely using a cross-platform
language and modules to begin with.


On 6/8/11, Jacob Kruger wrote:
 If you want to try this out, and let me know if the python to executable
 plugin has worked at all in making this an actual command line executable
 for windows machines, you can download the following:
 (roundabout 4Mb)

 In there it would be best to currently run mapData.exe from an actual
 command line since I see it sort of throws away the last, outro message
 you succeed on the quest as such, and while am busy putting in a way to
 actually hide the contents of your mission's data files, you'll see that
 there are some text files there that provide the information/background
 the whole (small) thing:

 While might try explaining the contents of those files a bit better later
 on, there are sort of comments in there, that should make some sense, and
 the primary initial thing I'd like to know/find out is if this executable
 can run on many windows machines at all as such, since while it includes
 MS C runtimes needed for some things, I do have full versions of visual installed on all my machines as such, so not 100% sure what
 happen on all machines, but anyway.

 Also, haven't gotten around to trying to generate forms of executables
 other platforms as of yet, but let's see if even this will work for real

 The basic command set is the following, but you can also be prompted this
 during game play by just typing in something like ? and hitting enter:
 N, S, E, W, U and D - all directional commands - and last 2 are up and
 T and P - take and put, followed by item/object name
 C - communicate with an NPC - you'll be offered a list of possibles after
 typing this and hitting enter
 V - commit violence on an NPC - you'll be offered a list of possibles
 typing this and hitting enter
 L - look or when combined with an item name, it gives you the details -
 you've already picked it up
 X - exit
 R - review travel directions available
 H - review your health
 I - review your inventory

 Might have forgotten some as of now, and there might be various bugs in
 code, etc., but would still like to know if usable at all as such, and
 other trick is in a new location, you'll need to look for something
 knowing if it's there to take as such.

 This is also just currently generating command line output, but on
 anyway, I can also tell it to talk using some screenreaders, or sapi etc.
 some stage.

 Lastly, there are 2 of the items you'll need to pick up and go and place
 other locations/areas to finish off this test mission - and that's as far
 will go for

 Jacob Kruger
 Blind Biker
 Skype: BlindZA
 '...fate had broken his body, but not his spirit...'

Re: [Audyssey] Test version of RPG engine

2011-06-09 Thread Jacob Kruger
Will send you the source files as well, and, am running Python 2.7 (r27:82525, 
Jul  4 2010, 09:01:59) at the moment.

Also just made one small corrective change to both the compiled for windows and 
pyc versions that uploaded to my website, since my brother found one small bug 
- he attacked the non-aggressive NPC, Peter, and it didn't like the fact that 
his weapon was a nul/None object...LOL!

Stay well

Jacob Kruger
Blind Biker
Skype: BlindZA
'...fate had broken his body, but not his spirit...'

- Original Message ---

Subject: Re: [Audyssey] Test version of RPG engine
   From: Thomas Ward
   Date: Thu, 9 Jun 2011 05:36:06 -0400
 To: Gamers Discussion list

Hi Jacob,

That works for me. If we run into issues, and I had the py files I
could probably debug the linux support and send the revisions back to
you as needed. Not sure what version of Python you are running, but I
got Python 2.7 here. It might be  helpful to know what version of
Python you are using so we can factor that into  testing here.


On 6/9/11, Jacob Kruger wrote:
 Only current (possible) windows specific things might be a couple of small
 windows operating system commands have put in for things like cls (clear
 screen), and maybe one or two pause commands - as in press any key, but
 think replaced most of those with a python specific one.

 Anyway, wasn't sure if .pyc files would be good enough, but let me quickly
 go and try take out any windows specific things - won't take long, and see
 if can get interpreter to generate .pyc files to pass on, or else, will send
 you the actual python source .py files directly.

 And, yes, would definitely like to know if/how it works on linux, etc.

 Stay well

 Jacob Kruger
 Blind Biker
 Skype: BlindZA
 '...fate had broken his body, but not his spirit...'

 - Original Message ---

 Subject: Re: [Audyssey] Test version of RPG engine
From: Thomas Ward
Date: Thu, 9 Jun 2011 04:33:16 -0400
  To: Gamers Discussion list

Hi Jacob,

Would it be to much to ask for a non-Windows specific version of this
engine? All you probably need to do is recompile it to pyc files and
redistribute those unless you are using some Windows specific modules
in your engine.

The reason I am asking is Python is very  cross--platform and is well
supported on non-Windows platforms like linux. I've got Python 2.7
installed on a Ubuntu 11 Linux system, and I'd like to try out the
cross-platform potential of this engine if you will let me.
Especially, since I don't see any reason how or why this engine should
be Windows specific since you are most likely using a cross-platform
language and modules to begin with.


On 6/8/11, Jacob Kruger wrote:
 If you want to try this out, and let me know if the python to executable
 plugin has worked at all in making this an actual command line executable
 for windows machines, you can download the following:
 (roundabout 4Mb)

 In there it would be best to currently run mapData.exe from an actual
 command line since I see it sort of throws away the last, outro message
 you succeed on the quest as such, and while am busy putting in a way to
 actually hide the contents of your mission's data files, you'll see that
 there are some text files there that provide the information/background
 the whole (small) thing:

 While might try explaining the contents of those files a bit better later
 on, there are sort of comments in there, that should make some sense, and
 the primary initial thing I'd like to know/find out is if this executable
 can run on many windows machines at all as such, since while it includes
 MS C runtimes needed for some things, I do have full versions of visual installed on all my machines as such, so not 100% sure what
 happen on all machines, but anyway.

 Also, haven't gotten around to trying to generate forms of executables
 other platforms as of yet, but let's see if even this will work for real

 The basic command set is the following, but you can also be prompted this
 during game play by just typing in something like ? and hitting enter:
 N, S, E, W, U and D - all directional commands - and last 2 are up and
 T and P - take and put, followed by item/object name
 C - communicate with an NPC - you'll be offered a list of possibles after
 typing this and hitting enter
 V - commit violence on an NPC - you'll be offered a list of possibles
 typing this and hitting enter
 L - look or when combined with an item name, it gives you the details -
 you've already picked it up
 X - exit
 R - review travel directions available
 H - review your health
 I - review your inventory

 Might have forgotten some as of now, and there might be 

Re: [Audyssey] Test version of RPG engine

2011-06-09 Thread Jacob Kruger
Glad to hear it, and thanks for saying that, since while I am primarily using 
it as practice, I also like the whole idea of a platform independent engine 
like this that doesn't take too much to be used.

Thanks again.

Stay well

Jacob Kruger
Blind Biker
Skype: BlindZA
'...fate had broken his body, but not his spirit...'

- Original Message ---

Subject: Re: [Audyssey] Test version of RPG engine
   From: Thomas Ward
   Date: Thu, 9 Jun 2011 05:54:23 -0400
 To: Gamers Discussion list

Hi Jacob,

Well, I just downloaded and tested it. You will be happy to  know your
cross-platform version works fine on linux. I tested it with both
Speakup and Orca  on Ubuntu 11.04 and  no access issues at all. Thanks
for writing this. I think you got a head start on a decent RPG engine

On 6/9/11, Jacob Kruger wrote:
 Ok, here's a link to the zip file containing all the .pyc files, along with
 those text data files, and I now included what's meant to be a cross
 platform module that can clear screen, and beep, called clsbeep, so there
 shouldn't be any windows specific requirements in here as such:

 Sorry, but am also laughing now, since it totals like 13Kb - as opposed to
 the roundabout 4Mb in the windows only

 Obviously, the starting point would be the file, mapData.pyc, and will also
 just mention that if you made changes to a copy of the mapData.txt etc. data
 files, the command line argument to tell it to look for something specific
 is just adding something like a map=mapData on there.

 Jacob Kruger
 Blind Biker
 Skype: BlindZA
 '...fate had broken his body, but not his spirit...'

 - Original Message ---

 Subject: Re: [Audyssey] Test version of RPG engine
From: Thomas Ward
Date: Thu, 9 Jun 2011 04:33:16 -0400
  To: Gamers Discussion list

Hi Jacob,

Would it be to much to ask for a non-Windows specific version of this
engine? All you probably need to do is recompile it to pyc files and
redistribute those unless you are using some Windows specific modules
in your engine.

The reason I am asking is Python is very  cross--platform and is well
supported on non-Windows platforms like linux. I've got Python 2.7
installed on a Ubuntu 11 Linux system, and I'd like to try out the
cross-platform potential of this engine if you will let me.
Especially, since I don't see any reason how or why this engine should
be Windows specific since you are most likely using a cross-platform
language and modules to begin with.


On 6/8/11, Jacob Kruger wrote:
 If you want to try this out, and let me know if the python to executable
 plugin has worked at all in making this an actual command line executable
 for windows machines, you can download the following:
 (roundabout 4Mb)

 In there it would be best to currently run mapData.exe from an actual
 command line since I see it sort of throws away the last, outro message
 you succeed on the quest as such, and while am busy putting in a way to
 actually hide the contents of your mission's data files, you'll see that
 there are some text files there that provide the information/background
 the whole (small) thing:

 While might try explaining the contents of those files a bit better later
 on, there are sort of comments in there, that should make some sense, and
 the primary initial thing I'd like to know/find out is if this executable
 can run on many windows machines at all as such, since while it includes
 MS C runtimes needed for some things, I do have full versions of visual installed on all my machines as such, so not 100% sure what
 happen on all machines, but anyway.

 Also, haven't gotten around to trying to generate forms of executables
 other platforms as of yet, but let's see if even this will work for real

 The basic command set is the following, but you can also be prompted this
 during game play by just typing in something like ? and hitting enter:
 N, S, E, W, U and D - all directional commands - and last 2 are up and
 T and P - take and put, followed by item/object name
 C - communicate with an NPC - you'll be offered a list of possibles after
 typing this and hitting enter
 V - commit violence on an NPC - you'll be offered a list of possibles
 typing this and hitting enter
 L - look or when combined with an item name, it gives you the details -
 you've already picked it up
 X - exit
 R - review travel directions available
 H - review your health
 I - review your inventory

 Might have forgotten some as of now, and there might be various bugs in
 code, etc., but would still like to know if usable at all as such, and
 other trick is in a new 

Re: [Audyssey] Other Game Ideas?

2011-06-09 Thread Jim Kitchen

Hi Dark,

Yeah, I do still wish that putting text on the screen in Windows would read 
automatically with all screen readers like it would in dos, but otherwise I 
agree with you that sapi5 works well.

I do also wish that I could have pretty graphics in my games so that sighted 
people would play them, but I can not do that.  Likewise as you said it is not 
going to be possible to make games that are totally accessible for any and all 
challenges that people may have.  If having a key to announce a position like 
in Mach 1 and Puppy 1 is possible and does not ruin the game play, then I am 
happy to do that.



To be sure of hitting the target, shoot first and call whatever you hit the 
(440) 286-6920
Chardon Ohio USA
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Re: [Audyssey] disrespect for gamers: was Re: Lunimals version 2.5b

2011-06-09 Thread Jim Kitchen

Hi Ken and Jeremy,

Yeah, I still do not know what the big deal is about us programming our games 
in VB6.  I mean installing my file is minuscule and simple to do as 
compared to needing to install the 300 meg latest net frame work and the very 
latest DirectX.  But hey I have been creating blind accessible games for over 
20 years and found out a very long time ago that I need to have a thick skin 
because no matter what I do, I am not going to totally please every one.  But I 
am very happy in that I always have and still do get allot of very positive 
feedback from my games.  Now not always from the Audyssey list, but in private 
Email and phone calls.  That is not to say that I don't from the Audyssey list 
as well, but...  I am still having fun creating games and plan to keep on doing 
so for the foreseeable future.

Lets all just have fun and get along. grin



Kitchen's Inc, for games that are up to 110 percent funner to play.
(440) 286-6920
Chardon Ohio USA
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Re: [Audyssey] Lunimals version 2.5b

2011-06-09 Thread Thomas Ward
Hi Jeremy,

True, but people could just as easily argue the point that you aren't
even properly supporting the technology that exists here and now let
alone what comes next. I'm not out to change your mind, but simply
state my position on this issue which is simply this.

The current Windows operating system is Windows 7 and anyone who is
going to buy a new computer today will likely buy Windows 7 as part of
their new PC. As a result Visual Basic 6 is not natively supported on
that system nor is DirectX 7. You are asking that user to install and
configure a bunch of extra old outdated libraries to play your games,
that are not officially supported, when you could just as easily
switch to something like .Net and have all of your software up to
date. It doesn't make any practical sense to me why you would want to
stick with Windows 98 era programming languages, tools, and
development libraries when you could be spending that time
constructively developing games and applications for Windows 7 and
beyond using current technology.

That doesn't mean I don't appreciate the work you are doing.  Far from
it. I think some of the games you are writing are revolutionary, very
interesting, and definitely is a switch from the same old thing we
often see here. It just seems a shame you have decided for whatever
reason to ignore the fact that you are building these great games
using outdated technology when you could just as easily be looking
ahead at what technology most developers are using now.


On 6/7/11, Jeremy Kaldobsky wrote:
 If we all focused on what the next operating system will be, what the next
 popular devices will be, or what the next popular programming language will
 be, it would take 10 times longer to produce any games.  I think there are
 enough examples of this exact thought process to prove my point.  We do!
 need some people to be thinking that way, but you also need people who worry
 more about here and now.

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Re: [Audyssey] Lunimals version 2.5b

2011-06-09 Thread Thomas Ward
Hi Willem,

Yes, I've read something similar to that. We are definitely in a
transitional period from the 32-bit world of the Pentium processor to
things like the AMD64 as well as the arm processors expected to ship
in the next gen netbooks. I don't want it to sound like an attack, but
Jeremy and others who are basing their games on VB 6 are setting
themselves up for some serious technical problems as we, I.E. the
community as a whole, move away from the Windows 98 era languages,
libraries, and 32-bit processors.

Also as you mentioned there seems to be splintering going on in terms
of what operating systems the blind users are using. For the moment
Windows still has the majority, but I've seen both the blind Linux and
Mac OS communities slowly growing too.  I foresee a day when a
developer will have to use Python, Java, or some other cross-platform
language to produce games simply because Mac and Linux will have
substantial markets that could be of interest to a game developer. Is
this speculation?

Yes, but its certainly something to look at. Its something we need to
think about, perhaps prepare for, rather than wait until its upon us
and then begin dealing with it. Hopefully, people can understand our
point of view rather than seeing it as an attack.


On 6/9/11, Willem Venter wrote:
 Hi Jeremy.
 While I can see you feel very strongly about this, my question was not
 meant as an attack. Instead I think we as a community should come up
 with a solution. I just read an article where some companies project
 that at least 40% of all netbooks will have arm processors at the end
 of next year. As netbooks are a cheep form of computing, I can see
 many blind gamers going that route. The majority of audiogames will be
 affected, as they use older technology from microsoft which they don't
 seem interested in updating for arm. These games include Jim Kitchen's
 games, GMA, LWorks and many fun games like BSC games that are no
 longer developed actively.

 Many gamers are also moving to other platforms like linux, as the cost
 and restrictions related to windows software is becoming prohibitive.

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Re: [Audyssey] Lunimals version 2.5b

2011-06-09 Thread Thomas Ward
Hi Shaun,

Ah...Excuse me for pointing out that the user interface is only a
small part of what has changed in Windows Vista/Windows 7.  On the
contrary many of the APIs have been replaced or vastly updated giving
something like Windows 7 quite a lot of changes under the hood from
Windows XP.

For example, the Windows mixer has been updated/rewritten in Windos 7
and really isn't fully compatible with Microsoft Directsound 8.
Instead there is a new API, XAudio2, that Windows 7 developers should
be using to handle audio output on Windows 7. As XAudio2 has now
officially replaced Directsound on XP, Vista, and Windows 7 that is
primarily what developers should probably be using to stay up to date.

As for VB 6 goes its not surprising  Microsoft completely pulled it
from Windows 7. The .Net languages have pretty much replaced
everything from the Windows 9x era, and .Net 4.0 is integrated
directly into the Windows 7 OS. Most developers today are writing apps
in C++ .Net, C# .Net, or VB .Net so it makes sense to target windows
consumers using one of those languages since the Windows 7 development
platform is primarily .Net now. That wasn't true a few years ago when
there wasn't a single API  for all Windows releases and programming
languages the way .Net has been designed to do for the modern
developer. That is probably the biggest change or difference  between
Windows 7 and XP.

On 6/7/11, shaun everiss wrote:
 thats true jeremy.

 And the way lifecycles are going, xp goes away, comes, back and then
 it does it again.
 I think though we can safely say that there probably won't be any
 major changes for a really long time, I mean we only just changed the
 interface in the vista/win7 system.
 It looks like ms is going to stay with that moddel as it is maybe for a
 And even if it changes its probably going to stay basically the same.
 Directx9 has stabelised mostly, and this could be the next standard
 to aspire to for now anyway.
 Once xp is not used anymore by anyone we could move to higher directx
 versions, but then again they are always moving foreward.

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Re: [Audyssey] disrespect for gamers: was Re: Lunimals version 2.5b

2011-06-09 Thread Thomas Ward
Hi Jim,

Smile. I can answer that question with a question of my own. The
problem is simply this. Its true that your games can be played on
Windows XP, Vista, and Windows 7 currently by installing your Winkit
setup. That's all well and good. Question is, when some of these newer
technologies are mainstream and Windows X will no longer run your
games what will you do about it?

That's the problem. We don't want to attack you, put you down, but
question your desire to use VB 6 under those circomstances. Its our
worry/concern that one day   sooner or later we are all going to not
be able to play any of your games on a modern PC because changes in
technology will require  you to personally upgrade and change the way
you do things or we have to simply stop playing your games. NOw, since
all of your games are free you are under no obligation to do anything
for us let alone give us a game at all. However, it does seem like a
shame if I or someone else were to upgrade to Windows X only to find
none of your games work any more, and you have no desire to upgrade to
the new technology. Does that clarify our position for you?

also before I close I want to make a little note about .Net. Its true
for Windows XP users that they may have to install a 300 MB update
simply because .Net does not ship with XP by default. However, were
you using Windows 7 that would not be an issue/problem since .Net 4.0
is integrated directly into the OS and is preinstalled by default. So
where I have to install something extra to run VB 6 apps on Windows 7
I don't have to install anything at all to run VB .Net apps as the
.Net stuff ships with Windows 7.


On 6/9/11, Jim Kitchen wrote:
 Hi Ken and Jeremy,

 Yeah, I still do not know what the big deal is about us programming our
 games in VB6.  I mean installing my file is minuscule and simple
 to do as compared to needing to install the 300 meg latest net frame work
 and the very latest DirectX.  But hey I have been creating blind accessible
 games for over 20 years and found out a very long time ago that I need to
 have a thick skin because no matter what I do, I am not going to totally
 please every one.  But I am very happy in that I always have and still do
 get allot of very positive feedback from my games.  Now not always from the
 Audyssey list, but in private Email and phone calls.  That is not to say
 that I don't from the Audyssey list as well, but...  I am still having fun
 creating games and plan to keep on doing so for the foreseeable future.

 Lets all just have fun and get along. grin



 Kitchen's Inc, for games that are up to 110 percent funner to play.
 (440) 286-6920
 Chardon Ohio USA
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Re: [Audyssey] Other Game Ideas?

2011-06-09 Thread Thomas Ward
Hi Jim,

Well, there is a way to get screen readers to read the text in a
Window when it changes and it is to set the screen reader to speak all
or say all when launching the game/application.  Its certainly a hack,
not perfect, but I've used that  plenty of times to use something like
Winfrotz to read the text automatically when the text in the window
changes. However, I agree that using Sapi 5 generally works better in
the long run.

On 6/9/11, Jim Kitchen wrote:
 Hi Dark,

 Yeah, I do still wish that putting text on the screen in Windows would read
 automatically with all screen readers like it would in dos, but otherwise I
 agree with you that sapi5 works well.

 I do also wish that I could have pretty graphics in my games so that sighted
 people would play them, but I can not do that.  Likewise as you said it is
 not going to be possible to make games that are totally accessible for any
 and all challenges that people may have.  If having a key to announce a
 position like in Mach 1 and Puppy 1 is possible and does not ruin the game
 play, then I am happy to do that.



 To be sure of hitting the target, shoot first and call whatever you hit the
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Re: [Audyssey] Test version of RPG engine

2011-06-09 Thread Thomas Ward
Hi Jacob,

That works for me.  I'm running the latest Python 2.7 build for Linux,
and as I said earlier everything seems to be working decently on my
end. I didn't try attacking Peter, but glad you found that bug so

On 6/9/11, Jacob Kruger wrote:
 Will send you the source files as well, and, am running Python 2.7
 (r27:82525, Jul  4 2010, 09:01:59) at the moment.

 Also just made one small corrective change to both the compiled for windows
 and pyc versions that uploaded to my website, since my brother found one
 small bug - he attacked the non-aggressive NPC, Peter, and it didn't like
 the fact that his weapon was a nul/None object...LOL!

 Stay well

 Jacob Kruger
 Blind Biker
 Skype: BlindZA
 '...fate had broken his body, but not his spirit...'

 - Original Message ---

 Subject: Re: [Audyssey] Test version of RPG engine
From: Thomas Ward
Date: Thu, 9 Jun 2011 05:36:06 -0400
  To: Gamers Discussion list

Hi Jacob,

That works for me. If we run into issues, and I had the py files I
could probably debug the linux support and send the revisions back to
you as needed. Not sure what version of Python you are running, but I
got Python 2.7 here. It might be  helpful to know what version of
Python you are using so we can factor that into  testing here.


On 6/9/11, Jacob Kruger wrote:
 Only current (possible) windows specific things might be a couple of
 windows operating system commands have put in for things like cls (clear
 screen), and maybe one or two pause commands - as in press any key, but
 think replaced most of those with a python specific one.

 Anyway, wasn't sure if .pyc files would be good enough, but let me
 go and try take out any windows specific things - won't take long, and
 if can get interpreter to generate .pyc files to pass on, or else, will
 you the actual python source .py files directly.

 And, yes, would definitely like to know if/how it works on linux, etc.

 Stay well

 Jacob Kruger
 Blind Biker
 Skype: BlindZA
 '...fate had broken his body, but not his spirit...'

 - Original Message ---

 Subject: Re: [Audyssey] Test version of RPG engine
From: Thomas Ward
Date: Thu, 9 Jun 2011 04:33:16 -0400
  To: Gamers Discussion list

Hi Jacob,

Would it be to much to ask for a non-Windows specific version of this
engine? All you probably need to do is recompile it to pyc files and
redistribute those unless you are using some Windows specific modules
in your engine.

The reason I am asking is Python is very  cross--platform and is well
supported on non-Windows platforms like linux. I've got Python 2.7
installed on a Ubuntu 11 Linux system, and I'd like to try out the
cross-platform potential of this engine if you will let me.
Especially, since I don't see any reason how or why this engine should
be Windows specific since you are most likely using a cross-platform
language and modules to begin with.


On 6/8/11, Jacob Kruger wrote:
 If you want to try this out, and let me know if the python to
 plugin has worked at all in making this an actual command line
 for windows machines, you can download the following:
 (roundabout 4Mb)

 In there it would be best to currently run mapData.exe from an actual
 command line since I see it sort of throws away the last, outro message
 you succeed on the quest as such, and while am busy putting in a way to
 actually hide the contents of your mission's data files, you'll see
 there are some text files there that provide the information/background
 the whole (small) thing:

 While might try explaining the contents of those files a bit better
 on, there are sort of comments in there, that should make some sense,
 the primary initial thing I'd like to know/find out is if this
 can run on many windows machines at all as such, since while it
 MS C runtimes needed for some things, I do have full versions of visual installed on all my machines as such, so not 100% sure what
 happen on all machines, but anyway.

 Also, haven't gotten around to trying to generate forms of executables
 other platforms as of yet, but let's see if even this will work for

 The basic command set is the following, but you can also be prompted
 during game play by just typing in something like ? and hitting enter:
 N, S, E, W, U and D - all directional commands - and last 2 are up and
 T and P - take and put, followed by item/object name
 C - communicate with an NPC - you'll be offered a list of possibles
 typing this and hitting enter
 V - commit violence on an NPC - you'll be offered a list of 

Re: [Audyssey] Lunimals version 2.5b

2011-06-09 Thread Trouble
I don't think your speculating, because if you get a computer now it 
will have a 64bit op. That is what all the screen readers are moving towards.
If those that know VB6 would of just looked or tried one of the 
.nets. They would see how some of coding is easier and how some is 
not, but at least lacking the hair pulling of not knowing why your 
stuff don't work on todays op.
Its not pulling teeth! Its just keeping in step so what you right 
works instead of being yesterdays left overs like dos is now.
I tried to run a straight dos program on my win7 64bit op and it just 
sat there. So did the rest of the op, frozen in time and just as useless.
So they maybe lucky now there stuff can be made to work. The question 
is will it on next op? Because you know as soon as it comes out. New 
boxes will ship and the VI will be getting them from those hand out 
orgs! So remember time is real short for VB6 and you can stand by it 
all you want. Alone!
personally, I won't tech a out of date program. Just to hard trying 
to get libs that are no long there.
Here is a good example. There are a lot of us out hear doing the 
flight sim thing.
Most are using FS2000 or better like FSX. All of them came out before 
2006 and take some doing to get working on todays ops. The problem is 
with it you have to move up or the new code has a harder time working 
with the sim. Just like those using FS2000 or FS9 use FS navigator. 
Will FS navigator along with those versions of sims are no longer 
supported or even offer support.
The new sim called flight sim took 5 years to come out and was 
stopped, because it already was left behind by the ops and hardware. 
Something to think about, not even released and already game over!

At 06:42 AM 6/9/2011, you wrote:

Hi Willem,

Yes, I've read something similar to that. We are definitely in a
transitional period from the 32-bit world of the Pentium processor to
things like the AMD64 as well as the arm processors expected to ship
in the next gen netbooks. I don't want it to sound like an attack, but
Jeremy and others who are basing their games on VB 6 are setting
themselves up for some serious technical problems as we, I.E. the
community as a whole, move away from the Windows 98 era languages,
libraries, and 32-bit processors.

Also as you mentioned there seems to be splintering going on in terms
of what operating systems the blind users are using. For the moment
Windows still has the majority, but I've seen both the blind Linux and
Mac OS communities slowly growing too.  I foresee a day when a
developer will have to use Python, Java, or some other cross-platform
language to produce games simply because Mac and Linux will have
substantial markets that could be of interest to a game developer. Is
this speculation?

Yes, but its certainly something to look at. Its something we need to
think about, perhaps prepare for, rather than wait until its upon us
and then begin dealing with it. Hopefully, people can understand our
point of view rather than seeing it as an attack.


On 6/9/11, Willem Venter wrote:
 Hi Jeremy.
 While I can see you feel very strongly about this, my question was not
 meant as an attack. Instead I think we as a community should come up
 with a solution. I just read an article where some companies project
 that at least 40% of all netbooks will have arm processors at the end
 of next year. As netbooks are a cheep form of computing, I can see
 many blind gamers going that route. The majority of audiogames will be
 affected, as they use older technology from microsoft which they don't
 seem interested in updating for arm. These games include Jim Kitchen's
 games, GMA, LWorks and many fun games like BSC games that are no
 longer developed actively.

 Many gamers are also moving to other platforms like linux, as the cost
 and restrictions related to windows software is becoming prohibitive.

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Re: [Audyssey] disrespect for gamers: was Re: Lunimals version 2.5b

2011-06-09 Thread Trouble
i do see where you come from Jim, but its a lost cause and here is 
why. I got one game that I liked called PZ98. Now that was a very 
nice game to play and have spent hours and even days at that tank.
I had a problem with getting it running and Phil and Kelley took the 
time to get mine working. I can get it to work on everything but 
win7. It will run but not how it was made to run.
That my friend is where you will be sitting. Your stuff works now but 
is getting very short time All the time spent bitching about it could 
of ben spent looking at .net or anything being used today.

A rock that don't move gets no moss but a lot of bird...

At 06:26 AM 6/9/2011, you wrote:

Hi Ken and Jeremy,

Yeah, I still do not know what the big deal is about us programming 
our games in VB6.  I mean installing my file is minuscule 
and simple to do as compared to needing to install the 300 meg 
latest net frame work and the very latest DirectX.  But hey I have 
been creating blind accessible games for over 20 years and found out 
a very long time ago that I need to have a thick skin because no 
matter what I do, I am not going to totally please every one.  But I 
am very happy in that I always have and still do get allot of very 
positive feedback from my games.  Now not always from the Audyssey 
list, but in private Email and phone calls.  That is not to say that 
I don't from the Audyssey list as well, but...  I am still having 
fun creating games and plan to keep on doing so for the foreseeable future.

Lets all just have fun and get along. grin



Kitchen's Inc, for games that are up to 110 percent funner to play.
(440) 286-6920
Chardon Ohio USA
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Re: [Audyssey] disrespect for gamers: was Re: Lunimals version 2.5b

2011-06-09 Thread Charles Rivard
Jim has put out a lot of free fun for blind gamers as a hobby over the years, 
and I think we should appreciatively let him continue his endeavours as he sees 
fit.  if a game doesn't work on your system, don't get it.  

Shepherds are the best beasts!

On Jun 9, 2011, at 7:12 AM, Trouble wrote:

 i do see where you come from Jim, but its a lost cause and here is why. I got 
 one game that I liked called PZ98. Now that was a very nice game to play and 
 have spent hours and even days at that tank.
 I had a problem with getting it running and Phil and Kelley took the time to 
 get mine working. I can get it to work on everything but win7. It will run 
 but not how it was made to run.
 That my friend is where you will be sitting. Your stuff works now but is 
 getting very short time All the time spent bitching about it could of ben 
 spent looking at .net or anything being used today.
 A rock that don't move gets no moss but a lot of bird...
 At 06:26 AM 6/9/2011, you wrote:
 Hi Ken and Jeremy,
 Yeah, I still do not know what the big deal is about us programming our 
 games in VB6.  I mean installing my file is minuscule and simple 
 to do as compared to needing to install the 300 meg latest net frame work 
 and the very latest DirectX.  But hey I have been creating blind accessible 
 games for over 20 years and found out a very long time ago that I need to 
 have a thick skin because no matter what I do, I am not going to totally 
 please every one.  But I am very happy in that I always have and still do 
 get allot of very positive feedback from my games.  Now not always from the 
 Audyssey list, but in private Email and phone calls.  That is not to say 
 that I don't from the Audyssey list as well, but...  I am still having fun 
 creating games and plan to keep on doing so for the foreseeable future.
 Lets all just have fun and get along. grin
 Kitchen's Inc, for games that are up to 110 percent funner to play.
 (440) 286-6920
 Chardon Ohio USA
 Gamers mailing list __
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Re: [Audyssey] disrespect for gamers: was Re: Lunimals version 2.5b

2011-06-09 Thread Milos Przic

  Yes, I agree that Jim's games are fun. I started with them when I started 
playing games for the blind. But, you said if the game can't work on your 
system don't get it. The problem is that in a year, two or three, there 
will be noone that uses the systems that are popular now. Who of you is 
using windows 98? And if someone is using it, why? That's why the gamers are 
talking about that. They only want the developers to go ahead and do their 
job, but noone will want to remain with Win 95 or earlier only because of a 

  Best regards!
 Milos Przic
skype: Milosh-hs
- Original Message - 
From: Charles Rivard

To: Gamers Discussion list
Sent: Thursday, June 09, 2011 3:49 PM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] disrespect for gamers: was Re: Lunimals version 2.5b

Jim has put out a lot of free fun for blind gamers as a hobby over the 
years, and I think we should appreciatively let him continue his 
endeavours as he sees fit.  if a game doesn't work on your system, don't 
get it.

Shepherds are the best beasts!

On Jun 9, 2011, at 7:12 AM, Trouble wrote:

i do see where you come from Jim, but its a lost cause and here is why. I 
got one game that I liked called PZ98. Now that was a very nice game to 
play and have spent hours and even days at that tank.
I had a problem with getting it running and Phil and Kelley took the time 
to get mine working. I can get it to work on everything but win7. It will 
run but not how it was made to run.
That my friend is where you will be sitting. Your stuff works now but is 
getting very short time All the time spent bitching about it could of ben 
spent looking at .net or anything being used today.

A rock that don't move gets no moss but a lot of bird...

At 06:26 AM 6/9/2011, you wrote:

Hi Ken and Jeremy,

Yeah, I still do not know what the big deal is about us programming our 
games in VB6.  I mean installing my file is minuscule and 
simple to do as compared to needing to install the 300 meg latest net 
frame work and the very latest DirectX.  But hey I have been creating 
blind accessible games for over 20 years and found out a very long time 
ago that I need to have a thick skin because no matter what I do, I am 
not going to totally please every one.  But I am very happy in that I 
always have and still do get allot of very positive feedback from my 
games.  Now not always from the Audyssey list, but in private Email and 
phone calls.  That is not to say that I don't from the Audyssey list as 
well, but...  I am still having fun creating games and plan to keep on 
doing so for the foreseeable future.

Lets all just have fun and get along. grin



Kitchen's Inc, for games that are up to 110 percent funner to play.
(440) 286-6920
Chardon Ohio USA
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Re: [Audyssey] disrespect for gamers: was Re: Lunimals version 2.5b

2011-06-09 Thread Charles Rivard
All the more reason to keep one perfectly working older PC aound.  Eveything 
doesn't have to be upgraded.  Think of it as a blind person's game machine, so 
to speak?

Shepherds are the best beasts!

On Jun 9, 2011, at 6:25 AM, Thomas Ward wrote:

 Hi Jim,
 Smile. I can answer that question with a question of my own. The
 problem is simply this. Its true that your games can be played on
 Windows XP, Vista, and Windows 7 currently by installing your Winkit
 setup. That's all well and good. Question is, when some of these newer
 technologies are mainstream and Windows X will no longer run your
 games what will you do about it?
 That's the problem. We don't want to attack you, put you down, but
 question your desire to use VB 6 under those circomstances. Its our
 worry/concern that one day   sooner or later we are all going to not
 be able to play any of your games on a modern PC because changes in
 technology will require  you to personally upgrade and change the way
 you do things or we have to simply stop playing your games. NOw, since
 all of your games are free you are under no obligation to do anything
 for us let alone give us a game at all. However, it does seem like a
 shame if I or someone else were to upgrade to Windows X only to find
 none of your games work any more, and you have no desire to upgrade to
 the new technology. Does that clarify our position for you?
 also before I close I want to make a little note about .Net. Its true
 for Windows XP users that they may have to install a 300 MB update
 simply because .Net does not ship with XP by default. However, were
 you using Windows 7 that would not be an issue/problem since .Net 4.0
 is integrated directly into the OS and is preinstalled by default. So
 where I have to install something extra to run VB 6 apps on Windows 7
 I don't have to install anything at all to run VB .Net apps as the
 .Net stuff ships with Windows 7.
 On 6/9/11, Jim Kitchen wrote:
 Hi Ken and Jeremy,
 Yeah, I still do not know what the big deal is about us programming our
 games in VB6.  I mean installing my file is minuscule and simple
 to do as compared to needing to install the 300 meg latest net frame work
 and the very latest DirectX.  But hey I have been creating blind accessible
 games for over 20 years and found out a very long time ago that I need to
 have a thick skin because no matter what I do, I am not going to totally
 please every one.  But I am very happy in that I always have and still do
 get allot of very positive feedback from my games.  Now not always from the
 Audyssey list, but in private Email and phone calls.  That is not to say
 that I don't from the Audyssey list as well, but...  I am still having fun
 creating games and plan to keep on doing so for the foreseeable future.
 Lets all just have fun and get along. grin
 Kitchen's Inc, for games that are up to 110 percent funner to play.
 (440) 286-6920
 Chardon Ohio USA
 Gamers mailing list __
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Re: [Audyssey] disrespect for gamers: was Re: Lunimals version 2.5b

2011-06-09 Thread Thomas Ward

That's exactly the issue in a nutshell. Its not that I or anyone else
has any particular issue with VB 6 and/or the developers that use it,
other than the fact that some day every single program written in that
language will stop working and the developer is going to have to deal
with that reality sooner or later. Unfortunately, as the majority of
accessible games are based on VB 6 if we, as a community don't take
steps to upgrade now, there may come a day when Windows X will no
longer run any games written in VB 6 and then what will we do?

The same argument can apply to Directplay, Directsound, and a number
of other APIs that are now deprecated. Yes, they currently still work
on  Windows 7 now, but don't expect that state of affairs to last
forever. The one and only reason they still work is Microsoft is
trying to maintain backward compatibility with XP era software and
many of their libraries are their for compatibility reasons rather
than active development. When XP goes out of support so will DirectX 8
and a number of APIs that came with XP. Rather than wining about it
the smart thing is to start looking at   updating to something current


On 6/9/11, Trouble wrote:
 i do see where you come from Jim, but its a lost cause and here is
 why. I got one game that I liked called PZ98. Now that was a very
 nice game to play and have spent hours and even days at that tank.
 I had a problem with getting it running and Phil and Kelley took the
 time to get mine working. I can get it to work on everything but
 win7. It will run but not how it was made to run.
 That my friend is where you will be sitting. Your stuff works now but
 is getting very short time All the time spent bitching about it could
 of ben spent looking at .net or anything being used today.
 A rock that don't move gets no moss but a lot of bird...

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[Audyssey] Disrespect for devs and notes on operating systems

2011-06-09 Thread Che

  Amen to charles on that one.
  also, keep in mind you can still play DOS stuff on win 7 if I'm not 
badly mistaken.
  I remember playing Zork on xp a few years ago, as long as there is a 
demand for emulators out there, we could be playing Jim's life right up 
until the end of ours.
  On the OS front, all this talk of linux versus macs versus windows 
etc. seems to be missing something.  How long before android becomes the 
operating system for not just your phone, but your main computer, which 
may actually end up being your phone, your car, your fridge, etc.
  One way or the other, the days of expensive operating systems for 
home users are numbered as everything moves to the cloud, and those that 
think linux is coming out on top of that battle are dreaming the big 
dream as well.  Linux is not going to gain mass appeal, but look how 
quickly iOS and android have spread. when something gets that ubiquitous 
that fast, and folks get used to it, its position is sealed for a long 
time to come.
  Already, the teenagers in my family can fly on android and iOS, get 
what they want done on it, and don't bother that much with the desktops 
at all.  Their digital world is android and iOS, and windows, Mac OS 
etc. is becoming an after thought. just a matter of time before these 
free OS' take over, and with the power and money google and apple have, 
you can bet they will be pushing the demise of windows hard.
  and yes, i know android has a long way to go, ditto for iOS before 
being able to do all we want as a computer system, especially the 
accessible stuff, but you can bet your bottom dollar a large chunk of 
folks will be running android or a variant of it on their main systems 
before the decade is out.
  so to that end, you guys abandoning windows and going with linux are 
in the same boat as everyone else, the only difference is your efforts 
will probably have a shorter shelf life than anything jim has put out, 
barring the ocasional ports and emulations on next gen operating systems.
  having said all that, i've spent considerable time and efort on my 
games for windows, and i'm confident there are quite a few years of 
enjoyment to be had from them in the accessible community.
  bottom line, nobody is getting rich off accessible games, if you want 
to program them in vb 6, or aim them at macs and linux, or whatever, as 
long as your enjoying it, go for it, and don't let anyone else throw a 
wet blanket on what your doing. the digital landscape is covered in ice, 
who knows for sure where we're headed, but there is no point in slamming 
anyone else for how they choose to bring their digital creations into 
this world, we need all the creative minds we can get in the accessible 
gaming community, thats the important part, not the tools your using.

  Che, AKA The Swami

On 6/9/2011 8:49 AM, Charles Rivard wrote:

Jim has put out a lot of free fun for blind gamers as a hobby over the years, 
and I think we should appreciatively let him continue his endeavours as he sees 
fit.  if a game doesn't work on your system, don't get it.

Shepherds are the best beasts!

On Jun 9, 2011, at 7:12 AM,  wrote:

i do see where you come from Jim, but its a lost cause and here is why. I got 
one game that I liked called PZ98. Now that was a very nice game to play and 
have spent hours and even days at that tank.
I had a problem with getting it running and Phil and Kelley took the time to 
get mine working. I can get it to work on everything but win7. It will run but 
not how it was made to run.
That my friend is where you will be sitting. Your stuff works now but is 
getting very short time All the time spent bitching about it could of ben spent 
looking at .net or anything being used today.
A rock that don't move gets no moss but a lot of bird...

At 06:26 AM 6/9/2011, you wrote:

Hi Ken and Jeremy,

Yeah, I still do not know what the big deal is about us programming our games 
in VB6.  I mean installing my file is minuscule and simple to do as 
compared to needing to install the 300 meg latest net frame work and the very 
latest DirectX.  But hey I have been creating blind accessible games for over 
20 years and found out a very long time ago that I need to have a thick skin 
because no matter what I do, I am not going to totally please every one.  But I 
am very happy in that I always have and still do get allot of very positive 
feedback from my games.  Now not always from the Audyssey list, but in private 
Email and phone calls.  That is not to say that I don't from the Audyssey list 
as well, but...  I am still having fun creating games and plan to keep on doing 
so for the foreseeable future.

Lets all just have fun and get along.grin



Kitchen's Inc, for games that are up to 110 percent funner to play.
(440) 286-6920
Chardon Ohio USA
Gamers mailing list __
If you want 

Re: [Audyssey] disrespect for gamers: was Re: Lunimals version 2.5b

2011-06-09 Thread Thomas Ward
Hi Charles,

The problem with that approach is that the system won't last forever.
The older the PC the harder it is to get parts for it  if it breaks
down, and I've seen enough PCs die over my lifetime to know it is
often more expensive to fix it than it is to throw it away and buy a
new e-machine. Which is really the problem here.

A persons XP machine that works fine today, can be retired as a gaming
machine, while the owner goes out and buys a new Windows 7 64-bit
machine with the works. Maybe that lasts a couple of years, and then
the old XP machine breaks down. The problem  here is that the hardware
is rapidly changing all the time and you can't just go to Best Buy and
get  compatible hardware. You may have to hit Ebay and get a used
piece of hardware  or pay extra for an unused older piece of hardware
to replace the one in the broken down PC. Wouldn't it be simplar if
the game or application was regularly maintained by  the developer so
you could just install it on Windows 7 64-bit and forget the other XP


On 6/9/11, Charles Rivard wrote:
 All the more reason to keep one perfectly working older PC aound.  Eveything
 doesn't have to be upgraded.  Think of it as a blind person's game machine,
 so to speak?

 Shepherds are the best beasts!

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Re: [Audyssey] disrespect for gamers: was Re: Lunimals version 2.5b

2011-06-09 Thread dwillemv

The problem with old pcs are that they break sooner or later. I am currently 
studying and there is simply no space for two computers in my room
-original message-
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] disrespect for gamers: was Re: Lunimals version 2.5b
From: Charles Rivard
Date: 09/06/2011 4:05 pm

All the more reason to keep one perfectly working older PC aound.  Eveything 
doesn't have to be upgraded.  Think of it as a blind person's game machine, so 
to speak?

Shepherds are the best beasts!

On Jun 9, 2011, at 6:25 AM, Thomas Ward wrote:

 Hi Jim,
 Smile. I can answer that question with a question of my own. The
 problem is simply this. Its true that your games can be played on
 Windows XP, Vista, and Windows 7 currently by installing your Winkit
 setup. That's all well and good. Question is, when some of these newer
 technologies are mainstream and Windows X will no longer run your
 games what will you do about it?
 That's the problem. We don't want to attack you, put you down, but
 question your desire to use VB 6 under those circomstances. Its our
 worry/concern that one day   sooner or later we are all going to not
 be able to play any of your games on a modern PC because changes in
 technology will require  you to personally upgrade and change the way
 you do things or we have to simply stop playing your games. NOw, since
 all of your games are free you are under no obligation to do anything
 for us let alone give us a game at all. However, it does seem like a
 shame if I or someone else were to upgrade to Windows X only to find
 none of your games work any more, and you have no desire to upgrade to
 the new technology. Does that clarify our position for you?
 also before I close I want to make a little note about .Net. Its true
 for Windows XP users that they may have to install a 300 MB update
 simply because .Net does not ship with XP by default. However, were
 you using Windows 7 that would not be an issue/problem since .Net 4.0
 is integrated directly into the OS and is preinstalled by default. So
 where I have to install something extra to run VB 6 apps on Windows 7
 I don't have to install anything at all to run VB .Net apps as the
 .Net stuff ships with Windows 7.
 On 6/9/11, Jim Kitchen wrote:
 Hi Ken and Jeremy,
 Yeah, I still do not know what the big deal is about us programming our
 games in VB6.  I mean installing my file is minuscule and simple
 to do as compared to needing to install the 300 meg latest net frame work
 and the very latest DirectX.  But hey I have been creating blind accessible
 games for over 20 years and found out a very long time ago that I need to
 have a thick skin because no matter what I do, I am not going to totally
 please every one.  But I am very happy in that I always have and still do
 get allot of very positive feedback from my games.  Now not always from the
 Audyssey list, but in private Email and phone calls.  That is not to say
 that I don't from the Audyssey list as well, but...  I am still having fun
 creating games and plan to keep on doing so for the foreseeable future.
 Lets all just have fun and get along. grin
 Kitchen's Inc, for games that are up to 110 percent funner to play.
 (440) 286-6920
 Chardon Ohio USA
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Re: [Audyssey] Test version of RPG engine

2011-06-09 Thread Harmony Neil
Nice. I'm also starting to make a very basic text adventure thing, so let me
know if you need any help.

-Original Message-
From: [] On
Behalf Of Jacob Kruger
Sent: 09 June 2011 10:34
To: Gamers Discussion list
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] Test version of RPG engine

Thanks, Harmony, and, yes, while the primary development machine for this
thing has been a windows7 32 bit machine, my other primary machine is also a
windows7 64 bit machine, but it does also have all the other MS dev tools on
it, so wasn't too sure about it running on other machines easily enough -
thanks again.

Stay well

Jacob Kruger
Blind Biker
Skype: BlindZA
'...fate had broken his body, but not his spirit...'

- Original Message ---

Subject: Re: [Audyssey] Test version of RPG engine
   From: Harmony Neil
   Date: Thu, 9 Jun 2011 10:15:18 +0100
 To: 'Gamers Discussion list'

I've just tested the .exe file on my computer and it runs fine on this
windows7 64 bit machine.
Hope that helps,

-Original Message-
From: [] On
Behalf Of Jacob Kruger
Sent: 08 June 2011 21:29
To: Gamers Discussion list
Subject: [Audyssey] Test version of RPG engine

If you want to try this out, and let me know if the python to executable
plugin has worked at all in making this an actual command line executable
for windows machines, you can download the following:
(roundabout 4Mb)

In there it would be best to currently run mapData.exe from an actual
command line since I see it sort of throws away the last, outro message if
you succeed on the quest as such, and while am busy putting in a way to
actually hide the contents of your mission's data files, you'll see that
there are some text files there that provide the information/background for
the whole (small) thing:

While might try explaining the contents of those files a bit better later
on, there are sort of comments in there, that should make some sense, and
the primary initial thing I'd like to know/find out is if this executable
can run on many windows machines at all as such, since while it includes
MS C runtimes needed for some things, I do have full versions of visual installed on all my machines as such, so not 100% sure what will
happen on all machines, but anyway.

Also, haven't gotten around to trying to generate forms of executables for
other platforms as of yet, but let's see if even this will work for real

The basic command set is the following, but you can also be prompted this
during game play by just typing in something like ? and hitting enter:
N, S, E, W, U and D - all directional commands - and last 2 are up and down
T and P - take and put, followed by item/object name
C - communicate with an NPC - you'll be offered a list of possibles after
typing this and hitting enter
V - commit violence on an NPC - you'll be offered a list of possibles after
typing this and hitting enter
L - look or when combined with an item name, it gives you the details - if
you've already picked it up
X - exit
R - review travel directions available
H - review your health
I - review your inventory

Might have forgotten some as of now, and there might be various bugs in
code, etc., but would still like to know if usable at all as such, and only
other trick is in a new location, you'll need to look for something before
knowing if it's there to take as such.

This is also just currently generating command line output, but on windows
anyway, I can also tell it to talk using some screenreaders, or sapi etc.
some stage.

Lastly, there are 2 of the items you'll need to pick up and go and place in
other locations/areas to finish off this test mission - and that's as far
will go for

Jacob Kruger
Blind Biker
Skype: BlindZA
'...fate had broken his body, but not his spirit...'
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Re: [Audyssey] Disrespect for devs and notes on operating systems

2011-06-09 Thread dwillemv
Che, androyd is linux.

-original message-
Subject: [Audyssey] Disrespect for devs and notes on operating systems
From: Che
Date: 09/06/2011 4:22 pm

   Amen to charles on that one.
   also, keep in mind you can still play DOS stuff on win 7 if I'm not 
badly mistaken.
   I remember playing Zork on xp a few years ago, as long as there is a 
demand for emulators out there, we could be playing Jim's life right up 
until the end of ours.
   On the OS front, all this talk of linux versus macs versus windows 
etc. seems to be missing something.  How long before android becomes the 
operating system for not just your phone, but your main computer, which 
may actually end up being your phone, your car, your fridge, etc.
   One way or the other, the days of expensive operating systems for 
home users are numbered as everything moves to the cloud, and those that 
think linux is coming out on top of that battle are dreaming the big 
dream as well.  Linux is not going to gain mass appeal, but look how 
quickly iOS and android have spread. when something gets that ubiquitous 
that fast, and folks get used to it, its position is sealed for a long 
time to come.
   Already, the teenagers in my family can fly on android and iOS, get 
what they want done on it, and don't bother that much with the desktops 
at all.  Their digital world is android and iOS, and windows, Mac OS 
etc. is becoming an after thought. just a matter of time before these 
free OS' take over, and with the power and money google and apple have, 
you can bet they will be pushing the demise of windows hard.
   and yes, i know android has a long way to go, ditto for iOS before 
being able to do all we want as a computer system, especially the 
accessible stuff, but you can bet your bottom dollar a large chunk of 
folks will be running android or a variant of it on their main systems 
before the decade is out.
   so to that end, you guys abandoning windows and going with linux are 
in the same boat as everyone else, the only difference is your efforts 
will probably have a shorter shelf life than anything jim has put out, 
barring the ocasional ports and emulations on next gen operating systems.
   having said all that, i've spent considerable time and efort on my 
games for windows, and i'm confident there are quite a few years of 
enjoyment to be had from them in the accessible community.
   bottom line, nobody is getting rich off accessible games, if you want 
to program them in vb 6, or aim them at macs and linux, or whatever, as 
long as your enjoying it, go for it, and don't let anyone else throw a 
wet blanket on what your doing. the digital landscape is covered in ice, 
who knows for sure where we're headed, but there is no point in slamming 
anyone else for how they choose to bring their digital creations into 
this world, we need all the creative minds we can get in the accessible 
gaming community, thats the important part, not the tools your using.
   Che, AKA The Swami

On 6/9/2011 8:49 AM, Charles Rivard wrote:
 Jim has put out a lot of free fun for blind gamers as a hobby over the years, 
 and I think we should appreciatively let him continue his endeavours as he 
 sees fit.  if a game doesn't work on your system, don't get it.

 Shepherds are the best beasts!

 On Jun 9, 2011, at 7:12 AM,  wrote:

 i do see where you come from Jim, but its a lost cause and here is why. I 
 got one game that I liked called PZ98. Now that was a very nice game to play 
 and have spent hours and even days at that tank.
 I had a problem with getting it running and Phil and Kelley took the time to 
 get mine working. I can get it to work on everything but win7. It will run 
 but not how it was made to run.
 That my friend is where you will be sitting. Your stuff works now but is 
 getting very short time All the time spent bitching about it could of ben 
 spent looking at .net or anything being used today.
 A rock that don't move gets no moss but a lot of bird...

 At 06:26 AM 6/9/2011, you wrote:
 Hi Ken and Jeremy,

 Yeah, I still do not know what the big deal is about us programming our 
 games in VB6.  I mean installing my file is minuscule and simple 
 to do as compared to needing to install the 300 meg latest net frame work 
 and the very latest DirectX.  But hey I have been creating blind accessible 
 games for over 20 years and found out a very long time ago that I need to 
 have a thick skin because no matter what I do, I am not going to totally 
 please every one.  But I am very happy in that I always have and still do 
 get allot of very positive feedback from my games.  Now not always from the 
 Audyssey list, but in private Email and phone calls.  That is not to say 
 that I don't from the Audyssey list as well, but...  I am still having fun 
 creating games and plan to keep on doing so for the foreseeable future.

 Lets all just have fun and get along.grin



Re: [Audyssey] disrespect for gamers: was Re: Lunimals version 2.5b

2011-06-09 Thread Thomas Ward
Hi Charles and all,

the issue has nothing to do with appreciation. I certainly appreciate
all the work Jim does, and like several of his games. Its actually the
fact because I appreciate those games I want to see them improved and
made to meet current development standards and practices. Saying the
games don't work on Windows X so don't upgrade is simply not an answer
for most people. Given a choice I would upgrade and forget about the
games, but it would certainly be better to upgrade and still be able
to play the games too.

In a sense I've already done that. You all know I am running Linux not
Windows on my laptop, and  am currently looking at getting various
games running  under the Windows emulator, wine, and if that doesn't
pan out so be it. I'm not going to cry over not playing various games
I can't take with me. Obviously, though, I want to keep and play as
many games  as I can.

Bottom line, given a choice of buying a new PC with Windos X on it or
sticking with Windows XP for the rest of their life to play Jim's
games isn't a contest. I'd say most people would buy the new PC and
request Jim upgrade his games, but playing his games wouldn't stop
them from upgrading in and of itself.


On 6/9/11, Charles Rivard wrote:
 Jim has put out a lot of free fun for blind gamers as a hobby over the
 years, and I think we should appreciatively let him continue his endeavours
 as he sees fit.  if a game doesn't work on your system, don't get it.

 Shepherds are the best beasts!

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Re: [Audyssey] disrespect for gamers: was Re: Lunimals version 2.5b

2011-06-09 Thread dwillemv
That is what happened to many dos games. People simply stopped playing them 
because it was too hard to run them. There is always emulation, but to mention 
an example, running a game like shades of doom under wine is a no go, because 
the game crashes when you open a door.

-original message-
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] disrespect for gamers: was Re: Lunimals version 2.5b
From: Thomas Ward
Date: 09/06/2011 4:40 pm

Hi Charles and all,

the issue has nothing to do with appreciation. I certainly appreciate
all the work Jim does, and like several of his games. Its actually the
fact because I appreciate those games I want to see them improved and
made to meet current development standards and practices. Saying the
games don't work on Windows X so don't upgrade is simply not an answer
for most people. Given a choice I would upgrade and forget about the
games, but it would certainly be better to upgrade and still be able
to play the games too.

In a sense I've already done that. You all know I am running Linux not
Windows on my laptop, and  am currently looking at getting various
games running  under the Windows emulator, wine, and if that doesn't
pan out so be it. I'm not going to cry over not playing various games
I can't take with me. Obviously, though, I want to keep and play as
many games  as I can.

Bottom line, given a choice of buying a new PC with Windos X on it or
sticking with Windows XP for the rest of their life to play Jim's
games isn't a contest. I'd say most people would buy the new PC and
request Jim upgrade his games, but playing his games wouldn't stop
them from upgrading in and of itself.


On 6/9/11, Charles Rivard wrote:
 Jim has put out a lot of free fun for blind gamers as a hobby over the
 years, and I think we should appreciatively let him continue his endeavours
 as he sees fit.  if a game doesn't work on your system, don't get it.

 Shepherds are the best beasts!

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Re: [Audyssey] disrespect for gamers: was Re: Lunimals version 2.5b

2011-06-09 Thread Damien C. Pendleton

Hi Tom,
It's all just a matter of personal preference, in my opinion. Computers 
aren't half as fun without any games. To be honest I'm not a big Windows fan 
myself, but it's what I'm used to and have been brought up with. After 
playing with a copy of Vinux and a friend's Mac I came to the conclusion 
that I'd be better sticking with Windows. Not only from a games point of 
view, but interfaces, development, familiarity etc. Even after playing 
around with a Vista computer I didn't like that as much as XP. I can't speak 
for Windows 7 since I have never tried it, but if a game that I spent a lot 
of time playing didn't work on Windows 7 I wouldn't even consider upgrading.
Most of my days are spent playing if not making games, therefore I'd be lost 
if I upgraded and a game didn't work as expected. Just because I make my own 
games doesn't mean that I'm going to stop playing games that Liam, Justin, 
David, Phil etc have come out with just because they use VB6 or an old 
language that only supports old systems. I'd rather have as many games to 
play as possible than forfeit them just because I may want to upgrade to a 
better system. Now if a game was updated and for whatever reason it didn't 
support XP, then I may have to purchase a second machine to run Windows 7 
just so that I can play that game. But I would probably use my XP machine as 
my main one, at least until I got fully accustomed to my Windows 7 one and I 
was sure that all my favourite games would work on it.


- Original Message - 
From: Thomas Ward

To: Gamers Discussion list
Sent: Thursday, June 09, 2011 3:35 PM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] disrespect for gamers: was Re: Lunimals version 2.5b

Hi Charles and all,

the issue has nothing to do with appreciation. I certainly appreciate
all the work Jim does, and like several of his games. Its actually the
fact because I appreciate those games I want to see them improved and
made to meet current development standards and practices. Saying the
games don't work on Windows X so don't upgrade is simply not an answer
for most people. Given a choice I would upgrade and forget about the
games, but it would certainly be better to upgrade and still be able
to play the games too.

In a sense I've already done that. You all know I am running Linux not
Windows on my laptop, and  am currently looking at getting various
games running  under the Windows emulator, wine, and if that doesn't
pan out so be it. I'm not going to cry over not playing various games
I can't take with me. Obviously, though, I want to keep and play as
many games  as I can.

Bottom line, given a choice of buying a new PC with Windos X on it or
sticking with Windows XP for the rest of their life to play Jim's
games isn't a contest. I'd say most people would buy the new PC and
request Jim upgrade his games, but playing his games wouldn't stop
them from upgrading in and of itself.


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Re: [Audyssey] Disrespect for devs and notes on operating systems

2011-06-09 Thread Thomas Ward
Hi Che,

I don't know if you are aware of this but Android is actually a Linux
varient. So when you say us Linux users are dreamers, doesn't have
mass apeal, and then announce that we all could be using Android in a
few years you are defeating your own argument since Android is a
mobile version of Linux designed for Android phones.  Besides that
Linux is showing up in all kinds of devices cell phones, your Play
Station III, on network servers, some Del netbooks, etc. So regardless
what you say  Linux does have mass apeal and support for Linux is
growing. Especially, in the handheld devices market. The success of
Android, which is based on Linux technology, proves the success of
Linux in the mainstream market.

The one thing I do agree with you on that Android phones, IPhones,
IPods, etc have become extremely popular, and it would not surprise me
in the least if tomorrows computers are no bigger than a cell phone
and they run a mobile version of Linux like Android or Apples IOS.
Which of course will only prove my point that developing games based
on Windows 98 era programming languages, tools, and libraries probably
is not a good idea given that Android, IOS, etc is probably in our
future. In either case you are right for the moment though a person
should do what makes them happy regardless of what I say or anyone
else says.


On 6/9/11, Che wrote:
Amen to charles on that one.
also, keep in mind you can still play DOS stuff on win 7 if I'm not
 badly mistaken.
I remember playing Zork on xp a few years ago, as long as there is a
 demand for emulators out there, we could be playing Jim's life right up
 until the end of ours.
On the OS front, all this talk of linux versus macs versus windows
 etc. seems to be missing something.  How long before android becomes the
 operating system for not just your phone, but your main computer, which
 may actually end up being your phone, your car, your fridge, etc.
One way or the other, the days of expensive operating systems for
 home users are numbered as everything moves to the cloud, and those that
 think linux is coming out on top of that battle are dreaming the big
 dream as well.  Linux is not going to gain mass appeal, but look how
 quickly iOS and android have spread. when something gets that ubiquitous
 that fast, and folks get used to it, its position is sealed for a long
 time to come.
Already, the teenagers in my family can fly on android and iOS, get
 what they want done on it, and don't bother that much with the desktops
 at all.  Their digital world is android and iOS, and windows, Mac OS
 etc. is becoming an after thought. just a matter of time before these
 free OS' take over, and with the power and money google and apple have,
 you can bet they will be pushing the demise of windows hard.
and yes, i know android has a long way to go, ditto for iOS before
 being able to do all we want as a computer system, especially the
 accessible stuff, but you can bet your bottom dollar a large chunk of
 folks will be running android or a variant of it on their main systems
 before the decade is out.
so to that end, you guys abandoning windows and going with linux are
 in the same boat as everyone else, the only difference is your efforts
 will probably have a shorter shelf life than anything jim has put out,
 barring the ocasional ports and emulations on next gen operating systems.
having said all that, i've spent considerable time and efort on my
 games for windows, and i'm confident there are quite a few years of
 enjoyment to be had from them in the accessible community.
bottom line, nobody is getting rich off accessible games, if you want
 to program them in vb 6, or aim them at macs and linux, or whatever, as
 long as your enjoying it, go for it, and don't let anyone else throw a
 wet blanket on what your doing. the digital landscape is covered in ice,
 who knows for sure where we're headed, but there is no point in slamming
 anyone else for how they choose to bring their digital creations into
 this world, we need all the creative minds we can get in the accessible
 gaming community, thats the important part, not the tools your using.
Che, AKA The Swami

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Re: [Audyssey] disrespect for gamers: was Re: Lunimals version 2.5b

2011-06-09 Thread Thomas Ward
Hi Willem,

Yeah, unfortunately you are right. Using emulators work to a point,
but they always have problems too. The issue with Shades of Doom
crashing on wine is a prime example. I've seen similar issues with
other accessible games under wine  and its certainly frustrating.

And the issue isn't just wine either. I use an Atari 2600 emulator
called Stella and not every single Atari 2600 game will operate
correctly with Stella. I've had weird things happen like the graphics
appear screwed up on screen, games freeze for no reason in the middle
of game play, and things like that.  If that happens with a rather
simpl game like Pacman how can we expect modern games to fair any
better as we try to maintain playing/using them on more modern PCs via

On 6/9/11, wrote:
 That is what happened to many dos games. People simply stopped playing them
 because it was too hard to run them. There is always emulation, but to
 mention an example, running a game like shades of doom under wine is a no
 go, because the game crashes when you open a door.

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Re: [Audyssey] disrespect for gamers: was Re: Lunimals version 2.5b

2011-06-09 Thread Thomas Ward
Hi Damien,

You are right. What all of this does come down to is personal
preference.  Which is always  what is the real issue   behind the
arguments being made here on list.  My preferences obviously aren't
the same as Jim, Jeremy, etc and my reasons for not using VB 6 are
more valid  taken in my personal context rather than theirs.

Fir instance, you said you didn't like Windows Vista. Since the user
interface in Windows 7 is exactly the same as Vista I doubt you would
like it any better. As for myself I like the U.I. changes in Windows 7
over XP, but there are things I don't like such as the 3d arrow
interface that eats 1 GB of ram and slows a 3.6 GHZ  system way down
to the speed of perhaps a 1 GHZ system just to run all that extra
graphical animations and so on. So while I do like the changes in U.I.
I certainly don't appreciate giving over more ram and processor power
to run it though.  Weather Windows 7 is better or worse than XP is
purely a matter of point of view.

On 6/9/11, Damien C. Pendleton wrote:
 Hi Tom,
 It's all just a matter of personal preference, in my opinion. Computers
 aren't half as fun without any games. To be honest I'm not a big Windows fan
 myself, but it's what I'm used to and have been brought up with. After
 playing with a copy of Vinux and a friend's Mac I came to the conclusion
 that I'd be better sticking with Windows. Not only from a games point of
 view, but interfaces, development, familiarity etc. Even after playing
 around with a Vista computer I didn't like that as much as XP. I can't speak
 for Windows 7 since I have never tried it, but if a game that I spent a lot
 of time playing didn't work on Windows 7 I wouldn't even consider upgrading.
 Most of my days are spent playing if not making games, therefore I'd be lost
 if I upgraded and a game didn't work as expected. Just because I make my own
 games doesn't mean that I'm going to stop playing games that Liam, Justin,
 David, Phil etc have come out with just because they use VB6 or an old
 language that only supports old systems. I'd rather have as many games to
 play as possible than forfeit them just because I may want to upgrade to a
 better system. Now if a game was updated and for whatever reason it didn't
 support XP, then I may have to purchase a second machine to run Windows 7
 just so that I can play that game. But I would probably use my XP machine as
 my main one, at least until I got fully accustomed to my Windows 7 one and I
 was sure that all my favourite games would work on it.

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Re: [Audyssey] Test version of RPG engine

2011-06-09 Thread Jacob Kruger


You could already try out editing the mapData.txt, mapDataObjects.txt and 
mapDataNPC.txt files if you want to just play around with my thing..?

Stay well

Jacob Kruger
Blind Biker
Skype: BlindZA
'...fate had broken his body, but not his spirit...'

- Original Message - 
From: Harmony Neil

To: 'Gamers Discussion list'
Sent: Thursday, June 09, 2011 4:36 PM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] Test version of RPG engine

Nice. I'm also starting to make a very basic text adventure thing, so let 

know if you need any help.

-Original Message-
From: [] On
Behalf Of Jacob Kruger
Sent: 09 June 2011 10:34
To: Gamers Discussion list
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] Test version of RPG engine

Thanks, Harmony, and, yes, while the primary development machine for this
thing has been a windows7 32 bit machine, my other primary machine is also 
windows7 64 bit machine, but it does also have all the other MS dev tools 

it, so wasn't too sure about it running on other machines easily enough -
thanks again.

Stay well

Jacob Kruger
Blind Biker
Skype: BlindZA
'...fate had broken his body, but not his spirit...'

- Original Message ---

Subject: Re: [Audyssey] Test version of RPG engine
  From: Harmony Neil
  Date: Thu, 9 Jun 2011 10:15:18 +0100
To: 'Gamers Discussion list'

I've just tested the .exe file on my computer and it runs fine on this
windows7 64 bit machine.
Hope that helps,

-Original Message-
From: [] On
Behalf Of Jacob Kruger
Sent: 08 June 2011 21:29
To: Gamers Discussion list
Subject: [Audyssey] Test version of RPG engine

If you want to try this out, and let me know if the python to executable
plugin has worked at all in making this an actual command line executable
for windows machines, you can download the following:
(roundabout 4Mb)

In there it would be best to currently run mapData.exe from an actual
command line since I see it sort of throws away the last, outro message if
you succeed on the quest as such, and while am busy putting in a way to
actually hide the contents of your mission's data files, you'll see that
there are some text files there that provide the information/background 

the whole (small) thing:

While might try explaining the contents of those files a bit better later
on, there are sort of comments in there, that should make some sense, and
the primary initial thing I'd like to know/find out is if this executable
can run on many windows machines at all as such, since while it includes


MS C runtimes needed for some things, I do have full versions of visual installed on all my machines as such, so not 100% sure what 

happen on all machines, but anyway.

Also, haven't gotten around to trying to generate forms of executables for
other platforms as of yet, but let's see if even this will work for real

The basic command set is the following, but you can also be prompted this
during game play by just typing in something like ? and hitting enter:
N, S, E, W, U and D - all directional commands - and last 2 are up and 

T and P - take and put, followed by item/object name
C - communicate with an NPC - you'll be offered a list of possibles after
typing this and hitting enter
V - commit violence on an NPC - you'll be offered a list of possibles 

typing this and hitting enter
L - look or when combined with an item name, it gives you the details - if
you've already picked it up
X - exit
R - review travel directions available
H - review your health
I - review your inventory

Might have forgotten some as of now, and there might be various bugs in

code, etc., but would still like to know if usable at all as such, and 

other trick is in a new location, you'll need to look for something before
knowing if it's there to take as such.

This is also just currently generating command line output, but on windows
anyway, I can also tell it to talk using some screenreaders, or sapi etc.


some stage.

Lastly, there are 2 of the items you'll need to pick up and go and place 

other locations/areas to finish off this test mission - and that's as far


will go for

Jacob Kruger
Blind Biker
Skype: BlindZA
'...fate had broken his body, but not his spirit...'
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Re: [Audyssey] disrespect for gamers: was Re: Lunimals version 2.5b

2011-06-09 Thread Jeremy Kaldobsky
Well it seems that while I've been sleeping, this argument over programming 
languages has flared up once again.  It seems like this happens at some point 
each month, and that is exactly why some of my fellow VB6 users view it as 
attacks rather than suggestions.  In other aspects of life, you've undoubtedly 
had someone disagree with you about something, and they felt compelled to share 
their view in an effort to get you to do things their way.  That's normal, and 
should be expected during life.  If you listened to their opinion, but stuck to 
your own, at what point does it become inappropriate for them to bring it up 
again and again?  Perhaps you'll listen to the same arguments 3 or 4 times, but 
when the other person is compelled to repeatedly push their opinion on you, it 
becomes a hostile situation.

I'm not writing this to any one specific individual, so please let me make 
that clear.  This is being written, generally, to the long list of people who 
are still pushing the same views after months and months.  Actually, this has 
probably been going on for a lot longer, but I haven't been on audyssey for 
very long.

I want to dispel this idea that we VB6 users are only using it because we 
don't know any other languages.  I feel that view paints us as ignorant 
programmers who are only rejecting your view because we don't know any better.  
This is not the case, and I, for one, happen to know just as many languages as 
the people who don't want me using VB6.  Admittedly I would be rusty with most 
of them, since I haven't used them in years, but I prefer to be viewed as a 
peer rather than a programming novice who isn't experienced enough to know 
what's best for him.  From my experience, there is a stereotypical progression 
in how programmers think.  When they start out, they stick to what they know 
because it is all they know.  Like a child clinging to pool floaties, it is 
scary to first venture away from what is keeping you safe.  As the programmers 
begins learning more, they become excited by everything that's out there, and 
so they quickly begin learning
 everything they can about everything!  This is usually when a programmer will 
fill their belt with several programming languages they have learned to use.  
When they've branched out sufficiently, they begin to see the need to narrow 
their focus back down, and so they will use friends and society to form strong 
opinions about why one/some languages and methods are superior.  This becomes 
their justification for abandoning their previous way of thinking, and often 
leads programmers to become so opinionated that they will attack others who do 
not agree with them.  The programmers in this category, and believe me I've 
known more than I'd like to, defend their views with the same level of passion 
you see on protest picket lines, political debates, and religious arguments.  
Personally I think it is a terrible shame, but programmers or not, people are 
still people, and people suck.  Like an old person who eventually stops caring 
what other people think,
 sooner or later programmers break out of their opinionated shell.  When you 
are so passionate about a single view, you may be able to admit their is 
another side, but you can't ever weigh it in in an unbiased way.  A person who 
is stuck focused on compatibility issues is going to view everything through 
those goggles.  For my fellow VB6 programmers, we simply have to accept that 
everything and anything we say will be viewed from that perspective and we 
stand no chance in changing it.  

Countless times in movies we see the diplomat and the war general facing 
some situation.  No matter how events unfold, good or bad, the diplomat will 
twist it and view it as an opportunity to grow and build relationships, and the 
war general will twist and view it as a trap or security risk.  These are 
common examples of how people all into a particular way of thinking and are 
then trapped to interpret all situations in that way.  While the movies 
entertain us with the conflict between those characters, and how they each view 
each situation so differently, but in the end neither is able to change the 
other.  They simply have to accept how each other are.

The people who are focused on compatibility are not going to be swayed.  
The VB6 users who have already heard opinions about changing, yet remained 
firm, are not going to be swayed by those same arguments revived a month later. 
 We have to stop trying to convince each other to change, since each 
perspective has value and needs to be present for a healthy overall community.  
I believe it is important for me to focus on rapid development, but I don't 
constantly post long messages telling other developers that taking 6 months on 
a game is unnecessary.  I could easily push my own opinion onto others, but I 
have long ago moved past the drive to do so.  If my personal views put 
importance on rapid 

Re: [Audyssey] disrespect for gamers: was Re: Lunimals version 2.5b

2011-06-09 Thread Willem Venter
Hi Jeremy.
You completely missed my point. As an end user, I don't care if you
use smoke signals to code your games, as long as I can run them on a
normal pc. Up to now it has usually been possible, all be it with a
little effort in some cases.

I really like all your games. I spent hours on lunar animals alone the
past weeks, not to mention the other free games from Jim Kitchen that
I would hate to lose, but if they don't work, they don't work and
that's where what language you use becomes the end user's problem, as
I won't be able to run your games if I get a new arm-based pc for

That is only half of the issue. I spent hundreds of dollars on
non-free audio games which will also stop working in the immediate
future from what I can deduce from the information microsoft have been
releasing the passed while.

Again, it has nothing to do with you or the language that you chose to
use, and everything to do with incompatibility. Please stop being

On 6/9/11, Jeremy Kaldobsky wrote:
 Well it seems that while I've been sleeping, this argument over
 programming languages has flared up once again.  It seems like this happens
 at some point each month, and that is exactly why some of my fellow VB6
 users view it as attacks rather than suggestions.  In other aspects of life,
 you've undoubtedly had someone disagree with you about something, and they
 felt compelled to share their view in an effort to get you to do things
 their way.  That's normal, and should be expected during life.  If you
 listened to their opinion, but stuck to your own, at what point does it
 become inappropriate for them to bring it up again and again?  Perhaps
 you'll listen to the same arguments 3 or 4 times, but when the other person
 is compelled to repeatedly push their opinion on you, it becomes a hostile

 I'm not writing this to any one specific individual, so please let me
 make that clear.  This is being written, generally, to the long list of
 people who are still pushing the same views after months and months.
 Actually, this has probably been going on for a lot longer, but I haven't
 been on audyssey for very long.

 I want to dispel this idea that we VB6 users are only using it because
 we don't know any other languages.  I feel that view paints us as ignorant
 programmers who are only rejecting your view because we don't know any
 better.  This is not the case, and I, for one, happen to know just as many
 languages as the people who don't want me using VB6.  Admittedly I would be
 rusty with most of them, since I haven't used them in years, but I prefer to
 be viewed as a peer rather than a programming novice who isn't experienced
 enough to know what's best for him.  From my experience, there is a
 stereotypical progression in how programmers think.  When they start out,
 they stick to what they know because it is all they know.  Like a child
 clinging to pool floaties, it is scary to first venture away from what is
 keeping you safe.  As the programmers begins learning more, they become
 excited by everything that's out there, and so they quickly begin learning
  everything they can about everything!  This is usually when a programmer
 will fill their belt with several programming languages they have learned
 to use.  When they've branched out sufficiently, they begin to see the need
 to narrow their focus back down, and so they will use friends and society to
 form strong opinions about why one/some languages and methods are superior.
 This becomes their justification for abandoning their previous way of
 thinking, and often leads programmers to become so opinionated that they
 will attack others who do not agree with them.  The programmers in this
 category, and believe me I've known more than I'd like to, defend their
 views with the same level of passion you see on protest picket lines,
 political debates, and religious arguments.  Personally I think it is a
 terrible shame, but programmers or not, people are still people, and people
 suck.  Like an old person who eventually stops caring what other people
  sooner or later programmers break out of their opinionated shell.  When you
 are so passionate about a single view, you may be able to admit their is
 another side, but you can't ever weigh it in in an unbiased way.  A person
 who is stuck focused on compatibility issues is going to view everything
 through those goggles.  For my fellow VB6 programmers, we simply have to
 accept that everything and anything we say will be viewed from that
 perspective and we stand no chance in changing it.

 Countless times in movies we see the diplomat and the war general facing
 some situation.  No matter how events unfold, good or bad, the diplomat will
 twist it and view it as an opportunity to grow and build relationships, and
 the war general will twist and view it as a trap or security risk.  These
 are common examples of how people all into a 

[Audyssey] Help trying to connect to core exiles using miranda

2011-06-09 Thread darren harris
Hi all,

Are there any core exiles players on here that use the irc channel for ce
chat? If so then can someone please help me to connect to ce chat using
miranda? I can't seem to get it to work at all.

Many thanks in advance.

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Re: [Audyssey] disrespect for gamers: was Re: Lunimals version 2.5b

2011-06-09 Thread Che

  Hi Jeremy,
  Very well written man, one of the best emails i've seen on here in a 
long time.
I agree that everyone is entitled to their opinions and all that, but 
what bugs me about the preaching from on high attitude regarding 
programming languages is the attacks on other languages and methods and 
the fact that this might impact folks trying to get started with 
programming in a negative way.
   in the recent discussion about  python, some folks painted python in 
a way that made it seem like nothing serious could be done with it, 
which is just total crap.
As the famous quote goes, your entitled to your own opinion, but not 
your own facts.
  to discourage folks from learning what may be a great system for them 
because you personally don't like it is something that just shouldn't 
happen on this list in my opinion, especially since this list seems to 
have a lot of bright young minds on it that are anxious to learn more 
about programming, and who knows, one of them might end up making a 
killer game that helps us get away from a mind set that most accessible 
games need to be modeled on 25 year old arcade games.


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Re: [Audyssey] disrespect for gamers: was Re: Lunimals version 2.5b

2011-06-09 Thread Dennis Towne
Very good post, Willem.  As you said, the problem with VB6 isn't that
it's a bad programming language.  The problem is that people can't
play the games.

It doesn't matter that VB6 is a great platform.  It doesn't matter
that developers have dev tools and big libraries and tons of
experience with it.  It doesn't matter that the games are free.

What matters is that people can't play the games, and that every year
there will be fewer and fewer people who can play them.  Developers
have three options:

1) Do nothing and watch the number of players dwindle to zero;
2) Write emulators and/or libraries to allow the games to work on new platforms;
3) Change languages.

All the other arguments are irrelevant.

Dennis Towne
Alter Aeon MUD

On Thu, Jun 9, 2011 at 12:59 PM, Willem Venter wrote:
 Hi Jeremy.
 You completely missed my point. As an end user, I don't care if you
 use smoke signals to code your games, as long as I can run them on a
 normal pc. Up to now it has usually been possible, all be it with a
 little effort in some cases.

 I really like all your games. I spent hours on lunar animals alone the
 past weeks, not to mention the other free games from Jim Kitchen that
 I would hate to lose, but if they don't work, they don't work and
 that's where what language you use becomes the end user's problem, as
 I won't be able to run your games if I get a new arm-based pc for

 That is only half of the issue. I spent hundreds of dollars on
 non-free audio games which will also stop working in the immediate
 future from what I can deduce from the information microsoft have been
 releasing the passed while.

 Again, it has nothing to do with you or the language that you chose to
 use, and everything to do with incompatibility. Please stop being

 On 6/9/11, Jeremy Kaldobsky wrote:
     Well it seems that while I've been sleeping, this argument over
 programming languages has flared up once again.  It seems like this happens
 at some point each month, and that is exactly why some of my fellow VB6
 users view it as attacks rather than suggestions.  In other aspects of life,
 you've undoubtedly had someone disagree with you about something, and they
 felt compelled to share their view in an effort to get you to do things
 their way.  That's normal, and should be expected during life.  If you
 listened to their opinion, but stuck to your own, at what point does it
 become inappropriate for them to bring it up again and again?  Perhaps
 you'll listen to the same arguments 3 or 4 times, but when the other person
 is compelled to repeatedly push their opinion on you, it becomes a hostile

     I'm not writing this to any one specific individual, so please let me
 make that clear.  This is being written, generally, to the long list of
 people who are still pushing the same views after months and months.
 Actually, this has probably been going on for a lot longer, but I haven't
 been on audyssey for very long.

     I want to dispel this idea that we VB6 users are only using it because
 we don't know any other languages.  I feel that view paints us as ignorant
 programmers who are only rejecting your view because we don't know any
 better.  This is not the case, and I, for one, happen to know just as many
 languages as the people who don't want me using VB6.  Admittedly I would be
 rusty with most of them, since I haven't used them in years, but I prefer to
 be viewed as a peer rather than a programming novice who isn't experienced
 enough to know what's best for him.  From my experience, there is a
 stereotypical progression in how programmers think.  When they start out,
 they stick to what they know because it is all they know.  Like a child
 clinging to pool floaties, it is scary to first venture away from what is
 keeping you safe.  As the programmers begins learning more, they become
 excited by everything that's out there, and so they quickly begin learning
  everything they can about everything!  This is usually when a programmer
 will fill their belt with several programming languages they have learned
 to use.  When they've branched out sufficiently, they begin to see the need
 to narrow their focus back down, and so they will use friends and society to
 form strong opinions about why one/some languages and methods are superior.
 This becomes their justification for abandoning their previous way of
 thinking, and often leads programmers to become so opinionated that they
 will attack others who do not agree with them.  The programmers in this
 category, and believe me I've known more than I'd like to, defend their
 views with the same level of passion you see on protest picket lines,
 political debates, and religious arguments.  Personally I think it is a
 terrible shame, but programmers or not, people are still people, and people
 suck.  Like an old person who eventually stops caring what other people
  sooner or later 

[Audyssey] Links for Old Titles

2011-06-09 Thread Damien C. Pendleton
Hey everyone,
As previously mentioned, I have modified the old games to state they are 
abandonware and have therefore offered them for temporary download using 
Dropbox. They will be up until Monday 13th June, so anyone who wants to host 
them on a more permanent site may download them during these times and do so.
The games and their links are as follows:

The Savage Gamut:
Note: Includes the Savage Gamut, Savage Gamut Redemption and Savage Gamut 
Trainer all in one package. It lets you customise the installation to include 
or exclude any one of these titles from being installed.

Danger City:


Self Destruct:
Note: Also installs the keygen to the correct location and provides access in 
the start menu.

All games have been modified in the following ways:

1. References to the personal or business names of developers have been removed 
wherever possible from the game executables and documentation.
2. The installers clearly state that they are abandonware before installation 
to give the user chance to exit or continue as they wish.
3. All reported and known issues have been well documented.
4. The Self Destruct and Savage Gamut installers have been completely 
rewritten, in order to make them neater and easier for maintenance by the end 
user. For example, the Savage Gamut packages are now in one customisable 
package, Self Destruct installs cleanly, the uninstaller also works as opposed 
to the last version, etc.
5. A couple of minor details have also been modified in the Acefire application 
and a few bugs were fixed before final release.

Hope this helps.
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Re: [Audyssey] disrespect for gamers: was Re: Lunimals version 2.5b

2011-06-09 Thread Jeremy Kaldobsky
I understand that the issue is about users being able to play the game.  For 
many years, since Microsoft first stopped supporting VB6, people have been 
saying that any day no one will be able to use software written with it.  
Obviously with each passing year this gets closer to the truth, but we have 
different opinions on the seriousness of this problem right now.  As I've said, 
when things change, I'll re-evaluate my position on the languages I use.

You're probably right that the next generation of windows won't support VB6 at 
all, but then again, you might be wrong.  Before Vista released, many people 
told me that it would be impossible to run VB6 applications on it, and it 
didn't turn out that way.  It's entirely possible that some small change will 
allow VB6 apps to run on Windows X, just as it has allowed Windows Vista and 
Windows 7 users to run them.  If not, then that's life and we will deal with 
the new situation.  We are both playing a guessing game, clearly some of you 
guess that all VB6 titles will be lost forever, and I am guessing that probably 
won't be the case, or at least I'm not so convinced that I'm willing to change 
how I'm currently doing things.

Dennis, when you say people can't play the games, I assume you mean the 
theoretical date when some new windows absolutely can't run VB6 games.  As 
things stand at the moment, I'm unaware of any version of windows (2000 and 
later) that can't run VB6 games.

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[Audyssey] Registering Self Destruct was:Re: Links for Old Titles

2011-06-09 Thread Ryan Conroy
Hi everyone,

I know these games are no longer supported, but I wanted to see if anyone has 
any idea on how to fix this error.
I reinstalled the new version of Self Destruct with the Key Gen in the start 
menu, and I keep getting this error when I click on it:
There was an error with your product ID. The game cannot continue. The product 
ID does not exist.

Run-time error '424':Object required

Does anyone have any idea on  how to fix this? I'd really like the full version 
of the game. I don't understand why I can't get it to work.

-- Original Message --
From: Damien C. Pendleton
To: Gamers Discussion list
Subject: [Audyssey] Links for Old Titles
Date: Thu, 9 Jun 2011 22:02:05 +0100

Hey everyone,
As previously mentioned, I have modified the old games to state they are 
abandonware and have therefore offered them for temporary download using 
Dropbox. They will be up until Monday 13th June, so anyone who wants to host 
them on a more permanent site may download them during these times and do so.
The games and their links are as follows:

The Savage Gamut:
Note: Includes the Savage Gamut, Savage Gamut Redemption and Savage Gamut 
Trainer all in one package. It lets you customise the installation to include 
or exclude any one of these titles from being installed.

Danger City:


Self Destruct:
Note: Also installs the keygen to the correct location and provides access in 
the start menu.

All games have been modified in the following ways:

1. References to the personal or business names of developers have been removed 
wherever possible from the game executables and documentation.
2. The installers clearly state that they are abandonware before installation 
to give the user chance to exit or continue as they wish.
3. All reported and known issues have been well documented.
4. The Self Destruct and Savage Gamut installers have been completely 
rewritten, in order to make them neater and easier for maintenance by the end 
user. For example, the Savage Gamut packages are now in one customisable 
package, Self Destruct installs cleanly, the uninstaller also works as opposed 
to the last version, etc.
5. A couple of minor details have also been modified in the Acefire application 
and a few bugs were fixed before final release.

Hope this helps.
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Re: [Audyssey] Registering Self Destruct was:Re: Links for Old Titles

2011-06-09 Thread Damien C. Pendleton

Hey Ryan,
This is one of those issues that have been reported to me in the 
documentation. As I said, I believe in the docs and on list, I don't have 
the reg system nor key generation code and therefore was unable to fix it. 
In fact, due to the fact that Jason obviously deliberately failed to provide 
the reg system, and not so wisely also failed to remove all references from 
the code and the project file itself, I have been unable to get the game to 
compile or run at all, therefore the source code as was given to me is 
utterly useless.


- Original Message - 
From: Ryan Conroy

Sent: Thursday, June 09, 2011 11:28 PM
Subject: [Audyssey] Registering Self Destruct was:Re: Links for Old Titles

Hi everyone,

I know these games are no longer supported, but I wanted to see if anyone 
has any idea on how to fix this error.
I reinstalled the new version of Self Destruct with the Key Gen in the 
start menu, and I keep getting this error when I click on it:

There was an error with your product ID. The game cannot continue. The 
product ID does not exist.

Run-time error '424':Object required

Does anyone have any idea on  how to fix this? I'd really like the full 
version of the game. I don't understand why I can't get it to work.

-- Original Message --
From: Damien C. Pendleton
To: Gamers Discussion list
Subject: [Audyssey] Links for Old Titles
Date: Thu, 9 Jun 2011 22:02:05 +0100

Hey everyone,
As previously mentioned, I have modified the old games to state they are 
abandonware and have therefore offered them for temporary download using 
Dropbox. They will be up until Monday 13th June, so anyone who wants to 
host them on a more permanent site may download them during these times 
and do so.

The games and their links are as follows:

The Savage Gamut:
Note: Includes the Savage Gamut, Savage Gamut Redemption and Savage Gamut 
Trainer all in one package. It lets you customise the installation to 
include or exclude any one of these titles from being installed.

Danger City:


Self Destruct:
Note: Also installs the keygen to the correct location and provides access 
in the start menu.

All games have been modified in the following ways:

1. References to the personal or business names of developers have been 
removed wherever possible from the game executables and documentation.
2. The installers clearly state that they are abandonware before 
installation to give the user chance to exit or continue as they wish.

3. All reported and known issues have been well documented.
4. The Self Destruct and Savage Gamut installers have been completely 
rewritten, in order to make them neater and easier for maintenance by the 
end user. For example, the Savage Gamut packages are now in one 
customisable package, Self Destruct installs cleanly, the uninstaller also 
works as opposed to the last version, etc.
5. A couple of minor details have also been modified in the Acefire 
application and a few bugs were fixed before final release.

Hope this helps.
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Re: [Audyssey] disrespect for gamers: was Re: Lunimals version 2.5b

2011-06-09 Thread Charles Rivard
Are there games that are designed to be played using DOS that absolutely 
cannot be played on most systems?  How long ago was it said that DOS would 
be no more?  How about a paperless society with the advent of being able to 
send files to one another?  We now use more paper than ever before.

Laughter is the best medicine, so look around, find a dose and take it to 
- Original Message - 
From: Jeremy Kaldobsky

To: Gamers Discussion list
Sent: Thursday, June 09, 2011 4:24 PM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] disrespect for gamers: was Re: Lunimals version 2.5b

I understand that the issue is about users being able to play the game. 
For many years, since Microsoft first stopped supporting VB6, people have 
been saying that any day no one will be able to use software written with 
it.  Obviously with each passing year this gets closer to the truth, but we 
have different opinions on the seriousness of this problem right now.  As 
I've said, when things change, I'll re-evaluate my position on the 
languages I use.

You're probably right that the next generation of windows won't support 
VB6 at all, but then again, you might be wrong.  Before Vista released, 
many people told me that it would be impossible to run VB6 applications on 
it, and it didn't turn out that way.  It's entirely possible that some 
small change will allow VB6 apps to run on Windows X, just as it has 
allowed Windows Vista and Windows 7 users to run them.  If not, then 
that's life and we will deal with the new situation.  We are both playing 
a guessing game, clearly some of you guess that all VB6 titles will be 
lost forever, and I am guessing that probably won't be the case, or at 
least I'm not so convinced that I'm willing to change how I'm currently 
doing things.

Dennis, when you say people can't play the games, I assume you mean the 
theoretical date when some new windows absolutely can't run VB6 games.  As 
things stand at the moment, I'm unaware of any version of windows (2000 
and later) that can't run VB6 games.

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[Audyssey] from an end user - Re: disrespect for gamers: was Re: Lunimals version 2.5b

2011-06-09 Thread Charles Rivard
I might get some geeky answers to this, and I might not.  Anyway, this whole 
issue about what programming language should or should not be used, and why 
or why not, is interesting to me, but might not be to others.  What it boils 
down to, to me, is this:  A program, or in this case a computer game, is 
what?  It's a set of instructions that the programmer wants a computer to 
read, process, and follow based on the commands given by the end user.  Does 
the end user care about the language used to instruct their computer?  No. 
The end user cares about whether their computer does or does not interpret 
the programmer's instructions correctly.  Does this game, regardless of how 
it was written operate as it should on my computer?  That's what counts.  If 
a programmer writes programs that won't work on my PC, I'm not going to want 
more programs from that programmer.  The industry dictates that I buy a new 
machine that is capable of using the most up to date operating system, and 
now all the games I have spent my money on, and the games I have gotten at 
no charge won't work on the newest technology.  So, I buy the new PC.  What 
about all this fun software of the past?  It's obsolete.  It's useless. 
Now, games are designed to work with Windows 7, which I have.  Will they 
work on Windows 12 10 years from now?  Here we go again.  And it doesn't 
stop.  I don't think that Shoot #'97 would work on the PC I currently 
have.  It was a fun game, though.  Wouldn't it be great if there were such a 
program as a language converter that could translate a program that won't 
work on your new system into something that would?  There are so many 
programming languages, each with it's good and bad points, you probably 
couldn't handle them all.  But how about the most commonly used ones for 
running on Windows 98, XP, and Windows 7?  Oops, there are more and more Mac 
users all the time, and that other open source OS that I never can remember 
the spelling of.  Linnex?  There's the compatibility issue.  This message 
was longer than intended.  I gotta relax.  Now, where's that nineteenth beta 
of MOTA!  Whew!  Good thing I've got it!

Laughter is the best medicine, so look around, find a dose and take it to 
- Original Message - 
From: Jeremy Kaldobsky

To: Gamers Discussion list
Sent: Thursday, June 09, 2011 11:14 AM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] disrespect for gamers: was Re: Lunimals version 2.5b

   Well it seems that while I've been sleeping, this argument over 
programming languages has flared up once again.  It seems like this 
happens at some point each month, and that is exactly why some of my 
fellow VB6 users view it as attacks rather than suggestions.  In other 
aspects of life, you've undoubtedly had someone disagree with you about 
something, and they felt compelled to share their view in an effort to get 
you to do things their way.  That's normal, and should be expected during 
life.  If you listened to their opinion, but stuck to your own, at what 
point does it become inappropriate for them to bring it up again and 
again?  Perhaps you'll listen to the same arguments 3 or 4 times, but when 
the other person is compelled to repeatedly push their opinion on you, it 
becomes a hostile situation.

   I'm not writing this to any one specific individual, so please let me 
make that clear.  This is being written, generally, to the long list of 
people who are still pushing the same views after months and months. 
Actually, this has probably been going on for a lot longer, but I haven't 
been on audyssey for very long.

   I want to dispel this idea that we VB6 users are only using it because 
we don't know any other languages.  I feel that view paints us as ignorant 
programmers who are only rejecting your view because we don't know any 
better.  This is not the case, and I, for one, happen to know just as many 
languages as the people who don't want me using VB6.  Admittedly I would 
be rusty with most of them, since I haven't used them in years, but I 
prefer to be viewed as a peer rather than a programming novice who isn't 
experienced enough to know what's best for him.  From my experience, there 
is a stereotypical progression in how programmers think.  When they start 
out, they stick to what they know because it is all they know.  Like a 
child clinging to pool floaties, it is scary to first venture away from 
what is keeping you safe.  As the programmers begins learning more, they 
become excited by everything that's out there, and so they quickly begin 
everything they can about everything!  This is usually when a programmer 
will fill their belt with several programming languages they have 
learned to use.  When they've branched out sufficiently, they begin to see 
the need to narrow their focus back down, and so they will use friends and 
society to form strong opinions about why one/some languages and methods 
are superior.  

Re: [Audyssey] disrespect for gamers: was Re: Lunimals version 2.5b

2011-06-09 Thread Willem Venter
Hi Charles and Jeremy.

Charles, on the new windows 7 machines, some dos programs stop working
or have  random errors. This is because the machine's architecture
have changed too much to run them like a normal program. A dos mode is
emulated by the machine, which doesn't always give the expected
results, as there as so many things that could go wrong  with an

Jeremy, it's not a question if it won't work, I'm telling you visual
basic applications won't work on any arm-based machine as things
stand. This is because arm processors use a different instruction set
that is not compattible with intel's  x86 or x64 instruction set. I'm
pretty sure microsoft won't recompile the visual basic libraries. They
already refused to include the vb libraries in windows 7 even though
they were compatible.

On 6/9/11, Charles Rivard wrote:
 Are there games that are designed to be played using DOS that absolutely
 cannot be played on most systems?  How long ago was it said that DOS would
 be no more?  How about a paperless society with the advent of being able to
 send files to one another?  We now use more paper than ever before.

 Laughter is the best medicine, so look around, find a dose and take it to
 - Original Message -
 From: Jeremy Kaldobsky
 To: Gamers Discussion list
 Sent: Thursday, June 09, 2011 4:24 PM
 Subject: Re: [Audyssey] disrespect for gamers: was Re: Lunimals version 2.5b

I understand that the issue is about users being able to play the game.
For many years, since Microsoft first stopped supporting VB6, people have
been saying that any day no one will be able to use software written with

it.  Obviously with each passing year this gets closer to the truth, but we

have different opinions on the seriousness of this problem right now.  As
I've said, when things change, I'll re-evaluate my position on the
languages I use.

 You're probably right that the next generation of windows won't support
 VB6 at all, but then again, you might be wrong.  Before Vista released,
 many people told me that it would be impossible to run VB6 applications on

 it, and it didn't turn out that way.  It's entirely possible that some
 small change will allow VB6 apps to run on Windows X, just as it has
 allowed Windows Vista and Windows 7 users to run them.  If not, then
 that's life and we will deal with the new situation.  We are both playing
 a guessing game, clearly some of you guess that all VB6 titles will be
 lost forever, and I am guessing that probably won't be the case, or at
 least I'm not so convinced that I'm willing to change how I'm currently
 doing things.

 Dennis, when you say people can't play the games, I assume you mean the
 theoretical date when some new windows absolutely can't run VB6 games.  As

 things stand at the moment, I'm unaware of any version of windows (2000
 and later) that can't run VB6 games.

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Re: [Audyssey] Lunimals version 2.5b

2011-06-09 Thread Steady Goh

Hi jeremy,
Agree. If you focussed on keeping up with the so call best programming 
language, you will end up writing and rewriting mission 1 and will never 
move on. Your news update on Lunimals will not be new missions available. it 
would be what programming language you changed to for whatever reason 
instead. We gamers will be playing mission 1 over and over again for years 
to try out the results of the same game in different programming language. 
Enough examples of that.

Btw, I'm halfway through mission 10 now. Thanks for the great game.

Steady Goh
- Original Message - 
From: Jeremy Kaldobsky

To: Gamers Discussion list
Sent: Wednesday, June 08, 2011 12:11 AM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] Lunimals version 2.5b

If we all focused on what the next operating system will be, what the next 
popular devices will be, or what the next popular programming language will 
be, it would take 10 times longer to produce any games.  I think there are 
enough examples of this exact thought process to prove my point.  We do! 
need some people to be thinking that way, but you also need people who worry 
more about here and now.

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