Re: [gaidhlig-gu-leor] samnhradh agam--bha [Fwd: BOUNCE gaidhlig-gu-leor@: Non-member submission from ["Joan Fleury" ]]

2000-07-11 Thread Leslie Gadallah
short one, around a flower bed, but it's a very bad mason that's in me. My back is sore. What is your summer like? (Angus, I'm sorry, but it seems I have more questions than ever.) Slàn Les _ Leslie Gadalla

[gaidhlig-gu-leor] more questions

2000-07-14 Thread Leslie Gadallah
ECTED]" > S do\cha gum faigheadh tu faclan eile. . . And I'm wondering why "tu" here rather than "thu"? > Is ionnan do bhith facal cla\r cuimhne. Yeah. Now if the word would only _stay_ there . . . Slàn Les __

Re: [gaidhlig-gu-leor] gnàth-fhacail

2000-07-29 Thread Leslie Gadallah
a na sràcan a' tighinn thugam gu math. The accent marks are coming to me just fine. Slàn Les _____ Leslie Gadallah, Calgary, Canada- Gheibh burraidh barrachd coire na 's urrainn duin

Re: [gaidhlig-gu-leor] Hallo/ Hello

2000-08-10 Thread Leslie Gadallah
few lists because the mail was bouncing.) I've a lot of catching up to do now. Slàn Les _ Leslie Gadallah, Calgary, Canada- Gheibh burraidh barrachd coire na 's urrainn duine glic a leasachadh A blockhead can find more fault tha

Re: [gaidhlig-gu-leor] Hallo/ Hello

2000-08-12 Thread Leslie Gadallah
it be considered partative if everyone's included?) > Tha mi a fuireach ann an Newmarket,Ont An aithne dhut Frank Wilson? Tha e a' fuireach ann an Newmarket cuideachd. 'Se tidsear Ghàidhlig a tha ann, tha mi a' smaoineachadh. (Do you know ? He lives

Re: [gaidhlig-gu-leor] Hallo/ Hello

2000-08-14 Thread Leslie Gadallah
:) Angus, dear, you know that the silly questions from me are not because I am learned. (Speaking of which, I don't feel good about this sentence. Corrections would be appreciated.) Slàn Les _____ Leslie Gadallah, Calgar

Re: [gaidhlig-gu-leor] Cothrom 24

2000-08-21 Thread Leslie Gadallah
sterday. (Cothrom is a quarterly magazine > published by CLI, Comman an Luchd-Ionnsachaidh - Society of Learners). It > was lost in the mail, I think, or it was just slow in reaching me. > > Chunnaic mi an litir le Leslie Gadallah 's na cairdean aice agus feumaidh > mi ag ra\dh g

Re: [gaidhlig-gu-leor] Cothrom 24

2000-08-21 Thread Leslie Gadallah
am. And welcome to Calgary. I hope you will join our little group. Slàn Les _____ Leslie Gadallah, Calgary, Canada- Gheibh burraidh barrachd coire na 's urrainn duine glic a leasachadh A blockhead can find more fault than a wise man ca

[gaidhlig-gu-leor] testing--one more time

2000-09-11 Thread Leslie Gadallah
'Se teachdaireachd-"test" a tha seo. Cuir oirre dìmeas, ma's e ur toigh le. _________ Leslie Gadallah, Calgary, Canada- Gheibh burraidh barrachd coire na 's urrainn duine

Re: [gaidhlig-gu-leor] testing--one more time

2000-09-11 Thread Leslie Gadallah
gri\obhadh > an dra\sda, tha mi duilich a radh. > I am a little busy, and I don't have plenty of time to write just now, I am > sorry to say. > > Sgri\obhidh mi a rithist. > I will write again. Bidh sin gu math. That'll be good. Slàn Les _

Re: [gaidhlig-gu-leor] testing--one more time

2000-09-12 Thread Leslie Gadallah
MacLennan, if I recall correctly. I'm really not out looking for rejection. :( So where did I go wrong? Slàn Les _ Leslie Gadallah, Calgary, Canada- Gheibh burraidh barrac

Re: [gaidhlig-gu-leor] testing--one more time

2000-09-13 Thread Leslie Gadallah
y list, and hopefully I won't make _this_ particular mistake again. Slàn Les _ Leslie Gadallah, Calgary, Canada- Gheibh burraidh barrachd coire na 's urrainn duine glic a leasachadh A blockhead can find more fault than a wise man can mend --Gaelic proverb The Nova Scotia Scottish Gaelic Learner's List - Archives -

Re: [gaidhlig-gu-leor] disregard

2000-09-18 Thread Leslie Gadallah
. 'Se leisgeul math a tha ann, gu cinnteach. It's a good excuse, for sure. Tapadh leatsa, Aonghais. O, anns an dol seachad: an ex-student of yours has joined our little Gaelic learners' group, Dabhidh MacChlerich, who was at St. Anne's last year, I believe. He spe

Re: [gaidhlig-gu-leor] disregard

2000-09-23 Thread Leslie Gadallah
> udgharasan na 's fhoghluimte na mise! Uill, smaoinchainn gum bi na daoine fileanta cho ceart ri faclairean sam bith. Well, I would think the fluent people will be as right as any dictionaries. (Maybe more so.) (I'm not very happy about this sentence. Is it within sh

Re: [gaidhlig-gu-leor] madainnean cheothach

2000-09-27 Thread Leslie Gadallah
aoilsinn a mus bi Eideard a' tighinn gu Calgary, bidh mi a' dol gu Ceap Breatainn. I think that before Edward comes to Calgary, I will go to Cape Breton. :) Slàn Les _ Leslie Gadallah, Calgary, Canada-

Re: [gaidhlig-gu-leor] Gni\omhairean

2000-09-28 Thread Leslie Gadallah
um bi "rannaisch"="search" neo "explore". A bheil e ceàrr? I learned that "rannaisch" was . . . Is this wrong? Slàn Les _ Leslie Gadallah, Calgary, Canada- Gheibh burraidh barrachd coire na 's

[gaidhlig-gu-leor] tursachan

2000-09-29 Thread Leslie Gadallah
hir" in my dictionaries. Does anyone know what "filibhir" means? Slàn Les _ Leslie Gadallah, Calgary, Canada- Gheibh burraidh barrachd coire na 's urrainn duine glic a leasachadh A blockhead can find more fault th

Re: [gaidhlig-gu-leor] Gni\omhairean

2000-09-29 Thread Leslie Gadallah
ng to get one whole, complete, entire sentence right. This is my goal. Slàn Les _ Leslie Gadallah, Calgary, Canada- Gheibh burraidh barrachd coire na 's urrainn duine glic a leasachadh

Re: [gaidhlig-gu-leor] Gni\omhairean a-rithist

2000-10-11 Thread Leslie Gadallah
he Gaelic. I learned a new word today. Tha Mairi a' seinn a nochd. Sheinn i gu math an raoir. Mary is singing tonight. She sang well last night. Tha Iain a' snàmh anns an loch. Snàmh mi ann an dè. Bha i ro fhuar. Ian is swimming in the lake. I swam in it

Re: [gaidhlig-gu-leor] Gni\omhairean a-rithist

2000-10-12 Thread Leslie Gadallah
ònag. Rinn mi mearachd anns a' Bhearla. :) _________ Leslie Gadallah, Calgary, Canada- Gheibh burraidh barrachd coire na 's urrainn duine glic a leasachadh A blockhead can find more fault than a wise man can mend --Gaelic proverb The Nova Scotia Scottish Gaelic Learner's List - Archives -

[gaidhlig-gu-leor] thinking

2000-10-13 Thread Leslie Gadallah
please accept my apologies, and maybe someone could just point me toward the information.) Slàn Les _ Leslie Gadallah, Calgary, Canada- Gheibh burraidh barrachd coire na 's urrainn duine glic a leasachadh A blockhead ca

Re: [gaidhlig-gu-leor] thinking

2000-10-16 Thread Leslie Gadallah
give this information to my group. Slàn Les _____ Leslie Gadallah, Calgary, Canada- Gheibh burraidh barrachd coire na 's urrainn duine glic a leasachadh A blockhead can find more fa

[gaidhlig-gu-leor] Ciamar a chanas mi--

2000-10-19 Thread Leslie Gadallah
to a friend and I wanted to say to her that I would be in Toronto for the next two weeks. I don't know how to say this. How can I say ". . ." please? Slàn Les _____ Leslie Gadallah, Calgary, Canada-http://www.g

Re: [gaidhlig-gu-leor] Ciamar a chanas mi--

2000-10-20 Thread Leslie Gadallah
hink it was the "for" part that was getting me. I'm never confident when "airson is appropriate. Slàn Les _ Leslie Gadallah, Calgary, Canada- Measar an t-amadan glic ma chumas e theanga.

[gaidhlig-gu-leor] gaidheil--Clas Gàidhlig ann an Toronto

2000-11-01 Thread Leslie Gadallah
red far into unknown territory. Corrections and suggestions would be very welcome.] Slàn leibh Les _ Leslie Gadallah, Calgary, Canada- Measar an t-amadan glic ma chumas e theanga. The fool can pass for wise

Re: [gaidhlig-gu-leor] gaidheil--Clas Gàidhlig ann an Toronto

2000-11-03 Thread Leslie Gadallah
t; Cho\rd an madainn rium gu math. > > a' mhadainn This one was a DOH! moment. Madainn=feminine noun registered a split second after I hit the send button. Thanks again Slàn Les _ Leslie Gadallah, Calgary, Canad

Re: [gaidhlig-gu-leor] Post mortem

2000-11-18 Thread Leslie Gadallah
ill be home Tuesday. Give GGL another chance. (And I\\\'m far from my books as well, so if this is an awful mess, please accept my apologies.) Sla\\n Les -- Leslie Gadallah Measar an t-amadan glic ma chumas e theanga. The fool can

Re: [gaidhlig-gu-leor] aig an taigh (With a nod to SOL)

2000-11-21 Thread Leslie Gadallah
ir agam a-nis. Slàn Les _____ Leslie Gadallah, Calgary, Canada- Measar an t-amadan glic ma chumas e theanga. The fool can pass for wise if he holds his tongue. --Gaelic proverb The Nova Scotia Scott

[gaidhlig-gu-leor] helloooo

2001-01-26 Thread Leslie Gadallah
uried under the snow? But it is lovely here, the sun is shining, and there is no snow on the ground at all. It is like spring outside. Slàn Les ______ Leslie Gadallah, Calgary, Canada- &#

Re: [gaidhlig-gu-leor] helloooo

2001-02-08 Thread Leslie Gadallah
;s gum bheil e anmoch. > I must go because it is late. Tha thu ro thrang, a charaid. Slàn Les __ Leslie Gadallah, Calgary, Canada- 'Se 'n geamhradh luath an geamhradh bua

Re: [gaidhlig-gu-leor] helloooo

2001-02-09 Thread Leslie Gadallah
an geamhradh air > ais a nise. > Spring was here last week, but winter is back now. An seo, cuideachd. Tha eagal orm a-nis gum bi i geamhradh gu an t-Òg-mhios. Slàn Les ______ Leslie Gadallah, Calgary, Canada-http:

[gaidhlig-gu-leor] ceisd beag

2001-02-14 Thread Leslie Gadallah
ek." Ciamar a chanas mi seo anns a Ghàidhlig? I have a question for you. I wanted to write "..." or "..." in a sentence like "..." How could I say this in the Gaelic? Móran taing Slàn Les ______

Re: [gaidhlig-gu-leor] ceisd beag

2001-02-16 Thread Leslie Gadallah
eart.Would-be "dhuibh" correct. > "Dhuibh" would be right. ( " for you" ) > > > Chanainn: Coinnichidh sinn gach darna seachdainn.I-would-say: Will-meet we > each second week. > I would say: Mile taing, Aonghais. That's exactly what I wan

[gaidhlig-gu-leor] Re: [gaidlig-gu-leor] sar dhoirbh

2001-02-28 Thread Leslie Gadallah
A Siùsaidh: My deepest sympathies. I lost my husband not long ago, so I understand a little your loss. Le deadh dhùrachd Leslie __ Leslie Gadallah, Calgary, Canada- '

[gaidhlig-gu-leor] ceisd

2001-03-16 Thread Leslie Gadallah
? Oh, oh, three questions. Ciamar a' chanas mi "either of us"? 2. Bith sinn a' faicinn "Tha seo an taigh aig Seumas" agus "Tha seo taigh Sheumais" Am bi diofar sam bith eatorra? We are seeing ". . ." and ". . .". Is there any diff

Re: [gaidhlig-gu-leor] ceisd

2001-03-18 Thread Leslie Gadallah
> between them? > > Chan eil iad diofaraichte. Tha an aon chiall air an da\ sreath.Are not > they different. Is the one sense on the two sentences. > There is no difference. The two sentences mean the same thing. > ( Perhaps a grammatician would tell you there is a subtle dif