[Gimp-user] Layers

2011-05-09 Thread Bob Meetin
I am running Ubuntu Linux 10.04.  On my older linux pc GIMP included a menu 
option I think to access Layers, might have been Dialog --> Layers, I don't 
remember.  This version of GIMP has Layer --> New Layer, but it's not 
immediately obvious in looking through all the menubar options where to get to 
a Layers dialog where I can move layers, rename them, etc.  Advice please?

Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] Can't read file header

2011-04-09 Thread Bob Long
Tőkés Ábel wrote,

> Dear Folks!
> My problem is not strictly related to Gimp, but I hope that Gimp can
> help me solve it and
> I am sure that there are a lot of clever people on this list who can
> help me understand what is happening here.
> I have appr. 100 pictures selected from the thousands taken of my
> wedding. I would like to send them to a
> printer company, but the software they give cannot use them because of
> the failure that prevents IrfanView
> from opening them too. The funny is that all the other picture viewers
> can open these pictures, including
> Gimp.
> I tried to open a picture with gimp, then save it in different formats,
> but they behave the same: IrfanView cannot open them.
> I tried jpg with and without exif data, png, tif and xcf. The funny is
> that if I try to open it from inside gimp by file>open or
> by drag-and-drop, it opens it without problem, but if I try to open it
> from the file manager, it gives an error message:
> Opening 'C:\Documents and Settings\Ábel\My Documents\My
> Pictures\2009-04-25 Esküvo\p0023.jpg' failed: Could not open
> 'C:\Documents and Settings\Ábel\My Documents\My Pictures\2009-04-25
> Esküvo\p0023.jpg' for reading: No such file or directory
> One of the images is here:
> https://picasaweb.google.com/lh/photo/QVOculUehRDqAywlBYIwwQ?feat=directlink
> What is the problem with these pics and how can I eliminate it?

I had no problem with that image displaying in IrfanView, GIMP or 
Windows Picture Viewer.

I suspect it may not be a problem with the image itself. What is the 
associated program that File Manager is trying to open it with? Is the 
file already open? Is it read-only? Are you able to copy the image to a 
directory other than "C:\Documents and Settings\Ábel\My Documents\My 
Pictures\2009-04-25\Esküvo\" and open it from there?

Bob Long
Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] commercial use

2011-01-13 Thread Bob Long
Matthew Corrie Wade wrote,

> Hello.  I would like to be able to use Gimp to alter designs for
> commercial use - is this allowed?  Thanks for your time.

Well, GIMP can be used to produce designs for commercial use; that is, 
GIMP can be used in a commercial environment.

Whether you have the rights to modify someone else's existing design is 
another matter unrelated to GIMP itself.

Bob Long
Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] No new colours

2010-12-15 Thread Bob Meetin
drwr wrote:
> Hi,
> I have saved a gif file with one additional colour (blue).
> When I go to edit this file and draw a line in yellow (a new colour) GIMP 
> draws the line in white!  When I go to Colours > Map > Rearrange ColourMap... 
>  I see black, white and blue.
> How do I force GIMP to let me change the foreground colour?  I have tried dbl 
> clicking the foreground colour and selecting yellow.  Yellow appears as the 
> foreground colour in the toolbox, but when I try to use the Pen tool with 
> yellow selected as the foreground colour GIMP draws the line in WHITE
> BTW I am using 2.6.6 on Win Vista.
> Many thanks
This may not be the problem, but make sure it's in RGB mode ( Image --> 
Mode --> RGB).  Maybe put the image up on a website and send out a link 
to it to the email group.

Bob Meetin
dotted i
303-926-0167 (home/business)

Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] Documentation 404s

2010-11-09 Thread Bob Long
Gary wrote,

> Your documentation is missing.

Unfortunately, so is any useful information from you about the actual issue.

Do you mean local documentation on your computer? If so, what operating 
system, version of GIMP etc.? Have you downloaded the documentation?

Do you mean a Web site? If so, specifically what site/page are you 
trying to view?

Bob Long
Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] gimp.tutorials.net

2010-10-05 Thread Bob Long
gerard82 wrote,


> When you go to Gimpusers.com you click useful links.
> In the Gimp links you'll find "Gimp tutorials list:
> gimpology
> gimp-tutorials.net
> g...@pixel2life.com
> gimp wisdomplug
> Now when your mouse cursor hovers over gimp-tutorials.net
> you see gimp.tutorials.net at the bottom of FF.
> It should read gimp-tutorials.net.
> Either the gimp site was hacked or the web designer made a typo.
> I hope you all now see what I mean.
> Gerard.

When I visit http://gimpusers.com/gimp/links there is that list you 
mention. In my case, "Gimp-Tutorials.net" does indeed go to 

So either that has very recently been fixed, or there is a problem 

Bob Long

Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] Rear page of scanned image visible when printing

2010-09-26 Thread Bob Smits
On September 12, 2010 02:41:04 am Andreas Moroder wrote:
> Hello,
> I have scanned page from a book. On the screen all looks ok. Near the
> images I wanted to scan I see only light shades on the white background,
> but when I print the page this shades becomes much darker and visible
> and show the back side of the page. Can anyone please tell me a way to
> get rid of this shades without impact on the rest of the image.
Andreas, I always keep a sheet of black paper handy when I'm scanning 
something from a two sided original that has text or images on the back side. 
I put the black sheet on top of the image to be scanned and then don't get 
that sort of bleedthrough of dark parts from the back page. It's easier than 
getting rid of them later.

Robert Smits Email b...@rsmits.ca
Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] How to edit text in both Gimp & Photoshop

2010-09-07 Thread Bob Meetin
i have never used it, but when you save, click on "Select File Type (by 
Extension)".  psd is in the list.

Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] Importing EPS

2010-09-06 Thread Bob Long
JA wrote:

> I'm using GIMP 2.6.7 in Windows 7 64-bit. When I try to import an EPS,
> I get an error message telling me, "Make sure that Ghostscript is
> installed and - if necessary - use the environment variable GS_PROG to
> tell GIMP abouit its location."
> I've downloaded and installed Ghostscript for 64-bit, but evidently
> GIMP doesn't know where it is. And I've been unable to find any
> explanation in the online documentation of where or how one would set
> environment variables.
> I tried adding the Ghostscript folder (in C:/Program Files) to GIMP's
> Preferences dialog in the Modules, Interpreters, and Environment
> Folders, and then restarted, but that didn't help. I get the same
> error message as before.
> What steps precisely do I need to take in order to get GIMP to see the
> Ghostscript installation?
> Thanks in advance for any assistance!

A Google search for me for:

+gimp +ghostscript

gives this as the first response:


Bob Long

Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] logo manipulation

2010-08-29 Thread Bob Meetin

Leon wrote:

Hello All,

I am a complete beginner and I have to be honestI'm struggling. I created
a logo for my new business, but when I try to place the logo in a box on
indesign or such like, the logo comes out looking blurry or smudged. I think
it's to do with it being resized. Can anyone please advise me (in very simple
terms)how to manipulate the image without it ending up looking so poor?

Many thanks



Adding to what Jay said...

I don't know about indesign, but it's a good rule of thumb to design 
images to fit the size of the space rather than forcing the size using 
html or CSS.  Depending on the size/dimensions, this can be drastically 
better for improving page load speed.  Also, there is less guesswork in 
how the pixels will be forced, squeezed.

  1. Look at the html page and find the size the image is being
 constrained to fit
  2. Load the image in GIMP
  3. Image --> Scale Image and adjust the dimensions
  4. If it gets a little fuzzy as it is downsized, do Filters -->
 Enhance --> Sharpen and use somewhere around 40-50 to start
  5. If it's a jpeg, when it asks for quality as you are saving, use
 somewhere around 75 is usually good enough for web site viewing. 
 Also since jpegs are lossy (every time you resave you use quality)

 try to avoid doing repetitive work on the same image.

If you are starting with an absolutely huge image know that it may not 
be reasonable to downsize to a diminutive space and retain the same clarity.

Bob Meetin
dotted i
303-926-0167 (home/business)

Gimp-user mailing list

[Gimp-user] Banding in gradient creation

2010-08-24 Thread bob
Hi Miles.

I'm afraid the technical details of bit-depths and monitor hardware are beyond

However, when playing with inkscape I can create gradients that don't have

Also, when I'm viewing other peoples artwork online I don't get the bands.

I'm guessing that this might mean that the problem might not be my monitor,
but is more likely to be the technique that I'm using in gimp. 
Could this be the case?

bob (via www.gimpusers.com)
Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] Combine two images

2010-08-22 Thread Bob Meetin
Jim Hall wrote:
> Using Gimp 2.4.7 on Debian Lenny. I am not an artist, but I 
> occasionally need the tool.
> What I need to do is "stitch" two or more images together to make a 
> larger one. These are more like drawings than photos. Best analogy is: 
> take 2 or 3 screenshots of an area of a city with google maps (map, 
> not satellite view), put them together to make a single, larger one.
> I have looked at the manual, but since I don't know what this 
> procedure is called (or even if it exists), I don't know what to look 
> for. Same for Google.
> Hints of any kind appreciated.
> Jim

I don't know if there is a simpler way to do this, but in GIMP I would 
open the first image, then use the canvas tool (Image --> Canvas Size) 
to double the canvas size, and move the original image to the left.  
Then copy in the second image and drag it to the right.  This is 
essentially what I had to do with a batch of very old 4x5 negatives and 
transparencies with an epson scanner that could only do a max size of 2 
1/4 by 2 3/4 " at a time.  I used GIMP to piece them together pixel to 
pixel and it worked marvelously.

If you have command line access to ImageMagick/convert, this is easy:

% convert image1.jpg image2.jpg +append -quality 85 combined_images.jpg

i.e. if I understand the need

Bob Meetin
dotted i
303-926-0167 (home/business)

Gimp-user mailing list

[Gimp-user] Using channels to select pixels

2010-07-28 Thread bob
What are you describing goes beyond my comprehension of gimp. If you have the
time, I'd love it if you could break that down for me.

Decomposition was simple enough once I'd figured it out.

After I read you email, I looked up the docs to discover what quickmask is,
and I think I understand that.

But I'm afraid that I couldn't figure out how to drag a channel of the newly
decomposed image into the channels panel of the original image.

bob (via www.gimpusers.com)
Gimp-user mailing list

[Gimp-user] Using channels to select pixels

2010-07-28 Thread bob
Hello again guys.

I'm working through a tutorial made by photoshop:


Step 24 is interesting. Water spray is seperated from a background colour,
using a manipulation of channels.

I can't seem to figure out how to the same thing in gimp. 
Any idea how I can do it?

bob (via www.gimpusers.com)
Gimp-user mailing list

[Gimp-user] Banding in gradient creation

2010-07-28 Thread bob
>Say you draw a monochrome gradient from back to white along 2560 pixels.
>You only have 256 different colors, thus you get bands 10 pixels wide.
>And dithering does not have a real effect in such a case.

I'm in RGB mode. The image is 2480px wide and 2794px high.

Is there a way that I can create a smooth gradient?
Will switching to another colour mode help?

How can I work this out for myself in the future?

bob (via www.gimpusers.com)
Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] Copy trick ??? chocolate fountain

2010-07-12 Thread Bob Long
Harry Strunc wrote,

> Thank you soo much for writing !

Please reply only to the list, so others can help, too. I've sent this 
back to the list.

> The chocolate fountain pic is attached.
> I have pressed SELECT INVERT but nothing happens.
> The background remains selected via SELECT BY COLOR.

It may not be obvious that the inversion has actually done anything. The 
"marching ants" will look very similar.

One way to verify what has been selected is to hit the "Delete" key; 
that will delete what is selected. Then immediately do Edit|Undo (or 
Ctrl-Z) to undo that deletion.

> I must not know how to copy.  Is there a trick to copying ?

Just Edit|Copy, then, say, Edit|Paste as|New Image. That should give you 
the fountain on a transparent (chequered) background. Or, you can paste 
into another image as a new layer, for example.

> Thank you SO MUCH for writing!
> Harry

Bob Long
Gimp-user mailing list

[Gimp-user] strange window behaviour

2010-07-12 Thread bob
Thanks guys.

It looks like I did deselect "auto follow active image".

With it reselected, everything is back to normal.


bob (via www.gimpusers.com)
Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] Copy and paste chocolate fountain

2010-07-12 Thread Bob Long
Harry Strunc wrote,

> I want to copy our chocolate fountain in one .jpg
> Then paste it into a different .jpg.
> I can't copy it smoothly using FREE SELECT.
> It is on a dark background and I get a great selection using
> Then I am stumped.  How do I change the selection to reverse and
> select the fountain instead of the dark background?

If I understand you, you have the background selected (excluding the 
fountain), but you really want to simply invert that selection so the 
fountain is selected. If so:


Bob Long
Gimp-user mailing list

[Gimp-user] strange window behaviour

2010-07-12 Thread bob
Hi all.
I'm used to a particular, useful behaviour.
I'm working with Gimp 2.6.8 on ubuntu.

When working with multiple image, I leave the 'layers, channels and paths'
window open.

When I switch between images, the lcp window automaticially empties itself of
information pertaining to the old image, and populates itself with information
pertaining to the new image.

For the last couple of days, I've been getting a different, disruptive
behaviour: The information in the lcp window remains pertainent to the old

My current workaround is to do this after selecting a new image: I close the
lcp window, and then open it again from the 'windows' menu.

What could be going on here? Maybe I accidently switched a setting? Is there a
way to switch back?

bob (via www.gimpusers.com)
Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] Can't get Gimp to work

2010-07-02 Thread Bob Long
zootybubbles wrote,

> I just downloaded Gimp in hopes of being able to use it to edit my photos.
> However, when I opened it and clicked to add a picture, my entire screen
> turned grey and was unresponsive.  I had to use the power button to get the
> option to restart.  I tried Gimp three more times and each time it failed and
> I had to restart.  Does anyone know what is wrong and how I can get Gimp to
> work.

What is your operating system?
What version of GIMP?
 From where did you download it?

What exactly did you "click to add a picture"?

Bob Long

Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] how to create something like harvey balls

2010-06-16 Thread Bob Meetin
I took a look at inkscape and I did review the tutorial-shapes page, but 
not being familiar with the program, the learning curve is longer than 
the manual process I went through with GIMP.  If there was a tutorial 
that walked me through step-by-step I could do that.  What I did last 
night in GIMP, which resulted in much better quality images:

1) open a new round layer using Elipse tool
2) fill background with black
3) select shrink - by 2 pixels
4) edit - clear (you end up with a round image with a 2px border and 
clear background

5) click/select measure tool
6) in my case I want to divide the circle with each section growing by 
36 degrees, so I insert the measure tool at the very center pixel and 
move it to an edge/border approximately 36 degrees from the top center 
border which shows as 90 degrees.  I make a note of that location ( say 
30,2 whatever it is )

7) now switch to path tool
8) click once in the images dead center
9) click once at top dead center (in the border)
10) incrementally click along the border until you reach the 36 degree 
location you noted
11) double-click on the path tool to open tool options and click on 
selection from path

12) fill with background color
13) save this as the first image

I tried simply adding a copy of the image as a 2nd layer and rotating 36 
degrees but it seemed to not seat cleanly so I did the following instead:

1) I made a copy of the first image and opened it
2) with the first image open I totally cropped to the pie piece.
3) do Tools --> Transform Tools --> Rotate and rotate the pie section 
about 36 degrees
4) copy the section to the new image and move it into place; it becomes 
the 20% piece

5) repeat this process for each 10% increment

Sometimes when the section rotates some pixels mess up - fix these up 

I'm sure that inkscape is a better tool, but the learning curve of a new 
application works against me here.  I'd also considered imagemagick 
which I'm much more familiar with as a command-line application, but 
sorting through the coordinates and all would also take substantial 
time/effort.  If anyone wishes to see a tutorial with diagrams I could 
probably do that this weekend.

Thx, Bob

Chris Mohler wrote:

On Tue, Jun 15, 2010 at 12:07 PM, Bob Meetin  wrote:

I gave it a try last night using the measure tool to mark up approximate
angles then the path tool to actually create the slices.  They look
fair, will certainly need to be redone befor golive, but it seems like
there should be a smarter way to do this.

I would use Inkscape to draw them and then export PNG files.   In
Inkscape, after drawing an ellipse look at the start and end
parameters: if you punch in 90 for the end (and leave start at 0),
you'll have the 25% ball.  See the section on ellipses:

Another approach would be to use SVG directly on the page (either on
the fly or saved from Inkscape) - but that is likely not supported
well by older browsers.



Gimp-user mailing list

[Gimp-user] how to create something like harvey balls

2010-06-15 Thread Bob Meetin

For a client I am developing a rating system and it will incorporate 
ratings in 10% increments from 0% to 100%.  Is there a smart way in GIMP 
to fairly precise images. I will probably start at about 30px square and 
downsize if necessary.  I may wish to add some additional increments 
between 0-10 and 90-100 as eye food.

To see what Harvey Balls look like visit: 

I gave it a try last night using the measure tool to mark up approximate 
angles then the path tool to actually create the slices.  They look 
fair, will certainly need to be redone befor golive, but it seems like 
there should be a smarter way to do this.

My first set of images: http://www.dottedi.biz/images/ratings

Thx, Bob

Gimp-user mailing list

[Gimp-user] smooth fine stroke

2010-06-01 Thread bob
Is there a trick for getting a smooth, fine stroke?

I'm trying to do this, but my experiments are getting me substandard results.
The stroke always seems coarse.

I'm experimenting with stroking both selections and paths.

Here is an image showing the results that I'm getting:

I'm setting the stroke width to 1px. But the lines still seem coarse to me.

Is it just my eye? My monitor perhaps?
Or can I get the stroke to appear to be finer?

bob (via www.gimpusers.com)
Gimp-user mailing list

[Gimp-user] removing layer area

2010-05-09 Thread bob
Hi all.

I'm trying to edit an jpg image I've downloaded from the net.
This image:


As you can see, the image has a white background.

I want to isolate one of the illustrations and remove the white background.

First I use the scalpal tool to isolate one of the illustrations. Then I use
either the select tool or the erasor to remove the white. Instead of getting
transparent area as a result, I get a grey.
(What is happening here)

To get around this, I first save the image as a png, then give the image a
background layer with a random colour, save the image as an xcf and close the
image. Then I open the xcf. 
Again, I try to erase the white in order to get a transparent area. Again, I
get an grey as a result.

Obviously, I'm running into the boundaries of my understanding of image
formats here.

I'd love to know why I'm getting these results.

I'd also like to know how I can remove the white area and get transaparency
without closing and re-opening the image.

bob (via www.gimpusers.com)
Gimp-user mailing list

[Gimp-user] diagonally striped background image tutorial

2010-04-23 Thread Bob Meetin
If someone can point me to a tutorial on how to do this it would be 
nice.  See: http://www.dottedi.biz/images/diagnostics/bot_bg.png.  I 
need to create something similar but in different colors. It is 
diagonally striped and the stripes seem to merge at the bottom.  The 
finished size in 10x145 pixels.

Thx, Bob
Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] A question that has never been asked....

2010-04-03 Thread Bob Smits
On April 1, 2010 02:34:37 pm Chris Mohler wrote:
> On Thu, Apr 1, 2010 at 4:08 PM,  wrote:
> > Who was the clever soul that came up with the name GIMP?
> Not this again :(  This has been discussed to death already.

Sure it has. But unless the developers stop getting defensive about this 
unfortunate choice, anyone coming afresh on the name will find it offensive on 
it's face. 

I know it's short for Gnu Image Manipulation Program, and that no one intended 
any offense, but until the name is changed this discussion will recur - at 
least once every several months. It's up to you.

Robert Smits Email b...@rsmits.ca
Gimp-user mailing list

[Gimp-user] pixellation of text.

2010-03-21 Thread bob
That does the trick.

Thank you.

bob (via www.gimpusers.com)
Gimp-user mailing list

[Gimp-user] pixellation of text.

2010-03-21 Thread bob
Hi. I'm trying to follow this tutorial:


This is my result:


As you can see, the edges of my text are pixellated. As if anti-aliasing is
not working.

This happens when I depart from the instructions at step 3 of the tutorial. I
just can't seem to get the gradient effect properly when I use the layer
effects gradient dialogue. So I right click the text layer in the layers
pallette, and select "text to selection". With the text selected, I add the
gradient manually, with the gradient tool.

>From that point onwards, my text looks rough.

Is there a way to apply a gradient to the text, while keeping the text smooth

bob (via www.gimpusers.com)
Gimp-user mailing list

[Gimp-user] How can I place a guide precisely

2010-03-17 Thread bob
That does it.

Thank you.

bob (via www.gimpusers.com)
Gimp-user mailing list

[Gimp-user] How can I place a guide precisely

2010-03-17 Thread bob

I'd like to place guides at exact positions.

Is there a way to place the guides without doing it manually ?

bob (via www.gimpusers.com)
Gimp-user mailing list

[Gimp-user] Removing a layer (part of jpg) from graphic.

2010-02-05 Thread Bob
I have a .jpg graphic that I want parts of it removed. I am new to Gimp, can
anyone help/guide me how to do that.

Bob (via www.gimpusers.com)
Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] JPG file size increases with saving

2010-01-15 Thread Bob Long
Philip Rhoades wrote:

> I am trying to work out why there is such a large file increase when I 
> edit a file and save it.  The background info:
> Original file (from digital camera) - format, size, depth, geom:
> JPEG   680590   8 2048x1536


> After opening, cropping and saving original file as a PNG file with 
> defaults (compression 9):
> PNG   4722953   8 2048x1536

There's something funny there. If the image has been cropped, how can it 
be the same dimensions as the original (2048x1536) (unless you have then 
done a "resize" you didn't mention)?

Bob Long
Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] JPG file size increases with saving

2010-01-15 Thread Bob Meetin
Actually, you get almost no further degradation if you save the image
> again with the same settings that were used for the first save. The JPEG
> plug-in even stores information in the image when the image is opened
> and it will use that information to save it in the best possible way
> when you save it again. Just leave all controls at their default values.
> Note that I said "almost". Of course the image will suffer a little. But
> you won't get significantly better results if you increase the JPEG
> quality or change other settings in the save dialog. You just get a
> larger file.
> Sven
Quality is relative to what you need, how the image is used as well. If 
it's for internet use, 70% or so is reasonable quality. Image weight 
adds up fast if you have a lot of large images. I don't do print media 
so someone else would need to talk to it, but I commonly here that 
300-600 dpi is requested whereas for the internet resolution is much 
less of a factor.

If all I've been given is a .jpg I'll typically save it as a .png along 
the way.

Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] GIMP and transparency

2010-01-07 Thread Bob Long
Rick Duley wrote:
> I've been poking around manuals and such in GIMP but I cannot find the
> magic word.
> I'm not a computer graphics geek - not by any standards - so I just
> refer to the functionality I need as "transparency".  I need a GIF
> file with a transparent background.  I assume GIMP can handle it, but
> would someone please tell me where the necessary information to do so
> is cloistered,
> Thanks

Layer|Transparency|Add Alpha Channel

Delete areas you want to be transparent.

Bob Long
Gimp-user mailing list

[Gimp-user] how to reproduce the "carved in" text style as in Window title bar in Mac OS

2009-12-13 Thread bob
I've been playing with this over the last few days. Here are my thoughts on
the subject:

I think some designers call this the "letterpress effect". There are
different ways to do it. It takes a while to find the right way.

For the particular effect on the image you link to, I might try this:

Create text,
create drop shadow in contrasting colour. Blur radius set to zero, offsets
set to 1px.
Play with blending modes of text level.

With the above process, I created this:

Here are things to consider when doing this:
1)Consider the colour contrasts of your text, surface and lighting. 

2)The width of your font will effect how you will want to create the
letterpress illusion.

3) You will have to experiment to get it right. Play with blending modes.

4) Look very closely at the examples you want to emulate. 

I don't know about anyone else, but I found that getting this effect right to
be not as easy as I thought it would be.

There are some good photoshop tutorials that can be followed with gimp:


bob (via www.gimpusers.com)
Gimp-user mailing list

[Gimp-user] How do I create a rough, noisy concrete texture

2009-12-07 Thread bob

>The background at http://data.markjardine.com/tumblr/img/bg_texture.png
>looks like it it could have been made following this tutorial
>You can vary various things to get the effect you want, here is
>something that is perhaps a little coarse and dark compared to what you
>want http://members.pcug.org.au/~rcook/cf1.html

Hi Owen.

That tutorial creates a very regular and smooth looking pattern. Marks
background image looks a lot less regular and less smooth. It looks more like
an artifact from nature, like a sandy surface, where the tutorial pattern
looks the opposite - the product of a mechanized process.

Thanks for chipping in, but I'm after an effect that is quiet different.

bob (via www.gimpusers.com)
Gimp-user mailing list

[Gimp-user] How do I create a rough, noisy concrete texture

2009-12-06 Thread bob
Hi all.

I'd like to be able to create a rough, even texture.
The perfect examples are these:

The texture dominates the design style at:

I know that style is a little trendy and all. But I still think it's a nice
effect. I've been able to achieve it before, but I can't figure out how to do
it again.

I can't quite get it with just HSV noise.

I've been playing with the noise generator: 

I can get kind of close with just gaussian noise, stdev set to 2.5. But my
result seems a little blurry.

How would you guys create this effect ?

bob (via www.gimpusers.com)
Gimp-user mailing list

[Gimp-user] convert an image into an outline

2009-11-24 Thread Bob Meetin
I have an image roughly 600 px square which in which the picture was 
taken on a white-ish background.  I managed to crop it well enough to 
now have a silhouette of the object, black object on white background.  
Is there a way to convert it to an outline, say with a 1-3 pixel 
border?  It is currently a .png.

Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] Urgently need to adjust photograph size

2009-11-17 Thread Bob Meetin

Ruthy wrote:

Ruthy wrote:


I really need to adjust a photograph. It needs to be 600 by 600 pixels.
When I change one value it seems to automatically adjust itself.
I really need to get this done ASAP, so if you can help it would be


A little more detail might help, but generally if you have loaded it 
with the GIMP, then first change mode to RGB if not.  Image --> Mode -->


Now go to: Image --> Scale Image

and do the small dimension first (probably) 

==>> here you would probably set the small dimension to 600 - then if you hit tab 
to another field the big dimension will adjust accordingly - when its right select 
scale.  An SLR is commonly 3:2 proportion and a common digital may already be 4:3 
proportion.  ==>

Then go to Image --> Canvas Size

unlink the chain and adjust the other dimension so that it is 4:3 
proportion, center as necessary and click to Resize.  
When you hit Image --> Canvas Size you first break the chain.  Then 
change the big dimension to "800". Move the cursor to the center 
function and drag the image around if necessary.  Then click Resize.

Also to note - if the original image is larger than than the final when 
you do the enhance you should end up with a decent picture.  If "much" 
smaller and you area actually growing it to 800x600 then you will lose 
quality noticably.

In the instructions I assumed that you are starting with a big pic.

If you resize an 
image it tends to get a little soft, so now go to:

Filters --> Enhance --> Sharpen  --> about 50 --> and click OK

Then save as new name...

OK, i've got as far as this part:-

" adjust the other dimension so that it is 4:3 

but how do I do this please?

Bob Meetin

Standards - you gotta love em with so many to choose from!
Rocket Science - the Art of Managing Distractions

Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] Urgently need to adjust photograph size

2009-11-17 Thread Bob Meetin
Ruthy wrote:
> Hello
> I really need to adjust a photograph. It needs to be 600 by 600 pixels.
> When I change one value it seems to automatically adjust itself.
> I really need to get this done ASAP, so if you can help it would be graitely
> appreciated.
A little more detail might help, but generally if you have loaded it 
with the GIMP, then first change mode to RGB if not.  Image --> Mode --> RGB

Now go to: Image --> Scale Image

and do the small dimension first (probably) and select Scale.

Then go to Image --> Canvas Size

unlink the chain and adjust the other dimension so that it is 4:3 
proportion, center as necessary and click to Resize.  If you resize an 
image it tends to get a little soft, so now go to:

Filters --> Enhance --> Sharpen  --> about 50 --> and click OK

Then save as new name...

Bob Meetin

Standards - you gotta love em with so many to choose from!
Rocket Science - the Art of Managing Distractions

Gimp-user mailing list

[Gimp-user] How do I create smooth diagonal lines

2009-11-17 Thread bob
>Good question. Did you mean the "paths tool"?  I don't think there is a pen
>tool. Anyways I don't think that the paths tool anti aliases. What I would
>do is make sure the "Lock Alpha Channel" checkbox on the right layers
>dialoge is marked. (located under Opacity) What this does is it keeps the
>ammount of transparency the same, however the color will still change to
>your gradient. This allows for the anti aliasing to maintain its integrity
>and not look jagged.
>If you need further help just email me back. I am too busy to do it right
>this moment, but will have free time soon.
>On Sun, Nov 15, 2009 at 9:21 PM, bob  wrote:
>> Hi all.
>> How do I create smooth diagonal lines ?
>> I've been experimenting with creating various aesthetics for an online
>> portfolio. Here is the result of one such experiment:
>> http://imgur.com/e7iaj
>> I created the shape of the navigation container image with the pen tool.
>> turned the resulting path into a selection, and then applied various
>> gradients and layer effects.
>> >From the outset of that process, the outline of the navigation bar has
>> been
>> somewhat jagged.
>> Is there a way to create the diagonal edges for such an image smoothly?
>> Thanks.
>> --
>> bob (via www.gimpusers.com)

I did indeed mean the paths tool.

I haven't been able to get results by locking the alpha channel. But this is
most probably due to my failure to understand this function and it's purpose.
Until you pointed it out, I hadn't even noticed it.
Feel free to point me to information on what what locking alpha can do.

Once I locked the alpha channel, I couldn't seem to do much with the layer. I
couldn't fill it or anything.

However, after playing around with the advice in this thread, I was able to
get closer to the effect that I wanted.

I got closer to smooth diagonals by stroking the path.

Thank you.

bob (via www.gimpusers.com)
Gimp-user mailing list

[Gimp-user] How do I create smooth diagonal lines

2009-11-15 Thread bob
Hi all.

How do I create smooth diagonal lines ?

I've been experimenting with creating various aesthetics for an online
portfolio. Here is the result of one such experiment:


I created the shape of the navigation container image with the pen tool. I
turned the resulting path into a selection, and then applied various fills,
gradients and layer effects.

>From the outset of that process, the outline of the navigation bar has been
somewhat jagged.

Is there a way to create the diagonal edges for such an image smoothly?


bob (via www.gimpusers.com)
Gimp-user mailing list

[Gimp-user] How do I create this effect?

2009-10-26 Thread bob

bob (via www.gimpusers.com)
Gimp-user mailing list

[Gimp-user] How do I create this effect?

2009-10-26 Thread bob
>Basically you use layers and your masks. You would for example have two
>layers, one with the green design, and one with the yellow design. Then
>switch on your quickmask (bottom left corner there is a box that turns the
>image redish), and using your favorite grunge brush and the brush tool,
>start painting the spots you want to delete on the top layer. After that
>click on the quickmask again, which will cause the area you painted to
>become selected - yes in the shape of your grunge. Now just delete that
>from your top layer, and the bottom layer will show through. Alpha
>transparency also takes effect here so you end up with some areas that are
>kind of green and kind of yellow.

I've been playing with this technique. I'm getting quiet excited about what I
can achieve with it. 

I'm also wondering - is there a way to save the selections?
Usually I save my selections by saving them to a path. Of course, I recognise
that paths are solid, so they won't save the gradations in alpha values.

So, is there a way to save my selections, maintaining the different alpha
values in them?


bob (via www.gimpusers.com)
Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] Need new printer

2009-10-23 Thread Bob Meetin
I can't speak to the latest models, but I have an Epson Stylus Photo 
R-200 and for scanning an Epson Perfection 4490 Photo, also a lcd 
projector.  The printer works with my linux pc which is one of the 
reasons for purchasing epson.  I bought all as refurbished, through 
whatever is the refurbished link on the website.  Zero problems with any. 

The scanner comes with rigs for scanning transparencies and negatives up 
to 6x7cm.  I jerryrigged a system to scan my old 4x5" negatives and 
transparencies, then assembled in GIMP. 


Gene Heskett wrote:
> Greetings;
> My old and very faithful Epson C82 has apparently lost its printhead, it has 
> plenty of ink according to mtink, but every time I clean the heads, fewer 
> nozzles work, and the amanda backup report was printed without ink this 
> morning.
> So, I brought up from its storage in the basement, a 5 year old C88 I had 
> bought to use when I was on the road, but its out of yellow ink after about 
> 10 passes at cleaning its well dried nozzles.  So I'm going to town, 
> ostensibly to get some ink, taking nearly a two pack of all 4 inks for the 
> C82 with me to see if a tradein might be arraigned, either for some inks for 
> the C88, or a whole new printer.
> I will not consider a lexmark due to their attitide vis-a-vis linux and their 
> corporate structure being very top heavy with lawyers.
> I've always been fond of Epsons, so which of the current models on the shelf 
> can do good photo quality work at a reasonable cost for expendables?  By 
> reasonable, that is in comparison to the about $80 USD for a full set of 
> tanks for the old C82, and probably very similar pricing for the C88's inks.
> Is there some other favorite Golden Boy that also claims archival inks that I 
> should also look at while I'm at Staples later this afternoon?

Bob Meetin

Standards - you gotta love em with so many to choose from!
Rocket Science - the Art of Managing Distractions

Gimp-user mailing list

[Gimp-user] Banding in gradient creation

2009-10-21 Thread bob
Hi guys.

I often get bands when I create gradients.

I'd like to know how this happends and how I can reduce or get rid of these
artifacts entirely.


bob (via www.gimpusers.com)
Gimp-user mailing list

[Gimp-user] How do I create this effect?

2009-10-21 Thread bob
>Basically you use layers and your masks. You would for example have two
>layers, one with the green design, and one with the yellow design. Then
>switch on your quickmask (bottom left corner there is a box that turns the
>image redish), and using your favorite grunge brush and the brush tool,
>start painting the spots you want to delete on the top layer. After that
>click on the quickmask again, which will cause the area you painted to
>become selected - yes in the shape of your grunge. Now just delete that
>from your top layer, and the bottom layer will show through. Alpha
>transparency also takes effect here so you end up with some areas that are
>kind of green and kind of yellow.

Thank you.
I'll play around and see what results I can get.


bob (via www.gimpusers.com)
Gimp-user mailing list

[Gimp-user] How do I create this effect?

2009-10-20 Thread bob
Hi guys.

I've been staring at this image for ages, trying to figure out how to do

Basically, its a splotchy streak of pain. But, where the paint is present, a
pattern can also be seen.


The image is a background png from the beautifully designed page at

I'd like to know how how to make the pattern visible only where the
brush-created pixels are.

Any advice on this is appreciated.


bob (via www.gimpusers.com)
Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] drop out background tutorial

2009-09-15 Thread Bob Meetin

Paul Hartman wrote:

On Tue, Sep 15, 2009 at 4:32 PM, Bob Meetin  wrote:

Subject says it all.  I have a large assortment of product pictures
which I need to give uniform backgrounds, preferably white.  Can someone
point me to a tutorial that discusses how?  You can see a representative
sample image at: http://www.dottedi.biz/images/diagnostics/DSC_4355.JPG.
They can probably live with the shadows if I can lose the bulk of the

The documentation :)


(not sure which version of Gimp it was written for or which version
you're using)
I have seen this before but never used it for a project.  Okay now I 
played with it for a few minutes.  There must be some trick/finesse to 
getting it to zero in on the subject, really on the subject's edges.  By 
following the instructions in* Figure 13.26 *and keep redrawing the line 
the border gets pretty mixed up in the shadow areas especially.  Maybe 
it's my inexperience, but I can actually get a smoother edged selection 
by using the Paths tool.  2.4.5 on Ubuntu - Bob
Gimp-user mailing list

[Gimp-user] drop out background tutorial

2009-09-15 Thread Bob Meetin
Subject says it all.  I have a large assortment of product pictures 
which I need to give uniform backgrounds, preferably white.  Can someone 
point me to a tutorial that discusses how?  You can see a representative 
sample image at: http://www.dottedi.biz/images/diagnostics/DSC_4355.JPG. 
They can probably live with the shadows if I can lose the bulk of the 

Thx, Bob

Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] Scaling and resolution

2009-09-14 Thread Bob Long
Jaime Seuma wrote:
> Hi
> This is an interesting question also to me.
> David Gowers wrote:
>> No, if you turn off View->Dot for dot then the DPI relative to your
>> display DPI is used to scale your view of the image.
> That much I had already found; but still, when I open a file that has
> been scaled only in resolution (for instance 300->700), still the
> different imageviewers display the same image.
> I know that this is not a Gimp related question, and I feel that the
> Gimp's approach is correct; but still I don't understand the whole
> resolution thing completely. I take it many imageviewers simply don't
> have the capability of taking the resolution into consideration, when
> rendering an image. I'm I right?

See if this helps:

Bob Long
Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] Modifying an image...

2009-08-28 Thread Bob Long
zed wrote:
> I am very new to The Gimp and, at the moment, floundering :-(
> I want to have some CDs printed with the LinuxMINT logo but the person
> printing the CDs for me wants the image modified to remove the 'hole' in the
> centre.
> I've copied part of the image in an ellipse to cover the 'hole' but am left
> with the edge of the circle, and have no idea how to blend this with the
> rest of the image.
> Any tips would be very welcome but not "too" technical, please.

A non-GIMP solution: look at using the Draw component of the 
OpenOffice.org software. By manipulating circle shapes you can make the 
outside of the image circular, and also hide the centre hole. Still use 
GIMP for manipulating the image itself, but it can remain square, say.

Bob Long
Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] sharpening

2009-07-27 Thread Bob Meetin
Filters --> Enhance --> Sharpen

Things break up after around 70%
Any time I resize any image I need to resharpen it.

If enhance/sharpen is grayed out make sure the image is RGB

Image --> Mode --> RGB

Norman Silverstone wrote:
> Quite some time ago a method for sharpening was given here and which I
> have enjoyed using. Unfortunately, I have lost my notes and I would be
> grateful if the method could be posted again, please.
> Norman
> ___
> Gimp-user mailing list
> Gimp-user@lists.XCF.Berkeley.EDU
> https://lists.XCF.Berkeley.EDU/mailman/listinfo/gimp-user

Bob Meetin

On www.Twitter.com/bobmeetin, Facebook, www.linkedin.com/in/bobmeetin, or catch 
my blog at www.dottedi.biz/blog.php

Standards - you gotta love em - with so many to choose from!

Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] batches for web

2009-07-06 Thread Bob Long
alec wrote:

> Akkana Peck wrote:

>> Resolution (as in dots-per-inch) is irrelevant for images used on
>> web-pages. The only thing that counts is the number of pixels.
> Huh, I thought that lower resolution would make the file size smaller so
> web images would load faster.  No?

Depends what you are *really* referring to.
See http://www.scantips.com/basics01.html

Bob Long
Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] -crop formula

2009-06-14 Thread Bob Meetin
Bob Meetin wrote:
> I have a batch of images all the same size, 1488x2240 pixels.  I could 
> use a pointer for a formula that would crop each image to a specific 
> size and keep the same proportion, roughly 2:3, or perhaps crop to a 3:4 
> proportion.  For instance crop the center 744x1120 pixels (50% of height 
> or width). 
> I would like to be able to plug in a specific size either in % (50%, 
> 33%, etc) or dimensions. 
> Thx, Bob
I think never mind - found the -crop example:

convert img1.jpg -crop 1120x744+560+372 img2.jpg

  d1 = 50 %width
  d2 = 50 %height
  d3 = 25 %width
  d4 = 25 %height

convert img1.jpg -crop $d1 x $d2 + $d3 + $d4 img2.jpg

Gimp-user mailing list

[Gimp-user] -crop formula

2009-06-14 Thread Bob Meetin
I have a batch of images all the same size, 1488x2240 pixels.  I could 
use a pointer for a formula that would crop each image to a specific 
size and keep the same proportion, roughly 2:3, or perhaps crop to a 3:4 
proportion.  For instance crop the center 744x1120 pixels (50% of height 
or width). 

I would like to be able to plug in a specific size either in % (50%, 
33%, etc) or dimensions. 

Thx, Bob 

Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] How to slice the imgae for web

2009-05-23 Thread Bob Long
Michael Schumacher wrote:
> Bob Long wrote:
>> To follow up, GIMP 2.6.6 for Windows does not include that

(referring to >  Filters > Web > Slice)

> Please explain how you came to this conclusion,
>> (not that I expect is should, as it relies on Python);
> especially as this is no reason for something to be missing on
> Microsoft Windows (Perl-based would be one, for example).

Well, I'd been running 2.6.5 on Windows XP; open an image, add a couple of 
guides and Filters|Web shows only "Image Map..." (and "Semi-Flatten", but 
greyed out). So I upgrade (I did not uninstall 2.6.5) to 2.6.6 today 
(http://downloads.sourceforge.net/gimp-win/gimp-2.6.6-i686-setup.exe via 
gimp.org links). Same results.

I've never installed Python on this PC. So, am I missing something by 
looking in the wrong place? Are you saying you'd expect "Slice" to be there 
in a "standard" installation of GIMP on Windows, even without Python 
installed, and without installing additional plug-ins?

Bob Long 

Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] How to slice the imgae for web

2009-05-22 Thread Bob Long
DJ wrote:

>>>  i don't see the slicing tool is it not available in the gimp latest 
>>> version.
>> What is the slicing tool?
> There is also:
>  Filters > Web > Slice
>  http://docs.gimp.org/2.6/en/python-fu-slice.html

To follow up, GIMP 2.6.6 for Windows does not include that (not that I 
expect is should, as it relies on Python); GIMP 2.6.6 included in Ubuntu 
9.04 does include it.

Bob Long

Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] How to slice the imgae for web

2009-05-22 Thread Bob Long

- Original Message - 
From: "Nicholas I" 

> I am using gimp latest version and ubuntu os.

It may help to specify the actual version numbers.

> i don't see the slicing tool is it not available in the gimp latest 
> version.

Image|Transform|Guillotine will make separate images based on guides you 
set. Is that what you mean?

Bob Long 

Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] no figure in documentation

2009-05-05 Thread Bob Long
From: "mover50" 
Sent: Wednesday, May 06, 2009 6:22 AM
Subject: [Gimp-user] no figure in documentation

> I am us Windows Vista and Mozilla Firefox for my browser.
> When looking at the documentation, figures do not show in the figure box,
> only the wording
> . http://www.nabble.com/file/p23380927/gimp%2Berror.jpg

I noticed the same thing yesterday. I'm sure it was ok a few days ago.
A randomly picked page: http://docs.gimp.org/en/gimp-concepts-usage.html
Windows XP. Firefox displays the "alt" text; Internet Explorer also displays 
a broken image icon.

Bob Long

Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] too complicated

2009-05-05 Thread Bob Long
From: "Kent Perrins" 
Sent: Wednesday, May 06, 2009 6:11 AM
Subject: [Gimp-user] too complicated

>I have no idea what I am supposed to do to just do a simple post. Too
> complicated. So forget it I guess.

If you mean posting to the mailing list, then you have already succeeded!

Bob Long

Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] pixels to dpi

2009-04-07 Thread Bob Long
norman wrote:
> In a book I am reading, under the heading of scanners, it says that
> the scanner resolution should be 600 pixels per inch. When I look at
> scanner specifications resolution is quoted as dpi. Please, are these
> the same? 

Useful information here regarding terminology:

Bob Long

Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] how to clone a text layer (not how to do clone on a layer)

2009-03-02 Thread Bob Long
Chris Mohler wrote:
> On Tue, Mar 3, 2009 at 2:48 AM, Bob Long  wrote:
>> My standard Ubuntu 8.10 with all updates is running GIMP 2.4.5 (repeat: 
>> 2.4.5, not 2.5.4).
> Well, we're getting pretty off-topic here, but maybe you meant 8.04?
> $ cat /etc/issue
> Ubuntu 8.10
> $ aptitude show gimp
> Package: gimp
> State: installed
> Automatically installed: no
> Version: 2.6.1-1ubuntu3

Oops - you are right! I looked at the wrong machine, which still has 8.04. 
My 8.10 machine has 2.6.1-1ubuntu3.

Bob Long

Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] how to clone a text layer (not how to do clone on a layer)

2009-03-02 Thread Bob Long
zhangwe...@realss.com wrote:

> Nope. I also have a second computer runs Ubuntu 8.04 (I didn't upgrade
> to 8.10 yet), that every time the system tell me to upgrade I would do
> it (last time was in last week). But it still uses Gimp 2.5.4
> (sh?? an unstable version?).

My standard Ubuntu 8.10 with all updates is running GIMP 2.4.5 (repeat: 
2.4.5, not 2.5.4).

Bob Long

Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] anyone use Epson Stylus Photo R2880 Ink Jet Printer

2009-01-29 Thread Bob Long
From: "Gracia M. Littauer" 
Sent: Friday, January 30, 2009 8:24 AM
Subject: [Gimp-user] anyone use Epson Stylus Photo R2880 Ink Jet Printer

> if so comments; love it, hate it?? Pros, Cons?

I provided one to someone who does professional printing and graphics. They 
use Windows, but had problems installing it. It turns out that there was 
something wrong with their Windows XP somehow. The printer works fine from 
another Windows XP computer. As an interesting sideline, in my attempts to 
find a solution as to why it would not install on their "bad" version of 
Windows, I ran the Ubuntu 8.10 live CD on that same PC, not expecting the 
printer to be recognised. Much to my surprise, it was, and it was 
operational in just a couple of minutes. It produced an excellent test print 

The owner's comment some weeks later is, "it's a great printer." But I know 
no more details than that.

Bob Long 

Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] Fonts

2009-01-05 Thread Bob Meetin

Tagg wrote:

How can I add more fonts to gimp?

It will depend on your OS, Linux, MAC, Win, etc but if you follow the 
standard method of installing fonts for your computer, GIMP should 
recognize them.  Might have to reboot, not sure.
Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] perfect circle

2008-12-14 Thread Bob Meetin
With both of your help I was able to get this working. Here is the end result:


It started with: http://dottedi.biz/codesamples/convert/test.jpg and is 
processed through php, convert, composite.  To keep the image weight down I 
tested -dept 
8, 6 & 4 with the .png files. I don't see much difference.  Is there any reason 
why the png -depth 4 should not be used on a web page.  I assume the IE pngfix 
will still work with it.


Johan Vromans wrote:
> Bob Meetin  writes:
>> This seems simple, but I tried:
>> convert -size 100x100 xc:none -fill red -draw 'circle 50,50 0,50' 
>> red-circle.png
>> ...
>> And numerous other variations, it either pushes one side too much or seems 
>> to be one pixel too small.
> convert -size 100x100 xc:none -fill red -draw 'circle 49.5,49.5 0,50' 
> red-circle.png
> convert -size 101x101 xc:none -fill red -draw 'circle 50,50 0,50' 
> red-circle.png
> -- Johan
> ___
> Gimp-user mailing list
> Gimp-user@lists.XCF.Berkeley.EDU
> https://lists.XCF.Berkeley.EDU/mailman/listinfo/gimp-user

Bob Meetin

Hook up with me on Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, Plaxo Pulse and Bebo
or catch my blog at www.dottedi.biz/blog.php

Standards - you gotta love em - there are so many to choose from!
Gimp-user mailing list

[Gimp-user] perfect circle

2008-12-14 Thread Bob Meetin
This seems simple, but I tried:

convert -size 100x100 xc:none -fill red -draw 'circle 50,50 0,50' red-circle.png
convert -size 100x100 xc:none -fill red -draw 'circle 50,50 0,49' red-circle.png

And numerous other variations, it either pushes one side too much or seems to 
be one pixel too small.

Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] Trying to make a mirror image.(Shadow)

2008-12-03 Thread Bob Meetin

Martin Nordholts wrote:

  classiccars wrote:

I'm trying to make an image that looks like this. How can I make a photo of
a car look like it is sitting on a mirror?  I didn't do this one, someone
else did. I'm sure they flipped and added some shading for the bottom of the
car. The think I don't understand is how they flipped the image on two
different axis to getting the "Shadow" image to look like that. Any
Thanks for any help or ideas.. Ken 



The reflection image is a separate image, it cannot be created by mere
transformation of the source image.

- Martin

It really appears to be a single image with the object resting on a
mirror or reflective surface.  Now if you want to achieve a reverse
image effect something like the letter A sitting atop an upside down A,
you can easily do that in GIMP by combining two images.  There are also
some _javascript_, probably Mootools, library effects that you can use to
achieve a similar effect.  Squeeze my arm and I'll find a relevant page
off list.
Bob Meetin

Hook up with me on Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, Plaxo Pulse and Bebo
or catch my blog at www.dottedi.biz/blog.php

Standards - you gotta love em - there are so many to choose from!

Gimp-user mailing list

[Gimp-user] Search and replace text in text layer

2008-11-30 Thread Bob S.
Is there any way either by scripting or externally to search and replace a
text string in GIMP.  I have several images that have multiple text layers, I
would like to have a template image that I can just do a search and replace of
the text strings to create a new image.  Thanks in advance
Bob S.
Gimp-user mailing list

[Gimp-user] 300dpi image from 72dpi

2008-09-10 Thread Bob Meetin


The danger.gif image - I created it from a couple pieces of clipart, the 
doggie and triangle, then created the oval, text etc with gimp, all as 
the default resolution.  It wasn't intended for print then but is now.

Other than converting to 300dpi in GIMP, how do I ensure that it's good 
300dpi, meaning that through the conversion wouldn't GIMP have had to 
guess and fill in the missing pixels. 

Do I need to go back to the drawing board and bring it all in as 300dpi?

Bob Meetin

Hook up with me on Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, Plaxo Pulse and Bebo
or catch my blog at www.dottedi.biz/blog.php

Standards - you gotta love em - there are so many to choose from!

Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] Can gimp run on external hard drive?

2008-09-02 Thread Bob Meetin
see: http://portableapps.com/news/2008-06-04_-_gimp_portable_2.4.6

Bob Meetin

Hook up with me on Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, Plaxo Pulse and Bebo
or catch my blog at www.dottedi.biz/blog.php

Standards - you gotta love em - there are so many to choose from!

Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] Can gimp run on external hard drive?

2008-09-01 Thread Bob Long
Sarah Lee wrote:
> So that's my question in a nutshell. I will be getting a new external
> hard drive later this week. My father and some friends told me that
> some programs can run off of an external hard drive so that you can
> use the same program on multiple computers without having to install
> the program on all computers. Does anyone know if this is possible
> with gimp or does it use too many resources and memory? The hard
> drive will be 250 gb if that makes a difference. Thanks Sarah Lee

For Windows, http://portableapps.com/

Bob Long

Gimp-user mailing list

[Gimp-user] reset

2008-07-13 Thread Bob Meetin
On windows how do I reset GIMP (2.2) to default, vanilla? Can I do this 
through the GUI or is there a config file which I can delete? -Bob

Gimp-user mailing list

[Gimp-user] installation for the commoner

2008-06-09 Thread Bob Meetin
For the commoner running windows do you still need to first download and 
install GTK + 2.10.6-1 runtime environment before installing GIMP 2.4 or is 
there a bundle that only involves one download/install available? This is for 
clients who need it simple...
Bob Meetin
dotted i - Internet Strategies & Solutions

Gimp-user mailing list

[Gimp-user] simple how to background image

2008-04-18 Thread Bob Meetin
See an example at: 

Is there a way to create an image like this in GIMP (or other heaven 
forbid) without having to spend hours copying, pasting, lining up 
pixels?  It could be circles, squares, diamonds, etc as the repeating 


Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] How to open image in existing gimp instance

2008-03-25 Thread Bob Long
Tanveer Singh wrote:
> On Tue, Mar 25, 2008 at 1:21 PM, Bob Long <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


>>  If I associate to gimpwin-remote (C:\Program
>>  Files\GIMP-2.0\bin\gimp-win-remote.exe) then only one instance of
>>  GIMP appears. However, there also appears a message in its own
>>  window: "GIMP Message  Opening 'C:\Program
>>  Files\GIMP-2.0\bin\gimp-2.4.exe' failed: unknown file type" (which
>> can be closed without harm).


> Thanks! I will associate gimpwin-remote instead of gimp.exe.
> But I guess that error message can be filed as a bug report.

With the clue from Peter taylor's message, this fixed the error window for 

>From the gimp-win-remote README file (which I don't think is included in the 
GIMP files):

Save the following between the dashes to a "gimp-win-remote.reg", and 
to change the gimp-2.4.exe to the version you wish to run. Please note that 
execute the new "gimp-win-remote.reg file will require administrative 



Then, in Windows Explorer|Tools|Folder Options|File Types edit the 
association you are using and change the command line in the field 
"Application used to perform action:" from
"C:\Program Files\GIMP-2.0\bin\gimp-win-remote.exe" gimp-2.4.exe "%1"
"C:\Program Files\GIMP-2.0\bin\gimp-win-remote.exe" "%1"

Bob Long 

Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] How to open image in existing gimp instance

2008-03-25 Thread Bob Long
Sven Neumann wrote:

> On Tue, 2008-03-25 at 11:39 +0530, Tanveer Singh wrote:
>> sometimes I open multiple images at once, right clicking multiple and
>> then opening in gimp would mean so many gimps!
>> I want one GIMP only please.
> This is supposed to happen (one GIMP instance only). What operating
> system are you using? Where did you get your GIMP binary from?

I'll chime in here regarding my situation...

Windows XP. GIMP 2.4.5. Binary is Jernej's 
Windows file association (for .bmp for my tests) is to "gimp-2.4" 
(C:\Program Files\GIMP-2.0\bin\gimp-2.4.exe).
Multiple instances of GIMP arise.

If I associate to gimpwin-remote (C:\Program 
Files\GIMP-2.0\bin\gimp-win-remote.exe) then only one instance of GIMP 
appears. However, there also appears a message in its own window: "GIMP 
Message  Opening 'C:\Program Files\GIMP-2.0\bin\gimp-2.4.exe' failed: 
unknown file type" (which can be closed without harm).

I don't select multiple images to open at once, but open one image from the 
file manager, then click on another image to open it. Interestingly, the 
"GIMP Message" error appears only when the first image is opened. If I close 
the error window and open subsequent images, the error does not appear again 
(unless I close GIMP completely, and then it appears again for the first 
image opened).

Bob Long

Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] canvas size to add

2008-01-24 Thread Bob Long
Helen wrote:
>> I wanted to put a mat/frame around a photo, so I went to "canvas size"
>> and enlarged
>> the canvas, thinking I could fill the extra space with color.
>> Turns out I can't do anything with that extra space -- can't paint
>> on it, can't even access it.

I know Layer|Layer to Image size works. The current background colour is

Bob Long
Gimp-user mailing list

[Gimp-user] resize image, loss of quality / successive saves

2008-01-17 Thread Bob Meetin
if this question has been asked before please point me to the answer.

whenever i open a vanilla image in gimp then resize to a smaller 
dimension it becomes fuzzy, soft focus.  to get the sharpness back i 
select filters - sharpen - then about 50 sharpness and all is well 
again.  is this a setting issue or common behavior?

go down this path - after i have done this operation sometimes i have to 
resize the same image to a new dimension. same problem same solution.  
second question, jpgs are lossy.  if i do this then save the jpg a 
second time at new dimension does this cause the same repetitive save, 
loss of quality problem as opening and resaving an image?

i.e. qulity-wise am i better off going back to the vanilla image and 
saving once for each image size as opposed to repetitive saves during 
one open image session?


Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] Alt Key

2007-12-29 Thread Bob Long
Thomas Worthington wrote:
> On Sat, 29 Dec 2007 21:42:54 -0000, Bob Long <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>> a) Do you know the ratio you want to end up with before you start
>> cropping?
> I usually have a target ratio and some leeway. So I might know that
> the ideal is, say, .618 but that .6 to .63 will look okay if that's
> what I have to use to clip out something that I don't want in the
> picture. I don't think this is an unusual situation to be in. I know
> the ratio of the target space or page but I also know that the user
> won't notice/care about a minor deviation in margin sizes.

Ok - thanks for the explanation. That makes sense, and I can now understand 
what you require. On that basis, maybe it's something that the developers 
can consider to be added back to a future version.

Bob Long

Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] Alt Key

2007-12-29 Thread Bob Long
Thomas Worthington wrote:
> On Sat, 29 Dec 2007 17:40:09 -, Sven Neumann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Since I use the click-drag a lot when working on websites, an extra
> twiddle with an extra menu is a nuisance and 2.2 remains the better
> choice for me especially as I also do a lot of cropping and I need to
> see the ratio as I select the area to be cropped. I've just
> re-installed 2.4 and confirmed that this is simply impossible now,
> whereas it was part of the default display on 2.2's crop tool. That's
> a clear step backwards by any rational measure of usability, and if
> you can't see that then I'm at a loss as to what is going on in your
> mind.

Excuse me for jumping in, but maybe I've missed something in the 
"discussion"; I'm not really sure I understand what you are trying to 

a) Do you know the ratio you want to end up with before you start cropping?

b) Or, do you want to crop an area you like, and end up with whatever that 
ratio happens to be, and be able to see it and take note of it (and probably 
use that value later)?

If a), then I don't follow why setting the exact ratio in the tool is 
difficult to do. It ensures the crop will be exactly what you want, without 
having to watch the current ratio and stop dragging at just the right spot.

If b), then I agree that 2.4 does not show the ratio information, as far as 
I can see.

Bob Long

Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] slide copying

2007-12-29 Thread Bob Meetin
Years ago (decades really)  Nikon used to sell a slide copying gadget 
that you mount in front of the lens, perhaps a couple hundred dollars.  
It was useful, but limiting.

Last summer I bought a refurbished Epson 4490 scanner from the Epson 
clearance store.  It came with attachments and software for copying 35 
mm thru 6x7 cm transparencies (and negatives).  It works wonderfully - 
might have cost a tad over $100 US.

I made a custom template out of cardboard so that I could copy my 4"x5" 
large format transparencies and negatives as well.  This was 
time-consuming but worked. 


norman wrote:
> When I used to take colour slides many years ago I always regretted not
> having an easy way of improving the 'as taken' image. I was thinking the
> other day that if improvements could be made to the images using Gimp it
> could be a very interesting exercise. Dedicated slide copiers seem to be
> quite expensive and I wondered if anyone knew of any device which would
> enable me to use my camera to make copies? I realise this is not exactly
> about using Gimp but I cannot think of any better place to ask the
> question.
> Norman
> ___
> Gimp-user mailing list
> Gimp-user@lists.XCF.Berkeley.EDU
> https://lists.XCF.Berkeley.EDU/mailman/listinfo/gimp-user

Bob Meetin
dotted i - Internet Strategies & Solutions

Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] Question about involuntary resizing

2007-11-09 Thread Bob Meetin

Maybe you can post a page for us to see the original, unedited, then the 
page where you see the resizing.  I use ImageMagick and others use other 
programs to do auto-resizing (size, quality, etc) of uploaded images to 
ensure that they fit within the space intended.


Simon Roberts wrote:
> Hi all,
> I created a headshot for a friend, but the website she's posted it on, which 
> is essentially out of her control, does some automatic resizing. Actually, 
> I'm not sure if the resizing occurs in the server, or on the client browser. 
> Anyway, the original image has been offered at a variety of sizes, and every 
> time it ends up looking granular and awful on the end user's browsers. The 
> site admins don't know anything--they're just using a system that was written 
> for them.
> I would provide a single small image resized to the final size, but I don't 
> think that will work because a) I think the resizing is dynamic, and b) the 
> user can click on the image to get a bigger (the unresized) image. I want the 
> larger one to still exist and we'll lose that if we just go with a small 
> image.
> Under these dreadfully sub-optimal conditions, what can I do, or what should 
> I avoid doing, to try to ensure the resized image looks as good as it can?
> I should point out that other people's pictures all look better than my 
> friend's. Not always great, to be sure, but clearly there's room to improve 
> if I knew what to do.
> TIA,
> Simon
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Bob Meetin
dotted i - Internet Strategies & Solutions

Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] some quary

2007-10-09 Thread Bob Long

- Original Message - 
From: "jayesh thorve" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

>   I am Migrating  From  Photoshop to Gimp,
>   In Photoshop there is move tool move any part of image
> so what is option in gimp

The Move tool! It's the four headed arrow. Select part of the image; click 
the tool; select the option in the lower area to move the layer, or 
selection, etc.

Bob long

Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] photo resolution

2007-10-04 Thread Bob Long
From: "David Heino" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> If I am producing images for the web, is 72 dpi still sufficient across 
> all
> possible monitors--a little lap top screen to a large screen HDTV?

Read here: http://scantips.com/no72dpi.html
More information about resolution, "DPI" etc. from the main site: 

Bob Long 

Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] curvy shape with separating bar - another example

2007-09-12 Thread Bob Meetin - www.dottedi.biz
An example of what I would like to be able to create in gimp:  

--> the smooth horizontal curvy shape white/light green, with the 
separating green border that grows from left to right

Is this reasonably doable in GIMP?

Bob Meetin - www.dottedi.biz wrote:
> Hi,
> See 2 sample images at: 
> www.dottedi.biz/codesamples/images/wave1.png
> www.dottedi.biz/codesamples/images/wave2.png
> To create base image #1 I dropped in the blue background color, then 
> used the 'Create and edit paths' tool to add points then create the 
> selection for the greenish  shape.  I did some elementary editing to 
> make the curvy section curvy.  Not perfect but ok.
> The next step is/was to add a border to the greenish area.  This is 
> where it all goes south.  I tried various border widths, also a little 
> blur effect, but still end up with jagged edges.  The question how do 
> you create a shape like this with smooth curves, not the jagged stuff?
> When I used the 'elliptical region tool' to create a circle it looks 
> pretty good. 

Bob Meetin
dotted i - Internet Strategies & Solutions

Gimp-user mailing list

[Gimp-user] curvy shape with separating bar

2007-09-12 Thread Bob Meetin - www.dottedi.biz

See 2 sample images at: 


To create base image #1 I dropped in the blue background color, then 
used the 'Create and edit paths' tool to add points then create the 
selection for the greenish  shape.  I did some elementary editing to 
make the curvy section curvy.  Not perfect but ok.

The next step is/was to add a border to the greenish area.  This is 
where it all goes south.  I tried various border widths, also a little 
blur effect, but still end up with jagged edges.  The question how do 
you create a shape like this with smooth curves, not the jagged stuff?

When I used the 'elliptical region tool' to create a circle it looks 
pretty good. 

Bob Meetin
dotted i - Internet Strategies & Solutions

Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] Making a Stereoimage of Each Layer

2007-08-02 Thread Bob Meetin
If you are doing something like this repetitively you might want to 
consider using ImageMagick and its command-line tool, convert.  It can 
be used to combine sequentially either horizontally or vertically 
multiple images.  No more said as that is another user group.   -Bob

Sven Neumann wrote:
> Hi,
> On Thu, 2007-08-02 at 13:05 -0700, spammy wrote:
>> I recently found myself needing to append a copy of an image right
>> next to itself, essentially doubling the width of the canvas and
>> ending up with a "stereoimage" more or less.  Unfortunately, the image
>> consisted of many layers, and I had to copy-n-paste the content of
>> each layer and then move it to the side, layer by layer.  Well, at
>> least I "had to" in the sense that I didn't know any better.
> Do you actually still need the individual layers? Otherwise you could
> simply flatten the image or merge visible layers before you create the
> stereo image.
>> I foresee myself having to do the same again, and was wondering if
>> there was some fancy way to copy/paste/move all the layers at the same
>> time, or if there might be an even better approach to this.
> You can link layers by toggling the chain icon in the layers dialog.
> Linked layers can be moved together.
> Sven
> ___
> Gimp-user mailing list
> Gimp-user@lists.XCF.Berkeley.EDU
> https://lists.XCF.Berkeley.EDU/mailman/listinfo/gimp-user

Gimp-user mailing list

[Gimp-user] soft-edge effect with corner

2007-07-29 Thread Bob Meetin
I know how to create drop shadows and round corners, but I'm really 
foggy on how to combine the two and create a corner with a soft inner 
gradient type edge. To see an example visit:


select the fist template (pink with spa).  it would be the corner plus 
the extension of the straight lines that is the goal.


Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] printing on DVD

2007-07-19 Thread Bob Long

- Original Message - 
From: "norman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> The printer I have is said to be capable of printing on a CD or DVD. I
> wondered if it were possible to prepare and print images using Gimp and,
> if so, how would one go about the task?

I use OpenOffice.org Draw to do that (and GIMP for any actual image work). 
Draw lets you arrange shapes (circles, in this case) so that nothing prints 
outside the outer circle, and nothing prints in the inner circle.

Bob Long 

Gimp-user mailing list

[Gimp-user] toolbox configuration

2007-05-27 Thread Bob Meetin
two questions:

1) can you configure GIMP (windows) so that it does not open up a new 
toolbox with each opened image? 

2) how do you configure the toolbox so that when you open an image it 
activates a particular tool, such as 'select rectangular regions', 
rather than something that was selected in a previous session?


Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] How do you select the inside of a circle?

2007-05-22 Thread Bob Meetin
here is a sample comparing 2 400 pixel circles created with Chris's  


1. make elliptical selection (select elliptical region) 
1.1. hold the shift key down as you drag and this will force a perfect circle
2. fill with black
3. selection->shrink->enter width of desired stroke in pixels
4. clear

the .gif version is expectedly jagged, the .png is acceptably smooth.

Chris Mohler wrote:
> On 5/22/07, Claus Cyrny <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> [...]
>>  I wonder what I'm doing wrong! :-( Here's an example of what
>>  I tried (Gimp 2.2.8/Ubuntu "Breezy"/24-bit color depth):
>>  http://home.arcor.de/ccyrny/downloads/circles_rgb.png
>>  The "jaggies" remain. :-(
>>  How do you achieve getting a smooth circle? I checked both
>>  anti-aliasing and feather (3.0) in the selection tool. The zoom factor
>>  was always 100%.
> Strange - I must never have stroked a selection in GIMP, because it
> *is* very jagged.  I'm going to search the bugzilla, but this is a
> workaround:
> 1. make elliptical selection
> 2. fill with black
> 3. selection->shrink->enter width of desired stroke in pixels
> 4. clear
> HTH,
> Chris
> ___
> Gimp-user mailing list
> Gimp-user@lists.XCF.Berkeley.EDU
> https://lists.XCF.Berkeley.EDU/mailman/listinfo/gimp-user

Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] baffling image resolution question

2007-05-20 Thread Bob Meetin
And the really befuddling baffling part is that with some of the stock 
images I looked at Gimp seems to read their resolution fine.  So I am 
guessing that with these stock images there is some image manipulation 
going on, then gimp is correctly reading for them?

But on the pictures from my cameras (I just ran another test with a 
different camera) Gimp is bound and determined that the resolution is 72.

If it helps anyone in troubleshooting, the 2 cameras are a Nikon D-70 
and a FujiFilm Finepix S5000. Well I just checked with an old mini, an 
HP Photosmart 635 - same situation.

Roel Schroeven wrote:
> Bob Meetin schreef:
>> See example images at www.dottedi.biz/codesamples/broken
>> The image (vanilla) was taken with an ordinary digital slr.  I know it 
>> is large - if you check the other image, same problem. It is 300dpi.  
>> You can see this if checking with  windows image properties or with 
>> photoshop.  However, when I check in Gimp (2.2) using
>> Image --> Scale Image
>> both horizontal and vertical display as 72.
>> When I load some stock images into Gimp they are correctly display the 
>> resolution, be it 150, 300, whatever.  So the question, "What is it 
>> about this image that is fooling gimp?"  Is it a setting in Gimp that I 
>> might have innocently messed up or other?
> Not only Gimp is confused. I've tried the images in IrfanView and 
> XnView. There is a difference between the two images:
> - img1_resized.jpg: both XnView and IrfanView think it's 72x72. PIL, the 
> Python Imaging Library, thinks it's 72x72 too.
> - img1_vanilla.jpg: XnView says ??? x ???, IrfanView leaves the boxes 
> empty, PIL has no DPI information.
> That's without looking into the EXIF-data. When I look there, both 
> XnView and IrfanView have XResolution = 300 and YResolution = 300 in 
> both images.
> So the difference between Gimp on one hand and Windows image properties 
> and PhotoShop on the other hand seems to be that the others extract the 
> resolution-information from the EXIF-data while the Gimp doesn't.

Gimp-user mailing list

[Gimp-user] baffling image resolution question

2007-05-20 Thread Bob Meetin
See example images at www.dottedi.biz/codesamples/broken

The image (vanilla) was taken with an ordinary digital slr.  I know it 
is large - if you check the other image, same problem. It is 300dpi.  
You can see this if checking with  windows image properties or with 
photoshop.  However, when I check in Gimp (2.2) using

Image --> Scale Image

both horizontal and vertical display as 72.

When I load some stock images into Gimp they are correctly display the 
resolution, be it 150, 300, whatever.  So the question, "What is it 
about this image that is fooling gimp?"  Is it a setting in Gimp that I 
might have innocently messed up or other?


Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] swapping color - resolved

2007-04-30 Thread Bob Meetin
Yes - Converting to RGB and resaving as .gifsolved the problem.  Thanks 
to all.  And yes, too - I understand the effects of the various common 
image types.  In this case I need to stick with .gif unless the client 
says different (and I will offer some explanation).  Too bad IE (6) does 
not offer better support for transparency with .pngs.  The pngfix 
workarounds are fatiguing.

happy to go,

Scott Bicknell wrote:
> On Sunday, April 29, 2007 9:42 am, Scott Bicknell wrote:
>> I created a test image 400x300 pixels and filled it with a gradient
>> from upper left to lower right (white to black). Then saved it as a
>> gif. It was 58.5 KB. After re-saving it as a grayscale png and
>> optimizing it using optipng, it was 18.5 KB.
> Doing the same with your example images resulted in a png that was 379 
> bytes, where your gif is 482 bytes and your jpg is 1,309 bytes.

Gimp-user mailing list

[Gimp-user] swapping color

2007-04-29 Thread Bob Meetin
I inherited an image, a logo, in which I need to swap out one color, 
solid region, for another.  Seems simple. 

I open in gimp, select the region using, have tried both 'Select regions 
by color' and 'Select contiguous regions', then apply any new color and 
I end up with a mix of the original and replacement color.  After 
befuddling myself for an hour (including using other image editing 
software) I copied the image from .gif to both .jpg and .png format.  As 
a .png or .jpg the color replacement works fine. 

See the 3 'raw' images at


I don't really want to be using .jpg or .png images unless I have to.  
So the question, what is causing the replacement to fail and is there a 
way to make or convet  the .gif accept the color swap?


Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] No multiple GIMP instances...

2007-04-20 Thread Bob Long
Durumdara wrote:

>> I'm used Gimp in Windows XP.
>> I have a problem with it that I don't found any option to disable
>> multiple applications.
>> The Gimp is my default picture editor, but when I try to open more
>> than one image file (or open a new image file) - I get multiple
>> instances of the Gimp.
>> I want to use one application, and every new file must be opened in
>> this Gimp.
>> Can I set this option in anywhere?

Not in the GIMP itself.

Associate the image files with gimp-win-remote.exe instead of gimp-x.x.exe, 
or whatever version you are using.

Bob Long 

Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] Logo uses RoostHeavy Font.

2007-04-12 Thread Bob Meetin
If you are on a windows pc, all you should need to do is install the 
font via the windows control panel.  To do this, go to Start --> Control 
Panel --> Fonts

Drag/drop the font into this folder. You might have to restart gimp, but 
in my case it works fine and also with my other utilities that use 
custom fonts.  If I only knew how to do this in linux the easy way...

Scott Bicknell wrote:
> On Thursday, April 12, 2007 10:48 am, John R. Culleton wrote:
>> I have downloaded a TTF version of Roost Heavy.  Where should I put
>> it so that Gimp can find it? In amongst my X11 fonts?
> Try looking in the GIMP's preferences dialog under Folders/Fonts. There 
> should be a list of directories there that it uses to find font files. 
> That should give you a clue about where to put it.

Gimp-user mailing list

[Gimp-user] is it possible to create a fade transition .gif iwth GIMP

2007-04-06 Thread Bob Meetin
Subject says it all, mostly.  I'd like to know if it is possible to 
create a fade-in, fade-out transitional effect with a single .gif image 
using GIMP?  Preferaby where the image one fade out intersects with the 
image two fade in?  -Bob

Gimp-user mailing list

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