Re: [gimp-devel] Proposed Paint Core changes to support textures

2001-02-06 Thread Simon Budig

David A. Bartold ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
> I dug into the paint core to see what needs to be changed to support
> drawing on textured media.  Here's the basic modifications necessary:
>   * enum BrushApplicationHardness:
> Add a new value "TEXTURE" which applies both pressure and
> texture to a brush mask.  It doesn't make sense to apply
> only texture.  Rationale: much of the realism afforded by
> textures is due to the interaction between them and the
> pressure an artist exerts on the medium.

Have you considered making the texture dependant of the direction
in which the user strokes the tool? This would be awfully cool.


Re: [gimp-devel] New Plugins

2001-01-01 Thread Simon Budig

Tuomas Kuosmanen ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
> Speaking of old stuff to be ported to 1.2.. If I remember correctly, the 0.54
> version (yes, kids. It did exist and it ruled.) had antialiased Threshold
> tool.

Hmm - i just compiled gimp 0.54 and did not manage to find *any* threshold
function. Can you give me a rough idea, if this is a separate plugin
or how to invoke this function? A am considering to create a plugin
for this...


Re: [gimp-devel] New Plugins

2000-12-29 Thread Simon Budig

Martin Weber ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
> Now that we have the new gimp 1.2.0 out, we should think about adding
> new plugins to the gimp. Here my proposal:

Basically the number of plugins distributed with the gimp will most probably
shrink. We are thinking about a new scheme of distributing plugins.
There is no final result of this discussion.

> 3. Not yet adopted to the new gimp, but stable in the old version:
> quant.c from gimp-unstable-plugins from the old 1.0.4. gimp.

quant used to crash sometimes deeply in the quantizing algorithm where
I have no idea of

> 4. Scripts:
> lcd-downscale.scm

Do you think, this script ios so importand it should be distributed with
the Gimp? It has a fairly experimental nature...


Is in Gimp 1.2.

> warp-sharp.scm

Do you think it is useful to duplicate the same functionality, just because
it is implemented in two different Languages?


Re: [gimp-devel] FD leak in 1.2.0 Solaris?

2000-12-28 Thread Simon Budig

Matthew Class ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
> With regards to the ulimit problem described on this list earlier, I
> ran lsof on a running gimp, and there are 155 open files...looks like
> all the palettes.  This can't be good...

This has been fixed in CVS.


Re: [gimp-devel] Re: repetitive stress . . .

2000-12-13 Thread Simon Budig

Garry R. Osgood ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
> If he *has* a recent version, then there is a bug (failure to telescope error
> messages), which a bug report would have indicated immediately.

He has not, there are three tools missing in the toolbox.


Re: [gimp-devel] Menus, shortcuts, and internationalization

2000-12-12 Thread Simon Budig

Steinar H. Gunderson ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
> On Tue, Dec 12, 2000 at 03:31:07PM +0100, Simon Budig wrote:
> >Huh? Netscape is "free software"? Do you have an idea what "free software"
> >is about?
> One word: Mozilla. Netscape 6 is based on
> Mozilla, although it has some extra proprietary add-ons.

Well, you say it: Netscape < 6 is proprietary and Netscape =6 is partially
proprietary. And Mozilla != Netscape - that is exactly my point... :-)

> But yes:
> Cutting and pasting works just fine in both NS6 and Mozilla here. On
> both Windows and Linux.

Probably it is impossible to do Alt-E + C for Copy and Alt-E + P for
Paste. Thus it is impossible to Cut&Paste with Netscape   >:->


Re: [gimp-devel] Menus, shortcuts, and internationalization

2000-12-12 Thread Simon Budig

> Well, the great piece of free software called "Netscape" doesn't allow me
> to cut & paste today, so I am going to have to retype a lot of stuff.

Huh? Netscape is "free software"? Do you have an idea what "free software"
is about?

Anyway. Even Netscape as non-free software has a reply-button, which would
include a quoted version of the mail *and* insert a correct "References"-
Header so that a correct threading could be done...

> > There is no way to resolve duplicates - and what does it help if the
> > shortcut-key is the third letter of the Word you want to select?  You
> > want to accelerate your work - and decyphering from some accidentally
> > underlined letter which is the current shortcut does not improve your
> > speed.
> First of all that's why care is (or should be) taken when determining
> which letters get underlined.  Second, there is no posible way you are
> going to run out of 26 letters of the english alphabet on the same
> menu.  Remember, these keys only work while you are on that particular
> menu.

Well - while this may be common/used for Languages with a non-latin
alphabet it is IMHO not a good solution to have *two* shordcut-
indicators like this:

New (N)  Alt-N
Open(O)  Alt-O
Save(S)  Alt-S
Save-As (A)  Alt-Shift-S

While this is an example where the shortcuts can be assigned without having
to choose total unrelated letters from somewhere in the alphabet it shows,
that the menu-entries become nearly unreadable, because the user gets flooded
with information (IMHO).

> On most software packages (not for Linux, though), the
> "underline" action keys are generally organized well enough so that it's
> quicker to push that key instead of moving the mouse.  For laptop users
> this is true especially since most laptop mice don't have as much control
> as standard desktop mice.  If you ever tried to pick a menu item from a
> 1024x768, 10" laptop screen , using a kludgy input device like a
> touchpad or one of those pointing sticks, you would appreciate the ability
> to push a key instead of moving the mouse.

Dont argue with speed: Pressing Alt-F + x to exit a program is definitely
more complicated than pressing Ctrl-Q. This goes double for nested menus.

(As a sidenote: I dont think, referring to bad equipment does help us
much in this case. Everybody, who touches up photos on a 10" LC-Display
with a touchpad and expects a seamless workflow is nuts. You could also
expect Gimp to run smoothly without restrictions on a text-terminal...  :-)

> Again, seems like the
> dominating attitude around this area is "I *hate* alt-f-x style of
> navigating the menus, so it must not be implemented".  Hopefully these
> examples describe this issue better than the original post.

I said, that I wont be unhappy, if this remains unimplemented. *I*
am not the one, who claims that something *must* or *must not* be

> I believe you are missing the point.  Nobody is complaining about general
> shortcut keys.  Things like Ctrl+L are never going away.  This has nothing
> to do with the issue I am talking about, which is putting accelerator keys
> on menu items to allow faster navigation once the menu is already open.

You are talking about using Alt-F to open the File-Menu. Since you have
to invoke the ->File Menu to be able to save images the general
shortcut "Alt-F" would be lost for normal operations. (like repeating
the last plugin).

[Translation issues]
> "File (F)" "Exit (x)" "Image (I)" etc.  The ja.po file for gimp already
> does this kind of things with the "File", "Xtns", and "Help" menu, and
> others.  This is not the most "pretty" way of doing it, but there is no
> issue of having to "relearn" key combinations to get around menus.

See above, why I dont like this notation. The underlining is quite unintrusive
but relies on having the letter in the word...

> > it is blocking a huge amount of "regular" shortcuts.  I *want* to use
> > alt-f/e/s/v/i/l/t/d/r (note that the filters entry would probably end up
> > with an "R" as a shortcut because all other letters are already
> > occupied...)/G/V/C for something other than invoking menus.
> Sigh.  Once again, you are missing the issue and exaggerating the
> problem.  The way Gimp's "image" menu was designed, there is no possible
> way to do the "Alt-blah" thing to open it.  Now if all that menu was on
> top of the drawing area (like a normal menu type thing), then yes, one
> would expect to operate that menu by doing Alt-F or Alt-I etc to open
> it.  But since the main menu is hidden until you right click, then it will
> take that right click to open it.  It is AFTER the fact that its open that
> these shortcut keys come to use.

In your original post you constantly complain, that "Alt-F" does not work.
Extrapolating from that it is clear that the above mentioned Shortcuts should
work the same way for a consistand user interface.
The Idea for a special keypre

Re: [gimp-devel] Request To Revert Curve Tool

2000-12-12 Thread Simon Budig

Garry R. Osgood ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
> > 2000-11-29  Austin Donnelly  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >
> > * app/curves.c: Applied patch from David Hodson
> >   image, but didn't correctly do this.  Now it has the
> >   (more useful) behaviour of doing a partial reset, where the
> >   curve remains the same across multiple invocations, allowing
> Well, after two weeks of trying the new behaviour, I find myself
> not liking it and request that the initial range transform from
> old to new just be the identity transform, as it was
> before.

Add me!

> Alternately, I request an added toggle button to set the
> preferred kinds of initial state.

Maybe a better Idea would be (but this is definitely a new feature)
to have some kind of history, where you can recall the last three (or so)


Re: [gimp-devel] Re: [lasm] Using the menu + "safe pointer"

2000-12-11 Thread Simon Budig

> I could be wrong and this key could be "customizable" too, but in my
> experience, hitting the "r" key while inside an image changes your current
> tool to "rectangular select" which I find to be the least "damaging" if you
> accidentally click somewhere.  Most of the toolbox actions fortunately DO have
> shortcut keys.

FYI: These shortcuts are indeed configurable, because the tools in the toolbox
are the same as in the ->tools menu and thus have configurable
shortcuts. Yeah. Those configurable shortcuts you blamed in your first

> * Configurable menu shortcut keys?  Who the fuck uses that?  I would
>   rather see consistent menu hotkeys so I can do Alt-F-X to exit the
>   application rather than be able to customize what key I press to save
>   the image.  Another useless feature, in my opinion.

Personally I use configurable Menu shortcuts always and I'd pretty
pissed, if they'd disappear. Personally I *hate* the "Alt-F-X" way
to navigate the menus because:

* There is no way to resolve duplicates - and what does it help if the
  Shortcut-key is the third letter of the Word you want to select?
  You want to accelerate your work - and decyphering from some
  accidentially underlined letter which is the current shortcut does
  not improve your speed.

* it is inconsistent and impossible to translate between different
  languages (And I *do* switch between german and english): Now you
  can give hints like "Press CTRL-L to open the L&C-Dialog", this would
  be impossible with "If you use an english Gimp press Alt-D-L, if you
  use an german Gimp press Alt-D-E(benen)"...  I remember the switch
  from Pagemaker 4 to 5: all shortcuts changed, because they changed their
  translation philosophy to translate the Shortcuts too: It was definitely
  a PITA.

* it is blocking a huge amount of "regular" Shortcuts. I *want* to use
  Alt-F/E/S/V/I/L/T/D/R (note that the "Filters" entry would probably
  end up with an "R" as a shortcut because all other letters are already
  occupied...)/G/V/C  for something other than invoking menus.

(That said: A shortcut to open the -menu would be good, further
menupoints could be reached with the cursor-keys.)

IIRC we already discussed these issue when you brought up this thing
some time ago. However, I dont remember a good solution for these
problems and I'm unable to find the thread in the archive. So
I guess this remains unimplemented - and I'm not unhappy about this.



Re: [gimp-devel] Re: use of the Delete key on Dec keyboard or similar

2000-12-01 Thread Simon Budig

Olivier Lecarme ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
> For programs designed after the PC has begun to be the dominant
> computer, most implementors have taken as granted that a Backspace key
> is meant to erase on left, and a Delete key is meant to erase on right.
> This was the simplest solution for them, but it is fundamentally wrong.
> I have the feeling to preach in the desert when I try to convince people
> of that, but at least they should try to understand the problem, and
> even try to find a solution which would work for everybody.

Ok, Ill give it a try. Please specify, where in Gimp you notice the
wrong behaviour. I cannot check this, since every Keyboard I have access
to is a PC-Style Keyboard, where the X-Server maps the Key above the
Return Key to the "BackSpace" Keysym and the key to the right of the
return key to the "Delete" Keysym (as reported by xev, this is a
SuSE-Linux right now)

In an XTerm The "BackSpace"-Keysym deletes the character to the left
of the cursor and moves the cursor one position to the left.
The "Delete"-Keysym deletes the character under the cursor and
does not change the cursor position. In both cases the text to the
right of the cursor is moved one position to the left.

In a randomly chosen Text-Entry field in the Gimp the behaviour is
the same (but the cursor is a vertical line between two chars).

So what exactly is the Problem?


Re: [gimp-devel] Re: use of the Delete key on Dec keyboard or similar

2000-12-01 Thread Simon Budig

Richard Stallman ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
> Gimp developers, I asked Olivier to report this because it is a
> serious (though superficial) problem.  Since the Gimp only runs under
> a window system, it should be able to handle both Backspace and Delete
> in the same way (as delete-backwards), since both of them can be
> distinguished from the ASCII characters C-h and DEL.

One Question: Where in Gimp is the handling of the Backspace/Delete Keys
wrong? Probably in the GTK+-Widgets. So isn't this a general GTK+-Problem
and should be discussed there?


Re: [gimp-devel] Re: layer_get_offests(layerId, &x, &y);

2000-11-30 Thread Simon Budig

Martin Edlman ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
> Simon Budig wrote:
> > Hmm - it is definitely too late to change the Api to rename this
> > function to "gimp_layer_offsets". But is there a special reason why this
> One way to make it sensefull and put gimp_layer_offsets to the API is to
> rename the function and then
> #define gimp_drawable_offsets(id,x,y) gimp_layer_offsets(id,x,y)
> or withou renaming the function just
> #define gimp_layer_offsets(id,x,y) gimp_drawable_offsets(id,x,y)
> You keep compatibility and make happy those who want
> gimp_layer_offsets();

No. You have to change it in the PDB, where those #defines are
useless (they would only work inside libgimp). However, this problem
is not a technical one. I just wanted to know, if there is a *reason*
why this funcion is named oddly.


Re: [gimp-devel] Re: layer_get_offests(layerId, &x, &y);

2000-11-30 Thread Simon Budig

Sven Neumann ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
> Maneesh Yadav <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > No one knows how to get the offsets for a layer from libgimp do they?
> Yes, we know. Since a layer is only a special kind of drawable, the
> following call will perfectly do:
> gboolean gimp_drawable_offsets (gint32  drawable_ID,
> gint   *offset_x,
> gint   *offset_y);

To Quote from the description:

: This procedure returns the specified drawable's offsets. This only makes
: sense if the drawable is a layer since channels are anchored. The
: offsets of a channel will be returned as 0.

Hmm - it is definitely too late to change the Api to rename this
function to "gimp_layer_offsets". But is there a special reason why this
function can handle channels? It may lead to the wrong assumption
that a channel is moveable too...

Anyway, this is an inconsistency and nothing to be fixed before 2.0.


Re: [gimp-devel] Tablet Troubles

2000-11-21 Thread Simon Budig

the Loial Raven ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
> Pressure sensitivity is the problem... it seems like gimp is either
> getting a pressure of 0%, 100%, or some value higher that causes feedback
> when using some paint tools. I was thinking it was a problem with Xfree,
> but when i used the xinputev, i found it was giving proper values...
> Before i switched to xfree 4.0 it was working fine... is there something
> i've missed or a variable i haven't seen?

A wild guess: Is it possible that the names of your pen and eraser have
changed when you rewrote the configuration for XFree 4.0?

If this is the case you have to re-enable the tools for
gimp with the "Input Devices"-Dialog.


Re: [gimp-devel] Types argument to gimp_install_procedure

2000-11-19 Thread Simon Budig

Robert L Krawitz ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
> What happens if you specify RGB rather than RGB* as the image type
> (I'm presuming RGB* means RGB or RGBA) and you get passed an image
> with an alpha channel?  Does the plugin refuse to run (or the Gimp not
> allow the plugin to run on the image), or does the Gimp (or the
> library) handle the alpha channel on the fly?

Specifying "RGB" should disable the menupoint with RGBA images.
However, IIRC doing a PDB-Call from a script-language does work.
Most plugins do a sanity check at the beginning and return an
execution error when the bit-depth does not match.


Re: [gimp-devel] Re: Gimp-Perl fails to build.

2000-11-18 Thread Simon Budig

Simon Budig ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
> IIRC it was like this:
> (17. Nov.)
> cvs co gimp
> ./autogen --prefix=/unstable
> make
> make install

I forgot something here: I did this make install as user simon (/unstable
is mine) and perl of course did not install. I then did an additional
make install in plug-ins/perl  as root.



Re: [gimp-devel] Re: Gimp-Perl fails to build.

2000-11-18 Thread Simon Budig

Marc Lehmann ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
> On Sat, Nov 18, 2000 at 04:54:39PM +0100, Simon Budig 
> > checkout of the gimp. Gimp-perl compiled and - after doing a separate
> > make install as root in plug-ins/perl it worked.
> > (BTW: Why is gimpdoc installed in /usr and not in my PREFIX?)
> See README.perl. It's where you told perl to install extensions.

Hmm - IMHO at least for these additional files (not the module itself)
the option specified at the top level ./configure should be inherited.
>From README.perl I learn that I have only the chance to set one prefix.
Wouldnt this install the Gimp-Perl module in /unstable (in my case)
and perl would not find the module?

BTW: The Perl installation happily installs the man-pages to
/usr/local/man/man?   while the scripts gimpdoc and xcftoppm
reside in /usr/bin. This is inconsistent.

> > However, in the desire to keep up to date  :-)  I did an cvs update
> > and typed make in the top level source dir.
> > Makefile out-of-date with respect to Makefile.PL
> > Cleaning current config before rebuilding Makefile...
> > make -f Makefile.old clean > /dev/null 2>&1 || /bin/sh -c true
> this shouldn't happen. what were the exact commands you entered before the
> make?

I did definitely not mess around in the plug-ins/perl directory.
IIRC it was like this:

(17. Nov.)
cvs co gimp
./autogen --prefix=/unstable
make install

perl was OK at this time.

(today after major changes in app/)
cvs update

> > configure: warning: ** unable to find gimp
> > ./configure: no: command not found
> > ./configure: no: command not found
> > ./configure: test: -lt: unary operator expected
> now *that* is strange ;)

As I said: gimp-config and gimptool are not in my PATH...

> > What is happening here? Why does the second build suddenly depend on an
> It tries to build as a standalone perl extension (so it tries to find the
> gimp). This should not happen as the top-level configure script tells it
> not to do so.

I am not sure, if the make re-invoked the top-level configure script.

> Did you configure the gimp tree without perl? What did you do to enable
> gimp?  Did you do make distclean and re-run

As I wrote before this was the second build counting from a fresh CVS
Checkout. Normally the make re-invokes the script when it
is necessary.

> > Marc - could you please fix this behaviour so that people with zero
> > knowledge about the Gimp-Perl build process could conveniently build
> It works for other people, actually, without any knowledge. The problems
> only start when people replace Makefiles in the perl directory, usually ;)

Ok, but this time I did not yet mess with the Makefile...


Gimp-Perl fails to build.

2000-11-18 Thread Simon Budig


To revive the gimp-perl support for my gimp installation I did a fresh
checkout of the gimp. Gimp-perl compiled and - after doing a separate
make install as root in plug-ins/perl it worked.
(BTW: Why is gimpdoc installed in /usr and not in my PREFIX?)

However, in the desire to keep up to date  :-)  I did an cvs update
and typed make in the top level source dir.
The location of gimp is not in my normal path. However, for my rebuild
of the gimp this should not matter, because it is older than the one I
am compiling...

Gimp Perl fails to build:
Making all in perl
make[3]: Entering directory `/unstable/src/gimp/plug-ins/perl'
Makefile out-of-date with respect to Makefile.PL
Cleaning current config before rebuilding Makefile...
make -f Makefile.old clean > /dev/null 2>&1 || /bin/sh -c true
/usr/bin/perl "-I/usr/lib/perl5/5.005/i386-linux" "-I/usr/lib/perl5/5.005" Makefile.PL 
creating cache ./config.cache
checking for gimp... no
checking for gimptool... no
checking for GIMP - version >= 1.0.4... no
*** The gimptool script installed by GIMP could not be found
*** If GIMP was installed in PREFIX, make sure PREFIX/bin is in
*** your path, or set the GIMPTOOL environment variable to the
*** full path to gimptool.
configure: warning: ** unable to find gimp
./configure: no: command not found
./configure: no: command not found
./configure: test: -lt: unary operator expected
checking for glib-config... /usr/bin/glib-config
checking for GLIB - version >= 1.2.0... yes
checking how to run the C preprocessor... cc -E
checking for libgimp/gimpmodule.h... no
checking for libintl.h... yes
checking for unistd.h... yes
checking for vsnprintf... yes
checking for intelligent life... not found
checking for _exit... yes
updating cache ./config.cache
creating ./config.status
creating config.h
now invoking perl to complete the configuration...
+ exec /usr/bin/perl Makefile.PL --writemakefile PREFIX=/usr

FATAL: unable to deduce plugindir from gimptool script

make[3]: *** [Makefile] Error 1
make[3]: Leaving directory `/unstable/src/gimp/plug-ins/perl'

What is happening here? Why does the second build suddenly depend on an
installed (older) gimp?

Even worse: after adding the location of gimp to the path gimp-perl
ultimately fails to build:

Making all in perl
make[3]: Entering directory `/unstable/src/gimp/plug-ins/perl'
make[3]: *** No rule to make target `all'.  Stop.
make[3]: Leaving directory `/unstable/src/gimp/plug-ins/perl'

At this point the whole issue is no fun anymore and I usually replace
the plug-ins/perl Makefile with:

echo "Gimp-Perl sucks."
echo "Marc, please fix this."

Marc - could you please fix this behaviour so that people with zero
knowledge about the Gimp-Perl build process could conveniently build
Gimp - including gimp-perl - from CVS?



Re: [gimp-devel] Thanks for Tablet Testing

2000-11-15 Thread Simon Budig

Garry R. Osgood ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
> Simon Budig wrote:
> > I wrote a small program to monitor the extended XInput-Events, it is
> > attached.
> I've not had much time to investigate further on , but these are some trial
> runs I get Built and run on ALICE, an SGI Indigo R4000, using MIPS 6.2
> compiler ALICE 35% xinputev --display harriet:0 (An SGI O2 Xsgi X-window
> server Wacom 4.4.0 device driver)

> Enabling No. 2: "wacom" (Type: 1)
> Enabling No. 3: "mouse" (Type: 1)
> Enabling No. 65244: "Core Pointer" (Type: 0)
> button_press  :  device 3  pressure  0.500  button 2
> button_release:  device 3  pressure  0.500  button -2
> button_press  :  device 3  pressure  0.500  button 2
> button_release:  device 3  pressure  0.500  button -2
> In this configuration, button 3 release is consumed before
> it reaches your code when using the mouse.

My guess is, that the release events simply go to the menu
when the mouse pointer is over it at this time. There seems to
be a problem:

[from ]
: The X server automatically causes a pointer grab when a button is
: pressed, and releases it when it is released. This means that the
: button release event always goes to the same window that received the
: button press event. Xlib allows you to change this behavior, but GDK
: does not. (In the Xlib documentation, this automatic grab is referred
: to as a "passive" grab. It's distinct from an "active" grab initiated
: with gdk_pointer_grab(), described in Section 10.6.2.)

Have a look also at .

IIRC this only applies when the event mask contains both the
to be a problem: Obviously this does not work with XInput-Devices.
(Maybe they are "traditionally" something fundamental different than
the "Core Pointer" and all higher level event processing is left
to the application, and the "AlwaysCore"-mode does not respect this)
So a solution might be:

* when someone presses the button down, grab the pointer until the
  release event occurs (should be done on GDK-Level?)

* prevent the invokation of the menu when the first button is pressed
  down (ugly!).

Maybe this is also related to Bug #6901, "Can not continually move a
floating selection with a pressure sensitive pointer."?



Re: [gimp-devel] Thanks for tablet Testing [Re: Tablet Testing Needed]

2000-11-14 Thread Simon Budig

Garry R. Osgood ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
> Simon wrote:
> > When selecting something (e.g. tearing the menu off) the marching ants die.
> > When opening a new image they are alive for the new image.
> I Confirm this as well. Excellent, Simon, for you have brought forth
> the work-around to the problem for the poor Gimp user until this is
> resolved: When Marching Ants Die, Cntl-D for a New Image (I suppose
> saving the image first won't be such a bad idea).  This creates a new
> Selection object for that image without an unbalanced pause count.

Heh - I didn't realize this... :-)

[does GTK handle the XInput-devices and the "normal mouse" in the same way?]
> At present, we know that is not entirely true in two mixes of hardware.
> However, the manner in which they are untrue appears essentially the same.
> I have, however, just read Raphael's well-documented response, and he
> is seeing quite different things. I need more time to reflect on his
> mail, but his results suggest that 10498 does have hardware
> dependencies. I think a sensible fix is not immediately forthcoming.

I wrote a small program to monitor the extended XInput-Events, it is
attached. For my Artpad II it shows a strange thing: If I press the "right"
Pen-Button when pressing the Pen on the tablet, each motion event is
surrounded by proximity in and proximity out events for the
eraser side of the pen. This is probably a bug in the XFree-driver
or a bad tablet-protocol. There is a strange comment in the Driver
source (The Artpad II speaks the Wacom 4 protocol, Intuos Wacom 5:

if (common->wcmProtocolLevel == 4 &&
!(common->wcmFlags & GRAPHIRE_FLAG)) {
/* The stylus reports button 4 for the second side
 * switch and button 4/5 for the eraser tip. We know
 * how to choose when we come in proximity for the
 * first time. If we are in proximity and button 4 then
 * we have the eraser else we have the second side
 * switch.

Maybe there is a bug in the XFree86 driver with this assumption?

My demo program is simply compiled with
gcc -o xinputev xinputev.c `gtk-config --libs --cflags`

When invoked with an additional argument it does report the motion
events too. When you press the right button it invokes a
submenu without any function. You can see, that under certain 
circumstances the release events for the buttons 1/3 dont reach the
main window.


/* XInputEV -- a program for monitoring XInput-Events
 * Copyright (C) 2000 Simon Budig <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 * Distributed under the terms of the GNU GPL.
 * compile with
 * gcc -o xinputev xinputev.c `gtk-config --libs --cflags`



GtkMenu *menu = NULL;
GtkWidget *menupoint = NULL;

/* Event-Handler */
printevent (GtkWidget *widget, GdkEvent *ev, gpointer user_data)
   GdkEventButton *bev=NULL;
   GdkEventMotion *mev=NULL;
   GdkEventProximity *pev=NULL;
   GtkWidget *win = NULL;

   switch (ev->type)
 bev = (GdkEventButton *) ev;
 g_printerr ("button_press  ");
 if (bev->button == 3)
gtk_menu_popup (menu, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 3, GDK_CURRENT_TIME);
 bev = (GdkEventButton *) ev;
 g_printerr ("button2_press ");
 bev = (GdkEventButton *) ev;
 g_printerr ("button3_press ");
 bev = (GdkEventButton *) ev;
 g_printerr ("button_release");
 pev = (GdkEventProximity *) ev;
 g_printerr ("proximity_in  ");
 pev = (GdkEventProximity *) ev;
 g_printerr ("proximity_out ");
 mev = (GdkEventMotion *) ev;
 g_printerr ("motion_notify ");
 g_printerr ("Unknown Event\n");

   if (bev)
  g_printerr (":  device %5d  pressure %6.3f  button %d\n",
  bev->deviceid, bev->pressure,
  bev->type == GDK_BUTTON_RELEASE ? bev->button * -1 :
bev->button );
   if (pev)
  g_printerr (":  device %5d\n", pev->deviceid);
   if (mev)
  g_printerr (":  device %5d  pressure %6.3f\n",

Re: [gimp-devel] Tablet Testing Needed!

2000-11-13 Thread Simon Budig

So. Finally I could do some test with my Intuos A5 and my Artpad II.

Garry R. Osgood ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
> 4. With pen still in hand, move to the interior of the selection region.
> 5. Press down and move the pen (this activates init_edit_selection()
>and Edit Select tool methods that over-ride the rectangular select
>tool-set.  also, the pause reference count is incremented in the
>currently active Selection object; gimp_undo_freeze() had already
>been invoked in a rectangular tool method context) a. Confirm: Move
>cross icon appears. (if Cursor Mode is "Tool Icon")
> 6. If you have a Wacom Intuos tablet (and Grapphire too, I believe) you
>have a right mouse button emulator on the pen body. Such a button
>is often on pens of other models as well. Press this right mouse button
>emulator now.
> 7. Do you obtain a right mouse button Image menu? Please report "yes" or "no"
>to this news group, plus your tablet model and X Input device driver
>(If you know). I have a Wacom Intuos attached to an SGI O2, and the driver
>is the Wacom Tablet Driver for Intuos tablets Version 4.4.0 (SGI)

Notebook, Celeron 333, XFree86 3.3.6, Intuos A5:
I get a context menu. For the misbehaviour I do not need to be inside
the selection. If I make a selection, select e.g. a paint-tool, paint
someting (in- or outside the selection) and while pressing the pen down
press the "right mousebutton" a menu pops up. When selecting something
(e.g. tearing the menu off) the marching ants die. When opening a new image
they are alive for the new image.

This also happens without the "AlwaysCore" mode. Then the mousepointer
does not move with the tablet. Setting the Mode of the pen to "Window"
lets gimp draw its own cursor, the tablet is mapped to the image window.

Create a selection, select a paint tool and move the core pointer to the
image, using the mouse. Then use the pen to paint something and press
the right button of the pen. The menu will open. Selecting something
makes the ants die.

The Artpad II is interesting too: IIRC the protocol is a little bit fuzzy
about the difference between tapping on the tablet and pressing the right
button vs. the eraser side of the pen. The XFree86-Driver starts switching
between the Pen and the Eraser very fast. Sometimes the ants die, sometimes
not. The behaviour is unclear.

> I get a right mouse button Image menu, as if I had pressed the (actual)
> right mouse button in ungrabbed gdk_pointer mode. Had I omitted steps
> 1.a - 1.e and followed the remaining steps with either the mouse or the
> pen (Device status shows "Core Pointer" active), the generation of a right
> mouse button Image menu does not occur after step 5 "press down and move...".
> With the pen pointer (or left mouse button) pressed, the right mouse button
> appears to be ignored.

I can confirm this. Additionally pressing the right button of the mouse
when the pen is pressed onto the tablet will also be ignored.

> I would like to obtain a sense of how widespread this phenomenon
> is. Marc Lehmann reported to this list that he observed it on Simon
> Budig's machine at Systems'99, but not his own, and I believe Simon
> has a tablet/driver/machine quite different from an SGI O2. [See Re:
> Gimp help docs thread]]

It is possible that the graphire Marc had is more similiar to the
Artpad than to the Intuos. I will dig a little bit in the XFree86-Driver.

Hopefully we can fix this in a sensible manner.


Python-Plugin for Gimp - what happened?

2000-11-13 Thread Simon Budig

Hi all.

I'd like to know what happened to the Pygimp-Plugin. There is
a strange comment in

# This has been modified slightly.  The file has been moved to
# because it uses some non standard extensions.  This should
# be resolved when automake-1.5 comes out.

I guess, the non-existance of is the reason why the plugin
will not be build, even with --enable-python.

Is there a special reason for the need of the latest automake features?
I have no clue about these tools, so could someone please help?


Re: [gimp-devel] Tablet Testing Needed!

2000-11-13 Thread Simon Budig

Garry R. Osgood ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
> I was delighted this weekend to uncover a cause to #10498: "Marching
> Ants die untimely deaths" which has been pestering me for sometime
> now.

Whoo ho!

> I would like to obtain a sense of how widespread this phenomenon
> is. Marc Lehmann reported to this list that he observed it on Simon
> Budig's machine at Systems'99, but not his own, and I believe Simon
> has a tablet/driver/machine quite different from an SGI O2. [See Re:
> Gimp help docs thread]]

I have at the moment no tablet available so i cannot try to
reproduce this now. I definitely will try this tomorrow.
But the Machine at the systems was an Intel-Machine with 128 MB Ram.
The tablet was an Intuos A5 with serial connector plus lots of
different pens (3 intuos Pens, 2 Stroke pens, 1 Airbrush, 1 4D-Mouse,
1 inking pen), the X-Server was a 3.3.6 XFree86.

Thanks for hunting in this area!


Re: [gimp-devel] Re: Hispalinux talk / demo

2000-10-29 Thread Simon Budig

Daniel Egger ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
> On 28 Oct, Tuomas Kuosmanen wrote:
> > No clue. Is this a "they want someone to do a demo" or "who the heck
> > is going to do a gimp demo there??"
>  BTW: I'm going to show GIMP at the COMDEX in Las Vegas at the SuSE
>  booth

While we are at it: At the Systems 2000 in Munich will be a (small)
Gimp-Booth at the Linux-Park. Marc Lehman, Lukas Grunewald, me and
(hopefully) Carey Bunks will present the Gimp...  :-)


Systems Fair 2000 in Munich

2000-10-15 Thread Simon Budig

Hi all.

>From 6th to 10th November the Systems 2000 ( will be in
Munich. Among others there will be a small Gimp-Booth.

Do YOU want to help presenting Gimp?  There is still one room reserved
for a gimp-staff member.

Please contact me if you are interested.


Re: [gimp-devel] Re: 3D paint interface.

2000-09-19 Thread Simon Budig

Stephen J Baker ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
> > Unfortunately, you can't communicate that tightly with the core
> > application from a plug-in.  You're limited to the language of the PDB.
> Doh!
> How do devices like digitizing tablets interface to GIMP?  Perhaps
> there is a way for me to pretend to be something like that.

Graphics tablets use a standard X11-way to communicate: the XInput-devices.
So you would have to implement a X11-driver for your "virtual" pen or talk
the (e.g. ArtPad) Tablet protocol to a named pipe where the X-Server reads
it. This "tablet" must not run in "Core-Pointer" mode, since you probably want
to use the mouse to use your program.

Another idea would be to fake events and send them to the Image-Window.
Both ways sound nasty...  Probably Gimp does ignore events when the
image window is not active. You would have to work around hundreds of
strange effects...

I'd guess Gimp 2.0 would support "module tools", where something like this
could work. Now you are limited to things like the gimp-paintbrush PDB-Call
(as mentioned by Kevin) which might help a little bit.

But it definitely sounds interesting... :-)


Re: [gimp-devel] xpm output: is RGB a legal xpm format?

2000-08-22 Thread Simon Budig

Uwe Koloska ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
> With this (and possibly later versions) it is possble to save an RGB image
> to xpm format.  I don't know the xpm format, but the xpm code from kde 1.1
> isn't possible to load such an not-indexed xpm image.
> So two questions:
> o is it legal to save an xpm image in not-indexed format?
> o is the header of this not-indexed format right?  Maybe there is missing
>   the indication for the RGB format

AFAIK the xpm format does not make a difference between "indexed" and
"rgb". From the xpm point of view everything is indexed - with an
arbitrary number of colors.

With a small number of colors it assigns every color an character - 
you can easily understand the format if you read an xpm file.
However with this you run into problems if you have more than ~ 100
colors, because then you would have to use nonprintable/non-ascii
characters. So the xpm-format can use strings (of the same length)
for different colors: "aa" could be red, "ab" green etc.
So the strin "aaab" would mean a red and a green pixel.

I believe this is standard, this bug should be fixed in KDE.


Re: [gimp-devel] Re: Gimp to MacOS

2000-08-08 Thread Simon Budig

Arnaud Masson ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
> I have ported a big part of gtk+  to MacOS 9, it's on mac-gtk at
> SourceForge.
> IT'S ALIVE ! ;-)
> The GDK port is based on QuickDraw+WindowMgr, and Justin Armstrong has made
> changes for carbon support.
> Of course, on MacOS X, he uses a standard unix glib (I must use the GUSI
> posix emulation on the classic MacOS which is not easy for the process
> stuff).

Unfortunately I dont have a mac but...


> AND... I have a minimal version of Gimp running on MacOS 9 !
> There are still a lot of bugs but at least I can paint some flowers with the
> brush tool...


> Currently I don't have much time for GTK because I am on holidays (far away
> from my G4) so you should contact Justin for the MacOS X port.

World domination for Gimp!   ;-)


Re: [gimp-devel] Gimptool in Gimp 1.0.4

2000-08-01 Thread Simon Budig

Marc Lehmann ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
> On Tue, Aug 01, 2000 at 02:26:49PM +0200, Simon Budig 
> > Argh - OK. I forgot the Script-fu scripts. But adding plugins is
> > impossible w/o gimp-devel, because the libgimp header files are
> > unavailable.
> I don't think so: You don't need header files to add a plug-in. You only
> need gimptool. The header files are only required when compiling a plug-in
> from source.

So you can obtain precompiled plugins from the registry?

Anyway. I am not really happy about the descision to put gimptool
in the gimp-devel package. But it will fail to work for installing
plugins from c-source, so technically speaking it *has* a dependency
on gimp-devel and it is perfectly reasonable to put it in gimp-devel.



Re: [gimp-devel] Gimptool in Gimp 1.0.4

2000-08-01 Thread Simon Budig

Marc Lehmann ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
> On Tue, Aug 01, 2000 at 11:49:26AM +0200, Simon Budig 
> > IIRC gimptool is in the gimp-devel package, which makes sense, because
> > all uses (except determining the Gimp Version) are developer-related.
> So, adding scripts you downloaded from the registry is developer-related?
> (it's definitely not _that_ clear).

Argh - OK. I forgot the Script-fu scripts. But adding plugins is
impossible w/o gimp-devel, because the libgimp header files are



Re: [gimp-devel] Gimptool in Gimp 1.0.4

2000-08-01 Thread Simon Budig

Robert L Krawitz ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
[gimptool not in Red Hat Gimp RPM]
> Any suggestions?  Is Red Hat broken, or is it our configure script?

IIRC gimptool is in the gimp-devel package, which makes sense, because
all uses (except determining the Gimp Version) are developer-related.


Re: [gimp-devel] Re: The undo stack does not record some changes in layer attributes

2000-06-07 Thread Simon Budig

Tom Rathborne ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
> On Wed, Jun 07, 2000 at 04:25:49PM +0200, Sven Neumann wrote:
> > I still believe that it is a bad idea to waste undo steps for
> > operations that don't save any shadow tiles.
> I agree. If I'm on a machine with limited resources and have the GIMP
> set up for only, say, 8 levels of undo, I don't want to lose the
> ability to undo image changes just because I toggle a few layers on
> and off.

Agreed... :-)

> The undo history dialog should probably note which actions count as
> "undo levels" and which don't. Also, it would be nice to be able to
> force a tile-changing undo (e.g. with Ctrl-Shift-Z) ... if you do 30
> layer moves/visbility changes then you probably don't want to have to
> hit Ctrl-Z 30 times just to undo your last pixel change.

This comes very close to the idea of micro- vs. macro undo's we discussed
at the gimpcon. Ctrl-Z could undo the last micro-operation:
Toggling visibility, undo the last stroke... and ctrl-shift-z
could undo all operations of the same type: Lets say we have
the following operations on the stack:

Stroke with Brush
Stroke with Brush
Stroke with Brush
Stroke with Eraser
Stroke with Eraser
Stroke with Eraser

Ctrl-Z would work as usual, Shift-Ctrl-Z would undo the last three steps
(all erasing) then the single brush-stroke (like ctrl-Z) and then all

However, this is probably not possible for 1.2. I have no real clue
of the undo system, but it may be possible that Brush and Eraser are
currently undistinguishable for the Undo-system. To hack around this
we could set some kind of flag to the current undo-step when the
tool changes or the operation is fundamentally different from the
previous. Ctrl-Shift-Z would then jump to the next undo-step with this
flag set...

Just my 0.02 DM.



LinuxTag: Sorry, im unavailable right now.

2000-05-30 Thread Simon Budig

Hi all.

Currently our local university has massive problems with the net so
I'm currently not normally reachable via EMail. If you need to urgently
reach me try the Adress <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, this is especially targeted
to all people who contacted me for the Gimp-Booth at the LinuxTag.
Sorry, currently I'm nearly cut off from my EMail-Communication.

Sorry for the inconvenience.

    Simon Budig

currently not reachable via [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Sent through GMX FreeMail -

Re: [gimp-devel] Re: Questions to the Opensource community

2000-05-22 Thread Simon Budig

Soeren Staun-Pedersen ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
> On Mon, 22 May 2000, Rickard [iso-8859-1] Nordström wrote:
> > Hello there !
> > We are two students writing our master thesis about Open Source
> > Software. If you have any experience in developing Open Source Software,
> Would it be okay to reply to the list? I am considering going open source
> with a company project, so any replies to this mail will interest me too.
> So, don't reply private, reply to list please :-)

I'd prefer if you ask them per private mail if they can share their results.
Personally I dont want hundred mails with non gimp-devel stuff...


Re: [gimp-devel] Re: Proposal for new gimp_tips.txt

2000-05-05 Thread Simon Budig

Sven Neumann ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
> > You can save a selection to a channel (Select->Save to Channel) and
> > then modify this channel with any paint tools.  Use the "Channels" tab
> > in the "Layers, Channels and Paths" dialog to toggle the visibility of
> > this new channel and to perform various operations on it.
> Huh? This is misleading. The Channels tab does not toggle the channels
> visibility. That sentence needs to be rewritten.

This Tip should be changed to a pointer to the Quick-Mask option. This
is the easier way to do the same thing. Maybe something like

You can use the paint tools to change the selection. Click on the
quickmask button at the bottom left of an image window. Change your
selection by painting in the image and click on the button again
to convert it to a normal selection again.


Gimp-booth at the biggest european Linux-fair.

2000-04-18 Thread Simon Budig

Hi all.

In about two months the biggest Linux Fair in Europe will take place.
The Linuxtag will happen in Stuttgart, Germany from 29.6.-2.7.2000.
Further information can be found at

The reason why I write this to this list is simple: I'm searching for
people, who are willing to help me with a Gimp-booth. Four days are a
lot of work for a single person :-)

>From my personal experience the Linuxtag is a really great event where
you can meet interesting people and *lots* of interested people.

There are two ways to help:

The most obvious way: Presenting Gimp at the booth. Who can help one or
more days at the booth and show clueless newbies how to draw straight
lines and show professionals, why Gimp is more flexible than Ph*t*sh*p?

Unfortunately it is unclear at the moment, if it is possible to pay a
flight or a room. Ill try to organize some money - probably the group
organizing the Linuxtag has a budget for free projects.

If you are interested please tell me if it is possible for you to come:
- if somebody pays flight and hotel room
- if somebody pays a flight and provides place for a sleeping bag
- if somebody pays a hotel room
- if somebody provides a place for a sleeping bag
- without restrictions.

The other way to help is: provide place for a sleeping bag :-)

I look forward to hear from you.


Re: [gimp-devel] [Fwd: Re: Export behaviour for fully transparent backgrounds]

2000-04-12 Thread Simon Budig

Garry R. Osgood ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
> (2) I trust the user in choosing between information
> content and compression, so long I walk the mile in telling her
> that this is a choice to be considered. Then she can write/invoke the
> macro or deliberately set R = G = B = A = 0  in all regions deemed
> transparent before writing out to file.

IMHO we should not remove any "unnecessary" information until the
user explicitely chooses it. It is a great feature if the unerase
works on an PNG...

> (3) If someone wants to write something in Gimp core or the png
> plug-in to automagically clean up after the user, it's presence should
> be made known and its activation optional.

It is fairly trivial to write a plugin to remove the unnecessary
color-information. Either steal code from the semiflatten plugin
or extend the semiflatten plugin to export a second PDB-function
to remove the UCI. If nobody else works on this currently I can do
this this weekend or so.


Re: [gimp-devel] Re: JPEG correction (was Re: Gimp Wishes)

2000-04-07 Thread Simon Budig

Jon Winters ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
> The only manipulation I can think of that would benefit from "lossless"
> jpeg would be rotating the image.  (if I were shooting low-rez)  I
> remember seeing some tools at the JPEG F.A.Q. site that would rotate a
> JPEG without damage.

This lossless operations depend heavily on knowledge about
JPEG internals. They operate without de- and recompressing the
image data. You can use them with tools like jpegtran .

However, this is nothing to embed into Gimp. Gimp has a totally
different approach on storing image data and it is virtually
impossible to preserve the JPEG-internal data (parasites for all
JPEG-Coefficients - Urgh... ;-)


Re: [gimp-devel] Re: Gimp Wishes (efficient trivial wishes)

2000-04-03 Thread Simon Budig

Karl Heinz Kremer ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
> >  Please note that adding "tags" to the messages will mean that GIMP
> >  isn't usable any more without catalogs which is not very sensible 
> >  IMHO. I'd rather refine the messages to have more variance in the
> >  texts... 
> Why should English be treated differently than any other language?
> Let's just add an English catalog to the default installation and
> the user will not see any difference.

Until he disables nls-support. Some users want this. And then english
is better than some crude tagged semi-english.


Re: [gimp-devel] 1.1.19 bugs and questions about pixmap brushes

2000-03-31 Thread Simon Budig

Raphael Quinet ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
> So my question is: could someone explain what these parameters mean
> and how to save a .gih brush in the correct format?  Specifically, I
> have a set of layers that were originally grabbed from a .GIF
> animation and I would like to save them as a pixmap brush, so that I
> can follow a path with that brush and get some nice effects.  I tried
> various tricks with the guides, with the number of cells in the .gih
> save dialog and so on, but I did not manage to get the effect that I
> wanted.  I only managed to crash the Gimp...  :-(

The GIH was broken, when I tried it some time ago. I dont know if
somebody fixed it there. I always had to "vim -b foo.gih" and
fix the strings with the options. It did help to RTFS to do this.


Re: [gimp-devel] Re: "Global Locking" for Gimp :-(

2000-03-27 Thread Simon Budig

Sven Neumann ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
> > Is there any chance to do this on an "per image" base without
> > hazzeling too much?
> It's not only parallel operations on an image. Gimp doesn't like you to
> change the tool while it is active. So you can't rotate an image (using 
> the transform tools; using the rotate plugin should work) and change to 
> the paint-tool to paint even if you do this on another image. Tools are 
> global, so we have to disable tool-changes globally. 

Oh - forget my other mail then. Hmm - maybe the current way is the
best we could get for 1.2...


Re: [gimp-devel] Re: "Global Locking" for Gimp :-(

2000-03-27 Thread Simon Budig

Austin Donnelly ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
> On Monday, 27 Mar 2000, Simon Budig wrote:
> > Is there any chance to do this on an "per image" base without
> > hazzeling too much?
> I proposed to add per-image locking a while ago, but apparently this
> wasn't too well liked.  I'm can't remember why.
> There are 2 tricky parts (as far as I can see):
>   A) plug-in.c needs to take out an image lock when starting a plugin
>  operation, and release it on normal (or equally importantly)
>  abnormal plugin termination.
>   B) what happens when acquiring a lock fail?  Do you queue the
>  operation up on the lock (hard) or do you fail it (easy)?

I think, proper locking is among the first things that should go in
Gimp 1.3. However, it may be a little bit late for 1.2  :-(

What Im thinking about is: Every user action starts in the image
window. When we prevent 
  a) clicks in the image to take effect
  b) selection of menu items (graying out?)
if this image is "locked" we have a lot of potential crashes fixed.
We could even give some sort of feedback through the cursor.

Well, when a script or plugin randomly accesses the locked image
then this is bad luck, but I think this should not happen too

The way described above eventually could be handled inside
the callbacks. Mitch: Do you see a chance to get it working this
way? Is this reasonable?



"Global Locking" for Gimp :-(

2000-03-27 Thread Simon Budig

Hi all.

I see, that Gimp can be crashed very easily when trying to use multiple
tools at the same image/layer. Michael adressed this: from the changelog:

2000-03-25  Michael Natterer  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

* app/cursorutil.[ch]: new global variable "gimp_busy" which gets
set/unset whenever busy cursors are added/removed.
Here starts the ugly workaround which simulates something like
locking. If it works, it will close lots of bugs, if not, it's
easy to remove again.

So far, I didn't find strange side effects but Gimp is told to be
a complex program :-) Please test this.

Well - unfortunately this disables "user multitasking" with working
on multiple images. Admittedly I dont do this too often, but sometimes
it is nice to paint something while waiting for a big image to
rotate. (just tested - multiple plugins do work! :-)

Is there any chance to do this on an "per image" base without
hazzeling too much? Or - if this is too hard to implement - do you think
that this limitation is better than crashes which could be avoided
if the user knows that parallel operations on an image will fail
and result in data loss?

I do not know, what is the better way, but I think global locking is a big


Re: [gimp-devel] XFree86 4.0 and Wacom Tablets.

2000-03-26 Thread Simon Budig

Garry R. Osgood ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
> Simon Budig <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > 
> > BTW: Does somebody use XFree 4.0 with a wacom tablet? Sometimes I
> > believe, that firm pressing the pen results in no more motion events...
> Is it "no more motion events", or is it *so many* motion events that
> the Gimp becomes paralyzed in processing the backlog?
> And is this problem always observed, or only when the "Perfect but
> Slow" preference choice is made?

It seems to be "no more events", since lifting the pen and touching
the tablet again made the pen work again. It only happens, when
"Perfect but Slow"-tracking is *dis*abled. So I guess, when I press
harder, more events are generated and Gimp loses some events?
Motion Buffer is set to 0.




Making Pencil more useful.

2000-03-26 Thread Simon Budig

Hi all.

Most brushes are quite useless with the pencil, since it treats even an
opacity of 1 as fully opaque. I just fiddled around a little bit in
paint core and tried the following:

simon@cantaloop:/unstable/src/gimp/app> cvs -z3 diff -u ./paint_core.c 
Index: paint_core.c
RCS file: /cvs/gnome/gimp/app/paint_core.c,v
retrieving revision 1.86
diff -u -r1.86 paint_core.c
--- paint_core.c2000/03/05 00:06:09 1.86
+++ paint_core.c2000/03/26 21:11:11
@@ -1366,7 +1366,7 @@
   for (j = 0; j < brush_mask->width; j++)
+ *data++ = (*src++) >> 6 ? OPAQUE_OPACITY : TRANSPARENT_OPACITY;
this sets the threshold to 64. Suddenly the brushes are recognizeable... :-)

What do you think? Does this break something? The best way would be to make
it configurable, but then this is definitely a new feature ;-)



Re: [gimp-devel] Gimp User Installation Dialog / XFree86 4.0

2000-03-25 Thread Simon Budig

> >* There seems to be a problem with the big titles. As you can see
> >  at
> >  the title of an page gets cut off (Gimp CVS from
> >  Sat Mar 25 02:01:18 CET 2000 ).
> Are you using XFree86 3.9.x or 4.0?

Ah yes, this might be the problem... Any ideas?

BTW: Does somebody use XFree 4.0 with a wacom tablet? Sometimes I
believe, that firm pressing the pen results in no more motion events...


2000-03-25 Thread Simon Budig

Can somebody change the redirection from is nonfunctional and
depreciated. The target url should be


Gimp User Installation Dialog.

2000-03-25 Thread Simon Budig


First congratulations for the new User-Installation Dialogs.
But I cannot resist to comment on it :-)

* There seems to be a problem with the big titles. As you can see
  the title of an page gets cut off (Gimp CVS from
  Sat Mar 25 02:01:18 CET 2000 ).

* The dialog is quite huge, it does not fit on a 640x480 screen
  completely. Do we need to fix this?

* Personally I dont like the orange color. I prefer blue, but this is
  personal preference. I tried an alternative layout (with Gimp - not C :-)
  (moving Wilber to the right, blue color) and created another
  Wilber-Icon with a helmet on to indicate that there is real Work
  going on :-)
  You can see a pseudo-screenshot at
  The XCF of the new Wilber is available at

What do you think?

The defaults from gimprc are questionable IMHO. The default imagesize
is not specified and defaults to something around 950x760, which is
pretty close to my screen resolution. Maybe we should default to
something like 300x300 ?

Is there a reason, why (install-colormap) is not enabled by default?
Gimp needs pretty much colors and probably wont start on most
systems with 8bit color. Enabling this has no negative impact on
Truecolor users. So if somebody really uses gimp as the only application
on an 8bit screen he can switch this Option off manually to avoid

The default toolbox-layout is IMHO ugly. Should we default to the
layout with three columns? This has the positive effect that people
updating from Gimp 1.0 will not be confused unnecessary.



Re: [gimp-devel] Re: Bug#6916: [gimp-bug] Wrong PERL Path in ./plug-ins/perl/pxgettext

2000-03-14 Thread Simon Budig

Raphael Quinet ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
> > Are there really multiple different executables named "perl" (not "perl4" or
> > so!) in your path? So when you work in your shell you always execute
> > version 4 of perl, when you invoke "perl"?
> I suppose that Marc meant that the person running a Perl-Fu script
> might not the the person who has configured and installed it.  It is
> likely that the one who configures the Gimp has set his path correctly
> (in order to be able to run configure without errors) but it can
> happen that another user has a broken path, with old tools listed
> first.  In that case, the user would get a different version of perl
> than the one that Gimp was configured with.

I see the point. So it is probably really the best to hardcode the
path to perl at ./configure-time. Though I dont like situations as in
your example. This is a perfect way to create great confusion among the
users... ("But it works for me! Why?")

> I think that the only way to guard against users having a broken path
> is to hardcode the location of the perl executable in the scripts.
> Actually, this should also be done for python because using "env" will
> create exactly the same problems.

Using "env" is much more portable than always using "/usr/bin/python".
Determining the location of the binary at compile time is a good
compromise IMHO. So where is our autoconf/automake guru? :-)

> Just to give you an example, there are several versions of Perl in my
> path on one of the systems I use at work:
> $ /usr/bin/perl -v
>   This is perl, version 5.003 with EMBED
> $ /opt/local/bin/perl --version
>   This is perl, version 5.004_04 built for sun4-solaris
> $ /Local/bin/perl --version
>   This is perl, version 5.005_03 built for sun4-solaris


> There are also some older versions of Perl available, but fortunately
> they have been renamed (e.g. perl4, oldperl) so that they are not used
> by default.

/me wants to say "please fix the version chaos on this machine" but
I understand, that there are Systems with lots of perl installations
where the Gimp-Admin is != Perl-Admin...



Re: [gimp-devel] Re: Bug#6916: [gimp-bug] Wrong PERL Path in ./plug-ins/perl/pxgettext

2000-03-14 Thread Simon Budig

Marc Lehmann ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
> On Mon, Mar 06, 2000 at 04:16:04PM +0100, Simon Budig <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> > There is a better way.
> This might work for python, but it will not work for perl. It will find
> the first perl in your path (which is often perl4), not the perl gimp
> was configured with.

Are there really multiple different executables named "perl" (not "perl4" or
so!) in your path? So when you work in your shell you always execute
version 4 of perl, when you invoke "perl"?


Re: The virtuall CVS checkin (aka the TODO list) (fwd)

2000-03-14 Thread Simon Budig

Hi all.

Xach missed the CCC-Notes, here they are again ;-)


- Forwarded message from Sven Neumann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> -

X-Mailer: exmh version 2.0zeta 7/24/97
To: Olof S Kylander <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Cc: Michael Natterer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
    Simon Budig <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
From: Sven Neumann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: The virtuall CVS checkin (aka the TODO list)
Date: Thu, 12 Aug 1999 21:24:00 +0300

Hi Olof,

> It was a very nice weekend (CCC camp) and I hope I can meet you all again.
> Anyway I hope that you all had some luck with the eclipse. Below is the
> edited todo list. Any questions just mail me otherwise I will send it to
> the mailing list as a post from us all Friday or Saturday.
Yes it was indeed very nice to be at the camp! The eclipse wasn't as 
impressing as I hopes it to be due to the fact that it was raining and we 
haven't seen the total eclipse phase at all. However the moment when the 
light went off was pretty chilling...

I have attached an overworked version of your TODO proposal. These are only 
small formatting changes ( and I changed tile cash to tile cache ).

Salut, Sven


Hello Gimpers!

As some of you may know, we (Sven, Mitch, Simon and Olof) have had a
Gimp session at the CCC camp in Berlin. Naturally, this resulted in a lot
of hacking and we have added some nice new features to Gimp.

Most of our current project is not finished yet, and some of the features
aren't in a presentable state, so we can can't commit them now. But 
freezing Gimp without adding these new features makes some of our work 
quite useless. We have therefore redefined the meaning of "feature freeze", 
and hereby add those features (listed below) to the development version of 
Gimp. You can consider them virtually checked into the current CVS tree :-).

* Features added by Sven, Mitch, Simon and Olof into the *
*  current CVS tree as of 8 August 1999, Berlin Germany: *


Channels-> drag channel to toolbox to create new image
(both grayscale and RGB)
-> drag alpha channels to image to add channels to
that image (both single and multiple
selected channels)
-> drag color from color selection dialog or
fg/bg color swatches to colorify channel

Layers  -> drag to palette (new palette from the current
-> drag to brush (new brush from layer)
-> drag to pattern (new pattern from layer)
-> drag to gradient (extract palette and
distribute in HSV space :-)
-> drag to layer mask

Selected layers -> the same functions as for Layers

Layer Masks -> the same functions as for Layers

Image   -> drag image to layer dialog to create new layer
of image (select (modifier key) to drag
all visible layers or just the active
-> drag image to layer mask (select (modifier key)
to drag all visible layers or just the
active layer)

-> drag image to channel (select (modifier key) to
drag all visible layers or just the active
-> to palette (new palette from the active layer)
-> to brush (new brush from image)
-> to pattern (new pattern from image)
-> to gradient (extract palette and distribute :-)

File-> drag filename (from the File Open dialog) to
-> to layermask
-> to channel
-> to palette (new palette from the active layer)
-> to brush (new brush from image)
-> to pattern (new pattern from image)
-> to gradient (extract palette and distribute :-)

Toolbox -> drag foreground color in fg/bg color swatch to
background or vice versa
-> drag color, pattern or gradient to status

Path-> drag selected paths to image  (will copy paths
from one imag

Re: Bug#6916: [gimp-bug] Wrong PERL Path in ./plug-ins/perl/pxgettext

2000-03-06 Thread Simon Budig

> -- Problem description:
> Path to PERL do not have to be:
> #!/usr/bin/perl
> it's somewhere else at my system...
> -- How to repeat:
> Try to compile with PERL installed somewhere else...
> -- Other comments:
> Should be set in ./configure correctly...

There is a better way. If the scripts start with

#!/usr/bin/env perl

env will search for perl in the path and start it. From the env info-page:

   The first remaining argument specifies the program name to invoke;
it is searched for according to the `PATH' environment variable.  Any
remaining arguments are passed as arguments to that program.

I submitted a similiar bug-report for pyton to the list, but noone
cared to apply it. I do not have CVS-write access so I cant fix it.



Some Python-fu Plugins fail with a nonstandard python installation. Fix attached.

2000-02-19 Thread Simon Budig

[This should go to [EMAIL PROTECTED], but this complained about
a missing Package-header. Can't the tracking System handle Mime-Mails?]

Package: gimp
Version: CVS from 19.2.2000
2 Python scripts fail to start with a nonstandard python installation
since the path to /usr/bin/python is hardcoded there. The attached
patch fixes this by using "#!/usr/bin/env python" (as usual).

The diff was created in $GIMPSRC/plug-ins/pygimp/plug-ins/


RCS file: /cvs/gnome/gimp/plug-ins/pygimp/plug-ins/,v
retrieving revision 1.1
diff -r1.1
< #!/usr/bin/python
> #!/usr/bin/env python
RCS file: /cvs/gnome/gimp/plug-ins/pygimp/plug-ins/,v
retrieving revision 1.1
diff -r1.1
< #!/usr/bin/python
> #!/usr/bin/env python

Gimp-Icons not correctly highlighted on mouseover?

2000-02-19 Thread Simon Budig

Tuomas Kuosmanen ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
> On Tue, Feb 08, 2000 at 10:55:04PM +0100, Jarda Benkovsky wrote:
> > IMHO the problem is that the new ones (from dodge/burn on) are
> > somewhat inconsistent in drawing style - I would personally like
> > them to have more gray, so they are visible with dark button
> > background too. For example, lasso or text have nice gray shadow, so
> > they are clearly recognizable, but dodge/burn and smudge are black
> > only.
> They could use some shading. But other than that, I think they serve their
> purpose pretty well.

BTW: Has something changed in the handling of the icons/toolbox buttons?
If I move the mouse over a button (current CVS) just a rectangular frame
around the image gets highlighted. Did the transparency of the imaged


Re: [gimp-devel] Probably a FRF: Dialogs should remember

2000-02-15 Thread Simon Budig

Aaron Optimizer Digulla ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
> (a Frequently Requested Feature): When I close a dialog and open it again
> (e.g.  a plugin), it should *not* reset its values to the defaults.

This is a per plugin issue. AFAIK most plugins do this already. Where
did you notice it?



Re: [gimp-devel] Re: Edit File behaviour change?

2000-02-15 Thread Simon Budig

Sven Neumann ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
> > I agree with marc here. Nobody expects Gimp 1.0 / 1.2 compatibility.
> > If we change this right after the 1.2 release we would force people
> > who want to use new plugins to a probably really unstable developers
> > version. IMHO this is bad.
> Ok, so who is going to do it? We will certainly not accept a change as
> it was done the last time. All scripts and other affected spots have to
> be changed!

Here is a list of probably all affected files:

[simon@vmax:~/cvs/gimp]> find . -exec /usr/local/bin/grep \
> -l "edit.fill" \{\} \; 
./ChangeLog   # no need to fix :-)
./README.perl # probably no need to fix
./app/commands.c  # Just callbacks
./app/edit_cmds.c # Autogenerated
./app/menus.c # Just menu-generation
./app/global_edit.c   # This needs to be adjusted to use the fg-color
./docs/script-fu.tex  # Some example scripts need to be adjusted.
  # BTW: Do they work in Gimp 1.2 ???
./help/C/image/edit/fill.html # Not yet documented
[15 files deleted]

# Marc?

[64 files deleted]

# Raphael already volunteered... Contact me, if you need assistance.

./plug-ins/pygimp/doc/procedural-database.html   # no need to fix
./plug-ins/pygimp/doc/pygimp.sgml# example needs fixing
./plug-ins/pygimp/doc/structure-of-plugin.html   # example needs fixing
./plug-ins/pygimp/plug-ins/ # needs fixing.
./plug-ins/pygimp/plug-ins/  # needs fixing.
./plug-ins/pygimp/plug-ins/   # needs fixing.
./tools/pdbgen/pdb/edit.pdb# Documentation string needs to be fixed.

# I can do this.

Did I miss a Pattern? I think "edit.fill" is good enough?



Re: [gimp-devel] Re: Edit Fille behaviour change?

2000-02-15 Thread Simon Budig

Marc Lehmann ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
> Kevin Cozens <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >  From some of the other comments on the mailing list here, perhaps its 
> > something that should be changed after 1.2 is out. Many scripts may have to 
> I don't think  so: if you need to do an incompatible change, do it as early
> as possible. If we break it now, people will need to change things for 1.2,
> but the devel version and the released version will act the same. In other
> words: each such change, done early, will remove one further source for
> incompatibility between gimp-1.2 and 1.3.

I agree with marc here. Nobody expects Gimp 1.0 / 1.2 compatibility.
If we change this right after the 1.2 release we would force people
who want to use new plugins to a probably really unstable developers
version. IMHO this is bad.


Re: [gimp-devel] Re: An experiment (was Re: Move help menu item...)

2000-02-10 Thread Simon Budig

Jon Winters ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
> I've had problems with the toolbox ever since it became re-sizable.  I can
> size it exactly the way I want it, three vertical rows of tools with
> colors, brushes, patterns, and gradients below but the brushes, patterns,
> and gradients are always pushed outside the window, invisible and
> un-usable.

Known Bug. Solution: If the Gradients are unuseable make the window
*smaller*. Yes, smaller. The gradients will come up.


Re: [gimp-devel] Re: Move help menu item to last-on-left not first-on-right?

2000-02-10 Thread Simon Budig

Nick Lamb ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
[Reordering the Toolbox Menubar, because "Help" clobbers "Xtns" with
narrow Toolboxes]

What about renaming "Help" to "?" ? Maybe we can do this automagically
in narrow Toolboxes.

Is there a way to detect the clobbering?


Re: [gimp-devel] Re: Announcing a New GIMP Book

2000-02-08 Thread Simon Budig

Carl B. Constantine ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
> Is there any way to "unflatten" or unmerge layers in the Gimp? Here's why. I
> used a Script-Fu script to generate a 3D Text logo for my wife. It looks
> very cool. However, the final image only has a single layer and the
> background is all white. This means I can't change the background at all no
> matter what I've tried. I've tried duplicating the layer and modifying one
> layer. I've just tried selecting all the white area - but this doesn't work
> well due how the text turned out, etc. but I want to use a different
> background for this image. It would be nice if the script-fu scripts kept
> the layers in tact so that users could do some more manipulation
> ofter-the-fact to fine tune the image a bit.

To unmerge the layers would involve significant magic, since this infomation
is lost when flattening the images... You can try to eliminate the
call to (gimp-flatten-image foo) in the script. Hopefully this is the
last step in the script. Then the layers will be preserved.


Re: [gimp-devel] Re: Pathtool?

2000-02-07 Thread Simon Budig

Sven Neumann ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
> Daniel Egger wrote:
> >  It works, it may not have all the features that Simon desired but it's
> >  nice nevertheless...
> Do you have any idea how much work is needed to integrate it with the 
> Paths dialog? A number of new bugs would certainly be introduced by doing
> so. That's why I say: It's too late!

Agreed. Its a pity that I dont have the time to complete the tool at the
moment and - as pointed out earlier - I dont dare to touch the Path-Dialog
in the current feature-freeze state. The converting-to-selection should
be pretty easy.

> >  I'd like to hear the thoughts of developers, too

Hmm - Sven is no developer??? Did you mean me? I did the above statement
some time ago - so what?

The behaviour of the old Path-tool is strange - yes. But I dont think it
is buggy. I can not remember how to use it and so it sometimes seems
strange when clicking on an anchor creates a new anchor. But this
is not a bug: To move an anchor you have to press IIRC Ctrl.



Re: [gimp-devel] Re: Some UI inconsistencies and a patch....

2000-02-02 Thread Simon Budig

> On  1 Feb, Marc Lehmann wrote:
> > Your:
> > CategoryNew File
> > Looks IMHO much worse than the existing:
> > CategoryNew File Settings
>  Not really, you have the word "Preferences" just a few mm above it.
>  Also there was some inconsistency: The category "Monitor Information" was
>  a settings dialog anyway but it had no "Settings" in its name

Hmm - I dont like the first too, since it is unclear what preferences
are adjusted inside "New File". "New File Settings" is not much better...

What about "New File Defaults" ?

> >>  2. Some tools had a "Tool" in the options dialog and some not. Since
> >>  all toolsare tools and people know what tools are, we don't need
> >>  to call some
> > Same thing here. Just because all tools are tools there is no reason
> > _NOT_ to display this.
>  Well, we could have add the word "Tool" to all tools the other way
>  round but that's unprofessional; you don't call every Mercedes
>  "Mercedes Car", do you? You know that Mercedes produces cars as you
>  know that a pencil is a tool and in a toolbox every item is a tool.
>  There's no need to tell the user what she/he's seeing if it's
>  obviously.

So, what about the "Colors->Curves" Thing ? It is a tool isnt it?
It is not always clear, if something is a tool or not - especially
when it does not have a button in the Toolbox.

IMHO Redundacy is not that bad. I vote for "Tool" in every Option-Dialog.



Re: [gimp-devel] Re: End-user feedback: Perl logulator & innerbevel

2000-01-24 Thread Simon Budig

Marc Lehmann ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
> On Mon, Jan 24, 2000 at 01:52:40AM +0100, Sven Neumann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> > I won't unless someone tells us what he thinks is broken.
> Well, telling "us" about it didn't help in the past, so why should it now?
> "us" should mean "the script-fu maintainer", and not me nor you.


NAME   : script-fu
AUTHOR : Spencer Kimball & Peter Mattis
SIZE   : 463.2 kB  in 11 files (only C files counted)



Re: [gimp-devel] Re: Thanks (Re: Gimp splash images)

2000-01-13 Thread Simon Budig

Adrian Likins ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
> On Wed, Jan 12, 2000 at 03:15:55PM -0800, Tuomas Kuosmanen wrote:
> > On Wed, Jan 12, 2000 at 10:24:09PM +, Austin Donnelly wrote:
> > > I vote for releasing gimp 1.2 with Tigert's 1.4 "floating balloon"
> > > splash screen.
> > 
> > I was thinking  of that too. People seem to like that one.
>   the baloon, the rocket, or the new one are my faves for 1.2. I really
> like the newest one. Nice work.

I love the newest one (with the brush), esp. since this is our first
stable release with XInput-Support.


Re: [gimp-devel] Re: Triage! (was Re: [gimpwin-users] PNG blank display bug)

2000-01-10 Thread Simon Budig

Garry R. Osgood ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
> If there were one feature of Simon's path tool that I would like to have
> automagically appear in the Integrated path selection tool, it is the ability
> to manipulate the curve by "pulling" on it directly. it is a very pleasant
> way to adjust curves. It's effect needs to be adjusted near control points;
> bezier basis functions associated with the first and fourth control points
> grow expotentially to unity, so manipulating Simon's path near control
^  infinity?
> points can be a tad exasperating.

Yeah. The basic idea is, that when you drag on the curve near an endpoint
you dont want to change the curve at the other endpoint. So I have to
move the handle from the near endpoint more drastically to achieve
the "curve-dragging" effect. Maybe I should limit the ratio at some point...

Anyway: It is not too hard to get the control-point back: Simply drag
the curve near the anchor towards the anchor. The controlpoint will
appear as quick as he went away earlier :-)


Re: [gimp-devel] Re: Triage! (was Re: [gimpwin-users] PNG blank display bug)

2000-01-10 Thread Simon Budig

Sven Neumann ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
> > How about some comments for feature triage? There are some features in
> > Gimp 1.1.x which are buggy or unusable, yet stay the same for weeks
> > at a time. Without paid staff to do this work, we must throw away [*]
> > stuff that's not going to make it. On my short list...


> > * Paths
> Simon ?

Umm - Yes. I´m terribly sorry, but at the moment my Dis-organizer works
a little bit too well. A short summary of the state of the tool:

Good News:
* Manipulating the path works, maybe needs some minor cleanups.
* Converting to a selection probably is easy, since there is code
  from Andy to convert an array of floats to an selection.
* The code seems fairly stable - I dont get crashes at the moment.

Bad News:
* The API for new path types is not sane at the moment. At some points
  are Ints instead of floats, some functions do have too much parameters
  and so on. 
* The integration with the paths Tab in the L&C Dialog/the PDB Path API/
  The XCF-Format is probably horrible - at least for me. Im not sure
  if this is on the TODO for 1.2, since there are lots of points, where
  we can break something.

My point of view: If the Integration of the Paths tool could not be done
before 1.2 we should not include the tool. Its use is too limited in the
current state. It should be fairly easy to remove the files shortly before
the 1.2 release if necessary.

Ill try to do something on the tool in the next time, but as always I
cannot promise anything. The first thing would be the API cleanup, the
second thing would be to prepare the conversion to a selection, but bound to
some strange events, since we need the Integration for the right way to
do it.

Hope this clears some things. Ill respond to questions... :-)



Re: [gimp-devel] Re: Feature wanted

1999-12-22 Thread Simon Budig

Glyph Lefkowitz ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) missed an important feature :-)
> The only thing *I* would say is a problem is the fact that the tool
> shortcuts are so widely spaced on the default QWERTY keyboard: using GIMP
> is a lot like playing Quake for me :) and it would be nicer if I could
> have my right hand on the mouse and my left hand on the keyboard and not
> move it around so much; but that might make the keys less pneumonic.

You know how to remap keyboard shortcuts? Simply open the menu, move the
mousepointer over the appropriate item and press the new shortcut.
It will be saved in .gimp(-1.1)/menurc

Really cute!


Re: [gimp-devel] Re: Feature wanted

1999-12-20 Thread Simon Budig

Paul Melis ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
> I suggest the following generalisation: 
> a thingy (for lack of a good name) which: 
>   - activates a certain tool on the toolbox
> and has its own settings for that tool
>   - picks a certain color/pattern/gradient
>   - picks a certain brush
>   - etc...
> Every image can then have a set of thingies associated
> with it (just like a set of paths). A user can select
> a thingy from this list, which is an easy way of selecting
> a tool from the toolbox, picking the right color and
> picking the right brush and ...

This has been adressed in the context-system. Michael Natterer
did work on this. I dont know the current state, but it probably
wont come into 1.2.



Re: [gimp-devel] How to make scripts undoable?

1999-11-23 Thread Simon Budig

Raphael Quinet ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
> Olof and others mentioned here that it is important for the GIMP to
> have a consistent interface.  One of the inconsistencies that should
> be fixed before 1.2 is the fact that many scripts (mostly Script-Fu)
> are not undoable.  Making these scripts undo-aware is a prerequisite
> for moving them from the "Script-Fu" menu to the "Filters" menu or
> some other location.  So I started thinking about this a bit...

A short notice to this topic: Even a "normal" (C-implemented) is
not undoable by default (IIRC). This may be the case, if it just
fiddles around in some shadow-tiles and handles them correctly.
But if you have to handle several layers and do some PDB-Calls
you wend up quickly with the same unwanted effect as with the scripts.

I had this problem, when I ported the pagecurl plugin.


Re: [gimp-devel] Re: Menus

1999-11-14 Thread Simon Budig

Tuomas Kuosmanen ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
> On Fri, Nov 12, 1999 at 11:50:53AM -0700, Michael J. Hammel wrote:
> > I suspect a similar change would need to be made to the Layer menu, ie "Set
> > Layer Size" instead of "Layer Resize".  Just for consistancy sake. 
> Resize Layer and Resize Canvas would be consistent, but what do others
> think? I dont want to be too pushy on these :) But I like the term "Canvas".

Yeah, I think Canvas is better than image in this case. But there is
a (minor) clash with the "Apply Canvas" Script, where Canvas stands
for the real material (in germany we would say "Leinwand" or somthing
like that. But we can rename script to something like "Apply Structure"
or so.

But Im not a native english speaker...


Re: [gimp-devel] Re: Menus

1999-11-12 Thread Simon Budig

Austin Donnelly ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
> On Friday, 12 Nov 1999, Simon Budig wrote:
> > Me too. What about moving this one to the Dialog menu?
> Under "/View", maybe?  At the moment, the undo history is like
> the info window - tied to a particular image.  If you want a single
> instance of it to track the active image like L&C, then putting undo
> history under /Dialogs would make sense.

The latter is IMHO the right thing to do (TM).


Re: Menus

1999-11-12 Thread Simon Budig

Olof S. Kylander ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
[Lots of good ideas snipped]
>   * Reconstruct the menu structure 
>   Core gimp funcs 
>   Image menu
>   /image/-mode-|
>  |RGB
>  |Grayscale
>  |Indexed

Add a separator here, since Compose and Decompose are no Modes...
Do we have a better name for the submenu to reflect this?

>  |Compose
>  |Decompose
>  |
>   Transform--|
>  |   Offset
>  |   (Remove layer)
>  |   Auto-crop
>  |   Guillotine
>  |   Image -- Rotate (270/90)
>  |   Rotate (no layer option)


>  |   Zealous Crop
>  |
>   ---
>   Resize  could be named Canvas size
>   Scale Image could be named Image size

Canvas Size is perfect IMHO. Scale Image is better than Image size.

>   Duplicate
>   ---
>   Histogram
>   Save palette
>   Edit Menu
>   /edit/---|
>   Undo
>   Redo
>   Undo history (not happy with this one)

Me too. What about moving this one to the Dialog menu?

>   Cut
>   Copy
>   Paste
>   Paste into  
>   Paste as new
>   Buffer--|   
>   -   Cut Named
>   Clear   Copy Named
>   FillPaste Named 
>   Stroke
>   -
>   Copy Visible
>   Layer Menu (Image and dialog)
>   --|
>   Layers & Channels
>   Stack--
>   Layer--Rotate (270/90)
>   Rotate (no image option)


>   -
>   Same as before
>   -
>   Semi-Flatten

Since this is a plugin: Is it possible for a Plugin to register in
the Layers&Channels Submenu?

>   Filter Menu
>   Filter/--|
>   Repeat last
>   Re-show last
>   Filter all layers
>   Animation (The same except Filter all ...)


>   Toys (the same ;-)

This is *way* too obvious. What about
->Filters->Misc->Stuff->Not useful->Just Toys->Really!->Dont try this
at home->You->have->been->warned->The egg   ? ;-)

>   File Menu Image
>   /file
>   Remove Preference
>   File Menu Toolbox
>   /file/-|
>   New
>   Open
>   Acquire (We have to tell SANE)  
>   Preferences
>   Dialogs
>   -
>   Doc Hist
>   Quit

What about unifying those two menus? We do have the concept of an active
image, so why not use it?

BTW: We have to add an indicator, which display is currently active.
Another field in the status bar is IMHO a good start.


Re: [gimp-devel] Re: Clean up and Re: Help System

1999-11-12 Thread Simon Budig

Sven Neumann ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
> > Magnify:
> > zoom out
> > ---> zoom in  
> Isn't it just always Zoom In (I mean unless  is pressed of course)?

Just an idea: middle mouse-button is panning, why not Shift-middle
button = Zoom Out and ctrl middle-button = zoom in. (Personally I'd
prefer it the opposite: Shift: Zoom In, CTRL: Zoom out, but I cannot
tell you why, it seems more logical for me...)
Maybe using alt for allowing window resizing is a good idea.

In a post 1.2 step we can make the Magnify tool behave the same and
simply bind the middle mouse-button per default to the magnify-tool.
Then you could assign arbitrary tools to the middle mb - for example
to easily switch between the eraser and the paint tool.

BTW: Shift middle-button + some dragging easily leads to artefacts
when the paint tool is active!

Apropos cleanup: What about removing the pencil and substitute it with a
"hard edge" toggle in the Painbrush? Sometimes it is quite hard to
convince the people to use the paintbrush instead of the pencil...



Re: [gimp-devel] Re: Help System

1999-11-10 Thread Simon Budig

Austin Donnelly ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
> On Wednesday, 10 Nov 1999, Sven Neumann wrote:
> > - Grab GtkXmHtml seperately. This is difficult at the moment, but I was 
> >   told that the gEdit application offers a seperately bundled one.
> If gEdit needs GtkXmHtml, and so does Gimp, does this not mean there's
> a real requirement to make GtkXmHtml a standard part of libgtk?
> Maybe the time has come to fold GtkXmHtml into the main library.  We
> should talk to the gtk people.  Tim, Owen?

IMHO there is a lot of things, that should be reorganized in the
GLib/Gtk/Gnome-field. Higher-level widgets like Gnome-Canvas and
GtkXmHtml should go in a separate library, since Gtk is already a
huge library and those very specialized widgets are not useful for
the average application. Gnome Canvas is so useful, it should not be
in the Gnome-Libs, because some people refuse to install gnome
(I dont know why, but there are those people...)
Also the Object Model in Gtk should go in the glib package. 
Things like the signal-handling can be useful in Non-Gui
applications and I dont want to link against Gtk for a

Just my 2 Pf,

Re: [gimp-devel] Re: Tile Cache Size

1999-11-01 Thread Simon Budig

Guillermo S. Romero / Familia Romero ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
> Why I say that? Becuase Unix swap (I suppose to a partition, not to a file)
> will be better than Gimp swap. So if you need to swap, use first what the OS
> provides, and then Gimp system (and if NFS, remember to use local /tmp for
> Gimp).

This is not necissarily true. The System-Swap routine is optimized for
arbitrary data. Gimp organizes its image-data in tiles and may perform
better in swapping those tiles, since they are a very special data-structure.

So the swapping routines could be optimized specially for those data
(I have no idea if this is done currently) and perform better than the
systems routine.

The NFS problem should be adressed. Can we detect somehow if the
configured swap-directory is a NFS-Direcrtory and issue a warning?


Re: [gimp-devel] Re: tile cache size

1999-11-01 Thread Simon Budig

Austin Donnelly ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
> Idea: if the size is set to 0, make it mean "guess something good".
> Out of the box gimp can come with it set to 0, and we just make the
> algorithm pick something appropriate.  That's the hard part.

Just to start a discussion: What about trying to detect if it is a 
"private" machine with less than 5 regular users and then using
80% of the physical memory?


Re: [gimp-devel] Re: More Inconsistency in eraser, blur and dodge tools

1999-10-31 Thread Simon Budig

Tuomas Kuosmanen ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
> We also have Space if we need something. On Photoshop it is used for
> panning, but Gimp has mouse2 for that. Could Space be a toggle after all for
> the togglable tools? I know we had a talk about this a while back, and we
> agreed that Shift is a "natural" way to "shift" things.. But it is clearly
> conflicting at the moment.. I would be just happy to control the tool
> toggles (erase/antierase, fg/bg fill, blur/sharpen, dodge/burn) with SPACE.

Hmm - what do you think about dropping the panning (Ugh - no - dont beat
me! :-)  I think the Quick-navigation is much more useful and quicker.

So we could use the middle mousebutton for an alternative function, maybe
even a second device with an own context.

Just my 0.01$ :-)


Re: [gimp-devel] Re: Tablet and multiple active Areas / Pointer Window Mode

1999-10-31 Thread Simon Budig

Olof S. Kylander ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
> In the new driver which I asume that you use the AlwaysCore is always on
> :-). This is why you have trouble.

No, one configured device does not emit core-events. The Problem is,
That I want Gimp to handle two different XInput-devices with the
same "context", so I can use one area as Quickpoint-area to move the
core-pointer and one area to paint in the window without moving the
core-pointer. But Gimp insists to have different configs for those
two devices.

Hmm - probably something for the wishlist :-(



Tablet and multiple active Areas / Pointer Window Mode

1999-10-30 Thread Simon Budig

Hi all.

I have defined two active Areas on my tablet, one generates core-events,
one not. See the part in the XF86Config.

SubSection "WacomStylus"
DeviceName  "Stylus Pen 2"
Serial  2564817921
BottomX 15240
BottomY 12180
# AlwaysCore

SubSection "WacomStylus"
DeviceName  "Stylus Pen 2"
Serial  2564817921
BottomX 20320
BottomY 16240

>From the X-Server point of view it works as expected. But the idea
was: I want to use the bigger area in the top left corner in Window-Mode
and the bottom Left corner as Quickpoint-area. The Problem is:
Gimp detects two different devices with the same name. So it is impossible
for me (without a mouse or using the menus) to change the "windowed"
Pen to another tool, because the Quickpoint-Area is an own extended

Is it possible for Gimp to treat two XInput-Devices as the same



Cool method to sharpen images (including script!)

1999-10-28 Thread Simon Budig


The german computer-magazine c't (No. 22/1999) described a cool method
to sharpen images including a Photoshop-action.

I converted it to a Script - it is attached.

Basically unsharp edges will get squeezed together, so that the edge
will get sharper (by edge-detecting, bluring, bump-mapping two times 
for X- and Y-direction and displacing)

It works quite cool.


;;; warp-sharp.scm
;;; Date: <1999/10/30 0:50 [EMAIL PROTECTED]>
;;; Author: Simon Budig <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
;;; Version 1.0

;;; This implements a method to sharpen images described by Joern Loviscach
;;; in the german computer-magazine c't, 22/1999.

;;; Basically it "squeezes" unsharp edges. This method is a simplified
;;; Version of an algorithm by Nur Arad and Craig Gotsman:
;;; "Enhancement by Image-Dependent Warping", IEEE Transactions on
;;; Image Processing, Vol. 8, No. 8, S. 1063

(define (script-fu-warp-sharp img drw edge-strength blur-strength bump-depth 
  (let* ((drawable-width (car (gimp-drawable-width drw)))
 (drawable-height (car (gimp-drawable-height drw)))
 (drawable-type (car (gimp-drawable-type drw)))
 (old-selection 0)
 ; layer for detecting edges
 (edge-layer (car (gimp-layer-copy drw 0)))
 ; layer for x-displace information
 (x-displace-layer (car (gimp-layer-new img drawable-width
  drawable-height drawable-type "Displace X" 100 0)))
 ; layer for x-displace information
 (y-displace-layer (car (gimp-layer-new img drawable-width
  drawable-height drawable-type "Displace Y" 100 0)))
 (selection-info (gimp-selection-bounds img))
 (has-selection (car selection-info))
 (bump-xoff 0)
 (bump-yoff 0)
(gimp-undo-push-group-start img)
(if has-selection (begin
; If there is a selection don't render too much.
(set! old-selection
(car (gimp-channel-copy (car (gimp-image-get-selection img)
(gimp-selection-grow img (+ blur-strength bump-depth displace-amount))
(set! selection-info (gimp-selection-bounds img))
(set! bump-xoff (cadr selection-info))
(set! bump-yoff (caddr selection-info))
; set up the layers
(gimp-drawable-fill x-displace-layer 2)
(gimp-drawable-fill y-displace-layer 2)
(gimp-image-add-layer img edge-layer -1)
(gimp-image-add-layer img y-displace-layer -1)
(gimp-image-add-layer img x-displace-layer -1)

; detect the edges and blur the layer a little bit
(plug-in-edge 1 img edge-layer edge-strength 1)
(if (>= blur-strength 1)
(plug-in-gauss-iir 1 img edge-layer blur-strength 1 1))

; create the displacement-maps by bump-mapping the edges.
; elevation=30: areas without edges will get a 50 % gray.
(plug-in-bump-map 1 img x-displace-layer edge-layer 0 30
  bump-depth bump-xoff bump-yoff 0 0 0 0 0)
(plug-in-bump-map 1 img y-displace-layer edge-layer 270 30
  bump-depth bump-xoff bump-yoff 0 0 0 0 0)
; restore the old selection
(if has-selection (begin
(gimp-selection-load old-selection)
(gimp-channel-delete old-selection)
; finally displace the image.
(plug-in-displace 1 img drw displace-amount displace-amount 1 1
  x-displace-layer y-displace-layer 1)

; clean up...
(gimp-image-remove-layer img edge-layer)
(gimp-image-remove-layer img x-displace-layer)
(gimp-image-remove-layer img y-displace-layer)
(gimp-undo-push-group-end img)

"/Script-Fu/Alchemy/Warp Sharp"
"Sharpen the current drawable by squeezing unsharp edges. Algorithm described by 
Joern Loviscach in c't 22/1999, p 236."
"Simon Budig <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>"
"Simon Budig"
"30. 10. 1999"
SF-IMAGE "Image" 0
SF-DRAWABLE "Drawable" 0
SF-ADJUSTMENT "Edge detection" '(7 1 10 0.1 1 1 0)
SF-ADJUSTMENT "Blur radius" '(3 0 10 0.1 1 1 0)
SF-ADJUSTMENT "Bump depth" '(2 1 10 1 1 0 0)
SF-ADJUSTMENT "Displace intensity" '(2.5 0.1 10 0.1 0.5 1 0)

Gtk+-rpms with xinput enabled?

1999-10-13 Thread Simon Budig

Hi all.

Are there some Gtk+-Rpms with xinput enabled floating around somewhere?
I have no Idea, how to build them, I usually compile myself from the

But I want to write a quick xinput tutorial without an explantation
how to compile Gtk...



Re: [gimp-devel] Right Click on Foreground/Background

1999-10-12 Thread Simon Budig

Benjamin B. Thomas ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
> I just noticed in 1.1.9 that right clicking on either the current
> foreground or background color in the tool box does nothing (until
> you drag it, that is). It seems like it would be extremely useful to
> have this produce a drop down list display of the last N colors used
> as either the foreground or background, respectively. 
> I apologize if there is already an easy way to select a recently
> used color, and I missed how to use it. 

We discussed this Idea at the Meeting in Goeteborg and considered it
as a new feature. So IMHO we should wait until 1.2 is out.

It would be way cool - but please for brushes, patterns and Gradients
too :-)

But we should make the right button work like the left button.
Probably a one-liner :-)


Gimp at the Systems 99 in Munich

1999-10-10 Thread Simon Budig


As you may have read at the Gimp News I am coordinating the
Gimp Booth at the Systems 1999 in Munich.

I need some people, who will be there and have some time left to
present the Gimp. So if you are interested, please mail me ASAP,
so I can get a ticket for you.

Further information:


Wie Du vielleicht mitbekommen hast, werde ich den Gimp-Stand
auf der Systems 1999 in Muenchen organisieren.

Ich brauche noch ein paar Leute, die dort sein werden und etwas Zeit
uebrig haben um Gimp zu praesentieren. Wenn Du Lust hast, mail mir
so schnell wie moeglich, damit ich noch ein Ausstellerticket
besorgen kann.

Weitere Informationen:


Re: [gimp-devel] disabling signal handlers?

1999-01-17 Thread Simon Budig

Marc Lehmann ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
> Is there a way to disable the libgimp signal handlers?
> - in 99% of the cases, they result in an endless loop, which requires me to
>   switch the terminal and kill it manually. This is my main concern.

I had this problem too. Updating glib (and maybe a recompile of the 
whole Gimp) was the solution for me.

