Re: Adobe Flash Player Help Needed

2009-03-28 Thread Leonidas Jones

Joseph Puentes wrote:

I just bought a new computer and am having trouble installing the adobe 
flash player. I click install and it says that I need to turn seamonkey 
off for it to install so then I go and turn seamonkey off and it says 
the exact same thing. I then tried restarting and installing but it says 
I need to turn seamonkey off.

I don't understand how to install the player please advise.

I have a PC with XP Pro on it and am using seamonkey 1.1.14 on it


/snip of non delimited sig./

Take a look in your systray after you have closed SeaMonkey.  Do you 
still see a SeaMonkey icon there?  If so, you have enabled Quick Launch.

Quick Launch keeps some of SeaMonkey loaded in memory, so that the 
program loads faster.  If you have Quick Launch enabled, SM is not 
really closed.  Close QL, and your install should work.

support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Another site that doesn't work any more

2009-03-29 Thread Leonidas Jones

stan wrote:

stan wrote:

I've been using this site for a few years but now I can't even login
or register as a new user. I'm going to back up a release of SM and
see if that corrects it. By the way, it does work with IE. I can't
even find a way to notify the site of the problem.


Sorry about that. Old age is beginning to show signs.

And the site is:

I just registered a new account, every thing seems to be working fine.

support-seamonkey mailing list

SeaMonkey 2.0.a3 Mismatched domains

2009-03-29 Thread Leonidas Jones
I have a question about mismatched domains in SM 2.0.a3.  I have set up 
two accounts with same news server, one with the actual name, and 
another with the numbered IP address. This allows me to set up different 
groups for different purposes in the two accounts.

This is on a secure server, so, of course the cert causes an error for 
the numbered IP account.

In SM 1.1.x, I had a choice of View Cert, Cancel, of OK to accept the cert.

In SM 2.0.a3, I have only the option to View, or Cancel, making it 
impossible to view the groups.  Is there some way to get the OK option back.

At the present, I am using TB to view the account.

support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Request for Seamonkey 2.0

2009-03-30 Thread Leonidas Jones

Peter Potamus the Purple Hippo wrote: wrote:

On Mar 30, 5:12 pm, Peter Potamus the Purple Hippo

again, others have asked that you email them an html
message and then we'll go from there, and so far you
have failed to do that.

I'm happy to send a message to anyone. just supply the email

I think you're using that as an excuse as some have told you to email
them, as I did:

My email is valid here.

support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: SeaMonkey 2.0.a3 Mismatched domains

2009-03-30 Thread Leonidas Jones

Martin Feitag wrote:

Leonidas Jones schrieb:

I have a question about mismatched domains in SM 2.0.a3. I have set up
two accounts with same news server, one with the actual name, and
another with the numbered IP address. This allows me to set up different
groups for different purposes in the two accounts.

This is on a secure server, so, of course the cert causes an error for
the numbered IP account.

In SM 1.1.x, I had a choice of View Cert, Cancel, of OK to accept the

In SM 2.0.a3, I have only the option to View, or Cancel, making it
impossible to view the groups. Is there some way to get the OK option

At the present, I am using TB to view the account.


=> Preferences
=> ...Privacy...
=> Certificates
=> Manage Certificates
=> "Server" tab
=> Add Exception


Sorry this just looped endlessly as the SM attempted to verify the server.

support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Request for Seamonkey 2.0

2009-03-30 Thread Leonidas Jones wrote:

On Mar 30, 6:44 pm, "Terry R."  wrote:

The date and time was Monday, March 30, 2009 2:25:55 PM, and on a whim, pounded out on the keyboard:

On Mar 30, 5:12 pm, Peter Potamus the Purple Hippo
  wrote: wrote:

Sorry - i'm viewing on the web where all prior messages show up, I was
trying to be space efficient.

not everyone is viewing this group on google groups.
Some of us are using the mozilla newsgroup and others
are using the mailing lists

Yeah - I got that now

"If you choose to send in HTML then it wont be converted, it will be
sent as html."
This is a false statement.

again, others have asked that you email them an html
message and then we'll go from there, and so far you
have failed to do that.

I'm happy to send a message to anyone.  just supply the email

  True statement:  "If you choose to send in
HTML, and there is nothing in your message that warrants HTML, SM will
convertto plaintextand send plaintext".

maybe it is and maybe its not

Actually, it is.  There doesn't seem to be any dispute about this
statement in this thread (until now). The debate is whether this is
the single, correct behavior.

This is a well-established fact.  I am asking that the auto-conversion
be optional, so that your original statement becomes the truth.

we've heard you many times.  Stop harping about it and
file a bug:
for such an item

Did so long ago


We did some testing on this some time back and found that Moz clients
require at least one HTML element to send as HTML (10-07-08 in MTMM).
It can be done by creating a Template to use for your email and then
insert a simple HTML code in body using the HTML Editor (Insert, HTML
for TB).

Or configure your sig file as HTML.

Terry R.
Anti-spam measures are included in my email address.
Delete NOSPAM from the email address after clicking Reply.

"Moz clients require at least one HTML element to send as HTML".

My request is to have an option that changes the Options ->  Format
default from "Auto-Detect" to "HTML".  So that it will require no HTML
to send as HTML.

I suppose that someone can say "I disagree, I believe the default
option should be Auto-Detect".  and you have your opinion, and I have
mine (athough if things were reversed, I would yield so that everyone
can have things as they want).  But please, can we stop the
discussions that say

"SM doesn't convert HTML to plain text" (see Terry R's response above,
it does)
"You shouldn't want you HTML to go out as HTML unless it needs to be,
and here are some examples where it doesn't matter"  (I do want it,
and I have examples where it does matter).

1) I've established what Options ->  Format ->  Auto-detect does.
2)  I've established that there is no way to change the behavior
without workarounds of various painfulness (hand-select Options ->
Format ->  HTML every time, add a signature with sufficient HTML in it,
3) I've politely requested a way to change the default from Auto-
Detect to "Rich (HTML) Text".

No offense to all, and I understand that some may not agree that my
request should be granted, but I think I've proved that it's a valid

So if you want to continue discussion on how to implement, or (I
suppose, sigh) whether to implement, that's great, but can I please
stop proving that the issue exists?

Thanks all!

I wish I could just let this go, but I have to ask.  If your supposed 
html emails have not actually contained any html elements, why have we 
been going around this?  You might as well have been sending in plain 
text right along.

support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Spam in e-mails...?

2009-03-31 Thread Leonidas Jones

Cedar wrote:

Something is marking some of my e-mails with [spam], is this new version
of sm doing this? or would it more likely be avg antivirus or something?

Maybe, or something on your ISP's end.  Its not SM.

support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Request for Seamonkey 2.0

2009-03-31 Thread Leonidas Jones

Daniel wrote:

NoOp wrote:

On 03/30/2009 04:45 PM, Daniel wrote: wrote:

Hi Daniel - Thanks for dropping in. If you look back at the last 50
or so responses, about 1/2 are devoted to reasons why I have problems
sending in plain text. SM doesn't convert it properly all the time,
if I send in a proportional font, I want people to read it in a
proportional font, etc. I won't repeat what I've already written.

but you do not determine how I (or anyone) see things!!

A;ll your mates might have their systems set up to convert all the
emails they receive to plain textso your sending things in HTML,
etc, might just be a waste of your time and the internet's bandwidth!!

To be honest, if the people who do SM are starting to enforce their
religious preferences, it may be time to find a different mail client.

and please have the curtsy to leave some of the material to which you
are responding in your reply!!!


And some wonder why I have this filter setup for



I don't like to tar a whole groupI'm sure there must be some
reasonable (and/or intelligent) people that use Google-Groups!!


I agree.  I am afraid there is a whole generation that simply knows 
nothing about newsgroups.

If we all filter out the google groupers, we will never have an 
opportunity to introduce them to newsgroups.

support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: [2.0a2] Cannot save address

2009-03-31 Thread Leonidas Jones

Peter Potamus the Purple Hippo wrote:

Daniel wrote:

Peter, on odd occasions, I receive an email from someone that is not
in my address book, and I need to reply!

If I just click "Reply", add my reply, and hit send, when I next check
my address book, that address will appear with the email address
entered as both the email address AND the name (I usually then go into
the address book and change the name to something useful!).

why not right click on the email address and select "add to address book"?

Should work.  It will be in the Headers pane at the top of the message 
pane, or in a separate window of you are viewing in a separate window.

support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: The times...they are a'changing

2009-03-31 Thread Leonidas Jones

Daniel wrote:

Leonidas Jones wrote:

Daniel wrote:

NoOp wrote:

On 03/30/2009 04:45 PM, Daniel wrote: wrote:

Hi Daniel - Thanks for dropping in. If you look back at the last 50
or so responses, about 1/2 are devoted to reasons why I have problems
sending in plain text. SM doesn't convert it properly all the time,
if I send in a proportional font, I want people to read it in a
proportional font, etc. I won't repeat what I've already written.

but you do not determine how I (or anyone) see things!!

A;ll your mates might have their systems set up to convert all the
emails they receive to plain textso your sending things in HTML,
etc, might just be a waste of your time and the internet's bandwidth!!

To be honest, if the people who do SM are starting to enforce their
religious preferences, it may be time to find a different mail

and please have the curtsy to leave some of the material to which you
are responding in your reply!!!


And some wonder why I have this filter setup for



I don't like to tar a whole groupI'm sure there must be some
reasonable (and/or intelligent) people that use Google-Groups!!


I agree. I am afraid there is a whole generation that simply knows
nothing about newsgroups.

If we all filter out the google groupers, we will never have an
opportunity to introduce them to newsgroups.


Lee, I know MS wanted to re-set my clock over the week end, thinking we
have finished Daylight Savings, but we didn't, so I had to re-adjust my

This may explain how you managed to reply to my post before I posted my

Or is your ESP working overtime??


Clocks seem right from here. The time stamp here says 7:46, EDT, which 
should be right.

support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: [2.0a2] Cannot save address

2009-03-31 Thread Leonidas Jones

Daniel wrote:

Peter Potamus the Purple Hippo wrote:

Daniel wrote:

Peter, on odd occasions, I receive an email from someone that is not
in my address book, and I need to reply!

If I just click "Reply", add my reply, and hit send, when I next
check my address book, that address will appear with the email
address entered as both the email address AND the name (I usually
then go into the address book and change the name to something useful!).

why not right click on the email address and select "add to address

Yes, I could do that.IF I THINK OF IT AT THE TIME!! But I usually
don't think weather a person is already in my address book or not, I
just reply, and fix things, if needed, some time later!!


As do I, but if the address is not being added to the AB, this is 
another option. Also good if you don't want to reply right away, but 
want to ensure that the address is in the AB anyway.


support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Spam in e-mails...?

2009-04-01 Thread Leonidas Jones

Daniel wrote:

Cedar wrote:

Daniel wrote:

Cedar wrote:

Something is marking some of my e-mails with [spam], is this new
version of sm doing this? or would it more likely be avg antivirus
or something?

Cedar, when you say "Something is marking some of my e-mails with
[spam]", what do you mean??

The others have told you that your ISP may be marking your mail with
SpamAssassin and such, but are you meaning that when you look at an
email, you get a line in the display saying something like "SeaMonkey
thinks this is a Spam message"? (or is that "Scam" or "Junk"?).

If it's "Junk", you can train SM so that it recognises Junk and
automatically removes the message to your Junk file, or deletes it.

If it says "Scam", I don't know that you can train SM to do anything,
except to let you know which messages it thinks are sus...


Wow! Thanks for all the responses, guys! Daniel: What I mean is pretty
much exactly what I stated earlier, the subject lines are being
altered with this exact term [SPAM] inserted at the beginning of each
of the ones it thinks are spam. I think I might have it figured out
now, as I found a place in avg to configure choices that sound exactly
like, hopefully, that does the trick!

Here's hoping!!


Yes indeed, and please let us know the result!

support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: MLB websites

2009-04-04 Thread Leonidas Jones

Pat Connors wrote:

Now that baseball season is ready to start, I have had some problems
with my browser freezing when going to some of the MLB sites. It does
not do it all the time but a lot. Their sites are loaded with things
including some film clips that automatically go on when you get on the
site and I think the browser just can't handle it. Sometimes they work,
sometimes they don't. I need to use the system utilities (crl-alt-del)
to shut down SM. Any suggestions.

I'm not having any problem with the sites. Right at the moment, does not seem to be running any video that opens on load, but in 
the past I was always able to shut it off. Not due to a problem, I just 
don;t like video blaring at me when I haven't asked for it.

Can you give an example of a specific MLB page that is giving you the 
problem. Since there is so much flash, you might want to make sure the 
newest flash player is installed.

support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Delete Local Folders?

2009-04-04 Thread Leonidas Jones

Peter Potamus the Purple Hippo wrote:

John Doue wrote:

Tom Pamin wrote:

Jay Garcia wrote:

On 04.04.2009 11:01, Tom Pamin wrote:

--- Original Message ---

Chris Ilias wrote:

On 4/4/09 11:35 AM, Tom Pamin wrote:

Chris Ilias wrote:

On 4/4/09 11:20 AM, Tom Pamin wrote:

What's the easiest way to delete Local Folders? They're driving
me nuts.
I fiinally did get them to go away following instructions on
the web,
but they keep coming back. I don't think I'm editing about:config

Yes, but it's not recommended. See

I've tried that - no luck.

Just to note: The instructions say to edit prefs.js, not
about:config. When you say "I don't think I'm editing about:config
correctly", were you referring to those instructions?

The instructions also mention about:config at the beginning.

Also be aware that if you create a new account, it will contain
Local Folders.

I finally got it to stay gone by repeating the instructions several
more times.

Just a suggestion.

I went through those hoops a long time ago, while I was still using
Netscape and it took me a long time to get this to work to my liking.
Eventually, I decided to live with those controversial local Folders.

As bookmarks in FF 3.xx today, Local Folders were then a very popular
topic; lots of people did not understand why they are there, and as is
the case for bookmarks in FF 3.xx today, others easily got offended
when users remarked on the complexity.

I eventually decided to use Local Folders as a storage place for my
Email Archives. This way, my archives are never far away when I need
them, but they are not in the way when I don't need them, which is 99%
of the time. Getting rid of Local Folders is satisfying, sure, but
making the best use of them is probably a wiser course of action. My
experience at least!


removing local folders may cause problems down the road, as other things
may require them. For example, newsgroups use the local folders

Local Folders are also targeted as the folders for the Global Inbox, 
should anyone decide down the line to use it.

support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: MLB websites

2009-04-05 Thread Leonidas Jones

Pat Connors wrote:

As with the MLB home page, the New York Mets home page has Flash
elements to provide video. Install the FlashBlock extension to control

The page also has very many graphics (photos, logos, banners), which
take extra time to load and display. For each graphic, SeaMonkey must
send a request to the server and wait for a response. I suspect their
server is not very fast, so loading takes a while during which the
window freezes.

Thank you. I installed the block and the window opened up quickly. I
appreciate your help.

I'm not sure that ius all there is to it.  I have whitelisted in 
flashblock, so all the flash loads immediately, and still no slow down. 
 Still if its working for you, great.

support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Delete Local Folders?

2009-04-05 Thread Leonidas Jones

John Doue wrote:

Peter Potamus the Purple Hippo wrote:

John Doue wrote:

Tom Pamin wrote:

Jay Garcia wrote:

On 04.04.2009 11:01, Tom Pamin wrote:

--- Original Message ---

Chris Ilias wrote:

On 4/4/09 11:35 AM, Tom Pamin wrote:

Chris Ilias wrote:

On 4/4/09 11:20 AM, Tom Pamin wrote:

What's the easiest way to delete Local Folders? They're
driving me nuts.
I fiinally did get them to go away following instructions on
the web,
but they keep coming back. I don't think I'm editing about:config

Yes, but it's not recommended. See

I've tried that - no luck.

Just to note: The instructions say to edit prefs.js, not
about:config. When you say "I don't think I'm editing
about:config correctly", were you referring to those instructions?

The instructions also mention about:config at the beginning.

Also be aware that if you create a new account, it will contain
Local Folders.

I finally got it to stay gone by repeating the instructions several
more times.

Just a suggestion.

I went through those hoops a long time ago, while I was still using
Netscape and it took me a long time to get this to work to my liking.
Eventually, I decided to live with those controversial local Folders.

As bookmarks in FF 3.xx today, Local Folders were then a very popular
topic; lots of people did not understand why they are there, and as
is the case for bookmarks in FF 3.xx today, others easily got
offended when users remarked on the complexity.

I eventually decided to use Local Folders as a storage place for my
Email Archives. This way, my archives are never far away when I need
them, but they are not in the way when I don't need them, which is
99% of the time. Getting rid of Local Folders is satisfying, sure,
but making the best use of them is probably a wiser course of action.
My experience at least!


removing local folders may cause problems down the road, as other
things may require them. For example, newsgroups use the local folders

I have personally set up my newsgroups to use a specific directory, as
anybody can. Did you actually mean that, by default, newsgroup are set
up to use Local Folders? If this is the case, then this would not be
enough of a reason not to suppress local folders. I personally do not
know of any imperative reason not to delete them, but I do know one can
put them to good use.

As I said, I have learnt to live with them and make good use of them; I
do not use them for any account, just for my email archives. This helps
separating current emails from older ones, allows for segragate backups,
and helps avoid the build-up of huge files that sometimes cause
problems, especially in the Inbox.

Of course, this is only one way among others to use this feature.

Sernt messages and drafts form newsgroup posts all go to Local Folders 
by default.

support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: SeaMonkey 2.0.a3 Mismatched domains

2009-04-05 Thread Leonidas Jones

Robert Kaiser wrote:

Leonidas Jones wrote:

Martin Feitag wrote:

=> Preferences
=> ...Privacy...
=> Certificates
=> Manage Certificates
=> "Server" tab
=> Add Exception


Sorry this just looped endlessly as the SM attempted to verify the

If it's not a web server, you need to enter host:port, e.g., in there (yes, we know that sucks a bit as UI, but
we don't have anything better yet, only ideas floating around).

Robert Kaiser

Its still not working, maybe because its a numbered IP?

support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Delete Local Folders?

2009-04-06 Thread Leonidas Jones

John Doue wrote:

Leonidas Jones wrote:

John Doue wrote:

Peter Potamus the Purple Hippo wrote:

John Doue wrote:

Tom Pamin wrote:

Jay Garcia wrote:

On 04.04.2009 11:01, Tom Pamin wrote:

--- Original Message ---

Chris Ilias wrote:

On 4/4/09 11:35 AM, Tom Pamin wrote:

Chris Ilias wrote:

On 4/4/09 11:20 AM, Tom Pamin wrote:

What's the easiest way to delete Local Folders? They're
driving me nuts.
I fiinally did get them to go away following instructions on
the web,
but they keep coming back. I don't think I'm editing

Yes, but it's not recommended. See

I've tried that - no luck.

Just to note: The instructions say to edit prefs.js, not
about:config. When you say "I don't think I'm editing
about:config correctly", were you referring to those instructions?

The instructions also mention about:config at the beginning.

Also be aware that if you create a new account, it will contain
Local Folders.

I finally got it to stay gone by repeating the instructions several
more times.

Just a suggestion.

I went through those hoops a long time ago, while I was still using
Netscape and it took me a long time to get this to work to my liking.
Eventually, I decided to live with those controversial local Folders.

As bookmarks in FF 3.xx today, Local Folders were then a very popular
topic; lots of people did not understand why they are there, and as
is the case for bookmarks in FF 3.xx today, others easily got
offended when users remarked on the complexity.

I eventually decided to use Local Folders as a storage place for my
Email Archives. This way, my archives are never far away when I need
them, but they are not in the way when I don't need them, which is
99% of the time. Getting rid of Local Folders is satisfying, sure,
but making the best use of them is probably a wiser course of action.
My experience at least!


removing local folders may cause problems down the road, as other
things may require them. For example, newsgroups use the local folders

I have personally set up my newsgroups to use a specific directory, as
anybody can. Did you actually mean that, by default, newsgroup are set
up to use Local Folders? If this is the case, then this would not be
enough of a reason not to suppress local folders. I personally do not
know of any imperative reason not to delete them, but I do know one can
put them to good use.

As I said, I have learnt to live with them and make good use of them; I
do not use them for any account, just for my email archives. This helps
separating current emails from older ones, allows for segragate backups,
and helps avoid the build-up of huge files that sometimes cause
problems, especially in the Inbox.

Of course, this is only one way among others to use this feature.

Sernt messages and drafts form newsgroup posts all go to Local Folders
by default.


Thanks for the info. So deleting Local Folders should preferably be done
*after* changing the corresponding settings.

Yes, though I really think its not worth the effort.

I followed some advice I got form Dan a few years ago, and renamed Local 
Folders to (space).  That removed the name, and created a nice divider 
between my mail and newsgroup accounts. I find it makes a good location 
for newsgroup Sent and Drafts, and I also keep archived news posts 
there, as well as some IMAP mail that I want to keep on the hard drive.

Local Folders has its uses, and, as long as its collapsed, its easy 
enough to ignore.

support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: SM 1.1.14 problem with Fox website

2009-04-07 Thread Leonidas Jones

chicagofan wrote:

For some reason I cannot install their media player to view Fox TV shows.
What do I need to do? The message given is "install script"cannot be found.

Thanks for any advice...

Could you post a link?

support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: SM 1.1.14 problem with Fox website

2009-04-07 Thread Leonidas Jones

chicagofan wrote:

chicagofan wrote:

Martin Feitag wrote:

chicagofan schrieb:

Leonidas Jones wrote:

chicagofan wrote:

For some reason I cannot install their media player to view Fox TV
What do I need to do? The message given is "install script"cannot
be found.

Thanks for any advice...

Could you post a link?


I was trying to view the latest "House" episode, and got the install
their player message. After doing that, the install script message


This just seems to be flash (can only check with "Tribute to Kutner"
as I am outside the US). So have you got flash installed and
activated? (or do they use a diferent player or the full episodes?)

Kutner is what I wanted to see. I do have Flash installed, and they don't
identify their player that I can see.

The Message suggests that the install script is not compatible with
your browser. That often happens with plugins made for the newer
plugin-system which firefox already has and SM2.0 will have. I bet
that with Seamonkey2.0alpha it would work. If you want to test, give
it a try (it won't
touch your SM1.1.x when installed seperately)


I think I will try the 2.0 release, and see if that works, because
I've had
trouble with other sites that were less important.

Thanks, Martin... hope you're right it won't affect 1.1.14. :)

P.S. - I've changed my mind since reading the instructions. I didn't see
how to install separately, and I've forgotten. :)

I'm wondering if a Firefox fake method would work?

Try a UA spoof to Firefox and see if it works.  From here it brings up 
the installer.  I installed it in SM 2.0a3 and its seems to be working fine.

I take that back.  It did install, and the test video played, but any 
effort to actually watch a show fails.  The install took in Firefox and 
Safari though.

support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Account Wizard

2009-04-07 Thread Leonidas Jones

Another wrote:

My SeaMonkey 1.1.15 has development an annoying habit of starting the
Account Wizard every time I start the email portion of the program. Any
suggestions to prevent this?

Do you have accounts set up?  Mail/News requires that there be one 
account set up to be made default.

Assuming you do, open Mail & Newsgroup Account Settings, and make the 
account default again.

support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: SM 1.1.14 problem with Fox website

2009-04-07 Thread Leonidas Jones

chicagofan wrote:

Leonidas Jones wrote:

chicagofan wrote:

chicagofan wrote:

Martin Feitag wrote:

chicagofan schrieb:

Leonidas Jones wrote:

chicagofan wrote:

For some reason I cannot install their media player to view Fox TV
What do I need to do? The message given is "install script"cannot
be found.

Thanks for any advice...

Could you post a link?


I was trying to view the latest "House" episode, and got the install
their player message. After doing that, the install script message


This just seems to be flash (can only check with "Tribute to Kutner"
as I am outside the US). So have you got flash installed and
activated? (or do they use a diferent player or the full episodes?)

Kutner is what I wanted to see. I do have Flash installed, and they
identify their player that I can see.

The Message suggests that the install script is not compatible with
your browser. That often happens with plugins made for the newer
plugin-system which firefox already has and SM2.0 will have. I bet
that with Seamonkey2.0alpha it would work. If you want to test, give
it a try (it won't
touch your SM1.1.x when installed seperately)


I think I will try the 2.0 release, and see if that works, because
I've had
trouble with other sites that were less important.

Thanks, Martin... hope you're right it won't affect 1.1.14. :)

P.S. - I've changed my mind since reading the instructions. I didn't see
how to install separately, and I've forgotten. :)

I'm wondering if a Firefox fake method would work?

Try a UA spoof to Firefox and see if it works. From here it brings up
the installer. I installed it in SM 2.0a3 and its seems to be working

I take that back. It did install, and the test video played, but any
effort to actually watch a show fails. The install took in Firefox and
Safari though.


Thanks, Lee. I'll try the UA spoof, if I find myself using that site more
often. I tried IE after posting and it allowed me to see the Kutner video
I was trying to see. Although, I still hate IE. ;)

Maybe when 2.0 is finalized my video problems will go away. :)

I tend to think it would work in SeaMonkey, its the installer that won't 
do it.

I see the plugin in Addons Manager, MovieNetworks Quantum Media Player, 
but it doesn't play the show.

Do we really have to get to a point where every site has its on version 
of a media player?  I seems to be tending that way.

support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Printing Coupons

2009-04-09 Thread Leonidas Jones

Peter Potamus the Purple Hippo wrote:

BeeNeR wrote:

I've always had problems printing coupons with SeaMonkey. And no
problems at all using IE. Although I have installed couponprinter.exe
many times I still cannot print these coupons. Latest one is the one
from ScottsEZSeed $5.00 coupon.

Most of these sites use the couponprinter.exe program, but it doesn't
work for me. I usually end up calling the company and they send the
coupon by U.S. mail.

This has happened with Epson and HP printers, and even using FinePrint
as a printer.

Any suggestions?

I don't have an answer, but an opinion: printing in SM has always sucked!

As it has in all Mozilla products, from the beginning.

If we had a link to the page with the printable coupons, maybe we could 
be more specific.  However, I generally copy whatever I want to print 
into a word processor document, then print that.  It gives me far more 
control over what the printed outcome is.

support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Javascript

2009-04-10 Thread Leonidas Jones

Raylee Cooper wrote:

Hi Keith, With out a doubt the quickest reply I've ever received -
thanks, that's awesome. However, I've tried a restart and it hasn't
worked. Should I maybe try download the program again.
Thanks, Raye

Hi Raylee,

It will really help us help you if you can keep your replies in the 
original thread, and quote at least some relevant text to give your 
reply context.  I did not see any reply from someone named Keith in the 
original thread, so I don't really know what you are talking about.

Sometimes something as simple as disabling js, restarting SM, then 
enabling js and restarting can get a pref to stick. However, it is more 
likely a web site specific problem, as others have replied in your 
original thread.  I suggest going back to it to continue the 
troubleshoooting process.

support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Quick Launch

2009-04-10 Thread Leonidas Jones

Raylee Cooper wrote:

Hi Michael,
Thanks for the tip. I enabled Quick Launch at set up, then disabled it,
then enabled it again because I thought I should, for speed of
launching, so I've disabled it again, and hopefully it will resolve my

Hi Raylee,

Please reply to the post, rather then composing a new message, and when 
you do reply, quote a little relevant text to give your reply context. 
The way your replies come up as separate posts make an involved support 
thread impossible. Pretty quickly no one will be able to remember what 
your are talking about.

This support forum is actually a newsgroup mirrored as a mailing list. 
The vast majority of helpers here see it as a newsgroup on the server, with support questions threaded by the subject.

Actually, the best way to use these groups is to set up a newsgroup 
account in SeaMonkey for  Firstly, it will not clog up 
your inbox with posts in which you have no interest, and most important, 
your own support threads will work much better for you.

support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Cannot view a file!

2009-04-10 Thread Leonidas Jones

Lee wrote:

Hi Peter

Thanks for the reference I sent it to the party so
they will know why I cannot view their attachments.
Appreciate your help as usual.

L e e

Peter Potamus the Purple Hippo wrote:

Oops, wrong thread.  :)

That can happen very easily.  Had you quoted some of Grant/Peter's post 
in your reply, your reply wouold make a little more sense however.

support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Printing Coupons

2009-04-10 Thread Leonidas Jones

BeeNeR wrote:

On or about 4/10/2009 12:47 AM, Leonidas Jones typed the following:

Peter Potamus the Purple Hippo wrote:

BeeNeR wrote:

I've always had problems printing coupons with SeaMonkey. And no
problems at all using IE. Although I have installed couponprinter.exe
many times I still cannot print these coupons. Latest one is the one
from ScottsEZSeed $5.00 coupon.

Most of these sites use the couponprinter.exe program, but it doesn't
work for me. I usually end up calling the company and they send the
coupon by U.S. mail.

This has happened with Epson and HP printers, and even using FinePrint
as a printer.

Any suggestions?

I don't have an answer, but an opinion: printing in SM has always sucked!

As it has in all Mozilla products, from the beginning.

If we had a link to the page with the printable coupons, maybe we could
be more specific.  However, I generally copy whatever I want to print
into a word processor document, then print that.  It gives me far more
control over what the printed outcome is.


I'm not sure what happens after the couponprinting software is
installed.  Just keeps telling me I need the printing software.  If you
reload the page, they think you've printed the coupon and you no longer
have the option available.  This is true with every site I ever visited
for a coupon using the couponprinting.exe method.

Other sites that just display a coupon for printing have no problem.

For example, try to print the coupon from Scotts grass seed at:


Well, I went to the site, and filled out the form. I got an email reply 
quite quickly, and clicked the link.

I am glad to see that they do have a Mac version.  Unfortunately, I, 
like most of us here, am reluctant to install an unknown piece of 
software simply to run a test.  I am sorry.

Like others, I do wonder why they go through this nonsense for a $5 off 
coupon, which they probably issue in most daily newspapers anyway?  It 
seems a counterproductive marketing strategy.

support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Printing Coupons

2009-04-11 Thread Leonidas Jones

BeeNeR wrote:

On or about 4/10/2009 9:42 PM, Leonidas Jones typed the following:

BeeNeR wrote:

On or about 4/10/2009 12:47 AM, Leonidas Jones typed the following:

Peter Potamus the Purple Hippo wrote:

BeeNeR wrote:

I've always had problems printing coupons with SeaMonkey. And no
problems at all using IE. Although I have installed couponprinter.exe
many times I still cannot print these coupons. Latest one is the one
from ScottsEZSeed $5.00 coupon.

Most of these sites use the couponprinter.exe program, but it doesn't
work for me. I usually end up calling the company and they send the
coupon by U.S. mail.

This has happened with Epson and HP printers, and even using FinePrint
as a printer.

Any suggestions?

I don't have an answer, but an opinion: printing in SM has always

As it has in all Mozilla products, from the beginning.

If we had a link to the page with the printable coupons, maybe we could
be more specific.  However, I generally copy whatever I want to print
into a word processor document, then print that.  It gives me far more
control over what the printed outcome is.


I'm not sure what happens after the couponprinting software is
installed.  Just keeps telling me I need the printing software.  If you
reload the page, they think you've printed the coupon and you no longer
have the option available.  This is true with every site I ever visited
for a coupon using the couponprinting.exe method.

Other sites that just display a coupon for printing have no problem.

For example, try to print the coupon from Scotts grass seed at:


Well, I went to the site, and filled out the form. I got an email reply
quite quickly, and clicked the link.

I am glad to see that they do have a Mac version.  Unfortunately, I,
like most of us here, am reluctant to install an unknown piece of
software simply to run a test.  I am sorry.

Like others, I do wonder why they go through this nonsense for a $5 off
coupon, which they probably issue in most daily newspapers anyway?  It
seems a counterproductive marketing strategy.


Well, it does build up their data base of names/address/phone numbers.
And it constitutes a union between you and them so they can now harass
you with unwanted phone calls and trash mail.  Plus selling your name to
other companies.  (Not that they or any other company would do that).


They could build up their database just as well by having you sign up 
and then mailing you a pdf.

support-seamonkey mailing list

OT Re: Printing Coupons

2009-04-11 Thread Leonidas Jones

Gregory Hicks wrote:

Date: Sat, 11 Apr 2009 17:21:06 -0400
From: Leonidas Jones
Subject: Re: Printing Coupons


Well, it does build up their data base of names/address/phone
numbers.  And it constitutes a union between you and them so they
can now harass you with unwanted phone calls and trash mail.  Plus
selling your name to other companies.  (Not that they or any other
company would do that).


They could build up their database just as well by having you sign
up and then mailing you a pdf.

But then they could not control how many times you printed out the PDF.
Generally, the company just wants to give you ONE coupon...

People sleep peaceably in their beds at night only because rough men
stand ready to do violence on their behalf -- George Orwell

The price of freedom is eternal vigilance.  -- Thomas Jefferson

"The best we can hope for concerning the people at large is that they
be properly armed." --Alexander Hamilton

Its a $5 throwaway. They plaster these things in newspapers all the 
time.  its a pointless exercise.

This is also off topic, followup set to mozilla.general

support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Quick Launch

2009-04-11 Thread Leonidas Jones

NoOp wrote:

On 04/10/2009 10:15 PM, Peter Potamus the Purple Hippo wrote:

Leonidas Jones wrote:

Please reply to the post, rather then composing a new message,

apparently, for some its not that easy as they're
posting via the lists

Then there obviously a problem with the list or responder:

User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US;
rv: Gecko/20090303 SeaMonkey/1.1.15

He's using SM, he's subscribed to a SM list&  if it's not possible to
keep within the thread, then there is something very wrong. Don't know
what as I use the newsgroups instead.

There has been a problem recently with posts from mailing list users not 
getting threaded properly, but I don't think that is happening here.

Raylee's responses are not prefixed with the Re: that we would expect 
for a reply.  There is no quoting at all.

I think he/she is simply starting a new message to reply, not realizing 
that this will confuse the threaded responses, and make it harder for us 
to give support. I guess we won't know unless he/she comes back to us.

support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Gone back to v1 (1.1.16) but

2009-04-12 Thread Leonidas Jones

Bill Davidsen wrote:

Jim S wrote:

On Fri, 10 Apr 2009 06:52:36 -0700, Peter Potamus the Purple Hippo wrote:

Jim S wrote:

On Fri, 10 Apr 2009 06:34:06 -0700, Peter Potamus the Purple Hippo

Jim S wrote:

I have abandoned v2a3 until something happens and returned to
1.1.16, but
cannot get a version of IEtab that loads.
Help anyone?

you need version: ie_tab-

Thanks Peter, but I remembered why I could not get along with v1 and
installing and uninstalling problems. It seems that the Gillik
patches no
longer work either.
I'll watch v2 with interest and stick with FF for now.

Gillik patches --

Can you view that site? I get a Google Ad right over the descriptions of
what is available, so he could have a free beer extension and I wouldn't
see it. :-(

Go the page.  with the page loaded, disable javascript.  Reload the page 
and you should be able to install the extensions.

It displays fine in S 2.0.a3.

support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Gone back to v1 (1.1.16) but

2009-04-12 Thread Leonidas Jones

Bill Davidsen wrote:

Leonidas Jones wrote:

Bill Davidsen wrote:

Jim S wrote:

On Fri, 10 Apr 2009 06:52:36 -0700, Peter Potamus the Purple Hippo

Jim S wrote:

On Fri, 10 Apr 2009 06:34:06 -0700, Peter Potamus the Purple Hippo

Jim S wrote:

I have abandoned v2a3 until something happens and returned to
1.1.16, but
cannot get a version of IEtab that loads.
Help anyone?

you need version: ie_tab-

Thanks Peter, but I remembered why I could not get along with v1 and
installing and uninstalling problems. It seems that the Gillik
patches no
longer work either.
I'll watch v2 with interest and stick with FF for now.

Gillik patches --

Can you view that site? I get a Google Ad right over the descriptions of
what is available, so he could have a free beer extension and I wouldn't
see it. :-(

Go the page. with the page loaded, disable javascript. Reload the page
and you should be able to install the extensions.

It displays fine in S 2.0.a3.

Thanks, same thing I found and noted a few minutes after my first post.
I don't really care about the extensions, just curious. Maybe if they
work with the 2.0 SM I will be more interested. ;-)

But note that disabling js should allow it work in 1.1.16.

The only extensions I ever used form there were the Extension Manager 
and its API, which are unneeded in SM 2.

support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Gone back to v1 (1.1.16) but

2009-04-13 Thread Leonidas Jones

Jim S wrote:

On Sun, 12 Apr 2009 21:32:19 -0400, Bill Davidsen wrote:

Jim S wrote:

On Fri, 10 Apr 2009 06:52:36 -0700, Peter Potamus the Purple Hippo wrote:

Jim S wrote:

On Fri, 10 Apr 2009 06:34:06 -0700, Peter Potamus the Purple Hippo wrote:

Jim S wrote:

I have abandoned v2a3 until something happens and returned to 1.1.16, but
cannot get a version of IEtab that loads.
Help anyone?

you need version: ie_tab-

Thanks Peter, but I remembered why I could not get along with v1 and its
installing and uninstalling problems. It seems that the Gillik patches no
longer work either.
  I'll watch v2 with interest and stick with FF for now.

Gillik patches  --

Can you view that site? I get a Google Ad right over the descriptions of what is
available, so he could have a free beer extension and I wouldn't see it. :-(

What Google AD?
I used FF SM2 Opera and IE8 just to find out what you are talking about and
none of them show a Google Ad or any other ad for that matter.
Naturally I use the ad-blocking facility on all of them, but then who

I never block ads unless they really get in the way of reading a page.

In this case, if you have js disabled, the ads never appear. In FF 3 and 
SM2, they appear at the far right side, out of the way and not 
distracting, so I leave them alone.

However, in SM1.1.x, they appear at the left, msking it impossible to 
download or install the extensions. Disabling js gets rid of the ad 
column, and makes the extensions available.

support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Gone back to v1 (1.1.16) but

2009-04-13 Thread Leonidas Jones

captjlddavis wrote:

On 4/12/2009 20:59, Leonidas Jones wrote:

Bill Davidsen wrote:

Leonidas Jones wrote:

Bill Davidsen wrote:

Jim S wrote:

On Fri, 10 Apr 2009 06:52:36 -0700, Peter Potamus the Purple Hippo

Jim S wrote:

On Fri, 10 Apr 2009 06:34:06 -0700, Peter Potamus the Purple Hippo

Jim S wrote:

I have abandoned v2a3 until something happens and returned to
1.1.16, but
cannot get a version of IEtab that loads.
Help anyone?

you need version: ie_tab-

Thanks Peter, but I remembered why I could not get along with v1 and
installing and uninstalling problems. It seems that the Gillik
patches no
longer work either.
I'll watch v2 with interest and stick with FF for now.

Gillik patches --

Can you view that site? I get a Google Ad right over the descriptions of
what is available, so he could have a free beer extension and I wouldn't
see it. :-(

Go the page. with the page loaded, disable javascript. Reload the page
and you should be able to install the extensions.

It displays fine in S 2.0.a3.

Thanks, same thing I found and noted a few minutes after my first post.
I don't really care about the extensions, just curious. Maybe if they
work with the 2.0 SM I will be more interested. ;-)

But note that disabling js should allow it work in 1.1.16.

The only extensions I ever used form there were the Extension Manager
and its API, which are unneeded in SM 2.


In SM 1.1.16
Looks to me like if when the ad covers the left side of page - if you F9
and open side bar, the ad moves to the bottom and you can access the the
extension D/L ...Why I have no idea 

Just another thought, and I could be wrong.


Interesting.  My first thought was to disable css, didn't help, so I 
disabled js and it worked, so I looked no further,

support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: SeaMonkey and Facebook

2009-04-13 Thread Leonidas Jones

DoctorBill wrote:

DoctorBill wrote:

I had to join Facebook recently for some friends and relatives.

A lot of the "buttons" and Links do not work when I enter Facebook
using SeaMonkey 1.1

I have to use I.E.

Is there anything I can do about this or is it FaceBook's programmers
fault ?


After having learned about "User Agents" and knowing that so many web
sites are written mostly for IE - wouldn't it be better for me to
set the User Agent to IE 6.0 WinXP ? I also have PrefBar

Wouldn't THAT give me the best interaction with almost ALL web sites ?


No, not at all.

First of all, SM uses the same rendering engine as FF.  If you encounter 
a truly IE only page, spoofing as IE will not make it render better. 
Leaving the UA spoofed as IE will also cause plugin problems, 
particularly with Java.

Second, you should never leave your US spoofed.  Al that does is 
misreport the number of people using SM, and make sit all the less 
likely that web designers will support the browser we love. Prefbar, at 
least, will always set the ua back to the real ua when you restart. 
Only spoof the UA when there is no other way to enter az site, and even 
then, wrte them to let them know that their site is accessible with 
SeaMonkey, and that they should adjust their browser sniffer accordingly.

support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: two .slt folders

2009-04-13 Thread Leonidas Jones

Peter Potamus the Purple Hippo wrote:

Henry wrote:

Peter Potamus the Purple Hippo wrote:

Henry wrote:

I'm still running Mozilla and want to change to SeaMonkey. I notice
in my profile that I have two .slt folders. One has only a folder
called Trash and a folder called Trash.cache. The other has many,
many items including bookmarks etc.

Should I have two .slt folders and will that give me trouble when I
install SeaMonkey? Should I do anything about them or just leave
both of them?



when you say mozilla, do you mean the old Mozilla Suite, or Mozilla

Mozilla suite


I have no idea what is. Mozilla Suite never went that high. It
was either Mozilla 1.7.13 which was the last official release or 1.8ba
which never made it to release.

So, I'm presuming you have the old Mozilla Suite. If so, then close
Mozilla, and click on the windows start button, then run and enter:

mozilla.exe -p

this will start the Mozilla Profile Manager. How many profiles do you
see? If one, then go ahead and delete the .slt folder with the
trash.cache in it. I'm presuming that is when you deleted the cache,
this is the directory that it created.

Otherwise, go ahead and install SM. It will pick up your last Mozilla
Suite profile and start using that.

After Mozilla dropped the suite, they continued issuing nightlies on the 
1.8 branch for quite a while, which identified as such. Before SeaMonkey 
came to life, I continued to use them. That must be what Henry is using.

support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: SeaMonkey and Facebook

2009-04-14 Thread Leonidas Jones

John Doue wrote:

Leonidas Jones wrote:

DoctorBill wrote:

DoctorBill wrote:

I had to join Facebook recently for some friends and relatives.

A lot of the "buttons" and Links do not work when I enter Facebook
using SeaMonkey 1.1

I have to use I.E.

Is there anything I can do about this or is it FaceBook's programmers
fault ?


After having learned about "User Agents" and knowing that so many web
sites are written mostly for IE - wouldn't it be better for me to
set the User Agent to IE 6.0 WinXP ? I also have PrefBar

Wouldn't THAT give me the best interaction with almost ALL web sites ?


No, not at all.

First of all, SM uses the same rendering engine as FF. If you
encounter a truly IE only page, spoofing as IE will not make it render
better. Leaving the UA spoofed as IE will also cause plugin problems,
particularly with Java.

Second, you should never leave your US spoofed. Al that does is
misreport the number of people using SM, and make sit all the less
likely that web designers will support the browser we love. Prefbar,
at least, will always set the ua back to the real ua when you restart.
Only spoof the UA when there is no other way to enter az site, and
even then, wrte them to let them know that their site is accessible
with SeaMonkey, and that they should adjust their browser sniffer


I think it is easier to use the IEtab extension.

Of course, all you are doing then is running IE in a SeaMonkey shell.

support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Gone back to v1 (1.1.16) but

2009-04-14 Thread Leonidas Jones

Bill Davidsen wrote:

Leonidas Jones wrote:

Interesting. My first thought was to disable css, didn't help, so I
disabled js and it worked, so I looked no further,

Disable js is a useful debugging tool, but it's not a solution. It's
something like being sprayed by a skunk and holding your breath; it
prevents the smell but causes issues elsewhere.

The "solution" will be the release of SeaMonkey 2.0.

support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Mail Trash Folder - ISP's or Mine (?)

2009-04-15 Thread Leonidas Jones

DoctorBill wrote:

When I read my e-mail and then delete it, the mail goes into the trash -
as I have selected in "Mail & Newsgroups Account Settings". goes into the ISP's mail trash, not mine on my Hard Drive.

The selector in "Mail & Newsgroups Account Settings" doesn't specify
which Trash Folder.

Is there some way to force this issue ?

If I want to go back and re-read or get something I later decide is
needed, I have to wait for the trash message to download (dial-up!).

Were it in MY trash, it would be immediately available.

Is there anything I can do about this ?

DoctorBill over the Hill


If its POP, something is wrong indeed.  If its IMAP, that's probably the 
intended behavior.

support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Mail Trash Folder - ISP's or Mine (?)

2009-04-15 Thread Leonidas Jones

DoctorBill wrote:

Peter Potamus the Purple Hippo wrote:

DoctorBill wrote:

Peter Potamus the Purple Hippo wrote:

DoctorBill wrote:

Peter Potamus the Purple Hippo wrote:

DoctorBill wrote:

When I read my e-mail and then delete it, the mail goes into the
trash - as I have selected in "Mail & Newsgroups Account Settings". goes into the ISP's mail trash, not mine on my Hard Drive.

The selector in "Mail & Newsgroups Account Settings" doesn't specify
which Trash Folder.

Is there some way to force this issue ?

If I want to go back and re-read or get something I later decide is
needed, I have to wait for the trash message to download (dial-up!).

Were it in MY trash, it would be immediately available.

Is there anything I can do about this ?

DoctorBill over the Hill

if you're using SM Mail, and if you're using pop access, then the
trash is on your own computer. Its either in the trash can for
your account, or it could be in the trash under Local Folders.

If you're using imap, then the trash is on the email server.

How would I know POP or IMAP ?

It must be IMAP...?

Edit, Mail & Newsgroups Account Settings, select the account, and
under Server Settings, at the top right, it will say Server Type.
What does it say after that?

Ahh..yes...what a twit...didn't see that.


Am I stuck with how it now works?

no, there is a way, but I don't know imap so you'll have to wait until
someone can help you. It has something to do with the settings under
that account. Something about downloading the messages to your
hard-drive aswell.

Well...thanks anyway.

Firstly, many ISP's offer both POP and IMAP access.  With dialup, 
perhaps you would be better served with POP access, which downloads 
everything to your computer.

Still, with IMAP:

Edit>>Mail & Newsgroup Account Settings>>(account in question)>>Offline 
and Disk Space

Check the boxes for Offline use. Click the button for Select Folders.

Make sure Trash is selected.

Take SM offline, and those message should appear in your trash folder.


support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Merge Mail Inbox & Sent ??

2009-04-18 Thread Leonidas Jones

Peter Potamus the Purple Hippo wrote:

Willard wrote:

I receive and send mail on a desktop PC and on a laptop PC..
Is there a way to merge the Inbox and Sent folders on both PCs , so
that both are current and complete??
Can the same be done for Bookmarks??

are the two computers connect through a network? If so, then why don't
you have one inbox and sent for both? Same with bookmarks?

For bookmarks, on one of the computer, create a directory called
bookmarks. Then from the browser, click on Bookmarks, Manage Bookmarks,
Tools, Export. Now, Export your bookmarks to that directory you created.
Now, from the bookmark manager, click on File, Open, and locate that
bookmark file. Now from the other computer, open the bookmark manager,
and click on File, Open and locate that bookmark file. There, done. Both
computers sharing the same bookmark file.

For mail, on one computer, from the mail application, click on Edit,
Mail & Newsgroups Account Settings, select the account, then under
Server Settings, on the bottom right you will see Local Directory. Note
the location of this directory. Now, go to the other computer, and do
the same thing, but this time click on the Browse button, and have it
point to the other location. Once you've done that, close and reopen SM.
Now, both SMs should be using the same accounts.

The problem with this system is that a laptop is intended to be 
portable. As long as both machines are connected to the same network, 
this is a fine idea, but when the laptop is used at a remote location, 
this will no longer work.

What I do is to point both the laptop and the desktop to a third 
location, a usb flash drive. All my mail folders are kept on this drive. 
 When I am at home, the drive is plugged into the desktop, and 
available on the network for the laptop.

On the road, I take the usb drive with me, and plug it in to the laptop. 
 With Mac OSX Leopard, I can use one profile for both home and remote 
uses. On Win XP, you will probably need home and away profiles fro this 
to work.

Note, I am the only user accessing this data.  If you have multiple 
users who might be accessing the same data at the same time, this would 
not be a very good idea.

support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Merge Mail Inbox & Sent ??

2009-04-19 Thread Leonidas Jones

Willard wrote:

Leonidas Jones wrote:

Peter Potamus the Purple Hippo wrote:

Willard wrote:

I receive and send mail on a desktop PC and on a laptop PC..
Is there a way to merge the Inbox and Sent folders on both PCs , so
that both are current and complete??
Can the same be done for Bookmarks??

are the two computers connect through a network? If so, then why don't
you have one inbox and sent for both? Same with bookmarks?

For bookmarks, on one of the computer, create a directory called
bookmarks. Then from the browser, click on Bookmarks, Manage Bookmarks,
Tools, Export. Now, Export your bookmarks to that directory you created.
Now, from the bookmark manager, click on File, Open, and locate that
bookmark file. Now from the other computer, open the bookmark manager,
and click on File, Open and locate that bookmark file. There, done. Both
computers sharing the same bookmark file.

For mail, on one computer, from the mail application, click on Edit,
Mail & Newsgroups Account Settings, select the account, then under
Server Settings, on the bottom right you will see Local Directory. Note
the location of this directory. Now, go to the other computer, and do
the same thing, but this time click on the Browse button, and have it
point to the other location. Once you've done that, close and reopen SM.
Now, both SMs should be using the same accounts.

The problem with this system is that a laptop is intended to be
portable. As long as both machines are connected to the same network,
this is a fine idea, but when the laptop is used at a remote location,
this will no longer work.

What I do is to point both the laptop and the desktop to a third
location, a usb flash drive. All my mail folders are kept on this
drive. When I am at home, the drive is plugged into the desktop, and
available on the network for the laptop.

On the road, I take the usb drive with me, and plug it in to the
laptop. With Mac OSX Leopard, I can use one profile for both home and
remote uses. On Win XP, you will probably need home and away profiles
fro this to work.

Note, I am the only user accessing this data. If you have multiple
users who might be accessing the same data at the same time, this
would not be a very good idea.


I am using XPproSP3
How do you "point" each PC to the flash drive (PC1 F:\ & PC2 E:\) in my

Well, there are a couple of options.  You could simply set up a new 
profile to  be placed on the flash drive.  My experience is that is a 
little slow.

With an existing profile:

Edit>>Mail & Newsgroup Account Settings>>(accountname)>>Server Settings.

In the local directory field, browse to the location on your flash 
drive.  Restart SeaMonkey, and it should be there.

support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Merge Mail Inbox & Sent ??

2009-04-19 Thread Leonidas Jones

Willard wrote:

Leonidas Jones wrote:

Willard wrote:

Leonidas Jones wrote:

Peter Potamus the Purple Hippo wrote:

Willard wrote:

I receive and send mail on a desktop PC and on a laptop PC..
Is there a way to merge the Inbox and Sent folders on both PCs , so
that both are current and complete??
Can the same be done for Bookmarks??

are the two computers connect through a network? If so, then why don't
you have one inbox and sent for both? Same with bookmarks?

For bookmarks, on one of the computer, create a directory called
bookmarks. Then from the browser, click on Bookmarks, Manage
Tools, Export. Now, Export your bookmarks to that directory you
Now, from the bookmark manager, click on File, Open, and locate that
bookmark file. Now from the other computer, open the bookmark manager,
and click on File, Open and locate that bookmark file. There, done.
computers sharing the same bookmark file.

For mail, on one computer, from the mail application, click on Edit,
Mail & Newsgroups Account Settings, select the account, then under
Server Settings, on the bottom right you will see Local Directory.
the location of this directory. Now, go to the other computer, and do
the same thing, but this time click on the Browse button, and have it
point to the other location. Once you've done that, close and
reopen SM.
Now, both SMs should be using the same accounts.

The problem with this system is that a laptop is intended to be
portable. As long as both machines are connected to the same network,
this is a fine idea, but when the laptop is used at a remote location,
this will no longer work.

What I do is to point both the laptop and the desktop to a third
location, a usb flash drive. All my mail folders are kept on this
drive. When I am at home, the drive is plugged into the desktop, and
available on the network for the laptop.

On the road, I take the usb drive with me, and plug it in to the
laptop. With Mac OSX Leopard, I can use one profile for both home and
remote uses. On Win XP, you will probably need home and away profiles
fro this to work.

Note, I am the only user accessing this data. If you have multiple
users who might be accessing the same data at the same time, this
would not be a very good idea.


I am using XPproSP3
How do you "point" each PC to the flash drive (PC1 F:\ & PC2 E:\) in my

Well, there are a couple of options. You could simply set up a new
profile to be placed on the flash drive. My experience is that is a
little slow.

With an existing profile:

Edit>>Mail & Newsgroup Account Settings>>(accountname)>>Server Settings.

In the local directory field, browse to the location on your flash
drive. Restart SeaMonkey, and it should be there.


This will do it; but it had to build a new Inbox??

Which of the two suggestions are you talking about?

Yes, a new profile will create a new Inbox, which you can overwrite b y 
copying over the appropriate file.

support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: I think I'll try a reinstall

2009-04-19 Thread Leonidas Jones

Rex's Mom wrote:

Well, nothing I have tried has sorted out my video issue. In looking
thru the newsgroup I found an earlier mention, tried that one and still
no joy.

So, now am thinking I should try a re-install of the software. Have
never done this directly only indirectly via an upgrade.

What are the steps?


Hi, long time no "see"!

Since you have posted a new thread, I've lost track of your initial problem.

Are you talking about reinstalling SeaMonkey, or some misbehaving video 

support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Re-ordering list of subscribed newsgroups?

2009-04-20 Thread Leonidas Jones

John wrote:

When using SeaMonkey to read newsgroups, each newsserver account shows
the subscribed newsgroups in the order in which I subscribed to them. I
would like to change the order in which they are listed, but I haven't
been able to figure out how to do that. Is this possible to do? Thanks!


In SeaMonkey 2.0a3, you can drag and drop groups  in the Folder Pane to 
reorder them.

In 1.1.16, you have to close SeaMonkey, navigate to your profile, open 
the appropriate newsrc file in a text editor, and reorder them manually. 
For example, for this server using Windows, it would be

support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: I think I'll try a reinstall

2009-04-20 Thread Leonidas Jones

Rex's Mom wrote:

Peter Potamus the Purple Hippo wrote:

Rex's Mom wrote:

Well, nothing I have tried has sorted out my video issue. In looking
thru the newsgroup I found an earlier mention, tried that one and
still no joy.

So, now am thinking I should try a re-install of the software. Have
never done this directly only indirectly via an upgrade.

What are the steps?


don't. When you did as I suggested, you did so with SM closed? Right!?

If so, then try a test profile and see if the problem continues in that.

Oops, just saw this one. Yes, I followed your suggestions. Then saw
something about making sure the Quicklaunch is closed. Forgive the basic
question, but is ql the stuff to the left of the taskbar and is it
sufficient to drag it off there or does the start menu need to be changed?

Anywho, tried dragging it off and also tried it using my pre-existing
test profile which was created using ONLY the SM defaults settings, i.e.
no tinkering (I think!)

Just curious, why do you advise against a re-install?

If Quick Launch is enabled, you will see a SeaMonkey icon in the 
systray, at the right of the task bar, near the clock. To check, click 
Edit>>Preferences>>Advanced.  There is a check box for Quick Launch, 
make sure it is unchecked.

It has nothing to do with the Windows Quick Launch Toolbar, which just 
places launch icons for favorite applications at the left of the Task Bar.

Reinstalling SeaMonkey, while it can't hurt anything, rarely 
accomplishes anything either.  Problems of this nature are almost always 
profile related, which are not touched by a reinstall.  You might try 
creating yet another new profile, and testing in it.  Funny things can 
happen to older test profiles.

On the other hand, reinstalling Flash Player may indeed have a happy result.

support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Migrating from Mozilla to SeaMonkey

2009-04-21 Thread Leonidas Jones

u...@domain.invalid wrote:

MalcolmO escreveu:

2.0 (Alpha) will not run on Panther, you need at least Tiger (10.4)
for that one.

Not an option. I dragged my feet about getting Tiger and, once Leopard
was out, Tiger was gone! And Leopard won't (officially) run on my 800MHz
G4. :(  If Apple still sold Tiger, I'd probably buy it. But N...

My 800MHz iBook runs Leopard pretty well. Doesn't feel faster than
Tiger, but it's worth the pain for the small amount of software
requiring it. The hacks needed to install it are very mature and easy to
apply. I'd recommend upgrading, even though it's not officially supported.

Take a look on eBay, you can find a Tiger install disk.

support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: slow speed of newsreader

2009-04-21 Thread Leonidas Jones

Peter Potamus the Purple Hippo wrote:

zvnteq7 wrote:

zvnteq7 wrote:

zvnteq7 wrote:

Peter Potamus the Purple Hippo wrote:

zvnteq7 wrote:

I noticed that moving between newsgroup messages is much slower in
SM than it is in TB, is there a way to speed this up? I mean it's
not super slow but there is a noticeable difference between the
two. Help appreciated,


close SM and remove the file hostperm.1. Reopen SM and try again.
Did that work?

I can't even find hostperm.1 , it's not in the profile folder, could
it be in another folder?


Whoops my bad, well I was looking in the wrong 'profile' folder, I
found the right one this way:

Thanks for your help though :)

Crap, still slower than TB :/

Maybe TB is just... a little faster?

nope, I find SM and TB just as fast

No difference noted as well.

support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: slow speed of newsreader

2009-04-21 Thread Leonidas Jones

zvnteq7 wrote:

Leonidas Jones wrote:

Peter Potamus the Purple Hippo wrote:

zvnteq7 wrote:

zvnteq7 wrote:

zvnteq7 wrote:

Peter Potamus the Purple Hippo wrote:

zvnteq7 wrote:

I noticed that moving between newsgroup messages is much slower in
SM than it is in TB, is there a way to speed this up? I mean it's
not super slow but there is a noticeable difference between the
two. Help appreciated,


close SM and remove the file hostperm.1. Reopen SM and try again.
Did that work?

I can't even find hostperm.1 , it's not in the profile folder, could
it be in another folder?


Whoops my bad, well I was looking in the wrong 'profile' folder, I
found the right one this way:

Thanks for your help though :)

Crap, still slower than TB :/

Maybe TB is just... a little faster?

nope, I find SM and TB just as fast

No difference noted as well.


Well one ray of light, the 2.0 Alpha 3 is slightly faster than 1.1.6 :)
(I just installed it and it's working great so far)

and yes, *I* can tell the difference :)

2.0a3 has crashed several times for me over the last month, something 
the 1.1.x series never did.

On the whole though, I find it a great improvement.

support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: slow speed of newsreader

2009-04-22 Thread Leonidas Jones

Martin Feitag wrote:

Leonidas Jones schrieb:

zvnteq7 wrote:

Leonidas Jones wrote:

Peter Potamus the Purple Hippo wrote:

zvnteq7 wrote:

zvnteq7 wrote:

zvnteq7 wrote:

Peter Potamus the Purple Hippo wrote:

zvnteq7 wrote:

I noticed that moving between newsgroup messages is much
slower in
SM than it is in TB, is there a way to speed this up? I mean it's
not super slow but there is a noticeable difference between the
two. Help appreciated,


close SM and remove the file hostperm.1. Reopen SM and try again.
Did that work?

I can't even find hostperm.1 , it's not in the profile folder,
it be in another folder?


Whoops my bad, well I was looking in the wrong 'profile' folder, I
found the right one this way:

Thanks for your help though :)

Crap, still slower than TB :/

Maybe TB is just... a little faster?

nope, I find SM and TB just as fast

No difference noted as well.


Well one ray of light, the 2.0 Alpha 3 is slightly faster than 1.1.6 :)
(I just installed it and it's working great so far)

and yes, *I* can tell the difference :)

2.0a3 has crashed several times for me over the last month, something
the 1.1.x series never did.

Be patient, it's still an alpha-version ;-)
(though I have to say it doesn't crash often here)

On the whole though, I find it a great improvement.

yeah :-)


Oh not often at all, maybe once or twice a week.  Still, its more then I 
ever saw with 1.1.x.

Its not enough to cause a problem, and I've been using it as my default 
app for quite a while now.  I am quite sure the problem will be solved, 
and its going to be a great release.

support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: slow speed of newsreader

2009-04-22 Thread Leonidas Jones

Moz Champion (Dan) wrote:

Leonidas Jones wrote:

Martin Feitag wrote:

Leonidas Jones schrieb:

zvnteq7 wrote:

Leonidas Jones wrote:

Peter Potamus the Purple Hippo wrote:

zvnteq7 wrote:

zvnteq7 wrote:

zvnteq7 wrote:

Peter Potamus the Purple Hippo wrote:

zvnteq7 wrote:

I noticed that moving between newsgroup messages is much
slower in
SM than it is in TB, is there a way to speed this up? I mean
not super slow but there is a noticeable difference between the
two. Help appreciated,


close SM and remove the file hostperm.1. Reopen SM and try
Did that work?

I can't even find hostperm.1 , it's not in the profile folder,
it be in another folder?


Whoops my bad, well I was looking in the wrong 'profile' folder, I
found the right one this way:

Thanks for your help though :)

Crap, still slower than TB :/

Maybe TB is just... a little faster?

nope, I find SM and TB just as fast

No difference noted as well.


Well one ray of light, the 2.0 Alpha 3 is slightly faster than
1.1.6 :)
(I just installed it and it's working great so far)

and yes, *I* can tell the difference :)

2.0a3 has crashed several times for me over the last month, something
the 1.1.x series never did.

Be patient, it's still an alpha-version ;-)
(though I have to say it doesn't crash often here)

On the whole though, I find it a great improvement.

yeah :-)


Oh not often at all, maybe once or twice a week. Still, its more then
I ever saw with 1.1.x.

Its not enough to cause a problem, and I've been using it as my
default app for quite a while now. I am quite sure the problem will be
solved, and its going to be a great release.


Hmmm are you comparing an alpha version (2.0a3) to a release version
(1.1.x) - isnt that like comparing Grapes and raisins?

I would expect any alpha version to crash, after all, there is a reason
it hasn't been upgraded to beta yet! 

I am indeed, which is the point of testing. ;)

And it is a favorable comparison!

support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: [OT] crash reports - was Re: slow speed of newsreader

2009-04-23 Thread Leonidas Jones

NoOp wrote:

On 04/22/2009 10:21 PM, Philip Chee wrote:

On Wed, 22 Apr 2009 20:46:47 -0400, Leonidas Jones wrote:

Martin Feitag wrote:

Be patient, it's still an alpha-version ;-)
(though I have to say it doesn't crash often here)

Oh not often at all, maybe once or twice a week.  Still, its more then I
ever saw with 1.1.x.

I do hope that you guys running 2.0a/b have turned on the crash reporter
AND are filing crash bugs. Because if you aren't nobody is going to fix
those bugs (unless it's in code shared with either Thunderbird or
Firefox and someone there has already filed some crash bugs) because the
developers aren't aware of those.

Also it's better to file a crash bug and have it marked as a duplicate
than to suffer in silence in case nobody else has filed a bug.


Explain please why it is necessary to *also* file a bug in addition to
the crash report. For example, my 2.0b1pre crashed about an hour ago.
The crash reporter files this:


Crash-stats ( search shows all of these
for a crash in 2.0b1pre:


[SeaMonkey 2.0b1pre Crash Report [@ libc-2.7...@0x73463 ]]

Isn't there sufficient information in the crash reports (including raw
dumps) to work on the issues? The crash report shows the build, branch,
version, OS version, OS, reason (SIGSEGV in this case), signature, etc.
   Further, when submitting the crash report I've always ticked the box
to include my email address so that I can be contacted for additional
information/testing. However I yet to receive an email back regarding
any of the 32 crash reports that I've sent.

Note: it would also be *very* helpful if the 'submitted' file actually
contained the full url to the crash report... it gets to be a pain
pasting in then going back
and pasting in '121cf58e-7098-4d62-8511-35d5c2090423' (mind you that you
need to leave off the preceeding 'bp-' in
Crash ID: bp-121cf58e-7098-4d62-8511-35d5c2090423
for the url to work.

support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: [OT] crash reports - was Re: slow speed of newsreader

2009-04-23 Thread Leonidas Jones

Leonidas Jones wrote:

NoOp wrote:

On 04/22/2009 10:21 PM, Philip Chee wrote:

On Wed, 22 Apr 2009 20:46:47 -0400, Leonidas Jones wrote:

Martin Feitag wrote:

Be patient, it's still an alpha-version ;-)
(though I have to say it doesn't crash often here)

Oh not often at all, maybe once or twice a week. Still, its more then I
ever saw with 1.1.x.

I do hope that you guys running 2.0a/b have turned on the crash reporter
AND are filing crash bugs. Because if you aren't nobody is going to fix
those bugs (unless it's in code shared with either Thunderbird or
Firefox and someone there has already filed some crash bugs) because the
developers aren't aware of those.

Also it's better to file a crash bug and have it marked as a duplicate
than to suffer in silence in case nobody else has filed a bug.


Explain please why it is necessary to *also* file a bug in addition to
the crash report. For example, my 2.0b1pre crashed about an hour ago.
The crash reporter files this:


Crash-stats ( search shows all of these
for a crash in 2.0b1pre:


[SeaMonkey 2.0b1pre Crash Report [@ libc-2.7...@0x73463 ]]

Isn't there sufficient information in the crash reports (including raw
dumps) to work on the issues? The crash report shows the build, branch,
version, OS version, OS, reason (SIGSEGV in this case), signature, etc.
Further, when submitting the crash report I've always ticked the box
to include my email address so that I can be contacted for additional
information/testing. However I yet to receive an email back regarding
any of the 32 crash reports that I've sent.

Note: it would also be *very* helpful if the 'submitted' file actually
contained the full url to the crash report... it gets to be a pain
pasting in then going back
and pasting in '121cf58e-7098-4d62-8511-35d5c2090423' (mind you that you
need to leave off the preceeding 'bp-' in
Crash ID: bp-121cf58e-7098-4d62-8511-35d5c2090423
for the url to work.

My apologies for the blank post, LAN error.

I am interested in the answer to NoOP's question though. I had thought 
that sending the crssh reports was a part of the testing.


support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Migrating from Mozilla to SeaMonkey

2009-04-25 Thread Leonidas Jones

MalcolmO wrote:

best alternative to most users is Leopard Assistant

Sad to say, my iMac is the one modeled listed in the table as
"Uncertain", though I note that the original article did not indicate that.

Specs on the iMac?

support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: On a Mac, what is small green circle with number over Seamonkey icon in dock?

2009-10-20 Thread Leonidas Jones

Rich Gray wrote:

Bob Fleischer wrote:

Rich Gray wrote:

Mark Hansen wrote:

On 02/21/07 07:16, Marco wrote:

Geoff Welsh wrote:

Rich Gray wrote:

Bob Fleischer wrote:


Yes, it seems so, according to discussions I've had recently with
mailnews developers, the count is the total unread. I agree that this
can be quite useless.

Agreed, its taken a useful function and made it pretty much meaningless. 
The behavior noted on Panther is the same on Snow Leopard.

support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Seamonkey won't publish to www ftp address

2009-10-24 Thread Leonidas Jones

Ray_Net wrote:

David E. Ross wrote:

On 10/24/2009 6:43 AM, cj wrote:

My ISP's ftp address is "" instead of the
usual ""

I think this is preventing me from publishing my web pages from

Has anyone got a solution???


Use an FTP client that is independent of SeaMonkey. I've been using
WS_FTP LE v.5.08 (freeware but no longer available from the developer)
for about 9 years now without any problems.

FilleZilla (free) can be used instead of WS_FTP.

I second the suggestion of Filezilla.

support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: SM 2.0 RC2: will modal window for About:SeaMonkey return?

2009-10-24 Thread Leonidas Jones

Phillip Jones wrote:

Mark Hansen wrote:

On 10/23/09 18:32, Phillip Jones wrote:

Developers never, ever, ever, ever listen to end users. The think
they no more how a program should look like than the users that have
to use it.

Good God, have you a bone to pick or something? I am a developer and I
certainly do listen to what end users want - they are my customers
after all!

Don't you think you might be over-generalizing here a bit?

Perhaps you're just having a bad moment?

No it seem with Mozilla when user are happy with function, it always
seems that that irritates the heck out of the developers. It seems if
users like it too much, its a target to be removed.

For example I've always thought Tabs was not what most users wanted,
because it was a gee-whiz-bang feature that was in IE. we had to have it.

The way I work I have no desire, nor no need to have 8 or ten tabs open
at one time. I look at one thing at a time. Although I've using personal
computers since the early. I just never id desire have pages filled up
with cached pages of multiple websites.

WE don't need to any shape of fashion need to be an IE clone. If we look
and, act so much like IE what's the point in trying out something
different if it all works and looks the same. I don't want to be even
reminded of IE , much less look like like it.
This modal thing is another example. OR, how about killing javascript,
in Thunderbird. There was a Feature in Communicator that was great, you
could check for dead links and then ask it to delete them. It never saw
the light of day in Mozilla. I could think of other things.

But developers keep think up things, possibly ask (not always), get
negative responses then put it in anyway.

One thing you have resisted the temptation of doing is using Active-X. I
salute you for that. Now That I have bragged on that, there probably
will be an announcement next month that Active-X will be built-in.
Active-X is the reason now for bout 98% of all the malware floating on
the internet. The other 2 percent is Phishing attempts. If Active-X was
killed dead, at least for a while Windows machines wouldn't need virus
and Malware detection programs.

Phillip, lets look at this.  SeamMonkey is not Firefox. It is a 
volunteer effort.  The developers *are* users.

Actually, I think that's true for Firefox as well, or at least I would 
hope so.

Still, with SeaMonkey, lets step back and remember that these people 
walked the extra mile, and kept the suite alive for us. Questioning the 
decisions is fine, developer bashing here is not really appropriate.

For what its worth, I like the current About:SeaMonkey behaior.


support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: How to read/import older local folders

2009-10-26 Thread Leonidas Jones

David Wilkinson wrote:

Martin Freitag wrote:

DaveMunk schrieb:

I have older copies of SeaMonkey on different drives on my system: How
can I import or read the old local folder files into my current active

Rename them if necessary (if another folder with that name already
exists), close SM, copy the old folder files into your profile where
sent, trash etc. are located and start SM. All folders should be listet.


This is all for SM1 right? Can you inject SM1 folders into SM2 like
this, or are the formats incompatible?

The mail is still in mbox format, so you should be able to just transfer 
them as described.

support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Freezing in SM2

2009-10-26 Thread Leonidas Jones

David Wilkinson wrote:

Using XP, I have for some time been plagued by freezes in SM1. The
application becomes unresponsive, and all the SM windows in Task Manager
show "Not responding". After a while (30 seconds perhaps) it comes back
to life.

But now I am saying the same thing in SM2 (on a different XP machine).
It may be related to mail/news, because I have not seen it happen when I
have only browser windows open.

Does anybody else see this?

Yes, the whole program freezes while RSS feeds are being updated.  Do 
you have RSS feeds set up in Mail/News?

support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Freezing in SM2

2009-10-26 Thread Leonidas Jones

David Wilkinson wrote:

Leonidas Jones wrote:

David Wilkinson wrote:


Yes, the whole program freezes while RSS feeds are being updated. Do
you have RSS feeds set up in Mail/News?

No, not yet. But I have a lot of newsgroups.

I thought SM2 was supposed to have better isolation between different
pages/features, so that problems with one page/feature would not disable
the whole application.

Anyway, this is not acceptable. How can SM2 be designed this way? Will
it be fixed?

Well, the freezing I am seeing is purely related to RSS, so its probably 
not the same.  In fact, I had been attributing the problem to my non 
standard profile setup, where the mail/news/rss data is stored on an 
external drive.

Do you have your account set to poll the servers for new messages at the 
same time?  If so, that may be the cause.

support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: SM 2.0 RC2: will modal window for About:SeaMonkey return?

2009-10-26 Thread Leonidas Jones

Phillip Jones wrote:

Daniel wrote:

Phillip Jones wrote:

Daniel wrote:

asmpgmr wrote:

On Oct 24, 5:40 pm, Robert Kaiser  wrote:


So did you just forget to re-set your header info last time??? (Now it
is correctly showing you are using a Mac!)


I don't even use User Agent switcher any more.

Daniel, I've looked at several of Phillip's full headers, and I have not 
seen one that indicates anything other then Mac OSX.  I suspect you may 
have looked at someone else's post by mistake.

Since this is getting off topic, I've set a followup to mozilla.general.

support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Freezing in SM2

2009-10-26 Thread Leonidas Jones

Phillip Jones wrote:

David E. Ross wrote:

On 10/26/2009 4:45 AM, David Wilkinson wrote:


RSS doesn't exist in Mac version of SM 1.1.8 never has. you could add an
extension but didn't like it. Even in FF I don't use it.

Actually, Forumzilla worked very well on 1.1.x.  Generally the RSS 
reader native to SM 2.0 Mail/News is better, but Forumzilla didn't 
freeze 1.1.x quite the way RSS does in 2.0.

Again though, I suspect that my system of placing data on an external 
drive may have something to do with that.


support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Freezing in SM2

2009-10-26 Thread Leonidas Jones

Phillip Jones wrote:

Leonidas Jones wrote:

Phillip Jones wrote:

David E. Ross wrote:

On 10/26/2009 4:45 AM, David Wilkinson wrote:


RSS doesn't exist in Mac version of SM 1.1.8 never has. you could add an
extension but didn't like it. Even in FF I don't use it.

Actually, Forumzilla worked very well on 1.1.x. Generally the RSS
reader native to SM 2.0 Mail/News is better, but Forumzilla didn't
freeze 1.1.x quite the way RSS does in 2.0.

Again though, I suspect that my system of placing data on an external
drive may have something to do with that.


I tried another other than the one you suggest. never saw anything
interest, and caused more problems in fact I had to remove all the
chrome items the re-download then install what I had.
Can you disable the RSS in SM2??

No need to disable it, just don't use it.

support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: SeaMonkey 2.0 - The Modern Internet Suite is Here!

2009-10-27 Thread Leonidas Jones

Robert Kaiser wrote:

The SeaMonkey project at Mozilla is excited to release its completely
refurbished next generation of the all-in one Internet suite today:
SeaMonkey 2.0, now available for free download from the website, melds the ideas behind Netscape
Communicator with the modern platform of Firefox 3.5 to create one of
the most compelling open source products for advanced Internet users.

The combination of an Internet browser, email & newsgroup client,
HTML editor, IRC chat and web development tools, that has already
established a wide user base in its previous incarnations, has been
rebuilt on top of the modern Mozilla platform, featuring world-class
add-on management among other things. In addition, it has been improved
with feed support (including an RSS and Atom feed reader in the mail
component), a modern look, restoration of browser tabs and windows after
crashes or restarts, tabbed mail, automated updates, smart history
search from the location bar, faster JavaScript, HTML5 features (for
example video and downloadable fonts), and even support for the
Lightning calendar add-on (which will issue a beta for installation on
SeaMonkey 2.0 in the next few weeks).

The release notes feature more in-depth lists of the improvements and
known issues with the new version as well as installation requirements
and instructions. Find even more information on SeaMonkey 2.0 and the
SeaMonkey project at!


Robert Kaiser
SeaMonkey project coordinator

This is truly great news, a great day for the old Netscape suite 
concept. My hearty congratulations to all who have worked so hard.

I am assuming that RC2 is the released version, since a check for 
updates from here found none.

support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Now that v2.0 final is out, time to start upgrading...

2009-10-27 Thread Leonidas Jones

Ant wrote:



4. I see no Mac OS X 10.2.8 support. Can I compile my own or get it from
a third party? I still use SM v1.1.18 on it.


You will have to continue to use 1.1.18 or any further updates of 1.1.x 
on your Jaguar system.  2.0 will only run Tiger (1.4.x) and above.

support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: SeaMonkey 2.0 - The Modern Internet Suite is Here!

2009-10-27 Thread Leonidas Jones

Tomas Thrainsson wrote:

On Oct 27, 10:30 am, Robert Kaiser  wrote:

Robert Kaiser wrote:

The SeaMonkey project at Mozilla is excited to release its completely
refurbished next generation of the all-in one Internet suite today

Oops, forgot another followup-to, please reply only to!

Robert Kaiser

I'm sorry to say, but there's a problem with the latest release.

I upgraded it from 1.1.18 and after the upgrade I had a strange
Every time I try to run Seamonkey, it shuts down all by itself without
ever opening a window. I tried downloading it again without any
I hope this gets addressed, because I really like this client, at
least up to now.

Tomas Thrainsson

Well, I just installed 2.0 final over the top of 1.1.14 on an XP box, 
snd all went very smoothly, so it is not a generic problem, but 
something about your system.

The best thing for you to do would be to post a separate topic, and give 
more information about your system, for example, what service packs are 
installed, and how you installed, over the top of the existing 
installation, or did you uninstall first, for example.

Posting a separate topic will get your problem more attention, rather 
then having it hide here in an announcement thread.

support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: SeaMonkey 2.0 destroys previous e-mail inboxes

2009-10-27 Thread Leonidas Jones

Claus wrote:

Hi, I have just installed SeaMonkey 2.0. Unfortunately, the
installation deleted ALL my previous e-mails. I have been using
SeaMonkey 1.1.18, had configured three different e-mail accounts with
a total amount of about 5GB of e-mails. SeaMonkey 2.0 literally
deleted the first account (the respective directory on the HD is
really empty) whilst the mails for the second and third account are
still in their respective directories on the HD, but are not
visualized in their inboxes of the new version of SeaMonkey. All three
accounts were identically configured (POP3) and connected to the same
e-mail server. I can download and send new e-mails, but have lost
access to all my previous mails.

Mozilla should inform their users that they risk loosing their
existing e-mails when they install SeaMonkey 2.0. This is horrible and
I hope that I can recover my lost e-mails from a second copy on
another PC. Do you have any suggestions how to import inboxes from the
previous version? Is there any way to get access to the existing
inboxes created by SeaMonkey 1.1.18 on the same PC which are still on
the hard disk but do not appear in the new inboxes?

Thanks for your help!

Okay, you do realize that SeaMonkey 2.0 has a different profile location 
then 1.1.x?  The profile transfer wizard usually does a very good job of 
copying the files, however you do have an unusually large am mount of 
email to be transferred.  I suspect that the tranfer wizard may not have 
been able to handle that large an amount in your main email account.

The original profile is left intact. If I am reading you correctly, your 
should be able to transfer the files from the old profile to the new 
profile manually.

Give a little more information.  Did the profile wizard seem to complete 
properly? Is your first account listed as an account, with blank 
folders, or is it not listed at all.  Did you uninstall the old version? 
 If you did not, open it and verify that your mail is still there (it 
will be).

If SM 2.0 does not show your first account, create it in the Account 
wizard.  Do not allow it to download any mail yet.

Once the account is created, close SeaMonkey.  Navigate to your original 
profile folder:

C:\\Documents and Settings\(username)\Application 

In the Mail subfolder, find the flder associated with your first 
account, which will be named for the POP server.  Copy the whole folder.

Go to your new profile location:

C:\\Documents and Settings\(username)\Application 

There should be a folder called .default, your new profile. Open 
that, open the mail subfolder, and paste in the copied folder, allowing 
to overwrite the existing (empty) folder that is there.

Open SeaMonkey, and your mail should be restored. Repeat as needed for 
the other accounts.  If they are showing as accounts, you can probably 
just copy their folders over from the Mail folder in the old profile to 
the Mail folder in the new.

support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Cannot Launch SeaMonkey 2

2009-10-27 Thread Leonidas Jones

David E. Ross wrote:

First, I cleared out SeaMonkey 1.1.18.  I deleted its entire
installation folder and all profile folders.  (I saved the profiles on a
different hard drive; I'll have to retrieve the plugins from the backup
I ran about a half-hour before.)

Then, I installed SeaMonkey 2.0 on Windows XP SP2.  I did a custom
install, deselecting Chatzilla.  I installed in

At the end, I got a window asking if I wanted to launch SeaMonkey.  I
responded positively.  I then got an error popup with the message:
"SeaMonkey is already running, but is not reponding.  To open a new
window, you must first close the existing SeaMonkey process, or restart
your system."  I checked the Windows Task Manager (Ctrl-Alt-Delete) --
both Applications and Processes tabs -- and cannot find SeaMonkey
running.  When I did a warm reboot, I got the same error popup.

Please DO NOT respond with a link or reference to a Web page.  At the
moment, I don't have a working browser.

Surely you have Internet Explorer.  Well, I guess, we can argue the 
meaning of "working browser".  ;)

You might want to install Firefox as a backup.  I always keep it handy, 
just in case.

Remind me what version of Windows you are running.  So far, I've got it 
up on XP SP3 with no issues. However, the difference in our experiences 
is that I have not tried installing it without an existing profile from 
which to transfer.  I'll give a whirl and see what I discover.

support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Cannot Launch SeaMonkey 2

2009-10-27 Thread Leonidas Jones

Leonidas Jones wrote:

David E. Ross wrote:

First, I cleared out SeaMonkey 1.1.18. I deleted its entire
installation folder and all profile folders. (I saved the profiles on a
different hard drive; I'll have to retrieve the plugins from the backup
I ran about a half-hour before.)

Then, I installed SeaMonkey 2.0 on Windows XP SP2. I did a custom
install, deselecting Chatzilla. I installed in

At the end, I got a window asking if I wanted to launch SeaMonkey. I
responded positively. I then got an error popup with the message:
"SeaMonkey is already running, but is not reponding. To open a new
window, you must first close the existing SeaMonkey process, or restart
your system." I checked the Windows Task Manager (Ctrl-Alt-Delete) --
both Applications and Processes tabs -- and cannot find SeaMonkey
running. When I did a warm reboot, I got the same error popup.

Please DO NOT respond with a link or reference to a Web page. At the
moment, I don't have a working browser.

Surely you have Internet Explorer. Well, I guess, we can argue the
meaning of "working browser". ;)

You might want to install Firefox as a backup. I always keep it handy,
just in case.

Remind me what version of Windows you are running. So far, I've got it
up on XP SP3 with no issues. However, the difference in our experiences
is that I have not tried installing it without an existing profile from
which to transfer. I'll give a whirl and see what I discover.


For what it may be worth, I just installed SM 2.0 on XP Pro SP3. 
SeaMonkey had never been installed on this system.  It installed and 
started up with no issues.

Again, can you clarify exactly what version of Windows you are running?

support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Does Form Manager in 2.0 Work?

2009-10-27 Thread Leonidas Jones

Sandy Pamin wrote:

Can anyone get the new version of Form Manager to work? I can't see how
to use it, and so far it doesn't do anything. Very disappointing. I may
have to stay with 1.18 now.

Form data is filled in with no problem at all from here.

Have you checked in Edit>>Preferences>>Browser>>History, to make sure 
that form completion is enabled?

support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Problem with Seamonkey 2.0

2009-10-27 Thread Leonidas Jones

Tomas Thrainsson wrote:

On Oct 27, 9:35 pm, Tomas Thrainsson  wrote:

I'm sorry to say, but there's a problem with the latest release.

I upgraded it from 1.1.18 and after the upgrade I had a strange
Every time I try to run Seamonkey, it shuts down all by itself without
ever opening a window. I tried downloading it again without any
change. I had the same problem with the alpha releases, so I always
reverted back to trusty old 1.1x series that have remained rock solid.
I hope this gets addressed, because I really like this client, at
least up to now.

Tomas Thrainsson

I forgot to mention that I'm running this on Windows XP SP3

This should really be posted on  Its been 
years since there was a Mozilla suite, no one will see it here.

I'm crossposting this to, and setting a 
followup to that group.

support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Where To Install SM2..

2009-10-27 Thread Leonidas Jones

JD wrote:

I'm currently running SM 1.1.18 but install all my programs on my D
drive. Yes, I'm one of those people. 1.1.18 is installed at:

When I go to install SM 2, it wants to install in:
C:\Program Files\SeaMonkey\

Can I install 2 in: D:\SeaMonkey2 and leave my older version alone? It
works so good for me and I'm seeing the thread Cannot Launch SeaMonkey 2
by David E Ross and nr's reply having the same problem and just like
David I don't use IE for anything but MS updates.

Houston, do we have a problem?

Well, most people are installing with no problem, but it is brand new 
software,so there are bound to be some glitches.

First of all, even if you install SM 2.0 in the default location, it 
will not overwrite the existing SM 1.1.x. It installs to its own 
location, and sets up a new profile in a new location.  As long as you 
do not uninstall SM 1.1.x, you cn easily run the two independently of 
each other.

Therefore, you can select a custom install, and place the program 
wherever you like.  If something goes wrong, you can always run SM 
1.1.x, and fix the 2.0 install at your convenience.  Most likely, 
nothing will go wrong.

support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Cannot Launch SeaMonkey 2

2009-10-27 Thread Leonidas Jones

David E. Ross wrote:

On 10/27/2009 3:45 PM, Leonidas Jones wrote:

Leonidas Jones wrote:

David E. Ross wrote:

First, I cleared out SeaMonkey 1.1.18. I deleted its entire
installation folder and all profile folders. (I saved the profiles on a
different hard drive; I'll have to retrieve the plugins from the backup
I ran about a half-hour before.)

Then, I installed SeaMonkey 2.0 on Windows XP SP2. I did a custom
install, deselecting Chatzilla. I installed in

At the end, I got a window asking if I wanted to launch SeaMonkey. I
responded positively. I then got an error popup with the message:
"SeaMonkey is already running, but is not reponding. To open a new
window, you must first close the existing SeaMonkey process, or restart
your system." I checked the Windows Task Manager (Ctrl-Alt-Delete) --
both Applications and Processes tabs -- and cannot find SeaMonkey
running. When I did a warm reboot, I got the same error popup.

Please DO NOT respond with a link or reference to a Web page. At the
moment, I don't have a working browser.

Surely you have Internet Explorer. Well, I guess, we can argue the
meaning of "working browser". ;)

You might want to install Firefox as a backup. I always keep it handy,
just in case.

Remind me what version of Windows you are running. So far, I've got it
up on XP SP3 with no issues. However, the difference in our experiences
is that I have not tried installing it without an existing profile from
which to transfer. I'll give a whirl and see what I discover.


For what it may be worth, I just installed SM 2.0 on XP Pro SP3.
SeaMonkey had never been installed on this system.  It installed and
started up with no issues.

Again, can you clarify exactly what version of Windows you are running?


Windows XP Home Edition 5.1.2600 Service Pack 2 Build 2600
(Build 2600.xpsp_sp2_gdr.090804-1412)

Okay, thanks!

Have you checked in the new profile location for parent.lock, as Hartmut 
suggested?  That would be the obvious culprit.

support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Freezing in SM2

2009-10-27 Thread Leonidas Jones

Phillip Jones wrote:

Leonidas Jones wrote:

Phillip Jones wrote:

Leonidas Jones wrote:

Phillip Jones wrote:

David E. Ross wrote:

On 10/26/2009 4:45 AM, David Wilkinson wrote:


RSS doesn't exist in Mac version of SM 1.1.8 never has. you could
add an
extension but didn't like it. Even in FF I don't use it.

Actually, Forumzilla worked very well on 1.1.x. Generally the RSS
reader native to SM 2.0 Mail/News is better, but Forumzilla didn't
freeze 1.1.x quite the way RSS does in 2.0.

Again though, I suspect that my system of placing data on an external
drive may have something to do with that.


I tried another other than the one you suggest. never saw anything
interest, and caused more problems in fact I had to remove all the
chrome items the re-download then install what I had.
Can you disable the RSS in SM2??

No need to disable it, just don't use it.


People here are complaining that the RSS is the reason from Freezing
problems while it updates.

That is clearly my experience as well. Then again, my unusual storage is 
probably making it worse.

Looking back, if my memory has any validity, back with TB 1.5, there was 
no problem. RSS would update without my even being aware it was 
happening.  It was with TB 2 that it bagin to be an issue.  SM2 has 
likely inherited that issue.

support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Cannot Launch SeaMonkey 2

2009-10-27 Thread Leonidas Jones

David E. Ross wrote:

On 10/27/2009 4:38 PM, Leonidas Jones wrote:

David E. Ross wrote:

On 10/27/2009 3:45 PM, Leonidas Jones wrote:

Leonidas Jones wrote:

David E. Ross wrote:

First, I cleared out SeaMonkey 1.1.18. I deleted its entire
installation folder and all profile folders. (I saved the profiles on a
different hard drive; I'll have to retrieve the plugins from the backup
I ran about a half-hour before.)

Then, I installed SeaMonkey 2.0 on Windows XP SP2. I did a custom
install, deselecting Chatzilla. I installed in

At the end, I got a window asking if I wanted to launch SeaMonkey. I
responded positively. I then got an error popup with the message:
"SeaMonkey is already running, but is not reponding. To open a new
window, you must first close the existing SeaMonkey process, or restart
your system." I checked the Windows Task Manager (Ctrl-Alt-Delete) --
both Applications and Processes tabs -- and cannot find SeaMonkey
running. When I did a warm reboot, I got the same error popup.

Please DO NOT respond with a link or reference to a Web page. At the
moment, I don't have a working browser.

Surely you have Internet Explorer. Well, I guess, we can argue the
meaning of "working browser". ;)

You might want to install Firefox as a backup. I always keep it handy,
just in case.

Remind me what version of Windows you are running. So far, I've got it
up on XP SP3 with no issues. However, the difference in our experiences
is that I have not tried installing it without an existing profile from
which to transfer. I'll give a whirl and see what I discover.


For what it may be worth, I just installed SM 2.0 on XP Pro SP3.
SeaMonkey had never been installed on this system.  It installed and
started up with no issues.

Again, can you clarify exactly what version of Windows you are running?


Windows XP Home Edition 5.1.2600 Service Pack 2 Build 2600
(Build 2600.xpsp_sp2_gdr.090804-1412)

Okay, thanks!

Have you checked in the new profile location for parent.lock, as Hartmut
suggested?  That would be the obvious culprit.


By now, I've complete removed SM 2 and reverted back to SM 1.1.18.
Perhaps tonight, I might have time to try to install SM 2 in its own
folder with a distinct folder for its profiles.  It's time for dinner,
and then I have a 7:00pm PDT meeting to attend.

Well, here is the interesting thing.

SM 2.0 is set to install to a distinct folder.  When you install it, it 
doesn't overwrite the existing 1.1.x.  Not only that, it imports the 
profile from 1.1.x, and places it in a distinct location.

You can then very easily run the two side by side, one will not impact 
the other.

Your mistake may have been in being too careful.  You uninstalled 1.1.x, 
and removed the profiles.  I would suggest, leave 1.1.x in place, both 
program and profiles. Install 2.0 to its default location, which is 
different then 1.1.x.  Both will now exist.  Let 2.0 migrate your 
primary profile. 1.1.x and 2.0 will now have separate profiles with the 
same data. If there is a problem with your new 2.0 installation, you can 
simply run 1.1.x until we have figured out what is going wrong.

Lets look at the bright side, probably nothing will go wrong.

support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: SeaMonkey 2.0 destroys previous e-mail inboxes

2009-10-27 Thread Leonidas Jones

cciaffone wrote:

Yup, also lost my newsgroups as well as the url history list.

Not what you would call a glorious upgrade. Lost way
more than I gained. I have reverted to 1.1.18.

Fortunately the developers have not figured out how
to destroy the older files ... or they would have.

I guess with your negative experience, you are entitled to be cynical.

I would suggest that the old files are left as a fail safe, and perhaps 
we should thank the developers for that. The migration wizard in the 2.0 
pre nightlies, though the Alphas, was having problems with my admittedly 
unusual profile setup.  The Betas started handling it well, and breezed 
though my wife's decidedly normal profile.

Still, it is new software, it is a volunteer effort, and no matter how 
well it is tested, glitches are going to occur.  Isn't it fortunate that 
we  are provided with a ready made backup, in the old installation and 

You will be able to restore your newsgroups with ease.  Ask if you need 
any guidance. URL history, is that a really major thing in your usage?

By the way, I will note two things.  For Mac users, installing SM 2.0 
*does* overwrite 1.1.x, unlike Windows.

Also, while I was writing this, my RSS feeds updated, and I was stuck 
looking at the Pinwheel of Death for 30 seconds while it did so.  I 
guess 30 seconds isn't that long, but man it is a pain.

support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: SeaMonkey 2.0 - The Modern Internet Suite is Here!

2009-10-27 Thread Leonidas Jones

Phillip Jones wrote:

»Q« wrote:

In ,
Robert Kaiser  wrote:

The SeaMonkey project at Mozilla is excited to release its completely
refurbished next generation of the all-in one Internet suite today:
SeaMonkey 2.0

Congratulations and thanks to everybody involved!

Now that it is Gold and SkyPilot and QuoteColors now works I'll have to
figure out how I can move my current setup in 1.1.8, over again. when I
was trying The Beta's for first time I had it copy over all my setup
from 1.1.8 Since I've only used the browser section after I found out
quote colors, didn't work and was deal breaker. Today I downloaded
Quotecolors and it works. So I now want to move on.

Besides the news and Email I've also added some filter rules. and other

Can I completely remove the Profile Folder and do the import?

From what you are saying, you have already imported.  If you have 
another profile to import, do not delete the profile folder until you 
have imported the data.

Once you are happy with how 2.0 is working, it would be a good idea to 
delete the old profile folder, to save disk space.  If you have 
installed 2.0 anywhere other than Applications, move it to the 
Applications folder, and let it overwrite 1.1.8.

support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Subject: Re: Where To Install SM2..

2009-10-27 Thread Leonidas Jones

James wrote:

Then why is this note on the Seamonkey page under Installation?


Please note that installing SeaMonkey 2.0 will overwrite your existing
installation of SeaMonkey. You won't lose any of your bookmarks,
browsing history or mail and news messages, but some of your
extensions and other add-ons might not work until updates for them are
made available.


First of all, even if you install SM 2.0 in the default location, it
will not overwrite the existing SM 1.1.x. It installs to its own
location, and sets up a new profile in a new location. As long as you
do not uninstall SM 1.1.x, you cn easily run the two independently of
each other.

Well, all I can say is that installing 2.0 on Win XP SP3 installed to a 
separate SeaMonkey folder in Program Files, leaving 1.1.14 untouched in 
the folder.

On the other hand, on Mac OS X, I installed it as instructed to 
Applications, which did overwrite 1.1.18.

At least that is what happened to me.

support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Does Form Manager in 2.0 Work?

2009-10-27 Thread Leonidas Jones

Tom Pamin wrote:

Leonidas Jones wrote:

Sandy Pamin wrote:

Can anyone get the new version of Form Manager to work? I can't see how
to use it, and so far it doesn't do anything. Very disappointing. I may
have to stay with 1.18 now.

Form data is filled in with no problem at all from here.

Have you checked in Edit>>Preferences>>Browser>>History, to make sure
that form completion is enabled?


Can you give me a link to a form for an example, so I can try it? I do
have it enabled in Preferences.

I can't see that this would do any good, since it is my form information.

Amazon and eBay are both working from here, as two examples.

support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Does Form Manager in 2.0 Work?

2009-10-27 Thread Leonidas Jones

Tom Pamin wrote:

Leonidas Jones wrote:

Tom Pamin wrote:

Leonidas Jones wrote:

Sandy Pamin wrote:

Can anyone get the new version of Form Manager to work? I can't see
to use it, and so far it doesn't do anything. Very disappointing. I
have to stay with 1.18 now.

Form data is filled in with no problem at all from here.

Have you checked in Edit>>Preferences>>Browser>>History, to make sure
that form completion is enabled?


Can you give me a link to a form for an example, so I can try it? I do
have it enabled in Preferences.

I can't see that this would do any good, since it is my form information.

Amazon and eBay are both working from here, as two examples.


Must be my old age showing - I can't get it to do anything. Can you give
me a step by step with an example of how this works?

Not really.  As an example, I go to the Amazon "Where's my Stuff" page, 
to check on the status of an order:

My email address and password, which I have entered on a previous visit, 
are already entered. I just click on the sign in button, and it works.

I've been running SM 2.0 full time since Alpha 3, so I can't really 
speak to how form information migrates from 1.1.x.

support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Where To Install SM2..

2009-10-27 Thread Leonidas Jones

JD wrote:

Leonidas Jones wrote:

JD wrote:

I'm currently running SM 1.1.18 but install all my programs on my D
drive. Yes, I'm one of those people. 1.1.18 is installed at:

When I go to install SM 2, it wants to install in:
C:\Program Files\SeaMonkey\

Can I install 2 in: D:\SeaMonkey2 and leave my older version alone? It
works so good for me and I'm seeing the thread Cannot Launch SeaMonkey 2
by David E Ross and nr's reply having the same problem and just like
David I don't use IE for anything but MS updates.

Houston, do we have a problem?

Well, most people are installing with no problem, but it is brand new
software,so there are bound to be some glitches.

First of all, even if you install SM 2.0 in the default location, it
will not overwrite the existing SM 1.1.x. It installs to its own
location, and sets up a new profile in a new location. As long as you
do not uninstall SM 1.1.x, you cn easily run the two independently of
each other.

Therefore, you can select a custom install, and place the program
wherever you like. If something goes wrong, you can always run SM
1.1.x, and fix the 2.0 install at your convenience. Most likely,
nothing will go wrong.


Did not work for me. I installed in into D:\SeaMonkey2 and when I launch
the .exe file in that folder I get my old SeaMonkey. SeaMonkey 1.1.18

The location and name of the file that gives me that version is:

Right click Properties says: Version, Product Version: 2.0
Modified: 17 October 2009 12:08:30

Houston we have a problem.

Windows XP home edition, SP3, latest updates, IE6.

I think we probably need to have someon who knows Windows better then I 
to jump in.

support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Cannot Launch SeaMonkey 2

2009-10-27 Thread Leonidas Jones

David E. Ross wrote:

On 10/27/2009 4:44 PM, David E. Ross wrote:

On 10/27/2009 4:38 PM, Leonidas Jones wrote:

David E. Ross wrote:

On 10/27/2009 3:45 PM, Leonidas Jones wrote:

Leonidas Jones wrote:

David E. Ross wrote:

First, I cleared out SeaMonkey 1.1.18. I deleted its entire
installation folder and all profile folders. (I saved the profiles on a
different hard drive; I'll have to retrieve the plugins from the backup
I ran about a half-hour before.)

Then, I installed SeaMonkey 2.0 on Windows XP SP2. I did a custom
install, deselecting Chatzilla. I installed in

At the end, I got a window asking if I wanted to launch SeaMonkey. I
responded positively. I then got an error popup with the message:
"SeaMonkey is already running, but is not reponding. To open a new
window, you must first close the existing SeaMonkey process, or restart
your system." I checked the Windows Task Manager (Ctrl-Alt-Delete) --
both Applications and Processes tabs -- and cannot find SeaMonkey
running. When I did a warm reboot, I got the same error popup.

Please DO NOT respond with a link or reference to a Web page. At the
moment, I don't have a working browser.

Surely you have Internet Explorer. Well, I guess, we can argue the
meaning of "working browser". ;)

You might want to install Firefox as a backup. I always keep it handy,
just in case.

Remind me what version of Windows you are running. So far, I've got it
up on XP SP3 with no issues. However, the difference in our experiences
is that I have not tried installing it without an existing profile from
which to transfer. I'll give a whirl and see what I discover.


For what it may be worth, I just installed SM 2.0 on XP Pro SP3.
SeaMonkey had never been installed on this system.  It installed and
started up with no issues.

Again, can you clarify exactly what version of Windows you are running?


Windows XP Home Edition 5.1.2600 Service Pack 2 Build 2600
(Build 2600.xpsp_sp2_gdr.090804-1412)

Okay, thanks!

Have you checked in the new profile location for parent.lock, as Hartmut
suggested?  That would be the obvious culprit.


By now, I've complete removed SM 2 and reverted back to SM 1.1.18.
Perhaps tonight, I might have time to try to install SM 2 in its own
folder with a distinct folder for its profiles.  It's time for dinner,
and then I have a 7:00pm PDT meeting to attend.

Okay.  I installed SM 2 in a separate folder.  It works!

I'm having trouble migrating profiles.  I'll start a new thread for that

I'm glad it at least up and running.  The profile data hasn't really 
changed, it should be pretty easy to migrate the data manually, I'm 
sorry the wizard didn't work for you. Whenyou post your new thread, give 
a good description of the migration and where it went wrong.

support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Cannot Launch SeaMonkey 2

2009-10-27 Thread Leonidas Jones

Patrick Crumhorn wrote:

Er, I meant it shows up empty in "Password Manager"

Patrick Crumhorn wrote:

My very large password file, while *appearing* to migrate (there is an
identical .s file and key3.db file in both the 1.1.8 profile and in
the new SM 2.0 profile), shows up empty in "Profile Manager." This
alone will keep me using 1.1.18 for a good long while, as it would
literally take days of spare time to laboriously copy over each URL
and password manually. Why does this not work? It seems like it should.

Patrick Crumhorn wrote:

This is exactly my problem as well. I installed SM 2.0 tonight on my
WinXP Professional SP2 system that already has 1.1.18 working fine.
After install I was prompted to launch SeaMonkey but nothing happens. It
will not launch - at all - from the desktop icon or directly from the
.exe file. No sign of it in Task Manager processes either. Fortunately
my 1.1.18 is untouched, so I'll probably use that for the foreseeable
future. I'd hate to have to switch to FF and TB since I've used the
suite since Navigator 4 but this just isn't working for me.

Oh, the only parent.lock file I found anywhere was in my old SeaMonkey
profile, none in the SM 2 directories at all. I deleted it as suggested,
but no effect.

nr wrote:

On Oct 27, 7:39 pm, "David E. Ross"  wrote:

In the meantime, I've reverted back to SM 1.1.18.

I won't use IE except for downloading and installing Windows XP
because I've declined to install various security updates for it.
I don't consider it a full-function, working browser in my

David E. Ross

Go to Mozdev at  for quick access to
extensions for Firefox, Thunderbird, SeaMonkey, and other
Mozilla-related applications. You can access Mozdev much
more quickly than you can Mozilla Add-Ons.

I had 1.1.18 installed and running fine. I downloaded 2.0 (just a
little while ago), installed it (no problems), then, like David it
asked if I wanted to run. I said yes and nothing happened. I also
double-clicked the SM icon in the SM folder: nothing.

I have only one profile and I did not uninstall 1.1.18. I looked in
the SeaMonkey folder and the seamonkey.exe file had a date from
September. I would have expected it to have an October date.

I have reloaded 1.1.18 but am disappointed with the 2.0 problem. I'm
running XP-SP3.

Thanks for any help.

Even if the files appear the same, have you tried copying them over fomr 
the old profile to the new, and restarting SeaMonkey anyway?  It might 
work, it can't hurt.

support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Where To Install SM2..

2009-10-27 Thread Leonidas Jones

Hartmut Figge wrote:

Leonidas Jones:

JD wrote:

Did not work for me. I installed in into D:\SeaMonkey2 and when I launch
the .exe file in that folder


I get my old SeaMonkey. SeaMonkey 1.1.18

The location and name of the file that gives me that version is:

Right click Properties says: Version, Product Version: 2.0
Modified: 17 October 2009 12:08:30

I think we probably need to have someon who knows Windows better then I
to jump in.

And i don't know much either. My last Win was Win98SE which i only used
for games. But i would start SM calling D:\SeaMonkey2\seamonkey.exe
directly from, uh, there is no xterm in Win, but surely there is a
possibility to execute such a command. :)


Start>>Run would be the equivalent, I think.

support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Where To Install SM2..

2009-10-27 Thread Leonidas Jones

JD wrote:

Leonidas Jones wrote:

JD wrote:

Leonidas Jones wrote:

JD wrote:

I'm currently running SM 1.1.18 but install all my programs on my D
drive. Yes, I'm one of those people. 1.1.18 is installed at:

When I go to install SM 2, it wants to install in:
C:\Program Files\SeaMonkey\

Can I install 2 in: D:\SeaMonkey2 and leave my older version alone? It
works so good for me and I'm seeing the thread Cannot Launch
SeaMonkey 2
by David E Ross and nr's reply having the same problem and just like
David I don't use IE for anything but MS updates.

Houston, do we have a problem?

Well, most people are installing with no problem, but it is brand new
software,so there are bound to be some glitches.

First of all, even if you install SM 2.0 in the default location, it
will not overwrite the existing SM 1.1.x. It installs to its own
location, and sets up a new profile in a new location. As long as you
do not uninstall SM 1.1.x, you cn easily run the two independently of
each other.

Therefore, you can select a custom install, and place the program
wherever you like. If something goes wrong, you can always run SM
1.1.x, and fix the 2.0 install at your convenience. Most likely,
nothing will go wrong.


Did not work for me. I installed in into D:\SeaMonkey2 and when I launch
the .exe file in that folder I get my old SeaMonkey. SeaMonkey 1.1.18

The location and name of the file that gives me that version is:

Right click Properties says: Version, Product Version: 2.0
Modified: 17 October 2009 12:08:30

Houston we have a problem.

Windows XP home edition, SP3, latest updates, IE6.

I think we probably need to have someon who knows Windows better then
I to jump in.


So far you're the only one to reply to this thread. I appreciate your
help but as far as I'm concerned SM 2 is not good. Version 1 always
worked for me without a problem but version 2 is not working. I'm not
going to let 2 over-write my older version. Maybe it's time to move FF
and TB? I just want something that works.

The darn thing has only been out a few hours.  I would suggest that you 
are way too quick on the trigger to give up so soon, though I understand 
that you are frustrated, and I do sympathize.

Contrary to what the mozilla help pages say, SM 2.0 is not going to 
overwrite 1.1.x on Windows XP. I am pretty comfortable in saying that, 
since I've done it myself, and can open both with ease.

Most people are getting it to work without a problem, as I have.  I am a 
Mac guy primarily, so why don't you wait for those more expert in 
Windows to take a look.  Tomorrow is another day, and I bet we can get 
it to work.

support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Subject: Re: Where To Install SM2..

2009-10-27 Thread Leonidas Jones

James wrote:

I just updated and as far as I can see the entire old Seamonkey is gone
[overwritten] just like the Seamonkey site tells you it's going to be. I
just wondered where you got the idea that it wouldn't do what they
specifically tell you it _will_ do. Perhaps in a Beta???

Anyway, clicking on my old shortcut to Seamonkey 1.x now loads Seamonkey
2.0 and I don't see the old one anywhere. It's probably not a good idea
to keep telling people they'll still have the old version to fall back
on when the download page tells you that you won't. Maybe if you
installed it in some other location???

I'm using Vista Home Basic 64 bit.


Date: Tue, 27 Oct 2009 21:44:07 -0400
From: Leonidas Jones
Subject: Re: Subject: Re: Where To Install SM2..
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed

James wrote:

> Then why is this note on the Seamonkey page under Installation?

>> Installation
>> Please note that installing SeaMonkey 2.0 will overwrite your
>> installation of SeaMonkey. You won't lose any of your bookmarks,
>> browsing history or mail and news messages, but some of your
>> extensions and other add-ons might not work until updates for
them are
>> made available.

> .
> .
> Thanks,
> James
> .
> .

>> First of all, even if you install SM 2.0 in the default location, it
>> will not overwrite the existing SM 1.1.x. It installs to its own
>> location, and sets up a new profile in a new location. As long as
>> do not uninstall SM 1.1.x, you cn easily run the two
independently of
>> each other.


Well, all I can say is that installing 2.0 on Win XP SP3 installed to a
separate SeaMonkey folder in Program Files, leaving 1.1.14 untouched in
the folder.

On the other hand, on Mac OS X, I installed it as instructed to
Applications, which did overwrite 1.1.18.

At least that is what happened to me.


Okay, my testing has been done on XP Pro sp3, as I have been stating 
right along.  I don't know how it will behave on Vista.

support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Subject: Re: Where To Install SM2..

2009-10-27 Thread Leonidas Jones

psuatocobra wrote:

On Oct 27, 9:44 pm, Leonidas Jones  wrote:

James wrote:

Then why is this note on the Seamonkey page under Installation?


Please note that installing SeaMonkey 2.0 will overwrite your existing
installation of SeaMonkey. You won't lose any of your bookmarks,
browsing history or mail and news messages, but some of your
extensions and other add-ons might not work until updates for them are
made available.


First of all, even if you install SM 2.0 in the default location, it
will not overwrite the existing SM 1.1.x. It installs to its own
location, and sets up a new profile in a new location. As long as you
do not uninstall SM 1.1.x, you cn easily run the two independently of
each other.

Well, all I can say is that installing 2.0 on Win XP SP3 installed to a
separate SeaMonkey folder in Program Files, leaving 1.1.14 untouched in
the folder.

On the other hand, on Mac OS X, I installed it as instructed to
Applications, which did overwrite 1.1.18.

At least that is what happened to me.


Do both SM 1.1.x&  SM 2.0 appear in Add/Remove programs? I'm also
running Win XP SP3 and want to give SM 2.0 a try. But, the prospect of
being able to run both SM 1.1.x&  SM 2.0 for at least a while is


Good question,and I am happy to say the answer is yes, on my XP test 
box, both SM 1.1.14 and 2.0 appear and can be uninstalled.  BOth can be 
started and run.

Do note that the Mail/News data is now separate.  If you download mail 
in 1.1.x and have it deleted from the server, it will not appear in 2.0, 
and reverse.  For your testing period, you may want to have POP accounts 
set to leave copies in the server.


support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Subject: Re: Where To Install SM2..

2009-10-27 Thread Leonidas Jones

James wrote:

I just updated and as far as I can see the entire old Seamonkey is gone
[overwritten] just like the Seamonkey site tells you it's going to be. I
just wondered where you got the idea that it wouldn't do what they
specifically tell you it _will_ do. Perhaps in a Beta???

Anyway, clicking on my old shortcut to Seamonkey 1.x now loads Seamonkey
2.0 and I don't see the old one anywhere. It's probably not a good idea
to keep telling people they'll still have the old version to fall back
on when the download page tells you that you won't. Maybe if you
installed it in some other location???

I'm using Vista Home Basic 64 bit.


Date: Tue, 27 Oct 2009 21:44:07 -0400
From: Leonidas Jones
Subject: Re: Subject: Re: Where To Install SM2..
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed

James wrote:

> Then why is this note on the Seamonkey page under Installation?

>> Installation
>> Please note that installing SeaMonkey 2.0 will overwrite your
>> installation of SeaMonkey. You won't lose any of your bookmarks,
>> browsing history or mail and news messages, but some of your
>> extensions and other add-ons might not work until updates for
them are
>> made available.

> .
> .
> Thanks,
> James
> .
> .

>> First of all, even if you install SM 2.0 in the default location, it
>> will not overwrite the existing SM 1.1.x. It installs to its own
>> location, and sets up a new profile in a new location. As long as
>> do not uninstall SM 1.1.x, you cn easily run the two
independently of
>> each other.


Well, all I can say is that installing 2.0 on Win XP SP3 installed to a
separate SeaMonkey folder in Program Files, leaving 1.1.14 untouched in
the folder.

On the other hand, on Mac OS X, I installed it as instructed to
Applications, which did overwrite 1.1.18.

At least that is what happened to me.


Okay, I have installed SM 1.1.18 on Vista Ultimate, 64.  Here is the 
path to the program:

C:\Program Files (x86)\\SeaMonkey\SeaMonkey.exe

This opens 1.1.18.  The profile is here:


I then installed SM 2.0, and migrated the profile data.  the progarm is 

C:\Program Files (x86)\SeaMonkey\SeaMonkey.exe

The profile is here:


By navigating to the exe in the appropriate Programs File folder, I can 
open either. You can tell easily by the different default theme.  (By 
the way, the default 2.0 theme is a great improvement!)

It is true that when 2.0 is installed, the desktop shortcut will point 
to it.  But my navigating to the exe in Program Files 
(x86)\\Seamonkey\, you can open 1.1.18, with its distinct 
profile. You can even create a separate desktop shortcut pointing to 
that version.


support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: SeaMonkey 2.0 - A Mac User's Observations

2009-10-27 Thread Leonidas Jones

Rufus wrote:

First and in general - I like it.  But...

...have observed the following in about a hour of using SM 2.0 under OS
10.6.1 on a 3.06 GHz MacBook Pro with 4 Gig RAM:

1) SeaMonkey asks for the Master Password at startup even though I have
the Preference set to only ask at the first time it is needed - I'm not
using SSL, nor do I have SeaMonkey set to display Mail and Newsgroups at

I can't speak to the Master Password, as I have never used it.

2) Holding down the Option key at launch does not bring up the Profile

I am glad you mention this.  Holding down the Option key while clicking 
the Dock icon now seems to start SM in Safe Mode.  You would not notice 
this if you don't have third party themes or extensions installed.  This 
could be very handy indeed.

Profile manager would need to be invoked via Terminal.

3) Transfer of my previous SM 1.1.18 Profile information was incomplete
at launch of SM 2.0 - Bookmarks and Preference settings transferred
completely; Mail and Newsgroup server settings, Preferences, Folders,
saved mail, etc. transferred completely, but Newsgroup Subscriptions
were only displayed for one Server/Account - the last one in the
Accounts list. All files appeared in the proper locations in the new 2.0
Profile, but were only displayed for the last listed Server/Account.

This has been a problem for many users. The Import Profile Wizard, while 
it seems to work fine for most users, does not always complete its job. 
However, this is a major change in the program.  While you may have to 
transfer your newsgroups accounts manually, once its done, its done, and 
should not be a problem for future 2.0.x upgrades.  You might try 
recreating the other accounts, point them to the existing files, and see 
if they are picked up.

4) Right click (cntrl+click) does not consistently bring up the
contextual menu for Task Bar options if I right click anywhere within
the Task Bar - I seem to have to right click below the address bar
within the Task Bar in order to bring up the contextual menu
consistently. This occurs when using the (new) default theme, and is
less annoying in the Mail and Newsgroup windows - probably because there
is more area to click within (no address line). Clicks appear to be
ignored within the line where the window title appears, upon comparison.

Task Bar is a Windows term, so I don't know exactly what you mean. I am 
sorry to nitpick on terms, but I have to understand exactly what you mean.

Do you mean the Menu bar, which is detached from the application window 
and appears at the top of the screen, or the Navigation Toolbar, which 
is at the top of the application window, and contains the Location bar? 
I suspect the latter.

Are you trying to get the Customize dialog? Right Click (Control Click) 
anywhere on the Navigation Toolbar, as long as I don't click right on 
the Location bar, I get the context menu to invoke it.


support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: SM 2.0 Ubuntu 8.04 .deb package (64-bit)

2009-10-27 Thread Leonidas Jones

Lou wrote:

Since Ubuntu won't release SM 2.0 for 8.04 (Hardy Heron), I decided to
compile it myself and made a .deb package. Anyone interested in trying
it can get it here (click on seamonkey_2.0-1_amd64.deb to download)

It installs to /usr/local/lib/seamonkey-2.0 and the executable goes to
/usr/local/bin/seamonkey. On a standard Ubuntu installation, that should
be on your path and should run from a terminal with no problems, but you
may have to edit the menu entry (KDE, Gnome,) to point to the right

Thanks Lou, this is a great help!

support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Where To Install SM2..

2009-10-27 Thread Leonidas Jones

James wrote:

In case anyone missed it:  I believe my post below is wrong and Lee is
right; as I apparently still have the old copy on my hard drive. The old
link apparently was changed to point to the new version and it's at a
slightly different location.

I don't know why the Seamonkey installation instructions tells you it's
going to overwrite your existing version if it doesn't...


From: James
Subject: Subject: Re: Where To Install SM2..
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed

I just updated and as far as I can see the entire old Seamonkey is gone
[overwritten] just like the Seamonkey site tells you it's going to be.
I just wondered where you got the idea that it wouldn't do what they
specifically tell you it_will_ do. Perhaps in a Beta???

Anyway, clicking on my old shortcut to Seamonkey 1.x now loads Seamonkey
2.0 and I don't see the old one anywhere. It's probably not a good idea
to keep telling people they'll still have the old version to fall back
on when the download page tells you that you won't. Maybe if you
installed it in some other location???

I'm using Vista Home Basic 64 bit.


> Date: Tue, 27 Oct 2009 21:44:07 -0400
> From: Leonidas Jones
> Subject: Re: Subject: Re: Where To Install SM2..
> Message-ID:
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed
> James wrote:

>> > Then why is this note on the Seamonkey page under Installation?
>> >
>> >
>> >


>>> >> Installation
>>> >>
>>> >> Please note that installing SeaMonkey 2.0 will overwrite
your existing
>>> >> installation of SeaMonkey. You won't lose any of your
>>> >> browsing history or mail and news messages, but some of your
>>> >> extensions and other add-ons might not work until updates
for them are
>>> >> made available.
>>> >>

>>> >> > .
>> > .
>> > Thanks,
>> > James
>> > .
>> > .


>>> >> First of all, even if you install SM 2.0 in the default
location, it
>>> >> will not overwrite the existing SM 1.1.x. It installs to
its own
>>> >> location, and sets up a new profile in a new location. As
long as you
>>> >> do not uninstall SM 1.1.x, you cn easily run the two
independently of
>>> >> each other.

>>> >> >
>> >


> Well, all I can say is that installing 2.0 on Win XP SP3 installed
to a
> separate SeaMonkey folder in Program Files, leaving 1.1.14
untouched in
> the folder.
> On the other hand, on Mac OS X, I installed it as instructed to
> Applications, which did overwrite 1.1.18.
> At least that is what happened to me.
> Lee


Thanks for confirming that!  I suspect the directions were written 
before the fact, and things changed at the last minute.  Anyhow, I'm 
glad you have both versions.

support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Html Validator

2009-10-27 Thread Leonidas Jones

Frosted Flake wrote:

Is there a version of HTML Validator (TIDY) available for SeaMonkey 2.0?

The current version of TIDY gives:
Html Validator could not be installed because it is not
compatible with SeaMonkey 2.0.

Try installing the Mr Tech Toolkit, and use it to disable addons 
compatibility checking.  It may install then.  I don't know for sure 
since I don't use it as an extension.

support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: SeaMonkey 2.0 - A Mac User's Observations

2009-10-27 Thread Leonidas Jones

Rufus wrote:

Leonidas Jones wrote:

Rufus wrote:

First and in general - I like it. But...

...have observed the following in about a hour of using SM 2.0 under OS
10.6.1 on a 3.06 GHz MacBook Pro with 4 Gig RAM:

1) SeaMonkey asks for the Master Password at startup even though I have
the Preference set to only ask at the first time it is needed - I'm not
using SSL, nor do I have SeaMonkey set to display Mail and Newsgroups at

I can't speak to the Master Password, as I have never used it.

If you use the Password Manager, you need to set up a Master Password.
All of the information from my 1.1.18 Mozilla folder transferred
correctly, including my Master Password. It's just that SM seems to be
asking for it at random - this was also a problem for me with SM 1.1.18.

Well,I use the Password Manager quite frequently, and I have never set 
up a Master Password.  Password Manager works just fine without it.

2) Holding down the Option key at launch does not bring up the Profile

I am glad you mention this. Holding down the Option key while clicking
the Dock icon now seems to start SM in Safe Mode. You would not notice
this if you don't have third party themes or extensions installed. This
could be very handy indeed.

Profile manager would need to be invoked via Terminal.

So far I only have the basic 2.0 install operating - I think the only
add-on I have is a Google search one.

This method of invoking Safe mode will prove very handy in the future. 
Maybe not, I sincerely hope that you will never have a problem that 
requires it. :)

At present I only have one Profile, but I can invoke the Profile Manager
from the within the SM Menu Bar by selecting Switch Profile/Manage

Duh  Of course, there would not be a need to invoke PM from the 
Dock.  Its getting to late, I'm not thinking straight, thanks for 
getting me on the right path!

3) Transfer of my previous SM 1.1.18 Profile information was incomplete
at launch of SM 2.0 - Bookmarks and Preference settings transferred
completely; Mail and Newsgroup server settings, Preferences, Folders,
saved mail, etc. transferred completely, but Newsgroup Subscriptions
were only displayed for one Server/Account - the last one in the
Accounts list. All files appeared in the proper locations in the new 2.0
Profile, but were only displayed for the last listed Server/Account.

This has been a problem for many users. The Import Profile Wizard, while
it seems to work fine for most users, does not always complete its job.
However, this is a major change in the program. While you may have to
transfer your newsgroups accounts manually, once its done, its done, and
should not be a problem for future 2.0.x upgrades. You might try
recreating the other accounts, point them to the existing files, and see
if they are picked up.

I ended up re-subscribing to the groups on one server, and had to
actually delete and rebuild the account to be able to use this one and
get to the Mozilla groups. As you say, I should be done with that now.

4) Right click (cntrl+click) does not consistently bring up the
contextual menu for Task Bar options if I right click anywhere within
the Task Bar - I seem to have to right click below the address bar
within the Task Bar in order to bring up the contextual menu
consistently. This occurs when using the (new) default theme, and is
less annoying in the Mail and Newsgroup windows - probably because there
is more area to click within (no address line). Clicks appear to be
ignored within the line where the window title appears, upon comparison.

Task Bar is a Windows term, so I don't know exactly what you mean. I am
sorry to nitpick on terms, but I have to understand exactly what you

Do you mean the Menu bar, which is detached from the application window
and appears at the top of the screen, or the Navigation Toolbar, which
is at the top of the application window, and contains the Location bar?
I suspect the latter.

Are you trying to get the Customize dialog? Right Click (Control Click)
anywhere on the Navigation Toolbar, as long as I don't click right on
the Location bar, I get the context menu to invoke it.


The "header bar" in the main SeaMonkey window(s) - not the OS X Menu
Bar. The option in the window's contextual menu actually calls it the
"Toolbar". I can't just "click anywhere" - I have to click below the URL
entry space in order to get the contextual menu to appear. As noted, the
area of the Toolbar containing the line for the window title appears to
be excluded - and this only happens with the new default theme.

I using a third party theme, Sailfish's Venerable Modern, so maybe 
that's the discrepancy. On Win XP I have the default theme, and as long 
as I don't right click on the Location Bar, the context menu comes up 
with the Customize option.

In Firefox, one can get the Customize dialo

Re: Password Manager SM 2..

2009-10-27 Thread Leonidas Jones

JD wrote:

JD wrote:

The password manager in SM version 2 sucks. Password Manager doesn't
fill in the user name or password until I enter the start of it. V
1.1.18 filled it in when I went to a page that had a user name and/or

How long will V 1.1.18 be supported while I find something else to use?

I'm sorry to be such a complainer but I'm not impressed with my SM

OK. It appears I have to left mouse click and then I can select a user
name. I guess I can get used to that but the older version was easier.

Its all in what you're used to.  I've been using SM 2.0 since Alpha3, 
and it has become second nature.

support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Html Validator

2009-10-27 Thread Leonidas Jones

Hartmut Figge wrote:

Leonidas Jones:

Frosted Flake wrote:

Is there a version of HTML Validator (TIDY) available for SeaMonkey 2.0?

The current version of TIDY gives:
Html Validator could not be installed because it is not
compatible with SeaMonkey 2.0.

Try installing the Mr Tech Toolkit, and use it to disable addons
compatibility checking.

Another possiblity is using
user_pref("extensions.checkCompatibility", false);


Quite right.  Mr tech gives a lot of other options, but it the need is 
only for this one task, your way is best.

support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: SeaMonkey 2.0 - A Mac User's Observations

2009-10-27 Thread Leonidas Jones

Rufus wrote:

Leonidas Jones wrote:

Rufus wrote:

Leonidas Jones wrote:

Rufus wrote:

First and in general - I like it. But...

...have observed the following in about a hour of using SM 2.0
under OS
10.6.1 on a 3.06 GHz MacBook Pro with 4 Gig RAM:

1) SeaMonkey asks for the Master Password at startup even though I
the Preference set to only ask at the first time it is needed - I'm
using SSL, nor do I have SeaMonkey set to display Mail and
Newsgroups at

I can't speak to the Master Password, as I have never used it.

If you use the Password Manager, you need to set up a Master Password.
All of the information from my 1.1.18 Mozilla folder transferred
correctly, including my Master Password. It's just that SM seems to be
asking for it at random - this was also a problem for me with SM 1.1.18.

Well,I use the Password Manager quite frequently, and I have never set
up a Master Password. Password Manager works just fine without it.

...interesting...I've never used Password Manager without a Master
Password. Without a Master, I'd think anyone that opened your browser
could launch the Password Manager and read all of your passwords. Not a
very secure way to operate, IMO...

Well, it depends on your situation.  From here there is no real chance 
of anyone other then me opening SeaMonkey on this computer.  Therefore, 
a Master Password in unnecessary. If someone has broken into my house, 
well I guess security has gone to hell anyway. My user account is 
password protected, of course, so my data is as safe as its going to get.

2) Holding down the Option key at launch does not bring up the Profile

I am glad you mention this. Holding down the Option key while clicking
the Dock icon now seems to start SM in Safe Mode. You would not notice
this if you don't have third party themes or extensions installed. This
could be very handy indeed.

Profile manager would need to be invoked via Terminal.

So far I only have the basic 2.0 install operating - I think the only
add-on I have is a Google search one.

This method of invoking Safe mode will prove very handy in the future.
Maybe not, I sincerely hope that you will never have a problem that
requires it. :)

...I'll have to figure out what I'd do that for...never had to yet.

It is the first go to for troubleshooting. It disables all extensions 
and third party themes, and lets you know if a problem is caused by an 
addon, or if it is in the program or profile.

At present I only have one Profile, but I can invoke the Profile Manager
from the within the SM Menu Bar by selecting Switch Profile/Manage

Duh Of course, there would not be a need to invoke PM from the Dock.
Its getting to late, I'm not thinking straight, thanks for getting me on
the right path!

In the past I've found it very handy to launch PM at start up to add a
new Profile and proceed directly to it.

Safe Mode is not at all a means of determining a problem. Being able to 
create a new profile easily is an important step when problems occur.

3) Transfer of my previous SM 1.1.18 Profile information was
at launch of SM 2.0 - Bookmarks and Preference settings transferred
completely; Mail and Newsgroup server settings, Preferences, Folders,
saved mail, etc. transferred completely, but Newsgroup Subscriptions
were only displayed for one Server/Account - the last one in the
Accounts list. All files appeared in the proper locations in the new
Profile, but were only displayed for the last listed Server/Account.

This has been a problem for many users. The Import Profile Wizard,
it seems to work fine for most users, does not always complete its job.
However, this is a major change in the program. While you may have to
transfer your newsgroups accounts manually, once its done, its done,
should not be a problem for future 2.0.x upgrades. You might try
recreating the other accounts, point them to the existing files, and
if they are picked up.

I ended up re-subscribing to the groups on one server, and had to
actually delete and rebuild the account to be able to use this one and
get to the Mozilla groups. As you say, I should be done with that now.

4) Right click (cntrl+click) does not consistently bring up the
contextual menu for Task Bar options if I right click anywhere within
the Task Bar - I seem to have to right click below the address bar
within the Task Bar in order to bring up the contextual menu
consistently. This occurs when using the (new) default theme, and is
less annoying in the Mail and Newsgroup windows - probably because
is more area to click within (no address line). Clicks appear to be
ignored within the line where the window title appears, upon

Task Bar is a Windows term, so I don't know exactly what you mean. I am
sorry to nitpick on terms, but I have to understand exactly what you

Do you mean the Menu

Re: SeaMonkey 2.0 - A Mac User's Observations

2009-10-27 Thread Leonidas Jones

Rufus wrote:

Rufus wrote:

Rufus wrote:

Rufus wrote:

First and in general - I like it. But...

...have observed the following in about a hour of using SM 2.0 under OS
10.6.1 on a 3.06 GHz MacBook Pro with 4 Gig RAM:

1) SeaMonkey asks for the Master Password at startup even though I have
the Preference set to only ask at the first time it is needed - I'm not
using SSL, nor do I have SeaMonkey set to display Mail and
Newsgroups at

2) Holding down the Option key at launch does not bring up the Profile

3) Transfer of my previous SM 1.1.18 Profile information was incomplete
at launch of SM 2.0 - Bookmarks and Preference settings transferred
completely; Mail and Newsgroup server settings, Preferences, Folders,
saved mail, etc. transferred completely, but Newsgroup Subscriptions
were only displayed for one Server/Account - the last one in the
Accounts list. All files appeared in the proper locations in the new
Profile, but were only displayed for the last listed Server/Account.

4) Right click (cntrl+click) does not consistently bring up the
contextual menu for Task Bar options if I right click anywhere within
the Task Bar - I seem to have to right click below the address bar
within the Task Bar in order to bring up the contextual menu
consistently. This occurs when using the (new) default theme, and is
less annoying in the Mail and Newsgroup windows - probably because
is more area to click within (no address line). Clicks appear to be
ignored within the line where the window title appears, upon

5) If I customize the Toolbar for Mail and Newsgroups by adding the
Delete button, the button is hidden upon exit from Customize - again,
this is only true when using the default theme.

6) Bookmarks - I have a large collection of bookmarks, all nested in
folders. At the top of each folder there is now a grayed out entry
reading "(Empty)". But all of my bookmarks appear to have been
transferred from my previous 1.1.18 Profile.

7) I can't seem to find any indication/option for Tabbed Mail as
described in the Release Notes.

It works from here.  If you have a Mighty Mouse, or another scroll wheel 
mouse, middle click on a message, and it will open in a new tab in 
Mail/News. With a one button mouse, try Control+Click and choose open in 
a new Tab form teh context menu.

support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Html Validator

2009-10-27 Thread Leonidas Jones

Hartmut Figge wrote:

Leonidas Jones:

Quite right.  Mr tech gives a lot of other options, but it the need is
only for this one task, your way is best.

I'm hesitating using extensions because every day i compile a new nighly
and there is enough trouble even without extensions becoming rebellious. *g*


I hear you!

Still the major selling point for Firefox is its incredible 
extensibility.  It is great to see that becoming available for SeaMonkey 
as well.

support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: SM 2-import firefox

2009-10-27 Thread Leonidas Jones

Miles wrote:

Originally used Netscape, then SM, then with FX & TB for the past couple
of years. Thinking of returning to SM so updated to 2.0.

However, on installation had a choice of importing Netscape, TB or IE
and chose TB -- haven't yet checked if all mail, newsgroups & RSS feeds
are there, but for the moment will assume all is well.

Didn't find a choice to import from Firefox 3.5.4 -- mainly bookmarks
and passwords are needed. Was not allowed to select more than 1 of the
above items to import, then when installation was completed, searched
and didn't find a method to import from within SM. Tried again to
install, but wasn't offered the choices as first seen, so halted the

How is data imported from Firefox 3.5.4?


So far as I understand it, SeaMonkey 2.0 will import one profile on the 
first run. Since the most profile intensive are Mail/News, TB or earlier 
SM or Netscape/Mozilla profiles are primary. IE would be there for new 
users from Windows.

I don't know why there is no FF import, but, since the backend is the 
same, copying files manually should not be a problem.

support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Migrating SM 1.1.18 Profiles to SM 2

2009-10-28 Thread Leonidas Jones

Ant wrote:

On 10/28/2009 3:37 AM PT, Mark Banner typed:

With sm2 you can:

seamonkey.exe -createProfile 
seamonkey.exe -P  -migration

Using the -migration switch will import into the specified profile (or
the default one if you don't specify a profile) even if it already
exists, so be careful.

Does profile migration let user pick what to migrate and not everything?

Yes.  You select the profile to be migrated, and then you get a 
checklist of the various things that can be migrated.  Uncheck the box 
for anything you do not wish to migrate.

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