Re: [flexcoders] Re: Will Microsoft's new Silverlight Player Kill our beloved Flex ?

2007-04-21 Thread John C. Bland II
 could do more with
 Adobe technology, instead
  they had to shop around and thankfully WebORB folks have a descent
  to cope with this burden.
  LiveCycle is just not ready to be slotted into RIA as it's still
  foreign to the RIA momentum. It's forcing the issue.
  Microsoft has more to learn, and I'll be sure to flog them where I
 can to
  make that happen. I'm in Seattle next week and i'm not there to eat
  lunch/dinners and party, I have reasons and it's to do with Web 2.0
 and RIA
  Scott Barnes

Scott Barnes

John C. Bland II
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Re: [flexcoders] Re: Will Microsoft's new Silverlight Player Kill our beloved Flex ?

2007-04-21 Thread John C. Bland II

I'll respond on the blog. :-D

On 4/21/07, Scott Barnes [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   John I agree with you on a lot of the points, but I am driven by the
past, present and future and it's murky on both brands to be honest. I get
were Microsoft are going, I don't get were Adobe ar going so I'm affiliated
to the MS Brand for my RIA going forward

Want to know why?

I decided to make a post about my history with Flash/FLEX from 2002 to
2007and hopefully illustrate why I prefer Microsoft's thoughts in the end
and also disagree with Flash vs Silverlight discussions. I think they are
still different technologies that may have an overlap in a few spots, but
the direcion is different.

 On 4/22/07, John C. Bland II [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Scott, you are right about co-existence. I've been following WPF (and
 /e) for a year now. Silverlight has quite a ways before competing with Flash
 but it is clear there is a market for Silverlight.

 Bottom line, competition breeds innovation, IMO. With Silverlight being
 here...Flash HAS to step up and I mean the player. This is only going to
 make Adobe seriously make some big advancements. Not that they have been
 lacking with updates but now the pressure is on.

 I mean...who's pushed Flash in the last few years? MM/Adobe developers
 and the community. That's all well and good but people will be looking at
 Silverlight apps/sites/animations and saying I wish Flash could do this!
 This would be big time pressure on Adobe to produce results.

 * Silverlight will not crush Flash.
 * Flash is no longer the only player in the game.
 * Both have their own markets.
 * Flash will be on top for many years to come.
 * I'm happy Silverlight is as good as it is and still growing.
 (remember, v1 isn't out yet and it has some Flash's new abilities)

 I'm a Flash Platform geek to the core. Being objective is just a good
 quality. ;-)

 On 4/21/07, Scott Barnes [EMAIL PROTECTED]  wrote:
  How many enterprise / companies do you know are shopping around for
  electronic forms built in PDF vs SAAS solutions?  PDF is a danger in some
  organisations, it's something they want to put as much distance away from as
  possible and prefer to leave them buried in the Document Management
  Solution(s). I'm not saying it's not worth the persuit (I think MSFT has
  some stuff in this space as well, forgive me as I've not cared to look into
  what they are) but do so *NOT* at the expense of FLEX/RIA development
  2002 RIA Theory was written down, people bought it (I for one, hey he
  also was the brains behind CF, so I owe my mortgage to his last idea, so
  figured he'd be worth the second). It's 2007 and RIA is supposed to be
  bigger! Yet, isn't as widespread.
  So, Microsoft are looking to give developers access to three tiers of
  User Experience through a more mature approach that goes beyond the runtime
  stck with a focus on the developers initially, get them on firm footing,
  then go look at the higher ends of town as by this point developers, whom
  are just as important, have validated the substance of the technology on
  Good Experience
  Great Experience
  Ultimate Experience
  Windows Presentation Foundation
  ASP.NET 2.0 has reduced effort by up to
  two-thirds since ASP 1.0 was produced, I say this as being a
  Coldfusion developer for 9 years I'm amazed at how fluent one is able to go
  from ASP to AJAX, so I can only hint that going from 
ASP.NET to Silverlight is going to be enormous in productivity 
gains and with
  the right tools, this hopefully should seem effortless. Steve.B looked
  like a loon when he jumped up and down about Developers, Developers,
  Developers but he was right, this is where the focus should be at the start
  of technology, expand when you get their blessing first and this is based
  off of uptake.
  Validating RIA? Hate to break the news to one and all, but Microsoft's
  focus is to stimulate the online/offline application market whom have been
  using DHTML solutions for years, to get more robust and scaleable by
  offering the above three tiers of experience potential. Flash has it's own
  agenda, and Microsoft isn't about to crush that - hence I why I echo, it's
  about co-existence not changing technology stacks.
  Adobe make great output, but I worry at times about the input as I
  know they can do better (similar with Microsoft, only reverse, great at
  input but at times need work on output). No two companies are perfect.
  I rant but I'm not buying Adobe's direction on this one - if I may say
  that clocked off MSFT's payroll and using Flex on my weekend(s).
  On 4/22/07, Paul DeCoursey [EMAIL PROTECTED]  wrote:
 I agree that Adobe is ignoring a large market. The low cost

Re: [flexcoders] scale9Grid

2007-01-31 Thread John C. Bland II

It sounds like you're creating a custom scale9 which isn't necessary. (best article
yet for skinning; that I've read, at least)

That page shows you how to use CSS to utilize scale9. Hope it helps...

On 1/31/07, Janis Radins [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Hello FlexCoders!

I'm trying to make here pretty simple component which should involve
scale9Grid functionality.
I still don't feel professional in Flex UI components framework I might
have here something stupid, though i guess some of you should be able to
help me.
What I am trying to make is resizable frame. Therefor I have created class
that extends UIComponent and I am creating 8 Sprite objects one for each
corner and one for each side and drawing graphics needed.
Concept seems to be alright, except that I am receiving this error, no
matter how I try:

ArgumentError: Error #2004: One of the parameters is invalid.

First of all I tried to set scale9Grid to whole component, then I even
tried to create container Sprite in which i placed all other Sprites and
apply scale9Grid to that object but still same.

Structure of my class is like this:
override protected function createChildren():void {
//create all Sprites, add subsprites to container Sprite, add container
Sprite to UIComponent display list
override protected function updateDisplayList(unscaledWidth:Number,
unscaledHeight:Number):void {
// call function that draws graphics and set scale9Grid property

I guess at that point I am setting scale9Grid it already should be
perfectly fine, and component should be initialized.
Or am i missing something here?
Any help will be appreciated.


John C. Bland II
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Re: [flexcoders] Creating Events

2006-12-14 Thread John C. Bland II

Here is a custom event class. Just change LevelEvent to whatever you want
and the public var level to whatever custom data you want/need.
only need this if you need to pass some sort of data with your event. You
could easily do dispatchEvent(new Event(myEventName)) and it'll work fine.

package events{
public class LevelEvent extends Event{
 public var level:Object;
 public function LevelEvent(level:Object, type:String,
bubbles:Boolean=false, cancelable:Boolean=false){
  super(type, bubbles, cancelable);
  this.level = level;

 public override function clone():Event{
  return new LevelEvent(level, type);

On 12/14/06, marloscarmo2004 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  I need create a personalized event in my class in AS3. In AS2 I use
the dispatchEvent comand.

this.dispatchEvent( { type : onResult, target : this, data :
result_arr } );

How do I do in AS3? See my code below.

package as3.db

public class AMFConnection
public var gateway : NetConnection;

public function AMFConnection() {
gateway = new NetConnection();
gateway.objectEncoding =;


public function callMethod( nameMethod : String, params : Array ) :
void { extranet.callMethod, new Responder( onResult,
onFault ), nameMethod, params );

public function onResult( result : String ) : void {

public function onFault( result : String ) : void {

John C. Bland II
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[flexcoders] WPF/E CTP Released

2006-12-05 Thread John C. Bland II

I don't know if anyone posted this or not but WPF/E CTP was released.

Here's my take:

Other than the no-autoinstall, I looked over the examples and have nothing
bad to say. For a first shot at this market AND for a CTP release, cudos
Microsoft. I didn't expect to see a page flip effect, hover thumbnails, VIDEO
(!!), etc. I'm impressed. 

John C. Bland II
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Re: [flexcoders] Problem with code in Flex 2: Training from the Source book. Help!

2006-12-02 Thread John C. Bland II

Starting before the first panel, wrap the rest (down to the last /mx:VBox)
in an HBox (see below). Keep in mind they wrote a lot of this book during
alpha/beta days of Flex 2. There may be some code inconsistencies

?xml version=1.0 encoding=utf-8?
mx:Application xmlns:mx=;
mx:ApplicationControlBar dock=true
mx:LinkButton label=All/
mx:LinkButton label=Sales/
mx:LinkButton label=Categories/
mx:LinkButton label=Comparison/

mx:Panel id=sales
width=100% height=100%
title=Sales Chart

mx:VBox id=rightCharts
width=100% height=100%
mx:Panel id=type
width=100% height=100%
title=Category Chart
mx:Panel id=comp
width=100% height=100%
title=Comparison Chart

On 12/1/06, Abe Burnett [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Hi there,

I've recently purchased the book, Flex 2: Training from the Source.
I've hit on a problem with the code in one of the lessons.

Basically, given the following code (which I've triple checked is
correct--per the book, anyway), I end up with Sales Chart superimposed
(it appears) over both Category Chart and Comparison Chart (which
share a VBox). This is in contrast to the image in the book which
depicts the Sales Chart on the left, and Category Chart above
Comparison Chart to the Right. I can somewhat fix the problem by
wrapping Sales Chart and the VBox enclosing Category Chart and
Comparison Chart into an HBox, but it still doesn't look as
aesthetically pleasing as the image on page 58 of the book.

Has anyone else had the same problem with this book, and how is it

The code:

I've recently purchased your excellent book, Flex 2: Training from the
Source. I'm plowing through Lesson 3 and run into a case where my
results don't match what the book suggests I should have. Opening the
code provided on the CD indicates that whatever error I have exists in
the code on CD too (so it's not just me--user/learner operator). The
problem is that the code for Dashboard.mxml as instructed ends up with
views laying on top of one another. My VBox rightCharts laying under
(I believe) my Panel sales. I'm very new to Flex, so I thought I'd
seek your assistance while I continue to try and figure out what's
wrong. I did find one partial solution to the layout problem--a
solution that at least puts the VBox for Category Chart and Comparison
Chart on the right side of the screen and out of the way of the Panel
Sales Chart. That solution involves wrapping both the Panel Sales
Chart and the VBox enclosing Category Chart and Comparison Chart in an
HBox. The problem with this solution is that it doesn't nicely offset
the Sales Chart/Category Chart/Comparison Chart as depicted on page 58
of the book. Instead it has them all laid out correctly, but the
borders of each run from the very bottom of the screen to the very top
of the screen, underneath the ApplicationControlBar. And from one side
of the screen to the other. Layed out correctly, but not aesthetically
pleasing as the book depicts. I'll keep playing with it, but in the
meantime, this code doesn't render the desired results that the book
indicates it should:

?xml version=1.0 encoding=utf-8?
mx:Application xmlns:mx=;
mx:ApplicationControlBar dock=true
mx:LinkButton label=All/
mx:LinkButton label=Sales/
mx:LinkButton label=Categories/
mx:LinkButton label=Comparison/

mx:Panel id=sales
width=100% height=100%
title=Sales Chart

mx:VBox id=rightCharts
width=100% height=100%
mx:Panel id=type
width=100% height=100%
title=Category Chart
mx:Panel id=comp
width=100% height=100%
title=Comparison Chart


John C. Bland II
Chief Geek
Katapult Media, Inc. -
Biz Blog -
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Re: [flexcoders] Problem with code in Flex 2: Training from the Source book. Help!

2006-12-02 Thread John C. Bland II

Yeah, a lot of these books were written during beta days so things may be
off. Flex 2.0: Traing... used ICursorView but it is now IViewCursor (or vice
versa; one of the two is right). Then again, utils vs util COULD be a
mistype. :-)

On 12/2/06, {reduxdj} [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  I just picked up these books, i guess since there is an open-market on
flex 2 books they are cranking 'em out and with the new nature of flex
it's unavoidable.

Like i've noticed in the AS 3.0 cookbook, the flash.utils is flash.util

Errata sure Sucka!


John C. Bland II wrote:
 Starting before the first panel, wrap the rest (down to the last
 /mx:VBox) in an HBox (see below). Keep in mind they wrote a lot of
 this book during alpha/beta days of Flex 2. There may be some code
 inconsistencies here/there.

 ?xml version=1.0 encoding=utf-8?
 mx:Application xmlns:mx=
 mx:ApplicationControlBar dock=true
 mx:LinkButton label=All/
 mx:LinkButton label=Sales/
 mx:LinkButton label=Categories/
 mx:LinkButton label=Comparison/

 mx:Panel id=sales
 width=100% height=100%
 title=Sales Chart

 mx:VBox id=rightCharts
 width=100% height=100%
 mx:Panel id=type
 width=100% height=100%
 title=Category Chart
 mx:Panel id=comp
 width=100% height=100%
 title=Comparison Chart

 On 12/1/06, *Abe Burnett* [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hi there,

 I've recently purchased the book, Flex 2: Training from the Source.
 I've hit on a problem with the code in one of the lessons.

 Basically, given the following code (which I've triple checked is
 correct--per the book, anyway), I end up with Sales Chart superimposed
 (it appears) over both Category Chart and Comparison Chart (which
 share a VBox). This is in contrast to the image in the book which
 depicts the Sales Chart on the left, and Category Chart above
 Comparison Chart to the Right. I can somewhat fix the problem by
 wrapping Sales Chart and the VBox enclosing Category Chart and
 Comparison Chart into an HBox, but it still doesn't look as
 aesthetically pleasing as the image on page 58 of the book.

 Has anyone else had the same problem with this book, and how is it

 The code:

 I've recently purchased your excellent book, Flex 2: Training from the
 Source. I'm plowing through Lesson 3 and run into a case where my
 results don't match what the book suggests I should have. Opening the
 code provided on the CD indicates that whatever error I have exists in
 the code on CD too (so it's not just me--user/learner operator). The
 problem is that the code for Dashboard.mxml as instructed ends up with
 views laying on top of one another. My VBox rightCharts laying under
 (I believe) my Panel sales. I'm very new to Flex, so I thought I'd
 seek your assistance while I continue to try and figure out what's
 wrong. I did find one partial solution to the layout problem--a
 solution that at least puts the VBox for Category Chart and Comparison
 Chart on the right side of the screen and out of the way of the Panel
 Sales Chart. That solution involves wrapping both the Panel Sales
 Chart and the VBox enclosing Category Chart and Comparison Chart in an
 HBox. The problem with this solution is that it doesn't nicely offset
 the Sales Chart/Category Chart/Comparison Chart as depicted on
 page 58
 of the book. Instead it has them all laid out correctly, but the
 borders of each run from the very bottom of the screen to the very top
 of the screen, underneath the ApplicationControlBar. And from one side
 of the screen to the other. Layed out correctly, but not
 pleasing as the book depicts. I'll keep playing with it, but in the
 meantime, this code doesn't render the desired results that the book
 indicates it should:

 ?xml version=1.0 encoding=utf-8?
 mx:Application xmlns:mx=
 mx:ApplicationControlBar dock=true
 mx:LinkButton label=All/
 mx:LinkButton label=Sales/
 mx:LinkButton label=Categories/
 mx:LinkButton label=Comparison/

 mx:Panel id=sales
 width=100% height=100%
 title=Sales Chart

 mx:VBox id=rightCharts
 width=100% height=100%
 mx:Panel id=type
 width=100% height=100%
 title=Category Chart
 mx:Panel id=comp
 width=100% height=100%
 title=Comparison Chart


 John C. Bland II
 Chief Geek
 Katapult Media, Inc. -
 Biz Blog -
 Personal Blog

Re: [flexcoders] Flex Builder with Vista RTM

2006-11-29 Thread John C. Bland II

I'm upgrading from RC2 and RC1 tomorrow to RTM (well, maybe this weekend) so
I'll post any issues I have. There have been issues with FB since early
(pre-beta) days on Vista (same error message). Run As Admin solves your UAC
probs on the dev tools (especially VS 2k5).

On 11/27/06, Kelly Birr [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


Has anyone else tried getting Flex builder 2.0 to work on Windows Vista
RTM. I'd had a few problems and i wanted to share my findings and see
if anyone else has had smiler experiences. Please note that I have
Vista's UAC (User Account Control) turned OFF, as many of my developer
tools (including Visual Studio 2005) do not work well with it enabled.

In short, Flex builder 2.0 (standalone) installs but does not work on
Vista RTM. It simply gives an error message on startup telling me to
check a log file. After checking the log file it basically says it can
find the Java package. I've found 2 workarounds that made it work for
me. I'm currently using option A.

A) Download and install the Sun JDK 5.0(9) and Eclipse 3.2.1 SDK, then
simply install Flex builder using the Eclipse plug-in option.

B) Install Flex builder on your Vista machine and on another Windows XP
machine (or VM). Then copy all the files from C:\Program
Files\Adobe\Flex Builder 2\ from the Windows XP box over the same files
on the Windows Vista box. You may also have to edit the C:\Program
Files\Adobe\Flex Builder
2\configuration\.settings\com.adobe.flexbuilder.standalone.prefs file
and change the flexbuilder.lastWorkspace path to reflect the new
C:\Users folder in Vista. The last step should only be required if
you've previously run Flex builder on the XP box.

I hope my experience can help anyone else who may be having these
problems. Out of curiosity is anyone else having the same issues or
does my computer simply hate me?

- Kelly

John C. Bland II
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Re: [flexcoders] Bit Off topic: Microsoft Vista VS Apollo/Flex/Flash

2006-11-28 Thread John C. Bland II

Good to know. Thx Matt.

On 11/27/06, Matt Chotin [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   FYI, Apollo will have application signing


*From:* [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] *On
Behalf Of *John C. Bland II
*Sent:* Sunday, November 26, 2006 8:43 PM
*Subject:* Re: [flexcoders] Bit Off topic: Microsoft Vista VS

Vista isn't -vs- Apollo/Flex/Flash. Here's the breakdown:

WPF vs Apollo (and swf wrappers)

WPF/E vs Flex/Flash

I didn't read your entire post but I wanted to add that clarification. The
Expression family isn't the whole round trip. You build WPF apps, most of
the time at least, with Visual Studio. Expression has GREAT integration
between the products. You start as a designer creating the interface (with
full XAML code exported), move to Interactive Designer and add a few mod's
(maybe even some code), then use the same code in Visual Studio to tie in
data and everything else. Graphics and everything are all in code. Very
nicely done...seriously.

My opinion as to how they compare:

WPF -vs- Apollo

* WPF will probably blow Apollo out of the water in terms of system
integration. Apollo has a few things that integrate into the OS but being
cross platform somewhat prevents it from fully integrating like WPF. Keep in
mind...WPF is .NET so you have great control over Windows.

* Apollo easily wins at cross platform.

* Apollo wins at ease of use/creation. WPF isn't terribly difficult but
for normal .NET developers not used to control over the UI that WPF gives,
it can be a bit daunting.

* The power of WPF apps wins. Native database support, app signing (which
I don't think Apollo will have), etc.

WPF/E -vs- Flash/Flex

* No argument...WPF/E has a LONG way to go. Flash/Flex wins without a
doubt. Nothing further here. :-)

On 11/26/06, *Sebastian Zarzycki* [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

camlinaeizerous wrote:

Microsoft Expressions a new development tool reminded a lot of
people of flash studio and it seems like a copy of flash with A
Microsoft label on top. Although I didn't get to see a lot of the
under working just a quick over view, essentially by default the time
line is on the bottom drawing tools on the right and library on the
left. It seemed so similar during the overview I heard people actually
laughing saying it looked like flash. however looking at the code that
was generated and the movements and transitions were basically
generated with java.

Actually, Microsoft Expression is new Microsoft Platform for artistic
development. It consist
of three tools : Web Designer (codename Quartz) - which is a replacement
for Office Front Page (there's no FrontPage in Office 2007).,
Graphic Designer (codename Acrylic), and Interactive Designer (codename
Sparkle). You were talking about the last one, I guess.

I'm checking expression's website for a year, to get some data for flex
and apollo comparisions. Been playing around with Sparkle few hours.
There are definitely some cool things about it, but I, for instance, don't
like the incoherent (but nice) interface and
I fail to understand how to build RIA using old timeline concept. Sparkle
is meant to be a tool for designers, not coders. Let's see how
they will cooperate in future. Today, as a developer from java world, I
can quickly learn how to build an working and functional app in Flex. I have

great troubles with achieving the same with Sparkle.

| Sebastian Zarzycki / rat[tkin]
| i'm a little lost in this postmodern space
| gg:#2692696 / icq:#264185739 irc :#tool #ot-oa / skype:rattkin

John C. Bland II
Chief Geek
Katapult Media, Inc. -
Biz Blog -
Personal Blog - - Christian Products for Those Bold Enough to
Wear Them
Home of -
Home of AZCFUG -

John C. Bland II
Chief Geek
Katapult Media, Inc. -
Biz Blog -
Personal Blog - - Christian Products for Those Bold Enough to
Wear Them
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Home of AZCFUG -

Re: [flexcoders] Re: Bit Off topic: Microsoft Vista VS Apollo/Flex/Flash

2006-11-27 Thread John C. Bland II

None of the demo's I've seen seemed copied but we probably saw different

Interactive Designer is where you can get a functional product. It may not
have everything you need but it is a good start for a prototype. Anything
complicated (beyond button clicks, 3D rotations, etc) is needed in Visual
Studio. The thing to understand is you don't need to export anything. The
same files are used between all of the products.

Oh yeah, Rich Media Application was funny to me. :-)

On 11/27/06, camlinaeizerous [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Sorry your right about It not really being Vista against the rest but
I meant to elaborate that these are tools intended for programming for
Vista and keeping the Vista feel and theme that Microsoft was going for.

While there are some differences like how you need to export from
expression to visual studio to get anything really functional I was
just really surprised with how the first impressions seemed like an
attempted copy, specifically with what the demo's they showed were.

John C. Bland II
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Katapult Media, Inc. -
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Re: [flexcoders] Bit Off topic: Microsoft Vista VS Apollo/Flex/Flash

2006-11-26 Thread John C. Bland II

Vista isn't -vs- Apollo/Flex/Flash. Here's the breakdown:

WPF vs Apollo (and swf wrappers)
WPF/E vs Flex/Flash

I didn't read your entire post but I wanted to add that clarification. The
Expression family isn't the whole round trip. You build WPF apps, most of
the time at least, with Visual Studio. Expression has GREAT integration
between the products. You start as a designer creating the interface (with
full XAML code exported), move to Interactive Designer and add a few mod's
(maybe even some code), then use the same code in Visual Studio to tie in
data and everything else. Graphics and everything are all in code. Very
nicely done...seriously.

My opinion as to how they compare:

WPF -vs- Apollo
* WPF will probably blow Apollo out of the water in terms of system
integration. Apollo has a few things that integrate into the OS but being
cross platform somewhat prevents it from fully integrating like WPF. Keep in
mind...WPF is .NET so you have great control over Windows.
* Apollo easily wins at cross platform.
* Apollo wins at ease of use/creation. WPF isn't terribly difficult but for
normal .NET developers not used to control over the UI that WPF gives, it
can be a bit daunting.
* The power of WPF apps wins. Native database support, app signing (which I
don't think Apollo will have), etc.

WPF/E -vs- Flash/Flex
* No argument...WPF/E has a LONG way to go. Flash/Flex wins without a doubt.
Nothing further here. :-)

On 11/26/06, Sebastian Zarzycki [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  camlinaeizerous wrote:

Microsoft Expressions a new development tool reminded a lot of
people of flash studio and it seems like a copy of flash with A
Microsoft label on top. Although I didn't get to see a lot of the
under working just a quick over view, essentially by default the time
line is on the bottom drawing tools on the right and library on the
left. It seemed so similar during the overview I heard people actually
laughing saying it looked like flash. however looking at the code that
was generated and the movements and transitions were basically
generated with java.

Actually, Microsoft Expression is new Microsoft Platform for artistic
development. It consist
of three tools : Web Designer (codename Quartz) - which is a replacement
for Office Front Page (there's no FrontPage in Office 2007).,
Graphic Designer (codename Acrylic), and Interactive Designer (codename
Sparkle). You were talking about the last one, I guess.

I'm checking expression's website for a year, to get some data for flex
and apollo comparisions. Been playing around with Sparkle few hours.
There are definitely some cool things about it, but I, for instance, don't
like the incoherent (but nice) interface and
I fail to understand how to build RIA using old timeline concept. Sparkle
is meant to be a tool for designers, not coders. Let's see how
they will cooperate in future. Today, as a developer from java world, I
can quickly learn how to build an working and functional app in Flex. I have
great troubles with achieving the same with Sparkle.

| Sebastian Zarzycki / rat[tkin]
| i'm a little lost in this postmodern space
| gg:#2692696 / icq:#264185739 irc :#tool #ot-oa / skype:rattkin

John C. Bland II
Chief Geek
Katapult Media, Inc. -
Biz Blog -
Personal Blog - - Christian Products for Those Bold Enough to
Wear Them
Home of -
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[flexcoders] Drag/Drop resets Grid ItemRenderer

2006-11-08 Thread John C. Bland II's the scenario.

Grid 1 accepts drops from Grid 2. Grid1 has an inline item renderer which is a combo box. The combo is a custom component that filters an ArrayCollection based on an ID passed to it.

So...this works great. I have the grid saving data on drop, updating level (from the combo) on change, and deleting (on delete button click). Very usable...ACCEPT...when you drop another item from Grid 2 on Grid 1. :-( It jacks up the combo and forces all visible combos to have the same exact dataset (filtered to the last drop). :-( :-( :-( 

Mind you, this ONLY happens when I drag multiple. If I just drag one item, everything stays as it should.

What is the magic key I need to press in order to get the grid to not reset all combos when a new multi-item drop happens?

BTW, I've come back and worked on this email a couple times so ignore any inconsistencies...I'm tired. :-(-- John C. Bland IIChief GeekKatapult Media, Inc. - Blog - Blog - - Christian Products for Those Bold Enough to Wear ThemHome of - Home of AZCFUG - 


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Re: [flexcoders] Tamarin, Adobe open source the Flash player ?

2006-11-07 Thread John C. Bland II

The Flash Player is not open-sourced. The AVM was donated to Mozilla. 11/7/06, 
Ian Thomas [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


Hi Tom,
  Just came across the same thing myself - that's a stunning
contribution, if I'm reading it right.

It basically looks like Adobe are providing the source of the AVM2
bytecode interpreter/runtime engine to Mozilla so that Mozilla can use
it as the execution engine for their ECMAscript/_javascript_ engine

Doesn't look like open sourcing the Flash player, I'm afraid tho'. :-)


On 11/7/06, Tom Chiverton [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I can't work out if this is effectively open souring the Flash Player (as Sun
 is doing with Java) or not.

 It seems they've opened up the bits that take Flash bytecode (a .swf) and turn
 it into native code inside a plugin.
 I think ( Mozilla FAQ: Source code [for] ActionScript Virtual Machine
 (AVM2) ... in Adobe Flash Player 9, including the Just In Time (JIT) runtime
 compiler ).

 The Mozilla FAQ isn't the clearest thing I've read this morning, but I've only
 had one tea, so does anyone else want to try ?


-- John C. Bland IIChief GeekKatapult Media, Inc. - Blog - Blog - http://blog.blandfamilyonline.com - Christian Products for Those Bold Enough to Wear Them
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Re: [flexcoders] VideoPlayer Example

2006-11-06 Thread John C. Bland II

You can view a sample I built right around the time Flex released so there may be other ways to do things. Ignore all of the graphic stuff. This is a very simple example and not even close to being a full video player. just turned FMS on again. It will be turned off again soon but you can still View Source.
On 11/3/06, Pascal Schrafl [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


Hi all,

I'm trying to build a videoplayer, that gets some urls from an XML file 
and then can play those .flv, that are located at those urls.

I looked at the Flex Manual and have used the NetConnection Example. Now 
as I plug the videoPlayer Component into my application, I suddenly only 
hear the sound, but don't see the video. I'm sure it is playing 
somewhere, just not there, where I want to to play.

I have the following class, that I use:

package youtube {
import flash.display.Sprite;
import flash.display.StageScaleMode;
// import flash.display.StageAlign;

public class VideoPlayer extends Sprite {
private var videoURL:String // =
private var connection:NetConnection;
private var stream:NetStream;
// variables for video url
private var loader:URLLoader;
private var videoID:String;

public function VideoPlayer() {
// stage.align = StageAlign.TOP_LEFT;
// stage.scaleMode = StageScaleMode.NO_SCALE;
trace(1. VideoPlayer instanziert)
connection = new NetConnection();
trace(2. new Net Connection);
// connection.addEventListener(NetStatusEvent.NET_STATUS, 

trace(3. error handler eventListener);
trace(4. connection(null));
public function playVideo(myVideoID:String):void
trace(videoID received in Method:  + myVideoID);
// First, load the YouTube video page to get the 't' parameter.
// See loadComplete()
trace(playVideo aufgerufen)
loader = new URLLoader();
loader.addEventListener(complete, loadComplete);
loader.load(new URLRequest( 
+ myVideoID));
trace(5. url request: + 
videoID = myVideoID;

private function loadComplete(event:Event):void
// Extract 't' parameter, pass it to get_video.php
trace(6. loadComplete:  + event);
trace(videoID in loadComplete Function:  + videoID);
var t:String = String([^]*/)[0];
trace(7. t String:  + t);
videoURL = 
+ videoID + t + .flv;
trace(8. videoURL got from Server: + videoID + t + .flv);

private function netStatusHandler(event:NetStatusEvent):void {
switch ( {
case NetConnection.Connect.Success:
trace(connectStream in netStatus Handler);
case NetStream.Play.StreamNotFound:
trace(Stream not found:  + videoURL);
private function 
securityErrorHandler(event:SecurityErrorEvent):void {
trace(securityErrorHandler:  + event);

private function connectStream():void {
trace(connect Stream);
var stream:NetStream = new NetStream(connection);
// stream.addEventListener(NetStatusEvent.NET_STATUS, 
stream.client = new CustomClient();
var video:Video = new Video();
// video.x = 1;
// video.y = 1;
video.height = 240;
video.width = 320;
// video.opaqueBackground = true;
trace(videoURL final:  + videoURL);

class CustomClient {
public function onMetaData(info:Object):void {
trace(metadata: duration= + info.duration +  width= + 
info.width +  height= + info.height +  framerate= + info.framerate);

[flexcoders] TileList item effects? (Flex Store)

2006-11-03 Thread John C. Bland II

Is there a way to get the Flex Store effects without dealing with custom AS? Like how you can set showEffect, etc? If not, :-(.Thoughts?--- John C. Bland IIChief GeekKatapult Media, Inc. - Blog - Blog - 
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Re: [flexcoders] TileList item effects? (Flex Store)

2006-11-03 Thread John C. Bland II

I know what showEffect is. That was merely to clarify my point/need.

Nothing personal but I don't get down with copy/paste in place of learning something. My original question is for knowledge sake. I went through the Flex Store code and looked at how they did their animations. It made me wonder if there was an easier way since the Flex Store has been around since early Flex 2 alpha, etc days.

On 11/3/06, Igor Costa [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

John the showEffect it's a method tigger that is same in Flex 2.0 isn't a costum Effect.Just put the code in FlexStore into your project and use it. 

On 11/3/06, John C. Bland II [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Is there a way to get the Flex Store effects without dealing with custom AS? Like how you can set showEffect, etc? If not, :-(.Thoughts?--- John C. Bland IIChief Geek Katapult Media, Inc. - Blog - Blog - - Christian Products for Those Bold Enough to Wear Them Home of - 
http://www.gotoandstop.orgHome of AZCFUG - 
-- Igor Costa 
 -- John C. Bland IIChief Geek
Katapult Media, Inc. - Blog - Blog - 
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[flexcoders] AMF3 Remoting+CF w/ same CF session?

2006-10-31 Thread John C. Bland II

I looked through the archives and I'm not 100% sure anyone has answered this.

Yes or no? (or Yes/No/Kinda and here's why/Kinda and here's why not)

When I make my Remoting call, CAN CF use the same session the user has in the regular browser.cfm's? Meaning, Flex is not the whole site. It is merely a widget (well, collection of widgets). For this one in particular, we HAVE to have the same session so we can get the current users info.

Before this happened automagically for you. Now, not so much so.-- John C. Bland IIChief GeekKatapult Media, Inc. -
---Biz Blog - Blog - - Christian Products for Those Bold Enough to Wear ThemHome of - http://www.gotoandstop.orgHome of AZCFUG - 


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Re: [flexcoders] WebOrb for Rails

2006-10-16 Thread John C. Bland II

Interesting. I'm curious if that is the reason.
On 10/14/06, hank williams [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

As for overlap, how about the Java implementation? Overlap there? Also, did Midnight tell you/the community they wouldn't do a language that Adobe has already done? In other words, did they say they would stifle WebORB for the sake of not competing with Adobe? 

They have said on this forum that they do not intend to do a Java version of their AMF3 product. For me, that is the equivalent of end of lifing their java product. They did not say the reason ( i.e. for the sake of not competing with adobe) but their reason isnt really that important. The fact is, according to them, they wont be doing any more java.

On 10/9/06, Clint Modien  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Ahh man, you're off here but it is nothing but an opinion from both of us.Your opinions are based on speculation. Mine are based on facts. Competition helps the technology thrive. A lot of people in the community stated the Adobe merger took the competition out of the market due to overlapping technology (Fireworks-Photoshop, DW-Go Live, etc). 
 Now, unless WebORB is said to NEVER overlap with the technologies Adobe is implementing then I will understand. If not, there is overlap. Oh yeah, you might want to change .NET to YES and YES according to Allen. I don't know if Adobe is working on one or not but I don't see why they wouldn't. 
There is no overlap. WebORB is doing this on purpose to stay out ofAdobe's space. Adobe is not doing a .NET version... Allen ismistaken. So, a question for you: if you build a product and someone else builds the same product, is that competition? I say yes. Is Fluourine a competitor to Adobe's $900 (or whatever it is) .NET implementation? Uhyeah. :-) 
Adobe doesn't have a .NET implementation and is not creating one. Disclaimer: I'm not here to argue. From a business point of view, I just don't agree with you Clint and, seemingly, Adobe doesn't either (based on your comment about Adobe being uncomfortable). 
The main premise for your argument is that Adobe is creating a .NETimplementation. They are not. WebORB is not competing in the samespace as Adobe's FDS. It complements the same space. 
 On 10/5/06, Clint Modien [EMAIL PROTECTED]  wrote:  
 How is WebORB a competitor to FDS in the AMF3 space?  Backends FDS WEBORB
   Java Yes No   CF Yes No   .NET No Yes   Ruby No Yes   PHP No Yes
  By promoting WebORB it would be good for the community it would be good for Flex. I would rather have flex support 5 remoting solutions instead of 2.  
Thinking of WebORB as competition has created the scenerio where Adobe is uncomfortable with promoting WebORB. Stop thinking this way. It's supressing the technology. 
      From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:flexcoders@] On Behalf Of John C. Bland II   Sent: Wednesday, October 04, 2006 4:15 PM  To:   Subject: Re: [flexcoders] WebOrb for Rails   You make interesting points and I agree Adobe should think/act bigger in terms of other languages. Microsoft is even going it with .NET (IronPython, 
Ruby.NET; community driven but MSFT is supporting them/talking about them).   I don't agree with every point though. WebORB is a competitor to FDS. Forget the implementation. The outcome is the same, right? That's all that matters. At least this is my opinion. If WebORB works just as good as FDS, I'd stick with ORB simply because I can change my backend and my front-end stay the same. 
   I have yet to get it working (only tried once while I was in another preso so that doesn't count; lol) but I am highly interested in the Rails integration. 
   Anyone open to give a preso on WebORB (with any backend language it supports) I can supply the Breeze room. :-) (hit me offlist)  
On 10/4/06, Clint Modien  [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: 
   I love how much buzz WebOrb is getting.   Adobe is trying to keep the price of their java/flash remoting server high. Which is understandable. They need to make money on the product or we'll all be out of jobs. (Well I would be anyway.) But if Adobe were to aquire WebOrb how much do you think the .NET version would be? Would the ROR and PHP versions be GPL? 
   Anyway licensing costs aside... Adobe is not making a .net version... as far as i know wondertwin (.net fds) was still born in 04'. I do however feel that Adobe is and has been making an enourmous mistake by only supporting Java/CF. How do they expect to reach a million developers by only supporting Java/CF? 
   Adobe needs to hold up WebOrb to the public and say... Look Flex/Flash/Apollo can support remote objects for multiple backends!!! WebOrb isn't even producing a Java remoting implementation to stay out of Adobe's space and allow them to capitalize on the Java market of the large corporations. WEBORB IS NOT A COMPETITOR TO FDS

Re: [flexcoders] WebOrb for Rails

2006-10-16 Thread John C. Bland II

If the founder says so, then so it is. I'd be curious to know if they will ditch their .net implementation if Adobe does one (same for Ruby, etc).

Also, your claim as to the .net implementation 2 years ago is hard to place against a new product (FDS) years later.
On 10/14/06, Clint Modien [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

They are not doing a Java implementation for the purpose of not competing with Adobe. These are the words from the founder of MidnightCoders. WebORB is intended to augment/compliment Adobe's FDS solution by offering AMF3 remoting for .NET, Ruby and PHP.

It is the MidnightCoders direct intention not to compete with Adobe.

I am sure that Adobe is not doing a .NET remoting solution because I was told 2 and half years ago that they were releasing one (in Oct 04) and it didn't materialized. The code name was Wonder Twin. The twin didn't make it. Our Macromedia sales rep confirmed the time of death when we asked them about it. It's not coming.

From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf Of John C. Bland IISent: Tuesday, October 10, 2006 9:03 AMTo:
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]ups.comSubject: Re: [flexcoders] WebOrb for Rails

Clint, as I said I don't know what is going on in the .NET world with Adobe. I'm also curious how you are so sure of yourself when you say they aren't?

As for overlap, how about the Java implementation? Overlap there? Also, did Midnight tell you/the community they wouldn't do a language that Adobe has already done? In other words, did they say they would stifle WebORB for the sake of not competing with Adobe? 

On 10/9/06, Clint Modien 

 Ahh man, you're off here but it is nothing but an opinion from both of us.Your opinions are based on speculation. Mine are based on facts.
 Competition helps the technology thrive. A lot of people in the community stated the Adobe merger took the competition out of the market due to overlapping technology (Fireworks-Photoshop, DW-Go Live, etc). 
 Now, unless WebORB is said to NEVER overlap with the technologies Adobe is implementing then I will understand. If not, there is overlap. Oh yeah, you might want to change .NET to YES and YES according to Allen. I don't know if Adobe is working on one or not but I don't see why they wouldn't. 
There is no overlap. WebORB is doing this on purpose to stay out ofAdobe's space. Adobe is not doing a .NET version... Allen ismistaken. So, a question for you: if you build a product and someone else builds the same product, is that competition? I say yes. Is Fluourine a competitor to Adobe's $900 (or whatever it is) .NET implementation? Uhyeah. :-) 
Adobe doesn't have a .NET implementation and is not creating one. Disclaimer: I'm not here to argue. From a business point of view, I just don't agree with you Clint and, seemingly, Adobe doesn't either (based on your comment about Adobe being uncomfortable). 
The main premise for your argument is that Adobe is creating a .NETimplementation. They are not. WebORB is not competing in the samespace as Adobe's FDS. It complements the same space. 

 On 10/5/06, Clint Modien 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  wrote:   
How is WebORB a competitor to FDS in the AMF3 space?  Backends FDS WEBORB
   Java Yes No   CF Yes No   .NET No Yes 
  Ruby No Yes   PHP No Yes  By promoting WebORB it would be good for the community it would be good for Flex.
 I would rather have flex support 5 remoting solutions instead of 2.   
   Thinking of WebORB as competition has created the scenerio where Adobe is uncomfortable with promoting WebORB. Stop thinking this way. It's supressing the technology. 
  From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:
flexcoders@] On Behalf Of John C. Bland II   Sent: Wednesday, October 04, 2006 4:15 PM
  To:   Subject: Re: [flexcoders] WebOrb for Rails

   You make interesting points and I agree Adobe should think/act bigger in terms of other languages. Microsoft is even going it with .NET (IronPython, Ruby.NET; community driven but MSFT is supporting them/talking about them).
   I don't agree with every point though. WebORB is a competitor to FDS. Forget the implementation. The outcome is the same, right? That's all that matters. At least this is my opinion. If WebORB works just as good as FDS, I'd stick with ORB simply because I can change my backend and my front-end stay the same. 
   I have yet to get it working (only tried once while I was in another preso so that doesn't count; lol) but I am highly interested in the Rails integration. 
   Anyone open to give a preso on WebORB (with any backend language it supports) I can supply the Breeze room. :-) (hit me offlist)
 On 10/4/06, Clint Modien  
[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:I love how much buzz WebOrb is getting.
   Adobe is trying to keep the price of their java/flash remoting server high. Which is understandable

Re: [flexcoders] WebOrb for Rails

2006-10-14 Thread John C. Bland II

Clint, as I said I don't know what is going on in the .NET world with Adobe. I'm also curious how you are so sure of yourself when you say they aren't?

As for overlap, how about the Java implementation? Overlap there? Also, did Midnight tell you/the community they wouldn't do a language that Adobe has already done? In other words, did they say they would stifle WebORB for the sake of not competing with Adobe?

On 10/9/06, Clint Modien [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Ahh man, you're off here but it is nothing but an opinion from both of us.Your opinions are based on speculation. Mine are based on facts. Competition helps the technology thrive. A lot of people in the community stated the Adobe merger took the competition out of the market due to overlapping technology (Fireworks-Photoshop, DW-Go Live, etc).
 Now, unless WebORB is said to NEVER overlap with the technologies Adobe is implementing then I will understand. If not, there is overlap. Oh yeah, you might want to change .NET to YES and YES according to Allen. I don't know if Adobe is working on one or not but I don't see why they wouldn't.
There is no overlap. WebORB is doing this on purpose to stay out ofAdobe's space. Adobe is not doing a .NET version... Allen ismistaken. So, a question for you: if you build a product and someone else builds the same product, is that competition? I say yes. Is Fluourine a competitor to Adobe's $900 (or whatever it is) .NET implementation? Uhyeah. :-)
Adobe doesn't have a .NET implementation and is not creating one. Disclaimer: I'm not here to argue. From a business point of view, I just don't agree with you Clint and, seemingly, Adobe doesn't either (based on your comment about Adobe being uncomfortable).
The main premise for your argument is that Adobe is creating a .NETimplementation. They are not. WebORB is not competing in the samespace as Adobe's FDS. It complements the same space. 
 On 10/5/06, Clint Modien [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 wrote:   How is WebORB a competitor to FDS in the AMF3 space?  
   Backends FDS WEBORB   Java Yes No   CF Yes No   .NET No Yes   Ruby No Yes   PHP No Yes
 By promoting WebORB it would be good for the community it would be good for Flex. I would rather have flex support 5 remoting solutions instead of 2.
 Thinking of WebORB as competition has created the scenerio where Adobe is uncomfortable with promoting WebORB. Stop thinking this way. It's supressing the technology.
      From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:flexcoders@] On Behalf Of John C. Bland II
   Sent: Wednesday, October 04, 2006 4:15 PM  To:
  Subject: Re: [flexcoders] WebOrb for Rails   You make interesting points and I agree Adobe should think/act bigger in terms of other languages. Microsoft is even going it with .NET (IronPython, 
Ruby.NET; community driven but MSFT is supporting them/talking about them).   I don't agree with every point though. WebORB is a competitor to FDS. Forget the implementation. The outcome is the same, right? That's all that matters. At least this is my opinion. If WebORB works just as good as FDS, I'd stick with ORB simply because I can change my backend and my front-end stay the same.
   I have yet to get it working (only tried once while I was in another preso so that doesn't count; lol) but I am highly interested in the Rails integration.
   Anyone open to give a preso on WebORB (with any backend language it supports) I can supply the Breeze room. :-) (hit me offlist) 
On 10/4/06, Clint Modien  [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: 
   I love how much buzz WebOrb is getting.   Adobe is trying to keep the price of their java/flash remoting server high. Which is understandable. They need to make money on the product or we'll all be out of jobs. (Well I would be anyway.) But if Adobe were to aquire WebOrb how much do you think the .NET version would be? Would the ROR and PHP versions be GPL?
   Anyway licensing costs aside... Adobe is not making a .net version... as far as i know wondertwin (.net fds) was still born in 04'. I do however feel that Adobe is and has been making an enourmous mistake by only supporting Java/CF. How do they expect to reach a million developers by only supporting Java/CF?
   Adobe needs to hold up WebOrb to the public and say... Look Flex/Flash/Apollo can support remote objects for multiple backends!!! WebOrb isn't even producing a Java remoting implementation to stay out of Adobe's space and allow them to capitalize on the Java market of the large corporations. WEBORB IS NOT A COMPETITOR TO FDS BECAUSE WEBORB DOES NOT SUPPORT JAVA. IT COMPLEMENTS IT. Why isn't WebOrb all over the dev center? Why isn't Adobe pushing it?
   How many developers in the world use Java, CF, .NET, PHP, Ruby ?? 75% ?   How many people is that in the world? 50 million?
   On 10/4/06, Allen Riddle  
[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:I've been looking

Re: [flexcoders] WebOrb for Rails

2006-10-09 Thread John C. Bland II

Ahh man, you're off here but it is nothing but an opinion from both of us. 

Competition helps the technology thrive. A lot of people in the community stated the Adobe merger took the competition out of the market due to overlapping technology (Fireworks-Photoshop, DW-Go Live, etc). 

Now, unless WebORB is said to NEVER overlap with the technologies Adobe is implementing then I will understand. If not, there is overlap. Oh yeah, you might want to change .NET to YES and YES according to Allen. I don't know if Adobe is working on one or not but I don't see why they wouldn't.

So, a question for you: if you build a product and someone else builds the same product, is that competition? I say yes. Is Fluourine a competitor to Adobe's $900 (or whatever it is) .NET implementation? Uhyeah. :-) 

I'm not here to argue. From a business point of view, I just don't agree with you Clint and, seemingly, Adobe doesn't either (based on your comment about Adobe being uncomfortable).
On 10/5/06, Clint Modien [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

How is WebORB a competitor to FDS in the AMF3 space?
Backends FDS  WEBORB
Java Yes No  
CF Yes No
.NET No Yes
Ruby No Yes
PHP No Yes

By promoting WebORB it would be good for the community it would be good for Flex.

I would rather have flex support 5 remoting solutions instead of 2.

Thinking of WebORB as competition has created the scenerio where Adobe is "uncomfortable" with promoting WebORB. Stop thinking this way. It's supressing the technology.

From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:flexcoders@] On Behalf Of John C. Bland IISent: Wednesday, October 04, 2006 4:15 PM
To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]ups.comSubject:
 Re: [flexcoders] WebOrb for Rails

You make interesting points and I agree Adobe should think/act bigger in terms of other languages. Microsoft is even going it with .NET (IronPython, 
Ruby.NET; community driven but MSFT is supporting them/talking about them). 

I don't agree with every point though. WebORB is a competitor to FDS. Forget the implementation. The outcome is the same, right? That's all that matters. At least this is my opinion. If WebORB works just as good as FDS, I'd stick with ORB simply because I can change my backend and my front-end stay the same. 

I have yet to get it working (only tried once while I was in another preso so that doesn't count; lol) but I am highly interested in the Rails integration.

Anyone open to give a preso onWebORB (with any backend language it supports)I can supply the Breeze room. :-) (hit me offlist)

On 10/4/06, Clint Modien 

I love how much buzz WebOrb is getting. 

Adobe is trying to keep the price of their java/flash remoting server high. Which is understandable. They need to make money on the product or we'll all be out of jobs. (Well I would be anyway.) But if Adobe were to aquire WebOrb how much do you think the .NET version would be? Would the ROR and PHP versions be GPL? 

Anyway licensing costs aside... Adobe is not making a .net version... as far as i know wondertwin (.netfds)was still born in 04'. I do however feel that Adobe is and has beenmaking an enourmous mistake by only supporting Java/CF. How do they expect to reach a million developers by only supporting Java/CF? 

Adobe needs to hold up WebOrb to the public and say... Look Flex/Flash/Apollo can support remote objects for multiple backends!!! WebOrb isn't even producing a Java remoting implementation to stay out of Adobe's space and allow them to capitalize on the Java market of the large corporations. WEBORB IS NOT A COMPETITOR TO FDS BECAUSE WEBORB DOES NOT SUPPORT JAVA. IT COMPLEMENTS IT. Why isn't WebOrb all over the dev center? Why isn't Adobe pushing it? 

How many developers in the world use Java, CF, .NET, PHP, Ruby ?? 75% ?

How many people is that in the world? 50 million?

On 10/4/06, Allen Riddle 

I've been looking at The Midnight Coder's WebOrb for Rails and I'm very impressed. Has Adobe given any thought to hiring these developers so they could get these implementations ported into Adobe's Flex Data Services? I know Adobe's working on a .NET implementation, but getting a Ruby implementation would be fantastic. 

 [EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf Of Paul Spitzer 

Sent: Wednesday, October 04, 2006 1:27 PM
Subject: Re: [flexcoders] SOAP Web Services and registerClassAlias 

Thanks Seth. I should have read the docs. :)... Preserves the class (type) of an object when the object is encoded in Action Message Format 
(AMF). I didn't know it was AMF specific.It /would/ be great to see some more support for this kind of thing. In the past we've done things like...response.__proto__ = User.prototype;Function(User).call(response); 
var user: User = User(response);Where response is the parsed anonymous object from the web service and User is 

Re: [flexcoders] Re: WebOrb for Rails

2006-10-07 Thread John C. Bland II

Good question Barry. I've thought about the same thing. Honestly, I doubt anyone build one in Eclipse but apps like Sepy, etc can now integrate Flex as a supported language. They def' are not in the market to get rich on Builder. You don't get rich off a product by giving a free solution to the product. 

More player downloads? Sure. They are pushing the Flash Platform. Get'em in the door and push more things their way and get them to buy/use Adobe product(s). This is all speculation but this was definitely the best move for the community (free SDK; low priced Builder). 

why didn't Adobe release remoting solutions themselves?

What do you mean? I take it't what you are talking about? Do you mean more languages? Do you mean more languages forFDS?I'd like to see theAdobe FDS version support more languages. 

On 10/7/06, barry.beattie [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:  why the heck should they push it?!? Because it makes Flex more attractive/a legitimate possibility to a MUCH larger audience.
I don't think anyone is disputing that, especially with Adobe getting(needing) the jump on whatever Microsoft's Vista, XAML, etc will meanin the marketplace. but there's active pushing Vs benign acceptance. So, who should write 
Ruby remoting tutorials - Adobe?  Adobe (and Macromedia before) are (IMHO) doing a lousy job in  promoting ColdFusion to other than the already converted. How so? Pretty much every tutorial out there focuses on a Java and/or 
 CF backend.I'm talking more generally, not just remoting with CF tutorials.Besides, CF is an Adobe product and deserves support on how to tietheir technology together, especially for the price of the CF 
licences. If Alaire still owned CF and not the same company that hasFlash/Flex, would anyone on this list give ColdFusion a serious secondlook?I'm looking forward to Bruce Chizen (or any other Adobe very-big-wig) 
giving an interview and mentions ColdFusion in the same breath asFlash or Flex. Then I'll shut the F*** up and eat my hat. I get the feeling that some of you think switching backends is the  easy part of the equation, which is totally not the case. 
I somewhat disagree. you're correct for your own circumstance but inmy enterprise that's exactly what we're doing for our in-house apps and development platform. Bye-bye CF, and we're not the only one.
Want a list?and development houses writing solutions for customers? last project:CF. Next project .NET. I don't have a problem with Weborb creating remoting solutions for PHP, Ruby or Farmer Brown's cows. But when they get released as GPL it
seems to make ColdFusion look like a very expensive platform incomparison, possibly the biggest argument knockers throw up againstCF, which is a damn shame considering how well it works. -- 
but no one has answered my question: why didn't Adobe release remotingsolutions themselves?and another question:imagine someone(s) else creates a free Flex plug-in for Eclipse, design view 'n'all. the SDK is free, the remoting is free. what's in
it for Adobe - more free Flashplayer downloads? -- John C. Bland IIChief Geek 
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Re: [flexcoders] Re: WebOrb for Rails

2006-10-07 Thread John C. Bland II

Ahh...we're on a Flex list. I should've realized that question was Flex related. :-)

No, there isn't a solution for Flex that covers a broad scope of languages. AMF3, what I assume we're talking about, is implemented into AMFPHP and Fluourine already so there is no need to reinvent the wheel. They have the Remoting MX product covered already by the community products (AMFPHP and Fluourine). I seriously doubt anyone bought Remoting MX anyway; probably why no upgrade since MX. $999 was a bit much on that front. AMF0, on the other hand, is supported by AMFPHP, CF, and Fluourine as well. 

So, I don't see where the prob is here. You can do remoting in the three major web languages. Ruby/Rails is coming up on the horizon and, as always, the community has provided a product (WebORB) to support it.

Is the issue that Adobe hasn't done it? If so, this is an argument/discussion I'll bow out of since I don't work for Adobe.

BTW, almost anything enterprise is expensive to scale, except :-) CF being overkill is an opinion by all means so I'll leave it alone.
On 10/7/06, hank williams [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

why didn't Adobe release remoting solutions themselves?

What do you mean? I take it't what you are talking about? 

this does not work with flex 2.They obviously did release FDS which does remoting but is quite expensive at scale, and Cold Fusion which is overkill if you just want remoting. There is nothing that replacies flash remoting MX for the Flex 2 platform.
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Re: [flexcoders] Re: WebOrb for Rails

2006-10-07 Thread John C. Bland II

OpenAMF and OpenPHP = Enterprise? Again, an opinion.Yes, I left off part of your sentence because I figured I was responding to you so no need to repeat every word. CF for Remoting is not overkill. Yes, I disagree. You don't have to use the enormous list of CF features to do Remoting. You use CFC's and you're done. Same with PHP, Rails, .NET, Java, whatever, and etc. All of them have great features. You don't need to use the enormous list of _ features to do Remoting.
Again, you are presenting opinions and I am as well. If you want to go back and forth with me, email me offlist. I won't respond on the list anymore.Thanks.On 10/7/06, 
hank williams [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


BTW, almost anything enterprise is expensive to scale, except :-)OpenAMF and OpenPHP are free, which is a lot cheaper than $20k per server. Personally, I dont consider $0 for 10 OpenAMF servers to be expensive.
 CF being overkill is an opinion by all means so I'll leave it alone.
You clipped half the sentence. I said CF is overkill *** for what you want to do ***. I don't think most people would consider this in the argument inducing opinion camp. If all you want to do is remoting, you don't need the enormous list of CF features. Does anybody disagree with that???
On 10/7/06, hank williams [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

why didn't Adobe release remoting solutions themselves?

What do you mean? I take it't what you are talking about? 

this does not work with flex 2.They obviously did release FDS which does remoting but is quite expensive at scale, and Cold Fusion which is overkill if you just want remoting. There is nothing that replacies flash remoting MX for the Flex 2 platform.
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Re: [flexcoders] Re: WebOrb for Rails

2006-10-06 Thread John C. Bland II

I agree, they should push FDS. The question is, should they push their version or Midnights version? 

This is the same issue with AMFPHP. MM didn't push it but the acknowledged it and even had some tutorials on how to use it.

To ask a company to push someone else's product that does the same as their product is a big request. Maybe they'll bake it into their product and maximize their revenue by reaching more languages or they could forget the revenue and stifle their FDS development since someone else already did it.

This isn't going to go anywhere, seriously. Adobe is going to do what is best for the biz then for the community, like pretty much any biz.
On 10/6/06, ben.clinkinbeard [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 why the heck should they push it?!?Because it makes Flex more attractive/a legitimate possibility to aMUCH larger audience. Adobe (and Macromedia before) are (IMHO) doing a lousy job in
 promoting ColdFusion to other than the already converted.How so? Pretty much every tutorial out there focuses on a Java and/orCF backend.I get the feeling that some of you think switching backends is the
easy part of the equation, which is totally not the case. Flex (theframework, player, etc) is a front-end, client technology. That iswhere its real value and revolutionary capabilities lie. One of itsmain strengths is that it can be slapped onto virtually any
technology stack and significantly improve both the user experienceand the client-side development process.Switching backends is anywhere from extremely difficult to impossible.I work in a large, enterprise scale organization that primarily uses a
Microsoft technology stack. I was able to convince them to use Flexprecisely because of its technology agnosticism; give me some webservices and I'm good. If I had said well, we'll need to get a CFlicense and write some EJBs, etc I would have been laughed out of the
room. Its simply not an option.If the goal is to increase the number of Flex developers, why wouldyou shut out (or at least actively ignore) everyone not on a CF/Javastack? That makes no sense. Flex is a very large part of Adobe's
future, so they should absolutely promote any technology that makesusing it easier and/or lowers the barriers to entry.Ben In, barry.beattie 
wrote:  Why isn't WebOrb all over the dev center? Why isn't Adobepushing it?   why the heck should they push it?!? In my eyes they're doing
 bugger-all to help the CFEclipse IDE which also supports an Adobeproduct.  midnight coders has their own revenue stream. they stand or fall by the products they sell/give away. 
 Adobe (and Macromedia before) are (IMHO) doing a lousy job in promoting ColdFusion to other than the already converted. (might change for CF8... wait and see).   it's disheartening to see so much promotional effort spent on Flex
 (ColdFusion? what's that, an ice cream?) and then find Adobe are quite happy have ColdFusion upstaged by RonR with a GPL licence for remoting.  Remoting for CF (and I just mean the simple AMF0/AMF3 stuff) was a
 feature that had real value to leverage CF sales because the alternatives were AMFPHP (IMHO PHP isn't as RAD as CF) or the expensive Java or .NET remoting (remember them? almost as expensive as
 a CF licence).  the expensive ColdFusion licences are killing us CF'ers. My gut feeling is that the good sales figures thrown around on CF7 licences are only reflecting churning/upgrades.
  Faced with a FREE solution in RonR with FREE remoting, for core features ColdFusion starts to look really expensive. The fact that ColdFusion has remoting too is now a valueless selling point: Remoting
 is now a me too product.  and yes, I realise RonR and CF are not equal, CF seems to have better integration to both Java and (hopefully) other Adobe product. But for core features and a section of the development market I've got a
 strong hunch that RonR will eat deep into the PHP world and - by extention - affect CF sales. ColdFusion is already being attacked by .NET (by gosh! it has remoting too!)By promoting WebORB it would be good for the community it would be
good  for Flex.  yes it would be good for Flex but weborb does nothing for ColdFusion - an Adobe product. winners and loosers.   to me it seems Adobe has dropped the ball on Remoting. I just can't
 work out why it didn't provide the solutions (at an affordable price) themselves and leave very little room for Weborb to exist. they had heaps of time to build for different platforms.  
  bah humbug!
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Re: [flexcoders] WebOrb for Rails

2006-10-05 Thread John C. Bland II

You make interesting points and I agree Adobe should think/act bigger in terms of other languages. Microsoft is even going it with .NET (IronPython, Ruby.NET; community driven but MSFT is supporting them/talking about them). 

I don't agree with every point though. WebORB is a competitor to FDS. Forget the implementation. The outcome is the same, right? That's all that matters. At least this is my opinion. If WebORB works just as good as FDS, I'd stick with ORB simply because I can change my backend and my front-end stay the same. 

I have yet to get it working (only tried once while I was in another preso so that doesn't count; lol) but I am highly interested in the Rails integration.

Anyone open to give a preso onWebORB (with any backend language it supports)I can supply the Breeze room. :-) (hit me offlist)
On 10/4/06, Clint Modien [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I love how much buzz WebOrb is getting. 

Adobe is trying to keep the price of their java/flash remoting server high. Which is understandable. They need to make money on the product or we'll all be out of jobs. (Well I would be anyway.) But if Adobe were to aquire WebOrb how much do you think the .NET version would be? Would the ROR and PHP versions be GPL? 

Anyway licensing costs aside... Adobe is not making a .net version... as far as i know wondertwin (.netfds)was still born in 04'. I do however feel that Adobe is and has beenmaking an enourmous mistake by only supporting Java/CF. How do they expect to reach a million developers by only supporting Java/CF? 

Adobe needs to hold up WebOrb to the public and say... Look Flex/Flash/Apollo can support remote objects for multiple backends!!! WebOrb isn't even producing a Java remoting implementation to stay out of Adobe's space and allow them to capitalize on the Java market of the large corporations. WEBORB IS NOT A COMPETITOR TO FDS BECAUSE WEBORB DOES NOT SUPPORT JAVA. IT COMPLEMENTS IT. Why isn't WebOrb all over the dev center? Why isn't Adobe pushing it? 

How many developers in the world use Java, CF, .NET, PHP, Ruby ?? 75% ?

How many people is that in the world? 50 million?

On 10/4/06, Allen Riddle 

I've been looking at The Midnight Coder's WebOrb for Rails and I'm very impressed. Has Adobe given any thought to hiring these developers so they could get these implementations ported into Adobe's Flex Data Services? I know Adobe's working on a .NET implementation, but getting a Ruby implementation would be fantastic. 

From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:
[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf Of Paul Spitzer 
Sent: Wednesday, October 04, 2006 1:27 PMTo: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
ups.comSubject: Re: [flexcoders] SOAP Web Services and registerClassAlias 

Thanks Seth. I should have read the docs. :)... Preserves the class (type) of an object when the object is encoded in Action Message Format 
(AMF). I didn't know it was AMF specific.It /would/ be great to see some more support for this kind of thing. In the past we've done things like...response.__proto__ = User.prototype;Function(User).call(response); 
var user: User = User(response);Where response is the parsed anonymous object from the web service and User is the type. Now, I'm having to manually iterate the anonymous object and populate an instance of the type. 
best,PaulSeth Hodgson wrote: Hi Paul, registerClassAlias(...) is used by the Flash Player to drive AMF serialization/deserialization. In the web service scenario, you're not getting back AMF formatted data so this built-in function doesn't help out. 
 For now, you'll need to write your own helper classes that take the e4x formatted result from your web service invocation and use it to create a typed instance(s) of your choosing. Streamlining this process is on our roadmap. 
 Best, Seth  From: [] On Behalf Of Paul Spitzer Sent: Wednesday, October 04, 2006 10:13 AM 
 To: Subject: Re: [flexcoders] SOAP Web Services and registerClassAlias 
 Or, a little less specific... is there a way to get the Web Service  classes to return typed objects? Paul Spitzer wrote:  Anyone know if there a way to use registerClassAlias with Web Services 
 to get typed objects back?   

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Re: [flexcoders] NET web service from C#

2006-10-02 Thread John C. Bland II

Did you try using localhost:(port number)? Whenever I test .NET WS locally I always have to use the port number (while in debug mode).If in IIS locally, I don't know. I've only tested in debug mode.
On 10/2/06, elzumbasefue [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


Hello, I'm new in this group, recently I has been started with flex,
and I've a some questions.
I'm a C# developer mainly, and i triying to make the business model in
C# and the client in flex 2.
The problem is, i develop a web service, and run it in Visual
studio. I think that is enought to consume it from flex... it's
enough? Because, when I try to consume it, everytime i get an
exception because the wsdl not found... i tryied with
http://tempuri/operation and
http://localhost/web/webservice.asmx?wsdl with no solution... it's
the debug mode of visual studio a limitation to consume it? (I can
consume it from visual studio)
Anybody can help me? The flex documentation hasn't enough help for me :(
Thanks a lot.
PD: sorry for my poor english.


-- John C. Bland IIChief GeekKatapult Media, Inc. - Blog - Blog - http://blog.blandfamilyonline.com - Christian Products for Those Bold Enough to Wear Them
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Re: [flexcoders] Re: NET web service from C#

2006-10-02 Thread John C. Bland II

mx:WebService id=MyWS showBusyCursor=true wsdl=http://whatever mx:operation name=MyFunc result=onMyFaultResult(event) fault=onMyFuncFault(event) /
/mx:WebServiceThat's all you need to do to connect.You can use AS but the mxml makes it so easy I have yet to try the AS. :-)Also, ServiceCapture is your friend. It will show you Flash Remoting calls, WS calls, HTTPS calls, etc. This thing is magic when dealing with RPC's. On 10/2/06, elzumbasefue 


Yes, I tryed with :port, but nothing happen. But then, when I create a
WebService object in ActionScript, te constructor parameter is the url
http://localhost:3451/web/webservice.asmx?wsdl? This is the mainly
confusion that I've. Tonight I'm going to do more tests.
You've got a actionscript class that consume a webservice from .net?
If you have and if you like to share it with me, please send me it.

--- In, John C. Bland II

 Did you try using localhost:(port number)? Whenever I test .NET WS
locally I
 always have to use the port number (while in debug mode).
 If in IIS locally, I don't know. I've only tested in debug mode.
 On 10/2/06, elzumbasefue [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Hello, I'm new in this group, recently I has been started with flex,
  and I've a some questions.
  I'm a C# developer mainly, and i triying to make the business model in
  C# and the client in flex 2.
  The problem is, i develop a web service, and run it in Visual
  studio. I think that is enought to consume it from flex... it's
  enough? Because, when I try to consume it, everytime i get an
  exception because the wsdl not found... i tryied with
  http://tempuri/operation and
  http://localhost/web/webservice.asmx?wsdl with no solution... it's
  the debug mode of visual studio a limitation to consume it? (I can
  consume it from visual studio)
  Anybody can help me? The flex documentation hasn't enough help for
me :(
  Thanks a lot.
  PD: sorry for my poor english.
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Re: [flexcoders] Re: Flex + .NET Web Services irritations

2006-09-19 Thread John C. Bland II

I have heard a lot of good things about WebOrb. The next version of the app will be rid of the web services so we'll see what works best.On 9/19/06, Sam Shrefler



I know you had said you were using webServices...but if you can possibly refactor, using WebOrb.NET Standard (free), you can transfer back and forth classes/objects..For more info you can check out

Hope that could help...
On 9/18/06, John C. Bland II 

I don't have a problem getting data. Sending native classes/objects is a problem. :-)

On 9/18/06, barry.beattie  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

John, the July issue of ColdFusion Developers Journal has an article onusing Flex's class introspection to automate getting strong typed datafrom webservices (to get close to the transfer object idea of
remoting, but with webservices). not quite remoting but getting there.(ignore the CF bit, it's the Flex code in the article/the techniqueyou may be interested in)just a quick thought.cheers
-- John C. Bland IIChief DeveloperKatapult Media, Inc. -
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Re: [flexcoders] Re: Flex + .NET Web Services irritations

2006-09-18 Thread John C. Bland II

I'm using WS because it is what was created for the project. The next revision will be using remoting.Serializing the returned data just seems like an extra step that is unnecessary. If I can return a List of User objects and Flex receives it and I can access it as an ArrayCollection, etc then why would I add 2 more steps (serializing and deserializing)? 
I'm not saying there isn't a place for it. I just don't see it.On 9/12/06, Sam Shrefler [EMAIL PROTECTED]



I'm a little confused by your reply. Could you educate me why you are using WS's if you feel you could use remoting? Also, JSON plugs right into Web Services. It simply serializes and deserializes the data to allow for easy transfers of data types.


On 9/8/06, John C. Bland II [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Nah, I'm not interested in JSON. If we weren't using WSs we'd be using Remoting. Thanks though.

On 9/7/06, Sam Shrefler  [EMAIL PROTECTED]



You might want to also check out JSON + .NET + Flex. I've written a tiny little little tutorial to help get people started at:


On 9/5/06, John C. Bland II  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

FLIPPIN' NAMESPACEI set the namespace and I'm rollin'! Now I can finish this app. :-) Thanks.

On 9/5/06, John C. Bland II  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Which code are you referring to seeing? I can't pass the WS code or url. As for the Flex code, it is based 100% off of the livedocs example but with our url's, etc. We don't use .NET datasets. We are returning VO's (classes) or Listclassname. This is .NET 
2.0 so generics are used semi-heavily.Thanks.

On 9/5/06, Tim Hoff  [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: 

Hi John,
Without seeing the code, the first error seems E4X related. I'm not sure if this will help you with the second error, but natively Flex doesn't accept .Net datasets without receiving this error. If that's the case, you can solve this by casting the dataset to a class that is returned by the webservice. Here's an 
ASP.Net webservice code sample: 


--- In [EMAIL PROTECTED], John C. Bland II [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: 

 Flex seems to have problems hitting .NET web services. Specifically, it has problems handling method overloads and, for whatever reason, can't seem to work with working .NET WS's. I setup the operation, etc just as examples 
 showed to make sure my own knowledge wasn't lacking and it still didn't work right.  The errors are as follows (extracted from my Google searches the other day): * The Proxy class does not implement getDescendants. It must be overridden 
 by a subclass. * [WSDLError faultString=Element :SiteProvider_GetBySiteID not resolvable faultCode=WSDL.BadElement faultDetail=null]  The second one is odd because I KNOW the method is there AND that it works. 
 I can hit the wsdl with another tool and it works perfectly fine.  Any ideas?  --  John C. Bland II Chief Developer Katapult Media, Inc. - --- Biz Blog - Personal Blog - - Christian Products for Those Bold Enough to Wear Them

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-- John C. Bland IIChief DeveloperKatapult Media, Inc. - 

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-- John C. Bland IIChief DeveloperKatapult Media, Inc. -
---Biz Blog - Blog - 

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Re: [flexcoders] Re: Flex + .NET Web Services irritations

2006-09-18 Thread John C. Bland II

I don't have a problem getting data. Sending native classes/objects is a problem. :-)On 9/18/06, barry.beattie 



the July issue of ColdFusion Developers Journal has an article on
using Flex's class introspection to automate getting strong typed data
from webservices (to get close to the transfer object idea of
remoting, but with webservices). not quite remoting but getting there.

(ignore the CF bit, it's the Flex code in the article/the technique
you may be interested in)

just a quick thought.



-- John C. Bland IIChief DeveloperKatapult Media, Inc. - Blog - Blog - http://blog.blandfamilyonline.com - Christian Products for Those Bold Enough to Wear Them
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[flexcoders] Flex 2: Passing Custom Classes to .NET Web Service

2006-09-13 Thread John C. Bland II

Has anyone successfully done so? I found this blog (here: that showed how he did it with the mx:operation but I want to pass MyFunction(MyClassObject) and have it do what it needs to do.
Any ideas?-- John C. Bland IIChief DeveloperKatapult Media, Inc. - Blog - Blog - http://blog.blandfamilyonline.com - Christian Products for Those Bold Enough to Wear Them
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Re: [flexcoders] Re: Flex + .NET Web Services irritations

2006-09-10 Thread John C. Bland II

Nah, I'm not interested in JSON. If we weren't using WSs we'd be using Remoting. Thanks though.On 9/7/06, Sam Shrefler 



You might want to also check out JSON + .NET + Flex. I've written a tiny little little tutorial to help get people started at:

On 9/5/06, John C. Bland II 

FLIPPIN' NAMESPACEI set the namespace and I'm rollin'! Now I can finish this app. :-) Thanks.

On 9/5/06, John C. Bland II 

Which code are you referring to seeing? I can't pass the WS code or url. As for the Flex code, it is based 100% off of the livedocs example but with our url's, etc. We don't use .NET datasets. We are returning VO's (classes) or Listclassname. This is .NET 
2.0 so generics are used semi-heavily.Thanks.

On 9/5/06, Tim Hoff  [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Hi John,
Without seeing the code, the first error seems E4X related. I'm not sure if this will help you with the second error, but natively Flex doesn't accept .Net datasets without receiving this error. If that's the case, you can solve this by casting the dataset to a class that is returned by the webservice. Here's an 
ASP.Net webservice code sample: 


--- In [EMAIL PROTECTED], John C. Bland II [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: 

 Flex seems to have problems hitting .NET web services. Specifically, it has problems handling method overloads and, for whatever reason, can't seem to work with working .NET WS's. I setup the operation, etc just as examples 
 showed to make sure my own knowledge wasn't lacking and it still didn't work right.  The errors are as follows (extracted from my Google searches the other day): * The Proxy class does not implement getDescendants. It must be overridden 
 by a subclass. * [WSDLError faultString=Element :SiteProvider_GetBySiteID not resolvable faultCode=WSDL.BadElement faultDetail=null]  The second one is odd because I KNOW the method is there AND that it works. 
 I can hit the wsdl with another tool and it works perfectly fine.  Any ideas?  --  John C. Bland II Chief Developer Katapult Media, Inc. - --- Biz Blog - Personal Blog - - Christian Products for Those Bold Enough to Wear Them

 Home of - http://www.gotoands
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-- John C. Bland IIChief DeveloperKatapult Media, Inc. -
---Biz Blog - Blog - 

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-- John C. Bland IIChief DeveloperKatapult Media, Inc. - Blog - Blog - - Christian Products for Those Bold Enough to Wear Them Home of - 

http://www.gotoandstop.orgHome of AZCFUG - 



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Re: [flexcoders] Re: Flex + .NET Web Services irritations

2006-09-07 Thread John C. Bland II

Which code are you referring to seeing? I can't pass the WS code or url. As for the Flex code, it is based 100% off of the livedocs example but with our url's, etc.We don't use .NET datasets. We are returning VO's (classes) or Listclassname. This is .NET 
2.0 so generics are used semi-heavily.Thanks.On 9/5/06, Tim Hoff [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


Hi John,
Without seeing the code, the first error seems E4X related. I'm not sure if this will help you with the second error, but natively Flex doesn't accept .Net datasets without receiving this error. If that's the case, you can solve this by casting the dataset to a class that is returned by the webservice. Here's an 
ASP.Net webservice code sample:

 Flex seems to have problems hitting .NET web services. Specifically, it has problems handling method overloads and, for whatever reason, can't seem to work with working .NET WS's. I setup the operation, etc just as examples
 showed to make sure my own knowledge wasn't lacking and it still didn't work right.  The errors are as follows (extracted from my Google searches the other day): * The Proxy class does not implement getDescendants. It must be overridden
 by a subclass. * [WSDLError faultString=Element :SiteProvider_GetBySiteID not resolvable faultCode=WSDL.BadElement faultDetail=null]  The second one is odd because I KNOW the method is there AND that it works.
 I can hit the wsdl with another tool and it works perfectly fine.  Any ideas?  --  John C. Bland II Chief Developer Katapult Media, Inc. - --- Biz Blog - Personal Blog - - Christian Products for Those Bold Enough to Wear Them Home of - http://www.gotoands Home of AZCFUG -


-- John C. Bland IIChief DeveloperKatapult Media, Inc. - Blog - Blog - http://blog.blandfamilyonline.com - Christian Products for Those Bold Enough to Wear Them
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Re: [flexcoders] Re: Flex + .NET Web Services irritations

2006-09-07 Thread John C. Bland II

FLIPPIN' NAMESPACEI set the namespace and I'm rollin'! Now I can finish this app. :-) Thanks.On 9/5/06, John C. Bland II 
[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:Which code are you referring to seeing? I can't pass the WS code or url. As for the Flex code, it is based 100% off of the livedocs example but with our url's, etc.
We don't use .NET datasets. We are returning VO's (classes) or Listclassname. This is .NET 
2.0 so generics are used semi-heavily.Thanks.On 9/5/06, Tim Hoff 


Hi John,
Without seeing the code, the first error seems E4X related. I'm not sure if this will help you with the second error, but natively Flex doesn't accept .Net datasets without receiving this error. If that's the case, you can solve this by casting the dataset to a class that is returned by the webservice. Here's an 
ASP.Net webservice code sample:

 Flex seems to have problems hitting .NET web services. Specifically, it has problems handling method overloads and, for whatever reason, can't seem to work with working .NET WS's. I setup the operation, etc just as examples
 showed to make sure my own knowledge wasn't lacking and it still didn't work right.  The errors are as follows (extracted from my Google searches the other day): * The Proxy class does not implement getDescendants. It must be overridden
 by a subclass. * [WSDLError faultString=Element :SiteProvider_GetBySiteID not resolvable faultCode=WSDL.BadElement faultDetail=null]  The second one is odd because I KNOW the method is there AND that it works.
 I can hit the wsdl with another tool and it works perfectly fine.  Any ideas?  --  John C. Bland II Chief Developer Katapult Media, Inc. - --- Biz Blog - Personal Blog - - Christian Products for Those Bold Enough to Wear Them
 Home of - http://www.gotoands Home of AZCFUG -


-- John C. Bland IIChief DeveloperKatapult Media, Inc. - Blog - Blog - - Christian Products for Those Bold Enough to Wear Them
Home of - http://www.gotoandstop.orgHome of AZCFUG -

-- John C. Bland IIChief DeveloperKatapult Media, Inc. - Blog - Blog - http://blog.blandfamilyonline.com - Christian Products for Those Bold Enough to Wear Them
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[flexcoders] Flex + .NET Web Services irritations

2006-09-05 Thread John C. Bland II

Flex seems to have problems hitting .NET web services. Specifically, it has problems handling method overloads and, for whatever reason, can't seem to work with working .NET WS's. I setup the operation, etc just as examples showed to make sure my own knowledge wasn't lacking and it still didn't work right.
The errors are as follows (extracted from my Google searches the other day):* The Proxy class does not implement getDescendants. It must be overridden by a subclass.* [WSDLError faultString=Element :SiteProvider_GetBySiteID not resolvable faultCode=
WSDL.BadElement faultDetail=null]The second one is odd because I KNOW the method is there AND that it works. I can hit the wsdl with another tool and it works perfectly fine.Any ideas?
-- John C. Bland IIChief DeveloperKatapult Media, Inc. - Blog -
Personal Blog - http://blog.blandfamilyonline.com - Christian Products for Those Bold Enough to Wear Them
Home of - http://www.gotoandstop.orgHome of AZCFUG -


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[flexcoders] ViewStack in TabNavigator + autoresize

2006-08-17 Thread John C. Bland II

I have a TabNavigator that, in all tabs, load separate custom components with ViewStacks in them.//TabNavigator //Canvas //Forms:MyForm / //Canvas//TabNavigator
That's the main component that is shown after login. Presently there are 4 main tabs. The tab in question (only one with substantial content/layout complete) is like this:
//Canvas //VBox //ToggleButtonBar //ViewStack //hbox //TileList//CanvasNow, for 1...the TabNavigator will resize but not all of the way around the TileList. My main application isn't scrolling (only certain internal elements) when the content is too big. There is a 2nd state that adds a Panel inside of the hbox. This causes the TileList to resize and the panel slides into place. The ViewStatck then shows scroll bars (vertical and horizontal) since the panel is pretty big (namely vertically).
The TabNavigator will load properly but it doesn't scale vertically with the TileList. It is longer than the TabNavigator (which stays within screen of the browser; even though I don't have a constraint on it).

What I've tried:- removing all widths/heights from parent items of TileList- removing all constraints (top, bottom, etc) from parent items of TileList- set specific widths/heights of numerous combinations of items
- set TabNavigator to resize with content- etc, etc, etcAnyone have any ideas here? I have to be missing something small here.-- John C. Bland III do what I can do when I can do it. - Chris Tucker, Money Talks - Home of

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Re: [flexcoders] Flex and Rails - examples?

2006-08-17 Thread John C. Bland II Note:That is Christophe's old blog. His new one is .org.
On 8/17/06, karstendwolf [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


Hi there,
besides the excellent tutorial at a
href="" href="" target="_blank" >
, who else is doing stuff with Flex and Rails? Projects, demos,
example code… e.g. has anybody used it to use it as a backend for



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Re: [flexcoders] Re: Serverside FLV conversion?

2006-08-02 Thread John C. Bland II

Use FFMPEG. I did a preso on it some time ago but I THINK it was lost in the sauce once the Breeze url's changed. is free, easy to use, and highly powerful.
On 8/2/06, Renaun Erickson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


On2 Flix Engine

There are other transcoding services or boxes that people sale.  

I think  ffmpeg is also used to encode FLV its open source but will
take some configuration to make it work as you want.


--- In, Rick Schmitty [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Are there any tools out there that will let users submit mpeg/avi/wmv
 through a form and have a server component convert into flv for use
 with Flex apps?


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Re: [flexcoders] What is the difference between an Array and an ArrayCollection?

2006-07-25 Thread John C. Bland II

You mean I'm supposed to throw those (socks with wholes) away?On 7/25/06, Tobias Patton [EMAIL PROTECTED]


You can also supply sorting and filtering
criteria to an array collection.

This would be like a chest of drawers that
folds your socks and tosses the ones that have holes in them.

From: [
] On Behalf Of Pan Troglodytes
Sent: Tuesday, July 25, 2006 3:11

Subject: Re: [flexcoders] What is
the difference between an Array and an ArrayCollection?

To add to Jester's imaginative response,
ArrayCollection actually wraps an Array. So inside, there is an Array,
which can be accessed through the source property. But if you directly
access the array, you don't get the cool events the make data binding work. 

On 7/25/06, JesterXL

A drawer from Disney's Beauty and the Beast that
goes, Dude, you just put something in me!.

It does this by emitting an event, collectionChanged, when
this happens. Controls can listen for this event and knowwhen the
array is updatedin order to redraw themselves, like theDataGrid,
List, etc.

An Array is like a drawer in the real world. You can
put something in it, but it doesn't talk to you.

- Original Message - 

Bill Brown


Sent: Tuesday, July 25,
2006 5:59 PM

Subject: [flexcoders] What
is the difference between an Array and an ArrayCollection?

This is a pretty newbie programming question, but
coming from an AS1/AS2 background I'm not familiar with the difference between
an Array and an ArrayCollection.
Could someone please explain the difference, or suggest a URL
that explains the difference? 

When I learned about arrays through Phillip Kerman's Actionscript
book, he suggested that a variable was like a drawer that could
hold data and an array was like a chest of drawers where you could
reference each drawer with an index. What would an arrayCollection
be in this analogy? 




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Re: [flexcoders] Re: Net.Connection debugger - Is there something like it in Flex2?

2006-06-29 Thread John C. Bland II

Steve, you can set your proxy info and ServiceCapture will work in Firefox and Flock. I don't know about any other browser, don't use anything else.On 6/29/06, 
stevenkeys2003 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


Duncan, I use Kevin Landon's ServiceCapture..
works pretty decent and will run over https as well. Only drawback is
it can be a tad buggy, and will only capture for IE.


--- In, Duncan McMillan


 Hi Pete
 I'm using Flex 1.5 and it seems that mx.utils.ObjectUtil and the
 TraceTarget facilities are not available.
 I'm trying to debug an RPC using RemoteObject and getting nowhere as I
 cannot seem to use the NetConnectionDebugger either. The network monitor
 sees the RPC call but the busy cursor just remains for ever.
 Any further ideas?
 Peter Farland wrote On 06/06/06 15:42,:
  If you're using a raw NetConnection, then... no, not natively from the
  client. There are third party tools out there that sniffing AMF over
  HTTP traffic.
  However, I'd first try using some of the utilities that Flex has to
  dumping an object graph to a string:
  import mx.utils.ObjectUtil;
  If you were using FDS channels and messaging then you could take
  advantage of the mx.logging framework by creating a trace target
to dump
  the traffic out to the flashlog.txt file. A simple way to do this
is to add
  mx:TraceTarget level=0 /
  to your MXML to see everything that was logged... however if you
want to
  filter this information you'll need to read up on the ASDoc on logging
  targets and use some script to customize the information being
  FWIW, NetConnection Debugger relied on some mix-ins in your app that
  intercepted trace calls to an underlying NetConnection and then
  broadcast this information on a local connection to the NCD... Flex 2
  has moved beyond this architecture and now uses a messaging framework
  and a logging API that decouples how a request is made from the
  being contacted. I would love to see people in the community writing
  their own implementations of mx.messaging.Channel or perhaps a simple
  mx.logging.ILoggingTarget that reported info back to the old NCD!
  *From:* [mailto:]
  *On Behalf Of *Phil Marston
  *Sent:* Tuesday, June 06, 2006 9:52 AM
  *Subject:* [flexcoders] Net.Connection debugger - Is there something
  like it in Flex2?
  or any other way of seeing what's being sent to AMFPHP and coming
  Phil Marston
  Learning Technologist
  Learning Technology Unit
  Edward Wright G33, University of Aberdeen, Aberdeen, AB24 3QY, UK
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  The University of Aberdeen Open Day 29th August 2006
  Booking is essential
  email [EMAIL PROTECTED] mailto:openday%
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Re: [flexcoders] Sample project for CRUD type application

2006-06-29 Thread John C. Bland II

We did a simple admin for a client. I can't open it up freely right now but can jump in breeze and show you a preview.On 6/29/06, geiger947 


I am just getting into flex and I can not find a good sample 
application for a CRUD style app. There are lots that get and show 
data, but none that have a grid and an update form and use databinding 
to tie it all together.

If anyone has a sample they can share, I would appreciate it.


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[flexcoders] Flex 2 Video Player (with funny videos)

2006-06-28 Thread John C. Bland II

In light of the Flex 2 news, I finished this little video player app
just to show how Flex 2 can interact with Flash Media Server 2 for
streaming videos. There isn't much visually to see but check the source
(right click-View Source) to see the code (which there isn't much
code there either; lol). This started out by me working on Christophe's FMS app then I couldn't help but do something with Video.

Click here to see the app.

This videos are pretty coo too. :-)-- John C. Bland III do what I can do when I can do it. - Chris Tucker, Money Talks
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Re: [flexcoders] Can Flex record audio locally?

2006-06-26 Thread John C. Bland II

I don't recall anything. What they can do is look into Rebus by MDM. It is in beta/testing right now. This is if they are bent on using Flex for the UI. They could do it all with .Net but Flex would most likely provide the front-end and Flash Player the install base they'd like. built a sound recording app using Flash 8 and Zinc 
2.5 so they aren't bound to Rebus if they don't want to be Windows specific.On 6/26/06, Mike Potter [EMAIL PROTECTED]


Hi all:
Drupal is looking to create a project that will allow users to record
audio locally and then upload that audio to the server.  Does Flex allow
developers to record audio to shared object and store it locally?

I think the answer to this is no and that developers need Flash Media
Server to record video and audio, but I just want to make sure.




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Re: [flexcoders] Can Flex record audio locally?

2006-06-26 Thread John C. Bland II

So you can't receive callbacks from .Net when the waves change, etc? Maybe even have Flex use NetStream to connect with .Net to play the live stream back. I don't know. I haven't used Rebus so I'm not sure. Either way, I don't think there is an option available at this present time using Flex locally with no streaming server. 
On 6/26/06, Jeremy Lu [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


Yap, I'm playing with Rebus lately and surely it provide sound recording capability (via .NET) but that's really not quite enough, what if I need to show the sound wave in Flex 2 or do some simple sound editing, this is where flex 2 (as a UI front-end) come short of.
Btw, letting flash player do some low level mic/sound stream processing doesn't really means it will rule out FMS, they are for very different kind of use cases in my opinion.Jeremy.

On 6/26/06, John C. Bland II [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


I don't recall anything. What they can do is look into Rebus by MDM. It is in beta/testing right now. This is if they are bent on using Flex for the UI. They could do it all with .Net but Flex would most likely provide the front-end and Flash Player the install base they'd like.
We built a sound recording app using Flash 8 and Zinc 
2.5 so they aren't bound to Rebus if they don't want to be Windows specific.On 6/26/06, Mike Potter 



Hi all:
Drupal is looking to create a project that will allow users to record
audio locally and then upload that audio to the server.  Does Flex allow
developers to record audio to shared object and store it locally?

I think the answer to this is no and that developers need Flash Media
Server to record video and audio, but I just want to make sure.




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Re: [Junk E-Mail - LOW] [flexcoders] FP 9 for Intel-based Macs?

2006-06-24 Thread John C. Bland II

lol. I didn't read that blurb. A site visitor sent it and I skimmed the first paragraph. :-) Thx for pointing it out.Yes, I heard the #'s were down. I think MM's products and vision will help Adobe a great deal. We'll see as time goes on. ;-)
On 6/22/06, Shannon Hicks [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


The text you provided says that Flash Player 9 for Intel 
macs will be released sometime after the release for windows  PPC 

So, I'd guess that means, no... not next week, but sometime 
after that. Considering Adobe isn't launching any Intel versions of their 
applications till 2007, I'm not feeling terribly confident that it will be 

Speculation says that Adobe's latest earnings were hurt 
because a lot of customers are waiting for intel versions of their 


[] On Behalf Of John C. Bland 
IISent: Thursday, June 22, 2006 6:25 PMTo: 
flexcoders@yahoogroups.comSubject: [Junk E-Mail - LOW] [flexcoders] 
FP 9 for Intel-based Macs?

I don't have one but one of our customers wrote and provide the text below. 
It is regarding FP 8 so my next thought was...what about 9? We're about to Flex 
(trick) out our site so this is a crucial component to the success of our site. 

Troubleshooting Macromedia Flash Player 
for Intel-based Macs
This document provides troubleshooting 
guidelines for users of the Macromedia Flash Player by Adobe and Intel-based 
Macs. Adobe has provided a preview release of Flash Player 8 for Intel-based Mac 
users, which is available for download from this TechNote. The preview release 
of Flash Player 8 runs natively on Intel-based Macs, but it has not been 
extensively tested and customers may run into compatibility, performance, and 
other issues. Alternatively, users can view Flash content on Intel-based Macs 
with Safari in Rosetta mode. Running the Flash Player preview release in Rosetta 
mode may be noticeably slower than when running on a PowerPC-based 
Adobe plans to support the new Intel-based 
Macs with Flash Player 9, after the initial release of the Windows and 
PowerPC-based Mac versions. The preview release of Flash Player 8 for 
Intel-based Macs will then be replaced with a final release version of Flash 
Player9 for the platform. For more information about Flash Player and 
Intel-based Macs, see...
FULL Text here:!-- 
John C. Bland III do what I can do when I can do it. - Chris Tucker, 
Money Talks - Home of 

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Re: [flexcoders] Breeze, SyncSWF and Flash 9?

2006-06-24 Thread John C. Bland II

This will probably be updated in the next version of Breeze.On 6/24/06, mark_g_wales [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


This is mostly a question for the Adobe folks who monitor this list
but happy to hear from anyone who knows the answer.

Is there a timetable of any kind for updating the Sync SWF product to
permit the inclusion of Flash 9-based SWFs in Breeze?

My understanding is that the current iteration only permits Flash 8
and below. Not being able to embed Flex 2-based SWFs in Breeze seems
like it could be a detriment to both products.




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[flexcoders] FP 9 for Intel-based Macs?

2006-06-22 Thread John C. Bland II

I don't have one but one of our customers wrote and provide the text below. It is regarding FP 8 so my next thought was...what about 9? We're about to Flex (trick) out our site so this is a crucial component to the success of our site.

Macromedia Flash Player for Intel-based Macs

This document provides troubleshooting guidelines for users of the
Macromedia Flash Player by Adobe and Intel-based Macs. Adobe has provided a
preview release of Flash Player 8 for Intel-based Mac users, which is available
for download from this TechNote. The preview release of Flash Player 8 runs
natively on Intel-based Macs, but it has not been extensively tested and customers
may run into compatibility, performance, and other issues. Alternatively, users
can view Flash content on Intel-based Macs with Safari in Rosetta mode. Running
the Flash Player preview release in Rosetta mode may be noticeably slower than
when running on a PowerPC-based Mac.

Adobe plans to support the new Intel-based Macs with Flash Player
9, after the initial release of the Windows and PowerPC-based Mac versions. The
preview release of Flash Player 8 for Intel-based Macs will then be replaced
with a final release version of Flash Player9 for the platform. For more
information about Flash Player and Intel-based Macs, see...


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Re: [flexcoders] Uh oh Ajax...

2006-06-14 Thread John C. Bland II

This is my favorite quote of all: _javascript_ is a key component of Ajax, a set of technologies that is being used more and more frequently for Web applications.Key component huh? :-) AJAX IS _javascript_! The misconception that Ajax is more than JS frustrates. Sorry for the outburst. :-) Back to the cave...
On 6/14/06, Tom Chiverton [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


On Wednesday 14 June 2006 03:17, Brendan Meutzner wrote:


Yamanner also captured the addresses and uploaded them to a still 
unidentified Web site
What, ethereal / wireshark have suddenly stopped working ?
Tom Chiverton

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Re: [flexcoders] Uh oh Ajax...

2006-06-14 Thread John C. Bland II

lol. I hear you but X can be nixed, for most ajax implementations at least. You know what I mean though.On 6/14/06, Tom Chiverton 
[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:On Wednesday 14 June 2006 12:21, John C. Bland II wrote:
 AJAX IS _javascript_^ and XML:--)--Tom ChivertonThis email is sent for and on behalf of Halliwells LLP.
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Re: [flexcoders] Re: Uh oh Ajax...

2006-06-14 Thread John C. Bland II

Well, I'd say it is good for Flex but only due to the scare factor. If JS starts getting hit with more and more viruses Ajax will become a liability more than anything. This is one of the reasons some network admins shut off JS.
On 6/14/06, sourcecoderia [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


And yet another, this seems to be a good? Thing for Flex?
But very bad for ajax.

QUOTE. Just wait. Ajax is just asking for it.

Sure glad swf is compiled. (but still not un breakable)


--- In, Tom Chiverton [EMAIL PROTECTED] 


 On Wednesday 14 June 2006 12:21, John C. Bland II wrote:
  AJAX IS _javascript_
 	^ and XML
 Tom Chiverton


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Re: [flexcoders] Convert AJAX to Flex?

2006-06-13 Thread John C. Bland II

Anatole, you might want to look into Atlas, Backbase, Spry, etc (Ajax frameworks). None of these were available 5 years ago and a lot of the extra code is done for you.On 6/13/06, 
Anatole Tartakovsky [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Tom,Google uses very small _javascript_ libraries obsuficated to smallest sizelibraries, cached, and often claims the product is beta. They have hugenetworking infrastructure to insure highest performanc/reliabilitythat is
out of reach for 99% of the competition. They are delivering productioncomponents (Toolbars, etc) not as AJAX, but activeX and plugins. If you arebuilding few screens with functionality that has to be delivered to billions
of people, use AJAX. If you have to build APPLICATION - with hundreds ofpages, reports, dashboards, etc. please read on.RIA requires a lot of client side code. Compiled Framework.swc is 2MB , theUI-only sources are over 7MB. The UI portion of framework we have written in
1999-2002 was over 3MB- including DataGrid, Report, and 70 other controls.Robustness and performance of _javascript_: It is too slow and there is nomachanism in the browser to insure the competeness of _javascript_ downloads.
You do not get exception if _javascript_ has not been loaded. There is no wayto recover other then wrap code with watchdog code and try to check if thesecondary code was loaded/try to reload otherwise. Of course, there is no
guarantee that watchdog code is loaded either.As a result, even theslightest problems on the network level require huge efforts on theframework level. Even if cached, _javascript_ has to be parsed andpre-compiled on every page refresh. Add browser incompatibilities, typing
errors that have not been caught by compiler because there is nocompiler/strong code checking) and add really big application code base andyou will get my point.It is all curable on the system level. For demanding applications we had to
develop following system components outside the browser (just to supportAJAX and business needed functionality missing in the browser)1. reliable pluggable protocol on the top of HTTP(s) to support guaranteed
delivery/caching of data and code2. cached factories for _javascript_ to allow faster instantiation ofclient-side _javascript_3. print tempates enabler to allow full control of the printing environmentwithout browser limitations.
The list goes on and onBottom line, serious AJAX apps require Flash Player equivalent. You can tryto build it in _javascript_, but after trying for 5 years I began to think itis unrealistic. We tried to get browser makers adopt the forementioned
enhancements, but they are pusing alternatives to AJAX of their own, soFlash seems the only option with enough market penetration.Sincerely,Anatole Tartakovsky- Original Message -
From: Tom Chiverton [EMAIL PROTECTED]To: flexcoders@yahoogroups.comSent: Tuesday, June 13, 2006 4:55 AM
Subject: Re: [flexcoders] Convert AJAX to Flex? On Tuesday 13 June 2006 02:16, Anatole Tartakovsky wrote: framework) and switched to Flex after it became obvious that AJAX is not rich/robust enough for enterprise applications.
 Quick, tell google :-) Seriously, Flex is quicker to work with, but DHTML/AJAX is perfectly robust. -- Tom Chiverton 
 This email is sent for and on behalf of Halliwells LLP. Halliwells LLP is a limited liability partnership registered in England and Wales under registered number OC307980 whose registered office address
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Re: [flexcoders] Excel Export

2006-06-13 Thread John C. Bland II

You can create a normal HTML layout, save it as .xls file, and force the download (typically just redirect to the file, pending server setup though). There are tweaks here and there as to how the styling goes but for most situations it will work with no prob. There are more robust ways of doing it but that is the easiest. 
In terms of exporting to Excel in Flex without a backend...I have no earthly idea. Each time I needed Excel exports I just sent the data to CF or PHP and handled it there.On 6/12/06, 
vestcomprogrammer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


Does anyone know how to export to excel, like they do on the 
timetracker application on the showcase page on



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Re: [flexcoders] How to drag a file into Flash?

2006-06-12 Thread John C. Bland II

I'm not sure if you saw my last post but you can download here: On 6/12/06, 
Harald Dehn [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:



Where could I download


Von: [] 
Im Auftrag von Jeremy Lu
Gesendet: Montag, 12. Juni 2006
Betreff: Re: [flexcoders] How to
drag a file into Flash?

I downloaded Rebus the other day and read the manual, it's a .NET 2.0 rebuild
of Zinc and best of all, it's a plugin to Eclipse so the workflow is seamless.

I assume it support flash player 8.5( 9 maybe ?) and can wrap flex2 swf. 

On 6/12/06, John

will zinc work with a Flex2 swf?? I've
heard about Rebus, but after reading, Rebus is just a hey let's see what
you guys think of this concept for .NET etc

On 6/11/06, Abdul Qabiz [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hi, Rick

No Flash/Flex Applications (neither in browser nor as standalone) can handle
such Drag  Drop operations.

But it would really be cool feature and I understand, it won't take much effort
to do that ? 

With Web 2.0/RIA stuff, such feature would really be important.

For standalone applications, you can wrap your flex app inside C++/Delphi/VB
application or use any third party SWF wrappers (SWFStudio, Zinc etc).. That
would allow you do more low level stuff. 


On 6/11/06, Rick Schmitty  [EMAIL PROTECTED]


File upload/download is a great leap forward and much
But there has to be a way to allow Flash to accept a drag/drop from
the OS. Just like if you were in Photoshop and you dragged an image
to the program.

When a swf is played through the browser, is Drag/Drop allowance a
browser issue? For example if you goto and drag an image
around the homepage from your desktop, the browser will show it valid
until it gets to a swf and the you get the no sign

If you used the Flash Player stand alone, could a feature request like
this be possible?

Perhaps Mac's just spoiled me with dragndropn everywhere and anywhere :)

John Grden - Blitz 


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Re: [flexcoders] Convert AJAX to Flex?

2006-06-12 Thread John C. Bland II

Hopefully 100% of the server-side is reuseable (not going against Tom...just a hope). If the Ajax site/app is done right then you will only have to change your view (front-end). In this case, build the UI with Flex and connect it to your backend...done! It SHOULDN'T be a big issue but it seriously depends on your backend.
Here's a thought (keep in mind I know nothing about ThinkCAP):Use ExternalInterface in Flex to talk to ThinkCAP. This way your backend has NOTHING to do with your front-end. ThinkCAP would play as a proxy of sorts by allowing data retrieval, etc via _javascript_ calls.
Just a thought...On 6/12/06, Tom Chiverton [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
On Friday 09 June 2006 18:37, Carson Hager wrote: We know quite a bit about ThinkCAP as well as Flex. Unfortunately, this
 is going to be a manual process. There really is no good way to go fromHopefully 90% of the server-side code can be reused though, I guess ?--Tom Chiverton
This email is sent for and on behalf of Halliwells LLP.Halliwells LLP is a limited liability partnership registered in England and Wales under registered number OC307980 whose registered office address is at St James's Court Brown Street Manchester M2 2JF.A list of members is available for inspection at the registered office. Any reference to a partner in relation to Halliwells LLP means a member of Halliwells LLP. Regulated by the Law Society.
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Re: [flexcoders] How to drag a file into Flash?

2006-06-11 Thread John C. Bland II

Jump on the Beta: (Flex is supported in upcoming version)On 6/11/06, 
Muzak [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


Zinc does currently not support Flex swf's.


- Original Message - 
From: John Grden [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, June 11, 2006 9:41 PM
Subject: Re: [flexcoders] How to drag a file into Flash?

 will zinc work with a Flex2 swf??   I've heard about Rebus, but after
 reading, Rebus is just a hey let's see what you guys think of this concept
 for .NET etc

 On 6/11/06, Abdul Qabiz [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   Hi, Rick

 No Flash/Flex Applications (neither in browser nor as standalone) can
 handle such Drag  Drop operations.

 But it would really be cool feature and I understand, it won't take much
 effort to do that ?

 With Web 2.0/RIA stuff, such feature would really be important.

 For standalone applications, you can wrap your flex app inside
 C++/Delphi/VB application or use any third party SWF wrappers (SWFStudio,
 Zinc etc).. That would allow you do more low level stuff.



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[flexcoders] FB2B3 Bug: Chinese Alert box

2006-06-08 Thread John C. Bland II

The alert box of one of our forms is showing the button text as Chinese, seriously. I laughed when I saw it but frowned when I realized there are no requests for this in the code. Here is the you sure you want to delete this agent?, Confirm Delete, 
Alert.YES|Alert.NO, null, deleteListingAgent, null, Alert.YES);We are not using CSS or anything else for fonts. All styling, etc are exactly what Flex provides by default. Any ideas?TIA,
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[flexcoders] Re: FB2B3 Bug: Chinese Alert box

2006-06-08 Thread John C. Bland II

Ok. Maybe it isn't Flex. I'm on Vista Beta 5308 (Feb CTP), upgrading this weekend to Beta 2 so hopefully fixes the issue, so I assume Vista is the culprit. I'll test on my laptop later but I'd still like to know why this only occurs for Alert boxes. I just built a new form and it happens there too for validated textfields. This is terribly odd.
Any ideas?On 6/8/06, John C. Bland II [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
The alert box of one of our forms is showing the button text as Chinese, seriously. I laughed when I saw it but frowned when I realized there are no requests for this in the code. Here is the you sure you want to delete this agent?, Confirm Delete, 
Alert.YES|Alert.NO, null, deleteListingAgent, null, Alert.YES);We are not using CSS or anything else for fonts. All styling, etc are exactly what Flex provides by default. Any ideas?TIA,

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[flexcoders] F2B3: NetStream onMetaData request

2006-05-22 Thread John C. Bland II

(no real request...just a wouldn't it be nice; explain if I'm missing something though)Wouldn't it be nice to add an event listener for onMetaData? This is so we don't have to do the following (per LiveDocs):
an instance of a Netstream subclass. Netstream is a
sealed class, which means that properties or methods cannot be added to
a Netstream object at runtime. However, you can create a subclass of
Netstream and define your event handler in the subclass or make the
subclass dynamic and add the event handler function to an instance of
the subclass.the object referenced by the client property of a Netstream instance.Creating a subclass isn't a prob but it sure would be nice to use an event listener. :-)
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Re: [flexcoders] Cold Fusion/Flex Application Wizard

2006-05-21 Thread John C. Bland II

After login, go here.On 5/21/06, Kevin Roche 


Can someone point me 
to a URL where I can download the latest Beta of the Cold Fusion/Flex 
Application Wizard?

I tried the links I 
found on the Adobe Labssite and ended up going around in circles. I had an 
earlier one forBeta2 but need the new one for Beta3.


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[flexcoders] Autoinstall not guaranteed?

2006-05-20 Thread John C. Bland II

We had a client who ordered a content management system in beta 2 (worked fine too). It launched just before beta 3 and there were updates needed after 3 came out. So, we upgraded it to beta 3 which was a perfect time for the client to upgrade their computers to FP9. The problem is it didn't work. 
In IE it just kept repeating the process but never actually installed the player even after restarting IE as directed. In Firefox it would either throw an error about the Timer class not being available or just sit their blank (normal Flex bg).
So, is autoinstall not complete? Has there been any upgrades from FP8? It was flaky at best in FP8, in our experience, so we're hoping some upgrades have been made so we can use it this time.TIA,
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Re: [flexcoders] Autoinstall not guaranteed?

2006-05-20 Thread John C. Bland II

Ahh...good stuff Chotin. I thought that was the case in Beta 2 but thought it was fixed since it was officially 9 now.So, one last question: are there any upgrades to the autoinstall? (Not necessarily in terms of code but it actually working this time around)
On 5/20/06, Matt Chotin [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Auto-upgrade is not going to work until we
actually ship Player 9 on because there is no server sitting out
there with the Player. So your clients will need to install FP9 manually for
now (despite FB offering the install options).


From: [] 
On Behalf Of John C. Bland II
Sent: Saturday, May 20, 2006 9:31
Subject: [flexcoders] Autoinstall
not guaranteed?

We had a client who
ordered a content management system in beta 2 (worked fine too). It launched
just before beta 3 and there were updates needed after 3 came out. So, we
upgraded it to beta 3 which was a perfect time for the client to upgrade their
computers to FP9. The problem is it didn't work. 

In IE it just kept repeating the process but never actually installed the
player even after restarting IE as directed. In Firefox it would either throw
an error about the Timer class not being available or just sit their blank
(normal Flex bg). 

So, is autoinstall not complete? Has there been any upgrades from FP8? It was
flaky at best in FP8, in our experience, so we're hoping some upgrades have
been made so we can use it this time.


John C. Bland II
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Re: [flexcoders] Wanted - A simple WSDL example

2006-05-15 Thread John C. Bland II

Anytime I need to look at or test a wsdl I always go to On 5/15/06, 
judah [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I am looking for an super simple working example of an WSDL. I tried to 
get the one in the help files working and I get no response success or 
fail. I've spent a day working on this and found out the wsdl url is 
fake and found plenty of other WSDLs online, looked at the xml but get 
fail response on all of them.

heres the article in the help file i'm looking at:


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[flexcoders] FB2: Uncaught exception in compiler

2006-05-04 Thread John C. Bland II

I know this has been beat to the ground on several messages in this forum but I wanted to see what the general consensus is for this issue in reference to the final product (or even Beta 3).I compiled my app perfectly fine until the other day when I got An internal build error has occurred. Please check the error log. That is the error that was beat up on several posts. Thanks to one of those posts I was able to see what the actual error showed under Plugin Development perspective.
The actual error message is Uncaught exception in compiler and the stack trace shows java.lang.IllegalArgumentException as the first line with about 15 or so lines after detailing the actual line numbers, etc (but not of my files, of the plugin files).
The odd thing is I can close Eclipse (after error shows) compile the app and it'll compile fine. The swf loads in the browser, shows my background color with Loading bar, then reverts to the default Flex background color. After that, I get the error on all subsequent messages.
I've used Clean, deleted the /bin directory, copied files to new folders, deleted files (crucial one's [replaced later] and old one's), renamed vars that may conflict, etc, etc, etc. Anything anyone has suggested online regarding a possible fix I have tried. I even reinstalled FB 2 plugin (from exe and local update site)! I also uninstalled data services
The issue turned out to be AS files named the same as my MXML docs. I compiled for several weeks with these same exact filenames (LoginForm.mxml [the component] and [the mx:Source'd AS file]) and no error. I'm not sure exactly what prompted this error but it came out.
Anyways, no real need for response here. It is more-so to possibly help others and/or strike up convo with Adobe folks to better help fix this compiler bug.-- John C. Bland III do what I can do when I can do it. - Chris Tucker, Money Talks - Home of

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Re: [flexcoders] Re: mx:ComboBox selectedItem ={blah} (flex 2)

2006-04-28 Thread John C. Bland II

I've already tried that. Well, not getItemAt because I used items.selectedItem (same thing).On 4/28/06, Suzy Lawson 


--- In, John C. Bland II 


 I am working with some a combo and the custom component listing the 
 works perfectly fine for simply saying: selectedItem={
 items.selectedItem.state}. It will change and work as expected 
(when the
 grid is clicked).
 Well, that component is nothing but a mx:dataProvider with 
 values inside. So the selectedItem is a string (when calling
 mycombo.selectedItem) as opposed to an object.
 My question is, when you have an object as the dp to a combo (or 
any other
 component with selectedItem) how do you set the selected item 
without doing
 a loop + if to find the proper selectedIndex?
 John C. Bland II
 I do what I can do when I can do it. - Chris Tucker, Money Talks - Home of

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Re: [flexcoders] AS3 - Support for Overloading Method Signatures?

2006-04-28 Thread John C. Bland II

Ahh...this would be a beautiful addition and welcome with open arms on my end! :-)(sorry...just wanted to back this request; no real info here)On 4/28/06, 
Aaron King [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Hey, does anyone know if there are plans to make AS3 support overloaded
method signatures anytime before it comes out of beta?


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[flexcoders] Flex 2.0 Breeze Preso by Jesse Warden 4/26/2006

2006-04-25 Thread John C. Bland II

Not sure if this is considered spam but figured I'd post it anyway and get blasted later, if it is spam. :-)From see what all the hype surrounding Flex 
2.0 is about. Jesse will
cover the new Actionscript 3.0, mxml, and other Flex sweetness. This is
an exciting time for web junkies. Come geek out with us!Come geek out with us a bit on Breeze.-- John C. Bland III do what I can do when I can do it. - Chris Tucker, Money Talks - Home of

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Re: [flexcoders] redirect??

2006-04-25 Thread John C. Bland II

This shouldn't be happening anymore. The internal Labs team has been notified and it was working for me earlier but seems to be back to the same old tricks.From what I've heard so far...internal is looking into it.
On 4/25/06, Rick Schmitty [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Hi all, I'm tring to get to labs.adobe(or marcormedia).com and I keep
getting redirected to

I've put in my email and such, but it still redirects me there.

Is there a new site for the labs?

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Re: [flexcoders] Eclipse Plugin for Flex 1.5?

2006-04-25 Thread John C. Bland II

FB 2 outputs swf's built for Flash Player 9 (formerly 8.5). Unless there is something I haven't seen...strictly AS 3 here.On 4/25/06, Dmitry Miller 


Forgive my possibly naive question. But is there an Eclipse plugin for
Flex 1.5 and AS 2? And if not, would I be able to use the plugin for
Flex 2.0 for development in Flex 1.5 and AS2?



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Re: [flexcoders] Flex 2.0 Breeze Preso by Jesse Warden 4/26/2006

2006-04-25 Thread John C. Bland II

lol. Read the subject line real quick (note the date). :-) Don't feel bad. You aren't the only one. :-)On 4/25/06, Kevin Mulvihill 

Oh, how I tried to geek out with you...

Nice thought, John. Wish I could have been there. But since 
no ID/password was provided, I'm just sitting at the front door, waiting, 
waiting, waiting...patiently... to get in to the meeting, while the 
following message displays on my screen: This is a private meeting. Your 
request to enter has been sent to the presenter. Please wait for a response. 
So, I'm guessing that the request went to Jesse, who's quite busy presenting, 
and that he'll probably have a chance to see and respond to it... when... when 
he's done? 

Forgive my cynicism. It's been a long day and I haven't had 
enough sleep. Would have been nice to get in. If you could actually help us to 
do so in the future that would be great.


  sure if this is considered spam but figured I'd post it anyway and get blasted 
  later, if it is spam. :-)From 
  see what all the hype surrounding Flex 2.0 is about. Jesse will cover the new 
  Actionscript 3.0, mxml, and other Flex sweetness. This is an exciting time for 
  web junkies. Come geek out with us!Come geek out with us a 
  bit on 

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[flexcoders] FB 2 Beta 2 on Windows Vista Build 5308

2006-04-21 Thread John C. Bland II

Has anyone toyed with getting FlexBuilder 2 Beta 2 working on Vista (build 5308)? I'm almost convinced it has to do with the ini file looking for /Application Data in the users workspace path but changing that didn't help (Vista doesn't use /Application Data, it is now AppData and inside Users/{username}/). 
Either way, I've beat my brain enough with a fix so I figured I'd ask here. I guess I should post the error I get as well. Oh, I also run it as Administrator and even tried XP SP2 compatability...still no go. :-(
!SESSION 2006-04-21 20:46:24.781 ---eclipse.buildId=unknownjava.version=1.4.2_09java.vendor=Sun Microsystems Inc.BootLoader constants: OS=win32, ARCH=x86, WS=win32, NL=en_US
Command-line arguments: -os win32 -ws win32 -arch x86!ENTRY org.eclipse.osgi 2006-04-21 20:46:25.186!MESSAGE Startup error!STACK 1java.lang.NumberFormatException: For input string: 
 at java.lang.NumberFormatException.forInputString(Unknown Source) at java.lang.Integer.parseInt(Unknown Source) at java.lang.Integer.parseInt(Unknown Source) at org.eclipse.core.runtime.adaptor.FileManager.updateTable
( at at org.eclipse.core.runtime.adaptor.EclipseAdaptor.initFileManager( at org.eclipse.core.runtime.adaptor.EclipseAdaptor.initialize
( at org.eclipse.osgi.framework.internal.core.Framework.initialize( at org.eclipse.osgi.framework.internal.core.Framework.init( at 
org.eclipse.osgi.framework.internal.core.OSGi.createFramework( at org.eclipse.osgi.framework.internal.core.OSGi.init( at org.eclipse.core.runtime.adaptor.EclipseStarter.startup
( at at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method) at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke
(Unknown Source) at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source) at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Unknown Source) at org.eclipse.core.launcher.Main.invokeFramework(
 at org.eclipse.core.launcher.Main.basicRun( at at org.eclipse.core.launcher.Main.main(!SESSION Fri Apr 21 20:46:25 GMT 2006 --
!ENTRY org.eclipse.core.launcher 4 0 2006-04-21 20:46:25.200!MESSAGE Exception launching the Eclipse Platform:!STACKjava.lang.NullPointerException at
( at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method) at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source) at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke
(Unknown Source) at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Unknown Source) at org.eclipse.core.launcher.Main.invokeFramework( at org.eclipse.core.launcher.Main.basicRun( at at org.eclipse.core.launcher.Main.main( John C. Bland III do what I can do when I can do it. - Chris Tucker, Money Talks - Home of

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[flexcoders] Re: FB 2 Beta 2 on Windows Vista Build 5308

2006-04-21 Thread John C. Bland II

I forgot to mention this is not the plugin. The plugin won't let me beyond the eclipse directory screen. Even though my path is right, Eclipse runs fine (after reinstall), and I'm running as an admin it still fails.
Just thought I'd add another piece to the puzzle.Thanks in advance...On 4/21/06, John C. Bland II 
[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:Has anyone toyed with getting FlexBuilder 2 Beta 2 working on Vista (build 5308)? I'm almost convinced it has to do with the ini file looking for /Application Data in the users workspace path but changing that didn't help (Vista doesn't use /Application Data, it is now AppData and inside Users/{username}/). 
Either way, I've beat my brain enough with a fix so I figured I'd ask here. I guess I should post the error I get as well. Oh, I also run it as Administrator and even tried XP SP2 compatability...still no go. :-(
!SESSION 2006-04-21 20:46:24.781 ---eclipse.buildId=unknownjava.version=1.4.2_09java.vendor=Sun Microsystems Inc.BootLoader constants: OS=win32, ARCH=x86, WS=win32, NL=en_US
Command-line arguments: -os win32 -ws win32 -arch x86!ENTRY org.eclipse.osgi 2006-04-21 20:46:25.186!MESSAGE Startup error!STACK 1java.lang.NumberFormatException: For input string: 

 at java.lang.NumberFormatException.forInputString(Unknown Source) at java.lang.Integer.parseInt(Unknown Source) at java.lang.Integer.parseInt(Unknown Source) at org.eclipse.core.runtime.adaptor.FileManager.updateTable

( at at org.eclipse.core.runtime.adaptor.EclipseAdaptor.initFileManager( at org.eclipse.core.runtime.adaptor.EclipseAdaptor.initialize

( at org.eclipse.osgi.framework.internal.core.Framework.initialize( at org.eclipse.osgi.framework.internal.core.Framework.init( at 
org.eclipse.osgi.framework.internal.core.OSGi.createFramework( at org.eclipse.osgi.framework.internal.core.OSGi.init( at org.eclipse.core.runtime.adaptor.EclipseStarter.startup

( at at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method) at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke

(Unknown Source) at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source) at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Unknown Source) at org.eclipse.core.launcher.Main.invokeFramework(

 at org.eclipse.core.launcher.Main.basicRun( at at org.eclipse.core.launcher.Main.main(!SESSION Fri Apr 21 20:46:25 GMT 2006 --
!ENTRY org.eclipse.core.launcher 4 0 2006-04-21 20:46:25.200!MESSAGE Exception launching the Eclipse Platform:!STACKjava.lang.NullPointerException at

( at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method) at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source) at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke

(Unknown Source) at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Unknown Source) at org.eclipse.core.launcher.Main.invokeFramework( at org.eclipse.core.launcher.Main.basicRun( at at org.eclipse.core.launcher.Main.main( John C. Bland III do what I can do when I can do it. - Chris Tucker, Money Talks - Home of

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Re: [flexcoders] Flash Remoting Gateway and .Net

2006-03-08 Thread John C. Bland II

Check out 3/8/06, Jonathan Miranda

Since I'm working in a .Net environment, I need to buy
the Flash Remoting software from Macromedia/Adobe for .Net so I can use my
nifty RemoteObjects – but looking at the requirements, it says it runs on
.Net SDK 1.0. Anyone know if they have a 2.0 version?


Jonathan Miranda

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Re: [flexcoders] FFMPEG GUI

2006-03-06 Thread John C. Bland II

Not bad. It seems to be very useful. I would have liked to see options for the Video size (qcif, sqcif, etc). I'm sure you an extend the functionality to include everything else but for most cases this would def work. 
Good tool...Disclaimer:I'm not bashing it just relating it to our last ffmpeg project and what we needed for a command string. On 3/6/06, 
Sönke Rohde [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I have build a GUI for FFMPEG using Flex 2. Read more here:
The sourcecode is included. The code is very simple but anyway people might
be interested.


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Re: [flexcoders] FFMPEG GUI

2006-03-06 Thread John C. Bland II

It is the -s param. qcif-s sqcifThese are used for specific sizes, namely for mobile, etc. 
On 3/6/06, Sönke Rohde [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Hi John,
thanks for your feedback. If you give me details about qcif 
and sqcif I would like to add these parameters.


  [] On Behalf Of John C. Bland 
  IISent: Monday, March 06, 2006 6:32 PMTo: 
  flexcoders@yahoogroups.comSubject: Re: [flexcoders] FFMPEG 
  Not bad. It seems to be very useful. I would have liked to see 
  options for the Video size (qcif, sqcif, etc). I'm sure you an extend the 
  functionality to include everything else but for most cases this would def 
  work. Good tool...Disclaimer:I'm not bashing it just 
  relating it to our last ffmpeg project and what we needed for a command 
  On 3/6/06, Sönke 
  Rohde [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Hi,I have build a GUI for FFMPEG using 
Flex 2. Read more here:
sourcecode is included. The code is very simple but anyway people 
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[flexcoders] FP 8.5: Memory Leak Fixed?

2006-02-15 Thread John C. Bland II

There is an apparent memory leak in Flash 8 (something to do with bitmap caching). Is this or has this been fixed in 8.5?The leak occurs after the swf has been playing in excess of 24 hours.Thanks,
-- John C. Bland III do what I can do when I can do it. - Chris Tucker, Money Talks - Home of

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Re: [flexcoders] EXE Compiler and other

2005-12-19 Thread John C. Bland II

You can checkout Zinc for creating your projector from a swf. I'm using it on a project right now and its super-easy to use. 
On 12/19/05, Santo [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Hi all,

I´m a beginner in Flex, but i´m trying Flex 2.

In my tests, everything is fine, but I want to compile a EXE file,
from the Flex 2. With Flash, or I use the Flash API to do that, or I
compile in SWF and then with the Projector or With a 3rd Party
projetor, I order to generate a EXE file.

With the Flex 2, I compile the SWF, and this works fine in Browser and
with the 8.5 projetor, but when I tell he to create an EXE file, he
aparent compile with the 8.0 projector, and don´t with the 8.5. 

How I do that?

Other question, is any way to compile Flex 2 applications to work on
older players (7/8) like flash used to do?



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Re: [flexcoders] Flex - Mac - Database (Semi OT)

2005-12-13 Thread John C. Bland II

Zinc actually connects to more than just MySQL. Zinc™ v2.5 can connect to Microsoft Access* and MySQL Databases, and with added 
ADO support, you can practically connect to any Database Type! Zinc™ v2.5 
supports SQL statements which means that you can execute all INSERT, UPDATE, 
DELETE and SELECT commands on your database connections. There's no need for 
server side scripts such as PHP, ASP or CGI as Zinc™ v2.5 creates a direct 
connection with the Database.On 12/13/05, Tom Ortega [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Zinc provides a way to talk to mySQL directly with no need for a middle tier. Of course, you'd have to precompile your swf to have Zinc compile it. Mixing MDMScript in with your flex code, asp, etc. might prove a bit time-consuming though. You'd have to include the MDMScript in the flex file, compile the flex file into a swf, take the swf and wrap it up in Zinc, and then finally test. If you found a mistake, you'd have to do it all over again.

Possible, in theory. Practical, I'm not to sure of.

On 12/13/05, Steve Cox [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


I'm currently looking at ways in which we could create a standalone app using flex and a database, for Mac OSX and PC.

Basically we're looking at creating a cd/dvd with a mac/pc installer which will provide a client with a desktop app and database. The flex-based desktop app would be wrapped using something like 'Zinc' to provide the flash player etc. 

The issue I'm having is working out how I'm going to do the database on a mac. On a PC we could simply bundle a database and perhaps an ASP tier which could do the interaction.

However I'm at a total loss with a mac, I don't even use the things. Has anyone done anything similar?

My initial research would suggest a flex app, a java layer and perhaps a database such as SQLite. However I'm not a JAVA programmer, I'm usually .NET and Flex.

Has anyone any suggestions?


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Re: [flexcoders]

2005-12-08 Thread John C. Bland II

To pile on the agreements, I haven't purchased any templates (100% against them) but have edited them for clients. My experience is similar to Jesse. The code was so horrible in this file I DID hire someone else to do it. If I worked on it I would've been too compelled to rewrite it properly.
IMO, a custom design is worth a million times more than a design a million people could have by downloading a template. (subliminal message from Bobby Boucher's Mom: Templates are the devil!) It seems to be a touchy topic though (to use or not use templates) so I'm not trying to hijack this thread. Just wanted to give my opinion on site/app designs.
On 12/8/05, Ben Lucyk [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Quick agreement from me as well. I used a template from there for a site I did and the code seemed like it was thrown together in a darn hurry. It didn't look bad, but left untouched it was a maintenance pain waiting to happen.

On 12/8/05, Ralf Rottmann [EMAIL PROTECTED]

One remark from my side: I have used templates from Templatemonster because my customers liked them. I have to say that most of them totally lacked basic coding and implementation best practices. For example the classes and styles in the style sheets that came along with the files were pretty quick and dirty (with enumerated styles like style1, style2, style3) and none of the templates was nearly done in clean html. When it came to cross-browser capabilities, I had to manually go through the html source code of each page and fine tune stuff.

Some templates used images (like spacers, backgrounds, lines, etc.) where CSS would have done a beautiful job, too.

I'd say if you need something the quick and dirty way or just want to reuse the multimedia assets, go for the templates, they are not too expensive. However if maintainability and cross-browser experience is important for you, I'd second what others on the list have already said: Chances are it might be cheaper to just hire a professional web designer.


Ralf Rottmann | Director Sales Marketing | VoicInt Telecommunications GmbH
m:+49-(0)170-914-5495 | f: +49-(0)231-557402-99 | e: 


From: [mailto:] On Behalf Of Tariq AhmedSent: Donnerstag, 8. Dezember 2005 23:43

To: flexcoders@yahoogroups.comSubject: Re: [flexcoders]

I've bought templates from them before. It's essentially a zip file with all the raw assets so that you can apply to your own situation (sample HTML code that put all the graphics together, Photoshop files, FLAs, etc...). As far as I know they don't have anything that would be immediately plug and playable. But if you spend the time you can make your own skins / styles / etc... based on the package.
But it'll be great in the future when people start publishing full fledged Flex themes that can be easily applied.Mehdi, Agha wrote: 
Does anyone know about 

and if the templates can be integrated with Flex applications?
Agha Mehdi
IDT - eBusiness Program Manager
Work: 408.284.8239
Cell : 209.275.0482
Fax : 408.284.2766
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Re: [flexcoders]

2005-12-08 Thread John C. Bland II

That's an interesting comment. Is that where the majority of templates are done, honestly?Guess it boils down to, you get what you pay for (regardless of who develops it). On 12/8/05, 
Robert Thompson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

That's because these are primarily Macintosh developers from England.  John C. Bland II 
[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:  To pile on the agreements, I haven't purchased any templates (100% against them) but have edited them for clients. My experience is similar to Jesse. The code was so horrible in this file I DID hire someone else to do it. If I worked on it I would've been too compelled to rewrite it properly. 
IMO, a custom design is worth a million times more than a design a million people could have by downloading a template. (subliminal message from Bobby Boucher's Mom: Templates are the devil!) It seems to be a touchy topic though (to use or not use templates) so I'm not trying to hijack this thread. Just wanted to give my opinion on site/app designs. 
  On 12/8/05, Ben Lucyk [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 wrote:Quick agreement from me as well. I used a template from there for a site I did and the code seemed like it was thrown together in a darn hurry. It didn't 
look bad, but left untouched it was a maintenance pain waiting to happen. -BenOn 12/8/05, Ralf Rottmann
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]  wrote:   
One remark from my side: I have used templates from Templatemonster because my customers liked them. I have to say that most of them totally lacked basic coding and implementation best practices. For example the classes and styles in the style sheets that came along with the files were pretty quick and dirty (with enumerated styles like style1, style2, style3) and none of the templates was nearly done in clean html. When it came to cross-browser capabilities, I had to manually go through the html source code of each page and fine tune stuff. 

Some templates used images (like spacers, backgrounds, lines, etc.) where CSS would have done a
 beautiful job, too. 
I'd say if you need something the quick and dirty way or just want to reuse the multimedia assets, go for the templates, they are not too expensive. However if maintainability and cross-browser experience is important for you, I'd second what others on the list have already said: Chances are it might be cheaper to just hire a professional web designer. 

Ralf Rottmann | Director Sales Marketing | VoicInt Telecommunications GmbH m:+49-(0)170-914-5495 | f: +49-(0)231-557402-99 | e: 

  From: [mailto:] 
On Behalf Of Tariq AhmedSent: Donnerstag, 8. Dezember 2005 23:43To: 
flexcoders@yahoogroups.comSubject: Re: [flexcoders]  
I've bought templates from them before. It's essentially a zip file with all the raw assets so that you can apply to your own situation (sample HTML code that put all the graphics together, Photoshop files, FLAs, etc...). As far as I know they don't have anything that would be immediately plug and playable. But if you spend the time you can make your own skins / styles / etc... based on the package. 
But it'll be great in the future when people start publishing full fledged Flex themes that can be easily applied.Mehdi, Agha
 wrote:   Does anyone know about 
and if the templates can be integrated with Flex applications?  Thanks
  Agha Mehdi  
IDT - eBusiness
 Program Manager  Work: 408.284.8239  
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Re: [flexcoders] OT: 2D array from Remoting

2005-11-23 Thread John C. Bland II

Can you post code? On 11/23/05, Scott Langeberg [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Sorry for the OT, but I haven't found anyone with the same problem andI'm losing hope. 

I'm trying to return a 2D array from Coldfusion to Flash, via Remoting. However, I am getting the following error:

 Could not convert a value of type class [[I to an Array

The component works fine, as I called it from another CFM. 



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Re: [flexcoders] Poll: Flex developer US$ rate?

2005-11-18 Thread John C. Bland II

Heh, have you tried free Jesse? :-) I knocked out a few solid free one's in my early days to get something on there then was doing full database driven sites for $500. :-) Its all about the portfolio when contracting until you get your name out there and solid.
On 11/18/05, JesterXL [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Besides, kind of hard to ask for $300 an hour when you have... oh, NOTHING 
on your resume to prove yo don't suck. I'll do whatever it takes to 
succeed, and if that meant taking jack money to get some cool projects on my 
resume, so be it. Today, I don't need anymore, but back then, I'd seriously 
question wtf else you expected me to do.

- Original Message - 
From: Tim Beynart [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, November 18, 2005 12:17 PM
Subject: RE: [flexcoders] Poll: Flex developer US$ rate?

Jesse, $20/hr is what I pay people to dig holes in my yard! Anyone in
the US with development skills working for that is depressing the market
and seriously shortchanging themselves.

Since FLEX is aimed directly at the enterprise market and is
fundamentally a presentation-tier platform, you could use Java/.NET UI
developer rates as a rough guide. As I investigate the FLEX market, it
appears to be closely tied to the Java market since many Java guys are
adopting FLEX. I just took a FLEX class where I was the only Flash guy
in a room full of Java people, and the assumption was that a FLEX
developer would have deep Java experience.

As one of the old school Flash guys, I see FLEX paying more than Flash
development for someone who knows AS2.0 inside and out. Flash seems to
top out at about $85 an hour for contract in the US on large projects,
and Flex trumps that just in the few jobs I have looked at (for the NYC

Of course salary is a whole other beast, and I have no experience there
due to my allergy to W2 forms.


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Re: [flexcoders] My Flex Site Mockup - considerations?

2005-11-17 Thread John C. Bland II

Jason, in reference to the design you might want to look at moving the icons inside of the button. This would replace print with the printer icon so your buttons will read [icon] summary and [icon] article or maybe nix article all together and just have the printer icon. The same goes for the add/remove. 
Not sure if you were looking for critiques or not. Hope it helps...On 11/17/05, Merrill, Jason 

a Flash IDE guy and have only produced simple apps with the Flexbuilder 2 Alpha
which use XML. Anyhoo, I have 2 questions. I have created a site
mockup of a Flex app in Photoshop for one of my clients. See it here:

1: The client can only run Flash player 7, so knowing that and what I have
mocked up, would you look at the following screenshot and tell me if everthing
I am proposing in this graphic is possible in Flex 1.5 (obviously assuming we
will have easy access to the data etc.) – including embedding the graphics
and fonts in the tabs. I have played with Flexbuilder 2 and the 8.5 player, but
not Flex 1.5. 

Question 2:
I probably already know the answer, but can you run Flex 1.5 on a server in one
place (say here, on the development side), produce the necessary .swfs, and
then take the .swfs to another server that does not have the Flex server to
deploy the app? Or are the .swfs strictly built at runtime? Or are
there legal considerations for that? This isn't a requirement, but
it would be nice to only have to buy Flex 1.5 server here, and give our clients
the .swfs instead of telling them they need to also buy the Flex server to run
this. I am guessing though, that the Flex server and the Flex app have to
be on the same machine. Right? If so, I guess what are my options for
something *kinda* like this –
realistically – the Flash IDE or AJAX?
If Flash 8.5 were an option, I would hold out for Flexbuilder 2,
but it's not with them since they can only run the Flash 7 player. 


Merrill | E-Learning Solutions | 

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Re: [flexcoders] Can I Capture f5 keyboard event in actionScript

2005-11-07 Thread John C. Bland II

Not even fscommand(trapallkeys, true);
 will work?(just curious)On 11/7/05, Mika Kiljunen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

If you run flex on flashplayer running on
IE it won't work, since IE "swallows" the F5 keypress and
refreshes the web page on F5. Same problem with ESC.


From: [] 
On Behalf Of manish
Sent: 7. marraskuuta 2005 14:43
Subject: [flexcoders] Can I
Capture f5 keyboard event in actionScript

Hi all,
 I need to
capture F5 event.Can i do this in flex. I will really
appreciate if someone will help me in this regard

Manish Jain

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Re: [flexcoders] Flash Player - Desktop integration... SDK?

2005-11-07 Thread John C. Bland II

Checkout Zinc: I think it has the biggest feature-set available, could be very wrong.
On 11/7/05, JesterXL [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

mProjector allows drag and drop... and I think Screenweaver did too.

Not sure about clipboard...

:: looks ::

Yeah, mProjector does; in Flex, you'd do:

var str:String = _global.mSystem.getClipboard();

- Original Message - 
From: Aldo Bucchi [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Sent: Monday, November 07, 2005 9:04 PM
Subject: Re: [flexcoders] Flash Player - Desktop integration... SDK?

Hi Jesse,

Great to know you've done it... ;)

Do you have any idea on how to make a Desktop Flash UI accept drag and
drop from an external app... or access the clipboard?


On 11/7/05, JesterXL [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Don't know about design view, but Flash for desktop UI has been something
 I've always enjoyed doing. Worked great for C++ apps, and worked great 
 VB; both of which used XMLSocket. I've used fscommand in the past, simply
 respecting what C++ told me to do, same with Centura.

 Now, however, ExternalInterface makes this a lot easier to get syncronous
 communication with real data objects. Check it out.

 - Original Message -
 From: Aldo Bucchi [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Monday, November 07, 2005 5:40 PM
 Subject: [flexcoders] Flash Player - Desktop integration... SDK?

 Hi all,

 Sorry for the strange question.. I couldn't find any info on this anywhere

 When I look at the Design view in Flex Builder... is it being rendered
 by some variation of the flash player? if so, how does it integrate
 with Java?

 I guess it is internal stuff. But, is there any java/c++/py etc SDK
 planned for the future?
 The new player + framework are starting to become an attractive UI
 alternative for some desktop applications...

 Does central appear somewhere on this road in the future?


 : Aldo Bucchi :
 mobile (56) 8 429 8300

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Re: [flexcoders] about the Flex name...

2005-10-26 Thread John C. Bland II

lol. I thought it was funny after reading your post then looking into Gmails sponsored links section and not seeing anything about Macromedia Flex under sponsored or related links. :-) (at least something MM came up)
Sponsored Links
Macromedia Flash Files100% Free Flash Files and Training Lessons to turn you into a
Dreamweaver TutorialsMacromedia  Frontpage Training and certification web courses.www.absukltd.comRelated Pages

Funk Master Flex | www.funkmasterflex.comOfficial web site featuring an artist profile, message board,
On 10/25/05, Manish Jethani [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

On 10/21/05, Tariq Ahmed [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 there's a GNU project called Flex

That Flex is extremely cool (there's also JFlex (Java)), and I used to
get resumes of people applying for a job at MM because they thought it
was about GNU Flex. :)

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Re: [flexcoders] (2.0) App flow

2005-10-20 Thread John C. Bland II

I've seen that name on the list a lot. Guess its time to look into it. Thx Jimmy.On 10/19/05, Dimitrios Gianninas 

Once you are done building 
simple Flex applications and ready to move on, you should take a look at the 
Cairngorm framework, follow the link below.

Dimitrios Jimmy Gianninas
Optimal Payments Inc.

[] On Behalf Of John C. Bland 
IISent: Wednesday, October 19, 2005 1:56 PMTo: 
flexcoders@yahoogroups.comSubject: [flexcoders] (2.0) App 
I only have minimal contact with Flex but follow it just fine (code 
wise). My main desire right now is to get a good idea of how to structure my 
apps. I come from a Flash/Backend (cf, php, etc) background and for each of 
those languages I learned the syntax fine but my main prob was how to structure 
the actual app. So, from a design standpoint and an application dev 
standpoint is there a solid direction I can toy with until I am comfortable with 
flowing naturally. I do have the Flex book from the iteration folks but I'm 
looking for Flex 2.0 here (which it may still apply).Thx...just trying 
to sharpen up. (I'm loving Flex and these Flex sessions at Max)-- John C. Bland II 

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[flexcoders] (2.0) App flow

2005-10-19 Thread John C. Bland II

I only have minimal contact with Flex but follow it just fine (code wise). My main desire right now is to get a good idea of how to structure my apps. I come from a Flash/Backend (cf, php, etc) background and for each of those languages I learned the syntax fine but my main prob was how to structure the actual app.
So, from a design standpoint and an application dev standpoint is there a solid direction I can toy with until I am comfortable with flowing naturally. I do have the Flex book from the iteration folks but I'm looking for Flex 
2.0 here (which it may still apply).Thx...just trying to sharpen up. (I'm loving Flex and these Flex sessions at Max)-- John C. Bland II

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Re: [flexcoders] DW 8 MXML (code hints)

2005-10-12 Thread John C. Bland II

Yeah, DW 8's ftp has some issues. The most common is multiple file uploads. It'll upload it once then restart and as you've seen it ultimately doesn't put the file at all. This hurts production when you are up'ing a large fla or something.
I'll have to look into the config files and see what I could possibly do manually. Thx Joao (sorry...don't know how to get the tilde over the a). :-)On 10/12/05, 
João Fernandes [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

When DW8 Came out, I asked the same question but no response.
I started to compare FB config files with those of DW and managed to have codehinting, coloring and DocType working. 

I didn't understand why it did't support just code-view. DW8 have very nice features and I had enough of 600+ MB ram usage from FB. Debugging could be made by n other tools than FB.

But some DW8 have some very very ugly bugs like not always uploading content to remote server.

Since then, I switched to Eclipse and I'm quite happy with it. Just wainting for FB2.

João Fernandes
Secção de Desenvolvimento
Departamento de Informática 

-Original Message-
From: on behalf of John C. Bland II
Sent: Wed 12-Oct-05 12:49 AM
Subject: [flexcoders] DW 8  MXML (code hints)
Anyway to retrofit DW 8 to write MXML or is this a no-no since Flex Builder
is alive?

John C. Bland II

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[flexcoders] DW 8 MXML (code hints)

2005-10-11 Thread John C. Bland II

Anyway to retrofit DW 8 to write MXML or is this a no-no since Flex Builder is alive? -- John C. Bland II

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[flexcoders] Just joined

2005-09-15 Thread John C. Bland II


Hello alll...-- John C. Bland II

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RE: [flexcoders]

2005-04-20 Thread John C. Bland II

The attachment has a trojan virus in 
-- John C. Bland II JDEV Inc. [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
fax: 480.718.7958 
IM: jdevPres 

[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of 
FlexcodersSent: Wednesday, April 20, 2005 8:07 AMTo: 
FlexcodersSubject: [flexcoders]

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RE: [flexcoders] Coolest Flex Site Ever!

2005-02-22 Thread John C. Bland II
Title: Message

Not if 
you made it dynamic (database driven). Just a thought...

-Original Message-From: Jeff Steiner 
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Tuesday, February 22, 2005 
12:24 PMTo: flexcoders@yahoogroups.comSubject: Re: 
[flexcoders] Coolest Flex Site Ever!This could not 
have been done with Flash because of the fluid nature of theitems being 
showcased (Unless you wanted to spend a ton of cash on 
themaintenance). Every 3 months you would have to re-create the 
flash files toadd/remove clothes.Jeff 
Original Message - From: "Michael van Leest" 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]To: flexcoders@yahoogroups.comSent: 
Tuesday, February 22, 2005 10:47 AMSubject: Re: [flexcoders] Coolest Flex 
Site Ever! Looks nice, but did you have a specific 
reason to use Flex instead of just Flash?? Because it looks 
like it could have been done with Flash a lot "easier" then to doall 
this with flex??? But anyway looks great, 
Michael sfalien wrote: Want to see 
something totally different made with Flex and uses almost100% custom 
built components, with really tight interation with Flash? 
Check out my newsite that I built (with some help from 
Macromedia) for Macy's Juniors Brand called This IsIT.  
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RE: [flexcoders] Coolest Flex Site Ever!

2005-02-22 Thread John C. Bland II
Title: Message


-Original Message-From: Owen van Dijk 
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Tuesday, February 22, 2005 
3:31 PMTo: flexcoders@yahoogroups.comSubject: Re: 
[flexcoders] Coolest Flex Site Ever! This 
could not have been done with Flash because of the fluid nature of 
the items being showcased (Unless you wanted to spend a tonof 
cash on the maintenance). Every 3 months you would have to 
re-create the flash files to add/remove clothes.Well for 
starters...$12k buys you around 3-6 weeks for a good FlashDesigner... 
;)-- Owen van Dijk

Grid alignment

2005-02-12 Thread John C. Bland II
Title: Message

I'm usinga grid for 
layout purposes and can't seem to get one of my items to align right. I 
basically want two items on the same row but one of them aligned right and one 
aligned left (labels). 
-- JDEV Inc. John C. Bland II 
480.718.7958 IM: 

RE: [flexcoders] Grid alignment

2005-02-12 Thread John C. Bland II
Title: Message

Ok coo 
Steven. I'll give that a look.

started to ask the question if using Grids was like using tables in html. Should 
I only use them for data layout (row duplication)? 

-Original Message-From: Steven Webster 
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Saturday, February 12, 
2005 3:27 AMTo: flexcoders@yahoogroups.comSubject: RE: 
[flexcoders] Grid alignment
I'm using a grid for layout purposes and can't seem to get one of my 
items to align right. I basically want two items on the same row but one of 
them aligned right and one aligned left (labels).

Hey John - this is 
what we'd call a "bad code smell" and is one of the MXML Refactorings we talk 

Rather thanuse 
a grid to achieve your layout (grids can be quite an expensive component for 
the layout
manager to deal 
with) why don't you look intothe mx:Spacer / component 
andplay withwidths, so 
you can have the 
Spacer consume all the space necessary to push your rightmost component to the 


mx:Label / 

Make sense 


Steven WebsterTechnical 

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RE: [flexcoders] Grid alignment

2005-02-12 Thread John C. Bland II
Title: Message

good Senior Webster. :-) I'll look @ it right now and will definitely try harder 
on my layouts. Thx!

-Original Message-From: Steven Webster 
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Saturday, February 12, 
2005 10:01 AMTo: flexcoders@yahoogroups.comSubject:RE: 
[flexcoders] Grid alignment
Hi John,

Try and avoid using the grid to do HTML like layout 
tricks; instead, think a little harder about how
you can achieve your layout with the other layout 
containers and with spacers. In "Developing
Rich Clients with Macromedia Flex" (the flex book) we 
have a section on MXML Refactorings ...
 in fact, I just remember that I did a presentation 
on some of this stuff at IBM in Amsterdam,
and it's up as a Breeze presentation 

Take a look through that 



From: John C. Bland II 
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: 12 February 2005 
16:56To: flexcoders@yahoogroups.comSubject: RE: 
[flexcoders] Grid alignment

coo Steven. I'll give that a look.

started to ask the question if using Grids was like using tables in html. 
Should I only use them for data layout (row duplication)? 

-Original Message-From: Steven 
Webster [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Saturday, 
February 12, 2005 3:27 AMTo: 
flexcoders@yahoogroups.comSubject: RE: [flexcoders] Grid 
I'm using a grid for layout purposes and can't 
seem to get one of my items to align right. I basically want two items on 
the same row but one of them aligned right and one aligned left 

Hey John - this is what we'd call a "bad code smell" and is 
one of the MXML Refactorings we talk 

Rather thanuse a grid to achieve your layout (grids 
can be quite an expensive component for the 
manager to deal with) why don't you look intothe 
mx:Spacer / component andplay withwidths, so 
you can have the Spacer consume all the space necessary to 
push your rightmost component to the 


mx:Label / mx:Spacer/mx:Label 

sense ?


WebsterTechnical Director

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mask / depth position

2005-02-12 Thread John C. Bland II
Title: Message

I have a layout 
using a canvas and inside of the canvas I have an hbox with a loader insideof 
it. The loader loads the image but the image is on top of the canvas's border. 
How can I force it to stay "inside" the canvas?
-- JDEV Inc. John C. Bland II 
480.718.7958 IM: 

1st App - Questions

2005-02-09 Thread John C. Bland II
Well, I fumbled my way through the help docs and put together a pretty
coo lil' app (for my first one at least; file attached). I couldn't
think of anything useful to do so I looked at the samples and saw the
Blog Reader. So, I figured I'd read the MXNA feeds and display them. If
someone could critique the app and let me know how everything looks
that'd be great. I wanna learn how to do things right from jump. 

Being I went through the entire process I now have some questions about

1) Without using ActionScript, can I make text in a TextArea clickable? 
Code excerpt
mx:TextArea x=0 y=0
width=100% height=100% editable=false/

How can I make the a link? 

2) How can I get the NetConnection Debugger open? Do I need to import

3) Is there a way to take an object (Array or RecordSet) and make that a
Tree's dataProvider without XML'ing it up? I saw a few posts in here
about it but not sure if they answered it (brief looks).

Ex - 
function blah(result){
myTree.labelField = name;
myTree.dataProvider = result;

I'm not sure if labelField is an option but I did see earlier setting
the dataProvider worked but everything was merely an item and I had no
control over the folders. What I would really be doing is this:

function blah(result){
var len:Number = result.length;

for(var i:Number = 0; i  len; i++){
result.items[i].posts =

myTree.dataProvider = result;

This way I would have an object with each feed stored in the respective
category. I may create my own cfc locally to handle this and return to
Flex but I'd like to know my options.

Well, it's late and I still gotta bust some suds so I better get off
this thing. :-) Thx all for any responses/time invested in this post.


JDEV Inc. 
John C. Bland II 
fax: 480.718.7958 
IM: jdevPres 

Content-Type: text/html;
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DIVSPAN class=3D578222708-09022005FONT face=3DArial size=3D2Well, I f=
umbled my=20
way through the help docs and put together a pretty coo lil' app (for my fi=
one at least; file attached).nbsp;I couldn't think of anything useful to d=
o so=20
I looked at the samples and saw the Blog Reader. So, I figured I'd read the=
feeds and display them. If someone could critique the app and let me know h=
everything looks that'd be great. I wanna learn how to do things right from=
DIVSPAN class=3D578222708-09022005FONT face=3DArial=20
DIVSPAN class=3D578222708-09022005FONT face=3DArial size=3D2Being I w=
ent through=20
the entire process I now have some questions about=20
DIVSPAN class=3D578222708-09022005FONT face=3DArial=20
DIVSPAN class=3D578222708-09022005FONT face=3DArial=20
DIVSPAN class=3D578222708-09022005FONT face=3DArial size=3D21) Withou=
t using=20
ActionScript, can I make text in a TextArea clickable? /FONT/SPAN/DIV
DIVSPAN class=3D578222708-09022005FONT face=3DArial size=3D2Code=20
DIVSPAN class=3D578222708-09022005FONT face=3DArial=20
DIVSPAN class=3D578222708-09022005FONT face=3DArial size=3D2!--Start=
Fragment --FONT face=3DTimes New Roman=20
size=3D3nbsp;/FONTFONT face=3DAriallt;mx:TextArea x=3D0 y=3D0=20
text=3D{}newline{info.selectedItem.excerpt} width=
height=3D100% editable=3Dfalse/gt;/FONT/FONT/SPAN/DIV
DIVSPAN class=3D578222708-09022005SPAN class=3D578222708-09022005FON=
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DIVSPAN class=3D578222708-09022005SPAN class=3D578222708-09022005FON=
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DIVSPAN class=3D578222708-09022005SPAN class=3D578222708-09022005FON=
face=3DArial size=3D2How can I make the a link?=20
DIVSPAN class=3D578222708-09022005SPAN class=3D578222708-09022005FON=
face=3DArial size=3D2/FONT/SPAN/SPANnbsp;/DIV
DIVSPAN class=3D578222708-09022005SPAN class=3D578222708-09022005FON=
face=3DArial size=3D22) How can I get the NetConnection Debugger open? Do =
I need to=20
import mx.remoting.debug.NetDebugger? /FONT/SPAN/SPAN/DIV
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RE: [flexcoders] 1st App - Questions

2005-02-09 Thread John C. Bland II
Title: Message

thx Jester. I found the script tag fast but quickly went away from it because I 
was falling back on my crutch (AS) and wanted to learn mxml.

Nah, I mean making a URL of the text. 
Ex - 

here to blah blah blah.

here' would be a link. Like wrapping a tags around it or something. 

2. Ok 
coo. I'll research.


-Original Message-From: JesterXL 
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Wednesday, February 09, 
2005 8:00 AMTo: flexcoders@yahoogroups.comSubject: Re: 
[flexcoders] 1st App - Questions
Very interesting to see the opposite approach of 
me; no Script tags. Your app itself seems to work very well; the service 
itself is dog slow, but you have the cursor, resizing, alert on error... 

1. It's already selectable; do you mean 
editable? It's set to false by default.

2. That's what I did... but I installed it 
custom; don't know if the one that comes with FlexBuilder 1.5 is the sameway 
or not. Bet it's in the docs somewhere.

3. ??? :: shrugs ::

Nice job, mangxt!

- Original Message - 
From: John C. Bland II 

Sent: Wednesday, February 09, 2005 3:41 AM
Subject: [flexcoders] 1st App - Questions

Well, Ifumbled my 
way through the help docs and put together a pretty coo lil' app (for my first 
one at least; file attached).I couldn't think of anything useful todo 
so I looked at the samples and saw the Blog Reader. So, I figured I'd read the 
MXNA feeds and display them. If someone could critique the app and let meknow 
how everything looks that'd be great. I wanna learn how to do things right 
from jump. 

Being Iwent 
through the entire process I now have some questions about 

1) Without using 
ActionScript, can I make text in a TextArea clickable? 
mx:TextArea x="0" y="0" 
text="{}newline{info.selectedItem.excerpt}" width="100%" 
height="100%" editable="false"/

How can I make the a link? 

2) How can I get the NetConnection Debugger open? Do I need 
to import mx.remoting.debug.NetDebugger? 

3) Is there a way to take an object (Array or RecordSet) and 
make that a Tree's dataProvider without XML'ing it up? I saw a few posts in 
here about it but not sure if they answered it (brief 

Ex - 
function blah(result){
 myTree.labelField = 
 myTree.dataProvider = 

I'm not sure if labelField is an option but I did see 
earlier setting the dataProvider worked but everything was merely an itemand 
I had no control over the folders. What I would really be doing is 

function blah(result){
 var len:Number = 

 for(var i:Number = 0; i  len; 
result.items[i].posts = 

 myTree.dataProvider = 

This way I 
would have an object with each feed stored in the respective category. I may 
create my own cfc locally to handle this and return to Flex but I'd like to 
know my options.

Well, it's 
late and I still gotta bust some suds so I better get off this thing. :-)Thx 
all for any responses/time invested in this post.

-- JDEV Inc.John C. Bland II 
480.718.7958 IM: 

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