[Gimp-user] configuration of a Wacom Intuos tablet

2005-05-05 Thread Olivier Lecarme
I just bought a Wacom Intuos tablet, A5 format.

I had the good surprise to observe that, as soon as plugged into a USB
port, the mouse and the pen were recognized by the system (Debian Sid)
and operational.

I installed the wacom driver, and described the tablet in my
XF86config-4 file, in a way similar to what is described in

I also used the short page by Carol Spears
and my tablet is now recognized by Gimp (2.2), with the three devices
(stylus, eraser, and mouse).

However, I cannot manage to have a different behavior for these three
devices. In the Devices dialog, only the "Core Pointer" entry seems to
be active (with a triangle in front of it). In the dialog get from
Toolbox -> Files -> Preferences -> Input Devices, I don't understand
what is the meaning of "Axes", "Keys", and all these numbers. The
tutorial by Carol Spears stops just before describing this. The Gimp
user manual does not describe this at all.

Who could help me? If I can manage to understand the whole thing, I
could write the corresponding section in the User manual.

By the way, the use of the extra keys and pads of the tablet, as well as
of the extra buttons of the mouse, is not described anywhere, it seems.
It would be a pity to not be able to use them, since they clearly have
some ergonomic value.

Thanks in advance for any useful advice.


Olivier Lecarme

P.S. I had a difficult time in order to be able to send this message to
the list. I'm already subscribed as [EMAIL PROTECTED], but it
seems that from this address my messages get lost somewhere. What is the
way to unsubscribe from that address, since I don't want to receive the
messages twice?

Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] Wacom Graphire3 and The Gimp

2005-05-24 Thread Olivier Lecarme
> I had almost the same questions some days ago,
> concerning my new Intuos3.
> Sadly, I got no answer at all... maybe my english is
> really bad, what I'm sorry about ;)
> Anyway, if you find anything interesting, please tell
> me.

You should give a look at

It shows you, very simply, how the three tools provided by the Wacom
tablet (cursor, stylus, and eraser), can be configured in different
ways. Thus you paint with the stylus, and by returning it you erase what
you did. You can choose what Gimp tool is attached to a Wacom tool, and
change it simply by clicking in the toolbox with the proper Wacom tool.

Several Gimp tools have options for sensibility to pressure or tilt. You
can configure this too. Painting with the brush or calligraphing with
the inkpen becomes very natural.

This not enough, however, and the page by Carol Spears describes only a
part of the possibilities. Personally, I would very much like to get
explanations about the following points:

- the meaning and use of the Axis and Keys in the configuration window:
  there are a lot of possibilities, but how to use them? In the current
  status of the user manual, this is not described at all.

- how to use, if possible, the additional features of the Intuos series:
  express keys and touch strip.


        Olivier Lecarme

Gimp-user mailing list

[Gimp-user] Gimp no longer works !

2005-06-04 Thread Olivier Lecarme
I'm using Gimp 2.2 on a Debian Sid platform. Recently I struggled a lot
in order to make a Wacom Intuos 3 tablet to work. Now at last this seems
OK, but the Gimp, which was my true reason for getting the tablet, no
longer works!

What occurs is the following:

- my PS/2 mouse, the tablet mouse, the stylus, and the eraser, all these
  tools can be used as customary, except in the image window

- in the image, all Gimp tools, used with any device tool, do nothing at
  all, or rather nothing visible, even the selections

- if I click in the one of the scales, the current Gimp tool
  automagically becomes the move tool, and in some cases this freezes
  the whole thing (I have to kill Gimp from a text console)

If I plug out the tablet and restart Gimp, it works again as before, but
I cannot use the tablet, which is too bad.

I checked the behavior of the device tools with other programs. Only
Gimp seems to be affected, but also only it makes a difference between
the various device tools.

By the way, what is the use of the Device Status dialog?


    Olivier Lecarme

Gimp-user mailing list

[Gimp-user] How to manage a lot of brushes?

2005-06-28 Thread Olivier Lecarme
I loaded the various brushes mentioned on Carol Spears' web page. I now
have a set of 1482 different brushes, which are very interesting and
useful, but very difficult to manage in the unique brushes dialog. Is
there a way to have a hierarchy, and to see some very specific brushes
only when one wants ithem explicitly?


    Olivier Lecarme

Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] Livre sur Gimp

2005-09-05 Thread Olivier Lecarme
> There are two books in german, convering GIMP 2.0, AFAIK. The situation you
> described has happened, they got somewhat outdated by the release of GIMP
> 2.2 (though one can also use good 1.x books with newer versions of GIMP).

> If anyone knows of other GIMP 2 books, in any language, please post about
> them here. We can then add them to http://www.gimp.org/books/ - there is one
> 2.2 book mentioned there, btw.

Maybe also it would be useful to know of pending projects to write new
books. For example, I'm contemplating writing a book, both in French and
in English, to be completed in about two years. If somebody has similar
projects, it would be useful to know, in order not to waste efforts.

In my opinion, writing a full-fledged book about Gimp is a major effort
for the author, and publishing it with proper color illustrations is a
major effort for the publisher.


        Olivier Lecarme

Gimp-user mailing list

[Gimp-user] filter all layers

2005-11-25 Thread Olivier Lecarme
I have the impression that the filter "Filter all layers", part of the
Gimp-GAP package, does not work for all filters mentioned in its menu.
More precisely : several filters lead to the expected behavior,
i.e. you apply the filter to the first layer with some parameters, and
then to the last with other parameters. However, for some other filters,
especially the four gaussian blurs, only the first dialog appears, and
the filter terminates without doing anything interesting.

Am I making some mistake, or is this a known behavior, and what is the
current list of working filters?


        Olivier Lecarme

Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] paint tools and autoscroll

2006-12-03 Thread Olivier Lecarme
Sven Neumann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> It would be trivial to turn autoscrolling off for paint tools. But I
> wonder if other users find it useful. So, please let me know. Do you
> think the image view should scroll when you touch the edge of the window
> with a paint tool? Should this stay, should it be turned off in general
> or can we improve the behaviour for example by using a longer delay
> before autoscrolling starts?

I am of the same opinion as this user. I think that the autoscroll
feature should at least offer the option of turning it off for painting
tools, as the user finds it suitable. Using a tunable delay before
starting it could be still better: if you prefer to turn it off, choose
a practically infinite delay.


        Olivier Lecarme
Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] Gimp vs. Photoshop

2006-12-17 Thread Olivier Lecarme
Here is my own modest grain of salt in the discussion:

I have been teaching Gimp to first-year university students for more
than six years, to one or two hundreds students every year. I have
never encountered any specific criticism among them about Gimp's GUI.
More, I cannot understand what seems to be so fundamentally bad or wrong
in that GUI. The remarks I read are not specific at all, and generally
seem to boil down to one single reproach: Gimp is not Photoshop. I think
that Gimp developers should not spend any time discussing this.

Somebody in this list said that teachers have the duty to teach what is
an industry standard. My own strong opinion is that one of my duties as
a university teacher is to try changing the industry standards, if I
think they are inappropriate. If my students need later to learn using
Photoshop or Vista, they will be able to learn them quickly and easily,
and with an acutely critical mind (hopefully). For the present, I prefer
to teach them Gimp and GNU/Linux, and to teach them not to accept any
so-called standard without discussion and thought.


    Olivier Lecarme
Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] What tablet provides pressure sensitivity when used with Gimp under Linux?

2007-07-07 Thread Olivier Lecarme
Rikard Johnels <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> This is a logical (?) follow up on Sam Stern's question for Windows.
> Is there a good (prefarably large) tablet to use with Linux that provides 
> most 
> if not all functionalities? (Eraser/pressure etc.)

The Wacom Intuos tablets provide all you want, and in fact more, since
tilt is not recognized by most software products. They come from A6 to
A3 wide, and are very well handled with GNU/Linux, thanks to the
Linuxwacom project. See


and the corresponding discussion list.


        Olivier Lecarme
Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] What tablet provides pressure sensitivity when used with Gimp under Linux?

2007-07-07 Thread Olivier Lecarme
Johan Vromans <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> "Olivier Lecarme" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > The Wacom Intuos tablets provide all you want, and in fact more, 
> Is that also true for the older (serial) versions? If so, how to
> enable this?

I have no experience with a serial tablet, but the linuxwacom project
deals with it too.


Olivier Lecarme
Gimp-user mailing list

[Gimp-user] bizarre behavior of tracing tools with GIMP 2.3

2007-07-14 Thread Olivier Lecarme
I installed version 2.3.18 on two similar computers: Debian Sid and
kernel 2.6.21. The problem occurs only on one of the computers, not the
other. It does not occur at all with version 2.2.

With all the tracing tools that use a brush (pencil, brush, eraser,
dodge and burn, etc.) but only with them, as soon as the pointer is in
the image window, there appears a series of images of the current brush,
light green. They don't modify the image itself, as simply redrawing it
makes the images to disappear.

An example can be seen on http://pierredelune.i3s.unice.fr/bizarre.png

Since this problem makes Gimp 2.3 pretty unusable for me, I would very
much like to find a solution. What other information would be useful?


    Olivier Lecarme
Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] bizarre behavior of tracing tools with GIMP 2.3

2007-07-14 Thread Olivier Lecarme
David Gowers <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On 7/14/07, Olivier Lecarme <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I installed version 2.3.18 on two similar computers: Debian Sid and
> > kernel 2.6.21. The problem occurs only on one of the computers, not the
> > other. It does not occur at all with version 2.2.
> >
> > With all the tracing tools that use a brush (pencil, brush, eraser,
> > dodge and burn, etc.) but only with them, as soon as the pointer is in
> > the image window, there appears a series of images of the current brush,
> > light green. They don't modify the image itself, as simply redrawing it
> > makes the images to disappear.
> >
> > An example can be seen on http://pierredelune.i3s.unice.fr/bizarre.png
> >
> > Since this problem makes Gimp 2.3 pretty unusable for me, I would very
> > much like to find a solution. What other information would be useful?
> >
> I don't know. But this is a bug in your X server; it does not handle
> XOR drawing correctly. You may be able to configure X to work around
> the bug. You should probably ask this question on the appropriate list
> for XFree86 or X.org, whichever you are using, and provide the
> contents of the Device section for your video card (found in
> /etc/X11/XF86Config-4 or /etc/X11/Xorg.conf depending on whether you
> use XF86 or Xorg)

Maybe a bug in the X server, but then, why does it occur only in Gimp
version 2.3, not 2.2, and in no other graphic tool ? Moreover, I have
the same version of Xorg on both computers, and the problem occurs on
only one. Still moreover, is not XOR drawing used for moving the pointer
image anywhere on the screen?

Thus I'm asking what could be specific to Gimp 2.3.


Olivier Lecarme
Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] bizarre behavior of tracing tools with GIMP 2.3

2007-07-14 Thread Olivier Lecarme
David Gowers <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On 7/14/07, Olivier Lecarme <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > David Gowers <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > I don't know. But this is a bug in your X server; it does not handle
> > > XOR drawing correctly. You may be able to configure X to work around
> > > the bug. You should probably ask this question on the appropriate list
> > > for XFree86 or X.org, whichever you are using, and provide the
> > > contents of the Device section for your video card (found in
> > > /etc/X11/XF86Config-4 or /etc/X11/Xorg.conf depending on whether you
> > > use XF86 or Xorg)
> >
> > Maybe a bug in the X server, but then, why does it occur only in Gimp
> > version 2.3, not 2.2, and in no other graphic tool ? Moreover, I have
> The drawing color changed (and I think the way GDK implements the
> draw, which matters because GIMP increased the version of GTK they
> require (GTK includes GDK)) between 2.2 and 2.3
> > the same version of Xorg on both computers, and the problem occurs on
> > only one.
> The version of Xorg is irrelevant -- that comparison only makes sense
> if you have the same *video card* in both systems. This bug has been
> reported several times, and it's directly related to X's driver for
> your video card.

OK. The video cards are different:
- on the computer where it works correctly: ATI Technologies Inc RV 370
5B60 [Radeon X300 (PCIE)]
- on the computer where it fails:  ATI Technologies Inc Radeon RV100 QY
[Radeon 7000/VE]

But the X driver is the same in both cases, i.e. ati. Should I try the
proprietary fglrx driver?

Anyway, thanks a lot for answering me questions not really relevant to
this list!


Olivier Lecarme
Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] bizarre behavior of tracing tools with GIMP 2.3

2007-07-16 Thread Olivier Lecarme
Sven Neumann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hi,
> On Sat, 2007-07-14 at 23:15 +0930, David Gowers wrote:
> > The drawing color changed (and I think the way GDK implements the
> > draw, which matters because GIMP increased the version of GTK they
> > require (GTK includes GDK)) between 2.2 and 2.3
> Yes, the color changed. No, there was no relevant change in GDK and you
> can easily verify that by running 2.2 and 2.3 against the same version
> of GTK+.
> Have a look at gimprc manual page. It explains how to work around the
> bug in the graphics card driver.

I'm probably stupid, but I did not find anything related to the graphics
card driver in the gimprc man page. Except maybe putting off the option

By the way, Michel Daenzer from the xorg-driver-ati list suggested me to
try the driver from the experimental Debian depot (with no result), and
to put the Option "AccelMethod" "EXA" in my xorg.conf file. The second
suggestion suppresses the xor error problem, but the Wacom tablet mouse
no longer traces at all, at least visibly: nothing appears in the
window, but Gimp considers it to be modified. The PS/2 mouse still works
normally, as well as the Wacom stylus and eraser.

Does this strange behavior suggests you something?


Olivier Lecarme
Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] bizarre behavior of tracing tools with GIMP 2.3

2007-07-17 Thread Olivier Lecarme
Sven Neumann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hi,
> On Mon, 2007-07-16 at 19:20 +0200, Olivier Lecarme wrote:
> > I'm probably stupid, but I did not find anything related to the graphics
> > card driver in the gimprc man page. Except maybe putting off the option
> > show-brush-outline?
> Quoting from the manual page:
>  (xor-color (color-rgb 0.501961 1.00 0.501961))
>Sets  the  color that is used for XOR drawing. This setting only
>exists as a workaround for buggy display drivers.  If  lines  on
>the  canvas are not correctly undrawn, try to set this to white.
>The color is specified in the form (color-rgb  red  green  blue)
>with channel values as floats in the range of 0.0 to 1.0.

It escaped my scrutiny. Thanks a lot, I'll try this!


Olivier Lecarme
Gimp-user mailing list

[Gimp-user] the Wacom mouse does not write in Gimp 2.3

2007-07-17 Thread Olivier Lecarme
Due to a bug in the ATI Xorg video driver, I have had to add recently to
my xorg.conf file the following line in Section "Device":

Option  "AccelMethod" "EXA"

This solved the problem (an Xor error occuring when the outline of a
brush on the image window is persistent), but introduced another one.
Since it occurs only for the Wacom mouse (and not the PS/2 mouse or the
Wacom stylus), and only in Gimp 2.3, I'm submitting it to both lists.

Briefly said, the tablet mouse works correctly, and no longer leaves the
outline image of the brush, but it does not paint visibly. However, the
image is changed, in the opinion of Gimp. All occurs as if it paints in
invisible color.

The tablet mouse works correctly for all other matters. The PS/2 mouse,
and the tablet stylus and eraser, paint as expected. Finally, with Gimp
2.2, the tablet mouse paints correctly.

What could explain such a behavior? What further information could be


Olivier Lecarme
Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] bizarre behavior of tracing tools with GIMP 2.3

2007-07-17 Thread Olivier Lecarme
Sven Neumann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hi,
> On Mon, 2007-07-16 at 19:20 +0200, Olivier Lecarme wrote:
> > I'm probably stupid, but I did not find anything related to the graphics
> > card driver in the gimprc man page. Except maybe putting off the option
> > show-brush-outline?
> Quoting from the manual page:
>  (xor-color (color-rgb 0.501961 1.00 0.501961))
>Sets  the  color that is used for XOR drawing. This setting only
>exists as a workaround for buggy display drivers.  If  lines  on
>the  canvas are not correctly undrawn, try to set this to white.
>The color is specified in the form (color-rgb  red  green  blue)
>with channel values as floats in the range of 0.0 to 1.0.

I did it (setting color-rgb to 1.0 1.0 1.0). Unfortunately, the only
result is that the brush outline is now white, and still persistent.

Thus my current solution is to have the Option "AccelMethod" "EXA" in my
xorg.conf file, and not use the Wacom mouse as a painting tool. This
does not prevent me to use Gimp 2.3, fortunately.


Olivier Lecarme
Gimp-user mailing list

[Gimp-user] importing a PS brush into Gimp 2.3

2007-07-17 Thread Olivier Lecarme
I thought that it was possible to import a Photoshop brush into Gimp
2.3. I have one, with the .abr suffix, but I can't open it with the Open
dialogue (unknown file type). How should I proceed?

By the way, one problem I have with brushes is that I'm interested in
large collections of real Gimp brushes, available in some places.
However, to place all of them at the same time in the brushes directory
makes choosing a brush among more than thousand of them very awkward.
Could it be possible to have sub-directories in the brushes directory,
and to access them when needed? Presently, my only solution is to make
this by hand, moving a symbolic link among the various directories I
built. Pretty complicated and unnatural.

Yes, I know I should try programming this myself. But it would need so
much time to learn all the stuff needed that I would not be able to do
this before several months, if not years.


        Olivier Lecarme
Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] importing a PS brush into Gimp 2.3

2007-07-18 Thread Olivier Lecarme
Sven Neumann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hi,
> On Wed, 2007-07-18 at 07:34 +0200, Olivier Lecarme wrote:
> > I thought that it was possible to import a Photoshop brush into Gimp
> > 2.3. I have one, with the .abr suffix, but I can't open it with the Open
> > dialogue (unknown file type). How should I proceed?
> You don't need to import it. Just place it into your brushes folder and
> use it. There's a good chance that this will just work.

Unfortunately it is not the case. True, this is a very special brush,
its size is 3 Mbytes! Too bad.


Olivier Lecarme
Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] importing a PS brush into Gimp 2.3

2007-07-18 Thread Olivier Lecarme
Olivier Lecarme <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Sven Neumann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Hi,
> > 
> > On Wed, 2007-07-18 at 07:34 +0200, Olivier Lecarme wrote:
> > > I thought that it was possible to import a Photoshop brush into Gimp
> > > 2.3. I have one, with the .abr suffix, but I can't open it with the Open
> > > dialogue (unknown file type). How should I proceed?
> > 
> > You don't need to import it. Just place it into your brushes folder and
> > use it. There's a good chance that this will just work.
> Unfortunately it is not the case. True, this is a very special brush,
> its size is 3 Mbytes! Too bad.

Unfortunately I did not look at the proper place! The brush works
perfectly well, and yet its size is 2500x2673! Thanks!


Olivier Lecarme
Gimp-user mailing list

[Gimp-user] gimp-2.2 mistaken to be gimp-2.3?

2007-08-17 Thread Olivier Lecarme
I'm using a Debian Sid distribution, regularly updated. I have the
gimp-2.2 Debian package, last modification on 2007-07-13:

% ls -l =gimp-2.2
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 3,0M 2007-07-13 19:26 /usr/bin/gimp-2.2*

I have also gimp-2.3.19, installed in /usr/local and correctly working,
but with an interface to gutenprint I cannot manage properly (I would
like to enlarge a picture automatically to paper size, and it does not
seem to work).

When I call gimp-2.2, I get the flash picture of version 2.3, then the
following messages:

% gimp-2.2

(gimp-2.2:15902): GLib-GObject-WARNING **: cannot register existing type 

(gimp-2.2:15902): GLib-GObject-CRITICAL **: g_type_interface_add_prerequisite: 
assertion `G_TYPE_IS_INTERFACE (interface_type)' failed

(gimp-2.2:15902): GLib-GObject-CRITICAL **: g_type_add_interface_static: 
assertion `g_type_parent (interface_type) == G_TYPE_INTERFACE' failed

(gimp-2.2:15902): GLib-GObject-WARNING **: cannot register existing type 

(gimp-2.2:15902): GLib-GObject-CRITICAL **: g_type_interface_add_prerequisite: 
assertion `G_TYPE_IS_INTERFACE (interface_type)' failed

(gimp-2.2:15902): GLib-GObject-CRITICAL **: g_type_add_interface_static: 
assertion `g_type_parent (interface_type) == G_TYPE_INTERFACE' failed

(gimp-2.2:15902): GLib-GObject-WARNING **: cannot register existing type 

(gimp-2.2:15902): GLib-GObject-CRITICAL **: g_param_spec_internal: assertion 
`G_TYPE_IS_PARAM (param_type) && param_type != G_TYPE_PARAM' failed
zsh: segmentation fault  gimp-2.2

I removed and purged the Debian package, then re-installed it, without
no success. Where is my mistake? What should I try?

Thanks in advance for any help and suggestion.


Olivier Lecarme
Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] gimp-2.2 mistaken to be gimp-2.3?

2007-08-18 Thread Olivier Lecarme
Brendan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Read the Release Notes for 2.3/2.4.
> http://www.gimp.org/release-notes/gimp-2.3.html

I had read them, of course, and was certain to have set the correct
--prefix= option to configure, since I had already did it several times,
on this computer and others. Probably I forgot it this time.

Now the bad thing is done, is there a way to restore the proper
situation? Where should I clean all traces of version 2.3.19?


        Olivier Lecarme
Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] gimp-2.2 mistaken to be gimp-2.3?

2007-08-21 Thread Olivier Lecarme
I previously wrote:

> I'm using a Debian Sid distribution, regularly updated. I have the
> gimp-2.2 Debian package, last modification on 2007-07-13:
> % ls -l =gimp-2.2
> -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 3,0M 2007-07-13 19:26 /usr/bin/gimp-2.2*
> I have also gimp-2.3.19, installed in /usr/local and correctly working,
> but with an interface to gutenprint I cannot manage properly (I would
> like to enlarge a picture automatically to paper size, and it does not
> seem to work).
> When I call gimp-2.2, I get the flash picture of version 2.3, then the
> following messages:

... here the error messages, and gimp-2.2 was not working.

I got the following answer from Brendan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> Read the Release Notes for 2.3/2.4.
> http://www.gimp.org/release-notes/gimp-2.3.html

And he privately suggested me to sudo a make uninstall in gimp-2.3.19.

I did it, and now gimp-2.2 works perfectly. However, I still have two

- why is building gimp-2.3.19 in /usr/local not enough for avoiding
  confusion between the two versions? I have no LD_LIBRARY_PATH defined,
  thus gimp-2.2 should search its libraries in /usr/lib;

- why is the interface to gutenprint different in gimp-2.3.19, and in my
  opinion much less comfortable?


Olivier Lecarme
Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] What's the opinion here of "Beginning GIMP: From Novice to Professional"?

2007-10-04 Thread Olivier Lecarme
Dick Moores <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> What's the opinion here of "Beginning GIMP: From Novice to
> Professional", by Akkana Peck,  Apress, 2006?

I think that Peck's book is by far the best available book about the
subject. It has some slight defects (what book does not have?), but its
coverage is excellent and its way to describe matters very good. It is
onnly a pity that the printer could not manage a better color rendering.

> It's supposed to cover GIMP 2.4.

It covers version 2.4 fairly well. No important feature is missing.


Olivier Lecarme
Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] Alt Key

2007-12-20 Thread Olivier Lecarme
JC Dill <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Thomas Worthington wrote:
> > I've just reverted to 2.2
> > 
> > 2.4 has too many problems to bother with; the alt key is the final straw.
> I've been lurking on this list for several years.  I'd LOVE to be able 
> to use Gimp instead of paying the ever increasing price of Photoshop. 
> But Gimp is NOT a suitable replacement for Photoshop for most image 
> editing professionals and this alt-key problem highlights why.  Gimp 
> programmers make capricious changes in the software with total disregard 
> for their user community.  They expect that all users are programmers, 
> that they can work around bad design decisions, handle bad UI decisions, 
> deal with poor documentation, write their own patches, etc.
> Gimp will never come into general use until these issues are fixed. 
> Firefox is a true competitor to IE because the Firefox development team 
> understands these issues and built a product that "average computer 
> users" can easily use.  The Gimp development team should give this 
> serious consideration.  It doesn't take a lot of "work" to fix Gimp - it 
> just requires a small change in focus - design the program for 
> non-programmers to USE, don't make capricious changes, don't BREAK 
> things when you introduce new versions.

I generally remain silent in front of so strong statements, but this one
is too typical. 

Could you be only a little specific about these "capricious changes"?
And what is this "alt-key problem"? From the beginning of GIMP, the alt
key has been used for some specific uses, for example in the layer mask.
>From the beginning of GIMP, it has been suggested, when the window
manager confiscated this key for its own use, to use Shift+Alt instead,
or to change one's window manager. Does it really need to be a
programmer to understand that, or to change the window manager
parameters in order to free the alt key?

Note that such comments always come from people calling them
true professionals, as if anybody else would be simple and stupid


   Olivier Lecarme, obviously a dumb amateur
Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] Alt Key

2007-12-20 Thread Olivier Lecarme
Thomas Worthington <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On Thu, 20 Dec 2007 17:29:12 -, Olivier Lecarme
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Could you be only a little specific about these "capricious changes"?
> > And what is this "alt-key problem"? From the beginning of GIMP, the alt
> > key has been used for some specific uses, for example in the layer mask.
> I'm not aware of any interaction with the layer mask which requires
> Alt  and mouse movement (only click, which isn't a problem). Moving a
> selected  region is a very common action and now seems impossible
> under normal Linux  user interfaces. I can see the application of
> "capricious" to that  situation. What was the benefit of changing the
> default drag action?

I don't think I'm using an abnormal Linux user interface : Debian Sid
with Gnome. I asked the window manager (Metacity) to use the windows key
for dragging a window, and all works perfectly. I imagined that you were
using Windows, which of course cannot be parameterized.

> >> From the beginning of GIMP, it has been suggested, when the window
> > manager confiscated this key for its own use, to use Shift+Alt instead,
> Shift-Alt does not seem to work with the dragging motion, for me anyway.
> > or to change one's window manager. Does it really need to be a
> > programmer to understand that, or to change the window manager
> > parameters in order to free the alt key?
> Suggesting that a system-wide setting should be changed to accomodate
> one  application's arbitary decision that all users must use Alt
> instead of any  number of other spare keys that keyboards have (AltGr,
> Windows, Menus,  Meta, whatever) when it is well known that Alt-drag
> is used by desktops is  perverse and lazy.

Whatever be the key choosed, it will be also be the choice for another
application or component. And the decision from this application will
seem arbitrary to others.

> The problem seems to be with GTK rather than Gimp, to be fair. But it
> would have been nice if Gimp allowed it to be worked around. If it was
> the  only problem with 2.4 I would do something about it myself by way
> of a  patch, but it isn't and I've just personally had enough with
> 2.4. It  offers very little new for a lot of hassle with functions
> that used to  work fine.

Once again, you are making non-specific complains. What exactly if this
lot of hassle ?


Olivier Lecarme
Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] Make transparent layer invisible

2008-10-03 Thread Olivier Lecarme
Sven Neumann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hi,
> On Thu, 2008-10-02 at 17:02 -0600, Michael J. Hammel wrote:
> > You can preview the transparency by using the GAP player
> > (Filters->Animation->Playback). 
> That plug-in has nothing to do with GAP, the GIMP Animation Plug-In. It
> is bundled in the standard set of plug-ins that ship with GIMP.

By the way, will GAP be adapted to GIMP 2.6, and when? I really hope so!


Olivier Lecarme
Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] ANNOUNCE: GIMP 2.6.0

2008-10-04 Thread Olivier Lecarme
Johan Vromans <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> bgw <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > the announcement probably should have noted the dependency; Fedora 9
> > hasn't yet caught up with all the changes to the gimp dependencies.
> I don't think F9 is the only distro suffering...
> The bottomline appears to be that the Gimp really depends on these
> very new versions of babl and gegl.

No problem in Debian Sid: the source distribution compiles without any


Olivier Lecarme
Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] Gimp v 2.6.2 (OSX 10.4.11) doesn't save the path in JPEG, EPS and PSD

2008-11-17 Thread Olivier Lecarme
surasak muchawech <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Dear Team,
> We are currently Gimp v 2.6.2 (OS 10.4.11). It doesn't save the any path in 
> the
> JPEG, EPS and PSD. It's work only in TIFF. How to fix this problem? Please
> advise.

Saving paths does not work in TIFF either. Only XCF saves paths.


    Olivier Lecarme
Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] Gimp v 2.6.2 (OSX 10.4.11) doesn't save the path in JPEG, EPS and PSD

2008-11-18 Thread Olivier Lecarme
Sven Neumann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hi,
> On Tue, 2008-11-18 at 07:22 +0100, Olivier Lecarme wrote:
> > Saving paths does not work in TIFF either. Only XCF saves paths.
> Sorry, but that is not true. The TIFF plug-in saves paths.

Sorry for my mistake, but where is this feature described in the
documentation ?


        Olivier Lecarme
Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] GAP for version 2.6.2

2008-12-12 Thread Olivier Lecarme
> About solutions first i will like to be sure that Filter all layer-variyng 
> and Frame modify-apply filter-variyng work both correctly on linux, and
> same for "split imagine in frames"

I just tested Image: Filters -> Filter all layers (varying) on a Debian
Sid installation with GIMP 2.6.2 and the same version of GAP I used
without problem for GIMP 2.4. Indeed I get a huge lot of error messages
similat to this one:

GIMP: Calling error for procedure 'gimp-procedural-db-proc-info':
Procedure 'plug-in-gauss-iir-Iterator' not found

However, testing this with the Gaussian blur filter, I got what I
expected, i.e. an animation with a varying blur.

About Image: Video -> Frames Modify, the entry Function -> Apply filter
on layer(s) simply does not work, the list of filters does not pop up.


Olivier Lecarme
Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] GAP for version 2.6.2

2008-12-13 Thread Olivier Lecarme
Alchemie foto\\grafiche  wrote:

> > From: "Olivier Lecarme"
> > About Image: Video -> Frames Modify, the entry Function
> > -> Apply filter
> > on layer(s) simply does not work, the list of filters does
> > not pop up.
> Maybe that happened for another reason and is not a bug:
> that GAP plugin does not work on layers of same imagine but only on "frames"
> "Frames" for GAP are a series of imagines (of one or more layers ) named with 
> a progressive number of six digits(i.e First frame may be image_01)..all 
> frames need to be in the same folder.
> Then the Frame modify should be called from the FIRST frame
> (ie whatever_01 ..not from whatever 00040 ) 
> then chosen filter is applied to the chosen layers of the frames (i.e to all 
> BG layers, all the top layers)

Yes of course, I had an image called IMG_0001.xcf, I duplicated the
frame 10 times, and then I called the tool. Moreover, this tool works on
layers of a multi-frame image. Clearly there is a bug in version 2.6.2
that did not occur in version 2.4.


Olivier Lecarme
Gimp-user mailing list

[Gimp-user] gtkam-gimp

2009-01-25 Thread Olivier Lecarme
Two different behaviors of gtkam-gimp, in different but very similar
environments: a Debian Sid distribution, and GIMP 2.6.4 installed by
hand. I installed gtkam-gimp with the corresponding Debian packet.

On one computer, the corresponding entries appear in the File menu: Load
from Camera, and Capture from Camera. On the other computer, these
entries are absent.

On the computer where the entries appear, the second one makes the
camera to autofocus, and then what should occur? The first entry opens a
small window with two small rectangles, probably intended for placing
photographs, and no other button or menu.

What am I missing?


Olivier Lecarme
Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] gtkam-gimp

2009-01-25 Thread Olivier Lecarme
Michael Schumacher  wrote:

> Olivier Lecarme wrote:
> > On the computer where the entries appear, the second one makes the
> > camera to autofocus, and then what should occur? The first entry opens a
> > small window with two small rectangles, probably intended for placing
> > photographs, and no other button or menu.
> > 
> > What am I missing?
> You didn't compare their plug-in directories, did you?

gtkam-gimp is present in /usr/lib/gimp/2.0/plug-ins/ on both computers.


Olivier Lecarme
Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] Creating brushes

2009-01-25 Thread Olivier Lecarme
Rem P Roberti  wrote:

> Hi Everyone...
> I'm new to the list, and pretty new to the Gimp.  As a photographer I'm 
> still using Photoshop
> as my primary tool, because I need to be able to work on 16 bit images.  
> I understand that
> that eventually the Gimp will have 16 bit processing incorporated into 
> the program. 
> That being said, I do use the Gimp for some of my jpg files, and I am 
> wondering if there is a
> way to create larger soft brushes.  I often use a large soft brush for a 
> number of things in
> Photoshop (clone stamp, vignetting, various mask work) and the largest 
> soft brush that I can
> find in the Gimp is much too small.  Is there a work-around for this?

The simplest way, in your case, is probably to use the Scale option in
the Paintbrush tool options. Using it with a 76x76 brush, you can get a
brush up to 760x760, which I hope is enough?


Olivier Lecarme
Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] Gimp 2.6.1 on Ubuntu 8.10

2009-01-25 Thread Olivier Lecarme
Claus Cyrny  wrote:

> Bernhard S. wrote:
> Desktop files install into ${datarootdir}
> Extra Binaries:
>gimp-remote: no (not enabled)
> Optional Features:
>D-Bus service:   no
>Language selection:  yes
> Optional Plug-Ins:
>Ascii Art:   no (AA library not found)
>Help Browser:no (WebKit not found)
>LCMS:no (lcms not found or unusable)
>MNG: no (MNG header file not found)
>PDF: Using PostScript plug-in (libpoppler not found)
>PNG: yes
>Print:   yes
>PSP: yes
>Python:  no
>Script-Fu:   yes
>SVG: no (librsvg not found)
>TWAIN (MacOS X): no
>TWAIN (Win32):   no
>URI: yes (using GIO/GVfs)
>Windows ICO  yes
>WMF: no (libwmf not found)
>XJT: yes
>XPM: no (XPM library not found)
> Plug-In Features:
>EXIF support:no (libexif not found or too old)
>GNOME UI:no (libgnomeui-2.0 not found)
>GNOME keyring:   no (gnome-keyring-1 not found)
> Optional Modules:
>ALSA (MIDI Input):   no (libasound not found or unusable)
>Linux Input: yes (HAL support: no)
>DirectInput (Win32): no
>Color Correction:no (lcms not found or unusable)
>Soft Proof:  no (lcms not found or unusable)
> libpoppler IS there, as are librsvg, libexif, and libgnomeui-2.0
> (I didn't check the rest). Does anyone know what's the matter here?
> I downloaded the source from the FTP site (the link is included on
> the Download page at gimp.org).

You need the headers of the libraries. In dpkg or apt-get words, you
need the xxx-dev packages. For example, libpoppler-dev, librsvg-dev, and
to on.


Olivier Lecarme
Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] Options for Toolbox items

2009-03-25 Thread Olivier Lecarme
Maureen  wrote:

> I have added two items to the toolbox:  Hue and Saturation and Color Balance
>  But when I click their icons in the toolbox, the message "This tool has no
> options" shows up under the toolbox. When I click on the arrow and go to
> Tool Options Menu and then to Restore Options From, it shows Empty. 
> How do I get these missing options to show up?

These tools really have no options, thus it is impossible to display


        Olivier Lecarme
Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] Animated and unanimated

2009-03-28 Thread Olivier Lecarme
Maureen  wrote:

> How do I put together a graphic that has part of it animated and part not? I
> have started with an animated .GIF file, added a .JPEG file to it and then
> saved it as an animated file. This makes the .JPEG file blink on and off
> while the other animation is running. For instance, I have put text on top
> of an animation, but I don't want the text to be animated. How do I do this?

So you want the text to appear in every frame of the animation, i.e.
every layer of the GIF image. I assume your frames are in replace mode.
Thus you need to copy the text on every frame. If the number of frames
is not very high, it is only a matter of a few click:

1 place the text layer at the bottom of the layer stack, just above the
2 duplicate the text layer;
3 merge the bottom layer of the pair just built with the underlying
4 move up the remaining text layer by one layer;
5 go back to step 2 until you are at the top layer.

If there are a lot of frames in your animation, using the GAP plugin
would be better.


        Olivier Lecarme
Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] labels (was: Change ruler to inches)

2009-03-29 Thread Olivier Lecarme
Carusoswi  wrote:

> Did I do something wrong here? Yesterday, I posted a message stating that I
> had, indeed, succeeded in making the ruler show inches instead of pixels or
> whatever.  For some reason, that message has not shown up on the thread.  In
> any event, turning off the dot to dot did the trick for the ruler in a new
> file, but I remain puzzled as to why I cannot get the file that I created on
> my daughter's computer, where Gimp's ruler was already showing inches, to open
> showing inches on my machine (we emailed that file to transfer it from her
> machine to mine).
> Could still use some advice on that issue, if anyone can offer any
> suggestions.

The unit used in the rulers is the unit specified in the status bar of
the Image window, whatever it is. This is has nothing to do with the
image itself, nor the dot for dot mode.


Olivier Lecarme
Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] not to knock gimp...I love it, BUT I have never has decent prints from it

2009-03-30 Thread Olivier Lecarme
Gracia M. Littauer  wrote:

> I always do them in Photoshop on my windows laptop. 
> Am I the only one with this problem?/ I have a bet going that I'm 
> not ;^). I say linux is weak in the printing area & it's about the only 
> good thing windows does.

Could you be more specific about what is wrong for you?

Are you telling us about Windows or GNU/Linux? On that last platform,
are you aware of Gutenprint?


        Olivier Lecarme
Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] Masking for Contrast Control - Can this be done in Gimp?

2009-04-01 Thread Olivier Lecarme
Francesco Scaglioni  wrote:

> How about something like :
> duplicate layer
> desaturate
> invert
> slight blur
> adjust opacity
> merge 

Placing the top layer in divide mode is also very useful. Also try
Overlay or Soft light. All this is much simpler than the method
suggested by the original site, which seems an overkill.


        Olivier Lecarme
Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] Gimp Printouts

2009-04-02 Thread Olivier Lecarme
Walter S.  wrote:

> Hi there. Thanks for allowing me to join this forum. I have been using Gimp
> for some time, but now that I have got as far as printing out some of my work
> I have come across a snag.
> I could not understand why the print was so much darker than the image on the
> monitor. Having scanned the help files in Gimp, I find the information, that
> this is because the monitor is showing the image in RGB,but the actual
> printout is in CMYK.
> I am wrestling with the logic of this and failing to comprehend why it should
> be. I am hoping that there is a way of resolving this tremendous mis-match. Is
> there any Gimp knowledgeable member out there who could fill me in on the way
> to overcome this difference? I sure hope so. Many thanks. cypher000

Please first mention what version of GIMP you are using, and on what
platform. Mentioning the printer brand and model would be useful too.

On GNU/Linux or Mac OS, Gutenprint does a very fine job for

Anyway, any printing software manages itself the conversion from RGB to
CMYK. However, they need some information, in the form of ICC profiles.


    Olivier Lecarme
Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] Masking for Contrast Control - Can this be done inGimp?

2009-04-07 Thread Olivier Lecarme
David Gowers <00a...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On Wed, Apr 8, 2009 at 8:50 AM, Fatbob  wrote:
> > Gimp newbie here.
> >
> > How do you enter QMask mode?
> "the left-bottom button in the image window"
> http://docs.gimp.org/en/gimp-using-quickmask.html

Or the Shift+Q key.


Olivier Lecarme
Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] Paths Tool Problem

2009-04-11 Thread Olivier Lecarme
City Ranch  wrote:

> No matter the size of the photo in height and width and kb I end up with the
> same problem when I am finished outlining an image in the photo. When I double
> click on my first anchor for the marching ants I get a double line from the
> left to the right side in the middle of the image. This double line can be a
> small as eight pixels wide to as much as two thirds of the image.

In order to close the path, pass in Editing mode by pressing Ctrl, and
simply click on the first point. Then in order to build a selection from
this path, click on the corresponding button in the Path tool options.

In fact, closing the path is not even needed, generating the selection
does it automatically.


        Olivier Lecarme
Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] Changing Print Size units

2009-04-14 Thread Olivier Lecarme
Krishna G. S.  wrote:

> >What I really want to get is the Print Size in Image > Image Properties
> >displayed in mm rather than inches, but in trying to find 
> [. . .]
> I too needed a display different from the default one. I wanted it to display
> in picas. Could not find a solution so far. However as far as I could
> understand it is related to the selection of units in the OS. GIMP refers to
> the unit as 'real world' units.

Every time in GIMP you have a dimension in some dialog, there is besides
a small menu for changing the unit. The only special cases are the image
window rulers, where the unit is the same as indicated by the unit menu
in the status bar, ... and the Image Properties you are referring to.
However, you can know the print size in any unit you want by using Image
> Print Size.


Olivier Lecarme
Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] sane

2009-04-17 Thread Olivier Lecarme
David Miller  wrote:

> David Gowers wrote:
> > Hi David!
> >
> > On Thu, Apr 16, 2009 at 9:17 PM, David Miller  wrote:
> >   
> >> I have used the gimp, very lightly, for many years, starting back with
> >> about Redhat 3.
> >> With every install or upgrade the acquire has always been in the menu.
> >> I upgraded from Fedora 7 to Fedora 9 recently and that upgraded the gimp
> >> to 2.6. I have checked every where I know to check and can't find an
> >> acquire button.
> >> Why would it be removed?
> >> 
> >
> > Restructuring of menus caused this. What you want, is the File->Create menu.
> > Hope that helps!
> >
> > David (hehe :)
> >
> >   
> My File Create menu has, From Clipboard, Screenshot, Buttons, Logos, 
> Patterns, and Web Page Themes.  I still don't see anything about acquire.
> David

Te specific word "acquire" is no longer used, but you could also have
Capture from Camera, Load from Camera, or XSane, for example. It depends
on the plug-ins you installed. If Fedora 9 does not provide them for
you, go to http://registry.gimp.org/


Olivier Lecarme
Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] "Cool glowing text" in 2.6.1

2009-04-24 Thread Olivier Lecarme
Chris  wrote:

> I'm running 2.6.1 because it came from Ubuntu's repos, and documentation seems
> to be non-existent for it. So I'm using 2.6.6 docs and tuts, and stumbling
> around menus looking for similar options. Until now Google has helped a bit,
> but I can't find "Selection from Alpha" anywhere.  Insight?

Image: Layer -> Transparency -> Alpha to Selection

The various sub-versions of 2.6 are only bug fixing versions, thus the
documentation is the same.


Olivier Lecarme
Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] Help again, same old story.

2009-05-03 Thread Olivier Lecarme
Gene Heskett  wrote:

> On Sunday 03 May 2009, Alec Burgess wrote:
> >Owen (rc...@pcug.org.au) wrote (in part)  (on 2009-05-03 at 23:13):
> >>  On Sun, 03 May 2009 22:44:23 -0400
> >>
> >>  Gene Heskett  wrote:
> >>  > > Greetings;
> >>  > >
> >>  > > Latest gimp-2.6 from fedora installed, and once again I am
> >>
> >>  attempting
> >>
> >>  > > to crop an image and cannot.  Why is it so difficult to select a
> >>  > > rectangular area of the image, like the whole top 1/3 or the whole
> >>  > > bottom 1/3, and just plain crop it just as if I'd taken the paper
> >>  > > cutters to the print.  But while I can make the 'canvas' white, I
> >>  > > cannot actually cut that part of the canvas and toss it in
> >>
> >>  /dev/null,
> >>
> >>  > > which should be indicated by the checkerboard pattern replacing
> >>
> >>  it.
> >
> >To get "checkerboard pattern replacing " make sure the background layer
> >"has alpha channel" (right-click on layers menu and select [Add alpha
> >channel]. If a layer has NO alpha channel its name will appear in bold
> >in the layer menu and cutting or cropping will show the background color.
> >
> >To "just plain crop it just as if I'd taken the paper cutters to the
> >print" ... maybe you want Image-[Fit image to canvas]?
> ISTR I tried that in some previous incarnation of gimp, but because it was 
> just erased, the 'canvas' was still wasted.  I did try to fiddle with canvas 
> size this time, but that adjusted the whole image without changing the ratio 
> of image vs canvas, so that was just another edit->undo to me. :)

When you cannot find a clear answer to some question in the manual, most
probably it is because your question is ill formulated. This is why
searching Google may be of some help: maybe some other people stated the
same question in similar terms, and got a meaningful answer.

Thus, before accusing others of not doing what you would like, please
ask yourself what exactly you want. You use the term "crop", which you
explain with reference to scissors on a printed paper. Then, why do you
refer to transparency and the checkerboard pattern used for making it
visible in GIMP?

You want to crop your image? Then do use the crop tool, found in the
Toolbox and represented by a cutter icon! Or better, use Shift+C. Then
delimit the rectangle you want to keep in your image, and press Enter.
That's done: the other parts of the image are discarded, and the canvas
is now the exact size of the remaining part.

Do not use Autocrop or Zealous crop, which are automatic tools made for
removing a frame or a one-color area in an image.

Erasing some part of your image is something completely different, and
is not similar to the use of scissors. Depending on the presence of an
alpha channel in your image, erasing some part replaces it with the
background color (which may happen to be white), or with transparency
(which is made visible with a checkerboard pattern).

By the way, if you are accustomed to undo a lot of things, learn to use
Ctrl+Z, which is must more handy than an entry in a menu, or the undo
history dialog.


Olivier Lecarme
Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] How do I use measure tool in mm

2009-05-28 Thread Olivier Lecarme
David Gowers <00a...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On Thu, May 28, 2009 at 11:59 PM, Jay Smith  wrote:
> > Using Gimp 2.6.6 on Ubuntu 8.04 (Hardy) Linux.
> >
> > I can't seem to figure out how to get the measure tool to show results
> > in mm.
> >
> > So far the only way I have been able to figure out how to measure in mm
> > is to: select the region I wish to measure, copy, create from clipboard,
> > and then use one of the print size or scale dialogs and change the units
> > in that dialog to mm.
> >
> > There has to be a better way.
> It's a bit too late in the day for me to check here -- however, I
> thought that the Measure tool typically used image units -- so if
> that's set to mm, so should the measure tool give mm. I'm pretty sure
> this happened for me with inches, it was quite annoying in my case.

The measure tool uses whatever unit is specified in the bottom of the
image window.


Olivier Lecarme
Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] Applying large blur only to selection

2009-05-31 Thread Olivier Lecarme
Leonard Evens  wrote:

> On Sun, 2009-05-31 at 08:39 +0200, Sven Neumann wrote:
> > Hi,
> > 
> > On Sat, 2009-05-30 at 21:24 -0500, Leonard Evens wrote:
> > > I want to blur the sky so that only pixels in the selection are used in
> > > computing the new values.  Also, I need to use a large blur radius.
> > > I've done this in the past by starting off with a small blur raidus and
> > > progressively reducing the selection, increasing the (gaussian) blur
> > > radius as I did so.  What is the simplest way to do  this?   If I just
> > > apply a gaussin blur with a large radius  to my selection is uses values
> > > outside the selection in calculationg the new values near the boundary
> > > of the selection.
> > 
> > Copy your selection, paste it to a new layer and blur that layer. Does
> > that give the desired result?
> I don't believe so.   I tried it.   It still used pixels outside the
> selection in computing the new pixel values in the desired region.  In
> this case, those values were zero, so that lightened the region at the
> edges.

Did you check the "Lock alpha channel" button in the Layers dialog?


Olivier Lecarme
Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] Print Quality Poorer than Word?

2009-06-09 Thread Olivier Lecarme
bumpkin  wrote:

> The graphics guy sent me our logo as a .jpg so I created a new file with the
> appropriate dimensions in the lasest GIMP for windows. I imported and scaled
> down the logo to the appropriate size and placed it at the top, finished
> adding the text, combined the layers and exported as a .tiff for the printer.
> The logo and text resolution on the print out was terrible... I tried printing
> it in the original GIMP format and as jpeg... same quality.
> I then tried created the same add in Word 2007 and the image and text quality
> was excellent :( I am a linux user and was rather frustrated and confused when
> Word produced better print quality than GIMP. Any explanation or help greatly
> appreciated. Thanks

Your problem is obviously a problem of resolution, especially when you
compare a raster application like GIMP to a vectorial application like
Word. What were your "appropriate sizes"? I suspect you appreciated them
on your screen at 100 dpi, while your printer needs at least 300 dpi.


Olivier Lecarme
Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] Transform - why can I not find this?

2009-06-13 Thread Olivier Lecarme
Carusoswi  wrote:

> Browsing/searching for all things GIMP, I stumbled upon this site:
> http://www.lugod.org/presentations/linux4office/gimp/
> Tired to follow the instructions, but was unsuccessful.
> Running the latest stable version of GIMP.
> What need I do?

This site uses an obsolete version of GIMP. There is no longer a single
Transform tool, but five different tools for five different
transformations, There is also the menu entry Image: Tools -> Transform
tools -> Perspective.


    Olivier Lecarme
Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] Minimize toolbars?

2009-07-12 Thread Olivier Lecarme
Ashley Butela  wrote:

> Hi there.  Let me first say - gimp is AWESOME.  Thanks.
> But next let me pose this question: Why are there no minimize options on the
> toolbars in 2.6.6 for Windows?  I've googled about it and I'm obviously not 
> the
> only user bothered by this.  Yes, they should minimize when Gimp is minimized,
> but - well, they don't.  And besides, that option doesn't help me when I'm
> working in full-screen and there's a toolbox right in my way!  Also, why was
> the extra box added?  It's awfully useless, especially because not only can 
> you
> not close it (because that closes the program), you also cannot close the 
> large
> ox-like (ie: always in the way) toolbox, because that closes the program, 
> too! 
> I personally believe that the previous edition of GIMP was your stronger
> version, but that's besides the point. 
> So, are there patches available to fix this?  I don't think such a small 
> trifle
> necessitates a full overhaul of the system, but...? All I'm asking is for a 
> way
> to get those toolboxes out of my way.

Try the TAB key.

And read the on-line documentation, it was made for this! :-)


Olivier Lecarme
Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] Minimize toolbars?

2009-07-12 Thread Olivier Lecarme
Greg Chapman  wrote:

> Hi Oliver,
> On 12 Jul 09 16:56 "Olivier Lecarme"  said:
> > And read the on-line documentation, it was made for this! :-)
> Why be mean? Give him a hint.  EDIT > PREFERENCES > WINDOW MANAGEMENT

It was not my intention to be mean, and I added a smiley. But you're
right, I should have pointed to the Preferences dialog.


Olivier Lecarme
Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] "Send by Email..." isn't working

2009-07-14 Thread Olivier Lecarme
Gunther Furtado  wrote:

> Hi,
> I am trying to figure out how the "Send by Email..." option on the file
> menu works but I could not find out any hints. 
> If you could point me out to some information.
> I am using GIMP 2.6 in a Debian testing/unstable system.

Could you explain more what you encounter? To me, with exactly the same
configuration, it works without problem.


    Olivier Lecarme
Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] "Send by Email..." isn't working

2009-07-14 Thread Olivier Lecarme
Sven Neumann  wrote:

> On Tue, 2009-07-14 at 12:34 -0300, Gunther Furtado wrote:
> > Hi,
> > 
> > I am trying to figure out how the "Send by Email..." option on the file
> > menu works but I could not find out any hints. 
> > 
> > If you could point me out to some information.
> > 
> > I am using GIMP 2.6 in a Debian testing/unstable system.
> This feature requires that you have sendmail (or a compatible mail
> system) installed and configured on your system. As that is rather
> uncommon nowadays, the plug-in should probably be disabled on most
> distributions. It's pretty useless anyway (which is why it's called the
> GIMP Useless Mail Plug-In).

Aren't most GNU/Linux distributions installing by default a mail
transfer agent like exim or postfix? Debian at least does this, and then
the plug-in works.

Maybe the solution would be to change the plug-in in order it calls the
preferred mail user agent, for example evolution or Thunderbird? This
would make it useful after all.


Olivier Lecarme
Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] how to use layers

2009-08-25 Thread Olivier Lecarme
thomas w.  wrote:

> I've read the documentation several times and every tutorial I could get my
> hands on, but I still can't make any sense out of how to properly use
> layers..
> For example, I want to merge two pictures, by taking some regions from one
> picture and some from another. I though I could do this by making unwanted
> regions transparent - this seems obvious. I also tried some other techniques
> basd on a few tutorials, but none seemed to work well.

The best way to merge two pictures is probably to copy the relevant part
of the first one (make a selection with one of the numerous tools and
copy it) and then to paste it into the other picture. Then you have a
new floating selection on this picture, and you may decide whether you
want to immediately merge it into the background, or probably better,
you prefer to make it a new layer.

> But I simply don't get results that make any sense. The vagueness of the
> docuemntation and being unable to find any other guide is not helping.

I'm much more suspecting the vagueness of your explanations: what
exactly are you doing, and what results do you get?

> Is this a case where GIMP simply makes it so difficult compared to Photoshop
> that I'd be better off buying a Windows machine and using Photoshop?

Certainly not. Using layers is really basic in GIMP, and anybody can
manage to do this. By all means, don't buy anything more, you already
have all what you need!

> I wanted to use GIMP for my photo manipulation. I had assumed after all these
> years that it was usable. I hope I'm not forced to go to Photoshop over
> something simple like this.

GIMP is very suited to photo manipulation. Ask the proper questions and
you will get useful answers.

> If there's no chance that GIMP can be used as efficiently as photoshop,
> perhaps it would be sensible to give up sooner rather than later. But this is
> a big expense for me, at the least I'll need to buy a second machine, or give
> up on Linux on the desktop altogether.

Already said, already answered.

> It's so tragic that after all these years, GIMP's user interface has seen no
> improvement. I had hoped that at least the documentation would be useful.

What are your specific criticisms about the interface and the


Olivier Lecarme
Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] Installing 2.6.7 in Ubuntu

2009-08-30 Thread Olivier Lecarme
Jozef Legény  wrote:

> On Sunday 30 August 2009 05:16:27 Carusoswi wrote:
> > >On Sunday 30 August 2009 02:56:29 Carusoswi wrote:
> > >> Ok, so, I downloaded Gimp 2.6.7 from GetDeb along with the library files

[... here a lot of explanations and discussion, concluding with this:]

> From this article :
> http://lazyubuntu.com/how-to-install-gimp-267-on-ubuntu-904-jaunty-jackalope.html
> I assume that the gegl and babl libraries are included in one of the GetDeb 
> packages.

I cannot understand why Ubuntu is celebrated for its ease of use,
considering how many people complain about similar issues and suggest so
complicated solutions.

With Debian, "testing" distribution, to change from GIMP 2.6.6 to GIMP
2.6.7 is automatically done the next time you make an update. This needs
two commands in a terminal, or two clicks on the update-manager.


Olivier Lecarme
Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] Discussion on available GIMP books (was Re: how to use layers)

2009-09-01 Thread Olivier Lecarme
Just to continue this thread:

There is at least one other book about GIMP in preparation, due in about
one year if things progress as expected. Its title is not completely
fixed, although we would very much like it to contain the words "GIMP

It will be a somewhat thick book, in two parts. The first part,
"Learning GIMP" (10 chapters) will be mainly a collection of tutorials
and detailed explanations about the main uses of GIMP, with partly
solved exercises. The second part, "GIMP reference manual" (14 chapters)
will be what its name implies, in a presentation very different from the
official GIMP manual. An accompanying DVD will contain all the
illustrations and the source files for manipulations.

The authors will be Karine Delvare and myself. A slightly shorter
version will be published simultaneously in French. The contents omitted
with regards to the English version will be included in the accompanying
DVD. We intend to cover subjects not thoroughly presented in available
books, for example animation (with GIMP-GAP), image pre-processing, or
scanning and printing.

Of course, we are interested in any comment about all this.


        Olivier Lecarme
Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] A "non-tool" selection...

2009-09-04 Thread Olivier Lecarme
It seems that the whole preceding thread is focused on the wrong point.
The initial writers want a "non-tool" because they want to click on the
image window without doing anything. But why do they want to click it?
Certainly only for giving it the focus.

That means that they are doing it the wrong way, even if they are doing
this all the time. With a decent window manager, you have the option to
give the focus to a window as soon as the mouse pointer is above it.
With any window manager, you can focus on a given window by clicking on
its title bar, or by using some key combination like Alt-TAB.

Use one of these possibilities, make it an automatic action, and you
will never again need to click anywhere on a window without wanting to
do something there.


        Olivier Lecarme
Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] Gimp 2.6.7 lost brush scaling

2009-09-05 Thread Olivier Lecarme
Carusoswi  wrote:

> OK.  I know it has to be there somewhere.  When I select a brush, there is a
> slider at the bottom of the dialog for "spacing", but I cannot find the slider
> for scaling the brush.  What am I doing wrong?

This scaling is specific to the tool used, Brush or Pencil for example.
Thus you find it in the tool options.


        Olivier Lecarme
Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] I'm sure this has been reported -- main window covers dialogs...

2009-09-05 Thread Olivier Lecarme
Ken Warner  wrote:

> Probably everybody knows this.  It became inconvenient last night 
> editing a big image.
> Is there going to be some sort of bug fix update to 2.6.7 soon?

This is not a bug, but a feature, present since version 2.6. You can
choose the dialog behavior among three different choices. If you want to
change the default one, use Image: Edit -> Preferences -> Window

In any case, hitting TAB hides the dialogs, hitting it again makes them
to appear, and on the top of all windows. This is very convenient when
you are working on a large image.


            Olivier Lecarme
Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] Glow and lighting Effect.

2009-11-01 Thread Olivier Lecarme
Try calling Image: Help -> Plug-in Browser and key in "glow" or
"lighting". You'll find several pkug-ins already present.


        Olivier Lecarme
Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] minimize the main toolbox?

2009-11-24 Thread Olivier Lecarme
Use the TAB key, which toggles visibility of the toolbox and other
dockable dialogs. And use F11 to fill the screen with the image window.
You can even remove the menu bar, scrolling bars, and status bar, and
have an image which really fills the screen.


Olivier Lecarme
Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] interesting red eye problem

2009-12-01 Thread Olivier Lecarme
glibwort  wrote:

> I have a photo with red eye, one of the eyes has some strands of hair over it.
> When I try to select this eye (I used a rectangle) for red eye removal, the
> red eye filter gets confused because of the hair and consequently removes the
> colour from the hair along with the colour from the red eye. Will I have to
> try and remove the red from the eye the hard way manually? :-) Hard to do as
> when I zoom in that much the strands of hair are difficult to pick out. Help
> please. thanks

It may depend on the hair color. If they are pale blonde or on the
contrary very black (i.e. without red in their color), you can try
working only on the Red channel. There you can use the Dodge/Burn tool,
for example. This will not use the red eye removal filter, which works
only on very simple cases.


            Olivier Lecarme
Gimp-user mailing list

[Gimp-user] two bizarre problems

2010-01-19 Thread Olivier Lecarme

Dear GIMP users and developers,

I'm encountering two weird problems with GIMP recently. What is weird is
that it's not the same on two different but similar computers, running
the same versions of GIMP (2.6 or git 2.7) on the same version of Debian
GNU/Linux (testing).

1. Any dialog like the ones obtained with most filters should contain
small icons in the bottom buttons (Help, Reset, Cancel, and OK). This is
the case on computer A, but not on computer B. This is consistent across
all the dialogs.

2. The gtkam-gimp package is installed on both computers. There are two
entries dealing with the camera in the Image: File -> Create menu on
computer A, but none on computer B.

I did not yet discover any other difference, but maybe somebody could
suggest me to explore some other parts. Of course I can make any
additional suggested test for debugging this problem, which most
probably comes from my installation on computer B, and not from GIMP

Thanks in advance for any suggestion.


        Olivier Lecarme
Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] two bizarre problems

2010-01-19 Thread Olivier Lecarme
Torsten Neuer  wrote:

> > I'm encountering two weird problems with GIMP recently. What is weird is
> > that it's not the same on two different but similar computers, running
> > the same versions of GIMP (2.6 or git 2.7) on the same version of Debian
> > GNU/Linux (testing).
> > 
> > 1. Any dialog like the ones obtained with most filters should contain
> > small icons in the bottom buttons (Help, Reset, Cancel, and OK). This is
> > the case on computer A, but not on computer B. This is consistent across
> > all the dialogs.

> I would assume that you are using two different Gtk+ themes on the computers.

No, it's the same (Glossy).


Olivier Lecarme
Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] Complaint

2010-01-22 Thread Olivier Lecarme
BGP  wrote:

> I'm sure you folks are all experts at GIMP but I've found it to be a 
> very hard to learn how to use.  But how many hundreds of hours did it 
> take you to learn how to use it?

GIMP is a very powerful and complex tool, and thus you cannot master it
in a few minutes. But its learning curve is such that you should be able
to do interesting things in a few hours.

> For example- the "tutorials" are mostly out of date and they usually 
> tell you to click something that isn't even present in the latest 
> version.  What a PAIN.

Since GIMP is continuously improved, it is impossible to maintain all
parts of the interface in the same place, used in the same way. And
people who made tutorials years ago may be occupied elsewhere now.

> There has to be an easier waythey has to be.

The easiest way is to buy and use a recent book. Depending on what are
your main usage of GIMP and your budget, you have some choice, and new
books are in preparation. Give a look at the first five entries on



Olivier Lecarme
Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] Keep Trans?

2010-01-22 Thread Olivier Lecarme
BGP  wrote:

> I'm trying to figure out what the button "Keep Trans" is supposed to be 
> in ver. 2.6.8

It prevents you to change transparent areas in the current layer.


            Olivier Lecarme
Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] Moving images from point a to b animated

2010-02-20 Thread Olivier Lecarme
Burnie West  wrote:

> AFAICS, GAP move path tool doesn't handle the train scaling, perspective 
> shifts, rotations, foreground occlusions, and the 3-D/2-D aspects.
> All that would have to be managed by hand on a frame-by-frame basis, 
> would it not?
> These leaves the frame compositing and the tracking, which are really 
> the easiest to tackle (at least at my level of expertise).

No, the Move Path tool offers exactly what is needed: you define the
path along which the train moves, and you define the transformations on
it: zooming in or out, rotating, perspective, fading, and so on.

There are several short tutorials about this tool. In the GIMP book I'm
preparing, there will be a full chapter about it.


        Olivier Lecarme
Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] Moving images from point a to b animated

2010-02-21 Thread Olivier Lecarme
Burnie West  wrote:

> On 02/20/2010 10:04 AM, Olivier Lecarme wrote:
> > Burnie West  wrote:
> >> AFAICS, GAP move path tool doesn't handle the train scaling, perspective
> >> shifts, rotations, foreground occlusions, and the 3-D/2-D aspects.
> >> All that would have to be managed by hand on a frame-by-frame basis,
> >> would it not?
> >> These leaves the frame compositing and the tracking, which are really
> >> the easiest to tackle (at least at my level of expertise).
> >>  
> > No, the Move Path tool offers exactly what is needed: you define the
> > path along which the train moves, and you define the transformations on
> > it: zooming in or out, rotating, perspective, fading, and so on.
> >
> > There are several short tutorials about this tool. In the GIMP book I'm
> > preparing, there will be a full chapter about it.
> >
> That's terrific, Oliver. I searched through Akkana Peck's wonderful
> book Beginning Gimp and with that source I've done a very few
> animations for fun. But she didn't mention GAP - probably wasn't
> available at the time she was writing.
> I'm looking forward to yours.

Unfortunately, you'll have to be patient. Since the book will be a large
one, and we try to synchronize it with version 2.8 of GIMP, you'll have
to wait for one year (hopefully not more).


Olivier Lecarme
Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] Moving images from point a to b animated

2010-02-23 Thread Olivier Lecarme
Scott  wrote:

> Hey thanks for the information. That was the problem was the image was in
> index mode. Changed it over to RGB and got things to work. I am sitll having
> problems but making progress. 
> Hey Olivier I could definatly use some help here. If you would like to
> contact me at scottpersona...@gmail.com I would appreciate it. 

I'll do it today.

> Here is what I have got so far and you can see the problem. I also would like
> the train to go a lot slower and also stop at the end. The train is only 2
> cars long. Tried it like a dozen times and did get it to slow up once but
> still get the other effects.
> http://newbiescentralexch.com/00images/splash/animtrain.gif

To slow up the movement, you need to set the delay in each frame to more
than the default. To make each new frame hide the preceding one, you
need to set it in (replace) mode. Thus the name of a given frame would

frame#xx (replace) (200ms)

for example. Then the train would simply move on the Web page. To stop
it at the end, you need to replace the image itself by another one, or
at least put a very very long delay in the last frame, say 10ms.

However, when you will use GAP's Move Path tool, it will be much easier,
and above all you will be able to have a stable landscape behind the
train, without being obliged to copy and merge the corresponding layer
with all frames of the animation.


Olivier Lecarme
Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] Removing Matte Texture

2010-03-08 Thread Olivier Lecarme
Sandi P.  wrote:

> How can I remove the matte texture from photos I've scanned?  I'm using the
> 'descreening' feature in my scanning software when I scan photos with the
> matte finish, but it doesn't do the trick.  I'm still left with mottled
> scanned images. How can I remove this texture look in Gimp?  I've tried doing
> some Gaussian Blur and then Unsharp Mask, but am just not getting good
> results.  What am I doing wrong?  Step by step instructions would be great
> cause I'm still pretty new Gimp user.  Please help, thanks!

Could you show us an example of what you get?


Olivier Lecarme
Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] Removing Matte Texture

2010-03-10 Thread Olivier Lecarme
Jay Smith  wrote:

> On 03/10/2010 08:48 AM, Sandi P. wrote:
> > I appreciate you having a look at these.  They are unedited, right from the
> > scanner. You can see them at:
> > http://www.flickr.com/photos/37318...@n04/ 
> > 
> > Img137 is a sample of matte finish processing that even with Gaussian Blur
> > and Unsharpening can't remove the texture look.  
> > Img138 is an example of portrait texture that I'm having problems
> > removing/minimizing.  
> > Thanks again.
> > Sandi
> > 
> >> Could you show us an example of what you get?
> Sandi,
> On Img137 (four people), is the shadow behind the people, especially
> their heads, in the actual photograph or is that an artifact of
> scanning?  If the latter, then there is some other problem.
> However, I am impressed that they look as good as they do.
> My wife just scanned a couple hundred pictures of the same era as yours
> on all sorts of photographic papers, including matte and textured.  Your
> results are in the 97% percentile as far as I am concerned.
> When you start with crap -- which most old family photos are -- you
> can't really improve upon them much.  You may be able to minimize
> further degradation, but you can't create quality where it does not exist.

Moreover, the samples here are so small that it is impossible to really
appreciate the quality and do anything useful. You should scan at 300dpi
at the very least.


Olivier Lecarme
Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] fuzzy around text

2010-03-17 Thread Olivier Lecarme
bennettjon  wrote:

> I'm new to Gimp and graphic design. I was able to create a logo with a
> transparent background. However, when I convert to jpg gif or png and then
> upload to my server (or insert into Word or PDF) it's fuzzy around the
> letters. 

What is the size of your characters? Could you show an example of your


            Olivier Lecarme
Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] HELP Using 2.6.6- Brushes are just spots!

2010-05-20 Thread Olivier Lecarme
Kelley  wrote:

> http://i22.photobucket.com/albums/b302/pixy333/g.jpg this is a link to a
> sample of what the brush does. This doesn't show the squaring off, but is
> shows the dotting. It should be one continuous line.

You are using a 3x3 brush and scaling it five times. Better select a
15x15 fuzzy round brush at scale 1.


        Olivier Lecarme
Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] Banding in gradient creation

2010-07-27 Thread Olivier Lecarme
bobdobbs  wrote:

> Hey guys.
> I created an A4 sized canvas and made a black background layer.
> On a new layer I wanted to create a large lighting effect that would use most
> of the area of the canvas:
> new transparent layer -> select fg to transparent radial gradient...
> But I got banding.
> I selected dithering, and still got banding.
> I used a large, circular self-created circular fuzzy "lighting brush", and
> tried to create the same target effect. Still got banding.
> What's the solution to this?

Is your image in indexed or RGB mode? Is your gradient monochrome? What
is its size?

Say you draw a monochrome gradient from back to white along 2560 pixels.
You only have 256 different colors, thus you get bands 10 pixels wide.
And dithering does not have a real effect in such a case.


Olivier Lecarme
Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] Banding in gradient creation

2010-07-28 Thread Olivier Lecarme
bob  wrote:

> >Say you draw a monochrome gradient from black to white along 2560 pixels.
> >You only have 256 different colors, thus you get bands 10 pixels wide.
> >And dithering does not have a real effect in such a case.
> I'm in RGB mode. The image is 2480px wide and 2794px high.

I tried the same size with a gradient from black to white, and another
from red to green. In my opinion, the banding effect is not really
obvious, but maybe my sight is not as sharp as yours. Anyway, it is
still less obvious in the polychrome gradient.

> Is there a way that I can create a smooth gradient?
> Will switching to another colour mode help?

No, it would be worse.

> How can I work this out for myself in the future?

The only possible improvement would be to have 16-bit depth colors.
You'll have to wait for GIMP 3.0...


Olivier Lecarme
Gimp-user mailing list