[Zen] Re: Chan and zen

2012-07-29 Thread ED
All conditioned phenomena Are like dreams, illusions, bubbles, or shadows; Like drops of dew, or flashes of lightning; Thusly should they be contemplated. --Diamond Sutra --- In Zen_Forum@yahoogroups.com, Anthony Wu wrote: > Bill! (not Bill), > However, it dawns on me that Holmes in C

[Zen] Re: Chan and zen

2012-07-31 Thread ED
Mike, What is the insight gained into? Are there similar or different insights gained with shikantaza? --ED --- In Zen_Forum@yahoogroups.com, mike brown wrote: > Joe, Thank you your kind words. I've found it a really worthwhile endeavour to go back to the roots of Buddhism and as

[Zen] Re: Chan and zen

2012-08-01 Thread ED
Mike, But there is not only one way. Different strokes for different folks. --ED --- In Zen_Forum@yahoogroups.com, mike brown wrote: > > Joe, > > Must admit that I haven't done much formal Zen practice for a long time. The last time in Australia was with Ian Sweetman Sens

[Zen] Re: Chan and zen

2012-08-01 Thread ED
Bill!, Some feel that second hand is more appropriate for themselves. --ED --- In Zen_Forum@yahoogroups.com, "Bill!" wrote: > > Mike and Kris, > > I don't think it's important to emphasize 'what the Buddha taught'. That's just second-hand kn

[Zen] Re: Chan and zen

2012-08-01 Thread ED
Bill! If in dokusan Mike were to relate his experiences to his Zen teacher, (assuming he had a Zen teacher), what might the Zen teacher's response most probably be? --ED --- In Zen_Forum@yahoogroups.com, mike brown wrote: > Joe, Oh yes, talk about the 'moonlight'

[Zen] Re: Chan and zen

2012-08-01 Thread ED
Mike, Would you say that your experience was a taste of the realization of Buddha nature, or was it something else? If something else, what do you feel/think it was? Have you talked privately with teachers about your experience and received opinions or guidance? --ED --- In Zen_Forum

[Zen] Zen, samadhi and jhanas,

2012-08-01 Thread ED
Bill, Mike, Joe and all, I know of koan practice and shikantaza in zen. Do Zen teachers ever recommend other types of meditation, or the attainment of jhana states? --ED Current Book Discussion: any Zen book that you recently have read or are

[Zen] Re: Chan and zen

2012-08-02 Thread ED
Mike, What events or practices precipitated the incident of the 'opening of your heart chakra'? --ED --- In Zen_Forum@yahoogroups.com, mike brown wrote: > > Anthony, > > Don't get me wrong, I love the insights and wisdom of the awakened Zen masters, but I now cho

[Zen] Re: Chan and zen

2012-08-02 Thread ED
Mike, Samadhi has numerous meanings. What do you mean by 'samadhi'? Joe, what do you mean by 'samadhi' ?Do Zen masters ever use the term 'samadhi'? --ED <http://www.google.com/search?q=samadhi&hl=en&sa=X&biw=1280&bih=667&prmd\

Re: [Zen] Samadhi

2012-08-02 Thread ED
Mike, Is shikantaza insight meditation, absorption meditation or both? --ED --- In Zen_Forum@yahoogroups.com, mike brown wrote: > > Kris, > > This by Bhante Gunaratana: > > "Insight cannot be practiced while absorbed in jhana, since insight > meditation

[Zen] Re: samatha and vipassana meditation

2012-08-03 Thread ED
Mike, Outstanding! Thank you. --ED --- In Zen_Forum@yahoogroups.com, mike brown wrote: > > http://www.vipassana.com/meditation/khema/hereandnow/skillful_means.php <http://www.vipassana.com/meditation/khema/hereandnow/skillful_means.php\ >

[Zen] Tranquility for a hot forum?

2012-08-05 Thread ED
Joseph Goldstein: Tranquility as a Factor of Awakening http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qb7ZkjGhbnM 9:40 This is a short excerpt from a dhamma talk given in 2008 by the Insight Meditation teacher Joseph Goldstein. He talks about Tranquility, one of

[Zen] Re: Guided Meditation with Joseph Goldstein - YouTube

2012-08-07 Thread ED
372 Joseph Goldstein Dharma Talks: http://www.dharmaseed.org/teacher/96/?page=2 --- In Zen_Forum@yahoogroups.com, mike brown wrote: > > Joe, > > > Thanks for indulging me and doing such a good job of putting into words what understandably can't

[Zen] Re: FW: Quote from St. Thomas Aquinas

2010-11-04 Thread ED
eople are very tough and yet beneath that apparent hardness, there is compassion. The fact of not knowing or being aware of what is going on in one doesn't mean that compassion is illusory. Compassion or anger are very real to any human being. Mayka Ed, My remarks are embedded below: >

Re: [Zen] Questions, questions, question

2010-11-04 Thread ED
Mayka, I am sorry about that. The contents and the intent of my questions are not clearly stated, and so I withdraw the questions. I am quite certain this issue will raise its head again in the near future. --ED --- In Zen_Forum@yahoogroups.com, Maria Lopez wrote: > > ED: > >

[Zen] Re: FW: Quote from St. Thomas Aquinas

2010-11-04 Thread ED
Anthony, Please look into your own mind and tell us what motivation (other than curiosity) prompted you to ask that question. --ED PS: In Mahayana and Tantrayana Tibetan Buddhism, there is strong focus on motivation. --- In Zen_Forum@yahoogroups.com, Anthony Wu wrote: > ED, Please f

[Zen] Re: Q & A

2010-11-05 Thread ED
heart guided by an extreme authority figure? Does the heart have priority over all? Does an authority figure have priority over all? Did the heart save you or is it the authority figure that saved you? Etc. Thanks, ED

[Zen] Re: Q & A

2010-11-05 Thread ED
Tim, Life does not come packaged with written instructions of any sort. In general, in principle, persons are free to implement whatever meaning or purpose they give to life. That "Life is something to be experienced and created." is the meaning and purpose that you give to your l

[Zen] Reality in Buddhism not necessarily illusory

2010-11-05 Thread ED
Reality in Buddhism is not necessarily illusory, but it does have a diverse set of contrasting interpretations. See below. --ED "Buddhism evolved a variety of doctrinal/philosophical traditions, each with its own ideas of reality. "The Buddha promoted experience over

Re: [Zen] Reality in Buddhism not necessarily illusory

2010-11-06 Thread ED
--- In Zen_Forum@yahoogroups.com, Maria Lopez wrote: > > Hi ED: > > Every time I've tried to explain the differences between illusion and reality my mind seems to get entangled, like in clear sunny day coming all of a sudden a thick mist. Hi Mayka, And, so what if your mind g

Re: [Zen] Reality in Buddhism not necessarily illusory

2010-11-06 Thread ED
--- In Zen_Forum@yahoogroups.com, Lluís Mendieta wrote: > > Hi, Ed > > How you could be sure that an experience is not an illusion? > A mirage is an illusion, and you experience it. As far as I am aware I have never ever experienced anything in my life as an 'illusion&

Re: [Zen] Reality in Buddhism not necessarily illusory

2010-11-06 Thread ED
ow what you need and spit out the rest." -- Taizan Maezumi-Roshi (1931-1995) (To his disciples with regard to importing Japanese Zen Teachings into the West.) I say "Yes" to both Teachers. --ED --- In Zen_Forum@yahoogroups.com, wrote: > > Ed, > > Everything you

[Zen] Re: FW: Quote from St. Thomas Aquinas

2010-11-06 Thread ED
OTOH, one ball-breaking liaison with an American feminist might cure A's curiosity about Tantric sex for good! ;-) e --- In Zen_Forum@yahoogroups.com, Kristy McClain wrote: > > *chuckles* > > Well then-- I dare say that you have a homework assignment this weekend. Please don't spare us

[Zen] Re: FW: Quote from St. Thomas Aquinas

2010-11-06 Thread ED
Not Zen. Mahayana/Vajrayana http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Amit%C4%81bha --- In Zen_Forum@yahoogroups.com, Lluís Mendieta wrote: > > Hi, Anthony > > Thanks for answer. > Well, I am not the best to answer your question, bercause my knowledge of

[Zen] Re: Q & A

2010-11-06 Thread ED
Hi Tim, Thank you! Very funny. You are learning. However, learning from your own experience appears to be a rather slow process for you. Have you looked for alternative approaches in order to speed up the learning process for yourself (only provided that that's what you choose to do)?

[Zen] Re: Reality in Buddhism not necessarily illusory

2010-11-07 Thread ED
Anthony, 'Moving away from Buddhism' or 'enhancing Buddhism' are illusory conceptions. --ED --- In Zen_Forum@yahoogroups.com, Anthony Wu wrote: > > ED, > > Mahayana has developed both Buddhist philosophy and doctrine into very high levels. Is it moving a

[Zen] History of Sacred Sexuality

2010-11-08 Thread ED
History of Sacred Sexuality http://www.spiritualtantra.net/history-of-sacred-sexuality

[Zen] Re: History of Sacred Sexuality

2010-11-08 Thread ED
also, Google[sex spiritual (tantra OR kundalini) ecstasy --- In Zen_Forum@yahoogroups.com, "ED" wrote: > > History of Sacred Sexuality > > http://www.spiritualtantra.net/history-of-sacred-sexuality <http://www.spiritualtantra.net/history-of-sacred-sexuality>

[Zen] Re: History of Sacred Sexuality

2010-11-08 Thread ED
For more illusional information, (in lieu of k's experiential apprehension of reality), Google[sex spiritual (kundalini OR tantra) (ecstasy OR bliss)] --ED --- In Zen_Forum@yahoogroups.com, "ED" wrote: > History of Sacred Sexuality http://www.spiritualtantra.net

[Zen] Re: FW: Quote from St. Thomas Aquinas

2010-11-08 Thread ED
JODY, Yes, as is said in the American vernacular about life: 'There's no free lunch.' And the Buddha in his Teachings continually underscores the existential nature of suffering. --ED --- In Zen_Forum@yahoogroups.com, "Jody W. Ianuzzi" wrote: > > Hello May

[Zen] Re: History of Sacred Sexuality

2010-11-08 Thread ED
k, Yes you have been insulted - provided you have a big I (to be insulted.) ;-) Be well. - ED Some might say that the --- In Zen_Forum@yahoogroups.com, Kristy McClain wrote: > Ed, *s* I guess I've been insulted?? While I was being a bit facetious about Dr. Seuss-- actually th

[Zen] Re: FW: Quote from St. Thomas Aquinas

2010-11-08 Thread ED
lunch&sa=X&ei=-jPYTP3ILYqCsQP-griNCw&ved=0CAoQpAMoAA&usg=AFQj\ CNFjAn8A70k_gCz1HmJc37qCVGhtcA> Mayka: beautiful rose = lunch ; thorns = 'payment'. - ED --- In Zen_Forum@yahoogroups.com, Maria Lopez wrote: > > ED: > > What do you mean with the say: "

[Zen] Re: FW: Quote from St. Thomas Aquinas

2010-11-08 Thread ED
Mayka: Similar experience in the man/woman relationhip. - ED --- In Zen_Forum@yahoogroups.com, "ED" wrote: > Definitions of free lunch on the Web: * something acquired without effort or payment or obligation; "there is no free lunch in pol

[Zen] Re: FW: Quote from St. Thomas Aquinas

2010-11-08 Thread ED
Indeed, Mayka. However, most men have noticed that women have noticed the beauty of roses with thorns. ;-) - ED --- In Zen_Forum@yahoogroups.com, Maria Lopez wrote: > > Indeed Jody. > So far in the zen forum we only women have noticed the beauty of the roses with thorns. > Mayka

[Zen] Re: FW: Quote from St. Thomas Aquinas

2010-11-08 Thread ED
k, yes, in the illusory world, reciprocity is of the essence. e --- In Zen_Forum@yahoogroups.com, Kristy McClain wrote: > Ed, Actually, that's known as the free-rider problem in economics. k --- Similar experience in the man/woman relationhip. - ED --- beautiful rose

[Zen] Re: FW: Quote from St. Thomas Aquinas

2010-11-08 Thread ED
> But it is a different matter when it is performed in a monastry. What's the difference? (I think it's OK, provided engaged in on the monastery roof, for all to see and learn from. ;-) ) --ED --- In Zen_Forum@yahoogroups.com, Anthony Wu wrote: > > Kristy, &g

Re: [Zen] History of Sacred Sexuality

2010-11-08 Thread ED
Injaculation or ejacultion, Jehovah would not be amused. --ED --- In Zen_Forum@yahoogroups.com, Anthony Wu wrote: > > ED, > > Thank you for the interesting article. I read only page 1, but think it is good enough. > > I see. Tantra encourages ejaculation, while Taoism, inja

Re: [Zen] History of Sacred Sexuality

2010-11-08 Thread ED
Anthony, Does Tantra or Taoism or injaculation or ejaculation violate any of the Buddha's Teachings? --ED --- In Zen_Forum@yahoogroups.com, Anthony Wu wrote: > > ED, > Tantra encourages ejaculation, while Taoism, injaculation. Which is better? Still, the question remains:

Re: [Zen] History of Sacred Sexuality

2010-11-08 Thread ED
Anthony, Life's like that; people are like that. So what? --ED --- In Zen_Forum@yahoogroups.com, Anthony Wu wrote: > > ED, > > It violates Buddha's original teaching which says sex is a strong drag to progress. (Don't worry, you are allowed to do it, as you ar

[Zen] Re: FW: Quote from St. Thomas Aquinas

2010-11-08 Thread ED
Anthony, Possibly, it's just your karma keeping you away from your heart's desire. --ED --- In Zen_Forum@yahoogroups.com, Anthony Wu wrote: > > ED, > > The point is they don't let you see and learn from. > > Anthony -

[Zen] Re: FW: Quote from St. Thomas Aquinas

2010-11-08 Thread ED
Anthony, C'est la vie! There are lobby groups much more powerful than our president, senators and congressmen - and they learn to live with it. So can we. Yes, we can laugh at them, impotently. --ED --- In Zen_Forum@yahoogroups.com, Anthony Wu wrote: > > ED, > > Mind y

Re: [Zen] History of Sacred Sexuality

2010-11-08 Thread ED
Anthony, "The Great Way is not difficult for those who have no preferences. --Third Patriarch of Zen --ED --- In Zen_Forum@yahoogroups.com, Anthony Wu wrote: > > ED, > > That is the source of all troubles in this world. The universe started with ignorance, and

[Zen] Re: FW: Quote from St. Thomas Aquinas

2010-11-08 Thread ED
Edgar, I believe Anthony is referring to Tibetan Buddhist monks. Perhaps Tibetans have as enlightened an attitude toward these issues as we do in the modern-day West. --ED --- In Zen_Forum@yahoogroups.com, Edgar Owen wrote: > If in a monastery it's probably with another guy! Th

[Zen] Re: FW: Quote from St. Thomas Aquinas

2010-11-08 Thread ED
Anthony, What do you propose we do about these pedophiliac Catholic priests, the pope and the Dalai Lama? --ED --- In Zen_Forum@yahoogroups.com, Anthony Wu wrote: > > Lluis, > > A pedophillic Catholic priest is doing more or less the same thing. The Pope is having a lot of trou

[Zen] Re: FW: Quote from St. Thomas Aquinas

2010-11-08 Thread ED
Anthony, Do you know for certain that monks in a monastery have had monks have had sex wuth 16 year old girls? If so, where did you get this information from? Thanks, ED --- In Zen_Forum@yahoogroups.com, Anthony Wu wrote: > > Edgar, > > No, it is with a 16 year old girl. > > anthony

[Zen] Re: FW: Quote from St. Thomas Aquinas

2010-11-08 Thread ED
Anthony, Do you know for certain that monks in a monastery have had sex with 16 year old girls? If so, where did you get this information from? Thanks, ED --- In Zen_Forum@yahoogroups.com, Anthony Wu wrote: > > Edgar, > > No, it is with a 16 year old girl. > > anthony

[Zen] Re: FW: Quote from St. Thomas Aquinas

2010-11-08 Thread ED
ddhism? What do you think? > Everytime I read Tantric Buddhism on the subject, I had a mixed feeling of amusement and shock. That's quite OK, no? That is why I mention it on this forum to bring some liveliness to it. --Anthony That's most kind of you. Has your strategy succeeded? ;-) --ED

[Zen] Re: FW: Quote from St. Thomas Aquinas

2010-11-09 Thread ED
Bill, Is not 'emptiness' a permanent member on your list? --ED --- In Zen_Forum@yahoogroups.com, wrote: > > Anthony, > > I do indeed have a good idea on what is permanent. In fact I have a list. It changes every day. > > ...Bill!

Re: [Zen] History of Sacred Sexuality

2010-11-09 Thread ED
Good point! Judaism is quite bed-smart about women's sexuality. Jehovah appears to have been unaware of the possibility of internal ejaculation. (http://www.e-m-p-a.org/sexuality/71401-male-ejaculation-the-chinese-sex\ ual-secret-of-internal-male-ejaculation.html

[Zen] Re: FW: Quote from St. Thomas Aquinas

2010-11-09 Thread ED
The "I/me/mine" in me responds: Does Anthony know or care about what others in the forum know are best for themelves? --- In Zen_Forum@yahoogroups.com, Maria Lopez wrote: > > Only Anthony himself knows what is the best for him and not you.

[Zen] Re: FW: Quote from St. Thomas Aquinas

2010-11-09 Thread ED
Spoiler: Humans tend to elevate some individuals as being special - and then become unhappy, contemptuous, angry and violent when these persons fail to meet their expectations. --ED --- In Zen_Forum@yahoogroups.com, wrote: > > Anthony, > > Why do you think a monastery is di

[Zen] Re: FW: Quote from St. Thomas Aquinas

2010-11-09 Thread ED
Mayka, Do forgive me - it is just my ego obsessed with what is best for itself. --ED --- In Zen_Forum@yahoogroups.com, Maria Lopez wrote: > > ED; > > If you would like to to know about whatever you want to know about Anthony better ask him directly and not me. But if you ask

[Zen] Re: FW: Quote from St. Thomas Aquinas

2010-11-10 Thread ED
ee klatch, or Yahoo group, as both of you are confident, strong-willed alpha-females. With playfully truthful loving-kindness, --ED --- In Zen_Forum@yahoogroups.com, Maria Lopez wrote: > K... Enjoyed the clarity of this post of yours. I think that Mike might have been right and there i

[Zen] Re: FW: Quote from St. Thomas Aquinas

2010-11-10 Thread ED
Mayka, Bill is attempting to be rosy. Or, he is truthfully expressing his 'experience' of me which is real not illusory (for him) as per the zen covnention for labeling phenomena. --ED --- In Zen_Forum@yahoogroups.com, Maria Lopez wrote: > > Bill: > > You sound myst

[Zen] Re: FW: Quote from St. Thomas Aquinas

2010-11-10 Thread ED
ot;the Zen stink". See: http://www.godening.com/FAQ.htm <http://www.godening.com/FAQ.htm> Surely not stage seven already? ;-) ;-) ;-) Aromatically and thornily yours, --ED --- In Zen_Forum@yahoogroups.com, wrote: > > Mayka, > > Oh yes! And Ed has quite an aroma also.

[Zen] Re: FW: Quote from St. Thomas Aquinas

2010-11-10 Thread ED
Yes. Men behave toward each other differently when women are around than when no women are around. Women behave toward each other differently when men are around than when no men are around. Thanks, ED --- In Zen_Forum@yahoogroups.com, ChrisAustinLane wrote: > It is not true in

[Zen] Re: FW: Quote from St. Thomas Aquinas

2010-11-10 Thread ED
Mayka, You describe situations, preferences, choices and challenges that every human encounters in interactions with other humans in the normal course of life. The crucial question is: With what sort of mind does a zenist greet them all? --ED --- In Zen_Forum@yahoogroups.com, Maria Lopez

[Zen] Re: FW: Quote from St. Thomas Aquinas

2010-11-10 Thread ED
conception-formation or comment. --ED --- In Zen_Forum@yahoogroups.com, Maria Lopez wrote: > > ED: > > In real life and face to face with people in the arena of zen there are no women or men but just practicioners who sit down together and practice together. There is not as much chat

[Zen] Re: FW: Quote from St. Thomas Aquinas

2010-11-10 Thread ED
Mayka: You are a passionate woman who brings life to the Zen Forum; please don't stray too far. http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=iv&v=QrdeD8LLoCM&annotation_id=anno\ tation_242860 <http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=iv&v=QrdeD8LLoCM&annotation_id=ann\ otation

[Zen] Re: FW: Quote from St. Thomas Aquinas

2010-11-11 Thread ED
Anthony, OTOH, I observe/experience 'hypocriy' as a normal and natural mostly unconscious human trait which shows up in every person and every group (ethnic, religious, national, cultural, political, etc.) concerning certain issues and on certain occasions. --ED --- In

[Zen] Re: FW: Quote from St. Thomas Aquinas

2010-11-11 Thread ED
Bill, Nice succinct answer. And, question: Your zen-like statement in ungrammatical, without subject or object. Is this a zen tradition of speaking, with a view to training the mind out of its customary dualistic mode of experiencing reality? Thank you, ED --- In Zen_Forum

[Zen] Re: FW: Quote from St. Thomas Aquinas

2010-11-11 Thread ED
Bill, A stink by any name is still a stink, unpleasant to those who have not reined in their aversions. OTOH, in some religious/spiritual traditions, everything is God. --ED --- In Zen_Forum@yahoogroups.com, wrote: > Ed, Since this is an e-forum I guess it would be more correctly calle

[Zen] Re: FW: Quote from St. Thomas Aquinas

2010-11-11 Thread ED
statement true or false or omething else? Thanks, ED --- In Zen_Forum@yahoogroups.com, wrote: > > Ed, > > In your post below you made two statements: > 1. "Men behave toward each other differently when women are around than when > no women are around." > 2.

[Zen] Re: FW: Quote from St. Thomas Aquinas

2010-11-11 Thread ED
Boll, You *appear* to have an aversion to Tibetans, Tibetan Buddhism and the Dalai Lama. If you should choose to do so, I would like to hear whether you believe that the aversion is based on compassion, and/or facts and logic and/or emotional reactivity, and/or your experiences. Thank you, ED

[Zen] Re: FW: Quote from St. Thomas Aquinas

2010-11-11 Thread ED
igence and being very smart, ... I agree, even though it may well swell Bill's 'no mind' head. ;-) >People are not interested in zen as zen but to have a good time. And you provide that. > Mayka And, do you have any objections? --ED > Mayka, > > You don

[Zen] Re: FW: Quote from St. Thomas Aquinas

2010-11-11 Thread ED
Mayka, Absolutely exquisite! Thank you, --ED --- In Zen_Forum@yahoogroups.com, Maria Lopez wrote: > > Thank you ED for the video. But The "bailaora" is pathetic!!!. > > Paste here something more into the real Spanish art within that gemre: > > http://www.you

[Zen] Re: On the news People are going Zen without knowing it

2010-11-11 Thread ED
Tim, I flatter myself that I do beter than most - but it is an illusion. I notice how difficult it is for humans, (including myself) to get rid of stuff. In my case there's an almost incurable attachment to books which attachment I am attemping to let go of. --ED --- In Zen_

[Zen] Re: FW: Quote from St. Thomas Aquinas

2010-11-11 Thread ED
Kristy, I experience your comments as straight-forward, intelligent, informative, well-stated and a significant contribution to the dialog on the Zen Forum. I wish you could find more time in your busy schedule to hang out with us here. Be well. --ED --- In Zen_Forum@yahoogroups.com

[Zen] Re: FW: Quote from St. Thomas Aquinas

2010-11-11 Thread ED
--- In Zen_Forum@yahoogroups.com, "ED" wrote: > Mayka, yes the bailaora was relatively subdued in her performance. --ED http://www.google.com/images?hl=en&biw=1259&bih=583&gbv=2&tbs=isch%3A1&s\ a=1&q=bailaora+de+flamenco&btnG=Search&aq=f&aqi=

[Zen] Re: FW: Quote from St. Thomas Aquinas

2010-11-11 Thread ED
Anthony, That's the way human nature has evolved. --ED --- In Zen_Forum@yahoogroups.com, Anthony Wu wrote: > > ED, > > You are saying (almost): everybody is a hypocrite. Is that the way the world is? > > anthony Current B

[Zen] Re: FW: Quote from St. Thomas Aquinas

2010-11-11 Thread ED
Anthony, I think the reason is that Zen Masters use the Tantric principle that one should behave in ways as if one already possesses that which one aspires to attain; in this case, to possess a non-dualistic mind that does not discriminate between subject and object. --ED --- In Zen_Forum

[Zen] Re: FW: Quote from St. Thomas Aquinas

2010-11-12 Thread ED
Chris, What does this fixed immutable nature of human beings comprise? Thanks, ED --- In Zen_Forum@yahoogroups.com, ChrisAustinLane wrote: > > There is fixed immutable nature of human beings separate from the people themselves. > > Thanks, > Chris Austin-Lan

[Zen] Would zazen cure their malaise?

2010-11-12 Thread ED
Would zazen cure their malaise? --ED Millions of British women bored by their lives because of 'endless housework, no money and a dull sex life' By Daily Mail Reporter 11th November 2010 Millions of women have complained they are stuc

Re: [Zen] Would zazen cure their malaise?

2010-11-12 Thread ED
Rose, Surely your mummy and daddy raised you to feel/think that you were/are a princess and very, very special, (more special than all the other little girls who were also raised by their mummies and daddies to feel/think that they were princesses and very, very special?) No? --ED PS: Bill

[Zen] Re: FW: Quote from St. Thomas Aquinas

2010-11-12 Thread ED
Anthony, Expressed simply and with greater inclusivenes, all living things (humans, animals, plants, fungi, bacteria, etc.) seek their own self-interest, namely, to eat, survive and reproduce. --ED The Science of "Why We Suffer" [eat-survive-reproduce by Cartoonist Ha

[Zen] Re: FW: Quote from St. Thomas Aquinas

2010-11-12 Thread ED
The Geography of Thought: How Culture Colors the Way the Mind ... --- In Zen_Forum@yahoogroups.com, Anthony Wu wrote: > > ED, > > That is not the way it is. It is too complicated to explain, but the oriental way is different from occidental. The former is synthetic, whil

[Zen] Re: FW: Quote from St. Thomas Aquinas

2010-11-12 Thread ED
The geography of thought: How culture colors the way the mind works http://ns.umich.edu/Releases/2003/Feb03/r022703a.html <http://ns.umich.edu/Releases/2003/Feb03/r022703a.html> --- In Zen_Forum@yahoogroups.com, Anthony Wu wrote: > > ED, > > That is not the way it is. It is

[Zen] Re: FW: Quote from St. Thomas Aquinas

2010-11-12 Thread ED
Bill, Ye, I noticed. (When the student is ready, the teachings which were always around him become visible.) Thank you for your patient guidance. --ED --- In Zen_Forum@yahoogroups.com, wrote: > Ed, Yes, the attempt at communication using words and sentence fragments that do not themsel

[Zen] Re: FW: Quote from St. Thomas Aquinas

2010-11-13 Thread ED
"Finnish is the eponymous member of the Finno-Ugric language family and is typologically between fusional and agglutinative languages . It modifies and inflects the forms of nouns , adjectives , pronouns , numerals and verbs , depending on their roles in the sentence . Finnish i

[Zen] Re: FW: Quote from St. Thomas Aquinas

2010-11-13 Thread ED
Hi Lluis, 'Uralic' and 'Indo-European' are clasified as related but separate families of languages. See chart below. With best wishes, --ED http://www.friesian.com/trees.htm <http://www.friesian.com/trees.htm> Language Affinities Beween Autochthonous Populati

[Zen] Re: FW: Quote from St. Thomas Aquinas

2010-11-13 Thread ED
Mayka, I could talk about zen practice. What sorts of things should we be talking about that would nourish zen practice? --ED --- In Zen_Forum@yahoogroups.com, Maria Lopez wrote: > > ED: > > No I don't have any objection of people having a good time for as long and as the

[Zen] Re: FW: Quote from St. Thomas Aquinas

2010-11-14 Thread ED
Mayka: Have you recommendations as to how the Zen Forum should police (detect and weed out) 'the ego' from messages, which ego, in 99.9% of humans, comprises 99.9% or more of 'themselves'. --ED --- In Zen_Forum@yahoogroups.com, Maria Lopez wrote: > > ED: &g

[Zen] Re: FW: Quote from St. Thomas Aquinas

2010-11-14 Thread ED
explained by the fact that they were at one time a very small population, preserving its genetic idiosyncrasies as it expanded." --- In Zen_Forum@yahoogroups.com, Lluís Mendieta wrote: > > Hi, Ed > > Sorry for my poor english > I tried to mean that the rest of europe

[Zen] Re: FW: Quote from St. Thomas Aquinas

2010-11-14 Thread ED
/wiki/Culture_of_Thailand <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Culture_of_Thailand> --ED --- In Zen_Forum@yahoogroups.com, wrote: > > Anthony, > > Issan is indeed a Thai dialect. It's kind of a blend of Thai and Lao. > > It's obvious that Chinese is the major contributor to

[Zen] Re: FW: Quote from St. Thomas Aquinas

2010-11-14 Thread ED
--- In Zen_Forum@yahoogroups.com, Lluís Mendieta wrote: > > Hi, Ed > > Thanks for map > > They forget the basques... Hi Lluis, The mysteries of the Basque people and the Basque language have not been fully resolved yet. >From wiki: "Since the Basque lan

[Zen] Re: FW: Quote from St. Thomas Aquinas

2010-11-14 Thread ED
--- In Zen_Forum@yahoogroups.com, Lluís Mendieta wrote: > > Hi, Ed > Anyway, if hungarians and finnish speak same branch of language, and they are not related genetically > > a) something is missing in study > b) language has nothing to do with population origin > With

[Zen] Re: FW: Quote from St. Thomas Aquinas

2010-11-14 Thread ED
Mayka, And many happy returns of the same to you! ;-) --ED --- In Zen_Forum@yahoogroups.com, Maria Lopez wrote: > ED; Sit down Shut up And you will knowMayka

!QRE: [Zen] Re: FW: Quote from St. Thomas Aquinas

2010-11-15 Thread ED
Bill sensei Zen Forum students gasshos. --- In Zen_Forum@yahoogroups.com, wrote: > Lluis, I'm not saying that Westerners, in fact all humans that manifest a dualistic, discriminating mind, are tied to subject/object and verbs that describe action. That's a given. What I'm saying is that th

[Zen] Re: FW: Quote from St. Thomas Aquinas

2010-11-15 Thread ED
Mayka unintelligible ED. --- In Zen_Forum@yahoogroups.com, Maria Lopez wrote: > > ED Self Perceptions with the little help or reading: > --- In Zen_Forum@yahoogroups.com, ED wrote: > > Mayka ED conversations anger frustration ego illusions: but

[Zen] Re: FW: Quote from St. Thomas Aquinas

2010-11-15 Thread ED
Mayka unintelligible ED. --- In Zen_Forum@yahoogroups.com, Maria Lopez wrote: > ED Self Perceptions with the little help or reading: > --- In Zen_Forum@yahoogroups.com, ED wrote: > > Mayka ED conversations anger frustration ego illusions: butterflies dreams"

[Zen] Re: FW: Quote from St. Thomas Aquinas

2010-11-15 Thread ED
Mayka: Who knows? --ED --- In Zen_Forum@yahoogroups.com, Maria Lopez wrote: > > ED: > > I don't know! > Do you know you don't know? > I do know I don't know! > > Mayka

[Zen] Re: FW: Quote from St. Thomas Aquinas

2010-11-15 Thread ED
Chris, o Do you possess the requisite zen training and practice to know the difference? o Do you know for certain that zen training/practice is the only way to enable one to differentiate correctly? Thanks, ED --- In Zen_Forum@yahoogroups.com, ChrisAustinLane wrote: > > zen tr

[Zen] Re: FW: Quote from St. Thomas Aquinas

2010-11-15 Thread ED
Bill, I have 'faith' in science. I have an attachment to Occam's razor. Therefore I tend to believe that the Basque anomaly will be explained away to most people's satisfaction in the short to medium term. --ED --- In Zen_Forum@yahoogroups.com, wrote: > > E

[Zen] Maezumi Roshi and Dharma heirs

2010-11-15 Thread ED
Bill, You said you had studied with Maezumi Roshi for ten years. In view of the roshi's idiosycracies, in your experience, did his Dharma successors (and in particular Loori and Merzel) turn out to be kosher/halal teachers? Thanks, --ED Maezumi-roshi gave Dharma transmission t

[Zen] Re: FW: Quote from SOt. Thomas Aquinas

2010-11-15 Thread ED
receiving end of a bj due to the 1 minutes of silence. Fact. mike Anthony, When others sit down and shut up, those are the happiest moments for me ...Bill! Of course, sit down and shup up are the happiest moment. Anthony Mayka, And many happy returns of the same to you! ;-) --ED ED; Sit

[Zen] Re: FW: Amazon book

2010-11-15 Thread ED
"Big Mind" "Merzel began developing the "Big Mind" process in 1999, after having taught more traditional Zen meditation and koan study for more than twenty years. The process is intended to allow anyone — including non-Buddhists — to experience "the enlightenment of the Buddha". The process is

[Zen] Zen master Dennis Genpo Merzel Roshi

2010-11-15 Thread ED
Zen master Dennis Genpo Merzel Roshi was born in Brooklyn, New York, in 1944. In 1972, after spending a year in the mountains of California in solitary retreat, Genpo Roshi started formal Zen training at the Zen Center of Los Angeles, under Maezumi Roshi. In 1980, Genpo Roshi received Shiho (D

[Zen] Re: FW: Quote from St. Thomas Aquinas

2010-11-16 Thread ED
Hi Siska, I found this useful: http://www.dharmaweb.org/index.php/Zen_Koan_Practice_by_Genjo_Marinello <http://www.dharmaweb.org/index.php/Zen_Koan_Practice_by_Genjo_Marinello\ > --ED --- In Zen_Forum@yahoogroups.com, siska_...@... wrote: > > Hi Bill, > > Actually one

[Zen] Re: FW: Amazon book

2010-11-16 Thread ED
Mayka: And what about you ED? What are you real intentions on this website? What do you really want from us? ED: My intentions are to continue listening to and chatting with others on this forum, and to learn from this and from the questions they ask and answer, and the references they point

[Zen] Re: FW: Amazon book

2010-11-16 Thread ED
Great teachings notwithstanding, hold on tight to your wallets and panties, as the innate drives in humans toward wealth, sex and power can over-ride all spiritual attainments in any spiritual teacher at any time. --- In Zen_Forum@yahoogroups.com, Maria Lopez wrote: > ED: Thank

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