Re: [Zope] 2.3 and Products

2001-01-26 Thread Steve Spicklemire

Take a look..


> "MM" == =?iso-8859-1?Q?Max M=F8ller Rasmussen?=  writes:

MM> From: Chris McDonough [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]

>> This is not true.  The behavior is the same as before... the
>> plans to make restart optional were waylaid by complications.
>> ;-(

MM> Another thing with products. Whenever I do a referesh with the
MM> refresh tab, another instance of the product shows up in my
MM> "add" dropdown selector. So If I have a "maxms goodstuf"
MM> product that i am editing I get a select box like:

MM> Dtml Document Dtml Method Folder maxms goodstuf maxms goodstuf
MM> maxms goodstuf maxms goodstuf maxms goodstuf maxms goodstuf
MM> maxms goodstuf Catalog

MM> After a little while.

MM> Is there a solution to this?

MM> Regards Max M

MM> ___ Zope maillist
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MM> )

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Re: [Zope] TCPWatch... and closing sockets..

2001-01-22 Thread Steve Spicklemire

Well proxy_receiver seems to set it's terminator to 'None', which
seems to indicate that the dispatcher should just send it all as it
comes without checking for any special terminator (which is indeed
what appears to be happening!)  The problem is that this dispatcher

  def recv (self, buffer_size):
data = self.socket.recv (buffer_size)
if not data:
# a closed connection is indicated by signaling
# a read condition, and having recv() return 0.
return ''
return data

is never called at a time when self.socket.recv() returns ''. I think this
is the normal signal for a closed socket... so if it's never getting an
empty string... does that mean the socket is not closed correctly?
Should ayncore be changed so that handle_close() is called whenever 
close() is called (unless it has already been called in recv)? 
I'm guessing that the OS takes care of any handles that may be left
dangling here... if any.


> "kapil" == ender  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

kapil> i'm guessing this has something to do with the default line
kapil> terminators that medusa is looking for before it senses
kapil> that a data buffer is ready to be processed. it seems like
kapil> the url encoded ones request seem to have different line
kapil> terminators. you can adjust this the fly by using the
kapil> set_terminator() func on the dispatcher. set_terminator can
kapil> look for either a set of input chars, or you can adjust the
kapil> data buffers to fire off for processing on integer sizes.

kapil> hope that helps

kapil> kapil

Zope maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: [Zope] [python] creating variable names by adding 2 strings?

2001-01-21 Thread Steve Spicklemire

Hi Lee,

   You could use a dictionary for this:

vars = {}

while (p!=0):
vars['p'+`p`] = string.replace(component[control], ",", "") 

then 'vars' will contain keys (e.g., 'p1', 'p2' etc.. ) and corresponding values.

If that's totally not what you want.. a little more context would help. 




Hi there,

I'm creating variables in python but I am having trouble creating them
when they're *named* using other variables. Here's an example;

while (p!=0):
p+`p`= string.replace(component[control], ",", "") 
# e.g. I want 'p1 = string.replace.blah...'

==> SyntaxError: can't assign to operator :(

I've tried various things but I cannot find a solution. I've got a nasty
feeling that it's not possible...

If someone could confirm this or hopefully, tell me how to do it I would


Lee (crossing his fingers)

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[Zope] TCPWatch... and closing sockets..

2001-01-21 Thread Steve Spicklemire

I'm going to try to make a long story short... and the story isn't even
over... but I'm getting close. One of our clients is a 'multimedia'
company and we're working with a group there that consists mostly
of artists and designers who use tools like photoshop and 
macromedia director. They came to us recently with a project
for which they were *going* to use Macromedia Multiuser Server
but the complexity of their application is significant.. 

long story short... I've sold them on the concept of using Zope as the
'media/personality server' for this application.  They will use
Director (which can post stuff to an URL and can also parse
XML). So.. I'm building a framework that permits them to use their
favorite tools, but I get to use *my* favorite tool too. ;-) The
problem: Director is not a browser. There is no 'view source'. But (I
think to myself) this is a great chance to use tcpwatch, which I've
never used before. It's a little tricky since my favorite client
machine is a Macintosh, and well.. lets just say that Tkinter for the
mac is not perfect... not to mention there is no thread module..  but
I do have a workaround that's useful (since I run Zope on a FreeBSD
server, I just use tcpwatch on FreeBSD and either MI/X, or VirtualPC
with Linux for my X server.. ). I noticed however that when I did a
'POST' the URL encoded arguments were lost. I found that the
proxy_receiver handle_close method was never called.. so that anything
in a 'last line' that didn't end in '\n' was lost. I added the
following patch that shows this... but why is handle_close not called?
I can only guess that the socket is not being properly closed
somehow. I use lib/python/ZPublisher/ to test calls to Zope
and it works fine, but the asyncore/asynchat stuff never calls
handle_close for proxy_receiver.

Anyway... here's the patch: Comments welcome!

*** ./ Sat Jan 20 16:55:43 2001
--- ./   Sun Jan 21 16:52:11 2001
*** 130,135 
--- 130,137 
  pos = pos + 1
  # Last line, may be incomplete.
+ line = "Partial line? " + data[oldpos:] + '\r\n'
+ self.watch_output(line, byClient)
  return data[oldpos:]
  def cleanupRefs(self):

take care,

Zope maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: [Zope] Tools used for programming Zope

2001-01-19 Thread Steve Spicklemire

In it's current released form ZCVSMixin really does help with
a lot of the configuration/process problems in developing 
with Zope. You can still 'grep' for stuff, and it is
possible to perform simple edits in the xml representation
without much fear of actually breaking anything (it's pretty
obvious where the text of a method is stored etc.. ).  However I
have not really found this necessary. We use ZCVSMixin all
the time, and (almost) never touch the filesystem directly.

1) Each developer works in their own Zope, with their
own local 'checkout' of the project (many projects
involve both instantiated Zope objects, and Python Product
source code, all of which are managed in CVS). 

2) When you are 'editing' a Zope object you use 
an editor that knows about FTP (e.g., emacs), WebDAV or
a web browser.

3) You can use the 'normal' CVS process (update, modify, checkin). 

4) You can still do sensible 'diffs' on the xml representation
and get a pretty good idea about what's happening.

5) It's easy to set up a 'test' Zope, and a 'live' Zope each of which
also has access to CVS. Periodically we update the 'test' Zope and let
users bang away at it looking for bugs.  When we're ready for an
update to the live server we checkin our code tag it... (you can still
use the filesystem CVS commands to tag versions recursively!) and then
update the live server (inside a Zope Version) to that tag. When we
save the Zope version we are fully updated. You still need to 'know too 
much' to use this process effectively, but, it is a pretty workable
process, especially for a site that is constantly evolving (are
there sites out there that *don't* constantly evolve?)

It has also turned out that we occasionally need to make a 
*really* simple change on the live server... (there is no
way this could possibly break anything... so I'll just change
it!). As silly as that sounds.. it happens. It's nice to know
that we can simply check that change in.. and know that all
the developers will get it.. even though they are working
on different systems.

There are still a few annoying bugs, and there are several major
issues that need to be addressed:

I'm hoping to "get some time" soon to address some of these things.
In the mean time... it's probably worth a look.


> "GG" == Gerald Gutierrez <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

GG> At 02:37 PM 1/18/2001 -0600, you wrote:

>> do an xml export. You can save cvs that to your hearts content.

GG> ... but then I'll have to forego readability, edit-ability,
GG> etc.

GG> Frankly, I'm a little surprised that this isn't a problem for
GG> more people, given the drawbacks of having to give up many of
GG> the existing tools, having the application server only be able
GG> to export in a proprietary format, and being bound to the
GG> application server for so many development-related tasks. It's
GG> impossible to do a simple grep through the code, for example
GG> ...

GG> I'm trying to reconcile this, as you might see, because I want
GG> to use Zope but am having a hard time making it work for me.

GG> Gerald.

Zope maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: [Zope] Variable sort and multiple sort in dtml-in

2001-01-18 Thread Steve Spicklemire

Hi Loren,

   There is also Zieve:

Not quite as easy as a 'fixed'  but it
does work (today). 


> "Loren" == Loren Stafford <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Loren> On 02 July 2000, Adam Karpierz, posted a patch that would
Loren> allow an expression for the sort specification for the
Loren> dtml-in tag. Did that patch, or something like it, ever
Loren> find its way into the Zope core?

Loren> I also seem to remember some discussion of sorting on
Loren> multiple items (but can't find any trace of it in the
Loren> archives). For example, in an employee directory, sort on
Loren> employee name within department. Anyone know how?

Loren> I'm trying to provide user-specified sorting on the records
Loren> I pull from a SQL database. When the user specifies sorting
Loren> on Department, I assume he wants the records order by Name
Loren> within each department, but I can't see how to do that with
Loren> ZSQL or dtml-in.

Loren> -- Loren

Loren> ___ Zope
Loren> maillist - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Loren> )

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Re: [Zope] zope, xemacs and efs

2001-01-18 Thread Steve Spicklemire

Hmmm.. I use emacs/ange-ftp all the time with zope... many
versions.. with no trouble. Have you tried that? Since my
client is not 'X' (yet) I don't use xemacs... 


> "glw" == Geoffrey L Wright <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

glw> I'd LOVE to be able to use efs with Zope.  Right now I end up
glw> cutting and pasting code in and out of browser windows --
glw> which just feels kind of unwieldy...

glw> Thanks for any help or words of solace...

glw> //glw

glw> ___ Zope maillist
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Re: [Zope] Calling other frames

2001-01-15 Thread Steve Spicklemire

I think probably Javascript is the 'cleanest' solution in this case,
but depending on the complexity of your UI another non-JS approach is
to make every link target the topmost frome (e.g., target="_top") and
redraw all frames in the frameset on each 'click'. This way you know
that all frames reflect the latest situation, but it can be annoying
to see the whole browser redraw every time you do anything. However, 
if your browser doesn't *do* Javascript (so long as it does do
frames hmm.. how likely is that?) then it would at least work 


> "Martijn" == Martijn Pieters <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Martijn> On Sun, Jan 14, 2001 at 11:16:44PM -0800, Dirksen wrote:
>> First of all, I don't think you can achieve that with
>> javascript. As far as I know, neither IE nor Netscape allows
>> javascript to access DOM objects of other frame page for
>> security reasons.

Martijn> This restriction only applies when the two frames come
Martijn> from different domains. Alll URLs from the same webserver
Martijn> can access DOM trees in other frames from the same
Martijn> server. This is how Zope updates the left-hand tree in
Martijn> the management interface when you add a Folder, for
Martijn> instance.

Martijn> For an example of updating navigation buttons across
Martijn> frames see'. Ignore the Dutch, just
Martijn> choose an option on the main page, then use the top and
Martijn> left navigation buttons to go around a website.  Then use
Martijn> your browser's back and forward buttons to see the left
Martijn> and top menus follow the current page. Also, when
Martijn> clicking on a link in the content pane, the navigation
Martijn> menus will update. All JavaScript source comments are in
Martijn> english, that's they way I worked.

Martijn> -- Martijn Pieters | Software Engineer
Martijn> mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] | Digital Creations
Martijn> | Creators of Zope
Martijn> -

Martijn> ___ Zope
Martijn> maillist - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Martijn> )

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[Zope] Re: [Skinscript] unable to update property

2001-01-14 Thread Steve Spicklemire

Hi Dirksen,

   I think that WHEN OBJECT CHANGED is used when some code tries to 
change a DataSkin attribute and you need to update some external source.
So... an appropriate thing to do would be to call an SQL method, or
talk to another Specalist which needs to be notified .. etc. I think
that you may be 'double' chaning... e.g., some code tries to change
the transaction count... this fires a trigger that *also* tries to change
the same thing... hence the conflic error. Can you share the code
that is firing the trigger? (TransCount is used to keep track of 
the shopper's 'current' transaction. In the current implementation
It is used to calculate a 'basked id' since each shopper can have
mulitiple baskets, as they return for more shopping later.. ) TransCount
should only be modified when a shopper completes a transaction and
they need a 'new' basket. Does that help?


> "Dirksen" == Dirksen  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Dirksen> Hi Steve,

Dirksen> I ran into a very tricky problem when developing a site
Dirksen> with emarket. Here is the structure of my site:

Dirksen> root |--acl_users(Membership product) |--emarket
Dirksen> |--shoppers

Dirksen> The acl_users is an instance of Membership product, which
Dirksen> is as a specialist as shoppers, and they both have a
Dirksen> WebIC_MemberClass zclass as their rack object class. The
Dirksen> difference is that, acl_users stores WebIC_MemberClass
Dirksen> persistently, while shoppers just reflects that
Dirksen> storage. Here is the skinscript for shopper's rack:

Dirksen> WITH acl_users.getItem( COMPUTE oo=RESULT

Dirksen> WITH self.oo COMPUTE email, transCount


Dirksen> When emarket trying to increment a shopper's transCount,
Dirksen> I ran into a "ZODB.POSException.ConflictError". The
Dirksen> following is the traceback: Traceback (innermost last):
Dirksen> File C:\WebSite\lib\python\ZPublisher\, line
Dirksen> 222, in publish_module File
Dirksen> C:\WebSite\lib\python\ZPublisher\, line 199, in
Dirksen> publish File C:\WebSite\lib\python\ZPublisher\,
Dirksen> line 199, in publish File
Dirksen> C:\WebSite\lib\python\ZPublisher\, line 199, in
Dirksen> publish File C:\WebSite\lib\python\ZPublisher\,
Dirksen> line 195, in publish File
Dirksen> C:\WebSite\lib\python\Zope\, line 188, in
Dirksen> zpublisher_exception_hook (Object: ProviderContainer)
Dirksen> File C:\WebSite\lib\python\ZPublisher\, line
Dirksen> 175, in publish File
Dirksen> C:\WebSite\lib\python\Zope\, line 235, in
Dirksen> commit File C:\WebSite\lib\python\ZODB\,
Dirksen> line 251, in commit File
Dirksen> C:\WebSite\lib\python\ZODB\, line 351, in
Dirksen> commit (Info: (('*hdVMVCvgk/wIgJaYf/nkEA==',
Dirksen> 'WebIC_MemberClass'), '\000\000\000\000\000\000d\357',
Dirksen> '')) File C:\WebSite\lib\python\ZODB\, line
Dirksen> 664, in store (Object: C:\WebSite/var/Data.fs)
Dirksen> ConflictError: ('\0039\323C4=\266\210',
Dirksen> '\0039\323B\375\036\270U')

Dirksen> Is it something wrong with my skinscript?

Dirksen> cheers Dirksen

Dirksen> __ Do You
Dirksen> Yahoo!?  Get email at your own domain with Yahoo! Mail.

Zope maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: [Zope] Raw post data

2001-01-14 Thread Steve Spicklemire

Hi Shai,

   This external method works for me.



def getRawInput(self, REQUEST):

meth = REQUEST.environ.get('REQUEST_METHOD','GET')

if meth != 'GET':
result =
result = REQUEST.environ.get('QUERY_STRING','')

return result

# Test functions..
if __name__=='__main__':

import StringIO

class Foo:

REQUEST.environ =  {'REQUEST_METHOD':'GET', 'QUERY_STRING':"Yup.. it's a query 
print getRawInput(None, REQUEST)

REQUEST.stdin = StringIO.StringIO()
REQUEST.stdin.write("It's a streamed input ")

print getRawInput(None, REQUEST)

Zope maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: [Zope] with a variable

2001-01-11 Thread Steve Spicklemire

How about this:



> Hi,
> a small problem!,
> This works:
> This doesn't:
> Nor this:
> Nor this:
> What I want to do is have a varible passed to the page which says what
> zclass instance to get the properties of.
> any help appreciated.
> josh on
> ===
> read:
> read:
> interrupt (i love it): (415) 552 2124
> =
> ___
> Zope maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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> )

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Re: [Zope] PoPy Installation. Where's the BEEF?

2001-01-11 Thread Steve Spicklemire

Did you move this Zope from it's original location in  /usr/local/zope?
I'm guessing you did.. and those paths are in the .pyc files.


find /usr/local/EcoZope -name "*.pyc" -delete 

then (optionally) rerun w(o?) which will (among other things)
rebuild the .pyc files. If you don't, Zope will just be slower for a while
is it rebuilds the pyc files as it imports them (mostly at startup I 
would guess).


> "Eric" == Eric Walstad <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Eric> AAKK!  I just noticed something...  -8<-- Start Snip
Eric> --8<- ZPoPyDA Import Traceback Traceback (innermost
Eric> last): File "/usr/local/Zope/lib/python/OFS/",
Eric> line 397, in import_products product=__import__(pname,
Eric> global_dict, global_dict, silly) File
Eric> "/usr/local/zope/lib/python/Products/ZPoPyDA/",
Eric> line 32, in ?  File
Eric> "/usr/local/zope/lib/python/Products/ZPoPyDA/", line
Eric> 35, in ?  File
Eric> "/usr/local/zope/lib/python/Products/ZPoPyDA/",
Eric> line 35, in ?  The PoPy module is not installed -8<--
Eric> End Snip --8<- Notice the paths in the traceback.

Eric> I have one copy of Zope (no PostgreSQl support) in:
Eric> /usr/local/Zope

Eric> And another copy that will need to connect to PostgreSQL is
Eric> in: /usr/local/EcoZope

Eric> and ZPoPyDA is in:
Eric> /usr/local/EcoZope/lib/python/Products/ZPoPyDA/

Eric> The traceback is displaying wrong paths.  I searched the
Eric> ZPoPyDA python source for hard coded paths but didn't find
Eric> any.  Is there an environment variable that sets this?

Eric> Thanks for any help...  Eric.  

Eric> Eric Walstad [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

Eric> ___ Zope
Eric> maillist - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Eric> )

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Re: [Zope] Re: EMarket 0.1.04b1

2001-01-08 Thread Steve Spicklemire

Hi Jamey,

   Sorry.. you're right. I haven't used 0.1.x in quite a while.

Have you tried just using the administrative interface 
to add a MarketItem in the marketItems folder? 


>>>>> "James" == James Sintz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

James> Do I need to have ZPatterns installed to use Emarket
James> 0.1.04b1? I thought Zpatterns was only needed for EMarket
James> 0.2.

James> Jamey

James> -Original Message- From: Steve Spicklemire To:
James> Sent: 1/8/2001 4:25 PM Subject: [Zope] Re: EMarket 0.1.04b1

James> Sorry.. it's my fault for not providing better docs.. sadly
James> it's not been something I've had time for... esp since all
James> the ZPatterns changes were added.

James> 1) Create ZClasses for your MarketItems, Baskets,
James> BasketItems and Shoppers (be sure to subclass from
James> ZPatterns:DataSkin)

James> 2) In the Racks for each of these Specialists set the
James> storage to the appropriate ZClass.

James> 3) There is a very simple marketItem management interface
James> in the marketItems specialist that you should modify to
James> suit your taste.  It should be enough to get you going.

James> When I get some time... dunno when... I'll try to make a
James> more complete example for folks.

James> -steve
>>>>> "James" == James Sintz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

James> Perhaps I'm missing something fundamental, but I can't seem
James> to figure out how to add products to EMarket 0.1.04b1
James> running on Zope 2.2.2

James> Everything installed just fine and I can add an EMarket
James> object, but I don't see where, or how I go about adding
James> things to sell. I don't care about the auction features, I
James> just want to sell a handful of products on my site.

James> When I go to the MarketItems folder, and try submitting an
James> item using the ShopperMarketItemAddForm it returns a screen
James> saying "You must be validated for submission first...". I
James> am logged in as a manager. If I log out and then register a
James> new user and then try I'm told I don't have permission to
James> add a new MarketItem. What gives?  The read me doesn't
James> provide much insight on what I am doing wrong. Are there
James> zClasses I need to add or templates I need to create before
James> the thing will work?  Thanks!!  Jamey

James> ___ Zope
James> maillist - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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James> )

Zope maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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[Zope] Re: EMarket 0.1.04b1

2001-01-08 Thread Steve Spicklemire

Sorry.. it's my fault for not providing better docs.. sadly
it's not been something I've had time for... esp since all the 
ZPatterns changes were added.

1) Create ZClasses for your MarketItems, Baskets, BasketItems and Shoppers
  (be sure to subclass from ZPatterns:DataSkin)

2) In the Racks for each of these Specialists set the storage to the
   appropriate ZClass.

3) There is a very simple marketItem management interface in the
   marketItems specialist that you should modify to suit your taste.
   It should be enough to get you going.

When I get some time... dunno when... I'll try to make a more complete
example for folks.

> "James" == James Sintz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

James> Perhaps I'm missing something fundamental, but I can't seem
James> to figure out how to add products to EMarket 0.1.04b1
James> running on Zope 2.2.2

James> Everything installed just fine and I can add an EMarket
James> object, but I don't see where, or how I go about adding
James> things to sell. I don't care about the auction features, I
James> just want to sell a handful of products on my site.

James> When I go to the MarketItems folder, and try submitting an
James> item using the ShopperMarketItemAddForm it returns a screen
James> saying "You must be validated for submission first...". I
James> am logged in as a manager. If I log out and then register a
James> new user and then try I'm told I don't have permission to
James> add a new MarketItem. What gives?  The read me doesn't
James> provide much insight on what I am doing wrong. Are there
James> zClasses I need to add or templates I need to create before
James> the thing will work?  Thanks!!  Jamey

Zope maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: [Zope] How to call ancestral method in ZClass method?

2001-01-07 Thread Steve Spicklemire

Hi Dirksen,

Are you deleting a Rack? or an instance of a DataSkin that
is managed by a Rack? 


>>>>> "Dirksen" == Dirksen  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Dirksen> Hi Steve,

Dirksen> Well, if my rack object is stored persistently, I guess
Dirksen> no skinscript would get fired, am I right? In that case,
Dirksen> I need to override manage_delete, and call it in this
Dirksen> statement:


Dirksen> Zope complains NameError of PortalMember. If I changed
Dirksen> to:


Dirksen> Zope refuses the upload of the dtml method all together!

Dirksen> Any clues?

Dirksen> Dirksen

Dirksen> --- Steve Spicklemire <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>  Hi Dirksen,
>> In python you would normally do:
>> super_class_object.manage_delete(self)
>> but it might be easier/better in the case of a DataSkin to use
>> a SkinScript 'WHEN OBJECT DELETED xxx '.
>> -steve
>> >>>>> "Dirksen" == Dirksen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
Dirksen> I have a ZClass 'stuff' which is a subclass of
Dirksen> DataSkin. 'stuff' overrides 'manage_delete' method, so as
Dirksen> to do some extra clean-up jobs. After that, it will call
Dirksen> its ancestor's 'manage_delete' method to wipe itself
Dirksen> off. In java, you can do this by calling
Dirksen> 'super.manage_delete()', but how to do it in zope?
Dirksen> Dirksen
Dirksen> __ Do You
Dirksen> Yahoo!?  Yahoo! Photos - Share your holiday photos
Dirksen> online!
Dirksen> ___ Zope
Dirksen> maillist - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Dirksen> ** No cross
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Dirksen> )

Dirksen> __ Do You
Dirksen> Yahoo!?  Yahoo! Photos - Share your holiday photos
Dirksen> online!

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Re: [Zope] SQLs from Python strings

2001-01-06 Thread Steve Spicklemire

Hi Lee,

   Two points: 1) DTML works fine in ZSQL methods and 2) Due to (1)
you can use  and pull in anything from Zope that you
like (but be careful... since someone might be able to pull in
something you weren't thinking of when you set up the method:

e.g., if you have a method called foo, with the line:

someone might try:


and your valuable data would be gone! Make sure that
only folks with the correct privs, or methods with the
correct proxy can call your method.


> "Lee" == Lee  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Lee> On first impressions this may look like a homework assignment
Lee> question but I can assure you it isn't! I'm having difficulty
Lee> trying to explain this (hence the strange subject line ;-)
Lee> but I hope someone can offer me some advice...

Lee> I have four attributes (A, B, C, D) and each is an integer
Lee> say, between 0 and 9.

Lee> I need a method to create a table with the following columns:

Lee> Name Age [if A=3] then A1, A2, A3 [if B=1] then B1

Lee> i.e. if A=3 and B=1 and C & D =0 then 6 columns will be
Lee> created.

Lee> I already have the code (well, the logic) to do this but what
Lee> is the best way to do it. ZSQL methods can't handle such
Lee> logic, right?  I was thinking maybe passing the parameters
Lee> into a python method to build a "CREATE TABLE..."
Lee> string... but can this be used to actually execute the query?

Lee> I don't know if I have explained this well enough.

Lee> Here's the logic (no particular language and A,B,C,D =
Lee> P,T,A,B)

Lee> int p = PRACTICALS; int t = TUTORIALS; int a = ASSIGNMENTS;
Lee> int b = BONUS;

Lee> string classAndCode = CLASSCODE;

Lee> String createDB = "CREATE TABLE " + classAndCode + " ( "

Lee> while (p != 0) { String createDB = create DB + "p" + p +
Lee> "integer, " // e.g. p0, p1, p2, etc.  p = p-1; }

Lee> while (t != 0) { String createDB = create DB + "t" + t +
Lee> "varchar, " t = t-1; }

Lee> ... etc

Lee> Okay, say I have a python method, which returns an String (an
Lee> SQL CREATE TABLE statement). How could I execute this?

Lee> Thanks very much in advance.

Lee> Lee

Lee> PS: Alex, I managed to get the COUNT var to work. The
Lee> solution was simply a good night's sleep and a large mug of
Lee> coffee in the morning.  Cheers :)

Lee> -- Lee Reilly mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Lee> ___ Zope maillist
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Lee> )

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Re: [Zope] How to call ancestral method in ZClass method?

2001-01-05 Thread Steve Spicklemire

Hi Dirksen,

   In python you would normally do:


   but it might be easier/better in the case of a DataSkin 
to use a SkinScript 'WHEN OBJECT DELETED xxx  '.


> "Dirksen" == Dirksen  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Dirksen> I have a ZClass 'stuff' which is a subclass of
Dirksen> DataSkin. 'stuff' overrides 'manage_delete' method, so as
Dirksen> to do some extra clean-up jobs. After that, it will call
Dirksen> its ancestor's 'manage_delete' method to wipe itself
Dirksen> off. In java, you can do this by calling
Dirksen> 'super.manage_delete()', but how to do it in zope?

Dirksen> Dirksen

Dirksen> __ Do You
Dirksen> Yahoo!?  Yahoo! Photos - Share your holiday photos
Dirksen> online!

Dirksen> ___ Zope
Dirksen> maillist - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Dirksen> ** No cross
Dirksen> posts or HTML encoding!  ** (Related lists -
Dirksen> )

Zope maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: [Zope] Deleting Connection that hangs Zope

2001-01-04 Thread Steve Spicklemire

Hi Jerry,

   You could remove the adaptor Product from Zope the Zope Products
folder and restart, the object will be broken, but deletable, then
restore the Product and restart Zope. 

>>>>> "Spicklemire," == Spicklemire, Jerry <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Spicklemire,> Hi Zope Fans,

Spicklemire,> Has anyone found a good way to delete a Database
Spicklemire,> Connection that hangs Zope at startup? The
Spicklemire,> connection seems to be waiting "forever", and so
Spicklemire,> there is no access to the Zope interface, so of
Spicklemire,> course I can't delete, or disable the offending
Spicklemire,> object.

Spicklemire,> If there were just a way to set it to not connect
Spicklemire,> immediately, prior to startup, that should be
Spicklemire,> sufficient. The general question is, "How do you
Spicklemire,> access a Zope Object, without running Zope?"

Spicklemire,> BTW, I take back everything I said about RDBMS
Spicklemire,> Storages being superfluous .  . .

Spicklemire,> Thanks, Jerry S.

Spicklemire,> ___ Zope
Spicklemire,> maillist - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Spicklemire,> ** No
Spicklemire,> cross posts or HTML encoding!  ** (Related lists -
Spicklemire,> )

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Re: [Zope] How to make two racks work under one specialist?

2000-12-29 Thread Steve Spicklemire

Hi Dirksen,

   I think the problem you are having has to do with using 'getItem'.

>From the SkinScriptSyntax Wiki page:

"If the RESULT is NOT_FOUND, the search for the attribute value falls
through to the next declaration (or attribute provider if the SkinScript
is finished). If there is an OTHERWISE LET clause, the assignments given
there are computed and cached for the remainder of the (sub)transaction..."

This is meant to work automatically for "WITH QUERY ... COMPUTE" scripts,
but in your case the RESULT was _.None, so the test for NOT_FOUND
didn't work. I think you could in principle set up a chain of 
attribute providers:

WITH Deliverables.getItem( COMPUTE theStandInObject=RESULT or NOT_FOUND


WITH self.theStandInObject COMPUTE name OTHERWISE_LET name='not availble'

so that if RESULT is _.None from Deliverables.getItem, then the
'StandIn' will be NOT_FOUND and the COMPUTE will fall through to
the 'OTHERWISE LET' clause. However I don't think this works well when
the existance of the virtual object in the Rack depends on 'theStandInObject'
being found if theStandInObject is NOT_FOUND then the Rack returns
_.None and you're out of luck. Here's a thought...  what if you put a 
'dummy' object somewhere accessable and did this:

WITH Deliverables.getItem( COMPUTE theStandInObject=RESULT or theDummyObject

then you could set all the attributes of theDummyObject to be whatever you
wanted  and you would never get a RESULT of NOT_FOUND.


> "Dirksen" == Dirksen  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Dirksen> Hi Steve,

Dirksen> It works! Thank you.

Dirksen> Still there's a couple of things to be cleared. What's
Dirksen> the use of 'otherwise' clause? And is it true that the
Dirksen> 1st 'with' clause fails, the whole skinscript process
Dirksen> fails (so one 'with' clause is all one skinscript can put
Dirksen> up with)?

Dirksen> Dirksen

Dirksen> __ Do You
Dirksen> Yahoo!?  Yahoo! Photos - Share your holiday photos
Dirksen> online!

Zope maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: [Zope] How to make two racks work under one specialist?

2000-12-28 Thread Steve Spicklemire

Hi Dirksen..

try this:

WITH Deliverables.getItem( COMPUTE name=((RESULT is _.None) and 'none 
available') or

What are you using as the 'load by accessing attribute' attribute?


Zope maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: [Zope] [BUG] calling a constructor crashes Zope

2000-12-25 Thread Steve Spicklemire

Hi Andreas,

   I would be really surprised if this were a python problem. 
Are you using any other extensions with your product? Can you
post a more complete set of code that shows how this constructor
is really called? It sounds like the heap is getting corrupted
somehow, maybe a bad Py_DECREF?


> "Andreas" == Andreas Jung <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Andreas> On Mon, Dec 25, 2000 at 11:18:23AM -0500, Steve
Andreas> Spicklemire wrote:
>>  Hi Andreas,
>> You might try this: Start Zope in debug mode (./start -D
>> ). Then in your __init__...
>> class AJFile: def __init__(self): import pdb pdb.set_trace()
>> self.d = {}
>> Zope will stop in the debugger. Step through with the debugger
>> and see where things are going south

Andreas> It is a problem of Python 1.5.2. It seems to crash
Andreas> somewhere in glibc (malloc.c) when called from
Andreas> PyTuple_New(). I also reported this bug on the bug list
Andreas> for Python (#126790).

Andreas> Andreas


Zope maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: [Zope] [BUG] calling a constructor crashes Zope

2000-12-25 Thread Steve Spicklemire

Hi Andreas,

   You might try this: Start Zope in debug mode (./start -D ). Then in your __init__...

class AJFile:
  def __init__(self):
 import pdb
 self.d = {}

Zope will stop in the debugger. Step through with the debugger and see where things are
going south


Zope maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: [Zope] Reality check PYZOMA = python / zope for Mac ?

2000-12-24 Thread Steve Spicklemire

> "Jim" == Jim Harrison <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

>> Does anyone know what Apple's plans are for MacOSX introduction
Jim> haven't found a source for a compiled 1.5.2. I've tried to
Jim> follow Steve's directions for the 1.5.2 build at
Jim>  but I
Jim> haven't been successful with that as yet. I also tried Zope

Hmm... as an attempt to help with this I've uploaded stuff to

that you can download and install python and Zope on MacOSX. There are
minimal instructions there, but all the compiling has been
done all you should need is to:

as root:

#make install

in the Python-1.5.2 directory, and edit the 'stop' file (which has a
hard coded path in it) in the Zope-2.2.4-bin directory once you've
unpacked the files with gnutar. 

Here's what I did:

gnutar -xzvf pyth152.b.mosx.tgz
cd Python-1.5.2
make install
gnutar -xzvf Zope-2.2.4.b.mosx.tgz
cd Zope-2.2.4-bin
sed s/steve/yourname/g < stop > newstop
mv newstop stop

Let me know how it goes!


Zope maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: [Zope] Reality check PYZOMA = python / zope for Mac ?

2000-12-24 Thread Steve Spicklemire

Hi Jason,

   As far as I know there are only two ways to run Zope on MacOS7/8/9. 

1) run Virtual PC and use the Windows version.

2) run Virtual PC and use the Linux version.


>>>>> "Jason" == Jason Cunliffe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Jason> Steve

Jason> Thanks very much for this encouraging news.  Indeed if it
Jason> runs well, Zope could be important enough app for for soem
Jason> people to upgrade to MacOSX.

Jason> If one needs to install Zope __now__ on non-MacOSX
Jason> machines, what is the story?

Jason> cheers - Jason
Jason> ___
Jason> Jason CUNLIFFE = NOMADICS['Interactive Art and Technology']

Jason> Steve Spicklemire <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Have you seen:
>> Zope-2.3a1 runs with Python-1.5.2. I've run Zope-2.2.x on
>> MacOSX and it runs great. At some point someone with time, or a
>> paying customer,
Jason> ...[snip mySQL commercial/non-commercial prospects]

Zope maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: [Zope] Reality check PYZOMA = python / zope for Mac ?

2000-12-23 Thread Steve Spicklemire

Hi Jason,

Have you seen:

Zope-2.3a1 runs with Python-1.5.2. I've run Zope-2.2.x on MacOSX 
and it runs great. At some point someone with time, or a paying customer,
or both will get an Open Database (MySQL, PostegreSQL, ... ) running on 
MacOSX and we'll have a full fledged solution. There is already a commercial
outfit selling MySQL stuff for MacOSX, so it's just a matter of time. ;-)

It will be interesting to see how Apple handles moving millions of
MacOS users to what is really a fundamentally different operating system
with unix under the hood  but that's for a different mailing list. ;-)


Zope maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: [Zope] How to make two racks work under one specialist?

2000-12-22 Thread Steve Spicklemire

Hi Dirksen,

For your 'otherwise' case, could you have a single instance
that serves as an 'unknown' object:

WITH Deliverables.getItem( COMPUTE 
originalObject=RESULT or NOT_FOUND 
OTHERWISE originalObject=Deliverables.getItem('Unknown')

where it is known that the Deliverables Specialist has an 
instance with id='Unknown'. The problem with OTHERWISE is 
that it only works within the context of a single WITH/COMPUTE,
and if you don't get 'originalObject' then your WITH/COMPUTE
will never fire.


> "Dirksen" == Dirksen  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Dirksen> Hi Steve,

Dirksen> The first thing is, my ZPatterns' version was
Dirksen> 0.4.3.b1. So I quickly downloaded b2, which passed my
Dirksen> nameorassignlist, but still didn't fixed the fail-through
Dirksen> problem.

Dirksen> The 2nd thing is, your script turned out just fine in my
Dirksen> case when calling existent deliverable objects. It just
Dirksen> didn't fail-through, not even the 'otherwise' clause is
Dirksen> applied. This is weird!

Dirksen> cheers Dirksen

Zope maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: [Zope] How to make two racks work under one specialist?

2000-12-22 Thread Steve Spicklemire

Hi Dirksen,

   OK.. the problem was that DataSkinAddons:DummyDataSkin doesn't
allow access to attributes of 'self'. Once I switched to a differnt
ZClass (which is a direct subclass of DataSkin) then everything
was fine again.. ) just for Facade instances:

I'm now using

WITH Deliverables.getItem( COMPUTE originalObject=RESULT or NOT_FOUND

with 'loaded by accessing attribute' set to 'originalObject'


WITH self.originalObject COMPUTE myName=name, myDescription=description, dueDate

then in the FacadeClass index_html:

I am a facade! 


I'm due: 

and all is working OK.  What ZClass are you using for your instances?


>>>>> "Steve" == Steve Spicklemire <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Steve> Hi Dirksen,

Steve> Hmm.. this is starting to look like a bug. I tried the same
Steve> thing with the ZPatterns example. I have a real site using
Steve> this technique with ZPatterns-0.4.2a??  and it's working,
Steve> so it's probably something introduced in 0.4.3. Here's what
Steve> I did:

Steve> I created a new Specialist 'Facade' with a
Steve> DataSkinAddons:DummyDataSkin as it's storage class and
Steve> 'originalObject' as the attribute to check for existence.

Steve> Then I put in the following SkinScript:

Steve> WITH Deliverables.getItem( COMPUTE
Steve> originalObject=(RESULT is _.None) and NOT_FOUND or RESULT

Steve> WITH self.originalObject COMPUTE name

Steve> and ran in 'debug mode.' I get the following traceback on
Steve> the console when I try to access a known deliverable
Steve> through the Facade Specialist:

Steve> Traceback (innermost last): File
Steve> /usr/local/etc/Zope2a/lib/python/Products/ZPatterns/,
Steve> line 304, in _AttributeFor (Object: GAPMixin) File
Steve> /usr/local/etc/Zope2a/lib/python/Products/ZPatterns/,
Steve> line 122, in eval File
Steve> /usr/local/etc/Zope2a/lib/python/DocumentTemplate/,
Steve> line 337, in eval (Object: Deliverables . getItem ( self
Steve> . id )) (Info: Deliverables) File , line 0, in ?
Steve> File
Steve> /usr/local/etc/Zope2a/lib/python/DocumentTemplate/,
Steve> line 140, in careful_getattr File
Steve> /usr/local/etc/Zope2a/lib/python/Products/ZPatterns/,
Steve> line 53, in validate File
Steve> /usr/local/etc/Zope2a/lib/python/AccessControl/,
Steve> line 139, in validate File
Steve> /usr/local/etc/Zope2a/lib/python/AccessControl/,
Steve> line 159, in validate Unauthorized: id

Steve> I tried stepping through with the debugger... but got lost
Steve> in the details of the GAP evaluator. I'll try again after
Steve> breakfast and see what I can come up with.

Steve> ;-)

Steve> Look on the bright side. You're making ZPatterns a better
Steve> product.

Steve> -steve

>>>>> "Dirksen" == Dirksen  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Dirksen> Hi Steve,

Dirksen> I've made my experiment simple, by playing with the
Dirksen> DumbZPatterns examples, testing one rack under one
Dirksen> specialist. Here is the skinscript:

Dirksen> WITH Deliverables.getItem( COMPUTE name=name,
Dirksen> dueDate=dueDate, description=description, todoIDs=todoIDs

Dirksen> WITH SELF COMPUTE name=name, dueDate='1973/01/01',
Dirksen> description='unknown achee', todoIDs=[]

Dirksen> The virtual instance is loaded by accessing attribute of
Dirksen> 'name'. I thought any calls for inexistent objects in
Dirksen> Deliverables would turn out default values. Yet the test
Dirksen> result turned out an not_found error. The following
Dirksen> modification (change to 'otherwise' clause) didn't make a
Dirksen> difference:

Dirksen> WITH Deliverables.getItem( COMPUTE name=name,
Dirksen> dueDate=dueDate, description=description, todoIDs=todoIDs
Dirksen> OTHERWISE LET name='unknown', dueDate='1973/01/01',
Dirksen> description='unknown achee', todoIDs=[]

Dirksen> One more question, i.e. the following expression WITH
Dirksen> Deliverables.getItem( COMPUTE name, dueDate,
Dirksen> description, todoIDs

Dirksen> also trigered the 'not_known' error for every objects in
Dirksen> Deliverables. Where goes wrong?

Dirksen> Dirksen

Dirksen> __ Do You
Dirksen> Yahoo!?  Yahoo! Shopping - Thous

Re: [Zope] How to make two racks work under one specialist?

2000-12-21 Thread Steve Spicklemire

Hi Dirksen,

Hmm.. this is starting to look like a bug. I tried the same thing with the
ZPatterns example. I have a real site using this technique with ZPatterns-0.4.2a??
and it's working, so it's probably something introduced in 0.4.3. Here's what I 

I created a new Specialist 'Facade' with a DataSkinAddons:DummyDataSkin
as it's storage class and 'originalObject' as the attribute to check
for existence.

Then I put in the following SkinScript:

WITH Deliverables.getItem( COMPUTE originalObject=(RESULT is _.None) and 

WITH self.originalObject COMPUTE name

and ran in 'debug mode.' I get the following traceback on the console when I
try to access a known deliverable through the Facade Specialist:

Traceback (innermost last):
  File /usr/local/etc/Zope2a/lib/python/Products/ZPatterns/, line 
304, in _AttributeFor
(Object: GAPMixin)
  File /usr/local/etc/Zope2a/lib/python/Products/ZPatterns/, line 122, 
in eval
  File /usr/local/etc/Zope2a/lib/python/DocumentTemplate/, line 337, in eval
(Object: Deliverables . getItem ( self . id  ))
(Info: Deliverables)
  File , line 0, in ?
  File /usr/local/etc/Zope2a/lib/python/DocumentTemplate/, line 140, in 
  File /usr/local/etc/Zope2a/lib/python/Products/ZPatterns/, line 53, in 
  File /usr/local/etc/Zope2a/lib/python/AccessControl/, line 139, in 
  File /usr/local/etc/Zope2a/lib/python/AccessControl/, line 159, 
in validate
Unauthorized: id

I tried stepping through with the debugger... but got lost in the details of the 
GAP evaluator. I'll try again after breakfast and see what I can come up with.


Look on the bright side. You're making ZPatterns a better product. 


> "Dirksen" == Dirksen  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Dirksen> Hi Steve,

Dirksen> I've made my experiment simple, by playing with the
Dirksen> DumbZPatterns examples, testing one rack under one
Dirksen> specialist. Here is the skinscript:

Dirksen> WITH Deliverables.getItem( COMPUTE name=name,
Dirksen> dueDate=dueDate, description=description, todoIDs=todoIDs

Dirksen> WITH SELF COMPUTE name=name, dueDate='1973/01/01',
Dirksen> description='unknown achee', todoIDs=[]

Dirksen> The virtual instance is loaded by accessing attribute of
Dirksen> 'name'. I thought any calls for inexistent objects in
Dirksen> Deliverables would turn out default values. Yet the test
Dirksen> result turned out an not_found error. The following
Dirksen> modification (change to 'otherwise' clause) didn't make a
Dirksen> difference:

Dirksen> WITH Deliverables.getItem( COMPUTE name=name,
Dirksen> dueDate=dueDate, description=description, todoIDs=todoIDs
Dirksen> OTHERWISE LET name='unknown', dueDate='1973/01/01',
Dirksen> description='unknown achee', todoIDs=[]

Dirksen> One more question, i.e. the following expression WITH
Dirksen> Deliverables.getItem( COMPUTE name, dueDate,
Dirksen> description, todoIDs

Dirksen> also trigered the 'not_known' error for every objects in
Dirksen> Deliverables. Where goes wrong?

Dirksen> Dirksen

Dirksen> __ Do You
Dirksen> Yahoo!?  Yahoo! Shopping - Thousands of Stores. Millions
Dirksen> of Products.

Dirksen> ___ Zope
Dirksen> maillist - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Dirksen> ** No cross
Dirksen> posts or HTML encoding!  ** (Related lists -
Dirksen> )

Zope maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: [Zope] How to make two racks work under one specialist?

2000-12-21 Thread Steve Spicklemire

Hi Dirksen,

   Did you say you were using 0.4.3b1 or b2? I think that
this sounds like the bug from b1:


> "Dirksen" == Dirksen  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Dirksen> One more question, i.e. the following expression WITH
Dirksen> Deliverables.getItem( COMPUTE name, dueDate,
Dirksen> description, todoIDs

Dirksen> also trigered the 'not_known' error for every objects in
Dirksen> Deliverables. Where goes wrong?

Dirksen> Dirksen

Zope maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: [Zope] How to make two racks work under one specialist?

2000-12-20 Thread Steve Spicklemire

Hi Dirksen,

   To which specialist did you make this change? and did you make
any other changes? Also (I'm sure this is obvious and I'm 
really just confirming what I'm already  sure you've checked..)
is there an item in the Deliverable's rack with the id you checked?


Zope maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: [Zope] [BUG] Background processes interfere with Zope's HTTP responses

2000-12-19 Thread Steve Spicklemire

Hi Deiter,

   Hmm.. I just tried this with my highly experimental product
(LocalProc 0.0.1) and I didn't observe the same effect that you did
behind my Proxy Server. (I normally run with Rewrite... but when I got
your note I tried ProxyPass and it worked on the first try.)

(Good howto Anser!

Anyway... I ran 'sleep 20' as my local process (I checked the
'background' button on my product) and the web page returned
immediately, but the process ran on in the background as I wished. The
main difference I see between what you are doing and what I do.. is
that I redirect stdout and stderr so that my subprocess has no open
files shared with the parent process.. anyway.. you might try this to
see if it suits your needs. Lightly tested on FreeBSD only.. but any
unix should work the same...


> "Dieter" == Dieter Maurer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Dieter> Today was again a hard Zope day.

Dieter> Did you ever hear, that usually (i.e. if you do not do
Dieter> special things) Zope renders a complete page before it
Dieter> starts sending the result back to the client.  This
Dieter> implies that you should never see only half of a page.

Dieter> I heard it and I saw the code that does it.  Therefore, I
Dieter> was convinced that this were really the case.

Dieter> Then our client phoned:

Dieter>   He visits a page that allows him to generate a
Dieter> newsletter. When he presses the "generate newsletter
Dieter> button", a result page is build that tells him that the
Dieter> newsletter is being generated and send is a few minutes.

Dieter>   He reported, that this response page is build only
Dieter> half, then stops, to be completed only half a minute
Dieter> later, at the same time when the newsletter arrives.  The
Dieter> effect is reproducible. If newsletter generation takes
Dieter> longer, he must wait longer for the page to complete.

Dieter>   He is convinced that we generate the newsletter
Dieter> synchronously and let him wait until the generation is
Dieter> complete.  And he is angry.

Dieter>   I know, that the newsletter is generated in a
Dieter> background process, started in an external method with:

Dieter>os.system("gen_newsletter &")

Dieter>   I try to reproduce the behaviour in our test
Dieter> environment and fail. I do not have to wait, until the
Dieter> newsletter generation finished. Then, I use the official
Dieter> service URL and see, I observe the same behaviour.  The
Dieter> difference: in the test environment, the browser connects
Dieter> directly to ZServer; with the official URL, it connects
Dieter> via a proxy.

Dieter>   Puzzling!

Dieter> What happened?

Dieter>  The background process inherits Zope's open file
Dieter> descriptors.  Among them are all currently open HTTP
Dieter> request sockets.  The process keeps these sockets open
Dieter> until it finishes.

Dieter>  There are two HTTP modes:

Dieter>1. single request mode a new TCP connection is
Dieter> created for each HTTP request, the request is completed,
Dieter> when the TCP connection is closed.

Dieter>2. multi request mode several requests share a
Dieter> single TCP connection.  The "Content-Length" HTTP header
Dieter> allows client and server to determine the request
Dieter> boundaries.

Dieter>  That means: when a client uses the multi request
Dieter> mode, everything is fine. Clients, however, that use the
Dieter> single request mode wait until their connection is closed
Dieter> and can observe serious delays.

Dieter>  These delays may be very difficult to explain, as the
Dieter> background process not only delays its own request but may
Dieter> delay arbitrary other requests that happen to be served at
Dieter> the same time.

Dieter> How to fix the problem:

Dieter>   There should be a (file) control "CloseOnExec", that
Dieter> tells Unix to automatically close the file like object
Dieter> upon an exec.  ZServer should probably use it on each of
Dieter> its sockets.  I can not see a serious application that
Dieter> should have direct access to ZServer's HTTP request
Dieter> socket.

Dieter> I will soon file a bug report into the Collector.

Dieter> Dieter

Dieter> ___ Zope
Dieter> maillist - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Dieter> ** No cross
Dieter> posts or HTML encoding!  ** (Related lists -
Dieter> )

Zope mailli

Re: [Zope] How to make two racks work under one specialist?

2000-12-18 Thread Steve Spicklemire

Hi Dirksen,

   Ok.. you need to set the 'load by accessing attribute' field
to 'original_object'. You may need to change your SkinScript to
something like:

WITH getMale( COMPUTE original_object=(RESULT is _.None) and NOT_FOUND or 

So that when getMale returns _.None, the SkinScript returns NOT_FOUND


> "Dirksen" == Dirksen  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Dirksen> Hi Steve,

Dirksen> Both racks are set to be loaded by accessing 'id', which,
Dirksen> as you guessed right, don't appear in handling attributes
Dirksen> list!

Dirksen> This is the simplified skinscript in maleMemberRack: WITH
Dirksen> getMale( COMPUTE original_object=RESULT WITH
Dirksen> self.original_object COMPUTE name=id, gender=gender,
Dirksen> email=email

Dirksen> getMale is a python method: member = getMember(id) if
Dirksen> id.gender == 'male': return member

Dirksen> Things just go opposite direction in femaleMemberRack.

Dirksen> What do you think?

Dirksen> Dirksen

Dirksen> __ Do You
Dirksen> Yahoo!?  Yahoo! Shopping - Thousands of Stores. Millions
Dirksen> of Products.

Dirksen> ___ Zope
Dirksen> maillist - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Dirksen> ** No cross
Dirksen> posts or HTML encoding!  ** (Related lists -
Dirksen> )

Zope maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
**   No cross posts or HTML encoding!  **
(Related lists - )

Re: [Zope] skinscript and ZSQL

2000-12-17 Thread Steve Spicklemire

Hi Aaron,

   Since we communicated privately and I now have a much better
understanding of your problem, I realized that my last message to the
list was unclear so I thought I'd take a moment to try to clarify the
'gotchas' that got you, as I see them, so that other folks might not
so easily fall into the same problems. 

   Since you started with 
others might be able to follow along better if they refer to that 


You're creating a class that is used as a 'stand-in' for
objects stored in an SQL database. You're using ZPatterns to implement
this stand-in-ability.

These objects have the following attributes (these also correspond to
column names for the table that lives in the SQL database, in your
case, gadfly.)

client_name, email, rate, last_payment, primary, and services.

client_name is used as the 'id' of the object when it is
instantiated in Zope.

In order to accomplish this you:

1) Create a ZClass (ClientObject) to act as the stand-in. 
 1a) set up methods of the ZClass 

  editInstance: self.propertysheets.Basic.manage_changeProperties(REQUEST)
  editInstanceForm: (form to edit the properties of an instance)
  editInstanceInterface: (UI method that calls editInstance to get modification done)
  index_html: (display this instance)

 1b) set up propertysheet for ZClass
  add properties: email, rate, last_payment, primary and services.
   do *not* set up a property for client_name since it is really
   going to be the 'id', and also the property that the rack uses to see
   if the object was found in the database. 

   [ If 'client_name' were propertysheet-property then the Rack could
   create a virtual instance, and then attemt to access the property
   'client_name'. This would then fire the trigger that queries the
   database, which would fail (leaving the virtual instance
   unchanged).  Since the virtual instance is an instance of your
   ZClass even though the query failed the Rack would *still* get a
   valid value for the property from the ZClass property sheet!
   This is why you were getting the 'already exists' error in
   the first place. Taking the 'client_name' property out of the
   ZClass fixes this problem. ]

2) Create a Specialist with a Rack that manages the ZClass instances
   that represent the objects from your database.

  2a) In the Rack set the Storage tab so that it uses ClientObject
   as the class of objects it manages, and choose "loaded by accessing attribute"
   rather than "stored persistently". Set the attribute to 'client_name'.

  2b) In the "Data PlugIns" tab clear out the persistent PlugIns and
   replace them with a single SkinScript method with the following

WHEN OBJECT ADDED CALL sqlInsertProduct(,, rate=self.rate, last_payment=self.last_payment, 

WHEN OBJECT CHANGED STORE email, rate, last_payment, primary, services 
USING sqlUpdateProduct(,, rate=self.rate, 
last_payment=self.last_payment, primary=self.primary,


WITH QUERY lookup_product( COMPUTE 
client_name, email,rate,last_payment,primary,services

(The 'STORE ..' part on the WHEN OBJECT CHANGED line is
important to ensure that the Rack knows that these attributes
are being stored with this command.)

  2c) Add ZSQL Methods, Python Methods/Scripts and DTML methods to the
Speciliast so that it can carry out it's program.  Everything
*but* the SQL methods are covered in the previously mentioned
example. Here I'll only describe the ZSQL Methods used by the

ZSQL Methods:

sqlInsertProduct, args: 

client_name email rate last_payment primary services


INSERT INTO clienttracker_table
(client_name, email, rate, last_payment, primary, services)

sqlUpdateProduct, args:

client_name email rate last_payment primary services


UPDATE clienttracker_table SET
where client_name=

sqlDeleteProduct, args:



DELETE FROM clienttracker_table WHERE 
client_name = 

lookup_product, args:



select * from clienttracker_table where

  3) Since the items are no longer stored persistently, you need
to change index_html to use a ZSQL Method to get the object
ids, rather than defaultRack.getPersistentItemIDs(). In a 'real'

Re: [Zope] skinscript and ZSQL

2000-12-16 Thread Steve Spicklemire

This set works for me:


WHEN OBJECT ADDED CALL sqlInsertProduct(,, rate=self.rate, last_payment=self.last_payment, 

WHEN OBJECT CHANGED STORE email, rate, last_payment, primary, services 
USING sqlUpdateProduct(,, rate=self.rate, 
last_payment=self.last_payment, primary=self.primary,


WITH QUERY lookup_product( COMPUTE 


Where each of the queries does the 'right' thing. You generally don't
want to attribute that you are using for the 'id' to be present in any
propertysheet since that property will come from the ZClass and fool
the 'Virtual' instance machinery. Note that if you don't specify "STORE"
on the WHEN OBJECT CHANGED line then you'll have trouble with the
Rack not being able to find attribute storage for the changed

Good Luck!

> "AP" == Aaron Payne <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

AP> Hi all,

AP> I'm trying to use Gadfly as storage for a Zpatterns rack.
AP> With the following skinscript trigger I can view records in
AP> the database.  But I can't insert a new one.


AP> WITH QUERY lookup_product( COMPUTE
AP> client_name,email,rate,last_payment,primary,services

AP> Where:

AP> sqlInsertProduct is a zsql method.  args: client_name email
AP> rate last_payment primary services Query template: INSERT INTO
AP> clienttracker_table (client_name, email, rate, last_payment,
AP> primary, services) VALUES ( '',
AP> '', '', ' last_payment>', '', '' )

AP> lookup_product is a zsql method.  args: client_name Query
AP> template: select * from clienttracker_table where

AP> client_name,email,rate,last_payment,primary,services are
AP> fields of the table clienttracker_table and properties of the
AP> dataskin.

AP> If I remove "" from the trigger I am able to add a
AP> record to the db through the trigger.  Without "" in
AP> the trigger I am unable to view the records in the db.

AP> I noticed in a post today that said

AP> ... you should probably choose some attribute other than 'id'
AP> as the attribute to check for your DataSkin. The 'id'
AP> attribute is always there...

AP> Objects are loaded by accessing attribute client_name and I
AP> still get the "object already exists" error.

AP> Questions: -Should I just create the record directly with the
AP> zsql method?  That would defeat the purpose of using
AP> ZPatterns.  -How do I eliminate the "already exists" error

AP> Zope version: Zope 2.2.1 Python version: 1.5.2 System
AP> Platform: freebsd4

AP> -Aaron

AP> ___ Zope maillist
AP> No cross posts or HTML encoding!  ** (Related lists -
AP> )

Zope maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: [Zope] How to make two racks work under one specialist?

2000-12-16 Thread Steve Spicklemire

Hi Dirksen,

   Forgot to mention... you should probably choose some attribute other 
than 'id' as the attribute to check for your DataSkin. The 'id' attribute
is always there... 


>>>>> "Steve" == Steve Spicklemire <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Steve> Hi Dirksen,

Steve>Hmm... why not have the query that gets data qualify by
Steve> gender:

Steve> SQL Query: getMemberByGender

Steve> parameters member_id, gender

Steve> select * from members where  type=string> and 

Steve> Then in the SkinScript for maleMemberRack:

Steve> WITH QUERY getMemberByGender(,
Steve> gender='male') COMPUTE blah, blah, blah

Steve> -steve

>>>>> "Dirksen" == Dirksen  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Dirksen> I set up two racks in one specialist, one is
Dirksen> maleMemberRack, the other femaleMemberRack.  Both are
Dirksen> loaded by accessing attribute id, and have skinscripts to
Dirksen> retrieve data from a db. Suppose the femaleMemberRack
Dirksen> gets loaded first, it finds out from the db that the 'id'
Dirksen> is a male, then how can it pass the process to the
Dirksen> maleMemberRack?

Dirksen> Dirksen

Dirksen> __ Do You
Dirksen> Yahoo!?  Yahoo! Shopping - Thousands of Stores. Millions
Dirksen> of Products.

Dirksen> ___ Zope
Dirksen> maillist - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Dirksen> ** No cross
Dirksen> posts or HTML encoding!  ** (Related lists -
Dirksen> )

Zope maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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(Related lists - )

Re: [Zope] How to make two racks work under one specialist?

2000-12-16 Thread Steve Spicklemire

Hi Dirksen,

   Hmm... why not have the query that gets data qualify by gender:

SQL Query: getMemberByGender

parameters member_id, gender

select * from members where

Then in the SkinScript for maleMemberRack:

WITH QUERY getMemberByGender(, gender='male') COMPUTE blah, blah, 


> "Dirksen" == Dirksen  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Dirksen> I set up two racks in one specialist, one is
Dirksen> maleMemberRack, the other femaleMemberRack.  Both are
Dirksen> loaded by accessing attribute id, and have skinscripts to
Dirksen> retrieve data from a db. Suppose the femaleMemberRack
Dirksen> gets loaded first, it finds out from the db that the 'id'
Dirksen> is a male, then how can it pass the process to the
Dirksen> maleMemberRack?

Dirksen> Dirksen

Dirksen> __ Do You
Dirksen> Yahoo!?  Yahoo! Shopping - Thousands of Stores. Millions
Dirksen> of Products.

Dirksen> ___ Zope
Dirksen> maillist - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Dirksen> ** No cross
Dirksen> posts or HTML encoding!  ** (Related lists -
Dirksen> )

Zope maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: [Zope] HTTP status code 302

2000-12-10 Thread Steve Spicklemire

Hi Hung,

   No! Urllib does that too!

import urllib
x = urllib.urlopen('http://user:pass@host:8080/path/to/get')


>>>>> "Hung" == Hung Jung Lu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Hung> From: "Steve Spicklemire" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> Did you set a 'Host' header in your request? Is the request
>> going straight to ZServer, or through Apache? (Also... do you
>> have a SiteRoot?) These can all affect how the request is
>> handled by the server...

Hung> Ahh... that's it. Thank you very much!! Virtual hosting was
Hung> the problem.  After supplying the 'Host' header, everything
Hung> was fine.

Hung> The httplib offers more control, I think. It allows me to
Hung> supply the 'Authorization' header. The urllib probably does
Hung> not do that, right?

Hung> That being said, I am still not 100% familiar with all the
Hung> HTTP headers (for both request and response), it's like I
Hung> learn one at a time. :) Do you know any pointer where I can
Hung> get info on all the headers?

Hung> regards,

Hung> Hung Jung

Hung> ___ Zope
Hung> maillist - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Hung> ** No cross
Hung> posts or HTML encoding!  ** (Related lists -
Hung> )

Zope maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: [Zope] HTTP status code 302

2000-12-10 Thread Steve Spicklemire

Hi Hung Jung,

   Did you set a 'Host' header in your request? Is
the request going straight to ZServer, or through
Apache? (Also... do you have a SiteRoot?) These can
all affect how the request is handled by the server...

It woould be interesting to try urllib, rather than
httplib since it handles the Host header for you...


> "Hung" == Hung Jung Lu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Hung> I can view certain document on a Zope site over the web if I
Hung> use a = brower. But for fun I tried to download it by using
Hung> Python's httplib, = and for some Zope sites got a status
Hung> code 302. This probably means I = need to use another URL
Hung> address. The web browser does this automatically = so I
Hung> don't need to do anything. But I can't seem to find the
Hung> right URL.=20

Hung> Reading from ,
Hung> it says that = when 302 happens, the header line would be

Hung> URI:  String CrLf

Hung> But I don't see this line in the returned header. And the
Hung> returned body = is an HTML telling me the document has been
Hung> moved. Funny thing is that = browsers (IE, Netscape) do not
Hung> have problems with it.

Hung> Is this a limitation of Python's httplib (not showing the
Hung> URI in the = response header)? Is there a way to circumvent
Hung> it? Or does this have to = do with virtual hosting, or
Hung> Apache stuff?

Hung> Thanks,

Hung> Hung Jung

Zope maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
**   No cross posts or HTML encoding!  **
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Re: [Zope] ZPatterns & terminology

2000-12-08 Thread Steve Spicklemire

Have you seen:

there is an upgrade in the works. ;-) I'm working out the
kinks with a way to do documentation/modeling with ZPatterns.
Hopefully within a week or two...


> "Dario" == Dario Lopez-Kästen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

>> From: "Cees de Groot" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> Sent: Friday, December 08, 2000 8:16 AM

>> Chris Withers <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said: >...I disagree,
>> ZPatterns only major flaw is that its totally immersed in >its
>> own jargon which very few people understand :-(
>> >
>> >That said, my impression is that if you can wade through the
>> b/s, it's >more than worth the effort...
>> >
>> Hmm, maybe it's the time for a translate-zPatterns-to-english
>> effort?

Dario> Yes, I totally agree. It seems that Zpatterns is the thing
Dario> I need to make tru my vison of self-contained
Dario> plugin-components for the site(s) I am developing. However
Dario> I since I am still strugglig with the concept of
Dario> aquisition, the Zpattersn terminology makes my head
Dario> spin. :-)

Dario> /dario still digging...

Dario> -
Dario> Dario Lopez-Kästen Systems Developer Chalmers Univ. of
Dario> Technology [EMAIL PROTECTED] ICQ will yield no hits IT
Dario> Systems & Services

Dario> ___ Zope
Dario> maillist - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Dario> ** No cross
Dario> posts or HTML encoding!  ** (Related lists -
Dario> )

Zope maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
**   No cross posts or HTML encoding!  **
(Related lists - )

Re: [Zope] Zope 2.2.4 dying under Solaris 2.6

2000-12-07 Thread Steve Spicklemire

It might be interesting to turn on the -M option of and see if
there is any pattern to the crash. This can happen for a number of
reasons (e.g., a buggy Python extension, an infinite recursive loop,


> "Michael" == Michael Best <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Michael> I have had Zope 2.0.1, Zope 2.1.6 and Zope 2.2.4 running
Michael> on Solaris 2.6 and inexplicably, every so often (no
Michael> definiate amount of time) the Zope dies.

Michael> Any ideas?

Michael> -- A typical entry from STUPID_LOG is:
Michael> 2000-12-07T18:23:22 ERROR(200) zdaemon zdaemon: Thu Dec 7
Michael> 11:23:22 2000: Aiieee! 17564 exited with error code: 11
Michael> -- Summarized:

Michael> Mon Dec 4 13:56:22 2000: 5527 exited with error code: 11
Michael> Mon Dec 4 16:40:13 2000: 10558 exited with error code: 11
Michael> Mon Dec 4 17:21:22 2000: 10806 exited with error code: 11
Michael> Mon Dec 4 18:08:26 2000: 10876 exited with error code: 11
Michael> Mon Dec 4 19:15:57 2000: 10927 exited with error code: 11
Michael> Mon Dec 4 19:57:14 2000: 11001 exited with error code: 11
Michael> Mon Dec 4 20:34:32 2000: 11034 exited with error code: 11
Michael> Mon Dec 4 22:30:00 2000: 11085 exited with error code: 11
Michael> Tue Dec 5 01:17:39 2000: 11193 exited with error code: 11
Michael> Tue Dec 5 04:07:23 2000: 11384 exited with error code: 11
Michael> Tue Dec 5 08:16:33 2000: 11613 exited with error code: 11
Michael> Tue Dec 5 11:22:32 2000: 11864 exited with error code: 11
Michael> Tue Dec 5 15:00:00 2000: 12375 exited with error code: 11
Michael> Tue Dec 5 19:17:21 2000: 12527 exited with error code: 11
Michael> Tue Dec 5 20:42:58 2000: 12927 exited with error code: 11
Michael> Tue Dec 5 21:37:00 2000: 13077 exited with error code: 11
Michael> Tue Dec 5 23:59:01 2000: 13152 exited with error code: 11
Michael> Wed Dec 6 12:01:03 2000: 14226 exited with error code: 11
Michael> Wed Dec 6 13:51:26 2000: 14277 exited with error code: 11
Michael> Wed Dec 6 14:39:57 2000: 14436 exited with error code: 11
Michael> Wed Dec 6 14:48:08 2000: 14561 exited with error code: 11
Michael> Wed Dec 6 18:02:12 2000: 14596 exited with error code: 11
Michael> Wed Dec 6 18:42:59 2000: 14844 exited with error code: 11
Michael> Wed Dec 6 22:53:53 2000: 14879 exited with error code: 11
Michael> Thu Dec 7 03:25:20 2000: 15187 exited with error code: 11
Michael> Thu Dec 7 06:59:31 2000: 15505 exited with error code: 11
Michael> Thu Dec 7 09:16:11 2000: 15786 exited with error code: 11
Michael> Thu Dec 7 10:06:05 2000: 17377 exited with error code: 11
Michael> Thu Dec 7 10:51:56 2000: 17462 exited with error code: 11
Michael> Thu Dec 7 11:23:22 2000: 17564 exited with error code: 11

Michael> -- Michael Best Systems Administrator ph 780-413-6397
Michael> x230 Emergence By Design fax 780-433-7548 #200, 11209
Michael> Jasper Avenue toll 866-860-2666 Edmonton, Alberta, T5K
Michael> 0L5

Michael> ___ Zope
Michael> maillist - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Michael> ** No cross
Michael> posts or HTML encoding!  ** (Related lists -
Michael> )

Zope maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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(Related lists - )

Re: [Zope] just curious

2000-12-07 Thread Steve Spicklemire



> "michael" == michael angelo ruberto <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

michael> what i meant was, is there a way to remove my files in
michael> Zope back to the filesystem? i'm having serious concerns
michael> about the stability of this product and need to know if i
michael> can gracefully revert back.

michael> -Original Message- From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
michael> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Chris McDonough
michael> Sent: Wednesday, December 06, 2000 12:05 AM To:
michael> [Zope] just curious

michael> What?

michael> - Original Message - From: "michael angelo
michael> ruberto" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
michael> Sent: Tuesday, December 05, 2000 7:33 PM Subject: [Zope]
michael> just curious

>> hi,
>> how do i remove all of the 7000 + company documents from Zope?
>> --
>> ___ Zope maillist -
>> cross posts or HTML encoding!  ** (Related lists -
>> )

michael> ___ Zope
michael> maillist - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
michael> ** No cross
michael> posts or HTML encoding!  ** (Related lists -
michael> )

michael> ___ Zope
michael> maillist - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
michael> ** No cross
michael> posts or HTML encoding!  ** (Related lists -
michael> )

Zope maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
**   No cross posts or HTML encoding!  **
(Related lists - )

Re: [Zope] How to build a c extension on a linux system

2000-12-04 Thread Steve Spicklemire

I keep my own CVS'ed versions of ZPatterns and PlugIns so I can
patch/change with a little control. For my own convenience I 
put a file in the ZPatterns directory and my usual
sequence is:

cvs co ZPatterns
cvs co PlugIns

cd ZPatterns

this way I don't have to think very hard when 
I'm installing on a new Zope
import os

os.system('cp /usr/local/lib/python1.5/config/ .')
os.system('make -f boot')


Is that what you're looking for?


R> i would like to install a zope product that includes a c extension
R> (DynPersist.c) with a Setup file like this:
R> *shared*
R> DynPersist DynPersist.c-I../../ZODB
R> -I../../../Components/ExtensionClass
R> has anybody an idea, how to start the compilation ?
R> thx Ruediger
R> ~
R> - Der Online-Herrenausstatter
R> Kostenlose Serviceline: 0800 -999 66 33
R> Versandkostenfreie Lieferung - 30 Tage Rückgaberecht
R> ~
R> Verwaltungsadresse:
R> Aktiengesellschaft
R> Stahlgruberring 3 - 81829 München
R> Telefon: 089 / 530 75 170 - Telefax 089 / 514 50 666
R> ___
R> Zope maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
R> **   No cross posts or HTML encoding!  **
R> (Related lists - 
R> )

Zope maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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(Related lists - )

Re: [Zope] newbie question -- database list/report with sort by column header

2000-12-04 Thread Steve Spicklemire

You could try:

Let me know if you have any troubles... it does exactly this.


> "John" == John Cappelletti <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

John> I am listing the results of a database query using
John> dtml-in. I'd like to be able to give the user the option to
John> re-sort the list by clicking on a column header. ok... I'm
John> starting small with a form and radio buttons to allow the
John> user to specify the sort.

John> I've created what I believe to be a global variable for this
John> page using the property screen. The variable is to capture
John> the column name for the sort. My simple question is how do I
John> assign a value to this variable inside of the dtml method!
John> I'm not finding a description of variable assignment in the
John> documentation (yeah, I must be missing the obvious).

John> Any pointers would be appreciated.  (also, know if anyone
John> has implemented interactive sort by column header?)

John> thanks, John Cappelletti AverStar, Inc.  1593 Spring Hill
John> Road, Suite 700 Vienna, VA 22182-2249 Tel: (703) 827-2606 x
John> 4291 (also, 301 443-7509) Fax: (703) 827-5560

John> ___ Zope
John> maillist - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
John> ** No cross
John> posts or HTML encoding!  ** (Related lists -
John> )

Zope maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
**   No cross posts or HTML encoding!  **
(Related lists - )

Re: [Zope] Wampum generator on Zope 2.2.4 fails / _isBeingUsedAsAMethod

2000-12-03 Thread Steve Spicklemire

Hmm.. I *know* I've seen this before. I think it was when I was trying
to move ZClasses that were *created* under Zope 2.2.0+ to Zope 2.1.x.
Are you sure you're working with 100% 2.2.4?


> "Brad" == Brad Clements <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Brad> Selecting the Security Tab on a Wampum Generator produces
Brad> this output:

Brad> Error Type: AttributeError Error Value:
Brad> _isBeingUsedAsAMethod

Brad> Traceback (innermost last): File
Brad> /usr/holmes/Zope/lib/python/ZPublisher/, line 222,
Brad> in publish_module File
Brad> /usr/holmes/Zope/lib/python/ZPublisher/, line 187,
Brad> in publish File
Brad> /usr/holmes/Zope/lib/python/Zope/, line 221, in
Brad> zpublisher_exception_hook (Object: CyberCash) File
Brad> /usr/holmes/Zope/lib/python/ZPublisher/, line 171,
Brad> in publish File
Brad> /usr/holmes/Zope/lib/python/ZPublisher/, line 160,
Brad> in mapply (Object: manage_access) File
Brad> /usr/holmes/Zope/lib/python/ZPublisher/, line 112,
Brad> in call_object (Object: manage_access) File
Brad> /usr/holmes/Zope/lib/python/AccessControl/, line 252,
Brad> in manage_access (Object: Traversable) AttributeError: (see
Brad> above)

Brad> Any ideas?

Brad> Brad Clements, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (315)268-1000
Brad> (315)268-9812 Fax netmeeting:
Brad> ils:// AOL-IM: BKClements

Brad> ___ Zope
Brad> maillist - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Brad> ** No cross
Brad> posts or HTML encoding!  ** (Related lists -
Brad> )

Zope maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: [Zope] Installation and Startup

2000-12-02 Thread Steve Spicklemire

Norm... 'services' is an NT concept. Just run the bat file from the
command line.

> "Norm" == Norm LaDuke <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Norm> I have installed Zope on a 300Mhz K6 machine with 92 Megs of
Norm> RAM running Windows 98. It seemed to install ok except that
Norm> it didn't ask if I wanted to run as a service (as the
Norm> documentation said it would). As a result I had to start
Norm> zope with start.bat. It doesn't run. Who in the world can I
Norm> talk to about this. I'd love to use the product but it's not
Norm> much use to me if there's no one I can communicate with
Norm> about problems - particularly problems like "It doesn't
Norm> run!".

Norm>   Can anyone suggest a place for me to go or a
Norm> way to get answers?

Zope maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: [Zope] mysql & zope

2000-11-30 Thread Steve Spicklemire

Hi  Ruediger,

You might consider ZPatterns. It allows you to develop
applications with ZODB, and then, later, 'easily' switch to
other forms of attribute storage for your objects.


> "Alexander" == Alexander DePauli <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Alexander> Hi Zopistas!

Alexander> we are looking for a method to do a better integration
Alexander> of mysql 3.23.27 with zope 2.2.2. (we are using the Z
Alexander> MySQL database adapter Z MySQL DA 1.1.3.)

Alexander> We have to store data in a mysql database - we can´t
Alexander> use ZODB because we need the data accessible by other
Alexander> programs via ODBC.

Alexander> We habe implemented several ZClasses like "customer",
Alexander> "product" and "orders".  We store their instances
Alexander> (eg. each product, customer and so on) to the
Alexander> mysql-database.

Alexander> Our problem: we can´t use the standard ZOPE management
Alexander> interface to manage the objects, because the methods of
Alexander> this interface store content to the ZODB - and not to
Alexander> the mysql-database.

Alexander> Is there a way to extend the standard ZOPE management
Alexander> interface with additional mysql statements?  For
Alexander> example: we select an object in a zope folder, press
Alexander> the ZOPE Delete-Button, then this object is deleted on
Alexander> the mysql-database, not on the ZODB?

Alexander> For each zclass (customer, products, orders) we need
Alexander> these extra methods (Delete, Update, Insert ...), so
Alexander> our thought is that we would prefer to use the ZOPE
Alexander> management interface to do this instead of programming
Alexander> "extra methods" which obviously can't be used within
Alexander> the standard ZOPE management interface.

Alexander> Hope there is somebody out there with an similarly
Alexander> problem solved.

Alexander> best regards

Alexander> Ruediger ~
Alexander> - Der
Alexander> Online-Herrenausstatter Kostenlose Serviceline: 0800
Alexander> -999 66 33 Versandkostenfreie Lieferung - 30 Tage
Alexander> Rückgaberecht ~
Alexander> Verwaltungsadresse: Aktiengesellschaft
Alexander> Stahlgruberring 3 - 81829 München Telefon: 089 / 530 75
Alexander> 170 - Telefax 089 / 514 50 666

Alexander> ___ Zope
Alexander> maillist - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Alexander> )

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Re: [Zope] Editing SQL methods from Emacs (+ FTP server)?

2000-11-29 Thread Steve Spicklemire

> I'm trying to get a list of lists using ZSQL Methods...
> I have two related tables, hounds and items.
> I want to get the hound_id in items like this but can't work out how to pass
> the hound_id variable...

should work. Be careful... id is an unfortunate field name for your
database.. there may be a namespace collision with the Zope notion of
id. If this turns out to be a problem, post again and we can suggest
some work-arounds 


> ___
> Zope maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> **   No cross posts or HTML encoding!  **
> (Related lists - 
> )

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Re: [Zope] strange behaviour of ZSQL methods

2000-11-29 Thread Steve Spicklemire

How about:


> "Oliver" == Oliver Bleutgen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

>> Hi listies,

>> something strange is happening with my ZSQL methods. I have a
>> huge query that works great when testing it in the
>> management-interface - it returns about 10 records or so.  but
>> when I implement it into a dtml-method getting the parameters
>> via X-Y-GMX: $flush REQUEST as usual, I am getting the whole
>> database in return.  I'm quite sure that it's my own fault, so
>> I'd like to see the translated SQL-query in the dtml-method to
>> check for the wrong fields. Is there a tag for it like:
>>  ?

Oliver> You didn't tell what SQL-Database you use, but Postgres
Oliver> and Mysql allow logging/monitoring of the queries they
Oliver> get. So you are able to get the information straight
Oliver> before/while it hits the backend.

Oliver> cheers, oliver

Oliver> ___ Zope
Oliver> maillist - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Oliver> ** No cross
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Oliver> )

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Re: [Zope] ZopeWeaver?

2000-11-28 Thread Steve Spicklemire

Hi Andy,

> "Andy" == Andy McKay <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

>> There are now all manner of Dreamweaver extensions, both

Andy> I tried it briefly and found that Dreamweaver cant seem to
Andy> handle a file with no extension such as index_html, so gave
Andy> up.

Yes.. it's apparently just the Windows version that has this
problem it's a really wierd limitation... 


Zope maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: [Zope] RE: BSD 4 installation

2000-11-25 Thread Steve Spicklemire

Hi Lee,

   I'm not sure if this will help.. but I do know that I routinely build
Zope on multiple FreeBSD systems and it has never caused a problem like this.
Did you build your own python, or use a port? What flavor of BSD? I've never
had to edit or on FreeBSD 3.x, or 4.x.


> "Webmaster" == Webmaster  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Webmaster> I haven't solved my BSD problem but I did discover that
Webmaster> there are BSD ports of Zope and Zope products
Webmaster> maintained at

Webmaster> I haven't been able to get the port to work yet but I
Webmaster> suspect that it's because I don't have root access to
Webmaster> the server.

Webmaster> That will have to wait till Monday when the *senior*
Webmaster> tech support guys are on duty. I called my webhost tech
Webmaster> support last night and I happened to ask which version
Webmaster> of BSD they used. The 'technician' replied, and I
Webmaster> quote: "BSD? What does that do? I've never heard of
Webmaster> it."

Webmaster> I pointed out that BSD was the version of Unix on all
Webmaster> his host servers.

Webmaster> At least he made me feel like less of Unix newbie.

Webmaster> :)

Webmaster> Lee Hunter Hum Communications Ltd.

>> -Original Message- From: Lee Hunter
>> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] Sent: November 24, 2000 3:50 PM To:
>> '[EMAIL PROTECTED]' Subject: BSD 4 installation
>> I'm trying to build Zope on a BSD server.
>> According to the install.txt I have to run two commands -
>> "python" and "./start".
>> I managed to get the first command to run (python
>> after editing my and as per the FAQ.txt.
>> But when I when I run the second command (./start) I get the
>> following error message:
>> media2: {38} % ./start Traceback (innermost last): File
>> "/magma/users/u21/wake/zope/", line 554, in ?  exec
>> "import "+MODULE in {} File "", line 1, in ?  File
>> "/magma/users/u21/wake/zope/lib/python/Zope/", line
>> 94, in ?  import ZODB, ZODB.ZApplication, imp File
>> "/magma/users/u21/wake/zope/lib/python/ZODB/", line
>> 85, in ?  import sys, ExtensionClass, TimeStamp, cPersistence,
>> Persistence ImportError: No module named ExtensionClass
>> Any ideas as to what I'm doing wrong?
>> TIA
>> Lee Hunter Hum Communications Ltd.

Webmaster> ___ Zope
Webmaster> maillist - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Webmaster> )

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Re: [Zope] how to get the created table names

2000-11-24 Thread Steve Spicklemire

Hmm.. I think there is a method of a ZSQL result object called 'names'.. 

Here is a snippet from some working code:

where 'getTypes' is a ZSQL Method and theNames is the list of column names returned
from the query...


> "Jose" == Jose Soares <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Jose> There isn't a SQL standard command to show the tables in the
Jose> database.  Thus evry database has a different command to do
Jose> such job.  For example:

Jose> DBMaker: to show TABLES: select * from SYSTABLE to show
Jose> PostreSQL: to show TABLES: select tablename from pg_tables
Jose> where tablename not like 'pg_%' to show COLUMNS: SELECT
Jose> a.attname, t.typname, CASE WHEN a.attlen > 0 THEN attlen
Jose> ELSE a.atttypmod END as length FROM pg_class c, pg_attribute
Jose> a, pg_type t WHERE c.relname = '' AND a.attnum >
Jose> 0 AND a.attrelid = c.oid AND a.atttypid = t.oid

Jose> I wrote a couple of ZSQL Methods to emulate a generic ISQL
Jose> to query a database using the SQL language which shows the
Jose> names of every table in the database and every column name,
Jose> type and length of every table.  If you want I can send you
Jose> it.

Jose> José

Jose> subrahmanyan kalathur wrote:

>> hi,
>> I would like to know the names of the created table in zsql
>> method.  Kindly give me the tag for displaying the table
>> names.( if exists.)
>> thanks bye yours,
>> K.H.Subrahmanyan
>> ___ Zope maillist -
>> cross posts or HTML encoding!  ** (Related lists -
>> )

Jose> ___ Zope
Jose> maillist - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Jose> ** No cross
Jose> posts or HTML encoding!  ** (Related lists -
Jose> )

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Re: [Zope] Problems with new Todo example.

2000-11-23 Thread Steve Spicklemire

Hmmm... er.. it's just page with a picture and some text there's
nothing zopey at all... I (almost) never run IE or Windowsso
I'll dig around here and see if I can reproduce it it's wierd
though.. it's just simple html! 

Does the app part work for you?


> "jimbo" == jimbo  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

jimbo> When I try to access the link on the index_html page, to
jimbo> see what the Zope structure looks like, it crashes IE 4 on
jimbo> win98.  Any thing special going on there in
jimbo> zopeStructure.html?  -Jimbo

Zope maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: [Zope] New ZPatterns example... was Re: [Zope] New releases of Zwiff and ZCVSMixin...

2000-11-23 Thread Steve Spicklemire

Urp.. yes. sorry! 


> "Rik" == Rik Hoekstra <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

>>  OK.. The new ZPatterns Example is up there  now off to fix
>> some EMarket problems

Rik> for which the secret url is:

Rik> I hope you don't mind me re veiling it ;-)

Rik> Rik

Zope maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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[Zope] New ZPatterns example... was Re: [Zope] New releases of Zwiff and ZCVSMixin...

2000-11-22 Thread Steve Spicklemire

OK.. The new ZPatterns Example is up there   now off to fix
some EMarket problems 


>>>>> "Steve" == Steve Spicklemire <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Steve> For those who are paying attention ;-) there are new
Steve> releases of Zwiff and ZCVSMixin at There will be
Steve> a new DumbZPatternsExample later today or tomorrow...

Steve> The Zwiff release has been updated with the latest patches
Steve> of ming and now has lots of working examples. You download
Steve> the examples, and the source files (fonts, sounds, pics
Steve> etc... ) for the examples separately.

Steve> ZCVSMixin just has a minor bug fix about comments in CVS
Steve> log files.

Steve> DumbZPatternsExample now has three interacting Specialists
Steve> and better separation of UI, Domain and Implementation
Steve> stuff

Steve> cheers, -steve

Steve> ___ Zope
Steve> maillist - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Steve> ** No cross
Steve> posts or HTML encoding!  ** (Related lists -
Steve> )

Zope maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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[Zope] New releases of Zwiff and ZCVSMixin...

2000-11-22 Thread Steve Spicklemire

For those who are paying attention ;-)   there are new releases of
Zwiff and ZCVSMixin at There will be a new DumbZPatternsExample
later today or tomorrow...

The Zwiff release has been updated with the latest patches of ming and
now has lots of working examples. You download the examples, and the source
files (fonts, sounds, pics etc... ) for the examples separately.

ZCVSMixin just has a minor bug fix about comments in CVS log files.

DumbZPatternsExample now has three interacting Specialists and better
separation of UI, Domain and Implementation stuff 


Zope maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: [Zope] random object with properties

2000-11-21 Thread Steve Spicklemire

Hmm.. How about something like:



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Re: [Zope] XML-RPC

2000-11-21 Thread Steve Spicklemire

A number of folks have asked me about ming-0.0.4 and Zwiff. I have
just uploaded a new Zwiff that uses ming-0.0.4+ (there is actually a
full ming distribution this time with all the patches needed to work
with Zwiff.)

Let me know how it goes!


Zope maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: [Zope] Search and replace

2000-11-20 Thread Steve Spicklemire

Hi Robin,

   ZCVSMixin works with ZClasses. It's a little cumbersome at the
moment due to the Container/Contained problem and others:

But it does manage ZClass method and properties on the filesystem.
You do need to keep your head screwed on right to use it successfully
with ZClasses right now hopefully it will be more 'bullet proof'
in the future.


> "Robin" == Robin Becker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Robin> In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Daniel
Robin> Rusch <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes
>> I have been following this thread with mild amusement. Those of
>> you who don't think that there is any need for a search and
>> replace are being, at the least, disingenuous. Have you never
>> needed to replace a dtml var that is on a hundred or more pages
>> with another one, but replace it only on some of the pages???
>> The lack of a search and replace, a find that actually "finds"
>> a string on a page (instead of just the page) and other
>> standard editor features are the reasons why Zope is being
>> phased out of this companies (15,000 person worldwide company,
>> the worlds largest web hosting and fiber optic network) web
>> tool set.
Robin> ...  I also would like to be able to search dtml-method
Robin> code that I put under ZClasses in my products. I can now
Robin> after a bit of messiness with certain 'reserved' names (eg
Robin> filtered_meta_types) get out all of the code in my product
Robin> using ftp, but getting modified versions back is a
Robin> problem. A source export/import to filesystem would be
Robin> useful and allow all of the traditional tools to be used at
Robin> least.  -- Robin Becker

Robin> ___ Zope
Robin> maillist - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Robin> ** No cross
Robin> posts or HTML encoding!  ** (Related lists -
Robin> )

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Re: [Zope] Problem with escaped double quotes

2000-11-19 Thread Steve Spicklemire

Another option... if you care ;-> is to use _.chr() to include any
ascii character..


Look-->"<-- Here 


>>>>> "Spicklemire," == Spicklemire, Jerry <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Spicklemire,> Aitor asked:

>> My problem is this :
>> It doesn't work 'cause I can't escape the doble quotes inside
>> the string= I'm trying to eval.
>> Any solution???

Spicklemire,> If I recall correctly, the work around I've used is
Spicklemire,> to store the text, including the double quotes, as a
Spicklemire,> property of a parent folder, so that it can be found
Spicklemire,> by acquisition.

Spicklemire,>   for example, create a String Property named
Spicklemire,> "fdsaf_alias" with a value of :

Spicklemire,> " fdsaf "

Spicklemire,>   and then change your DTML to :

Spicklemire,>  df ' ">

Spicklemire,> Other than that, reconsider whether there might be a
Spicklemire,> way to do this with single quotes. HTML will usually
Spicklemire,> accept either single or double quotes, but nesting
Spicklemire,> quotes is of course the common reason to use both
Spicklemire,> types in an expression. Since I have no idea what
Spicklemire,> the item actually represents, it's not a call I can
Spicklemire,> make from this end.

Spicklemire,> Good Luck!  Jery S.

Spicklemire,> ___ Zope
Spicklemire,> maillist - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Spicklemire,> )

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Re: [Zope] ZClasses on top of my Python classes?

2000-11-16 Thread Steve Spicklemire

Hi Randy,

> "R" == Randall Kern <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

R> I've seen several doc tidbits suggesting one create ZClasses
R> derived from their Python classes, sticking all the biz logic
R> in the python classes, and the presentation in the
R> ZClasses...

R> Could someone provide some insight into why this is better than
R> simply writing separate python classes for logic and
R> presentation?  (Although I have to admit hitting the "Restart
R> Server" button every time I make a typo is getting old)

I think it's mostly a question of 'ease of customization'. ZClasses
can be created and manipulated throught the web very easily. A developer
does not require filesystem access to manipulate/develop with ZClasses.

Of course you could (and many do) put everything in Python... this
makes installation of a product easier... 

Finally.. I use the above approach in EMarket for a couple other reasons
as well. EMarket keeps 'default' methods/documents on the filesystem. 
The idea is that someone will install EMarket and then go on to customize
it to meet their needs. Each of the basic components in EMarket
(Shopper, MarketItem, Transaction etc... ) is a ZClass that the
user can customize as they need. 

Re: restarts... have you seen the Refresh product? It's great. ;-)


R> Thanks!  -Randy

Zope maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: [Zope] How to maintain an up-to-date mirror site in Zope? (not-so-newbiequestion!) question!)

2000-11-13 Thread Steve Spicklemire

Hi Alex,

   If the changes that are made are always 'one-way' you could rsync
Data.fs, or you could 'export' certain folders that could then be
'imported' at the mirror site. These could both be automated pretty
easily.  As you noted, if you take the rsync route you'll need to shut
down and restart Zope. If you do the export/import you can leave Zope
running (though you may want to pack the DB afterwards.) Another nice
feature of export/import is that you can have some parts of the site
that are managed at company B and other parts managed by company A. An
even better approach might be some kind of ZEO solution.. but I don't
know anything about ZEO other than the name. ;-)


> "Bowyer," == Bowyer, Alex <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Bowyer,> Here is the situation, can you offer advice?

Bowyer,> Machine A is running a Zope server for a wide-area
Bowyer,> network in Company A.  This is an Intranet site which
Bowyer,> changes regularly.  Machine B serves a separate wide-area
Bowyer,> network in Company B, and Company B employees need access
Bowyer,> to Company A's intranet.  The link between Machine A and
Bowyer,> Machine B is too slow/low-bandwidth for all of company
Bowyer,> B's employees to access A's intranet directly.  Therefore
Bowyer,> we want to have a Zope server on Machine B with a mirror
Bowyer,> copy of the Company A intranet.  The problem is, how can
Bowyer,> we keep this mirror copy updated on a daily basis?

Bowyer,> Ideally we need an automatic process to run each night
Bowyer,> and update the mirror on B.

Bowyer,> The ideas I had were :

Bowyer,> 1) stop B's Zope server, copy across data.fs and restart
Bowyer,> B. But can this be done automatically?

Bowyer,> 2) somehow keep a log of changes made in A, and at the
Bowyer,> end of day, export the changed files, import them on B,
Bowyer,> overwriting the originals. Can this be done in Zope code?
Bowyer,> Can this be automated?

Bowyer,> Does anyone have any thoughts/opinions on these ideas? Or
Bowyer,> does anyone know of a better way, perhaps an existing
Bowyer,> Zope package or solution?

Bowyer,> Thanks again,

Bowyer,> Alex

Bowyer,> == Alex Bowyer IT
Bowyer,> Contractor, Logica Australasia Tel : +61 2 9202 8130 Fax
Bowyer,> : +61 2 9922 7466 E-mail : [EMAIL PROTECTED] WWW :
Bowyer,> ==

Bowyer,> ___ Zope
Bowyer,> maillist - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Bowyer,> ** No cross
Bowyer,> posts or HTML encoding!  ** (Related lists -
Bowyer,> )


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Re: [Zope] XML-RPC

2000-11-12 Thread Steve Spicklemire

OK... I thought I'd put a little effort into this concept, and out came:

Take a look it's a start at the concept of 'on the fly' swf from
Zope. I needed a quick way to get up and running so I sub-classed
PythonMethod and used the existing swf library from Anyway this is another way to do
'flash' with Zope


> "Jason" == Jason Cunliffe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Jason> Hello

Jason> I am missing the start of this thread, so I may be off
Jason> topic, but you might want to look seriously at Flash5 for
Jason> the client side programming and graphics.

Zope maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: [Zope] XML-RPC

2000-11-10 Thread Steve Spicklemire

Hi Jason,

   I've been working with Flash some lately as well.. with an eye
toward useful vector graphics for Zope. There is a library called ming
( with a (SWIG'ed) python extension that
I've been slowing working through, adding wrapping fuctions and
getting to the point of Zope'ability. Ming is a 'swf' creation library
with no connection to Macromedia. Something like this would free folks
from the need to buy 'MM Flash' to work with swf output. It also would
make a great way to generate swf 'on the fly' within Zope.. I'll try to
get a proof of concept working 


> "Jason" == Jason Cunliffe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Jason> Hello

Jason> I am missing the start of this thread, so I may be off
Jason> topic, but you might want to look seriously at Flash5 for
Jason> the client side programming and graphics.

Jason> PROS:

Jason> 1. Flash5 ActionScript is _very_ close to JavaScript

Jason> 2. Flash Player/Plugin is much smaller than SVG 300Kb
Jason> vs. 13Mb I think + large user installed base.

Jason> 3. Flash5 has new XML and XMLSockets objects which should
Jason> integrate nicely with XMLRPC and Zope via some smooth
Jason> Python external method programming.

Jason> 4. Flash will allow _much_ more client side interactivity
Jason> than SVG

Jason> 5. You can port SVG graphics to Flash using various tools
Jason> [or even write your own].

Jason> 6. You can still use SVG JavaScript and do some comparisons
Jason> where appropriate...

Jason> 7. Flash is more mature than SVG, though I agree SVG is
Jason> developing very well. I expect we shall see some serious
Jason> applications during next 12 months with it.

Jason> 8. Flash is very object-oriented once you grok to its
Jason> design. Thus mirrors Zope very well.

Jason> CONS:

Jason> A. Flash has steepish learning curve, but high payback and
Jason> reusability.  [Not as tough as Zope :-) ] B. SVG is fully
Jason> open; the Flash spec is 'published' but not open in the
Jason> same way.  C. must be more but cant thing of them right now

Jason> If you are interested contact me - I have lots of useful
Jason> research on this topic.

Jason> - Jason

Jason> ___
Jason> Jason Cunliffe = Nomadics['Interactive Art+Technology']

>> - Original Message - From: "Hannu Krosing"
>> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: "David Nimmons" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

>> | David Nimmons wrote:
>> | >
>> | > I am trying to develop a web based interface to automation
>> equipment (Allen | > Bradley plc's in this case) to use for an
>> operator interface. I am
Jason> using
>> | > SVG to develop graphics and want to use javascript to
>> manipulate the | > graphics based on data from the plc. I am
>> looking for a way to pull
Jason> more
>> | > data from the server without having to reload the page. My
>> question is will | > XML-RPC allow this. Or does Zope have some
>> other mechanism that would allow | > this. Thanks for any help.
>> |
>> | Actually this is mainly a client-side problem, on server side
>> you have | total | freedom to serve any protocol ;)
>> |
>> | Often this kind of problem is solved by having twho frames
>> and data is | aquired | by reloading the "data-page" which then
>> manipulates the | "presentation-page" | using javascript,
>> possibly in its onLoad method.

Jason> ___ Zope
Jason> maillist - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Jason> ** No cross
Jason> posts or HTML encoding!  ** (Related lists -
Jason> )

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Re: [Zope] I can't find a way to give parameters to the getDtmlData of a ZGDChartobjectobject

2000-11-08 Thread Steve Spicklemire

Hi Fred,

   I experimented a bit with the ZGDChart product. You can might try the following 

*** lib/python/Products/ZGDChart/ZGDChart.pyTue Sep 12 21:44:09 2000
--- /usr/local/etc/Zope2Test/pr/ZGDChart/ZGDChart.pyWed Oct  4 10:41:51 2000
*** 64,73 
--- 64,74 
  from Globals import HTMLFile, MessageDialog, Persistent
  from Globals import package_home
  from DocumentTemplate.DT_Util import *
  from DocumentTemplate.DT_String import String
  from maybe_lock import allocate_lock
+ import traceback
  # In this module, extend gdchart so
  # that it can render itself
*** 133,142 
--- 134,144 
{'label':'Properties' , 'icon':icon, 'action':'manage_main',
{'label':'Colors' , 'icon':icon, 'action':'manage_mainColor',   
{'label':'Scale',   'icon':icon, 'action':'manage_mainScale',   
{'label':'Data Method', 'icon':icon, 'action':'manage_mainGetData', 
+   {'label':'DTML Data',   'icon':icon, 
+'action':'getDtmlData/manage_main', 'target':'_self'},
{'label':'Security'   , 'icon':icon, 'action':'manage_access',  
{'label':'View'   , 'icon':icon, 'action':'manage_mainView',
*** 281,291 = id
self.title  = title
self.height = height
self.width  = width
self.SQL= SQL
!   self.content_type   = 'image/gif'
self.tempfile   = self.home() + '/temp.gif'

# Set the chart options
self.bg_transparent = 'bg_transparent' in option
self.xaxis  = 'xaxis' in option
--- 283,293 = id
self.title  = title
self.height = height
self.width  = width
self.SQL= SQL
!   self.content_type   = 'image/png'
self.tempfile   = self.home() + '/temp.gif'

# Set the chart options
self.bg_transparent = 'bg_transparent' in option
self.xaxis  = 'xaxis' in option
*** 372,386 
self.threed_angle   =   0
self.threed_depth   =   0
# Set the data gathering method
self.selected_data_method = 'dtml'
!   f = open(os.path.join(self.home(),'manage', 'getDtmlData.dtml'), 'r')
!   getDtmlData_dtml =
!   f.close()
!   ob = OFS.DTMLMethod.DTMLMethod(getDtmlData_dtml, 
!   self._setObject('getDtmlData', ob)

def manage_edit(self, title, xtitle, ytitle, width, height, chart_type, 
option=[], REQUEST=None):
"""edit ZGDChart"""
self.title  = title
self.xtitle = xtitle
--- 374,384 
self.threed_angle   =   0
self.threed_depth   =   0
# Set the data gathering method
self.selected_data_method = 'dtml'
!   self.manage_addDTMLMethod('getDtmlData', 'DTML Data Method', 

def manage_edit(self, title, xtitle, ytitle, width, height, chart_type, 
option=[], REQUEST=None):
"""edit ZGDChart"""
self.title  = title
self.xtitle = xtitle
*** 687,704 
# requires GDChart 0.4
tempfile = cStringIO.StringIO() 
apply(chart, (GDC_TYPE, (self.width, self.height), tempfile) + 
!   if RESPONSE: RESPONSE['content-type']=self.content_type
output = tempfile.getvalue()
-   #
-   # requires GDChart 0.3
-   # apply(chart, (GDC_TYPE, (self.width, self.height), 
self.tempfile) + tuple(chartdata))
-   # if RESPONSE: RESPONSE['content-type']=self.content_type
-   # output = open(self.tempfile,'rb').read()
-   #

Re: [Zope] importing data

2000-11-08 Thread Steve Spicklemire

Hi Jamey,

   It's also possible (and i think maybe easiest...) to do this in an
external method. Alas..  this also requires you to be familiar with
Python (as was posted before...)

> "James" == James Sintz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

James> I have created a simple zclass product for a web based
James> newsletter. Each day's newsletter is input into a form and
James> added into the ZODB as instances of this newsletter
James> zclass. My question is... how do I import 2 years worth of
James> newsletters from tab delimited files exported from another
James> database?

James> I searched the archives and how-to section and could not
James> find the answer. Is this possible to do?

James> Thanks!!

James> Jamey

James> ___ Zope
James> maillist - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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James> )

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Re: [Zope] Sorting 'in'

2000-11-06 Thread Steve Spicklemire

Hi Yvonne,

   You could use Zieve, (
or you could render the 'order by' part of your clause from a variable
in the name space, or possibly the REQUEST itself. There was also a 
patch submitting at one point that allows variable (and I think multiple)
sort keys...


> "Yvonne" == Yvonne Totty <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Yvonne> Yes, that is what I am doing, however was wanting to not
Yvonne> have to write several Z SQL Methods. 8)

Yvonne> ~~~ Yvonne Totty
Yvonne> Database Engineer - Wolverine: You
Yvonne> actually go outside in these things?  Cyclops: Well, what
Yvonne> would you prefer? Yellow spandex?

>> If it's a database query sorting with sql first. i.e. ORDER BY
>> X,Y
>> HTH
>> Dan > Yvonne Totty wrote:
>> > 
>> > Hi!
>> > 
>> > I need a query sorted by 2-3 different attributes. The > 'in'
>> sort only lets me do it by one. Is there a way to > get around
>> it?
>> > 
>> > TIA > -y > ~~~ > Yvonne
>> Totty > Database Engineer
>> > -
>> > Wolverine: You actually go outside in these things?  >
>> Cyclops: Well, what would you prefer? Yellow spandex?
>> >

Yvonne> ___ Zope
Yvonne> maillist - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Yvonne> ** No cross
Yvonne> posts or HTML encoding!  ** (Related lists -
Yvonne> )

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Re: [Zope] Get file contents.

2000-10-29 Thread Steve Spicklemire

Hi Jason,

   Here's an external method that I've used to populate a TinyTable
from a comma separated text file. You might at least get some ideas
about how to extract stuff from the file using this



# ReadFile is an external method that reads data from a file uploaded from
# the users computer and produces a TinyTable based on that data.

import string

def ReadFile(self,
 infile, # input file.
 outTableName='defaultTable',# name of output table
 outTableTitle='',   # title of output table
 outTableColumns='', # columns for output table
 REQUEST=None,   # Pass in REQUEST
 RESPONSE=None): # and response...

if not hasattr(self, outTableName):
self.manage_addTinyTable(id=outTableName, title=outTableTitle, 
columns=outTableColumns, REQUEST=REQUEST)

newTT = getattr(self, outTableName)
newTT.manage_edit(title = outTableTitle, columns = outTableColumns, 
data =
data = string.replace(data,'\r','\n')
data = string.replace(data,'\n\n','\n')
lines = string.split(data,'\n')
newLines = []
for i in range(len(lines)):
line = string.strip(lines[i])
if line:
sl = string.split(line,',')
sl = map(lambda x:'"%s"' % x, sl)

data = string.join(newLines, '\n')

return newTT.manage_editData( data, REQUEST )

def main():
class foo:

def manage_addTinyTable(self, *args, **kwargs):

def manage_edit(self, *args, **kwargs):

def manage_editData(self, data, REQUEST):
print "In manage_editDdata"
print data

import StringIO

f = StringIO.StringIO()


rf = foo()
rf.defaultTable = foo()

ReadFile(rf, f)

if __name__=='__main__':


> "Jason" == Jason C Leach <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Jason> hi,

Jason> I pass a zope file object (just plane text) to an external
Jason> method.  The file consists of a list of lines of text.  I'd
Jason> like to extract those lines from the file and put 'em in a
Jason> list. Can anyone help with the extraction method?

Jason> Thanks, j.

Jason> ..  . Jason C. Leach ... University
Jason> College of the Cariboo.  ..

Jason> ___ Zope
Jason> maillist - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Jason> ** No cross
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Jason> )

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Re: [Zope] dtml-while

2000-10-29 Thread Steve Spicklemire

Hi Diego,

   DTML is set up with (some) care taken so that it can't run off with
the CPU and (possibly) take forever. Depending on the circumstances
you can probably get the effect of a 'while' using 'if'
statements. You'll probably need to convert your iteration logic so
that it looks like it's looping over a list of objects... one easy
trick might be:

   Do something conditional 


Assuming you can specify an upper limit on the number of
iterations required.


> "Diego" == Diego Rodrigo Neufert <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Diego> Why there isnt a dtml-while function in Zope?  How to
Diego> implement it with dtml?  how to do a simple while x != y in
Diego> dtml?

Diego> Thanks in advance...

Diego> -- --- Diego Rodrigo Neufert
Diego> -webmaster --- (Magic Web Design)
Diego> (email) ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) (curitiba) (pr)

Diego> ___ Zope
Diego> maillist - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Diego> ** No cross
Diego> posts or HTML encoding!  ** (Related lists -
Diego> )

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[Zope] Don't need no stinkin' docs.. (was Re: More ZFormulator)

2000-10-27 Thread Steve Spicklemire


> "JS" == Spicklemire, Jerry <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

[... skip ...]

JS> Steve's motto is, "We don't need no stinkin' Docs!".

Interesting point. 

JS> BTW, we disagree about this . . .

I'm not sure we do... really! I think my motto is more like:

""" I'd rather have source code than bad/incorrect docs. I'd naturally
rather have source code + good docs, but I'd sooner get something *done*
today than wait for good docs tomorrow. ;-) Also.. I'd rather have
source code and no docs than something closed with (apparantly) great
docs since you can always have great docs that don't match the
real (implimentation)/world, and *that* can steal weeks from your
(otherwise) precious time/life."""

back to your regularly scheduled questions (and answers!)


Zope maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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[Zope] Re: More ZFormulator

2000-10-27 Thread Steve Spicklemire

Found it:

line 312: should be:

__roles__ = ('Manager',)

Zope maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: [Zope] More ZFormulator

2000-10-27 Thread Steve Spicklemire

Hi Jerry,

   What version of ZFormulator are you running (and in what version of
Zope?) I just tried ZFormulator-0.2 with Zope-2.2.2 and it seemed to
work OK. Maybe it doesn't work with older zopes?


> "JS" == Spicklemire, Jerry <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

JS> Hi Zope Fans,

JS> Re. the problems I mentioned in an earlier post, it may be
JS> related to an error that turned up when I tried to run the
JS> ZF_Demo module. It seems to be unable to locate:

JS> "ApplicationDefaultPermissions"

JS> Does that ring any bells?

JS> A Google Search of turns up several references, and
JS> it seems to be a part of core Zope, but I have no idea how it
JS> could be unavailable. Might the way Zope is started have an
JS> impact on which pieces-parts are accessible?

JS> The error shows:

JS> Traceback (innermost last): File
JS> /i01/Zope-2.1.3-solaris-2.6-sparc/lib/python/ZPublisher/,
JS> line 214, in publish_module File
JS> /i01/Zope-2.1.3-solaris-2.6-sparc/lib/python/ZPublisher/,
JS> line 179, in publish File
JS> /i01/Zope-2.1.3-solaris-2.6-sparc/lib/python/Zope/,
JS> line 202, in zpublisher_exception_hook (Object:
JS> ApplicationDefaultPermissions) File
JS> /i01/Zope-2.1.3-solaris-2.6-sparc/lib/python/ZPublisher/,
JS> line 151, in publish File
JS> /i01/Zope-2.1.3-solaris-2.6-sparc/lib/python/ZPublisher/,
JS> line 304, in traverse File
JS> /i01/Zope-2.1.3-solaris-2.6-sparc/lib/python/OFS/,
JS> line 249, in __bobo_traverse__ (Object:
JS> ApplicationDefaultPermissions) File
JS> /i01/Zope-2.1.3-solaris-2.6-sparc/lib/python/ZPublisher/,
JS> line 511, in notFoundError NotFound: (see above)

JS> Thanks, Jerry S.

JS> ___ Zope maillist
JS> No cross posts or HTML encoding!  ** (Related lists -
JS> )

Zope maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: [Zope] Problems with ZPhoto, ZPhotoAlbum, and ZAlbumPage

2000-10-27 Thread Steve Spicklemire

Hi Dave,

   Add a 'defined_views' property to the photo album. Make it a 'tokens'
property with values 'explore fancy simple'. This will get you closer!


> "Dave" == Dave Belfer-Shevett <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Dave> Hey there folks.  I've just downloaded and installed these
Dave> Products into my Zope instance.  I'd talk to any of the
Dave> support groups / lists / etc for these Products, but I can't
Dave> find anythign aside from the author link, and a few small
Dave> hints on the download page.

Dave> I -think- I'm setting up an Album properly.  Here are the
Dave> steps, someone please tell me if this is not correct
Dave> (There's an error that happens that I'll report in a
Dave> moment...)

Dave> 1) Install all the packages 2) Import ZPhotoAlbum via the
Dave> Control panel 3) Go to whatever directory I want to run from
Dave> 4) Add a ZPhotoAlbum object (we'll call it 'abc' for now) 5)
Dave> go into 'abc' folder (note the only thing in it right now is
Dave> 'Vocabulary' 6) Add a ZAlbumPage (calling it 'page1') 7) go
Dave> into 'page1' folder 8) Add a ZPhoto

Dave> Okay, here's where it gets fuzzy.  My initial impression is
Dave> "okay, tha'ts it.  Just keep adding ZPhotos to populate the
Dave> album".  But when going to I just get the
Dave> default 'index.html'.

Dave> Tinkering, I found the 'Restore DTML' button up on the
Dave> toolbar for the PhotoAlbum.

Dave> So I click that, and get a lot more content in the folder in
Dave> the management screen.

Dave> Now when I go to, I see my index, the
Dave> AlbumPage, and the ZPhoto that I added.

Dave> Here's where the problem happens.  There are 2 buttons at
Dave> the bottom of the page called 'fancy view' and 'explore
Dave> view'.  They should allow different views of the indexes.
Dave> But when I click on one, I get:

Dave> Zope Error

Dave> Zope has encountered an error while publishing this
Dave> resource.

Dave> Error Type: NameError Error Value: defined_views

Dave> here's the traceback:

Dave> Traceback (innermost last): File
Dave> /home/shevett/zope/lib/python/ZPublisher/, line
Dave> 222, in publish_module File
Dave> /home/shevett/zope/lib/python/ZPublisher/, line
Dave> 187, in publish File
Dave> /home/shevett/zope/lib/python/Zope/, line 221, in
Dave> zpublisher_exception_hook (Object: CatalogAware) File
Dave> /home/shevett/zope/lib/python/ZPublisher/, line
Dave> 171, in publish File
Dave> /home/shevett/zope/lib/python/ZPublisher/, line
Dave> 160, in mapply (Object: switch_view) File
Dave> /home/shevett/zope/lib/python/ZPublisher/, line
Dave> 112, in call_object (Object: switch_view) File
Dave> /home/shevett/zope/lib/python/OFS/, line 172,
Dave> in __call__ (Object: switch_view) File
Dave> /home/shevett/zope/lib/python/DocumentTemplate/,
Dave> line 528, in __call__ (Object: switch_view) File
Dave> /home/shevett/zope/lib/python/DocumentTemplate/,
Dave> line 337, in eval (Object: view not in defined_views or not
Dave> view_id) (Info: defined_views) File , line 0, in ?
Dave> NameError: (see above)

Dave> Any suggestions?

Dave> ---.  Web-based problem management:
Dave> Dave Belfer-Shevett
Dave> >.
Dave> [EMAIL PROTECTED] / I like you... I'll kill you
Dave> last... (from 'Handy \ --< work phrases') |
Dave> \__/

Dave> ___ Zope
Dave> maillist - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Dave> ** No cross
Dave> posts or HTML encoding!  ** (Related lists -
Dave> )

Zope maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: [Zope] ZClass and SQL Table

2000-10-27 Thread Steve Spicklemire

Hi Cesar,

   Try ZPatterns:

it allows you to 'dress' your old SQL system with ZClasses
(subclassed by DataSkins..)


> "CG" == =?iso-8859-1?Q?C=E9sar?= A K Grossmann  writes:

CG> Hi

CG> I have an old system based on a SQL database, and wanna to
CG> make a Web version of it.

CG> Are there any way to represent the SQL tables as ZClasses? I
CG> mean, the attributes of the ZClasses be stored in a SQL table?

CG> TIA --
CG> +-+-+
CG> | César A. K. Grossmann | Capacitação Solidária | |
CG> | Clique e doe - é de graça |
CG> +-+-+
CG> long-forgotten loved one will appear soon.

CG> Buy the negatives at any price.

CG> ___ Zope maillist
CG> No cross posts or HTML encoding!  ** (Related lists -
CG> )

Zope maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: [Zope] Help needed with news articles

2000-10-21 Thread Steve Spicklemire

Hi Taco,

How about something like this:

> "Taco" == Taco Scargo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Taco> Unfortunately nobody responded, so I am reposting this
Taco> question again. I just need a link to an example or
Taco> explanation.

Taco> Basically I want to create a page listing the last 4
Taco> articles from a Zope folder. The articles need a publish
Taco> from/to field, title and (dtml) text. I somehow need to be
Taco> able to find and display the article from another dtml
Taco> document. I read many FAQs and tried working with zcatalogs,
Taco> but somehow I am not getting there. It is probably not so
Taco> difficult. If there is somebody how can help me or give me a
Taco> link to a clear explanation or example I would be very very
Taco> grateful. Thanks !

Taco> Taco

Taco> ___ Zope
Taco> maillist - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Taco> ** No cross
Taco> posts or HTML encoding!  ** (Related lists -
Taco> )

Zope maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: [Zope] Acquisitive

2000-10-21 Thread Steve Spicklemire

Hi Jerry,

I'm guessing the the problem is that

&dtml-xxx;  does an implicit "html_quote" format
on whatever expression you provide.. so 

 should produce:

Which the browser doesn't grok 




> "JS" == Spicklemire, Jerry <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

JS> Hi Zope Fans,

JS> I ran into an odd quirk today, and I'm hoping someone has an
JS> insight to share. There is a simple text string stored as a
JS> DTML Method, with ID = "set_table_0", e.g.:

JS> 'border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"'

JS> When set_table_0 is in the Zope root folder, it isn't
JS> discovered through normal acquisition, but no error occurs.


JS> creates a table with defaults, e.g. border is visible.

JS> However, when set_table_0 is moved to a subfolder of the Zope
JS> root folder, with the name "table_settings", and the reference
JS> is made like so:


JS> the DTML Method is found successfully, and the table border
JS> isn't displayed.

JS> The question is, why is the folder "table_settings" found in
JS> the Zope Root Folder, but not the method?

JS> Does Acquisition give higher preference to folders
JS> (container), objects than a DTML Method?

JS> Thanks, Jerry S.

JS> ___ Zope maillist
JS> No cross posts or HTML encoding!  ** (Related lists -
JS> )

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Re: [Zope] MacOS X Server + Python 1.5.2 + Zope 2.2.2

2000-10-19 Thread Steve Spicklemire

Hmmm.. I'm running Zope on mosxb and it works fine...


> "Jeff" == Jeff Forsyth <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Jeff> I currently have Zope and Python installed from the source
Jeff> code from the

Jeff> excellent instructions by JShell.  But there is one little
Jeff> problemCPU Utilization shoots above 97% as soon as I
Jeff> access the management screen.  If anybody has any ideas or
Jeff> solutions.

Jeff> Rhapsody AWS 5.6 Kernel Release 5.6: Tue Nov 23 15:07:38 PST
Jeff> 1999; root(rcbuilder):Objects/kernel-187.obj~2/RELEASE_PPC
Jeff> Copyright (c) 1988-1995,1997-1999 Apple Computer, Inc. All
Jeff> Rights Reserved.  Power Macintosh

Jeff> 320Mb..G4

Jeff> Thanks Jeff


Jeff> ___ Zope
Jeff> maillist - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Jeff> ** No cross
Jeff> posts or HTML encoding!  ** (Related lists -
Jeff> )

Zope maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: [Zope] ZMysqlDA error, and a workaround

2000-10-09 Thread Steve Spicklemire

I'm guessing it's in in ZMySQLDA, I had to do the same
thing with DECMIAL as shown here, I didn't post that since I'm
not sure most folks would want this behavior but you should 
be able to do the same with MEDIUMINT:

class DB:




> "Jon" == Jon Franz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Jon> This is additional info for the error mentioned in my last
Jon> email.  If I alter the column definitions to use 'int' as
Jon> opposed to 'mediumint', then everything works fine!  So, its
Jon> the 'mediumint' type that isnt mapping properly...  where
Jon> would i fix this?

Jon> ___ Zope maillist
Jon> ** No cross posts or HTML encoding!  ** (Related lists -
Jon> )

Zope maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: [Zope] Zope with Apache

2000-10-06 Thread Steve Spicklemire

Hi James,

   Are you using SiteAccess? If not.. it would probably be worth a try.
It will take care of setting BASE0 etc to soemthing intelligent. 


> "James" == James Howe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

James> I asked this question a couple of months ago but received
James> no response, so I figured I would ask it again to see if
James> anyone can answer the question...

James> We are running Zope behind an Apache server. We've got
James> things configured so that it mostly works. However, we
James> noticed that the "breadcrumbs" list at the top of a
James> workspace screen doesn't work correctly. For example, if
James> I'm looking at the object /Foo/Bar/Baz, the list of items
James> in the breadcrumbs might look like this:

James> DTMLDocument at / Foo / Bar / Baz

James> The links to Foo and Bar do not correctly take into account
James> the extra item needed to tell Apache that the link goes to
James> the Zope site. For example, the link to Foo needs to say
James> something like


James> instead of


James> The tabs for the management screens work fine, however.

James> In looking at what is happening, I believe the problem
James> exists because the links in the breadcrumbs line are
James> relative links.  The link to "foo" would look like this:

James> Foo

James> instead of


James> When I open the page, the URL I give my browser is
James> "", but my Proxy settings in Apache redirect the
James> request to "".  When my browser sees
James> the relative path, it prepends the "" instead of
James> "" because it doesn't know any better.
James> I've managed to get around the problem by changing some
James> code in the tabs_path_info method found in
James> Basically I modifed the code to prepend "BASE0" to each of
James> the items in the breadcrumbs list.  This way, I get
James> absolute links instead of relative.  However, I'm wondering
James> if there is just some additional configuration I need to do
James> in Apache to fix this problem without modifying Zope
James> itself.  Has anyone else encountered this and is this a bug
James> in Zope, or is this simply a configuration issue that I
James> need to resolve. If its a configuration issue, what would I
James> need to change.  Any help would be appreciated.

James> Thanks.

James> James W. Howe mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Allen Creek
James> Software, Inc.  pgpkey: Ann
James> Arbor, MI 48103

James> ___ Zope
James> maillist - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
James> ** No cross
James> posts or HTML encoding!  ** (Related lists -
James> )

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Re: [Zope] Zope bug collector on available?

2000-10-02 Thread Steve Spicklemire

Hi J.,

Is this what you're looking for?

> "J" == J Atwood <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:


J> Does anyone know what product this is and if it is available
J> for download? I am looking for something that is similar to
J> BugZilla.

J> Ethan? Paul? Anyone?

J> Thanks, J

J> ___ Zope maillist -
J> cross posts or HTML encoding!  ** (Related lists -
J> )

Zope maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: [Zope] Version Control in Zope / Managing releases

2000-09-22 Thread Steve Spicklemire

Hi Bob,

   I would be most interested to hear about your experience with
ZCVSMixin, or anyone elses! I've gotten very little feedback, and
what I have gotten, I've incorporated into the Product. The main
problems I see at this time are:

1) It doesn't handle recursion a lot of that has to be
don manually at this time this is close to the top of
my priority list... but time is very limited

2) The Container/Contianment problem: Right now with ZCVSMixin you can
check in an entire ZClass (or any folderish object really...)
including all it's methods/properties/etc as one monolithic
'zexp'. You can also check in the methods of a ZClass as individual
objects. There is no way (right now) to check in 'everything about
this object *except* it's contents .  I'm not even sure how to
approach the problem ideas about this are most welcome! Right
now... our project is running two 'development' servers, and a 'live'
server, all sharing objects and classes with ZCVSMixin, (and plain old
CVS for the Product level Python bits, but managed through the web
with ZCVSMixin.) 

Are there other major issues I'm missing?


> "Bob" == Bob Crosley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Bob> As our development team grows, and our application grows more
Bob> complex, version control in Zope becomes more problematic.
Bob> I'm trying to do some research into the different techniques
Bob> people are using to manage application development.

Bob> Here's our current situation.  *We have a web application
Bob> that contains both your standard web site/marketing copy type
Bob> pages, and the application itself.  *We have a team of 7
Bob> developers including application developers and HTML
Bob> coders/Graphic Artists.

Bob> We have a number of problems we're trying to solve.  If you
Bob> have a solution that's worked for you for any of these
Bob> problems, I'd love to hear about it.

Bob> 1) "Code Collisions."  - Developers overwriting each other's
Bob> work.  2) Partial updates - Right now, we have new pages for
Bob> marketing content that are held up because we don't have our
Bob> new features for the application done yet.  So we can't
Bob> update marketing pages without updating the app at the same
Bob> time, (one ZODB) unless we directly update the production
Bob> servers. (Eeek!)

Bob> We looked at ZCVSMixin for a solution to problem 1, and it
Bob> shows a lot of promise but isn't quite there yet.  For
Bob> problem 2, we considered the idea of running two Zopes for
Bob> the app, using one to serve the marketing pages, and one for
Bob> the application pages so they could be updated independently.
Bob> Has anyone done that?  We have images and appearance
Bob> attributes stored in the ZODB and don't want to have to keep
Bob> seperate sets of those, so any solution would have to be able
Bob> to draw off the same images and appearance variables.

Bob> Any feedback anyone can provide would be very helpful.

Bob> Thanks, Bob

Bob> ___ Zope maillist
Bob> ** No cross posts or HTML encoding!  ** (Related lists -
Bob> )

Zope maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: [Zope] Macintosh Zope.

2000-09-09 Thread Steve Spicklemire

HI Steve,

I've been running Zope-2.2 on my powerbook under MacOSX DP4 quite
happily.  My only problem now is lack of MySQL ;-). I don't think
there's much hope of Zope on MacOS 8/9 due to the lack of proper
thread support. I did manage to get Medusa/Bobo working on MacOS-8, a
*long* time ago... but that was before threading was added ... and it
was horribly slow.  There should be a public beta of MacOS-X out soon..
and it runs Zope just fine. (There is some monkey business with gcc
command link options that are different from the defaults
(e.g., '-LDFLAGS=undefined-suppress') to make the linker
happy... take a look at:


Good Luck!

Zope maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: [Zope] NEWBIE HELP can not get Zope to start

2000-09-08 Thread Steve Spicklemire

> "Martijn" == Martijn Pieters <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

>> 7. I quit netscape, and restart and attempt to login as the new
>> user - DOES NOT WORK
Martijn> One possible explanation for the denial of your login is
Martijn> that you filled something in the domains field, which
Martijn> should only be used if you want to limit the domains a

Another common problem I've seen is that folks don't select a *role*
for their new user did you give the new user the 'manager' role?


Zope maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: [Zope] Catalog AND Zieve

2000-09-04 Thread Steve Spicklemire

Hi Jean-Francios,

You need to give Zieve a list of objects that have the attributes that
you want to sort on defined. You can ether build a list of 'real
results' from the ZCatalog that can then be passed to your Zieve, or
you can just make sure the ZCatalog's 'meta_data_table' has all the
attributes you might want to sort on. I haven't been following all the
changes, but I think that the newer '' may now support
dynamic sorting... I'm sure I saw some patches about this... I don't
know off hand if they've been incorporated into Zope-2.2.1, but I'll


> "Menard" == Menard Jean-Francois <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Menard> I'm trying to use the Zieve product with my Catalog to
Menard> sort the results on a variable key.  Since the Catalog do
Menard> not return the actual objects, how can I use Zieve with
Menard> it?

Menard> Maybe an external method returning the object list?
Menard> If so, how shold I do that?

Menard> Jean-François Ménard Intranet DPAS Pratiques d'affaires et
Menard> orientations * (514) 840-3000 poste 3939 * (514) 840-5585
Menard> * [EMAIL PROTECTED] * 855 Ste-Catherine
Menard> est, 6e étage Montréal, Qué. H2L 4P5

Menard> ___ Zope
Menard> maillist - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Menard> ** No cross
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Menard> )

Zope maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: [Zope] ZClass <--> Product

2000-08-31 Thread Steve Spicklemire

Umm.. did you try it? I use it all the time...  it does really work. You just
can't use the ZClass 'folder' directly, you need to 'skip' to propertysheets/methods.



--> ftp 13021
Connected to
220 FTP server (Medusa Async V1.12.4.1 [experimental]) ready.
Name ( 
331 Password required.
230 Login successful.
Remote system type is UNIX.
Using binary mode to transfer files.
ftp> dir
227 Entering Passive Mode (208,150,70,197,9,101)
150 Opening ASCII mode data connection for file list
drwxrwx---   1 Zope Zope0 Dec 30  1998 Control_Panel
--   1 foouser Zope0 Jul  7 18:08 acl_users
-rw-rw   1 Zope Zope 1024 May  3  1999 index_html
-rw-rw   1 Zope Zope 1381 May  3  1999 standard_error_message
-rw-rw   1 Zope Zope   55 Dec 30  1998 standard_html_footer
-rw-rw   1 Zope Zope   81 Dec 30  1998 standard_html_header
226 Transfer complete
ftp> cd Control_Panel
250 CWD command successful.
ftp> dir
227 Entering Passive Mode (208,150,70,197,9,102)
150 Opening ASCII mode data connection for file list
drwxrwx---   1 Zope Zope0 Aug 31 14:55 ..
--   1 Zope Zope0 Dec 30  1998 Database
--   1 Zope Zope0 Dec 30  1998 DebugInfo
drwxrwx---   1 Zope Zope0 Aug 31 13:59 Products
--   1 Zope Zope0 Dec 30  1998 Versions
226 Transfer complete
ftp> cd Products/My_ZClasses/My_ZClass/propertysheets/methods
250 CWD command successful.
ftp> dir
227 Entering Passive Mode (208,150,70,197,9,103)
150 Opening ASCII mode data connection for file list
--   1 foouser Zope0 Aug 31 14:55 ..
-rw-rw   1 steveZope  165 Aug 31 14:55 defaultRedirect 
-r--r-   1 foouser Zope  214 Aug 31 14:55 findPrevArea 
-rw-rw   1 foouser Zope 2548 Aug 31 14:55 index_html 
-rw-rw-r--   1 foouser Zope  123 Aug 31 14:55 l-tab.gif 
-rw-rw-r--   1 foouser Zope   98 Aug 31 14:55 lb-tab.gif 
-rw-rw-r--   1 foouser Zope   93 Aug 31 14:55 r-tab.gif 
-rw-rw-r--   1 foouser Zope   91 Aug 31 14:55 rb-tab.gif 
-rw-rw-r--   1 foouser Zope   60 Aug 31 14:55 t-tab.gif 
-rw-rw-r--   1 foouser Zope   90 Aug 31 14:55 tabs-lb.gif 
-rw-rw-r--   1 foouser Zope   91 Aug 31 14:55 tabs-rb.gif 
-rw-rw-r--   1 foouser Zope   84 Aug 31 14:55 tabs.gif 
226 Transfer complete
ftp> pwd
257 "/Control_Panel/Products/My_ZClasses/My_ZClass/propertysheets/methods" is the 
current directory.
ftp> quit
221 Goodbye.> 

>>>>> "Karl" == Karl Anderson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Karl> Steve Spicklemire <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

>> How about:
>> /you@server

Karl> How about it?

Karl> Hint: that ZClass doesn't look like a directory to FTP.

>>  -steve
>> >>>>> "Karl" == Karl Anderson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
Karl> What FTP editing options are there for ZClass definitions?
Karl> I've never been able to do much.  What I have done is use
Karl> folderish ZClasses, edit DTML methods contained in the
Karl> *instance* thru FTP, and then moved them to the definition
Karl> latler, but that's kind of hacky - it adds a little more
Karl> confusion about finding things with large projects.
Karl> -- Karl Anderson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Karl> ___ Zope
Karl> maillist - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Karl> ** No cross
Karl> posts or HTML encoding!  ** (Related lists -
Karl> )
>> ___ Zope maillist -
>> cross posts or HTML encoding!  ** (Related lists -
>> )

Karl> -- Karl Anderson [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Zope maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: [Zope] ZClass <--> Product

2000-08-30 Thread Steve Spicklemire

How about:



> "Karl" == Karl Anderson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Karl> What FTP editing options are there for ZClass definitions?
Karl> I've never been able to do much.  What I have done is use
Karl> folderish ZClasses, edit DTML methods contained in the
Karl> *instance* thru FTP, and then moved them to the definition
Karl> latler, but that's kind of hacky - it adds a little more
Karl> confusion about finding things with large projects.

Karl> -- Karl Anderson [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Karl> ___ Zope
Karl> maillist - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Karl> ** No cross
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Karl> )

Zope maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: [Zope] Install problems on FreeBSD

2000-08-10 Thread Steve Spicklemire

Hi George,

> "George" == George Osvald <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

George> Install from source: demon:~/zope $ ./start Traceback
George> (innermost last): File
George> "/home/virtuals/gosvald/zope/", line 554, in ?  exec
George> "import "+MODULE in {} File "", line 1, in ?  File
George> "/home/virtuals/gosvald/zope/lib/python/Zope/",
George> line 94, in ?  import ZODB, ZODB.ZApplication, imp File
George> "/home/virtuals/gosvald/zope/lib/python/ZODB/",
George> line 85, in ?  import sys, ExtensionClass, TimeStamp,
George> cPersistence, Persistence ImportError:
George> /home/virtuals/gosvald/zope/lib/python/
George> Undefined symbol "PyMethod_Type" demon:/zope $

This looks like a problem with the shared library you've built. You
shouldn't need root access to build Zope. Did you install the python
port, or did you build your own python?

George> install from binaries: demon:~/zope2 $ ./start 'import
George> site' failed; use -v for traceback Traceback (innermost
George> last): File "/home/virtuals/gosvald/zope2/", line
George> 524, in ?  import ZServer ImportError: No module named
George> ZServer demon:/zope $

This looks like a problem with your python binary's idea of
PYTHONPATH. What happens when you type 'python' on the command
line? Do you get 'import site failed'?


George> George Osvald OK Studio [EMAIL PROTECTED]
George> Ph: (02) 9792 8501 Fax: (02)
George> 9792 8502 Mob: 0411 766 792 PO Box 552 Padstow NSW 2211

George> ___ Zope
George> maillist - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
George> ** No cross
George> posts or HTML encoding!  ** (Related lists -
George> )

Zope maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: [Zope] Zope + Apache on FreeBSD 4.0 problems

2000-08-03 Thread Steve Spicklemire

Hi Peter,

   Hmm... I've never seen this problem, and I've been using
pcgi/FreeBSD since 2.2.8. I have however seen another problem:

that has never really been resolved. I'm going to try your
net.local magic to see if that has an effect. I tried the
FreeBSD lists at one time, and never got any response. Maybe
it's time to try them again


> "Peter" == Peter Haight <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Peter> This is due to some sysctl settings:
Peter> and
Peter> They are set to 8192.

Peter> I adjusted mine to 65536 using the following two commands:
Peter> sysctl -w sysctl -w

Zope maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: [Zope] request for advice

2000-08-02 Thread Steve Spicklemire

Hi Folks,

ZCVSMixin is coming along... there are several things that need to be
done, but I've been on vacation.. I'm thinking of some kind of
fishbowl proposal, but there might be something that could be done
easily to allow it to work 'as is' on Windows. (I run windows only
when I am forced to ;-> ) Here is the only code in ZCVSMixin that
currently makes it fail on Windows:

> #
> # zope doesn't like forking... so let's just be dumb and use files
> # rather than pipes..
> #
> stdoutFname = tempfile.mktemp()
> stderrFname = tempfile.mktemp()
> cmd = 'sh -v -c "%s" >%s 2>%s' % (command, stdoutFname, stderrFname)
> zLOG.LOG('ZCVSMixin', zLOG.BLATHER, 'processing streams.. "%s"' % cmd)
> iresult = os.system(cmd)
> zLOG.LOG('ZCVSMixin', zLOG.BLATHER, 'checking result .. "%i"' % iresult)
> resultStd = open(stdoutFname).read()
> resultErr = open(stderrFname).read()
> os.remove(stdoutFname)
> os.remove(stderrFname)
> zLOG.LOG('ZCVSMixin', zLOG.BLATHER, 'Got result.. "%s"' % resultStd)
> zLOG.LOG('ZCVSMixin', zLOG.BLATHER, 'Got err result.. "%s"' % resultErr)
> return iresult, resultStd, resultErr

I started with popen2 and friends.. but that didn't seem to play well
with Zope... probably mixing processes and threads is a bad idea... I
dunno. Anyway I'm not sure of the best way to do this in Windows. Of
course, ulitmately Shane Hathaway's idea of having a separate 'mini
cvs servelet' process running that zope communicates with via tcp/ip
could be the best way to add security and platform independence, but
it sounds like a fair amount of extra complexity to me, esp when I
don't have a lot of 'free time' to implement such a strategy.

Any thoughts about this? 

Also.. I'm trying to find a sane way to handle folder hierarchies with
ZCVSMixin. The main problem I have is separating the attributes of
containers with their contents. Right now the export/import code
treats folderish objects as a 'clump'. I think need a sort of
'export contents' and 'export attributes' protocol so that folders
under CVS control can export their attributes (as if it were some
'content') into some 'special' file, then delegate the exportation of
their contents to the CVS Folder.

Any thoughts about this appreciated! ;-)

> "Chris" == Chris McDonough <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Chris> Steve Spicklmire has also written the ZCVSMixin product
Chris> (which I've never actually used) that might let you
Chris> integration filesystem versioning with Zope more easily as
Chris> well...

>> -Original Message- From: Patrick Lewis
>> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] Sent: Friday, July 21, 2000 12:50 PM
>> To: '[EMAIL PROTECTED]' Subject: Re: [Zope] request for advice
>> On Fri, Jul 21, 2000 at 04:29:01PM +0100, Seb Bacon wrote: >
>> Hello folks,
>> > 
>> > I'm just beginning to design my first big Zope application.
>> I'm writing to > ask zopististitiatatas for some advice, since
>> I'm a bit of a newbie and I > want to make sure:
>> > 
>> > [a] I reuse as much code as possible > [b] I make my code as
>> reusable as possible > [c] my application is stable and
>> scalable
>> > 


Zope maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: [Zope] Zope + Apache on FreeBSD 4.0 problems

2000-07-15 Thread Steve Spicklemire

Hi John,

   There are no 'tricks' that I am aware of... for 'straight'
Zope. Some 3rd party products may require modules that are not in the
'default' Python port, but that's easily fixed... I'm running Zope
2.1.6 on several FreeBSD 4.0s boxen. Can you be a little more specific
about the error?


> "jholland" == jholland  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

jholland> I'm having trouble getting pcgi working for Zope 2.16 on
jholland> Apache 1.3.12 on FreeBSD 4.0. I had hope the BSd ports
jholland> would set it up but it seems that there is a problem of
jholland> some sort with my install.

jholland> Zope.cgi produces output but kind of maimed.

jholland> I did get Zope.cgi working with IIS and NT (ugh) at
jholland> work.

jholland> Any tricks or anything would be appreciated.

jholland> John Holland - ---

jholland> Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Web:
jholland> Public key : finger -s or

jholland> -BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE- Version: PGP 6.5.2

jholland> iQA/AwUBOW/O7RPWCCE2yAKHEQIO1ACg9ZqBAVcnICmKG4m7UH4lYIqigbwAn3U6
jholland> ylPYJcO5GBP+hCSvARxRzZuc =RakZ -END PGP
jholland> SIGNATURE-

jholland> ___ Zope
jholland> maillist - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
jholland> ** No cross
jholland> posts or HTML encoding!  ** (Related lists -
jholland> )

Zope maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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[Zope] ANN: Zieve 0.1.0 no longer needs cookies.. flexible sorting...

2000-07-11 Thread Steve Spicklemire

On the list I've often seen complaints about 

 not being dynamic enough. I cooked
up a solution some time ago "Zieve", but the first release required
each user to get a cookie to store their preferred sort order, and
to rank sort order according to the history of their clicks. Zieve-0-1-0
still allows that behavior, but no longer requires it. Below is the current
REAME. Let me know if it works for you! Since cookies are not needed
you can drop a Zieve in at the root of your project and acquire it anywhere
below that. It can then be called on as sort of a 'helper' to sort in all
sorts of situations. You can sort on any attributes, in any order. Anyway,
if *you're* frustrated with sorting problems... check it out!




Zieve 0-1-0

Zieve is a Z-subclassable class that assists in sorting arbitrary Zope
Objects in various ways. It allows developers to sort objects
dynamically with primary, secondary etc keys, and provides an
easy means to include dynmically sortable objects in other documents.

What's New in 0-1-0: 

  * No longer requires Cookies! (Yeah!)

  * More logical parameter names.

What was new last time:

  * A snappy new icon. ;-) 

  * Stand alone product, no longer needs to be subclassed 
to be useable. 

  * Example table in manage_tabs for perusal 

  * Editing of meta_types and default sort order from management 
interface reduces coding in dtml docs..

Here is some DTML from a DTMLMethod that uses a zclass derived 
from Zieve to do some sorting...

This displays a table heading with links that dynamically resort the
table according to which link was clicked last. The secondary,
tertiary, ...etc keys are remembered from prior clicks

Here is an example::
  Sorry.. there are no objects to sort..

Of course.. a Zieve is smart enough to display objects in a sortable table
all on it's own, if you like... Just 'view' it!


Zope maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: [Zope] delete objet via a form

2000-07-08 Thread Steve Spicklemire

This seems to work:




> "FR" == FR Chalaoux <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

FR> Hi Zopper,

FR> The Use case ==

FR> 1/ Display file objets from a folder

FR> 2/ Select objets to delete

FR> 3/ Delete these objets

FR> 4/ Refresh the document

FR> My solution is based on 2 DTML methods but it does not work
FR> for me. The documents are not deleted and no refresh of the
FR> page.

FR> Help is welcome.


FR> DTML Method delete_form   standard_html_header>   ACTION="http://localhost:8080/Common/Documents/delete"
FR> method="POST">  sort=id>  VALUE="">  
FR> standard_html_footer>

FR> DTML Method delete ===  "manage_delObjects(REQUEST['ids'])">  "RESPONSE.redirect(URL1 + '/delete_form')">

FR> ___ Zope maillist
FR> No cross posts or HTML encoding!  ** (Related lists -
FR> )

Zope maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: [Zope] generate a list of date

2000-07-04 Thread Steve Spicklemire

How about:

> "F" == F Richter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

F> Hello, I want generate and show a list of days in a period.

F> For instance: (period from 2000-06-07 to 2000-06-30)

F> 2000-06-07, 2000-06-08, 2000-06-08 ... 2000-06-30

F> How can I do this???  -- By Frank

F> ___ Zope maillist -
F> cross posts or HTML encoding!  ** (Related lists -
F> )

Zope maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: [Zope] ZCatalog counting?

2000-06-27 Thread Steve Spicklemire

OK.. how about one more little special case

There are 
items of type Folder.

untested of course. ;-)


RDM wrote:

On Tue, 27 Jun 2000, Rik Hoekstra wrote:
> To quote a mail by RD Murray from a gew days ago:
>  How do I find the size of the results returned by the catalog?
>   <-- the results' length -->

Hmm.  That wasn't my code.  I'd suggest instead (untested, but I've
used similar code in my own products):

  There are  items of type Folder.

I'm not sure what the relative advantages of these two code
snippets would be, but the latter does stick purely to dtml.


Zope maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Zope maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: [Zope] Dynamic sorting key?

2000-06-22 Thread Steve Spicklemire

This is (mostly) the point if Zieve:

the good news is it's much more powerful
than 'sort='. The bad news is it's much more complex
than 'sort='. It also (currently) uses a cookie
for each Zieve instance. I'd love any feedback on
making this product more useful/friendly.


> "Dieter" == Dieter Maurer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Dieter> Zoper writes:
>> ..., however I would like to sort on different key by different
>> paramenter...
>> something like "... sort=REQUEST['sort_by'] ..." (doesn't work)
>> where sort_by from URL parameter maybe "id", "title", "getSize"
>> or "bobobase_modification_time", etc...
Dieter> This is a known weakness.

Dieter> AFAIK, there is currently no way to treat values for
Dieter> "sort" as expressions.  You may try,

Dieter> ... sort="REQUEST['sort_by']" ...

Dieter> (note the "..."!), but it will probably not work.

Dieter> It, obviously, is useful, but I believe nobody has
Dieter> implemented it yet.

Dieter> Dieter

Dieter> ___ Zope
Dieter> maillist - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Dieter> ** No cross
Dieter> posts or HTML encoding!  ** (Related lists -
Dieter> )

Zope maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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[Zope] Re: [Zope-dev] Zope ...2.1.7 update - patch for EMarket 0.1.03

2000-06-16 Thread Steve Spicklemire

Hi Adam,

I looked at your patch...

*** Thu Jun 01 00:06:01 2000
---  Fri Jun 16 02:56:35 2000
*** 258,265 
  newMainF.transactionFolder = newTransF
  Products.MailHost.MailHost.add(newMainF, 'eMarketMailhost',
!smtp_host = smtp_host,
!localhost = localhost)
  theMailHost = getattr(newMainF,'eMarketMailhost')  ### TODO... change documents 
that send mail to be proxies for Manager
--- 258,264 
  newMainF.transactionFolder = newTransF
  Products.MailHost.MailHost.add(newMainF, 'eMarketMailhost',
!smtp_host = smtp_host)
  theMailHost = getattr(newMainF,'eMarketMailhost')  ### TODO... change documents 
that send mail to be proxies for Manager

Looking at the source, it's not clear what was broken by the localhost
line in the factory. so what was the error that prompted the patch?


Zope maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: [Zope] Re: [ZCommerce] Secure storage of credit card info

2000-06-09 Thread Steve Spicklemire

> "RDM" == R David Murray <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

RDM> On Thu, 8 Jun 2000, Bill Anderson wrote:
>> Personally, I would store the actual data on a seperate server,
>> not accessible to the public.

RDM> Mmm.  Yes, that makes it more secure.  Still leaves the
RDM> question of encryption/decryption of the data and key
RDM> management, but it makes the cracking a lot less likely.  And
RDM> Steve's EMarket product is designed for that scenario.

RDM> I'd like to also have a one-box solution, though.  Based on
RDM> some comments by one of the eTailor folks I'm now trying to
RDM> see if I can structure the user/merchant interface so that
RDM> the server doesn't need to decrypt the stuff without human
RDM> intervention.

When I was originally setting up EMarket I wanted to do a 'two-box'
solution, but I only had one box handy at the moment. I set up a
second Zope instance on the same box to handle transactions (behind
apache-ssl) and it worked pretty well for testing. Of course if you
have only one box for production, you could use the same setup. So
there's no reason to make a solution 'one box' or 'two box', but it
could be 'one box.. two Zopes!'. ;-)



RDM> ___ ZCommerce

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