Re: [Gimp-developer] Re: Are aliases needed at all?

2006-09-28 Thread Dave Neary


Manish Singh a écrit :

I think policing it at all is silly.

That's unacceptable. And it's not your decision to make.

One really should evaluate emails on the actual *content*, and
not what the From address says. There are several active contributors
who do not use addresses, assuming their comments should have
"less weight" is rather rude. 

I *am* judging the content. The content is crap, often abusive, and to 
my mind obviously unacceptable behaviour for a community member. But 
someone coming to the project for the first time doesn't have the same 
ability to make that judgement.

Can we please stop cluttering the development mailing list with this

There's an easy way to do that - ban Carol from the list and remove her email address alias. Or get out of the way and let someone else 
do it.


Gimp-developer mailing list

Re: [Gimp-developer] Re: Are aliases needed at all?

2006-09-27 Thread Dave Neary

Following up to myself, with a minor correction:

Dave Neary a écrit :
But that would need the domain owner (yosh) to make the 
change, and that's not going to happen soon.

The domain is owned by Shawn Amundson (snorfle), but he hasn't been 
involved in the GIMP for a long time and yosh is the man who controls 
the domain.

I'm open to suggestions if you have any other ideas. 

So another idea is to persuade Shawn to move everything to 
another server (perhaps somewhere in's colo to take 
advantage of their sysadmin team?), update the DNS records and move on 
with our lives with new sysadmins.


Gimp-developer mailing list

Re: [Gimp-developer] Re: Are aliases needed at all?

2006-09-27 Thread Dave Neary

Hi Sven,

Sven Neumann a écrit :

That was probably the most stupid direction that you could have steered
this discussion into. Thanks for ruining an effort to actually discuss a
problem that we seem unable to deal with.

Right - because otherwise we would surely have dealt with the problem.

As long as yosh defends carol's use of the email address, and 
refuses to answer any mails asking him to remove that address, then all 
we're doing by talking about it is wasting everyone's time.

I sent a mail last week publicly asking for yosh to talk about his 
policies for domains and email addresses, and he hasn't 
answered. We have both publicly asked for carol's email address to be 
removed. What do you think will change the situation?

If yosh is the blockage, then we need to convince yosh to remove carol's email address, or route around him. If routing around him means 
changing name & domain name, why shouldn't that be brought up as a 
possibility? The other way to route around him is to move the domain 
somewhere else, and have our mailing lists hosted somewhere where the 
archives work. But that would need the domain owner (yosh) to make the 
change, and that's not going to happen soon.

I'm open to suggestions if you have any other ideas.


Gimp-developer mailing list

[Gimp-developer] Re: Are aliases needed at all?

2006-09-26 Thread Dave Neary


Sven Neumann said:
> We can't (and shouldn't) stop her from

expressing her opinion (or however you want to call it), but we should
make sure that her words don't appear as being in any way official. If
this means that we all need to stop using our email addresses,
then we should consider to do this. Or we need to find a different

We could rename the GIMP to something else like GNU masterstroke 
(note: not a suggestion, we should make sure the .com, .net & .org 
domains are available), change the domain of all the official websites, 
and implement a decent code of conduct for .org usage, with an 
accountable group of community members maintaining the domain.

That way, would become an irrelevant historical artifact. And 
one of the most common complaints from our American users (for whom the 
GIMP means more than just a chatracter in Pulp Fiction) goes away in the 


Gimp-developer mailing list

[Gimp-developer] email addresses (was: Re: requesting a change in the defaults)

2006-09-22 Thread Dave Neary


Manish Singh said:
> On Fri, Sep 22, 2006 at 11:03:48AM +0200, Alex Fernandez wrote:
>>> i cannot give any kind of
>>> logical reason for it and probably you should do the right thing and
>>> trash this suggestion of mine.
>> Yes, it is the usual email pollution.
> You're guilty of the same. Looking at the archives, you speak up far
> more often to criticize others than to contribute constructively.
> Heed your own words and stop being a hypocrite.

Alex (and others who don't know),

Yosh is the maintainer of the domain, including subdomains and
email addresses. He holds all the power over our DNS, SSH access, IRC,
mail servers and so on. He also remains somewhat connected to XCF in
Berkeley, where our mail servers continue to be housed.

So if there seems to be a lack of coherence in the policies,
yosh is the man to talk to (in fact, I would like to hear his opinions
on that subject on-list).


David Neary

Gimp-developer mailing list

[Gimp-developer] Re: Gimp-developer Digest, Vol 48, Issue 12

2006-09-11 Thread Dave Neary


Sven said:
> Correction: the vector layer code is in its own branch and it is not
> going to be part of the 2.4 release. It will not be merged to HEAD until
> after the 2.4 release.

Simon said:
> That is not correct, the code is in the soc2006-vector-layers branch in
> CVS and will not be merged with HEAD before 2.4, since this is such a
> drastic change, that needs way more user testing before we release it in
> the wild.
> That having said, I am really glad about this project, it works quite
> nicely already, although there is of course a lot of room for polishing.

Thanks for the corrections.

Alexander asked:
> Divyanshu's blog has no download links, knows
> nothing about "wavelet" and it's not clear if his code is going to
> make its way to 2.4 or after 2.4, or will be available as plug-ins at
> sometime later. Any updates on this please?

Plug-ins are typically developped outside CVS, so they're not in the
repository. They didn't get put into the registry either, but, well, the
registry sucks a bit and badly needs replacing.

Simon listed this tarball as the place to get the source code in the
Google SoC report.

> Considered he started well, is there some initial code for others to start 
> from?

No idea. You could ask Andrey himself, or his mentor, Michael Schumacher.


David Neary

Gimp-developer mailing list

[Gimp-developer] Evaluation fo the project by SoC students

2006-09-01 Thread Dave Neary

Hi all,

I plan to email the GIMP's Summer of Code students a small number of
questions relating to their experiences of the Summer of Code with the GIMP.

It's important for us as a project to evaluate how we're doing with new
contributors, and accept criticism which helps us improve. The Summer of
Code is an ideal opportunity to evaluate how our community is doing at
welcoming new contributors. Such feedback will also be important for
future Summer of Code initiatives (or similar projects) to establish
from the get-go what we can do to make contributing a pleasant experience.

I have a list of 10 questions, which I think is a nice number, split
roughly into 3 groups: evaluation of the mentor, the community and the
project overall. Any comments people have are welcome - I plan to send
these out after the weekend, but hopefully before students find out if
they were successful or not.

== Mentor ==
 * Overall, was your mentor helpful in your SoC project? (Very helpful:
Moderately helpful - Answered my questions, but I expected more: Was not
very responsive: No help at all)
 * Would you ask your mentor for help again if you continue to work on
the GIMP? (Definitely: Probably not)
 * Did your mentor meet your expectations? (Exceeded expectations: Met
expectations: Did not meet expectations)

== Community ==
 * How has your experience with the GIMP developer community been?
(Excellent: Good: Poor: No interraction)
 * Have you found it easy to get involved in the project and find your
way around the various resources that exist? (Yes: No)
 * Which of the following ressources have you used during your SoC
project (Personal email to my mentor: public mailing lists: Wiki: CVS:
Bugzilla: IRC)
 * How would you evaluate each of these ressources in terms of its
usefulness to your project? (Excellent: Good: Poor: Horrible)

== Project ==
 * Would you recommend to a friend that they work on the GIMP if they
wanted to get involved in free software? (Definitely: Probably not)
 * Would you recommend to a friend that they contact your mentor to get
involved in the GIMP? (Definitely: Probably not)
 * Overall, how has your experience of SoC been?

David Neary

Gimp-developer mailing list

[Gimp-developer] On holidays, and summary of GIMP money

2006-08-04 Thread Dave Neary

Hi all,

>From this evening (in about an hour) I will be on vacation, and away
from a computer (yes, 100%) until August 28th. I've disabled mail from
the lists, but if anyone urgently needs approval for a GIMP expense,
Sven and mitch can both approve expenditure from the GIMP fund at GNOME.

As I said on IRC last night, in case anyone is wondering, the GIMP
currently has roughly $21,000 in the GNOME fund. It was donated for the
development of the GIMP, and should be used for expenditures which
further the goals of the GIMP project. I was pressed for an answer on
what I thought that kind of expenditure might be, and here's a subset of
the answers I gave:

1. Paying for the GIMP user manual to get into a publishable state, and
get it published
2. Paying for travel/participation in certain conferences which have the
potential to bring attention, money or people to the project
3. Paying to improve our infrastructure (reminder: there's a $500 cheque
waiting for yosh, and I'm waiting for a quote for off-site back-up)
4. Paying for GIMP conferences and get-togethers (although I really
think we should fundraise for conferences, as I did this year and in

Things I don't think we should spend money on:
1. Hardware for individual developers (computers, scanners, cameras,
tablets, etc). We should try to fundraise for this when people can fill
a specific need (working on GIMP support for a tablet, for example), but
in general buying people toys isn't useful
2. A server - in spite of what I said in point 3 above, I think we
should be using our great contacts with GNOME, RedHat, HP, Canonical and
others to get hosting, get use of servers and services outside of XCF,
and make our sysadmin process more transparent, rather than spending
money on hardware which could be donated
3. Sending people to any old conference - in general, if you're giving a
talk on the GIMP in a conference, we should ask the conference organiser
first, the GIMP second for sponsorship. And I don't think it's
appropriate to pay for travel from London to Boston for someone to man a
stand, even though I was prepared to do this last month. We should
instead work on building up a good group of people worldwide who can
give GIMP presentations and man GIMP stands, and make sure they're

So that's my summary of GIMP money - there may be some opposition to
some of these things, so let's have at 'em.


David Neary

Gimp-developer mailing list

Re: [Gimp-developer] Gimp Perspective Clone Tool

2006-08-03 Thread Dave Neary

Hi Pedro,

Pedro Alonso said:
> I am developing Gimp Perspective Clone Tool in the context of SOC.
> Currently the status of the project is:

> - Now I have to develop a gui so the user may define the perspective
> plane in a similar way that they do via perspective tool. Using
> GimpTransformTool. I don't know how to do that :S

How about a GUI similar to the SIOX tool, with a first step where you
set the perspective, and a second where you paint? Workflow would go
like this:

1. choose perspective tool
2. In image, clicking brings up a perspective tool wireframe (not
preview). I manipulate the wireframe as I would for the perspective
tool. To finish, I double-click the image.
3. The wireframe stays on the image (perhaps there needs to be a reset
button in the tool options to allow me to reset and choose another
perspective?) - this probably isn't necessary, but might be useful.
4. I choose a source as with the clone tool (Ctrl-click)
5. I draw (the active brush is used), and the source I take from the
image is transformed using the transformation matrix of the transform tool.

This seems like a pretty tricky interface to use, but it's an idea - and
it sounds like there's lots of opportunity to reuse existing
functionality to get your transformation matrix.

I remember that Cameron Barton was asking for similar functionality to
this some years ago. Cam, are you still around? Want to give some
interface ideas?


David Neary

Gimp-developer mailing list

[Gimp-developer] Building healthy community

2006-07-28 Thread Dave Neary


During OSCon, Ben Collins-Sussman and Brian Fitzpatrick of Subversion
fame gave a talk which was apparently very interesting on how free
software projects can survive poisonous people.

There's lots of good advice in there, including:
 * Document your community, decisions and processes
 * Have healthy collaboration practices
 * Avoid names in source code - use revision history for documenting who
did what, to avoid ownership of code/modules

Anyway, it seems pertinent for the GIMP developers community, and
perhaps a starting point for putting in place some better practices.


David Neary

Gimp-developer mailing list

[Gimp-developer] Patches (was: Re: It's getting worse...)

2006-07-27 Thread Dave Neary


Michael Schumacher wrote:
> The preferred way to submit patches is to attach them to the
> corresponding bug in Bugzilla. It is easier to keep track of them there,
> e.g. by indicating that they need work, obsoleting old ones by newly
> added ones etc.
> See for more hints about GIMP development.

I know you're trying to be helpful here, but when someone submits a
patch (by any medium), I think our first response should be "thank you".

Since this is Karl's first patch, it would be nice to put the patch in
Bugzilla for him, and say "Thanks Karl! I've attached your patch to the
bugzilla report for review." I'm guessing Karl is a smart guy, and would
deduce "Ah - patches should probably be submitted in Bugzilla for
review". I've noticed that Sven does things like that regularly, by the way.

If your first response is "you're doing it wrong - here's how to send a
patch", the chances of a next time are reduced. Now, I know I'm slightly
exaggerating the tone, but small stuff like this makes a difference in
making a place more welcoming and friendly, and we should all try to
make the developers mailing list more welcoming and friendly.


David Neary

Gimp-developer mailing list

Re: [Gimp-developer] fact roundup

2006-07-24 Thread Dave Neary

Bratsche said:
> Since nobody has provided that information yet, consider these two
> possibilities:

Correction, I gave that information.


David Neary

Gimp-developer mailing list

Re: [Gimp-developer] Re: Gimp-developer Digest, Vol 46, Issue 16

2006-07-18 Thread Dave Neary

Answering the two questions asked.

Carol Spears wrote:
> i have the expectation that you and others working with things here have
> at least some familiarity with the community and a consistent presence.  
> can you tell me clearly what is wrong with this expectation?

On the one hand, nothing. On the other hand, since this mailing list has
consistently gone down in quality in recent years, and since most of
what I would like to see happen on this list appears to happen on IRC
(or so I'm told), perhaps being subscribed to this list doesn't count as
"a consistent presence". Oh - and I do have at least some familiarity
with the community.

> for instance, in your plans, are there any GIMP people involved yet?

No - Mukund volunteered to go, but will not be able to get a visa for
the US. No-one from the US on gimp-user or gimp-developer has offered to
go and man the stand. I know that both yosh and pippin will be around,
but neither will be available for the stand, apparently.

Help would be appreciated. Particularly from US based artists. Which is
why I posted my initial request on gimp-user, not gimp-developer.

But then, this particular call for help is probably useless, since I
suspect that you & I are the only two people interested in this thread
anymore. Although even that is probably not true.


David Neary

Gimp-developer mailing list

Re: [Gimp-developer] Re: Gimp-developer Digest, Vol 46, Issue 16

2006-07-18 Thread Dave Neary

Carol Spears wrote:
> the letter has been deleted from the reply.  maybe you could paste the
> email and be real clear about what i am missing.

> it is less than participating in a real exchange.  it screws up
> threading.

Is that my problem, or yours? I change the subject line usually - didn't
this time, since the subject was the digest.

> i believe that if you look at the letter i wrote again, you will see
> that i am asking nicely and with a little bit of humor that you work
> with a little more honesty.

I missed that. So can you clarify, please, in what sense I'm being
dishonest? Also, if you could be very precise and explain to me why you
think that I am somehow making GNOME eat Wilber, that would be helpful.

> how could this be aggressive?

So - for clarification for my little brain: you're calling me dishonest,
incompetent, you're implying that somehow I'm stealing GIMP money (if
that's not the case, please explain what you mean by
Carol said:
> in fact, perhaps jimmac can find the time to make a tee shirt that
> states that wilber is dead.  gnome can just steal gimps money and get it
> over with.

Now, in the light of all that, can you explain to me how that's not


David Neary

Gimp-developer mailing list

Re: [Gimp-developer] Re: Gimp-developer Digest, Vol 46, Issue 16

2006-07-18 Thread Dave Neary


Carol Spears wrote:
> i keep looking for some sign of competence in this letter.  dave is my
> friend and i am certain that he is competent to conduct this GIMP
> business, but i am looking for actual evidence of this in this email in
> particular.

Pray tell - what evidence is there to the contrary?

> personally, i would feel more confident in dave's competency in this
> position if he would feel passionate enough about it to actually read
> the gimp mail lists and even quit a few times since he feels strongly
> about things.

So reading a mailing list through a digest is not reading a list? I
don't understand. And I did quit, remember?

I'm feeling all this aggression Carol - is there something you'd like to
get off your chest?


David Neary

Gimp-developer mailing list

[Gimp-developer] XCF format specification

2006-07-06 Thread Dave Neary



Wow! When you said you were putting it on your TODO list, I wasn't
expecting it this quick, or this complete. This is amazing work.

The only think that I can see which is obviously missing is a definition
of the effect of layer modes and masks on compositing.

> I would like to contribute it as a replacement for xcf.txt, but I
> would like it to be correct first.

While that's an admirable goal, it's already vastly better than what's
there already. So I think the sooner we get this into devel-docs the better.


David Neary

Gimp-developer mailing list

[Gimp-developer] Re: SoC mentors & students: mid-term evaluations!

2006-07-03 Thread Dave Neary


Michael Schumacher wrote:
> to every mentor of our Summer of Code (GSoC) projects: please do not
> forget to submit the mid-term evaluations for the Google Summer of Code.
> They are due on July 5th, 2006.

Thanks Michael for sending this reminder.

> Google's main communications channel towards the SoC admins and mentors
> is the group/list Summer-Administrators-2006, to be found at
> It is recommended to be subscribed there.

For mentors, it is not just recommended to be subscribed here, it is a
requirement - as in this case, important information about the program
is sent to this list, and I have been working on the assumption that all
GIMP mentors are subscribed there.

In fact, I had understood that mentors were automatically subscribed to
the list on being accepted as mentors - this is what happened for me.

Are there any mentors not on this list?


David Neary

Gimp-developer mailing list

[Gimp-developer] Getting the GIMP to work well on a OLPC laptop

2006-06-06 Thread Dave Neary


As the SoC administrators probably know, the OLPC project is entering a
phase soon, where they will be making a very limited amount of laptops
(no more than 1 per project requesting) to free software application

I thought maybe someone here might be interested in getting one, and
would have the time to do profiling and memory work with a small screen
laptop to reduce the footprint and increase the speed of the GIMP in
that kind of environment. One other constraint, you don't have any (or
much) hard disk - swapping times out is an expensive operation.

Is anyone interested? If you don't have time to spend on this, the
greater good is probably best served by letting another project have
one, but it would be great to have a faster smaller GIMP.


David Neary

Gimp-developer mailing list

[Gimp-developer] Possibility of a stand in Siggraph

2006-05-10 Thread Dave Neary


There's a decent possibility of having a stand very cheap (proper island stand,
partially sponsored, in the main conference area) which we would share with
Blender and some other projects (Ton from Blender's co-ordinating). I would
love to have the GIMP represented at a top flight conference like this, and
think it's worth the money - the GIMP's part of the pie would be between $1K
and $2K, depending on the levels of sponsorship, whether we bed in with the
GNOME guys, etc.

I think this is the kind of thing we should be doing more, and we definitely
have some budget to spend on it. What say ye?

And if we do join up, who would like to represent us, do some demos, etc?
Someone in the Boston area would be best, but we can probably afford to
contribute to the costs of the most appropriate people if there aren't good
candidates in the area. Siggraph is in Boston from August 1st to August 3rd.


Dave Neary
Lyon, France
Gimp-developer mailing list

[Gimp-developer] Re: gimptool-2.0 installed on Windows XP?

2006-04-25 Thread Dave Neary
Hi A.J.,

A.J. Bobo wrote:
> I am interested in learning how to write plug-ins for GIMP without
> having to use script-fu. I found your tutorials and really like them.
> Unfortunately, I cannot seem to find gimptool-2.0 on my computer. I'm
> using Windows XP and GIMP 2.2.11. Was this file (and the required header
> files) not installed on Windows, or did I miss something? Where can I
> find the files I need to write and compile plug-ins? Thanks for your help.

Thanks for your praise - I always like hearing back about the articles.

I'm forwarding your mail on to the GIMP developers list, since honestly
I've never developped anything for the GIMP on Windows, and I don't know
where you might be able to get a hild of a gimptool-2.0 for the platform.

The build environment for GIMP development on Windows is a bit tricky -
I've bailed out a couple of times after getting all the dependencies
installed because of some linking issues - but if anyone can point you
in the right direction, they're probably on the gimp-dev list.


David Neary

Gimp-developer mailing list

[Gimp-developer] Re: GIMP and Google SoC (from digest)

2006-04-19 Thread Dave Neary


Michael Schumacher wrote:
>> Von: Dave Neary <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> > Hi all,
>> > 
>> > I have registered the GIMP as a mentoring organisation for the Summer of
>> > Code (I had been in contact with Google before the announcement), we
>> > should be up on the page over the next couple of days.
> It would have been nice to know this a bit earlier. As you can see in the
> other thread, we were already preparing stuff...

I was away for the weekend, when the announcement was made, but the
contact I made was last year when the GIMP wasn't in the mentoring
organisations, because no-one had asked. This year, I got in early.

I'm not taking this over, by any means. I'd like to have as little as
possible to do with it, but I'm happy being an initial point of contact.

Bill Skaggs said:
> Thanks Dave for taking the initiative.  Does this mean that you are
> volunteering to be the "coordinator", as described in the SoC FAQ?

I'm the "coordinator" - I have received the information we need to sign
up mentors, and anyone who would like to be a mentor for an SoC project
should contact me.

The role of mentors is to be present in the soc groups during the
start-up phase, commenting on GIMP project ideas, helping people refine
those ideas, and after project selection, to supervise someone's work,
be their shoulder to cry on when things are going badly, their wall to
bounce ideas off, their interface to the greater GIMP community.

We will need 3 or 4 of these, at least, perhaps more.

> We should settle on half-a-dozen well-defined project ideas, because
> having too many choices leads to brain freeze,  and people who
> want to work with GIMP but don't like any of the suggestions are
> always free to come up with ideas of their own.  And it would be
> nice to put them on a page on the developer web site as opposed to
> the Wiki.

It is much the same thing - the important thing is to have the ideas
available quickly. Either way is fine with me.

I would go for 10 or 12 decent ideas. I would rule out anything that
starts "finish...". Outside of that, there's no need to provide specs,
and ideas are there to inspire. They should be realistic, but make
people go "wow" at the same time.

> I think this timeline is unrealistic, and that it would be better
> to aim for the results of the student projects being incorporated in
> the 2.4 release.

You're probably right. But we'll need to be a bit slushy about hardening
features - 2.4 will be feature frozen when SoC finishes. We can release
a slightly buggier than usual 2.4 of course.

> 2) Resource management.  Currently resources such as brushes, gradients etc
> are shown to the user in an unstructured way, which greatly limits the number
> of items a user can deal with.  People love to make collections of things,
> so this would greatly enhance the user experience.

This and a decent plug-in distribution system are great ideas.

Sven Neumann said:
>> >  - Plug-ins: Save for web for example (too small to be a project,
>> > but could be part of one)
> IMO "Save for Web" is complex enough for a project.

I may be underestimating the effort involved, but I think I could throw
together a prototype fairly quickly.

>> >  - Effect layers - I think this is fairly straightforward with the
>> > GIMP as it is, it's a nice chunk of a project, and would be a nice
>> > feature for users
> How is this fairly straightforward with the current architecture? I
> would rather say that it is currently almost impossible to implement
> sanely.

Ah, but I'm insane.

Add a layer type for effect layers, and define 3 operations that you can
associate with the layer (to start): curves, levels and colour balance.
All the operations are pixel-by-pixel, which should make things easier.
Then hack the projection code to add a special case for an effect layer.

We'd need to evolve the xcf version number, and it probably wouldn't be
possible to do anything useful with the effects layers in earlier
versions of the GIMP (ignore seems about the best option).

> I don't see why we should wait with GEGL integration. There are people
> waiting for the 2.4 release to start this work. It would be a huge
> mistake to postpone this. The amount of GEGL integration that is
> planned for the next release is small anyway and is unlikely going to
> delay the 2.6 release.

I'm not proposing delaying gegl integration. I'm just saying that to get
the most benefit out of SoC, you need to release people's code soon
after the Summer, and the gegl integration isn't going to ship until
next Summer probably. So it seems sane to me that gegl integration start
on a branch (made straight 

[Gimp-developer] GIMP and Google SoC

2006-04-18 Thread Dave Neary

Hi all,

I have registered the GIMP as a mentoring organisation for the Summer of
Code (I had been in contact with Google before the announcement), we
should be up on the page over the next couple of days.

Our next requirement is a list of project ideas for people to take on -
these should be:
 - Suitable for an advanced student, for 10 weeks work (1/2 weeks
planning, 4 weeks coding, 2/4 weeks refining, 1/2 weeks for report)
 - Have a mentor associated
 - Be on a publicly accessible web-page (the wiki will do)
 - Be interesting and useful (perhaps it goes without saying, but
"document the API of library X" would not qualify)

I had some ideas:
 - Scripting languages and the GIMP - work on ruby or python bindings
 - Plug-ins: Save for web for example (too small to be a project, but
could be part of one)
 - Effect layers - I think this is fairly straightforward with the GIMP
as it is, it's a nice chunk of a project, and would be a nice feature
for users
 - Vector layers (or replace GFig plug-in by Inkscape plug-in?)
 - Tools - shapes, intelligent eraser?

There are lots more, but you get the idea.

The way I see these projects being integrated into CVS is:

1. Feature freeze 2.4 soon (before the end of May), for release during
the Summer
2. Create SoC branches for integration of the SoC projects
3. After release of 2.4, merge successful projects to HEAD, and release
2.5.0  (GIMP-SoC) in September. Let the branch harden for a month or so,
and release 2.6.0 off that.
4. Start gegl integration on a branch, if needs be, and integrate that
work into HEAD straight after the release of 2.6.0.

Of course, I could be on crack. But it seems like it's important (if you
look at other projects) for SoC code to be integrated into a stable
release as soon as possible if you want to keep the contributor.


David Neary

Gimp-developer mailing list

[Gimp-developer] Re: [Gimp-user] 2.4 schedule estimate?

2006-01-18 Thread Dave Neary

Hi Simon,

Selon Simon Roberts <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> Having written some software in the past, I know this is an unfair
> question, but I'm interested in the color management that's slated for
> 2.4. Can anyone point me at a time (rough waving damp fingers in the
> air) estimate for when that might be released?

gimp-developer is a more appropriate forum for the question (although I hope
that everyone there is also here). I haven't been involved in GIMP development
for a while now, so I can't really tell.

> Alternatively and also, anyone using the 2.3 version (described as
> unstable) which is available? Is it reasonable to try to use that?

I would say yes. It's not feature frozen, but it's already quite usable.

> Does
> the color management part of it work? And is the CM part likely to
> remain constant, or is it subject to total rewrite, rendering my
> learning and calibrations/profiling wasted?

It's pretty much finished, as far as I know.


Dave Neary
Lyon, France
Gimp-developer mailing list

[Gimp-developer] Travel subsidies

2005-11-10 Thread Dave Neary

Hi all,

Wisdom tells us that the best time to book flights is around 3 months 
before you travel - so I would like to start booking flights for people 
coming to the Libre Graphics Meeting, who are in need of a travel 
subsidy, in about a month.

For people coming from other projects, I'm going to hold off a little to 
see what the sponsorship situation looks like, but since the GIMP has 
built up a donation stockpile over the last year, I don't need to wait 
for sponsor approval for GIMPers.

Please let me know if you need a subsidy, do me a favour and price your 
tickets before you let me know, so that I know how much they cost, and I 
will do my best to get tickets sorted ASAP.

A reminder for those who have been asleep: the libre graphics meeting 
will bring together users and developers of free software graphics 
programs, and the GIMP development community will be there in force. The 
conference will be on the 17th, 18th and 19th of March, in CPE Lyon. You 
should probably arrange to arrive on the 16th, since we have an early 
start Friday morning with the conference because of the students.


David Neary

Gimp-developer mailing list

[Gimp-developer] Another nice donation

2005-09-30 Thread Dave Neary

Hi all,

Just letting people know that we got a nice donation to the GIMP of 
$1000 from people at

In the words of Matthew Lim, who was the guy who asked that they donate, 
and he said his boss was "willing to donate $1000 [...] because the GIMP 
saves us money over Adobe".

In the next couple of days, I'd like to update the donors page to 
acknowledge the money coming in through the friends of GIMP (I may not 
have time for the next few days though). If anyone else is able to help 
with this, it would be appreciated. Please email me if you have 3 or 4 
hours of availability to do some drudge work over the next couple of 
weeks. And you like that kind of thing :)


David Neary

Gimp-developer mailing list

[Gimp-developer] Feedback on Summer of Google

2005-07-02 Thread Dave Neary

Hi all,

Someone (Michael Schumacher, I think) pinged me on IRC asking if I had 
any news on the google projects awards.

As you know, we weren't in the list of sponsoring projects, so we added 
some ideas at the very end (the day before the closing date) to the 
GNOME proposals. Since GNOME kind of fumbled the ball on the Google 
thing too, there are (to my knowledge) no GIMP related projects chosen 
as part of GNOME's quota, and there are no standalone GIMP projects either.

I've been in touch with Chris DiBona, and hopefully next time we'll be 
involved, and both GIMP and GNOME will be better represented.


David Neary

Gimp-developer mailing list

Re: [Gimp-developer] Google Summer of Code - urgent

2005-06-13 Thread Dave Neary


Dave Neary wrote:
Add these two bounties to (module gnomeweb-wml in 
GNOME CVS, directory edit bounties.xml, run

mono build.exe
for i in *.php; do php $i > ${i#php}html; done


Yeah, seriously. The bounties are a Novell thing at the origin, 
remember? You could of course create/modify the HTML files by hand as an 
alternative, but then the next time someone runs that mono script, those 
changes will get overwritten.


David Neary

Gimp-developer mailing list

[Gimp-developer] Google Summer of Code - urgent

2005-06-13 Thread Dave Neary


We got an OK last week to add a couple of GIMP projects to the GNOME 
bounties, but unfortunately, this didn't get done. I didn't have time to 
do the necessary (modifying the bounties on

The due date is tomorrow for projects, so if someone were to add two 
GIMP projects to the GNOME "bounties" page listing a contact as the 
gimp-dev list, or some other address, and post a news item about it, 
there is a chance that we will get the work done.

The two suggestions which seemed to get the most traction were a plug-in 
distribution system and a vector-based shapes tool. Simon agreed to 
mentor someone on the shapes tool, we need a mentor for the plug-in 
system. There is a related resource distribution project for gDesklets 
in the bounties already - some coordination might be possible.

So - the actions (time-sensitive) are:

Add these two bounties to (module gnomeweb-wml in GNOME 
CVS, directory edit bounties.xml, run

mono build.exe
for i in *.php; do php $i > ${i#php}html; done
cvs add files which need adding
cvs ci

Post a news item with a link to the relevant page to

Send a mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] and [EMAIL PROTECTED] letting us know that 
you've done that.

If this gets done today, there's a chance that someone will pick up 
these as a last-minute project. Otherwise, the boat will be missed.

Apologies on my part for not being clear last week that I would not have 
the time to do the above - I was pretty clear about it on IRC, but then 
IRC doesn't count.


David Neary

Gimp-developer mailing list

Re: [Gimp-developer] Proposing projects for the Summer of Code

2005-06-03 Thread Dave Neary


Manish Singh a écrit :

There are also persistent parasites that can be attached to the app.
This is how the png plugin stores its default settings currently. They
are backed by /parasiterc.

Jay pointed this out too. Thanks for the info.

The main point to bear in mind is that this should be trivial for a 
plug-in author.

The most convenient way would be to handle it transparently, but I can't
think of a way that doesn't involve larger infastructure changes.

It's a 3 month project, infrastructure changes are possible :)

The hard part is a simple API that handles portable data serialization.

We have that, don't we? At least, that was my understanding of the 
gimprc objects.

David Neary

Gimp-developer mailing list

Re: [Gimp-developer] Proposing projects for the Summer of Code

2005-06-03 Thread Dave Neary

Hi Jay,

Jay Cox a écrit :

On Thu, 2005-06-02 at 18:41 +0200, Dave Neary wrote:
 - Work on a framework to make plug-in settings saveable across 
sessions (this might be done now, is it?)

Persistent parasites can easily be used for this. Parasites are not the
ideal solution and I'm not sure how many plugins use them.

Parasites are not an ideal solution for this. You would idieally want a 
GimpPluginSettings object which you can then save/load with 
gimp_plugin_settings_save|load(). The storage should be a file, or part 
of the existing gimprc file (given RML's talk on many small files, this 
might be better). Persistent parasites have a problem - either they're 
per session or per (image|drawable). If they're per session, then the 
next time you start up all your plug-ins have reverted to their 
defaults. If they're per image, then you have to change your defaults 
for each application.

The main point to bear in mind is that this should be trivial for a 
plug-in author.

PS:  I think you would need a time machine to get photoshop 10 by this
summer :)

OK, so I've made enough of a fool of myself :) I'm not a Photoshop user, 


David Neary

Gimp-developer mailing list

[Gimp-developer] Proposing projects for the Summer of Code

2005-06-02 Thread Dave Neary


There are lots of Summer project sized tasks around the GIMP that we 
could propose to Google. As a start:

 - Add text boxes to the text tool
 - Write a heal tool and an intelligent eraser tool (sharing as much 
code as possible between them)
 - Work on a framework to make plug-in settings saveable across 
sessions (this might be done now, is it?)
 - Convert all the GIMP utility code to real GObject widgets, and then 
complete the Python binding for libgimp*

 - Design and write a shapes tool
 - Reverse engineer PSD format for PS 10 and write the load/save 
plug-in (or adapt the existing one) to it

 - Add save for web plug-in
 - (Re)write a plug-in distribution system which integrates with the GIMP

There are lots more.

I'm not sure what timetable Sven's working on for 2.4, but I believe 
we're almost at feature freeze, which means that people can start 
working on these projects, and integrate into CVS once 2.4.x comes out - 
project deadlines are September 1st, and we should have a release to 
integrate against by then.

Some of these are small, and are probably only a week or two of work. 
Others will have trouble being finished after 3 months solid work. 
Should we make the proposals?


David Neary

Gimp-developer mailing list

Re: [Gimp-developer] GIMP merchandising

2005-05-20 Thread Dave Neary
Hi Simon,
Simon Budig a écrit :
And what is involved with being the "official merchandiser"?
How would we handle other companies trying to sell Gimp merchandise and
want similiar exposure? Do we need an official merchandiser?
Essentially, this is what it comes down to ("de we need an official 
merchandiser?"). Or more to the point, do we want a GIMP store. Clearly 
we don't *need* anything.

Currently, there is next to no GIMP stuff, and what little there is is 
not profiting the GIMP project at all.

This agreement would be a formal agreement whereby sourcewear gets 
exposure from, and in return we get money, and a variety of 
other nice stuff (t-shirts printed at cost for sale at conferences, for 
example). So what is involved in being the official merchandiser is that 
they would be the only company with a prominent presence on

Other companies who want to produce GIMP merchandise can do so (with the 
permission of the copyright holder on Wilber , namely tigert) 
independently of

If the project as a whole decides that we don't want to have a 
relationship like this with a merchandiser, then fine. We won't, and we 
will continue not to have GIMP stuff for sale which will generate money 
to pay for stuff. Right now, we're not paying for mych stuff as it is, 
in spite of my recent mails on our financial situation.

But as I also said, the relationship in its current state is a 
non-starter. Federico is selling almost no GIMP t-shirts, and until 
there is some link bringing GIMP fans to sourcewear, that's not going to 
change. Which means we continue to sit on our high horse, and people who 
want to buy t-shirts don't know where to go to find them.

I would love to be able to buy GIMP stuff online, and know that for 
every €20 that I spend, the GIMP is getting €5.

Frankly, making a platform for a single merchandiser, so
that he can ship Gimp-T-Shirts which also serve as a platform for said
merchandiser does sound like a bad deal for me. Also the stuff currently
available does not catch my fancy.
We will ask to validate product lines, and I don't think Federico would 
oppose printing designs which GIMP community members come up with. The 
t-shirts are a very high quality, so the only issue is the designs.

The deal would be non-exclusive for GIMP goods, but would be exclusive 
(with a limited lifetime) for placement on One requirement I'd 
like Federico to satisfy is the ability to link directly to the GIMP 
products rather than going through the main page.

The idea of doing things this way is that it's the path of least 
resistance to getting a GIMP store. We control the product line, get 
regular updates on sales (we can even consult the sales database in 
real-time), and regular payments. We don't have to worry about credit 
cards, deliveries, customer service, stock management or any of the 
other things that make an online store hard work.

I believe the hassle
which will come up when other merchandisers become aware of this deal
is not worth it.
I've talked to a few, the reason I'm suggesting Federico is that he has 
already been making and selling high quality GIMP t-shirts for several 
months. And why would there be hassle when other merchandisers find out? 
None have even approached us to try something like this. In any case, if 
it's the bother of other merchandisers you are worried about, I am 
willing to be the front-man for this and take all such requests.

David Neary
Gimp-developer mailing list

Re: [Gimp-developer] GIMP merchandising

2005-05-20 Thread Dave Neary
Jay Cox a écrit :
Has anyone here seen the quality of their shirts?  Are they screen
printed or heat transfered?  I prefer screen printed tshirts, but
gradients like the ones we have in the gimp logo dont usually screen
print very well.
I'll let Federico answer the question about whether they're screen 
printed or not - I seem to recall that he told me that they are.

And there is a Wilber without gradients.
They seem like a good company and I have no reason to doubt their
quality, but if I were making the decision I would want to know
And rightly so.
David Neary
Gimp-developer mailing list

[Gimp-developer] GIMP merchandising

2005-05-19 Thread Dave Neary
Hi all,
As many of you know, we have an informal merchandising arrangement with which has raise a few dollars this year (not much, though).

I would like to improve on this relationship, and I know that Federico 
at sourcewear feels the same. For my part, I'd like to see better 
products, and more products, as well as formalising the cut we get from 
merchandising (this is currently an informal arrangement, I think that 
we should get an engagement on paper).

For their part, they would like to continue having their logo on the arm 
(which I'm OK with), and they would like to be our official merchandiser 
- that is, have a place in the sidebar on every page, and a place of 
prominence on the front page.

That's why I'm writing here. Is this arrangement OK with people? I will 
firm things up quickly with Federico if it is, but I didn't want to 
start negociating something without running it past the communtiy that 
has stuck with the GIMP.

Lazy approval is in effect - if you haven't replied in 3 days, I'll 
assume everyone's happy with this.

David Neary
Gimp-developer mailing list

[Gimp-developer] GUADEC cheap accommodation

2005-05-12 Thread Dave Neary
Hi all,
I know that a fair number of you (us) are going to GUADEC, and from IRC 
chatter, it seems that some people wanted to go for the cheap 
accommodation option (€8 per night for a kind of dormitory).

Murray Cumming ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) is looking after this, and would 
like to hear from people, either by adding their names to the wiki page or mailing him 
directly (with a preference for the wiki).

There is a requirement for a minimum number of people before we can 
book, so get back quickly if this is an option you want.

David Neary
Gimp-developer mailing list

[Gimp-developer] Organising a conference

2005-04-21 Thread Dave Neary
Hi all,
A separate mail to talk about what we can do with the money we have now. 
It is certainly enough to start planning a GIMPCon, if someone is 
willing to put the work into doing that.

If we do plan a GIMPCon, though, I would recommend being a little more 
open about it than the summit type events which we had in Berlin and at 
GUADEC. We should try to organise a couple of days of talks and demos 
open to the public, and why not get some Inkscape, Scribus, OO Draw and 
Blender people involved and make it a Free Graphics Con.

One candidate, if people are interested, would be to join up with 
Blender Con, which is planned for October, in Amsterdam.

Just to be clear, I am not in a position to put time into this. If we 
are to have a GIMPCon this year, someone else will have to organise it. 
I have no problem being an intermediary with the GNOME Foundation for 
money, though.

David Neary
Gimp-developer mailing list

[Gimp-developer] Large donation

2005-04-21 Thread Dave Neary
Hi all,
I just found out from Tim Ney that the GIMP has received a donation of 
over $5000 from Hiroyuki Ikezoe in Japan.

I really don't know what to say - individual donations of this size are 
rare, and I am flattered that we have been the recipîents of such 

I will do the sums of the donations which we have received over the past 
year, and let everyone know approximately how much money the GNOME 
Foundation is holding for us.

David Neary
Gimp-developer mailing list

Re: [Gimp-developer] jpeg-exif development summary

2005-01-07 Thread Dave Neary


Selon Michael Schumacher <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> William Skaggs wrote:
> > Sven wrote:
> >>But isn't it accessible from ?
> >
> > No, that doesn't exist any more.  And I don't think it ever had the
> > source code anyway -- but I may be wrong about that.
> There seems to be at least a bit of source code:

When that's ready to commit, it may well supercede part of what Bill has done,
but I'm in favour of this code (which works, and does something which is often
requested) going into CVS. An awful lot of the code in CVS is "going to be
replaced" and has been like that for year - we should not wait for a module
which is in the works, when there is code written already which gives people
features now. We're not talking about someone duplicating effort, since the
effort is already done.

I thought it was amusing that someone said to Bill that storing metadata in lots
of little parasites is not the right thing - 2 years ago, people told me exactly
the opposite.


Dave Neary
Lyon, France
Gimp-developer mailing list

Re: [Gimp-developer] jpeg-exif development summary

2005-01-06 Thread Dave Neary


Selon Daniel Egger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> On 05.01.2005, at 18:27, Dave Neary wrote:
> > Before people get high-horsey about this, consider that 90% of digital
> > cameras
> > have embedded DOS as their OS, and are thus unable to generate files
> > which are
> > not 8.3.
> I don't think it is pretty safe to assume that FAT support
> means that anything close to DOS could be the operating
> system of a camera;

Excuse me, I was confusing the FAT filesystem and DOS, which is not a good thing
to do.

And the 8.3 requirement is also a FAT thing, not DOS.


Dave Neary
Lyon, France
Gimp-developer mailing list

Re: [Gimp-developer] jpeg-exif development summary

2005-01-05 Thread Dave Neary


Selon Robert L Krawitz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
>   There is now a file called "exif-handling.txt" in devel-docs
>   that summarizes my understanding, based on the exif
>   specifications, of how an image editor is supposed to handle the
>   exif data in a file.  Of course we need not take the
>   specifications as gospel (among other things, they specify that
>   a proper EXIF file must have a file name in 8.3 format, ending
>   in .JPG!), but they should serve as a good default.
> Adobe at least had an excuse with PPD files 10 years ago.  There's no
> excuse for 8.3 any more.

Before people get high-horsey about this, consider that 90% of digital cameras
have embedded DOS as their OS, and are thus unable to generate files which are
not 8.3.


Dave Neary
Lyon, France
Gimp-developer mailing list

Re: [Gegl-developer] Re: [Gimp-developer] GEGL development/gimp integration

2005-01-04 Thread Dave Neary

Hi Sven,

Selon Sven Neumann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> "Hal V. Engel" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > it appeared to me that this approach had been rejected, or at least
> > discredited, at that time.  At the very least there were sound reasons
> > put forward that called this approach into question and the only
> > arguments on the other side were that it made programming the color
> > management stuff a little easier.  But I am also aware that there were
> > many involved in the earlier thread on this subject that did not seem
> > to think there was an issue with this approach.
> I don't think we rejected this part. IIRC we said that it should be
> optional and that we want to allow people to disable color management
> entirely. Anyway, whatever we decide to do is just a matter of user
> interface and doesn't affect the GEGL operators involved.

The short summary of the entire discussion is something like this:

We should allow a colour profile to be associated with an image if possible, and
only apply it (that is, change the colorspace of an image) if explicitly
requested. There will be issues with things which aren't colorspace dependent
(like the color picker) as well as copying and pasting between images, which
will cause problems, but for the moment the damage caused by these would be
less than applying color profiles on load.

However, we should have a default working colourspace, and the user should be
able to convert to that colourspace on load. This should be configurable.

There should also be an option to disable colour management altogether - in
which case, we work in the default colourspace, don't do any conversion at all,
and simply load and save the colour profile as a parasite attached to the image.

My understanding was that the solution which Alastair Robinson was working on
was to have a plug-in to apply a color profile, but also to have the idea of a
(per-image) working colourspace, and a configurable (global) display colour
profile and default working colourspace. That is, every image loaded which
doesn't have an attached profile will be assumed to be in that default
colourspace. If it has an attached profile, the user will be offered the choice
of (1) applying the profile to get to the default colorspace, (2) working in the
embedded profile's colorspace or (3) disabling color management for the image,
in which case we work in the default colorspace, but don't apply the profile.

Again, this is a synthesis of my understanding of that discussion, the archives
are the best reference for what was said, though.


Dave Neary
Lyon, France
Gimp-developer mailing list

Re: [Gimp-developer] CVS branch gimp-2-2

2004-12-29 Thread Dave Neary


Sven wrote:
>  - New features go into the HEAD branch. We may consider to merge
>certain smaller things back into the stable branch, but new stuff
>always first goes into the HEAD branch.

I haven't seen a message from Mitch about it yet, but he mentioned to me
recently that he wanted to depend on gtk+ 2.6 very rapidly after the release. I
don't know what features are in 2.6 that will be used in the GIMP (perhaps mitch
is better able to answer that than me), but I'm sure the gtk+ guys got lots of
stuff in there which we would be interested in.

I persuaded him that an outright dependency should wait a couple of weeks after
branching, to allow people working on outstanding stuff that didn't make it in
time for 2.2 (meadata editor, for example?) who might have problems updating
the dependency stack to gtk+ 2.6 to get their outstanding stuff committed.

I think that a couple of weeks is reasonable for that, and if the changes that
we pull in from gtk+ 2.6 don't use any of the new APIs, perhaps we could
reccommend gtk+ 2.6 rather than require it, in the short term.


Dave Neary
Lyon, France
Gimp-developer mailing list

Re: [Gimp-developer] Judging panel for splashes

2004-12-06 Thread Dave Neary

Hi all,

Quoting Roman Joost <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> On Sun, Dec 05, 2004 at 06:42:10PM +0100, David Neary wrote:
> > I have no objections as long as people are happy with this. I
> > would be a little worried about some splashes not getting a fair
> > whack because they were submitted late, but sure, why not.
> If this all is to complicated from now on and you guys want a splash
> screen fast, I'm very fine with your solution Dave. I don't have to make
> the decision which splash screen will be the winner, so I can shut up if
> you already figured out how to judge :) Dunno what the others think
> about this ...

I have followed this thread during the day, and I am afraid I'm going to go back
on what I said above - I think we have a very good panel set up (although I
understand that some people might not like all of the people on it), and I
think we should let them judge. Of course, the GIMP is a community project and
lots of people have CVS access, but I think that the idea of a panel is the
best way to go.

So - Simon, Alan, Michael, Joao and Adam, please judge away, and whatever
decision you come to will have my support, and that of a large number of people
around here.

To address one legitimate point which was raised, there are no artists on the
panel. One of the judges has already proposed soliciting the ideas of our
resident artists, and I think that is good enough to address that concern.

Apologies for the huge inconvenience all of this rucus has caused. I really want
to clear things up as quickly as possible, and let the judges get on with it.


Dave Neary
Lyon, France
Gimp-developer mailing list

Re: [Gimp-developer] Judging panel for splashes

2004-12-06 Thread Dave Neary


Quoting Roman Joost <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> On Sun, Dec 05, 2004 at 06:42:10PM +0100, David Neary wrote:
> > I have no objections as long as people are happy with this. I
> > would be a little worried about some splashes not getting a fair
> > whack because they were submitted late, but sure, why not.
> >
> > When do you think it would be fair to call a result?
> Well, if I understand you correctly, the core developers have to make
> the decision which splash screen will be in the next gimp release.

I disagree. It should be a user community decision primarily. Of course, the
core developers belong to the user community.

> If this all is to complicated from now on and you guys want a splash
> screen fast, I'm very fine with your solution Dave. I don't have to make
> the decision which splash screen will be the winner, so I can shut up if
> you already figured out how to judge :) Dunno what the others think
> about this ...

One of the advantages of the panel system is that a few people can be
conscientious and look at all the entries, whereas a larger pool of people is
more likely to pick their favourites froml the first 100 or 150 splashes, and
ignore the last 300, which would be a shame, since there are some really nice
ones down there. Another consideration is that a panel can ignore splashes that
we can't ship for one reason or another (copyright material, other people's
trademarks, etc) and can also use agreed guidelines (no photos, for example)
whereas that's harder for a much larger collective.

In either case, we need some kind of resolution on this today or we run into the
other thing I was worried about, which is time.

I suggest that
 - Mukund wipes the existing votes
 - We give people on the mailing lists until Thursday to vote
 - Please try to avoid getting mukund's page slashdotted
 - On Thursday evening, if the top choice is not invalid for some reason, we're
done. If it is, we go onto second choice. Etc.

Is there any way to close the contest page now and not have any more entries
until we have chosen a winner?


Dave Neary
Lyon, France
Gimp-developer mailing list

Re: [Gimp-developer] writing plug-ins

2004-12-03 Thread Dave Neary


Quoting Simbul <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Unluckily I can't read french. Could you point me to some of the sources
> you used for your articles?
> I'll ask my professor for the open licence, I hope he'll agree ;)

It looks like you have them already - I relied heavily on Kevin Turner's
article. I did a paper and presentation for GUADEC last year on the subject
which is online here: contains the full API docs for libgimp.

Finally, I learned a lot from the existing plug-ins. If you were to pick one of
each main type (file plug-in, image plug-in and informational plug-in), I would
reccommend pnm, edge and colorcube respectively.


Dave Neary
Lyon, France
Gimp-developer mailing list

[Gimp-user] Re: [Gimp-developer] Judging the splash contest (mark 2)

2004-12-03 Thread Dave Neary

Hi all,

Quoting Dave Neary <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> We now have 5 volunteers, and I think that's a nice sized panel.
> Thanks a lot to everyone for their answers.

It's been pointed out to me that because of the times when I started looking for
people, earlier timezones have been favoured somewhat. Since people further West
haven't had a proper chance to volunteer, I'll hold off on getting a judging
panel together until this evening. If you want to help judge, and you haven't
said anything yet, speak up. In about 5 or 6 hours, I will send a mail to the
panel of 5.

Apologies to the people who I already mailed to say they would be judging.


Dave Neary
Lyon, France
Gimp-user mailing list

[Gimp-user] Re: [Gimp-developer] Judging the splash contest (mark 2)

2004-12-03 Thread Dave Neary


Quoting Dave Neary <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> So far only 2 people have said they would like to judge the splash contest,
> so
> we need more volunteers.

We now have 5 volunteers, and I think that's a nice sized panel.

Thanks a lot to everyone for their answers.

(should I say who the judges are? one of them replied to me off-list, so perhaps
he wanted to stay anonymous...)


Dave Neary
Lyon, France
Gimp-user mailing list

[Gimp-user] Judging the splash contest (mark 2)

2004-12-03 Thread Dave Neary

Hi all,

So far only 2 people have said they would like to judge the splash contest, so
we need more volunteers.

I would like to have a judging group set up by this evening, since it is already
early enough to start eliminating 80 to 90% of the existing entries, and it's
best if you don't have to look at them all on Monday (unless you people like a
big headache).


Dave Neary
Lyon, France
Gimp-user mailing list

[Gimp-developer] GIMP practical session, Lyon, France

2004-11-10 Thread Dave Neary

Hi all,

I will be giving a 2 hour practical introduction to the GIMP in Lyon, France, at
the Bibliothèque La Gryffe, 5 rue Sébastien Gryffe, Lyon 7e from 15h to 17h this
coming Saturday.

I will cover basic topics like color correction and the use of layers and
channels, with a very definite practical side. I will work through a number of
examples, and if there are enough computers, everyone will have the chance to
repeat the tasks themselves.

If you're around Lyon and are interested, please bring your laptop if you have
one, since the library in question does not have any computing facilities.


Dave Neary
Lyon, France
Gimp-developer mailing list

Re: [Gimp-developer] adding option to crop tool

2004-09-29 Thread Dave Neary


Quoting Olivier <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

>   gboolean blank_outer_region;

> "blank-outer-region", NULL,
> 0);

>   options->blank_outer_region = g_value_get_enum (value);
>   g_value_set_enum (value, options->blank_outer_region);

This looks rather suspicions - you're declaring a gboolean as a BOOLEAN
property, and then using get_ and set_enum to get and set its value. Try
changing these to get_ and set_boolean and see what happens.


Dave Neary
Lyon, France
Gimp-developer mailing list

Re: [Gimp-developer] New Plugin Developer Looking for a decent upto date tutorial

2004-09-24 Thread Dave Neary


Quoting Carol Spears <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> perhaps dave neary will pop up with a url to his notes from the
> conference this year.

The paper (warts and all) is online here:

There are also slides from the talk and a dumb plug-in. If someone wanted to
move these onto dgo I would be happy to put them under an open content licence
for that.


Dave Neary
Lyon, France
Gimp-developer mailing list

Re: [Gimp-developer] New Image dialog usability bug

2004-09-10 Thread Dave Neary


Quoting Sven Neumann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Dave Neary <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > You forgot a third solution, proposed in bugzilla, which you said yourself
> > wouldn't be too bad, and that is rearranging the frame with the units in it
> to
> > look like this:
> >
> > Units: [mm]
> > Width: 210
> > Height: 297
> Apart from the fact that it looks like crap,

That's subjective, I don't think it does. But perhaps a mock-up would resolve
that issue...

> it also looks different
> than in all other places where lengths are being entered. If the size
> entry looks different than other size entries, how is the user
> supposed to understand that it behaves like the others?  And why do
> the other entries look different then?

I presumed that we would change it everywhere. There is no change in behaviour,
merely a change in the position of the units.


Dave Neary
Lyon, France
Gimp-developer mailing list

Re: [Gimp-developer] New Image dialog usability bug

2004-09-10 Thread Dave Neary


Quoting Sven Neumann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Since you admit that it is useful, I don't understand why you don't
> want to learn that you need to select the unit first.

Because this isn't the afforded way of doing it. We should aim for affordance
where possible. If people use the width, height and unit to create 5"x3"
postcards, then the way to enter "5 inches by 3 inches" should be natural. This
isn't something I do a lot myself, but I accept that this might be something
people want to do.

> IMO there are two solutions, none of them involve any change in the
> dialog layout:
>  (a) Don't set a resolution on the size entry.
>  (b) Explain the behaviour in the documentation, close as WONTFIX.

You forgot a third solution, proposed in bugzilla, which you said yourself
wouldn't be too bad, and that is rearranging the frame with the units in it to
look like this:

Units: [mm]
Width: 210
Height: 297

That provides the affordance for people who want to create images by unit, and
also allows us to keep the current behaviour for unit changing without
confusing people too much.

I think that this is a reasonable way to organise things.


Dave Neary
Lyon, France
Gimp-developer mailing list

Re: [Gimp-developer] on splitting things off

2004-09-09 Thread Dave Neary


Quoting Sven Neumann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Dave Neary <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > Do automake and libtool have any upcoming improvements that might
> > help with the pre-configure and linking stages that I should know
> > about?
> Well, what versions are you using at the moment?

1.7 and 1.5 respectively. The improvements I was asking about were particularly
performance improvements, by the way.


Dave Neary
Lyon, France
Gimp-developer mailing list

Re: [Gimp-developer] on splitting things off

2004-09-09 Thread Dave Neary
Quoting Sven Neumann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> Hi,
> David Neary <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > But compile time has doubled over the past couple of years
> > without a huge change in the size of the source code. It seems to
> > me that the build tools we use have gotten more i/o and more
> > processor intensive. Is it possible we could make improvements
> > there?
> We? You could be upgrading to gcc 3.4 or downgrading to gcc 2.95.

I'll do that.

Do automake and libtool have any upcoming improvements that might help with the
pre-configure and linking stages that I should know about?


Dave Neary
Lyon, France
Gimp-developer mailing list

Re: [Gimp-developer] GIMP 2.2

2004-09-06 Thread Dave Neary


Quoting Sven Neumann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> I do think however that we
> should give us a little bit more time and try to get the following
> done during the next weeks:
>  - add more plug-in previews
>  - try to make the previews scale with the dialog
>  - implement color management as was discussed earlier
>  - fix unit handling and resize / scale dialogs
>  - allow for better layer positioning / alignment
>  - integrate the metadata editor that Raphael is working on
>  - finish and fix whatever is unfinished or broken
> I would suggest we attempt to get a 2.2 prerelease out by the end of
> this month or early in october. Given the fact that the tree is fairly
> stable, we should then be able to deliver 2.2.0 by the end of october.

Sounds good. I think that we will be in a good position to see in a couple of
weeks time whether these features are going to be in 2.2 or not - if there
haven't been any commits in a 2.1.5 release or whatever for color management,
for example, it is probably best not to wait for it. A pre-release in a month
or  so sounds good.


Dave Neary
Lyon, France
Gimp-developer mailing list

Re: [Gimp-developer] programming classes with gimp

2004-08-09 Thread Dave Neary

Hi Steve,

Quoting Steve Siverling <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> I was thinking it would be cool if their were classes that people did gimp
> development in, and gained experience that way.  Any thoughts?

Sure, that would be great. Do you have any specific suggestions about how that
would work? Usually things like that happen without our knowledge, but it would
be cool to have us in the know.

If someone asked for people to give a course for a specific reason, I'm sure
that someone around here would be able to help out...


Dave Neary
Lyon, France
Gimp-developer mailing list

Re: [Gimp-developer] gimp-plugin-template: install

2004-07-26 Thread Dave Neary


Quoting Sven Neumann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> I don't think we should change this behaviour but we could very easily
> add another install target (for example called install-user) that
> installs the plug-in to the user's plug-in directory. This will only
> work for a small subset of plug-ins though. Most plug-ins handled by a
> gimp-plugin-template framework are complex plug-ins that install more
> than just a single plug-in. Usually there will be help files,
> translations, perhaps data files loaded at runtime. The extra
> installation target may make people think that the plug-in has been
> successfully installed with all its additional files while really only
> the exectuable has been installed. I am not convinved that it would be
> a good idea to do such a change.

This brings up an interesting question... is it possible to install a
plug-in in the user's directory, and have translations managed by
gettext? Where do the .mo files get installed in this case, and how can
one make gettext aware of them?


Dave Neary
Lyon, France
Gimp-developer mailing list

Re: [Gimp-developer] 16 bit Gimp?

2004-07-23 Thread Dave Neary


Quoting Joseph Heled <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> There is actually lots of the functionality I need support (and some I need
> to
> do) in the gimp already, if only the gimp was 16 bits ready.
> So, I wonder, any estimate how far in the future it is?

Any estimate that you get will be unreliable, most likely, given the track
record of the project. That said, I'll give you one.

End of 2005. That is, 2.2.0 in September 2004, GEGL 1.0 (the minimum of
functionality the GIMP core needs to use it) sometime around February 2005
(pure guess), and then 6 months to actually use it, followed by a 3 month
pre-release cycle. That gives a release around Christmas 2005. Of wourse, this
might well be complete fiction.


Dave Neary
Lyon, France
Gimp-developer mailing list

[Gimp-developer] Color management (addendum)

2004-07-21 Thread Dave Neary
Hi all,
Here's how cinepaint is doing color management:

The page is a number of usecases, explaining what happens in each case. 
It is basically similar to many of the things that we have been saying, 
perhaps a little complicated to configure, but it seems from the 
feedback that I have seen that several people are quite happy with it.

This is for informational purposes, since we are talking about usecases 
for this.

Gimp-developer mailing list

Re: [Gimp-developer] compose - decompose nitpicking

2004-07-21 Thread Dave Neary
Sven Neumann wrote:
Well, this is doable but it would require closer interaction between
the two plug-ins. compose could read the last-used-parameters set by
decompose. A prerequisite for this would be to let the two plug-ins
share a common header.
Or merge the two plug-ins into one...
Gimp-developer mailing list

Re: [Gimp-developer] compose - decompose nitpicking

2004-07-21 Thread Dave Neary
Sven Neumann wrote:
It's probably more useful to remember the last used
mode (which is what the plug-in does already).
I think it would be even more useful to set the compose mode to the last 
used decompose mode, rather than the last used compose mode (if you get 
my meaning).

As I said, IIRC there's already some code that attempts to select the
layers called hue, value, saturation if you select HSV mode. It
doesn't seem to work very well though. We would happily accept a patch
that improves this.
What should it do? Set the layers in function of the compose mode? If 
the mode is RGB to start with and I choose HSV, should I then re-set the 
 layers I'll use?

Gimp-developer mailing list

Re: [Gimp-developer] compose - decompose nitpicking

2004-07-21 Thread Dave Neary
Joseph Heled wrote:
Perhaps this is nitpicking, but would like your comments.
(gimp 2.0.3)
After decomposing an image to HSV (in layers mode), 
Filters/Colors/Compose brings up the following dialog:

  (*) RGB   Red - image-HSV.jpg-3/value-8
  Green - image-HSV.jpg-3/value-8
   Blue - image-HSV.jpg-3/value-8
i.e. assumes RGB, and gives all channels the same layer.
 1. If it possible to infer somehow that what I want (by default) is 
HSV, i.e the reverse? Even cluing on the layer names would work for the 
case where I make some changes in one layer and want to convert back.
I don't see how this could be done reasonably. I guess that if you do a 
decompose that compose could get at the information if you attached a 
parasite or something...

 2. Even assuming I have to check HSV manually, why not give the first 3 
layers (when they exist) as the default?
  (for that to work, the order of the dialog has to match the order of 
created layers. right now it is the reverse)
That sounds sane, and shouldn't be too difficult to do. Please open a 
bug report for it so that it doesn't get forgotten about :)

Gimp-developer mailing list

Re: [Gimp-developer] Howto: store comments in image from plugin?

2004-07-21 Thread Dave Neary
Joseph Heled wrote:
I would like to "attach" to the image some of the parameters of the 
The GIMP uses a mechanism we call parasites to attach data to an image. 
A good example of their use is in the jpg plug-in, for example, where we 
attach exif data, a comment and also save parameters. A complete list of 
"standard" parasites, and a short description of teh parasite mechanism, 
is in devel-docs in the GIMP sources.

I am not sure ,
  - How do I add this info to the image (I open it with 
gimp_image_new(...) )
  - Which file formats support this kind of comment/data?
png, tiff, jpg all support exif, iptc is supported by tiff and jpeg as 
well, there are lots of other metadata formats which are supported by 
various formats. I'm not quite sure.

On a related issue, how can I add EXIF data to the image? Perhaps I can 
add some
data in the EXIF comment?
We link to libexif already, and use it in the jpeg plug-in. You can 
construct an exif header and write it to a file in the same way as we 
write the exif header back to the file now.

libexif is available here:
Gimp-developer mailing list

Re: [Gimp-developer] Proposal: cache directory tagging convention

2004-07-20 Thread Dave Neary


Quoting Sven Neumann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Bryan Ford <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > I'm soliciting feedback, discussion, and hopefully ultimately
> > support for a very simple proposal that I've written up in
> > preliminary form at this page:
> >
> >
> Since GIMP doesn't put swap files into a dedicated directory your
> proposal will also not work for GIMP swap files (which are admittedly
> not worth to be archived).

If there were some way to tell that the tile cache was ephemeral data, then the
proposal would work, wouldn't it?

Bryan, is there any demand for something like this in archiving programs?


Dave Neary
Lyon, France
Gimp-developer mailing list

Re: [Gimp-developer] color management

2004-07-09 Thread Dave Neary


Quoting Sven Neumann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> All we are discussing here is
> whether it makes sense to use display filters to color-correct the
> image display (and optionally color selector displays).

I don't think there is any argument about that. It does make sense to apply the
monitor's profile as the last step in the projection.

> The other
> point that we are discussing is how file plug-ins should handle
> embedded color profiles, i.e. whether to attach the profile to the
> image or not.

I may be listening to a different conversation. The other point was whether
embedded profiles should be applied at load time or be factored into the
projection. In this scheme, the core would have to be at least aware of color
profiles attached to images. It's not simply a question of attach or apply,
since one has implications for the core, and the other doesn't. So this isn't
just about the file plug-ins.


Dave Neary
Lyon, France
Gimp-developer mailing list

Re: [Gimp-developer] CVS updates?

2004-07-08 Thread Dave Neary

Hi Brion,

Quoting Brion Vibber <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Is Gimp anonymous CVS on a delayed copy?

Yes. The delay shouldn't be any more than about 12 to 24 hours, though. Although
I have memories of anoncvs being up to 48 hours out of date. 

> Would it be possible to fix the RSS changelog to point at viewcvs, which 
> works, instead of bonsai, which doesn't?

I don't know, to be honest... Sven?


Dave Neary
Lyon, France
Gimp-developer mailing list

Re: [Gimp-developer] what's required to develop GIMP

2004-07-07 Thread Dave Neary

Hi Chamal,

Quoting Chamal De Silva <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> 1. What is the programming language used to develop gimp.

The GIMP is almost entirely coded in C. There are plug-ins in python, perl and
scheme too, and there are some hardware specific routines in assembler, designed
to speed up rendering on certain common platforms.

> 2. What are the tools and compilers that i need to compile gimpe source
> code.

Any C compiler should do. You will also need automake, autoconf, cvs, intltool,
gettext and some other tools if you wouyld like to build from CVS. The details
are in the files HACKING and INSTALL.

You will also need a working installation of GTK+ 2.4.x (for the HEAD or
development releases), and Xft, fontconfig and friends. And helper libraries for
all the file formats you would like to see compiled in (there is a longish list,
again this is in INSTALL.

> 3. What is the latest version of GIMPs source code.

This is always HEAD in CVS. However, the latest released source code is version
2.1.1. The latest stable version is 2.0.2.


Dave Neary
Lyon, France
Gimp-developer mailing list

Re: [Gimp-developer] color management

2004-07-07 Thread Dave Neary

Hi Alastair,

I'm no colourspace expert (far from it), but there were a couple of things which
I spotted in this which prompted questions.

Quoting "Alastair M. Robinson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> In the first method, is what I believe is what PhotoShop uses (and what
> I think Sven proposed):  When an image is loaded, scanned or whatever,
> it is converted from its source colour space into a "working" colour
> space (sRGB, AdobeRGB, etc.).  Of course, the source colour-space and
> working colour-space can be the same.  The advantage of this method is
> that the working data is always "normalised", so plugins and the like
> have perceptually identical results, whatever the image's "native"
> colour space.
> The workflow for an sRGB Image might be:
> Image (AdobeRGB) -> Working data (convert to sRGB) -> Editing -> Save
> (convert back to AdobeRGB)

Yes, this is what was discussed at the conference, with one important
difference. We don't convert back to AdobeRGB or whatever at save time, we
simply save the working image data, with the sRGB color profile.

> Personally, I don't think this method is appropriate for the GIMP until
> such time as we  have support for 16-bit or float pixels, because if we
> convert from the source space to a working space with only 8 bits per
> sample we're going to lose some information through quantization errors.

I see your point. Perhaps there could be some kind of pre-loading where we apply
the color profile in floating-point, and quantise afterwards? Just thinking out
loud, this may be completely unfeasible.

> The second method, which I think we should use for the time being, is
> just to keep track of the "source" profile for each image (and have a
> user-selectable default profile - sRGB, AdobeRGB or whatever).  

> The equivalent workflow would be:
> Image (tagged with AdobeRGB) -> Working data (8-bit RGB, unmodified) ->
> Editing -> Save (AdobeRGB)

How does this fit in with display calibration? If we work on the unmodified
image data as we read it in, then on what data should the monitor's calibration
profile work during projection? Should it work on the raw RGB data, or should we
apply the input profile at projection time? Would a color profile be a per-layer

I think these are the kinds of issues that Sven thought about before, and they
make adding color management considerably more complicated. I think that the
simplicity of applying a color profile on imput and not having to worry about it
in the rendering code outweighs the down side of any quantisation that occurs. 

> In short, though, if we use this method, we don't need to agree on what
> to call our working space, because it will simply be whatever is
> appropriate for the image being edited!

I think this is probably a very bad idea.


Dave Neary
Lyon, France
Gimp-developer mailing list

Re: [Gimp-developer] OSCon attendance

2004-07-07 Thread Dave Neary


Quoting Carol Spears <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> On Wed, Jul 07, 2004 at 04:06:38PM +0200, Dave Neary wrote:
> > Part of the results of that is that the GIMP is
> > one of the candidates for the annual golden award (with a 
> > large cash prize) which will be presented to the winning 
> > project in Portland at the O'Reilly Open Source Conference 
> > in a couple of weeks. 
> awesome.

We're a long way from winning - we're up against the Valgrind 
guy, Pango, VideoLAN, GNU arch and a couple of other really 
good projects. We have a shot, though.

> who are the people who live in this area?

Do people live near Portland? (Joke!) AFAIK, no-one is 
actually here and living in Portland. yosh is in the bay area, 
and has said he will be able to go if the conference 
registration fee is waived (which I think it should be).

So I guess our search is over :)

> lets look to find a gimp person first.

That was the point of mailing here.


Dave Neary
Lyon, France
Gimp-developer mailing list

Re: [Gimp-developer] easy questions

2004-07-07 Thread Dave Neary


Quoting David Odin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> > > The second is, I haven't looked at the code at all, but is the GIMP
> > > multithreaded and/or does it absolutely require a multitasking OS?
>   You won't be able to use any plugin without a multitasking OS...

Won't the plug-in just become modular over the main app? Oh, no - we 
use shared memory, so the two apps need to be running at the same time...


Dave Neary
Lyon, France
Gimp-developer mailing list

[Gimp-developer] OSCon attendance

2004-07-07 Thread Dave Neary

Hi all,

As everyone knows (hopefully), the GIMP won an OSI award 
recently. Part of the results of that is that the GIMP is
one of the candidates for the annual golden award (with a 
large cash prize) which will be presented to the winning 
project in Portland at the O'Reilly Open Source Conference 
in a couple of weeks. 

Is anyone here planning to go to OSCon already? And to 
answer the question before it's asked, there will be no 
cash to pay for travel or accommodation expenses. But if 
someone were already going they could be our official 
representative at the awards dinner.

Alternatively, there are several GNOME developers going 
and presenting papers that I noticed - if no-one here 
wants to go, I suggest that we ask one of them to represent 
us and pick up the prize (if we get one).

What do people think?


Dave Neary
Lyon, France
Gimp-developer mailing list

Re: [Gimp-developer] easy questions

2004-07-07 Thread Dave Neary

Hi Zack,

Quoting Zack <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> The first is, how intimately is the GIMP tied to GTK+?

Very. Although the GUI code has been separated out from the internals, the GIMP
depends on GTK+ to a huge extent. It is inextricably linked to glib and gobject too.

> The second is, I haven't looked at the code at all, but is the GIMP
> multithreaded and/or does it absolutely require a multitasking OS?

I wouldn't say so. I don't believe there is threading code in the GIMP, but I am
not sure.


Dave Neary
Lyon, France
Gimp-developer mailing list

Re: [Gimp-developer] preview widgets, wiedermal

2004-06-23 Thread Dave Neary


Quoting William Skaggs <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> I know that everybody dreads another go-around on this topic,
> but it really needs to happen in the near future.  Maybe, 
> since it has proven so difficult to come to a consensus by
> email, this can be put on the list as something to be settled
> at GimpCon.

To my knowledge, Ernst (who has written the only preview widget currently out
there) won't be at the conference. David Odin will be, though - and he had
started working on a preview widget before the 2.0 release, but hasn't had time
since then to work on the GIMP.

Does this mean that you're going to be in Norway?


Dave Neary
Lyon, France
Gimp-developer mailing list

[Gimp-developer] Fwd: guadec-list Digest, Vol 2, Issue 17

2004-06-23 Thread Dave Neary


Given the number of Germans around, I thought this might tempt one or two

Forwarded message: 

From: Frank Rehberger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Caravan:  Karlsruhe -> Hamburg -> Kristiansand


we (2 guys from Berlin and 3 from Hamburg) are travelling from LinuxTag
by train to Hamburg on Saturday (June 26th) evening. We continue
travelling by car from Hamburg to GUADEC.
Seats in car are vacant.

You are welcome to join us in train
from Karlsruhe to Hamburg at 26th June:

departure Karlsruhe: 19:01 ICE-502
arrival   Mannheim:  19:24

departure Mannheim: 19:31, ICE-592
arrival   Göttingen: 21:58

departure Göttingen: 22:03 ICE-782
arrival   Hamburg: 00:06

total time: 5 hours

Next day in the morning we continue travelling by car from Hamburg to 
Kristiansand to GUADEC, taking ferry from Hiltshals to Kristiansand.

Seats in car are vacant:
27.6. Hamburg->Hiltshals->Kristiansand: 2 seats vacant
1.7.  Kristiansand->Hiltshals->Hamburg->Berlin: 1 seat vacant.
costs for gas and ferry will be shared.

If you want to join the caravan, give me a note.

Regards, Frank

Frank Rehberger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
GNOME Deutschland

The Twelve Networking Truths -

Dave Neary
Lyon, France
Gimp-developer mailing list

[Gimp-developer] Reminder: Register for GUADEC

2004-06-15 Thread Dave Neary

Hi all,

This is a quick reminder that if you are coming to the GIMP Conference in
GUADEC, that you should register for that conference. See
for details. If you want free accommodation, it is important to do this as soon
as possible. Even if you don't, the organisers are resourcing things based on
registration numbers, and since you will have to register at some stage (even if
it's when you arrive), you might as well register now.


Dave Neary
Lyon, France
Gimp-developer mailing list

[Gimp-developer] GIMP Conference stand?

2004-06-07 Thread Dave Neary
Hi all,
Do people think that it is worthwhile for the GIMP to have a stand at 
GUADEC? It would perhaps be a way to sell some t-shirts, have a couple 
of computers with people doing demos, and have an easy popint-of-contact 
for people when they were on their down-time.

The problem is that it would need to have some work done for it - 
posters and banners, for example, and I will not be able to do that. Are 
there people who thionk this is a very good idea, who are prepared to 
put some time into preparing the stand and putting it up when we get to 

Please reply on the list, we can decide before the end of the week 
whether to do this depending on the response we get.

Dave Neary
Gimp-developer mailing list

[Gimp-developer] Re: [Gimp-user] Blur plug-in

2004-06-07 Thread Dave Neary
Sven Neumann wrote:
I'd like to get some feedback on the following plan for the Blur
(details are in
The plan is to remove the randomize and repeat functionality. That
would allow us to also remove the (quite confusing) dialog.
Sounds OK to me.
Dave Neary
Gimp-developer mailing list

[Gimp-developer] Yet another GIMPCon mail

2004-06-04 Thread Dave Neary
This is an important one though.
If you are planning on coming to GUADEC, but are waiting for 
confirmation fo support, please register for the conference as soon as 
possible at and request a travel 
subsidy there too.

Since GIMPCon is a sub-event, it is unlikely that your full travel costs 
will be covered, but it is possible that a portion will be paid which 
will ease some of the pressure on the GIMP coffers.

Since GUADEC travel subsidy requests will be considered next week at the 
latest, it is important to register immediately. As I said before, if 
you are paying your way, you can register for the "Hobbyist" caregory, 
and request that youre registration fee be refunded to you as well.

Dave Neary

Gimp-developer mailing list

Re: [Gimp-developer] Who's coming to GIMPCon?

2004-06-04 Thread Dave Neary
Hi Simon,
Simon Budig wrote:
I want to come. I tried to register for the free floor space, but they
present a form that the CGI is not willing to accept (it has no entry
field for the invoice thingie the CGI is requesting for).
However, I hope my registration to the event itself went well.
If we want/need floorspace, it is available to us. I have brought it up 
already with the guadec organisers, so I just need to let them know how 
much we need. We should let them know soon though. I'm not sure what 
exactly needs to be arranged in terms of set-up to use the floorspace, 
though - this will be my first GUADEC.

Dave Neary
Gimp-developer mailing list

Re: [Gimp-developer] Usability test - Results available

2004-06-04 Thread Dave Neary
Hi Ellen,
Ellen Reitmayr wrote:
Roman and I wrote the report of the usability tests we conducted in may.
It includes descriptions of problems the users were faced while
interacting with the software, as well as possible solutions. 

As the wiki is still down, please read the full report on
I had a quick look through this, and it looks great. I'm sure that I'll 
have more comments later, I just wanted to thank yourself & Roman for 
all your work, and I hope that we can get many of your reccommendations 
into the GIMP soon.

Dave Neary
Gimp-developer mailing list

Re: [Gimp-developer] Who's coming to GIMPCon?

2004-06-04 Thread Dave Neary
Hi Roman,
Roman Joost wrote:
I'll come. If someone registered for the student flats and received a
reply from the GUADEC organisation, let me know. I still didn't received
anything. After asking in may, they said, they'll send the
confirmation mails in few days, which didn't happen.
This is becoming something of a FAQ for guadec - I've forwarder on your 
mail to guadec-list so that someone who knows more can fill you in on 
the details.

Dave Neary
Gimp-developer mailing list

[Gimp-developer] Final call: travel assistance

2004-06-04 Thread Dave Neary
Hi all,
Sorry to keep harping on about this, but things need to start moving 
pretty quickly now, if people need money in advance for travel. I have a 
fair idea now how much money we will have available, and I would like to 
be able to let people know by the start of next week whether they will 
be funded to come to the conference or not.

Could anyone who needs travel assistance contact me immediately saying 
how much they need to get there? Also, please specify if you will need 
money in advance, or if you will require me to buy you an e-ticket.

If you can afford part of your ticket, please say this as well.
Thanks a lot,
Dave Neary

Gimp-developer mailing list

[Gimp-developer] Who's coming to GIMPCon?

2004-06-04 Thread Dave Neary
Hi all,
As most of you know by now, the GIMP Conference will be held as a 
sub-event of GUADEC in Kristiansand, Norway from the 28th to the 30th of 
June (in 3 weeks time).

A number of people have suggested that a list of attendees who have 
confirmed they're going would be useful - so could anyone who plans to 
be there reply to the lists saying so, please? Don't forget to register 
at and request free accommodation if 
you need it - there's floorspace for all, for a groovy atmosphere.

Dave Neary

Gimp-developer mailing list

[Gimp-developer] GUADEC updates for dgo

2004-06-04 Thread Dave Neary
Hi all,
I have made some updates to the GUADEC content on dgo, but I have not 
had time to do it properly - I basically copied in some xhtml from the 
guadec site, but dgo is docbook based.

I've attached the current state of affairs - I replaced all the uls and 
lis with itemizedlists and listitems, but I'm not sure what to do with 
the as, the ps, the divs and the imgs.

Could someone who has a few minutes please tidy this up and either 
commit it in gimp-web-devel or send it back to me?

Also, if someone who knows how could add a link to this on the front 
page of the (temporary), that would be great too.

Thanks a lot,
Dave Neary

The GIMP Developers Conference 2004
GIMPCon 2004
Planning the next GimpCon


The GIMP Developers Conference 2004 will be held as a
sub-event of";>GUADEC
5 in Kristiansand, Norway, on the 28th, 29th and 30th
of June, 2004.

  GIMP related talks at GUADEC


   alt="Dave Neary"/>

Dave Neary
  Programming a GIMP Plug-in

  Dave Neary
  Dave Neary's been hanging around free software for about 6
years. He started off as a leech, and then decided to turn into a
leechee sometime around 1999, when he started working on the
GIMP. His main interest in the GIMP is revitalising the
relationship betweek the user and developer communities. He has
also helped out a little now and again on other things, and is
listed as a co-author of gnect.
  He is currently living and working in Lyon, France.
   alt="Øyvind Kolås"/>

Øyvind Kolås
  Custom widgets in GtkCairo
  Øyvind Kolås
Øyvind is working on an
application called Bauxite, which uses a node-based data
structure similar to GEGL This application is both a standalone
video editor and a comprehensive test bed of GEGL's node
Øyvind is also working on the next generation XCF format.
His primary interests in the GIMP is graph compositing. 

Other graphics talks at GUADEC

Typography and graphic design for programmers
Liam Quin
The future of rendering in GNOME
Owen Taylor
GStreamer Internals
Benjamin Otte
Digital Photography in a GNOME Environment
Hubert Figuiére


  Many thanks to our generous sponsors, without whom GIMPCon would 
  not be possible:";>"; 
 alt="The Free Software Foundation"/>
  The Free Software Foundation: The Free Software Foundation has 
  consistently been the greatest supporter of the GIMP project, and has 
  been the primary sponsor of each of the three GIMP Conferences which 
  we have held. Many thanks go out to RMS and everyone else at GNU.";>"; 
 alt="MacGIMP" height="30" width="60"/>
  MacGIMP: Mat Caughron sells the GIMP commercially with 
  support and documentation, and has been generous on each occasion we 
  have asked for his support.
The GIMP is also fortunate to have a community of supporters who 
	have donated smaller amounts to the project. Many thanks go out to 
	all those supporters. More information on how to donate to the GIMP 
	is available on";>the GIMP 
	home page.

GIMP conference activities

The GIMP Developers Conference, also known as GIMPCon, is a
gathering of GIMP and GEGL developers from all over the World. It
is a vital opportunity for the GIMP developers to meet each other
and discuss the direction which the software will take over the
coming years.

There have been two GIMP Conferences previously, both in Berlin,
and both graciously hosted by the CCC (the Chaos Computer Club),
a much less chaotic bunch of guys than their name suggests.";
alt="Last year's GIMP Conference"/>
  The GIMP Developers Conference 2003

Last year's GIMP Conference was a sub-event of the Chaos Communications 
Camp, a camping trip with broadband and laptops. During the camp, we 
discussed ways we could make the GIMP better

[Gimp-developer] Reminder to register for GUADEC

2004-06-03 Thread Dave Neary
Hi all,
Everyone who plans to go to Kristiansand for GUADEC should probably 
register with them, sending in your request for free accommodation while 
you're at it.

There is a nominal fee, which will go towards costs of the event - and 
in case you get worried, the "Professional" category is intended for 
participants whose company is paying for them to go. If you are paying 
for yourself, register as a Hobbyist.

It is also important to register quickly if you hope to get a travel 
subsidy from GUADEC, since those requests will be processed by the end 
of next week.

Also - it appears that I had some trouble with my mail last week, and I 
saw a reply to a reply to a reply to my mail asking for travel costs, 
but didn't actually see any other mails in the thread at all.

Could people who sent their travel costs to the list re-send them to me, 
or to the list, quickly? If we want to buy e-tickets for people who 
cannot pay up-front, that has to be done as quickly as possible. Prices 
have started to go up steeply now as we get within a month of the 

Dave Neary

Gimp-developer mailing list

[Gimp-developer] GIMP Conference update

2004-05-28 Thread Dave Neary
Hi all,
It's been a while since I've given an update on the conference 
situation, so here it is.

We have got some funding. A huge amount of thanks for this situation go 
out to the FSF, who have once again agreed to be our principal sponsor 
for the event, and to the many donors who have contributed via paypal 
over the last couple of weeks. We should be able to pay some expenses of 
some people. It is unlikely that we will pay all expenses of anybody, 
but it's a start.

Since there is lots of free housing being offered by the Norwegians, we 
will not pay any hotel expenses. Slumming it is more fun anyway (unless 
you have back problems). Expenses will be given in priority to people 
who *need* the money to get to Norway. So could people who would like to 
come to Norway, and need assistance to get there, please contact me with 
the following information -

 - the cost of getting to Kristiansand and home
 - How much of that you think you can pay
 - whether you need money in advance, or can pay for the full cost of 
the ticket and get some back afterwards.
 - Where you're coming from.

Given the relative high costs of getting to Norway from outside Europe, 
I think it's fair to give priority to Americans who need support, and 
perhaps a New Zealander living in Australia, if he can make it (?). I 
know we're cutting it tight with this, but I did not have a confirmation 
of any real funding until this week. And I don't yet have a lot of 
money, but there is some. So if people need some money in advance, it 
can be arranged.

I have also been looking into getting t-shirts printed. We have a 
generous offer from a new online clothing company (who contacted us a 
few weeks ago asking for permission to use Wilber on shirts) to print 
silk-screen on good cotton t-shirts for $5 per shirt (cost price), 
including the cost of the plates, excluding delivery & duty. I am also 
looking into sharing t-shirt printing with the GNOME Foundation since 
they will be printing shirts for the conference as well. Currently, 
we're aiming for about 40 shirts, most of which will be sold to cover 
some costs. This will involve a cash outlay beforehand, which might be a 
problem for me, but we will work something out.

Dave Neary

Gimp-developer mailing list

Re: [Gimp-developer] Refactoring code from GPL to LGPL

2004-05-24 Thread Dave Neary
Manish Singh wrote:
Dave, ask yourself why you replied to this. The thread was long finished,
and *you* certainly didn't contribute anything meaningful to it. And if
you must reply to this, don't clutter the list with it further.
My contribution was limited to showing that there is at least one person 
around here who doesn't think it's acceptable to treat people the way 
that you did. And since when are you the lord and master of what gets to 
clutter the list or not?

Dave Neary
Gimp-developer mailing list

Re: [Gimp-developer] --enable-gimp-console... are you nuts?

2004-05-18 Thread Dave Neary
Carol Spears wrote:
configure: WARNING: --enable-gimp-console... are you nuts?
*** --enable-gimp-console is for crazy hackers only!
*** The build will fail badly in the app/ directory.
*** You have been warned ;)
what is up with this?
--enable-gimp-console builds a gimp-console application which doesn't 
link with gtk+ at all. In theory, you can run a GIMP without any display 
(this is impossible in batch mode). It was never fully finished and so 
it doesn't work, and is for crazy hackers only. Thus the warning :)

David Neary
Phenix Engineering
110 ave Jean Jaures, 69007 Lyon
Gimp-developer mailing list

Re: [Gimp-developer] Spamcop problem

2004-05-18 Thread Dave Neary
Carol Spears wrote:
On Tue, May 18, 2004 at 10:21:51AM +0200, Dave Neary wrote: is, which is presumably some kind 
of gateway for mail. So getting onto spamcop's blacklist 
probably means that mails aren't going to be too reliable for a 
great.  what does this mean about seemingly good information about cvs
versions coming from addresses?
Presumably it means that your ISp doesn't use spamcop to block spam, 
unlike brix's university. When I said that they would be unreliable, I 
meant that it may be difficult to send mail to addresses - 
since the ISPs/company servers/university servers may be using spamcop.

David Neary
Phenix Engineering
110 ave Jean Jaures, 69007 Lyon
Gimp-developer mailing list

[Gimp-developer] Spamcop problem

2004-05-18 Thread Dave Neary
Hi all,
I just sent a mail to a alias, and it bounced with the 
following problem:

This message was created automatically by mail delivery software (Exim).
A message that you sent could not be delivered to one or more of its
recipients. This is a permanent error. The following address(es) failed:
(generated from [EMAIL PROTECTED])
SMTP error from remote mailer after RCPT TO:<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
host []: 554 Service unavailable; Client host 
[] blocked using; Blocked - see is, which is presumably some kind 
of gateway for mail. So getting onto spamcop's blacklist 
probably means that mails aren't going to be too reliable for a 

Does anyone know what's wrong with at the moment? It's 
mostly down, but it was up for a while yesterday evening.

David Neary
Phenix Engineering
110 ave Jean Jaures, 69007 Lyon
Gimp-developer mailing list

Re: [Gimp-developer] Edit -->Copy confusion

2004-05-18 Thread Dave Neary
Hi Carol,
Carol Spears wrote:
2) a cvs command that will request a version from a calendar date and
   not only the version (as bex and i documented fairly well on wgo)
cvs up -D "-mm-dd HH:MM" gimp
You might prefer sticking with the gimp-2.0 branch, though
cvs up -r gimp-2-0 gimp
I usually have 2 copies checked out of CVS in different directories:
cvs co -r gimp-2-0 -d gimp-2.0 gimp
cvs co -d gimp-2.1 gimp
That'll give you a CVS HEAD version and a stable branch version, in 
gimp-2.1 and gimp-2.0 respectively.

David Neary
Phenix Engineering
110 ave Jean Jaures, 69007 Lyon
Gimp-developer mailing list

Re: [Gimp-developer] Volunteer needed

2004-05-13 Thread Dave Neary

Update on the paypal details.

The form to be added to the web page to allow one-click donations is this:";>
  name="return" type="hidden">
Is anyone currently working on the web pages? A reply from someone who is with a 
"yes, but I don't have time" would be fine, but the absence of response to my 
last mail is worrying me.

I'm quoting the entire previous mail, in case anyone missed it.

Do we have a web team any more? If so, who's on it?

Dave Neary wrote:
So - here's the request: The following information needs to be added 
pretty quickly (and prominently) to the webpage, so that we can start 
advertising the ways to fund the GIMP around community sites. Is there 
anyone with the time to do this today or tomorrow? I won't have time to 
do this (even if it's pretty small) until next week, at the earliest.

= Fundraising info to add to the webpage ===

Donating money to the GIMP is easy! The guys at the GNOME Foundation 
have graciously agreed to act as fiscal agents for us, which means we 
can offer tax deductible donations in the US.

There are 3 ways to support the GIMP financially, and get as many of the 
GIMP Developers as possible to the GIMP Developers Conference, taking 
place in Norway as a sub-event of GUADEC at the end of June, as well as 
expenses associated with the establishment of the GIMP Foundation:

1) Cheque, made payable to the GNOME Foundation, and sent to

GNOME Foundation
c/o Novell, Inc.
8 Cambridge Center
Floor 5
Cambridge, MA 02142,

with a cover-letter (or a note in the "memo" field) saying it is for the 
GIMP. You can additionally send a mail saying that you have donated to 
[EMAIL PROTECTED], if you want to.

2) Wire transfer

Send an email to [EMAIL PROTECTED], requesting bank details, and 
specifying that you are donating to the GIMP.

3) Paypal

Donate to [EMAIL PROTECTED], this will notify us, and the GNOME board, that 
funds have been donated to the GIMP. Credit card donations are also 
accepted via this route.

Please indicate whether you would like your donation to remain 
anonymous, as otherwise you will be listed as a sponsor of the GIMP on 
the web-pages.

Note: The following can be added to allow a paypal donation to be just 
one click from the website (the page should exist with a short thank 
you message, otherwise the "return" field should be omitted):";>"; 
name="return" type="hidden">


I've attached donate.png, which is directly taken from

Alternatively, we can use the paypal icon like this..."; type="image">

...but since we're not getting anything from paypal, perhaps the neutral 
one is better.

Thanks a lot,

Gimp-developer mailing list

Dave Neary
Gimp-developer mailing list

Re: [Gimp-developer] Refactoring code from GPL to LGPL

2004-05-13 Thread Dave Neary

Robin Rowe wrote:
"Refactoring is a disciplined technique for restructuring an existing body
of code, altering its internal structure without changing its external
behavior." - Martin Fowler on
This is exactly what happened to the code in /app between 1.2 and 2.0 - its 
internal structure changed drastically, without reducing its external behaviour. 
Although of course, not only was the code refactored, quite a few features were 
implemented with the new structure too.

What I am saying is that moving redundant code out of application space into
libraries is a significant component of refactoring. 
I would rather say that the modularising of an architecture, the separation of 
distinct functionality into distinct modules, is an essential part of 
refactoring. Putting this functionality into a library is simply a matter of 
passing the linker the right flags.

Sven has answered that question. The client-server design of the PDB
sidesteps the license issue by exposing functionality in app (which includes
the PDB) without linking (instead using sockets).
Actually, shared memory. But it amounts to the same thing. It's all IPC.

Appreciate the clarification.
No problem :)

Dave Neary
Gimp-developer mailing list

Re: [Gimp-developer] Re: GPL discussion (was something else)

2004-05-13 Thread Dave Neary
Tor Lillqvist wrote:

[EMAIL PROTECTED] ( Marc) (A.) (Lehmann ) writes:
 > According to you, this shouldn't be. Additionally, one would assume that
 > these are additional restrictions that are explicitly forbidden by the GPL
 > itself.
But these restrictions are placed by the MySQL copyright holders
themselves, aren't they? It's those who *copy* (download, install) and
redistribute MySQL that the license applies to, and it's they who
can't add any additional restrictions. Or am I confused...?
For a licence to be considered GPL, it can impose no further restrictions beyond 
what is in the GPL, excluding exceptions which are explicitly allowed (linking 
to library X, for example). Of course, the copyright holders can place the 
software under any licence they see fit. Including the GPL, but also including 
weird GPL hybrids.

But since the MySQL copyright holders say that the licence is GPL, I suppose 
they get to have some say in what they consider to be a derived work.

Dave Neary
Gimp-developer mailing list

[Gimp-developer] GPL discussion (was something else)

2004-05-12 Thread Dave Neary

I guess since we explicitly exempt libgimp and plug-ins, this discussion is 
purely of academic interest. Anyway - it interests me enough to ask a couple of 

[EMAIL PROTECTED] ( Marc) (A.) (Lehmann ) wrote:
On Wed, May 12, 2004 at 01:12:03PM +0200, Dave Neary <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Now that library is calling 
GPL code, albeit via a network protocol. Is the client library in breach of 
the GPL?

Well, that's what the license says:

   The "Program", below, refers to any such program or work, and a "work
   based on the Program" means either the Program or any derivative work
   under copyright law: that is to say, a work containing the Program or a
   portion of it, either verbatim or with modifications and/or translated
   into another language.  (Hereinafter, translation is included without
   limitation in the term "modification".)
I've read and re-read this, and I'm having trouble figuring out how anyone can 
consider a network client as being a derivative work of the server. The client 
does not contain any of the server. The server exposes an API using an open 
protocol, and the client formulates requests to the server, and gets a response 
(still using xml-rpc as the example). At no stage does the client contain part 
of the server. The client can exist with an alternate, non-GPL implementation of 
the same server with no change (similarly, someone could conceivably use 
libgimpwire to implement a simple plugin-based batch processor and use the 
existing farm of GIMP plug-ins with no changes). The client and the server are 
distinct entities. Somewhere along the line, I don't get it. But that's OK :)

So I hope it's very clear now that "it depends".
Ummm.. no. And getting unclearer all the time.

Dave Neary
Gimp-developer mailing list

Re: [Gimp-developer] Refactoring code from GPL to LGPL

2004-05-12 Thread Dave Neary

Sven Neumann wrote:
Dave Neary <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
Following what you (Sven) said in the previous mail, it also seems
like the libgimp parts are independent of the original code, and calls
the original functions via a PDB proxy, so licence issues wouldn't
come into it.
Well, there are license issues when a non-GPL application makes calls
to GPL-ed code by whatever means.
I don' think this is an accurate representation of the issue. It certainly 
doesn't tally with my understanding. That said, I'm no expert.

But let's take an example...

I write a GPL network daemon (say red carpet). Someone write a non-GPL compliant 
client (say an LGPL encapsulation of the RedCarpet XML-RPC protocol to allow 
proprietary implementations). Now that library is calling GPL code, albeit via a 
network protocol. Is the client library in breach of the GPL?

How about if the relationship is via an ORB?

A GIMP plug-in is a completely different process space than the GIMP core. 
Information is passed via a wire protocol which is implemented at both ends 
using LGPL code. I don't see how this is different from viewing the GIMP as a 
server, and the plug-in as a client. Or alternatively, the PDB as a broker and 
both the plug-ins and the rest of the core as clients.

This is a difficult subject and it's
hard to judge if a plug-in should be considered part of the GIMP
application (which would mean that the GPL applies) or if it's a mere
aggregation as per section 2 of the GNU General Public License. Our
position on this is outlined in the file LICENSE which is included
with the GIMP source tree.
While the exemption in the LICENCE file does indeed clear up any possible 
confusion, I'm not sure it's necessary. What it also clears up, though, is that 
there are no licence issues with exporting a core procedure to the PDB, and 
wrapping that procedure in libgimp, which was the case in point.

Dave Neary
Gimp-developer mailing list

Re: [Gimp-developer] Refactoring code from GPL to LGPL

2004-05-12 Thread Dave Neary
Hi Robin,

Robin Rowe wrote:
Good technical anwer, thanks.
Apparently I got it wrong.

Anyway - I just improved my understanding with a concrete example.

Let's take gimp_layer_add_alpha() as the example (the function adds an alpha 
channel to an RGB background layer that doesn't have one yet).

The implementation is in app/core/gimplayer.c.

In app/pdb/layer_cmds.c (still in application space), we have a wrapper function 
(layer_add_alpha_invoker), and a procedure which we register with the PDB 
(layer_add_alpha_proc), which registers the _invoker function as the "run" callback.

Finally, in libgimp/gimplayer_pdb.c, we have the wrapper function which is 
called in plug-ins. This calls gimp_run_procedure on the procedure above, and 
invoked the core code as a direct result, as with a normal user-defined PDB 

Core types and enums are wrapped automatically by the perl scripts in 
tools/pdbgen (although this is somewhat black magic to me).

I'm also wondering from a license standpoint. The code in app is GPL, but
libgimp is LGPL.
Given the above, the core code is GPL, the app/pdb code is GPL, and libgimp/* is 
LGPL, so there are no licence issues.

Hope this clears everything up,
Dave Neary
Gimp-developer mailing list

Re: [Gimp-developer] Refactoring code from GPL to LGPL

2004-05-12 Thread Dave Neary

Sven Neumann wrote:
"Robin Rowe" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
I honestly am not sure what the process for moving code to libgimp
is...  essentially it is just moving the code to a library, and
then adding a wrapper (if required) around those functions to
expose them to the PDB.
Good technical anwer, thanks.
Well, the answer was technically incorrect since it's the PDB and
libgimp that's a wrapper around code in the core, not the other way
Oops. At least I qualified it by saying I wasn't sure what was involved :)

My understanding came from looking at libgimpthumb, which was added into 2.0 - 
what's in libgimpthumb looks to me like a complete implementation of the 
thumbnail spec, as opposed to PDB wrapper code. Ah - looking at the gimp-2.0 
binary it looks like we just link libgimpthumb into gimp-2.0, and let plug-ins 
link with it if they want, so it is pure implementation.

How do you get permission to move GIMP code from GPL into LGPL?
Basically we do this so rarely that is hasn't been a problem so far to
get permissions from everyone who touched the code in question.
Following what you (Sven) said in the previous mail, it also seems like the 
libgimp parts are independent of the original code, and calls the original 
functions via a PDB proxy, so licence issues wouldn't come into it.

May I ask why you are asking these questions?
I imagine it's because he wants to do the same thing... just a wild guess.

Dave Neary
Gimp-developer mailing list

Re: [Gimp-developer] Volunteer needed

2004-05-11 Thread Dave Neary
Hi J.,

J. Grant wrote:

GNOME Foundation
c/o Novell, Inc.
8 Cambridge Center
Floor 5
Cambridge, MA 02142

Perhaps the country name could be added as well?  Otherwise people may 
assume it is the first Cambridge (UK) or one of the other international 
cities using the same name.
Good point. I'm not sure who's putting this up on the site, though.

Dave Neary
Gimp-developer mailing list

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