[Felvtalk] FIV and oral cancer

2012-07-18 Thread Amy
I know this isn't an FIV group but I thought I might be able to find some 
helpful info.  I have two cats that have leukemia and I've been through 
lymphoma and cancer with several of the positives.  This time it is my FIV+ 
that is having trouble.  About a month ago, we noticed a large swelling on the 
side of her face.  We took her to the vet and she had a bad tooth which started 
bleeding when the doctor touched it.  My vet, who I adore and who has never 
steered me wrong over all the years of my leuk positives, recommended I put her 
on antibiotics and bring her back to have the tooth removed.  We did that and 
she had 4 extractions.  She had bloodwork and testing prior to surgery and 
everything was beautiful.  No signs of anything but a dental abscess.  

Following the surgery, the swelling on her face was not going away.  She has 
been on very strong antibiotics (trying different kinds and multiple ones 
together) and yet the mass continues to grow.  My vet started by saying she was 
concerned we might be dealing with cancer.  At this point, she is fully 
convinced there is a tumor growing in there.  For all my other cats, I have 
pursued test after test trying to save them.  I've done chemo, I've gone to 
Cornell University trying to save some of them, but ultimately the cancer 
always seems to win.  So my vet said I could let her be or I could put her 
under and do dental x-rays and a biopsy.  Her socket has not even healed from 
her dental and my vet said she personally probably wouldn't put her through the 
biopsy as we are either dealing with infection or cancer and we are both 
confident this is not infection.  Has anybody else ever been through something 
like this?  I don't want to put her through
 any more sedation, testing, etc. if her days are numbered but I also wonder if 
I could be missing something.  My vet gave me this kitty and she loves her like 
her own kitty so I'm leaning towards following her advice.  I just always 
thought my FIV+ kitty might live a long, normal life and am so bummed to be 
possibly dealing with cancer yet again.  Would love to hear about anybody else 
that has been through oral cancer as this is one cancer that I haven't been 
through before.

Felvtalk mailing list

Re: [Felvtalk] WBC/RBC/platelet count decreasing

2009-11-26 Thread Amy
Hi Jenny,

Thanks for the advice.  I have certainly considered all my options and I know 
that this is not a good place for Wolfie to be at.  I've had so many positive 
cats and unfortunately I know how it usually ends.  This one has made it longer 
than any of my other ones and I would do anything to save him if I thought that 
something existed.  

Wolfie started pred after testing positive for hemobart.  I tried weaning him 
off the pred once the treatment was completed and he became very weak and 
lethargic after dropping to one pill a day.  The specialist at Cornell told me 
that the pred could definitely be helping if we are dealing with lymphoma or 
other issues and we all agreed that having Wolfie crash right now by taking him 
off the pred is probably not the way to go.  I know it's not going to reverse 
his non-regenerative anemia.  Is there anything that can do that?  Nothing I'm 
aware of does.  That's why I posted asking if anybody has seen a cat brought 
back by LTCI once non-regenerative anemia has been confirmed.  There are some 
definite pros and cons to using it.  Numerous vets have told me that it doesn't 
come without the stress of bloodwork, additional visits, monitoring, etc.  If I 
had evidence that this could reverse Wolfie's situation, I would seriously 
consider it.  Heck I'm
 considering it even knowing it probably won't.  I have nothing but Wolfie's 
best interest in mind.  I'm not sure monitoring and routinely drawing blood on 
a cat that is no longer making red blood cells is a wise decision when not one 
person out there has been able to say "yes, this saved my cat from 
non-regenerative anemia."  

I hope that LTCI turns out to be a life-saver.  I really do.  I'm just afraid 
of all the hype because if just seems too good to be true.  I have to think 
about Wolfie and the fact that he is very opinionated.  He's not a cat that 
would want to sit at a vet getting drips or being hospitalized.  I'm all for 
doing everything I can to save him but I also have to respect the cat that he 
is and how I want his last months, weeks, days, whatever to be spent.  I'm 
trying to gather as much info as possible to make the best decision for him.  I 
hate this disease and I hate that I might not be able to do anything to save 
him :( 

Thanks again for all the suggestions.  I am definitely researching everything.  
I am very familiar with holistic approaches and by no means feel obligated to 
follow conventional medicine.  I just want to do what is best for Wolfie and 
I'm not sure any of us really know the answer to that when it comes to this 


--- On Thu, 11/26/09, jbero tds.net  wrote:

> From: jbero tds.net 
> Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] WBC/RBC/platelet count decreasing
> To: felvtalk@felineleukemia.org
> Date: Thursday, November 26, 2009, 3:37 PM
> >
> > Amy,
> You have a cat in the stages that most of us dread. 
> You have a few options
> available to you.  You can follow conventional advice
> or you can take a
> chance.  From what I've seen conventional medicine
> does not help in this
> scenario.
> My first question is this; Why is he on prednisone? 
> The only possible
> reason I can see for this is hemobartonella.  If
> that's not present, I fail
> to see the value.  Prednisone seems to be the cure all
> in veterinary
> medicine and with few exceptions it simply relieves
> symptoms while your cat
> dies.
> I don't think you have much time to make a choice. 
> Unless there is a valid
> reason for using the prednisone, I would stop it (taper
> it)  I would be
> aggressive at this point.  I would get acemannan, LTCI
> and I would probably
> try the vitamin c drip (I have not used this yet, but Sally
> would certainly
> be willing to help you with it).  I would do it all
> together and right now.
> This is of course dependent on your financial situation - I
> understand the
> massive investment this could mean.  If, however, you
> simply treat symptoms
> and try transfusion, antibiotics, prednisone etc you are
> simply prolonging
> the inevitable and only by a small amount - this will also
> be exceptionally
> expensive.
> Here's the thing, you have not done a transfusion yet so
> you sort of have
> that as a back door immediate rescue if you need it. 
> The prednisone is not
> raising the Hct so why do you think it's helping?  You
> have a non
> regenerative anemia on your hands.  Unless you reverse
> that you're dead in
> the water - prednisone will not do this.
> You are facing a tough decision, I know, I understand and I
> am so sorry for
> that.  If you leave the beaten path of veterinary
> medicine you have to do
> the leg work and fight an u

[Felvtalk] Gold color around one eye

2010-02-12 Thread Amy
Hi all,

I have a question about one of my leuk positive cats.  I took him to the vet 
yesterday for his annual visit.  His bloodwork was all fine but the vet noticed 
a coppery/gold ring around the outside of his right eye.  She wanted to know if 
it's new or if it has always been there.  I looked at it but really don't think 
it's something I would have ever noticed.  Not sure if it's new or always been 

She talked to an eye expert who suggested testing for toxo (test is going out 
today).  If that is negative he suggests treating it as a chronic uveitis.  She 
mentioned that it could be a manifestation of lymphoma as well but my vet said 
it would have to be very early stages as she felt nothing during his exam and 
his bloodwork was great.  Just wondering if anybody has had a cat experience 
this.  His eye doesn't seem red or painful and he's never had any trauma since 
living with me which has been several years.  He's 7 and has been healthy the 
entire time I've had him.  Just wondering if this could be nothing or if it's 
something to really worry about.



Felvtalk mailing list

Re: [Felvtalk] Bernie - Uveitis

2010-02-18 Thread Amy
Hi Maria,

I don't know if you saw my post the other day about my cat with the gold, 
coppery color ring around his eye (nobody responded but I think it went out to 
the list).  It's a little different situation but my cat's bloodwork is perfect 
as well.  He's going back next week to have his eye stained and then to start 
on steroids in case it's uveitis.  The specialist also mentioned lymphoma.  My 
cat doesn't show any sign of illness so I know it's different but just wanted 
to say I understand how tough it is to never have the answers.  My vet said 
this may be something my cat has had his whole life and we just never noticed 
or it may be the start of something.  

I have another cat that has been holding steady for several months after being 
treated at Cornell.  However, I know it's only a matter of time and I hate the 
helpless feeling of not knowing what is going on and what the best course of 
action is.  It's so tough with this disease because I don't like to disturb the 
balance in what appears to be a healthy cat but I don't want to miss something 

Hoping you find some answers soon and that Bernie starts feeling better.


--- On Thu, 2/18/10, Maria  wrote:

> From: Maria 
> Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] Bernie - Uveitis
> To: felvtalk@felineleukemia.org
> Date: Thursday, February 18, 2010, 12:37 PM
> I had a conversation with my primary
> vet this morning about Bernie and his
> Uveitis/possible lymphoma.  I'm not sure what to do.
> I'm frustrated, sad,
> angry and I feel like I'm running into walls
> everywhere.  It seems like
> there are never answers for these cats. It could be one
> thing, but that is a
> symptom of something else, we could do this test, but that
> might not tell us
> for sure what is wrong.  I keep going in circles and
> the bottom line still
> is my baby doesn't feel well, and I'm emotionally and
> financially spent. I
> want to do something to help him but I don't know what or
> what will work.
> His activity appears to be declining each day.  Still
> eating, but this
> morning he didn't eat his whole bowl of food.  To find
> out if it is
> lymphoma, we could do a biopsy on the eye, but its risky,
> and its a hard
> area to get a good sample.  We could go to an
> internist and have a scan done
> to see if there are any masses somewhere else in the
> body.  Even if there
> are, we would still have to do a biopsy to find out if it
> is lymphoma. His
> blood work 2 weeks ago was completely normal. I am
> continuing w/ steroid
> drops 3x a day.
> Apparently with Uveitis there isn't usually any pain
> associated with the
> eye... so she didn't recommend pain medication at this
> point.  I don't think
> he is in pain (cats can probably cover this up well
> though.), he doesn't
> wince or anything, but he is just not acting like himself.
> I guess we just take it day by day at this point but I feel
> helpless like
> I'm just letting him go.   Sorry for the
> rant, just needed to type to get my
> thoughts out.  Thanks.
> Maria
> ___
> Felvtalk mailing list
> Felvtalk@felineleukemia.org
> http://felineleukemia.org/mailman/listinfo/felvtalk_felineleukemia.org


Felvtalk mailing list

Re: [Felvtalk] Bernie - Uveitis

2010-02-18 Thread Amy
Me too.  We are actually going to go back through all the pictures I've taken 
of him over the years and see if I can ever see the color around his eyes.  I 
haven't taken tons of close-ups though so it's a long shot.  I'm just not ready 
to go up against lymphoma again :(


--- On Thu, 2/18/10, Sally Davis  wrote:

> From: Sally Davis 
> Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] Bernie - Uveitis
> To: felvtalk@felineleukemia.org
> Date: Thursday, February 18, 2010, 1:20 PM
> Amy
> I saw your post, but had no experience to suggest anything.
> I one had a
> doctor tell me she had never seen eyes like mine. Weird
> huh. Now there
> wasn't anything wrong it was just how my eyes were
> pigmented.
> Hoping this is normal for your cat.
> Sally
> Lily, Daisy, Pewter, Junior Junior, Hotdog (newest) Silver,
> and  Spike
> ___
> Felvtalk mailing list
> Felvtalk@felineleukemia.org
> http://felineleukemia.org/mailman/listinfo/felvtalk_felineleukemia.org


Felvtalk mailing list

Re: [Felvtalk] Bernie - Uveitis

2010-02-18 Thread Amy

Nothing really funny looking about Luigi's eye.  It's almost kind of cool 
looking.  He just has a ring around about 1/2 of his eye.  It's down one side 
and down the other side and just looks like a coppery tone.  My vet didn't 
recall noticing it before and called a specialist just to see if she should 
refer me.  He started talking about how it could be all these horrible things 
and how we could remove the eye, etc.  This cat has been with me for several 
years with no illness or odd behavior of any type so I'm definitely not 
considering anything like that.  What if it's nothing?  He runs around like a 
wild man and is certainly not in any discomfort that I can see.  So anyway, I'm 
kind of worried, yet hopeful that it might be nothing.  You would never think 
anything was strange about his eye looking at him but we all just wonder why 
this color would appear out of nowhere.

I did get the toxo results back and they are negative.  I was also kind of 
hoping it would be positive but I guess anything these cats don't have is a 

Please let me know how things go with Bernie and how you choose to proceed.  
I've lost several positives over the years and I think I might go back and look 
at the bloodwork for the couple I lost to lymphoma just to see if it was odd or 

Keep us posted!

> Amy -
> Thanks for the kind words.  I re-read your post about
> your kitty and and the
> gold colored ring around his eye.  When you look at
> his eye in light, does
> it look funny like how animals eyes sometimes show up in
> pictures taken with
> a flash?  That's how we first noticed Bernie's eye
> issue.  He was looking at
> me and one eye was reflecting really funny while the other
> was not.  He
> doesn't have a gold colored ring... but there looks like
> there is a mass up
> in the corner of the eye.  The iris is swollen as
> well. His eye also had
> a cloudy film all over the eye, but the steroid eye drops
> cleared that up.
> We also tested Bernie for toxo.. it came back negative...
> and we ran a
> mycoplasma test as well.. also negative.  Did you get
> your kitty's toxo test
> back yet?  I was almost hoping it was toxo... there is
> at least an
> antibiotic for that.
> I learned this morning from the vet that cat's with
> lymphoma sometimes have
> normal blood work.  I never knew that. I assumed that
> the white blood cells
> would go up.  She said depending on the type of
> lymphoma, the white blood
> cells may drop, stay the same, or rise.
> Please keep me up to date on your kitty!  I hope he is
> ok and doing better
> soon.
> Maria
> ___
> Felvtalk mailing list
> Felvtalk@felineleukemia.org
> http://felineleukemia.org/mailman/listinfo/felvtalk_felineleukemia.org


Felvtalk mailing list

Re: [Felvtalk] Bernie Update

2010-02-22 Thread Amy

I'm sorry to hear about Bernie.  I lost my first leuk positive to intestinal 
lymphoma.  It's so hard to get a diagnosis like that for such a young cat but I 
hope you find some peace in knowing how special you've made these months for 
him.  Enjoy whatever time you have left with him.  He's very lucky to have you.


--- On Mon, 2/22/10, Maria  wrote:

> From: Maria 
> Subject: [Felvtalk] Bernie Update
> To: felvtalk@felineleukemia.org
> Date: Monday, February 22, 2010, 12:53 PM
> I took Bernie to the vet this morning
> and did an x-ray.  He has a large mass
> near his stomach/intestine.  We have decided not to do
> chemo and have put
> him on some steroids and pain medication.  He is still
> eating and purring
> which is good, but it will only get worse.
> We will probably put him to sleep Friday or Saturday. 
> Sooner if it gets
> worse, but I want everyone to be able to be there if they
> can.
> For the record:
> Bernie - Diagnosed FelV+ at 7 months, diagnosed with
> uveitis at 1 year 7
> months, diagnosed with lymphoma about 1 year 8 months.
> He is the most amazing cat I have ever had.  The best
> personality and made
> me smile every day.  I don't regret one vet bill or
> day I had with him.
>  I want to thank everyone on this list for their support
> and knowledge.  I
> really appreciate it and I think all of you are amazing. I
> will keep you and
> all your babies in my prayers.
> Thank you again,
> Maria
> ___
> Felvtalk mailing list
> Felvtalk@felineleukemia.org
> http://felineleukemia.org/mailman/listinfo/felvtalk_felineleukemia.org


Felvtalk mailing list

Re: [Felvtalk] Casper is positive

2010-03-04 Thread Amy
So sorry to hear about Casper.  I have one cat with leukemia that became anemic 
in September of last year.  He is still holding his own.  He does have 
non-regenerative anemia so I asked how it is that his HCT isn't dropping if 
he's not making more red blood cells.  I guess the spleen and another organ can 
make some red blood cells too.  Do you know if Casper has regenerative or 
non-regenerative anemia?  Either way I hope you have lots of time left.  I 
think it totally depends on what's causing the anemia to begin with.  I asked 
the internist if non-regenerative anemia is a definite death sentence.  She 
said there is no way to tell how long Wolfie will continue to hold his own but 
she hopes he lives until he's 20.  I know that's not going to happen but it 
never hurts to hope.  We know his odds aren't good now that the leukemia is in 
his bone marrow but his odds of living this long weren't good either and he 
did.  Hoping for the best for Casper.


> My poor sweet Casper is FeLV+. 
> So by making the decision to mix I have condemned him. 
> He is anemic and he is going on Doxycyclne and
> Prednosolone.  Has anyone ever heard of a cat that has
> anemia living longer then a few months?
> ___
> Felvtalk mailing list
> Felvtalk@felineleukemia.org
> http://felineleukemia.org/mailman/listinfo/felvtalk_felineleukemia.org


Felvtalk mailing list

Re: [Felvtalk] Casper is positive

2010-03-05 Thread Amy
Wolfie is on pred twice daily and has been for several months.  I have talked 
to Cornell University numerous times and have made several trips there.  The 
internist I work with has done tons of literature searches for me.  I have 
inquired about every treatment option that I have ever read about to see if 
there is anything I can do to help this cat.  She has researched each one and 
told me that if it was her cat this is the course of action she would take 
(leaving Wolf on pred and monitoring him).  

We are keeping Imulan LTCI in the back of our minds but I just don't have the 
money to spend on something ($90 a dose here) that probably won't help.  I 
would, however, spend that in a minute if one person had success with saving a 
non-regenerative leuk positive.  I've yet to hear of one case.  My vet actually 
called the company because she said in theory it sounds great but the study has 
so many holes and problems that it just gives them no credibility.  She asked 
if she could see the actual data so that her and her colleagues could review it 
and make their own interpretations and they said thanks but not thanks.  They 
skewed their findings and I don't know why they would do that if the results 
showed it actually worked.  I asked the vet if she had unlimited funds if she 
would try it and she said no, not at this point.  She said if Wolfie starts to 
crash, we might, but she would not want to upset the balance.  She told me that 
leukemia is a really tough
 disease and she thinks that by trying some of these other options that I could 
do more harm than good since all the research shows they don't help and it is 
still introducing a foreign substance into an immune compromised cat.  I know 
other people have claimed great success with LTCI and some other options and I 
totally respect people trying all of them.  In this case, I just feel I agree 
with my vet and this is what works for us.  She treats lots of leuk positives 
because she is at a teaching hospital and I really believe if there was 
something out there that worked, she'd be aware of it.  I actually tried to 
locate any vet hospital in my area that has used LTCI with any success and 
can't find one so again I'm still skeptical.  I hope I'm wrong and this become 
the cure!  I really do!  

Anyways, Wolfie was initially treated with doxy and pred and was on it for 11 
weeks.  I know that's a long time but we needed to be sure the hemobart was 
gone (he tested positive for the more uncommon form).  We retested him at 
Cornell and he is negative now.  We didn't use a smear because every cat in my 
home has tested negative on smears every 6 months since coming here and when we 
did the actual test that we sent out to the lab, all but one of my cats tested 
positive for the more uncommon form).  None of the others ever showed any sign 
of illness the entire time they have been and bloodwork was fine.  I did a lot 
of research on the hemobart and this less common form can be tied to leuk 
positive cats and can be a sign of progression of the disease.  I now wonder if 
I had actually had the blood test done on every cat I ever lost to anemia if 
every one of them would have shown this positive.  That said, we also tested 
for numerous other causes of anemia
 and I learned more than I could ever imagine about anemia.  

I'm so glad Casper is still slightly regenerative.  I'll never forget finding 
out that Wolfie was non-regenerative.  It was awful.  I think each person needs 
to make their own decision about what path they want to take.  My only 
suggestion would be to eliminate every possible cause of anemia and make sure 
it's nothing you can treat.  If you want to write me off list, I'd be more than 
happy to list all the things we tested for and ruled out.  Then if you find out 
that the anemia is from the leukemia being in the bone marrow and not from 
something else, I think you have to follow your heart as to how to treat.  
Please let me know how things go and I'd love to know what treatments your vet 
suggests, if any.  I'm crossing my fingers for Casper and hoping the anemia is 
from something that can be easily treated.


--- On Fri, 3/5/10, Frank & Sue Koren  wrote:

> From: Frank & Sue Koren 
> Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] Casper is positive
> To: felvtalk@felineleukemia.org
> Date: Friday, March 5, 2010, 1:43 AM
> Casper's anemia is "slightly"
> regenerative according to the vet..  What kind of meds
> is Wolfie on?
> - Original Message - From: "Amy" 
> To: 
> Sent: Thursday, March 04, 2010 9:34 PM
> Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] Casper is positive


Felvtalk mailing list

Re: [Felvtalk] MeMe 2006-3-32010

2010-03-05 Thread Amy

It sounds like MeMe had a wonderful 3 years with you.  She was so lucky to be 
loved and cared for by you through this horrible disease and it sounds like you 
were just as lucky to have her.  I'm sorry to hear of her passing and hope 
those precious memories of her bring you some comfort.


--- On Fri, 3/5/10, Jane Lyons  wrote:

> From: Jane Lyons 
> Subject: [Felvtalk] MeMe 2006-3-32010
> To: felvtalk@felineleukemia.org
> Date: Friday, March 5, 2010, 10:11 AM
> I sent this message yesterday with a
> photo of MeMe but it did not go through the list.
> There are two photos of her on my photo webpage. The one on
> the bottom right is the best of the two (if anyone wants to
> see her face)
> Say two of the grieving process is not any better.
> Jane
> photos
> http://digitalimagecafe.com/member_profile.asp?member=memex2
> Last night the vet came at 10:00 to put MeMe to sleep. I
> had her for three years and two
> days and I am grateful for each and everyone of those days.
> She was an extraordinary cat.
> She was highly symptomatic with Felv  when we adopted
> her but we managed to
> get her to a place of almost normalcy for almost three
> years and up until the last few months
> she lived a full and happy life.
> She had been in steady decline since mid December and the
> quality of her life had diminished
> drastically. She stopped eating three days ago and
> yesterday morning she could not jump
> down from the kitchen countertop. It was at that moment
> that I knew I had to make the call.
> Four weeks ago she had a complete blood work up which
> turned out to be completely normal.
> The vet was astonished when he called me with her report.
> He said he had been afraid to read it
> because he didn't want to call me with , what he was sure,
> would be a bad report. I knew, despite
> the numbers that she was not well. We had given her a round
> of Clavamox to help her stomatitis
> and she developed diarrhea that I could not get rid of
> despite homeopathy and Forti-Flora that
> had worked before.
> We did an ultra sound of her digestive tract which proved
> to be "inconclusive'' and yet she continued
> to get sicker. Yesterday my husband found a mass behind her
> right ear that was enormous. It had not
> been there a few weeks ago but I suspect her lymphatic
> system has been under assault since mid December
> when I began to see changes in her coat and her energy and
> then her behavior. Through it all, she continued
> to seek us out to sit in our laps and to sleep in our bed.
> She never hid or indicated that she wanted to be alone.
> This weekend I walked into the front hall to find her lying
> between our two Scotties in a pool of sunlight.
> As sick and as vulnerable as she was, she trusted them and
> us. She was a strong and trusting and courageous
> animal who could scale 40' trees with more agility than a
> squirrel. She was fearless and when we discovered that
> she was positive and could not go out she adapted to her
> cat jacket and spent all her days outside or going for
> walks with the dogs. She led the pack with her tail
> straight up and an occasional detour to climb a tree (with
> her
> 20' retractable leash).
> I could go on forever. She was just too wonderful.
> I have one positive thing to report. She had stomatitis
> (inflamed and sore gums) which we treated with antibiotics
> and homeopathy and a topical spray. Nothing worked for
> long. I discovered over this past month that the pro-biotic
> I was using for her diarrhea helped her mouth enormously. I
> was mixing Forti-Flora in her food twice a day for weeks
> and last week I noticed that her mouth was almost normal.
> For anyone dealing with stomatitis you might try a
> probiotic.
> So dear friends I think that all of us who are loving these
> endearing, loving creatures can learn a lot from their
> nobility and grace.
> MeMe was a gift and a life lesson to me. She has taught me
> so much and while she is not sitting in my lap as I type
> (and cry) she is deeply imbedded in
> my heart and will always be.
> Bless all of you who are living and learning from these
> very special beings
> love
> Jane
> ___
> Felvtalk mailing list
> Felvtalk@felineleukemia.org
> http://felineleukemia.org/mailman/listinfo/felvtalk_felineleukemia.org


Felvtalk mailing list

Re: [Felvtalk] Epogen? Interfuron?

2010-03-16 Thread Amy
Hi Sue,

Just wanted to ask what Casper's HCT is right now?  Does he have CRF?  I have 
looked into Epogen as well and know some people swear by it.  I don't want to 
contradict anything you've heard but just wanted to offer up another thing to 
consider.  The specialist I talked to said all of the treatments mentioned on 
this list, that is the only one she would never use.  She said that while a 
positive may respond well to it, the chance of doing irreversible harm is high. 
 I know that is controversial but she said she has seen one cat after another 
react to it.  She said that is is really tough to reverse the damage if the cat 
does react and not a risk she would ever take.  I don't know where I stand on 
Epogen because I have heard such completely opposing views on it.  I don't 
judge those that use it nor do I judge those who won't go near it.  Just wanted 
to present what I was told in case it could help in any way.  I hope whatever 
you try works wonders for

What have other people heard/experienced with Epogen?  I know that if a cat has 
nonregenerative anemia, has a HCT below 20, etc. the idea is sometimes that the 
cat is going to die anyways so what's the harm in trying something that could 
cause a reaction or might not.  What I don't get is the reason behind using 
Epogen for a cat that is not in renal failure.  If the cat is producing 
erythropoietin fine, what could the Epogen do to help?  I'd love to hear more 
about this.


--- On Tue, 3/16/10, Frank & Sue Koren  wrote:

> From: Frank & Sue Koren 
> Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] Epogen? Interfuron?
> To: felvtalk@felineleukemia.org
> Date: Tuesday, March 16, 2010, 8:59 PM
> I can't remember now what the time
> frame was. He was tested at his first vet visit after I
> adopted him but I don't remember how long that was after I
> brought him home.  Normally I take a newly adopted cat
> right in to be checked but it has been about four years...
> Today I called my vet back and told him I wanted the Epogen
> because I wasn't going to just sit back and watch him
> die.  He called a prescription in to Walgreens and they
> had to order it.  I will pick it up after work tomorrow
> along with the syringes and give him his first injection
> tomorrow evening. My vet also contacted another vet he knows
> who had Imulan in stock and I am going to pick that up
> Thursday after work.  I didn't realise that Epogen and
> Imulan could be given concurrently.  Who knows, maybe
> there is some hope for my beautiful white fluffy boy after
> all.
> Sue
> - Original Message - From: "MaryChristine" 
> To: 
> Sent: Tuesday, March 16, 2010 7:23 PM
> Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] Epogen? Interfuron?
> > sue, was casper ever double tested to make sure he was
> actually negative? a
> > single negative test means no more than a single
> positive test does: unless
> > we know for sure when the last possible date of
> exposure was, and do a final
> > test 90-120 days after that, we cannot know that any
> cat is truly negative.
> > this is how my cats all become exposed back in
> 2000--my housemate, the
> > shelter director, brought in a beautiful little girl
> who'd tested negative.
> > we didn't know to retest back then, and didn't. she
> became symptomatic less
> > than a year later.
> > 
> > as far as i know, there are no cases of an actually
> negative cat (tested
> > twice) who has been vaccinated ever becoming positive
> from living with
> > positives. don't blame yourself for something that you
> probably DIDN'T do.
> > 
> > MC
> > 
> > -- Spay & Neuter Your Neighbors!
> > Maybe That'll Make The Difference
> > 
> > MaryChristine
> > Special-Needs Coordinator, Purebred Cat Breed Rescue
> (www.purebredcats.org)
> > Member, SCAT (Special-Cat Action Team)
> > ___
> > Felvtalk mailing list
> > Felvtalk@felineleukemia.org
> > http://felineleukemia.org/mailman/listinfo/felvtalk_felineleukemia.org
> No virus found in this incoming message.
> Checked by AVG - www.avg.com
> Version: 8.5.436 / Virus Database: 271.1.1/2751 - Release
> Date: 03/16/10 19:33:00
> ___
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Re: [Felvtalk] Epogen? Interfuron?

2010-03-17 Thread Amy
Hi Belinda,

I do know Bailey's story well and honestly you are one of the only stories I've 
heard with positive results (not to say there aren't a lot more good ones out 
there, that's why I'm asking).  Your story keeps me wondering if I should try 
it despite the warnings.  I'm so glad you had these results with Epogen.  I 
actually had the vet research WHY it could possibly help a leuk positive cat 
because of your story.  I can't find one vet that can explain why it could 
possibly help since a leuk positive cat is normally making erythropoietin just 
fine on it's own.  That's not to say it has never helped.  She has heard of 
cases but said there is no biological/medical reason it should help .  Does 
anybody know how or why it might help a cat with nonregenerative anemia?

I just want to say that the vet that told me this is most likely not flat out 
lying.  She is a highly recommended internal med from Cornell University.  She 
has been absolutely wonderful and has researched everything I've asked her 
about extensively.  When I asked her about Epogen she didn't have to research 
it because she did have experience with it, with cats with CRF and cats 
without.  I did A LOT of searching of all the medical facilities within 
hundreds of miles to find a specialist that actually deals with leukemia and 
treats cats with it regularly.  Many vets in my area have never even seen a 
positive cat other than the ones they euthanize.  I've lost one cat after 
another to leukemia and despite trying one thing after another, have never been 
able to bring one back from nonregenerative anemia.  My cat that is currently 
being treated by Cornell is stable and holding his own 6 months after being 
diagnosed.  I don't believe that would be the case
 without her help.  I totally understand people on here feeling that most vets 
know nothing about leukemia but I just wanted to say that I spent A LOT of time 
and effort trying to locate a vet that would do the best possible job for this 
cat and it stings a bit to hear somebody say she is flat out lying to me or 
doesn't know how to use Epogen.  Anyways, I don't post on here a lot and was 
nervous about saying anything about my fears of Epogen because I thought it 
might ruffle some feathers.  I just couldn't at least throw it out there 
because I personally would feel awful if I did something to speed up how 
quickly this disease can take down a positive cat.  I really think each person 
needs to do what they are comfortable with and I just wanted to throw out what 
I heard on the off chance it is accurate.

I'd love to hear from others that have tried Epogen too.


--- On Wed, 3/17/10, Belinda Sauro  wrote:

> From: Belinda Sauro 
> Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] Epogen? Interfuron?
> To: felvtalk@felineleukemia.org
> Date: Wednesday, March 17, 2010, 12:58 AM
>    Amy,
>   This vet is either flat out lying or isn't using it
> correctly.
> It is very rare but a cat can have a reaction and that
> reaction is that it wouldn't help and the HCT would continue
> to go down, in some cases this is because the dose isn't
> high enough, a few kitties need higher than the standard
> dose.  But of course the vets freak out and assume the
> cat is having a reaction.  So many vets are terrified
> of this drug and it doesn't make sense, basically if it
> isn't working you would be right back where you started. 
> It is documented that about 10% to 30% of cats would fall
> into this category and of those it takes 5 months or longer
> of use for this to happen.
> I know many, many people who have used it and only know of
> one cat that is was suspected had this happen and I honestly
> don't think that was the problem, I think that cat wasn't
> getting a high enough dose.  Most of these cats are CRF
> but a few aren't and were anemic because of cancer or
> something else.
> I've told Bailey's story more than once, he was positive,
> he became anemic and once his HCT got to 20%, I decided to
> try epogen, I think he was barely regenerative but honestly
> it has been so long I can't remember.  He did not have
> kidney disease.
> By the time we got the epogen in it took a few days, he had
> gone to 18% and once we started it went down to 15%, it took
> about 6 weeks to get his HCT to 40% which is a little
> quicker than you would like but he was fine and his HCT was
> still normal at 33%, 34% 5 months later when he died of
> pancreatic cancer.
> You do have to monitor the blood pressure because it can go
> high, Bailey's did the opposite and got low but we had no
> problems with the epogen.
> My vet has used it several times with FeLV+ cats and had
> luck with it.
> -- 

Re: [Felvtalk] Epogen? Interfuron?

2010-03-17 Thread Amy
> Amy, I have not used epogen for a CRF
> or FeLV kitty though I have had both with anemia.  
> There is a Yahoo Anemia group that may be able to answer
> some of your questions about the risks of using epogen or
> Darbepoetin.
> http://pets.groups.yahoo.com/group/Feline_Anemia/

I was part of this group for quite some time but couldn't find anybody using 
Epogen, with success, for a leuk positive kitty.  
> I used vitamins and supplements (B12, Super B Complex and
> Folic Acid) to manage chronic anemia. 

Did you do any tests to see if the cat was low in B12 or did you just use the 
vitamins and supplements?  I have had Wolfie tested and everything is fine but 
my vet wants to check it once more (it's been a few months) at his next routine 
blood draw.  We discussed B12 injections and have discussed 
vitamins/supplements.  We are going to address this again after seeing his 

> I do agree that if the kidneys are producing erythropoietin
> but the bone marrow is not responding then giving epogen
> shots would not be beneficial.  I have not heard it
> called nonregenative anemia when the kidneys are producing
> erythropoietin.  
> Sharyl

My understanding is that erythropoietin is made and released by the kidneys.  
In a cat with damaged kidneys, sufficient erythropoietin can't be produced.  In 
a leuk positive cat with healthy kidneys, erythropoietin is still being 
produced but the bone marrow is unable to respond.  I think it's still 
nonregenerative if new red blood cells aren't being made.  Does anybody know if 
my understanding is correct here?


Felvtalk mailing list

Re: [Felvtalk] Casper Epogen shot

2010-03-17 Thread Amy

Will you please keep me posted on Casper's progress?  I'd love to hear how the 
Epogen/LTCI work for you.  Good luck.


--- On Wed, 3/17/10, Frank & Sue Koren  wrote:

> From: Frank & Sue Koren 
> Subject: [Felvtalk] Casper Epogen shot
> To: "FeLV talk" 
> Date: Wednesday, March 17, 2010, 7:46 PM
> I just gave Casper his first Epogen
> shot.  He is supposed to get .15 ml daily to
> start.  Hopefully things will get better for him. 
> Tomorrow I am supposed to pick up the Imulan and give him
> that shot. 
>  I am shocked at how expensive all this stuff is.  The
> one vial of Epogen was about  $75.00 at Walgreens and
> it only has enough for three shots! the Imulan is going to
> be even more. Does anyone know of a kitty drug discount
> store?
> Sue
> ___
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> Felvtalk@felineleukemia.org
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Re: [Felvtalk] Epogen? Interfuron?

2010-03-17 Thread Amy
Not sure if this is for me or not but Wolfie has been tested and was fine.  I 
had him on an iron supplement for several months anyways just in case it might 

--- On Wed, 3/17/10, Belinda Sauro  wrote:

> From: Belinda Sauro 
> Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] Epogen? Interfuron?
> To: felvtalk@felineleukemia.org
> Date: Wednesday, March 17, 2010, 11:55 AM
> PS.  Has she tested his iron to
> see if that is low, many anemic acts are low in iron?
> -- 
> Belinda
> happiness is being owned by cats ...
> http://bemikitties.com
> http://BelindaSauro.com
> ___
> Felvtalk mailing list
> Felvtalk@felineleukemia.org
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Felvtalk mailing list

Re: [Felvtalk] Epogen? Interfuron?

2010-03-18 Thread Amy
Hi Belinda,

>    I'll give her the
> benefit of the doubt, but what exactly is she basing her
> information that FeLV+'s have such a bad experience with
> using epogen, because I have not heard of any studies that
> have been done on this to bear that out and if there is one
> I would like the reference so I can look into it and give it
> to my vet.

I think she was basing it on her experience using Epogen to treat cats with 
leukemia.  I could be wrong on that.  She talked about how she has seen a case 
or two where it helped despite there being no reason it should but she saw far 
more cases where irreversible damage was done and the cat was actually worse 
off than before the Epogen.  She is fine with me trying LTCI or some of the 
stuff that she agrees doesn't pose a risk but she definitely feels that Epogen 
can do harm.  I don't know what I think yet, just relaying her thoughts.  The 
one thing she said that I can't stop thinking about is that these cats are 
immune compromised and a lot of these treatments are introducing foreign 
substances into their body which can alter an already very delicate balance.  
So much to think about...
> Amy never be afraid to say anything on this list, all I am
> saying is that in my experience your vets information is
> incorrect about the use of epogen.   Both
> from other people experiences that I know of that have
> FeLV+'s and from my vets experiences.

Definitely worth knowing!  The more info I have the better.  I just feel like 
sometimes this list is pretty hard on vets.  I genuinely feel this one is 
treating my cat like she would treat her own.  She's not my vet so I have no 
reason to try to defend her.  I went to Cornell for a 2nd opinion to see if 
there is anything else I could possibly try to save Wolfie.  If anything I 
would think they would be telling me to try one thing after another because 
they would be making a whole lot more money off me than they are now.  I really 
think this vet is trying to help me give Wolfie the best quality of life for 
the longest time possible.

> And there isn't a lot of information out there because most
> vets won't even try it and I am not lying when I say most
> vets are terrified of epogen in general and have no idea how
> to use it because in vet school they are taught that 30% or
> better of cats using it will have an adverse reaction to
> it.  That is old information and most vets who actually
> use it on a regular basis, mostly on CRF cats say that
> number is closer to 10% or less and only after 5 months or
> longer of use.

I'll have to inquire more about her experience using it and what she is basing 
her info on.
> And everyone here knows I have no love for Cornell, their
> information about FeLV had always been outdated and in my
> opinion inaccurate.  And years ago when most vets knew
> little to nothing about FeLV, their outdated information
> caused many positive, healthy cats their lives since they
> were then the only veterinary site with the most info out
> there about FeLV+, no matter it was inaccurate.

I wasn't aware of that.  They were very receptive to helping my cat and never 
once gave me the impression that he should be treated any different than any 
other cat with any other issue.  

> > *Secondary viremia*, a later stage characterized by
> persistent infection of the bone marrow and other tissue. If
> FeLV infection progresses to this stage it has passed a
> point of no return: the overwhelming majority of cats with
> secondary viremia will be infected for the remainder of
> their lives.
> It says it is to the point of no return but *ONLY the
> majority of cats* will remain infected for the remainder of
> their lives, doesn't add up, if it is to the point of no
> return then *ALL of those cats* would be infected the
> remainder of their lives.  Guess they got to cover
> their butts in case a cat does fight off secondary
> viremia.  I have heard of one cat that did but have no
> proof so can't say it has or hasn't happened.

I see where that statement can be confusing.

> In my opinion because they won't spend the money to do
> those tests, but if you talk with many people using one or
> another of these treatments most are having good results, so
> since there isn't scientific evidence because no studies
> have been done, well I personally will go with people with
> positives that have experience using these types of
> treatments, but if you tell anyone at Cornell that, I'm
> pretty sure they will poo poo it and tell you it is a waste
> of your time and money.

Actually she was fine with me trying anything other than Epogen.   However she 
presented me several studies on interferon and several other options that 
showed no benefit i

Re: [Felvtalk] Brillo and Desmond Are Anemic

2010-03-22 Thread Amy
I would consider trying pred and doxy too.  My cat is nonregenerative (has been 
since at least Sept).  His HCT isn't that low but while trying to find out why 
he was anemic, he did test positive for hemobart.  I had lost a cat to anemia a 
few months before.  He was completely fine and then crashed suddenly (started 
eating litter).  I tried to save him but he went so quickly.  At that time, I 
didn't know to start pred and doxy.  We had done bloodwork every 6 months 
routinely and it never showed on a smear.  My vet thought that was extremely 
unlikely.  I will always wonder if I could have saved Maverick if I had given 
him a transfusion along with pred and doxy but I just didn't know what I know 
now.  I still feel that all happened to teach me something.  I tested every cat 
in the house and all my positives except one tested positive, were treated, 
retested and are all negative now.  They also had routine bloodwork every since 
months and not one had ever
 shown hemobart on a smear.

I know my experience with anemia in kittens born with leukemia hasn't been very 
good but I had kittens early on and didn't know what I know now.  I also always 
wonder if I could have saved any of them if I'd treated for hemobart.

My understanding is that the type of hemobart my cats had is closely linked to 
the progession of leukemia.  I honestly think if we hadn't treated my cats 
hemobart, I would have lost him like every other cat I lost to anemia.  I will 
probably put every positive that ever becomes anemic on both meds now while 
trying to rule out other causes.

Sending positive thoughts for Brillo and Desmond.


--- On Mon, 3/22/10, Crystal Proper  wrote:

> From: Crystal Proper 
> Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] Brillo and Desmond Are Anemic
> To: felvtalk@felineleukemia.org
> Date: Monday, March 22, 2010, 12:27 AM
> She originally had Brillo on it for
> the first day 3 weeks ago.  She had him stop because he
> threw it up.  She also told me since it turned out to be
> non reg it wouldn't make a difference...I will call tomorrow
> and double check.  She didn't mention trying it for
> Desmond...I will ask about him tomorrow when I call
> tomorrow.  Thank you.
> - Original Message 
> From: Belinda Sauro 
> To: felvtalk@felineleukemia.org
> Sent: Mon, March 22, 2010 12:12:11 AM
> Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] Brillo and Desmond Are Anemic
> Has both of them been put on prenisolone and doxocycline? 
> When my Bailey was anemic he was put on epogen and his
> anemia resolved, his bone marrow aspirate showed the virus
> in his bone marrow but the epogen brought his HCT from a low
> of 15% to 40% in about 6 weeks.  Most vets are scared to
> death to use it so don't be surprised if you get resistance
> ... I am almost afraid and tired of repeating my success
> with it because so many vets seem terrified of the idea of
> using it and I see cat after cat die because of it.  But I
> promised Bailey I would, and in his honor I will continue to
> try to save every furkid I can with his story so I plug on
>  if it doesn't work the results are the same, your
> furkid will die, if it does work ...
> -- 
> Belinda
> happiness is being owned by cats ...
> http://bemikitties.com
> http://BelindaSauro.com
> ___
> Felvtalk mailing list
> Felvtalk@felineleukemia.org
> http://felineleukemia.org/mailman/listinfo/felvtalk_felineleukemia.org
> ___
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Re: [Felvtalk] RIP Brillo and Desmond

2010-03-24 Thread Amy
I'm so sorry.  Thank you for opening your heart and home to them.  They were 
lucky to have you.


--- On Wed, 3/24/10, Crystal Proper  wrote:

> From: Crystal Proper 
> Subject: [Felvtalk] RIP Brillo and Desmond
> To: felvtalk@felineleukemia.org
> Date: Wednesday, March 24, 2010, 4:01 PM
> Both of my beautiful baby boys,
> Brillo and Desmond joined their brother Nibbler in heaven
> today.
> My heart is broken.  They will be missed more then words
> can describe.
> ___
> Felvtalk mailing list
> Felvtalk@felineleukemia.org
> http://felineleukemia.org/mailman/listinfo/felvtalk_felineleukemia.org


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[Felvtalk] Weakness in hind legs

2010-06-24 Thread Amy
Just wondering what sort of experience people have had with leuk positive cats 
getting weak in the back legs.  My cat, Wolfie, is 8 and has been positive 
since we rescued him 6 years ago.  He's been pretty healthy other than the last 
year or so.  Last September he was diagnosed with non-regenerative anemia but 
has been fairly stable since then.  I recently took him to the vet as I noticed 
he was getting weak in his hind legs, walking differently and avoiding putting 
weight on them for long periods of time.  His HCT is down, WBC and RBC are a 
bit lower than usual.  Chemistry looks ok.  

I've had 9 cats die from this disease and only ever saw one with leg issues.  
She woke up one morning and had lost all use of her back legs, no warning.  
This is different from that situation and just wondering what could be going 
on.  We did an ultrasound today.  No sign of lymphoma or anything pressing on 
the spine.  No real loss of muscle mass on physical exam.  We are putting him 
on doxy/pred in case hemobart is causing the anemia.  The specialist at Cornell 
mentioned it could be something with the leukemia affecting the muscle or 
nerves directly but she couldn't find any literature on this.  I told her I'd 
post here and see if anybody has had a similar experience or has anything to 
add on what could be going on.



Felvtalk mailing list

Re: [Felvtalk] Weakness in hind legs

2010-06-25 Thread Amy
They did check it and it was fine.

--- On Thu, 6/24/10, Sharyl  wrote:

> From: Sharyl 
> Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] Weakness in hind legs
> To: felvtalk@felineleukemia.org
> Date: Thursday, June 24, 2010, 11:05 PM
> Amy did they check Wolfie's potassium
> level?  Low K can cause back leg weakness.  
> Sharyl
> --- On Thu, 6/24/10, Amy 
> wrote:
> > From: Amy 
> > Subject: [Felvtalk] Weakness in hind legs
> > To: felvtalk@felineleukemia.org
> > Date: Thursday, June 24, 2010, 10:22 PM
> > Just wondering what sort of
> > experience people have had with leuk positive cats
> getting
> > weak in the back legs.  My cat, Wolfie, is 8 and has
> > been positive since we rescued him 6 years ago. 
> He's
> > been pretty healthy other than the last year or so. 
> > Last September he was diagnosed with non-regenerative
> anemia
> > but has been fairly stable since then.  I recently
> took
> > him to the vet as I noticed he was getting weak in his
> hind
> > legs, walking differently and avoiding putting weight
> on
> > them for long periods of time.  His HCT is down, WBC
> > and RBC are a bit lower than usual.  Chemistry looks
> > ok.  
> > 
> > I've had 9 cats die from this disease and only ever
> saw one
> > with leg issues.  She woke up one morning and had
> lost
> > all use of her back legs, no warning.  This is
> > different from that situation and just wondering what
> could
> > be going on.  We did an ultrasound today.  No sign
> > of lymphoma or anything pressing on the spine.  No
> real
> > loss of muscle mass on physical exam.  We are
> putting
> > him on doxy/pred in case hemobart is causing the
> > anemia.  The specialist at Cornell mentioned it
> could
> > be something with the leukemia affecting the muscle
> or
> > nerves directly but she couldn't find any literature
> on
> > this.  I told her I'd post here and see if anybody
> has
> > had a similar experience or has anything to add on
> what
> > could be going on.
> > 
> > Thanks
> > Amy
> > 
> > 
> >       
> > 
> > ___
> > Felvtalk mailing list
> > Felvtalk@felineleukemia.org
> > http://felineleukemia.org/mailman/listinfo/felvtalk_felineleukemia.org
> > 
> ___
> Felvtalk mailing list
> Felvtalk@felineleukemia.org
> http://felineleukemia.org/mailman/listinfo/felvtalk_felineleukemia.org


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Re: [Felvtalk] Re Weakness in hind legs

2010-06-25 Thread Amy
Hi Lorrie,

Thanks for the info.  That is kind of what I was thinking but didn't know 
anybody that's been through it.  Wolfie has probably been weak in the legs for 
about 2 weeks.  I know it's always different with every cat but any sort of 
time frame as to how quickly they completely lost the back end - days, weeks, 
months?  He still acts like he feels fine.  He eats, goes up and down the 
stairs, etc.  I've had way too much experience with this disease, though, so 
it's hard to stay optimistic knowing what he's up against.  

As far as the lesions or tumors on the spine go, is that what you or the vet 
thought was going on or have you actually seen them in x-rays or ultrasounds?  
I was sure that's what we were going to find but they checked his spine pretty 
thoroughly and saw nothing.  He his on pred, though, and I know that can mask a 
lot of stuff.


--- On Fri, 6/25/10, Lorrie  wrote:

> From: Lorrie 
> Subject: [Felvtalk] Re Weakness in hind legs
> To: felvtalk@felineleukemia.org
> Date: Friday, June 25, 2010, 3:38 PM
> Amy, I've had several cats die from
> this. First they get weak
> in their legs then they can't stand up at all and they
> soon
> lose bowel and bladder control.  It seems to be fairly
> common
> with FelV cats.  Lesions or tumors on the spine I
> believe.  
> Wolfie has been very fortunate to go 6 years with no
> problems,
> and since his ultra sound was okay perhaps he will not get
> any
> worse.
> Lorrie
> On 06-24, Amy wrote:
> > Just wondering what sort of experience people have had
> with leuk
> > positive cats getting weak in the back legs.  My
> cat, Wolfie, is 8
> > and has been positive since we rescued him 6 years
> ago.  He's been
> > pretty healthy other than the last year or so. 
> Last September he
> > was diagnosed with non-regenerative anemia but has
> been fairly
> > stable since then.  I recently took him to the
> vet as I noticed he
> > was getting weak in his hind legs, walking differently
> and avoiding
> > putting weight on them for long periods of time. 
> His HCT is down,
> > WBC and RBC are a bit lower than usual. 
> Chemistry looks ok.
> > 
> > I've had 9 cats die from this disease and only ever
> saw one with
> > leg issues.  She woke up one morning and had lost
> all use of her
> > back legs, no warning.  This is different from
> that situation and
> > just wondering what could be going on.  We did an
> ultrasound today. 
> > No sign of lymphoma or anything pressing on the
> spine.  No real
> > loss of muscle mass on physical exam.  We are
> putting him on
> > doxy/pred in case hemobart is causing the
> anemia.  The specialist
> > at Cornell mentioned it could be something with the
> leukemia
> > affecting the muscle or nerves directly but she
> couldn't find any
> > literature on this.  I told her I'd post here and
> see if anybody
> > has had a similar experience or has anything to add on
> what could
> > be going on.
> > 
> > Thanks
> > Amy
> ___
> Felvtalk mailing list
> Felvtalk@felineleukemia.org
> http://felineleukemia.org/mailman/listinfo/felvtalk_felineleukemia.org


Felvtalk mailing list

Re: [Felvtalk] Weakness in hind legs

2010-06-25 Thread Amy

Thanks.  I checked out the CRF list and it seems we have ruled out most of the 
things listed.  I initially thought a clot but they don't seem to suspect that. 
 My regular vet told me that typically comes on pretty suddenly as opposed to 
gradually.  The vet that did the ultrasound said there was very good blood flow 
going to the legs and it didn't look like anything was restricting or blocking 
flow.  Not sure if there's any other way to rule out a clot.


--- On Thu, 6/24/10, Heather  wrote:

> From: Heather 
> Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] Weakness in hind legs
> To: felvtalk@felineleukemia.org
> Date: Thursday, June 24, 2010, 11:08 PM
> Hind leg weakness seems to come up
> somewhat frequently on the CRF group,
> this website has a great index of symptoms & treatments
> A-Z,
> http://www.felinecrf.org/symptoms_treatments_index.htm
> see W for "weakness
> in back legs" and several things are listed, though I think
> most are things
> that would have showed in the
> chemistry.   We had a feral kitty who was
> paralyzed in her rear legs due to a lesion on her spine,
> but sounds like
> you've covered that with the ultrasound (as much as it can
> be "covered"
> anyway).   Do they think throwing a clot is
> a possibility?
> I hope you can figure out the cause, others might have some
> good input.
> Love & good thoughts to Wolfie!
> Heather
> On Thu, Jun 24, 2010 at 10:22 PM, Amy 
> wrote:
> > Just wondering what sort of experience people have had
> with leuk positive
> > cats getting weak in the back legs.  My cat,
> Wolfie, is 8 and has been
> > positive since we rescued him 6 years ago.  He's
> been pretty healthy other
> > than the last year or so.  Last September he was
> diagnosed with
> > non-regenerative anemia but has been fairly stable
> since then.  I recently
> > took him to the vet as I noticed he was getting weak
> in his hind legs,
> > walking differently and avoiding putting weight on
> them for long periods of
> > time.  His HCT is down, WBC and RBC are a bit
> lower than usual.  Chemistry
> > looks ok.
> >
> > I've had 9 cats die from this disease and only ever
> saw one with leg
> > issues.  She woke up one morning and had lost all
> use of her back legs, no
> > warning.  This is different from that situation
> and just wondering what
> > could be going on.  We did an ultrasound
> today.  No sign of lymphoma or
> > anything pressing on the spine.  No real loss of
> muscle mass on physical
> > exam.  We are putting him on doxy/pred in case
> hemobart is causing the
> > anemia.  The specialist at Cornell mentioned it
> could be something with the
> > leukemia affecting the muscle or nerves directly but
> she couldn't find any
> > literature on this.  I told her I'd post here and
> see if anybody has had a
> > similar experience or has anything to add on what
> could be going on.
> >
> > Thanks
> > Amy
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > ___
> > Felvtalk mailing list
> > Felvtalk@felineleukemia.org
> > http://felineleukemia.org/mailman/listinfo/felvtalk_felineleukemia.org
> >
> ___
> Felvtalk mailing list
> Felvtalk@felineleukemia.org
> http://felineleukemia.org/mailman/listinfo/felvtalk_felineleukemia.org


Felvtalk mailing list

Re: [Felvtalk] Weakness in hind legs

2010-06-25 Thread Amy
Hi Laurie,

I tried reading up on this but couldn't find much info.  Please let me know if 
you have a website you could suggest.


--- On Thu, 6/24/10, Laurieskatz  wrote:

> From: Laurieskatz 
> Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] Weakness in hind legs
> To: felvtalk@felineleukemia.org
> Date: Thursday, June 24, 2010, 11:19 PM
> Check out myonecrosis. Coco (FeLV-)
> had this. Her back legs were weak and
> she was having trouble eating (tongue issues). There are
> several causes -
> one was toxoplasmosis, one was that she had gotten into
> some toxins and the
> third was nutritional. They attributed hers to a lack of
> Vitamin D,
> Selenium. I was pouring her dry Wellness food into
> Tupperware containers. I
> was told that allows too much oxygen to get to the food and
> it depletes the
> food of those nutrients. We switched to canned and she
> survived. Another cat
> taken to the ER that same day with her same symptoms, but
> more advanced, was
> not so lucky.
> Laurie
> -Original Message-
> From: felvtalk-boun...@felineleukemia.org
> [mailto:felvtalk-boun...@felineleukemia.org]
> On Behalf Of Sharyl
> Sent: Thursday, June 24, 2010 10:06 PM
> To: felvtalk@felineleukemia.org
> Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] Weakness in hind legs
> Amy did they check Wolfie's potassium level?  Low K
> can cause back leg
> weakness.  
> Sharyl
> --- On Thu, 6/24/10, Amy 
> wrote:
> > From: Amy 
> > Subject: [Felvtalk] Weakness in hind legs
> > To: felvtalk@felineleukemia.org
> > Date: Thursday, June 24, 2010, 10:22 PM
> > Just wondering what sort of
> > experience people have had with leuk positive cats
> getting
> > weak in the back legs.  My cat, Wolfie, is 8 and has
> > been positive since we rescued him 6 years ago. 
> He's
> > been pretty healthy other than the last year or so. 
> > Last September he was diagnosed with non-regenerative
> anemia
> > but has been fairly stable since then.  I recently
> took
> > him to the vet as I noticed he was getting weak in his
> hind
> > legs, walking differently and avoiding putting weight
> on
> > them for long periods of time.  His HCT is down, WBC
> > and RBC are a bit lower than usual.  Chemistry looks
> > ok.  
> > 
> > I've had 9 cats die from this disease and only ever
> saw one
> > with leg issues.  She woke up one morning and had
> lost
> > all use of her back legs, no warning.  This is
> > different from that situation and just wondering what
> could
> > be going on.  We did an ultrasound today.  No sign
> > of lymphoma or anything pressing on the spine.  No
> real
> > loss of muscle mass on physical exam.  We are
> putting
> > him on doxy/pred in case hemobart is causing the
> > anemia.  The specialist at Cornell mentioned it
> could
> > be something with the leukemia affecting the muscle
> or
> > nerves directly but she couldn't find any literature
> on
> > this.  I told her I'd post here and see if anybody
> has
> > had a similar experience or has anything to add on
> what
> > could be going on.
> > 
> > Thanks
> > Amy
> > 
> > 
> >       
> > 
> > ___
> > Felvtalk mailing list
> > Felvtalk@felineleukemia.org
> > http://felineleukemia.org/mailman/listinfo/felvtalk_felineleukemia.org
> > 
> ___
> Felvtalk mailing list
> Felvtalk@felineleukemia.org
> http://felineleukemia.org/mailman/listinfo/felvtalk_felineleukemia.org
> ___
> Felvtalk mailing list
> Felvtalk@felineleukemia.org
> http://felineleukemia.org/mailman/listinfo/felvtalk_felineleukemia.org


Felvtalk mailing list

Re: [Felvtalk] rear leg weakness- Revolution used? and update

2010-06-27 Thread Amy
I have not used Revolution on Wolfie.  

Wolfie is still acting himself, is eating fine but he is definitely getting 
weaker in the back legs.  It's really hard to see because I don't think things 
are going to get better.  He has food and litter on the main floor but is still 
choosing to do stairs (making me a nervous wreck).  He's starting to have a 
tough time with the kitchen floor (linoleum) so I'm putting carpets down to 
help.  Wish I could do something more for him but I always feel that way when 
my leuk positives start going downhill.  I hate this disease.  

Looking for opinions here.  Wolfie's calcium was 11.6 when the blood work was 
done.  Normal is 8.2-11.5.  The vet at Cornell wants me to draw another sample 
to check his active or ionized calcium to see if his Calcium is actually high.  
Would you put your cat through this if your gut is that he doesn't have long?  
I asked what we would do if it's high.  She said we'd look at all causes and 
rule them out and if none of those applied, we'd alter his diet to try bringing 
it down.  He's anemic and having trouble with his legs.  Would you pursue 
something like this or let him be in peace?


--- On Sun, 6/27/10, Laurieskatz  wrote:

> From: Laurieskatz 
> Subject: [Felvtalk] rear leg weakness- Revolution used?
> To: felvtalk@felineleukemia.org
> Cc: "'Carmen Conklin'" 
> Date: Sunday, June 27, 2010, 2:06 PM
> From: Carmen Conklin [mailto:cwshel...@wildblue.net]
> Sent: Sunday, June 27, 2010 12:57 PM
> To: Laurieskatz
> Subject: felvgroup
> Hi, I can't seem to be able to email into the felv group
> today-could you ask
> them a question regarding the Re: weakness in hind legs
> thing??
> I want to know if they had used Revolution on any of the
> cats that had that
> weakness in hind legs problem... Thanks, Carmen
> ___
> Felvtalk mailing list
> Felvtalk@felineleukemia.org
> http://felineleukemia.org/mailman/listinfo/felvtalk_felineleukemia.org


Felvtalk mailing list

Re: [Felvtalk] rear leg weakness- Revolution used? and update

2010-06-30 Thread Amy
No idea why he has hind leg weakness.  I'll researched all the causes and none 
seem to apply other than the leukemia.  He has had routine blood work every 6 
months of his life and we have monitored him very closely as we do all our 
positive cats.  No major problems other than some weight loss and IBD over the 
past couple years.

I don't think I've ever taken one of my positive cats to the vet that some 
level hasn't been off.  Historically when I've drawn more blood or done further 
testing, it always ends up being nothing.  I spend lots of money and put the 
cats through lots of testing and then 6 months later, the value is normal 
again.  I've just grown to step back and not flip out every time I see a low or 
high value for that reason.  I have to say I still feel sick every time I see 
the HCT drop in one of them though.  So that's my hesitation with taking 3 ml 
of blood from a non-regenerative anemic cat.  He just had a full CBC/Chem which 
is not a small amount of blood and I'm afraid to draw so much blood again when 
I think his time with me is limited to begin with.  

The only thing I can come up with as a cause of the hind leg weakness is long 
term steroid use.  I read that it's more common with injectable steroids so not 
sure if it even applies to pred.  He's been on pred for almost a year.  
However, I have no doubt that it is the one thing that has kept him alive.  
Neither me or the specialist I'm seeing are even considering taking him off 
that as I have no doubt he will crash.  We tried weaning him off it a year ago 
after treating him for hemobart and he started going downhill quickly.  That 
said, his bone marrow is shot.  He's been non-regenerative for over a year and 
making red blood cells from his spleen or elsewhere.  We knew he couldn't do 
this forever so I'm not shocked at where we are, just sad.  Since he's been 
anemic for a year and holding steady, I guess the weakness could be a result of 
the anemia as well.  Yet he doesn't seem weak otherwise really.  He sleeps a 
lot and yes it's obvious he doesn't keep
 up with the other cats but not so weak that it takes too much energy to walk 
in my opinion. 

His liver and kidney values are all normal. Appetite is normal.  No signs of 
lymphoma after 2 ultrasounds, probably has IBD and is on EVO which seems to 
have helped keep that in check.  His calcium is just over normal - 11.6 with 
normal being 8.2-11.5.  I looked at blood work from all my other cats and they 
all run towards the high end, 10 or higher.  So I'm weighing the risk worth the 
benefit of drawing another 3 ml of blood to see if he's really got a high 
calcium vs just waiting it out and if he's around in a month or so, rechecking 
it then.  Any thoughts or suggestions are welcome.

Thank you everyone for all the suggestions.  My gut tells me that he is close 
to the point of losing his battle with this disease.  I always try to keep hope 
and remain optimistic but watching one cat after another be taken down by this 
disease, it's hard to keep the faith sometimes.  Fingers crossed, Wolfie will 
pull through this and defy the odds as he has until now.  


> Why does he have hind leg weakness.  This can
> sometimes be a vascular issue
> (basically a blood clot in one of the large vessels) or
> felv involving the
> central nervous system, or an autoimmune process,
> etc.  Are his kidneys okay
> (tested for with BUN and Creat.) and liver (AST, ALT,
> albumin, Bilirubin)
> and bone marrow (anemic? high or low WBC, presence of
> lymphoma?).  Is his
> appetitie okay?  These things would influence my
> personal decision of
> proceeding or not.  It seems likely that the elevated
> Calcium is secondary
> to some other process, if that process cannot be treated, I
> would probably
> not proceed with trying to find out why the calcium is
> elevated and simply
> provide IV fluids and a change of diet to keep him
> comfortable while he is
> here.  If the underlying problem can be treated, I
> would treat that first
> and change diet and possibly give IV fluids, then watch the
> calcium and see
> if it drops.
> This is a tough decision at times.  Iwish you the best
> of luck and may God
> bless.
> Jenny
> On Sun, Jun 27, 2010 at 2:33 PM, Amy 
> wrote:
> > I have not used Revolution on Wolfie.
> >
> > Wolfie is still acting himself, is eating fine but he
> is definitely getting
> > weaker in the back legs.  It's really hard to see
> because I don't think
> > things are going to get better.  He has food and
> litter on the main floor
> > but is still choosing to do stairs (making me a
> nervous wreck).  He's
> > starting to have a tough time with the kitchen floor
> (linole

Re: [Felvtalk] rear leg weakness

2010-06-30 Thread Amy

Wolfie's phos was 2.8 (3-6.6).


> Amy, based on what you have written I
> wouldn't worry about the high Ca right now.  What was
> his phos level?  There is an issue when both Ca and
> Phos are high but again that wouldn't affect his hind
> legs.  It could be the anemia.    
> In the end we do what we can with the resources we
> have.  He's lucky to have you loving him.
> Sharyl
> -


Felvtalk mailing list

Re: [Felvtalk] rear leg weakness

2010-06-30 Thread Amy

Are you saying that phos level would cause a problem?  Neither of my vets 
seemed concerned with that level as it was just a tad below normal.


--- On Wed, 6/30/10, Sharyl  wrote:

> From: Sharyl 
> Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] rear leg weakness
> To: felvtalk@felineleukemia.org
> Date: Wednesday, June 30, 2010, 11:19 PM
> Amy, that sure would cause a
> problem.  Hope he is feeling better
> Sharyl
> --- On Wed, 6/30/10, Amy 
> wrote:
> > From: Amy 
> > Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] rear leg weakness
> > To: felvtalk@felineleukemia.org
> > Date: Wednesday, June 30, 2010, 10:30 PM
> > Sharyl,
> > 
> > Wolfie's phos was 2.8 (3-6.6).
> > 
> > Amy
> > 
> > > Amy, based on what you have written I
> > > wouldn't worry about the high Ca right now. 
> What
> > was
> > > his phos level?  There is an issue when both Ca
> and
> > > Phos are high but again that wouldn't affect his
> hind
> > > legs.  It could be the anemia.    
> > > 
> > > In the end we do what we can with the resources
> we
> > > have.  He's lucky to have you loving him.
> > > Sharyl
> > > 
> > > -
> > 
> > 
> >       
> > 
> > ___
> > Felvtalk mailing list
> > Felvtalk@felineleukemia.org
> > http://felineleukemia.org/mailman/listinfo/felvtalk_felineleukemia.org
> > 
> ___
> Felvtalk mailing list
> Felvtalk@felineleukemia.org
> http://felineleukemia.org/mailman/listinfo/felvtalk_felineleukemia.org


Felvtalk mailing list

[Felvtalk] Restricting cat from stairs

2010-07-23 Thread Amy
Wondering if people would offer an opinion.  My cat, Wolfie, has rear leg 
weakness that is getting progressively worse.  He's been seen by numerous vets 
and it's not going to get any better.  I'm guessing the leukemia is finally 
getting the best of him.  

Anyway, I'm just wondering how much I should let him do.  Initially my vet said 
not to restrict him, that letting him use the muscles was good for them.  He is 
now starting to stumble or sit more often.  He doesn't totally fall over or 
anything, just gets a bit wobbly or sits down.  If he's on linoleum, he has 
much less control of his legs.  He is still jumping up and down on my bed, 
eating, purring, laying on my chest, going up and down stairs, etc.  I don't 
want him to get hurt and him doing the stairs makes me so nervous.  On the 
other hand, I don't want to restrict him out of fear.  I talked to the 
receptionist at the vet and she said if it was her cat, the stairs would be off 
limits.  This will be so tough because I have 3 other cats, 1 very shy one that 
hides in the basement and only comes out when my son is sleeping.  I would have 
to force her to stay in the basement or out of the basement (as opposed to 
having access to the cat door in the
 basement door).  The last thing I want is to see Wolfie get hurt but I can't 
seem to think that if he gets to a point where he can't do the stairs, he will 
stop doing them.  Is that foolish?  He is such an opinionated, strong-willed 
cat and I know he will not be pleased if I restrict him in any fashion.

Oh and he doesn't have to do any stairs.  He has food, water, and litter on all 
floors.  He just chooses to.




Felvtalk mailing list

Re: [Felvtalk] Restricting cat from stairs

2010-07-23 Thread Amy
Hi Tracy,

Thanks for writing.  Sorry to hear about your cat.  I certainly understand you 
being bummed out.  I don't think I could be more bummed out over all this.  Any 
info is helpful to me at this point and I'm very grateful to be part of this 
list.  Please keep me posted on what you find out about the FIP.  

I did come across FIP in my research on what could be causing Wolfie's leg 
problems.  He has seen multiple vets so I guess I just assumed somebody would 
have picked up on that if he was showing any symptoms.  I'll definitely bring 
it up though.  I'm waiting to hear back from Cornell to see if I should take 
him there again.


--- On Fri, 7/23/10, Tracy Weese  wrote:

> From: Tracy Weese 
> Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] Restricting cat from stairs
> To: felvtalk@felineleukemia.org
> Date: Friday, July 23, 2010, 5:40 PM
> I remember when you posted initially
> -- I responded that I, too, had a cat that began
> experiencing rear leg weakness and then some head
> tremors.  Her blood work (a reg health screen) was
> great (but for FeLV) so they sent her home and said watch
> her and see if it gets better, worse, etc.  Well, it
> never got better so I took her in for xrays and the vet then
> said that toxoplasmosis was a possiblity and one other thing
> (crypto??) and so we ran specific tests for that -- the
> xrays showed no tumors or lesions.
> The test results said NO toxo or "crypto", but it did show
> corona virus and so now folks are thinking FIP (dry). 
> They are running a blood serum test now and then once I have
> those results will decide whether there is any need to
> explore further.
> My vet thinks it really must be FIP bec. of the FeLV status
> and the neuro symptoms and the fact that the xrays were good
> and the other blood tests were negative -- even though it is
> sometimes hard to diagnoses FIP.  So, I am really
> bummed out and don't mean to bum you out, but did not know
> if you explored this or not.  Right now my cat is
> eating well but still has that rear leg weakness and some
> head tremors -- although they "seem" a little less (this
> could be wishful thinking on my part).  When she came
> home from the xrays and while we were waiting on the toxo
> results, the vet started her on clindamyacin which I
> finished giving her this week.
> -Original Message-
> >From: Lorrie 
> >Sent: Jul 23, 2010 5:23 PM
> >To: felvtalk@felineleukemia.org
> >Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] Restricting cat from stairs
> >
> >Amy, I've had several FelV cats with back leg problems,
> and 
> >they seem to know when it's time to stop climbing
> stairs or
> >trying to jump up on things.  I'd let him do what
> he thinks
> >he is up to doing. To restrict him would stress him,
> and 
> >this is always bad for FelV cats.
> >
> >Lorrie
> > 
> >
> >On 07-23, Amy wrote:
> >
> >> Wondering if people would offer an opinion. 
> My cat, Wolfie, has
> >> rear leg weakness that is getting progressively
> worse.  He's been
> >> seen by numerous vets and it's not going to get
> any better.  I'm
> >> guessing the leukemia is finally getting the best
> of him.
> >> 
> >> Anyway, I'm just wondering how much I should let
> him do.  Initially
> >>  my vet said not to restrict him, that
> letting him use the muscles
> >>  was good for them.  He is now starting
> to stumble or sit more
> >>  often.  He doesn't totally fall over or
> anything, just gets a bit
> >>  wobbly or sits down.  If he's on
> linoleum, he has much less
> >>  control of his legs.  He is still
> jumping up and down on my bed,
> >>  eating, purring, laying on my chest, going
> up and down stairs,
> >>  etc.  I don't want him to get hurt and
> him doing the stairs makes
> >>  me so nervous.  On the other hand, I
> don't want to restrict him
> >>  out of fear.  I talked to the
> receptionist at the vet and she said
> >>  if it was her cat, the stairs would be off
> limits.  This will be
> >>  so tough because I have 3 other cats, 1 very
> shy one that hides in
> >>  the basement and only comes out when my son
> is sleeping.  I would
> >>  have to force her to stay in the basement or
> out of the basement
> >>  (as opposed to having access to the cat door
> in the basement
> >>  door).  The last thing I want is to see
> Wolfie get hurt but I
> >>  can't seem to think that if he gets to a
> point where he can't do
> >>  the stairs, he wi

Re: [Felvtalk] Restricting cat from stairs

2010-07-23 Thread Amy

Thanks to all that have replied.  My gut tells me to let Wolfie do what he 
wants.  That's the way it has always been with him and I don't think he'd have 
it any other way to be honest.  I guess I just needed reassurance that I wasn't 
being an irresponsible mom.  Thanks for all the support!  


> From: Lorrie 
> Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] Restricting cat from stairs
> To: felvtalk@felineleukemia.org
> Date: Friday, July 23, 2010, 5:23 PM
> Amy, I've had several FelV cats with
> back leg problems, and 
> they seem to know when it's time to stop climbing stairs
> or
> trying to jump up on things.  I'd let him do what he
> thinks
> he is up to doing. To restrict him would stress him, and 
> this is always bad for FelV cats.
> Lorrie


Felvtalk mailing list

Re: [Felvtalk] Restricting cat from stairs

2010-07-23 Thread Amy

I remember you mentioning Coco having this and did add it to my list of 
possible causes.  Was the problem able to be resolved?


Felvtalk mailing list

Re: [Felvtalk] Restricting cat from stairs

2010-07-24 Thread Amy
The potassium was fine at the last vet visit when he was checked for the leg 
weakness (about 4 weeks ago).  I don't think they checked blood pressure.  I'm 
hesitant to keep taking him in over and over for blood work as he has had 
non-regenerative anemia for almost a year now.  

--- On Fri, 7/23/10, Belinda Sauro  wrote:

> From: Belinda Sauro 
> Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] Restricting cat from stairs
> To: felvtalk@felineleukemia.org
> Date: Friday, July 23, 2010, 11:58 PM
>    What is the kitties
> potassium and blood pressure?
> -- Belinda
> happiness is being owned by cats ...
> http://BelindaSauro.com
> http://HostDesign4U.com
> ___
> Felvtalk mailing list
> Felvtalk@felineleukemia.org
> http://felineleukemia.org/mailman/listinfo/felvtalk_felineleukemia.org


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Re: [Felvtalk] Restricting cat from stairs

2010-07-24 Thread Amy
I thought about this too but I always thought arthritis was painful.  I've had 
Wolfie for 6 years and while I know cats don't typically show pain, I'm pretty 
sure this one would let it be known.  I'll definitely bring this up with my vet 
as well, though, in case I'm missing something.  


--- On Fri, 7/23/10, Chris  wrote:

> From: Chris 
> Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] Restricting cat from stairs
> To: felvtalk@felineleukemia.org
> Date: Friday, July 23, 2010, 10:57 PM
> Amy--am afraid I haven't been
> following all the details of the various tests
> & suggestions and I know it sounds stupid, but is there
> any chance Wolfie
> developed very bad early onset arthritis?  
> Christiane Biagi


Felvtalk mailing list

Re: [Felvtalk] Wolfie and weakness

2010-07-28 Thread Amy
Hi Jenny,

Sorry to take so long to respond.  I've just been spending every minute I can 
with Wolfie.  I have been calling around and looking into holistic 
alternatives. So far I've found a vet that does herbal stuff and acupuncture.  
I've not yet found anybody that does chiro.  Still waiting to here from the vet 
at Cornell before making any final decisions.  Thanks for the suggestions.


--- On Mon, 7/26/10, jbero tds.net  wrote:

> From: jbero tds.net 
> Subject: [Felvtalk] Wolfie and weakness
> To: felvtalk@felineleukemia.org
> Date: Monday, July 26, 2010, 1:09 PM
> Amy,
> I don't have much input on restricting activity.  In
> general it seems to me
> that once a cat realizes his limitations he'll limit
> himself.  I am not big
> on limiting them.  They generally do that on their
> own.  I guess it's a
> personal opinion.  Certainly something could happen,
> but something could
> happen to any of us.
> I really wanted to see if you would be interested in trying
> a tonic.  It is
> a tonic meant for treatment of cancers, but it has
> properties and benefits
> that extend beyond this.  It has helped various people
> and animals in
> various way.  Noone has ever reported any significant
> negative side effects
> with its use.  It is an herbal tonic consistenting of
> four plant
> derivatives.  I was wondering if it could help a felv
> cat.  It would be
> fantastic to see a reversal of neurologic symptoms.  I
> don't know that it
> would help, but it has done wonders in many settings.
> If you're interested I can send you the list of herbs and
> how to prepare
> it.
> On a different note, I have seen some amazing things with
> acupuncture and
> alignment on dogs and cats.  If the weakness is not
> due to felv, these
> procedures may help.  You'd have to go to an
> alternative vet for that
> though.  I don't know it was just a thought and I
> figured I put it out
> there.
> Jenny
> ___
> Felvtalk mailing list
> Felvtalk@felineleukemia.org
> http://felineleukemia.org/mailman/listinfo/felvtalk_felineleukemia.org


Felvtalk mailing list

[Felvtalk] Wolfie - Please add to CLS

2010-08-23 Thread Amy
Wolfie left us today after a long battle with leukemia.  I took him in 6 years 
ago after he was found in a pole barn and was going to be put to sleep after 
testing positive.  I still remember going to see him for the first time.  He 
had cuts under his eyes and looked so sad.  I couldn't possibly resist even 
though my husband is horribly allergic to cats.  Wolfie thrived in our home and 
was a joy to live with for the past 6 years.  The horrible sores under his eyes 
went away and he grew to be one of my biggest boys.  He was always a momma's 
boy and spent hours and hours on my chest purring and kneading daily.  Even 
when I was pregnant, he spent every night on my belly.  He was the most 
opinionated cat I've ever had and he insisted on his way at all times but it 
was an honor to know him.  

He was diagnosed with non-regenerative anemia on my b-day last year and has 
graced me with almost another year to enjoy him.  I'm so grateful for that time 
with him.  He has fought for the last year with such strength, courage and 
amazing determination.  However, he decided today was the end of the fight.  I 
wouldn't expect anything less from him.  My favorite number is 23 (hence my 
e-mail address awilkins23) and while it's a sad day, I'm glad that I will think 
of Wolfie with wonderful memories every time I see that number.

Thanks for all the advice and support that I've been given while trying to help 
Wolfie beat this disease.



Felvtalk mailing list

[Felvtalk] EVO and high calcium levels

2010-08-28 Thread Amy
Has anybody had a problem with high calcium levels after feeding EVO?  I 
changed my household to it over a year ago when Wolfie was losing weight.  At 
one of his last visits, his calcium tested just slightly elevated.  Now I've 
taken my FIV+ cat in and she is also testing high for calcium.  She seems 
perfectly healthy and my vet recommended we look at the diet before getting all 
freaked out by the high calcium. 

EVO says it contains about 2.59% calcium.  My vet says this is about double 
what most of the foods she looked up contain.  The pet store told me that the 
grain free foods can contain more of stuff because the idea is that the pet 
will eat less of it than other foods.  I'm going to contact the company but 
just wondered if anybody else has experienced this with cats on EVO.  



Felvtalk mailing list

Re: [Felvtalk] EVO and high calcium levels

2010-08-29 Thread Amy
Yeah this is what Cornell suggested with Wolfie.  He was anemic 
(non-regenerative) and I posted here about whether to pursue it.  Decided not 
to take the extra blood so I don't know if it was really a problem.

This kitty, Sierra, is stable so it probably wouldn't be a big deal.  I asked 
my vet about it and she said she'd first rather send the sample out to an 
outside lab and verify the high value.  Came back high.  I'll ask again about 
drawing more blood for an ionized calcium.


--- On Sat, 8/28/10, Sharyl  wrote:

> From: Sharyl 
> Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] EVO and high calcium levels
> To: felvtalk@felineleukemia.org
> Date: Saturday, August 28, 2010, 10:23 PM
> Amy, I'm guessing you have only
> checked the serum calcium levels.  You need to check
> the ionized calcium levels to know if there is a
> problem.  If the iCa is high then you would want to
> look into the cause.  The iCa test is expensive but the
> only way I know of to verify if there is a problem.
> Sharyl
> --- On Sat, 8/28/10, Amy 
> wrote:
> > From: Amy 
> > Subject: [Felvtalk] EVO and high calcium levels
> > To: felvtalk@felineleukemia.org
> > Date: Saturday, August 28, 2010, 8:33 PM
> > Has anybody had a problem with high
> > calcium levels after feeding EVO?  I changed my
> > household to it over a year ago when Wolfie was
> losing
> > weight.  At one of his last visits, his calcium
> tested
> > just slightly elevated.  Now I've taken my FIV+ cat
> in
> > and she is also testing high for calcium.  She seems
> > perfectly healthy and my vet recommended we look at
> the diet
> > before getting all freaked out by the high calcium. 
> > 
> > EVO says it contains about 2.59% calcium.  My vet
> says
> > this is about double what most of the foods she looked
> up
> > contain.  The pet store told me that the grain free
> > foods can contain more of stuff because the idea is
> that the
> > pet will eat less of it than other foods.  I'm going
> to
> > contact the company but just wondered if anybody else
> has
> > experienced this with cats on EVO.  
> > 
> > Amy
> > 
> > 
> >       
> > 
> > ___
> > Felvtalk mailing list
> > Felvtalk@felineleukemia.org
> > http://felineleukemia.org/mailman/listinfo/felvtalk_felineleukemia.org
> > 
> ___
> Felvtalk mailing list
> Felvtalk@felineleukemia.org
> http://felineleukemia.org/mailman/listinfo/felvtalk_felineleukemia.org


Felvtalk mailing list

Re: [Felvtalk] EVO and high calcium levels

2010-08-29 Thread Amy
Hi Laurie,

That's good to know, thanks!  Any explanation for why she was not concerned?  

--- On Sun, 8/29/10, Laurieskatz  wrote:

> From: Laurieskatz 
> Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] EVO and high calcium levels
> To: felvtalk@felineleukemia.org
> Date: Sunday, August 29, 2010, 1:19 PM
> All of my cats have elevated calcium.
> I feed (grain free) Wellness Turkey
> and Salmon. The vet was not concerned.
> Laurie


Felvtalk mailing list

Re: [Felvtalk] please add Tiger to the CLS

2010-09-02 Thread Amy

Sorry to hear about Tiger.  I can relate to what you are feeling.  I lost a cat 
quickly about a year ago.  He showed no signs of illness for the longest time.  
By the time he was sick enough for me to notice, it was too late to save him.  
I'll never know why he crashed so hard or so quickly.  I think he had hemobart 
and was anemic and I had just switched to yearly blood work as opposed to every 
6 months so I missed it.  I beat myself up over losing him and wish I had seen 
the signs.  Sorry for the long story.  Just wanted to say that now that time 
has passed, I realize that I loved him and I did the best I could.  He wouldn't 
have expected anything more than that.  Tiger was so lucky to have you.  He was 
loved and cared for and that is what matters.  Sorry he left you too soon.  



Felvtalk mailing list

[Felvtalk] Murphy

2010-10-27 Thread Amy

I'm so sorry to hear about Murphy.  I will so miss reading about him.  I feel 
like I knew him and hoped for him to beat this disease like I do my own cats.  
I got introduced to this disease when I found a mom and three kittens that all 
tested positive and have never had a cat that's not positive since.  I read 
your posts always hoping your kitties would defy the odds and live long adult 
lives.  You were so wonderful to Murphy.  I hope you have many happy memories 
to bring you comfort during this sad time.  



Felvtalk mailing list

[Felvtalk] Rosie

2011-03-30 Thread Amy

I'm so sorry to hear about Rosie.  I have followed your journey closely always 
hoping and praying your kitties would beat this.  I started my journey with a 
leuk positive mom and 3 kitties (Shelby, Mystique, Nirvana and Hannibal) who 
have all since passed so your story hit really close to home for me.  It has 
been so difficult to watch any of my cats go through this but I know it was 
really tough to see the disease take down one family member after another.  I 
hope you find peace in knowing they are all together again.  So sorry.


Felvtalk mailing list

[Felvtalk] Dexter

2011-07-06 Thread Amy

I'm very sorry to hear about Dexter.  He sounds like such a special boy.  It's 
never easy to know exactly the right time to let such a cherished friend go.  I 
have lost so many to this disease and I wonder the same things at times.  Did 
this one suffer?  Did I wait too long?  Did I miss something?  Could I have 
changed the outcome?  Could I have done more?  I've just tried to focus on the 
positive.  Dexter had you by his side through all of this.  What more could he 
possibly have asked for?  All that matters is that you love him and had his 
best interest in mind the whole time and he knows that.  He was so lucky to 
have you and you him.  Hoping you find comfort in all the wonderful memories 
you have of Dexter.    


Felvtalk mailing list

[Felvtalk] Test post

2011-07-06 Thread Amy
My last post to Ben had question marks all through it that I did not type.  
Guessing it might be due to the new Yahoo e-mail upgrade.  Sorry!
Felvtalk mailing list

Re: [Felvtalk] seeking home for adult feluk positive

2008-10-23 Thread Amy
Very true.  I have two outside right now that I'm trying to get homes for.  I 
have called every rescue I know and I think I have somebody that will take them 
but things are moving so slow.  I want these kitties to have a safe place to go 
but I can't bring them in my home because of my cats.  I feel awful for these 
cats.  I asked my husband how they always know to find me!  If somebody doesn't 
come through by tomorrow, I'm going to take them to a vet myself and then I 
have no idea what next.  I hope they don't test positive for anything.


--- On Thu, 10/23/08, Viky Digangi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> From: Viky Digangi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] seeking home for adult feluk positive
> To: felvtalk@felineleukemia.org
> Date: Thursday, October 23, 2008, 1:47 PM
> I think all of us cat people are constantly trying to find
> homes for abandoned kitties.  I have spent $215 this week on
> one that was dumped on me.  Thank God she is healthy at
> least since I am the owner of an felv cat who I am always
> taking to the vet.  I spent $234 on him last week.  A friend
> of mine gave me a little placque one time that says,
> "There's a sucker born every minute and the stray
> cats know where we live."
> So true.
> Viky Digangi
> Support Enforcement Officer II
> Monroe Regional Office
> 318-362-5280 ext 297
> Fax 318-362-3363
> >>> Susan Hoffman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> 10/23/2008 12:04 PM >>>
> Ouch.  Glad you made it.  
> Yeah, with 9 FeLV+ cats and 12 seniors it is time to say
> no.  You have a lot of cats who require a lot of care right
> now.  And you need to take care of yourself too.
> --- On Wed, 10/22/08, Tad Burnett
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > From: Tad Burnett <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] seeking home for adult feluk
> positive
> > To: felvtalk@felineleukemia.org 
> > Date: Wednesday, October 22, 2008, 9:02 PM
> > Hi Susan
> >Every one has orange kitties lately...
> > I just brought home a young orange boy a couple months
> ago
> > and discovered I was having a heart attack the next
> > morning...
> > 4 days in the hospital... I currently have 9 FeLV+ and
> 12
> > seniors
> > and am learning to say NO
> >   In the mean time there are 4  6month old orange
> kittens
> > in eastern Mass.
> > that are running out of time Help
> > Tad
> > 
> > Susan Hoffman wrote:
> > 
> > >Looks like it.
> > >
> > >How's your FeLv population anyway?  (I have a
> > lovely sweet FeLV+ girl --light orange/buff tabby --
> living
> > outside a house I just rented in need of a home.)
> > >
> > >
> > >--- On Wed, 10/22/08, Tad Burnett
> > <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > >
> > >  
> > >
> > >>From: Tad Burnett
> > >>Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] seeking home for adult
> > feluk positive
> > >>To: felvtalk@felineleukemia.org 
> > >>Date: Wednesday, October 22, 2008, 8:34 PM
> > >>Am I still connected to this list 
> > >>Tad
> > >>
> > >>
> >
> >>___
> > >>Felvtalk mailing list
> > >>Felvtalk@felineleukemia.org 
> >
> >>http://felineleukemia.org/mailman/listinfo/felvtalk_felineleukemia.org
> > >>
> > >>
> > >
> > >___
> > >Felvtalk mailing list
> > >Felvtalk@felineleukemia.org 
> >
> >http://felineleukemia.org/mailman/listinfo/felvtalk_felineleukemia.org
> > >
> > >
> > >  
> > >
> > 
> > ___
> > Felvtalk mailing list
> > Felvtalk@felineleukemia.org 
> >
> http://felineleukemia.org/mailman/listinfo/felvtalk_felineleukemia.org
> ___
> Felvtalk mailing list
> Felvtalk@felineleukemia.org 
> http://felineleukemia.org/mailman/listinfo/felvtalk_felineleukemia.org
> ___
> Felvtalk mailing list
> Felvtalk@felineleukemia.org
> http://felineleukemia.org/mailman/listinfo/felvtalk_felineleukemia.org


Felvtalk mailing list

Re: [Felvtalk] seeking home for adult feluk positive

2008-10-23 Thread Amy
Not sure, luck perhaps.  I used to run my own rescue so I do have lots of 
contacts but I think this was a bit of luck and some cat lovers feeling sorry 
for the cats.  One is just a little white one with patches, very friendly.  The 
other has a messed up eye, pretty gross :(  They first told me to feed them and 
make them shelter and they would look for foster homes.  I've had two people 
write and say they'll foster for the rescue so I've got my fingers crossed.  I 
never thought I'd be able to find somebody because I know how full cat rescues 
get.  Since they haven't taken the cats yet, I just offered to pay vetting in 
hopes of moving things along.

Good luck!

--- On Thu, 10/23/08, Saehwa Kang <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> From: Saehwa Kang <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] seeking home for adult feluk positive
> To: "felvtalk@felineleukemia.org" 
> Date: Thursday, October 23, 2008, 2:12 PM
> How did you get the rescue to take them? Are they calicos or
> an  
> atypical type? I called 16 places all turned me down.
> I'm not the one  
> who abandoned these kittens my dad found, but I get treated
> just the  
> same as an owner relinquishing their cats!
> Sent from my iPhone
> On Oct 23, 2008, at 10:58 AM, Amy
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Very true.  I have two outside right now that I'm
> trying to get  
> > homes for.  I have called every rescue I know and I
> think I have  
> > somebody that will take them but things are moving so
> slow.  I want  
> > these kitties to have a safe place to go but I
> can't bring them in  
> > my home because of my cats.  I feel awful for these
> cats.  I asked  
> > my husband how they always know to find me!  If
> somebody doesn't  
> > come through by tomorrow, I'm going to take them
> to a vet myself and  
> > then I have no idea what next.  I hope they don't
> test positive for  
> > anything.
> >
> > Amy
> >
> >
> > --- On Thu, 10/23/08, Viky Digangi
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> >> From: Viky Digangi
> >> Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] seeking home for adult
> feluk positive
> >> To: felvtalk@felineleukemia.org
> >> Date: Thursday, October 23, 2008, 1:47 PM
> >> I think all of us cat people are constantly trying
> to find
> >> homes for abandoned kitties.  I have spent $215
> this week on
> >> one that was dumped on me.  Thank God she is
> healthy at
> >> least since I am the owner of an felv cat who I am
> always
> >> taking to the vet.  I spent $234 on him last week.
>  A friend
> >> of mine gave me a little placque one time that
> says,
> >> "There's a sucker born every minute and
> the stray
> >> cats know where we live."
> >>
> >> So true.
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >> Viky Digangi
> >> Support Enforcement Officer II
> >> Monroe Regional Office
> >> 318-362-5280 ext 297
> >> Fax 318-362-3363
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>>>> Susan Hoffman
> >> 10/23/2008 12:04 PM >>>
> >> Ouch.  Glad you made it.
> >>
> >> Yeah, with 9 FeLV+ cats and 12 seniors it is time
> to say
> >> no.  You have a lot of cats who require a lot of
> care right
> >> now.  And you need to take care of yourself too.
> >>
> >>
> >> --- On Wed, 10/22/08, Tad Burnett
> >> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >>
> >>> From: Tad Burnett
> >>> Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] seeking home for adult
> feluk
> >> positive
> >>> To: felvtalk@felineleukemia.org
> >>> Date: Wednesday, October 22, 2008, 9:02 PM
> >>> Hi Susan
> >>>   Every one has orange kitties lately...
> >>> I just brought home a young orange boy a
> couple months
> >> ago
> >>> and discovered I was having a heart attack the
> next
> >>> morning...
> >>> 4 days in the hospital... I currently have 9
> FeLV+ and
> >> 12
> >>> seniors
> >>> and am learning to say NO
> >>>  In the mean time there are 4  6month old
> orange
> >> kittens
> >>> in eastern Mass.
> >>> that are running out of time Help
> >>> Tad
> >>>
> >>> Susan Hoffman wrote:
> >>>
> >>>> Looks like it.
> >>>>

Re: [Felvtalk] seeking home for adult feluk positive

2008-10-24 Thread Amy
They both got picked up today by Habitat for Cats, a no-kill rescue that does 
well placing cats.  Now I'm just waiting to hear test results.  Hope they are 


--- On Fri, 10/24/08, Viky Digangi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> From: Viky Digangi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] seeking home for adult feluk positive
> To: felvtalk@felineleukemia.org
> Date: Friday, October 24, 2008, 9:38 AM
> Have you tried going on-line to "Alley Cat
> Rescue"?   They have a list of all the agencies in your
> state to help you with placing rescued cats.
> Viky Digangi
> Support Enforcement Officer II
> Monroe Regional Office
> 318-362-5280 ext 297
> Fax 318-362-3363
> >>> Amy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 10/23/2008
> 12:58 PM >>>
> Very true.  I have two outside right now that I'm
> trying to get homes for.  I have called every rescue I know
> and I think I have somebody that will take them but things
> are moving so slow.  I want these kitties to have a safe
> place to go but I can't bring them in my home because of
> my cats.  I feel awful for these cats.  I asked my husband
> how they always know to find me!  If somebody doesn't
> come through by tomorrow, I'm going to take them to a
> vet myself and then I have no idea what next.  I hope they
> don't test positive for anything.
> Amy
> --- On Thu, 10/23/08, Viky Digangi
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > From: Viky Digangi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] seeking home for adult feluk
> positive
> > To: felvtalk@felineleukemia.org 
> > Date: Thursday, October 23, 2008, 1:47 PM
> > I think all of us cat people are constantly trying to
> find
> > homes for abandoned kitties.  I have spent $215 this
> week on
> > one that was dumped on me.  Thank God she is healthy
> at
> > least since I am the owner of an felv cat who I am
> always
> > taking to the vet.  I spent $234 on him last week.  A
> friend
> > of mine gave me a little placque one time that says,
> > "There's a sucker born every minute and the
> stray
> > cats know where we live."
> > 
> > So true.
> > 
> >  
> >  
> > Viky Digangi
> > Support Enforcement Officer II
> > Monroe Regional Office
> > 318-362-5280 ext 297
> > Fax 318-362-3363
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > >>> Susan Hoffman
> > 10/23/2008 12:04 PM >>>
> > Ouch.  Glad you made it.  
> > 
> > Yeah, with 9 FeLV+ cats and 12 seniors it is time to
> say
> > no.  You have a lot of cats who require a lot of care
> right
> > now.  And you need to take care of yourself too.
> > 
> > 
> > --- On Wed, 10/22/08, Tad Burnett
> > <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > 
> > > From: Tad Burnett
> > > Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] seeking home for adult
> feluk
> > positive
> > > To: felvtalk@felineleukemia.org 
> > > Date: Wednesday, October 22, 2008, 9:02 PM
> > > Hi Susan
> > >Every one has orange kitties lately...
> > > I just brought home a young orange boy a couple
> months
> > ago
> > > and discovered I was having a heart attack the
> next
> > > morning...
> > > 4 days in the hospital... I currently have 9
> FeLV+ and
> > 12
> > > seniors
> > > and am learning to say NO
> > >   In the mean time there are 4  6month old orange
> > kittens
> > > in eastern Mass.
> > > that are running out of time Help
> > > Tad
> > > 
> > > Susan Hoffman wrote:
> > > 
> > > >Looks like it.
> > > >
> > > >How's your FeLv population anyway?  (I
> have a
> > > lovely sweet FeLV+ girl --light orange/buff tabby
> --
> > living
> > > outside a house I just rented in need of a home.)
> > > >
> > > >
> > > >--- On Wed, 10/22/08, Tad Burnett
> > > <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > >
> > > >  
> > > >
> > > >>From: Tad Burnett
> > > >>Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] seeking home for
> adult
> > > feluk positive
> > > >>To: felvtalk@felineleukemia.org 
> > > >>Date: Wednesday, October 22, 2008, 8:34
> PM
> > > >>Am I still connected to this list 
> > > >>Tad
> > >

[Felvtalk] Weight loss with no other symptoms

2008-11-21 Thread Amy
I have an approximately 6-year-old cat that has been positive for leukemia 
since I took him in several years ago.  Over the past couple years he has 
gradually been losing weight.  My population (5 leuk pos cats) has remained 
stable over this time and no new cats have been introduced.  I took him to the 
vet today and he is down 2 pounds from last year (currently weighs 11.8 lbs).  
The vet said he is not skinny and would now be considered ideal body weight but 
she was a bit concerned about the weight loss.  

We did a full blood work-up as we do every year and everything looks fine.  She 
also tested for thyroid problems since his pulse was a bit fast and we wanted 
to rule it out.  She said his tummy feels fine and she sees nothing to be 
concerned about at this time.  This is good news but I'm still worried about 
the weight loss as none of my cats tend to be on the small size.  Has anybody 
seen this sort of weight loss in cats with leukemia or do people think that 
this is a sign that he is starting to go downhill?  Thoughts?


--- On Fri, 11/21/08, Laurieskatz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> From: Laurieskatz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] High Fever
> To: felvtalk@felineleukemia.org
> Date: Friday, November 21, 2008, 2:04 PM
> Yes, Isabella had a high fever when we first rescued her. As
> I recall, we
> used antibiotics. I couldn't find my notes quicklyI
> do know her fever
> finally came down. Eventually she was on maintenance
> prednisilone and a pain
> killer. And now she is only on interferon and has gone from
> 8-12 lbs. She
> looks and feels great!
> Good luck and if I find more on Bella's treatment, I
> will forward it.
> Laurie 
> -Original Message-
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of
> Christy Buchin
> Sent: Friday, November 21, 2008 12:53 PM
> To: felvtalk@felineleukemia.org
> Subject: [Felvtalk] High Fever
> My cat Gray Kitty, was diagnosed with FeLV on his first
> birthday, 9/6/08.
> He and his two brothers were born in our home to a stray we
> took into our
> home.  She had tested negative for the virus.  His two
> brothers have also
> continue to  test negative for the virus.  His two brothers
> are also type A
> blood and he is the only one that is type B.  He has had 1
> transfusion, due
> to his anemic condition.  Since then, the virus has gone to
> his bone marrow.
> He receives weekly injections of the Imulan LTCI and is on
> holistic
> medication as well.  Since diagnosed, he continues to run a
> fever between
> 103 and 105.  Antibiotics do not seem to relieve this
> either.  We know each
> day is precious that we have with him.  Does anyone else
> battle with the
> high fevers too?
> _
> Color coding for safety: Windows Live Hotmail alerts you to
> suspicious
> email.
> http://windowslive.com/Explore/Hotmail?ocid=TXT_TAGLM_WL_hotmail_acq_safety_
> 112008 
> ___
> Felvtalk mailing list
> Felvtalk@felineleukemia.org
> http://felineleukemia.org/mailman/listinfo/felvtalk_felineleukemia.org
> ___
> Felvtalk mailing list
> Felvtalk@felineleukemia.org
> http://felineleukemia.org/mailman/listinfo/felvtalk_felineleukemia.org


Felvtalk mailing list

Re: [Felvtalk] Weight loss with no other symptoms

2008-11-21 Thread Amy

> Amy have their been any changes in his mouth?
> Leukemia kitties often have inflamed gums which can affect
> the amount  
> of food they eat. Have his eating
> patterns changed?

I don't see any noticeable changes in his eating patterns.  The vet said his 
gums looked fine.  All my cats have been on Clindamycin (every four weeks) for 
their gums but recently my vet started testing for Bartonella and 4 out of the 
5 tested positive for it.  After treating them for Bartonella, all the gum 
issues seemed to have resolved.  This cat that has lost weight is the only one 
that tested negative for Bartonella.  He has a little bit of redness along the 
gum/tooth line but nothing significant.  She gave him treats at the office and 
he ate them right up so we don't think he is painful in the mouth or not 
wanting to eat because of pain.  
> I have not heard of weight loss, without any other symptoms
> being a  
> warning sign.
> Jane
> On Nov 21, 2008, at 6:40 PM, Amy wrote:
> > I have an approximately 6-year-old cat that has been
> positive for  
> > leukemia since I took him in several years ago.  Over
> the past  
> > couple years he has gradually been losing weight.  My
> population (5  
> > leuk pos cats) has remained stable over this time and
> no new cats  
> > have been introduced.  I took him to the vet today and
> he is down 2  
> > pounds from last year (currently weighs 11.8 lbs). 
> The vet said he  
> > is not skinny and would now be considered ideal body
> weight but she  
> > was a bit concerned about the weight loss.
> >
> > We did a full blood work-up as we do every year and
> everything  
> > looks fine.  She also tested for thyroid problems
> since his pulse  
> > was a bit fast and we wanted to rule it out.  She said
> his tummy  
> > feels fine and she sees nothing to be concerned about
> at this  
> > time.  This is good news but I'm still worried
> about the weight  
> > loss as none of my cats tend to be on the small size. 
> Has anybody  
> > seen this sort of weight loss in cats with leukemia or
> do people  
> > think that this is a sign that he is starting to go
> downhill?   
> > Thoughts?
> >
> > Amy
> >
> >
> > --- On Fri, 11/21/08, Laurieskatz
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> >> From: Laurieskatz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >> Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] High Fever
> >> To: felvtalk@felineleukemia.org
> >> Date: Friday, November 21, 2008, 2:04 PM
> >> Yes, Isabella had a high fever when we first
> rescued her. As
> >> I recall, we
> >> used antibiotics. I couldn't find my notes
> quicklyI
> >> do know her fever
> >> finally came down. Eventually she was on
> maintenance
> >> prednisilone and a pain
> >> killer. And now she is only on interferon and has
> gone from
> >> 8-12 lbs. She
> >> looks and feels great!
> >> Good luck and if I find more on Bella's
> treatment, I
> >> will forward it.
> >> Laurie
> >>
> >> -Original Message-
> >> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
> Behalf Of
> >> Christy Buchin
> >> Sent: Friday, November 21, 2008 12:53 PM
> >> To: felvtalk@felineleukemia.org
> >> Subject: [Felvtalk] High Fever
> >>
> >>
> >> My cat Gray Kitty, was diagnosed with FeLV on his
> first
> >> birthday, 9/6/08.
> >> He and his two brothers were born in our home to a
> stray we
> >> took into our
> >> home.  She had tested negative for the virus.  His
> two
> >> brothers have also
> >> continue to  test negative for the virus.  His two
> brothers
> >> are also type A
> >> blood and he is the only one that is type B.  He
> has had 1
> >> transfusion, due
> >> to his anemic condition.  Since then, the virus
> has gone to
> >> his bone marrow.
> >> He receives weekly injections of the Imulan LTCI
> and is on
> >> holistic
> >> medication as well.  Since diagnosed, he continues
> to run a
> >> fever between
> >> 103 and 105.  Antibiotics do not seem to relieve
> this
> >> either.  We know each
> >> day is precious that we have with him.  Does
> anyone else
> >> battle with the
> >> high fevers too?
> >>
> _
> >> Color coding for safety: Windows Live Hotmail
> alerts you to
> >> suspicious
> >> em

[Felvtalk] Cat crashing

2009-06-16 Thread Amy

Hey all,

I haven't posted to the list in a long time.  We've had a pretty good run with 
all our leuk positives but I have one that seems to be going downhill pretty 
quickly.  We took him to the vet yesterday.  His hematocrit is lower than usual 
(23%) and his Na, Ca, and Phos levels are off.  He also had a temp.  They gave 
him prednisone and antibiotics and some fluids.  He won't eat and is very 
lethargic.  He also hasn't used the litter box today.  I've tried tuna, baby 
food, etc.  If anybody has any advice or things to try that I haven't thought 
of, I'd love to hear it.



Felvtalk mailing list

Re: [Felvtalk] Cat crashing

2009-06-16 Thread Amy

Not sure if the phosphorus was high or low but they recommended getting tums 
today and giving him some of that because his calcium was low.  He was given 
fluids at the vet yesterday for dehydration but they didn't think they needed 
to send me with fluids.  I noticed today he is eating litter.  I read it can be 
a sign of anemia or a mineral deficiency.  Now I'm worried he's bound up from 
that.  I went and switched to Yesterday's News but I'm sure he ate some 
clumping litter.  I tried syringe feeding him and he threw it up.  I think his 
white count is about where it always is.  We do bloodwork every 6 months and 
she compared it.  His hematocrit was about half his normal but I think WBCs 
were ok.


> From: Belinda Sauro 
> Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] Cat crashing
> To: felvtalk@felineleukemia.org
> Date: Tuesday, June 16, 2009, 7:54 PM
>    Are his Phosphorus
> levels high or low?  High can cause tummy acid and they
> won't eat.  A quarter of a pepcid AC might help with
> that.  Was kitty checked for dehydration?  That
> makes them feel really crappy and they won't eat.  What
> is kitties white count could kitty be fighting an
> infection?
> -- 
> Belinda
> happiness is being owned by cats ...
> http://bemikitties.com
> http://BelindaSauro.com
> ___
> Felvtalk mailing list
> Felvtalk@felineleukemia.org
> http://felineleukemia.org/mailman/listinfo/felvtalk_felineleukemia.org


Felvtalk mailing list

Re: [Felvtalk] Cat crashing

2009-06-17 Thread Amy

Yeah, the vet does know about it.  He threw it up and she said that means it 
was recently ingested.  She said we can look at his belly today if we want but 
she said she felt while we were there and his belly felt fine.  I read, and so 
did she, that one of the main reasons cats eat litter is because of anemia and 
we already know that's going on.  I've lost the majority of my leuk positives 
over the years the same way.  Either anemisa or tumors.  We do full blood 
workups every 6 months to try to keep an eye on anemia but I've never been able 
to bring one back yet once the hematocrit starts dropping quickly.  I expected 
him to live longer because I've lost most of my guys with hematocrits between 
7-13 and his is 23.  This guy is fading, though, and I think he's probably had 
enough.  I'm just trying to decide if I want to do bloodwork and radiographs or 
if I want to just let him go peacefully without disturbing him any further.  I 
have no doubt that the
 leukemia has just taken it's toll on him :(  

He also has Bartonella and despite numerous treatments, has not been able to 
shake it.  We couldn't figure it out because any other cats I've treated have 
responded quite well.  This guy's numbers actually got worse after treatment so 
I'm thinking his body just doesn't have the means to cope with fighting it off.


>   I would be real concerned with
> clumping litter if he ate any, you know what it does when it
> gets wet.  Does the vet know about that?  I have
> heard that cats shouldn't get tums, will see if I can find
> the palce I read it.
> -- 
> Belinda
> happiness is being owned by cats ...
> http://bemikitties.com
> http://BelindaSauro.com
> ___
> Felvtalk mailing list
> Felvtalk@felineleukemia.org
> http://felineleukemia.org/mailman/listinfo/felvtalk_felineleukemia.org


Felvtalk mailing list

Re: [Felvtalk] Cat crashing

2009-06-17 Thread Amy

His name is Maverick. 

He woke up this morning with a yellow color and has let us know he's had 
enough.  We just returned from the vet and he had a peaceful passing.


--- On Wed, 6/17/09, Laurieskatz  wrote:

> From: Laurieskatz 
> Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] Cat crashing
> To: felvtalk@felineleukemia.org
> Date: Wednesday, June 17, 2009, 9:45 AM
> Poor guy. What is his name? 
> Please keep us posted.
> Laurie
> -Original Message-
> From: felvtalk-boun...@felineleukemia.org
> [mailto:felvtalk-boun...@felineleukemia.org]
> On Behalf Of Amy
> Sent: Wednesday, June 17, 2009 7:22 AM
> To: felvtalk@felineleukemia.org
> Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] Cat crashing
> Yeah, the vet does know about it.  He threw it up and
> she said that means it
> was recently ingested.  She said we can look at his
> belly today if we want
> but she said she felt while we were there and his belly
> felt fine.  I read,
> and so did she, that one of the main reasons cats eat
> litter is because of
> anemia and we already know that's going on.  I've lost
> the majority of my
> leuk positives over the years the same way.  Either
> anemisa or tumors.  We
> do full blood workups every 6 months to try to keep an eye
> on anemia but
> I've never been able to bring one back yet once the
> hematocrit starts
> dropping quickly.  I expected him to live longer
> because I've lost most of
> my guys with hematocrits between 7-13 and his is 23. 
> This guy is fading,
> though, and I think he's probably had enough.  I'm
> just trying to decide if
> I want to do bloodwork and radiographs or if I want to just
> let him go
> peacefully without disturbing him any further.  I have
> no doubt that the
>  leukemia has just taken it's toll on him :(  
> He also has Bartonella and despite numerous treatments, has
> not been able to
> shake it.  We couldn't figure it out because any other
> cats I've treated
> have responded quite well.  This guy's numbers
> actually got worse after
> treatment so I'm thinking his body just doesn't have the
> means to cope with
> fighting it off.
> Amy
> >   I would be real concerned with
> > clumping litter if he ate any, you know what it does
> when it
> > gets wet.  Does the vet know about that?  I have
> > heard that cats shouldn't get tums, will see if I can
> find
> > the palce I read it.
> > 
> > -- 
> > Belinda
> > happiness is being owned by cats ...
> > 
> > http://bemikitties.com
> > 
> > http://BelindaSauro.com
> > 
> > 
> > ___
> > Felvtalk mailing list
> > Felvtalk@felineleukemia.org
> > http://felineleukemia.org/mailman/listinfo/felvtalk_felineleukemia.org
> > 
> ___
> Felvtalk mailing list
> Felvtalk@felineleukemia.org
> http://felineleukemia.org/mailman/listinfo/felvtalk_felineleukemia.org
> ___
> Felvtalk mailing list
> Felvtalk@felineleukemia.org
> http://felineleukemia.org/mailman/listinfo/felvtalk_felineleukemia.org


Felvtalk mailing list

Re: [Felvtalk] Cat crashing

2009-06-17 Thread Amy

>   Bailey had bartonella and he
> was on Zithromax for 6 weeks before it got better.  Has
> your kitty been on doxocycline in case he has
> hemobartonella?  Tests for this almost always come up
> with false negatives, sometimes cats have to be test 4 or 5
> times or more to get an accurate test result.  The doxy
> won't hurt him if he is really negative but may well save
> his life if he is testing false negative and really has it.

I'm not sure if he was tested for hemobartonella or not.  I'll have to do some 
research on that.  Too late now for him but I'll definitely look into that 
since I have numerous leuk positives and would like to know more.
> I personally will put ANY positive kitty on it no matter
> what the test says to be on the safe side. 
> Hemobartonella is a very common thing that positives get, it
> causes anemia and if left untreated WILL kill the
> kitty.  Their anemia will just keep getting worse and
> worse until they die.

Thanks for letting me know this.  I'll definitely look into this more. 
> -- 
> Belinda
> happiness is being owned by cats ...
> http://bemikitties.com
> http://BelindaSauro.com
> ___
> Felvtalk mailing list
> Felvtalk@felineleukemia.org
> http://felineleukemia.org/mailman/listinfo/felvtalk_felineleukemia.org


Felvtalk mailing list

Re: [Felvtalk] Cat crashing

2009-06-17 Thread Amy

Hi Belinda,

I just talked to my vet and she said that they looked at Maverick's blood smear 
when he was there 2 days ago and there was no sign of hemobart.  I guess they 
check it everytime he has bloodwork so he's been tested about 10-12 times.  I'm 
sure those could all be false positives but I feel better knowing they checked 
again.  I would have felt really awful if I thought I could have done something 
to save him and didn't.


--- On Wed, 6/17/09, Belinda Sauro  wrote:

> From: Belinda Sauro 
> Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] Cat crashing
> To: felvtalk@felineleukemia.org
> Date: Wednesday, June 17, 2009, 11:57 AM
>   Bailey had bartonella and he
> was on Zithromax for 6 weeks before it got better.  Has
> your kitty been on doxocycline in case he has
> hemobartonella?  Tests for this almost always come up
> with false negatives, sometimes cats have to be test 4 or 5
> times or more to get an accurate test result.  The doxy
> won't hurt him if he is really negative but may well save
> his life if he is testing false negative and really has it.
> I personally will put ANY positive kitty on it no matter
> what the test says to be on the safe side. 
> Hemobartonella is a very common thing that positives get, it
> causes anemia and if left untreated WILL kill the
> kitty.  Their anemia will just keep getting worse and
> worse until they die.
> -- 
> Belinda
> happiness is being owned by cats ...
> http://bemikitties.com
> http://BelindaSauro.com
> ___
> Felvtalk mailing list
> Felvtalk@felineleukemia.org
> http://felineleukemia.org/mailman/listinfo/felvtalk_felineleukemia.org


Felvtalk mailing list

Re: [Felvtalk] Cat crashing

2009-06-17 Thread Amy

Hi Belinda,

Thanks for writing.  I totally understand how you feel and just wanted to 
respond.  My vet has worked with my leuk positives for several years now and is 
amazing.  I've spent years working at different veterinary offices and I do 
know how lousy some of them are.  I also know how cold and heartless some of 
them can be when it comes to caring for our babies.  Lucky for me, that is not 
my vet.  She takes amazing care of our kitties and I have all the confidence in 
the world in her.  They don't push me to do things just to make money but they 
also will stop at nothing to help my kitties when they need to.  I have spent 
so many thousands of dollars trying to help these guys.  We've done chemo, 
we've done ultrasounds, steroids, antibiotics, fluids, etc., the list goes on 
and on.  I have always tried to save my babies in the past, sparing no expense 
and doing everything possible.  The problem is, in my experience, I always lose 
them to the leukemia eventually. 
 Then sometimes I feel bad that I put them through those last couple weeks or 
days and wonder if they suffered.  It's a personal decision and one everybody 
must make but Maverick was miserable and for us we just knew when we found him 
sleeping in the bathtub and not wanting to be bothered anymore.  

I am listening to everything you have said and I will ask my vet about these 
things because more knowledge is always a wonderful thing.  She always goes and 
does research on anything unusual we come across and I always do the same.  She 
spends hours with my cats and hours on the phone with me.  With this cat, 
things came on very quickly.  I'm still left with unanswered questions because 
I wasn't expecting this and I didn't see it coming.  However, I do know there 
weren't any signs of liver failure two days ago when we saw the bloodwork, both 
chem panel and CBC.  As far as food goes, she told me he needed to eat.  She 
gave me tons of ideas for trying to get him to eat and I asked about force 
feeding.  He couldn't keep anything I gave him down.  He just kept throwing it 
up.  My only other choice would have been to hospitalize him and try bringing 
him back but he's just not that type of cat.  Way too much attitude, spirit, 
and personality to handle that. 
 Hard to explain but totally not an option for this guy.  

I'll always wonder if I did everything I could for him but I have to trust that 
I did.  These cats mean the world to me and this one was actually rescued by my 
vet.  He started coming around her barn and she brought him in to neuter him.  
He tested positive and she called me.  We've all been very attached to him ever 
since so she had as much interest in saving him as I did :(

Thanks again for all the info and I will make it a point to read and learn even 
more about this disease.  I owe it to Maverick and I just hope I didn't let him 
down or fail him in any way.


>      Amy,
>   I don't think your vet is very good, yellow is a
> sure sign of liver failure and it doesn't happen
> overnight.  Blood tests should have shown there was a
> problem and if your vet didn't mention it I'd run to find
> another vet.
> If Maverick wasn't eating well he probably developed
> hepatic lipidosis, or fatty liver disease, this can happen
> after only a day or two of an cat not eating enough. 
> Even if a cat is eating but very little this can happen,
> this is curable by syringe feeding or a feeding tube, in
> other words food is the cure, no cat should die from
> this.  Too many vets don't pay attention when we tell
> them our cats aren't eating very much or at all, this should
> be a huge red flag to any vet to investigate further but so
> few do.
> I am writing this email because too few people understand
> just how deadly it is for a cat to go without food, it can
> kill them quickly.  That on top of the anemia was just
> too much for Maverick's compromised body to deal with. 
> Any vet who doesn't make a point of letting a client know
> they need to get food into a cat that isn't eating enough
> isn't worth anything in my book.
> Please, please people, if your cat is not eating, syringe
> feed, spoon feed, put food on your finger and put it in
> their mouths, get a feeding tube put in ... fatty liver
> disease is almost always curable even when a cat looks like
> it is on deaths door, food, enough food will almost always
> bring the cat back 
> Many people think when a cat is sick and stops eating it is
> letting you know it is ready to die, this is not always the
> case, think about it, when you are feeling very sick do you
> feel like eating, I know I don't.  And with a cat, they
> feel sick, they don't eat, they don't eat, they get weaker
> an

Re: [Felvtalk] Cat crashing

2009-06-17 Thread Amy


Thank you to everybody that has responded.  This passing has been extremely sad 
for us.  They all are.  No matter how many times I see this disease take one 
away, it never gets any easier.  This guy came to me so sick.  He was full of 
worms and stuff bursting out from under his eyes.  I honestly didn't think he'd 
make it a year.  He totally thrived and proved me wrong and he was such a 
character, such a presence.  We miss him deeply already and the house is not 
the same.  It is just empty in a way I can't express.  It helps to hear from 
all of you that can understand because you've been there.


> Amy, lighting a candle for a peaceful passage for
> Maverick.  We love them. care for them and in the end
> let them go.
> Sharyl
> --- On Wed, 6/17/09, Diane Rosenfeldt 
> wrote:
> > From: Diane Rosenfeldt 
> > Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] Cat crashing
> > To: felvtalk@felineleukemia.org
> > Date: Wednesday, June 17, 2009, 1:27 PM
> >  
> > 
> > -Original Message-
> > From: felvtalk-boun...@felineleukemia.org
> > [mailto:felvtalk-boun...@felineleukemia.org]
> > On Behalf Of Amy
> > Sent: Wednesday, June 17, 2009 11:09 AM
> > To: felvtalk@felineleukemia.org
> > Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] Cat crashing
> > 
> > 
> > His name is Maverick. 
> > 
> > He woke up this morning with a yellow color and has
> let us
> > know he's had
> > enough.  We just returned from the vet and he had a
> > peaceful passing.
> > 
> > Amy
> > 
> > --- On Wed, 6/17/09, Laurieskatz 
> > wrote:
> > 
> > > From: Laurieskatz 
> > > Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] Cat crashing
> > > To: felvtalk@felineleukemia.org
> > > Date: Wednesday, June 17, 2009, 9:45 AM Poor guy.
> What
> > is his name?
> > > Please keep us posted.
> > > Laurie
> > > 
> > > -Original Message-
> > > From: felvtalk-boun...@felineleukemia.org
> > > [mailto:felvtalk-boun...@felineleukemia.org]
> > > On Behalf Of Amy
> > > Sent: Wednesday, June 17, 2009 7:22 AM
> > > To: felvtalk@felineleukemia.org
> > > Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] Cat crashing
> > > 
> > > 
> > > Yeah, the vet does know about it.  He threw it
> up and
> > she said that 
> > > means it was recently ingested.  She said we can
> look
> > at his belly 
> > > today if we want but she said she felt while we
> were
> > there and his 
> > > belly felt fine.  I read, and so did she, that
> one of
> > the main reasons 
> > > cats eat litter is because of anemia and we
> already
> > know that's going 
> > > on.  I've lost the majority of my leuk positives
> over
> > the years the 
> > > same way.  Either anemisa or tumors.  We do
> full
> > blood workups every 6 
> > > months to try to keep an eye on anemia but I've
> never
> > been able to 
> > > bring one back yet once the hematocrit starts
> dropping
> > quickly.  I 
> > > expected him to live longer because I've lost
> most of
> > my guys with 
> > > hematocrits between 7-13 and his is 23.
> > > This guy is fading,
> > > though, and I think he's probably had enough. 
> I'm
> > just trying to 
> > > decide if I want to do bloodwork and radiographs
> or if
> > I want to just 
> > > let him go peacefully without disturbing him any
> > further.  I have no 
> > > doubt that the  leukemia has just taken it's
> toll
> > on him :(
> > > 
> > > He also has Bartonella and despite numerous
> > treatments, has not been 
> > > able to shake it.  We couldn't figure it out
> because
> > any other cats 
> > > I've treated have responded quite well.  This
> guy's
> > numbers actually 
> > > got worse after treatment so I'm thinking his
> body
> > just doesn't have 
> > > the means to cope with fighting it off.
> > > 
> > > Amy
> > > 
> > > 
> > > >   I would be real concerned with
> > > > clumping litter if he ate any, you know what
> it
> > does
> > > when it
> > > > gets wet.  Does the vet know about that? 
> I
> > have heard that cats 
> > > > shouldn't get tums, will see if I can
> > > find
> > > > the palce I read it.
> > > > 
> > > > --
> > > > Belinda
> > > > happiness is being owned by cats ...

Re: [Felvtalk] Cat crashing

2009-06-17 Thread Amy

He was white with a few orange spots and an orange tail.  When we got him, he 
was so run down.  Within no time at all, I thought he was the coolest looking 
cat I ever saw.  He was all personality.  He's the one that would stick his 
paws out from under the chair or couch to get me as I walked by.  He loved life 
and would sit in the windows and make all sorts of crazy noises at my birds and 
squirrels, ones I've never heard a cat make. 

He was really one of a kind.  I'll never forget how much he touched our lives.  
I got him the minute I returned home from my honeymoon in August of 05.  I took 
one cat (possibly his sister or relative) with FIV right before we left and 
when I got home from my honeymoon, there was a message that he was waiting to 
see if I would give him a home.  My husband let me make a special allowance for 
him (I had promised to keep my number to five since we spend so much money on 
them) and take him as my 6th cat for an early birthday present.   

I've rescued several leuk positive and for us the ones that got it as kittens 
never seemed to do as well in the long run.  I have 5 (til today) and this is 
the longest stretch we've ever had without losing one.  We were hoping maybe 
all these cats got leukemia as adults and would be around for a long time.  
Maverick was way too young, probably only 4 or 5 years old :(  

Thanks for thinking about us.


> Amy, what color was Maverick? I
> picture him as black and white...and want to
> get the right picture of him in my mind.
> He is lucky to have had you. Your vet sounds wonderful!
> How long did you have Maverick? 
> Take care and let your other kitties comfort you.
> Btw - a note of hope- I had one FeLV cat (Squeaky) live to
> 22 and another
> (Stripes) live to 16.
> L
> -Original Message-
> From: felvtalk-boun...@felineleukemia.org
> [mailto:felvtalk-boun...@felineleukemia.org]
> On Behalf Of Amy
> Sent: Wednesday, June 17, 2009 3:07 PM
> To: felvtalk@felineleukemia.org
> Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] Cat crashing
> All,
> Thank you to everybody that has responded.  This
> passing has been extremely
> sad for us.  They all are.  No matter how many
> times I see this disease take
> one away, it never gets any easier.  This guy came to
> me so sick.  He was
> full of worms and stuff bursting out from under his
> eyes.  I honestly didn't
> think he'd make it a year.  He totally thrived and
> proved me wrong and he
> was such a character, such a presence.  We miss him
> deeply already and the
> house is not the same.  It is just empty in a way I
> can't express.  It helps
> to hear from all of you that can understand because you've
> been there.
> Amy
> > Amy, lighting a candle for a peaceful passage for
> > Maverick.  We love them. care for them and in the
> end
> > let them go.
> > Sharyl
> > 
> > --- On Wed, 6/17/09, Diane Rosenfeldt 
> > wrote:
> > 
> > > From: Diane Rosenfeldt 
> > > Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] Cat crashing
> > > To: felvtalk@felineleukemia.org
> > > Date: Wednesday, June 17, 2009, 1:27 PM
> > >  
> > > 
> > > -Original Message-
> > > From: felvtalk-boun...@felineleukemia.org
> > > [mailto:felvtalk-boun...@felineleukemia.org]
> > > On Behalf Of Amy
> > > Sent: Wednesday, June 17, 2009 11:09 AM
> > > To: felvtalk@felineleukemia.org
> > > Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] Cat crashing
> > > 
> > > 
> > > His name is Maverick. 
> > > 
> > > He woke up this morning with a yellow color and
> has
> > let us
> > > know he's had
> > > enough.  We just returned from the vet and he
> had a
> > > peaceful passing.
> > > 
> > > Amy
> > > 
> > > --- On Wed, 6/17/09, Laurieskatz 
> > > wrote:
> > > 
> > > > From: Laurieskatz 
> > > > Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] Cat crashing
> > > > To: felvtalk@felineleukemia.org
> > > > Date: Wednesday, June 17, 2009, 9:45 AM Poor
> guy.
> > What
> > > is his name?
> > > > Please keep us posted.
> > > > Laurie
> > > > 
> > > > -Original Message-
> > > > From: felvtalk-boun...@felineleukemia.org
> > > > [mailto:felvtalk-boun...@felineleukemia.org]
> > > > On Behalf Of Amy
> > > > Sent: Wednesday, June 17, 2009 7:22 AM
> > > > To: felvtalk@felineleukemia.org
> > > > Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] Cat crashing
> > > > 
> > > > 
> > > > Yeah, the vet does know about it.  He threw
> it

[Felvtalk] Losing weight

2009-06-17 Thread Amy

So after losing Maverick today, I'm even more worried about my boy who's been 
steadily losing weight for the past 4 years.  He has no other apparent symptoms 
but does have leukemia.  He's down to 11 pounds, from 15 lbs.  He eats numerous 
times a day (no loss of appetite) and we have him on a high protein, high fat 
diet to try to get him to gain.  He seems to have stopped losing for now but is 
not gaining it back.  Bloodwork looks fine.  Any suggestions?  I think I posted 
about this a while ago but didn't get much response.



Felvtalk mailing list

Re: [Felvtalk] Losing weight

2009-06-18 Thread Amy

He has been tested for hyperthyroid but not pancreatitis.


> Has he been tested for pancreatitis?
> Hyperthyroid?
> Those are two conditions that result in weight loss. That
> is what we tested
> for.
> Laurie


Felvtalk mailing list

Re: [Felvtalk] Losing weight

2009-06-18 Thread Amy

Thanks for the ideas.  Since I just bought some baby food for my other cat, I 
will definitely try adding stuff like that for calories.  He really seems to 
eat fine so I'm stumped why he keeps losing weight :(


> Amy, I don't know what to tell you.  The only
> suggestion I have is to try and increase his daily caloric
> intake to see if that helps him gain wt.  So may things
> can affect wt. including thyroid issues.  I know you
> said blood work looked fine but has he has a T4 and free T4
> test recently?  
> If he would tolerate it you could try adding some kitten
> food to his regular food for a calorie
> boost.   Another thought is adding in come
> Clinicare.  It is a liquid recovery food and may
> provide a calorie boost.  I offer mine some Gerber
> Chicken and Gravy meat baby food as a treat.  Each jar
> has 100 calories.  Generally several small meal per day
> are best but you are already doing that.
> Hugs to him
> Sharyl  
> --- On Wed, 6/17/09, Amy 
> wrote:
> > From: Amy 
> > Subject: [Felvtalk] Losing weight
> > To: felvtalk@felineleukemia.org
> > Date: Wednesday, June 17, 2009, 7:36 PM
> > 
> > So after losing Maverick today, I'm even more worried
> about
> > my boy who's been steadily losing weight for the past
> 4
> > years.  He has no other apparent symptoms but does
> have
> > leukemia.  He's down to 11 pounds, from 15 lbs. 
> > He eats numerous times a day (no loss of appetite) and
> we
> > have him on a high protein, high fat diet to try to
> get him
> > to gain.  He seems to have stopped losing for now
> but
> > is not gaining it back.  Bloodwork looks fine. 
> > Any suggestions?  I think I posted about this a
> while
> > ago but didn't get much response.
> > 
> > Thanks
> > Amy
> > 
> > 
> >       
> > 
> > ___
> > Felvtalk mailing list
> > Felvtalk@felineleukemia.org
> > http://felineleukemia.org/mailman/listinfo/felvtalk_felineleukemia.org
> > 
> ___
> Felvtalk mailing list
> Felvtalk@felineleukemia.org
> http://felineleukemia.org/mailman/listinfo/felvtalk_felineleukemia.org


Felvtalk mailing list

Re: [Felvtalk] Losing weight

2009-06-18 Thread Amy

Thanks, I'll ask about this.  We have tested him a couple times because she 
thought she felt something a bit odd last time.  We had just tested him a few 
months before but tested again.  I'll confirm which tests she has done.


--- On Thu, 6/18/09, Belinda Sauro  wrote:

> From: Belinda Sauro 
> Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] Losing weight
> To: felvtalk@felineleukemia.org
> Date: Thursday, June 18, 2009, 9:22 PM
>     Hi Amy,
>  A regular T4 thyroid test sometimes won't give a high
> reading until it gets fairly high.  Fred always tested
> normal but my vet could feel a small nodule on his thyroid
> and we kept an eye on it.  When he went in for his
> physical a year later she felt it had gotten slightly bigger
> so we did another thyroid test but we did the T4 and the T
> FREE 4 also.  The T4 was within normal range and the T
> FREE 4 was very slightly high.  We caught it very early
> and he had the radio iodine treatment.
> Some of Fred's symptoms were, he was always hungry, every
> time I got up to do anything he would get up and follow me,
> just in case I was going in the kitchen.  He ate a lot
> of food but never gained any weight.  He also would
> howl sometimes.  He drank a lot and peed a lot but the
> was because he also had kidney issues which we diagnosed at
> the same time as when we found out about the hyper-t.
> -- 
> Belinda
> happiness is being owned by cats ...
> http://bemikitties.com
> http://BelindaSauro.com
> ___
> Felvtalk mailing list
> Felvtalk@felineleukemia.org
> http://felineleukemia.org/mailman/listinfo/felvtalk_felineleukemia.org


Felvtalk mailing list

Re: [Felvtalk] Losing weight

2009-06-19 Thread Amy

Thanks Sharyl,

Thanks for the info.  My vet said they have never seen a case where a cat had 
pancreatitis and showed no signs of discomfort or being sick but that they are 
more than willing to test if that's what I want to do.  


> Here is the link for the new Yahoo Pancreatitis group.
> http://pets.groups.yahoo.com/group/feline_pancreatitis_support/
> They have some really good info on dxing and treating
> pancreatitis.  I think it is IDEXX that can do the new
> blood test so the sample doesn't have to be set to TAMU
> anymore.
> Usually a kitty will show signs of pain, nausea and
> inappetance when having a pancreatitis attack.  Granted
> many vets don't really have experience treating pancreatitis
> but it is manageable.  
> Amy, I don't think this is your problem since your kitty is
> eating.
> Sharyl
> --- On Thu, 6/18/09, Laurieskatz 
> wrote:
> > From: Laurieskatz 
> > Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] Losing weight
> > To: felvtalk@felineleukemia.org
> > Date: Thursday, June 18, 2009, 9:35 PM
> > Pancreatitis is a blood test (and/or
> > ultrasound). They send the blood to
> > Texas now. There is a yahoo group for feline
> pancreatitis.
> > It is important
> > to do the right test. There is an outdated one that
> some
> > vets still use.
> > It isn't really something they treat. My vet had me
> put
> > Frankie on a low fat
> > diet (that is what they do for dogs and it hasn't
> been
> > proven to work for
> > cats but did work for Frankie).
> > L
> > 
> > 
> > -Original Message-
> > From: felvtalk-boun...@felineleukemia.org
> > [mailto:felvtalk-boun...@felineleukemia.org]
> > On Behalf Of Amy
> > Sent: Thursday, June 18, 2009 7:52 PM
> > To: felvtalk@felineleukemia.org
> > Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] Losing weight
> > 
> > 
> > Thanks for the ideas.  Since I just bought some baby
> > food for my other cat,
> > I will definitely try adding stuff like that for
> > calories.  He really seems
> > to eat fine so I'm stumped why he keeps losing weight
> :(
> > 
> > Amy
> > 
> > > 
> > > Amy, I don't know what to tell you.  The only
> > > suggestion I have is to try and increase his
> daily
> > caloric
> > > intake to see if that helps him gain wt.  So
> may
> > things
> > > can affect wt. including thyroid issues.  I know
> you
> > > said blood work looked fine but has he has a T4
> and
> > free T4
> > > test recently?  
> > > 
> > > If he would tolerate it you could try adding
> some
> > kitten
> > > food to his regular food for a calorie
> > > boost.   Another thought is adding in come
> > > Clinicare.  It is a liquid recovery food and
> may
> > > provide a calorie boost.  I offer mine some
> Gerber
> > > Chicken and Gravy meat baby food as a treat. 
> Each
> > jar
> > > has 100 calories.  Generally several small meal
> per
> > day
> > > are best but you are already doing that.
> > > Hugs to him
> > > Sharyl  
> > > 
> > > 
> > > --- On Wed, 6/17/09, Amy 
> > > wrote:
> > > 
> > > > From: Amy 
> > > > Subject: [Felvtalk] Losing weight
> > > > To: felvtalk@felineleukemia.org
> > > > Date: Wednesday, June 17, 2009, 7:36 PM
> > > > 
> > > > So after losing Maverick today, I'm even
> more
> > worried
> > > about
> > > > my boy who's been steadily losing weight for
> the
> > past
> > > 4
> > > > years.  He has no other apparent symptoms
> but
> > does
> > > have
> > > > leukemia.  He's down to 11 pounds, from 15
> > lbs. 
> > > > He eats numerous times a day (no loss of
> > appetite) and
> > > we
> > > > have him on a high protein, high fat diet to
> try
> > to
> > > get him
> > > > to gain.  He seems to have stopped losing
> for
> > now
> > > but
> > > > is not gaining it back.  Bloodwork looks
> > fine. 
> > > > Any suggestions?  I think I posted about
> this a
> > > while
> > > > ago but didn't get much response.
> > > > 
> > > > Thanks
> > > > Amy
> > > > 
> > > > 
> > > >       
> > > > 
> > > >
> ___

Re: [Felvtalk] Losing weight

2009-06-19 Thread Amy

Wow!  Maybe I should just do the blood test and rule it out.  I'll join the 
group and learn more.


> Hi. When first diagnosed Frankie did
> not have other symptoms and the
> diagnosis was a surprise to all of us.
> In fact, he was ravenously hungry. He had an occasional
> fudgy stool. That
> was it.
> Later, when it acted up (pancreatitis comes and goes) he
> was anorexic and
> lost 2 lbs. 
> Pls keep us posted!
> L
> -Original Message-
> From: felvtalk-boun...@felineleukemia.org
> [mailto:felvtalk-boun...@felineleukemia.org]
> On Behalf Of Amy
> Sent: Friday, June 19, 2009 5:11 PM
> To: felvtalk@felineleukemia.org
> Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] Losing weight
> Thanks Sharyl,
> Thanks for the info.  My vet said they have never seen
> a case where a cat
> had pancreatitis and showed no signs of discomfort or being
> sick but that
> they are more than willing to test if that's what I want to
> do.  
> Amy
> > 
> > Here is the link for the new Yahoo Pancreatitis
> group.
> > http://pets.groups.yahoo.com/group/feline_pancreatitis_support/
> > 
> > They have some really good info on dxing and treating
> > pancreatitis.  I think it is IDEXX that can do the
> new
> > blood test so the sample doesn't have to be set to
> > anymore.
> > 
> > Usually a kitty will show signs of pain, nausea and
> > inappetance when having a pancreatitis attack. 
> Granted
> > many vets don't really have experience treating
> pancreatitis
> > but it is manageable.  
> > 
> > Amy, I don't think this is your problem since your
> kitty is
> > eating.
> > Sharyl
> > 
> > --- On Thu, 6/18/09, Laurieskatz 
> > wrote:
> > 
> > > From: Laurieskatz 
> > > Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] Losing weight
> > > To: felvtalk@felineleukemia.org
> > > Date: Thursday, June 18, 2009, 9:35 PM
> > > Pancreatitis is a blood test (and/or
> > > ultrasound). They send the blood to
> > > Texas now. There is a yahoo group for feline
> > pancreatitis.
> > > It is important
> > > to do the right test. There is an outdated one
> that
> > some
> > > vets still use.
> > > It isn't really something they treat. My vet had
> me
> > put
> > > Frankie on a low fat
> > > diet (that is what they do for dogs and it
> hasn't
> > been
> > > proven to work for
> > > cats but did work for Frankie).
> > > L
> > > 
> > > 
> > > -Original Message-
> > > From: felvtalk-boun...@felineleukemia.org
> > > [mailto:felvtalk-boun...@felineleukemia.org]
> > > On Behalf Of Amy
> > > Sent: Thursday, June 18, 2009 7:52 PM
> > > To: felvtalk@felineleukemia.org
> > > Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] Losing weight
> > > 
> > > 
> > > Thanks for the ideas.  Since I just bought some
> baby
> > > food for my other cat,
> > > I will definitely try adding stuff like that for
> > > calories.  He really seems
> > > to eat fine so I'm stumped why he keeps losing
> weight
> > :(
> > > 
> > > Amy
> > > 
> > > > 
> > > > Amy, I don't know what to tell you.  The
> only
> > > > suggestion I have is to try and increase
> his
> > daily
> > > caloric
> > > > intake to see if that helps him gain wt. 
> So
> > may
> > > things
> > > > can affect wt. including thyroid issues.  I
> know
> > you
> > > > said blood work looked fine but has he has a
> T4
> > and
> > > free T4
> > > > test recently?  
> > > > 
> > > > If he would tolerate it you could try
> adding
> > some
> > > kitten
> > > > food to his regular food for a calorie
> > > > boost.   Another thought is adding in
> come
> > > > Clinicare.  It is a liquid recovery food
> and
> > may
> > > > provide a calorie boost.  I offer mine
> some
> > Gerber
> > > > Chicken and Gravy meat baby food as a
> treat. 
> > Each
> > > jar
> > > > has 100 calories.  Generally several small
> meal
> > per
> > > day
> > > > are best but you are already doing that.
> > > > Hugs to him
> > > > Sharyl  
> > > > 
> > > > 
> > > >

Re: [Felvtalk] Losing weight/Hemobart

2009-06-21 Thread Amy

I've e-mailed my vet about my cat losing weight and I think we are going to do 
a test for hemobart and pancreatitis.  She also offered to do a feline thyroid 
panel that is supposed to be best when you don't get the results you expect 
from the basic thyroid test (we've tested twice with neg results).  She 
suggested we could also do a test to see if his intestines are malabsorptive if 
I want and also the option of an abdominal ultrasound.  Just depends how far I 
want to go.  

She did have one question for me about hemobart so I want to ask here.  Just a 
reminder, I lost Maverick quickly and unexpectedly last week.  He had a 
hematocrit of 23 (compared to his normal 40%) and went downhill quickly.  We 
didn't treat for hemobart (didn't suspect it) but rather put him on clavamox 
and prednisone.  She wants to know how often the people on this board see 
hemobart in leuk positives and if they normally detect it right after the 
leukemia diagnosis or if it seems to pop up down the road, more distant.  She 
said she honestly didn't suspect hemobart after doing 7 CBCs/smears on him over 
the past couple years.  Still not sure how it could have stayed hidden on all 
those tests but his symptoms do seem like it was possible.  Either way, we want 
to learn everything we can about this.  I know some of you have mentioned 
treating for it regardless of the test results but we are just curious how 
prevalent it is among leuk positives.  Anybody
 have any data or personal experience to help us out?


--- On Sat, 6/20/09, Cougar Clan  wrote:

> From: Cougar Clan 
> Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] Losing weight
> To: felvtalk@felineleukemia.org
> Date: Saturday, June 20, 2009, 7:29 AM
> I would.  Otherwise, you will
> always wonder and doubt yourself.
> On Jun 19, 2009, at 5:53 PM, Amy wrote:
> >
> > Wow!  Maybe I should just do the blood test and
> rule it out.  I'll  
> > join the group and learn more.
> >
> > Thanks!
> > Amy
> >
> >> Hi. When first diagnosed Frankie did
> >> not have other symptoms and the
> >> diagnosis was a surprise to all of us.
> >> In fact, he was ravenously hungry. He had an
> occasional
> >> fudgy stool. That
> >> was it.
> >> Later, when it acted up (pancreatitis comes and
> goes) he
> >> was anorexic and
> >> lost 2 lbs.
> >> Pls keep us posted!
> >> L
> >>
> >> -Original Message-
> >> From: felvtalk-boun...@felineleukemia.org
> >> [mailto:felvtalk-boun...@felineleukemia.org]
> >> On Behalf Of Amy
> >> Sent: Friday, June 19, 2009 5:11 PM
> >> To: felvtalk@felineleukemia.org
> >> Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] Losing weight
> >>
> >>
> >> Thanks Sharyl,
> >>
> >> Thanks for the info.  My vet said they have
> never seen
> >> a case where a cat
> >> had pancreatitis and showed no signs of discomfort
> or being
> >> sick but that
> >> they are more than willing to test if that's what
> I want to
> >> do.
> >>
> >> Amy
> >>
> >>>
> >>> Here is the link for the new Yahoo
> Pancreatitis
> >> group.
> >>> http://pets.groups.yahoo.com/group/feline_pancreatitis_support/
> >>>
> >>> They have some really good info on dxing and
> treating
> >>> pancreatitis.  I think it is IDEXX that
> can do the
> >> new
> >>> blood test so the sample doesn't have to be
> set to
> >> TAMU
> >>> anymore.
> >>>
> >>> Usually a kitty will show signs of pain,
> nausea and
> >>> inappetance when having a pancreatitis
> attack.
> >> Granted
> >>> many vets don't really have experience
> treating
> >> pancreatitis
> >>> but it is manageable.
> >>>
> >>> Amy, I don't think this is your problem since
> your
> >> kitty is
> >>> eating.
> >>> Sharyl
> >>>
> >>> --- On Thu, 6/18/09, Laurieskatz 
> >>> wrote:
> >>>
> >>>> From: Laurieskatz 
> >>>> Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] Losing weight
> >>>> To: felvtalk@felineleukemia.org
> >>>> Date: Thursday, June 18, 2009, 9:35 PM
> >>>> Pancreatitis is a blood test (and/or
> >>>> ultrasound). They send the blood to
> >>>> Texas now. There is a yahoo group for
> feline
> >>> pancreatitis.
> >>>> It is important
> >>>> to do the right test. There is an outdated
> one
> >> th

Re: [Felvtalk] Cat losing weight/question about Doxy

2009-07-01 Thread Amy

>    Have they done a T
> Free 4 thyroid test, not the regular one?  Some cats
> will be normal on the standard test but actually be early
> hyper-t, my Fred was.  We only tested with a T Free 4
> because he had a nodule on his thyroid my vet felt had
> gotten bigger so we did both tests, the T4 was normal, the T
> Free 4 was high, barely but it was.  My Fred presented
> with being ravenous, if I got up he jumped up and followed
> me just in case I was heading to the kitchen to feed him, he
> also would howl.  He ate a lot and didn't gain any
> weight, I don't think he lost any but as much as he ate, he
> should have been huge and he was only 10 pounds, his normal
> weight.

I'm not sure.  They have done the TT4.  I asked about doing the free one since 
you had mentioned it before and my vet said they do this thyroid panel which is 
supposed to be best when you don't get the results you might expect from the 
TT4.  I'm guessing the panel includes the T free 4 but I'll ask.

> Is Wolfie anemic?  If not I don't know why they would
> want to use doxy, do they suspect an infection somewhere?

No, we had discussed that I may have lost Maverick recently due to hemobart.  
He was the one that became anemic and crashed quickly.  My vet has done lots of 
research and doesn't feel he had it but I had asked about whether we should 
treat Wolfie for it, just in case.  They were living in the same household.

> -- 
> Belinda
> happiness is being owned by cats ...
> http://bemikitties.com
> http://BelindaSauro.com
> ___
> Felvtalk mailing list
> Felvtalk@felineleukemia.org
> http://felineleukemia.org/mailman/listinfo/felvtalk_felineleukemia.org


Felvtalk mailing list

Re: [Felvtalk] Cat losing weight/question about Doxy

2009-07-03 Thread Amy

No diarrhea or vomiting that I've seen.  He just seems hungry all the time and 
follows me around crying at me.  We did some tests yesterday and are waiting 
for results.  


--- On Wed, 7/1/09, Laurieskatz  wrote:

> From: Laurieskatz 
> Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] Cat losing weight/question about Doxy
> To: felvtalk@felineleukemia.org
> Date: Wednesday, July 1, 2009, 11:08 PM
> Is there any diarrhea or vomiting?
> Frankie was ravenous - even raiding the
> other kitties' bowls and was diagnosed with pancreatitis.
> The vet had not
> seen the ravenous eating with pancreatitis before.  He
> did lose some weight
> later after he became anorexic. He had occasional fudgy
> stools. 
> -Original Message-
> From: felvtalk-boun...@felineleukemia.org
> [mailto:felvtalk-boun...@felineleukemia.org]
> On Behalf Of
> awilkin...@yahoo.com
> Sent: Wednesday, July 01, 2009 3:20 PM
> To: felvtalk@felineleukemia.org
> Subject: [Felvtalk] Cat losing weight/question about Doxy
> I have an appointment for Wolfie to get bloodwork
> tomorrow.  He's been
> losing weight steadily for almost 4 years now.  We've done
> numerous stool
> samples, bloodwork (CBC and chem) every 6 months, and 2
> thyroid tests.  He's
> been on kitten food (high fat) to try to stop the weight
> loss but it's not
> helping.  He eats well and always seems hungry.  
> I've been discussing how to proceed with my vet and her
> suggestions of
> possibilities were an IDEXX hemobart test, a pancreatitis
> test (spec-flp), a
> feline digestive panel (which would include the flp test),
> and a more
> extensive thyroid panel.  Abdominal ultrasound and bone
> marrow biopsy came
> up as well as B-comp and B-12 injections.  The lab
> suggested we start with
> the hemobart and thyroid panel tomorrow to see what we
> find.  If we don't
> find anything there, we will do the extensive digestive
> panel in a couple
> weeks.  Does that sound like a reasonable plan?
> We have been discussing whether to just treat for hemobart
> and while she is
> open to treating him without a test confirming he has it,
> we have some
> concerns.  Most of the research she sent me expressed
> concerns about
> developing antibiotic resistance especially among cats with
> retroviruses. 
> The other concern is what form of doxycycline to use if we
> do treat.  What
> do most people use for their cats?  She sent me some
> options and it seems
> esophageal stricture is a concern if using tablets for
> cats.  She said I can
> get it compounded but wondered what form people on this
> board are using.
> Can anybody let me know what form of doxy they use to treat
> hemobart?
> Thanks
> Amy
> ___
> Felvtalk mailing list
> Felvtalk@felineleukemia.org
> http://felineleukemia.org/mailman/listinfo/felvtalk_felineleukemia.org
> ___
> Felvtalk mailing list
> Felvtalk@felineleukemia.org
> http://felineleukemia.org/mailman/listinfo/felvtalk_felineleukemia.org


Felvtalk mailing list

Re: [Felvtalk] Cat losing weight/question about Doxy

2009-07-04 Thread Amy

We are hoping that's what it is.  We did a panel which does a T3 and TF4 test 
so hopefully something will show up.  We are worried it's something much worse 


--- On Sat, 7/4/09, Belinda Sauro  wrote:

> From: Belinda Sauro 
> Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] Cat losing weight/question about Doxy
> To: felvtalk@felineleukemia.org
> Date: Saturday, July 4, 2009, 11:40 AM
>   Classic hyper-t symptoms:
> > No diarrhea or vomiting that I've seen.  He just
> seems hungry all the time and follows me around crying at
> me.  We did some tests yesterday and are waiting for
> results. 
> this is exactly how Fred was and he was very early
> hyper-t.  Only found with the tfree4 test.
> -- 
> Belinda
> happiness is being owned by cats ...
> http://bemikitties.com
> http://BelindaSauro.com
> ___
> Felvtalk mailing list
> Felvtalk@felineleukemia.org
> http://felineleukemia.org/mailman/listinfo/felvtalk_felineleukemia.org


Felvtalk mailing list

[Felvtalk] Wolfie's bloodwork results/hemobart pos

2009-07-09 Thread Amy

So we got the bloodwork back and Wolfie's thyroid screen (TF4/T3) was totally 
normal.  He's been losing weight steadily for the past 4 years and always acts 
hungry.  We also did a test for hemobart.  They tested for three organisims and 
one of them (can't remember all the names) came up positive.  My vet plans to 
start Wolfie on pred tonight (since I have some) and liquid doxy tomorrow.  His 
hematocrit when we had bloodwork done last week was 29 (a bit low for him).  
Anything else people would recommend as far as treatment at this point?  I've 
seen stuff about Epogen, transfer factor, etc.  My vet wants me to send her 
links as she has only used Epogen for one cat and I told her I have some info.  

Belinda, you sent me some links in a private e-mail.  Can I pass those on to my 

I'd love to hear how others would proceed.



Felvtalk mailing list

Re: [Felvtalk] Wolfie's bloodwork results/hemobart pos

2009-07-11 Thread Amy

Thanks Belinda,

My vet gave me Pet-Tinic that he is getting twice a day.  It seems similar to 
Nutrived but I can ask about that one.  

Not sure what his hematocrit is right now.  They wanted to let him build up 
more blood to do a large draw for a digestive panel but I'm kind of worried 
about taking any blood right now (til we see how he responds to the pred and 
doxy treatment) because if he's not making more, I'm worried I'll make him 
worse.  Thoughts?


--- On Fri, 7/10/09, Belinda Sauro  wrote:

> From: Belinda Sauro 
> Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] Wolfie's bloodwork results/hemobart pos
> To: felvtalk@felineleukemia.org
> Date: Friday, July 10, 2009, 11:54 PM
>      Hi Amy,
>   Sounds like a mystery but his HCT isn't too bad, it
> is when it gets to 20% and below you really need to start
> worrying, although with an FeLV+, I'd keep a close eye on it
> when it gets to 24% or 25%.  My Vet wouldn't start
> epogen until the HCT gets to 20% or below, and a transfusion
> if it gets to 10%.
> How is Wolfies HCT now?  If it is still at 29% I would
> start giving Wolfie Nutrived, it has all the things needed
> to build new blood.  Here are the links I sent you, I
> don't have your Vets email so you can forward them to her.
> Links below:
> ---
> This site has some good info on anemia itself and some of
> the treatments.
> http://www.felinecrf.org/anaemia.htm#what_is_anaemia
> http://www.felinecrf.org/anaemia.htm#why_anaemia
> http://www.felinecrf.org/anaemia.htm#other_causes
> http://www.felinecrf.org/anaemia.htm#anaemia_diagnosis
> http://www.felinecrf.org/anaemia.htm#treatments
> http://www.felinecrf.org/anaemia.htm#epogen_eprex_procrit
> Below is something similar to epogen but reported to not be
> as risky as epogen far as the antibodies risk goes, although
> like I said Bailey was on epogen for 5 months with no
> problems, and I personally know a cancer kitty that was on
> it for 2 years and had no problems, he finally succumbed to
> his cancer after it came out of remission for the 3rd time
> but his HCT was still normal, he would have died long before
> of anemia without the epogen:
> http://www.felinecrf.org/anaemia.htm#aranesp
> http://www.felinecrf.org/anaemia.htm#rhepo_antibody_risk
> http://www.felinecrf.org/anaemia.htm#antibody_not_bad
> http://www.felinecrf.org/anaemia.htm#aranesp_antibody
> I do know of someone who did this and it did work for her
> cat, don't know if it is the one they are talking about
> here:
> > *_Using Aranesp in Cats Who Have Developed the
> Antibody Reaction to Epogen_*
> > 
> > It is not generally recommended to use any form of
> human erythropoietin in a patient who has reacted to another
> form (in other words, if you have developed the antibody
> reaction to Epogen, it is not advisable to use Aranesp
> instead). However, since there are some differences between
> Epogen and Aranesp, apparently some US vet schools are
> trying to maintain cats who have developed the antibody
> reaction to Epogen or Eprex by using blood transfusions for
> several (6-8) weeks, and then starting them on Aranesp, in
> the hope that the cats will not also develop an antibody
> reaction to Aranesp.
> > 
> http://www.felinecrf.org/anaemia.htm#rhepo_usage_guidelines
> http://www.felinecrf.org/anaemia.htm#obtaining_rhepo
> Below is a feline version of epogen, very costly and I
> don't think you can get it here yet, they use it
> overseas.  Not positive of this but last I heard it
> wasn't sold here ... some people previously on the list have
> had their vets order it for them.
> http://www.felinecrf.org/anaemia.htm#alternatives_rhepo
> I check this site regularly because Fred is CRF and may
> face some of these problems in the future, I have gotten
> tons of help here for things he is dealing with now.
> I disagree with the statement on this site that "It's a
> specific treatment for the anemia caused by deteriorated
> kidneys", because like I said with Bailey his anemia had
> nothing to do with his kidneys.
> http://www.geocities.com/HotSprings/Villa/9757/Documents/Epogen_General_Description.htm
> Here is a good link on Hemobartonella:
> https://www.vetcentric.com/reference/encycEntry.cfm?ENTRY=88&COLLECTION=EncycIllness&MODE=full
> -- 
> Belinda
> happiness is being owned by cats ...
> http://bemikitties.com
> http://BelindaSauro.com
> ___
> Felvtalk mailing list
> Felvtalk@felineleukemia.org
> http://felineleukemia.org/mailman/listinfo/felvtalk_felineleukemia.org


Felvtalk mailing list

Re: [Felvtalk] Wolfie's bloodwork results/hemobart pos

2009-07-11 Thread Amy

He had a blood draw on July 2nd.  We did hemobart, CBC, and a thyroid panel.  
We started him on pred Thursday evening when we got the hemobart results and we 
started him on doxy and Pet-Tinic yesterday.  I'll check into getting Nutrived, 
thanks!  Good idea about the ear tip to check the HCT.  We don't want to do the 
full draw for a couple weeks because I guess the full panel really does take a 
lot of blood so we want to see how he responds to this before doing a large 

I don't know what the HCT is right now but he's not acting any different where 
I suspect it's decreasing rapidly.  I didn't want to keep taking him and 
checking it if his symptoms aren't changing because my vet is 45 minutes away 
and I thought the stress wouldn't be great for him.  Do you think I should be 
constantly checking it even if he's not acting lethargic or anemic?


--- On Sat, 7/11/09, Belinda Sauro  wrote:

> From: Belinda Sauro 
> Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] Wolfie's bloodwork results/hemobart pos
> To: felvtalk@felineleukemia.org
> Date: Saturday, July 11, 2009, 1:06 PM
> PS.  How long has he been on the
> Pet Tinic and how long has he been getting the pred and
> doxy?  When was the last time he had a blood
> draw?  On the last draw is that when his HCT was
> 29%?  They can always take a tiny bit of blood from the
> ear tip to check the HCT and if it is OK then do the full
> draw.
> -- 
> Belinda
> happiness is being owned by cats ...
> http://bemikitties.com
> http://BelindaSauro.com
> ___
> Felvtalk mailing list
> Felvtalk@felineleukemia.org
> http://felineleukemia.org/mailman/listinfo/felvtalk_felineleukemia.org


Felvtalk mailing list

Re: [Felvtalk] Wolfie's bloodwork results/hemobart pos

2009-07-11 Thread Amy

Oops, forgot to answer that yes his last draw was the HCT of 29%.


--- On Sat, 7/11/09, Belinda Sauro  wrote:

> From: Belinda Sauro 
> Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] Wolfie's bloodwork results/hemobart pos
> To: felvtalk@felineleukemia.org
> Date: Saturday, July 11, 2009, 1:06 PM
> PS.  How long has he been on the
> Pet Tinic and how long has he been getting the pred and
> doxy?  When was the last time he had a blood
> draw?  On the last draw is that when his HCT was
> 29%?  They can always take a tiny bit of blood from the
> ear tip to check the HCT and if it is OK then do the full
> draw.
> -- 
> Belinda
> happiness is being owned by cats ...
> http://bemikitties.com
> http://BelindaSauro.com
> ___
> Felvtalk mailing list
> Felvtalk@felineleukemia.org
> http://felineleukemia.org/mailman/listinfo/felvtalk_felineleukemia.org


Felvtalk mailing list

Re: [Felvtalk] Wolfie's bloodwork results/hemobart pos

2009-07-11 Thread Amy

I was thinking of going back in a bit over 2 weeks when she returns from 
vacation.  There's another vet in the office but I would prefer to see my 
regular vet unless we run into problems.


> Date: Saturday, July 11, 2009, 7:06 PM
>    Amy,
>  If the HCT was 29% on the July 2nd draw and he is acting
> the same I would wait at least 2 weeks, stress is not good
> so you want to avoid that.  If he takes a sudden turn
> for the worse before 2 weeks then get him to the vet. 
> When did the vet want you to bring him in for a
> recheck?  I mean 2 weeks from when he started the doxy
> & pet tinic.
> -- 
> Belinda
> happiness is being owned by cats ...
> http://bemikitties.com
> http://BelindaSauro.com
> ___
> Felvtalk mailing list
> Felvtalk@felineleukemia.org
> http://felineleukemia.org/mailman/listinfo/felvtalk_felineleukemia.org


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[Felvtalk] Vit. B-comp/B12/Iron injections

2009-07-12 Thread Amy

Does anybody do these for their cats?  My vet suggested it as a possibility for 
Wolfie.  She said the vets on VIN recommended it (not sure if that meant 
specifically for cats with hemobart, anemia, or possible malabsorption 
problems).  She said they are thought to sting but that it might be worth 
trying for Wolfie.  I just wrote her to ask if they are done by me or a vet and 
how often.  Just curious what others think.



Felvtalk mailing list

Re: [Felvtalk] Vit. B-comp/B12/Iron injections

2009-07-13 Thread Amy

Hi Belinda,

Posting to the list because your info is always so helpful.  My vet responded 
to my e-mail and said that the B vit injections are recommended once a month 
and the iron injection only one time and that's when initially starting Epogen. 
 She was thinking of the B-vit injections along with the Epo if his HCT drops a 
lot.  If it gets better, we'd like to do the digestive panel and look for 
pancreatitis or malabsorption problems but are waiting to see how things go.  

So basically she recommended I go with the Pet-Tinic and/or the Nutrived.  She 
said I can switch to Nutrived but the levels do vary on the ingredients other 
than folic acid so it's up to me.  She wasn't recommending it because it's what 
she has but rather because it's what she found recommended most in her research 
I guess.  I have to compare the two to make sure before I order the Nutrived 
but your experience is that you'd use solely the Nutrived?  Then she said she'd 
do the doxy/pred combo and watch him closely.  If things get worse, we'll take 
him in sooner and re-evaluate.  She's leaving it up to me about the Epo/B vit 
injections if he gets worse.  What you are saying, though, is that there would 
be no harm to give Wolfie the B-vit injections now, right?  

Thanks and that should be the last of the questions for now.  This is all new 
to me so I apologize for asking so much.  I'm still researching and learning 
all about the Epogen.

--- On Sun, 7/12/09, Belinda Sauro  wrote:

> From: Belinda Sauro 
> Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] Vit. B-comp/B12/Iron injections
> To: felvtalk@felineleukemia.org
> Date: Sunday, July 12, 2009, 10:57 PM
> PS.  You can give the injections
> yourself.  They usually give them once a week, any
> extra vit b is peed out it is a water soluble vit and extra
> is peed out.
> -- 
> Belinda
> happiness is being owned by cats ...
> http://bemikitties.com
> http://BelindaSauro.com
> ___
> Felvtalk mailing list
> Felvtalk@felineleukemia.org
> http://felineleukemia.org/mailman/listinfo/felvtalk_felineleukemia.org


Felvtalk mailing list

Re: [Felvtalk] Vit. B-comp/B12/Iron injections

2009-07-14 Thread Amy

>    Hi Amy,
>   Wolfie's HCT at 29% isn't horrible, 
Epogen isn't
> given until the HCT drops to 20% or lower.

Yeah didn't plan to start Epogen til it drops to 20 or lower.  Just trying to 
do my research and prepare since I've never had one stop dropping once the HCT 
starts going down.
Since you already have
> the pet tinic you may as well use it up and if you need to
> continue try the nutrived ... I have had many people tell me
> their cats liked it, one girl said her cat would lick it
> right out of the syringe she used to give it to him, none of
> my cats liked it ... in fact my cats won't eat the food if I
> put it in there.  How does Wolfie do with the pet
> tinic?

I've been giving it with a syringe.  He doesn't love it but he's been handling 
the 3 meds twice daily really well.  He's my toughest cat to medicate so I 
wasn't looking forward to it but he's really being quite tolerant.


Felvtalk mailing list

Re: [Felvtalk] Baby Bella 3/4/09-7/9/09

2009-07-14 Thread Amy


I'm so sorry about Bella.  I only ever had one leuk pos kitty that seemed to 
have neurological symptoms.  She lost the use of her back legs and it was very 
difficult to watch.  Bella is so lucky to have found you.  I've had probably 15 
or so leuk positives (have four now) and every one has been so different.  Most 
of mine have led very happy, healthy lives until cancer or anemia has taken 
them from me.  I've had some live months and some that have lived several 
years.  Hang in there and best of luck to you.  I'm glad the other kitty has 
you.  No real advice how to care for them.  I give mine lots of love and treat 
them like any other cat.  I just give them a good diet, minimize stress, keep 
them indoors and take them for routine check-ups.  Good luck and welcome to the 



Felvtalk mailing list

[Felvtalk] Weight loss

2009-07-28 Thread Amy

I've posted a lot about the weight my leuk pos has lost since I took him in.  
He's about 6 years old and has never shown any real symptoms other than red 
gums (which we've treated) and now the weight loss.  He was 13.6 pounds less 
than a year ago and is 10.4 lbs today.  He's not a petite cat and is looking 
really thin.  I have an appointment next week and my vet is going to make a 
list of all things that could cause weight loss and all things that could cause 
anemia so we can make sure that we've done everything we possibly can for him.

So far we have checked him for thyroid multiple times, even with a free T4.  We 
have done blood work numerous times and nothing odd there other than what you 
would expect to see with a leuk pos cat (same bloodwork that I see in all my 
cats).  Last time we did bloodwork, his HCT was 29%, low for him.  We checked 
him for hemobart and he was negative for Mycoplasma haemofilis previously 
called Hemobartonella felis large form and positive for Mycoplasma haemominutum 
previously called Haemobartonella felis small form.  We have him on pred, 
Pet-Tinic and doxy but he's still losing weight quickly.  He is due to go back 
Tuesday for a recheck.  He was on a high fat, high protein kitten food to try 
to help him gain weight.  That didn't work and he's now on EVO but has 
continued to lose.  We were planning to do a digestive panel but are concerned 
about taking the 4mls of blood that we need considering his HCT is lower than 
normal so we are waiting to see how it
 looks this week.

My vet feels confident that we have been very thorough and that this is just a 
manifestation of the leukemia.  She's willling to do any testing and is still 
researching anything else that could be going on.  Anybody have thoughts or 
suggestions other than what we are doing or do I just spend time with him, 
enjoy him, and stop putting him through all this testing during what could be 
my last few weeks with him?



Felvtalk mailing list

Re: [Felvtalk] Felvtalk Digest, Vol 13, Issue 24

2009-07-29 Thread Amy

No, I haven't.  Thanks for the suggestion.


--- On Wed, 7/29/09, Kathryn Hargreaves  wrote:

> From: Kathryn Hargreaves 
> Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] Felvtalk Digest, Vol 13, Issue 24
> To: felvtalk@felineleukemia.org
> Date: Wednesday, July 29, 2009, 8:00 AM
> Amy,
> Have you tried asking on the holisticat.com infectious
> diseases community forum?
> Kathy


Felvtalk mailing list

[Felvtalk] Wolfie Update

2009-08-04 Thread Amy

So I've been posting about my cat Wolfie who has been losing weight since about 
mid 2006, from 15.4 lbs down to 10.8 lbs today.  His last visit was on July 2nd 
and he had a HCT of 29.  He also tested positive for Mycoplasma haemominutum 
previously called Haemobartonella felis small form.  He's been on doxy, pred, 
and Pet-Tinic twice daily for almost a month.  

My vet thought he looked great today and he hasn't lost any weight since his 
last visit but he's not gaining and his HCT is still going down.  We took a 
tiny amount of blood and sent it out for a reticulocyte count.  I've lost 
almost all my leuk positives to anemia in the end (except for one to lymphoma 
and one to neurological issues) and I'm really bummed out by the news.  I was 
hoping treating the Hemobart would help the HCT even though my vet wasn't as 

I'm just wondering how most people here lose their leuk positives.  It seems 
all of mine do so well, are completely asymptomatic and then out of nowhere 
they stop making red blood cells, the HCT starts to drop, and it is downhill 
from there.  My vet wrote me a 10 page letter on everything that could cause 
weight loss and anemia and we have eliminated almost all the possibilities I 
think.  We haven't done a digestive panel yet because it takes 4 mls of blood 
and I don't want to do that with his HCT dropping.  If the reticulocyte test 
comes back and shows he is making red blood cells, we will start investigating 
digestive issues or anything else that could be causing his lower HCT.  If it 
comes back as nonregenerative anemia, is there anything I can do?  I know there 
is the option of Epogen and I'm looking into that.  Anything else or do I just 
spend time with him and wait?  I hate this point where they are feeling fine, 
looking fine, and I know it's only
 a matter of time :(  This guy has been with me longer than any of my other 
positives and I'd do anything to help him but I'm afraid there's nothing else I 
can do.  Thoughts?



Felvtalk mailing list

Re: [Felvtalk] Wolfie Update

2009-08-06 Thread Amy

>   If nothing else is working, by
> the way I have heard doxy can take as long as 6 weeks to
> show results, but if his HCT is still going down don't know
> that I would be thinking that.  But as I was saying if
> nothing else is working and you are faced with death, my
> personally I would try the epogen, if the alternative is
> death you have nothing to lose.
> Sending lots of prayers for Wolfie and you.
> What is his HCT now??

It was 27 when we went this week and he's still acting fine.  He's nowhere near 
where I'd start it yet.  Just wanted to know if there's anything I can do 
before he gets to the low 20's/teens or if I just wait.

> -- 
> Belinda
> happiness is being owned by cats ...
> http://bemikitties.com
> http://BelindaSauro.com
> ___
> Felvtalk mailing list
> Felvtalk@felineleukemia.org
> http://felineleukemia.org/mailman/listinfo/felvtalk_felineleukemia.org


Felvtalk mailing list

Re: [Felvtalk] Wolfie Update

2009-08-06 Thread Amy
Thanks, joined both of these.


--- On Wed, 8/5/09, Sharyl  wrote:

> From: Sharyl 
> Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] Wolfie Update
> To: felvtalk@felineleukemia.org
> Date: Wednesday, August 5, 2009, 9:21 AM
> Amy. I haven't had any success once they start to
> fail.  Maybe others can help.  There are two yahoo
> groups that may help with the symptoms.
> There is a assist feeding group that can offer support
> regarding the wt. loss.
> http://pets.groups.yahoo.com/group/Feline-Assisted-Feeding/
> There is an anemia group that has info in their files on
> Epogen for non-regenerative anemia
> http://pets.groups.yahoo.com/group/Feline_Anemia/
> Hugs to Wolfie
> Sharyl
> --- On Tue, 8/4/09, Amy 
> wrote:


Felvtalk mailing list

Re: [Felvtalk] Wolfie Update

2009-08-06 Thread Amy
He isn't getting a folic acid supplement but he does get some in his EVO cat 
food.  I'm almost done with the bottle of Pet-Tinic and then I'm going to try 


>    I would keep doing
> what you're doing, 27% isn't horrible.  Be sure and
> keep up the pet tinic, is he getting folic acid too it isn't
> in pet tinic and is needed for building new blood.
> I wouldn't panic yet, just keep a close eye on him and
> think positive.
> -- 
> Belinda
> happiness is being owned by cats ...
> http://bemikitties.com
> http://BelindaSauro.com
> ___
> Felvtalk mailing list
> Felvtalk@felineleukemia.org
> http://felineleukemia.org/mailman/listinfo/felvtalk_felineleukemia.org


Felvtalk mailing list

Re: [Felvtalk] Wolfie Update

2009-08-06 Thread Amy
Thanks for the info.  I've joined the anemia group and am reading up on it.  
Has anybody on this list tried the Epogen for a leuk pos cat that is anemic?  I 
read a lot about Epogen being very effective for anemia and I read about people 
using it for CRF.  Just wondering what sort of experiences people have had 
using it for non-regenerative anemia not due to CRF.


--- On Thu, 8/6/09, Sharyl  wrote:

> From: Sharyl 
> Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] Wolfie Update
> To: felvtalk@felineleukemia.org
> Date: Thursday, August 6, 2009, 6:48 AM
> Amy,
> Epogen is very effective for treating non-regenerative
> anemia.  Treatment is not started until the HCT or PCV
> is below 20 and usually in the mid-teens. The Anemia group I
> gave you the link for has more info on treatment protocol.
> Sharyl
> --- On Thu, 8/6/09, Iva Lark Emily Seaberg 
> wrote:
> > From: Iva Lark Emily Seaberg 
> > Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] Wolfie Update
> > To: felvtalk@felineleukemia.org
> > Date: Thursday, August 6, 2009, 1:32 AM
> > A few years ago I had a kitty with
> > Chronic Renal Failure. Towards the end he was
> extremely
> > anemic and we did the Epogen. I'm so glad we did it
> because
> > it did buy us some time. I decided to try the Epogen
> when it
> > became clear he was not making new blood cells, his
> anemia
> > became extreme and we knew that without help he would
> die
> > from it, a slow, lethargic and very sad death. I
> wanted to
> > give him a chance and the Epogen did. My vet talked to
> UC
> > Davis about his unique situation (he also had high
> blood
> > pressure and a heart problem) and we gave him a
> really
> > really low dose. I believe typically they give it 3-4
> times
> > a week and we gave it once a week. It was such a low
> dose
> > the vet thought it might not work, but it did and
> actually
> > better than we anticipated.
> > 
> > So, I can't speak for the FeLV stuff, but I can say
> the
> > Epogen wasn't as evil as I was expecting to be from
> what I
> > had heard word of mouth. We used it very cautiously,
> and it
> > seemed to make a big difference. You just really have
> to
> > watch it, start off slow. It is easier to add
> treatments
> > then try and slow it down and you don't want their
> values
> > increasing too fast.
> > 
> > Good luck,
> > 
> > Iva
> > 
> > - Original Message - >
> > > Message: 7
> > > Date: Tue, 4 Aug 2009 16:38:44 -0700 (PDT)
> > > From: Amy 
> > > Subject: [Felvtalk] Wolfie Update
> > 
> > > 
> > > So I've been posting about my cat Wolfie who has
> been
> > losing weight since about mid 2006, from 15.4 lbs down
> to
> > 10.8 lbs today.  His last visit was on July 2nd and
> he
> > had a HCT of 29.  He also tested positive for
> > Mycoplasma haemominutum previously called
> Haemobartonella
> > felis small form.  He's been on doxy, pred, and
> > Pet-Tinic twice daily for almost a month.
> > > 
> > > My vet thought he looked great today and he
> hasn't
> > lost any weight since his last visit but he's not
> gaining
> > and his HCT is still going down.  We took a tiny
> amount
> > of blood and sent it out for a reticulocyte count.
> I've lost
> > almost all my leuk positives to anemia in the end
> (except
> > for one to lymphoma and one to neurological issues)
> and I'm
> > really bummed out by the news.  I was hoping
> treating
> > the Hemobart would help the HCT even though my vet
> wasn't as
> > optimistic.
> > > 
> > > I'm just wondering how most people here lose
> their
> > leuk positives.  It seems all of mine do so well,
> are
> > completely asymptomatic and then out of nowhere they
> stop
> > making red blood cells, the HCT starts to drop, and it
> is
> > downhill from there.  My vet wrote me a 10 page
> letter
> > on everything that could cause weight loss and anemia
> and we
> > have eliminated almost all the possibilities I
> think. 
> > We haven't done a digestive panel yet because it takes
> 4 mls
> > of blood and I don't want to do that with his HCT
> dropping.
> > If the reticulocyte test comes back and shows he is
> making
> > red blood cells, we will start investigating
> digestive
> > issues or anything else that could be causing his
> lower
> > HCT.  If it comes back as nonregenerative anemia, is
> > there anything I can do?  I know there is the option

Re: [Felvtalk] Wolfie Update

2009-08-07 Thread Amy
So here's my dilemma.  I'm struggling with a lot of decisions right now but 
I'll try to summarize.  His hematocrit was 29 a month ago, now it's 27.  Over 
the past 5 years, it's never been below high 30's.  So something is going on 
that it's going down.  My vet wants me to bring him back Wednesday and do an 
ear prick, check his HCT, and if it's ok, do a digestive panel to check for 
malabsorption, pancreatitis and other stuff (this is a test I've been asking 
about for some time, not something she is pushing).  It takes 4 mls of blood.  
I definitely want to rule this stuff out but am hesitant to draw more blood.  
Part of me feels I'm so terrified of this decreasing HCT that I've sort of 
given up.  That same part of me definitely doesn't want to accelerate that 
decline by drawing blood if he's really going down the path of the virus in the 
bone marrow, not making red blood cells, HCT steadily decreasing til he fails.  
On the other hand what if the anemia is
 mild because it's due to something like the digestive stuff and I could save 
him and don't try?  I'm so torn.  I'll hate myself if I do this bloodwork and 
my happy, relatively stable cat starts to crash.  Thoughts?  I'm going to post 
his whole history on the anemia group and get some opinions too and I'm trying 
to research the likelihood of the anemia coming from digestive issues.


--- On Thu, 8/6/09, Belinda Sauro  wrote:

> From: Belinda Sauro 
> Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] Wolfie Update
> To: felvtalk@felineleukemia.org
> Date: Thursday, August 6, 2009, 10:31 PM
> PS.  His anemia was related to
> his positive status.  My vet thinks the virus activated
> in his bone marrow and that is what brought on the anemia,
> he developed pancreatic cancer in the 6 months we were
> trying to figure out what was going on.  It was obvious
> something was still wrong because even after we got his HCT
> normalized he was very lethargic and wouldn't eat.  My
> gut feeling was pancreatitis but my vet didn't think so
> because his blood work was normal, I wish I had followed my
> instincts and had the test for pancreatitis done, he may not
> have developed cancer if we had treated him for that.
> -- 
> Belinda
> happiness is being owned by cats ...
> http://bemikitties.com
> http://BelindaSauro.com
> ___
> Felvtalk mailing list
> Felvtalk@felineleukemia.org
> http://felineleukemia.org/mailman/listinfo/felvtalk_felineleukemia.org


Felvtalk mailing list

Re: [Felvtalk] Wolfie Update

2009-08-07 Thread Amy
Hi Belinda,

Can I just clarify?  Bailey was leuk positive and had no other issues other 
than the anemia?  While you were trying to figure that out, he developed 
pancreatitis?  No CRF or anything else, you were using the Epogen solely for 
the leukemia related anemia?  The reason I'm asking is because I'm trying to 
weigh the pros and cons of whether to start Epogen when Wolfie's HCT gets low.  
My vet and I are trying to understand how it could hypothetically work for 
anemia related to bone marrow issues as opposed to CRF and she says it doesn't 
make sense that it would help.  Again she's not saying it doesn't help or that 
we shouldn't try it (she's totally up for it if I am), we are just trying to 
figure out how it could help by looking at the causes of the anemia.  You are 
the only person I've heard say they used it for a leuk pos cat with anemia 
rather than CRF so we are very interested in your story.  Thanks for sharing.  
Sounds like Bailey was a very lucky cat to
 have you.


--- On Thu, 8/6/09, Belinda Sauro  wrote:

> From: Belinda Sauro 
> Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] Wolfie Update
> To: felvtalk@felineleukemia.org
> Date: Thursday, August 6, 2009, 10:27 PM
>   Bailey was on epogen for
> almost 6 months when he became anemic, it brought his HCT
> from a low of 15% back up to 40% within 6 weeks or so. 
> When he passed he was still on a maintanence dose of epogen
> once a week and his HCT was holding at 33%.
> -- 
> Belinda
> happiness is being owned by cats ...
> http://bemikitties.com
> http://BelindaSauro.com
> ___
> Felvtalk mailing list
> Felvtalk@felineleukemia.org
> http://felineleukemia.org/mailman/listinfo/felvtalk_felineleukemia.org


Felvtalk mailing list

[Felvtalk] Wolfie

2009-08-07 Thread Amy
One more question.  We did a reticulocyte count on Wolfie because we had to 
draw blood for a CBC and we were able to do the test with the same sample.  I 
hoped it would give me some useful information.  The results came back and my 
vet felt they really weren't very informative or helpful.  She called for 
clarification and to explain Wolfie's history of leukemia, higher HCT's, etc. 
and to ask if the anemia is non-regenerative or not.  They said that the amount 
of reticulocytes was appropriate for a cat with a HCT of 27 but that they can't 
tell if it's regenerative or not because the HCT has to be below 20 to 
determine that.  We knew it was recommended to wait til then to do it but both 
felt we didn't want to be waiting that long or drawing more blood at that 
stage.  I'm confused.  If it was non-regenerative, he wouldn't be making 
reticulocytes, right?  Anybody ever do a retic count before the HCT drops below 



Felvtalk mailing list

Re: [Felvtalk] Wolfie Update

2009-08-07 Thread Amy
Hi Gary,

How many shots does that vial give you?  I'm trying to figure out the expense 
of Epogen.  My vet quoted me $277 for Procrit and she said it was almost double 
that at the other pharmacy she uses.  I need to do the math to figure out how 
many doses that $277 is for but it sounds like your deal is way better.  


> I had the vet call in a prescription
> to the Walmart Specialty Pharmacy.
> It was $30.68 for a 1ml 2000 unit vial and they shipped it
> FedEx overnight
> for free.  Got it about an hour ago and have already
> given the first shot
> (100 units).  As long as it is given Sub-q, I do it
> myself (shots, fluids,
> etc.).
> I am looking into Staph Protein A which showed a lot of
> promise in treating
> FeLV back in the mid 80s.  This is given with a shot
> into the abdominal
> cavity - I think I will be letting the vet do that.
> Gary
> -Original Message-
> From: felvtalk-boun...@felineleukemia.org
> [mailto:felvtalk-boun...@felineleukemia.org]
> On Behalf Of Sander, Sue
> Sent: Friday, August 07, 2009 2:04 PM
> To: felvtalk@felineleukemia.org
> Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] Wolfie Update
> Gary,  What do you mean you are expecting a delivery
> of Epogen.  Don't
> you need to get this from your vet?  I'm new to all of
> this.
> Susan 
> ___
> Felvtalk mailing list
> Felvtalk@felineleukemia.org
> http://felineleukemia.org/mailman/listinfo/felvtalk_felineleukemia.org


Felvtalk mailing list

Re: [Felvtalk] Wolfie Update

2009-08-08 Thread Amy
Hi Gary,

This makes more sense.  I saw you said you gave a dose of 100 units and I was 
thrown since my vet told me to dose at 100 units per KG.  The price is actually 
pretty similar that way because you have 4 doses at $30 or 24 doses at $240.  
My vet's quote was for Procrit, 24 doses (500U/dose, dosed at 100U/kg).  I will 
definitely let her know about the Walmart specialty pharmacy, though, since 
it's still about $40 less.  Thanks for that info.  It will be nice to not have 
to start with buying 24 doses right from the start since this will be our first 
time trying it. 


> I made a "slight" error when typing
> below, it should say a dose is 100 units
> PER KG, not just 100 units.  How many doses one vial
> gives you depends on
> the size of your cat.  For mine it is 5 doses, just
> about enough to see if
> it is working.  You start with 3 times a week and as
> you approach your
> target level of hemocrit, you start cutting back to twice a
> week and monitor
> results and then to once a week and if you get lucky, maybe
> to once every 10
> - 14 days.  It just depends on how the hemocrit level
> responds.  Here is a
> link to an article you may find helpful.
> http://www.felinecrf.org/anaemia.htm#epogen_eprex_procrit
> Your vet is over the edge on prices, just have him call it
> in to the Walmart
> Specialty Pharmacy at 1-877-453-4566.  You will also
> need U100 insulin
> syringes, they are .5ml maximum and are marked for .01ml
> minimum so it is
> pretty easy to draw up the units you need.
> Gary
> -Original Message-
> From: felvtalk-boun...@felineleukemia.org
> [mailto:felvtalk-boun...@felineleukemia.org]
> On Behalf Of Amy
> Sent: Friday, August 07, 2009 8:31 PM
> To: felvtalk@felineleukemia.org
> Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] Wolfie Update
> Hi Gary,
> How many shots does that vial give you?  I'm trying to
> figure out the
> expense of Epogen.  My vet quoted me $277 for Procrit
> and she said it was
> almost double that at the other pharmacy she uses.  I
> need to do the math to
> figure out how many doses that $277 is for but it sounds
> like your deal is
> way better.  
> Amy
> > I had the vet call in a prescription
> > to the Walmart Specialty Pharmacy.
> > 
> > It was $30.68 for a 1ml 2000 unit vial and they
> shipped it
> > FedEx overnight
> > for free.  Got it about an hour ago and have already
> > given the first shot
> > (100 units).  As long as it is given Sub-q, I do it
> > myself (shots, fluids,
> > etc.).
> > 
> > I am looking into Staph Protein A which showed a lot
> of
> > promise in treating
> > FeLV back in the mid 80s.  This is given with a shot
> > into the abdominal
> > cavity - I think I will be letting the vet do that.
> > 
> > Gary
> > 
> ___
> Felvtalk mailing list
> Felvtalk@felineleukemia.org
> http://felineleukemia.org/mailman/listinfo/felvtalk_felineleukemia.org


Felvtalk mailing list

[Felvtalk] More Hemobart

2009-08-08 Thread Amy
Ok, so I took my FIV+ cat in for her check up and her HCT was 29%, low for her 
and the same as Wolfie's was a month ago.  We checked her for hemobart and she 
has also come back positive for the same organism as Wolfie, M. haemominutum.  
I have never had fleas in my home that I'm aware of.  All my cats go every 6 
months for full check-ups.  I'm going to take my other 2 in next week to get 
checked but am wondering if anybody else has tested for hemobart.  I read 
somewhere that leuk positive cats are predisposed to testing positive for this. 
 I've also read it's not contagious so I'm stunned by the fact that cats from 
different locations, brought in at different times, have this.  I'm hoping that 
this may be the cause of Wolfie's anemia/weight loss now that I see Sierra's 
HCT is possibly being affected by it as well.  Fingers crossed that I'm dealing 
with anemia due to this and not nonregenerative anemia.  My vet says hemobart 
is not that common so I'm
 curious how many others have come across it in.  All my cats have had numerous 
blood smears done (every 6 months for the past 5-6 years) and have never shown 
any sign of hemobart.



Felvtalk mailing list

Re: [Felvtalk] Staph Protein A

2009-08-10 Thread Amy
Hi Hebert,

Do you mind if I forward this info to my vet so she can give me her opinion on 
Staph Protein A?


--- On Sat, 8/8/09, hebert ferrarezzi  wrote:

> From: hebert ferrarezzi 
> Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] Staph Protein A
> To: "felvtalk@felineleukemia.org" 
> Date: Saturday, August 8, 2009, 9:58 PM
> Dear Gary
> I have used Staphoccocal Protein-A, from Sigma Aldrich:
> Product: P6031 - 1MG, Protein A from Staphylococcus aureus;
> Soluble, essentially salt-free, lyophilized powder;  or
> Product: P3838 - 1MG, Protein A from Staphylococcus aureus;
> Soluble, Cowan Strain, essentially salt-free, lyophilized
> powder. 
> http://www.sigmaaldrich.com/etc/medialib/docs/Sigma/productinformationsheet2/p3838pis.Par.0001.File.tmp/p3838pis.pdf
> It is important to note that transgenic Protein A expressed
> in Escherichia colli, although having the same
> immunoglobulin binding properties, does not have the same
> superantigenic properties as the native one. The difference
> may be due to a bit of contamination with other
> superantigens from Staphlococcus aureus (perhaps with staph
> entherotoxin-A during product extraction and purification).
> So the transgenic version does not serve to our intent.
> This product is currently used as a chemical reagent, and
> not as a medication (except in experimental studies). You
> have to register before buying and affiliation to some
> university or research institute is wanted (maybe you can
> get an aid from another person).
> Although I am a researcher, I was not made any experiment
> with my FelV+ cats, so I cannot be sure if apparently
> hopeful outcomes were not merely by chance. I just think the
> subject merits more attention, considering the earlier
> surprising results obtained by scientists.  I am also
> aware of a subsequent statistically controlled study carried
> on by Vet-researchers found no significant difference from
> the placebo group. But I am also aware that unknown
> variables, then unsuspected (such a little bit of
> contamination mentioned above, certainly a trait neither
> standard nor regularly desired by the fabricants), can
> account for different results obtained by different
> researchers in different circumstances.
> By the way, tree of my four FelV+ cats have already gone
> (crossed the bridge as you say), Pupa and Mãe victims of
> lymphoma, and Porchops due an idiopathic cystitis
> (apparently not felv-related).  All the four got
> considerable improvement in most blood counts during and
> after treatment and never suffered from FelV-related
> opportunistic infections. Jorge, the one that remains in
> this world, is doing very fine, thanks, being asymptomatic
> up to now.  Early experiments using protein A have
> reported that 28% of the cats respond positively to the
> treatment. I think the attempt was not deceiving yet.
> Best wishes for you all.
> Hebert
> > From: gcru...@centurytel.net
> > To: felvtalk@felineleukemia.org
> > Date: Fri, 7 Aug 2009 16:17:53 -0500
> > Subject: [Felvtalk] Staph Protein A
> > 
> > Has anyone on the list ever used Staph Protein A for
> treatment of FeLV cats?
> > If so, where did you get it? I just talked with two of
> the manufacturers
> > that are listed on the Felineleukemia.org site and
> both said they could not
> > sell it except to a research facility. They said if a
> vet wanted it, he
> > would have to be doing a research study and his
> application for it would be
> > reviewed by the company to see if they though he met
> their criteria. They
> > would not sell it simply for treatment use.
> > 
> > I will keep looking, but it seems a shame that
> something with all the
> > promise of Staph Protein A (and a LOT cheaper than
> LTCI) can't be purchased
> > to save kitties.
> > 
> > Gary
> > 
> > 
> > ___
> > Felvtalk mailing list
> > Felvtalk@felineleukemia.org
> > http://felineleukemia.org/mailman/listinfo/felvtalk_felineleukemia.org
> _
> Novo Internet Explorer 8. Baixe agora, é grátis!
> http://brasil.microsoft.com.br/IE8/mergulhe/?utm_source=MSN%3BHotmail&utm_medium=Tagline&utm_campaign=IE8
> ___
> Felvtalk mailing list
> Felvtalk@felineleukemia.org
> http://felineleukemia.org/mailman/listinfo/felvtalk_felineleukemia.org


Felvtalk mailing list

Re: [Felvtalk] Staph Protein A

2009-08-10 Thread Amy
Oh, my mistake.  I thought I read that he got some from Sigma Aldrich.  I'll 
have to go back and read more.


--- On Mon, 8/10/09, gary  wrote:

> From: gary 
> Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] Staph Protein A
> To: felvtalk@felineleukemia.org
> Date: Monday, August 10, 2009, 1:07 PM
> It won't matter much if we can't
> figure out how to get some.  Anybody out
> there with a biological research company who would be
> willing to buy us some
> Staph Protein A for the "research" on our kitties?
> Gary
> -Original Message-
> From: felvtalk-boun...@felineleukemia.org
> [mailto:felvtalk-boun...@felineleukemia.org]
> On Behalf Of Amy
> Sent: Monday, August 10, 2009 9:54 AM
> To: felvtalk@felineleukemia.org
> Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] Staph Protein A
> Hi Hebert,
> Do you mind if I forward this info to my vet so she can
> give me her opinion
> on Staph Protein A?
> Thanks
> Amy
> ___
> Felvtalk mailing list
> Felvtalk@felineleukemia.org
> http://felineleukemia.org/mailman/listinfo/felvtalk_felineleukemia.org


Felvtalk mailing list

Re: [Felvtalk] RIP Mattie 7/09 - 8/09

2009-08-17 Thread Amy

I'm sorry to hear about Mattie.  She sounds so sweet.  Her story reminds me a 
lot of a little grey kitty I lost.  She had so much personality and was so full 
of life.


--- On Thu, 8/13/09, Sharyl  wrote:

> From: Sharyl 
> Subject: [Felvtalk] RIP Mattie 7/09 - 8/09
> To: felvtalk@felineleukemia.org
> Date: Thursday, August 13, 2009, 4:42 PM
> I had to make that last vet trip with
> my dear sweet Mattie today.  She lost the use of her
> back legs last week due to neurological issues from the
> FeLV.  The paralysis spread and she had lost bladder
> and bowel control.  She was still eating and grooming
> herself but I couldn't wait until she was suffering. 
> She deserved better than that.  She fell asleep in my
> arms from the sedative and never felt the 2nd shot.
> Even though blind since birth she was the most inquisitive
> kitten I've ever had.  No challenge was too great for
> her.  She is the last of a litter of 4 positive babies
> I rescued last summer.  What amazes me is that their
> mom and 3 aunts, all positives and now spayed, are still
> doing fine.  
> All I can say is Mattie had a wonderful 12 months wanting
> for nothing and teaching me so much.  I learned not to
> let a handicap limit me.  It sure didn't limit her love
> of life.   She is now at the Rainbow Bridge
> with Bright Eyes, Houdini, and CJ.
> Sharyl
> ___
> Felvtalk mailing list
> Felvtalk@felineleukemia.org
> http://felineleukemia.org/mailman/listinfo/felvtalk_felineleukemia.org


Felvtalk mailing list

Re: [Felvtalk] Imulan - a t cell lymphocytic immunomodulator

2009-08-24 Thread Amy

Do you mind me asking the price of a shot?  I'm thinking of trying this for my 
cats but I think I heard $90 a shot somewhere and I'm thinking that means $360 
the first month, $200 the second month, and $90 a month after that.  I have 
several cats and am trying to figure out if it's practical for me to start it.


--- On Mon, 8/24/09, jbero tds.net  wrote:

> From: jbero tds.net 
> Subject: [Felvtalk] Imulan - a t cell lymphocytic immunomodulator
> To: Felvtalk@felineleukemia.org
> Date: Monday, August 24, 2009, 5:19 PM
> Hello everyone,
> I really hope this email works.  I have been a part of
> this community for
> awhile but don't often respond.  I did, however, want
> to share this with
> you.
> I have had two cats die from severe anemia and bone marrow
> suppression
> associated from felv+.  It is a common cause of death
> for these guys and I
> have heard over and again in this forum.
> I currently have another sweet little girl who is about 1
> 1/2 years old.
> She was doing well until recently when she started to
> become lethargic,
> stopped eating and was found to have a hematocrit of
> 11%.  This is really,
> really, really low.  It is a non-regenerative anemia,
> with signs of
> lymphoma.  This is pretty much a death sentence for
> these guys.  A blood
> transfusion would only prolong the sufferng
> So here's the deal.  I found a vet that had the
> immunomodulator (from
> Imulan), got the shot and gave it to her on Friday. 
> Her energy is gradually
> improving, her mucous membrane are pinking up and there are
> signs of
> improvement.
> I don't know if she'll pull through or not, but I have to
> tell you that this
> is currently the best option out there for treating this
> disease.  I found
> some of the information on it.  There is rapid and
> profound improvement of
> anemia, an increase in bone marrow activity and in some
> cases, return to
> normal with negative testing for the virus.
> I know there isn't a full proof cure out there but I have
> to say this may
> prove to be very helpful.  The long terms studies are
> still pending.
> So here's the deal, if you have a felv+ with bone marrow
> suppression
> (including anemia - low red blood cells, thrombocytopenia -
> low platelets,
> neutropenia - low levels of neutrophils, or lymphopenia -
> low lymphocyte
> count) and may or may not have the associated
> infections;  I highly
> recommend giving this a try.
> It is a simple subcutaneous shot given weekly at first and
> than monthly with
> improvement of bone marrow suppression and clinical
> symptoms.  It requires a
> vet order to get it.
> It is a far better alternative than the repeat cycle of
> blood transfusions,
> antibiotic regimens and prednisone.
> I will let you know how she does.
> Good luck everyone and God bless you for your generous and
> selfless hearts.
> Jenny
> ___
> Felvtalk mailing list
> Felvtalk@felineleukemia.org
> http://felineleukemia.org/mailman/listinfo/felvtalk_felineleukemia.org


Felvtalk mailing list

Re: [Felvtalk] Imulan - a t cell lymphocytic immunomodulator

2009-08-25 Thread Amy
Thanks Jenny, 

I hope your sweet girl pulls through.  Please keep us posted.


--- On Tue, 8/25/09, jbero tds.net  wrote:

> From: jbero tds.net 
> Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] Imulan - a t cell lymphocytic immunomodulator
> To: felvtalk@felineleukemia.org
> Date: Tuesday, August 25, 2009, 11:01 AM
> Amy,
> The shot cost me $60.  It is somewhat expensive and
> still pretty new to the
> field.  I think if you can get them started early on
> before the bone marrow
> suppression starts you have a better chance at controlling
> the virus.  I
> don't know all the details.  I am planning on calling
> them today to ask a
> few more questions.  I will keep you updated. 
> Good luck with your decision.
> Jenny
> On 8/24/09, Amy 
> wrote:
> >
> > Jenny,
> >
> > Do you mind me asking the price of a shot?  I'm
> thinking of trying this for
> > my cats but I think I heard $90 a shot somewhere and
> I'm thinking that means
> > $360 the first month, $200 the second month, and $90 a
> month after that.  I
> > have several cats and am trying to figure out if it's
> practical for me to
> > start it.
> >
> > Thanks
> > Amy
> >
> > --- On Mon, 8/24/09, jbero tds.net 
> wrote:
> >
> > > From: jbero tds.net 
> > > Subject: [Felvtalk] Imulan - a t cell lymphocytic
> immunomodulator
> > > To: Felvtalk@felineleukemia.org
> > > Date: Monday, August 24, 2009, 5:19 PM
> > > Hello everyone,
> > >
> > > I really hope this email works.  I have been
> a part of
> > > this community for
> > > awhile but don't often respond.  I did,
> however, want
> > > to share this with
> > > you.
> > >
> > > I have had two cats die from severe anemia and
> bone marrow
> > > suppression
> > > associated from felv+.  It is a common cause
> of death
> > > for these guys and I
> > > have heard over and again in this forum.
> > >
> > > I currently have another sweet little girl who is
> about 1
> > > 1/2 years old.
> > > She was doing well until recently when she
> started to
> > > become lethargic,
> > > stopped eating and was found to have a hematocrit
> of
> > > 11%.  This is really,
> > > really, really low.  It is a
> non-regenerative anemia,
> > > with signs of
> > > lymphoma.  This is pretty much a death
> sentence for
> > > these guys.  A blood
> > > transfusion would only prolong the sufferng
> > >
> > > So here's the deal.  I found a vet that had
> the
> > > immunomodulator (from
> > > Imulan), got the shot and gave it to her on
> Friday.
> > > Her energy is gradually
> > > improving, her mucous membrane are pinking up and
> there are
> > > signs of
> > > improvement.
> > >
> > > I don't know if she'll pull through or not, but I
> have to
> > > tell you that this
> > > is currently the best option out there for
> treating this
> > > disease.  I found
> > > some of the information on it.  There is
> rapid and
> > > profound improvement of
> > > anemia, an increase in bone marrow activity and
> in some
> > > cases, return to
> > > normal with negative testing for the virus.
> > >
> > > I know there isn't a full proof cure out there
> but I have
> > > to say this may
> > > prove to be very helpful.  The long terms
> studies are
> > > still pending.
> > >
> > > So here's the deal, if you have a felv+ with bone
> marrow
> > > suppression
> > > (including anemia - low red blood cells,
> thrombocytopenia -
> > > low platelets,
> > > neutropenia - low levels of neutrophils, or
> lymphopenia -
> > > low lymphocyte
> > > count) and may or may not have the associated
> > > infections;  I highly
> > > recommend giving this a try.
> > >
> > > It is a simple subcutaneous shot given weekly at
> first and
> > > than monthly with
> > > improvement of bone marrow suppression and
> clinical
> > > symptoms.  It requires a
> > > vet order to get it.
> > >
> > > It is a far better alternative than the repeat
> cycle of
> > > blood transfusions,
> > > antibiotic regimens and prednisone.
> > >
> > > I will let you know how she does.
> > >
> > > Good luck everyone and God bless you for your
> generous and
> > > selfless hearts.
> > >
> > > Jenny
> > > ___
> > > Felvtalk mailing list
> > > Felvtalk@felineleukemia.org
> > > http://felineleukemia.org/mailman/listinfo/felvtalk_felineleukemia.org
> > >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > ___
> > Felvtalk mailing list
> > Felvtalk@felineleukemia.org
> > http://felineleukemia.org/mailman/listinfo/felvtalk_felineleukemia.org
> >
> ___
> Felvtalk mailing list
> Felvtalk@felineleukemia.org
> http://felineleukemia.org/mailman/listinfo/felvtalk_felineleukemia.org


Felvtalk mailing list

Re: [Felvtalk] Kitten Problems - Please Help

2009-11-19 Thread Amy
Hi Crystal,

Are you far from Cornell University in NY?  I recently took my cat to see an 
internal med there and have been incredibly pleased with her knowledge and 
compassion.  She is the only one who has not given up on my leuk positive cat.  
I'd be happy to send you her name if it's a trip that you could make.


--- On Thu, 11/19/09, Crystal Proper  wrote:

> From: Crystal Proper 
> Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] Kitten Problems - Please Help
> To: felvtalk@felineleukemia.org
> Date: Thursday, November 19, 2009, 3:43 AM
> Hi Diane-
> I am not sure how much my vet knows about FeLV.  I am very
> thankful and grateful to have her help.  She is very busy
> and always listens to my constant questions.  However, she
> keeps telling me that its the FeLV running its course and
> there's nothing I can do.  However, I've been reading
> everyone's messages on here and it seems sometimes there is
> something you can do so I am trying to get as much
> information as possible.  I emailed two other vets
> yesterday that are 2 hours away to see if they are
> specialists on it.  I live in NW PA and I'm finding it
> difficult to find any vet that has dealt with it a lot.  I
> am laid off right now but if I have to scrape my pennies
> together and eat spaghetti for a month, I will.  She did
> tell me that sometimes kittens can convert to negative but
> since Nibbler had such problems already it didn't look good
> for him.  I am still trying everything to get him out of
> the slump and get some weight on him and maybe he can
>  be as big and "healthy" as his 2 FelV + brothers.
> Crystal
> -
> Diane Rosenfeldt
> Wed, 18 Nov 2009 15:41:47 -0800
> Hi, Crystal --
> You'll get some great advice on this list. You guys are
> great for taking on
> this problem. I'm sorry Nibbler isn't doing so well. I
> guess my first (and
> only -- there are many more experienced people on this list
> to ask the
> others) question is how confident are you that your vet is
> up to speed on
> FeLV? That's kind of crucial here so that Nibbler gets the
> most
> knowledgeable care. Did your vet tell you that sometimes
> kittens convert to
> negative once their immune systems develop, and do you know
> if this is still
> an option for yours? 
> Best of luck and good vibes for Nibbler and the rest.
> Diane R. 
> -Original Message-
> From: felvtalk-boun...@felineleukemia.org
> [mailto:felvtalk-boun...@felineleukemia.org]
> On Behalf Of Crystal Proper
> Sent: Wednesday, November 18, 2009 5:22 PM
> To: felvtalk@felineleukemia.org
> Subject: [Felvtalk] Kitten Problems - Please Help
> Hi, my name is Crystal.  My husband and I rescued three
> kittens that were 4
> weeks old at the time, (now 14 weeks), from an old
> building.  We tamed them
> as well.  About 6 weeks ago we found out that they were
> all FELV positive. 
> Two of them are fine and doing great.  The runt, Nibbler,
> isnt.  Hes been
> on antibiotics to try and get rid of his constant runny
> eyes and nose…we had
> to stop them about 2 weeks ago because he has bloody
> diarrhea.  He is very
> symptomatic and my vet says the disease is just running its
> course and has
> run out if suggestions for me.  Hes also half the size of
> his brothers. 
> However, I was hoping someone here might have some help for
> me because I
> dont want to give up on him.  Heres my list… He has
> severe diarrhea. 
> Today it seems to be much more watery and blood.  I have
> been given him
> yogurt, acidophilus, and Purina Forta Flora.  He was
> getting boiled chicken,
> but will only eat canned cat food now.  Hes also been
> wormed.
> He has a constant runny eyes and nose.  He gets L-Lysine,
> B Vitamin Complex,
> and Ginger Root.
> Also, from the diarrhea he is very anemic so he gets Pet
> Tinic.
> He still runs and tries to get into rooms hes not supposed
> to and gets on
> my chest and purrs in my face.  Hes my baby.
> Please and help and prayers would be appreciated.
> ___
> Felvtalk mailing list
> Felvtalk@felineleukemia.org
> http://felineleukemia.org/mailman/listinfo/felvtalk_felineleukemia.org


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[Felvtalk] WBC/RBC/platelet count decreasing

2009-11-23 Thread Amy
I've posted before about my cat Wolfie.  He's 7 years old and has been losing 
weight for the past 4 years.  His HCT is also down (currently 25).  We've 
treated for hemobart and retested and he's now negative (was positive before).  
He has started gaining weight and has put on a pound but I'm sure the leukemia 
is in his bone marrow.  He's been tested and has non-regenerative anemia.  He's 
been stable for a few months but his WBC, RBC, and platelet counts are all 
gradually declining.  I was expecting him to crash when I got the confirmation 
of non-regenerative anemia but he's holding his own.  I was told he's probably 
making red blood cells in his liver or spleen, just no longer in the bone 

Has anybody ever had luck with LTCI or any of the other things mentioned once 
it has gotten to this point?  I've done all sorts of testing for digestive 
issues, lymphoma, IBD, etc.  We have made a couple trips to Cornell and decided 
to just keep him on pred and monitor trends for now.  I keep hoping for some 
miracle but I know the prognosis is not good.



Felvtalk mailing list

Re: [Felvtalk] WBC/RBC/platelet count decreasing

2009-11-24 Thread Amy

Hi Gary,

Wolfie hasn't had any transfusions yet.  We've done ultrasounds, x-rays, lots 
of panels of testing, etc.  We have discussed transfusions with the internal 
med at Cornell but I won't put him through repeated ones just to buy him a 
little more time.  I totally understand why other people do it and I would do 
it in a crisis until we could try other stuff if needed.

Anyways, I did hear that I'd have to wean off the pred if trying LTCI and 
that's why I was asking if anybody has seen this stuff turn around a cat like 
this.  I've talked to numerous vets and they all agree they wouldn't risk 
taking a stable cat off the pred and having him crash just to try the LTCI.  
I'd feel awful if I made things worse.  I'm torn because I'm willing to do 
anything to help him but at $90 a dose, I'm trying to weigh the pros and cons.


> I have had a number of cats that were FeLV positive and had
> anemia.  I have
> tried Epogen and if it did anything at all, it wasn't
> noticeable.  It is too
> bad you live in such an expensive area, I'll bet those
> treatments Wolfie has
> had would be half that here in Arkansas.  You are
> fortunate that Wolfie does
> so well with transfusions, many times they don't last very
> long and don't
> raise the HCT all that much.  I also tried
> Immunoregulin on a couple.  It
> appeared there was a very short term improvement and then
> they went
> downhill.  That doesn't mean it wouldn't work for
> you.  I believe the
> protocol says if there isn't an improvement in a very short
> time after
> starting treatment, you know it isn't going to work.
> Now is definitely the time to try something while his HCT
> is still at a
> reasonable level.  I haven't tried the LTCI, mostly
> because I can't afford
> it.  I recently took in two kittens that tested
> positive for FeLV, both were
> thin and anemic.  I tried some Acemannan on them and
> they are both doing
> great now.  It is much less expensive than LTCI, but I
> could not guarantee
> it would help in any particular situation.  I wish I
> had the chance to try
> it on a couple of the adult FeLV cats I have lost to
> anemia.
> Personally, I don't think any of the available supplements
> that people
> (including myself) give these babies to build their immune
> systems, will
> reverse non-regenerative anemia.  Something a bit more
> proactive is needed.
> If you decide to try LTCI or Acemannan, I believe you will
> have to stop the
> pred. before starting either of those.
> Gary
> -Original Message-
> From: felvtalk-boun...@felineleukemia.org
> [mailto:felvtalk-boun...@felineleukemia.org]
> On Behalf Of Amy
> Sent: Monday, November 23, 2009 9:02 PM
> To: felvtalk@felineleukemia.org
> Subject: [Felvtalk] WBC/RBC/platelet count decreasing
> I've posted before about my cat Wolfie.  He's 7 years
> old and has been
> losing weight for the past 4 years.  His HCT is also
> down (currently 25).
> We've treated for hemobart and retested and he's now
> negative (was positive
> before).  He has started gaining weight and has put on
> a pound but I'm sure
> the leukemia is in his bone marrow.  He's been tested
> and has
> non-regenerative anemia.  He's been stable for a few
> months but his WBC,
> RBC, and platelet counts are all gradually declining. 
> I was expecting him
> to crash when I got the confirmation of non-regenerative
> anemia but he's
> holding his own.  I was told he's probably making red
> blood cells in his
> liver or spleen, just no longer in the bone marrow.  
> Has anybody ever had luck with LTCI or any of the other
> things mentioned
> once it has gotten to this point?  I've done all sorts
> of testing for
> digestive issues, lymphoma, IBD, etc.  We have made a
> couple trips to
> Cornell and decided to just keep him on pred and monitor
> trends for now.  I
> keep hoping for some miracle but I know the prognosis is
> not good.
> Thanks
> Amy  
> ___
> Felvtalk mailing list
> Felvtalk@felineleukemia.org
> http://felineleukemia.org/mailman/listinfo/felvtalk_felineleukemia.org


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Re: [Felvtalk] WBC/RBC/platelet count decreasing

2009-11-24 Thread Amy
Hi Belinda,

I definitely considered Epogen but have decided against it for now.  Wolfie 
spent several months on Nutrived with no change in his HCT.  I was hoping that 
might do the trick :(


> Date: Tuesday, November 24, 2009, 1:58 AM
>    Bailey was on
> epogen with his non regenerative anemia and it did bring his
> HCT back to normal, my Fred currently is on epogen, he is
> not positive but has non regenerative anemia because of CRF
> (chronic renal failure), his HCt is slowly coming back
> up.  I prefer Nutrived to Pet Tinic because it has
> folic acid in it, vit b, iron and folic acid are needed to
> build new blood cells.  As far as I know Pet Tinic
> doesn't have folic acid.  Bailey was positive.
> -- 
> Belinda
> happiness is being owned by cats ...
> http://bemikitties.com
> http://BelindaSauro.com
> ___
> Felvtalk mailing list
> Felvtalk@felineleukemia.org
> http://felineleukemia.org/mailman/listinfo/felvtalk_felineleukemia.org


Felvtalk mailing list

Re: [Felvtalk] WBC/RBC/platelet count decreasing

2009-11-24 Thread Amy
Hi Lance,

Thanks for all the info.  I'm familiar with LTCI but not as much with some of 
the others you mention.  I definitely plan to ask the internal med at Cornell 
to look into these.  We are definitely considering LTCI but the pred is the 
sticky part.  Neither one of us want to take him off of the pred for something 
that has no research backing up that it works.  She read all the research and 
had several others review it.  They all agreed the science sounds reasonable 
but there are just so many problems with the paper.  I have yet to read it 
myself but plan to.  That is probably the one option I'm leaning towards.  

I also heard Neupogen mentioned somewhere and plan to ask her about that one.


--- On Mon, 11/23/09, Lance  wrote:

> From: Lance 
> Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] WBC/RBC/platelet count decreasing
> To: felvtalk@felineleukemia.org
> Date: Monday, November 23, 2009, 11:08 PM
> Hi Amy,
> I'm sorry to hear about Wolfie. I don't have most of my
> email handy, so
> I can't look back at what you've written. Have you tried
> Transfer
> Factor?
> What about Liquid DMG? These are affordable supplements,
> and they *seem*
> to have helped in the case of my FeLV+ girl, Ember. DMG
> especially 
> *seems* to have little possibility of any negative
> consequences. When
> I've seen wbc issues in Ember, I've *seemingly* reversed
> some losses
> with these supplements. Please note how I use the word
> *seem*. 
> Neupogen might be an option. It's something I'm keeping in
> mind, 
> but I don't know much about it, other than it helps with
> wbc generation. 
> I believe some folks have used ImmunoRegulin in similar
> situations to
> yours 
> and had good results. Maybe the archives will shed some
> light on that. 
> And I could be wrong, but I seem to remember Epogen helping
> in non-regen 
> anemia, though that makes absolutely no sense. Again, the
> archives will
> hopefully help.
> LTCI might help with wbc generation. I'm seeing lots of
> mention of it
> on the list, but I'm very leery of it. We FeLV+ caregivers
> are so eager
> for anything that might help, but the marketing Immulan has
> engaged in
> has been questionable. Of course, that doesn't mean that it
> doesn't
> help,
> but the company haven't done enough proper tests to provide
> real
> reassurance
> that their product works. It's good that we're getting
> anecdotal
> evidence
> on the list, but that only goes so far. 
> Finally, I wonder if Pet Tinic might not help the rbc that
> Wolfie is
> able
> to produce. It's really just nutrients and nothing terribly
> unusual...
> mainly iron, I think. 
> Obviously, when it comes to any of these options, please
> consult your
> vet.
> My hopes and prayers for Wolfie's health, and for your
> ability to find
> something that might help his blood counts.
> Lance
> On Mon, 23 Nov 2009 19:01 -0800, "Amy" 
> wrote:
> > I've posted before about my cat Wolfie.  He's 7
> years old and has been
> > losing weight for the past 4 years.  His HCT is
> also down (currently 25).
> >  We've treated for hemobart and retested and he's
> now negative (was
> > positive before).  He has started gaining weight
> and has put on a pound
> > but I'm sure the leukemia is in his bone marrow. 
> He's been tested and
> > has non-regenerative anemia.  He's been stable
> for a few months but his
> > WBC, RBC, and platelet counts are all gradually
> declining.  I was
> > expecting him to crash when I got the confirmation of
> non-regenerative
> > anemia but he's holding his own.  I was told he's
> probably making red
> > blood cells in his liver or spleen, just no longer in
> the bone marrow.  
> > 
> > Has anybody ever had luck with LTCI or any of the
> other things mentioned
> > once it has gotten to this point?  I've done all
> sorts of testing for
> > digestive issues, lymphoma, IBD, etc.  We have
> made a couple trips to
> > Cornell and decided to just keep him on pred and
> monitor trends for now. 
> > I keep hoping for some miracle but I know the
> prognosis is not good.
> > 
> > Thanks
> > Amy  
> > 
> > 
> >       
> > 
> > ___
> > Felvtalk mailing list
> > Felvtalk@felineleukemia.org
> > http://felineleukemia.org/mailman/listinfo/felvtalk_felineleukemia.org
> -- 
>   Lance Linimon
>   lini...@fastmail.fm
> ___
> Felvtalk mailing list
> Felvtalk@felineleukemia.org
> http://felineleukemia.org/mailman/listinfo/felvtalk_felineleukemia.org


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Re: [Felvtalk] WBC/RBC/platelet count decreasing

2009-11-25 Thread Amy

I hope Fred is feeling feeling better soon.  Please keep us posted.


--- On Tue, 11/24/09, Belinda Sauro  wrote:

> From: Belinda Sauro 
> Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] WBC/RBC/platelet count decreasing
> To: felvtalk@felineleukemia.org
> Date: Tuesday, November 24, 2009, 10:48 PM
>     Took Fred in today
> because he is getting weaker and weaker, his HCT is up to
> 27.5, so still going up, I think he has a massive infection
> somewhere, he does have an ear infection and is on ear drops
> for that but I think he has a urinary tract infection
> too.  Will have the results tomorrow.


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