Re: [hugin-ptx] Trying to compile Hugin: what is this MSGFMT error?

2022-10-06 Thread

On Thursday, October 6, 2022 at 7:38:43 AM UTC-4 kornel wrote:

>  why don't you use 'make package'? That way. you should get a file like 
> hugin-2021.1.0.8500-Linux.deb, which may be installed with 
> # sudo dpkg -i hugin-2021.1.0.8500-Linux.deb 
> I have no guess why the OP chose not to do that.  But I always choose not 
to do that because I want to build and test my own binaries separate and 
not interfering with downloading and testing the distribution's binaries.

Feel free to teach me something about the process that I am 
misunderstanding (I'm an expert C++ programmer, stumbling around in the 
dark on many of the build vs. distribution topics), but so far as I have 
discovered, building all the way to an installable package makes it harder 
to do an isolated test of your new binaries.

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Re: [hugin-ptx] Trying to compile Hugin: what is this MSGFMT error?

2022-10-06 Thread
How is what finally worked different from what earlier didn't work?

For example, the instructions had /PATH/TO/HUGIN/SOURCES where your final 
working version had ..
I assume .. is the path to hugin sources (from the place where you had your 
build directory).
It is starting to sound like there was a problem in that aspect originally.

I personally would not make the build directory of a complicated open 
source project be a sub directory of the repository (except in projects 
with brain dead build tools giving you no choice).

As you discovered, that method does work.  But it still is not a great idea.

On Wednesday, October 5, 2022 at 11:25:49 PM UTC-4 GnomeNomad wrote:

> On 10/5/22 02:02, Kornel Benko wrote:
> > Am Tue, 4 Oct 2022 21:54:17 -1000
> > schrieb "David W. Jones" :
> > 
> >> On 10/4/22 20:40, Gunter Königsmann wrote:
> >>> Either you haven't gettext installed
> >>
> >> I have gettext 0.21-4 installed.
> >>
> >>> or your cake is too old to know about it.
> >>
> >> Cake? You mean cmake? cmake is v3.18.4.
> >>
> >> This is on Debian 11. It's been almost a year since the last time I
> >> compiled Hugin. I successfully compiled Hugin 2021 to a /usr/local
> >> installation 1 January 2022.
> >>
> >> Ideas?
> >>
> > 
> > It is part of hugin sources. Don't know, why cmake is not finding it.
> > 
> > Look foe 'CMakeModules/FindMSGFMT.cmake' in your cloned hugin.
> > 
> > Kornel
> I find that one in the cloned hugin tree. Cmake is still not finding 
> MSGFMT, although that is installed.
> Here's what cmake tells me:
> CMake Error at celeste/CMakeLists.txt:71 (set_target_properties):
> set_target_properties called with incorrect number of arguments.
> CMake Error at translations/CMakeLists.txt:7 (find_package):
> By not providing "FindMSGFMT.cmake" in CMAKE_MODULE_PATH this project has
> asked CMake to find a package configuration file provided by 
> "MSGFMT", but
> CMake did not find one.
> Could not find a package configuration file provided by "MSGFMT" with any
> of the following names:
> MSGFMTConfig.cmake
> msgfmt-config.cmake
> Add the installation prefix of "MSGFMT" to CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH or set
> "MSGFMT_DIR" to a directory containing one of the above files. If 
> provides a separate development package or SDK, be sure it has been
> installed.
> Gettext and msgfmt are installed here.
> Anyway, here's what finally worked:
> 1. Run "cmake .." in the build directory. That put the missing MSGFMT 
> .cmake files in a subfolder under the build directory.
> 2. Run "make".
> 3. Run "sudo make install".
> That gave me a Hugin reporting itself as "Version: Pre-Release 
> 2021.1.0.33b93e37f209". Is that correct?
> -- 
> David W. Jones
> wandering the landscape of god
> My password is the last 8 digits of π.

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Re: [hugin-ptx] Re: Repeated failed stitching

2022-09-19 Thread

On Sunday, September 18, 2022 at 3:16:14 PM UTC-4 

> So I shot the image sequences with the camera attached to a handcart in a 
> rigidly fixed position so there should be hardly any plane pitch or yaw. 
> And for optimising, my process was the following:
> - Optimize for TrX only, which produced an average unit distance under 1 
> (can't remember exact figures off the top of my head)
> - Optimize for TrY and TrZ only, producing an average unit distance in the 
> .4-5 range
> - Optimize for yaw, pitch and roll at which point the unit distance was 
> around .2
> The resulting panorama looked great to my eyes but are these differences 
> still to great?

There is no simple scale for what values are good enough from optimize.  
But typically, values under 0.5 are good.
Did you look individually at a few of the worst fitting control points?  
How bad were they?  Was it really a locally bad optimize result or were the 
control points on non matching actual points?
When you find bad control points, it is usually worth the effort to fix or 
delete them and then rerun the optimize (you don't need to reoptimize from 
scratch.  Your current best fit is a good starting point).
If instead it is a locally bad fit, I next got to the final panorama and 
zoom in near the locally bad fit and try to spot the seam.  If you can find 
the seams by zooming in on the panorama, that is a defect that is likely 
worth fixing.  Looking great when you look at a whole panorama is usually 
not good enough (for me anyway).  It should look great even if you pan 
around a zoomed image looking for seams.

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Re: [hugin-ptx] Re: Repeated failed stitching

2022-09-18 Thread
There is a correct fov for each image (assuming it was taken with a camera, 
rather than a scanner).
Giving it an incorrect low fov for each image can solve some problems.  But 
it does create other problems, so I don't think you should leap to that 
choice so quickly.
The fov of each image together with the way they connect gives you the 
field of view of the entire panorama.  So I don't think anything useful 
could be accomplished by setting the panorama fov low relative to the value 
accumulated from stitching.

I haven't read this thread carefully enough to be sure, but I think you are 
doing the optimize step without enabling translationX to be changed.  But 
in taking the photographs, translationX is the primary change.

I think you should use expert mode and redo the optimization (from a reset 
state) with just tx, ty and tx enabled (yaw, pitch and roll disabled).  
Once that is approximately correct, optimize again from that stating point 
also enabling yaw, pitch, roll and maybe other parameters.

Once you have good parameters, to get a more realistic fit of control 
points, I'm not sure what to do with projection issues.  I expect you'll 
still have projection issues.  But I think the path forward will be easier 
once the tx values are reasonable.

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Re: [hugin-ptx] Shooting Panoramas in Tight Spaces

2022-09-09 Thread

On Thursday, September 8, 2022 at 11:41:00 PM UTC-4 

> . Relative depth may be the main issue I run into here because there are 
> parts of a house as well as trees visible behind the wall at various 
> distances.

In that case, your idea of working from a hypothetical nodal point might be 
good (but the split into component images based on that point still doesn't 
make sense).

Imagine you had drawn lines from the nodal point to places on the image, 
and wherever  you stand about 30 feet from the wall, you are on those 
lines.  If you adjust the yaw of the camera to point down that line from 
each point, you would eliminate a lot of the parallax.

Compare to a normal panorama in which you change only yaw with no sideways 
motion, and compare to normal stitching of a long mural etc. in which you 
have only sideways motion and not a change in yaw.  If you could exactingly 
change both together to create the point of view of the hypothetical nodal 
point, you could greatly reduce parallax. 

Having never tried that, I don't then know the best path through hugin 
optimize.  You would have a panorama that could stitch very well once the 
correct yaw and Tx values are computed, but the optimizer will still see Tx 
and Yaw as locally ambiguous.  It might take some manual tweaking to get 
the values close to what you know you did with the camera, then 
optimization could fine tune.

In stitching from that, the parallax would be largest on the seams where 
stitching is choosing between two different images.  Hopefully, either 
automatically or with some masking, the actual seams could be along 
contours that don't show the parallax.

All that might be too much work.  It is just an idea.

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Re: [hugin-ptx] Problem: Only 1/4 of Fast Panorama Visible

2022-09-04 Thread
It has been asked before and I see no answer

If (unlike those who asked before) you have the problem on Windows or 
Linux, I could probably diagnose it with more information. 

If it is mac, were you using the version posted in this thread
or an older version?

If it was that version, maybe the person who built it can diagnose it.  
Most of us here cannot diagnose mac specific defects.

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Re: [hugin-ptx] Re: What am I doing wrong optimizing with Hugin 2021.0.0

2022-08-22 Thread

On Tuesday, August 16, 2022 at 3:25:26 PM UTC-4 Florian Königstein wrote:

>> But I took parts of the old code and built a command line utility named 
>> Hugin2PTOptimizer that converts a Hugin .pto file to a .pto file readable 
>> by PTOptimizer.
>> I have messed a bit around in the code and put all into one file 
>> Hugin2PTOptimize.c. Therefore it's not maintainable, but hopefully it does 
>> what it shall do.
>> I compiled it with VS 2019. If there are problems compiling it with 
>> Linux, let me know.
>> It does not compile in mingw64 and I'm certain would not in Linux, and 
there are far too many problems to fix.

I had started a similar program myself, before you sent that.  My biggest 
problem was (and partially still is) identifying the relationship of tags 
in the .pto file  to fields in pano13 data structures and fields in Hugin 
data structures.  I used y Hugin2PTOptimize.c as an extra source (on top of 
the pto reading and writing code in hugin and pano13) for understanding the 
relationship of fields to tags.

My version reads a .pto file (hugin format or pano13 format) and combines 
the data from a previous run of optimize (if present) into the image data, 
then optionally adds a specified amount of random noise to the optimized 
values, and writes out a new .pto file.

As a tool, this is intended for testing the benefits of changes to 
optimize.  Optimize is an unstable enough process that insignificant 
differences can cause massive result differences (likely including the case 
that led me to start this thread).  So if you make a small change that 
ought to on average cause a small improvement, testing giving a giant 
degradation or giant improvement is more likely than "average" results.  So 
ordinary testing can't tell you whether the coding change doesn't work as 
expected vs. something is flawed in the example vs. basic instability of 

My theory and hope is that running a program versions to be tested against 
each optimize problem many times with different random noise added, will 
give results that show meaningful differences between versions.

As a coding exercise, I built this C++ program to
1) Figure out good methods to use headers and structs from the pano13 C 
code and ultimately maintain a compatible C interface while rewriting a lot 
of the operations in C++.  There are problems with those headers and those 
structs for C++, but solutions aren't very difficult.
2) Find a better and more unified way to act generically across fields.  
This is done and/or not done in many different ways across hugin and pano13 
and I did not like any of them.  Use of #include tricks and heave use of 
#define obfuscates that code and makes debugging the code much harder.  At 
the opposite extreme, use of switch statements to split out tags causes 
massive code bloat and related maintenance problems.  I created a better 
method with templated maps and very minimal use of #define.  That will need 
a bit more touch up (as I get a more complete understanding of the whole 
system of tags and fields) before I use it in a C++ rewrite of optimize and 
other parts of pano13.

Like you, I put all the code in one file (except for use of the unmodified 
filter.h and other headers it pulls in).  Once the code is more stable, it 
should be clear how to split to multiple cpp and hpp files.

If anyone want that code, ask and I'll put it somewhere accessible.  I'm 
open to suggestions.  I put a ??? comment in the code in places where I 
didn't know the right way to do something because I don't understand the 
related parts of the pano13 package well enough.

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Re: [hugin-ptx] Pano curves upward despite level images

2022-08-18 Thread
I wish my panoramas came together as well or as easily as that one.  
After I emailed back the .pto with several garbage CPs removed, I tried 
stitching and the result is better than I've ever gotten without major 

The automatic CP detection sometimes creates a few garbage ones.  If I 
remember correctly, all but one of your garbage CPs were on clouds.  I 
never use the tool for auto removing CPs from clouds, but there is one.  
Likely it works.

Many people also use the main control point table (from the view menu) 
sorted by distance, to identify garbage CPs.  In the state you sent the 
file, the approach was hopeless.  The highest distances were perfectly good 
CPs and the bad ones were down of few positions on the list.  Likely after 
removing the ones on clouds and reoptimizing, the last garbage one would 
have stood out on that list.  I didn't try that.
In the control Points tab, the garbage CPs were so obvious, no real effort 
went into finding and deleting them (never works that way for my panoramas).
Once the garbage CPs were gone, your panorama had a better fit than I ever 
get even after being sure all my CPs are perfect to a fraction of a pixel.

Anyway, it is not an example for my enhancements to huggin++ for hard 
examples.  But I'm glad I could help.  And it is good for me to see 
examples demonstrating that my own are not that representative.

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Re: [hugin-ptx] Pano curves upward despite level images

2022-08-18 Thread
I'm not seeing at all what I expected.  So I may have been entirely wrong 
about all that lens stuff.  So ignore most of what I said.
Instead you have some very very wrong control points that must be deleted 
and that might be the only important problem.
For example the two CPs connecting image 0 to image 2.

As I said before, the CPs on clouds connecting image 1 to 2 are also bad 
and also should be deleted.  But as I said before, they are actually doing 
only a little harm (less than typical for CP's on clouds) while other wrong 
CP's are doing severe harm.

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Re: [hugin-ptx] Re: What am I doing wrong optimizing with Hugin 2021.0.0

2022-08-13 Thread

On Friday, August 12, 2022 at 12:37:53 PM UTC-4 Florian Königstein wrote:

> Probably it's best here to first optimize only raw, pitch and roll and 
> then only translations.

I gave that a lot of thought, and I have not yet coded/tested what I 
decided to do instead.  But I think there is a better way to structure the 
idea of "first optimize only ...".

My testing so far has caused me to conclude I need to first stabilize the 
behavior of what is there now, before making the big changes I really 
want.  There is too much tendency for giant changes in performance and 
result quality from what is essentially luck (chaotic magnification of 
initial rounding error).

To stabilize what is there now (reduce the luck element in its results):

I think the ambiguity between rotation and translation is not a big 
problem.  The two big problems that I think I understand are:
1) images that are not directly connected to the anchor image
2) the instability of the lens correction and fov optimization.

I don't understand the benefits of the first stage optimizing one distance 
rather than two directional distances.  But for now I'll trust that concept 
and expand on it.
I want several initial stages, and lens parameters changeable only in the 
last initial stage. After all the initial stages, the "stage 2" would run 
exactly as it does now.
As they do now, the initial stages would all run with cutoffs that should 
make then stop quickly (get only a rough fit).
1) First it would take the anchor image plus all those images that share 3 
or more CPs with the anchor.
2-?) For subsequent initial stages, each time add all images that share 3 
or more CPs with the union of all images of the prior stage.
?+1) If necessary (implying a very badly connected panorama) add all the 
rest of the images
?+2) Enable lens and fov if those were specified to be optimized.

In cases where lens correction is major enough, it becomes a user problem 
to get the lens right (or at least close) first.  In normal expert use, I 
expect the lens was solved earlier and not subject to further 
optimization.  In normal beginner use, I expect the whole lens correction 
is subtle enough that delaying its optimization (earlier initial stages use 
whatever values were already there) is fine for the rough estimate intent 
of those stages.

Each initial stage will only happen if it adds something to the previous 
initial stage.  So simple panoramas with lens and fov already fixed would 
have the same single initial stage they have now.

BTW, do you have any .pto files (in the format read by PToptimize.exe) that 
you think I should include in my testing?

Is there some simple way (especially when you don't have the image files) 
to create a .pto in the PToptimize.exe format from a .pto in the hugin 

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[hugin-ptx] Re: Easiest way to retain dynamic range?

2022-08-12 Thread
Your last two posts seem to be about one image.  I assume you have more 
than one to combine via hugin.

So when I asked about the different exposures across the multiple original 
images, I think that was important.  I don't see any answer.

I'm still guessing that hugin is adjusting the exposures to eliminate that 
differences in original exposure across the images, and that is where the 
highlights are lost, meaning 4 bits added (to the original 12) are not 
enough to bridge the exposure differences.

You seem to have already figured out that a different conversion from raw 
to tiff would result in protecting those highlights from subsequent 

I know far less about Rawtherapee than you know.  So my terminology is 
likely wrong.  But logically, a less linear mapping in the original 
conversion from 12 bits to 16 bits would provide the extra room to protect 
the highlights from the subsequent  adjustment (that normalizes exposure 
between photos).

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Re: [hugin-ptx] Re: In Pano13 the tilt parameters TiX, TiY, TiZ and TiS?

2022-08-10 Thread

On Wednesday, August 10, 2022 at 5:15:33 PM UTC-4 wrote:

> On Wed, 10 Aug 2022, 22:07, <> wrote:
>> I still hope this question gets a reply from someone who does know what 
>> those parameters are intended for and what other tools might be using them.
> 'Mosaic' XYZ control points are mapped onto a vertical plane that is 
> directly in front of the 'camera'.
> These other parameters allow different planes. The basic use is for 
> stitching a spherical panorama where the ground surface is a horizontal 
> plane, but there is parallax movement that needs to be corrected using the 
> usual mosaic functionality.

An example would really help, especially a runable example.  I can't relate 
what I see in the source code to what you are saying.

I also can't distinguish what you are saying from the Tpy and Tpp 
parameters (though it does seem like a third component should be needed to 
use them that way).

> In principle you can have multiple planes in a single scene.

With these parameters?  Or do you mean with some feature added to the 
These seem to apply to at least a whole image at a time.  Part of what I 
was asking was whether these are logically associated with the lens as I 
would guess from the source code (which would mean they typically would 
apply across more than one image).

> I have in the past wondered if (with a modified GUI) this functionality 
> could be used to build a hybrid photogrammetry application, where you match 
> control points, but also indicate which points are coplanar - this would be 
> very useful for architectural surveying where you are only really 
> interested in placing planes and the intersections between them.
Again, I really can't see how that is *this *(TiX etc.) functionality could 
be used that way.  But I'm glad you mentioned that idea.  I think there are 
more common use cases than the one you mentioned.

A big part of my intent here is due to dissatisfaction (as a user) with the 
two basic models hugin effectively has for the parallax problem:
1) Assume there is no parallax problem (such as with no translation)
2) Assume all CPs of an image are coplanar and if that assumption is mostly 
correct, that eliminates the optimization errors due to paralax, leaving 
only the fundamentally intractable part of the parallax problem.

I really dislike that coplanar assumption for all CPs of an image and want 
to offer an alternative that is much more general (but has its own 
limitations, so it can only be an alternative, not a complete replacement 

But I do like the idea of letting the user identify a set of CPs (across 
multiple images for it to really be useful) that are coplanar.  I don't 
immediately have an idea what the UI should look like.  I do immediately 
think I know what the optimization math would look like (and I can't see 
any similarity to TiX etc.)  It is compatible as a sub alternative to my 
main idea and shares the same issues (and I think solution) for changes 
needed in stitching (though not needed in the use case you described).  
There really is a fundamentally intractable part of the parallax problem.  
But in most cases you don't need to let that drive optimization to an 
incorrect result;  Then after optimization is correct, you can't really 
stitch correctly, but I think you can stitch in a way that looks correct. 

Feel free to tell me I'm wrong about any of this (I often am at a stage 
like this).  But hopefully you can do so in an informative way.

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[hugin-ptx] Re: Easiest way to retain dynamic range?

2022-08-10 Thread
Can you clarify some points.  (I'm partially asking in case this helps 
someone else give you a better answer, but also because I also want to do 
some dynamic range things better in hugin than I currently know how to, so 
I think your clearer question might draw out a better answer for me).

Your starting point has "great dynamic range".  Does that mean the starting 
point has enough extra bits (beyond the basic 8 per channel) to directly 
represent that dynamic range?  Does it mean the multiple images have many 
different exposures (multiple per stack and/or each appropriate to the 
brightness of its own content)?  Or both extra bits and varying exposure?

Your "output does not".  What output?  From doing what to the input 
images?  And is that 8 bit or 16 bit output?

How do you hope to represent high dynamic range in the final result?

Do you want to stay in 16 bit (so depend on that to have enough range *and 
on the viewing tool to convert that range usefully to display range when 

Do you want to do mask adjustments to brightness after stitching (I want to 
and don't yet know how to put that whole work flow together) so the final 
image is "dishonest" in showing the brighter parts of dark areas as 
brighter than the darker parts of bright areas, even though the real world 
scene had those dark parts of bright areas brighter than bright parts of 
dark areas?

Do you want to find a good non linear mapping from 16 bit to 8 bit 
(probably after stitching) to provide a more "honest" image:  So brighter 
pixels in the true scene are consistently brighter in the result than less 
bright pixels from the scene?  In other words global scaling to make the 
original dynamic range more visible in the result without being supported 
by the display hardware.

Do you want to mainly defeat hugin's automatic exposure correction.  So far 
as I understand, hugin generally tries to change all the images to what 
they would have been if they had all been taken at the same exposure.  I 
almost never want that and don't have a good understanding of what is 
involved in preventing it.  The boundaries become harder to deal with if 
that feature is disabled.  Blending an overlap where the two images have 
different exposures of the same content and you haven't permitted an 
exposure correction, can cause a very ugly blend operation.  But the 
original exposures are often different for good reason and "correcting" 
that is uglier than dealing with the more difficult blend.  Not correcting 
it and successfully blending gives roughly the same kind of "dishonest" 
image (that I want but don't know whether you do) as the mask based final 
adjustment would, but unlike those doesn't even depend on 16 bits being 
enough to allow undoing the harm of automatic exposure correction.

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[hugin-ptx] Re: In Pano13 the tilt parameters TiX, TiY, TiZ and TiS?

2022-08-10 Thread

On Wednesday, August 10, 2022 at 3:24:57 PM UTC-4 Florian Königstein wrote:

> I searched all source code files of Hugin++ for the string "tilt" (e.g. 
> there could be variables tilt_x, tilt_y, tilt_z like in libpano13). But 
> there wasn't found anything.
> So Hugin probably does not use tilt.
> I don't know the meaning of it.
> But I wouldn't delete the tilt from libpano13. Hugin and libpano are 
> widely used software, and surely some people have made other tools that can 
> be used with libpano13 and Hugin.
> If there are no ** very good ** reasons against it, you should keep 
> backward compatibility when developing Hugin++ and libpano13 / 
> fastPTOptimizer further.
> One possibility is adding alternate code under a different internal name, 
such that it can be selected by the caller, but isn't used by default.
So, there would be two optimizers there, one with the original performance 
and features, the other with better performance, removing some features I 
don't understand and don't think hugin++ uses, and adding the features that 
I want to add.  The features I want to add would also change stitching.  
I'm not yet even looking at what backward compatibility for that would look 
like (but don't expect it to be difficult).  For optimization, I will need 
to have new and old versions coexist in one build anyway during 
development.  Once I think the new optimization is across the board better 
than the old one for hugin++, that doesn't necessarily give a good reason 
to remove the old one from the build.  I'm not sure yet, but I think a 
parameter based internal (to the dll) run-time selection of which is being 
invoked (through the same call) would be better than simply giving the new 
one a new name.  But either is practical.

I'm a big believer in extern "C" interface across exe to dll boundaries 
wherever practical, even if both sides are coded in C++.  That solves some 
problems in Linux, and a far larger number of uglier problems in Windows.

If I make any big change to fastPTOptimize, the new code will be all C++.  
I doubt that will present any problems for those building it from source 
(as it might have presented problems back when libpano13 was first 
invented).  But I certainly don't want to do anything that stops a caller 
of all the features of the DLL from being coded entirely in C.  Having a C 
interface to the DLL (because it is currently coded in C) is a good 
starting point for having a C interface because I prefer a C interface on 
that boundary.

I still hope this question gets a reply from someone who does know what 
those parameters are intended for and what other tools might be using them.

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[hugin-ptx] In Pano13 the tilt parameters TiX, TiY, TiZ and TiS?

2022-08-10 Thread
Do the Pano13 tilt parameters TiX, TiY, TiZ and TiS exist in some form in 
Hugin or only in libpano13?

What are they tilting?

Looking at the code, I can't backtrack from implementation to intent.

They are effectively lens parameters, right?

I am thinking in terms of a division between lens parameters and "camera?" 

The former is all part of the mapping between an x,y pixel position in the 
image and a correct yaw,pitch relative angle (direction of the obect that 
pixel imaged relative to the direction the camera is pointing).

The latter is involved in mapping from that correct relative yaw,pitch to 
the true location (in some coordinate system) of that object.  Computing 
the actual direction by combining the camera's yaw, pitch, roll with that 
relative yaw,pitch.  Combining that with the camera's X,Y,Z location (TrX, 
TrY, TrZ) to compute the line of sight.  *Intersecting *that line of sight 
with something to determine the object seen. 

I'm investigating rewriting parts of libpano13 for various possible 
benefits for hugin++.  My first impulse is to leave out TiX, TiY, TiZ and 
TiS.  But if that would be a bad idea, I hope someone will tell me why.  If 
I don't leave them out, I'd really like to understand them better before 
including them.  That "Intersecting" step is something I want to provide an 
alternate version of.  The rest, I'd like to match behavior but with new 

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[hugin-ptx] Re: What am I doing wrong optimizing with Hugin 2021.0.0

2022-08-09 Thread

On Tuesday, August 9, 2022 at 1:38:07 PM UTC-4 Florian Königstein wrote:

> Some time ago I tried whether analytical calculation of the partial 
> derivatives is better (faster convergence). I wrote code for analytical 
> calculation (via automatic differentiation), but it seemed that there was 
> no advantage (longer time and little or no reduction in the number of 
> iterations).

I had somehow missed the fact that the term "automatic differentiation" 
meants that and I thought "analytical" meant symbolic.  Now that I googled 
it again, I see what I'm talking about is within the scope of "automatic 
differentiation".  Of course, the devil is in the details.  If you do it 
right, I would not expect it to be slower per iteration than finite 
difference in the pano13 problem space (but I won't know until I try, as it 
can take twice as long in some problem spaces).  As you found, I also would 
not expect a typical reduction in number of iterations.  More accurate 
derivatives typically provides little benefit in the common cases.  Its 
benefit should be in reducing the number of pathological cases.
But I'm more interested now in the possible speedup (per iteration) 
relative to finite difference (most, but not all, of which comes from 
assuming an average of more than one image per lens).

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[hugin-ptx] Re: What am I doing wrong optimizing with Hugin 2021.0.0

2022-08-09 Thread
I worried this sidetrack of the discussion may be stopping someone who 
knows more about the answers I'm looking for from replying in this thread.

I really want a better understanding of why results differ so much in the 
same optimization problem among version and builds of pano13 (and maybe of 

I half remember seeing some user option somewhere for how hard the 
optimizer tries before stopping.  But now I can't find it in the UI or the 
code.  Am I remembering something that wasn't there?  (I have worked on a 
LOT of different optimizers in recent years in different projects).  Or am 
I failing to find something that ought to be obvious?  (I've been known to 
do that too).

What makes the 2021 official version give so much worse results than the 
2020 official version?

To the very limited extent to which I understand lev-mar stopping rules, it 
might stop because it hit
A: A limit in the number of iterations
B: A limit in the number of function evaluations
C: A limit in the rate of change of the parameter values
D: A limit in the rate of change of the total error
?: There seem to be several other possibilities.

The code seems to report which of those it was to the caller.  I haven't 
yet figured out how to get any of that reported to the user.

Use of sparse lev-mar, combined with the choice of where the 
finite-difference approximation of partial derivatives is done, greatly 
affects the number of function evaluations.
So comparing identical versions with and without that build option (as I 
have) and guessing that the stopping condition is B, you would expect the 
build with sparse lev-mar to do more iterations for the same number of 
function evaluations (as long as there are 3 or more images).  So sparse 
should get a better final answer.  As long as there are 4 or more images, 
you would expect sparse to take less time per iteration.  Above some number 
of images (much harder to predict and also depending on a bunch of other 
factors) the factor of faster per iteration should exceed the factor of 
more iterations, so sparse should take less total time in addition to 
producing a better result.

In fact doing that comparison, with the current repository contents of 
hugin and libpano13 (not your fork of them), gives results semi consistent 
with all that.  Sparse is much faster.  Sparse gives a much smaller max 
value, but a slightly worse average value.  Since it is a least squares 
problem, a much better max is a better indicator of a better solution to 
the optimization problem than the opposite change in average.  But the 
absurdly large number of CP's weighs against that.
Anyway, I think that result supports the guess that the stopping condition 
is B.  For all other stopping conditions, I think the result difference 
with/without sparse should be smaller (with a timing difference more 
favorable to sparse).
But I feel like I'm missing other important factors.  Other differences 
among the various versions don't reasonably fit any guess at stopping 
condition or other cause.

As a development aid, there ought to be a way to adjust the individual 
stopping conditions, primarily to raise the limit on B to understand the 
other differences.  I think that also would be a good expert-user feature 
for some situations (and thought I remembered it being there).
I am going into too many coding sidetracks already.  But maybe I should 
sidetrack into finding a way to fit that user option in.

Another BIG sidetrack I'll likely take:  During high school in the 70's, I 
invented a way to compute partial derivatives other than either the finite 
difference or analytical.  It gives more correct partial derivatives than 
finite difference but doesn't have the potential complexity explosion of 
analytical.  After using it in a couple work situations years later, I took 
a job on a team that was already using the exact same method, and later 
interacted with other teams (within a big employer) that also independently 
came up with it.  (Despite that I've never found a description of it online 
and don't know what it is called).  On a basic timing level, for N partial 
derivatives, you do N+1 times as much work during one evaluation instead of 
N+1 times as many function evaluations for finite difference.  Depending on 
other factors the total time might range from twice as long as finite 
difference down to a small fraction as long.  Usually it is done for 
accuracy, not time.  I think pano13 doesn't need that improved.  But taking 
advantage of several images per lens in hugin would cause my method to take 
significantly less time than finite difference.  If I do that, I should 
remember to kludge the counter of function evaluations to pretend it is 
doing N+1 times as many as it actually is, both in order to keep the 
stopping condition reasonable and to keep result accuracy comparable.  I 
first wrote that in APL and later in C.  But it is really ugly code in C 
and I won't do that again now that 

[hugin-ptx] Re: What am I doing wrong optimizing with Hugin 2021.0.0

2022-08-08 Thread

On Monday, August 8, 2022 at 3:29:44 PM UTC-4 Florian Königstein wrote:

> Before I answer to your post more detailed, could you please send me the 
> images per Mail so that I can load the pano without the need for dummy 
> images. Maybe the optimization was faster for me since some CPs were 
> deleted due to my dummy image. Having your images I can see the speed in 
> exactly your configuration.

I put them on a google drive and sent you a link.  If I messed that up and 
you can't access, ask me again. 

> I just tried out a pano with only two images. The camera was rotated by an 
> angle of about 22 degrees between the images. I also held the camera by 
> hand, but translation is anyway small compared to rotation. When I optimize 
> only yaw, pitch and roll, the optimizer finds the yaw of about 22 degrees. 
> When I optimize yaw, pitch, roll, TrX, TrY, TrZ, the optimizer finds a yaw 
> of 6 degrees and some rather big translation. That is nonsense. This 
> example confirms that estimating both rotation and translation when the 
> translation is zero or small is very difficult.
> Do you have enough overlap and control points distributed over the overlap 
area to make the distinction between translation and roll possible?
Are your lens parameters likely correct so that lens parameter errors are 
not interfering with with the optimization?
If yes to both, I'd like to see those images and project to try to 
understand what when wrong.

With a true Yaw of 22 degrees and just two images, and limiting the 
optimization to yaw, pitch and roll, I would certainly expect hugin to get 
near the correct yaw, even if it is getting a fairly poor fit.  If the 
overlap and CPs aren't very good, then it is also understandable that a 
better fit for the CPs could give a wildly wrong actual result, including a 
wildly wrong yaw.  But that doesn't make the general case against 
optimizing all 6 basic camera point of view parameters.

With multi-way overlap (as in the group of photos I sent) misinterpreting 
yaw for TrX in one limited overlap tends to be forced out of the solution 
by the circular interconnection of those two through other images.

I don't EVER get as good results from hugin or hugin++ as I think I ought 
to.  That was the original reason I started working on the code, though I 
delayed a long time before recently digging into the optimization.  So I 
don't want to pre judge whether the two photo problem you just described is 
a fundamental limitation due to low CP overlap vs. hugin not really doing 
what it should.  But I am confident that in the cases with more overlap 
(including virtual overlap through other connection routes) there is no 
basic flaw in optimizing all six of those camera point of view parameters.

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[hugin-ptx] Re: What am I doing wrong optimizing with Hugin 2021.0.0

2022-08-08 Thread

On Monday, August 8, 2022 at 11:32:07 AM UTC-4 Florian Königstein wrote:

> Hi John,
>  Optimization ran fast for me,

What is "fast" and which hugin did you use?

It runs "fast"  (17 to 36 seconds) using any build of pano13 with sparse 
lev-mar.  But I still want it to be faster and I want much bigger examples 
(even though I don't currently have any) to also be fast.

With one exception, it runs "slow" (85 to 212 seconds) in any build without 
sparse lev-mar.  That is exactly as I'd expect and I'm not much interested 
in those.

The exception I asked about was:
2021.0.0.52df0f76c700 built by Thomas 
I'm pretty sure that does not have sparse lev-mar.  It optimizes in 21 
seconds producing garbage results (large average, 158 worst case).  The 
worst CP is not a poorly chosen CP.  All the other versions have worst CP 
30 to 38.
My question was why that build is so fast and bad.

The fact that the average can be below 3 and the worst 30 means I want to 
be able to do that well regularly.  So I have the second issue of why 
fastPTO does slightly worse.  It should simply be faster, not a tradeoff of 
much faster for slightly worse.  But that is too complicated and detailed 
for me to want to ask here.  I'll need to figure it out myself.  But why 
the official hugin build is so much faster and worse than it should be 
seemed like somethings others might weigh in on.

First I assume:
> ** You took the images in a "standard way", i.e. by rotating the camera 
> around a tripod or panoramic head.

No.  I did not set up my tripod for that one.  I hand held as carefully as 
I could and came pretty close.  So I certainly needed to optimize the six 
basic parameters of camera position as well as one lens parameter.

> ** You just want so see how the optimizer works when you select nearly all 
> variables to be optimized.

 I avoided opening the FOV can of worms.  The correct FOV is known and 
using incorrect FOV as a coverup for other issues is one of my frequent 
tools, but not a valid tool either for this panorama or for this 
performance test.

Some other parameters are in there mainly for "maybe they help" in addition 
to performance testing purposes.

The problem is that you select both rotation and translation to be 
> optimized. Normally, you should only optimize for yaw, pitch and roll, but 
> not for trannslations - if you rotated the cammera but didn't perform 
> bigger translations.
> Instead if you kept the orientation of the camera the same and translated 
> it for the different photos, then you should optimize for translations, but 
> not for yaw, pitch and roll.

I certainly needed all six of those.  Otherwise, the panorama is garbage.  
I did my best to hand hold the camera varying only Yaw and Pitch, not Roll, 
TrX, TrY, and TrZ.  But I didn't do that well enough.  Tr value are tiny 
compared to the physical distance to nearest CP but they still matter.

I haven't yet taken any mural shots, so varying translation without also 
Yaw is not in any of my examples. 

> The reason is the following:
> Suppose you have a FOV that is not big (like you have). Imagine first you 
> rotate the camera a bit horizontally. Then you rotate it back to the 
> original position and trannslate it a bit horizontally. If the amout of 
> rotation and translation have an appropriate ratio, then the control points 
> will move in a similar way (not much difference) in the image both by 
> rotation and by translation. So the optimizer cannot decide whether you 
> rotated or translated the camera.

There is enough  difference.  If the real world location of the CPs in an 
image are relatively co planar (with each other) then optimization should 
be able to distinguish rotation from translation.

I have refined my ideas (but not yet written code) for handling the case 
that the real world CPs are not actually co planar.  I think I will then do 
vastly better than 3 average and 30 worst case in this example.  But before 
coding that, I want a somewhat better understanding, and maybe do a cleaner 
re-coding, of what is already there.

In some cases you can determine both rotation and translation of the 
> camera, but these cases are usually not relevant for panorama photography: 
> Assume for simplicity you have an ideal (pinhole) camera (no lens 
> distortion). Assume you have 5 (or better 8) points in 3D space that will 
> get control points in the photos. You take two photos of these points by 
> both rotating and translating the camera between these photos. Then there 
> are mathematical algorithms with that you can determine both the relative 
> rotation and the relative translation of the camera. But there are at least 
> two cases in that the algorithms fail or yield bad results (big errors):
> 1. There is no or little translation in the camera position between the 
> two photos

That is the area in which my current ideas are least solid:  Hugin is 
already good for where all the cameras have little of no 

[hugin-ptx] Re: Definitions of axes and direction?

2022-08-03 Thread

Despite trying to be careful in testing and organizing the above, I seem to 
have made a big mistake on the Z axis.
My testing actually shows Hugin's TiX, TiY and TiZ are not a right handed 
coordinate system.  Then I missed that fact in reporting those results.
Maybe my test was wrong.
The direction of Roll that I measured is negative (or left handed) on the 
direction of TiZ that I measured.

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[hugin-ptx] Definitions of axes and direction?

2022-08-02 Thread
Is there a place in the hugin documentation that explains the axes and 
directions hugin uses?

Both as a user and as a developer, this is a topic I have repeatedly 
needed, looked for, failed to find, experimented and learned, and then 
forgotten.  Until I recently finally took notes.

I primarily care about the six parameters of the camera's point of view:  
Yaw, Pitch, Roll, TiX, TiY, and TiZ.  But other parameters likely also 
clearer definition of direction.

I think of those as all describing both the motion of the camera in moving 
it from a hypothetical centered position to its actual position* and* the 
motion of individual pixels as they are moved from their positions in an 
input image to their positions in the output image (those two are the same 
direction of motion).  The opposite direction (from output position to 
input position) is an equally valid set of definitions, but I like those 

As best as I can tell by experimenting:
Hugin's X axis points right
Hugin's Y axis points down
Hugin's Z axis points back (positive values behind the observer)
Hugin's Yaw is a positive rotation "on" the Y axis
Hugin's Pitch is a positive rotation "on" the X axis
Hugin's Roll is a positive rotation "on" the Z axis

I am using the right hand rule for "positive" agreeing with every online 
site I have read on this topic:  On your right hand, point your thumb in 
the direction an axis points (direction of higher values of that 
coordinate); curve your fingers so they indicate a direction circularly 
around the direction your thumb points;  that is the positive rotation 

There is no similar agreement on whether that is clockwise or 
counter-clockwise:  Most sites think positive is counter-clockwise as most 
assume (and few state) that the axis is pointed *at* the viewer who sees 
counter-clockwise (as your thumb would if you point that right-hand-rule 
axis at yourself and see your fingers curved counter-clockwise).  Fewer, 
but still quite a large number see that as clockwise because they have the 
viewer looking in the same direction that the axis points.

Most online sites defining Yaw, Pitch and Roll, say those are on the Z, Y 
and X axes respectively, making hugin's choice of Y, X and Z important to 
document (unless I somehow got this wrong).  Hugin's choice of rightward, 
downward and backward for X,Y,Z is also unusual, but there doesn't see to 
be any "usual".  I expect we all learned rightward, forward and upward in 
basic math classes, but serious online discussions don't typically follow 
any standard other than right hand.

All the sites (and apparently hugin as well) agree that the sequence is Yaw 
then Pitch then Roll for "intrinsic" rotation which is mathematically the 
same as "extrinsic" rotation in the sequence Roll, then Pitch, then Yaw.

Intrinsic rotation is what I think of for camera motion:
1) Rotate on Y
2) Rotate on X' (where X' is the camera's X axis after its rotation on Z)
3) Rotate on Z'' (where Z'' is the camera's Z axis after both its earlier 

Extrinsic rotation is what I think of as the motion of a pixel from input 
to output:
1) Rotate on the global Z axis
2) Rotate on the global X axis
3) Rotate on the global Y axis

I would appreciate:
A:  Pointer to where this was already all documented and I wasted your time 
re-documenting it (but the exercise helped me cement it in my mind to help 
my future use and enhancement of hugin++)
B: Corrections.  What did I get backwards or seriously wrong?
C: Comments.  Such as are there simpler ways to be precise about these 
D: Similar info on parameters other than these six.

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Re: [hugin-ptx] Re: setting the output to high dynamic range

2022-08-01 Thread

On Monday, August 1, 2022 at 5:44:47 PM UTC-4 GnomeNomad wrote:

> I have panoramas that were about 2GB as 16-bit TIFFs that became about 
> 600-700MB as 100% quality JPGs. So what quality setting are your JPGs at 
> to give you a 15x difference? 

My results are somewhere between those.  I guess 100% quality JPGs cost a 
lot of space.

I don't know what the Sony alpha 7 III's "extra fine" quality for JPG means 
(in more portable terminology).  My 4Kx6K photos are 17.5 to 18.8 Mb as 
JPGs produced by the camera and are always 145,449,341 bytes as tif files 
produced by conversion programs from the arw.  So that is about an 8 to 1 
difference.  The tif file holds a 144,000,000 byte image plus various 
metadata.  The jpg represents half that much data, apparently getting 4 to 
1 compression without any visible loss of quality.

I rarely have blown highlights.  I avoid shooting that way because I assume 
it would be harder to fix.  So the problems are at the opposite end.  Some 
sections are too dark and I typically hope to mask and selectively brighten 
after stitching.  The jpg version is always slightly lacking in content in 
the dark areas, so I would need a separate shot with intentionally blown 
highlights if I were working just with jpg (and then my expertise as a 
hugin user is lacking for the problem).  Working from raw, the dark areas 
areas are sometimes far better than in the jpg copy and no second shot 
would be needed.  But when I'm not using a tripod (so getting a decent 
second shot is harder) tends to be when the raw is too noisy in dark areas 
and thus worse than the jpg.


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[hugin-ptx] Re: setting the output to high dynamic range

2022-08-01 Thread
On Monday, July 4, 2022 at 2:51:54 PM UTC-4 wrote:

> i do not understand where i can enter those command, i did not see a 
teminal field in the gui and windows command prompt says it does not know 

You use some form of windows command prompt and you do something to fix the 
PATH to include the directory where nona.exe etc. are installed.

There are various ways to create an icon and/or a right click menu choice 
that will open all that easily from then on (vs typing the command to 
change the PATH  each time you start a cmd prompt to work on this).
You could also use control panel to permanently change PATH so Hugin 
related exe's are always on your path.  I use my computer for too many 
different things and hate PATH pollution, so I wouldn't do that myself.  
But if using Hugin is a significant fraction of the purpose of the whole 
computer, then including it in the permanent PATH is the simpler choice.

There are multiple (better) alternatives to the basic cmd prompt and 
multiple ways to set up each to have a customized launch for specific 
purpose.  So too many choices: which usually means just do it some simple 
obvious way while knowing that if it is worth trouble to make it better, 
you can.

On Monday, August 1, 2022 at 1:06:37 PM UTC-4 wrote:

> and i must say, the tiff has more contrast and looks a bit sharper, but 

That is a sub-topic I'd really like to understand, since I'm fighting many 
situations in which the tiff is very fuzzy compared to jpg.

I have seen about as many situations in which the colors look better when 
viewing a tiff vs. jpg as the opposite.  Each viewer has its own rules for 
the non linear translation from 16 bit intensities to 8 bit intensity for 
display on your monitor.  They don't seem to be just throwing away the low 
bits.   Depending on the photo and the viewer, that mapping can make the 
picture look much better, including increasing the contrast between two 
colors that are adjacent and look better with more contrast.  A big 
advantage of working in 16 bits is the ability to adjust the final mapping 
to 8 bit AFTER stitching.  Maybe that is all you mean by "more contrast" 
and "sharper".

It might also be possible that the jpg compression is actually blurring 
edges etc compared to raw.  But that is opposite to my own experience (thus 
a subject I'd like to be told more about).

it is 15x the file size and since i want to use it for batches it is a 
> bit too much. 

Disk space is cheap.  So while I have some similar objections myself to 
keeping around lots of tiff files, I think my own use pattern is odd and 
most other people should not care about that waste of disk space.  Am I 
missing something?  Maybe that is another subtopic I'd appreciate having 

so then i thought maybe i can get a bit more out of the jpg by using 
> high dynamic range. 
> but unfortunately all but 
> exposure corrected, low dynamic range 
> is alvailable. 

I hope one of the experts explains some of that here.

I have never had any decent mental model (despite rereading Hugin 
documentation many times) of what high vs. low dynamic range actually means 
as a concept in Hugin's processing.  Of course, I understand what it in 
photography,  but that doesn't tell me what selecting it in Hugin actually 
causes Hugin to do differently.

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Re: [hugin-ptx] Re: Hugin++ direct reading of ARW (raw) files

2022-08-01 Thread

On Monday, August 1, 2022 at 6:54:46 AM UTC-4 wrote:

> Where the camera has an advantage is that it knows precisely how the 
> sensor behaves, when and where it will create the most noise and what kind 
> of noise, maybe even detect different kinds of surfaces and apply different 
> noise reduction settings on different parts of a photo in order to preserve 
> more details when possible. But of course this all relies on the camera's 
> "AI" (I am not sure the word "AI" really applies here), the AI could guess 
> incorrectly, and the user could achieve a better result with enough 
> experience and time. 
> I wish I understood this stuff better.

What (if any) part of the jpg looking better is due to the lossy 
compression  of jpg actually improving quality?  Areas that should be 
smooth in color are smooth in jpg, but grainy looking when converting arw 
to tiff.  Edges that are sharp in jpg are fuzzy when converting arw to tiff.

The arw format as produced by my alpha 7 III camera is a fairly stupid 
lossy compression, using 8 bits per pixel.  It carries much better 
information than a simple 8 bits per pixel, but much less information than 
uncompressed would have.  Clearly, it had at least 11 bits per pixel (maybe 
more) before the lame compression.  I'd far rather have pictures take twice 
the space and not lose that.  But I'm pretty sure the alpha 7 has no such 

Likely the interpolation and noise reduction creating the image that feeds 
the jpg compression has the original (at least 11 bit per pixel) data, 
rather than the reconstruction of that data after lossy compression.  Maybe 
there is nothing one can do to the arw file that gets the interpolation and 
noise elimination as good as in the jpg, because you don't have the 
original data.  So you have a tradeoff of which information to lose when 
choosing jpg vs. arw, not an option to keep the maximum.

Sony's website tells you to use the ImagingEdge software they distribute to 
convert arw to tiff.  That does a slightly worse job than RawTherapee.  If 
knowledge of the characteristics of the sensor were the major difference, 
then ImagingEdge ought to do a better job.

For a tripod shot of a stationary target, the extra detail in dark areas in 
the arw format is such an advantage over jpg that arw is is clearly 
better.  For faster exposure, especially with a narrow aperture to increase 
depth of focus (forcing higher ISO), the garbage in the darker areas of the 
tiff outweigh the extra detail and the jpg is much better.  The exposure 
bracketing feature of this camera is garbage, so it is generally not the 
answer.  If I was just doing the images from tripod with decent lighting, 
even my own calls to libraw, that do a generally worse job than 
ImagingEdge, would be usable and better than just using the jpg.  

I also don't know what is lost (or gained) by delaying some of that 
processing until after stitching.  Since I don't know the concepts behind 
either better interpolation or noise reduction, I really have no clue what 
info is lost by delaying.  The gains might be more obvious:  Where 
stitching is making automatic decisions based on which image has an area of 
overlap "better", the noise reduction etc. is more likely to misguide it, 
vs choose the better before correcting.  Where the user must intervene to 
guide the process (such as in applying a different tone mapping by mask to 
different parts of the image) it may be much less work and avoid wasted 
effort if done after stitching.

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Re: [hugin-ptx] Re: Hugin++ direct reading of ARW (raw) files

2022-07-31 Thread

On Sunday, July 31, 2022 at 2:49:59 PM UTC-4 wrote:

> I see, thank you for the detailed reply. Does that mean that you are 
> working with jpg files? I haven't dug into the code. Why not just use some 
> temporary folder for the tiffs, and erase them when finished? 
> I never think I'm "finished".  I haven't yet gotten a single panorama as 
correct as it looks like it could have been.  So they are all sitting 
around waiting for me to try some improvement either to Hugin itself or to 
my skill at using hugin.
I do work mainly with the jpg files.  The fact that RawTherapee (at least 
on default settings) doesn't do the noise reduction and interpolation as 
well as the camera does itself, combines with the inconvenience of keeping 
the temp files around.
In other cases, the jpg has lost too much detail in the darker sections 
(because 8 bits just isn't enough) so pre-converting to tiff is necessary.

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Re: [hugin-ptx] Hugin stitching aerial images

2022-07-25 Thread

On Monday, July 25, 2022 at 2:29:46 AM UTC-4 wrote:

> I have been wanting to stitch aerial images for a long time but never 
> succeeded. But I guess it's not possible to stitch them because of parallax
> mistakes in the pictures.

I would expect aerial images of mountains would be impossible to stitch 
correctly because of parallax problems.

But if the surface photographed is relatively flat (vs. the altitude from 
which it is photographed) there should be a correct way to stitch.

Someone who understands Hugin's stitching  better than I do my correct me 
on this, but so far as I understand:
When the camera position is moved between images, you need some model of 
the target surface in order to remap the images.  Hugin can model the 
target as a flat surface at an arbitrary angle relative to its viewing 
angle from the camera position.  Given a decent collection of control 
points, optimization can find the position of the camera and the viewing 
angle of the camera (yaw, pitch and roll) AND also compute the angle of the 
target surface.

If the altitude of the camera is great enough relative to the surface 
texture, that computation should remove parallax issues.

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[hugin-ptx] Re: [BUG] Segfault with unset

2022-07-18 Thread
In case this wasn't obvious and implied by your post, the error in the code 
is exactly where the seg fault occurs:

475 if (strlen(xdgDataDir) == 0) 

Seg faults often indicate a bug in a distant place, that may be hard to 
identify from the location of the seg fault.  But not this time.  The 
coding error is right there and obvious.

The part I don't know enough about is the hugin build time option: 

I don't know which official builds of hugin have that defined (the Fedora 
build I'm using doesn't).
As you discovered, if hugin is built with that build time option, but the 
environment variable that depends on is not present, then it crashes.
The line of code you identified is clearly intended to check for lack of 
that environment variable (to fall back on alternate behavior) but checks 

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[hugin-ptx] Hugin++ Equalize (to make details more visible for masks and CPs)

2022-07-03 Thread
I added an experimental Equalize option to a branch of Hugin++
I would appreciate any feedback from those trying it and/or looking at the 
source code and/or knowing more on the theory side than I do (which 
wouldn't take much).

The idea is to modify the individual brightness levels monotonically (but 
often not smoothly) to get a flat histogram, which should tend to make 
image details more visible.

This only affects what you see while constructing the panorama.  It does 
not affect the pixels going into the result.

In the current experimental version, it only applies to input images with 
16 bit integer values (not to 8 bit and not to float).  I think it is most 
useful for 16 bit, but has some value for other input types.  Before making 
it non "experimental" I would extend it to all input types.

It currently occurs during the translation from 16 bit to 8 bit (needed to 
get an image that can be displayed in the GUI).  My intent is to affect 
only that GUI display.  But I haven't yet tracked all the possible call 
paths to find/fix any possible other affects.

The setting is per image and currently lasts only during a session.  It 
ought to be saved in the .pto file.  But I want to be surer about what I'm 
doing before messing with the .pto file format.

I put the UI for controlling it in the mask tab, because it is 
significantly more convenient there than elsewhere (try it and that should 
be clear) even though logically it is a property of the image, not the 
masks and it affects CP editing at least as much as mask editing.
[image: eq.JPG]

It has 3 different modes (other than the default choice of Off).
Stable has very little impact on hue or saturation and tries to adjust just 
intensity.  It scales each pixel as a single object (scales g,r,b equally 
within one pixel).  It may clip (decrease saturation, shifting hue) for 
pixels relatively close to white in photos that have very few pixels that 
are really close to white.

Intermediate treats all values independently in one pool.  Its affect on 
saturation and hue depends heavily on the original distribution.  It 
typically distorts hue more than stable does, but that still usually isn't 
very much.

Distorted treats each channel independently.  This usually causes big 
shifts in hue, making the picture look weird.  But it also should give the 
largest improvement in the ability to see details.

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[hugin-ptx] Hugin++ direct reading of ARW (raw) files

2022-06-27 Thread
I made a fork of vigra, plus a tiny change to hugin++ so that hugin++ can 
directly use ARW files rather than first converting them to TIFF.  Very 
little extra would be needed to support other formats supported by libraw.

I strongly dislike the directory clutter of the current hugin method of 
dealing with raw files (convert to tiff and then use the tiff file in the 
hugin project).  I keep hugin projects around a long time while 
experimenting with ways of doing things a little better.  I don't want to 
keep the tiff files.

This hugin++ change is tiny and clean.  It just prioritizes vigra over raw 
conversion for extensions that are in both lists.  If you use the standard 
vigra with hugin++ that change makes zero difference and you don't need 

This hugin++ change only makes a difference if you use my fork of vigra, 
which uses (and requires) libraw.

My changes to vigra are quite ugly.  Apologies in advance to anyone trying 
to build it (but I'll provide whatever support I can and answer any 
questions and *appreciate any suggestions* on doing any of that better).  
My lack of cmake knowledge made that part of the changes (getting the vigra 
build to find/use libraw) especially bad.  The Windows/Mingw64 build is 
working for me, as is the Fedora build.

I'm happy to zip up and share all the required mingw64 binaries if someone 
else wants to test this on windows. There is no .dll compatibility for any 
C++ symbols between visual C++ and mingw64, so you either need 100% visual 
C++ or 100% mingw64.  For visual C++, I could only answer questions, not 
provide any binaries.

At some point I'll learn how the windows hugin binary distribution creation 
process works and post an installer (for the mingw64 binary version) on the 
hugin++ site.  So far no one has asked for that.

For fedora, I think building hugin++ and my fork of vigra from the 
repositories (and getting libraw and all other dependencies the normal way) 
would be easier than getting any binaries from me.  But ask me for help if 
you want to test this and have some problem.

I'm still working on several aspects of this.  I think it is ready for 
other to try.  I don't think it is yet ready for anyone to rely on.  I 
would appreciate any feedback.

Relevant repositories are:
which is my fork of:

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[hugin-ptx] Re: Screenshots: "No or only partial information about field of view"

2022-05-25 Thread

On Wednesday, May 25, 2022 at 9:17:01 AM UTC-4 raywood wrote:

> > Please enter the horizontal field of view (HFOV) or the focal length and 
> crop factor.
> I'm not sure what those values would be.
> What's the best way to use Hugin with screenshots?

A Panorama in the real world represents a curved surface.  The HFOV is 
important in managing that.

You want a panorama of a flat surface.  I don't know if there is a better 
way, but specifying a very small HFOV should eliminate almost all of the 
curvature from the computed surface.

Additionally, you want to stitch a  "mosaic" (the position of the point of 
view changes, rather than the angles), so when you "optimize" (compute 
image relative positions to fit control points) you want to work primarily 
(or maybe entirely) with "translation" X and Y, rather than the yaw and 
pitch that are used for ordinary panoramas.

I never use the Simple interface, so I don't recall how you select optimize 
on just translation X and Y in that interface.  It is quite obvious in the 
expert interface.

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[hugin-ptx] Precise meaning of control point coordinates?

2022-05-15 Thread
Control points coordinates allow fractions of a pixel (1/3 pixel at a time 
when moving via arrow keys.  Even finer detail for "fine tuning" results).

What is the precise meaning of the coordinate relative to the pixel?

Imagine each pixel as a square in a very magnified image.  I would expect 
best behavior if that pixel's integer coordinates represented the center of 
that pixel.  But maybe some code would be simpler if the pixel's exact 
coordinates represented the top left corner of that pixel (its coordinates 
plus 0.5,0.5 would be its center).

I'm pretty sure various parts of of the hugin code are inconsistent with 
each other regarding that decision (following neither of the above rules 
and differently from other sections of the hugin code).

I'm working on some enhancements to hugin++, that I can only code correctly 
if I know the precise answer to this question.  So I looked for it in the 
current code and experimentally in the current behavior and found 
contradictions.  I'd like to know which parts are following the intended 
behavior, vs which are subtle bugs.

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[hugin-ptx] Re: libpano13 patch for missing ExtraSamples TIFF metadata

2022-05-13 Thread

On Friday, May 13, 2022 at 2:37:51 AM UTC-4 wrote:

> I couldn't figure out where libpano13's authoritative source repository 
> is, or how to submit a pull request or equivalent, so I've attached the 
> patch against libpano13 v2.9.21 here.
The project is here:

Under the "mercurial" tab that page links to

That page lets you browse the code and it gives the command for cloning the 
hg clone panotools-libpano13

I don't know how to submit a pull request.  But you asked in the right 
place and I expect the maintainers will either accept the patch you posted 
or give instructions.
If someone silently applies your patch (without replying here) the above 
links will let you see that.

I am one of two maintainers of a fork of libpano13.  I'll wait at least a 
few days for action in the official version and then examine your patch for 
inclusion in the fork.

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Re: [hugin-ptx] Re: HUGIN install

2022-05-08 Thread
I received an email with more info on this failure.  I thought I had the 
right tools to translate the addresses for the official hugin build.  But 
it appears I don't.
I expect someone with a proper windows build environment for hugin can.  
The important part of the XML file seems to be:

"Windows 10 (build 22000), 64-bit edition"


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[hugin-ptx] Re: Compile error while building hugin++

2022-04-19 Thread
When building hugin++ you need to use FastPTOptimizer instead of libpano13.

Your error message doesn't match the error I got when I used the original 
libpano13 for hugin++, but your error is the kind of error I would expect 
for that, so I think that is your problem.

If that is not correct, tell me and I will look into it further.

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[hugin-ptx] Re: Several glitches in the display of CP labels and magnifier

2022-04-17 Thread

On Sunday, April 17, 2022 at 1:03:09 PM UTC-4 Florian Königstein wrote:

> When you will have merged it, I can create new Windows binaries.

In case you (or anyone else) wants to try them, I have Windows binaries.
My build method (MINGW64) is different in the layer (not sure what it is 
properly called) above ABI but below API (of the DLL interface).  So the 
DLLs I build work with the EXEs I build but the DLLs I build don't work 
with the EXE built the way you build and vice versa.  So anyone trying my 
version needs install location my whole set of DLLs and EXEs with location 
and path distinct from the ordinary install of Hugin or Hugin++

I never tried building the installer (I just use all the files where they 
get built).  But I'm sure I can figure out how to build it if you want to 
be able to compare builds or if someone else prefers the MING64 build.

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[hugin-ptx] Re: Several glitches in the display of CP labels and magnifier

2022-04-17 Thread

On Sunday, April 17, 2022 at 10:32:12 AM UTC-4 Florian Königstein wrote:

> At the moment I cannot see when the "jump around" in the old version 
> occurs. What I see (in both versions) is that when scrolling via scrollbar 
> so that a CP gets out of view and then scrolling back FAST, sometimes there 
> are parts of the magnifier left at false positions. It seems that the view 
> in not updated correctly.

I think that means you are using the default branch of hugin++, not the 
"ImproveCPDisplay" branch.
I got busy with non Hugin activities and did not merge my changes into 
default.  The big merge I did to default of Hugin++ (right before getting 
too busy) was a bunch of changes Thomas did.

I did not merge the April 9 changes Thomas did, because two of those are 
badly done mitigations of the problems described in this thread (that were 
fixed well, I think, in my branch).  Thomas's changes do make the problems 
much less likely in normal use, but don't fundamentally fix anything, and 
with a slow CPU (I used my wife's laptop) still have most of the original 

I still hope to find time soon to merge "ImproveCPDisplay" to default.

But both in the old and in your version the label of a CP sometimes seems 
> to overlaps the magnifier.

When there is no way to not overlap, it always will.  But ...

> E.g. move the lower scrollbar left so that the magnifier gets right out of 
> the visible area and then move right again. Then the CP gets visible again, 
> now the label overlapping the magnifier. I hope I really have your latest 
> code version (I'll write you per Mail).

That was fixed in "ImproveCPDisplay".  You probably should wait until after 
I merge, unless you are really curious.

> There is also a more serious bug, Windows only, that I fixed earlier in 
>> the same branch:  With the mouse over the image press and hold shift then 
>> move the mouse (don't press a mouse button).  Both images are supposed to 
>> move with the mouse, and actually do so if very few CPs connect them.  If 
>> many CPs connect them (whether they are in the visible portion or not) then 
>> the images just jump around a bit with little if any net movement.  How 
>> many CPs that takes depends on CPU speed and details of your display, but 
>> it is not likely to take any unreasonably large number.
> I can confirm that scrolling while pressing SHIFT is now much better (not 
> jumping around wildly).

I was misremembering when I typed "same branch". I fixed that earlier in 
default before the branch, so that correction is included whether you get 
the branch or not.

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Re: [hugin-ptx] How to delete masks using command line ?

2022-04-14 Thread

On Thursday, April 14, 2022 at 6:25:53 AM UTC-4 Noveguy wrote:

> Thank Bruno for the tip. Unfortunately, I am using Windows now. But I 
> think I could write some C# code to do that.

There are many different sources for linux tools (with or without including 
and depending on a copy of bash) that you can install on Windows.

I'm guessing your "now" meant you have some previous Linux experience, 
which is even more reason to install some linux tools on Windows.  This 
won't be the last time that you will have a use for grep on windows.

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[hugin-ptx] Several glitches in the display of CP labels and magnifier

2022-04-07 Thread
You might want to jump down to the "TESTING" section below before reading 
all this concept level content:

In a branch of the Hugin++ fork of Hugin, I fixed a bunch of minor bugs 
that Hugin has display of CP labels and magnifier.  After I do some other 
related enhancements and corrections, all that will be merged into the main 
branch of Hugin++, but I doubt it will ever get merged into Hugin.

I'm writing this because of a few questions I'm curious about, including 
whether other Hugin users are bothered by these glitches (which bother me 
enough as a Hugin that I took the time to fix them.  But I'm not a typical 

Also some of the glitches are Windows specific for reasons I understand, 
while many others also occur on my Windows system, but not on my Fedora 
system, but I can't tell whether the difference is due to Windows vs. Linux 
or is due to the obsolete WxWidgets I'm forced to use on Linux (due to an 
obsolete video driver I need for an obsolete display card).  So if someone 
tests any of this on Linux with up-to-date WxWidgets, I'd like to know 
whether those bugs appear.

A big part of the issue is related to a behavior that I decided to 
eliminate, because it would be very hard to get exactly right and because I 
didn't like it anyway:  In Hugin, the positions of CP labels and magnifier 
are adjusted based on the edges of the visible portion of the scrolled 
image.  In my version, those positions are set based only on the edges of 
the whole image.  So a CP that is near the edge of the visible portion but 
not near that edge of the whole image might have its label or even 
magnifier off screen.  I think it is perfectly reasonable and expected for 
those to be off screen:  If the CP's you cared about were that near the 
visible edge without being near the whole image edge, you would have 
scrolled to fix that.  Any opinions on that?

In Hugin, the labels visibly jump around at unexpected moments for non 
obvious reasons because of the many flaws in the code for adjusting based 
on visible region.  So eliminating that feature eliminates that distracting 
behavior.  That was very frequent in Windows and happened, but less, in 
Linux.  But also (maybe Windows only) those jumps interacted with race 
conditions in the use of WxWidgets, so you could have half the label stay 
in one position while the other half jumps to a new position.

In Hugin there was code to avoid having the label overlap the magnifier 
except when you are so close to a corner as to have no choice.  But that 
code was mostly wrong, so the overlap often occurs when the point is close 
to an edge but not close to a corner, so the overlap is unnecessary.  I 
believe my version fixes that (overlaps only when there isa no choice).  
Another part of the same Hugin bug loses the label entirely for a CP very 
near the top left corner of the whole image.  Another part incorrectly 
decides a 3 digit label (more than 100 CPs connecting two images) doesn't 
fit near the top or bottom edge, when actually it does fit.


Select a CP, then use the scroll bars to slide that CP out of view then 
back into view, being careful to keep the mouse on the slidebar and/or 
outside the image window (not over the image).  On Windows, various 
different glitches occur depending on the speed at which you scroll to 
bring it back into view (and also varying based on which of the four edges 
it was temporarily off of).  When you then move the mouse onto the image, 
it redisplays, fixing whatever glitches were visible, but also moving 
labels, which I find annoying.

There is also a more serious bug, Windows only, that I fixed earlier in the 
same branch:  With the mouse over the image press and hold shift then move 
the mouse (don't press a mouse button).  Both images are supposed to move 
with the mouse, and actually do so if very few CPs connect them.  If many 
CPs connect them (whether they are in the visible portion or not) then the 
images just jump around a bit with little if any net movement.  How many 
CPs that takes depends on CPU speed and details of your display, but it is 
not likely to take any unreasonably large number.

If you get and build my branch, it may be interesting to compare (hugin vs. 
my branch) for  the behavior of CPs near the edges and corners of the whole 
image.  That shows lots of subtle wrong behaviors in Hugin that fixed (but 
only bothered to fix because that was related to the more commonly seen 

I can provide Windows binaries of Hugin++, but it is enough effort to 
package those, that I won't do so unless asked.  Providing Fedora binaries 
would be harder and there would be much less point.  Building Hugin++ in 
Fedora from source code should not be difficult (Bruno answered my 
questions, making that easy.  I will "pay that forward" if anyone needs any 
answers for making that easy.  The wiki is obsolete, so you need different 
-dev packages installed than it says, but if you are just a bit 

[hugin-ptx] Re: Building hugin etc. on Windows in MSYS2 mingw64

2022-03-15 Thread

On Monday, March 14, 2022 at 9:17:34 PM UTC-4 wrote:

> Reviewing it, I now understand 
> Actually, I was even more wrong that time.
I'm gradually understanding more about this problem, but still don't know 
the basic cause.

When wxUSE_TASKBARBUTTON is defined as 0, you can't use those classes.
But why that symbol is defined as 0 in msys2/mingw64, I don't understand.

For now, I think the right answer is to test that symbol before using those 

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[hugin-ptx] Re: Building hugin etc. on Windows in MSYS2 mingw64

2022-03-14 Thread
 src/hugin1/hugin/huginApp.cpp:382:5: error: 'wxTaskBarJumpList' was not 
declared in this scope
src/hugin1/ptbatcher/BatchFrame.cpp:1291:9: error: 'wxTaskBarButton' was 
not declared in this scope

I seriously misunderstood the situation when I kludged past the above 
problem earlier.

Reviewing it, I now understand those two hugin files are including the 
wrong variant of taskbarbutton.h
There is one in wx-3.1/wx/  and another in wx-3.1/wx/msw

There are other .h files that similarly have those two variants and for 
those .h files other hugin source files correctly decide to use wx/msw 
instead of wx/ during this build.

I don't yet understand why this isn't a problem for everyone building hugin 
in Windows.  Obviously it is not that common a problem.  But I don't yet 
see a reason that it would be specific to msys2.  I'll research it more 
some other time, unless someone answers this before then.

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[hugin-ptx] Re: libpano13: INLINE problem

2022-03-13 Thread

On Friday, March 11, 2022 at 3:46:32 PM UTC-5 wrote:

> Are the functions float2rgbe and rgbe2float supposed to be exposed to 
> clients of libpano13?  Or are they purely internal?  Currently in Linux (at 
> least the Fedora package and my own builds in Fedora) they are not 
> exposed.  But I don't know if they were meant to be.  In fact they are not 
> even exposed to the rest of libpano13 outside of rgbe.c, despite being 
> declared in rgbe.h as if they were meant to be exposed.
I see that Thomas fixed this problem today in a way that clarifies the 
intent that these two functions are not exposed outside rgbe.c

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[hugin-ptx] libpano13: INLINE problem

2022-03-11 Thread
Due to the way inline works in c in gcc, I got errors building a debug 
build of libpano13 in fedora.

I know several different ways to fix the problem.  But I don't know enough 
about all the ways libpano13 might be built and/or used to have a safe 
opinion on which way is best.

Despite reading many results of google searches and official gcc 
descriptions, I still can't understand the general rules for inline in gcc 
c (which are very different from c++ rules).  But I do understand this 
example of the use of inline and why it is wrong.

Some questions:

Has anyone else built libpano13 debug in Linux?  Did you need to work 
around the problem described below?  If so, how?  If not, do you have an 
idea of why it worked for you and not for me?

Are the functions float2rgbe and rgbe2float supposed to be exposed to 
clients of libpano13?  Or are they purely internal?  Currently in Linux (at 
least the Fedora package and my own builds in Fedora) they are not 
exposed.  But I don't know if they were meant to be.  In fact they are not 
even exposed to the rest of libpano13 outside of rgbe.c, despite being 
declared in rgbe.h as if they were meant to be exposed.

As currently declared/defined they are never instantiated as individual 
functions.  They might be inlined wherever used within rgbe.c or they might 
be undefined.  That is entirely a free choice of the optimizer, except at 
lowest optimization level, where they are necessarily undefined.

My current work around:

I added  __attribute__((always_inline)) to the end of line 41 of 
pt_stdint.h (which is already inside a conditional excluding MSC).
That further entrenches the current behavior that c functions using the 
INLINE macro are not ever usable outside translation units that define 
them, while it fixes the undefines for unoptimized builds.  It forces 
functions defined that way to be inlined even in the debug build.

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Re: [hugin-ptx] Nokia 6.1

2022-03-09 Thread

On Wednesday, March 9, 2022 at 11:17:29 AM UTC-5 wrote:

> Here is my guess as to, “What does calibration offer?”
> I think calibration identifies the corrective factors needed to remove or 
> minimize pincushion/barrel and perspective distortion. 
> I’m guessing that Hugin can produce a better panorama when it can correct 
> each image for these distortions before assembly.

I think the relevant comparison is between correcting those via inclusion 
in optimization vs. correcting them via lens data in the database.  
Comparing against not correcting at all for the lens doesn't answer the 
right question.

I expect optimization is faster if the lens correction is given in advance, 
rather than computed by optimization.

If CP's nearer the corners were automatically generated (rather than 
manually selected) I would expect the lens db method could give better 
results, because the optimization will be finding slightly wrong values for 
lens correction that fit the CPs themselves better than the areas around 
them.  I expect that (for the same reason) using precomputed lens data 
could be worse when the user has selected CPs to improve important features 
of the image.

All that assumes the lens db values are computed with more/and better 
examples than are used for ordinary panoramas.

Again, I am not an expert. These are my best guesses. I hope an expert will 
> answer.

I'm not either.   I haven't actually ever tried setting up a lens db.  I 
always include the lens correction (at least b) in optimization(usually a 
later round of optimization after getting yaw, pitch, roll decently 

So my real point here is on what should be compared to answer the 
question.  My guesses at the impact you would see are based on logic, not 

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Re: [hugin-ptx] Stop enblend from removing result

2022-03-09 Thread

On Wednesday, March 9, 2022 at 7:02:07 AM UTC-5 

> You can remove exzessive overlap by adding a mask that removes part of an 
> image.
> But I wonder if too much overlap should be a warning, not a "error out and 
> delete all the evidence" case...

I'm pretty sure (from use, rather than from understanding the code) that 
excessive overlap is not the actual problem.  That part of the message is 

Reducing overlap by adding masks is one of the things I did, and it did not 
fix the problem.

I'm pretty sure the problem is somehow caused by the jagged edge of the 
panorama from the many corners of original images when you have not cropped 
to remove that.  But sometimes I don't want to crop out that content.

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Re: [hugin-ptx] Re: Common base class for CPImageCtrl and MaskImageCtrl

2022-03-07 Thread

On Monday, March 7, 2022 at 1:13:45 PM UTC-5 wrote:

> If two classes have nothing in common from the implementation side 
> deriving them from the same base class still might have a big advantage: 
> You can make a pointer to an object of that base class and access all the 
> common members without casting them 

In my opinion, that is the opposite of this situation:  I believe the two 
classes have quite a lot in common functionality, some of which has the 
same implementation now (with duplicated code) and other parts should have 
the same implementation.

But (for these two classes) I can't think of any use for a pointer to base 
class.  The owner/client of either object knows which one it is using and 
has no interest in the other, nor in any abstraction covering both.

So on the general topic of inserting common base classes, you have a valid 
point.  But regarding this specific question of adding a common base class, 
common implementation of matching functionality is the only factor.

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[hugin-ptx] Re: Adding zenith shot

2022-03-07 Thread
I don't understand your question and/or your intent.
You have a panorama that has been formed into a reasonable single image by 
some projection.  You want to add an image to fill the hole on top, which I 
expect means that same projection would no longer be reasonable.  I think 
no projection would give desirable results.
That is the reason panorama viewing programs exist, rather than always 
projecting the whole panorama onto a single flat image.

If your intent is to use some panorama viewing program and to use hugin to 
prepare your panorama for use in that program, I'm sure someone here (not 
me) can give you some pointers to existing instructions for doing so.  But 
they probably won't unless you make it clear that is the question you are 
really asking.

If you instead are asking for the magic projection that makes more than 
half of a sphere into a not-terribly-distorted flat image, I don't think it 
exists, especially since you don't want the focus to be on the pole, but 
the pole would be the center of the flattened half+ sphere.

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[hugin-ptx] Create control points button in Photos tab

2022-03-07 Thread
As a user, I'm bothered by a few behaviors of the Create control points 
button in the Photos tab.  Before fixing those in my own copy and/or in the 
fork of hugin that I am working on, I'd like to get some opinions on:

Why it does what it currently does.
Why that might be the way other users prefer it to work.
Have I misunderstood what it currently is doing.

All this relates to the (maybe nonstandard) work flow of adding more images 
after you have already put effort into fixing CPs connecting existing 

*1)* If you have only one image selected and the Settings is Vertical lines, 
then you get the expected behavior (lines within just that image).  But if 
the Settings is not Vertical lines, you get the surprising behavior that 
your selection of one image is ignored and you get more CPs connecting 
everything to everything.

It would be great to have a way to make it try to connect one new image to 
every old image, without trying to further connect any old images to each 
other.  That is the behavior one would expect for this point in the UI.  If 
there is some other good way to accomplish that, please correct my 
misunderstanding.  But I still think that is what would be expected here.

The lower level code called from that point in the UI is structured to make 
the behavior I want harder to invoke than you might expect.  But not so 
hard that this should be the reason not to do it.

*2)* I've tested behavior, not code, so maybe I misunderstood, but the 
setting limiting CPs connecting two images seem to apply per run of the 
code to add CPs, so multiple runs pile up more and more CPs.  That is 
counter intuitive.  I think more should not be added (by the automatic CP 
finder) when there are already the desired number.

*3)* It is happy to add exact duplicate CPs.  I think it should not do that.

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[hugin-ptx] Re: FillSky February update

2022-03-05 Thread

On Friday, February 11, 2022 at 8:07:30 PM UTC-5 wrote:

> I would greatly appreciate reports on compilation problems.  I have NOT 
> worked with the CMake files, I've only updated my local Makefile.

It compiled fine for me (using the CMake changes Thomas gave you) on 
Windows MSYS / mingw64 , which is a very different environment from the 
tools Thomas uses for Windows.

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[hugin-ptx] Building hugin etc. on Windows in MSYS2 mingw64

2022-03-05 Thread
I just finished building a fork of hugin and a fork of libpano13 and 
unmodified enblend on Windows using MSYS2 / mingw64

I tested barely more than opening an existing project, so there is a good 
chance some operations won't work because of errors I made in building.

I ran into a massive string of problems.  The non trivial ones and how I 
kludged around each are described below.  I'd really appreciate some 
information on how I might have solved or avoided any or all of these 
problems more cleanly (other than telling me not to use mingw64).

If some or all of these don't have great answers, I hope my description 
will help anyone else who wants to build hugin this way.  I was working 
with a fork of hugin and libpano1, but I'm nearly certain that nothing that 
went wrong nor any of my kludges would be different if this was not a fork. 

First I got MSYS2

Then I used lots of pacman commands to install lots of packages I expected 
to need.  I didn't make a good list.  But it is pretty obvious what is 
missing when you try CMake and pretty easy to find the name and install the 
package with pacman.  You can't get hugin itself or panotool13 or enblend 
that way.  But I wanted to build those myself anyway.  I think building 
libpano13 is necessary.  No pre-built binaries are compatible.  But I'm 
pretty sure you could use pre-built binaries instead of building enblend.  
I followed online advice to use ninja instead of make.  I don't think that 
caused any of these problems.

*Lots of problems were in wxWidgets. * Online discussion of the first 
wxWidgets problem (described below) gave the opinion that the MSYS mingw64 
package for wxWidgets puts things in the wrong place.  I'm not an expert, 
but that seems wrong to me and I think instead CMake looks in the wrong 
place.  The online suggestion for that was rebuild wxWidgets correctly.  
For most of the other wxWidgets problems, I think the MSYS package for 
wxWidgets *is *at fault and rebuilding it would be best.  I never found 
online info of those problems.  I kludged things to live with the bad 
wxWidgets rather than sidetrack into building a good one.

cmake can't find wxWidgets
I followed the instructions here.  The line numbers there are obsolete. 
 But correct places are easy to find by searching for MSYS

even after it find wxWidgets
CMake Error at src/hugin1/CMakeLists.txt:27 (MESSAGE):
It is looking for a manifest that I think it should not need and which 
certainly is not provided by the wxWidgets package.  I gave it a different 
version of the manifest.  Like almost all my kludges, I edited a line in 
CMakeCache.txt and then reran CMake:

It still can't find other parts of wxWidgets
A large fraction of the things it can't find are in the correct place for 
MSYS mingw64 which is /msys64/mingw64/bin
CMake find functions seem to have lots of built in knowledge of MSYS 
mingw64, but it doesn't seem to work.  If there was a good way to tell it 
that things are generally in /msys64/mingw64/binI'd like to know that.  I 
had to individually tell it each thing

/include/vigra/separableconvolution.hxx:1413:13: error: ISO C++17 does not 
allow dynamic exception specifications
 1413 | throw(PreconditionViolation)

My understanding of this error is that the vigra package in MSYS is too old 
and a newer copy would be better.  So adding that to the set of things I 
build myself would be cleaner.  BUT instead, I noticed that is fixed in two 
.hxx files
In the newer vigra *and *I noticed that the change to those two files would 
not impact the binaries.  It would be wrong to copy all the .hxx files from 
the newer version without rebuilding the binaries.  But copying those two 
without rebuilding is safe.

-- Could not find OPTIONAL package OPENEXR
-- Found OPENEXR: 
I never understood that one and I never fixed it, even when I fixed the 
later OPENEXR problem.  I have never understood any of the common cases in 
trying to use CMake on windows where the message that it found something is 
right next to the message that it could not.  Can anyone tell me what part 
of hugin won't work as a result of this optional item missing?  Also what 
is the actual thing that is missing?

CMake Error at CMakeModules/win_bundle.cmake:107 (MESSAGE):
  OpenEXR dlls not found in search path

That was hard to diagnose and I'm not sure I diagnosed/fixed it correctly.  
If I diagnosed it correctly, that cmake file thinks things are part of 

[hugin-ptx] Performance testing Hugin

2022-03-05 Thread
I would appreciate some suggestions on what operations in Hugin are slow *and 
*likely to be significantly affected by the quality of code generated by 
the compiler.

Most slow operations in image processing are dominated by cache misses, so 
the compilation quality makes no actual difference.  So I'm asking about 
the likely exceptions to that.

I think I have nearly succeeded in building (a fork of) Hugin (and 
libpano13 and enblend) in MSYS2 in Windows.  I will start another thread on 
that subject soon, since I have lots of questions about the problems 
encountered, but (unless someone tells me what basic mistake I made to make 
it all difficult) I also have a bunch of work arounds for problems that 
others would want when attempting the same.

IIUC, the official windows version of Hugin uses the free version of VC19 
(correct me if I'm wrong).  My past experience with other projects was that 
the VC19 free version produced much worse code than the paid version, while 
mingw64 (which is free) produces about the same quality code as the paid 
version of VC19, and when key inner loops can be identified, optimizer 
hints are effective at improving mingw64 vs VC19 which rarely make 
meaningful use of optimizer hints.

Assuming I succeed in that build, I'd like to find out whether it actually 
makes performance better or worse or no difference.  But I don't want to 
focus on the common case of "no difference" due to operations being 
dominated by cache misses.  I understand for most users the "no difference" 
cases will be what matters, because they don't care about why it is no 
difference.  But I am still curious to know what the difference is for 
operations in which there should be a difference.

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Re: [hugin-ptx] Re: Is FillSky an appropriate tool for fixing ...

2022-03-05 Thread

On Saturday, March 5, 2022 at 11:01:24 AM UTC-5 wrote:

> Hopefully you can see those files.

Not yet.  I clicked on the "request access" button.

>I retract my advice to use darktable's retouch tool -- there is a lot 
> of sensor dust.

You are right.  I thought I had used masks and the overlap between images 
to get rid of most of that.  But I did something wrong and lots ended up in 
the panorama.

> I used the full sky replacement option (-fsr), which basically examines 
> every pixel in the detected sky and assigns a probability that the pixel 
> should be considered true sky.  If the probability is large enough it will 
> be overwritten -- so magically all the sensor dust disappears.   That one 
> spot near the horizon on the right where there is a black mask leaves some 
> artifacts, because of some feathering at the edge of the mask where pixels 
> were not completely black.

I still haven't found time to figure out where the black came from or where 
the feathering of the black came from.  None of that was in the original 
images.  That should have been just another gap in the final image.

> I will better document the -fsr option in the next tutorial for skyfill.

Does it replace all of the sky that was already good?  Or does it detect 
what should be sky but isn't? 


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[hugin-ptx] Is FillSky an appropriate tool for fixing ...

2022-03-04 Thread
I have many small isolated gaps in the sky of my photos from my recent 
vacation.  That is a bit different from the example use of FillSky.

Given how many different things I'm trying to learn to use at once now, I'd 
appreciate knowing whether FillSky is the right tool before I take time to 
figure out how to use it.  (At a quick first look, it was not obvious to me 
how to use it).

I got dirt on the sensor of my camera at the start of my vacation (I'm not 
used to this type of camera) and the air bulb I had could not blow the dirt 
off and I didn't have a cleaning kit.  So all my photos have dirt spots.

I can mask out the dirt spots where the matter and in non-sky areas of 
panoramas there is typically overlap with the photo above that can replace 
the masked out bit.  But for sky sections (where the dirt is most visible) 
there is no photo above.  So the mask leaves a gap in the final panorama.

Does FillSky automatically find and fill gaps in the sky?  Or can it easily 
be told to?  Or is it just for sky gaps created by a ragged top to the 
whole panorama?

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Re: [hugin-ptx] where make install puts things

2022-03-03 Thread

On Thursday, March 3, 2022 at 3:11:34 PM UTC-5 wrote:

> The libpano13-devel rpm package only exists for you to compile and link to 
> the libpano13 rpm package in /usr. Just uninstall it and your Hugin build 
> will pick up your forked libpano13 headers in /usr/local/include

Thanks.  I asked for the "right" way to do this.  Your answer sounds like 
that.  I haven't tested your answer and it doesn't really fit what I'm 
trying to do.  But it does help me understand how things fit together.  I 
want to build both the fork and non fork version of hugin, so I should be 
using both versions of libpano13.

The kludge that worked was:

I repaired the install of the non fork version:
*sudo dnf reinstall libpano13-devel*

I edited  *CMakeCache.txt* in my build directory for the fork of libpano13 
so that it would install entirely disjoint from the *-devel *package 
(rather than partially overlapped).  I changed

I reran:
*cmake /media/windows/repository_for_pano_fork*
*make -j32*
*sudo make install*

Then I switched to the build directory for the hugin fork and edited its 
*CMakeCache.txt*, finding all (5) places that referenced *pano13* (case 
insensitive) and in each changed */usr* to */ELSEWHERE*
Then reran
*cmake /media/windows/repository_for_hugin_fork*
*make -j32*

(I did not install it)
That is clearly a kludge.  But it works and it is what I understand enough 
to do.

> You may also need to set LD_LIBRARY_PATH for your forked Hugin to use this 
> library at runtime.
> I have forgotten what I long ago understood about when an executable keeps 
the reference to the .so file it was linked against vs. when it searches 
again for that .so at load time.  If I ever make a package for the fork of 
hugin, I'll need to understand that stuff.  But I do remember how to use* 
ldd*.  The hugin executable works without LD_LIBRARY_PATH, because it is 
tied to the location of the .so file that it was linked against * 

I also needed the usual adjustment to the XRC location in order to be able 
to run this hugin without installing it.

More testing required.  But so far, that seems like all I needed to do to 
connect the fork of libpano13 to the fork of hugin without overwriting 
anything needed by the non fork version of hugin.

Red parts are not literally the names I used, but communicate the idea 
better than the actual names.  The rest (including the fact that my source 
code is in repositories on a windows system) is literal.

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[hugin-ptx] Re: where make install puts things

2022-03-03 Thread

On Thursday, March 3, 2022 at 1:42:25 PM UTC-5 Florian Königstein wrote:

> I have limited knowledge in Linux, so I cannot say much about that.
> Did you take fastPTOptimizer from

> or from the Mercurial repository that I have just generated by forking the 
> current version of libpano13 and merging my changes into it ?

In SourceTree on Windows, I cloned that repository into a directory on a 
share exported by that Windows system.
On Fedora, I created a build directory (outside that windows share) and in 
the build directory ran CMake giving it only the path to the source code in 
the Windows share (no other options).  Then:
make -j32
sudo make install

When taking a snapshot from the Mercurial repo, it should install in the 
> same directory as libpano13 since I didn't change the directories in the 
> CMakeLists.txt file.

Right.  I asked here, rather than just asking you, because I am confident 
the issue is not specific to anything you did.  It is something I failed to 
do, which would be equally required if I had built libpano13 from source 
code rather than installing the official Fedora package.

> Maybe there's a way in the Linux build system to build it only in the 
> directory where the source code has been unzipped (no install in /usr/... ).
> Then you could have separate places for the build files for 
> fastPTOptimizer and libpano13.

I get that if I simply make without make install.   The hard part is 
whether/how the build of hugin can find/use the build of (the fork of) 
libpano13 if it is not installed.

> If you run the GUI for CMake, you can manually enter the paths where the 
> libraries are if CMake doesn't find it automatically or finds it in a wrong 
> place.
I haven't figured out how to run that GUI on Linux (or even if it is 
possible).  Using that GUI on Windows, I specified where to find things 
when trying to build Hugin and its dependencies and never figured out how 
to accomplish anything that way.  Editing the CMakeCache.txt file was the 
only way I ever was able to influence where CMake found things on Windows 
when building dependencies of hugin.  For hugin itself, that method did not 
work, and I never got CMake to find things.

Editing that file on Fedora is on my TODO list for kludging past this 
problem.  But I'm working on many projects at once and did not get to 
trying that yet.  I'd rather know the "right" way.

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[hugin-ptx] where make install puts things

2022-03-03 Thread
I am building a fork of hugin

That requires a fork of libpano13

I don't think my issues are specific to those forks.  Likely this is just 
my ignorance regarding CMake.

Are there options I should have used with CMake to get things to go to the 
right place?  Or is the place they went "right" and I should have done 
something different with the other CMake to find things in that place.

When I did a *make install* on the fork of libpano13, it put files in 
But the Fedora package for libpano13-devel puts those files in /usr/lib64
The build for the fork of hugin finds the files where libpano13-devel put 

I would like to know the generally correct way to have make install put 
things in the right place.

But I would also like to know how to keep such things more separated:
Can the build for hugin be made to find the fork of libpano13 where that 
was built (so I don't install that at all)?  If not, can I install it 
elsewhere so it is entirely non overlapping with the fedora 
libpano13-devel, and get the build of the fork of hugin to use that?  
(currently most files of the make install go to the same places as  
libpano13-develputs them, but some go to different places). 

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[hugin-ptx] Common base class for CPImageCtrl and MaskImageCtrl

2022-03-01 Thread
Thomas, is there any way that I could code/commit creation of a common base 
class for CPImageCtrl and MaskImageCtrl that you would consider acceptable 
to be merged to the default branch?

I think it would improve the maintainability of that code.  I think it 
would also give me a clearer way to do or redo some other changes that I 
hope can be merged in.  For me, it would also make it easier to maintain my 
private enhancements with less effort for me to merge your future changes 
into my version.

I assume creation of this base class should be started on a new branch (not 
on the branch with my previous code that you don't like).  I expect you 
want a first commit that just makes a common base class with no more than 
the minimum contents (meaning with less contents than provides any 
justification for having the class).  Then individual commits per function 
to replace common functionality that exists in the two classes with a 
single version the new base class.

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[hugin-ptx] File format for mixed resolution?

2022-02-25 Thread
Is there a file format that is better than ordinary formats for the result 
of combining photos with different resolutions?

I want to combine two photos, where one is a higher resolution image of the 
most interesting feature in another.  When viewing on a computer, I want to 
be able to zoom in to the interesting feature and see full detail or zoom 
out and see full context.

The obvious general approach would over sample the wide photo up to the 
resolution of the narrow photo, then combine them with a mask to force all 
but the edges of the inner photo to be used unblended.  That result would 
have far more pixels than it actually has content, but should be 
compressible to eliminate most of that waste.  Then a fairly fast computer 
with large ram could decompress it for viewing.

But is there a better way?  A format that more directly supports multiple 
resolutions?  Or a container file for multiple photos and a viewer that 
combines them on the fly.  I assume they would be pre-warped for better 
alignment and have an alpha channel for on the fly blending, but the 
resolution difference would be dealt with on the fly, up or (most often) 
down sampling each separately to the display resolution.

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[hugin-ptx] Stop enblend from removing result

2022-02-25 Thread
How do I stop enblend from removing the result?

The message in the log is:

enblend: warning: some images are redundant and will not be blended
enblend: note: usually this means that at least one of the images
enblend: note: does not belong to the set
enblend: encountered degenerate image/mask geometry; too high risk of 
defective seam line
enblend: info: remove invalid output image "DSC00228 - DSC00264.tif"

"redundant" is likely correct.  I expect there are one or two in there that 
are each 100% covered by some collection of other images.  I'm pretty sure 
there is not any image that "does not belong" in the sense I would expect 
that to mean.

One of the times this happened, I was able to open and view the result 
image before it was deleted and it was what I was aiming for.  Even if it 
hadn't been, I'd need it to get some clue what was wrong.  When I viewed 
it, I could have saved a copy but didn't realize I needed to.  Most times I 
don't get a chance in the moment in which that file exists.

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Re: [hugin-ptx] Memory saving and performance issues in control point editor

2022-02-22 Thread

On Tuesday, February 22, 2022 at 11:13:34 AM UTC-5 T. Modes wrote:

> For the synchronized scrolling the images need some overlap. If the 
> overlap is too small it does not work so good, but for a normal overlap it 
> works here.
> I tested with about 30% full image overlap on Windows and about 50% on 
Linux.  In both cases, I brought the same control point to the center of 
each subwindow, with significant room for either to be scrolled in any 
direction.  So there were no special boundary cases involved, and 100% 
overlap of the displayed portions of the images.

When I get back from vacation I'll look at that bit of code and that may 
help guide my further testing to understand why it hasn't worked for me.

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[hugin-ptx] Re: Stitcher parameters affect Optimizer result?

2022-02-21 Thread

On Monday, February 21, 2022 at 7:50:20 PM UTC-5 wrote:

> Okay, I just did that test.  I have a different explanation -- the output 
> results from the optimization report errors relative to the output 
> horizontal field of view.   I took a pto file, ran the optimization (but 
> did not save the results).   The max error was 3.023, then I made a copy of 
> the pto file, and multiplied the output horz fov by 3, and the optimization 
> max error becomes 9.069 -- exactly different by the factor of 3.   So the 
> optimization itself got to the same result, it's just the scale of reported 
> result changed because of the value of the output horz fov.
> Thanks for doing that test.  That seems to be most of my answer:  The 
initial report of the error in my example was so unrealistically low 
because in the normal work flow you compute the alignment before knowing 
the correct output field of view, so it gets reported based on a default 
field of view.

But, in my comparison, the optimization result also changed, not just the 
scaling of the report of the result.  So I expect the other Stitcher 
parameters also impact the Optimizer.

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[hugin-ptx] Re: Stitcher parameters affect Optimizer result?

2022-02-21 Thread

On Monday, February 21, 2022 at 6:26:54 PM UTC-5 wrote:

> In addition to the output size being different, the horizontal field of 
> view is different -- for a.pto it is 360.  For b.pto, it is 71.  That is 
> probably making a big difference in the final optimized minimum.
> I know that you mean the Stitcher parameter, output horizontal field of 
view, rather than the optimizer parameter lens Hfov (Horizontal field of 
view), but I thought that needed to be explicitly said to avoid confusing 
others reading this.

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Re: [hugin-ptx] Memory saving and performance issues in control point editor

2022-02-21 Thread
I should have repeated my earlier statement that my committed code should 
only be tested with non-float images.  It has a serious performance flaw 
for float images.  That should be easy to correct, but I expected you to 
have a strong opinion on where/how that should be corrected, and I thought 
resolving any issues with non-float images should happen first.  But if you 
were testing with a float image, that would explain part of why your 
results were so different from my results.

I haven't seen the synchonized scrolling ever work, which makes it hard for 
me to diagnose why my code might have broken it.

My Windows system has an unmodified (downloaded from the web page) binary 
for Hugin and has great hardware.  Attempts at synchronized scrolling make 
both images jump around, but neither gets very far in the direction the 
mouse moves.
My Linux system has an old display card with a flawed display driver, so 
initially I thought that might be the reason synchronized scrolling doesn't 
work.  It fails the same between my version and the build from default, 
though not the same as on my Windows system.

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[hugin-ptx] Stitcher parameters affect Optimizer result?

2022-02-21 Thread
If I missed something in the documentation related to this, I'd appreciate 
being told where that is.

How do the Stitcher parameter values modify the action of the Optimizer?

In experimenting with how well certain actions made a project fit, I was 
confused over what seemed to be wildly inconsistent results when I thought 
I had repeated the same test.  By comparing .pto files I found out which 
step was different.  But that leaves me not understanding why that step has 
this effect.

So far as I understand, the difference between a.pto and b.pto (both 
attached) is just values set on the Stitcher tab.  But the optimize results 
are slightly different and the report from optimize very different.
[image: a-result.png]
[image: b-result.png]
The first is quite misleading because stitching shows the fit is pretty 
good, but not nearly as good as reported.  The actual fit seems to be a bit 
better in the second where the optimize result is reported as terrible.

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Description: application/ptoptimizer-script

Description: application/ptoptimizer-script

Re: [hugin-ptx] Re: Vertical Hugin Panorama of Building has Discontinuity on sides

2022-02-21 Thread

On Monday, February 21, 2022 at 5:52:13 AM UTC-5 wrote:

> The XYZ Translation parameters are initially hidden as they are not needed 
> for normal usage, they are made available by selecting Menu -> Interface -> 
> Expert.
> That is one of the reasons I think only the "Expert" interface is usable.

I understand the concept that the alignment doesn't need to be great:  The 
blending tools can cover up for poor alignment.  But I've never seen that 
work for any of my panoramas.  I have sometimes used detailed masks to 
cover up for poor alignment.  But otherwise, poor alignment gives a 
terrible result.

I understand that correct use of a tripod with a nodal slide can give you a 
collection of photos in which there is zero Translation.  But I haven't 
managed that yet, even with careful adjustment of my nodal slide.  I also 
understand that this issue is much less significant for panoramas in which 
the subject is very far away from the camera (500 meters or more).  But I 
think the more common case for ordinary photographers has enough 
translation to require those in the optimization.

As for the lens, I noticed the slight barrel shape of the parallel vertical 
lines in the original two photos of this thread.  I don't know whether to 
consider that a lens characteristic different from the default 
"rectilinear":  The part of such parallel lines that are perpendicular to 
the point of view are wider apart in viewing angle, and the viewing angle 
between the lines goes down with the distance from that perpendicular.  But 
those two photos both had the camera pointing up relative to the face of 
the building.  The perpendicular point is at the bottom of the lower 
picture.  So the visible slight bulge in parallel vertical lines looks to 
me like it is closer to the vertical center of the image, which would 
definitely be a lens characteristic, as opposed to representing the actual 
point of widest viewing angle between the lines (which I don't know whether 
that would also be a lens characteristic different from "rectilinear").

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[hugin-ptx] Re: Vertical Hugin Panorama of Building has Discontinuity on sides

2022-02-20 Thread

On Sunday, February 20, 2022 at 4:52:32 PM UTC-5 scott092707 wrote:

> New problem:
> I have a two-photo vertical panorama of a building (with a neat bunch of 
> sculptures at the top), and despite indicating the entire sides of the 
> buildings in each photo of the same lines - bottom to top - the building 
> suddenly becomes wider  on each side.

The answer you seem to need is the same as last time:  You need to optimize 
with additional parameters.  The discontinuities go away with a better 
fit.  The pop up after each optimize attempt tells you a lot about how well 
it did.

I only tried a few combinations and found the two extra parameters that 
make the most difference.  I didn't test whether adding just those two to 
the basic yaw, pitch and roll would be enough.  These and a few others were 
definitely enough and the following two were most of the improvement.

The lens b parameter:  I think I understand why, but I'm not sure enough to 
post that where others here understand that better.

The translation y parameter:  When you changed the pitch (upward angle) 
between photos, you did not rotate on exactly the perfect axis for your 
lens, so in effect you changed the vertical position of the camera in 
addition to the vertical angle.  As long as the important parts of the 
subjects where they cross the boundary are all the same distance away, that 
deviation from perfect picture taking is fixed by optimizing the 
translation y.

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Re: [hugin-ptx] Memory saving and performance issues in control point editor

2022-02-20 Thread

On Sunday, February 20, 2022 at 10:55:26 AM UTC-5 T. Modes wrote:

> I asked you several times not to mix up several things in one commit. You 
> still mixed up several unrelated code changes in one changeset. (Yes, they 
> have both the same target. But the code changes are totally unrelated. And 
> the commit message say nothing if somebody looks later in the history.)

I don't see how it is "several" unrelated changes.  There is the minor 
change (that in hindsight I should not have done, because it was separable 
and because you made the same change between when I tested and when I 
committed and I failed to notice that when committing).  But all the rest 
is one unit and I can't see how it could be split.  I also can't think of 
what a better commit message might be.

> Yes, it builds and the memory consumptions is reduced. But at the same 
> time the CPU usage increased significant. When scrolling a single image the 
> CPU usage increases on my system to nearly 100 %!
> And the synchronized scrolling of both images is broken - in the default 
> branch it takes 3-4 % CPU for a single image scrolling and 6-7 % for the 
> synchronized scrolling.

My system was always cpu bound when scrolling that window (not reported as 
100% because it isn't multi-threaded enough to report as 100%) and my 
version is faster on my system.  I have tried to guess how it might behave 
on other systems, but apparently something is happening on your system that 
I didn't predict.  How many cores does your CPU have and what tool did you 
use to measure that 100%?

I will investigate the issue with synchronized scrolling.

There are a number of different ways to compromise the change for 
potentially better CPU performance and worse (but still better than 
original) memory use.  But I would need better feedback.

It is also possible to get another large performance increase by mixing the 
scaling into the subimage extraction, rather than using the slower more 
general version in wxImage.

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Re: [hugin-ptx] Memory saving and performance issues in control point editor

2022-02-19 Thread
I pushed the change discussed here to my branch.

Hopefully someone else will try building and testing it.

With this change, higher zoom level no longer affects memory use:  All 
levels other than 100% and "fit" have the same memory use as each other, 
and that memory use is lower than any of them had before.  (100% and "fit" 
are no worse than before and might be better).  I hope this can eliminate 
the objection to providing 400% and 800% zoom choices (which were already 
in this branch).  With a large high res display, I depend on the higher 

I didn't find time for most of the pre-commit testing I hoped to do.  I did 
do the simple version of reducing cpu time used by creating the magnifier 
subimage.  I did test enough that I think it is appropriate for others to 

With a reasonable test sequence, I compared my branch against a build of 
the Feb-17 default branch.  I compared at 150% so both would have a 
magnifier displayed.  Mine was a tiny bit more responsive and used 15% less 
total CPU time (to open an existing project, switch to 150%, and review 
every CP without changing any).

There should be a common base class for CPImageCtrl and MaskImageCtrl.  The 
areas I changed would fit better there than they do in CPImageCtrl itself.  
Some might fit better in some util file.  I wouldn't ask permission to 
merge any of this to default without first resolving that decision.  But 
that only needs discussion if there is a possibility of such permission.

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[hugin-ptx] Re: idea: limit the amplitude of variation of a free value

2022-02-19 Thread
Other than field of view, what parameters are able to produce wrong results 
that have lower total error than any correct result?

If I understand correctly, that is the major reason for wanting limits.  
But in case I've misunderstood:
In many other optimization problems hard limits are used to speed up 
optimization and/or keep it out of non convergence areas (where derivative 
based optimization sees a wrong direction and/or the error function might 
be NaN) even though those bad areas hold no false solutions.  Is that also 
a significant issue in hugin?

I still think a more stable objective function is a better idea than limits 
for solving the basic problem.  But for discussing the value limits might 
have, I'd like to understand what aspect (if any) is general across many 
parameters, vs. what is specific to field of view.

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Re: [hugin-ptx] Memory saving and performance issues in control point editor

2022-02-17 Thread

On Thursday, February 17, 2022 at 1:23:54 PM UTC-5 

> I don't know if that is the case here. But if the GUI feels sluggish one 
> typical reason is that you try to update the display for every single mouse 
> event you get sent (which means that if you draw slightly slower than your 
> 19200dpi-7ms-latency-mouse sends data you start to fall behind with work 
> and soon start lagging by a noticable amount). The way to counteract it is 
> to update the display only when you get sent an "idle" event: 

At least on my system, we aren't talking about anywhere near the speed 
implied by your speculation.  This isn't a video game.

I assume wxWidgets is dealing with the issue of getting behind by not even 
calling the onDraw method while previous onDraw calls haven't finished.  
The results are lagging because a single update takes much too long, not 
because of any accumulation  of failure to keep up.

I haven't looked at the lower levels (gtk and x11) where most of the 
performance problem is, because from above wxWidgets I don't have any 
meaningful control over the way wxWidgets calls lower levels.  I certainly 
don't want to expand this effort into modifying wxWidgets.  It is also 
likely (and a big part of my reason for this thread) that the giant problem 
in lower levels doesn't act that way for most hugin users.  By contrast, 
the performance problem in the use of vigra to create the magnifier almost 
certainly does exist for anyone using the magnifier.  It might not make 
overall performance bad enough to be perceived as a problem, but I'm 
confident fixing it would have a noticeable effect for most users.

For my own use, the sluggish scrolling doesn't bother me much (as compared 
to the other things I fixed or enhanced).  But for some of my other changes 
to have a chance of being accepted, I expect the memory savings is needed 
and then that needs to be done in a way that across almost all use makes 
hugin more responsive, not less.  In the current rough version, there are 
probably more use cases in which the basic memory savings change makes it 
less responsive, even though there are also use cases in which this change 
already makes it more responsive.

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[hugin-ptx] Memory saving and performance issues in control point editor

2022-02-17 Thread
I recently rewrote my local change for saving memory in the CP editor, to 
make it more suitable for committing on the branch with my other changes.

I ran into a bunch of performance side issues (yes, it saves memory, but 
the savings vs. cost in cpu time are a much trickier topic).

I have only one test environment and it is unusual, so I'm hoping for some 
feedback after I commit the changes on how this affects performance for 
others.  But while I'm still doing some final cleanups pre-commit, it would 
be great to get some opinions on which simple extra tweaks sound like they 
would be effective for other environments.

The basic change is: I wrote an efficient method for extracting and 
rotating a subimage from a wxImage, which allowed me to replace work on the 
whole image when zooming with work on just the visible portion when it is 
drawn.  That results in a big memory saving and a complicated performance 

If you scroll around enough, then eventually the added cpu time would 
exceed the saved cpu time.  But for an interactive application, that 
typically doesn't matter, because the extra cpu time is distributed across 
user actions.

But a user expects scrolling to be much less sluggish than zooming, which 
demands more attention on the draw speed.

In my own environment (a giant high res display and an ancient graphics 
card) scrolling the image was painfully slow in my default-branch build and 
a bit slower in my version.  As I relearned linux performance tools  (which 
I had not used since over a decade ago), it took me a while to realize two 
1) Almost all the sluggishness is CPU time spent in the XORG process that 
is independent of my change.
2) Of the CPU time within the Hugin process, almost all is creation of the 
magnifier image.  That ought to be such a small thing, that I initially 
paid no attention to the fact that it wasn't happening at all in the 200% 
zoom in default branch that I was comparing to my branch.  Recomparing at 
150%, just so both had a magnifier, the performance difference in scrolling 
is too tiny to feel (but that could change in another environment).

I don't understand the intent of the magnifier current code.  I haven't yet 
learned vigra well enough to really follow the code.  For my own use, it 
would be easier to just call the same extract and rotate function I use for 
the whole visible portion.  But that would conflict with ever merging my 
code with Thomas's change to warp the magnifier.

Simply saving the magnifier result and only computing it when it changes 
would eliminate most of its contribution to sluggish scrolling.  Maybe I 
should do that before committing the change.

Scaling of the visible portion each time that changes is the biggest 
performance wild card in my change.  My faster, but messier, original 
version mixed that into the efficient extract and rotate code I wrote.  
Since we support just a few scaling values and each is a rational number 
made from small integers, it is practical to have that execute far faster 
than the more general function in wxImage.  I never bothered to support .75 
and 1.5 in my private copy because I never use them.  That and other needed 
cleanups prevent my committing that speedup for at least weeks.  On my AMD 
5800X, the wxImage version is good enough for use even within the draw 
method.  But on other CPUs, especially those with less cache, I'm less sure.

There is also a giant performance flaw for float images, which would be 
easy and clean to fix in the image cache code vs. easy and ugly to fix in 
the control point code.  So I haven't yet done either.

On my system, all these performance changes are just tiny changes in a 
basically bad situation, because none of them affect the massive CPU time 
in the XORG process.  So I'm barely better than guessing at what will 
matter to others with better graphics cards.

In some environments, the whole rotate problem and likely the whole scaling 
problem can be passed all the way down to the graphics card, making this 
all really smooth.  These changes make those changes easier and I'm trying 
to keep those future changes in mind as I code.  But I can't test anything 
like that on my linux system and I still can't even build on my Windows 

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[hugin-ptx] Re: idea: limit the amplitude of variation of a free value

2022-02-13 Thread
I think that problem is important and ought to get some attention and can 
be solved.

But I think your suggested solution would not be effective.  Either the 
user would need to know enough in setting the limits that they might as 
well just set the value and not optimize the variable, or automatically set 
limits would do more harm than good in other cases.

Based entirely on use, without yet even looking at the relevant part of the 
code, I'm guessing both sources of a control point are projected into their 
theoretical positions and compared there.  That approach would be 
inherently unstable and lead to finding wrong solutions that have lower 
"error" than the right solution.  That fits the observed behavior, thus my 

Projecting one point to its theoretical position and then back to the other 
image (and computing the error there) would be inherently much more 
stable.  But given varying zoom level across the input, that could 
inappropriately weight control points.  Effective zoom level could vary 
within an image due to the original lens distortion as well as varying 
original zoom in the images.  But my guess is that the weight problem could 
be solved more easily than other approaches to fixing the original problem.

I might be 100% wrong about all of this.  I hope to find time to look at 
that part of the code and really understand why optimize is so likely to 
find wrong answers.  But in working on many other optimize problems in many 
other domains, my experience tells me that stricter limits are likely to be 
a bad cover up for a problem that needs to be fixed elsewhere.

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Re: [hugin-ptx] Vertical panorama exposure issue

2022-02-11 Thread

On Friday, February 11, 2022 at 3:24:32 PM UTC-5 dkloi wrote:

> If provide the raw files, maybe we could give it a shot. Are you able to 
> show what you are getting?

Thanks for the offer.  But this time I'd rather not share the photos (and 
they were not raw, they were from my cell phone, which has a much worse 
camera then most cell phones).

I hope on my vacation (which will be later this month) to be using my new 
camera and mostly with a 105mm lens shooting mostly scenes that ought to be 
much wider, and so will need hugin when I get home (and those will be 
raw).  I expect some of those will be better examples with which to ask for 

In high contrast situations, I will use exposure blending with enfuse and 
> this gives quite natural looking results.
> I don't yet have a good understanding of what enfuse and enblend are 
doing  nor how to use their options.  I will gradually be learning that.  
But this panorama has large continuous areas of high contrast detail that 
need to be split by seams.  I think I understand the concept of a program 
identifying higher contrast areas and forcing the seams to not be there.  
But I can't see how that could work in this example and I haven't yet 
gotten it to work in examples where I think it ought to.

This one needed avoiding exposure correction, so I chose "Exposure fused 
from any arrangement" (possibly due to not really understanding the 
choices).  But I don't have stacks and the panorama would be wrecked by any 
exposure correction that I've seen in action.  Many upper parts of the 
image need to end up darker than many lower parts even though in the real 
view the darkest thing in the upper third was brighter than the brightest 
of the lower third.  As I understand it, exposure correction starts with 
undoing the "error" from combining images with very different exposure and 
then might mitigate the consequences by a nonlinear mapping of a brightness 
range with extra bits back onto a normal brightness range.  But in many of 
my photos, no such mapping can fix the dynamic range problem.  Anyway, that 
choice on the Stitcher tab selects both enfuse and enblend, then I'm 
unclear on what each does in this example.

Before the masks were improved, fusing or blending (I don't understand 
which) was happening in areas with great detail and with about a 1.5 pixel 
misalignment between the images in that area.  I couldn't get better 
results than that from optimize (even before I starting forcing Hfov to be 
wrong).  That was enough misalignment to turn sharp sections of both 
originals into a blurred section of the result.

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Re: [hugin-ptx] Mask dialog, can't select just one when close together

2022-02-11 Thread
In case someone chooses to test this (push several points of a mask close 
to each other, then try to select one to move or delete, etc.), I should 
point out that 
I did not yet post the related correction to the code used when you CTRL 
click on a line to create a new point.  That is the same basic issue, but 
in a different function.  In practical use that bad behavior is less likely 
to matter than the bad behavior fixed by my code above.  So I thought 
posting both corrections together would be confusing.  So in testing be 
aware that the similar malfunction with CTRL down is actually different.

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Re: [hugin-ptx] Vertical panorama exposure issue

2022-02-11 Thread
I finally went back to that set of 3 photos and got a good result.  I'm not 
happy with the methods required.  There is probably a better way.  I'm open 
to advice on what to try next time.  There should be a better way, so in 
any case I'll look through the relevant parts of the source code to see 
what could be made to work better.

There are three basic issues here, two of which were solved with masks.  
But editing those masks required fixing a flaw in the mask editing code 
(see my recent new thread).

1) Exposure.  Each photo has the correct average exposure for its part of 
the scene and I didn't want to change that much.  But the top photo had 
shorter exposure than the middle which is shorter than the bottom.  So 
sections from any one photo have good exposure unchanged.  But narrow seams 
would highlight the exposure difference, while broad seams would be garbage 
due to issue (2).  I still think the better general solution would be to 
first apply an exposure vertical gradient to each photo (in a separate 
program if necessary).  But I didn't find time to try that.  A mask worked 
a lot better than I expected, to force narrow seams in places that don't 
highlight the exposure jumps.

2) Alignment.  I never got good enough alignment for real blending of any 
sections.  My solution to (3) made the misalignment 1.5 times as bad.  The 
masks intended to fix (1) fixed (2) with no extra effort.

3) Distortion.  The resulting image was very distorted.  I tried most of 
the projections and some were worse and none were significantly better than 
the default.  After much experimentation, I started without the lens 
a,b,c,d,e,g,t parameters, then rotated the anchor image -90 and reoptimized 
(which didn't hurt alignment much), then cut the Hfov in half, and 
reoptimized which destroyed alignment (I assume because the original Hfov 
was correct) then added  a,b,c,d,e,g,t parameters to get back to decent 
alignment (I'd really like to know what those are doing and how they 
compensate for an intentionally wrong Hfov.  But I'm already investigating 
in too many different subtopics at once).  Finally, I stitched with 
Cylindrical and used an external program to rotate +90.

Given the distortion this had when simply done sideways with Cylindrical, I 
expected that cutting the Hfov would do what it did.  But I have no clue 
why it had that distortion.  It seems like there should be a less 
distorting projection without needing to mess with the alignment. 

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Re: [hugin-ptx] Mask dialog, can't select just one when close together

2022-02-10 Thread

On Thursday, February 10, 2022 at 7:00:05 PM UTC-5 

>  A slight rearrangement of conditions inside my code would directly fix 
> the problem you described.
> Since you have seen symptoms of the basic issue I described, does that 
> mean you would like it corrected in hugin, and if so, is the basic approach 
> I selected (corrected for the case you mentioned) acceptable?
> I made that change, new version below.  I only tested a tiny amount, but 
including the case you mentioned that I hadn't tested before, which now 
works the way I assume most people would consider correct.

 // Inserts qualifying points int UIntSet , returns true if any found
// 1) Any number of points inside the rectangle m_dragStartPos to 
m_currentPos might qualify
// 2) If no points are in the rectangle, the single point nearest the 
rectangle, if near enough, might qualify
// (unspecified which one in case of ties, but only one)
// 3) If considerSelectedOnly, only selected points actually qualify.
// Even if considerSelectedOnly is true, an unselected point may disqualify 
some selected point that is further
bool MaskImageCtrl::SelectPointsInsideMouseRect(HuginBase::UIntSet 
,const bool considerSelectedOnly)
// compute one dimension distance outside range (zero if inside range)
auto distanceHelper = [](double vmin, double vmax, double v)->double
return (v
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Re: [hugin-ptx] Mask dialog, can't select just one when close together

2022-02-10 Thread

On Thursday, February 10, 2022 at 6:41:27 PM UTC-5 wrote:

> I experience this as trying to drag one node, but Hugin insists on 
> dragging the previous (highlighted) nodes instead, which would make 
> sense, but somehow the highlighted nodes seem to be more likely to get 
> moved than the unselected node that is exactly where I clicked. 
> If I understand you correctly:
You are indicating you had mask points so close together that this behavior 
occurred.  I assume the way you use hugin (as opposed to the way I do) is 
within the bounds of what hugin ought to support well.
I don't think you are saying that was a DESIRABLE behavior.

The code (usage of the function I changed) does (under certain conditions) 
look first for selected points near enough to the click and only if that 
fails looks for unselected points.  So the behavior you described is 
exactly as expected from the code.  I hadn't tried that case yet, and had 
not thought it through.  My code change only makes the problem you 
described a little easier to work around.  It does not directly fix that 
problem.  A slight rearrangement of conditions inside my code would 
directly fix the problem you described.

Since you have seen symptoms of the basic issue I described, does that mean 
you would like it corrected in hugin, and if so, is the basic approach I 
selected (corrected for the case you mentioned) acceptable?

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[hugin-ptx] Re: Mask dialog, can't select just one when close together

2022-02-10 Thread
After playing with it a bit, I understand how it might have been the way it 
was due to not caring about the behavior of points close together (rather 
than explicitly wanting them to act that way) while wanting an interface 
that supported the explicit method of supporting multiple points (dragging).
I expect the project admins won't want this change (won't see any value in 
better support of points very near each other within a mask).  So 
committing this to sourceforge would just confuse the other things I want 
to commit later.

But, if anyone cares, the code below is  what I'm using myself replacing 
that function.  So far, I'm much happier about the way it behaves vs. 
struggling with the original.

I hope the code below formats OK in google groups.  The online instructions 
for doing that "correctly" tell me to click on something that isn't there.  
Unlike other forums, I can't preview and I can't edit after posting.  So 
apologies if the following comes out unreadable (and if so, can someone 
tell me how to do it right):

// Inserts into UIntSet  either all (selected) points inside 
rectangle m_dragStartPos
//  to m_currentPos, or (if there were none) the single nearest and near 
enough point outside
bool MaskImageCtrl::SelectPointsInsideMouseRect(HuginBase::UIntSet 
,const bool considerSelectedOnly)
// compute one dimension distance outside range (zero if inside range)
auto distanceHelper = [](double vmin, double vmax, double v)->double
return (v
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[hugin-ptx] Mask dialog, can't select just one when close together

2022-02-09 Thread
When points are very close together in a mask, you can't select just one to 

I understand having the points so close is not typical.  But the code seems 
to have been written anticipating points being that close together and 
intending that a single click should select all the nearby points.  
Separately, there is a different way to select a group of points, so it 
seems like a strange feature.

Can someone tell me why the current behavior would be desired?

I'm removing it in my private copy anyway.  I find it annoying when it 
happens and never useful.  But I would like to know the intent.

The code I'm talking about is
in MaskImageCtrl::OnLeftMouseDown

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Re: [hugin-ptx] Where is the choice to disable the fast preview window documented?

2022-02-07 Thread

On Sunday, February 6, 2022 at 6:55:26 PM UTC-5 wrote:

> I thought this startup crash had been resolved by automatically 
> disabling the Fast Preview window in this situation (it has been a 
> long time since it was last reported). If the Ctrl trick is definitely 
> still required, the FAQ is a wiki page and can be edited. 
> I saw that code for automatically disabling the  Fast Preview window and 
saw it didn't.  But I didn't fully debug why.

I'm not sure about any of this.

Best estimate, someone with my same hardware could not get far enough for 
this ctrl thing to even help.  They could only use hugin linked with an 
older wxWidgets.  But maybe I did something else wrong (could have 
installed the driver differently or installed something more).  Maybe there 
is even a way to get EGL to work, or maybe I did something wrong that makes 
hugin fail to detect that EGL won't work.

About the next architecture up among obsolete Nvidia architectures, I'm 
barely more than guessing.  I had lots of trouble getting other things to 
work with this obsolete hardware (even more so before switching from Ubuntu 
to Fedora) and googled all those problems and mostly found discussions of 
the same problems but for the 390 driver rather than the 340.  So I build 
up an estimate of what is worse in the 340 (including the reason I couldn't 
build hugin normally with wxWidgets 3.1.5) vs. what is the same, which I 
think includes why it crashes on construction of wxCanvas.

But all that might be my misinterpretation of those problem / solution 
reports on related but non-hugin issues.  Maybe the whole reason I needed a 
way to disable construction of that widget is because of the way I kludged 
things to be able to use wxWidgets 3.1.5 instead of 3.0.  Then I looked in 
the code to try to find a place to put a disable to make my code usable, 
and I saw that disable was already in the code and I could use it without 
further private code changes. 

Alternately, maybe this problem WAS gone but driver updates changing the 
partial level of EGL in those drivers broke the logic that disables that 
widget without fixing the need to disable it, bringing the problem back.

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[hugin-ptx] Where is the choice to disable the fast preview window documented?

2022-02-06 Thread
I eventually found out the method (hold ctrl while starting hugin) and then 
found the place that is documented for re enabling fast preview window (it 
brings up a dialog that lets you choose).  But I didn't find any 
documentation of using that to avoid the crash on hugin statup that might 
require it.

IIUC, some graphics chipsets don't have correct enough EGL support for that 
fast preview window to work with newer (after 3.1.? I forget which exact 
version of wxWidgets) and will cause hugin to crash during startup if you 
are using that newer wxWidgets.

My own very old graphics chipset (one that needs the 340 version of the 
closed source Nvidia driver) doesn't even allow building hugin from source 
when using wxWidgets 3.1.5

I kludged past that build problem, which I think gets me to the place the 
next version better (of still obsolete) Nvidia driver would be (but I can't 
be certain).  Hugin then builds, but crashes on startup due to defective 
EGL support in the driver.  That is unless you have set the right hidden 
setting to disable creation of the problem window.  The easiest way to set 
that hidden setting is to hold ctrl down while starting hugin.  (Simply 
never opening that window isn't enough.  It crashes on creation during 
hugin startup).

Maybe few other users are stuck (short of buying new hardware) with a 
driver with broken EGL support.  Maybe some of those are able to stick with 
wxWidgets 3.0 (I likely could have, except for testing a feature I added).

So maybe this was all just a problem for me.  But in case it isn't, I think 
some description of the problem and solution (maybe more accurate than I 
just gave) should be somewhere more obvious.

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Re: [hugin-ptx] CP Editor tab 400% and 800% zoom choices

2022-02-05 Thread

On Saturday, February 5, 2022 at 8:35:00 AM UTC-5 

> Could wxImage::GetSubImage and then scaling the resulting portion of the 
> original image in CpImgCtl::OnDraw do the trick?

Yes.  That does work.  I was intending to do something that works much 
better than that.  I wanted the feature committed before I start on the 
performance increase.

At 3 bytes per pixel, and applying to just two of the input images, not the 
whole panorama, I didn't think memory was the issue I should be worrying 
about.  But I was expecting to fix the memory issue anyway as a result of 
fixing the speed.

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[hugin-ptx] CP Editor tab 400% and 800% zoom choices

2022-02-05 Thread
On the branch with my previous CP Editor change, I pushed code to provide 
400% and 800% zoom choices.

*slow and ugly:*
Currently, 400% and 800% are slow and ugly.  I have plans for changing both 
those things.

But I have been using them this way for a while, and for my use having 
those choices has been much better than not having them.

For my own current use, I later switched from wxIMAGE_QUALITY_NORMAL to 
wxIMAGE_QUALITY_BILINEAR, which makes it even slower and no longer ugly.  
That change did not seem appropriate to include in this commit. 

*scale and rotate on demand:*
Currently, the entire image gets scaled.  If the image is portrait mode, it 
gets rotated.  Then since my display on Fedora is also portrait mode, the 
lower level code needs to rotate it back.

The scaling code in wxImage is not terrible efficient for what it does and 
is not multi-threaded (which would help a lot for big images).
It does not take performance advantages from scale factors being easy 
rational numbers (N/2**M for tiny N and M).  It shouldn't take such 
advantage (doesn't apply to enough of its uses) but conceivably hugin 
should, since our scale comes from a small list of choices.
I don't actually think any of this is the right answer to scaling being 
slow, but felt the possibilities worth mentioning.

Getting rid of the hugin rotation of an image intended mostly for handing 
off to a wxDC seems to be practical, so the rotation might not actually be 
needed and if needed will be done by faster code.  I need to learn a bit 
more about wxDC to nail down the details.

Usefully delaying the scaling until CPImageCtrl::OnDraw and then not 
scaling large undisplayed areas, is certainly practical.  But the tools 
inside wxImage aren't properly exposed to enable that.  So it would involve 
some reinventing of existing wheels, so I'd rather look for alternatives 
first.  But ultimately it isn't very much code and could be done better 
than wxImage did it.

On a related subject, wxImage uses *unsigned long *for things where *uint64_t 
*would be the more obvious choice (a much better choice than  *unsigned 
long* on Windows and an equal choice on Linux).  wxImage runs on platforms 
where  *uint64_t* would be a very bad choice (for an efficient data type), 
but I expect hugin never will.  Does anyone reading this know of a platform 
hugin gets built for on which *uint64_t* is not a good data type?  At the 
moment, it seems to be used only in hugin/src/foreign/flann

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[hugin-ptx] Re: My first push to sourceforge

2022-02-04 Thread

On Friday, February 4, 2022 at 10:55:04 AM UTC-5 T. Modes wrote:

> Hugin is bad in upscaling. When doing high upscales you will often see 
> interpolation artefacts, which is not what the user wants and what is 
> helpful. So I don't see the point of make this configurable.

It already was configurable.  I just changed that from a hidden preference 
item (changed via regedit in Windows)  to a visible preference item.  I was 
using that and setting it higher since long before I decided to try to get 
the build of hugin to work for me.  It certainly is something I wanted as a 
user.  Maybe it depends on your display resolution whether it is helpful.

Interpolation artifacts don't necessarily prevent the feature from 
providing better information as you decide whether a manually adjusted CP 
is in exactly the right place.

A larger width for the magnifier is likely a prerequisite for a larger 
scale to be useful and a high resolution on your physical display is likely 
a prerequisite for the larger width to be useful.  I doubt I'm the only 
user who wants to work that way.  But I suspect I'm in a much smaller 
minority both in taking the trouble to find out what hugin registry setting 
would do it and in being comfortable with regedit.

> Sorry, but an casual user does not understand this logic. This is more 
> confusing than helpful.

That version of the description was for those who might try to build from 
my branch, not for casual users.
The tooltip inside the preferences dialog explains the main use.  The two 
notes on the side explained only the exceptions.  I would also edit the 
help text.

It may be hard for you to see as a long time user, but most settings in 
hugin preferences are much harder for inexperienced users to understand.  
I'm happy to try to improve it.  But I think I started at better than 

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[hugin-ptx] Re: I think there is a problem in one of the recent commits by tsmodes

2022-02-04 Thread

On Friday, February 4, 2022 at 10:40:38 AM UTC-5 T. Modes wrote:

>  do a clean rebuild.
> Thanks.  It was fixed by *make clean*
I should have tried that earlier.  I was trusting the build system to know 
what needed to be rebuilt.

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[hugin-ptx] Re: I think there is a problem in one of the recent commits by tsmodes

2022-02-04 Thread
So far as I can tell, two members of the PanoramaOptions object share the 
same address.

I don't yet understand the relationship between Hugin and panotools.

This kind of error usually implies using a .h file connected with a .so 
file when the two are out of sync with each other.

So does this mean I rebuilt too little within hugin?  Or do I need to get 
the other repository and keep them in better sync or what?

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[hugin-ptx] Re: I think there is a problem in one of the recent commits by tsmodes

2022-02-04 Thread
I got the backtrace from gdb (easier than I expected):

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#0  __pthread_kill_implementation (threadid=, 
signo=signo@entry=6, no_tid=no_tid@entry=0) at pthread_kill.c:44
tid = 
ret = 0
pd = 
old_mask = {__val = {9984268, 9983568, 9984268, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2105376, 
505438295860421376, 0, 505438295860421376, 140737306625216, 140737488333024, 
140737322691480, 140737306625216}}
ret = 
#1  0x751448b3 in __pthread_kill_internal (signo=6, threadid=) at pthread_kill.c:78
#2  0x750f76a6 in __GI_raise (sig=sig@entry=6) at 
ret = 
#3  0x750e17d3 in __GI_abort () at abort.c:79
save_stage = 1
act = {__sigaction_handler = {sa_handler = 0x76202b98, sa_sigaction 
= 0x76202b98}, sa_mask = {__val = {360, 9983248, 43, 9983568, 
140737306342624, 140737306370192, 0, 30064771072, 505438295860421376, 
140737488333104, 18446744073709551328, 7, 140737322691480, 360, 
140737322691760, 8813624}}, sa_flags = -183161899, sa_restorer = 0x752b13a0 
sigs = {__val = {32, 8813624, 140737180629824, 140737305044949, 360, 
140737322691760, 8813624, 140737304931242, 206158430256, 140737322691592, 
140737306389536, 140737305045242, 206158430232, 14073748828, 
140737488333136, 505438295860421376}}
#4  0x750e16fb in __assert_fail_base (fmt=, 
assertion=, file=, line=, 
function=) at assert.c:92
str = 0x985510 "\205\t"
total = 4096
#5  0x750f0396 in __GI___assert_fail (assertion=0x76202cb0 
"image.formatParamCount == (int) projParams.size()", file=0x76202b98 
"/src/hugin/src/hugin_base/panotools/PanoToolsInterface.cpp", line=360, 
function=0x76202c08 "void HuginBase::PTools::setDestImage(Image&, 
vigra::Diff2D, unsigned char*, const 
HuginBase::PanoramaOptions::ProjectionFormat&, const std::vector&, 
double)") at assert.c:101
#6  0x761b7069 in HuginBase::PTools::setDestImage(Image&, 
vigra::Diff2D, unsigned char*, HuginBase::PanoramaOptions::ProjectionFormat 
const&, std::vector > const&, double) 
(image=..., size=..., imageData=0x0, format=@0x7fffacb0: 
HuginBase::PanoramaOptions::EQUIRECTANGULAR, projParams=std::vector of length 
0, capacity 0 = {...}, destHFOV=360) at 
projd = {projection = 2, internalFormat = 4, maxVFOV = 180, maxHFOV = 
360, name = 0x77f9d471 "Equirectangular", numberOfParameters = 0, parm = 
{{minValue = 0, maxValue = 0, defValue = 0, name = 0x0}, {minValue = 0, 
maxValue = 0, defValue = 0, name = 0x0}, {minValue = 0, maxValue = 0, defValue 
= 0, name = 0x0}, {minValue = 0, maxValue = 0, defValue = 0, name = 0x0}, 
{minValue = 0, maxValue = 0, defValue = 0, name = 0x0}, {minValue = 0, maxValue 
= 0, defValue = 0, name = 0x0}}}
__func__ = "setDestImage"
__PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "void HuginBase::PTools::setDestImage(Image&, 
vigra::Diff2D, unsigned char*, const 
HuginBase::PanoramaOptions::ProjectionFormat&, const std::vector&, 
#7  0x761b0ef8 in 
HuginBase::PTools::Transform::updatePTData(vigra::Diff2D const&, 
std::allocator >, HuginBase::Variable, 
std::allocator > >, 
std::allocator, std::allocator > const, HuginBase::Variable> > > 
const&, HuginBase::BaseSrcPanoImage::Projection&, vigra::Diff2D const&, 
HuginBase::PanoramaOptions::ProjectionFormat&, std::vector > const&, double) (this=0x7fffbfa0, srcSize=..., 
srcVars=Python Exception : 'NoneType' object has no 
attribute 'pointer'
std::map with 16 elements, srcProj=@0x7fffacb4: 
HuginBase::BaseSrcPanoImage::EQUIRECTANGULAR, destSize=..., 
destProj=@0x7fffacb0: HuginBase::PanoramaOptions::EQUIRECTANGULAR, 
destProjParam=std::vector of length 0, capacity 0 = {...}, destHFOV=360) at 
#8  0x761b4ae4 in 
HuginBase::PTools::Transform::createTransform(vigra::Diff2D const&, 
std::allocator >, HuginBase::Variable, 
std::allocator > >, 
std::allocator, std::allocator > const, HuginBase::Variable> > >, 
HuginBase::BaseSrcPanoImage::Projection, vigra::Diff2D const&, 
HuginBase::PanoramaOptions::ProjectionFormat, std::vector > const&, double, vigra::Diff2D const&) 
(this=0x7fffbfa0, srcSize=..., srcVars=Python Exception : 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'pointer'
std::map with 16 elements, 

[hugin-ptx] Re: I think there is a problem in one of the recent commits by tsmodes

2022-02-04 Thread
Sorry, I didn't realize before posting, that even my screenshot failed.
I really hate how aggressively kdbg stops you from copying information 
out.  But it is the only debugger I managed to get working with hugin in 
Fedora.  I'll try again with gdb and provide a better traceback.

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[hugin-ptx] My first push to sourceforge

2022-02-03 Thread
If I did this right:

I created a branch JohnsWork
I pushed one commit containing phase 1 of changes to add preferences for 
the behavior of the magnifier in the CP dialog.

In the preferences for the CP dialog, there are three new entries, all in a 
section named magnifier.  The first two were already hidden preferences 
(edit in ~/.hugin for linux or in registry for windows).  The third is new.

Half width:  Default 30:  This controls the width in pixels of of the 
magnifier.  The actual width (and the value stored in ~/.hugin) is 2N+1 of 
the value given in the preferences GUI.

Scale: Default 3.0:  This is the zoom level inside the magnifier square.  
So 3.0 means 3 pixels of screen for each pixel of image.

Relative Scale: Default 0: This controls the behavior of the magnifier for 
higher levels of zoom of the image itself.  Most of its meaning doesn't 
become useful until the 400% and 800% zoom levels of the image are 
available (which I'm using but did not push to sourceforge).
< 1.0 means keep the old behavior (from before I added this preference 
item) primarily not displaying the magnifier for zoom level 200% or greater.
1.0 means disable the magnifier when it would not be more zoom than the 
image zoom.
> 1.0 sets the min magnification of the magnifier as a multiple of the 
image zoom:  example, if the scale is 3.0 and the Relative Scale is 2.0, 
the actual magnification would be 3.0 for zoom 100% or less and would be 
double the zoom for zoom of 200% or more.

I'm still planning to make the changes I described earlier including a 
preference to change the hiding rules for the magnifier.  But I decided an 
even smaller first commit was appropriate, in case I'm doing something 
fundamentally wrong.

Please provide some feedback:
Did I do the push correctly?
Does my branch build for you?
Does this new feature work for you?
Whatever else you might consider wrong?
How do I get the visible text I added into whatever queue exists for text 
that hasn't been translated yet?

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Re: [hugin-ptx] Re: Removing magnifier hiding timer etc. from CPImageCtrl.cpp

2022-02-02 Thread

On Wednesday, February 2, 2022 at 2:36:28 PM UTC-5 Luís Henrique Camargo 
Quiroz wrote:

>John just told us about another annoyance that I, while adding manually 
> my control points, see all the time. I put the text in bold, in his first 
> paragraph below.
>I even tried, in vain, to immobilize the mouse -- with both hands! -- 
> before releasing the button to create a CP, however the carefully chosen 
> position moves and then I have to use the arrow keys to reposition it where 
> intended. I think the movement is always to the right, maybe a little up, 
> and it seems to be by a fixed amount. 

I'm pretty sure you are talking about a different problem than the ones I 
was talking about (in what you highlighted).

1) I was talking about the fact that the displayed numeric change on 
release includes movement that occurred earlier and was not numerically 
displayed earlier, so if you perfectly freeze before releasing, the 
displayed numbers do not represent where the point actually is (the 
displayed point does represent where it is).

2) I was talking about my own inability to release a mouse button without 
moving the mouse.  Maybe others have the same problem.  Maybe some mice 
force that problem.  But it is far from a universal problem.  One of my 
sons can use and release (without extra movement) the same mouse in the 
same program (though he hasn't tried hugin) that I fail with.

Consistent up and to the right?? A fixed amount??

We aren't talking about the same thing.  If there is some hugin problem 
there, I don't even have the manual dexterity to try to test for it.

Need to adjust with arrows after releasing the mouse:  I just assume that 
as fact of life, not as something that could be corrected.  But I also 
assume that is just me, not most users.

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Re: [hugin-ptx] Re: Removing magnifier hiding timer etc. from CPImageCtrl.cpp

2022-02-02 Thread

On Wednesday, February 2, 2022 at 11:38:37 AM UTC-5 T. Modes wrote:

> schrieb am Dienstag, 1. Februar 2022 um 23:20:14 UTC+1:
>> On investigation, it looks like the magnifier doesn't appear when you 
>> click down on a control point, it only appears once you have dragged it 
>> away from the original location, then when you let go it vanishes after a 
>> couple of seconds.
> This is not reproducible here. The magnifier appears when only clicking on 
> the cp.  (and also when dragging)

Yesterday, I was seeing the behavior Bruno described.  I don't have a 
steady enough hand, so usually when I clicked, I accidentally dragged, but 
sometimes I just clicked and got no magnifier.
But I can't reproduce it today (as I tried to prepare to comment on what 
you just wrote) and I can't think of anything that could have changed.  I 
think a few of these times I clicked carefully enough to not drag.  But I 
can't be sure.  I almost never can release the mouse carefully enough to 
not drag.  The displayed x,y coordinates change on release and so far as I 
understand, there isn't a way to know after just clicking whether the point 
has moved slightly.

> Just some more remarks:
> The logic implemented in the cp tab is already very complex to handle all 
> use case - there are many possible user interactions, many have been 
> improved in the last years. So doing changes based on a feeling can be very 
> dangerous and has the possibility to break other interactions with the tab.

I'm pretty sure I can retain the exact current behavior for the default 
value of new pref items.  I will need to make changes very slowly and 
carefully with a lot of research into current behavior.  But I can do that.

I don't believe the current behavior is very close to the intended behavior 
when coded.  In most cases I see, the magnifiers stay indefinitely.  From 
what you said as well as from what I would guess by looking at the code, 
that is not intended behavior.  For my own use, that probably unintended  
behavior is necessary for me to be able to use the tool at all and the 
apparently (to me) random situations in which the intended behavior occurs 
are a massive inconvenience.

Still in changing the code, this would be one of the uncommon (as compared 
to other work I've done) cases in which maintaining the default of behavior 
I'll never understand would be easier than fixing that behavior.

> Also in the last years with the improvements of the automatic cp detectors 
> I'm using the cp tab to less and less amount. So the necessarity for bigger 
> improvments is very low for me.
> Maybe there is more I need to learn about using the automatic detectors.  
But so far, I've never been able to construct a decent panorama without 
removing many automatically created cp's and adding several new ones.

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Re: [hugin-ptx] Re: Removing magnifier hiding timer etc. from CPImageCtrl.cpp

2022-02-01 Thread
I wasn't giving proper attention to where the mouse was hovering when I was 
trying to understand the magnifier behavior.  I was instead thinking about 
where the last mouse click had been, which doesn't seem to matter as much.

In testing now, it seems that the magnifier appears when the hovering mouse 
leaves the image (subject to there being a cp selected).  So you get the 
other when when you hover to the other image and both when you hover to the 
lower section of the cp dialog outside both images.  Then sometimes the 
arrow keys work to move some side of the selected cp with both magnifiers 
in view, and sometimes not (I still don't have a great mental model).  That 
is more control (without making a code change) than I thought I had.  But 
the lack of mental model means I still don't know what to expect when I do 


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[hugin-ptx] Re: Removing magnifier hiding timer etc. from CPImageCtrl.cpp

2022-02-01 Thread

On Tuesday, February 1, 2022 at 12:34:49 PM UTC-5 T. Modes wrote:

> Just to recapitulate how the magnifier work:
> a) When a cp is selected (via the list or by clicking on it) the magnifier 
> is shown. As soon as the mouse moves over one image it is hidden. -> So no 
> need for an additional shortcut IMO. Just move the mouse.
> b) The magnifier is then showing again when dragging the selected cp with 
> the mouse. When the dragging is finished the magnifier is hidden after 2 s. 
> During dragging I think the magnifier is helpful for better selection of 
> the position.
> So which behaviour is disturbing you?

That description doesn't fit the behavior that I think I've experienced.  
But I never had a good mental model of what that behavior was and the 
surprises in behavior were part of the problem.  Later I may try to test a 
bit and see where the behavior doesn't fit your description.

I hope Bruno and others will answer your question, because I'm pretty sure 
Bruno disliked the current magnifier hiding and would be more competent to 
explain why and/or have more mainstream reasons.

For myself, I am slow at parsing visual information, such as comparing what 
I see in one magnifier to what I see in the other, so as I'm deciding 
whether to move it more, the magnifier is gone and I can't finish deciding.

I also find it very odd that there is so often a magnifier on one image but 
not on the other.  Is there a point to that, which I'm missing?  The basic 
activity is comparing the location of the cp in one image to its location 
in the other.  When is that helped by seeing the cp in a different way in 
one image vs. the other?  When the context (from hiding the magnifier) is 
helpful, isn't it needed on both;  When the magnifier itself is helpful, 
isn't it the comparison between the two, which is actually helpful?


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[hugin-ptx] Re: Removing magnifier hiding timer etc. from CPImageCtrl.cpp

2022-02-01 Thread

On Tuesday, February 1, 2022 at 11:48:46 AM UTC-5 T. Modes wrote:

> The disabling of the magnifier for the 200 % view was added as a feature 
> request. So there are uses which prefer this.
I really hate that feature and I don't even get why someone else might like 
it (unlike the timer feature, where I understand the purpose and just don't 
like it).  BUT, that option is not too ugly to include within the choices 
for relative zoom of the magnifier.

> Please, one change - one changeset. Do not mix things in one changeset.

I'm now intending one change for managing and implementing settings for the 
behavior of the magnifier.  I hope that is self contained enough.

The relative zoom part of that would be immediately testable and even have 
some narrow use case before I commit the change (that I'm already using 
myself) for overall zoom of 400% or 800%.  But most of the reason for 
relative zoom won't exist until 400% and 800% are available for overall 

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[hugin-ptx] Re: Removing magnifier hiding timer etc. from CPImageCtrl.cpp

2022-02-01 Thread

On Tuesday, February 1, 2022 at 11:48:46 AM UTC-5 T. Modes wrote:

> It is difficult to comment because you are often mixing things. Or as an 
> example you contradict yourself
> schrieb am Dienstag, 1. Februar 2022 um 15:41:14 
> UTC+1:
>>  Hiding would only be temporary: other actions make the magnifier appear 
>> and "hiding" would not suppress that.
> and later 
>> I want the new 'm' key operation to be the only thing that hides the 
>> magnifier.
Not a contradiction at all.  I* was* saying 'm' would be the only thing 
that hides the magnifier, but would not be the only thing that brings the 
magnifier back once hidden.

But since that suggestion does not seem to fit the needs of others, I will 
drop the idea that 'm' should be the only thing that hides the magnifier.  
I'll need more thought on how the things that hide the 
magnifier should interact with each other. 

I disagree: I like the feature that the magnifier disappear so I have a 
> better view on the whole neighbourhood of the cp. This makes it easier for 
> me the judge the cp.

Thanks for telling me in time that I can refine my plans (rather than do 
work I would later undo).

That feature you like, is so inconvenient for others (I'm not alone on this 
one) that a setting is required and I will now sidetrack into creating 
that.  I'm even fine with the default being the way you like it (though I 
suspect more users would prefer it my way). 

> Please, one change - one changeset. Do not mix things in one changeset. 
> You can also send patches (diff files) for other people for testing.

It would be hard to split the changes for creating that setting (that I now 
understand I need, after previously hoping I wouldn't) from the changes I 
expected to make first, that now include applying that setting.  It 
probably would be ugly to split that from the related magnifier settings 
that I would have done next if this change didn't need a setting.  So I'm 
seem to be forced into the high side of the meaning  of "one change", 
relative to what you maybe happy with for a first commit from someone you 
don't have experience with.  I'll do my best to make it clean and to pull 
in as little as practical of the related planned changes.

I'll use diff files if those are strongly preferred in this group.  But all 
my professional experience in group software development tells me using 
public branches in a source code control system works a lot better than 
emailing diff files.  I assume that anyone who could use a diff file could 
more easily get the full files from the branch and in rare cases that they 
couldn't use files from a branch, they could get the diff from the branch.

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Re: [hugin-ptx] Removing magnifier hiding timer etc. from CPImageCtrl.cpp

2022-02-01 Thread

On Tuesday, February 1, 2022 at 11:31:43 AM UTC-5 Luís Henrique Camargo 
Quiroz wrote:

>  What about keeping the views at 200% and just the magnifier (or a 
> bigger one) at the intended 400 and 800%? So the left and right views would 
> show a bigger field of view.

I think what I plan to do will fit your needs.  I still want 400% and 800% 
as choices in the menu for overall zoom.  You won't need to use them.

Currently (without any of my changes), the size and zoom level of the 
magnifier itself are set by registry settings in Windows and by ?? in 
Linux.  I forget what the default was for that zoom, but it was at least 
400%.  I want to make the size of the magnifier user settable without 
regedit and I want to change the setting logic for the magnifier's own zoom 
level in addition to making that setting user settable without regedit.

I think the magnifier's own zoom should be set as both a minimum and a 
minimum relative to overall zoom (so it gets the larger of the two).  So 
you might select a magnifier zoom with its minimum at 400% and its relative 
minimum at 800%, in which case at overall zoom 50% or lower, the magnifier 
would be 400%, while at 100% or higher, the magnifier would be at 8 times 
the main zoom.  Alternately, you could set the X% as the minimum (meaning 
only) zoom for the magnifier and the special lowest (labeled "none" rather 
than 100%) relative value.  So for overall zoom below X% the magnifier 
would be X% and for overall zoom at or above X%, the magnifier would go 
away (similar to the go away at 200% existing feature, but more sensible).

> If you find the right part of a scene on my 1280x800 screen a 8xmagnifier 
might instead be a way to get completely lost 

I recently switched the two portrait mode displays on my Fedora system from 
1440x2560 each to 1620x2880 each.  So I have an overall 3240x2880 display.  
So my needs are different from ordinary and I want Hugin to span the range 
between my needs and others.  I want the overall zoom to be higher and I 
need the magnifier itself to occupy more pixels of the physical screen.

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[hugin-ptx] Removing magnifier hiding timer etc. from CPImageCtrl.cpp

2022-02-01 Thread
If there are no objections (in time before I actually do it) I will make a 
branch and make the small change described here as my first (of I expect 
many) commits on that branch.

If there is any disagreement on details (rather than overall objection to 
the change), please tell me that as well.

There are conditions under which the magnifier for the selected point in 
the control points dialog gets hidden without the point being deselected.

As a user, I find that very inconvenient.  Bruno seemed to agree in earlier 

On occasion, I really want to hide the magnifier.  But there is no 
correlation between when it gets hidden by current code and when I want it 
hidden.  I want to add a key (my choice would be 'm') that will temporarily 
hide the magnifier if it wasn't hidden and will bring it back if it was.  
Hiding would only be temporary: other actions make the magnifier appear and 
"hiding" would not suppress that.

I would entirely remove the timer.  It's only purpose is to hide the 
magnifier.  I see no logic to when that timer is used vs. not used.  Maybe 
the original intent was to always have that timer (never let the magnifier 
stay in view for over 2 seconds).  As a user I see* zero* value in timer 
based hiding of the magnifier.  But if others strongly disagree, (with 
significantly more work) I could invent a setting to allow that feature to 
be disabled (rather than take the feature away from everyone).

With my limited understanding of mercurial, I was able to see the timer 
feature was added by ippei in commit 91503d5bebff
I don't know this environment well enough to know how to find out who ippei 
is nor to find out when/why that commit was made.

I also want to remove all other existing logic for hiding the magnifier, 
such as hiding it when the image itself is zoomed 200%.  Subject to having 
a control point selected to be magnified, I want the new 'm' key operation 
to be the only thing that hides the magnifier.

Separately, I want to commit my changes adding 400% and 800% zoom and my 
changes adjusting the magnifier for higher zoom.  I expect the purpose of 
removing the magnifier at 200% zoom is that it isn't much extra 
magnification.  But I both still would want it even if it was only a little 
extra and want to increase how much extra it is.

Separately, I think the controls over the magnifier that are only in the 
registry on Windows (and I haven't looked for where they are on Fedora) 
ought to be in the GUI settings so they can be changed without regedit (I'm 
very comfortable with regedit but I expect most Windows Hugin users 
aren't).  At the same time a bit more control should be included.

I would tend to want to pretest and commit all those and related features 
all together.  But I have been warned that doing so would make things too 
hard for whoever reviews/merges my changes.  So I think the right size 
first chunk is just the changes related to hiding the magnifier.

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Re: [hugin-ptx] Control Point dialog features

2022-02-01 Thread

On Sunday, January 23, 2022 at 8:36:58 AM UTC-5 

> Do we really have to magnify all of the image if afterwards only a small 
> portion of the magnified image fits on the screen? For me that feels like 
> an use of something similar to wxScrolled: wxScrolled tells you what part 
> of the image to render, you render that part and the rest happens by some 
> magic the operating system offers.
> Unfortunately wxScroleld itself chokes on too big virtual areas to scroll 
> in as GTK3 does do so when volunteering the magic that on scrolling moves 
> all parts of the displayed area that can be re-used after scrolling, then 
> requests the areas that aren't cached, currently (only the pixels that are 
> visible on the screen are cached). Afterwards that magic copies the 
> resulting bitmap to the screen; if the wxScrolled is only updated when 
> wxWidgets issues an idle event that feels both speedy and allows real work 
> to be done in the background.
> If I were working on wxWidgets, rather than working on Hugin, I would 
certainly focus on the things you suggested.

Inside wxWidgets, there are lots of places where it would be easy to only 
record what needs to be done for magnifying and clipping, rather than 
actually do it, then the next time data from the magnified and subsequently 
clipped image gets copied (such as by GTK) produce that data on demand.

I tried to figure out ways to derive from wxImage (rather than simply use 
it) in order to add those features (that I think it should have had).  But 
so far as I understand, the interactions with GTK etc. aren't coded in a 
way that would permit that.

For the moment, I'm setting that whole issue aside and working on some 
easier things, (the things I originally intended to talk about in this 

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Re: [hugin-ptx] Opinions on warping to fine tune the results of control point optimization?

2022-02-01 Thread

On Tuesday, February 1, 2022 at 6:56:17 AM UTC-5 wrote:

> The remapping and stitching is performed as usual by the Hugin toolchain, 
> ptomorph just manipulates the input images a bit to make them stitch better.

By "input" do you mean original?  I can't imagine how that data flow would 
work.  Maybe I'm also confused by the terminology, but I think I understand 
what the "remapping" and "stitching" steps are.  In that context, I saw 
"fine tuning" as an adjustment* logically* after remapping and before 
stitching.  I would not want that *actually* after remapping, because I 
think the interpolation of moving pixels non-integer distance is best done 
all at once.  So I would want the morphing to occur during the remapping 
(digging into that code is the biggest obstacle to my actually doing this 
whole thing).

> The question was always: should this morphing be added as an overall 
> polynomial distortion in the panotools lens model so that it became another 
> part of the optimisation step,

That is another thing for which I can't even imagine the workflow (or the 
point) so I must be misunderstanding what you mean.   I am assuming a 
morphing that goes all the way to perfect alignment of every control point, 
so it would overwhelm the point of optimization if it were in 
optimization.  So I would think it must be after optimization.

I am only guessing at the data flow inside remapping, but based on that 
guess my idea is:
First do optimization additionally computing something that I think isn't 
currently output but easily could be:  the "correct" yaw and pitch of each 
control point.  A control point exists in two images (could be more than 
two if other ideas I have were mixed in).  The "correct" yaw and pitch of a 
control point would be necessarily the same across all images that contain 
that control point.  For each image the control point is in, you would also 
compute the "incorrect" yaw/pitch of that control point by applying the 
optimization results for that image to that control point.

In remapping, I assume you work on an integer row/column position of the 
output and need to compute the corresponding (non integer) row/column 
position in the input.  I assume you have the parameters to convert the 
output row/column to yaw/pitch, then you would identify the triangle of 
control points (in correct yaw/pitch coordinates of control points).  Then 
you need to adjust the point you are working on by a small amount based on 
where it is in the triangle and the difference between the "correct" and 
"incorrect" positions of each corner of the triangle.  Finally, you apply 
the optimization results of the input image to convert that yaw/pitch back 
to row/column.

When the triangles are very large in yaw/pitch, because either masking or 
other factors left no details needing to be fixed by extra control points, 
it is important that the adjustment by the error of the triangle is tiny 
compared to the adjustment by image's optimization results.  So shape 
within that triangle is preserved as well as possible by the chosen 
projection method.

or is it just a stitch-time fix (as in the ptomorph examples). The problem 
> for me is that doing it in the lens model is more elegant, and the problem 
> of three or more images doesn't exist because you wouldn't be forcing an 
> exact alignment; but on the other hand I was getting *really good* results 
> using the ptomorph approach with the 'Shepards' stretch to fit distortion 
> between two images.

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Re: [hugin-ptx] malfunction in CPImageCtrl when the magnified image has over 2**27 pixels

2022-01-31 Thread

On Monday, January 31, 2022 at 5:35:33 PM UTC-5 wrote:

> If not, then send me your sourceforge username. Note that sourceforge 
> supports a fork/pull-request workflow (similar to github), so you can 
> work on a separate personal repository just as easily as the main 
> repository. If you do choose to work on the main repository, then 
> typically features get developed in temporary branches 

I sent the username via a direct email.

I think I should provide my first few enhancements, including the 400% and 
800% zoom choices, initially without the work around for the problem with 
over 2**27 pixels in a zoomed  image.  If my changes then get tested, it 
should confirm or contradict my current guess that the 2**27 pixel limit is 
inside the obsolete and poorly supported closed-source Nvidia driver I'm 
using (Nvidia variant 340).

I'm still a bit far from understanding the performance tradeoffs of 
combining that work around for me with a more general performance 
improvement for large zoomed images.  So for a while, I'll use my crude 
work around, and share other changes for testing.

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Re: [hugin-ptx] Opinions on warping to fine tune the results of control point optimization?

2022-01-31 Thread

On Monday, January 31, 2022 at 5:06:20 PM UTC-5 wrote:

> See the ptomorph proof of concept from ten(!) years ago here: 
> This works incredibly well, with no need for low-priority control 
> points, but I never pursued it, and it needs some thought regarding 
> getting it to work with more than two photos. 
> I guess I need to learn more about the pano scripting etc.  At this point, 
a few gaps in my knowledge stop me from even following the discussion there.

Looking at the full stitched version  vs. the full morphed version, the 
stitching error in the full morphed version (where the silver pole crosses 
the boundary between the top and second to top window of the glass windowed 
cabinet) is surprising for the described method, though I expect a few 
control points could fix it.

The overall shape differences are more concerning.  That specific scene is 
one in which broad shape differences are hard to visually parse.  So I 
can't validate my guess that in other examples the shape change of that 
method would be too big.

Both the big shape change and the issues of chaining the methodt across 
more photos are reasons that I was thinking of the morph as a fine tune on 
top of existing methods, rather than as a replacement.

For many examples, just the morph would be a lot better than the existing 
methods, so it is sad that you didn't have time to pursue that as another 
choice within the Hugin GUI.

>From that discussion:
> Panotools also uses a not-very-nice distortion where it splits the image 
up into triangles and performs an affine transformation on each triangle 

That is certainly what I had in mind (possible just because I don't know 
better ways).  I expect that using this as a fine tune, rather than as the 
primary method, would eliminate the problems with that method.

Anyway, thanks for providing a lot more information on this topic than I 
expected to get (even though I have significant learning to do before I can 
try using any of that).

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