[Gimp-user] batch convert

2006-04-10 Thread saulgoode
If you wish to use the GIMP to perform your task, I describe how to do it in the
following post on GIMPtalk. You will have to change the output extension from
".png" to ".jpg" though. Feel free to contact me if you experience any

Gimp-user mailing list

[Gimp-user] important GIMP features for the future ?

2006-04-12 Thread saulgoode
I feel there is no better software choice for educational use than the GIMP.

> *** preview options ***
> preview options are needed for some important and frequently used
> scripts (i.e. adding shadow) (#52374)

I am by no means a GIMP guru, but the "previews for plugins" issue seems to be
something of a double-edged sword. I certainly agree that showing the effects
of altering parameters in the main image display is, in most cases, ideal. If I
understand correctly, one of the difficulties with accomplishing this is that
plugins communicate with the main GIMP program using a message-passing system
("The Wire") and interactive plugins are somewhat limited on the amount of
information that can be exchanged in a responsive manner. This limitation
currently has to be weighed against the benefit of permitting the entire GIMP
community to safely contribute to the GIMP (using, for the most part, their
programming language of choice). I can't imagine the GIMP having reached the
advanced state it is in without the extensibility provided by the Procedural
DataBase and plugins.

> *** some other things ***
> - Please implement an easy and fast way to instantly overlay a layer
> with a specific color or gradient (+preview option).

You can drag-n-drop a color directly from the foreground, background, or a color
dialog onto a layer; you can use the "Tools->Paint Tools->Blend" to do the same
with a gradient (I consider both of these to be "easy and fast"). A "preview
option" would introduce a confirmation step that would make the process both
more difficult and slower and, from an internal standpoint, be little different
from the use of UNDO to revert an undesired change.

> - Please implement a script to add inner glow.
There is a "Layer Effects" plugin available in the Plugin Registry which
implements this; though I would question its usage in an educational setting.
If you are trying to teach a course in user interface, fine, I understand. But
if the goal is to teach image manipulation and its algorithms then would it not
be of more use to learn "how" to add an inner glow. All of the "layer effects"
are fairly simple operations that, at their core, are just nice "packaging" of
the more important concepts of color combinations, convolutions, thresholds,
and opacities; all of which can be taught at their intuitive level with GIMP
(without a "dumbed down" user interface confusing the user).

If the suggested enhancements are taken from a "productivity" standpoint, I
might better sympathize (although I *really* like the GIMP's interface); but as
they were presented from an educator who wishes to use the GIMP in the
classroom, I would submit that what is being taught be considered.
Gimp-user mailing list

[Gimp-user] Does Gimp have CHOP like ImageMagick

2006-04-12 Thread saulgoode
I have written a script that will do this. If a horizontal selection is made
across a layer, the script cuts out the selection and joins the top and bottom.
If a vertical selection is made across the height of a layer then it joins the
left and right unselected regions. The script is located at

IMPORTANT NOTE: If the selection is other than a horizontal or a vertical
"strip" across the entire width or height of the layer, this script will behave
in the following manner (much harder to describe than to use)...

If the layer is considered to be the combination of 9 rectangular regions:


The horizontal strip case could be described as "456" being the selection.
Performing "anti-crop" on the horizontal selection ("456") leaves


Similarly, for vertical strip selection ("258"):


Left half selection ("124578") leaves:


Central selection ("5") leaves:


Corner selection (such as "1245") leaves:


Center edge selection (such as "25") leaves:

Gimp-user mailing list

[Gimp-user] wavplay audioserver

2006-04-20 Thread saulgoode
I take it you have not installed Wavplay?

Here is a list of mirrors for the source I used (your distribution may have a
binary available):

Gimp-user mailing list

[Gimp-user] Non-background layers with no alpha

2006-04-20 Thread saulgoode
The 'duplicate layer' function in the GAP's Frames Modify dialog permits you to
create a layer that does not have an alpha channel. This doesn't really create
any problems, but I recall seeing in Bugzilla that this should not be possible
(this was just a side comment to another issue and I was unable to locate the
report). Also, I am unaware of any other way to create such an non-background
alpha-less layer and wonder if this behavior should be changed to match the
GIMP's Duplicate Layer functionality.
Gimp-user mailing list

[Gimp-user] Using PDB To Transform Paths

2006-04-28 Thread saulgoode
I am trying to determine a way to transform (scale, rotate, etc) a path using
PDB functions. This would be similar to the way the various Transform Tools
permit the selection of the "Affect" option.

At a minimum, I should like to perform a simple X-Y scaling of a path; so as an
alternate solution, is it reasonable to just apply a scale factor to all of the
path points to achieve this? Or does this not work with Bezier curves?

Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] layers

2006-05-08 Thread saulgoode
I have written a script that somewhat eases the task of changing the "delays"
and combination modes of a multi-layer animation image. A description of its
usage and a link to whence it can downloaded is availble at the following

Gimp-user mailing list

[Gimp-user] The Lighting Effects plug-in

2006-05-12 Thread saulgoode
Have you assured that your bump map has the same width and height as your image?
If I am not mistaken, this is a prerequisite for that filter.
Gimp-user mailing list

[Gimp-user] testing GAP with our latest GIMP author

2006-05-19 Thread saulgoode
Carol Spears wrote:

> well, the book is out now and interestingly enough, the GIMP Animation
> Plug-in is in need of testing before its release.

I am not really sure what this means but if you are seeking volunteers to follow
the instructions in the book for using the GAP then I would be willing. Although
I would ask that the appropriate section(s) be e-mailed to me as I doubt that I
will be purchasing it in the near future (most of the stuff which interests me
is more technical and only to be had by reading the source).

I am starting to gain a pretty good grasp of the GAP, due in large part to the
tutorials on your site.

Good luck with your filming.
Gimp-user mailing list

[Gimp-user] mask layer

2006-05-19 Thread saulgoode

1) The image that contains your "mask layer" must be opened. The Move Path
plugin look for files on your disk, they must be opened.

2) The "mask" image must be the same Mode as the destination. If you mask is a
Grayscale image and the destination image is RGB, the GAP will not display it
in the "Source image/layer" box. (The same is true for Indexed images; the
Modes must be the same.)

3) Your mask should be an actual layer and not a layer mask. If you "Move Path"
a layer which has a layer mask, the mask will be applied to the layer before
the layer is copied and the layer mask is lost.

Assuming that you have a layer mask that you wish to add this mask (not the
layer it belongs to) to a sequence of frames, here is what you need to do:

  a) Duplicate the layer/layermask.
  b) Select All for the duplicate (you could apply the mask if you wish)
  c) Use the duplicate as your "source image" in the Move Path command
 and choose your "Layerstack" position (in the bottom right of
 the window) so that the duplicate is placed directly ABOVE the
 layer to which it is to be added.
  d) After the Move Path has completed, perform a "Frames Modify->Layer
 Masks->Copy Mask From Layer Above". (Since there is no mask attached
 to the layer above, this operation results in the layer itself
 being copied as a mask.)

At least I think that is the best way to do it.

Gimp-user mailing list

[Gimp-user] mask layer

2006-05-19 Thread saulgoode
Sorry, the first criteria should have read as follows:

1) The image that contains your "mask layer" must be opened. The Move Path
plugin DOES NOT look for files on your disk, they must be opened.

Gimp-user mailing list

[Gimp-user] Select shapes

2006-05-28 Thread saulgoode
When you are cutting out shapes using the Intelligent Scissors tool,  
you must click on your original starting point after enterring the  
last point. After that, you should should click on the inside of the  
drawn shape and the shape will change into a selection (you may  
already know all of this).

Once your selection is made, you will wish to invert it  
("Select->Invert" from the image menu). You can then "Edit->Clear" and  
the region outside of your drawn shape will become transparent. NOTE:  
it will only become transparent if the layer has an alpha channel  
(otherwise it will be filled with the background color). If the layer  
name in the Layers window appears in BOLD type (this indicates it has  
no alpha channel), you can add an alpha channel by performing a  
"Layer->Transparency->Add Alpha Channel" from the image menu.

Gimp-user mailing list

[Gimp-user] How to animate a transition effect?

2006-06-01 Thread saulgoode

Joe Smith,

I have written a few GAP tutorials which are in the wiki at  

None of them specifically address your concerns but perhaps by going  
through them, you will gain a better understanding of the overall  
process (the "Layer Masks - Clockwipe Transition" is probably the  
closest to your actual application and the "GIMP-GAP Overview" might  
prove helpful if you are an absolute beginner).

Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] Re: Help needed with photo touch-up using Gimp 2.3.9

2006-06-13 Thread saulgoode
A simple method I often try for adjusting the exposure of photos is to  
duplicate the layer, desaturate and color-invert the duplicate, and  
then set the Layer Mode of the duplicate to Overlay (or Soft Light,  
depending on the image). This has the effect of lightening the dark  
areas and darkening the light areas. The Opacity of the duplicate  
layer can usually be adjusted to provide a pleasing result.

Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] Am I stupid!? Changing color does not work

2006-06-14 Thread saulgoode
If you are indeed editing an Indexed image, you may wish to leave it  
in Indexed Mode and open the "Dialogs->Color Map" window. This will  
allow you to individually change each of the colors in the image. This  
will be tedious if you have more than a couple dozen colors but if you  
have only a few (for example, a cartoon graphic), this is a quick and  
easy way to change the colors.

Quoting Carol Spears <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

On Thu, Jun 15, 2006 at 02:13:34AM +0200, Norbert Preining wrote:

Hi all!

I have an image and I want to change all colors into a different one. So
what did I do:
* Select region by color
* switch to pencil tool
opacity 100
mode normal
circle big
color the new I want
  and then I thought I can draw and the colors would be exchanged.

Well, instead of a nice blue I get a smeary grey, strange. Looks like
instead of *replacing* the values of the pixels some combination of the
pixel values is done.

I thought with opacity 100 this will not happen, but I seem to be wrong.
Any idea/help???

i think you are probably painting an indexed image.

change the mode to rgb using Image/Mode/RGB

you are not stupid.  your image is.


Gimp-user mailing list

Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] save image to jpeg format in batch mode

2006-06-18 Thread saulgoode
The GIMP.ORG (http://gimp.org/tutorials/Basic_Batch) tutorial seems to  
be up-to-date and covers just about all that you need to know. Also,  
have you visited GIMPtalk.com and searched for the term "batch". That  
should provide some good examples that do almost exactly that which  
you described.

If you have any specific questions, I shall be happy to try to answer them.

Quoting "B.W.H. van Beest" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

I would like to create a jpg image from a gimp xsf-file, but in batch
mode. (for instance, to have it as a rule in a Makefile)
I have been struggling with this for quite some time, but all attempt
have failed.  Browsing the web did not yield workabale references or
examples. It seems that info on script-fu all is outdated?

Is there somebody around who can who me how to do this?

Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] save image to jpeg format in batch mode

2006-06-18 Thread saulgoode

Quoting "B.W.H. van Beest" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

802] test>gimp -i -b '(file_jpeg_save RUN-NONINTERACTIVE
"blurk.xcf" 2  "aap.jpg" "aap.jpg" 80.0 0.0 0)' '(gimp-quit 0)'
No batch interpreter specified, using the default 'plug_in_script_fu_eval'.
batch command: experienced an execution error.
[803] test>What am I doing wrong?

The "image" parameter in any script-fu function is actually a number  
which is defined when the image is loaded into the GIMP; it is *not* a  
filename. It is necessary for you to create a short script which loads  
your file into the GIMP and *then* saves back to disk.

I have written just such a script for you which you can find at  

The script should be executed from the command line as follows:

  gimp --no-interface -b '(batch-xcf2jpg "pattern.ext")' '(gimp-quit 0)'

Where the string ("pattern.ext" in the example) is a wildcard pattern  
of all of the files which you wish to be converted; the pattern can  
also be just a specific filename (for example, "someimage.xcf"). The  
script can be used to convert other formats (PNG, GIF, etc) by  
changing the extension (the output is always JPEG).

Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] Combine 2 pictures

2006-06-18 Thread saulgoode
I am surmising that the problem which you are experiencing is because  
you haven't adjusted your "canvas size" to accommodate both layers  
side-by-side. The easiest way to do this (assuming that you have two  
separate layers) is to move one layer completely outside of the other  
layer and then perform an "Image->Fit canvas to layers" command. You  
should then be able to see both layers in your window and can place  
them accordingly. After you have the layers where you wish, you should  
crop your image to eliminate the unwanted portions.

Quoting "Thomas w. Cranston" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

I scanned artwork that was bigger than my scanner, by scanning the
right end, and then the left end. I saved the 2 images, as a, and b.

How do I do this, so that I can combine them as one image.

Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] Editing the alpha channel

2006-06-19 Thread saulgoode

Quoting "scott s." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

I seem to be missing a basic concept.  If I open an image with alpha
channel, I can't find any way to edit the alpha channel.  I end up
using other software to save the alpha as a grayscale and editing that.
That requires converting my 24 bit image to grayscale too so I can
load the alpha as a layer for editing.  What I want is to keep the
24 bit rgb image and edit the alpha as an 8 bit layer.
FWIW, I generally use 32 bit targa format for editing image with
alpha., because I don't have any filter for directX compressed
formats (DXT1, DXT3).

Perform a "Layers->Mask->Add Layer Mask" and select "Transfer layer's  
alpha channel" as the initialize option. You can then edit the "alpha  
channel" by editing the layer mask. When you wish to transfer your  
edited layer mask back to the alpha channel, perform a  
"Layers->Mask->Apply Layer Mask".

Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] Editing the alpha channel

2006-06-21 Thread saulgoode

Quoting "scott s." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

The advantage to editing the channel mask is
that you can set a color for the mask, which makes it easier to see
just what you are doing.
When I edit the layer mask, other than modulating the transparency of
the connected layer,
I can't precisely see the effect.

If you wish to see just the mask itself, you can use the  
"Layer->Mask->Show mask" command. This will show the "effect" of  
either painting or filtering the mask.

If you wish to have a partially transparent (tinted) view of the mask  
(with your image behind it), you can perform a "Layer->Mask->Mask to  
selection" and then use Quickmask mode to edit the mask. After you are  
done editing the Quickmask, you can delete the layer's mask and  
perform an Add Layer Mask and choose "From Selection" for the  
Initialize option. (There may be better ways to accomplish this, and  
you may still prefer the channel method you are currently using.)

there is one other thing:  In the add layer mask there is an option

Layer's alpha channel
but also
Transfer layer's alpha channel

What is the difference?
The first option copies the alpha channel to the layer mask but leaves  
the alpha channel intact. The second option not only copies the alpha  
channel to a mask, but setsthe alpha channel to WHITE as well (i.e.,  
sets it to fully opaque).

If you try the two different options on the following image, the  
difference should become apparent.


I suspect you will find "transferring" the alpha channel to a mask to  
be more useful for your purposes.

Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] How to use gimp-layer-set-opacity in batch mode?

2006-06-22 Thread saulgoode

Quoting Klaus Schmidinger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

"GIMP: Not enough visible layers for a merge. There must be at least two."

The CVS version of the GIMP permits "merging" a single layer. If you  
are unable to get the CVS version, you can try the following approach  
which applies a 50% (GRAY) mask to the layer.

(let* (
(image (car (gimp-file-load 1 "test.png" "test.png")))
(drawable (car (gimp-image-get-active-layer image)))
(mask (car (gimp-layer-create-mask drawable ADD-WHITE-MASK
  (gimp-layer-add-mask drawable mask)
  (gimp-brightness-contrast mask -127 0)
  (gimp-image-remove-layer-mask image drawable MASK-APPLY)

  (gimp-file-save RUN-NONINTERACTIVE image drawable "test-50.png"  

  (gimp-quit 0)
Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] Layer positioning via dialog

2006-06-22 Thread saulgoode

Quoting Mauro Condarelli <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

I would be much happier if I could have some kind of feedback.
E.g.: a box showing the position of the layer into the canvas.

Any further idea??

The following Script-fu will allow you to enter numerical offsets into  
a dialog box. Script-fu is unable to provide a visual preview of the  
result but perhaps this will suit your needs (you can UNDO the  
operation if the result is unsatisfactory).

Save the text below as a file named "layer-offset.scm" in your scripts  
directory. The command will appear as "Script-Fu->Transform->Layer  

(define (script-fu-layer-offset image layer offset-x offset-y resize?)
  (gimp-image-undo-group-start image)
  (gimp-layer-set-offsets layer offset-x offset-y)
  (if (= resize? TRUE)
(gimp-image-resize-to-layers image)
  (gimp-image-undo-group-end image)

(script-fu-register "script-fu-layer-offset"
 "/Script-Fu/Transform/Layer offset"
 "Offset the layer relative to the image"
 "Saul Goode"
 "Saul Goode"
 SF-DRAWABLE "Drawable" 0
 SF-ADJUSTMENT "Offset X" '( 1553 0 5000 1 10 0 1 )
 SF-ADJUSTMENT "Offset Y" '( 1038 0 5000 1 10 0 1 )
 SF-TOGGLE "Resize image?" TRUE

Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] Website idea and comments on Gimp vrs photoshop

2006-06-23 Thread saulgoode

BTW, does anyone know how to make an 'inner glow' on a shape?

I posted a tutorial on GIMPtalk which covers shadows and glows. It  
doesn't cover 'inner glows' specifically (that is left as an exercise  
for the user) but it might give you a nudge in the right direction. It  
might not even be the best approach, I was trying to come up with a  
methodology which was easy to describe and to remember while still  
being flexible. The easiest solution to shadows and glows is probably  
Iicci's "Layer Effects" plug-in but I wanted some visual feedback of  
what I was doing (as opposed to just enterring numbers). Like most of  
the tutorials (and scripts) that I've written, since writing it I have  
learned so much that I feel I should rewrite it incorporating what I  
have learned.

Tutorial link:


Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] Website idea and comments on Gimp vrs photoshop

2006-06-24 Thread saulgoode

Quoting Joey Marshall <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

Thanks, but for an outer glow, I much preffer to use the scriptfu
shadow; Make the color white and change the x and y offset to 0. This
works very will for me and it is quick :)


BTW, does anyone know how to make an 'inner glow' on a shape?

I posted a tutorial on GIMPtalk which covers shadows and glows.

Ahh, I thought you wished to learn *how* to make an inner glow whereas  
what you really wanted to know is how to select options on a  
particular user interface ;-).

Personally, I hope GIMP doesn't ever become the "GNU Dialog Box  
Manipulation Program".

Gimp-user mailing list

[Gimp-user] How to do Angled Gradient Fills

2006-07-03 Thread saulgoode
A, I am not sure if the following produces the effect you desire, but  
it should be easy enough to test it out.

* Activate the QuickMask and stroke your path with a WHITE pen.

* Deactivate QuickMask.

* Use the Blend tool to fill the selection with the appropriate  
gradient. You will probably wish to set the Shape to "Shaped (angular)".

Gimp-user mailing list

[Gimp-user] script-fu - ERROR: bad function

2006-07-11 Thread saulgoode

I think that there exists a problem with the construct of your IF statement.

The format of IF statements in Scheme is:

(if condition

For example:

(if (< x 0)
  (print "X is negative")
  (print "X is positive")

The "do_this_if_false" is optional but if you wish to do more than one  
thing, you must use a "(begin" ... ")" statement.

(if (< x 0)
(print "X is negative")
(set! sign -1)
(print "X is positive")
(set! sign 1)

Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] script-fu question

2006-07-12 Thread saulgoode
Kevin Cozens provides a script written in Perl which will convert  
older script-fus to work with the newer API  

Even if you do not have Perl on your machine, you should be able to  
use the information in the script to determine the necessary  

Quoting Sven Görsmann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

My question: Do you know any "manuals" or links that could help me in
converting the old scripts to work again, for example a list which shows
the old function on the left an the new on the right.or something
like a how-to ?

Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] Question about scripting

2006-07-12 Thread saulgoode
I am not following your use of "immutable" (it seems to contradict the  
statements in parentheses). Perhaps you could clarify that part.

Also, I would caution that in GIMP parlance, the term "resize"  
generally refers to changing the canvas size of the image (without  
affecting the pixel data in any way). The term "scaling" is used to  
describe actually changing the size of image contents.  
Miscommunication could arise if this convention is not recognized.

I am not aware of a Procedural DataBase function that permits  
automatic saving of curves or levels. There is support (via some GAP  
plugins) for the loading and application of such files. The files  
themselves are simple affairs and there should be little difficulty in  
writing functions to save them. (Also, the curves and levels can be  
saved from their corresponding "Layers->Colors..." dialog boxes.)

I am not familiar with Python-fu but all that you described is easily  
handled by Script-fu and there is little reason to doubt that it  
cannot be accomplished with Python. The PDB is language agnostic and I  
think it is fair to say that Script-fu is the least capable of the  
available scripting languages.

Quoting Kent Tenney <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

Is it possible to script this capability?
(automatically saving the curves and levels files, under names
which indicates which image they are associated with)

Could it be scripted with Python-fu?
(I am comfortable with Python, not scheme)

Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] how to copy mask to layers

2006-07-17 Thread saulgoode

Quoting Thadeu Penna <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

I have a mask in one layer that I would like to copy to all others. Is
it possible in Gimp, besides going one-to-one ?

This would be very easy to script. In fact, I whipped up a Script-fu  
that might meet you needs and it is available at


What the script does is copy the layer mask of the active layer to all  
visible layers (unless they already have a layer mask or they do not  
have an alpha channel). If the active layer does not have a layer mask  
then the script will use a grayscale copy of the layer (if the active  
layer is visible then it also will have a mask added). There is very  
little error checking and the script will fail if any of the visible  
layers are not the same size as the active layer.

Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] n00b question about resizing

2006-07-18 Thread saulgoode

Quoting Rick Hogg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

Now, to do this I went into the Image->Scale Image
dialog, changed X- and Y- Resolution to 72
pixels/inch, but the Image Size didn't change. The
link box to the right of each of these options was
linked. If I didn't know the image was supposed to be
250x160, is there any way to automate this process?
What is the equivalent of the two PS options?

I am not that familiar with the Photoshop paradigm but perhaps Adobe  
chose to combine into one what the GIMP maintains as separate  
operations. If you use the GIMP's "Image->Print size...", you can  
change the DPI setting so that it matches the setting of the intended  
output device. You would then use "scale image" to size your image to  
what it what its real-world dimensions should be on that device.

Hopefully, I am not too far off-track on either what you are seeking.
Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] howto obtain level information

2006-07-21 Thread saulgoode

The PDB function "gimp-histogram" is that which you seek.

Quoting Jan Wuerthner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

Anyway, I have seen there is a function "gimp_levels" I can use to   
set the values. Now I need something like "gimp_get_levels" to   
determine the values I want to set. I haven't found anything to get   
the levels information from a drawable. Can anyone help me?

Gimp-user mailing list

[Gimp-user] How to chosing motion blur point+how to add blur angle

2006-07-24 Thread saulgoode

bramburger wrote

Is there a possibility to point out the blur point in the image with a
mouseclick? Or do you have to do it with the X&Y things?

I have been known to "cheat" using the following method:

Duplicate your layer then clear the duplicate (it should be transparent).

Using the Transform Scale Tool, resize the transparent layer so that  
the "circle" handle is situated over the focal point of your blur.

Perform a Merge Down (you now have a layer such that your focal point  
is at the center).

Perform your Motion Blur.

Perform a "Layer to Image Size".

The last step assumes that your original layer is the same size as  
your image. If this is not the case then it requires a couple of extra  
steps to crop your final layer to the correct size.

Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] How to chosing motion blur point+how to add blur angle

2006-07-26 Thread saulgoode

 bramburger wrote

Is there a possibility to point out the blur point in the image with a
mouseclick? Or do you have to do it with the X&Y things?

 I have been known to "cheat" using the following method:

 Duplicate your layer then clear the duplicate (it should be transparent).

 Using the Transform Scale Tool, resize the transparent layer so that
 the "circle" handle is situated over the focal point of your blur.

 Perform a Merge Down (you now have a layer such that your focal point
 is at the center).

 Perform your Motion Blur.

 Perform a "Layer to Image Size".

 The last step assumes that your original layer is the same size as
 your image. If this is not the case then it requires a couple of extra
 steps to crop your final layer to the correct size.

Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] GIMP Batch Mode: nothing happens!

2006-08-01 Thread saulgoode
The 'gimp-image-convert-indexed' command does not take the run mode as  
an argument. Try deleting the RUN-NONINTERACTIVE from the call.

I would also recommend that you perform a 'gimp-image-flatten' before  
converting to INDEXED mode; this will help to eliminate aliasing  

Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] Probably simple, need to know right approach

2006-08-01 Thread saulgoode

Quoting Simon Roberts <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

I'm trying to put a bunch of photographs together as a collage. As I do
so, I want to be able to resize and reposition each one repeatedly
until I'm happy with the overall layout. So far what I'm doing is
pasting each image into a new layer, however, this isn't very
satisfactory because the layers are all the full size of the image, so
when I resize them, I can't really see what the effect will be on the
image itself.

It sounds as though you are creating a New Layer *then* pasting your  
photograph into it. If so, this is counter-productive. If the  
photographs are files on your harddrive, just create a New Image from  
the Toolbox File menu and from the Image's File menu do an "Open As  
Layer" to open the rest of the photographs 'all-at-once' (hold down  
the CTRL key as you click on each of the files in the Open Dialog).  
The photographs will be added to the image, each on a separate layer.  
You will most likely wish to perform an "Image->Fit canvas to layers"  
afterwards so that no layers extend beyond the image boundaries.

If I understand you correctly what you desire to do is not much  
different from what I did when I created the following iTunes spoof.


Each of the images was on a separate layer (as well as the text; I had  
over 80 layers) and had to be resized and cropped to fitted the page  
in the proper location. The GIMP made this process very easy (it only  
took me about an hour). Since most of the images came from the  
Internet, I just used drag-n-drop to put them on new layers in the  

Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] Animated GIFs

2006-08-01 Thread saulgoode

Quoting John Meyer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

BTW, I stumbled across a problem on how to dial down the speed of an
animated GIF.  How do you do this using Gimp (Windows)?

In order to change the speed of a GIF, you must change the delays that  
are specified in the GIF's layernames. I have written a short script  
which will do this for you.


The script allows you to change the delay and mode settings for  
multilayer animations (usually GIFs). It works by renaming the layers  
with the appropriate values: for example, "Layer 1 (100 ms) (replace)".

It only changes the names of layers that are not hidden so that you  
can choose which layers you want set.

You can choose to set the Mode to "(combine)", "(replace)", keep the  
previous value, or clear the Mode part of the layername.

By the same token, you can specify the Delay (using a positive number  
of milliseconds), keep the existing Delay part (set the Delay to "0"),  
or clear the Delay part of the layername (set the Delay to "-1").

The command will appear in the menus as "Filters->Animation->Settings..."
Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] how to preserve semi-transparency when converting to indexed

2006-08-04 Thread saulgoode
Since I installed a new version, the semi-transparency is cut off   
and I have just plain black on transparent background as if there   
were no antialiasing, very ugly.

I wrote a script a while back that attempted to address this  
(available at  
http://flashingtwelve.brickfilms.com/GIMP/Scripts/de-alias.scm). It  
works by replacing the non-transparent portion of each layer with the  
result of merging the layer with the layers below (actually the  
"projection" of the layers below it).

The image at  
http://flashingtwelve.brickfilms.com/GIMP/Temp/de-alias.png might help  
explain the result. An opaque background is expected and that gets  
"hard-coded" into all non-transparent portions of the GIF. Fully  
transparent regions remain transparent (but I doubt if this fact would  
be of much use other than keeping filesize down).

I got it working only to the extent that I needed it, so there may be  
some bugs in it of which I am unaware. If you let me know whether the  
script needs modification, I might revisit it.

Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] Script-fu help?

2006-08-04 Thread saulgoode

Quoting William Fishburne <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

I'm processing text images for Project Gutenberg (www.gutenberg.net)
and I'd like to have a script-fu script that would take a list of files
(preferably a file glob) and do the following:

* read in the file (a png file that is RGB)
* Desaturate HSV
* Merge the layers of the desaturated image
* Save the file to a new directory, but with the same name

Download the script from  
and place it in your "~/.gimp-2.2/scripts/" directory (or other  
appropriate location). You should then be able to call the function  
from a shell using a command similar to the following:

gimp --no-data --no-interface -b '(batch-grayscale-image  
"filename1.png /home/saul/images/*.png books/covers/Twain*.png"  
"/home/saul/GrayscaleVersions/" 0)' '(gimp-quit 0)'

The first parameter to the function 'batch-grayscale-image' is a  
file-glob string and can be a list of discrete filenames, a wildcard  
expression, or a combination of both. The second parameter is a  
directory name string (it does not matter if the trailing slash is  
present or not) and this directory must already exist. The third and  
final parameter is the "method" to be employed to effect the  
conversion. It is a number ("0", "1", or "2") and has the following  

0 = Value: the same result as the "Value" channel of an  
HSV decompose

1 = Channel mixer: the same result as changing the image mode to Grayscale
2 = Desaturate:the same result as performing a desaturate on the layer

For what it's worth, the script is not limited to PNG files; but if  
other types are used, only the top layer is converted to grayscale, no  
merging of multiple layers takes place, and the output file is of the  
same type.

If you encounter any difficulties or require further customization of  
the script, feel free to let me know and I will be more than happy to  
do what I can to assist (I am a great fan of Project Gutenberg).  
Hopefully, you are not using Windows as I have experienced some  
difficulty with Windows using my scripts from the command line (mostly  
due to their peculiar employment of the backslash).

Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] how to preserve semi-transparency when converting to indexed

2006-08-05 Thread saulgoode

Quoting j_mach_wust j_mach_wust <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

saulgoode wrote:

It works by replacing the non-transparent portion of
each layer with the result of merging the layer with
the layers below (actually the "projection" of the
layers below it).

That sounds as if it's still impossible to preserve
semi-transparency while converting to indexed in the

It is impossible to preserve semi-transparency for GIF files in  
general; the format does not permit it. The GIF file specification  
permits ONE color to be treated as a "skip this pixel entirely", there  
is no allowance for any partially transparent pixels. This has nothing  
to do with the GIMP, it is a limitation of the file format.

Matthias Julius wrote:

How much does this reduce the file size?

I don't remember exactly, but I thought I tried it and
it significantly reduced the file size, so therefore I
kept doing it.

I'm confused now.

The PNG file format specification permits a similar indexed encoding  
scheme as the GIF format; thus a PNG file should, at a minimum, be  
able to replicate the GIF file's compression ratio. Some image  
programs (Photoshop, for example) *used to* inefficiently convert  
indexed images to 24-bit RGB PNGs which resulted in dramatic increases  
in file size. This was done at a time when those programs did not  
fully support the PNG specification, I very much doubt that any  
software suffers from this lapse anymore (well, maybe some of  
Microsoft's offerings).

Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] how to preserve semi-transparency when converting to indexed

2006-08-05 Thread saulgoode

Quoting j_mach_wust j_mach_wust <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

saulgoode wrote:

The PNG file format specification permits a similar
indexed encoding scheme as the GIF format;

Unlike an indexed GIF, an indexed PNG allows
semi-transparency. I thought I was able to produce
such semi-transparent indexed PNG with GIMP. I don't
know how I did it.

It appears that former versions of GIMP were not able
to produce semi-transparent indexed files at all (to
be saved as PNG). My question is: Is it now possible
to have semi-transparent indexed files (I thought it
were as I can remember I did it)? If it is possible,
then how to do it?

I misunderstood what you were asking before, sorry.

My understanding of the PNG indexed format is each color of the  
palette can have a different transparency level assigned to it. If  
this is true, there should be a way to duplicate the colors of your  
palette with varying levels of opacity. For a B&W palette, you could  
have 128 levels of opacity for each, for a 4-color palette, 64 levels,  

I am unaware of the GIMP possessing such a capability but that is not  
to say it doesn't exist. :)

Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] Fuzzy border in a script

2006-08-12 Thread saulgoode

Quoting houghi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

I would like to use 'Fuzzy border' in a script yet I can not seem to get
it right.

All I get is "batch command: experienced an execution error."

I have searched for aboyt two days and dit not find a solution. I would be
needing to rn it in a batch script, because it will be done on 2000+

My (wild) guess is that you are passing filenames from the command  
line to the GIMP, thinking that 'fuzzyborder' script can accept them  
for its "image" parameter. For example, if you are doing something like:

gimp -b '(fuzzy-border RUN-NONINTERACTIVE "*.png" 0 \'(0 0 0) 20 5 1 0  
0 0 1)' '(quit 0)'

this will not work becasue 'fuzzy-border' expects a number for the  
IMAGE parameter and does not know how to handle the string "*.png".

You usually have to define a new Script-fu function which takes care  
of opening the file and calling 'fuzzy-border' with the image  
identification number of the opened file.

If there is a better place to ask, please let me know.

Personally, I find forums to be easier than mailing lists to ask for  
and to receive help for a problem such as this. If I have guessed  
wrong on your problem (there are many things that can cause an  
"execution error"), you could post your problem on  
http://www.gimptalk.com/forum or http://gug.sunsite.dk/forum/

Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] rounded corners on jpg image.

2006-08-14 Thread saulgoode

Quoting "John R. Culleton" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

 have a jpg image that is in rectangular form. I would like to
round the corners off symmetrically to soften the shape a bit.
Which is the quickest way to to this?

The quickest way is to:

* Select all
* Perform a "Rounded rectangle" (I think you will find this on the  
"Select" menu, but on previous GIMP versions it may be under  

* Invert the selection
* Fill with a background color (JPEGs do not support transparent  
areas, therefore you have to choose a specific color for the corners)

If you would prefer to have the corners match the background of  
whereever the image is to appear (on a webpage, for example), you will  
have to use the PNG format (GIFs will work, too; but will have "ugly"  
edges). Change the last step above to:

* Perform a "Layer->Transparency->Add alpha channel" and then an "Edit->Clear"

If you *have* to use JPEG format, I would recommend that you place a  
border around your image:

* Select all
* Perform a "Rounded rectangle" (I think you will find this on the  
"Select" menu, but on previous GIMP versions it may be under  
* Create a new transparent layer. Increase this layer's boundary size  
by the amount of border you think will look good. Use the "Center"  
option when resizing the layer

* Perform an "Image->Fit canvas to layers"
* Invert the selection
* Fill with a border color

Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] Layers tree-view (or grouping layers)

2006-08-26 Thread saulgoode

Quoting mfi3 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

Thanks for all replies - main reason why I need tree view (and
grouping) of layers is cleaning up of layers window  - and it would be
hard to accomplish in other way than grouping layers and displaying
them in a tree view. So I will wait, hoping that some day gimp
developers will work on http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=86337

I have written a Script-fu which implements layer groups but it is  
intended mainly as a test-bed for determining how they might someday  
be implemented. It is actually quite functional but the user interface  
is definitely lacking.

If you would like to give it a try, I have a version which might  
provide the functionality you desire (my other versions consist mainly  
of replacements for the various buttons and menu functions so I might  
determine how they might take into account to the presence groups).

The script allows you to collapse and restore the groups in the image  
but you cannot edit a "collapsed" group; when a group is collapsed, it  
is replaced by a "preview layer" in the layer stack and any changes to  
the preview layer will be undone when the group is restored (however,  
it can be relocated in the layerstack).

Only one level of grouping is currently supported. The approach I am  
using should easily support a hierarchical nesting (the infrastructure  
of this version is close to doing so); however, I am not even close to  
resolving the user interface issues with regards to this and, to be  
honest, I am not sure doing so would be worth the complications.

The most important caveat on using the script is that you MUST restore  
any collapsed groups before saving; not doing so means the "preview  
layer" is what gets saved to your file and, upon quiting the GIMP, the  
separate layers of the group are lost. You will also have to be  
careful about deleting a fundament; after doing so, you should perform  
a "Script-fu->Layer Groups->Update display" so that its adjuvants are  

I would prefer it not be distributed beyond your own use as I intend  
neither to "maintain" it nor to "defend" its implementation. It is a  
far cry from what "layer groups" should be and it is, in the fullest  
sense of the phrase, a work-in-progress.

If your are interested in pursuing this, the script (and a very short  
document) is available at  

Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] script-fu: copy + paste

2006-09-09 Thread saulgoode
The thing that I notice in your script is that the new layer you create
has its transparency set to "0". Other than that, the paste is being
performed, it is just not visible in the output.

> Hi,
> I tried to set up my first script. I wanted to modify the old-photo
> in such a way to make the border fade out into transparency instead of a 
> color. I failed. Below is the simplified script, which should only make a 
> transparent border, but it does not work. My idea was to
> 1 - make a feathered selection in the original image, copy this selection
> 2 - create a new transparent layer
> 3 - paste the previous selection into it
> 4 - finally remove (or make invisible) the bottom layer
> If I use the script below (where the creation of the transparent layer
> the following steps are commented out), and then I create the new 
> transparent layer manyally in the gui of gimp, then Ctrl+V indeed works 
> well: it makes a paste of the feathered selection.
> However, if I uncomment even only the first 2 commented lines (which 
> create a new transparent layer and adds it to the image), then Ctrl+V 
> does not paste anything anymore; just a blank selection. Pasting from the 
> script (following lines in the script) also do not paste anything.
> Could anybody please explain me why, and how to overcome this?
> Thank you
> Daniel

Gimp-user mailing list

[Gimp-user] Script-fu : merge and save to PNG

2006-09-20 Thread saulgoode
When you perform a 'gimp-image-merge-visible-layers', a new layer is
created and its ID returned by the function. You need to pass that new
layer's ID to 'gimp-png-save' ("ombre1" no longer exists).

> I got my script-fu script working, and producing the image I need. Here
> it is :

> http://www.europephoto.com/info/titres_genealogie.scm

> However, I can't save the image when it's merged. It works if I don't
> merge the layers, but as soon as they're merged, there's an error.

Gimp-user mailing list

[Gimp-user] Scrip-fu documentation

2006-09-20 Thread saulgoode
Wilbur's Wiki links to this tutorial:


which provides a good introduction to Script-fu and also addresses the
available "SF-..." widget registrations.

I believe Sven has already addressed your input parameter problem in a
different thread.

> Is there somewhere some documentation about script-fu? I mean, for the
> moment, all I found was 3 very small tutorials, some scheme
> documentation, and the gimp functions in the console window.

> I really find it difficult to learn script-fu because there's not much
> documentation. For example, I need to understand what are the parameters
> to use with SF-ADJUSTMENT. I also need to understand why I can't use the
> variables I fill in when calling my script... 


Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] How to find out path length?

2006-09-24 Thread saulgoode
If you are using Script-fu and your script is for versions 2.2.x of the
GIMP then the following function will return the length of a given path.
 It will work with version 2.3 but will generate some deprecation
warnings (and 2.3 provides better methods).

;; 'sflib-path-get-length' returns the length of the specified path
;; NOTE: If the end of the path is a X=0, Y=0 (and the slope
;;   is zero there) then the value returned will be 
;;   slightly shorter (as much as 1.4) than actual.
;;   (The path may *start* at 0,0)

(define (sflib-path-get-length image pathname)
  (let* (
  (path (gimp-path-get-points image pathname))
  (last-index (* 9 (- (trunc (/ (+ (caddr path) 3) 9)) 1)))
  (points (cadr (cddr path)))
  (point-lo (list (aref points  0) (aref points  1)))
  (point-hi (list (aref points  last-index) (aref points (+
last-index 1
  (guess (sqrt (+ (* (- (car point-hi) (car point-lo)) 
 (- (car point-hi) (car point-lo))) 
  (* (- (cadr point-hi) (cadr point-lo)) 
 (- (cadr point-hi) (cadr point-lo)
  (guess-lo 0)
  (guess-hi (* guess 2))
  (Done FALSE)
  (pnt (gimp-path-get-point-at-dist image guess-hi))
(while (not (and (= (car pnt) 0) (= (cadr pnt) 0) (= (caddr pnt) 0)))
  (set! guess-hi (* guess-hi 2))
  (set! pnt (gimp-path-get-point-at-dist image guess-hi))
(while (= Done FALSE)
  (set! point-guess (gimp-path-get-point-at-dist image guess))
  (if (and (= (car point-guess) 0) (= (cadr point-guess) 0) (=
(caddr point-guess) 0))
  (set! point-hi point-guess) 
  (set! guess-hi guess)
  (set! guess (/ (+ guess guess-lo) 2))
(if (or (and (= (car  point-guess) (car  point-lo))
 (= (cadr point-guess) (cadr point-lo))
(and (= (car  point-guess) (car  point-hi))
 (= (cadr point-guess) (cadr point-hi))
  (set! Done TRUE)
(set! point-lo point-guess)
(set! guess-lo guess)
(set! guess (/ (+ guess guess-hi) 2))

Paolo Herms
Sun, 24 Sep 2006 07:52:03 -0700

> Hello,
> I've got a cartographic image and I designed a path on it.
> Is there any way to find out its length?

Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] Automated sequence of actions with keyboard short cuts?

2007-02-26 Thread saulgoode
Quoting Dave M G <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> GIMP Users,
> Because of the nature of my work, I have to repeat the same set of
> commands over and over again. (...SNIP...)
> Is there a way I can save a custom sequence of processes, and then, dare
> I hope, bind that sequence to a keyboard shortcut?

I had a few minutes free so I whipped up a script-fu which I think  
will do the task you described. I have even commented it so that you  
might see how it works (and perhaps modify it). I haven't tested the  
script on GIMP 2.2 (I am using a development version) so let me know  
if it doesn't work.

The command is not assigned to a keystroke but you can do so from the  
"File->Preferences->Interface->Configure keyboard shortcuts->Plugins"  
where you should click on the "Fill Path With FG" command and then hit  
the key you wish assigned.

NOTE: If you perform an UNDO after executing the command, you will no  
longer see the path because you won't be in "edit mode"; the path is  
still there but you will have to manually switch back to edit mode.

The script is available at:

Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] Automated sequence of actions with keyboard shortcuts? [SOLVED]

2007-02-27 Thread saulgoode
Quoting Dave M G <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> The script looks quite complicated to me, but I will endeavor to use it
> as a model for building some other action sequences similar to this.
> Hopefully by changing just one or two things at a time I can get a feel
> for this and create more interesting scripts down the road.

The script appears complicated because it handles differences in the  
PDB interface between version 2.2 and the development version (perhaps  
my comments obfuscated the code as well). If the script only supported  
versions <= 2.2, it would be about as simple as a script can be --  
perhaps showing such code would make it more clear (I left out the PDB  
registration function):

(define (script-fu-path-fill-aliased image layer)
   (let* ((path (car (gimp-path-get-current image
 (gimp-image-undo-group-start image)
 (gimp-path-to-selection image path CHANNEL-OP-REPLACE FALSE FALSE 0 0)
 (gimp-edit-bucket-fill layer FG-BUCKET-FILL NORMAL-MODE 100 0 FALSE 0 0)
 (gimp-selection-none image)
 (gimp-path-delete image path)
 (gimp-image-undo-group-end image)

Personally, I would recommend removing the line that deletes the path  
-- paths take up very little memory and you may wish to go back and  
edit them later.
Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] Automated sequence of actions with keyboard shortcuts? [SOLVED]

2007-02-28 Thread saulgoode
Quoting Sven Neumann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> You can write scripts for 2.2 now and continue to use them with future
> GIMP versions. The plug-in and scripting API is backwards compatible. I
> wonder why the example script even goes through the hassle of trying to
> deal with versions.

A valid point. I just dislike deprecation warnings popping up and I  
was rushing things a bit.

Quoting David Gowers <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> The script as defined above produces an antialiased fill, which is naturally
> the opposite of aliased (aliasing is stairstepping, and antialiasing
> counteracts it.). If an aliased (ie. hard-edged) rendering were preferable,
> (gimp-selection-sharpen image) would be needed before bucket filling.

'gimp-selection-sharpen' is unnecessary because anti-aliasing was  
disabled (the argument set to FALSE) in the 'gimp-path-to-selection'  

Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] image resolution

2007-03-04 Thread saulgoode
Quoting David Heino <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> There's much talk recently about HDR images. Could someone with more
> technical expertise than I possess comment on HighDef television and whether
> there will be soon something like a HighDef computer monitor? Specifically,
> for a long time I have been making images for web content at 72 dpi under
> the assumption that it is the highest resolution needed for display on the
> computer screen. Will this soon change? And, if so, what sort of resolutions
> will be needed? How will this change the production of images for web
> content?

HDR imaging and HDTV are quite unrelated. The "high definition" in HDR  
is in reference to the color depth of the individual pixels while for  
HDTV it is referring to the pixel density of the image.

The GIMP currently supports up to 8-bits per color per pixel 'color  
depth' while HDR imaging generally requires 10 or more (usually the  
jump is made to 16- or 32-bit color depths; and the use of floating  
point representation in some formats). Computer monitors and HDTV only  
requires 8-bit colors and so the images that the GIMP produces are  
quite satisfifactory for that purpose (and the "pixel density" aspect  
of HDTV is basically irrelevant). The need for greater color depths  
arises when _editing_ the images.

Many cameras and scanning devices provide data that employs deeper  
color depths and the GIMP is currently unable to handle that extra  
information; it would be discarded when the data is imported from the  
device (or HDR file). Note that this information would also be  
"discarded" when sent to the monitor or HDTV (which only handles 8BPP  
depth) but it is useful during editing to have that information.

The situation is very similar to that of audio editing and production:  
even though the sound quality of CDs is limited to 16-bit samples  
sampled at 41100Hz, it is beneficial to handle higher quality versions  
(24-bit at 96kHz, for example) during the editing process.

Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] Repeating layer control over many layers.

2007-03-09 Thread saulgoode
Quoting Robin Laing <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> I am using GIMP to process some videos as it allows an easy way to
> measure pixels and ratios.  The problem is there are times when I have
> to process the image using tools like Layer > Colours > Curves as one
> example.
> Now the issue is how do I repeat this move over all the layers or over a
> select range of layers automatically?  Do I have to write a script to do
> this or is there a built in tool?  The number of layers to be processed
> can go up to 1000 so doing it manually can be a real pain.

I would recommend that you install the GIMP Animation Package (if you  
haven't already done so). This will add commands (under a new "Video"  
menu) which will permit you to what you describe plus much more.

One of the commands added is "Filter All Layers" but this has the  
disadvantage of not being able to choose a subset of layers to filter.  
I would recommend doing the following:

1) Choose a representative layer of your "video", open up the 'Curves'  
dialog, and adjust the settings to taste. Save your settings to a file  
and then CANCEL out of the dialog. I would recommend saving your  
settings in your home directory , for reasons I will specify later.

2) Perform a "Split Image to Frames". This will convert you multilayer  
image into separate images of one layer (you should be in RGB Mode and  
have Unoptimized your multi-layer image)

3) Perform a "Frames Modify" and select "Apply Filter On Layers" using  
the Function drop-down widget. (If necessary, change the "From frame"  
and "To frame" range.) Press OK.

4) A new dialog will appear which will let you choose your filter. You  
should select a function called "plugin-wr-curves", found near the  
bottom of the list. Click on the "Apply Constant".

5) A file dialog will appear in which you should enter the filename of  
your saved settings. This dialog does not show hidden directories  
(which is why I recommended saving your file in ~).

6) You will be presented with a preview and prompted whether to  
continue before the operation continues.

7) If necessary, use "Frames to Image" to convert the separate images  
back to a multi-layered image.

Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] Unable to use 'system' command for script-fu

2007-03-10 Thread saulgoode
Quoting Tony Freeman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> Hello,
> I wonder if someone could help me with this problem I'm having using the
> 'system' command in a scheme file.

Unfortunately, the 'system' command is one of those rare SIOD  
functions that is not implemented in Script-fu. You may need to write  
a plug-in or a Python script to execute command line calls.

Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] Unable to use 'system' command for script-fu <-- Almost done

2007-03-12 Thread saulgoode
Quoting Tony Freeman:

> One last thing that I cannot figure out is:  how do you close the  
> dialog box that the image is sitting in?  In Scheme you do it like so:

> (gimp-display-delete Image)

> I've tried the following (with variations), but it causes the  
> python-fu to hang:

> pdb.gimp_display_delete(img)

To the best of my knowledge, it is impossible for a script to close  
the display unless it was created through PDB calls (i.e., you cannot  
delete an image created or opened by the user).

The PDB function, 'gimp-image-delete', only works with images that  
have been created through the PDB. Since the call to  
'gimp-display-delete' will attempt to delete the image if the display  
you are deleting is the only one associated with the image, you end up  
effectively violating the conditions of 'gimp-image-delete'.

Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] using a mask to help blend exposures

2007-04-14 Thread saulgoode
Quoting Joshua Simons <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> I am trying to blend two exposures using the 2nd technique ("Layer
> Mask")
> described at this URL:
> http://www.luminous-landscape.com/tutorials/digital-blending.shtml
> To use this given two exposures, E1 and E2, I need to find a way to
> use E1
> as a layer mask for E2. Is that possible using GIMP?

The quickest way that I know of is to drag the thumbnail of E1 from  
the Layers window to the Channels window. Then you click on the  
square, red button ("Replace the selection with this channel"), go  
back and activate layer E2, and perform an "Add Layermask"  
initializing the layermask to "Selection".

I have written a Script-fu which will create a selection from the  
current drawable which simplifies the above process a little:

* Perform Select->None. (because the script honors the selection)
* Perform "Select->From Drawable" on E1. (this command is added to the  
Select Menu when you install the script)
* Perform an "Add Layermask" on E2; initializing the layermask to the  

The script is available at  
if you choose to use it. There are two other commands added:  
"Select->Layer Bounds" (which just makes a rectangular selection the  
same dimensions as the layer) and "Select->To Layer" (which creates a  
new layer from the selection using the FG and BG colors).
Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] Is there a simple way of repeating a perspective transformation?

2007-04-16 Thread saulgoode
Quoting Neil Woolford <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> I have a series of images of objects, shot from the same viewpoint, which all
> need to have the same perspective transformation applied before they are
> retouched and used.
> Is there any simple way of exactly repeating a transformation on a series of
> images.  It appears that the perspective transformation is the one that you
> can't even enter parameters for, it is all driven interactively by the mouse.
> This will lead to differences between the images that may make some of the
> retouching more difficult than it needs to be.

If your images are all named sequentially ("picture_0001.jpg",  
"picture_0002.jpg", etc), or if you can rename them as such, then you  
can use the GAP to perform the perspective transform.

1) Open the first image ("picture_0001.jpg").
2) Create a new image that will be large enough to hold the transformed image.
3) Use "Video->Duplicate Frames..." to create enough copies to hold  
your original images (e.g., if you have 100 originals then duplicate  
the new image 99 times).
4) Perform a "Video->Move Path"
   4a) Set the Source Image/Layer: to the first image in your series.
   4b) Set the Stepmode: to "Frame Once".
   4c) Set the Handle: to "Center".
   4d) Set the X: and Y: of the Current Point to be the center of the image.
   4e) Check the "Instant Apply" option.
   4f) Click on the Perspective tab and enter appropriate values to move the
   four corners of the original to the proper perspective.
   4g) Click OK.

At this point, a new layer will be added to each of the frames that  
you originally created. You can continue editing from this point  
(recommended) or use the "Video->Frames convert..." command to save  
them all as JPEGs.

Step "4f)" will require some trial and error. The value of each of the  
points corresponds to the ratio of that point between its original  
location and the center. A screenshot of an example dialog is  
available at http://www.imageox.com/image/42041-Perspectiv.jpeg
Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] Path tool not working

2007-04-18 Thread saulgoode
Quoting Andrew <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> If I use the path tool, it is not working. even if I start gimp from
> scratch, and make a new area, it is still shown with the no entry sign!?!?!
> ...
> Occasionally, strangely, with nothing I have done apparently having any
> effect, the path tool is working.
It sounds as though your Paths Tool is in "Edit" mode. Double-click on  
the tool to raise its Options window and assure that you are in  
"Design" mode. You may also find it helpful to have the Paths dialog  
displayed ("Dialogs->Paths") so that you can see the various paths you  
are creating, select previously created paths, and change the  
visibility of the paths on your drawing.

> Then, when I use the path tool, the from path and to path are greyed out
> in the selection pull down menu.

This means that you have not created a path yet (probably because you  
were in "Edit" mode).

> if I use the intelligent scissors, I can outline an area, but I can't do
> anything with it.
> Now I come back to the app, start everything again, and the path tool is
> not working again.
> I use the intelligent scissors. I can make a shape. Once again, the from
> path and to path are greyed out!?!?!?

The Intelligent Scissors tool is completely unrelated to paths but  
even still, once you have outlined your shape with the scissors, you  
must convert it to a selection (by clicking on the starting point)  
before it is of any use.

Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] cartoon (card figure) from photo

2007-04-28 Thread saulgoode
I would suggest keeping the two operations -- outlining and color  
smoothing -- as separate operations.

If you duplicate your layer and, on the top layer perform your edge  
detection, followed by a desaturation and color removal, you will be  
able to erase (or enhance, or de-emphasize) the outline as you desire.  
On the lower layer, try the Selective Gaussian Blur to smooth out the  
colored regions.

Using the above technique (crudely), I was able to produce the  
following transformation:


Quoting Daniel Nogradi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> What I would like to do is take a photo of someone's face and turn it
> into a cartoon, more precisely into figures that are on ordinary
> playing cards: Jack, Queen and King. The main feature of these figures
> are: clear sharp edges and uniform colors between edges. This last
> thing is the one that I'm not able to create from the photo. I tried
> all kinds of edge detecting algorithms but the end result was always
> 'photo-like' in the sense that the colors were not uniform but all
> kinds of pixels next to each other as is always the case with photos.
> Would it be possible to detect sharp edges with uniform colors between them?

Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] cartoon (card figure) from photo

2007-04-28 Thread saulgoode
I should add that the Greycstoration Plug-in will also work wonders in  
cartoonifying an image.


Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] cartoon (card figure) from photo

2007-04-29 Thread saulgoode
Quoting Daniel Nogradi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> I guess I know too little about the terminology here; how do I
> desaturate the image?


>  And what do you mean by color removal? The top
> layer should have transparent background, shouldn't it?


> I guess what I'm asking is what did you exactly do when you got your
> example done?

Other than edge detection (http://docs.gimp.org/en/plug-in-dog.html),  
some erasing of  "ugly" parts of the top layer, and using the  
Selective Gaussian Blur  
(http://docs.gimp.org/en/plug-in-selective-blur.html), those parts of  
the GIMP User's Manual pretty well cover it.

Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] Filter / Nature doesnt work above a certain resolution

2007-05-09 Thread saulgoode
I will take a wild guess that when working with your larger image, you  
have the filter's camera settings "zoomed out" enough that the result  
is not visible (this would explain the quick execution of the filter).

If adjusting your camera settings does not solve your problem, perhaps  
you could provide further details about the steps you are taking  
(image dimensions, filter settings, etc).


> Dear Gimp Mailinglist,
> just installed Gimp some days ago when reading a nice article on the  
>  gentoo wiki about how i can easily create nice desktop backgrounds.
> Worked fine, i did some nice backgrounds using different filters etc.
> Now i wanted to create a much more bigger image to get in on a nice poster.
> When i apply the nature/flame filter, it takes gimp only seconds to   
> finish, but when it does, i dont see any flame...
> I'll try the same steps which a much more smaller image again, and   
> it works, gimp takes way longer to get finished and the flame is   
> there.
> Strange thing is i dont get any error messages, it just doesnt work,  
>  and the status bar which indicates the "% done" of the current job   
> is starting at ~50%.
> Seems it does have something todo with the size of the image - but i  
>  got 2 GB Ram, and have set the maximum tile size to 1gb.
> Any Ideas what i might be doing wrong or where i i have to set some   
> special config options?
> Regards, Moritz
> ___
> Gimp-user mailing list
> Gimp-user@lists.XCF.Berkeley.EDU
> https://lists.XCF.Berkeley.EDU/mailman/listinfo/gimp-user

Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] How do I restrict GIMP's palette to 16 - 235?

2007-05-16 Thread saulgoode

> I am creating a menu for a DVD. How do I restrict GIMP's palette to
> 16 - 235, as mentioned in the reference at the link below?
> [ref: http://people.csail.mit.edu/tbuehler/video/titles.html]

Your first option is to scale the range of output colors so they fit  
within the range 16-235. This can be accomplished using the "Levels"  
tool and setting the output range of each of the three color channels  
to have a lower limit of 16 and an upper limit of 235 (I would  
recommend saving these settings so you don't need to re-enter them  
each time). This will result in some degree of color shift for all  

You might prefer to just clip any colors which are outside the  
NTSC-recommended range so that they fall within the 16-235 range. This  
can be accomplished by creating two new layers above your original --  
one of the layers should be filled with "NTSC black" (HTML=0x101010)  
and set to "Lighten only" mode; the other layer should be filled with  
"NTSC white" (HTML=0xebebeb) and set to "Darken only" mode.

Another alternative would be to provide some "smooth" color adjustment  
(using the Curves tool, again with the channels handled separately)  
which would provide something of a compromise between the previous two  
options - retaining much of the pre-existing NTSC-safe colors but  
still exhibiting some contrast variation for the unsafe one.

Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] Script-fu help

2007-05-28 Thread saulgoode

> Hi everybody !
> I have made a script to resize picture... but it doesn't work anymore, I
> have change something but I don't remember what...
> Can someone help me?

I suspect that you are using the development version (2.3) of the GIMP  
and your difficulty is caused by the fact that Script-fu has become  
more demanding that you follow proper Scheme programming guidelines  
than it used to be.

In previous versions of Script-fu, you were allowed to 'set!' an  
undeclared variable and Script-fu would happily go ahead and define it  
for you. This is no longer acceptable -- you must declare your  
variables (with either 'define' or 'let*') before you use them.

In particular, you have two variables -- 'f1-height' and 'f1-width' --  
which need to be included in your 'let*' block. Once you do this, I  
think you will find your script to be functional.

Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] gimp-comment in batch file

2007-06-03 Thread saulgoode
In order to change the "gimp-comment" you must change a parasite that is
attached to the image. The following code defines a function that will
set the 'gimp-comment' parasite to the passed string. (Note: I don't  
have access to the GIMP right now, so I haven't tested it; though I  
think it will work.)

Include the function definition in your file (I recommend inserting it  
right after the '(define (batch-test pattern)' line) and replace your

(set! gimp-comment "Some Test Text")


(add-comment image "Some Test Text")

;; 'add-comment' attaches "gimp-comment" parasite to 'image'
;;   with the value of the passed 'string'
   (define (add-comment image string)
 (*catch 'errobj
   (gimp-image-parasite-find image "gimp-comment")
   (if (not (null? errobj))
 (gimp-image-parasite-detach image "gimp-comment")
 (gimp-image-parasite-attach (list "gimp-comment"
(bytes-append string)))

Quoting David Woodfall <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> Hi,
> I'm trying to write a batch scm to insert a comment into a tiff. Here is
> the test code. It appears to function correctly but does not seem to add
> the comment:
> (define (batch-test pattern)
>(let* (
>(filelist (cadr (file-glob pattern 1)))
>  (while filelist
>(set! filename (car filelist))
>(set! image (car (file-tiff-load RUN-NONINTERACTIVE filename   
> filename)))
>(set! drawable (car (gimp-image-flatten image)))
>(set! gimp-comment "Some Test Text")
>(file-tiff-save RUN-NONINTERACTIVE image drawable "test.tif"   
> "test.tif" 0)
>(gimp-image-delete image)
>(set! filelist (cdr filelist))
>  )
> )
> I have no idea if (set! gimp-comment "Some Test Text") is the right way of
> doing this but googling doesn't shed much light on it.

Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] gimp-comment in batch file

2007-06-03 Thread saulgoode
OOPS! The 'if' statement should be "(if (null? errobj)". I had my  
logic backwards.


> ;;--
> ;; 'add-comment' attaches "gimp-comment" parasite to 'image'
> ;;   with the value of the passed 'string'
> ;;
>(define (add-comment image string)
>  (*catch 'errobj
>(gimp-image-parasite-find image "gimp-comment")
>(if (not (null? errobj))
>  (gimp-image-parasite-detach image "gimp-comment")
>  )
>  (gimp-image-parasite-attach (list "gimp-comment"
> 3
> (bytes-append string)))
>  )

Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] Reg: Swapping Colors

2007-06-13 Thread saulgoode
Quoting Nandakumar KS <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> Hi,
> In the image am having, I want to swap the colors between red and blue. How
> to do that using gimp???

I would recommend using the Colors Channel Mixer. If you look at the  
screenshot for it in the online GIMP User's Manual  
(http://docs.gimp.org/en/plug-in-colors-channel-mixer.html), you will  
notice it showing the Output Channel chosen being Red and that it is  
configured to 100% Red with 0% for the Green and Blue components (this  
is what you would expect for the Red Channel to appear as Red :] ). If  
you change the slider values so that the Red Channel is set to 0% and  
the Blue Channel is at 100%, then the information in the Red Channel  
of your layer will be converted to Blue (you are halfway done).

Now if click on the drop-down box for the Output Channel and select  
the Blue channel, you can change the settings for it so that the Red  
Channel is 100% and the Blue Channel is 0%.

Once those two changes are made, you can click on the "OK" button. The  
Red & Blue channels will be swapped (this only happens on the selected  
region of the active layer, to have the change affect the whole image,  
you will need to merge your layers or apply the same settings to the  
other layers manually).

Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] Channels

2007-07-10 Thread saulgoode
Quoting Victor Domingos <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> Is there a preference in GIMP, to make a channel appear as a
> grayscale layer, instead of a red, green, or blue layer? Is
> decomposing the image the only way to do this? I would laike to
> compare two channels more easily, and the R/G/B color cast doesn't
> seem to help...

There is not really such an option built-in to the GIMP. If your main  
concern is just comparing the channels then you could create a layer  
from them rather easily by dragging the component (R,G, or B) from its  
position at top of the Channels dialog to the bottom, then dragging  
the resulting new channel over to your image window. You can drag a  
component directly to your image window, but realize that the  
components displayed in the Channels dialog will then be based on new  
layer; so in order to do this for the next channel, you would need to  
hide the layer.

You might find a script I wrote a while back to be useful  
(http://flashingtwelve.brickfilms.com/GIMP/Scripts/decompose.scm). It  
decomposes a layer to its constituent components and uses those as  
layermasks to red-, green-, and blue-filled layers. It doesn't handle  
the alpha channel in the original layer (doing so would introduce some  
inherent difficulties that are worse than having the limitation).

Once you have decomposed your layer using the script, you can edit the  
layermasks of the respective channels -- viewing either the resulting  
projection or using "Show layermask" to view the grayscale version of  
the respective channel (I would recommend assigning a quickkey to the  
Show Layermask function, as it is handy to switch between the two  
views). To restore the original layer, just make only the four layers  
(R, G, B, and black) visible, assure that none of them are showing its  
layermask, and do a Merge Visible.

Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] Rounding those corners

2007-07-28 Thread saulgoode
> Hi gimp-user,
> How are you creating a single rounded corner, like those used for
> css boxes with rounded corners.
> (i.e., http://www.csszengarden.com/063/corner_yelongreen_tr.gif)
> Or, if you wanted to outline an image's left, bottom, and right, sides
> and round the lower corners (radius 8), so it would look like a "U"
> without the tail and a flatter bottom (again for use in CSS
> background for a round cornered semi-flexible box).

There is a nice tutorial on GUG (GIMP Users Group) which suggests a method
(http://gug.sunsite.dk/?page=tutorials). If you wish to have only certain
corners rounded, I would propose rounding the corners on a duplicate layer
then erasing the unwanted regions (or use layermasking) to reveal the
Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] Writing values to a file from within GIMP

2007-07-28 Thread saulgoode
> Hi,
> I'm writing a script-fu GIMP plugin and I need to be able to write some
> decimal values to a file during the execution of the script.  I've seen
> some
> people suggesting that use of fprintf, etc., but can't figure out how to
> get
> this to work.  Can someone please provide some guidance?

If you are using GIMP 2.3.14 or later, the following code should
demonstrate how to write to a file:

(define outport (open-output-file "samplefile.txt"))
(display  "Hello" outport)
(newline outport)
(display "World" outport)
(close-output-port outport)

If you are using a stable version (2.2.x) of the GIMP, then you will need
to use SIOD's 'fopen', 'fwrite', and 'fclose' functions.

(define outfile (fopen "samplefile.txt" "w"))
(fwrite "Hello" outfile)
(fwrite "\n" outfile)
(fwrite "World" outfile)
(fclose outfile)

Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] How do I put the tool bar back on the main Gimp page

2007-08-03 Thread saulgoode
> Somehow my tool bars have moved off of the main GIMP tool bar (the one
> that opens files and stuff) and they have moved off to be their own
> entities.  I keep trying to make it reattach like it used to be but for
> the life of me I can't figure out how to do it.  Does anyone out there
> know how???  Please help


Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] New small user manual for gimp newbies made

2007-08-04 Thread saulgoode
> A small beginners minihowto about gimp  is made.
> The idea is to get newbies started using gimp immediately, with the most
> elementary things.
> Has taken me a long time, to learn gimp.
> The address is http://www.minihowto.org
> I am an old pensioner of some 66 years of age.
> This manual is supplementary to all the other documentation, which is out
> there on the Internet etc.  :-)

That is a nice introduction. It is valuable to understand the experiences
of new users; often experts and veterans have a difficult time writing
manuals and tutorials because they "intuitively" understand concepts which
prove to be significant barriers to the new user.

One thing I would recommend: in your tutorial you should mention the
importance of saving files in the XCF format while working on them. Many
new users will save their multi-layered files as JPEG or PNG and then find
out that the layers are no longer there the next time they use the GIMP.
Saving as an XCF will retain all of the information associated with an
edit session -- including layers, texts, paths, and selections -- so that
the user can pick up where they left off.

Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] I need to know how much was cropped with autocrop

2007-08-08 Thread saulgoode
> On 8/1/07, David Gower wrote:

> OTOH if you're just autocropping a *layer*, not an image, you can just
> compare image corners to layer corners.

While looking into this, I notice that autocropping an image uses the
active layer, not the projection, to determine the resultant image
boundaries. (Would this be a bug?)

Based on this behavior, there is no real advantage (from a scripting
standpoint; you still have to process each layer individually) to doing a
crop image as opposed to a crop layer. By processing each layer
individually, its boundary offsets and dimensions remain relative to the
original image, easing the task of comparing their "before" and "after"
Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] I need to know how much was cropped with autocrop

2007-08-08 Thread saulgoode
> On 8/1/07, David Gower wrote:

> OTOH if you're just autocropping a *layer*, not an image, you can just
> compare image corners to layer corners.

While looking into this, I notice that autocropping an image uses the
active layer, not the projection, to determine the resultant image
boundaries. (Would this be a bug?)

Based on this behavior, there is no real advantage (from a scripting
standpoint; you still have to process each layer individually) to doing a
crop image as opposed to a crop layer. By processing each layer
individually, its boundary offsets and dimensions remain relative to the
original image, easing the task of comparing their "before" and "after"

(My apologies to David Gowers for responding to the wrong e-mail address.)

Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] GAP help, combining animations

2007-08-10 Thread saulgoode
Quoting Patrick <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> ... What I am still confused about is how to
> append one animation to another. I tried the "map to" option with
> different frame settings but the second animation just seems to get
> imaged over the first rather then appended after it.
> Could anyone tell me how to append? Thanks for your time-Patrick

The short answer is "use the VCR Navigator" but allow me to give an example.

Let's assume you have a main animation to which you wish to append  
another clip. Open up the first frame from each of the animations and  
then perform a "Video->VCR Navigator" to raise its dialog window.

At the top of the dialog window you will see a drop-down selector  
which allows you to choose which of the open animations is being  
"navigated". Set this selector to the clip which you are appending.  
Next, right-click on one of the thumbnails in the list and choose the  
"Select All" menu item. Again right-click on a thumbnail and choose  
the "Copy" option.

Now go to the drop-down selector and choose your main animation.  
Scroll down to the very last frame, right-click on it, and select the  
"Paste After" option. It might take some time to perform the copy,  
depending upon how many frames you are adding.

Once you are aware of this method, it should be obvious that it is  
very similar to the standard copy-n-paste used by most programs. It  
should be noted, though, that every frame of your source gets  
duplicated into a 'video buffer' directory which will make the process  
slower and require more disk space than the method proposed by Scott  
Bicknell (it does, however, leave the original clip intact). Also,  
this 'video buffer' directory will retain copies of the last cut/copy  
operation until you manually delete them (you can clear the video  
buffer from the right-click menu in the VCR Navigator).

Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] encoding help, please

2007-08-12 Thread saulgoode
Quoting Patrick <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> However it does not look like anyone has larger GIFs, about 300px
> square, on their websites, no doubt due to the files sizes. I wanted to
> also encode a video and post it on the web. I cannot get anything
> encoded. I have a bunch of .xcf frames with serial numbers. I tried
> converting them to .png and .tiff but nothing helps. I also downloaded
> and set up mpeg2encode. It works from the command line but not from GIMP.
> I am running Ubuntu on a 64 bit machine. If anyone can tell me how to
> get from the .xcf frames to encode any video format that would be terrific.

If you are having problems with the built-in encoding that the GAP  
provides, I would recommend using "Video->Frames convert..." to save  
your animation as a sequence of PNGs and then (externally) use  
Mencoder to convert those PNGs to video.

mencoder "mf://*.png" -mf fps=15 -o output.avi -ovc lavc -lavcopts  

Changing the FPS and output format as needed.

For publishing on the web, you should consider using the Theora format  
and either Itheora  
(http://menguy.aymeric.free.fr/theora/index.php?l=en) or Metavid  
(http://metavid.ucsc.edu/) players. Itheora is more flexible but  
Metavid should be compatible with the HTML5 draft standard for online  

To produce OGG Theora video, you will need to use 'ffmpeg2theora' to  
convert your 'mencoder' output. I have some examples of the Itheora  
videos on http://flashingtwelve.brickfilms.com/Website/films.html

Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] How to Apply an operation to ALL OPENED FILE... or how to do it simply?

2007-08-13 Thread saulgoode
> I have a photo collection with 2000 photos (from phone). This is one
> collection, and I know that I can use "White-balance" (I don't know how
> to say in english, I used hungarian gimp... It is in
> layer/color/automatic menu: ) function on it.
> But very problematic to open every photo, and do it one-by-one.
> Can I make a macro for this function?
> Or can I use the plug-ins/*.exe for do this? How to I do it?
> White-balance is the second submenu in the menu.
> First is "Balancing", and sixth is "Normalize".

If you install Dave Hodson's Batch Processor
(http://members.ozemail.com.au/~hodsond/dbp.html), the AUTO LEVELS under
the "Colours" tab will effectively perform an auto white balance.
Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] How to Apply an operation to ALL OPENED FILE... or how to do it simply?

2007-08-14 Thread saulgoode
Quoting David Hodson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

>> If you install Dave Hodson's Batch Processor
>> (http://members.ozemail.com.au/~hodsond/dbp.html), the AUTO LEVELS under
>> the "Colours" tab will effectively perform an auto white balance.
> Actually, it calls "gimp_levels_stretch", which I think is the function
> under the menu item "Stretch Contrast" (but I'm not sure).

Looking at the source, it appears that "Auto->White Balance" calls  
"gimp_levels_stretch" while "Auto->Stretch Contrast" calls a plug-in  
called "c_astretch".

Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] Font quality in GIF files

2007-08-21 Thread saulgoode
Quoting Amit Ramon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> Technically, as far as I understand, there should be no problem to   
> have a good
> anti-aliased fonts in a gif file. The problem is with the very specific
> method I (or gimp?) creates the gif.
> Does anyone here knows how can one create a decent anti-aliased text in gif
> file?

The unfortunate answer is that it cannot be done; there is,  
technically, a problem with anti-aliasing text over a transparent  
background. GIF implements transparency by specifying a single color  
in the colormap to be transparent. They (CompuServe?) could have  
defined the GIF file format to treat a range of indexes in the palette  
to represent varying levels of transparency, but they did not. There  
is nothing the GIMP can do to overcome this limitation of the GIF  

The PNG format DOES support an alpha channel, even in Index Mode; so  
you might see if that meets your needs.

One thing to note is that converting to Indexed Mode in the GIMP will  
alias your layers even if the background of the image is not  
transparent. However, if you remain in RGB Mode and let the GIF save  
plug-in perform the Indexed conversion, the fonts will be anti-aliased  
properly (alternately, you could Merge the layers or flatten the image  
in RGB Mode and then convert the result to Indexed Mode).

It is not ideal that the GIMP assumes the transparency limitation of  
the GIF format in its Indexed Mode editing but it is an understandably  
low priority problem. Discussions continue on how best (or even  
whether) to handle indexed images but it is unlikely that any changes  
will occur in the near future.

Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] Create layered animation from a tiled animation.

2007-08-30 Thread saulgoode
Quoting Brian Vanderburg II <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> Out of need I created a script and finally got it working even on 2.3.18.
> Normally an animation is either done as one layer for each frame or
> using GIMP Animation Package one file per frame.  With the first
> method, it is not possible to have multiple layers per frame since a
> layer is a frame.  With the second, multiple files must be kept.  While
> GAP is good, for simple animations it would be easier to just store
> each frame in one image side by side.

I would propose you consider modifying your script to handle the more  
generic case of multiple rows of tiles. Your dialog would need an  
additional entry for "Tile Height" and could provide a "Use image  
height (ie, Single Row)" checkbox for convenience.

Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] pdb.gimp_by_color_select malfunction .. workaround

2007-08-30 Thread saulgoode
Quoting Stephen Moss <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> Thanks David,
> I have to eat crow on this one... I plead fatigue ;-)
> Choosing the correct option does help a whole bunch:
> CHANNEL-OP-REPLACE (2) <---correct answer
> ...
> CHANNEL-OP-ADD (0) doesn't work very well if everything has been
> selected already!
> The problem file(s), xcf,  must have been saved with "selected all"
> already set from some previous operations.  Another script to debug.

Perhaps your difficulty stems from a problem with the  
'gimp_channel_combine_masks' PDB function. If executed with replace  
for the op then the result is actually the sum of the two channels. In  

(gimp-channel-combine-masks dest-channel source-channel  

has the same result as with CHANNEL-OP-ADD. Personally, I would expect  
the dest-channel to be replaced with the source channel, but perhaps I  
am missing something. Regardless, it is an easy work-around.

Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] color info, was: infowindow

2007-09-04 Thread saulgoode
> thank you for your interest & help ­ yes shift works e.g. with the
> selection
> tool but not with the pipette, though I see that shift enables the
> checkbox
> in the tool options of the pipette (I can also check it per mouse). but no
> color info...
> do you see the entry color info in the menu view? where it has been under
> version 2.2?

Although not presented in the same manner as the pipette's info window,
perhaps you can use the Pointer ("zeiger" in German?) window available
under the Dialog menu.
Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] batch mode debugging

2007-09-09 Thread saulgoode
RUN-NONINTERACTIVE is not a valid parameter for 'script-fu-fuzzy-border'.

Quoting Milos Prudek <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> I simplified the above problem into the following script:
>  (define (fuzzy-border-single filename)
>(let* ((image (car (gimp-file-load RUN-NONINTERACTIVE filename filename)))
>   (drawable (car (gimp-image-get-active-layer image
>   (script-fu-fuzzy-border RUN-NONINTERACTIVE image drawable '(255 255
> 255) 120 TRUE 9 FALSE 0 FALSE TRUE)
>  (gimp-file-save RUN-NONINTERACTIVE image drawable filename filename)
>  (gimp-image-delete image)))
> This script should be able to run with this command:
> gimp -i -b '(fuzzy-border-single "foo.jpg")' '(gimp-quit 0)'
> But it produces only this:
> batch command: experienced an execution error.
> And it operates correctly if the script-fu-fuzzy-border line is replaced with
> (plug-in-unsharp-mask RUN-NONINTERACTIVE image drawable 1 1 1)
> --
> Milos Prudek
> ___
> Gimp-user mailing list
> Gimp-user@lists.XCF.Berkeley.EDU
> https://lists.XCF.Berkeley.EDU/mailman/listinfo/gimp-user

Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] batch mode debugging

2007-09-09 Thread saulgoode
Quoting Milos Prudek <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> How am I supposed to discover that RUN-NONINTERACTIVE is not a valid  
>  parameter
> for 'script-fu-fuzzy-border' if "run_mode" is in the parameter list in the
> Procedure Browser, and furthermore plug_in_unsharp_mask does indeed work with

It is my understanding that ALL Script-fus are run non-interactively.  
My guess (I am not sure of this) is that the Procedural DataBase  
browser lists Run Mode as a parameter because it needs to be specified  
if calling Script-fus from either another scripting language such as  
Python or from a plug-in.

Nontheless, Run Mode should not be specified when calling Script-fus  
from Script-fus.

Quoting Milos Prudek <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> On Sunday 09 of September 2007 14:53:52
>> RUN-NONINTERACTIVE is not a valid parameter for 'script-fu-fuzzy-border'.
> You are right. Unfortunately when I remove RUN-NONINTERACTIVE, the script
> fails anyway, this time with this error message:
> (jpeg:14957): LibGimp-CRITICAL **: gimp_drawable_get: assertion `width > 0 &&
> height > 0 && bpp > 0' failed
> /usr/lib/gimp/2.0/plug-ins/jpeg: fatal error: Segmentation fault
The problem with your code is that, since the Fuzzy Border script is  
being asked to flatten the resulting image, the resulting layer does  
not have the same 'drawable' ID as before the flattening. If you do a  
second 'gimp-image-get-active layer' after flattening then you will be  
passing the proper 'drawable' ID to the save plug-in.

The 'Segmentation fault' is a bit scary; the JPEG plug-in should  
probably test whether it has been passed an invalid drawable ID.

Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] batch mode debugging

2007-09-09 Thread saulgoode
Quoting Milos Prudek <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

>> It is my understanding that ALL Script-fus are run non-interactively.
> script-fu-fuzzy-border can run interactively. It is available in
> Right-click/Script-Fu/Decor/ menu in GIMP. It asks interactively for its
> parameters. Is it an interactive run?

The dialogs for Script-fus are generated and handled by the GIMP.  
Unlike plug-ins and other scripting languages, there is nothing that a  
Script-fu script has to do to interact with the user -- the parameters  
are defined by the dialogs before the 'script-fu-*' function is  
evaluated. This is why the function is considered non-interactive.

>> not have the same 'drawable' ID as before the flattening. If you do a
>> second 'gimp-image-get-active layer' after flattening then you will be
>> passing the proper 'drawable' ID to the save plug-in.
> OK. I tried to implement your idea:
>  (define (fuzzy-border-single filename)
>(let* ((image (car (gimp-file-load RUN-NONINTERACTIVE filename filename)))
>   (drawable (car (gimp-image-get-active-layer image
>  (script-fu-fuzzy-border image drawable '(255 255
> 255) 120 TRUE 9 FALSE 0 FALSE TRUE)
>  (set! (drawable (car (gimp-image-get-active-layer image
>  (gimp-file-save RUN-NONINTERACTIVE image drawable filename filename)
>  (gimp-image-delete image)))
> But it outputs "batch command: experienced an execution error."
> I learned the basics of Scheme yesterday. Is this some kind of scope  
>  error? Am
> I changing a different "drawable" variable?

Sort of. You have a couple of unwanted parentheses in your 'set!'  
statement and 'drawable' is being treated as a function. The  
appropriate syntax would be:

(set! drawable (car (gimp-image-get-active-layer image)))

You're doing well for only your second day with Scheme. One thing that  
might help you in debugging scripts is using the Script-fu console. If  
you open the console ("Xtns->Script-fu->Script-fu Console") and  
execute your command providing appropriate parameters:

(fuzzy-border-single "/home/milos/somefile.jpg")

then the error messages produced will be somewhat more useful than  
"experienced an execution error".

Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] How to define Script-Fu widgets?

2007-09-10 Thread saulgoode
Quoting Milos Prudek <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> How are the various GUI widgets defined in Script-Fu?
> For instance Script-Fu/Decor/Fuzzy border:
> - Border size GUI widget is a "number with arrows".
> - Granularity GUI widget is a "slider with arrows".
> I look at the fuzzyborder.scm file. These GUI widgets seem to be defined
> in "(script-fu-register)":
> SF-ADJUSTMENT _"Border size"'(16 1 300 1 10 0 1)
> SF-ADJUSTMENT _"Granularity (1 is Low)" '(4 1 16 0.25 5 2 0)
> They are both SF-ADJUSTMENT, so why is the first GUI a "number with arrows"
> and the second is "slider with arrows"? And what do the numbers (16 1 300 1
> 10 0 1) mean?

The last argument determines the widget type. The list of numbers  
corresponds to (respectively):

'initial_value' -- starting value (subsequent calls will use  
LAST_VALUE instead)
'minimum' -- lowest value possible
'maximum' -- highest value possible
'step_size' -- amount to increment/decrement if clicked with mouse button #1
'page_size' -- amount to increment/decrement if clicked with mouse button #2
'digits' -- the number of decimal places: 0 = integers, 1 = tenths, 2  
= hundredths, ...
'widget_type' -- 0 = slider, 1 = spinbutton

@ Sven Neumann, thanks for clarifying how the interaction mode works.

Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] GIMP could not initialize the graphical user interface

2007-09-16 Thread saulgoode
Try it without the "sudo". When you use sudo, you are running as a  
different user and so your own user settings (ie, the DISPLAY) are  

Quoting "Samuel V. Green III" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> I just finished a new install of GIMP version 2.2.14 via MacPorts.
> When I issue command : sudo gimp:  I get this error:
> GIMP could not initialize the graphical user interface.
> Make sure a proper setup for your display environment exists.
> In my .profile I do have the following added:
> export DISPLAY=:0.0
> Any ideas why gimp will not start up?

Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] Bit-depth Processing

2007-09-26 Thread saulgoode
Quoting gimp_user <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> ...  An MVC architecture and user view customisation tools
> would be much more attractive route because it would lay the groundwork for
> emulating other tool sets including any future tools competitve to PS. The
> challenge for gimp is how to create a long term strategy which may enable it
> to flexibly meet future needs that cannot be accurately forecast now. MVC
> architecture provides the flexibility required here. So IMHO the next major
> version of GIMP requires a total recasting of the code structure in line with
> an MVC architecture. The current system architectural is the major stumbling
> block for the long term. Until that is solved I do not see GIMP moving away
> from the beached whale status as far as its professional high quality image
> manipulation future.

This criticism of GIMP development is the complete opposite of my  
perception. If anything, the speed of GIMP development has  
historically been hampered by the development team's focus on  
abstracting the different components of data, controls, and  

Splitting off the GTK and the GDK components as separate libraries  
certainly took away from GIMP development efforts at the time. The  
language-agnostic plug-in system was a forerunner in bringing MVC  
architecture to an application at a level which permitted users to  
actually redefine the capabilities of the program -- and while  
'libgimp' is typically employed by GIMP plug-ins, it is available for  
any other project to link with as a library entirely separate from the  

The GIMP developers often choose to enhance the abilities of the  
tools/libraries upon which it relies, rather than opt for a "quick  
fix" GIMP-specific solution. They have not only followed, but have  
contributed to internationalization, menu/dialog functioning, even the  
underlying GObject system of 'glib'. (Any "scorn" of GIMPshop which  
may have occurred is owing to its developer NOT wanting to work within  
the framework of the existing "MVC architecture", and NOT wishing to  
enhance its capabilities; rather than the GIMP developers shunning MVC.)

Regarding the 8-bit color model being discussed and a call for the  
"total recasting of the code structure", that is precisely the  
decision that was made about six years ago: to factor out the image  
storage model and abstract the access and manipulation of that  
storage. The approach chosen was to make such functionality a separate  
library (GEGL) and continue with the GIMP's development until such  
time as the library was ready for incorporation into the GIMP code.

Certainly the GIMP developers could have kludged the code to  
incorporate 16-bit or higher bit-depths; and it would not have taken  
nearly as long to do so. But the solution would be only temporary --  
the ultimate necessity to have a separate library would still exist --  
and would only apply to the GIMP project.

Far from "burnishing its own image", the GIMP developers opt for the  
best approach and the long-term solutions, often to the cost of  
short-term expectations. They unselfishly aim to factor their code in  
a way that benefits all free software projects, not just the GIMP.  
There should be great pride in doing things "right", even if it may  
take longer[1].

[1] Personally, I don't think it does take longer. When one looks at  
the big picture, the short-term solutions ultimately lead to greater  
amounts of development effort and such projects eventually need to  
adapt to the more generalized approach or they bog down. For a  
commercial company (such as Adobe), expending developer resources to  
produce short-term kludges can be justified if their is compensation  
from their customer base and if it maintains a marketplace edge over  
their competitors. In the "real world" of Free Software development,  
such efforts amount to nothing more than inefficiency in developer  

Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] Selection Across Layers

2007-09-29 Thread saulgoode
Quoting Asif Lodhi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> I've begun using Gimp again after a long time. IIRC, one (more?) tool
> of Gimp had an option of making a selection that went through all the
> layers right to the bottom layer. And, IIRC, having made that type of
> selection in one of the top layers and performing an operation on it
> would carry out the operation on the combined output of all of the
> bottom layers. May be I am wrong here but I do vaguely recall such an
> option after reading on this list about non-destructive editing
> features of a commercial photo-retouching applications.

To my knowledge, there are no operations which behave that way.

If you have installed the GAP (GIMP Animation Package) then you can  
use the "Filter All Layers..." command but this is limited to only  
those filters which are specially registered with this capability  
(i.e., it does not work with "tools" such as Move or Rotate, nor with  
most "third-party" scripts). It is a very useful utility and nearly  
all of the GIMP's core filters ARE available.

In version 2.4 of the GIMP (which is in the final stages before  
release), if you have a selection and the active layer is linked to  
other layers, performing a Transform (rotate, scale, perspective,  
skew, or flip) will affect the contents of the selection on the active  
layer but will affect the entirety of the other linked layers. I can't  
recall if version 2.2 behaved this way.

The Move tool behaves differently in that it is not possible (in  
version 2.4) to use it to move the contents of the selection; and the  
established method of doing so (using the Selection tools) does not  
honor layer linkages.

In order to Move or Transform the selection contents across multiple  
layers, I have written a Script-fu which will "float" the selection  
for each linked layer.  Once they are floated as separate layers, the  
floated layers can be Moved or Transformed as a group (the script  
links the floated layers) and subsequently merged back down to their  
original layers.

My script is quite a kludge: you must be careful with any changes to  
your layerstack while the selections are "floated", and some blending  
modes of layers will not behave as expected. If interested, you can  
read more about the script at  

In general, if you find yourself operating in a manner such that this  
script is useful then I would recommend that you rethink your overall  
approach to what you are editing and try not to have objects which you  
wish to treat separately sharing the same layer to begin with.

Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] FW: Question on copy from selection

2007-10-05 Thread saulgoode

> I have a question on copying a portion of an image in gimp.  First,   
> a little context.  I needed to create a layer with only some   
> features in an image.  For that, I first selected a suitable area in  
>  the image using the "Free Select" tool.  I then copied its contents  
>  (Edit -> Copy) and pasted it (Edit -> Paste) in a new layer (Layer   
> -> New Layer).  This creates a new layer with only the desired   
> features, as can be verified making the new layer the only visible   
> layer.  Now, if I go to the "Channel Dialog", I can see the RGB and   
> alpha channels looking right, with only the selected features there.  
>   However, if I make a copy of one of the RGB channels (right-click   
> on the R channel, for example, and duplicate it), there is more than  
>  just those features, as can be verified by making it the only   
> visible channel.
> My question then is if this is a correct behavior and if so, how can  
>  I make a copy of a selection with only the contents of that   
> selection?  Thank you,

First it should be realized that layers are always rectangular in  
shape. The new layer you created, even though it might an oval or some  
freedrawn shape, will still be rectangular (the smallest rectangle  
aligned with the XY-axes that fits the shape). The regions that lie  
outside of your selection but within the layer bounds still contain  
RGB data; however, the alpha channel is set to make those areas  
transparent. (You probably know this already, I just want to lay the  

As to whether the behavior of the thumbnail previews for the RGBA  
components is correct: well, sort of. What you are seeing in the  
Channels Dialog is that the thumbnail previews of the RGB components  
have the Alpha channel applied to them; even though the actual  
contents of the RGB channels are still there (the corresponding alpha  
data renders it transparent).

Even though the preview of the components don't display the RGB data,  
when you Duplicate the channel, that data (which was obscured by the  
alpha channel) gets copied to the duplicate.

http://flashingtwelve.brickfilms.com/GIMP/Temp/GIMP-challenge.png is a  
sample image that will demonstrate this clearly. The RGB data of the  
image contains a photo of the Eiffel Tower, however, the alpha channel  
is black rendering the image completely transparent (and the previews  
in the Channels dialog will all be black). If you duplicate the Red  
channel (as you did for your selection) then the new channel will  
contain the original red data of the Eiffel Tower picture.

As to how to make a channel (or selection) out of the contents of the  
selection, there are a few different approaches.

Using your technique to produce the Red channel duplicate (which  
includes extraneous RGB data), go back to your new layer and perform  
an alpha to selection. Then invert the selection, activate your Red  
channel duplicate, and perform an "Edit->Fill with BG Color" (assuming  
your BG is black).


After copying your selection to a new layer, perform a "Layer->Layer  
to Image Size" and drag it over to the Channels window. (If you want  
just the red channel data, you should hide the green and blue  
components and do a "Copy visible" when creating your new layer;  
otherwise your channel will be the overall RGB value.)


I wrote a script a while ago which creates a selection from a layer  
(or channel, or mask). It honors a selection if one exists (that is,  
the contents of the selected region become the selection) so if I am  
understanding you correctly, it might suit your needs. The file for  
the script is located at  
http://flashingtwelve.brickfilms.com/GIMP/Scripts/layer-select.scm and  
includes two other commands (all three commands are added to the  
"Select" menu), so I will just describe them briefly:

"Select->Layer bounds" -- simply selects the entire layer; sort of  
like Select->All but if you switch layers the selection stays the same.

"Select->To Layer" -- creates a new layer out of the selection using  
the FG and BG colors. Uses BG color to represent 'selected', so  
default colors generate a proper mask. The new layer has the same  
dimensions as the image.

"Select->From Drawable" -- creates a selection from the contents of  
the selected region.

Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] file-glob problem in 2.4.0rc3

2007-10-18 Thread saulgoode
'file-glob' used to return a list of strings in GIMP 2.2, now it  
returns a vector. You can make your code work by using the following  

(car (vector->list (cadr (file-glob "*.png" 1

However, Script-fu should probably be amended to return lists for PDB  
STRINGARRAY values (if possible).

Quoting Christian Anthon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> The following used to work in gimp 2.2:
> running under gimp -b -i -
> (car (cadr (file-glob "*.png" 1)))
> returned
> "222.png"
> but now  I get
>> (car (cadr (file-glob "*.png" 1)))
> Error: car: argument 1 must be: pair
> So obviously something changed, I just don't know enough about
> script-fu to know what.

Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] colour to black and white

2007-10-25 Thread saulgoode
It seems you would basically want an inverted copy of the blue channel  
with white regions being transparent. There are dozens of ways to  
accomplish this. I would propose the following:

Decompose you image to RGB components.
In the new image, hide the red and green layers.
Add a layermask to the blue layer, initialized to a "Grayscale copy of  
the layer".
Fill the blue layer with black.

OPTIONAL: Most orthochromatic film would respond to some extent to  
green, so repeat the last two steps on the green layer, make it  
visible, and set its opacity to a relatively low value (0-30%).

This method is a bit crude, but should provide something not entirely  
unsuitable. A more accurate approach would probably entail applying  
appropriate curves to the different color channels.

Quoting norman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> I would like to be able to produce a black and white negative image from
> an ordinary colour image. The effect I would like to produce would be to
> imitate what one would get if you took a colour, positive transparency
> and made a contact print on to either orthographic or lithographic film.
> Thus, blue would be black and red would be clear and transparent. Have
> you any suggestions how to approach this using the Gimp, please.

Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] colour to black and white

2007-10-25 Thread saulgoode
There should be no white in the resulting image. When you decompose to  
RGB ("Colors->Components->Decompose"), you end up with a grayscale  
image with three layers -- one each for the red, green, and blue  

When you add the layermasks, you are basically making the the black  
parts of the layers transparent and the white parts opaque. When you  
fill the layer with black, you convert the opaque parts to black.

The end result is a layer consisting of black parts and transparent  
parts (your lithographic negative). There should be no white in your  

Perhaps you could describe the steps you are taking which produced an  
overlay of white and black squares?

Quoting norman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> This is very interesting and to a learner like me not too complicated.
> Perhaps I did not do it quite right but I have what appears to be an
> overlay of small black and white squares. How do I get rid of that?

Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] colour to black and white

2007-10-25 Thread saulgoode
Oops, I just realized that what you describe may be attributed to the  
fact that GIMP will display a dark gray/light gray checkerboard to  
indicate transparent regions. Perhaps you have created your lithograph  
correctly but misinterpreted this representation of transparency.

You might try creating a new white layer and placing it at the bottom  
of the layerstack to show the regions where your image is transparent.

Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] Trouble calling filter plug-ins from script-fu console

2007-11-05 Thread saulgoode
You must supply the appropriate drawable ID to the plug-in. Per your example:

(plug-in-autocrop 1 4 (car (gimp-image-get-active-layer 4)))

Quoting Sam Kuper <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> I want to apply a filter plug-in via the script-fu console, but this doesn't
> seem to work. I have tried with several plug-ins, with no success. I have
> tried this on GIMP 2.0.5 on RedHat Enterprise Linux and GIMP 2.4.1 on
> Windows XP SP2.
> Let's take a simple example. Suppose I have a .png image open in GIMP, and
> it is image 4. It has only one layer. It has an excessive white border, so I
> want to autocrop it.
> If I go to the script-fu console and enter:
> (plug-in-autocrop 1 4 0)
> In 2.4.1 on WinXP I get a message "Error: Procedure execution of
> plug-in-autocrop failed" and the error console displays a series of errors:
> ...
> If I use a number other than 0 for the drawable, however (I've tried every
> integer from -2 to 2) then I still get an error. (NB. on Linux the situation
> is no better, but the error messages are different.)

Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] Trouble calling running batch script in Windows XP

2007-11-10 Thread saulgoode
I do not believe that single-quoting a command line argument in Windows
works the same as BASH (Linux). Try using double-quotes and escape any
double-quotes which appear in your argument:

gimp -i -b "(batch-CUPify \"*.png\")" -b "(gimp-quit 0)"

If you include directories in your path, also escape your backslashes:

gimp -i -b "(batch-CUPify \"D:\\Documents and
Settings\\spk30\\Desktop\\alison_sl1_dear_friend_backup\\*.png\")" -b
"(gimp-quit 0)"

You may need to experiment as I do not run Windows and have no way of
testing the commands.

> I am using GIMP 2.4.1 on Windows XP, and I am trying to run the script by
> going to the command prompt, changing to a directory full of .png files I
> want to process with the script, and entering the command:
> gimp-2.4 -i -b '(batch-CUPify "*.png")' '(gimp-quit 0)'
> This gives me the following messages:
> "GIMP-Error: Opening 'D:\Documents and
> Settings\spk30\Desktop\alison_sl1_dear_fri
> end_backup\*.png)'' failed: Invalid argument
> GIMP-Error: Opening 'D:\Documents and
> Settings\spk30\Desktop\alison_sl1_dear_fri
> end_backup\'(gimp-quit' failed: No such file or directory
> GIMP-Error: Opening 'D:\Documents and
> Settings\spk30\Desktop\alison_sl1_dear_fri
> end_backup\0)'' failed: No such file or directory
> No batch interpreter specified, using the default
> 'plug-in-script-fu-eval'.
> batch command: executed successfully."
> I would be very grateful for any help you can offer.
> Many thanks in advance,
> Sam
> ___
> Gimp-user mailing list
> Gimp-user@lists.XCF.Berkeley.EDU
> https://lists.XCF.Berkeley.EDU/mailman/listinfo/gimp-user

Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] GAP scripting?

2007-11-15 Thread saulgoode
> I need to do a complicated GAP animation.
> It involves many steps that I will probably need to redo several times.
> A script that I could edit and re-run multiple times so that I can get
> it right.

I don't believe such functionality currently exists unless you write a
dedicated plug-in. You could, however, use the 'filter-macro' to apply a
set of multiple filters in one pass as long as you do not have to repeat
the same filter with different values ('filter-macro' uses the Last Values
with which the filter was run).

For example, you could set up a filter macro which in one pass would...

Apply a Gaussian blur with radius of 10
Apply a color curve
Perform a threshold
Perform a gradient map

... upon all of the layers specified in the Frames Modify call.

However you could NOT, within that set, have a second Gaussian blur with a
radius of 20 (you could repeat the radius=10 blur though) and you could
not include operations which are not filters (such as resize or duplicate
the layer).

Overall, it is of very limited utility but, if the situation is just
right, it can provide some benefit.

Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] Whitebalance Function

2007-11-15 Thread saulgoode
> I try to write a Perl script which automatically adjusts the white
> balance on images with gimp. In gimp there exists the function
> Colors->Auto->Whitebalance, but I'm unable to find the corresponding
> function in the PDB.

"Colors->Auto->White Balance" calls the PDB function 'gimp_levels_stretch'.

Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] Save all opened files with ONE click, or with script...

2007-11-22 Thread saulgoode
> And next I need to close every opened files one by one with clicking on
> [X], and Save, and Save with defaults.
> This section is very hateable, slow, and automatizable (I think).
> But I don't know, how to do it!

It is, to my knowledge, impossible for a script or plug-in to close an
image which it did not open. I believe this is to ensure that multiple
processes running simultaneously do not interfere with each other (for
example, a script or plug-in closing an image while another script is
still working on it).

I was able, however, to write the following short Script-fu which will
save all of your open images. This will allow you to save and close all of
your images by performing a "File->Save ALL" followed by a "File->Close

Save the following lines to "C:\Documents and

; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
; the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
; (at your option) any later version.
; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
; GNU General Public License for more details.

(define (script-fu-save-all-images)
  (let* ((i (car (gimp-image-list)))
(while (> i 0)
  (set! image (vector-ref (cadr (gimp-image-list)) (- i 1)))
  (gimp-file-save RUN-NONINTERACTIVE
  (car (gimp-image-get-active-layer image))
  (car (gimp-image-get-filename image))
  (car (gimp-image-get-filename image)))
  (gimp-image-clean-all image)
  (set! i (- i 1)

(script-fu-register "script-fu-save-all-images"
 "/File/Save ALL"
 "Save all opened images"
 "Saul Goode"
 "Saul Goode"

Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] Save all opened files with ONE click, or with script...

2007-11-23 Thread saulgoode
> Sven Neumann wrote:
> Sure, just register it as " better, just use "Save All" where the full menu path was given and add
> the line
>  (script-fu-menu-register "script-fu-save-all-images"
>   " Sven Neumann wrote:
> Also the script should not be called "script-fu-save-all-images". Please
> use a different namespace when you are writing scripts to avoid name
> clashes with other people's scripts.

Personally, I find this script to be dangerous and hope it does not
proliferate beyond the original poster's specific use case. But could you
please explain a little further why the naming is improper?

Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] Save all opened files with ONE click, or with script...

2007-11-24 Thread saulgoode

> Sven Neumann wrote:
> "script-fu-save-all-images" is a name in the script-fu namespace. This
> namespace should be kept for scripts that are distributed with
> Script-Fu. It would be safer to call your script for example
> "saulgoode-save-all-images". If we ever added a script called
> "script-fu-save-all-images" to GIMP, your script would not clash with
> it.

Thanks again for the information. It is a very reasonable policy of which
I was unaware. From what I have seen, the vast majority of third-party
Script-fu authors also are unaware of this and there is a Script-fu
tutorial on GIMP.org which recommends using the "script-fu-" namespace
(see below).

There is currently a fairly extensive effort ongoing to update older
scripts to assure compatibility with the TinyScheme-based interpreter.
Would you recommend that these updates be encouraged to avoid the
"script-fu-" namespace? If so, can we perhaps recommend a namespace
convention for third-party scripts that might be more standardized?

While using the script author's name as a base for the namespace would
solve conflicts, perhaps we could also suggest a prefix to that so that
third-party scripts would be easily recognized and grouped within the PDB
browser (e.g., using "sf-author-" as a namespace).


3.4.4.  Naming Conventions


It's GIMP convention to name your script functions script-fu-abc, because
then when they're listed in the procedural database, they'll all show up
under script-fu when you're listing the functions. This also helps
distinguish them from plug-ins.

Gimp-user mailing list

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