Re: [vchkpw] moving maildirs to a new home

2005-03-22 Thread Dave Goodrich
 > I did check and it seems that my uid, gid for vpopmail and vchkpw are
different than the original box.  I tried to change the uid:gid in the
/var/qmail/users/assign file but I still cannot authenticate.  I am working
with freeBSD and it seems that changing the gid is not as simple as editing
the /etc/group file. Does anyone know how that is done?  I cannot seem to
find anything on it.  I am thinking that I may be abe to erase it and
recreate the group, but I am not sure at this moment.
I basically copied everything over to the new box with rsync -vaz
by everything, I mean
i feel that all that I have to do is remedy the uid:gid and it should work,
but I am also thinking that changing the uid:gid in the
/var/qmail/users/assign should have done the trick.  Can someone comment on
Well, we use FreeBSD here, FBSD reserved 89:89 for vpopmail, is that 
what you used for your UID:GID?

The question I would have is what are the UID and GID you currently have 
on each machine?

You should be able to copy over all the files you state, change UID and 
GID accordingly, change the UID and GID in assign to match, restart 
qmail and be good.

Ideally, following the install instructions you would always have the 
same UID and GID on any vpopmail machine ;^)


Dave Goodrich
Systems Administrator
Get rid of Unwanted Emails...get TLS Spam Blocker!

Re: [vchkpw] moving maildirs to a new home

2005-03-21 Thread Dave Goodrich
Blake wrote:
Bob Ababurko wrote:
I am trying to move the maildirs form one server to a newer box that I 
done a resinstall on and I am having some major issues.  I am using 
5.4.0 on both machines.  I have a working vpopmail install on the new box
and it is time to migrate the accounts and maildirs.
I figured that I could copy the /vpopmail/domains folder over to the new
machine and thigs would be ok since I am using vchkpw and that is with 
dir structure but it seems that I may have made an amatuer move because I
cannot log into the accounts with telnet and when I access them with 
to change passwords things get erased.
Can someone please help me see the light!


I swear,
This really should be a howto. 
I could be coerced into writing up a step by step of my move from one 
three toaster+nfs mounted maildir system to another three toaster+nfs 
mounted maildir system. I just did it last December.


Dave Goodrich
Systems Administrator
Get rid of Unwanted Emails...get TLS Spam Blocker!

Re: [vchkpw] moving maildirs to a new home

2005-03-21 Thread Dave Goodrich
Bob Ababurko wrote:
I am trying to move the maildirs form one server to a newer box that I have
done a resinstall on and I am having some major issues.  I am using vpopmail
5.4.0 on both machines.  I have a working vpopmail install on the new box
and it is time to migrate the accounts and maildirs.
I figured that I could copy the /vpopmail/domains folder over to the new
machine and thigs would be ok since I am using vchkpw and that is with the
dir structure but it seems that I may have made an amatuer move because I
cannot log into the accounts with telnet and when I access them with vqadmin
to change passwords things get erased.
Can someone please help me see the light!
Off the top of my head,
Are your permissions correct?
Does your /home/vpopmail/domains directory structure match the paths in 
your /var/qmail/users/assign file?

What were the steps exactly you took to move the domains over to the new 

Dave Goodrich
Systems Administrator
Get rid of Unwanted Emails...get TLS Spam Blocker!

Re: [vchkpw] I'm stumped

2005-03-18 Thread Dave Goodrich
Cream wrote:
at the bottom of the .qmail file add a:
|/bin/ls -lat /home/vpopmail/domains/ 

then "touch /var/log/" and "chown vpopmail:vchkpw 

Now every time he recives a mail, it afterwards gives you a 
directorylisting, proving that the mail is there before his mail client 
fetches it.

Uhh, looking at that again, isn't that going to write an additional copy 
of the message to the Maildir everytime a delivery is made? Seems 
qmail-local would pipe the message to that line.


Dave Goodrich
Systems Administrator
Get rid of Unwanted Emails...get TLS Spam Blocker!

Re: [vchkpw] I'm stumped

2005-03-18 Thread Dave Goodrich
Jeremy Kitchen wrote:
On Friday 18 March 2005 11:58 am, Dave Goodrich wrote:
What would really be useful would be logging of message IDs in the
qmail-send log at delivery, and in the qmail-pop3d log when the message
is deleted by the pop client. I could then say, "it was delivered, you
popped it and deleted it".

you could do that with a delivery instruction in the .qmail file
|echo "delivering `822field Message-ID`"
822field is from the mess822 package
Note that I have not tested this with emails that do not have a message-id 
header (such as ones that come from broken-ass outhouse 2003), you might want 
to do that before implementing this ;)
Good point, maybe what I really need is to log the message file name on 
disk? That info is already available to qmail/vpopmail when it writes 
the message to the users Maildir, and when it reads the message from the 
users Maildir.

I could positively tie a message from the delivery line in qmail/current 
to a pop "retr" command in qmail-pop3d/current then.


Dave Goodrich
Systems Administrator
Get rid of Unwanted Emails...get TLS Spam Blocker!

Re: [vchkpw] I'm stumped

2005-03-18 Thread Dave Goodrich
Bill Wichers wrote:
at the bottom of the .qmail file add a:
|/bin/ls -lat /home/vpopmail/domains/
Excellent! It is always the simple solutions you miss.

You can also telnet into port 110 (pop3), and manually log in and list the
messages. I've done that lots of times when I suspect a mail-client issue
since it's easy to just quick telnet in and see if there are any messages
there. If there aren't any messages, then the logging way is probably
easier unless you want to disable the user's POP3 login for a while to see
if messages build up when the user isn't downloading them.
Yes, I started that way, but unfortunately most of our business clients 
check pop every 5 minutes. By the time they tell me there is a message 
missing it is the next day.

What would really be useful would be logging of message IDs in the 
qmail-send log at delivery, and in the qmail-pop3d log when the message 
is deleted by the pop client. I could then say, "it was delivered, you 
popped it and deleted it".

Currently I am logging the deliveries, I have the user removing his 
filters, stopping his email anti-virus (we already scan for them), and 
leaving his messages on the server.

Thanks all, we will see what happens the rest of the day.
Dave Goodrich
Systems Administrator
Get rid of Unwanted Emails...get TLS Spam Blocker!

Re: [vchkpw] I'm stumped

2005-03-18 Thread Dave Goodrich
Cream wrote:
Dave Goodrich wrote:
Good morning,
I've a problem that has been harassing me for a week now. I'm no 
qmail/vpopmail expert, but I've solved most all my problems over the 
years with the archives and The qmail Handbook. So I've done my share 
of troubleshooting and I think I have a pretty good grasp on how qmail 
vpopmail work. This one has me stumped.

I have a user who claims he is not getting emails. I can find the 
delivery using qmLogsort and the log shows the messages delivered just 

2005-03-17 11:33:37.868623500 new msg 3415139
2005-03-17 11:33:37.868763500 info msg 3415139: bytes 9817 from 
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> qp 93531 uid 89
2005-03-17 11:34:37.429451500 end msg 3415139
2005-03-17 11:33:37.877803500 starting delivery 783121: msg 3415139 to 
2005-03-17 11:34:08.086894500 delivery 783121: success: did_0+0+2/

Looks good, the users .qmail file looks like so,
# less /home/vpopmail/domains/\:hitchcock
|/home/vpopmail/bin/ [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
|/home/vpopmail/bin/vdelivermail '' delete

Two program deliveries as it should be. Yet the user claims the 
message never arrived and the pop3d log is useless other than for 
mrtg. The script is a modified version of ifspamh and 
delivers all spam to the [EMAIL PROTECTED] account, which we check, and the 
messages are not arriving there. The spamd log shows the message was 

The odd thing is that I have another user claiming the same thing and 
again I can find the message. I even changed this users .qmail file to 

# less /home/vpopmail/domains/\:daas
Every message he receives should deliver to the joeltest account *if* 
the delivery to joel.daas was successful. The logs show this. This 
delivery doesn't even use vdelivermail so I've effectivly cut 
everything I could from the delivery process.

2005-03-16 10:55:56.890400500 starting delivery 754144: msg 3415073 to 
2005-03-16 10:55:57.559319500 delivery 754144: success: did_2+0+0/

Interestingly, the joeltest account has never lost a message. Whenever 
joel.daas claims he did not receive a message, I can find it in joeltest.

Now my take on this is the users have an issue with their mail 
clients, or they are a bit too quick with the delete button. How do I 
prove it? I can show where the logs say the message was handed to two 
programs or delivered to two files, but I can't prove the user got the 
message beyond that.

at the bottom of the .qmail file add a:
|/bin/ls -lat /home/vpopmail/domains/ 
Excellent! It is always the simple solutions you miss.
|/bin/ls -lat /home/vpopmail/domains/
Added "new" to the path.
then "touch /var/log/" and "chown vpopmail:vchkpw 
Hmm, think I'll do this first in case a message delivers immediately 
after I write the .qmail file.

I'd really like to see the message ID get logged at delivery and and 
when it is read by the pop client. This would nail many client issues.

Dave Goodrich
Systems Administrator
Get rid of Unwanted Emails...get TLS Spam Blocker!

[vchkpw] I'm stumped

2005-03-18 Thread Dave Goodrich
Good morning,
I've a problem that has been harassing me for a week now. I'm no 
qmail/vpopmail expert, but I've solved most all my problems over the 
years with the archives and The qmail Handbook. So I've done my share of 
troubleshooting and I think I have a pretty good grasp on how qmail 
vpopmail work. This one has me stumped.

I have a user who claims he is not getting emails. I can find the 
delivery using qmLogsort and the log shows the messages delivered just fine.

2005-03-17 11:33:37.868623500 new msg 3415139
2005-03-17 11:33:37.868763500 info msg 3415139: bytes 9817 from 
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> qp 93531 uid 89
2005-03-17 11:34:37.429451500 end msg 3415139
2005-03-17 11:33:37.877803500 starting delivery 783121: msg 3415139 to 
2005-03-17 11:34:08.086894500 delivery 783121: success: did_0+0+2/

Looks good, the users .qmail file looks like so,
# less /home/vpopmail/domains/\:hitchcock
|/home/vpopmail/bin/ [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
|/home/vpopmail/bin/vdelivermail '' delete

Two program deliveries as it should be. Yet the user claims the message 
never arrived and the pop3d log is useless other than for mrtg. The script is a modified version of ifspamh and delivers all 
spam to the [EMAIL PROTECTED] account, which we check, and the messages are 
not arriving there. The spamd log shows the message was clean.

The odd thing is that I have another user claiming the same thing and 
again I can find the message. I even changed this users .qmail file to this,

# less /home/vpopmail/domains/\:daas
Every message he receives should deliver to the joeltest account *if* 
the delivery to joel.daas was successful. The logs show this. This 
delivery doesn't even use vdelivermail so I've effectivly cut everything 
I could from the delivery process.

2005-03-16 10:55:56.890400500 starting delivery 754144: msg 3415073 to 
2005-03-16 10:55:57.559319500 delivery 754144: success: did_2+0+0/

Interestingly, the joeltest account has never lost a message. Whenever 
joel.daas claims he did not receive a message, I can find it in joeltest.

Now my take on this is the users have an issue with their mail clients, 
or they are a bit too quick with the delete button. How do I prove it? I 
can show where the logs say the message was handed to two programs or 
delivered to two files, but I can't prove the user got the message 
beyond that.

I've looked for any patches changes to qmail that might increase my 
logging, but no luck. There is a patch and a wrapper for qmail-pop3d but 
they only add username to the logging. I believe I need a way to record 
the message ID as the user is downloading it.

The only change prior to this issue arrising has been the use of valias, 
but neither of these addresses are aliased.

I am open to suggestions for next steps, criticisim of my 
troubleshooting, etc.

Dave Goodrich
Systems Administrator
Get rid of Unwanted Emails...get TLS Spam Blocker!

Re: [vchkpw] chkuser 2.0.8 oddities

2005-03-16 Thread Dave Goodrich
tonix (Antonio Nati) wrote:
At 19.21 16/03/2005, you wrote:
tonix (Antonio Nati) wrote:
At 15.31 16/03/2005, you wrote:
Good morning,
I recently installed chkuser in response to a SpamCop listing. I 
have a user getting addresses rejected that we know exist. The 
addresses are in valias and work fine when I send a message. The 
user in question is recently getting rejections. Here is a sample of 
the qmail-smtp log.

2005-03-15 17:06:06.731444500 CHKUSER rejected rcpt: from 
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]::> remote 
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> : not existing recipient

2005-03-16 08:37:28.526532500 CHKUSER accepted rcpt: from 
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]::> remote 
<[]> rcpt 
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> : found existing recipient

You should enable CHKUSER_RCPT_FORMAT and see if there are any 
strange characters (invisible in log) that make the address unusable 
(you have rcpt not existing when you could have INVALID FORMAT)

I can certainly do that. But I am confused, if I did't enable 
CHKUSER_RCPT_FORMAT shouldn't the address work as it did before? Or is 
there some level of format checking going on by default?

Despite of CHKUSER_RCPT_FORMAT define, chkuser calls some routines to 
check for rcpt existence, and may be that address "my(invisible 
char)[EMAIL PROTECTED]" is not found and logged immediately as "not 
existing rcpt".

I removed that from the issue, the addresses are correct. If the user 
sends a single email everything is fine. The message that is failing has 
over 100 rcpt to addresses. Of course, _one_ email address is incorrect, 
so the entire connection is rejected.

I should have caught that in the logs, it's been a very long week.
Dave Goodrich
Systems Administrator
Get rid of Unwanted Emails...get TLS Spam Blocker!

Re: [vchkpw] chkuser 2.0.8 oddities

2005-03-16 Thread Dave Goodrich
tonix (Antonio Nati) wrote:
At 15.31 16/03/2005, you wrote:
Good morning,
I recently installed chkuser in response to a SpamCop listing. I have 
a user getting addresses rejected that we know exist. The addresses 
are in valias and work fine when I send a message. The user in 
question is recently getting rejections. Here is a sample of the 
qmail-smtp log.

2005-03-15 17:06:06.731444500 CHKUSER rejected rcpt: from 
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]::> remote 
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> : not existing recipient

2005-03-16 08:37:28.526532500 CHKUSER accepted rcpt: from 
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]::> remote 
<[]> rcpt 
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> : found existing recipient

You should enable CHKUSER_RCPT_FORMAT and see if there are any strange 
characters (invisible in log) that make the address unusable (you have 
rcpt not existing when you could have INVALID FORMAT)
I can certainly do that. But I am confused, if I did't enable 
CHKUSER_RCPT_FORMAT shouldn't the address work as it did before? Or is 
there some level of format checking going on by default?

You could also modify chkuser.c this way, in order to track better the 
rejected recipient... The following change display complete address 
length, so you may check if the address length corresponds to what you 
If I get an INVALID_FORMAT I will do so.
static void chkuser_commonlog (char *sender, char *rcpt, char *title, 
char *description) {

char str[30];
sprintf (str, "%d", strlen (rcpt));
  substdio_puts (subfderr, "CHKUSER ");
  substdio_puts (subfderr, title);
  substdio_puts (subfderr, ": from <");
  substdio_puts (subfderr, sender);
  substdio_puts (subfderr, ":" );
  if (remoteinfo) {
substdio_puts (subfderr, remoteinfo);
  substdio_puts (subfderr, ":" );
  if (identify_remote) substdio_puts (subfderr, identify_remote);
  substdio_puts (subfderr, "> remote <");
  if (fakehelo) substdio_puts (subfderr, fakehelo);
  substdio_puts (subfderr, ":" );
  if (remotehost) substdio_puts (subfderr, remotehost);
  substdio_puts (subfderr, ":" );
  if (remoteip) substdio_puts (subfderr, remoteip);
  substdio_puts (subfderr, "> rcpt <");
  substdio_puts (subfderr, rcpt);
  substdio_puts (subfderr, ":" );
  substdio_puts (subfderr, str);
  substdio_puts (subfderr, "> : ");
  substdio_puts (subfderr, description);
  substdio_puts (subfderr, "\n");
  substdio_flush (subfderr);
I'm not sure just why this is happening, I do not have 
CHKUSER_RCPT_FORMAT defined, in fact the only changes I made to the 
chkuser_settings.h was to uncomment CHKUSER_ALWAYS_ON and set the 
CHKUSER_MBXQUOTA to "90" in my qmail-smtpd run script.

I had the user send me the message in question and I noticed that the 
addresses had single qoutes in them,

I would suspect that was the issue except that this address book 
worked prior to installing chkuser, and the qmail-smtpd log shows the 
address correctly when it is rejected.
chkuser uses and logs exactly what receives from qmail-smtpd.
Dave Goodrich
Systems Administrator
Get rid of Unwanted Emails...get TLS Spam Blocker!

Re: [vchkpw] Backing up a server.

2005-03-16 Thread Dave Goodrich
Dave Kettmann wrote:
I want to backup my vpopmail users, but I dont want to backup 3+GB of email 
with it :). I can backup the database no problem, but I fear that it is not 
enough in a recovery situation. I was thinking of dumping the output of 
vpopbull -n -V to a file then make script to run vuserinfo on each line and 
extract the info I need to recreate the directory structure and/or rebuild the 
database using vadduser and vadddomain.
I guess my main question is: Is backing up the database going to be enough? 

I would think so. I do not believe there is any information provided 
from vuserinfo that is not taken from the vpopmail DB. I can think of a 
few things to watch out for.

- .qmail-
Seems there is always a user who has something "special" going on with 
their account. I would use a script to write the .qmail file to a 
dir named for the - so you do not have files overwriting 
each other ([EMAIL PROTECTED] vs [EMAIL PROTECTED], both would be 
.qmail-bob). Should be pretty easy to query the DB during a restore, 
grab the users path, and drop the .qmail- file back into his 
domain dir.

- IMAP dirs
Do any of your users have IMAP info stored in their Maildir. Seems I 
remember hearing of a add-on that stored some user pref info in the Maildir.

- ezmlm
Lists would be something to keep in mind.
- .spamassassin
If you don't use MySQL for SA, you want to keep your user prefs, 
whitelists, etc.

All in all it might be easier to write a simple back up that excludes 
mail messages.

Dave Goodrich
Systems Administrator
Get rid of Unwanted Emails...get TLS Spam Blocker!

[vchkpw] chkuser 2.0.8 oddities

2005-03-16 Thread Dave Goodrich
Good morning,
I recently installed chkuser in response to a SpamCop listing. I have a 
user getting addresses rejected that we know exist. The addresses are in 
valias and work fine when I send a message. The user in question is 
recently getting rejections. Here is a sample of the qmail-smtp log.

2005-03-15 17:06:06.731444500 CHKUSER rejected rcpt: from 
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]::> remote 
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> : not existing recipient

2005-03-16 08:37:28.526532500 CHKUSER accepted rcpt: from 
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]::> remote 
<[]> rcpt 
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> : found existing recipient

I'm not sure just why this is happening, I do not have 
CHKUSER_RCPT_FORMAT defined, in fact the only changes I made to the 
chkuser_settings.h was to uncomment CHKUSER_ALWAYS_ON and set the 
CHKUSER_MBXQUOTA to "90" in my qmail-smtpd run script.

I had the user send me the message in question and I noticed that the 
addresses had single qoutes in them,

I would suspect that was the issue except that this address book worked 
prior to installing chkuser, and the qmail-smtpd log shows the address 
correctly when it is rejected.

Any ideas?
Dave Goodrich
Systems Administrator
Get rid of Unwanted Emails...get TLS Spam Blocker!

Re: [vchkpw] vhostadmin development release

2005-03-08 Thread Dave Goodrich
Jeremy Kitchen wrote:
On Tuesday 08 March 2005 04:06 pm, Dave Goodrich wrote:
Understood, but what of the other three machines I have running? They
all use the same control files. If I add a domain on machine A using
vpopmail daemon, machine A gets to HUP qmail-send, but I cannot run
vadddomain again on machines B, C, D. So I must login and run "svc -h
/service/qmail-send" manually on machine B, C, and D.
the way I've handled this in the past on customer machines is to have a
'sync' script that syncs the control files (set on a cronjob.. run every
5 minutes..) and it checks timestamps and HUPs/restarts daemons
My control files (some of them) are symlinks to NFS mounted files. I
could seperate them and run rsync to pull over changes, restarting when

I would advise doing that anyways since qmail accesses the control directory a 
lot and accessing it across NFS can degrade performance...
I have nfs performance to spare, but I understand your thoughts and I am 
in the process of moving away from that setup. I have just gotten around 
to starting on a web tool to enable our support group to manage email.

So I am looking at tieing spamassassin, vpopmail, and our autoresponder 
into one tool set available from a ssl web server. This is why I am so 
curious about where vpopmaild and vdeliver mail are going. They both 
play a bit part in our plans. I don't want to redesign the wheel, nor 
write code that is not useable a month down the road as vpopmail picks 
up new features.

Hmmm Currently all machines do not run the same control 
files though. is my backup MX and it has entries in
morercpthosts for all our hosted domains, plus some domains that our
clients provide primary MX on. So I don't want to rehup all my machines
if a domain is added to mailspool.
There are only certain control files that require HUP'ing or restarting 
anything... specifically the ones that qmail-send uses.. everything else is 
read on a per-invocation basis (qmail-smtpd, qmail-remote, etc)

locals and rcpthosts are HUP of qmail-send
queuelifetime, bouncefrom, bounceto, doublebounceto, doublebouncehost, me, 
concurrency{local,remote} all require restart of qmail-send.
Been there, got those memorized ;^)
Dave Goodrich
Systems Administrator
Get rid of Unwanted Emails...get TLS Spam Blocker!

Re: [vchkpw] vhostadmin development release

2005-03-08 Thread Dave Goodrich
Jeremy Kitchen wrote:
On Tuesday 08 March 2005 03:35 pm, Dave Goodrich wrote:
Ken Jones wrote:

Before I grab that (might be later this week before I can look at it),
are there any ideas/concepts for using vpopmaild with a group of
machines? I'm curious how this can add a domain. Are you able to HUP
qmail on multiple machines once a domain is added?
Well, once you connect to the vpopmail daemon on the machine, the
add domain function calls the vpopmail library add domain function
that does the HUP signal to qmail-send.
Understood, but what of the other three machines I have running? They
all use the same control files. If I add a domain on machine A using
vpopmail daemon, machine A gets to HUP qmail-send, but I cannot run
vadddomain again on machines B, C, D. So I must login and run "svc -h
/service/qmail-send" manually on machine B, C, and D.

the way I've handled this in the past on customer machines is to have a 'sync' 
script that syncs the control files (set on a cronjob.. run every 5 
minutes..) and it checks timestamps and HUPs/restarts daemons accordingly.

My control files (some of them) are symlinks to NFS mounted files. I 
could seperate them and run rsync to pull over changes, restarting when 
needed. Hmmm Currently all machines do not run the same control 
files though. is my backup MX and it has entries in 
morercpthosts for all our hosted domains, plus some domains that our 
clients provide primary MX on. So I don't want to rehup all my machines 
if a domain is added to mailspool.

Dave Goodrich
Systems Administrator
Get rid of Unwanted Emails...get TLS Spam Blocker!

Re: [vchkpw] vhostadmin development release

2005-03-08 Thread Dave Goodrich
Dave Goodrich wrote:
Ken Jones wrote:

Before I grab that (might be later this week before I can look at it),
are there any ideas/concepts for using vpopmaild with a group of
machines? I'm curious how this can add a domain. Are you able to HUP
qmail on multiple machines once a domain is added?
Well, once you connect to the vpopmail daemon on the machine, the
add domain function calls the vpopmail library add domain function
that does the HUP signal to qmail-send.
Understood, but what of the other three machines I have running? They 
all use the same control files. If I add a domain on machine A using 
vpopmail daemon, machine A gets to HUP qmail-send, but I cannot run 
vadddomain again on machines B, C, D. So I must login and run "svc -h 
/service/qmail-send" manually on machine B, C, and D.

Hmmm, I'm pondering this one. Still liking the idea of qmail and 
vpopmail both in MySQL.

Could a function be added to vpopmaild to *only* rehup qmail-send? This 
could be called from vhostadmin. A config could be added to list 
multiple machines that need a rehup when a domain is added, a php array 
of machines running vpopmaild?

Dave Goodrich
Systems Administrator
Get rid of Unwanted Emails...get TLS Spam Blocker!

Re: [vchkpw] vhostadmin development release

2005-03-08 Thread Dave Goodrich
Ken Jones wrote:

Before I grab that (might be later this week before I can look at it),
are there any ideas/concepts for using vpopmaild with a group of
machines? I'm curious how this can add a domain. Are you able to HUP
qmail on multiple machines once a domain is added?

Well, once you connect to the vpopmail daemon on the machine, the
add domain function calls the vpopmail library add domain function
that does the HUP signal to qmail-send.
Understood, but what of the other three machines I have running? They 
all use the same control files. If I add a domain on machine A using 
vpopmail daemon, machine A gets to HUP qmail-send, but I cannot run 
vadddomain again on machines B, C, D. So I must login and run "svc -h 
/service/qmail-send" manually on machine B, C, and D.

Hmmm, I'm pondering this one. Still liking the idea of qmail and 
vpopmail both in MySQL.

Dave Goodrich
Systems Administrator
Get rid of Unwanted Emails...get TLS Spam Blocker!

Re: [vchkpw] vhostadmin development release

2005-03-08 Thread Dave Goodrich
Ken Jones wrote:
On Tuesday 08 March 2005 1:57 pm, Dave Goodrich wrote:
Ken Jones wrote:

Someone not familiar with LAMP might follow the install doc and stop there, the cookie jar.
Where does one find the vpopmail daemon? I downloaded a fresh copy of
5.4.9 and the 5.5.0-devel  and didn't see it. Checked in the contrib dir

Here is a link to a working vpopmaild tar ball untill we get the
current devel release working.
Excellent, thank you.
Before I grab that (might be later this week before I can look at it), 
are there any ideas/concepts for using vpopmaild with a group of 
machines? I'm curious how this can add a domain. Are you able to HUP 
qmail on multiple machines once a domain is added?


Dave Goodrich
Systems Administrator
Get rid of Unwanted Emails...get TLS Spam Blocker!

Re: [vchkpw] vhostadmin development release

2005-03-08 Thread Dave Goodrich
Ken Jones wrote:
vhostadmin is a PHP control panel for site administrators looking
for an easy way to manage their virtual hosting needs via a series
of user-configurable plug-in modules.  Because of this you have the
ability to write and include your own plug-ins.
Although still early in development, we felt it would be good to release
the software to the community to look over and inspect.  Included
is some base API for authentication, communication with the vpopmail
daemon, and some basic event binding inside the mail and vpopmail
modules.  The current development mail module can add a domain via
the vpopmail daemon.
Since the vpopmail daemon runs under tcpserver the PHP interface can
run on a seperate machine, as well as solving the PHP permissions
The current development version may be downloaded at:
Or via CVS:
export CVSROOT=:pserver:[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/home/cvs
cvs login   (login with empty password)
cvs co vhostadmin
We have established a mailing list for development and use of
vhostadmin.  To subscribe, send a blank e-mail message to
Someone not familiar with LAMP might follow the install doc and stop there, the cookie jar.
Where does one find the vpopmail daemon? I downloaded a fresh copy of 
5.4.9 and the 5.5.0-devel  and didn't see it. Checked in the contrib dir 


Dave Goodrich
Systems Administrator
Get rid of Unwanted Emails...get TLS Spam Blocker!

Re: [vchkpw] Inter7 listed in SORBS and SpamHaus?

2005-03-03 Thread Dave Goodrich
Jeremy Kitchen wrote:
On Thursday 03 March 2005 11:57 am, Dave Goodrich wrote:;bl0=0
Snipped from my spamassassin report. I found a message from Jeremy
Kitchen my spam folder.
Content analysis details:   (5.0 points, 4.0 required)
 pts rule name  description
 0.1 FORGED_RCVD_HELO   Received: contains a forged HELO
probably due to the fact that our HELO is '' but our reverse 
dns is

 5.0 URIBL_SBL  Contains an URL listed in the SBL blocklist
the server that's website is listed on spamhaus (not due to us, I 
assure you)
Never had any doubt 8^) mostly just wanted to make anyone else aware 
they might need to check their spam folders if they think messages from 
vchkpw are missing.

I whitelisted inter7, which I really was amiss it not doing earlier. 
Maillists about mail or programming in general do tend to trigger spam 
rules much more often than normal mail.

Dave Goodrich
Systems Administrator
Get rid of Unwanted Emails...get TLS Spam Blocker!

RE: [vchkpw] Inter7 listed in SORBS and SpamHaus?

2005-03-03 Thread Dave Goodrich
Bill Wichers wrote:;bl0=0
Snipped from my spamassassin report. I found a message from Jeremy
Kitchen my spam folder.
That's not inter7's IP, at least not the one the list comes from. My
headers from your message show inter7 sent their message from, which is in an (now SBC) DSL block.
SURBL doesn't look at where the message came from, it looks at URIs 
within the message body and scores based on a lookup of the URIs it 
finds. Where the message originated from is unimportant, the key is what 
URL is the message advertising, the score was based on Jeremy's signature.

SURBL rocks. If could only have one anti-spam tool, it would be SURBL.
Dave Goodrich
Systems Administrator
Get rid of Unwanted Emails...get TLS Spam Blocker!

Re: [vchkpw] How to get local mail?

2005-03-03 Thread Dave Goodrich
Alejandro Aguilar Sierra wrote:
After years of using vpopmail I feel this question a bit stupid, but there
should be a better way to do it.
I have configured vpopmail to use only virtual accounts.
How do I do to get internal local mail in the operators accounts? Or I can
redirect those mails (comming usually from internal applications) to
virtual e-mail account?
I have several scripts that output data from my mail servers and I just 
add a .qmail-? file to /var/qmail/alias.  For example I have 
[EMAIL PROTECTED] in the following,

Works for me.

Dave Goodrich
Systems Administrator
Get rid of Unwanted Emails...get TLS Spam Blocker!

[vchkpw] Inter7 listed in SORBS and SpamHaus?

2005-03-03 Thread Dave Goodrich;bl0=0
Snipped from my spamassassin report. I found a message from Jeremy 
Kitchen my spam folder.

Content analysis details:   (5.0 points, 4.0 required)
 pts rule name  description
 0.1 FORGED_RCVD_HELO   Received: contains a forged HELO
 5.0 URIBL_SBL  Contains an URL listed in the SBL blocklist

Dave Goodrich
Systems Administrator
Get rid of Unwanted Emails...get TLS Spam Blocker!

Re: [vchkpw] spamassassin development was spamassassin configuration

2005-03-03 Thread Dave Goodrich
Dave Goodrich wrote:
Ken Jones wrote:
"Charles J. Boening" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said

I also think spamc options should  be stored in the same place.  

Currently the spamc options can be set on the configure line.
We thought that would be a good place since the spamc options
are site wide. I think all the user preference options are stored
in each user_prefs directory.

So you would have one set of args to spamc? Something like
/usr/local/bin/spamc -s 25000 -f -d -p 1783 -u [EMAIL PROTECTED]
This is how we currently do it, with the users prefs stored in SQL so 
users can adjust their own score, set whitelists and blacklists, etc.

vdelivermail would call spamc. Personally, I don't think we should 
offer the ability to call
Spamassassin directly.  It's just not as efficient.  

I think when people talked about calling spamassassin they
meant calling spamc to talk to spamassassin. At least, that's
how the development code works now.

Maybe the spamc functionality could be compiled right into 
vdelivermail so no forking is
necessary.  That would be slick!  

Depends on how much of a moving target spamc code is. If it just
is a socket write/read type of thing then it might be a good idea.
Anyone feel like reviewing spamc.c?
spamc has been pretty stable since 2.63. I've run spamc on my toasters 
unchanged after two upgrades to spamd on my backend without a problem.
spamc has the option of using tcp instead of sockets. This was our 
choice as it allows connecting to either a local spamd or a remote spamd.

If I knew C better I'd review it, but I wouldn't trust my judgment. I 
can see where having spamc built in would be nice, but it could get 
complicated quickly. I'm moving more in favor of just letting 
vdelivermail check for spam headers and deliver appropriately.

Given a conf line in the domain limits file you could set what spam 
headers to look for. (This would allow for changes to SpamAssassin's 
header format. The headers have changed, and many people customise them, 
*they* would be your moving target.) By making the spam headers a user 
definable string, you also allow spam tools other than SpamAssassin to 
be used.
The more I think about this the more I like it. By limiting vdelivermail 
to only filtering on delivery, and allowing a user defined string in the 
domain limits file, there are many possibilities. Using a simple 
"string" equals action format you could filter as such,

# spam caught by MailScanner on a mail gateway
" spam" .SPAM
# spam caught by spamc on a local machine
"X-Spam-Status: yes" .SPAM
# virus caught by MailScanner on a AV gateway
Call what ever spam filter you like in your dot-qmail file, or using a 
smtp level scanner like qscan, or even having the scanning happen on 
another server altogether. As long as you can define what the headers 
will look like you can filter/forward as you like.

Dave Goodrich
Systems Administrator
Get rid of Unwanted Emails...get TLS Spam Blocker!

Re: [vchkpw] spamassassin development was spamassassin configuration

2005-03-03 Thread Dave Goodrich
Ken Jones wrote:
"Charles J. Boening" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said

I also think spamc options should  
be stored in the same place.  
Currently the spamc options can be set on the configure line.
We thought that would be a good place since the spamc options
are site wide. I think all the user preference options are stored
in each user_prefs directory.
So you would have one set of args to spamc? Something like
/usr/local/bin/spamc -s 25000 -f -d -p 1783 -u [EMAIL PROTECTED]
This is how we currently do it, with the users prefs stored in SQL so 
users can adjust their own score, set whitelists and blacklists, etc.

vdelivermail would call spamc. 
Personally, I don't think we should offer the ability to call
Spamassassin directly.  It's just not as efficient.  
I think when people talked about calling spamassassin they
meant calling spamc to talk to spamassassin. At least, that's
how the development code works now.

Maybe the spamc 
functionality could be compiled right into vdelivermail so no forking is
necessary.  That would be slick!  
Depends on how much of a moving target spamc code is. If it just
is a socket write/read type of thing then it might be a good idea.
Anyone feel like reviewing spamc.c?
spamc has been pretty stable since 2.63. I've run spamc on my toasters 
unchanged after two upgrades to spamd on my backend without a problem.
spamc has the option of using tcp instead of sockets. This was our 
choice as it allows connecting to either a local spamd or a remote spamd.

If I knew C better I'd review it, but I wouldn't trust my judgment. I 
can see where having spamc built in would be nice, but it could get 
complicated quickly. I'm moving more in favor of just letting 
vdelivermail check for spam headers and deliver appropriately.

Given a conf line in the domain limits file you could set what spam 
headers to look for. (This would allow for changes to SpamAssassin's 
header format. The headers have changed, and many people customise them, 
*they* would be your moving target.) By making the spam headers a user 
definable string, you also allow spam tools other than SpamAssassin to 
be used.

Dave Goodrich
Systems Administrator
Get rid of Unwanted Emails...get TLS Spam Blocker!

Re: [vchkpw] Spamassin configuration

2005-03-01 Thread Dave Goodrich
Nick Harring wrote:
How about if a mailbox called SPAM exists, put it there, otherwise
drop it in the INBOX?
That sounds nice and clean. I like it.
Ken Jones
If you implement this, please do not remove the ability to simply have
the message tagged and then be able to pass it to procmail or maildrop.
I'd love to leverage built in spamassassin support, however if you're
going to force me into using a folder called spam, then it becomes
useless to me. 
I'm unconvinced this is logic which even remotely belongs in
however obviously a lot of people are worried about the
supposed overhead of launching procmail and having to generate
procmailrc files.
Guilty, I have thousands of accounts, mostly commercial, and mail comes 
constantly 24 hours a day. While there are some nice programs out there 
to replace qmail-queue or to drop inside a dot qmail file, I really want 
to avoid running the perl interpreter (once sometimes twice) for each 
message. I can make better use of system resources elswhere.

If I understand what Ken is proposing correctly, you could make vpopmail 
without the spamassassin switch to return to the normal delivery method, 
continuing to call spamassassin/spamc/procmail/maildrop as before.

Dave Goodrich
Systems Administrator
Get rid of Unwanted Emails...get TLS Spam Blocker!

Re: [vchkpw] Spamassin configuration

2005-02-28 Thread Dave Goodrich
Tom Collins wrote:
On Feb 28, 2005, at 2:36 PM, Bill Wichers wrote:
Maybe even a site-wite compile-time directive? Probably the most common
would be something like SPAM under the INBOX for the filtered messages.
Having it in SQL would be nice (allow users to configure it if they call
the SPAM dir something else in their own hierarchy), although I'm not
familiar enough with the innards of the code to know if that would work

How about if a mailbox called SPAM exists, put it there, otherwise just 
drop it in the INBOX?

That would be my choice, a lot of the systems I've looked at used the 
IMAP folder "Spam" to hold the messages tagged by spamc. That is how I 
had been planning to do it. Alternatively couldn't a env var be used? 
Change the var, change the delivery path relative to the users home dir.

Dave Goodrich
Systems Administrator
Get rid of Unwanted Emails...get TLS Spam Blocker!

Re: [vchkpw] Spamassin configuration

2005-02-27 Thread Dave Goodrich
Tom wrote:
Will this also allow the user to sort spam to a user specified folder as
well? Would be nice to cut out a procmail process too.
My interest is peaked. I am currently investigating doing just that and 
not finding any good solutions. I just hate to use another perl or shell 
script do to do anything. If vdelivermail could call spamc with per user 
prefs, *and* deliver to a users spam box, I would be a happy camper.

Mark me for willing to test any code.
Dave Goodrich
Systems Administrator
Get rid of Unwanted Emails...get TLS Spam Blocker!

Re: [vchkpw] Removing a users mail directory with PHP?

2005-02-22 Thread Dave Goodrich
Rick Macdougall wrote:
Dion Bairle wrote:
I have looked around in the list and it may not be the right place for
it but here we go!
Hi I have a script written in PHP which removes a users entry from the
SQL data base for VPOPMAIL however it does not remove the users
Maildir. Does any one know what (if any) code can be used to remove
the Maildir.
Download the latest cvs and compile it.  Then install and setup 
vpopmaild and use the vpopmaild-php interface 
(  It works fine 
with vpopmail 5.4.x.

Just throwing this out for hahas, thinking aloud so to speak. I've 
looked at the need to administer vpopmail via a web interface for our 
support group. Currently I use a set of scripts which drop command files 
that are run via cron. It has worked wonderfully so far.

I have looked at the webmin modules, the vpopmail daemon, the PHP 
extension. They all leave me a bit scared. I never liked the idea of 
running a webserver on top of my mail server and I am looking to start 
an imap proxy just to remove this security issue (security IMHO, you're 
opinion may differ) by moving my webmail interface to a single webserver 
instead of a round robin DNS to each toaster.

I looked as well at some of the patches to qmail which enable them to 
run from MySQL, but then vpopmail needs to access the virtualdomains and 
users files so the qmail-MySQL and vpopmail don't work together there.

Any reason vpopmail should not just include patches to qmail to enable a 
qmail config store? It seems this is the perfect answer. No extra 
daemons to run (or listen), no permission changes required to qmail, 
everything in a common MySQL db. The admin interface could be PHP, Perl, 
RAILS, Java Servlets, anything that can communicate with MySQL would work.

Just a thought.
Dave Goodrich
Systems Administrator
Get rid of Unwanted Emails...get TLS Spam Blocker!

Re: [vchkpw] smtp auth

2005-02-04 Thread Dave Goodrich
Dave Goodrich wrote:
Tom Collins wrote:
On Jan 28, 2005, at 9:00 AM, Dave Goodrich wrote:

Excellent, thank you. If I understand correctly I will also need to do 
nothing to my current tcp.smtp file?

3) How does this effect users who do not supply auth info? Does 
qmail-smtpd fall back to using the RELAYCLIENT value from tcp.smtp.cdb?

Just as I feared, it is easy..
Uhh, kinda. Getting smtp-auth to work was easy but I fell into a hole 
when I did it. We found an instance where this breaks a lot of our clients.

I was able to duplicate the issue using Netscape Mail 4.7 (yea it's old, 
but in rual Indiana not everyone has XP Pro or OSX). If a user  has ever 
created a previous account in their mail program, the second account is 
created with smtp-auth checked and the username box empty. This caused a 
lot of people to suddenly not be able to send mail, and they all called 
tech support.

I believe I will move our smtp-auth users to another port and just fire 
up another instance of qmail-smtpd, leaving the normal qmail-smtpd 
running on port 25.

I don't see a standard port for smtp-auth, any thoughts? I've looked 
through FreeBSD /etc/services file which is pretty complete, and found 
no entry for smtp-auth. I'm leaning towards using port 9025.

Dave Goodrich
Systems Administrator
Get rid of Unwanted Emails...get TLS Spam Blocker!

Re: [vchkpw] smtp auth

2005-01-30 Thread Dave Goodrich
Tom Collins wrote:
On Jan 28, 2005, at 9:00 AM, Dave Goodrich wrote:
1) What is everyone else using?
QMAILDUID=`id -u vpopmail`
NOFILESGID=`id -g vpopmail`
MAXSMTPD=`cat /var/qmail/control/concurrencyincoming`
LOCAL=`/usr/bin/head -1 /var/qmail/control/me`
/usr/bin/spamd -a -c -d -F0 -u qmailq
exec /usr/local/bin/softlimit -m 600 \
/usr/local/bin/tcpserver -H -R -l "$LOCAL" \
-x /home/vpopmail/etc/tcp.smtp.cdb -c "$MAXSMTPD" \
-u "$QMAILDUID" -g "$NOFILESGID" 0 smtp \
/var/qmail/bin/qmail-smtpd \
/home/vpopmail/bin/vchkpw /bin/true 2>&1
2) Some examples/patches show that a hostname is required in the run 
file for auth ""; and 
some do not "";. 
I would think this is not possible using vpopmail, as a hardcoded host 
would cause vchkpw to fail the lookup. Correct?
An older patch required it, but the current patch does not.  The 
hardcoded host name was only used in generating the MD5 challenge, and 
could be any string of text.  If you're using the patch from vpopmail's 
contrib directory, then you shouldn't have the hostname.

Excellent, thank you. If I understand correctly I will also need to do 
nothing to my current tcp.smtp file?

3) How does this effect users who do not supply auth info? Does 
qmail-smtpd fall back to using the RELAYCLIENT value from tcp.smtp.cdb?

Just as I feared, it is easy..
Systems Administrator
Get rid of Unwanted Emails...get TLS Spam Blocker!

[vchkpw] smtp auth

2005-01-28 Thread Dave Goodrich
Good morning,
I find mysqlf in need of smtp auth for my users. I've looked at several 
bits online about it and I have a few questions for the list.

qmail-1.03 as per qmail Handbook
vpopmail-5.4.8 (MySQL auth)
FreeBSD 5.2.1
cat /service/qmail-smtpd/run
QMAILDUID=`id -u qmaild`
NOFILESGID=`id -g qmaild`
MAXSMTPD=`head -1 /var/qmail/control/concurrencyincoming`
if [ -z "$QMAILDUID" -o -z "$NOFILESGID" -o -z "$MAXSMTPD" ]; then
echo $0
exit 1
exec /usr/local/bin/softlimit -m 200 \
/usr/local/bin/tcpserver -v -P -R -h -l 0 -x 
/var/qmail/control/tcp.smtp.cdb -c "$MAXSMTPD" \
-u "$QMAILDUID" -g "$NOFILESGID" 25 rblsmtpd \
-r \
-r \
-t 20 \
/usr/local/bin/fixcrio /var/qmail/bin/qmail-smtpd 2>&1

1) What is everyone else using?
2) Some examples/patches show that a hostname is required in the run 
file for auth ""; and 
some do not "";. I 
would think this is not possible using vpopmail, as a hardcoded host 
would cause vchkpw to fail the lookup. Correct?

3) How does this effect users who do not supply auth info? Does 
qmail-smtpd fall back to using the RELAYCLIENT value from tcp.smtp.cdb?

It seems easy enough to implement, too easy, scares me I am missing 

Systems Administrator
Get rid of Unwanted Emails...get TLS Spam Blocker!

Re: [vchkpw] vdelivermail, user quotas and the maildirsize file

2004-12-03 Thread Dave Goodrich
[intentionaly top posted]
You are my new hero Mr. Collins.
If you are in or near central Indiana, my wife makes apple pie and 
vegetable soup that grown men will crawl through broken glass for, there 
are a few servings waiting for you.

Can't wait to give it a try.
Tom Collins wrote:
I've undertaken the task of cleaning up vdelivermail. I think I've fixed 
some problems where vdelivermail could exit without closing its 
connection to MySQL. I've also fixed sections that exited with the wrong 
exit code (causing qmail-local to assume mail was delivered when it 
wasn't, or vice-versa).

I'm now digging into quotas. Oh, the joy.
I found one immediate problem. vdelivermail was adding an email's size 
to the maildirsize file before it was successfully delivered. If there 
was any sort of error, the maildirsize file would end up out of whack.

Additionally, the size of the extra headers (Return-Path and 
Delivered-To) weren't included in the values written. This causes a 
problem because POP/IMAP will enter a negative value for the size of the 
entire message (including those headers). I could be wrong on that -- 
the POP/IMAP server might use the "S=" part of the filename which was 
also written incorrectly by the old vdelivermail.

Anyway, I've made some good progress, and now it only updates 
maildirsize if the message was successfully written. It will update the 
maildirsize of ANY Maildir that it delivers to, including valiases, the 
catchall, and save-a-copy on .qmail files that forward to another location.

The only missing piece is actually checking for overquota situations on 
anything but a standard user without a .qmail file. I also don't handle 
the situation where the maildirsize file does not exist. Realistically, 
I can only re-create it for the Maildir that belongs to the current 
user. Other than reading the maildirsize file, there's no easy way to 
look up a quota based on a Maildir directory path.

After all of the time I've put into it, there's no way I'm going to 
touch domain quotas...

If anyone knows of any other vdelivermail oddities that should be fixed, 
please let me know and I'll try to address them in this upcoming release.

QmailAdmin: Vpopmail:
Info on the *Sniffter* hand-held Network Tester:

No virus found in this incoming message.
Checked by AVG Anti-Virus.
Version: 7.0.289 / Virus Database: 265.4.4 - Release Date: 11/30/2004
Systems Administrator
Get rid of Unwanted Emails...get TLS Spam Blocker!

Re: [vchkpw] Fields' use?

2004-11-19 Thread Dave Goodrich
X-Istence wrote:
On Nov 18, 2004, at 3:44 PM, Matthew Walker wrote:
What are the pw_uid and pw_gid fields in the user info actually used
for? I did a quick read through the docs, and couldn't find any
information about what they do other than the fact that they're the
user id and group id.
They are named to confuse people. :P
Actually i have no clue, but there should be some documentation on them, 
and they should possible be renamed to something more suiting for the 
task they are doing or being used for.
The GID field is used for setting user flags, such things like
Don't know how the work, never used them. Look in the src, vmoduser.c 
for info.

Systems Administrator
Get rid of Unwanted Emails...get TLS Spam Blocker!

Re: [vchkpw] Migrating all domains to a new box

2004-10-25 Thread Dave Goodrich
Yes, i've searched there, but my situation is a bit different.
I'll only migrate the ~vpopmail/domains dir to another machine. The
database will be kept the same.
When i do vdominfo  i receive "domains doesn't exists". I
did some tests bringing only the domain dir, i didn't make vadddomain
because the register already exists on the database.
If I understand you correctly, you shouldn't have to do anything to move 
the mail itself (domains dir) from one physical machine to another, so 
long as

1) Your path on the new server matches exactly the path stored in MySQL 
(pw_dir field)
2) Permissions are correct, vpopmail:vchkpw
3) The new server has permissions to access MySQL on the database server.



Hi everyone,
I need to make a huge migration from one to another box.
I have my authentication info into a database, but i need to know if just
migrating all the data from one to another will be enough to keep
everything working.
Rafael Felix Correa

Have you searched the list archives?  This comes up once a week.

Systems Administrator
Get rid of Unwanted Emails...get TLS Spam Blocker!

Re: [vchkpw] chkuser 2.0

2004-10-21 Thread Dave Goodrich
Tom Collins wrote:
On Oct 19, 2004, at 8:14 PM, Charles Sprickman wrote:
The one thing that kind of grabbed people's interest was the flood of 
"connection dropped" messages that mysql will log if I enable the "log 
warnings" option.  On other mysql installations I can leave this on 
and I just see the occasional error.  If I point vpopmail at a db with 
the logging enabled, it just scrolls errors like mad.

Is there any way to find out what program was responsible for creating 
the connection that was dropped?  Can you add additional logging to find 
out what queries are made on the dropped connections before they get 
dropped?  If there's a pattern, we might be able to track down the 
offending program and fix it.
I have plenty of logging, the querys are in one log, and the errors are 
in other. The query log is not timestamped consistantly, IE not every 
record. Makes determining a cause tough. I can see only what DB was 
accessed and by what user, pass, IP.

I've been trying to get better logging, the mysql list, and forums have 
not responded. I'm hitting a dead end as far as getting more information.


Systems Administrator
Get rid of Unwanted Emails...get TLS Spam Blocker!

Re: [vchkpw] email groups

2004-10-18 Thread Dave Goodrich
Bill Gradwohl wrote:
I need the reciprocal of an alias (one user with many email ID's) in the 
form of a group (many users reachable individually via one email ID).

The simplest solution would be to create .qmail- and 
fill it with forwards to the address you want to recieve the message.

For instance, you could do this with a tech support address.
.qmail-support contains 5 addresses.
Simple enough.
How does one go about setting up an email group via vpopmail? Can valias 
do this? I can't locate any valias documentation, and don't want to 
experiment on a live system.

Systems Administrator
Get rid of Unwanted Emails...get TLS Spam Blocker!

Re: [vchkpw] chkuser 2.0

2004-10-14 Thread Dave Goodrich
Eric Ziegast wrote:
Rick Macdougall asked
I didn't see anything in the docs or change logs specifically regarding
the mysql connection problem that sometimes crops up with vpopmail.  Has
this been addressed ?
Antonio Nati replied:
Yes, chkuser 2.0 includes a new call, vauth_open(), that Rick Widmer told
is in vpopmail CVS, and will be able to return the status of connection.
As default this call is disabled, and should be enabled (uncommenting
#define CHKUSER_ENABLE_VAUTH_OPEN in chkuser_settings.h) when this call is
Jeremy Kitchen added:
as a suggestion, would it be possible to have a definition placed into
vpopmail.h such as:
that way programs that link against vpopmail can support both methods
without any user intervention, and also this way, if say perhaps
the postgres code doesn't have vauth_open, and the mysql does, etc,
so someone linking against it need not worry about it :)
While the current chkuser.c might compile fine against a vpopmail
install with Sybase or Postgres, it doesn't work for MySQL because
vauth_open is defined only in vpgsql.c and vsybase.c.
To get around this, I replaced the following line in chkuser.c:
if (vauth_open () == 0) {
#ifdef USE_MYSQL
if (vauth_open_read () == 0) {
if (vauth_open_update () == 0) {
if (vauth_open () == 0) {
It seems to work fine for me.
It might make more sense for vpopmail to just create a generic
vauth_open_read function for each supported auth method so that
external modules like chkuser.c would be able to use the right
semantics without getting specific about the details.  Even in
the case of CDB (vcdb.c) the function would be defined as opening
the filehandle for reading the CDB file. ... just a thought.
If I could put in my two cents here, If someone who knows the MySQL libs 
well enough to test the opening of a table, can they also add the proper 
closing of the table as well.

Several people, myself included, are still seeing problems with MySQL 
under a large useage. So far I have not been able to get to the cause of 
the problem other than to convince myself I have no network or MySQL 
issues. I don't know C well enough to add debug code or create a patch 
for this, but I am still having users who have to authenticate twice and 
the MySQL errors I record point to improper closing of the tables, 
causing a communication failure.

I can give details if interested, and I am willing to be the guinea pig 
and test the code.


Systems Administrator
Get rid of Unwanted Emails...get TLS Spam Blocker!

Re: [vchkpw] Limits per owner

2004-10-06 Thread Dave Goodrich
Riccardo Bini wrote:
It's possible to set limits (pop account) per unix user and not per 

An other question: i lost my dir_control table (mysql). I can recreate it but 
i dont know what the columns mean.
I am struggling with this as well, though I have not been able to get 
back to it. See this thread, maybe it will help.[EMAIL PROTECTED]/msg19052.html
If you find anything out, please let me know! Especialy if you find I am 
wrong on my assumptions.

Thank you.
Riccardo Bini

Systems Administrator
Get rid of Unwanted Emails...get TLS Spam Blocker!

Re: [vchkpw] Problems with pop auth after upgrade to mysql auth

2004-10-06 Thread Dave Goodrich
Dave Goodrich wrote:
Dave Goodrich wrote:
Also of note, I can see each user who is being re-prompted, 
/var/log/maillog shows these on each cluster machine.

 Oct  6 11:40:17 ecluster1 vpopmail[1748]: vchkpw-pop3: vpopmail user 
not found [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
Oct  6 11:40:19 ecluster1 vpopmail[1758]: vchkpw-pop3: vpopmail user not 
Oct  6 11:41:35 ecluster1 vpopmail[2269]: vchkpw-pop3: vpopmail user not 
Oct  6 11:42:36 ecluster1 vpopmail[2637]: vchkpw-pop3: vpopmail user not 

Each of these users exist, the next attempt they got in.

Chris Ess wrote:
Dave Goodrich wrote:
Since we changed to use mysql auth I have been getting complaints from
users having to enter their password more than once. This is not
consistant, it doesn't happen every time. It seems most prevelent for
users of Eudora or old Outlook Express. Outlook, Netscape Mail, and
Thunderbird do not seem to be having a problem.

Correction, Outlook Express is working, Outlook is not.

What are they using as their login ID?   I use the email address with a
'%' rather than a '@'. (For instance, if the email address I was sending
was a real user, I would use )

I believe it works both ways, but I am certain all the techs setup the 
users with %, I can ask the support staff.

All users experiencing this issue are using % in their login.

My MySQL db is on another server dedicated to serving MySQL 
to vpopmail and spamc. Plenty of resources, queries per second is only
4.3, threads 11, I have a dual Sparc Enterprize 450 with 2gb of ram.
100mb duplex ether between the mailservers and the db that is used for
nothing but the mysql connection and NFS to the maildirs. I have my
key_buffer=128M and my table_cache=128. Top says I am at a whopping 
of .8.
I just finished upgrading to to 5.4.6 and the problem remains. I've
googled and searched the maillist, anyone have a clue?

"User doesn't exist" sounds like it might be caused by a communication
issue between vchkpw and MySQL.  I'm not 100% sure.  I have never
experienced this issue myself.

This is what I believe as well, which is why I upgraded to 5.4.6. I am 
looking into possible MySQL issues though I don't think resources is a 

I have been working with the MySQL host, upped my my.cnf to the 
following, no change in the problem.
# The MySQL server
port= 3306
socket  = /tmp/mysql.sock
set-variable= key_buffer=256M
set-variable= max_allowed_packet=16M
set-variable= table_cache=256
set-variable= sort_buffer=1M
set-variable= record_buffer=1M
set-variable= myisam_sort_buffer_size=64M
set-variable= thread_cache=4
set-variable= connect_timeout=15
set-variable= back_log=50
set-variable= max_connections=500

# Try number of CPU's*2 for thread_concurrency
# we have 2 CPUs on the Sun 450
set-variable= thread_concurrency=4
server-id   = 1
I am seeing a lot of aborted connects. This is the result of running 
just 20 minutes after flushing the stats. I will see 2500+ by tomorrow 

# mysqladmin -uroot -p extended-status
| Variable_name| Value   |
| Aborted_clients  | 0   |
| Aborted_connects | 106 | <--
| Bytes_received   | 4456034 |
| Bytes_sent   | 6960856 |
I have changed the timeout value in auth.c from 2 to 4, ran make;make 
install-strip on all the clusters to see if that makes a difference.

I also have a question in to the MySQL forums on this issue.
This is becoming a show stopper for me. If I can't get clients to 
reliably connect when they pop mail, I will have to find another 
solution before I install my new mail clusters. I like the concept of 
having MySQL on another server and all my eclusters using the same db, I 
really don't want to run local copies of MySQL. Got that great big Sun 
450, I want to use it!

I am open for any experiment, test, debug process, chicken bones, 
incense, palm reading. Just gotta make it work.


Systems Administrator
Get rid of Unwanted Emails...get TLS Spam Blocker!

Re: [vchkpw] Problems with pop auth after upgrade to mysql auth

2004-10-06 Thread Dave Goodrich
Dave Goodrich wrote:
Chris Ess wrote:
Dave Goodrich wrote:
Since we changed to use mysql auth I have been getting complaints from
users having to enter their password more than once. This is not
consistant, it doesn't happen every time. It seems most prevelent for
users of Eudora or old Outlook Express. Outlook, Netscape Mail, and
Thunderbird do not seem to be having a problem.
Correction, Outlook Express is working, Outlook is not.
What are they using as their login ID?   I use the email address with a
'%' rather than a '@'. (For instance, if the email address I was sending
was a real user, I would use )
I believe it works both ways, but I am certain all the techs setup the 
users with %, I can ask the support staff.
All users experiencing this issue are using % in their login.

My MySQL db is on another server dedicated to serving MySQL connections
to vpopmail and spamc. Plenty of resources, queries per second is only
4.3, threads 11, I have a dual Sparc Enterprize 450 with 2gb of ram.
100mb duplex ether between the mailservers and the db that is used for
nothing but the mysql connection and NFS to the maildirs. I have my
key_buffer=128M and my table_cache=128. Top says I am at a whopping 
of .8.
I just finished upgrading to to 5.4.6 and the problem remains. I've
googled and searched the maillist, anyone have a clue?
"User doesn't exist" sounds like it might be caused by a communication
issue between vchkpw and MySQL.  I'm not 100% sure.  I have never
experienced this issue myself.
This is what I believe as well, which is why I upgraded to 5.4.6. I am 
looking into possible MySQL issues though I don't think resources is a 
I have been working with the MySQL host, upped my my.cnf to the 
following, no change in the problem.
# The MySQL server
port= 3306
socket  = /tmp/mysql.sock
set-variable= key_buffer=256M
set-variable= max_allowed_packet=16M
set-variable= table_cache=256
set-variable= sort_buffer=1M
set-variable= record_buffer=1M
set-variable= myisam_sort_buffer_size=64M
set-variable= thread_cache=4
set-variable= connect_timeout=15
set-variable= back_log=50
set-variable= max_connections=500

# Try number of CPU's*2 for thread_concurrency
# we have 2 CPUs on the Sun 450
set-variable= thread_concurrency=4
server-id   = 1
I am seeing a lot of aborted connects. This is the result of running 
just 20 minutes after flushing the stats. I will see 2500+ by tomorrow 

# mysqladmin -uroot -p extended-status
| Variable_name| Value   |
| Aborted_clients  | 0   |
| Aborted_connects | 106 | <--
| Bytes_received   | 4456034 |
| Bytes_sent   | 6960856 |
I have changed the timeout value in auth.c from 2 to 4, ran make;make 
install-strip on all the clusters to see if that makes a difference.

I also have a question in to the MySQL forums on this issue.
This is becoming a show stopper for me. If I can't get clients to 
reliably connect when they pop mail, I will have to find another 
solution before I install my new mail clusters. I like the concept of 
having MySQL on another server and all my eclusters using the same db, I 
really don't want to run local copies of MySQL. Got that great big Sun 
450, I want to use it!

I am open for any experiment, test, debug process, chicken bones, 
incense, palm reading. Just gotta make it work.


Systems Administrator
Get rid of Unwanted Emails...get TLS Spam Blocker!

Re: [vchkpw] .dir-control format

2004-09-24 Thread Dave Goodrich
Brian Feeny wrote:
Can someone post the .dir-control format (the format of the file, and  
what each value represents)?

This is a close as I have gotten, though I have not updated any further, 
it seems to be working fine.[EMAIL PROTECTED]/msg19052.html
You might want to read all the thread for context. Once I get some other 
work done I intend to get back to it and write up all I have discovered.

also if you have a hosed .dir-control structure, how can you rebuild  
it, so that the .dir-control files are correct?
If you use sql, your dir-control is in there, not in files. I have a 
perl script that will repair your sql table, for those domains that have 
an accurate .dir-control file. I did as I converted my domains into MySQL.

if a .dir-control got deleted, how would that be fixed?
In your earlier post you said you used MySQL, if so you do not need a 
.dir control file, and vpopmail will not create one. All dir-control 
info will be in a sql table "dir_control".

Brian Feeny, CCIE #8036, CISSPe: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Network Engineer   p: 318.213.4709
ShreveNet Inc. f: 318.221.6612
Systems Administrator
Get rid of Unwanted Emails...get TLS Spam Blocker!

Re: [vchkpw] what appears to be mysql errors inside.... and other questions

2004-09-24 Thread Dave Goodrich
Grimes, David wrote:
-Original Message-
From: Dave Goodrich [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Thursday, September 23, 2004 4:25 PM
Subject: Re: [vchkpw] what appears to be mysql errors inside and other

Grimes, David wrote:

config to better equip it for things? Switches, etc... 
What do you have now for hardware?
[DG] Athlon 1700 512 60gig ide drive 
Should be plenty with a stock qmail-vpopmail-mysql-SA. Not sure how much 
qmail-scanner requires as far as resources. Perl can get hungry. I've 
processed twice as much on a Sparc 20 with dual 125mhz and 512 ram. I 
didn't run qmail-scanner and a AV solution though..

The fellow who could convert one of the many perl qmailqueue 
replacements to C, would likely be carried about town on the shoulders 
of a grateful crowd.

What version of SA are you running?
[DG] SA is 2.6.3
They should have the problems sorted out with SA 3.0.0 now, seems most 
of the traffic I have seen is people not thoroughly reading the docs 
before upgrading. The upgrade will also give you SURBL, which will help 
more than anything else I have tried.

What extra rules are your running in SA?
[DG] I used the out of the box rule set. Since reading your message I've
removed the RBL and razor checks/usage.
Did you add your RBLs into qmail-smtpd? (adding rblsmtpd to your run file)
How many messages do you normally handle a day?
[DG] this machine sees ~25k messages a day
I have found that when getting blasted to the extent that it becomes a 
hardware issue, turning off SA until you can get the queue cleared helps 
quite a bit.
[DG] I eventually did that but for about 4-5 hours my load avg was 400-500
I've got the screen shots to prove it ;) Eventually I blackholed my mx
record which allowed my box to catch up on already delievered mail and then
removed qmail scanner and let everything through un processed.
Painfull I know, but sometimes it is the only way ;^)
If you are doing Razor lookups in SA, stop. I've not found Razor to make 
a difference in spam caught compared to to the network and system 
resources it consumes.

If you are doing RBL lookups in SA, stop. RBL lookups are considerably 
faster with qmail and saves you having to process a message that you 
later would dump when it gets to SA anyway. Example; I move 40k to 50k 
inbound messages a day, 65k+ of those I dropped at the smtp level via 
qmail. If I had used RBL lookups in SA I would have over doubled my SA load.

Number two, this
message appeared quite often last night. What exactly is it telling me? 
It has been my experience,
someone/anyone correct me if I am wrong,
but you A) need to upgrade to 5.4.6 as there were changes to the SQL 
code or B) your MySQL connection was timing out.

It seemed to me that those errors went away here when I gave MySQL more 
resources. Of course, YMMV, and I could be just a nut ;^)

[DG] thanks for the input! David
Your welcome.

I realize this email is vague and poorly worded so any comments,
and suggestions to further the discussion would be greatly appreciated.

Systems Administrator
Get rid of Unwanted Emails...get TLS Spam Blocker!

Re: [vchkpw] The low-down on the valias feature

2004-09-24 Thread Dave Goodrich
Tom Collins wrote:
On Sep 24, 2004, at 7:25 AM, Dave Goodrich wrote:
I've read all the posts in the archive afterching on "valias", a lot 
of posts, and I think my assumptions are correct. I would like to know 
if there are any limitations I should be aware of.

--enable-valias configures vpopmail to store .qmail-alias files in a 
table.  It does not affect the .qmail files in POP/IMAP user directories.

Currently, it can only properly handle email forwarding or calling a 
single program.  In the initial design, there wasn't a method to ensure 
the processing order of alias entries.  So, any .qmail-alias file in 
which the execution order is important (like spam scanning), will not 
work with valiases.
This answers my most pressing question, thank you.
It should be a simple fix -- add an auto-incrementing sequence column to 
the table and sort the results by it.  Entries will always be returned 
in the order they were added. The only problem is we need an easy way
to update existing valias tables to add the column.  
Yes, but if there are no current multi line entries in existing valias 
tables, then could not all rows be altered to have the column with a 
value of 1?

More complex .qmail 
files will be difficult to edit/manage if stored in the valias table.
Yes, I had thought so as well, which is why I asked. With command line 
tools this really could be nothing more than add, view, delete an entry.

You can store aliases, forwards and autoresponders in the valias table. 
 ezmlm mailing lists need to stay in .qmail files so ezmlm-make can 
modify them whenever the list's settings are changed.  .qmail-default 
remains as a .qmail file so qmail-local can find it and pass the message 
on to vdelivermail.
This is the one I couldn't find a hint of in the archives! I can use 
both valias and .qmail files within the same domain? (ezmlm and my spam 
script are the biggest concerns)

Provided I can have both, which hold precedence? If there is a 
.qmail- file, and a  entry in valias, which is run and which 
is not?

Thank you,
Tom Collins  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
QmailAdmin:  Vpopmail:
Info on the Sniffter hand-held Network Tester:

Systems Administrator
Get rid of Unwanted Emails...get TLS Spam Blocker!

Re: [vchkpw] Patch for problems with valiases and PostgreSQL/MySQL

2004-09-24 Thread Dave Goodrich
Tom Collins wrote:
If you're using the valias table with PostgreSQL or MySQL, please take  
a look at the following patch:
Possibly you would be the man to answer this question for me?[EMAIL PROTECTED]/msg19410.html
I've read all the posts in the archive afterching on "valias", a lot of 
posts, and I think my assumptions are correct. I would like to know if 
there are any limitations I should be aware of.


It should make valiases actually work for PostgreSQL (they didn't  
before now).

Also, the old code didn't work if you had Maildir delivery lines in the  
valias table.

If you fall into either of those categories, please try the patch and  
let me know whether it works for you.

Tom Collins  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
QmailAdmin:  Vpopmail:
Info on the Sniffter hand-held Network Tester:
Systems Administrator
Get rid of Unwanted Emails...get TLS Spam Blocker!

Re: [vchkpw] what appears to be mysql errors inside.... and other questions

2004-09-23 Thread Dave Goodrich
Grimes, David wrote:
Hello all, 

New user/abuser here...
1.   Last night, due to a problem with a corporate mail server, my mail
server got flooded with ~20k emails. It tried like heck to chew through them
but the poor little machine just wasn't havin' it. My setup is a gentoo box
running vpopmail, qmail, qmail-scanner, spamassassin, -prot, and courier-et
al. with the latest packages as of yesterday. I have two questions 1.
Outside of better hardware what are some things I should do to the software
config to better equip it for things? Switches, etc... 
What do you have now for hardware?
What version of SA are you running?
What extra rules are your running in SA?
How many messages do you normally handle a day?
I have found that when getting blasted to the extent that it becomes a 
hardware issue, turning off SA until you can get the queue cleared helps 
quite a bit.

If you are doing Razor lookups in SA, stop. I've not found Razor to make 
a difference in spam caught compared to to the network and system 
resources it consumes.

If you are doing RBL lookups in SA, stop. RBL lookups are considerably 
faster with qmail and saves you having to process a message that you 
later would dump when it gets to SA anyway. Example; I move 40k to 50k 
inbound messages a day, 65k+ of those I dropped at the smtp level via 
qmail. If I had used RBL lookups in SA I would have over doubled my SA load.

Number two, this
message appeared quite often last night. What exactly is it telling me? 
It has been my experience,
someone/anyone correct me if I am wrong,
but you A) need to upgrade to 5.4.6 as there were changes to the SQL 
code or B) your MySQL connection was timing out.

It seemed to me that those errors went away here when I gave MySQL more 
resources. Of course, YMMV, and I could be just a nut ;^)

I realize this email is vague and poorly worded so any comments, questions,
and suggestions to further the discussion would be greatly appreciated.


@4000415240cb09be3594 delivery 3013: success:

Systems Administrator
Get rid of Unwanted Emails...get TLS Spam Blocker!

Re: [vchkpw] .dir-control - Please tell me this about it

2004-09-23 Thread Dave Goodrich
Brian Feeny wrote:

I under stand that, but I guess what I am asking is, the hashing  
algorithm that vpopmail uses, to decide how to name its directories, is  
it linked
to the name of the username/name of the domain, to the extent that if I  
change the domain name (or username) but keep the hashing the same,
is that going to make bad things happen?

Again, think of it as a tally of the hashed dirs that exist below the 
.dir-control file. It only seems to care about the dirs underneath it. I 
do not belive the hashing code is aware of anything other than it's own 

Create a test domain with your old system and give it a try. I have been 
trying to get my arms around the dir-control issue for a while, though I 
don't code C, I don't think the hashing cares what your domain name is.

On Sep 23, 2004, at 10:57 AM, Dave Goodrich wrote:
Brian Feeny wrote:
On Sep 23, 2004, at 10:18 AM, Dave Goodrich wrote:
Brian Feeny wrote:
Does the hashing that is used by .dir-control depend at all on 
theactual domain name?  For example, if it came up with a hashed
directory structure in which to put "", would it matter  
if  I  went in to /var/qmail/users/assign, and changed the name of  
the  domain
to "", and then of course changed the directory  
name   from to  Would this be a  
My problem is I am trying to migrate a bunch of domains (600+) 
from   my  own hash style, into vpopmails native .dir-control hash 
style.So my
plan goes something like this:
I create a dummy domain
I create all the accounts under just like the domain I 
amtrying to move over
I then move all the Maildirs into and then change the 
namefrom to the domain I was moving
I am thinking this should work, but not sure if .dir-control 
cares   what  the name is of the domain, or if the hash has nothing 
to do   with the  structure of the domain

If you use MySQL it will matter as the dir hash info is stored 
under   the domain name. If you do not use MySQL, I would think that 
you  would  be ok. The new .dir-control will be correct for the 
number of   users/hashing. The .dir-control file does not have any 
domain   information inside. vpopmail cares not one wit about the 
name of the   domain it is hashing.
.dir control doesn't just hash users though right?  Doesn't  
dir-control  begin to hash domains too once you hit a certain 
number?   That is all  the same mechinism right, .dir-control, that 
does both  the domain  hashing and then username hashing?

Correct, but the .dir-control file still doesn't keep track of which  
domain is hashed where, only how many hash dir are created, how deep  
they are, and what dir is currently in use. It doesn't seem to matter  
hashing users or domains. It seems to me it works exactly the same  
what and stores exactly the same information.

Think of the .dir-control file more as a tally of what hash dirs have  
been created, and which one is currently is use. It doesn't seem to 
do  much more.


-- -- --
Brian Feeny, CCIE #8036, CISSPe: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Network Engineer   p: 318.213.4709
ShreveNet Inc. f: 318.221.6612

Systems Administrator
Get rid of Unwanted Emails...get TLS Spam Blocker!

-- --
Brian Feeny, CCIE #8036, CISSPe: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Network Engineer   p: 318.213.4709
ShreveNet Inc. f: 318.221.6612

Systems Administrator
Get rid of Unwanted Emails...get TLS Spam Blocker!

Brian Feeny, CCIE #8036, CISSPe: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Network Engineer   p: 318.213.4709
ShreveNet Inc. f: 318.221.6612

Systems Administrator
Get rid of Unwanted Emails...get TLS Spam Blocker!

Re: [vchkpw] .dir-control - Please tell me this about it

2004-09-23 Thread Dave Goodrich
Brian Feeny wrote:
On Sep 23, 2004, at 10:18 AM, Dave Goodrich wrote:
Brian Feeny wrote:
Does the hashing that is used by .dir-control depend at all on the   
actual domain name?  For example, if it came up with a hashed
directory structure in which to put "", would it matter if  
I  went in to /var/qmail/users/assign, and changed the name of the  
to "", and then of course changed the directory 
name   from to  Would this be a problem?
My problem is I am trying to migrate a bunch of domains (600+) from  
my  own hash style, into vpopmails native .dir-control hash style.   
So my
plan goes something like this:
I create a dummy domain
I create all the accounts under just like the domain I am   
trying to move over
I then move all the Maildirs into and then change the name   
from to the domain I was moving
I am thinking this should work, but not sure if .dir-control cares  
what  the name is of the domain, or if the hash has nothing to do  
with the  structure of the domain
If you use MySQL it will matter as the dir hash info is stored under  
the domain name. If you do not use MySQL, I would think that you 
would  be ok. The new .dir-control will be correct for the number of  
users/hashing. The .dir-control file does not have any domain  
information inside. vpopmail cares not one wit about the name of the  
domain it is hashing.

.dir control doesn't just hash users though right?  Doesn't dir-control  
begin to hash domains too once you hit a certain number?  That is all  
the same mechinism right, .dir-control, that does both the domain  
hashing and then username hashing?
Correct, but the .dir-control file still doesn't keep track of which 
domain is hashed where, only how many hash dir are created, how deep 
they are, and what dir is currently in use. It doesn't seem to matter 
hashing users or domains. It seems to me it works exactly the same what 
and stores exactly the same information.

Think of the .dir-control file more as a tally of what hash dirs have 
been created, and which one is currently is use. It doesn't seem to do 
much more.


-- --
Brian Feeny, CCIE #8036, CISSPe: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Network Engineer   p: 318.213.4709
ShreveNet Inc. f: 318.221.6612

Systems Administrator
Get rid of Unwanted Emails...get TLS Spam Blocker!

Brian Feeny, CCIE #8036, CISSPe: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Network Engineer   p: 318.213.4709
ShreveNet Inc. f: 318.221.6612

Systems Administrator
Get rid of Unwanted Emails...get TLS Spam Blocker!

Re: [vchkpw] .dir-control - Please tell me this about it

2004-09-23 Thread Dave Goodrich
Brian Feeny wrote:
Does the hashing that is used by .dir-control depend at all on the  
actual domain name?  For example, if it came up with a hashed
directory structure in which to put "", would it matter if I  
went in to /var/qmail/users/assign, and changed the name of the domain
to "", and then of course changed the directory name  
from to  Would this be a problem?

My problem is I am trying to migrate a bunch of domains (600+) from my  
own hash style, into vpopmails native .dir-control hash style.  So my
plan goes something like this:

I create a dummy domain
I create all the accounts under just like the domain I am  
trying to move over
I then move all the Maildirs into and then change the name  
from to the domain I was moving

I am thinking this should work, but not sure if .dir-control cares what  
the name is of the domain, or if the hash has nothing to do with the  
structure of the domain
If you use MySQL it will matter as the dir hash info is stored under the 
domain name. If you do not use MySQL, I would think that you would be 
ok. The new .dir-control will be correct for the number of 
users/hashing. The .dir-control file does not have any domain 
information inside. vpopmail cares not one wit about the name of the 
domain it is hashing.


Brian Feeny, CCIE #8036, CISSPe: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Network Engineer   p: 318.213.4709
ShreveNet Inc. f: 318.221.6612
Systems Administrator
Get rid of Unwanted Emails...get TLS Spam Blocker!

Re: [vchkpw] Problems with pop auth after upgrade to mysql auth

2004-09-21 Thread Dave Goodrich
Chris Ess wrote:
Dave Goodrich wrote:
Since we changed to use mysql auth I have been getting complaints from
users having to enter their password more than once. This is not
consistant, it doesn't happen every time. It seems most prevelent for
users of Eudora or old Outlook Express. Outlook, Netscape Mail, and
Thunderbird do not seem to be having a problem.
Correction, Outlook Express is working, Outlook is not.

What are they using as their login ID?   I use the email address with a
'%' rather than a '@'. (For instance, if the email address I was sending
was a real user, I would use )
I believe it works both ways, but I am certain all the techs setup the 
users with %, I can ask the support staff.

My MySQL db is on another server dedicated to serving MySQL connections
to vpopmail and spamc. Plenty of resources, queries per second is only
4.3, threads 11, I have a dual Sparc Enterprize 450 with 2gb of ram.
100mb duplex ether between the mailservers and the db that is used for
nothing but the mysql connection and NFS to the maildirs. I have my
key_buffer=128M and my table_cache=128. Top says I am at a whopping load
of .8.

Not that it matters much but... Nice hardware. :)

I just finished upgrading to to 5.4.6 and the problem remains. I've
googled and searched the maillist, anyone have a clue?
Uh oh, not a single response? I'm having users call in with consistant
problems, login failures, having to re-enter their password each time
they check mail. I can see the logs tell me that the "user doesn't
exist" when this happens. Yet resending the login works.
Has anyone else seen this? Got any idea where I might look next?

"User doesn't exist" sounds like it might be caused by a communication
issue between vchkpw and MySQL.  I'm not 100% sure.  I have never
experienced this issue myself.
This is what I believe as well, which is why I upgraded to 5.4.6. I am 
looking into possible MySQL issues though I don't think resources is a 

Systems Administrator
Get rid of Unwanted Emails...get TLS Spam Blocker!

Re: [vchkpw] Problems with pop auth after upgrade to mysql auth

2004-09-21 Thread Dave Goodrich
Dave Goodrich wrote:
Since we changed to use mysql auth I have been getting complaints from 
users having to enter their password more than once. This is not 
consistant, it doesn't happen every time. It seems most prevelent for 
users of Eudora or old Outlook Express. Outlook, Netscape Mail, and 
Thunderbird do not seem to be having a problem.
Correction, Outlook Express is working, Outlook is not.
My MySQL db is on another server dedicated to serving MySQL connections 
to vpopmail and spamc. Plenty of resources, queries per second is only 
4.3, threads 11, I have a dual Sparc Enterprize 450 with 2gb of ram. 
100mb duplex ether between the mailservers and the db that is used for 
nothing but the mysql connection and NFS to the maildirs. I have my 
key_buffer=128M and my table_cache=128. Top says I am at a whopping load 
of .8.

I just finished upgrading to to 5.4.6 and the problem remains. I've 
googled and searched the maillist, anyone have a clue?
Uh oh, not a single response? I'm having users call in with consistant 
problems, login failures, having to re-enter their password each time 
they check mail. I can see the logs tell me that the "user doesn't 
exist" when this happens. Yet resending the login works.

Has anyone else seen this? Got any idea where I might look next?
Systems Administrator
Get rid of Unwanted Emails...get TLS Spam Blocker!

Re: [vchkpw] Recomendations for best spam rejection

2004-09-17 Thread Dave Goodrich
Jon LaBass wrote:

Interested in knowing how well it works for you though.
Systems Administrator
Get rid of Unwanted Emails...get TLS Spam Blocker!

It works quite well.  I'm surprised you don't take advantage of the FreeBSD
ports.  Install vpopmail with the SA flags and SA gets installed
automagically and it works normally.
I do use ports on some applications (portupgrade rocks), but often if I 
need to do a custom configure I just find it easier to do a manual 
install, as is the case with vpopmail. We use MySQL and a custom script 
to call spamc changing the delivery requirements based on the spamc 
results. Some users want the spam tagged, some want it delivered another 
spam box, some want it deleted. We also allow our users to decide the 
score they want mail marked as spam, for some it is a user determined 
score, some a domain determined score.

Systems Administrator
Get rid of Unwanted Emails...get TLS Spam Blocker!

[vchkpw] Problems with pop auth after upgrade to mysql auth

2004-09-17 Thread Dave Goodrich
Since we changed to use mysql auth I have been getting complaints from 
users having to enter their password more than once. This is not 
consistant, it doesn't happen every time. It seems most prevelent for 
users of Eudora or old Outlook Express. Outlook, Netscape Mail, and 
Thunderbird do not seem to be having a problem.

My MySQL db is on another server dedicated to serving MySQL connections 
to vpopmail and spamc. Plenty of resources, queries per second is only 
4.3, threads 11, I have a dual Sparc Enterprize 450 with 2gb of ram. 
100mb duplex ether between the mailservers and the db that is used for 
nothing but the mysql connection and NFS to the maildirs. I have my 
key_buffer=128M and my table_cache=128. Top says I am at a whopping load 
of .8.

I just finished upgrading to to 5.4.6 and the problem remains. I've 
googled and searched the maillist, anyone have a clue?

Systems Administrator
Get rid of Unwanted Emails...get TLS Spam Blocker!

Re: [vchkpw] Recomendations for best spam rejection

2004-09-17 Thread Dave Goodrich
Ken Jones wrote:
On Friday 17 September 2004 09:02 am, Dave Goodrich wrote:
Jon LaBass wrote:
Jon LaBass wrote:

Compile vpopmail with  SPAM_THRESHOLD=10 and any message scored at 10.0

above will not be delivered.
I just upgraded four servers this morning to 5.4.6, that is not a
configure option that I know of. What vpopmail do you use?
Well, I use vpopmail on FreeBSD and that's how you define it with the
ports. After I wrote that I thought "Doh!  Not everybody is using bsd so
that option may not be available."  But, on other systems where you have
to manually compile vpopmail, the option --enable-spam-threshold=10
should work.
I use FreeBSD and NetBSD though I don't use ports. The stock vpopmail
doesn't have this option, at least not the sources I downloaded Monday.
Looking through the files directory in the port it seems the
spamassassin code is a patch added by someone else to vdelivermail.c and
Interested in knowing how well it works for you though.

The devel version has --enable-spamassassin which checks the 
X-Spam-Flag: YES value set in the headers if the hit count is greater
than the required hits. It would not be much more work to add in the 
--enable-spam-threshold option too. I have that code in simscan now.
No, I was just curious, we are happy with the way it works now. I'd 
rather not have a compile time limit as we have our users used to 
determining the limit they want.

Ken Jones

Systems Administrator
Get rid of Unwanted Emails...get TLS Spam Blocker!

Re: [vchkpw] Recomendations for best spam rejection

2004-09-17 Thread Dave Goodrich
Jon LaBass wrote:
Jon LaBass wrote:

Compile vpopmail with  SPAM_THRESHOLD=10 and any message scored at 10.0
above will not be delivered.
I just upgraded four servers this morning to 5.4.6, that is not a
configure option that I know of. What vpopmail do you use?

Well, I use vpopmail on FreeBSD and that's how you define it with the ports.
After I wrote that I thought "Doh!  Not everybody is using bsd so that
option may not be available."  But, on other systems where you have to
manually compile vpopmail, the option --enable-spam-threshold=10 should
I use FreeBSD and NetBSD though I don't use ports. The stock vpopmail 
doesn't have this option, at least not the sources I downloaded Monday. 
Looking through the files directory in the port it seems the 
spamassassin code is a patch added by someone else to vdelivermail.c and 

Interested in knowing how well it works for you though.
Systems Administrator
Get rid of Unwanted Emails...get TLS Spam Blocker!

Re: [vchkpw] Recomendations for best spam rejection

2004-09-16 Thread Dave Goodrich
Jon LaBass wrote:

Compile vpopmail with  SPAM_THRESHOLD=10 and any message scored at 10.0 or
above will not be delivered.
I just upgraded four servers this morning to 5.4.6, that is not a 
configure option that I know of. What vpopmail do you use?

Systems Administrator
Get rid of Unwanted Emails...get TLS Spam Blocker!

Re: [vchkpw] Recomendations for best spam rejection

2004-09-16 Thread Dave Goodrich
Jan Lange wrote:
how can I use SA global in qmail, with dropping of Mails that
have more than 10 points of score?
Lots of ways, .qmail-default file, qmailqueue replacements, custom 
scripts, ask the SpamAssassin list. I don't do that but I am sure others do.

So that this mails that are definitly spam don't deliver to the
That would extremly reduce our traffic and spam mails in the customer

-Original Message-
From: Matthew Walker [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Thursday, September 16, 2004 7:06 PM
Subject: Re: [vchkpw] Recomendations for best spam rejection

Oh, yes. I have to second the ClamAV (or /any/ antivirus, really).
On Thu, 16 Sep 2004 11:58:13 -0500, Ken Jones <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
On Thursday 16 September 2004 11:40 am, Andrew 
Niemantsverdriet wrote:
I am doing a major upgrade to our mail server and I am looking for
recommendations for programs and qmail patches to limit 
the amount of
spam that gets through. What are you guys using that has 
great success?
I would recommend using an RBL list. Using a check-user patch to
qmail-smtpd. And using a combination of spamassassin and clamav.
Ken Jones

Systems Administrator
Get rid of Unwanted Emails...get TLS Spam Blocker!

Re: [vchkpw] Recomendations for best spam rejection

2004-09-16 Thread Dave Goodrich
Andrew Niemantsverdriet wrote:
I am doing a major upgrade to our mail server and I am looking for
recommendations for programs and qmail patches to limit the amount of
spam that gets through. What are you guys using that has great success? 

I forget to add we also use spamcop, but not in SpamAssassin, I let 
qmail do it. I would also highly recommend the SURBL in SpamAssassin. If 
I use no other tests, SURBL would catch 70% of my current caught spam.

Systems Administrator
Get rid of Unwanted Emails...get TLS Spam Blocker!

Re: [vchkpw] Recomendations for best spam rejection

2004-09-16 Thread Dave Goodrich
Andrew Niemantsverdriet wrote:
> I am doing a major upgrade to our mail server and I am looking for
> recommendations for programs and qmail patches to limit the amount of
> spam that gets through. What are you guys using that has great success?
SpamAssassin without a doubt. Depending on how much traffic you have I 
would not use any qmailqueu patch as I had seen ours use a lot of 

We process around 100k to 150k messages a day (inbound only). We use 
dot-qmail to call a script which runs SA with user specific prefs.

If you have a lot of traffic, I would look seriously at MailScanner. I 
run MailScanner on the gateway for SV scanning only but it does have 
hooks for SA.


Systems Administrator
Get rid of Unwanted Emails...get TLS Spam Blocker!

[vchkpw] mysql and valias

2004-09-16 Thread Dave Goodrich
Good morning,
I am happy to say that I think I understand how dir_control works in 
mysql. I do not understand the use of every field but the fields that 
have an effect I di understand. I will try to get something together in 
the next for anyone interested.

My question, valias, anyone using it? I would like to move to valias and 
away from dot-qmail files. We use our dot-qmail files for calling a spam 
script, forwards, copies, autoresponders, etc. I would imagine the same 
as everyone else.

Does it do nothing more than store the commands, and run them when 
needed? I've looked for documentation and not found much. I would be 
happy to write up something if I use it.

Systems Administrator
Get rid of Unwanted Emails...get TLS Spam Blocker!

Re: [vchkpw] vchkpw with mysql

2004-08-25 Thread Dave Goodrich
Brian wrote:
That' not the problem, Dave .. I still have the same problem ..
Error message in outlook
There was a problem logging onto your mail server. Your Password was
rejected. Account: 'Kai', Server: 'smtp.mydomain.tld', Protocol: POP3,
Server Response: 'vmysql: sql error[1]: Can't create database 'MyMailDB'.
Database exists', Port: 110, Secure(SSL): No, Server Error: 0x800CCC90,
Error Number: 0x800CCC92
the request try to create the database .. ??
Ahh, shame on me for not asking for more specifics about the error.
I believe Mr, Collins has given you the answer you are looking for.
error message in logfile
430 Connect [EMAIL PROTECTED] on
430 Query   create database mailuserdb
430 Query   INSERT INTO vlog set user="name",
passwd="xx", domain="mydomain.tld", [EMAIL PROTECTED],
remoteip="", message="vchkpw-pop3: vpopmail user not found
[EMAIL PROTECTED]", error=1, timestamp=1093432933
KEY AUTO_INCREMENT,   user char(32), passwd CHAR(32),   domain
CHAR(64), logon VARCHAR(200),   remoteip char(18), message VARCHAR(255),
timestamp bigint default 0 NOT NULL, error INT,   INDEX user_idx (user),
INDEX domain_idx (domain), INDEX remoteip_idx (remoteip),   INDEX
error_idx (error), INDEX message_idx (message) )
430 Query   INSERT INTO vlog set user="name",
passwd="xx", domain="", logon="[EMAIL PROTECTED]",
remoteip="", message="vchkpw-pop3: vpopmail user not found
[EMAIL PROTECTED]", error=1, timestamp=1093432933
430 Quit
when everything is ok, it look like the follow,
040825 11:26:57 435 Connect [EMAIL PROTECTED] on mailuserdb
435 Query   select pw_name, pw_passwd, pw_uid,
pw_gid, pw_gecos, pw_dir, pw_shell from bihaatch_com where pw_name = "user"
435 Query   replace into lastauth set user="user",
domain="mydomain.tld", remote_ip="", timestamp=1093433217
It shows like the vpopmail try to create the database ... why ?? I try 10
times to recive my mail ... 9 are successfully. one time i have this
cheers, brian
- Original Message - 
From: "Dave Goodrich" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, August 25, 2004 12:13 AM
Subject: Re: [vchkpw] vchkpw with mysql

Brian wrote:

Thanx for your help,
I found sampels for smale, medium, large and huge systems. Now I have
something to do ;-)
No problem. I would suggest though if you are new to MySQL you first get
 vpopmail and qmail up and running, learn them and what they can do
before you add MySQL auth.
Other than ease of dealing with large numbers of users, there is no real
advantage to using MySQL IMO. I found the standard vpopmail using cdb to
very reliable, robust and quite fast. We only moved to MySQL auth to
gain a better interface for user/domain management.

in debian is it in /usr/share/doc/mysql-server/examples/
thanx, Brian
- Original Message - 
From: "Dave Goodrich" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, August 24, 2004 8:33 PM
Subject: Re: [vchkpw] vchkpw with mysql

Brian wrote:

current my settings on my debian host
key_buffer= 16M
max_allowed_packet  = 1M
that's the only places where I can change something ..
Where is this? /etc/my.cnf? There are a lot of tunable vars that can be
set in your my.cnf file. Look in your MySQL source, maybe in
/usr/local/share/mysql, there are some sample *.cnf files in there. A
lot depends on how much memory your system has, and how much it is

right to change this? I'm not a mysql professional :-(
Sure, that is why it is there. Just make sure you know what you are
changing, I'm no MySQL guru either.
I would first get your bin log running and see what is going on with the
mysql daemon. The select may not even be happening which is what I saw.
I'm no expert and may not be the best person to guide you through this

thanx for your help, Brian
- Original Message - 
From: "Dave Goodrich" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, August 24, 2004 7:52 PM
Subject: Re: [vchkpw] vchkpw with mysql

I have seen some similar issues with using vpopmail and MySQL. Most
notably a failure to authenticate becasue MySQL doesn't respond
correctly. Not sure if it was timing out or what. The solution was to
give MySQL more resources over the default install.
I upped my key, index, and table cache, 

Re: [vchkpw] vchkpw with mysql

2004-08-24 Thread Dave Goodrich
Brian wrote:
Thanx for your help,
I found sampels for smale, medium, large and huge systems. Now I have
something to do ;-)
No problem. I would suggest though if you are new to MySQL you first get 
 vpopmail and qmail up and running, learn them and what they can do 
before you add MySQL auth.

Other than ease of dealing with large numbers of users, there is no real 
advantage to using MySQL IMO. I found the standard vpopmail using cdb to 
very reliable, robust and quite fast. We only moved to MySQL auth to 
gain a better interface for user/domain management.


in debian is it in /usr/share/doc/mysql-server/examples/
thanx, Brian
- Original Message - 
From: "Dave Goodrich" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, August 24, 2004 8:33 PM
Subject: Re: [vchkpw] vchkpw with mysql

Brian wrote:

current my settings on my debian host
key_buffer= 16M
max_allowed_packet  = 1M
that's the only places where I can change something ..
Where is this? /etc/my.cnf? There are a lot of tunable vars that can be
set in your my.cnf file. Look in your MySQL source, maybe in
/usr/local/share/mysql, there are some sample *.cnf files in there. A
lot depends on how much memory your system has, and how much it is using.

right to change this? I'm not a mysql professional :-(
Sure, that is why it is there. Just make sure you know what you are
changing, I'm no MySQL guru either.
I would first get your bin log running and see what is going on with the
mysql daemon. The select may not even be happening which is what I saw.
I'm no expert and may not be the best person to guide you through this ;^)

thanx for your help, Brian
- Original Message - 
From: "Dave Goodrich" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, August 24, 2004 7:52 PM
Subject: Re: [vchkpw] vchkpw with mysql

I have seen some similar issues with using vpopmail and MySQL. Most
notably a failure to authenticate becasue MySQL doesn't respond
correctly. Not sure if it was timing out or what. The solution was to
give MySQL more resources over the default install.
I upped my key, index, and table cache, increased my thread cache, now I
have no problems. I use MySQL heavliy though, three cluster machines
hitting it all day, plus spamassassin uses it as well. YMMV.
Brian wrote:

Hello List,
I have installed vpopmail with mysql-support. It's running well but
sometimes my mail client ask about username and password. Error message
the user is not found.

vpopmail[1003]: vchkpw-pop3: vpopmail user not found

The User exist in the database and next time it's running well again.
someone know this problem?
thanx, Brian
Systems Administrator
Get rid of Unwanted Emails...get TLS Spam Blocker!

Systems Administrator
Get rid of Unwanted Emails...get TLS Spam Blocker!

Systems Administrator
Get rid of Unwanted Emails...get TLS Spam Blocker!

Re: [vchkpw] vchkpw with mysql

2004-08-24 Thread Dave Goodrich
Brian wrote:
current my settings on my debian host
key_buffer= 16M
max_allowed_packet  = 1M
that's the only places where I can change something ..
Where is this? /etc/my.cnf? There are a lot of tunable vars that can be 
set in your my.cnf file. Look in your MySQL source, maybe in 
/usr/local/share/mysql, there are some sample *.cnf files in there. A 
lot depends on how much memory your system has, and how much it is using.

right to change this? I'm not a mysql professional :-(
Sure, that is why it is there. Just make sure you know what you are 
changing, I'm no MySQL guru either.

I would first get your bin log running and see what is going on with the 
mysql daemon. The select may not even be happening which is what I saw.
I'm no expert and may not be the best person to guide you through this ;^)

thanx for your help, Brian
- Original Message - 
From: "Dave Goodrich" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, August 24, 2004 7:52 PM
Subject: Re: [vchkpw] vchkpw with mysql

I have seen some similar issues with using vpopmail and MySQL. Most
notably a failure to authenticate becasue MySQL doesn't respond
correctly. Not sure if it was timing out or what. The solution was to
give MySQL more resources over the default install.
I upped my key, index, and table cache, increased my thread cache, now I
have no problems. I use MySQL heavliy though, three cluster machines
hitting it all day, plus spamassassin uses it as well. YMMV.
Brian wrote:

Hello List,
I have installed vpopmail with mysql-support. It's running well but
sometimes my mail client ask about username and password. Error message is
the user is not found.
vpopmail[1003]: vchkpw-pop3: vpopmail user not found
The User exist in the database and next time it's running well again.
someone know this problem?
thanx, Brian
Systems Administrator
Get rid of Unwanted Emails...get TLS Spam Blocker!

Systems Administrator
Get rid of Unwanted Emails...get TLS Spam Blocker!

Re: [vchkpw] vchkpw with mysql

2004-08-24 Thread Dave Goodrich
I have seen some similar issues with using vpopmail and MySQL. Most 
notably a failure to authenticate becasue MySQL doesn't respond 
correctly. Not sure if it was timing out or what. The solution was to 
give MySQL more resources over the default install.

I upped my key, index, and table cache, increased my thread cache, now I 
have no problems. I use MySQL heavliy though, three cluster machines 
hitting it all day, plus spamassassin uses it as well. YMMV.

Brian wrote:
Hello List,
I have installed vpopmail with mysql-support. It's running well but sometimes my mail client ask about username and password. Error message is the user is not found. 

vpopmail[1003]: vchkpw-pop3: vpopmail user not found [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
The User exist in the database and next time it's running well again. 

someone know this problem?
thanx, Brian
Systems Administrator
Get rid of Unwanted Emails...get TLS Spam Blocker!

Re: [vchkpw] Migration

2004-08-24 Thread Dave Goodrich
Are you using MySQL? We have done this twice, in the middle of the 
second migration now.

If you have a lot of domains (over 100) getting the moved domains into 
the proper split is a concern. Example, you have 101 domains, domain is in /home/vpopmail/domains/ But your new server already 
has 20 domains. When you add domain it will be in 
/home/vpopmail/domains/0/ See the problem? All your paths in 
vpasswd, assign, possibly your .qmail files will be wrong.

If you can script the edit process on assign, virtualdomains, 
morercpthosts, .qmail files, it is not too bad. This is what I have done 
both times.

My recommended processes if you don't have that many users/domains is to 
simply add the domains and users to the new system, point your DNS 
there. Once you confirm the new system is working then move the mail 
files over to their new home. This can be done easily by mounting the 
domains directory from the old server to the new server and copying the 
Maildir contents from the old Maildir to the new Maildir.

Keep in mind, vpopmail doesn't care what you do, the issue (if you don't 
use MySQL) is qmail. Keep thinking what you have to accomplish to make 
qmail happy and vpopmail will work just fine. I have found vuserinfo, 
vadduser, vadddomain, vmoduser, vpasswd to be very happy run from a script.

Simon wrote:
Hello everyone,
I am presently running. vpopmail 5.2.1 with qmailadmin 1.0.6. I have just built a new box running vpopmail 5.4.0 and qmailadmin 1.2.0. The new box is running without a problem. I would like to move my current domains to the new box. I was planning on tarballing the domains folder and then untarballing it on the new machine. I assume that its not this simple any help would be appreciated. 

Systems Administrator
Get rid of Unwanted Emails...get TLS Spam Blocker!

Re: [vchkpw] quotawarn....

2004-08-22 Thread Dave Goodrich wrote:
has neone else had this issue?
once again the issue is no removal of quotawarn messages 
Yes I have had this issue, and stopped quotawarn messages as a solution. 
The bigger issue for us was getting the maildirsize file to properly 
update sometimes. Currently we just go through and delete them all and 
rerun vuserinfo which replaces the file. Everything has been fine once 
this was done.

I've never brought it to the list becasue I thought is was becasue we 
moved maildirs from a machine with maildirs and installed them on 
amchine with maildir++ after we installed courier.


Re: [vchkpw] questions on implementing/converting

2004-08-20 Thread Dave Goodrich
James Whitt wrote:
I actually have two questions.  The first one is if anybody has
experience with converting a qmail system from vmailmgr to vpopmail. 
We have devised ways of doing it, but if anybody has already done it
and has to do's/don'ts/pointers they came across I would appreciate it
if you would share them.
Not me, sorry.
Second question.  We have a lot of domains that resided on our server
and due to directory limitations, can not have all the domains reside
in ~path/vpopmail/domains.  Is there any good solutions that people
know of?  The only one that we have come up with is to modify the code
to add the domain directories into sublevels (ie
~path/vpopmail/domains/a-e/, ~path/vpopmail/domains/f-n, etc).  After
considering this, I realized that this probably would require a lot of
changes in the code which is possible but we're hoping for a shorter
time frame to get it up and going.
I do have some experience on mail conversions, first from a sendmail box 
to two vpopmail boxes, then from the two vpopmail boxes to a cluster 
behind a MailScanner box. I have some strong opinions on this. Take them 
for exactly that, opinions ;^)

Conversions are messy, avoid them, they will give you more heartache 
than success. Having inherited the last conversion I would opt for 
building a complete new box, configured, setup, tested, before I did 
anything else. Then I would script the adding of all accounts onto the 
new box. This could be done from a list made of rcpthosts, and 
morercpthosts files along with your vpasswd files. vadddomain and 
vadduser respond very well to this. Then I would change DNS and roll 
your users to the new box in one fell swoop. You could then nfs mount 
your old Maildirs onto the new box and script the moving of the users 
mail from the old into the new Maildirs.

This will ensure that everything is bright and shiny, nothing is 
orphaned, no files are left behind or unconverted. You will be assured 
your dir_control, vpasswd, vlimits files are correct. If I had to do it 
all again, that is exactly how I would go about it.


Re: [vchkpw] ldap or mysql

2004-08-17 Thread Dave Goodrich
If you use MySQL I would highly recommend doing a clean install of all 
your domains and user information. Setup a new server and migrate using 
scripts to reload all domain/user info.

An in place conversion has proven problematic for us with getting 
acurate dir_control information into MySQL. It seems starting with empty 
tables and loading all domain and user information via vadddomain and 
vadduser works just fine though.

Fernando Costa de Almeida wrote:
Is LDAP support of Vpopmail mature enough for a large 
production server?
Has anyone used it succesfully in such a case?
From README.ldap :
   Using vpopmail with LDAP is not very common.
   The LDAP modules are functional, but because it not as 
popular as using
   CDB or MySQL auth systems, you should be wary of 
implementing the LDAP
   system on a production server.

	I'm using Vpopmail+LDAP for about 2 years, with no problems.
But, for older versions of Vpopmail, I had to do some nasty things in
order to make it compile correctly. 

From README.mysql :
   Using vpopmail with MySQL is becoming increasingly popular.
   The code is well tested and can be considered to be just
   as stable as the default CDB authentication system.

And you will have much more flexibility. I did choose LDAP
because of this performance, but if I had to make the choice again, I
would choose mysql instead.

Re: [vchkpw] Who can tell me exactly how dir_control works?

2004-08-09 Thread Dave Goodrich
Dave Goodrich wrote:
Michael Bowe wrote:
- Original Message - From: "Dave Goodrich" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Mark Richardson wrote:

I have looked at the dir hashing code before in an effort to try and
understand it, but not being an expert C programmer, it makes my head 

In the mailing list archives there are many accounts of the type of 
you describe

Do you mean

I looked Friday into the largest domain (most users) and found the 
4500+ users
user hash dir 0-9 used
user hash dir A-Z used
user hash dir a-z, currently in "u"

I believe this means that I have hashed up to "1" level and I am 
currently in "u". The source code says I should have the ability to hash 
into 0-9, A-Z, a-z, which gives me 61 levels (not 62, start counting at 
0) since the level_endX fields all read "61" this makes since to me.

So I believe. I should have the following values for this domain.
cur_users = 4555
level_cur = 1 # how deep have I hashed already
level_max = 3 # how many levels to hash
level_start0 = 0 # where to start hashing
level_start1 = 0
level_start2 = 0
level_end0 = 61 # how many total dirs to have per level
level_end1 = 61
level_end2 = 61
level_mod0 = ? # no idea what this does, currently reads 0
level_mod1 = ? # currently reads 2
level_mod2 = ? # currently reads 4
level_index0 = 56 # how deep have we hashed within the first level
level_index1 = 0
level_index2 = 0
the_dir = u # the dir we are currently adding users to
Ok, that worked somewhat. We are now creating the users within the 
proper directory. Hmm, how does vpopmail know when to use a new dir?
If my thought on the value of level_indexX is correct, might level_modX 
tell vpopmail when to create the next dir in line?

I will fill that dir "u" with new users and see if a dir "v" is created. 
That should also change level_index0 to "57", I believe.

If this jogs anyones memory, that would be great. I am going to plug 
these numbers in and see what happens. If anyone out there with more 
than 5000 users in a domain could send me the contents of their 
dir_control table, it would be very very helpful.

I believe that the large number in the cur_users field comes about 
that field is typically 32bit (ie max value 4294967295) and perhaps if 
value is 0 and gets 1 subtracted from it incorrectly during the 
you end up with numbers wrapping and being displayed in that range). Or
maybe there is a part of the code that mixes signed and unsigned integers
resulting in that bug?

We figured that was an error, replaced the value and everything 
continued properly.

Re: [vchkpw] Who can tell me exactly how dir_control works?

2004-08-09 Thread Dave Goodrich
Michael Bowe wrote:
- Original Message - 
From: "Dave Goodrich" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Mark Richardson wrote:

I have looked at the dir hashing code before in an effort to try and
understand it, but not being an expert C programmer, it makes my head spin
In the mailing list archives there are many accounts of the type of problem
you describe
Do you mean[EMAIL PROTECTED]/msg18604.html
This is where I got the idea, "change something and see what happens"[EMAIL PROTECTED]/msg05262.html
Best explanation yet, but it still doesn't explain what level_modX does, 
or what level_indexX does.[EMAIL PROTECTED]/msg04465.html
This is the message that made me think getting an answer wouldn't be so 

This is the other user with the same problem I am experiencing, no 
solution either.[EMAIL PROTECTED]/msg16037.html

I looked Friday into the largest domain (most users) and found the 
4500+ users
user hash dir 0-9 used
user hash dir A-Z used
user hash dir a-z, currently in "u"

I believe this means that I have hashed up to "1" level and I am 
currently in "u". The source code says I should have the ability to hash 
into 0-9, A-Z, a-z, which gives me 61 levels (not 62, start counting at 
0) since the level_endX fields all read "61" this makes since to me.

So I believe. I should have the following values for this domain.
cur_users = 4555
level_cur = 1 # how deep have I hashed already
level_max = 3 # how many levels to hash
level_start0 = 0 # where to start hashing
level_start1 = 0
level_start2 = 0
level_end0 = 61 # how many total dirs to have per level
level_end1 = 61
level_end2 = 61
level_mod0 = ? # no idea what this does, currently reads 0
level_mod1 = ? # currently reads 2
level_mod2 = ? # currently reads 4
level_index0 = 56 # how deep have we hashed within the first level
level_index1 = 0
level_index2 = 0
the_dir = u # the dir we are currently adding users to
If this jogs anyones memory, that would be great. I am going to plug 
these numbers in and see what happens. If anyone out there with more 
than 5000 users in a domain could send me the contents of their 
dir_control table, it would be very very helpful.

I believe that the large number in the cur_users field comes about because
that field is typically 32bit (ie max value 4294967295) and perhaps if the
value is 0 and gets 1 subtracted from it incorrectly during the conversion,
you end up with numbers wrapping and being displayed in that range). Or
maybe there is a part of the code that mixes signed and unsigned integers
resulting in that bug?
We figured that was an error, replaced the value and everything 
continued properly.

Re: [vchkpw] Who can tell me exactly how dir_control works?

2004-08-06 Thread Dave Goodrich
Mark Richardson wrote:
If your only problem is the user count (lucky you) you can manualy reset
the cur_users and it will begin wirking again.
Ok now you make me worried... What other things have you run in to because 
that was my fear anyways: I don't understand why this doesn't work (well it 
just seems unimplemented in vconvert), so what else will i run into ?
My only problem has been with dir_control, everything else is working 
fine. There is a small tool in contrib called vcdir which is supposed to 
correct the problem and reload the dir_control data from the dir_control 
files in each domain. I have been unable to get it to compile. 
NetBSD/Sparc (my ecluster machines) does not have libnsl, and Solaris 8 
(my MySQL host) is having problems finding libmysqlclient.a. Maybe if I 
were a C programmer I would be in better shape. Though, using it might 
solve my problem, it won't answer my questions about what each field's 
purpose is.

I thought the mysql support was pretty stable in vpopmail ?
The support for MySQL doesn't seem to be the issue here, just the 
conversion to using MySQL from cdb at this point.

This list is not maintained by any developers that can shed some light on this 
subject ?
Umm, maybe I am just asking the wrong questions.
Does anyone know what each field in the dir_control table is supposed to 

What is the purpose of level_startX, level_endX, level_modX, 
level_indexX, the_dir?

On Thursday 05 August 2004 14:59, Dave Goodrich wrote:
I found little on the subject in Google, and fewer answers anywhere
else. I have resorted to reading source code ( I don't program C ).
The closest thing I have found is this,[EMAIL PROTECTED]/msg18607.html
Though that URL is not responding for me right now. In a nutshell, try
changing the numbers, adding deleting, domains, and see what happens. I
am currently counting the conf-splits in my domains and trying to
understand what values I need to insert into dir_control.
If your only problem is the user count (lucky you) you can manualy reset
the cur_users and it will begin wirking again.
Mark Richardson wrote:
Dave have you already found some more info on this subject ?
I have the same problem here (see my post)
On Wednesday 04 August 2004 18:21, Dave Goodrich wrote:
qmail 1.03
vpopmail 5.4.0
mysql 3.23.58
We had been using cdb and switched to using mysql auth when we moved our
users to a new server. We ran vconvert on the domains and everything
appeared to work fine.
vpopmail.curr_users loaded with enormous numbers, level_curr loaded as
zero. Adding new domains, users changes nothing in the dir_control
table. I can manually update the curr_users value and it will then begin
to increment properly.
I would be willing to manually update the other values, if I knew what
they should be and what they did. I can whoop up a quick script to
insert the proper values, but how do I determine what they should be? Is
there any documentation that explains how this works? At this point I am
thinking moving a vpopmail installation is a very bad idea.

[vchkpw] Who can tell me exactly how dir_control works?

2004-08-04 Thread Dave Goodrich
qmail 1.03
vpopmail 5.4.0
mysql 3.23.58
We had been using cdb and switched to using mysql auth when we moved our 
users to a new server. We ran vconvert on the domains and everything 
appeared to work fine.

vpopmail.curr_users loaded with enormous numbers, level_curr loaded as 
zero. Adding new domains, users changes nothing in the dir_control 
table. I can manually update the curr_users value and it will then begin 
to increment properly.

I would be willing to manually update the other values, if I knew what 
they should be and what they did. I can whoop up a quick script to 
insert the proper values, but how do I determine what they should be? Is 
there any documentation that explains how this works? At this point I am 
thinking moving a vpopmail installation is a very bad idea.


Re: [vchkpw] mysql dir_control table

2004-07-20 Thread Dave Goodrich
On Fri, Jul 16, 2004 at 11:28:46PM -0500, Dave Goodrich wrote:
> Hello the list.
> We ahve been using vpopmail for over a year with no problems. We recently
> move to using mysql for auth and I am seeing a strange side effect. New
> users are no longer being created in the directory split but are all going
> to the domain root. We have one domain with 4557 users and since
> converting to mysql the last 177 users have been created in the domain
> root.
> I first thought I had compiled somthing incorrectly but reviewing it
> doesn't seem so. I notice that the dir-control table was not updating when
> new users were added. 
> In fact the largest domain (4558 users) showed a user count of 241378956!
> and never changed. I manually updated the field and now the count is
> correct and raises and lowers as users are added and deleted.
> However new users are still going into the domain root. I've looked
> through the archive and googled several times with no answers.

Current info on my install as follows.

vpopmail version: 5.4.0
MySQL version: 3.23.58

vpopmail configured with:
/configure --enable-tcpserver-file=/shared/qmail/control
--enable-learn-passwords --enable-vpopuser=vpopmail --enable-vpopgrou
p=vchkpw --enable-qmail-ext --enable-incdir=/usr/include/mysql
--enable-libdir=/usr/lib/mysql --enable-clear-password --enable-auth

uname -v :NetBSD 1.6.2 (GENERIC) #0: Wed Feb 11 08:05:11 UTC 2004
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/autobuild/netbsd-1-6-PATCH002/spar


ls -la /home/vpopmail
drwxrwxrwx  10 vpopmail  vchkpw   512 Jul 20 05:00 .
drwxrwxrwx   3 vpopmail  vchkpw   512 Mar 25 20:25 ..
-rw---   1 vpopmail  vchkpw  4176 Jun 29 17:18 .bash_history
drwxr-xr-x   2 vpopmail  vchkpw  1536 Jul 20 12:00 bin
drwxr-xr-x   4 vpopmail  vchkpw   512 Mar 26 22:11 doc
lrwxr-xr-x   1 vpopmail  vchkpw25 Mar 27 16:03 domains ->/shared/vpopmail/vdomains
drwxr-xr-x   2 vpopmail  vchkpw   512 Jul 19 21:15 etc
drwxr-xr-x   2 vpopmail  vchkpw   512 Mar 26 23:46 include
drwxr-xr-x   2 vpopmail  vchkpw   512 Mar 26 23:46 lib

ls -la /shared/vpopmail/vdomains:
drwx--   83 vpopmail  vchkpw 2560 Jul 19 09:49 .
drwx--5 vpopmail  vchkpw  512 Jul  6 17:05 ..
-rw---1 vpopmail  vchkpw   37 Jul 19 09:33 .dir-control
drwx--8 vpopmail  vchkpw  512 Jul 16 22:52
drwx--  244 vpopmail  vchkpw   254464 Jul 20 12:33

mysql (select * from dir_control):
| |  4555 | 0 | 3 |0 |
0 |0 | 61 | 61 | 61 |  0 |
2 |  4 |0 |0 |0 | |
| | 5 | 0 | 3 |0 |
0 |0 | 61 | 61 | 61 |  0 |
2 |  4 |0 |0 |0 | |
| dom_89  | 0 | 0 | 3 |0 |
0 |0 | 61 | 61 | 61 |  0 |
2 |  4 |0 |0 |0 | |

At this time everything appears to be functioning fine excpet for the
directory splitting and now we have noticed that quotas do not work on
every user, some it does, some do not. To test the qouta issue I actually
sendt mails one at a time until I reached the qouta limit. A new user
responded correctly when the limit was reached, old users do not.

The system was running well, everything appeared to work fine. We moved
the users maildirs to a nfs mounted share, mounted the share on the new
box and did a vconvert. At that point splitting ceased.

I am left hinking I would best off with a fresh clean install and a script
to manually reinstall all users and then move their mail to the new

Any suggestions welcome.


In the beginning was The Word
and The Word was Content-type: text/plain

[vchkpw] mysql dir_control table

2004-07-16 Thread Dave Goodrich
Hello the list.

We ahve been using vpopmail for over a year with no problems. We recently
move to using mysql for auth and I am seeing a strange side effect. New
users are no longer being created in the directory split but are all going
to the domain root. We have one domain with 4557 users and since
converting to mysql the last 177 users have been created in the domain

I first thought I had compiled somthing incorrectly but reviewing it
doesn't seem so. I notice that the dir-control table was not updating when
new users were added. 

In fact the largest domain (4558 users) showed a user count of 241378956!
and never changed. I manually updated the field and now the count is
correct and raises and lowers as users are added and deleted.

However new users are still going into the domain root. I've looked
through the archive and googled several times with no answers.

What can I post to help decipher this issue, or what can I read?


In the beginning was The Word
and The Word was Content-type: text/plain