Re: Continuous Game of Life

2012-10-25 Thread John Clark
On Thu, Oct 25, 2012 at 3:01 PM, Jason Resch  wrote:

>> A identical twin is a clone, you're talking about a exact duplicate and
>> I would shoot him. I was given a gun and I was forced to make a very
>> emotional decision and my duplicate was not, so I have intense memories
>> that he does not so we are no longer the same person even if we once were.
> > You are closer to him than the you from two weeks ago.

I don't think so, in the last two weeks nothing as dramatic as having
somebody point a gun at me has happened, and I haven't shot and killed
anyone in the last 2 weeks either.  Dramatic stuff like that changes you.

 > And you probably go to work every day and save money only to give it to
> an old man and give him a nice retirement, and that old man is even less
> like you.  So why not instead give $1,000,000 to someone who is much more
> like you than your future retired self?

Because for him to get the money I'd have to shoot myself and if that
happened I'd have a last thought and I don't want that to happen because
then I'd be dead.

> If all experiences were equiprobable then we would expect not to see this
> ordered picture of text on our screens, but random snow.

That doesn't follow, there may be infinite number of things to see but
there is a infinite number of Jason Reschs to see them, so some of them
will see ordered pictures and others white noise.

> In an infinite universe with infinite possibility, it's not clear to me
> there can be a last thought.

Maybe, but I wouldn't stake my life on it. By the way the closest thing to
quantum suicide I have ever heard of actually happening involved the
Everett family. Hugh Everett invented the Many Worlds interpretation of
Quantum Mechanics and died of heart failure in 1982 at the age of 51, he
was legally drunk at the time. He requested that his body be cremated and
his ashes thrown into the garbage. Hugh's daughter Liz Everett killed
herself a few years after her father's death, in her suicide note she said
"Funeral requests: I prefer no church stuff. Please burn be and DON'T FILE
ME. Please sprinkle me in some nice body of water or the garbage, maybe
that way I'll end up in the correct parallel universe to meet up with

 > > A disturbing thought is that if there are a infinite and not just a
>> astronomically large number of copies of you then some of then are going to
>> be tortured for eternity.
> > But they always have some non-zero chance of escaping to another
> universe (from their first person perspective).

Yes some will, but some will never make it and be tortured for eternity.

  John K Clark

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Re: Continuous Game of Life

2012-10-25 Thread Jason Resch
On Thu, Oct 25, 2012 at 11:15 AM, John Clark  wrote:

> On Wed, Oct 24, 2012 at 9:27 PM, Jason Resch  wrote:
> > You will be placed into a room with an exact clone of yourself and you
>> will be given a gun.  If you shoot your clone you can leave that room and
>> everything will be fine.  Or, if you shoot yourself your clone will be
>> allowed to leave the room and will be given $1,000,000.  What do you do?
> A identical twin is a clone, you're talking about a exact duplicate and I
> would shoot him. I was given a gun and I was forced to make a very
> emotional decision and my duplicate was not, so I have intense memories
> that he does not so we are no longer the same person even if we once were.
You are closer to him than the you from two weeks ago.  And you probably go
to work every day and save money only to give it to an old man and give him
a nice retirement, and that old man is even less like you.  So why not
instead give $1,000,000 to someone who is much more like you than your
future retired self?

> > To clarify, I mean if the substrate of your consciousness is duplicated,
>> then the singular mind "John Clark" will have multiple manifestations.
>> Destroying one of the manifestations will not destroy John Clark so long as
>> there is at least one surviving manifestation.
> Yes.
> > What numerous scientific theories suggest (Eternal Inflation, Many
>> Worlds, Mathematical Realism, String Theory Landscape to name a few) is
>> that each of us has an infinite number of manifestations, in whatever
>> possible state we might enter.
> In String Theory there might not be a infinite number, there might only be
> 10^500 or so, but nobody is really sure.

10^500 is a lower bound (how many unique compactifications have been
counted) but the total amount may be infinite.  But even if it is not, this
is just the number of physical models that can be formed through string
theory.  But of course this says nothing about how many manifestations of
your mind might exist across all those different universes.  If space is
infinite in extent only a single universe is required for you to appear
infinitely often.

> > Thus we are all immortal, survive everything, consciousness never ends,
>> our states are interlinked and can intersect, thus we reincarnate, we
>> resurrect to afterlives in far away places and different universes and
>> realms,
> I have a modest proposal, it's a low tech way to test the Many World's
> interpretation of Quantum Mechanics and as a bonus it'll make you rich too.
> First you buy one Powerball lottery ticket, the drawing of the winning
> number is at 11pm tomorrow, now make a simple machine that will pull the
> trigger on a 44 magnum aimed at you head at exactly 11:01pm UNLESS yours is
> the winning ticket. Your subjective experience can only be that at 11.01pm
> despite 80 million to one odds stacked against you a miracle occurs and the
> gun does not go off and you're rich beyond the dreams of avarice. Of course
> for every universe you're rich in there are 80 million in which your
> friends watch your head explode, but that's a minor point,  your
> consciousness no longer exists in any of those worlds so you never have to
> see the mess, it's their problem not yours.
See Christopher Maloney's thread:

> > Also, even if we always survive from a first-person perspective, there
>> are things that might decrease our measure and thus it could be said that
>> the "universal soul" who experiences everything will experience being "John
>> Clark" less frequently.
> That does not compute, especially if there are a infinite number of
> worlds; if your consciousness exists in only one world in 10^500 it
> survives in the same number of worlds as it does not survive in because
> both are infinite.

If all experiences were equiprobable then we would expect not to see this
ordered picture of text on our screens, but random snow.  So whatever
measure system we are subject to, it's not as simple as equating all of
them because they are all infinite.

> > Imagine if you and your double drew straws and one would be tortured and
>> the other released.  The released one might conclude "I sure am glad I
>> wasn't tortured", but is the one who was tortured any better off than if he
>> himself had been tortured, but then had the memories and all traces of that
>> punishment erased from his body?  The experience still happened, that you
>> don't remember it from your current perspective does not mean it didn't
>> happen.
> I would define death as having a last thought, if there were no more
> duplicates and I erased part of your memories then that version of you had
> a last memory and is dead, although earlier versions of you might still be
> alive.

In an infinite universe with infinite possibility, it's not clear to me
there can be a last thought.

> A disturbing thought is that 

Re: Continuous Game of Life

2012-10-25 Thread Bruno Marchal

On 25 Oct 2012, at 03:27, Jason Resch wrote:

On Mon, Oct 22, 2012 at 11:04 AM, John Clark   
On Sun, Oct 21, 2012 at 6:25 PM, Jason Resch   

> I think you are missing something.  It is a problem that I noticed  
after watching the movie "The Prestige"

In my opinion "The Prestige" is the best movie made in the last 10  
years, and this is one of those rare instances where the movie was  
better than the book. Before the movie back in 1996 I wrote a short  
scenario that had somewhat similar themes, this is part of it:

" About a year ago I started building a matter duplicating machine.  
It could  find the position and velocity of every atom in a human  
being to the limit imposed by Heisenberg's law. It then used this  
information to construct a copy and it does it all in a fraction of  
a second and without harming the original in any way. You may be  
surprised that I was able to build such a complicated machine, but  
you wouldn't be if you knew how good I am with my hands. The  
birdhouse I made is simply lovely and I have all the latest tools  
from Sears.

I was a little nervous but I decided to test the machine by  
duplicating myself. The day before yesterday I walked into the  
chamber, it filled with smoke (damn those radio shack transformers)  
there was a flash of light, and then 3 feet to my left was a man who  
looked exactly like me. It was at that instant that the full  
realization of the terrible thing I did hit me. I yelled "This is  
monstrous, there can only be one of me", my copy yelled exactly the  
same thing. I thought he was trying to mock me, so I reached for my  
44 magnum that I always carry with me (I wonder why people think I'm  
strange) and pointed it at my double. I noted with alarm that the  
double also had a gun and he was pointing it at me. I shouted "you  
don't have the guts to pull the trigger, but I do". Again he  
mimicked my words and did so in perfect synchronization, this made  
me even more angry and I pulled the trigger, he did too. My gun went  
off but due to a random quantum fluctuation his gun jammed. I buried  
him in my back yard.

Now that my anger has cooled and I can think more clearly I've had   
some pangs of guilt about killing a living creature, but that's not  
what really torments me. How do I know I'm not the copy? I feel  
exactly the same as before, but would a copy feel different?  
Actually there is a way to be certain, I have a video tape of the  
entire experiment. My memory is  that the copy first appeared 3 feet  
to my LEFT, (if I had arranged things so he appeared 3 feet in front  
of me face to face things would have been more symmetrical, like  
looking in a mirror), if the tape shows the original walking into  
the chamber and the copy materializing 3 feet to his RIGHT, then I  
would know that I am the copy. But I'm afraid to look at the tape,  
should I be? If I found out I was the copy what should I do? I  
suppose I should morn the death of John Clark, but how can I, I'm  
not dead. If I am the copy would that mean that I have no real past  
and my life is meaningless? Is it important, or should I just burn  
the tape and forget all about it?"

Nice story.  It reminds me of this little puzzle (I forgot where I  
heard it):

You will be placed into a room with an exact clone of yourself and  
you will be given a gun.  If you shoot your clone you can leave that  
room and everything will be fine.  Or, if you shoot yourself your  
clone will be allowed to leave the room and will be given  
$1,000,000.  What do you do?  If you value the money and ascribe to  
certain philosophical schools, the logical decision would be to  
shoot yourself rather than shooting the clone.

Logical?  Only with comp + betting on some bactracking à-la-Saibal.   
The one taking the money will never memorize "his" decision to kill  
"himself". He might strongly identify himself as the owner of that  
memory, at that moment.

A strong Everettian might just avoid trying to kill himself with a  
bullet, as he might think that the probability to survive by quantum  
tunneling might be greater than the probability to backtrack, or get  

Hard to say without the solution of the measure problem. It might even  
depend to who you want to identify with. Dreams remembering,  
concussions,  and drugs might add evidence that backtracking could be  
more probable than quantum tunneling, though.


> you probably believe there is some stream of thoughts/ 
consciousness that you identify with.

I can't conceive of anyone disagreeing with that.

  > You further believe that these thoughts and consciousness are  
produced by some activity of your brain.


> Unlike Craig, you believe that whatever horrible injury you  
suffered, even if every atom in your body were separated from every  
other atom, in principle you could be put back together, and if the  
atoms are put back just right, you will be removed and al

Re: Continuous Game of Life

2012-10-25 Thread Bruno Marchal

On 25 Oct 2012, at 02:56, Jason Resch wrote:

On Mon, Oct 22, 2012 at 10:45 AM, Bruno Marchal   

On 21 Oct 2012, at 18:42, Jason Resch wrote:

On Sun, Oct 21, 2012 at 8:56 AM, Bruno Marchal   

Hi John,

On 20 Oct 2012, at 23:16, John Mikes wrote:

especially in my identification as "responding to relations".
Now the "Self"? IT certainly refers to a more sophisticated level  
of thinking, more so than the average (animalic?)  mind. - OR: we  
have no idea. What WE call 'Self-Ccness' is definitely a human  
attribute because WE identify it that way. I never talked to a  
cauliflower to clarify whether she feels like having a self? (In  
cauliflowerese, of course).

My feeling was first that all homeotherm animals have self- 
consciousness, as they have the ability to dream, easily realted to  
the ability to build a representation of one self. Then I have  
enlarged the spectrum up to some spiders and the octopi, just by  
reading a lot about them, looking video.

But this is just a personal appreciation. For the plant, let us say  
I know nothing, although I supect possible consciousness, related  
to different scalings.

The following theory seems to have consciousness, for different  
reason (the main one is that it is Turing Universal):

x + 0 = x
x + s(y) = s(x + y)

 x *0 = 0
 x*s(y) = x*y + x

But once you add the very powerful induction axioms: which say that  
if a property F is true for zero, and preserved by the successor  
operation, then it is true for all natural numbers. That is the  
infinity of axioms:

(F(0) & Ax(F(x) -> F(s(x))) -> AxF(x),

with F(x) being any formula in the arithmetical language (and thus  
defined with "0, s, +, *),

Then you get Löbianity, and this makes it as much conscious as you  
and me. Indeed, they got a rich theology about which they can  
develop maximal awareness, and even test it by comparing the  
physics retrievable by that theology, and the observation and  
inference on their most probable neighborhoods.

Löbianity is the treshold at which any new axiom added will create  
and enlarge the machine ignorance. It is the utimate modesty  


Might there be still other axioms (which we are not aware of, or at  
least do not use) that could lead to even higher states of  
consciousness than we presently have?

Yes, there are interesting transfinities below and beyond omega_1^CK  
(the Kleene Church first non constructive ordinal). This has  
plausibly, with comp, some relation with possible consciousness  
states (but that is not obvious and depends on definitions).

Also, it isn't quite clear to me how something needs to be added to  
Turing universality to expand the capabilities of consciousness, if  
all consciousness is the result of computation.

Gosh! It is only recent, for me, that I even think that universal  
machines are already conscious. I thought Lôbianity was needed. But  
then it is basically the same as the consciousness-->self- 
consciousness type of consciousness "enrichment/delusion".  In a  
sense, abstract universality is maximally conscious, maximally  
undeluded, or awake, somehow.

This is not quite what I meant (I remain undecided on your  
proposition that all Turing machines are conscious).

Not all Turing machines. Only the universal one. And perhaps in a  
trivial sense (a bit like 0 is a number, as number meant numerous  

What I meant is that any Turing machine could perform any computation,

any *universal* Turing machine can do that.

so if all conscious states are the result of computation, then all  
that is needed to produce that conscious state is any Turing machine  
(running the appropriate computation).  Therefore, if computation is  
all that is needed, why do different axioms have to come into it?   
Why is an induction axiom needed for human consciousness?

The induction axioms is what gives Löbianity. At that moment, the  
logic of believability/probability, is governed by G (for the provable  
by you part) and G* (for the true part about you).

And that moment, you have already strong cognitive ability. They are  
enough to make you understand that you are a universal machine, and  
you can get the worries, as they can know that they can trash and that  
they have no guaranty. They know that they have to welcome insecurity  
as a price for their universal liberty.

RA is basically just universal, and still innocent, if you want. PA,  
which is basically RA + the induction axiom, akready know she is  
universal, and all the 'shit' which accompany this.

It is not necessary for human consciousness, but for any self- 
consciousness, or reflexive consciousness.

But Turing universality is cheap and concerns an ability to imitate  
other machine, not to understand them, so for provability and  
beliefs, and knowledge there are transfinite improvement and  
enlargement possible.
We are not just conscious, we differentiate 

Re: Continuous Game of Life

2012-10-24 Thread Jason Resch
On Thu, Oct 25, 2012 at 12:00 AM, meekerdb  wrote:

>  On 10/24/2012 8:48 PM, Jason Resch wrote:
> On Oct 24, 2012, at 9:02 PM, meekerdb  wrote:
>   On 10/24/2012 6:27 PM, Jason Resch wrote:
> On Mon, Oct 22, 2012 at 11:04 AM, John Clark  wrote:
>> On Sun, Oct 21, 2012 at 6:25 PM, Jason Resch  wrote
>>  > I think you are missing something.  It is a problem that I noticed
>>> after watching the movie "The Prestige"
>> In my opinion "The Prestige" is the best movie made in the last 10 years,
>> and this is one of those rare instances where the movie was better than the
>> book. Before the movie back in 1996 I wrote a short scenario that had
>> somewhat similar themes, this is part of it:
>> " About a year ago I started building a matter duplicating machine. It
>> could  find the position and velocity of every atom in a human being to the
>> limit imposed by Heisenberg's law. It then used this information to
>> construct a copy and it does it all in a fraction of a second and without
>> harming the original in any way. You may be surprised that I was able to
>> build such a complicated machine, but you wouldn't be if you knew how good
>> I am with my hands. The birdhouse I made is simply lovely and I have all
>> the latest tools from Sears.
>> I was a little nervous but I decided to test the machine by duplicating
>> myself. The day before yesterday I walked into the chamber, it filled with
>> smoke (damn those radio shack transformers) there was a flash of light, and
>> then 3 feet to my left was a man who looked exactly like me. It was at that
>> instant that the full realization of the terrible thing I did hit me. I
>> yelled "This is monstrous, there can only be one of me", my copy yelled
>> exactly the same thing. I thought he was trying to mock me, so I reached
>> for my 44 magnum that I always carry with me (I wonder why people think I'm
>> strange) and pointed it at my double. I noted with alarm that the double
>> also had a gun and he was pointing it at me. I shouted "you don't have the
>> guts to pull the trigger, but I do". Again he mimicked my words and did so
>> in perfect synchronization, this made me even more angry and I pulled the
>> trigger, he did too. My gun went off but due to a random quantum
>> fluctuation his gun jammed. I buried him in my back yard.
>> Now that my anger has cooled and I can think more clearly I've had  some
>> pangs of guilt about killing a living creature, but that's not what really
>> torments me. How do I know I'm not the copy? I feel exactly the same as
>> before, but would a copy feel different? Actually there is a way to be
>> certain, I have a video tape of the entire experiment. My memory is  that
>> the copy first appeared 3 feet to my LEFT, (if I had arranged things so he
>> appeared 3 feet in front of me face to face things would have been more
>> symmetrical, like looking in a mirror), if the tape shows the original
>> walking into the chamber and the copy materializing 3 feet to his RIGHT,
>> then I would know that I am the copy. But I'm afraid to look at the tape,
>> should I be? If I found out I was the copy what should I do? I suppose I
>> should morn the death of John Clark, but how can I, I'm not dead. If I am
>> the copy would that mean that I have no real past and my life is
>> meaningless? Is it important, or should I just burn the tape and forget all
>> about it?"
> Nice story.  It reminds me of this little puzzle (I forgot where I heard
> it):
> You will be placed into a room with an exact clone of yourself and you
> will be given a gun.  If you shoot your clone you can leave that room and
> everything will be fine.  Or, if you shoot yourself your clone will be
> allowed to leave the room and will be given $1,000,000.  What do you do?
> If you value the money and ascribe to certain philosophical schools, the
> logical decision would be to shoot yourself rather than shooting the clone.
>>   > you probably believe there is some stream of thoughts/consciousness
>>> that you identify with.
>> I can't conceive of anyone disagreeing with that.
>> > You further believe that these thoughts and consciousness are
>>> produced by some activity of your brain.
>> Yes.
>>   > Unlike Craig, you believe that whatever horrible injury you
>>> suffered, even if every atom in your body were separated from every other
>>> atom, in principle you could be put back together, and if the atoms are put
>>> back just right, you will be removed and alive and well, and conscious
>>> again.
>> Yes.
>>>  > Further, you probably believe it doesn't matter if we even re-use
>>> the same atoms or not, since atoms of the same elements and isotopes are
>>> functionally equivalent.
>> Yes.
>>   > We could take apart your current atoms, then put you back together
>>> with atoms from a different pile and your consciousness would continue
>>> right where it left off (from before you were oblit

Re: Continuous Game of Life

2012-10-24 Thread meekerdb

On 10/24/2012 8:48 PM, Jason Resch wrote:

On Oct 24, 2012, at 9:02 PM, meekerdb > wrote:

On 10/24/2012 6:27 PM, Jason Resch wrote:

On Mon, Oct 22, 2012 at 11:04 AM, John Clark > wrote:

On Sun, Oct 21, 2012 at 6:25 PM, Jason Resch>> wrote

> I think you are missing something.  It is a problem that I noticed 
watching the movie "The Prestige" 

In my opinion "The Prestige" is the best movie made in the last 10 years, 
and this
is one of those rare instances where the movie was better than the book. 
the movie back in 1996 I wrote a short scenario that had somewhat similar 
this is part of it:

" About a year ago I started building a matter duplicating machine. It 
could  find
the position and velocity of every atom in a human being to the limit 
imposed by
Heisenberg's law. It then used this information to construct a copy and it 
does it
all in a fraction of a second and without harming the original in any way. 
You may
be surprised that I was able to build such a complicated machine, but you 
be if you knew how good I am with my hands. The birdhouse I made is simply 
and I have all the latest tools from Sears.

I was a little nervous but I decided to test the machine by duplicating 
The day before yesterday I walked into the chamber, it filled with smoke 
those radio shack transformers) there was a flash of light, and then 3 feet 
to my
left was a man who looked exactly like me. It was at that instant that the 
realization of the terrible thing I did hit me. I yelled "This is 
monstrous, there
can only be one of me", my copy yelled exactly the same thing. I thought he 
trying to mock me, so I reached for my 44 magnum that I always carry with 
me (I
wonder why people think I'm strange) and pointed it at my double. I noted 
alarm that the double also had a gun and he was pointing it at me. I shouted 
don't have the guts to pull the trigger, but I do". Again he mimicked my 
words and
did so in perfect synchronization, this made me even more angry and I 
pulled the
trigger, he did too. My gun went off but due to a random quantum 
fluctuation his
gun jammed. I buried him in my back yard.

Now that my anger has cooled and I can think more clearly I've had  some 
pangs of
guilt about killing a living creature, but that's not what really torments 
me. How
do I know I'm not the copy? I feel exactly the same as before, but would a 
feel different? Actually there is a way to be certain, I have a video tape 
of the
entire experiment. My memory is  that the copy first appeared 3 feet to my 
(if I had arranged things so he appeared 3 feet in front of me face to face 
would have been more symmetrical, like looking in a mirror), if the tape 
shows the
original walking into the chamber and the copy materializing 3 feet to his 
then I would know that I am the copy. But I'm afraid to look at the tape, 
should I
be? If I found out I was the copy what should I do? I suppose I should morn 
death of John Clark, but how can I, I'm not dead. If I am the copy would 
that mean
that I have no real past and my life is meaningless? Is it important, or 
should I
just burn the tape and forget all about it?"

Nice story.  It reminds me of this little puzzle (I forgot where I heard it):

You will be placed into a room with an exact clone of yourself and you will be given a 
gun.  If you shoot your clone you can leave that room and everything will be fine.  
Or, if you shoot yourself your clone will be allowed to leave the room and will be 
given $1,000,000.  What do you do?  If you value the money and ascribe to certain 
philosophical schools, the logical decision would be to shoot yourself rather than 
shooting the clone.

> you probably believe there is some stream of thoughts/consciousness 
that you
identify with.

I can't conceive of anyone disagreeing with that.

> You further believe that these thoughts and consciousness are 
produced by
some activity of your brain.


> Unlike Craig, you believe that whatever horrible injury you suffered, 
if every atom in your body were separated from every other atom, in 
you could be put back together, and if the atoms are put back just 
right, you
will be removed and alive and well, and conscious again.


> Further, you probably believe it doesn't matter if we even re-use the 
atoms or not, since atoms of the same elements and isotopes are 


> We could take apart your current atoms, then put you back together 
atoms from a different pile and your 

Re: Continuous Game of Life

2012-10-24 Thread Jason Resch

On Oct 24, 2012, at 9:02 PM, meekerdb  wrote:

On 10/24/2012 6:27 PM, Jason Resch wrote:

On Mon, Oct 22, 2012 at 11:04 AM, John Clark   
On Sun, Oct 21, 2012 at 6:25 PM, Jason Resch   

> I think you are missing something.  It is a problem that I  
noticed after watching the movie "The Prestige"

In my opinion "The Prestige" is the best movie made in the last 10  
years, and this is one of those rare instances where the movie was  
better than the book. Before the movie back in 1996 I wrote a short  
scenario that had somewhat similar themes, this is part of it:

" About a year ago I started building a matter duplicating machine.  
It could  find the position and velocity of every atom in a human  
being to the limit imposed by Heisenberg's law. It then used this  
information to construct a copy and it does it all in a fraction of  
a second and without harming the original in any way. You may be  
surprised that I was able to build such a complicated machine, but  
you wouldn't be if you knew how good I am with my hands. The  
birdhouse I made is simply lovely and I have all the latest tools  
from Sears.

I was a little nervous but I decided to test the machine by  
duplicating myself. The day before yesterday I walked into the  
chamber, it filled with smoke (damn those radio shack transformers)  
there was a flash of light, and then 3 feet to my left was a man  
who looked exactly like me. It was at that instant that the full  
realization of the terrible thing I did hit me. I yelled "This is  
monstrous, there can only be one of me", my copy yelled exactly the  
same thing. I thought he was trying to mock me, so I reached for my  
44 magnum that I always carry with me (I wonder why people think  
I'm strange) and pointed it at my double. I noted with alarm that  
the double also had a gun and he was pointing it at me. I shouted  
"you don't have   the guts to pull the trigger, but I  
do". Again he mimicked my words and did so in perfect  
synchronization, this made me even more angry and I pulled the  
trigger, he did too. My gun went off but due to a random quantum  
fluctuation his gun jammed. I buried him in my back yard.

Now that my anger has cooled and I can think more clearly I've had   
some pangs of guilt about killing a living creature, but that's not  
what really torments me. How do I know I'm not the copy? I feel  
exactly the same as before, but would a copy feel different?  
Actually there is a way to be certain, I have a video tape of the  
entire experiment. My memory is  that the copy first appeared 3  
feet to my LEFT, (if I had arranged things so he appeared 3 feet in  
front of me face to face things would have been more symmetrical,  
like looking in a mirror), if the tape shows the original walking  
into the chamber and the copy materializing 3 feet to his RIGHT,  
then I would know that I am the copy. But I'm afraid to look at the  
tape, should I be? If I found out I was the copy what should I do?  
I suppose I should morn the death of John Clark, but how can I, I'm  
not dead. If I am the copy would that mean that I have no real past  
and my life is meaningless? Is it important, or should I just burn  
the tape and forget all about it?"

Nice story.  It reminds me of this little puzzle (I forgot where I  
heard it):

You will be placed into a room with an exact clone of yourself and  
you will be given a gun.  If you shoot your clone you can leave  
that room and everything will be fine.  Or, if you shoot yourself  
your clone will be allowed to leave the room and will be given  
$1,000,000.  What do you do?  If you value the money and ascribe to  
certain philosophical schools, the logical decision would be to  
shoot yourself rather than shooting the clone.

> you probably believe there is some stream of thoughts/ 
consciousness that you identify with.

I can't conceive of anyone disagreeing with that.

  > You further believe that these thoughts and consciousness are  
produced by some activity of your brain.


> Unlike Craig, you believe that whatever horrible injury you  
suffered, even if every atom in your body were  
separated from every other atom, in principle you could be put back  
together, and if the atoms are put back just right, you will be  
removed and alive and well, and conscious again.


> Further, you probably believe it doesn't matter if we even re-use  
the same atoms or not, since atoms of the same elements and  
isotopes are functionally equivalent.


> We could take apart your current atoms, then put you back  
together with atoms from a different pile and your consciousness  
would continue right where it left off (from before you were  


It would be as if a simulation of your brain were running on a VM,  
we paused the VM, moved it to a different physical computer and  
then resumed it.  From your perspective inside,  

Re: Continuous Game of Life

2012-10-24 Thread meekerdb

On 10/24/2012 6:27 PM, Jason Resch wrote:

On Mon, Oct 22, 2012 at 11:04 AM, John Clark > wrote:

On Sun, Oct 21, 2012 at 6:25 PM, Jason Resch>> wrote

> I think you are missing something.  It is a problem that I noticed 
watching the movie "The Prestige" 

In my opinion "The Prestige" is the best movie made in the last 10 years, 
and this
is one of those rare instances where the movie was better than the book. 
Before the
movie back in 1996 I wrote a short scenario that had somewhat similar 
themes, this
is part of it:

" About a year ago I started building a matter duplicating machine. It 
could  find
the position and velocity of every atom in a human being to the limit 
imposed by
Heisenberg's law. It then used this information to construct a copy and it 
does it
all in a fraction of a second and without harming the original in any way. 
You may
be surprised that I was able to build such a complicated machine, but you 
be if you knew how good I am with my hands. The birdhouse I made is simply 
and I have all the latest tools from Sears.

I was a little nervous but I decided to test the machine by duplicating 
myself. The
day before yesterday I walked into the chamber, it filled with smoke (damn 
radio shack transformers) there was a flash of light, and then 3 feet to my 
left was
a man who looked exactly like me. It was at that instant that the full 
of the terrible thing I did hit me. I yelled "This is monstrous, there can 
only be
one of me", my copy yelled exactly the same thing. I thought he was trying 
to mock
me, so I reached for my 44 magnum that I always carry with me (I wonder why 
think I'm strange) and pointed it at my double. I noted with alarm that the 
also had a gun and he was pointing it at me. I shouted "you don't have the 
guts to
pull the trigger, but I do". Again he mimicked my words and did so in 
synchronization, this made me even more angry and I pulled the trigger, he 
did too.
My gun went off but due to a random quantum fluctuation his gun jammed. I 
buried him
in my back yard.

Now that my anger has cooled and I can think more clearly I've had  some 
pangs of
guilt about killing a living creature, but that's not what really torments 
me. How
do I know I'm not the copy? I feel exactly the same as before, but would a 
copy feel
different? Actually there is a way to be certain, I have a video tape of 
the entire
experiment. My memory is  that the copy first appeared 3 feet to my LEFT, 
(if I had
arranged things so he appeared 3 feet in front of me face to face things 
would have
been more symmetrical, like looking in a mirror), if the tape shows the 
walking into the chamber and the copy materializing 3 feet to his RIGHT, 
then I
would know that I am the copy. But I'm afraid to look at the tape, should I 
be? If I
found out I was the copy what should I do? I suppose I should morn the 
death of John
Clark, but how can I, I'm not dead. If I am the copy would that mean that I 
have no
real past and my life is meaningless? Is it important, or should I just 
burn the
tape and forget all about it?"

Nice story.  It reminds me of this little puzzle (I forgot where I heard it):

You will be placed into a room with an exact clone of yourself and you will be given a 
gun.  If you shoot your clone you can leave that room and everything will be fine.  Or, 
if you shoot yourself your clone will be allowed to leave the room and will be given 
$1,000,000.  What do you do?  If you value the money and ascribe to certain 
philosophical schools, the logical decision would be to shoot yourself rather than 
shooting the clone.

> you probably believe there is some stream of thoughts/consciousness 
that you
identify with.

I can't conceive of anyone disagreeing with that.

> You further believe that these thoughts and consciousness are 
produced by some
activity of your brain.


> Unlike Craig, you believe that whatever horrible injury you suffered, 
even if
every atom in your body were separated from every other atom, in 
principle you
could be put back together, and if the atoms are put back just right, 
you will
be removed and alive and well, and conscious again.


> Further, you probably believe it doesn't matter if we even re-use the 
atoms or not, since atoms of the same elements and isotopes are 


> We could take apart your current atoms, then put you back together 
with atoms
from a different pile and your consciousness would continue right where 
it left
off (from before you were obliterated).


It wou

Re: Continuous Game of Life

2012-10-24 Thread Jason Resch
On Mon, Oct 22, 2012 at 11:04 AM, John Clark  wrote:

> On Sun, Oct 21, 2012 at 6:25 PM, Jason Resch  wrote
> > I think you are missing something.  It is a problem that I noticed after
>> watching the movie "The Prestige"
> In my opinion "The Prestige" is the best movie made in the last 10 years,
> and this is one of those rare instances where the movie was better than the
> book. Before the movie back in 1996 I wrote a short scenario that had
> somewhat similar themes, this is part of it:
> " About a year ago I started building a matter duplicating machine. It
> could  find the position and velocity of every atom in a human being to the
> limit imposed by Heisenberg's law. It then used this information to
> construct a copy and it does it all in a fraction of a second and without
> harming the original in any way. You may be surprised that I was able to
> build such a complicated machine, but you wouldn't be if you knew how good
> I am with my hands. The birdhouse I made is simply lovely and I have all
> the latest tools from Sears.
> I was a little nervous but I decided to test the machine by duplicating
> myself. The day before yesterday I walked into the chamber, it filled with
> smoke (damn those radio shack transformers) there was a flash of light, and
> then 3 feet to my left was a man who looked exactly like me. It was at that
> instant that the full realization of the terrible thing I did hit me. I
> yelled "This is monstrous, there can only be one of me", my copy yelled
> exactly the same thing. I thought he was trying to mock me, so I reached
> for my 44 magnum that I always carry with me (I wonder why people think I'm
> strange) and pointed it at my double. I noted with alarm that the double
> also had a gun and he was pointing it at me. I shouted "you don't have the
> guts to pull the trigger, but I do". Again he mimicked my words and did so
> in perfect synchronization, this made me even more angry and I pulled the
> trigger, he did too. My gun went off but due to a random quantum
> fluctuation his gun jammed. I buried him in my back yard.
> Now that my anger has cooled and I can think more clearly I've had  some
> pangs of guilt about killing a living creature, but that's not what really
> torments me. How do I know I'm not the copy? I feel exactly the same as
> before, but would a copy feel different? Actually there is a way to be
> certain, I have a video tape of the entire experiment. My memory is  that
> the copy first appeared 3 feet to my LEFT, (if I had arranged things so he
> appeared 3 feet in front of me face to face things would have been more
> symmetrical, like looking in a mirror), if the tape shows the original
> walking into the chamber and the copy materializing 3 feet to his RIGHT,
> then I would know that I am the copy. But I'm afraid to look at the tape,
> should I be? If I found out I was the copy what should I do? I suppose I
> should morn the death of John Clark, but how can I, I'm not dead. If I am
> the copy would that mean that I have no real past and my life is
> meaningless? Is it important, or should I just burn the tape and forget all
> about it?"

Nice story.  It reminds me of this little puzzle (I forgot where I heard

You will be placed into a room with an exact clone of yourself and you will
be given a gun.  If you shoot your clone you can leave that room and
everything will be fine.  Or, if you shoot yourself your clone will be
allowed to leave the room and will be given $1,000,000.  What do you do?
If you value the money and ascribe to certain philosophical schools, the
logical decision would be to shoot yourself rather than shooting the clone.

> > you probably believe there is some stream of thoughts/consciousness that
>> you identify with.
> I can't conceive of anyone disagreeing with that.
>   > You further believe that these thoughts and consciousness are produced
>> by some activity of your brain.
> Yes.
> > Unlike Craig, you believe that whatever horrible injury you suffered,
>> even if every atom in your body were separated from every other atom, in
>> principle you could be put back together, and if the atoms are put back
>> just right, you will be removed and alive and well, and conscious again.
> Yes.
>> > Further, you probably believe it doesn't matter if we even re-use the
>> same atoms or not, since atoms of the same elements and isotopes are
>> functionally equivalent.
> Yes.
> > We could take apart your current atoms, then put you back together with
>> atoms from a different pile and your consciousness would continue right
>> where it left off (from before you were obliterated).
> Yes.
>> It would be as if a simulation of your brain were running on a VM, we
>> paused the VM, moved it to a different physical computer and then resumed
>> it.  From your perspective inside, there was no interruption, yet your
>> physical incarnation and location has changed.
> Yes.
>> > what 

Re: Continuous Game of Life

2012-10-24 Thread Jason Resch
On Mon, Oct 22, 2012 at 10:45 AM, Bruno Marchal  wrote:

> On 21 Oct 2012, at 18:42, Jason Resch wrote:
> On Sun, Oct 21, 2012 at 8:56 AM, Bruno Marchal  wrote:
>> Hi John,
>> On 20 Oct 2012, at 23:16, John Mikes wrote:
>> Bruno,
>> especially in my identification as "responding to relations".
>> Now the "Self"? IT certainly refers to a more sophisticated level of
>> thinking, more so than the average (animalic?)  mind. - OR: we have no
>> idea. What WE call 'Self-Ccness' is definitely a human attribute because WE
>> identify it that way. I never talked to a cauliflower to clarify whether
>> she feels like having a self? (In cauliflowerese, of course).
>> My feeling was first that all homeotherm animals have self-consciousness,
>> as they have the ability to dream, easily realted to the ability to build a
>> representation of one self. Then I have enlarged the spectrum up to some
>> spiders and the octopi, just by reading a lot about them, looking video.
>> But this is just a personal appreciation. For the plant, let us say I
>> know nothing, although I supect possible consciousness, related to
>> different scalings.
>> The following theory seems to have consciousness, for different reason
>> (the main one is that it is Turing Universal):
>> x + 0 = x
>> x + s(y) = s(x + y)
>>  x *0 = 0
>>  x*s(y) = x*y + x
>> But once you add the very powerful induction axioms: which say that if a
>> property F is true for zero, and preserved by the successor operation, then
>> it is true for all natural numbers. That is the infinity of axioms:
>> (F(0) & Ax(F(x) -> F(s(x))) -> AxF(x),
>> with F(x) being any formula in the arithmetical language (and thus
>> defined with "0, s, +, *),
>> Then you get Löbianity, and this makes it as much conscious as you and
>> me. Indeed, they got a rich theology about which they can develop maximal
>> awareness, and even test it by comparing the physics retrievable by that
>> theology, and the observation and inference on their most probable
>> neighborhoods.
>> Löbianity is the treshold at which any new axiom added will create and
>> enlarge the machine ignorance. It is the utimate modesty treshold.
> Bruno,
> Might there be still other axioms (which we are not aware of, or at least
> do not use) that could lead to even higher states of consciousness than we
> presently have?
> Yes, there are interesting transfinities below and beyond omega_1^CK (the
> Kleene Church first non constructive ordinal). This has plausibly, with
> comp, some relation with possible consciousness states (but that is not
> obvious and depends on definitions).
> Also, it isn't quite clear to me how something needs to be added to Turing
> universality to expand the capabilities of consciousness, if all
> consciousness is the result of computation.
> Gosh! It is only recent, for me, that I even think that universal machines
> are already conscious. I thought Lôbianity was needed. But then it is
> basically the same as the consciousness-->self-consciousness type of
> consciousness "enrichment/delusion".  In a sense, abstract universality is
> maximally conscious, maximally undeluded, or awake, somehow.

This is not quite what I meant (I remain undecided on your proposition that
all Turing machines are conscious).  What I meant is that any Turing
machine could perform any computation, so if all conscious states are the
result of computation, then all that is needed to produce that conscious
state is any Turing machine (running the appropriate computation).
Therefore, if computation is all that is needed, why do different axioms
have to come into it?  Why is an induction axiom needed for human

> But Turing universality is cheap and concerns an ability to imitate other
> machine, not to understand them, so for provability and beliefs, and
> knowledge there are transfinite improvement and enlargement possible.
> We are not just conscious, we differentiate in developing beliefs, and get
> greater and greater view on truth.

I can see how different axioms are needed to justify different beliefs, but
it isn't so clear to me how they are needed for different conscious
states.  Unless we are talking about conscious states like of believing 7
is prime because of some other axioms.

> It is like you might be near doing a kind of  "Searle error" perhaps. A
> computation can emulate consciousness, but the computation is not
> conscious, only the person emulated by that computations, she can always
> progress infinitely (even if "restricted" on the search of arithmetical
> truth), develop more and more beliefs and knowledge. Particular universal
> machines will develop particular parts (even if transfinite) of
> arithmetical truth.
> But G and G*, that is the modal logic of the provability of the Löbian
> machines, is a treshold. Despite growing transfinitely on her knowledge(s)
> of the arithmetical truth, as long as the

Re: Continuous Game of Life

2012-10-23 Thread Bruno Marchal

On 22 Oct 2012, at 18:26, meekerdb wrote:

On 10/22/2012 12:51 AM, Quentin Anciaux wrote:

2012/10/22 Jason Resch 

On Sun, Oct 21, 2012 at 12:46 PM, John Clark   

On Sun, Oct 21, 2012  Bruno Marchal  wrote:

 >> I stopped reading after your proof of the existence of a new  
type of indeterminacy never seen before because the proof was in  
error, so there was no point in reading about things built on top  
of that

> From your "error" you have been obliged to say that in the WM  
duplication, you will live both at W and at W


yet your agree that both copy will feel to live in only one place


> so the error you have seen was dues to a confusion between first  
person and third person.

Somebody is certainly confused but it's not me. The fact is that if  
we are identical then my first person experience of looking at you  
is identical to your first person experience of looking at me, and  
both our actions are identical for a third person looking at both  
of us. As long as we're identical it's meaningless to talk about 2  
conscious beings regardless of how many bodies or brains have been  

Your confusion stems from saying "you have been duplicated" but  
then not thinking about what that really means, you haven't  
realized that a noun (like a brain) has been duplicated but a  
adjective (like Bruno Marchal) has not been as long as they are  
identical; you are treating adjectives as if they were nouns and  
that's bound to cause confusion. You are also confused by the fact  
that if 2 identical things change in nonidentical ways, such as by  
forming different memories, then they are no longer identical. And  
finally you are confused by the fact that although they are not  
each other any more afterthose changes both  
still have a equal right to call themselves Bruno Marchal. After  
reading these multiple confusions in one step of your proof I saw  
no point in reading more, and I still don't.


I think you are missing something.  It is a problem that I noticed  
after watching the movie "The Prestige" and it eventually led me to  
join this list.

Unless you consider yourself to be only a single momentary atom of  
thought, you probably believe there is some stream of thoughts/ 
consciousness that you identify with.  You further believe that  
these thoughts and consciousness are produced by some activity of  
your brain.  Unlike Craig, you believe that whatever horrible  
injury you suffered, even if every atom in your body were separated  
from every other atom, in principle you could be put back together,  
and if the atoms are put back just right, you will be removed and  
alive and well, and conscious again.

Further, you probably believe it doesn't matter if we even re-use  
the same atoms or not, since atoms of the same elements and  
isotopes are functionally equivalent.  We could take apart your  
current atoms, then put you back together with atoms from a  
different pile and your consciousness would continue right where it  
left off (from before you were obliterated).  It would be as if a  
simulation of your brain were running on a VM, we paused the VM,  
moved it to a different physical computer and then resumed it.   
From your perspective inside, there was no interruption, yet your  
physical incarnation and location has changed.

Assuming you are with me so far, an interesting question emerges:  
what happens to your consciousness when duplicated?  Either an atom  
for atom replica of yourself is created in two places or your VM  
image which contains your brain emulation is copied to two  
different computers while paused, and then both are resumed.   
Initially, the sensory input to the two duplicates could be the  
same, and in a sense they are still the same mind, just with two  
instances, but then something interesting happens once   
different input is fed to the two instances: they split.  You could  
say they split in the same sense as when  someone opens  
the steel box to see whether the cat is alive or dead.  All the  
splitting in quantum mechanics may be the result of our infinite  
instances discovering/learning different things about our infinite  

I would add that what's interresting in the duplication is the what  
happens next probability (when the "two" copies diverge). If you're  
about to do an experience (for exemple opening a door and looking  
what is behind) and that just before opening the door, your are  
duplicated, the copy is put in the same position in front of an  
identical door, the fact that you were originally (just before  
duplication) in front of a door that opens on new york city, what  
is the probability that when you open it *it is* new york city...  
in case of a single universe (limited) where not duplications of  
state could appear the answer is straighforward, it is 100%, but in  
case of comp or MWI, the probability is no

Re: Continuous Game of Life

2012-10-22 Thread Bruno Marchal

Hi Roger,

You just describe the non-comp conviction. You don't give any  
argument. With comp, you are the owner of an infinity of machine, it  
does not matter if it is in silicon or carbon, as long as the  
components do the right relative things in the most probable history.

You are just insulting many creatures just by referring to their 3p  
shapes. You are not cautious. You might insult God in the process.   
Certainly so in case they are conscious, imo.

Any way, strong AI is the hypothesis that machine can be conscious.  
Comp is the assumption that your body behave locally like a machine,  
so that you might change it in some futures.


On 21 Oct 2012, at 22:35, Roger Clough wrote:

Hi Bruno Marchal

1p is to know by acquaintance (only possible to humans).
   I conjecture that any statement pertaining to humans containing  
1p is TRUE.

3p is to know by description (works for both humans and computers).
   I believe that any statement pertaining to computers containing  
1p is FALSE.

Consciousness would be to know that you are conscious, or

   for a real person, 1p(1p) = TRUE
   and saying that he is conscious to others would be 3p(1p) = TRUE
   or even (3p(1p(1p))) = TRUE

But a computer cannot experience anything (is blocked from 1p), or

   for a computer, 3p (1p) = FALSE (or any statement containing 1p)
   but 3p(3p) = TRUE (or any proposition not containing 1p = TRUE)

Roger Clough,
"Forever is a long time, especially near the end." -Woody Allen

- Receiving the following content -
From: Bruno Marchal
Receiver: everything-list
Time: 2012-10-21, 09:56:39
Subject: Re: Continuous Game of Life

Hi John,

On 20 Oct 2012, at 23:16, John Mikes wrote:

especially in my identification as "responding to relations".
Now the "Self"? IT certainly refers to a more sophisticated level of  
thinking, more so than the average (animalic?)  mind. - OR: we have  
no idea. What WE call 'Self-Ccness' is definitely a human attribute  
because WE identify it that way. I never talked to a cauliflower to  
clarify whether she feels like having a self? (In cauliflowerese, of  

My feeling was first that all homeotherm animals have self- 
consciousness, as they have the ability to dream, easily realted to  
the ability to build a representation of one self. Then I have  
enlarged the spectrum up to some spiders and the octopi, just by  
reading a lot about them, looking video.

But this is just a personal appreciation. For the plant, let us say  
I know nothing, although I supect possible consciousness, related to  
different scalings.

The following theory seems to have consciousness, for different  
reason (the main one is that it is Turing Universal):

x + 0 = x
x + s(y) = s(x + y)

x *0 = 0
x*s(y) = x*y + x

But once you add the very powerful induction axioms: which say that  
if a property F is true for zero, and preserved by the successor  
operation, then it is true for all natural numbers. That is the  
infinity of axioms:

(F(0) & Ax(F(x) -> F(s(x))) -> AxF(x),

with F(x) being any formula in the arithmetical language (and thus  
defined with "0, s, +, *),

Then you get L?ianity, and this makes it as much conscious as you  
and me. Indeed, they got a rich theology about which they can  
develop maximal awareness, and even test it by comparing the physics  
retrievable by that theology, and the observation and inference on  
their most probable neighborhoods.

L?ianity is the treshold at which any new axiom added will create  
and enlarge the machine ignorance. It is the utimate modesty treshold.


On Thu, Oct 18, 2012 at 10:39 AM, Bruno Marchal  wrote:

On 17 Oct 2012, at 19:19, Roger Clough wrote:

Hi Bruno Marchal

IMHO all life must have some degree of consciousness
or it cannot perceive its environment.

Are you sure?

Would you say that the plants are conscious? I do think so, but I am  
not sure they have self-consciousness.

Self-consciousness accelerates the information treatment, and might  
come from the need of this for the self-movie living creature having  
some important mass.

"all life" is a very fuzzy notion.


Roger Clough,
"Forever is a long time, especially near the end." -Woody Allen

- Receiving the following content -
From: Bruno Marchal
Receiver: everything-list
Time: 2012-10-17, 10:13:37
Subject: Re: Continuous Game of Life

On 16 Oct 2012, at 18:37, John Clark wrote:

On Mon, Oct 15, 2012 at 2:40 PM, meekerdb  wrote:

If consciousness doesn't do anything then Evolution can't see it, so  
how and why did Evolution produce it? The fact that you have no  
answer to this means your ideas are fatally flawed.

I don't see this as a *fatal* flaw.  Evolution, as you've noted, is  
not a paradigm of efficient 

Re: Continuous Game of Life

2012-10-22 Thread meekerdb

On 10/22/2012 12:51 AM, Quentin Anciaux wrote:

2012/10/22 Jason Resch>>

On Sun, Oct 21, 2012 at 12:46 PM, John Clark>> wrote:

On Sun, Oct 21, 2012  Bruno Marchal>> wrote:

>> I stopped reading after your proof of the existence of a new 
type of
indeterminacy never seen before because the proof was in error, 
so there
was no point in reading about things built on top of that

> From your "error" you have been obliged to say that in the WM 
you will live both at W and at W


yet your agree that both copy will feel to live in only one place


> so the error you have seen was dues to a confusion between first 
and third person.

Somebody is certainly confused but it's not me. The fact is that if we 
identical then my first person experience of looking at you is 
identical to your
first person experience of looking at me, and both our actions are 
identical for
a third person looking at both of us. As long as we're identical it's
meaningless to talk about 2 conscious beings regardless of how many 
bodies or
brains have been duplicated.

Your confusion stems from saying "you have been duplicated" but then not
thinking about what that really means, you haven't realized that a noun 
(like a
brain) has been duplicated but a adjective (like Bruno Marchal) has not 
been as
long as they are identical; you are treating adjectives as if they were 
and that's bound to cause confusion. You are also confused by the fact 
that if 2
identical things change in nonidentical ways, such as by forming 
memories, then they are no longer identical. And finally you are 
confused by the
fact that although they are not each other any more after those changes 
still have a equal right to call themselves Bruno Marchal. After 
reading these
multiple confusions in one step of your proof I saw no point in reading 
and I still don't.


I think you are missing something.  It is a problem that I noticed after 
the movie "The Prestige" and it eventually led me to join this list.

Unless you consider yourself to be only a single momentary atom of thought, 
probably believe there is some stream of thoughts/consciousness that you 
with.  You further believe that these thoughts and consciousness are 
produced by
some activity of your brain.  Unlike Craig, you believe that whatever 
injury you suffered, even if every atom in your body were separated from 
every other
atom, in principle you could be put back together, and if the atoms are put 
just right, you will be removed and alive and well, and conscious again.

Further, you probably believe it doesn't matter if we even re-use the same 
atoms or
not, since atoms of the same elements and isotopes are functionally 
equivalent.  We
could take apart your current atoms, then put you back together with atoms 
from a
different pile and your consciousness would continue right where it left 
off (from
before you were obliterated).  It would be as if a simulation of your brain 
running on a VM, we paused the VM, moved it to a different physical 
computer and
then resumed it.  From your perspective inside, there was no interruption, 
yet your
physical incarnation and location has changed.

Assuming you are with me so far, an interesting question emerges: what 
happens to
your consciousness when duplicated?  Either an atom for atom replica of 
yourself is
created in two places or your VM image which contains your brain emulation 
is copied
to two different computers while paused, and then both are resumed.  
Initially, the
sensory input to the two duplicates could be the same, and in a sense they 
are still
the same mind, just with two instances, but then something interesting 
happens once
different input is fed to the two instances: they split.  You could say 
they split
in the same sense as when someone opens the steel box to see whether the 
cat is
alive or dead.  All the splitting in quantum mechanics may be the result of 
infinite instances discovering/learning different things about our infinite

I would add that what's interresting in the duplication is the what happens next 
probability (when the "two" copies diverge). If you're about to do an experience (for 
exemple opening a door and looking what is behind) and that just before opening the 
door, your are duplicated, the copy is put in the same position in front of an identical 
door, the fact that you were originally (just before duplication) in 

Re: Continuous Game of Life

2012-10-22 Thread Bruno Marchal

On 21 Oct 2012, at 19:46, John Clark wrote:

On Sun, Oct 21, 2012  Bruno Marchal  wrote:

 >> I stopped reading after your proof of the existence of a new  
type of indeterminacy never seen before because the proof was in  
error, so there was no point in reading about things built on top of  

> From your "error" you have been obliged to say that in the WM  
duplication, you will live both at W and at W


yet your agree that both copy will feel to live in only one place


> so the error you have seen was dues to a confusion between first  
person and third person.

Somebody is certainly confused but it's not me. The fact is that if  
we are identical then my first person experience of looking at you  
is identical to your first person experience of looking at me, and  
both our actions are identical for a third person looking at both of  
us. As long as we're identical it's meaningless to talk about 2  
conscious beings regardless of how many bodies or brains have been  

Your confusion stems from saying "you have been duplicated" but then  
not thinking about what that really means, you haven't realized that  
a noun (like a brain) has been duplicated but a adjective (like  
Bruno Marchal) has not been as long as they are identical; you are  
treating adjectives as if they were nouns and that's bound to cause  
confusion. You are also confused by the fact that if 2 identical  
things change in nonidentical ways, such as by forming different  
memories, then they are no longer identical.

The uncertainty question bears on the personal memories. You attribute  
me imaginary identifications.

And finally you are confused by the fact that although they are not  
each other any more after those changes both still have a equal  
right to call themselves Bruno Marchal. After reading these multiple  
confusions in one step of your proof I saw no point in reading more,  
and I still don't.

That is stopping thinking.

> By the way, it is irrational to stop in the middle of a proof.

If one of the steps in a proof contains a blunder then it would be  
irrational to keep reading it.

I say, with all the definition and the protocol, that P(W) = 1/2. What  
do you say?

You told me W and M. But when I interview the two John Clarck, none of  
them has written in his personal diary; I feel to be in W and in M.

> By assuming a physical reality at the start

That seems like a pretty damn good place to make an assumption.

If front of deep conceptual problem, like the mind body problem, it is  
better to remain neutral on the different possible rational ways to  
conceive reality.

 > But the physical reality can emerge or appear without a physical  
reality at the start

Maybe maybe not, but even if you're right that wouldn't make it any  
less real; and maybe physical reality didn't even need to emerge  
because there was no start.

>> If you change your conscious state then your brain changes, and  
if I make a change in your brain then your conscious state changes  
too, so I'd say that it's a good assumption that consciousness is  
interlinked with a physical object, in fact it's a downright superb  

 > But this is easily shown to be false when we assume comp.

It's not false and I don't need to assume it and I haven't theorized  
it from armchair philosophy either, I can show it's true  

Nothing can be shown true experimentally. Things can be disprove  
experimentally, but in science we cannot do any assertative statement  
on reality, except negative one.

Even if someone survive with an artificial digital brain, that will  
still not be a public proof of comp.

And when theory and experiment come into conflict it is the theory  
that must submit not the experiment.

Of course.

If I insert drugs into your bloodstream it will change the chemistry  
of your brain, and when that happens your conscious state will also  
change. Depending on the drug I can make you happy-sad, friendly- 
angry, frightened-clam, alert-sleepy, dead-alive, you name it.

> If your state appears in a far away galaxies [...]

Then he will be me and he will remain me until differences between  
that far away galaxy and this one cause us to change in some way,  
such as by forming different memories; after that he will no longer  
be me, although we will still both be John K Clark because John K  
Clark has been duplicated, the machine duplicated the body of him  
and the environmental differences caused his consciousness to  
diverge. As I've said before this is a odd situation but in no way  

You are the one talking about confusion and seeing paradox.
but don't you think that this other John Clark, in the galaxy far  
away, will not think "oh, that marchal was right, my future was  
indeterminate as I have been unable to predict what just happened.

You just stop doing the thought experiences. yes, there is no parad

Re: Continuous Game of Life

2012-10-22 Thread John Clark
On Sun, Oct 21, 2012 at 6:25 PM, Jason Resch  wrote

> I think you are missing something.  It is a problem that I noticed after
> watching the movie "The Prestige"

In my opinion "The Prestige" is the best movie made in the last 10 years,
and this is one of those rare instances where the movie was better than the
book. Before the movie back in 1996 I wrote a short scenario that had
somewhat similar themes, this is part of it:

" About a year ago I started building a matter duplicating machine. It
could  find the position and velocity of every atom in a human being to the
limit imposed by Heisenberg's law. It then used this information to
construct a copy and it does it all in a fraction of a second and without
harming the original in any way. You may be surprised that I was able to
build such a complicated machine, but you wouldn't be if you knew how good
I am with my hands. The birdhouse I made is simply lovely and I have all
the latest tools from Sears.

I was a little nervous but I decided to test the machine by duplicating
myself. The day before yesterday I walked into the chamber, it filled with
smoke (damn those radio shack transformers) there was a flash of light, and
then 3 feet to my left was a man who looked exactly like me. It was at that
instant that the full realization of the terrible thing I did hit me. I
yelled "This is monstrous, there can only be one of me", my copy yelled
exactly the same thing. I thought he was trying to mock me, so I reached
for my 44 magnum that I always carry with me (I wonder why people think I'm
strange) and pointed it at my double. I noted with alarm that the double
also had a gun and he was pointing it at me. I shouted "you don't have the
guts to pull the trigger, but I do". Again he mimicked my words and did so
in perfect synchronization, this made me even more angry and I pulled the
trigger, he did too. My gun went off but due to a random quantum
fluctuation his gun jammed. I buried him in my back yard.

Now that my anger has cooled and I can think more clearly I've had  some
pangs of guilt about killing a living creature, but that's not what really
torments me. How do I know I'm not the copy? I feel exactly the same as
before, but would a copy feel different? Actually there is a way to be
certain, I have a video tape of the entire experiment. My memory is  that
the copy first appeared 3 feet to my LEFT, (if I had arranged things so he
appeared 3 feet in front of me face to face things would have been more
symmetrical, like looking in a mirror), if the tape shows the original
walking into the chamber and the copy materializing 3 feet to his RIGHT,
then I would know that I am the copy. But I'm afraid to look at the tape,
should I be? If I found out I was the copy what should I do? I suppose I
should morn the death of John Clark, but how can I, I'm not dead. If I am
the copy would that mean that I have no real past and my life is
meaningless? Is it important, or should I just burn the tape and forget all
about it?"

> you probably believe there is some stream of thoughts/consciousness that
> you identify with.

I can't conceive of anyone disagreeing with that.

  > You further believe that these thoughts and consciousness are produced
> by some activity of your brain.


> Unlike Craig, you believe that whatever horrible injury you suffered,
> even if every atom in your body were separated from every other atom, in
> principle you could be put back together, and if the atoms are put back
> just right, you will be removed and alive and well, and conscious again.


> > Further, you probably believe it doesn't matter if we even re-use the
> same atoms or not, since atoms of the same elements and isotopes are
> functionally equivalent.


> We could take apart your current atoms, then put you back together with
> atoms from a different pile and your consciousness would continue right
> where it left off (from before you were obliterated).


> It would be as if a simulation of your brain were running on a VM, we
> paused the VM, moved it to a different physical computer and then resumed
> it.  From your perspective inside, there was no interruption, yet your
> physical incarnation and location has changed.


> > what happens to your consciousness when duplicated?

When what is duplicated? Adjectives, like consciousness or Jason Resch, do
not duplicate in the same way that nouns, like brains, do. If I exactly
duplicate a iPod playing loud music the iPod is duplicated but the
adjective "loud" is not duplicated, but if I then change the loudness level
on one of them but not the other then the two differentiate. In the same
way If I exactly duplicate you and a cat as you consciously look at the cat
then your body and brain are duplicated but the adjective describing what
the brain is doing, consciousness, is not duplicated; however if I then
change one cat but not the other then the conscious experience and memories
formed by obser

Re: Continuous Game of Life

2012-10-22 Thread Bruno Marchal

On 21 Oct 2012, at 18:42, Jason Resch wrote:

On Sun, Oct 21, 2012 at 8:56 AM, Bruno Marchal   

Hi John,

On 20 Oct 2012, at 23:16, John Mikes wrote:

especially in my identification as "responding to relations".
Now the "Self"? IT certainly refers to a more sophisticated level  
of thinking, more so than the average (animalic?)  mind. - OR: we  
have no idea. What WE call 'Self-Ccness' is definitely a human  
attribute because WE identify it that way. I never talked to a  
cauliflower to clarify whether she feels like having a self? (In  
cauliflowerese, of course).

My feeling was first that all homeotherm animals have self- 
consciousness, as they have the ability to dream, easily realted to  
the ability to build a representation of one self. Then I have  
enlarged the spectrum up to some spiders and the octopi, just by  
reading a lot about them, looking video.

But this is just a personal appreciation. For the plant, let us say  
I know nothing, although I supect possible consciousness, related to  
different scalings.

The following theory seems to have consciousness, for different  
reason (the main one is that it is Turing Universal):

x + 0 = x
x + s(y) = s(x + y)

 x *0 = 0
 x*s(y) = x*y + x

But once you add the very powerful induction axioms: which say that  
if a property F is true for zero, and preserved by the successor  
operation, then it is true for all natural numbers. That is the  
infinity of axioms:

(F(0) & Ax(F(x) -> F(s(x))) -> AxF(x),

with F(x) being any formula in the arithmetical language (and thus  
defined with "0, s, +, *),

Then you get Löbianity, and this makes it as much conscious as you  
and me. Indeed, they got a rich theology about which they can  
develop maximal awareness, and even test it by comparing the physics  
retrievable by that theology, and the observation and inference on  
their most probable neighborhoods.

Löbianity is the treshold at which any new axiom added will create  
and enlarge the machine ignorance. It is the utimate modesty treshold.


Might there be still other axioms (which we are not aware of, or at  
least do not use) that could lead to even higher states of  
consciousness than we presently have?

Yes, there are interesting transfinities below and beyond omega_1^CK  
(the Kleene Church first non constructive ordinal). This has  
plausibly, with comp, some relation with possible consciousness states  
(but that is not obvious and depends on definitions).

Also, it isn't quite clear to me how something needs to be added to  
Turing universality to expand the capabilities of consciousness, if  
all consciousness is the result of computation.

Gosh! It is only recent, for me, that I even think that universal  
machines are already conscious. I thought Lôbianity was needed. But  
then it is basically the same as the consciousness-->self- 
consciousness type of consciousness "enrichment/delusion".  In a  
sense, abstract universality is maximally conscious, maximally  
undeluded, or awake, somehow.

But Turing universality is cheap and concerns an ability to imitate  
other machine, not to understand them, so for provability and beliefs,  
and knowledge there are transfinite improvement and enlargement  
We are not just conscious, we differentiate in developing beliefs, and  
get greater and greater view on truth.

It is like you might be near doing a kind of  "Searle error" perhaps.  
A computation can emulate consciousness, but the computation is not  
conscious, only the person emulated by that computations, she can  
always progress infinitely (even if "restricted" on the search of  
arithmetical truth), develop more and more beliefs and knowledge.  
Particular universal machines will develop particular parts (even if  
transfinite) of arithmetical truth.

But G and G*, that is the modal logic of the provability of the Löbian  
machines, is a treshold. Despite growing transfinitely on her  
knowledge(s) of the arithmetical truth, as long as they remain self- 
referentially correct, they will obey to G and G*, for their theory of  
provability. If consistent, they will for ever been able to prove that  
they are consistent, for example, and they can prove that for  
themselves. The abstract theology is invariant despite the evolution  
of the arithmetical content of the B in Bp. PA and ZF have very  
different arithmetical beliefs, but both obeys to G and G*.

Consciousness, from the first person perspective is more related to  
"all computations" going through my states, than any particular  
computations. The living self is not a computer, it is a believer,  
supported by infinities of computer (by UDA).

I am happy you are open to the idea that universal machine are all  
conscious, it is then, the state of "you" before developing any more  
beliefs than those making you universal. Your first person  
indeterminacy, in that state, is all other possible machine/dreams.
The Löb

Re: Continuous Game of Life

2012-10-22 Thread Stathis Papaioannou
On Mon, Oct 22, 2012 at 1:48 AM, Craig Weinberg  wrote:

>> If there is a top-down effect of the mind on the atoms then there we
>> would expect some scientific evidence of this.
> These words are a scientific evidence of this. The atoms of my brain are
> being manipulated from the top down. I am directly projecting what I want to
> say through my mind in such a way that the atoms of my brain facilitate
> changes in the tissues of my body. Fingers move. Keys click.

You assert that there is top-down manipulation of the atoms in your
brain but the scientific evidence is against you.

>> Evidence would
>> constitute, for example, neurons firing when measurements of
>> transmembrane potentials, ion concentrations etc. suggest that they
>> should not.
> Do not neurons fire when I decide to type?

Yes, but you decide to type because neurons fire. You can't have a
decision without the physical process, so every decision or other
mental process has a correlating physical process.

> What you are expecting would be nothing but another homunculus. If there was
> some special sauce oozing out of your neurons which looked like...what?
> pictures of me moving my fingers? How would that explain how I am inside
> those pictures. The problem is that you are committed to the realism of
> cells and neurons over thoughts and feelings - even when we understand that
> our idea of neurons are themselves only thoughts and feelings. This isn't a
> minor glitch, it is The Grand Canyon.
> What has to be done is to realize that thoughts and feelings cannot be made
> out of forms and functions, but rather forms and functions are what thoughts
> and feelings look like from an exterior, impersonal perspective. The
> thoughts and feelings are the full-spectrum phenomenon, the forms and
> functions a narrow band of that spectrum. The narrowness of that band is
> what maximizes the universality of it. Physics is looking a slice of
> experience across all phenomena, effectively amputating all of the meaning
> and perceptual inertia which has accumulated orthogonally to that slice.
> This is the looong way around when it comes to consciousness as
> consciousness is all about the longitudinal history of experience, not the
> spatial-exterior mechanics of the moment.

Craig, I have repeatedly explained how entertaining your hypothesis
that consciousness is substrate-dependent rather than
function-dependent, which on the face of it is not unreasonable, leads
to absurdity. You actually seem to agree with this below without
realising it.

>> You claim that such anomalous behaviour of neurons and
>> other cells due to consciousness is widespread, yet it has never been
>> experimentally observed. Why?
> Nobody except you and John Clark are suggesting any anomalous behavior. This
> is your blind spot. I don't know if you can see beyond. I am not optimistic.
> If there were any anomalous behavior of neurons, they would STILL require
> another meta-level of anomalous behaviors to explain them. Whatever level of
> description you choose for human consciousness - the brain, the body, the
> extended body, CNS, neurons, molecules, atoms, quanta... it DOESN'T MATTER
> AT ALL to the hard problem. There is still NO WAY for us to be inside of
> those descriptions, and even if there were, there is no conceivable purpose
> for 'our' being there in the first place.  This isn't a cause for despair or
> giving up, it is a triumph of insight. It is to see that the world is round
> if you are far away from it, but flat if you are on the surface. You keep
> trying to say that if the world were round you would see anomalous dips and
> valleys where the Earth begins to curve. You are not getting it. Reality is
> exactly what it seems to be, and it is many other things as well. Just
> because our understanding brings us sophisticated views of what we are from
> the outside in does not in any way validate the supremacy of the realism
> which we rely on from the inside out to even make sense of science.

If the the behaviour of neurons cannot be described and predicted
using physical laws then there must be anomalous at play. How else
could you explain it?

>> I don't mean putting an extra module into the brain, I mean putting
>> the brain directly into the same configuration it is put into by
>> learning the language in the normal way.
> That can't be done. It's like saying you will put New York City directly in
> the same configuration as Shanghai. It's meaningless. Even if you could move
> the population of Shanghai to New York or demolish New York and rebuild it
> in the shape of Shanghai, it wouldn't matter because consciousness develops
> through time. It is made of significance which accumulates through sense
> experience - *not just 'data'*.

Well, if you did disassemble New York and put the atoms into
Shanghai's configuration, including the population, then you would
have Shanghai. Not going to happen tomorrow but where is the
theoretical prob

Re: Continuous Game of Life

2012-10-22 Thread Quentin Anciaux
2012/10/22 Jason Resch 

> On Sun, Oct 21, 2012 at 12:46 PM, John Clark  wrote:
>> On Sun, Oct 21, 2012  Bruno Marchal  wrote:
>>>  >> I stopped reading after your proof of the existence of a new type of
 indeterminacy never seen before because the proof was in error, so there
 was no point in reading about things built on top of that

>>> > From your "error" you have been obliged to say that in the WM
>>> duplication, you will live both at W and at W
>> Yes.
>> yet your agree that both copy will feel to live in only one place
>> Yes.
>> > so the error you have seen was dues to a confusion between first person
>>> and third person.
>> Somebody is certainly confused but it's not me. The fact is that if we
>> are identical then my first person experience of looking at you is
>> identical to your first person experience of looking at me, and both our
>> actions are identical for a third person looking at both of us. As long as
>> we're identical it's meaningless to talk about 2 conscious beings
>> regardless of how many bodies or brains have been duplicated.
>> Your confusion stems from saying "you have been duplicated" but then not
>> thinking about what that really means, you haven't realized that a noun
>> (like a brain) has been duplicated but a adjective (like Bruno Marchal) has
>> not been as long as they are identical; you are treating adjectives as if
>> they were nouns and that's bound to cause confusion. You are also confused
>> by the fact that if 2 identical things change in nonidentical ways, such as
>> by forming different memories, then they are no longer identical. And
>> finally you are confused by the fact that although they are not each other
>> any more after those changes both still have a equal right to call
>> themselves Bruno Marchal. After reading these multiple confusions in one
>> step of your proof I saw no point in reading more, and I still don't.
> John,
> I think you are missing something.  It is a problem that I noticed after
> watching the movie "The Prestige" and it eventually led me to join this
> list.
> Unless you consider yourself to be only a single momentary atom of
> thought, you probably believe there is some stream of
> thoughts/consciousness that you identify with.  You further believe that
> these thoughts and consciousness are produced by some activity of your
> brain.  Unlike Craig, you believe that whatever horrible injury you
> suffered, even if every atom in your body were separated from every other
> atom, in principle you could be put back together, and if the atoms are put
> back just right, you will be removed and alive and well, and conscious
> again.
> Further, you probably believe it doesn't matter if we even re-use the same
> atoms or not, since atoms of the same elements and isotopes are
> functionally equivalent.  We could take apart your current atoms, then put
> you back together with atoms from a different pile and your consciousness
> would continue right where it left off (from before you were obliterated).
>  It would be as if a simulation of your brain were running on a VM, we
> paused the VM, moved it to a different physical computer and then resumed
> it.  From your perspective inside, there was no interruption, yet your
> physical incarnation and location has changed.
> Assuming you are with me so far, an interesting question emerges: what
> happens to your consciousness when duplicated?  Either an atom for atom
> replica of yourself is created in two places or your VM image which
> contains your brain emulation is copied to two different computers while
> paused, and then both are resumed.  Initially, the sensory input to the two
> duplicates could be the same, and in a sense they are still the same mind,
> just with two instances, but then something interesting happens once
> different input is fed to the two instances: they split.  You could say
> they split in the same sense as when someone opens the steel box to see
> whether the cat is alive or dead.  All the splitting in quantum mechanics
> may be the result of our infinite instances discovering/learning different
> things about our infinite environments.

I would add that what's interresting in the duplication is the what happens
next probability (when the "two" copies diverge). If you're about to do an
experience (for exemple opening a door and looking what is behind) and that
just before opening the door, your are duplicated, the copy is put in the
same position in front of an identical door, the fact that you were
originally (just before duplication) in front of a door that opens on new
york city, what is the probability that when you open it *it is* new york
city... in case of a single universe (limited) where not duplications of
state could appear the answer is straighforward, it is 100%, but in case of
comp or MWI, the probability is not 100%, you must take in account all
duplications (now and then) and 

Re: Continuous Game of Life

2012-10-21 Thread Stathis Papaioannou
On Mon, Oct 22, 2012 at 1:55 AM, Stephen P. King  wrote:

>> If there is a top-down effect of the mind on the atoms then there we
>> would expect some scientific evidence of this. Evidence would
>> constitute, for example, neurons firing when measurements of
>> transmembrane potentials, ion concentrations etc. suggest that they
>> should not. You claim that such anomalous behaviour of neurons and
>> other cells due to consciousness is widespread, yet it has never been
>> experimentally observed. Why?
> Hi Stathis,
> How would you set up the experiment? How do you control for an effect
> that may well be ubiquitous? Did you somehow miss the point that
> consciousness can only be observed in 1p? Why are you so insistent on a 3p
> of it?

A top-down effect of consciousness on matter could be inferred if
miraculous events were observed in neurophysiology research. The
consciousness itself cannot be directly observed.

>> I don't mean putting an extra module into the brain, I mean putting
>> the brain directly into the same configuration it is put into by
>> learning the language in the normal way.
> How might we do that? Alter 1 neuron and you might not have the same
> mind.

When you learn something, your brain physically changes. After a year
studying Chinese it goes from configuration SPK-E to configuration
SPK-E+C. If your brain were put directly into configuration SPK-E+C
then you would know Chinese and have a false memory of the year of
learning it.

>> In a thought experiment we can say that the imitation stimulates the
>> surrounding neurons in the same way as the original. We can even say
>> that it does this miraculously. Would such a device *necessarily*
>> replicate the consciousness along with the neural impulses, or could
>> the two be separated?
> Is the brain strictly a classical system?

No, although the consensus appears to be that quantum effects are not
significant in its functioning. In any case, this does not invalidate

>> As I said, technical problems with computers are not relevant to the
>> argument. The implant is just a device that has the correct timing of
>> neural impulses. Would it necessarily preserve consciousness?
> Let's see. If I ingest psychoactive substances, there is a 1p observable
> effect Is this a circumstance that is different in kind from that
> device?

The psychoactive substances cause a physical change in your brain and
thereby also a psychological change.

Stathis Papaioannou

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Re: Continuous Game of Life

2012-10-21 Thread Jason Resch
On Sun, Oct 21, 2012 at 12:46 PM, John Clark  wrote:

> On Sun, Oct 21, 2012  Bruno Marchal  wrote:
>>  >> I stopped reading after your proof of the existence of a new type of
>>> indeterminacy never seen before because the proof was in error, so there
>>> was no point in reading about things built on top of that
>> > From your "error" you have been obliged to say that in the WM
>> duplication, you will live both at W and at W
> Yes.
> yet your agree that both copy will feel to live in only one place
> Yes.
> > so the error you have seen was dues to a confusion between first person
>> and third person.
> Somebody is certainly confused but it's not me. The fact is that if we are
> identical then my first person experience of looking at you is identical to
> your first person experience of looking at me, and both our actions are
> identical for a third person looking at both of us. As long as we're
> identical it's meaningless to talk about 2 conscious beings regardless of
> how many bodies or brains have been duplicated.
> Your confusion stems from saying "you have been duplicated" but then not
> thinking about what that really means, you haven't realized that a noun
> (like a brain) has been duplicated but a adjective (like Bruno Marchal) has
> not been as long as they are identical; you are treating adjectives as if
> they were nouns and that's bound to cause confusion. You are also confused
> by the fact that if 2 identical things change in nonidentical ways, such as
> by forming different memories, then they are no longer identical. And
> finally you are confused by the fact that although they are not each other
> any more after those changes both still have a equal right to call
> themselves Bruno Marchal. After reading these multiple confusions in one
> step of your proof I saw no point in reading more, and I still don't.


I think you are missing something.  It is a problem that I noticed after
watching the movie "The Prestige" and it eventually led me to join this

Unless you consider yourself to be only a single momentary atom of thought,
you probably believe there is some stream of thoughts/consciousness that
you identify with.  You further believe that these thoughts and
consciousness are produced by some activity of your brain.  Unlike Craig,
you believe that whatever horrible injury you suffered, even if every atom
in your body were separated from every other atom, in principle you could
be put back together, and if the atoms are put back just right, you will
be removed and alive and well, and conscious again.

Further, you probably believe it doesn't matter if we even re-use the same
atoms or not, since atoms of the same elements and isotopes are
functionally equivalent.  We could take apart your current atoms, then put
you back together with atoms from a different pile and your consciousness
would continue right where it left off (from before you were obliterated).
 It would be as if a simulation of your brain were running on a VM, we
paused the VM, moved it to a different physical computer and then resumed
it.  From your perspective inside, there was no interruption, yet your
physical incarnation and location has changed.

Assuming you are with me so far, an interesting question emerges: what
happens to your consciousness when duplicated?  Either an atom for atom
replica of yourself is created in two places or your VM image which
contains your brain emulation is copied to two different computers while
paused, and then both are resumed.  Initially, the sensory input to the two
duplicates could be the same, and in a sense they are still the same mind,
just with two instances, but then something interesting happens once
different input is fed to the two instances: they split.  You could say
they split in the same sense as when someone opens the steel box to see
whether the cat is alive or dead.  All the splitting in quantum mechanics
may be the result of our infinite instances discovering/learning different
things about our infinite environments.


> > By the way, it is irrational to stop in the middle of a proof.
> If one of the steps in a proof contains a blunder then it would be
> irrational to keep reading it.
> > By assuming a physical reality at the start
> That seems like a pretty damn good place to make an assumption.
>  > But the physical reality can emerge or appear without a physical
>> reality at the start
> Maybe maybe not, but even if you're right that wouldn't make it any less
> real; and maybe physical reality didn't even need to emerge because there
> was no start.
>> >> If you change your conscious state then your brain changes, and if I
>>> make a change in your brain then your conscious state changes too, so I'd
>>> say that it's a good assumption that consciousness is interlinked with a
>>> physical object, in fact it's a downright superb assumption.
>>  > But this is easily shown to be fa

Re: Re: Continuous Game of Life

2012-10-21 Thread Roger Clough
Hi Bruno Marchal  

1p is to know by acquaintance (only possible to humans).
I conjecture that any statement pertaining to humans containing 1p is TRUE.

3p is to know by description (works for both humans and computers).
I believe that any statement pertaining to computers containing 1p is FALSE.

Consciousness would be to know that you are conscious, or

for a real person, 1p(1p) = TRUE
and saying that he is conscious to others would be 3p(1p) = TRUE
or even (3p(1p(1p))) = TRUE

But a computer cannot experience anything (is blocked from 1p), or

for a computer, 3p (1p) = FALSE (or any statement containing 1p)
but 3p(3p) = TRUE (or any proposition not containing 1p = TRUE)  

Roger Clough, 
"Forever is a long time, especially near the end." -Woody Allen 

- Receiving the following content -  
From: Bruno Marchal  
Receiver: everything-list  
Time: 2012-10-21, 09:56:39 
Subject: Re: Continuous Game of Life 

Hi John, 

On 20 Oct 2012, at 23:16, John Mikes wrote: 

especially in my identification as "responding to relations".  
Now the "Self"? IT certainly refers to a more sophisticated level of thinking, 
more so than the average (animalic?)  mind. - OR: we have no idea. What WE call 
'Self-Ccness' is definitely a human attribute because WE identify it that way. 
I never talked to a cauliflower to clarify whether she feels like having a 
self? (In cauliflowerese, of course).  

My feeling was first that all homeotherm animals have self-consciousness, as 
they have the ability to dream, easily realted to the ability to build a 
representation of one self. Then I have enlarged the spectrum up to some 
spiders and the octopi, just by reading a lot about them, looking video. 

But this is just a personal appreciation. For the plant, let us say I know 
nothing, although I supect possible consciousness, related to different 

The following theory seems to have consciousness, for different reason (the 
main one is that it is Turing Universal): 

x + 0 = x   
x + s(y) = s(x + y)  

 x *0 = 0 
 x*s(y) = x*y + x

But once you add the very powerful induction axioms: which say that if a 
property F is true for zero, and preserved by the successor operation, then it 
is true for all natural numbers. That is the infinity of axioms: 

(F(0) & Ax(F(x) -> F(s(x))) -> AxF(x),  

with F(x) being any formula in the arithmetical language (and thus defined with 
"0, s, +, *),  

Then you get L?ianity, and this makes it as much conscious as you and me. 
Indeed, they got a rich theology about which they can develop maximal 
awareness, and even test it by comparing the physics retrievable by that 
theology, and the observation and inference on their most probable 

L?ianity is the treshold at which any new axiom added will create and enlarge 
the machine ignorance. It is the utimate modesty treshold. 


On Thu, Oct 18, 2012 at 10:39 AM, Bruno Marchal  wrote: 

On 17 Oct 2012, at 19:19, Roger Clough wrote: 

Hi Bruno Marchal 

IMHO all life must have some degree of consciousness 
or it cannot perceive its environment. 

Are you sure? 

Would you say that the plants are conscious? I do think so, but I am not sure 
they have self-consciousness. 

Self-consciousness accelerates the information treatment, and might come from 
the need of this for the self-movie living creature having some important mass. 

"all life" is a very fuzzy notion. 


Roger Clough, 
"Forever is a long time, especially near the end." -Woody Allen 

- Receiving the following content - 
From: Bruno Marchal 
Receiver: everything-list 
Time: 2012-10-17, 10:13:37 
Subject: Re: Continuous Game of Life 

On 16 Oct 2012, at 18:37, John Clark wrote: 

On Mon, Oct 15, 2012 at 2:40 PM, meekerdb  wrote: 

If consciousness doesn't do anything then Evolution can't see it, so how and 
why did Evolution produce it? The fact that you have no answer to this means 
your ideas are fatally flawed. 

I don't see this as a *fatal* flaw.  Evolution, as you've noted, is not a 
paradigm of efficient design.  Consciousness might just be a side-effect 

But that's exactly what I've been saying for months, unless Darwin was dead 
wrong consciousness must be a side effect of intelligence, so a intelligent 
computer must be a conscious computer. And I don't think Darwin was dead wrong. 

Darwin does not need to be wrong. Consciousness role can be deeper, in the 
"evolution/selection" of the laws of physics from the coherent dreams 
(computations from the 1p view) in arithmetic. 


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Re: Continuous Game of Life

2012-10-21 Thread Quentin Anciaux
2012/10/21 John Clark 

> On Sun, Oct 21, 2012  Bruno Marchal  wrote:
>>  >> I stopped reading after your proof of the existence of a new type of
>>> indeterminacy never seen before because the proof was in error, so there
>>> was no point in reading about things built on top of that
>> > From your "error" you have been obliged to say that in the WM
>> duplication, you will live both at W and at W
> Yes.
> yet your agree that both copy will feel to live in only one place
> Yes.
> > so the error you have seen was dues to a confusion between first person
>> and third person.
> Somebody is certainly confused but it's not me. The fact is that if we are
> identical then my first person experience of looking at you is identical to
> your first person experience of looking at me, and both our actions are
> identical for a third person looking at both of us. As long as we're
> identical it's meaningless to talk about 2 conscious beings regardless of
> how many bodies or brains have been duplicated.
> Your confusion stems from saying "you have been duplicated" but then not
> thinking about what that really means, you haven't realized that a noun
> (like a brain) has been duplicated but a adjective (like Bruno Marchal) has
> not been as long as they are identical; you are treating adjectives as if
> they were nouns and that's bound to cause confusion. You are also confused
> by the fact that if 2 identical things change in nonidentical ways, such as
> by forming different memories, then they are no longer identical. And
> finally you are confused by the fact that although they are not each other
> any more after those changes both still have a equal right to call
> themselves Bruno Marchal. After reading these multiple confusions in one
> step of your proof I saw no point in reading more, and I still don't.
> > By the way, it is irrational to stop in the middle of a proof.
> If one of the steps in a proof contains a blunder then it would be
> irrational to keep reading it.
> > By assuming a physical reality at the start
> That seems like a pretty damn good place to make an assumption.
>  > But the physical reality can emerge or appear without a physical
>> reality at the start
> Maybe maybe not, but even if you're right that wouldn't make it any less
> real; and maybe physical reality didn't even need to emerge because there
> was no start.
>> >> If you change your conscious state then your brain changes, and if I
>>> make a change in your brain then your conscious state changes too, so I'd
>>> say that it's a good assumption that consciousness is interlinked with a
>>> physical object, in fact it's a downright superb assumption.
>>  > But this is easily shown to be false when we assume comp.
> It's not false and I don't need to assume it and I haven't theorized it
> from armchair philosophy either, I can show it's true experimentally. And
> when theory and experiment come into conflict it is the theory that must
> submit not the experiment. If I insert drugs into your bloodstream it will
> change the chemistry of your brain, and when that happens your conscious
> state will also change. Depending on the drug I can make you happy-sad,
> friendly-angry, frightened-clam, alert-sleepy, dead-alive, you name it.
>>  > If your state appears in a far away galaxies [...]
> Then he will be me and he will remain me until differences between that
> far away galaxy and this one cause us to change in some way, such as by
> forming different memories; after that he will no longer be me, although we
> will still both be John K Clark because John K Clark has been duplicated,
> the machine duplicated the body of him and the environmental differences
> caused his consciousness to diverge. As I've said before this is a odd
> situation but in no way paradoxical.
> > You keep defending comp, in your dialog with Craig,
> I keep defending my ideas, "comp" is your homemade term not mine, I have
> no use for it.
> > You can attach consciousness to the owner of a brain,
> Yes, consciousness is what the brain does.
>  > but the owner itself must attach his consciousness to all states
>> existing in arithmetic
> Then I must remember events that happened in the Precambrian because
> arithmetic existed even back then, but I don't, I don't remember existing
> then at all. Now that is a paradox! Therefore one of the assumptions must
> be wrong,

Therefore that shows that you do your best to turn the meaning of
everything you read to be able to marvel at yourself... but well, that only
fools you.


> namely that the owner of a brain "must attach his consciousness to all
> states existing in arithmetic".
>   John K Clark
>  --
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Re: Continuous Game of Life

2012-10-21 Thread John Clark
On Sun, Oct 21, 2012  Bruno Marchal  wrote:

>  >> I stopped reading after your proof of the existence of a new type of
>> indeterminacy never seen before because the proof was in error, so there
>> was no point in reading about things built on top of that
> > From your "error" you have been obliged to say that in the WM
> duplication, you will live both at W and at W


yet your agree that both copy will feel to live in only one place


> so the error you have seen was dues to a confusion between first person
> and third person.

Somebody is certainly confused but it's not me. The fact is that if we are
identical then my first person experience of looking at you is identical to
your first person experience of looking at me, and both our actions are
identical for a third person looking at both of us. As long as we're
identical it's meaningless to talk about 2 conscious beings regardless of
how many bodies or brains have been duplicated.

Your confusion stems from saying "you have been duplicated" but then not
thinking about what that really means, you haven't realized that a noun
(like a brain) has been duplicated but a adjective (like Bruno Marchal) has
not been as long as they are identical; you are treating adjectives as if
they were nouns and that's bound to cause confusion. You are also confused
by the fact that if 2 identical things change in nonidentical ways, such as
by forming different memories, then they are no longer identical. And
finally you are confused by the fact that although they are not each other
any more after those changes both still have a equal right to call
themselves Bruno Marchal. After reading these multiple confusions in one
step of your proof I saw no point in reading more, and I still don't.

> By the way, it is irrational to stop in the middle of a proof.

If one of the steps in a proof contains a blunder then it would be
irrational to keep reading it.

> By assuming a physical reality at the start

That seems like a pretty damn good place to make an assumption.

 > But the physical reality can emerge or appear without a physical reality
> at the start

Maybe maybe not, but even if you're right that wouldn't make it any less
real; and maybe physical reality didn't even need to emerge because there
was no start.

> >> If you change your conscious state then your brain changes, and if I
>> make a change in your brain then your conscious state changes too, so I'd
>> say that it's a good assumption that consciousness is interlinked with a
>> physical object, in fact it's a downright superb assumption.
>  > But this is easily shown to be false when we assume comp.

It's not false and I don't need to assume it and I haven't theorized it
from armchair philosophy either, I can show it's true experimentally. And
when theory and experiment come into conflict it is the theory that must
submit not the experiment. If I insert drugs into your bloodstream it will
change the chemistry of your brain, and when that happens your conscious
state will also change. Depending on the drug I can make you happy-sad,
friendly-angry, frightened-clam, alert-sleepy, dead-alive, you name it.

>  > If your state appears in a far away galaxies [...]

Then he will be me and he will remain me until differences between that far
away galaxy and this one cause us to change in some way, such as by forming
different memories; after that he will no longer be me, although we will
still both be John K Clark because John K Clark has been duplicated, the
machine duplicated the body of him and the environmental differences caused
his consciousness to diverge. As I've said before this is a odd situation
but in no way paradoxical.

> You keep defending comp, in your dialog with Craig,

I keep defending my ideas, "comp" is your homemade term not mine, I have no
use for it.

> You can attach consciousness to the owner of a brain,

Yes, consciousness is what the brain does.

 > but the owner itself must attach his consciousness to all states
> existing in arithmetic

Then I must remember events that happened in the Precambrian because
arithmetic existed even back then, but I don't, I don't remember existing
then at all. Now that is a paradox! Therefore one of the assumptions must
be wrong, namely that the owner of a brain "must attach his consciousness
to all states existing in arithmetic".

  John K Clark

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Re: Continuous Game of Life

2012-10-21 Thread Jason Resch
On Sun, Oct 21, 2012 at 8:17 AM, Bruno Marchal  wrote:

> On 20 Oct 2012, at 19:29, John Clark wrote:
> Well I don't know about you but I don't think my consciousness was there
> before Evolution figured out how to make brains, I believe this because I
> can't seem to remember events that were going on during the Precambrian.
> I've always been a little hazy about what exactly "comp" meant but I had
> the general feeling that I sorta agreed with it, but apparently not.
> You keep defending comp, in your dialog with Craig, but you don't follow
> its logical consequences,
> I guess, this is by not wanting to take seriously the first person and
> third person distinction, which is the key of the UD argument.
> You can attach consciousness to the owner of a brain, but the owner itself
> must attach his consciousness to all states existing in arithmetic (or in a
> physical universe if that exists) and realizing that brain state.

I would also suggest that you read this link, it shows how an infinitely
large cosmos leads directly to quantum mechanics due to the observer's
inability to self-locate.  For someone who believes in both mechanism and
platonism, it is the exact scenario platonic programs should find
themselves in:


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Re: Continuous Game of Life

2012-10-21 Thread Jason Resch
On Sun, Oct 21, 2012 at 8:56 AM, Bruno Marchal  wrote:

> Hi John,
> On 20 Oct 2012, at 23:16, John Mikes wrote:
> Bruno,
> especially in my identification as "responding to relations".
> Now the "Self"? IT certainly refers to a more sophisticated level of
> thinking, more so than the average (animalic?)  mind. - OR: we have no
> idea. What WE call 'Self-Ccness' is definitely a human attribute because WE
> identify it that way. I never talked to a cauliflower to clarify whether
> she feels like having a self? (In cauliflowerese, of course).
> My feeling was first that all homeotherm animals have self-consciousness,
> as they have the ability to dream, easily realted to the ability to build a
> representation of one self. Then I have enlarged the spectrum up to some
> spiders and the octopi, just by reading a lot about them, looking video.
> But this is just a personal appreciation. For the plant, let us say I know
> nothing, although I supect possible consciousness, related to different
> scalings.
> The following theory seems to have consciousness, for different reason
> (the main one is that it is Turing Universal):
> x + 0 = x
> x + s(y) = s(x + y)
>  x *0 = 0
>  x*s(y) = x*y + x
> But once you add the very powerful induction axioms: which say that if a
> property F is true for zero, and preserved by the successor operation, then
> it is true for all natural numbers. That is the infinity of axioms:
> (F(0) & Ax(F(x) -> F(s(x))) -> AxF(x),
> with F(x) being any formula in the arithmetical language (and thus defined
> with "0, s, +, *),
> Then you get Löbianity, and this makes it as much conscious as you and me.
> Indeed, they got a rich theology about which they can develop maximal
> awareness, and even test it by comparing the physics retrievable by that
> theology, and the observation and inference on their most probable
> neighborhoods.
> Löbianity is the treshold at which any new axiom added will create and
> enlarge the machine ignorance. It is the utimate modesty treshold.

Might there be still other axioms (which we are not aware of, or at least
do not use) that could lead to even higher states of consciousness than we
presently have?

Also, it isn't quite clear to me how something needs to be added to Turing
universality to expand the capabilities of consciousness, if all
consciousness is the result of computation.



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Re: Continuous Game of Life

2012-10-21 Thread Stephen P. King

On 10/21/2012 4:05 AM, Stathis Papaioannou wrote:

On Sun, Oct 21, 2012 at 5:51 AM, Craig Weinberg  wrote:

The atoms in my brain don't have to know how to read Chinese. They only
need to know how to be carbon, nitrogen, oxygen etc. atoms. The complex
behaviour which is reading Chinese comes from the interaction of billions of
these atoms doing their simple thing.

I don't think that is true. The other way around makes just as much sense of
not more: Reading Chinese is a simple behavior which drives the behavior of
billions of atoms to do a complex interaction. To me, it has to be both
bottom-up and top-down. It seems completely arbitrary prejudice to presume
one over the other just because we think that we understand the bottom-up so

Once you can see how it is the case that it must be both bottom-up and
top-down at the same time, the next step is to see that there is no
possibility for it to be a cause-effect relationship, but rather a dual
aspect ontological relation. Nothing is translating the functions of neurons
into a Cartesian theater of experience - there is nowhere to put it in the
tissue of the brain and there is no evidence of a translation from neural
protocols to sensorimotive protocols - they are clearly the same thing.

If there is a top-down effect of the mind on the atoms then there we
would expect some scientific evidence of this. Evidence would
constitute, for example, neurons firing when measurements of
transmembrane potentials, ion concentrations etc. suggest that they
should not. You claim that such anomalous behaviour of neurons and
other cells due to consciousness is widespread, yet it has never been
experimentally observed. Why?

Hi Stathis,

How would you set up the experiment? How do you control for an 
effect that may well be ubiquitous? Did you somehow miss the point that 
consciousness can only be observed in 1p? Why are you so insistent on a 
3p of it?

If the atoms in my brain were put into a Chinese-reading configuration,
either through a lot of work learning the language or through direct
manipulation, then I would be able to understand Chinese.

It's understandable to assume that, but no I don't think it's like that. You
can't transplant a language into a brain instantaneously because there is no
personal history of association. Your understanding of language is not a
lookup table in space, it is made out of you. It's like if you walked around
with Google translator in your brain. You could enter words and phrases and
turn them into you language, but you would never know the language first
hand. The knowledge would be impersonal - accessible, but not woven into
your proprietary sense.

I don't mean putting an extra module into the brain, I mean putting
the brain directly into the same configuration it is put into by
learning the language in the normal way.

How might we do that? Alter 1 neuron and you might not have the 
same mind.

I'm sorry, but this whole passage is a non sequitur as far as the fading
qualia thought experiment goes. You have to explain what you think would
happen if part of your brain were replaced with a functional equivalent.

There is no functional equivalent. That's what I am saying. Functional
equivalence when it comes to a person is a non-sequitur. Not only is every
person unique, they are an expression of uniqueness itself. They define
uniqueness in a never-before-experienced way. This is a completely new way
of understanding consciousness and signal. Not as mechanism, but as

A functional equivalent would stimulate the remaining neurons the same as
the part that is replaced.

No such thing. Does any imitation function identically to an original?

In a thought experiment we can say that the imitation stimulates the
surrounding neurons in the same way as the original. We can even say
that it does this miraculously. Would such a device *necessarily*
replicate the consciousness along with the neural impulses, or could
the two be separated?

Is the brain strictly a classical system?

The original paper says this is a computer chip but this is not necessary
to make the point: we could just say that it is any device, not being the
normal biological neurons. If consciousness is substrate-dependent (as you
claim) then the device could do its job of stimulating the neurons normally
while lacking or differing in consciousness. Since it stimulates the neurons
normally you would behave normally. If you didn't then it would be a
miracle, since your muscles would have to contract normally. Do you at least
see this point, or do you think that your muscles would do something

I see the point completely. That's the problem is that you keep trying to
explain to me what is obvious, while I am trying to explain to you something
much more subtle and sophisticated. I can replace neurons which control my
muscles because muscles are among the most distant and replaceable parts of
'me'. These nerves

Re: Continuous Game of Life

2012-10-21 Thread Craig Weinberg

On Sunday, October 21, 2012 4:06:16 AM UTC-4, stathisp wrote:
> On Sun, Oct 21, 2012 at 5:51 AM, Craig Weinberg 
> > 
> wrote: 
> >> The atoms in my brain don't have to know how to read Chinese. They only 
> >> need to know how to be carbon, nitrogen, oxygen etc. atoms. The complex 
> >> behaviour which is reading Chinese comes from the interaction of 
> billions of 
> >> these atoms doing their simple thing. 
> > 
> > 
> > I don't think that is true. The other way around makes just as much 
> sense of 
> > not more: Reading Chinese is a simple behavior which drives the behavior 
> of 
> > billions of atoms to do a complex interaction. To me, it has to be both 
> > bottom-up and top-down. It seems completely arbitrary prejudice to 
> presume 
> > one over the other just because we think that we understand the 
> bottom-up so 
> > well. 
> > 
> > Once you can see how it is the case that it must be both bottom-up and 
> > top-down at the same time, the next step is to see that there is no 
> > possibility for it to be a cause-effect relationship, but rather a dual 
> > aspect ontological relation. Nothing is translating the functions of 
> neurons 
> > into a Cartesian theater of experience - there is nowhere to put it in 
> the 
> > tissue of the brain and there is no evidence of a translation from 
> neural 
> > protocols to sensorimotive protocols - they are clearly the same thing. 
> If there is a top-down effect of the mind on the atoms then there we 
> would expect some scientific evidence of this. 

These words are a scientific evidence of this. The atoms of my brain are 
being manipulated from the top down. I am directly projecting what I want 
to say through my mind in such a way that the atoms of my brain facilitate 
changes in the tissues of my body. Fingers move. Keys click. 


> Evidence would 
> constitute, for example, neurons firing when measurements of 
> transmembrane potentials, ion concentrations etc. suggest that they 
> should not. 

Do not neurons fire when I decide to type? 

What you are expecting would be nothing but another homunculus. If there 
was some special sauce oozing out of your neurons which looked like...what? 
pictures of me moving my fingers? How would that explain how I am inside 
those pictures. The problem is that you are committed to the realism of 
cells and neurons over thoughts and feelings - even when we understand that 
our idea of neurons are themselves only thoughts and feelings. This isn't a 
minor glitch, it is The Grand Canyon.

What has to be done is to realize that thoughts and feelings cannot be made 
out of forms and functions, but rather forms and functions are what 
thoughts and feelings look like from an exterior, impersonal perspective. 
The thoughts and feelings are the full-spectrum phenomenon, the forms and 
functions a narrow band of that spectrum. The narrowness of that band is 
what maximizes the universality of it. Physics is looking a slice of 
experience across all phenomena, effectively amputating all of the meaning 
and perceptual inertia which has accumulated orthogonally to that slice. 
This is the looong way around when it comes to consciousness as 
consciousness is all about the longitudinal history of experience, not the 
spatial-exterior mechanics of the moment.

> You claim that such anomalous behaviour of neurons and 
> other cells due to consciousness is widespread, yet it has never been 
> experimentally observed. Why? 

Nobody except you and John Clark are suggesting any anomalous behavior. 
This is your blind spot. I don't know if you can see beyond. I am not 
optimistic. If there were any anomalous behavior of neurons, they would 
STILL require another meta-level of anomalous behaviors to explain them. 
Whatever level of description you choose for human consciousness - the 
brain, the body, the extended body, CNS, neurons, molecules, atoms, 
quanta... it DOESN'T MATTER AT ALL to the hard problem. There is still NO 
WAY for us to be inside of those descriptions, and even if there were, 
there is no conceivable purpose for 'our' being there in the first place.  
This isn't a cause for despair or giving up, it is a triumph of insight. It 
is to see that the world is round if you are far away from it, but flat if 
you are on the surface. You keep trying to say that if the world were round 
you would see anomalous dips and valleys where the Earth begins to curve. 
You are not getting it. Reality is exactly what it seems to be, and it is 
many other things as well. Just because our understanding brings us 
sophisticated views of what we are from the outside in does not in any way 
validate the supremacy of the realism which we rely on from the inside out 
to even make sense of science.

> >> If the atoms in my brain were put into a Chinese-reading configuration, 
> >> either through a lot of work learning the language or through direct 
> >> manipulation, then I would be able to understand Chinese. 
> > 
> > 

Re: Continuous Game of Life

2012-10-21 Thread Bruno Marchal

Hi John,

On 20 Oct 2012, at 23:16, John Mikes wrote:

especially in my identification as "responding to relations".
Now the "Self"? IT certainly refers to a more sophisticated level of  
thinking, more so than the average (animalic?)  mind. - OR: we have  
no idea. What WE call 'Self-Ccness' is definitely a human attribute  
because WE identify it that way. I never talked to a cauliflower to  
clarify whether she feels like having a self? (In cauliflowerese, of  

My feeling was first that all homeotherm animals have self- 
consciousness, as they have the ability to dream, easily realted to  
the ability to build a representation of one self. Then I have  
enlarged the spectrum up to some spiders and the octopi, just by  
reading a lot about them, looking video.

But this is just a personal appreciation. For the plant, let us say I  
know nothing, although I supect possible consciousness, related to  
different scalings.

The following theory seems to have consciousness, for different reason  
(the main one is that it is Turing Universal):

x + 0 = x
x + s(y) = s(x + y)

 x *0 = 0
 x*s(y) = x*y + x

But once you add the very powerful induction axioms: which say that if  
a property F is true for zero, and preserved by the successor  
operation, then it is true for all natural numbers. That is the  
infinity of axioms:

(F(0) & Ax(F(x) -> F(s(x))) -> AxF(x),

with F(x) being any formula in the arithmetical language (and thus  
defined with "0, s, +, *),

Then you get Löbianity, and this makes it as much conscious as you and  
me. Indeed, they got a rich theology about which they can develop  
maximal awareness, and even test it by comparing the physics  
retrievable by that theology, and the observation and inference on  
their most probable neighborhoods.

Löbianity is the treshold at which any new axiom added will create and  
enlarge the machine ignorance. It is the utimate modesty treshold.


On Thu, Oct 18, 2012 at 10:39 AM, Bruno Marchal   

On 17 Oct 2012, at 19:19, Roger Clough wrote:

Hi Bruno Marchal

IMHO all life must have some degree of consciousness
or it cannot perceive its environment.

Are you sure?

Would you say that the plants are conscious? I do think so, but I am  
not sure they have self-consciousness.

Self-consciousness accelerates the information treatment, and might  
come from the need of this for the self-movie living creature having  
some important mass.

"all life" is a very fuzzy notion.


Roger Clough,
"Forever is a long time, especially near the end." -Woody Allen

- Receiving the following content -
From: Bruno Marchal
Receiver: everything-list
Time: 2012-10-17, 10:13:37
Subject: Re: Continuous Game of Life

On 16 Oct 2012, at 18:37, John Clark wrote:

On Mon, Oct 15, 2012 at 2:40 PM, meekerdb  wrote:

If consciousness doesn't do anything then Evolution can't see it, so  
how and why did Evolution produce it? The fact that you have no  
answer to this means your ideas are fatally flawed.

I don't see this as a *fatal* flaw.  Evolution, as you've noted, is  
not a paradigm of efficient design.  Consciousness might just be a  

But that's exactly what I've been saying for months, unless Darwin  
was dead wrong consciousness must be a side effect of intelligence,  
so a intelligent computer must be a conscious computer. And I don't  
think Darwin was dead wrong.

Darwin does not need to be wrong. Consciousness role can be deeper,  
in the "evolution/selection" of the laws of physics from the  
coherent dreams (computations from the 1p view) in arithmetic.


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Re: Continuous Game of Life

2012-10-21 Thread Bruno Marchal

On 20 Oct 2012, at 19:29, John Clark wrote:

On Sat, Oct 20, 2012  Bruno Marchal  wrote:

>>  I have no idea what that means, not a clue

> Probably for the same reason that you stop at step 3 in the UD  

Probably. I remember I stopped reading after your proof of the  
existence of a new type of indeterminacy never seen before because  
the proof was in error, so there was no point in reading about  
things built on top of that; but I don't remember if that was step 3  
or not.

From your "error" you have been obliged to say that in the WM  
duplication, you will live both at W and at W, yet your agree that  
both copy will feel to live in only one place, so the error you have  
seen was dues to a confusion between first person and third person. We  
were many to tell you this, and it seems you are stick in that  

By the way, it is irrational to stop in the middle of a proof.  
Obviously, reading the sequel, can help you to see the confusion you  
are doing.

>You assume a physical reality,

I assume that if physical reality doesn't exist then either the  
words "physical" or "reality" or "exists" are meaningless, and I  
don't think any of those words are.

By assuming a physical reality at the start, you make it into a  
primitive ontology. But the physical reality can emerge or appear  
without a physical reality at the start, like in the numbers' dreams.

> and you assume that our consciousness is some phenomenon related  
exclusively to some construct (brain, bodies)

If you change your conscious state then your brain changes, and if I  
make a change in your brain then your conscious state changes too,  
so I'd say that it's a good assumption that consciousness is  
interlinked with a physical object, in fact it's a downright superb  

But this is easily shown to be false when we assume comp. If your  
state appears in a far away galaxies, what will happen far away might  
change your outcome of an experience you decided to do "here". You  
believe in an identity thesis which can't work, unless you singularize  
both the mind and the brain matter with special sort of infinities.

>>  so if it [Evolution] produced it [consciousness]

>No. With comp, consciousness was there before.

Well I don't know about you but I don't think my consciousness was  
there before Evolution figured out how to make brains, I believe  
this because I can't seem to remember events that were going on  
during the Precambrian. I've always been a little hazy about what  
exactly "comp" meant but I had the general feeling that I sorta  
agreed with it, but apparently not.

You keep defending comp, in your dialog with Craig, but you don't  
follow its logical consequences,
I guess, this is by not wanting to take seriously the first person and  
third person distinction, which is the key of the UD argument.

You can attach consciousness to the owner of a brain, but the owner  
itself must attach his consciousness to all states existing in  
arithmetic (or in a physical universe if that exists) and realizing  
that brain state.


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Re: Continuous Game of Life

2012-10-21 Thread Bruno Marchal

On 20 Oct 2012, at 19:18, Craig Weinberg wrote:

On Friday, October 19, 2012 3:29:39 AM UTC-4, Bruno Marchal wrote:

On 17 Oct 2012, at 17:04, Craig Weinberg wrote:

On Wednesday, October 17, 2012 10:16:52 AM UTC-4, Bruno Marchal  

On 16 Oct 2012, at 18:56, Craig Weinberg wrote:

Two men and two women live together. The woman has a child. 2+2=5

You mean two men + two women + a baby = five persons.

You need the arithmetical 2+2=4, and 4+1 = 5, in your "argument".


I only see that one person plus another person can eventually equal  
three or more people.

With the operation of sexual reproduction, not by the operation of  

Only if you consider the 2+2=5 to be a complex special case and  
2+2=4 to be a simple general rule.

2+2 = 5 is not a special case of 2+2=4.

It could just as easily be flipped.

Errors are possible pour complex subjects.

I can say 2+2=4 by the operation of reflexive neurology, and 2+2=5  
is an operation of multiplication. It depends on what level of  
description you privilege by over-signifying and the consequence  
that has on the other levels which are under-signified. To me, the  
Bruno view is near-sighted when it comes to physics (only sees  
numbers, substance is disqualified)

It means that you think that there is a flaw in UDA, as the non  
materiality of physics is a consequence of the comp hypothesis. There  
is no choice in the matter (pun included).

and far-sighted when it comes to numbers (does not question the  
autonomy of numbers).

Because computer science explains in details how number can be  
autonomous, or less simplified: how arithmetical realization can  
generate the beliefs in bodies, relative autonomy, etc. You seem to  
want to ignore the computer science behind the comp hypothesis.

What is it that can tell one number from another?

It is not simple to prove, but the laws of addition and multiplication  
is enough. I am not sanguine on numbers, I can take fortran programs  
in place, with the same explanation for the origin of the  
consciousness/realities couplings.

What knows that + is different from * and how?

Because we know the definition, and practice first order logical  
language. Everything I say is a theorem in the theory:

x + 0 = x
x + s(y) = s(x + y)

 x *0 = 0
 x*s(y) = x*y + x

Why doesn't arithmetic truth need a meta-arithmetic machine to allow  
it to function (to generate the ontology of 'function' in the first  

It does not. That's the amazing whole theoretical computer science  
point. The meta-arithmetic is already a consequence of the four laws  


It's all sense. It has to be sense.

It depends when you start counting and how long it takes you to  

It depends on what we are talking about. Person with sex is not  
numbers with addition.

You are just changing definition, not invalidating a proof (the  
proof that 2+2=4, in arithmetic).

I'm not trying to invalidate the proof within one context of sense,  
I'm pointing out that it isn't that simple. There are other contexts  
of sense which reduce differently.




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Re: Continuous Game of Life

2012-10-21 Thread Evgenii Rudnyi

On 21.10.2012 10:05 Stathis Papaioannou said the following:

On Sun, Oct 21, 2012 at 5:51 AM, Craig Weinberg


I don't think that is true. The other way around makes just as much
sense of not more: Reading Chinese is a simple behavior which
drives the behavior of billions of atoms to do a complex
interaction. To me, it has to be both bottom-up and top-down. It
seems completely arbitrary prejudice to presume one over the other
just because we think that we understand the bottom-up so well.

Once you can see how it is the case that it must be both bottom-up
and top-down at the same time, the next step is to see that there
is no possibility for it to be a cause-effect relationship, but
rather a dual aspect ontological relation. Nothing is translating
the functions of neurons into a Cartesian theater of experience -
there is nowhere to put it in the tissue of the brain and there is
no evidence of a translation from neural protocols to sensorimotive
protocols - they are clearly the same thing.

If there is a top-down effect of the mind on the atoms then there we
would expect some scientific evidence of this. Evidence would

Scientific evidence, in my view, is the existence of science. Do you 
mean that for example scientific books have assembled themselves from 
atoms according to the M-theory?


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Re: Continuous Game of Life

2012-10-21 Thread Stathis Papaioannou
On Sun, Oct 21, 2012 at 5:51 AM, Craig Weinberg  wrote:

>> The atoms in my brain don't have to know how to read Chinese. They only
>> need to know how to be carbon, nitrogen, oxygen etc. atoms. The complex
>> behaviour which is reading Chinese comes from the interaction of billions of
>> these atoms doing their simple thing.
> I don't think that is true. The other way around makes just as much sense of
> not more: Reading Chinese is a simple behavior which drives the behavior of
> billions of atoms to do a complex interaction. To me, it has to be both
> bottom-up and top-down. It seems completely arbitrary prejudice to presume
> one over the other just because we think that we understand the bottom-up so
> well.
> Once you can see how it is the case that it must be both bottom-up and
> top-down at the same time, the next step is to see that there is no
> possibility for it to be a cause-effect relationship, but rather a dual
> aspect ontological relation. Nothing is translating the functions of neurons
> into a Cartesian theater of experience - there is nowhere to put it in the
> tissue of the brain and there is no evidence of a translation from neural
> protocols to sensorimotive protocols - they are clearly the same thing.

If there is a top-down effect of the mind on the atoms then there we
would expect some scientific evidence of this. Evidence would
constitute, for example, neurons firing when measurements of
transmembrane potentials, ion concentrations etc. suggest that they
should not. You claim that such anomalous behaviour of neurons and
other cells due to consciousness is widespread, yet it has never been
experimentally observed. Why?

>> If the atoms in my brain were put into a Chinese-reading configuration,
>> either through a lot of work learning the language or through direct
>> manipulation, then I would be able to understand Chinese.
> It's understandable to assume that, but no I don't think it's like that. You
> can't transplant a language into a brain instantaneously because there is no
> personal history of association. Your understanding of language is not a
> lookup table in space, it is made out of you. It's like if you walked around
> with Google translator in your brain. You could enter words and phrases and
> turn them into you language, but you would never know the language first
> hand. The knowledge would be impersonal - accessible, but not woven into
> your proprietary sense.

I don't mean putting an extra module into the brain, I mean putting
the brain directly into the same configuration it is put into by
learning the language in the normal way.

>> I'm sorry, but this whole passage is a non sequitur as far as the fading
>> qualia thought experiment goes. You have to explain what you think would
>> happen if part of your brain were replaced with a functional equivalent.
> There is no functional equivalent. That's what I am saying. Functional
> equivalence when it comes to a person is a non-sequitur. Not only is every
> person unique, they are an expression of uniqueness itself. They define
> uniqueness in a never-before-experienced way. This is a completely new way
> of understanding consciousness and signal. Not as mechanism, but as
> animism-mechanism.
>> A functional equivalent would stimulate the remaining neurons the same as
>> the part that is replaced.
> No such thing. Does any imitation function identically to an original?

In a thought experiment we can say that the imitation stimulates the
surrounding neurons in the same way as the original. We can even say
that it does this miraculously. Would such a device *necessarily*
replicate the consciousness along with the neural impulses, or could
the two be separated?

>> The original paper says this is a computer chip but this is not necessary
>> to make the point: we could just say that it is any device, not being the
>> normal biological neurons. If consciousness is substrate-dependent (as you
>> claim) then the device could do its job of stimulating the neurons normally
>> while lacking or differing in consciousness. Since it stimulates the neurons
>> normally you would behave normally. If you didn't then it would be a
>> miracle, since your muscles would have to contract normally. Do you at least
>> see this point, or do you think that your muscles would do something
>> different?
> I see the point completely. That's the problem is that you keep trying to
> explain to me what is obvious, while I am trying to explain to you something
> much more subtle and sophisticated. I can replace neurons which control my
> muscles because muscles are among the most distant and replaceable parts of
> 'me'. These nerves are outbound efferent nerves and the target muscle cells
> are for the most part willing servants. The same goes for amputating my arm.
> I can replace it in theory. What I am saying though is that amputating my
> head is not even theoretically possible. Wherever my head is, that is wher

Re: Continuous Game of Life

2012-10-20 Thread Stephen P. King

On 10/20/2012 5:16 PM, John Mikes wrote:

especially in my identification as "responding to relations".
Now the "Self"? IT certainly refers to a more sophisticated level of 
thinking, more so than the average (animalic?)  mind. - OR: we have no 
idea. What WE call 'Self-Ccness' is definitely a human attribute 
because WE identify it that way. I never talked to a cauliflower to 
clarify whether she feels like having a self? (In cauliflowerese, of 


If we where cauliflowers, we would have no concept of what it would 
be like to be "human" or, maybe, that humans even exist!

On Thu, Oct 18, 2012 at 10:39 AM, Bruno Marchal <>> wrote:

On 17 Oct 2012, at 19:19, Roger Clough wrote:

Hi Bruno Marchal

IMHO all life must have some degree of consciousness
or it cannot perceive its environment.

Are you sure?

Would you say that the plants are conscious? I do think so, but I
am not sure they have self-consciousness.

Self-consciousness accelerates the information treatment, and
might come from the need of this for the self-movie living
creature having some important mass.

"all life" is a very fuzzy notion.


Roger Clough, <>
"Forever is a long time, especially near the end." -Woody Allen

- Receiving the following content -
From: Bruno Marchal
Receiver: everything-list
Time: 2012-10-17, 10:13:37
Subject: Re: Continuous Game of Life

On 16 Oct 2012, at 18:37, John Clark wrote:

On Mon, Oct 15, 2012 at 2:40 PM, meekerdb  wrote:

If consciousness doesn't do anything then Evolution
can't see it, so how and why did Evolution produce it?
The fact that you have no answer to this means your
ideas are fatally flawed.

I don't see this as a *fatal* flaw.  Evolution, as you've
noted, is not a paradigm of efficient design.
 Consciousness might just be a side-effect

But that's exactly what I've been saying for months, unless
Darwin was dead wrong consciousness must be a side effect of
intelligence, so a intelligent computer must be a conscious
computer. And I don't think Darwin was dead wrong.

Darwin does not need to be wrong. Consciousness role can be
deeper, in the "evolution/selection" of the laws of physics
from the coherent dreams (computations from the 1p view) in




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Re: Continuous Game of Life

2012-10-20 Thread John Mikes
especially in my identification as "responding to relations".
Now the "Self"? IT certainly refers to a more sophisticated level of
thinking, more so than the average (animalic?)  mind. - OR: we have no
idea. What WE call 'Self-Ccness' is definitely a human attribute because WE
identify it that way. I never talked to a cauliflower to clarify whether
she feels like having a self? (In cauliflowerese, of course).

On Thu, Oct 18, 2012 at 10:39 AM, Bruno Marchal  wrote:

> On 17 Oct 2012, at 19:19, Roger Clough wrote:
> Hi Bruno Marchal
>> IMHO all life must have some degree of consciousness
>> or it cannot perceive its environment.
> Are you sure?
> Would you say that the plants are conscious? I do think so, but I am not
> sure they have self-consciousness.
> Self-consciousness accelerates the information treatment, and might come
> from the need of this for the self-movie living creature having some
> important mass.
> "all life" is a very fuzzy notion.
> Bruno
>> Roger Clough,
>> 10/17/2012
>> "Forever is a long time, especially near the end." -Woody Allen
>> - Receiving the following content -
>> From: Bruno Marchal
>> Receiver: everything-list
>> Time: 2012-10-17, 10:13:37
>> Subject: Re: Continuous Game of Life
>> On 16 Oct 2012, at 18:37, John Clark wrote:
>> On Mon, Oct 15, 2012 at 2:40 PM, meekerdb  wrote:
>>  If consciousness doesn't do anything then Evolution can't see it, so
>>>> how and why did Evolution produce it? The fact that you have no answer to
>>>> this means your ideas are fatally flawed.
>> I don't see this as a *fatal* flaw.  Evolution, as you've noted, is not a
>>> paradigm of efficient design.  Consciousness might just be a side-effect
>> But that's exactly what I've been saying for months, unless Darwin was
>> dead wrong consciousness must be a side effect of intelligence, so a
>> intelligent computer must be a conscious computer. And I don't think Darwin
>> was dead wrong.
>> Darwin does not need to be wrong. Consciousness role can be deeper, in
>> the "evolution/selection" of the laws of physics from the coherent dreams
>> (computations from the 1p view) in arithmetic.
>> Bruno
>>**marchal/ <>
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>**marchal/ <>
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Re: Continuous Game of Life

2012-10-20 Thread Craig Weinberg

On Saturday, October 20, 2012 1:47:28 PM UTC-4, stathisp wrote:
> On Oct 15, 2012, at 4:10 AM, Craig Weinberg > 
> wrote:
> >> But since you misunderstand the first assumption you misunderstand the 
>> >> whole argument. 
>> > 
>> > 
>> > Nope. You misunderstand my argument completely. 
>> Perhaps I do, but you specifically misunderstand that the argument 
>> depends on the assumption that computers don't have consciousness. 
> No, I do understand that.
> Good.
> You 
>> also misunderstand (or pretend to) the idea that a brain or computer 
>> does not have to know the entire future history of the universe and 
>> how it will respond to every situation it may encounter in order to 
>> function. 
> Do you have to know the entire history of how you learned English to read 
> these words? It depends what you mean by know. You don't have to 
> consciously recall learning English, but without that experience, you 
> wouldn't be able to read this. If you had a module implanted in your brain 
> which would allow you to read Chinese, it might give you an acceptable 
> capacity to translate Chinese phonemes and characters, but it would be a 
> generic understanding, not one rooted in decades of human interaction. Do 
> you see the difference? Do you see how words are not only functional data 
> but also names which carry personal significance?
> The atoms in my brain don't have to know how to read Chinese. They only 
> need to know how to be carbon, nitrogen, oxygen etc. atoms. The complex 
> behaviour which is reading Chinese comes from the interaction of billions 
> of these atoms doing their simple thing. 

I don't think that is true. The other way around makes just as much sense 
of not more: Reading Chinese is a simple behavior which drives the behavior 
of billions of atoms to do a complex interaction. To me, it has to be both 
bottom-up and top-down. It seems completely arbitrary prejudice to presume 
one over the other just because we think that we understand the bottom-up 
so well.

Once you can see how it is the case that it must be both bottom-up and 
top-down at the same time, the next step is to see that there is no 
possibility for it to be a cause-effect relationship, but rather a dual 
aspect ontological relation. Nothing is translating the functions of 
neurons into a Cartesian theater of experience - there is nowhere to put it 
in the tissue of the brain and there is no evidence of a translation from 
neural protocols to sensorimotive protocols - they are clearly the same 

> If the atoms in my brain were put into a Chinese-reading configuration, 
> either through a lot of work learning the language or through direct 
> manipulation, then I would be able to understand Chinese.

It's understandable to assume that, but no I don't think it's like that. 
You can't transplant a language into a brain instantaneously because there 
is no personal history of association. Your understanding of language is 
not a lookup table in space, it is made out of you. It's like if you walked 
around with Google translator in your brain. You could enter words and 
phrases and turn them into you language, but you would never know the 
language first hand. The knowledge would be impersonal - accessible, but 
not woven into your proprietary sense.

> What are some equivalently simple, uncontroversial things in 
>> what you say that i misunderstand? 
> You think that I don't get that Fading Qualia is a story about a world in 
> which the brain cannot be substituted, but I do. Chalmers is saying 'OK 
> lets say that's true - how would that be? Would your blue be less and less 
> blue? How could you act normally if you...blah, blah, blah'. I get that. 
> It's crystal clear.
> What you don't understand is that this carries a priori assumptions about 
> the nature of consciousness, that it is an end result of a distributed 
> process which is monolithic. I am saying NO, THAT IS NOT HOW IT IS.
> Imagine that we had one eye in the front of our heads and one ear in the 
> back, and that the whole of human history has been to debate over whether 
> walking forward means that objects are moving toward you or whether it 
> means changes in relative volume of sounds.
> Chalmers is saying, 'if we gradually replaced the eye with parts of the 
> ear, how would our sight gradually change to sound, or would it suddenly 
> switch over?' Since both options seem absurd, then he concludes that 
> anything that is in the front of the head is an eye and everything on the 
> back is an ear, or that everything has both ear and eye potentials.
> The MR model is to understand that these two views are not merely 
> substance dual or property dual, they are involuted juxtapositions of each 
> other. The difference between front and back is not merely irreconcilable, 
> it is mutually exclusive by definition in experience. I am not throwing up 
> my hands and saying 'ears can't be eyes be

Re: Continuous Game of Life

2012-10-20 Thread Stathis Papaioannou

On Oct 15, 2012, at 4:10 AM, Craig Weinberg  wrote:

>> >> But since you misunderstand the first assumption you misunderstand the 
>> >> whole argument. 
>> > 
>> > 
>> > Nope. You misunderstand my argument completely. 
>> Perhaps I do, but you specifically misunderstand that the argument 
>> depends on the assumption that computers don't have consciousness.
> No, I do understand that.


>> You 
>> also misunderstand (or pretend to) the idea that a brain or computer 
>> does not have to know the entire future history of the universe and 
>> how it will respond to every situation it may encounter in order to 
>> function.
> Do you have to know the entire history of how you learned English to read 
> these words? It depends what you mean by know. You don't have to consciously 
> recall learning English, but without that experience, you wouldn't be able to 
> read this. If you had a module implanted in your brain which would allow you 
> to read Chinese, it might give you an acceptable capacity to translate 
> Chinese phonemes and characters, but it would be a generic understanding, not 
> one rooted in decades of human interaction. Do you see the difference? Do you 
> see how words are not only functional data but also names which carry 
> personal significance?

The atoms in my brain don't have to know how to read Chinese. They only need to 
know how to be carbon, nitrogen, oxygen etc. atoms. The complex behaviour which 
is reading Chinese comes from the interaction of billions of these atoms doing 
their simple thing. If the atoms in my brain were put into a Chinese-reading 
configuration, either through a lot of work learning the language or through 
direct manipulation, then I would be able to understand Chinese.

>> What are some equivalently simple, uncontroversial things in 
>> what you say that i misunderstand?
> You think that I don't get that Fading Qualia is a story about a world in 
> which the brain cannot be substituted, but I do. Chalmers is saying 'OK lets 
> say that's true - how would that be? Would your blue be less and less blue? 
> How could you act normally if you...blah, blah, blah'. I get that. It's 
> crystal clear.
> What you don't understand is that this carries a priori assumptions about the 
> nature of consciousness, that it is an end result of a distributed process 
> which is monolithic. I am saying NO, THAT IS NOT HOW IT IS.
> Imagine that we had one eye in the front of our heads and one ear in the 
> back, and that the whole of human history has been to debate over whether 
> walking forward means that objects are moving toward you or whether it means 
> changes in relative volume of sounds.
> Chalmers is saying, 'if we gradually replaced the eye with parts of the ear, 
> how would our sight gradually change to sound, or would it suddenly switch 
> over?' Since both options seem absurd, then he concludes that anything that 
> is in the front of the head is an eye and everything on the back is an ear, 
> or that everything has both ear and eye potentials.
> The MR model is to understand that these two views are not merely substance 
> dual or property dual, they are involuted juxtapositions of each other. The 
> difference between front and back is not merely irreconcilable, it is 
> mutually exclusive by definition in experience. I am not throwing up my hands 
> and saying 'ears can't be eyes because eyes are special', I am positively 
> asserting that there is a way of modeling the eye-ear relation based on an 
> understanding of what time, space, matter, energy, entropy, significance, 
> perception, and participation actually are and how they relate to each other.
> The idea that the newly discovered ear-based models out of the back of our 
> head is eventually going to explain the view eye view out of the front is not 
> scientific, it's an ideological faith that I understand to be critically 
> flawed. The evidence is all around us, we have only to interpret it that way 
> rather than to keep updating our description of reality to match the 
> narrowness of our fundamental theory. The theory only works for the back view 
> of the says *nothing* useful about the front view. To the True 
> Disbeliever, this is a sign that we need to double down on the back end view 
> because it's the best chance we have. The thinking is that any other position 
> implies that we throw out the back end view entirely and go back to the dark 
> ages of front end fanatacism. I am not suggesting a compromise, I propose a 
> complete overhaul in which we start not from the front and move back or back 
> and move front, but start from the split and see how it can be understood as 
> double knot - a fold of folds.

I'm sorry, but this whole passage is a non sequitur as far as the fading qualia 
thought experiment goes. You have to explain what you think would happen if 
part of your brain were replaced with a functional equivalent. A functional 

Re: Continuous Game of Life

2012-10-20 Thread John Clark
On Sat, Oct 20, 2012  Bruno Marchal  wrote:

>>  I have no idea what that means, not a clue
> Probably for the same reason that you stop at step 3 in the UD Argument.

Probably. I remember I stopped reading after your proof of the existence of
a new type of indeterminacy never seen before because the proof was in
error, so there was no point in reading about things built on top of that;
but I don't remember if that was step 3 or not.

>You assume a physical reality,

I assume that if physical reality doesn't exist then either the words
"physical" or "reality" or "exists" are meaningless, and I don't think any
of those words are.

> > and you assume that our consciousness is some phenomenon related
> exclusively to some construct (brain, bodies)

If you change your conscious state then your brain changes, and if I make a
change in your brain then your conscious state changes too, so I'd say that
it's a good assumption that consciousness is interlinked with a physical
object, in fact it's a downright superb assumption.

> >>  so if it [Evolution] produced it [consciousness]
>No. With comp, consciousness was there before.

Well I don't know about you but I don't think my consciousness was there
before Evolution figured out how to make brains, I believe this because I
can't seem to remember events that were going on during the Precambrian.
I've always been a little hazy about what exactly "comp" meant but I had
the general feeling that I sorta agreed with it, but apparently not.

  John K Clark

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Re: Continuous Game of Life

2012-10-20 Thread Craig Weinberg

On Saturday, October 20, 2012 1:01:51 AM UTC-4, John Clark wrote:
> On Tue, Oct 16, 2012 at 12:56 PM, Craig Weinberg 
> > wrote:
> >> So lets see, "a giant junkyard magnet" is a devastating logical 
>>> argument but  "a junkyard car crusher" is not. Explain to me how that works.
>> > Because talking about how you want to kill me in an argument about 
>> computers is pointless ad hominem venting, but talking about the effect of 
>> magnetism on computers in an argument about computers is relevant
> A strong magnetic field will disrupt the operation of a computer and it 
> will disrupt the operation of your brain too, and a junkyard car crusher 
> will disrupt the operation of both as well.

I get your point, but at the same time, we aren't outfitting Apache 
helicopters with giant magnets to immobilize armies of people.


>   John K Clark  

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Re: Continuous Game of Life

2012-10-20 Thread Craig Weinberg

On Friday, October 19, 2012 3:29:39 AM UTC-4, Bruno Marchal wrote:
> On 17 Oct 2012, at 17:04, Craig Weinberg wrote:
> On Wednesday, October 17, 2012 10:16:52 AM UTC-4, Bruno Marchal wrote:
>> On 16 Oct 2012, at 18:56, Craig Weinberg wrote:
>> Two men and two women live together. The woman has a child. 2+2=5
>> You mean two men + two women + a baby = five persons. 
>> You need the arithmetical 2+2=4, and 4+1 = 5, in your "argument".
>> Bruno
> I only see that one person plus another person can eventually equal three 
> or more people. 
> With the operation of sexual reproduction, not by the operation of 
> addition. 

Only if you consider the 2+2=5 to be a complex special case and 2+2=4 to be 
a simple general rule. It could just as easily be flipped. I can say 2+2=4 
by the operation of reflexive neurology, and 2+2=5 is an operation of 
multiplication. It depends on what level of description you privilege by 
over-signifying and the consequence that has on the other levels which are 
under-signified. To me, the Bruno view is near-sighted when it comes to 
physics (only sees numbers, substance is disqualified) and far-sighted when 
it comes to numbers (does not question the autonomy of numbers). What is it 
that can tell one number from another? What knows that + is different from 
* and how? Why doesn't arithmetic truth need a meta-arithmetic machine to 
allow it to function (to generate the ontology of 'function' in the first 

It's all sense. It has to be sense.

> It depends when you start counting and how long it takes you to finish.
> It depends on what we are talking about. Person with sex is not numbers 
> with addition.
> You are just changing definition, not invalidating a proof (the proof that 
> 2+2=4, in arithmetic).

I'm not trying to invalidate the proof within one context of sense, I'm 
pointing out that it isn't that simple. There are other contexts of sense 
which reduce differently. 



> Bruno
> Craig
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Re: Continuous Game of Life

2012-10-20 Thread Bruno Marchal

On 20 Oct 2012, at 07:15, John Clark wrote:

On Wed, Oct 17, 2012 at 10:13 AM, Bruno Marchal   

> Darwin does not need to be wrong. Consciousness role can be  
deeper, in the "evolution/selection" of the laws of physics from the  
coherent dreams (computations from the 1p view) in arithmetic.

I have no idea what that means, not a clue,

Probably for the same reason that you stop at step 3 in the UD Argument.

You assume a physical reality, and you assume that our consciousness  
is some phenomenon related exclusively to some construct (brain,  
bodies) in that physical reality.

But once you grasp the first person indeterminacy, and take into  
account its many invariance features (they can't distinguish  
immediately "real", "virtual", "arithmetical", they can't be aware of  
the delays of reconstitution) you can see that comp make the existence  
of a physical universe a from of vague "wishful thinking" kind of  
thing, as your future, from your first person points of view will  
depend on all the computations going through your actual current  
relative state(s).

Comp generalized Everett (on QM) to arithmetic.

No doubt we share deep linear computations. Everett saves comp from  
solipism. But QM has to be retrieved from number dreams statistics to  
confirms this.

Advantage? The subtlety of arithmetical self-reference makes possible  
to distinguish many sorts of points of view, and suggests explanation  
for the difference between the qualia and the quanta.

but I do know that Evolution can't select for something it can't see,


and I do know that Evolution can see intelligence because it  
produces behavior.


Evolution can't see consciousness directly any better than we can,


so if it produced it

No. With comp, consciousness was there before. It just get lost on  
relatively coherent sheafs of computational histories.
We share dreams.   (a dream is a computation to which a first person  
is attributable)

(and it did unless Darwin was dead wrong)

Darwin explains the evolution of species, in an Aristotelian framework.

Comp refutes the Aristotelian framework, and saves the main part of  
Darwin, indeed, it generalizes it on a realm where the laws of physics  
themselves arises by a process of arithmetical self-selection.

then consciousness MUST be a byproduct of something that it can see.

The contrary, if you say "yes" to the doctor by betting on comp,  

I think anybody can see that once he/she/it takes comp seriously and  
stay cold rationalist on the subject.

I don't think it is so much more alluring than Everett QM.


  John K Clark

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Re: Continuous Game of Life

2012-10-19 Thread John Clark
On Wed, Oct 17, 2012 at 10:13 AM, Bruno Marchal  wrote:

> Darwin does not need to be wrong. Consciousness role can be deeper, in
> the "evolution/selection" of the laws of physics from the coherent dreams
> (computations from the 1p view) in arithmetic.

I have no idea what that means, not a clue, but I do know that Evolution
can't select for something it can't see, and I do know that Evolution can
see intelligence because it produces behavior.  Evolution can't see
consciousness directly any better than we can, so if it produced it (and it
did unless Darwin was dead wrong) then consciousness MUST be a byproduct of
something that it can see.

  John K Clark

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Re: Continuous Game of Life

2012-10-19 Thread John Clark
On Tue, Oct 16, 2012 at 12:56 PM, Craig Weinberg wrote:

>> So lets see, "a giant junkyard magnet" is a devastating logical argument
>> but  "a junkyard car crusher" is not. Explain to me how that works.
> > Because talking about how you want to kill me in an argument about
> computers is pointless ad hominem venting, but talking about the effect of
> magnetism on computers in an argument about computers is relevant

A strong magnetic field will disrupt the operation of a computer and it
will disrupt the operation of your brain too, and a junkyard car crusher
will disrupt the operation of both as well.

  John K Clark

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Re: Continuous Game of Life

2012-10-19 Thread Bruno Marchal

On 17 Oct 2012, at 17:04, Craig Weinberg wrote:

On Wednesday, October 17, 2012 10:16:52 AM UTC-4, Bruno Marchal wrote:

On 16 Oct 2012, at 18:56, Craig Weinberg wrote:

Two men and two women live together. The woman has a child. 2+2=5

You mean two men + two women + a baby = five persons.

You need the arithmetical 2+2=4, and 4+1 = 5, in your "argument".


I only see that one person plus another person can eventually equal  
three or more people.

With the operation of sexual reproduction, not by the operation of  

It depends when you start counting and how long it takes you to  

It depends on what we are talking about. Person with sex is not  
numbers with addition.

You are just changing definition, not invalidating a proof (the proof  
that 2+2=4, in arithmetic).



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Re: Continuous Game of Life

2012-10-19 Thread Bruno Marchal

On 17 Oct 2012, at 19:19, Roger Clough wrote:

Hi Bruno Marchal

IMHO all life must have some degree of consciousness
or it cannot perceive its environment.

Are you sure?

Would you say that the plants are conscious? I do think so, but I am  
not sure they have self-consciousness.

Self-consciousness accelerates the information treatment, and might  
come from the need of this for the self-movie living creature having  
some important mass.

"all life" is a very fuzzy notion.


Roger Clough,
"Forever is a long time, especially near the end." -Woody Allen

- Receiving the following content -
From: Bruno Marchal
Receiver: everything-list
Time: 2012-10-17, 10:13:37
Subject: Re: Continuous Game of Life

On 16 Oct 2012, at 18:37, John Clark wrote:

On Mon, Oct 15, 2012 at 2:40 PM, meekerdb  wrote:

If consciousness doesn't do anything then Evolution can't see it,  
so how and why did Evolution produce it? The fact that you have no  
answer to this means your ideas are fatally flawed.

I don't see this as a *fatal* flaw.  Evolution, as you've noted, is  
not a paradigm of efficient design.  Consciousness might just be a  

But that's exactly what I've been saying for months, unless Darwin  
was dead wrong consciousness must be a side effect of intelligence,  
so a intelligent computer must be a conscious computer. And I don't  
think Darwin was dead wrong.

Darwin does not need to be wrong. Consciousness role can be deeper,  
in the "evolution/selection" of the laws of physics from the  
coherent dreams (computations from the 1p view) in arithmetic.


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Re: Re: Continuous Game of Life

2012-10-17 Thread Roger Clough
Hi Bruno Marchal  

IMHO all life must have some degree of consciousness
or it cannot perceive its environment.

Roger Clough, 
"Forever is a long time, especially near the end." -Woody Allen 

- Receiving the following content -  
From: Bruno Marchal  
Receiver: everything-list  
Time: 2012-10-17, 10:13:37 
Subject: Re: Continuous Game of Life 

On 16 Oct 2012, at 18:37, John Clark wrote: 

On Mon, Oct 15, 2012 at 2:40 PM, meekerdb  wrote: 

 >>  If consciousness doesn't do anything then Evolution can't see it, so how 
 >> and why did Evolution produce it? The fact that you have no answer to this 
 >> means your ideas are fatally flawed.  

> I don't see this as a *fatal* flaw.  Evolution, as you've noted, is not a 
> paradigm of efficient design.  Consciousness might just be a side-effect  

But that's exactly what I've been saying for months, unless Darwin was dead 
wrong consciousness must be a side effect of intelligence, so a intelligent 
computer must be a conscious computer. And I don't think Darwin was dead wrong. 

Darwin does not need to be wrong. Consciousness role can be deeper, in the 
"evolution/selection" of the laws of physics from the coherent dreams 
(computations from the 1p view) in arithmetic. 


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Re: Continuous Game of Life

2012-10-17 Thread Bruno Marchal

On 16 Oct 2012, at 21:55, John Mikes wrote:

corn starch is not a fluid (newtinian or not). It is a solid and  
when dissolved in water (or whatever?) it makes a N.N.fluid - 
My question about it's 'live, or not' status is:

does it provide METABOLISM  and  REPAIR ?
I doubt it.
Do not misunderstand me, please: this is not my word about :"LIFE"  
it pertains to the LIVE STATUS (process) which - according to Robert  
Rosen's brilliant distinction - shows a relying upon environmental  
(material??) support for its substinence (called metabolism) and a  
mechanism to repair damages that occur in the process of being alive.

I can use such provisory definition of carbon-based life. But I can  
conceive other form of life. And for life, I am large, it includes  
anything which adds and multiplies, basically.

Minds with chemistry impediment look differently at things.

Certainly. I hope you didn't believe I meant those Non Newtonian  
things as being alive. They just *look*, to me, as amazingly alive,  
only. They are baby zombies (joke).


John M

PS: I could not enjoy the video in the URL: I got a warning to close  
it down because it slows down my browser (to 0).J

On Sat, Oct 13, 2012 at 5:10 PM, Craig Weinberg  

On Friday, October 12, 2012 10:23:57 AM UTC-4, Bruno Marchal wrote:

On 12 Oct 2012, at 14:50, Craig Weinberg wrote:

> They are certainly cool looking and biomorphic. The question I have
> is, at what point do they begin to have experiences...or do you
> think that those blobs have experiences already?
> Would it give them more of a human experience if an oscillating
> smiley-face/frowny-face algorithm were added graphically into the
> center of each blob?

Here is a  "deterministic" simple phenomenon looking amazingly
"alive" (non-newtonian fluid):

Is it alive? That question does not make sense for me. Yes with some
definition, no with other one. Unlike consciousness or intelligence
"life" is not a definite concept for me. I use usually the definition
"has a reproductive cycle". But this makes cigarettes and stars alive.
No problem for me.


"The good news is, after this operation you'll be every bit as alive  
as a cigarette is".

There are some cool videos out there of cymatic animation like that.  
All that it really tells me is that there are a limited number of  
morphological themes in the universe, not that those themes are  
positively linked to any particular private phenomenology. They are  
producing those patterns with a particular acoustic signal, but we  
could model it mathematically and see the same pattern on a video  
screen without any acoustic signal at all. Same thing happens when  
we model the behaviors of a conscious mind. It looks similar from a  
distance, but that's all.


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Re: Continuous Game of Life

2012-10-17 Thread Craig Weinberg

On Wednesday, October 17, 2012 10:16:52 AM UTC-4, Bruno Marchal wrote:
> On 16 Oct 2012, at 18:56, Craig Weinberg wrote:
> Two men and two women live together. The woman has a child. 2+2=5
> You mean two men + two women + a baby = five persons. 
> You need the arithmetical 2+2=4, and 4+1 = 5, in your "argument".
> Bruno
I only see that one person plus another person can eventually equal three 
or more people. It depends when you start counting and how long it takes 
you to finish.



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Re: Continuous Game of Life

2012-10-17 Thread Bruno Marchal

On 16 Oct 2012, at 18:56, Craig Weinberg wrote:

Two men and two women live together. The woman has a child. 2+2=5

You mean two men + two women + a baby = five persons.

You need the arithmetical 2+2=4, and 4+1 = 5, in your "argument".


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Re: Continuous Game of Life

2012-10-17 Thread Bruno Marchal

On 16 Oct 2012, at 18:37, John Clark wrote:

On Mon, Oct 15, 2012 at 2:40 PM, meekerdb   

 >>  If consciousness doesn't do anything then Evolution can't see  
it, so how and why did Evolution produce it? The fact that you have  
no answer to this means your ideas are fatally flawed.

> I don't see this as a *fatal* flaw.  Evolution, as you've noted,  
is not a paradigm of efficient design.  Consciousness might just be  
a side-effect

But that's exactly what I've been saying for months, unless Darwin  
was dead wrong consciousness must be a side effect of intelligence,  
so a intelligent computer must be a conscious computer. And I don't  
think Darwin was dead wrong.

Darwin does not need to be wrong. Consciousness role can be deeper, in  
the "evolution/selection" of the laws of physics from the coherent  
dreams (computations from the 1p view) in arithmetic.


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Re: Continuous Game of Life

2012-10-16 Thread John Mikes
corn starch is not a fluid (newtinian or not). It is a solid and when
dissolved in water (or whatever?) it makes a N.N.fluid -My question
about it's 'live, or not' status is:
does it provide METABOLISM  and  REPAIR ?
I doubt it.
Do not misunderstand me, please: this is not my word about :"LIFE" it
pertains to the LIVE STATUS (process) which - according to Robert Rosen's
brilliant distinction - shows a relying upon environmental (material??)
support for its substinence (called metabolism) and a mechanism to repair
damages that occur in the process of being alive.

Minds with chemistry impediment look differently at things.

John M

PS: I could not enjoy the video in the URL: I got a warning to close it
down because it slows down my browser (to 0).J

On Sat, Oct 13, 2012 at 5:10 PM, Craig Weinberg wrote:

> On Friday, October 12, 2012 10:23:57 AM UTC-4, Bruno Marchal wrote:
>> On 12 Oct 2012, at 14:50, Craig Weinberg wrote:
>> > They are certainly cool looking and biomorphic. The question I have
>> > is, at what point do they begin to have experiences...or do you
>> > think that those blobs have experiences already?
>> >
>> > Would it give them more of a human experience if an oscillating
>> > smiley-face/frowny-face algorithm were added graphically into the
>> > center of each blob?
>> Here is a  "deterministic" simple phenomenon looking amazingly
>> "alive" (non-newtonian fluid):
>> Is it alive? That question does not make sense for me. Yes with some
>> definition, no with other one. Unlike consciousness or intelligence
>> "life" is not a definite concept for me. I use usually the definition
>> "has a reproductive cycle". But this makes cigarettes and stars alive.
>> No problem for me.
>> Bruno
> "The good news is, after this operation you'll be every bit as alive as a
> cigarette is".
> There are some cool videos out there of cymatic animation like that. All
> that it really tells me is that there are a limited number of morphological
> themes in the universe, not that those themes are positively linked to any
> particular private phenomenology. They are producing those patterns with a
> particular acoustic signal, but we could model it mathematically and see
> the same pattern on a video screen without any acoustic signal at all. Same
> thing happens when we model the behaviors of a conscious mind. It looks
> similar from a distance, but that's all.
> Craig
>> --
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Re: Continuous Game of Life

2012-10-16 Thread meekerdb

On 10/16/2012 9:37 AM, John Clark wrote:
On Mon, Oct 15, 2012 at 2:40 PM, meekerdb > wrote:

>>  If consciousness doesn't do anything then Evolution can't see it, so 
how and
why did Evolution produce it? The fact that you have no answer to this 
means your
ideas are fatally flawed.

> I don't see this as a *fatal* flaw.  Evolution, as you've noted, is not a 
of efficient design.  Consciousness might just be a side-effect

But that's exactly what I've been saying for months, unless Darwin was dead wrong 
consciousness must be a side effect of intelligence, so a intelligent computer must be a 
conscious computer.

But it  might be a side-effect of the particular way in which evolution implemented human 
intelligence.  If we created an artificial intelligence that, for example had a module for 
filtering and storing information about significant events that was separate from the 
language/communication module then that AI might not be conscious in the way people are.  
I agree that it would be conscious in *some* way, but different ways of processing and 
storing information, even though they produce roughly the same intelligent behaviour, 
might produce qualitatively different consciousness.  In fact I expect that cuttlefish, 
who are social and communicate by producing color patterns on their body, have a different 
kind of 'stream of consciousness' and if they evolved to be as intelligent as humans they 
would still have this qualitative difference in consciousness, somewhat as people with 
synasthesia do but more so.


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Re: Continuous Game of Life

2012-10-16 Thread Craig Weinberg

On Tuesday, October 16, 2012 12:13:55 PM UTC-4, John Clark wrote:
> On Mon, Oct 15, 2012 at 2:02 PM, Craig Weinberg 
> > wrote:
>>  I know you don't have a proof of the Goldbach Conjecture. Well OK, I 
>>> don't know that with absolute certainty, maybe you have a proof but are 
>>> keeping it secret for some strange reason, but my knowledge is more than 
>>> diddly squat because I very strongly suspect you have no such proof and I'm 
>>> probably right. But I do know for certain that you don't have a valid proof 
>>> that 2+2=5 or a way to directly detect consciousness in any mind other than 
>>> your own.
>> Then you are claiming to know about "our consciousness" instead of just 
>> your own.
> I am claiming that you don't possess a valid proof that 2+2=5 because 
> there is no such proof to possess.

Two men and two women live together. The woman has a child. 2+2=5


>> >>> Let's see how computer fares under a giant junkyard magnet.

>>> >> Let's see how you fare in a junkyard car crusher.
>> > translation - "I concede, I have no argument."
> So lets see, "a giant junkyard magnet" is a devastating logical argument 
> but  "a junkyard car crusher" is not. Explain to me how that works.

Because talking about how you want to kill me in an argument about 
computers is pointless ad hominem venting, but talking about the effect of 
magnetism on computers in an argument about computers is relevant. I get 
it, my views upset you. You should discuss that with a professional.


>   John K Clark

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Re: Continuous Game of Life

2012-10-16 Thread John Clark
On Mon, Oct 15, 2012 at 2:40 PM, meekerdb  wrote:

>  >>  If consciousness doesn't do anything then Evolution can't see it, so
> how and why did Evolution produce it? The fact that you have no answer to
> this means your ideas are fatally flawed.
> > I don't see this as a *fatal* flaw.  Evolution, as you've noted, is not
> a paradigm of efficient design.  Consciousness might just be a side-effect

But that's exactly what I've been saying for months, unless Darwin was dead
wrong consciousness must be a side effect of intelligence, so a intelligent
computer must be a conscious computer. And I don't think Darwin was dead

  John K Clark

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Re: Continuous Game of Life

2012-10-16 Thread John Clark
On Mon, Oct 15, 2012 at 2:02 PM, Craig Weinberg wrote:

>  I know you don't have a proof of the Goldbach Conjecture. Well OK, I
>> don't know that with absolute certainty, maybe you have a proof but are
>> keeping it secret for some strange reason, but my knowledge is more than
>> diddly squat because I very strongly suspect you have no such proof and I'm
>> probably right. But I do know for certain that you don't have a valid proof
>> that 2+2=5 or a way to directly detect consciousness in any mind other than
>> your own.
> Then you are claiming to know about "our consciousness" instead of just
> your own.

I am claiming that you don't possess a valid proof that 2+2=5 because there
is no such proof to possess.

> >>> Let's see how computer fares under a giant junkyard magnet.
>> >> Let's see how you fare in a junkyard car crusher.
> > translation - "I concede, I have no argument."

So lets see, "a giant junkyard magnet" is a devastating logical argument
but  "a junkyard car crusher" is not. Explain to me how that works.

  John K Clark

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Re: Continuous Game of Life

2012-10-15 Thread Craig Weinberg

On Monday, October 15, 2012 3:09:54 PM UTC-4, Brent wrote:
>  On 10/15/2012 11:48 AM, Craig Weinberg wrote: 
> On Monday, October 15, 2012 2:42:33 PM UTC-4, Brent wrote: 
>>  On 10/15/2012 9:41 AM, Craig Weinberg wrote: 
>>  And a computer is exquisitely sensitive to particular voltages and not 
>>> sensitive at all to other voltages that don't make the threshold. 
>> Let's see how computer fares under a giant junkyard magnet.
>> Probably better than you will fare plugged into a 120V outlet.  :-)
> Let's see who fares better in a swimming pool.
> I'll accept that as an admission that you've run out of cogent arguments.

No, I'm just making the point that human beings have a much more robust and 
complex relation to physical conditions. Computers reveal their rigidity 
and lack of sentience in their relatively uniform relation to temperature, 
chemicals, etc.


> Brent

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Re: Continuous Game of Life

2012-10-15 Thread meekerdb

On 10/15/2012 11:48 AM, Craig Weinberg wrote:

On Monday, October 15, 2012 2:42:33 PM UTC-4, Brent wrote:

On 10/15/2012 9:41 AM, Craig Weinberg wrote:

And a computer is exquisitely sensitive to particular voltages and not
sensitive at all to other voltages that don't make the threshold.

Let's see how computer fares under a giant junkyard magnet.

Probably better than you will fare plugged into a 120V outlet.  :-)

Let's see who fares better in a swimming pool.

I'll accept that as an admission that you've run out of cogent arguments.


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Re: Continuous Game of Life

2012-10-15 Thread Craig Weinberg

On Monday, October 15, 2012 2:42:33 PM UTC-4, Brent wrote:
>  On 10/15/2012 9:41 AM, Craig Weinberg wrote: 
>  And a computer is exquisitely sensitive to particular voltages and not 
>> sensitive at all to other voltages that don't make the threshold. 
> Let's see how computer fares under a giant junkyard magnet.
> Probably better than you will fare plugged into a 120V outlet.  :-)

Let's see who fares better in a swimming pool.


> Brent

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Re: Continuous Game of Life

2012-10-15 Thread meekerdb

On 10/15/2012 9:41 AM, Craig Weinberg wrote:

And a computer is exquisitely sensitive to particular voltages and not 
sensitive at
all to other voltages that don't make the threshold.

Let's see how computer fares under a giant junkyard magnet.

Probably better than you will fare plugged into a 120V outlet.  :-)


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Re: Continuous Game of Life

2012-10-15 Thread meekerdb

On 10/15/2012 9:38 AM, John Clark wrote:
On Sat, Oct 13, 2012 at 8:10 PM, Craig Weinberg > wrote:

> I think he [Chambers] goes wrong by assuming a priori that consciousness 

I've asked you this question dozens of times but you have never coherently answered it: 
If consciousness doesn't do anything then Evolution can't see it, so how and why did 
Evolution produce it? The fact that you have no answer to this means your ideas are 
fatally flawed.

I don't see this as a *fatal* flaw.  Evolution, as you've noted, is not a paradigm of 
efficient design.  Consciousness might just be a side-effect of using some brain language 
modules as filters for remembering more important events, while forgetting most of them.  
This would comport with Julian Jaynes idea of the origin of consciousness.


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Re: Continuous Game of Life

2012-10-15 Thread Craig Weinberg

On Monday, October 15, 2012 1:02:05 PM UTC-4, John Clark wrote:
> On Mon, Oct 15, 2012 at 12:41 PM, Craig Weinberg 
> > wrote:
>>> You don't know diddly squat about "our consciousness", you only know 
>>> about your consciousness; assuming of course that you are conscious, if not 
>>> then you don't even know that.
>> If that were true, then you don't know diddly squat about what I know. 
> Not true, I know you don't have a proof of the Goldbach Conjecture. Well 
> OK, I don't know that with absolute certainty, maybe you have a proof but 
> are keeping it secret for some strange reason, but my knowledge is more 
> than diddly squat because I very strongly suspect you have no such proof 
> and I'm probably right. But I do know for certain that you don't have a 
> valid proof that 2+2=5 or a way to directly detect consciousness in any 
> mind other than your own.

Then you are claiming to know about "our consciousness" instead of just 
your own. If you can do that, why can't I? The difference is that I don't 
put some artificial constraint on what you can or can't know. I let 
consciousness be what it actually is, rather than what it needs to be to 
fit into my inherited worldview.

> You can't have it both ways. Either it is possible that we know things or 
>> it is not.
> That is most certainly true, it is possible to know things, it's just not 
> possible to know all things.  
>  > You can't claim to be omniscient about my ignorance. 
> It's almost as if you're claiming your ignorance is vast, well I admit I 
> am not omniscient about your ignorance, no doubt you are ignorant about 
> things that I don't know you are ignorant of. 

Whatever you can know about what I know, I can also know about what you 

> > Let's see how computer fares under a giant junkyard magnet.
> Let's see how you fare in a junkyard car crusher.

translation - "I concede, I have no argument."


>   John K Clark 

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Re: Continuous Game of Life

2012-10-15 Thread John Clark
On Mon, Oct 15, 2012 at 12:41 PM, Craig Weinberg wrote:

>> You don't know diddly squat about "our consciousness", you only know
>> about your consciousness; assuming of course that you are conscious, if not
>> then you don't even know that.
> If that were true, then you don't know diddly squat about what I know.

Not true, I know you don't have a proof of the Goldbach Conjecture. Well
OK, I don't know that with absolute certainty, maybe you have a proof but
are keeping it secret for some strange reason, but my knowledge is more
than diddly squat because I very strongly suspect you have no such proof
and I'm probably right. But I do know for certain that you don't have a
valid proof that 2+2=5 or a way to directly detect consciousness in any
mind other than your own.

You can't have it both ways. Either it is possible that we know things or
> it is not.

That is most certainly true, it is possible to know things, it's just not
possible to know all things.

> You can't claim to be omniscient about my ignorance.

It's almost as if you're claiming your ignorance is vast, well I admit I am
not omniscient about your ignorance, no doubt you are ignorant about things
that I don't know you are ignorant of.

> Let's see how computer fares under a giant junkyard magnet.

Let's see how you fare in a junkyard car crusher.

  John K Clark

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Re: Continuous Game of Life

2012-10-15 Thread Craig Weinberg

On Monday, October 15, 2012 12:38:30 PM UTC-4, John Clark wrote:
> On Sat, Oct 13, 2012 at 8:10 PM, Craig Weinberg 
> > wrote:
>>  > I think he [Chambers] goes wrong by assuming a priori that 
>> consciousness is functional,
> I've asked you this question dozens of times but you have never coherently 
> answered it: If consciousness doesn't do anything then Evolution can't see 
> it, so how and why did Evolution produce it? 

Evolution did not produce consciousness. Consciousness produced evolution. 
Not human consciousness, but sense. I have said this repeatedly. 


> The fact that you have no answer to this means your ideas are fatally 
> flawed. 

I keep answering it. You keep putting your fingers in your ears.

> > that personal consciousness is an assembly of sub-personal parts which 
>> can be isolated and reproduced based on exterior behavior. I don't assume 
>> that at all. 
> And I've asked you another question that you also have no answer for: If 
> we can deduce nothing about consciousness from behavior then why do you 
> believe that your fellow human beings are conscious when they are behaving 
> as if they are awake, and why do you believe that they are not conscious 
> when they are sleeping or undergoing anesthesia or behaving as if they were 
> dead and rotting in the ground?  

We can deduce a great deal about the consciousness of things which are 
similar to ourselves. The more distant and unrelated a phenomenon is to 
ourselves, the less certain we can be about what the experience associated 
with it might be. It's not  a question of conscious vs unconscious, it is a 
question of the range of qualities of consciousness. Humans have a broad 


>   John K Clark

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Re: Continuous Game of Life

2012-10-15 Thread Craig Weinberg

On Monday, October 15, 2012 12:14:55 PM UTC-4, John Clark wrote:
> On Sat, Oct 13, 2012 Craig Weinberg >wrote:
>  > Since we know that our consciousness
> You don't know diddly squat about "our consciousness", you only know about 
> your consciousness; assuming of course that you are conscious, if not then 
> you don't even know that.

If that were true, then you don't know diddly squat about what I know. You 
can't have it both ways. Either it is possible that we know things or it is 
not. You can't claim to be omniscient about my ignorance. 

> > is exquisitely sensitive to particular masses of specific chemicals, yet 
>> relatively tolerant of other kinds of chemical changes,
> And a computer is exquisitely sensitive to particular voltages and not 
> sensitive at all to other voltages that don't make the threshold. 

Let's see how computer fares under a giant junkyard magnet.

> > it suggests that we should strongly suspect that COMP is a fantasy.
> And so the computer strongly suspects that biological consciousness is a 
> fantasy. 

Maybe the doorknob thinks that hands aren't alive too? Maybe you can talk 
yourself into believing that sophistry, but I'm not buying it.


>   John K Clark

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Re: Continuous Game of Life

2012-10-15 Thread John Clark
On Sat, Oct 13, 2012 at 8:10 PM, Craig Weinberg wrote:

> > I think he [Chambers] goes wrong by assuming a priori that consciousness
> is functional,

I've asked you this question dozens of times but you have never coherently
answered it: If consciousness doesn't do anything then Evolution can't see
it, so how and why did Evolution produce it? The fact that you have no
answer to this means your ideas are fatally flawed.

> that personal consciousness is an assembly of sub-personal parts which
> can be isolated and reproduced based on exterior behavior. I don't assume
> that at all.

And I've asked you another question that you also have no answer for: If we
can deduce nothing about consciousness from behavior then why do you
believe that your fellow human beings are conscious when they are behaving
as if they are awake, and why do you believe that they are not conscious
when they are sleeping or undergoing anesthesia or behaving as if they were
dead and rotting in the ground?

  John K Clark

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Re: Continuous Game of Life

2012-10-15 Thread John Clark
On Sat, Oct 13, 2012 Craig Weinberg  wrote:

 > Since we know that our consciousness

You don't know diddly squat about "our consciousness", you only know about
your consciousness; assuming of course that you are conscious, if not then
you don't even know that.

> is exquisitely sensitive to particular masses of specific chemicals, yet
> relatively tolerant of other kinds of chemical changes,

And a computer is exquisitely sensitive to particular voltages and not
sensitive at all to other voltages that don't make the threshold.

> it suggests that we should strongly suspect that COMP is a fantasy.

And so the computer strongly suspects that biological consciousness is a

  John K Clark

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Re: Continuous Game of Life

2012-10-14 Thread Craig Weinberg

On Sunday, October 14, 2012 1:04:54 AM UTC-4, stathisp wrote:
> On Sun, Oct 14, 2012 at 2:59 PM, Craig Weinberg 
> > 
> wrote: 
> >> No, he does NOT assume this. He assumes the opposite: that 
> >> consciousness is a property of the brain and CANNOT be reproduced by 
> >> reproducing the behaviour in another substrate. 
> > 
> > 
> > I'm not talking about what the structure of the thought experiment 
> assumes, 
> > I am talking about what David Chalmers himself assumed before coming up 
> with 
> > the paper. We have been over this before. I'm not saying I disagree with 
> the 
> > reasoning of the thought experiment, I am saying that I see a mistake in 
> the 
> > initial assumptions which invalidate the thought experiment in the first 
> > place. 
> The validity of a proof is not dependent on the beliefs, habits or 
> psychology of its author! 

If someone sets out to estimate how many angels can fit on the head of a 
pin, you are disallowing that we can question the existence of angels.

> >> But since you misunderstand the first assumption you misunderstand the 
> >> whole argument. 
> > 
> > 
> > Nope. You misunderstand my argument completely. 
> Perhaps I do, but you specifically misunderstand that the argument 
> depends on the assumption that computers don't have consciousness. 

No, I do understand that.

> You 
> also misunderstand (or pretend to) the idea that a brain or computer 
> does not have to know the entire future history of the universe and 
> how it will respond to every situation it may encounter in order to 
> function. 

Do you have to know the entire history of how you learned English to read 
these words? It depends what you mean by know. You don't have to 
consciously recall learning English, but without that experience, you 
wouldn't be able to read this. If you had a module implanted in your brain 
which would allow you to read Chinese, it might give you an acceptable 
capacity to translate Chinese phonemes and characters, but it would be a 
generic understanding, not one rooted in decades of human interaction. Do 
you see the difference? Do you see how words are not only functional data 
but also names which carry personal significance?

> What are some equivalently simple, uncontroversial things in 
> what you say that i misunderstand? 

You think that I don't get that Fading Qualia is a story about a world in 
which the brain cannot be substituted, but I do. Chalmers is saying 'OK 
lets say that's true - how would that be? Would your blue be less and less 
blue? How could you act normally if you...blah, blah, blah'. I get that. 
It's crystal clear.

What you don't understand is that this carries a priori assumptions about 
the nature of consciousness, that it is an end result of a distributed 
process which is monolithic. I am saying NO, THAT IS NOT HOW IT IS.

Imagine that we had one eye in the front of our heads and one ear in the 
back, and that the whole of human history has been to debate over whether 
walking forward means that objects are moving toward you or whether it 
means changes in relative volume of sounds.

Chalmers is saying, 'if we gradually replaced the eye with parts of the 
ear, how would our sight gradually change to sound, or would it suddenly 
switch over?' Since both options seem absurd, then he concludes that 
anything that is in the front of the head is an eye and everything on the 
back is an ear, or that everything has both ear and eye potentials.

The MR model is to understand that these two views are not merely substance 
dual or property dual, they are involuted juxtapositions of each other. The 
difference between front and back is not merely irreconcilable, it is 
mutually exclusive by definition in experience. I am not throwing up my 
hands and saying 'ears can't be eyes because eyes are special', I am 
positively asserting that there is a way of modeling the eye-ear relation 
based on an understanding of what time, space, matter, energy, entropy, 
significance, perception, and participation actually are and how they 
relate to each other.

The idea that the newly discovered ear-based models out of the back of our 
head is eventually going to explain the view eye view out of the front is 
not scientific, it's an ideological faith that I understand to be 
critically flawed. The evidence is all around us, we have only to interpret 
it that way rather than to keep updating our description of reality to 
match the narrowness of our fundamental theory. The theory only works for 
the back view of the says *nothing* useful about the front view. 
To the True Disbeliever, this is a sign that we need to double down on the 
back end view because it's the best chance we have. The thinking is that 
any other position implies that we throw out the back end view entirely and 
go back to the dark ages of front end fanatacism. I am not suggesting a 
compromise, I propose a complete overhaul in which we start not from the 

Re: Continuous Game of Life

2012-10-13 Thread Stathis Papaioannou
On Sun, Oct 14, 2012 at 2:59 PM, Craig Weinberg  wrote:

>> No, he does NOT assume this. He assumes the opposite: that
>> consciousness is a property of the brain and CANNOT be reproduced by
>> reproducing the behaviour in another substrate.
> I'm not talking about what the structure of the thought experiment assumes,
> I am talking about what David Chalmers himself assumed before coming up with
> the paper. We have been over this before. I'm not saying I disagree with the
> reasoning of the thought experiment, I am saying that I see a mistake in the
> initial assumptions which invalidate the thought experiment in the first
> place.

The validity of a proof is not dependent on the beliefs, habits or
psychology of its author!

>> But since you misunderstand the first assumption you misunderstand the
>> whole argument.
> Nope. You misunderstand my argument completely.

Perhaps I do, but you specifically misunderstand that the argument
depends on the assumption that computers don't have consciousness. You
also misunderstand (or pretend to) the idea that a brain or computer
does not have to know the entire future history of the universe and
how it will respond to every situation it may encounter in order to
function. What are some equivalently simple, uncontroversial things in
what you say that i misunderstand?

Stathis Papaioannou

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Re: Continuous Game of Life

2012-10-13 Thread Craig Weinberg

On Saturday, October 13, 2012 9:05:58 PM UTC-4, stathisp wrote:
> On Sun, Oct 14, 2012 at 11:10 AM, Craig Weinberg 
> > 
> wrote: 
> > Fading qualia is the only argument of Chalmers' that I disagree with. 
> It's a 
> > natural mistake to make, but I think he goes wrong by assuming a priori 
> that 
> > consciousness is functional, i.e. that personal consciousness is an 
> assembly 
> > of sub-personal parts which can be isolated and reproduced based on 
> exterior 
> > behavior. 
> No, he does NOT assume this. He assumes the opposite: that 
> consciousness is a property of the brain and CANNOT be reproduced by 
> reproducing the behaviour in another substrate. 

I'm not talking about what the structure of the thought experiment assumes, 
I am talking about what David Chalmers himself assumed before coming up 
with the paper. We have been over this before. I'm not saying I disagree 
with the reasoning of the thought experiment, I am saying that I see a 
mistake in the initial assumptions which invalidate the thought experiment 
in the first place.

> > I don't assume that at all. I suspect the opposite case, that in 
> > fact any level of personal consciousness - be it sub-personal-reflex, 
> > personal-intentional, or super-signifying-synchronistic cannot be 
> modeled by 
> > the impersonal views from third person perspectives. The impersonal 
> (micro, 
> > meso, macrocosm) is based on public extension, space, and quantifiable 
> > lengths, while the personal is based on private intention, time, and 
> > qualitative oscillation. Each layer of the personal relates to all of 
> the 
> > impersonal layers in a different way, so that you can't necessarily 
> replace 
> > a person with a sculpture and expect there to still be a person there - 
> even 
> > if the sculpture seems extremely convincing to us from the outside 
> > appearance. My prediction is that rather than fading qualia, we would 
> simply 
> > see increasing pathology, psychosis, dementia, coma, and death. 
> But since you misunderstand the first assumption you misunderstand the 
> whole argument. 

Nope. You misunderstand my argument completely.


> -- 
> Stathis Papaioannou 

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Re: Continuous Game of Life

2012-10-13 Thread Stathis Papaioannou
On Sun, Oct 14, 2012 at 11:10 AM, Craig Weinberg  wrote:

> Fading qualia is the only argument of Chalmers' that I disagree with. It's a
> natural mistake to make, but I think he goes wrong by assuming a priori that
> consciousness is functional, i.e. that personal consciousness is an assembly
> of sub-personal parts which can be isolated and reproduced based on exterior
> behavior.

No, he does NOT assume this. He assumes the opposite: that
consciousness is a property of the brain and CANNOT be reproduced by
reproducing the behaviour in another substrate.

> I don't assume that at all. I suspect the opposite case, that in
> fact any level of personal consciousness - be it sub-personal-reflex,
> personal-intentional, or super-signifying-synchronistic cannot be modeled by
> the impersonal views from third person perspectives. The impersonal (micro,
> meso, macrocosm) is based on public extension, space, and quantifiable
> lengths, while the personal is based on private intention, time, and
> qualitative oscillation. Each layer of the personal relates to all of the
> impersonal layers in a different way, so that you can't necessarily replace
> a person with a sculpture and expect there to still be a person there - even
> if the sculpture seems extremely convincing to us from the outside
> appearance. My prediction is that rather than fading qualia, we would simply
> see increasing pathology, psychosis, dementia, coma, and death.

But since you misunderstand the first assumption you misunderstand the
whole argument.

Stathis Papaioannou

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Re: Continuous Game of Life

2012-10-13 Thread Craig Weinberg

On Saturday, October 13, 2012 8:05:26 PM UTC-4, stathisp wrote:
> On Sun, Oct 14, 2012 at 10:51 AM, Craig Weinberg 
> > 
> wrote: 
> > Since we know that our consciousness is exquisitely sensitive to 
> particular 
> > masses of specific chemicals, yet relatively tolerant of other kinds of 
> > chemical changes, it suggests that we should strongly suspect that COMP 
> is a 
> > fantasy. 
> That proves nothing. Any machine will be sensitive to small physical 
> changes of one kind and tolerant of other changes. If you introduce a 
> little bit of saline into the brain nothing will happen, if you 
> introduce inside an integrated circuit it will destroy it. 

But if you introduce digital saline into a program, even if there is an 
effect that we can imagine is destruction, we can just restore from a 
backup. No actual destruction has taken place. The question of COMP deals 
not with physical computing devices versus biological organisms, but logic 
which is independent of all forms of matter, energy, space, and time.


> -- 
> Stathis Papaioannou 

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Re: Continuous Game of Life

2012-10-13 Thread Craig Weinberg

On Saturday, October 13, 2012 7:54:44 PM UTC-4, stathisp wrote:
> On Sun, Oct 14, 2012 at 10:51 AM, Russell Standish 
> > wrote: 
> > I know you don't believe in COMP, but assuming COMP (I am open-minded 
> > on the topic), mass and chemical composition are irrelevant to 
> > consciousness. 
> Chalmers' "fading qualia" argument purports to prove the 
> substrate-independence of consciousness. 

Fading qualia is the only argument of Chalmers' that I disagree with. It's 
a natural mistake to make, but I think he goes wrong by assuming a priori 
that consciousness is functional, i.e. that personal consciousness is an 
assembly of sub-personal parts which can be isolated and reproduced based 
on exterior behavior. I don't assume that at all. I suspect the opposite 
case, that in fact any level of personal consciousness - be it 
sub-personal-reflex, personal-intentional, or 
super-signifying-synchronistic cannot be modeled by the impersonal views 
from third person perspectives. The impersonal (micro, meso, macrocosm) is 
based on public extension, space, and quantifiable lengths, while the 
personal is based on private intention, time, and qualitative oscillation. 
Each layer of the personal relates to all of the impersonal layers in a 
different way, so that you can't necessarily replace a person with a 
sculpture and expect there to still be a person there - even if the 
sculpture seems extremely convincing to us from the outside appearance. My 
prediction is that rather than fading qualia, we would simply see 
increasing pathology, psychosis, dementia, coma, and death.


> -- 
> Stathis Papaioannou 

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Re: Continuous Game of Life

2012-10-13 Thread Stathis Papaioannou
On Sun, Oct 14, 2012 at 10:51 AM, Craig Weinberg  wrote:

> Since we know that our consciousness is exquisitely sensitive to particular
> masses of specific chemicals, yet relatively tolerant of other kinds of
> chemical changes, it suggests that we should strongly suspect that COMP is a
> fantasy.

That proves nothing. Any machine will be sensitive to small physical
changes of one kind and tolerant of other changes. If you introduce a
little bit of saline into the brain nothing will happen, if you
introduce inside an integrated circuit it will destroy it.

Stathis Papaioannou

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Re: Continuous Game of Life

2012-10-13 Thread Stathis Papaioannou
On Sun, Oct 14, 2012 at 10:51 AM, Russell Standish

> I know you don't believe in COMP, but assuming COMP (I am open-minded
> on the topic), mass and chemical composition are irrelevant to
> consciousness.

Chalmers' "fading qualia" argument purports to prove the
substrate-independence of consciousness.

Stathis Papaioannou

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Re: Continuous Game of Life

2012-10-13 Thread Craig Weinberg

On Saturday, October 13, 2012 7:41:10 PM UTC-4, Russell Standish wrote:
> On Sat, Oct 13, 2012 at 02:11:59PM -0700, Craig Weinberg wrote: 
> > 
> > 
> > On Friday, October 12, 2012 4:42:56 PM UTC-4, Russell Standish wrote: 
> > > Assuming this system exhibits universality like the original GoL, and 
> > > assuming COMP, then some patterns will exhibit consciousness. However, 
> > > the patterns will no doubt be astronomical in size. The movies you see 
> > > here would be like taking an electron microscopic movie of the inner 
> > > workings of part of one cell in the human body. 
> > > 
> > 
> > Unlike part of a human cell though, they are just an optical 
> presentation 
> > with no mass or chemical composition. 
> > 
> > Craig 
> I know you don't believe in COMP, but assuming COMP (I am open-minded 
> on the topic), mass and chemical composition are irrelevant to 
> consciousness. 

Since we know that our consciousness is exquisitely sensitive to particular 
masses of specific chemicals, yet relatively tolerant of other kinds of 
chemical changes, it suggests that we should strongly suspect that COMP is 
a fantasy.


> Cheers 
> -- 
> Prof Russell Standish  Phone 0425 253119 (mobile) 
> Principal, High Performance Coders 
> Visiting Professor of Mathematics 
> University of New South Wales 

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Re: Continuous Game of Life

2012-10-13 Thread Russell Standish
On Sat, Oct 13, 2012 at 02:11:59PM -0700, Craig Weinberg wrote:
> On Friday, October 12, 2012 4:42:56 PM UTC-4, Russell Standish wrote:
> > Assuming this system exhibits universality like the original GoL, and 
> > assuming COMP, then some patterns will exhibit consciousness. However, 
> > the patterns will no doubt be astronomical in size. The movies you see 
> > here would be like taking an electron microscopic movie of the inner 
> > workings of part of one cell in the human body. 
> >
> Unlike part of a human cell though, they are just an optical presentation 
> with no mass or chemical composition. 
> Craig

I know you don't believe in COMP, but assuming COMP (I am open-minded
on the topic), mass and chemical composition are irrelevant to



Prof Russell Standish  Phone 0425 253119 (mobile)
Principal, High Performance Coders
Visiting Professor of Mathematics
University of New South Wales

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Re: Continuous Game of Life

2012-10-13 Thread Craig Weinberg

On Friday, October 12, 2012 4:42:56 PM UTC-4, Russell Standish wrote:
> On Fri, Oct 12, 2012 at 05:50:11AM -0700, Craig Weinberg wrote: 
> > They are certainly cool looking and biomorphic. The question I have is, 
> at 
> > what point do they begin to have experiences...or do you think that 
> those 
> > blobs have experiences already? 
> > 
> > Would it give them more of a human experience if an oscillating 
> > smiley-face/frowny-face algorithm were added graphically into the center 
> of 
> > each blob? 
> > 
> > Craig 
> Assuming this system exhibits universality like the original GoL, and 
> assuming COMP, then some patterns will exhibit consciousness. However, 
> the patterns will no doubt be astronomical in size. The movies you see 
> here would be like taking an electron microscopic movie of the inner 
> workings of part of one cell in the human body. 

Unlike part of a human cell though, they are just an optical presentation 
with no mass or chemical composition. 


> I was more struck by the apparent similarity of the movie to the formation 
> of 
> bilipid membranes. 
> -- 
> Prof Russell Standish  Phone 0425 253119 (mobile) 
> Principal, High Performance Coders 
> Visiting Professor of Mathematics 
> University of New South Wales 

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Re: Continuous Game of Life

2012-10-13 Thread Craig Weinberg

On Friday, October 12, 2012 10:23:57 AM UTC-4, Bruno Marchal wrote:
> On 12 Oct 2012, at 14:50, Craig Weinberg wrote: 
> > They are certainly cool looking and biomorphic. The question I have   
> > is, at what point do they begin to have experiences...or do you   
> > think that those blobs have experiences already? 
> > 
> > Would it give them more of a human experience if an oscillating   
> > smiley-face/frowny-face algorithm were added graphically into the   
> > center of each blob? 
> Here is a  "deterministic" simple phenomenon looking amazingly   
> "alive" (non-newtonian fluid): 
> Is it alive? That question does not make sense for me. Yes with some   
> definition, no with other one. Unlike consciousness or intelligence   
> "life" is not a definite concept for me. I use usually the definition   
> "has a reproductive cycle". But this makes cigarettes and stars alive.   
> No problem for me. 
> Bruno 

"The good news is, after this operation you'll be every bit as alive as a 
cigarette is".

There are some cool videos out there of cymatic animation like that. All 
that it really tells me is that there are a limited number of morphological 
themes in the universe, not that those themes are positively linked to any 
particular private phenomenology. They are producing those patterns with a 
particular acoustic signal, but we could model it mathematically and see 
the same pattern on a video screen without any acoustic signal at all. Same 
thing happens when we model the behaviors of a conscious mind. It looks 
similar from a distance, but that's all.




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Re: Continuous Game of Life

2012-10-12 Thread Terren Suydam
Hi Russell,

Even more suggestive is its similarity to Butschli protocells... see
this video for example: and many others uploaded by
Rachel Armstrong... as she describes them "a simple self-organizing
system that is formed by the addition of a drop of alkali to a field
of olive oil - first described by Otto Butschli 1898"


On Fri, Oct 12, 2012 at 4:42 PM, Russell Standish  wrote:
> On Fri, Oct 12, 2012 at 05:50:11AM -0700, Craig Weinberg wrote:
>> They are certainly cool looking and biomorphic. The question I have is, at
>> what point do they begin to have experiences...or do you think that those
>> blobs have experiences already?
>> Would it give them more of a human experience if an oscillating
>> smiley-face/frowny-face algorithm were added graphically into the center of
>> each blob?
>> Craig
> Assuming this system exhibits universality like the original GoL, and
> assuming COMP, then some patterns will exhibit consciousness. However,
> the patterns will no doubt be astronomical in size. The movies you see
> here would be like taking an electron microscopic movie of the inner
> workings of part of one cell in the human body.
> I was more struck by the apparent similarity of the movie to the formation of
> bilipid membranes.
> --
> Prof Russell Standish  Phone 0425 253119 (mobile)
> Principal, High Performance Coders
> Visiting Professor of Mathematics
> University of New South Wales
> --
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Re: Continuous Game of Life

2012-10-12 Thread Russell Standish
On Fri, Oct 12, 2012 at 05:50:11AM -0700, Craig Weinberg wrote:
> They are certainly cool looking and biomorphic. The question I have is, at 
> what point do they begin to have experiences...or do you think that those 
> blobs have experiences already?
> Would it give them more of a human experience if an oscillating 
> smiley-face/frowny-face algorithm were added graphically into the center of 
> each blob?
> Craig

Assuming this system exhibits universality like the original GoL, and
assuming COMP, then some patterns will exhibit consciousness. However,
the patterns will no doubt be astronomical in size. The movies you see
here would be like taking an electron microscopic movie of the inner
workings of part of one cell in the human body.

I was more struck by the apparent similarity of the movie to the formation of
bilipid membranes.


Prof Russell Standish  Phone 0425 253119 (mobile)
Principal, High Performance Coders
Visiting Professor of Mathematics
University of New South Wales

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Re: Re: Continuous Game of Life

2012-10-12 Thread Roger Clough
Hi Craig Weinberg  

I would begin to believe that that life-game
is conscious if there is some sort of shepherding
done by a "shepherd". A watcher and director.

Roger Clough, 
"Forever is a long time, especially near the end." -Woody Allen 

- Receiving the following content -  
From: Craig Weinberg  
Receiver: everything-list  
Time: 2012-10-12, 08:50:11 
Subject: Re: Continuous Game of Life 

They are certainly cool looking and biomorphic. The question I have is, at what 
point do they begin to have experiences...or do you think that those blobs have 
experiences already? 

Would it give them more of a human experience if an oscillating 
smiley-face/frowny-face algorithm were added graphically into the center of 
each blob? 


On Thursday, October 11, 2012 5:14:17 PM UTC-4, Jason wrote: 

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Re: Re: Continuous Game of Life

2012-10-12 Thread Roger Clough
Hi Bruno Marchal  

Life is whatever operates autonomously,
not following any rules, laws, or programs.
Thus a Turing machine cannot be part of
a live creature. Even if it reprograms itself, it
must be constrained by the computer language
and operating system.

Roger Clough, 
"Forever is a long time, especially near the end." -Woody Allen 

- Receiving the following content -  
From: Bruno Marchal  
Receiver: everything-list  
Time: 2012-10-12, 10:23:52 
Subject: Re: Continuous Game of Life 

On 12 Oct 2012, at 14:50, Craig Weinberg wrote: 

> They are certainly cool looking and biomorphic. The question I have  
> is, at what point do they begin to have experiences...or do you  
> think that those blobs have experiences already? 
> Would it give them more of a human experience if an oscillating  
> smiley-face/frowny-face algorithm were added graphically into the  
> center of each blob? 

Here is a "deterministic" simple phenomenon looking amazingly  
"alive" (non-newtonian fluid): 

Is it alive? That question does not make sense for me. Yes with some  
definition, no with other one. Unlike consciousness or intelligence  
"life" is not a definite concept for me. I use usually the definition  
"has a reproductive cycle". But this makes cigarettes and stars alive.  
No problem for me. 


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Re: Continuous Game of Life

2012-10-12 Thread Bruno Marchal

On 12 Oct 2012, at 14:50, Craig Weinberg wrote:

They are certainly cool looking and biomorphic. The question I have  
is, at what point do they begin to have experiences...or do you  
think that those blobs have experiences already?

Would it give them more of a human experience if an oscillating  
smiley-face/frowny-face algorithm were added graphically into the  
center of each blob?

Here is a  "deterministic" simple phenomenon looking amazingly  
"alive" (non-newtonian fluid):

Is it alive? That question does not make sense for me. Yes with some  
definition, no with other one. Unlike consciousness or intelligence  
"life" is not a definite concept for me. I use usually the definition  
"has a reproductive cycle". But this makes cigarettes and stars alive.  
No problem for me.


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Re: Continuous Game of Life

2012-10-12 Thread Craig Weinberg
They are certainly cool looking and biomorphic. The question I have is, at 
what point do they begin to have experiences...or do you think that those 
blobs have experiences already?

Would it give them more of a human experience if an oscillating 
smiley-face/frowny-face algorithm were added graphically into the center of 
each blob?


On Thursday, October 11, 2012 5:14:17 PM UTC-4, Jason wrote:
> Jason

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Re: Continuous Game of Life

2012-10-12 Thread Bruno Marchal

On 11 Oct 2012, at 23:47, Russell Standish wrote:

That's serious cool! I love the comment posted "Stephen Wolfram is
very angry!"

They do discrete time (Euler integration), but one could easily make
it continuous by replacing it with a Runge-Kutta integration scheme.

Thanks for posting this.

Very cool videos indeed. Although those are no more cellular automata,  
those are still featuring digital phenomena, even with a Runge-Kutta  
integration scheme. I guess this remark is obvious, despite the notion  
of computation on the real does not have standard definition, nor the  
equivalent of Church thesis. Of course some people search for that.

I bet those smooth life game are Turing universal, but that might not  
be so easy to prove. I guess the simplest way to do that consists in  
finding the good subrange of phenomena need to get the elementary part  
of a "von Neumann" sort of machine, like with the usual GOL.


On Thu, Oct 11, 2012 at 04:14:15PM -0500, Jason Resch wrote:


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Prof Russell Standish  Phone 0425 253119 (mobile)
Principal, High Performance Coders
Visiting Professor of Mathematics
University of New South Wales

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Re: Continuous Game of Life

2012-10-11 Thread Russell Standish
That's serious cool! I love the comment posted "Stephen Wolfram is
very angry!"

They do discrete time (Euler integration), but one could easily make
it continuous by replacing it with a Runge-Kutta integration scheme.

Thanks for posting this.

On Thu, Oct 11, 2012 at 04:14:15PM -0500, Jason Resch wrote:
> Jason
> -- 
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Prof Russell Standish  Phone 0425 253119 (mobile)
Principal, High Performance Coders
Visiting Professor of Mathematics
University of New South Wales

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