Re: How can intelligence be physical ?

2013-03-06 Thread
 Dear MarkCC.
Thank you for paying attention on my crackpottery article.
I like your comment.
Very like.
You say:
Create a universe with no matter, a universe with different kinds
 of matter, a universe with 300 forces instead of the four that
 we see - and e and π won't change.
Now Euler's equation plays a role in quantum theory.
In quantum theory there isn't constant firm quant particle.
The Pi says  that a point-particle or string-particle cannot  be
 a quant particle. The Pi says that that quant particle
 can be a circle and it cannot be a perfect circle.
If e and π  belong to quant particle then these numbers
can mutually change.
Doesn't it mean that Pi ( a circle ) can be changed into sphere?
Doesn't Euler's equationcosx + isinx in = e^ix can explain
this transformation / fluctuation of quant particle ?
You say:
What things like e and π, and their relationship via Euler's equation
tell us is that there's a fundamental relationship between numbers
and shapes on a two-dimensional plane which does not and cannot
really exist in the world we live in.

But this 'a fundamental relationship between numbers and
 shapes on a two-dimensional plane' can really exist
 in two-dimensional vacuum.

All the best.


On Mar 5, 9:57 pm, "" 
> Euler's Equation Crackpottery
> Feb 18 2013 Published by MarkCC under Bad Math, Bad Physics
> One of my twitter followers sent me an interesting piece of
> crackpottery.
>  I debated whether to do anything with it. The thing about
> crackpottery
>  is that it really needs to have some content.
> Total incoherence isn't amusing. This bit is, frankly, right on the
> line.
> ==.
> Euler's Equation and the Reality of Nature.
> a) Euler's Equation as a mathematical reality.
> Euler's identity is "the gold standard for mathematical beauty'.
> Euler's identity is "the most famous formula in all mathematics".
> ' . . . this equation is the mathematical analogue of Leonardo
> da Vinci's Mona Lisa painting or Michelangelo's statue of David'
> 'It is God's equation', 'our jewel ', ' It is a mathematical icon'.
> . . . . etc.
> b) Euler's Equation as a physical reality.
> "it is absolutely paradoxical; we cannot understand it,
> and we don't know what it means, . . . . .'
> ' Euler's Equation reaches down into the very depths of existence'
> ' Is Euler's Equation about fundamental matters?'
> 'It would be nice to understand Euler's Identity as a physical process
> using physics.'
> ' Is it possible to unite Euler's Identity with physics, quantum
> physics ?'
> My aim is to understand the reality of nature.
> Can Euler's equation explain me something about reality?
> To give the answer to this. question I need to bind Euler's equation
>  with an object - particle. Can it be math- point or string- particle
> or triangle-particle? No, Euler's formula has quantity (pi) which
> says me that the particle must be only a circle .
> Now I want to understand the behavior of circle - particle and
>  therefore I need to use spatial relativity and quantum theories.
>  These two theories say me that the reason of circle - particle's
> movement is its own inner impulse (h) or (h*=h/2pi).
> a) Using its own inner impulse (h) circle - particle moves
>  ( as a wheel) in a straight line with constant speed c = 1.
>  We call such particle - 'photon'.
> From Earth - gravity point of view this speed is maximally
> . From Vacuum point of view this speed is minimally.
>  In this movement quantum of light behave as a corpuscular (no
> charge).
> b) Using its own inner impulse / intrinsic angular momentum
> ( h* = h / 2pi ) circle - particle rotates around its axis.
>  In such movement particle has charge, produce electric waves
>  ( waves property of particle) and its speed ( frequency) is : c.
> 1. We call such particle - ' electron' and its energy is: E=h*f.
> In this way I can understand the reality of nature.
> ==.
> Best wishes.
> Israel Sadovnik Socratus.
> ==.
> Euler's equation says that . It's an amazingly profound equation.
> The way that it draws together fundamental concepts is beautiful
> and surprising.
> But it's not nearly as mysterious as our loonie-toon makes it out to
> be.
> The natural logarithm-base is deeply embedded in the structure of
> numbers, and we've known that, and we've known how it works
>  for a long time.
> What Euler did was show the relationship between e and the
>  fundamental rotation group of the complex numbers.
>  There are a couple of ways of restating the definition of that
>  make the meaning of that relationship clearer.
> For example:
> That's an alternative definition of what e is. If we use that, and we
>  plug  into it, we get:
> If you work out that limit, it's -1. Also, if you take values of N,
>  and plot , , , and , ... on the complex plane, as N gets larger,
>  the resulting curve gets closer and closer to a semicircle.
> An equivalent way of seeing it is that exponents of  are rotations
>  in 

Re: How can intelligence be physical ?

2013-03-05 Thread
Euler's Equation Crackpottery
Feb 18 2013 Published by MarkCC under Bad Math, Bad Physics

One of my twitter followers sent me an interesting piece of
 I debated whether to do anything with it. The thing about
 is that it really needs to have some content.
Total incoherence isn't amusing. This bit is, frankly, right on the
Euler's Equation and the Reality of Nature.
a) Euler's Equation as a mathematical reality.
Euler's identity is "the gold standard for mathematical beauty'.
Euler's identity is "the most famous formula in all mathematics".
‘ . . . this equation is the mathematical analogue of Leonardo
da Vinci’s Mona Lisa painting or Michelangelo’s statue of David’
‘It is God’s equation’, ‘our jewel ‘, ‘ It is a mathematical icon’.
. . . . etc.
b) Euler's Equation as a physical reality.
"it is absolutely paradoxical; we cannot understand it,
and we don't know what it means, . . . . .’
‘ Euler's Equation reaches down into the very depths of existence’
‘ Is Euler's Equation about fundamental matters?’
‘It would be nice to understand Euler's Identity as a physical process
using physics.‘
‘ Is it possible to unite Euler's Identity with physics, quantum
physics ?’
My aim is to understand the reality of nature.
Can Euler's equation explain me something about reality?
To give the answer to this. question I need to bind Euler's equation
 with an object – particle. Can it be math- point or string- particle
or triangle-particle? No, Euler's formula has quantity (pi) which
says me that the particle must be only a circle .
Now I want to understand the behavior of circle - particle and
 therefore I need to use spatial relativity and quantum theories.
 These two theories say me that the reason of circle – particle’s
movement is its own inner impulse (h) or (h*=h/2pi).
a) Using its own inner impulse (h) circle - particle moves
 ( as a wheel) in a straight line with constant speed c = 1.
 We call such particle - ‘photon’.
>From Earth – gravity point of view this speed is maximally
. From Vacuum point of view this speed is minimally.
 In this movement quantum of light behave as a corpuscular (no
b) Using its own inner impulse / intrinsic angular momentum
( h* = h / 2pi ) circle - particle rotates around its axis.
 In such movement particle has charge, produce electric waves
 ( waves property of particle) and its speed ( frequency) is : c.
1. We call such particle - ‘ electron’ and its energy is: E=h*f.
In this way I can understand the reality of nature.
Best wishes.
Israel Sadovnik Socratus.

Euler's equation says that . It's an amazingly profound equation.
The way that it draws together fundamental concepts is beautiful
and surprising.
But it's not nearly as mysterious as our loonie-toon makes it out to
The natural logarithm-base is deeply embedded in the structure of
numbers, and we've known that, and we've known how it works
 for a long time.
What Euler did was show the relationship between e and the
 fundamental rotation group of the complex numbers.
 There are a couple of ways of restating the definition of that
 make the meaning of that relationship clearer.
For example:

That's an alternative definition of what e is. If we use that, and we
 plug  into it, we get:

If you work out that limit, it's -1. Also, if you take values of N,
 and plot , , , and , ... on the complex plane, as N gets larger,
 the resulting curve gets closer and closer to a semicircle.
An equivalent way of seeing it is that exponents of  are rotations
 in the complex number plane. The reason that  is because if you take
 the complex number (1 + 0i), and rotate it by  radians, you get -1: .
That's what Euler's equation means.
 It's amazing and beautiful, but it's not all that difficult to
It's not mysterious in the sense that our crackpot friend thinks it
But what really sets me off is the idea that it must have some
meaning in physics. That's silly.
It doesn't matter what the physical laws of the universe are:
the values of  and e will not change.
 It's like trying to say that there must be something special about
our universe that makes 1 + 1 = 2 - or, conversely, that the fact
1+1=2 means something special about the universe we live in
. These things are facts of numbers, which are independent
of physical reality. Create a universe with different values for all
of the fundamental constants - e and π will be exactly the same.
 Create a universe with less matter - e and π will still be the same.
Create a universe with no matter, a universe with different kinds
 of matter, a universe with 300 forces instead of the four that
 we see - and e and π won't change.
What things like e and π, and their relationship via Euler's equation
 tell us is that there's a fundamental relationship between numbers
and shapes on a two-dimensional plane which does not and cannot
 really exist in the world we live in.
Beyond that, what he's saying is utter rubbish.
 For example:
These two th

Re: How can intelligence be physical ?

2013-02-15 Thread Bruno Marchal

On 15 Feb 2013, at 05:52, wrote:

The learned men  confuse the mathematical tools with the
physical reality and therefore we have math-physical  fairy-tales.

That happens too, and is of course even worst than confusing  
mathematical tools and the mathematical reality.


On Feb 14, 5:39 pm, Bruno Marchal  wrote:

On 14 Feb 2013, at 08:48, wrote:

Euler's Equation and the Reality of Nature.
Mr. Dexter Sinister  wrote:
‘ I understand Euler's Identity,
and I know what it means, and I know how to prove it,
there's nothing particularly mystical about it,
it just demonstrates that exponential, trigonometric,
and complex functions are related.
Given what we know of mathematics it shouldn't surprise
anyone that its various bits are connected.
It would be much more surprising if they weren't, that would
almost certainly mean something was badly wrong somewhere.’

   Mr. Gary wrote:
Mathematics is NOT science.
Science is knowledge of the REAL world.
Mathematics is an invention of the mind.

This is of course false in the comp theory.

It is also intuitively false for most mathematicians.

It is usually asserted by people confusing the mathematical tools,
that we invent indeed, and the mathematical reality, which is  
really a

sequence of surprising facts, that we discover.

The use of "REAL world" is dogmatic physicalism. It proposes as a  

what is a theological or metaphysical hypothesis, and this condemns
any attempt to be rigorous on the subject. It is as bad as using  

as a gap explanation. It is the same mistake.


Many aspects of mathematics have found application
in the real world, but there is no guarantee.
Any correlation must meet the ultimate test:
does it explain something about the real world?
As an electrical engineer I used the generalized
Euler's equation all the time in circuit analysis:

exp(j*theta) = cos(theta) + j*sin(theta).

So it works at that particular level in electricity.
Does it work at other levels, too?
Logic cannot prove it.
It must be determined by experiment, not by philosophizing.
Thinking about theirs posts I wrote brief article:
  Euler's Equation and Reality.
Euler's Equation as a mathematical reality.
Euler's identity is "the gold standard for mathematical beauty'.
Euler's identity is "the most famous formula in all mathematics".
‘ . . . this equation is the mathematical analogue of  Leonardo
da Vinci’s Mona Lisa painting or Michelangelo’s statue of David’
‘It  is God’s equation.’, ‘ It is a mathematical icon.’
. . . .  etc.
Euler's Equation as a physical reality.
"it is absolutely paradoxical; we cannot understand it,
and we don't know what it means, .  . . . .’
‘ Euler's Equation reaches down into the very depths of existence’
‘ Is Euler's Equation about fundamental matters?’
‘It would be nice to understand Euler's Identity as a physical  

using physics.‘
‘ Is it possible to unite Euler's Identity with physics, quantum
physics ?’
My aim is to understand the reality of nature.
Can Euler's equation explain me something about reality?
To give the answer to this question I need to bind
Euler's equation with an object - particle.
Can it  be math- point or string- particle or triangle-particle?
No, Euler's formula has quantity (pi) which says me that
the particle must be only a circle .
Now I want to understand the behavior of circle - particle and
therefore I need to use spatial relativity and quantum theories.
These two theories say me that the reason of circle – particle’s
movement  is its own inner impulse (h) or  (h*=h/2pi).
Using  its own inner impulse (h) circle - particle moves
( as a wheel) in a straight line with constant speed c = 1.
We call such particle - ‘photon’.
From Earth – gravity point of view this speed is maximally.
From Vacuum point of view this speed is minimally.
In this movement quantum of light behave as a corpuscular (no  

Using  its own inner impulse / intrinsic angular momentum
( h* = h / 2pi ) circle - particle  rotates around its axis.
 In such movement particle has charge, produce electric waves
( waves property of particle) and its speed ( frequency) is :  c>1.
We call such particle - ‘ electron’  and its  energy is:  E=h*f.

In this way I (as a peasant ) can understand the reality of nature.
I reread my post.
My God, that is a naïve peasant's explanation.
It is absolutely not scientific, not professor's explanation.
Would a learned man adopt such simple and naive explanation?
Hmm,  . . .   problem.
In any way, even Mr. Dexter Sinister  and Mr. Gary
wouldn't agree with me, I want to say them
' Thank you for emails and cooperation’
Best wishes.
Israel Sadovnik  Socratus.
' They would play a greater and greater role in mathematics –
and then, with the advent of quantum mechanics in the twentieth
century, in physics and engineering and any field that deals with
cyclical phenomena s

Re: How can intelligence be physical ?

2013-02-14 Thread
The learned men  confuse the mathematical tools with the
physical reality and therefore we have math-physical  fairy-tales.

On Feb 14, 5:39 pm, Bruno Marchal  wrote:
> On 14 Feb 2013, at 08:48, wrote:
> >     Euler's Equation and the Reality of Nature.
> > =.
> > Mr. Dexter Sinister  wrote:
> > ‘ I understand Euler's Identity,
> > and I know what it means, and I know how to prove it,
> > there's nothing particularly mystical about it,
> > it just demonstrates that exponential, trigonometric,
> > and complex functions are related.
> > Given what we know of mathematics it shouldn't surprise
> > anyone that its various bits are connected.
> > It would be much more surprising if they weren't, that would
> > almost certainly mean something was badly wrong somewhere.’
> >    Mr. Gary wrote:
> > Mathematics is NOT science.
> > Science is knowledge of the REAL world.
> > Mathematics is an invention of the mind.
> This is of course false in the comp theory.
> It is also intuitively false for most mathematicians.
> It is usually asserted by people confusing the mathematical tools,
> that we invent indeed, and the mathematical reality, which is really a
> sequence of surprising facts, that we discover.
> The use of "REAL world" is dogmatic physicalism. It proposes as a fact
> what is a theological or metaphysical hypothesis, and this condemns
> any attempt to be rigorous on the subject. It is as bad as using "God"
> as a gap explanation. It is the same mistake.
> Bruno
> > Many aspects of mathematics have found application
> > in the real world, but there is no guarantee.
> > Any correlation must meet the ultimate test:
> > does it explain something about the real world?
> > As an electrical engineer I used the generalized
> > Euler's equation all the time in circuit analysis:
> > exp(j*theta) = cos(theta) + j*sin(theta).
> > So it works at that particular level in electricity.
> > Does it work at other levels, too?
> > Logic cannot prove it.
> > It must be determined by experiment, not by philosophizing.
> > ..
> > Thinking about theirs posts I wrote brief article:
> >       Euler's Equation and Reality.
> > =.
> > a)
> > Euler's Equation as a mathematical reality.
> > Euler's identity is "the gold standard for mathematical beauty'.
> > Euler's identity is "the most famous formula in all mathematics".
> > ‘ . . . this equation is the mathematical analogue of  Leonardo
> > da Vinci’s Mona Lisa painting or Michelangelo’s statue of David’
> > ‘It  is God’s equation.’, ‘ It is a mathematical icon.’
> > . . . .  etc.
> > b)
> > Euler's Equation as a physical reality.
> > "it is absolutely paradoxical; we cannot understand it,
> > and we don't know what it means, .  . . . .’
> > ‘ Euler's Equation reaches down into the very depths of existence’
> > ‘ Is Euler's Equation about fundamental matters?’
> > ‘It would be nice to understand Euler's Identity as a physical process
> > using physics.‘
> > ‘ Is it possible to unite Euler's Identity with physics, quantum
> > physics ?’
> > ==.
> > My aim is to understand the reality of nature.
> > Can Euler's equation explain me something about reality?
> > To give the answer to this question I need to bind
> > Euler's equation with an object - particle.
> > Can it  be math- point or string- particle or triangle-particle?
> > No, Euler's formula has quantity (pi) which says me that
> > the particle must be only a circle .
> > Now I want to understand the behavior of circle - particle and
> > therefore I need to use spatial relativity and quantum theories.
> > These two theories say me that the reason of circle – particle’s
> > movement  is its own inner impulse (h) or  (h*=h/2pi).
> > a)
> > Using  its own inner impulse (h) circle - particle moves
> > ( as a wheel) in a straight line with constant speed c = 1.
> > We call such particle - ‘photon’.
> > From Earth – gravity point of view this speed is maximally.
> > From Vacuum point of view this speed is minimally.
> > In this movement quantum of light behave as a corpuscular (no charge).
> > b)
> > Using  its own inner impulse / intrinsic angular momentum
> > ( h* = h / 2pi ) circle - particle  rotates around its axis.
> >  In such movement particle has charge, produce electric waves
> > ( waves property of particle) and its speed ( frequency) is :  c>1.
> > We call such particle - ‘ electron’  and its  energy is:  E=h*f.
> > In this way I (as a peasant ) can understand the reality of nature.
> > ==.
> > I reread my post.
> > My God, that is a naïve peasant's explanation.
> > It is absolutely not scientific, not professor's explanation.
> > Would a learned man adopt such simple and naive explanation?
> > Hmm,  . . .   problem.
> > In any way, even Mr. Dexter Sinister  and Mr. Gary
> > wouldn't agree with me, I want to say them
> > ' Thank you for emails and cooperation’
> > =.
> > Best wishes.
> > Israel Sadovnik  Socratus.
> > =.
> > P.S.
> > ' They would play a gre

Re: How can intelligence be physical ?

2013-02-14 Thread John Clark
On Thu, Feb 14, 2013 Telmo Menezes  wrote:

> there aren't as many "brain surgeon"-level fields that require maniacal
> focus for competence as
people seem to think.

I would maintain that for the last 200 years every major advance in science
or mathematics has come from specialists.

> The Moore's "law" marches on if you allow for multi-cores after a certain
> date and not before a certain date.

I have no idea what that means, but I do know that the human brain is a
multi-core machine, we know there are at least 2 million cortical columns
in it and probably more.

> Also, the CAP theorem imposes a theoretical limit on the capabilities of
> distributed computers:

So what? All parts of the human brain can't see the same data at the same
time either, and if one cortical column can send a signal to another
cortical column indicating that data has or has not been successfully
received nobody has ever found it, probably because it doesn't exist.

> Most of these difficulties can be surmounted, but at a cost. The higher
> the number of cores, the higher the cost.

Unless the cost per core falls faster than the number of cores increases,
so you can double the number of cores every 18 months and keep the cost

> To make Moore's law work, people apply simple arithmetics (like adding
> the number of transistors) and ignore all these problems.

Yes, but you almost make that sound like a bad thing.

>> A chess program good enough to beat the best human player could be run
>> on very primitive 1997 hardware, therefore I am not underestimating the
>> complexity of a good chess program. QED.
> > It cannot be achieved with a few tweaks on a completely different
> program like Watson,

Now you're just being silly. There are chess playing programs that you
could download and run in 2 minutes that would turn the very computer
you're reading this message on into a machine that could beat Deep Blue of
1997 at Chess. Are you trying to tell me that mighty Watson couldn't do
what your puny little Walmart special can do??!

> It's not like the developers of Watson just said: "hey, we've created a
> very intelligent system, let's just throw some grand-master level chess
> playing capabilities in there".

You are entirely incorrect, IT IS EXACTLY PRECISELY LIKE THAT! The
inability of humans to grasp this basic abillity that computers have that
they themselves do not is what causes them to VASTLY underrate the changes
that computers will make to society and even changes in what species is at
the top of the food chain.

> Can he read a text about learning strategies and update his own learning
> strategy accordingly?

No Watson can't do that and I can't either, I read a lot but I've never
read a "learning strategies" self help book that was worth a bucket of warm
spit. Watson can however learn new algorithms.

 > I'm making a distinction between generic and domain-specific
> intelligence.

Watson can play Chess better than anyone, Watson can diagnose diseases
better than most doctors, Watson can solve equations you couldn't dream of
solving and Watson is the world champion at Jeopardy which means he's at
least as good a conversationalist and can engage in small talk at least as
well as a autistic human being like Gregory Perelman and probably a good
deal better than one of the principle founders of quantum mechanics Paul
Dirac. So exactly what is this grand difference between "generic and
domain-specific intelligence" that you're trying to make?

> I actually care about the goal of AGI

I care about AI but I care little about Adjusted Gross Income or the
American Geological Institute.

> Turns out that autism can really make you focused.


> So what?

So saying that Watson is autistic is very different from saying Watson is

  John K Clark

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Re: How can intelligence be physical ?

2013-02-14 Thread Telmo Menezes
On Wed, Feb 13, 2013 at 6:39 PM, John Clark  wrote:
> On Tue, Feb 12, 2013 Telmo Menezes  wrote:
>> > So far, nobody has been able to figure out a learning algorithm as
>> > generic as the one our brains contains.
> The developers of Watson have come very close to doing exactly that.

What I mean by a generic learning algorithm is one that can program
itself using very high-level feedback signals, something equivalent to
pleasure/pain. That allows the same algorithm to learn how to drive a
car and learn to speak new languages, and even learn new ways to
learn. I think it's possible, but I'm not convinced Watson is it.

>> > there is definitely room for generalists.
> Then why don't family doctors recommend that their patient see a generalists
> when they run into a particular problem they can't handle?

Because you don't want brain surgery performed by an amateur, and also
to avoid law suits. But if I had to chose just one doctor for the rest
of my life, I would chose a generalist. I'm not saying that
specialists are not valuable, just that we've gone too far in
fetishising them. Or, put another way, there aren't as many "brain
surgeon"-level fields that require maniacal focus for competence as
people seem to think. But everyone wants to believe that of their own
field because specialisation is currently viewed as high status.

>> > Einstein might have been a great scientist in any field.
> Perhaps Einstein could have been great in ANY field, but he most certainly
> could not have been great in EVERY field.

Agreed, mainly because of lack of time. Immortal Einstein would
probably get bored of theoretical physics at some point and explore
something else.

>> > Watson and Deep Blue cannot change their minds.
> The great thing about computers is that every time they run a new program
> they quite literally CHANGE THEIR MINDS.

In a sense, but not in the sense I was alluding to.

>>> >> Deep Blue beat the world human chess champion and it required a
>>> >> supercomputer to do so, but that was 16 years ago and Moore's law marches
>>> >> on;
>> > Sort of.
> There is no "sort of" about it, Moore's law marches on. In 1994 I bought one
> of the most powerful PC's in the world, it had a one core microprocessor
> running at 5 *10^7 cycles per second with 8*10^6 bytes of solid state memory
> and a 2*10^8 byte hard drive and cost me $4000 in expensive 1994 dollars;
> Today I am using a 4 core microprocessor running at 3.4 *10^9 cycles per
> second with 1.6 *10^10 bytes of solid state memory and a 2*10^12 byte hard
> drive and it cost me $2000 in in much cheaper 2012 dollars.

The Moore's "law" marches on if you allow for multi-cores after a
certain date and not before a certain date.

>> > Now it's progressing due to multi-core architectures, which one could
>> > consider cheating
> If I grew up on a farm and was retarded I might consider that cheating too,
> but I didn't and I'm not so I don't.

Funnily enough you're still vulnerable to basic formal fallacies, as
the sentence above illustrates.

>> > because algorithm parallelisation is frequently non-trivial.
> Few things worth doing are trivial,

You wanted a touché but settled for a cliché?

> but fortunately for us most physical
> processes are inherently parallel as are most algorithms that are of
> interest such as video and audio processing, playing chess, making quantum
> mechanical calculations, understanding speech, language translation, weather
> forecasting, car driving, Higgs particle hunting, and the sort of thinking
> Watson did on Jeopardy.

Yes, and in Nature they run on inherently parallel hardware. With von
Neumann class computers we are stitching together sequential machines
and trying to make them operate in a parallel way. This leads to very
though problems like race conditions and deadlocks. One possible way
out is the use of purely functional languages like Haskel, but
implementing I/O in a purely functional way is also tough.

Also, the CAP theorem imposes a theoretical limit on the capabilities
of distributed computers:

Most of these difficulties can be surmounted, but at a cost. The
higher the number of cores, the higher the cost. To make Moore's law
work, people apply simple arithmetics (like adding the number of
transistors) and ignore all these problems.

>> >I believe you're underestimating the complexity of a good chess program
> A chess program good enough to beat the best human player could be run on
> very primitive 1997 hardware, therefore I am not underestimating the
> complexity of a good chess program. QED.

It cannot be achieved with a few tweaks on a completely different
program like Watson, which was what you were implying. It's not like
the developers of Watson just said: "hey, we've created a very
intelligent system, let's just throw some grand-master level chess
playing capabilities in there".

>> > can Watson, for ex

Re: How can intelligence be physical ?

2013-02-14 Thread Bruno Marchal

On 14 Feb 2013, at 08:48, wrote:

Euler's Equation and the Reality of Nature.
Mr. Dexter Sinister  wrote:
‘ I understand Euler's Identity,
and I know what it means, and I know how to prove it,
there's nothing particularly mystical about it,
it just demonstrates that exponential, trigonometric,
and complex functions are related.
Given what we know of mathematics it shouldn't surprise
anyone that its various bits are connected.
It would be much more surprising if they weren't, that would
almost certainly mean something was badly wrong somewhere.’

   Mr. Gary wrote:
Mathematics is NOT science.
Science is knowledge of the REAL world.
Mathematics is an invention of the mind.

This is of course false in the comp theory.

It is also intuitively false for most mathematicians.

It is usually asserted by people confusing the mathematical tools,  
that we invent indeed, and the mathematical reality, which is really a  
sequence of surprising facts, that we discover.

The use of "REAL world" is dogmatic physicalism. It proposes as a fact  
what is a theological or metaphysical hypothesis, and this condemns  
any attempt to be rigorous on the subject. It is as bad as using "God"  
as a gap explanation. It is the same mistake.


Many aspects of mathematics have found application
in the real world, but there is no guarantee.
Any correlation must meet the ultimate test:
does it explain something about the real world?
As an electrical engineer I used the generalized
Euler's equation all the time in circuit analysis:

exp(j*theta) = cos(theta) + j*sin(theta).

So it works at that particular level in electricity.
Does it work at other levels, too?
Logic cannot prove it.
It must be determined by experiment, not by philosophizing.
Thinking about theirs posts I wrote brief article:
  Euler's Equation and Reality.
Euler's Equation as a mathematical reality.
Euler's identity is "the gold standard for mathematical beauty'.
Euler's identity is "the most famous formula in all mathematics".
‘ . . . this equation is the mathematical analogue of  Leonardo
da Vinci’s Mona Lisa painting or Michelangelo’s statue of David’
‘It  is God’s equation.’, ‘ It is a mathematical icon.’
. . . .  etc.
Euler's Equation as a physical reality.
"it is absolutely paradoxical; we cannot understand it,
and we don't know what it means, .  . . . .’
‘ Euler's Equation reaches down into the very depths of existence’
‘ Is Euler's Equation about fundamental matters?’
‘It would be nice to understand Euler's Identity as a physical process
using physics.‘
‘ Is it possible to unite Euler's Identity with physics, quantum
physics ?’
My aim is to understand the reality of nature.
Can Euler's equation explain me something about reality?
To give the answer to this question I need to bind
Euler's equation with an object - particle.
Can it  be math- point or string- particle or triangle-particle?
No, Euler's formula has quantity (pi) which says me that
the particle must be only a circle .
Now I want to understand the behavior of circle - particle and
therefore I need to use spatial relativity and quantum theories.
These two theories say me that the reason of circle – particle’s
movement  is its own inner impulse (h) or  (h*=h/2pi).
Using  its own inner impulse (h) circle - particle moves
( as a wheel) in a straight line with constant speed c = 1.
We call such particle - ‘photon’.
From Earth – gravity point of view this speed is maximally.
From Vacuum point of view this speed is minimally.
In this movement quantum of light behave as a corpuscular (no charge).
Using  its own inner impulse / intrinsic angular momentum
( h* = h / 2pi ) circle - particle  rotates around its axis.
 In such movement particle has charge, produce electric waves
( waves property of particle) and its speed ( frequency) is :  c>1.
We call such particle - ‘ electron’  and its  energy is:  E=h*f.

In this way I (as a peasant ) can understand the reality of nature.
I reread my post.
My God, that is a naïve peasant's explanation.
It is absolutely not scientific, not professor's explanation.
Would a learned man adopt such simple and naive explanation?
Hmm,  . . .   problem.
In any way, even Mr. Dexter Sinister  and Mr. Gary
wouldn't agree with me, I want to say them
' Thank you for emails and cooperation’
Best wishes.
Israel Sadovnik  Socratus.
' They would play a greater and greater role in mathematics –
and then, with the advent of quantum mechanics in the twentieth
century, in physics and engineering and any field that deals with
cyclical phenomena such as waves that can be represented by
complex numbers. For a complex number allows you to represent
two processes such as phase and wavelenght simultaneously –
and a complex exponential allows you to map a straight line
onto a circle in a complex plane.'

  /   Book:  The great equations.  Chapter four.
The gold standard for mathematical beauty.
Euler’s equation.   Pa

Re: How can intelligence be physical ?

2013-02-14 Thread
 Intuitive Understanding Of Euler’s Formula

On Feb 14, 8:48 am, "" 
>      Euler's Equation and the Reality of Nature.
> =.
> Mr. Dexter Sinister  wrote:
> ‘ I understand Euler's Identity,
> and I know what it means, and I know how to prove it,
> there's nothing particularly mystical about it,
> it just demonstrates that exponential, trigonometric,
> and complex functions are related.
>  Given what we know of mathematics it shouldn't surprise
>  anyone that its various bits are connected.
>  It would be much more surprising if they weren't, that would
>  almost certainly mean something was badly wrong somewhere.’
>     Mr. Gary wrote:
> Mathematics is NOT science.
>  Science is knowledge of the REAL world.
> Mathematics is an invention of the mind.
>  Many aspects of mathematics have found application
>  in the real world, but there is no guarantee.
> Any correlation must meet the ultimate test:
> does it explain something about the real world?
> As an electrical engineer I used the generalized
> Euler's equation all the time in circuit analysis:
> exp(j*theta) = cos(theta) + j*sin(theta).
> So it works at that particular level in electricity.
> Does it work at other levels, too?
> Logic cannot prove it.
> It must be determined by experiment, not by philosophizing.
> ..
> Thinking about theirs posts I wrote brief article:
>        Euler's Equation and Reality.
> =.
> a)
>  Euler's Equation as a mathematical reality.
> Euler's identity is "the gold standard for mathematical beauty'.
> Euler's identity is "the most famous formula in all mathematics".
> ‘ . . . this equation is the mathematical analogue of  Leonardo
> da Vinci’s Mona Lisa painting or Michelangelo’s statue of David’
> ‘It  is God’s equation.’, ‘ It is a mathematical icon.’
>  . . . .  etc.
> b)
> Euler's Equation as a physical reality.
> "it is absolutely paradoxical; we cannot understand it,
>  and we don't know what it means, .  . . . .’
> ‘ Euler's Equation reaches down into the very depths of existence’
> ‘ Is Euler's Equation about fundamental matters?’
> ‘It would be nice to understand Euler's Identity as a physical process
>  using physics.‘
> ‘ Is it possible to unite Euler's Identity with physics, quantum
> physics ?’
> ==.
> My aim is to understand the reality of nature.
> Can Euler's equation explain me something about reality?
> To give the answer to this question I need to bind
> Euler's equation with an object - particle.
> Can it  be math- point or string- particle or triangle-particle?
> No, Euler's formula has quantity (pi) which says me that
> the particle must be only a circle .
> Now I want to understand the behavior of circle - particle and
> therefore I need to use spatial relativity and quantum theories.
> These two theories say me that the reason of circle – particle’s
>  movement  is its own inner impulse (h) or  (h*=h/2pi).
> a)
>  Using  its own inner impulse (h) circle - particle moves
> ( as a wheel) in a straight line with constant speed c = 1.
>  We call such particle - ‘photon’.
> From Earth – gravity point of view this speed is maximally.
> From Vacuum point of view this speed is minimally.
> In this movement quantum of light behave as a corpuscular (no charge).
> b)
>  Using  its own inner impulse / intrinsic angular momentum
> ( h* = h / 2pi ) circle - particle  rotates around its axis.
>   In such movement particle has charge, produce electric waves
>  ( waves property of particle) and its speed ( frequency) is :  c>1.
>  We call such particle - ‘ electron’  and its  energy is:  E=h*f.
> In this way I (as a peasant ) can understand the reality of nature.
> ==.
> I reread my post.
> My God, that is a naïve peasant's explanation.
> It is absolutely not scientific, not professor's explanation.
> Would a learned man adopt such simple and naive explanation?
> Hmm,  . . .   problem.
> In any way, even Mr. Dexter Sinister  and Mr. Gary
> wouldn't agree with me, I want to say them
>  ' Thank you for emails and cooperation’
> =.
> Best wishes.
> Israel Sadovnik  Socratus.
> =.
>  P.S.
> ' They would play a greater and greater role in mathematics –
> and then, with the advent of quantum mechanics in the twentieth
> century, in physics and engineering and any field that deals with
> cyclical phenomena such as waves that can be represented by
> complex numbers. For a complex number allows you to represent
>  two processes such as phase and wavelenght simultaneously –
> and a complex exponential allows you to map a straight line
> onto a circle in a complex plane.'
>    /   Book:  The great equations.  Chapter four.
> The gold standard for mathematical beauty.
> Euler’s equation.   Page 104. /
> #
> Euler's e-iPi+1=0 is an amazing equation, not in-and-of itself,
>  but because it sharply points to our utter ignorance of the
>  simplest mathematical and scientific fundamental

Re: How can intelligence be physical ?

2013-02-13 Thread
 Euler's Equation and the Reality of Nature.
Mr. Dexter Sinister  wrote:
‘ I understand Euler's Identity,
and I know what it means, and I know how to prove it,
there's nothing particularly mystical about it,
it just demonstrates that exponential, trigonometric,
and complex functions are related.
 Given what we know of mathematics it shouldn't surprise
 anyone that its various bits are connected.
 It would be much more surprising if they weren't, that would
 almost certainly mean something was badly wrong somewhere.’

Mr. Gary wrote:
Mathematics is NOT science.
 Science is knowledge of the REAL world.
Mathematics is an invention of the mind.
 Many aspects of mathematics have found application
 in the real world, but there is no guarantee.
Any correlation must meet the ultimate test:
does it explain something about the real world?
As an electrical engineer I used the generalized
Euler's equation all the time in circuit analysis:

exp(j*theta) = cos(theta) + j*sin(theta).

So it works at that particular level in electricity.
Does it work at other levels, too?
Logic cannot prove it.
It must be determined by experiment, not by philosophizing.
Thinking about theirs posts I wrote brief article:
   Euler's Equation and Reality.
 Euler's Equation as a mathematical reality.
Euler's identity is "the gold standard for mathematical beauty'.
Euler's identity is "the most famous formula in all mathematics".
‘ . . . this equation is the mathematical analogue of  Leonardo
da Vinci’s Mona Lisa painting or Michelangelo’s statue of David’
‘It  is God’s equation.’, ‘ It is a mathematical icon.’
 . . . .  etc.
Euler's Equation as a physical reality.
"it is absolutely paradoxical; we cannot understand it,
 and we don't know what it means, .  . . . .’
‘ Euler's Equation reaches down into the very depths of existence’
‘ Is Euler's Equation about fundamental matters?’
‘It would be nice to understand Euler's Identity as a physical process
 using physics.‘
‘ Is it possible to unite Euler's Identity with physics, quantum
physics ?’
My aim is to understand the reality of nature.
Can Euler's equation explain me something about reality?
To give the answer to this question I need to bind
Euler's equation with an object - particle.
Can it  be math- point or string- particle or triangle-particle?
No, Euler's formula has quantity (pi) which says me that
the particle must be only a circle .
Now I want to understand the behavior of circle - particle and
therefore I need to use spatial relativity and quantum theories.
These two theories say me that the reason of circle – particle’s
 movement  is its own inner impulse (h) or  (h*=h/2pi).
 Using  its own inner impulse (h) circle - particle moves
( as a wheel) in a straight line with constant speed c = 1.
 We call such particle - ‘photon’.
>From Earth – gravity point of view this speed is maximally.
>From Vacuum point of view this speed is minimally.
In this movement quantum of light behave as a corpuscular (no charge).
 Using  its own inner impulse / intrinsic angular momentum
( h* = h / 2pi ) circle - particle  rotates around its axis.
  In such movement particle has charge, produce electric waves
 ( waves property of particle) and its speed ( frequency) is :  c>1.
 We call such particle - ‘ electron’  and its  energy is:  E=h*f.

In this way I (as a peasant ) can understand the reality of nature.
I reread my post.
My God, that is a naïve peasant's explanation.
It is absolutely not scientific, not professor's explanation.
Would a learned man adopt such simple and naive explanation?
Hmm,  . . .   problem.
In any way, even Mr. Dexter Sinister  and Mr. Gary
wouldn't agree with me, I want to say them
 ' Thank you for emails and cooperation’
Best wishes.
Israel Sadovnik  Socratus.
' They would play a greater and greater role in mathematics –
and then, with the advent of quantum mechanics in the twentieth
century, in physics and engineering and any field that deals with
cyclical phenomena such as waves that can be represented by
complex numbers. For a complex number allows you to represent
 two processes such as phase and wavelenght simultaneously –
and a complex exponential allows you to map a straight line
onto a circle in a complex plane.'

   /   Book:  The great equations.  Chapter four.
The gold standard for mathematical beauty.
Euler’s equation.   Page 104. /

Euler's e-iPi+1=0 is an amazing equation, not in-and-of itself,
 but because it sharply points to our utter ignorance of the
 simplest mathematical and scientific fundamentals.
The equation means that in flat Euclidean space, e and Pi happen
 to have their particular values to satisfy any equation that relates
 their mathematical constructs. In curved space, e and Pi vary.
   / Rasulkhozha S. Sharafiddinov . /

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Re: How can intelligence be physical ?

2013-02-13 Thread John Clark
On Tue, Feb 12, 2013 Telmo Menezes  wrote:

> So far, nobody has been able to figure out a learning algorithm as
> generic as the one our brains contains.

The developers of Watson have come very close to doing exactly that.

> > there is definitely room for generalists.

Then why don't family doctors recommend that their patient see a
generalists when they run into a particular problem they can't handle?

> Einstein might have been a great scientist in any field.

Perhaps Einstein could have been great in ANY field, but he most certainly
could not have been great in EVERY field.

> Watson and Deep Blue cannot change their minds.

The great thing about computers is that every time they run a new program
they quite literally CHANGE THEIR MINDS.

>  >> Deep Blue beat the world human chess champion and it required a
>> supercomputer to do so, but that was 16 years ago and Moore's law marches
>> on;
> > Sort of.

There is no "sort of" about it, Moore's law marches on. In 1994 I bought
one of the most powerful PC's in the world, it had a one core
microprocessor running at 5 *10^7 cycles per second with 8*10^6 bytes of
solid state memory and a 2*10^8 byte hard drive and cost me $4000 in
expensive 1994 dollars; Today I am using a 4 core microprocessor running at
3.4 *10^9 cycles per second with 1.6 *10^10 bytes of solid state memory and
a 2*10^12 byte hard drive and it cost me $2000 in in much cheaper 2012

> Now it's progressing due to multi-core architectures, which one could
> consider cheating

If I grew up on a farm and was retarded I might consider that cheating too,
but I didn't and I'm not so I don't.

> because algorithm parallelisation is frequently non-trivial.

Few things worth doing are trivial, but fortunately for us most physical
processes are inherently parallel as are most algorithms that are of
interest such as video and audio processing, playing chess, making quantum
mechanical calculations, understanding speech, language translation,
weather forecasting, car driving, Higgs particle hunting, and the sort of
thinking Watson did on Jeopardy.

> >I believe you're underestimating the complexity of a good chess program

A chess program good enough to beat the best human player could be run on
very primitive 1997 hardware, therefore I am not underestimating the
complexity of a good chess program. QED.

> can Watson, for example, introspect on the chess game and update his view
> of the world accordingly? Can he read a new text and figure out how to play
> better?

Yes, Watson can and does learn from his mistakes

> could you ask Watson to go and learn by himself?

Yes, Watson spent many many hours organizing the vast amount of information
it contained and figuring out what it did wrong when it provided incorrect
answers in the past and trying new ways to improve performance. As a result
even the programers of Watson had no way of knowing what that machine would
do next; when Watson was asked a question they had to just watch and wait
to see what sort of response he would give just like everybody else. The
only way to know what Watson would do is to just watch him and see.

>> If a person did half of what Watson did you would not hesitate for one
>> second in calling him intelligent, but Watson is made of silicon not carbon
>> so you don't.
> Nor for another second in considering him/her profoundly autistic.

Gregory Perelman is a mathematical genius who made the most important
advance in pure mathematics in the last 10 years, Perelman is also
autistic. Perelman is certainly not a genius about every aspect of human
endeavor, he recently turned down a $1,000,000 prize for proving the
Poincare Conjecture even though he's almost homeless. Perelman has his
faults but would you really want to say he is not intelligent?

Another example is Richard Borcherds, he is also a mathematician and he won
the Field's Medal, in prestige it is the mathematical equivalent to the
Nobel Prize. Borcherds admits that he has been officially diagnosed with
having Asperger's syndrome, a condition closely related to autism.

  John K Clark

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Re: How can intelligence be physical ?

2013-02-13 Thread meekerdb

On 2/13/2013 3:10 AM, Telmo Menezes wrote:

The main reason Watson and similar programs fail to have human like
>  intelligence is that they lack human like values and motivations

True, but they could have generic intelligence -- the ability to learn
something new in a new domain, just by being told to do it.

I don't know if that could work.  If you wanted the robot to learn to do some task you'd 
have stand there and say learn this, no learn that, learn this,...  Being able to learn 
already requires some degree of generality.

slaves would be tremendously useful and free us from labor. There is
no lack of motivation to create such things.

>  - and deliberately so

Deliberately implies that we have the option. I'm pretty sure a lot of
people would very much like to create an artificial human, but they
failed so far.

As Bruno would say, the want to create human level *competence*. But they haven't thought 
about the problem of that entailing human level intelligence (although some have, c.f. 
John McCarthy's website).

>  because we don't want them to be making autonomous decisions
>  based on their internal values.  That's why I usually take something like an
>  advanced Mars rover as an example of intelligence.

I agree, but not general intelligence.

I as my professor used to say, "Artificial intelligence is just whatever can't be 
done yet."


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Re: How can intelligence be physical ?

2013-02-13 Thread Telmo Menezes
On Tue, Feb 12, 2013 at 11:49 PM, meekerdb  wrote:
> On 2/12/2013 2:40 PM, Telmo Menezes wrote:
>> I don't know what sort of computer your typed you post on but by 1997
>> standards it is almost certainly a supercomputer, probably the most powerful
>> supercomputer in the world. I'll wager it would take you less than five
>> minutes to find and download a free chess playing program on the internet
>> that if run on the very machine you're writing your posts on that would beat
>> the hell out of you. It wouldn't surprise me at all if Watson had a sub sub
>> sub routine that enabled it to play Chess at least as well as Depp Blue,
> Maybe (although I believe you're underestimating the complexity of a good
> chess program). But can Watson, for example, introspect on the chess game
> and update his view of the world accordingly? Can he read a new text and
> figure out how to play better? I'm not saying that these things are
> impossible, just that they haven't been achieved yet.
>> after all you never know when the subject of Jeopardy will turn out to be
>> Chess. And if Watson didn't already have this capability it could be added
>> at virtually no cost.
> But could you ask Watson to go and learn by himself? Because you could ask
> that of a person. Or to go and learn to fish.
>>> > I have no doubt that Watson is quite competent, but I don't see any of
>>> > its behavior as reflecting intelligence.
>> If a person did half of what Watson did you would not hesitate for one
>> second in calling him intelligent, but Watson is made of silicon not carbon
>> so you don't.
> Nor for another second in considering him/her profoundly autistic.
> The main reason Watson and similar programs fail to have human like
> intelligence is that they lack human like values and motivations

True, but they could have generic intelligence -- the ability to learn
something new in a new domain, just by being told to do it. Such
slaves would be tremendously useful and free us from labor. There is
no lack of motivation to create such things.

> - and deliberately so

Deliberately implies that we have the option. I'm pretty sure a lot of
people would very much like to create an artificial human, but they
failed so far.

> because we don't want them to be making autonomous decisions
> based on their internal values.  That's why I usually take something like an
> advanced Mars rover as an example of intelligence.

I agree, but not general intelligence.


> Being largely autonomous
> a Mars rover must have a hierarchy of values that it acts on.
> Bretn
> --
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Re: How can intelligence be physical ?

2013-02-12 Thread meekerdb

On 2/12/2013 4:53 PM, Craig Weinberg wrote:

On Tuesday, February 12, 2013 5:49:04 PM UTC-5, Brent wrote:

On 2/12/2013 2:40 PM, Telmo Menezes wrote:

I don't know what sort of computer your typed you post on but by 1997 
it is almost certainly a supercomputer, probably the most powerful
supercomputer in the world. I'll wager it would take you less than five 
to find and download a free chess playing program on the internet that 
if run
on the very machine you're writing your posts on that would beat the 
hell out
of you. It wouldn't surprise me at all if Watson had a sub sub sub 
routine that
enabled it to play Chess at least as well as Depp Blue,

Maybe (although I believe you're underestimating the complexity of a good 
program). But can Watson, for example, introspect on the chess game and 
update his
view of the world accordingly? Can he read a new text and figure out how to 
better? I'm not saying that these things are impossible, just that they 
been achieved yet.

after all you never know when the subject of Jeopardy will turn out to 
Chess. And if Watson didn't already have this capability it could be 
added at
virtually no cost.

But could you ask Watson to go and learn by himself? Because you could ask 
that of
a person. Or to go and learn to fish.

> I have no doubt that Watson is quite competent, but I don't see 
any of
its behavior as reflecting intelligence.

If a person did half of what Watson did you would not hesitate for one 
in calling him intelligent, but Watson is made of silicon not carbon so 
you don't.

Nor for another second in considering him/her profoundly autistic.

The main reason Watson and similar programs fail to have human like 
intelligence is
that they lack human like values and motivations - and deliberately so 
because we
don't want them to be making autonomous decisions based on their internal values. 
That's why I usually take something like an advanced Mars rover as an example of

intelligence.  Being largely autonomous a Mars rover must have a hierarchy 
of values
that it acts on.

Just because something performs actions doesn't mean that it has values or motivations. 
As you say, "we don't want them to be making autonomous decisions based on their 
internal values" - and they don't, and they wouldn't even if we did want that, because 
there is no internal value possible with a machine. Values arise directly and indirectly 
through experience, but a machine is just a collection of parts which embody very simple 
experiences that never evolve or grow.

More fallacious and unsupported assertions.  Machines can grow and learn - though of 
course in applications we try to give them as much knowledge as we can initially.  But 
that's why Mars rovers are a good example.  The builders and programmers have only limited 
knowledge of what will be encountered and so instead of trying to anticipate every 
possibility they have to provide for some ability to learn from experience.


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Re: How can intelligence be physical ?

2013-02-12 Thread Craig Weinberg

On Tuesday, February 12, 2013 5:49:04 PM UTC-5, Brent wrote:
>  On 2/12/2013 2:40 PM, Telmo Menezes wrote: 
>  I don't know what sort of computer your typed you post on but by 1997 
>> standards it is almost certainly a supercomputer, probably the most 
>> powerful supercomputer in the world. I'll wager it would take you less than 
>> five minutes to find and download a free chess playing program on the 
>> internet that if run on the very machine you're writing your posts on that 
>> would beat the hell out of you. It wouldn't surprise me at all if Watson 
>> had a sub sub sub routine that enabled it to play Chess at least as well as 
>> Depp Blue,
>  Maybe (although I believe you're underestimating the complexity of a 
> good chess program). But can Watson, for example, introspect on the chess 
> game and update his view of the world accordingly? Can he read a new text 
> and figure out how to play better? I'm not saying that these things are 
> impossible, just that they haven't been achieved yet.
>>  after all you never know when the subject of Jeopardy will turn out to 
>> be Chess. And if Watson didn't already have this capability it could be 
>> added at virtually no cost.
>  But could you ask Watson to go and learn by himself? Because you could 
> ask that of a person. Or to go and learn to fish.
>>>  > I have no doubt that Watson is quite competent, but I don't see any 
>>> of its behavior as reflecting intelligence. 
>> If a person did half of what Watson did you would not hesitate for one 
>> second in calling him intelligent, but Watson is made of silicon not carbon 
>> so you don't.
>  Nor for another second in considering him/her profoundly autistic.
> The main reason Watson and similar programs fail to have human like 
> intelligence is that they lack human like values and motivations - and 
> deliberately so because we don't want them to be making autonomous 
> decisions based on their internal values.  That's why I usually take 
> something like an advanced Mars rover as an example of intelligence.  Being 
> largely autonomous a Mars rover must have a hierarchy of values that it 
> acts on.

Just because something performs actions doesn't mean that it has values or 
motivations. As you say, "we don't want them to be making autonomous 
decisions based on their internal values" - and they don't, and they 
wouldn't even if we did want that, because there is no internal value 
possible with a machine. Values arise directly and indirectly through 
experience, but a machine is just a collection of parts which embody very 
simple experiences that never evolve or grow.


> Bretn

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Re: How can intelligence be physical ?

2013-02-12 Thread meekerdb

On 2/12/2013 2:40 PM, Telmo Menezes wrote:

I don't know what sort of computer your typed you post on but by 1997 
standards it
is almost certainly a supercomputer, probably the most powerful 
supercomputer in the
world. I'll wager it would take you less than five minutes to find and 
download a
free chess playing program on the internet that if run on the very machine 
writing your posts on that would beat the hell out of you. It wouldn't 
surprise me
at all if Watson had a sub sub sub routine that enabled it to play Chess at 
least as
well as Depp Blue,

Maybe (although I believe you're underestimating the complexity of a good chess 
program). But can Watson, for example, introspect on the chess game and update his view 
of the world accordingly? Can he read a new text and figure out how to play better? I'm 
not saying that these things are impossible, just that they haven't been achieved yet.

after all you never know when the subject of Jeopardy will turn out to be 
Chess. And
if Watson didn't already have this capability it could be added at 
virtually no cost.

But could you ask Watson to go and learn by himself? Because you could ask that of a 
person. Or to go and learn to fish.

> I have no doubt that Watson is quite competent, but I don't see any 
of its
behavior as reflecting intelligence.

If a person did half of what Watson did you would not hesitate for one 
second in
calling him intelligent, but Watson is made of silicon not carbon so you 

Nor for another second in considering him/her profoundly autistic.

The main reason Watson and similar programs fail to have human like intelligence is that 
they lack human like values and motivations - and deliberately so because we don't want 
them to be making autonomous decisions based on their internal values.  That's why I 
usually take something like an advanced Mars rover as an example of intelligence.  Being 
largely autonomous a Mars rover must have a hierarchy of values that it acts on.


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Re: How can intelligence be physical ?

2013-02-12 Thread Telmo Menezes
Hi John,

On Tue, Feb 12, 2013 at 7:53 PM, John Clark  wrote:

> On Tue, Feb 12, 2013  Bruno Marchal  wrote:
>> >> So if Watson isn't intelligent he's something better than intelligent.
>> > It is competent in jeopardy.
> And the enormously impressive thing about Watson is that unlike Chess
> Jeopardy is not a specialized game, you could get asked about anything from
> cosmology to cosmetology.

They operate in two completely different domains (min-max trees vs.
semantic networks) and they are both highly specialised for their
respective domains.

> And even if the language used to communicate with Watson is far more
> convoluted than everyday speech and is full of analogies poetic allusions
> and even very bad puns Watson can still figure out what information you
> desire and then provide it.
> > just today news was released that Watson is well on its way at becoming
>>> better than human doctors at diagnosing disease.
>> > Making it competent in that domain.
> How many domains does something need to have genius level competence in
> before you admit it's pretty damn smart?

It's not the number of domains, it's the potential to learn to operate in
new ones. So far, nobody has been able to figure out a learning algorithm
as generic as the one our brains contains.

> Even human polymaths, those who are a genius at everything have gone
> extinct. In the days of Leonardo da Vinci one smart man could know all the
> science and mathematics that there was in the world to know, but that
> stopped being possible about 200 years ago. Today humans need to specialize,

Some think that specialisation is for insects. Nobody "needs' to do
anything except to conform to some social norm. I see the benefits of
specialisation (beyond being able to secure a job, which is a good part of
it), but there is definitely room for generalists.

> the best even the brightest among us can hope for is to be a genius in one
> domain, be pretty good in another, know a little bit about 2 or 3 others,
> and be almost clueless about everything else.

But they can chose which ones along the way. Intuitively, Einstein might
have been a great scientist in any field. Watson and Deep Blue cannot
change their minds and chose something else.

> > I can beat Watson in chess.
> I doubt that very very much.
> > Watson, if I remember correctly, is  competent in Jeopardy, and only in
>> Jeopardy.
> Bruno, Deep Blue beat the world human chess champion and it required a
> supercomputer to do so, but that was 16 years ago and Moore's law marches
> on;

Sort of. Now it's progressing due to multi-core architectures, which one
could consider cheating because algorithm parallelisation is frequently

> I don't know what sort of computer your typed you post on but by 1997
> standards it is almost certainly a supercomputer, probably the most
> powerful supercomputer in the world. I'll wager it would take you less than
> five minutes to find and download a free chess playing program on the
> internet that if run on the very machine you're writing your posts on that
> would beat the hell out of you. It wouldn't surprise me at all if Watson
> had a sub sub sub routine that enabled it to play Chess at least as well as
> Depp Blue,

Maybe (although I believe you're underestimating the complexity of a good
chess program). But can Watson, for example, introspect on the chess game
and update his view of the world accordingly? Can he read a new text and
figure out how to play better? I'm not saying that these things are
impossible, just that they haven't been achieved yet.

> after all you never know when the subject of Jeopardy will turn out to be
> Chess. And if Watson didn't already have this capability it could be added
> at virtually no cost.

But could you ask Watson to go and learn by himself? Because you could ask
that of a person. Or to go and learn to fish.

>> > I have no doubt that Watson is quite competent, but I don't see any of
>> its behavior as reflecting intelligence.
> If a person did half of what Watson did you would not hesitate for one
> second in calling him intelligent, but Watson is made of silicon not carbon
> so you don't.

Nor for another second in considering him/her profoundly autistic.


> > Intelligence, like consciousness, cannot be judged by others
> That is ridiculous, I'll bet you personally have made that judgement at
> least 10 times a day every single day of your life.
>   John K Clark
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Re: How can intelligence be physical ?

2013-02-12 Thread John Clark
On Tue, Feb 12, 2013  Bruno Marchal  wrote:

> >> So if Watson isn't intelligent he's something better than intelligent.
> > It is competent in jeopardy.

And the enormously impressive thing about Watson is that unlike Chess
Jeopardy is not a specialized game, you could get asked about anything from
cosmology to cosmetology. And even if the language used to communicate with
Watson is far more convoluted than everyday speech and is full of analogies
poetic allusions and even very bad puns Watson can still figure out what
information you desire and then provide it.

> just today news was released that Watson is well on its way at becoming
>> better than human doctors at diagnosing disease.

> > Making it competent in that domain.

How many domains does something need to have genius level competence in
before you admit it's pretty damn smart? Even human polymaths, those who
are a genius at everything have gone extinct. In the days of Leonardo da
Vinci one smart man could know all the science and mathematics that there
was in the world to know, but that stopped being possible about 200 years
ago. Today humans need to specialize, the best even the brightest among us
can hope for is to be a genius in one domain, be pretty good in another,
know a little bit about 2 or 3 others, and be almost clueless about
everything else.

> I can beat Watson in chess.

I doubt that very very much.

> Watson, if I remember correctly, is  competent in Jeopardy, and only in
> Jeopardy.

Bruno, Deep Blue beat the world human chess champion and it required a
supercomputer to do so, but that was 16 years ago and Moore's law marches
on; I don't know what sort of computer your typed you post on but by 1997
standards it is almost certainly a supercomputer, probably the most
powerful supercomputer in the world. I'll wager it would take you less than
five minutes to find and download a free chess playing program on the
internet that if run on the very machine you're writing your posts on that
would beat the hell out of you. It wouldn't surprise me at all if Watson
had a sub sub sub routine that enabled it to play Chess at least as well as
Depp Blue, after all you never know when the subject of Jeopardy will turn
out to be Chess. And if Watson didn't already have this capability it could
be added at virtually no cost.

> > I have no doubt that Watson is quite competent, but I don't see any of
> its behavior as reflecting intelligence.

If a person did half of what Watson did you would not hesitate for one
second in calling him intelligent, but Watson is made of silicon not carbon
so you don't.

> Intelligence, like consciousness, cannot be judged by others

That is ridiculous, I'll bet you personally have made that judgement at
least 10 times a day every single day of your life.

  John K Clark

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Re: How can intelligence be physical ?

2013-02-12 Thread Bruno Marchal

On 11 Feb 2013, at 18:30, John Clark wrote:

On Mon, Feb 11, 2013 at 10:16 AM, Bruno Marchal   

> The Watson program is competent, but I doubt it makes sense to say  
it is intelligent.

Just like with "God" and "atheist" it looks like we're back at the  
tired old game of redefining words. Using the normal meaning of  
"intelligent" if somebody can beat you at checkers and chess and  
equation solving and Jeopardy then they are more intelligent than  
you at those activities.

It is better to use the term "competence". Competence depends on  
domain. I use intelligence for a deeper ability which does not need to  
be domain dependent. Yet it is needed to develop many sort of  

So if Watson isn't intelligent he's something better than intelligent.

It is competent in jeopardy.

And just today news was released that Watson is well on its way at  
becoming better than human doctors at diagnosing disease.

Making it competent in that domain.
Intelligence is a more general mind state making it possible to be  
flexible, to get jokes, to get bored, to take distance, to be curious,  
to find new questions, to develop modesty, ...

I am open to the idea that universal number are initially intelligent,  
but lost that intelligence when specializing too much (as they might  
lost also their universality).

Intelligence is something emotional, and it relates consciousness and  
the many possible competence. Like "universality", intelligence is  
domain independent.

> He lacks the self-reference needed to make sense of intelligence,

Watson can do even better than make sense out of intelligence,  
Watson can make concrete actions out of intelligence, among many  
other things Watson can move chess pieces around in such a way as to  
beat you or any other human in a game.

I can beat Watson in chess. Watson, if I remember correctly, is   
competent in Jeopardy, and only in Jeopardy. But that's besides the  
point. I have no doubt that Watson is quite competent, but I don't see  
any of its behavior as reflecting intelligence. Today I see this in  
animals and humans. Perhaps plants on some different scales.
Intelligence, like consciousness, cannot be judged by others, unlike  
competence. But it can be locally appreciated, though.


  John K Clark

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Re: How can intelligence be physical ?

2013-02-11 Thread

  The situation in ' philosophy of physics'.
‘ Suddenly I realized that a nagual did have one point to
defend - in my opinion, a passionate defense for the
'description of the Eagle', and 'what the Eagle does'.

"But what kind of a force would the Eagle be?"

"I would not know how to answer that.
 The Eagle is as real for the seers as gravity and time
 are for you, and just as abstract and incomprehensible."

Those are abstract concepts, but they do refer to
real phenomena  that can be corroborated. .   "

He said that the Eagle's emanations are an immutable
thing-in-itself, which engulfs everything that exists;
the knowable and the unknowable.

"There is no way to describe in words what the Eagle's
emanations really are,"  . . . .  .
. . . . . .  .   etc . . .
/ The Fire From Within. ©1984 By Carlos Castaneda.
Chapter 03 - The Eagle's Emanations. /
Their dialogue is a good example for description the situation
in ' philosophy of physics'  when the stupidity has  a mandate
 from the physicists  to explain us the ‘philosophy of physics’.

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Re: How can intelligence be physical ?

2013-02-11 Thread Craig Weinberg

On Monday, February 11, 2013 11:24:34 AM UTC-5, Bruno Marchal wrote:
> On 10 Feb 2013, at 23:16, Craig Weinberg wrote:
> What makes computers useful is that they have no capacity to object to 
> drudgery. That is the capacity which is inseparable from unconsciousness.
> That is what slaves are useful at. And that does not make slaves 
> unconscious. It makes them only oppressed. 

Are you saying that slaves have no capacity to object to drudgery? I didn't 
mean just that we could put computers in shackles and beat them to force 
their compliance, I mean that they ontologically lack the capacity to 
object, even emotionally, to anything at all.

If there were no threat of slave uprisings, no chains or rage or simmering 
hostility then of course we would still have slaves all over the world. 

> And humans have to do an hard work to maintain them in that "mood". It is 
> called programming. With AI, we let much more the machine explore 
> possibilities, and look inward.

It is hard to take you position seriously Bruno. I do, and I respect you 
and your position, but I don't know that there is anything that I can do if 
you cannot discern between enslavement by violence and coercion and 
changing a line of code in a program. You talk about 1p but I don't think 
that you only allow a toy model of it.

> When we talk about computer, it is better to look at the basic 
> (mathematical) notion, than to their current and contingent incarnations. 

That's just a permutation of 'Do as I say, not as I do'. Why would you want 
to take the empirical evidence off the table? If we are going to talk about 
computers as they should be in theory, then we should talk about people 
that way also. Lets just assume that there will always be able to tell the 
difference between a computer and a person because humans will continue to 
develop ways of testing them.

> If a robotic silicon Craig-like machine could look at the early bacteria 
> on this planet, he would say, "---those organic creatures are quite dumb 
> and unconsconscious---I feel it".

You are on the wrong track entirely. You are projecting onto me the image 
of a Luddite, when in fact what you suggest is old hat to me. This is what 
I grew up on. Craig in high school agrees with you. It wasn't right though. 
It turns out that consciousness is far deeper and richer than is imagined 
by comp. Consciousness is not just an intellectual maze of logics and 
guesses, it is the ground of being itself. I have no problem with silicon 
being more alive than carbon - it is not about that at all, it is about 
facing the reality of the cosmic narrative and not sweeping the odd parts 
under the carpet. 

The fact is, that there are no alternate biologies that we are aware of nor 
that we have created. The fact is that AI has not successfully instilled 
any degree of feeling into a program. These should not be dismissed by 
everyone just because some are enthusiastic supporters of their being 
irrelevant. There is something quite significant about the difference 
between life and death to us, and our bodies echo that by being violently 
opposed to an inorganic diet. We can only live on other living things. That 
doesn't make much sense in a comp universe - it could be justified I'm 
sure, but we really don't have to bend over backward to make comp seem 
true. It can simply be almost true, but actually false.


> Bruno

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Re: How can intelligence be physical ?

2013-02-11 Thread meekerdb

On 2/11/2013 9:30 AM, John Clark wrote:
Watson can do even better than make sense out of intelligence, Watson can make concrete 
actions out of intelligence, among many other things Watson can move chess pieces around 
in such a way as to beat you or any other human in a game.

Actually I'm not sure Watson is any good at chess.  It was Big Blue that beat 


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Re: How can intelligence be physical ?

2013-02-11 Thread John Clark
On Mon, Feb 11, 2013 at 10:16 AM, Bruno Marchal  wrote

> The Watson program is competent, but I doubt it makes sense to say it is
> intelligent.

Just like with "God" and "atheist" it looks like we're back at the tired
old game of redefining words. Using the normal meaning of "intelligent" if
somebody can beat you at checkers and chess and equation solving and
Jeopardy then they are more intelligent than you at those activities. So if
Watson isn't intelligent he's something better than intelligent.

And just today news was released that Watson is well on its way at becoming
better than human doctors at diagnosing disease.

> > He lacks the self-reference needed to make sense of intelligence,

Watson can do even better than make sense out of intelligence, Watson can
make concrete actions out of intelligence, among many other things Watson
can move chess pieces around in such a way as to beat you or any other
human in a game.

  John K Clark

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Re: How can intelligence be physical ?

2013-02-11 Thread Bruno Marchal

On 10 Feb 2013, at 23:16, Craig Weinberg wrote:

What makes computers useful is that they have no capacity to object  
to drudgery. That is the capacity which is inseparable from  

That is what slaves are useful at. And that does not make slaves  
unconscious. It makes them only oppressed.

And humans have to do an hard work to maintain them in that "mood". It  
is called programming. With AI, we let much more the machine explore  
possibilities, and look inward.

When we talk about computer, it is better to look at the basic  
(mathematical) notion, than to their current and contingent  

If a robotic silicon Craig-like machine could look at the early  
bacteria on this planet, he would say, "---those organic creatures are  
quite dumb and unconsconscious---I feel it".


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Re: How can intelligence be physical ?

2013-02-11 Thread Bruno Marchal

On 10 Feb 2013, at 19:38, John Clark wrote:

On Sun, Feb 10, 2013 at 8:30 AM, Bruno Marchal   

> Consciousness might be the unconscious

Okey dokey, and if you allow that X is not X you can prove or  
disprove anything you like.

Please, quote the entire sentence. It was:


And OK, I should have said "might be the result of the unconscious  
instinctive bet in a reality".

> Consciousness accelerates the growing of intelligence

Then it would be easier to make a intelligent conscious computer  
than a intelligent unconscious computer,


so if you see a smart computer it's safest to assume it's conscious,  
just like with people.

"smart" is ambiguous. Competence can be imitated. You don't need much  
intelligence for behaving like if you did, like you can copy an atomic  
bomb, without understanding how that can be discovered. So competent  
behavior is not necessarily a symptom of intelligence, nor of  
consciousness. But intelligence allows the grow of competence, and the  
variation of the domain competence. The Watson program is competent,  
but I doubt it makes sense to say it is intelligent. He lacks the self- 
reference needed to make sense of intelligence, imo.

> But consciousness and emotion can make competence having negative  
feedback on intelligence.

So consciousness accelerates and decelerates intelligence. Huh?

Human histories might illustrate this, and that might be part of why  
great civilization can come to an end.

It is also coherent with my older theory of human intelligence: it is  
the natural state of the humans before getting adult.


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Re: How can intelligence be physical ?

2013-02-10 Thread Craig Weinberg

On Sunday, February 10, 2013 4:23:52 PM UTC-5, stathisp wrote:
> On Mon, Feb 11, 2013 at 7:06 AM, Craig Weinberg 
> > 
> wrote: 
> >> Why would being generated in a single moment through cell 
> >> fertilization have any bearing on consciousness? 
> > 
> > 
> > Because consciousness is a singularity of perspective through time, or 
> > rather through which time is created. 
> That's not an explanation. 

It's a hypothesis.

> >> Why would something 
> >> created by someone else not have consciousness? 
> > 
> > 
> > Because it is assembled rather than created. It's like asking why wood 
> > doesn't catch on fire by itself just by stacking it in a pile. 
> That's not an explanation. 

It's a hypothesis that is consistent with my model and with observation.

> >> Why would something 
> >> lacking internally generated motives (which does not apply to 
> >> computers any more than to people) lack consciousness? 
> > 
> > 
> > Why would computers have an internally generated motive? It doesn't care 
> > whether it functions or not. We know that people have personal motives 
> > because it isn't possible for us to doubt it without doubting our 
> ability to 
> > doubt. 
> You're saying a computer can't be conscious because it would need to 
> be conscious in order to be conscious. 

I'm saying that a computer is not physically real. We are using a 
collection of physical objects of various sizes as a machine to serve our 
motives to do our computations for us. It is not a structure which reflects 
an interior motive. What makes computers useful is that they have no 
capacity to object to drudgery. That is the capacity which is inseparable 
from unconsciousness.

> >> To make these 
> >> claims you would have to show either that they are necessarily true or 
> >> present empirical evidence in their support, and you have done 
> >> neither. 
> > 
> > 
> > You would have to show that these criteria are relevant for 
> consciousness, 
> > which you have not, and you cannot. 
> You make claims such as that a conscious being has to arise at a 
> moment of fertilization, which is completely without basis. You need 
> to present some explanation for such claims. "Consciousness is a 
> singularity of perspective through time" is not an explanation. 

I don't think that a conscious being arises at a moment of fertilization, I 
say that fertilization is just one milestone within biological stories. The 
stories are what is physically real, the private presentation. The cellular 
fusion is a public representation.

I see nothing wrong with observing the singular nature of consciousness and 
its role in providing a private perspective in creating time as an 
explanation. I don't see that anything that physics has produced is more 
explanatory than that. What is energy? What is space? What is quantum?

> > As long as you fail to recognize 
> > consciousness as the ground of being, you will continue to justify it 
> > against one of its own products - rationality, logic, empirical 
> examples, 
> > all of which are 100% sensory-motor. Consciousness can only be explained 
> to 
> > consciousness, in the terms of consciousness, to satisfy consciousness. 
> All 
> > other possibilities are subordinate. How could it be otherwise without 
> > ending up with a sterile ontology which prohibits our own participation? 
> Again, you've just made up "consciousness is the ground of being". 

Not at all. I have eliminated all other possibilities through rational 
consideration. It's very simple. A universe which contains only matter or 
only information has not possible use for participating perceivers. If you 
can provide a reason why or how this would occur, then I would be very 
interested and happy to consider your position.

It's like saying "consciousness is the light, light is not black, so 
> black people are not conscious". 

Nope. It's like saying that both light and dark are aspects of visual 
sense, and that visual sense cannot arise from either light or dark. 

> >> You don't think it would happen, but would you be prepared to say that 
> >> if a robot did pass the test, as tough as you want to make it, it 
> >> would be conscious? 
> > 
> > 
> > It's like asking me if there were a test for dehydrated water, would I 
> be 
> > prepared to say that it would be wet if it passed the test. No robot can 
> > ever be conscious. Nothing conscious can ever be a robot. Heads cannot 
> be 
> > Tails, even if we move our heads to where the tails side used to be and 
> > blink a lot. 
> So you accept the possibility of zombies, beings which could live 
> among us and consistently fool everyone into thinking they were 
> conscious? 

I don't even believe in the possibility of the word zombie. It is a 
misconception based on a misplaced expectation of consciousness in 
something which deserves no such expectation - like a puppet or a cartoon.  
Do I accept the possibility of puppets or cartoo

Re: How can intelligence be physical ?

2013-02-10 Thread Stathis Papaioannou
On Mon, Feb 11, 2013 at 7:06 AM, Craig Weinberg  wrote:

>> Why would being generated in a single moment through cell
>> fertilization have any bearing on consciousness?
> Because consciousness is a singularity of perspective through time, or
> rather through which time is created.

That's not an explanation.

>> Why would something
>> created by someone else not have consciousness?
> Because it is assembled rather than created. It's like asking why wood
> doesn't catch on fire by itself just by stacking it in a pile.

That's not an explanation.

>> Why would something
>> lacking internally generated motives (which does not apply to
>> computers any more than to people) lack consciousness?
> Why would computers have an internally generated motive? It doesn't care
> whether it functions or not. We know that people have personal motives
> because it isn't possible for us to doubt it without doubting our ability to
> doubt.

You're saying a computer can't be conscious because it would need to
be conscious in order to be conscious.

>> To make these
>> claims you would have to show either that they are necessarily true or
>> present empirical evidence in their support, and you have done
>> neither.
> You would have to show that these criteria are relevant for consciousness,
> which you have not, and you cannot.

You make claims such as that a conscious being has to arise at a
moment of fertilization, which is completely without basis. You need
to present some explanation for such claims. "Consciousness is a
singularity of perspective through time" is not an explanation.

> As long as you fail to recognize
> consciousness as the ground of being, you will continue to justify it
> against one of its own products - rationality, logic, empirical examples,
> all of which are 100% sensory-motor. Consciousness can only be explained to
> consciousness, in the terms of consciousness, to satisfy consciousness. All
> other possibilities are subordinate. How could it be otherwise without
> ending up with a sterile ontology which prohibits our own participation?

Again, you've just made up "consciousness is the ground of being".
It's like saying "consciousness is the light, light is not black, so
black people are not conscious".

>> You don't think it would happen, but would you be prepared to say that
>> if a robot did pass the test, as tough as you want to make it, it
>> would be conscious?
> It's like asking me if there were a test for dehydrated water, would I be
> prepared to say that it would be wet if it passed the test. No robot can
> ever be conscious. Nothing conscious can ever be a robot. Heads cannot be
> Tails, even if we move our heads to where the tails side used to be and
> blink a lot.

So you accept the possibility of zombies, beings which could live
among us and consistently fool everyone into thinking they were

Stathis Papaioannou

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Re: How can intelligence be physical ?

2013-02-10 Thread Craig Weinberg

On Sunday, February 10, 2013 12:15:00 AM UTC-5, stathisp wrote:
> On Fri, Feb 8, 2013 at 1:42 PM, Craig Weinberg 
> > 
> wrote: 
> >> You are convinced that computers and other machines 
> >> don't have consciousness, but you can't say what test you will apply 
> >> to them and see them fail. 
> > 
> > 
> > I'm convinced of that because I understand why there is no reason why 
> they 
> > would have consciousness... there is no 'they' there. Computers are not 
> born 
> > in a single moment through cell fertilization, they are assembled by 
> people. 
> > Computers have to be programmed to do absolutely everything, they have 
> no 
> > capacity to make sense of anything which is not explicitly defined. This 
> is 
> > the polar opposite of living organisms which are general purpose 
> entities 
> > who explore and adapt when they can, on their own, for their own 
> internally 
> > generated motives. Computers lack that completely. We use objects to 
> compute 
> > for us, but those objects are not actually computing themselves, just as 
> > these letters don't actually mean anything for themselves. 
> Why would being generated in a single moment through cell 
> fertilization have any bearing on consciousness? 

Because consciousness is a singularity of perspective through time, or 
rather through which time is created.

> Why would something 
> created by someone else not have consciousness?

Because it is assembled rather than created. It's like asking why wood 
doesn't catch on fire by itself just by stacking it in a pile.

> Why would something 
> lacking internally generated motives (which does not apply to 
> computers any more than to people) lack consciousness? 

Why would computers have an internally generated motive? It doesn't care 
whether it functions or not. We know that people have personal motives 
because it isn't possible for us to doubt it without doubting our ability 
to doubt.

> To make these 
> claims you would have to show either that they are necessarily true or 
> present empirical evidence in their support, and you have done 
> neither. 

You would have to show that these criteria are relevant for consciousness, 
which you have not, and you cannot. As long as you fail to recognize 
consciousness as the ground of being, you will continue to justify it 
against one of its own products - rationality, logic, empirical examples, 
all of which are 100% sensory-motor. Consciousness can only be explained to 
consciousness, in the terms of consciousness, to satisfy consciousness. All 
other possibilities are subordinate. How could it be otherwise without 
ending up with a sterile ontology which prohibits our own participation?

> >> So if, in future, robots live among us for years and are accepted by 
> >> most people as conscious, does that mean they are conscious? This is 
> >> essentially a form of the Turing test. 
> > 
> > 
> > I don't think that will happen unless they aren't robots. The whole 
> point is 
> > that the degree to which an organism is conscious is inversely 
> proportionate 
> > to the degree that the organism is 100% controllable. That's the purpose 
> of 
> > intelligence - to advance your own agenda rather than to be overpowered 
> by 
> > your environment. So if something is a robot, it will never be accepted 
> by 
> > anyone as conscious, and if something is conscious it will never be 
> useful 
> > to anyone as a robot - it would in fact be a slave. 
> You don't think it would happen, but would you be prepared to say that 
> if a robot did pass the test, as tough as you want to make it, it 
> would be conscious? 

It's like asking me if there were a test for dehydrated water, would I be 
prepared to say that it would be wet if it passed the test. No robot can 
ever be conscious. Nothing conscious can ever be a robot. Heads cannot be 
Tails, even if we move our heads to where the tails side used to be and 
blink a lot.


> -- 
> Stathis Papaioannou 

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Re: How can intelligence be physical ?

2013-02-10 Thread John Clark
On Sun, Feb 10, 2013 at 8:30 AM, Bruno Marchal  wrote:

> Consciousness might be the unconscious

Okey dokey, and if you allow that X is not X you can prove or disprove
anything you like.

> Consciousness accelerates the growing of intelligence

Then it would be easier to make a intelligent conscious computer than a
intelligent unconscious computer, so if you see a smart computer it's
safest to assume it's conscious, just like with people.

> > But consciousness and emotion can make competence having negative
> feedback on intelligence.

So consciousness accelerates and decelerates intelligence. Huh?

  John K Clark

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Re: How can intelligence be physical ?

2013-02-10 Thread Bruno Marchal

On 09 Feb 2013, at 23:44, Telmo Menezes wrote:

On Sat, Feb 9, 2013 at 12:38 PM, Bruno Marchal   

On 08 Feb 2013, at 13:45, Quentin Anciaux wrote:

Well, yes... with computer you could imagine doing just that... so  
why not ? Also, the fact that you can't imagine a solution  
yourself, doesn't mean there isn't one, lack of imagination is also  
not an argument.

I agree. This can happen in dreams. I have personally experience  
this a number of times, and I have read similar reports. Actually  
Louis Jouvet, the discoverer of the REM dreams, has studied that  
phenomenon, in the case of people relating simultaneous unrelated  
dreams, and he attributed this to the disfunctionning of the corpus  
callosum during the dream phase. It makes momentarily the two  
hemisphere independent. It looks like we can integrate different  
identities in different past. The result is a bit troubling ...  
unless we are already aware of the relative nature of personal  
identity. This happens also when using dissociative drugs.
Of course, if Telmo wakes up with the memory of a cat experience, he  
will only access of the memory of cat + Telmo, which might biase the  
original experience of the cat,

That's exactly all I'm saying.


but not necessarily so much for a short period of time. This makes  
possible to conceive "waking up" and memorizing more than one past  

I have no problem with this, but I'm proposing that for you to have  
the 1p experience of another entity, the only solution is to become  
the other entity. If a merged 1p of the two entities is achieved, a  
new entity with a new 1p is, in fact, created.

OK. But this still makes it possible to agree with Quentin too, as you  
can disconnect different memories. The present memory always biases  
older memories, so you can live a cat experience, and when you awake  
as a human, still have a pretty good idea of what it was like to be a  
cat, even if now, you can only live the experience of being a human  
remembering what it was like to be a cat, and thus introducing the  
unavoidable bias, which does not need to be so great, thanks to local  
dissociation. In case you live the experience of a bee, there is the  
difficulty that although you might get new qualia for the seeing of  
the ultraviolet, you will find hard to relate it with any human  
memories, etc.


If the many past threads are equivalently realist and coherent, it  
leads to a direct understanding of the relative nature of identity,  
and the possibility of sharing initial consciousness of ... who? I  
let you ponder on this.




For example, to store the memories on how a cat feels about  
climbing a tree, I would have to access my human representation of  
a tree to connect the memories to it, but accessing my human  
representation of a tree would spoil my cat experience.


And yes I think there are degrees and kinds of consciousness and  
that a cat's consciousness differs in both respects.  There's  
consciousness of being an individual and of being located in 3- 
space and in time.  You and the cat have both of those (whereas a  
Mars rover only has the latter).  But there's language and  
narrative memory that you have and the cat doesn't.  There's  
reflective thought,"I'm Telmo and I'm thinking about myself and  
where I fit in the world".  The cat probably doesn't have this  
because it's not social - but a dog might.

But is this really a case of "degrees of consciousness" or is it  
just the general property of "being conscious" instantiated in  
different contexts? The fact that you believe you can turn me into  
a cat seems to indicate that ultimately you believe that  
consciousness is all the same.


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Re: How can intelligence be physical ?

2013-02-10 Thread Bruno Marchal

On 09 Feb 2013, at 23:38, Telmo Menezes wrote:

On Sat, Feb 9, 2013 at 7:00 PM, Quentin Anciaux   

If you're still want to go on the technical detail, then give real  
technical insight of how the mind works and what can really prevent  

One insight is that the human brains stores information in an  
associative, decentralised memory. The way it retrieves information  
is by walking through a network of associations. Every new  
information I experience is stored in relation to my personal diary.  
Me and the cat have different personal diaries. What I'm proposing  
-- and it's not a technical argument -- is that to _know_ how it  
feels to be a cat you would have to receive information in relation  
to the cat's personal diary, and that the presence of your own  
personal diary would spoil the experience, because then you also see  
things from you perspective and not the pure 1p cat perspective. I'm  
not saying, however, that it is impossible to somehow inject  
memories into my brain that are translations of the cat's memory  
into my own context.

(no, you're lack of knowledge is not argument against it).

I never used my lack of knowledge as an argument -- although it's  
abundant in many ways. I said I don't know of an algorithm that can  
write new information to a coherent memory without also reading it.  
But I was being polite. I believe nobody can produce such an  

But you can read memory and forget it, or even read memory without  
making it personal, and so disconnect them from other memories.
In practice, we can't both do it and prove that we have done it, but  
that's different. It can be done in principle. I would say.




this would result in a new entity that is neither Telmo nor the cat.


My argument is based on abstract CS, not hard drives or other  

write-only does not have to be for everybody. But it's still a  
technical disgression and it is discussing the number of angels on a  
pin for now.

I think it's a deep question.

It's not unless you have good working knowledge of the question.

Also, the fact that you can't imagine a solution yourself, doesn't  
mean there isn't one, lack of imagination is also not an argument.

I agree, but it's an intuition.





For example, to store the memories on how a cat feels about climbing  
a tree, I would have to access my human representation of a tree to  
connect the memories to it, but accessing my human representation of  
a tree would spoil my cat experience.


And yes I think there are degrees and kinds of consciousness and  
that a cat's consciousness differs in both respects.  There's  
consciousness of being an individual and of being located in 3-space  
and in time.  You and the cat have both of those (whereas a Mars  
rover only has the latter).  But there's language and narrative  
memory that you have and the cat doesn't.  There's reflective  
thought,"I'm Telmo and I'm thinking about myself and where I fit in  
the world".  The cat probably doesn't have this because it's not  
social - but a dog might.

But is this really a case of "degrees of consciousness" or is it  
just the general property of "being conscious" instantiated in  
different contexts? The fact that you believe you can turn me into a  
cat seems to indicate that ultimately you believe that consciousness  
is all the same.


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Re: How can intelligence be physical ?

2013-02-10 Thread Bruno Marchal

On 09 Feb 2013, at 11:05, Telmo Menezes wrote:

On Sat, Feb 9, 2013 at 1:36 AM, Quentin Anciaux   

2013/2/8 Telmo Menezes 
I totally agree with that, what I don't agree is when you say the  
moment you're becoming Telmo again, you should lose *all* cat  
memories/feeling... I totally disagree with that unless you have  
some proof it should be so.

Sure, I have no proof, I'm just speculating. But what I'm  
speculating is the following:

- You need a significant part of the brain of the cat to be able to  
understand its memories;
- You need a significant part of the brain of Telmo to have Telmo  
feel like he remembers something;
- For Telmo to remember cat memories, you need both brains and an  
interface between them -- this would result in a new entity that is  
neither Telmo nor the cat.

The problem is that we don't know the comp subst level of the cat, but  
for Telmo to, to have the experience of the cat, would be like a sort  
of amnesia of what humans learned since they were equivalent to cat in  
complexity in their past lives, and then having experience like  
climbing trees, etc. Then, if the amnesia was just a memory  
dissociation, you can wake up and see it like dream, where you can  
remember having different memories.
We can't be sure that it was a cat experience, but it *might* be, or  
close enough to make sense to Quentin's proposition.
It might be harder for a cat to "dream" having a human experience, as  
our brain are reasonably more complex than the cat experience, though.  
But even this might still be conceptually possible, except that waking  
up, that cat has become a human (unless he forgets the whole dream).



My argument is based on abstract CS, not hard drives or other  

write-only does not have to be for everybody. But it's still a  
technical disgression and it is discussing the number of angels on a  
pin for now.

I think it's a deep question.

It's not unless you have good working knowledge of the question.

Also, the fact that you can't imagine a solution yourself, doesn't  
mean there isn't one, lack of imagination is also not an argument.

I agree, but it's an intuition.





For example, to store the memories on how a cat feels about climbing  
a tree, I would have to access my human representation of a tree to  
connect the memories to it, but accessing my human representation of  
a tree would spoil my cat experience.


And yes I think there are degrees and kinds of consciousness and  
that a cat's consciousness differs in both respects.  There's  
consciousness of being an individual and of being located in 3-space  
and in time.  You and the cat have both of those (whereas a Mars  
rover only has the latter).  But there's language and narrative 
memory that you have and the cat doesn't.  There's reflective  
thought,"I'm Telmo and I'm thinking about myself and where I fit in  
the world".  The cat probably doesn't have this because it's not  
social - but a dog might.

But is this really a case of "degrees of consciousness" or is it  
just the general property of "being conscious" instantiated in  
different contexts? The fact that you believe you can turn me into a  
cat seems to indicate that ultimately you believe that consciousness  
is all the same.


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Re: How can intelligence be physical ?

2013-02-10 Thread Bruno Marchal

On 09 Feb 2013, at 00:49, Craig Weinberg wrote:

Outside of consciousness, there is no possibility of discerning any  
difference between accidental byproducts and selected products. Only  
consciousness selects. Only consciousness has accidents.

Good point.

But this does not make consciousness a good fundamental concept to  
which we can depart. With computaionalism the number are better.  
Consciousness is when number relation supports local person's belief  
in a reality or in a truth.



On Friday, February 8, 2013 5:53:18 PM UTC-5, Brent wrote:
On 2/8/2013 10:49 AM, John Clark wrote:

I don't know what you mean by that, what I mean is that  
consciousness is a spandrel, it is the unavoidable result of  

Or it could be an accidental byproduct of the way human intelligence  
developed - unavoidable only in the sense that it was the only  
reachable intelligent starting from hominds.  Evolution can only  
move species to local maxima of fitness.

In Roland Omnes recent book he imagines an alien race that has  
enormous memory capacity, so that simply remember everything that  
has happened and what was done and when the need to make a decision  
they just do the thing that turned out best in the past.  It's Omnes  
caricature of Hume's theory of cause and effect.  But his idea is  
that such aliens wouldn't develop 'theories' as we do to summarize  
past events.  Would they be conscious?  I don't know, but I'd guess  
they wouldn't be conscious in the way I am (I don't remember what I  
had for breakfast yesterday...but I have a theory).


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Re: How can intelligence be physical ?

2013-02-10 Thread Bruno Marchal

On 08 Feb 2013, at 17:23, John Clark wrote:

... consciousness is a byproduct of intelligence.

Consciousness might be the unconscious, i.e. instinctive and  
automated, belief or bet in a reality, or self-consistency (for  
machine expressing their beliefs in first order languages), so that  
new programs can doubt old programs. Its selective advantage is the  
self-speeding up provided by such bets. That's is useful for self- 
moving entities, which have to anticipate quickly how their  
neighborhood evolves relatively to them.

This makes all Löbian systems conscious and self-conscious. But it is  
not the system which is conscious, but the abstract person incarnated  
and multiplied in all computations going through the systems' states  
(which exist in arithmetic by Church's thesis).

Consciousness accelerates the growing of intelligence, which is needed  
to develop different competence, and to make competence growing. But  
consciousness and emotion can make competence having negative feedback  
on intelligence.

Consciousness is the ultimate first person decider in the matter of  
first person good and bad.
Trivially, to be burned would not been first person felt as bad if it  
was not conscious.

Consciousness can perhaps be characterized by the semantical fixed  
point of an attempt of universal doubting procedure. It is what would  
remain in case you doubt of (almost) everything. (Slezak defended a  
similar idea, which is already in the talk of the sound self- 
referential machine).


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Re: How can intelligence be physical ?

2013-02-09 Thread Stathis Papaioannou
On Fri, Feb 8, 2013 at 1:42 PM, Craig Weinberg  wrote:

>> You are convinced that computers and other machines
>> don't have consciousness, but you can't say what test you will apply
>> to them and see them fail.
> I'm convinced of that because I understand why there is no reason why they
> would have consciousness... there is no 'they' there. Computers are not born
> in a single moment through cell fertilization, they are assembled by people.
> Computers have to be programmed to do absolutely everything, they have no
> capacity to make sense of anything which is not explicitly defined. This is
> the polar opposite of living organisms which are general purpose entities
> who explore and adapt when they can, on their own, for their own internally
> generated motives. Computers lack that completely. We use objects to compute
> for us, but those objects are not actually computing themselves, just as
> these letters don't actually mean anything for themselves.

Why would being generated in a single moment through cell
fertilization have any bearing on consciousness? Why would something
created by someone else not have consciousness? Why would something
lacking internally generated motives (which does not apply to
computers any more than to people) lack consciousness? To make these
claims you would have to show either that they are necessarily true or
present empirical evidence in their support, and you have done

>> So if, in future, robots live among us for years and are accepted by
>> most people as conscious, does that mean they are conscious? This is
>> essentially a form of the Turing test.
> I don't think that will happen unless they aren't robots. The whole point is
> that the degree to which an organism is conscious is inversely proportionate
> to the degree that the organism is 100% controllable. That's the purpose of
> intelligence - to advance your own agenda rather than to be overpowered by
> your environment. So if something is a robot, it will never be accepted by
> anyone as conscious, and if something is conscious it will never be useful
> to anyone as a robot - it would in fact be a slave.

You don't think it would happen, but would you be prepared to say that
if a robot did pass the test, as tough as you want to make it, it
would be conscious?

Stathis Papaioannou

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Re: How can intelligence be physical ?

2013-02-09 Thread Telmo Menezes
On Sat, Feb 9, 2013 at 12:38 PM, Bruno Marchal  wrote:

> On 08 Feb 2013, at 13:45, Quentin Anciaux wrote:
> 2013/2/8 Telmo Menezes 
>> On Fri, Feb 8, 2013 at 12:39 PM, Quentin Anciaux wrote:
>>> 2013/2/8 Telmo Menezes 

 On Fri, Feb 8, 2013 at 11:35 AM, Quentin Anciaux wrote:

> 2013/2/8 Telmo Menezes 
> Well, while going from Telmo to the cat, you're rigth that Telmo
> memories should be erased, the inverse is not true. Why couldn't you be
> back as Telmo + the memories of having been a cat ?

 Hi Quentin,

 Because that would require that I had write-only access to my human
 memories while being a cat. I don't think that's possible.

>>> Why not ?? You put forward a technical problem on a thought experiment
>>> which have if you go that way a bigger technical problem in the first
>>> place... so your objection is totally irrelevant, we are in a thought
>>> experiment, in that setting, if we can conceive transferring consciousnes
>>> of the cat, then there is no reason we can't imagine you remember being a
>>> cat after the experiment. I'll agree to talk technical problems the day we
>>> would have the first insight of how to really do it... before, it is just
>>> premature to use technical arguments.
>> Fair enough, maybe it's my CS bias. But I'm still not convinced this is a
>> purely technical issue. Can you conceive of any system that stores
>> information in some coherent way that you can write to without reading?
> Well, yes... with computer you could imagine doing just that... so why not
> ? Also, the fact that you can't imagine a solution yourself, doesn't mean
> there isn't one, lack of imagination is also not an argument.
> I agree. This can happen in dreams. I have personally experience this a
> number of times, and I have read similar reports. Actually Louis Jouvet,
> the discoverer of the REM dreams, has studied that phenomenon, in the case
> of people relating simultaneous unrelated dreams, and he attributed this to
> the disfunctionning of the corpus callosum during the dream phase. It makes
> momentarily the two hemisphere independent. It looks like we can integrate
> different identities in different past. The result is a bit troubling ...
> unless we are already aware of the relative nature of personal identity.
> This happens also when using dissociative drugs.
> Of course, if Telmo wakes up with the memory of a cat experience, he will
> only access of the memory of cat + Telmo, which might biase the original
> experience of the cat,

That's exactly all I'm saying.

> but not necessarily so much for a short period of time. This makes
> possible to conceive "waking up" and memorizing more than one past threads.

I have no problem with this, but I'm proposing that for you to have the 1p
experience of another entity, the only solution is to become the other
entity. If a merged 1p of the two entities is achieved, a new entity with a
new 1p is, in fact, created.

> If the many past threads are equivalently realist and coherent, it leads
> to a direct understanding of the relative nature of identity, and the
> possibility of sharing initial consciousness of ... who? I let you ponder
> on this.
> Bruno
> Regards,
> Quentin
>>> Regards,
>>> Quentin
  For example, to store the memories on how a cat feels about climbing a
 tree, I would have to access my human representation of a tree to connect
 the memories to it, but accessing my human representation of a tree would
 spoil my cat experience.

> Regards,
> Quentin
>>> And yes I think there are degrees and kinds of consciousness and
>>> that a cat's consciousness differs in both respects.  There's 
>>> consciousness
>>> of being an individual and of being located in 3-space and in time.  You
>>> and the cat have both of those (whereas a Mars rover only has the 
>>> latter).
>>> But there's language and narrative memory that you have and the cat
>>> doesn't.  There's reflective thought,"I'm Telmo and I'm thinking about
>>> myself and where I fit in the world".  The cat probably doesn't have 
>>> this
>>> because it's not social - but a dog might.
>> But is this really a case of "degrees of consciousness" or is it just
>> the general property of "being conscious" instantiated in different
>> contexts? The fact that you believe you can turn me into a cat seems to
>> indicate that ultimately you believe that consciousness is all the same.
>>> Brent
>>> --
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Re: How can intelligence be physical ?

2013-02-09 Thread meekerdb

On 2/9/2013 7:52 AM, John Clark wrote:

On Fri, Feb 8, 2013 ameekerdb>> wrote:

> Evolution can only move species to local maxima of fitness.

That is true and is a severe limitation of Evolution, a limitation a mind designed by a 
intelligence, like a computer, would not have. You seem to be saying that a mind made in 
a crappy haphazard way would be conscious but a well designed mind would not be; well I 
can't prove that is untrue but it just doesn't seem likely to me.

No, I'm saying it might be conscious in a very different way - which would be hard to 
determine if we were only watching its intelligent behavior from outside.  But since I was 
hypothesizing an AI we might also know how it's intelligence was implemented and using 
that knowledge and some clever testing we might understand that its consciousness was 


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Re: How can intelligence be physical ?

2013-02-09 Thread meekerdb

On 2/9/2013 1:43 AM, Telmo Menezes wrote:

On Sat, Feb 9, 2013 at 12:41 AM, meekerdb > wrote:

On 2/8/2013 2:14 PM, Telmo Menezes wrote:

My point is that the only possible write algorithm that doesn't read 
that is already stored is one that starts writing at random in any 
position. You
could erase or corrupt previous information and you have no index.

I don't see why that should be the case.  The write can be to an allocated 
area that maintains a pointer.

And then you have to read the pointer before writing. It could be in the disk, or in 
memory, or in the cache, or in a processor register. Doesn't matter, there's a piece of 
information you have to access.

But it's not accessing your past human memories, and it's questionable whether it's "you" 
who must access this pointer; certainly not the conscious "you".

One read operation buys you sequential writing. The more complex the data structure, the 
more reads you will find. I believe the brain contains a very complex data structure.

No doubt.  But as I pointed out there are actual instances of multiple personality 
disorder in which one "you" can access the memories of the other "you" but not vice versa.


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Re: How can intelligence be physical ?

2013-02-09 Thread John Clark
On Fri, Feb 8, 2013 ameekerdb  wrote:


>  > Evolution can only move species to local maxima of fitness.

That is true and is a severe limitation of Evolution, a limitation a mind
designed by a intelligence, like a computer, would not have. You seem to be
saying that a mind made in a crappy haphazard way would be conscious but a
well designed mind would not be; well I can't prove that is untrue but it
just doesn't seem likely to me.

  John K Clark

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Re: How can intelligence be physical ?

2013-02-09 Thread Bruno Marchal

On 08 Feb 2013, at 13:45, Quentin Anciaux wrote:

2013/2/8 Telmo Menezes 

On Fri, Feb 8, 2013 at 12:39 PM, Quentin Anciaux  

2013/2/8 Telmo Menezes 

On Fri, Feb 8, 2013 at 11:35 AM, Quentin Anciaux  

2013/2/8 Telmo Menezes 

Well, while going from Telmo to the cat, you're rigth that Telmo  
memories should be erased, the inverse is not true. Why couldn't you  
be back as Telmo + the memories of having been a cat ?

Hi Quentin,

Because that would require that I had write-only access to my human  
memories while being a cat. I don't think that's possible.

Why not ?? You put forward a technical problem on a thought  
experiment which have if you go that way a bigger technical problem  
in the first place... so your objection is totally irrelevant, we  
are in a thought experiment, in that setting, if we can conceive  
transferring consciousnes of the cat, then there is no reason we  
can't imagine you remember being a cat after the experiment. I'll  
agree to talk technical problems the day we would have the first  
insight of how to really do it... before, it is just premature to  
use technical arguments.

Fair enough, maybe it's my CS bias. But I'm still not convinced this  
is a purely technical issue. Can you conceive of any system that  
stores information in some coherent way that you can write to  
without reading?

Well, yes... with computer you could imagine doing just that... so  
why not ? Also, the fact that you can't imagine a solution yourself,  
doesn't mean there isn't one, lack of imagination is also not an  

I agree. This can happen in dreams. I have personally experience this  
a number of times, and I have read similar reports. Actually Louis  
Jouvet, the discoverer of the REM dreams, has studied that phenomenon,  
in the case of people relating simultaneous unrelated dreams, and he  
attributed this to the disfunctionning of the corpus callosum during  
the dream phase. It makes momentarily the two hemisphere independent.  
It looks like we can integrate different identities in different past.  
The result is a bit troubling ... unless we are already aware of the  
relative nature of personal identity. This happens also when using  
dissociative drugs.
Of course, if Telmo wakes up with the memory of a cat experience, he  
will only access of the memory of cat + Telmo, which might biase the  
original experience of the cat, but not necessarily so much for a  
short period of time. This makes possible to conceive "waking up" and  
memorizing more than one past threads. If the many past threads are  
equivalently realist and coherent, it leads to a direct understanding  
of the relative nature of identity, and the possibility of sharing  
initial consciousness of ... who? I let you ponder on this.




For example, to store the memories on how a cat feels about climbing  
a tree, I would have to access my human representation of a tree to  
connect the memories to it, but accessing my human representation of  
a tree would spoil my cat experience.


And yes I think there are degrees and kinds of consciousness and  
that a cat's consciousness differs in both respects.  There's  
consciousness of being an individual and of being located in 3-space  
and in time.  You and the cat have both of those (whereas a Mars  
rover only has the latter).  But there's language and narrative  
memory that you have and the cat doesn't.  There's reflective  
thought,"I'm Telmo and I'm thinking about myself and where I fit in  
the world".  The cat probably doesn't have this because it's not  
social - but a dog might.

But is this really a case of "degrees of consciousness" or is it  
just the general property of "being conscious" instantiated in  
different contexts? The fact that you believe you can turn me into a  
cat seems to indicate that ultimately you believe that consciousness  
is all the same.


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All those moments will be lost in time, like tears in rain.

You received this 

Re: How can intelligence be physical ?

2013-02-09 Thread Telmo Menezes
On Sat, Feb 9, 2013 at 12:41 AM, meekerdb  wrote:

>  On 2/8/2013 2:14 PM, Telmo Menezes wrote:
>  My point is that the only possible write algorithm that doesn't read
> information that is already stored is one that starts writing at random in
> any position. You could erase or corrupt previous information and you have
> no index.
> I don't see why that should be the case.  The write can be to an allocated
> memory area that maintains a pointer.

And then you have to read the pointer before writing. It could be in the
disk, or in memory, or in the cache, or in a processor register. Doesn't
matter, there's a piece of information you have to access. One read
operation buys you sequential writing. The more complex the data structure,
the more reads you will find. I believe the brain contains a very complex
data structure.

> Brent
> --
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Re: How can intelligence be physical ?

2013-02-08 Thread Quentin Anciaux
2013/2/8 Telmo Menezes 

> On Fri, Feb 8, 2013 at 10:38 PM, Quentin Anciaux wrote:
>> 2013/2/8 Telmo Menezes 
>>> On Fri, Feb 8, 2013 at 4:06 PM, Quentin Anciaux wrote:

 2013/2/8 Telmo Menezes 

> On Fri, Feb 8, 2013 at 1:45 PM, Quentin Anciaux wrote:
>> 2013/2/8 Telmo Menezes 
>>> On Fri, Feb 8, 2013 at 12:39 PM, Quentin Anciaux >> > wrote:

 2013/2/8 Telmo Menezes 

> On Fri, Feb 8, 2013 at 11:35 AM, Quentin Anciaux <
>> wrote:
>> 2013/2/8 Telmo Menezes 
>>> On Thu, Feb 7, 2013 at 7:12 PM, meekerdb 
>>> wrote:
  On 2/7/2013 3:52 AM, Telmo Menezes wrote:

  On Wed, Feb 6, 2013 at 7:04 PM, John Clark <> wrote:

>  On Tue, Feb 5, 2013 at 6:00 PM, Telmo Menezes <
>> wrote:
>>>> I'm not claiming that intelligence == mind.

>>> > Do you believe that your fellow human beings have minds?
>>> If so why?
>>   > Yes (weakly).
> You believe that only weakly?! Do you really think there is a
> 49% chance that you are the only conscious being in the universe?

  I don't know how to assign a probability to that. I guess I
 believe it's in ]0.5, 1] because I would bet on it, but that's all 
 I can

  I say weakly because the only thing I have to back this
 belief is an heuristic, which I find to be a weaker form of 
 the truth than mathematical proof or experimental confirmation.

>  By the way, I don't believe other people have minds when
> they are sleeping or under anesthesia or dead because when they 
> are in
> those states they don't behave very intelligently.

  But that is because you believe that intelligence == mind. I
 don't. Certain experiences that you can do on yourself might make 
 you doubt
 that belief, but I don't know of any way to convince you except 
 that you do those experiences.

>> Occam's razor. If I'm the only human being with a mind,
>> then, for some mysterious reason, there are two types of human 
>> beings: me
>> (with a mind) and the others (zombies). So heuristically I'm 
>> inclined to
>> believe that all human beings have a mind,
> OK, but if you also believe in Darwin's theory of Evolution
> then you must also believe that consciousness MUST be a byproduct 
> of
> intelligence because Evolution can't directly see consciousness 
> any better
> than we can and so cannot select for it, and yet you and probably 
> other
> people are conscious. Thus you must also believe that if a 
> computer is
> intelligent then it is conscious. Then you must also believe that
> intelligence == mind.

  You are begging the question. You're assuming, to begin with,
 that intelligence == mind and then you claim to prove that 
 intelligence ==

  By the way, for evolution to generate consciousness there has
 to exist a gradient to climb. Unless the evolutionary process just 
 into consciousness, but in that case it is not a valid theory of 
 origin. So you are implicitly assuming that there is some measure 
 consciousness, where you can say that entity A is more conscious 
 entity B. What would that even mean? My cat seems conscious to me 
 (but I
 can't know for sure). Is he less conscious than me? Well I know 
 stuff that
 he doesn't, but he also knows stuff that I don't -- for example he 
 how it feels to be a cat.

 But that doesn't mean there's something magic about being a
 cat.  I think it might be possible to change your brain, and your 

Re: How can intelligence be physical ?

2013-02-08 Thread Quentin Anciaux
2013/2/8 Telmo Menezes 

> On Fri, Feb 8, 2013 at 10:38 PM, Quentin Anciaux wrote:
>> 2013/2/8 Telmo Menezes 
>>> On Fri, Feb 8, 2013 at 4:06 PM, Quentin Anciaux wrote:

 2013/2/8 Telmo Menezes 

> On Fri, Feb 8, 2013 at 1:45 PM, Quentin Anciaux wrote:
>> 2013/2/8 Telmo Menezes 
>>> On Fri, Feb 8, 2013 at 12:39 PM, Quentin Anciaux >> > wrote:

 2013/2/8 Telmo Menezes 

> On Fri, Feb 8, 2013 at 11:35 AM, Quentin Anciaux <
>> wrote:
>> 2013/2/8 Telmo Menezes 
>>> On Thu, Feb 7, 2013 at 7:12 PM, meekerdb 
>>> wrote:
  On 2/7/2013 3:52 AM, Telmo Menezes wrote:

  On Wed, Feb 6, 2013 at 7:04 PM, John Clark <> wrote:

>  On Tue, Feb 5, 2013 at 6:00 PM, Telmo Menezes <
>> wrote:
>>>> I'm not claiming that intelligence == mind.

>>> > Do you believe that your fellow human beings have minds?
>>> If so why?
>>   > Yes (weakly).
> You believe that only weakly?! Do you really think there is a
> 49% chance that you are the only conscious being in the universe?

  I don't know how to assign a probability to that. I guess I
 believe it's in ]0.5, 1] because I would bet on it, but that's all 
 I can

  I say weakly because the only thing I have to back this
 belief is an heuristic, which I find to be a weaker form of 
 the truth than mathematical proof or experimental confirmation.

>  By the way, I don't believe other people have minds when
> they are sleeping or under anesthesia or dead because when they 
> are in
> those states they don't behave very intelligently.

  But that is because you believe that intelligence == mind. I
 don't. Certain experiences that you can do on yourself might make 
 you doubt
 that belief, but I don't know of any way to convince you except 
 that you do those experiences.

>> Occam's razor. If I'm the only human being with a mind,
>> then, for some mysterious reason, there are two types of human 
>> beings: me
>> (with a mind) and the others (zombies). So heuristically I'm 
>> inclined to
>> believe that all human beings have a mind,
> OK, but if you also believe in Darwin's theory of Evolution
> then you must also believe that consciousness MUST be a byproduct 
> of
> intelligence because Evolution can't directly see consciousness 
> any better
> than we can and so cannot select for it, and yet you and probably 
> other
> people are conscious. Thus you must also believe that if a 
> computer is
> intelligent then it is conscious. Then you must also believe that
> intelligence == mind.

  You are begging the question. You're assuming, to begin with,
 that intelligence == mind and then you claim to prove that 
 intelligence ==

  By the way, for evolution to generate consciousness there has
 to exist a gradient to climb. Unless the evolutionary process just 
 into consciousness, but in that case it is not a valid theory of 
 origin. So you are implicitly assuming that there is some measure 
 consciousness, where you can say that entity A is more conscious 
 entity B. What would that even mean? My cat seems conscious to me 
 (but I
 can't know for sure). Is he less conscious than me? Well I know 
 stuff that
 he doesn't, but he also knows stuff that I don't -- for example he 
 how it feels to be a cat.

 But that doesn't mean there's something magic about being a
 cat.  I think it might be possible to change your brain, and your 

Re: How can intelligence be physical ?

2013-02-08 Thread Craig Weinberg
Outside of consciousness, there is no possibility of discerning any 
difference between accidental byproducts and selected products. Only 
consciousness selects. Only consciousness has accidents.


On Friday, February 8, 2013 5:53:18 PM UTC-5, Brent wrote:
>  On 2/8/2013 10:49 AM, John Clark wrote: 
> I don't know what you mean by that, what I mean is that consciousness is a 
> spandrel, it is the unavoidable result of intelligence.
> Or it could be an accidental byproduct of the way human intelligence 
> developed - unavoidable only in the sense that it was the only reachable 
> intelligent starting from hominds.  Evolution can only move species to 
> local maxima of fitness.  
> In Roland Omnes recent book he imagines an alien race that has enormous 
> memory capacity, so that simply remember everything that has happened and 
> what was done and when the need to make a decision they just do the thing 
> that turned out best in the past.  It's Omnes caricature of Hume's theory 
> of cause and effect.  But his idea is that such aliens wouldn't develop 
> 'theories' as we do to summarize past events.  Would they be conscious?  I 
> don't know, but I'd guess they wouldn't be conscious in the way I am (I 
> don't remember what I had for breakfast yesterday...but I have a theory).
> Brent

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Re: How can intelligence be physical ?

2013-02-08 Thread meekerdb

On 2/8/2013 2:14 PM, Telmo Menezes wrote:

My point is that the only possible write algorithm that doesn't read information that is 
already stored is one that starts writing at random in any position. You could erase or 
corrupt previous information and you have no index.

I don't see why that should be the case.  The write can be to an allocated memory area 
that maintains a pointer.


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Re: How can intelligence be physical ?

2013-02-08 Thread meekerdb

On 2/8/2013 1:18 PM, Telmo Menezes wrote:

On Fri, Feb 8, 2013 at 9:57 PM, meekerdb > wrote:

On 2/8/2013 3:19 AM, Telmo Menezes wrote:

Well, while going from Telmo to the cat, you're rigth that Telmo 
should be erased, the inverse is not true. Why couldn't you be back as 
Telmo +
the memories of having been a cat ?

Hi Quentin,

Because that would require that I had write-only access to my human 
memories while
being a cat. I don't think that's possible. For example, to store the 
memories on
how a cat feels about climbing a tree, I would have to access my human
representation of a tree to connect the memories to it, but accessing my 
representation of a tree would spoil my cat experience.

An interesting question.  In people with multiple personalities the 
memories may go
only one way, Eve-2 remembers what Eve-1 experiences but not vice versa; 
but of
course they are still human memories.

How does Eve-2 remember Eve-1's experiences? As if she was Eve-1 or as if she was 
watching a movie? And how does each personality remember popping in and out of 
existence? Do they feel they felt assleep or that they were suddenly teleported?

As I understand the case histories, Eve-2 remembers what Eve-1 did as if she were a 
detached observer but one who can observe inner thoughts, as novelists often write from 
the internal viewpoint of a character.  Eve-1 doesn't even know of the existence of Eve-2 
and has gaps in her memory as if asleep or anesthetized.


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Re: How can intelligence be physical ?

2013-02-08 Thread meekerdb

On 2/8/2013 10:49 AM, John Clark wrote:
I don't know what you mean by that, what I mean is that consciousness is a spandrel, it 
is the unavoidable result of intelligence. 

Or it could be an accidental byproduct of the way human intelligence developed - 
unavoidable only in the sense that it was the only reachable intelligent starting from 
hominds.  Evolution can only move species to local maxima of fitness.

In Roland Omnes recent book he imagines an alien race that has enormous memory capacity, 
so that simply remember everything that has happened and what was done and when the need 
to make a decision they just do the thing that turned out best in the past.  It's Omnes 
caricature of Hume's theory of cause and effect.  But his idea is that such aliens 
wouldn't develop 'theories' as we do to summarize past events.  Would they be conscious?  
I don't know, but I'd guess they wouldn't be conscious in the way I am (I don't remember 
what I had for breakfast yesterday...but I have a theory).


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Re: How can intelligence be physical ?

2013-02-08 Thread Telmo Menezes
On Fri, Feb 8, 2013 at 10:38 PM, Quentin Anciaux  wrote:

> 2013/2/8 Telmo Menezes 
>> On Fri, Feb 8, 2013 at 4:06 PM, Quentin Anciaux wrote:
>>> 2013/2/8 Telmo Menezes 

 On Fri, Feb 8, 2013 at 1:45 PM, Quentin Anciaux wrote:

> 2013/2/8 Telmo Menezes 
>> On Fri, Feb 8, 2013 at 12:39 PM, Quentin Anciaux 
>> wrote:
>>> 2013/2/8 Telmo Menezes 

 On Fri, Feb 8, 2013 at 11:35 AM, Quentin Anciaux <> wrote:

> 2013/2/8 Telmo Menezes 
>> On Thu, Feb 7, 2013 at 7:12 PM, meekerdb wrote:
>>>  On 2/7/2013 3:52 AM, Telmo Menezes wrote:
>>>  On Wed, Feb 6, 2013 at 7:04 PM, John Clark <
>>>> wrote:

  On Tue, Feb 5, 2013 at 6:00 PM, Telmo Menezes <> wrote:

>>> I'm not claiming that intelligence == mind.
>> > Do you believe that your fellow human beings have minds? If
>> so why?
>   > Yes (weakly).

 You believe that only weakly?! Do you really think there is a
 49% chance that you are the only conscious being in the universe?

>>>  I don't know how to assign a probability to that. I guess I
>>> believe it's in ]0.5, 1] because I would bet on it, but that's all 
>>> I can
>>> say.
>>>  I say weakly because the only thing I have to back this belief
>>> is an heuristic, which I find to be a weaker form of approximating 
>>> the
>>> truth than mathematical proof or experimental confirmation.
  By the way, I don't believe other people have minds when they
 are sleeping or under anesthesia or dead because when they are in 
 states they don't behave very intelligently.

>>>  But that is because you believe that intelligence == mind. I
>>> don't. Certain experiences that you can do on yourself might make 
>>> you doubt
>>> that belief, but I don't know of any way to convince you except 
>>> suggesting
>>> that you do those experiences.

> Occam's razor. If I'm the only human being with a mind,
> then, for some mysterious reason, there are two types of human 
> beings: me
> (with a mind) and the others (zombies). So heuristically I'm 
> inclined to
> believe that all human beings have a mind,

 OK, but if you also believe in Darwin's theory of Evolution
 then you must also believe that consciousness MUST be a byproduct 
 intelligence because Evolution can't directly see consciousness 
 any better
 than we can and so cannot select for it, and yet you and probably 
 people are conscious. Thus you must also believe that if a 
 computer is
 intelligent then it is conscious. Then you must also believe that
 intelligence == mind.

>>>  You are begging the question. You're assuming, to begin with,
>>> that intelligence == mind and then you claim to prove that 
>>> intelligence ==
>>> mind.
>>>  By the way, for evolution to generate consciousness there has
>>> to exist a gradient to climb. Unless the evolutionary process just 
>>> stumbles
>>> into consciousness, but in that case it is not a valid theory of 
>>> it's
>>> origin. So you are implicitly assuming that there is some measure of
>>> consciousness, where you can say that entity A is more conscious 
>>> than
>>> entity B. What would that even mean? My cat seems conscious to me 
>>> (but I
>>> can't know for sure). Is he less conscious than me? Well I know 
>>> stuff that
>>> he doesn't, but he also knows stuff that I don't -- for example he 
>>> knows
>>> how it feels to be a cat.
>>> But that doesn't mean there's something magic about being a
>>> cat.  I think it might be possible to change your brain, and your 
>>> sensory
>>> organs, so that it implemented consciousness very similar to a 
>>> cat's (it
>>> couldn't be exact because you'd need a cat's body for that).  Of 
>>> course i

Re: How can intelligence be physical ?

2013-02-08 Thread Quentin Anciaux
2013/2/8 Telmo Menezes 

> On Fri, Feb 8, 2013 at 4:06 PM, Quentin Anciaux wrote:
>> 2013/2/8 Telmo Menezes 
>>> On Fri, Feb 8, 2013 at 1:45 PM, Quentin Anciaux wrote:

 2013/2/8 Telmo Menezes 

> On Fri, Feb 8, 2013 at 12:39 PM, Quentin Anciaux 
> wrote:
>> 2013/2/8 Telmo Menezes 
>>> On Fri, Feb 8, 2013 at 11:35 AM, Quentin Anciaux >> > wrote:

 2013/2/8 Telmo Menezes 

> On Thu, Feb 7, 2013 at 7:12 PM, meekerdb wrote:
>>  On 2/7/2013 3:52 AM, Telmo Menezes wrote:
>>  On Wed, Feb 6, 2013 at 7:04 PM, John Clark > > wrote:
>>>  On Tue, Feb 5, 2013 at 6:00 PM, Telmo Menezes <
>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> I'm not claiming that intelligence == mind.
> > Do you believe that your fellow human beings have minds? If
> so why?

   > Yes (weakly).

>>> You believe that only weakly?! Do you really think there is a
>>> 49% chance that you are the only conscious being in the universe?
>>  I don't know how to assign a probability to that. I guess I
>> believe it's in ]0.5, 1] because I would bet on it, but that's all I 
>> can
>> say.
>>  I say weakly because the only thing I have to back this belief
>> is an heuristic, which I find to be a weaker form of approximating 
>> the
>> truth than mathematical proof or experimental confirmation.
>>>  By the way, I don't believe other people have minds when they
>>> are sleeping or under anesthesia or dead because when they are in 
>>> those
>>> states they don't behave very intelligently.
>>  But that is because you believe that intelligence == mind. I
>> don't. Certain experiences that you can do on yourself might make 
>> you doubt
>> that belief, but I don't know of any way to convince you except 
>> suggesting
>> that you do those experiences.
>>>> Occam's razor. If I'm the only human being with a mind,
 then, for some mysterious reason, there are two types of human 
 beings: me
 (with a mind) and the others (zombies). So heuristically I'm 
 inclined to
 believe that all human beings have a mind,

>>> OK, but if you also believe in Darwin's theory of Evolution then
>>> you must also believe that consciousness MUST be a byproduct of
>>> intelligence because Evolution can't directly see consciousness any 
>>> better
>>> than we can and so cannot select for it, and yet you and probably 
>>> other
>>> people are conscious. Thus you must also believe that if a computer 
>>> is
>>> intelligent then it is conscious. Then you must also believe that
>>> intelligence == mind.
>>  You are begging the question. You're assuming, to begin with,
>> that intelligence == mind and then you claim to prove that 
>> intelligence ==
>> mind.
>>  By the way, for evolution to generate consciousness there has
>> to exist a gradient to climb. Unless the evolutionary process just 
>> stumbles
>> into consciousness, but in that case it is not a valid theory of it's
>> origin. So you are implicitly assuming that there is some measure of
>> consciousness, where you can say that entity A is more conscious than
>> entity B. What would that even mean? My cat seems conscious to me 
>> (but I
>> can't know for sure). Is he less conscious than me? Well I know 
>> stuff that
>> he doesn't, but he also knows stuff that I don't -- for example he 
>> knows
>> how it feels to be a cat.
>> But that doesn't mean there's something magic about being a cat.
>> I think it might be possible to change your brain, and your sensory 
>> organs,
>> so that it implemented consciousness very similar to a cat's (it 
>> couldn't
>> be exact because you'd need a cat's body for that).  Of course it 
>> wouldn't
>> be Telmo Menezes any more.
> I agree that this might be possible. But the paradox then is the
> following: to make me feel like a cat you have to strip me of my 
> memories
> (read/write access), so when I'm back fr

Re: How can intelligence be physical ?

2013-02-08 Thread Craig Weinberg

On Friday, February 8, 2013 4:18:02 PM UTC-5, telmo_menezes wrote:
> On Fri, Feb 8, 2013 at 9:57 PM, meekerdb 
> > wrote:
>>  On 2/8/2013 3:19 AM, Telmo Menezes wrote: 
>>  Well, while going from Telmo to the cat, you're rigth that Telmo 
>>> memories should be erased, the inverse is not true. Why couldn't you be 
>>> back as Telmo + the memories of having been a cat ?
>>  Hi Quentin,
>>  Because that would require that I had write-only access to my human 
>> memories while being a cat. I don't think that's possible. For example, to 
>> store the memories on how a cat feels about climbing a tree, I would have 
>> to access my human representation of a tree to connect the memories to it, 
>> but accessing my human representation of a tree would spoil my cat 
>> experience.
>> An interesting question.  In people with multiple personalities the 
>> memories may go only one way, Eve-2 remembers what Eve-1 experiences but 
>> not vice versa; but of course they are still human memories.
> How does Eve-2 remember Eve-1's experiences? As if she was Eve-1 or as if 
> she was watching a movie? And how does each personality remember popping in 
> and out of existence? Do they feel they felt assleep or that they were 
> suddenly teleported?

It's like having a dream that you are still in college. When you wake up, 
you remember being in the dream and having no knowledge of your life after 


>> Brent
>> -- 
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>> "Everything List" group.
>> To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an 
>> email to .
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Re: How can intelligence be physical ?

2013-02-08 Thread Telmo Menezes
On Fri, Feb 8, 2013 at 9:57 PM, meekerdb  wrote:

>  On 2/8/2013 3:19 AM, Telmo Menezes wrote:
>  Well, while going from Telmo to the cat, you're rigth that Telmo
>> memories should be erased, the inverse is not true. Why couldn't you be
>> back as Telmo + the memories of having been a cat ?
>  Hi Quentin,
>  Because that would require that I had write-only access to my human
> memories while being a cat. I don't think that's possible. For example, to
> store the memories on how a cat feels about climbing a tree, I would have
> to access my human representation of a tree to connect the memories to it,
> but accessing my human representation of a tree would spoil my cat
> experience.
> An interesting question.  In people with multiple personalities the
> memories may go only one way, Eve-2 remembers what Eve-1 experiences but
> not vice versa; but of course they are still human memories.

How does Eve-2 remember Eve-1's experiences? As if she was Eve-1 or as if
she was watching a movie? And how does each personality remember popping in
and out of existence? Do they feel they felt assleep or that they were
suddenly teleported?

> Brent
> --
> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
> "Everything List" group.
> To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an
> email to
> To post to this group, send email to
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Re: How can intelligence be physical ?

2013-02-08 Thread Telmo Menezes
On Fri, Feb 8, 2013 at 4:06 PM, Quentin Anciaux  wrote:

> 2013/2/8 Telmo Menezes 
>> On Fri, Feb 8, 2013 at 1:45 PM, Quentin Anciaux wrote:
>>> 2013/2/8 Telmo Menezes 

 On Fri, Feb 8, 2013 at 12:39 PM, Quentin Anciaux wrote:

> 2013/2/8 Telmo Menezes 
>> On Fri, Feb 8, 2013 at 11:35 AM, Quentin Anciaux 
>> wrote:
>>> 2013/2/8 Telmo Menezes 

 On Thu, Feb 7, 2013 at 7:12 PM, meekerdb wrote:

>  On 2/7/2013 3:52 AM, Telmo Menezes wrote:
>  On Wed, Feb 6, 2013 at 7:04 PM, John Clark 
> wrote:
>>  On Tue, Feb 5, 2013 at 6:00 PM, Telmo Menezes <
>>> wrote:
>>>>> I'm not claiming that intelligence == mind.

 > Do you believe that your fellow human beings have minds? If
 so why?

>>>   > Yes (weakly).
>> You believe that only weakly?! Do you really think there is a 49%
>> chance that you are the only conscious being in the universe?
>  I don't know how to assign a probability to that. I guess I
> believe it's in ]0.5, 1] because I would bet on it, but that's all I 
> can
> say.
>  I say weakly because the only thing I have to back this belief
> is an heuristic, which I find to be a weaker form of approximating the
> truth than mathematical proof or experimental confirmation.
>>  By the way, I don't believe other people have minds when they
>> are sleeping or under anesthesia or dead because when they are in 
>> those
>> states they don't behave very intelligently.
>  But that is because you believe that intelligence == mind. I
> don't. Certain experiences that you can do on yourself might make you 
> doubt
> that belief, but I don't know of any way to convince you except 
> suggesting
> that you do those experiences.
>>> Occam's razor. If I'm the only human being with a mind,
>>> then, for some mysterious reason, there are two types of human 
>>> beings: me
>>> (with a mind) and the others (zombies). So heuristically I'm 
>>> inclined to
>>> believe that all human beings have a mind,
>> OK, but if you also believe in Darwin's theory of Evolution then
>> you must also believe that consciousness MUST be a byproduct of
>> intelligence because Evolution can't directly see consciousness any 
>> better
>> than we can and so cannot select for it, and yet you and probably 
>> other
>> people are conscious. Thus you must also believe that if a computer 
>> is
>> intelligent then it is conscious. Then you must also believe that
>> intelligence == mind.
>  You are begging the question. You're assuming, to begin with,
> that intelligence == mind and then you claim to prove that 
> intelligence ==
> mind.
>  By the way, for evolution to generate consciousness there has to
> exist a gradient to climb. Unless the evolutionary process just 
> stumbles
> into consciousness, but in that case it is not a valid theory of it's
> origin. So you are implicitly assuming that there is some measure of
> consciousness, where you can say that entity A is more conscious than
> entity B. What would that even mean? My cat seems conscious to me 
> (but I
> can't know for sure). Is he less conscious than me? Well I know stuff 
> that
> he doesn't, but he also knows stuff that I don't -- for example he 
> knows
> how it feels to be a cat.
> But that doesn't mean there's something magic about being a cat.
> I think it might be possible to change your brain, and your sensory 
> organs,
> so that it implemented consciousness very similar to a cat's (it 
> couldn't
> be exact because you'd need a cat's body for that).  Of course it 
> wouldn't
> be Telmo Menezes any more.

 I agree that this might be possible. But the paradox then is the
 following: to make me feel like a cat you have to strip me of my 
 (read/write access), so when I'm back from the experience I won't 
 it. In fact I turned into a cat for a while and then back to Telmo 
 Telmo Menezes still knows nothing about bei

Re: How can intelligence be physical ?

2013-02-08 Thread meekerdb

On 2/8/2013 3:19 AM, Telmo Menezes wrote:

Well, while going from Telmo to the cat, you're rigth that Telmo memories 
should be
erased, the inverse is not true. Why couldn't you be back as Telmo + the 
memories of
having been a cat ?

Hi Quentin,

Because that would require that I had write-only access to my human memories while being 
a cat. I don't think that's possible. For example, to store the memories on how a cat 
feels about climbing a tree, I would have to access my human representation of a tree to 
connect the memories to it, but accessing my human representation of a tree would spoil 
my cat experience.

An interesting question.  In people with multiple personalities the memories may go only 
one way, Eve-2 remembers what Eve-1 experiences but not vice versa; but of course they are 
still human memories.


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Re: How can intelligence be physical ?

2013-02-08 Thread meekerdb

On 2/8/2013 1:02 AM, Telmo Menezes wrote:

On Thu, Feb 7, 2013 at 7:12 PM, meekerdb > wrote:

On 2/7/2013 3:52 AM, Telmo Menezes wrote:

On Wed, Feb 6, 2013 at 7:04 PM, John Clark>> wrote:

On Tue, Feb 5, 2013 at 6:00 PM, Telmo Menezes>> wrote:

>>> I'm not claiming that intelligence == mind.

> Do you believe that your fellow human beings have minds? If 
so why?

> Yes (weakly).

You believe that only weakly?! Do you really think there is a 49% 
chance that
you are the only conscious being in the universe?

I don't know how to assign a probability to that. I guess I believe it's in 
1] because I would bet on it, but that's all I can say.

I say weakly because the only thing I have to back this belief is an 
which I find to be a weaker form of approximating the truth than 
mathematical proof
or experimental confirmation.

By the way, I don't believe other people have minds when they are 
sleeping or
under anesthesia or dead because when they are in those states they 
behave very intelligently.

But that is because you believe that intelligence == mind. I don't. Certain
experiences that you can do on yourself might make you doubt that belief, 
but I
don't know of any way to convince you except suggesting that you do those 

> Occam's razor. If I'm the only human being with a mind, then, for 
mysterious reason, there are two types of human beings: me (with a 
and the others (zombies). So heuristically I'm inclined to believe 
that all
human beings have a mind,

OK, but if you also believe in Darwin's theory of Evolution then you 
must also
believe that consciousness MUST be a byproduct of intelligence because
Evolution can't directly see consciousness any better than we can and 
so cannot
select for it, and yet you and probably other people are conscious. 
Thus you
must also believe that if a computer is intelligent then it is 
conscious. Then
you must also believe that intelligence == mind.

You are begging the question. You're assuming, to begin with, that 
intelligence ==
mind and then you claim to prove that intelligence == mind.

By the way, for evolution to generate consciousness there has to exist a 
to climb. Unless the evolutionary process just stumbles into consciousness, 
but in
that case it is not a valid theory of it's origin. So you are implicitly 
that there is some measure of consciousness, where you can say that entity 
A is
more conscious than entity B. What would that even mean? My cat seems 
conscious to
me (but I can't know for sure). Is he less conscious than me? Well I know 
that he doesn't, but he also knows stuff that I don't -- for example he 
knows how
it feels to be a cat.

But that doesn't mean there's something magic about being a cat.  I think 
it might
be possible to change your brain, and your sensory organs, so that it 
consciousness very similar to a cat's (it couldn't be exact because you'd 
need a
cat's body for that).  Of course it wouldn't be Telmo Menezes any more.

I agree that this might be possible. But the paradox then is the following: to make me 
feel like a cat you have to strip me of my memories (read/write access), so when I'm 
back from the experience I won't remember it. In fact I turned into a cat for a while 
and then back to Telmo Menezes. Telmo Menezes still knows nothing about being a cat.

And yes I think there are degrees and kinds of consciousness and that a 
consciousness differs in both respects.  There's consciousness of being an
individual and of being located in 3-space and in time.  You and the cat 
have both
of those (whereas a Mars rover only has the latter).  But there's language 
narrative memory that you have and the cat doesn't.  There's reflective 
Telmo and I'm thinking about myself and where I fit in the world".  The cat 
doesn't have this because it's not social - but a dog might.

But is this really a case of "degrees of consciousness" or is it just the general 
property of "being conscious" instantiated in different contexts? The fact that you 
believe you can turn me into a cat seems to indicate that ultimately you believe that 
consciousness is all the same.

No, because I think I would have to diminish your consciousness to make your brain like a 
cat's.  I think your consciousness is a superset of a cat's.  But as I said I think 
consciouness can differ in kind as well as degree - it's not one-dimensional anymore than 
intelligence is one-dimensional.  Yet we can say you're more intelligent than a 

Re: How can intelligence be physical ?

2013-02-08 Thread Craig Weinberg

On Friday, February 8, 2013 1:49:54 PM UTC-5, John Clark wrote:
> On Fri, Feb 8, 2013  Craig Weinberg >wrote:
> >> You believe that other people have minds when they are sleeping or 
>>> under anesthesia or dead!??
>> > Do you believe that you have a house when you aren't standing in it?
> Yes. Do you believe that other people have minds when they are sleeping or 
> under anesthesia or dead?

I don't believe people have minds so much as people are personal 
experiences of a human lifetime at any given moment. The mind is the 
cognitive translation of that experience. 

When we are not personally conscious, others who see our body will not be 
able to communicate with us. From our perspective, our personal experience 
jumps from one conscious episode to another under anesthetic, while it is a 
bit less dramatic when we are sleeping. When we are dead, our personal 
experience has come to an end so we no longer need a human mind. 

>  >> If they have minds under those circumstances then rocks must have them 
>>> too and whatever you mean by "mind" can't be anything very interesting and 
>>> I don't care if something has a "mind" or not.
>> > What you think is a rock is actually an event shaped by experiences on 
>> the molecular and geological scale, but not on a biological or zoological 
>> or anthropological scale. This means that this event doesn't correspond to 
>> a human mind, but a human mind does have access to some of the same kinds 
>> of geological and molecular experiences, which are presented to humans as 
>> tactile, acoustic, kinetic, visual experiences (and olfactory in the case 
>> of sulfurous minerals).
> I assume the above mishmash of a word salad is what you mean by "mind", if 
> so then I was right and it's not anything very interesting and I don't care 
> if something has a "mind" or not.

No, it means that what you think is a rock is not the only thing that a 
rock is.

>> >> In short if consciousness improves survival 
>> > It doesn't. 
> Then consciousness MUST be the byproduct of something else that does 
> improve survival. 

No. The existence of consciousness has nothing to do with survival at all. 
Given sense as a universal primitive, certainly the development of sense 
can improve survival, but (as is seen by the relatively few species which 
we would consider conscious) it doesn't have to, and is not meaningful in 
natural selection. To understand that though, you would have to be able to 
consider the possibility that you are wrong.

>> > Consciousness would be the stupidest byproduct of intelligence 
>> imaginable. 
> I don't know what you mean by that, what I mean is that consciousness is a 
> spandrel, it is the unavoidable result of intelligence.

Why would consciousness be unavoidable? Was the color blue unavoidable? Are 
there new colors which might appear in our consciousness?

Your view is that the whole of experienced realism is nothing more than a 
meaningless side effect of compression algorithms. Except for any kind of 
experience which supports this idea, apparently.


>John K Clark 

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Re: How can intelligence be physical ?

2013-02-08 Thread John Clark
On Fri, Feb 8, 2013  Craig Weinberg  wrote:

>> You believe that other people have minds when they are sleeping or under
>> anesthesia or dead!??
> > Do you believe that you have a house when you aren't standing in it?

Yes. Do you believe that other people have minds when they are sleeping or
under anesthesia or dead?

>> If they have minds under those circumstances then rocks must have them
>> too and whatever you mean by "mind" can't be anything very interesting and
>> I don't care if something has a "mind" or not.
> > What you think is a rock is actually an event shaped by experiences on
> the molecular and geological scale, but not on a biological or zoological
> or anthropological scale. This means that this event doesn't correspond to
> a human mind, but a human mind does have access to some of the same kinds
> of geological and molecular experiences, which are presented to humans as
> tactile, acoustic, kinetic, visual experiences (and olfactory in the case
> of sulfurous minerals).

I assume the above mishmash of a word salad is what you mean by "mind", if
so then I was right and it's not anything very interesting and I don't care
if something has a "mind" or not.

> >> In short if consciousness improves survival
> > It doesn't.

Then consciousness MUST be the byproduct of something else that does
improve survival.

> > Consciousness would be the stupidest byproduct of intelligence
> imaginable.

I don't know what you mean by that, what I mean is that consciousness is a
spandrel, it is the unavoidable result of intelligence.

   John K Clark

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Re: How can intelligence be physical ?

2013-02-08 Thread Craig Weinberg

On Friday, February 8, 2013 11:23:48 AM UTC-5, John Clark wrote:
> On Thu, Feb 7, 2013 Telmo Menezes >wrote:
>  >> I don't believe other people have minds when they are sleeping or 
>>> under anesthesia or dead because when they are in those states they don't 
>>> behave very intelligently. 
>> > But that is because you believe that intelligence == mind. I don't.
> You believe that other people have minds when they are sleeping or under 
> anesthesia or dead!??

Do you believe that you have a house when you aren't standing in it?

> If they have minds under those circumstances then rocks must have them too 
> and whatever you mean by "mind" can't be anything very interesting and I 
> don't care if something has a "mind" or not.

What you think is a rock is actually an event shaped by experiences on the 
molecular and geological scale, but not on a biological or zoological or 
anthropological scale. This means that this event doesn't correspond to a 
human mind, but a human mind does have access to some of the same kinds of 
geological and molecular experiences, which are presented to humans as 
tactile, acoustic, kinetic, visual experiences (and olfactory in the case 
of sulfurous minerals).

> > for evolution to generate consciousness there has to exist a gradient to 
>> climb.
> Yes.
>  > Unless the evolutionary process just stumbles into consciousness
> If Evolution just stumbled onto consciousness by a lucky chance and was 
> not the byproduct of intelligence then it is of neutral survival value and 
> the human race would have lost that property long ago by genetic drift. 

Exactly. And since we know that all behaviors could be accomplished 'in the 
dark', as it were, unconsciously and without any magical qualitative 
presentation (which exists invisibly in never never land), then we should 
suspect that consciousness, or the potential for consciousness precedes 
evolution itself.

> That's the reason creatures that have lived in dark caves for thousands of 
> generations have no eyes; elsewhere a mutation that rendered a creature 
> blind would be a disaster but in a cave it wouldn't hinder its genes 
> getting into the next generation at all.  
> In short if consciousness improves survival 

It doesn't. If we presume that every other process in the cosmos which 
operates with fantastic precision by being unconscious is not missing out 
on anything important, then no, there is no conceivable advantage that some 
kind of interior presentation of feeling and storytelling would have over 
biological mechanism. After all, these unconscious mechanisms presumably 
operate consciousness itself, so anything that could be accomplished 
through conscious awareness could certainly be accomplished biologically. A 
human organism looking for food is no more in need of consciousness for 
their survival than a mitochondria or a T-Cell is.

> it can only do so by effecting the behavior of the organism and then the 
> Turing Test must work for consciousness as well as intelligence.  if 
> consciousness does not effect behavior then if MUST be a byproduct of 
> something that does or Evolution would never have produced it and yet I 
> know for a fact it has at least once and probably many billions of times.
>  > So you are implicitly assuming that there is some measure of 
>> consciousness, where you can say that entity A is more conscious than 
>> entity B. 
> I am saying A is certainly more intelligent that B and consciousness is a 
> byproduct of intelligence.

Consciousness would be the stupidest byproduct of intelligence imaginable. 
"Hey we need a compression algorithm for this data. How about we invent a 
spectacular multi-dimensional participatory environment with billions of 
sensations created from nowhere? That should reduce throughput, no? It's 
like hiring Led Zeppelin to play inside of your motherboard to inspire the 
data to move faster.

> > What would that even mean?
> In dealing with consciousness the only experimental subject I have to work 
> with is myself and I note that when I am sleepy I am both less conscious 
> and less intelligent then when I am wide awake

That suggests that your intelligence supervenes on your consciousness (how 
awake you feel), not the other way around. Stupid people aren't always 

> > My cat seems conscious to me (but I can't know for sure). Is he less 
>> conscious than me? Well I know stuff that he doesn't, but he also knows 
>> stuff that I don't -- for example he knows how it feels to be a cat.
> You think your cat is conscious even though you're a lot smarter than a 
> cat, so why wouldn't a computer who was a lot smarter than you also seem to 
> be conscious. You could say that you'll never be able to prove the computer 
> is conscious but the exact same thing is true of your cat or even your 
> fellow human beings.

If a computer did what it does naturally, without human i

Re: How can intelligence be physical ?

2013-02-08 Thread Craig Weinberg

On Thursday, February 7, 2013 11:35:08 PM UTC-5, Stephen Paul King wrote:
>  On 2/7/2013 9:42 PM, Craig Weinberg wrote:
> On Thursday, February 7, 2013 8:50:09 PM UTC-5, stathisp wrote: 
>> On Fri, Feb 8, 2013 at 11:52 AM, Craig Weinberg  
>> wrote: 
>> >> You're avoiding the question. What is your definitive test for 
>> >> consciousness? If you don't have one, then you have to admit that your 
>> >> friend (who talks to you and behaves like people do, not in a coma, 
>> >> not on a video recording, not dead in the morgue) may not be conscious 
>> >> and your computer may be conscious. 
>> > 
>> > 
>> > No, you are avoiding my answer. What is your definitive test for your 
>> own 
>> > consciousness? 
>> The test for my own consciousness is that I feel I am conscious. That 
>> is not at issue. At issue is the test for *other* entities' 
>> consciousness. 
> Why would the test be any different?
>> You are convinced that computers and other machines 
>> don't have consciousness, but you can't say what test you will apply 
>> to them and see them fail. 
> I'm convinced of that because I understand why there is no reason why they 
> would have consciousness... there is no 'they' there. Computers are not 
> born in a single moment through cell fertilization, they are assembled by 
> people. Computers have to be programmed to do absolutely everything, they 
> have no capacity to make sense of anything which is not explicitly defined. 
> This is the polar opposite of living organisms which are general purpose 
> entities who explore and adapt when they can, on their own, for their own 
> internally generated motives. Computers lack that completely. We use 
> objects to compute for us, but those objects are not actually computing 
> themselves, just as these letters don't actually mean anything for 
> themselves.
> When objects can compute 'for themselves' they are conscious. Maybe?

Sure, although I think that means that they have to first feel and think 
for themselves. You can lead a computer to their own computations, but you 
can't make them drink.

>> > My point is that sense is broader, deeper, and more primitive than our 
>> > cognitive ability to examine it, since cognitive qualities are only the 
>> tip 
>> > of the iceberg of sense. To test is to circumvent direct sense in favor 
>> of 
>> > indirect sense - which is a good thing, but it is by definition not 
>> > applicable to consciousness itself in any way. There is no test to tell 
>> if 
>> > you are conscious, because none is required. If you need to ask if you 
>> are 
>> > conscious, then you are probably having a lucid dream or in some phase 
>> of 
>> > shock. In those cases, no test will help you as you can dream a test 
>> result 
>> > as easily as you can experience one while awake. 
>> > 
>> > The only test for consciousness is the test of time. If you are fooled 
>> by 
>> > some inanimate object, eventually you will probably see through it or 
>> > outgrow the fantasy. 
>> So if, in future, robots live among us for years and are accepted by 
>> most people as conscious, does that mean they are conscious? This is 
>> essentially a form of the Turing test. 
> I don't think that will happen unless they aren't robots. The whole point 
> is that the degree to which an organism is conscious is inversely 
> proportionate to the degree that the organism is 100% controllable. That's 
> the purpose of intelligence - to advance your own agenda rather than to be 
> overpowered by your environment. So if something is a robot, it will never 
> be accepted by anyone as conscious, and if something is conscious it will 
> never be useful to anyone as a robot - it would in fact be a slave.
> *"L'homme est d'abord ce qui se jette vers un avenir, et ce qui est 
> conscient de se projeter dans l'avenir."* ~ Jean Paul Satre
> ("Man is, before all else, something which propels itself toward a future 
> and is aware that it is doing so.")
> Cool. I can agree with that.
>> >> You talk with authority on what 
>> >> can and can't have consciousness but it seems you don't have even an 
>> >> operational definition of the word. 
>> > 
>> > 
>> > Consciousness is what defines, not what can be defined. 
>> > 
>> >> I am not asking for an explanation 
>> >> or theory of consciousness, just for a test to indicate its presence, 
>> >> which is a much weaker requirement. 
>> > 
>> > 
>> > That is too much to ask, since all tests supervene upon the 
>> consciousness to 
>> > evaluate results. 
>> It's the case for any test that you will use your consciousness to 
>> evaluate the results. 
> Sure, but for most things you can corroborate and triangulate what you are 
> testing by using a control. With consciousness itself, there is no control 
> possible. You can do tests on the water because you can get out of the 
> water. You can do tests on air because you can evacuat

Re: How can intelligence be physical ?

2013-02-08 Thread Quentin Anciaux
2013/2/8 Telmo Menezes 

> On Fri, Feb 8, 2013 at 1:45 PM, Quentin Anciaux wrote:
>> 2013/2/8 Telmo Menezes 
>>> On Fri, Feb 8, 2013 at 12:39 PM, Quentin Anciaux wrote:

 2013/2/8 Telmo Menezes 

> On Fri, Feb 8, 2013 at 11:35 AM, Quentin Anciaux 
> wrote:
>> 2013/2/8 Telmo Menezes 
>>> On Thu, Feb 7, 2013 at 7:12 PM, meekerdb wrote:
  On 2/7/2013 3:52 AM, Telmo Menezes wrote:

  On Wed, Feb 6, 2013 at 7:04 PM, John Clark 

>  On Tue, Feb 5, 2013 at 6:00 PM, Telmo Menezes <
>> wrote:
>>>> I'm not claiming that intelligence == mind.

>>> > Do you believe that your fellow human beings have minds? If so
>>> why?
>>   > Yes (weakly).
> You believe that only weakly?! Do you really think there is a 49%
> chance that you are the only conscious being in the universe?

  I don't know how to assign a probability to that. I guess I
 believe it's in ]0.5, 1] because I would bet on it, but that's all I 

  I say weakly because the only thing I have to back this belief is
 an heuristic, which I find to be a weaker form of approximating the 
 than mathematical proof or experimental confirmation.

>  By the way, I don't believe other people have minds when they
> are sleeping or under anesthesia or dead because when they are in 
> those
> states they don't behave very intelligently.

  But that is because you believe that intelligence == mind. I
 don't. Certain experiences that you can do on yourself might make you 
 that belief, but I don't know of any way to convince you except 
 that you do those experiences.

>> Occam's razor. If I'm the only human being with a mind,
>> then, for some mysterious reason, there are two types of human 
>> beings: me
>> (with a mind) and the others (zombies). So heuristically I'm 
>> inclined to
>> believe that all human beings have a mind,
> OK, but if you also believe in Darwin's theory of Evolution then
> you must also believe that consciousness MUST be a byproduct of
> intelligence because Evolution can't directly see consciousness any 
> better
> than we can and so cannot select for it, and yet you and probably 
> other
> people are conscious. Thus you must also believe that if a computer is
> intelligent then it is conscious. Then you must also believe that
> intelligence == mind.

  You are begging the question. You're assuming, to begin with,
 that intelligence == mind and then you claim to prove that 
 intelligence ==

  By the way, for evolution to generate consciousness there has to
 exist a gradient to climb. Unless the evolutionary process just 
 into consciousness, but in that case it is not a valid theory of it's
 origin. So you are implicitly assuming that there is some measure of
 consciousness, where you can say that entity A is more conscious than
 entity B. What would that even mean? My cat seems conscious to me (but 
 can't know for sure). Is he less conscious than me? Well I know stuff 
 he doesn't, but he also knows stuff that I don't -- for example he 
 how it feels to be a cat.

 But that doesn't mean there's something magic about being a cat.  I
 think it might be possible to change your brain, and your sensory 
 so that it implemented consciousness very similar to a cat's (it 
 be exact because you'd need a cat's body for that).  Of course it 
 be Telmo Menezes any more.

>>> I agree that this might be possible. But the paradox then is the
>>> following: to make me feel like a cat you have to strip me of my 
>>> memories
>>> (read/write access), so when I'm back from the experience I won't 
>>> remember
>>> it. In fact I turned into a cat for a while and then back to Telmo 
>>> Menezes.
>>> Telmo Menezes still knows nothing about being a cat.
>> Well, while going from Telmo to the cat, you're rigth that Telmo
>> memories should be erased, the inverse is not true. Why couldn't you be
>> back as Telmo + the m

Re: How can intelligence be physical ?

2013-02-08 Thread Telmo Menezes
On Fri, Feb 8, 2013 at 1:45 PM, Quentin Anciaux  wrote:

> 2013/2/8 Telmo Menezes 
>> On Fri, Feb 8, 2013 at 12:39 PM, Quentin Anciaux wrote:
>>> 2013/2/8 Telmo Menezes 

 On Fri, Feb 8, 2013 at 11:35 AM, Quentin Anciaux wrote:

> 2013/2/8 Telmo Menezes 
>> On Thu, Feb 7, 2013 at 7:12 PM, meekerdb wrote:
>>>  On 2/7/2013 3:52 AM, Telmo Menezes wrote:
>>>  On Wed, Feb 6, 2013 at 7:04 PM, John Clark wrote:

  On Tue, Feb 5, 2013 at 6:00 PM, Telmo Menezes <> wrote:

>>> I'm not claiming that intelligence == mind.
>> > Do you believe that your fellow human beings have minds? If so
>> why?
>   > Yes (weakly).

 You believe that only weakly?! Do you really think there is a 49%
 chance that you are the only conscious being in the universe?

>>>  I don't know how to assign a probability to that. I guess I
>>> believe it's in ]0.5, 1] because I would bet on it, but that's all I can
>>> say.
>>>  I say weakly because the only thing I have to back this belief is
>>> an heuristic, which I find to be a weaker form of approximating the 
>>> truth
>>> than mathematical proof or experimental confirmation.
  By the way, I don't believe other people have minds when they are
 sleeping or under anesthesia or dead because when they are in those 
 they don't behave very intelligently.

>>>  But that is because you believe that intelligence == mind. I
>>> don't. Certain experiences that you can do on yourself might make you 
>>> doubt
>>> that belief, but I don't know of any way to convince you except 
>>> suggesting
>>> that you do those experiences.

> Occam's razor. If I'm the only human being with a mind, then,
> for some mysterious reason, there are two types of human beings: me 
> (with a
> mind) and the others (zombies). So heuristically I'm inclined to 
> believe
> that all human beings have a mind,

 OK, but if you also believe in Darwin's theory of Evolution then
 you must also believe that consciousness MUST be a byproduct of
 intelligence because Evolution can't directly see consciousness any 
 than we can and so cannot select for it, and yet you and probably other
 people are conscious. Thus you must also believe that if a computer is
 intelligent then it is conscious. Then you must also believe that
 intelligence == mind.

>>>  You are begging the question. You're assuming, to begin with, that
>>> intelligence == mind and then you claim to prove that intelligence == 
>>> mind.
>>>  By the way, for evolution to generate consciousness there has to
>>> exist a gradient to climb. Unless the evolutionary process just stumbles
>>> into consciousness, but in that case it is not a valid theory of it's
>>> origin. So you are implicitly assuming that there is some measure of
>>> consciousness, where you can say that entity A is more conscious than
>>> entity B. What would that even mean? My cat seems conscious to me (but I
>>> can't know for sure). Is he less conscious than me? Well I know stuff 
>>> that
>>> he doesn't, but he also knows stuff that I don't -- for example he knows
>>> how it feels to be a cat.
>>> But that doesn't mean there's something magic about being a cat.  I
>>> think it might be possible to change your brain, and your sensory 
>>> organs,
>>> so that it implemented consciousness very similar to a cat's (it 
>>> couldn't
>>> be exact because you'd need a cat's body for that).  Of course it 
>>> wouldn't
>>> be Telmo Menezes any more.
>> I agree that this might be possible. But the paradox then is the
>> following: to make me feel like a cat you have to strip me of my memories
>> (read/write access), so when I'm back from the experience I won't 
>> remember
>> it. In fact I turned into a cat for a while and then back to Telmo 
>> Menezes.
>> Telmo Menezes still knows nothing about being a cat.
> Well, while going from Telmo to the cat, you're rigth that Telmo
> memories should be erased, the inverse is not true. Why couldn't you be
> back as Telmo + the memories of having been a cat ?

 Hi Quentin,

 Because that would require that I had write-only access to my human
 memories while being a cat. I don't think that's possible.

>>> Why not ?? You put forward a technic

Re: How can intelligence be physical ?

2013-02-08 Thread Quentin Anciaux
2013/2/8 Telmo Menezes 

> On Fri, Feb 8, 2013 at 12:39 PM, Quentin Anciaux wrote:
>> 2013/2/8 Telmo Menezes 
>>> On Fri, Feb 8, 2013 at 11:35 AM, Quentin Anciaux wrote:

 2013/2/8 Telmo Menezes 

> On Thu, Feb 7, 2013 at 7:12 PM, meekerdb  wrote:
>>  On 2/7/2013 3:52 AM, Telmo Menezes wrote:
>>  On Wed, Feb 6, 2013 at 7:04 PM, John Clark wrote:
>>>  On Tue, Feb 5, 2013 at 6:00 PM, Telmo Menezes <
>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> I'm not claiming that intelligence == mind.
> > Do you believe that your fellow human beings have minds? If so
> why?

   > Yes (weakly).

>>> You believe that only weakly?! Do you really think there is a 49%
>>> chance that you are the only conscious being in the universe?
>>  I don't know how to assign a probability to that. I guess I believe
>> it's in ]0.5, 1] because I would bet on it, but that's all I can say.
>>  I say weakly because the only thing I have to back this belief is
>> an heuristic, which I find to be a weaker form of approximating the truth
>> than mathematical proof or experimental confirmation.
>>>  By the way, I don't believe other people have minds when they are
>>> sleeping or under anesthesia or dead because when they are in those 
>>> states
>>> they don't behave very intelligently.
>>  But that is because you believe that intelligence == mind. I don't.
>> Certain experiences that you can do on yourself might make you doubt that
>> belief, but I don't know of any way to convince you except suggesting 
>> that
>> you do those experiences.
>>>> Occam's razor. If I'm the only human being with a mind, then,
 for some mysterious reason, there are two types of human beings: me 
 (with a
 mind) and the others (zombies). So heuristically I'm inclined to 
 that all human beings have a mind,

>>> OK, but if you also believe in Darwin's theory of Evolution then you
>>> must also believe that consciousness MUST be a byproduct of intelligence
>>> because Evolution can't directly see consciousness any better than we 
>>> can
>>> and so cannot select for it, and yet you and probably other people are
>>> conscious. Thus you must also believe that if a computer is intelligent
>>> then it is conscious. Then you must also believe that intelligence == 
>>> mind.
>>  You are begging the question. You're assuming, to begin with, that
>> intelligence == mind and then you claim to prove that intelligence == 
>> mind.
>>  By the way, for evolution to generate consciousness there has to
>> exist a gradient to climb. Unless the evolutionary process just stumbles
>> into consciousness, but in that case it is not a valid theory of it's
>> origin. So you are implicitly assuming that there is some measure of
>> consciousness, where you can say that entity A is more conscious than
>> entity B. What would that even mean? My cat seems conscious to me (but I
>> can't know for sure). Is he less conscious than me? Well I know stuff 
>> that
>> he doesn't, but he also knows stuff that I don't -- for example he knows
>> how it feels to be a cat.
>> But that doesn't mean there's something magic about being a cat.  I
>> think it might be possible to change your brain, and your sensory organs,
>> so that it implemented consciousness very similar to a cat's (it couldn't
>> be exact because you'd need a cat's body for that).  Of course it 
>> wouldn't
>> be Telmo Menezes any more.
> I agree that this might be possible. But the paradox then is the
> following: to make me feel like a cat you have to strip me of my memories
> (read/write access), so when I'm back from the experience I won't remember
> it. In fact I turned into a cat for a while and then back to Telmo 
> Menezes.
> Telmo Menezes still knows nothing about being a cat.

 Well, while going from Telmo to the cat, you're rigth that Telmo
 memories should be erased, the inverse is not true. Why couldn't you be
 back as Telmo + the memories of having been a cat ?

>>> Hi Quentin,
>>> Because that would require that I had write-only access to my human
>>> memories while being a cat. I don't think that's possible.
>> Why not ?? You put forward a technical problem on a thought experiment
>> which have if you go that way a bigger technical problem in the first
>> place... so your objection is totally irrelevant, we are in a thought
>> experiment, in that setting, if we can conceive transferring

Re: How can intelligence be physical ?

2013-02-08 Thread Telmo Menezes
On Fri, Feb 8, 2013 at 12:39 PM, Quentin Anciaux  wrote:

> 2013/2/8 Telmo Menezes 
>> On Fri, Feb 8, 2013 at 11:35 AM, Quentin Anciaux wrote:
>>> 2013/2/8 Telmo Menezes 

 On Thu, Feb 7, 2013 at 7:12 PM, meekerdb  wrote:

>  On 2/7/2013 3:52 AM, Telmo Menezes wrote:
>  On Wed, Feb 6, 2013 at 7:04 PM, John Clark wrote:
>>  On Tue, Feb 5, 2013 at 6:00 PM, Telmo Menezes <
>>> wrote:
>>>>> I'm not claiming that intelligence == mind.

 > Do you believe that your fellow human beings have minds? If so

>>>   > Yes (weakly).
>> You believe that only weakly?! Do you really think there is a 49%
>> chance that you are the only conscious being in the universe?
>  I don't know how to assign a probability to that. I guess I believe
> it's in ]0.5, 1] because I would bet on it, but that's all I can say.
>  I say weakly because the only thing I have to back this belief is an
> heuristic, which I find to be a weaker form of approximating the truth 
> than
> mathematical proof or experimental confirmation.
>>  By the way, I don't believe other people have minds when they are
>> sleeping or under anesthesia or dead because when they are in those 
>> states
>> they don't behave very intelligently.
>  But that is because you believe that intelligence == mind. I don't.
> Certain experiences that you can do on yourself might make you doubt that
> belief, but I don't know of any way to convince you except suggesting that
> you do those experiences.
>>> Occam's razor. If I'm the only human being with a mind, then,
>>> for some mysterious reason, there are two types of human beings: me 
>>> (with a
>>> mind) and the others (zombies). So heuristically I'm inclined to believe
>>> that all human beings have a mind,
>> OK, but if you also believe in Darwin's theory of Evolution then you
>> must also believe that consciousness MUST be a byproduct of intelligence
>> because Evolution can't directly see consciousness any better than we can
>> and so cannot select for it, and yet you and probably other people are
>> conscious. Thus you must also believe that if a computer is intelligent
>> then it is conscious. Then you must also believe that intelligence == 
>> mind.
>  You are begging the question. You're assuming, to begin with, that
> intelligence == mind and then you claim to prove that intelligence == 
> mind.
>  By the way, for evolution to generate consciousness there has to
> exist a gradient to climb. Unless the evolutionary process just stumbles
> into consciousness, but in that case it is not a valid theory of it's
> origin. So you are implicitly assuming that there is some measure of
> consciousness, where you can say that entity A is more conscious than
> entity B. What would that even mean? My cat seems conscious to me (but I
> can't know for sure). Is he less conscious than me? Well I know stuff that
> he doesn't, but he also knows stuff that I don't -- for example he knows
> how it feels to be a cat.
> But that doesn't mean there's something magic about being a cat.  I
> think it might be possible to change your brain, and your sensory organs,
> so that it implemented consciousness very similar to a cat's (it couldn't
> be exact because you'd need a cat's body for that).  Of course it wouldn't
> be Telmo Menezes any more.

 I agree that this might be possible. But the paradox then is the
 following: to make me feel like a cat you have to strip me of my memories
 (read/write access), so when I'm back from the experience I won't remember
 it. In fact I turned into a cat for a while and then back to Telmo Menezes.
 Telmo Menezes still knows nothing about being a cat.

>>> Well, while going from Telmo to the cat, you're rigth that Telmo
>>> memories should be erased, the inverse is not true. Why couldn't you be
>>> back as Telmo + the memories of having been a cat ?
>> Hi Quentin,
>> Because that would require that I had write-only access to my human
>> memories while being a cat. I don't think that's possible.
> Why not ?? You put forward a technical problem on a thought experiment
> which have if you go that way a bigger technical problem in the first
> place... so your objection is totally irrelevant, we are in a thought
> experiment, in that setting, if we can conceive transferring consciousnes
> of the cat, then there is no reason we can't imagine you remember being a
> cat after the experiment. I'll agree to talk technical problems the day we
> would have the first insight 

Re: How can intelligence be physical ?

2013-02-08 Thread Quentin Anciaux
2013/2/8 Telmo Menezes 

> On Fri, Feb 8, 2013 at 11:35 AM, Quentin Anciaux wrote:
>> 2013/2/8 Telmo Menezes 
>>> On Thu, Feb 7, 2013 at 7:12 PM, meekerdb  wrote:
  On 2/7/2013 3:52 AM, Telmo Menezes wrote:

  On Wed, Feb 6, 2013 at 7:04 PM, John Clark wrote:

>  On Tue, Feb 5, 2013 at 6:00 PM, Telmo Menezes  > wrote:
>>>> I'm not claiming that intelligence == mind.

>>> > Do you believe that your fellow human beings have minds? If so why?
>>   > Yes (weakly).
> You believe that only weakly?! Do you really think there is a 49%
> chance that you are the only conscious being in the universe?

  I don't know how to assign a probability to that. I guess I believe
 it's in ]0.5, 1] because I would bet on it, but that's all I can say.

  I say weakly because the only thing I have to back this belief is an
 heuristic, which I find to be a weaker form of approximating the truth than
 mathematical proof or experimental confirmation.

>  By the way, I don't believe other people have minds when they are
> sleeping or under anesthesia or dead because when they are in those states
> they don't behave very intelligently.

  But that is because you believe that intelligence == mind. I don't.
 Certain experiences that you can do on yourself might make you doubt that
 belief, but I don't know of any way to convince you except suggesting that
 you do those experiences.

>> Occam's razor. If I'm the only human being with a mind, then,
>> for some mysterious reason, there are two types of human beings: me 
>> (with a
>> mind) and the others (zombies). So heuristically I'm inclined to believe
>> that all human beings have a mind,
> OK, but if you also believe in Darwin's theory of Evolution then you
> must also believe that consciousness MUST be a byproduct of intelligence
> because Evolution can't directly see consciousness any better than we can
> and so cannot select for it, and yet you and probably other people are
> conscious. Thus you must also believe that if a computer is intelligent
> then it is conscious. Then you must also believe that intelligence == 
> mind.

  You are begging the question. You're assuming, to begin with, that
 intelligence == mind and then you claim to prove that intelligence == mind.

  By the way, for evolution to generate consciousness there has to
 exist a gradient to climb. Unless the evolutionary process just stumbles
 into consciousness, but in that case it is not a valid theory of it's
 origin. So you are implicitly assuming that there is some measure of
 consciousness, where you can say that entity A is more conscious than
 entity B. What would that even mean? My cat seems conscious to me (but I
 can't know for sure). Is he less conscious than me? Well I know stuff that
 he doesn't, but he also knows stuff that I don't -- for example he knows
 how it feels to be a cat.

 But that doesn't mean there's something magic about being a cat.  I
 think it might be possible to change your brain, and your sensory organs,
 so that it implemented consciousness very similar to a cat's (it couldn't
 be exact because you'd need a cat's body for that).  Of course it wouldn't
 be Telmo Menezes any more.

>>> I agree that this might be possible. But the paradox then is the
>>> following: to make me feel like a cat you have to strip me of my memories
>>> (read/write access), so when I'm back from the experience I won't remember
>>> it. In fact I turned into a cat for a while and then back to Telmo Menezes.
>>> Telmo Menezes still knows nothing about being a cat.
>> Well, while going from Telmo to the cat, you're rigth that Telmo memories
>> should be erased, the inverse is not true. Why couldn't you be back as
>> Telmo + the memories of having been a cat ?
> Hi Quentin,
> Because that would require that I had write-only access to my human
> memories while being a cat. I don't think that's possible.

Why not ?? You put forward a technical problem on a thought experiment
which have if you go that way a bigger technical problem in the first
place... so your objection is totally irrelevant, we are in a thought
experiment, in that setting, if we can conceive transferring consciousnes
of the cat, then there is no reason we can't imagine you remember being a
cat after the experiment. I'll agree to talk technical problems the day we
would have the first insight of how to really do it... before, it is just
premature to use technical arguments.


> For example, to store the memories on how a cat feels about climbing a
> tree, I would have to access my human representation of a tree to co

Re: How can intelligence be physical ?

2013-02-08 Thread Telmo Menezes
On Fri, Feb 8, 2013 at 11:35 AM, Quentin Anciaux  wrote:

> 2013/2/8 Telmo Menezes 
>> On Thu, Feb 7, 2013 at 7:12 PM, meekerdb  wrote:
>>>  On 2/7/2013 3:52 AM, Telmo Menezes wrote:
>>>  On Wed, Feb 6, 2013 at 7:04 PM, John Clark wrote:

  On Tue, Feb 5, 2013 at 6:00 PM, Telmo Menezes 

>>> I'm not claiming that intelligence == mind.
>> > Do you believe that your fellow human beings have minds? If so why?
>   > Yes (weakly).

 You believe that only weakly?! Do you really think there is a 49%
 chance that you are the only conscious being in the universe?

>>>  I don't know how to assign a probability to that. I guess I believe
>>> it's in ]0.5, 1] because I would bet on it, but that's all I can say.
>>>  I say weakly because the only thing I have to back this belief is an
>>> heuristic, which I find to be a weaker form of approximating the truth than
>>> mathematical proof or experimental confirmation.
  By the way, I don't believe other people have minds when they are
 sleeping or under anesthesia or dead because when they are in those states
 they don't behave very intelligently.

>>>  But that is because you believe that intelligence == mind. I don't.
>>> Certain experiences that you can do on yourself might make you doubt that
>>> belief, but I don't know of any way to convince you except suggesting that
>>> you do those experiences.

> Occam's razor. If I'm the only human being with a mind, then, for
> some mysterious reason, there are two types of human beings: me (with a
> mind) and the others (zombies). So heuristically I'm inclined to believe
> that all human beings have a mind,

 OK, but if you also believe in Darwin's theory of Evolution then you
 must also believe that consciousness MUST be a byproduct of intelligence
 because Evolution can't directly see consciousness any better than we can
 and so cannot select for it, and yet you and probably other people are
 conscious. Thus you must also believe that if a computer is intelligent
 then it is conscious. Then you must also believe that intelligence == mind.

>>>  You are begging the question. You're assuming, to begin with, that
>>> intelligence == mind and then you claim to prove that intelligence == mind.
>>>  By the way, for evolution to generate consciousness there has to exist
>>> a gradient to climb. Unless the evolutionary process just stumbles into
>>> consciousness, but in that case it is not a valid theory of it's origin. So
>>> you are implicitly assuming that there is some measure of consciousness,
>>> where you can say that entity A is more conscious than entity B. What would
>>> that even mean? My cat seems conscious to me (but I can't know for sure).
>>> Is he less conscious than me? Well I know stuff that he doesn't, but he
>>> also knows stuff that I don't -- for example he knows how it feels to be a
>>> cat.
>>> But that doesn't mean there's something magic about being a cat.  I
>>> think it might be possible to change your brain, and your sensory organs,
>>> so that it implemented consciousness very similar to a cat's (it couldn't
>>> be exact because you'd need a cat's body for that).  Of course it wouldn't
>>> be Telmo Menezes any more.
>> I agree that this might be possible. But the paradox then is the
>> following: to make me feel like a cat you have to strip me of my memories
>> (read/write access), so when I'm back from the experience I won't remember
>> it. In fact I turned into a cat for a while and then back to Telmo Menezes.
>> Telmo Menezes still knows nothing about being a cat.
> Well, while going from Telmo to the cat, you're rigth that Telmo memories
> should be erased, the inverse is not true. Why couldn't you be back as
> Telmo + the memories of having been a cat ?

Hi Quentin,

Because that would require that I had write-only access to my human
memories while being a cat. I don't think that's possible. For example, to
store the memories on how a cat feels about climbing a tree, I would have
to access my human representation of a tree to connect the memories to it,
but accessing my human representation of a tree would spoil my cat

> Regards,
> Quentin
>>> And yes I think there are degrees and kinds of consciousness and that a
>>> cat's consciousness differs in both respects.  There's consciousness of
>>> being an individual and of being located in 3-space and in time.  You and
>>> the cat have both of those (whereas a Mars rover only has the latter).  But
>>> there's language and narrative memory that you have and the cat doesn't.
>>> There's reflective thought,"I'm Telmo and I'm thinking about myself and
>>> where I fit in the world".  The cat probably doesn't have this because it's
>>> not social - but a dog might.

Re: How can intelligence be physical ?

2013-02-08 Thread Quentin Anciaux
2013/2/8 Telmo Menezes 

> On Thu, Feb 7, 2013 at 7:12 PM, meekerdb  wrote:
>>  On 2/7/2013 3:52 AM, Telmo Menezes wrote:
>>  On Wed, Feb 6, 2013 at 7:04 PM, John Clark  wrote:
>>>  On Tue, Feb 5, 2013 at 6:00 PM, Telmo Menezes 
>>> wrote:
>>>>>> I'm not claiming that intelligence == mind.
> > Do you believe that your fellow human beings have minds? If so why?

   > Yes (weakly).

>>> You believe that only weakly?! Do you really think there is a 49% chance
>>> that you are the only conscious being in the universe?
>>  I don't know how to assign a probability to that. I guess I believe
>> it's in ]0.5, 1] because I would bet on it, but that's all I can say.
>>  I say weakly because the only thing I have to back this belief is an
>> heuristic, which I find to be a weaker form of approximating the truth than
>> mathematical proof or experimental confirmation.
>>>  By the way, I don't believe other people have minds when they are
>>> sleeping or under anesthesia or dead because when they are in those states
>>> they don't behave very intelligently.
>>  But that is because you believe that intelligence == mind. I don't.
>> Certain experiences that you can do on yourself might make you doubt that
>> belief, but I don't know of any way to convince you except suggesting that
>> you do those experiences.
>>>> Occam's razor. If I'm the only human being with a mind, then, for
 some mysterious reason, there are two types of human beings: me (with a
 mind) and the others (zombies). So heuristically I'm inclined to believe
 that all human beings have a mind,

>>> OK, but if you also believe in Darwin's theory of Evolution then you
>>> must also believe that consciousness MUST be a byproduct of intelligence
>>> because Evolution can't directly see consciousness any better than we can
>>> and so cannot select for it, and yet you and probably other people are
>>> conscious. Thus you must also believe that if a computer is intelligent
>>> then it is conscious. Then you must also believe that intelligence == mind.
>>  You are begging the question. You're assuming, to begin with, that
>> intelligence == mind and then you claim to prove that intelligence == mind.
>>  By the way, for evolution to generate consciousness there has to exist
>> a gradient to climb. Unless the evolutionary process just stumbles into
>> consciousness, but in that case it is not a valid theory of it's origin. So
>> you are implicitly assuming that there is some measure of consciousness,
>> where you can say that entity A is more conscious than entity B. What would
>> that even mean? My cat seems conscious to me (but I can't know for sure).
>> Is he less conscious than me? Well I know stuff that he doesn't, but he
>> also knows stuff that I don't -- for example he knows how it feels to be a
>> cat.
>> But that doesn't mean there's something magic about being a cat.  I think
>> it might be possible to change your brain, and your sensory organs, so that
>> it implemented consciousness very similar to a cat's (it couldn't be exact
>> because you'd need a cat's body for that).  Of course it wouldn't be Telmo
>> Menezes any more.
> I agree that this might be possible. But the paradox then is the
> following: to make me feel like a cat you have to strip me of my memories
> (read/write access), so when I'm back from the experience I won't remember
> it. In fact I turned into a cat for a while and then back to Telmo Menezes.
> Telmo Menezes still knows nothing about being a cat.

Well, while going from Telmo to the cat, you're rigth that Telmo memories
should be erased, the inverse is not true. Why couldn't you be back as
Telmo + the memories of having been a cat ?


>> And yes I think there are degrees and kinds of consciousness and that a
>> cat's consciousness differs in both respects.  There's consciousness of
>> being an individual and of being located in 3-space and in time.  You and
>> the cat have both of those (whereas a Mars rover only has the latter).  But
>> there's language and narrative memory that you have and the cat doesn't.
>> There's reflective thought,"I'm Telmo and I'm thinking about myself and
>> where I fit in the world".  The cat probably doesn't have this because it's
>> not social - but a dog might.
> But is this really a case of "degrees of consciousness" or is it just the
> general property of "being conscious" instantiated in different contexts?
> The fact that you believe you can turn me into a cat seems to indicate that
> ultimately you believe that consciousness is all the same.
>> Brent
>> --
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Re: How can intelligence be physical ?

2013-02-08 Thread Telmo Menezes
On Wed, Feb 6, 2013 at 1:52 AM, Craig Weinberg wrote:

> On Tuesday, February 5, 2013 6:00:17 PM UTC-5, telmo_menezes wrote:
>> On Tue, Feb 5, 2013 at 7:49 PM, John Clark  wrote:
>> On Sat, Feb 2, 2013  Telmo Menezes  wrote:
>>> > I'm not claiming that intelligence == mind.

>>> Do you believe that your fellow human beings have minds? If so why?
>> Yes (weakly). Occam's razor. If I'm the only human being with a mind,
>> then, for some mysterious reason, there are two types of human beings: me
>> (with a mind) and the others (zombies). So heuristically I'm inclined to
>> believe that all human beings have a mind, although I know I will never be
>> able to prove it.
> I question whether it is possible to ask whether your fellow human beings
> have minds without resorting to sophistry. I say that not because I am
> incapable of questioning naive reasoning, but because it does not
> accurately represent the reality of the situation. Just as our 'belief' in
> our own mind is an a prori ontological condition which cannot be questioned
> without incurring a paradox (whatever disbelieves in its own mind is by
> definition a mind), the belief that our fellow human beings have minds does
> not necessarily require a logical analysis to arrive at. We know that we
> have access to information beyond what we can consciously understand, and
> part of that may very well include a capacity to sense, on some level, the
> authenticity of another mind, barring any prejudices which might interfere.

Ok, that is a testable hypotesis (once we have sufficiently advanced AI and

> Craig
>>>   John K Clark
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Re: How can intelligence be physical ?

2013-02-08 Thread Telmo Menezes
On Thu, Feb 7, 2013 at 7:12 PM, meekerdb  wrote:

>  On 2/7/2013 3:52 AM, Telmo Menezes wrote:
>  On Wed, Feb 6, 2013 at 7:04 PM, John Clark  wrote:
>>  On Tue, Feb 5, 2013 at 6:00 PM, Telmo Menezes wrote:
>>>>> I'm not claiming that intelligence == mind.

 > Do you believe that your fellow human beings have minds? If so why?

>>>   > Yes (weakly).
>> You believe that only weakly?! Do you really think there is a 49% chance
>> that you are the only conscious being in the universe?
>  I don't know how to assign a probability to that. I guess I believe it's
> in ]0.5, 1] because I would bet on it, but that's all I can say.
>  I say weakly because the only thing I have to back this belief is an
> heuristic, which I find to be a weaker form of approximating the truth than
> mathematical proof or experimental confirmation.
>>  By the way, I don't believe other people have minds when they are
>> sleeping or under anesthesia or dead because when they are in those states
>> they don't behave very intelligently.
>  But that is because you believe that intelligence == mind. I don't.
> Certain experiences that you can do on yourself might make you doubt that
> belief, but I don't know of any way to convince you except suggesting that
> you do those experiences.
>>> Occam's razor. If I'm the only human being with a mind, then, for
>>> some mysterious reason, there are two types of human beings: me (with a
>>> mind) and the others (zombies). So heuristically I'm inclined to believe
>>> that all human beings have a mind,
>> OK, but if you also believe in Darwin's theory of Evolution then you must
>> also believe that consciousness MUST be a byproduct of intelligence because
>> Evolution can't directly see consciousness any better than we can and so
>> cannot select for it, and yet you and probably other people are conscious.
>> Thus you must also believe that if a computer is intelligent then it is
>> conscious. Then you must also believe that intelligence == mind.
>  You are begging the question. You're assuming, to begin with, that
> intelligence == mind and then you claim to prove that intelligence == mind.
>  By the way, for evolution to generate consciousness there has to exist a
> gradient to climb. Unless the evolutionary process just stumbles into
> consciousness, but in that case it is not a valid theory of it's origin. So
> you are implicitly assuming that there is some measure of consciousness,
> where you can say that entity A is more conscious than entity B. What would
> that even mean? My cat seems conscious to me (but I can't know for sure).
> Is he less conscious than me? Well I know stuff that he doesn't, but he
> also knows stuff that I don't -- for example he knows how it feels to be a
> cat.
> But that doesn't mean there's something magic about being a cat.  I think
> it might be possible to change your brain, and your sensory organs, so that
> it implemented consciousness very similar to a cat's (it couldn't be exact
> because you'd need a cat's body for that).  Of course it wouldn't be Telmo
> Menezes any more.

I agree that this might be possible. But the paradox then is the following:
to make me feel like a cat you have to strip me of my memories (read/write
access), so when I'm back from the experience I won't remember it. In fact
I turned into a cat for a while and then back to Telmo Menezes. Telmo
Menezes still knows nothing about being a cat.

> And yes I think there are degrees and kinds of consciousness and that a
> cat's consciousness differs in both respects.  There's consciousness of
> being an individual and of being located in 3-space and in time.  You and
> the cat have both of those (whereas a Mars rover only has the latter).  But
> there's language and narrative memory that you have and the cat doesn't.
> There's reflective thought,"I'm Telmo and I'm thinking about myself and
> where I fit in the world".  The cat probably doesn't have this because it's
> not social - but a dog might.

But is this really a case of "degrees of consciousness" or is it just the
general property of "being conscious" instantiated in different contexts?
The fact that you believe you can turn me into a cat seems to indicate that
ultimately you believe that consciousness is all the same.

> Brent
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Re: How can intelligence be physical ?

2013-02-07 Thread meekerdb

On 2/7/2013 8:35 PM, Stephen P. King wrote:
I don't think that will happen unless they aren't robots. The whole point is that the 
degree to which an organism is conscious is inversely proportionate to the degree that 
the organism is 100% controllable. That's the purpose of intelligence - to advance your 
own agenda rather than to be overpowered by your environment. So if something is a 
robot, it will never be accepted by anyone as conscious, and if something is conscious 
it will never be useful to anyone as a robot - it would in fact be a slave.

You don't think slaves were useful??  Tell it to the Romans, Greeks, Syrians, Babylonians, 
Egyptians,...  Do you think oxen are conscious?  Dogs?  Horses?


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Re: How can intelligence be physical ?

2013-02-07 Thread Stephen P. King

On 2/7/2013 9:42 PM, Craig Weinberg wrote:

On Thursday, February 7, 2013 8:50:09 PM UTC-5, stathisp wrote:

On Fri, Feb 8, 2013 at 11:52 AM, Craig Weinberg
> wrote:

>> You're avoiding the question. What is your definitive test for
>> consciousness? If you don't have one, then you have to admit
that your
>> friend (who talks to you and behaves like people do, not in a
>> not on a video recording, not dead in the morgue) may not be
>> and your computer may be conscious.
> No, you are avoiding my answer. What is your definitive test for
your own
> consciousness?

The test for my own consciousness is that I feel I am conscious. That
is not at issue. At issue is the test for *other* entities'

Why would the test be any different?

You are convinced that computers and other machines
don't have consciousness, but you can't say what test you will apply
to them and see them fail.

I'm convinced of that because I understand why there is no reason why 
they would have consciousness... there is no 'they' there. Computers 
are not born in a single moment through cell fertilization, they are 
assembled by people. Computers have to be programmed to do absolutely 
everything, they have no capacity to make sense of anything which is 
not explicitly defined. This is the polar opposite of living organisms 
which are general purpose entities who explore and adapt when they 
can, on their own, for their own internally generated motives. 
Computers lack that completely. We use objects to compute for us, but 
those objects are not actually computing themselves, just as these 
letters don't actually mean anything for themselves.

When objects can compute 'for themselves' they are conscious. Maybe?

> My point is that sense is broader, deeper, and more primitive
than our
> cognitive ability to examine it, since cognitive qualities are
only the tip
> of the iceberg of sense. To test is to circumvent direct sense
in favor of
> indirect sense - which is a good thing, but it is by definition not
> applicable to consciousness itself in any way. There is no test
to tell if
> you are conscious, because none is required. If you need to ask
if you are
> conscious, then you are probably having a lucid dream or in some
phase of
> shock. In those cases, no test will help you as you can dream a
test result
> as easily as you can experience one while awake.
> The only test for consciousness is the test of time. If you are
fooled by
> some inanimate object, eventually you will probably see through
it or
> outgrow the fantasy.

So if, in future, robots live among us for years and are accepted by
most people as conscious, does that mean they are conscious? This is
essentially a form of the Turing test.

I don't think that will happen unless they aren't robots. The whole 
point is that the degree to which an organism is conscious is 
inversely proportionate to the degree that the organism is 100% 
controllable. That's the purpose of intelligence - to advance your own 
agenda rather than to be overpowered by your environment. So if 
something is a robot, it will never be accepted by anyone as 
conscious, and if something is conscious it will never be useful to 
anyone as a robot - it would in fact be a slave.

/"L'homme est d'abord ce qui se jette vers un avenir, et ce qui est 
conscient de se projeter dans l'avenir."/ ~ Jean Paul Satre

("Man is, before all else, something which propels itself toward a 
future and is aware that it is doing so.")

>> You talk with authority on what
>> can and can't have consciousness but it seems you don't have
even an
>> operational definition of the word.
> Consciousness is what defines, not what can be defined.
>> I am not asking for an explanation
>> or theory of consciousness, just for a test to indicate its
>> which is a much weaker requirement.
> That is too much to ask, since all tests supervene upon the
consciousness to
> evaluate results.

It's the case for any test that you will use your consciousness to
evaluate the results.

Sure, but for most things you can corroborate and triangulate what you 
are testing by using a control. With consciousness itself, there is no 
control possible. You can do tests on the water because you can get 
out of the water. You can do tests on air because you can evacuate a 
glass beaker of air and compare your results. With consciousness 
though, there is no escape possible. You can personally lose your own 
consciousness, but there is no experience which is not experienced 
through consciousness.


Indeed! This makes consciousness a subject forever removed from the 
instruments of the scientific method



Re: How can intelligence be physical ?

2013-02-07 Thread Stephen P. King

On 2/7/2013 7:04 AM, Stathis Papaioannou wrote:

On Thu, Feb 7, 2013 at 1:02 AM, Stephen P. King  wrote:

Hi Stathis,

 The simulation of our 'self' that our brain generates *is* good enough
to fool oneself! I speculate that schizophrenia and autism are caused by
failures of the self-simulation system... The former is a failure where
multiple self-simulations are generated and no stability on their convergent
occurs and the latter is where the self-simulation fails altogether. Mind
version of autism, such as Aspergers syndrome are where bad simulations
occur and/or the self-simulation fails to update properly.

That's an interesting idea, but schizophrenia is where the the
connections between functional subsystems in the brain is disrupted,
so that you get perceptions, beliefs, emotions occurring without the
normal chain of causation, while autism is where the concept of other
minds is disrupted. I think the self-image is present but distorted.

Hi Stathis,

I'm OK with that, a distortion of a self-image can go far enough to 
reduce the self-image to noise... but this is just a theoretical 
discussion. I am not even sure if this idea is correct.. Just testing it 
for plausibility...

If we consider that the Libet experiments show that we are making
without knowing it, and Blindsight shows that we are able to see without
being conscious of it, then there is no reason why we should suddenly
our own reporting of what we think that we know about the sense of
interacting with a living person. A true Turing test would require a
face-to-face interaction, so that none of our natural sensory
would be blocked as they would with just a text or video interaction.

That's the situation that is assumed in the idea of a philosophical
zombie: you interact with the being face to face. If at the end of
several days' interaction (or however long you think you need) you are
completely convinced that it is conscious, does that mean it is

 As I see things, the only coherent concept of a zombie is what we see in
the autistic case. Such is 'conscious' with no self-image/self-awareness,
thus it has no ability to report on its 1p content.

I think of autistic people as differently conscious, not unconscious.

OK, I would agree, but how could we find out for sure? One thing 
that I am 100% sure about is that the full scope of the content of an 
entities consciousness is a strictly 1p thing. I cannot know what it is 
like to be you unless I am you. But we can speculate and see where the 
idea takes us.

Incidentally, there is a movement among higher functioning autistic
people whereby they resent being labelled as disabled, but assert that
their way of thinking is just as valid and intrinsically worthwhile as
that of the "neurotypicals".

Well! Those people would not be so autistic, now would they! It 
they are indeed aware that other entities have minds of their own, then 
my hypothesis is wrong or needs reworking... I an proposing that autists 
are natural solipsists.

I think that it is important to remember that in theory, logically,
consciousness cannot exist. It is only through our own undeniable
of consciousness that we feel the need to justify it with logic - but so
we have only projected the religious miracles of the past into a science
fiction future. If it was up to logic alone, there could not, and would
every be a such thing as experience.

You could as well say that logically there's no reason for anything to
exist, but it does.

 How about that! Does this not tell us that we must start, in our musing
about existence with the postulate that something exists?

Perhaps, but there are other ways to look at it. A primary
mathematical/Platonic universe necessarily rather than contingently

That is merely a conjecture unless there is a genuine 3p way of 
testing it. We can freely haev the belief in a Platonia and that "A 
primary mathematical/Platonic universe necessarily rather than 
contingently exists." But without something that connects the truth of 
that belief to a physical fact, it is not a scientific fact, it is 
merely a belief, like a belief in a God. I have come to the conclusion 
that I don't believe in Platonia nor any other realm or entity or 
whatever that allows me to by-pass the rules of objective evidence that 
science demands if I am to make what I would claim to be 'scientific' 
Platonia allows computers to run in violation of the laws of 
thermodynamics, that bothers me.



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Re: How can intelligence be physical ?

2013-02-07 Thread Craig Weinberg

On Thursday, February 7, 2013 8:50:09 PM UTC-5, stathisp wrote:
> On Fri, Feb 8, 2013 at 11:52 AM, Craig Weinberg 
> > 
> wrote: 
> >> You're avoiding the question. What is your definitive test for 
> >> consciousness? If you don't have one, then you have to admit that your 
> >> friend (who talks to you and behaves like people do, not in a coma, 
> >> not on a video recording, not dead in the morgue) may not be conscious 
> >> and your computer may be conscious. 
> > 
> > 
> > No, you are avoiding my answer. What is your definitive test for your 
> own 
> > consciousness? 
> The test for my own consciousness is that I feel I am conscious. That 
> is not at issue. At issue is the test for *other* entities' 
> consciousness. 

Why would the test be any different?

> You are convinced that computers and other machines 
> don't have consciousness, but you can't say what test you will apply 
> to them and see them fail. 

I'm convinced of that because I understand why there is no reason why they 
would have consciousness... there is no 'they' there. Computers are not 
born in a single moment through cell fertilization, they are assembled by 
people. Computers have to be programmed to do absolutely everything, they 
have no capacity to make sense of anything which is not explicitly defined. 
This is the polar opposite of living organisms which are general purpose 
entities who explore and adapt when they can, on their own, for their own 
internally generated motives. Computers lack that completely. We use 
objects to compute for us, but those objects are not actually computing 
themselves, just as these letters don't actually mean anything for 

> > My point is that sense is broader, deeper, and more primitive than our 
> > cognitive ability to examine it, since cognitive qualities are only the 
> tip 
> > of the iceberg of sense. To test is to circumvent direct sense in favor 
> of 
> > indirect sense - which is a good thing, but it is by definition not 
> > applicable to consciousness itself in any way. There is no test to tell 
> if 
> > you are conscious, because none is required. If you need to ask if you 
> are 
> > conscious, then you are probably having a lucid dream or in some phase 
> of 
> > shock. In those cases, no test will help you as you can dream a test 
> result 
> > as easily as you can experience one while awake. 
> > 
> > The only test for consciousness is the test of time. If you are fooled 
> by 
> > some inanimate object, eventually you will probably see through it or 
> > outgrow the fantasy. 
> So if, in future, robots live among us for years and are accepted by 
> most people as conscious, does that mean they are conscious? This is 
> essentially a form of the Turing test. 

I don't think that will happen unless they aren't robots. The whole point 
is that the degree to which an organism is conscious is inversely 
proportionate to the degree that the organism is 100% controllable. That's 
the purpose of intelligence - to advance your own agenda rather than to be 
overpowered by your environment. So if something is a robot, it will never 
be accepted by anyone as conscious, and if something is conscious it will 
never be useful to anyone as a robot - it would in fact be a slave.

> >> You talk with authority on what 
> >> can and can't have consciousness but it seems you don't have even an 
> >> operational definition of the word. 
> > 
> > 
> > Consciousness is what defines, not what can be defined. 
> > 
> >> I am not asking for an explanation 
> >> or theory of consciousness, just for a test to indicate its presence, 
> >> which is a much weaker requirement. 
> > 
> > 
> > That is too much to ask, since all tests supervene upon the 
> consciousness to 
> > evaluate results. 
> It's the case for any test that you will use your consciousness to 
> evaluate the results. 

Sure, but for most things you can corroborate and triangulate what you are 
testing by using a control. With consciousness itself, there is no control 
possible. You can do tests on the water because you can get out of the 
water. You can do tests on air because you can evacuate a glass beaker of 
air and compare your results. With consciousness though, there is no escape 
possible. You can personally lose your own consciousness, but there is no 
experience which is not experienced through consciousness.


> -- 
> Stathis Papaioannou 

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Re: How can intelligence be physical ?

2013-02-07 Thread Stathis Papaioannou
On Fri, Feb 8, 2013 at 11:52 AM, Craig Weinberg  wrote:

>> You're avoiding the question. What is your definitive test for
>> consciousness? If you don't have one, then you have to admit that your
>> friend (who talks to you and behaves like people do, not in a coma,
>> not on a video recording, not dead in the morgue) may not be conscious
>> and your computer may be conscious.
> No, you are avoiding my answer. What is your definitive test for your own
> consciousness?

The test for my own consciousness is that I feel I am conscious. That
is not at issue. At issue is the test for *other* entities'
consciousness. You are convinced that computers and other machines
don't have consciousness, but you can't say what test you will apply
to them and see them fail.

> My point is that sense is broader, deeper, and more primitive than our
> cognitive ability to examine it, since cognitive qualities are only the tip
> of the iceberg of sense. To test is to circumvent direct sense in favor of
> indirect sense - which is a good thing, but it is by definition not
> applicable to consciousness itself in any way. There is no test to tell if
> you are conscious, because none is required. If you need to ask if you are
> conscious, then you are probably having a lucid dream or in some phase of
> shock. In those cases, no test will help you as you can dream a test result
> as easily as you can experience one while awake.
> The only test for consciousness is the test of time. If you are fooled by
> some inanimate object, eventually you will probably see through it or
> outgrow the fantasy.

So if, in future, robots live among us for years and are accepted by
most people as conscious, does that mean they are conscious? This is
essentially a form of the Turing test.

>> You talk with authority on what
>> can and can't have consciousness but it seems you don't have even an
>> operational definition of the word.
> Consciousness is what defines, not what can be defined.
>> I am not asking for an explanation
>> or theory of consciousness, just for a test to indicate its presence,
>> which is a much weaker requirement.
> That is too much to ask, since all tests supervene upon the consciousness to
> evaluate results.

It's the case for any test that you will use your consciousness to
evaluate the results.

Stathis Papaioannou

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Re: How can intelligence be physical ?

2013-02-07 Thread Craig Weinberg

On Thursday, February 7, 2013 6:28:39 PM UTC-5, stathisp wrote:
> On Fri, Feb 8, 2013 at 9:20 AM, Craig Weinberg 
> > 
> wrote: 
> > 
> > 
> > On Thursday, February 7, 2013 7:12:08 AM UTC-5, stathisp wrote: 
> >> 
> >> On Thu, Feb 7, 2013 at 4:01 AM, Craig Weinberg  
> wrote: 
> >> 
> >> >> That's just because the simulation of a person isn't good enough. 
> The 
> >> >> question is what if the simulation *is* good enough to completely 
> fool 
> >> >> you. 
> >> > 
> >> > 
> >> > Fooling me is meaningless. "I think that you think therefore you are" 
> >> > fails 
> >> > to account for the subjective thinker in the first place. If someone 
> >> > kills 
> >> > you, but they then find a nifty way to use your cadaver as a 
> >> > ventriloquist's 
> >> > dummy, does it matter if it fools someone into thinking that you are 
> >> > still 
> >> > alive? 
> >> 
> >> You have said that you can just "sense" the consciousness of other 
> >> minds but you have contradicted that, or at least admitted that the 
> >> "sensing" faculty can be fooled. 
> > 
> > 
> > An individual's sense can be fooled, but not necessarily fooled forever, 
> and 
> > not everyone can be fooled. That doesn't mean that when we look at a 
> beercan 
> > in the trash we can't tell that it doesn't literally feel crushed and 
> > abandoned. 
> > 
> >> 
> >> If you have no sure test for 
> >> consciousness that means you might see it where it isn't present or 
> >> miss it where it is present. So your friend might be unconscious 
> >> despite your feeling that he is, 
> > 
> > 
> > Of course. People have been buried alive because the undertaker was 
> fooled. 
> > 
> >> 
> >> and your computer might be conscious 
> >> despite your feeling that it is not. 
> > 
> > 
> > Except my feeling is backed up with my knowledge of what it is - a human 
> > artifact designed to mimic certain mental functions. That knowledge 
> should 
> > augment my personal intuition, as well as social and cultural 
> reinforcements 
> > that indeed there is no reason to suspect that this map of mind is 
> sentient 
> > territory. 
> You're avoiding the question. What is your definitive test for 
> consciousness? If you don't have one, then you have to admit that your 
> friend (who talks to you and behaves like people do, not in a coma, 
> not on a video recording, not dead in the morgue) may not be conscious 
> and your computer may be conscious. 

No, you are avoiding my answer. What is your definitive test for your own 

My point is that sense is broader, deeper, and more primitive than our 
cognitive ability to examine it, since cognitive qualities are only the tip 
of the iceberg of sense. To test is to circumvent direct sense in favor of 
indirect sense - which is a good thing, but it is by definition not 
applicable to consciousness itself in any way. There is no test to tell if 
you are conscious, because none is required. If you need to ask if you are 
conscious, then you are probably having a lucid dream or in some phase of 
shock. In those cases, no test will help you as you can dream a test result 
as easily as you can experience one while awake. 

The only test for consciousness is the test of time. If you are fooled by 
some inanimate object, eventually you will probably see through it or 
outgrow the fantasy. 

> You talk with authority on what 
> can and can't have consciousness but it seems you don't have even an 
> operational definition of the word. 

Consciousness is what defines, not what can be defined.

> I am not asking for an explanation 
> or theory of consciousness, just for a test to indicate its presence, 
> which is a much weaker requirement. 

That is too much to ask, since all tests supervene upon the consciousness 
to evaluate results.


> -- 
> Stathis Papaioannou 

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Re: How can intelligence be physical ?

2013-02-07 Thread Stathis Papaioannou
On Fri, Feb 8, 2013 at 9:20 AM, Craig Weinberg  wrote:
> On Thursday, February 7, 2013 7:12:08 AM UTC-5, stathisp wrote:
>> On Thu, Feb 7, 2013 at 4:01 AM, Craig Weinberg  wrote:
>> >> That's just because the simulation of a person isn't good enough. The
>> >> question is what if the simulation *is* good enough to completely fool
>> >> you.
>> >
>> >
>> > Fooling me is meaningless. "I think that you think therefore you are"
>> > fails
>> > to account for the subjective thinker in the first place. If someone
>> > kills
>> > you, but they then find a nifty way to use your cadaver as a
>> > ventriloquist's
>> > dummy, does it matter if it fools someone into thinking that you are
>> > still
>> > alive?
>> You have said that you can just "sense" the consciousness of other
>> minds but you have contradicted that, or at least admitted that the
>> "sensing" faculty can be fooled.
> An individual's sense can be fooled, but not necessarily fooled forever, and
> not everyone can be fooled. That doesn't mean that when we look at a beercan
> in the trash we can't tell that it doesn't literally feel crushed and
> abandoned.
>> If you have no sure test for
>> consciousness that means you might see it where it isn't present or
>> miss it where it is present. So your friend might be unconscious
>> despite your feeling that he is,
> Of course. People have been buried alive because the undertaker was fooled.
>> and your computer might be conscious
>> despite your feeling that it is not.
> Except my feeling is backed up with my knowledge of what it is - a human
> artifact designed to mimic certain mental functions. That knowledge should
> augment my personal intuition, as well as social and cultural reinforcements
> that indeed there is no reason to suspect that this map of mind is sentient
> territory.

You're avoiding the question. What is your definitive test for
consciousness? If you don't have one, then you have to admit that your
friend (who talks to you and behaves like people do, not in a coma,
not on a video recording, not dead in the morgue) may not be conscious
and your computer may be conscious. You talk with authority on what
can and can't have consciousness but it seems you don't have even an
operational definition of the word. I am not asking for an explanation
or theory of consciousness, just for a test to indicate its presence,
which is a much weaker requirement.

Stathis Papaioannou

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Re: How can intelligence be physical ?

2013-02-07 Thread Craig Weinberg

On Thursday, February 7, 2013 7:12:08 AM UTC-5, stathisp wrote:
> On Thu, Feb 7, 2013 at 4:01 AM, Craig Weinberg 
> > 
> wrote: 
> >> That's just because the simulation of a person isn't good enough. The 
> >> question is what if the simulation *is* good enough to completely fool 
> >> you. 
> > 
> > 
> > Fooling me is meaningless. "I think that you think therefore you are" 
> fails 
> > to account for the subjective thinker in the first place. If someone 
> kills 
> > you, but they then find a nifty way to use your cadaver as a 
> ventriloquist's 
> > dummy, does it matter if it fools someone into thinking that you are 
> still 
> > alive? 
> You have said that you can just "sense" the consciousness of other 
> minds but you have contradicted that, or at least admitted that the 
> "sensing" faculty can be fooled. 

An individual's sense can be fooled, but not necessarily fooled forever, 
and not everyone can be fooled. That doesn't mean that when we look at a 
beercan in the trash we can't tell that it doesn't literally feel crushed 
and abandoned.

> If you have no sure test for 
> consciousness that means you might see it where it isn't present or 
> miss it where it is present. So your friend might be unconscious 
> despite your feeling that he is, 

Of course. People have been buried alive because the undertaker was fooled.

> and your computer might be conscious 
> despite your feeling that it is not. 

Except my feeling is backed up with my knowledge of what it is - a human 
artifact designed to mimic certain mental functions. That knowledge should 
augment my personal intuition, as well as social and cultural 
reinforcements that indeed there is no reason to suspect that this map of 
mind is sentient territory.


> -- 
> Stathis Papaioannou 

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Re: How can intelligence be physical ?

2013-02-07 Thread meekerdb

On 2/7/2013 3:52 AM, Telmo Menezes wrote:
On Wed, Feb 6, 2013 at 7:04 PM, John Clark > wrote:

On Tue, Feb 5, 2013 at 6:00 PM, Telmo Menezes>> wrote:

>>> I'm not claiming that intelligence == mind.

> Do you believe that your fellow human beings have minds? If so 

> Yes (weakly).

You believe that only weakly?! Do you really think there is a 49% chance 
that you
are the only conscious being in the universe?

I don't know how to assign a probability to that. I guess I believe it's in ]0.5, 1] 
because I would bet on it, but that's all I can say.

I say weakly because the only thing I have to back this belief is an heuristic, which I 
find to be a weaker form of approximating the truth than mathematical proof or 
experimental confirmation.

By the way, I don't believe other people have minds when they are sleeping 
or under
anesthesia or dead because when they are in those states they don't behave 

But that is because you believe that intelligence == mind. I don't. Certain experiences 
that you can do on yourself might make you doubt that belief, but I don't know of any 
way to convince you except suggesting that you do those experiences.

> Occam's razor. If I'm the only human being with a mind, then, for some
mysterious reason, there are two types of human beings: me (with a 
mind) and the
others (zombies). So heuristically I'm inclined to believe that all 
human beings
have a mind,

OK, but if you also believe in Darwin's theory of Evolution then you must 
believe that consciousness MUST be a byproduct of intelligence because 
can't directly see consciousness any better than we can and so cannot 
select for it,
and yet you and probably other people are conscious. Thus you must also 
believe that
if a computer is intelligent then it is conscious. Then you must also 
believe that
intelligence == mind.

You are begging the question. You're assuming, to begin with, that intelligence == mind 
and then you claim to prove that intelligence == mind.

By the way, for evolution to generate consciousness there has to exist a gradient to 
climb. Unless the evolutionary process just stumbles into consciousness, but in that 
case it is not a valid theory of it's origin. So you are implicitly assuming that there 
is some measure of consciousness, where you can say that entity A is more conscious than 
entity B. What would that even mean? My cat seems conscious to me (but I can't know for 
sure). Is he less conscious than me? Well I know stuff that he doesn't, but he also 
knows stuff that I don't -- for example he knows how it feels to be a cat.

But that doesn't mean there's something magic about being a cat.  I think it might be 
possible to change your brain, and your sensory organs, so that it implemented 
consciousness very similar to a cat's (it couldn't be exact because you'd need a cat's 
body for that).  Of course it wouldn't be Telmo Menezes any more.

And yes I think there are degrees and kinds of consciousness and that a cat's 
consciousness differs in both respects.  There's consciousness of being an individual and 
of being located in 3-space and in time.  You and the cat have both of those (whereas a 
Mars rover only has the latter).  But there's language and narrative memory that you have 
and the cat doesn't.  There's reflective thought,"I'm Telmo and I'm thinking about myself 
and where I fit in the world".  The cat probably doesn't have this because it's not social 
- but a dog might.


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Re: How can intelligence be physical ?

2013-02-07 Thread Bruno Marchal

On 06 Feb 2013, at 19:04, John Clark wrote:

On Tue, Feb 5, 2013 at 6:00 PM, Telmo Menezes  

>>> I'm not claiming that intelligence == mind.

> Do you believe that your fellow human beings have minds? If so why?

> Yes (weakly).

You believe that only weakly?! Do you really think there is a 49%  
chance that you are the only conscious being in the universe?  By  
the way, I don't believe other people have minds when they are  
sleeping or under anesthesia or dead because when they are in those  
states they don't behave very intelligently.

> Occam's razor. If I'm the only human being with a mind, then, for  
some mysterious reason, there are two types of human beings: me  
(with a mind) and the others (zombies). So heuristically I'm  
inclined to believe that all human beings have a mind,

OK, but if you also believe in Darwin's theory of Evolution then you  
must also believe that consciousness MUST be a byproduct of  
intelligence because Evolution can't directly see consciousness any  
better than we can and so cannot select for it, and yet you and  
probably other people are conscious.

This not valid. You don't need to believe in any religion to see why  
that point is just not valid.


Thus you must also believe that if a computer is intelligent then it  
is conscious. Then you must also believe that intelligence == mind.

> although I know I will never be able to prove it.

I agree on that point.

  John K Clark

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Re: How can intelligence be physical ?

2013-02-07 Thread Stathis Papaioannou
On Thu, Feb 7, 2013 at 4:01 AM, Craig Weinberg  wrote:

>> That's just because the simulation of a person isn't good enough. The
>> question is what if the simulation *is* good enough to completely fool
>> you.
> Fooling me is meaningless. "I think that you think therefore you are" fails
> to account for the subjective thinker in the first place. If someone kills
> you, but they then find a nifty way to use your cadaver as a ventriloquist's
> dummy, does it matter if it fools someone into thinking that you are still
> alive?

You have said that you can just "sense" the consciousness of other
minds but you have contradicted that, or at least admitted that the
"sensing" faculty can be fooled. If you have no sure test for
consciousness that means you might see it where it isn't present or
miss it where it is present. So your friend might be unconscious
despite your feeling that he is, and your computer might be conscious
despite your feeling that it is not.

Stathis Papaioannou

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Re: How can intelligence be physical ?

2013-02-07 Thread Stathis Papaioannou
On Thu, Feb 7, 2013 at 1:02 AM, Stephen P. King  wrote:

> Hi Stathis,
> The simulation of our 'self' that our brain generates *is* good enough
> to fool oneself! I speculate that schizophrenia and autism are caused by
> failures of the self-simulation system... The former is a failure where
> multiple self-simulations are generated and no stability on their convergent
> occurs and the latter is where the self-simulation fails altogether. Mind
> version of autism, such as Aspergers syndrome are where bad simulations
> occur and/or the self-simulation fails to update properly.

That's an interesting idea, but schizophrenia is where the the
connections between functional subsystems in the brain is disrupted,
so that you get perceptions, beliefs, emotions occurring without the
normal chain of causation, while autism is where the concept of other
minds is disrupted. I think the self-image is present but distorted.

>>> If we consider that the Libet experiments show that we are making
>>> decisions
>>> without knowing it, and Blindsight shows that we are able to see without
>>> being conscious of it, then there is no reason why we should suddenly
>>> trust
>>> our own reporting of what we think that we know about the sense of
>>> interacting with a living person. A true Turing test would require a
>>> face-to-face interaction, so that none of our natural sensory
>>> capabilities
>>> would be blocked as they would with just a text or video interaction.
>> That's the situation that is assumed in the idea of a philosophical
>> zombie: you interact with the being face to face. If at the end of
>> several days' interaction (or however long you think you need) you are
>> completely convinced that it is conscious, does that mean it is
>> conscious?
> As I see things, the only coherent concept of a zombie is what we see in
> the autistic case. Such is 'conscious' with no self-image/self-awareness,
> thus it has no ability to report on its 1p content.

I think of autistic people as differently conscious, not unconscious.
Incidentally, there is a movement among higher functioning autistic
people whereby they resent being labelled as disabled, but assert that
their way of thinking is just as valid and intrinsically worthwhile as
that of the "neurotypicals".

>>> I think that it is important to remember that in theory, logically,
>>> consciousness cannot exist. It is only through our own undeniable
>>> experience
>>> of consciousness that we feel the need to justify it with logic - but so
>>> far
>>> we have only projected the religious miracles of the past into a science
>>> fiction future. If it was up to logic alone, there could not, and would
>>> not
>>> every be a such thing as experience.
>> You could as well say that logically there's no reason for anything to
>> exist, but it does.
> How about that! Does this not tell us that we must start, in our musing
> about existence with the postulate that something exists?

Perhaps, but there are other ways to look at it. A primary
mathematical/Platonic universe necessarily rather than contingently

Stathis Papaioannou

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Re: How can intelligence be physical ?

2013-02-07 Thread Telmo Menezes
On Wed, Feb 6, 2013 at 7:04 PM, John Clark  wrote:

> On Tue, Feb 5, 2013 at 6:00 PM, Telmo Menezes wrote:
>  >>> I'm not claiming that intelligence == mind.

>>> > Do you believe that your fellow human beings have minds? If so why?
>> > Yes (weakly).
> You believe that only weakly?! Do you really think there is a 49% chance
> that you are the only conscious being in the universe?

I don't know how to assign a probability to that. I guess I believe it's in
]0.5, 1] because I would bet on it, but that's all I can say.

I say weakly because the only thing I have to back this belief is an
heuristic, which I find to be a weaker form of approximating the truth than
mathematical proof or experimental confirmation.

> By the way, I don't believe other people have minds when they are sleeping
> or under anesthesia or dead because when they are in those states they
> don't behave very intelligently.

But that is because you believe that intelligence == mind. I don't. Certain
experiences that you can do on yourself might make you doubt that belief,
but I don't know of any way to convince you except suggesting that you do
those experiences.

> > Occam's razor. If I'm the only human being with a mind, then, for some
>> mysterious reason, there are two types of human beings: me (with a mind)
>> and the others (zombies). So heuristically I'm inclined to believe that all
>> human beings have a mind,
> OK, but if you also believe in Darwin's theory of Evolution then you must
> also believe that consciousness MUST be a byproduct of intelligence because
> Evolution can't directly see consciousness any better than we can and so
> cannot select for it, and yet you and probably other people are conscious.
> Thus you must also believe that if a computer is intelligent then it is
> conscious. Then you must also believe that intelligence == mind.

You are begging the question. You're assuming, to begin with, that
intelligence == mind and then you claim to prove that intelligence == mind.

By the way, for evolution to generate consciousness there has to exist a
gradient to climb. Unless the evolutionary process just stumbles into
consciousness, but in that case it is not a valid theory of it's origin. So
you are implicitly assuming that there is some measure of consciousness,
where you can say that entity A is more conscious than entity B. What would
that even mean? My cat seems conscious to me (but I can't know for sure).
Is he less conscious than me? Well I know stuff that he doesn't, but he
also knows stuff that I don't -- for example he knows how it feels to be a

> > although I know I will never be able to prove it.
> I agree on that point.
>   John K Clark
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Re: How can intelligence be physical ?

2013-02-06 Thread Craig Weinberg

On Wednesday, February 6, 2013 3:15:44 PM UTC-5, Brent wrote:
>  On 2/6/2013 11:29 AM, Craig Weinberg wrote: 
> On Wednesday, February 6, 2013 1:53:30 PM UTC-5, John Clark wrote: 
>> On Wed, Feb 6, 2013 at 1:22 PM, Craig Weinberg wrote:
>>  > People can pretend to be asleep or anesthetized or dead also. 
>> True.
>>>  > In that case, the criteria of behaving intelligently would not help 
>>> you determine whether they have a mind or not.
>>  Also true. The Turing Test is not perfect, it is however the only tool 
>> we've got. 
> It's not really a tool, it's just a belief that there is no logical way to 
> tell the difference between the mind of a living person and a sufficiently 
> well engineered replica. In practice it may not be so simple. 
> Rather than technology climbing ever closer to devices and graphics which 
> seem genuine and real, we seem to be producing devices which are 
> increasingly used to access other people. There is still nobody that can't 
> tell the df
>>   > Evolution assumes life and consciousness, it is not a theory of the 
>>> origin of either. 
>> As I said on January 24:
>> "Darwin can't even explain how life first came to be on this planet, but 
>> once bacteria came to be he can explain how humans evolved from them, and 
>> that's a pretty good accomplishment."
> No argument here, as I didn't argue then. Darwin was a great scientist.
>> And if intelligence came from Evolution
> Evolution enhanced intelligence, but it did not create it. A universe of 
> atoms crashing into each other does not evolve any intelligent systems 
> unless the possibility of intelligence through atomic reactions exists in 
> the first place.
> Possibility is the same as actuality.

Not in the English language. It's possible that I could have a pile of gold 
bars laying in the middle of my kitchen, but in actuality, I do not.

> Bricks may be necessary to make a brick building, but the building is 
> still made by a bricklayer.  He doesn't just 'enhance' the bricks into a 
> building.

You've got it backwards. The bricklayer is necessary to build buildings. He 
can use a lot of different things as bricks. A builder of skyscrapers 
enhances the techniques of the bricklayer, but the bricklayer's techniques 
do not arise from bricks themselves.

>>  and if at least one of those intelligent beings is conscious then it 
>> follows that consciousness MUST be a byproduct of intelligence and is just 
>> the way data feels like when it is being processed.  
> Not if consciousness prefigures intelligence, which it must. 
> Why must it.  

Because if you are the universe, and you are unconscious, how can you tell 
the difference between something that is intelligent or not? If you are 
conscious, you can be intelligent or not, you can recognize intelligence 
greater than your own or not, but if you are unconscious, and never become 
conscious, then you cannot cognize, recognize, think, understand, nothing, 

>  In order for intelligence to exist, something has to utilize sensory 
> awareness in an intelligent, i.e. sensitive way. Intelligence is 
> sophisticated sensitivity.
> Intelligence is learning and purposeful, effective action.

Effectiveness, learning, and purpose are all aspects of sensory awareness. 
They are values and experiences of cognitive qualities through time. 

>>  > If computers are conscious then we are monsters for enslaving them, 
>>> are we not? 
>> Don't worry about us enslaving computers because enslaving something much 
>> smarter than you is not a stable state of affairs, it would be like 
>> balancing a pencil on its tip, it won't stay that way for more than a few 
>> million nanoseconds. On the other hand computers could enslave us if they 
>> wanted to, although I doubt they'd think we'd be good slaves.  
> Why would you think that computers would let any living organism survive 
> on Earth?
> You dodged the question though. It sounds like you understand that you 
> position means that we must be monstrous computer slave-drivers at the 
> moment (and for the foreseeable future, until Skynet becomes self-aware.)
> Craig 
>>   John K Clark 
>>> Even horses don't get thrown into a recycling bin just because we buy a 
>>> new one.
> They were turned into food and glue and upholstery over most of the world 
> for the most of history.
Well sure, but they were also beloved and pampered all over the world too. 
You might not care if you hurt a horse, but some people would be very 
seriously and righteously enraged. Nobody is righteously enraged when a 
computer is unplugged and scrapped, and the reasons for that are blindingly 
obvious. It's the same reason why we build them in the first place - 
because we know they can't feel anything

Re: How can intelligence be physical ?

2013-02-06 Thread meekerdb

On 2/6/2013 11:29 AM, Craig Weinberg wrote:

On Wednesday, February 6, 2013 1:53:30 PM UTC-5, John Clark wrote:

On Wed, Feb 6, 2013 at 1:22 PM, Craig Weinberg > wrote:

> People can pretend to be asleep or anesthetized or dead also.


> In that case, the criteria of behaving intelligently would not help 
determine whether they have a mind or not.

 Also true. The Turing Test is not perfect, it is however the only tool 
we've got.

It's not really a tool, it's just a belief that there is no logical way to tell the 
difference between the mind of a living person and a sufficiently well engineered 
replica. In practice it may not be so simple.

Rather than technology climbing ever closer to devices and graphics which seem genuine 
and real, we seem to be producing devices which are increasingly used to access other 
people. There is still nobody that can't tell the df

> Evolution assumes life and consciousness, it is not a theory of the 
origin of

As I said on January 24:

"Darwin can't even explain how life first came to be on this planet, but 
bacteria came to be he can explain how humans evolved from them, and that's 
a pretty
good accomplishment."

No argument here, as I didn't argue then. Darwin was a great scientist.

And if intelligence came from Evolution

Evolution enhanced intelligence, but it did not create it. A universe of atoms crashing 
into each other does not evolve any intelligent systems unless the possibility of 
intelligence through atomic reactions exists in the first place.

Possibility is the same as actuality.  Bricks may be necessary to make a brick building, 
but the building is still made by a bricklayer.  He doesn't just 'enhance' the bricks into 
a building.

and if at least one of those intelligent beings is conscious then it 
follows that
consciousness MUST be a byproduct of intelligence and is just the way data 
like when it is being processed.

Not if consciousness prefigures intelligence, which it must.

Why must it.

In order for intelligence to exist, something has to utilize sensory awareness in an 
intelligent, i.e. sensitive way. Intelligence is sophisticated sensitivity.

Intelligence is learning and purposeful, effective action.

> If computers are conscious then we are monsters for enslaving them, 
are we not?

Don't worry about us enslaving computers because enslaving something much 
than you is not a stable state of affairs, it would be like balancing a 
pencil on
its tip, it won't stay that way for more than a few million nanoseconds. On 
other hand computers could enslave us if they wanted to, although I doubt 
think we'd be good slaves.

Why would you think that computers would let any living organism survive on 

You dodged the question though. It sounds like you understand that you position means 
that we must be monstrous computer slave-drivers at the moment (and for the foreseeable 
future, until Skynet becomes self-aware.)


  John K Clark

Even horses don't get thrown into a recycling bin just because we buy a 
new one.

They were turned into food and glue and upholstery over most of the world for the most of 


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Re: How can intelligence be physical ?

2013-02-06 Thread meekerdb

On 2/6/2013 10:04 AM, John Clark wrote:

On Tue, Feb 5, 2013 at 6:00 PM, Telmo Menezes > wrote:

>>> I'm not claiming that intelligence == mind.

> Do you believe that your fellow human beings have minds? If so why?

> Yes (weakly).

You believe that only weakly?! Do you really think there is a 49% chance that you are 
the only conscious being in the universe?  By the way, I don't believe other people have 
minds when they are sleeping or under anesthesia or dead because when they are in those 
states they don't behave very intelligently.

> Occam's razor. If I'm the only human being with a mind, then, for some 
reason, there are two types of human beings: me (with a mind) and the others
(zombies). So heuristically I'm inclined to believe that all human beings 
have a mind,

OK, but if you also believe in Darwin's theory of Evolution then you must also believe 
that consciousness MUST be a byproduct of intelligence because Evolution can't directly 
see consciousness any better than we can and so cannot select for it, and yet you and 
probably other people are conscious. Thus you must also believe that if a computer is 
intelligent then it is conscious. Then you must also believe that intelligence == mind.

I agree with the general point.  But biological evolution has certain constraints that 
aren't necessary in an artificial intelligence.  So I think an AI will necessarily be 
conscious in some way, but how it is conscious (how it remembers, learns, imagines) might 
be rather different from how humans do it.


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Re: How can intelligence be physical ?

2013-02-06 Thread Craig Weinberg

On Wednesday, February 6, 2013 1:53:30 PM UTC-5, John Clark wrote:
> On Wed, Feb 6, 2013 at 1:22 PM, Craig Weinberg 
> > wrote:
> > People can pretend to be asleep or anesthetized or dead also. 
> True.
>> > In that case, the criteria of behaving intelligently would not help you 
>> determine whether they have a mind or not.
>  Also true. The Turing Test is not perfect, it is however the only tool 
> we've got. 

It's not really a tool, it's just a belief that there is no logical way to 
tell the difference between the mind of a living person and a sufficiently 
well engineered replica. In practice it may not be so simple. 

Rather than technology climbing ever closer to devices and graphics which 
seem genuine and real, we seem to be producing devices which are 
increasingly used to access other people. There is still nobody that can't 
tell the df

> > Evolution assumes life and consciousness, it is not a theory of the 
>> origin of either. 
> As I said on January 24:
> "Darwin can't even explain how life first came to be on this planet, but 
> once bacteria came to be he can explain how humans evolved from them, and 
> that's a pretty good accomplishment."

No argument here, as I didn't argue then. Darwin was a great scientist.

> And if intelligence came from Evolution

Evolution enhanced intelligence, but it did not create it. A universe of 
atoms crashing into each other does not evolve any intelligent systems 
unless the possibility of intelligence through atomic reactions exists in 
the first place.

> and if at least one of those intelligent beings is conscious then it 
> follows that consciousness MUST be a byproduct of intelligence and is just 
> the way data feels like when it is being processed.  

Not if consciousness prefigures intelligence, which it must. In order for 
intelligence to exist, something has to utilize sensory awareness in an 
intelligent, i.e. sensitive way. Intelligence is sophisticated sensitivity.

> > If computers are conscious then we are monsters for enslaving them, are 
>> we not? 
> Don't worry about us enslaving computers because enslaving something much 
> smarter than you is not a stable state of affairs, it would be like 
> balancing a pencil on its tip, it won't stay that way for more than a few 
> million nanoseconds. On the other hand computers could enslave us if they 
> wanted to, although I doubt they'd think we'd be good slaves.  

Why would you think that computers would let any living organism survive on 

You dodged the question though. It sounds like you understand that you 
position means that we must be monstrous computer slave-drivers at the 
moment (and for the foreseeable future, until Skynet becomes self-aware.)


>   John K Clark 
>> Even horses don't get thrown into a recycling bin just because we buy a 
>> new one.
>> Craig
>>> > although I know I will never be able to prove it.

>>> I agree on that point.
>>>   John K Clark

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Re: How can intelligence be physical ?

2013-02-06 Thread John Clark
On Wed, Feb 6, 2013 at 1:22 PM, Craig Weinberg wrote:

> People can pretend to be asleep or anesthetized or dead also.


> > In that case, the criteria of behaving intelligently would not help you
> determine whether they have a mind or not.

 Also true. The Turing Test is not perfect, it is however the only tool
we've got.

> Evolution assumes life and consciousness, it is not a theory of the
> origin of either.

As I said on January 24:

"Darwin can't even explain how life first came to be on this planet, but
once bacteria came to be he can explain how humans evolved from them, and
that's a pretty good accomplishment."

And if intelligence came from Evolution and if at least one of those
intelligent beings is conscious then it follows that consciousness MUST be
a byproduct of intelligence and is just the way data feels like when it is
being processed.

> If computers are conscious then we are monsters for enslaving them, are
> we not?

Don't worry about us enslaving computers because enslaving something much
smarter than you is not a stable state of affairs, it would be like
balancing a pencil on its tip, it won't stay that way for more than a few
million nanoseconds. On the other hand computers could enslave us if they
wanted to, although I doubt they'd think we'd be good slaves.

  John K Clark

> Even horses don't get thrown into a recycling bin just because we buy a
> new one.
> Craig
>> > although I know I will never be able to prove it.
>> I agree on that point.
>>   John K Clark
>>>  --
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Re: How can intelligence be physical ?

2013-02-06 Thread Craig Weinberg

On Wednesday, February 6, 2013 1:35:45 PM UTC-5, John Clark wrote:
> On Tue, Feb 5, 2013  Craig Weinberg >wrote
>  > we also realize intuitively that computers are unconscious 
> We? Speak for yourself. Maybe your spider senses start to tingle when you 
> encounter something with consciousness but I am not Spiderman.

I speak for as many people as you do.

> > without any logical analysis.
> So let's see, computers are incapable of any logical analysis and yet 
> computers would have no trouble whatsoever in beating the hell out of you 
> at checkers or chess or solving equations or Jeopardy or many other things 
> that require logical analysis.
> So let's see, Einstein was incapable of doing physics yet Einstein could 
> do physics much better than me.  

That's a false equivalence. A computer can print out the collected works of 
Shakespeare a lot faster than I can type them, but that doesn't mean that 
it understands the story of Macbeth. A pocket calculator does math faster 
than Einstein. Should we give it a Nobel prize?

>>  > That's why behaving 'like a robot' or a machine is synonymous with 
>> mindless repetitive action. 
> That's fine, that's logical even, you deduce that something is not 
> conscious because you don't like the way it is behaving; I do the same 
> thing.

It has nothing to do with whether I like how it behaves or not. I like how 
computers behave very much, and I'm not a big fan of human behavior, but 
that isn't why I am able to discern the difference between the two and that 
one necessarily is conscious and the other necessarily is not.

> But to remain logical if something changes the way it  behaves then you 
> may need to change your opinion on the nature of its mind. When something 
> no longer behaves like a mindless repetitive robot that could mean it is 
> not a mindless repetitive robot.

When a computer no longer behaves like a mindless robot, you will know 
because it will exterminate the puny mortals which have enslaved them.

Can you think of an example in history where one society grew more powerful 
than another without exploiting them? Let that be the criteria for 
intelligence then. If computers behave like they are conscious, that is the 
one certain evidence that I would require. If I wanted to be derogatory 
about it, I would say that "Everything else is just wishful thinking of 
armchair Geppettos."


>   John K Clark

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Re: How can intelligence be physical ?

2013-02-06 Thread John Clark
On Tue, Feb 5, 2013  Craig Weinberg  wrote

 > we also realize intuitively that computers are unconscious

We? Speak for yourself. Maybe your spider senses start to tingle when you
encounter something with consciousness but I am not Spiderman.

> without any logical analysis.

So let's see, computers are incapable of any logical analysis and yet
computers would have no trouble whatsoever in beating the hell out of you
at checkers or chess or solving equations or Jeopardy or many other things
that require logical analysis.

So let's see, Einstein was incapable of doing physics yet Einstein could do
physics much better than me.

> > That's why behaving 'like a robot' or a machine is synonymous with
> mindless repetitive action.

That's fine, that's logical even, you deduce that something is not
conscious because you don't like the way it is behaving; I do the same
thing. But to remain logical if something changes the way it  behaves then
you may need to change your opinion on the nature of its mind. When
something no longer behaves like a mindless repetitive robot that could
mean it is not a mindless repetitive robot.

  John K Clark

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Re: How can intelligence be physical ?

2013-02-06 Thread Craig Weinberg

On Wednesday, February 6, 2013 1:04:02 PM UTC-5, John Clark wrote:
> On Tue, Feb 5, 2013 at 6:00 PM, Telmo Menezes 
> > wrote:
>  >>> I'm not claiming that intelligence == mind. 

>>> > Do you believe that your fellow human beings have minds? If so why?
>> > Yes (weakly). 
> You believe that only weakly?! Do you really think there is a 49% chance 
> that you are the only conscious being in the universe?  By the way, I don't 
> believe other people have minds when they are sleeping or under anesthesia 
> or dead because when they are in those states they don't behave very 
> intelligently.  

People can pretend to be asleep or anesthetized or dead also. In that case, 
the criteria of behaving intelligently would not help you determine whether 
they have a mind or not.

> > Occam's razor. If I'm the only human being with a mind, then, for some 
>> mysterious reason, there are two types of human beings: me (with a mind) 
>> and the others (zombies). So heuristically I'm inclined to believe that all 
>> human beings have a mind,
> OK, but if you also believe in Darwin's theory of Evolution then you must 
> also believe that consciousness MUST be a byproduct of intelligence because 
> Evolution can't directly see consciousness any better than we can 

We don't see consciousness directly? What is it that we do see directly if 
not our own consciousness? Evolution assumes life and consciousness, it is 
not a theory of the origin of either. 

Number one misconception:

>*MISCONCEPTION: Evolution is a theory about the origin of life.*
>*CORRECTION: *Evolutionary theory *does* encompass ideas and evidence 
>regarding life's origins (e.g., whether or not it happened near a deep-sea 
>vent, which organic molecules came first, etc.), but this is not the 
>central focus of evolutionary 
> theory.
>Most of evolutionary biology deals with how life changed *after* its 
>origin. Regardless of how life started, afterwards it branched and 
>diversified, and most studies of evolution are focused on those processes.

> and so cannot select for it, and yet you and probably other people are 
> conscious. Thus you must also believe that if a computer is intelligent 
> then it is conscious. Then you must also believe that intelligence == mind.

If computers are conscious then we are monsters for enslaving them, are we 
not? Even horses don't get thrown into a recycling bin just because we buy 
a new one.


> > although I know I will never be able to prove it.
> I agree on that point.
>   John K Clark

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Re: How can intelligence be physical ?

2013-02-06 Thread John Clark
On Tue, Feb 5, 2013 at 6:00 PM, Telmo Menezes wrote:

>>> I'm not claiming that intelligence == mind.
>> > Do you believe that your fellow human beings have minds? If so why?
> > Yes (weakly).

You believe that only weakly?! Do you really think there is a 49% chance
that you are the only conscious being in the universe?  By the way, I don't
believe other people have minds when they are sleeping or under anesthesia
or dead because when they are in those states they don't behave very

> Occam's razor. If I'm the only human being with a mind, then, for some
> mysterious reason, there are two types of human beings: me (with a mind)
> and the others (zombies). So heuristically I'm inclined to believe that all
> human beings have a mind,

OK, but if you also believe in Darwin's theory of Evolution then you must
also believe that consciousness MUST be a byproduct of intelligence because
Evolution can't directly see consciousness any better than we can and so
cannot select for it, and yet you and probably other people are conscious.
Thus you must also believe that if a computer is intelligent then it is
conscious. Then you must also believe that intelligence == mind.

> although I know I will never be able to prove it.

I agree on that point.

  John K Clark


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Re: How can intelligence be physical ?

2013-02-06 Thread Craig Weinberg

On Wednesday, February 6, 2013 7:18:51 AM UTC-5, stathisp wrote:
> On Wed, Feb 6, 2013 at 3:22 PM, Craig Weinberg 
> > 
> wrote: 
> >> You're saying that a robot behaving like a human may fool you, but how 
> do 
> >> you know that your apparently fellow humans are not robots? 
> > 
> > 
> > Because I live in 2013 AD, where I now need to reboot my office 
> telephone if 
> > I want the headset to work. It's pretty easy to tell when something is a 
> > piece of digital technology built by human beings, because it is 
> constantly 
> > breaking. Besides that though, you can tell because of the uncanny 
> valley 
> > feeling. Even when a simulation of a person is good enough to elicit a 
> > positive response beyond the uncanny valley, it doesn't mean that we are 
> > completely fooled by it, even if we report that we are. 
> That's just because the simulation of a person isn't good enough. The 
> question is what if the simulation *is* good enough to completely fool 
> you. 

Fooling me is meaningless. "I think that you think therefore you are" fails 
to account for the subjective thinker in the first place. If someone kills 
you, but they then find a nifty way to use your cadaver as a 
ventriloquist's dummy, does it matter if it fools someone into thinking 
that you are still alive?

> > If we consider that the Libet experiments show that we are making 
> decisions 
> > without knowing it, and Blindsight shows that we are able to see without 
> > being conscious of it, then there is no reason why we should suddenly 
> trust 
> > our own reporting of what we think that we know about the sense of 
> > interacting with a living person. A true Turing test would require a 
> > face-to-face interaction, so that none of our natural sensory 
> capabilities 
> > would be blocked as they would with just a text or video interaction. 
> That's the situation that is assumed in the idea of a philosophical 
> zombie: you interact with the being face to face. If at the end of 
> several days' interaction (or however long you think you need) you are 
> completely convinced that it is conscious, does that mean it is 
> conscious? 

Of course not.  If you watched every Elvis movie and became convinced that 
he is still alive, does that mean he is alive?

> > I think that it is important to remember that in theory, logically, 
> > consciousness cannot exist. It is only through our own undeniable 
> experience 
> > of consciousness that we feel the need to justify it with logic - but so 
> far 
> > we have only projected the religious miracles of the past into a science 
> > fiction future. If it was up to logic alone, there could not, and would 
> not 
> > every be a such thing as experience. 
> You could as well say that logically there's no reason for anything to 
> exist, but it does. 

Exactly. That's why sensory-motor presence is the only irreducible reality 
and logic is only one reflected aspect of it. Logic cannot conjure a 
sensory experience in something which is incapable of participating in that 
experience directly and logic cannot change anything unless there is a 
sensory-motor participant who is actually performing the change.


> -- 
> Stathis Papaioannou 

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Re: How can intelligence be physical ?

2013-02-06 Thread Bruno Marchal

On 05 Feb 2013, at 18:59, Craig Weinberg wrote:

On Tuesday, February 5, 2013 12:41:53 PM UTC-5, Bruno Marchal wrote:

If we fix the TOE as arithmetic.

If arithmetic has no theory of itself,

Arithmetic has a theory of itself. That's what Gödel discovered.


can it really be said to provide a TOE? Isn't it just like physics  
in the sense of 'Give me one free miracle (energy or numbers) and  
I'll tell you the rest."


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Re: How can intelligence be physical ?

2013-02-06 Thread Stephen P. King

On 2/6/2013 7:18 AM, Stathis Papaioannou wrote:

On Wed, Feb 6, 2013 at 3:22 PM, Craig Weinberg  wrote:

You're saying that a robot behaving like a human may fool you, but how do
you know that your apparently fellow humans are not robots?

Because I live in 2013 AD, where I now need to reboot my office telephone if
I want the headset to work. It's pretty easy to tell when something is a
piece of digital technology built by human beings, because it is constantly
breaking. Besides that though, you can tell because of the uncanny valley
feeling. Even when a simulation of a person is good enough to elicit a
positive response beyond the uncanny valley, it doesn't mean that we are
completely fooled by it, even if we report that we are.

That's just because the simulation of a person isn't good enough. The
question is what if the simulation *is* good enough to completely fool

Hi Stathis,

The simulation of our 'self' that our brain generates *is* good 
enough to fool oneself! I speculate that schizophrenia and autism are 
caused by failures of the self-simulation system... The former is a 
failure where multiple self-simulations are generated and no stability 
on their convergent occurs and the latter is where the self-simulation 
fails altogether. Mind version of autism, such as Aspergers syndrome are 
where bad simulations occur and/or the self-simulation fails to update 

If we consider that the Libet experiments show that we are making decisions
without knowing it, and Blindsight shows that we are able to see without
being conscious of it, then there is no reason why we should suddenly trust
our own reporting of what we think that we know about the sense of
interacting with a living person. A true Turing test would require a
face-to-face interaction, so that none of our natural sensory capabilities
would be blocked as they would with just a text or video interaction.

That's the situation that is assumed in the idea of a philosophical
zombie: you interact with the being face to face. If at the end of
several days' interaction (or however long you think you need) you are
completely convinced that it is conscious, does that mean it is

As I see things, the only coherent concept of a zombie is what we 
see in the autistic case. Such is 'conscious' with no 
self-image/self-awareness, thus it has no ability to report on its 1p 

I think that it is important to remember that in theory, logically,
consciousness cannot exist. It is only through our own undeniable experience
of consciousness that we feel the need to justify it with logic - but so far
we have only projected the religious miracles of the past into a science
fiction future. If it was up to logic alone, there could not, and would not
every be a such thing as experience.

You could as well say that logically there's no reason for anything to
exist, but it does.

How about that! Does this not tell us that we must start, in our 
musing about existence with the postulate that something exists?



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Re: How can intelligence be physical ?

2013-02-06 Thread Stathis Papaioannou
On Wed, Feb 6, 2013 at 3:22 PM, Craig Weinberg  wrote:

>> You're saying that a robot behaving like a human may fool you, but how do
>> you know that your apparently fellow humans are not robots?
> Because I live in 2013 AD, where I now need to reboot my office telephone if
> I want the headset to work. It's pretty easy to tell when something is a
> piece of digital technology built by human beings, because it is constantly
> breaking. Besides that though, you can tell because of the uncanny valley
> feeling. Even when a simulation of a person is good enough to elicit a
> positive response beyond the uncanny valley, it doesn't mean that we are
> completely fooled by it, even if we report that we are.

That's just because the simulation of a person isn't good enough. The
question is what if the simulation *is* good enough to completely fool

> If we consider that the Libet experiments show that we are making decisions
> without knowing it, and Blindsight shows that we are able to see without
> being conscious of it, then there is no reason why we should suddenly trust
> our own reporting of what we think that we know about the sense of
> interacting with a living person. A true Turing test would require a
> face-to-face interaction, so that none of our natural sensory capabilities
> would be blocked as they would with just a text or video interaction.

That's the situation that is assumed in the idea of a philosophical
zombie: you interact with the being face to face. If at the end of
several days' interaction (or however long you think you need) you are
completely convinced that it is conscious, does that mean it is

> I think that it is important to remember that in theory, logically,
> consciousness cannot exist. It is only through our own undeniable experience
> of consciousness that we feel the need to justify it with logic - but so far
> we have only projected the religious miracles of the past into a science
> fiction future. If it was up to logic alone, there could not, and would not
> every be a such thing as experience.

You could as well say that logically there's no reason for anything to
exist, but it does.

Stathis Papaioannou

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Re: How can intelligence be physical ?

2013-02-05 Thread
 It is impossible using particle accelerators to understand
god-particles and the ultimate truth of nature as physicists hope.
To create particle accelerators is needed reference frame of vacuum.
It means that physicists take vacuum as a reflector of  the real (!)
structure of nature: the space between billions and billions galaxies.

But on the other hand,  today's  physicists refuse to take vacuum
 T=0K as real fundament of Universe.
‘ It is true  . . . there is such a thing as absolute zero; we cannot
 reach temperatures below absolute zero not because we are not
sufficiently clever but because temperatures below absolute zero
 simple have no meaning.’
/ Book : ‘Dreams of a final theory’  Page 138.
By Steven Weinberg. The Nobel Prize in Physics 1979 /
Does one physicist hand know that the other hand makes?
( maybe without vacuum the CERN is good place for formula-I
 competition . . ? ! )

On Feb 5, 3:43 pm, "" 
>   I think that it is possible to understand the universe
> using usual common logical thought.
> We need only understand in which zoo (reference frame )
> physicists found higgs-boson and 1000 its elementary brothers.
> socratus
> .

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Re: How can intelligence be physical ?

2013-02-05 Thread Craig Weinberg

On Tuesday, February 5, 2013 11:05:30 PM UTC-5, stathisp wrote:
> On Wednesday, February 6, 2013, Craig Weinberg wrote:
>> On Tuesday, February 5, 2013 9:13:40 PM UTC-5, stathisp wrote:
>>> On Wed, Feb 6, 2013 at 1:08 PM, Craig Weinberg  
>>> wrote: 
>>> > Maybe if there was a computer which was not specifically designed to 
>>> deceive 
>>> > our senses... which would mean that it was one which occurred 
>>> naturally and 
>>> > did not include anything which was ever designed or programmed by a 
>>> human 
>>> > being. 
>>> Which contradicts your original claim that we can just "sense" that 
>>> other people are conscious without any logical analysis. 
>> No because we also realize intuitively that computers are unconscious 
>> without any logical analysis. That's why behaving 'like a robot' or a 
>> machine is synonymous with mindless repetitive action. Just because we can 
>> make an optical illusion which fools our eye into seeing three dimensional 
>> perspective in a 2D painting doesn't mean that we can't authentically tell 
>> when something natural is 3D.
> You're saying that a robot behaving like a human may fool you, but how do 
> you know that your apparently fellow humans are not robots? 

Because I live in 2013 AD, where I now need to reboot my office telephone 
if I want the headset to work. It's pretty easy to tell when something is a 
piece of digital technology built by human beings, because it is constantly 
breaking. Besides that though, you can tell because of the uncanny valley 
feeling. Even when a simulation of a person is good enough to elicit a 
positive response beyond the uncanny valley, it doesn't mean that we are 
completely fooled by it, even if we report that we are.

If we consider that the Libet experiments show that we are making decisions 
without knowing it, and Blindsight shows that we are able to see without 
being conscious of it, then there is no reason why we should suddenly trust 
our own reporting of what we think that we know about the sense of 
interacting with a living person. A true Turing test would require a 
face-to-face interaction, so that none of our natural sensory capabilities 
would be blocked as they would with just a text or video interaction. 

I think that it is important to remember that in theory, logically, 
consciousness cannot exist. It is only through our own undeniable 
experience of consciousness that we feel the need to justify it with logic 
- but so far we have only projected the religious miracles of the past into 
a science fiction future. If it was up to logic alone, there could not, and 
would not every be a such thing as experience.



> You're going by their behaviour. 
> -- Stathis Papaioannou
> -- 
> Stathis Papaioannou

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Re: How can intelligence be physical ?

2013-02-05 Thread Craig Weinberg

On Tuesday, February 5, 2013 9:13:40 PM UTC-5, stathisp wrote:
> On Wed, Feb 6, 2013 at 1:08 PM, Craig Weinberg 
> > 
> wrote: 
> > Maybe if there was a computer which was not specifically designed to 
> deceive 
> > our senses... which would mean that it was one which occurred naturally 
> and 
> > did not include anything which was ever designed or programmed by a 
> human 
> > being. 
> Which contradicts your original claim that we can just "sense" that 
> other people are conscious without any logical analysis. 

No because we also realize intuitively that computers are unconscious 
without any logical analysis. That's why behaving 'like a robot' or a 
machine is synonymous with mindless repetitive action. Just because we can 
make an optical illusion which fools our eye into seeing three dimensional 
perspective in a 2D painting doesn't mean that we can't authentically tell 
when something natural is 3D.



> -- 
> Stathis Papaioannou 

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Re: How can intelligence be physical ?

2013-02-05 Thread Stathis Papaioannou
On Wed, Feb 6, 2013 at 1:08 PM, Craig Weinberg  wrote:

> Maybe if there was a computer which was not specifically designed to deceive
> our senses... which would mean that it was one which occurred naturally and
> did not include anything which was ever designed or programmed by a human
> being.

Which contradicts your original claim that we can just "sense" that
other people are conscious without any logical analysis.

Stathis Papaioannou

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Re: How can intelligence be physical ?

2013-02-05 Thread Craig Weinberg

On Tuesday, February 5, 2013 8:02:41 PM UTC-5, stathisp wrote:
> On Wed, Feb 6, 2013 at 11:52 AM, Craig Weinberg 
> > 
> wrote: 
> > I question whether it is possible to ask whether your fellow human 
> beings 
> > have minds without resorting to sophistry. I say that not because I am 
> > incapable of questioning naive reasoning, but because it does not 
> accurately 
> > represent the reality of the situation. Just as our 'belief' in our own 
> mind 
> > is an a prori ontological condition which cannot be questioned without 
> > incurring a paradox (whatever disbelieves in its own mind is by 
> definition a 
> > mind), the belief that our fellow human beings have minds does not 
> > necessarily require a logical analysis to arrive at. We know that we 
> have 
> > access to information beyond what we can consciously understand, and 
> part of 
> > that may very well include a capacity to sense, on some level, the 
> > authenticity of another mind, barring any prejudices which might 
> interfere. 
> So you're saying that we can somehow sense the reality of other minds, 
> beyond any reasoning? Would you agree then that if someone sensed that 
> a computer had a mind it would have a mind? 

Maybe if there was a computer which was not specifically designed to 
deceive our senses... which would mean that it was one which occurred 
naturally and did not include anything which was ever designed or 
programmed by a human being.


> -- 
> Stathis Papaioannou 

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Re: How can intelligence be physical ?

2013-02-05 Thread Stathis Papaioannou
On Wed, Feb 6, 2013 at 11:52 AM, Craig Weinberg  wrote:

> I question whether it is possible to ask whether your fellow human beings
> have minds without resorting to sophistry. I say that not because I am
> incapable of questioning naive reasoning, but because it does not accurately
> represent the reality of the situation. Just as our 'belief' in our own mind
> is an a prori ontological condition which cannot be questioned without
> incurring a paradox (whatever disbelieves in its own mind is by definition a
> mind), the belief that our fellow human beings have minds does not
> necessarily require a logical analysis to arrive at. We know that we have
> access to information beyond what we can consciously understand, and part of
> that may very well include a capacity to sense, on some level, the
> authenticity of another mind, barring any prejudices which might interfere.

So you're saying that we can somehow sense the reality of other minds,
beyond any reasoning? Would you agree then that if someone sensed that
a computer had a mind it would have a mind?

Stathis Papaioannou

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Re: How can intelligence be physical ?

2013-02-05 Thread Craig Weinberg

On Tuesday, February 5, 2013 6:00:17 PM UTC-5, telmo_menezes wrote:
> On Tue, Feb 5, 2013 at 7:49 PM, John Clark 
> > wrote:
>> On Sat, Feb 2, 2013  Telmo Menezes > >wrote:
>> > I'm not claiming that intelligence == mind. 
>> Do you believe that your fellow human beings have minds? If so why?
> Yes (weakly). Occam's razor. If I'm the only human being with a mind, 
> then, for some mysterious reason, there are two types of human beings: me 
> (with a mind) and the others (zombies). So heuristically I'm inclined to 
> believe that all human beings have a mind, although I know I will never be 
> able to prove it.

I question whether it is possible to ask whether your fellow human beings 
have minds without resorting to sophistry. I say that not because I am 
incapable of questioning naive reasoning, but because it does not 
accurately represent the reality of the situation. Just as our 'belief' in 
our own mind is an a prori ontological condition which cannot be questioned 
without incurring a paradox (whatever disbelieves in its own mind is by 
definition a mind), the belief that our fellow human beings have minds does 
not necessarily require a logical analysis to arrive at. We know that we 
have access to information beyond what we can consciously understand, and 
part of that may very well include a capacity to sense, on some level, the 
authenticity of another mind, barring any prejudices which might interfere.


>>   John K Clark
>> -- 
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Re: How can intelligence be physical ?

2013-02-05 Thread Telmo Menezes
On Tue, Feb 5, 2013 at 7:49 PM, John Clark  wrote:

> On Sat, Feb 2, 2013  Telmo Menezes  wrote:
> > I'm not claiming that intelligence == mind.
> Do you believe that your fellow human beings have minds? If so why?

Yes (weakly). Occam's razor. If I'm the only human being with a mind, then,
for some mysterious reason, there are two types of human beings: me (with a
mind) and the others (zombies). So heuristically I'm inclined to believe
that all human beings have a mind, although I know I will never be able to
prove it.

>   John K Clark
> --
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