Re: perlotine

2001-02-12 Thread Guillermo S. Romero / Familia Romero

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (2001-02-12 at 2016.25 -0500):
> The perl scripts only show up when configure is certain that you have
> the PDL and it knows where it is.  I would run configure again and watch
> it.  My 1.2.1 has it.  I'll bet that this is your problem.

I do not have PDL, I have Perlotine. You can have Perl without some
extensions, you just get less plugins.


Re: magnifying tool

2001-02-02 Thread Guillermo S. Romero / Familia Romero

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (2001-02-02 at 1324.11 -0500):
> How do I get back to the regular size after using the magnifier on an
> image? That is to say, what is the gimp equivalent of double clicking on
> the hand in PhotoShop?

No idea of PS method, but in Gimp you can press Ctrl while using the
Mag tool to zoom out, or change zoom via menus or keycombos ( /
View / Zoom In | Zoom Out | Zoom / ).

I personally use º for Zoom In, Ctrl + º for Zoom Out, 1 for Zoom /
1:1, 2 .. 5 for Zoom / 2:1 .. 16:1, and Ctrl + 2 .. 5 for Zoom / 1:2
.. 1:16. My keyboard has º near the 1, the = does not work (it is
Shift + 0, as in most European kbd I believe) and - is far, so using
the first six keys of that row alone or with Ctrl is the best for me
and easy to remember (keys alone mean bigger, keys with Ctrl mean
smaller size on screen).


Re: Levels histogram: gimp vs photoshop

2001-01-17 Thread Guillermo S. Romero / Familia Romero

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (2001-01-17 at 1826.24 -0500):
> She is used to the strong commercial software claims.  Tor's humble
> presentation of wingimp was misunderstood.  Meanwhile, the FrontPage
> support guy yelled at her for using a directory system on her website. 
> "Why do you have folders within folders?" The American Dream is -i
> think- to get what you pay for.  It has turned into that you pay for the
> only thing that there is.

Dirs can have files and dirs inside... it seems recursion is hard to
understand. I wonder what that guy will think of symlinks. :]


Re: Levels histogram: gimp vs photoshop

2001-01-17 Thread Guillermo S. Romero / Familia Romero

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (2001-01-17 at 1700.24 -0500):
> She compared the gimps histogram with adopees and they were very
> different.  Unfortunately, she doesn't know how to get a screenshot from
> her powerfully expensive program so I am unable to make the same visual
> comparison.

Windows version? IIRC hit Print Screen key, then Paste in a graphics
program (like PS, maybe even there is a "Paste from clipboard as new

> It seems to me like the histograms should be the same, regardless of the
> program. Is this a wrong expectation?

Maybe they count in different way. Or data scaling. You should try
gimp-devel for that. :]


Re: Multiple gimp installs?

2001-01-15 Thread Guillermo S. Romero / Familia Romero

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (2001-01-15 at 1219.44 -0800):
> I get the idea that it is possible to have more than one version of the gimp
> installed at the same time.  If one has .gimp, .gimp-1.1, and .gimp-1.2 in
> their home directory, as I have, and finding the same thing elsewhere in
> /usr/*, it suggests that it would be relatively easy to have more than one
> version installed at the same time, providing that there are not more than
> one patch level of each version.

The binaries will cause some problems, you will have to rename them,
it seems. Never tried that way.

> Is this so?  I might like to keep the 1.2 as a 'user' and try my hand with
> the 1.3 when it starts coming out.  If this is possible, I would like to
> know how to set this up successfully!

I have both, I just uninstall and install to change from one to
another, and all works nicely. It takes a few secs, but all is cleanly
kept. I use this technique to test Gimp 1.2 and 1.3 at the same
time. If for A reason something really breaks, I just have to repeat
the process and go back to the versions that works (1.2 normally).


Re: Anyway to change ~/.gimp-1.2 name?

2001-01-15 Thread Guillermo S. Romero / Familia Romero

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (2001-01-15 at 1148.59 +0100):
> I asked the wise sven, he says it's a no-go.  only thing you can do is
> create a link.
> bex

He can recompile and change that in ./configure. IIRC I did it with
Gimp 1.1.7 or so to separate form the rest. But I do not see the
reason to avoid .gimp-1.2 if you are using Gimp 1.2. I can say based
in my admin experience that it nicer that having guys saying "Hey, I
have seen you have upadted Foo app, but now it gives a lot of errors
on load" and realize the problem is due uncompatibility with the old

BTW, the mix of multiple Gimp versions I have been fixing it via
unistall and install. Takes a few secs if you have everything
compiled, and I do it only after updateing CVS (to test new features /
bug fixes), so no big problem (I have to compile anyway), and easier
than renaming.


Re: Got a working Gimp 1.2-Thanks & Q

2001-01-14 Thread Guillermo S. Romero / Familia Romero

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (2001-01-14 at 1945.45 +0100):
> The Xemian gimp 1.2 seems to have done the trick. It does go in as
> ~/.gimp-1.2. Is this particular to the new gimp or this build? Any way
> to get an old generic .gimp (I moved my earlier one so as to avoid just
> this).

Gimp uses dirs with version so you can mix installs or it does not
crash after a big update (some config items are not compatible). After
getting "nice" cores with other apps, I think Gimp way is good, you
can always move one item at a time, or edit by hand to match your old
config (I did).


Re: Q: Recommended graphics cards?

2001-01-13 Thread Guillermo S. Romero / Familia Romero

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (2001-01-13 at 1502.58 -0600):
> > What would one consider with the Gimp, and not games, in mind?
> > What card and what amount of ram?
>   I would first look at the web site, and make
>sure that any graphics card I choose if supported by XFree86
>drivers AND NOT MANUFACTURERS DRIVERS! Aside from blowing the whole
>concept of "open software", you never know when a manufacturer will
>decide "this isn't worth it", and bail on you.

Interesting advice. Drivers until there are users. :]

>   Once you have a list of cards in mind, I woud choose the one
>with the highest RAMDAC (clock speed) and memory your budget allows.
>Matrox cards and Riva TNT based cards seem to be well supported, 
>if you are looking for specific recommendations.

ATI are nice too, I had one, good 2D, and new models are supported cos
ATI pays coders, and the code goes into XFree (I have been thinking
about getting one again, ATI cares, and this way support will last
longer). Matrox is good too (using one now) and they follow the same
strategy, get somebody to do open source drivers, so people see you
(the company) like the system (XFree and source), which does not mean
sell less. BTW, nVidia drivers are company provided (if you want 3D, I
believe, for 2D you can use XFree86... but should check that).


Re: session managment?

2001-01-13 Thread Guillermo S. Romero / Familia Romero

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (2001-01-13 at 2200.57 +0100):
> So what must I do to get it working? 

Check that in " / Preferences / Session / Window Positions"
you have "Save Window Positions on Exit" and "Always Try to Restore
Session" set. And check that FVWM2 has "UsePPosition" instead of
"NoPPosition" in Gimp's windows "Style"s (IIRC, cos I have not used
FVWM2 for some time, so it may need some extra settings).


Re: session managment?

2001-01-13 Thread Guillermo S. Romero / Familia Romero

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (2001-01-13 at 2031.47 +0100):
> > > manager. So decission chain from who has more power to less is X -> wm
> > > -> app. If you save position with window manager, then app will be
> > > unable to put window where it wants (and similar for size, colors and
> > > other things).
> > Ok, so this is a problem of fvwm2?
> No, this is a problem of configuration. I know no window manager which
> enforces it's own placement unless the user requests it.

Are we sure the user has not saved positions with the wm or set the
window manager to ignore app requested positions? Active save and
active / passive config set (default config are not what one expect
sometimes) are reasons to see that.

So the person with problems has to check Gimp config and wm config.


Re: session managment?

2001-01-13 Thread Guillermo S. Romero / Familia Romero

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (2001-01-13 at 1956.08 +0100):
> > I am pretty sure that the window manager can override the gimps windows.
> > When my gimp window problems irritate me enough, that's where I am going
> > to start, with the window manager.
> No, I think not. Gimp should be able to place the windows itself. That
> just some kind of geometry setting, isn't it?

IIRC window manager can force anything into apps, and X into window
manager. So decission chain from who has more power to less is X -> wm
-> app. If you save position with window manager, then app will be
unable to put window where it wants (and similar for size, colors and
other things).


Re: Smoothing gradient Q...

2001-01-12 Thread Guillermo S. Romero / Familia Romero

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (2001-01-12 at 1746.52 +0100):
> Rebecca J. Walter wrote:
> > save the image and email it to me and i will takea peek later and tell
> > you how it looks.
> Ok. thanks. I had a thought though. I remmeber the original didn't have
> that. Could it be the format I'm saving in, namely jpg? After all, the
> problem appears after I've saved it and put it up for background?

Uumm, eeeh... GIF, JPG and many other formats are like working in 16
bit screen. Use PNG if you want compression but keep colors nicely.
This thing is becoming boring (sorry but day after day the lossy
compression thing appears... is there not a FAQ somewhere or what?).

> What is the best file type to use?

For what task? Desktop bg? Web? Printing? Each job has a tool (or more
than one, but please do not hammer nails with the polisher machine).

> And is there a file type that can
> keep work in progress? ie Five layers open for editing later?

Gimp native format is .xcf.bz2, .xcf.gz or .xcf (aka .xcf compressed
or not). IMHO .xcf.bz2 if your machine is fast, .xcf.gz if not, .xcf
if you want to waste HD.


Re: Smoothing gradient Q...

2001-01-12 Thread Guillermo S. Romero / Familia Romero

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (2001-01-12 at 1331.22 +0100):
> I'm doing a left to right gradient, dark blue to black so that a narrow
> 2 inch bank of blue apperas before fading into black. the problme is
> that the band has uneven bars of various hue there. I tried Blur to
> smooth it out, and adding another deeper colored layer, etc. No go. How
> can I smooth this out?

First, make sure you are not running in 16 bit (you should use 24 bit,
or 32=24+8). Second, check that your monitor is adjusted and not
damaged, it could be a hardware problem. Third, even after some people
say that 24 bit is enough, sometimes is not enough (some people are
more sensible, and some situations push that to the limits).


Re: Making Transparent from Non-Transparent

2001-01-12 Thread Guillermo S. Romero / Familia Romero

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (2001-01-12 at 1333.33 +0100):
> Second big question is I have a lot of old logos Istored on a black
> background. Is there a way of turning the black transparent so that I
> can drop the logos on to a new background?

There is a colour to alpha plugin, IIRC. Sometimes it needs some
manual help, but it is a start.

> I've looked in my small book but it doesn't cut. Another PS would be
> what are the best books? The Gimp Manual and Grokking The Gimp?

Yep, good books.


Re: GIMP - As seen on eBay!

2001-01-11 Thread Guillermo S. Romero / Familia Romero

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (2001-01-10 at 2109.18 -0700):
> Better than Photoshop 6!!! The auction proclaims.
> Someone is offering a GIMP CD for $25 on eBay! AND getting bids!!

IIRC there was a official CD (Gimp 1.0). Maybe it is that, and thus a
collectors item. Otherwise it is weird (well, the PS6 part is weird,
cos CMYK is not supported in Gimp at this moment).


Re: Repost: messed up screenshots

2001-01-10 Thread Guillermo S. Romero / Familia Romero

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (2001-01-10 at 1859.01 -0500):
> > > The fact remains, though.  Switching color depth solved my problem.
> > I'm running 16-bit as well with no problems with screen captures.  How
> > much memory does your video card have?  What are you running your
> > desktop at?  Might you be running out of video memory?
> 4Mb, with 1024x768.  But one would expect that even more memory would
> be needed for 32-bit mode, since twice as much space is required for
> each bit.

You can also try 24 bit. And with 4 MB you can run 1024 @ 32 bpp, even
1152 @ 32 bpp. I ran my old ATI at 1152 * 864 and it had 4 MB too (I
can not remember if I used 24 or 32, but doing the maths 4 MB are
enough in both cases, the difference is in free space for pixmap cache
and other tasks).
> The video card is Diamond Viper 330 (NVidia-128 chip), with SVGA
> X-server, X11 3.3.6.

Old chip and nVidia. :[


Re: gimp fonts

2001-01-04 Thread Guillermo S. Romero / Familia Romero

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (2001-01-04 at 2122.33 +0200):
> How to change the fonts of the gimp menus?

Via .gtkrc or .gtkrc.mine or one of the multiple tools that allow you
to change GTK+ config, like the GNOME Control Center. Also some themes
change the default font. You should visit and for more info.


Re: Gimp in a different language?

2001-01-04 Thread Guillermo S. Romero / Familia Romero

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (2001-01-04 at 1949.23 +0100):
> Is it possible to have Gimp in a different language?


> I didn't find anything about that! Did I oversee something?

Before launching Gimp set the LC_* & LANG enviro vars. Lot of apps
(under Unix systems, at least) use this method. Read the setlocale man


Re: collage of pictures

2000-12-27 Thread Guillermo S. Romero / Familia Romero

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (2000-12-26 at 2229.53 -0500):
> I am wanting to create a collage of pictures for a website.  But I want
> the transitions between the pictures to be smooth and not merely one
> image overlaping another.  Does anyone have sugguestions?

The book Grokking the Gimp (or the on line version located at has exercices about that. Try it.


Re: Clean Filter

2000-12-21 Thread Guillermo S. Romero / Familia Romero

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (2000-12-21 at 1449.47 +0100):
> I would like to know if it exists a filter or any other way to remove pen
> traces from my pictures...I have a picture that was signatured and I want to
> remove automagically this signature...

Resythesize maybe. Other options are to do it by hand with some tools,
like airbrush or pen, but specialy clone.


Re: add - subtract

2000-12-06 Thread Guillermo S. Romero / Familia Romero

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (2000-12-06 at 1938.46 +):
> about 'adding' and 'subtracting' one layer from another:

Layer modes? Put one layer directly over another in the stack (L, C &
P dialog) and change the mode of the top one, then merge them (merge
down is enough, IIRC).


Re: change text color

2000-11-30 Thread Guillermo S. Romero / Familia Romero

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (2000-11-29 at 2310.49 -0500):
> >I have a simple image.  Layer 1 is a background, layer 2 is some text
> >that is black.  How can I easily change the color of this text once it's
> >been committed to the layer?
> I prefer using the Curves dialogue.  This way you get to keep your
> antialiasing, and you don't need to worry about masks ans such.
> There is probably a way that's even simpler, but I've found the
> curves dialogue usefull in lots of other areas, so I'm used to it.

What about click keep transparency for layer 2, select all, fill with
desired color the layer 2?


Re: Auto Image resizing on webserver

2000-11-23 Thread Guillermo S. Romero / Familia Romero

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (2000-11-23 at 1145.45 +0530):
> I am working on a web project where the users will be uploading GIF,JPG
> like images. The problem is that all such uploads will have to be
> resized on the server. The server is Win2000/ASP+PERL. I have heard gimp

No comments.

> capable of batch processing or similar tasks. So how can I use gimp to
> do such automatic taks at the server (if it is possible).

Use ImageMagick better.


Re: GIMP in the prompt

2000-11-23 Thread Guillermo S. Romero / Familia Romero

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (2000-11-23 at 1824.19 -0200):
> Hi,
> I'm a linux user and I'm starting to use GIMP. I want to know if I can use
> GIMP to convert jpeg images to 16 colors gif format, from the prompt, using
> something like :
> > gimp -colors 16 image.jpg  image.gif

Use ImageMagick better.


Re: Alignment of objects?

2000-11-23 Thread Guillermo S. Romero / Familia Romero

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (2000-11-23 at 1432.35 +0100):
> BTW, with your method I can get to circles who start at the
> same spot, but I like to have two circles, that have theire
> center exactly at the same spot, where the center of my whole
> image is, any idea?

Aah, concentric circles! Put the two gides so they cross where you
want the center. Put mouse pointer near and drag, then hit ctrl +
shift and you get perfect circles centered where you started dragging
(ctrl is for center, shift for perfect circles). The order is really
important: keep down mouse button, press and hold keys, move until
desired size, release mouse then keys.


Re: Alignment of objects?

2000-11-22 Thread Guillermo S. Romero / Familia Romero

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (2000-11-22 at 1321.28 +0100):
> Please give my some hints, or URL's

The tool you need is  / Layers / Align visible layers.


Re: Newbie question: Transparent gradient

2000-11-13 Thread Guillermo S. Romero / Familia Romero

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (2000-11-13 at 1629.40 -0700):
> I have a small layer sitting on top of the stack. I would like to 
> "fade" the image contained in that layer, left to right, so that one 
> side (the right side) is completely opaque and the other side (the, 
> er, left side, I guess) is completely transparent.

I think what you need is a layer mask. It the appears as another
thumbnail near the layer it is attached too. It works as a gray image,
deciding what is trasparent and what not. Search the docs about how to
use layer masks, or Grokking the Gimp site, it is a tech used a lot
for logos and compositions.


Re: Versions?

2000-10-31 Thread Guillermo S. Romero / Familia Romero

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (2000-10-31 at 0517.29 -0800):
> most recent stable version.  What version is used in the book?  Oddly, it
> doesn't seem to say.

The 1.1 avaliable in Summer 1999 or so. If you get the latest 1.1, or
1.2 when avaliable, you should get all you see in the book. The book
was target to cover future, not become obsolete in months.


Re: Pdf, eps, ps? (Was: xcf --> eps)

2000-10-17 Thread Guillermo S. Romero / Familia Romero

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (2000-10-17 at 1813.20 +0200):
> >
> Yes, but now I remember why I never got to install sketch. It's a mess to
> get to work! I requires python (no worries, I have that), but also PIL,
> some python-library to work with images. I couldn't get PIL to compile
> properly, and at least didn't immeadeately find a binary package of it, so
> sketch fell on that too...
> Too bad. Anyone can guide me?

I compiled PIL some time ago without problems. But dunno what can go
wrong with your machine.

OTOH, I have heard about an app named Sodipodi (or similar) that is
GTK+ (GNOME?) based, and that does vector drawings. Maybe you could
give it a try.


Re: Colorpicker

2000-10-16 Thread Guillermo S. Romero / Familia Romero

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (2000-10-16 at 1207.33 +0200):
> Is there really no way of using the colorpicker (like when pressing alt
> when using the airbrush) but make it pick the physical color on the

Choose the picker tool, then open the tool dialog, select "Sample
merged" and you are done. I dunno if it works when used with other
tools (via key), but when you select picker as main tool, it works


Re: Font Question

2000-10-15 Thread Guillermo S. Romero / Familia Romero

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (2000-10-15 at 1454.53 -0700):
> Hello, Group:  Enjoy your productive and helpful list, tremendously.  I am
> I'm running RH6.2, Linux box PIII 550, The Gimp.  Thanks, Tom

Are you trying to confuse me or what? Your mail is a mess... so I
guess you had a bad day with fonts.

Do you want to know where all fonts are located? Read the files
/etc/X11/XF86Config and /etc/X11/fs/config (in RH the first says "use
font server" and the second is the font server config, but check both)
to see what dirs are used to load fonts from. In all that dirs, there
should be a file named fonts.dir that maps the file names to the font
used by X.

To handle fonts you have to use mkfontdir (all fonts except TTF) and
ttmkfdir (TTF fonts). But restarting the fonts server takes care of
that if he detects a file newer than the fonts.dir (RH). So to add or
modify fonts, put all the new ones in a new directory, better if you
separate by classes (TTF from FooCD, Type1 downloaded from,
etc), and restart the font server. Next time you use Gimp the new ones
should be listed. If not using a font server, use xset to reconfig the
font dirs (add new dirs and reload database).

If that is not what you want, please specify... after calming down. :]


Re: Art pads

2000-10-13 Thread Guillermo S. Romero / Familia Romero

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (2000-10-14 at 0047.27 +0200):
> I see your point.  How big are they?  And how expensive?

They are the advertised size of active area plus 5 - 14 cm of inactive
area in each direction. For example my A5 has an active area of about
21 * 17, but the total size is about 33 * 24 cm. All are about 1.5 cm
thick (dunno about the LCD model). In the maker's site they should
have all the specs. From what I remember, the smallest Wacom model was
A5 total, A6 active. And the next up, A4, was just a bit bigger than
an A4: the inactive area is more or less constant.

The pen is a normal plastic one... a bit light for my tastes (I use a
heavy tech pen daily ;] ). You can also get a "mouse" for the tablet,
and in latest models, the avaliable pens are more than what you will
need for normal tasks.

Trick: if you want to feel "paper" instead of "plastic" you can put a
paper over the tablet and keep on drawing. It can damage the tip
faster, but they are easily replaceable.

> Are they something you just go out and buy, just to try it
> out, or.. ?

No, I would not say that you should buy one just for fun. But seeing
that some guys are capable of risking a full computer to try liquid N2
or other coolants... who knows. ;P If you could give it a try at the
shop or friend's computer, do it, I got one after playing with one in
a DTP shop I know.

[free hand vectors]
> Ok.  I was thinking perhaps there was an option in the Gfig
> I'd overseen.

I think there is no such option in GFig. But Gimp uses pressure (and
tilt?) to modify things like opacity and size (user decides what). And
IIRC, the idea about behaving like other applications has been
discussed for 2.0. So maybe someday.


Re: Art pads

2000-10-13 Thread Guillermo S. Romero / Familia Romero

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (2000-10-13 at 1338.15 +0200):
> > I just wish I could afford one right now.  8-{
> Are they any good?  I mean, woudln't it any time be better
> to just draw on paper and scan it?

Do you have an airbrush (the real ones, with compressor, needle,
paint, etc)? Can you smear an ink drawing? Clone parts of an image in
paper? Erase thounsand of times without damaging the paper? That are
some reasons to use a tablet.

Scanners and tablets are compatible, complementary. Some things can
not be done with the other. And using a drawing / photo retouching
program with a pen instead of a "brick" is quite comfortable. They are
more expensive than a mouse, but they also help more.

> As far as I know, gimp doesn't do free-hand vector-drawings?

Nope, only bitmap operations.


Re: Art pads

2000-10-12 Thread Guillermo S. Romero / Familia Romero

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (2000-10-12 at 1101.38 -0400):
> Is there any art pads than can be used with linux and gimp?

Do you mean pen tablets? The XFree supported ones, like Wacom, for
example. Read XFree docs to get the full list. I have a "old" A5 Wacom
and works great, other Gimp users also have similar tablets, based in
comments seen in this list.


Re: Simple Text with shadow as transparent gif impossible?

2000-10-11 Thread Guillermo S. Romero / Familia Romero

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (2000-10-11 at 0915.09 -0400):
> >What did I wrong? How can I create a showed text stored in a tranparent
> >gif where only the Text and the shadow should be visisble.
> gif only supports one bit alpha, as you figured out.  If you want a picture
> with 256 bit alpha, use png.  Note that support for this on web browsers is
> not very good (IE and mozilla support it fine), but it is the only way that

IIRC current implementations did not support full alpha PNG. Maybe
they have changed lately. I know they can view simple PNGs, but I can
not talk about "exotic" PNGs (I still smile when I remember an app I
had that loaded RGBA PNGs as CMYK).

> I know of to do it.  Conversly, you could flatten the image and delete just
> the background (leaving a light hue around the text), but then why even use
> a transparent gif?

There are some tools to add some "border" to the text, so you still
get transparency and the page background is visible, but the text
borders are smooth and you can have shadows. Look for Perl based
Prepare for gif (prep4gif) under Filters > Web, and for binary
Semiflatten under Filter > Colors. They do the work for you pretty
fine and you get a nice 50% / 50% solution.


Re: stamp text

2000-10-09 Thread Guillermo S. Romero / Familia Romero

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (2000-10-09 at 1147.41 +0200):
> Is there a script/plugin to make "stamps" ("eroded" text in circle, like a
>  stamp)

Do you mean text along a circle? Xtns > Script-fu > Logos > Text

If you mean rough shapes, try applying a spread and some blurs to the
text, and a displace with solid noise as map info, so you get a
deformed aproximation of the original text (the displace gives a "not
flat paper" look). You may need to play with levels to get the final


Re: xcf --> eps

2000-10-07 Thread Guillermo S. Romero / Familia Romero

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (2000-10-07 at 2309.59 +0400):
> I need to convert gimp's native xcf picture into EPS (Encapsulated
> Postscript) format.  How can I do this?  (Save As... dialog
> have no EPS choice).  May be I should get a plugin (where?).

Type filename.eps, the PostScript dialog appears, with Encapsulated
option checked. Easy. After all, EPS is a type of PS, no?

> What other program may I use for that purpose?

I think none directly, XCF is Gimp's format. Maybe in the future, but
I know none now (I have heard of people interested in coding XCF
loader / savers, but that was a few months ago and required license
changes, so I doubt they will have a viable solution today, or to be
precisse more viable than Gimp).


Gimp Perl docs

2000-10-04 Thread Guillermo S. Romero / Familia Romero


Can anybody recommend me interesting docs about Gimp - Perl? Other
than the distributed example, and tutorials if possible. I have found
some but they seem to be old, and I would like to know which ones
people find more useful than the rest.

Thanks in advance.


Re: Gimp and Epson 1200 printer?

2000-10-04 Thread Guillermo S. Romero / Familia Romero

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (2000-10-04 at 1617.01 +0200):
> Does anybody know if there is a driver for a Epson Syslus Photo 1200
> printer? I´ve seen some Epson Drivers from Epson Photo to Epson Ex, but none
> for this very good A3-printer. I also need to set up media type (Epson
> Glossy Paper, Epson Glossy Film, ) and other feautres (Microweave,
> Resolution) to get the best quality.

I see that printer listed in the print plugin of Gimp 1.1.26. And this
drivers have lot of options.


Re: Fog?

2000-10-03 Thread Guillermo S. Romero / Familia Romero

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (2000-10-02 at 2008.17 +0200):
> > > What's the best method to add a fog-like effect?
> > One idea that comes to mind would be to add a layer and then fill it with
> > plasma, desaturate, and then adjust the transparency to a fog-like effect.
> i tried this, but:  what is plasma?  in generell, how do i do "special"
> colors like "transparent", "opaque" or whatever.  only thing i can handle
> up to now is select and make a layer, but i have no intuitive feeling as to
> how they are operated.  could someone please bring us intuition?

IIRC Tigert ( had a tutorial where he created
clouds, fog or something like that. I think it was a tutorial for a
meeting, expo or whatever the name. I remember it had mountains and
stars, too.


Re: Suggestion to toolbar buttons placement

2000-10-03 Thread Guillermo S. Romero / Familia Romero

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (2000-10-03 at 1633.44 -0500):
> On Tue, 3 Oct 2000, Tobias [iso-8859-1] Gärder wrote:
> > what I'D want is gimp to show the selection-size all the time and not just
> > while selecting something, i hate to reselect everything to see how big
> > something is (there might be a solution for this, please help me! =)
> Tobias has a good point.  One of the features I sorely miss from photoshop
> was the "Info" window.  In addition to showing the sizes of selections

Have you ever tried hitting Ctrl+Shift+i? Maybe that is what you want
(1.1.26 at least). Well, that plus extra functions (selection size).


Re: .gimprc

2000-10-03 Thread Guillermo S. Romero / Familia Romero

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (2000-10-03 at 1034.21 -0400):
> Ok, quick question:
>   Why didn't a .gimprc file get created? Should I just make a blank one for it to 
>use, or do I need to D/L an actual file somewhere?  Everything seems to work well, 
>except the daily tip never fails to pop up on boot no matter if I click the "don't 
>show this next time" checkbox.

Maybe "~/.gimp-1.1/gimprc"? You should have your config there, at
least under a Unix where Gimp installed the user settings right.


Re: Speaking about fonts

2000-09-30 Thread Guillermo S. Romero / Familia Romero

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (2000-10-01 at 0136.26 +0300):
> Try "unzip", mostly they're .zip SFX, but for other you should use wine
> or search for a friend with Win32 installed...

They are not zip SFX, they are Win32 code. I had the bad habbot of
using "file" command with everything.

I guess I will have to install Wine, and hope installing "apps" works.
What do not stop you, makes you wiser. :]


Speaking about fonts

2000-09-30 Thread Guillermo S. Romero / Familia Romero

Does anybody know how to uncompress the MS Win32 self extratcing
archives? It seems that they are becoming a new trend latelly (instead
of zip and a good system to install fonts, they use self installers
and waste KB like mad).


Re: Looking for true type fonts

2000-09-30 Thread Guillermo S. Romero / Familia Romero

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (2000-09-29 at 2056.15 -0700):
> common is that they have them all listed *individually*, and not
> one of them (that I have found so far) have all fonts in one big
> file that I can just download and extract.  Plus, most of the ones

Use wget, for example:
wget -r -l1 -A zip http://site/dir/page-with-zip-links

> I have found are *.zip files, and the unzip command doesn't seem
> to unzip multiple files at once?  (I have read the man page, but
> to no avail).

Use a bash shell loop, for example: 
for i in `ls *zip`; do unzip $i; done

And also try places with fonts in one single archive. ;]
But I can remember none, sorry.


Re: SPAM :-(

2000-09-27 Thread Guillermo S. Romero / Familia Romero

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (2000-09-27 at 2214.14 +0530):
> What advantages does hosting this list at the present site have vis. a vis. hosting
> this mailing list at offers all such facilities, plus all
> mails remain archived.

Advertisment? If we are gonna change to another place, I would ask
help to GNU or SourceForge, they give lists to open source projects
without ads.

But I guess that the only thing needed is to change a setting in the
current list config. And as with the website, the problem is to find
the person that can do it.


Re: How to do this ?

2000-09-27 Thread Guillermo S. Romero / Familia Romero

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (2000-09-27 at 1414.47 +0200):
> Hi all,
> I would like doing some tips with gimp, but i don't speak (write) english very 
> well. So I did a web page with the effects that I'm trying to do.
> I've success to do the first (rounded rectangle) with the help of this mailing 
> list :-)

Some solutions for you doubts:

1. Rounded corners tutorial

2. Use the Newsprint plugin. It is applied for another effect in The idea is to create a B&W
draw, blur it, and finally apply the plugin.

3. Add a new layer over the image, using Color mode. Fill it with the
color you want.

Hope they help.


Re: Does this filter exist?

2000-09-21 Thread Guillermo S. Romero / Familia Romero

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (2000-09-21 at 2210.43 +0200):
> > I should also mention that I would scale things up only as a last
> > resort.  If possible re photograph or re scan at a higher resolution.
> Say I have a 640x480 JPG I use for desktop background.  I'd
> like that to be 1152x864.  I can't simply rephotograph or
> rescan it.

Then you are out of luck. Gargage in, garbage out. Pixels can not be
created from the void, only calculated based in the original ones
(calculated, not copied).

If you want extra quality, I would select Cubic in the Scaling entry
of the Environment category of Preferences window, it is slower, but


Re: Does this filter exist?

2000-09-21 Thread Guillermo S. Romero / Familia Romero

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (2000-09-21 at 2206.16 +0200):
> > Use the scale tool or "Image->Scale Image". The answer is so obvious that
> > I still don't think this is what you wanted to know?
> And that won't stretch it like any ordinary (paint brush)
> graphics tool would?

Yes, it would distort it.

> I mean an "intelligent" stretch tool.  Like you said, not
> just repeat the same pixels.

A basic rule of computing: computers are stupid.

BTW, it will not repeat the pixels, but compute new values to give you
a smooth transition.


Re: Does this filter exist?

2000-09-14 Thread Guillermo S. Romero / Familia Romero

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (2000-09-14 at 2012.44 +0200):
> Is there a filter to blow an image up in double size and
> calculate the extra pixels, instead of simply stretching
> them, as it is done usually.

Two tricks:

- perfect one but limited: zoom image to 200% and screenshot. Problem
is when ou image goes out of screen.

- imperfect but always works: scale the image by 2, then apply a
Pixelize with size 2.

Is that what you want? If not, please define better.


Re: what digital camera?

2000-08-30 Thread Guillermo S. Romero / Familia Romero

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (2000-08-30 at 1158.04 -0700):
> Without rebooting?  Why would you ever have to reboot?  You can mount a
> drive without rebooting -- especially when that's a pcmcia card
> drive.  One of the beauties of Linux is never rebooting.  FYI, I haven't
> rebooted my laptop in 2 weeks and the last time I rebooted was because I
> forgot to put it to sleep so the battery ran out.

Oooh, when I mean reboot I mean "reboot to Windows, get the images,
reboot to Linux, use them". Like with WinModems and Internet (lucky
me, all my hardware work with Linux).

My Univ server rebooted after a nice over 115 day uptime due a serious
power outage that used all the UPS (I can not exactly determine, cos I
do not have an uptime daemon, and I do not check uptime everyday, so
is just "IIRC around 6 days it was 111, so it must be something more
than 115").

And I turn off my home computer cos the fans and the SCSI disks are
too noisy to sleep when less than 2 m away. So I know you do not have
to reboot a Unix (not only Linux) for most of things (hardware
faliure, kernel upgrade, hardware upgrade, power loss, OS change are
good reasons to... at least until PCs can hot swap all parts, not just
PCMCIA or similar).

Thanks for reminding me that. I believed I had to reboot every 2
hours or each program install (whichever occurs first). ;]


Re: what digital camera?

2000-08-30 Thread Guillermo S. Romero / Familia Romero

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (2000-08-30 at 0946.59 -0600):
> Any suggestions out there for a moderately priced digital camera that is
> linux friendly? I'm using SuSE 6.2

I would get the list of supported ones by gphoto
The README and FAQ of the distro seem to the list of cameras.

> Does it matter? I've never used one before, nor seen one used. 

Well, yes if you want to use your images in Linux without rebooting.
The gphoto docs also have some advices about quality and related


Re: GDynText

2000-08-30 Thread Guillermo S. Romero / Familia Romero

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (2000-08-30 at 0817.02 -0500):
> How do you place text generated by GDynText anywhere other than the top
> left corner?

Move the layer: key M or the four arrow cross, then hold Shift and
click MB1 (the key is to avoid selecting layers below if you hit a
transparent area).


Re: feathered selection in path

2000-08-24 Thread Guillermo S. Romero / Familia Romero

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (2000-08-24 at 1541.27 +0200):
> Can gimp memorize feathered selection in path ? I've tried to do this:

I think it can not.

> *feather selection
> *selection to path
> *path to selection
> After the last stage, select was refined.

Why do not use a channel to save the feathered selection? You can
always get a path from it (via a selection).


Re: Saving as EPS

2000-08-22 Thread Guillermo S. Romero / Familia Romero

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (2000-08-22 at 1118.24 +0530):
>  The image saved is of 18 MB  ? the same if I save it as gif it comes
>  to about 8 Kb 

GIF compresses, but I dunno about EPS, I think not, or not as good as
other formats.

>  I have not worked with eps formats but I am sure 18 MB is not normal even
>  for eps

It is. You are moving a raster format to a vector format. The result
is one of the least efficient you will see in life. Maybe is something
about the DPI. What DPI are you using?

>  My second problem is in color seperation all the other colors get
>  seperated in to their respective cmyk format except for black which shows
>  in all the four modes as otherwise it should only appear in the K(cmyK)
>  mode

IIRC there is no gray reduction or whatever the name in English. The
right should be to pass all black to K channel or ask about how much,
but there is not. Supposing EPS filter saves to CMYK, a thing I dunno.
>  I used Perl for scripting and gimp 1.1.4

Old Gimp, 1.1.25 is the latest.


Re: Correction

2000-08-18 Thread Guillermo S. Romero / Familia Romero

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (2000-08-18 at 1227.23 -0500):
> Oops--noticed I did not include the URL of the xcf:
> it's
> Thanks!
> Jim Clark

Two things, the first link was wrong, I got something with cyrus.jpg
but not with your link. And the second is that never ever use xcf! You
should use xcf.bz2 or xcf.gz, at least for web. And for HD too, IMO,
cos saves space and only adds a bit (maybe too much for some people?)
to load / save times. As the compression is loseless and cmd line
reversible, I do not see other problem to avoid it.

Could you repost both links after testing?

BTW, using JPG as intermediate format is bad. If you are scanning at
home, use another format, if scanning in a bureau, ask for another
format. IMO PNG is OK for all these jobs.


Re: gimp links and problems with naked humans

2000-08-18 Thread Guillermo S. Romero / Familia Romero

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (2000-08-18 at 1732.07 +0200):
> Maybe other people on the list know of  more sites.

You forgot GUG, Gimp User Group (an international


Re: Scanner suggestions

2000-08-16 Thread Guillermo S. Romero / Familia Romero

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (2000-08-16 at 0903.19 -0400):
> (Please don't tell me to upgrade - I'm not confident enough yet to install
> a new version, and except for some script-fu bugs, it's working pretty
> well.)

Upgrade! ;] You can, with the Helix RPMs.

> Anyhow, any suggestions out there for a scanner? There are several listed
> in the book, but I thought I'd see what suggestions might come my way, as
> it's a bit outdated.

Visit the SANE and related pages, they have the list of supported
scanners. I would also check for pages about calibration, so you do no
buy one when a same price better one exists. HP looked fine last time
I checked, 6xxx IIRC. For example and

The best, IMO, SCSI, less problems in general. For them you will need
"count up to 16" (SCSI ID) and "begin, middle, end" (terminator)
Sesame Street episodes. They must be really rare episodes, cos nobody
seem to understand SCSI. ;P

Other option is USB, but you will have to fight kernel, possibly. The
worst idea is parallel, too slow, too many problems.


Re: The GIMP v1.1.24 Installation Saga Continues.....

2000-08-13 Thread Guillermo S. Romero / Familia Romero

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (2000-08-13 at 1126.34 +0200):
> It is interesting that most of mailinglist traffic in the recent weeks is
> caused by the (perfectly working ;) rpm system :)

Perfectly working system or great package creators? :] I vote for the
second, cos I have seen too many RPMs badly done (missing things,
garbage left after uninstall, installs partially done, wrong owner /
permissions...). I wonder if people tests things (a friend as guinea
pig is great for this ;] ).


Re: some questions

2000-08-03 Thread Guillermo S. Romero / Familia Romero

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (2000-08-03 at 1718.00 +0200):
> Hi all,
> I don't speak very good english so, I'll try to write the less as possible ;-) 

It seems you also have problems with product names. ;]

> I've got some questions about gimp. 
> *) How keep the toolbar on the top of the desktop (with Ph0t0sh0p I always have 
> it on the top)

I suppose you mean the window with the buttons and the color
selector. That is a window manager task (supposing you use a X
version), check your wm documentation for always on top settings.

> *) How to do a bitmap trame (like (with 
> Ph0t0sh0p it in the image/mode menu)

If you mean the printer effect, MB3 -> Filters -> Distorts ->
Newsprint. I think I saw a tutorial about what parameters to get that
effect, but can not remember where.

> *) Where can I found script/plug-in like eye candy (but free and under gimp of 
> course ;-) ...) (Eye-candy make 3D effects on the selection shape)

Under script-fu menu maybe. Or if not, code your own scripts. All
those 3D effects are just combinations of bump map, displaces and
similar things. Gimp is a Do It Yourself tool (plugin, script or hand
made) while PS is more "pay me for a script" oriented.

Can you put a webpage with the one small image of each effect?

> *) Can we use a vector editor with gimp ? (like illustrat0r and Ph0t0sh0p who
> work together...)

If you can save as image (pixels) and trace shapes with the vector
one, of course. Gimp can also read some vector formats, like PS / EPS
(it renders to pixels to import).

> *) Do exist a soft/plug-in to help the creation of the script ? (like in 
> Ph0t0sh0p where we can record some actions and play them again)

Nope yet. Or maybe, it is called text editor with help for the
languaje you choose (scheme, perl or python). ;]


Re: Welcome to

2000-08-02 Thread Guillermo S. Romero / Familia Romero

The right ways are, IMO, relative size (any browser) or CSS (latest
browsers). But hey, it is like the same discussion about gamma I have
with some guys ("your image is dark" "no, your monitor is crap and
your room is wrongly illuminated" "ok, you win, I live in a cave and
the monitor company is in backruptcy due poor products"), or the
problems Marc mentioned (last time I found one, the guy corrected it,
but that is cos we know each other ;] ).

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (2000-08-03 at 0346.46 +0200):
> > We all should mail the webmaster of such sites that we would like to
> > read but can not, maybe that way they will pay attention to visitors &
> > content and not only coolness.
> an alternative is to install those special fonts designed by some netscape

Already using fonts bigger than what I should. Look at the posted
PNGs, the menus are big, but text is not.

> victim (big,large-fonts?) and to chop off image-loading in the preferences.

I avoid images too, as much as I can (that means abandoning sites most
of times).

It seems that the new trend is to do small fonts; and force images and
javascript on you if you want to read anything (sometimes the images
are the text). One example of this trend can be "read" in the link
about AquaOS gem effect that was added to

BTW, if anyone finds the tutorial, please tell me, cos I get lost with
popups, colourful images and small text before I found anything. Or
maybe I will live with the GUG one.


DPIs (Re: Welcome to

2000-08-02 Thread Guillermo S. Romero / Familia Romero

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (2000-08-02 at 2120.02 +0200):
> > to demostrate how it looks (NS 4.73
> > Linux, X with swapped 100dpi - 75dpi paths for bigger fonts). Relative
> An easier and more consistent way would be to set the dpi of your screen
> to a very high value (120+). Netscape scales accordingly.

Hehe, look at the font used for the menus, and think about how will
them look using 120 DPI (1.2 times bigger, no?).

Based in the monitor size (17 aka 16 viewable, so 12.5 wide viewable)
and the resolution I use (1152 * 864) the DPI is 1152 / 12.5 = 92.16.
GTK with a font of 12 pixels looks perfect, thanks.


Re: Welcome to

2000-08-02 Thread Guillermo S. Romero / Familia Romero

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (2000-08-02 at 1417.26 -0400):
> Hi,
> Well, my fonts are Verdana, and Arial..., but I will add Helvetica to the

Add "sans" as last entry, and you have a security net.

> tag.  As for size=1, my site uses SIZE=2 for the main content.

Anyway, too small. I can screenshot or to demostrate how it looks (NS 4.73
Linux, X with swapped 100dpi - 75dpi paths for bigger fonts). Relative
size fonts is the right way, IMO.

> Thanks for the criticism...

You are welcome. :]


Re: Welcome to

2000-08-02 Thread Guillermo S. Romero / Familia Romero

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (2000-08-02 at 1311.13 -0400):
> Ick, Helvetica?  [isn't that a microsoft font?]

No, it is the original Adobe name, IIRC. Arial is the MS name for sans

> Why not use a serif font?  Just plain Times New
> Roman would work, or better yet don't specify a

IMHO Times New Roman, a MS font, sucks so much that I started to hate
serif fonts. On the other hand, I discovered TeX Computer Modern font
family, and find that my problem was not with serif fonts but with MS
one. TeX roman font has something different that showed me that (I
like it).

> font at all and count on the user's taste for a
> default font.  I often exit a site without even
> reading anything if the font is too small. (for
> instance, I don't shop at CDW at all).

We all should mail the webmaster of such sites that we would like to
read but can not, maybe that way they will pay attention to visitors &
content and not only coolness.


Re: Welcome to

2000-08-02 Thread Guillermo S. Romero / Familia Romero

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (2000-08-02 at 1139.19 -0400):
> I welcome all of you to, which is a brand new site
> I have started, that features tutorials for the GIMP as well as some
> other useful resources on webdesign and graphics.

Is just me or there some kind of FONT SIZE=1 conspirancy? Why people
do not use relative sizes instead of fixed? And no, my X settings use
the 100dpi trick (is there another one to avoid all this completly?).

BTW, not all X have Verdana or Arial, but most of them have Helvetica.
Lot of Gimpers use X.


Re: 216 colors web palete

2000-07-24 Thread Guillermo S . Romero / Familia Romero

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (2000-07-24 at 1246.23 -0500):
> I got question about the Web palete. If I use any of those 216 colors,
> will my web page look the same on Explorer, Netscape, and same look on
> Macintoshes, PCs and other machines or it is not so standard as I think?

There have been a lot of docs about that, and the conclusion, IIRC,
was that you should use an optimized palete and forget all the rest:

- if user has 16 or 24 bit display, forcing palette is really bad, cos
you win nothing.

- if user has 8 bit display, you do not know if he is really using the
web palette or another, so the best is to let the user decide (most of
systems have an internal system to readapt when data varies).

To add insult to injury, you never know if the user has correctly set
his gamma or the environment is right (lights, reflections, etc) or
the DAC of the video chipset is working like the rest.

And BTW it is really rare to have the same look under different
browsers. After all the web is a place to share info, not a DTP


Re: gimp -> photoshop

2000-07-20 Thread Guillermo S. Romero / Familia Romero

>Can I export to photoshop my gimp 1.1 file?

Yes, there are plugins to read and save PSD. Maybe not work 100%, but you
can try.


Re: Script-fu crashes

2000-07-20 Thread Guillermo S. Romero / Familia Romero

>> it via /proc, so check you have compiled and enabled). FreeBSD, if not does
>> something like that, should too (in the same way that Linux and FreeBSD
>> share the idea of virtual consoles, which is great).
>FreeBSD doesn't need that, as it doesn't crash nearly as often as linux

I never have used it for for freezes (yet). Always as fast reboot or
experiment (like today playing with RAID... hot reconstruction, cool).




Re: Script-fu crashes - with ICQ

2000-07-20 Thread Guillermo S. Romero / Familia Romero

>Does somebody know about a possibility to separate these two things,
>without uninstalling ICQ?

Change the extension association, whatever the way that is done now (my last
Windows is NT with plain Explorer). I suppose (but I dunno) that Gimp will
be able to live with that. I would ask the Win32 developers for help, so
maybe they can do something (like using another extension via mv in the
makefile... well, MS C project config files and ren).


Re: Script-fu crashes

2000-07-20 Thread Guillermo S. Romero / Familia Romero

>> Did you tried the SUBmarine tactic? Alt+SysReq+S (sync disks), wait until
>windows?  linux?  frebsd?

Sorry, Linux (option in 2.2 and up, can be disabled, even if you compiled,
it via /proc, so check you have compiled and enabled). FreeBSD, if not does
something like that, should too (in the same way that Linux and FreeBSD
share the idea of virtual consoles, which is great).

With MS Windows... well, no comments, each day I wonder where is the
console, or the virtual desktop, or why I can not have two GUI at the same
time. The best you can do with MS Windows is Ctrl+Alt+Del and pray so it
allows you to close the app or something. ;]


Re: Description of SF-ADJUSTMENT parameter format (?)

2000-07-18 Thread Guillermo S. Romero / Familia Romero

>Does anybody know where can I get the description of all SF-parameters
>which could be used in a script-fu scripts (SF-ADJUSTMENT, for
>instance)? There are only 5 of them mentioned in Michael Terry's Black
>Belt School of Script-Fu.

Latest Gimp has some new SF-foobar. To complicate things, all distros I have
seen do not come with the docs for it, but the source one does. Get it, and
search for a file named test.scm (IIRC), it is a sphere script-fu, modified
to show the new controls, and with comments about how they work. Did I said
that I am starting to be feed up with incomplete packages?


RE: Newbie Developer's Question

2000-07-17 Thread Guillermo S. Romero / Familia Romero

>I think I have slightly lost the thread. Originally what I was wondering was
>whether there was some  way of automating the script process either by
>recording keystrokes like a macro (is this what Alan is talking about here
>??) -- or by some sort of visual interface such as a drag-and-drop
>development environment ?

None that I know. Fire up whatever editor you want and code your script. Or
code the drag and drop or visual interface yourself. ;]

BTW: how do you record a loop?


Re: Script-fu crashes

2000-07-17 Thread Guillermo S. Romero / Familia Romero

Some details to add to what Marc said:
>I've had 3 random freezes of the keyboard upon startx, with the monitor
>going black and the only way out a hard reboot. I've fiddled about with
>fsck (and been yelled at by German geeks for doing that) but something
>seems to always work to get it back. Not the same thing every time, tho.

Did you tried the SUBmarine tactic? Alt+SysReq+S (sync disks), wait until
LED and sound stop, Alt+SysReq+U (umount disks, remount read only), wait
until LED and sound stop, Alt+SysReq+B (reboot). The machine goes down quite
fast, and a lot safer than drilling holes in the ships hull (aka hit the
reset button), cos it can come up perfectly. Of course, all this works only
if the kernel is still alive.


Re: Newbie Developer's Question

2000-07-17 Thread Guillermo S. Romero / Familia Romero

>I use the console to see what the command does to the image/layer...if it
>works, I then cut-n-paste into emacs. if not, then i just do an undo :-)

Thanks, I will give it a try. :]


Re: photo retouch

2000-07-10 Thread Guillermo S. Romero / Familia Romero

>> >
>> is this just happening to me?  when i try to get this page with netscape
>> i get redirected (after a 404) to some insane 'net-game.  happens even when
>> shortening the url back to  i know i could get into Silicon-
>> Valley...
>I use netscape also and have no problems viewing the page. Maybe you made
>a typo or cut'n pasted to much or to little?

I got a similar problem in another page. GeoCities seems to have problems today.


Re: Newbie Developer's Question

2000-07-09 Thread Guillermo S. Romero / Familia Romero

>A quick question - is there a tool which provides a visual interface for
>writing Script-fu's ?

Emacs is a good tool to type them. Then save (do not close emacs), hit
"Refresh" in Gimp Script-fu menu (no need to restart Gimp), and try your
script. That is what I did.

>I have just started to look at creating Script-fu's in the GIMP manual, and
>it seems to me that keying in all of those commands by hand would be
>extremely tedious.

The console is nice to debug them, but not to do full script development
(IMO). I doubt anybody uses it beyond testing some lines of code or fix
something, like erasing "hang" images or layers (does anybody do more than
that? am I the "rare"?).


RE: Fonts in Script-FU Dialogs

2000-07-09 Thread Guillermo S. Romero / Familia Romero

>Thanks for your lead. I have located a Helix RPM of Gimp-1-1-24 and
>successfully installed it. Do you happen to know if I also need to install
>(whether by RPM or make) the associated gimp-data file, or is it already a
>part of Gimp-1-1-24 ?

I have been a bit offline latelly (exams and work), so me last Helix has
1.1.22, and I used it too few. IIRC they do not provide too many things, so
you could give a try to that file. Install under /usr/local/ so you do not
kill anyhting based in RPM, and use the Preferences dialog to point Gimp to
the correct data dirs.


Re: Layer to selection

2000-07-08 Thread Guillermo S. Romero / Familia Romero

>  How do I convert a floating selection to a normal selection?

Click the new layer icon in the Layer, Channels & Paths window, so you get a
layer, then select an area in that layer, for example with "Alpha to selection".


RE: Fonts in Script-FU Dialogs

2000-07-08 Thread Guillermo S. Romero / Familia Romero

>Firstly, am I going down the right track by looking here ?

Yes, if you know how to compile after getting the files.

>Secondly, what do I do with these files once I download them -- some of
>these files are large, so I am not going to download them yet until I know
>for sure these are what I want.

Get the bz2 better (smaller, but same contents), the basic is 1.1.24. If you
have 1.1.23, you can get the patch file instead. If you do not have lots of
brushes, textures and similar things, get the extra too.

>Thirdly, as I am a newbie, could I ask for a bit of hand-holding as to what
>I do once I have downloaded them ? I know that I need to gunzip and tar -xvf
>these files, but once I have done this, I am getting into unfamiliar
>territory when it comes to compiling them. I've already tried to compile
>some downloaded GIMP plug-ins, and fell flat on my face.

Oh oh. For the bz2 you have to use bunzip2, then tar (or single command tar
with special params, read the man page... btw it also works with gz, add
-z). The process is explained in a file that comes, readme or install, I can
not remember exactly. Normally ./configure --things-I-want, make, make
install. You can give it a try, but as I newbie I dunno if you will like it.

>or is it possible to get a pre-compiled package for the developers'
>edition of GIMP (e.g. RPMs...) ??

Of course, Helix GNOME provides RPM of it, even 1.1.24 as some pointed out.


Re: Fonts in Script-FU Dialogs

2000-07-06 Thread Guillermo S. Romero / Familia Romero

>Am I missing something ?  The version of the GIMP that I have is 1.04.

You answered your own question: 1.0.4. Get a 1.1.x and try again, nice
widgets for script-fu dialogs (and a lot more of things).


Re: gif msg default

2000-07-06 Thread Guillermo S. Romero / Familia Romero

>how do i change my default gif message? what does it do anyway?
>i know its a dumb question, but its me.

In the Preferences window of the last version is a place to set up the
default message.


Re: CMYK support

2000-07-06 Thread Guillermo S. Romero / Familia Romero

>   Is there any patch available for gimp 1.1.1 for CMYK support in

1.1.1 is pretty old. Current is 24, even Helix GNOME ships 22.

About CMYK, I suppose it must be first supported in the libtiff code, a
thing I do not know. And second, Gimp does not support CMYK yet, so the best
you will get will be a CMYK -> RGB conversion, never native CMYK (until is
is added, of course, maybe in 2.0).


RE: The "Bucket Fill" Tool in GIMP for Windows

2000-07-04 Thread Guillermo S. Romero / Familia Romero

>Hi Andrew,
>Can you not use layers

Maybe cos if you know wht you want, the other way is faster. And if you do
not, you do not waste undo steps (do, "uuummm I do not like it", undo, do:
only one slot wasted). Maybe if the undo stack thing is cleared in next
versions it would be the same in undo steps.


Re: The "Bucket Fill" Tool in GIMP for Windows

2000-07-04 Thread Guillermo S. Romero / Familia Romero

>I am a Windows user, and have been using the Windows version of the GIMP
>quite extensively. I have noticed that the Tool Options menu for the Bucket
>Fill tool does not have an Opacity slider or a Mode selector (these are
>available in the Linux version).
>Could anyone suggest a workaround for this ? For example, if I wished to
>bucket fill a selection using Multiply mode (say), how could I do it ?

IIRC you have two options:
- turn off the global settings (or whatever the name) for tools in the
- use the widgets of the brush toolbox.
At least that seems to be the case under Unix Gimp.


Re: (B & W) "stencil" raster filter?

2000-06-28 Thread Guillermo S. Romero / Familia Romero

>So what I need to do is applying a stencil raster - you know, when your
>image becomes a collection bigger and smaller dots, lined under an angle
>of 45º I clear? :-)

The name of the plugin you need is NewsPrint, IIRC.

>Although I just played with Newsprint, and it seemed to have reasonable
>results, I'd rather have the rasterizing of a layer to be a *display
>property* of a layer, rather than a filter; with a filter, you alter the
>image, but with a (what I call) display property, you only alter the way
>it is viewed.

That can not be done, you will have to keep two copies, the original and the
newsprint one. Each time you modify the original, rerun newsprint to get the
other layer.

>I'd like to hear your ideas upon this: how do you do this, how do you
>think it should be, etc.

Check Gimp 2.0 when it comes out (next years). Maybe it will have that
(plugins that auto apply, or layers dependent in others). While you wait,
the best you can do is an export script that runs the Newsprint, flatens
layers and then saves to a new name (so you always keep your original XCF).


Re: keep layers ??

2000-06-23 Thread Guillermo S. Romero / Familia Romero

>> i there a way to keep the layer structure in a gimp file ??? i like to
>> save a file with several layers and get a layers when i load the file in
>> gimp again.
>save as xcf, the gimps native format. theres also a psd (photoshop)
>writing plug in at the registry. gimp already comes with the filter for
>reading photoshop.

XCF saves more things... or at least you know that it rarelly will leave out
data, do not use PSD for dailly work. Just a suggestion to avoid problems.

For better space management, use bzip2 or gzip after it. When saving, choose
"by extension" and write "filename.xcf.bz2" (or "gz") in the box. You keep
all the data, and is saved in compressed way (loseless, of course). Gimp
creates the xcf and then calls the compressor, quite easy. And you can
extract the xcf file by hand (usefull when sending to a guy that does not
have bzip2... rare but there are some still), or leave the work to Gimp.


RE: is there a way to run GIMP in 800/600 mode without using the numeric keypad?

2000-06-20 Thread Guillermo S. Romero / Familia Romero

>It's sort of a GIMP question when you understand that the only reason I have
>Linux on my laptop, is to use GIMP.  I've already looked through LAME and
>another Administator's guide and the Mandrake help files with no luck, but I
>don't want to Administrate Linux, I just want to run GIMP in 800/600 mode.

Setting the drivers is administration, in any OS. You can name it as you
want, configuration or whatever.

>Can anyone help?

There is a Linux site with lot of laptops links...
and then click on docs link and browse a bit to find the Linux and Laptops
area (IIRC, maybe it was not there... use a search engine if fails). I know
there is a site with lots of link about laptops, including config examples
to solve problems like yours, sorry but I can not remember the exact link.

>On a side note, I'm intrigued by your comment about laptop colors.  In other
>image editing programs I would change the color to say, red, with the big
>psychdelic color selection palette thing, yet it would show up as grey when
>I painted.
>Is this what U mean when U allude to color problems using a laptop?

No, TFT screens are poor for photoworks. Computer vendor can say whatever
they want, but CRTs are still the king.

>Because, when I take a picture, it looks right on the laptop... the trees
>are green and my butt is white.  So I would imgaine that the laptop will be
>fine for my low tech needs, i.e. the web.  Could you elaborate?  Does it
>have something to do with 16 bit color vs. 15 bit color?

You should run in 24 bits for a full range (at least better than 15/16). And
TFT color reproduction is no the same than CRTs. And both are different than
printers or scanners. Welcome to the mad world of color calibration. ;]


Re: no X thankyou!!

2000-06-19 Thread Guillermo S. Romero / Familia Romero

>> IIRC there is a X server that fakes that. It works as normal X, but never
>> shows anything anywhere. Xvfb maybe? And of course, VNC.
>..but this would stop normal X running on the machine - need a solution
>that allows the script to run every hour - whether I'm logged in, or not.

Why would X stop? I do not understand the problem. I have machines running 3
normal X sessions (one in its video card, two remote) plus a VNC X session.
And for fun I luanched 3 X one day (weird thing, I know, but the only way to
test a thing is trying it, like "how many xterminals can I open?").


Re: no X thankyou!!

2000-06-19 Thread Guillermo S. Romero / Familia Romero

>so, how do i override this?? right now I'm having to xhost (servername)
>and keep X running...i want to get this all running from console..i see no
>reason for X to be needed... any helpers out there?

IIRC there is a X server that fakes that. It works as normal X, but never
shows anything anywhere. Xvfb maybe? And of course, VNC.


Re: blur similar to layer mask

2000-06-19 Thread Guillermo S. Romero / Familia Romero

>is there a possibility to influence a filter (e.g. blur) with a black
>and white gradient similar to the layer mask?
>i would like to blur an image so that the border gets unsharp but the
>center doesn't change.

Playing with selections. If you have 1.1.x you can use the QuickMask thing.
That way you paint in the QMask with the gradient tool (or airbrush or
whatever) and then it works as selection with levels. If you have 1.0.4 you
will have to do it with channels (after all, IIRC, QMask is a hack on top of


Re: Color Dodge/Color Burn

2000-06-14 Thread Guillermo S. Romero / Familia Romero

>Does GIMP have a Color dodge/color burn tool or
>equivalent (like Photoshop 5)?

Yes (at least the name is similar).

>I'm running version 1.0.4 for IRIX, and can't seem to
>find anything that works like the Photoshop tools do. 
>Could they be under a different/weird name?

Get 1.1.23 for it.

>Basically, I'm looking to burn or dodge hues without
>affecting the value of surrounding pixels.

I think that is what Gimp's dodge / burn does.


Re: Refresh database (Re: Picture/screen size)

2000-06-12 Thread Guillermo S. Romero / Familia Romero

>> You can set any refresh rate and resolution your hardware and software
>> allows, in both xfree 3 and 4. Just edit your XF86Config and adjust the
>> modelines.
>Yes but this would involve knowing exactly how to come up with the right
>modeline.  A single typo here can fry a monitor.

Or in the best case, stress the circuitry that protects it and get lots of
"Not Valid Scan Frec" via the On Screen Display (I have got some while
testing). In any case, not nice.

>> xfree4 can make use of ddc, and most monitors underestimate their
>> powers. For example, I have a very hard time of getting anything better
>> than 70hz under windows. Without the matrox control panel I can't even
>> force refresh settings, so windows is by far worse than linux :|
>I have a hard believing this as Windows, for 90% of video manufacturers, has
>incredible video support and changing refresh rates is very easy.  Select
>the refresh rate you want from a drop down list.

Of course, there are cases where XFree is better than Windows, like with an
old #9 (S3 864 chip) I had years ago. But the point is other cases, and
specially the easiness of improving the settings (I know the scan lines and
such, and I have used the tool to move the screen, but not how to create
scan lines with just the Hz and KHz freq).

My Hitachi supports a lot of frequencies but Linux underuses it (I bought
the one with highest limits for the size, so normal resolutions are quite
good while 1600 is just unusable due Moire). And the G400 case is really
pathetic (underclocking, yeah, cool!).

>Don't get me wrong I can't stand Windows and hate Microsoft's arrogance more
>than most people.  But I cannot fault them on their suppor/configuration
>when it comes to video and only wish that setting up my monitor under Xfree
>were as easy. 
>My ADI monitor has an LED that show what mode it is in and I have much wider
>range of choices under Windows than I do under Xfree.

That is what I want, easy way to get the scan lines in XFree. I have found a
site that was a database of monitors but now says that they have closed cos
there are better sources. Where? What I currently have is not 100% good. And
when you want to do 2D or 3D, perfect monitor / card pair is important (and
in any case, your eyes are important, that was the reason I got an expensive
monitor instead of an OEM one).


Refresh database (Re: Picture/screen size)

2000-06-12 Thread Guillermo S. Romero / Familia Romero

>XF ver. 4. I am not uite satisfied with it now, because my combination of
>Matrox G400/16 MB and ViewSonic 17" only gives me 75 Hz refresh (the M$ gives
>87 Hz) so I hope the ver. 4 will help a little.

Do not ask me why, but XFree is always very conservative with the refresh
rates. Another example is the chipset clock, it also gives less than the
maximum. In the end, your machine works below the limit but I doubt any
damage is avoided. An example of this is that XFree gives worse results than
in other OSs, but with tools like the one for G400 you get the same (and no
overclocking, just normal clocking).

Does anybody know how to move the refresh data from Windows to XFree? Is
there any kind of formula (simple, if possible)? A full database of scan
lines? Does XFree 4 come with exact settings or still under powered?

I am a bit feed up with this, specially cos all people complain that "in
Windows I get X but in Linux I get less" when the problem is not about
forcing but setting the right numbers.


Re: Performance of Gimp vs. photoshop for large images

2000-06-06 Thread Guillermo S. Romero / Familia Romero

>> thats odd. that size should be fine. i work in film
>> res all the time (4kx3k) at 32bpp (yes, i know film
>> should be done at 48 or 64 bpp to prevent banding, i
>> only work this res for testing)
>can I see some references for these values? Seems that number
>is just climbing all the time. can the human eye distinguish
>more than 26-bit? Even at 4kx3k, you've only got 12million pixels
>that can be of different colours. 

It is for retouching purpouses. When you operate with computers, you have
quantization problems, if you use 8 bit per channel, in a few steps you will
discover that color that were different now are the same, or that due
rounding you get the wrong colors.

>(How do you see a 64bit picture on the monitor? ;-) )

You do not. It is just for internal ops.


Re: Performance of Gimp vs. photoshop for large images

2000-06-05 Thread Guillermo S. Romero / Familia Romero

>It's set to either 15 megs or 10 megs.  However the disc is not being

Too low, enough to edit a logo, but not for big images. 3500 * 2800 * 3
bytes = 29.4E6 bytes, as you see it is a lot more than 15MB (near two
times), so Gimp moves data to disk as soon as you load the image.

I have used Gimp with images as big as yours, multiple layers and it was
fast, reason? I set the cache size to 128MB or more (the machine had 256),
and I hope to fine tune it as soon as I have time to test it more (but I
guess that 128 - 192 will be good, after all, my old machines had 64MB in
the best case, and I had done medium works with them).

>thrashed, throughout the redraw all the CPU time is being eaten by gimp,
>i.e. it's processor-bound, not I/O bound, if it was a cache issue then I'd
>expect large amounts of disc I/O but I'm not seeing that.

How did you meassure the CPU and IO loads? I think your meassurements are
not correct. Unix system internals are really strange, I always remember the
famous discussion in GNOME list about Shared memory, Resident, etc. It seems
most people meassure wrong.

BTW, Unix "trashing" is rare to find, or at least to heard. When it moves
data to disk it does not sound like Windows Machine Gun Swap Routine (TM),
just clickclick. Watch the LED, it should be always ON (or look like it is
ON, you know that eyes are not perfect), but the disk may not make loud or
rare sounds. At least under normal conditions (a 1GB DB in a 64MB computer
is not normal). ;]

Conclusion: raise the limit and complain again if Gimp is not fast.


RE: How to change text

2000-05-30 Thread Guillermo S. Romero / Familia Romero

>A last question before downloading gimp 1.1.x: i am loading a .psd file,
>and not .pcx, is there a chance that information about text fonts can be

That is more complex. There are saver and loader for PSD (two separate
plugins IIRC), but I doubt they will do all the things PSD format supports.
And to add more problems, remember that Gimp uses X fonts while Photoshop
uses other system.


Re: US Government, ImageLinks and Florida Tech developing Open Source Software for Remote Sensing and Mapping

2000-05-30 Thread Guillermo S. Romero / Familia Romero

>See attached press release...

And? :-/

First: big attachments to mailing list is not a good way to behave,
specially if big (most patches I see here are smaller, if even posted).
Second: .doc is not a format to prevoide info to everyone (expecially to
users that can be running other software instead of MS').
Third: crossposting is not nice either.

Next time post a link to a standard format file will be enough (or one that
you know that the recipents will be able to download and view... .xcf to
Gimp user is right).

Thanks. :-|


RE: How to change text

2000-05-30 Thread Guillermo S. Romero / Familia Romero

>That may sounds strange, but why couldn't we add semantic specs in xcf
>files for instance ? A new standard ?
>That could be stated over some structured log ; transient as layering...

Gimp 1.1.x and GDynText provide that. But plain 1.0.4 does not. That is the
reason he got that "no" answer. XCF does a lot of things, Gimp too, the
problem is that if you want latest things, you have to run bleeding edge
versions... with Helix GNOME that is not a problem, Helix Code compiles
latest Gimp periodically. Maybe you could give a try (if it burns your
computer, no complains accepted, only bug report and fixes ;] ).



2000-05-29 Thread Guillermo S. Romero / Familia Romero

>   i missed it for long time so i decided to make it.
>   this script gives you the color from a hex triplet.
>   to use it put the attached file in your .gimp/scripts directory.

I think that fuction is already avaliable in GIMP 1.1.x.

>   now my question is : why this improved version of the script don't
>   work? 

I dunno. :]


Re: Change Color

2000-05-27 Thread Guillermo S. Romero / Familia Romero

>I want to change for example all the red color in my pic to blue color.
>How can I do ?

Select by color (there is a tool for this in the menus, not the magic wand),
then fill with new color (bucket).


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