Re: [Audyssey] Thoughts about new text adventures.

2008-12-14 Thread Thomas Ward

Hi Dark,
Well, speaking from experience here creating an entire world from 
scratch is turning out to be very hard work indeed. You litterally have 
to create the worlds religion, myths, legends, history, as well as the 
world itself from scratch. I think that is why some RPG games just go 
for the roll based combat and lacks depth in the back story. Either that 
or someone bases an RPG on a known universe like Star Wars.
For example, in between work on MOTA I have started jotting down notes 
for the RPG game. One thing I noticed is all the things I don't know 
about my new world. Its history, different realms, heroes, villens, 
religion, etc. It might take me months to write up a basic draft of the 
world before I can even write a simple text adventure. If I wanted to be 
lazy about it I could save myself loads of time by using an existing 
world, but then that might ruin the fun of creating something totally new.


dark wrote:

Hi Tom.

The situation of the Syth rpg you mention sounds disturbingly 
familiar. Long before I found audiogames, i was trying out literally 
thousands of those sorts of games, and Sryth is the only one I found 
to actually feature backstory, quests and a true world to explore.

there are a couple of games which are mechanically nice in terms of 
their explorable areas such as Kingdom of Loathing, but while an 
incredibly fun litle game, it's not something I can take too seriously 
as a coherent world and story, which is probably why I've never really 
had the patience to actually work a character through the game.

I would however absolutely, totally and completely recommend the 
chronicles of Arborell.

Fantastic writing, huge gamebooks, and really amazing background 

the world is incredibly unique with it's own races and history, and 
there really is so much of the story which needs to be pieced together.

Also, there are main characters with backstory in the main gamebook 

The gm is also great about accessibility issues (he's even got a forum 
for Vi accessibility).

Beware the Grue!

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Re: [Audyssey] Thoughts about new text adventures.

2008-12-10 Thread shaun everiss
I'd also be interested in that stuff to.
At 10:45 p.m. 10/12/2008, you wrote:
>Hi Tom.
>That folder of starwars stuff would be fantastic! I'd especially like to find 
>out what happens betwene the films,  how the rebellion moved from Yavin to 
>Hoth, what were the repercussions in the empire to the destruction of alderan 
>and the princess officially joining the rebellion, how long was Han frozen in 
>carbonite,  and what happened with chubaka's attempt to rescue Han from Jaba 
>I could go on, but you get the picture.
>Character backstory and methodology is entirely important. even in Sryth, 
>Ekitrina is a verry defigned character with her own backstory,  which I'm 
>actually now wanting to finish writing up (it's almost done, just a couple of 
>chapters left), and I try to pick the action choices in the game which most 
>reflect her character.
>Larp wise,  live action role play, I actually have a fair few friends 
>involved in that type of thing, and the only reason I don't is that running 
>through woods with a sword would be slightly problematic for me. I have 
>however had several people asking me to take my accordian,  or just sing, 
>and go and play a bard.
>It's actually the setting thing that causes me to lose patience with the vast 
>majority of text rpgs on the net, which seem more concerned with stats and pvp 
>than the actual story of the game.
>I also admit I personally am more interested in exploring the world and the 
>story set out in quests than basic rping with other people in online games 
>like Hollow, where your characters actions don't really effect things at large 
>veyr much,  you just chat to other characters and exchange backstory. For 
>me finding out about the world and a more complex story is a big part of the 
>fun of such things, - even in our mutants game, the gm has a distinct 
>story he's telling, with many character connections and complexities,  
>some related to character's backstories and actions in the game, some not.
>For instance, one of our characters is playing a superhero who gained her 
>powers by being a changeling child with a fairy. We're now however having 
>horrible shinanigans with the fay she was changed with, who A, wants to kill 
>her, and B, is the princess of one of the fairy courts, - with the other 
>fairy court trying to assassinate her on earth (neutral teretory), and so 
>start a war in arcadia which will also spill over into freedom city (the 
>newyork esque place we're supposedly the super heroe guardians of).
>Yes, our game gets complicated!
>Anyway, I'm also wondering if you happen to have checked out the Chronicles of 
>Arborell. it's an attempt to create online an entire world and setting with 
>gamebooks, historical naratives, short stories and many other peices of 
>writing, - you can even learn the elder tungue of arborell which comes 
>into play in the gamebooks.
>The writine is also exceptional. That's one reason I've been so into promoting 
>the site,  that and the Gm's very nice accessibility changes, it's a truly 
>fantastic undertaking that has so much more to it than the bog standard run 
>around in generic fantasy world pounding monsters (he's also apparently going 
>to publish his own tabletop rules at some point).
>Beware the Grue!
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Re: [Audyssey] Thoughts about new text adventures.

2008-12-10 Thread dark

Hi Tom.

The situation of the Syth rpg you mention sounds disturbingly familiar. Long 
before I found audiogames, i was trying out literally thousands of those 
sorts of games, and Sryth is the only one I found to actually feature 
backstory, quests and a true world to explore.

there are a couple of games which are mechanically nice in terms of their 
explorable areas such as Kingdom of Loathing, but while an incredibly fun 
litle game, it's not something I can take too seriously as a coherent world 
and story, which is probably why I've never really had the patience to 
actually work a character through the game.

I would however absolutely, totally and completely recommend the chronicles 
of Arborell.

Fantastic writing, huge gamebooks, and really amazing background material.

the world is incredibly unique with it's own races and history, and there 
really is so much of the story which needs to be pieced together.

Also, there are main characters with backstory in the main gamebook series.

The gm is also great about accessibility issues (he's even got a forum for 
Vi accessibility).

Beware the Grue!


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Re: [Audyssey] Thoughts about new text adventures.

2008-12-10 Thread Thomas Ward

Hi Dark,

That folder of starwars stuff would be fantastic! I'd especially like 
to  find out
what happens betwene the films,  how the rebellion moved from  Yavin 
to Hoth,
what were the repercussions in the empire to the destruction  of alderan 
and the
princess officially joining the rebellion, how long was  Han frozen in 

and what happened with chubaka's attempt to rescue  Han from Jaba earlier?
End quote

Well, some of what you are asking for is right in the original three 
books New Hope, Empire Strikes Back, and Return of the Jedi which the 
first three movies were based on. In Return of the Jedi it states that 
six months had passed between Empire Strikes Back and Return of the 
Jedi.  So I'd say based on that time frame Han had been a prisoner of 
Jaba the Hut for around six months before Luke, Leia, Chewbacca, etc 
attempted their rescue.
As far as what is in the Star Wars book folder there aren't many books 
that are between the first three movies, but there are lots of them that 
are about the clone wars, and even more that take up the story after 
ROTJ. Some of the books like New Jedi Order, Dark Nest, and Legacy of 
the Force take place about 20 to 30 years after the movies and mainly 
deal with the Solo twins, Luke's son Ben, etc who are now members of the 
new Jedi order with Luke Skywalker and his wife Mara as leaders of the 
Jedi Knights. Anyway, I'll look up that info and send it along off list.

Character backstory and methodology is entirely important. even in 
Sryth,  Ekitrina
is a verry defigned character with her own backstory,  which  I'm 
actually now
wanting to finish writing up (it's almost done, just a  couple of 
chapters left),
and I try to pick the action choices in the game  which most reflect her 

End quote

Absolutely. That is all part of the fun of pretending to be someone 
else. To make it truly interesting you have to sort of build the 
characters beliefs, attitudes, etc all up from the ground. Is the 
character religious, is he/she a lawful or unlawful character, what did 
he/she do before becoming a hero or rogue, where was he/she born, and so on.
I think for me creating that character, molding them into a person with 
thoughts, feelings, history, goals, etc is the most rewarding part of 
roll play. You have a personal attatchment with that character and it is 
not the same as an impersonal character like in SOD where the character 
is just there with no depth, history, or back story other than the intro 
states that you came to check out the place and got stuck.

It's actually the setting thing that causes me to lose patience with 
the  vast majority
of text rpgs on the net, which seem more concerned with stats  and pvp 
than the actual

story of the game.
End quote

Been there done that. As I just said to Kelly the entire focus on text 
chat, pvp, etc has really ruined online RPG games for me.  They seam 
like a place for people to hang out, but they do more chatting and pvp 
stuff than actually building the story, interesting quests, and, I don't 
know, they lacked depth.
For example, a couple of years back I signed up for an account with an 
online Star Wars RPG.  It was suppose to take place during the great 
Sith wars, and you of course had to become a member of the Sith to join. 
As it turned out though after being there a while all I basically saw 
was a bunch of people doing pvp stuff and chatting about glorious 
battles they had against other players. The story really wasn't there 
other than what was dragged out of Star wars myth and legend about the 
Sith. That with the lack of accessibility features in the game made me 
decide to quit pdq.
I mention this because I had joined that particular RPG in hopes to join 
the Sith wars and under take quests, missions, and of course get more 
into the back ground of the Sith 500 years before the current SW 
timeline. that didn't really happen. Mostly it was just a bunch of SW 
geeks who got together to do some saber raddling with each other and see 
who could kill who and gain an extra rank on the ladder by assassinating 
the person above them.  In short, it was boring without any back story 
to speak of.

Anyway, I'm also wondering if you happen to have checked out the 
Chronicles  of Arborell.
it's an attempt to create online an entire world and setting  with 
gamebooks, historical
naratives, short stories and many other peices of  writing, - you 
can even learn

the elder tungue of arborell which comes  into play in the gamebooks.
End quote

No, I haven't. In fact, until you posted your previous message listin 
the various game books etc I didn't know this game existed. It is on my 
list of things to look at though.


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Re: [Audyssey] Thoughts about new text adventures.

2008-12-10 Thread Thomas Ward

Hi Dark,
Thanks for your informative post. Some of this I knew already, but there 
was much here I didn't know about.  Time to get a RPG fix for this RPg 

dark wrote:


While it's not final fantasy, there have been some very nice things 
done with both gamebooks and brouser rpgs, - particularly Sryth.

These are interactive stories with occasional text based combat, where 
you fulfill quests. You could read the text using your default screen 
reader and wouldn've have to resort to sapi,  neither actually 
would you if you played interactive fiction, but that's probably 
another message entirely.

I can strongly! recommend Sryth, the only single player text rpg of 
it's type which is heavily world and stat based and if you like the 
game, i'd appreciate you writing dark empathy as the person who 
directed you to it, lol!

Then, there are several sites that host some exelent gamebooks.

Some, for example age of fable


There are also some exelent gamebooks prsented as Html which require 
you to roll your own dice (easy with the gma dice program).

In particular I can highly recommend the chronicles of arborell at

Which have some of the most fantastic writing and world building I've 
ever! seen, and project aoy at Which 
hosts a huge series of gamebooks created in the 1980's, all set in the 
same world and starring the same character who's stats, skills and 
items carry over through the 12 or so adventures.

For more information, just look in the gamebooks catagory on


Beware the Grue!


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Re: [Audyssey] Thoughts about new text adventures.

2008-12-10 Thread Thomas Ward

Hi Kelly,
Right. That is precisely why I want to design my own accessible RPG 
game. The mainstream gamers have all sorts of RPG titles like Heroes of 
Might and Magic, Final Fantacy, Legend of Zelda, etc but they aren't 
The ones that are accessible such as muds and some web based RPG games 
spend more on player verses player, chat, etc rather than actually 
developing an indepth game world, back story, and so on.
While I personally really like some web based RPG games like Sryth I do 
have one complaint. Which is that you have to be on an internet 
connection to play it. If you are traveling in a car, bus, on a train, 
visiting with relatives without the internet, etc you can't play the 
game. Since I always have my laptop with me just about everywhere i go I 
would like to be able to load the game on my notebook and play no matter 
where I am weather I have an internet connection or not. I have yet to 
find a blind accessible RPG game besides Nethack and ADOM which will 
allow me to do that.

Kellie and my lovable Lady J. wrote:
lol The mideval setting is popular amongst gamers but there aren't a 
lot of games that are fantasy based for accessible use. I know there 
are muds, I play those. But I mean single player fantasy things. I 
haven't played much interactive fiction maybe I should try it out and 
see if that has the same. I don't like using the sapi speech though, 
ddrives me crazy with the basic voices. But the type of game I want is 
the epic quest sort. The ones where there is an end goal but there are 
smaller tasks that lead up to that end goal. lol That would take so 
long to code though and to think of a great story line. when I could 
see I liked final fantasy and that was on the original nintendo. I 
would watch friends play and participate with decisions on the later 
versions of ff. I liked lunar, star ocean. That sort is so fun. So I 
guess that is why the fantasy theme still is what I would love to have.

Kellie and my lovable Lady J.
Canine Welfare Technician/Resident adviser
Guide Dogs for the Blind, Oregon campus

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Re: [Audyssey] Thoughts about new text adventures.

2008-12-10 Thread Jennifer Karns

I love it! I hope you'll be able to get  a game together. 
- Original Message - 
From: "Thomas Ward" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Sent: Sunday, December 07, 2008 1:51 AM
Subject: [Audyssey] Thoughts about new text adventures.

Hi everyone,
Over the last few months I have really been getting into interactive 
fiction games, and really enjoy the old text adventures.  As a result that 
has me thinking of some possible game projects after Mysteries of the 
Ancients and Raceway are released.
One idea I have been thinking of is producing a handful of USA Games text 
adventures for Mac, Windows, and Linux that is similar to classic if 
titles. With web based games like Sryth around I have discovered the 
classic DND text adventure style game still can be quite addictive given 
enough adventures and puzzles in it. What do you all think of this idea?


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Re: [Audyssey] Thoughts about new text adventures.

2008-12-10 Thread dark

Hi Tom.

That folder of starwars stuff would be fantastic! I'd especially like to 
find out what happens betwene the films,  how the rebellion moved from 
Yavin to Hoth, what were the repercussions in the empire to the destruction 
of alderan and the princess officially joining the rebellion, how long was 
Han frozen in carbonite,  and what happened with chubaka's attempt to rescue 
Han from Jaba earlier?

I could go on, but you get the picture.

Character backstory and methodology is entirely important. even in Sryth, 
Ekitrina is a verry defigned character with her own backstory,  which 
I'm actually now wanting to finish writing up (it's almost done, just a 
couple of chapters left), and I try to pick the action choices in the game 
which most reflect her character.

Larp wise,  live action role play, I actually have a fair few friends 
involved in that type of thing, and the only reason I don't is that running 
through woods with a sword would be slightly problematic for me. I have 
however had several people asking me to take my accordian,  or just 
sing, and go and play a bard.

It's actually the setting thing that causes me to lose patience with the 
vast majority of text rpgs on the net, which seem more concerned with stats 
and pvp than the actual story of the game.

I also admit I personally am more interested in exploring the world and the 
story set out in quests than basic rping with other people in online games 
like Hollow, where your characters actions don't really effect things at 
large veyr much,  you just chat to other characters and exchange 
backstory. For me finding out about the world and a more complex story is a 
big part of the fun of such things, - even in our mutants game, the gm 
has a distinct story he's telling, with many character connections and 
complexities,  some related to character's backstories and actions in 
the game, some not.

For instance, one of our characters is playing a superhero who gained her 
powers by being a changeling child with a fairy. We're now however having 
horrible shinanigans with the fay she was changed with, who A, wants to kill 
her, and B, is the princess of one of the fairy courts, - with the other 
fairy court trying to assassinate her on earth (neutral teretory), and so 
start a war in arcadia which will also spill over into freedom city (the 
newyork esque place we're supposedly the super heroe guardians of).

Yes, our game gets complicated!

Anyway, I'm also wondering if you happen to have checked out the Chronicles 
of Arborell. it's an attempt to create online an entire world and setting 
with gamebooks, historical naratives, short stories and many other peices of 
writing, - you can even learn the elder tungue of arborell which comes 
into play in the gamebooks.

The writine is also exceptional. That's one reason I've been so into 
promoting the site,  that and the Gm's very nice accessibility changes, 
it's a truly fantastic undertaking that has so much more to it than the bog 
standard run around in generic fantasy world pounding monsters (he's also 
apparently going to publish his own tabletop rules at some point).

Beware the Grue!


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Re: [Audyssey] Thoughts about new text adventures.

2008-12-10 Thread dark


While it's not final fantasy, there have been some very nice things done 
with both gamebooks and brouser rpgs, - particularly Sryth.

These are interactive stories with occasional text based combat, where you 
fulfill quests. You could read the text using your default screen reader and 
wouldn've have to resort to sapi,  neither actually would you if you 
played interactive fiction, but that's probably another message entirely.

I can strongly! recommend Sryth, the only single player text rpg of it's 
type which is heavily world and stat based and if you like the game, i'd 
appreciate you writing dark empathy as the person who directed you to it, 

Then, there are several sites that host some exelent gamebooks.

Some, for example age of fable


There are also some exelent gamebooks prsented as Html which require you to 
roll your own dice (easy with the gma dice program).

In particular I can highly recommend the chronicles of arborell at

Which have some of the most fantastic writing and world building I've ever! 
seen, and project aoy at Which hosts a 
huge series of gamebooks created in the 1980's, all set in the same world 
and starring the same character who's stats, skills and items carry over 
through the 12 or so adventures.

For more information, just look in the gamebooks catagory on


Beware the Grue!


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Re: [Audyssey] Thoughts about new text adventures.

2008-12-09 Thread Kellie and my lovable Lady J.
lol The mideval setting is popular amongst gamers but there aren't a lot of 
games that are fantasy based for accessible use. I know there are muds, I 
play those. But I mean single player fantasy things. I haven't played much 
interactive fiction maybe I should try it out and see if that has the same. 
I don't like using the sapi speech though, ddrives me crazy with the basic 
voices. But the type of game I want is the epic quest sort. The ones where 
there is an end goal but there are smaller tasks that lead up to that end 
goal. lol That would take so long to code though and to think of a great 
story line. when I could see I liked final fantasy and that was on the 
original nintendo. I would watch friends play and participate with decisions 
on the later versions of ff. I liked lunar, star ocean. That sort is so fun. 
So I guess that is why the fantasy theme still is what I would love to have.

Kellie and my lovable Lady J.
Canine Welfare Technician/Resident adviser
Guide Dogs for the Blind, Oregon campus
- Original Message - 
From: "Thomas Ward" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

To: "Gamers Discussion list" 
Sent: Tuesday, December 09, 2008 1:37 AM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] Thoughts about new text adventures.

Hi Dark,
I see what you mean. Despite hundreds of books, movies, and games on the 
subject the medieval setting is still quite popular among gamers. Heck 
I've red the Lord of the Rings series at least five times because I 
personally find that story interesting and fun to read. It is easy to get 
caught up in the magic of Middle Earth and its age of heroes.
As far as RPG storylines goes there are lots of them to choose from. There 
is everything from your typical medieval fantacy to a Sci-Fi universe like 
Star Wars or Star Trek. Having played a few games in the Star wars RPG 
games those can be quite fun picking a race of alien and then training up 
to be a jedi Knight or being a bounty hunter, smuggler, etc. Very cool.
One thing to keep in mind is once I create one RPG game it is possible to 
take the same classes, mod them, and come up with another RPG game with a 
different story line. That is what object oriented programming is all 
about. In stead of sstarting with say 1000 gold coins a Sci-Fi game will 
start out with 1000 galactic credits. A Wizard class can be modified to be 
a Jedi class converting the magic spells in to force abilities. You see 
how that works.

dark wrote:
Well, with me tom it's more a stylistic thing than a particular plot or 

I love exploring and participating in the world, with it's own history, 
lores and places.
It just seems to me there have been so many medaeval set fantasies, in 
books, films rpgs etc, that that sort of world is just becoming rather 
familiar in it's style and so losing a bit of the new and fresh 

Ditto with the bog standard sterriotypical fantasy races. That's why I 
was suggesting a change in setting.

On the other hand, anything can be new and fresh if done well enough, so 
this wouldn't be a non-starter as far as I'm concerned.

As reguards the Dc thing, superheros wouldn't be my first choice of 
setting,  I prefer different worlds as I said, but for the past year 
I've been playing a tabletop mutants and masterminds game, which has 
proved incredibly fun indeed.

As I said, with me it's more a case of what the game is like than where 
it is set I think.

Beware the Grue!


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Re: [Audyssey] Thoughts about new text adventures.

2008-12-09 Thread Thomas Ward

Hi Dark,

Again though, a case of a generic fantasy setting, -- in fact the! 
grand  daddy
of modern fantasy settings, complete with probably the most complex  
history ever

written, and some absolutely beautiful writing.
End quote

Yes, and that, for me, is part of the attraction to Lord of the Rings 
and even Star Wars. The back story, history, religions, etc are so 
detailed you can almost imagine it being a real world even though it is 
all imagination. As a creative writer of sorts myself i can well 
appreciate the hard work and hours spent in drafting that degree of 
detail required to create an epic story like that.

I don't know as much about starwars as I'd like. I've of course seen 
(and  own),
all the films, but haven't really had the chance to get as much into  
the extended
universe, backstory and alternate worlds,  mostly due to  lack of 

of said novels in accessible format in the uk.
End quote

Well, I can help with that. I know a guy who has a sendspace folder just 
full of Star wars extended universe books in mp3 and ogg format. If you 
want I can look up the address and you can download and read Star Wars 
to your hearts desire.

I do like finding out about a world's own unique  nature, backstory and 
That's again something I love about Sryth, the massive amounts of info 
on  everything,

 even generic enemy types).
End quote

I do as well. In an RPG game it is like being inside an interactive 
story. One in which you get to guide in large part how the story 
unfolds. Depending on your race and class type how you approach a 
problem might be completely different in nature.
For example, a band of heroes come to the end of a dungeon and find the 
exit blocked by a cave in. A barbarian character might try to use his 
incredible strength to move the debree away from the exit. A dwarf use 
to mining might try to mine his way through the debree. A wizard 
character might try a destruction spell or some other kind of magic to 
move the debree out of the way. What ever the case your actions are 
somewhat dependant on your character roll.
Anyway, the more detailed the story is the more you can just slip into 
that roll and begin to think and act like your character. heck, I've 
even heard of some guild members who have gotten so obsessed with their 
character rolls that they left the table top RPG gaming and dress up 
like their character and do play out live inactments whenever possible. 
Personally, i think that is going a bit out there, but on the other hand 
I can see how it could be fun. Take a weekend tramping through the woods 
dressed up as a medieval wizard, knight, elf, etc battling guys dressed 
up as orcs, goblins, ogres, or some other such thing. I guess that would 
feel more real than sitting around a table drinking cofee and letting 
the dm guide you through yet another adventure story.

Basic rules for various settings could be fun,  but I'd personaly 
rather  have
one incredibly detailed setting with huge amounts of history and plot  
than a lot

of small ones which are essentially the same game with different  text.
End quote

Again I agree. It is more realistic if all of the events happen in and 
around the same world with connecting characters etc. Especially, if 
your adventure is a subplot in a much larger plot. If there is a boss 
creature that can only be killed with a special weapon you might hav to 
first undertake a quest to locate and find that special weapon or item 
which could take a long time to complete. Then, after you obtain it you 
might have to seak out and find the boss which might take a while. As a 
result you might wind up with many smaller adventures that are directly 
and indirectly attatched to the larger plot at hand.


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Re: [Audyssey] Thoughts about new text adventures.

2008-12-09 Thread matheus
hi jason.
thanks for the info man, i'm happy to know that two, three or four monts
after christmas this game will be ready, man, if the demo have all
things that i espect and the game will be realy replayable you can have
sure that i will buy the game.
and i certain will join the google group.
thanks and best regards,
-Mensagem original-
De: "Jason Allen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Para: "Gamers Discussion list" 
Data: Terça, 9 de Dezembro de 2008 20:03
Assunto: Re: [Audyssey] Thoughts about new text adventures.


The development is going pretty well. I'm close to releasing the seventh
alpha test version which includes races, classes, usable items, experience
points, character creation and leveling up. I'm not sure how close to a
finished game it is yet though. The alpha version is very unstable and I'm
still adding major new features each release. A few months ago I would have
said it would have been ready by Christmas, but now it seems roughly 2 or 3
months away yet. Once the engine is complete, the game will expand very
quickly in scope. I'm closing on on that milestone, but it still a bit out
of reach.

Thanks for asking! If you're interested in following the development, check
out the google group mailing list here:

It's open to join for anyone interested.


On Tue, Dec 9, 2008 at 9:28 AM, matheus <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> hi.
> i know that it's abite off topic for this subject, but how the
> development of entombed it's going? did you awreade maked many things in
> the game?
> and did you can try to give maybe a possibly date to the game stays
> completely ready for play, something like... one more year, 5 monts..
> thanks for the info.
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Re: [Audyssey] Thoughts about new text adventures.

2008-12-09 Thread dark

Hi tom.

As far as Lotr goes your "preaching to the choire" as the expression has it.

I revisit tolkeen roughly once a year,  and that's counting the 
Silmarillion etc, i've also read much of the lost tales and other work.

I'm not quite at the speaking elvish stage,  but it is something I'd 
like to learn, ;D.

Again though, a case of a generic fantasy setting, -- in fact the! grand 
daddy of modern fantasy settings, complete with probably the most complex 
history ever written, and some absolutely beautiful writing.

But if I get on to talking about Lotr, this message will be very long 
indeed, ;D.

I don't know as much about starwars as I'd like. I've of course seen (and 
own), all the films, but haven't really had the chance to get as much into 
the extended universe, backstory and alternate worlds,  mostly due to 
lack of availability of said novels in accessible format in the uk.

Personally though, I love original settings best of all, sinse that's a hole 
different world to explore. Of course, if the writer of a text game is good 
enough, actually strolling through the shire or across tatueen would have 
it's own fascination, but I do like finding out about a world's own unique 
nature, backstory and quests.

That's again something I love about Sryth, the massive amounts of info on 
everything,  even generic enemy types).

Basic rules for various settings could be fun,  but I'd personaly rather 
have one incredibly detailed setting with huge amounts of history and plot 
than a lot of small ones which are essentially the same game with different 

Beware the Grue!


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Re: [Audyssey] Thoughts about new text adventures.

2008-12-09 Thread Thomas Ward

Hi Dark,
I see what you mean. Despite hundreds of books, movies, and games on the 
subject the medieval setting is still quite popular among gamers. Heck 
I've red the Lord of the Rings series at least five times because I 
personally find that story interesting and fun to read. It is easy to 
get caught up in the magic of Middle Earth and its age of heroes.
As far as RPG storylines goes there are lots of them to choose from. 
There is everything from your typical medieval fantacy to a Sci-Fi 
universe like Star Wars or Star Trek. Having played a few games in the 
Star wars RPG games those can be quite fun picking a race of alien and 
then training up to be a jedi Knight or being a bounty hunter, smuggler, 
etc. Very cool.
One thing to keep in mind is once I create one RPG game it is possible 
to take the same classes, mod them, and come up with another RPG game 
with a different story line. That is what object oriented programming is 
all about. In stead of sstarting with say 1000 gold coins a Sci-Fi game 
will start out with 1000 galactic credits. A Wizard class can be 
modified to be a Jedi class converting the magic spells in to force 
abilities. You see how that works.

dark wrote:
Well, with me tom it's more a stylistic thing than a particular plot 
or setting.

I love exploring and participating in the world, with it's own 
history, lores and places.
It just seems to me there have been so many medaeval set fantasies, in 
books, films rpgs etc, that that sort of world is just becoming rather 
familiar in it's style and so losing a bit of the new and fresh 

Ditto with the bog standard sterriotypical fantasy races. That's why I 
was suggesting a change in setting.

On the other hand, anything can be new and fresh if done well enough, 
so this wouldn't be a non-starter as far as I'm concerned.

As reguards the Dc thing, superheros wouldn't be my first choice of 
setting,  I prefer different worlds as I said, but for the past 
year I've been playing a tabletop mutants and masterminds game, which 
has proved incredibly fun indeed.

As I said, with me it's more a case of what the game is like than 
where it is set I think.

Beware the Grue!


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Re: [Audyssey] Thoughts about new text adventures.

2008-12-09 Thread Thomas Ward

Yes, they are. Mostly the fact is the majority of people won't pay for a 
text adventure even if it is a big RPG game just because it lacks 
sounds, music, graphics, etc all the features of what you can get for 
your PS2, PS3, or XBox. Fact is game consumers have become spoiled by 
all the fancy graphics and sounds and text based games are considered 
old hat by a lot of people these days.

Trenton Matthews wrote:

And most text adventure games out there are definitely "freeware."
Yes, some shareware, like "Hampton Maner" for example, wonder if 
anyone's ever heard ov that one.

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Re: [Audyssey] Thoughts about new text adventures.

2008-12-09 Thread Jason Allen

The development is going pretty well. I'm close to releasing the seventh
alpha test version which includes races, classes, usable items, experience
points, character creation and leveling up. I'm not sure how close to a
finished game it is yet though. The alpha version is very unstable and I'm
still adding major new features each release. A few months ago I would have
said it would have been ready by Christmas, but now it seems roughly 2 or 3
months away yet. Once the engine is complete, the game will expand very
quickly in scope. I'm closing on on that milestone, but it still a bit out
of reach.

Thanks for asking! If you're interested in following the development, check
out the google group mailing list here:

It's open to join for anyone interested.


On Tue, Dec 9, 2008 at 9:28 AM, matheus <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> hi.
> i know that it's abite off topic for this subject, but how the
> development of entombed it's going? did you awreade maked many things in
> the game?
> and did you can try to give maybe a possibly date to the game stays
> completely ready for play, something like... one more year, 5 monts..
> thanks for the info.
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Re: [Audyssey] Thoughts about new text adventures.

2008-12-08 Thread Pranav Lal

Most interesting and I would be a regular player of such a game.


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Re: [Audyssey] Thoughts about new text adventures.

2008-12-08 Thread shaun everiss
well north south east west with the arrow keys are good but then you would only 
have 4 directions.
yeah I'd like to do things from menus myself.
At 04:24 a.m. 9/12/2008, you wrote:
>Hi Shaun,
>I see. Well, right now I am just in the brain storming stage so the actual 
>programming language, sound support, story line, etc is all up in the air at 
>this point.
>For example, I imagine some sort of gamebook method using Sapi support and 
>menus might be more interesting to gamers than a text interface. Instead of 
>typing north followed by enter some may feel more comfortable selecting the 
>direction from a menu. Instead of having to type save all the time they might 
>want to use a command such as control-s. In such a case a game written in 
>C-Sharp might be better than C++ since SDL Input and Sapi might be more 
>desirable to more gamers. Its all relative right now.
>shaun everiss wrote:
>>I meant the sounds wouldn't have to be off profesional standard if at all.
>>In fact they could just be voiceovers of things which I am more than happy to 
>>do and maybe some clicks and beeps maybe some footsteps and fighting sfx, but 
>>if its to much trouble and you don't want to go comercial and fully 
>>opensource then don't worry about sfx.
>>At 07:31 p.m. 8/12/2008, you wrote:
>>>Hi Shaun,
>>>What exactly is that suppose to mean? Just because I might decide to use a 
>>>generic interface such as text doesn't mean the game won't be professionally 
>>>written. In fact, C++ is one of the languages I am cirtified for, and have 
>>>been developing stuff in C++ since 98 or 99. Going on about 10 years with 
>>>that language so obviously I'm not a newby to writing professional apps in 
>>>C++. However, it is easier if i forego all the graphical UI stuff associated 
>>>with Winblows, and write everything directly to the screen and use command 
>>>line commands like save, load, north, south, east, west, bla.
>>>shaun everiss wrote:
Well it wouldn't need to be anything professional.
but yeah I hear you.
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Re: [Audyssey] Thoughts about new text adventures.

2008-12-08 Thread matheus
i know that it's abite off topic for this subject, but how the
development of entombed it's going? did you awreade maked many things in
the game?
and did you can try to give maybe a possibly date to the game stays
completely ready for play, something like... one more year, 5 monts..
thanks for the info.
-Mensagem original-
De: "Jason Allen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Para: "Gamers Discussion list" 
Data: Terça, 9 de Dezembro de 2008 08:19
Assunto: Re: [Audyssey] Thoughts about new text adventures.

My game Entombed now has a lot of these features as well. You can select
races and classes (called jobs in my game) and set out in a dungeon. I
played with the idea of making it sort of like Eamon when I first started
designing it because I remember that being a lot of fun in my childhood. In
the end, I went with a hybrid rogue-like design.

Eamon was neat because you had this static hub where you could launch your
adventures. One draw back was that you always had to sell your jewels and
treasure before returning to the hub. You could never find something in an
adventure and take it back with you. Maybe an enhancement begging to happen
in a future text-adventure engine?

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Re: [Audyssey] Thoughts about new text adventures.

2008-12-08 Thread Jason Allen
My game Entombed now has a lot of these features as well. You can select
races and classes (called jobs in my game) and set out in a dungeon. I
played with the idea of making it sort of like Eamon when I first started
designing it because I remember that being a lot of fun in my childhood. In
the end, I went with a hybrid rogue-like design.

Eamon was neat because you had this static hub where you could launch your
adventures. One draw back was that you always had to sell your jewels and
treasure before returning to the hub. You could never find something in an
adventure and take it back with you. Maybe an enhancement begging to happen
in a future text-adventure engine?

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Re: [Audyssey] Thoughts about new text adventures.

2008-12-08 Thread Thomas Ward


if you think in doing something more complex, it is almost impossible to
put sounds to all things, just think each adventure with it's sounds, it
will take sooo much more time to release each adventure.
End snip

That is a very good point, and I am glad you braught the issue up. If I 
am going to make an RPG of any real size adding sounds is pretty 
impractical both from a  financial as well as a logistical standpoint. 
If I am going to add many monsters such as goblins, orcs, ogres, 
harpies, dragons, giants, skeletons,
whatever then I need to supply sounds for all of those. If you have a 
special sword that has some magical properties then obviously you will 
expect that sord to sound different from a regular sword during your 
attack rolls. When you look at the logistics of it adding sounds could 
become a major undertaking. That's only looking at if we go with a 
strictly dungions and dragons kind of rpg.
If I went with a Justice League style RPG there is no way I can do the 
same quality of sound design as JLA Heroes for the PS2. The PS2 game has 
cut scenes, hundreds of special sound effects, unlockables that I simply 
can't do on my limited budget. So text based would be easier to 
develope, and then the game would be more story driven rather than real 
time rpg like justice League Heroes is.

and with the options in tab menus, like. a field to
type what you want, then you type tab and it will going in the options,
like north, tab south, tab examine (x) object, combat etc
End snip

That isn't really going to be possible. Autocomplete features are a real 
pain to design as a rule, and if I design it to be cross platform then I 
need to be thinking of very simple low-level input handling which all 
languages have.


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Re: [Audyssey] Thoughts about new text adventures.

2008-12-08 Thread Thomas Ward

Probably not likely. There is so many differences between

interpreters and languages for if games that it is a massive undertaking to 
support them all. I've experienced all kinds of weird issues when running Linux 
clones of if interpreters over the years to know that there is too many 
variations to try and support all at once with one single solution.

Valiant8086 wrote:

I wonder if we couldn't just get an interpreter that can run all the different types of text adventure games in an accessible manner on all these different platforms. 


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Re: [Audyssey] Thoughts about new text adventures.

2008-12-08 Thread dark
Well, with me tom it's more a stylistic thing than a particular plot or 

I love exploring and participating in the world, with it's own history, 
lores and places.
It just seems to me there have been so many medaeval set fantasies, in 
books, films rpgs etc, that that sort of world is just becoming rather 
familiar in it's style and so losing a bit of the new and fresh exploration.

Ditto with the bog standard sterriotypical fantasy races. That's why I was 
suggesting a change in setting.

On the other hand, anything can be new and fresh if done well enough, so 
this wouldn't be a non-starter as far as I'm concerned.

As reguards the Dc thing, superheros wouldn't be my first choice of 
setting,  I prefer different worlds as I said, but for the past year 
I've been playing a tabletop mutants and masterminds game, which has proved 
incredibly fun indeed.

As I said, with me it's more a case of what the game is like than where it 
is set I think.

Beware the Grue!


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Re: [Audyssey] Thoughts about new text adventures.

2008-12-08 Thread Trenton Matthews

And most text adventure games out there are definitely "freeware."
Yes, some shareware, like "Hampton Maner" for example, wonder if anyone's 
ever heard ov that one.

From: "Thomas Ward" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sunday, December 07, 2008 7:32 PM
To: "Gamers Discussion list" 
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] Thoughts about new text adventures.

Yes. The thing to keep in mind is that if I were to add sounds and music I 
would not be able to release this as a free project. I was sincerely 
hoping to make this a free venture, and if I have to pay for sounds/music 
then I have to charge for those additions to the game which isn't what I 
had planned for.
Also one of the goals I really want to try with this game is begin opening 
USA Games up to multiple platforms. I did a lot of research this passed 
year, and I discovered the only realistic way to do that is to use simple 
user interfaces like text and as little proprietary operating system 
specifics as possible. Making cross platform games is difficult unless you 
want to use something like SDL ESpeak, and other open source technologies 
instead of Sapi, DirectX, etc. So I'll start with something simple and 
work from there.

dark wrote:

My thoughts exactly.

the point is it's a text adventure, so it's all about the writing 

If however tom's game has rpg like features such as combat, bosses etc, 
some sounds or music would be a nice addition, - though by no means 

Beware the Grue!


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Re: [Audyssey] Thoughts about new text adventures.

2008-12-08 Thread Thomas Ward

Hi Dark,

in fact if (as you said), you were including multiple  playable intelligent
races, then the world would have to be different.
End quote

sure. I would definitely like to be able to select race and class. one 
of the things I miss about table top dnd play is the ability to pick 
your race like elf, dwarf, gnome, human, etc and then select a class of 
skills such as cleric, bard, wizard, etc. That in of itself is certainly 
different from Sryth.

This is just a thought, sinse the hole roughly medaeval structure in 
fantasy  has
been rather done to death, and you did say this was supposed to be 
brain  storming.

End quote

Yeah, I do see your point. As far as mainstream goes the medaeval 
structure has probably been beaten to death. Unfortunately, from my 
perspective it is relatively new and fresh since I haven't had a lot of 
chance to play dnd style games since high school. With the loss of my 
sight I couldn't play many computer rpg games and without my old click 
there is no one to play table top dnd with so I have largely been left 
out of that style of gaming for the last 10 years. So for me, at least, 
the medaeval  genre is yet to be fully explored.
On the other hand I do remember about 12 to 15 years ago joining a guild 
that was involved in playing some DC Comics justice League of America 
roll playing games. As far as that kind of rpg goes I certainly would 
not complain about turning some of those rpg games in to computerised 
form. I loved being able to go through the characters and class books 
for the JLA members and select a super hero like Superman, Flash, 
Wonderwoman, Green Lantern, Hawkman, etc and then stopping an invasion 
from Darkseid's forces or stopping a plot from Lex Luther and friends. 
Perhaps an rpg of this sort would be more of your liking?


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Re: [Audyssey] Thoughts about new text adventures.

2008-12-08 Thread Trenton Matthews

And that's what I'd like to see as well!
The set up just seems very simple, but perfect for a RPG world.

From: "Thomas Ward" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sunday, December 07, 2008 9:08 PM
To: "Gamers Discussion list" 
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] Thoughts about new text adventures.

Hi Dark,
Oh, I see what you mean. After creating your character have an adventure 
list that comes up that lists all the possible locations or possible 
adventures to choose from for your character.

Choose an Adventure.
(1) A Haunting in Blackwood
(2) Captured by River Pirates
(3) Lair of the Ice Lord
(4) Legend of the Werewolf
Enter your choice...

Is that kind of what you have in mind by a Eamon style adventure lobby? 
All of the above adventures can be played using the same character, but 
would all be independant quests and adventures.

dark wrote:

Hi Tom.

I didn't literally mean Eamon in terms of parza,  actually I'm not 
convinced of parzing commands in an rpg.

I only meant in the sense of a single centralized location like Eamon's 
main hall, from which a number of adventures could be accessed, and onto 
which more adventures could be added which could then all be undertaken 
with the same character.

I'd love the writing adventuresw option, sinse it's something I've very 
much always fancied doing, but do not have the skills required.

I have considdered writing a gamebook, and even have a plot, story, 
setting and several scenarios in mind, however I've yet to find a 
coherent way of creating a section plan, - even if writing in plane 
text, to show which section links to which and keep track of which bits 
of the book need writing.

A tree diagram would be ideal, but as two years of formal logic showed 
me, representing tree diagrams in textual form is a right pest! 
especially with a long tree.

This could of course just be me and my abysmal spacial/tabular  logic 

Anyway, the point is adventure creation would rock if possible and the 
Eamon model would be the best for that.

Beware the Grue!


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Re: [Audyssey] thoughts about new text adventures.

2008-12-08 Thread Thomas Ward

Hi Dark,
Hmmm... That is certainly something to think about. Rather than having a 
commandline interface if we used a menued interface rather than commands 
perhaps you could scroll through a list of dropped weapons and items and 
press x to examine it, or press space or enter to add it to your 
inventory. That to mee sounds like a more easier way to explore items in 
a room.

dark wrote:
That was back in late 2004, when Sryth was a very small game indeed 
and very much stil in developement.

Personally, i really don't mind tabbing through options at all, 
especially in an rpg game, for example when examining a big hall of 
items from a battle, I find it quicker to hit tab hit page down, and 
read an item's dewcription, then hit tab again to look at the next 
thing, than it would be to write x sword, x armour etc.

It's probably just a matter of what i'm used to. I started playing 
online text games in 2002, and didn't discover interactive fiction 
until about a year after that.

Having a list of single hotkey choices as you describe would be a nice 
halfway house.

Perhaps for inventory or loot management each item could be assigned a 
number in the list so you'd only have to type x1, x2, take 1 take 2 etc.

similar menues could be used in conversations (some of my favourite If 
games like Pythos mask use this systm), which would allow for some 
good interaction.

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Re: [Audyssey] Thoughts about new text adventures.

2008-12-08 Thread Thomas Ward

Hi Shaun,
I see. Well, right now I am just in the brain storming stage so the 
actual programming language, sound support, story line, etc is all up in 
the air at this point.
For example, I imagine some sort of gamebook method using Sapi support 
and menus might be more interesting to gamers than a text interface. 
Instead of typing north followed by enter some may feel more comfortable 
selecting the direction from a menu. Instead of having to type save all 
the time they might want to use a command such as control-s. In such a 
case a game written in C-Sharp might be better than C++ since SDL Input 
and Sapi might be more desirable to more gamers. Its all relative right now.

shaun everiss wrote:

I meant the sounds wouldn't have to be off profesional standard if at all.
In fact they could just be voiceovers of things which I am more than happy to 
do and maybe some clicks and beeps maybe some footsteps and fighting sfx, but 
if its to much trouble and you don't want to go comercial and fully opensource 
then don't worry about sfx.

At 07:31 p.m. 8/12/2008, you wrote:

Hi Shaun,
What exactly is that suppose to mean? Just because I might decide to use a 
generic interface such as text doesn't mean the game won't be professionally 
written. In fact, C++ is one of the languages I am cirtified for, and have been 
developing stuff in C++ since 98 or 99. Going on about 10 years with that 
language so obviously I'm not a newby to writing professional apps in C++. 
However, it is easier if i forego all the graphical UI stuff associated with 
Winblows, and write everything directly to the screen and use command line 
commands like save, load, north, south, east, west, bla.

shaun everiss wrote:

Well it wouldn't need to be anything professional.
but yeah I hear you.

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Re: [Audyssey] Thoughts about new text adventures.

2008-12-08 Thread matheus
yea, i don't realy think that it will need much sounds, maybe some
sounds for monsters in combat, foot steps, weapons, armor and potions,
maybe just some sounds like 50 with it all, and noting profecional, just
to ear something wen you play. not something in bad quality, but noting
if the sounds are copyrighted and you can't distribute they in the game,
what do you think doing just a sound pack for anyone that wana use it,
upload to ss and it's it.
if you think in doing something more complex, it is almost impossible to
put sounds to all things, just think each adventure with it's sounds, it
will take sooo much more time to release each adventure.
also, along with screen reader support it will be interesting in putting
sapi support tow for who wants.
and the options i think that are good typing in commands like north
south and so on, and with the options in tab menus, like. a field to
type what you want, then you type tab and it will going in the options,
like north, tab south, tab examine (x) object, combat etc.
it will be more easy and fast with the tab key, i think, but add the two
methods if you want that will be realy good.

-Mensagem original-
De: "Valiant8086" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Para: "Gamers Discussion list" 
Data: Segunda, 8 de Dezembro de 2008 10:02
Assunto: Re: [Audyssey] Thoughts about new text adventures.

I vote sfx out the window too then. Let's go with the cross platform idea.
  - Original Message -
  From: shaun everiss
  To: Gamers Discussion list
  Sent: Monday, December 08, 2008 12:23 AM
  Subject: Re: [Audyssey] Thoughts about new text adventures.

  Well it wouldn't need to be anything professional.
  but yeah I hear you.
  At 04:49 p.m. 8/12/2008, you wrote:
  >Hi Shaun,
  >Can't say for certain yet. As I mentioned before adding sound effects, 
music, etc would greatly increase production costs. Besides production costs by 
doing so i can pretty much toss cross platform out the Window. Even with 
something like SDL cross
 platform game development is really really difficult.
  >shaun everiss wrote:
  >>will it have sfx?
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Re: [Audyssey] Thoughts about new text adventures.

2008-12-08 Thread Valiant8086
I vote sfx out the window too then. Let's go with the cross platform idea.
  - Original Message - 
  From: shaun everiss 
  To: Gamers Discussion list 
  Sent: Monday, December 08, 2008 12:23 AM
  Subject: Re: [Audyssey] Thoughts about new text adventures.

  Well it wouldn't need to be anything professional.
  but yeah I hear you.
  At 04:49 p.m. 8/12/2008, you wrote:
  >Hi Shaun,
  >Can't say for certain yet. As I mentioned before adding sound effects, 
music, etc would greatly increase production costs. Besides production costs by 
doing so i can pretty much toss cross platform out the Window. Even with 
something like SDL cross platform game development is really really difficult.
  >shaun everiss wrote:
  >>will it have sfx?
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Re: [Audyssey] Thoughts about new text adventures.

2008-12-08 Thread Valiant8086
A mud is online,  a text adventure game is offline. A text adventure game can 
be played without an internet connecction. 
  - Original Message - 
  From: Ryan Strunk 
  To: 'Gamers Discussion list' 
  Sent: Sunday, December 07, 2008 9:52 PM
  Subject: Re: [Audyssey] Thoughts about new text adventures.

  What's the difference between what you have in mind, and a mud?


  -Original Message-
  Behalf Of Thomas Ward
  Sent: Sunday, December 07, 2008 8:16 PM
  To: Gamers Discussion list
  Subject: Re: [Audyssey] Thoughts about new text adventures.

  Not exactly. I am thinking of something strictly roll playing based 
  where you create a game charactr that is a dwarf, elf, human, gnome, etc 
  and work your way throughout a constantly expanding game world. Now and 
  then I would update the game with new adventures and quests to embark 
  upon which would make this a constantly growing and expanding game. In 
  one adventure you might have to slay a vampire that is attacking the 
  citizens of a town you happened upon in your travels. In another you 
  might have to rescue a princess from a band of goblin raiders. I'm just 
  shooting ideas from the hip here, but I want to create something that is 
  like table top Dungions and Dragons that you can play on your PC, cell 
  phone, Pacmate, etc.

  Pranav Lal wrote:
  > Thomas,
  > Are you refering to writing a game like the ones found at
  > Pranav
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Re: [Audyssey] Thoughts about new text adventures.

2008-12-08 Thread Valiant8086
I wonder if we couldn't just get an interpreter that can run all the different 
types of text adventure games in an accessible manner on all these different 

  - Original Message - 
  From: Thomas Ward 
  To: Gamers Discussion list 
  Sent: Sunday, December 07, 2008 11:53 PM
  Subject: Re: [Audyssey] Thoughts about new text adventures.

  Hi Dark,
  If it sounds like Sryth that is what comes immediately to mind since I 
  play it a lot. Though, right now I am just brain storming coming up with 
  different ideas and looking at it from different angles. There are 
  certainly better RPG story lines than sryth like the whole Heroes of 
  Might and Magic thing, but I haven't been into those games since I lost 
  my sight. I think the last version I played was 2.0 or 3.0 and I hear 
  they are up to 5.0 or 6.0 now. Point being is I will likely have to do a 
  bit of research bbefore I finalize on something. I've got lots of time 
  to do that since right now the private testers and I are hard at work 
  getting MOTA Alpha 2 ready, and I don't see getting started on this RPG 
  until next summer or so when Raceway is in testing itself.

  dark wrote:
  > sounding a lot like Sryth there Tom,  though that's by no means a 
  > bad thing.
  > Beware the Grue!
  > Dark.

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Re: [Audyssey] Thoughts about new text adventures.

2008-12-08 Thread Milos Przic

  I think that it would be a great idea! Tom, ahead!
  Best regards,
Milos Przic
skipe: milosh-hs
- Original Message - 
From: "Thomas Ward" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

To: "Gamers Discussion list" 
Sent: Sunday, December 07, 2008 9:39 AM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] Thoughts about new text adventures.

Hi Shaun,
Well, NOP is a cool little game, but what I have in mind with my text 
adventure is something more triditional Dungions and Dragons style 
adventure. It will be a full RPG game complete with different races, 
stats, and eventually lots of different adventures/quests you can embark 
upon. It will be unlike triditional if games in that it will use actual 
RPG rules like in DND.

shaun everiss wrote:

yeah that will be cool.
night of parasite is a good game for an rpg I like to think it has fps 
and if elements in it.

At 07:51 p.m. 7/12/2008, you wrote:

Hi everyone,
Over the last few months I have really been getting into interactive 
fiction games, and really enjoy the old text adventures.  As a result 
that has me thinking of some possible game projects after Mysteries of 
the Ancients and Raceway are released.
One idea I have been thinking of is producing a handful of USA Games 
text adventures for Mac, Windows, and Linux that is similar to classic 
if titles. With web based games like Sryth around I have discovered the 
classic DND text adventure style game still can be quite addictive given 
enough adventures and puzzles in it. What do you all think of this idea?


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Re: [Audyssey] Thoughts about new text adventures.

2008-12-07 Thread dark

Hi Tom.

That is what I mean by a similar structure to Sryth, a large overview world 
with adventures set in it, which modify the world in general.

Sryth is of course not the only game to have that sort of system, any good 
tabletop will work like that, as have some of the mainstream games that 
actually have modular adventures created for them such as never winter 

Nor was I really intending the plot or mythos of the game to be much like 
Sryth either,  in fact if (as you said), you were including multiple 
playable intelligent races, then the world would have to be different.

Just as a general comment, one thing I've always wanted to see in fantasy is 
a world with magic, dwarves elves etc, but the economic situation and 
approximate technology of the early 19th century.

That means a few fire arms but with a laughably slow relode wrate,  a 
rifleman was considdered legendary if he could pull of four shots a minute), 
a lot of economic expantion and conflicts with other nations for teretory to 
conquer,  in fact the hole inferior races card has some rather 
interesting plot potential.

An aristocracy who are stil powerful, but who are being challenged by a lot 
of incredibly wealthy merchants.
then of course there is the hole inventions and possibly technomancy plots, 
with the old style mages not being pleased at this debasement of their art.

This is just a thought, sinse the hole roughly medaeval structure in fantasy 
has been rather done to death, and you did say this was supposed to be brain 

Beware the Grue!


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Re: [Audyssey] thoughts about new text adventures.

2008-12-07 Thread dark
That was back in late 2004, when Sryth was a very small game indeed and very 
much stil in developement.

Personally, i really don't mind tabbing through options at all, especially 
in an rpg game, for example when examining a big hall of items from a 
battle, I find it quicker to hit tab hit page down, and read an item's 
dewcription, then hit tab again to look at the next thing, than it would be 
to write x sword, x armour etc.

It's probably just a matter of what i'm used to. I started playing online 
text games in 2002, and didn't discover interactive fiction until about a 
year after that.

Having a list of single hotkey choices as you describe would be a nice 
halfway house.

Perhaps for inventory or loot management each item could be assigned a 
number in the list so you'd only have to type x1, x2, take 1 take 2 etc.

similar menues could be used in conversations (some of my favourite If games 
like Pythos mask use this systm), which would allow for some good 

Beware the Grue!


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Re: [Audyssey] Thoughts about new text adventures.

2008-12-07 Thread shaun everiss
I meant the sounds wouldn't have to be off profesional standard if at all.
In fact they could just be voiceovers of things which I am more than happy to 
do and maybe some clicks and beeps maybe some footsteps and fighting sfx, but 
if its to much trouble and you don't want to go comercial and fully opensource 
then don't worry about sfx.
At 07:31 p.m. 8/12/2008, you wrote:
>Hi Shaun,
>What exactly is that suppose to mean? Just because I might decide to use a 
>generic interface such as text doesn't mean the game won't be professionally 
>written. In fact, C++ is one of the languages I am cirtified for, and have 
>been developing stuff in C++ since 98 or 99. Going on about 10 years with that 
>language so obviously I'm not a newby to writing professional apps in C++. 
>However, it is easier if i forego all the graphical UI stuff associated with 
>Winblows, and write everything directly to the screen and use command line 
>commands like save, load, north, south, east, west, bla.
>shaun everiss wrote:
>>Well it wouldn't need to be anything professional.
>>but yeah I hear you.
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Re: [Audyssey] Thoughts about new text adventures.

2008-12-07 Thread Thomas Ward

Hi Shaun,
Hopefully, as long as your screen reader was set to speak all it should 
capture all of the text on the screen when the screen refreshes. If not 
you can set a frame or similar speak window around the area to 
automatically announce new info like that.

shaun everiss wrote:

aah, well if the story is good and I don't have to keep trying to review the 
screen like in other interpriters then yeah that would be cool.

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Re: [Audyssey] thoughts about new text adventures.

2008-12-07 Thread Thomas Ward

I didn't know that. Fairly interesting. Yeah, screen readers have come a 
long ways as far as web access goes, but it would be nice to not have to 
tab around to a link though.

dark wrote:
Interestingly enough, in the early days of Sryth, his Gmness was 
actually toying with adding shortcut keys much in that way as an 
accessibility aide,  this was before he found out about speed of 
clicking links with screen readers,  and yes the "other adventures 
for this location" text did rather ring a bell, lol!

Beware the Grue!


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Re: [Audyssey] Thoughts about new text adventures.

2008-12-07 Thread Thomas Ward

Hi Shaun,
What exactly is that suppose to mean? Just because I might decide to use 
a generic interface such as text doesn't mean the game won't be 
professionally written. In fact, C++ is one of the languages I am 
cirtified for, and have been developing stuff in C++ since 98 or 99. 
Going on about 10 years with that language so obviously I'm not a newby 
to writing professional apps in C++. However, it is easier if i forego 
all the graphical UI stuff associated with Winblows, and write 
everything directly to the screen and use command line commands like 
save, load, north, south, east, west, bla.


shaun everiss wrote:

Well it wouldn't need to be anything professional.
but yeah I hear you.

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Re: [Audyssey] Thoughts about new text adventures.

2008-12-07 Thread Thomas Ward

Hi Dark,
I like the second option as well. Having one world with all the 
adventures tying into each other is certainly more interesting to me 
than having 50 totally unrelated quests to pick from. For me part of the 
joy of playing an RPG like Sryth is living and dying in a fantacy world 
where I can get gold, experience points, find tools, weapons, potions, 
whatever and have everything roll over into the next adventure. The 
magical ice sword you get from the ice lord might serve you well in 
fighting some creatures like fire demons and dragons or something like 
that. In other words every item in the world could effect your success 
or failior in other adventures, and some items might even be manditory 
to have to complete some adventure or other.

dark wrote:
That was what I meant, but it very much depends upon the way you want 
to go.

if you did it that way you could do the Eamon thing about having your 
character adventure in any place, any time, any circumstances that you 
could imagine.

The alternative is doing things Sryth style, having one single world 
and history, with various adventures scattered through it which a 
player could access by talking to npcs or going to various locations.

On the down side this limits you to one world and setting,  but on 
the up side this limits you to one world and setting which you can 
then explore in depth, complete with stories recurring plot elements, 
npcs you do jobs for etc,  though obviously you have to have your 
completion of the adventures effect the world as it does in Sryth.

If it were my decision I'd go for the second option just because I'm a 
back story and plot fiend, but that one might be harder to program and 
update sinse you would need to not only write the adventure, but also 
tack it on to the appropriate part of the world, and say how it 
modifies any other parts of the world upon completion.

Obviously if you defeat the famous pirates of rumswigger, you want the 
town where the pirates were doing all their carousing to remember that 
in future.

Beware the Grue!


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Re: [Audyssey] Thoughts about new text adventures.

2008-12-07 Thread Thomas Ward

Hi Dark,
If it sounds like Sryth that is what comes immediately to mind since I 
play it a lot. Though, right now I am just brain storming coming up with 
different ideas and looking at it from different angles. There are 
certainly better RPG story lines than sryth like the whole Heroes of 
Might and Magic thing, but I haven't been into those games since I lost 
my sight. I think the last version I played was 2.0 or 3.0 and I hear 
they are up to 5.0 or 6.0 now. Point being is I will likely have to do a 
bit of research bbefore I finalize on something. I've got lots of time 
to do that since right now the private testers and I are hard at work 
getting MOTA Alpha 2 ready, and I don't see getting started on this RPG 
until next summer or so when Raceway is in testing itself.

dark wrote:
sounding a lot like Sryth there Tom,  though that's by no means a 
bad thing.

Beware the Grue!


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Re: [Audyssey] Thoughts about new text adventures.

2008-12-07 Thread shaun everiss
Well it wouldn't need to be anything professional.
but yeah I hear you.
At 04:49 p.m. 8/12/2008, you wrote:
>Hi Shaun,
>Can't say for certain yet. As I mentioned before adding sound effects, music, 
>etc would greatly increase production costs. Besides production costs by doing 
>so i can pretty much toss cross platform out the Window. Even with something 
>like SDL cross platform game development is really really difficult.
>shaun everiss wrote:
>>will it have sfx?
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Re: [Audyssey] Thoughts about new text adventures.

2008-12-07 Thread Thomas Ward

Well, I guess the main difference is that muds are played online using a 
mud client and what I plan to create is an RPG you will install to your 
system. I am not planning on any pvp type play and it is all basically a 
text version of table top Dungions and Dragons style RPG with the game 
being the Dungion Master and you control the hero/heroes.

Ryan Strunk wrote:

What's the difference between what you have in mind, and a mud?


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Re: [Audyssey] Thoughts about new text adventures.

2008-12-07 Thread dark

That was what I meant, but it very much depends upon the way you want to go.

if you did it that way you could do the Eamon thing about having your 
character adventure in any place, any time, any circumstances that you could 

The alternative is doing things Sryth style, having one single world and 
history, with various adventures scattered through it which a player could 
access by talking to npcs or going to various locations.

On the down side this limits you to one world and setting,  but on the 
up side this limits you to one world and setting which you can then explore 
in depth, complete with stories recurring plot elements, npcs you do jobs 
for etc,  though obviously you have to have your completion of the 
adventures effect the world as it does in Sryth.

If it were my decision I'd go for the second option just because I'm a back 
story and plot fiend, but that one might be harder to program and update 
sinse you would need to not only write the adventure, but also tack it on to 
the appropriate part of the world, and say how it modifies any other parts 
of the world upon completion.

Obviously if you defeat the famous pirates of rumswigger, you want the town 
where the pirates were doing all their carousing to remember that in future.

Beware the Grue!


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Re: [Audyssey] Thoughts about new text adventures.

2008-12-07 Thread Thomas Ward

Hi Dark,
Oh, I see what you mean. After creating your character have an adventure 
list that comes up that lists all the possible locations or possible 
adventures to choose from for your character.

Choose an Adventure.
(1) A Haunting in Blackwood
(2) Captured by River Pirates
(3) Lair of the Ice Lord
(4) Legend of the Werewolf
Enter your choice...

Is that kind of what you have in mind by a Eamon style adventure lobby? 
All of the above adventures can be played using the same character, but 
would all be independant quests and adventures.

dark wrote:

Hi Tom.

I didn't literally mean Eamon in terms of parza,  actually I'm not 
convinced of parzing commands in an rpg.

I only meant in the sense of a single centralized location like 
Eamon's main hall, from which a number of adventures could be 
accessed, and onto which more adventures could be added which could 
then all be undertaken with the same character.

I'd love the writing adventuresw option, sinse it's something I've 
very much always fancied doing, but do not have the skills required.

I have considdered writing a gamebook, and even have a plot, story, 
setting and several scenarios in mind, however I've yet to find a 
coherent way of creating a section plan, - even if writing in 
plane text, to show which section links to which and keep track of 
which bits of the book need writing.

A tree diagram would be ideal, but as two years of formal logic showed 
me, representing tree diagrams in textual form is a right pest! 
especially with a long tree.

This could of course just be me and my abysmal spacial/tabular  logic 

Anyway, the point is adventure creation would rock if possible and the 
Eamon model would be the best for that.

Beware the Grue!


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Re: [Audyssey] Thoughts about new text adventures.

2008-12-07 Thread Thomas Ward

Hi Shaun,
Can't say for certain yet. As I mentioned before adding sound effects, 
music, etc would greatly increase production costs. Besides production 
costs by doing so i can pretty much toss cross platform out the Window. 
Even with something like SDL cross platform game development is really 
really difficult.

shaun everiss wrote:

will it have sfx?

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Re: [Audyssey] Thoughts about new text adventures.

2008-12-07 Thread Thomas Ward

I love Sryth but I also wish the user interface was a littlemore 
friendly. I hate having to tab or arrow around looking for the right 
button or link on the page. it would be easier just to type quit, 
save,help, etc and be done with it. It is partly the inspiration for 
this game, but I obviously hope to add my own unique feel to the game.

Valiant8086 wrote:

I like the idea. I don't much like the browser based games though. At least not 
srith. Srith i'm just too laxy to arrow around and see what''s going on after 
each turn. Haha that doesn't mean I don't think it's a good game though. I 
should try it again, I haven't tried it on an internet connection that wasn't a 
dialup connection before. Back then I had to wait like 30 seconds for the page 
to reload. now it would probably reload in 5 or so.

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Re: [Audyssey] thoughts about new text adventures.

2008-12-07 Thread dark
Interestingly enough, in the early days of Sryth, his Gmness was actually 
toying with adding shortcut keys much in that way as an accessibility 
aide,  this was before he found out about speed of clicking links with 
screen readers,  and yes the "other adventures for this location" text 
did rather ring a bell, lol!

Beware the Grue!

- Original Message - 
From: "Thomas Ward" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

To: "Gamers Discussion list" 
Sent: Monday, December 08, 2008 2:57 AM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] thoughts about new text adventures.

Hi Michael,
No, what I currently have in mind would not require any guess work as far 
as commands and special frazes goes unless it was a password to unlock 
something in an adventure. By and large I plan to use a universal command 
structure such as typing the word "save" in the command entry box would 
save your present location/adventure. Another command like "load" would 
restore your adventure to the last checkpoint. Other commands like quit, 
help, etc would be equally obvious. In other cases you might be displayed 
a list of options or possible actions for that screen like this.

You are standing in the town square.
What would you like to do?

Visit the Church (c)
Visit the Graveyard (g)
Visit the Hotel (h)
Visit the Pub (p)
Other Adventures for this Location (a)
Travel Elsewhere (t)
Enter your choice...

Pressing one of the letters followed by enter would then take you to the 
church, graveyard, hotel, pub, etc. It all would be fairly easy to 
understand. If you wanted to do something else such as get your stats 
typing something like "stats" would show your current stats.




I do not mind something like you mentioned. As long as it does not turn 

the old fashion truly boring and totally frustrating text adventure where
you have to think of the verb or adjective to use to make a movement. I 

tried those in the past and I give up after a little while. Maybe it is
because I am not that bright or maybe it is because I don't want to put 

much thought into it. Just don't like those type of games.

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Re: [Audyssey] thoughts about new text adventures.

2008-12-07 Thread Thomas Ward

Hi Michael,
No, what I currently have in mind would not require any guess work as 
far as commands and special frazes goes unless it was a password to 
unlock something in an adventure. By and large I plan to use a universal 
command structure such as typing the word "save" in the command entry 
box would save your present location/adventure. Another command like 
"load" would restore your adventure to the last checkpoint. Other 
commands like quit, help, etc would be equally obvious. In other cases 
you might be displayed a list of options or possible actions for that 
screen like this.

You are standing in the town square.
What would you like to do?

Visit the Church (c)
Visit the Graveyard (g)
Visit the Hotel (h)
Visit the Pub (p)
Other Adventures for this Location (a)
Travel Elsewhere (t)
Enter your choice...

Pressing one of the letters followed by enter would then take you to the 
church, graveyard, hotel, pub, etc. It all would be fairly easy to 
understand. If you wanted to do something else such as get your stats 
typing something like "stats" would show your current stats.




I do not mind something like you mentioned. As long as it does not turn into
the old fashion truly boring and totally frustrating text adventure where
you have to think of the verb or adjective to use to make a movement. I have
tried those in the past and I give up after a little while. Maybe it is
because I am not that bright or maybe it is because I don't want to put that
much thought into it. Just don't like those type of games.

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Re: [Audyssey] Thoughts about new text adventures.

2008-12-07 Thread shaun everiss
aah, well if the story is good and I don't have to keep trying to review the 
screen like in other interpriters then yeah that would be cool.
At 03:32 p.m. 8/12/2008, you wrote:
>Yes. The thing to keep in mind is that if I were to add sounds and music I 
>would not be able to release this as a free project. I was sincerely hoping to 
>make this a free venture, and if I have to pay for sounds/music then I have to 
>charge for those additions to the game which isn't what I had planned for.
>Also one of the goals I really want to try with this game is begin opening USA 
>Games up to multiple platforms. I did a lot of research this passed year, and 
>I discovered the only realistic way to do that is to use simple user 
>interfaces like text and as little proprietary operating system specifics as 
>possible. Making cross platform games is difficult unless you want to use 
>something like SDL ESpeak, and other open source technologies instead of Sapi, 
>DirectX, etc. So I'll start with something simple and work from there.
>dark wrote:
>>My thoughts exactly.
>>the point is it's a text adventure, so it's all about the writing quality.
>>If however tom's game has rpg like features such as combat, bosses etc, some 
>>sounds or music would be a nice addition, - though by no means essential.
>>Beware the Grue!
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Re: [Audyssey] Thoughts about new text adventures.

2008-12-07 Thread Thomas Ward

Yes. The thing to keep in mind is that if I were to add sounds and music 
I would not be able to release this as a free project. I was sincerely 
hoping to make this a free venture, and if I have to pay for 
sounds/music then I have to charge for those additions to the game which 
isn't what I had planned for.
Also one of the goals I really want to try with this game is begin 
opening USA Games up to multiple platforms. I did a lot of research this 
passed year, and I discovered the only realistic way to do that is to 
use simple user interfaces like text and as little proprietary operating 
system specifics as possible. Making cross platform games is difficult 
unless you want to use something like SDL ESpeak, and other open source 
technologies instead of Sapi, DirectX, etc. So I'll start with something 
simple and work from there.

dark wrote:

My thoughts exactly.

the point is it's a text adventure, so it's all about the writing 

If however tom's game has rpg like features such as combat, bosses 
etc, some sounds or music would be a nice addition, - though by no 
means essential.

Beware the Grue!


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Re: [Audyssey] Thoughts about new text adventures.

2008-12-07 Thread dark
sounding a lot like Sryth there Tom,  though that's by no means a bad 

Beware the Grue!

- Original Message - 
From: "Thomas Ward" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

To: "Gamers Discussion list" 
Sent: Monday, December 08, 2008 2:15 AM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] Thoughts about new text adventures.

Not exactly. I am thinking of something strictly roll playing based where 
you create a game charactr that is a dwarf, elf, human, gnome, etc and 
work your way throughout a constantly expanding game world. Now and then I 
would update the game with new adventures and quests to embark upon which 
would make this a constantly growing and expanding game. In one adventure 
you might have to slay a vampire that is attacking the citizens of a town 
you happened upon in your travels. In another you might have to rescue a 
princess from a band of goblin raiders. I'm just shooting ideas from the 
hip here, but I want to create something that is like table top Dungions 
and Dragons that you can play on your PC, cell phone, Pacmate, etc.

Pranav Lal wrote:


Are you refering to writing a game like the ones found at


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Re: [Audyssey] Thoughts about new text adventures.

2008-12-07 Thread Thomas Ward

At this point I am not thinking of this being a commercial venture. More 
just a fun little side project we can all join in and put together. I 
can do the coding and the community can help submit ideas, stories, 
suggestions, and experiences. Who knows I might even release it as open 
source, but no promises about that last.
As far as an engine goes I will be writing it from scratch in C or C++. 
One of the reasons I have considered using a text based RPG engine in 
the first place is so that I have a game thatI can port to any device 
where I might like to play the game. I know the request for mobile phone 
games is in high demand and from my research text based games is about 
the easiest thing to port to Pacmates and phones running Windows Mobile. 
I am a big open source user myself using Linux a lot, and again text 
based games are the easiest to port to that platform.  So I have high 
hopes that perhaps this text based RPG could be a research project into 
targeting multiple operating systems and devices if nothing else.

Pranav Lal wrote:
The idea has merrit. However, do you plan to release them commertially? 

Out of curiosity, what would you use as a gaming engine for these


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Re: [Audyssey] Thoughts about new text adventures.

2008-12-07 Thread Ryan Strunk
What's the difference between what you have in mind, and a mud?


-Original Message-
Behalf Of Thomas Ward
Sent: Sunday, December 07, 2008 8:16 PM
To: Gamers Discussion list
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] Thoughts about new text adventures.

Not exactly. I am thinking of something strictly roll playing based 
where you create a game charactr that is a dwarf, elf, human, gnome, etc 
and work your way throughout a constantly expanding game world. Now and 
then I would update the game with new adventures and quests to embark 
upon which would make this a constantly growing and expanding game. In 
one adventure you might have to slay a vampire that is attacking the 
citizens of a town you happened upon in your travels. In another you 
might have to rescue a princess from a band of goblin raiders. I'm just 
shooting ideas from the hip here, but I want to create something that is 
like table top Dungions and Dragons that you can play on your PC, cell 
phone, Pacmate, etc.

Pranav Lal wrote:
> Thomas,
> Are you refering to writing a game like the ones found at
> Pranav
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Re: [Audyssey] Thoughts about new text adventures.

2008-12-07 Thread dark
Fair enough Tom, that makes sense, and many of the second ed rules wouldn't 
be necessary in a game (such as the more complex movement rate vs 
encumberence shinanigans).

On an unrelated side note, sinse 4th ed is out, there's actually a distinct 
possibility that 3Rd ed rules might be released in pdf versions on or similar.

Beware the Grue!


Beware the Grue!

- Original Message - 
From: "Thomas Ward" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

To: "Gamers Discussion list" 
Sent: Monday, December 08, 2008 1:55 AM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] Thoughts about new text adventures.

Hi Dark,
Well, I have a complete copy of the 2nd eddition of the rules. I agree the 
3rd eddition rules are better. However, I am more or less using the rules 
as a guide rather than a 100% match. Some things would be easier if i 
modify it to suit my game engine rather than using every single possible 
rule/combo. I want this game to be playable by any average gamer without 
having to know every possible rule in Dungions and Dragons table top RPG 
by heart. Grin.

dark wrote:

Hi Tom.

Out of interest, which rules do you have?

The third edition rules made a lot more sense I thought and were much 
easier to master,  and probably the program, sinse they included 
things like positive armour classes which add to defence rather than 
remove from attack, though I'm not sure how available the 3rd Ed rule 
books are (I only know the rules from having played the game in 

Also, I'm personally becoming slightly disenchanted with the kill 
monsters for general Xp mechanic.

If you gain combat xp purely from the physical act of sswinging your 
weapons around, or have a quest to slay a hoard of goblins, or are a good 
character ridding the world of evil creatures fair enough, but just 
getting random amounts of xp for clobbering things as in D&D seems to me 
rather odd.

My brother did once tell me of a starwars D20 game he played in, which at 
one stage had a party of Jedi going wooky hunting sinse they needed to 
level up their force powers, and had worked out that wookies were A, 
easily killable, and B, would give great xp rewards.

Beware the Grue!


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Re: [Audyssey] Thoughts about new text adventures.

2008-12-07 Thread Thomas Ward

Not exactly. I am thinking of something strictly roll playing based 
where you create a game charactr that is a dwarf, elf, human, gnome, etc 
and work your way throughout a constantly expanding game world. Now and 
then I would update the game with new adventures and quests to embark 
upon which would make this a constantly growing and expanding game. In 
one adventure you might have to slay a vampire that is attacking the 
citizens of a town you happened upon in your travels. In another you 
might have to rescue a princess from a band of goblin raiders. I'm just 
shooting ideas from the hip here, but I want to create something that is 
like table top Dungions and Dragons that you can play on your PC, cell 
phone, Pacmate, etc.

Pranav Lal wrote:


Are you refering to writing a game like the ones found at


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Re: [Audyssey] Thoughts about new text adventures.

2008-12-07 Thread dark

Hi Tom.

I didn't literally mean Eamon in terms of parza,  actually I'm not 
convinced of parzing commands in an rpg.

I only meant in the sense of a single centralized location like Eamon's main 
hall, from which a number of adventures could be accessed, and onto which 
more adventures could be added which could then all be undertaken with the 
same character.

I'd love the writing adventuresw option, sinse it's something I've very much 
always fancied doing, but do not have the skills required.

I have considdered writing a gamebook, and even have a plot, story, setting 
and several scenarios in mind, however I've yet to find a coherent way of 
creating a section plan, - even if writing in plane text, to show which 
section links to which and keep track of which bits of the book need 

A tree diagram would be ideal, but as two years of formal logic showed me, 
representing tree diagrams in textual form is a right pest! especially with 
a long tree.

This could of course just be me and my abysmal spacial/tabular  logic 

Anyway, the point is adventure creation would rock if possible and the Eamon 
model would be the best for that.

Beware the Grue!

- Original Message - 
From: "Thomas Ward" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

To: "Gamers Discussion list" 
Sent: Monday, December 08, 2008 1:49 AM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] Thoughts about new text adventures.

Well to do something like Eaman I'd have to add a parcer to the game and 
then it would be like building my own inform, tads, etc scripting language 
which is a major pain. About the best thing I could do is release the game 
under some type of open source license like creative commons that would 
allow C/C++ developers to add to the games over all story if they desired. 
Either that or people could submit there quests/adventures to me and I'd 
include them into the game as I get time. in fact, I fully hope to be able 
to do that to expand the adventures in the future.

dark wrote:

Hi Tom.

as I said earlier, i'd deffinately be in favor of that sort of project, 
and think it would be a great thing to have submitted, - 
particularly if you could include mechanics unique to an offline system, 
such as more random encounter elements and dynamic context based story.

I assumed when you first mentioned creating If you were talking about 
writing in inform or similar, hence my initial reluctance to the idea.

But as you can imagine, now you've explained a bit more I'm all for it!

In fact, as reguards creating adventures, it might be sort of fun to have 
a platform similar to the eamon system where people could submit their 
own adventures to the game to be accessed from a central llocale, -  
though this migh involve more work in the genre creation end of things 
than you might wish to put in for a "fun" project, allbeit one which will 
be "fun" for all concerned, players included I think, lol!

Beware the Grue!


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Re: [Audyssey] Thoughts about new text adventures.

2008-12-07 Thread Thomas Ward

Hi Claudio,
Oh, I see. Well, can't help you there. The genre of roll playing games 
are all about story driven fantacy and not about constant action like in 
Mysteries of the Ancients.
I don't know if you have ever read the choose your own adventure books, 
but I use to love those as a kid. No matter how many times you read the 
book as long as you made different choices while reading you would end 
up in a totally different adventure. The endings would sometimes turn 
out different which was cool. Interactive fiction is a lot like that, 
and rpg is more so since it is unlimited in adventures and there is no 
end to the quests. Your character is constantly expanding and obtaining 
new skills, powers, weapons, etc.

Claudio wrote:

Hi Thom,
yes, maybe.
But I also don't like it when sapi speaks what is around me...
I like it more to hear the things by itself, not spoken from a voice 
like in an audiobook.


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Re: [Audyssey] Thoughts about new text adventures.

2008-12-07 Thread Thomas Ward

HI Dark,
Hmmm... Interesting. I didn't experience that problem on my Windows XP 
system, but Eamon did give me serious hastles on Vista. I'm not 
surprised as Vista as a major pain in the butt anyway when it comes to 
cooperating with older applications.

dark wrote:
I think I'm actually going to get in contact with the developers of 
Eamon delux and see what might be worked out, sinse it did look Awsome 
indeed, and with the text would be incredibly accessible if it could 
A, run in a window to comply with hal, and B, stop showing me random 
pages of scary looking code every time I try to do something with a 
character (it didn't do this at the start, it only started doing this 
when i started mucking about with console window size).

Beware the Grue!


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Re: [Audyssey] Thoughts about new text adventures.

2008-12-07 Thread Thomas Ward

Hi Dark,
Well, I have a complete copy of the 2nd eddition of the rules. I agree 
the 3rd eddition rules are better. However, I am more or less using the 
rules as a guide rather than a 100% match. Some things would be easier 
if i modify it to suit my game engine rather than using every single 
possible rule/combo. I want this game to be playable by any average 
gamer without having to know every possible rule in Dungions and Dragons 
table top RPG by heart. Grin.

dark wrote:

Hi Tom.

Out of interest, which rules do you have?

The third edition rules made a lot more sense I thought and were much 
easier to master,  and probably the program, sinse they included 
things like positive armour classes which add to defence rather than 
remove from attack, though I'm not sure how available the 3rd Ed rule 
books are (I only know the rules from having played the game in 

Also, I'm personally becoming slightly disenchanted with the kill 
monsters for general Xp mechanic.

If you gain combat xp purely from the physical act of sswinging your 
weapons around, or have a quest to slay a hoard of goblins, or are a 
good character ridding the world of evil creatures fair enough, but 
just getting random amounts of xp for clobbering things as in D&D 
seems to me rather odd.

My brother did once tell me of a starwars D20 game he played in, which 
at one stage had a party of Jedi going wooky hunting sinse they needed 
to level up their force powers, and had worked out that wookies were 
A, easily killable, and B, would give great xp rewards.

Beware the Grue!


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Re: [Audyssey] Thoughts about new text adventures.

2008-12-07 Thread Thomas Ward

Well to do something like Eaman I'd have to add a parcer to the game and 
then it would be like building my own inform, tads, etc scripting 
language which is a major pain. About the best thing I could do is 
release the game under some type of open source license like creative 
commons that would allow C/C++ developers to add to the games over all 
story if they desired. Either that or people could submit there 
quests/adventures to me and I'd include them into the game as I get 
time. in fact, I fully hope to be able to do that to expand the 
adventures in the future.

dark wrote:

Hi Tom.

as I said earlier, i'd deffinately be in favor of that sort of 
project, and think it would be a great thing to have submitted, - 
particularly if you could include mechanics unique to an offline 
system, such as more random encounter elements and dynamic context 
based story.

I assumed when you first mentioned creating If you were talking about 
writing in inform or similar, hence my initial reluctance to the idea.

But as you can imagine, now you've explained a bit more I'm all for it!

In fact, as reguards creating adventures, it might be sort of fun to 
have a platform similar to the eamon system where people could submit 
their own adventures to the game to be accessed from a central 
llocale, - though this migh involve more work in the genre 
creation end of things than you might wish to put in for a "fun" 
project, allbeit one which will be "fun" for all concerned, players 
included I think, lol!

Beware the Grue!


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Re: [Audyssey] Thoughts about new text adventures.

2008-12-07 Thread shaun everiss
You can keep  the sound going through the screenreader like in text boxes or 
something, but sounds and music would definately get me interested in the game.
Nop is interesting because its sounds and music, and yet rpg.
At 03:00 a.m. 8/12/2008, you wrote:
>Hi Claudio,
>Well, if everyone wanted me to in theory I could add sounds and music to the 
>game. I could even use Sapi support rather than display everything on the 
>screen.  Question is if I added Sapi support, music, sounds, etc would it make 
>the RPG game more interesting to you?
>Claudio wrote:
>>I also prefer audiogames instead of textadventure.
>>I don't like it when jaws talks to me what's going on in the game...
>>I love it when I can hear sounds.
>>Best regards,
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Re: [Audyssey] Thoughts about new text adventures.

2008-12-07 Thread shaun everiss
will it have sfx?
At 09:39 p.m. 7/12/2008, you wrote:
>Hi Shaun,
>Well, NOP is a cool little game, but what I have in mind with my text 
>adventure is something more triditional Dungions and Dragons style adventure. 
>It will be a full RPG game complete with different races, stats, and 
>eventually lots of different adventures/quests you can embark upon. It will be 
>unlike triditional if games in that it will use actual RPG rules like in DND.
>shaun everiss wrote:
>>yeah that will be cool.
>>night of parasite is a good game for an rpg I like to think it has fps and if 
>>elements in it.
>>At 07:51 p.m. 7/12/2008, you wrote:
>>>Hi everyone,
>>>Over the last few months I have really been getting into interactive fiction 
>>>games, and really enjoy the old text adventures.  As a result that has me 
>>>thinking of some possible game projects after Mysteries of the Ancients and 
>>>Raceway are released.
>>>One idea I have been thinking of is producing a handful of USA Games text 
>>>adventures for Mac, Windows, and Linux that is similar to classic if titles. 
>>>With web based games like Sryth around I have discovered the classic DND 
>>>text adventure style game still can be quite addictive given enough 
>>>adventures and puzzles in it. What do you all think of this idea?
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Re: [Audyssey] Thoughts about new text adventures.

2008-12-07 Thread Kellie and my lovable Lady J.
I love the idea of a stand along rpg. Writing is essential in making that 
interesting for me. But I know that you are creative and will have a great 
story Tom.  I think that having sounds and music would be nice but it isn't 
necessary for a good game. It is more for atmosphere and such. On the muds I 
play I have a lot of osunds set. Not just for indications of things 
happening but often for environment too. But I would be very excited aobut 
any rpg. There aren't really any of those in the accessible game community 
and I wish there was. Those are my favorite type of game and there are very 
few of those around.

Kellie and my lovable Lady J.
Canine Welfare Technician/Resident adviser
Guide Dogs for the Blind, Oregon campus
- Original Message - 
From: "dark" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

To: "Gamers Discussion list" 
Sent: Sunday, December 07, 2008 8:58 AM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] Thoughts about new text adventures.

My thoughts exactly.

the point is it's a text adventure, so it's all about the writing quality.

If however tom's game has rpg like features such as combat, bosses etc, 
some sounds or music would be a nice addition, - though by no means 

Beware the Grue!

- Original Message - 
From: "Pranav Lal" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

To: "'Gamers Discussion list'" 
Sent: Sunday, December 07, 2008 4:42 PM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] Thoughts about new text adventures.

As long as a text adventure has a good story, I do not mind not having 

and other fancy stuff.

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Re: [Audyssey] Thoughts about new text adventures.

2008-12-07 Thread Trenton Matthews

Now that's a cool idea!
I wonder what creations we can all come up with!

>> - Original Message -
>> From: Thomas Ward > To:
>> Date sent: Sun, 07 Dec 2008 01:51:25 -0500
>> Subject: [Audyssey] Thoughts about new text adventures.
>> Hi everyone,
>> Over the last few months I have really been getting into 
> interactive
>> fiction games, and really enjoy the old text adventures.  As a 
> result
>> that has me thinking of some possible game projects after 
> Mysteries of
>> the Ancients and Raceway are released.
>> One idea I have been thinking of is producing a handful of USA 
> Games
>> text adventures for Mac, Windows, and Linux that is similar to 
> classic
>> if titles.  With web based games like Sryth around I have 
> discovered the
>> classic DND text adventure style game still can be quite 
> addictive given
>> enough adventures and puzzles in it.  What do you all think of 
> this idea?
>> Cheers!
>> ---
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You live life online. So we put Windows on the web.
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Re: [Audyssey] Thoughts about new text adventures.

2008-12-07 Thread Jose Lomeli

Yay!! Good idea!

From Jose Lomeli.

- Original Message -
From: Thomas Ward <[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date sent: Sun, 07 Dec 2008 01:51:25 -0500
Subject: [Audyssey] Thoughts about new text adventures.

Hi everyone,
Over the last few months I have really been getting into 

fiction games, and really enjoy the old text adventures.  As a 

that has me thinking of some possible game projects after 

Mysteries of

the Ancients and Raceway are released.
One idea I have been thinking of is producing a handful of USA 

text adventures for Mac, Windows, and Linux that is similar to 

if titles.  With web based games like Sryth around I have 

discovered the
classic DND text adventure style game still can be quite 

addictive given
enough adventures and puzzles in it.  What do you all think of 

this idea?


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Re: [Audyssey] Thoughts about new text adventures.

2008-12-07 Thread Valiant8086
I like the idea. I don't much like the browser based games though. At least not 
srith. Srith i'm just too laxy to arrow around and see what''s going on after 
each turn. Haha that doesn't mean I don't think it's a good game though. I 
should try it again, I haven't tried it on an internet connection that wasn't a 
dialup connection before. Back then I had to wait like 30 seconds for the page 
to reload. now it would probably reload in 5 or so.
  - Original Message - 
  From: Thomas Ward 
  Sent: Sunday, December 07, 2008 1:51 AM
  Subject: [Audyssey] Thoughts about new text adventures.

  Hi everyone,
  Over the last few months I have really been getting into interactive 
  fiction games, and really enjoy the old text adventures.  As a result 
  that has me thinking of some possible game projects after Mysteries of 
  the Ancients and Raceway are released.
  One idea I have been thinking of is producing a handful of USA Games 
  text adventures for Mac, Windows, and Linux that is similar to classic 
  if titles. With web based games like Sryth around I have discovered the 
  classic DND text adventure style game still can be quite addictive given 
  enough adventures and puzzles in it. What do you all think of this idea?

  Gamers mailing list __
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Re: [Audyssey] Thoughts about new text adventures.

2008-12-07 Thread dark

My thoughts exactly.

the point is it's a text adventure, so it's all about the writing quality.

If however tom's game has rpg like features such as combat, bosses etc, some 
sounds or music would be a nice addition, - though by no means 

Beware the Grue!

- Original Message - 
From: "Pranav Lal" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

To: "'Gamers Discussion list'" 
Sent: Sunday, December 07, 2008 4:42 PM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] Thoughts about new text adventures.

As long as a text adventure has a good story, I do not mind not having 

and other fancy stuff.

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Re: [Audyssey] Thoughts about new text adventures.

2008-12-07 Thread Pranav Lal
The idea has merrit. However, do you plan to release them commertially? 

Out of curiosity, what would you use as a gaming engine for these


-Original Message-
Behalf Of Thomas Ward
Sent: Sunday, December 07, 2008 12:21 PM
Subject: [Audyssey] Thoughts about new text adventures.

Hi everyone,
Over the last few months I have really been getting into interactive 
fiction games, and really enjoy the old text adventures.  As a result 
that has me thinking of some possible game projects after Mysteries of 
the Ancients and Raceway are released.
One idea I have been thinking of is producing a handful of USA Games 
text adventures for Mac, Windows, and Linux that is similar to classic 
if titles. With web based games like Sryth around I have discovered the 
classic DND text adventure style game still can be quite addictive given 
enough adventures and puzzles in it. What do you all think of this idea?

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Re: [Audyssey] Thoughts about new text adventures.

2008-12-07 Thread Pranav Lal

Are you refering to writing a game like the ones found at


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Re: [Audyssey] Thoughts about new text adventures.

2008-12-07 Thread Pranav Lal
As long as a text adventure has a good story, I do not mind not having sound
and other fancy stuff.

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Re: [Audyssey] Thoughts about new text adventures.

2008-12-07 Thread Will Lomas
it would still be a text adventure but with sound makes it more  

But in the end it is thomases choice

On 7 Dec 2008, at 14:00, Thomas Ward wrote:

Hi Claudio,
Well, if everyone wanted me to in theory I could add sounds and  
music to the game. I could even use Sapi support rather than display  
everything on the screen.  Question is if I added Sapi support,  
music, sounds, etc would it make the RPG game more interesting to you?

Claudio wrote:

I also prefer audiogames instead of textadventure.
I don't like it when jaws talks to me what's going on in the game...
I love it when I can hear sounds.
Best regards,

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Re: [Audyssey] Thoughts about new text adventures.

2008-12-07 Thread Claudio

Hi Thom,
yes, maybe.
But I also don't like it when sapi speaks what is around me...
I like it more to hear the things by itself, not spoken from a voice like in 
an audiobook.


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Re: [Audyssey] Thoughts about new text adventures.

2008-12-07 Thread dark
I think I'm actually going to get in contact with the developers of Eamon 
delux and see what might be worked out, sinse it did look Awsome indeed, and 
with the text would be incredibly accessible if it could A, run in a window 
to comply with hal, and B, stop showing me random pages of scary looking 
code every time I try to do something with a character (it didn't do this at 
the start, it only started doing this when i started mucking about with 
console window size).

Beware the Grue!


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Re: [Audyssey] Thoughts about new text adventures.

2008-12-07 Thread dark

Hi Tom.

Out of interest, which rules do you have?

The third edition rules made a lot more sense I thought and were much easier 
to master,  and probably the program, sinse they included things like 
positive armour classes which add to defence rather than remove from attack, 
though I'm not sure how available the 3rd Ed rule books are (I only know the 
rules from having played the game in tabletop).

Also, I'm personally becoming slightly disenchanted with the kill monsters 
for general Xp mechanic.

If you gain combat xp purely from the physical act of sswinging your weapons 
around, or have a quest to slay a hoard of goblins, or are a good character 
ridding the world of evil creatures fair enough, but just getting random 
amounts of xp for clobbering things as in D&D seems to me rather odd.

My brother did once tell me of a starwars D20 game he played in, which at 
one stage had a party of Jedi going wooky hunting sinse they needed to level 
up their force powers, and had worked out that wookies were A, easily 
killable, and B, would give great xp rewards.

Beware the Grue!


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Re: [Audyssey] Thoughts about new text adventures.

2008-12-07 Thread dark

Hi Tom.

as I said earlier, i'd deffinately be in favor of that sort of project, and 
think it would be a great thing to have submitted, - particularly if you 
could include mechanics unique to an offline system, such as more random 
encounter elements and dynamic context based story.

I assumed when you first mentioned creating If you were talking about 
writing in inform or similar, hence my initial reluctance to the idea.

But as you can imagine, now you've explained a bit more I'm all for it!

In fact, as reguards creating adventures, it might be sort of fun to have a 
platform similar to the eamon system where people could submit their own 
adventures to the game to be accessed from a central llocale, - though 
this migh involve more work in the genre creation end of things than you 
might wish to put in for a "fun" project, allbeit one which will be "fun" 
for all concerned, players included I think, lol!

Beware the Grue!

- Original Message - 
From: "Thomas Ward" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

To: "Gamers Discussion list" 
Sent: Sunday, December 07, 2008 9:31 AM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] Thoughts about new text adventures.

Hi Dark,

For an honest opinion on whether Usa games should write If though, to be 
Tom, your one of the very few people with the knowhow to create  actual 
audio games.
While I'm sure you could come up with some great If, as there are 
literally  thousands
of If games available, but a distinct lack of audio games  (especially in 
genre areas), I'd personally suggest that your  tallents could be more 
usefully employed

End snip

Well, I wasn't suggesting that I would quit making audio games altogether. 
More this would be a little side project to crank out in between big audio 
game productions like Tomb Hunter, Raceway, and other projects I have on 
the things to do list. It would just be a fun thing to do for, well, for 

On the other hand, if you were planning something multimedia, custom 
as opposed to one of the standard If languages,   perhaps a  sort of 
fiction in audio (the sort of thing Chillingham should  have been), then I 

it's a great idea.
End quote

I was not planning on using any of the interactive fiction languages like 
Inform Tads, etc. I was definitely planning on something custom that was 
both multi-platform and far more into roll playing with stats, races, 
multiple adventures, etdc.
As far as audio goes I wasn't planning on using audio with the game, but 
it could be done. The only issue is finding all the sound effects required 
for the various monsters and characters in the game. I was hoping to go 
full Dungions and Dragons RPG with various classes, creatures, and many 
adventures. Obviously initial versions would not have that many adventures 
but it would be an ongoing project with new adventures being added as I 
think them up or if people submit ideas for the game.


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Re: [Audyssey] Thoughts about new text adventures.

2008-12-07 Thread Thomas Ward

Hi Claudio,
Well, if everyone wanted me to in theory I could add sounds and music to 
the game. I could even use Sapi support rather than display everything 
on the screen.  Question is if I added Sapi support, music, sounds, etc 
would it make the RPG game more interesting to you?

Claudio wrote:

I also prefer audiogames instead of textadventure.
I don't like it when jaws talks to me what's going on in the game...
I love it when I can hear sounds.
Best regards,

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Re: [Audyssey] Thoughts about new text adventures.

2008-12-07 Thread Thomas Ward

Hi Dark,
You got that right. Back when I still had my Apple A2-E I use to love 
Eamon. There were like a hundred adventures you could embark on from 
your typical dungion crawl game to something with a really sci-fi theme. 
It was frikin awesome.

dark wrote:

Ah, that's sounding good.

Something like a more modern version of Eamon would be most welcome 
indeed,  I stil! wish I could get those playing properly.

Beware the Grue!


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Re: [Audyssey] Thoughts about new text adventures.

2008-12-07 Thread Thomas Ward

Hi Dark,
Yes, exactly what I am thinking of. Basically, a stand alone RPG game 
similar to Nethack or Sryth that is custom written in C++ and runs on 
Mac, Linux, and Windows. I have the official Dungion and Dragons rule 
books here and I would likely base all of the attack rolls, stats, and 
classes out of the official Dungions and Dragons guides so that it would 
meet d20 rules and specifications.

dark wrote:
Well, if we're talking about nethack style completely custom 
programmed Rpg's, then I'm deffinately behind this all the way!

Beware the Grue!


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Re: [Audyssey] Thoughts about new text adventures.

2008-12-07 Thread Will Lomas

do you hope to have monty out by the end of the year or a demo at all?
that way at least by early next year that can be one project off the  

On 7 Dec 2008, at 09:15, Thomas Ward wrote:


in my view we have enough text adventures though look at the  
interactive fiction

End quote

Well, yes and no. While it is true there are a lot of interactive  
fiction games there aren't many that are fully RPG games on the  
level of Nethack or Sryth. Not to mention one of my gripes with the  
if games that are out there they often require a special interpreter  
like frotz, tads, etc which isn't always the best for the kind of  
full blown RPG text adventures I am thinking of.

I prefer audio games and would prefer a 3d like tomb rader style  

End quote

We still have that in the works. However, I have spent so much time  
on the Genesis engine the passed few months I was hoping to do  
something a bit different for a change. I can always come back to  
the full 3D FPS games when I feel rested.

Playing through a text adventure in my opinion gets boring after a  
few days

End quote

i guess that is personal opinion there. Some RPG adventures like  
Nethack can keep me glued to it for days and days. It is pretty  
adictive in my opinion and it doesn't even have sounds and music.

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Re: [Audyssey] Thoughts about new text adventures.

2008-12-07 Thread Thomas Ward

Hi Dark,

For an honest opinion on whether Usa games should write If though, to 
be  honest
Tom, your one of the very few people with the knowhow to create  actual 
audio games.
While I'm sure you could come up with some great If, as there are 
literally  thousands
of If games available, but a distinct lack of audio games  (especially 
in certain
genre areas), I'd personally suggest that your  tallents could be more 
usefully employed

End snip

Well, I wasn't suggesting that I would quit making audio games 
altogether. More this would be a little side project to crank out in 
between big audio game productions like Tomb Hunter, Raceway, and other 
projects I have on the things to do list. It would just be a fun thing 
to do for, well, for fun.

On the other hand, if you were planning something multimedia, custom  
as opposed to one of the standard If languages,   perhaps a  sort of 
fiction in audio (the sort of thing Chillingham should  have been), then 
I think

it's a great idea.
End quote

I was not planning on using any of the interactive fiction languages 
like Inform Tads, etc. I was definitely planning on something custom 
that was both multi-platform and far more into roll playing with stats, 
races, multiple adventures, etdc.
As far as audio goes I wasn't planning on using audio with the game, but 
it could be done. The only issue is finding all the sound effects 
required for the various monsters and characters in the game. I was 
hoping to go full Dungions and Dragons RPG with various classes, 
creatures, and many adventures. Obviously initial versions would not 
have that many adventures but it would be an ongoing project with new 
adventures being added as I think them up or if people submit ideas for 
the game.


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Re: [Audyssey] Thoughts about new text adventures.

2008-12-07 Thread Claudio

I also prefer audiogames instead of textadventure.
I don't like it when jaws talks to me what's going on in the game...
I love it when I can hear sounds.
Best regards,

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Re: [Audyssey] Thoughts about new text adventures.

2008-12-07 Thread Thomas Ward


in my view we have enough text adventures though look at the interactive 

End quote

Well, yes and no. While it is true there are a lot of interactive 
fiction games there aren't many that are fully RPG games on the level of 
Nethack or Sryth. Not to mention one of my gripes with the if games that 
are out there they often require a special interpreter like frotz, tads, 
etc which isn't always the best for the kind of full blown RPG text 
adventures I am thinking of.

I prefer audio games and would prefer a 3d like tomb rader style game...
End quote

We still have that in the works. However, I have spent so much time on 
the Genesis engine the passed few months I was hoping to do something a 
bit different for a change. I can always come back to the full 3D FPS 
games when I feel rested.

Playing through a text adventure in my opinion gets boring after a few days
End quote

i guess that is personal opinion there. Some RPG adventures like Nethack 
can keep me glued to it for days and days. It is pretty adictive in my 
opinion and it doesn't even have sounds and music.

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Re: [Audyssey] Thoughts about new text adventures.

2008-12-07 Thread Lisa Hayes

oh very cool, very cool indeed.
Lisa Hayes
skype name, lisa12257
join my chat list subscribe at [EMAIL PROTECTED]
- Original Message - 
From: "Thomas Ward" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

To: "Gamers Discussion list" 
Sent: Sunday, December 07, 2008 7:39 PM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] Thoughts about new text adventures.

Hi Shaun,
Well, NOP is a cool little game, but what I have in mind with my text
adventure is something more triditional Dungions and Dragons style
adventure. It will be a full RPG game complete with different races,
stats, and eventually lots of different adventures/quests you can embark
upon. It will be unlike triditional if games in that it will use actual
RPG rules like in DND.

shaun everiss wrote:

yeah that will be cool.
night of parasite is a good game for an rpg I like to think it has fps 
and if elements in it.

At 07:51 p.m. 7/12/2008, you wrote:

Hi everyone,
Over the last few months I have really been getting into interactive 
fiction games, and really enjoy the old text adventures.  As a result 
that has me thinking of some possible game projects after Mysteries of 
the Ancients and Raceway are released.
One idea I have been thinking of is producing a handful of USA Games 
text adventures for Mac, Windows, and Linux that is similar to classic 
if titles. With web based games like Sryth around I have discovered the 
classic DND text adventure style game still can be quite addictive given 
enough adventures and puzzles in it. What do you all think of this idea?


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4:55 PM

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Re: [Audyssey] Thoughts about new text adventures.

2008-12-07 Thread Lisa Hayes

Yes please Thomas, yes please.
Lisa Hayes
skype name, lisa12257
join my chat list subscribe at [EMAIL PROTECTED]
- Original Message - 
From: "Thomas Ward" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Sent: Sunday, December 07, 2008 5:51 PM
Subject: [Audyssey] Thoughts about new text adventures.

Hi everyone,
Over the last few months I have really been getting into interactive
fiction games, and really enjoy the old text adventures.  As a result
that has me thinking of some possible game projects after Mysteries of
the Ancients and Raceway are released.
One idea I have been thinking of is producing a handful of USA Games
text adventures for Mac, Windows, and Linux that is similar to classic
if titles. With web based games like Sryth around I have discovered the
classic DND text adventure style game still can be quite addictive given
enough adventures and puzzles in it. What do you all think of this idea?

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Re: [Audyssey] Thoughts about new text adventures.

2008-12-07 Thread dark

Ah, that's sounding good.

Something like a more modern version of Eamon would be most welcome 
indeed,  I stil! wish I could get those playing properly.

Beware the Grue!

- Original Message - 
From: "Thomas Ward" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

To: "Gamers Discussion list" 
Sent: Sunday, December 07, 2008 8:39 AM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] Thoughts about new text adventures.

Hi Shaun,
Well, NOP is a cool little game, but what I have in mind with my text 
adventure is something more triditional Dungions and Dragons style 
adventure. It will be a full RPG game complete with different races, 
stats, and eventually lots of different adventures/quests you can embark 
upon. It will be unlike triditional if games in that it will use actual 
RPG rules like in DND.

shaun everiss wrote:

yeah that will be cool.
night of parasite is a good game for an rpg I like to think it has fps 
and if elements in it.

At 07:51 p.m. 7/12/2008, you wrote:

Hi everyone,
Over the last few months I have really been getting into interactive 
fiction games, and really enjoy the old text adventures.  As a result 
that has me thinking of some possible game projects after Mysteries of 
the Ancients and Raceway are released.
One idea I have been thinking of is producing a handful of USA Games 
text adventures for Mac, Windows, and Linux that is similar to classic 
if titles. With web based games like Sryth around I have discovered the 
classic DND text adventure style game still can be quite addictive given 
enough adventures and puzzles in it. What do you all think of this idea?


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Re: [Audyssey] Thoughts about new text adventures.

2008-12-07 Thread Thomas Ward

Hi Shaun,
Well, NOP is a cool little game, but what I have in mind with my text 
adventure is something more triditional Dungions and Dragons style 
adventure. It will be a full RPG game complete with different races, 
stats, and eventually lots of different adventures/quests you can embark 
upon. It will be unlike triditional if games in that it will use actual 
RPG rules like in DND.

shaun everiss wrote:

yeah that will be cool.
night of parasite is a good game for an rpg I like to think it has fps and if 
elements in it.
At 07:51 p.m. 7/12/2008, you wrote:

Hi everyone,
Over the last few months I have really been getting into interactive fiction 
games, and really enjoy the old text adventures.  As a result that has me 
thinking of some possible game projects after Mysteries of the Ancients and 
Raceway are released.
One idea I have been thinking of is producing a handful of USA Games text 
adventures for Mac, Windows, and Linux that is similar to classic if titles. 
With web based games like Sryth around I have discovered the classic DND text 
adventure style game still can be quite addictive given enough adventures and 
puzzles in it. What do you all think of this idea?

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Re: [Audyssey] Thoughts about new text adventures.

2008-12-07 Thread dark
Well, if we're talking about nethack style completely custom programmed 
Rpg's, then I'm deffinately behind this all the way!

Beware the Grue!

- Original Message - 
From: "K. Matthew" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

To: "'Gamers Discussion list'" 
Sent: Sunday, December 07, 2008 7:38 AM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] Thoughts about new text adventures.

Sounds good.  I wood like to see a wizardry for the blind come out.

That has Braille support as well.

Only game that comes even close to that is Entombed.


-Original Message-
Behalf Of Thomas Ward
Sent: Sunday, December 07, 2008 12:51 AM
Subject: [Audyssey] Thoughts about new text adventures.

Hi everyone,
Over the last few months I have really been getting into interactive
fiction games, and really enjoy the old text adventures.  As a result
that has me thinking of some possible game projects after Mysteries of
the Ancients and Raceway are released.
One idea I have been thinking of is producing a handful of USA Games
text adventures for Mac, Windows, and Linux that is similar to classic
if titles. With web based games like Sryth around I have discovered the
classic DND text adventure style game still can be quite addictive given
enough adventures and puzzles in it. What do you all think of this idea?

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Re: [Audyssey] Thoughts about new text adventures.

2008-12-07 Thread dark

Hi tom.

Firstly, I'm a huge If fan myself, and have just been getting back into 
playing, which is great.

I can highly recommend the tads games worlds apart and Bable, the Zcode 
games Pytho's mask, and the djinni Chronicles and anything you can find by 
Paul Obrian.

While I'd be intI've also been trying out some of Malinche's commercial 
titles (well the demo's of them anyway), and their not half bad, though a 
litle frustrating in parts.

For an honest opinion on whether Usa games should write If though, to be 
honest Tom, your one of the very few people with the knowhow to create 
actual audio games.

While I'm sure you could come up with some great If, as there are literally 
thousands of If games available, but a distinct lack of audio games 
(especially in certain genre areas), I'd personally suggest that your 
tallents could be more usefully employed elsewhere.

Obviously the decision is up to you, and as I said, I said this is nothing 
to do with the quality of your If writing, - it's just a supply and 
demand thing.

On the other hand, if you were planning something multimedia, custom 
programmed as opposed to one of the standard If languages,   perhaps a 
sort of interactive fiction in audio (the sort of thing Chillingham should 
have been), then I think it's a great idea.

Beware the Grue!


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Re: [Audyssey] Thoughts about new text adventures.

2008-12-07 Thread Will Lomas
in my view we have enough text adventures though look at the  
interactive fiction archive.
I prefer audio games and would prefer a 3d like tomb rader style game  
as playing through a text adventure in my opinion gets boring after a  
few days

On 7 Dec 2008, at 08:00, ian mcnamara wrote:

yes i would like some text adventures. i love them.

thanks ian
- Original Message - From: "Thomas Ward" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sunday, December 07, 2008 6:51 AM
Subject: [Audyssey] Thoughts about new text adventures.

Hi everyone,
Over the last few months I have really been getting into  
interactive fiction games, and really enjoy the old text  
adventures.  As a result that has me thinking of some possible game  
projects after Mysteries of the Ancients and Raceway are released.
One idea I have been thinking of is producing a handful of USA  
Games text adventures for Mac, Windows, and Linux that is similar  
to classic if titles. With web based games like Sryth around I have  
discovered the classic DND text adventure style game still can be  
quite addictive given enough adventures and puzzles in it. What do  
you all think of this idea?


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Re: [Audyssey] Thoughts about new text adventures.

2008-12-07 Thread ian mcnamara

yes i would like some text adventures. i love them.

thanks ian
- Original Message - 
From: "Thomas Ward" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Sent: Sunday, December 07, 2008 6:51 AM
Subject: [Audyssey] Thoughts about new text adventures.

Hi everyone,
Over the last few months I have really been getting into interactive 
fiction games, and really enjoy the old text adventures.  As a result that 
has me thinking of some possible game projects after Mysteries of the 
Ancients and Raceway are released.
One idea I have been thinking of is producing a handful of USA Games text 
adventures for Mac, Windows, and Linux that is similar to classic if 
titles. With web based games like Sryth around I have discovered the 
classic DND text adventure style game still can be quite addictive given 
enough adventures and puzzles in it. What do you all think of this idea?


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Re: [Audyssey] Thoughts about new text adventures.

2008-12-06 Thread shaun everiss
yeah that will be cool.
night of parasite is a good game for an rpg I like to think it has fps and if 
elements in it.
At 07:51 p.m. 7/12/2008, you wrote:
>Hi everyone,
>Over the last few months I have really been getting into interactive fiction 
>games, and really enjoy the old text adventures.  As a result that has me 
>thinking of some possible game projects after Mysteries of the Ancients and 
>Raceway are released.
>One idea I have been thinking of is producing a handful of USA Games text 
>adventures for Mac, Windows, and Linux that is similar to classic if titles. 
>With web based games like Sryth around I have discovered the classic DND text 
>adventure style game still can be quite addictive given enough adventures and 
>puzzles in it. What do you all think of this idea?
>Gamers mailing list __
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>You can make changes or update your subscription via the web, at
>All messages are archived and can be searched and read at
>If you have any questions or concerns regarding the management of the list,
>please send E-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: [Audyssey] Thoughts about new text adventures.

2008-12-06 Thread K. Matthew
Sounds good.  I wood like to see a wizardry for the blind come out.  

That has Braille support as well.

Only game that comes even close to that is Entombed.


-Original Message-
Behalf Of Thomas Ward
Sent: Sunday, December 07, 2008 12:51 AM
Subject: [Audyssey] Thoughts about new text adventures.

Hi everyone,
Over the last few months I have really been getting into interactive 
fiction games, and really enjoy the old text adventures.  As a result 
that has me thinking of some possible game projects after Mysteries of 
the Ancients and Raceway are released.
One idea I have been thinking of is producing a handful of USA Games 
text adventures for Mac, Windows, and Linux that is similar to classic 
if titles. With web based games like Sryth around I have discovered the 
classic DND text adventure style game still can be quite addictive given 
enough adventures and puzzles in it. What do you all think of this idea?

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[Audyssey] Thoughts about new text adventures.

2008-12-06 Thread Thomas Ward

Hi everyone,
Over the last few months I have really been getting into interactive 
fiction games, and really enjoy the old text adventures.  As a result 
that has me thinking of some possible game projects after Mysteries of 
the Ancients and Raceway are released.
One idea I have been thinking of is producing a handful of USA Games 
text adventures for Mac, Windows, and Linux that is similar to classic 
if titles. With web based games like Sryth around I have discovered the 
classic DND text adventure style game still can be quite addictive given 
enough adventures and puzzles in it. What do you all think of this idea?


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